Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit using her powers over time to do so, using her knowledge of Time-Sinkhole-Generating Spell to seal it away, using her powers over wards and time. Trying to keep it in a prison that will keep it locked away for good as nole has asked.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Santooth — Today at 13:38
You guys are sensing some degree of turbulence in it
It seems like some parts of it want to take the deal and some parts of it adamantly and hatefully refuse it
Seeing it from their perspective, Nole and Kit would be fiends of the vilest nature offering "salvation" through embracing their corrupted powers. The "Hated Enemy of All Darkspawn" award is hurting them a fair bit here.
Explicitly. Byallgi's lingering essence wants to take the deal but Metukanni and Kiroishi (particularly Kiroishi) adamantly refuse it
About a quarter of the various bits inside want to take it too
Kiroishi and Metukanni are holding things together tightly enough that the ones which want to be reprocessed aren't able to leave here and Kit doesn't have the surgical precision to seal parts of it independently.
Nole has that precision, but doesn't have the temporal skills needed to pull this off
Do you guys have some combination of powers you think might let you work this?
Pathaky — Today at 13:44
Just so!
Lemme hunt those down
Kitsune106 — Today at 13:46
i just have basic channeller right now. with chain casting.
Judge of the Heavens
ascension teir ability.
Judge of the Heavens
oh, if kit can get a mattock from nole, she could thought prospect it and excavate the right tools
i have a whole subtree of that.
Pathaky — Today at 13:48
Assemble A Medical Team + Sound a Critical Medical Alert lets me deputize other PCs to act alongside me medically/surgically so long as they have Healer or Doctor, which Kit has.

He also has various Time-based sword and knife techniques which aren't the oomphiest, but would at least allow him to operate on Kit's temporal instructions
Santooth — Today at 13:48
That'd do it
So, to get this down specifically.

You are trying to redeem/reprocess the willing bits of essence inside your defeated foes here. Metukanni and Kiroishi are still holding onto things tightly enough that you can't really free the trapped essences without destroying everything, but you can seal the discordant members in time and leverage the connection aspect in reverse to make a partially-aware item with Byallgi in control.

That's your intent, there?
Pathaky — Today at 13:51
If true seperation from Metukanni and Kiroishi is impossible, yes that's preferable
er, "yes, that's my intent"
Santooth — Today at 13:52
True separation would require enough force that the result would just break apart, so I'll proceed with this

Nole offers the Darkspawn redemption. He senses intense turmoil within them. Some wish to be freed, others wish for the chance to continue to exist in whatever form they can. Byallgi fits this category, attempting to reach out to Nole and take this deal. Many more despise him for disrupting their haven. Kiroishi and Metukammi in particular resist his efforts, holding tight to the whole and forcing Nole to choose between destroying them entirely and letting them remain in their current forms. The two Darkspawn deities resist and outpower the third, and it seems like his efforts are going to fail.

Nole Sounds a Critical Medical Alert, Assembling A Medical Team. Things enter bubble-time as the pair diagnose the knot of a problem. Kitoishi and Metukammi are overpowering the will of Byallgi, holding too tightly to the whole to let any individual element be removed without collapsing all of it. Kiroishi is now vulnerable to Time, however. With careful surgical cuts and temporal edits, the will of the writhing planet is sealed tightly away while maintaining the cohesion of the whole. Byallgi, compliant, is put in charge of the mass and it is sealed into this current form with potent temporal and holy mana.

The operation is a success!

Both Kit and Nole get-
350,000,000 XP

and the awards-
Defeated Kiroishi the Writhing within the Mayline on Noix
Defeated Byallgi the Distant within the Mayline on Noix
Defeated Metukammi the Vast within the Mayline on Noix
Defeated Netsumiknl, Eldritch Champion within the Mayline on Noix
Defeated Yvettle within the Mayline on Noix
Redeemed Byallgi the Distant within the Mayline on Noix
Redeemed Many Darkspawn-Tainted Souls within the Mayline on Noix
Sealed Many Darkspawn-Tainted Souls in the Twisted Thousandcolor Heartstone Of The Writhing World within the Mayline on Noix

As shared loot, you guys get-

Godseed: Divination- (Item, Material, Air & Light, 180,000,000 Gold)
Godseed: Distance- (Item, Material, Spatial, 180,000,000 Gold)
Godseed: Magic- (Item, Material, Magic, 180,000,000 Gold)
Godseed: Calamity- (Item, Material, Destruction & Fate & Light & Acid & War & Earth & Darkness, 180,000,000 Gold)

*Twisted Thousandcolor Heartstone Of The Writhing World- (Accessory, Other: Relic, Darkness & Earth & Air & Magic & Hope & Time, 1,800,000,000 Gold) Wielder gains a 15% Time weakness and loses all Petrification: Time Stop immunity and resistance unless Wielder possesses at least Adept Time Synchronization or Chronicler of Eternity, Wielder gains +800,000 Defense and 200% Resilience, Wielder gains +5,000,000 HP, Wielder gains Immunity to Plague from sources not more than 5 levels above Wielder, Wielder is inflicted with Elevated, Invigorated: High Morale, and Regeneration at the beginning of every round, Wielder may spend an action to scan the stats of any number of individuals in the same battle, Wielder may target other battlespaces within the same battle if no entity more than 15 levels over wielder prevents it, wielder's spells cost 500,000 MP less, wielder may spend an action to place a delayed effect on the battlespace wielder is currently in that deals 100,000,000 flat Destruction element damage to all enemies 10 rounds after this effect is first placed, wielder may spend an action to replicate any ability a Dead or Defeated ally could perform as though said ally was performing it, paying all associated MP costs, Wielder counts as having an additional 1,000,000,000 allies on their side, this item reduces XP gained by Wielder by 10% (keep track of the amount of XP lost to this effect below the item), this item occasionally gains new powers in RP threads

Kimmi-Tse-Tse remains stunned. The universal energy from Smitten eats it away like fire burning up the desiccated corpse of an insect. Kimmi-Tse-Tse dies.

You both get-

10x the XP of a level 80 entity
Effortlessly Defeated Kimmi-Tse-Tse within the Mayline on Noix

*Blasted Essence of the Fly Lord- (Item, Material, Devastation, 80,000,000)
Last edited by Santooth on Wed May 12, 2021 2:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit looks at Nole. "Think you can revive our fallen fae friend?"
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
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Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Pathaky »

Nole takes a deep breath, surveying the empty void surrounding them. He eyes the Apocalypse-Fixing Wrench, but there's not much left here to fix. He releases his breath.

"Of course. Let's see what he has to say."

He'll hit Kit and himself with Greater Vivify, an effervescent green mist that surrounds them, gifting them both enough HP Regen to top them back off over the next few rounds.

That done, he'll move to envelop the fae in a Zone of Resurrective Light, and with a wave of the Prime Healer's Caduceus, revive him.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Santooth — Today at 15:14
Would you guys like the major bombshell now, or as part of a larger infopost?
Pathaky — Today at 15:14
I'm a greedy lad
Santooth — Today at 15:14
It'll reveal what was going on with that signal and who your major opposition in here is
(likely major opposition; there's a few other potential paths)
Kitsune106 — Today at 15:15
BA members, ruining plotlines since we came into being.....
My guess.... Eggman or that orc lady.
Santooth — Today at 15:16
Ah, I should be clear here too. The Fae isn't giving you anything unless you agree to his terms. He wants to become an uncontrolled pet of one of you and exit the thread with you.
Pathaky — Today at 15:17
Very Fae-ey
Kit, will you vouch for him?
Santooth — Today at 15:17
So far as you can tell, he isn't particularly dangerous in a broad sense. He's a really frustrating asshole if you aren't on his side (the guy's powerset revolves around breaking deals and stealing other people's powers, to an extent), but you seem to have him as a solid ally for now from what you can tell.
He says he got stuck in here when he crossed the wrong entity
Pathaky — Today at 15:17
Breaking Deals, eh?
Kitsune106 — Today at 15:18
As a prince of faerie, she is bound by the rules. And she will do the fae trust. But yeah , will vouch. He did die for us and helped with the darkspawn. And as a prince of faerie, she's not about to leave an arch fae here.
Santooth — Today at 15:18
So is that a yes?
Pathaky — Today at 15:18
Kitsune106 — Today at 15:18
Santooth — Today at 15:19
And you wanted the major reveal now in a slimmed down format?
(with a full reveal-post coming later when I have a while to work on it)
Pathaky — Today at 15:19
I'm fine with it, but I'm also understanding if you want to hold off for dramatic effect
Santooth — Today at 15:19
Eh, I don't mind giving you guys this
It'll give you something to stew on, haha
Pathaky — Today at 15:19
Santooth — Today at 15:19
So. Your major opposition.
Pathaky — Today at 15:19
My theory is that it's Captain Omega's core
Santooth — Today at 15:20
The reason this is the hardest quest
Kitsune106 — Today at 15:20
I am fine with whatever. And heh. Yeah. Turn about is fair play
Pathaky — Today at 15:20
somehow Darkspawn'd
Santooth — Today at 15:20
The reason it was meant for 4ish PCs of your general power level
Captain Omega initially came to Noix to use the unique properties here to restart Sephyris Corp, an old ascension opposing faction and diehard enemy of Bascaradine
Pathaky — Today at 15:21
Oh my
Santooth — Today at 15:21
He was firmly in villain-territory then
Pathaky — Today at 15:21
Right, because Sephyrs did the super-hero stuff
Santooth — Today at 15:21
Pathaky — Today at 15:21
I'm remembering my spotty knowledge about them
that's rad
Santooth — Today at 15:32
The first thing he did upon entering was to leverage his grab-bag of powers to create a new, utterly awful timeline where Forcystus and Eggman merged, creating the entity known as Don Hatch. The Don has all the powers of both of those two and is something of a nightmare. He has all of Forcystus's very-wide-ranging powers along with his multiple forms, reality auditing, ability to incorporate nearly any evil power, overcrash interdiction, and grab bag of other stuff. He also has Eggman's wide-ranging Evil powers, power theft, self-replication, multi-body abilities, and general manipulation/domination powers.

Hotspot immediately intervened and chucked the Don into the Mayline, then proceeded to beat up Captain Omega and somewhat heavy-handedly attempt to reform the guy. It took a while but actually worked, as you saw before. The Don was still in there, though.
Fast forward to the reality break and the Sleeper waking up. Captain Omega pulled a self-sacrifice move and both saved Hotspot and cast a diminished version of himself (Captain Alpha, who is a very real person) down into the Mayline (which was weakened by the Darkspawn and the Don, who had immediately started breaking it down from the inside) to try to deal with the Don he created and fix the Mayline itself. The two have largely been at a stalemate since, with Don Hatch pulling all sorts of awful but being mostly-effectively fended off by Captain Alpha. There was already a Darkspawn (and Utterdark, which are a different thing I'll go into later) presence in the Mayline before. They've actually been hindering Don Hatch rather considerably, being widely hostile to anything that isn't themselves or Utterdarks and powerful enough to fight him unless he's there directly.

I was laughing because that effect you guys avoided right as you entered was a wide-area contingent scan the Don cast out to detect new things arriving in the Mayline. Kit said it reminded him of Eggman; path said it reminded him of Forcystus. Both of you were dead on. Be thankful you did what you did; that would have not only given him critical info on you guys but also planted a seed of him in you guys to grow over the quest (which Kit would have almost entirely neutered due to abilities, but which would have been screwing with Nole).
Pathaky — Today at 15:33
Eggman and Forcystus! Two people Nole has quite a bit of a dislike for!
Santooth — Today at 15:33
The combination is notably worse and more malicious than either
Kitsune106 — Today at 15:34
On the plus side, we get to fight them both . and heh. and damn. we really really stepped into this. whelp, nothing to it but to try to HERO ON!
and yeah, we will be stewing
Santooth — Today at 15:35
The signal, by the by, came from Captain Alpha but was partially hyjacked by the Don. The reason it was broken is because the Don can spread and manipulate by speech, among many other things.
The Mayline cut out the contaminated bits of the message, leaving you with what you had
Kitsune106 — Today at 15:35
so, basically, the three things were each correct
Pathaky — Today at 15:36
Uhhhhhhh, I'm not sure we should do that
Santooth — Today at 15:36
To some degree. The Don didn't want anyone else coming in; he's likely to eventually win the conflict
Pathaky — Today at 15:36
it took two factions double-teaming Forcystus to beat him in CAIN
We'd have Alpha's help, but I Wriggle's warnings here stand
I think we pivot the goal here to be: "Find out how to weaken Hatch from outside and then go and get more people to help"
Santooth — Today at 15:37
And yes, in a direct conflict as things stand the Don is reasonably likely to murder you guys. He's stronger now than Forcystus has ever been but he's been fighting on multiple fronts
Pathaky — Today at 15:37
OR, "Find a way to send Alpha a support package"
Santooth — Today at 15:37
That's one direction you could take this
The trouble with leaving is you likely won't be able to return fast enough to interfere in the conflict. The Don is, in all likelihood, going to kill Captain Alpha and quite possibly turn him into a more powerful vessel, stealing all his powers.
That is, if nothing changes the equation
Pathaky — Today at 15:40
We're immortal
Kitsune106 — Today at 15:41
would fixing apocalypses work?
Pathaky — Today at 15:41
We could always fight him anways, lose but in a way that shifts the balance
(That's pretty far back on my plans though)
Santooth — Today at 15:41
General directions for this quest to go:

- Go meet up with Captain Alpha and fight the Don head on (hard, but your new fae ally will help more than you might expect)
- Try to remove the Darkspawn influnce that is poisoning the Mayline, leaving the Don to triumph but sealing him in here
- Pull some complicated gambit that sneaks around the conflict and remotely weakens the Don
- Try to exit in such a way that you don't get locked out of returning too fast, then return with cavalry (challenging but possible)
- Leave and avoid the whole mess
Kitsune106 — Today at 15:42
if we strengthen the mayline, that might help. hmmmm. we could try to fix apocalypii and then use the allies to help as well
Santooth — Today at 15:42
And I'd like to point out that Forcystus didn't take two factions to beat in CAIN, he took four
Pathaky — Today at 15:42
HA, VR, Enigma Men, and who?
Santooth — Today at 15:43
Render, Archtyrant breakoff, Heaven Architects, and in a more limited sense the Holy Imperial team with Teagan and company
Pathaky — Today at 15:43
Right, good memory
Santooth — Today at 15:43
Also in a nebulous sense Cordelia
Working in your favor, he had nearly no prep time in here. He's been sealed since he was created up to the point where the Mayline broke.
Pathaky — Today at 15:44
Santooth — Today at 15:44
Dude's still just awful though
Pathaky — Today at 15:44
That was one of Forcy's big strengths in CAIN
he had a pre-planned gambit for most of the people there
Santooth — Today at 15:44
One of his various powers that never appeared on screen was his Historian skill set
He can go to areas and pick items that used to be there out
Pathaky — Today at 15:45
Historian = Memory?
Santooth — Today at 15:45
That's just <awful> in here, with all these apocalypses
Pathaky — Today at 15:45
Santooth — Today at 15:45
Also working (somewhat strongly) in your favor is that he isn't aware of you guys yet
Working against you, you guys have managed to hard-aggro the previously neutral wildcard that was the Darkspawn
Though, through the Fae, they aren't aware of this yet
Pathaky — Today at 15:46
Sucks, but their presence is destabilizing the Mayline regardless
Santooth — Today at 15:47
It is
You guys have a variety of options and a win is likely possible here, but this is a complicated, challenging quest you have gotten yourselves in
But hey! That's the fun of it, right?
Kitsune106 — Today at 15:47
so, what does doctor nole say?
Santooth — Today at 15:48
One more important bit of info in this not-so-small summary
Omernant-surasi is rather fragile, but his powerset is a bit of a nightmare in and of itself
He can retroactively alter deals on the fly, change elements of them, switch up what his actions were in the past to a degree (like he did with the seal), and generally break a lot of rules. He's a reasonably hard counter to much of Forcystus's side of the powerset in the Don (the Reality Auditing and Law bits) and was planning to subtly undermine-enhance the Don's various plots, then try and hyjack the Don's escape route and abscond with a fair portion of the guy's powers by writing himself into his deals. It probably wouldn't have worked but was his best shot at getting out of here.
He was intended to be another wildcard, but is now actively working on your side of things
The Don isn't aware of him
He also has a completely-fake kingdom-dimension of fairies that he's posing as a diplomat from and can pull resources out of
His presence is why I say you guys could possibly fight Don Hatch together with Captain Alpha rather than just straight "you guys would almost certainly lose"
On a related note, kudos to Kit for preventing Kiroishi from stealing his powerset. Low odds that would have backfired on the darkspawn, but if it hadn't Kiroishi would have become rather unmanagable to fight and I'd have given him about a 60% chance of killing you guys
I'm going to float off at this point. I'll try and get a more structured post with this stuff either later tonight or tomorrow and we can resume the quest at people's leisure.
Kitsune106 — Today at 16:01
thank you wriggle
Santooth — Today at 16:03
S'been a pleasure running this and I look forward to seeing how you guys try to deal with the issues

Larger post incoming at some point.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Nole sets about attempting to revive the Arch-Fae. He quickly figures out that this is going to be a difficult operation. Yvettle's overcrash was especially nasty; it seeded every inch of his mana pattern with crippling barbs of Universe element mana. While he was alive they dealt him tremendous damage on the way in and, had he survived, would have been exceptionally difficult to remove. Now that he is dead, each one serves as an anchor locking him into this current state. This makes bringing him back to life near-impossible.

The Holy One has treated everything from Ruin Syndrome to Melted, though, and thinks he has a solid shot at it. He can work with near-impossible. Isolating himself from distractions, he sets up a Zone of Resurrective Light. He plucks two feathers from his wings, reshapes them into Knives, and sets about removing each barb with precise cuts and sewing the tattered holes in his mana pattern back together. It's exhausting work, but he manages to complete another perfect surgery and finally, with a wave of the Prime Healer's Caduceus, revives Omernaut-Surasi.

The Arch-Fae looks around wildly for a moment before calming. He touches his reconstituted form, his fingers gently running along his graceful arms, adjusting the frills on his shoulders, and adjusting the slightly ruffled frills of hair on his perfect head. A look of profound satisfaction crosses his face before he sobers. He speaks with an effeminate, slightly lilting voice.

"Ahem. It appears we have won, due to my selfless actions. Pardon, there is much to discuss."

Faint musical tones ring out to punctuate his words and colors seem more vibrant as the creature speaks, moves, and gestures. It seems as if reality itself is delighted at the presence of the creature. Nole and Kit have the suspicion he is maintaining the effect himself. He traces artful lines in the air and the floor of reality you are in drops out of the quest briefly. You find yourselves within Timeless Space.

The Arch-Fae looks smug.

"Hah. Very good, very good. This will give us some time to talk before the allies of those wriggling things break down the barrier I put around this dimension. I was unjustly cast into this place by the cruel forces of fate. I do not belong here, and seek to leave. Both of you are worthy of being companions to me. You will help me mend this ill, yes?"

He looks vaguely into a direction in the distance.

"...Yes, yes you will. I will become your free-willed companion to shed the shackles of ill fortune that put me here. I leave it to the two of you to decide which of you will receive that honor, and your current... Lesser..."

The Arch-Fae makes an expression as if he has bitten into something sour.

"...companions will have to fend for themselves. I will be free of this awful place, and both of you will be elevated by my grace as we press towards that point. You, my radiant friends, will choose the path from here to there. You will choose the manner of our triumph. There is much you must know, though, first. Great powers are at work behind the scenes. Let me sweep aside the curtain of your ignorance from the world. Behold! The Story!"

With a flourish, Omernaut-Surasi twists his hands together and images decorate the non-space with scenes of battle accompanied by a deep, resonant voice quite unlike the high pitched voice of the Fae Lord himself. The voice outlines how Captain Omega came to Noix seeking to reboot the powers of his allies, how he borrowed the powers of the Aeon Diadem to make this possible future a reality, and how in his careless haste he created the being known as Don Hatch. It is outlined how Noix's guardian and gatekeeper, Hotspot, acted immediately to contain the new threat and went on to battle and reform Captain Omega while the Don lay senescent within the Mayline, restrained even within his isolation. The battle between Hotspot and Captain Omega, shaking the foundations of the world. Hotspot triumphant, showing grace to his defeated opponent. A hand outstretched in friendship. All the while, that seed of a calamity averted sealed safely away.

Time passes, and the tone of the retelling changes as many events fly by one after another.

The Break.

Tsayikk's stillborn invasion of the Fourth Diagram.

The Sleeper waking, scouring the universe with His light.

Noix, shattered.

Twisted creatures converging on the light of the Core from the exterior regions of space. The Darkspawn. Impossible, Utterdark nightmares boiling up from the exposed core, cousins to the Darkspawn. The two, joined together for the first time, on the cusp of claiming the Core and shrouding the dimension in Eternal Wriggling Darkness.

The desperate last-stand of Hotspot and Captain Omega defending the Core against this deathless menace. Hotspot being overwhelmed. Captain Omega's heroic sacrifice, stunning the anathematic creatures long enough for Hotspot to pull them into his Sun and slowly, slowly burn the undying things away to ash.

And now new information.

The damage to Hotspot carrying over to the Mayline.

Don Hatch's bonds loosening just enough for him to slip out of them. Darkspawn and Utterdark things within the Mayline stirring, hearing the clarion call of the exposed Core and their greater brethren outside. Don Hatch rapidly sending self-replicating scans out to surrounding apocalypses and sucking them dry of mana like a horrifying leech.

Captain Omega's heroic core and last will made manifest, Captain Alpha, arriving in the core of the Mayline like a shooting star. The first clash between the infant Don Hatch and Captain Alpha. Don Hatch, overwhelmed, deciding to flee and gather power rather than commit to the fight. The distress signal being sent out by the Captain, with the Don unsuccessfully attempting to hijack it and escape. Don Hatch spreading to yet more areas, attempting to gather enough mana to form another body. Captain Alpha chasing him down time and again, foiling him right before the Don manages this but unable to force him into a decisive conflict. Don Hatch encountering the awakened Darkspawn and Utterdark nightmares within the Mayline and, to his considerable surprise, being unable to incorporate their powers into his own or interface with them the way he does all other evils. The slow game of cat and mouse between the Don and the Captain.

And, as the retelling comes to the present. With a sly smile and a wink, Omernaut-Surasi tilts the projection to the side and a fine web of connections becomes visible. The Arch-Fae explains with a self-satisfied grin that he has partially hijacked the distracted Don's network of scans and effects, subtly altering results and hiding certain things from his view or feeding him misinformation. The tone shifts again to that of a general accounting for troop movements. A web of connections appears, with gray, blue, red, brown, black, gold, and two green dots indicate the progress of the struggle with several mixed between different colors. Grey dots indicate untouched timelines. Blue dots indicate realities Captain Alpha as saved, fortified, or secured. Red dots indicate apocalypses Don Hatch has infested, altered, or consumed. Brown dots show realities where the conflict between the Captain and the Don has depleted the place of mana almost entirely. Black dots indicate Utterdark or Darkspawn worlds, and there are concerningly many of them though they seem pretty static. Gold dots indicate unique or bizarre timelines that, through some effect, do not fit into the traditional scheme of things. The Fae Lord notes the two green dots with considerable pride, explaining that these hold areas of power he has hidden from the Don and other assorted powers in this conflict.

A trio of blue dots near the center shine brightly around one deep blood-red dot flecked with gold in the center of the map that Omernaut-Surasi explains was the original reality the Don was chained in and broke free from. He says his information on that place is limited, but that careful analysis indicates it is a nightmarish mess of contingencies, Law-effects, and monstrous spawn slaved to the will of the Don. As things stand the Captain has the upper hand, but the Don is a far cry from beaten and hasn't brought his full power to bear in a fight yet. With time, the Fae Lord expects the Captain to either slip up and be defeated or to fail to prevent the Don from fully duplicating himself and then gradually begin to get overwhelmed.

Omernaut-Surasi lays out several avenues to take in this conflict. PCs could:

- Die to something that isn't especially dangerous and leave. This would get him out and be the safest option all told, though it would leave Captain Alpha to fight alone and Don Hatch to dominate large parts of the Mayline. He would personally prefer this one as there's not really any chance of failure and is on some level trying to sway you towards it speaking about how it's the "responsible choice" and how you could surely find "more worthy allies to battle Don Hatch properly". The Don, after all, will not be able to leave the Mayline easily or quickly even should he completely win. The two of you have been on enough quests to tell there are good odds this will lock you out of returning to Noix for a bit.

- Chase down the Don, force him into a fight he cannot flee from, and fight him directly. Omernaut-Surasi estimates your chance of success as "very low" on winning the resulting fight. The Don is a combat monstrosity, though Nole has some very powerful items/a high base power and Kit has the Aeon diadem that created him and near-immunity to most of Eggman's strongest powerset.

- Chase down Captain Alpha and join forces with him directly. That will help him maintain the upper hand against the Don, but since you have aggro'd the Darkspawn to the extent you have, may allow the Don to parley with them against their mutual enemy and tip the scales in his favor.

- Remotely harass the Don, seeking out apocalypses he is attempting to consume and seeding them with Bascaradine products to institute incompatibility with his Sephyris-based mana pattern. Potentially trick him into consuming something that can be turned into a weakness for him, though this might be challenging. This is one of the safer options, but is likely to tip him off to your existence sooner or later, though you could fall back to joining the Captain or fighting the Don after that.

- Avoid the conflict entirely and seek out some way within here to restabilize the Mayline. This would require finding and defeating several powerful forces that are destabilizing it from within (mostly Darkspawn and Utterdarks, but with other more esoteric threats too) and then convincing one of the assorted super-entities (Over level 100, quite probably something on the lower end of the 200s though the power requirement drops off the more problems you remove) within the Mayline to help you repair it.

- Do something else! You guys are clever and have many different resources.

Thoughts, ideas, or questions from you guys?
Last edited by Santooth on Wed May 19, 2021 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit pauses then looks at Nole. "I think you should be the lead here "
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Time stutters and swells as the whirl and churn of the Mayline shifts. All present feel a greater will focus some fragment of its attention on the tangled, cracking swirl of apocalypse unrealized that composes the place.

What Have We Here? Oh Me Oh My, It Appears A Crime Has Been Committed.
Things seem to be shifting. The Arch-Fae looks briefly afraid before his face rapidly loses all emotion and the color leaks from his eyes.

PCs, with their manifold abilities, detect themselves being subtly drawn towards a Neutral conclusion to this quest by some Greater force. Unsatisfying, perhaps, but far less in the way of risk than continuing on their current path towards a conflict with the Don. They detect an alternative, brimming with Golden Violence but far faster than they had imagined the road would be within this twisted place.

You may both post either an affirmation or a denial of this course of events. Kit and Nole have six months in real time to reach a consensus on the matter or default to the neutral ending.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Neutral ending confirmed!
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Right then, if someone could please post a summary for me of everything the two of them gained over the course of this I will write up the ending to the thread.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Pathaky »

Sure thing: (As an aside, this was a fun re-read. Thanks for running this, Wriggle.)
To Split:
Godseed: Divination- (Item, Material, Air & Light, 180,000,000 Gold)
Godseed: Distance- (Item, Material, Spatial, 180,000,000 Gold)
Godseed: Magic- (Item, Material, Magic, 180,000,000 Gold)
Godseed: Calamity- (Item, Material, Destruction & Fate & Light & Acid & War & Earth & Darkness, 180,000,000 Gold)
*Twisted Thousandcolor Heartstone Of The Writhing World- (Accessory, Other: Relic, Darkness & Earth & Air & Magic & Hope & Time, 1,800,000,000 Gold) Wielder gains a 15% Time weakness and loses all Petrification: Time Stop immunity and resistance unless Wielder possesses at least Adept Time Synchronization or Chronicler of Eternity, Wielder gains +800,000 Defense and 200% Resilience, Wielder gains +5,000,000 HP, Wielder gains Immunity to Plague from sources not more than 5 levels above Wielder, Wielder is inflicted with Elevated, Invigorated: High Morale, and Regeneration at the beginning of every round, Wielder may spend an action to scan the stats of any number of individuals in the same battle, Wielder may target other battlespaces within the same battle if no entity more than 15 levels over wielder prevents it, wielder's spells cost 500,000 MP less, wielder may spend an action to place a delayed effect on the battlespace wielder is currently in that deals 100,000,000 flat Destruction element damage to all enemies 10 rounds after this effect is first placed, wielder may spend an action to replicate any ability a Dead or Defeated ally could perform as though said ally was performing it, paying all associated MP costs, Wielder counts as having an additional 1,000,000,000 allies on their side, this item reduces XP gained by Wielder by 10% (keep track of the amount of XP lost to this effect below the item), this item occasionally gains new powers in RP threads
Both Get:
351,034,000 XP
Ally of Lost Souls- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor's gains +50 to all stats while possessor possesses an ally who is Dead but not under the effects of any negative status effects

*Blasted Essence of the Fly Lord- (Item, Material, Devastation, 80,000,000)

The Awards:
Bane of the Deathless
Defeated Kiroishi the Writhing within the Mayline on Noix
Defeated Byallgi the Distant within the Mayline on Noix
Defeated Metukammi the Vast within the Mayline on Noix
Defeated Netsumiknl, Eldritch Champion within the Mayline on Noix
Defeated Yvettle within the Mayline on Noix
Redeemed Byallgi the Distant within the Mayline on Noix
Redeemed Many Darkspawn-Tainted Souls within the Mayline on Noix
Sealed Many Darkspawn-Tainted Souls in the Twisted Thousandcolor Heartstone Of The Writhing World within the Mayline on Noix
Effortlessly Defeated Kimmi-Tse-Tse within the Mayline on Noix
Kit gets:
Diplomatic Rights: Demand Service From Fae (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor may spend an action to declare target Fae an ally. If it is either willing or at least 10 levels under possessor's level and not immune to Charm or Dominion, it switches sides in the battle and joins either rank on possessor's side
Nole gets:
2,142,000 XP

Ordained Arbiter of the Spheres- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Zones and Phantom Terrains created by possessor or possessor's allies may not be destroyed or altered by individuals below possessor's level unless their opponents possess the ability "Master Geomancer Attunement", with Darkspawn and Outer Terrors attempting to do so being optionally inflicted with Smitten at the end of their action

The Awards:
Hated Enemy of all Darkspawn (That first one is acting soooort of like a curse in that it aggros (and is obvious to) Darkspawn he encounters.)
Doom of Ruc'Naath the Deathless

Of note: Are we each getting an instance of a unique "*Blasted Essence of the Fly Lord"?
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Nole and Kit look on in as the change rapidly plays over their brief ally and sense a guiding will behind it. With a fraction of an eon to make the choice, they judge this as the best end they are likely to get here and decide not to oppose it. Color leeches from every surface of the blasted world-thing they stand on. Whatever this power is hasn't broken or bent the intent already present here but rather made it something Less. Something Basic. Something Grey.

All color leeches from the Heartstone, bleeding the danger out of the thing while retaining a part of the power it initially possessed. Kit and Nole sense the manifold voices within condense and consolidate into a single voice, toneless and devoid of emotion yet still quite clearly inhabiting the item.

The conversion passes over the PCs, reacting unusually to their status as BA members. The two of them sense a brief, distant interest as the lack of color shimmers and swims around them for a moment. As the essence leeches into their patterns, their emotions and senses seem suddenly devoid of meaning and color, inevitably degraded into calm mediocrity just as Omernaut-Surasi's will seems to have been. Both turn Grey, with their equipment also turning grey and losing most powers. Both obtain:

Basic Basic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Commoner) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Basic element

Internal Essence Algorithm: Grey Self- (Passive Ability, Other: Commoner) At the beginning of a thread, possessor may choose to gain the base stats: STR 5, CON 5, AGI 5, MIN 5, SPI 5 and become solely Basic element

Omernaut-Surasi looks to have been hit even harder than the rest of the place. His once exquisite and indulgent clothing has been replaced with grey hemp and the pair of PCs sense even through the degradation of their senses that nearly all the many powers he once possessed have been severely downgraded.

A Door has appeared, perfectly unremarkable in all ways. It could fit into any doorway they can conceive of or none at all (such as is the case here) and still entirely fail to stand out. Unbidden by them, their feet begin to take them towards it.

"Wait, you two. There's a weapon over there. Please take it, it makes me uncomfortable and is disturbing the nice calm here."

The Arch-Fae strides over and picks up a simple wooden bow, throwing it to the PCs. Nole catches it, and the two continue on towards the doorway. Turning the ordinary wooden handle reveals a Regular Hallway. With a last look at the proud Fae Lord sitting on the ground contentedly, Kit and Nole walk through the threshold. Over the next few minutes they calmly and confidently move through the Regular Hallway and out of the Mayline into the color and vibrancy of Noix. The transition is jarring, seeming to shake loose whatever the volition-surpressing fog that settled over them was, though their forms seem to remain frustratingly locked in the Grey state with many of their powers surpressed. A return to their rooms at the BA is likely required to shake that. Thankfully that same color and potentiality bleeds back into their items as well, returning those to potency. That bow looks a whole lot nastier now too. The two get:
*Yvettle's Barbed Bow- (Weaponx2, Bow, Earth & Agony & Devastation, 550,000,000 Gold) +1,100,000 Ranged Attack, +550,000 AGI, 260% To Hit, ranged attacks incorporating this weapon inflict Wounded: Maimed, Wounded: Hobbled, and Pain, Damage dealt by ranged attacks incorporating this weapon cannot be healed or regenerated by individuals below level 92, Damage dealt by wielder remains on target even after death even if it would otherwise not and may continue to be dealt to their corpse (up to a max of 115,000,000 damage beyond their normal HP total), any damage dealt beyond the target's standard HP counts additionally as a debuff that cannot be removed without also removing the damage which prevents target's resurrection as an effect that bypasses standard effects which would ignore preventing the resurrection of an individual
The following items and abilities have been modified by whatever that force was:
*Twisted Grey Heartstone Of The Writhing World- (Accessory, Other: Relic, Basic, 1,800,000,000 Gold) Wielder gains a 15% Time weakness and loses all Petrification: Time Stop immunity and resistance unless Wielder possesses at least Adept Time Synchronization or Chronicler of Eternity, Wielder gains +400,000 Defense and 160% Resilience, Wielder gains +3,000,000 HP, Wielder gains Immunity to Plague from sources not more than 5 levels above Wielder that are not above level 85, Wielder is inflicted with Elevated, Invigorated: High Morale, and Regeneration at the beginning of every round, Wielder may target other battlespaces within the same battle if no entity more than 15 levels over wielder prevents it, wielder's spells cost 250,000 MP less, wielder may spend an action to place a delayed effect on the battlespace wielder is currently in that deals 50,000,000 flat Destruction element damage to all enemies 10 rounds after this effect is first placed, wielder may spend an action to replicate any ability a non-unique Dead or Defeated ally could perform as though said ally was performing it, paying all associated MP costs, Wielder counts as having an additional ally on their side, this item may function differently in RP threads and has the potential to change into another item

*Grey Essence of the Fly Lord- (Item, Material, Basic, 160,000,000) <And I will confirm there is only one of it and implications there were multiple was a mistake>

Diplomatic Right: Request Service From Fae (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor may spend an action to declare target non-unique Fae an ally. If it is either willing or at least 20 levels under possessor's level and not over 100% resistant to or immune to Charm or Dominion, it switches sides in the battle and joins either rank on possessor's side. This ability may sometimes affect level-equivalent and/or unique fae and is generally more variable in whether it works or not in RP threads

Ordained Arbiter of the Spheres- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Zones and Phantom Terrains created by possessor or possessor's allies may not be destroyed or altered by individuals below possessor's level unless their opponents possess the ability "Master Geomancer Attunement" so long as possessor is a Holy One, with Darkspawn and Outer Terrors attempting to do so being optionally inflicted with Smitten at the end of their action should possessor possess the ability "Wings of Melek Taus"

The award

'Hated Enemy of all Darkspawn'
'Bane of the Darkspawn of Noix'

and loses much of the inherent animus attached to it. All other items and awards are unchanged.
Looking at the Mayline from their perch on a chunk of floating island, the pair see the vibrant black lines pulsing through the Mayline like a cancer go grey one after another before finally (and almostly reluctantly) being swallowed up by the great storm. With a shuddering ripple, a great grey mass is expelled from the bottom of it to fall out of view as the storm reduces slightly in size. The two PCs look at each other but don't quite feel up for investigating whatever is up with that at the moment.

Both PCs get the awards-
'Passed Through the Grey'
'Entered the Mayline'
'Survived the Mayline'

Could I get final actions and the like from PCs here?
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit will pray for the souls and the lives lost.
"We will be back. Won't we. Once we get stronger, we can end this."

She will then open for nole and herself,
Open Gate to Nexus: Top Disc- (Spell, Gate Magic, Magic, 5,000 MP, 160,000 Gold) Has RP effects, Permits escape from random quests at the start of the round after it is cast
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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