Quest- Dome of the Lich Lord

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Quest- Dome of the Lich Lord

Post by Modrageball »

The earliest Megaquest still about in some form in the Archives. It originally ran from 7/7/2006-1/12/2006.
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Re: Quest- Dome of the Lich Lord

Post by Modrageball »

Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:07 pm
Yes, folks, it's dome time! As several of you probably recall, Naria is trying to go to the dome of the lich lord to get a translator to translate the lorekeepers' tome for her.

The interested players-

Naria (of course)- anyone who is on her side or wants to talk to her for some reason can use this thread to come to the tower

Bascaradine- Exactly how they're involved in this is a mystery for now, but they are holding a recruitment drive, which will take place in this thread

Hellstrom- No players have ties to them yet

The Lich King- No players have ties to him yet

VonDurion- You can't enter this on his side

Lady Amelia- Az, I suggest you have Salphron speak to her in this thread. She isn't opposing Naria, so there should be no conflict for you here.

... others... many others

No rewards are set yet given how this quest has a ton of possible outcomes, and they will differ based on how things end up.

Kit broadcasts the following message to his clan and to Naria-

"I now see that you are evil. My clan opposes you. Everyone who remains in my clan after this is now Naria's enemy. Anyone who wants to leave the clan can."

Naria is a bit surprised and will respond in a bit after she decides what to say. We'll assume that there's an open psi-channel between all those involved. Anyone who wants to respond can and should.

Addendum to Kit's speech-

"Clan Yin Yang is now officially good, and Kit bears no ill will towards those who leave it."

Kevin doesn't reply.

"I protect my Fox-tailed Sister, come Hell or High Water. Any attempts on her life shall have to go through me first..."

?I helped you. I tutored you. I came to your rescue whenever you were in need of help. I brought you back from the dead in that stupid castle! I even let you keep the egg. I gave you items. I gave you spells. I told you I?d give you the crystals you wanted. You were my friend!

Now you?re turning your back on me!? Yes, I?m evil, no duh. I never claimed I was anything else. Just because I?m 'evil' doesn?t mean I?m not nice to my friends. I would have never betrayed you. I would have let you have a slice of the worlds I conquered once I had them. I cared about you.

Now you?re ?severing all ties to me?? I might be the one who?s evil, but at least I?m loyal to my allies! You?re just leaving me behind and declaring me your sworn enemy out of nowhere!


I hate you! YOU HEARTLESS BACKSTABBING BITCH! Consider your war mutually declared. You can writhe in the Caverns of Ahz?Khrelar for all eternity for all I care!

Given that Aokage is not siding with me here, though I didn't expect him to, I will be taking my blessing back, given that his side broke the bargain I arranged when we made it. I will also be taking back my two runestones.

Firenza and anyone else sensible who?s left in that clan. I implore you to leave it. Stay by my side and we will rejoice together in my spoils of victory. Betray me as Kit did, and you will be crushed. I am loyal and kind to my friends, but mark my words- my enemies will all suffer for their transgressions!?

Aokage loses his two abilities and the unique runestones and runekeys.

Kevin sever the ties to both side and leave the Yin-Yang clan.

Aokage's voice is heard laughing at Naria. "Young Maiden, thou shalt not harm a hair on my glorious sisters head, for I shall stop thee. How? With the power of our glorious Lord Gadigan! Higher forces thou cannot comprehend guide my sword, and with it I shalt defend Kit to the last breath in my body."

"You think that the divine forces that control our universe are on *your* side? Preposterous. I think that you have forgotten that I now have a priest in my employ, and I do mean an actual priest, not one of the ones who worships the lesser "gods." Zaradian has assured me that the powers that be are on my side in this conflict."

Again, Aokage laughs. "Thine preist is a Farse. A Heretic! A Simple summoner of Parlour tricks! Thou hideth behind thine Allies. They can harbour thee for only so long..."
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:09 pm
After thinking, Kevin send a single message to Kit and Kit alone.

"This is insane, why are you doing this kit, making divisions where there were none before. I might not need my memories anymore but this work is not about that to me, it never really was. Sorry kit but I got information to learn of a, wizard to learn from and items of power to collect, I'm afraid that if you wish me to leave the clan to do this then I must."

"Thank you, Firenza. Feel free to come over to my tower to continue your lessons and discusss strategy with us. Oh, and Aokage, I can assure you that Zaradian is in fact a legitamate priest who can call down miracles to aid us. Believe he isn't if you so desire, but doing so will be your undoing."

Salphon sighs shaking his head as he arives leaving selena to guide the shadowmen to the others with the stuff from the raid.... naria may have cut off ties but he said he would share what was found when they did things together.... desipute what happens afterwords was rather unspoken but he keeps his word.

He walks over to Naira "I told you this would happen.... those that clame themselfs good have no honor at all when it comes to those they see 'evil'.... Though going from friendship to open agresstion is beyond what I would exspect from what I saw of the girl.... I did not think her such a zelot"

He lays a fridged hand on her sholder. "But do not become lost in anger.... peraps she will see her folly... in the mean time there are more important matters at hand..... Far grater forces rise agenst us for we have access to knowlage they wish to keep us from..... and the key to that knowlage is what we should set our eyes on for now."

Naria nods to Salphron.

"You are right. Recoving the knowledge we see is a much more pressing concern. As soon as Firenza arrives, we can all head down to my new war room to discuss how exactly we are going to go about getting a translator. Oh, and I'm sorry I didn't trust what you had told me about Kit before. You were completely right about her."

Firenza turns up at Naria door step and enters the tower and sits on the same couch as before, and twiddles his thumbs rather happily.

"Besides... Friends are not something leaders can aford to have.... close aquatances and alies at best. At best you pay favortisim to those that serve you beyond what is earned, at worst you leave yourself open to betryal or worce."

Firenza is teleported up to Naria's laboratory.

"Welcome to the tower, Firenza. I thank you for being one of the few people involved in this who retains some sense of loyalty, honor, and oaths. You as well, Salphron. Shall we proceed to the war room to discuss our plans involving the Dome?"

Salphon nods some.

Kevin send another message, this time directed at Naria only.
<"I'm leaving the clan.">
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:13 pm
Firenza gives a shrug "Sure. Not much downtime from that last one, maybe we will keep the adrenaline rush from it."

"Parlour tricks" Aokage mutters "Thou shalt need all thine parlour tricks to defeat us! Good always triumphs over evil!"

"Speak for yourself..." One of the other persona's of Aokage chipped in. "I'm voting for Naria!"

"Shut up! We're on some sort chat....thing" Aokage replied to himself, before mentally clearing his throat. "Now where was I....Ah yes....We shall see who Gadigan wishes victorious...if he does indeed wish either, when the last battle is fought! I have confidence in my own abilities to kick major tail..."

"They dont have tails..." The other persona mumbled. "Look naria, what my long-winded normal self is trying to say, is dont count the fur coats before the foxes are skinned."

"If either of you needs time to gather items or something, please, tell me. Though speed is an advantage here, we should be well prepared if at all possible."

To Kevin- <Thank you.>

Naria steps through the door to the laboratory. Firenza and Salphron, also walking through it, appear immediately in the war room. As before, Naria's doors seem to transport people to where she wants them to instead of following the normal logic of space.

The war room is a large chamber with various objects adorning the walls. One wall holds a large scrying glass, another holds what appears to be a large tablet made from ancient stone. Other magical objects of all sorts also decorate the chamber. In the chamber's center is a massive table with a map crafted from magic on it. Sitting on the map are several figurines of various individuals, which move around seemingly of their own accord. Around the table are large, comfy chairs. Beside each chair is a plate of refreshments, in this case some sort of non-intoxicating wine and cookies that radiate a faint magical energy, a pad of paper, a pencil, and a pointer for indicating things on the table. Already seated in chairs are Zaradian, Goldenhammer, Khaldrin, and two others. The first is a male demon cloaked in an exotic single-piece cloth outfit with rune patterns adorning it, whose flesh is sunken down to the bones, whose eyes are like tiny reddish points in seas of blackness, who has a scorpion-like tail, and who has a bladed staff resting against his chair. The second is an alluring, dark-skinned female figure wearing a dress made of tightly-woven spider webs who has a crown with a jade scarab inset into it perched atop her head. Naria also takes a seat at the table.

"Please, sit down. Do you need me to introduce anyone? Oh, and Kevin contacted me, saying he left his clan, though, taking what Salphron said a bit ago into account, I really have no reason to trust the man. He wasn't even a friend of mine, and he's done nothing for me."

Firenza takes a chair takes his first sip of wine and discovers that he doesn't like the taste as he involutarly spews it out, "What is that stuff, it looks like juice but is not!"

Salphon dose not sit as usal. "I wish to get this done as soon as possable.. I have many other tasks but much of those could be aided by the book anyway, and I wish to know what von duran is so addapt at keeping us from"

In the mean time salphon uses the rose to contact Lady Amelia <We are preparing to pay a little visit to the litch king and I am quite bussy.... I was wondering if you are bussy... I sent a minion to see about a deal to sell the Lhorsand's Tear, and then find out about a fragment of the rose that was lost.... both on the same world and I have not hurd back from him... I bleave him to be rather dead now and was curious as to what happened.>

"I'm sorry, Firenza, I thought you might like some wine. This particular batch is enchanted to not intoxicate drinkers, given that having drunken strategists is never good. If you don't like it, I could get you some juice, milk, water, or something else."


<Yes, I can confirm his death. Speaking of VonDurion, I believe he has assembled a force to the Northeast of the lich king's dome. He anticipates your next move. I have, however detected another presence near the dome. I think it may be Laurennia and some of the other chosen. I believe they are tracking VonDurion and will be able to help us. Would you mind Winthrop and me accopanying you in this quest?>

<I am not sure that to much a show of force is advisable when aporching the litch king... they tend to be paranoid about intruders... if there is already a froce dubbly so.... we should think this through ... would you like to come to our meeting?>

Looks to Naria. "Would it be ok for another to join... she is an ally of mine, the one that I saved before and was able to restor my memories"

<Naria, I apologize for my decision, but, I am a good girl. I cannot allow evil to rule. I apologize for this break. I made the offer so I owuld not force anyone to follow what they will. And lands and kingdoms blood bought come too high at the cost. I will not try to wage war on you openly, some of my friendship still stands, but we are now opposites. I thank you for your help and friendship, but I am a force for good, not darkness. I could have attacked you or betrayed you, but I have not. I have stated my intentions clearly. I humbly apologize, but, the castle desctruciton has opened my eyes to what I see is my path. I will do what I have to do, and I wish both of us good luck.>

<Firenza, that is your choice, and I wish you luck. I would have liked you to stay, but, I realize you are your own person and it is only fair I let you choose your own path, as I have chosen mine. You are freed of any obligation to me. I hope that when we meet again, we do not kill each other. I am sorry to let you go, but trying to keep you is wrong.>

*Arlova leaves the clan, leaving behind a note for Kit. Arlova travels to Naria's tower*

The note reads:
"Dear Kit,
In no way am I evil, nor do I wish to become evil.
I just disagree with the idea of absolute good in
the clan. Absolute good can be just as bad as
absolute evil. The point of yin and yang was to
show a balance between good and evil in one's
life. Since becoming a glyph mage, you have
decided that it is almost your duty to disrupt
the balance between good and evil. Please
take care of yourself and Aokage. Hopefully the
next time we meet, it wouldn't be a prelude to
a bloodbath."

Kit re-opens the psi channel and says the following.

"I officially resign as the leader of clan Yin-Yang. I turn leadership of it over to Naria. I also renounce my status as a contestant in Lord Gadigan's Battle Arena."


Someone can add-
No Longer an Arena Contestant
to Kit's profile as a trophy.

This doesn't mean Kit is "retired." This just means that Kit can no longer participate in arena battles, can no longer shop at the "Shop" shop, and doesn't auto-revive. Kit will be going off on a personal quest to discover more about the old man she met in the clouds and learn about glyph magic.

Response from Amelia-
"Why, yes, that sounds like a wonderful idea."

Response from Naria-

"Yes, if she's an ally of yours, then she is welcome to come here. Oh, and Kit, thank you for the clan."

Clan announcment from Naria-

"The clan is now renamed the Dark Rune Syndicate. I will be converting the base in town into a secondary tower. I've actually wanted a secondary building there for a while now. Aokage, you're kicked you. Salphron and Firenza, you two can both join. Firenza, you can have the treasurer job back. Oh, and I'm personally siezing all current clan property. Thank you."
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:22 pm
Salphon lets the lady know where they are.

"Ofcrose... let our clans grown strong together"

*Arlova reaches Naria's tower, she enters the first room and sits on a couch*

While wating on the lady and wintrop to arive he looks to the two he don't recognize "May I ask who thise people are?"

"Those are Onjiru, servant to Lord Gillingman, one of the three guardians of the Origin of Darkness. He has come to observe us and report back to his master. If his master decides to join our cause, then our forces will be greatly bolstered."

Onjiru nods to Salphron.

"And that is Lady Vhaz'Loss. She is a powerful insect daemon that I freed from Talrusion's prison within Castle Pelronde. She is taking her human form at the moment."


A puppet version of Naria descends from the blackness above the couch where Arlova sits.

"Hello. Welcome to my tower. How may I help you?"


At this point Lady Amelia and Winthrop teleport into the war room.

"And who are your allies here, Salphron?"

Salphon mostions his hand to naira "This is naria and a prosesor (forgot his name) they own this tower and are working with me to try and find out what is in that book Von Duran whants so bad..... she hops to use it to summon her master evechaly aswell..... " he makes a motion to the dwarf "I beleave you know the artifacts master...." then to frinza "and this is a member of my clan Frinza who has been adining me... we hope to find a way to make him one of the canidates for chosen of fire"

*Arlova looks up at the pupet and swallows her hesitation*

"..My name is Arlova.. And I would like to help Naria.."

Firenza grumbles about the wine saying, "I'm not a kid I don't need juice or milk, I just thought if they were going to offer it it would be impolite to refuse it... I don't suppose that you have the ability to do hot chocalate?" He asks Naria inncoently.

"Or maybe a bit of knowledge like what kind of bird are small and plump but can turn creatures into stone?" Firenza mentions to her as an afterthought.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all," says Lady Amelia.

"Likewise," responds Naria pleasently. "Please have a seat at the table."

Amelia nods, sits down, and begins to sip her wine. Winthrop stands next to her chair.

"Hot chocolate? Sure!"

Naria waves her hand and the wine glass vanishes, replaced by a nice mug of hot cocoa with a marshmellow in it.


"Wonderful!" replies the puppet.

"Lady Naria is presently in a meeting. Would you prefer to be served refreshments here while you wait or sent to the troop quarters to meet some of Naria's other employees."

Salphon walks up to the table putting his hands on it.

"This is how I see it..... the Lich isn't just going to let us in... espeshaly with an army on it's flanks.... I sugest we meet up with the chosen and coiside our forces to drive off those of Von Duran as a show of our good intentions and while they are fighting a smaller group seak to gain entry into the dome to seak and reach an agreement.... the only reson von duran is amasing there is likely to distroy those dead before we can learn from them.... if we get that and leave von duran should aswell.... that alone will give us some edge to what ever we offer."

*Arlova smiles*

"I would love to have some wine.."
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:25 pm
"I agree. Gaining the assistance of the other chosen will be helpful against VonDurion. Amelia, Salphron mentioned that you can shield us from his power. Is this true?"

"Yes, it is. I will mask our presence there from him."

Amelia finishes her glass.

"Ah, how I do adore fine wines. Might I have another glass?"


Naria waves her hand and the glass refills. "So, which chosen are in this group exactly."

"I know that Laurennia is there for one. I believe the chosen of fire, air, technology, ice, and psychic are also present."

"Interesting. Do you know the positions of the others."

"I am attempting to discern that, but I've been putting more effort into tracking VonDurion."

"How large is his army?"

"I do not know. He has managed to block my scrying attempts thusfar."

"Don't worry. I have a plan regarding that."

"Ah, wonderful."


A group of puppets drifts over to Arlova, bearing a tray with a wine bottle and an empty wine glass on it.

Salphon turned "Last time von duran was involved in a larger scall asult there was another force of tanks after him....I would scry the intire area to look for other forces aswell... If there are other forces and we can turn them agnest eachother it would make our job that much easier."

*She smiles and takes the glass and bottle*

"Thank you very much"

*She pours a glass for herself, places the bottle back on the tray and sips from the glass*

Naria walks over to the scrying mirror and draws a symbol on it. The glass shimmers and a view of the woods around the library appears. Naria shifts the view several miles the right, and a dome is clearly visible, jutting forth from the trees around it.

On the table appear various figurines, and a large model of the dome rises from the middle.

Salphon hums some just assessing the map.

You see many figures on the map. To the Northeast of the dome is a large figure of VonDurion. To the East is a figure of a wizard. To the South is a man with a backpack. To the West are several different figures, each a short, blue-skinned humanoid with pointed ears and fangs. Another such figure is to the South of the dome, as is another to the Northeast. There are large stone arches far to the Southeast, Northeast, and Southwest of the dome. There is a representation of a flying ship moving around in circles to the dome's Southeastern side. Several figures of large monsters are scattered about the map. A strangely familiar orc figure is slightly to the South of the dome. A figure of Laurennia is to the Southeast. There are two bone dragon figures and a crystal golem figure near the Southwest gate. Two human figures in black armor flank each of the other two gates, and the Southeastern gate possesses a demon figure as well. There is a third human figure near the Northeastern gate, but it has an X above it.

"Any questions about the map?"

"Yes," says Khaldrin. "What do the wizard and the ship represent?"

"I am unsure of what the wizards are doing there. There is a whole group of wizards on that rock outcropping, and I can't tell what they're there for. The ship belongs to Lassiter. I'm sure that either he or Victoria is going to try to get that book, or somehow gain control of the dome."

Sighs some shaking his head. "There are so many forces out there.... Is there any way we can listen in on any of them and try and figure out why they are here?"

Which one would you like me to scry on?

"right now i'm more intrested in this large froce" points to the vampiery looking elfs. "and the the wizards and laster have in plan..... the wizards are keeping there force rather far away but one is scouting so they must have something planed.... and lasters ship is rather formable"

"The blue skinned ones are wood imps. Each figure represents a whole group of them. The same is true of the wizards. The whole group is there; that isn't just one scout. The wood imps shouldn't be too much of a problem. They're native to the area, generally poorly armed, and loosely organized."
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:28 pm
"I see... maybe they can be used for a distraction.... what about the humans and the monsters on the map that arn't with the chosen?"

"Most of the monsters are, like the imps, native to the area. The dragons, golems, demons, and most of the humans are my forces. I have more available in reserve, and there are other groups of golems present, but protected by invisibility spells. The man with the backpack is not part of my forces; he seems to just be an explorer who is writing a travel guide to the area. The stone arches are ancient portals that I've managed to reopen and control."

Hums some "can I see the man with the back pack"

The man appears on the scrying screen. He appears to be watching a bird and writing about it in a notebook that he is carrying.

Hums some "ok then... should probly try and get him to leave just in case there is something ary there..... awfull dangurous place to be making a guide book for afterall...... but lets see if we can figure out what the wizards and (what ever the guy with the ship) are up to"

"I was watching the wizards for over an hour ealier and was able to discern nothing."

Naria changes the view to the ship. Victoria and Lassiter are both standing beside the railing, looking down towards the ground. Ravens flock around Victoria. The crew is mostly made up of animated armor, but some humans are also present.

Hums soem "can you get a look at there equpiment maybe we can spy at what they are looking at to get an idea"

Lassiter and Victoria appear to be circling around the dome and surveying the nearby area. They both are in possession of several magic items, and the crew of the ship is wielding mainly enchanted swords and bows.

Salphon sighs "They don't seam to be looking at anything in paticular...... It makes having a plan a little harder not knowing what they are there for....."

"I think they're scouting out the land around the dome, just like we are."
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:31 pm
"Anyone have any way of getting in contact with the chosen down there besides acutaly going there?"

I could contact them by sending a puppet to them if you'd prefer that.

HE nods some "that would be good" and turns to the dwarf "You think you could awaken the robes before we leave?"

Naria nods and begins to hover in the air, entering a trance and gaining direct, full control of one of the puppets.

"Certainly. Just hand them over and I'll see what I can do."

Salphon blinks a little "i'm not interly shure I can... I've not tried to remove them sence I woke in them..." he hums some and just takes the cloak part off "is this enugh of them to awake them?"

"Could we just take out Lassister and Victoria then not have to worry about them later?" Firenza takes a a big drink of hot chocalate with a smile.

"Do we even have anything that can take down that ship?" (if it's the one in the arena i am not so sure... o.o)

"Maybe so, maybe not, but a ship can be only as strong as it's pilots and the last time I fight those two they were hardly challenging." Firenx=za says taking another drink of hot chocalate.

Salphon smirks some not having thought of that. "Very good point....Perhaps the Mirror could be used to travel into the ship, attack them derectly, and take over the vessel"

"Yes, that should be enough."


"Actually, that's a rather ingenious plan, Salphron. Amelia, do we have permission to use your mirror."

"Yes, that sounds fine to me. Oh, and this wine is excellent. I do love fine wines."

"I'm glad to hear that you do. Have another glass."

Naria points to the cup and it refills.

"Salphron, who do you think should be in this raid party? Or do you think I should just teleport some exploding mana golems onto the ship to bring it out of the sky?"


Varatheon replies <Very well, master. The orcs shall be dealt with.>


Arlova, the puppet repeats its offer to teleport you up to the break room for Naria's army.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:33 pm
*Arlova sighs lightly, finishing about half the glass and nods*

"Alright.. I'll go"

Salphon thinks "perhas sending one golen or two into the back of the ship to create a disterbance.... then Amelia and I could go onto the ship and take it over... perhaps some others to make sure it works well"

"If we destory it with the golems we can not use it later."

edit :oops:

Salphon nods "exsactly... besides they could damage the ship if we blow up any.. just bashing some people around and cries for help should be enugh"

"Possibly a fire started there instead, or a sudden dark dragon apperance should get a little panic going."

Mag's thread is merged with this one. She can repost her action here.

Mag blinks, standing upright and holding her rods out, she gives the blue shapes a stern glare before doing a magically empowered Hoola Dance.

*Mass Confuse @ Blue Things*

Arlova appears in a room with several black-armored mercenaries. They appear to be playing cards, drinking beer from mugs, and polishing their weapons with some black liquid.

A man with a circlet on his head instead of a helm approaches Arlova. He is a darkly handsome individual who speaks with a slight hint of an accent.

"Good afternoon, recruit. I assume you are hear to work for the lady Naria, am I correct?"


Goldenhammer begins to work on the robes.


"We could send over the paralysis and disruption golems first. Then Firenza, Salphron, and some troops could head through the mirror and comandeer the ship, probably having to only fight Lassiter, Victoria, and a scant few others for control. Do you all approve of that plan?"


The blue shapes yelp in pain and then vanish off into the woods.

For Arlova.

"That would be correct handsome."


With a yawn firenza says, "Sure seems kind of unsporting but thats not really a problem for us."

Mag, feeling the place is safe-ish enough to try again, attempts to summon Nyrr'Hul'Ulath here, nice and far away from civilization.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:37 pm
Salphon nods.

"Wonderful. A comely water nymph like yourself would make a fine addition to lady Naria's ranks. Being a soldier here offers the following benefits-

*A boost in power provided by the eternal runes
*Equipment provided (but not manditory) for all missions. You will be offered items for missions you go on, but you may choose to use your own possessions if you prefer to.
*Full access to the portions of the tower provided to the forces of Lady Zalderos. We have this room, a restocking larder, a bar, and an armory. We should be getting both a pool hall and an actual pool, assuming that this mission we're doing today goes well.
*A fixed pay of 20,000 gold per month, which will be increased on promotion and with special commendations.
*Training as either a dark knight or a rune mage, if desired.
*Personal quarters within the tower. Everyone will be provided with a private room which is only accessable to its occupant, invited guests, and ranking members of the organization.
*Full medical coverage and cost-free ressurections under all normal circumstances.

You will have to sign your name in a book, swearing to serve Lady Naria and do as she commands, but that's mostly to prevent traitors from entering the ranks. The book will actually boost your power so long as you remain loyal to your employer. Sound good to you?"


Mag's ritual seems to be getting off to a promising start. Clouds are gathering above.

Mag continues with the ritual while her pet Darktouched Drakeling guards her, ready to let rip with its lesser litany of doom should anything attack.

(sorry tetsuo if this is not what you wanted, you didn't really leave instructions about this...)

"That does sound enticing." Arlova says as as she takes a pen and signs her name in the book with a flourish.

Salphon rasies a brow at the clouds gathering around the one figure. "whats going on there?"

Mag's ritual continues.


The book glows with holy light for a moment, and then it returns to normal.

"Wonderful. We're glad to have you with us. Do you feel up for coming with us on a mission that should start in a short bit? Lady Naria is currently discussing the final details of it with her generals. Some of our advance forces are already deployed."


"Oh my! It seems like someone is summoning an ancient one somewhere near the dome. I'll try to scan for where the summoner is located."

Looks down raising a brow. "That may not be good.... the are not often the sanest of beings....... we should probly try and stop the summoning.... von duran is unlikely to care about it so I dought it would play in our advantage"


"An ancient one, is that like a god or something?"


"Well thats why I'm here hun. Ready to go."

Mag's ritual continues. The clouds begin to turn an erie red color and blood starts to rain down.


Arlova gets 3 bonus base stat points for signing the book. Said number of points will increase as Naria gains control of more artifact-level runes.

The man offers to take Arlova to the armory to get her more equipment.


"It's akin in power to a lesser or moderate god, but they are creatures spawned from a chaotic realm of insanity and darkness that hangs between worlds. The entry of one into this plane of existance would be disastrous."

The scrying window focuses on Mag.

"Found her! Amelia, can you open a portal for me to send some agents there?"

"I will try." Amelia begins to incant some spell.


The robes aren't ready yet. He's still working on them.

"Should send wintrop through aswell... just to make sure she's stoped.... He can meet back up with us later or we can pick him up in the air ship"
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:39 pm
"Disatrous you say," Firenza says staring at the clouds, "and we are at the entry point, I don't suppose you can make that portal faster..."

Arlova says, "Sure nice new pretty weapons would be nice, lead the way."

Before Arlova and the man can leave the room, a portal opens within it. A puppet flies in and states: "Emergency deployment of backup force #4 is required. Neutralize the target directly beyond this portal and any of its allies."

The man motions for Arlova to follow him through the portal and jumps through.


Winthrop teleports from the room.

Arlova gives a suprised look but jumps into action through the portal with her birdy.

"make sure the forces consetratie on stoping the ritual... ingore any alies at first...!"

"Well if some one else is handling the sumouners can we move onto the airship now?" Firenza says hopping to side and looking anxiose to move.

Salphon blinks a little..... "One of my servents have told me (whatever there name) corporation is making a move on the wizards..... they have a disk... one that would be of grate use to us to procure right away.... this could work very well in our favor........"

He thinks for a bit and smiles......

"I have a plan..."

He turns to them with a rather amusied look turning to the artifact master "Can you create something mechanical if I give you the discripion of it.... rather quickly if all it dose is flash a light?"

Post for meeting in tower in a min


Arlova and the men jump through the portal.

Battle- Mag and Darktouched Drakeling with stats and damage dealt doubled from Nyrr's proximity Vs. 20 Sworn Armsman in Service to the Zalderos Empire, Arlova, and Winthrop.

Sworn Armsman in Service to the Zalderos Empire
Level 3
Human, Darkness
HP- 3,500
MP- 2,000
STR- 89
AGI- 92
CON- 79
MIN- 80
SPI- 74
XP- 0
XP Required- 5,000
Defense- 250, +70 Defense against Darkness, 50% Darkness Resistance, 20% Light Resistance, 20% Magic Resistance, 5% Critical
Halberd Slash- 300 Damage, Physical, 0 MP
Blade Stab- 200 Damage, 5% Inflicts Wounded, Physical, 0 MP
Dark Assault- 500 Damage, 3 hits against 1, Darkness & Physical, 90 MP
Void Lance- 200 Damage, 10% Inflicts Voidstruck, Darkness, 20 MP

For ease in getting this fight done: FE can control the armsmen.

Mag tries to continue the ritual while unleashing a mass attack, as does her pet Darktouched drakeling.

*Overdrive Mass Confuse @ Arlova & Servant dudes 1-18*
*Lesser Litany Of Doom*

1-19 Sworn Armsman in Service to the Zalderos Empire use dark assualt on the the darktouched dragon
20 Sworn Armsman in Service to the Zalderos Empire uses dark assualt on mag
Arlova uses an overdrived Seafoam Orb agaisnt the darkspawn dragon
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:42 pm
Winthrop break's Mag's neck before she can finish the ritual, and the armsmen manage to take out the drakeling.

Arlova gets 350 XP.


"Yes, I could make something like that on short notice."

"I say we wait to make sure that this being is not summoned before we storm the airship. It appears that my strike force and Winthrop were successful, though."


The group of soliders lets out a whoop of exultation as the dark sorceress and her pet fall. Arlova and the men notice no portal back to the tower, though.

They hear a message from Naria.

<Head East to the large stone arch. You should meet up with one of my three main forces there. Good job on finishing those two off, you probably saved this mission. Remind me to give the members of your division some extra gold or some runes of power when this operation is over.>

Arlova says, "I'll makes sure to remind you." While taking position behind the leader of the company and following him to the stone arch.

Firenza says, "How do we make sure that it not getting summouned?" Firenza starts to pace for apperently no reason.

Salphon nods some and discribes what the disk looks like. "Could you make one after you activate the robes?"

"Firenza, the energies of the ancient one are still present in the area, but they will dissipate over time. Unless another summoner appears, we don't have a problem."

The artifact master nods to Salphron. "That should be easier than these robes here. Certainly."


Arlova notices bluish figures darting through the woods.

Arlova casts rune of exsplosion. Then just silently stares at the bluish figures in the woods.

Firenza says, "Not to tempt fate but how many people capable of summouning this creature can there be?"

Salphon shakes his head "hopefully not many.... We should scry for the disk among the wizards.... Frienza you think you can handle taking the ship over with just some troups to back you up?"

"Ship full of trained soldiers, castle full of fairy zealots, it all the same to me. Naria would you wards infer with me summouning my dragon here?"

Aokage mutters a few curses to himself, gathering his equipment together, and still huggling the peice of the glyph, stands up. He groggily uses his sword to brush some shrubbery aside, and beins to investigate the local area.

He nods some "Alright lets go ahead and send Firenza, a golem or two, and some troups over to secure that ship"

He looks down at the map. "Naira will you please scry through the wizards to try and find the real disk?" He smiles "Once the robes and the fake disk are done... I will stike the wizards with the disk myself... I have a plan on how to turn things a little more to Von Duran's dissadvantage"
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:48 pm
The figures dart away from Arlova's explosive spell.


"Almost any thrall servant of the elder horrors would be able to finish the ritual at this point. The wards shouldn't interfere with your summoning spell at all."


Aokage just sees more forest stretching out in all directions.


"I assume you mean to give the fake disc to VonDurion so that anyone else looking for it attacks him?"


Post for Tari in a bit

Firenza starts using naphulas to summoun his cute demonic dragon into the room.

Salphon shakes his head "He will know it's fake and a meeting with him would not be wise...... I will reanimate some of the wizards I have killed and flesh craft there bodies to be very agile.... when the corpartions troups show up looking for the disk they will flee with the fake one to vondurans forces making it apear they have rejoined them"

Tari finds herself in a peaceful woodland copse. Several towering pillars of twisted vines and tree branches spiral up in towerlike shapes, extending right into the sky, far above the normal forest canopy. A myriad of flowers bloom on the ground; the glade is vibrant and full of life. Two stone tablets rest on an ancient looking pedestal a few steps in front of Tari.

At first happy to have been led to such a beautiful place, Tari sees the pedestal and tablets it holds. Hesitating for a moment, she takes a few steps toward it, hoping to get a better look at the tablets.

The tablets, though very old, seem to be in immaculate condition. There is writing on them in some ancient glyphic tongue. You sense some force trying to sway you into picking them up. It is a comforting, friendly force.


Naria nods to Salphron. "That may very well work. I will scry for this disc."

The dragon appears in the room, which somehow grows to fit the huge creature comfortably.

Salphon turns to the good lady and nods "Would you acompany Frienza through your mirror, that way you can lead him to picking up Wintrop?

Leaning her staff on the inside of her arm, Tari picked up one of the tablets, looking closely at the writing and wondering if anyone back home would be able to read it.

Aokage continues walking through his woodland, somewhat disturbed by the whole ancient horrors problem he seems to have....caused. His left eye is twitching, but surprisingly both voices in his head are very silent today. Perhaps they're scared.

The tablet begins to glow as Tari picks it up, and the second tablet levitates into the air and begins to hover near Tari. She suddenly finds that, though she cannot read it, she can somehow understand what is written on the tablets. Before she gets the chance to study them, one of the pillars of foliage unravels.

In the center of the first pillar stands a huge human figure, at least twenty feet in height. His hair is sky blue, and his armor is a suit of white plate. A cape trails behind him, billowing in the breezless copse. He holds a massive blade of energy in one hand, though he obviously does not mean to use it against you.

"Hello, mortal child. We have been called back into this world from a higher plane by Lord Gadigan himself to fix a recently initiated disaster, which, if not stopped, could consume countless worlds."

The second pillar opens. In its center stands an equally tall female elf. Her hair is silver and flecked with gold, and she appears both compassionate and wise. Her dress is made of solidified moonlight, and she holds a great stave carved from the wood of a tree of life.

"We apologize for asking you to do what we are about to, but we have yet to fully re-enter this realm. Our powers remain weak, and we require assistance in our task."

The third pillar opens next. In it stands an angelic, dove-winged man whose eyes glow white. He holds both a book and a crystal stylus, and he floats above the ground without flapping his wings.

"Long ago, we sealed the evil elder horrors away from the mortal realms, and, shortly after, we ascended to a place beyond the stars. The seal we put in place is now gone, and the elder horrors rampage through the lands of men with abandon."

Next, the fourth pillar opens. A silver bearded dwarf man, with eyes the blaze like stars and an axe forged from the molten core of a world, stands within it.

"If we recover a piece of the original glyphic seal, we can confine them again. This is the part where you come in.

The fifth pillar then opens. An owl-headed being in robes, just as tall as all the others, stands inside it. It holds an orb the shows glimpses of other worlds in one hand, and it bears a massive crystal sceptre in the other.

"A man somewhere on this world, the same individaul who broke the seal, in fact, still possesses a piece of it. We ask you, for the sake of good's existance in the universe, to retrieve this shattered piece of the seal and bring it here, where we can restore it to its former form."

The sixth pillar opens. A blue-skinned woman with white hair, eight hands, and eyes that fluctuate between many colors stands within the sixth hollow. She holds a golden bow in her hands, and a quiver filled with glowing arrows rests on her back.

"We will not leave you without aid for this mission. Should you accept becoming the guardian of the civilized worlds, whose duty it is to protect them from the incursions of darkness and evil, we will give you the tablets that you now hold. The tablets contain great power, and, through them, you can contact us."

The final pillar then opens. A golden dragon sits within its center. Its scales glisten in the sunlight, and it exudes an aura of benevolent power.

"Do you accept this honor, mortal? We know it is much to ask of you, but the worlds are in jepordy, and our options are limited. Will you agree to be our agent who protects the cosmos?"
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:55 pm
Tari had nearly dropped the tablet she was holding when it began to glow, and again as the pillars began opening. She paid attention to every word spoken, and by the end her head was swimming a bit, but she understood what they wanted her to do. Hugging both the tablet and her staff tightly, she looked up at all of them, and gave them her answer.

"I-I'm still young, and not very strong... And I want to be a healer, but I'm not even very good at that... This whole thing, it feels almost too big and... And I really don't know how to start, but... I want to help. I'll do wh-whatever I can."

"I don't need Amelia to take the airship and just tell me where to go to pick up Winthtop."

The ancients speak to Tari once again.

"That is all we ask for. Your abilities can still be honed, and your skills will grow better over time. So long as you are willing to help the worlds, that is good enough for us. We thank you for your aid."

Tari gets a mental picture of Aokage holding the tablet.

"This is the man you seek, he holds the piece of the tablet. Be warned, for a man who has freed the elder horrors will be a force to be reckoned with. We will help you if you need it."


I'll post the stats of Tari's new item in a bit.

The image passing through her mind, Tari gasped and nearly dropped the tablet again. "I know him! Well, a little... But I've met him before." she said, her mind returning unwanted memories of the caverns.

Tablets of the Seven Ancients- (Level 1, 0 XP, 1,000 XP Required)

Energy Sword of Azith Ithorin- (Weapon Aspect- Tablets of the Seven Ancients, Sword, Light & Magic & Physical) +45 Melee Attack, 5% Magic Resistance, +12 Defense, +10 STR

Azure Armor of Azith Ithorin- (Armor Aspect- Tablets of the Seven Ancients, Sword, Light & Magic & Physical) +45 Defense, 5% Magic Resistance, +12 Magical Attack

Guardian Cloak of Azith Ithorin- (Accessory Aspect- Tablets of the Seven Ancients, Cloak, Light & Magic & Air) +25 Defense, 5% Magic Resistance, +10 AGI

Lifewood Stave of Isyra the Pure- (Weaponx2 Aspect- Tablets of the Seven Ancients, Staff, Light & Magic) +25 Melee Attack, +40 Magic Attack, 5% Magic Resistance, User regenerates 25 HP per turn

Moonlight Robes of Isyra the Pure- (Armor Aspect- Tablets of the Seven Ancients, Staff, Light & Magic) +25 Defense, +40 Magic Attack, 5% Magic Resistance

Endless Book of Giridal the Lightseer- (Weapon Aspect- Tablets of the Seven Ancients, Book, Light & Magic) +45 Magic Attack, 5% Magic Resistance, +10 MIN

Eternal Stylus of Giridal the Lightseer- (Weapon Aspect- Tablets of the Seven Ancients, Book, Light & Magic & Water) +35 Magic Attack, 5% Magic Resistance, +10 SPI

Molten Axe of Haraldor the Brave- (Weaponx2 Aspect- Tablets of the Seven Ancients, Axe, Light & Fire) +55 Melee Attack, 5% Fire Resistance, +10 CON

Scrying Orb of Lorindar the Keeper- (Accessory Aspect- Tablets of the Seven Ancients, Cloak, Light & Magic & Earth & Air) User may skip a turn to view enemy stats

Crystal Scepter of Lorindar the Keeper- (Weapon Aspect- Tablets of the Seven Ancients, Book, Light & Magic) +45 Magic Attack, 5% Magic Resistance, +5 MIN, +5 SPI

Bow and Quiver of Sandora the Purifier- (Weaponx2 Aspect- Tablets of the Seven Ancients, Axe, Light & Air & Earth) +55 Ranged Attack, 5% Air Resistance, 5% Earth Resistance, 5% Water Resistance, +10 AGI

Judgment of Varasagon the Unending- (Spell Aspect- Tablets of the Seven Ancients, Glyph Magic, Light, 20 MP) +40 Magical Attack

Blessing of Varasagon the Unending- (Spell Aspect- Tablets of the Seven Ancients, Glyph Magic, Light, 20 MP) +40 Magical Attack, Heals


Somewhere far away, a not so holy artifact is also activated.

Dark Chosen Regalia (Level 4, 4,419 XP, 7,500 XP Required)

Dark Chosen- (Ability Aspect- Dark Chosen Regalia, Darkness) +80 Defense against Darkness, 15% Darkness Resistance

Dark Chosen Robes- (Armor Aspect- Dark Chosen Regalia, Robe, Darkness & Universe) +200 Magic Attack, +250 Defense, +80 Defense Against Magic, +110 Defense Against Darkness, 20% Darkness Resistance, +3% Dodge, +60 SPI, +60 MIN, +10 STR, +10 AGI, +10 CON ,+3% Critical)

Crown of the Dark Chosen- (Accessory Aspect- Dark Chosen Regalia, Crown, Darkness & Universe) +200 Magic Attack, +40 Defense, +60 Defense Against Darkness, 10% Darkness Resistance, +12 to all stats,+800 MP)

Dark Bolt (Spell Aspect- Dark Chosen Regalia, Darkness, 0 MP) +120 Magic Attack, 5% Inflicts Voidstruck

All-Consuming Darkness- (Pet Aspect- Dark Chosen Regalia, Elemental, Darkness)
HP- 2,000
MP- 1,800
STR- 200
AGI- 200
CON- 200
MIN- 200
SPI- 200
Defense- 180, Healed by Darkness, Poison Immunity, MIN Drain Immunity, Drunk Immunity, Voidstruck Immunity, Confusion Immunity
Dark Consumption- 180 Damage, Heals 70 HP, Darkness, 0 MP
Black Rain- 185 Damage, Darkness, 1 Hit against 18, 0 MP
Demon Link- All-Consuming Darkness's controller regenerates 30 HP per turn until All-Consuming Darkness is killed, Darkness, 15 MP
Dark Bolt- 700 Damage, Darkness, 0 MP

Tries to get the robes to absorb the following now that they are awakened:
Orb of Darkness- (Weapon, Orb, Darkness, 35,000 Gold) +45 Magic Attack

*Armor of Hellstrom- (Armor, Heavy Armor, Darkness, 130,000 Gold) +200 Defense, 5% Darkness Resistance

Rune of Brismus- (Accessory, Rune, Darkness, 900 Gold) +10 MP, +15 Damage for Fire attacks

Rune of Noctros- (Accessory, Rune, Darkness, 1,200 Gold) 1% inflict Sleep on hit

Rune of Khandos- (Accessory, Rune, Darkness, 1,500 Gold) +5 to all stats

Villain's Seal- (Accessory, Seal, Darkness, 5,000 Gold) +12 to each stat, +1% Critial, +1% enemy miss, +1% to hit, +5 Defesne against darkness

Aaimartha Signet- (Accessory, Broach, Earth, 3,000 Gold) +5 Magic Attack, +3 AGI
(it is a broach)

Cape of Blood Knights- (Accessory, Cloak, Darkness, 60,000 Gold) All attacks heal user for 50 HP

Bone Chalice- (Accessory, Magic Item, Darkness, 20,000 Gold) +50 MP, Necromancy spells cost 30 MP less to cast

Health Leech- (Spell, Necromancy, Darkness, 20 MP, 2,000 Gold) +15 Magic Attack, Heals user for 10% of damage done up to a max of 250

Shade Restore- (Spell, Healer Magic, Darkness, 35 MP, 2,000 Gold) +30 Magic Attack, Heals target

And he tries to speak with the robes <Can I contact with other chosen through you?>

~both artifacts updated~

Looking up at the ancients, Tari thought of something.

"Um, excuse me... If... If I do get the piece from him, how will I find this place again? And, how will I find him in the first place?"

"Winthrop is currently moving from the site where he helped kill the summoner to the Southeastern portal arch. He'd be somewhere between them if you think you need his help. Do you want me to teleport both you and Amelia or just you to somewhere near the dome?"


<Yes, Master. Which one do you wish to speak to.>

I'll handle absorbsions some time other than Dome. Figuring them out will just delay things.


Arlova and the group with her spot a purple, twisting staff implanted in the ground of some thicket near the road.

"Be careful, it seems like some sort of trap."


"You should be able to detect his general direction and proximity using the tablets. They can hone in on both aligned and opposing magics. We may be able to teleport you back here when you get it, though you may have to walk back here if something else occupies our power. Do not fret, we will help you in your task if at all possible."

<The light chosen> Waits and simply speaks to her by saying <It's been some time...>

(well you can put them up to look over when you get around to it ^^)
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:58 pm
"Canm't you just teleport me and my dragon into thier airship? And then I can taxi whoever you want once I got control of it."

I think we would be better off using the mirror.... the wouldn't know where the attacks where coming from... and you could port right into the ship

"Oh... oh, okay." Tari said, a bit relieved. She looked up and smiled at them. "Thank you very much."

"I can send him directly to the ship with a spell."

Naria waves her arm, gestures with her hand, and Firenza and the dragon are both teleported away.


<Salphron? Is that really you? I had thought you died while fighting VonDurion.>


"No, thank you for your help here. Soon, all worlds will be indebted to you, chosen one."


Firenza materializes on the Golden Zephyr. Victoria immediately spins around and launches a prepared spell at him. Lightning orbs fly at both Firenza and the dragon.

Firenza takes 1,790 electrical damage. The dragon takes 1,780 electrical damage. Firenza is paralyzed.

Lassiter spins around and all the animated guardians face the group. The men present ready their weapons.

Battle- Firenza and Demonflame Dragon Lord Vs. Lassiter, Victoria, 20 Animated Guardsmen, and 5 Mercenaries

Salphon groans some. "You should have waited till after you sent the golems to distract them" he sighs...... "atlest send some help with him... i dought he even knows how to fly that thing..."

<Yes it's me.... I'm with Nara we have a book that Von Duran DESPERATLY whants to keep us from being able to read... I beleave thats why his forces are amasing near the dome. I was hoping your and naria's forces could ether keep him from gettng in the dome long enugh to get what we need... or drive him off.... > Strait to bisness as usall...

Firenza glares at Victoria as the dragon shoots a dark flame directly at the offending lighting mage.

Flame of Devastion @ Victoria

"Ch-chosen one?" Tari said, amazed at the title and blushign. "I-I'm not... H-hardly... ..." She quickly looked down at her feet, not thinking of anything else to say.

*Arlova stares at the staff for a moment*

"Indeed, it does seem like some sort of trap.. But.."

*Arlova uses her rune of explosions (already cast) to send fire bolts at the staff and around it to see if it would set off the traps while she and the group stayed a safe distance away*

(I expected stuff that Kevin could do...but Tari got artifact ^_^ Yay for cute elves!)

Tari bowed to the ancients. "I will do my best to find Aokage and get that... that thing back." She stood up straight and ran into the trees, hoping to get away from the sudden attention and also hoping to find Aokage.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:01 pm
<I'm currently with some other chosen. We're preparing to fend off VonDurion's force. Don't worry about him reaching you. We'll stop him before he gets to the dome.>


"I already did send in some golems. That isn't Lassiter and Victoria on the deck. They're inside the ship. The initial golem wave is trying to take control of the ship's power core from them before they activate its main defenses. I suppose Firenza could use some support on deck, though. I wasn't expecting Victoria's simulacrums to be that powerful."


Several golems made out of mana crystals appear on deck beside Firenza.

*I'll do this combat in another post*


The ground around the staff seems stable, though some small plants catch fire near it as a result of Arlova's spell.


Tari feels a magical pull from a Southwesterly direction. She doesn't have to follow it, but it seems to lead towards Aokage.

Remembering that the ancients said that the tablets could detect him, Tari began to follow the pull. She had a small amount of faith that she could actually get the glyph from him without being hurt, whether it was because she had met Aokage already or because she had new items to protect her.

"Hum... I suppose I have nothing to lose.."

*Arlova walks up to it and cautiously touches it, and if nothing happens, she grabs it and tries to pull it out of the ground*

<I would prefure you cordinate your forces and Naira's .... Von Duran most likely has something up his sleave.... and there are other forces involved... I will try and turn one of them on Von Duran aswell but i'm not interly sure how well that will go>

Tari sees a hole in the ground to the left the tangled part of the woodland where she is walking. It descends into some kind of cave. The tablets are still pulling in the same direction, which doesn't go into the cave.


Arlova's hand sticks to the staff like a fly to flypaper. A split second later, a crablike claw snaps out of the dense foliage and grabs for Arlova. Before it reaches its intented target, Winthrop manages to lunge into Arlova, knocking both her and the staff, which remains stuck to her hand, into the thorny underbrush.

She takes 15 damage from the thorns, but she is saved from the monster's claw.

The other soldiers ready their arms for a fight should the monster emerge from the trees.


<I think that we will work better as a covert team. VonDurion is unaware of our presence here, and adding her army to our force would throw away our element of surprise.>

Tari, wanting to finish this task quickly, passes by the cave, but tries to remember its location to explore with others later.

Tari senses that Aokage is very close, he's probably no more than 20 feet away.


Aokage can smell someone approaching. The individual is probably no more than 20 feet away and is moving in Aokage's direction.

Aokage brings forth Hellstrom, an angry growl comming from him throat as he takes a firm grip of the mighty sword with both hands. "Whomever may be out thyself! And If thou doth have evil intentions.....I shall smote thee!"

"Owwhh... I owe you one, Winthrop"

*Arlova casts rune of explosions again to double her attack and uses it to attack the monster*

<Then we can use her forces as a distraction... contact me when and where you would like them to strike.>

He smiles some "well finaly thats some good news... seams Von Duran don't know the chosen are there..."
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:06 pm
Tari was excited that she was almost to her goal and had started running towards Aokage when she heard him. Fear soon replaced excitement, but she stepped foward all the same. "M-mister Aok-kage...?"

Aokage blinked as he saw Tari, a bit shocked that he would meet her out in such a wilderness. He lowered his blade slightly, before blinking again. "The Honourable Healer Tari?"

"Honerable Healer...?" Tari asked, wondering when she aquired all these titles. "I-I'm still not very good... but... If that's how you know me..."

"It is!" Aokage replied, before shoving his blade back into its sheath on his back. "Tis a Sad Day for me....In my honourably Quest to rid a cavern of evil....I hath unwittingly unleashed an ancient evil..."

"But sir, I was asked to help put the evil back where it was, only... I need something you took from the place, I think..." Tari said, trying to explain the situation and her reason for being there.

Aokage blinks, pulling forth the piece of the glyph he carried on his belt. "Tis this you speak of? I did Dishonourably destroy it....I am not a good person...." Aokage looked down. "Why doth thou needeth it?"

"Ah, well..." Tari looked at the glyph, then back up at Aokage. "This... This might sound odd, but... I think the ancients spoke to me and asked me to get it back for them..."

Aokage blinked. "Ancients? Hum....How can I be sure they are not unholy enemies of all that is good?"

Tari blinked, then thoguht for a moment. "Well, I'm not really sure... But they were all really nice... And said they wanted to seal the things you unleashed."

"Then I shall allow them the peice of....whatever the hell it was. But I shall not let it from my sight! I shalt not let some unholy beast slaughter thee for it! Consider me thine Glorious Fox Protector!" He holds the peice out for Tari.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:08 pm
"Th-thank you, sir!" Tari said, smiling and happy that things were going well. She picked up the glyph, looking at it closely.

Aokage let Tari ptake the peice, pulling a glyph from his backpack to take the open spot on his belt. A few moments later, he pulls his sword again. "Let us venture forth to these ancients of thine!"

Tari smiled and nodded. "Yes, let's," shesaid, running back into the forest the way she had come, excited that things were going so well.

Aokage ran after her, as fast as his foxxy body could.

Whatever the beast in the woods was, it retreats for some unkown reason.

Arlova now has-

Stave of Gynansodalis (Cursed)- (Weapon, Staff, Magic, 70,000 Gold) +110 Magical Attack, +40 MIN, Cannot be unequipped normally.


Tari and Aokage make it back to where the cave was. The cave is still beside the path.


A massive portal opens in the air, a Bascaradine transport begins to come through it.


The forces on the ship turn their attention to the golems, destroying a large bluish one. It explodes in a massive blizzard that slays all the troops on deck and shatters the two simulacrums. Its base materials teleport to some other location.

A second, white golem approaches Firenza and touches him. He is healed for 5,000 and is no longer Paralyzed.


<That sounds like a good plan.>

"is the fake disk ready?"

*Arlova gets up out of the thorny bushes and tries to brush off some of the thorns while the staff was still glued to her hands, she sighs and looks to the troop*

"...Good work.. Let's continue, shall we?"

"I got to get me some of those! Umm I don't suppose any of you know how to fly this ship?" Firenza takes a look at the controls of the ship. In fire elmental "Five hundred years of life and i never bothered to learn how to fly an airship, what a waste." Firenza then gains a dark aura for a seconed and heals himself some more with shade restore.

shade restore @ self

Finding she recognized the cave, she smilied and continued to run in the direction she was sure was the way back to where she had met the ancients.

Aokage follows Tari still, making sure nothing can attack her, ready to jump in the way should something try.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:10 pm
"It's almost ready. Just give me a bit more time to work on it."


Arlova and company make it to the large stone arch unimpeded. A massive force waits there. There are several thousand soldier with a variety of weapons, many puppets flying about, a few rock giants, around two thousand assorted crystal golems, three large bone dragons, some undead, some demons, and a hydra. Several buildings have been set up, and a wall of hanging swords floats in a ring around the camp.

You are offered access to the medical section of the camp.

Firenza was already healed by the golem. The golem does not repond. Naria, however, does.

<If we get control of the power core inside the ship, then we should be able to take over the ship.>


Aokage and Tari make it safely back to the edge of the glade.


The Bascaradine transport fully makes it through the portal.


Suddenly it begins to rain blood all over the forest. The sky instantly grows dark, and a massive shadow being with countless eyes, mouths, and tendrils begins to worm its way through a hole in space.

Salphon watches this taking place and sighs. "lovely.... I bet this is von durans doing"

<Some fool started to call an anient horor... I think Von Duran is tring to finish the summoning..... who ever is doing it it's coming through... just look up...>

(Whoops 5k worth of healing missed that extra 0)

Firenza takes a look around the room for direction to the core or if that just a description of the room he is in and ways out.

Tari's eyes widened in horror as she stared up at the shadow. "Wh-wh-what... what is that?!" Realizing she was being covered in blood, Tari began to panic, waving her arms, hoping to shake the blood off. "UWAAAAAAH!"

Aokage blinked, and pulled his shirt off, before holding it over Tari like an umbrella. "Tis strange.....blood....rain?"

"Thank you"

*Arlova smiles and goes to the medical ward and also asks if there is possibly any help about her newly-gotten cursed object while she was there*

*Blinks for a moment that right after she finished asking, a downpour of blood falls onto her, making her hair appear purple*

"Ugghhh..... W-what is this?!"

*She blushes for a moment, "Excuse me but.." she starts taking off her dress (has her inset and underdress on still) as her velvet dress starts getting heavy as it absorbs some of the falling rain*

Soon Tari calmed down and looked up at Aokage. "Wh-what happened...?" she asked, terrified of the answer she might hear.

I doth not is very strange indeed. Perhaps we should hurry and complete thine mission! This Rain is a bad omen..."

"R-right! Of course!" Tari hesitated for a moment, before running into the middle of the glade, then looked up at the pillars. "Please, please, please... I have the thing, please come out..." she prayed quietly.

Salphon looks into the scrying pool "Have you found the real disk yet?"
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:13 pm
Erin asks "Are we there yet?"

Naria looks rather worried by the horror's sudden manifestation.

"Should I call Firenza back to the tower before it can affect him?"

Onjiru responds. "No, that will be unnessecary. My master, Lord Gillingman, will be able to dispatch of this creature and any other such inconveniences in exchange for a favor. He would like to have the book when you're done getting whatever you need from it."

"I already told Salphron he could have it. You'll have to make that deal with him."

"Well, Salphron, what do you say? Master Gillingman will eliminate this elder horror and any others that appear in exchange for the book. Do we have a deal?"

Naria sees something in the pool and then turns to Salphron. "Yes, I found the disc. It's heavily guarded, though."


Firenza is on the deck. He sees the steering wheel, the masts, a hovering green crystal near the ship's stern, and a door that presumably leads into the inside part of the ship's uppermost deck.


The camp personnel begin to treat Arlova's wounds, uncurse the staff, and try to find Arlova a more suitable outfit for the damp conditions.

After about ten seconds of blood rain, a magical shield forms around the camp, protecting it. Naria's mages seem to be able to maintain it for an indefinite period of time.


"Yes, we just arrived."

The man looks over to Kevin, whose eyes begin to glow red.

Kevin is being taken over by Nyrr, and four lashmorduu appear in the chamber.


Tari hears the voice of one of the ancients.

"Quickly, put the glyph on the pedestal. That will teleport it to us. As soon as this fourth elder horror appeared here, the other three followed it and began to battle with us. With the glyph we can seal all four away."

"Wait what does this things core look like... you were talking to me psychicaly before and probaly can't hear me now... ohh well." Firenza takes the door to th upper most deck.

*Arlova smiles at the camp personnel*

"T-thanks.. I'm fine, you don't need to find another outfit for me.."

*She folds her velvet dress and holds it up to her chest, making her underclothing a bit less revealing. She then looks up at the shield, wondering how much the shield could possibly take. Then looks around for Winthrop, wanting to keep track of him*

"Um, right!" Tari said, running over to the pedestal and setting the glyph on top of it, really hoping this will all end soon.

Salphon looks over the maps shaking his head. "We should try and figure something else out instead besides we may be able to close that gate before it comes all the way throug it..."

He moves over to the scrying pool looking whats guarding the disk. "See if you and the others can find whats opened that portal quick...or if there is anything that can close it..."

"Von Duran whants that book for some reson and it's knowlage is to valuable to hand over... we will probly need it to stop him... and I've already agried to help naira find what she wishes to know about her old master out of it"

Selena backs away ponting the magical rifle at kevin and the darkspawn that apreared in the ship. "ok that can't be good"

Aokage takes up a guarding position behind Tari, making sure nothing can jump her from behind.

definitly not

Firenza enters a large room with various model ships, mounted fish, and other ocean-related objects used as decor. There is a door on the far side of the room; above said door looms a massive wheel from some giant ship, which is bolted to the wall with large golden bolts. There are smaller doors on each side of the room.


Winthrop seems to have already left camp and vanished off into the trees. You think he headed off towards the ship that's hovering in midair around a mile from your present location, but you aren't sure. Winthrop appears to be a rather stealthy guy.

The medical team has managed to full-heal you. They're still working on uncursing the staff.


"I can't seem to find an individual source of energy summoning it. There's just to much dark energy present for me to hone in on what finished the ritual. It was probably VonDurion," says Naria.

Onjiru replies to Salphron. "I know very well that you promised to help Naria find the information she needs. Lord Gillingman simply wants the tome after the two of you have found what you need in it."


As soon as Tari places the glyph on the pedestal, the glyph begins to glow with holy light. After a few seconds of glowing, the glyph promptly vanishes.

The blood rain subsides, and light pierces through glowing cracks in the clouds. A symbol identical to the full glyph appears in the sky, easily larger than ten miles in radius. All turns white.

After a few seconds of soothing light, the world returns to its normal state. All of the blood is gone, and the shadows no longer seem dark and menacing. Kevin returns to his ordinary state. It seems as though his taint was thoroughly cleansed.

Tari hears the following. <You did well, young one. I am now certain that you will make a fine chosen one. You can contact us through the glyphic tablets any time you need help. We will contact you again if we are in need of your services once more, though, at least for now, it seems that the threat of darkness has subsided from this land.>

Tari gets 1,000 XP.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:15 pm
*Arlova pouts lightly, not happy about Winthrop leaving her. She sighs and stays with the medical team so they can finish with the cursed staff*

"..I wonder if he'll be alright.."

Kevin lean back again on his chair, not really knowing what happened...there was...the one...from the mansion, and madness...then the light...he never felt as great since he was there. However, he needed to resist any more darkness soon...and he knew the way how.

Tari looked up at the calm sky, a bit confused for a moment. Soon, she smiled, a small but bright smile as she closed here eyes letting some tears roll down her her cheeks. She had done something right, something that helped not just a few people, but everyone, and she didn't think that she could ever be happier.

Aokage stood up tall from his defensive position, and sheathed his sword, before grinning to Tari. "How about I escort thine holiness back to the town, for a nice cup of celabratory cocoa?"

Smiling at Aokage as he spoke, Tari reached up and wiped her eyes free of tears. "I would like that very much, thank you..."

Then let us go forth!" He exclaims, Before picking the direction he figures to be "Home" and marching off that way.

A cloud of malevolence and blackness spins around in a small, dark thicket of the forest. Mag slowly rises from the ground, restored to life. She hears the following.

<The ancients who, long years ago, sealed us from the mortal realms seem to have returned. It is, in the scheme of things, of no consequence. Take this tome that will appear before you, and go to some distant world. We will re-enter existance at that point, and with all seven of our kind present, we will be able to fend off any foes that seek to banish us again. You will be duly rewarded when this task is completed, loyal servant.>

A large, black book with a skull imprint on its cover and flesh bindings appears in midair in front of Mag. Before she can reach it, a man steps through the fabric of the dimension, grabs the book from midair, banishes the elder curse from it, and turns to Mag. He is an old man with distorted features and a natural grimice on his face. He wears dark robes, crafted from the fabric of the void and adorned with dragon bones.

"I don't think you'll be getting that. The world ill needs a second disaster in such short time."

The gentleman pulls on the book with both hands, a procedure which somehow results in an identical book appearing in each of his hands. He slips one of the two books into the folds of his robe, retains his hold on the other one, and points at the cat-like sorceress.

She is blinded by a flash of light. When Mag recovers, she is back in the Battle Arena. She no longer hears the voices of the ancients whispering to her.


The Bascaradine dropship lands. Everyone still seems slightly wary of Kevin.


Tari has the option of either using the tablets to actually teleport herself and (optionally) Aokage back to town, or she can keep heading in the direction that he is leading her.

Salphon starts to say something else.... but the blood fadding in the scrying pool makes him stop and look over to the display of the area..... he laughs a little and looks back to the pool "seams the matter took care of it'self anyway...."

He shakes his head. "There to many there with the disk to take it by force ... it may be beyond our reach to take it with all thats is going on.... maybe there is another way we can use this to our advantage though." he uses the pool to search through there camp for a scrying pool or some simliar magical device the wizards may have.

Tari chooses to follows Aokage instead of using the tablets.

The wizards, against all odds, seem to be bereft of any scrying equipment.


Tari and Aokage eventually come to the edge of a massive swamp. A path into the swamp leads up to a hut that stands on several poles.

(Yes, for those who were around back then, this is the same library that was in the first quest.)

Mana raptors flutter around in the trees, but none of them descend to attack the adventurers.
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Re: Quest- Dome of the Lich Lord

Post by Modrageball »

Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:17 pm
"Naira ... do you have any captives... or..... less than loyal soldiures you wouldn't mind being rid of?"

Kevin get ready and meet up with his assigned squad leader while doing a wide scan in a 50 kilometers radius to see if there is anyone nearby, and trying to identify the auras found by the first scans. He do not scan anyone from the ship: he is only interested in the opposition.

Aokage blinks, and grins toothily at the Mana Raptors. He then looks back at Tari, and speaks "Perhaps the owners of this hut know the way....We should go ask!" Before making his way along the path to the hut, his claws at the ready to hurt anything which attacks.

Selena flies down pooling some water together making a sheat of ice. (and is giving off a nice aura of darkness, fire, earth, and mainly ice for kevin)

"You don't know the way?" Tari asked Aokage out of curiosity, following behind him closely.

"Yes, there are several captives in the tower. Pretty much any life form produces ambient magical energy natuarally. My prison leaches said generated energy from the captives down there, letting them remain alive, but unable to act. It gives my tower an un-depleatable power source that simply grows stronger over time, allowing the tower to create more rooms and defenses. It's a trick I learned from Gillingman, assuming what Onjiru told me is correct, which I assume is. Why do you ask?"


Kevin senses Ao vaguely somewhere off to the East. A strong source of light mana is close to him. Countless minor presences can be sensed throughout the woods, along with primal, but powerful auras of old monsters that lurk in its depths. There is a very strong concentration of darkness in the large dome itself, there are three pockets of similar darkness throughout the woods, and there appears to be a large number of undead up to the North. There is magic energy coming both from the direction the commander says your target is in and some ship that is flying near the dome. A large demonic force appears to be coming from the South.

As a note, Kevin does not sense the chosen, at all.


Tari and Ao reach the hut's door unimpeded, does one of them open it?

"Well...errr....I have a faint idea..." HE replied, trying to bite downt he urge to tell her he was lost. He reaches forward, and pushes the door open slowly. "Hello? Anybody here?"

Ao opens the door and reveals a large, round, library-like room. There are two doors on the far side of it. No one seems to be present in the first room. The library is dimly lit my faint magical flames.

"I need several of them to make resimble some of von duran's forcies..... makeing them into zombies...not many sence they would be assimbled into his forces once they reach him.... but i'm going to use them to draw some attention in his drection.... the more coming down on him the easier it's going to be to keep him out of the dome"


Selena seams to have made a bit of a make shift scrying mirror in the ice.... and is searching the forest with it.

Tari gasped and ran into the room, looking around at all the books. "Oh wow..." She said softly, taking a closer look at some of the shelves.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:20 pm
Aokage clenches his fists uneasily, not used to seeing magical flames, and trying desperately to keep up with Tari "Hum.....Be careful! I shall investigate the area to make sure its safe!....if I doth get smitten, avenge me!" Aokage says proudly, before creeping forward to the first of the two doors, and opening it. "Hello? I am but a weary traveller, in search of Hot Coca and Directions!"

Kevin report to his squad leader the undead, the flying ship, the three pockets of darkness and the demons locations, advising that they should hurry up before we get stuck in a battlefield.

"Why do you want potentially disloyal captives disguised as zombies when I can give you actual zombies? I have a rod of zombie creation."


Selena sees most of the things Az and company saw, with the exception of the Chosen. One of the wizards notices her scrying and reaches a hand out though her pool of ice. The ice shatters, and several wizards and thunder demons begin gating to the Bascaradine drop site.

Battle 1- Selena vs. 3 Thunder Mages, 2 Necromancers, and a Thunder Lurker

Battle 2- Kevin vs. 2 Thunder Mages, a Necromancer, a Thunder Lurker, and a Diviner

Battle 3- Erin vs. A Thunder Mage and 3 Thunder Lurkers

There are other NPC-only battles also going on.

Please start a seperate thread in the quest section for each battle. I don't want Dome getting cluttered.


Tari sees many very old books on a plethora of subjects. None seem particularly powerful or valuable. Most of the rarer books are probably somewhere deeper inside.

Aokage opens the door to a room filled with books on various types of sea animals and ocean navigation. There is a door on the far side of the blue-carpeted chamber.

Disregard the part of that last part that involved the corperation group. Az was apparently only scrying to the North. Selena sees VonDurion's army and nothing else of note.


The uncursing is finished. Arlova gets-

Stave of Gynansodalis- (Weapon, Staff, Magic, 90,000 Gold) +110 Magical Attack

Salphon nods "bring up some and give them the disk.... send them through here..." points to an area on the far north of the dome where there isn't anything near by exspet von durans army.... "we will make it look like von duran's zombies found a disk in the north and are bring it back to him.... this will draw the corparations forces..... and if i can do this corectly... maybe some of the wizards too, if they have intrest in colecting all the disks"

Salphon closed his eyes as the black rose on his armor started to wind and twist growing all over his clothing and robes.... espeshaly around the crown, the fire in the crystal that forms on his forhead burning brightly as dark energy and shadows seam to cover him like a second cloak of pure darkness.

Aokage walks forth, ignoring the books as he see's them as an unimportant distraction in the quest to find people...and Cocoa! HE sooo wanted it!

Naria nods and the zombies show up in the Northern forest with the disc.

The next room Aokage enters appears to be a hallway. There are six doors in it, along with a few scattered books near the walls and a globe sitting on a small hall-side table.

Tari finally looked up from her examination of the books in the first room, and was a bit worried that Aokage wasn't in sight. She quickly ran into the second room he had opened and straight on into the hallway. "Mister Aokage?" she called, afraid of being in such an unfamiliar place on her own.

Salphon looks at them through the scying pool as they head torge von durans forces.....

<The wizards alined with darkness start resiving flashes from some where they can't pinpoint.... a dark force showing them vissions of zombes in the north... holding a flashing disk and heading to there master>


Selena scryes the exsac same thing and looks up to the leader of the squad and back down. "er... I found it.... but there to far away to get there before they reach the main force..... there to close to it... they will be there before any of us can even get in the air again..... " she tosses him her gun and armor "And you guys don't pay enugh for me to fight that man, let along him and his army..."

She looks over to the dragon and kevin "And I sugest you guys find better jobs than this aswell... i'm out of here" with that she flies off into the woods the make shift scrying mirror melting.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:22 pm
Aokage looks back through the door to Tari. "I am through here! BE not worried....I shall find the locals!" he speaks to her, before he checks through the first of the six doors. "Hello? Anybody? Thine hath visitors!"

*Arlova smiles happily and hugs the medical team happily once her stave is uncursed and her hands are free*

"Thank you so much!"

*Arlova walks out to the edge of a rock and for a moment looks around at the forest*

"Hmm.. "

*She then walks over to a nearby commander*

"..We have met a few monsters on the way here. May I ask for a few of your men to journey back into the forest to see what we could find, since we may not get orders very soon. I promise we will not go too far."

~~post for a bit.. sence i'll be gone~~

"Naira can I have one of the stones to contact you.... I'm going to head down and try and negsate an entrance to the dome.... a tuch of formality is best for this.... I'll need an etrance with no one near that i can arive alone at.... " he starts looking over the display for one. "I'll contact you when it's time to send your forces agenst von duran... and let me know if the corporation or any of the wizards attack his forces aswell..."

To the chosen <I've tried to get some other forces to attack von duran aswell... if all goes well all forces in the area besides that in the dome will be coming down on him at once.... >

Several Bascaradine troops pull out their weapons and gun down Selena as she flies off.

"We here at the Bascaradine Corperation do not take kindly to deserters who take our merchandise without completing their assigned missions."

Two men walk over and retrieve the weapon and armor from her smoldering, bullet-hole and laser-burn ridden corpse.

"I think she's bluffing. We will proceed to the primary target as soon as I unload the artillary mecha."


Aokage enters a room that contains a staircase going down. You realize at this point that there is no normal way that all of these rooms could fit into the small hut-like structure without powerful magical involvement.

Just as Tari enters the hall, an older man wearing bluish scale armor and large spectacles walks out of the second door in the hall. He is holding a staff with a green gem at the top. He doesn't look menacing, though he does seem rather startled by your sudden appearance.

"What's all this racket out here? I thought this place was abandoned."


The comander replies. "That sounds reasonable. How many men do you want?"



<Very well.>

*Arlova thinks for a little bit*

"Five would be lovely.."

Tari looked at the man, just as startled as he is to find someone where. She quickly bowed, looking at the floor. "Please excuse us sir! W-we were on our way to town, and we were hoping for directions."

Aokage blinks, hearing a ruckuss in the hall, he turns back through the door, and looks at the man, keeping on the ready to protect Tari if needed, he asks "Doth thou hath Hot Cocoa?"

Firenza enters a large room with various model ships, mounted fish, and other ocean-related objects used as decor. There is a door on the far side of the room; above said door looms a massive wheel from some giant ship, which is bolted to the wall with large golden bolts. There are smaller doors on each side of the room.

Firenza looks up at the large wheel and with a bit of disgust, "Thats dumb looking, wonder whats the chances the captain quarters is that way." Firenza takes out his gun and holds it with one hand and gets ready to jump out of the way should something, say readied lighting come luanching through. Also is the wallway big enough to accomadate the dragon?

Kevin ask the squad leader what a mecha is. He also keep a mental note that deserting is bad.

(She gave back the gun and armor before starting to leave, and incase it far as she knows thats the real disk... hehe salphon isn't telling her everything... he just told her to scry the area that he thinks the disk is there and he whants her to steal it if the corparation gets it)
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:24 pm
(She's still a deserter)

(can't blame her she thinks there going to have to fight von duran....)

"Five sounds perfectly fine."

The commander rounds up five men and sends them off with Arlova.


The man's demeanor suddenly turns more friendly as Tari speaks. "My apologies for my not-so-pleasant enterance, but I've been used to only monsters lurking about this place. I am Walter Pendingdale, chief researcher of the Kingdom of Lord Bannion, may he reign unharmed forever. Which town is it that you are looking for- the bat town or the mage-thing town? There have been no human towns in this dimension for centuries. I'm afraid that I have no cocoa ready, though there might be some in my haversack of holding. Would you like me to check?"


The dragon cannot fit inside.

Firenza narrowly manages to dodge the massive wheel as it crashes down as soon as the door handle is touched. The wheel clatters to the floor, blocking the door's path before Firenza can open it.


"A mecha, or a mech, is a large robot. The ones I'm referring to are like giant artillary pieces with legs. Also, thank you for the information on positioning."


Thank you for informing me that she handed the stuff over. I suppose Selena can escape alive in that case (unless a PC decides to attack her in his or her next post), though Bascaradine still won't be happy with her.


"Let's go, men."

*Arlova starts walking back to the way she arrived, very curious to find the one monster that was trying to get her last time*

Firenza opens the door on one side of the room to his dragon and says, "burn the wheel with without wasting in any power." The dragon just sort of roars at it for the moment and a firey orb luanches from firenza's hand.
Flameseeker and fire orb @ mostly wooden wheel.

Selena hears them and floats there at the edge of the woods shaking her head. "what ever you don't have to beleave me won't make a diffrance there is no getting the disk ether way......... if your going to go kill that wizard i'll help but there is no way i'm fighting Von Duran... he's WAY to powerfull... even my lord can't face one of his servents... let alone him and his army... I don't like being near it let alone facing it head on...... All my lord sent me to do was to buy some stuff from you guys.... getting a bit if a discount killing some wizard would make him happy ... me getting killed fighting Von Duran would make him pissed" Then there was the fact she had planed on helping her master beat them to punch and get the gun and leave the papers and used disk behind wich would make him REALLY happy.

Salphon shakes his head and takes the rune from naria..... "I don't think the coproration trust selena's scrying and there not going to look into it themselfs from the looks of things..... If it looks like there going to attack the wizards let me know. I would rather the disks be distributed among many people than all with some one else.... if the mana canan is built again von duran could get his hands on it and thats not something I whant to see again......."

Salphon shadow ports down the the intrance to the dome furthest away from anyone and apporches it looking around for any undead of the dome... or some kinda comunication device by the gate.

Kevin nodded, agreeing that tanks with legs would be more maneuvrable, and making another mental note, this time to try to get a thing like that. He also ask when shall the group depart to assault the mages and what is the battle plan.

"Aha! Introductions!" Aokage grins, proudly standing up to his full height. "I am Aokage Foxxeh, Most deadly of the Swordfoxes, Protector of the Innocent and Defenseless, Engaged in a glorious quest to restore everyone to their Foxgirly Beauty, and currently Protector of this Fair Maiden. We seek the town in which the glorious Arena of Gadigan is located...And do not trouble thyself with searching, I am sure if I could findeth this places kitchen, they would honourably contain a jar of Cocoa..."

Tari stood up again, thinking about the things said. "Um, sir... Did you say 'dimensions'? There are other dimensions?"
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:26 pm
Arlova senses a large magical presence coming down that path.


Firenza sets both the wheel and floor on fire. The blaze begins to spread around the ship.


There are many undead of various races standing near all of the Dome's enterances. They appear to be well armed and ready for an attack.


"We should be on the move after a few minutes. Our artillary mecha will bombard the enemy encampment to create some chaos, and then the various divisions of troops will attack the scattered enemies."


"Lord Gadigan's arena is in an alternate dimension. Are you two that badly lost? Yes, there are countless dimensions, and the arena you're looking for has a nexus that connects many of them. My home kingdom is in a different dimension from this one, but I'm here to investigate this building for his majesty."

Tari thought about this new information for a moment. "So... Do you know how to travel through these dimensions?"

Salphon uses the robes and rose again... contacting the dark aligned wizards. <Just momentarly thems a flash of the corparation forces gathering and unloading, talking about attacking the wizard camp and whanting the disk at all cost.>

Then he lets the rose and robes back to normal and approaches the gate. "I, Lord Salphon master of the once and future famed Clan of the Black Dragon, seeks an audience with the ruler of this city."

Kevin nod to the leader and add "If you want I can pinpoint out where they flee to make sure none escape with the disc."

"Why yes, I can. It's a lengthy process that requires the use of several consumed components, but I can make portals."


One of the wizards warns the leader about the ensuing attack.

The leader begins chanting a locating spell.


A skeletal guardsman replies, "Why do you seek this audience? We are preparing for a war."


"Please do that. Thank you."

Selena shakes her head. "I'm going to find my master... maybe he can figure out a way to get the disk away from those zombies and I can still get paied...." She floats off heading in the derection she can sence salphon is in.


Salphon nods "If you are speaking of the army to the NE I am cordinating an effort to strike agenst them, wich will start rather soon I wish to keep them from the dome myself.... I wish to speak of a possable aliance with the Litch King and speak with him on the matters that are taking place now."

Kevin agree and keep up his radar, however directing it toward the wizards to get a better view of the area, then he try to single out the weakest mind there and read it, to see if he can learn anything useful.

*Arlova stops for a moment*

"...Ready arms, men.. Wait for my signal.. And be cautious.. Something's here.."

*She clenches her stave and continues onward slowly, not sure if what she senses could be friend or foe*

"Um, sir..." Tari started, trying to think of a way to word this request. "If... if you could, please... Could you make a portal so we may return to our home dimension?"

Aokage nods in agreement. "Wouldst such an honourable person help us in our plight? And....ah...Wouldst though giveth us directions of thine kingdom, shouldst we wish to travel forth to thee some time in the future?
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:29 pm
(Just making sure this ship is metal and not just like a flying boat or somthing like that?)

"Whoops, ohh well." Firenza closes his eyes for a moment trying to take control of the fire and stopping it from spreading closer towards him.

Erin shakes her head a bit and looks around, "What happened now?"

(I know more or less what is happening but what about the fight she was suppose to do but apparently didn't need to do, or something)

Selena begins flying through the woods.


"While your proposal is very pleasant to hear, the master already has an audience scheduled at this time. Perhaps you could return in an hour?"


The wizard Kevin hones in on appears to be an apprentice who was taken along to manage the spell components and equipment. He knows that the group is working with someone named Thunderfeld, and that the disc is being delivered to this individual sometime soon.


Arlova sees Varatheon, the demon that was working with Firenza back at the castle, leading an army of what appear to be undead orcs. Their flesh is pale but more muscular than normal, and their eyes glow bright red.


"Making a portal would be rather time consuming, and I have only enough components for a few more castings of that spell. Do you two travellers think that you could possibly wait until I finish my research here? After that, I would be glad to return you two your homes. As for directions to my kingdom, while I would be glad to have you two visit, I can't exactly provide directions. It isn't on this world."

Selena makes her way to salphon if she can.


Salphon nods some "May I inquire who is he meeting?"

Aokage ponders. "I am in no rush....Although the final descision lies with Tari. Perhaps, with her permission, we could assist thee in thine research as payment for transporting us home?"

"Oh... I would like to help..." Tari said thoughtfully. "What are you researching, if I may ask sir?"

"...S-stand down.. Out of their way."

*Arlova and her group of men make a hasty b-line into the forest to get away/hide from Varatheon on the path, though only a dozen feet into the forest*

The ship is indeed a flying boat.

Firenza manages to keep the fire from spreading in his direction, but it spreads in the other one instead.


Erika's fight was cancelled because Az re-clarified the action that started said fight.


Selena is attacked out of nowhere by a carnivorous plant that prefers the taste of undead and is killed in one hit.


"He is supposed to be meeting with an individual named Naria Zalderos. She has not shown up yet."


"I am currently looking for a book placed here many years ago that holds the secrets to nigh-flawless food preservation techniques. Every year, the kingdom loses entire silos of grain and countless pounds of meat due to spoilage. I would like to be able to store this excess food to either sell or keep in case a famine hits. The book describing the methods should be located somewhere in this library, but the deeper portions are well-guarded."


"Miss Arlova, why are you retreating?"

Varatheon appears to have noticed you.

Kevin try to squeeze more information out of his mind, especially about this Thunderfeld, what does he look like? He also check if the wizard has any information of the surrounding forces, be it the Bascaradines, the demons or the undeads.

Aokage grins as he hears the words "Well Guarded" and pulls his sword once more. "Tis lucky, I can assist with honourably defeating the Guards! Or uncovering any traps laid to hurt thee!"
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:31 pm
Poor selena..... lol...

Salphon nods "We are alies, she is bussing reading the attack on the forces to the NE and if she will be able to show at all it will not be for some time... I am in contact with her though... I could arange him to be able to speak with myself derectly and her remotely"

*Arlova steps out of the forest, leaving her men behind.*

"..I just wanted to make room for you, sir. I was just out for a stroll and thought I may as well not interfere with whatever business you have here."

Tari looked up at Aokage. "So... Is it okay if we helped him...? I'd like to see more of this library too..."

"Burning boat, I want the boat intact, darn it! Naphulas can you teleport the dragon right outside of the ship." Firenza starts saying quickly as he forces the fire to get out of his path and rushs forward slashing through the large wheel trying to get it out of the way.

Aokage nods. "We shall indeed help him on his honourable quest!"

Thunderfeld appears to be attempting to create the ultimate weapon. This man has never met thunderfeld in person. The wizard knows that the group is preparing for someone to attack, but he doesn't know who. This is apparently the unimportant guy who was just brought along to do the boring work that no one else wanted to do.


"Could you please provide proof that you do, in fact, know her."


"I was actually following you since I sensed your presance earlier and hoped you could lead me to master Firenza."


"Wonderful! Do you two think you could help me deal with the golem in the next room?"


The dragon is removed from the ship.

You manage to chop up the blazing wheel, sending flaming splinters everywhere but clearing the path to the door.

The door to the right is now blocked by flames, but the fire doesn't seem to hurt you if you touch it.

Salphon holds up the rune she just gave him "this good enugh?"

*Arlova blinks for a moment*

"...Firenza? .. I'm sorry, but he did not accompany me nor was he at my destination. I honestly don't know where he is. If you would like, you could stay at camp with us until we reunite with him.."

*Arlova's men come out of the forest too*

Kevin get suspicious about the expected attack and sever the link with the wizards before seeking a more powerful mage but not excessively powerful, this time probing to see if he would be detected if he delve in his mind.

"Get the dragon to either locate a large body of water or Von Duron's armies location." Firenza says going through the door in front of him no longer even bothering to move about fire that can't hurt him.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:33 pm
"I shall do my best to send it to the Afterlife..." Aokage growls as he mentally prepares himself for battle. "What doth thou know of its abilities? Tis a smart warrior who knows his enemies beforehand! With knowledge we can defeat it" Aokage comments as he moves closer to the door.

"Unfortunately, no. You could have stolen it."


"That sounds reasonable. Let us head to camp."


The wizard is on a state of alert and has already been affected by someone else's remote spell casting. He would probably notice.

Kevin pick another medium-strenght wizard and probe again, hoping that this one isn't on alert.

*Arlova smiles and starts leading him and her own men back to the camp grounds*

Tari's eyes widened a bit. "Golem...?" she asked, her voice smaller than before. Her eyes followed Aokage, and soon did the rest of her, holding on tightly to the book and stylus she had been given.

Salphon takes the rose and it grows into a staf like formation as crystal petals blossom up and he places the rune in the middle.... they then close around the crystal growing up into a large black rose bulb..... In wich naira's image apears after a moment...

"Would you let this 'man' know we are alies and you are atill curently indisposed in the war room"

The dragon immediately locates VonDurion's army. It's big and noticeable.


Firenza sets off a trap as soon as he opens the door and a cannonball flies out at him, hitting him solidly in the chest. He is knocked back onto the ground and takes 68 damage.


"It shoots out large metal cubes that almost knocked me out earlier. It also seems to be healed by the cold. It's a strong melee and ranged combatant but seems to know no magic. It also isn't particularly intelligent."


The second wizard seems to be on less of an alert, but is still alarmed by something.


Arlova and the group make it back to the camp.


Naria and the undead individual have a short conversation, and you are allowed to go into the dome.

Kevin look to see what is alarming the man.

Salphon heads into the dome going where ever he is lead by the dead attending him, keeping the rose/rune staft on hand.

*Once they got to the camp, Arlova looked around for a moment and then turned to Varatheon*

"..Would you like anything..?"
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:35 pm
(no water sources, darn well too bad so sad.)
"You know I'm not going to be sad when you burn down!" Firenza yells at the ship as he gets up agian and goes through the door again and tries to keep an eye out for any obviouse traps.

Aokage nods. "We shall do our best..." Aokage creeps forward to the door, and kneels down to look underneath it. He looks about the room, and upon finding the Golem, uses his Eye of Visions Spell to get a better look at it (He wants to view its stats)

The man is probably alarmed because the whole camp thinks it is going to be attacked soon.


Salphron goes through several chambers filled with guards and strange machines. He finally enters the grand throne hall. Thousands, if not tens of thousands, of undead creatures stand about in it. There is a clear path from the enterance to a throne on the far side.


"Have any ice tea? That, or the souls of mortals. Either would be fine."


The room contains three sections of odd-looking flooring, a giant ballista, several masks in the walls with open mouths, some axe blades visible in slits in the cieling, and spikes on the walls to both the left and the right.


I'll do the golem stats later.

"ohh, you have got to be kidding me!" Firenza gives an angry yell. Then tries and fly over the sections of odd looking flooring and assuming nothing attacks him he going to open the door on the other side of the room ready to jump out of the way, not towards the odd sections of flooring btw. "Tell Draco to keep track of how on fire the ship seems to be." He adds to naphulas.

Kevin check if the wizard know of Thunderfeld. Precisely, Kevin seeks to know his appearance. Once he finish searching for that answer he pulls out from his mind before being detected.

"D-don't worry"

*Arlova stays with Varatheon as she watches the camp in panic*

Salphon mearly aproches the throne to an aceptable distance where the litch and them could talk in a normal tone, but not all together that close. Then he stops and gives a bit of a formal half bow done for betwen one noble/ruler to another...... then waits for the litch to speek first.

Cube Golem
Level 5
Golem, Earth
HP- 40,000
MP- 20,000
STR- 180
AGI- 130
CON- 215
MIN- 80
SPI- 95
XP- 0
Defense- 300, 20% Physical Resistance, Healed by Ice, Immune to Poison, Burning, and Charm, 2% Critical, 3% Dodge
Cube Shot- 500 Damage, -1% enemy Dodge against this attack, Physical, 0 MP
Smash- 800 Damage, Earth, 5 MP
Cube Barrage- 300 Damage, 7 hits divided among 7, Physical, 700 MP
Freezing Grasp- 700 Damage, 15% inflicts Frozen, Ice, 90 MP
110 Gold
110 XP
80% Metal Cube- (Consumable, Material, Earth, 100 Gold)
2% Cube Shield- (Weapon, Shield, Physical, 70,000 Gold) +70 Defense, 5% Ice Resistance
2% Cube Sword- (Weapon, Sword, Physical, 70,000 Gold) +70 Physical Attack
2% Cube Mace- (Weapon, Mace, Physical, 70,000 Gold) +70 Physical Attack, +20 Magical Attack
2% Cube Axe- (Weapon, Axe, Physical, 70,000 Gold) +70 Physical Attack
2% Cube Stave- (Weapon, Staff, Physical, 70,000 Gold) +20 Physical Attack, +70 Magical Attack
2% Cube Bow- (Weapon, Bow, Physical, 70,000 Gold) +70 Ranged Attack
2% Cube Cannon- (Weapon, Gun, Physical, 70,000 Gold) +70 Ranged Attack
2% Cube Gauntlet- (Weapon, Fist Weapon, Physical, 70,000 Gold) +70 Physical Attack, +20 Magical Attack
2% Cube Armor- (Armor, Heavy Armor, Physical, 70,000 Gold) +70 Defense, 5% Ice Resistance
1% Cube Smash- (Spell, Technomancy, Physical & Technology, 40 MP, 120,000 Gold) +70 Magical Attack, 5% inflicts 2-5 hits against target
1% Ring of Lartmorn- (Accessory, Ring, Darkness & Magic, 160,000 Gold) 12% Darkness Resistance, +50 MP, +50 damage against Animals, +4% Critical, +1,800 HP, Criticals do 3x damage against Demons

Aokage will use Paralyze other on the Cube Golem.

Tari quickly stepped back from the door, mentally scolding herself for letting her curiosity run her so much recently.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:37 pm
You run into a hidden tripwire partway across the room, setting off darts that fly out of the masks in the walls. You take 37 damage, and you're now very woozy. You are currently halfway across the room and are having trouble keeping your balance.


It seems as though this wizard has never met Thunderfeld. You get the impression that Thunderfeld never comes to the group personally.


The lich king seems pleased that someone has arrived. He stretches his bone wings, and his eye sockets glow a cold blue as he speaks.

"I assume that you are the agent sent by lady Zalderos to acquire a translator?"


Can we move the battle to a seperate thread in the quests forum? I'll be modding it.

Kevin finish severing all mental links to the mage, then he report again to the squad leader concerning Thunderfeld and the alert level, then project his memories of all the information he garnered out of the wizards to the squad leader in case he would find useful something Kevin left out. He then ask if he can try pinpointing the biggest concentration of wizards to kill as many on the first strike.

"Hate... this... thing... so... much..." says firenza as he makes his way back to the first room with the wonderful healing golem trying to follow his path as well as possible of discharged traps.

Aokage is grinning as he tries to figure out exactly how to use the Cube Sword. He looks at Tari, and then at Walter. "Hath thou any more worries for which thou needeth the greatest Swordfox and the greatest Healer ever to live?"

Tari looked up at Aokage, embarrassed by the title. "I-I'm hardly... I mean..."

The squad commander thanks Kevin, and the mechs finish unloading.

Erin is being controlled by FE at the moment, right?


Firenza makes it back out of the trap room, narrowly avoiding falling on a pressure plate. The healing golem fully heals him.

A four legged chest with arms skitters into the room, opens its lid, lets loose a horrifying shriek, and all the traps are disabled. It then scutters back to where the golems are.


"Actually, yes. I was hoping you two heroes could finish leading me to the book. It is still many chambers away, I would presume, and there are certainly more monsters lurking within this place. I would be honored to have both of you as my guards, as your skill is quite apparent. You make an excellent warrior and healer."

Tari looks down at the ground, shuffling her feet. "I didn't... I didn't really do anything, sir... But I swear I'll do whatever I can to help, sir..."

(That is correct) Erin sorts of fidgets a bit ready to electocute some wizards.

"YOU COULD DISABLE TRAPS! What else can you do?!" Firenza yells before quieting down then asking somewhat calmer? "While I'm at it can any of you douse fire since I can started one, that spreading and this is a wooden boat?"

Kevin replies that he's only doing his job and that he will continue to survey the area in case something unplanned happens.

Aokage nods. "In which direction do you wish to Travel? My Sword is at thine disposal!"
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:14 pm
Salphon shakes his head. "I am Lord Salphon, master of the once and future famed Clan of the Black Dragon, and alie to Naira Zalderos. And yes we both seak some one that can translate the language of the lorekeepers. She is bussy at the moment though an could not attenend."

Contacts naira again through the rune. "(I/We depented on what naira says) would like to form an aliance with you and your city. We know your power is much weaker outside of a sertain sphere of influance. In return for the translater's knowlage, and perhapse future needs, we can help exspand that sphere or act outside it in your favor."

He looks out the window if there is one. "Also... Von Duran is here becose of this knowlage. It has become quite evedint he wishes to keep it from us. If it is given to us his focus should turn to taking it from us .... in the time it would take to acutaly win a war agenst this city, if at all possable, and distory all the lorekeepers in it... we would have found what it is he is trying to keeping us from."

"Also it is possable that perhapse with your help that I may be able to take the knowlage from the lorekepper leaving the rest of there mind intact and them quite 'alive'. I am sure some one who has spent so long refining the art of necromancy would have found such magics and more."

"Thank you both very much. Let us head into the next room, past the one this golem was guarding."


A large mana golem made out of cubes of water ambles into the room and douses the fire.


The Bascaradine group begins deployment and its artillary mechs start loading target coordinates.


The lich king ponders Salphron's offer.

Salphon just waits.

Tari nodded and walked over to the door. She stood in front of it for a moment, then turned to Aokage. "Um... Aokage, sir... Could you... Could you please go first...?" she asked, scared to touch the door herself.

"You put the fire out.." Firenza says kind of disapointed. Gives a deep sigh before returning to the trapped room and walks across it and opens the door over there hanging his head saddly.

Aokage nods, giving his sword a small test-swing before taking hold of the door and opening it, keeping on his guard as much as he could.

Kevin simply wait for something to happen.

Selena gives some plant indigestion.....

I'm splitting Dome since it's unlikely that Aokage and Tari will return to the Dome itself. Their quest will continue in a new thread that I will make. They both get-

Completed Quest- Dome of the Lich Lord

The corperate troops, aided by Kevin's scrying, pinpoint the exact location of the wizard camp and launch a barrage of artillary shells with marvellous accuracy. Unfortunately, the wizards, warned by the visions sent by Salphron, had prepared a magic shield. The wizards teleport some troops to the location of the forces that attacked them


Thunder Shield- 720,000/900,000

Artillary Mech 1- 428,000/500,000
Artillary Mech 2- 500,000/500,000
Artillary Mech 3- 500,000/500,000
Artillary Mech 4- 500,000/500,000
Artillary Mech 5- 495,000/500,000
Corperate Commander- 17,000/17,000

Kevin- Full
Erin- Full
Wizards- Full

Kevin and Erin are facing 2 Thunder Wizards together. The corperate forces are fighting the rest of the group that teleported over.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:57 pm
Firenza opens a door that leads to a room with a red carpet. All of the furnature seems to have been recently removed and replaced by closed sarcophagi, which lie about the floor and stand against the walls.

One of the men in the army asks Arlova if she wants to go to dinner with him sometime after the mission.

*Arlova blinks at the man, blushes a bit and nods*

"Sure.. Sounds nice."

*Arlova looks at Varatheon*

"Before I met up with you, I was off to see if I could find some interesting monsters and items. I don't suspect much will happen for a while, would you like to join me in a 'hunt'?"

*Arlova still has the few men she asked from one of the officers from the last time she set out*

Firenza sees the sarcophagi thinks mummy or trap so he raises his right hand out unfolds his wings of magma then his hands start glowing a dark red. Then the sarcophagi start glowing red for a moment before exploding with as much force as Firenza can muster.
Ultimate attack @ all the sarcophagi

Kevin use Mind Arts on both Thunder Wizards
Lesser-chan will use Aquae Formus on whoever need healing

The man smiles and seems very pleased. Varatheon agrees to accompany you, and the soldier offers to assist as well.


The sarcophagi are all blasted to bits. You get 630 XP for killing the lesser dust mummies. One mummy appears to be alive and working at standing up, and you see a door that was previously hidden inside one of the sarcophagi, but before you react, you hear a voice echo "Now." over some magical speaker system.

Firenza finds himself engulfed in blue light. He is now, sans golems, standing in a small wood-paneled room with four halberdiers. They are ready to attack, but you seem to be slightly faster than they are, even in your disoriented state.

*Arlova sets out with her new group of people out on one of the several paths (not the path she came from)*

Arlova and company begin heading down a densely wooded path. No animals or monsters seem to be near the road, which seems to wind on for miles and miles.

*They keep on traveling down the path, watching out for anything suspicious*

You do spot several monsters in the shadows, but they all scamper away from your party or otherwise retreat.

You walk past a meadow of flowers in a small clearing and continue down the path.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:59 pm
*Arlova stops at the meadow, orders the group to stay on the path while she goes out to the meadow, looking around for something/anything and pretty much enjoying the beautiful sights for a moment*

A few yellow flowers uproot themselves and dance in a circle around Arlova.

*Arlova blinks at the flowers*

"Hum... that's not right..."

The flowers summon small blossoms from the air and string them into a lay, which they give to Arlova before running off into a large flower patch.

Arlova gets-

*Flower Invitation Lay of the Fallen Queen- (Item, Quest Item, Magic, 500 Gold)

*Arlova takes the lay, puts it on, and watches the flowers disappear*

The lay exudes a comforting feeling, but you aren't sure what it does exactly.

*Arlova rejoins the group at the path and they continue further down the path*

You reach a small stone bridge heading over a stony brook the winds through the wood with a quiet burble.

*The group crosses the bridge and keep on going*

You reach a fork in the path. It goes both left and right. There are tracks of some sort of fleeing creature near the path.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:02 pm
*Once again Arlova breaks from the group, but this time takes one man with her as she follows the tracks*

You see the creature lurking in some bushes after following the tracks for over a mile into the woods. Its red eyes leer out at you and you hear it growling.

*Arlova hears it growl. She kneels down on one knee and speak soothingly to it, supposing some of the growling was atleast out of fear.*

"It's ok.. I'm not scary.."

*still has her guard up a bit just in case it attacks*

A large taloned hand, which is attached to one of the creature's lenghty arms swipes out of the bush.

A tall, thin creature emerges following the attack. It has leathery, wrinkled gray skin, at least ten joints in its long legs, a wormlike neck, and the head of a deformed mole thing, with glowing red eyes and a slobbering fang-filled maw. It lets loose a nasal howl and continues its attack.

You take 120 damage.

*Arlova raises an eyebrow*

"Ack.. My.. You're an odd one."

magical attack @ creature
rune of explosions (already casted twice) @ creature

You got very lucky there, as one of the explosive runes critted and took out the monster.

Good job.


The creature, crisp and limp, falls to the carpet of leaves.

You get-

120 XP
30 Gold

Whip of Cavern Dwellers- (Weapon, Whip, Earth & Darkness, 700 Gold) +14 Melee Attack, AGI is used to determine Melee Attacks against Earth element foes

*Arlova returns to the group and they go left in the fork*

The group seemed to be slightly worried at Arlova's long absence, but they return to normal as they see you are mostly unharmed.

You begin walking through a dark stretch of forest that is filled with spider webs.

*Arlova orders the group to keep their guard up as they continue down the path*

The path becomes hard to traverse due to the large amounts of spider webs. Varatheon singes them away, allowing you to continue.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:04 pm

*She smiles at him and they continue on, letting varatheon be somewhat in lead to take care of spider webs*

"Must be.. spiders around... Alot of spiders.."

After heading through the spiderweb filled forest for about 20 minutes, you reach a less thick portion of the forest. There appears to be a sign a bit down the path.

*they stop at the sign to read it*

Irrys oorick Vashdol Tethryn moolak dhal vhos vhos mirros Vostik.
Irrys oorick lastookal human "Morning Bright" moolak vhos kyin mirros Elsyk.

The path branches to the East and West.

"Hmm.. can anyone read this?"

"Yes," replies Varatheon. "It appears to be in Vaalathi. It says 'To reach the City of Vashdol, head 155 miles West. To reach the human building called the Morning Bright head 53 miles East. That's a rough translation, at least. I can probably get us to either relitively quickly by making a portal."

The lich king, after a long silence, responds. "Yes, I believe I will help you. What can you provide in exchange for this translator, in addition to getting rid of this army, that is?"

*Arlova looks to varatheon*

I suppose we could go to "Morning Bright"

Varatheon opens a gate in midair. It swirls like a menacing deep blue maelstrom in the magical fabric of the world.

"That should take us about a mile away from this place."

"That sounds great"
*The group enter the gate*
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:06 pm
Salphon thinks "Well if you could provide the raw matirals we could fasion structures to exstend the area at wich you can derectly control your troups so your troups could start work on other nechotropalos" realy only the first thing that came to mind there he adds. "I am sure there is more we could offer abut I am not fully aware of the situation in this demention"

"Mmm, yes. Perhaps you and your allies could assist me in re-establishing my hold over what is now the New Fae Empire. I will request assistance in that some other time, though. For now, yes, you may have your translator. Select any lorekeeper of mine that you desire, save the archmagus, who is now part of my council."

The Lich Lord gestures to a row of skeletal, vaguely humanoid, vaguely something... else skeletons that stand at about ten feet each. They are stationed near the throne and are pouring over texts.

It's been a while sence he took less than everything from something.... but he walks over to one of them. Shadows pull around the skeleton lifting him away from the disk and to salphon who grabs a hold of it's skull taking it off the skeleton and holding it in his hands.

He tries to take it's knowlage of the lorekeepers language with out distroying the skeletion if possable.

(if he can do so but it would distroy the skeletion then he will just take everything else too and let it die.... if he can't do that at all well then he will just put it's head back on it's sholders... lol)

Lord Gadigan wrote:
The man smiles and seems very pleased. Varatheon agrees to accompany you, and the soldier offers to assist as well.


The sarcophagi are all blasted to bits. You get 630 XP for killing the lesser dust mummies. One mummy appears to be alive and working at standing up, and you see a door that was previously hidden inside one of the sarcophagi, but before you react, you hear a voice echo "Now." over some magical speaker system.

Firenza finds himself engulfed in blue light. He is now, sans golems, standing in a small wood-paneled room with four halberdiers. They are ready to attack, but you seem to be slightly faster than they are, even in your disoriented state.

Firenza throws himself to the side and shoots at whatever halliber seems to be closere, is there doors in this room.

(doing the exp now.)

"Quit vandalizing my servants!"

The Lich King blasts you backwards with a non-damaging ray of force.

"I'm lending you one of my scribes for a while, not giving you permission to destroy them."

The Lich King restores the skeleton to its former state.

<Just bring it back through a portal. We should be able to get it to start translating very soon.>


We'll continue Firenza's fight in a subthread.

Salphon grunted a little shaking off the damage the best he could. "A missunderstanding.... I though we both spoke of taking one as my own to do such.... due to the inchantments imbuded into the robes it would make it hard for von duran to track me down.... If we took this skeleton to scribe the book it would make it the target of von durans attacks...... I am not sure if Naira's towers could find off another asult now that von duran knows what he's up agenst and I am not sure we could garentee it's return if he attacked...."

"Is there perhaps a spell or ritual you know of that could share there knowlage of there language with out damanging them?"

"Yes, perhaps that would be a more preferable option. Sit down in the ground in the middle of this circle."

A circle with many lines and symbols etched in at appears on the floor of the chamber in front of the Lich King's throne. It appears to be made of a combination of chalk and bone dust.

Salphon isn't trusting of this to say the least and exsamines the circle first to be sure it is what they spoke of before siting.

It seems to infuse you with the language, but it contains various odd runes that shouldn't nessecarily be there. It doesn't appear like it will do anything overtly bad (like track you, kill you, or make you a servant of the Lich King though).

Salphon dose ask naira mentaly if she knows what those runes do, being a rune mage and all she might know..
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:08 pm
*Some just appear to be his style of runes, which prevent others from duplicating his rune circle. Others seem to be in there so that he can remove whatever he's going to enchant you with. I *hope* that's just in case we don't help him with what's going on here like we said we would.*

Salphon nods a little walking over the circle some. "I see you don't fully trust me.... thats good.... I would be disapointed if some one as old and wise as you would not see forth to have a way out of any dealings."

"And I'm rather pleased that you were prudent enough to check for traps, good sir. May I begin the incantation now?"

He nods some. "We can discuse other deals in the future... Getting this knowlage and dealing with Von Duran is more imporant at the time.... Besides... I'm growing quite curious to see what it is he is trying so hard to keep me from finding out."

The Lich King nods and the runes of power on the floor begin to glow white. You gain the award-

Has Learned the Language of the Lorekeepers

(plans on taking the time to teach it to selena later... heeh ^^ so if he dose take that away he can learn it again from her)

Salphon nods and holds up the staft... the rose starts to grow away from it leaving the rune floating there held in place by it's own shadows.

"here.... take this so that you may contact naira when you wish."

"Thank you." After briefly scanning the rune, the Lich King takes it and waves for some guards to escort you to the door.

Salphon bows. "I will return in more peacefull times... you can descuse with naira about the preperations to exstend your control over this land..." He alows the guards to lead him out.

The lich king respectfully nods to Salphron as he exits.

Salphon tries to find out what happend to selena while getting in contact with the other chosen to see if they are ready for the attack yet or not.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:11 pm
The other chosen have apparently already begun to fight some of VonDurion's advance forces.

You sense Selena's corpse to the East.

Salphon sighs.... aprently they where discovered early and gets in contact with (what ever the light chosens name is again) <I was bussy with the linch king.... the wizards and corporation forces are fighting eachother... and the horors and the ship seam to be taken care off..... sence you seam to have been found out do you whant assistance from the forces here... or should they hold off and be keep for a suprize?>

He will also try and shadow port selena's corpse back to the arena.

<Hold them off from actually attacking and see if they can flank VonDurion's army. We may be able to defeat him if we hem him in and prevent his escape.>

Salphon nods and opens a shadow gate to return to the tower... going outside of it not to startle anyone..... He aproches asking one of the puppets to open the way to the war room.

Your return to the war room goes very well, no one interrupts you or disrupts your spells.

Naria beams as you enter the chamber, obviously very happy to have a capable translator after so long.

"I brought the book into here so that you could translate it for us!"

The book sits on a pedestal on the side of the room, pages illuminated by a magical light.

Salphon nods. "cordinate your forces to move unseen around here." raises up some shadowy energy over the map to show where they should go. "if they can remain unseen we can flank his forces....if we stop his forces from withdrawing we can deal a heavy blow.. .maybe deffeat him...."

Salphon moves to the book "now.... lets see what kinda magic this book has." and he simply speaks in the lore keepers tounge 'Show me what you have on Von Duran' to the book hoping it's inchanted to respond to such comands.

Naria nods.

"That seems like a good plan."

She begins to communicate with her forces, though she is obviously very eager to find out what the book holds.


Alastor Morkbull VonDurion was born on the 178th day of year 7,100 under the name Morkbull Zornwith. His parents, Borbbo Zornwith and Ibbla Zornwith, were the first two people to see him following his birth. The wet nurse of the small town, who was supposed to be assisting with the birth as a midwife, had pretended to be sick to avoid going to deliver the baby. In reality, Mrs. Morppa Valhiii, the wet nurse, shirked her duties to see her lover, a man named Bimbo Turngood, who worked as a merchant in the vaguely nearby town of Ispitt. Ispitt, which served as a market town, housed only 455 residents, but many temporary tenants rented rooms from the various innkeepers and landowners. Irrbid Hoopsig, one such landowner, had 27 different paying tenants at the time of VonDurion's birth.

The book goes on to list the boy's birth weight, number of times he blinked in the first two hours of his life, the details of the midwife's illicit relationship, and the number of times a cricket outside chirped that night, among other things.

"What's it saying, Salphron?" Naria seems very eager to find out.

Salphon blinks "evertying about von duran.... EVERYTHING... this is to much.... hum... but least we know the book is smart.... lets see how smart..."

Salphon again adress it in the lorekeepers tounge. 'Show me what you have that Von Duran has been tring to keep from us...'

Apparently the book is illustrated. It turns to a picture of the mana cannon.

Salphon frowns some seeing this and contenues in the other language. 'What about the mana cannon has he been tring to keep from us?'
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:13 pm
The book turns to a page on ghostly possession and its inner workings.

'what dose this have to do with the mana canon?'

(or with von duran if that don't get much a sencable responce)

It flips to the another page. This one seems to be about owning land in the Barony of Ghapsburg in Rell'Arill.

'whats in the Barony of Ghapsburg in Rell'Arill?'

The barony of Ghapsburg in Rell'Arill contained 57,812 cows on the fifth day of the third month of 5827. 175 of these cows were in transit to the nearby Barony of Ibsburg, which would recieve them three hours later in the day. 158 of them were in the hands of a band of thieves that prowled the Northern steppes of the barony. The thieves, somewhat lost, actually believed themselves to be in the Barony of Rhet'Gaffo. The thief leader, Markus Dutry, used his skills in astronmy, which he gained while working as a deckhand on the ship Good Maridia, to pinpoint their correct location seven hours later.

The book goes on about the cows. You probably asked something too general.

'what is in the Barony of Ghapsburg in Rell'Arill that relates to ghosts, von duran, or the mana cannon?'

The book turns to a page on the ambient magical energy that makes up all worlds, places, and items. Said ambient magical energy, as you know, also powers the mana cannon, which is part of what makes it so dangerous.

Tries a difrent route 'what dose ghost posestion have to do with von duran and what he dosn't whant me to know about the cannon?'

It turns to a page that has two words on it.

"Pick one"

Looks and naira and hums "aprently there are a few things von duran whanted to keep from me... the book is very literal and it's making things rather dificult...."

Salphon thinks a little..... and desides to give something a try.... and talks to the book again. 'Give me a list of the things you know that von duran has been tring to keep me from using you to find out..... showing what he would be most bothered by me knowing first and least last... if there is more than ten things show only the first 10...'

(worth a
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:15 pm
Lord Birgin Gapsburg
How to Build the Mana Cannon
The Hunter's Whip
Scarabs of the Eastern Desert
Ritual of Varinloss
Iburidal the Blind
James VonDurion
Naria Zalderos
Spells of the Archmagi
Zlaedon Maleficus

In a passing thought.... 'Who has the blackstar blade'

Then after waiting for it to answer..... he adds 'What is it about Lord Birgin Gapsburg and ghost possetion he dosn't whant me to know...?'

First it turns to a page that appears to be about Professor Amelstern, the man whose staff you took before the disaster.

It then turn's to the first page on Baron Gapsburg.

Sighs a bit at that..... and just reads down the page about Gapsburg

Lord Birgin Gapsburg, the last baron of the barony of Gapsburg, was born to his parents, Lord Martin Gapsburg and Lady Illandria gapsburg, who did not heed the Oracle's prophecy, on the day of the crimson moon. Despite this ill portent, Lord Gapsburg seemed to be a relitively ordinary heir to the throne for the first five years of his life. It then begins to describe the order in which Gapsburg learned words.

What was the oricals prophoicy to Lord Birgin Gapsburg?

The book turns to a page titled "Apocalyptic Predictions of Oracle, Section Two"

It seems to be about Oracle predicting the apocalypses of various worlds.

Sighs. "what dose he or the prophecy have to do with ghostly possetion and von duran's secrites?"

It turns to a page titled "Amon Horutep: Seventh Endbringer"

Amon Horutep, formely Birgin Gapsburg, was chosen as the seventh holder of the title Endbringer, following the ill-fated Sissularar. Sissularar was slain by Blessed Saint Sylvia, Best Gunslinger Ever, Guardian of the Faithful, Ally of Gadigan, Awesomeness Incarnate, Unbeatable in Combat...(more titles, the book obviously adds embellishment to Gadigan and the Saints).... who killed it in one shot following its attack on a temple. Following the defeat of Sissularar, no official endbringer was created. Birgin was, instead of being created as and endbringer, given the title by Oracle with the consent of Gadigan. Amon Horutep almost immediately relocated his transdimensional necropolis to a location of another powerful evil force in an attempt to mask his presence, said force being known as Khalsubarr, devourer of artifacts. It then begins a massive description of Horutep's exploration of the necropolis.

'Is vonduran seaking some conection to this Amon Horutep... or tring to bring him into this world?'
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Re: Quest- Dome of the Lich Lord

Post by Modrageball »

Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:17 pm
The book flips to the page where VonDurion fell into the chasm outside your lair. You remember that even rather vividly.

Salphon shakes his head "so there was an opening there....." he sighes.

'what happened to the caverns under my lair?'

The book turns pages to one that describes the magical teleportation system of some object called the Transdimensional Necropolis is painfully complex detail. You can't really make heads or tails of how the thing runs for all the technical terminology that covers the pages and pages on the system.

Sighs shaking his head a bit 'What dose von duran need to find his master or bring him into this realm?'

The book turns to a page that reads "No."

Thinks some 'Is von duran tring to replace Amon or clame his power?... or has he already done so?'

It turns to a page titled "Slave Vassals and Other Servants of Amon Horutep."

VonDurion is third on the list.

'Is he tring to brake free of his servitude?'


Salphon nods a little relaying to naira "Von douran is tring to release himself from his master... "

to the book.... 'Is this what he is tring to keep me from knowing... and if so... why?'
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:22 pm
The book turns to a sentance that chills you a bit as you read it.

"Amon Horutep sat in his chair, breathing raspily. He gazed coldly into the scrying pool as Salphron read the Tome of the Lorekeepers. As a product of an older age, Horutep knew the languages that were long lost to the races of men, and he was pleased by the revelations that he was uncovering. As Horutep read about Salphron reading about Horutep, Hortuep began an incantation called the Bizzaran Disjunction. Salphron read about Horutep reading about Salphron reading about Horutep. Salphron read about Salphron reading about Horutep reading about Salphron reading about Horutep."

The book continued on its track of talking about Salphron reading it.


Salphon sighs. "well that explains that........ Von Duran didn't whant us to find the book becose his atempt to free himself from his master would be undone.......his master is spying on us..... there anyway you can stop that naira?"

He shakes his head and ask what the spell Bizzaran Disjunction is to the book then he asks the book if von duran wishes to return to being good or at the verry least stop tring to kill everyone...

He also lets the chosen know what is going on. If thats the case there has been quite the misunderstanding and this could be quite bad!

"What!? This tower is warded to prevent scrying. I'll see if I can up the defenses. That definately shouldn't be happening to us."

The entire room seems to burst into varied states of panic upon hearing the news, with the exception of Onjiru, who seems reletively calm and begins to try to bargain with Naria for Gillingman's protection from scrying and other spells.


The book flips to the page titled Bizzaran Disjunction. "Bizzaran Disjunction is a spell of formidable power and potency that was often used by the ancients. It affects the mind of its target, disjoining and erasing parts of it, making many thought processess impossible. Bizzaran Disjunction particularly affects the part of the brain partaining to the knowledge of language."

At this point a white flash hits Salphron's mind and the words on the page seem like mush. Naria is babbling incoherently, sometimes to Salphron, sometimes to Onjiru, and sometimes to the others in the war room. Everything seems confusing and muddled.

Salphon waves his hand opening a shadow gate vines of crystals reach in pulling out a servent from his island who looks QUITE suprized.

Salphon reaches over grabing a hold of the mans facing his eyes glowing brightly as the man screams out in aggony unlike many have probly hurd... or lest hurd in a good while. He starts to age rapidly untill he falls apart into dust as energy is siphened through the air to salphon.

Salphon drinks up the mans essence using his working lanuage center as he feeds... and uses that to try and stablize the speach center of his own mind sacrificing the servents speach center... and his inter life force just for the added kick.

IF that works... he quickly turns to the book. 'what is the esiest and quickest way any of us here may protect us from the scrying and/or magics of amon'

You manage to stabalize yourself for a moment.

The book turns to a page titled "Gillingman".

It then turns to a page that reads. "Horutep, noticing Salphron's recovery, began to cast a more potent version of his incanatation."

Mummified hands begin appearing around the room, flying in the air and dashing at the individuals gathered in it and at the book.

Naria seems to be shouting orders to various people. Lady Vhazz'Loss opens her mouth, unhinges her jaw, and locusts begin to pour out, clustering around the hands and starting to devour them. Zaradian begins to pray aloud and begins firing at the hands. Onjiru picks up his bladed staff and cleaves two hands in half, still trying to negotiate with Naria. Khaldrin begins to summon demons. Goldenhammer starts trying to manuver as many golems as possible into the room to fight the hands.

Salphon picks up the book closing it for now and holding it proctivly shouting out to naira and Onjiru. "Have Gillingman shield us if you can.... we don't have much time to arguie about payment it's in his best intrest i'm sure to contenue having as alies with acess to this book if nothing else!"

Salphon says this while moving back to the others with book in hand under the robe.

Naria nods, and Onjiru nods somewhat. They both appear to agree with you. Before you can talk more, though, a stronger flash of light hits you. Parts of your mind go utterly blank. You can't understand a word anyone is saying.

Onjiru begins to do something with his staff, but you can't quite tell what.

Salphon curses a bit... not that it makes any sence... the statment still gets across. He seams rather ready to fight the odd creatures that had been proted into the war room if nessisary.

Fortunately, it turns out to be unnessecary. Before Onjiru can even finish his incantation to summon up a gate to his master, Gillingman steps through the fabric of reality. He waves his hand, turning the mummified appendages to dust and teleporting the dust away from the tower. He appears to be an old man, wearing black, skeleton-adorned robed finery with a dark black surgeon's apron draped over the top. His skull-tipped staff hangs in his right hand, eyes glowing with green fire. In contrast to the stave's blazing eyes, Gillingman's own appear to be cold and dead. Gillingman gestures, and you sense that the tower is protected and Horutep's connection is broken.

He sits Salphron down in a chair, pulls out some knives from a robe pocket, and slices open the top of Salphron's head. He then begin's to work in the ancient dragon's brain with hooked instruments and metal tools. Soon, Salphron's mind is returned to a normal, almost heightened state, and his head is sewn back together.

Salphron gains 10 MIN.

"Good afternoon, Naria, Salphron, Onjiru, good sir priest, others. My name is Gillingman, though you probably all realize that already. I am the sole remaining true guardian of the Source of Darkness, a powerful necromancer, a lord of the Dusk Realm, and a masterful surgeon and reanimator for those of you who are not already informed. My daughter should be here shortly, though I believe it would be prudent to commence our discussions now and simply catch her and any others up on them when they arrive. Our first matter of business to attend to is this."

"Alter language to Sslass'Isron," says Gillingman in the tongue of the Lorekeepers, pointing at the book, which glows a vibrant green upon the command.

"Next up is a gift for you, Miss Naria." Gillingman pulls the flesh-bound book that he got from Mag out of the folds of his robe and hands it to Naria. "This is as copy of the original, but it should be just as powerful. My daughter has the other version."

"Salphron, I do think you were looking for this." Gillingman hands Salphron a sword made of the darkness of night that glimmers with the power of the stars above.

Gillingman proceeds around the group, giving all those seated at the table gifts ranging from pistols to dresses.

"Now that we have attended to that matter, I believe our next topic should be Naria's past and what we should do with the book, don't you agree?"

Salphon as usal gets right to the point at hand..... down to bisness "there are some pressing questions that must be asked of the book... the rest of why von duran whant's freed.... and how this could be acomplished.... what is the Ritual of Varinloss... who is James VonDurion."

He shakes his head some looking over the book as he lays it open again on the table. "There are also questions we would wish to ask of it...... dose naira's father remember his past.. if not how could his memories be restored and how he could bring him into this world.... improtant questions for her........ and several I would ask.... why was i weakened and my memories lost when others keep all there power and memories.... where fragments of power of the rose and robes are that i may restore there full power..... where the staft of (whatever it is that alowed dubble castings) is....." he was being quite respectfull by being so forward and hiding so little.

"there many questions it could help me answer... While I am not totaly agenst giving up the book I would wish to still have acess to it if I did....." Afterall it would also take the heat of having the book off him.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:26 pm
"Foremost, the language I changed the book to is one that I know, but Horutep does not have any way of having learned. I doubt that VonDurion will be able to secure his freedom soon. I do not know of said ritual, I will have to look into that. James VonDurion is the man who opposes you and acts as a thrall of Amon Horutep, the present endbringer. Naria's father does remember the past, though he does not know where his daughter is. I have spoken to him recently. I'll bring him here after you all return Maleficus to a suitable body and have prepared things here. You were weakened because you died in the disaster and were close to its epicenter. Laurennia and VonDurion both survived the blast. Many others on distant worlds survived simply through Gadigan's protection or via their distance from the blast's epicenter. The first fragment of the Rose that you should try to find is the one in the sultan's palace that you are already looking to find. The robes are not fragmented, they simply lost power. The professor, your old foe, has his staff back. Does that satisfy your desires for knowledge enough for the moment? I would like to explain Princess Naria's past to her if it does."

"Princess?" Naria seems both surprised and pleased.

"yes.... it is imporant she be cought up on what she can't remember... I do not know enugh to do so myself...... other things can wait... but... dose Maleficus remember his past?.... Naira has been looking to summon him here ... that is why she whants the book, if he don't remember we will need a way to remind him before summoning him"

He looks to the 'gift' of the sword to see if it is his sword.

*Blackstar Blade- (Weapon, Sword, Magic & Darkness, 1,000,000 Gold) +500 Melee Attack, +700 Magical Attack, 20% Darkness Resistance, +25 to all stats

Yep, looks like your sword.


"Maleficus remembers his past perfectly. He is just off drifting in the void of darkness that he came from. Things should be fine once we get his old body back and manage to re-insert him into it. Doing so will require a rather large number of sacrifices. Fortunately for us, the hero whose body Maleficus used in the old days has been reborn post-cataclysm, a man named Zlaedon, appears to be headed directly into the forest where all of Naria's troops are stationed, followed by a massive procession of mortals that can be used for the nessecary sacrifice."

Gillingman then goes on into a much more in-depth description of Naria's past and the Demon Wars, referring to Malfurion Zalderos and Malburgeon Zalderos. Apparently the texts Zlaedon was using had a translation error in them at some point. He then continues with his rescue of Naria and Malburgeon, their stay in his realm, their attempt to conquor a mortal realm, and their subsequential seperation following the attack of a group of celestials that noticed their presence.

"You should be able to return to at least a fraction of your former power, as should your father, once Maleficus is summoned into this realm once more. Any further questions from either of you? I will tell you as much as you desire to know of your histories."

Naria seems to have been hit by a revelation similar to the one that occurred when Salphron spoke to Amelia, now remembering her past in its entirety.

Salphon nods "is there any way I can restore some of my lost power?"

Salphon also tries to get in contact with light chosen to get her up to speed a little... though he don't tell all thats been desicused with Gillingman... he don't tell her anythat that has hapened after he saved them actualy.... exspect that naira has her memories back.

~updating myself~

"You seem to have already recovered most of what you can easily. I think you will just need to train yourself up to your former status. I suppose I can help a little, though."

Gillingman waves his hand.

*Salphron gains a level*


<Thank you. Should we break away from VonDurion's forces since we are already engaged?>


Arlova and company appear at the side of a battlefield, several undead rush the group, but Varatheon tears them to pieces.

<It seams he just whanted to keep his master from being alerted to his atemt to brake away from his control... and seams that was already mucked up.... perhaps it would be prudent to hold up the attack for now to see what his other modivations where..... >

"I am curious to know what Von Durans modivations are though... and to be honest your's aswell... you are being quite genouros after all and that conserns me... and I'm sure you can understand." He says it in a rather respective manor ofcrose and isn't acusing him of anything.... just salphon is being frank with him and just saying out right rather than beating around the bush.

<Very well, we will try to break away from the conflict. Tell Naria to withdraw her troops too then.>


"Ah, yes, I can see why that worries you. I am, however, taking a potent artifact and source of knowledge from you all, though I want you to remain my allies. I feel that it would be proper to offer each of you at least some compensation for what I am moving to my citadel. Besides, it's not like giving you all any of this is hurting my power to any notable degree. It pays to be kind to one's allies."

<naira's troups have not been noticed yet.... they can hold there positions for now>

Salphon nods "Yes..... it is rather clear your the only one that can keep it safe... if we do not give it to you, you could mearly withrdaw your protection of it.... Will you alow us acess to it when we wish to refure to it's pages?"
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:28 pm
<I think they may be engaged. VonDurion's forces were spread further than we anticipated.>


Kevin groggily regains conciousness. He can't see anything quite yet, and his body aches a bit, but he's definately alive again.


"I will answer some of your questions using it when you request such, but it's currently in a language that is only spoken by myself and a few other individuals whose souls I have trapped within my castle at the moment, so your perusing it yourself would be fruitless."

Kevin ask his faithful tentacle plant to heal him...if it's still alive that is. But his though is more focused on his surroundings, or rather lack of, wondering if his side won and he was revived or if the wizards won and wanted to torture him for information.

Salphon nods a little and looks to naira "Have your forces pull back for now.... least untill we know Von Durans other motives.... as odd as it seams he could be a patential alie ......"

After some thinking he ask "Dose Amon speak elder draconen? The book is rather paticular and it can take some time to learn anything from it....I'm sure it would be better for us if I could quetion it myself." He's not even sure if any of the elder dragons found this realm besides himself... and finds it very unlikely they would have tought there tounge to anyone if they had, they only tought such launages to there most trusted disendents.

"The inherent problem with that is that I am not an elder dragon. If the language is one that can be simply magically learned or translated, then it's not secure enough, and if it isn't, then how will I use the book?"

"I thought it was asumed I would change the book back when I was done... if is as simple as telling it to alter it's language"

He sighs shaking his head. "There is much I would ask of it afterall.. not all of wich I would be willing to share...." Like the fact the power of his elder dragon form seams to be lost to him for now. The form was created when he was assended and returning to flesh the only way HE knew to return some if it's power was to become a GRATE deal more powerfull himself first or sorces of dark energy that was beyond his curent reach.... he was hoping the book knew of a better way.

"It has to be told to alter its language in the language it is currently in. Otherwise, it would be too easy to change its language. While your solution would work in some cases, I am afraid that it is implausable."

The sporeling, which also seems to have been revived, restores Kevin to life. He seems to be in a medical bed in the dropship, being attended to by a nurse.

"Ah, good. You're awake. Can we get you anything?"

He sighs a bit "and saying to do that would let amon know how to change it again from that lanuage.... is there not a way to block his scrying at all?"

"Thanks again, Varatheon. Where are you going to do now?"

Kevin blinks a little, recognising the look of the dropship interior, then give a look at the nurse, obviously relieved.
"Yes...could you tell me what happened after I turned into a flamb??"
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:31 pm
An order goes out to all of Naria's troops for them to make a defensive withdraw since the main mission objective was achieved.


"Well, since we're being told to back off from this undead army, and I just recieved a message from King Firenza, I will be heading to the ship where he is located to meet up with him. Would you care to come with me?"

Naria's troops begin backing off, and the undead take the chance to burst into a full retreat. VonDurion's force was apparently losing.


"I can block his scrying, yes, but creating a permenant ward would be a long, tedious process. I would prefer to keep the book in my castle, which is already warded."


"We managed to take out the wizard camp, though several of them escaped via teleporting. We also found what appears to be a fake replica of the disc we were sent after. The captain said you should be one of the first to be revived, since your pinpointing thier position was what let us break the shield."


Kit emerges from the portal and is now at the rear of a huge, somewhat terrified group of people that is standing near an enormous stone arch in the thick, dark woods.

*Arlova nods*

"I'd love to."

(Are the others with kit? If so..) Kit asks the 4 guards she was with to block the site again, as kit ducks he head, and shifts back to halffox form, trying to see if she can smell anyhting, as well as hear anything dnagerous, before going back to human.

Kevin listen carefully, groaning when getting the news about the replica.

"I see...I have a few questions if that doesn't bother you. First, where are we currently? Second, do you know what kind of energies does the real disc emanate: my psychic "radar" with the farthest range detect what kind of energy is in a particular area and how big said energies are. Third, what is the current plan of action?"

Varatheon spreads his wings, lifts Arlova into two of his arms, and takes flight. He is currently heading for the flying ship.


There are hundreds of monsters of various sorts within the nearby parts of the woods, particularly wood imps. Fortunately, they all seem to be staying a bit back from such a massive group.


"We are in the drop ship at the landing site. I'm afraid that as a member of only the medical staff, I am uncertain of what the disc's eminations are. We are currently having a team sweep over the wizard camp in search of clues to their destination."


Erin is now also ressurected.

"I smelled mostly wood imps, but some others, but they seem to be keepign their distance for now. I woudl suggest we get going as soon as possible."
Kit waits in teh rearguard, preparing herself to fight if it should be needed, and feelign vunerable without the enchanced senses of her half fox form.

Kevin thanks the nurse for her time, then slowly get up before going to see his squad leader, asking him if he has any idea of what kind of energies does the true disc emanate, noting that he could possibly find it if he know exactly what to look for and if it's in his range.

While saying this he prepare another long-range mass scan of the surroundings, wondering if any new forces appeared or if old ones left. He especially pay attention to see if any of those are in his range: Aokage, Kit, Firenza, Naria, Salphron, Shauni, Chester, Alyssa and Arlova.

Salphon nods "Then would it not be safe to revert it's lanuage there?"

Erin sits up and yells "AHH", she looks around to see half the ship (those that can anyway) staring at her outburst.
"Um, er.. what I mean is..... Is there anything that needs doing?"

Kit's group begins to move in a generally Eastward direction.


The squad leader does not know, given that he has never encountered the real disc. He does say that a team is sweeping the enemy camp, though.

The wizards appear to be mostly gone, except for a few scattered off in the woods.

Kevin does detect Arlova in midiar a few miles off. He also vaguely detects Firenza in that general direction.

While Ao is technically also in range, Kevin does not sense him because of the Library's spacial magic. Kit is out of range. The others aren't presently on the same world.

Oh, and he senses an orc army led by Gorgorath flying through midair somewhere near Arlova.


"Not presently, no."


"Ah, good, you're awake. Right now we're checking the remains of the enemy camp and planning our next course of action."
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:33 pm
Kevin ask the squad leader if he knows someone that should know what the real disc looks like while doing a more precise scan of the area where Arlova, Firenza and that irritating orc are, wondering why they're in midair.

Kit follows, askign her guard companions to cover shield her from view of the refgess asshe takes turns to shift and listen and smell biefly before resuming, her senses alert for danger.

"So, if we can, think we can trade some history,, although, well, I do believe that keeping the rearguard here is also good."

Salphon nods some and leaves the demons to talk about naria's past while he looks over the map to try and see what the wizards are doing... hoping there might be an opertunity to get the disk show it'self.

"Well, i'm probably not the best mage you have but i'll help where I can.."

"Maybe we should go straight to the source of the problem? Instead of picking off the small fry."

"I'm not a hundred percent sure of whats going on, but if its a building that we have to get into we could just crash something heavy into it."

"It should look exactly like the fake over there." He points to the fake disc, which is sitting on a desk in the dropship.

Arlova is being carried in midair by Varatheon towards the boat. Gorgorath, somehow flying, is leading a huge army of gray-skinned, flame-eyed orcs toward the boat through the air. Firenza seems to be in the boat, but you can't quite get a picture of where.


"What would you like to know the history of?"


The wizards seem to have been defeated and have scattered around the woods. You can't detect the disc anywhere.


"While that is a good idea, we don't know where Thunderfeld's base is located. We aren't really sure of what dimension it's in, even. Its location is one of the things that we are trying to find out during this mission."

Kit continues her rearguard action.
"Well, of the silver city, of the war, basically what you can tell me. I am willing to listen."

"The silver city was created many, many years ago following the split of Orsirion from the main world that it was formerly connected to. The former queen reigned for about a third of that period, and I don't have a clue what could have driven her to her mad state. The beastmen have been warring with our nation for years upon years, but until relitively recently, they were unorganized and could easily be fought off. They seem to have gained more direction and focus, though, and their more coordinated attacks had crushed through nearly all of our defenses. We were basically confined to the city and the surrounding lands, unable to get help from anywhere else since Trandel, the Templar Knights, and Gazoff were busy with some unknown business, Oriih certainly isn't someone we'd want help from, and the other lands are too far away to reach. The beastmen are evil, rapacious villains who pillage our cities and slaugter our people without concience. I had hoped to see them eradicated, but they appear to have taken our ancient capital, sealing at least a temporary defeat. Hopefully we will be able to take back the city at some point."

Kevin report that he can't find anything looking like said disk and ask what are his orders.

"I suppose we'll head back to base with this fake one and hope someone there can use it to track down the real one. We'll wait a bit to make sure no one reports finding anything, though."

Kevin nod and rest, doing what he always do when waiting to fight. You guessed it: spam Cosmos Meditations.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:38 pm
"I'm sorry to hear that. And, that is scary about the organization. Coudl someone be controlling or maniuplating the beastmen? Anything else you can tell me about them? I find it scary that they look like me. I wonder if they migth be an offshoot fo teh Fox people. Sorry, I forgot myself. I am a foxshifter, a subspecies of teh foxpeople. Fox shifters are skilled in magic, and have good agility. We are also teh protectors of thw foxpeople. An dI would like ot apologize for the slaying of the queen. If I could have, I would have tried to defuse the situation and left, but as it happened, Zlaedon was forced to kill her ot save me. I would like your opinion. would it have been better for me ot ahve died, then the Queen, which caused the loss of the shield? "

"Something probably is controlling them. We have all assumed that they have taken a new, much more powerful and intelligent leader. They are very fast and strong. Many look like wolves, hyenas, goats, pigs, other animals, and, yes, foxes. They certainly don't sound like your people, though. Your people seem much better all around. The queen had apparently gone completely psychotic. She would have done something that would have resulted in her death eventually, I would think."

"Thanks. I feel a bit better. ALthough, I wonder why someone woudl organize them. Did the silver city have any enemies other then the Beast people? someone willing to organize the beast people? And, I hope we can get the citizens to safety soon. Hang on, can you shield me again?"
Once kit is blocked from sight of the citizens, Kit does her change, shift, listen adn dsmell routine to check for dangers, then switches back.

"We don't know of any such person, though it is likely such enemies exist. Oorih never supported the kingdom, but he wasn't an open enemy either. I doubt that he would be working with these beastmen."

Kit senses pretty much the same things as before.

"Who is Oorih? IF I may ask? Also how much farther?"
Kit continues her walking, also hoping that the next portal is close by.

"He is a servant of Oorih, the Ethryl of Dark Perfection. Once the evil ethryl's servants reach a certain power and rank, they assume his name and form as a part of their belief that he and all things that come from him are perfect. He controls one of the islands to the South. None of the other Islands are allied with him with rather good reason. We don't know how much farther it is. Zlaedon is the only person who knows where we are going."

"Thanks. Say, is there anythign you can tell me about the Queen, and her powers? Any idea why she lost it?"
Kit takes the time to do another sniff and listen test, and change back to normal.

Salphon tries to use the scrying pool (avoiding looking in on anyone and being dettected) to look over the area where the wizards for magic of some one teleporting out recently.... if possable.

"She was a powerful mage and could enter trances to contact other lands. She maintained the shields and wards that her more powerful, grander predecessors set up before she was even born. She could teleport things at will, use light magic, cast various spells, and could scry through her trances. I would assume that whoever was controlling the beastmen managed to also gain some degree of control over her."


Several teleported out to various destinations. There is so much magic present that it's hard to hone in on any one path.

"I'm sorry that she had to be killed. But, how was she affected, is what I mean. And, recently, did any of her policies have a negative impact on the war wit hthe beast people? If she was controlled, there migth have been signs, no?"
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:41 pm
Tries to see if any one of the spells had a bit more energy than the others or diffrant in ways that couldn't be explained by diffrent schools of magic.... hoping if they had a real disk it would afect there magic.

"She seemed more on-edge, but none of her policies seemed directly detrimental to the war. Zlaedon, Ailandur, and Kalazel might know more about the details. None of us were high-ranking or magically skilled enough to gain important information about the queen, unfortunately."


You do sense one odd teleport spell.


Naria turns to Khaldrin. "I think it's time for the two of us to take some troops and regain our old ally. Are you ready to depart."

"Yes, mi'lady. We can depart as soon as you are ready to. I anticipate little dificulty in recovering Zlaedon's body for our use."

"Good. Salphron, can you keep a watch on things from the map here and tell me if any major difficulties appear while I am gone?"

"Ahhh, thanks for the info. Anything you woudl like to ask me?"
Kit does her smell, and listen routine once more.

"If that is your wish I have little better to do for the time being untill more information can be retrieved from the book, von duran atempts to contact us, or something presents itself as a problem...."

He tries to see where this teleport spell goes to....

"Where exactly are you from? That would probably determine if you're related to the beast men or not."

One man notices that the group is standing in front of Kit again. "What's wrong with her? Is she incontinent or something?"

Kit notices the same things as usual while transformed.


Naria nods to Salphron and teleports off through a rune gate. Khaldrin departs in a somewhat similar fashion.

"It appears that my daughter may not be showing up after all. I hope that isn't a problem for any of you. Is it?" Asks Gillingman.

The teleport spell goes to some distant plane that you haven't been to before.

Salphon sighs and goes over to look over the map to see if anything odd is going on.

Kit hears the shout, and well, ignores it, but realizes that most liekly, she can;t use it anymore.
"Darn, sorry, will have ot stop it," Kit whispers.

In a normal voice she continues, "I am not sure exactly where, but well, I don;t think from an island. I do know some homes, schools, and well, mainly foxpeople, I think. The males are a bit different looking though. As for where, well, sorry, I have no true clue."

Kevin does another general scan of the area before trying to examine the ship again.

Aside from the massive battle on the airship, which Varatheon is winning easily, nothing major is happening.


"So you got hit by the amnesia too, then?"


Kevin notices Naria and Khaldrin. He can now locate Firenza. Whatever was shielding the ship is now gone. The orc, Varatheon, and Arlova are now all on the ship.

Kevin suddenly open his now wide eyes as he do his best to fully analize everything around her. "She's here..." he muttered as he tried to garner every bit of info that may show why she's here.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:43 pm
Salphon shakes his head seing Varatheon fighting.... still not interly sure he's to be trusted.

"Yeah, I got hit too. Actaully, it was worse. I was in a male human form when I first remembered. I thought I was guy at first. Then my true gender came though. Werid, no?"

Naria is riding a nightmare (the horse with the flaming mane and eyes not the out-of-barrier Nightmares), and Khaldrin rides a strong brown horse beside her. There are 40 men following the two, and the whole group seems to be headed to the Southeast.


"That is very weird, yes."

He try to gauge their strenght relative to how hard the artillery shells hitted in the previous fight.

Speaks to the robes for the first time not having had a chance to before... <So what would you recomend at this point?>

"I know. "
Kit shivered. "Darn, I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable. I've gotten used to my other form. BNot having the scent and ears is a feels a bit odd to me. Ket me try somethign else."
Kit cautiously opens up her magical senses, trying to us them like a passive sensor, trying to detect magical signatures.

You could take out the troops easily. Naria and Khaldrin would probably survive to retaliate.


<Starying your current course and killing VonDurion while you have the chance. Letting him live on the slight chance that he can help you isn't the best of plans, master.>


She detects a very large number of wood imp shamans.

Kit turns to her group of guards.
"I've detected a large group of imp shamans. Would they be a danger to the group?"

<I only plan on letting him live should they find in the book his goals are not aceptable ones and/or there is no way to free him from amons control..... I know better than to pass up a chance while such forces are asimbled that have the strength I do not..... but I know not how an imdeate of a threat amon is, von duran could be an alie should we find his goals aceptable and he can be freed.>

"Probably not. Wood imps aren't that strong in the scheme of things."


<True. Help against Amon would be a good thing for us.>
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:45 pm
Firenza starts descending from the sky slowly with his wings "Well that could have gone better, could have gone worse though, good job with the army of orcs, nifty trick of theres taking the ship but not those on it, do you know how large the army is now? Also what have I missed with the whole lore keepers language stuff?"

"That;s good to hear. "
Kit looks around again.
"say, any idea where we are?"

Kevin report to his squad leader that he detected a big energy reading to the southeast which he can't seem to identify clearly. He add that they may be some of the strongest mages carrying the disc while the weaker were left behind and, assuming that the disc wouldn't be harmed by artillery fire, suggest that he help the mechs raze whoever is carrying the disc. He also add that most of the earlier forces to the north are gone, noting that there's pretty much nobody else beside a ship and the mages.

"My personal army of controlled undead now has 5,316 members. I am afraid that I have been out here gathering the army and helping Arlova. I do not know how things are going back at the towers. We should probably go check that."


"No. I haven't a clue. Zlaedon is the only person here who knows where we are going."


The captain pauses for a second and then asks "What coordinates should we fire at?"

<How imdiate a threat is he..... and is there any way to restore my true form that you know of.... It has been some time I could truely take the form of a elder shadow dragon.... much of my power is lost and my form matters little more than a shape now....I can not call apon all the strength of the body my kind made for ourselfs.... The only way I know is to regain strength and when I have the strength I shall be able to call forth that form again.... do you know of any way to alow me to do so sooner?>

"yeah. I also have no clue. I just hope not near a Dome of a Lich King. Naria, my former master, wanted to go there to retrieve some knowledge. And for some reason she is after Zlaedon, but, I am sure that we are nowhere near such a place, right?"

<I am afraid that I can provide you with no such swift route to power. Good luck in regaining your former strength, master. As for how immediate a threat Amon is, I would say that he is now less so, given that the Gillingman seems to be helping us.>


"Probably not. I can't fathom why we'd be near a lich's dome. I wonder why she was looking for Zlaedon. Maybe she knew someone else with the same name."

"Can't be blamed for doing what you are told. I suppose we should head to Naria's tower, though I'm not sure it will fit your 5k." Firenza says as he looks around to get his bearing and find the tower or what ever of interest is going on below and the dragon fkys next to Firenza.

Kevin give the captain the coordinates of where he estimate the disc(i.e. Naria) will be in one minute.

"Not sure either. I think she mentioned something about him being her mentor, or something. Also, " Kit drops her voice ot a whisper,
"I must confess, but, well, I accidently gave BNaria a powerful artifact, when I was working with her. I left soon after that and came to the Silver City, but, well, I still messed up big time. I do hope you can forgive me."

After tha tis said, Kit does another passive magic sweep, then listens to whatthe peple with her say.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:48 pm
"Gillingman Will you ask the book what exsacly Von durans personal goals are.. and how/if he and his alies can be fried from Amon's control........ If he can not be set free or his goals counterdict our own it would be purdent to kill him now while we have the chance and the forces to do it with........ the longer we wait here the more likely he will find a way to escape."

Firenza sees the Dome, the Bascaradine dropship, the marsh, some ruined towns, and some mountains off in the distance to the far North. At this point he remembers that Naria's tower is in a different dimension.


The captain nods and preps the mechs.


"I don't even know who this Naria person is, so of course we forgive you."

Kit senses lots of fairy magic.


Gillingman agrees to find out, given the pressing nature of the questions, and he teleports back to his fortress.

Kit pauses, wondering why she can sense Fairy magic.
"Hang on. I've sensed Fairy magic. Think we can take a look at what is causing it? OR woudl it be better to stay with the group?"

Kit attempts to locate the source of the fairy magic, trying ot probe it indiscretly, Kit not havign forgotten she has citizens wiht her that she shoudl not expose ot danger.

Salphon contenues to watch the map for anything odd. (oh say like mechs lauching an asult =p) And talks to the robes some more. <Is there any way you know of braking the hold on an idem, such as the Armor of Hellstrom, so you may absorb it's power .... short of killing the person it is linked to?>

"Wonder how I will find Naria... well in this lull, Varatheon do you know do you know healing and mana refilling spells that don't zombiefy. Was Vondurions forces in this demsion, and has there been any fighting with him?"

While the mechs are prepped the Neovorid keep doing it's Cosmos Meditations while Kevin prepare for the same psychic aiming he used for the wizard camp.

Erin looks around and realizes she has nothing she can help with in this juncture. Though while being in all regards a Mage, her senses haven't been refined to such a level to help target somehting like this, and she isn't quite ready to give away that she is a dragon, specially to people who might think of ways to expliot that trait of hers.

So instead she looks at Kevin and askes "What are you?" as she has herself never seen a phychic before.

"You should probably stay with us. There's safety in numbers, after all."

The magic seems to be coming from off into the woods somewhere.


<Unfortunately, I do not think I am able to absorb that item.>


Varatheon explains how the battle has gone so far and fully restores both Firenza's HP and MP.


The artillary shells fly with unerring accuracy, smashing into Naria's group of troops. Most of the soldiers are killed by the initial barrage, and the rest are left severely injured or incapacitated. Naria and Khaldrin manage to teleport away to a different part of the woods, where Khaldrin summons the giant, blue, winged shield with the giant eyeball in the middle. Naria begins to channel power into the Bardiche.


Salphron, at this point, picks up on the artillary attacks and what just happened to Naria. Zaradian also notices.

"I'll handle this. There must be some misunderstanding here. The corperation shouldn't be fighting us." Zaradian opens a portal in midair and steps through it.

Salphon nods and tries to see if the scyring pool alows the casting of magic through it.

<So the only way you know that you can is if the link is broken?>

Kit nod.
"that is true, btu well, I woudl like to investigate the magic. Tell you what, how about the five of us go, and my giant will guard the rear for us? I am sure that the gaint can handle anythign that migth threaten the group, no?"

Kit then head off towards the magic, senses alert adn battle ready.

The gaint settle into guard position, its hammer ready to smash.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:50 pm
Kevin keep directing the artillery fire, completely unaware that something happened.

"Have you started raising the dead from the battle? And after that maybe a tally of all the arms of your servents have?" Firenza asks.

The robes respond to Salphron. <Yes.>


"Why are you so interested in this fairy magic, Kit? I'm pretty sure that Zlaedon knows the safest route through here."


Before the second artillary barrage fires, Zaradian teleports into the Bascaradine dropship. The various mercinaries and employees raise their weapons to gun him down, but, upon seeing that he is a priest of Gadigan and the Saints, lower their arms.

Zaradian smiles and then speaks. "Cease your artiallary fire now. You have somehow latched onto the wrong targets, and you are attacking a group that is affiliated with both the royalty of the Twlight Realm and the Church. You wouldn't want to break regulations and cause an... incident... would you?"

The commander, very flustered and mildly afraid, orders a cease fire until the details of what is going on can be figured out.


"Yes, all of the members of my army are undead. There are presently 5,116 of them. Their numbers are still increasing though, master."

Kit look a bit embarassed, but replies.
"I have a debt to reapy as it were. I was once a rune mage, but some faeries at a castle helped purify me, and become a glyph mage, as I am now. However, that glyph was converted to a rune, adn teh faeries there were all killed I think. I know it sounds sily, but, I feel I have to investigate this source fo magic. It should not take long, although I would be honored if you would accompany me. My gaint should be enough to hold the line until we can get back, and I am sure we are not near anyone dangerous."

Kevin don't try to gun him down, partially due to a lack of guns on his part, but share everyone's reaction of surprise when he announce they basically attacked someone they shouldn't have.

<how strong is the sorce of the link?>

"Increasing is always nice, I just am going to have to think for this ever growing army other then padding for my city. How independent can they think and do they retain their former knowledge?" Firenza now bored of this flying in the sky starts dropping down to ground level. "Know anything about Lich's Varatheon?

The guards somewhat reluctantly agree and begin to follow you.


Zaradian and Kevin begin to talk. Zaradian eventually asks who the force's targetting officer is, and the commander points to Kevin.

"What exactly went wrong with the targetting? I would have assumed that your psychic abilities would have given you a bit better gague of who is and who isn't one of the opposing wizards."


<Rather strong, sir. It was weakened in the past by a previous owner, though. That much is obvious.>


"Plenty. Are you asking about liches in general, or the one in this dome here in particular, sir?"

Kit looko sback at the guards.
"I think my Gaint should be enough of a guard to let us hurry back if we are needed. Otherwise, well, we migth find something that might aid us. I think that is worth the risk."

Kit leads the guards off towards the magic source, and once they are out of sight of the citizens Kit shifts back, and breathes a sigh of relief.
"That feels good. "
Kit uses her ears adn nose to listen and smell as she uses her magic to lead her group towards the place she sensed the magic.

"Well I suppose this one in general, how generous do you think he would be or if he would mind demons?"
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:53 pm
<could the link be worn down by some one using the armor for some time?>

Kevin reply that the particular radar he used detect energies, not minds i.e. people, that nobody told him what kind of energies the item they were supposed to get emanated and that whoever they friendly-fired had the biggest energy signature in the area. He also add that he clearly told his superior that he wasn't sure if the signature was what they looked for: once his leader decided to attack, he simply carried out his order.

*Arlova looks up at varatheon and firenza*

"Ehh.. Now what?"

Kit enters the forest and senses several monsters converging on her position.


"He is unlikely to be generous unless you have something to offer him. He should be fine with demons though, given past allinces that have been made."




"The most powerful presence in the area? Hardly. I think I remember seeing you before somewhere... Now, why did you pick that particular group?"


"Would you like us to set you down?"

<OH well... do you know of anything else that can incress your deffinces?>

(also out of morbid curiosity... i take it the blackstar blade is way to strong to be absorbed right?)

<The life forces of the dark chosen candidates.>

No, it can't be absorbed.

*arlova smiles lightly*

"Yeah.. I kind of like being on the ground.. where are the rest of naria's troops that we were just with?"

Kit gets into a battle ready position and calls out to the group,
"Look out. 've sensed mosnters incoming."
Kit readies her magic, whiel trying to see if she can smell what kind of monster it is.

"A gift..." Firenza thinks for a moment, "can you pass control of your zombies to another person?" Firenza suddenly noticed Arlova, "Umm how long has she been there?!"

"Kevin Dravis, ex-member of the Yin-Yang clan: I left to not get in trouble with neither Kit nor Naria when the former declared hostility to the latter. We met during Toole's attack on the town. But I digress, I picked that particular group since it was the one most likely to possess the item I was instructed to look for. I am sincerely sorry that the imperfection of my technique caused this misunderstanding."
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:56 pm
<I was unaware there where other canidates.... how many... and I have been weakened a good bit... are any stronger than i am?>

Erin looks onward to the exchange of words between them and glad that she wans't the one that messed up. But decided that getting a little closer to this group would possibly help in her endevors and if they left, she resolved that she would be with them.

Varatheon nods and takes Arlova to the ground.

"They have made a defensive withdrawl into the woods as per the orders that were issued. I detect them in that copse of trees nearby." Varatheon points to a thick group of trees.

"She has been here since I arrived, master. Perhaps the combat distracted you from noticing her."


Wood imps. It's mostly lots and lots of wood imps. The guards also ready their weapons, though they seem very reluctant to remain out in the woods.


Zaradian seems a bit hesitant, but he nods. You aren't quite sure whether he belives you, or if he just wants to get you out of the area.

"I can assure you that the object you are searching for isn't on this world. If it was, the executives would have sent a more powerful team to recover it. You will be returning to base now," says Zaradian flatly.

Some of the crew members start to protest, but the captain quickly nods. "Yes, of course. I'll get the navigator to..."

"There is no need to have your pilot activate the vehicle. I can handle that myself." Zaradian walks over to the control console, and, as the pilot stares at him in a somewhat agog manner, enters an override code. Zaradian then sets the ship to warp back to town. "I will provide transport back to Town for those not presently on the ship. Your mission will be considered a success by HQ, and you will all recieve your full intended pay. Please proceed with your debriefing and don't send any teams back here until you recieve confirmation to do so from upper management officials. Thank you."

With that, Zaradian nods and shimmers out of reality as the ship begins to re-activate its primary portal drive engine.


<I do not know how many there are. Some may be more powerful than you, and some may be less powerful. What I do know is that you, master, are not a candidate. You are the dark chosen. The others are simply trying to take your title from you.>

"Right... the battle distaracted me..." Firenza gives a large shake of his head before asking, "can you pass the control of some of the zombies to someone else?"

Kevin casually go sit down at his seat, not showing any hint of fear, instead being quite happy that he successfully accomplished his mission: escort that half-dragon girl. The fact that he helped alot in the fight against those wizard, helping minimize losses, give him hopes of a bonus.

Kit makes a decision and dashes towards the source of the magic, urging the guards to take the lead, with Kit taking the rear, using her nose and ears to scan the rear, and use mass confuse on any wood imps who truy to attack the group as ohey head to where Kit Felt the fairy magic.

"I could. Why do you ask?"


The ship re-enters the dimensional warpway. I'll post the quest rewards for Kevin and Erin in a bit.


The blue skinned wood imps begin swarming the group. Kit's spells are managing to keep them from mounting a successful assault, but wave after wave makes short skirmishing attempts.

Kit and the panicing guards seem to be closing in on the source of the magic.

"I was thinking we could offer some of them to the lich for stuff, they are kind his specialty, though he might not have that much a demand for them."

"That actually sounds like a rather sound plan, master. I should be able to retake control of them if need be, so they are, in that respect, an optimal gift. What do you desire from the Lich King, exactly? I might be able to provide it myself."

Kit continues her running and her spell casting, downing a Miracle crap when she runs out of mana to replinish her energy.
"Come on, we're closing on it. "
Kit keeps the pace, hoping they can reach the magical source soon and that maybe that once there, the wood imps will caease attacking. Alxzo, in any event, if the wood imps are after them, they aren;t attacking the civilians.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:59 pm
"I was have an idea needing a great deal of air mana, light, and fire mana, and something pertaining to resurection, such as a spell, but mostly I was hoping he might have an everburing torch that I could use."

evin gets-

3,000 XP
Some Bascaradine mission points marked off of his debt
Manaless is replaced by
Mana Drain- (Ability, Augmentation) Character can damage MP instead of HP, 5% Magic Resistance
2 Fame
Kevin updated.

Erin gets-
2,000 XP
20,000 Gold
1 Fame
Erin updated.


Kit manages to enter a glade in the forest. There are ruins scattered throughout the glade, and many flowers fill the open space. The wood imps seem to be gathering around the glade's edge, preparing an attack from all sides.


Varatheon picks up a stick, holds it for a moment, and causes its tip to burst it a deep crimson flame. He then hands it to Firenza.

"Would this work?"

Everburning Stick- (Weapon, Wand, Fire & Earth, 60,000 Gold) +45 Melee Attack, +70 damage to all attacks that have the Fire element when the stick itself is not counted

Kit preapres herself.
"Better find a defesniable position."
Kit takes a deep breath and does two things. First, she tries to appeal for help to teh source of the fairy magic. She also tries to make use of the fairy magic here, to defend herself and the guards.
Kit is prepated to mass confuse the wood imps if the wood imps attack.

All the XP to Kevin
1 Fame goes to his stockpile
1 Fame will be witheld for a level up (once he beat a few aliens around that is)

Firenza gives a short whistle before saying "Whoah you can make one of those just like that. Maybe working with the Lich would be unneccary, I don't suppose you know anying about phoenixs or thier creation.

The magic source does not respond. The magic does not appear to be of an offensive nature.

The wood imps are casting preperatory spells.


"I know plenty of phoenixes, and the best way for you to get one would be to hatch an egg. It would be more likely to bond with you that way."

Kit tries to see if she can use the magic in a defensive manner, including getting the group out of here, remebering some tale in the tavern about faierie tranportation rings.
Kit also readies her mass confuse again, in case the imps charge.

*Arlova looks at Firenza and Varatheon*

"A phoenix..? Why do you want one..?"

The fae magic does seem to have teleportation qualities. You might be able to focus your power to transport the group away from here.

The imps ready their weapons and begin to charge forward from all sides.

"Hang on. Goign to try to get us out of here."
Kit focuses her power and attempts to teleport her and her group away from the imps, doing what is needed to get the 5 of them (I'm sure it is 5, the 4 guards and Kit) away from the imps.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:01 pm
Kit hears a soft, female voice ask her where she wants to go.

<Keep an 'eye' out for any that are are weaker so I may take there power then.... same for any other chosen or canidates.. I hope to atlest get frienza to be a canidate for fire....>

"Fairy Glade."
"Away form here."
The three sentences are said in order, although, only if hte previous one did not work to get them away. If the 3rd onedoes not work, Kit will attempt to say they arein dnager and need to get away while preparing casting mas confuses at the imps.

<I will, master.>


Kit is whisked away by the fairy magic. The group members find themselves staring at the spires of what appears to be a ruined fairy castle.

After some thinking and still watching the map <Is there any way to incress your ablity to sence them?>

<By finding and killing some of them.>

Kit looks around.
"Ahhh, this is new. Sorry, I guess I owe you an explanation. I managed to tap into the fairy magic. It seems to be teleportation magic and I said Castle and we ended up here. So, should we explore the castle you think, or what should we do? I did not have much time to think about a desitnation, as the imps were almost on us. I would like to explore, but well, would like your opinion."
Whiel tlaking, kit again attempts to use her nose, ears and magic to scan the area.

The guards are too confused and worn out from recent events to respond coherently. Kit senses no life, not even the usual monsters, nearby.

Salphon luaghs some <Well I supose i'll check the dark tavern before going to get the crystal for the rose....>

"Can you wait here for a moment? I want to check something out."
Kit moves towards the ruins, senses alert, heading towards the ruins, trying to search through, and see what can be found.
Kit also attmepts to see if there is any more fairy magic, and wether she can attempt to contact the magic again, epseically any magic that is different form teh transportation magic.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:03 pm
There is plenty of odd fairy magic eminating from the castle. Aura on top of dweomer resonates faintly from various parts of the building. The entire area seems to be surrounded by some sort of glamour.

Kit cautiosuly approaches the castle, while trying too see if she can penetrate the glamour while also saying, "Hello? Anyone here?"

She is already inside the glamour. It surrounds the area near the castle too.

There is no response.

Kit attempts to enter the castle, and look around. Maybe something coudl be found inside, she figures, and maybe she can find some clues as to what happened here.

He sighs a little watching the map wondering what is taking the demon so long with the book.

You have no idea what is taking Gillingman so long.


Kit enters the first chamber of the castle. It seems to be filled with flowers that were once growing in well-ordered rows. They now are erratically spread about the grassy floor. The cieling is open to the sky above, with a flower-shaped pattern made of white stone beams stretched between pillars above the courtyard. There are doors on either side of the area.

Kit bends down to look closer at the flowers, and trying to use magic to to see if she can find anyhting out abotu the flower through her magic. Before heading to the left door, opening it, and going through.

The flowers are normal flowers. They're rather pretty and come in various shades of yellow, red, and blue.


Kit enters a long hall that is open to another courtyard filled with bushes and flowers to the right. The hall curves to the right after about 30 feet. There are doors on the far side and at the end of the portion curving to the right. Stained glass panes depicting some fairy queen are set into the left-hand wall.

Kit walks down teh hall, alert for any traps and views the paes of the fairy queen, trying to see if it viewing them will help. She then opens the doors at the far end and look through them.

Which door does she open? There are 5.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:06 pm
All 5, and looks through them to decide where to go next.

salphon waits and watches... how excighting

The first door opens to a room with crystal flowers in vases on a few pedestals and stairs heading up to the second floor.

The second door opens to a bed chamber with an old bed, some sheets, a chest of drawers, and a closet in it.

The third door opens to another bedchamber.

The fourth door opens to some room with a tiled floor. You aren't sure what it is for.

The fifth door on that wall opens to a room filled with barrels labeled with names of fish.

Kit enters and searches the first bedroom, then heads ot eh fish room and reads the label on the barrels, and smells the air, trying to see if the fish are still edible, checks out the tiled room, then heads for teh room with the stairs heading up.

One action at a time, Kit. The first bedroom's wardrobe contains numerous sets of clothes that all seem too small for you. The closet contains shoes and outfits that appear to be equally small. Windchimes are in a small box that is tucked away under the bed. There is an easel and a set of brightly colored, but not very varied, paints in the back of the closet.

Kit take one windchime, and sees if she take aong het easel, and paints, and a set of clothes, figuring it never hurt to take themm, and that the paints migth be useful to mark her way if a maze appeared. Kit then heads to the barrel room and searches the barrels.

Kit gets-

Brass Windchimes- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 20 Gold)
Short Easel- (Item, Antiquity, Air, 35 Gold)
Set of Bright Paints- (Item, Antiquity, Light, 80 Gold)

The barrels appear to contain many seeds.

Kit takes the seeds, planning on maybe using them later on for a garden, then heading for the tiled room to investigate that.

Kit gets-

20 Halibut Seed- (Item, Antiquity, Water, 30 Gold)
40 Salmon Seed- (Item, Antiquity, Water, 35 Gold)
10 Carp Seed- (Item, Antiquity, Water, 70 Gold)
20 Catfish Seed- (Item, Antiquity, Water, 95 Gold)

Kit now heads to the tiled room, and looks around.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:07 pm
Kit hears a similar, yet different female voice ask, "Shall we begin?"

"Begin what?"
Kit is curious. If the question repeats, Kit will answer yes.


Kit nods.

A barrier appears in the door, blocking any possible exit. A large green mantis appears in the room's center.

Kit curses her big mouth.
"I assume I am to defeat this, right," she asks the voice?

Lord Gadigan wrote:
The magic source does not respond. The magic does not appear to be of an offensive nature.

The wood imps are casting preperatory spells.


"I know plenty of phoenixes, and the best way for you to get one would be to hatch an egg. It would be more likely to bond with you that way."

"Egg?" Firenza says confused, then gets real exited, then practicaly shouts in exitement "Where could I possibly find an egg of one of those?"

*Arlova smiles and agrees*

"I too would like to see an egg such as this.. Are they big?"


The mantis attacks. Kit is sliced for 573 damage.


"Many phoenix eggs are in nests of ash and flame mana found near the tops of volcanos. You could also try purchasing one from somewhere like Bascaradine."

"They are rather large for bird eggs."
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:10 pm
"Not Good, Not good, Not GOOOD!!!!!!!!! Too hard I think."
Kit retailiates with an overdrived glyph of blasting, not willing to go down wihtout a fight.

"And the phoneix's themselfs can be huge I once saw one big enough, to pick me up, nearly threw me off a mountain, luckly I had wings back then too.

"Would they possibly be in dormant volcanos Varatheon, I know of one?"

*Arlova excitedly agrees with firenza, becoming excited by hearing about them*
"I would love to raise one myself! They must be incredible animals! Pay I please accompany you?"

Kit blasts the insect backwards for 557 damage, blasting away a large portion of its body. It then beheads Kit.

The last words Kit hears are "Your combat skills are insubstantial. Spend more time with your intial combat trainer. You will be revived in the medical ward shortly."


Gillingman reappears in the tower. "Have Naria's troops kill him now. He is trying to become the endbringer, not stop him."


"Yes, master, that is quite possible."

He comunicates with naira and the chosen to attack.

"Sure I suppose you can come miss." Firenza says to Arlova, "but there is something I need to do first before I return to that mountain, including finding Naria and checking up on the reading that book. I'm not even going to bother questioning your potential powers this time, Varatheon would you locate or deamon friend."

Naria and the chosen re-launch their attack on VonDurion. Naria herself seems to be working on finding Zlaedon, still, though. He'll probably be able to help with the battle.


Varatheon nods and teleports the group over to Naria, who seems somewhat surprised to see you all showing up. She is riding on the same nightmare with Khaldrin at her side. Her guard contingent is different, though.

Salphon gets some one else to watch the map and scrying pool... then uses the pool to port to where naira is ..... he also contacts Laday (a..whatever) and her buttler to see if they can help with the attack...

Firenza whistles, "Nice horse... what did I miss, did you get the language, where did the awsome black horse come from, find anything else cool?"

"Yes but it's not of that much use anymore.... it's a long story we can catch you up later...... "
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Re: Quest- Dome of the Lich Lord

Post by Modrageball »

Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:12 pm
Naria expalains the events that occurred and the basic plan to Arlova and Firenza.


Salphron arrives shortly after she finishes. Lady Amelia and Winthrop are already participating in the attack.

After some thinking salphon looks over his sword and to naira ..."Naira you have any mana potions?"

"Yes, here you go."

She hands Salphron a blue potion.

"So the guy who can read the book, isn't here... darn it, I guess I can help withe the ritual. How can I be of service."

"Help keep any of the nessecary sacrifices from escaping. When I finish incapacitating Zlaedon, you can help me whisk them back to a ritual chamber in the tower."

"Do you need the bodies for the sacrifices our only their deaths?"

*Arlova looks at Naria, a bit shocked.*

"... Sacrifices..? I was not informed that you were going to sacrifice innocence for your cause.."

Salphon pauses "do you need my help with him or should i go ahead and help your forces agenst von duran's army?"

"I need only their deaths and souls, you can do whatever you wish with the bodies."

Naria then turns to Arlova. "Think of it this way, they are a resource that can be used to further our success. For some to rise to power, others must fall during the process. Do you hesitate to harvest trees for their wood? Cows for their meat? Would you avoid crushing an ant nest if it would get you what you desired? What about a cave full of goblins; adventurers raid dungeons and kill their inhabitants for lesser treasures than what we will reap here today all the time. It's all a matter of perspective. They are not our allies. They are not our equals. They are a resource that we can use to build another step towards our ultimate triumph."

Naria turns to Salphron. "You may go ahead and assist in the battle against VonDurion's forces. You know them better than most of my other commanders, so you should be able to assist in the battle effort greatly."

Salpon nods lifting into the air his cloak pulling up frailing through the air some.....

He gets in contact with the people in the tower whanting to know where naria's forces are.... wanting to catch as little of them as possable in the blast so needs to know where to hit....

HE also contacts the chosen to try and get them to open up a place for him to hit as many with the spell as possable....
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:15 pm
Firenza starts talking to himself quietly. "hmm sacrifices it has be a long time since I was in that business. I thought I was done with it that killing civilians for the sake of killing..."

"It isn't for the sake of just killing them. Killing that many humans for no reason would be a waste. We are killing them to bring back Maleficus."


There are a few hundred thousand undead. It's easy for you to just hit them.

*Arlova nods to Naria*

"I see.. Naria, I joined you because I felt you had a certain level of just belief. But I suppose it is only on the matter of friendship. I am one of the low ranking soldiers, so my effort here will be insignificant to your victory, I humbly ask to leave.. I do not wish to stop you, and I will not say that what you are doing is unnecessary.. but I cannot let myself be a part of this.. Please let me leave your army and return to a safe place.. I am sorry I could not better help your efforts.. Please.. if it would please you.. You may take away all you have given me for joining you.. "

"Are you asking to leave for good, or do you just not want to be part of this mission?"

*Arlova bows humbly*

"I wish to leave for good.. I can't be in a group that has hands stained with innocent blood.. I humbly ask for safe leave.."

"Who is Maleficus and why are we bringing him back?'

Once salphon has the opening to strike he whants he dives down into the force of undead driving the blackstar blade deep into the earth....

There is a flash and the sword's inter shifts slowly untill there is a black hole in the wrist gard of the sword. The sky over the battle fleild grows dark as the thick clowd start to spirlal around eachter and pull down ... The intire area grows darker and colder as salphon is ingulfed in a sphere of pure darkness that radates outwords from him streaching through the zombies pulling them and drawing down the clouds as it grows faster and faster ungulfing a large chuck of the forest.

It can be seen from a distance rather easly as a large area disapears into the growing sphere... rather inhuman screaches and whales can be hurd from the darkness as it sqirls about before shrinking rapidly leaving everything that had been pulled into it besides salphon turn to pices.

(ultimant attack... should do 10,400 some damage.... )

"I'm tempted to let you leave. However, I think that a precedent for what happens to those who decide not to obey me needs to be laid down at some point. I'm getting rather tired of my sworn allies deciding that they don't want to help me any more. At least I was smart enough to put in a safeguard this time."

Naria makes a gesture in the air, and Arlova's eyes flash a dull red for a moment.

"Don't you think it would be better if you headed back to the tower. We can still be friends and work together, right, Arlova?"

Naria smiles in a cute yet malevolent manner, already knowing the general idea of what Arlova's answer will be.

(Arlova is now lawful evil. She can no longer disobey Naria's orders, though she still mostly has free will and can go on side quests and stuff.)

Naria also explains Maleficus and the history of the Demon Wars to Firenza.


A massive number of zombies and other assorted undead die. Several undead archers fire up at Salphron with minimal effect.

Salphon uses the potion and then joins the battle with the other chosen.

*Arlova nods and bows again*

"Yes, I shall do as you wish, dear friend Naria."
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:18 pm
"The hell..." Firenza said at the sudden change of pace. "So where are these sacrifies?"
Then as a after thought through Varatheon <do your zombies retain their memories and do they need souls for your type of resurection?>

Salphron joins the battle, which seems to be going well for his side.


Naria is very pleased and offers to gate Arlova back to her room in the tower.


"They are no more than ten minutes ahead of us, and they are moving in our direction. The powers tha be certainly seem to favor us today, delivering exactly what we need right into our waiting arms. Say, do you think you could have Varatheon go aid the battle with VonDurion? I don't believe any of my servants are strong enough to fight the hunter himself, and I doubt that Gillingman will personally intervene."

<They do not need souls. It actually works more efficiently if I remove them, master.>

*Arlova accepts her offer*

"You heard the woman Varatheon, I sure I hope I don't need you just to corrale some people."

<And do they retain the the knowledge they had?>

Salphon contenues to kill as many as he can using mass confution to affect many at a time.. and hving his pet rain down darkness and eat people.

Salphon looks for a general in his range to fight... that he could deffeat... and if he finds one attacks...

Arlova appears in her chamber. It contains a large pool with a comfortable looking bed made of magical cloths in the middle of a coral garden in the center of the pool. Books on magic rest in the non-aquatic portion of the room near a reading desk. The chamber is decorated with ornate silver, gold, and mother-of-pearl decorations, mirrors, artworks, and other luxuries. Mana stones are embedded in the walls, causing the water to restore magical power to those within it. There is a door on the land portion of the room, leading to the rest of the tower.


Varathon nods and flies off.

<They do not, but I can probe into their brains to gather them or return their memories to them.>


The battle is going well. Salphron spots Iburidal. Are you attacking Iburidal?


Kit wakes up to find herself in a bed covered in white linens.

Kit gets out of the bed, and then asks, "Where am I?", figuring that maybe she would get a response.

*Arlova looks around, liking the look of her room. She looks at the magic books to see if there was anything special to read/study*

"Medical ward, third floor. There are currently 0 doctors available. 0 are on call. 0 nurses are present. 0 are on call. Please wait for one of them to assist you."


Yes, what type of magic is Arlova intersted in? There are books on most of the darker or neutral types.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:19 pm
Kit uses her less Healing spell on herself.
"Where am I? And I can heal myself."

"Medical ward, third floor."

Kit is healed.

Anything.. maybe something like a spell book or anything worth reading, even if it's dark..

"The Arts of Magic and Controlling the Elements"?

Salphon looks for some one he can kill.... and covayes his idea to the others. <Try and target the leaders as much as you can... if you can kill them the troups they control should become rouge for people on our side with the skills to control and turn agenst von durans forces... there are way to many here for him to be controling derectly... he has to be using subordiants.... target them>

"Well then I will just have to wait around then, bored again." Firenza sits down crosslegged and his wings fold up. And starts absentmindely looking at his book on Greater Cockatrice. <Good I assume that you still have the zombies gained from on that ship, maybe we got someone of importance.>

Salphron enters combat with an Ashen Necromaner. Their battle thread will be seperate.

*Arlova takes that book, sits at the edge of the pool, letting her legs dip into the waters, pulling up her dress a little so that doesn't get wet. She begins to read it*

"Humm.. let's see here.."

"May I ask what you are? What this place is?"
Kit also attempt to contact the gaurds outside thorugh magic, especially the mage in training and tell them to come in, that the castle is empty and seems to be somewhat aware, and warns them abotu the room.

"Also, some friends of mine should be coming in. I hope that's okay."

Arlova begins learning about Wizard Magic and Elemental Magic.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:22 pm
"You are in the capital, home of the fairy court. I am Illuria Brightwing, your friendly automated guide. Ask me anything- I have all the answers. All fairies are welcome in the capital."

The guards don't immediately reply, but they may be headed toward your position.

"What can you tell me about this place? What was the recent history? And are there any, ahh, scrying pools or remote viewing areas?"

"This is the captial. History books are located on the library. The library main enterance is on the second floor. The ritual of leaves, in which the queen will activae the scrying pool, will next occur 2,370 years ago. Thank you for your interest in tourism.

Firenza starts reading the book more closely starting at the first chapter for raising Cockatrice.

Kit's ears perk up at the mention of library.
"How do I get to the library? Can you direct me? And do they have books on magic there?"

Naria's procession eventually locates the civilian exodus. Zlaedon is leading the group on his white horse. Naria turns to her companions.

"Are you all ready? This shouldn't be too hard."


Arlova will gain an ability and some spells at some point.


"The libary's main enterance is on the second floor. You are currently in the medical wing, third floor. The nearest guard station is 3 rooms to the right. Maps of the capital are available at all guard stations."

Firenza puts away the book, "Killing him isn't in the plan right?"

Kit does as the voice tells, and heads for the nearest Gard station to look at the map and see what she can find.
As she walks, she contacts the group again.
"Hi. This seems ot be the fairy Capital, although I hav enot run into any yet. I'm on the third floor after a mishap in a trianing simulator. I'm headni g for the second floor library. Should we meet there? Oh, there should be maps at guard stations."

"Absolutely not. We need his body entirely intact for the ritual to succeed. I have binding spells prepared to take him out of the battle without harming him. It would actually be better if no one here died. If we kill them here, then their souls can't be used in the ritual later."


Kit reaches the guard station, which is empty. It may take a while to sort through the stacks of various papers and brochures to find an appropriate map. The group once again does not reply. You may not be able to contact them in the way you're trying to.

Kit thinks, then spoeaks.
"Is there anyone else here? If there are 4 people, think you coudl direct them to me?"
In the meantime, kit starts looking through that guard area, looking for a map.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:24 pm
"Take them with out killing them... Naria how good are at teleporting folks?"

"I can open large rune gates. If we can herd them through the gates, we should be able to get them into the proper room easily. I could also teleport them one by one, but that would be horribly inefficient since there's at least a hundred thousand human souls here.

"Large rune gate huh, does said gate need to be vertical and above ground?"

"No... I think I know where you're heading with this idea. That's brilliant! I'll cast it on the ground under the group."

Naria smiles with cheerful glee.

"Tell me when your ready I'll try to ensure none of them try to escape when you do."

"Are you requesting a census report or do you wish to locate a specific person?"


Naria gathers some magic power and then nods to Firenza. "I'm ready."

Khaldrin starts by summoning what appears to be a twisted ent cloaked in green flames. The tree creature plunges its black roots into the ground and flames streak off into the trees, causing all the plants they touch to uproot themselves and form a veritable wall of corrupted foliage around the large group of people. Before Zlaedon can react, Naria converts her gathered energy into a binding spell, which levitates him into the air, immobilizing him and surrounding him with a white energy field. The people begin to panic, running in every direction and stampeding over each other.

Naria shifts her focus and starts to open the rune gate.

"Census report, why not. And can you also locate 4 humans?"
Kit continues to look through the guard station, trying to find the map.

"The city's current population is 0 citizens and 5 visitors. We know there can be a lot of bustle going on in the captial, so if you get overwhelmed by the crowds and feel lost at any time, feel free to head to the nearest guard station where you will be given assistance or directions as needed. To view a complete census report, try visiting the castle library. The library enterance is on floor 2."

You finally find a map-
Holiday Commemerative Fairy Capital and Castle Map (Blossom Festival Edition)- (Item, Antiquity, Earth & Magic & Light, 300 Gold)

Firenza raises his hand up an starts focusing fire mana into the trees to create them into a wall of flame but then he sees the panicking people and freezes suddenly.

"Is it possible to direct the other visitors to the library?"
Kit takes the time to read her map, then looks at the guard station again, trying to see if there is anything she can use.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:26 pm
"The library entrance is on the second floor. If you are seeking to contact a specific individual or have lost members of a tour or other group that you are with, please contact the nearest guard."

There are several orbs embedded into one of the walls.


Naria finishes the gate and a massive portal, surrounded by runic symbols, appears in the ground, gaping wide like the maw of a great and malign being, eagerly swallowing the people that fall into it. Most of the group rushes away from the massive portal, running towards the opposite end of the dark-tree-enclosed area. There are still tens of thousands of people milling about in a sort of panic. Several try, in vain, to attack the trees.

"Think you can herd them into that portal, somehow?"

Kit asks, "What do the orbs in the wall do?"

Kit also goes over and examines one of the Orbs.

Kit;'s gaint, in teh rear of teh group, tries to lift citizens over hte trees if possible., If that is not possible, it attacks the trees themselves, trying to open a path for the civilians.

"I'm trying..." Firenza starts willing for the trees to burst into flames again but stops short agian. "Why don't you just make the tree circle smaller or the portal larger!"

"Please do not operate the control orbs without proper training. If you need assitance, contact a guard or castle administration member."

The orb is round and bluish.


The trees and Hauberos begin to fight. Some of the civilians are managing to make it out near the fight zone.

Naria points to the Hauberos. "There, kill that thing. I'll try to have the trees move inwards toward the portal. That's as large as I can make it at the moment."

Kit leaves the Orb alone for now. Then, using the map, heads for the Library, although she dos ask.
"What do Blue Orbs control?"

The Haubrous attempts to knock the tree out of posiiton, or wrestle it away, trying to create a gap that hte citizens can escape through.

Firenza takes to the sky and dive bombs the Huabros with his sword and knock it away from the trees.

melee attack @ Huabros

"Please do not operate the control orbs without proper training. If you need assitance, contact a guard or castle administration member."

Kit begins the long trek through the halls and chambers toward the library.


Firenza manages to decapitate the giant with a well-aimed strike, but not before at least 40 people manage to run off into the woods.

The tree wall reforms into its prior self and continues hemming the group in. It appears as through the plan will be a success.

(The giant will be revived in the BA if Kit rejoins it)

Kit continues her trek.
"I thought you had all the answers? Oh well. What can you tell me about magic?"

"I do have all the answers. I am Illuria Brightwing, your friendly automated guide. Magic is what makes up the fabric of our universe. Magic is also one of the cardinal elements. Stay informed! Just ask any one of our tour guides, and he or she will be happy to explain how magic plays an important role in YOUR life that you may not have even noticed."

Kit continues walking, resisting teh urge to attempt to strangle the automated guide, depsiote it being impossible.

"Okay, hypothetical situation. What if all faieries were dead, an dsomeone came across the castle. What should they do?"
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:28 pm
"If you are woried about hypothetical disasters, you should consult the offices of the bureau of disaster control. The bureau of disaster control offices are located on the 4th floor D wing."

Firenza keeps in the air above the trees watching what happens, and seeming kind of sad.

Kit speeds up her pace.
"Okay. Are there any armories or defense stations in case of enemy attack?"

After several minutes of slowly decreasing chaos, as despair and despondancy set into the people being cowled into the pit, the mission is complete. Almost every single person was successfully sent to whatever destination the portal led to.

Naria hops up and down in glee, apparently eager for Maleficus to return. She waves for Firenza to come back down to the group. Khaldrin nods to the tree creature and unsummons it.


"There are guard stations located conviniently on all floors. The enterance to the main barracks and the castle armory are both on the first floor."

He drops down into the group "So what know, return to your tower for the ritual?"

"What can be found in the armory? And Can you locate where the visitors are?"

Kit speeds up her pace agian, and starts jogging, still attempting to get to the 2nd floor library.
(Where si kit so far?)

"Yes. Let us return to the tower now. Thank you for your help here, both of you." She smiles at you, genuinely grateful.

Naria opens a portal. She leviates Zlaedon's frozen form through it, then she follows, as do Khaldrin and the guards.


"The armory contains weapons and armor. Please remember that the castle armory's armaments are for official soliders' use only. I am afraid that I am unable to search for individual visitors. With the city's current total population of 5, such a search would be impractical. Try asking an individual at a nearby guard station for help."

Kit is currently in a sitting room on the second floor.

Firenza steps through the portal still feeling mopey and the dragon too if it can fit.

"Why is such a search impractical? Does the castle have any magical sheilds or barrier?"

"Such a search would be impractical because of the sheer volume of people in the castle at any given time. The castle is protected at all times by a powerful magical glamour. This glamour keeps the castle seperate from the outside would and protects its inhabitants from all enemies. This glamour is powered by magic! Magic is what makes up the fabric of our universe. Magic is also one of the cardinal elements. Stay informed! Just ask any one of our tour guides, and he or she will be happy to explain how magic plays an important role in YOUR life that you may not have even noticed."


Firenza enters the portal and is teleported to the Tower. He now stands atop a large platform that overlooks a massive pit-like portion of the room, which has several grooves in its base to collect and spilled blood. The black-walled pit is nearly filled with a massive number of people. Beside you on the dais stand Naria, Khaldrin, Lady Vhaz'Loss, Onjiru, Varatheon, a simulacrum of Marina, and Gillingman. Zaradian and Goldenhammer are conspicuously absent.

Naria, beaming, asks, "shall we begin the ritual?"
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:31 pm
"I don't see any reason why you shouldn't stop now." says firenza as he looks down at all the people below.

Kit totally resists the urge to start blasting away and speeds up once more, hoping to reach the library, and search it.

"What's in the library?"
Kit starts running now, hoping she is near the library.

Arlova finishes her studies. She gains-

Basic Elemental Magic Attunement- (Ability, Elemental Magic) All Elemental Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP

Call Unto Water- (Spell, Elemental Magic, Water, 15 MP, 11,000 Gold) Either +15 Magical Attack, changes target ally's next attack's element to Water, scans the user's enemies to determine if any of them are Water element, or gives target 5% Water Resistance

Call Unto Earth- (Spell, Elemental Magic, Earth, 15 MP, 11,000 Gold) Either +15 Magical Attack, changes target ally's next attack's element to Earth, scans the user's enemies to determine if any of them are Earth element, or gives target 5% Earth Resistance

Call Unto Air- (Spell, Elemental Magic, Air, 15 MP, 11,000 Gold) Either +15 Magical Attack, changes target ally's next attack's element to Air, scans the user's enemies to determine if any of them are Air element, or gives target 5% Air Resistance

Call Unto Fire- (Spell, Elemental Magic, Fire, 15 MP, 11,000 Gold) Either +15 Magical Attack, changes target ally's next attack's element to Fire, scans the user's enemies to determine if any of them are Fire element, or gives target 5% Fire Resistance

Waves of the Water Guardians- (Spell, Elemental Magic, Water, 210 MP, 148,000 Gold) +128 Magical Attack, 1 hit against 4, Call Unto Water must have been previously cast in this battle by this spell's user

*Naria's ritual will be in a post of its own*


"The library contains books. The library entrance is on the second floor."

Kit is now very close to the library.

Kit continues her pace, wondering who designed the guide, and can;t help but ask,
"Who created you guide?"

*Arlova smiles, feeling she learned something good, she stands back up and returns to the books and looks for anything else interesting*

Naria nods and begins to chant in the daemon tongue. After a few tense minutes of chanting, a wave of power flows through the crowd. All of the humans collapse, dead. Their souls drift from their bodies and coalesce into a white sphere of energy, which moves above the dais, directly above where Zlaedon floats. As the chanting continues, the ball suddenly flies upwards and melts away into darkness. A color deeper than black rips itself into reality, and you feel the power of the void flood the room. A cone of the sentient darkness, radiating divine power, pours downward, envelloping Zlaedon's unmoving body. The gate to the void closes after the dark entity finishes entering the waiting body. Zlaedon's body is turned upright in midair, and it slowly levitates to the ground. Zlaedon blinks as he reaches the ground, and then he stretches. Naria looks at him with great anticipation, hoping the ritual worked. He flashes his eyes red and smiles to her. Naria gleefully jumps and cheers, then running over and hugging Maleficus.

"You're as cute and exuberent as ever, Naria." Maleficus, though not an emotional individual, is rather happy to see her and have a body again.

"And you're alive! You're actually here!"

"Yes, I'm quite glad to be here. It was rather lonely out in the void. Thank you infinately for returning me to existance. You even managed to find my old body." Maleficus hugs Naria back, evidently pleased to no longer be trapped in an infinate void.

Naria nods and smiles, overjoyed to finally have the last of her old allies back.

Maleficus looks around the chamber and observes the group.

"I recognize Gillingman, Marina, the descendant of Irrya'Salrisis, and Varatheon. Who is this gentleman with the flaming wings and the pet dragon? And where is your father?"

A man shimmers into being near the group. He is a tall, musular gentleman in golden armor with an axe of pure light in his hands and wings of holy energy. His hair is white, his eyes are wise, and his face carries the weight of experience. "I am here. It's been a while, hasn't it."

"Indeed it has."

Naria gestures to Firenza, introducing him to Maleficus. "This is Firenza, future demon king. I think he will prove to be a better ally than the last one was."

Maleficus extends his hand to Firenza. "Ah, it is a pleasure to meet the various demons who now have a claim to the throne. I may be able to help you find the rest of the weapons that you need to become the king. Are you interested in my help? After all, I ought to help you for assisting in bringing me back."

"I am a creation of the fairy queen and the council of the city."


Arlova finds a book on wizard magic titled "Basic Wizard Magic"

*Arlova sits back down on the edge of the pool once more with the wizard book and begins to read it*

"Ahhh. Neat."
Kit hopes that the library is nearby, and that she can get there soon.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:35 pm
Firenza eyes goes wide, "Am I ever, thank you very much great one!"

Kit finally reaches the doors that are marked library.


As Firenza shakes Maleficus's hand, dark power flows into him. Firenza gains a level.

Kit breathes a sigh of releif and enters the library and looks around, trying to see wher ethe books on magic or other useful books migth be, then heading ot search there.

"Whoah," Firenza says at the jolt of power and seems speechless otherwise.

Kit doesn't find any particularly useful magical books, as most of them are sealed by fairy magics, but she does find a teleporter panel.

Kit heads over to the panel, and tries to use it, being curious like fox.

Kit is returned to the battle arena.



Kit gets-
5,000 XP (for putting up with such a long thread)
1 Fame

Arlova gets-
5,000 XP
2 Fame
Basic Wizard Magic Attunement- (Ability, Wizardry) All Wizard Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Done <3

Firenza gets-
6,000 XP
2 Fame

Salphron gets-
6,000 XP
2 Fame

rest pending till I know exactly what the award is and where people want their xp

All of you gain the award that says that you participated in Dome. Salphron, Arlova, and Firenza may get additional awards, which I may declare at a later date, for succeeding in their side's goal of restoring Maleficus.

Dome of the Lich King: Epilogue-

Kit: Kit manages to rejoin the Battle Arena and is back in Town.

Arlova: Arlova manages to finish studying the book. She is able to go back to town and is granted leave from the tower to persue her interests for a while.

Salphron: Is able to return to town after the battle concludes.

Firenza: Is also able to return to town.

The four guards: The four guards manage, as a group, to stumble upon the teleporter. They are also now in town, though Kit doesn't know where.

Kalazel: Kalazel is currently cloistered away somewhere safe with the various items that were entrusted to him. He does manage to get the items that belong to Kit to Kit, though.

Erisandre: The designated successor to the Silver Queen manages to ascend to the throne, now a proper queen to her kingdom... of beastmen.

Gillingman: The mysterious gentleman returns to his fortress in the Twilight Realm. Gillingman is apparently studying the tome of the lorekeepers, searching for some esoteric information to help him.

The Bascaradine Mercenaries: In the end, everyone was paid, just as was agreed to. Zaradian apparently never pursued action against the group.

The Lich King: The Lich King, upon hearing of Maleficus's revival, swore fealty to Naria under the condition that he would retain nominal control of his lands. She accepted.

Varatheon: Tasked with a mission by Maleficus, Varatheon left to the Demon World to act as ambassidor and and agent, judging who is likely to ally with Firenza and Maleficus, who is going to try to take the crown from Firenza and his allies, and just how much power and control Morrisant has.

Issarion: Issarion finally manages to get the head of House Hellstrom to grant him permission to search for his presumably deceased brother, who ran from the fortress with two of his miscreant adventurer allies, taking several family relics with him.

Thrandark: Thrandark is busy carpet bombing or nuking any cities that he thinks are hiding Raikage. He is still is hot persuit of the rod. He still seems to have no clue that Raikage is hiding right under his nose.

Kate: Kate Palgrist managed to assume control of the Nexus Police. Captain Millar was fired, and Kate is now captain of the police force. Thrandark sponsers this change.

Goldenhammer: Goldenhammer continues to work on the various golem related projects and other assignments he is given. He ardently believes that Naria is capable of protecting all of his works and the existance of the artifacts.

Zaradian and Vhaz'Loss: Zaradian is also continuing working for Naria, just as he did before. Lady Vhaz'Loss does the same.

Malburgeon: Malburgeon left with Gillingman, apparently working on some plan with the source's guardian. The plan's details are unknown.

VonDurion: VonDurion was annihilated by Maleficus in an awesome display of power, as was Asaratain and the rest of the army. Gillingman sundered the mana that gave him power from his soul and cleansed the energies covering his whip. Even if he is restored to life, he will be much less powerful.

Iburidal: Iburidal, realizing that his side was outmatched, left at some point during the battle. He is still alive and active somewhere.

Horutep: Horutep is also still an active threat. His agent, VonDurion is dead, but that may have worked out in Horutep's favor in the long run; after all, VonDurion was going to try to take his job.

The Elder Horrors: The elder horrors, now bound away by the ancients, are incapable of doing anything as Gillingman leaches their powers away through the copy he made of their sacred tome.

The Ancients: The ancients prevailed against their age-old foes. They, now bolstered by the presnce of their new envoy, Tari, are rising to become a power in the world again.

Thunderfeld: Thunderfeld is still in possession of at least 2 pieces of the mana cannon, and his plans to gather the other wizards and technomancers who worked on the project are going quite smoothly.

The Chosen: Laurennia and the other chosen disappeared as swiftly and mysteriously as they had appeared. No one has been able to successfully contact the group.

Lady Amelia and Winthrop: With the battle against VonDurion won, Lady Amelia and her butler have returned their attentions to their other concern: killing Tshlanylvok.

The Celestial Lord: Just because evil is gaining power doesn't mean good hasn't been paying attention... Naria and Maleficus had a great victory today, but the Celestial Lord is probably going to make things difficult for them to re-organize their old kingdoms in an effort to once again besiege the Celestial Realm. This guy is still alive, folks, and it's rather likely that you'll all be seeing more of him again eventually.

Naria and Maleficus: The Daemon Princess and Demon God are now working to rebuild and unify their former empires. Naria is working to recover her former strength, and Maleficus is re-acquanting himself with various powers that he hasn't used for many years. You're going to be seeing a lot more of these two too.

It's done, folks! Random quest time is coming soon. Thanks for putting up with Dome, everyone. :)

Salphon will get as many undead as he was able to get control of for getting them to kill aim for the necromacners.... and get them to man the island (bound to the land it would guess).... the rest he will send in waves to the dome (to where the litch can take control of them once in his sphere of influance)

Then he will return to the tower to go over the aftermath of the battle and events with the others.

Salphon will use the exp to bring the robes to level 5... and the rose to level 4 (?)

and is salphons fame gone up to 272 or that a type-o? O.O

I reserve one of this few off-topic post in an on-topic topic to do this: *Party like mad because a 6-8 months old quest is finally done*

(lol realy!)
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:37 pm
What a minute wasn't I suppose to get a mana crystal in this quest due to superb or at least slightly humourous npc rating?

Yeah, whoops. I'll through you one in the mountain quest. Sry bout that. I owe at least one other person some stuff too.

I'm moving and locking this. It really was an awesome quest (kudos to all participants), but it's been over for a while now and anyone who wants to read the whole thing either probably has or can read it in the archives.
Aeromage wrote:Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:38 pm
This thread has been fully archived.

Original thread run: 7/7/2006-1/12/2006
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Re: Quest- Dome of the Lich Lord

Post by Modrageball »

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