Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by Aeromage »

Dulcinea takes a pen, a seat, and meditates on the flows of mana in the building.
She doesn't exactly have much in the way of training in the ways of Feng Shui, but what she has of Geomancer, Channeler and Scholar can kinda-sorta give her a vague idea of what's pooling where.
It looks like there's several areas of heavy mana-pooling in the place- possibly items that have been altered or spawned in, and are attracting more mana in a snowballing effect. This place is more than likely on the cusp of becoming a dungeon, and leaving it any longer is very likely to cause it to tip right on over into turning into one, entities and all.

Perhaps things are a bit more urgent than she thought.

Heading to the edge of one of the larger concentrations (a glass cabinet rapidly filling with dust, spilling out a steady stream through cracks in the glass), she reaches out with both the pen and her Geomancer abilities, and rediverts a trickle of the mana into the writing implement.

It occurs to her as she does so that, at present, things are in a rather delicate balance (even if steadily snowballing towards the dungeon-creation deep-end) and introducing another Time-element item could end up destabilising things.

Mana begins to trickle into the pen. The geomantic flow of the area, having been filling up the equivalent of a large bowl to a brimming point, finds the equivalent of a crack in the rim. Mana begins spilling out through it, seeking this new path to follow. This, in turn, erodes the crack in the rim, allowing a greater volume of mana to pour out, turning it into a chip, then a notch, then a hole as the bowl turns out to be made of the equivalent of compacted sand rather than finely-fired and glazed pottery like one might find in the kitchen cabinet-equivalent of other dungeons, and Dulcinea abandons the whole metaphor before she can begin to ponder where else it might lead because her pen is glowing fiercely and she can't turn off the flow.

Dulcinea is however, a fairly clever individual, and immediately begins to come up with ideas to deal with the situation.
She could try and remove the pen from the dungeon. This may cause a mess as the entire place's balance is thrown out of whack, definitely kicking off its transformation into a dungeon in a direction she can't readily determine, but at least it won't blow up in her face.

She could try to lean into it and make the pen the focus of the flow of more of the dungeon's mana. This will also definitely trigger the creation of the dungeon, from what she can tell, and probably end up turning the pen into either a major item in the dungeon or a boss. Or attached to a boss. This is likely to be less chaotic than the first option, but she'll likely end up somewhere in the middle of a dungeon.

She could, instead, try to somehow reinforce the pen and have it syphon off the mana rather than becoming a focus for the dungeon. This would, if she can figure out a way of doing it, at the very least buy more time to deal with the situation, upgrade the pen, and if she's fortunate enough, may eat up enough of the mana to head the building dungeon-situation off entirely.

She might also be thinking of something else entirely. She has a lot of ideas.
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by The Nottest of Daves »

A moment stretched into eternity,
And eternity compressed into a moment,
This is not the way forward
Or even the way back
But an unnatural perversion of the universe

Who will experience Wonder when there is naught but the eternal now?
Who can trod the path of Progress when their foot lands ever where they began?

Who will see the Wonders of Life when it passes in the blink of an eye?
What is the meaning of Progress when it cannot be perceived?

I say NAY! This cannot stand!
Such deprivation will ruin all, and for naught!
I shall instead make of this foolishness a monument
That all may see the Truth
That the orderly procession of moment to moment
Is the Way that brings Life

Dulcinea expends a casting of Mystical Invention: Engine of Wishes to boost Wonderworker, and another to boost Infinity Designer. She will then apply the combined improvement-focuses of Wonder and Progress to the Pen, seeking to make it a stable, self-improving syphon of the time mana in the area. To reinforce the pen itself, she also uses her skills as a Crafter, Magewright, and Enchanter to work with speed and apply additional sturdiness to the item. To maintain this process, she uses her Heightened Senses to carefully observe the creation process, with Mental Focus to keep her from distraction, and improves her speed with and stability with Basic Fast Ritual Casting and Ritualist's Mana-Channeling Stance.
Relevant Abilities wrote: Sturdy Crafting

Rapid Crafter



Heightened Senses
High Self-Confidence
Mental Focus

Apprentice Ritual Magic Attunement
Basic Fast Ritual Casting
Ritualist's Mana-Channeling Stance

Apprentice Spirit Magic Attunement
Basic Spirit-Warding Chant


Basic Progress Synchronization
Basic Wonder Synchronization
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by Aeromage »

Poetic wishes wrought and spent (along with 10,000 XP and 10,000,000 Gold), Dulcinea holds the pen forth, infusing it with temporarily-boosted Wonder and Progress to amp its power!

She then tries to work on the pen's structure itself, using her crafting and enchanting skills in tandem with her ability to focus and channel mana.

The flow of Time Mana continues to rush forth from the proto-dungeon to the pen, quickly turning the thing into a blazing bar of temporal energy. Dulcinea is eminently competent with enhancing things through enchantment and more than good enough when it comes to item-creation. This is proceeding rather too fast, however.

The pen is just about to explode when Dulcinea is forced to expend another Wish (and its costs), overtaxing the Engine of WIshes to keep things on track, just as the implement starts to crack--

The pen is caught in a time-loop.

Wonder uplifts and improves, polishing what is there to make it exceptional.

The time-loop triggers just in time, reverting the pen back to its state before it might have exploded.

Progress continually marches onward, and cannot be set back.

The pen retains the great store of Time Mana that infused it, but combined with the time-loop, is set to a state where having that much pure Time Mana inside it would count as merely 'baseline' for the implement.

The mana continues to flow, faster now- the pen has become a sinkhole into which the saturated building can drain its flood of Time, taking the path of least resistance.

The pen glows again, brighter than before, once more rapidly filling with more mana than it can handle, being pushed to and past the breaking point--

The pen is caught in a time-loop. Wonder uplifts and improves, polishing what is there to make it exceptional.

The time-loop triggers just in time, reverting the pen back to its state before it might have exploded. Progress continually marches onward, and cannot be set back.

The pen, once more at a higher level than it was before, draws in the now-torrential influx of Time Mana, becoming incandescent in mere moments--

The pen is caught in a time-loop. Wonder uplifts and improves, polishing what is there to make it exceptional.

The time-loop triggers just in time, reverting the pen back to its state before it might have exploded. Progress continually marches onward, and cannot be set back.

The pen immediately becomes searingly bright as the deluge of mana enters it--

The pen is caught in a time-loop. Wonder uplifts and improves, polishing what is there to make it exceptional.

The time-loop triggers just in time, reverting the pen back to its state before it might have exploded. Progress continually marches onward, and cannot be set back.

The building shifts and blurs around Dulcinea as she realises she, too, is caught in the pen's time-loop, but distanced enough to avoid being oversaturated with Time Mana and either disintegrating from age or exploding. She sees the pen, now flickering between too-bright-to-see and just-about-visible in rapidly-strobing flashes, each time looking different, each time increasing in temporal power. The shop, too, shifts around her- flickers of what it was, what it is, what it could have been, what it could have had been

The pen's time-loop triggers one last time, and the building goes still. Not the unnatural, Time-infused stillness from before, with the heavy weight of years compacted into moments behind it, but the ordinary stillness of an otherwise-empty shop full of bric-a-brac. Golden evening light filters through the shuttered windows, creating gilded bars of dancing dust-motes.

The Engine of Wishes collapses into a pile of rusted parts, broken.

The pen, however, is a different story entirely.

Dulcinea gets:

*Chronographic Dungeonwriter- (Weapon, Quill, Time, Lv. 39, 100,000,000 Gold) +100,000 Magical Attack, wielder regenerates the amount of MP used to cast spells that cost 100,000 MP or less at the start of the round two rounds after they were cast, Time-element spells cast by wielder that cost less than 100,000 MP to cast may repeat at the start of wielder's first action in the next round, to a maximum of one spell being repeated in this manner per round; wielder may, once per thread while in a Random Dungeon and so long as no entity of greater Level than this item or its wielder objects, choose to return to an earlier point and state in the thread, with all subsequent rooms, encounters and treasures being rerolled, has RP effects
XP: 0
XP Needed: 24,600,000 (Standard Multiplier x3, Standard Multiplier raised to x30 to bypass Level 40 cap)

1 Fame

'Stabilised Prier's Paradise in Marefore By Extracting Its Overflowing Time Mana Before It Could Transform Into A Dungeon on Seirei'

(Dulcinea got terrible rolls on 'disconnecting the pen from the flow of mana' and then promptly rolled multiple 90+ rolls over the course of connecting to and extracting the mana from it)
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by The Nottest of Daves »

Dulcinea beholds the fruits of her labor, and reacts in the only appropriate manner.


She proudly walks out of the almost-a-dungeon-but-now-just-a-store-once-more, blinding grin on her face and Quill gripped in her raised hand.

"LISTEN IN WONDER! I have drained the gathering energy of this place and crafted a great work! It is the CHRONOGRAPHIC DUNGEONWRITER! And it will be very useful whenever we get around to going back to Crendall's Tailoring, too."

She tugs her Lordly Robes open slightly and sticks the Quill in an interior pocket.

"Oh, Archer, you can go ahead and inform the Spiritual Defense Force that we've eliminated the potential dungeon and will be inspecting the property for any potential remaining dangerous antiquities before we depart."

Dulcinea bravely returns again to the store, and begins looking around for any potentially-too-old-pieces-of-random-bric-a-brac that might be lurking.
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by Aeromage »

Dulcinea's plan to stride grandly out of the store whilst proclaiming the inassailable triumph of Nightmare Science hits a slight snag as she reaches the front counter.
For one, the golden light of evening is filtering through the dust-caked windows, instead of the bright afternoon light she was expecting.
For another, the place looks like it's been *significantly* rearranged, with a great many items missing from shelves and displays.
For a third, somebody has left a bedroll in the doorway she just walked out of, causing her to fall face-first onto both it and its current occupant, rudely cutting off her well-deserved bout of maniacal laughter.

Stabs utters a very complicated series of noises that resolve into a sleepy, confused shout of alarm.
"Wstfglaaarrrghh--" he blinks as he realises who his sudden bedmate is. "Holy fuck you're movin' again."
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by The Nottest of Daves »

"Well, I suppose temporal distortion would make sense when dealing with a time loop and large amounts of Time mana..." Dulcinea ponders, stroking a nonexistent beard thoughtfully. "How long has it been?"
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by Aeromage »

"It's, uh," Stabs continues staring at Dulcinea with something akin to concern. Then again, that's how he's been looking at her since she trounced him and politely forced him into employment.
"s'been four days. That plant-man who talks fancy and the dragon what cooks things took a look at you didn't know what you'd done or whether you was still livin' or what. Said s'best to leave you to it after you went'n froze yourself until you sorted yourself out, or whatever the thing what you were doin' was."

The fuzzy-eared Aptim shrugs. "So's one've us's been stickin' here just in case you suddenly unfroze yourself and started walkin' around again. Which I guess you did. Spiritual Defense Force came in and cleared the place out of antiques first, though, sayin' a lotta stuff was about to become spirits. Or get possessed by spirits, what with the Time energy and the new moon up there fuckin' about with things. We, uh, cleared out a few more shops while you were... like that, an' the dragon-thing went'n looked around at his restaurants'n such. Plant-man's opened up the coffee place and's been teachin' us a bit about runnin' it. Said it'd be the most sensible thing t'do while you were bein' all frozen an' such. 'cept with way more confusin' words."
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by The Nottest of Daves »

"Well, that's a bit of an annoyance that they took the stock before I was able to inspect it..." Dulcinea frowns. "Nothing to be done except to put in a complaint with the city, I suppose. Anyway, let's go find the Professor and get some coffee before he debriefs me further."

On her way out of the shop, she makes sure to lock the door, after glancing around to make sure nothing got left behind (like an ominous baseball).
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by Aeromage »

Stabs shrugs. "Tamer'n charge of the city said anything what was old enough had to go, so the Defense Force raided the place for the Burnin' of the Antiquities. That uptight Dirim fucker of a guard kept whinin' about how the place was prob'ly full of antiques, too, so it's no surprise."
He shoots an uneasy glance at the building as Dulcinea locks up. "...can't say I'd be gettin' into an argument about it, either. I've seen what old stuff what gets possessed or turns into a spirit can do. Used to know a guy what had a knife belonged to his grandpa. Kept boastin' about how it'd become a real good weapon one day, because of all the murders what had been done with it. Found him in his bed with his throat split right open after havin' to break the lock on his door. Fucked *right* off out've there when the fuckin' knife came flyin' and stabbin' at me, too. If I didn't have the practice of bein' stabbed what I had, I'd prob'ly have gone onto the Wheel three times over."

Dulcinea needn't have worried about leaving the Nearby Baseball behind. It's already outside by the door when she locks up. Just sitting there. Menacingly.

On that particular note, Dulcinea and Stabs head off back to the market square she now owns, catching occasional glimpses of serene lavender skies between the many awnings and cloth covers over the streets and alleys of the Marefore Bazaar.

Entering Seabrook Square brings with it a full view of the sky, marred only by the large, central wooden pole in the middle of the square.
...what once was the middle of the square. The square now looks rather... roomier than it was. Dulcinea's fairly sure there used to be some shops in the northeast part of it. Instead, there's large chunks of churned, bare earth with a number of large wooden stakes driven into it, linked by a faintly-glowing rope strung with talismans. The yard where Ryuu drew water from is visible just beyond.
...there's probably a story there.

The Glory-infused Coffee Shop on the eastern side of the square is as she remembers, however.
Well, mostly. It looks like it's been opened back up for business, and there's a few people coming and going from it. Most seem to be wearing some sort of red-and-white robe-uniform, dressed either as shrine maidens or exorcists or something of that ilk. A couple of rather less official-looking types in somewhat mismatched, odd gear (which Dulcinea thinks pegs them as being Spirit Hunters, from what she recalls from her trip through the Association branches) are leaving the place holding steaming cups of coffee.
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by The Nottest of Daves »

Dulcinea's brow furrows a bit more on seeing how little respect her property rights have received.

Filled with both a volume of questions and righteous indignation, she makes a beeline for her coffee shop. They had better be paying her for her coffee (or at least paying the Professor for it, which is close enough).
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by Aeromage »

Dulcinea steps into the café from the square, and is immediately overcome by the glory of it all, once more. The air is filled with the smell of fresh-ground coffee, jolting her into full wakefulness, the air thrums with the sound of steam singing through shining pipes, tuned to glorious harmonies by The Coffee Machine, and all is right with the world for a moment.
The Professor is indeed stationed at The Coffee Machine, using it instead of pulling cups of caffeinated beverages from mana-infused thin air. From what she can see of him, it looks like he's having something akin to a religious experience with it.
As Dulcinea strides across the shining white-and-gold-tiled floor, past the regimented rows of magnificent tables, she sees that people do, indeed, seem to be paying for the privilege. Polly's currently manning the till, handing what is possibly a very fancy latte in a Glory-spawned takeaway cup of gold-chased glass to a woman in shrine maiden's robes.

A deep, sonorous hum and rushing noise fills the air as more coffee beans are spawned in and ground somewhere within the imposing, majestic edifice of glorious, golden caffeination.

Marefore Shopping District 19-05-23.jpg
Marefore Shopping District 19-05-23.jpg (401.54 KiB) Viewed 2284 times
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by The Nottest of Daves »

Dulcinea walks up to the counter, speaking quietly so as to avoid being easily overheard above the din. "Professor, it is good to see you again. However, I am rather out of sorts given what has happened while I was not around to be consulted, and I desire a calming brew before I become impolite."

After she finishes drinking her coffee, she stands and claps her hands together loudly. Once everyone's attention is on her, she begins. "My apologies, everyone, but we will be pausing further orders at this time. I have need of the barista to catch up on events that have occurred whilst I was temporarily temporally waylaid on the pathway of life. Additionally, should any of you be from the Spiritual Defense Force and present to address certain sartorial concerns, I invite you to join me for the discussion. Furthermore, should any of you have been involved in whatever happened to the structures that previously stood along Salt Avenue, I crave a thorough explanation."
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

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At Dulcinea's announcement and mention of the distinct lack of buildings along Salt Avenue, a hush descends upon the coffee shop. The Professor, Polly and Stabs all share a look which Dulcinea would tentatively place as somewhere between 'worried' and 'outright haunted'.

Professor Rubiaceae clears his throat. "While you were... indisposed, as it were, we took it upon ourselves to continue the work of perusing your newly-purchased properties in order to provide an accurate compilation of contents, conditions, circumstances and categories commercial. Miss Violet was of indispensable assistance with her 'Take Inventory' spell allowing us to determine any number of factors from without, which is how it was we determined the existence of a singularly unpalatable infestation of fungal nature taking up residence within a number of the edifices, their proliferation hastened considerably by an infusion of Time mana."

"It was a fuckload of spirit-mushrooms is what it was," Stabs interjects less-than-delicately. "And Miss Violet used some weird gardenin' magic and scannin' magic and found they were all rottin' the buildings and somehow rottin' reality, and were about to do that thing what mushrooms do and make with the spores and start rottin' the rest of the square and maybe the whole bazaar too. So we tried to stop it, and, uh... it was bad. Really bad."
The fuzzy-eared Aptim shudders.

"...indeed." The Professor adjusts his glasses, looking considerably perturbed. "Whilst the Burgeoning Spiritual Rotcaps were threat enough, it transpired that there were other fungi among their number with considerably more worrying effects. Had Miss Violet not had a period of employment in the premiere botanical institution of the Holy Imperial Homeworld and discovered her avocation for gardening, I fear for what might have transpired--"

"--Crasher got turned into a fuckin' mushroom-controlled puppet, and then these dead bodies with mushrooms growin' out of them started crawlin' out!" Stabs blurts out. "We was fightin' them off while Miss Violet was doin' things what was cuttin' them back and gettin' them out of Crasher, but there were too many, so we sent Polly to get the Spiritual Defense lot in to help."

Polly looks a little nervous about suddenly being put on the spot. "Yeah. I went an' ran off to find summa the Spiritual Defense lot. Came back with'em and they lit the places up right quick, took care of alla the mushrooms."

The Professor clears his throat once more. "Suffice it to say, the infestation was determined to have run so deep and spread so far into the structure of the properties, and was of sufficient threat that they all had to be incinerated, the rubble destroyed, and ritual purification implements installed in the scorched dirt and ash to ensure no trace of the fungal menace remained, lest a larger area be contaminated. And while I have little doubt your newfound control over matters botanical would have forestalled or outright prevented such a conclusion," he raises a hand to ward off the question, "this was two days ago, and matters had to be attended to with utmost alacrity, as the fungi were on the very cusp of releasing a veritable explosion of spores that would have threatened the entire town."
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by The Nottest of Daves »

"A prompt and thorough explanation, indeed. My thanks for expeditiously preventing yet another calamity upon this fair town, though now I am concerned about certain other... consequences of the Lost Time potentially lurking. Has the Spiritual Defense Force been inspecting other areas for infestation?"
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by Aeromage »

The Professor nods in response. "The moment the infestation was dealt with, Miss Violet was pressed into service to assist in determining whether this forestalled infestation was concomitant with further as-yet undiscovered threats within the locked properties of Marefore. I feel confident in postulating the majority of the Spiritual Defense Force has shifted their attention from the Quarantine Zone to this task for the time being, given what your new employees have been able to glean through eavesdropping while working in this very establishment."

One of Stabs' long, fuzz-tipped ears twitches at that. The Professor gives a barely-perceptible nod to the Aptim, before once again focusing on Dulcinea.
"In any case, I am gladdened to see you appear none the worse for wear from your temporal recess. Your inadvertent absence has allowed things to settle somewhat, and I believe the actions of your sundry allies and attendants, myself included, have gone some way towards earning goodwill with the town. It has also given me some time to ponder affairs."
The plant-man subtly casts his eyes across the now-empty coffee shop, removing his glasses to polish them. "Whilst my time in Nexus has, thusfar, been fleeting, and my opportunities to gather information regarding the adventures and experiences of the storied few of the Arena scarce, I have been given cause to contemplate- of those areas frequented by Arena Members and others of similar station, have you known an area to have had quite as turbulent a procession of events, in such short order, as Marefore has? The light-eating lighthouse, disappearances in the nearby forest, a mass murder wrought by an Arena Member, the Seed Rains, a nuclear explosion in the town's heart, a questionably-implemented rewind leaving empty corpses and amnesiacs behind, and pooling areas of Time, Glory and Atomic mana that have already proven to have had significant and unpredictable effects. It rather makes one wonder."
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by The Nottest of Daves »

"I cannot say that I have heard if such a place that faced them in such quick succession, but there exist places of even greater amounts of catastrophes over time. Yazbellan, I hear, is a land of curses upon curses, malignant and grasping beyond even the destruction of its creator, and so terrible that none reside in it any longer. And The Nexus itself has faced annihilation many times, though somehow always managing to avoid complete destruction."

Dulcinea thinks briefly, then continues, "I assume the sartorial problems are awaiting the resolution of the Evergardener's inspection?"
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by Aeromage »

The plant-man nods. "Indeed so, but I felt it bore mention especially as I find myself unable to elaborate on or pursue such thoughts further- which is, in and of itself, a cause for contemplation."
What an odd thing to say. Ding. Dulcinea has more important concerns to address, however.
"As for matters sartorial, the establishment in question has been further reinforced with spiritual wards to ensure nothing given form from within can escape, were such a thing possible, as well as diverting the energies from the new Moon in some way I confess I do not entirely comprehend in order to prevent their ingress and so avoid risk of the dungeon in question expanding or changing further from that vector."
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by The Nottest of Daves »

"I shall have to inquire further on both such topics, Professor... Anyway, given that the tailoring seems to be on hold and Violet is too busy to continue with property inspections, I think it is an excellent time to follow up on some fishing-related topics. Where does Ryuutarou happen to be?"

Once she receives her answer, she heads off toward his location, with an eye out for the other bait-purveyors mentioned by Mr. Progression.
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by Aeromage »

"I do believe he was finishing his tour of his new restaurants and similar establishments today," the plant-man replies. "If memory serves, he was to visit Deb's Place today, where the outskirts of the bazaar yields to the less... salubrious parts of town to the east."

Thus directed, Dulcinea heads off to meet back up with her dragon-chef friend, keeping an eye open for anyone advertising 'Safe Seed Rain Produce'.


Inside the well-worn yet scrupulously clean confines of Deb's Place, Ryuutarou finds himself watching a dead woman silently laugh and joke with her bulky bruiser of a line cook.

Deb was a rail-thin woman with steel-grey hair firmly held in place under a hairnet with a variety of colourful hairclips. Her clothes were as clean as her checkered apron was stained, and she always moved with barely-restrained energy, her face always a twitch away from a wide grin.

Ryuutarou knows this, because he's spent the last fifteen minutes watching her and her café in the reflection of the huge mirror taking up most of the dividing wall behind the counter. Originally it must have been installed to make the place seem bigger and brighter. Now, likely through some quirk of infused Time Mana, it serves as a memorial to the woman who once ran the place, and possibly the patrons and staff who didn't survive the Nuking of Marefore as well.
From the amount of carefully-handmade bouquets and variably-legible notes left outside the place, Deb was apparently well-loved by the Aptim community of the slums her property bordered, and sorely missed.

Each of his new restaurants and eateries he'd visited certainly bore the scars of loss in some form or other- the Icemoon Parlour greeted him with the rotten stench of long-expired dairy, the Moonstones of Cintho that were inset in the freezer rooms having turned to dust from some lash of Time Mana or similar. The Lorelei's Launch was clearly in need of a good session in a dry dock or some specialised attention, given the state of some of the lower timbers of the restaurant-barge's hold and the overflowing mould in its storerooms, not to mention its rather battered and worn external paintwork, roof and figurehead. Arnello's, the place along the main road down to the promenade which had once been known for pasta dishes, was covered in flyers and notices asking if anyone had seen or heard of the people that used to work there, penned by their families.

This, however, trumps all of them.
The reflection of Deb cackles with unheard laughter and does a joking twirl, hitching up her apron as one of her elderly patrons makes a silent comment with a grin.
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The Nottest of Daves
High Plains Drifter
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Re: Dulcinea de Montréal Goes To Clavia (and Marefore Too)!

Post by The Nottest of Daves »

Ryuutarou heaves a great, sorrowful sigh (made greater still by his draconic bulk) and begins to look over the mirror to find the means by which it is attached to the wall. If he finds no obvious means, he will attempt to use his clothes-breath to generate enough fabric to cover the mirror while he works.


Dulcinea eventually arrives at Deb's, does she find Safe Seed Rain Produce on the way?
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