Apprentice Super Power Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Superhero) All Super Power spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +250 Magical Attack, All Super Power spells possessor casts that possess a Melee Attack bonus gain +250 Melee Attack, All Super Power spells possessor casts that possess a Ranged Attack bonus gain +250 Ranged Attack, All Super Power spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast, Possessor gains +100 to all unmodified stats
Requires: Basic Super Power Attunement, 3 other Superhero abilities
Cost: 50,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Formally rejected.
Thank you for trying. What you made would make sense following the patterns of what was presented, but it doesn't follow patterns.
Since this has gotten a specific request for attention and is a single ability. I'll work on a version of it.
Filled Template Abilities for Combatant Requesting Approval
Code Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Code Punch' in conjunction with a ‘Melee Attack’ action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Fist equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Technology element.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training, Basic Technology Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deletion Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Deletion Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '15% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Code Punch, Apprentice Fist Training, Apprentice Technology Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cluster Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Cluster Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '15% inflicts Antimatter', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains ‘1 hit against 10’
Requires: Deletion Punch, Combatant, Heir to the Future
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Zero Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Zero Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '30% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Cluster Punch, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hyperadvanced Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Hyperadvanced Punch’ in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '50% inflicts Antimatter’.
Requires: Zero Punch, Adept Fist Training, Adept Technology Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Flame Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Flame Punch' in conjunction with a ‘Melee Attack’ action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Fire element.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training, Basic Fire Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ignition Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Ignition Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Flame Punch, Apprentice Fist Weapon Training, Apprentice Fire Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Explosive Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Explosive Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains ‘1 hit against 10’
Requires: Ignition Punch, Combatant, Blazing Sultan
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Burning Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Burning Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '30% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Explosive Punch, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magma Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Magma Punch’ in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '50% inflicts Burning’.
Requires: Burning Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Adept Fire Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bubble Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Bubble Punch' in conjunction with a ‘Melee Attack’ action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Water element.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training, Basic Water Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Inundating Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Inundating Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '15% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Bubble Punch, Apprentice Fist Weapon Training, Apprentice Water Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wave Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Wave Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '15% inflicts Drowning', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains ‘1 hit against 10’
Requires: Inundating Punch, Combatant, Ocean Prince
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fountain Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Fountain Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '30% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Wave Punch, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Tsunami Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Tsunami Punch’ in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '50% inflicts Drowning’.
Requires: Fountain Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Adept Water Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Stone Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Stone Punch' in conjunction with a ‘Melee Attack’ action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Earth element.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training, Basic Earth Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rockslide Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Rockslide Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '15% inflicts Entombed'.
Requires: Stone Punch, Apprentice Fist Weapon Training, Apprentice Earth Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rumbling Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Rumbling Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '15% inflicts Entombed', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains ‘1 hit against 10’
Requires: Rockslide Punch, Combatant, Mountain King
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rock Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Rock Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '30% inflicts Entombed'.
Requires: Rumbling Punch, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Avalanche Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Avalanche Punch’ in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '50% inflicts Entombed’.
Requires: Rock Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Adept Earth Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wind Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Wind Punch' in conjunction with a ‘Melee Attack’ action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Air element.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training, Basic Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Breathless Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Breathless Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Wind Punch, Apprentice Fist Weapon Training, Apprentice Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gale Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Gale Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains ‘1 hit against 10’
Requires: Breathless Punch, Combatant, Wind Duke
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blustering Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Blustering Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '30% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Gale Punch, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hurricane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Hurricane Punch’ in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '50% inflicts Suffocation’.
Requires: Blustering Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Adept Air Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bright Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Bright Punch' in conjunction with a ‘Melee Attack’ action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Light element.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training, Basic Light Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Awesome Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Awesome Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '15% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Bright Punch, Apprentice Fist Weapon Training, Apprentice Light Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shining Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Shining Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '15% inflicts Awestruck', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains ‘1 hit against 10’
Requires: Awesome Punch, Combatant, Radiant Hierophant
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Glowing Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Glowing Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '30% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Shining Punch, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Corona Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Corona Punch’ in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '50% inflicts Awestruck’.
Requires: Glowing Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Adept Light Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shadow Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Shadow Punch' in conjunction with a ‘Melee Attack’ action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Darkness element.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training, Basic Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Umbral Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Umbral Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Shadow Punch, Apprentice Fist Weapon Training, Apprentice Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Night Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Night Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains ‘1 hit against 10’
Requires: Umbral Punch, Combatant, Ebon Chancellor
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Black Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Black Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '30% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Night Punch, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Void Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Void Punch’ in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '50% inflicts Voidstruck’.
Requires: Black Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Adept Darkness Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bolt Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Bolt Punch' in conjunction with a ‘Melee Attack’ action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Electrical element.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training, Basic Electrical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Current Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Current Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '15% inflicts Electrocuted'.
Requires: Bolt Punch, Apprentice Fist Weapon Training, Apprentice Electrical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blitz Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Blitz Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '15% inflicts Electrocuted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains ‘1 hit against 10’
Requires: Current Punch, Combatant, Thunder Czar
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lightning Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Lightning Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '30% inflicts Electrocuted'.
Requires: Blitz Punch, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gigawatt Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Gigawatt Punch’ in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '50% inflicts Electrocuted’.
Requires: Lightning Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Adept Electrical Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Caustic Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Caustic Punch' in conjunction with a ‘Melee Attack’ action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Acid element.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training, Basic Acid Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dissolution Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Dissolution Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Caustic Punch, Apprentice Fist Weapon Training, Apprentice Acid Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Erosion Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Erosion Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains ‘1 hit against 10’
Requires: Dissolution Punch, Combatant, Caliph of Corrosion
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Acidic Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Acidic Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '30% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Erosion Punch, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hypersolvent Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Hypersolvent Punch’ in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '50% inflicts Dissolving’.
Requires: Acidic Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Adept Acid Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Pulse Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Pulse Punch' in conjunction with a ‘Melee Attack’ action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Energy element.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training, Basic Energy Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Unstable Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Unstable Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '15% inflicts Overload'.
Requires: Pulse Punch, Apprentice Fist Weapon Training, Apprentice Energy Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Burst Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Burst Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '15% inflicts Overload', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains ‘1 hit against 10’
Requires: Unstable Punch, Combatant, Countess of Power
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Energized Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Energized Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '30% inflicts Overload'.
Requires: Burst Punch, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Overwhelming Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Overwhelming Punch’ in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '50% inflicts Overload’.
Requires: Energized Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Adept Energy Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Frost Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Frost Punch' in conjunction with a ‘Melee Attack’ action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Ice element.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training, Basic Ice Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Frigid Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Frigid Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '15% inflicts Frozen'.
Requires: Frost Punch, Apprentice Fist Weapon Training, Apprentice Ice Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sleeting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Sleeting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '15% inflicts Frozen', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains ‘1 hit against 10’
Requires: Frigid Punch, Combatant, Snow Queen
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Frozen Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Frozen Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '30% inflicts Frozen'.
Requires: Sleeting Punch, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blizzard Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Blizzard Punch’ in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '50% inflicts Frozen’.
Requires: Frozen Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Adept Ice Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Impact Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Impact Punch' in conjunction with a ‘Melee Attack’ action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Physical element.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training, Basic Physical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dicing Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Dicing Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '15% inflicts Wounded'.
Requires: Impact Punch, Apprentice Fist Weapon Training, Apprentice Physical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sweeping Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Sweeping Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '15% inflicts Wounded', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains ‘1 hit against 10’
Requires: Dicing Punch, Combatant, Kinetic Emperor
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Strong Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Strong Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded'.
Requires: Sweeping Punch, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Destroyer Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Destroyer Punch’ in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '50% inflicts Wounded’.
Requires: Strong Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Adept Physical Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Enchanted Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Enchanted Punch' in conjunction with a ‘Melee Attack’ action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Magic element.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training, Basic Magic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Enchanting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Enchanting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '15% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Enchanted Punch, Apprentice Fist Weapon Training, Apprentice Magic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sorcerous Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Sorcerous Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '15% inflicts Manablasted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains ‘1 hit against 10’
Requires: Enchanting Punch, Combatant, Arcane Vizier
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magical Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Magical Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '30% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Sorcerous Punch, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Arcane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Arcane Punch’ in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '50% inflicts Manablasted’.
Requires: Magical Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Adept Magic Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Thought Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Thought Punch' in conjunction with a ‘Melee Attack’ action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Psychic element.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training, Basic Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mindblowing Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Mindblowing Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '15% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Thought Punch, Apprentice Fist Weapon Training, Apprentice Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Brainwave Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Brainwave Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '15% inflicts Mindblasted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains ‘1 hit against 10’
Requires: Mindblowing Punch, Combatant, Mind Lord
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Psi Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Psi Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '30% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Brainwave Punch, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mindwipe Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Mindwipe Punch’ in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '50% inflicts Mindblasted’.
Requires: Psi Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Adept Psychic Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aerial-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Aerials and gains +25% Critical against Aerials.
Requires: Aerial-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aerial-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Aerials and gains +5% To Hit against Aerials.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aerial-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Aerials and gains +25% Critical against Aerials, gains +5% To Hit against Aerials, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Aerials.
Requires: Aerial-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Alien-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Aliens and gains +25% Critical against Aliens.
Requires: Alien-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Alien-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Aliens and gains +5% To Hit against Aliens.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Alien-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Aliens and gains +25% Critical against Aliens, gains +5% To Hit against Aliens, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Aliens.
Requires: Alien-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Animal-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Animals and gains +25% Critical against Animals.
Requires: Animal-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Animal-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Animals and gains +5% To Hit against Animals.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Animal-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Animals and gains +25% Critical against Animals, gains +5% To Hit against Animals, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Animals.
Requires: Animal-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aquatic-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Aquatic-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Aquatics and gains +25% Critical against Aquatics.
Requires: Aquatic-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aquatic-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Aquatic-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Aquatics and gains +5% To Hit against Aquatics.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aquatic-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Aquatic-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Aquatics and gains +25% Critical against Aquatics, gains +5% To Hit against Aquatics, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Aquatics.
Requires: Aquatic-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bio-Horror-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Bio-Horror-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Bio-Horrors and gains +25% Critical against Bio-Horrors.
Requires: Bio-Horror-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bio-Horror-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Bio-Horror-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Bio-Horrors and gains +5% To Hit against Bio-Horrors.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bio-Horror-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Bio-Horror-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Bio-Horrors and gains +25% Critical against Bio-Horrors, gains +5% To Hit against Bio-Horrors, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Bio-Horrors.
Requires: Bio-Horror-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cthonian-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Cthonian-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Cthonians and gains +25% Critical against Cthonians.
Requires: Cthonian-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cthonian-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Cthonian-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Cthonians and gains +5% To Hit against Cthonians.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cthonian-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Cthonian-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Cthonians and gains +25% Critical against Cthonians, gains +5% To Hit against Cthonians, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Cthonians.
Requires: Cthonian-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Darkspawn-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Darkspawn-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Darkspawns and gains +25% Critical against Darkspawns.
Requires: Darkspawn-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Darkspawn-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Darkspawn-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Darkspawns and gains +5% To Hit against Darkspawns.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Darkspawn-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Darkspawn-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Darkspawns and gains +25% Critical against Darkspawns, gains +5% To Hit against Darkspawns, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Darkspawns.
Requires: Darkspawn-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Demon-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Demon-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Demons and gains +25% Critical against Demons.
Requires: Demon-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Demon-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Demon-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Demons and gains +5% To Hit against Demons.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Demon-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Demon-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Demons and gains +25% Critical against Demons, gains +5% To Hit against Demons, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Demons.
Requires: Demon-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Devil-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Devil-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Devils and gains +25% Critical against Devils.
Requires: Devil-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Devil-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Devil-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Devils and gains +5% To Hit against Devils.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Devil-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Devil-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Devils and gains +25% Critical against Devils, gains +5% To Hit against Devils, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Devils.
Requires: Devil-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dragon-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Dragon-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Dragons and gains +25% Critical against Dragons.
Requires: Dragon-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dragon-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Dragon-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Dragons and gains +5% To Hit against Dragons.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dragon-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Dragon-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Dragons and gains +25% Critical against Dragons, gains +5% To Hit against Dragons, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Dragons.
Requires: Dragon-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Fae-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Faes and gains +25% Critical against Faes.
Requires: Fae-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Fae-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Faes and gains +5% To Hit against Faes.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Fae-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Faes and gains +25% Critical against Faes, gains +5% To Hit against Faes, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Faes.
Requires: Fae-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Golem-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Golem-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Golems and gains +25% Critical against Golems.
Requires: Golem-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Golem-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Golem-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Golems and gains +5% To Hit against Golems.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Golem-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Golem-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Golems and gains +25% Critical against Golems, gains +5% To Hit against Golems, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Golems.
Requires: Golem-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Horror-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Horror-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Horrors and gains +25% Critical against Horrors.
Requires: Horror-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Horror-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Horror-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Horrors and gains +5% To Hit against Horrors.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Horror-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Horror-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Horrors and gains +25% Critical against Horrors, gains +5% To Hit against Horrors, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Horrors.
Requires: Horror-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Human-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Humans and gains +25% Critical against Humans.
Requires: Human-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Human-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Humans and gains +5% To Hit against Humans.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Human-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Humans and gains +25% Critical against Humans, gains +5% To Hit against Humans, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Humans.
Requires: Human-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Humanoids and gains +25% Critical against Humanoids.
Requires: Humanoid-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Humanoids and gains +5% To Hit against Humanoids.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Humanoids and gains +25% Critical against Humanoids, gains +5% To Hit against Humanoids, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Humanoids.
Requires: Humanoid-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Insect-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Insect-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Insects and gains +25% Critical against Insects.
Requires: Insect-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Insect-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Insect-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Insects and gains +5% To Hit against Insects.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Insect-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Insect-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Insects and gains +25% Critical against Insects, gains +5% To Hit against Insects, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Insects.
Requires: Insect-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Machine-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Machine-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Machines and gains +25% Critical against Machines.
Requires: Machine-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Machine-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Machine-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Machines and gains +5% To Hit against Machines.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Machine-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Machine-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Machines and gains +25% Critical against Machines, gains +5% To Hit against Machines, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Machines.
Requires: Machine-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Monster-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Monster-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Monsters and gains +25% Critical against Monsters.
Requires: Monster-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Monster-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Monster-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Monsters and gains +5% To Hit against Monsters.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Monster-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Monster-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Monsters and gains +25% Critical against Monsters, gains +5% To Hit against Monsters, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Monsters.
Requires: Monster-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Plant-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Plant-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Plants and gains +25% Critical against Plants.
Requires: Plant-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Plant-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Plant-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Plants and gains +5% To Hit against Plants.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Plant-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Plant-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Plants and gains +25% Critical against Plants, gains +5% To Hit against Plants, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Plants.
Requires: Plant-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Robot-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Robot-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Robots and gains +25% Critical against Robots.
Requires: Robot-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Robot-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Robot-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Robots and gains +5% To Hit against Robots.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Robot-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Robot-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Robots and gains +25% Critical against Robots, gains +5% To Hit against Robots, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Robots.
Requires: Robot-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shapeshifter-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Shapeshifter-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Shapeshifters and gains +25% Critical against Shapeshifters.
Requires: Shapeshifter-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shapeshifter-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Shapeshifter-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Shapeshifters and gains +5% To Hit against Shapeshifters.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shapeshifter-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Shapeshifter-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Shapeshifters and gains +25% Critical against Shapeshifters, gains +5% To Hit against Shapeshifters, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Shapeshifters.
Requires: Shapeshifter-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Spirit-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Spirit-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Spirits and gains +25% Critical against Spirits.
Requires: Spirit-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Spirit-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Spirit-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Spirits and gains +5% To Hit against Spirits.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Spirit-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Spirit-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Spirits and gains +25% Critical against Spirits, gains +5% To Hit against Spirits, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Spirits.
Requires: Spirit-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Undead-Bane Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Undead-Bane Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Undeads and gains +25% Critical against Undeads.
Requires: Undead-Hunting Punch, Combatant, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Undead-Hunting Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Undead-Hunting Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Undeads and gains +5% To Hit against Undeads.
Requires: Basic Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Undead-Slaying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Undead-Slaying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1000 Melee Attack against Undeads and gains +25% Critical against Undeads, gains +5% To Hit against Undeads, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Undeads.
Requires: Undead-Bane Punch, Adept Fist Weapon Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Armor-Piercing Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Armor-Piercing Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack pierces 200 Defense.
Requires: Apprentice Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bloody Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Bloody Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded: Bleeding'.
Requires: Dicing Punch
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Crisis Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Crisis Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used, possessor is in a Crisis Zone, and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack.
Requires: Fist Weapon Wielding III, Crisis Zone
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deft Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Deft Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +5% To Hit.
Requires: Apprentice Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dizzying Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Dizzying Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Requires: Apprentice Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dud Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Dud Punch' in in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Melee Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Requires: Apprentice Fist Weapon Training
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Gravity Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Gravity Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack and, at the end of said attack, moves its target to the front row if said target is both 5 or more Levels lower than user and below Level 80.
Requires: Fist Weapon Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Maiming Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Maiming Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded: Maimed'.
Requires: Bloody Punch
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Surprise Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Surprise Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' or 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack and Magical Attack against targets that have not yet acted.
Requires: Unexpected Punch, Level 30
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Unexpected Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Unexpected Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' or 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack and Magical Attack against targets that have not yet acted.
Requires: Fist Weapon Wielding III
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wind-Up Punch- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Wind-Up Punch' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Fist Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack and is delayed for 1 round.
Requires: Fist Weapon Wielding III
Cost: 8,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Accurate Fist Weapon Use- (Passive Ability, Combatant) Possessor gains +1% To Hit when a Fist Weapon is equipped
Requires: Fist Weapon Wielding III, Punch Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dangerous Fist Weapon Use- (Passive Ability, Combatant) Possessor gains +1% Critical when a Fist Weapon is equipped
Requires: Fist Weapon Wielding III, Punch Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fist Weapon Wielding III- (Passive Ability, Combatant) Possessor gains +200 to all stats when a Fist Weapon is equipped and +200 Melee Attack when a Fist Weapon is equipped
Requires: Fist Weapon Wielding II, Combatant
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hard to Disarm With a Fist Weapon- (Passive Ability, Combatant) Individuals below Level 20 may not unequip or steal possessor's equipped Fist Weapons without possessor's permission
Requires: Fist Weapon Wielding III
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Punch Mastery- (Passive Ability, Combatant) Technique Abilities from the Combatant class whose name includes 'Punch' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Requires: 5 Combatant abilities that are Techniques whose name contains 'Punch'
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 5 Weeks
Considering the existence of these Astromancer abilities,
Widen Astral Magic I- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Astral Magic spells cast by possessor that are able to target at least 10 targets may target 100 additional targets.
Requires: Astral Magic Casting II
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Widen Astral Magic II- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Astral Magic spells cast by possessor that are able to target at least 10 targets may target 10,000 additional targets.
Requires: Widen Astral Magic I, Focused Astral Magic Casting, Astromancer
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Widen Astral Magic III- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Astral Magic spells cast by possessor that are able to target at least 10 targets may target 1,000,000 additional targets.
Requires: Widen Astral Magic II, Adept Astral Magic Attunement
Cost: 80,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
I suggest the following templates be extended to all T1 and T2 spell classes:
Templates wrote:
Widen <Spell Type> I- (Passive Ability, <Spell Class>) <Spell Type> spells cast by possessor that are able to target at least 10 targets may target 100 additional targets.
Requires: <Spell Type> Casting II
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Widen <Spell Type> II- (Passive Ability, <Spell Class>) <Spell Type> spells cast by possessor that are able to target at least 10 targets may target 10,000 additional targets.
Requires: Widen <Spell Type> I, Focused <Spell Type> Casting, <Spell Class>
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Widen <Spell Type> III- (Passive Ability, <Spell Class>) <Spell Type> spells cast by possessor that are able to target at least 10 targets may target 1,000,000 additional targets.
Requires: Widen <Spell Type> II, Adept <Spell Type> Attunement
Cost: 80,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Inspired by the Widen ability tree above, a few more ideas have come to mind:
Delayed <Spell Type> I- (Technique Ability, <Spell Class>) Possessor may use 'Delayed <Spell Type> I' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack', 'Overdrive', or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a <Spell Type> spell as part of said action. Said action is delayed for 1 round.
Requires: <Spell Type> Casting II
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Delayed <Spell Type> II- (Technique Ability, <Spell Class>) Possessor may use 'Delayed <Spell Type> II' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack', 'Overdrive', or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a <Spell Type> spell as part of said action. Said action is delayed for up to 5 rounds.
Requires: Delayed <Spell Type> I, Focused <Spell Type> Casting, <Spell Class>
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Delayed <Spell Type> III- (Technique Ability, <Spell Class>) Possessor may use 'Delayed <Spell Type> III' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack', 'Overdrive', or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a <Spell Type> spell as part of said action. Said action is delayed for up to 10 rounds.
Requires: Delayed <Spell Type> II, Adept <Spell Type> Attunement
Cost: 80,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Extend <Spell Type> I- (Passive Ability, <Spell Class>) <Spell Type> spells cast by possessor that have a natural duration of at least 5 rounds or that create buffs or debuffs with a natural duration of at least 5 rounds may extend the durations of those associated effects by 5 additional rounds
Requires: <Spell Type> Casting II
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Extend <Spell Type> II- (Passive Ability, <Spell Class>) <Spell Type> spells cast by possessor that have a natural duration of at least 5 rounds or that create buffs or debuffs with a natural duration of at least 5 rounds may extend the durations of those associated effects by 10 additional rounds
Requires: Extend <Spell Type> I, Focused <Spell Type> Casting, <Spell Class>
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Extend <Spell Type> III- (Passive Ability, <Spell Class>) <Spell Type> spells cast by possessor that have a natural duration of at least 5 rounds or that create buffs or debuffs with a natural duration of at least 5 rounds may extend the durations of those associated effects by 20 additional rounds
Requires: Extend <Spell Type> II, Adept <Spell Type> Attunement
Cost: 80,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Specific numbers may need tweaking to match appropriate power levels.
We really do need some more spell-class abilities to help make reaching those higher milestones possible.
In a similar vein, as Wizard Magic is basically the ur-magic type, here's some more potential-templates derived from its in-stock abilities (that haven't been proposed before). I don't expect every magic subtype would be compatible with them, so a mix and match approach might be needed (much like each weapon type having only certain anti-subtype abilities or certain status-infliction abilities):
Wizard Magic has Element-specific abilities! This seems like it could be templatable, especially for the more elementally-inclined spell-types.
Increased <Element> Impact- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor's <Element>-element 'Magical Attack' actions deal an additional 500 Damage, with said quantity of Damage not being able to be greater than their targets' 'Defense against <Element>' values
Requires: Powerful Casting, Apprentice <Element> Synchronization
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<Element>-Infused Spell- (Technique Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use '<Element>-Infused Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as a Wizard Magic spell is cast as part of said action and no other technique is used. All Wizard Magic spells cast by this technique's user as part of said action gain the element <Element> during said action.
Requires: Basic Wizard Magic Attunement
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Extrapolated wrote:
Increased <Spell Type> <Element> Impact- (Passive Ability, <Spell Class>) Possessor's <Element>-element 'Magical Attack' actions involving a <Spell Type> spell deal an additional 500 Damage, with said quantity of Damage not being able to be greater than their targets' 'Defense against <Element>' values
Requires: Powerful <Spell Type> Casting, Apprentice <Element> Synchronization
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<Element>-Infused <Spell Type> Spell- (Technique Ability, <Spell Class>) Possessor may use '<Element>-Infused <Spell Type> Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as a <Spell Type> spell is cast as part of said action and no other technique is used. All <Spell Type> spells cast by this technique's user as part of said action gain the element <Element> during said action.
Requires: Basic <Spell Type> Attunement
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wizard Magic variants can drop the <Spell Type> in the ability name, have Powerful Casting as the prerequisite with the Apprentice element synch, and drop the 'involving a <Spell Type spell' part.
Powerful <Spell Type> casting could be subbed out for the Wizard Magic version if you feel a class-specific Powerful Casting variant isn't appropriate.
Wizard Magic also has a Weapon-specific abilities! These could also be templatable.
<Weapon>-Based <Spell Type> Spellcasting- (Passive Ability, <Spell Class>) Possessor gains +200 Magical Attack, +50 MIN, and +50 SPI for the purposes of casting <Spell Type> spells if possessor has a <Weapon> equipped
Requires: Apprentice <Spell Type> Attunement, Apprentice <Weapon> Training
Cost: 150,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Extrapolated wrote:
<Armor>-Based <Spell Type> Spellcasting- (Passive Ability, <Spell Class>) Possessor gains +200 Magical Attack, +50 MIN, and +50 SPI for the purposes of casting <Spell Type> spells if possessor has a <Armor> equipped
Requires: Apprentice <Spell Type> Attunement, Apprentice <Armor> Training
Cost: 150,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<Accessory>-Based <Spell Type> Spellcasting- (Passive Ability, <Spell Class>) Possessor gains +200 Magical Attack, +50 MIN, and +50 SPI for the purposes of casting <Spell Type> spells if possessor has a <Accessory> equipped
Requires: Apprentice <Spell Type> Attunement, Apprentice <Weapon> Training
Cost: 150,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wizard Magic variants can drop the <Spell Type> in the name and 'for the purposes of casting <Spell Type> spells' in the text. Some spell types might instead get bonuses to Ranged or Melee (and different stats) depending. I could see Gunslinging, for example, getting a Ranged Attack bonus and an AGI bonus instead.
Improved Magical <Spell Type> Offense- (Passive Ability, <Spell Class>) Possessor gains +500 Magical Attack if possessor has a <Spell Type> spell equipped
Requires: Maximal Casting, Piercing Casting, <Spell Class>
Cost: 600,000 Gold, 2 Weeks Note: These could either require a spell-class-specific version of Maximal Casting and Piercing Casting, or could just require having the Wizard Magic abilities in question as a 'you have enough grounding in the generalised, original magic-class to be able to extend it to other classes'. I'll add alt-class variants for Maximal and Piercing Casting below anyway, just in case.
Wizard Magic variants can drop the <Spell Type> part of the name.
The templated Maximal/Piercing/Powerful Casting abilities. If you feel it might be a bit much for spell classes to have these just from investing only in the spell class in question, it might be a good idea to have them also require the Wizard Magic equivalent as a prerequisite as well.
Maximal <Spell Type> Casting- (Technique Ability, <Spell Class>) Possessor may use Maximal <Spell Type> Casting in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action involving a <Spell Type> spell, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <Spell Type> Spell equipped. Said attack's random stat multiplier is maximized, and possessor's Max MP is reduced by 50% for the remainder of the thread.
Requires: Powerful <Spell Type> Casting, <Spell Class>
Cost: 700,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Piercing <Spell Type> Casting- (Technique Ability, <Spell Class>) Possessor may use Piercing <Spell Type> Casting in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action involving a <Spell Type> spell, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <Spell Type> Spell equipped. Said attack ignores the Resistances and immunities of individuals below Level 20 and reduces possessor's Max MP by 15% for the remainder of the thread.
Requires: Apprentice <Spell Type> Attunement
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Powerful <Spell Type> Casting- (Technique Ability, <Spell Class>) Possessor may use Powerful <Spell Type> Casting in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action involving a <Spell Type> spell, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <Spell Type> Spell equipped. Said attack gains +150 Magical Attack.
Requires: Apprentice <Spell Type> Attunement, Level 10
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
[22:44] Celas:
Stone "<X> Detonation"
[22:44] Celas: Fire Ice Electric Darkness Light Technology Earth
[22:49] Gadigan: Add the other base elements, please
[22:49] Gadigan: And quote this there
[22:49] Gadigan: So we have a reference for my saying that
Member of the Knights Inviolable- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains # Ward Crafter Bonus Weeks per Month
Not For Sale
Got asked about.
Denied on the grounds that I don't want it somehow getting smuggled into combos or traded or something else funky happening with it - there might be a way to get a BA member to share Friendships of an ally and then that could get a combo made while sharing the Knight power. If it's mechanically an ability rather than part of the PC-template, it becomes more manipulable than is intended - sort of how multiple things that weren't entirely concieved of as buffs on Darston's build ended up mechanically being buffs and that having a notable mechanical impact on battle.
I'm okay with stat blocks getting some sort of note in there to track better, though, if needed.
bonus weeks over time for its element
Let's make that 1 Week per month per Order if below Level 20. 2 per month per Order if 20-39. 3 per month per Order if 40-59. 4 per month per Order if 60-79. 5 per month per Order if 80-99.
Expert Scythe Training- (Passive Ability, Reaper) The Melee Attack bonus granted by up to one Scythe weapon that possessor has equipped may, during possessor's actions that involve attacks, if possessor desires such, be multiplied by the Randomized Attribute Sum during possessor's Damage Formula calculations, with possessor declaring such at the beginning of possessor's actions to obtain said effect, with any such increase granted being capped by a value equal to (Possessor's normal capping value * the Randomized Attribute Sum rolled) and being capped as though it came from this ability (assuming this ability were also a Weapon that was an Scythe)
Requires: Adept Scythe Training, 100 other Reaper Abilities, Level 40
Cost: 100,000,000 Gold, 40 Weeks
Draconics did a great job in gathering all the various weapon template-types together, but I thought we might need a kind of ability meta-template for all those new weapon types we have, for ease of Find-And-Replace shenanigans.
Elemental Abilities
These follow the progression of Basic, Status-Effect-Inflicting, AOE, 20+ Requirement, 40+ Requirement.
<BASIC> <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use '<BASIC> <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +100 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack and becomes solely <ELEMENT> element.
Requires: Basic <WEAPON> Training, Basic <ELEMENT> Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<STATUS> <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use '<STATUS> <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +200 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack, becomes solely <ELEMENT> element, and gains '15% inflicts <MODERATE>'.
Requires: <BASIC> <TECHNIQUE>, Apprentice <WEAPON> Training, Apprentice <ELEMENT> Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<AOE> <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use '<AOE> <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +300 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack, becomes solely <ELEMENT> element, and gains '15% inflicts <MODERATE>', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<20+> <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use '<20+> <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +500 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack, becomes solely <ELEMENT> element, and gains '30% inflicts <MODERATE>'.
Requires: <AOE> <TECHNIQUE>, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<40+> <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use '<40+> <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack, becomes solely <ELEMENT> element, and gains '50% inflicts <MODERATE>'.
Requires: <20+> <TECHNIQUE>, Adept <WEAPON> Training, Adept <ELEMENT> Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Note: Moon has no overarching Moderate attached to it, instead only having Voidstruck: Moon-Mad. Suggested new Base Moderate type, now it's a Base element:
Moonstruck (Possessor takes an amount of Moon element damage equal to 5% of possessor's Max HP at the start of every round that cannot be defended against by Defense that is not either coming from Universe-element sources or Defense that is specifically Defense against the element Moon)
Basic: Business
Status: Price-Gouging
AOE: Economic
20+: Mercantile
40+: Stockbreaking
Note: Commerce has no related Moderate. Suggested new Moderate:
Dissolving: Stockbroken (Possessor takes an amount of Commerce element damage equal to 5% of possessor's Max HP at the start of every round that cannot be defended against by Defense that is not either coming from Universe-element sources or Defense that is specifically Defense against the element Commerce)
Divine has no related Moderate. No T3s do, in fact. The closest there is would be Evil with Smitten: Great Atrocity, which is a Major with text like a Moderate.
If T3 elements and above get related Majors, rather than related Moderates, a suggested new Major:
Smitten: Divine Judgment (Possessor takes an amount of Divine element damage equal to 5% of possessor's Max HP at the start of every round that cannot be defended against by Defense that is not either coming from Universe-element sources or Defense that is specifically Defense against the element Divine)
Otherwise, a suggested new Moderate:
Zealblasted: Divine Judgment (Possessor takes an amount of Divine element damage equal to 5% of possessor's Max HP at the start of every round that cannot be defended against by Defense that is not either coming from Universe-element sources or Defense that is specifically Defense against the element Divine)
Evil has no related Moderate. Instead, it has a Major with text like a Moderate, Smitten: Great Atrocity.
If T3s get related Majors instead of Moderates, that's the problem solved.
If they get Moderates instead, a suggested new Moderate:
Voidstruck: Fell Degredation (Possessor takes an amount of Evil element damage equal to 5% of possessor's Max HP at the start of every round that cannot be defended against by Defense that is not either coming from Universe-element sources or Defense that is specifically Defense against the element Evil)
Faith has no related Moderate. Suggested new Moderate:
Zealblasted: Revelation (Possessor takes an amount of Faith element damage equal to 5% of possessor's Max HP at the start of every round that cannot be defended against by Defense that is not either coming from Universe-element sources or Defense that is specifically Defense against the element Faith)
Fury's related Moderate is Burning: Consumed By Rage.
Basic: Moral
Status: Benevolent
AOE: Virtuous
20+: Righteous
40+: Saintly
Good has no related Moderate or Major.
If T3 elements and above get related Majors, rather than related Moderates, a suggested new Major:
Smitten: Saint's Fury (Possessor takes an amount of Good element damage equal to 5% of possessor's Max HP at the start of every round that cannot be defended against by Defense that is not either coming from Universe-element sources or Defense that is specifically Defense against the element Good)
Otherwise, a suggested new Moderate:
Awestruck: Saint's Fury (Possessor takes an amount of Good element damage equal to 5% of possessor's Max HP at the start of every round that cannot be defended against by Defense that is not either coming from Universe-element sources or Defense that is specifically Defense against the element Good)
Wealth's related HP-damaging Moderate is Dissolving: Bankrupt: Total Bust.
Dissolving: Bankrupt instead deals Gold damage, which might instead be more thematically appropriate for the element's related Moderate.
Anti-Subtype Abilities
These follow the progression of Subtype-Hunting, Subtype-Bane, Subtype-Slaying.
<SUBTYPE>-Bane <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use '<SUBTYPE>-Bane <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +750 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack against <SUBTYPE> and gains +25% Critical against <SUBTYPE>.
Requires: <SUBTYPE>-Hunting <TECHNIQUE>, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<SUBTYPE>-Hunting <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use '<SUBTYPE>-Hunting <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +200 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack against <SUBTYPE> and gains +5% To Hit against <SUBTYPE>.
Requires: Basic <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<SUBTYPE>-Slaying <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use '<SUBTYPE>-Slaying <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack against <SUBTYPE> and gains +25% Critical against <SUBTYPE>, gains +5% To Hit against <SUBTYPE>, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against <SUBTYPE>.
Requires: <SUBTYPE>-Bane <TECHNIQUE>, Adept <WEAPON> Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Status-Infliction and General Abilities
These are the more-general status-effect infliction abilities, or attack-modifiers. Note that just because a weapon has the basic version of an ability, does not necessarily mean it gains the Improved or Greater version.
Lunging and Charging <TECHNIQUE> generally only apply to Melee-capable weapons, and as such only has a Melee bonus below.
<TECHNIQUE> On The Run generally only applies to Ranged-capable weapons, and as such only has a Ranged bonus below.
<WEAPON> Wielding I- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) +5 to all stats when a <WEAPON> is equipped
Requires: Basic <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<WEAPON> Wielding II- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) +25 to all stats when a <WEAPON> is equipped, +50 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack when a <WEAPON> is equipped
Requires: <WEAPON> Wielding I
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<WEAPON> Wielding III- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +200 to all stats when a <WEAPON> is equipped and +200 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack when a <WEAPON> is equipped
Requires: <WEAPON> Wielding II, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<TECHNIQUE> Mastery- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Technique Abilities from the <WEAPON CLASSNAME> class whose name includes '<TECHNIQUE>' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Requires: 5 <WEAPON CLASSNAME> abilities that are Techniques whose name contains '<TECHNIQUE>'
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 5 Weeks
<TECHNIQUE> on the Run- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use '<TECHNIQUE> on the Run' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack, may be made from the front row, and moves its user to the back row. Damage-halving for 'Ranged Attack' actions is not factored into this attack, but its performer is moved to the back row at the end of the attack.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Accurate <WEAPON> Use- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +1% To Hit when a <WEAPON> is equipped
Requires: <WEAPON> Wielding III, <TECHNIQUE> Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Armor-Piercing <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Armor-Piercing <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack pierces 200 Defense.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Banishing <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Banishing <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack unsummons up to one of its targets if both said target and said target's summoner are below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: <WEAPON> Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bloody <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Bloody <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +300 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded: Bleeding'.
Requires: Dicing <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Charging <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Charging <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, may be made from the back row, and moves its user to the front row.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Charming <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Charming <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Charm.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Crippling <TECHNIQUE>- (Active Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) This character may use Crippling <TECHNIQUE> in conjunction with a <ATTACK TYPE> Attack, so long as no other technique is used and a <WEAPON> is equipped. This character gains +25 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack for purposes of this attack, and this attack deals 15 additional AGI and CON damage.
Requires: Powerful <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Crisis <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Crisis <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used, possessor is in a Crisis Zone, and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack.
Requires: <WEAPON> Wielding III, Crisis Zone
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Critical <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Critical <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +5% Critical.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dangerous <WEAPON> Use- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +1% Critical when a <WEAPON> is equipped
Requires: <WEAPON> Wielding III, <TECHNIQUE> Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Debilitating <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Debilitating <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Stat Drain.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deft <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Deft <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +5% To Hit.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dizzying <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Dizzying <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dual <WEAPON>-Wielding- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +50 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack if possessor has two <WEAPON>s or a <WEAPON> that is a Weaponx2 equipped
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dud <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Dud <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Envenomed <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Envenomed <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Poison.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Erasure <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Erasure <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack removes one buff from its target that comes from a source that is below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: <WEAPON> Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gravity <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Gravity <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +200 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack and, at the end of said attack, moves its target to the front row if said target is both 5 or more Levels lower than user and below Level 80.
Requires: <WEAPON> Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Banishing <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Greater Banishing <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack unsummons up to one of its targets if both said target and said target's summoner are below Level 80 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Banishing <TECHNIQUE>, Level 40
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Erasure <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Erasure <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack removes one buff from its target that comes from a source that is below Level 80 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Erasure <TECHNIQUE>, Level 40
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hard to Disarm With a <WEAPON>- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Individuals below Level 20 may not unequip or steal possessor's equipped <WEAPON>s without possessor's permission
Requires: <WEAPON> Wielding III
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hexing <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Hexing <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hungering <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Hungering <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +300 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack, deals HP Drain, and deals 1/2 Damage.
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Ill <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Ill <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Diseased.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Impairing <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Impairing <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Impaired.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Bloody <TECHNIQUE>- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor's 'Bloody <TECHNIQUE>' technique has its chance of inflicting Wounded: Bleeding increased to 30%
Requires: Bloody <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Charming <TECHNIQUE>- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor's 'Charming <TECHNIQUE>' technique has its chance of inflicting Charm increased to 30%
Requires: Charming <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Debilitating <TECHNIQUE>- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor's 'Debilitating <TECHNIQUE>' technique has its chance of inflicting Stat Drain increased to 30%
Requires: Debilitating <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Dizzying <TECHNIQUE>- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor's 'Dizzying <TECHNIQUE>' technique has its chance of inflicting Confusion increased to 30%
Requires: Dizzying <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Envenomed <TECHNIQUE>- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor's 'Envenomend <TECHNIQUE>' technique has its chance of inflicting Poison increased to 30%
Requires: Envenomed <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Hexing <TECHNIQUE>- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor's 'Hexing <TECHNIQUE>' technique has its chance of inflicting Hexed increased to 30%
Requires: Hexing <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Ill <TECHNIQUE>- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor's 'Ill <TECHNIQUE>' technique has its chance of inflicting Diseased increased to 30%
Requires: Ill <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Impairing <TECHNIQUE>- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor's 'Impairing <TECHNIQUE>' technique has its chance of inflicting Impaired increased to 30%
Requires: Impairing <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Lazy <TECHNIQUE>- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor's 'Lazy <TECHNIQUE>' technique has its chance of inflicting Fatigued increased to 30%
Requires: Lazy <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Maiming <TECHNIQUE>- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor's 'Maiming <TECHNIQUE>' technique has its chance of inflicting Wounded: Maimed increased to 30%
Requires: Maiming <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Painful <TECHNIQUE>- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor's 'Painful <TECHNIQUE>' technique has its chance of inflicting Pain increased to 30%
Requires: Painful <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Paralytic <TECHNIQUE>- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor's 'Paralytic <TECHNIQUE>' technique has its chance of inflicting Paralysis increased to 30%
Requires: Paralytic <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Sticky <TECHNIQUE>- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor's 'Sticky <TECHNIQUE>' technique has its chance of inflicting Paralysis: Sticky increased to 30%
Requires: Sticky <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Tipsy <TECHNIQUE>- (Passive Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor's 'Tipsy <TECHNIQUE>' technique has its chance of inflicting Poison: Drunk increased to 30%
Requires: Tipsy <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Lazy <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Lazy <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Fatigued.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lunging <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Lunging <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, may be made from the back row, moves its user to the front row, and deals full Damage to targets in the back row who are 10 or more Levels lower than its user who are below Level 60.
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Maiming <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Maiming <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +500 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded: Maimed'.
Requires: Bloody <TECHNIQUE>
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mamma Bear <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Mamma Bear <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +500 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack against targets who have damaged, inflicted negative status effects on, debuffed, or killed its user's summons.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Painful <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Painful <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Pain.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Paralytic <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Paralytic <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Powerful <TECHNIQUE>- (Active Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) This character may use Powerful <TECHNIQUE> in conjunction with a <ATTACK TYPE> Attack, so long as no other technique is used and a <WEAPON> is equipped. This character gains +50 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack for purposes of this attack.
Requires: Basic <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sticky <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Sticky <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed: Sticky.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Surprise <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Surprise <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack against targets that have not yet acted.
Requires: Unexpected <TECHNIQUE>, Level 30
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Thirsty <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Thirsty <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +300 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack, deals MP Drain, and deals 1/2 Damage.
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Tipsy <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Tipsy <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Poison: Drunk.
Requires: Apprentice <WEAPON> Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Unexpected <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Unexpected <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +500 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack against targets that have not yet acted.
Requires: <WEAPON> Wielding III
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Vexatious <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Vexatious <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +200 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack and gains a 50% chance of inflicting a random minor negative status effect that its target is not yet afflicted with.
Requires: <WEAPON> Wielding III
Cost: 700,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wind-Up <TECHNIQUE>- (Technique Ability, <WEAPON CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Wind-Up <TECHNIQUE>' in conjunction with a '<ATTACK TYPE> Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a <WEAPON> equipped. Said attack gains +300 <ATTACK TYPE> Attack and is delayed for 1 round.
Requires: <WEAPON> Wielding III
Cost: 8,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
While I'm at it, let's get a Find-And-Replaceable meta-template for the Element classes, too.
Note that costs and bonuses may change depending on the tier (some T3s are mentioned as having multipliers on these), and this list won't contain the Basic-tier costs or prerequisites because those can change wildly depending on the element. I've replaced mention of those with the tag <VARIES> for ease of searching.
Each element also has an associated Moderate Status Effect, which I have replaced with <MODERATE> here.
By happy chance, this will provide enough elemental abilities to be able to get to Adept, at least.
Also note that depending on the element's name, some of the below may end up out of alphabetical order. Don't just slap the find-and-replace button and call it a day! Think of those of us whose eyes twitch involuntarily at messy lists!
Absorb <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor Absorbs <ELEMENT> against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Requires: <ELEMENT> Immunity
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Adept <ELEMENT> Synchronization- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Amounts of <ELEMENT> element Damage possessor deals are increased by 10,000 points, <ELEMENT> element spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Possessor gains 5 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry <ELEMENT> element Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Requires: <CLASSNAME>, 50 other <CLASSNAME> Abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
<CLASSNAME>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% <ELEMENT> Resistance, Possessor ignores <ELEMENT> Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice <ELEMENT> Synchronization, 10 other <CLASSNAME> abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Whenever possessor obtains <ELEMENT> element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 1,000 points
Requires: Basic Affinity to Healing Via <ELEMENT>
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Command of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <ELEMENT> element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Requires: Basic Command of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Defenses Against <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +500 Defense against <ELEMENT>
Requires: Basic Defenses Against <ELEMENT>
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <ELEMENT> element allies gain +100 to all stats
Requires: Apprentice Command of <ELEMENT>, Basic Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice <ELEMENT> Synchronization- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each <ELEMENT> element item equipped, Possessor's <ELEMENT> element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic <ELEMENT> Synchronization, 3 other <CLASSNAME> abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Quantities of <ELEMENT> element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of <ELEMENT>
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Acceleration Within <ELEMENT>'s Dominion- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of <ELEMENT>
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 30,000 Gold, 1 Week
Basic Affinity to Healing Via <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Whenever possessor obtains <ELEMENT> element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic <ELEMENT> Synchronization
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Command of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <ELEMENT> element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Requires: Basic <ELEMENT> Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <ELEMENT> element allies gain +10 to all stats
Requires: Basic Command of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic <ELEMENT> Synchronization- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is <ELEMENT> element
Requires: <VARIES>
Cost: <VARIES>
Basic Weaponization of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Quantities of <ELEMENT> element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic <ELEMENT> Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Zonal Acclimation of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of <ELEMENT>
Requires: Basic <ELEMENT> Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Call Forth the Living <ELEMENT>- (Active Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor may spend an action to summon 5 Elementals that are <ELEMENT> element, are below Level 5, and are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 20 summoned
Requires: Improved Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>, Emanate <ELEMENT>
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Control of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of <ELEMENT> element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Requires: <ELEMENT> Manipulation
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Defenses that Utilize <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any <ELEMENT>-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Requires: Basic <ELEMENT> Synchronization, Basic Defenses against <ELEMENT>, Basic Weaponization of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Detect <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against <ELEMENT> element targets
Requires: Apprentice Divining Attunement, Basic <ELEMENT> Synchronization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Diluted Assumption of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor may reduce the quantities of extra Damage dealt to possessor because possessor is <ELEMENT> element by 15%, with this effect only reducing said extra Damage and being unable to reduce other Damage quantities or portions of Damage quantities even if increased
Requires: Meditative Assumption of <ELEMENT>, Defenses that Utilize <ELEMENT>, Radiate <ELEMENT>, <CLASSNAME>
Cost: 3,000,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Elemental Attack-Conversion: <ELEMENT>- (Technique Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: <ELEMENT>' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is <ELEMENT> element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element <ELEMENT>.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Elemental Invocation of <ELEMENT>- (Technique Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use 'Elemental Invocation of <ELEMENT>' in conjunction with an 'Elemental Attack' action so long as possessor is <ELEMENT> element and no other technique is used. Said action gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 Magical Attack, or +500 Ranged Attack.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Week
Emanate <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is <ELEMENT> element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat <ELEMENT> element Damage to up to 10 targets
Requires: Absorb <ELEMENT>, <ELEMENT> Manipulation
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Empowered By <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) If possessor is <ELEMENT> element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Mind Restore at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of <ELEMENT>
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>
Requires: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Expert <ELEMENT> Synchronization- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) <ELEMENT> element Damage dealt to possessor (not including healing) is halved, <ELEMENT> element Stat Damage (not including healing) dealt to possessor is halved Possessor gains 1 Accessory slot that may not be used for purposes other than carrying accessories, may only carry <ELEMENT> element accessories, and may not be converted into other types of slot by individuals below Level 100
Requires: Adept <ELEMENT> Synchronization, 100 other <CLASSNAME> Abilities, Level 40
Cost: 100,000,000 Gold, 40 Weeks
Greater Command of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <ELEMENT> element pets and summons gain +2,500 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Requires: Improved Command of <ELEMENT>, Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>, <CLASSNAME>
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <ELEMENT>element allies gain +500 to all stats
Requires: Greater Command of <ELEMENT>, Improved Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Weaponization of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Quantities of <ELEMENT> element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 25,000 points
Requires: Improved Weaponization of <ELEMENT>, <CLASSNAME>
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Affinity to Healing Via <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Whenever possessor obtains <ELEMENT> element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via <ELEMENT>
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Command of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <ELEMENT> element pets and summons gain +1,000 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Requires: Apprentice Command of <ELEMENT>, Basic Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Defenses Against <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against <ELEMENT>
Requires: Apprentice Defenses Against <ELEMENT>, Basic <ELEMENT> Resistance
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Defenses that Utilize <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +2,000 Defense if possessor has any <ELEMENT>-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Requires: Apprentice <ELEMENT> Synchronization, Improved Defenses against <ELEMENT>, Improved Weaponization of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <ELEMENT> element allies gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Improved Command of <ELEMENT>, Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved <ELEMENT> Elemental Emanation- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's 'Call Forth the Living <ELEMENT>' ability may summon entities up to Level 20
Requires: Call Forth the Living <ELEMENT>
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Quantities of <ELEMENT> element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Zonal Acclimation of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats while in a Zone of <ELEMENT>
Requires: Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Zonal <ELEMENT> Empowerment- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of <ELEMENT>, Possessor gains +500 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, Ranged Attack, and Defense while in a Zone of <ELEMENT>
Requires: Empowered by <ELEMENT>, Nourished by <ELEMENT>, Improved Zonal Acclimation of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Infinite Assumption of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains the element <ELEMENT> while in <CLASSNAME> stances
Requires: Meditative Assumption of <ELEMENT>, Adept <ELEMENT> Synchronization
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Meditative Assumption of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely <ELEMENT> element
Requires: Basic <ELEMENT> Synchronization
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor may use the Technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: <ELEMENT>' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action even if possessor is not <ELEMENT> element.
Requires: Elemental Attack-Conversion: <ELEMENT>
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Nourish <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Whenever possessor deals HP or MP healing to an <ELEMENT> element individual, possessor deals 300 additional points
Requires: Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via <ELEMENT>, Nourished by <ELEMENT>
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Nourished By <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) If possessor is <ELEMENT> element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Rejuvenation at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of <ELEMENT>
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>
Requires: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Nullify <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor may remove the element <ELEMENT> from the actions of individuals below possessor's Level who are below Level 60, Possessor may prevent the actions of <ELEMENT>-element individuals below Level 40 who are below possessor's Level, Possessor may prevent the <ELEMENT>-element actions of individuals below Level 40 who are below possessor's Level, Possessor may remove the element <ELEMENT> from possessor's actions, Things that would occur before and after actions that are prevented by this ability still occur
Requires: Adept <ELEMENT> Synchronization
Cost: 10,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Partial Channeling of the Wrath of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's Melee Attack, Magical Attack, and Ranged Attack actions may gain 5% inflicts <MODERATE>
Requires: Basic <ELEMENT> Resistance, Basic Weaponization of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Partially Unfettered by the Bonds of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains 5% <MODERATE> Resistance
Requires: Basic <ELEMENT> Resistance
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Predict the Flow of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +5% Dodge against <ELEMENT> element individuals
Requires: Improved Defenses Against <ELEMENT>, Improved Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>, Defenses that Utilize <ELEMENT>
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Project <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor may choose for possessor's 'Ranged Attack' actions to gain +300 Ranged Attack and the element <ELEMENT>
Requires: Improved Weaponization of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 3,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Prosperous Venting of Excess <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) If possessor is <ELEMENT> element and performs an 'Elemental Attack' action that is solely <ELEMENT> element, said action deals 5,000 additional Damage, and, at the end of said action, possessor regenerates 5,000 HP.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Radiate <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is <ELEMENT> element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 25,000 Flat <ELEMENT> element Damage to up to 10 targets
Requires: Emanate <ELEMENT>, Greater Weaponization of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Reconsume <ELEMENT> Elemental Spawn- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor may, at the start of any round, unsummon one of possessor's <ELEMENT> element Elemental summons to regenerate (1,000 * said Elemental's Level, to a Max of 99,000) HP
Requires: Improved <ELEMENT> Elemental Emanation, Improved Affinity to Healing Via <ELEMENT>
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Reflect <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor Reflects <ELEMENT> against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Requires: <ELEMENT> Immunity
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Relentless Tempest of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) If possessor's last action was solely <ELEMENT> element either due to this ability or the technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: <ELEMENT>', possessor may make any of possessor's offensive actions solely <ELEMENT> element.
Requires: Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: <ELEMENT>, Adept <ELEMENT> Synchronization
Cost: 6,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Soothing <ELEMENT> Emanation- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is <ELEMENT> element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat <ELEMENT> element HP Healing to up to 10 targets that are <ELEMENT> element
Requires: Emanate <ELEMENT>, Nourish <ELEMENT>
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Week
Stability Within <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains 25% minor negative status effect resistance while in a Zone of <ELEMENT>
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>, Defenses that Utilize <ELEMENT>
Requires: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Understanding of the Bonds of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if possessor's stats are linked to the stats of a <ELEMENT> element individual
Requires: Improved Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Uplifted By <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) If possessor is <ELEMENT> element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Elevated at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of <ELEMENT>
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>
Requires: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<ELEMENT> Battle-Aura- (Stance Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor deals 10,000 Flat <ELEMENT> element Damage to each opponent at the start of each round
Requires: Emanate <ELEMENT>, Improved Weaponization of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
<ELEMENT> Body Form- (Stance Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor gains +200 Defense against <ELEMENT>, Possessor gains 15% <ELEMENT> Resistance, Possessor may deal 5,000 Flat <ELEMENT> element Damage to any individual who conducts an offensive action that targets possessor
Requires: Meditative Assumption of <ELEMENT>, <CLASSNAME>, Basic <ELEMENT> Resistance, Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>, Apprentice Defenses Against <ELEMENT>
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
<ELEMENT> Manipulation- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if <ELEMENT> element: Create a Zone of <ELEMENT>, Remove a Zone of <ELEMENT> created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of <ELEMENT> by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add <ELEMENT> to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is <ELEMENT> element on a <ELEMENT> element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of <ELEMENT>, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of <ELEMENT>, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a <ELEMENT> element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add <ELEMENT> to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against <ELEMENT>, 5% <ELEMENT> Resistance, or +50 Defense against <ELEMENT> and 1% <ELEMENT> Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice <ELEMENT> Synchronization, 5 other <CLASSNAME> abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Zonal <ELEMENT> Control- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor may, at the start of each round, choose one Zone of <ELEMENT> that is present that was created by a source equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80 and destroy that zone or remove an effect attached to said Zone that is from a source that is equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80
Requires: Control of <ELEMENT>, Improved Zonal Acclimation of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
And here's one for entities. These tend to be a lot more wibbly with regards to bonuses on the classname-tier abilities, but they all share some general, mostly-the-same standardised types.
A brief aside on the pet-specific 'Instruction' abilities, and their different names depending on subtype, from the archive:
Here's an easy-to-template list of the stuff that stays the same between tiers. Traits abilities are, of course, wildly divergent, and so they're not included here.
<SUBTYPE> Calling IV- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> summons gain +2,000 HP and +4,000 MP
Requires: <SUBTYPE> Calling III, Apprentice Summoning Attunement
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<SUBTYPE> Calling V- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> summons may not be unsummoned by sources below Level 5
Requires: <SUBTYPE> Calling IV, <SUBTYPE> <TRAINING> II, Summoner, Chaos Maestro
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<SUBTYPE> <TRAINING> I- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Requires: Basic Chaos Maestro Knowledge
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
<SUBTYPE> <TRAINING> II- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Defensive <SUBTYPE> <TRAINING> I- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons gain +50 Defense
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Defensive <SUBTYPE> <TRAINING> II- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons gain +250 Defense
Requires: Defensive <SUBTYPE> <TRAINING> I, Apprentice Chaos Maestro Knowledge
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Offensive <SUBTYPE> <TRAINING> I- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 50 points
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Offensive <SUBTYPE> <TRAINING> II- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 500 points
Requires: Offensive <SUBTYPE> <TRAINING> I, Apprentice Chaos Maestro Knowledge
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Speed-Focused <SUBTYPE> <TRAINING> I- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons have their turn-order-determining stat sums increased by 50 points for turn-order-determining purposes
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Speed-Focused <SUBTYPE> <TRAINING> II- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons have their turn-order-determining stat sums increased by 250 points for turn-order-determining purposes
Requires: Speed-Focused <SUBTYPE> <TRAINING> I, Apprentice Chaos Maestro Knowledge
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Superior <SUBTYPE> Loyalty <TRAINING>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons gain 80% Charm Resistance
Requires: Advanced <SUBTYPE> Loyalty <TRAINING>, Commander
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Class-Tier Templates
Finally here's a less set-in-stone meta-template list for T1, T2 and T3 Entity Class-tiers. Note that this is not the case for all examples- some T2s, for instance Ancient and Invisible, have the same bonuses as T1s, while Exalted Wishkin and Great Beast have the same bonuses as T3s. Check with Gad what bonuses they're operating off before making them.
Meta-Template: Tier 1 Classname-tiers
Basic to Expert Tier, templated off Deathless One.
Adept <CLASSNAME> Knowledge- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons gain +2,000 to all stats, Possessor gains an additional summon slot that may only contain a <SUBTYPE> summon, Possessor's unmodified stats increase by 200 points if possessor is a <SUBTYPE>
Requires: Worldbound God, 50 other <CLASSNAME> Abilities, Level 20
Cost: 25,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Apprentice <CLASSNAME> Knowledge- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Requires: Basic <CLASSNAME> Knowledge, 3 other <CLASSNAME> abilities
Cost: 12,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic <CLASSNAME> Knowledge- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Requires: <VARIES>
Cost: <VARIES>
<CLASSNAME>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a <SUBTYPE> pet only, This ability provides +250 HP and +50 to all stats of possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons per Level of possessor
Requires: Apprentice <CLASSNAME> Knowledge, 10 other <CLASSNAME> abilities
Cost: 12,500,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Expert <CLASSNAME> Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> summons cannot be unsummoned by entities below Level 60 without possessor's permission, Possessor gains an additional pet slot that cannot be used for purposes other than carrying pets, may only contain a <SUBTYPE> pet, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100, Possessor's unmodified stats increase by 500 points if possessor is a <SUBTYPE>
Requires: Adept <CLASSNAME> Knowledge, 100 other <CLASSNAME> Abilities, Level 40
Cost: 100,000,000 Gold, 40 Weeks
Meta-Template: Tier 2 Classname-tiers
Note: Expert here is templated off Expert Dragon Lord, which seems to have the same bonuses as Expert Deathless One (a T1). This may not be intentional- check with Gad before using it.
Adept <CLASSNAME> Knowledge- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons gain +10,000 to all stats, Possessor gains an additional summon slot that may only contain a <SUBTYPE> summon, Possessor's unmodified stats increase by 1,000 points if possessor is a <SUBTYPE>
Requires: Worldbound God, 50 other <CLASSNAME> Abilities, Level 20
Cost: 25,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Apprentice <CLASSNAME> Knowledge- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons gain +2,500 HP, +2,500 MP, +500 to damage dealt, and +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic <CLASSNAME> Knowledge, 3 other <CLASSNAME> abilities
Cost: 12,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic <CLASSNAME> Knowledge- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +50 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Requires: <VARIES>
Cost: <VARIES>
<CLASSNAME>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a <SUBTYPE> pet only, This ability provides +250 HP and +50 to all stats of possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons per Level of possessor
Requires: Apprentice <CLASSNAME> Knowledge, 10 other <CLASSNAME> abilities
Cost: 12,500,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Expert <CLASSNAME> Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> summons cannot be unsummoned by entities below Level 60 without possessor's permission, Possessor gains an additional pet slot that cannot be used for purposes other than carrying pets, may only contain a <SUBTYPE> pet, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100, Possessor's unmodified stats increase by 500 points if possessor is a <SUBTYPE>
Requires: Adept <CLASSNAME> Knowledge, 100 other <CLASSNAME> Abilities, Level 40
Cost: 100,000,000 Gold, 40 Weeks
Meta-Template: Tier 3 Classname-tiers
Basic to Adept-tier.
Adept <CLASSNAME> Knowledge- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons gain +20,000 to all stats, Possessor gains an additional summon slot that may only contain a Santa summon, Possessor's unmodified stats increase by 2,000 points if possessor is a Santa
Requires: <CLASSNAME>, 50 other <CLASSNAME> abilities, Level 20
Cost: 50,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Apprentice <CLASSNAME> Knowledge- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons gain +5,000 HP, +5,000 MP, +1,000 to damage dealt, and +500 to all stats
Requires: Basic <CLASSNAME> Knowledge, 3 other <CLASSNAME> abilities
Cost: 1,250,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic <CLASSNAME> Knowledge- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons gain +1,000 HP, +1,000 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +100 to all stats
Requires: Master Worldbound God Knowledge, Master Divine Magic Attunement, Master Geomancy Attunement, Master Gate Magic Attunement, Master Faith Synchronization
Cost: 150,000,000 Gold, 90 Weeks
<CLASSNAME>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a <SUBTYPE> pet only, This ability provides +500 HP and +100 to all stats of possessor's <SUBTYPE> pets and summons per Level of possessor
Requires: Apprentice <CLASSNAME> Knowledge, 10 other <CLASSNAME> abilities
Cost: 1,250,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Now, let's put the above into action with some templating for my new guy.
First, the straightforward stuff. Spoilers to compartmentalise and avoid the Dread Wall Of Text.
Mime Don (Dopple)
Dopple has no related Moderate.
Suggested new Moderate: Antimatter: Aggressive Mitosis (Possessor takes an amount of Dopple element damage equal to 5% of possessor's Max HP at the start of every round that cannot be defended against by Defense that is not either coming from Universe-element sources or Defense that is specifically Defense against the element Dopple)
Absorb Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor Absorbs Dopple against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Requires: Dopple Immunity
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Adept Dopple Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Amounts of Dopple element Damage possessor deals are increased by 10,000 points, Dopple element spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Possessor gains 5 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Dopple element Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Requires: Mime Don, 50 other Mime Don Abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Mime Don- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Dopple Resistance, Possessor ignores Dopple Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Dopple Synchronization, 10 other Mime Don abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Whenever possessor obtains Dopple element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 1,000 points
Requires: Basic Affinity to Healing Via Dopple
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Command of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor's Dopple element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Requires: Basic Command of Dopple
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Defenses Against Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Dopple
Requires: Basic Defenses Against Dopple
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor's Dopple element allies gain +100 to all stats
Requires: Apprentice Command of Dopple, Basic Understanding of the Heart of Dopple
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Dopple Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Dopple element item equipped, Possessor's Dopple element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Dopple Synchronization, 3 other Mime Don abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Quantities of Dopple element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Dopple
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Dopple
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of Dopple
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Acceleration Within Dopple's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Dopple
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of Dopple
Cost: 30,000 Gold, 1 Week
Basic Affinity to Healing Via Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Whenever possessor obtains Dopple element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Dopple Synchronization
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Command of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor's Dopple element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Requires: Basic Dopple Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor's Dopple element allies gain +10 to all stats
Requires: Basic Command of Dopple
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Dopple Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Dopple element
Requires: Knowledge of Esoteric Elements, Spy, Thief, Illusionist, Dancer, Bard, Transmuter, Flux Baron, Channeler
Cost: 50,000,000 Gold, 30 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Quantities of Dopple element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Dopple Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Dopple
Requires: Basic Dopple Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Call Forth the Living Dopple- (Active Ability, Mime Don) Possessor may spend an action to summon 5 Elementals that are Dopple element, are below Level 5, and are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 20 summoned
Requires: Improved Understanding of the Heart of Dopple, Emanate Dopple
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Control of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Dopple element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Requires: Dopple Manipulation
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Defenses that Utilize Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Dopple-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Requires: Basic Dopple Synchronization, Basic Defenses against Dopple, Basic Weaponization of Dopple
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Detect Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Dopple element targets
Requires: Apprentice Divining Attunement, Basic Dopple Synchronization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Diluted Assumption of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor may reduce the quantities of extra Damage dealt to possessor because possessor is Dopple element by 15%, with this effect only reducing said extra Damage and being unable to reduce other Damage quantities or portions of Damage quantities even if increased
Requires: Meditative Assumption of Dopple, Defenses that Utilize Dopple, Radiate Dopple, Mime Don
Cost: 3,000,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Elemental Attack-Conversion: Dopple- (Technique Ability, Mime Don) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Dopple' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is Dopple element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element Dopple.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Dopple
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Elemental Invocation of Dopple- (Technique Ability, Mime Don) Possessor may use 'Elemental Invocation of Dopple' in conjunction with an 'Elemental Attack' action so long as possessor is Dopple element and no other technique is used. Said action gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 Magical Attack, or +500 Ranged Attack.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Dopple
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Week
Emanate Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Dopple element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Dopple element Damage to up to 10 targets
Requires: Absorb Dopple, Dopple Manipulation
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Empowered By Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) If possessor is Dopple element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Mind Restore at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Dopple
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of Dopple
Requires: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Expert Dopple Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Dopple element Damage dealt to possessor (not including healing) is halved, Dopple element Stat Damage (not including healing) dealt to possessor is halved Possessor gains 1 Accessory slot that may not be used for purposes other than carrying accessories, may only carry Dopple element accessories, and may not be converted into other types of slot by individuals below Level 100
Requires: Adept Dopple Synchronization, 100 other Mime Don Abilities, Level 40
Cost: 100,000,000 Gold, 40 Weeks
Greater Command of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor's Dopple element pets and summons gain +2,500 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Requires: Improved Command of Dopple, Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Dopple, Mime Don
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Understanding of the Heart of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor's Doppleelement allies gain +500 to all stats
Requires: Greater Command of Dopple, Improved Understanding of the Heart of Dopple
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Weaponization of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Quantities of Dopple element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 25,000 points
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Dopple, Mime Don
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Affinity to Healing Via Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Whenever possessor obtains Dopple element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via Dopple
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Command of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor's Dopple element pets and summons gain +1,000 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Requires: Apprentice Command of Dopple, Basic Understanding of the Heart of Dopple
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Defenses Against Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Dopple
Requires: Apprentice Defenses Against Dopple, Basic Dopple Resistance
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Defenses that Utilize Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains +2,000 Defense if possessor has any Dopple-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Requires: Apprentice Dopple Synchronization, Improved Defenses against Dopple, Improved Weaponization of Dopple
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Understanding of the Heart of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor's Dopple element allies gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Improved Command of Dopple, Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Dopple
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Dopple Elemental Emanation- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor's 'Call Forth the Living Dopple' ability may summon entities up to Level 20
Requires: Call Forth the Living Dopple
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Quantities of Dopple element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Dopple
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Zonal Acclimation of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats while in a Zone of Dopple
Requires: Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Dopple
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Zonal Dopple Empowerment- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Dopple, Possessor gains +500 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, Ranged Attack, and Defense while in a Zone of Dopple
Requires: Empowered by Dopple, Nourished by Dopple, Improved Zonal Acclimation of Dopple
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Infinite Assumption of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains the element Dopple while in Mime Don stances
Requires: Meditative Assumption of Dopple, Adept Dopple Synchronization
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Meditative Assumption of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Dopple element
Requires: Basic Dopple Synchronization
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor may use the Technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Dopple' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action even if possessor is not Dopple element.
Requires: Elemental Attack-Conversion: Dopple
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Nourish Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Whenever possessor deals HP or MP healing to an Dopple element individual, possessor deals 300 additional points
Requires: Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via Dopple, Nourished by Dopple
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Nourished By Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) If possessor is Dopple element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Rejuvenation at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Dopple
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of Dopple
Requires: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Nullify Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor may remove the element Dopple from the actions of individuals below possessor's Level who are below Level 60, Possessor may prevent the actions of Dopple-element individuals below Level 40 who are below possessor's Level, Possessor may prevent the Dopple-element actions of individuals below Level 40 who are below possessor's Level, Possessor may remove the element Dopple from possessor's actions, Things that would occur before and after actions that are prevented by this ability still occur
Requires: Adept Dopple Synchronization
Cost: 10,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Partial Channeling of the Wrath of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor's Melee Attack, Magical Attack, and Ranged Attack actions may gain 5% inflicts <MODERATE>
Requires: Basic Dopple Resistance, Basic Weaponization of Dopple
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Partially Unfettered by the Bonds of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains 5% <MODERATE> Resistance
Requires: Basic Dopple Resistance
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Predict the Flow of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains +5% Dodge against Dopple element individuals
Requires: Improved Defenses Against Dopple, Improved Understanding of the Heart of Dopple, Defenses that Utilize Dopple
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Project Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor may choose for possessor's 'Ranged Attack' actions to gain +300 Ranged Attack and the element Dopple
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Dopple
Cost: 3,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Prosperous Venting of Excess Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) If possessor is Dopple element and performs an 'Elemental Attack' action that is solely Dopple element, said action deals 5,000 additional Damage, and, at the end of said action, possessor regenerates 5,000 HP.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Dopple
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Radiate Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Dopple element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 25,000 Flat Dopple element Damage to up to 10 targets
Requires: Emanate Dopple, Greater Weaponization of Dopple
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Reconsume Dopple Elemental Spawn- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor may, at the start of any round, unsummon one of possessor's Dopple element Elemental summons to regenerate (1,000 * said Elemental's Level, to a Max of 99,000) HP
Requires: Improved Dopple Elemental Emanation, Improved Affinity to Healing Via Dopple
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Reflect Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor Reflects Dopple against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Requires: Dopple Immunity
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Relentless Tempest of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) If possessor's last action was solely Dopple element either due to this ability or the technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Dopple', possessor may make any of possessor's offensive actions solely Dopple element.
Requires: Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Dopple, Adept Dopple Synchronization
Cost: 6,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Soothing Dopple Emanation- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Dopple element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Dopple element HP Healing to up to 10 targets that are Dopple element
Requires: Emanate Dopple, Nourish Dopple
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Week
Stability Within Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains 25% minor negative status effect resistance while in a Zone of Dopple
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of Dopple, Defenses that Utilize Dopple
Requires: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Understanding of the Bonds of Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if possessor's stats are linked to the stats of a Dopple element individual
Requires: Improved Understanding of the Heart of Dopple
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Uplifted By Dopple- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) If possessor is Dopple element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Elevated at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Dopple
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of Dopple
Requires: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dopple Battle-Aura- (Stance Ability, Mime Don) Possessor deals 10,000 Flat Dopple element Damage to each opponent at the start of each round
Requires: Emanate Dopple, Improved Weaponization of Dopple
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Dopple Body Form- (Stance Ability, Mime Don) Possessor gains +200 Defense against Dopple, Possessor gains 15% Dopple Resistance, Possessor may deal 5,000 Flat Dopple element Damage to any individual who conducts an offensive action that targets possessor
Requires: Meditative Assumption of Dopple, Mime Don, Basic Dopple Resistance, Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Dopple, Apprentice Defenses Against Dopple
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Dopple Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Dopple element: Create a Zone of Dopple, Remove a Zone of Dopple created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Dopple by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Dopple to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Dopple element on a Dopple element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Dopple, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Dopple, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Dopple element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Dopple to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Dopple, 5% Dopple Resistance, or +50 Defense against Dopple and 1% Dopple Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Dopple Synchronization, 5 other Mime Don abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Zonal Dopple Control- (Passive Ability, Mime Don) Possessor may, at the start of each round, choose one Zone of Dopple that is present that was created by a source equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80 and destroy that zone or remove an effect attached to said Zone that is from a source that is equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80
Requires: Control of Dopple, Improved Zonal Acclimation of Dopple
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Builder of Nations (Civilization)
"Creates, manages, and orders cities and nations. It places areas under geographic claim and gives its wielders a mandate to control them. It organizes resources, manages supply lines, conducts trade, and bolsters order. It supports conquest and expansion while also boosting the ability to retrench defenses and control specific areas. It recognizes borders, shapes cultures, and gives knowledge of laws and customs. It also synergizes with Large Structures, Warlord, and General, though it twists Warlord to lose its barbaric aspects"
Civilization is a relatively new kid on the block, and as such doesn't even have a Basic Synchronization. Most Nonbase T1 elements have a requirement of Knowledge of Esoteric Elements and 5-8 other classnames, or another Nonbase and fewer other classnames. (Wealth notwithstanding, instead massively amping its Gold cost).
Prospective requirements:
Basic Civilization Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Civilization element
Requires: Knowledge of Esoteric Elements, Basic Subspace Architect Knowledge, Commander, Geomancer, General, Warlord
Cost: 50,000,000 Gold, 30 Weeks
It also doesn't have a related Moderate. Suggested new Moderate: Zealblasted: Patriotic Fervor (Possessor takes an amount of Civilization element damage equal to 5% of possessor's Max HP at the start of every round that cannot be defended against by Defense that is not either coming from Universe-element sources or Defense that is specifically Defense against the element Civilization)
Absorb Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor Absorbs Civilization against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Requires: Civilization Immunity
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Adept Civilization Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Amounts of Civilization element Damage possessor deals are increased by 10,000 points, Civilization element spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Possessor gains 5 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Civilization element Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Requires: Builder of Nations, 50 other Builder of Nations Abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Whenever possessor obtains Civilization element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 1,000 points
Requires: Basic Affinity to Healing Via Civilization
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Command of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor's Civilization element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Requires: Basic Command of Civilization
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Defenses Against Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Civilization
Requires: Basic Defenses Against Civilization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor's Civilization element allies gain +100 to all stats
Requires: Apprentice Command of Civilization, Basic Understanding of the Heart of Civilization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Civilization Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Civilization element item equipped, Possessor's Civilization element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Civilization Synchronization, 3 other Builder of Nations abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Quantities of Civilization element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Civilization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Civilization
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of Civilization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Acceleration Within Civilization's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Civilization
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of Civilization
Cost: 30,000 Gold, 1 Week
Basic Affinity to Healing Via Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Whenever possessor obtains Civilization element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Civilization Synchronization
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Command of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor's Civilization element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Requires: Basic Civilization Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Defenses Against Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Civilization
Requires: Basic Civilization Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor's Civilization element allies gain +10 to all stats
Requires: Basic Command of Civilization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Quantities of Civilization element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Civilization Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Civilization
Requires: Basic Civilization Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Builder of Nations- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Civilization Resistance, Possessor ignores Civilization Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Civilization Synchronization, 10 other Builder of Nations abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Call Forth the Living Civilization- (Active Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor may spend an action to summon 5 Elementals that are Civilization element, are below Level 5, and are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 20 summoned
Requires: Improved Understanding of the Heart of Civilization, Emanate Civilization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Control of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Civilization element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Requires: Civilization Manipulation
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Civilization Battle-Aura- (Stance Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor deals 10,000 Flat Civilization element Damage to each opponent at the start of each round
Requires: Emanate Civilization, Improved Weaponization of Civilization
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Civilization Body Form- (Stance Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +200 Defense against Civilization, Possessor gains 15% Civilization Resistance, Possessor may deal 5,000 Flat Civilization element Damage to any individual who conducts an offensive action that targets possessor
Requires: Meditative Assumption of Civilization, Builder of Nations, Basic Civilization Resistance, Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Civilization, Apprentice Defenses Against Civilization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Civilization Immunity- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains Civilization Immunity against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Requires: Improved Civilization Resistance, Builder of Nations, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Civilization Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Civilization element: Create a Zone of Civilization, Remove a Zone of Civilization created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Civilization by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Civilization to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Civilization element on a Civilization element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Civilization, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Civilization, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Civilization element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Civilization to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Civilization, 5% Civilization Resistance, or +50 Defense against Civilization and 1% Civilization Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Civilization Synchronization, 5 other Builder of Nations abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Defenses that Utilize Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Civilization-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Requires: Basic Civilization Synchronization, Basic Defenses against Civilization, Basic Weaponization of Civilization
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Detect Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Civilization element targets
Requires: Apprentice Divining Attunement, Basic Civilization Synchronization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Diluted Assumption of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor may reduce the quantities of extra Damage dealt to possessor because possessor is Civilization element by 15%, with this effect only reducing said extra Damage and being unable to reduce other Damage quantities or portions of Damage quantities even if increased
Requires: Meditative Assumption of Civilization, Defenses that Utilize Civilization, Radiate Civilization, Builder of Nations
Cost: 3,000,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Elemental Attack-Conversion: Civilization- (Technique Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Civilization' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is Civilization element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element Civilization.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Civilization
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Elemental Invocation of Civilization- (Technique Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor may use 'Elemental Invocation of Civilization' in conjunction with an 'Elemental Attack' action so long as possessor is Civilization element and no other technique is used. Said action gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 Magical Attack, or +500 Ranged Attack.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Civilization
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Week
Emanate Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Civilization element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Civilization element Damage to up to 10 targets
Requires: Absorb Civilization, Civilization Manipulation
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Empowered By Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) If possessor is Civilization element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Mind Restore at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Civilization
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of Civilization
Requires: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Expert Civilization Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Civilization element Damage dealt to possessor (not including healing) is halved, Civilization element Stat Damage (not including healing) dealt to possessor is halved Possessor gains 1 Accessory slot that may not be used for purposes other than carrying accessories, may only carry Civilization element accessories, and may not be converted into other types of slot by individuals below Level 100
Requires: Adept Civilization Synchronization, 100 other Builder of Nations Abilities, Level 40
Cost: 100,000,000 Gold, 40 Weeks
Greater Command of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor's Civilization element pets and summons gain +2,500 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Requires: Improved Command of Civilization, Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Civilization, Builder of Nations
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Understanding of the Heart of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor's Civilizationelement allies gain +500 to all stats
Requires: Greater Command of Civilization, Improved Understanding of the Heart of Civilization
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Weaponization of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Quantities of Civilization element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 25,000 points
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Civilization, Builder of Nations
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Affinity to Healing Via Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Whenever possessor obtains Civilization element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via Civilization
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Command of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor's Civilization element pets and summons gain +1,000 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Requires: Apprentice Command of Civilization, Basic Understanding of the Heart of Civilization
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Defenses Against Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Civilization
Requires: Apprentice Defenses Against Civilization, Basic Civilization Resistance
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Defenses that Utilize Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +2,000 Defense if possessor has any Civilization-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Requires: Apprentice Civilization Synchronization, Improved Defenses against Civilization, Improved Weaponization of Civilization
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Understanding of the Heart of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor's Civilization element allies gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Improved Command of Civilization, Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Civilization
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Civilization Elemental Emanation- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor's 'Call Forth the Living Civilization' ability may summon entities up to Level 20
Requires: Call Forth the Living Civilization
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Quantities of Civilization element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Civilization
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Zonal Acclimation of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats while in a Zone of Civilization
Requires: Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Civilization
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Zonal Civilization Empowerment- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Civilization, Possessor gains +500 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, Ranged Attack, and Defense while in a Zone of Civilization
Requires: Empowered by Civilization, Nourished by Civilization, Improved Zonal Acclimation of Civilization
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Infinite Assumption of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains the element Civilization while in Builder of Nations stances
Requires: Meditative Assumption of Civilization, Adept Civilization Synchronization
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Meditative Assumption of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Civilization element
Requires: Basic Civilization Synchronization
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor may use the Technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Civilization' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action even if possessor is not Civilization element.
Requires: Elemental Attack-Conversion: Civilization
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Nourish Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Whenever possessor deals HP or MP healing to an Civilization element individual, possessor deals 300 additional points
Requires: Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via Civilization, Nourished by Civilization
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Nourished By Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) If possessor is Civilization element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Rejuvenation at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Civilization
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of Civilization
Requires: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Nullify Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor may remove the element Civilization from the actions of individuals below possessor's Level who are below Level 60, Possessor may prevent the actions of Civilization-element individuals below Level 40 who are below possessor's Level, Possessor may prevent the Civilization-element actions of individuals below Level 40 who are below possessor's Level, Possessor may remove the element Civilization from possessor's actions, Things that would occur before and after actions that are prevented by this ability still occur
Requires: Adept Civilization Synchronization
Cost: 10,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Partial Channeling of the Wrath of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor's Melee Attack, Magical Attack, and Ranged Attack actions may gain 5% inflicts <MODERATE>
Requires: Basic Civilization Resistance, Basic Weaponization of Civilization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Partially Unfettered by the Bonds of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains 5% <MODERATE> Resistance
Requires: Basic Civilization Resistance
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Predict the Flow of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +5% Dodge against Civilization element individuals
Requires: Improved Defenses Against Civilization, Improved Understanding of the Heart of Civilization, Defenses that Utilize Civilization
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Project Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor may choose for possessor's 'Ranged Attack' actions to gain +300 Ranged Attack and the element Civilization
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Civilization
Cost: 3,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Prosperous Venting of Excess Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) If possessor is Civilization element and performs an 'Elemental Attack' action that is solely Civilization element, said action deals 5,000 additional Damage, and, at the end of said action, possessor regenerates 5,000 HP.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Civilization
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Radiate Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Civilization element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 25,000 Flat Civilization element Damage to up to 10 targets
Requires: Emanate Civilization, Greater Weaponization of Civilization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Reconsume Civilization Elemental Spawn- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor may, at the start of any round, unsummon one of possessor's Civilization element Elemental summons to regenerate (1,000 * said Elemental's Level, to a Max of 99,000) HP
Requires: Improved Civilization Elemental Emanation, Improved Affinity to Healing Via Civilization
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Reflect Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor Reflects Civilization against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Requires: Civilization Immunity
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Relentless Tempest of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) If possessor's last action was solely Civilization element either due to this ability or the technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Civilization', possessor may make any of possessor's offensive actions solely Civilization element.
Requires: Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Civilization, Adept Civilization Synchronization
Cost: 6,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Soothing Civilization Emanation- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Civilization element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Civilization element HP Healing to up to 10 targets that are Civilization element
Requires: Emanate Civilization, Nourish Civilization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Week
Stability Within Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains 25% minor negative status effect resistance while in a Zone of Civilization
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of Civilization, Defenses that Utilize Civilization
Requires: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Understanding of the Bonds of Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if possessor's stats are linked to the stats of a Civilization element individual
Requires: Improved Understanding of the Heart of Civilization
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Uplifted By Civilization- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) If possessor is Civilization element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Elevated at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Civilization
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of Civilization
Requires: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Zonal Civilization Control- (Passive Ability, Builder of Nations) Possessor may, at the start of each round, choose one Zone of Civilization that is present that was created by a source equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80 and destroy that zone or remove an effect attached to said Zone that is from a source that is equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80
Requires: Control of Civilization, Improved Zonal Acclimation of Civilization
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Balanced Medium (Essence)
"A vital force, similar to life, but more spiritual and less concerned with nature. It bolsters Spirits, Magic, and Ki. It unifies life with magic, assists in channeling, and allows its wielder better ability to target the mana patterns of beings. With proper skill, it allows for manipulation of the spirit layer of beings, and, eventually, their mana patterns' elements. It also assists with enchanting items, linking them to people, and attaching bonds between things. Something infused with essence is resurgent, growing back its losses more easily and compensating for damage to one area with strength in another, while at the same time repairing the first."
Another relative newcomer! It also doesn't have a Basic Synchronization.
Prospective requirements:
Basic Essence Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Essence element
Requires: Knowledge of Esoteric Elements, Basic Ki Synchronization, Arcane Vizier, Binder, Channeler, Healer, Enchanter
Cost: 50,000,000 Gold, 30 Weeks
It doesn't have a related Moderate. Suggested new Moderate: Manablasted: Essence Deviation (Possessor takes an amount of Essence element damage equal to 5% of possessor's Max HP at the start of every round that cannot be defended against by Defense that is not either coming from Universe-element sources or Defense that is specifically Defense against the element Essence)
Absorb Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor Absorbs Essence against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Requires: Essence Immunity
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Adept Essence Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Amounts of Essence element Damage possessor deals are increased by 10,000 points, Essence element spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Possessor gains 5 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Essence element Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Requires: Balanced Medium, 50 other Balanced Medium Abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Whenever possessor obtains Essence element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 1,000 points
Requires: Basic Affinity to Healing Via Essence
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Command of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor's Essence element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Requires: Basic Command of Essence
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Defenses Against Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Essence
Requires: Basic Defenses Against Essence
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor's Essence element allies gain +100 to all stats
Requires: Apprentice Command of Essence, Basic Understanding of the Heart of Essence
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Essence Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Essence element item equipped, Possessor's Essence element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Essence Synchronization, 3 other Balanced Medium abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Quantities of Essence element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Essence
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Essence
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of Essence
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Balanced Medium- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Essence Resistance, Possessor ignores Essence Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Essence Synchronization, 10 other Balanced Medium abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Basic Acceleration Within Essence's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Essence
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of Essence
Cost: 30,000 Gold, 1 Week
Basic Affinity to Healing Via Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Whenever possessor obtains Essence element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Essence Synchronization
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Command of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor's Essence element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Requires: Basic Essence Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor's Essence element allies gain +10 to all stats
Requires: Basic Command of Essence
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Quantities of Essence element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Essence Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Essence
Requires: Basic Essence Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Call Forth the Living Essence- (Active Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor may spend an action to summon 5 Elementals that are Essence element, are below Level 5, and are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 20 summoned
Requires: Improved Understanding of the Heart of Essence, Emanate Essence
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Control of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Essence element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Requires: Essence Manipulation
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Defenses that Utilize Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Essence-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Requires: Basic Essence Synchronization, Basic Defenses against Essence, Basic Weaponization of Essence
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Detect Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Essence element targets
Requires: Apprentice Divining Attunement, Basic Essence Synchronization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Diluted Assumption of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor may reduce the quantities of extra Damage dealt to possessor because possessor is Essence element by 15%, with this effect only reducing said extra Damage and being unable to reduce other Damage quantities or portions of Damage quantities even if increased
Requires: Meditative Assumption of Essence, Defenses that Utilize Essence, Radiate Essence, Balanced Medium
Cost: 3,000,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Essence Battle-Aura- (Stance Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor deals 10,000 Flat Essence element Damage to each opponent at the start of each round
Requires: Emanate Essence, Improved Weaponization of Essence
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Essence Body Form- (Stance Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains +200 Defense against Essence, Possessor gains 15% Essence Resistance, Possessor may deal 5,000 Flat Essence element Damage to any individual who conducts an offensive action that targets possessor
Requires: Meditative Assumption of Essence, Balanced Medium, Basic Essence Resistance, Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Essence, Apprentice Defenses Against Essence
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Essence Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Essence element: Create a Zone of Essence, Remove a Zone of Essence created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Essence by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Essence to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Essence element on a Essence element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Essence, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Essence, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Essence element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Essence to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Essence, 5% Essence Resistance, or +50 Defense against Essence and 1% Essence Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Essence Synchronization, 5 other Balanced Medium abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Elemental Attack-Conversion: Essence- (Technique Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Essence' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is Essence element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element Essence.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Essence
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Elemental Invocation of Essence- (Technique Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor may use 'Elemental Invocation of Essence' in conjunction with an 'Elemental Attack' action so long as possessor is Essence element and no other technique is used. Said action gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 Magical Attack, or +500 Ranged Attack.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Essence
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Week
Emanate Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Essence element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Essence element Damage to up to 10 targets
Requires: Absorb Essence, Essence Manipulation
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Empowered By Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) If possessor is Essence element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Mind Restore at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Essence
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of Essence
Requires: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Expert Essence Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Essence element Damage dealt to possessor (not including healing) is halved, Essence element Stat Damage (not including healing) dealt to possessor is halved Possessor gains 1 Accessory slot that may not be used for purposes other than carrying accessories, may only carry Essence element accessories, and may not be converted into other types of slot by individuals below Level 100
Requires: Adept Essence Synchronization, 100 other Balanced Medium Abilities, Level 40
Cost: 100,000,000 Gold, 40 Weeks
Greater Command of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor's Essence element pets and summons gain +2,500 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Requires: Improved Command of Essence, Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Essence, Balanced Medium
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Understanding of the Heart of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor's Essenceelement allies gain +500 to all stats
Requires: Greater Command of Essence, Improved Understanding of the Heart of Essence
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Weaponization of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Quantities of Essence element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 25,000 points
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Essence, Balanced Medium
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Affinity to Healing Via Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Whenever possessor obtains Essence element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via Essence
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Command of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor's Essence element pets and summons gain +1,000 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Requires: Apprentice Command of Essence, Basic Understanding of the Heart of Essence
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Defenses Against Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Essence
Requires: Apprentice Defenses Against Essence, Basic Essence Resistance
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Defenses that Utilize Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains +2,000 Defense if possessor has any Essence-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Requires: Apprentice Essence Synchronization, Improved Defenses against Essence, Improved Weaponization of Essence
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Understanding of the Heart of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor's Essence element allies gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Improved Command of Essence, Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Essence
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Essence Elemental Emanation- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor's 'Call Forth the Living Essence' ability may summon entities up to Level 20
Requires: Call Forth the Living Essence
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Quantities of Essence element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Essence
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Zonal Acclimation of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats while in a Zone of Essence
Requires: Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Essence
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Zonal Essence Empowerment- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Essence, Possessor gains +500 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, Ranged Attack, and Defense while in a Zone of Essence
Requires: Empowered by Essence, Nourished by Essence, Improved Zonal Acclimation of Essence
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Infinite Assumption of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains the element Essence while in Balanced Medium stances
Requires: Meditative Assumption of Essence, Adept Essence Synchronization
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Meditative Assumption of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Essence element
Requires: Basic Essence Synchronization
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor may use the Technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Essence' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action even if possessor is not Essence element.
Requires: Elemental Attack-Conversion: Essence
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Nourish Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Whenever possessor deals HP or MP healing to an Essence element individual, possessor deals 300 additional points
Requires: Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via Essence, Nourished by Essence
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Nourished By Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) If possessor is Essence element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Rejuvenation at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Essence
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of Essence
Requires: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Nullify Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor may remove the element Essence from the actions of individuals below possessor's Level who are below Level 60, Possessor may prevent the actions of Essence-element individuals below Level 40 who are below possessor's Level, Possessor may prevent the Essence-element actions of individuals below Level 40 who are below possessor's Level, Possessor may remove the element Essence from possessor's actions, Things that would occur before and after actions that are prevented by this ability still occur
Requires: Adept Essence Synchronization
Cost: 10,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Partial Channeling of the Wrath of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor's Melee Attack, Magical Attack, and Ranged Attack actions may gain 5% inflicts <MODERATE>
Requires: Basic Essence Resistance, Basic Weaponization of Essence
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Partially Unfettered by the Bonds of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains 5% <MODERATE> Resistance
Requires: Basic Essence Resistance
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Predict the Flow of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains +5% Dodge against Essence element individuals
Requires: Improved Defenses Against Essence, Improved Understanding of the Heart of Essence, Defenses that Utilize Essence
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Project Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor may choose for possessor's 'Ranged Attack' actions to gain +300 Ranged Attack and the element Essence
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Essence
Cost: 3,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Prosperous Venting of Excess Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) If possessor is Essence element and performs an 'Elemental Attack' action that is solely Essence element, said action deals 5,000 additional Damage, and, at the end of said action, possessor regenerates 5,000 HP.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Essence
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Radiate Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Essence element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 25,000 Flat Essence element Damage to up to 10 targets
Requires: Emanate Essence, Greater Weaponization of Essence
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Reconsume Essence Elemental Spawn- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor may, at the start of any round, unsummon one of possessor's Essence element Elemental summons to regenerate (1,000 * said Elemental's Level, to a Max of 99,000) HP
Requires: Improved Essence Elemental Emanation, Improved Affinity to Healing Via Essence
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Reflect Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor Reflects Essence against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Requires: Essence Immunity
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Relentless Tempest of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) If possessor's last action was solely Essence element either due to this ability or the technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Essence', possessor may make any of possessor's offensive actions solely Essence element.
Requires: Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Essence, Adept Essence Synchronization
Cost: 6,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Soothing Essence Emanation- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Essence element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Essence element HP Healing to up to 10 targets that are Essence element
Requires: Emanate Essence, Nourish Essence
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Week
Stability Within Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains 25% minor negative status effect resistance while in a Zone of Essence
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of Essence, Defenses that Utilize Essence
Requires: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Understanding of the Bonds of Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if possessor's stats are linked to the stats of a Essence element individual
Requires: Improved Understanding of the Heart of Essence
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Uplifted By Essence- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) If possessor is Essence element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Elevated at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Essence
Requires: Basic Understanding of the Heart of Essence
Requires: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Zonal Essence Control- (Passive Ability, Balanced Medium) Possessor may, at the start of each round, choose one Zone of Essence that is present that was created by a source equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80 and destroy that zone or remove an effect attached to said Zone that is from a source that is equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80
Requires: Control of Essence, Improved Zonal Acclimation of Essence
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Progenitor of Species (Evolution)
Yes, Evolution is already templated up, for the most part. It doesn't have its own Moderate yet, though.
Suggested new Moderate:
Overload: Malign Mutation (Possessor takes an amount of Evolution element damage equal to 5% of possessor's Max HP at the start of every round that cannot be defended against by Defense that is not either coming from Universe-element sources or Defense that is specifically Defense against the element Evolution)
Moving on to the trickier prospects.
Stormsmiter (Lightning)
"Lightning is a T2 nonbase weapon subtype. Its class is Stormsmiter. It is a ranged/magical hybrid class that performs chain-hit attacks that bounce from one target to another, attaches repeating attacks and offensive effects to zones, and declares rules and smites those who break them. It works well alongside Assassin, Ninja, Lawbringer, Priest, Druid, Litigamancer, Wind Duke, and Thunder Czar."
Lightning is a T2 Weapon class. There's currently two 'flavours' of T2 weapon-classes in the Ability shop, which I've dubbed 'Type 1' and 'Type 2'.
'Type 1' includes Teapot and Box and have higher bonuses than T1 classes, and 'Type 2' includes Basilisk Emblem, Ordeal and Stage and have the same bonuses as nonbase Tier 1 Weapons.
The Basic ability for Type 1 trees have 5-7 Classname prerequisites that include nonbase classes, cost 15,000,000 Gold and 5 Weeks to learn. They tend to give a +50 Attack Bonus and +50 to all stats.
The Basic ability for Type 2 trees have 9-18 Classname prerequisites that may or may not include multiple nonbase classes with more investment required to get into, cost 60,000,000 Gold and take 60 Weeks to learn. They tend to give a +6 Attack Bonus, which is the same as T1 Nonbase Weapon types. Presumably their progression would also follow the T1 Nonbase trees.
Tier Abilities
None of the T2s have Adept in their trees as of yet, so this is progressed up to Classname. I've included both type-variants, for options.
Type 1 wrote:Basic Lightning Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Stormsmiter) Possessor gains +50 Ranged Attack, +50 Magical Attack and +50 to all stats if possessor has a Lightning equipped
Not for Sale
Speculated prerequisites, based on class blurb:
Requires: Assassin, Ninja, Lawbringer, Priest, Druid, Litigamancer, Wind Duke, Thunder Czar
Cost: 15,000,000 Gold, 5 Weeks
Apprentice Lightning Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Stormsmiter) Possessor gains +500 Ranged Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 to all stats if possessor has a Lightning equipped
Requires: Basic Lightning Training, 3 other Stormsmiter abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Stormsmiter- (Passive Ability, Other: Stormsmiter) Possessor gains +(500 * Possessor Level) Ranged Attack and +(500 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack if possessor has a Lightning equipped, Possessor gains +(250 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has a Lightning equipped
Requires: Apprentice Lightning Training, 10 other Stormsmiter abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Type 2 wrote:Basic Lightning Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Stormsmiter) Possessor gains +6 Ranged Attack and +6 Magical Attack if possessor has a Lightning equipped
Not for Sale
Apprentice Lightning Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Stormsmiter) Possessor gains +50 Ranged Attack and +50 Magical Attack if possessor has a Lightning equipped, Possessor gain +20 to all stats if a Lightning is equipped.
Requires: Basic Lightning Training, 3 other Stormsmiter abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Stormsmiter- (Passive Ability, Other: Stormsmiter) Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level) Ranged Attack and +(100 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack if possessor has a Lightning equipped, Possessor gains +(25 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has a Lightning equipped
Requires: Apprentice Lightning Training, 10 other Stormsmiter abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Generic Abilities
Potentially-fitting templatable abilities for Lightning:
Lightning "X Smite"
Air, Electrical, Energy, Fire, Hope, Light, Magic, Physical, Technology, Truth, War, Destruction, Faith, Fury, Glory, Fate, Law, Sonic, Good, Evil, Divine
(Prospective names for as-yet-unused-in-technique elemental abilities in the previous Weapon Template Abilities post)
Abstract, Aerial, Angel, Animal, Aquatic, Bio-Horror, Clockwork, Daemon, Darkspawn, Demon, Deva, Devil, Horror, Human, Humanoid, Machine, Monster, Plant, Prime, Robot, Undead
(I worked off a mix of 'what might be a target for smiting', 'things that generally get struck by lightning' and 'non-Lawful variants of the same')
Accurate, Armor-Piercing, Banishing (and Greater), Bloody, Crippling, Crisis, Critical, Dangerous, Debilitating (and Improved), Deft, Dizzying (and Improved), Dual, Dud, Erasure (and Greater), Gravity, Hard to Disarm, Hexing (and Improved), Hungering, Impairing (and Improved), Maiming (and Improved), Painful (and Improved), Paralytic (and Improved), Powerful, Mamma Bear, Surprise, Thirsty, Unexpected, Vexatious, Wielding III, Wind-Up, X on the Run
Chaos Maestro (Arch-Quezmellym)
There's three different power bands of T2s in the Ability shop.
Ancient and Invisible have abilities with the same bonuses as T1 entity subtypes.
Most T2s have higher bonuses, including Dragon, Large Structure, Outsider and Planetary.
Exalted Wishkin and Great Beast have even higher bonuses, which are more in line with T3, power-level-wise, for some reason.
The lowest band doesn't seem to include subtypes with Deity Effects, so I'll exclude that, and something weird might be going on with the Exalted Wishkin and Great Beast classes, so I'll go off the most-common to template off.
Working off the middle band, using Planetary and Large Structure as a template, with guesses for Basic requirements (or they can be left as Not for Sale, I don't think anyone else is going to end up in this class on purpose):
Adept Chaos Maestro Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Chaos Maestro) Possessor's Arch-Quezmellym pets and summons gain +10,000 to all stats, Possessor gains an additional summon slot that may only contain a Arch-Quezmellym summon, Possessor's unmodified stats increase by 1,000 points if possessor is a Arch-Quezmellym
Requires: Chaos Maestro, 50 other Chaos Maestro Abilities, Level 20
Cost: 25,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Apprentice Chaos Maestro Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Chaos Maestro) Possessor's Arch-Quezmellym pets and summons gain +2,500 HP, +2,500 MP, +500 to damage dealt, and +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Chaos Maestro Knowledge, 3 other Chaos Maestro abilities
Cost: 12,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Chaos Maestro Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Chaos Maestro) Possessor's Arch-Quezmellym pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +50 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Not for Sale
Theorised requirements:
Requires: Adept Divine Magic Attunement, Adept Discordant Knowledge, Be a Deity or an Arch-Quezmellym
Cost: 60,000,000 Gold, 60 Weeks
Chaos Maestro- (Passive Ability, Other: Chaos Maestro) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Arch-Quezmellym pet only, This ability provides +250 HP and +50 to all stats of possessor's Arch-Quezmellym pets and summons per Level of possessor
Requires: Apprentice Chaos Maestro Knowledge, 10 other Chaos Maestro abilities
Cost: 12,500,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Instruction probably works here for the 'Training' abilities, as it's on the same alignment-scale as Prime.
Working off the approved and templated Santa tree:
Offensive Arch-Quezmellym Instruction I- (Passive Ability, Other: Chaos Maestro) Possessor's Arch-Quezmellym pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 50 points
Requires: Arch-Quezmellym Instruction II
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Offensive Arch-Quezmellym Instruction II- (Passive Ability, Other: Chaos Maestro) Possessor's Arch-Quezmellym pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 500 points
Requires: Offensive Arch-Quezmellym Instruction I, Apprentice Chaos Maestro Knowledge
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Speed-Focused Arch-Quezmellym Instruction I- (Passive Ability, Other: Chaos Maestro) Possessor's Arch-Quezmellym pets and summons have their turn-order-determining stat sums increased by 50 points for turn-order-determining purposes
Requires: Arch-Quezmellym Instruction II
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Speed-Focused Arch-Quezmellym Instruction II- (Passive Ability, Other: Chaos Maestro) Possessor's Arch-Quezmellym pets and summons have their turn-order-determining stat sums increased by 250 points for turn-order-determining purposes
Requires: Speed-Focused Arch-Quezmellym Instruction I, Apprentice Chaos Maestro Knowledge
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Superior Arch-Quezmellym Loyalty Instruction- (Passive Ability, Other: Chaos Maestro) Possessor's Arch-Quezmellym pets and summons gain 80% Charm Resistance
Requires: Advanced Arch-Quezmellym Loyalty Instruction, Commander
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sublime Presence (Divinity)
In a way, this is kind of easier to work with. It already has a Basic, which means, barring wibbly weirdness, it should be template-friendly like the other T3s. Basic Sublime Presence already exists, which is a plus (and has the same bonuses as Santa, informing the rest).
Adept Sublime Presence Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Sublime Presence) Possessor's Divinity pets and summons gain +20,000 to all stats, Possessor gains an additional summon slot that may only contain a Divinity summon, Possessor's unmodified stats increase by 2,000 points if possessor is a Divinity
Requires: Sublime Presence, 50 other Sublime Presence abilities, Level 20
Cost: 50,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Apprentice Sublime Presence Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Sublime Presence) Possessor's Divinity pets and summons gain +5,000 HP, +5,000 MP, +1,000 to damage dealt, and +500 to all stats
Requires: Basic Sublime Presence Knowledge, 3 other Sublime Presence abilities
Cost: 1,250,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sublime Presence- (Passive Ability, Other: Sublime Presence) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Divinity pet only, This ability provides +500 HP and +100 to all stats of possessor's Divinity pets and summons per Level of possessor
Requires: Apprentice Sublime Presence Knowledge, 10 other Sublime Presence abilities
Cost: 1,250,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Divinities are on the Planar (Balance, Neutrality) scale along with Outsiders and Elementals, and 'Instruction' seems a bit weird for what is essentially a god-of-gods, so I'll use 'Communing' as its training-abilities name.
Offensive Divinity Communing I- (Passive Ability, Other: Sublime Presence) Possessor's Divinity pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 50 points
Requires: Divinity Communing II
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Offensive Divinity Communing II- (Passive Ability, Other: Sublime Presence) Possessor's Divinity pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 500 points
Requires: Offensive Divinity Communing I, Apprentice Sublime Presence Knowledge
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Speed-Focused Divinity Communing I- (Passive Ability, Other: Sublime Presence) Possessor's Divinity pets and summons have their turn-order-determining stat sums increased by 50 points for turn-order-determining purposes
Requires: Divinity Communing II
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Speed-Focused Divinity Communing II- (Passive Ability, Other: Sublime Presence) Possessor's Divinity pets and summons have their turn-order-determining stat sums increased by 250 points for turn-order-determining purposes
Requires: Speed-Focused Divinity Communing I, Apprentice Sublime Presence Knowledge
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Superior Divinity Loyalty Communing- (Passive Ability, Other: Sublime Presence) Possessor's Divinity pets and summons gain 80% Charm Resistance
Requires: Advanced Divinity Loyalty Communing, Commander
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Accurate Cigar Use- (Passive Ability, Executive) Possessor gains +1% To Hit when a Cigar is equipped
Requires: Cigar Wielding III, Drag Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Acidic Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Acidic Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '30% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Erosion Drag, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Adept Cigar Training- (Passive Ability, Executive) Cigar weapons equipped by possessor can provide an additional +10,000 Ranged Attack before capping, Cigar Weapons equipped by possessor that provide a Ranged Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Ranged Attack, Possessor's critical Damage multiplier increases by 1 as an effect that does not stack with other critical-damage-multiplier-increasing effects that come from abilities if possessor is wielding a Cigar
Requires: Executive, 50 other Executive Abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Aerial-Bane Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Bane Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Aerials and gains +25% Critical against Aerials.
Requires: Aerial-Hunting Drag, Executive, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aerial-Hunting Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Hunting Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Aerials and gains +5% To Hit against Aerials.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aerial-Slaying Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Slaying Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack against Aerials, gains +25% Critical against Aerials, gains +5% To Hit against Aerials, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Aerials.
Requires: Aerial-Bane Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Angel-Bane Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Angel-Bane Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Angels and gains +25% Critical against Angels.
Requires: Angel-Hunting Drag, Executive, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Angel-Hunting Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Angel-Hunting Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Angels and gains +5% To Hit against Angels.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Angel-Slaying Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Angel-Slaying Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack against Angels, gains +25% Critical against Angels, gains +5% To Hit against Angels, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Angels.
Requires: Angel-Bane Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Bane Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Animal-Bane Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Animals and gains +25% Critical against Animals.
Requires: Animal-Hunting Drag, Executive, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Hunting Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Animal-Hunting Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Animals and gains +5% To Hit against Animals.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Slaying Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Animal-Slaying Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack against Animals and gains +25% Critical against Animals, gains +5% To Hit against Animals, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Animals.
Requires: Animal-Bane Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Cigar Training- (Passive Ability, Executive) Possessor gains +50 Ranged Attack if possessor has a Cigar equipped
Requires: Basic Cigar Training, 3 other Executive abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Banishing Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Banishing Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack unsummons up to one of its targets if both said target and said target's summoner are below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Cigar Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Black Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Black Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '30% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Night Drag, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blustering Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Blustering Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '30% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Gale Drag, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Breathless Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Breathless Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Wind Drag, Apprentice Cigar Training, Apprentice Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Burning Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Burning Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '30% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Explosive Drag, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Caustic Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Caustic Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Acid element.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training, Basic Acid Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Bane Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Bane Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Celestials and gains +25% Critical against Celestials.
Requires: Celestial-Hunting Drag, Executive, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Hunting Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Hunting Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Celestials and gains +5% To Hit against Celestials.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Slaying Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Slaying Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack against Celestials, gains +25% Critical against Celestials, gains +5% To Hit against Celestials, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Celestials.
Requires: Celestial-Bane Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Charming Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Charming Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Charm.
Requires: Apprentice Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cigar Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Executive) +5 to all stats when a Cigar is equipped
Requires: Basic Cigar Training
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cigar Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Executive) +25 to all stats when a Cigar is equipped, +25 Ranged Attack when a Cigar is equipped
Requires: Cigar Wielding I
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cigar Wielding III- (Passive Ability, Executive) Possessor gains +200 to all stats when a Cigar is equipped and +200 Ranged Attack when a Cigar is equipped
Requires: Cigar Wielding II, Executive
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cluster Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Cluster Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '15% inflicts Antimatter', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Deletion Drag, Executive, Heir to the Future
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Code Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Code Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Technology element.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training, Basic Technology Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dangerous Cigar Use- (Passive Ability, Executive) Possessor gains +1% Critical when a Cigar is equipped
Requires: Cigar Wielding III, Drag Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Debilitating Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Debilitating Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Stat Drain.
Requires: Apprentice Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deletion Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Deletion Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '15% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Code Drag, Apprentice Cigar Training, Apprentice Technology Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Bane Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Deva-Bane Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Devas and gains +25% Critical against Devas.
Requires: Deva-Hunting Drag, Executive, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Hunting Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Deva-Hunting Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Devas and gains +5% To Hit against Devas.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Slaying Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Deva-Slaying Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack against Devas, gains +25% Critical against Devas, gains +5% To Hit against Devas, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Devas.
Requires: Deva-Bane Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dissolution Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Dissolution Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Caustic Drag, Apprentice Cigar Training, Apprentice Acid Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dizzying Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Dizzying Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Requires: Apprentice Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Expert Cigar Training- (Passive Ability, Executive) The Ranged Attack bonus granted by up to one Cigar weapon that possessor has equipped may, during possessor's actions that involve attacks, if possessor desires such, be multiplied by the Randomized Attribute Sum during possessor's Damage Formula calculations, with possessor declaring such at the beginning of possessor's actions to obtain said effect, with any such increase granted being capped by a value equal to (Possessor's normal capping value * the Randomized Attribute Sum rolled) and being capped as though it came from this ability (assuming this ability were also a Weapon that is a Cigar)
Requires: Adept Cigar Training, 100 other Executive Abilities, Level 40
Cost: 100,000,000 Gold, 40 Weeks
Drag Mastery- (Passive Ability, Executive) Technique Abilities from the Executive class whose name includes 'Drag' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Requires: 5 Executive abilities that are Techniques whose name contains 'Drag'
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 5 Weeks
Dud Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Dud Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Ranged Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Requires: Apprentice Cigar Training
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Elemental-Bane Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Bane Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Elementals and gains +25% Critical against Elementals.
Requires: Elemental-Hunting Drag, Executive, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Elemental-Hunting Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Hunting Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Elementals and gains +5% To Hit against Elementals.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Elemental-Slaying Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Slaying Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack against Elementals, gains +25% Critical against Elementals, gains +5% To Hit against Elementals, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Elementals.
Requires: Elemental-Bane Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Envenomed Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Envenomed Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Poison.
Requires: Apprentice Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Erosion Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Erosion Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Dissolution Drag, Executive, Caliph of Corrosion
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Erasure Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Erasure Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack removes one buff from its target that comes from a source that is below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Cigar Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Explosive Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Explosive Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Ignition Drag, Executive, Blazing Sultan
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Bane Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Fae-Bane Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Fae and gains +25% Critical against Fae.
Requires: Fae-Hunting Drag, Executive, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Hunting Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Fae-Hunting Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Fae and gains +5% To Hit against Fae.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Slaying Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Fae-Slaying Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, gains +25% Critical against Fae, gains +5% To Hit against Fae, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Fae.
Requires: Fae-Bane Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Flame Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Flame Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Fire element.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training, Basic Fire Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gale Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Gale Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Breathless Drag, Executive, Wind Duke
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Banishing Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Greater Banishing Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack unsummons up to one of its targets if both said target and said target's summoner are below Level 80 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Banishing Drag, Level 40
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Erasure Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Erasure Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack removes one buff from its target that comes from a source that is below Level 80 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Erasure Drag, Level 40
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hard to Disarm With a Cigar- (Passive Ability, Executive) Individuals below Level 20 may not unequip or steal possessor's equipped Cigars without possessor's permission
Requires: Cigar Wielding III
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hexing Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Hexing Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed.
Requires: Apprentice Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Bane Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Human-Bane Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Humans and gains +25% Critical against Humans.
Requires: Human-Hunting Drag, Executive, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Hunting Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Human-Hunting Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Humans and gains +5% To Hit against Humans.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Slaying Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Human-Slaying Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack against Humans, gains +25% Critical against Humans, gains +5% To Hit against Humans, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Humans.
Requires: Human-Bane Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Bane Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Bane Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Humanoids and gains +25% Critical against Humanoids.
Requires: Humanoid-Hunting Drag, Executive, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Hunting Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Hunting Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Humanoids and gains +5% To Hit against Humanoids.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Slaying Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Slaying Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack against Humanoids, gains +25% Critical against Humanoids, gains +5% To Hit against Humanoids, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Humanoids.
Requires: Humanoid-Bane Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hurricane Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Hurricane Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '50% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Blustering Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Adept Air Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hyperadvanced Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Hyperadvanced Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '50% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Zero Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Adept Technology Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hypersolvent Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Hypersolvent Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '50% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Acidic Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Adept Acid Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ignition Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Ignition Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Flame Drag, Apprentice Cigar Training, Apprentice Fire Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ill Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Ill Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Diseased.
Requires: Apprentice Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Impairing Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Impairing Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Impaired.
Requires: Apprentice Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Charming Drag- (Passive Ability, Executive) Possessor's 'Charming Drag' technique has its chance of inflicting Charm increased to 30%
Requires: Charming Drag
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Debilitating Drag- (Passive Ability, Executive) Possessor's 'Debilitating Drag' technique has its chance of inflicting Stat Drain increased to 30%
Requires: Debilitating Drag
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Dizzying Drag- (Passive Ability, Executive) Possessor's 'Dizzying Drag' technique has its chance of inflicting Confusion increased to 30%
Requires: Dizzying Drag
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Envenomed Drag- (Passive Ability, Executive) Possessor's 'Hexing Drag' technique has its chance of inflicting Poison increased to 30%
Requires: Hexing Drag
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Hexing Drag- (Passive Ability, Executive) Possessor's 'Hexing Drag' technique has its chance of inflicting Hexed increased to 30%
Requires: Hexing Drag
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Ill Drag- (Passive Ability, Executive) Possessor's 'Ill Drag' technique has its chance of inflicting Diseased increased to 30%
Requires: Ill Drag
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Impairing Drag- (Passive Ability, Executive) Possessor's 'Impairing Drag' technique has its chance of inflicting Impaired increased to 30%
Requires: Impairing Drag
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Lazy Drag- (Passive Ability, Executive) Possessor's 'Lazy Drag' technique has its chance of inflicting Fatigued increased to 30%
Requires: Lazy Drag
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Paralytic Drag- (Passive Ability, Executive) Possessor's 'Paralytic Drag' technique has its chance of inflicting Paralysis increased to 30%
Requires: Paralytic Drag
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Insect-Bane Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Insect-Bane Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Insects and gains +25% Critical against Insects.
Requires: Insect-Hunting Drag, Executive, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Insect-Hunting Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Insect-Hunting Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Insects and gains +5% To Hit against Insects.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Insect-Slaying Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Insect-Slaying Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack against Insects, gains +25% Critical against Insects, gains +5% To Hit against Insects, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Insects.
Requires: Insect-Bane Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lazy Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Lazy Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Cigar equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Fatigued.
Requires: Apprentice Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magma Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Magma Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '50% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Burning Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Adept Fire Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Night Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Night Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Umbral Drag, Executive, Ebon Chancellor
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Paralytic Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Paralytic Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed.
Requires: Apprentice Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Plant-Bane Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Plant-Bane Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Plants and gains +25% Critical against Plants.
Requires: Plant-Hunting Drag, Executive, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Plant-Hunting Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Plant-Hunting Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Plants and gains +5% To Hit against Plants.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Plant-Slaying Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Plant-Slaying Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack against Plants, gains +25% Critical against Plants, gains +5% To Hit against Plants, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Plants.
Requires: Plant-Bane Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shadow Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Shadow Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Darkness element.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training, Basic Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Umbral Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Umbral Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Shadow Drag, Apprentice Cigar Training, Apprentice Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Vexatious Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Vexatious Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack and gains a 50% chance of inflicting a random minor negative status effect that its target is not yet afflicted with.
Requires: Cigar Wielding III
Cost: 700,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Void Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Void Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '50% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Black Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Adept Darkness Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wind Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Wind Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Air element.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training, Basic Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Zero Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Zero Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '30% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Cluster Drag, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Accurate Wire Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor gains +1% To Hit when a Wire is equipped
Requires: Wire Wielding III, Strangle Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Adept Wire Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Strangler) Wire weapons equipped by possessor can provide an additional +10,000 Melee Attack before capping, Wire Weapons equipped by possessor that provide a Melee Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Melee Attack, Possessor's critical Damage multiplier increases by 1 as an effect that does not stack with other critical-damage-multiplier-increasing effects that come from abilities if possessor is wielding a Wire
Requires: Strangler, 50 other Strangler Abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Alien-Bane Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Alien-Bane Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Alien and gains +25% Critical against Alien.
Requires: Alien-Hunting Strangle, Strangler, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Hunting Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Alien-Hunting Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Alien and gains +5% To Hit against Alien.
Requires: Basic Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Slaying Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Alien-SlayingStrangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Alien and gains +25% Critical against Alien, gains +5% To Hit against Alien, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Alien.
Requires: Alien-Bane Strangle, Adept Wire Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Bane Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Animal-Bane Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Animal and gains +25% Critical against Animal.
Requires: Animal-Hunting Strangle, Strangler, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Hunting Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Animal-Hunting Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Animal and gains +5% To Hit against Animal.
Requires: Basic Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Slaying Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Animal-SlayingStrangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Animal and gains +25% Critical against Animal, gains +5% To Hit against Animal, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Animal.
Requires: Animal-Bane Strangle, Adept Wire Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Wire Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Strangler) This character gains +50 Melee Attack when a Wire is equipped.
Requires: Basic Wire Training, 3 other Strangler abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Armor-Piercing Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Armor-Piercing Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack pierces 200 Defense.
Requires: Apprentice Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Black Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Black Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '30% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Night Strangle, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bloody Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Bloody Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded: Bleeding'.
Requires: Dicing Strangle
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blustering Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Blustering Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '30% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Gale Strangle, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Breathless Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Breathless Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Wind Strangle, Apprentice Wire Training, Apprentice Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Bane Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Bane Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Celestial and gains +25% Critical against Celestial.
Requires: Celestial-Hunting Strangle, Strangler, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Hunting Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Hunting Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Celestial and gains +5% To Hit against Celestial.
Requires: Basic Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Slaying Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Celestial-SlayingStrangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Celestial and gains +25% Critical against Celestial, gains +5% To Hit against Celestial, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Celestial.
Requires: Celestial-Bane Strangle, Adept Wire Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Critical Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Critical Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +5% Critical.
Requires: Apprentice Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dangerous Wire Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor gains +1% Critical when a Wire is equipped
Requires: Wire Wielding III, Strangle Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Debilitating Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Debilitating Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Stat Drain.
Requires: Apprentice Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deft Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Deft Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +5% To Hit.
Requires: Apprentice Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Destroyer Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Destroyer Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '50% inflicts Wounded'.
Requires: Strong Strangle, Adept Wire Training, Adept Physical Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Bane Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Deva-Bane Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Deva and gains +25% Critical against Deva.
Requires: Deva-Hunting Strangle, Strangler, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Hunting Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Deva-Hunting Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Deva and gains +5% To Hit against Deva.
Requires: Basic Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Slaying Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Deva-SlayingStrangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Deva and gains +25% Critical against Deva, gains +5% To Hit against Deva, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Deva.
Requires: Deva-Bane Strangle, Adept Wire Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dicing Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Dicing Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '15% inflicts Wounded'.
Requires: Impact Strangle, Apprentice Wire Training, Apprentice Physical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dud Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Dud Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Melee Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Requires: Apprentice Wire Training
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Fae-Bane Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Fae-Bane Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Fae and gains +25% Critical against Fae.
Requires: Fae-Hunting Strangle, Strangler, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Hunting Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Fae-Hunting Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Fae and gains +5% To Hit against Fae.
Requires: Basic Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Slaying Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Fae-SlayingStrangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Fae and gains +25% Critical against Fae, gains +5% To Hit against Fae, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Fae.
Requires: Fae-Bane Strangle, Adept Wire Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gale Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Gale Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation ', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Breathless Strangle, Strangler, Wind Duke
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hard to Disarm With a Wire- (Passive Ability, Other: Strangler) Individuals below Level 20 may not unequip or steal possessor's equipped Wires without possessor's permission
Requires: Wire Wielding III
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hexing Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Hexing Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed.
Requires: Apprentice Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Bane Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Human-Bane Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Human and gains +25% Critical against Human.
Requires: Human-Hunting Strangle, Strangler, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Hunting Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Human-Hunting Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Human and gains +5% To Hit against Human.
Requires: Basic Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Slaying Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Human-SlayingStrangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Human and gains +25% Critical against Human, gains +5% To Hit against Human, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Human.
Requires: Human-Bane Strangle, Adept Wire Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Bane Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Bane Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Humanoid and gains +25% Critical against Humanoid.
Requires: Humanoid-Hunting Strangle, Strangler, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Hunting Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Hunting Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Humanoid and gains +5% To Hit against Humanoid.
Requires: Basic Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Slaying Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-SlayingStrangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Humanoid and gains +25% Critical against Humanoid, gains +5% To Hit against Humanoid, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Humanoid.
Requires: Humanoid-Bane Strangle, Adept Wire Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hurricane Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Hurricane Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '50% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Blustering Strangle, Adept Wire Training, Adept Air Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Bane Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Bane Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Illuminated and gains +25% Critical against Illuminated.
Requires: Illuminated-Hunting Strangle, Strangler, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Hunting Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Hunting Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Illuminated and gains +5% To Hit against Illuminated.
Requires: Basic Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Slaying Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-SlayingStrangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Illuminated and gains +25% Critical against Illuminated, gains +5% To Hit against Illuminated, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Illuminated.
Requires: Illuminated-Bane Strangle, Adept Wire Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Impact Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Impact Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Physical element.
Requires: Basic Wire Training, Basic Physical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Impairing Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Impairing Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Impaired.
Requires: Apprentice Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Bloody Strangle- (Passive Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor's 'Bloody Strangle' technique has its chance of inflicting Wounded: Bleeding increased to 30%
Requires: Bloody Strangle
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Maiming Strangle- (Passive Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor's 'Maiming Strangle' technique has its chance of inflicting Wounded: Maimed increased to 30%
Requires: Maiming Strangle
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Painful Strangle- (Passive Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor's 'Painful Strangle' technique has its chance of inflicting Pain increased to 30%
Requires: Painful Strangle
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Lazy Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Lazy Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Wire equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Fatigued.
Requires: Apprentice Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Maiming Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Maiming Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded: Maimed'.
Requires: Bloody Strangle
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Night Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Night Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck ', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Umbral Strangle, Strangler Ebon Chancellor
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Painful Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Painful Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Pain.
Requires: Apprentice Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Paralytic Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Paralytic Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed.
Requires: Apprentice Wire Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shadow Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Shadow Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Darkness element.
Requires: Basic Wire Training, Basic Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Strangle Mastery- (Passive Ability, Other: Strangler) Technique Abilities from the Other: Strangler class whose name includes 'Strangle' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Requires: 5 Strangler abilities that are Techniques whose name contains 'Strangle'
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 5 Weeks
Strong Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Strong Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded'.
Requires: Sweeping Strangle, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sweeping Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Sweeping Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '15% inflicts Wounded ', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Dicing Strangle, Strangler, Kinetic Emperor
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Umbral Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Umbral Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Shadow Strangle, Apprentice Wire Training, Apprentice Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Void Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Void Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '50% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Black Strangle, Adept Wire Training, Adept Darkness Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wind Strangle- (Technique Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor may use 'Wind Strangle' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wire equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Air element.
Requires: Basic Wire Training, Basic Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wire Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Other: Strangler) +5 to all stats when a Wire is equipped
Requires: Basic Wire Training
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wire Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Other: Strangler) +25 to all stats when a Wire is equipped, +50 Melee Attack when a Wire is equipped
Requires: Wire Wielding I
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wire Wielding III- (Passive Ability, Other: Strangler) Possessor gains +200 to all stats when a Wire is equipped and +200 Melee Attack when a Wire is equipped
Requires: Wire Wielding II, Strangler
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Accurate Spray Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor gains +1% To Hit when a Spray is equipped
Requires: Spray Wielding III, Extermination Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Acidic Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Acidic Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '30% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Erosion Extermination, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Adept Spray Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor's Spray weapons can provide an additional +10,000 Ranged Attack before capping, Possessor's Spray Weapons that provide a Ranged Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Ranged Attack, Possessor's critical damage multiplier increases by 1 as an effect that does not stack with other critical-damage-multiplier-increasing effects that come from abilities if possessor is wielding a Spray
Requires: Exterminator, 50 other Exterminator Abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Alien-Bane Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Alien-Bane Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Alien and gains +25% Critical against Alien.
Requires: Alien-Hunting Extermination, Other: Exterminator, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Hunting Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Alien-Hunting Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Alien and gains +5% To Hit against Alien.
Requires: Basic Spray Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Slaying Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Alien-Slaying Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack against Alien and gains +25% Critical against Alien, gains +5% To Hit against Alien, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Alien.
Requires: Alien-Bane Extermination, Adept Spray Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Bane Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Animal-Bane Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Animal and gains +25% Critical against Animal.
Requires: Animal-Hunting Extermination, Other: Exterminator, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Hunting Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Animal-Hunting Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Animal and gains +5% To Hit against Animal.
Requires: Basic Spray Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Slaying Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Animal-Slaying Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack against Animal and gains +25% Critical against Animal, gains +5% To Hit against Animal, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Animal.
Requires: Animal-Bane Extermination, Adept Spray Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Spray Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Exterminator) This character gains +50 Ranged Attack when a Spray is equipped.
Requires: Basic Spray Training, 3 other Exterminator abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Banishing Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Banishing Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack unsummons up to one of its targets if both said target and said target's summoner are below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Spray Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bubble Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Bubble Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Water element.
Requires: Basic Spray Training, Basic Water Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Burning Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Burning Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '30% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Explosive Extermination, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Caustic Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Caustic Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Acid element.
Requires: Basic Spray Training, Basic Acid Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dangerous Spray Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor gains +1% Critical when a Spray is equipped
Requires: Spray Wielding III, Extermination Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Debilitating Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Debilitating Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Stat Drain.
Requires: Apprentice Spray Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dissolution Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Dissolution Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Caustic Extermination, Apprentice Spray Training, Apprentice Acid Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dud Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Dud Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Ranged Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Requires: Apprentice Spray Training
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Envenomed Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Envenomed Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Poison.
Requires: Apprentice Spray Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Erasure Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Erasure Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack removes one buff from its target that comes from a source that is below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Spray Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Erosion Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Erosion Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving ', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Dissolution Extermination, Exterminator, Caliph of Corrosion
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Expert Spray Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Exterminator) The Ranged Attack bonus granted by up to one Spray weapon that possessor has equipped may, during possessor's actions that involve attacks, if possessor desires such, be multiplied by the Randomized Attribute Sum during possessor's Damage Formula calculations, with possessor declaring such at the beginning of possessor's actions to obtain said effect, with any such increase granted being capped by a value equal to (Possessor's normal capping value * the Randomized Attribute Sum rolled) and being capped as though it came from this ability (assuming this ability were also a Weapon that is a Spray)
Requires: Adept Spray Training, 100 other Exterminator Abilities, Level 40
Cost: 100,000,000 Gold, 40 Weeks
Explosive Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Explosive Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning ', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Ignition Extermination, Exterminator, Blazing Sultan
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Extermination Mastery- (Passive Ability, Other: Exterminator) Technique Abilities from the Other: Exterminator class whose name includes 'Extermination' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Requires: 5 Exterminator abilities that are Techniques whose name contains 'Extermination'
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 5 Weeks
Flame Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Flame Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Fire element.
Requires: Basic Spray Training, Basic Fire Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fountain Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Fountain Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '30% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Wave Extermination, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hard to Disarm With a Spray- (Passive Ability, Other: Exterminator) Individuals below Level 20 may not unequip or steal possessor's equipped Sprays without possessor's permission
Requires: Spray Wielding III
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hexing Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Hexing Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed.
Requires: Apprentice Spray Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Bane Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Human-Bane Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Human and gains +25% Critical against Human.
Requires: Human-Hunting Extermination, Other: Exterminator, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Hunting Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Human-Hunting Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Human and gains +5% To Hit against Human.
Requires: Basic Spray Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Slaying Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Human-Slaying Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack against Human and gains +25% Critical against Human, gains +5% To Hit against Human, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Human.
Requires: Human-Bane Extermination, Adept Spray Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hypersolvent Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Hypersolvent Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '50% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Acidic Extermination, Adept Spray Training, Adept Acid Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ignition Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Ignition Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Flame Extermination, Apprentice Spray Training, Apprentice Fire Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ill Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Ill Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Diseased.
Requires: Apprentice Spray Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Insect-Bane Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Insect-Bane Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Insect and gains +25% Critical against Insect.
Requires: Insect-Hunting Extermination, Other: Exterminator, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Insect-Hunting Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Insect-Hunting Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Insect and gains +5% To Hit against Insect.
Requires: Basic Spray Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Insect-Slaying Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Insect-Slaying Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack against Insect and gains +25% Critical against Insect, gains +5% To Hit against Insect, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Insect.
Requires: Insect-Bane Extermination, Adept Spray Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Inundating Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Inundating Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '15% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Bubble Extermination, Apprentice Spray Training, Apprentice Water Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magma Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Magma Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '50% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Burning Extermination, Adept Spray Training, Adept Fire Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Paralytic Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Paralytic Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed.
Requires: Apprentice Spray Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Plant-Bane Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Plant-Bane Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack against Plant and gains +25% Critical against Plant.
Requires: Plant-Hunting Extermination, Other: Exterminator, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Plant-Hunting Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Plant-Hunting Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Plant and gains +5% To Hit against Plant.
Requires: Basic Spray Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Plant-Slaying Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Plant-Slaying Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack against Plant and gains +25% Critical against Plant, gains +5% To Hit against Plant, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Plant.
Requires: Plant-Bane Extermination, Adept Spray Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Spray Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Other: Exterminator) +5 to all stats when a Spray is equipped
Requires: Basic Spray Training
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Spray Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Other: Exterminator) +25 to all stats when a Spray is equipped, +50 Ranged Attack when a Spray is equipped
Requires: Spray Wielding I
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Spray Wielding III- (Passive Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor gains +200 to all stats when a Spray is equipped and +200 Ranged Attack when a Spray is equipped
Requires: Spray Wielding II, Other: Exterminator
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Tsunami Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Tsunami Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '50% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Fountain Extermination, Adept Spray Training, Adept Water Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wave Extermination- (Technique Ability, Other: Exterminator) Possessor may use 'Wave Extermination' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spray equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '15% inflicts Drowning ', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Inundating Extermination, Exterminator, Ocean Prince
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Accurate Dice Use- (Passive Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor gains +1% To Hit when a Dice is equipped
Requires: Dice Wielding III, Roll Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Adept Dice Training- (Passive Ability, Other: High Roller) Dice weapons equipped by possessor can provide an additional +10,000 Magical Attack before capping, Dice weapons equipped that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Magical Attack, Possessor's critical damage multiplier increases by 1 as an effect that does not stack with other critical-damage-multiplier-increasing effects that come from abilities if possessor is wielding a Dice
Requires: High Roller, 50 other High Roller abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Apprentice Dice Training- (Passive Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack when a Dice is equipped.
Requires: Basic Dice Training, 3 other High Roller abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Arcane Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Arcane Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '50% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Magical Roll, Adept Dice Training, Adept Magic Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Awesome Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Awesome Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '15% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Bright Roll, Apprentice Dice Training, Apprentice Light Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Black Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Black Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '30% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Night Roll, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blustering Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Blustering Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '30% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Gale Roll, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Breathless Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Breathless Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Wind Roll, Apprentice Dice Training, Apprentice Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bright Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Bright Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Light element.
Requires: Basic Dice Training, Basic Light Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Bane Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Bane Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Celestial and gains +25% Critical against Celestial.
Requires: Celestial-Hunting Roll, Other: High Roller, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Hunting Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Hunting Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Celestial and gains +5% To Hit against Celestial.
Requires: Basic Dice Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Slaying Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Slaying Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Celestial and gains +25% Critical against Celestial, gains +5% To Hit against Celestial, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Celestial.
Requires: Celestial-Bane Roll, Adept Dice Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cluster Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Cluster Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '15% inflicts Antimatter', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Deletion Roll, High Roller, Heir to the Future
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Code Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Code Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Technology element.
Requires: Basic Dice Training, Basic Technology Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Corona Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Corona Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '50% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Glowing Roll, Adept Dice Training, Adept Light Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Daemon-Bane Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Bane Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Daemon and gains +25% Critical against Daemon.
Requires: Daemon-Hunting Roll, Other: High Roller, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Daemon-Hunting Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Hunting Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Daemon and gains +5% To Hit against Daemon.
Requires: Basic Dice Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Daemon-Slaying Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Slaying Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Daemon and gains +25% Critical against Daemon, gains +5% To Hit against Daemon, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Daemon.
Requires: Daemon-Bane Roll, Adept Dice Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dangerous Dice Use- (Passive Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor gains +1% Critical when a Dice is equipped
Requires: Dice Wielding III, Roll Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deletion Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Deletion Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '15% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Code Roll, Apprentice Dice Training, Apprentice Technology Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dice Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Other: High Roller) +5 to all stats when a Dice is equipped
Requires: Basic Dice Training
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dice Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Other: High Roller) +25 to all stats when a Dice is equipped, +50 Magical Attack when a Dice is equipped
Requires: Dice Wielding I
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dice Wielding III- (Passive Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor gains +200 to all stats when a Dice is equipped and +200 Magical Attack when a Dice is equipped
Requires: Dice Wielding II, Other: High Roller
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dud Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Dud Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Magical Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Requires: Apprentice Dice Training
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Enchanted Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Enchanted Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Magic element.
Requires: Basic Dice Training, Basic Magic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Enchanting Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Enchanting Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '15% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Enchanted Roll, Apprentice Dice Training, Apprentice Magic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Expert Dice Training- (Passive Ability, Other: High Roller) The Magical Attack bonus granted by up to one Dice weapon that possessor has equipped may, during possessor's actions that involve attacks, if possessor desires such, be multiplied by the Randomized Attribute Sum during possessor's Damage Formula calculations, with possessor declaring such at the beginning of possessor's actions to obtain said effect, with any such increase granted being capped by a value equal to (Possessor's normal capping value * the Randomized Attribute Sum rolled) and being capped as though it came from this ability (assuming this ability were also a Weapon that is a Dice)
Requires: Adept Dice Training, 100 other High Roller Abilities, Level 40
Cost: 100,000,000 Gold, 40 Weeks
Gale Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Gale Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Breathless Roll, High Roller, Wind Duke
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Glowing Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Glowing Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '30% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Shining Roll, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hard to Disarm With a Dice- (Passive Ability, Other: High Roller) Individuals below Level 20 may not unequip or steal possessor's equipped Dice without possessor's permission
Requires: Dice Wielding III
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hexing Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Hexing Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed.
Requires: Apprentice Dice Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hurricane Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Hurricane Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '50% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Blustering Roll, Adept Dice Training, Adept Air Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hyperadvanced Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Hyperadvanced Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '50% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Zero Roll, Adept Dice Training, Adept Technology Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Bane Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Bane Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Illuminated and gains +25% Critical against Illuminated.
Requires: Illuminated-Hunting Roll, Other: High Roller, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Hunting Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Hunting Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Illuminated and gains +5% To Hit against Illuminated.
Requires: Basic Dice Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Slaying Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Slaying Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Illuminated and gains +25% Critical against Illuminated, gains +5% To Hit against Illuminated, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Illuminated.
Requires: Illuminated-Bane Roll, Adept Dice Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magical Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Magical Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '30% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Sorcerous Roll, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Night Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Night Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Umbral Roll, High Roller, Ebon Chancellor
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Roll Mastery- (Passive Ability, Other: High Roller) Technique Abilities from the Other: High Roller class whose name includes 'Roll' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Requires: 5 High Roller abilities that are Techniques whose name contains 'Roll'
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 5 Weeks
Shadow Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Shadow Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Darkness element.
Requires: Basic Dice Training, Basic Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shining Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Shining Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '15% inflicts Awestruck', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Awesome Roll, High Roller, Radiant Hierophant
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sorcerous Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Sorcerous Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '15% inflicts Manablasted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Enchanting Roll, High Roller, Arcane Vizier
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Umbral Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Umbral Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Shadow Roll, Apprentice Dice Training, Apprentice Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Void Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Void Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '50% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Black Roll, Adept Dice Training, Adept Darkness Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wind Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Wind Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Air element.
Requires: Basic Dice Training, Basic Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Zero Roll- (Technique Ability, Other: High Roller) Possessor may use 'Zero Roll' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Dice equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '30% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Cluster Roll, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Abstract-Bane Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Abstract-Bane Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Abstract and gains +25% Critical against Abstract.
Requires: Abstract-Hunting Gate, Other: Keeper, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Abstract-Hunting Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Abstract-Hunting Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Abstract and gains +5% To Hit against Abstract.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Abstract-Slaying Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Abstract-Slaying Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Abstract and gains +25% Critical against Abstract, gains +5% To Hit against Abstract, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Abstract.
Requires: Abstract-Bane Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Accurate Keyring Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor gains +1% To Hit when a Keyring is equipped
Requires: Keyring Wielding III, Gate Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Adept Keyring Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Keeper) Keyring weapons equipped by possessor can provide an additional +10,000 Magical Attack before capping, Keyring weapons equipped that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Magical Attack, Possessor's critical damage multiplier increases by 1 as an effect that does not stack with other critical-damage-multiplier-increasing effects that come from abilities if possessor is wielding a Keyring
Requires: Keeper, 50 other Keeper abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Angel-Bane Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Angel-Bane Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Angel and gains +25% Critical against Angel.
Requires: Angel-Hunting Gate, Other: Keeper, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Angel-Hunting Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Angel-Hunting Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Angel and gains +5% To Hit against Angel.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Angel-Slaying Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Angel-Slaying Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Angel and gains +25% Critical against Angel, gains +5% To Hit against Angel, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Angel.
Requires: Angel-Bane Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Keyring Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack when a Keyring is equipped.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training, 3 other Keeper abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Arcane Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Arcane Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '50% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Magical Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Adept Magic Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Avalanche Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Avalanche Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '50% inflicts Entombed'.
Requires: Rock Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Adept Earth Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Awesome Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Awesome Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '15% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Bright Gate, Apprentice Keyring Training, Apprentice Light Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Banishing Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Banishing Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack unsummons up to one of its targets if both said target and said target's summoner are below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Keyring Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Black Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Black Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '30% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Night Gate, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blustering Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Blustering Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '30% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Gale Gate, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Brainwave Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Brainwave Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '15% inflicts Mindblasted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Mindblowing Gate, Other: Keeper, Mind Lord
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Breathless Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Breathless Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Wind Gate, Apprentice Keyring Training, Apprentice Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bright Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Bright Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Light element.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training, Basic Light Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bubble Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Bubble Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Water element.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training, Basic Water Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Burning Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Burning Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '30% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Explosive Gate, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Bane Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Bane Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Celestial and gains +25% Critical against Celestial.
Requires: Celestial-Hunting Gate, Other: Keeper, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Hunting Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Hunting Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Celestial and gains +5% To Hit against Celestial.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Slaying Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Slaying Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Celestial and gains +25% Critical against Celestial, gains +5% To Hit against Celestial, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Celestial.
Requires: Celestial-Bane Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cluster Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Cluster Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '15% inflicts Antimatter', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Deletion Gate, Keeper, Heir to the Future
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Code Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Code Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Technology element.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training, Basic Technology Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Corona Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Corona Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '50% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Glowing Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Adept Light Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Daemon-Bane Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Bane Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Daemon and gains +25% Critical against Daemon.
Requires: Daemon-Hunting Gate, Other: Keeper, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Daemon-Hunting Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Hunting Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Daemon and gains +5% To Hit against Daemon.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Daemon-Slaying Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Slaying Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Daemon and gains +25% Critical against Daemon, gains +5% To Hit against Daemon, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Daemon.
Requires: Daemon-Bane Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dangerous Keyring Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor gains +1% Critical when a Keyring is equipped
Requires: Keyring Wielding III, Gate Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Darkspawn-Bane Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Darkspawn-Bane Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Darkspawn and gains +25% Critical against Darkspawn.
Requires: Darkspawn-Hunting Gate, Other: Keeper, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Darkspawn-Hunting Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Darkspawn-Hunting Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Darkspawn and gains +5% To Hit against Darkspawn.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Darkspawn-Slaying Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Darkspawn-Slaying Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Darkspawn and gains +25% Critical against Darkspawn, gains +5% To Hit against Darkspawn, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Darkspawn.
Requires: Darkspawn-Bane Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deletion Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Deletion Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '15% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Code Gate, Apprentice Keyring Training, Apprentice Technology Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Demon-Bane Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Demon-Bane Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Demon and gains +25% Critical against Demon.
Requires: Demon-Hunting Gate, Other: Keeper, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Demon-Hunting Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Demon-Hunting Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Demon and gains +5% To Hit against Demon.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Demon-Slaying Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Demon-Slaying Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Demon and gains +25% Critical against Demon, gains +5% To Hit against Demon, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Demon.
Requires: Demon-Bane Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Bane Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Deva-Bane Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Deva and gains +25% Critical against Deva.
Requires: Deva-Hunting Gate, Other: Keeper, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Hunting Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Deva-Hunting Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Deva and gains +5% To Hit against Deva.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Slaying Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Deva-Slaying Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Deva and gains +25% Critical against Deva, gains +5% To Hit against Deva, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Deva.
Requires: Deva-Bane Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Devil-Bane Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Devil-Bane Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Devil and gains +25% Critical against Devil.
Requires: Devil-Hunting Gate, Other: Keeper, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Devil-Hunting Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Devil-Hunting Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Devil and gains +5% To Hit against Devil.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Devil-Slaying Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Devil-Slaying Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Devil and gains +25% Critical against Devil, gains +5% To Hit against Devil, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Devil.
Requires: Devil-Bane Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dizzying Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Dizzying Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Requires: Apprentice Keyring Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dud Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Dud Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Magical Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Requires: Apprentice Keyring Training
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Elemental-Bane Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Bane Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Elemental and gains +25% Critical against Elemental.
Requires: Elemental-Hunting Gate, Other: Keeper, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Elemental-Hunting Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Hunting Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Elemental and gains +5% To Hit against Elemental.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Elemental-Slaying Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Slaying Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Elemental and gains +25% Critical against Elemental, gains +5% To Hit against Elemental, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Elemental.
Requires: Elemental-Bane Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Enchanted Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Enchanted Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Magic element.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training, Basic Magic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Enchanting Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Enchanting Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '15% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Enchanted Gate, Apprentice Keyring Training, Apprentice Magic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Erasure Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Erasure Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack removes one buff from its target that comes from a source that is below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Keyring Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Expert Keyring Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Keeper) The Magical Attack bonus granted by up to one Keyring weapon that possessor has equipped may, during possessor's actions that involve attacks, if possessor desires such, be multiplied by the Randomized Attribute Sum during possessor's Damage Formula calculations, with possessor declaring such at the beginning of possessor's actions to obtain said effect, with any such increase granted being capped by a value equal to (Possessor's normal capping value * the Randomized Attribute Sum rolled) and being capped as though it came from this ability (assuming this ability were also a Weapon that is a Keyring)
Requires: Adept Keyring Training, 100 other Keeper Abilities, Level 40
Cost: 100,000,000 Gold, 40 Weeks
Explosive Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Explosive Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Ignition Gate, Other: Keeper, Blazing Sultan
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Bane Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Fae-Bane Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Fae and gains +25% Critical against Fae.
Requires: Fae-Hunting Gate, Other: Keeper, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Hunting Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Fae-Hunting Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Fae and gains +5% To Hit against Fae.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Slaying Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Fae-Slaying Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Fae and gains +25% Critical against Fae, gains +5% To Hit against Fae, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Fae.
Requires: Fae-Bane Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Flame Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Flame Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Fire element.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training, Basic Fire Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fountain Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Fountain Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '30% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Wave Gate, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gale Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Gale Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Breathless Gate, Keeper, Wind Duke
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gate Mastery- (Passive Ability, Other: Keeper) Technique Abilities from the Other: Keeper class whose name includes 'Gate' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Requires: 5 Keeper abilities that are Techniques whose name contains 'Gate'
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 5 Weeks
Glowing Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Glowing Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '30% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Shining Gate, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hard to Disarm With a Keyring- (Passive Ability, Other: Keeper) Individuals below Level 20 may not unequip or steal possessor's equipped Keyring without possessor's permission
Requires: Keyring Wielding III
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hexing Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Hexing Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed.
Requires: Apprentice Keyring Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hurricane Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Hurricane Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '50% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Blustering Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Adept Air Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hyperadvanced Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Hyperadvanced Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '50% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Zero Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Adept Technology Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ignition Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Ignition Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Flame Gate, Apprentice Keyring Training, Apprentice Fire Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Bane Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Bane Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Illuminated and gains +25% Critical against Illuminated.
Requires: Illuminated-Hunting Gate, Other: Keeper, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Hunting Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Hunting Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Illuminated and gains +5% To Hit against Illuminated.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Slaying Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Slaying Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Illuminated and gains +25% Critical against Illuminated, gains +5% To Hit against Illuminated, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Illuminated.
Requires: Illuminated-Bane Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Inundating Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Inundating Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '15% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Bubble Gate, Apprentice Keyring Training, Apprentice Water Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Keyring Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Other: Keeper) +5 to all stats when a Keyring is equipped
Requires: Basic Keyring Training
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Keyring Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Other: Keeper) +25 to all stats when a Keyring is equipped, +50 Magical Attack when a Keyring is equipped
Requires: Keyring Wielding I
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Keyring Wielding III- (Passive Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor gains +200 to all stats when a Keyring is equipped and +200 Magical Attack when a Keyring is equipped
Requires: Keyring Wielding II, Other: Keeper
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magical Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Magical Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '30% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Sorcerous Gate, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magma Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Magma Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '50% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Burning Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Adept Fire Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mindblowing Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Mindblowing Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '15% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Thought Gate, Apprentice Keyring Training, Apprentice Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mindwipe Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Mindwipe Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '50% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Psi Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Adept Psychic Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Night Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Night Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Umbral Gate, Keeper, Ebon Chancellor
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Psi Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Psi Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '30% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Brainwave Gate, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rock Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Rock Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '30% inflicts Entombed'.
Requires: Rumbling Gate, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rockslide Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Rockslide Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '15% inflicts Entombed'.
Requires: Stone Gate, Apprentice Keyring Training, Apprentice Earth Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rumbling Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Rumbling Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '15% inflicts Entombed', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Rockslide Gate, Other: Keeper, Mountain King
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shadow Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Shadow Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Darkness element.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training, Basic Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shining Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Shining Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '15% inflicts Awestruck', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Awesome Gate, Keeper, Radiant Hierophant
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sorcerous Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Sorcerous Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '15% inflicts Manablasted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Enchanting Gate, Keeper, Arcane Vizier
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Stone Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Stone Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Earth element.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training, Basic Earth Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Thought Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Thought Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Psychic element.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training, Basic Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Tsunami Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Tsunami Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '50% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Wave Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Adept Water Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Umbral Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Umbral Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Shadow Gate, Apprentice Keyring Training, Apprentice Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Void Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Void Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '50% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Black Gate, Adept Keyring Training, Adept Darkness Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wave Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Wave Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '15% inflicts Drowning', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Inundating Gate, Other: Keeper, Ocean Prince
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wind Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Wind Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Air element.
Requires: Basic Keyring Training, Basic Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Zero Gate- (Technique Ability, Other: Keeper) Possessor may use 'Zero Gate' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Keyring equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '30% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Cluster Gate, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Abstract-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Abstract-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Abstracts and gains +25% Critical against Abstracts.
Requires: Abstract-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Abstract-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Abstract-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Abstracts and gains +5% To Hit against Abstracts.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Abstract-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Abstract-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Abstracts and gains +25% Critical against Abstracts, gains +5% To Hit against Abstracts, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Abstracts.
Requires: Abstract-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Accurate Ordeal Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor gains +1% To Hit when a Ordeal is equipped
Requires: Ordeal Wielding III, Trial Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Acidic Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Acidic Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '30% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Erosion Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Adept Ordeal Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Ordeal weapons equipped by possessor can provide an additional +10,000 Ranged Attack, +10,000 Magical Attack and +10,000 Melee Attack before capping, Ordeal weapons equipped that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Ranged Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Melee Attack, Possessor's critical damage multiplier increases by 1 as an effect that does not stack with other critical-damage-multiplier-increasing effects that come from abilities if possessor is wielding a Ordeal
Requires: Arbiter of Trials, 50 other Arbiter of Trials abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Aerial-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Aerials and gains +25% Critical against Aerials.
Requires: Aerial-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aerial-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Aerials and gains +5% To Hit against Aerials.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aerial-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Aerials and gains +25% Critical against Aerials, gains +5% To Hit against Aerials, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Aerials.
Requires: Aerial-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Alien-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Aliens and gains +25% Critical against Aliens.
Requires: Alien-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Alien-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Aliens and gains +5% To Hit against Aliens.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Alien-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Aliens and gains +25% Critical against Alien, gains +5% To Hit against Aliens, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Aliens.
Requires: Alien-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Angel-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Angel-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Angels and gains +25% Critical against Angels.
Requires: Angel-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Angel-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Angel-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Angels and gains +5% To Hit against Angels.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Angel-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Angel-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Angels and gains +25% Critical against Angels, gains +5% To Hit against Angels, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Angels.
Requires: Angel-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Animal-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Animals and gains +25% Critical against Animals.
Requires: Animal-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Animal-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Animals and gains +5% To Hit against Animals.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Animal-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Animals and gains +25% Critical against Animals, gains +5% To Hit against Animals, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Animals.
Requires: Animal-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Ordeal Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor gains +50 Ranged Attack, +50 Magical Attack and +50 Melee Attack when a Ordeal is equipped.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, 3 other Arbiter of Trials abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aquatic-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Aquatic-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Aquatics and gains +25% Critical against Aquatics.
Requires: Aquatic-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aquatic-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Aquatic-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Aquatics and gains +5% To Hit against Aquatics.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aquatic-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Aquatic-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Aquatics and gains +25% Critical against Aquatics, gains +5% To Hit against Aquatics, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Aquatics.
Requires: Aquatic-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Arcane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Arcane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '50% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Magical Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Magic Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Armor-Piercing Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Armor-Piercing Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack pierces 200 Defense.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Astral Being-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Astral Being-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Astral Beings and gains +25% Critical against Astral Beings.
Requires: Astral Being-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Astral Being-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Astral Being-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Astral Beings and gains +5% To Hit against Astral Beings.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Astral Being-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Astral Being-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Astral Beings and gains +25% Critical against Astral Beings, gains +5% To Hit against Astral Beings, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Astral Beings.
Requires: Astral Being-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Avalanche Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Avalanche Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '50% inflicts Entombed'.
Requires: Rock Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Earth Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Awesome Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Awesome Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '15% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Bright Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Light Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Banishing Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Banishing Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack unsummons up to one of its targets if both said target and said target's summoner are below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Ordeal Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bio-Horror-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Bio-Horror-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Bio-Horrors and gains +25% Critical against Bio-Horrors.
Requires: Bio-Horror-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bio-Horror-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Bio-Horror-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Bio-Horrors and gains +5% To Hit against Bio-Horrors.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bio-Horror-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Bio-Horror-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Bio-Horrors and gains +25% Critical against Bio-Horrors, gains +5% To Hit against Bio-Horrors, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Bio-Horrors.
Requires: Bio-Horror-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Black Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Black Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '30% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Night Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blitz Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Blitz Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '15% inflicts Electrocuted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Current Trial, Other: Arbiter of Trials, Thunder Czar
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blizzard Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Blizzard Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '50% inflicts Frozen'.
Requires: Frozen Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Ice Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bloody Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Bloody Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded: Bleeding'.
Requires: Dicing Trial
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blustering Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Blustering Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '30% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Gale Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bolt Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Bolt Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Electrical element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Electrical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Brainwave Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Brainwave Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '15% inflicts Mindblasted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Mindblowing Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Mind Lord
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Breathless Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Breathless Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Wind Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bright Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Bright Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Light element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Light Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bubble Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Bubble Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Water element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Water Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Burning Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Burning Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '30% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Explosive Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Burst Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Burst Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '15% inflicts Overload', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Unstable Trial, Other: Arbiter of Trials, Countess of Power
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Caustic Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Caustic Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Acid element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Acid Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Celestial and gains +25% Critical against Celestial.
Requires: Celestial-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Celestial and gains +5% To Hit against Celestial.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Celestial and gains +25% Critical against Celestial, gains +5% To Hit against Celestial, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Celestial.
Requires: Celestial-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Charging Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Charging Trial' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, may be made from the back row, and moves its user to the front row.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Charming Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Charming Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Charm.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cheery Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Cheery Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Hope element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Hope Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Clockwork-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Clockwork-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Clockworks and gains +25% Critical against Clockworks.
Requires: Clockwork-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Clockwork-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Clockwork-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Clockworks and gains +5% To Hit against Clockworks.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Clockwork-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Clockwork-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Clockworks and gains +25% Critical against Clockworks, gains +5% To Hit against Clockworks, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Clockworks.
Requires: Clockwork-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cluster Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Cluster Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '15% inflicts Antimatter', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Deletion Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Heir to the Future
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Code Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Code Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Technology element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Technology Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Corona Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Corona Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '50% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Glowing Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Light Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Crippling Trial- (Active Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) This character may use Crippling Trial in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and a Ordeal is equipped. This character gains +25 Ranged Attack, +25 Magical Attack and +25 Melee Attack for purposes of this attack, and this attack deals 15 additional AGI and CON damage.
Requires: Powerful Trial
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Crisis Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Crisis Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used, possessor is in a Crisis Zone, and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack.
Requires: Ordeal Wielding III, Crisis Zone
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Critical Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Critical Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +5% Critical.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cthonian-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Cthonian-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Cthonians and gains +25% Critical against Cthonians.
Requires: Cthonian-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cthonian-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Cthonian-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Cthonians and gains +5% To Hit against Cthonians.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cthonian-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Cthonian-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Cthonians and gains +25% Critical against Cthonians, gains +5% To Hit against Cthonians, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Cthonians.
Requires: Cthonian-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Current Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Current Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '15% inflicts Electrocuted'.
Requires: Bolt Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Electrical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Daemon-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Daemon and gains +25% Critical against Daemon.
Requires: Daemon-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Daemon-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Daemon and gains +5% To Hit against Daemon.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Daemon-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Daemon and gains +25% Critical against Daemon, gains +5% To Hit against Daemon, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Daemon.
Requires: Daemon-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dangerous Ordeal Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor gains +1% Critical when a Ordeal is equipped
Requires: Ordeal Wielding III, Trial Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Darkspawn-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Darkspawn-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Darkspawn and gains +25% Critical against Darkspawn.
Requires: Darkspawn-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Darkspawn-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Darkspawn-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Darkspawn and gains +5% To Hit against Darkspawn.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Darkspawn-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Darkspawn-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Darkspawn and gains +25% Critical against Darkspawn, gains +5% To Hit against Darkspawn, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Darkspawn.
Requires: Darkspawn-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Debilitating Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Debilitating Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Stat Drain.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deft Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Deft Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +5% To Hit.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deletion Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Deletion Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '15% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Code Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Technology Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Demon-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Demon-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Demons and gains +25% Critical against Demons.
Requires: Demon-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Demon-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Demon-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Demons and gains +5% To Hit against Demons.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Demon-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Demon-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Demons and gains +25% Critical against Demons, gains +5% To Hit against Demons, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Demons.
Requires: Demon-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Destroyer Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Destroyer Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '50% inflicts Wounded'.
Requires: Strong Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Physical Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Deva-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Devas and gains +25% Critical against Devas.
Requires: Deva-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Deva-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Devas and gains +5% To Hit against Devas.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Deva-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Devas and gains +25% Critical against Devas, gains +5% To Hit against Devas, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Devas.
Requires: Deva-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Devil-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Devil-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Devils and gains +25% Critical against Devils.
Requires: Devil-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Devil-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Devil-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Devils and gains +5% To Hit against Devils.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Devil-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Devil-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Devils and gains +25% Critical against Devils, gains +5% To Hit against Devils, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Devils.
Requires: Devil-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dicing Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Dicing Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '15% inflicts Wounded'.
Requires: Impact Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Physical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dissolution Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Dissolution Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Caustic Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Acid Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dizzying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Dizzying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dual Ordeal-Wielding- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor gains +50 Ranged Attack, +50 Magical Attack and +50 Melee Attack if possessor has two Ordeals or a Ordeal that is a Weaponx2 equipped
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dud Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Dud Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Magical Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Elemental-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Elementals and gains +25% Critical against Elementals.
Requires: Elemental-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Elemental-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Elementals and gains +5% To Hit against Elementals.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Elemental-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Elementals and gains +25% Critical against Elementals, gains +5% To Hit against Elementals, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Elementals.
Requires: Elemental-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Eminent Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Eminent Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Hope element, and gains '15% inflicts Zealblasted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Zealous Trial, Other: Arbiter of Trials, Eternal Champion
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Enchanted Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Enchanted Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Magic element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Magic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Enchanting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Enchanting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '15% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Enchanted Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Magic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Energized Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Energized Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '30% inflicts Overload'.
Requires: Burst Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Envenomed Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Envenomed Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Poison.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Erasure Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Erasure Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack removes one buff from its target that comes from a source that is below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Ordeal Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Erosion Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Erosion Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Dissolution Trial, Other: Arbiter of Trials, Caliph of Corrosion
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Expert Ordeal Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) The Magical Attack bonus granted by up to one Ordeal weapon that possessor has equipped may, during possessor's actions that involve attacks, if possessor desires such, be multiplied by the Randomized Attribute Sum during possessor's Damage Formula calculations, with possessor declaring such at the beginning of possessor's actions to obtain said effect, with any such increase granted being capped by a value equal to (Possessor's normal capping value * the Randomized Attribute Sum rolled) and being capped as though it came from this ability (assuming this ability were also a Weapon that is a Ordeal)
Requires: Adept Ordeal Training, 100 other Arbiter of Trials Abilities, Level 40
Cost: 100,000,000 Gold, 40 Weeks
Explosive Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Explosive Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Ignition Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Blazing Sultan
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Fae-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Fae and gains +25% Critical against Fae.
Requires: Fae-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Fae-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Fae and gains +5% To Hit against Fae.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Fae-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Fae and gains +25% Critical against Fae, gains +5% To Hit against Fae, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Fae.
Requires: Fae-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fanatical Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Fanatical Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Hope element, and gains '50% inflicts Zealblasted'.
Requires: Hopeful Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Hope Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Flame Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Flame Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Fire element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Fire Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fountain Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Fountain Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '30% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Wave Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Frigid Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Frigid Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '15% inflicts Frozen'.
Requires: Frost Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Ice Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Frost Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Frost Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Ice element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Ice Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Frozen Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Frozen Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '30% inflicts Frozen'.
Requires: Sleeting Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gale Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Gale Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Breathless Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Wind Duke
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gigawatt Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Gigawatt Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '50% inflicts Electrocuted'.
Requires: Lightning Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Electrical Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Golem-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Golem-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Golems and gains +25% Critical against Golems.
Requires: Golem-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Golem-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Golem-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Golems and gains +5% To Hit against Golems.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Golem-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Golem-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Golems and gains +25% Critical against Golems, gains +5% To Hit against Golems, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Golems.
Requires: Golem-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Glowing Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Glowing Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '30% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Shining Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gravity Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Gravity Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack and, at the end of said attack, moves its target to the front row if said target is both 5 or more Levels lower than user and below Level 80.
Requires: Ordeal Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Banishing Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Greater Banishing Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack unsummons up to one of its targets if both said target and said target's summoner are below Level 80 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Banishing Trial, Level 40
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Erasure Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Erasure Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack removes one buff from its target that comes from a source that is below Level 80 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Erasure Trial, Level 40
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hard to Disarm With a Ordeal- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Individuals below Level 20 may not unequip or steal possessor's equipped Ordeal without possessor's permission
Requires: Ordeal Wielding III
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hexing Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Hexing Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hopeful Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Hopeful Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Hope element, and gains '30% inflicts Zealblasted'.
Requires: Eminent Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Horror-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Horror-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Horrors and gains +25% Critical against Horrors.
Requires: Horror-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Horror-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Horror-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Horrors and gains +5% To Hit against Horrors.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Horror-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Horror-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Horrors and gains +25% Critical against Horrors, gains +5% To Hit against Horrors, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Horrors.
Requires: Horror-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Human-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Humans and gains +25% Critical against Humans.
Requires: Human-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Human-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Humans and gains +5% To Hit against Humans.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Human-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Humans and gains +25% Critical against Humans, gains +5% To Hit against Humans, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Humans.
Requires: Human-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Humanoids and gains +25% Critical against Humanoids.
Requires: Humanoid-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Humanoids and gains +5% To Hit against Humanoids.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Humanoids and gains +25% Critical against Humanoids, gains +5% To Hit against Humanoids, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Humanoids.
Requires: Humanoid-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hungering Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Hungering Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Melee Attack, deals HP Drain, and deals 1/2 Damage.
Requires: Other: Arbiter of Trials
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Hurricane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Hurricane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '50% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Blustering Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Air Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hyperadvanced Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Hyperadvanced Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '50% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Zero Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Technology Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hypersolvent Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Hypersolvent Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '50% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Acidic Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Acid Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ignition Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Ignition Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Flame Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Fire Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ill Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Ill Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Diseased.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Illuminated and gains +25% Critical against Illuminated.
Requires: Illuminated-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Illuminated and gains +5% To Hit against Illuminated.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Illuminated and gains +25% Critical against Illuminated, gains +5% To Hit against Illuminated, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Illuminated.
Requires: Illuminated-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Impact Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Impact Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Physical element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Physical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Impairing Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Impairing Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Impaired.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Bloody Trial- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor's 'Bloody Trial' technique has its chance of inflicting Wounded: Bleeding increased to 30%
Requires: Bloody Trial
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Charming Trial- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor's 'Charming Trial' technique has its chance of inflicting Charm increased to 30%
Requires: Charming Trial
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Debilitating Trial- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor's 'Debilitating Trial' technique has its chance of inflicting Stat Drain increased to 30%
Requires: Debilitating Trial
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Dizzying Trial- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor's 'Dizzying Trial' technique has its chance of inflicting Confusion increased to 30%
Requires: Dizzying Trial
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Envenomed Trial- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor's 'Envenomend Trial' technique has its chance of inflicting Poison increased to 30%
Requires: Envenomed Trial
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Hexing Trial- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor's 'Hexing Trial' technique has its chance of inflicting Hexed increased to 30%
Requires: Hexing Trial
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Ill Trial- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor's 'Ill Trial' technique has its chance of inflicting Diseased increased to 30%
Requires: Ill Trial
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Impairing Trial- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor's 'Impairing Trial' technique has its chance of inflicting Impaired increased to 30%
Requires: Impairing Trial
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Lazy Trial- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor's 'Lazy Trial' technique has its chance of inflicting Fatigued increased to 30%
Requires: Lazy Trial
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Maiming Trial- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor's 'Maiming Trial' technique has its chance of inflicting Wounded: Maimed increased to 30%
Requires: Maiming Trial
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Painful Trial- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor's 'Painful Trial' technique has its chance of inflicting Pain increased to 30%
Requires: Painful Trial
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Paralytic Trial- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor's 'Paralytic Trial' technique has its chance of inflicting Paralysis increased to 30%
Requires: Paralytic Trial
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Sticky Trial- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor's 'Sticky Trial' technique has its chance of inflicting Paralysis: Sticky increased to 30%
Requires: Sticky Trial
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Tipsy Trial- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor's 'Tipsy Trial' technique has its chance of inflicting Poison: Drunk increased to 30%
Requires: Tipsy Trial
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Insect-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Insect-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Insects and gains +25% Critical against Insects.
Requires: Insect-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Insect-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Insect-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Insects and gains +5% To Hit against Insects.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Insect-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Insect-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Insects and gains +25% Critical against Insects, gains +5% To Hit against Insects, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Insects.
Requires: Insect-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Inundating Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Inundating Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '15% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Bubble Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Water Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lazy Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Lazy Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Fatigued.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lightning Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Lightning Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '30% inflicts Electrocuted'.
Requires: Blitz Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lunging Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Lunging Trial' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, may be made from the back row, moves its user to the front row, and deals full Damage to targets in the back row who are 10 or more Levels lower than its user who are below Level 60.
Requires: Charging Trial, Other: Arbiter of Trials
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Machine-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Machine-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Machines and gains +25% Critical against Machines.
Requires: Machine-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Machine-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Machine-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Machines and gains +5% To Hit against Machines.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Machine-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Machine-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Machines and gains +25% Critical against Machines, gains +5% To Hit against Machines, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Machines.
Requires: Machine-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magical Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Magical Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '30% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Sorcerous Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magic Being-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Magic Being-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Magic Beings and gains +25% Critical against Magic Beings.
Requires: Magic Being-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magic Being-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Magic Being-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Magic Beings and gains +5% To Hit against Magic Beings.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magic Being-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Magic Being-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Magic Beings and gains +25% Critical against Magic Beings, gains +5% To Hit against Magic Beings, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Magic Beings.
Requires: Magic Being-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magma Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Magma Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '50% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Burning Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Fire Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Maiming Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Maiming Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded: Maimed'.
Requires: Bloody Trial
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mamma Bear Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Mamma Bear Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Melee Attack against targets who have damaged, inflicted negative status effects on, debuffed, or killed its user's summons.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mindblowing Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Mindblowing Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '15% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Thought Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mindwipe Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Mindwipe Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '50% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Pulse Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Psychic Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Monster-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Monster-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Monsters and gains +25% Critical against Monsters.
Requires: Monster-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Monster-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Monster-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Monsters and gains +5% To Hit against Monsters.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Monster-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Monster-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Monsters and gains +25% Critical against Monsters, gains +5% To Hit against Monsters, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Monsters.
Requires: Monster-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Night Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Night Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Umbral Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Ebon Chancellor
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ooze-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Ooze-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Oozes and gains +25% Critical against Oozes.
Requires: Ooze-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ooze-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Ooze-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Oozes and gains +5% To Hit against Oozes.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ooze-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Ooze-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Oozes and gains +25% Critical against Oozes, gains +5% To Hit against Oozes, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Oozes.
Requires: Ooze-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ordeal Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) +5 to all stats when a Ordeal is equipped
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ordeal Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) +25 to all stats when a Ordeal is equipped, +50 Ranged Attack, +50 Magical Attack and +50 Melee Attack when a Ordeal is equipped
Requires: Ordeal Wielding I
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ordeal Wielding III- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor gains +200 to all stats when a Ordeal is equipped and +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack when a Ordeal is equipped
Requires: Ordeal Wielding II, Other: Arbiter of Trials
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Overwhelming Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Overwhelming Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '50% inflicts Overload'.
Requires: Energized Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Energy Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Painful Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Painful Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Pain.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Paralytic Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Paralytic Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Plant-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Plant-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Plants and gains +25% Critical against Plants.
Requires: Plant-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Plant-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Plant-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Plants and gains +5% To Hit against Plants.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Plant-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Plant-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Plants and gains +25% Critical against Plants, gains +5% To Hit against Plants, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Plants.
Requires: Plant-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Powerful Trial- (Active Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) This character may use Powerful Trial in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and a Ordeal is equipped. This character gains +50 Ranged Attack, +50 Magical Attack and +50 Melee Attack for purposes of this attack.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Prime-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Prime-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Primes and gains +25% Critical against Primes.
Requires: Prime-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Prime-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Prime-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Primes and gains +5% To Hit against Primes.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Prime-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Prime-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Primes and gains +25% Critical against Primes, gains +5% To Hit against Primes, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Primes.
Requires: Prime-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Psi Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Pulse Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '30% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Brainwave Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Pulse Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Pulse Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Energy element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Energy Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Reptile-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Reptile-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Reptiles and gains +25% Critical against Reptiles.
Requires: Reptile-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Reptile-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Reptile-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Reptiles and gains +5% To Hit against Reptiles.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Reptile-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Reptile-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Reptiles and gains +25% Critical against Reptiles, gains +5% To Hit against Reptiles, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Reptiles.
Requires: Reptile-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Robot-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Robot-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Robots and gains +25% Critical against Robots.
Requires: Robot-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Robot-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Robot-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Robots and gains +5% To Hit against Robots.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Robot-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Robot-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Robots and gains +25% Critical against Robots, gains +5% To Hit against Robots, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Robots.
Requires: Robot-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rock Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Rock Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '30% inflicts Entombed'.
Requires: Rumbling Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rockslide Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Rockslide Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '15% inflicts Entombed'.
Requires: Stone Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Earth Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rumbling Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Rumbling Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '15% inflicts Entombed', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Rockslide Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Mountain King
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shadow Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Shadow Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Darkness element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shapeshifter-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Shapeshifter-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Shapeshifters and gains +25% Critical against Shapeshifters.
Requires: Shapeshifter-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shapeshifter-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Shapeshifter-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Shapeshifters and gains +5% To Hit against Shapeshifters.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shapeshifter-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Shapeshifter-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Shapeshifters and gains +25% Critical against Shapeshifters, gains +5% To Hit against Shapeshifters, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Shapeshifters.
Requires: Shapeshifter-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shining Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Shining Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '15% inflicts Awestruck', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Awesome Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Radiant Hierophant
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sleeting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Sleeting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '15% inflicts Frozen', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Frigid Trial, Other: Arbiter of Trials, Snow Queen
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sorcerous Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Sorcerous Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '15% inflicts Manablasted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Enchanting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Arcane Vizier
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Spirit-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Spirit-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Spirits and gains +25% Critical against Spirits.
Requires: Spirit-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Spirit-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Spirit-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Spirits and gains +5% To Hit against Spirits.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Spirit-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Spirit-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Spirits and gains +25% Critical against Spirits, gains +5% To Hit against Spirits, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Spirits.
Requires: Spirit-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sticky Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Sticky Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed: Sticky.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Stone Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Stone Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Earth element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Earth Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Strong Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Strong Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded'.
Requires: Sweeping Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Surprise Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Surprise Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against targets that have not yet acted.
Requires: Unexpected Trial, Level 30
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sweeping Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Sweeping Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '15% inflicts Wounded', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Dicing Trial, Other: Arbiter of Trials, Kinetic Emperor
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Thirsty Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Thirsty Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Melee Attack, deals MP Drain, and deals 1/2 Damage.
Requires: Other: Arbiter of Trials
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Thought Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Thought Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Psychic element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Tipsy Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Tipsy Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Poison: Drunk.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Trial Mastery- (Passive Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Technique Abilities from the Other: Arbiter of Trials class whose name includes 'Trial' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Requires: 5 Arbiter of Trials abilities that are Techniques whose name contains 'Trial'
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 5 Weeks
Trial on the Run- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Trial on the Run' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack, may be made from the front row, and moves its user to the back row. Damage-halving for 'Ranged Attack' actions is not factored into this attack, but its performer is moved to the back row at the end of the attack.
Requires: Apprentice Ordeal Training
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Tsunami Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Tsunami Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '50% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Wave Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Water Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Umbral Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Umbral Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Shadow Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Undead-Bane Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Undead-Bane Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +750 Ranged Attack, +750 Magical Attack and +750 Melee Attack against Undead and gains +25% Critical against Undead.
Requires: Undead-Hunting Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Undead-Hunting Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Undead-Hunting Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack against Undead and gains +5% To Hit against Undead.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Undead-Slaying Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Undead-Slaying Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack and +1,000 Melee Attack against Undead and gains +25% Critical against Undead, gains +5% To Hit against Undead, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Undead.
Requires: Undead-Bane Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Unexpected Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Unexpected Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Melee Attack against targets that have not yet acted.
Requires: Ordeal Wielding III
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Unstable Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Unstable Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '15% inflicts Overload'.
Requires: Pulse Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Energy Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Vexatious Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Vexatious Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Melee Attack and gains a 50% chance of inflicting a random minor negative status effect that its target is not yet afflicted with.
Requires: Ordeal Wielding III
Cost: 700,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Void Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Void Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '50% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Black Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Darkness Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wave Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Wave Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '15% inflicts Drowning', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Inundating Trial, Arbiter of Trials, Ocean Prince
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wind Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Wind Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Air element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wind-Up Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Wind-Up Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Melee Attack and is delayed for 1 round.
Requires: Ordeal Wielding III
Cost: 8,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Zealous Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Zealous Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Hope element, and gains '15% inflicts Zealblasted'.
Requires: Cheery Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Hope Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Zero Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Zero Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '30% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Cluster Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Abstract-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Abstract-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Abstracts and gains +25% Critical against Abstracts.
Requires: Abstract-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Abstract-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Abstract-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Abstracts and gains +5% To Hit against Abstracts.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Abstract-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Abstract-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Abstracts and gains +25% Critical against Abstracts, gains +5% To Hit against Abstracts, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Abstracts.
Requires: Abstract-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Accurate Yoyo Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor gains +1% To Hit when a Yoyo is equipped
Requires: Yoyo Wielding III, Spin Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Acidic Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Acidic Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '30% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Erosion Spin, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aerial-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Aerials and gains +25% Critical against Aerials.
Requires: Aerial-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aerial-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Aerials and gains +5% To Hit against Aerials.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aerial-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Aerials and gains +25% Critical against Aerials, gains +5% To Hit against Aerials, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Aerials.
Requires: Aerial-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Alien-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Aliens and gains +25% Critical against Aliens.
Requires: Alien-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Alien-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Aliens and gains +5% To Hit against Aliens.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Alien-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Aliens and gains +25% Critical against Alien, gains +5% To Hit against Aliens, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Aliens.
Requires: Alien-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Angel-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Angel-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Angels and gains +25% Critical against Angels.
Requires: Angel-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Angel-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Angel-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Angels and gains +5% To Hit against Angels.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Angel-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Angel-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Angels and gains +25% Critical against Angels, gains +5% To Hit against Angels, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Angels.
Requires: Angel-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Animal-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Animals and gains +25% Critical against Animals.
Requires: Animal-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Animal-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Animals and gains +5% To Hit against Animals.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Animal-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Animals and gains +25% Critical against Animals, gains +5% To Hit against Animals, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Animals.
Requires: Animal-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Yoyo Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor gains +50 Melee Attack when a Yoyo is equipped.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, 3 other Trick Master abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aquatic-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Aquatic-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Aquatics and gains +25% Critical against Aquatics.
Requires: Aquatic-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aquatic-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Aquatic-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Aquatics and gains +5% To Hit against Aquatics.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aquatic-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Aquatic-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Aquatics and gains +25% Critical against Aquatics, gains +5% To Hit against Aquatics, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Aquatics.
Requires: Aquatic-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Arcane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Arcane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '50% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Magical Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Adept Magic Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Armor-Piercing Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Armor-Piercing Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack pierces 200 Defense.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Astral Being-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Astral Being-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Astral Beings and gains +25% Critical against Astral Beings.
Requires: Astral Being-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Astral Being-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Astral Being-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Astral Beings and gains +5% To Hit against Astral Beings.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Astral Being-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Astral Being-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Astral Beings and gains +25% Critical against Astral Beings, gains +5% To Hit against Astral Beings, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Astral Beings.
Requires: Astral Being-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Avalanche Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Avalanche Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '50% inflicts Entombed'.
Requires: Rock Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Adept Earth Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Awesome Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Awesome Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '15% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Bright Spin, Apprentice Yoyo Training, Apprentice Light Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Banishing Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Banishing Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack unsummons up to one of its targets if both said target and said target's summoner are below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Yoyo Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bio-Horror-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Bio-Horror-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Bio-Horrors and gains +25% Critical against Bio-Horrors.
Requires: Bio-Horror-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bio-Horror-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Bio-Horror-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Bio-Horrors and gains +5% To Hit against Bio-Horrors.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bio-Horror-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Bio-Horror-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Bio-Horrors and gains +25% Critical against Bio-Horrors, gains +5% To Hit against Bio-Horrors, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Bio-Horrors.
Requires: Bio-Horror-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Black Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Black Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '30% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Night Spin, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blitz Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Blitz Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '15% inflicts Electrocuted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Current Spin, Other: Trick Master, Thunder Czar
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blizzard Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Blizzard Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '50% inflicts Frozen'.
Requires: Frozen Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Adept Ice Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bloody Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Bloody Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded: Bleeding'.
Requires: Dicing Spin
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blustering Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Blustering Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '30% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Gale Spin, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bolt Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Bolt Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Electrical element.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, Basic Electrical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Brainwave Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Brainwave Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '15% inflicts Mindblasted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Mindblowing Spin, Trick Master, Mind Lord
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Breathless Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Breathless Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Wind Spin, Apprentice Yoyo Training, Apprentice Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bright Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Bright Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Light element.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, Basic Light Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bubble Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Bubble Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Water element.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, Basic Water Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Burning Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Burning Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '30% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Explosive Spin, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Burst Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Burst Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '15% inflicts Overload', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Unstable Spin, Other: Trick Master, Countess of Power
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Caustic Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Caustic Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Acid element.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, Basic Acid Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Celestial and gains +25% Critical against Celestial.
Requires: Celestial-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Celestial and gains +5% To Hit against Celestial.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Celestial and gains +25% Critical against Celestial, gains +5% To Hit against Celestial, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Celestial.
Requires: Celestial-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Charging Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Charging Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, may be made from the back row, and moves its user to the front row.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Charming Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Charming Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Charm.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cheery Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Cheery Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Hope element.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, Basic Hope Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Clockwork-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Clockwork-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Clockworks and gains +25% Critical against Clockworks.
Requires: Clockwork-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Clockwork-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Clockwork-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Clockworks and gains +5% To Hit against Clockworks.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Clockwork-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Clockwork-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Clockworks and gains +25% Critical against Clockworks, gains +5% To Hit against Clockworks, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Clockworks.
Requires: Clockwork-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cluster Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Cluster Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '15% inflicts Antimatter', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Deletion Spin, Trick Master, Heir to the Future
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Coded Being-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Coded Being-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Coded Beings and gains +25% Critical against Coded Beings.
Requires: Coded Being-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Coded Being-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Coded Being-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Coded Beings and gains +5% To Hit against Coded Beings.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Coded Being-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Coded Being-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Coded Beings and gains +25% Critical against Coded Beings, gains +5% To Hit against Coded Beings, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Coded Beings.
Requires: Coded Being-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Code Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Code Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Technology element.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, Basic Technology Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Corona Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Corona Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '50% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Glowing Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Adept Light Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Crippling Spin- (Active Ability, Other: Trick Master) This character may use Crippling Spin in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and a Yoyo is equipped. This character gains +25 Melee Attack for purposes of this attack, and this attack deals 15 additional AGI and CON damage.
Requires: Powerful Spin
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Crisis Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Crisis Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used, possessor is in a Crisis Zone, and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack.
Requires: Yoyo Wielding III, Crisis Zone
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Critical Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Critical Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +5% Critical.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cthonian-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Cthonian-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Cthonians and gains +25% Critical against Cthonians.
Requires: Cthonian-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cthonian-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Cthonian-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Cthonians and gains +5% To Hit against Cthonians.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cthonian-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Cthonian-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Cthonians and gains +25% Critical against Cthonians, gains +5% To Hit against Cthonians, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Cthonians.
Requires: Cthonian-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Current Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Current Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '15% inflicts Electrocuted'.
Requires: Bolt Spin, Apprentice Yoyo Training, Apprentice Electrical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Daemon-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Daemon and gains +25% Critical against Daemon.
Requires: Daemon-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Daemon-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Daemon and gains +5% To Hit against Daemon.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Daemon-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Daemon and gains +25% Critical against Daemon, gains +5% To Hit against Daemon, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Daemon.
Requires: Daemon-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dangerous Yoyo Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor gains +1% Critical when a Yoyo is equipped
Requires: Yoyo Wielding III, Spin Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Darkspawn-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Darkspawn-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Darkspawn and gains +25% Critical against Darkspawn.
Requires: Darkspawn-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Darkspawn-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Darkspawn-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Darkspawn and gains +5% To Hit against Darkspawn.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Darkspawn-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Darkspawn-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Darkspawn and gains +25% Critical against Darkspawn, gains +5% To Hit against Darkspawn, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Darkspawn.
Requires: Darkspawn-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Debilitating Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Debilitating Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Stat Drain.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deft Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Deft Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +5% To Hit.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deletion Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Deletion Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '15% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Code Spin, Apprentice Yoyo Training, Apprentice Technology Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Demon-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Demon-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Demons and gains +25% Critical against Demons.
Requires: Demon-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Demon-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Demon-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Demons and gains +5% To Hit against Demons.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Demon-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Demon-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Demons and gains +25% Critical against Demons, gains +5% To Hit against Demons, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Demons.
Requires: Demon-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Destroyer Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Destroyer Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '50% inflicts Wounded'.
Requires: Strong Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Adept Physical Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Deva-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Devas and gains +25% Critical against Devas.
Requires: Deva-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Deva-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Devas and gains +5% To Hit against Devas.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Deva-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Devas and gains +25% Critical against Devas, gains +5% To Hit against Devas, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Devas.
Requires: Deva-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Devil-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Devil-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Devils and gains +25% Critical against Devils.
Requires: Devil-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Devil-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Devil-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Devils and gains +5% To Hit against Devils.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Devil-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Devil-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Devils and gains +25% Critical against Devils, gains +5% To Hit against Devils, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Devils.
Requires: Devil-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dicing Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Dicing Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '15% inflicts Wounded'.
Requires: Impact Spin, Apprentice Yoyo Training, Apprentice Physical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dissolution Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Dissolution Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Caustic Spin, Apprentice Yoyo Training, Apprentice Acid Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dizzying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Dizzying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dragon-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Dragon-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Dragons and gains +25% Critical against Dragons.
Requires: Dragon-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dragon-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Dragon-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Dragons and gains +5% To Hit against Dragons.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dragon-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Dragon-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Dragons and gains +25% Critical against Dragons, gains +5% To Hit against Dragons, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Dragons.
Requires: Dragon-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dual Yoyo-Wielding- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor gains +50 Melee Attack if possessor has two Yoyos or a Yoyo that is a Weaponx2 equipped
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dud Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Dud Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Melee Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Elemental-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Elementals and gains +25% Critical against Elementals.
Requires: Elemental-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Elemental-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Elementals and gains +5% To Hit against Elementals.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Elemental-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Elementals and gains +25% Critical against Elementals, gains +5% To Hit against Elementals, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Elementals.
Requires: Elemental-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Eminent Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Eminent Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Hope element, and gains '15% inflicts Zealblasted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Zealous Spin, Other: Trick Master, Eternal Champion
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Enchanted Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Enchanted Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Magic element.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, Basic Magic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Enchanting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Enchanting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '15% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Enchanted Spin, Apprentice Yoyo Training, Apprentice Magic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Energized Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Energized Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '30% inflicts Overload'.
Requires: Burst Spin, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Envenomed Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Envenomed Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Poison.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Erasure Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Erasure Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack removes one buff from its target that comes from a source that is below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Yoyo Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Erosion Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Erosion Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Dissolution Spin, Other: Trick Master, Caliph of Corrosion
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Explosive Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Explosive Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Ignition Spin, Trick Master, Blazing Sultan
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Fae-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Fae and gains +25% Critical against Fae.
Requires: Fae-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Fae-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Fae and gains +5% To Hit against Fae.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Fae-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Fae and gains +25% Critical against Fae, gains +5% To Hit against Fae, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Fae.
Requires: Fae-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fanatical Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Fanatical Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Hope element, and gains '50% inflicts Zealblasted'.
Requires: Hopeful Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Adept Hope Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Flame Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Flame Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Fire element.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, Basic Fire Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fountain Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Fountain Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '30% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Wave Spin, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Frigid Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Frigid Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '15% inflicts Frozen'.
Requires: Frost Spin, Apprentice Yoyo Training, Apprentice Ice Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Frost Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Frost Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Ice element.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, Basic Ice Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Frozen Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Frozen Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '30% inflicts Frozen'.
Requires: Sleeting Spin, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gale Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Gale Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Breathless Spin, Trick Master, Wind Duke
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gigawatt Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Gigawatt Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '50% inflicts Electrocuted'.
Requires: Lightning Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Adept Electrical Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Golem-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Golem-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Golems and gains +25% Critical against Golems.
Requires: Golem-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Golem-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Golem-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Golems and gains +5% To Hit against Golems.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Golem-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Golem-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Golems and gains +25% Critical against Golems, gains +5% To Hit against Golems, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Golems.
Requires: Golem-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Glowing Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Glowing Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '30% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Shining Spin, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gravity Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Gravity Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack and, at the end of said attack, moves its target to the front row if said target is both 5 or more Levels lower than user and below Level 80.
Requires: Yoyo Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Banishing Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Greater Banishing Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack unsummons up to one of its targets if both said target and said target's summoner are below Level 80 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Banishing Spin, Level 40
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Erasure Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Erasure Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack removes one buff from its target that comes from a source that is below Level 80 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Erasure Spin, Level 40
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hard to Disarm With a Yoyo- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Individuals below Level 20 may not unequip or steal possessor's equipped Yoyo without possessor's permission
Requires: Yoyo Wielding III
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hexing Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Hexing Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hopeful Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Hopeful Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Hope element, and gains '30% inflicts Zealblasted'.
Requires: Eminent Spin, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Horror-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Horror-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Horrors and gains +25% Critical against Horrors.
Requires: Horror-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Horror-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Horror-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Horrors and gains +5% To Hit against Horrors.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Horror-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Horror-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Horrors and gains +25% Critical against Horrors, gains +5% To Hit against Horrors, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Horrors.
Requires: Horror-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Human-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Humans and gains +25% Critical against Humans.
Requires: Human-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Human-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Humans and gains +5% To Hit against Humans.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Human-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Humans and gains +25% Critical against Humans, gains +5% To Hit against Humans, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Humans.
Requires: Human-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Humanoids and gains +25% Critical against Humanoids.
Requires: Humanoid-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Humanoids and gains +5% To Hit against Humanoids.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Humanoids and gains +25% Critical against Humanoids, gains +5% To Hit against Humanoids, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Humanoids.
Requires: Humanoid-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hungering Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Hungering Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, deals HP Drain, and deals 1/2 Damage.
Requires: Other: Trick Master
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Hurricane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Hurricane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '50% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Blustering Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Adept Air Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hyperadvanced Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Hyperadvanced Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '50% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Zero Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Adept Technology Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hypersolvent Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Hypersolvent Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '50% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Acidic Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Adept Acid Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ignition Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Ignition Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Flame Spin, Apprentice Yoyo Training, Apprentice Fire Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ill Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Ill Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Diseased.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Illuminated and gains +25% Critical against Illuminated.
Requires: Illuminated-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Illuminated and gains +5% To Hit against Illuminated.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Illuminated and gains +25% Critical against Illuminated, gains +5% To Hit against Illuminated, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Illuminated.
Requires: Illuminated-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Impact Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Impact Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Physical element.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, Basic Physical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Impairing Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Impairing Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Impaired.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Bloody Spin- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor's 'Bloody Spin' technique has its chance of inflicting Wounded: Bleeding increased to 30%
Requires: Bloody Spin
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Charming Spin- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor's 'Charming Spin' technique has its chance of inflicting Charm increased to 30%
Requires: Charming Spin
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Debilitating Spin- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor's 'Debilitating Spin' technique has its chance of inflicting Stat Drain increased to 30%
Requires: Debilitating Spin
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Dizzying Spin- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor's 'Dizzying Spin' technique has its chance of inflicting Confusion increased to 30%
Requires: Dizzying Spin
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Envenomed Spin- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor's 'Envenomend Spin' technique has its chance of inflicting Poison increased to 30%
Requires: Envenomed Spin
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Hexing Spin- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor's 'Hexing Spin' technique has its chance of inflicting Hexed increased to 30%
Requires: Hexing Spin
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Ill Spin- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor's 'Ill Spin' technique has its chance of inflicting Diseased increased to 30%
Requires: Ill Spin
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Impairing Spin- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor's 'Impairing Spin' technique has its chance of inflicting Impaired increased to 30%
Requires: Impairing Spin
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Lazy Spin- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor's 'Lazy Spin' technique has its chance of inflicting Fatigued increased to 30%
Requires: Lazy Spin
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Maiming Spin- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor's 'Maiming Spin' technique has its chance of inflicting Wounded: Maimed increased to 30%
Requires: Maiming Spin
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Painful Spin- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor's 'Painful Spin' technique has its chance of inflicting Pain increased to 30%
Requires: Painful Spin
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Paralytic Spin- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor's 'Paralytic Spin' technique has its chance of inflicting Paralysis increased to 30%
Requires: Paralytic Spin
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Sticky Spin- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor's 'Sticky Spin' technique has its chance of inflicting Paralysis: Sticky increased to 30%
Requires: Sticky Spin
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Tipsy Spin- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor's 'Tipsy Spin' technique has its chance of inflicting Poison: Drunk increased to 30%
Requires: Tipsy Spin
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Insect-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Insect-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Insects and gains +25% Critical against Insects.
Requires: Insect-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Insect-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Insect-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Insects and gains +5% To Hit against Insects.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Insect-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Insect-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Insects and gains +25% Critical against Insects, gains +5% To Hit against Insects, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Insects.
Requires: Insect-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Inundating Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Inundating Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '15% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Bubble Spin, Apprentice Yoyo Training, Apprentice Water Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Large Structure-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Large Structure-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Large Structures and gains +25% Critical against Large Structures.
Requires: Large Structure-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Large Structure-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Large Structure-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Large Structures and gains +5% To Hit against Large Structures.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Large Structure-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Large Structure-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Large Structures and gains +25% Critical against Large Structures, gains +5% To Hit against Large Structures, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Large Structures.
Requires: Large Structure-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lazy Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Lazy Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Fatigued.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lightning Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Lightning Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '30% inflicts Electrocuted'.
Requires: Blitz Spin, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lunging Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Lunging Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, may be made from the back row, moves its user to the front row, and deals full Damage to targets in the back row who are 10 or more Levels lower than its user who are below Level 60.
Requires: Charging Spin, Other: Trick Master
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Machine-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Machine-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Machines and gains +25% Critical against Machines.
Requires: Machine-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Machine-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Machine-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Machines and gains +5% To Hit against Machines.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Machine-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Machine-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Machines and gains +25% Critical against Machines, gains +5% To Hit against Machines, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Machines.
Requires: Machine-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magical Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Magical Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '30% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Sorcerous Spin, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magic Being-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Magic Being-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Magic Beings and gains +25% Critical against Magic Beings.
Requires: Magic Being-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magic Being-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Magic Being-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Magic Beings and gains +5% To Hit against Magic Beings.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magic Being-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Magic Being-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Magic Beings and gains +25% Critical against Magic Beings, gains +5% To Hit against Magic Beings, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Magic Beings.
Requires: Magic Being-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magma Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Magma Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '50% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Burning Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Adept Fire Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Maiming Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Maiming Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded: Maimed'.
Requires: Bloody Spin
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mamma Bear Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Mamma Bear Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack against targets who have damaged, inflicted negative status effects on, debuffed, or killed its user's summons.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mindblowing Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Mindblowing Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '15% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Thought Spin, Apprentice Yoyo Training, Apprentice Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mindwipe Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Mindwipe Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '50% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Pulse Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Adept Psychic Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Monster-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Monster-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Monsters and gains +25% Critical against Monsters.
Requires: Monster-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Monster-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Monster-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Monsters and gains +5% To Hit against Monsters.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Monster-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Monster-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Monsters and gains +25% Critical against Monsters, gains +5% To Hit against Monsters, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Monsters.
Requires: Monster-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Night Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Night Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Umbral Spin, Trick Master, Ebon Chancellor
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ooze-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Ooze-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Oozes and gains +25% Critical against Oozes.
Requires: Ooze-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ooze-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Ooze-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Oozes and gains +5% To Hit against Oozes.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ooze-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Ooze-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Oozes and gains +25% Critical against Oozes, gains +5% To Hit against Oozes, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Oozes.
Requires: Ooze-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Yoyo Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) +5 to all stats when a Yoyo is equipped
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Yoyo Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) +25 to all stats when a Yoyo is equipped, +50 Melee Attack when a Yoyo is equipped
Requires: Yoyo Wielding I
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Yoyo Wielding III- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor gains +200 to all stats when a Yoyo is equipped and +200 Melee Attack when a Yoyo is equipped
Requires: Yoyo Wielding II, Other: Trick Master
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Outsider-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Outsider-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Outsiders and gains +25% Critical against Outsiders.
Requires: Outsider-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Outsider-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Outsider-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Outsiders and gains +5% To Hit against Outsiders.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Outsider-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Outsider-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Outsiders and gains +25% Critical against Outsiders, gains +5% To Hit against Outsiders, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Outsiders.
Requires: Outsider-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Overwhelming Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Overwhelming Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '50% inflicts Overload'.
Requires: Energized Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Adept Energy Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Painful Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Painful Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Pain.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Paralytic Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Paralytic Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Planetary-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Planetary-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Planetaries and gains +25% Critical against Planetaries.
Requires: Planetary-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Planetary-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Planetary-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Planetaries and gains +5% To Hit against Planetaries.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Planetary-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Planetary-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Planetaries and gains +25% Critical against Planetaries, gains +5% To Hit against Planetaries, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Planetaries.
Requires: Planetary-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Plant-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Plant-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Plants and gains +25% Critical against Plants.
Requires: Plant-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Plant-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Plant-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Plants and gains +5% To Hit against Plants.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Plant-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Plant-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Plants and gains +25% Critical against Plants, gains +5% To Hit against Plants, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Plants.
Requires: Plant-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Powerful Spin- (Active Ability, Other: Trick Master) This character may use Powerful Spin in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and a Yoyo is equipped. This character gains +50 Melee Attack for purposes of this attack.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Prime-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Prime-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Primes and gains +25% Critical against Primes.
Requires: Prime-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Prime-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Prime-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Primes and gains +5% To Hit against Primes.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Prime-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Prime-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Primes and gains +25% Critical against Primes, gains +5% To Hit against Primes, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Primes.
Requires: Prime-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Psi Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Pulse Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '30% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Brainwave Spin, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Pulse Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Pulse Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Energy element.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, Basic Energy Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Reptile-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Reptile-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Reptiles and gains +25% Critical against Reptiles.
Requires: Reptile-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Reptile-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Reptile-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Reptiles and gains +5% To Hit against Reptiles.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Reptile-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Reptile-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Reptiles and gains +25% Critical against Reptiles, gains +5% To Hit against Reptiles, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Reptiles.
Requires: Reptile-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Robot-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Robot-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Robots and gains +25% Critical against Robots.
Requires: Robot-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Robot-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Robot-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Robots and gains +5% To Hit against Robots.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Robot-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Robot-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Robots and gains +25% Critical against Robots, gains +5% To Hit against Robots, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Robots.
Requires: Robot-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rock Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Rock Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '30% inflicts Entombed'.
Requires: Rumbling Spin, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rockslide Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Rockslide Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '15% inflicts Entombed'.
Requires: Stone Spin, Apprentice Yoyo Training, Apprentice Earth Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rumbling Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Rumbling Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '15% inflicts Entombed', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Rockslide Spin, Trick Master, Mountain King
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shadow Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Shadow Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Darkness element.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, Basic Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shapeshifter-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Shapeshifter-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Shapeshifters and gains +25% Critical against Shapeshifters.
Requires: Shapeshifter-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shapeshifter-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Shapeshifter-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Shapeshifters and gains +5% To Hit against Shapeshifters.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shapeshifter-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Shapeshifter-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Shapeshifters and gains +25% Critical against Shapeshifters, gains +5% To Hit against Shapeshifters, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Shapeshifters.
Requires: Shapeshifter-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shining Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Shining Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '15% inflicts Awestruck', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Awesome Spin, Trick Master, Radiant Hierophant
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sleeting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Sleeting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '15% inflicts Frozen', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Frigid Spin, Other: Trick Master, Snow Queen
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Solar Being-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Solar Being-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Solar Beings and gains +25% Critical against Solar Beings.
Requires: Solar Being-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Solar Being-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Solar Being-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Solar Beings and gains +5% To Hit against Solar Beings.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Solar Being-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Solar Being-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Solar Beings and gains +25% Critical against Solar Beings, gains +5% To Hit against Solar Beings, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Solar Beings.
Requires: Solar Being-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sorcerous Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Sorcerous Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '15% inflicts Manablasted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Enchanting Spin, Trick Master, Arcane Vizier
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Spirit-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Spirit-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Spirits and gains +25% Critical against Spirits.
Requires: Spirit-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Spirit-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Spirit-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Spirits and gains +5% To Hit against Spirits.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Spirit-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Spirit-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Spirits and gains +25% Critical against Spirits, gains +5% To Hit against Spirits, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Spirits.
Requires: Spirit-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sticky Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Sticky Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed: Sticky.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Stone Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Stone Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Earth element.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, Basic Earth Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Strong Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Strong Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded'.
Requires: Sweeping Spin, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Surprise Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Surprise Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against targets that have not yet acted.
Requires: Unexpected Spin, Level 30
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sweeping Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Sweeping Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '15% inflicts Wounded', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Dicing Spin, Other: Trick Master, Kinetic Emperor
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Thirsty Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Thirsty Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, deals MP Drain, and deals 1/2 Damage.
Requires: Other: Trick Master
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Thought Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Thought Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Psychic element.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, Basic Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Tipsy Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Tipsy Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Poison: Drunk.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Spin Mastery- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Technique Abilities from the Other: Trick Master class whose name includes 'Spin' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Requires: 5 Trick Master abilities that are Techniques whose name contains 'Spin'
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 5 Weeks
Spin on the Run- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Spin on the Run' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, may be made from the front row, and moves its user to the back row. Damage-halving for 'Melee Attack' actions is not factored into this attack, but its performer is moved to the back row at the end of the attack.
Requires: Apprentice Yoyo Training
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Tsunami Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Tsunami Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '50% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Wave Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Adept Water Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Umbral-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Umbral-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Umbrals and gains +25% Critical against Umbrals.
Requires: Umbral-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Umbral-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Umbral-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Umbrals and gains +5% To Hit against Umbrals.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Umbral-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Umbral-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Umbrals and gains +25% Critical against Umbrals, gains +5% To Hit against Umbrals, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Umbrals.
Requires: Umbral-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Umbral Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Umbral Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Shadow Spin, Apprentice Yoyo Training, Apprentice Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Undead-Bane Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Undead-Bane Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack against Undead and gains +25% Critical against Undead.
Requires: Undead-Hunting Spin, Trick Master, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Undead-Hunting Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Undead-Hunting Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack against Undead and gains +5% To Hit against Undead.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Undead-Slaying Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Undead-Slaying Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Melee Attack against Undead and gains +25% Critical against Undead, gains +5% To Hit against Undead, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Undead.
Requires: Undead-Bane Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Unexpected Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Unexpected Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack against targets that have not yet acted.
Requires: Yoyo Wielding III
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Unstable Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Unstable Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '15% inflicts Overload'.
Requires: Pulse Spin, Apprentice Yoyo Training, Apprentice Energy Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Vexatious Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Vexatious Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack and gains a 50% chance of inflicting a random minor negative status effect that its target is not yet afflicted with.
Requires: Yoyo Wielding III
Cost: 700,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Void Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Void Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '50% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Black Spin, Adept Yoyo Training, Adept Darkness Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wave Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Wave Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '15% inflicts Drowning', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Inundating Spin, Trick Master, Ocean Prince
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wind Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Wind Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Air element.
Requires: Basic Yoyo Training, Basic Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wind-Up Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Wind-Up Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack and is delayed for 1 round.
Requires: Yoyo Wielding III
Cost: 8,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Zealous Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Zealous Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, becomes solely Hope element, and gains '15% inflicts Zealblasted'.
Requires: Cheery Spin, Apprentice Yoyo Training, Apprentice Hope Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Zero Spin- (Technique Ability, Other: Trick Master) Possessor may use 'Zero Spin' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Yoyo equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '30% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Cluster Spin, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Accurate Box Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor gains +1% To Hit when a Box is equipped
Requires: Box Wielding III, Surprise! Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Acidic Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Acidic Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '30% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Erosion Surprise!, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Armor-Piercing Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Armor-Piercing Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack pierces 200 Defense.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Avalanche Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Avalanche Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '50% inflicts Entombed'.
Requires: Rock Surprise!, Adept Box Training, Adept Earth Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Banishing Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Banishing Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack unsummons up to one of its targets if both said target and said target's summoner are below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Box Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Black Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Black Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '30% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Night Surprise!, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bloody Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Bloody Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded: Bleeding'.
Requires: Dicing Surprise!
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blustering Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Blustering Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '30% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Gale Surprise!, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Box Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) +5 to all stats when a Box is equipped
Requires: Basic Box Training
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Box Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) +25 to all stats when a Box is equipped, +50 Magical Attack when a Box is equipped
Requires: Box Wielding I
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Box Wielding III- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor gains +200 to all stats when a Box is equipped and +200 Magical Attack when a Box is equipped
Requires: Box Wielding II, Other: Boxmeister
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Brainwave Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Brainwave Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '15% inflicts Mindblasted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Mindblowing Surprise!, Boxmeister, Mind Lord
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Breathless Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Breathless Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Wind Surprise!, Apprentice Box Training, Apprentice Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bubble Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Bubble Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Water element.
Requires: Basic Box Training, Basic Water Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Burning Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Burning Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '30% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Explosive Surprise!, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Caustic Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Caustic Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Acid element.
Requires: Basic Box Training, Basic Acid Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Charging Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Charging Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, may be made from the back row, and moves its user to the front row.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Charming Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Charming Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Charm.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Crippling Surprise!- (Active Ability, Other: Boxmeister) This character may use Crippling Surprise! in conjunction with a Magical Attack, so long as no other technique is used and a Box is equipped. This character gains +25 Magical Attack for purposes of this attack, and this attack deals 15 additional AGI and CON damage.
Requires: Powerful Surprise!
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Crisis Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Crisis Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used, possessor is in a Crisis Zone, and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack.
Requires: Box Wielding III, Crisis Zone
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Critical Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Critical Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +5% Critical.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dangerous Box Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor gains +1% Critical when a Box is equipped
Requires: Box Wielding III, Surprise! Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Debilitating Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Debilitating Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Stat Drain.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deft Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Deft Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +5% To Hit.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Destroyer Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Destroyer Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '50% inflicts Wounded'.
Requires: Strong Surprise!, Adept Box Training, Adept Physical Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dicing Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Dicing Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '15% inflicts Wounded'.
Requires: Impact Surprise!, Apprentice Box Training, Apprentice Physical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dissolution Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Dissolution Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Caustic Surprise!, Apprentice Box Training, Apprentice Acid Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dizzying Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Dizzying Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dual Box-Wielding- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack if possessor has two Boxs or a Box that is a Weaponx2 equipped
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dud Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Dud Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Magical Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Envenomed Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Envenomed Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Poison.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Erasure Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Erasure Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack removes one buff from its target that comes from a source that is below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Box Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Erosion Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Erosion Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Dissolution Surprise!, Boxmeister, Caliph of Corrosion
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Explosive Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Explosive Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Ignition Surprise!, Boxmeister, Blazing Sultan
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Bane Other: Boxmeister- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Fae-Bane Other: Boxmeister' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Faes and gains +25% Critical against Faes.
Requires: Fae-Hunting Other: Boxmeister, Other: Boxmeister, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Hunting Other: Boxmeister- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Fae-Hunting Other: Boxmeister' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Faes and gains +5% To Hit against Faes.
Requires: Basic Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Slaying Other: Boxmeister- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Fae-Slaying Other: Boxmeister' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Faes and gains +25% Critical against Faes, gains +5% To Hit against Faes, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Faes.
Requires: Fae-Bane Other: Boxmeister, Adept Box Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Flame Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Flame Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Fire element.
Requires: Basic Box Training, Basic Fire Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fountain Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Fountain Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '30% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Wave Surprise!, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gale Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Gale Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Breathless Surprise!, Boxmeister, Wind Duke
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gravity Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Gravity Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack and, at the end of said attack, moves its target to the front row if said target is both 5 or more Levels lower than user and below Level 80.
Requires: Box Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Banishing Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Greater Banishing Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack unsummons up to one of its targets if both said target and said target's summoner are below Level 80 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Banishing Surprise!, Level 40
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Erasure Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Erasure Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack removes one buff from its target that comes from a source that is below Level 80 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Erasure Surprise!, Level 40
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hard to Disarm With a Box- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Individuals below Level 20 may not unequip or steal possessor's equipped Boxs without possessor's permission
Requires: Box Wielding III
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hexing Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Hexing Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Bane Other: Boxmeister- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Human-Bane Other: Boxmeister' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Humans and gains +25% Critical against Humans.
Requires: Human-Hunting Other: Boxmeister, Other: Boxmeister, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Hunting Other: Boxmeister- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Human-Hunting Other: Boxmeister' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Humans and gains +5% To Hit against Humans.
Requires: Basic Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Slaying Other: Boxmeister- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Human-Slaying Other: Boxmeister' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Humans and gains +25% Critical against Humans, gains +5% To Hit against Humans, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Humans.
Requires: Human-Bane Other: Boxmeister, Adept Box Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Bane Other: Boxmeister- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Bane Other: Boxmeister' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Humanoids and gains +25% Critical against Humanoids.
Requires: Humanoid-Hunting Other: Boxmeister, Other: Boxmeister, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Hunting Other: Boxmeister- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Hunting Other: Boxmeister' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Humanoids and gains +5% To Hit against Humanoids.
Requires: Basic Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Slaying Other: Boxmeister- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Slaying Other: Boxmeister' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Humanoids and gains +25% Critical against Humanoids, gains +5% To Hit against Humanoids, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Humanoids.
Requires: Humanoid-Bane Other: Boxmeister, Adept Box Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hungering Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Hungering Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, deals HP Drain, and deals 1/2 Damage.
Requires: Other: Boxmeister
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Hurricane Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Hurricane Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '50% inflicts Suffocation'.
Requires: Blustering Surprise!, Adept Box Training, Adept Air Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hypersolvent Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Hypersolvent Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '50% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Acidic Surprise!, Adept Box Training, Adept Acid Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ignition Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Ignition Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Flame Surprise!, Apprentice Box Training, Apprentice Fire Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ill Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Ill Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Diseased.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Impact Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Impact Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Physical element.
Requires: Basic Box Training, Basic Physical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Impairing Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Impairing Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Impaired.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Bloody Surprise!- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor's 'Bloody Surprise!' technique has its chance of inflicting Wounded: Bleeding increased to 30%
Requires: Bloody Surprise!
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Charming Surprise!- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor's 'Charming Surprise!' technique has its chance of inflicting Charm increased to 30%
Requires: Charming Surprise!
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Debilitating Surprise!- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor's 'Debilitating Surprise!' technique has its chance of inflicting Stat Drain increased to 30%
Requires: Debilitating Surprise!
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Dizzying Surprise!- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor's 'Dizzying Surprise!' technique has its chance of inflicting Confusion increased to 30%
Requires: Dizzying Surprise!
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Envenomed Surprise!- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor's 'Envenomend Surprise!' technique has its chance of inflicting Poison increased to 30%
Requires: Envenomed Surprise!
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Hexing Surprise!- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor's 'Hexing Surprise!' technique has its chance of inflicting Hexed increased to 30%
Requires: Hexing Surprise!
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Ill Surprise!- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor's 'Ill Surprise!' technique has its chance of inflicting Diseased increased to 30%
Requires: Ill Surprise!
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Impairing Surprise!- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor's 'Impairing Surprise!' technique has its chance of inflicting Impaired increased to 30%
Requires: Impairing Surprise!
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Lazy Surprise!- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor's 'Lazy Surprise!' technique has its chance of inflicting Fatigued increased to 30%
Requires: Lazy Surprise!
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Maiming Surprise!- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor's 'Maiming Surprise!' technique has its chance of inflicting Wounded: Maimed increased to 30%
Requires: Maiming Surprise!
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Painful Surprise!- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor's 'Painful Surprise!' technique has its chance of inflicting Pain increased to 30%
Requires: Painful Surprise!
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Paralytic Surprise!- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor's 'Paralytic Surprise!' technique has its chance of inflicting Paralysis increased to 30%
Requires: Paralytic Surprise!
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Sticky Surprise!- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor's 'Sticky Surprise!' technique has its chance of inflicting Paralysis: Sticky increased to 30%
Requires: Sticky Surprise!
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Tipsy Surprise!- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor's 'Tipsy Surprise!' technique has its chance of inflicting Poison: Drunk increased to 30%
Requires: Tipsy Surprise!
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Inundation Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Inundation Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '15% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Bubble Surprise!, Apprentice Box Training, Apprentice Water Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lazy Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Lazy Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Box equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Fatigued.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lunging Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Lunging Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, may be made from the back row, moves its user to the front row, and deals full Damage to targets in the back row who are 10 or more Levels lower than its user who are below Level 60.
Requires: Charging Surprise!, Other: Boxmeister
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magma Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Magma Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '50% inflicts Burning'.
Requires: Burning Surprise!, Adept Box Training, Adept Fire Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Maiming Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Maiming Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded: Maimed'.
Requires: Bloody Surprise!
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mamma Bear Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Mamma Bear Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack against targets who have damaged, inflicted negative status effects on, debuffed, or killed its user's summons.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mindblowing Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Mindblowing Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '15% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Thought Surprise!, Apprentice Box Training, Apprentice Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mindwipe Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Mindwipe Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '50% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Psi Surprise!, Adept Box Training, Adept Psychic Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Night Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Night Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Umbral Surprise!, Boxmeister, Ebon Chancellor
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Painful Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Painful Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Pain.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Paralytic Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Paralytic Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Powerful Surprise!- (Active Ability, Other: Boxmeister) This character may use Powerful Surprise! in conjunction with a Magical Attack, so long as no other technique is used and a Box is equipped. This character gains +50 Magical Attack for purposes of this attack.
Requires: Basic Box Training
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Psi Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Psi Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '30% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Brainwave Surprise!, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rock Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Rock Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '30% inflicts Entombed'.
Requires: Rumbling Surprise!, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rockslide Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Rockslide Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '15% inflicts Entombed'.
Requires: Stone Surprise!, Apprentice Box Training, Apprentice Earth Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rumbling Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Rumbling Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '15% inflicts Entombed', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Rockslide Surprise!, Boxmeister, Mountain King
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shadow Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Shadow Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Darkness element.
Requires: Basic Box Training, Basic Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sticky Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Sticky Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed: Sticky.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Stone Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Stone Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Earth element.
Requires: Basic Box Training, Basic Earth Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Strong Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Strong Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded'.
Requires: Sweeping Surprise!, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Surprise! Mastery- (Passive Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Technique Abilities from the Other: Boxmeister class whose name includes 'Surprise!' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Requires: 5 Other: Boxmeister abilities that are Techniques whose name contains 'Surprise!'
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 5 Weeks
Surprise! on the Run- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Surprise! on the Run' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack, may be made from the front row, and moves its user to the back row. Damage-halving for 'Ranged Attack' actions is not factored into this attack, but its performer is moved to the back row at the end of the attack.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Surprise Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Surprise Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against targets that have not yet acted.
Requires: Unexpected Surprise!, Level 30
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sweeping Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Sweeping Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '15% inflicts Wounded', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Dicing Surprise!, Boxmeister, Kinetic Emperor
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Thought Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Thought Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Psychic element.
Requires: Basic Box Training, Basic Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Thirsty Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Thirsty Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, deals MP Drain, and deals 1/2 Damage.
Requires: Other: Boxmeister
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Tipsy Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Tipsy Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Poison: Drunk.
Requires: Apprentice Box Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Tsunami Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Tsunami Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '50% inflicts Drowning'.
Requires: Fountain Surprise!, Adept Box Training, Adept Water Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Umbral Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Umbral Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Shadow Surprise!, Apprentice Box Training, Apprentice Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Unexpected Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Unexpected Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack against targets that have not yet acted.
Requires: Box Wielding III
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Vexatious Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Vexatious Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack and gains a 50% chance of inflicting a random minor negative status effect that its target is not yet afflicted with.
Requires: Box Wielding III
Cost: 700,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Void Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Void Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '50% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Black Surprise!, Adept Box Training, Adept Darkness Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wave Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Wave Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '15% inflicts Drowning', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Inundation Surprise!, Boxmeister, Ocean Prince
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wind Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Wind Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Air element.
Requires: Basic Box Training, Basic Air Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wind-Up Surprise!- (Technique Ability, Other: Boxmeister) Possessor may use 'Wind-Up Surprise!' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Box equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack and is delayed for 1 round.
Requires: Box Wielding III
Cost: 8,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Accurate Basilisk Emblem Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor gains +1% To Hit when a Basilisk Emblem is equipped
Requires: Basilisk Emblem Wielding III, Pattern Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Acidic Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Acidic Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '30% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Erosion Pattern, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aerial-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Aerials and gains +25% Critical against Aerials.
Requires: Aerial-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aerial-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Aerials and gains +5% To Hit against Aerials.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aerial-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Aerials and gains +25% Critical against Aerials, gains +5% To Hit against Aerials, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Aerials.
Requires: Aerial-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Alien-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Aliens and gains +25% Critical against Aliens.
Requires: Alien-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Alien-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Aliens and gains +5% To Hit against Aliens.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Alien-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Alien-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Aliens and gains +25% Critical against Aliens, gains +5% To Hit against Aliens, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Aliens.
Requires: Alien-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Animal-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Animals and gains +25% Critical against Animals.
Requires: Animal-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Animal-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Animals and gains +5% To Hit against Animals.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Animal-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Animal-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Animals and gains +25% Critical against Animals, gains +5% To Hit against Animals, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Animals.
Requires: Animal-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aquatic-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Aquatic-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Aquatics and gains +25% Critical against Aquatics.
Requires: Aquatic-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aquatic-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Aquatic-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Aquatics and gains +5% To Hit against Aquatics.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Aquatic-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Aquatic-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Aquatics and gains +25% Critical against Aquatics, gains +5% To Hit against Aquatics, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Aquatics.
Requires: Aquatic-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Arcane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Arcane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '50% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Magical Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Adept Magic Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Armor-Piercing Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Armor-Piercing Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack pierces 200 Defense.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Awesome Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Awesome Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '15% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Bright Pattern, Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training, Apprentice Light Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Banishing Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Banishing Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack unsummons up to one of its targets if both said target and said target's summoner are below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Basilisk Emblem Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basilisk Emblem Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) +5 to all stats when a Basilisk Emblem is equipped
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basilisk Emblem Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) +25 to all stats when a Basilisk Emblem is equipped, +50 Magical Attack when a Basilisk Emblem is equipped
Requires: Basilisk Emblem Wielding I
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basilisk Emblem Wielding III- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor gains +200 to all stats when a Basilisk Emblem is equipped and +200 Magical Attack when a Basilisk Emblem is equipped
Requires: Basilisk Emblem Wielding II, Noetic Gorgon
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bio-Horror-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Bio-Horror-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Bio-Horrors and gains +25% Critical against Bio-Horrors.
Requires: Bio-Horror-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bio-Horror-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Bio-Horror-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Bio-Horrors and gains +5% To Hit against Bio-Horrors.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bio-Horror-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Bio-Horror-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Bio-Horrors and gains +25% Critical against Bio-Horrors, gains +5% To Hit against Bio-Horrors, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Bio-Horrors.
Requires: Bio-Horror-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Black Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Black Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '30% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Night Pattern, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blitz Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Blitz Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '15% inflicts Electrocuted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Current Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Thunder Czar
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Blizzard Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Blizzard Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '50% inflicts Frozen'.
Requires: Frozen Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Adept Ice Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bloody Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Bloody Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded: Bleeding'.
Requires: Dicing Pattern
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bolt Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Bolt Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Electrical element.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training, Basic Electrical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Brainwave Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Brainwave Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '15% inflicts Mindblasted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Mindblowing Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Mind Lord
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Bright Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Bright Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Light element.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training, Basic Light Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Burst Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Burst Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '15% inflicts Overload', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Unstable> Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Countess of Power
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Caustic Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Caustic Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Acid element.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training, Basic Acid Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Celestials and gains +25% Critical against Celestials.
Requires: Celestial-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Celestials and gains +5% To Hit against Celestials.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Celestial-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Celestials and gains +25% Critical against Celestials, gains +5% To Hit against Celestials, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Celestials.
Requires: Celestial-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Charging Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Charging Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, may be made from the back row, and moves its user to the front row.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Charming Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Charming Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Charm.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Clockwork-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Clockwork-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Clockworks and gains +25% Critical against Clockworks.
Requires: Clockwork-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Clockwork-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Clockwork-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Clockworks and gains +5% To Hit against Clockworks.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Clockwork-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Clockwork-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Clockworks and gains +25% Critical against Clockworks, gains +5% To Hit against Clockworks, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Clockworks.
Requires: Clockwork-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Cluster Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Cluster Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '15% inflicts Antimatter', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Deletion Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Heir to the Future
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Code Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Code Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Technology element.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training, Basic Technology Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Corona Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Corona Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '50% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Glowing Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Adept Light Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Crippling Pattern- (Active Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) This character may use Crippling Pattern in conjunction with a Magical Attack, so long as no other technique is used and a Basilisk Emblem is equipped. This character gains +25 Magical Attack for purposes of this attack, and this attack deals 15 additional AGI and CON damage.
Requires: Powerful Pattern
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Crisis Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Crisis Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used, possessor is in a Crisis Zone, and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack.
Requires: Basilisk Emblem Wielding III, Crisis Zone
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Critical Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Critical Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +5% Critical.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Current Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Current Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '15% inflicts Electrocuted'.
Requires: Bolt Pattern, Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training, Apprentice Electrical Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Daemon-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Daemons and gains +25% Critical against Daemons.
Requires: Daemon-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Daemon-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Daemons and gains +5% To Hit against Daemons.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Daemon-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Daemons and gains +25% Critical against Daemons, gains +5% To Hit against Daemons, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Daemons.
Requires: Daemon-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dangerous Basilisk Emblem Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor gains +1% Critical when a Basilisk Emblem is equipped
Requires: Basilisk Emblem Wielding III, Pattern Mastery
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Debilitating Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Debilitating Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Stat Drain.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deft Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Deft Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +5% To Hit.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deletion Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Deletion Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '15% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Code Pattern, Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training, Apprentice Technology Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Demon-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Demon-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Demons and gains +25% Critical against Demons.
Requires: Demon-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Demon-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Demon-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Demons and gains +5% To Hit against Demons.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Demon-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Demon-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Demons and gains +25% Critical against Demons, gains +5% To Hit against Demons, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Demons.
Requires: Demon-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Deva-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Devas and gains +25% Critical against Devas.
Requires: Deva-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Deva-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Devas and gains +5% To Hit against Devas.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Deva-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Deva-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Devas and gains +25% Critical against Devas, gains +5% To Hit against Devas, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Devas.
Requires: Deva-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Devil-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Devil-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Devils and gains +25% Critical against Devils.
Requires: Devil-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Devil-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Devil-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Devils and gains +5% To Hit against Devils.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Devil-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Devil-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Devils and gains +25% Critical against Devils, gains +5% To Hit against Devils, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Devils.
Requires: Devil-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dissolution Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Dissolution Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Caustic Pattern, Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training, Apprentice Acid Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dizzying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Dizzying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dual Basilisk Emblem-Wielding- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack if possessor has two Basilisk Emblems or a Basilisk Emblem that is a Weaponx2 equipped
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Dud Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Dud Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Magical Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Elemental-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Elementals and gains +25% Critical against Elementals.
Requires: Elemental-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Elemental-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Elementals and gains +5% To Hit against Elementals.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Elemental-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Elementals and gains +25% Critical against Elementals, gains +5% To Hit against Elementals, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Elementals.
Requires: Elemental-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Enchanted Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Enchanted Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Magic element.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training, Basic Magic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Enchanting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Enchanting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '15% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Enchanted Pattern, Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training, Apprentice Magic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Energized Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Energized Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '30% inflicts Overload'.
Requires: Burst Pattern, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Envenomed Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Envenomed Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Poison.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Erasure Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Erasure Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack removes one buff from its target that comes from a source that is below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Basilisk Emblem Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Erosion Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Erosion Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Dissolution Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Caliph of Corrosion
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Fae-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Fae and gains +25% Critical against Fae.
Requires: Fae-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Fae-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Fae and gains +5% To Hit against Fae.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Fae-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Fae and gains +25% Critical against Fae, gains +5% To Hit against Fae, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Fae.
Requires: Fae-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Frigid Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Frigid Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '15% inflicts Frozen'.
Requires: Frost Pattern, Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training, Apprentice Ice Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Frost Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Frost Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Ice element.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training, Basic Ice Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Frozen Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Frozen Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '30% inflicts Frozen'.
Requires: Sleeting Pattern, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gigawatt Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Gigawatt Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '50% inflicts Electrocuted'.
Requires: Lightning Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Adept Electrical Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Glowing Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Glowing Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '30% inflicts Awestruck'.
Requires: Shining Pattern, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Golem-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Golem-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Golems and gains +25% Critical against Golems.
Requires: Golem-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Golem-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Golem-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Golems and gains +5% To Hit against Golems.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Golem-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Golem-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Golems and gains +25% Critical against Golems, gains +5% To Hit against Golems, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Golems.
Requires: Golem-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gravity Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Gravity Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack and, at the end of said attack, moves its target to the front row if said target is both 5 or more Levels lower than user and below Level 80.
Requires: Basilisk Emblem Wielding III
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Banishing Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Greater Banishing Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack unsummons up to one of its targets if both said target and said target's summoner are below Level 80 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Banishing Pattern, Level 40
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Erasure Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Erasure Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack removes one buff from its target that comes from a source that is below Level 80 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Requires: Erasure Pattern, Level 40
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hard to Disarm With a Basilisk Emblem- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Individuals below Level 20 may not unequip or steal possessor's equipped Basilisk Emblems without possessor's permission
Requires: Basilisk Emblem Wielding III
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hexing Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Hexing Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Human-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Humans and gains +25% Critical against Humans.
Requires: Human-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Human-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Humans and gains +5% To Hit against Humans.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Human-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Human-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Humans and gains +25% Critical against Humans, gains +5% To Hit against Humans, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Humans.
Requires: Human-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Humanoids and gains +25% Critical against Humanoids.
Requires: Humanoid-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Humanoids and gains +5% To Hit against Humanoids.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Humanoids and gains +25% Critical against Humanoids, gains +5% To Hit against Humanoids, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Humanoids.
Requires: Humanoid-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hungering Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Hungering Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, deals HP Drain, and deals 1/2 Damage.
Requires: Other: Noetic Gorgon
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Hyperadvanced Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Hyperadvanced Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '50% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Zero Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Adept Technology Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Hypersolvent Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Hypersolvent Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '50% inflicts Dissolving'.
Requires: Acidic Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Adept Acid Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ill Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Ill Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Diseased.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Illuminated and gains +25% Critical against Illuminated.
Requires: Illuminated-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Illuminated and gains +5% To Hit against Illuminated.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Illuminated-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Illuminated and gains +25% Critical against Illuminated, gains +5% To Hit against Illuminated, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Illuminated.
Requires: Illuminated-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Impairing Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Impairing Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Impaired.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Bloody Pattern- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor's 'Bloody Pattern' technique has its chance of inflicting Wounded: Bleeding increased to 30%
Requires: Bloody Pattern
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Charming Pattern- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor's 'Charming Pattern' technique has its chance of inflicting Charm increased to 30%
Requires: Charming Pattern
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Debilitating Pattern- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor's 'Debilitating Pattern' technique has its chance of inflicting Stat Drain increased to 30%
Requires: Debilitating Pattern
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Dizzying Pattern- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor's 'Dizzying Pattern' technique has its chance of inflicting Confusion increased to 30%
Requires: Dizzying Pattern
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Envenomed Pattern- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor's 'Envenomend Pattern' technique has its chance of inflicting Poison increased to 30%
Requires: Envenomed Pattern
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Hexing Pattern- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor's 'Hexing Pattern' technique has its chance of inflicting Hexed increased to 30%
Requires: Hexing Pattern
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Ill Pattern- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor's 'Ill Pattern' technique has its chance of inflicting Diseased increased to 30%
Requires: Ill Pattern
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Impairing Pattern- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor's 'Impairing Pattern' technique has its chance of inflicting Impaired increased to 30%
Requires: Impairing Pattern
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Lazy Pattern- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor's 'Lazy Pattern' technique has its chance of inflicting Fatigued increased to 30%
Requires: Lazy Pattern
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Maiming Pattern- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor's 'Maiming Pattern' technique has its chance of inflicting Wounded: Maimed increased to 30%
Requires: Maiming Pattern
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Painful Pattern- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor's 'Painful Pattern' technique has its chance of inflicting Pain increased to 30%
Requires: Painful Pattern
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Paralytic Pattern- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor's 'Paralytic Pattern' technique has its chance of inflicting Paralysis increased to 30%
Requires: Paralytic Pattern
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Sticky Pattern- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor's 'Sticky Pattern' technique has its chance of inflicting Paralysis: Sticky increased to 30%
Requires: Sticky Pattern
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Improved Tipsy Pattern- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor's 'Tipsy Pattern' technique has its chance of inflicting Poison: Drunk increased to 30%
Requires: Tipsy Pattern
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Insect-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Insect-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Insects and gains +25% Critical against Insects.
Requires: Insect-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Insect-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Insect-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Insects and gains +5% To Hit against Insects.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Insect-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Insect-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Insects and gains +25% Critical against Insects, gains +5% To Hit against Insects, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Insects.
Requires: Insect-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lazy Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Lazy Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Fatigued.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lightning Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Lightning Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Electrical element, and gains '30% inflicts Electrocuted'.
Requires: Blitz Pattern, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lunging Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Lunging Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, may be made from the back row, moves its user to the front row, and deals full Damage to targets in the back row who are 10 or more Levels lower than its user who are below Level 60.
Requires: Charging Pattern, Other: Noetic Gorgon
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Machine-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Machine-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Machines and gains +25% Critical against Machines.
Requires: Machine-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Machine-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Machine-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Machines and gains +5% To Hit against Machines.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Machine-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Machine-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Machines and gains +25% Critical against Machines, gains +5% To Hit against Machines, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Machines.
Requires: Machine-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magical Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Magical Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '30% inflicts Manablasted'.
Requires: Sorcerous Pattern, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magic Being-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Magic Being-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Magic Beings and gains +25% Critical against Magic Beings.
Requires: Magic Being-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magic Being-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Magic Being-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Magic Beings and gains +5% To Hit against Magic Beings.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Magic Being-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Magic Being-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Magic Beings and gains +25% Critical against Magic Beings, gains +5% To Hit against Magic Beings, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Magic Beings.
Requires: Magic Being-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Maiming Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Maiming Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Physical element, and gains '30% inflicts Wounded: Maimed'.
Requires: Bloody Pattern
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mamma Bear Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Mamma Bear Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack against targets who have damaged, inflicted negative status effects on, debuffed, or killed its user's summons.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mindblowing Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Mindblowing Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '15% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Thought Pattern, Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training, Apprentice Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mindwipe Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Mindwipe Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '50% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Psi Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Adept Psychic Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Night Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Night Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Umbral Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Ebon Chancellor
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Overwhelming Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Overwhelming Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '50% inflicts Overload'.
Requires: Energized Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Adept Energy Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Painful Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Painful Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Pain.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Paralytic Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Paralytic Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Pattern Mastery- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Technique Abilities from the Other: Noetic Gorgon class whose name includes 'Pattern' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Requires: 5 Other: Noetic Gorgon abilities that are Techniques whose name contains 'Pattern'
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 5 Weeks
Pattern on the Run- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Pattern on the Run' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack, may be made from the front row, and moves its user to the back row. Damage-halving for 'Ranged Attack' actions is not factored into this attack, but its performer is moved to the back row at the end of the attack.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Powerful Pattern- (Active Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) This character may use Powerful Pattern in conjunction with a Magical Attack, so long as no other technique is used and a Basilisk Emblem is equipped. This character gains +50 Magical Attack for purposes of this attack.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Psi Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Psi Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Psychic element, and gains '30% inflicts Mindblasted'.
Requires: Brainwave Pattern, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Pulse Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Pulse Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Energy element.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training, Basic Energy Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Robot-Bane Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Robot-Bane Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Robots and gains +25% Critical against Robots.
Requires: Robot-Hunting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Robot-Hunting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Robot-Hunting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Robots and gains +5% To Hit against Robots.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Robot-Slaying Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Robot-Slaying Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against Robots and gains +25% Critical against Robots, gains +5% To Hit against Robots, and gains 5% inflicts Instant Death against Robots.
Requires: Robot-Bane Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Level 40
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shadow Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Shadow Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Darkness element.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training, Basic Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shining Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Shining Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '15% inflicts Awestruck', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Awesome Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Radiant Hierophant
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sleeting Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Sleeting Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Ice element, and gains '15% inflicts Frozen', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Frigid Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Snow Queen
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sorcerous Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Sorcerous Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '15% inflicts Manablasted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Enchanting Pattern, Noetic Gorgon, Arcane Vizier
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sticky Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Sticky Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed: Sticky.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Surprise Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Surprise Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against targets that have not yet acted.
Requires: Unexpected Pattern, Level 30
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Thirsty Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Thirsty Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack, deals MP Drain, and deals 1/2 Damage.
Requires: Other: Noetic Gorgon
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Thought Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Thought Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Psychic element.
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training, Basic Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Tipsy Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Tipsy Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Poison: Drunk.
Requires: Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Umbral Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Umbral Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '15% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Shadow Pattern, Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training, Apprentice Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Unstable Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Unstable Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Energy element, and gains '15% inflicts Overload'.
Requires: Pulse Pattern, Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training, Apprentice Energy Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Unexpected Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Unexpected Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack against targets that have not yet acted.
Requires: Basilisk Emblem Wielding III
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Vexatious Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Vexatious Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack and gains a 50% chance of inflicting a random minor negative status effect that its target is not yet afflicted with.
Requires: Basilisk Emblem Wielding III
Cost: 700,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Void Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Voidstruck Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Darkness element, and gains '50% inflicts Voidstruck'.
Requires: Black Pattern, Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, Adept Darkness Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Wind-Up Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Wind-Up Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +300 Magical Attack and is delayed for 1 round.
Requires: Basilisk Emblem Wielding III
Cost: 8,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Zero Pattern- (Technique Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor may use 'Zero Pattern' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Technology element, and gains '30% inflicts Antimatter'.
Requires: Cluster Pattern, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Has Traversed The <Terrain> list has been updated to the ability shop. Note: Fell City, Land of Mist and Poison, Bubble Cosmos, Casino, Cosmic Web, Mirror Realm, White Void, World Tree, Divine Domain, and Storehouse of Wonders haven't been given corresponding 'Has Traversed The' abilities at this time because the properties have nonstandard pricing.
These have all been updated. The front page contents list has also been updated.
And now some prospective Wealth and Commerce attack-abilities for the Cigar tree. Those don't exist yet, so the naming is in need of review.
Business Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Business Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Commerce element.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training, Basic Commerce Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Price-Gouging Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Price-Gouging Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Commerce element, and gains '15% inflicts <MODERATE>'.
Requires: Business Drag, Apprentice Cigar Training, Apprentice Commerce Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Economic Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Economic Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Commerce element, and gains '15% inflicts <MODERATE>', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Price-Gouging Drag, Executive, World Merchant
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Mercantile Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Mercantile Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Commerce element, and gains '30% inflicts <MODERATE>'.
Requires: Economic Drag, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Stockbreaking Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Stockbreaking Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Commerce element, and gains '50% inflicts <MODERATE>'.
Requires: Trader's Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Adept Commerce Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Note: Commerce has no related Moderate. Suggested new Moderate:
Dissolving: Stockbroken (Possessor takes an amount of Commerce element damage equal to 5% of possessor's Max HP at the start of every round that cannot be defended against by Defense that is not either coming from Universe-element sources or Defense that is specifically Defense against the element Commerce)
Affluent Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Affluent Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Wealth element.
Requires: Basic Cigar Training, Basic Wealth Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Costly Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Costly Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Wealth element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving: Bankrupt: Total Bust'.
Requires: Affluent Drag, Apprentice Cigar Training, Apprentice Wealth Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Prosperous Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Prosperous Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Wealth element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving: Bankrupt: Total Bust', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Costly Drag, Executive, Coinlord
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Rich Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Rich Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Wealth element, and gains '30% inflicts Dissolving: Bankrupt: Total Bust'.
Requires: Prosperous Drag, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Opulent Drag- (Technique Ability, Executive) Possessor may use 'Opulent Drag' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Cigar equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Wealth element, and gains '50% inflicts Dissolving: Bankrupt: Total Bust'.
Requires: Rich Drag, Adept Cigar Training, Adept Wealth Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks Note: Wealth's related HP-damaging Moderate is Dissolving: Bankrupt: Total Bust.
Dissolving: Bankrupt instead deals Gold damage, which might instead be more thematically appropriate for the element's related Moderate.
Prospective Moon, Truth and War attack-abilities for Ordeal, which can be templated onto other Weapons. Again, naming is subject to review. As they're all Base Elements, they're going to need to exist!
Crescent Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Crescent Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Moon element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Moon Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Moonlit Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Moonlit Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Moon element, and gains '15% inflicts <MODERATE>'.
Requires: Crescent Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Moon Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Waxing Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Waxing Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Moon element, and gains '15% inflicts <MODERATE>', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Moonlit Trial, Other: Arbiter of Trials, Lunar Trickster
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Gibbous Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Gibbous Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Moon element, and gains '30% inflicts <MODERATE>'.
Requires: Waxing Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lunatic Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Lunatic Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Moon element, and gains '50% inflicts <MODERATE>'.
Requires: Gibbous Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Moon Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Note: Moon does not have its own standalone Status Effect yet. Currently, the only Moderate that deals Moon damage is Voidstruck: Moon Mad. I suggest 'Moonstruck' as a new Base Moderate for it.
Honest Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Honest Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Truth element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic Truth Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Correction Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Correction Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Truth element, and gains '15% inflicts Rectified'.
Requires: Honest Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice Truth Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Revelation Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Revelation Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Truth element, and gains '15% inflicts Rectified', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Correction Trial, Other: Arbiter of Trials, Analyst of the Absolute
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Sincere Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Sincere Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Truth element, and gains '30% inflicts Rectified'.
Requires: Revelation Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
True Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'True Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Truth element, and gains '50% inflicts Rectified'.
Requires: Sincere Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept Truth Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Combat Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Combat Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely War element.
Requires: Basic Ordeal Training, Basic War Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Conflict Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Conflict Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack and +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely War element, and gains '15% inflicts War-Torn'.
Requires: Combat Trial, Apprentice Ordeal Training, Apprentice War Synchronization
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Battle Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Battle Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +300 Melee Attack, +300 Magical Attack and +300 Ranged Attack, becomes solely War element, and gains '15% inflicts War-Torn', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Requires: Conflict Trial, Other: Arbiter of Trials, Warmaster
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Skirmish Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Skirmish Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 Magical Attack and +500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely War element, and gains '30% inflicts War-Torn'.
Requires: Battle Trial, Level 20
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Warfare Trial- (Technique Ability, Other: Arbiter of Trials) Possessor may use 'Warfare Trial' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack' or 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Ordeal equipped. Said attack gains +2,500 Melee Attack, +2,500 Magical Attack and +2,500 Ranged Attack, becomes solely War element, and gains '50% inflicts War-Torn'.
Requires: Skirmish Trial, Adept Ordeal Training, Adept War Synchronization, Level 40
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Templated Adepts/Experts for established trees added to from this thread:
-Trick Master-
Adept Yoyo Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) Yoyo weapons equipped by possessor can provide an additional +10,000 Melee Attack before capping, Yoyo weapons equipped that provide a Melee Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Melee Attack, Possessor's critical damage multiplier increases by 1 as an effect that does not stack with other critical-damage-multiplier-increasing effects that come from abilities if possessor is wielding a Yoyo
Requires: Trick Master, 50 other Trick Master abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Expert Yoyo Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Trick Master) The Melee Attack bonus granted by up to one Yoyo weapon that possessor has equipped may, during possessor's actions that involve attacks, if possessor desires such, be multiplied by the Randomized Attribute Sum during possessor's Damage Formula calculations, with possessor declaring such at the beginning of possessor's actions to obtain said effect, with any such increase granted being capped by a value equal to (Possessor's normal capping value * the Randomized Attribute Sum rolled) and being capped as though it came from this ability (assuming this ability were also a Weapon that is a Yoyo)
Requires: Adept Yoyo Training, 100 other Trick Master Abilities, Level 40
Cost: 100,000,000 Gold, 40 Weeks
Note: Yoyo's milestone abilites are extremely generic, so I figure there should be little issue with these.
-Noetic Gorgon-
Adept Basilisk Emblem Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Basilisk Emblem weapons equipped by possessor can provide an additional +10,000 Magical Attack before capping, Basilisk Emblem weapons equipped that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Magical Attack, Possessor's critical damage multiplier increases by 1 as an effect that does not stack with other critical-damage-multiplier-increasing effects that come from abilities if possessor is wielding a Basilisk Emblem
Requires: Noetic Gorgon, 50 other Noetic Gorgon abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
Apprentice Basilisk Emblem Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) Possessor gains +500 Magical Attack and +500 to all stats if possessor has a Basilisk Emblem equipped
Requires: Basic Basilisk Emblem Training, 3 other Noetic Gorgon abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Expert Basilisk Emblem Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Noetic Gorgon) The Melee Attack bonus granted by up to one Basilisk Emblem weapon that possessor has equipped may, during possessor's actions that involve attacks, if possessor desires such, be multiplied by the Randomized Attribute Sum during possessor's Damage Formula calculations, with possessor declaring such at the beginning of possessor's actions to obtain said effect, with any such increase granted being capped by a value equal to (Possessor's normal capping value * the Randomized Attribute Sum rolled) and being capped as though it came from this ability (assuming this ability were also a Weapon that is a Basilisk Emblem)
Requires: Adept Basilisk Emblem Training, 100 other Noetic Gorgon Abilities, Level 40
Cost: 100,000,000 Gold, 40 Weeks
Note: Basilisk Emblem's Basic Ability is generic, so hopefully these will be fine.
Something else I'll get to later are the new templatable Element abilities:
Diluted Assumption of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor may reduce the quantities of extra Damage dealt to possessor because possessor is <ELEMENT> element by 15%, with this effect only reducing said extra Damage and being unable to reduce other Damage quantities or portions of Damage quantities even if increased
Requires: Meditative Assumption of <ELEMENT>, Defenses that Utilize <ELEMENT>, Radiate <ELEMENT>, <CLASSNAME>
Cost: 3,000,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Greater Command of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <ELEMENT> element pets and summons gain +2,500 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Requires: Improved Command of <ELEMENT>, Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>, <CLASSNAME>
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Greater Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Possessor's <ELEMENT> element allies gain +500 to all stats
Requires: Greater Command of <ELEMENT>, Improved Understanding of the Heart of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Radiate <ELEMENT>- (Passive Ability, <CLASSNAME>) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is <ELEMENT> element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 25,000 Flat <ELEMENT> element Damage to up to 10 targets
Requires: Emanate <ELEMENT>, Greater Weaponization of <ELEMENT>
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
New abilities, to fill a gap, templatable to T1 and T2 elements:
Advanced Command of Mystic- (Passive Ability, Other: Esoteric Wiseman) Possessor's Mystic element pets and summons gain +2,500 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Requires: Esoteric Wiseman, Improved Command of Mystic, Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Mystic, Nourish Mystic
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Advanced Understanding of the Heart of Mystic- (Passive Ability, Other: Esoteric Wiseman) Possessor's Mystic element allies gain +5000 to all stats
Requires: Esoteric Wiseman, Improved Command of Mystic, Improved Understanding of the Heart of Mystic, Soothing Mystic Emanation
Cost: 2,500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks