[UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

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[UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Modrageball »

Thanks to meandering through conversation topics, I abruptly remembered you wanted to check the weird subtypes/elements that came about through the [UNDEFINED] game, Gad, as you wanted to write up proper descriptions for the ones that attained permanence. (This also, incidentally, created the subtype 'Unknown', prompting any undeclared values in PPT entries to have to switch to become 'Undefined', instead).

Already-Reviewed Subtypes/Elements


Business- <Inside Elemental Researcher, for now>
Business is a T1 Imaginary element. It is the sort of element that produces men in suits who go to work at the business factory. It produces positive results and money from typing on computers, filing complicated reports, and faxing things with the mechanisms of said success being obtuse and powered solely by business-y actions. Acting confusingly professional offers boons, and the more money its wielders gain, the larger in size they become. The larger in size they are, the less likely their actions are to fail. It synergizes well with Wealth, Commerce, Clothes, and Cigars.

Gold (2)- <Inside Elemental Researcher, for now>
Gold (2) is a T1 Imaginary element. It creates structure from money and allows things to create or count as large amounts of Temporary money. It can spend money to offer buffs and sets up effects using money that produce constructs over time. It can also turn people into money temporarily, including as a reflexive dodge attempt. It synergizes well with Earth, Metal, Golems, Wealth, and Dread Banking.
Quoth Gad: Gold is getting a (2) in the name because it's otherwise too mechanically confusing.

Negative-Reality-Demonic- <Inside Elemental Researcher, for now>
Negative-Reality-Demonic is a T1 Imaginary element. It inverts reality with malice, creating a dark, demonic mirror to all that it is exposed to. Its possessors can exist on the flip-sides of otherwise-innocent objects and switch what is on the 'frontside' and 'backside' of areas. It creates facsimiles of its victims and illuminates the world with neon shades of red and black. For all its malice, it is the inverse of demon magic in terms of combat specialties, being aberrantly good at healing, support, and defense (though almost always with a cruel twist towards non-allies). Defensively, it is particularly good at counter-magic and opposing actions with their opposites to negate them. It synergizes well with Disguises, Demons, Dopple, and Spatial.

Waterial- No Class
Waterial is a localized, failed element in the vein of Laundary, Not Bees, and Bill's Swords. It is T1 and has no class, but is potentially gaining power in Seirei. It is the element of things that look solid, but are actually liquid, revealing their secret moistness when touched. Waterial beings are able to exist between solid and liquid states, to make things moist, to build constructs out of liquids and have them keep their shapes and to convert things into liquids. It synergizes well with Water and Illusion.


Unknown- Secret-Keeper
Unknown is a T1 abstandard planar subtype. Its T2 counterpart is Most-Unknown. Unknowns are typically Neutral alignment-wise. Unknowns tend towards hard-to-percieve true forms, but are able to enter physical realities in shell-disguises. They are skilled at inflicting Confusion, acting with stealth, and making abstandard attacks that avoid defenses. It synergizes well with Disguies, Thief Arts, Ethereal Magic, Illusion, Psychic, and Mystery.

Most-Unknown- Unspeakable Prophet
Most-Unknown is a T2 abstandard planar subtype. Its T1 counterpart is Unknown. Unknowns are typically Neutral alignment-wise. Unknowns tend towards hard-to-percieve true forms, but are able to enter physical realities in shell-disguises. They are skilled at inflicting Confusion, acting with stealth, and making abstandard attacks that avoid defenses. It synergizes well with Disguies, Thief Arts, Ethereal Magic, Illusion, Psychic, and Mystery.


Manse- Spiritual Groundskeeper
Manse is a T2 Transformation subtype. Manses are buildings, but are linked to their owners and their owners' families and servants. They are typically Large Structures, but are sometimes other subtypes, like bizarre Elementals or Spirits. Manses are more likely than most Transformations to offer benefits to their wielders while their wielders are detransformed, investing a piece of themselves in the wielder's essence. They are also likely to grant aura buffs or new actions to allies. Some manses gain extra actions when uniques are riding in them as passengers. Manses are spiritually powerful, but slow, typically running their turn order off of Agility despite having a higher Spirit value. Manses synergize well with Geomancy, Spirit Magic, Spatial Magic, Elemental Magic, Large Structures, Knowledge, and Ki.

To-Be-Reviewed Subtypes/Elements

Elements: Cosmic, Boundless, Confusion (2), Demon (2), Election, Next Starlight, Negative, Swimmerce, Which Calls The End of Earth
Subtype (Weapon): Starlight
Subtype (Accessory): Confusion (3), Crowning Magic
Subtype (Spell): Liquid Magic
Subtype (Consumable): Bear Powder, Scrambler
Subtype (Permanent Consumable): Terror Artifact

Amusingly, Confusion has turned up in the Babelfish BA thread as an element already. Its blurb is as follows:
Confusion - Coordinator Irrelevant
No awards for being scanned, being rewarded for not scanning, counterfeit products and institutions that are easy to produce but disappear during scanning

(I can also provide a list of what weirdo-subtypes/elements/etc everyone had in their stockpiles, if you want, as I think you expressed some interest in that.)
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Lord Gadigan »

I think the full list would be appreciated. I'm less likely to pull stuff from it, but it probably contains some amusing stuff.
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Imaginary non-element subtypes are now a thing. They still live in Elemental Researcher for now.

Cosmic is a T3 nonbase element. Its class is Principal Power. It reshapes reality and acts as a supreme force, bypassing resistances while unable to be bypassed itself (in a manner akin to Universe, but to a lower degree and with less potential for backlash to unprepared wielders). It empowers its wielder greatly, but its effect on external beings is, compared to most T3s, fleeting in terms of direct influence (so areas don't tend to become saturated with Cosmic, it creates new beings but they aren't Cosmic element, it reshapes things but doesn't apply lingering curses that re-reshape them if something changes them back, etc). It has ties to Astral, Superpowers, and Energy.

Boundless is a T3 nonbase element. Its class is Limitless Numenaut. It focuses on ignoring caps to values, stacking things beyond their limits, and causing effects to hit everything. It is weaker than most T3s initially, but if allowed to ramp in battle becomes devastating in a manner similar to well-prepared Progress.

Confusion (2) is a T1 Imaginary element. It messes with scanning and gives its possessor benefits for things in battle that haven't been scanned successfully. It also focuses on the Confusion status effect (but sometimes lets its focus be switched to a different minor negative one, potentially giving it confusion effects in addition to its own) and has some abilities that exist just to make things more bizarre and/or confusing.

Demon (2) is becoming Malice and is becoming a T1 nonbase element. Its class is Malice Entity, and it acts more like an entity subtype class than an element subtype class. It is more sentient than most elements, but not hive-minded like Corruption. It feeds off of negative emotions, evil acts, and villainous forces/monsters triumphing. As it builds, it twists minds first and bodies second before budding off and forming monsters, undead, evil spirits, and evil planar beings (leaving its former host(s) less corrupt afterwards, though). Large collections of Malice can bud off into Malice Entities (which possess the class and ability to wield/create/direct/infuse Malice) - Malice Entities born in this manner have a greater-than-average chance of being unique if not near some other unique Malice Entity.

Election is a T1 Imaginary element. It sets up votes to determine the results of things, synergizing with summon swarms that pile on numbers of voters by default, but having some abilities in there to stack the votes in various ways or limit who/what can vote.

Next Starlight is a T1 Imaginary element. It is a fairly weak and overly-specialized Imaginary Element that focuses on promises, portents, and prophecies, setting them when under certain groups of Empowered Constellations, Chronogeomantic Zones, and Zones/Terrains/Phantom Terrains, then triggering them when different combinations or instances of those things appear. It can provide decent effect amplification when it triggers, but generally isn't worth the specific investment unless you need a particularly obscure boost type for some reason (as opposed to just mixing Geomancer/Diviner/Ritualist/Destiny Weaver).

Negative is a T2 nonbase element. Its class is Obverse Decreationist. It is based on a mix of negative energy, math, and evil parallel universes. It turns healing into damage, applies debuffs to stats, decreases values, pairs with Voidstruck and Antimatter (and mixes Darkness and Technology while not requiring either), pairs with Energy, prevents buffs, creates copies of beings that are more sinister but usually diminished and less-powerful, opens gates to dark versions of realities, unsummons things / breaks summons down into mana, and synergizes with lower planar beings and undead.

Swimmerce is a T1 Imaginary element. It connects commerce with water, trading items when people switch rows while in zones of water, heals gold damage when its possessor acts while in a zone of water, and converts HP damage attacks into Gold Drain attacks while in water. It also converts Drowning status effects into either damaging gold or makes them positive status effects that provide money instead of hurting their possessor. It includes minor fitness improvements and swim-stroke-techniques.

Which Calls The End of Earth is a T2 Imaginary element. It operates similarly to Catastrophe Magic, but can imbue individual entities or items, turning them into apocalyptic forces, rather than being spell-focused.

Starlight is a T2 nonbase Weapon subtype. Its class is Stellar Armsmaster. It augments all attack types and lets itself be reshaped into the forms of other weapon types (while still counting as Starlight). It tends to resist element re-spec but boosts piercing effects. It also has a tendency to work on an average of all stats rather than using any one in particular.

Confusion (3) is a T2 nonbase Weapon subtype. Its class is Coordinator Irrelevant. Instead of powering up the weapon Confusion (3), most of its abilities power up the element Confusion (2), except for a few that break the trend and focus on the weapon instead at random points. The weapons aren't, by themselves, Imaginary, but there are abilities in the tree that make them become Imaginary (and the tree as a whole requires the Imaginary Element sub-branch to get into).

Bear Powder is a T1 Imaginary Consumable subtype. It summons bears!

Scrambler is a T2 nonbase Consumable subtype. Its class is Remix Technician. Scramblers are good at transmuting/transforming things, applying debuffs, and randomizing/redistributing things. The class lets them be used as counters and to interrupt/cancel effects. It works best with Transmuter and Biomancer. It also pairs to a lesser extent with some other stuff like Alchemist and Flux Baron.

Terror Artifact is a T3 Imaginary Permanent Consumable subtype. Its items remain dormant and unusuable until they become set to Real, at which point they tend to auto-use themselves, remove themselves from the possession of their holder, and insert themselves as global cross-thread effects that distort reality in negative ways for everyone but their former holder (and a select few others, like Tsayikk).
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Crowning Magic is a T2 nonbase accessory subtype. Its class is Mage-King. It is made of solidified spells that auto-cast themselves at the start of threads, applying powerful, but removable, effects to the wielder, including repeats-every-round attacks/actions that need to be disabled or they keep happening, notable buffs, shielding effects, or unique summons. Once removed, however, the effects are hard to bring back without notable investment in the class.
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Liquid Magic is a T1 nonbase spell subtype. Its class is Barmage. It involves a mix of potions, enchanted alcholic beverages, ooze summons, and liquid-wave attacks. It synergizes with Water, Acid, Alchemy, Oozes, and Drinks.
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Lord Gadigan »

The class for Unknown is Secret-Keeper.

The class for Most-Unknown is Unspeakable Prophet.
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Modrageball »

Additional Subtypes/Elements

These ones were hanging around in other people's inventories/on items in their inventories at the time the game stopped, included for amusement and for Gad to look through to see if any catch his fancy. Note that while I'm listing what kind of subtype things originally were, given how the game worked a subtype could be used for any overarching gear-archetype. So I guess if something doesn't fit as, say, a weapon, it might work better as an accessory? Or maybe not.

For additional fun, I'll include what item/entity/whatever the bizarre subtype/element came from.

Assorted Elements

Absorption (Piercents of the Seirei Portal- (Accessory, Entities Kit, Absorption, 50,000 Gold))
Agreement (p- Caster- (Pet, Spirit, Air & Physical & Earth x2 & Agreement, 180,000 Gold))
Amazing Lady (Seal of wielder's- (Accessory, Upgrade & Glitch & Container, Demon Magic & Fire & Progress & Destruction & Toxin & Void & Electrical & Spatial & Earth & Atomic & Amazing Lady, 200,000 Gold))
Astral Thunder (Fairy Pool- (Weapon, Mannery & Sword, Glory & Astral Thunder & Critical & Earth & Water & Air, 3,600,000 Gold))
Beans (Bascaradine Badass Meat Dish- (Consumable, Ticket & Food & Drink & Libram, Glitz & Beans & Earth & Air & Ice & Acid & Darkness & Light x2, 1 Charge, 65,000,000 Gold) )
Bears (Duke of the Sixth Nongaseous Facility (4)- (Transformation, Vehicle, Bears & Mystic & Technology, X Gold)) Note: Bears also turned up as a Subtype on a Dredged Entity.
Blight (Square Milk- (Item, Material & Key & Property, Light & Blight, 41,000,000,000 Gold))
Chemical (Extra Tastes Genity- (Consumable, Food, Light x2 & Darkness & Acid & Monster & Light & Chemical & Earth & Fire, 1 Charge, 600 Gold) )
Control (Oldsk00l Flux Medallion- (Accessory, Confusion, Air & Earth & Control, 140,000 Gold)) Note: Yes, Confusion turned up as an Accessory subtype, too. How confusing.
Constance (een- (Permanent Consumable, Essence Sphere, Constance, 1 Charge, 2,000,000 Gold))
Critical (Fairy Pool- (Weapon, Mannery & Sword, Glory & Astral Thunder & Critical & Earth & Water & Air, 3,600,000 Gold))
Demon Magic (Seal of wielder's- (Accessory, Upgrade & Glitch & Container, Demon Magic & Fire & Progress & Destruction & Toxin & Void & Electrical & Spatial & Earth & Atomic & Amazing Lady, 200,000 Gold) Note: Also a spell subtype.)
Demons (Platter- (Consumable, Rod & Food, Demons & Magic & Water, 500 Gold)) Note: Also the plural of an entity subtype. Demons kept popping up all over, it seems.
Devil (Drown Viper- (Spell, Enchantment Magic & Alchemy, Devil & Demon & Water x2, 3,700 MP, 15,000 Gold)) Note: Also an entity subtype.
Double Darkness (Fredering Pirate Outfit- (Accessory, Quest Membership Spell, Double Darkness, 5,000 Gold))
Electric Ritual Emerals (Basic Wings- (Item, Antiquity, Earth & Electric Ritual Emerals & Universe, 500 Gold))
Enemy List (increason Impulse- (Spell, Contingency Magic & Liquid Magic, Earth & Ice & Enemy List & Sonic & Chaos & Wealth, 10,000,000 MP, 20,000,000 Gold))
Hology (Massive Sphere of Uncondition Burger Replacement- (Item, Firmament Aspect, Devastation & Darkness & Light & Hology, 14,000,000 Gold))
Lv.59 (Smooth Fist- (Pet, Dauntless, Fire & Lv.59 & Light & Acid & Agony & Rebuttal & Spanking, 400,000 Gold))
Lv. 60 (e" (specifically for 3 round; this dealth- (Pet, Surprised, Air & Lv. 60 & Light & Physical & Negative, 42,999,999 Gold))
Monster (Extra Tastes Genity- (Consumable, Food, Light x2 & Darkness & Acid & Monster & Light & Chemical & Earth & Fire, 1 Charge, 600 Gold) ) Note: Also an entity subtype. Of course.
Overless From a Dredged Entity:
Item involved with clockwork witching and ranged bonus.

Pain (Crimson Citadel III- (Weapon, Knife & Basilisk Emblem & Seige Weaponry & Electro Bolt Water, Physical & Air & Pain & Darkness, 248,000 Gold)) Note: Also a status effect.
Radiant (Cowboys'First Warning About Someone a Phone of the Permanent Consumed X (where X = X+1)- Permanent Consumable, Improved Ultraviolet Sun Duke & Essence Sphere, Radiant, 1 Charge, 5,000,000 Gold)) Note: This is also an Entity subtype already.
Rare: (Blood- (Item, Property & Material, Illusion & Rare: & Light x2 & Magic & Earth, 500 Gold))
Rebuttal (Smooth Fist- (Pet, Dauntless, Fire & Lv.59 & Light & Acid & Agony & Rebuttal & Spanking, 400,000 Gold))
Reflectrical (*The Brindlesmith Thunder Kick- (Transformation, Monstrous Transformation & Vehicle, Reflectrical & Earth & Air & Sonic & Technology, 50,000,000 Gold))
Spanking (Smooth Fist- (Pet, Dauntless, Fire & Lv.59 & Light & Acid & Agony & Rebuttal & Spanking, 400,000 Gold))
Spawn Table (Beekeepersing a Valuable Held on a Random on and Their Most Poorly-Consuming Fabric- (Item, Antiquity & Material x2 & Currences Book, Electrical & Darkness & Spawn Table & Air, 6,000 Gold)) Note: Also an Item subtype.
Terrainst (*Omens of the Iron Vhans'Organth- (Item, First Item, Ice & Technology & Terrainst, 15,000,000 Gold))
The Large Note: Turned up on a Dredged Entity:
He has no real fixed princess that he throws, but it's also in his mana pattern that he is throwing a princess. Has trouble with an alchemic order and storms.

Throne (Golemstone- (Item, Property & Material & Antiquity, Earth & Glory & Throne & Air & Crystal & Water, 400 Gold))
Thunder (Key of Boiling Red Essence Sphere, Essence Sphere: Thunder- (Permanent Consumable, Essence Sphere & Character Slot, Thunder, 100,000,000 Gold))
Triple Magic (Resistance of Illchos of Illchos of Ibodia- (Transformation, Spirit Form & Vehicle, Physical & Candy & Triple Magic & Astral & Technology & Sonic, X Gold))
White (Note Thanks from the Sky Blue Bowling Farms Paten By Jennifer Target individual below Level 1-10) Spawn Table by the Best Enchant Meat- (Item, Antiquity, White, 50,000 Gold))

Assorted Subtypes

Originally Weapon Subtypes

Blade (Lesser Ten Millinea- (Weapon, Blade & Sword of the Defense & Bow, Atomic & Air & Physical, 360,000 Gold))
Cyphere (Sword Named 'The Isle- (Weapon, Sword & Cyphere, Light, X Gold))
Deadly Blade (Fairy Pebble-Sun-Oracle- (Weapon, Fan & Mace & Sword & Deadly Blade, Light x2 & Physical & Fire x2, 3,500,000 Gold))
Electro Bolt Water (Crimson Citadel III- (Weapon, Knife & Basilisk Emblem & Seige Weaponry & Electro Bolt Water, Physical & Air & Pain & Darkness, 248,000 Gold))
Forest (*The Green Knot- (Weaponx30, Forest, Physical, 1,000 Gold)
Goblin (Tome of Decadent Cutting Ball- (Weapon, Other: Sling & Goblin & Clipboard, Fate & Light, 2,000 Gold)
Mannery (Fairy Pool- (Weapon, Mannery & Sword, Glory & Astral Thunder & Critical & Earth & Water & Air, 3,600,000 Gold))
Miracles (*Sword of the Iron Witch's Toupee- (Weapon, Miracles, Magic, X Gold))
Swordgun (Solar Spoon- (Weapon x2, Swordgun & Sword & Gun & Mace & Soul, Air & Physical x2, 48,000 Gold))
Sword of the Defense (Lesser Ten Millinea- (Weapon, Blade & Sword of the Defense & Bow, Atomic & Air & Physical, 360,000 Gold))
Throwing Knife (Forested, change that the start of Channeling Sword- (Weapon, Hammer & Throwing Knife, Hax & Crystal(2) & Null, 5,000 Gold))
Watering-Sheep (Deadly Item, Waters- (Weaponx2, Deadly Item & Watering-Sheep, Darkness & Physical & Magic, 180,000,000 Gold))
Weaponry (Soldier’s element-only Tower- (Weapon, Weaponry & Mace & Orb & Axe, Earth & Water & Life & Darkness x2, 400,000 Gold))
Weapons of Infliction (*Nude Box (Weapon, Weapons of Infliction, Technology, 77,700 Gold))
Wearer ( *Bird Mass of Flat Time Serenic Music Box (Weapon, Wearer, Acid & Light & Darkness, 100 Gold) )

Originally Armor Subtypes

Astral Raiment (1 Pets- (Armor, Astral Raiment & Aura, Physical & Light & Law & Air & Metal & Candy & Darkness, 10,000 Gold)) Note: This turned up on more than one item across different players.
Catastrophe Mind (Flat Blouse- (Armor, Light Armor & Instance & Catastrophe Mind & Clothing, Acid & Electrical, 190,000,000 Gold)) Note: Someone made this Inviolable in their inventory, but did not attach it to anything.
Excellen Primarch (Undead-Slayer- (Armor, Excellen Primarch & Clothing, Fire, 450,000 Gold))
Gunner's Armor (+2,000 Defense, +1- (Armor, Astral Raiment & Gunner's Armor, Earth & Fire, 68,000 Gold))
Instance (Flat Blouse- (Armor, Light Armor & Instance & Catastrophe Mind & Clothing, Acid & Electrical, 190,000,000 Gold))
King's Armor (Masochist's Halo Longcoat- (Armor, King's Armor, Physical & Air, 80,000 Gold))
Magic Golem Armor (Ulaatial, 47,000 Gold- (Armor, Magic Golem Armor & Heavy Armor x2, Darkness, 145,000,000 Gold))
Most-Exalted (Grand Arcanist's Half-Robe- (Armor, Aura & Silver Star & Robe & Most-Exalted & Clothes, Earth & Magic, 108,700,000 Gold))
Ritual Vestements (Wallsy Pirate's Robe- (Armor, Ritual Vestements & Clothing, Physical x2 & Fire, 100,000 Gold))
Second Player (*Nexus Lightning- (Armor, Clothes & Second Player, Water, 10 Gold))
Silver Star (Grand Arcanist's Half-Robe- (Armor, Aura & Silver Star & Robe & Most-Exalted & Clothes, Earth & Magic, 108,700,000 Gold))

Originally Accessory Subtypes

Construck (*Blue Power- (Accessory, Construck & Light Magic & Darkest Abyssesses, Time & Nobility, 80,000 Gold))
Darkest Abyssesses (*Blue Power- (Accessory, Construck & Light Magic & Darkest Abyssesses, Time & Nobility, 80,000 Gold))
Entities Kit (Piercents of the Seirei Portal- (Accessory, Entities Kit, Absorption, 50,000 Gold))
Glitch (Seal of wielder's- (Accessory, Upgrade & Glitch & Container, Demon Magic & Fire & Progress & Destruction & Toxin & Void & Electrical & Spatial & Earth & Atomic & Amazing Lady, 200,000 Gold))
Light Magic (*Blue Power- (Accessory, Construck & Light Magic & Darkest Abyssesses, Time & Nobility, 80,000 Gold))
Lumination (Golden Weapon Core- (Accessory, Tome & Demon & Glyph & Wizard Magic & Hat & Lumination & Magic Item, Dopple & Magic & Earth & Ice x2 & Air & Fire & Aether, 10,000 Gold))
Mark Magic (Resistances of Noctros- (Accessory, Seal & Glyph & Magic Item & Mark Magic & Amulet, Time & Glory, 30,000,000,000 Gold)) This later ended up on Ohai Mark.
Massive Quantity (Wielder's Channeling- (Accessory, Massive Quantity & Artifact Piece, Physical, 119,000 Gold))
Mastery (*Black Door- (Accessory, Mastery, Psychic & Warding, 2,000,000 Gold))
Otherius (*Mrs. Henrietta, Lad'- (Accessory, Otherius, Time, 80,000 Gold))
Quests (*Bostman Guthridge- (Accessory, Quests & Broach, Technology & Fire & Fate, 8,000,000 Gold))
Quest Membership Spell (Fredering Pirate Outfit- (Accessory, Quest Membership Spell, Double Darkness, 5,000 Gold))
Relic (*Rhosep- (Accessory, Relic, Good, X Gold))
Shoes II (Ordinator PD Gear-Banishing Ortansharity- (Accessory, Shoes II, Air & Earth, 50,000 Gold))
Sword Animal (Gun-Refact- (Accessory, Sword Animal, Air, 21,000 Gold))
Symbol (Bird Shamanic Colossus, Gem Colossus-Modulator- (Accessory, Crowning Magic & Symbol & Holy Symbol, Acid & Ice & Magic & Darkness, 200 Gold) )
War Ministry (*Festigate- (Accessory, Ioun Stone & War Ministry, Magic, 40,000,000 Gold))

Originally Consumable Subtypes

Blocker (Dream of Toast- (Consumable, Drink & Blocker & Food, Earth & Fire x2 & Light, 120 Gold))
Time Juice (40% chance of Pain- (Consumable, Lethal Item & Time Juice & Food, Water & Psychic, 120 Gold))

Originally Spell Subtypes

Astromancy (Eternal action is destrophic Flame- (Spell, Astromancy & Geomancy, Darkness & Light, 1,000 MP, 400,000,000 Gold))
Block (Anti-Atom-Cutting Music, Fire Missiles- (Spell, Wizard Magic x2 & Necromancy & Block & Leadership, Earth & Blood & Darkness x2 & Magic, Darkness, 800 MP, 100,000 Gold))
Chant (Rule of Rasu- (Spell, Chant, Null, 4 MP, 2,000 Gold))
Chaos Manablaster (cast by individual points to Dominion- (Spell, Celestial Magic & Chaos Manablaster & Spirit Magic, Technology & Fire, 700 MP, 1,000 Gold) )
Combat Arrows (By Your Dread Basket- (Spell, Combat Arrows & Horror, Fate, 900 MP, 120,000 Gold))
Divinated (Levitable as part of inding- (Spell, Geomancy & Element Damage Action & Divinated, Time & Which Calls The End Of Earth & Confusion, 70,000 MP, 120,000 Gold))
Elemental Elemental Magic (Whoops, A max of the Tomb of Shadow Channeling Stat Damage- (Spell, Rune Magic & Dark Magic & Elemental Elemental Magic & Elemental Magic & Wizard Magic, Energy & Earth x2 & Fire & Light, 49,000 MP, 9,000 Gold))
Element Damage Action (Levitable as part of inding- (Spell, Geomancy & Element Damage Action & Divinated, Time & Which Calls The End Of Earth & Confusion, 70,000 MP, 120,000 Gold))
Enchant Magic (pulent- (Spell, Enchant Magic & Elder Magic & Healer Magic & Geomancy & Dark Magic, Darkness & Electrical, 0MP, 50,000 Gold))
Enchant Weapon for Being DIsruption (eauty- (Spell, Enchant Weapon for Being Disruption & Elder Magic, Fire & Air & Glory, 600 MP, 900 Gold))
Magical (Element Life- (Spell, Unarmed Technology & Magical & Psychic Power & War Magic, Psychic & Acid, 50,000 Gold)) Note: This also turned up as an Element, where it was made Inviolable by one of the players, just not attached to anything.
Parallel Magic (Void Edge- (Spell, Parallel Magic & Spirit Magic, Darkness & Progress & Magic, 10,000,000 MP, 70,000 Gold)) Note: This actually turned up a couple of times on different items for different players. Someone made this Inviolable in their inventory, but didn't attach it to anything.
Shade Wisp (Trick Shot: Bound, Bro!- (Spell, Shade Wisp & Unarmed Technique & Super Power, Gold & Magic, 15 MP, 475,000,000 Gold)) Note: Also the name of an entity on the Enemy List.

Originally Permanent Consumable Subtypes

Character Slot (Key of Boiling Red Essence Sphere, Essence Sphere: Thunder- (Permanent Consumable, Essence Sphere & Character Slot, Thunder, 100,000,000 Gold))
Crack Pairing (Career Skill Textbook: Minor Artifact, War Synchronization- (Permanent Consumable, Essence Sphere & Crack Pairing, Magic, 1 Charge, 5,000,000 Gold))
Consumed # of the City of Discord (Greenrose Elixer- (Permanent Consumable, Consumed # of the City of Discord, Air, 1 Charge, 1,000,000 Gold))
Improved Ultraviolet Sun Duke (Cowboys'First Warning About Someone a Phone of the Permanent Consumed X (where X = X+1)- Permanent Consumable, Improved Ultraviolet Sun Duke & Essence Sphere, Radiant, 1 Charge, 5,000,000 Gold)) Note: This was made Inviolable by someone, it just never got attached to anything
Permanent Liquid (ilus- (Permanent Consumable, Permanent Liquid & Essence Sphere x2, Darkness & Earth & Air & Light, 1 Charge, 2,000,000 Gold))

Originally Item Subtypes

Ancient Aspect (Basic Funding- (Item, Ancient Aspect & Crafting Equipment, Light x2 & Physical & Waterial, 40,000,000 Gold))
Candy Eating Blood (Heiberic Calling Graph Album of the Competition-Growth- (Item, Material & Candy Eating Blood, Darkness, 6,000 Gold))
Currences Book (Beekeepersing a Valuable Held on a Random on and Their Most Poorly-Consuming Fabric- (Item, Antiquity & Material x2 & Currences Book, Electrical & Darkness & Spawn Table & Air, 6,000 Gold))
Darkest Item (the created Toenail- (Item, Darkest Item & Mystern Technology, Light & Divine & Ice, 270,000 Gold))
Firmament Accents (Giant Fish Challenge Clear Pennant: Brimmenhoff Brand Diamond- (Item, Material & Crafting Equipment, Earth x2 & Water & Magic & Firmament Accents, 400,000 Gold)) Note: As opposed to Firmament Aspect?
First Item (*Omens of the Iron Vhans'Organth- (Item, First Item, Ice & Technology & Terrainst, 15,000,000 Gold))
Mystern Technology (the created Toenail- (Item, Darkest Item & Mystern Technology, Light & Divine & Ice, 270,000 Gold))

Originally Transformation Subtypes
Vane (Standata'chagin'heldelu'- (Transformation, Vane, Earth & Water, X Gold))

Originally Entity Subtypes
Bison From a Dredged Entity:

Replicated (Defeat of Ireimeki of Death- (Pet, Plant & Replicated, Darkness & Air & Technology x2, 100,000 Gold))
Solar Ordination From a Dredged Entity.
Member of the Mind's spider of the Prophe. Holds a Holy Symbol of Plixplix.)

Surprised (e" (specifically for 3 round; this dealth- (Pet, Surprised, Air & Lv. 60 & Light & Physical & Negative, 42,999,999 Gold))
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Blight is a T1 nonbase element. Its class is Witherer of Realms. It is hostile to Geomantic effects and most non-Blight Elementals, focusing on rooting itself in places, twisting them, and spreading outwards. It feeds into the SAN/INF/RES Tsayikk element paradigm and pairs well with Blight Magic.

Chemical is a T1 nonbase element. Its class is Chemist. It is highly linked to Acid, Technology, and Hypertech. It works as an alternative element to Acid, but with an active anti-magic direction to it - it stabilizes worlds into a tech/super-science based paradigm and can be used to make Alchemy less 'magical'.

Double Darkness is a T2 Imaginary element. It is Darkness, but more so, blinding even non-traditional senses and blocking out darkvision. It focuses on non-ignorable To Hit penalties, amplifying Darkness, being better than Darkness, and being unusually hard to Resist.

Rebuttal is a T1 Imaginary element. It focuses on counters, preemptive counters, action prevention, and contingency effects. It is good for issuing an OBJECTION and pairs well with Litigamancy.

Forest is a T2 Imaginary weapon subtype. It causes forests to pop up under opponents like spike traps, blocks attacks with massive sprouting trees, and causes entire forests worth of wood to come crashing down on opponents. A notable sub-tree focuses on using it to mass-summon Plants. It synergizes with Botanist and Geomancer.

Swordgun is a T1 nonbase weapon subtype. Its class is Buster Agent. It focuses on blending melee with ranged and follow-up attacks that chain the two types of actions together.

Astral Raiment is a T2 nonbase armor subtype. Its class is Starclad. It synergizes with Astral Magic, Holy Magic, Sword Arts, Wards, Auras, Starlight, and Forces. It allows for stacking/enchanting its armor pieces with Wards and Auras, reshaping itself to better fit use alonside Forces and Starlight, and has paladin-type powers that focus themselves against Tsayikk's debased elements rather than against the traditional lower-planar forces and undead.

Catastrophe Mind is a T2 nonbase weapon subtype. Its class is Calculator. It is a MIN-based weapon type that synergizes with Psychic Arts, Fate, Time, and Hypertech. It plots out the future, analyzes things, and sets up traps and disasters in response to predictions and scan results. It blends psionics and technology to allow in the introduction of esoteric elements bridging the two. Some Catastrophe Minds can also reconfigure themselves to provide defensive protection.

Ritual Vestments is a T1 nonbase armor subtype. Its class is Practitioner. It is a specialized relative of robes that works as an armor type of MIN/SPI based spiritual casters. Its items tend to be specialized and have a specific spell or group of spells woven into them, acting as a means through which to cast those spells. They also have a tendency to bestow abilities.

Glitch is a T0 nonbase accessory subtype. Its class is Invisible Clown of ’. The items tend to just cause problems for everyone, their wielders included. It is possible, though, to focus on using ones that hurt others more than they hurt your own build. Unlike Null abilities, the Glitch ones are fairly item-dependent and can be toggled more by changing equipment loadout.

Mark Magic is a T1 nonbase magic subtype. It currently has no class. It is the magic equivalent of the failed elements - it was meant to be a nonaligned rune/glyph/sigil counterpart, but ended up being launched by inexperienced casters who accidentally tied it too much to the name Mark, resulting in a mix of low-powered magical symbols and magic effects that work better when used by/on men named Mark.

Blocker is a T1 nonbase consumable subtype. Its class is Obstructionist. Blockers focus on preventing, disabling, countering, or nullifying specific things.

Chant is a T1 nonbase magic subtype. Its class is Chanter. It is a rarer form of magic related to Bardic Music and Ritual Magic - Chants have effect over time after being used repeatedly and cover a wide base of general applications.

Parallel Magic is a T1 nonbase magic subtype. Its class is Chaincaster. Its spells must be cast by multiple individuals as a specialized form of combat-focused ritual magic that revolves around multi-wizard combination attacks.

Magical is becoming Magisparkly, which is a T1 Imaginary element. It is made of sparkles, unicorns, and fairy princesses. It is similar to Magic, but weaker and with a tendency towards refusing to be lethal.

Improved Ultraviolet Sun Duke is a T2 Imaginary entity subtype. They are similar to Arch-Solars as a type of improved Solar Being, but their divine powers only manifest part of the time. Their mana patterns take on the hard-to-percieve nature of ultraviolet light and dip into the zones beyond perception, granting them power over Imaginary elements (and other Imaginary forces). They are weaker than standard Arch-Solars when their esoteric powers are not fully manifested, but when in domains with sufficient quantities of Imaginary mana that has become Real, they are more dangerous (and unpredictable) than their counterparts.

I think that covers everything that was made Inviolable or intentionally put on someone (rather than dredged on someone) - a few almost didn't make it (Magical in particular, given that it is an attack bonus type and would be confusing as an element, particularly with Magic and Mystic around), but I decided to roll with it and just make it renamed as a weak imaginary. Let me know if it doesn't. It also includes some others that I thought could make good subtypes. Watering Sheep nearly made it in as an Imaginary weapon type due to the goofiness factor, but I ultimately opted not to. Swordgun nearly didn't make it in since I liked having them just be in Swords, but I have had enough player interest in them in the past that I decided to go ahead and make them a weapon subtype since it appeared here (though some may still just appear in Sword or Gun).

I may go ahead and make a few other subtypes sometime soon since I have some ideas from things that have occurred during the downtime, but that should handle this list.
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Thread moved to NMA for Cael to update.
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Lord Gadigan »

[6:26 PM] Ordo Hereticus: Triple Magic
[6:26 PM] Ordo Hereticus: was made inviolable, but not put on anything
[6:26 PM] Ordo Hereticus: as I was in the middle of the construction chain at the time of game-death
[6:27 PM] Gadigan: Thank you

Triple Magic is a T1 nonbase magic subtype. Its class is Mage-Engineer. Instead of being cast normally, its spells come in pieces and must be cast one after another before assembling together into complete spells. This gives it a high degree of flexibility, but makes it slow to use in combat situations.
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Modrageball »

Further fallout has been decided through conversation with Gad, based on what people made Inviolable on themselves/their inventories. More may be coming later.

Zweirugi gets

The subtype Sword in addition to his current subtypes

3 Destiny Weaver Bonus Weeks

Triple the Rugi- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor's name counts as being 'Einrugi', 'Zweirugi', 'Dreirugi', 'Rugirugirugi', 'Rugi Rugi Rugi', and 'Rugi R. Rugi'; Possessor counts as wielding 3 additional Swords; Possessor gains +333 to all stats, +33% Critical, and +3 Fame

Sword-Man- (Passive Ability, Super Power) Possessor gains +20,000 Melee Attack, gains +1 Fame, and (gains +5,000 uncapped STR and AGI if wielding a Sword), and counts as additionally possessing the subtype Sword

Ave gets

Janus Initiative Director- (Passive Ability, Friendship) If possessor is on the same side of battle as two other individuals with an ability named 'Janus Initiative Director', all three become solely the element Null and gain a +5,000 bonus to uncapped MIN and count as being in a guild named 'Janus Initiative'

Eva gets

Janus Initiative Director- (Passive Ability, Friendship) If possessor is on the same side of battle as two other individuals with an ability named 'Janus Initiative Director', all three become solely the element Null and gain a +5,000 bonus to uncapped MIN and count as being in a guild named 'Janus Initiative'

Celiria gets

Her name changed to CELERY

The elements Air & Earth in addition to her current elements

Menace from the Disaster Trio- (Passive Ability, Friendship) If possessor is on the same side of battle as two other individuals with an ability named 'Menace from the Disaster Trio', all three become solely the element Null, each deal every other individual in the same Battlespace 50,000 Null Damage at the start of each round, and count as being in a guild named 'Disaster Trio'

Is Celery the Plant-Dragon- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's name counts as 'Celeria', 'Celery', and 'CELERY'. Possessor gains the subtype Plant if a Dragon and the subtype Dragon if a Plant. Possessor's actions may each cure a single minor negative status effect from a source below Level 60 if possessor is a Plant and a Dragon.

Beta-Negaverse Reality-Link- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains +10,000 uncapped Defense if possessor's MIN has been reduced by 50% of its non-stat-damage-status-effect-or-debuff-counting value due to MIN Damage and/or negative status effects and/or debuffs

Wind Duke

Mountain King

Heracles gets

The elements Physical & War & Fire in addition to his current elements

Menace from the Disaster Trio- (Passive Ability, Friendship) If possessor is on the same side of battle as two other individuals with an ability named 'Menace from the Disaster Trio', all three become solely the element Null, each deal every other individual in the same Battlespace 50,000 Null Damage at the start of each round, and count as being in a guild named 'Disaster Trio'

Apprentice Physical Synchronization

Apprentice War Synchronization

Basic Fire Synchronization

(+5 Kinetic Emperor bonus weeks if he was learning Classname Kinetic Emperor in the ability shop)

Kit gets

The elements Time & Hope & Magic in addition to her current elements

50 Temporal Primarch Bonus Weeks

Menace from the Disaster Trio- (Passive Ability, Friendship) If possessor is on the same side of battle as two other individuals with an ability named 'Menace from the Disaster Trio', all three become solely the element Null, each deal every other individual in the same Battlespace 50,000 Null Damage at the start of each round, and count as being in a guild named 'Disaster Trio'

Mastery of Nullified Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor, if Time element, cannot have that element changed or removed by Null element actions, items, spells, attacks, or entities unless said change is coming from a source 20 or more Levels greater than possessor

Basic Magic Synchronization

Basic Hope Synchronization

Dulcinea gets

The elements Atomic, Water, Darkness, and Light added to her elements.

25 Ebon Chancellor bonus weeks
20 Radiant Hierophant Bonus Weeks
20 Thermonuclear Disciple Bonus Weeks

Basic Miracle Engineer Proficiency
Apprentice Progress Synchronization
Ocean Prince

Inbuilt Miracle-Engine for a Heart- (Passive Ability, Miracle Engineer) Possessor is a deity and possesses a deity profile. Possessor counts as having an additional Miracle Engine equipped.
Miracle-Engine-Heart Activation- (Active Ability, Miracle Engineer) Possessor may, up to (Possessor's Level / 5, rounded up) times per thread, spend an action to replicate an action performable by an entity of lower Level that is normally fightable on the Enemy List for drops as though an instance of said entity were performing said action

Compelled to Shout EXCELSIOR When Near Certain Allies- (Passive Ability, Friendship) If possessor is on the same side of battle as two other individuals with an ability named 'Compelled to Shout EXCELSIOR When Near Certain Allies', each, once, announces the message 'EXCELSIOR', all three become solely the elements Atomic & Technology, each may convert any instance of Damage they deal into solely Atomic & Technology element Damage, and count as being in a guild named 'EXCELSIOR'

Willoughby the Atomikitty gets

Now exists as a BA Member!

Exalted Wishkin & Familiar, Atomic, Level 19 BA Member
Base Stats: 5 STR, 15 AGI, 10 CON, 5 MIN, 15 SPI, 20 INF, 15 RES, 10 SAN

20 Wishmaker Bonus Weeks

Basic Fist Weapon Training
Basic Aura Proficiency
Basic Mahou Shoujou Knowledge
Apprentice Mahou Shoujou Knowledge
Mahou Shoujou
20 Mahou Shoujou Bonus Weeks
Basic Wishmaker Knowledge
Apprentice Wishmaker Knowledge
Basic Wishmaster Knowledge
Basic Wizard Magic Attunement
Basic Beastmaster Knowledge

Compelled to Shout EXCELSIOR When Near Certain Allies- (Passive Ability, Friendship) If possessor is on the same side of battle as two other individuals with an ability named 'Compelled to Shout EXCELSIOR When Near Certain Allies', each, once, announces the message 'EXCELSIOR', all three become solely the elements Atomic & Technology, each may convert any instance of Damage they deal into solely Atomic & Technology element Damage, and count as being in a guild named 'EXCELSIOR'

Wishborn Demigod- (Passive Ability, Wishmaster) Possessor is a deity and possesses a deity profile.
Exalted Domain: Things that are Cute but Dangerous- (Passive Ability, Wishmaster) Possessor's Charm infliction chances are increased by 50%, Possessor's first hit of possessor's first attack of each battle deals 50,000 additional Damage, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

'Possesses 95 Base Stat Points'
'Emerged from a Reality Glitch'

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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Ordo Hereticus »

New Subtypes and Elements have been ~UPDATED~ to the Complete Subtype and Element List
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

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Willoughby the Atomikitty has been ~CREATED~

Noting here abilities that do not exist that she was given:

Apprentice Wishmaker Knowledge

Basic Wishmaster Knowledge
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Apprentice Wishmaker Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Wishmaker) Possessor's Wishkin pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Requires: Basic Wishmaker Knowledge, 3 other Wishmaker abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

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Wishmaker- (Passive Ability, Other: Wishmaker) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Wishkin pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Wishkin pets and summons per Level of possessor
Requires: Apprentice Wishmaker Knowledge, 10 other Wishmaker abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

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Basic Wishmaster Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Wishmaster) Possessor's Exalted-Wishkin pets and summons gain +1,000 HP, +1,000 MP, +100 to Damage dealt, and +100 to all stats
Requires: Expert Wishmaker, (Being a deity) or (Level 80 or greater)
Cost: 50,000,000 Gold, 60 Weeks
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Modrageball »

It returns!Celas' taking up of the floating offer from back-when has resulted in more... results.

To-Be-Reviewed Subtypes/Elements
These are things that got made permanent during the mess, with the archetype slot they showed up in originally

Elements: Metaphorical, Regret, Offensive Action From The Eight, Lightning
Subtype (Weapon): Ledger Track
Subtype (Armour): Supreme Attribute, Wedding Dress
Subtype (Accessory): Thrice-Golden Chaos
Subtype (Spell): Wizard's Shadow, Other: Catastructures, Law of Tyranny, Elemental Blessing
Subtype (Entity): Bearded Being

Note: Regret was already a Thing and got destroyed a while back during that mess with Techylmann, Daghmal Gozzott, Plixplix and Dryse that rapidly spiraled out of control. I guess it's back, now. It was a Tier 0 Nonbase with the classname 'Exchequer of Loss' and the description "Turning opponents' powers and actions against them, Creating antagonistic replicas, Mirroring and twisting enemy power."

Additional Subtypes/Elements

These ones were hanging around in Celas' inventory/on items or entities at the end of the game. Included for completeness, and for Gad to look through to see if any catch his fancy. Once again, divided by original archetype, accompanied by what they showed up on.

Assorted Elements

Abstract (Whimsy-element Eye- (Accessory, Cloak, Darkness x2 & Moon & Abstract & Air & Earth & Fire, 750,000,000 Gold))
Dakrness (Magical Abjurant Temporal Colossus- (Spell, Wizard’s Shadow & Tenth Glyph Magic & Healer Magic & Druid Magic & Other: Catastructures, Light & Magic x3 & Darkness & Dakrness & Nobility, 70 MP 1,000,000 Gold))
Destruck (*Sword of the Iron Direct- (Item, Property, War & Electrical & Destruck & Water, 2,000,000 Gold))
Roulette (This weapon condition of Seconds- (Weapon, Tool, Roulette, 4,500 Gold))

Assorted Subtypes

Originally Weapon Subtypes

Celestial (World's Highest String- (Weapon, Shield & Celestial, Darkness & Atomic & Tacky & Water, 190,000 Gold))
Darkest Hero-Blasters (Undead Wizard Rapier- (Weapon, Bow & Swordfish & Gun x2 & Darkest Hero-Blasters & Knife & Instrument & Sword, Light & Technology, 55,000,000 Gold))
Rune (Xiaoren Blade- (Weapon, Knife & Ledger Track & Rune & Deadly Item, Void & Light, 165,000 Gold))
Serpent (Mind-King High- (Weapon, Sword & Serpent, Energy, 35,000 Gold))
Swordfish (Undead Wizard Rapier- (Weapon, Bow & Swordfish & Gun x2 & Darkest Hero-Blasters & Knife & Instrument & Sword, Light & Technology, 55,000,000 Gold))
This Item (Sword- (Weapon, This Item & Soul & Weaponry & Gun, Physical & Light & Fire & Hope & Technology, 87,000,000 Gold))
Weaponry (Sword- (Weapon, This Item & Soul & Weaponry & Gun, Physical & Light & Fire & Hope & Technology, 87,000,000 Gold)) (Note: This is the second time Weaponry has shown up)

Originally Armour Subtypes

Great Beast's Armor (Costume Armor- (Armor, Heavy Armor & Great Beast's Armor, Earth, 1,150,000 Gold))
Legend-Metal Scatter (Deathkinght 'Tolva Jofr'- (Armor, Clothes & Legend-Metal Scatter, Metaphorical & Ice & Earth, 26,000,000 Gold))

Originally Accessory Subtypes

Other: Mystery Pin (all Mittens- (Accessory, Other: Mystery Pin & Cloak x2 & Gloves x2, Earth & Air & Fire, 12,000 Gold))

Originally Spell Subtypes

Fury Siege (Etheres- (Spell, Enchantment & Fury Siege, Ice, 2,500,000 Gold))
Lightrain Spell (Summons a buffs from one who may start have any Weakness & Air & Fire- (Spell, Rune Magic & Lightrain Spell & Elemental Blessing & Law of Tyranny, Light & Magic & Chaos, 900 MP, 500,000 Gold))
Other: Blood (Caster must Potion Fruit Drain: Sakura Fast- (Spell, Abjuration & Other: Blood & War Magical Attack & Rune Rune Rune Magic & Unarmed Technique & Wizard Magic, Technology & Earth & Lightning & Physical & Wood, 0 Gold))
Rune Rune Rune Magic (Caster must Potion Fruit Drain: Sakura Fast- (Spell, Abjuration & Other: Blood & War Magical Attack & Rune Rune Rune Magic & Unarmed Technique & Wizard Magic, Technology & Earth & Lightning & Physical & Wood, 0 Gold))
Tenth Glyph Magic (Magical Abjurant Temporal Colossus- (Spell, Wizard’s Shadow & Tenth Glyph Magic & Healer Magic & Druid Magic & Other: Catastructures, Light & Magic (INVIOLABLE) & Darkness & Dakrness & Nobility, 70 MP 1,000,000 Gold))
War Magical Attack (Caster must Potion Fruit Drain: Sakura Fast- (Spell, Abjuration & Other: Blood & War Magical Attack & Rune Rune Rune Magic & Unarmed Technique & Wizard Magic, Technology & Earth & Lightning & Physical & Wood, 0 Gold))

Originally Consumable Subtypes

Egg of Monsters (Improved Essence Sphere: Dracula’s Quilled by a user who already has X equaling 5 or greater- (Permanent Consumable, Egg of Monsters & Essence Sphere, Air, 1 Charge, 1,000,000 Gold))
Glory Roulette (Blue Syrup- (Consumable, Lethal Item & Glory Roulette & Potion, Air & Fire & Light & Magic, 1 Charge, 900 Gold))

Originally Entity Subtypes

Machmeras Note: Turned up on a Dredged Entity:
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Metaphorical is a T1 Imaginary element. It is swift as the coursing river, with all the force of a great typhoon - with all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the moon. At least it can be, when drawing upon the power of the right sources - it works similarly to Dopple, but does not rely so much on physically-present things to copy as it does built-up internal associations and conceptual relationships to be drawn upon. It synergizes with Quills, Dopple, Shapeshifters, and Conceptuals.

Regret is back. You may {insert element name here} that.

Offensive Action From The Eight is a T2 Imaginary spell subtype. Its spells call upon Imaginary Eidolon-like beings called The Eight. They tend to be potent and bizarre, but as soon as a ninth different one gets invoked within the same general area-of-reality, they all fall back into imaginariness and their effects become easy to undo.

Lightning is a T2 nonbase weapon subtype. Its class is Stormsmiter. It is a ranged/magical hybrid class that performs chain-hit attacks that bounce from one target to another, attaches repeating attacks and offensive effects to zones, and declares rules and smites those who break them. It works well alongside Assassin, Ninja, Lawbringer, Priest, Druid, Litgamancer, Wind Duke, and Thunder Czar.

Ledger Track is being changed to just be named Ledger. It is a T2 nonbase weapon subtype. Its class is Tallyman. It is a less-freeform, less-absolute cousin of the Clipboard weapon, with individual ledgers specializing in quantifying, tracking, enforcing, punishing, and fixing specific things with their targeted audits.

Supreme Attribute is a T2 nonbase armor subtype. Its class is Marvel. When equipped, a Supreme Attribute flows into its wielder, reshaping them to be optimized for a particular purpose. It can give birth to titans of rippling muscle, suave ladykillers, cute-as-a-button children, or really, really pointy triangles. It is a difficult armor type for most individuals to wield (or even interact with as an item), with Battle Arena Members and other such beings having an advantage in manipulating and utilizing it. It pairs well with Superpowers, Spy abilities, Shapeshifters, Monk abilities, and Forces.

Wedding Dress is a T1 nonbase armor subtype. Its class is Bride. It focuses on boosting its wearer's combo moves, linking its wearer's stats to other individuals, and resisting the countering/undoing of positive effects. There is also a berserker-rage subtree.

Wizard's Shadow is a T1 entity subtype. Its class is Shademagus. Wizard's Shadows are artificial entities created by spellcasters to enhance their casting abilities. They act as shadows both literal and metaphorical and specialize in storing spells and chain-casting. They synergize with most magically-themed spell classes, but particularly with Ritual Magic and Umbramancy; they also work well dual-subtyped as Familiars.

Bearded Being is a T2 entity subtype. Its class is Hirsute Harbinger. Bearded Beings are Wizard's Shadows that have absorbed enough magical lore to become archmagi in their own right, collecting, organizing, studying, mastering, casting, and developing all manners of magic. They sometimes have deity effects that allow them to be patrons over a chosen school of magic.

Elemental Blessing is a T1 nonbase spell subtype. Its class is Cleric. It specializes in benevolent elementally-based effects and applying long-term passive bonuses to targets. Class abilities allow those invested in it to gain superior defenses against specific elements without having to become those elements directly (though it offers further synergy for those who do). It synergizes well with Channeling, Elemental Magic, Elementals, Divine Magic, and Monk abilities.

Thrice-Golden Chaos is a T2 Imaginary armor subtype. It wreathes the wearer in nonsensical, aberrant glory that stands in defiance to reality and exalts the one enthroned within it. It strikes forth with havoc at its wings (both metaphorical and actual), and rains down bountiful treasures that are as ephemeral as the wind, yet useful to its bearer all the same.

Catastructures is a T2 Imaginary accessory subtype. Catastructures are buildings that are filled with horrible deathtraps or where things are prone to go horribly wrong. A catastructure wielder causes them to replace or merge with nearby areas or drops them onto the field to break open and release disaster.

Law of Tyranny is a T2 nonbase spell subtype. Its class is Red Eminence. Standing near to Litigamancy and Leaderhip, Laws of Tyranny are pronounced upon battlefields, individuals, groups, or nations, placing them under one-sided restrictions and skewing the odds in favor of the laws' tyrannical shapers.


And here are a few inspired by the pile-

Destruck is a T1 Imaginary element. It is destructive, but faulty, with may things related to it having high attack power, but a chance of outright (potentially comedic) failure.

Beamglove is a T1 nonbase weapon subtype. Its class is Blaster. Worn on the hands, beamgloves shoot blasts of various energies and effects, with some also generating shields or forcefields. It pairs well both with high-tech and superheroics.

Tenth Rune-Glyph-Rune-Symbol-Rune Magic is a T1 Imaginary spell subtype. It creates new branches of (Temporary, Imaginary) symbol-based magic in attempts to create a major, lasting, non-alignment-tied one that expands across the multiverse, but repeatedly fails and associates its creations with all manner of random, often-overly-specific things.

Beastframe is a T2 nonbase armor subtype. Its class is Mauler. Being fitted into a beastframe gives the wearer powerful enhancements based on the inhabited monster-representation (tending to work better when actual combat trophies from powerful monsters are incorporated into the armor), but limits the wearer's breadth of performable actions, offering power at the cost of versatility.

Merit Badge is a T1 nonbase accessory subtype. Its class is Scout. These items relate to specific other things (usually abilities, though not always) and boost them when worn.

Fury Siege is a T2 nonbase spell subtype. Its class is Barragemaster. Fury Sieges are highly-offense-focused ranged-attack-based spells that blast through defenses, have extreme range, cause massive damage, and sometimes repeat - use of their most powerful amplifiers, however, can leaver the user defensively weakened, however.

Egg is a T1 nonbase consumable subtype. Its class is Breeder. Eggs are used for summoning creatures, oftentimes allowing for a delay in summoning in order to give the hatched monster bonuses upon the summoning. The class also contains pet-boosting powers that work for almost all pet types.

Roulette is a T1 nonbase spell subtype. Its class is Randomancer. Roulettes tend to work off of randomized tables, offering both boons and banes for a variety of targets both allied and opposing, and can lose power if the scales are loaded too hard in the caster's favor (though a properly sneaky caster may be able to avoid such perils).
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Re: [UNDEFINED] Shenanigans

Post by Modrageball »

Celas' squad has been processed!

Elyion, El, Anathema and Celas get:

Of Those Devoured by Time and Spit Out Again- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor may, while not in any active threads, be switched for another PC that possesses this ability, with three PCs that possess this ability being present at any time, and the fourth being kept preserved in a semi-retired state. Possessor may sometimes use this as an RP power.

Self-Devouring Temporal Regurgitation (Via Quickly Scribed Poetry)- (Active Ability, Friendship) Possessor may spend an action to Transform into the PC that is being kept preserved as semi-retired by possessor's 'Of Those Devoured by Time and Spit Out Again' ability, with this transformation counting as a Spirit Form in addition to its other subtypes, and with this action counting as being Metaphorical element and involving a Ledger.

Elyion is also back. Sort of. She gets all the abilities she had when she became El, and counts as being the currently-semi-retired member of the bunch.

Elyion gets:

Gains the elements Null, Time and Crystal (2)
Gains the subtype Wizard's Shadow

200 Hollow Man Bonus Weeks

Basic Null Synchronization
Apprentice Null Synchronization
Hollow Man
Adept Null Synchronization

Basic Time Synchronization

Finds Herself Near Lots of Wedding Dresses- (Passive Ability, Bride) Whenever possessor would obtain a Wedding Dress as a drop from an entity on the Enemy List, possessor instead obtains two of that item

Oh My / Oh Dear / Who Do We Have / HAHAHA / HEeeeeEEEEEre?- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains an additional track in the ability shop that may only be used to obtain abilities from the classes Witherer of Realms, Eroded Idol, Flesh Sculptor, Dross-choked Reveller, Corroded Wretch, Oracle of Lunacy, Hollow Man, and Bride

Celas gets:

Gains the subtypes Elemental, Astral Being and Hat.

Basic Form Synchronization
Basic Formus Synchronization
Lord Gadigan wrote:He is also now a hat. He gains the subtypes Elemental, Astral Being, and Hat. He now looks like a big, elemental planetoid with his face and hair, floating above the head-slot of an empty pair of robes, with a winged baseball hat floating above the top with a scythe-logo on it. The hat is the primary core of his physical being and more central to his continued life than the planet-head or robes.

Anathema gets:

Gains the elements Law, Dream, and Evil
Gains the subtypes Kami and Unknown

Spirit Traits

Basic Law Synchronization
Basic Evil Synchronization

A Wretched Shadow- (Passive Ability, Other: Exchequer of Loss) Has RP effects

The First Antifoundational Metaphysicist- (Passive Ability, Other: Antifoundational Metaphysicist) This ability does nothing on its own outside of being usable for combos
Lord Gadigan wrote:10:21 PM] Gadigan: Antifoundational Metaphysicist is the previously-not-a-thing Turpitude class

El gets:

Gains the elements Color and Glory

Gains 1 base stat point in each stat

Basic Color Synchronization
Basic Glory Synchronization

Brings Down the House- (Passive Ability, Curse) Possessor's Large Structure allies are afflicted with Instant Death at the start of each round, and when one of them dies from this, possessor's allies are each dealt an amount of Flat Damage of its elements equal to its HP at the time of said death
Lord Gadigan wrote:It lasts until he either rebuilds a glorious ancient structure, fixes a massively damaged or otherwise screwed-up city, causes a unique structure or area to fall into Daghmal Gozzott, or embraces the curse and brings an otherwise mostly-peaceful/orderly city (with at least 1 Level 60 or greater inhabitant and at least 100,000 inhabitants total) to ruin in the name of Tsayikk.