The Mail Must Flow

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The Mail Must Flow

Post by Santooth »

Lili settles into a comfortable chair in her oracular citadel and assesses the state of The Mail. To the surprise of probably-nobody, she is designating the new Tsayikk-elements as "hazardous elements" and banning them from the mail system along with all the usual offenders (though she isn't taking any specific action against them or picking a fight with Tsayikk in general). After all, mail's meant to be a service, not a weapon or means of spreading one's personal ideological powers.

How's the system doing? Are there any problems which need addressing that the automated routines aren't able to handle?

Speaking of mail, whatever happened to old Hugo Bekkler? She'll perform a basic scan to determine whether that old coot got brought back by the various glitches.

While she's at it, she'll check up on the base afterlife system she set up for her worshippers. It's obviously not as fleshed out as she may like, but she'd like to make sure it's at least mostly working for now.

Directly related: Scrying
Archdaemonic Oracle's Citadel-Realm- (Item, Property, Ice & Darkness & Mystic & Knowledge & Fate & Warding, 1,400,000,000 Gold)

Directly related: Afterlife
Corruption-Repelling, World-Screen-Warded, Deifically-Administratable, Gate-Joined, Continent-Sized Afterlife-Realms of Paradisic Lands and Dancing Inferno- (Item, Property, Fire & Spatial & Hope & Glory, 4,500,000,000 Gold)

Vaguely related: Mail
Worldwide Teleportation-Layline Network- (Item, Property, Spatial, 400,000,000 Gold)
Endless World-Connecting Staircase- (Item, Property, Spatial, 400,000,000 Gold)
Dimensional Mystery-Core- (Item, Property, Mystery, 1,000,000,000 Gold)
Kept the Mail Mostly Running During a Breakdown of Reality- (Passive Ability, Other: High Judge) Possessor gains 40% Rust Resistance, 40% Rot Resistance, 40% Flesh Resistance, 30% Chaos Resistance, and 30% Null Resistance; Rust, Rot, Flesh, Chaos, and Null element sources below Level 80 cannot prevent possessor or one of possessor's allies from trading an item, purchasing an item, or moving a buff or debuff from one allied source to another.

Vaguely related: Afterlife
Wonderous Dreamfont- (Item, Property, Dream & Wonder, 400,000,000 Gold)
Planet- (Item, Property, Earth & Air & Fire & Water, 1,200,000,000 Gold)

Vaguely related: Scrying focus
Master Diviner's Scrying-Water Ocean- (Item, Property, Water & Magic, 400,000,000 Gold)
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