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Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 7:57 pm
by Lord Gadigan
Index Post and Formatting for People

People will contain two lists:
A) A giant, alphebetical list of unique NPCs
B) A giant, alphebetical list of organizations

If there is a great desire for it, a list of PCs and a list of mod-run-world NPCs can be created. I'm not going to push for their creation and upkeep unless you guys really want them there, though.

Format for an NPC in the People thread:

An NPC's official name is Bolded
Text by Gad is "Italicized in Quotes"
Non-Official descriptive names are Underlined
Non-Official descriptive text is Normal
NPCs that have been mentioned, but not encountered, are Grayed Out

The NPCs will follow the following format:

Example of an NPC-
Name (Subtype, Level) Reference Link
Descriptive Text
Stat Links
Art Links

Specific Example:
Rick Aardman (Human, Level 3) Reference Link
"Rick Aardman is a police officer from the Nexus PD. He wears a protective SWAT uniform, has brown hair and a moustache, and wields a gun named 'Miss Sally Winston'."
Stat Link
Art Link

Format for an Organization in the People thread:

An Organization's official name is Bolded
Text by Gad is "Italicized in Quotes"
Non-Official descriptive names are Underlined
Non-Official descriptive text is Normal
Organizations that have been mentioned, but not encountered, are Grayed Out

The Organizations will follow the following format:

Example of an Organization-
Descriptive Text

Specific Example:
Joymerchants of the Ebon Book Reference Link
An undead-loving organisation dedicated to the pursuit of creating more undead.

Re: People

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 11:15 pm
by Modrageball
NPC List-

'At the International Parade, the Queen Told the Poor to Eat Cake, but She Had Them Executed With a Scythe When They Ate Hers: Was This a Cunning Decision or a Political Faux Pas?': An Interpretative Monster (Abstract, Level 79)
A considerably strange Abstract Pet owned by the Shielding Golem, nicknamed 'Gateau' for nebulous reasons.

'Old Man' Moses Simon, Last Fisherman of Redpoint (Human, Level 35)
A member of the Fishermen of the Citadel Guild by way of the Warehouse's 'Thralls to the Cause' Category. A slightly cantankerous old fisherman. He's the last survivor of a town that was wiped out by sea monsters. Despite this, he still loves the sea; he just wants to keep himself trained enough to be able to fight back against its savage natural fury.

!!@@@, The Singing Trashcan (Abstract & Santa, Level 80)
"Something then appears in the room. It takes you a minute to process what this "something" exactly is. Scat music starts playing as the being enters existance, become louder the more it materializes. The being stands a good 20 feet tall, and is an enormous trash can, which wears huge red bowling shoes, has a huge pair of fake glasses with accompanying fake moustache and plastic nose attached to its front, has a tophat floating a foot above its top, and has two white gloves for hands. In one of its gloves, which floats a bit away from the body, it holds a long wooden cane with a duck's head at the top. The duck head intermittantly yells in some tongue that you cannot understand. Near the huge trash can float eight green capital 'Q's, whick have large eyes, long eyelashes, and massive, crimson-lipstick-smeared lips. The floating 'Q' group appears to be providing backup singing for the trash can thing's scat music."
Bearer of seasonal joy in that most jolly of winter festivals, Walrusfest! Gives the gift of dead walruses to all the good little adventurers and BA Members! Goodness only knows what he gives those he deems naughty. He has an alt-form as a Level 12 Abstract.

((55 + 49)^(2/(-5 + 5))/18 * 2 = James (Abstract, Level 45)
"The equation "((55 + 49)^(2/(-5 + 5))/18 * 2 = James"."
One of a small group of abstracts encountered in the Library of the Lorekeepers.

Aaron Laedonglor (Human, Level 45)
"Aaron is in his twenties, has brown hair, light-red eyes, a blue uniform with accompanying cloak, several war medals, an accompanying hat that he has next to where he was sitting on the bench, a decorative sword in a scabbard on his waist, a second, more formidable sword on his other hip that looks to be a color of blended gold and silver, an officer's gun in a loop on his belt, and a dashing smile."
Adventuring partner of Exxrya Bennys. Knows Astral Magic, can pilot a spaceship as a Captain. Son of Colonel Magellon Laedonglor, Hero of the Old Trithian Interstellar Republic. He's captain of a spaceship, an explorer of unknown worlds and stars, and one of the heros who stopped Crimson Tyrant Dregzen Rhull from claiming The Progenator's Throne at the core of the Larambalter Anomolous-Region.

Aaron Prestock (Human, Level 43)
Paladin. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling.

Aaron Withmruss (Human, Level 43)
Wind Mage. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling.

Aazzaz, Master of Knowledge (Human, Level 100-199)
"A white-haired man in red robes scribbles things down onto paper, and he motions for you to approach him."
Works on the Drifting Fortress of Lord Arodal.

Abashanth the Blood Rain (Human & Monster, Level 13)
Dark Magic-user present for the Princess of Suns contest. Died in Sunthrone. Was researching new types of Dark Magic. Sadistic and morbid. Able to create weather effects through dark magic, fairly good at manipulating zones.

Abe (Human, Level 55)
Person who had their mail accidentally redirected to Ave Selim during the Mail Day Mishap.

Ace Otter (Aerial & Animal, Level 7)
The result of a strange dream-spirit-quest, copious amounts of anagram magic and the attempted creation of a tree taco.

Acolyte Larchman (Sagzlarr Venomvoice) (Serpent Blessed, Level 20)
Wanted dead by the Nexus Bureau of Administration for colluding with Valcont, attempting to remove a Disc from Nexus and 'Numerous Other Things'. Was gathering a cult with the aim to pull Disc 516,701 out of Nexus.

Action Squid! (Aquatic, Level 60)
A member of Bill the Purple Marmoset's team during the Knot of Trelhais quest. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis.

Adam Bremston (Human, Level 46)
Lancer. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling. Cocky.

Adam Williams (Human, Level 26)
Conductor of the Round The Disc Scenic Express, an absurdly long-running train.

Aderene Cytessimo (Human, Level 35)
The fourth Chosen of Technology. A traveling technomancer-shrine-maiden who sought the artifact to further her communion with tech-spirits and to act as a key to the dimensional pathway of Aidur-Seikotte, which could only be opened by those who possessed a relic of sufficient power. While traversing the dimensional pathway, Aderene was challenged by and defeated the dimension-miner Tahrnu Salaam, whose robot detonated mid-battle thanks to the unstable Prythektrian Core overloading it. Aderene Cytessimo was, at this point, captured by Tokra-Sephnes, an Arch-Illuminated who sought to expand her understanding of the workings of the universe and gain insight into new branches of knowledge by harnessing the power of the Technology Chosen. She remained the being's captive until Tokra-Sephnes's diviner Cuutaro, Prophet of the Storms Within the Depths determined that if Tokra-Sephnes retained control of Aderene Cytessimo, it would prompt Tokra-Sephnes's rival, Tokk-Mothuuo to launch an attack in an attempt to claim her, leading to a war that would devastate Tokra-Sephnes's worldrealm. Seeing the continued preservation of her world-realm as more important than keeping her prize, Tokra-Sephnes released Aderene Cytessimo, who quickly departed into The Expanse of Gears. While in the Expanse, Aderene was challenged and killed by the cyborg pirate Rashello Arimerre, who claimed the artifact and title. Has an alternate form as a Level 26 Human, and a Level 35 Chosen.

Admiral Arnotti (Human, Level 32)
An admiral and shipbuilder of the Sea Republic of Igleierri, who had already been performing badly in the Republic's service before his superior, Merchant Lord Leori Androzni, saw better ships being advertised by Eva for a third of the cost and promptly demoted the man.

Admiral Clooney (Human, Level 36)
A recent customer of Margusson Shipyards, swayed into upgrading his fleet due to their Eva-featuring advertisements. Went on to defeat Pirate Lord Dreadbeard with his added firepower.

Admiral Quorr (Human, Level 75)
Was involved in developing The Perfect Man as part of the Institute for the Refinement of Rational Civilization.

Aedin Vees (Human, Level 6)
A member of the Battle Arena Member Mendul Thandein's group that led their own attempt into Sunthrone during the Princess of Suns Incident. A wizard with some cooking skill. Died in a trap set by Michael Helios' group.

Aemendyl Dessiyanter (Fae, Level 59 BA Member)
A member of Ord'Bhelerieth, King of the Fae's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Owes Bascaradine favours. Half-elven archer.Enjoys fighting large and dangerous monsters, seeking to help Fae kingdoms drive to more prominence. Her main goal is adventure, however. Kind. Knows some abilites that make her ranged attacks effective against large targets in large groups. Later appeared to thwart Larry the Catfish's plans in killing and looting a lower-ranking group of Arena Members (which met with what could charitably be described as a 'deferred success').

Aeryt Thousandwings (Dragon, Level 75)
"A white-furred dragon that stretches 80 miles long, with its sides lined with all manner of wings: bird, angel, bat, devil, insect, spirit, and other. It has two horns of consolidated time, and magic circles rotate around it as it flies."
One of the competitors who entered the Walrusfast festive race. Commands a number of elemental and holy powers as well as control over Time.

Aeskytenkie (Human, Level 6)
"A woman with sleek, silver futuristic armor, a laser pistol at her hip, and blue hair. Her eyes are pink, and she seems to be the vessel's driver."
Pilot who joined the Princess of Suns Incident under the employ of Ganseed the Collector. Died to the Blackclad Order team in Sunthrone.

Aethlyngen (Dragon & Undead, Level 79 BA Member) Reference Link
A Diviner and BA Member Overlord Vaeros Callamargh the Unmatchable has as a subordinate. He helps assist them in breaking level caps and obtaining notable gear, in return for their divinations to check his prospective quests for overall speed, potential problems, and better opportunities that are being missed.

Aibrantil Keminel (Planetary, Level 89)
A planetary, presumably involved with either sex, violence or both.

Aibressa of the Silver Moon (Fae, Level 9)
"An elven female with long black hair
A member of Sophia Hyperion's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Fires arrows of silver moonlight. Grows jealous easily when in relationships. Killed by the Sun Eater team.

Aidomi Skies-Aflame (Human, Level 12)
Bascaradine Mercenary, present during the Princess of Suns Incident. A technologically adept wizard, coming from a victorian/WWII world heading to post-apoctalyptic territory. A military mage for one of the nations, good at destructive wizard magic in general, slightly skilled with enchantment, best at AOEs against flying units (particularly vehicles). Died in Sunthrone.

Aikhra Morvauhl (Arch-Daemon & Tyrant-Shard & Arch-Voidstalker & Elemental Lord, Level 79) Reference Link
Her primary classes are Reaper, Shadow Blade, Swordsman, Combatant, Scholar, Slayer, Lawbringer, Controller, Operative, Assassin, Dominator, Puppeteer, Reality Auditor, Spy, Protector, Priest, Rune Mage, Artificer, Enchanter, Diviner, Warrior, Monk, Wanderer, Channeler, Geomancer, Scientist, Technomancer, Umbramancer, Necromancer, Healer, Mentalist, Wizard, Veilwalker, Ninja, Kensei, Puppet Master, Tyranny's Instrument, Deathless One, Roboticist, Evermason, Mechanist, Weirdworker, Conjurer, Shadow Duke, Nullifier, Existence Eater, Ebon Chancellor, Aetheric Voyager, Heir of Dust, Ruin Bringer, High Judge, Wonderworker, Mind Lord, Geistly Legate, Temporal Primarch, Destiny Weaver, Gambler, Esoteric Wiseman, Living Legend, Genesis Architect, Unbound Guru, Elemental Researcher, Engineer, Crafter, Jeweler, and Clothier. Her Patron Deity is the Fulsome Industry Pantheon, most notably including Mausmangarde and Full-Rullsoth. She has the artifact 'Reaperglass Implements', the artifact 'Fulsome Masterplan', and the artifact 'Anathema Crown'. She has the overcrash 'Absolute Deathblow' and the overcrash 'Entropic Sunrise'. She is a Deity. She has won the Megaquest 'Blinding the Father's Eye'. Her list of accomplishments is long, basically entirely jam-packed with success, and not something fully viewable at the moment. A random award she possesses is 'Slapped a Possessed Monkey'. Had 605 Fame before the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Was hit hard by her brush with Higher Reality- merely visiting it left her massively empowered, but as she was so much greater while thus ascended, she longs to somehow return there despite the near-impossible task such represents. Now a member of the Bad Blood Consortium, a cooperative guild established by Roy, Anathema, Charles Eckermann and herself during a presumably-epic drunken bender that intersected with the total collapse of reality during the Glitchpocalypse.

Ailluth Pheyr (Elemental Lord, Level 92)
Air Queen who dwells in Vaathu'Saraathan, Palace of Slumbering Winds. Her sphere of influence primarily encompasses narcotic fumes.

Airumyleiquss (Alien & Magic Being, Level 200-399)
A supporter of Salshubarass.

Airyngraav (Planetary, Level 84)
Deity worshipped in the world in which Millbey Town resides.

Airyss (Human & Coded Being, Level 85)
One of two beings who created an angel to save digital realms.

Aisaro Jinzan (Not-Yet-Ascended Ascendant, Level 100-199)
"He wears shining golden samurai armor that was once worn by a champion fighter in Luminel's revamped arena. He carries a katana at his hip in a scabbard; it is a blade that hums with the force of destiny. He also wears three other scabbards, each of which contains a sword. His dark hair is pulled back into a braid, and he moves with grace and precision."
Ascendant involved with the Fourth Ascension.

Ak'Az'Rk'Du'Te'Su'Pq (Illuminated, Level 85)
Wrote the advanced Gearwright text 'Infinite Turning Gears'.

Akmanokt, The Colossus Mind (Outsider, Level 79)
One of the six Heralds of Andaramalius, The Supreme Creator. Bearer of one of the six God-Killing Tools, The Undeniable Chime.

Alabanzer Gennst (Humanoid, Level 45)
Head of Security of the Pendlewood Spire Geological Society.

Alamar Rengriss (Human, Level 55)
An adventurer with mercantile leanings last seen setting up a stall selling his spoils from an expedition into the Great Clockwork Labyrinth of Disc 218,311. His shop isn't always in the area.

Alamazzo (Human, Level 20)
Outlaw from a Third Ascension prologue.
Stat Link

Alastor Morkbull VonDurion
(Formerly Zornwith) (Human, Level 17)
Deceased ancestor of James VonDurion.

Alastor Photos (Arch-Solar, Level 400-599 Deity)
A Sun King that once controlled one of the three Thrones of Suns until it was taken back by Gabriel Photos. Notably uninvolved in the Princess of Suns Incident.

A. Lawrence Nesbit (Human, Level 35)
Wrote the texts 'Clockwork Constructions and Mass-Production Facilities' and 'The Functionality of Resource-Gathering Clockwork Machines and Their Modern Applications'.

Alawyn Keldeisheth (Fae, Level 11)
"A blonde elf man"
A member of Ord'Bhelerieth, King of the Fae's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Subject of Ord'Bhelerieth. Fights with a magic sword, some nature magic and some fae glamors. General advocate of democratic party advancement. Killed by the Sun Eater team.

Albardi Zaltarion (Human & Magic Being, Level 400-599)
A universe-hopping mage. Intentionally took his name after the other notable Albardi

Albardi Zyrenthis (Human, Level 600-799)
Notably involved in two Ascensions, as a foe in the first and as the Traitor in the second. He has an alt-form as Level 699 Reaper from when he fought the First Ascension. He has another alt-form as a Level 99 Reaper from when he was the traitor to the Second Ascension.

Albert Threisand (Human, Level 4)
An elderly shopkeeper from Imbelsberg who sells fish.

Albert Williams (Human, Level 99)
"A knight in silver armor with blonde hair"
Party member of the Fourth Ascendants.

Aldoril, Bringer of Seven Thousand Apocalypses (Outsider, Level 400-599)
He is a member of the Warmaster's Legion.

Alerexia Gillingman (Not-Yet-Ascended Ascendant, Level 100-199)
Replacement Ascendant for the traitor Lyrix Chalerex in the Fourth Ascension. One of Gillingman's daughters.

Aleriya Questys (Human, Level 39)
Wanted by the Nexus Administrative Bureau for murder of Government officials, murder and tresspassing. Was on a personal crusade against evil and immoral officials on lower discs.

Alethrogon (Dragon, Level 57) Reference Link
Was killed by the Great Ebon Knife at the hands of Vivorynn Chrisallios during the quest 'The Dragon and the Three Knives'.

Alexander T. Stolgood (Human, Level 18)
Local ore baron of Blood Creek, in league with the sheriff of the same. Has access to off-world technology.

Alexa Venderhaunt (Human, Level 41)
Astral Mage. Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency.

Alexandra Glasswit (Human, Level 2)

Alex Bannion, Adventurer Extraordinaire (Human, Level 25)
"A tall, irritated man in an explorer's outfit with a pistol and machete at his belt."
One of a small group of adventurers manipulated into joining the Three of Swords Corporation by Vashna Saseen (his saving their lives in the process helped considerably). The most experienced of the bunch and most likely one to fall under the category of 'leader', assuming anyone could be said to lead his bickering little band. Tends to despair at the lack of experience of his comrades voluably and with biting sarcasm. Has an alternate form of 'Pre-Guild Recruitment Alex Bannion' that is a Level 5 Human.

Alex Bannion (2) (Human, Level 35) Reference Link
Alex Bannion, Master Adventurer! An alternate version of Alex Bannion from Major Timeline E of Rael'el (and potentially the universe in general). Acting as an alternate stand-in for Walter Pendingale, at least for the early questing stages of the timeline.

Alex the Thunder-Sword (Human, Level 45)
Thunder-Sword. Member of Adventurers Across Worlds. A decent, well-armored melee warrior. Dislikes Max Nethman.

Alextora Veinyendon (Human, Level 14)
Member of the Blackclad Order team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Wizardress/Summoner/Enchantress, can animate sets of equipment to act as additional allies. Escaped Sunthrone and got promoted.

Aliquastrideyn (Elemental & Magic Being, Level 83)
"A woman made out of white fire"
Employee of the Nexus Department of Tourism. Apparently used to dealing with traumatised people who appeared in Nexus through sudden and inadvertant means. Capable of flight.

Alistair Narvello (Human & Fae, Level 59 BA Member)
Part of the team sent by the Deathmark Assassin's Club to the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in the Knot.

Alistair VanSuthengarde (Undead, Level 46)
A member of The Dagger In Shadow, seeking to steal Oneman from Lili von Mion to use as a tool in the name of Amon Horutep. He is a vampire swordsman with hypnotic eyes, the ability to control weather, and the ability to create portals between dimensions. He holds the sword Primal Bloodthirst. Killed by Iepterro.

Allen (Human, Level 6)
Allen fights with a sword and knows basic wizard magic, as well as how to activate scrolls. He likes recess, lunch, and snow days (which don't tend to happen often in Nexus, though there was one time when a particularly ornery aura-based yeti moved into an apartment block near the school; Allen loved that week).
3 years old; physically and mentally 7. Was at a Nexus Primary School for for aspiring Battle Arena Members. Now a member of Alrick's Brigade.

Allen Brightsoup (Human, Level 20)
A baker living in Fastdefense.

Allen Bristby (Human, Level 45)
Vexator (An unsummoning, dis-buffing, status-effect-inflicting, debuff-inflicting class. It has hideous defense and low damage output but screws with stuff a lot). Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency.

Allen Hostmann (Human, Level 26)
An Air Mage from a world called Grandor in a different timeline than that world's standard timeline. He could do many tricks with the smoke from his cigarettes and solved a few small-time mysteries for cash. He enjoyed travelling, went on adventures with some groups a few times, and tried his hand at carpentry for a while, find that while he was somewhat decent at it, he was not as good at it as he was with magic. He is now deceased. He died against the dreaded Owl-Beast of Froz in the Marsh of Deceit while attempting to find treasures in the Tomb of the Broken Colossus.
The Illusionist, Aloysius Gullroyal, assumed Allen's identity to trick Caelum Aetherius, a BA Member, into helping him.

Allendia Sharmathys (Human, Level 45)
Sea Mage. Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency.

Allen Greyburrow (Human, Level 11)
Lives on Disc 916 in Nexus. Studies alchemy and dimensions. Ellanor's creator/father.

Allen Nestbridge (Human, Level 43)
Sniper with Adventurers Across Worlds.

Allen War-Mirage (Human, Level 44)
Vigilante Gunsman. Member of Adventurers Across Worlds.

Allerene Dynnelbesh (Fae, Level 67)
Acquaintance of Nia Starstrike. Likely able to work with Fog Boots.

Allison Wynder (Human, Level 14)
Student at the Nexus Academy of Magical Arts.

Almar Krynne (Human, Level 21)
The third Chosen of Water. After the Mana Cannon Reset, Laurennia traveled the Isles of Orsirion and was challenged to a duel by Almar. Despite being defeated, the mariner impressed her enough that she bestowed the title and Regalia upon him. Krynne proceeded to travel the isles, acting both for and against various major powers there. In his time traveling as the Chosen of Water, he was challenged by and defeated Captain Crassia Emerte of the Red Princess and Magiscientist Texyl of Ar-Teperrio. He lost a battle on the high seas against Barto Naash, the Seashadow, who claimed the artifact and title.

Almaeus Ganderyn, Innkeeper of Governor's Inn (Human, Level 6)
Innkeeper of the Governor's Inn. His inn (and the town in which it resides) was rescued from the grip of Bostman Gurnley by Lili's Shielding Golem, to whom the innkeeper is now incredibly grateful. Was given Bostman's unique sword '*Seaman's Cruel Edge', a rifle and trained by the Golem to use both.

Almandine Plum (Human, Level 1)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Interested in learning about trains.

Almantahko (Planetary, Level 91)
Planetary focused on the accumulation of knowledge.

Aloysius Gullroyal (Human, Level 41)
"Younger and tall, with semi-long black hair and robes of many shifting colours. He has a broken watch around his neck as an amulet and white silk gloves"
An unpleasant and self-absorbed illusionist who traveled through many timelines in an attempt to create a timeline in which his desired mentor, a man named Gonzo Heed whose arrival in existance was stopped thanks to the actions of a necromancer and Battle Arena member named Celas, would be alive and extant. He himself was from a doomed timeline and a dying world; he traveled the rivers of time using the Liar's Gate, a powerful spell that fools time itself into thinking that another timeline is, in fact, the correct one. While attempting to manipulate time-traveling Battle Arena members into achieving his goals (as he had great difficulty entering the primary timeline of most worlds), he encountered, aided and tricked Caelum Aetherius, a time clone of a Battle Arena member, into helping him under the guise of Allen Hostmann, a deceased air mage. This backfired as Caelum and his primary self sought to find more information about their suspicious benefactor, uncovered his plans and called upon the services of Celas and Lili's Shielding Golem to ambush the man before his plans could gain any further momentum.

Alphonso (Human, Level 25)
"A brown-bearded-and-moustached human man in a white chef outfit with a blue belt"
Co-owner of Alphonso and Korg's Famous-Across-Nexus Meats, a restaurant/deli located just across from the Nexus Elevator on Disc 210.

Alroy the Half-Deaf Leprechaun (Fae, Level 28)
"Can warp the world with wish-magic, hoards gold, is moderately crotchety, and is notorious for mishearing things and granting people destructive wishes that he thinks they want. Nemesis of Einarr."

Alt-Memmekarin (Bio-Horror, Level 45)
"A quicksilver-bodied blur whose speed defies reason"
An alternate-timeline version of Director Memmekarin of the Fleshwarpers, this version utterly loyal and subservient to Lubel Vyre. Either created or brought into Lubel's personal timestream by Vyre himself. Killed by the BA Member-comprised team assaulting Vyre's plans under the sponsorship of the Veil Render.

Alt-Neo-Schaterdaum (Bio-Horror & Undead, Level 55)
"Schaterdaum rises up. Transmutative power flows over his body. Six more arms pop out, with crab-claws, force tendrils, and three-mouthed skinless monster-heads. Necromantic power also flows over his body."
Killed by Roy Selim and transformed through dark magic, curses and Necromancy, the alternate-timeline version of Schaterdaum became an Undead under the warlock's command, with absolutely no loss in his transmutation mastery (to occasionally terrifying effect).

Alt-Schaterdaum (Bio-Horror, Level 55)
(Deceased, Transformed)
"A towering, no-longer-human figure in a long lab coat made of flesh and transmuted substances, his grin manic. His left arm ends in a massive crystal-taloned claw far larger than many buildings, his right becomes a coil of serpent-bodies and roots that merge together into a glowing gun. From his back extend two wings, one of demonic flesh and churning mist, the other made of metal blades limned in fire."
An alternate-timeline version of Director Schaterdaum of the Fleshwarpers, this version utterly loyal and subservient to Lubel Vyre. Either created or brought into Lubel's personal timestream by Vyre himself as an intended four-allies-at-once fight (which was subverted by his BA Member opponents and thrown off into a series of smaller fights). Notably manic and rather unhinged.

Alternon Gerizeir (Human, Level 25)
Associate of the Count of Hessrex.

Amar Klarr (Humanoid & Aerial, Level 17)
The fifth Chosen of Air, instated by Laurennia post-Mana-Cannon-reset after his potential impressed her. Amar began a journey around the world, but while doing so, he attracted the attention of Wind Lord Pashqua, who deemed him unworthy of possessing the title of Air Chosen. Pashqua handily defeated the bird-man, taking the title in the process. Has an alt-form as a Level 17 Chosen.

Amelia Ibisanth (Human, Level 45)
Cartographer (a map-based diviner). Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency. She can map dungeons and surrounding areas. She's essentially an automap with a fairly good key and ability to see places you haven't been that are nearby. She can also unsummon a little and has some geomancy.

Amelia Photos (Arch-Solar, Level 400-599 Deity)
Ally of Doc and member of the Bright Crusade.

Ami Weste (Human, Level 22)
Ami hopes to become skilled in magic and be an elegant combatant in the highly-esteemed Nexus Battle Arena. She is mildly snooty, but not enough to be actively grating most of the time. She knows some wizard magic, enchantment, and golomancy, and she hates getting dirty.
17 years old; looks 10. Was at a Nexus Primary School for for aspiring Battle Arena Members. Now a member of Alrick's Brigade.

Amon Horutep (Endbringer, Level 400-599)
Endbringer who usurped the position from the destined chain of Endbringers. Weaker than most Endbringers should be. Killed by Iepterro.

Amonostraphanaatos (Animal & Reptile, Level 45)
"An apatosaurus in a robe"
Stationed at the base of the well to report on new visitors and notable developments to his civilisation. Completely resigned to the well's inescapability.

Anabellia Candreyse (Fae, Level 55) Reference Link
An ice witch whose mind was lost and scattered about various dream fragments. Through the quest 'Dreams of the Ice Witch', Vivorynn Chrisallios recovered her mind.

Anadar (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendant from the First Ascension. Formerly a ranger living in the Great Forest of Anadar, which she was named after. Her Ascension Prologue involved assisting the village of Greencleave in determining the cause of unusual beast behaviour, and retrieving her house keys from Graznax the Wood Imp.

Anastalyiva the Great (Human, Level 60)
"A mildly short woman with her hair in a bun, stylish battle armor in the form of a military uniform of some sort, a short cape, and an ermine fur hat with two large pistols with large daggers protruding from their top fronts"
A member of Selereth Helios' team to make their way to the centre of the Knot of Trelhais. Died in the Knot.

Anastor Eremaisius (Human, Level 38)
Summoner. Member of Adventurers Across Worlds.

Anbador Lightwalker (Human, Level 14)
"A man with long golden hair and golden eyes, wearing billowing finery"
A human from one of Michael Helios' sun realms, and a fanatical worshipper of the Sun King. Possessed of a strong sense of entitlement and superiority, a love of finery and exquisite things, easy to flatter and with a preference to capture and humiliate his foes, although he has a habit of strongly underestimating opponents. Was a member of Michael Helios' team in the Princess of Suns Incident. Died in Sunthrone, killed by Lantokym Poryon when the Solar Herald turned against his group with the aid of Celas.

Andakwo Jinzan (Human, Level 69)
"A man with a long coat and a bird cage in one hand. He has silver hair and wears somewhat formal looking clothes. The bird cage is empty and has a long gold chain attached to its top."
Member of the Cities of Ganseel team in the Princess of Suns Incident. Skilled at fighting using the birdcage, excellent against birds, and can trap his foes. Can cause swords to materialize and peirce whatever is in the cage. Agile and nimble, knows some dark magic and shadow magic and some spirit enhancing magic, brother is an Ascendant and an ally of Thandolmann.

Andaramalius, The Supreme Creator (Planetary, Level 99)
God-ruler of a realm. Andaramalius created many rules and the planetary powers that govern them, but has grown bored with his poistion and seeks worthy challengers. To this end, he dispatched six heralds, each holding one of the God-Killing Tools. Should he be defeated, he will bestow divine power upon the victors and grant them godhood of a level comperable to that of Planetaries, but without the world-bound restriction.

Angry Librarian (Human, Level 3)
Librarian of Disc 101's Angry Library, which is pretty much the worst place to study ever. Never has a shortage of things to get incensed about.

Angus MacBear of Clan MacBear (Animal, Level 17)
"A bear in a tartan kilt with a claymore"
Wandering warrior of Honeyworld. Has a notable Scottish accent.

Anita Pitchmun (Human, Level 1)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Interested in photographing birds.

Angry Puma (Human & Animal, Level 23)
"A surly-looking woman with a brown body-suit, cat-ears on a headband, bulging muscles, and a manly haircut"
Member of the Awesome Squad, a team of semi-famous superheroes. A very, very angry militant feminist with a severe dislike for males and a yell that could burst eardrums. Banned from Bascaradine stores for an unspecified reason.

Anna McLong (Human, Level 42)
Wizard. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling.

Annarose Gillingford (Human, Level 45)
Paladin. Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency.

Annabelle Lachren (Human, Level 34)
Clerk in charge of admissions and information at the Imperial Mage's Academy.

Anomalous Jack (Human & Elemental, Level 39 BA Member) Reference Link
His primary classes are Shadow Blade, Gunner, Card Mystic, Architect, Diplomat, Seer, Anarchomancer, Artificer, Diviner, Wanderer, Conjurer, Countess of Power, Elemental Researcher, Gambler, Unbound Guru, and Reality Arranger. His patron deity used to be Bill the Marmoset, but he currently lacks one. He possesses the artifact 'Havoc Watch' and the artifact 'Dolversteinn's Screwdriver'. He participated in the Megaquest Blinding of the Father's Eye, where he worked for Gran Markoloch. He was killed during the event's final stage, perishing beneath the gaze of The Father's Eye at the hands of Aikhra Morvauhl in their side-duel happening parallel to the fight between Gran Markoloch and Full-Rullsoth, with his death being the catalyst that allowed Full-Rullsoth to defeat the Prime Dragon. One notable quest he was in was 'The Crystal Cave', in which he defeated Brass Nick the Lying Snake, who led the team to a cave of fake mana crystals. A second notable quest he has been in was 'It's Gun Time!', in which he obtained two of the hidden tickets in the Fortress City of Krone and exchanged them for special guns from Mostrose the Gunmaster. Another notable quest he has been in was 'The Sound of Bells', where he participated in the defeat of The Sleepmeister and released the town of Drygrove from fae enchantments. Another notable quest he has been in was 'Gnome Rocket Number Seven', in which he helped Brozzbop Findlebrort successfully reach the Pink Moon of Buuze. Another notable quest he has been in is 'The Storehouse of Smoke', in which he assisted in defending the weapons stores at Fort Swampside from the Confederate Armed Rangers. Another notable quest he has been in is 'Three Crazy Farms and a Courthouse', in which he eliminated the various menaces at the farms, and, tiring of the inefficiency in the Courthouse of Brodde's Point, eliminated the city's judiciary and burnt the stone building to the ground, which managed to register as a nontraditional win to the quest. Another notable quest he participated in is 'The Space Capsule', in which he retrieved the Esoteric Element Samples from the lost starship Dangleehauss. Another notable quest he participated in is 'Ruins of the Grand Design', in which he helped the Five Chaos-Dwellers destroy six of the seven design fragments and acquired the final fragment for himself, using the stolen Wryzose Hammer to reforge the pattern-piece into his Havoc Watch. Another notable quest he participated in is 'The Geist Empire Rises', which he lost due to an ambush planned by Dolgarr Vanborne and a crew of adventurers he hired to recover the Wryzose Hammer. After the megaquest 'Blinding the Father's Eye', he participated in the quest 'Sins of the Silent City', in which he overcame massive odds and destroyed the three spirit-trapping assemblages, freeing the souls of Vander Logge 7's population from being sucked into the City of Eternal Red. Another notable quest he particpated in is 'The Squid Bros Have a Race', which he managed to easily win despite the attempts of Oily Olly Oldere to sabotage the race results. Another notable quest he participated in is 'The Greatest Secret of the Dwarves', in which he and his companions managed to steal the tome of unmatched artifice from the vaults of the Guild of Brass. Another notable quest he participated in is 'The God of the Marsh', in which he helped to defeat the rampaging frog-men, their mutant war-queen, and the half-demon toad-thing they worshipped. Another notable quest he participated in is 'Boating on the River of Lost Whispers', in which he managed to successfully navigate the river and report back to the scholars' guild employing him. In regards to BA tournaments, participated in the Gilded Ladder Tournament, which he lost to Leo Solomon in the final round. He also participated in the Event Blitz Tournament, where he came in second to Rex-88. He has temporarily disabled his ability to Level past 39 as part of an ongoing bet for an artifact, an overcrash, and divine power. A random award he possesses is 'Undid the Incessant Pudding Ritual of Tolgree Town'. Has 108 Fame.

Ansor Dreymunn (Human, Level 39)
Alchemist of the Alchemic Order of the Golden Spiral. Creator of the Diamond Cupcake of Lord Onsmethh item.

Antaracleses the Designer (Ancient, Level 100-199)
Entity who found the lost ERI templatable element core in the Abyss of Time whilst surveying it, using it to create the element of Numerals. Was later killed by the Administrators of Daghmal Gozzott through nebulous circumstances involving experimentation with the element.

Anti-Selereth (Elemental Lord & Outsider & Arch-Umbral, Level 600-799)
"A black-and-gray duplicate of Selereth, imaginary elemental option-motes floating around her"
Negative-version of Selereth created by the Veil Render's interference, using Regret as its base foundation. Killed by Selereth and the Celestial Lord.

Anton Carassius (Human & Pillar, Level 400-599)
A foe of the Third Ascension.

Anton Sergius (Human, Level 100-199)
He used to have the Instakill Shotgun. Works with the Goddess of Architecture.

Antwan Davis (Human, Level 55)
A clerk at the going-out-of-business Impressive Shoes in the Grand Mall of Worlds.

Aradaz (Undead, Level 200-399)
A lich lord who claimed part of a lower plane who has joined with the Rebel Dark Forces.
Art Link

Aralia the Fair (Undead, Level 5)
Undead created (thanks in part to Salphron) after being killed because she annoyed some BA Members. Notably vengeful and obsessed with regaining/maintaining her beauty. Has an alt-form as a Level 3 Human.
Stat Block

Aranden Kreshwol (Human, Level 4)
"A mage with blackish-brown hair"
One of the members of Az's unsuccessful attempt to rescue Selereth Helios with no outside backing during the Princess of Suns Incident. A studying mage who uses air/water element wizard magic, likes sweet fruits and board games and dislikes spicy foods. Died in the course of the attempt.

Arcane Spirit: Calmerecht (Spirit, Level 4)
A spirit involved in specific tests for low-level BA Members.
Stat Link

Arch-Archivist Cassadataya (Human, Level 85)
"A squat woman with one lapis eye and one moss-agate eye, brown skin, and white hair wearing garb made from the furred hide of the Shuut-Beast and carrying a staff of curling silver."
High-ranking member of the Chroniclers of Eternity.

Arch-Archivist Erumunn (Human, Level 95)
"A dark-skinned man with a beard of iron, mercury eyes, a halo of books, a tall hat with an eye-and-book symbol upon its front, and blue-and-gold robes."
High-ranking member of the Chroniclers of Eternity.

Arch-Archivist Eurixylvond (Magic Being, Level 93)
"A vaguely-female, somewhat-humanoid shape of internally-illuminated jellyfish-like goo with six seeing-mouths ringing its umbrella-like head and a tome with embossed-platinum covers in one of its forked tendril-hands."
High-ranking member of the Chroniclers of Eternity.

Arch-Archivist Hinkelruud (Monster, Level 82)
"A tall man with the head of an owl, a muscular, feathered body, and a lower half similar to a serpent, only made of quiet fire."
High-ranking member of the Chroniclers of Eternity.

Archarial of the Ten Thousand Hands (Outsider, Level 100-199 Deity)
Deity, presumably related to theft.

Archbishop Ellmann Beach (Human, Level 200-399)
"A male functionary of the Holy Empire with a very, very tall hat and official-looking robes."
One of the large, odd group of individuals presiding over the creation of the Doorway of Lost Realms. Has Holy Orders.

Archbishop Thosm (Human & Abstract & Horror, Level 80)
"Archbishop Thosm is attempting to channel the power of the chaos star and take over/wipe out the life of Theyrambus, with moon of Glux"
Heard about by Lili's Shielding Golem, who approached the giant Urdonjas and negotiated for the Archbishop's death.

Archdruid Hathelman (Human, Level 24)
Was granted sentience alongside Count Luciano and worked both as part of his coup against the king and on his World Loom project. Due to a special Walrusfest gift, his moveset now contains:
Guarded by the Forest- Possessor obtains +6,000 Defense, +20% Dodge, and 30% Physical Resistance while possessor either has three or more Plant allies or is in a Zone of Earth, Constant Effect

Archduke Mournmoth (Arch-Umbral, Level 85)
A (presumable) Shadow Duke of somewhat antagonistic nature.

Arch-Executioner Molmoranzz (Human, Level 600-799)
(Does Not Exist)
Would become the leader of the new Order of the Silent Hall, had it not been disbanded due to banishment from Nexus and the killing of key members in the Knot of Trelhais and by Anathema.

Archie Mowmer (Human, Level 41)
Bowman. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling.

Archlich Ehrlekt (Undead, Level 400-599)
Was a foe of the First Ascension. He has an alt-form as a Level 599 Eldritch.

Archmagus Sandor Arinceyd (Human, LEvel 1)
(Doesn't Exist Yet)
Ascendant of the future Fifth Ascension. As such, he doesn't exist yet. Will be the replacement for the Ascension's Traitor, Mahu Rah'Seydi.

Archmissionary Eli Risen (Undead, Level 45)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Archmissionary Ezikiel Black (Undead, Level 43)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Archmissionary Ichabod Night (Undead, Level 58)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Archmissionary Issachar White (Undead, Level 41)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Archmissionary Jebediah Fall (Undead, Level 45)
"A pale man in a buckle-adorned pilgrim's hat, puritanical clothes, and cape appears. He holds a wickedly-twisting polearm in his right hand."
Was until recently the caretaker for the Cathedral of Glorious Rebirth, until being killed (again) by a group composed of the Golem, Jessie, Einarr and Volatilis at the behest of Lubel Vyre. A Dragoon/Necromancer who has jump attacks, undead summons, and an alternate form composed of a ring of rotating coffins called Serene and Perfect Box. He can also turn people undead and switch places with allied undead in the area. His best move is Dead Sky Nail.

Archmissionary Keturah Shroud (Undead, Level 43)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Archo-Calmiarn (Illuminated, Level 45)
An Illuminated on a pilgrimage in the Expanse of Gears. Challenged the fifth Chosen of Technology, Rashello Arimerre, for their artifact and title. Failed.

Archwizard Shalakar (Human, Level 72)
Leader of the Drowned Mages of R'Theyrl.

Ardrakas Kresmeides (Not-Yet-Ascended Ascendant, Level 100-199)
Ascendant involved with the Fourth Ascension. Created Lurumel.

Areloxx (Insect & Alien & Devil & Dragon, Level 93)
"Tending the bar is a red-chitin-skinned creature with a body similar to a clawed humanoid demon and a face like an insect-dragon with two columns of three yellow-glowing eyes each."
Bartender in the Fire section of the Tavern, and just as knowledgable as one would expect from the position. Adept at concocting fire-based drinks. Finds jewels tasty. Worships (or at least holds in extremely high regard) Morrisant.

Areskya the Hundred-Phoenix-Winged (Human & Elemental, Level 88)
Arch-general of Dharezzar the Ember-Cloaked, presently training in a time-distorted citadel beneath the super-oceanic magma expanse in Chomosk.

Argantannion (Human & Radiant, Level 99)
Was the first traitor to an Ascension. Part of the First Ascension. She has an alt-form as a Level 99 Enthroned.

Argeshta's Primal Rage (Animal & Monster, Level 55)
"A giant beast combining the most ferocious features of hundreds of animals made of white light and druidic energy"
Part of the group sent by world-entities Miss Nowhere and Miss Demise to the Knot of Trelhais. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis, but recovered by Miss Demise and Miss Nowhere due to their Faction-Ability.

Ariel Evershine (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
One of the three Source Guardians of Light. Presently not around due to Light being taken out of the roster of Base Elements, removing its Source as a result.

Arisina (Human, 400-599)
"A blonde-haired little girl in a blue dress sipping tea from a cup on the far side of a table. She offers to tell fortunes for 2,000 Gold a pop."
A young, and remarkably accurate fortune-teller, who uses a fairly new form of Divination. In actuality, is the physical interface device for the Veil Render in this reality.

Arkhelos the Pale (Abomination & Humanoid, Level 800-999)
Foretold to be a likely opponent of the Fifth Ascension. He has a Level 899 Reaper alt-form.

Arkmodakham, 'The Pharaoh-City' (Outsider, Level 56)
A summonable Eidolon.

Arlan'Vharzaz (Human, Level 26)
A dead thief who prized stable performance over the chance of great performance with the risk of poor performance. Had a unique dagger that provided great Confusion Resistance at the cost of being unable to Critical.

Armistead Ilreynden (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendant from the Third Ascension and is the Replacement Ascendant. Is also an influential scholar who wrote 'The Interdimensional Bestiary' under the name 'Armistead the Wanderer'. Mentioned in the same breath as such luminaries as Talrusion.

Armontius, The Star-Bodied (Astral Being & Archangel & Human, Level 124)
High Priest of Phalerin, holding the position of Guardian of the Holy Stars.

Arnvax (Human, Level 19)
A Heiberric summoner who is the fourth youngest relative of Great Aunt Matagrama.

Arrington (Undead, Level 100-199)
A lich lord notable for making puzzles and puzzle-dungeons.

Arsansil, the All-Weaver (Pillar, Level 800-999)
Entity of great power.

Arsh'Morl'Khaldur (Darkspawn, Level 14)
Darkspawn present for the Princess of Suns contest. Died in Sunthrone.

Artalia of the Fairies (Fae, Level 83)
She is an agitator for increased Fae presence across the universe.

Artannis (Human, Level 57)
Avatar-body of Lord Gadigan.

Arthur Danning (Human, Level 36)
"A blonde man"
One of the librarians of the Nexus Library.

Aryx Syrim (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000 Range)
Ascendant from the Third Ascension.

Arzephquel (Angel, Level 65)
"An angel with a silver-blue sword. The angel is semi-humanoid, but appears to be made out of tattered streamers of light with holy script written on them. It has sharp wings of piercing blue, and its eyes are like polished marbles."
Angel in the service to Phalerin and Feneyri.

Asaratain (Undead, Level 36)
One of the lower-end generals of VonDurion and Amon Horutep during the early stages of the Mana Cannon assembly.

Ashamarak the Great Wyrm of a Thousand Realities (Dragon & Divine, Level 200-399 Deity)
"A dragon god whose worshippers fight against evil dragons and injustice on many worlds"
One of the dragon-gods worshipped at the Cathedral of a Thousand Pantheons.

Asharitii Hashaki (Human, Level 4)
"A young woman in sorta-shrine-maiden-y robes that are a bit more styalized in some ways and a bit less formal in others is up there hawking smoked herring and smoked mushrooms that she's cooking above the smoke-vent"
Resident of the pocket-world of Inatrii, The Only City.

Asha-Thuthathaa, Goddess of Knowledge (Planetary, Level 93)
"A tall, slender figure with parchment flesh, a dress of swirling color, and a long braid of 'hair' made of floating books."
High-ranking member of the Chroniclers of Eternity.

Assistant Director Bill Frostmore (Human, Level 85)
Wayne L. Baxler's boss at Bascaradine.

Assistant Director Stephen Nevin (Human, Level 83)
Works with Bill Frostmore as a Bascaradine employee.

Assistant Pastor Mitchell Edwins (Human, Level 3)
Assistant Pastor to the Church of Airyngraav and Stathelyyrres in Millbey Town. One of the people who posted a request to stop Carson the Fake Vampire.

Astounding Jeff, Of Astounding Jeff's Pork Palace (Human, Level 25)
A man whose famous meat truly can't be beat. Specialises in seasonal pork-based foodstuffs, especially at events involving fireworks- expect to behold the wonder of the Porkmobile in such a case. Has a notably bizarre flair, and is strange enough that Abstracts pretty much everywhere love him.

Astruloc (God, Level 6,000-7,999)
Given its general non-intervention in the Main Universe, various other deities with similar themes are often confused with it.

Asular (Endbringer, Level 600-799)
An Endbringer. He was a foe of the First Ascension.

Asyltyria (Fae & Spirit & Magic Being, Level 25)
"A blue-glowing head of some sort of long-haired, solid-eyed, pointy-eared, surprisingly beautiful woman"
Ghostly entity that lives in the Moving Stone Library of Haggok'Nhir. Has several differently-coloured friends. She (and her friends) enjoy fruit. Was granted a boon from Sunthrone's Inner Tower through the actions of Kierron (presumably with an attendant power-boost).

Atranelia (Fae, Level 8)
"A two-foot-tall woman with a dress made of flowers and flower petals. She has four fairy wings and a long rod with a blue crystal in it."
A fairy princess, third princess of the court of Spring on Ellyen'Aethen. Was on the Celestial Lord's side during the Princess of Suns Incident. Can use fae magics and glamors, can heal with a touch. Due to a special Walrusfest giftbox that gave a bad result, her moveset now contains:
Fragile Glass Body- Possessor obtains 200% Physical Weakness, Constant Effect

Athathos the Reliquarian (Human & Fae, Level 47) Reference Link
Giver of the quest 'Needlework', in which Vivorynn Chrisallios assisted her in releasing and defeating the various demon-spirits needed to forge a new set of Notion Pins.

Augustin Bremalt (Human, Level 39 BA Member)
"A man with shoulder-length blonde hair, a falcatta, and noble's clothes."
A sword-weilding noble. Capable of using magic sword techniques, time-slowing multi-slashes, etc. Was originally on the Dravis team during the Princess of Suns Incident, but defected when the Corporation decided to detonate the planetary core of Ganseel during the course of the mission, instead joining forces with Silas and LH-014 to prevent it. Survived the event to join the Battle Arena with his companion, Lady Chaundresna.

Augustin Suterre (Immortal, Level 800-999)
Spymaster of the First Holy Empire. Was a secret faction head in the Princess of Suns Incident, recruiting people from multiple teams to help counteract a Valcont threat and change Selereth's fate.

Augustus Louisson Maximus VonStavenson-Helmsburg Pomfroy the Eighteenth, Master of the Esoteric Art, Scholar of Loilander, Lord of Heskelburg, and Defender of the Secret Words of Night (Human, Level 54)
"A man in ostentatious purple robes with a powdered wig; atop his wig is purched a two-foot-tall, round-topped, conical hat covered in elegant gold-leaf detail. Flying next to him is a long-nosed butler with gray-brown skin who is around three feet tall. This butler carries a gold-and-violet umbrella with blue magical designs on it, constantly shading the man. Next to him on the ground are a long-nosed gnome butler with a scroll case on his back and a silver platter in one hand and a three-eyed red centipede that stretches the length of a man and wears a golden crown with seven mystic jewels in it."
A pompous twit.
One of the three head members of Larexmordum Verinextus.

Augustus Lemminton (Human, Level 75) Reference Link
Abjuration-specialised archmage of the nation of High Lycerium on the world of Remfass, which fell to the dread horror of Bear Popsicle Comics. Managed to write an account to warn other dimensions of the threat before getting killed by it.

Augustus Solomon (Human, Level 400-599)
Personal nemesis of the Ascendant, Drolda Thandolmann. Destined to clash with the Ascendant many times over the course of their journey. He has an alt-form as a Level 599 Enlightened.

Aurenmetherra (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
"A lightning-winged woman with electric-blue hair, glowing eyes, an axe made of storms, and a gown that pulses with a color-shifting electric glow."
One of the Three Source Guardians of Electricity, enemy of the Source Guardians of Acid. In another theoretical timeline, they were killed by the awakened Guardians of Acid and their Source destroyed. In this timeline, she was killed by Harkala and has her head used as a puppet-minion.

Avaxxamulreides, Kindler of the Soulpyre (Arch-Demon, Level 95 Deity)
Lesser demon lord currently invading the Bright Realm of Perydyle.

Axe Santa (Santa, Level 600-799)
One of the three Primordial Santas, who arrived in the main universe alongside Door Santa.

Axim the Eternal (Sovereign, Level 2,000-3,999)
"You see the body of an old dwarf floating in midair with his legs crossed below him. His beard is long and impressive, and his eyes are solid glowing silver. His armor seems to shift from one suit to another every five or so seconds, displaying an array of elaborate and powerful looking armors. He is surrounded by a sphere of semi-transparent, solid force, which is surrounded by a pyramid of semi-transparent magical power, which is surrounded by a cube that flashes into vision for a moment every couple of seconds. In front of this body, standing on the ground, are three identical looking dwarves whose eyes are shut. They remain motionless and each stand within the faint image of a tower that has magical rings drifting up and down around it. Around all this, on the crystal platform that Axim floats above, are a hundred concentric protective magic circles, each filled with eldritch symbols that are beyond your comprehension. Surrounding all of this is the image of a ghostly fortress. Around the fortress drift a thousand shields and an array of fearsome spheres of protective magic and wardings."
Previous Eternal Sovereign brought into Gadigan's universe after his defeat at Gadigan's hands. Has an Immortal alt-form in the Level 600-799 Range for trips into reality. Specialises in abduration and defensive magic.

Aya (Human, Level 33)
An alternate-universe version of Ayame. Priestess/Swordswoman wife of Geddoe (2).

Ayame (Human, Level 61)
A beautiful female samurai resulting from a combo performed by Geddoe, who frequently journies with her.

Ayrdunis (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendant from the First Ascension.

Azir Maquaal (Human & Demon, Level 65)
The third Chosen of Air. A genie-binding lord of thieves and half-demon sorceror who controlled the elements of the desert and the darkness of the night. Azir killed the Cerulean Sultan's Master of Blades, Tariq Iz'Massir, gaining the title and artifact of the Chosen of Air from him. Tariq, having inherited the Chosen title, began a reign of terror in which he seized many powerful magic items and cowed the rulers of nations both near and far. Tariq was eventually defeated by Elsie Phaeduras, a hero from another world. Has an alt-form as a Level 76 Chosen.

Azith Ithorin (Outsider & Ancient, Level 400-599 Deity)
"A huge human figure, at least twenty feet in height. His hair is sky blue, and his armor is a suit of white plate. A cape trails behind him, billowing in the breezless copse. He holds a massive blade of energy in one hand"
One of the original Seven Ancients, a pantheon of ancient, benevolent deities reawakened by Gadigan that wish to protect civilisation and the forces of good against ancient forces of evil, particularly Darkspawn and the Elder Horrors. They appear to have a fondness for choosing Battle Arena members to weild their powers.

Azmorgund of the Elder Runes (Spirit, Level 16)
Member of Zaga Yazrath's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. An extremly accomplished spellcaster that appears as an elderly human man but is actually a powerful spirit, skilled with elder rune magic, spirit magic, elemental magic, wizard magic, abjuration, enchantment, catastrophe magic, summoning, and divination. Has an utterly huge magical resevoir for someone of his level/power, and is also much more resilient than his appearance would suggest. Died in a fight against Evil Baker and the Sun Eater team.

Azral Hinderdrak (Human, Level 22)
" Behind the desk, in a chair with crimson upholstry, sits a brown-robed wizard who looks thoroughly unshaven. His appearances are unkept and he seems a bit wild eyed, blinking forcefully a few times as he takes in your images."
Mage at the Ludensvoi Society of Magical Inquiry. Had his blood changed to monkeys by agents of Bill the Purple Marmoset in order to control him and prevent agents of the Veil Render from reaching their goals for the Princess of Suns Incident. Notably addled, although whether this is due to the monkeys, his research or simply his normal state of being is hard to say.

Azure Nova (Human, Level 80)
A notable superhero.

Azzhelossi: Skeletal Wind Blade (Undead, Level 4)
"A skeletal being that seems to ripple in and out of the wind around him, holding a long katana in his hands."
A dungeon boss in the Temple of Orithon.
Stat Link

Baalthios the Unbound (Magic Being, Level 63)
Challenged the fifth Chosen of Water, Jabari Ekantu, for the title and artifact. Was defeated.

Babba Babababoo, The Fat Ghost (Undead, Level 36)
"An enormously fat, bright yellow ghost"
Ghost presently making a nuisance of himself in the town of Honeypot on Disc 81.

Balko, Dogmaster (Human, Level 16)
"A man with a crew cut and studded leather armor"
One of a small group of adventurers manipulated into joining the Three of Swords Corporation by Vashna Saseen (his saving their lives in the process helped considerably). Trains war dogs, his favourite being one named Manjaw. Has a somewhat lacking ability for naming. Has a Level 4 alt-form.

Ballero Kazastrahn (Human, Level 79)
"A wizard with a halo of eyeballs around his head and a staff made from shifting plasma-like slime"
Capable of bilocation. Was in charge of assigning individuals to cleanup squads tackling Serpent Blessed around Nexus during the Princess of Suns Incident.

Balmarrak the Stout of Daer'Mandan (Humanoid, Level 41)
A highly talented metalworker.

Baloo (Human, Level 38)
"A slightly large, bearded man in robes with a fez."
One of the members in charge of the pleasure-palace of Karanaldes-Otrae-Este. Could walk through shadows, use Chaos Magic, turn things to gold and control people's actions to an extent. Killed during the retaking of the planet by Shalmarkion's recovering council.

Balwick Violet-Dancer (Fae, Level 4)
"Purple winged male sprite-like creature"
A member of Ord'Bhelerieth, King of the Fae's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Enjoys frolicing in wood-like fields near violets. Knows mild-enchantment magic. Not too effective. Killed by the Sun Eater team.

Bandit Prince Mitchell O'Dood (Human, Level 5)
A bandit leader currently looking for help in raiding the town of Hawk's Crest on Shanningmoor.

Banserro Bekklin (Human & Horror, Level 55)
"A white-fleshed man with hundreds of knives driven into his skin"
A member of the Cult of Bez'Bekkelin's group in their efforts to use the Knot of Trelhais to hasten the end of everything. Had a variety of knife-based attacks, including Spirit-eating-glass-shard attacks, magic- and ranged- attack pinning-with-a-knife (followed by void-corruption and redirection), Null element infliction, life-force absorption and healing-prevention. Also capable of exploding out of people's faces, blood-mist-teleportation, and turning into a carpet of spiders. Killed by Selereth Helios' team in Knot.

Barax Zaratome (Dragon, Level 99)
The traitor to the Third Ascension. He has an alt-form that is a Level 99 Eldritch.

Baron Asernis (Human, Level 11)
Ruler of Kyveer who was instated by the elemental Chosen Lystra and Laurennia, replacing the corrupt Baron Meerde.

Baron Billiras Ibsburg (Human, Level 14)
A noble from Rell'Arill.

Baron Ivory (Humanoid & Animal, Level 60)
A member of the Rentharr Dravis/Don Hippopotamus team that was retroactively entered into the Impossible Knot quest due to the Enigma Men failing to retroactively write themselves into being. Killed along with the rest of the team early on.

Baron Meerde (Human, Level 12)
Corrupt ruler of Kyveer who was overthrown by the elemental Chosen Lystra and Laurennia, and replaced with Baron Asernis.

Baron Oggvey (Human, Level 55)
A noble from Disc 916. Has a notably unusual monocle-wearing mansion.

Baron Ooriih (Humanoid & Bio-Horror, Level 65)
"A fat man with a powdered wig, red-and-gold coat, puffy pants, and ruby cane. His eyes glow and he begins laughing. His flesh sloughs off in piles of meat, burning as it falls. Beneath the facade is a second body, his augmented one. He possesses blue flesh, pointed ears, sharp teeth in a mouth that spreads three quarters of the way around his head, no hair or eyes, a lithe frame, and long fingers with clawed tips. Blue fire flashes over his form, and he now wears a silver and sea-green set of armored clothes and holds a silver rod. Glowing dispaly panels flash into existance around him, and seeds begin to rain from the sky in a circle surrounding his position."
One of the enemies of the members of the First Ascension. Tried, and failed to interface with one of KIRGA's subsystems. He did genetic tweaking of monsters and his servants, owned a large island, and could use magic and reality-command-protocals of various sorts. Seemed notably fond of using augmented plants to attack.

Baron Rhet'Gaffo (Human, Level 9)
A noble from Rell'Arill.

Baron Vormant (Human, Level 83)
Involved in Arrington's puzzles and the resurrection of Sereyn.

Baron Voyd (Outsider, Level 60)
A member of Bill the Purple Marmoset's team during the Knot of Trelhais quest. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis

Barto Naash, the Seashadow (Human, Level 21)
The fourth Chosen of Water. A pirate that killed Almar Krynne and gained the title and artifact, and became progressively bolder in his piracy and thefts, granted confidence by his possession of the artifact and an initial string of successful ventures. He then attempted to raid the vaults of Merchant King Erynn Gazoff and was defeated by the Gargenthelo. Has an alt-form as a Level 31 Chosen.

Bascaradine Presents Mr. Whip, Model 73 (Robot, Level 8)
"A 15-foot-tall walking robot suit with a smiley face"
A member of Bascaradine's mercenary team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Can be folded down to about briefcase size, has AI systems and capable of operating independently, can be worn by normal people, can act as a mech TF or a power armor that enhances user, has a whip in it's right hand that is prehensile, can naturally be a whip of destructive force, pure force, or electricity.

Bassaria the Ordered Hierarch (Magic Being & Elemental, Level 72)
Discarded experiment of Eredat Ruethmal, presently active and carving out territory for itself in the scrapheap-plane below the Fae's floating research and development laboratory. Burst forth from the mana emitted from a massive energy core. Seeks to ascend to a semi-divine state through proper arrangement and sequential activation of the devices cast down to the world.

Battle Ostrich (Aerial, Level 59 BA Member)
A member of Bill the Purple Marmoset's team during the Knot of Trelhais quest. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis. Got better due to being a BA Member.

Baz'Borhu, Duke of Dreaming Winds (Outsider, Level 86)
An Eidolon.

Bazefar, The Shepherd of Winds (Outsider, Level 25)
A summonable eidolon.

Bazzifryz (Archdemon, Level 200-399 Deity)
Demon General killed by Michael Helios.

Beacon Guardian Citriaak (Magic Being, Level 13)
It is from one of the Third Ascension prologues and came from the Fogsea's regions closer to the world.
Stat Link

Bear Popsicle Comics (Abstract & Horror & Conceptual, Level 80)
A horrid, world-destroying comic.

Bear Vendor (Animal, Level 85)
A mysterious resident of Honeyworld who trades knowledge, items and abilities for rare honeys. Some of the things he offers for the higher-tier honeys are shockingly potent, such as deific domains over bears or Honeyworld itself. He is part of the world, and his traded items (and desired honeys) change over time. Introducing new honeys to the world may increase his stock. Notably, he can't really interact with things outside his defined role- his level is purely to be able to handle the highest-end items he needs to.

Beekeeping Ryan (Human, Level 59)
"A short man in a beekeeper's suit with mechanical bee wings strapped on."
A member of That Camel-Headed Bastard's plans to ruin everything in the Knot of Trelhais forever. Dominated by Lili after a clash between the Camel, Enigma Men and Cataloguers teams.

Beggirath the Sunknight (Human, Level 10)
"Knight in literally shining, golden armor"
Member of Uriel Solaris' team during the Princess of Suns Incident. His armor is heavy and protective, and his sword blazes with minor starfire. Somewhat cocky and condescending towards those unworthy of his station, intent on eliminating those that oppose his ideals or his superiors but otherwise not cruel. Killed by the Sun Eater team.

Belbeleccia (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Magic. Killed by Iepterro, Dryse and the Veil Render.

Belmarr VI of Grandhall (Undead, Level 55)
Former king of the long-dead dwarven civilisation of Grandhall on the world of Heinmuir VI. Was a renowned warlord, having bested many civilisations and slain two dragons singlehandedly. Once stood guard to the treasure room of Grandhall before being banished by Kazivon and Lili von Mion.

Bellmun Blackwinter (Human, Level 18)
"One of the group steps forward and pulls back his hood, revealing the grizzled face of a man with a hefty black beard and deep brown eyes."
One of the members of the Council of Elder Guardians, who briefed the faction's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Specialised in offensive druid magic, considering himself the wrath of nature. Dislikes dark magic, demons, daemons, undead, devils and things that aren't where they're supposed to be. A blend of chaos and law influence his views, and he tends to want nature to remain in a wild, untamed, somewhat chaotic order where everything fills its proper role in natural processes and worlds overlap a minimal amount. Died in Sunthrone.

Belschmetz (Arch-Demon, Level 400-599) Reference Post
Worked with Morrisant and Master Anandale to take over Erathis. Pioneer in the early field of creating Soul weapons. A noted foe of the First Ascension.

Belyria the Voyager (Human, Level 67)
Part of a group led by Syrios Dessengrant, Hero of the Worlds to recover one of the ERI's lost templatable element cores, a mission that ended in the successful creation of the Treasure element.

Benhannis Techylmann (Human, Level 400-599)
"A short, slightly rotund man is standing in front of them, gingerly adjusting his bifocals. He has an elaborately powdered wig, a brown coat with ruffled sleeves and golden buttons, and black, silver-buckled shoes."
Astoundingly powerful uber-scientist, inventor and founder of the Elemental Research Institute. Think Benjamin Franklin dialled up to 11. Fully capable and even more willing to bare-knuckle box with gods with one hand tied behind his back. Good-humoured (although it may simply be a byproduct of being so far above most others in terms of power). Also the rather debauched life of the party.

Benedict The Shark (Aquatic, Level 59)
Notoriously treacherous aquatic pet, completely willing (and actively likely) to join whatever he perceives as 'the winning side'. Has a Level 9 alt-form called 'Benedict the Shark, Ravenous Traitor Spirit'.

Benjamin (Human, Level 48)
Avatar Body of Lord Gadigan. Actively being controlled less than the others and likely to be dropped as an active avatar soon.

Benyiel, Fate Thief (Elemental, Level 17)
"A brown haired human looking woman in her early 20's"
Member of Zaga Yazrath's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Able to rob others of abilities, base power, destinies and potentials (unless sufficiently awesome), able to walk around/through most obstructions, and possesses far more luck than any normal individual should. Has an Overcrash. Died in a fight against Evil Baker (using her Overcrash to escape his) and the Sun Eater team.

Berlarry (Conceptual & Horror, Variable Level)
One of the replacement bartenders that works the Nexus Tavern while The Bartender is away on business. Unlike Carl, Berlarry is terrible at his job, giving misleading advice that frequently points to extremely dangerous or unfriendly areas. The jury's still out as to whether he's massively incompetent or has a twisted sense of humour and is far more dangerous than he looks. No-one has yet mustered the courage to try his drinks. Might have access to Illusion and Disruption magic, many buffs and debuffs and chef-tree powers.
Art Link
Lady Yrralreb
"The fortuneteller is wearing a long, black wig, giant, glue-on eyelashes, and speaks in a high falsetto."
A fortuneteller who gives deliberately inaccurate predictions, misleading information and the occasional good bit of advice just to stymie those who disbelieve everything 'she' says. Suspected to be a certain bartender in drag.

Berrick Kaldeen (Human, Level 8)
A member of Warmaster Kharmannion Ghalasor's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Commander of the land navy of his world. Skilled with large one-handed swords and hand cannons. Suffering from alcohol addition, but is reasonably brave and a decent tactician. Died in Sunthrone.

Bert Coffeee (Human, Level 16)
A violin salesman from Disc 610.

Bertram (Human, Level 3)
An evacuee from the Silver City.

Bert Wetshorts (Human, Level 2)
A child in Fastdefense.

Bessie LaGrand (Human, Level 18)
"A slightly plump old woman with a long violet-and-burgundy dress with a hair bonnet and glasses working on sewing together a flag on a stool."
A flagmaker situated in the top discs of Nexus who specialises in reasonably priced work. Creator of the Three of Swords Corporation flag. Rather good at baking biscuits.

Bez-Bekklin, Last and Greatest Endbringer (Endmaker, Level 9,999)
He is to be the final opponent of the Fifth Ascension, and potentially put an end to everything. Given there's seven more Ascensions scheduled after his appearance, however, there's likely to be some form of continuation after the fact. Has a notable cult of terrible, terrible people seeking to hasten his arrival.

Bill's Lodge (Large Structure, Level 45)
"A large, wooden lodge with a wooden goose head above the main door, which is made out of dried, magically treated seaweed"
Animate, aggressive dimensionally-travelling hyperbuilding owned by Bill, used for transporting (and housing) Bill's monkey squad.

Bill, The Purple Marmoset from Beyond Space and Time (Immortal, Level 600-799)
A tea-loving marmoset whose plans are as inscrutable as they are numerous, involving aquiring The Perfect Tea for Gadigan. Allied with Ronald Q. Death. Despises contracts and the swearing of oaths. A very strange entity indeed. Entered the Princess of Suns Incident as a faction head in order to find The Perfect Flame to heat The Perfect Tea. His antagonistic recruiting style proved to be something of an impediment to his plans, however. Killed by Zaga Yazrath, the Veil Render and Mimechiavelli working in concert.

Bill The Singing Missile (Machine, Level 45)
A very strange being presently stuck with (and assisting) the hapless Larry Phibbens in daily matters. Given Larry is a perfectly ordinary human being and Bill is a repeatedly-exploding singing missile with talents as a chef, smith, merchant, diplomat, driver, diviner, monk, scholar and (of course) bard and musician, it's presumable that said daily matters have become rather more complicated than Larry would like.

Bimbo Turngood (Human, Level 1)
An unfortunately-named man from VonDurion's homeworld.
Stat Link

Bio-Whale Mahhukhallus XVIII (Aquatic & Bio-Horror, Level 68)
A fortress-ship created by the 'white mad science' order of the Jovial Brotherhood of the Unchained Mind.

Bishop Ruthmann (Human, Level 21)
Bishop of the Cobalt Church, presiding over the Grand Sanctuary of Azaar. Refused to pay Tolva 'The Demon' Malone protection money, resulting in the Sanctuary being firebombed.

Bizz'El'Forlath (Darkspawn, Level 45)

Bjorn the Horrid (Human, Level 18)
A physically-repulsive viking-type. Had a cursed sword.

Black General of the First Rift: Vexxenvech the Sword-Collector (Demon, Level 74) Reference Link
Lived in the Hollow Blackness before Mausmangarde invaded. Initially cooperating with Gorelfester in order to escape and establish a foothole elsewhere. Demon master of martial combat. Collects and summons the swords of his foes. Enjoys duels. More honorable than the rest of the 'alliance' he's part of, but not actually honorable. Was planning to organize a strike force to assist the Serpent Demon Yazamoth in finding the Sphere of Hours, Days, and Eons.

Black General of the Second Rift: Murmelgazz the Worm of Minds (Demon, Level 71) Reference Link
Lived in the Hollow Blackness before Mausmangarde invaded. Initially cooperating with Gorelfester in order to escape and establish a foothole elsewhere. Entirely ethereal, normally quite invisible. A demon of fate, manipulation, deception, and illusions. Both genders.

Black General of the Third Rift: Xhekkelark the Searing End (Demon, Level 55) Reference Link
"Large, has a head that looks to be a mix of a hound's and a hornet's, four large bat wings, and a large axe, made of fire"
Lived in the Hollow Blackness before Mausmangarde invaded. Initially cooperating with Gorelfester in order to escape and establish a foothole elsewhere. Burns things. It's a generic demon boss that has fire demons.

Black General of the Fourth Rift: Curbombo the Worm-Glutton (Demon, Level 56) Reference Link
"Has a worm's lower body and the upper body of a horned mound of obese flesh with sunken eyes and a huge mouth."
Lived in the Hollow Blackness before Mausmangarde invaded. Initially cooperating with Gorelfester in order to escape and establish a foothole elsewhere. A massive demon of gluttony that devours as much as it can.

Black General of the Fifth Rift: Yemelsech the Night-Bearer (Demon, Level 73) Reference Link
Lived in the Hollow Blackness before Mausmangarde invaded. Initially cooperating with Gorelfester in order to escape and establish a foothole elsewhere. Demon of magic, night, and the starless void. Has lots of zone-based effects and an artifact orb.

Black Sheriff of Treldon (Human, Level 21)
One-time enemy of Walter Eldridge and Jackie West.

Blimplady Belinda (Human, Level 15)
An individual attached to a special fight.

Bloodlord Maxwell Carthon (Undead, Level 57)
Entity that sought to harm Errymir the Air-Dancer, but was killed by the BA Member Leo Solomon.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #1- Director Bluewar (Planetary, Level 82)
Head of the Bluewar Ministry, an organisation that declares war and destroys places for money, killing everyone in the area.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #2- The Operator (Outsider, Level 80)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry. Second-in-command. Typically announces the Ministry's presence a day before they launch an assault against an area with a view to destroying everyone and everything in their path.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #3- Emperor Manta (Aquatic, Level 78)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #4- Doctor Coral (Aquatic, Level 75)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #5- Field Marshal Kraken (Aquatic, Level 72)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #6- Board-Chairman Conch (Aquatic, Level 68)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #7- Gambler Fugu (Aquatic, Level 65)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #8- Judge Hammerhead (Aquatic, Level 59)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #9- Prosecutor Shark (Aquatic, Level 59)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #10- Barrister Walrus (Aquatic, Level 59)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #11- Executioner Angler (Aquatic, Level 59)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #12- General Squid (Aquatic, Level 56)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #13- Archmage Man-O-War (Aquatic, Level 55)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #14- CEO Conch (Aquatic, Level 54)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #15- Warlord Orca (Aquatic, Level 53)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #16- Governor Starfish (Aquatic, Level 51)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #17- Samurai Dugong (Aquatic, Level 48)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #18- Groundskeeper Skate (Aquatic, Level 44)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #19- Covert-Agent Remora (Aquatic, Level 43)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #20- Banker Clam (Aquatic, Level 41)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #21- Vice-President Conch (Aquatic, Level 40)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #22- Huntsman Piranha (Aquatic, Level 39)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #23- Assassin Manatee (Aquatic, Level 39)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #24- Professor Lamprey (Aquatic, Level 38)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #25- Chemist Oyster (Aquatic, Level 38)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #26- Surgeon Sturgeon (Aquatic, Level 36)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #27- Mechanic Goby (Aquatic, Level 34)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #28- Bouncer Seal (Aquatic, Level 33)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #29- Warrior Prawn (Aquatic, Level 28)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #30- Sage Crab (Aquatic, Level 28)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #31- Bishop Monkfish (Aquatic, Level 28)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #32- Burglar Shrimp (Aquatic, Level 28)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #33- Sorcerer Jellyfish (Aquatic, Level 28)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #34- Senior-Executive Conch (Aquatic, Level 26)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #35- Commander Octopus (Aquatic, Level 25)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #36- Rocker Lobster (Aquatic, Level 23)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #37- Salesman Catfish (Aquatic, Level 21)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #38- Coach Salmon (Aquatic, Level 19)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #39- Doctor Dolphin (Aquatic, Level 18)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #40- Fugitive Eel (Aquatic, Level 16)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #41- Host Bass (Aquatic, Level 14)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #42- Commentator Tuna (Aquatic, Level 14)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #43- Diva Goldfish (Aquatic, Level 14)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #44- Engineer Grouper (Aquatic, Level 10)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #45- Officer Crawdad (Aquatic, Level 7)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluewar Ministry Employee #46- Executive Conch (Aquatic, Level 2)
Member of the Bluewar Ministry.

Bluuto Narsk (Humanoid & Animal, Level 58)
A walrus-man running a series of highly-complex cons across three networked worlds. Attempted to challenge Tyrrio, sixth Chosen of Technology, for her artifact and title. Failed.

Bob Hysoon (Human, Level 4)
Was a member of the Mana Cannon project. He has an alt-form as a Level 4 Human that has a different build.

Bob the Caterpillar (Insect, Level 1)
An individual attached to a special fight.

Bob the Manly Lion (Animal, Level 100-199)
"Muscular and awe inspiring, a perfect example of the supreme master of the jungle, with a regal mane and eyes full of power."
Member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau.

Bob the Manly Lion II (Animal, Level 59)
"Has a pearl necklace, a lady's hat with copious amounts of wax fruit on it, and eyeshadow."
Member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau, and a member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau's team in their efforts to win the Knot of Trelhais.

Bob Sunnydaze (Human, Level 4)
"There are six Contest Staff Members, as well as a man named Bob Sunnydaze, an older man named Clifford Stewart, and a woman named Helen Salt, running signups. They, along with two Contest Judges, will be judging the contest, which is starting in about 25 minutes."
One of the Muscleman contest judges from Disc 415, also running signups.

Bob Yesterday (Human, Level 59)
"A bearded man in an admiral's outfit driving a spacetime-traversing golden submersible"
Part of the group sent by world-entities Miss Nowhere and Miss Demise to the Knot of Trelhais. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis, but recovered by Miss Demise and Miss Nowhere due to their Faction-Ability.

Bodiless Speaker (Undead & Spirit, Level 37) Reference Link
One of the opposing forces in the quest 'The Voice of the Vaults', who sought to secure ancient dwarven texts.

Boggy Pipps (Humanoid, Level 42)
Ex-Thief Knight of Charity. Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency.

Boldress the Ogre (Humanoid, Level 55) Reference Link
Issuer of the quest 'Boldress Favors the Bold'. Sought, for whatever reason, the Fanciest Dress on the Island.

Bolsho the Reassembled (Bio-Horror, Level 44)
Participated in the Megaquest 'Blinding of the Father's Eye'. Killed the BA Member Leo Solomon during its course.

Bolvurikk, The King of Rats (Humanoid, Level 58)
"A man in a ragged brown coat with a patchy hobo-beard. He is carrying a Rod of Ascelpius with the serpent-heads replaced with those of rats."
One of the members of Team New Dark Empire during the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Able to twist reality through doom-prophecy rantings to manifest attacks, inflict Plague on people and merge into rat-swarm-shadows to dodge attacks. Killed in the Knot.

Bonbon (Human, Level 60)
"A perky blonde woman with blue eyes that sparkle, wearing an apprentice chef's outfit and a cupcake hat"
A woman from a world designed specifically to make the Perfect Crumpet, a state which imbued the world's chefs with unnatural levels of power, causing their cooking-magic to become startlingly dangerous and powerful. The assistant to The Evil Baker, with similar powers and traits, although not as strong- she tends to act as support in combat or cooking in a manner similar to a magician's assistant combined with a supervillain's sidekick. Is, in some unusual manner, an extension of the Evil Baker's existence. Worships the Goddess of Darkness of their world. Was a member of the Sun Eater's team in the Princess of Suns Incident.

Bonnelaus of Agredoom (Human, Level 48)
Hero of one of the Discs of Nexus who worked with Foom'Al'Frafoom to gain the materials the gearwright needed to create a Sea-Rewinding Gear Set to drive back the Creeping Sea and protect the Low Provinces and Agredoom.

Boramal, 'The Bound Giant' (Outsider, Level 47)
A summonable Eidolon.

Borbbo Zornwith (Human, Level 3)
Man from from VonDurion's homeworld.

Boris Rettlych (Human, Level 48)
Member of the Isenrod Corporation, and ally of the Fleshwarpers.

Boss Gobb (Humanoid, Level 14)
Notoriously huge goblin in charge of most of District Big-G, which he renamed after himself from District 8.

Bostman Gurnley (Human, Level 26 Boss)
"A man in an outstandingly tailored blue pirate's uniform with an oversized tricorn hat with feather"
Water Element
Wanted by the Nexus Administrative Bureau for robbery and murder. Terrorised Disc 415's holiday towns. Killed by Lili's Shielding Golem.

Botanica Processor #3, Seasonal Control Machine Run Amok (Hellacious Blue Uber-Mode) (Machine, Level 49)
Previously one of the Botanica's ordinary processors, housed in a room that was rather malleable reality-wise. Due to a case of mistaken identity, Vashna Saseen managed to set its 'Seasonal iIntensity' setting to 'Severe', its chosen goverened season as the mysterious 'Some Odd Blue Season' and 'Gain Malevolent Sentience' setting to 'On'. One might wonder about the sort of design process that could have resulted in such a switch.
Vashna eventually returned to the Botanica and brokered a deal with the machine in which he would move it to a more preferable location and prevent other bounty hunters wishing to fix the Botanica from destroying it in return for having the Botanica's issues resolved. After the Botanica was destroyed (Doc not being able to prevent it due to being occupied in the Princess of Suns incident) in the ensuing interpretation of his intentions, Vashna shipped it off to the Blackclad Order for safekeeping.

Box General (Human & Golem, Level 60)
A member of Ganseed the Collector's team during the Knot of Trelhais event. Killed by Miss Nowhere and Miss Demise's team in Knot.

Bozforrus (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Air. Killed by Harkala and has its head used as a puppet.

Bozo Blueshoes (Human, Level 45)
"A clown in stunning, long blue shoes riding upon a blackish-blue dragon with clown makeup on its face.".
A clown. Owns a trained clown-dragon and is popular among the clowns of Nexus. Has some degree of alchemical expertise allowing him to create clown-paints with special effects. Presently a worshipper (and cleric) of Lili von Mion.

Branzimus (Devil, Level 100-199)
"A devil-merchant who wields a partisan"
Party member of the Fourth Ascendants.

Brass Nick the Lying Snake (Animal & Reptile & Golem, Level 16) Reference Link
Featured in the quest 'The Crystal Cave', in which he tried to lure the participating group into a cave full of fake man crystals. Defeated by Anomalous Jack.

Brathwaterzein (Fiend, Level 400-599)
A noted foe of the Third Ascension.

Bregnum the Magnum-Handed (Bio-Horror, Level 14)
"A massive, muscular, twelve-foot-tall man with giant magnum guns built into his hands"
Bascaradine Mercenary, present during the Princess of Suns Incident. Came from a world based around the quest of a hero with a lot of guns to go around (FPS-style) with a destiny to witness (and kill) the first appearance of stage 4 monster. Bregnum managed to ambush and kill that hero, however, causing the world to fall apart. Bregnam was spared due to his part and sent to another dimension where he was recruited. Died in Sunthrone.

Breidel Dream-Chanter (Human, Level 9)
Bascaradine Mercenary, present during the Princess of Suns Incident. A spellcaster whose primary ability is to enter into trances and being able to manipulate dreamworld overlays and use magic there. Capable of some reality alteration magic, and carries a tethered pocket dimension with a huge amount of space (her magic works there), has a lot of esoteric knowledge and lore. Killed in battle against The Sunhand.

Brestwick, the Frost-Bringer (Fae, Level 11)
A member of Ord'Bhelerieth, King of the Fae's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Attacks with ice magic. Good offense, but a terrible defense. Killed by the Sun Eater team.

Brekk-Mezz the Hivelord (Insect & Humanoid, Level 55)
An insectoid warlord defeated by the seventh Chosen of Air, Yulio Azmiir.

Brock Curtis (Human, Level 18)
Brock woke up one morning and found that he was able to increase his physical strength by learning new words and their definitions! He has taken this power and started trying to learn as many words as he can in order to become the ultimate warrior. Unfortunately, his memory is only moderately good, meaning it takes him a fair bit to commit the new words fully into memory.
10 years old. Was at a Nexus Primary School for for aspiring Battle Arena Members. Now a member of Alrick's Brigade.

Brocksarr Seibooth (Human, Level 29)
An adventurer who tackled the Dinosaur Catacombs, but fled the dungeon and wrote a ciphered series of accounts on his experiences and knowledge of the place.

Brock Whitmoore (Human, Level 45)
A member of the Blackclad Order's team in the Princess of Suns Incident, whose unique boon was the ability to send items they gained in Sunthrone directly back to Lucien Blackwell's office. Due to a variety of circumstances, this led to Markannion being sent back to the Blackclad Order HQ in the midst of an operation to root out Serpent Blessed. Smokes cigarettes that releases mana dust that change properties of an area, skilled wizard, skilled diviner, extremely dedicated. Escaped Sunthrone and got promoted.

Brodeimo (Human, Level 61)
Part of the team sent by the Deathmark Assassin's Club to the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in the Knot.

Brok'Nuii the Penguin King (Aerial & Aquatic, Level 31) Reference Link
Defeated handily by Rex-88.

Brosen Hem (Human, Level 53)
An Air Wizard and noted opponent of The Alchemic Order of the Golden Spiral. Enchanted Lady Ormell into a forced state of mind-dormancy.

Broshhington (Human, Level 31)
A wealthy wizard with a fondness for creating artwork, particularly golems of artistic value.

Brozzbop Findlebrort (Humanoid & Fae, Level 13) Reference Link
Featured in the quest 'Gnome Rocket Number Seven', in which he was assisted in reaching the Pink Moon of Buuze by Anomalous Jack.

Brozzilyx (Daemon, Level 100-199)
Part of a chain of daemonic entities under the command of Mausmangarde, Daemon Lord of Fulsome Industry. Master of Prezlyx the Profane, and servant of Horstrix.

Bruinar II of Grandhall (Humanoid, LEvel 68)
Founder and former king of the long-dead dwarven civilisation of Grandhall on the world of Heinmuir VI.

Brustingfields, Horse of Sir Hector Hastingford of the Axelbury Hastingfords (Animal, Level 22)
"A (literally) gold-haired horse"
Sir Hector's long-suffering travelling companion. Whether through loyalty, Sir Hector's powers of command or his gear, the horse sticks with the brash noble in order to help extricate him from the messes he invariably gets himself into. Has a variety of gaze-based attacks (including paralysis and petrification) and a vacuum-chomp technique that is particularly effective against swarms, if liable to cause indigestion later if not used on plants.

Bengal Deathsign the Doom of Man (Undead, Level 72)
An Elder Vampire and retired adventurer who, for some reason, was found in the bizarre region of Fastdefense. Possesses considerably more sentience than the average native of the area. Wished to resurrect his slain companion, Selena Bloodwind the Ungodly Lie. Managed to escape the bizarre world in which he'd spawned thanks to the Golem, and has since moved to Nexus. Presently a worshipper of Lili von Mion.

Brinbeck Wood Goblin Chief (Humanoid, Level 5)
"A goblin with a tin crown with feathers on it and a long spear with a dried hand dangling from it from a string"
Chief of a band of goblins that attacked the village of Brinbeck Falls. After being soundly defeated and humiliated by Alrick's sister Miyo, they were relocated to Aundria as their 'new big boss' Miyo commanded.

Brinlee Eldertree (Human, Level 43)
Ranger. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling.

Brinzmeyer Ganzamat (Fae, Level 28)
A mage working for the Pendlewood Spire Geological Society. Owns and demonstrates coal-powered gizmos.

Brisbock Stormwerk (Fae, Level 25)
Aspiring gnomish gearwright in the Nexus Association of Gearwrights. Currently researching new techniques in the building of clockwork men.

Bruce Pickle (Human, Level 6)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. A confused fellow who isn't sure how he got on board.

Burgadrion (Divine, Level 400-599)
An ally of Zaga Yazrath.

Buzzard Priest (Human, Variable Level)
Pro-Aerial terrorist-for-hire, noted for both being very powerful and ludicrously annoying. Has a ridiculous number of alt-forms.

Buzz Britchford (Human, Level 1)
"A swearing man in jeans with more zippers than a zipper factory"
Always goes to the Angry Library, despite it never having the books he needs, apparently for the sole purpose of yelling about it.

Buzzy Bozzmun (Insect, Level 40)
Boarded the Round The Disc Scenic Express in an attempt to smuggle goods. Was foiled by Sir Hattingham Fury and Silent One in a train-rooftop showdown, resulting in the insect gangster getting punched straight to jail by Fury.

C. A. Yatma (Humanoid, Level 64)
A member of the Rentharr Dravis/Don Hippopotamus team that was retroactively entered into the Impossible Knot quest due to the Enigma Men failing to retroactively write themselves into being. Killed along with the rest of the team early on.

Caeryevnik, The Devil-Once-Bound-In-Chains (Devil, Level 100-199)
"A massive humanoid devil whose body is covered in broken chains."
Party member of the Fourth Ascendants.

Calademus (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
"A tall, bearded man with light-brown skin in pattered robes with a turban and twin rings of bottles encircling his body, intersecting with each other in the general shape of an X."
One of the Three Source Guardians of Acid, enemy of the Source Guardians of Electricity. In another theoretical timeline, Forcystus' attempts to corrupt the very underpinnings (and Elemental Sources) of the Universe awakened them from their ages-long sleep and, seeing the havoc caused by the Bright Crusade and New Dark Empire, utterly destroyed both sides, annihilating the Sources of Light and Darkness and replacing their function with Acid, before moving on to kill Doc and Gillingman as well, attaining a copy of the Prophecies of the Oracle in the process. They then destroyed the Three Source Guardians of Electricity, along with the Source, and set about to infinitely forestall the destined end of this iteration of the universe by destroying, rather than claiming, all other Elemental Sources, forcing Acid to take their place. The Source Guardians of Earth in this other timeline oppose them. In this timeline, he was killed by Harkala and has his head used as a minion-puppet.

Caller of the God-Abominations, Wielder of the Thousand Tools of the Blighted Gods (Humanoid, Level 78)
Afflicted with Ruin Syndrome.
Stat Link

Callixtredes the Crimson Coils (Dragon, Level 55) Reference Link
Was killed by the Great Ebon Knife at the hands of Vivorynn Chrisallios during the quest 'The Dragon and the Three Knives'.

Camera Lou (Human, Level 2) Reference Link
"A man with a video camera"
An alternate version of Thalvados from Major Timeline E of Rael'el (and potentially the universe in general). Still just beginning their adventures.

Canalization Santa (Santa, Level 85)
One of the many Santas brought into the Universe with Door Santa's arrival.

Canarisse Ellinglor (Human, Level 45)
Disciple of the Rod and Fan. Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency. A variant monk that wields rods and fans as weapons. She's reasonably defensive and has counterattacks. Her damage output is low, though, and a lot of her attacks are water element (most of the rest are air).

Canderechovel (Planetary, Level 96)
Planetary of unknown purview previously worshipped by Doctor Illain Reynes.

Candle-Keeper of the Night Library (Spirit, Level 10)
Presumable resident boss-figure of the Night Library. Defeated by Remalius. Details are vague due to being met through an experimental Arena-autopilot quest (for the entertainment of the fans, of course).

Cantoritoxx (Daemon, Level 55)
"A daemon with gun-arms and a partially-mechanical body"
One of three entities trying to win over the massive influx of daemons from the New Dark Empire's dissolution to their cause. Part of the Fulsome Industry faction.

Captain Balastorn (Human, Level 14)
A guard captain for an off-Nexus world.

Captain Bartolmo (Human, Level 69)
Legendary pirate captain. Made the strongest drink in his world, named after himself. Bascaradine beat out several other multidimensional megacorporations to acquire the recipe and produce it.

Captain Crassia Emerte of the Red Princess (Human, Level 21)
Challenged the second Chosen of Water, Almar Krynne, for the title and artifact. Was defeated.

Captain Gold (Human, Level 50)
He has the ability to fly, super strength, super toughness, super intelligence, and all manner of gold-related abilities, ranging from general-purpose metal-manipulation (which works on any metal, not just gold), the ability to turn gold harder than adamantine, Midas Vision - which petrifies targets into golden statues, the ability to sense the flow of money (which he uses to track down other members of criminal networks), and the ability be healed or empowered by people anywhere on the world he's on spending money to help him out.

Captain Mahdar Hasquaam (Human, Level 1)
(Does Not Exist Yet)
Ascendant of the Fifth Ascension.

Captain Miller (Human, Level 3)
The man who 'ran' the Nexus PD during its ineffective period. A notorious drunk, easily controlled by promises of free beer and vacations.

Captain Omega (Human, Level 290)
An omega-hero whose omega-reputation and omega-powers know no omega-bounds! Used to be employed by the Sephreys Corporation before Bascaradine 'removed' them, and is presently in hiding in various worlds which have special properties that prevent overt interference from outside due to a bounty placed on his head. While interested in bringing his employer back, the present level of resources Bascaradine has to bring to bear in opposition is rather too much even for someone of his power level to overcome. Attempted with the help of Kit anyway, much to his detriment. Kind of obnoxious. Was shifting towards more altruistic motives before he died following Helene Sephreys' two defeats. For whatever reason, his present, resurrected incarnation has come back in full Anti-Bascaradine mode with his old personality.

Caretaker Essence of 26 (Celestial & Large Structure, Level 99)
A janitor that patrols the halls of the central education centre of Disc 26, staying out of the politics of whoever is running the place and focusing on keeping the building clean and running properly. His subtype changes depending on what the subtype of the current Headmaster of the building is, much like the Headmaster's subtype affects the population of the rest of the disc. Currently, he takes the form of a tiny flying island with a halo, containing groups of even tinier human janitors with golden wings and halos.

Carl (Human, Level 81)
"He's a dark haired man in a bartender's suit. He has stubble on his face and is of average height."
One of the replacement bartenders that works the Nexus Tavern while The Bartender is away on business. While nobody could hope to approach The Bartender's level of skill and knowledge, Carl is a close second- he's knowledgeable on a wide variety of subjects and at the very least knows where to go for information on subjects he's unfamiliar with. He's also highly skilled at making drinks and always has the time and a sympathetic ear for those needing help.
Art Link

Carlito Andersluuth (Human, 200-399)
A Dimension-Mapper with a tendency to name discovered dimensions after himself. Discovered at least three, as of 87 years ago. Generally accompanied by his assistant Proxima Androtti.

Carl Maxwell Gonlowe (Human, Level 46)
Proprietor. Can make items appear for money and has crafting skills. Member of Adventurers Across Worlds.

Carl McRunnowitz (Human, Level 43)
Train Master. Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency.

Carlos Alvarez, Warrior-Psychic (Human, Level 39)
Psychic Warrior whose soul is presently linked to that of Nole Patricsson.

Carmella Arimetto (Human, Level 61)
Part of the team sent by the Deathmark Assassin's Club to the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in the Knot.

Carmen (Undead, Level 2)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Actually a zombie wearing makeup.

Caroline (Human, Level 14)
"She's a woman in full clown makeup with a large, red nose and a yellow clown suit with blue-and-white pom-poms on it and oversized, candy-orange shoes with yellow laces. Her hair is glorious to behold, and shines as a rainbow."
A clown from Nexus, and the first to hear of (and decide to spread the word about) the clown-demigoddess Lili von Mion. After a surprisingly-lengthy quest to find the elusive Arena Member in question, Caroline became one of Lili's first worshippers, and was granted three wishes by the demigoddess: The power of Jocund Antics, allowing her to make anyone happy and laugh; the power of Meta Seeking, allowing her to locate anyone she wishes, and beautiful, glorious hair to cure her baldness. Due to a special Walrusfest gift, her moveset now contains:
Soothe Spirit- 4,500 Damage, Heals, Cures Poison, Pain, and Stat Drain, Only affects Spirits, Light, 14,000 MP

Carson the Fake Vampire (Human, Level 8)
"A guy in his early twenties with dyed-black hair, red contact lenses, a trenchcoat and dark heeled boots as his usual outfit, pale skin, and filed teeth."
Vampire-poser who tried to buy the Millbey Town Church to turn into a 'vampire nightclub'. Amassed a cult-ish following of teenage vampire-wannabes. Thoroughly trounced (and de-fanged) by Reyd.

Cartil Magnein (Undead, Level 38)
A member of The Dagger In Shadow, seeking to steal Oneman from Lili von Mion to use as a tool in the name of Amon Horutep. A mummy with curse-powers, knowledge of alchemy, skill in trapmaking, mastery of disguise, and the ability to create construct-doubles of people. He holds the hammer Blackwrought. Killed by Iepterro.

Casholldro (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Ice. Killed by Harkala and has its head used as a puppet.

Cassidia Emerede (Human, Level 1)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Has potential to become a powerful magic ruler, but is much more interested in utterly avoiding such.

Cassidor Mythreign (Human, Level 59 BA Member)
"A man with a flowing mane and fabulous silver armor. He has a greatsword with a frill-necked dragon on the hilt; the greatsword is easily 18-feet long."
A very photogenic, very arrogant and rather wealthy individual.

Cazor Arseydes (Humanoid, Level 95)
Powerful entity who healed the wings of a sun alongside Ilmuryn.

Celedden Myri (Human, Level 44)
Gunner-Alchemist. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling. Has good potential and the ability 'Item-All' (Grand Spell for Consumables)

Celestial Prophet Kaljadel (Arch-Celestial, Level 600-799)
Personal nemesis of the Ascendant, Alerexia Gillingman. Destined to clash with the Ascendant many times over the course of their journey. It has an alt-form as a Level 699 Savior.

Cephrelle Zeritanias (Human, Level 55)
"She's wearing a robe with small crystals handing from it, has long, blue hair, and has green eyes. Interested in channeling, slightly strict but not too harsh, generally opposed to working with others but making an exception due to Patchy's unusual circumstances, intelligent but sometimes inherently restricted in outlook (she can't learn and cast some forms of magic, for example), has no problem with sitting around in this same house for months on end, doesn't seem to have any friends in particular, she does seem interested in helping Patchy achieve her goals, though."
A Great Channeler. Encountered by Patchy Wisdom, who spent some time studying under her to become a channeler herself. Creator of the Double-Efficient Person-Powered Mana-Reactor.

Ceriakrtra, The Blinding Presence (Outsider, Level 68)
One of the six Heralds of Andaramalius, The Supreme Creator. Bearer of one of the six God-Killing Tools, the Untouchable Flame.

Cerodyle and Cemerriara (Human & Golem, Level 59 Unit BA Member) Reference Link
Has 199 Fame. Is a Unit.

Ceryl (Human, Level 23) Reference Post
"A moderately pretty girl in her late teens with black hair tied back into two braids. She wears a black dress with a simple apron over it."
One of Lord Malathorn Dalagon's apprentices. She's happy to help new recruits.

Ceryl Hegrekkma (Horror & Monster, Level 88 Deity)
Hag-demigoddess. Formed her dark servants in a location now known as The Binding Place.

Cetmyl Dryse (Horror & Outsider & Humanoid, Level 400-599)
Once one of the Administrators of Daghmal Gozzott, the City At The Root Of Lost Things. A methodical, calm and dispassionately cruel scientist and researcher of elements, as well as creator of significantly unpleasant machines and weapons. Killed by The Thing In Morning Bright as a result of a convoluted gambit by Zaga Yazrath, during which Dryse ended up massively empowered due to an alliance with Iepterro and brief stint as a Source Guardian of Hope. Now back as Iepterro's underling, albeit far removed from the known dimensions. Has a Level 600-799 form that is a Horror & Immortal, and a Level 600-799 form that is a Source Guardian.

Chairwoman Blossom (Human, Level 75)
"A woman in a suit with a large, white flower growing from the top of her head"
Senior member of the Evergarden administration and responsible for organising some of its events.

Chak'Rel'Huer (Daemon, Level 200-399)
"A massive creature with three mechanical spider legs attached to a mechanical disk that is sewn to the bottom of its monstrous body. From the top of its torso extend two long, hydra like heads on serpentine necks; its red eyes scanning the group as its beaks clack open and shut. One of its arms ends In a large crab claw, one in a humanoid hand, and two in long cannon weapons, all of which appear to be grafted to the rest of the body. Altogether, the creature is about 16 feet tall, though it would easily be 24 if its necks were fully stretched out."
Creature appearing as a representative of Gillingman to the New Dark Empire team for the Princess of Suns Incident.

Chal-Gularr (Humanoid & Reptile, Level 39)
"A tall lizardman with dark scales and a clown makeup covering his face. He is wearing a business tycoon's suit, but seems to have also donned clown shoes, a large, red nose, and a ruffly collar with a large daisy on it for this fight. He is frowning. He is not a happy clown."
Leader of the Reptilian Insurgency, a splinter group of the Reptilian Overlords. Sought to take over the surface of the Imperial Homeworld through direct means, using summoned armies. Gifted in channeling, spawn-table design and clown-related abilities, which he combined to create vehicles which could spawn endless armies of lizardmen. Killed during the events of the 'Lizards Invaded My Business Conference Centre' mission by Lili von Mion, Jessie Calthion, Volatilis and Edwin Cloremontt.

Chamberlain Nush (Human, Level 26)
Owner of a cheese farm on Disc 916. Manages the affairs of the enchanted Lady Ormell.

Chandarr Graash (Humanoid, Level 38)
A warlord who is presently using a Recursion Orb to replenish his ogre horde between raids.

Charlene Anderhauss (Human, Level 79)
Famed as the greatest gemcrafter on Disc 916. Due to a special Walrusfest giftbox, her moveset now contains:
Harvester's Blade- 164,642 Damage, Caster may, whenever caster kills a target with this action, obtain a Temporary copy of a single item said entity could drop if it were an entity below Level 80 that could normally be fought on the Enemy List, Magic & War or Physical & Beast or Air & Glory, 0 MP

Charles Eckermann (Human, Level 59 BA Member)
"A battle arena member, He has a white top hat, a white suit, snakeskin shoes, gloves made of living shadow, a cane with a sculpture of a dead kraken on top of it, purple sunglasses that seem to be radiating eye shaped wisps of light, and a medical face-mask"
He was Level 39 during Larry the Catfish. Presently an on-again, off-again worshipper of Lili von Mion as it suits him. Has enacted a number of plans while disguised using the now-ubiquitous Tia Costumes. Now a member of the Bad Blood Consortium, a cooperative guild established by Roy, Anathema, Aikhra Morvauhl and himself during a presumably-epic drunken bender that intersected with the total collapse of reality during the Glitchpocalypse.

Charles Ledgemore (Human, Level 15)
Former staff member of the ill-fated Museum of the Boundless Future.

Chaos Child (name changes according to whim) (Marcoschnapt, Level 400-599)
"Appears as a small blonde girl at first, but then grows three other heads, one of which is a goat of fire, sprouts wings of calligraphy, and suddenly possesses tendrils which rend principles asunder."
One of the large, odd group of individuals presiding over the creation of the Doorway of Lost Realms, and part of a smaller group of four young girls.

Chaos-Matriarch Zhakkhana the Thousand-Bodied (Arch-Demon & Abstract & Deva, Level 98)
Entity whose death was sought by Wind Lord Pashqua.

Chaos Star (Astral Being & Marcoschnapt, Level 99)
Produces beings of chaos. Being channeled by Archbishop Thosm.

Chessmaster Death B. Groovecoffin (Undead, Level 75)
"There's a skeleton with an afro in the opposite chair"
One of the obstacles in the Knot of Trelheis- a literal chess-with-death situation. With a twist. Present status unknown.

Chol-Guatti, the Father of Demon-Gremlins (Demon, Level 47)
Challenged the fifth Chosen of Technology, Rashello Arimerre, for their artifact and title. Failed.

Chol-Gurrailai (Elemental & Horror, Level 79)
A deadly mist-creature from The Sky of Yhon'Malorr, Place of Sweet Breaths. Frequently steers his cloud-domain into populated portions of the sky and hunts down mist-miners.

Cholmarram, the Lord of the Frozen Keep (Outsider, Level 56)
"A great man made of the winds of winter with a beard of snow"
Unique summon held by Makwari Yadmak.

Choreimo the Diviner (Human, Level 60)
A member of Ganseed the Collector's team during the Knot of Trelhais event.

Christie Synthetii (Golem & Humanoid, Level 1)
A resident of Plastic Town. Briefly lost her cat, Mister Frisky, before being reunited by Silent One.

Cicrimaccio (Humanoid & Animal & Aerial, Level 65) Reference Link
"Two bat-people wearing elaborate wizardly robes (one blue with white starbursts, the other black with gold runes) discussing some matter in front of the library."
A member of the theocratic empire of batfolk exploring alternate timelines of Rael'el for treasures and Lorekeeper secrets. Overly curious. Can scry into people's pasts.

Claathio of the Symbolical Song (Planetary, Level 85)
Entity that assists Eredat Ruethmal in its research and development schemes. One of a trio of planetaries linked to their original world by special energy-conduits that take up a large share of the Fae's floating facility's space.

Claire, Mistress of Darkness and Feather Dusters (Human, Level 75)
Controls darkness and feather dusters. Able to summon attack-blocking clouds of feathers.

Claire Stethenfield (Human, Level 2)
Employed by the Nexus PD during their ineffective period. One of the few that survived Aokage's assault on the precinct.

Clancy (Human, Level 30)
"He has a brown coat, short beard, rugged looks and dangerous-looking eyes. He introduces himself with a distinct accent"
A dangerous man met in the Mansion of Horrors. Was dragged into one of the Mansion's malevolent challenges as quarry in a hunt, in which he proved to be adept in the use of traps and firearms. May possibly be a resident of the mansion itself.

Clarence T. Whittle (Human, Level 9)
Manager of the bank of Burgensvale. Made the mistake of taking up Hank S. Mayor's offer of a free security upgrade, and has been hiring people to try to disable the multitude of lethal traps placed in the building ever since.

Classmero's Engine (Machine, Level 60)
A member of Bill the Purple Marmoset's team during the Knot of Trelhais quest. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis.

Clemmonth Bureyl (Human & Insect & Monster, Level 59)
A travelling druid whose stilt-legged insect-mansion moves about Disc 916. Helps nobles stock their zoos and menageries.

Clemontt Manderwell (Human, Level 61)
Individual who was involved in some manner with The Highly Respected Company of the Golden Door. Caused turmoil in the event now known as Clemontt Manderwell's Revolt.

Cleo Nightwatching (Human, Level 19)
Wants Fitzgerald Bubblesweat dead.

Cleriiaunma (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Fire who was killed by her sister Firessia.

Clermyr of the Shattered Rainbow (Human, Level 59 BA Member)
One of the members of Michael Helios' ill-fated team in the Knot of Trelhais fiasco. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis. Got better due to their BA Member status.

Clestus Vade (Human, Level 41)
Thief. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling.

Clethe Mirnixis (Humanoid, Level 45)
Bladesman. Member of Adventurers Across Worlds.

Clifford Stewart (Human, Level 5)
"There are six Contest Staff Members, as well as a man named Bob Sunnydaze, an older man named Clifford Stewart, and a woman named Helen Salt, running signups. They, along with two Contest Judges, will be judging the contest, which is starting in about 25 minutes."
One of the Muscleman contest judges from Disc 415, also running signups. Seemingly the oldest of the judges.

Cluades the Harvester (Daemon, Level 85)
Entity involved in the daemonic assault on the world of Rinnhaveth. At the lower end of a chain of daemonic entities under the command of Mausmangarde, Daemon Lord of Fulsome Industry. Master of Zazmaryth, and drone of Perferryx the World-Reaper.

Colonel Heinrich Adamson (Golem, Level 15)
"On the chair seat stands a plastic man in a military uniform with a lacy pink-and-white bonnet."
A doll from Katherine's Dollhouse. Has different personalities depending on which role it's supposed to be playing. As a result, it is also Mrs. Annette Pinkenbuyer.

Colonel Magellon Laedonglor (Human, Level 35)
Father of Aaron Laedonglor.

Colonel Wilson Jonas (Undefined, Undefined)
A singularly ominous individual who often shows up in recursive photographs during strange events such as Grabbyfest. Either tends to go on murderous killing sprees or has some sort of effect that causes people to die horribly whenever he's around, all of which tend to get documented in photographs. Also seems to be able to either be in multiple places at once or clone himself and interact with his other selves. Looking at photographs with him in them is not particularly recommended.

Colossus-Engineer Weyland (Human[, Level 75)
"An iron mobile-colossus with warp thrusters built into its back. It has six arms, two of which have advanced guns on them, the other four hold assorted gadgets. A holo-projection of his pilot, a mad scientist with dark skin, a gray beard, and an eyepatch, is projected above his head."
A notable builder of giant mechs who entered the Walrusfast festive race. Despite his technical expertise and plethora of tricks, was knocked out fairly early and ended up coming in second-to-last.

Colt Marrin (Human, Level 43)
Gunner. Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency.

Conicus, The Clockwork Lord (Clockwork & Conceptual, Level 200-399)
A noted foe of the First Ascension.

Constable-General Dorian Cort (Human, Level 45)
"A one-eyed man in a silver-buttoned black coat with a fancy silver sword and a black eyepatch. A police badge is clearly seen on his coat's lapel."
Officer of the law on the strange projectile-dampening Disc 14,511. May soon be shot to greater prominence than he expected due to the machinations of Mimechiavelli.

Constable Leah Newbrass (Human, Level 35)
Promoted to the head of Disc 14,511's peacekeeping forces while Constable-General Dorian Cort was off crusading in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Led an attack team on the location of a suspected murderer, who turned out to be an entirely-too-dangerous vampire variant that killed her.

Core Ruler (Outsider, Level 98)
Ancient entity that held sway over the Land of Theranheiven before being sealed away behind eight locks.

Cordelia Reynes (Human, Level 26)
"A woman with a pink beret, blonde hair, and a pink blouse and skirt approaching you, carrying a black-and-gold rod in one hand."
A woman who attempted to give Az's team in the Princess of Suns Incident a brass bee that would (ostensibly) kill Mike's team by stinging them with fatal poison. It vanished before they could even take it, however, prompting her to run off. The sister of Doctor Illian Reynes, and weaves convoluted plots against her, including arranging the death of her husband on her wedding day in an incident involving a bull, a rocket-powered robot matador, a cliff, and a chain-smoking narwhal. Has backup that vastly outclasses her in the case of combat situations.

Corlan Varne (Bio-Horror, Level 48)
Member of the Isenrod Corporation, and ally of the Fleshwarpers.

Cormyl Aiulanthris (Undead, Level 400-599)
A servant to Deathking Mortacchus.

Corn Lifeguard Geoff (Human, Level 4)
"Around this point, he sees a man sitting in a high, lifeguard-like chair looking out into the North Cornsea with a pair of binoculars; the chair just to the side of the road in a slight indent where there's no corn."
A lifeguard who watches over part of the North Cornsea from his station beside the Cornsea Highway. Knows a lot about giving directions to places on his disc of residence.

Count Deadwalrusstein (Undead & Animal, Level 65)
"A walrus with sunglasses and fangs bounces over to them. It appears to probably be undead."
An undead walrus-mechanic-vampire who specialises in upgrading and fully tricking out vehicles and steeds. Generally involving Walrusfest-specific means, which involves the usual prerequisite amount of dead walrus. Yes, even in relation to animals. Replacing horses' wheels with dead walruses makes them go faster, you know.

Count Dracubeer (Undead, Level 47)
A vampire with an alcohol problem who throws wolves and has vanishing wives; he came from an amusingly-bad movie.

Countess Visetta Ossryan (Human, Level 54)
Noble attempting to re-release the Bone Plague to seize power in the shattered kingdom of Kharsoum. The priesthood of Phalerin wish to stop her.

Count Luciano Galligacchi (Undead, Level 55)
"A man with a cloak, ruffled collar, long, blonde hair, and red eyes"
A vampiric politician.

Count Luciano of Symvektria (Human, Level 25)
"A large man with eerie goggles, a long fur coat, green gloves, a noble's clothes, and a gray comb-over is sitting at the table's far end."
Granted sentience by travelers who visited his world before the BA Member group that included the Roulette Master arrived. He worked with druids and Tristriana the Wandering Seer to create a world-loom to manage the reality he was in and overthrew the demanding, program-locked King Groovman. Roulette Master managed to use his World Loom to grant the whole world sentience and create a second wholly-artificial copy of the world within the World Loom. Generally regarded by his peers as an eccentric recluse who nonetheless does a competent job in governance.

Count Varanor of Hessrex (Human, Level 25)
Seeks to extend his life through alchemy. Granted sentience by the Roulette Master.

Count Valgerro the Sun-Blooded (Undead, Level 57 Boss)
"Vampires lounge on couches and in chairs in it, and a particularly noble and particularly bored member of their kind sits atop a cushioned red-marble throne. He swirls a chalice of blood as he greets you."
A vampire count of some notable power, including power over (and immunity to) light. Entered into an agreement with the BA Member Celas to join him in carving out a kingdom. Currently resides in the Crimson Citadel. Presently a worshipper of Lili von Mion.

Courenegron, The Thousandfold Beast (Umbral, Level 95)
"A cloud of tumbling bestial shadows that consumes itself and emerges from within its mass again."
One of the group trying to bring back Shalmarkion. Created from Shalmarkion's shadow in an umbral plane. Extremely violent and dangerous.

Cowtacular Meltdown (Animal & Abstract, Level 60)
A member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau's team in their efforts to win the Knot of Trelhais.

Coyne (Abstract, Level 45)
"Photos of the owner visible through the window on the walls seem to indicate that his head (which takes up the majority of his body) is a giant coin with an eye on each side and a moustache."
Owner of a seafood and pasta restaurant which boasts its extremely high prices.

Crakgormg (Magic Being, Level 61)
"A conflux of earth, wind, flame, and wave that maintains the general shape of a massive monster."
One of the many who entered the Knot of Trelhais on the side of Zaga Yazrath.

Crasandria the Dollmaker (Fae, Level 39 BA Member) Reference Link
Has recently been teaming up with Augustin Bremalt and Lady Chaundresna. Has 98 Fame.

Cratzumatil, the Mother-Serpent (Reptile & Dragon, Level 75)
Entity found in the towering jungles of The Unconquered Wilderness of Valnorash.

Craze Master Nemmard (Human, Level 76)
"Posed on top of the pile, balancing on the front of a single light-up-heeled shoe, is a man with overly product-applied spiked hair, hipster glasses, a trench coat, a t-shirt with the text 'This is not a T-shirt' on it, a pair of overly-zippered cargo pants with the bottom half of one of the legs zipped off, and a tattoo of a single tear below one of his eyes. He is tapping away at one of the virtual pet machines that has a red case and the general shape of an egg."
Scoffs at attempts to match his retro-cool. An obnoxious, overpowered hipster who enjoyed making others suffer through meme-based traps and retro-influenced dungeon design. And could speak in emoticons, somehow. His supreme (and somewhat justified) overconfidence was his downfall, however- in taunting the much-lower-level Ave with his personal catchphrase, he made Ave use the catchphrase he got from Arisina (otherwise known as the Veil Render) in response- which happened to also be the activation code for the experimental Sephreys Warmech that was in the same chamber. Thus activated, it entered its ultimate weapons-test mode and utterly destroy him.

Crazy Jack (Human, Level 69)
Owner and operator of Crazy Jack's Augmentation Station. Tends to get drunk while operating the machine, resulting in some spectacularly weird abilities.

Crazy Pete the Whirlwind Prospector (Human, Level 61)
A member of the Rentharr Dravis/Don Hippopotamus team that was retroactively entered into the Impossible Knot quest due to the Enigma Men failing to retroactively write themselves into being. Killed along with the rest of the team early on.

Crellmyrr Porchellion (Solar Being, Level 60)
"A solar man with a head like a very elaborate sculpted sun with styalized rays. It wears overly fine robes adorned with many decorations and has a staff with a small red star burning above it"
A member of Selereth Helios' team to make their way to the centre of the Knot of Trelhais. Died in the Knot.

Crimettya of the Icelands (Human, Level 60)
"A woman with white hair, icy armor with icicle spikes, a silver helm who is riding a saddle with waves adorning it atop a giant dragon made of ice and snow"
A member of Selereth Helios' team to make their way to the centre of the Knot of Trelhais. Died in the Knot.

Crimson Tyrant Dregzen Rhull (Alien & Demon, Level 45)

Crystal Matrix Yarmanwheil (Golem & Machine, Level 65)
A member of the Rentharr Dravis/Don Hippopotamus team that was retroactively entered into the Impossible Knot quest due to the Enigma Men failing to retroactively write themselves into being. Killed along with the rest of the team early on.

Cthaarnozek (Planetary, Level 89)
A planetary that cursed Maldiech Bloodletter after the creature skinned three of its clergy in its own temple.

Culreides (Daemon, Level 200-399)
Part of a chain of daemonic entities under the command of Mausmangarde, Daemon Lord of Fulsome Industry. Master of Horstrix, and servant of Ull-Ruuch Halkrambhas.

Curate Blacklaw (Human & Devil, Level 45)
A former priest that turned from his faith and took up the dark arts and demon-summoning, who used the Mansion of Horrors as his base of operations in search of a way to awaken a summoned demon lord and attain immortality. Died in unknown circumstances.

Curidrasas, Eternal Champion (Ultimate, Level 8,000 to 9,999)
Has an alt-form as a Councilor.

Cuutaro, Prophet of the Storms Within the Depths (Human & Elemental & Illuminated, Level 75)
Diviner in the employ of the Arch-Illuminated Tokra-Sephnes, who determined that if their employer retained control of Aderene Cytessimo, it would prompt Tokra-Sephnes's rival, Tokk-Mothuuo to launch an attack in an attempt to claim her, leading to a war that would devastate Tokra-Sephnes's worldrealm.

Cylie Tyrrin (Human, Level 47)
Multipurpose adventuring mage-mercenary who sought to defeat Embra Banefire for her title of Chosen of Fire. Failed.

Cymott (Alien, Level 59 BA Member)
Supporter of the Archtyrants. Presently stuck with the BA Member Welder-of-Disparate-Spaces on a frustratingly-long boat trip on the Sea of Dark Waters.

Cyrma Assade (Human, Level 76)
One of the most highly-regarded mist-miners in The Sky of Yhon'Malorr, Place of Sweet Breaths.

Czarkmod Dzarg (Fae & Magic Being, Level 65)
Acquaintance of Nia Starstrike. Likely able to work with Fog Boots. Presently in hiding due to threats made by Dravis Inc.

Czormyrakk(Dragon & Outsider, Level 100-199 Deity)
"A dragon ex-planetary who has moved to Nexus through the help of various powerful magic items and spell linkups who is attempting to start a large movement of proactive, generally good-aligned dragons; he's less powerful than [Ashamarak and Illurythrenin] but active in Nexus"
One of the dragon-gods worshipped at the Cathedral of a Thousand Pantheons.

Da’Re’Huel (Fiend, Level 800-999)
A foe of the Third Ascension.

Daario Sartannis (Human, Level 57)
One of Lord Avastron Thranabaar of Trandel's gladiator-agents, who was pitted against the fifth Chosen of Water, Jabari Ekantu, for the title and artifact. Was defeated.

Dacherryn the Wanderer (Human, Level 65)
A member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau's team in their efforts to win the Knot of Trelhais. Managed to reach the central ring of Knot, and thus avoided getting killed by the Camel-Oil mayhem.

Dahlia Erleiss (Human, Level 23)
"Has an enormous hat that has tiny trains going around it"
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. A rail historian.

Dajakk'Jamuus (Arch-Demon, Level 85)
A demon who controlled many realms of the strange world of Dol-Quorsis in the past, contested by three master architects of the cities of men. Whether it was sealed, defeated, or emerged victorious, the fallout of such may explain the world's bizarre structure and unique rules. Was unsealed, along with its base of power, the Fell Throne of Dajakk'Jamuus, by Tolva in the course of expanding Dol-Quorsis for World Arts. This subsequently enabled Terror Mode in the world and handed the world's future to the demons. Tolva is pretty okay with this.

Dalnathorr (Planetary, Level 100-199 Deity) Reference Post
"A god of murder on a rather remote world. He is very violent and carpricious, I'm afraid, but he isn't too picky about who he allows to worship him."

Dalthereos, Goddess of Archetecture (Divine, Level 400-599 Deity)
One of the heads of the factions in the Princess of Suns Incident. The goddess of a world wrecked by one of its war gods in the employ of Warmaster Kharmannion Ghalasor, she sought revenge and entered in the hopes that she could prevent his faction from winning and fulfilling his goals. While her group never even managed to enter Sunthrone, Ghalasor's contingent completely failed in their dutires, fulfilling her goals after a fashion. Notably more powerful than one would expect. She can create pretty much any type of building instantly, traps and automated defenses included. She can also make golems and colossi at will.

Danger Dan The Weather Man (Human, Level 20)
"He has slicked black hair with spikes in the front, a silver trench coat, platinum galoshes, a gold lightning-bolt medallion, a green bow-tie with white polka-dots, and glasses with solid yellow, glowing lenses ringed by triangles of similar glass, forming the image of a sun over each eye."
A rather dangerous individual who conducted weather-affecting tests with no regard for the inhabitants of the areas he tested them on. Skilled with weather manipulation, elemental necromancy (Water, Air and Electricity forms, particularly) and driving, especially in car chases. Overconfident when he thought he had the upper hand; quick to flee when he thought otherwise. Killed by Taran and Catrice.

Dangleehaus (Astral Being & Machine & Vessel, Level 38) Reference Link
A lost starship and staging point of the quest 'The Space Capsule'.

Dan Ripp (Human, Level 5)
Individual somehow connected to the 'Angry Sultan Machine'.

Dantes (Ultimate, Level 2,000-4,000)
Noted as being a master of combat.

Dan the Wonder Rapist (Outsider, Level 400-599)
Notably barred from interacting with most things given his rather terrible skillset. Seriously, this guy is the absolute worst. Don't even think about it.

Darestone (Humanoid, Level 49)
"A cross-eyed werewolf"
A resident of the Beta-Negaverse, an alternate reality that contains rather... different versions of the primary and negaverse realities' residents. The Beta-Negaverse version of Darston, Darestone is a cross-eyed wolfman with earth-related powers who flexes his muscles a large amount and likes to pretend to be a submarine. Also a car sometimes. But mainly a submarine.

Daring Captain Battleboat (Human, Level 60)
"A white-bearded seacaptain is a yellow raincoat with a captain's hat with an anchor on it. He rides atop a small boat that is roughly the size of a small car. It has three large cannons protruding from each side."
One of the many who entered the Knot of Trelhais on the side of Zaga Yazrath. Made it to the centre of the Knot to fight for the fate of the Wheel against Doctor Catastrophe.

Dargannon (Nathryl, Level 800-999)

Darius Bascaradine (Ultimate, Level 12,000+)
One of the Bascaradine Twins. He has an Absolute Holy Blessing.

Darius Filmourth (Human & Fae, Level 200-399)
A legendary hero from ancient days.

Darvin Niall of Laerpaathia (Human, Level 50)
The first Chosen of Fire, who was granted the title and Regalia after assisting Laurennia in defeating the Emperor of the Boiling Skies. He temporarily declined Laurennia's offer to travel with her, instead wishing to restore his kingdom before doing so, during the course of which he defeated the flame dragon Volsaz Khorzekk who sought the artifact for itself. While he planned to rejoin Laurennia, the Mana Cannon Incident killed him before he could do so and post-reset he did not keep the artifact. He has an alt-form as a Level 41 Human, and an alt-form as a Level 65 Chosen.

Darklord Some Drunken Panda (Animal, Level 59)
"A panda wearing a cape with a face-obscuring mecha-helm with four spiked horns and a sword of red light"
A member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau's team in their efforts to win the Knot of Trelhais. Made it to the centre of the Knot to face Doctor Catastrophe for the fate of the Wheel, during which he loyalty-flipped to the Doctor's side, becoming Archtyrant Some Drunken Panda and leveling up to 80. Died during the final battle. Given the Nexus Administrative Bureau's position on Catastrophe, the man who helped take over Nexus, it can be assumed that Panda is very unlikely to be coming back any time ever, even if his remains are somehow regathered from where they were scattered throughout the cosmos by the Wheel.

Dark Prophet Engyl Veiryn (Devil & Human, Level 400-599)
Served Belschmetz and other fiendish lords.

Darnassia of Glemeun (Outsider, Level 100-199 Deity)
Leader of the Council of Elder Guardians, a group opposed to the Bright Crusade and Michael Helios' expansionism. A powerful sorceress who took the essence of a deity who wished to retire from his position.

Darren Moltaris (Human, Level 39)
"Darren is wearing golden armor from his glory days, has a cloak, and is cleaning a jewelled goblet."
Owner of the Sword and Tale, a tavern on Disc 14,511. A retired adventurer in possession of the Heart of Grimzelda the Ugly Hag, he met a horrific end in the course of Roy Selim's (unsuccessful) attempt to reclaim the item. Can sense types of magic, and has some experience with the followers of Madame Misfortune.

Darykmortilaach (Demon, Level 68)
A demon. Little is known about him other than that he is red.

Das Puzzle Deathwhale Thingie (Aquatic & Abstract, Level 86)
A unique abstract monster that spawned due to the works of subversive artist Dave Burrett working a little too well in their intended purpose to make bookshops spawn Abstracts more often. Powerful enough to have the artist banned from 14 different worlds.

Dastorius the Plasma-Born (Magic Being & Elemental, Level 72)
The result of a discarded experiment of Eredat Ruethmal, presently active and carving out territory for itself in the scrapheap-plane below the Fae's floating research and development laboratory. Burst forth from the mana emitted from a massive energy core.

Dave (Human, Level 1)
"Male and 7, slightly overweight with black hair"
One of the small group of wishing children in the Sunny Plains of El-Bazaril. Gained the superpowers of lightning speed and laser vision from the new wish. Currently being trained by Ryan, the Bowling Wizard.

Dave (Human, Level 26)
A computer technologies worker. Resident of Disc 14,511. Witness to the Sword and Tale Massacre.

Dave's Face (Abstract, Level 73)
Bothered by the absurd amount of mailboxes in The Ocean {Quote the Ocean} Ocean Fred The Ocean.

Dave Burrett (Human, Level 38)
A subversive artist who published 'Dave's Book', a book contaning various letter 'r's in an attempt to make bookstores that carried it spawn Abstracts more often. This art campaign ended in disaster when it ended up triggering the spawning of Das Puzzle Deathwhale Thingie. Said event led to Dave being banned from 14 different worlds (only one of which was directly affected by the unique whale monster.

Davenwell (Immortal, Level 200-399)
"A relaxed-looking man in a suit with brown hair and a neatly trimmed beard."
One of the large, odd group of individuals presiding over the creation of the Doorway of Lost Realms. Seemed to be vaguely in charge of the group. Can pull cups of tea from the fabric of the universe. Has an Absolute Holy Blessing.

David Elmore Coseman (Human, Level 36)
Leader of a group of fifty-seven assassins who was brainwashed by agents of the Enigma Men.

Davvylrikk, the Masked Beast (Monster & Shapeshifter, Level 59 BA Member)
One of the members of Team New Dark Empire during the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in Knot to Selereth Helios' team.

Deathking Mortachhus (Undead, Level 400-599)
An opponent of the First Ascension.

Deathlord Meingulsharr (Undead, Level 400-599)
A servant of Deathking Mortachhus.

Deltolius Project (Machine, Level 60)
An opponent of the Second Ascension.

Dementiex (Conceptual, Level 400-599)
"Some fish-headed man in a bowler hat with an axe"
Powerful chaos-entity. Previously possessed Reddington, brother of Gillingman before being killed once before. Partially responsible for a tide of corrupted, pink chaos that previously destroyed the Elemental Research Institute before falling to Techylmann. Has an old alt-form in the Level 600-799 Range

Demorr Goze (Horror & Outsider & Humanoid, Level 400-599)
An Administrator of Daghmal Gozzott, City At The Root Of Lost Things. Has a thing for sharp suits and ridiculously tiny hats. Killed by the Disaster Seeker while Goze was occupied in battle with Plixplix the Heaven Puncher as she set off to rescue Techylmann. Capable of manifesting billions of spirit-arms, has reality-nullifying pens, and can write notional constructs and omission-zones into being.

Deraglio (Human, Level 200-399)
Worked as a god-killing weapon under direction of Bill the Marmoset; he died while killing Ouettzer but has returned in a less-powerful form. Has an alt-form that is an Immortal in the 600-799 Range.

Deshawn Lewis (Human, Level 37)
"A man in a space suit with a katana."
Hunts Zombie Alien Ghosts (and the Ghoul Queen of the Cold Stars) as a job. Competent adventurer, with good anti-Undead attacks. Presumably dealing with an unexpected year-long absence that led others to believe he was dead. Thanks to that absence, however, he is presently an Evermason, knows about metallurgy and the basics of how to create Discs of Nexus.

Dessius the Traitor (Immortal, Level 400-599)
Former member of Shalmarkion's control network who attempted to seize it for himself. Defeated by the Ascendants of the Third Ascension and Grand Vizier Hazaz Ib'Dahakari. Has a Level 599 alt-form that is an Eldritch.

Delta-Mind Quazarschnom (Machine & Aerial, Level 65)
A member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau's team in their efforts to win the Knot of Trelhais.

Detective-Inquisitor Symon Chardman (Human, Level 100-199)
Personal nemesis of the Ascendant, Krayl Vanzeil. Destined to clash with the Ascendant many times over the course of their journey. He has a Level 199 alt-form that is an Enlightened.

Demotaur (Monster, Level 35)
"A hulking beast with black flesh and thick muscles. It combines the features of a man and a bull, and it has long, sharp horns. Its eyes burn with cruel flame, and its teeth are serrated. It is easily 15 feet high and looks like it would not fit in the corridors the duo clearly heard it in earlier."
Resident beast of the Mansion of Horrors' Maze of Horror. Does not stay dead, reviving within an hour of being killed.

Devil Dragon Nyzzr'Meggoth (Devil & Dragon, Level 79)
The Devil Dragon Nyzzr'Meggoth, Scourge of the Shining Planes and Dominarr of the High and Hollow Clock. Slayer of the Time General.

Devil-Spider King (Devil & Insect & Shapeshifter, Level 65)
Dangerous entity that Elias Amarthi wishes to defeat.

Dhalnagrastu, the Star-Binder (Outsider, Level 90)
An Eidolon.

Dharezzar the Ember-Cloaked (Human & Elemental, Level 91)
World-conqueror who weaponised shifting pieces of Chomosk, The Sea of Magma Beneath Skies of Smoke to ruin and overwhelm other domains.

Dhathmiyel of the Azure Heaven (Celestial, Unknown BA Member) Reference Link
A BA Member sworn to the service of Overlord Vaeros Callamargh the Unmatchable. They are on call to swoop in and assist with problems that threaten to stall his progress for too long or cause him public setbacks, but are generally kept on side-quests to obtain rare items and powers to avoid interfering with Callamargh's overall meta-thematics.

Diana Mitchelson (Human, Level 35) Reference Link
Part of the quest 'The Mitchelson Plan'. Was killed by Rex-88 (and the notes that were a focus of the quest destroyed).

Dick Whisper (Human, Level 4)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. A radio reporter giving a full log of his travels on the train.

Dimensional Construction Arch-Administrator and Executive-Diplomat Cyteria Velei (Immortal, Level 600-799)
"A female Bascaradine Corp. representative who appears to have some sort of important rank, but it's hard to tell with all of the Corporations many divisions and the Byzantine titles and positions associated with many of them."
One of the large, odd group of individuals presiding over the creation of the Doorway of Lost Realms.

Director Cleutius (Human, Level 45)
"He appears to be a silver haired man wearing white robes. His eyes are a distant blue, and he wears golden spectacles. His robes have a golden compass emblanized on their front, and smaller compasses on both shoulders. In one hand he hefts a massive greatsword made of white Desurian steel, though it's larger than he is, he seems to have no problem whatsoever managing its weight. The man hovers two feet above the ground, and it appears that he has some sort of ward of protection cast on him."
Was one of the leaders of the Ordinators working directly under the Shadow Council. Sadistic and psychotic

Director Koromelnian (Bio-Horror, Level 43)
Member of the Fleshwarpers.

Director Memmekarin (Bio-Horror, Level 57)
Member of the Fleshwarpers.

Director Schaterdaum (Bio-Horror, Level 55)
Member of the Fleshwarpers.

Director Thomas Brentwood (Human, Level 49)
Member of the Isenrod Corporation, and ally of the Fleshwarpers.

Director Vyattstock (Demon, Level 61)
A member of the Rebel Dark Force's attempts to win over the Knot of Trelhais.

Director Zardio (Human, Level 58)
One of the leaders of the Ordinators working directly under the Shadow Council.

Disc 96,396,218 (Large Structure, Level 87)
An animate disc of Nexus.

Disco Horse (Animal, Level 15)
"A horse in a zoot suit with cracked sunglasses"
Disco horse, (presumable) famous musician and possible singer, is apparently quite popular, at least according to his agent. Seems to have a rivalry going with the Bishop of Bling.

Disco Horse's Agent (Human, Level 14)
"A blonde-haired man with a loud voice"
An overly enthusiastic, energetic man with a tendancy towards the dramatic, often announcing to all and sundry at ear-shattering volume the latest disaster to befall the name of Disco Horse. Tends to make up words on the spot with typical flair. Also goes by the name 'Sal'. Due to a special Walrusfest gift, his moveset now contains:
THIS ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT DISCO HORSE IS IMPORTANT, FOLKS!- Caster's opponents below Level 40 have a 25% chance of skipping their next action and, if they do so, automatically being afflicted with Charm: Impressed, as a non-stacking debuff, Air & Glitz, 30,000 MP

Discount King (Human & Golem, Level 50)
"A plastic king with obviously cheap robes, a plastic crown, and a sign reading 'Everything 100% Off! Nobody Beats the Discount King's Discounts!'"
Part of the group sent by world-entities Miss Nowhere and Miss Demise to the Knot of Trelhais. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis, but recovered by Miss Demise and Miss Nowhere due to their Faction-Ability.

Doc (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
A scientist and powerful entity who champions progress, light and technology. Allied with Michael Helios and part of the Bright Crusade. In actuality, 'Doc' is simply a persona affected by Gabriel Photos, the Source Guardian of Light and true mastermind behind the Bright Crusade. After the Impossible Knot Incident, wherein the Bright Crusade collapsed and the element Light was relegated to nonbase status, the Source of Light and, by extension, Doc, was removed from reality.

Doc Blendy (Machine, Level 76)
"A six-foot-tall gold-plated blender"
Bartender of the appliances section of the Tavern.

Doctor Anji Kaituro (Human, Level 85)
A doctor who works on the Imperial Homeworld. He has exceptional skill with the knife and magical healing hands.

Doctor Aratas Bellingdon (Human, Level 100-199)
Responsible for making many miraculous devices.

Doctor Beak (Arch-Daemon, Level 400-599)
One of the leaders of the New Dark Empire. A powerful evil entity who focuses mainly on plagues and diseases, as well as healing. After being called in to fight on behalf of Liliana against the Man In A Hazmat Suit (through events triggered by an extraordinarily powerful plot device), he was killed and his influence, plagues, power and entire branches of Healing were scoured from the universe. His mask was recovered by Gillingman for purposes unknown. He has an alt-form (Militant Beak) that's in the Level 2,000-3,999 Range, but he can't normally access that. He also has a Level 80 alt-form from his post-Mana-Cannon-state.

Doctor Bird (Undead & Living Rumor, Level 66) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. A rather flamboyant entity that exhibits its victims as surgical shows... and shows an interest in grafting bits of them onto other unfortunate people in a horribly painful manner. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

Doctor Blank (Human & Shapeshifter, Level 60)
A member of Bill the Purple Marmoset's team during the Knot of Trelhais quest. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis.

Doctor Cariyenn Irmannys (Human, Level 55)
A doctor who works on the hospital Disc 911.

Doctor Catastrophe (Human, Level 80)
"An old, bald man with goggles and a long, white lab coat with wrist-length black gloves and what appears to be a very long and complicated, yet light, gun in one hand."
One of the group trying to bring back Shalmarkion. Former member of the Omnipresent Council of Archtyrants. A mad scientist currently working on an army of war robots, an arsenal of death rays and a bomb that turns everything within a mile's radius into magma. He has an alt-form that's a Level 80 Mastermind (from his role as the endboss of Knot). He has another alt-form that's an Immortal in the Level 600-799 Range from back when he was working directly for Shalmarkion. Has the Glorious Overcrash: Every Weapon I Have Crafted.

Doctor Dolduvai (Horror, Level 65)
A horrible being conducting experiments in merging the elements Agony and Progress.

Doctor Edgar Rushing (Human, Level 38)
Wrote the text 'Building Clockwork Battle Suits' and co-wrote 'Enhancing Your Clockwork Automata' with Doctor Miriam Doyle-Boshside.

Doctor Electric (Human, Level 75)
He is from the same world as Evil Baker. He was a noted rival to Doctor Gopherpants, proposing electricity as being a better power source than gophers; he lost this rivalry. He also has notable issues with animal protection agencies.

Doctor Eli Glenwood (Human, Level 47)
A doctor who works on the hospital Disc 911.

Doctor Elvira Tenbarbos (Human, Level 79)
Seeks to improve the lives of many.

Doctor Gardener (Serpent Blessed, Level 100-199)
Tried corrupting BA Members and leading an attack on Nexus. It didn't end well, although not for lack of trying.

Doctor Gasmask (Human & Horror, Level 88)
One of Master Detective's recurring enemies. Uses gases.

Doctor Gibbonface (Humanoid & Animal, Level 45)
An individual attached to a special fight.

Doctor Goatfoot (Human, Level 7)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. A doctor with feet like a goat.

Doctor Goliath (Human, Level 79)
A notable superhero.

Doctor Gopherpants (Human, Level 100-199)
"A tall man with a lab coat, glasses that reflect light in a sinister manner, untamed brown hair, a bit of a grin, and pants covered with glowing gophers."
Member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau.

Doctor Harold Ghomass (Human, Level 26)
Details unknown. Once built a plane that ended up in Moshenten, the Eighth Plane of Junk.

Doctor Illian Reynes (Human, Level 9)
"A woman with purple hair, violet eyes, and an armored lab coat who is of average height"
Woman working under Michael Helios, but separated from the group in Sunthrone to kill other teams and for other reasons unknown. Killed Az's team in the Princess of Suns Incident. Prefers to use assault matrixes, particularly ones that weaken and dissassemble her foes. Secretly hates her younger sister, Cordelia, who she (correctly) suspects of weaving convoluted plots against her, including arranging the death of her husband on her wedding day in an incident involving a bull, a rocket-powered robot matador, a cliff, and a chain-smoking narwhal- she hasn't been able to find any evidence of this plotting, though, and is slowly going insane as a result. Has developed a pathological hatred of cetaceans.

Doctor Jaminidine (Bio-Horror, Level 200-400)
He is a massively powerful psychic and a brain in a jar. Part of a group of powerful individuals backing House Hellstrom as a contingency to use against BA Members due to their power to invade Nexus Inn Rooms.

Doctor Kasmarten (Human, Level 43)
A doctor who works at the Doctor Thomas Robert Memorial Hospital. Generally in charge of hiring.

Doctor Leodanus Winnrus (Human, Level 59)
One of the members of Michael Helios' ill-fated team in the Knot of Trelhais fiasco. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis.

Doctor Leon Kindler (Human, Level 46)
Presumably an exceptionally talented physician of presently-questionable vital status. Has (or had) an arm that refused to die.

Doctor Lesanto (Human, Level 16)
Worked on the original Mana Cannon project.

Doctor Lychera Tyrrenaum (Human, Level 200-399)
Personal nemesis of the Ascendant, Ardrakas Kresmeides. Destined to clash with the Ascendant many times over the course of their journey. She has an alt-form that is a Level 299 Voyager.

Doctor Michael Canningburgh (Human, Level 65)
An individual with a collection of seven notable watches.

Doctor Miriam Doyle-Boshside (Human, Level 49)
Co-wrote the text 'Enhancing Your Clockwork Automata' with Doctor Edgar Rushing. Also co-wrote 'Steampunk Giants and Anti-Kaiju Weaponry for Clockwork-Dependant Worlds' with Doctor Shinzo Atori.

Doctor Murimann (Robot & Human, Level 65)
Created the robotic Doctor Murimann's Hound, which joined the Utopian Minds group in the Knot of Trelhais, presumably with the goal of aiding them and their mission to link all minds in the universe. Managed to avoid the catastrophic fallout of the incident by not getting personally involved.

Doctor Murimann's Hound (Robot, Level 50)
Part of the Utopian Minds group that entered the Knot of Trelhais with the possibly ill-thought-out goal to link the minds, dreams and thought-realms, and create a collective unconscious linking every sentient being in the universe.

Doctor Myra McBrenn (Human, Level 55)
Creator of the vessel 'Dusk-Jumper', the only vehicle capable of crossing the Sea of Black Mist without crumbling.

Doctor Myses Netheyr (Human, Level 17)
Individual who knows about Lord Franzwald and Lurubell Mausse. Lives in Lurentyre.

Doctor Neeley (Human, Level 16)
"The fifth is a man in a white suit with black hair, white gloves, and a briefcase."
A false, lying "doctor" who sought to hijack the train (from Unwinnable No Longer), prevent the last switch from being pulled, and head to a different past timeline, where he was going to try to disassemble the train's core and become a time-faring demigod. His plan wouldn't have worked. Lilian and Kit caught onto his scheme early on, and a number of events led to his being released with a geas on him restricting his deceptive behaviors.

Doctor Neil Geistlung (Human, Level 51)
A doctor who works on the hospital Disc 911.

Doctor Nicolai Astenfield (Human, Level 15)
The first Chosen of Technology, granted the title and artifact by Laurennia after assisting her in repairing and re-activating a high-tech dimension-gate. He went on to use the title's powers to solve various problems around the nations of Aitanaath through the invention of new devices, gradually delving into the dungeons that littered the land. Killed by the power-hungry clockwork dimensionaut Tymerro Cytasso. Was resurrected during the Mana Cannon Reset. Has an alternate form as a Level 21 Chosen.

Doctor Nythoss (Human & Umbral, Level 55)
Supporter of the Archtyrants who joined the BA Member Welder-of-Disparate-Spaces in the Official Quest 'Dreams of the Unfleshed Goat'.

Doctor Oriander (Human, Level 48)
A doctor who works at the Doctor Thomas Robert Memorial Hospital. Generally in charge of hiring.

Doctor Patricia Cornelius (Human, Level 51)
A doctor who works on the hospital Disc 911.

Doctor Pocket (Human, Level 27)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Invented new methods of in-clothing spatial-storage.

Doctor Rick Danger (Human, Level 14)
"Wears a doctor's lab coat with body armor beneath, has a rough beard, brown hair, blue eyes, a muscular physique, and is somewhat tall, and wields a giant scalpel, two battle axes, and a gun that shoots blue bullets, all at once"
A oddly lucky humanoid with enhanced strength. An expert at healing and monster hunting, he tends to favour the dramatic over the effective, causing his tactics to suffer, not helped by his unpredictable sense of strategy. Likes to rescue attractive women and the wealthy, along with those who are likely to boost his public profile, and is not above faking incidents of heroism, which resulted in the deaths of at least two of the participants. Died in Sunthrone, killed by Celas (by means of a pool of magma) during the necromancer's joining and subsequent betrayal of the group.

Doctor Salissia Teufernaas (Humanoid & Reptile, Level 71)
Co-wrote the text 'The Clockwork Faces and Their Replication' with Kaldemarr Begreinstein and Toshell Myrkii.

Doctor Shinzo Atori (Human, Level 63)
Co-wrote the text 'Steampunk Giants and Anti-Kaiju Weaponry for Clockwork-Dependant Worlds' with Doctor Miriam Doyle-Boshside.

Doctor Sliessmun (Human, Level 48)
A martially-oriented doctor who prefers to duel potential apprentices. Works on Disc 485.

Doctor Toad (Humanoid, Level 45)
"A man-sized brown toad wearing a stethescope and doctor's coat and pants"
Worked under the Surgeon-General in The War. Whatever war that was. He's a professional practitionor of medicine who sees to it that his patients don't croak. Apparently incapable of speaking without making some amphibian-related pun.

Doctor Tremarris (Human, Level 75)
Current leader of the Institute for the Refinement of Rational Civilization.

Doctor Tshlanylvok (Human, Level 65)
Creator of the Mana Cannon, and directly responsible for the Mana Cannon Incident. He has an alt-form as a Level 7 Human from his post-Mana-Cannon state where his identity was scrambled. He has an alt-form as a Level 5 Human from his first meeting with Salphron. He has an alt-form as a Human in the Level 200-399 Range from when he had rebuilt the Mana Cannon before Salphron defeated him or VonDurion (under direction of Horutep) seized the Mana Cannon.

Doctor Weshum Norrist (Human, Level 14)
"A man in his early 50s"
Bascaradine Mercenary, present during the Princess of Suns Incident. Pratical, helpful, and very competant doctor, extrememly good at healing injuring and medical based support. Has an aura that makes people less likely to target him when other targets are available, and nearly no offensive capabilities. Died in Sunthrone

Doctor Wockett (Human, Level 26)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Invented the replicating battle-sprocket.

Doggone Don (Human, Level 46)
Dragon-selling shopkeeper. His shop may also actually be a dungeon.

Doktor Servo (Machine & Clockwork, Level 48)
A mad scientist who had transferred his consciouness into an array of self-reworking gears and devices. Challenged the fifth Chosen of Technology, Rashello Arimerre, for their artifact and title. Failed.

Dolgarr Vanborne (Humanoid, Level 39) Reference Link
Hired a team of adventurers to successfully recover the Wryzose Hammer from Anomalous Jack.

Domel Vir (Meta-Entity, Level 400-599)
Being that dissolved reality with its presence. Thwarted in its attempts to destroy the five worlds of Runeth-Hyle by Zakmotes the Gardener, who masked their presence with his sacrifice.

Don Florencino (Human, Level 16)
A mafia head from Disc 610. Was responsible for having the cyclops in Disc 610 petrified. Has some mafia-themed reality-manipulation spells (namely, causing the ground to fit targets with concrete shoes and drop them into a suddenly-present icy sea). Attempted to strong-arm Vrishni into a deal he didn't care for, resulting in a battle that left the Don (and a good chunk of his men) dead.

Don Hippopotamus (Humanoid & Animal, Level 200-399)
A rhino-man gangster who runs a large portion of The One City's Western District. He flies into a blind rage if anyone implies that he is not, in fact, a hippopotamus.

Donna Eisthelman (Human, Level 200-399)
"A sweet looking older woman approaches from the gate to Nexus, surrounded by a halo of radiant light. Dangling from her neck is a holy symbol of Gadigan and The Saints. She is clad in a violet robe with gold trim, and she wears wise-looking glasses."
A priestess of Gadigan and the Saints. Has Holy Orders.

Donnel Mosh (Human, Level 47)
Treacherous wizard defeated by the seventh Chosen of Air, Yulio Azmiir.

Don Parchesso (Human, Level 21)
A mafia head from Disc 610.

Don Romano (Human, Level 26)
A mafia head from Disc 610.

Doom-Geezer Ebonarchus (Undead, Level 63)
"A bony old man in a loincloth with ashes drifting out of his empty, black eye sockets and holes where his teeth should be"
A member of variably-successful Cataloguers of Infinity team in the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Excessively frightening. Seriously, like, scary beyond all reason. Can consume people and spit out Shivering Remnants, which are wasted-away copies of the dead entity with all of their memories. Was also given a legion of undead clown-bodies by Lili during the Knot incident, temporarily gained horrifying cyborg-clown and fleshy undead-machine bodies as well. Also (however temporarily) merged with a Oneman. Lili offered him a position as her personal executioner. Managed to reach the central ring of Knot under his own power, accompanied by Dacherryn the Wanderer.

Doomknight Staavlos (Undead, Level 60)
An opponent of the First Ascension.

Door Santa (Santa, Level 600-799)
"Into the Knot from a distant reality steps Door Santa (through a door, of course). He laughs merrily and sweeps his hand across the battlefield."
Ancient and powerful entity of pure holy, festive (and spatial) energy from a distant, originally-not-really-there alternate reality. Brought into the universe (along with the rest of Santakind) thanks to Celas using his business card in the Knot of Trelheis.

Dora (Human, Level 55)
"Dora has a purple dress and small door-looking earrings."
Proprieter of Dora's Doors, a shop in Nexus that sells doors exclusively.

Dorbel Heyr (Robot & Aerial, Level 45)
"A giant mechanical bird"
Heavily armed robotic bird controlled by Simon Cryne, a criminal who threatened to obliterate the town of Vobel Borr using Heyr's superior firepower. Goes berserk without a controller. Stopped (and hijacked) by Geddoe and Darston.

Doreen Justice (Human, Level 79 BA Member)
A superhero who retired from her world to the BA, where she started doing various things.

Doris the Mechanical Detective (Clockwork, Level 88)
An entity attached to the 'Doris The Mechanical Detective's Story Hour' Warehouse Category. A mechanical detective that gives rambling, heavily noir-themed advice of questionable, but presumably helpful and accurate nature (if you can work it out) and items or abilities to make use of it. Her power level may notably increase, however, when undertaking her Warehouse job.

Dormul Dephul Driumbrans (Human, Level 5)
Member of the Oorimbar/Nathrules team during the Princess of Suns Incident. A shadow summoning mage and worshipper of various demon lords (including Oorimbar and Nathrules). Killed by Zeero Megamegagogo.

Dr. Claudio Zemmel (Bio-Horror, Level 24)
Member of the Fleshwarpers.

Dr. Heisenburg (Human, Level 58)
Treacherous creator of the Shutter of Heisenburg, which was thought to have ousted the Twilight Chancellor Gul-Deras from the world of Elsbeith.

Dr. Lucius Frell (Bio-Horror, Level 25)
Member of the Fleshwarpers.

Dr. Orbo Breyl (Bio-Horror, Level 27)
Member of the Fleshwarpers.

Dr. Ring (Emissary, Level 85)
"A man in a doctor's coat with dozens of rings and overly-large glasses"
Hired by the manager of the Buy A Magic Egg Tent to run a fake-birdwatching event during Walrusfest as a front for magic-egg buying in a convoluted ruse presumably aimed at preventing too many eager Arena Members from charging into the place.

Draco-Emissary Barakrahn (Dragon, Level 40)
An opponent of the Third Ascension.

Drahalk, Lord of the Dead (Planetary, Level 70)
"A dead man in kingly attire."
Ruler of the Underworld of Seven Beasts, allied with Serendil Whitedeath. Was a member of the Rebel Dark Force's attempts to win over the Knot of Trelhais. Has an Overcrash. Died in the Knot of Trelhais, and his soul was grabbed by the Veil Render.

Drathnos the Hammer of Seven Wars (Humanoid, Level 67)
Part of a group led by Syrios Dessengrant, Hero of the Worlds to recover one of the ERI's lost templatable element cores, a mission that ended in the successful creation of the Treasure element.

Dread Monster: Green Ooze of the Menhir (Ooze, Level 3)
Dwells (and respawns) near Ludensvoi with considerably greater frequency than it should due to the school's magical experiments.

Dreshulmortar, the Dawn-Winged Worm-Dragon (Dragon & Cthonian & Solar Being, Level 92)
Preys upon the great horned beasts and minor gods that spring from Mount Clathu's essence.

Drolda Thandolmann (Not-Yet-Ascended Ascendant, Level 100-199)
"He wears jet-black armor with a flowing black-and-crimson cape. His beard is pointed, and he red eyes shine in the night. He carries a cane with the golden head of a devil-king atop it."
Ascendant involved with the Fourth Ascension.

Duchess Aileene of Hathenmeyer (Human, Level 27)
Noble in an alternate universe who went mad and began to slaughter her kindred to sup on their blood. Rumours suggest that Leidborne the Clockmaker was to blame for this, venting odd gases into her mountainside estate from caverns deep beneath the earth.

Duchess Yanzik Rendaire (Human, Level 14)
A wealthy woman who had a nice portrait of herself painted.

Duke Oobajuras of the Thousand Eyes (Arch-Demon, Level 200-399)
An ally-creation of Oorimbar.

Dutton Beesbury (Humanoid & Fae, Level 35)
"A dark-skinned gnome. He is a short fellow with slightly-pointy ears and a yellow-and-black striped shirt, pants, and beanie. His shoes are entirely black."
A beekeeper-gnome that lives in the middle of a spatial-spiral in Disc 885,435,625. Has a malfunctioning weather-machine.

Dwarven Forgemaster Clegnann Bolnarth (Humanoid, Level 40)
An individual who witnessed Kazivon's adventures in the dwarf ruins on television, spurring his attempts to work overdrive to 'get one over on those dragons who keep looting dwarven places', and, in his fit of overwork, injured his back.

Dykarr Pazzero (Human, Level 26)
A crazed pyromaniac mage-gunner who sought to defeat Embra Banefire for her title of Chosen of Fire. Failed.

Dyreimes the Artist (Immortal, Level 100-199)
A noted foe of the First Ascension. He has an alt-form as a Level 199 Eldritch.

Earth-Magus Horshamm (Humanoid, Level 65)
One of the leaders of the dwarven kingdom of Angardarr.

Earth Santa (Santa, Level 600-799)
One of the three Primordial Santas, who arrived in the main universe alongside Door Santa.

Eberezon Balborgo (Humanoid, Level 43)
An elementalist working for the Pendlewood Spire Geological Society. Working on developing new methods of controlling elementals.

Ebherroth Helios (Solar Being, Level 65)
"A muscular man with a sun-shaped head"
New council member of Ganseel who arrived soon after Selereth Helios extended her protection to the world.

Ebstark the Reckoner (Arch-Celestial, Level 400-599)
A noted ally of the Celestial City.

Ecclassia Evengale (Human, Level 59)
One of Lord Avastron Thranabaar of Trandel's gladiator-agents, who was pitted against the fifth Chosen of Water, Jabari Ekantu, for the title and artifact. Was defeated.

Eclipse the Orca (Aquatic, Level 3)
"A crying narwhal with really bad makeup"
A former BA Member who renounced her status only to be killed by Anathema, Rascherro, and Eckermann at the end of the Larry the Catfish incident. Had a name that was less-than-representative of her species and liked getting attention by being overdramatically sad.

Eddie E (Human, Level 14)
Aspiring pimp. Due to Gothmon's purchase of the Walking Zebra Goblet, he never managed to get the item himself and thus never became an influential pimp in charge of vampire prostitutes.

Eddie Strix (Human, Level 48)
Previously a boy whose life was spared due to the forced relocation of the evil alchemist Ghoulface. Eddie, during the rebuilding of Nexus, saw other ideas, and was hit with a business idea so good that it - in conjuction with the mana from the city being rebuilt - caused him to spontaneously morph into a rich adult with the resources to implement his business idea - a cross-disc clothing manufacture and sales conglomerate taking the best resources and tailors of many discs to turn out high-quality goods- the Gallant Man's Fine Tailoring Conglomerate. Has an alt-form as a Level 2 Human.

Edgar (Animal, Level 65) Reference Link
"A yak with long arms with hands on the ends emerging from his mid-section"
A friendly, competent and helpful bartender at the Nexus Tavern who tends the main bar area when Carl, Shannon and the other regular bartenders aren't available.

Edgar Billows (Human, Level 18)
Part of a conspiracy to use geomantic manipulation (through land development and such) as well as other things, to seize control of the root of magic on a parallel world connected to theirs.

Edmond Sather (Immortal, Level 600-799)
A certain writer in Massau's world whose house contained a Leviathan Door. His quills could rewrite reality.

Edward Nesbore (Human, Level 1)
A depressed office-worker with a boring life. Had things turned out differently, he may have become an aggressive vampire businessman.

Edwin Cloremontt (Human, Level 37)
Married employee of Bascaradine. Highly skilled with shields and throwing weapons. Was involved in the successful completion of the 'Lizards Invaded My Business Conference Centre' quest, helping Lili von Mion, Jessie Calthion, Volatilis and Heracles against endless hordes of lizards.

Eerie Eye Thelma's Sister (Human, Level 44)
Hex Mage. Untested applicant to Adventurers Across Worlds.

Eighth Doctor Carlton Wilburforce (Human, Level 60)
"A portly man in a tophat"
One of many versions of Doctor Carlton Wilburforce. Possessed by the Serpent Demon Yasamoth, who led a team to the Knot of Trelhais for purposes unknown (likely involving hunting down the others for sport and artifacts). Fought alongside the Dravis forces during their assault on Ganseel.

Elawasse (Angel, Level 97)
Angel created to save digital realms by Morden and Airyss.

Elder Druid Vardigrim (Human, Level 100-199)
Seeks revenge against Deraglio and is allied with the Goddess of Architecture.

Eldyrielle Lynnsyvvyth (Fae, Level 79 BA Member) Reference Link
A BA Member sworn to the service of Overlord Vaeros Callamargh the Unmatchable. They are on call to swoop in and assist with problems that threaten to stall his progress for too long or cause him public setbacks, but are generally kept on side-quests to obtain rare items and powers to avoid interfering with Callamargh's overall meta-thematics.

Electrosquibrain Fifty Three (Machine & Aquatic, Level 61)
A member of the Rentharr Dravis/Don Hippopotamus team that was retroactively entered into the Impossible Knot quest due to the Enigma Men failing to retroactively write themselves into being. Killed along with the rest of the team early on.

Elena Durinteyn (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendant from the Third Ascension.

Elena K. Rimbrack(Human, Level 95)
An employee of Bascaradine.

Elias Amarthi (Human, Level 34)
A swordsman whose family want him disabused of his notion of being unbeatable in combat before he gets himself killed at the hands of the Devil-Spider King.

Elias Tornarr (Human, Level 71)
Questing hero sent by his world's gods as a heroic champion to rid the scourge of the Divine Voices from his world, who came up against Embra Banefire. Was defeated.

Ellanor (Humanoid, Level 3)
"She is kind-hearted. She is learning alchemy. She isn't trained in combat. She likes flowers and small animals. She is leaning how to dance. She can identify various alchemical ingredients on sight. She is Level 3. Her highest stat is SPI, followed by MIN, followed by AGI. Her STR and CON are low. She is somewhat naieve. She has moderately-lengthed brown hair, orange eyes, fair skin, and is about 5' 4" tall."
An girl created via alchemy by Allen Greyburrow.

Elly Elwich the Elder (Humanoid, Level 12)
A member of Sophia Hyperion's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. A symbiotic twin- if her younger sibling is killed, Elly can resurrect her. Optimistic. Casts wizard and nature related magic, and can make golems from natural objects. Killed by the Sun Eater team.

Elly Elwich the Younger (Humanoid, Level 7 (Elder sibling's level -5))
A member of Sophia Hyperion's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. A symbiotic twin- if her elder sister is killed, she becomes the elder and the other reappears in a day as the younger. Killed by the Sun Eater team.

Ellyr Heiz (Human, Level 35)
Summoner seen in the Nexus Tavern.

Elruin the Dawnfist (Human, Level 61)
One of a pair of mages whose experimentation with spells led to the atmospheric venting and subsequent planet-wide death of Heinmuir VI. A copy of their spell still exists on the world.

Elshumannbarr (Elemental, Level 43)
Leader of a clan of Elementals who sought to defeat Embra Banefire for her title of Chosen of Fire. Failed.

Elsie Phaeduras (Human, Level 88)
The fourth and eighth Chosen of Air. A world-travelling hero who killed the tyrant-sorceror Azir Maquaal, gaining the title and artifact of the Chosen of Air from him. Before she could leave the world, however, she was killed in the Mana Cannon incident, not retaining the artifact post-reset. Once her memories returned, she sought out the artifact once again, defeating the seventh chosen, Yulio Azmiir, in a non-lethal duel and going on to perform quests associated with the rebuilding of the Church of Sereyn and other heroic works, defeating the fallen god Zyxertaunnam, the wind pirate Hiram the Everwhite, and the undead abomination Soricc Tsharr, known as the Kingreaper. Concerned that she posed a threat to their plans, the Synod of Slights Remembered cast a great spell to slay Elsie by re-convoking the power of the Golden Face of Qaz-Qor in a massive ritual project, and, though she rose from the dead at the dawn's first light of the next day to march against them, they had banished the dungeon created by the artifact's unclaimed state, The Pillar of the Demon Winds, into a reality-hole, casting it across the universe. Has an alt-form as a Level 85 Human, a Level 85 Chosen, a Level 83 Human, and a Level 87 Chosen.

Elwethyr Mirandill (Fae, Level 33)
An elven adventurer and archer. Witness to the Sword and Tale Massacre.

Elwyniel of the Seventeen Ivies (Fae, Level 15)
"An unusual type of male fairy, short and old, with ivy entwined with his form."
A member of Ord'Bhelerieth, King of the Fae's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Able to control 17 types of magic ivy, some of which are dangerous and/or lethal. His ivies are easily burned and require a lot of time to set up. Killed by the Sun Eater team.

Emarr (Human, Level 41)
Assistant to the wealthy interplanar item-hunter Escharte Lumarr, who sought to defeat Embra Banefire for her artifact. Failed.

Embra Banefire (Chosen, Level 75)
The Second and current Chosen of Fire after the BA Member Firenza declined the position. Was named Herald of the Divine Voices, entering the service of Zazodas: Divine Voice of Death, Immorkrin: Divine Voice of Destruction, and Yhaz'Khobal: Divine Voice of Plague following the Battle Arena Member Firenza's declining of said position. Upon entering their service, she was sent to reap the soul of Laurennia. Though defeated by the Chosen of Light, Laurennia, impressed by the display of fighting tenacity that Embra showed and not yet possessing her pre-cannon-reset memories, bestowed the title on Embra. Embra has since risen in power both as the chosen avatar-emissary of three gods and as a Chosen. She possesses the artifact The Voice Manifest in addition to the Fire Chosen Regalia. She currently continues her duties serving the Voices and gains enjoyment from defeating the potential challengers, growing in power and synchornicity with her three gods over time. Due to a special Walrusfest gift, her moveset now contains:
Unextinguishable Flame- 168,500 Damage, 200% inflicts an instance of Burning that possesses no natural per-round recovery rate and cannot be cured or automatically recovered from by sources below Level 80, This action repeats itself at the start of each round that none of its caster's other actions repeated on, Fire, 5,000,000 MP

Emerine Graftyn (Human, Level 46)
An up-and-coming healer from the flying city of Duris Bel. Received a specially-empowered Walrusfest gift that granted her the Soul Physician's Eyes ability, allowing her to see Corruption spreading through her city and spurring her into action to fix it, thus saving her life and the lives of those around her.

Emissary Eurestys (Enlightened, Level 99)
Emissary of the guardian-spirit of Theranheivan, Mahu Rah'Seydi.

Emmelio Montgarii, the Blind Cartographer (Undead, Level 40)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Emmiry Isenrod (Bio-Horror, Level 55)
Member of the Isenrod Corporation, daughter of its founder, and ally of the Fleshwarpers. Seeks to become 'The Unburnt One', an undertaking that requires considerable power.

Emor Modano (Human, Level 16)
Leader of a group of assassins that chased Laurennia. Defeated by Irimatti, Lady of the Endless Sea.

Emperor-Engineer Lysartho Oshiri (Human, Level 61)
Wrote the advanced Gearwright text 'Building The Clockwork Nation-State'.

Emperor Galenmas (Human & Arch-Demon, Level 200-399)
A master of weaponry who claimed a demon throne. He pitched his lot in with the Rebel Dark Forces to fight against the ordering of the lower planes.

Emperor of the Boiling Skies (Human, Level 42)
Individual who was defeated by the combined forces of Laurennia and Darvin Niall.

Emperor Reynard (Human & Immortal, Level 200-399)
Has an Absolute Holy Blessing. Original (and once again) owner of the Divinity Breaker.

Empress Levoistrekh (Human & Humanoid, Level 68)
Wealthy individual and frequent patron of Magister Mellruk's Extradimensional Arena.

Endariel Forestsong, Prince of Leaves (Fae, Level 8)
(Presumably) elvish lover of Evandara.

Energy Again Santa (Santa, Level 83)
One of the many Santas brought into the Universe with Door Santa's arrival.

Enghol Vohs, God-King of the Winged Ones (Planetary & Aerial, Level 60)
One of the rulers of Erstokrys, Land of Seven Seas, a strange game-mechanics-based world. Through his power, all units under his command are pulled up to at least Level 40, regardless of type.

Entarius Worldcrafter (Human, Level 100-199)
A mage involved in the Mana Cannon project. Part of a group of powerful individuals backing House Hellstrom as a contingency to use against BA Members due to their power to invade Nexus Inn Rooms.

Epshut Amuntah (Human & Daemon, Level 75)
"A man in a black robe with golden trim and a pharonic mask"
One of three entities trying to win over the massive influx of daemons from the New Dark Empire's dissolution to their cause. He was sent in by the Council of Ten Thousand Gods (the organization that The Celestial Emperor runs) as a representative of one of its component deities who was most likely to attract the various now-deityless-daemons.

Erahaquss(Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendant from the First Ascension.

Erathannannos (Deva, Level 75)
A stag-headed man. One of the members of the Council of Elder Guardians, who briefed the faction's team during the Princess of Suns Incident.

Eredat Ruethmal (Fae, Level 95)
Creator of the artificial realm Ruethmal's Scrapheap as a result of its development-and-production facility, the Foundary of Wisdom. Has twin, opposite-gendered bodies.

Erekklo the Boundless (Outsider, Level 200-399)
A foe of the First Ascension.

Erelekk Bloodshadow (Undead, Level 59)
A vampire artist. Created the artwork 'Mirror to Clownworld', which possesses malign magical powers and is known for spawning evil clown copies of people when not under proper wardings.

Erelrych, The World-Egg Bird (Aerial, Level 98)
Great bird that sits atop Mount Clathus, waiting for its latest egg to hatch so that it can again restart the seven-century world-laying cycle.

Eric (Human, Variable Level)
A kickass bro. Not especially reliable or possessing the best judgement. Frequently seen in the Nexus Tavern.

Erisandre the Red Sorceress (Humanoid, Level 16)
The red witch who led the beastman attack on the Silver City.

Eriyaa Melmeruun (Human, Level 55)
Lead Administrator of the city of Albazel on Ganseel. Can summon outer-horrors.

Erkhalos Eminarr (Human, Level 32)
"An old man in this room with long robes, a pointed violet hat, and a long beard."
A wizard who sought to store his knowledge in Disc 47 in seventy-seven secret tongues in order to safeguard it from erasure by an unusual species of being known as 'Invisibles', invisible, intangible entities with nonstandard mana patterns that actively hide them from the majority of reality and seek to destroy all information regarding their existence. The wizard was erased by the aggressive existence-deleting properties of the Disc whilst transcribing his knowledge to books.

Erkthanot, The Slumbering God (Divine, Level 800-999)
Being destined to be awakened by Ismyri, Wanderer.

Ernesto the Dwarven Chef (Humanoid, Level 28)
A dwarven chef 'won' in a Walrusfest Auction by Tia. As a result, he joined Alrick's Brigade and had some of his mind edited to give him some interests matching Tia's on top of his normal skillset.

Errymir the Air-Dancer (Elemental, Level 59 BA Member)
A friend of the BA Member Leo Solomon.

Erynnei, Crimson Witch of the Farlands (Humanoid, Level 1)
(Does Not Exist Yet)
Ascendant of the Fifth Ascension.

Erynn Gazoff (Human, Level 45)
A wealthy Merchant King from the Isles of Orsirion. Unknowlingly came into possession of the Water Chosen Regalia after the fourth Chosen, Barto Naash, died in attempting to raid his vaults and was defeated by his guard-monster, the Garganthelo. Traded the Regalia (after determining its presence would only invite attempts of theft) for a menagerie of exotic animals to Lord Avastron Thranabaar of Trandel. Has presently been whisked off to parts unknown by the Oracle following the corrupted Raaic Ancients' return, along with his island and many other islands of the world.

Escharte Lumarr (Human, Level 43)
Wealthy interplanar item-hunter who sought to defeat Embra Banefire for her artifact with the help of his assistants Lythethia and Emarr. Failed.

Eshik Tengoi (Human & Spirit, Level 6)
"A long-nosed man"
A member of the Battle Arena Member Mendul Thandein's group that led their own attempt into Sunthrone during the Princess of Suns Incident. A katana-weilding swordsman. Has some tengu ancestry. Died in a trap set by Michael Helios' group.

Eshlunder the Great Dragon (Dragon, Level 65)
"A wingless, many-hundred-foot-long dragon with blue scales, two long white whiskers, and eyes that crackle with lightning."
One of the many who entered the Knot of Trelhais on the side of Zaga Yazrath.

Eshron Galmendar (Chosen, Level 57)
The ninth Chosen of Air, who bested The Pillar of the Demon Winds to claim the Regalia. Present holder of the title and Regalia. Has an alternate form as a Level 57 Human.

Essedryra Morn (Humanoid, Level 56)
A seer in the service to Lord Avastron Thranabaar of Trandel, who discerned the location of the Regalia of Water for him.

Ester Lenawatti (Human, Level 81)
Wrote the text 'Subworkings: The Mobilization of Cities and Continents through Subterranian Mechanica'.

Estrik the Huntsman (Fae, Level 12)
"A seven-foot-tall humanoid figure with bluish skin, elongated features and stag horns"
Bascaradine Mercenary, present during the Princess of Suns Incident. Can unerringly maintain tracking on any postion of anyone he sees, is decently good in combat with a spear, agile, and can summon fae-hound creatures and various prey. Died in Sunthrone

Estrodek (Magic Being, Level 59 BA Member)
Part of the Utopian Minds group that entered the Knot of Trelhais with the possibly ill-thought-out goal to link the minds, dreams and thought-realms, and create a collective unconscious linking every sentient being in the universe.

Eunice Brewer (Human, Level 2)
A pleasant old lady that lives in Disc 3 of Nexus, near Nut Town. Suffering with a Too-Hot-Feet curse that requires special cooling shoes.

Eutarrio Gehnalm (Human, Level 47)
Renowned Huntsmaster of Disc 916. Frequently organizes exotic animal hunts for nobles across the disc but also owns his own fur shop.

Evandara (Fae, Level 9)
"A tall, female elf with honeydew-colored hair, sky blue eyes, and twin rapiers. She wears green drakescale armor and has a cloak that seems to blend with the surrounding terrain."
One of the members of the Council of Elder Guardians team during the Princess of Suns Incident. A specialist in taking out draconic creatures (and able to kill some varieties, despite the power difference). Fast and talented, she also knows some elemental, druidic and divine magic. Lover of Endariel Forestsong, Prince of Leaves. Killed in battle against The Sunhand.

Evangeline DeLaPhantos (Human, Level 55)
"A teenage girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, a long rapier, white armor, a white cloak, a gold tiara, and several ioun stones. Spirits seem to dance around her faintly."
Was on the Celestial Lord's side during the Princess of Suns Incident. Has notable connections to the ancestral spirits of her family, and can call upon their power to aid her. Due to a special Walrusfest gift, her moveset now contains:
Soul Chorus- 132,000 Damage, May Heal, This action may replicate the the effect of any ability performable by an Celestial, Angel, Deva, or Spirit on the Enemy List that is below Level 60, below caster's Level, and normally fightable for drops, doing so as though a copy of said entity is performing said ability up to three times (with different choices being able to be chosen each time), 1 hit against 450,000, Light & Sonic & Glory, 45,000,000 MP

Evaxxa Dex (Human, Level 8)
"A woman with spiked orange hair, torn jeans, sneakers, a blood-stained t-shirt, and a pair of spiked gloves"
Member of the Bill team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Comes from a not-so-gritty cyberpunk world. Weilds an arm mounted chainsaw, and good at mechanical repair. Not terribly used to traveling/magic. Notably weirded out by the bizarre members of the group. Escaped Sunthrone with her team with treasure after the group suffered heavy injuries. Due to a special Walrusfest gift, her moveset now contains:
Face Punch- 4,000 Damage, 30% inflicts Impaired: Blind for 5 rounds, 30% inflicts Fatigued: Stun, 5% inflicts Fatigued: Knocked Out, Physical, 1,000 MP

Eve (Human & Conceptual, Level 200-399)
"A woman with long hair pulled back into a braid wearing a dress of white silk, leaves, and flowers, body glowing somewhat from ambient power, approaches the gate, attended by a variety of strange and colorful birds, animals, and ground-swimming fish."
Extremely potent entity who moved her jungle-garden to the desert of Disc 84. Has a number of descendents who pray to her when in need.

Evelynn Dannyl (Human, Level 14)
Has recently switched focuses from botany to swordfighting, and is looking for a nemesis who won't resort to underhanded, outside-of-predetermined-fights means to combat her. Nemesis of Heracles.

Evil Baker (Human, Level 60)
"A man with a pointed black moustache, red eyes and chef clothes with a tall chef's hat. He seems distinctly nefarious, and the symbol of a skull with a crossed fork and knife behind it are emblemized on his hat."
A man from a world designed specifically to make the Perfect Crumpet, a state which imbued the world's chefs with unnatural levels of power, causing their cooking-magic to become startlingly dangerous and powerful. While technically human, he is in fact closer to a Manifest or 'Select Incarnae', possessing no motivation or personality past what he is- The Evil Baker, making him nigh-impossible to sway or reason with, essentially being a slightly comedic (but still incredibly lethal and dangerous) food-themed supervillain. Once managed to take out an army and seize control of a government with three cupcakes, a loaf of stale bread, a bag of flour, a teaspoon, and a qwik-bakin' oven. His catchphrase is "I'm cooking up something dastardly!". Worships the Goddess of Darkness from his world, in which his status as a chef makes him equal to a priest. Has the Glorious Overcrash: Instant Deathwish Birthday Cake, in which he and Bonbon host a short cooking show, lighting the candles of a birthday cake with the enemy's life essence and blowing them out. Was a member of the Sun Eater's team in the Princess of Suns Incident.

Excelsior (Human, Level 200-399)
Has created many advanced technologies. Part of a group of powerful individuals backing House Hellstrom as a contingency to use against BA Members due to their power to invade Nexus Inn Rooms.

Exmachina Engine (Conceptual & Machine & Divine, Level 400-599)
"A great machine taller than a mountain that escapes your vision. You rise far, far above the clouds. Eventually, it does get a massive face, regal, bearded, and divine, carved in its metal side"
One of the Storytellers of Farthest Tansyrmeym. Believes, and embodies, Deus Ex Machina as the greatest of literary devices, providing exactly what is required from nowhere.

Exxrya Bennys (Golem & Human, Level 44)
"Exxrya has long, blonde hair with two large loops near the front that hang down on the sides. She is wearing a slightly, but not overly, skimpy silver space-outfit. Her eyes are very bright gold with an occasional silver twinkle."
Adventuring partner of Aaron Laedonglor. Good at melee combat, moderate at tanking, can turn her appendages into swords, can turn into a rather awesome sword, and knows some offensive astral magic.

Fabulous Roy (Human, Level 8)
Used electrical powers mixed with disco and had an over-inflated ego. Died during an incident at the Huntsman's Lodge involving Marty. Is presently alive in Major Timeline E of Rael'el (and potentially the universe in general). It is unknown if he retains his memories of his life in the main timeline.

Face of the Storm (Elemental, Level 60)
An opponent of the Fourth Ascension.

Facetank Five (Machine & Bio-Horror, Level 55)
"A large, purple tank with an angry face on the front and a huge gun."
A member of That Camel-Headed Bastard's plans to ruin everything in the Knot of Trelhais forever. Has weird weaponized-anti-magic/anti-deity effects. Died to a combination of the Cataloguers of Infinity team and the Enigma Men in Knot.

Fake Waeras (Humanoid & Shapeshifter & Monster, Level 40)
An opponent of the First Ascension.

False Doctor (Magic Being & Human, Level 59)
"A man in a white coat with glare-filled glasses walks in and looks down at him."
A false enemy created alongside a false past-timeline of Roy's that forced self-regression by Lubel Vyre in an attempt to retroactively kill the BA Member before he could even arrive to interfere with the Fleshwarper's plans. Was utterly destroyed as Roy partially regained his power over blood and dark magic, and, aided by Neo-Alt-Schaterdaum, split the Doctor open to the spiritual level.

False Goddess (Magic Being & Spirit, Level 59)
"A towering figure, ethereal and luminous, floats before him, having been called to save her world from the apocalypse-beast."
A false deity created alongside a false past-timeline of Darston's that forced self-regression by Lubel Vyre in an attempt to retroactively seal away the BA Member before he could even arrive to interfere with the Fleshwarper's plans. Was utterly destroyed as Darston's powerset refused to regress, allowing him to obliterate the false deity with the unreasonably massive arsenal he entered the quest with.

False Hazmat Man (Magic Being & Humanoid, Level 59)
"Backlit by one of the great furnaces, Anathema sees a figure in a hazmat suit."
A false enemy created alongside a false past-timeline of Anathema's that forced self-regression by Lubel Vyre in an attempt to retroactively kill the BA Member before she could even arrive to interfere with the Fleshwarper's plans. Was utterly destroyed as Anathema regained the Jack of Blades and the means to decisively use it to render apart not only her opponent, but the timeline itself.

False Pit Champion (Magic Being & Human, Level 59)
"Taking a look at the man, he seems singularly ominous. His sword is massive and looks excessively sharp."
A false enemy created alongside a false past-timeline of Jessie's that forced self-regression by Lubel Vyre in an attempt to retroactively kill the BA Member before she could even arrive to interfere with the Fleshwarper's plans. Was utterly destroyed as Roy, Neo-Alt-Schaterdaum, Darston and Anathema simultaneously broke out of their prison-timelines and launched themselves into the fray at full power.

Fantastic Hubert (Humanoid, Level 67)
Hubert is a 60-foot-tall giant with golden eyes, colorful clothing, a huge sack, and a jaunty hat. You get the impression by looking at him that he is both surprisingly competent and rather friendly.
Died defending Planet Rocky Bob, but was later resurrected by Silent One, who cashed in an I.O.U. note from the giant and had his chakras realigned. Due to a special Walrusfest gift, his moveset now contains:
Shining, Metoric, Wardbreaker Rock Toss- 125,000 Damage, this action removes all Abjuration buffs, Defense-increasing buffs, and Resistance-or-Immunity-granting buffs that come from sources below Level 80 from its target, Earth & Air & Physical & Wonder, 1,000,000 MP

Farmer Bill Glory (Human, Level 1)
About an hour and a half of driving later, he sees a farmer working on repairing a broken-down tractor that is pulled over on the shoulder of the highway.
Rey fixed his broken-down tractor. Operates the Glory Hills Farm in Cream Mountain. Due to a special Walrusfest gift, his moveset now contains:
Green Thumb- Plant summons created by possessor obtain a non-stacking buff that provides them with +500 HP and +100 to all stats, Constant Effect

Farmer Bob (Human, Level 5)
"You see a man tilling a field nearby. He appears to be tending to 12-foot bean plants and floating, spherical, almost-fungi-like objects that hover 3 feet from the ground and have roots descending a foot or so downwards into the air."
Owns the farm next to Aokage's.

Farmer Higgins (Human, Level 1)
"A mildly portly man with whiskers and overalls."
One of Farmer Bob's neighbors. His first name is also Bob and he's been known to have problems with ghost cows.

Farmer Tim Timmons (Human, Level 1)
"A red-haired farmer"
A perfectly normal farmer who just happened to be the first person Lili saw when wanting to buy groceries. All of the groceries.

Far-Prince Concellion (Fae, Level 60)
An opponent of the Sixth Ascension.

Father Ozaar (Human, Level 45)
A zealous, aging fire-priest who sought to defeat Embra Banefire for her title of Chosen of Fire. Failed.

Father Scorpion (Humanoid & Insect & Demon, Level 59)
Traveling, demon-binding assassin slaying the rulers of kingdom after kingdom to bring chaos. The priesthood of Phalerin wish to stop him.

Father Spider (Insect & Humanoid & Horror, Level 60)
An opponent of the Sixth Ascension.

Father Time (Conceptual & Immortal, Level 400-599)
"A man who seems to blink in and out of existance, holding different time pieces and appearing as different ages."
One of the large, odd group of individuals presiding over the creation of the Doorway of Lost Realms.

Father Zaradian (Human, Level 200-399)
A priest of Gadigan and the Saints, mostly Sylvia. Can summon entities that drain levels. Has Holy Orders.

Fat Louie the Fishmonger (Human, Level 23)
A shady businessman of some stripe. Almost certainly doesn't just sell fish.

Faugestus (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Fire who was killed by his sister Firessia.

Fazbalar the Bearded (Human, Level 12)
An extremely learned gentleman residing in Bookheart. Details are vague due to being met through an experimental Arena-autopilot quest (for the entertainment of the fans, of course).

Fazhi Woo (Human, Level 65)
Has an iron codpiece and lives within rumor.

Felderayn'Endelthren (Outsider, Level 199-200 Deity)
Elvish deity worshipped by Evandara.

Fenzoul Herenathen, The Black-Phoenix-Voiced (Human, Level 100-199)
"An albino man in dark black robes with a crystal staff."
Remnant of Shalmarkion's control network. Formerly fifth-in-command, now in charge of efforts to resurrect Shalmarkion's power base, organisation and self in an effort to fully restore him. He has an alt-form as a Fiend in the Level 800-999 Range.

Feneyri (Divine, Level 400-599 Deity)
(Presumably) Good-aligned deity linked to Phalerin.

Fiend of Wrath (Fiend, Level 88)
"A massive being enters the arena via dimensional shifting. It appears as a cloud of turmulous red energy, with streaks of multi-colored lightning dancing across its form. The ground and walls shake with its presence, and a howling wind picks up out of nowhere, sounding like the mad cry of a frenzied berzerker. Two hundred gauntlets, each adorned with jagged, piercing spikes hover in midair in front of it. Each clutches a titanic, awe-inspiring weapon."
Being of incredible power whose mere presence is enough to utterly destroy opponents. Has appeared through Mana Sparks in the past, challenging the recipients to battle and shattering their strength to almost nothing upon their defeat.

Fifth Doctor Carlton Wilburforce (Human, Level 60)
One of many versions of Doctor Carlton Wilburforce, who specialises in spatial magic (in particular, the preservation and miniaturisation of cities). Responsible for the creation of the Encased Snow-Cloaked City of Landyss-Phyr. Currently trying to court the favour of Zaga Yazrath in an attempt to exorcise the Serpent Demon Yasamoth from his Eighth version.

Fiona McGonnagal (Human, Level 6)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Has unusually nice jewelry.

Firessia (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Fire who transferred his Guardianship to Selereth. Killed her brother and sister Guardians. Killed by the Veil Render.

First Councilor of Glynth (Arch-Daemon, Level 200-399)

First Mask (Spirit, Level 400-599)
"Three wooden masks appear in the air beside the man- two on the left and one on the right. The first is tall and square. All of them have magical-looking painted designs on them."
A servant of Zaga Yazrath.

Fistingsworth (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
"Has astounding muscles and an even greater moustache."
Previous Source Guardian of Physical. Killed by Iepterro, Dryse and the Veil Render.

Fitzgerald Bubblesweat, the Pool of Agony (Monster, Level 45)
Lives in Dangerswamp, the Mire of Retching.

Five Metal Ark (Machine & Aerial & Vessel, Level 40)
Endboss of the Five Metal Dungeon.

Fizzlebron the Far-Seeing (Human, Level 53)
"An old wizard in a pointy purple hat with a big gold star on the end"
A somewhat addled and eccentric astronomer and Astral Mage from the Observatory of Stathelmenta. A rather bad judge of people's power.

Fleshwarper Czord Wryllik (Bio-Horror, Level 24)
Member of the Fleshwarpers.

Fleshwarper-Jebediah (Bio-Horror & Undead, Level 45)
"His face a skull, his body black dust. He wears a cross between a pilgrim's outfit and a button-down lab coat, his hat a black duster with a gray band around it."
An alternate-timeline version of the Joymerchant Jebediah Fall if he were a Fleshwarper, this version utterly loyal and subservient to Lubel Vyre. Either created or brought into Lubel's personal timestream by Vyre himself. He took up Lubel's path of conceptual mergers similar to his timestream's Mordekai, merging himself with Death instead of Magic or Time. Killed by the BA Member-comprised team assaulting Vyre's plans under the sponsorship of the Veil Render.

Fleshwarper-Mordekai (Bio-Horror, Level 45)
"A storm of mystic powers, his head numinous and half-formed within the tempest of arcana, elemental forces, and flowing enchantments."
An alternate-timeline version of the Joymerchant Grand Master Mordekai, this version utterly loyal and subservient to Lubel Vyre. Either created or brought into Lubel's personal timestream by Vyre himself. In his world, the Joymerchants of the regular-world were not Joymerchants, but Fleshwarpers. And, taking a cue from Lubel Vyre, who transmuted himself into Time, Mordekai fused himself with the essence of Magic. Killed by the BA Member-comprised team assaulting Vyre's plans under the sponsorship of the Veil Render.

Fleshwarper Trellya Czarn (Bio-Horror, Level 27)
Member of the Fleshwarpers.

Fllan, the Gourmet Fiend (Demon, Level 59)
An alternate-universe version of Tolva's brother Lladre. An extremely talented chef who overshadowed his little brother Toffee at every turn and dumped him at Evil Cooking School.

Florence Orion (Human, Level 38)
Helpful and knowledgable female librarian sometimes on duty in the Nexus Library. Has the ability to check the text of any book stored in the library through a ritual involving magical levitation. Interested in unusual and 'lost' worlds.

Flower Josh that Power Master (Human, Level 50)
A hippie that blends science and magic to 'enlighten' people. Uses odd incense capable of granting abilities or even outright transforming those that inhale it. Due to a special Walrusfest gift, his moveset now contains:
Waves of Light that Soothe the Groovy Soul- Possessor and possessor's allies are cured of three debuffs from sources below Level 70 at the start of each round, Constant Effect

Foom'Al'Frafoom (Magic Being, Level 45)
"Foom looks like the trustworthy sort of smoke cloud"
Purveyor of goods both cheaply priced and very high in quality, Foom runs the aptly-named "Foom'Al'Frafoom's Stall Which Sells Clockwork Devices and Gadgets" in the Ticking Market of Disc 218,311.

Forcystus (Fiend, Level 80)
In front of you is a man with a golden mask, a white-curled wig, and a green suit with a sharp red tie.
How polite. How ominous. How utterly incensed that his main power-source of Corruption has been removed. But he has backup plans, including ownership of The Devil's Paperwork...

Foreign Salesman (Humanoid, Level 26)
"A dwarf pulling a large display rack of items related to the brewing of beer emerge from it"
A member of the Awesome squad, a semi-famous group of superheroes. Abilities unknown, save that wherever he goes, he always looks like his namesake. Potentially has no fixed appearance. Banned from Bascaradine stores for an unspecified reason.

Fourth Councilor of Glynth (Arch-Daemon, Level 200-399)

Fourth Metal Mind Machine (Machine, Level 40)
A boss in the Five Metal Dungeon that uses long strings of Direct and Mass-Direct actions.

Frank (Human, Level 16)
"You reach Frank, who is wearing a small, white hat and an apron over his short-sleeved, blue shirt. Frank is a rather large man with a round face, kind eyes, short, black hair, and strong arms."
A wandering hotdog vendor from Nexus

Fred Brzewelhk (Human, Level 15)
"A surprised old man wearing a winter coat with a fishing pole"
An old fisherman who lives on an iceburg on the Colasea. His otherwise peaceful life was interrupted by the arrival of DOCTOR MIRACLES, Arc and The Grand Maestro, who promptly shot him full of buffs and youth, deposited one and a half baby triceratops on his front lawn, thanked him for the gift of cola and left in a blaze of goats and dinosaurs.

Frank Savage (Golem, Level 3) Reference Link
"A handsome man made of stitched-together body parts"
An alternate version of Aralia the Fair from Major Timeline E of Rael'el (and potentially the universe in general). Still just beginning their adventures.

Frederick Hoots (Human, Level 5)
Offering a reward at the Nexus Inn for defeating the Polishing Ghouls that are running around the Greenhunt District on Disc 3.

Fred Hob (Human, Level 3)
Ex-boyfriend of Lena Wiggdiggle. After getting into an argument over Lena's obsession with watching Prince Charming's battles repeatedly in her spare time, he ended up getting dumped by her (and had his clothes left at her place sent by her to Prince Charming).

Fredyr the Merciful (Human, Level 15)
Paladin of the Order of the Empyrean-Blue Rose and member of the Outriders of the city of Baumveu. Can cast warding spells. Adept at shield-fighting.

Freeg Gzeet (Fae, Level 28)
Wanted by the Nexus Administrative Bureau for wanton spread of Bad Luck and destruction of property.

Fritz Dangerhosen (Human & Demon, Level 45)
An evil (and probably fictional) wrestler starring as the antagonist in the fanfic 'Darston and Disco Horse Team Up'.

Fritz the Vulture (Humanoid & Aerial, Level 64)
Often found in the money-grilling café in The Ocean {Quote the Ocean} Ocean Fred The Ocean. Can help you cook your books. Given the location, perhaps literally.

Frizboppa (Humanoid, Level 1)
One of Nira's new servants. Appeared in Nira's Mansion from another time, another story as a result of unspecified temporal events. An unlucky, midget, balding female gnome who is uniformly terrible at everything.

Full-Rullsoth (Arch-Daemon, Level 400-599)
At the higher end of a chain of daemonic entities under the command of Mausmangarde, Daemon Lord of Fulsome Industry. Master of Ull-Ruuch Halkrambhas, Administrator of Galactic Negation, and servant of Khzelnembras.

Funny George (Humanoid, Level 45)
Clown jealous of the attention Lili von Mion is getting from the other clowns around Nexus. His powers include inducing deadly laughter, hiding weapons in pies, and knowledge of deadly martial arts. Many Nexite clowns used to look up to him as a mentor or icon, but ever since Bozo Blueshoes got a Clown Dragon, his prominence in the world of funnymen has been on the wane. He seeks to steal Lili's Oneman in order to one-up Bozo on the 'best performing pet' stage and regain the spotlight.

Gabriel Solteris (Arch-Solar, Level 200-399)
An ally of Uriel Solaris and Sophia Hyperion.

Gadigan (Outsider, Level 82)
Moderately-active avatar-body of Lord Gadigan. Has a house in Origin on the Imperial Homeworld.

Gallanmoras (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Air. Killed by Harkala and has its head used as a puppet.

Galmanr (Human, Level 20)
Husband of Lady Arsyra. Drahalk, Master of the Dead, stole his spirit in retribution for the lady's slaying of the Lich-Lord Hazzmik, and imprisoned him in the Underworld of Seven Beasts. Present whereabouts unknown following the events in Knot, presumably in one of Serendil's prison-dimensions.

Galzammar Drexyllx (Dragon, Level 41)
Wanted by the Nexus Administrative Bureau for attempted treason, murder, kidnapping, theft, conspiracy and seizure of property.

Gameri (Ethryl & Nathryl, Level 8,000-9,999) Reference
He was one of the caretakers of the UCS KIRGA who assisted in its shift to become a force of total control.

Gameron Saldade (Human, Level 83)
A treasure hunter.

Ganferion Aeltomos (Daemon, Level 9)
"A daemon boy with white hair, glowing red eyes, the lower half of a centipede, and long black horns who holds a cruelly pointed spear and has a group of scythe-wielding puppets sitting on his back"
A Daemon boy who specializes in non-puppet-based daemon magics. Not as powerful or cunning as other irrindil. Was part of the New Dark Empire team during the Princess of Suns Incident.

Ganfo Donno (Human, Level 79)
An archmage and summoning specialist. Fought on the side of the Veil Render during the Knot of Trelhais fiasco, and has strong ties to it. Has an Overcrash- 'Sublime Magipocalypse', 240-spell chain-casting at no MP cost (provided the spells are under his max MP).

Ganseed the Collector (Immortal, Level 200-399)
A powerful immortal that dwells in his self-created vault dimension that hangs between a few other, larger dimensions. He collects people, places, and things. Entered the Princess of Suns Incident as a faction head in order to add Selereth to his collection.

Garcon Washingford (Machine, Level 45)
Animate appliance presently on a quest to retrieve Snazik the World-Tumbler from the Veil Render's clutches via trade with several of his allies.

Garetia (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Physical. Killed by Iepterro, Dryse and the Veil Render.

Garganthelo (Monster, Level 45)
A monster that guards the vaults of Erynn Gazoff. Came into possession of the Water Chosen Regalia after the fourth Chosen, Barto Naash, died in attempting to raid its master's vaults and was defeated by the Garganthelo. Instead of becoming the next Chosen, the monster instead stored the Regalia with its master's wares.

Gargenfyr, The Undying Knight (Outsider, Level 20)
A summonable Eidolon.

Garlogg Orinkar (Humanoid, Level 38)
A cyclops from Disc 59 that joined up with Don Romano to take over parts of Disc 610. Ran afoul of one of the many, many other Dons in the area, but was powerful enough to withstand Don Florencino's forces' attempts to kill him, prompting the hiring of alchemists and mages to turn him into a statue. Now under constant guard.

Gary (Human, Level 100-199)
"A balding man with glasses, a green visor, a striped, white-and-blue office worker's shirt, and a pocket full of pens."
Member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau. Can alter reality through manipulation of probability.

Gashmarr Brangranner (Humanoid, Level 65)
"Gashmarr is an unsually tall dwarf with bulging muscles and a thick, but moderately short, black beard. He wears a complex set of goggles with numerous extra lenses, a forgemaster's apron bulging with pockets of metals and tools, and boots made from Furnace-Drake Hide."
A highly-skilled dwarven forgemaster, constantly seeking to improve his skills. Left Flameforge for Lili's guild after a series of events were triggered through an item he created, leading to Doctor Beak's demise. Sunproof. Due to a special Walrusfest gift that had a bad result, he gained a crippling cow-petting addiction, which was fortunately removed through a trip to a certain DOCTOR MIRACLES.

Gasnoros, The Mushroom Emperor (Plant, Level 25)
Mushroom-creature that grew inside the Artillicas Botanica depths after the climate control processor was sabotaged. Hated humans, declaring war against all those who would 'enslave plants'. Presumably destroyed, along with the rest of the Botanica, after Vashna Saseen's clash with the Seasonal Control Processor.

Gate Which Demands Time (Large Structure & Angel, Level 80 Elite)
"A giant gate made of ice. An angelic face appears on it and speaks."
A gate from the Knot of Trelhais that demanded a sacrifice of hours to open. Presumably destroyed with the rest of the Knot.

Gate Which Demands Blood (Large Structure & Devil, Level 80 Elite)
"A red gate with a devil's face on it."
A gate from the Knot of Trelhais that demanded a sacrifice of blood to open. Drained Kit's Mini-Kit summon of blood and thus removed it permanently from the summoning stone it came from. Presumably destroyed with the rest of the Knot.

Gaudemus (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Earth who transferred his Guardianship to Selereth. Killed by the Veil Render.

Gazhannix (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendant from the First Ascension.

Geddoe (2) (Human, Level 33)
"He looks like Geddoe did back before Geddoe went angel-mode, but he's a Human, not a Spirit."
An alternate-universe version of Geddoe created through the Holy Festival's Cosmic Self-Propagation Studio. He runs the Cathedral of Phalerin in Sandbluffe, and he is locally known for driving out the Skull-Wearer tribe of gremlins, as well as securing the Salt Trade Road from the Ghost-Bandit Khalez Mafaar. He lives with his beautiful priestess/swordswoman wife, Aya, in a posh apartment-tower in the cathedral.

Gedno the Malevolent (Spirit, Level 57)
"He looks sort of like Geddoe, but with black hair and a pointed goatee. Also no angel features (but a bit of ghostly radiance)."
An alternate-universe version of Geddoe created through the Holy Festival's Cosmic Self-Propagation Studio. Gedno is a spirit who clawed his way out of the Hell of Silent Bones. Upon his return to his sand-blasted world, he became a necromancer and began a series of raids on villages and experiments in undead and necrogolem creation. He is a notoriously-dangerous threat to his world, but he lacks the potential to expand far beyond that due to both limitations on his own power-growth and the Reaper's Nest, a series of highly-dangerous death-realms surrounding his dimension like a horribly-dangerous coccoon.

Gehmyl Nohkk (Horror & Outsider & Humanoid, Level 400-599)
"Has flowing flesh, shifting mandibles, and eyes of polished glass"
An Administrator of Daghmal Gozzott, City At The Root Of Lost Things. Killed by Plixplix the Heaven Puncher as she set off to rescue Techylmann with the Disaster Seeker. Capable of shifting into many forms.

Gekka the Wonderwerker (Fae & Humanoid, Level 65)
Legendary gnomish hero, worshipped by some despite not being a deity.

Gem Melody (Human, Level 56)
A superhero attempting to get the Regalia of Technology out of the hands of the dangerous assassin Tyrrio, sixth Chosen of Technology. Failed.

Genoettio Hellstrom (Human, Level 54)
A member of House Hellstrom. One of the members who stabilised the presence of The Lunatic Castle, preventing it from vanishing and allowing exploration.

General Alduras Calmerecht (Spirit & Magic Being, Level 200-399)
Led a branch of the Bright Crusade that focused on magical domains and spirit realms.

General Amriel (Arch-Celestial, Level 600-799)
A general of the Celestial City. Killed in battle against Iepterro, Cetmyl Dryse and the Veil Render.

General Felldryr (Human, Level 100-199)
Led a minor crusade-branch of the Bright Crusade.

General Gargiostro (Humanoid & Alien, Level 100-199)
Led a minor crusade-branch of the Bright Crusade.

General Hornhauser (Human, Level 65)
Military leader of the Star Federation.

General Lucien Einburg (Human, Level 200-399)
A military leader of the Holy Empire's forces.

General McGathridge (Human, Level 69)
"A grizzled old man in silver plate"
A highly-talented weapons instructor, knowledgeable of a wide variety of styles and abilities.

General Redscar (Unknown, Unknown) Reference Link
A past enemy of the Holy Empire. Another version of him is presently reprising his role in a an alternate copy-timeline of that war is playing out again.

General Verngrass Wethryll (Human, Level 80)
Trains people in the sword. He has an alt-form in the Level 200-399 Range.

Geno Orswenten (Human & Humanoid, Level 68)
Mercenary problem-solver known to the nobles of Disc 916.

Geo (Spirit, Level 39)
"A rock with a face drawn on it in marker."
A resident of the Beta-Negaverse, an alternate reality that contains rather... different versions of the primary and negaverse realities' residents. The Beta-Negaverse version of Geddoe, Geo is a rock with a face drawn on it. People somehow think it's both a priest and an excellent guy in general. Also it's a spirit, somehow.

Geoffory Fife (Human, Level 14)
A man whose automatic pants were apparently far too dangerous. Was stopped by the BA Member Leo Solomon, who destroyed the offending mechanised garment.

Geoffory Fife's Automatic Pants (Robot & Machine, Level 15)
Out-of-control automatic pants. Of course. Was stopped by the BA Member Leo Solomon.

Geomathhro (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
"Has sea-green skin, a white beard, and a crown of oceangold."
Previous Source Guardian of Water. Killed by Iepterro, Dryse and the Veil Render.

George (Golem & Humanoid, Level 65)
"A massive man with silver skin, a bald head, and only imprints where his eyes should be. This man wears a suit and has a large maul sitting next to his chair, which is at least twice the size of anyone else in the room's."
One of the Bascaradine Executives present in a meeting attended by Nira on the Princess of Suns Incident.

George the Irate Boat (Aquatic, Level 54)
A very, very angry seagoing vessel.

Gerald Feorlyth, Nascent Dread Banker (Human, Level 26)
"A worried-looking, slightly-overweight man clutching two bulging bags with money symbols"
One of a small group of adventurers manipulated into joining the Three of Swords Corporation by Vashna Saseen (his saving their lives in the process helped considerably). Training to become a Dread Banker, and actually succeeded in creating the spellcaster-class related to it. May have significant potential, as he was one of the few non-Pet, non-BA Member Three of Swords member to be allowed into the Thandolmann Ascension-quest. Rather woefully inexperienced in all matters related to out-of-Nexus adventuring. Has a Level 3 alt form.

Gerald Horntooth (Human, Level 35)
"There's a grouchy old man sitting on a solid gold bench."
An old man who just wants to gamble on the Casino Disc, but was being stymied by weird geomantic effects pushing people into random locations on entry. A competent (and angry) enough fighter to kill off an entire swarm of Bee-Men without any apparent difficulty.

Geraldine the Exercising Giraffe (Animal & Golem, Level 8)
Puppet-like animal-person from Mrs. Bubblefrog's world.

Gerephene (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Psychic who transferred her Guardianship to Selereth. Killed by the Veil Render.

Gerigiyos the Serpent Demon (Demon & Reptile, Level 85)
A being that killed the master assassin of the Order of the Silken Veil.

Gerryx Osmontoth (Aerial & Humanoid, Level 39 BA Member)
His primary classes are Wizard, Sage, Warlord, Arcane Vizier, and Seer. Other classes he possesses decent amounts of are Channeler, Scholar, Elementalist, Diviner, Blazing Sultan, and Summoner. His patron deity is Phalerin. He participated in the Megaquest Blinding of the Father's Eye, where he worked for Magnus Everglory. He was killed early in the event by Sykloss Silverclaw before reaching the Fractal Infrastructure, and his team was not successful in the quest. One notable quest he has been in was 'Symbols of the Ruins', where he was crushed by a falling block in the Pyramid of Huetzemetl. The other notable quest he was in was 'Secret Master of the Sands', where he was killed by the Scorpion Nomads. Lost the quest 'The Sultan of Grief'. Outside of notable quests, his major accomplishments include obtaining Lytos Mythteller as a tutor in magecraft and roping the Wild Bull of Mossburg. In regards to BA tournaments, he participated in the Gilded Ladder Tournament, where he was eliminated in the first round. He has recently been translating Lurethyan Glyphs to learn new abilities. A random award he possesses is 'Bought this Award at Bascaradine'.

Geshyll Nokhte (Humanoid & Cthonian & Animal, Level 47)
"A man with the head of a bat and large spectacles"
Stationed at the base of the well to report on new visitors and notable developments to his civilisation. Irritated about the well's nature.

Ghalgul Durin(Human, Level 100-199)
Operated as a servant to Waeras and Dyraemes.

Gharlakosh, the Hungering Maw (Arch-Demon & Divine, Level 200-399 Deity)
Demonic deity worshipped by demon chefs and glutton demons.

Gharto-Khan (Human, Level 37)
Conquering horde-leader. Repelled from taking the walled city of Trendelaav during the Official Quest 'Walls of Alabaster' by the BA Member Leo Solomon.

Ghazrath'Gharn, The Wielder of Wrath (Demon, Level 55) Reference Link
One of the opposing forces in the quest 'The Voice of the Vaults', who sought to secure ancient dwarven texts.

Ghelguese (Undead, Level 25) Reference Link
"A skeletal man in a robe"
Found in the alternate Library of the Lorekeepers in Major Timeline E. Engrossed in his reading.

Ghez'Brassar the Dealmaker (Fiend, Level 100-199) Reference Link
Offers deals and bargains. Rex-88, the BA Member, cannot pass Level 39 due to one of these.

Ghezjhan (Demon, Level 49)
"A massive oni in black samurai armor with a third eye in the middle of his forehead. He has a serrated katana leaning against the side of his throne"
Oni Daimyo of the city of the demon city of Ghobeshter-Rai. Mostly a physical combatant. Had limited foresight, sword arts, some gate magic, fire magic, mind-crush attacks, and could sculpt oni from fire. Killed and dethroned by Lili von Mion during her pan-dimensional trip to find Naria.

Gholu-Rashok, the Skull-Faced Lion (Demon, Level 65)
Guardian beast of the Seventh Ring of the Underworld of Seven Beasts. Can only be harmed by his own reflected attacks (or notably higher-level things). Was a member of the Rebel Dark Force's attempts to win over the Knot of Trelhais. Obtained six artifacts from the Knot of Trelheis. Died in the Knot of Trelhais, and his soul was grabbed by the Veil Render.

Ghom-Soddoquah (Pillar, Level 800-999)
Entity presently locked out of the Main Universe, perhaps in Storage. One of the options in the Knot of Trelheis' final universe-reconfiguring rooms was simply the name with the options 'No' and 'Yes', with the dial tuned to 'No' as standard.

Ghomyl Syyr (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendat from the Second Ascension. She is the Replacement Ascendant for that group.

Ghorrnos (Monster & Shapeshifter & Abstract & Dragon & Elemental Lord, Level 79 BA Member) Reference Link
A BA Member sworn to the service of Overlord Vaeros Callamargh the Unmatchable. They are on call to swoop in and assist with problems that threaten to stall his progress for too long or cause him public setbacks, but are generally kept on side-quests to obtain rare items and powers to avoid interfering with Callamargh's overall meta-thematics.

Ghost-Bandit Khalez Mafaar (Undead, Level 30)
Miscreant in an alternate universe. Tried to take over the Salt Trade Road, but was stopped by Geddoe (2).

Ghoulface (Human & Bio-Horror, Level 38)
"A sandy-haired man in a white coat"
An alchemist serial killer who uses his skills with Alchemy and Geomancy to create maniacally-grinning, oddly-well-dressed alchemical ghouls that subvert area mana patterns to transform buildings into white-chalk shacks with grinning red faces painted on them that spawn more alchemical ghouls (that themselves can infect others with the same effect). Almost certainly has larger-scale plans in the works. Tends to disguise himself as non-unique individuals to escape notice and continue his schemes undisturbed. Thwarted once by Vrishni before the Crisis Amidst Infinite Nexii shut down the discs.

Ghoul Queen of the Cold Stars (Alien & Undead, Level 45)
Entity being fought against by Deshawn Lewis and other Zombie Alien Ghost Hunters.

Ghuulrakh, Abomination of the Baron )(Bio-Horror, Level 60)
An opponent of the First Ascension.

Giant-Prophet (Humanoid, Level 81)
Entity who gifted Massau with the Cobalt Pyramid.

Gideon Galamantian (Human & Elemental, Level 79 BA Member) Reference Link
His primary classes are Swordsman, Slayer, Scholar, Diplomat, Kensei, Diviner, Wanderer, Geomancer, Veilwalker, Druid, Illusionist, Elementalist, Thief, Spatial Mage, General, Beastmaster, Seakeeper, Skykeeper, Starkeeper, Keeper of the Depths, Conjurer, Weirdworker, Subspace Architect, Driver, Captain, Rider, Aetheric Voyager, Cosmic Ruler, Reality Arragner, Elemental Researcher, Mother of Worlds, Geistly Legate, Unreality Coordinator, Unbound Guru, Destiny Weaver, Gambler, Numinous Archivist, Genesis Architect, and Miracle Engineer. He possesses the artifact 'Atlas of the Farlands'. He possesses the overcrash 'Taco Frenzy'. His patron deity used to be Bill the Marmoset, but has shifted to the Queen of Eternity following Bill's recent demise. He has completed no notable quests, hasn't been in any megaquests, and has been in no tournaments. He lives as a perpetual tourist and minor-problem-fixer. He heads from area to area, never spending too long in any one location and generally avoided dungeons and complex-looking quests. He divines what sort of problems locations he is visiting during his multiversal tour are having and then applies copious amounts of wish-magic and other oddball powers to provide miraculous and swift solutions to those problems. His actual combat powers are below par for his position in terms of depth, but he makes up for it in sheer breadth of powers and the number of oddball items and abilities he has picked up in strange worlds and far-flung planes. He comes back to Nexus every so often to hang out with other Arena Members and pull off Seal tasks with assistance from other BA Members who are willing to help him out in exchange for rare items from his trips. A random award he possesses is 'Enjoyed the Song-Apple Festival in Brothennia's Capital City'. Has 819 Fame.

Gigas-With-Fairies(Humanoid, Level 3) Reference Link
"A cyclops with cages of fairies dangling from its body"
An alternate version of Selena and Titan from Major Timeline E of Rael'el (and potentially the universe in general). Still just beginning their adventures.

Giles (Immortal, Level 79)
"A man in a well-cut suit. He has gray hair and a piercing, resolute eyes."
A Mask of the Architect and peerless butler. Has a potent anti-Fatigue aura and power over Spatial and Wealth.

Gilfried (Not-Yet-Ascended Ascendant, Level 1-99)
"A floating figure clad entirely in sleek iron armor."
One of the large, odd group of individuals presiding over the creation of the Doorway of Lost Realms. Previously an Eternal Sovereign, the first entity anywhere to discover iron, and, through his embodiment of the ideals of progress, sought to perfect his iron into an invulnerable state. Warred with Lord Gadigan for a time. Also goes by the names Gylfried, Gillfried, Godfried, Gearingham and many others. Has an alt-form that is a Sovereign in the Level 2,000-3,999 Range. He has a Level 999 Immortal alt-form for trips into reality. His Mr. Gearingham persona is a second Level 999 sub-form. He is part of the Sixth Ascension.

Gillingman (Immortal, Level 600-799)
Previous Guardian of the Source of Darkness. A leader of the New Dark Empire. Wishes to maintain law and order, as well as increase the powers of darkness in the universe. Prefers his worshippers be demons, daemons, or fiends. Often creates new varieties of such races. After a confrontation with the Man In A Hazmat Suit, dissolved the New Dark Empire, renounced his claim on the Source in favour of his daughter Harkala, and promptly killed the upstart hazmat-wearer. He has an alt-form as a Source Guardian in the Level 600-799 Range.

Gina the Slug (Cthonian, Level 3)
Somehow ended up in the Salt Dungeon, and is in need of assistance getting out.

Giridal the Lightseer (Outsider & Ancient, Level 400-599)
"An angelic, dove-winged man whose eyes glow white. He holds both a book and a crystal stylus, and he floats above the ground without flapping his wings."
One of the original Seven Ancients, a newly-reawakened pantheon of ancient, benevolent deities that wish to protect civilisation and the forces of good against ancient forces of evil, particularly Darkspawn and the Elder Horrors. They appear to have a fondness for choosing Battle Arena members to weild their powers.

Giselle (Human, Level 59)
One of Nira's new servants. Appeared in Nira's Mansion from another time, another story as a result of unspecified temporal events. Wererat.

Glenda Winters (Human, Level 43)
Alter-ego of Mystical Shinigami-Girl Glenda-Chan. Created by Aesir.

Glenmoore Treasuries (Large Structure, Level 85)
The (physically) largest bank on Disc 75. It is a sentient vault-complex that has grown over time, both in terms of inner spatial-warping and in terms of expanding over nearby segements of the disc as it gained enough wealth to buy their space through deals with Investington's. Various dragons, minor plantary-grade deities that are related to parts of Nexus and an assassin order all use it to store various things.

Globhuus the Profane (Ooze & Horror, Level 17)
"A gelatinous horror with a large mouth on its base, several mouth-tipped, claw-tipped, and sucker-tipped tendrils, and a huge lone eye on the top."
Unpleasant ooze-horror that resides in the Moving Stone Library of Haggok'Nhir.

Glorbuk (Humanoid, Level 5)
One of Nira's new servants. Appeared in Nira's Mansion from another time, another story as a result of unspecified temporal events. A somewhat surly goblin with a burning hatred for one 'Beatrice'. Made butler of Nira's mansion. Has Chef, Slayer and Warlord abilities, and some skill in piercing Illusions.

Glypterris (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Technology. Killed by Harkala and has its head used as a puppet.

Gnarled Witch (Monster, Level 26)
The creator of The Horrid Bleeding Goat Head.

Godburg the Conqueror (Human & Alien, Level 76)
Conquerer defeated by Triella Myrvont and her use of Fusion Hand Style.

Goddess of the White Sea (Outsider, Level 100-199)
Deity that gave Simon Guliarus everlasting life in return for one of his masterful violins.

Golbarg the Warking (Human & Demon, Level 55)
Supporter of the Archtyrants who joined the BA Member Welder-of-Disparate-Spaces in the Official Quest 'Dreams of the Unfleshed Goat'.

Goldenhammer (Humanoid, Level 400-599) Reference Post
Naria's forge master and major member of the New Dark Empire before its dissolution. Has a specially-empowered ability-granting Walrusfest giftbox awaiting his return to the main portion of the Universe.

Goldman (Human, Level 95)
"Behind the bar is a man who introduces himself as Goldman; he has a gold-and-white suit, a bald head, ovoid spectacles, and an egg-white-colored beard."
Runs the Egg Section of the Nexus Tavern.

Gommalach, the Horrid Keeper of Infinite Doors (Outsider, Level 400-599)
A deity.

Gonzo Heed (Human, Level 800-999)
(Does Not Exist)
An extremely dangerous, evil, world-warping illusionist that does not exist in the present iteration of reality. Thanks to the actions of the Battle Arena member Celas, the chain of events beginning on the Berinic Mesa that would lead to his coming into being were derailed. A time-traveling illusionist named Alyosius Gullroyal set up a series of plans involving the manipulation of Battle Arena members to once again guide events to bring Gonzo into being, but these were prevented by the actions of the Battle Arena Members Caelum, Cael, Celas and Lili's Shielding Golem, resulting in Gullroyal's death and once again preventing Gonzo from being brought into reality. Was originally intended to be a plot boss for the Fifth Ascension, but the aforementioned foiling of his rise to being derailed this, preventing his attaining this position unless actively brought back by the actions of a Battle Arena member.
Any attempt to divine information about Heed is met with a singularly ominous feeling.

Gonzo Heed's Fancy Chair (Golem, Level 1)
Masquerades as a Level 60 Human thanks to Heed's illusion-power.

Gorbo, Goblin Golf Caddie (Humanoid, Level 1)
A spiteful goblin golfer.

Gordon Cluckley (Human, Level 42)
Chef. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling.

Gorgoroth Bloodaxe (Humanoid, Level 18)
"An orc wearing golden armor who holds a large, red axe"
An orc who hated psychics. Owned a pair of gauntlets that protected against Psychic Arts.

Gorsannis (Not-Yet-Ascended Ascendant, Level 100-199)
Ascendant involved with the Fourth Ascension.

Gozkondunn (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Technology. Killed by Harkala and has its head used as a puppet.

Gozzfroggle Bimbledink (Fae, Level 22)
A member of the Pendlewood Spire Geological Society. Interested in gem collections.

Gralik Tazzin (Humanoid & Elemental, Level 15/14)
Member of the Blackclad Order team during the Princess of Suns Incident. 3/4 Giant merged with a fire elemental, the elemental bit is not obvious. Wears a massive power amplifying guantlet, the large jewel is the weak point- without the gauntlet he's not as strong (Levels down). Escaped Sunthrone and got promoted.

Grand Archduke Heinrich Foffernossen the Most-Esteemed, High Master of Chancel Vallencorth and Noted Correspondant of the Seven Pillars (Human, Level 42)
An extremely fancy and overly-extravagant individual concerned with outdoing all of his neighbours. The Shielding Golem's latest, largest buying spree at Bascaradine resulted in Sales Chief Duston Marcennis getting a performance bonus that allowed him to afford installing a solid-gold swimming pool on his sky-island villa that was twice the size of the Grand Archduke's- an addition that the Grand Archduke suddenly noticed during his fancy breakfast feast and prompting an outraged tantrum.

Grand Archduke Oralund (Human & Arch-Devil, Level 200-399)
Has a Level 399 from that is an Eldritch.

Grand Architect Irimeytis (Ancient, Level 95)
An important Ancient in the World of Ancients. Appeared during Unwinnable No Longer, when Lili du Magul visited their city, located in the Alvahnhra Iteration Spectrum.

Grandfather Greeley (Undead & Living Rumor, Level 65) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. Kills people and stuffs their souls into objects so they can live out what remains of their lives as sentient trinkets. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

Grand Librarian Esrekya Melreides (Fae, Level 99)
One of the heads of the Cataloguers of Infinity, dedicated to cataloguing information about everything there is in the Universe. Was one of the faction heads for the Impossible Knot quest, seeking to use an Archival Pillar on the Wheel at its centre to record as much data from it on the Universe as possible. Sadly, the Cataloguers team met with disaster early on.

Grandmaster Joseph Sekaro (Human, Level 400-599)
Personal nemesis of the Ascendant, Gorsannis. Destined to clash with the Ascendant many times over the course of their journey. He has a Level 599 alt-form that is an Enlightened.

Grand Master Arabella (Undead, Level 56)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Grand Master Elchanan (Undead, Level 68)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Grand Master Elijah (Undead, Level 57)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Grand Master Mordekai (Undead, Level 59)
"A dark-skinned man with short, black hair wearing clasped robes with an odd symbol akin to a three-loop-topped rod covered in hooked barbs on it. He seems to be holding a book with the same symbol on its scaly, hide-bound, black face."
A member, perhaps leader, of the Joymerchants of the Ebon Book.

Grand Master Nehemiah (Undead, Level 55)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Grandmother (Absolute, Level 12,000+)
"An older woman carrying a loom which weaves the sea, the soil, the sky, and the stars above."
One of the large, odd group of individuals presiding over the creation of the Doorway of Lost Realms. Presumably the neutral balancing-side to the Celestial Lord's Good and Maleficus' Evil. She has an alt-form that is an Absolute in the Level 10,000-11,999 Range. She has an alt-form that is an Absolute in the Level 8,000-9,999 Range. She has an alt-form that is an Immortal in the Level 600-799 Range.

Grand Sorceror of a Thousand Worlds (Human & Elemental, Level 200-399)
Extremely powerful magic-user. Apparently likes to make bets regarding what he's capable of with his magic.

Grand Vizier Hazaz Ib'Dahakari (Human, Level 99)
"A bearded man in robes with a turban and a very fine metal flask covered in images of demons and other terrors at his side"
One of the group trying to bring back Shalmarkion. One of the chief recruiters of the organisation, and present at a number of notable events, including aiding the Ascendants in defeating Dessius the Traitor. Holds a scroll that contains the secret names of 10,000 horrors which he can release and command. He has a Fiend alt-form in the Level 800-999 Range. He also has a Tyrant alt-form that is Level 899.

Gran Markoloch (Dragon, Level 400-599) Reference Link
The Prime Dragon, and one of the faction heads of the Megaquest 'Blinding of the Father's Eye'. Defeated by Full-Rullsoth.

Great Aunt Matagrama(Human, Level 46)
A highly-accomplished Heiberric summoner.

Great Colossus Mursenmor (Monster, Level 85)
"The colossus is a seventy-mile-high beast with six legs and a hide harder than most stone. On its back swarm assorted parasite-entities."
Titanic entity which once had one of the ERI's lost element-cores embedded in its side.

Greater Virus-Entity KRAZMITHAK (Coded Being, Level 71 Elite)
Viral entity of the code-world Incieapia. Was attempted to be quarantined by Domain Administrator Karishrada, but due to an unexpected attack against her, the termination attempt went awry, and two new virus-entities, XEVENON-MORTEIYORI and XEVENON-KARISTASHI, were born. Went on to rule the Fourth Domain with an iron fist and spread virus entities through the domain subtley. Defeated by a group of heroes. Given it's slated to appear in a Megaquest alongside Tsayikk, perhaps not as dead as previously thought.

Greel Morgandzar (Humanoid, Level 43)
Warrior. Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency.

Gregory Feldmarr (Human, Level 40)
An old man in a knight's suit with silver armor and a stone sword
Killed trying to stop Larry the Catfish. Joined because his grandson was a fan of one of the Arena Members Larry was planning to kill.

Grijaggra Heshenhett (Humanoid, Level 53)
Smith and winner of the 56th Farflame Citadel Forging Contest.

Grimzelda, the Ugly Hag (Humanoid & Monster, Level 55)
Was known for her luck-ruining magic, assorted curses, and bitter thirst for vengeance against mostly everyone. Currently, the priesthood of Madame Misfortune is attempting to resurrect her.

Grokkon of the Iron Frog (Human & Aquatic, Level 43)
Frog Mage. Untested applicant to Adventurers Across Worlds. His stats are in a foreign language, strangely.

Groldenheugger (Monster & Dragon & Outsider, Level 400-599)
A great serpent that wraps itself around The World Tree. Under the command of Zaga Yazrath.

Gromnag Halgeros (Humanoid, Level 15)
"The big yellow orc is Gromnag Halgeros, former leader of the Yellow Skulls. He is known for his strength and ability to use is fists in battle and killed several other gang leaders before joining up with No-Heart as No-Heart's second-in-command."
Second in command of the Twofold Alliance for Liberation, Representation, and Bloodshed. Killed by Alrick, Tia, and Lilian.

Grom-Suddquoth, The Crystal Configuration (Outsider, Level 63)
"A collection of giant, floating cystals arranged into the shape of a man's face."
An Eidolon linked to the Infinite Key artifact. Has the Phantom Overcrash: Crystal Symphony. ("Grom-Suddquoth's many rings of carefully-arranged crystals begin spinning, producing an otherworldly song. As it does this, twelve great crystals are formed from its mana, each a different color. The crystals, each radiating the essence of one of the base elements and singing with power, crash into the battlefield below. Each attunes itself to the presence of its element on the battlefield, waiting to detect its use.")

Guard Chief of the Seventh Ward (Human, Level 32)
Official from the city of New Leptibloom. Instilled with a fierce love of clowns by Lili.

Guardian Dragon of the Black Isle (Undead, Level 8)
Guardian dragon bound to The Epicentre of the Disaster, where the Mana Cannon Incident happened.

Guhlrekt the Exile (Dragon, Level 20)
A prologue boss from the Third Ascension.

Guiding Star Ilmurient (Arch-Celestial & Astral Being, Level 100-199)
A living star that guided travellers to safety and heroes on their journies. The world it was once above vanished into the darkness of time, sending its sleeping essence and shrine to Arsodai, the Plain of Lost Monuments. Geddoe reawakened it with prayer and sent it back into the universe.

Guild Battleship Tyrsinfane (Aquatic & Machine & Large Structure, Level 60)
An upcoming opponent of the Fifth Ascension.

Gul'Dar'Abbyk (Spirit, Level 68)
Entity that has tainted the Noble Houses of Lungwai.

Gulgas Mornardann (Human, Level 35)
A giant-slayer who fought with a spear. Defeated by Ranghas Almanassan, who took his spear as a trophy weapon.

Gundulbloop (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
"Has a coral body and fish-dragon-like form."
Previous Source Guardian of Water. Killed by Iepterro, Dryse and the Veil Render.

Gus Margusson (Human, Level 36)
"A tall, thin bespectacled man with a battleship for a hat is slowly approaching from inside."
One of the Margusson brothers in charge of Margusson shipyards. Rather shy. Handles the more technical aspects of ship design.

Guy Guy (Human, Level 19 BA Member) Reference Link
Focuses on doing things solo, which is proving something of an impediment to progress. His skill sets also are weirdly distributed and non-optimal. He has 26 Fame, most of it from doing mini-quests and random-quests.

Gya-Karus (Pillar, Level 8,000-9,999)
He is the origin of the Unbroken Tide, which raised things to a higher state and permitted Shalmarkion's efforts to create the Grand Confluence. He has an alt-form in the Level 1,000-1,999 Range. He also has a Unity alt-form that is Level 9,999.

Gyxxilon the Observer (Alien, Level 20)
A prologue boss from the Third Ascension.

Gzzzz (Insect, Level 68)
"A fly with a cap on"
Insect-bartender of the Insect section of the Tavern. Actual fly-size.

Hadjbalaum, Devourer of Sinners (Holy One, Level 800-999)
"The great beast stands forty feet high, with the head of a lion, three mouths, two on its stomach, eight feathered wings, the body of a furred beast, the tail of a scorpion, and a halo of light surrounding its body"
A Holy One with the sole purpose of devouring the bodies of sinners and spitting them out once more, purified. Can speak the Pronouncement of Sins, which turns the sinful deeds, selfish acts, unclean thoughts, lies and acts of violence individuals commit, as well as the cascading negative consequences resulting from such actions against the minds of the individuals. It has a Level 85 alt-form. It also has a Level 50 alt-form.

Hank Harold (Human, Level 8)
"A large, red-haired butcher"
Owns Hank Harold's Meat Masterpieces, a store on Disc 14.

Hank S. Mayor (Human, Level 55)
A 'security expert' whose idea of 'security' is generally more in line with that of ancient tombs of lost civilisations. Makes things so 'safe' that not even their owners can approach them through the medium of ever-more inventive and dangerous traps. Claims that the 'S' in his name stands for 'Safety'.

Hannah Yanazaki (Human, Level 45)
Banisher. Member of Adventurers Across Worlds. Very focused against Undead, Demons, and Spirit-Horrors; she can also remove psychic element debuffs, but she can't do much against things not in those categories.

Hanno Whyn (Human, Level 45)
Force Monk (melee class that fights with self-projected force objects and blasts). Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling.

Haraldor the Brave (Outsider & Ancient, Level 400-599)
"A silver bearded dwarf man, with eyes the blaze like stars and an axe forged from the molten core of a world."
One of the original Seven Ancients, a newly-reawakened pantheon of ancient, benevolent deities that wish to protect civilisation and the forces of good against ancient forces of evil, particularly Darkspawn and the Elder Horrors. They appear to have a fondness for choosing Battle Arena members to weild their powers.

Harkala Gillingman (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Daughter of Gillingman. Previously Guardian of the Source of Darkness and as such, may exercise control over almost any Darkness-element entity she wishes, presently the Source Guardian of all Sources after a massive battle in Daghmal Gozzot, The City At The Root Of Lost Things. A leader of the (now-dissolved) New Dark Empire. She has an alt-form that is a Fiend in the Level 600-799 Range.

Harlowe (Humanoid, Level 35)
"A halfling with a cigarette in his mouth, a brown hat, a brown vest, and an uzi-like gun in one hand."
Associate mercenary of the Joymerchants of the Ebon Book. Previously a mercenary in the employ of Ganseed the Collector during the Princess of Suns Incident. Smokes a lot, although most of his cigarettes are actually one-shot consumables disguised as cigarettes. Knows some divination, travel and thief arts magic. Reliable and discrete in dealing with shady matters. Tends to only accept missions with clauses allowing him to leave should things go awry, carries a lot of 'get out quickly' contingencies. Wanted on twelve worlds and is being pursued by the halfling detective Milo Brandwick. Worships Archarial of the Ten Thousand Hands.

Harrison Margusson (Human, Level 37)
"A slightly-unpolished, broad, black-bearded man in a mock-admiral's outfit bursts out the door."
One of the Margusson brothers in charge of Margusson shipyards. Boistrous and jolly.

Heaven's Dancing Gale (Dragon & Angel, Level 65) Reference Link
An angelic dragon that joined Kit's Guild, the Rangers of Light, through the Warehouse.

Hector Archbaum (Human, Level 34)
"A muscular, older man with a full, white beard, golden glasses, and a gray suit with red tie with a train on it."
The corrupt curator of the Smoky Mountain Historical Corporation- quite literally, as he was working with Forcystus and using the element of Corruption in an attempt do nefarious things. Was thwarted by Hugo Bekkler circulating brainwashing full-life-experience movies in order to make people like a certain postman more, thereby either changing the Disc enough to bring it under his control so he could deal with Hector directly, or catch the attention of people strong enough to resist it and investigate. Used pen-based attacks and Transmutation magic. Could turn opponents into 'footnotes' and shift his debuffs and status effects into an attack to throw at his enemies. Owned a glass curio-box containing (presumably rare) malevolent curios that he destroyed in an attempt to mass-hex the area and finish Silent One off. Was killed by Silent One via Atomic Suplex through the ceiling of his office.

Hector Clemapple (Human, Level 71)
Owner of Hector's Shoes in the Grand Mall of Worlds. Likely able to work with Fog Boots.

Heibul of the Silent Eye (Human & Spirit, Level 35)
Member of the Blackclad Order team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Ethereal mage/diviner, able to avoid detection while astral projecting. Able to summon demons, daemons and devils through name-based magic. Escaped Sunthrone and got promoted.

Helene Sepherys (Human, Level 200-399)
Head of the now-defunct Sepherys Corp. A noted foe of the Third Ascension. She has a Level 299 alt-form that is a Reaper.

Helen Salt (Human, Level 5)
"There are six Contest Staff Members, as well as a man named Bob Sunnydaze, an older man named Clifford Stewart, and a woman named Helen Salt, running signups. They, along with two Contest Judges, will be judging the contest, which is starting in about 25 minutes."
One of the Muscleman contest judges from Disc 415, also running signups. The only named woman judge.

Henree Bunglehoots (Human, LEvel 13) Reference Link
Resident of Major Timeline E. Author of 'How to Avouid Basement Clutter, by Henree Bunglehoots'. Given the book itself tends to spawn large amounts of clutter, it's to be assumed the man didn't know what he was talking about. Notably, his book spawned in a place it shouldn't due to weird spawn-quirks of the alternate timeline.

Hereshhia Tantaleibes (Human, Level 63)
One of Lord Avastron Thranabaar of Trandel's seers, who was pitted against the fifth Chosen of Water, Jabari Ekantu, for the title and artifact. Was defeated.

Herinemous Gantmeyer (Human, Level 20)
"He wears a green robe and has a short, green hat on, as well as red-lensed glasses and a rough-but-short beard. He has a bandolier of potion bottles and knives on."
A skilled mystic/alchemist and knife-thrower, and part of a murderous conspiracy to control travel to and from the world of Yesleintyr. Had planned to kill members of the priesthood of many good-aligned deities who were working to build a portal to the world in order to facilitate easier access and greater trade with the universe beyond. Was capable of creating alchemical mercury-mirror portals whose integrity was linked to his life-force. Once he was killed by Kit, the mercury-mirror exploded.

Hemminer the Sage, Sage of the Walking Tree (Human, Level 21)
"A bald man whose head and body are covered in liver spots and wrinkles. He has a long, mostly straight gray beard and a gaffer's hook strapped to his back."
One of a small group of adventurers manipulated into joining the Three of Swords Corporation by Vashna Saseen (his saving their lives in the process helped considerably). Tends to travel in a small walking tree hollowed out into a house. Has a level 5 alt-form.

Herishh Vartash (Human, Level 47)
A mercenary magician.

Herman Denning (Human, Level 20)
Lady Bemberfress' butler. A man with an impressive moustache that extends two feet either side of his face. Skilled with spatial magic (particularly revolving around the throwing of portable holes) and throwing knives. Killed by Lili's Shielding Golem. His corpse is currently held by the same.

Herman Rythh (Human, Level 53)
"A man in more expensive looking clothing with a sword at his hip and a telescope helping both direct and assemble things. The man's hair is a light brown and his eyes are sea-green"
A man building a tower on the Isle of Gorenhesh to house travelers wishing to visit the entity known as Vezyrgroxx.

Hermas Igzmor, Gardener Within Deserts (Human, Level 46)
A priest of Phalerin who holds the position of Bringer of Plenty.

Hestere Gonnelmede (Human, Level 38)
A wizard-artist, usually known for her more-conventional works, but made unusual artworks while she was afflicted with a chaos-magic-empowered poison that caused her behavioral patterns to temporarily take a turn for the highly-bizarre. 'Mister Meow Appears' is one such work.

Hestmarr Bregg (Humanoid, Level 28)
Wanted by the Nexus Administrative Bureau for manufacture of contraband for purposes opposing the Government. Connected to a sentient golem army that's off-world

Hieronymus Narzz (Human, Level 61)
Mad alchemist who releases dreadful experiments on the general populace of Ainyl'Veryth.

High Director Ishmenmott (Bio-Horror, Level 67)
Member of the Fleshwarpers.

High Lord Kiremorys (Ancient, Level 87)
An important Ancient in the World of Ancients. Appeared during Unwinnable No Longer, when Lili du Magul visited their city, located in the Alvahnhra Iteration Spectrum.

High Lady Yirilmesys (Ancient, Level 87)
An important Ancient in the World of Ancients. Appeared during Unwinnable No Longer, when Lili du Magul visited their city, located in the Alvahnhra Iteration Spectrum.

High Magus Ilurander of Boloruer (Human, Level 40)
An opponent of the Fourth Ascension.

High Priest Virindir of the Flowers (Fae, Level 6)
Used to be the spiritual leader of a group of fae near Castle Pelronde.

Hippo-Kin Dread Headmaster (Humanoid, Level 40)
"He wears a formal cloak over ruffled clothes, and carries a gold-and-silver cane. Around his head float five other heads, one slightly above to the left, one slightly above to the right, one above to the left, one above to the right, and one high above. The eyes of the additional heads are closed. "GWAHAHA. You have made it this far, intruders. I am the Dread Headmaster, and this is my institute. Prepare to be schooled." The headmaster's eyes of all six heads glow, and he prepares for battle."
Previous incumbent of the Headmaster position of the central educational institute of Disc 26. Due to the Disc's effect of changing its population to reflect the species (and possibly temperament) of the Headmaster, the educational centre became the Hippo-Kin Career Institute, dedicated to teaching dangerous, subversive and troublemaking professions to Hippo-Kin and sending them to several worlds to wreak havoc. Defeated in a climactic battle with Darston, Anathema, Vashna, Jessie, Kit and Volatilis, and had his position succeeded by the floating island.

Hiram the Everwhite (Human, Level 75)
Wind pirate defeated by the (then-) Eighth Chosen of Air, Elsie Phaeduras.

Hiro (Human, Level 4)
"A kid in a costume dressed like a master arcanist from Grandmaster Card Saga"
An ordinary young boy who happens to be a fan of Grandmaster Card Saga, an anime series involving Arcanists. Met, and traded playing cards for actual Arcanist cards with Tia during the Street of the Mansion of Horrors' Fright Night Party. Overjoyed at meeting a real Arcanist, he became a fan of hers as a result.

Hitomi Nagamura (Undead & Human, Level 34)
Hitomi was killed one day by an unexpected train striking her while she was in a bakery. Her stubborn refusal to believe that she had died in this manner allowed her to assume a state of undeath as a wandering ghostly spirit. Once she finally came to terms with having being killed by the unexpected train, she found her new state rather permanent and decided to make the best of it. She has been training in various ghost-type powers and attending this school; while she already mastered most of its normal lessons years ago, she thinks it offers her a good chance at possibly becoming an Arena Member.
62 years old; looks 8. Was at a Nexus Primary School for for aspiring Battle Arena Members. Now a member of Alrick's Brigade.

Hoggs Londezzi (Human, Level 14)
"He's an old, overweight mobster with a large cigar"
A member of the Londezzi crime family.

Holly Sheet (Undead, Level 37)
Friendly ghost presently haunting Shaft 24 of the Honeypot Honey Mines for some reason.

Honce the Mammothine (Not-Yet-Ascended Ascendant, Level 1-99)
Part of the sixth Ascension. He has an alt-form as an Immortal in the Level 600-799 Range.

Horace Angerprairie, the Doomsday of Chopping (Animal, Level 26)
A notable cougar. Killed by Justice Meatcontrols.

Hornsteag Bronkk (Humanoid & Alien, Level 45)
"An old-looking man, with a mostly bald head and a frizzy white beard. His body remains muscular and well-toned, however, and you sense a burning passion in his eyes."
Skilled but not too popular (likely due to his incredibly remote location) metal-worker. Lives on the asteroid Pheyl IX in the Zanagrad Sector of the Dimension of Phendendops.

Hoshulkarr the Moon Wizard (Human & Horror, Level 16)
Dark Magic-user present for the Princess of Suns contest. Died in Sunthrone, but will reincarnate on the moon of Dol-Runai in the Erquannis Cluster of Dul'Rathai when it next shines with sunlight. Uses lunar variants of dark magic, specialises in summoning Horrid Creatures, has a wide repitiore of creatures he summons and has full control of them. His summons persist after his death uncontrolled.

Hossus Broon (Alien, Level 28)
A member of the blue, eight-eyed, blob-slug-like race known as the Suulkaxxians. Was a (somewhat inept) interstellar smuggler hoping to do business with the Ibodian Crime Syndicate, but was captured by the Galactic Star Police and eventually killed during a jailbreak. Was the subject of a 672-hour-long documentary with unfittingly-comedic commentary.

House of Shifting Walls (Large Structure, Level 59)
A mobile structure turned into a unique pet by Welder-of-Disparate-Spaces

Hseymadp-Uhmas, The Cosmic Man (Outsider, Level 200-399)
"A hypermassive humanoid made of actual galaxies, massive planets, and stars."
Well-over-level-100 entity that oversees the Sanctum of Gates and the Trial of the Infinite Key.

Hubris (Conceptual, Level 400-599)
A noted foe of the Second Ascension. It has an alt-form as a Level 599 Tyrant.

Huerchos the Ibodian (Alien, Level 38)
Member of the Ibodian Syndicate. Part of the Syndicate's generally-unloved-and-ignored 'esoteric research' branch. He has found various dangerous items that would allow him some chance of connecting various dangerous space-entities, dragons, demons, and darkspawn, but he doesn't have any good way of using or controlling most of them. Sealed in the Negative Cosmos by Geddoe while attempting to bargain with an entity within.

Hugh O'Donnell (Human, Level 39 BA Member)
An Arena Member known to be associated with the element Corruption. After Gillian's ill-fated plan regarding Corruption and the Inescapable Well, his level plummeted from 59 to 19 and a large chunk of his possessions were removed. Due to a special Walrusfest gift, his moveset now contains:
Crippling Shot- (Technique Ability, Gunner) Possessor may use 'Crippling Shot' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Snipe', 'Point Blank', or 'Overdrive' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Gun equipped. Said action gains +35,000 Ranged Attack, a 100% chance of inflicting Paralyzed, a 100% chance of inflicting Stat Drain: AGI Drain, and a 10% chance of inflicting Devastated: Crippled.

Hugo Bekkler (Immortal, Level 80)
Current Postmaster of Nexus, who took the position (through some somewhat underhanded means, stalling parties that could have fixed the Mail Disc faster and thus lead to others taking the job) in order to get the position in the Nexus Administrative Bureau with an eventual goal of replacing Gary. Despite (or because of) this, he is ensuring he does the best job he can at running the disc. A powerful chronomancer, capable of causing (potentially) disc-wide temporal distortions and calling in alternate-timeline copies of himself via his Chronophone, with the result of there currently being many, many Hugo Bekklers around. Has a great fondness for telephones, particularly old-style rotary ones, and is usually found sitting by (or in) one.

Hugo Geisovich (Human, Level 30)
Member of the Blackclad Order team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Wears magical glasses that lets him see different levels of a being. An Illusionist/Enchanter whose favorite trick is animating objects and then making people think that they're inanimate. Escaped Sunthrone and got promoted.

Hugo Loudchair, President of the Association of Spanking (Human, Level 25)
President of group known as the Association of Spanking and subject to rather erratic and at times downright odd behaviour thanks to his homeworld/dimension's ruleset. Capable of seeing people's awards and conferring title-awards on others.
Tends to speak in the rather odd fashion peculiar to his people, emphasising the status and deeds of a person.
Tasked Lili's Shielding Golem to kill Justice Argoxx Meatcontrols. Currently lives in the Crimson Citadel, where he's proving oddly effective (if just generally odd) at administrative matters.

Hugo Sound (Human, Level 2)
Mayor of Brinbeck Falls, a town that used to have a goblin problem until he reached out to the SOS Brigade for help.

Hugo the Solid Eye (Human, Level 40)
Looker (rather bad divination-based side-class that's rare and focuses on telescopes, binoculars, and other visual-enhancers. It's good at stat scanning and that's about it). Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency.

Iamorra (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Energy. Killed by Harkala and has its head used as a puppet.

Iauautothaugemel (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Psychic who transferred his Guardianship to Selereth. Killed by the Veil Render.

Ibdier the Ward-Crafter (Outsider & Ancient, Level 400-599)
"A bearded man with shining eyes wearing a white robe adorned with thousands of mystic wards and inscriptions. His hair is snowy white, and his countenance is stoic."
Newly-inducted member of the Seven Ancients Pantheon, bringing their number to twelve. Led the conclave that tried to seal a great force of chaos away in ancient days, only to have its wards broken by the Heaven-Puncher. Reawakened from cosmic slumber and returned to reality through the combined efforts of the Battle Arena member Cael and the original Seven Ancients.

Idiot Leon (Human, Level 6)
His powers include being bad at swordsmanship, poor planning, bafflingly poor decision-making skills, and onion-scented breath. Saw Lili in the Arena one day and decided he'd try mugging her for Oneman the next time he ran into her. Making absolutely no active effort in trying to find her, however.

Iepterro (Endbringer, Level 600-799)
"A vaguely-humanoid creature with extended fingers, a long nose, and greenish-white waxlike flesh with melting holes in the place of eyes. It wears a coat of glittering green, and it stands on a thousand-thousand spindly legs that support its bending, flowing form. Atop its head is a bulblike hat with vertical ridges and a single jewel in its front-center."
One of the Three Source Guardians of Acid, enemy of the Source Guardians of Electricity. In another (theoretical) timeline, Forcystus' attempts to corrupt the very underpinnings (and Elemental Sources) of the Universe awakened them from their ages-long sleep and, seeing the havoc caused by the Bright Crusade and New Dark Empire, utterly destroyed both sides, annihilating the Sources of Light and Darkness and replacing their function with Acid, before moving on to kill Doc and Gillingman as well, attaining a copy of the Prophecies of the Oracle in the process. They then destroyed the Three Source Guardians of Electricity, along with the Source, and set about to infinitely forestall the destined end of this iteration of the universe by destroying, rather than claiming, all other Elemental Sources, forcing Acid to take their place. The Source Guardians of Earth in this other theoretical timeline oppose them.
In the main timeline, he escaped Harkala's preemptive strike, allied with Daghmal Gozzot, the City At The Root Of Lost Things, and worked with Cetmyl Dryse to create devices capable of killing Harkala. Due to his plans being interrupted early by the arrival of Plixplix the Heaven Puncher (seeking to free Techylmann from the city) and getting tangled up in one of Zaga Yazrath's convoluted schemes, he ended up losing his position as a Source Guardian, instead agreeing to become an Endbringer in order to attempt to realise his plans that way. Holds a fragment of Cetmyl Dryse's essence. Has an alt-form that is a Level 600-799 Source Guardian.

Ijanzo Linwei (Human, Level 57)
A man who previously collected all but two relics required to be recognised as the next Emperor of the Island Chain of Aikarto. His tomb was plundered by the Fourth Ascendants.

Ikerireimil (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendant from the Second Ascension.

Ikmylos the Reliquarian (Outsider, Level 100-199)
"A faceless, featureless figure"
Specializes in locating strange magic items that offer great power but come with a danger or a price and then travelling to other worlds to re-distribute them to individuals that Ikmylos finds interesting, returning later to see if they mastered the objects or were ruined by them in some way. Has met Wuzen, Guru of Endings many times.

Ikos Thanderweste (Human, Level 21)
One of the claimants to the throne of Chanterloom, the investigation of which was the focus of the Official Quest 'The Scroll of the Master'. Found to be the legitimate heir to Chanterloom due to the recovery of the Ancient Law-Text of Chanterloom by the BA Member Leo Solomon.

Ikrelli of the Countless Eyes (Demon, Level 60)
A member of the Rebel Dark Force's attempts to win over the Knot of Trelhais.

Ilkreta Kalikaitos (Human, Level 75)
Oracle of Ibakris and Chief Representative of Raekrasia, Dekarimathan Demigoddess of Knowledge and Discovery. Serves the Council of Ten Thousand Gods.

Illchos the Ibodian (Alien, Level 50)
Leader of the Ibodian Syndicate, an intergalactic ring of gangsters.

Illsania (Human, Level 12)
A Heiberric summoner who is the youngest relative of Great Aunt Matagrama.

Illurak Kaz'Quarm (Humanoid, Level 55)
A person under whose training the 'Eyes of Worshipful Sight' can be obtained.

Illurythrenin (Dragon & Outsider, Level 200-399)
"A dragon goddess who has powers relating to healing, light, magic, and nature"
One of the dragon-gods worshipped at the Cathedral of a Thousand Pantheons.

Illyana Sekrideva (Human, Level 68)
High-up member of Aretsnov Industries.

Illyra Zornwith (Human, Level 2)
Person from VonDurion's homeworld.

Illyri Hope (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendant from the Third Ascension.

Ilyri Mazenden (Human & Fae, Level 41)
Fascinated by fae magic, Ilyri sewed herself a fairy-suit and managed to merge it with her body, granting herself eternal youth and assorted magical powers. She's a fairly potent spellcaster and enjoys creatively making new outfits. She's no longer too fixated on becoming an Arena Member (having failed to become one for the last 86 years), but she is still up for various sorts of adventures.
93 years old; looks 8. Was at a Nexus Primary School for for aspiring Battle Arena Members. Now a member of Alrick's Brigade.

Ilmiero, The Perfected Blade (Human, Level 200-399 Range)
Personal nemesis of the Ascendant, Aisaro Jinzan. Destined to clash with the Ascendant many times over the course of their journey. He has an alt-form as a Level 399 Triumphant.

Ilmulira (Human, Level 46)
A seer.

Ilruktansis, Wood Vampire Lord (Undead & Plant, Level 59)
Lord of the Wood Vampires, an unusual variety of undead plant vampires that feed on plants and benefits from sunlight, but are far weaker to fire than normal vampires. Currently resides in the Hanging Gardens of Lurein Del'Phyne.

Ilydos (Humanoid & Magic Being, Level 75)
A man who sabotaged the climate control system of Artillicas Botanica, causing it to spawn monsters and turn the entire complex into a shifting random dungeon.

Ilmuryn (Angel, Level 95)
Powerful entity who healed the wings of a sun alongside Cazor Arseydes.

Imbecchiel (Human, Level 14)
"A hunched-over old man with pale white skin, pinkish eyes, stringy white hair, and pocketed robes. He has at least three dolls crawling peeking out from around the folds of his robe. At least one of them holds a razor."
Dollmaker who joined the Princess of Suns incident under the employ of Ganseed the Collector. Can summon groups of dolls. Creepy, but actually rather nice and an excellent cook. Carries three souls with him that he can use to infuse his dolls (one of which is called 'Laura'), granting them personality and extra powers. Died to the Blackclad Order team in Sunthrone.

Immorkrin: Divine Voice of Destruction (Divine, Level 400-599)

Immornan the Pious (Human, Level 55)
A man whose dedication to his god was immortalised in statue form. Said statue stands in Arsodai, the Plain of Monuments.

Inaro Aijatsu (Human, Level 99)
Party member of the Fourth Ascendants. Minister of mirrors from Aikarto, uses mirror magic and advisor abilities.

Indirii the Forger (Planetary, Level 87)
Entity that assists Eredat Ruethmal in its research and development schemes. One of a trio of planetaries linked to their original world by special energy-conduits that take up a large share of the Fae's floating facility's space.

Ineri Sprock (Human & Fae, Level 22)
The third Chosen of Technology. A half-elven machinist who helped repair Laurennaia's sky-transport, which had crashed in the Desert of Malsenduer, and was granted the title and artifact as a result. Ineri declined Laurennia's offer to join her on her adventures, instead operating a custom vehicle and mech shop until she was challenged and non-lethally defeated by the traveling technomancer-shrine-maiden Aderene Cytessimo. Has an alternate form as a Level 21 Human & Fae, and as a Level 22 Chosen.

Ingerhekt, God of Items (Divine, Level 400-599)
"Atop a throne of radiant glory sits Ingerhekt, his shining form difficult to behold, but clearly bedecked in artifacts and items of great power."
Deity that makes his home in the Caverns of Treasures. Holds mastery over items of all kinds, and is known to grant a single item of considerable power to those that seek him out.

Ingrekht the Last Judge (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendant from the Second Ascension.

Inspector Cerina Ilrenden (Human, Level 1)
(Does Not Exist Yet)
Ascendant of the Fifth Ascension.

Interdimensional Criminal Mastermind Doctor Bombjiggity (Golem, Level 57)
"A four-foot-diameter bomb arrives through the portal to Nexus. It is wearing brown loafers and red wool gloves. It has a large pair of thick-rimmed spectacles, a curled moustache, a goatee, and a long, cream-white wick."
A living bomb with an interest in munitions and the inventors of such mechanisms.

Invasion Coordinator: Gorelfester the Moving Illness (Demon, Level 65) Reference Link
Lived in the Hollow Blackness before Mausmangarde invaded, prompting him to gather as many demons as he could under him and make an organised retreat to establish a foothold in other worlds. Thinks he's the new chaotic Doctor Beak. He's much less powerful but runs a similar, if less organized, theme.

Invulnerable Bill (Humanoid & Monster, Level 45)
"Fighting machinegun-armed mailmen is a massive minotaur in red armor, winding up a strike with a massive warhammer using a continous arm-whirling motion."
A minotaur that works for the Nexus Administrative Bureau. Has disproportionately massive defenses, but slow and methodical in all matters to the point that tasks assigned to him can end up taking months or years (Bill deciding to work his way up from smaller issues to the largest ones). From his perspective, everyone else simply moves too fast. Has extremely powerful attacks with very long wind-up times. Despite this, is an extremely reliable problem-solver for issues that aren't time-sensitive. Carries a mobile Zone of Law. Present weilder of Fulminate Vulcanis, a unique hammer.

Iogham (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Magic. Killed by Iepterro, Dryse and the Veil Render.

Irastor (Human, Level 30)
"He floats cross-legged and is clad in crimson, hooded robes with a curling rod in each hand. He possesses black hair, a neatly cropped beard, and pale blue eyes."
Previously the Crimson Magus of Lord Avandos, the man had the rare good sense to take up an offer of employment from Vashna before Avandos was killed, the Crimson Citadel taken over by Lili von Mion, and the faction utterly destroyed. Presently, Irastor is a member of the Three of Swords Corporation where, under Vashna Saseen, he has managed to considerably increase his personal power, greatly further his studies, take on apprentices and go on all manner of adventures that before he (or indeed, most people alive) could scarcedly dream of. Has a Level 6 alt-form from his time with Avandos, and a Level 8 from his original Three of Swords debut.

Iraticus the Cleanser (Human, Level 53)
A priest of Phalerin who holds the position Purifier of the High Sanctum.

Ireimeki of Dendeloon (Daemon, Level 60)
"An Irrindil girl in a blue dress with white hair and ice-blue eyes. She rides into battle on a massive toy fish-ship and has an army of assorted puppet summons and fish daemons."
One of the members of Team New Dark Empire during the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Capable of redirecting damage to her puppet summons and reflexively mass-resummoning puppets. Died in the Knot.

Irikkya Enzelfultas (Daemon, Level 200-399)
"A small daemon girl who looks to be about 8 years of age. Her hair is long and blue, and her irises glow dark blue; she wears black, rune-adorned robes, and four short, curved horns protrude from her brow. Black wings about twice as wide as she is tall extend from her back, and she holds a closed tome and color-shifting quill from some dark bird."
Daemon appearing as a representative of Naria to the New Dark Empire team for the Princess of Suns Incident.

Iriman Kuridayan (Human & Spirit, Level 100-199)
Party member of the Fourth Ascendants. A member of the Order of the Jade Door, which functions in personal service to Thandolmann.

Irimatti, Lady of the Endless Sea (Human, Level 19)
The first Chosen of Water, granted the title and artifact by Laurennia after lending the Chosen of Light one of her ships in order to escape pursuing assassins. Managed to barely survive the assassins, who were led by Emor Modano, and began exploring the depths of her world's oceans. While down deep beneath the ocean's surface, she fought and was killed by the Octopus-General Cquoorith Moorq, who claimed the title. Was restored to life during the Post Mana Cannon Reset. Has an alternate form as a Level 17 Human, and a Level 19 Chosen.

Irishmiel, 'The Light of Judgment' (Outsider, Level 68)
A summonable Eidolon.

Iron Director Bourgewater (Robot & Bio-Horror, Level 80)
Worked as one of the Ordinators before splitting alongside Kestra and creating the Iron Directive. He can become titan-sized.

Iron Director Kestra (Human, Level 80)
A master summoner. She worked as one of the Ordinators before splitting alongside Bourgewater and creating the Iron Directive.

Iron Judge Ureshkilon (Illuminated, Level 60)
"A harsh figure in spiked metal armor with a cloak and greatmaul"
One of the members of Team New Dark Empire during the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in the Knot to Selereth Helios' team.

Irkiembor (Human, Level 12)
"A male paladin with black hair, blue eyes, white plate armor with light blue trim, a sword akin to a razor-sharp shard of ice on a hilt surrounded in a blue aura, and a shield made of a sheet of white-and-blue ice."
Was on the Celestial Lord's side during the Princess of Suns Incident. Noble, honorable, charming, totally willing to sacrifice himself for the good of his companions, possesses control of a special kind of blessed ice that is uneffected by fire and will not melt, can use both magic and swordplay competently. Died in Sunthrone protecting his team.

Irkreyza Bekklin (Humanoid & Horror, Level 48)
"A woman with the flesh flensed from her face in an elaborate, spined black dress rises from it. She has blades of dark energy extending from wounds in her arms"
A cultist of the Endbringer Bez'Bekklin and servant of Lureikimo Bekklin.

Irmehret (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
An Ascendant from the Second Ascension.

Irmotto Yes'Freylon (Humanoid, Level 41)
Exporer of Dol-Quorsis that died in the Labyrinth of Paper Cranes due to enemies that absorbed all of his main attacks.

Irrbid Hoopsig (Human, Level 2)
A landowner from the same world as VonDurion. The descendants of her surviving relatives set up a fund to create a graveyard full of mock graves to honor all those killed by Horutep, VonDurion, Iburidal, and their servants, which was blessed by a contingent of priests in an attempt to free the souls of the fallen from whatever forms of undeath VonDurion and Horutep condemned them to.

Irrian Illumos (Immortal, Level 600-799)
"A man wearing an elegant black coat and a hat. He has a black goatee and a ring with a pyramid with an eye on it. He is sitting atop his briefcase directly atop the wall."
Master conspiracy-weaver, presently the head/most senior member/don of the Enigma Men/Monterro Family. Absurdly powerful, to the point that he could either successfully imitate Nokhret or (more likely and concerningly) retoractively replace him at a point in time. Knows many, many things, either through time-shenanigans or at least making things up so convincingly that the universe can't help but play along. Runs the Illuminati, and was a Battle Arena Member at one point. He has an alt-form as a Level 799 Mastermind. He has an alt-form as a Level 59 BA Member. He has an alt-form as a Level 79 Fated One. He has an alt-form as a Level 79 Enigma Man.

Irryia Daltebarr, Caller of the Thousand Beasts (Fae, Level 67)
Part of a group led by Syrios Dessengrant, Hero of the Worlds to recover one of the ERI's lost templatable element cores, a mission that ended in the successful creation of the Treasure element.

Irshanii (Fae, Level 12)
"A tall woman with white hair, a sparkling crystal tiara, a long blue dress, and a greataxe with a lizard's face on it that she seems to be wielding one-handed."
Associate mercenary of the Joymerchants of the Ebon Book. Somewhat psychotic.

Isacchos the Ibodian (Alien, Level 47)
Member of the Ibodian Syndicate. Has wormed his way into the ears of several members of the Galactic Governmental Council and of the Resoulte Ibodian Government, as well as the Thrynn-Goneirr Governmental Palace; he frequently uses these connections to the benefit of the Ibodians. Skilled in combat.

Is'Mhal'Nagorath (Outer Terror, Level 200-399)
An Elder Horror. Presently sealed away.

Ismyri, Wanderer (Outsider, Level 800-999)
Personal nemesis of the Ascendant, Lurumel. Destined to clash with the Ascendant many times over the course of their journey. She has a Level 899 alt-form that is an Enthroned.

Issarion Hellstrom (Human, Level 68)
A member of House Hellstrom who managed to gain the ability to enter Nexus Inn rooms without being let in.

Isorindal (Human & Arch-Demon, Level 200-399)
A master of elemental magic who claimed a demon throne. He pitched his lot in with the Rebel Dark Forces to fight against the ordering of the lower planes.

Isteryn, Vaarathi Preate (Fae, Level 200-399)
Manages interdimensional invasions for his extremely powerful fae race.

Isyra the Pure (Outsider & Ancient, Level 400-599)
"An equally tall female elf. Her hair is silver and flecked with gold, and she appears both compassionate and wise. Her dress is made of solidified moonlight, and she holds a great stave carved from the wood of a tree of life."
One of the original Seven Ancients, a newly-reawakened pantheon of ancient, benevolent deities that wish to protect civilisation and the forces of good against ancient forces of evil, particularly Darkspawn and the Elder Horrors. They appear to have a fondness for choosing Battle Arena members to weild their powers.

Isryl Kaliander (Human, Level 12)
"A woman with a yellow sun dress, a sparkly flower hair ornament, long, blonde hair, pointed ears, light green eyes, and a friendly smile. An aura of light surrounds her, and she has sparkly fairy wings on her back."
Light-element girl from a planet that worships Gillingman. Killed her own brother. Very cheery and optimistic, along with being an absolutely remorseless, murderous monster. Uses light and dark magic as well as Murder Arts, very fast and nimble, and excels at close combat with a knife. Was part of the New Dark Empire team during the Princess of Suns Incident.

Istyntin (Human, Level 12)
"A woman with long white hair who dresses in clothes she finds to be elegant and 'princess-like'"
A completely psychotic woman. Over 400 years old, but retains her youth due to a ritual involving blood of her own unborn fetuses and an axe. Insanely jealous of those who don't have to work for their eternal youth and attractiveness. Knows ice magic. Once killed an entire castle's population, wore the queen's face around as a mask, and pretended to talk to and order around all of the corpses in it for a week, and tends to enter bizarre patterns of behaviour around royals. Has a rather poor reputation as a mercenary, unless her employer wants absolutely everyone involved, nearby, or unfortunate enough to wander near her dead. Her anti-aging processes will rapidly degenerate if she is touched by an admixture of holy water, powdered unicorn horn, and the tears of a woman of at least 80 years of age who had at least 5 children and never killed anyone or anything. In a bizarre love-hate-murder relationship with Jakh. Was on Serendil's team during the Princess of Suns Incident.

Itii Lanzaar (Human & Fae, Level 55)
An invisible Knight of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders stationed at the Inescapable Well to assist in providing supply drops for the trapped Knights within and prevent it from becoming the site of any more terrible events. Successfully stopped Gillian from opening a mysterious letter that would have brought a terrible and as-yet-nonexistant scourge on reality into being. Stopped by means of beating her to death and setting her, and the letter, on fire.

Ivan Spartacus (Devil, Level 59)
"A disheveled man with a golden hammer and sickle"
Communist-moondevil dedicated to fighting Capitalism in all its forms, going so far as to dismantle things purchased with money. Capable of extending his identity to others, allowing them to also become him. Is also (at least partially) Archimedies the cat-abstract, gaining cat-powers, BEAM, chibi-mode, and a fondness for Vashna. Is the opposite of Nira.

Ixmulplex (Ooze, Level 12)
"A man made out of thick green goo with no defined features with a fez and long, patterned robes"
Good with ooze magic and explosive energy magic. Very resilient. Was part of the New Dark Empire team during the Princess of Suns Incident.

Iyanna the Gallant (Human, Level 16)
Paladin of the Order of the Empyrean-Blue Rose and member of the Outriders of the city of Baumveu. Weilds an axe.

Iyavi Shandraksanad (Human, Level 15)
Student at the Nexus Academy of Magical Arts.

Iyetri (Immortal, Level 200-399)
"A rather normal-looking young girl with brown hair and silver clothes"
One of the large, odd group of individuals presiding over the creation of the Doorway of Lost Realms, and part of a smaller group of four young girls. Has an Absolute Holy Blessing.

Iz'Gholor the Sun King (Divine, Level 400-599)
Deity of Light and Law. Believed to not actually exist and to be a divine front for Michael Helios. Subtype and level given for what it would be if it did indeed exist (or if it didn't and someone made it off a template of what it was supposed to be).

Izmozzin Gezzbekkler (Fae, Level 56)
A master crafter of mole tanks working for the Pendlewood Spire Geological Society.

Izoridan Marzinkard (Human, Level 41)
Experiements in geomantic control of monster summoning and has adventurers fetch him relics and monsters to control this geomancy. His subjects tend to fear him.

Jabari Ekantu (Chosen, Level 64)
The fifth Chosen of Water. A top gladiator-agent in the service to Lord Avastron Thranabaar of Trandel, who was gifted the artifact (and title), being pitted against a selection of his employer's other top agents to ensure he was the worthiest to hold it. He was challenged by and defeated Sytarri Gendregarne, Tamer of the Wave Beasts, Pirate Lord Tolvo Archemark, Baalthios the Unbound and Tarquassis of the Lapis Eye. While exploring Raaic ruins for his employer, Ekantu was nearly killed by Raaso Su'Iaaric following the return of the corrupted Raaic Ancients, but Oracle intervened and whisked Ekantu (as well as his employer's island, Gazoff's island, and a select few others) to parts unknown. It is confirmed that Ekantu retains his position as the Fifth Water Chosen. Has an alternate form as a Level 59 Human.

Jacob Smotter (Human, Level 7)
A boy who created a screaming doily, dubbed it a piece of 'art' named 'The Disruption Within Grandmother's House' and hid it in his grandmother's house as a prank.

Jack (Human, Level 35)
A former guard who helped lead the revolution of Karanaldes-Otrae-Este, turning it into an eternal party. Has an aura of truth that prevents him being lied to. Killed after the Nailos Brothers informed the group wishing to bring Shalmarkion back of the world's status, thus leading them to retake the world.

Jack (2) (Human, Level 7)
"A black-haired man with a blue-and-white striped outfit, apron, and chef's hat."
A chef specialising in breakfasts. Owner of Jack's Shack. Currently employed by Kazivon for exorbitant amounts of money (and the potential threat of being eaten) to make him breakfasts on a regular basis. Has the potential to improve his breakfast-related powers. His current maximum reachable level is 19.

Jack Attack (Human, Level 85)
An individual tied to the 'Triple-Item Dating Service' Warehouse category, wherein he performs a dating-show-style reveal of three items for the ticket-holder to choose between, with nothing but their appearance, name, and a random question asked of each to go off. His power level may notably increase, however, when undertaking her Warehouse job.

Jack Halgardaan (Human, Level 85)
A member of the original Mana Cannon project.

Jackie West (Human, Level 79)
Native of the world of Esbeith and born with one of the Five Tears of the Goddess within her body, Jackie tapped into its power to become immortal and help protect her world against the invading forces of the Twilight Chancellor, Gul-Deras. Friend and lover of Walter Eldridge.

Jackson Saxon, the Straight-Shootin' Clockwork Mastermind (Don'tcha' Know) (Human & Clockwork, Level 33)
Wrote the text 'Clockwork Pistols: Whoo-Boy!'.

Jacob Threst (Human, Level 13)
Student at the Nexus Academy of Magical Arts.

Jacques 'Silvertooth' Radaum (Humanoid, Level 52)
"An alligator man with a red-and-black suit and an expensive looking cane."
Acqaintance of Wemblick Batsby. Helped fund the creation of a giant clockwork bridge made of ageless purified fae silver. Skilled with both crafting and voodoo. Owns a steamboat company.

Jakh (Human, Level 12)
"A man in spiked black armor with brown hair, a greatsword that breaks into five points of three different lengths, and a cape that seems to leave a layer of frost on things near it. "
Somewhat psychotic mercenary previously associated with of the Joymerchants of the Ebon Book, who was a member of Serendil's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Knows some combat arts, sword magic, and dark magic. Womanizes, enjoys inflicting collatoral damage to the point of risking his missions with it, and has a cruel, unkind sense of humor. Has worshipped a few deities in his time, but didn't stick with any. In a bizarre love-hate-murder relationship with Istyntin.

Jalchiyr Isariyo, Lord of Fallen Butterflies (Human, Level 65)
"A man in a fancy suit with butterflies flying around him. He wears a mask."
Part of the team sent by the Deathmark Assassin's Club to the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Joined up with Nole and The King Of Bears Is Not Present, Presently in the Knot after Nole removed a possession-effect mask from him, going on to help Nole attain the Caduceus of the Prime Healer and reach the centre. Died during the confrontation with Doctor Catastrophe, but was later brought back by Selereth. Capable of manifesting butterflies that can become lethally-poisonous shurikens, turning into a butterfly-cloud, creating private battles and creating shadow-gates to said battles.

James Proudmere (Human, Level 18)
An occasionally-adventuring villager from an off-Nexus world.

James VonDurion (Human, Level 18)
One-time monster hunter who became an undead in the service of Amon Horutep, the Endbringer after his defeat at the hands of Salphron. Was the one who turned the ruined corpse of Aralia the Fair into a beauty-draining undead. He was also the one who fired the Mana Cannon, causing the destruction of most of the universe before it was reset. Killed by Maleficus during the Dome of the Lich Lord quest. Has an alt-form as a Level 15 Undead from his post-Mana-Cannon state. He has an alt-form as a Level 4 Human from his first meeting with Salphron. He has an alt-form as an Undead in the Level 200-399 Range from when he hijacked the Mana Cannon for Horutep.

Janthos Irimanos (Human, Level 1)
(Doesn't Exist Yet)
Ascendant of the Fifth Ascension.

Jaqqui Iyaarduq (Human & Horror, Level 22)
Owns an appliance store on Disc 1.

Jarchos the Ibodian (Alien, Level 35)
Wanted by the Nexus Administrative Bureau for piracy, murder and murder of Government surveyors

Jarn Arbedo (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendant from the Third Ascension.

Jarnu of the Azure Night (Human, Level 27)
Brother of Minkae.

Jasmine Flipp (Human, Level 3)
A lady that wants her sword back from her brother. Posted a job request at the Nexus Inn to this end.

Jaspar Iritai (Human, Level 35)
Holds the Skull Keyring.

Jayuri the Violet Blade (Human, Level 59)
Part of the team sent by the Deathmark Assassin's Club to the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in the Knot.

Jean-Claude Slaughter, Demon Chef (Demon, Level 15)
"Red-skinned male demon with humanoid features, two short horns coming from his brow, neat black hair, and a chef's outfit"
A ridiculously-accented demon chef who can use demon magic, control fire, summon hails of sharp knives and cook his foes into restorative items. Also an expert in knife fighting and magic manipulation, and can move unnaturally fast for short bursts. Worships Gharlakosh, the Hungering Maw. Member of the Sun-Eater's team during the Princess of Suns Incident

Jean Gretnell (Human, Level 24)
The mayor of Lavaside.

Jeff McPickle (Human, Level 1)
Unfortunate individual misheard by Alroy the Half-Deaf Leprechaun as identifying himself as Einarr, resulting in his petrification via errant Wish-magic.

Jeff the Sun (Solar Being, Level 55)
"Appears to be wearing a pair of cracked shades, and has a massive ice-pack on top of it (though the sun is small for a sun, it is still pretty big compared to a person)"
An actual (albeit small-for-a-star) sun-bro capable of resizing himself and growing arms and feet. Previously badly hurt by the chaos surrounding removal of Light as a base element, he was inadvertantly healed by Heracles, then promptly confused by Heracles' subsequent speech, leading to a conflict between the two that catapulted Planet Sunny Jeff and Jeff himself into the dimension occupied by Planet Rocky Bob. Developer of the Fusion Hand Style martial art.

Jennifer (Human, Level 1)
"A girl of about 7 years with brown hair"
One of the small group of wishing children in the Sunny Plains of El-Bazaril. Gained the superpowers of flight and plant control from the new wish. Currently being trained by Ryan, the Bowling Wizard.

Jennifer Tardil (Human, Level 37)
Once an officer and mechanic of the corrupt Nexus PD before jumping ship to the Ordinators and then the Iron Directive when each of the previous organisations were shut down or dismantled. After getting attacked and pinned in the Ruins of Abin'Sholeem on Ranagrat XVIII and subsequently saved by Vashna, she joined the Three of Swords Corporation, where she presently still belongs. A talented mechanic, roboticist and builder of mechs. Due to opening a specially-empowered gift one Walrusfest, she ended up having the entirety of Lost Miruumatol's Databanks downloaded into her mind, catapulting her up the ranks of scientific knowledge and giving her a huge mental boost. Has a Level 3 alt-form when she was with the Nexus PD during their ineffective period. She has a Level 4 alt-form from when she was with the Iron Directive. She has a Level 5 alt-form from when she got recruited by Vashna's corp. She has a Level 80 alt-form from when she was helping with the Third Ascension as a boss for the Ascendants to fight.

Jennifer the Wolf Farmer (Human, Level 19 BA Member) Reference Link
Has a notably high amount of Fame (400, as of last count) for her level. She seems to focus on doing a lot of random, low-Level quests (and there are a series of videos for sale of her performing various small tasks for random people on different discs of Nexus and over in civilized parts of The One City) and hasn't even attempted to gain Seal Pieces or advance past 19. She has a lot of really random low-Level skill-sets, though. Has the award 'Was Noticed for Being Unusually Famous'.

Jeran (Human, Level 5)
A bandit who caused problems for the Church of Sereyn by kidnapping a blacksmith and forcing him to make enchanted holy items for his band of thieves. Killed by Kit.

Jeremiah Glenn (Human, Level 34)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. A boxer. Has a model railroad hobby and thought he could use a long vacation. A long, long vacation.

Jeremiah Sauldak (Human, Level 45)
"A man in off-dun priestly robes, a red-plumed bird on his shoulder, a staff with sedge bristles extending from it, well-worn boots, and twin guns slung behind his back."
A priest of Phalerin who often hires out his services to adventurers and good causes. Has a special place in the Church of Phalerin as the next Keeper of Souls. Knows resurrection magic, and can manipulate sound and weather. Enjoys traveling, and does not tire. One of the members of the Council of Elder Guardians team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Killed in battle against The Sunhand, but was resurrected later.

Jericheya the Azure Temptation (Demon, Level 60)
A member of the Rebel Dark Force's attempts to win over the Knot of Trelhais.

Jerri (Human, Level 80)
"A massive, muscular woman in a navy swimsuit with a white pony-tail, with a towel draped over her shoulder and a second towel wrapped around her head like a headband."
Runs the weird Alcohol Spa section of the Nexus Tavern.

Jerry (Human, Level 99)
Great at everything he tried. After being bet on that he couldn't make a hit drink (never having made one), Jerry promptly walked to an alcohol cabinet and mixed one up. Billions of bartenders across thousands of worlds suddenly learned Jerry's new recipe and it became an instant interdimensional hit, the 'Triumphant Jerry'.

Jerry (2) (Human, Level 1)
a stoned hippie with a giant golden turtle with a palace on its back following him
A former BA Member who renounced his status only to be killed by Anathema, Rascherro, and Eckermann at the end of the Larry the Catfish incident. Treated nothing seriously and, regardless of the situation, would ignore dangers and instead opt to take or comment about drugs.

Jerry White (Human, Level 25)
Runs a car dealership on Disc 2 of Nexus. Recently gave some away as random prizes to promote his business.

Jeruldyr (Divine, Level 400-599)
A deity and an ally of the Celestial City.

Jeryl of Gandrioss (Planetary, Level 200-399)
A member of the Warmaster's Legion and was delinked from his world by the Warmaster.

Jidermo Bekkelin (Human & Horror, Level 14)
Cultist of Bez'Bekkelin present for the Princess of Suns contest. Died in Sunthrone. He started a church on the 715,408th disc of Nexus.

Jimley Popplong (Human, Level 21)
"A nervous looking brown-haired main clutching a bottle-filled overcoat"
Wanted by the Nexus Administrative Bureau for sale of contraband and tresspassing. Sells potions of all sorts, notably clone potions, death kiss potions, rage potions, copy-override potions, and mad mist potions. Killed by Lili's Shielding Golem.

Jirriland the Arcanist (Human, Level 58)
Owner of the tent-shop "Jirriland the Arcanist's Tent of Wonderous Wares" in the Lurent Market of Disc 16,000,000. Was not present when the shop was encountered.

Joe Thandwell (Human, Level 31) Reference Text
He owns Joe Thandwell's Lordly Stables.

Johnathon Aldros (Human, Level 2) Reference Text
An employee of the Nexus PD during their ineffective period.

Johnny Propz (Human, Level 1)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Wants to master train-surfing, but is nervous to try it on faster trains.

Jonathan T. Brigsbury (Human, Level 14) Reference Text
Works as a low-level deal-maker for Bascaradine.

Jondor Kriand, Wizard of Jars (Human, Level 14)
"A mage with short black hair, dark skin, violet eyes, and blue robes. He holds a jar and has more jars of various sorts on a bandolier."
A mage who joined (and led) the Princess of Suns incident under the employ of Ganseed the Collector. Could use his jars to summon, cast spells, or suck away negative magical effects. Has three powerful, ancient spirits trapped in his jars, but they are too strong for him to be able to control. Intended to use one of his jars to suck Selereth into for transport out of Sunthrone. Unknowingly, his jars' pocket dimensions had been infiltrated by Markannion, the Serpent-Blessed, who intended to use a loophole in the rules to enter Sunthrone through them. Thanks to an unlikely series of events, this didn't happen. Died to the Blackclad Order team in Sunthrone.

Jordan Anderson (Undead, Level 47)
A vampire dressed as a cowboy that Lili met in the Street of the Mansion of Horrors' Fright Night Party, and subsequently invited over to the Citadel.

Jose the Gunslinging Cactus (Plant, Level 17)
"A cactus with a chaingun, hat, and cigar"
One of the allies of the Evil Robot Mariachis and Sombrero Overmind. Killed by Alrick in the Mariachi Massacre.

Josh Powerblayde (Human, Level 38)
Currently in possession of an Expensive Doohickey that isn't his.

Joryl Yaghma (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendant from the Second Ascension.

Joyful Magus Abshallom (Undead, Level 25)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Joyful Magus Admon (Undead, Level 23)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Joyful Magus Amos (Undead, Level 24)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Joyful Magus Eli (Undead, Level 23)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Joyful Magus Hannoch (Undead, Level 27)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Joyful Magus Zilla (Undead, Level 21)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Jreyka (Human, Level 35)
"A girl with a red ponytail, green eyes, and a card with a II on it on her forehead"
Employee of Jirriland the Arcanist's Tent of Wonderous Wares in the Lurent Market.

Juaquim DeLaPhantos (Spirit, Level 75)
Legendary hero and Great-great-great-great-great-grandfather of Evangeline DeLaPhantos. His ancestral spirit is tied to his family line and capable of being summoned by those members skilled enough.

Juaquim the Sunhand (Human, Level 18)
"A very muscular man with blonde hair, sunglasses, and his right arm replaced with an object made of solar power"
Member of Michael Helios' group in the Princess of Suns incident, and arguably the most powerful of them. An extremely strong, unusually fast combatant capable of using the eponymous Sunhand to perform incredible feats of strength. Has an Overcrash. Died in Sunthrone, killed by Celas during the necromancer's joining and subsequent betrayal of the group in a battle that left only the necromancer alive.

Julian (Human, Level 8)
"The boy has messy black hair, a white shirt, black pants, a large number of rings, and an irritated, impatient expression"
A nine-year-old apprentice ringsmith. Despite trying to act mature, he's still a young boy and therefore is prone to making mistakes and frustrated outbursts. Can cast minor magical spells through his rings, although his lack of experience with them frequently causes them to backfire. Recently got a crash-course in precisely how strange the residents of Nexus can be. Somewhat sensitive about his height.

Julius (Magic Being & Conceptual, Level 76)
He turned himself into a song of revelry and decadence to avoid death. Each instance of the drink 'Julius Cascade Verse' is a verse in his now-eternal life. The mage can never die so long as the drink keeps being made.

Jurunei of Erileyem (Fae, Level 1)
(Does Not Exist Yet)
Ascendant of the Fifth Ascension.

Justice Argoxx Meatcontrols the Era of Loss (Demon, Level 45)
A Tyrant Bison, leader of the group known as the Association of Diabolical Lies. Despite apparently committing mass murder and property damage, was revered by a great deal of people and nations, including almost everyone in the Nation of Laughing up to and including its King. Killed by a tag-team combination of Lili's Shielding Golem and Bengal Deathsign the Doom of Man.

Justoriel (Divine, Level 400-599)
Deity of Light, Good, healing and justice. Supports heroes and adventurers, and does not condone unjust laws.

Jyurae Daiemah (Fiend, Level 800-999)
Foretold to be a likely foe of the Fifth Ascension.

Kaelmar the Nation-Builder (Humanoid, Level 72)
A highly talented metalworker. Lives in the Iron Realm of Dressik.

Kahlashamara (Demon, Level 55)
A demon girl, trapped within a cursed mirror in the Mansion of Horrors. Conspired with Curate Blacklaw to make it the edifice it is today.

Kalaraxiphel (Arch-Celestial, Level 600-799)
"A floating figure consumed in an aura of light with four great angelic wings extending from it."
Gatekeeper of the Celestial City. Killed by Dryse and the Veil Render.

Kalazar Freym (Devil & Human, Level 100-199)
"A cultist of Savvatmarl in black-and-red robes"
Party member of the Fourth Ascendants.

Kalazel (Endbringer, Level 600-799)
An Endbringer.

Kalazel, Fifth Guardian (Human, Level 60)
One of the individuals involved with the Silver City, who fled after its fall with various items that were entrusted to him. Presumably still in hiding.

Kaldemarr Begreinstein (Humanoid, Level 70)
Co-wrote the text 'The Clockwork Faces and Their Replication' with Doctor Salissia Teufernaas and Toshell Myrkii.

Kamadeus Raltoriel (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendant from the First Ascension. Also an influential scholar who wrote 'Magic and Its Uses'. Mentioned in the same breath as such luminaries as Talrusion.

Karandor Doomwrought (Humanoid, Level 45)
"A dwarf on a motorcycle with runes etched in the wheels that leave burning rune-trails as it rides around drives up. It has cobalt armor with spikes on the backs of the gloves, shoulders, elbows, and helm, and it has a pair of red-crystal goggles. A murmering shotgun-axe is strapped to its back."
A dwarf of the Doomwrought clan. Karandor became a hero on his homeworld (relatively speaking), discovered portals to other worlds, spent some time in a post-apocalyptic-styled world where he became a biker and fought various gangs, local mini-governments, and wasteland demons, and learned how to merge Rune Magic with the place's tech. He brought that knowledge back to his original world, and he's been spending some time adventuring in Nexus. His skill-set includes Rune Magic (but more on an inscribing/empowerment side than using it offensively), guns, axes, crafting, some bike-riding / machine building / tech-weaponry stuff, radiation magic, treasure-sense, and small amounts of shadow magic.

Karia Zaledros (Daemon, Level 45)
"A small, cute daemon girl with red eyes, white hair, and robes with lots of pockets full of dolls and other toys"
Irrindil puppeteer. Distant relative to Naria. Was part of the New Dark Empire team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Due to a special Walrusfest gift, her moveset now contains:
Runeslash Frenzy- 61,000 Damage, this action counts as involving a Rune Magic spell, this action's Prime Attribute is (Strength + Spirit)/2, 3 hits against 15, Darkness & Magic & Physical, 400,000 MP

Kari Nyeer (Human, Level 44)
Diviner-Psychic. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling.

Karmekhion Belnerkosh (Human, Level 12)
Student at the Nexus Academy of Magical Arts.

Karragh the Buzzard Lord (Human & Aerial, Level 53)
A lord of evil buzzards.

Kasmonar Dexthenyl (Daemon & Aerial & Undead, Level 43)
"A tall, fanged man with a long black cloak and a group of ravens flocking around him. His eyes are red, and he wears a broad hat."
The psuedo-vampiric lord of ravens. Good with ravens, possesses no vampiric downsides, amd good with dark magic. Notably dangerous. Was part of the New Dark Empire team during the Princess of Suns Incident.

Kasumi (Human, Level 59)
One of Nira's new servants. Appeared in Nira's Mansion from another time, another story as a result of unspecified temporal events. Assassin-in-training with some minor Time Magic. Has unconventional battle tactics revolving around Bags of Holding. Calm and mildly shy.

Kasura (Ascendant, Level 10,000-11,999) Reference Post
Serves Morrisant. She has an alt-form as a Level 899 Reaper where she was a foe of the First Ascension. She has an alt-form as a Level 899 Reaper where she was a foe of the First Ascension. She has an alt-form as a Level 899 Apocalyptic where she was a foe of the First Ascension. She is part of the Second Ascension. Previously worked with Prioress Seretian.

Kat (Humanoid & Animal, Level 19)
"She's an orange catgirl with a set of robes made of woven leaves."
An alternate-universe version of Kit created through the Holy Festival's Cosmic Self-Propagation Studio. She serves as the druidic protector of Cat Town (where many people have similar-sounding names with a few different spellings) in Grumblewood, where the dangerous-ish Grumbles live. Kat manages to shield the town well with druidic abjurer powers, pulling out her leafblade in melee combat to help the other defenders in melee combat also, taking advantage of her feline reflexes while doing so. She also bakes chocolate-wafer-snacks in her spare time when the town isn't being attacked by the Grumbles or other nasties.

Kate Milliam (Human, Level 16)
Desires a set of six Jewel Slime Keys.

Kate Palgrist (Human, Level 38)
A member of the Nexus PD who worked for the Ordinators as a mole, and briefly commanded the Nexus PD before its dissolution. Has a Level 8 alt-form.

Katherine (Human, Level 5)
A girl with a peculiar dollhouse that somehow has a portal (and animate dolls) in it.

Kazzenomr Firestorm (Human, Level 11)
Member of the Oorimbar/Nathrules team during the Princess of Suns Incident. A destructive, pyromaniac fire mage. Specialises in raining down large amounts of fire. Killed by Zeero Megamegagogo.

Keeper_Of_Hearts (Robot, Level 100-199)
A robotic (although possessing a spirit and soul) servant of the pseudo-deity LORD_OF_ALL_KEEPERS. One of the three most prominent servitors of the semideific entity.

Keeper_Of_Minds (Robot, Level 100-199)
A robotic (although possessing a spirit and soul) servant of the pseudo-deity LORD_OF_ALL_KEEPERS. One of the three most prominent servitors of the semideific entity.

Keeper_Of_Rings (Robot, Level 35)
"His skin is made of metal, and he wears sleek blue robes that shimmer in the purple light. The back of his head is pointed like some sort of odd fin, and his eyes are purple and made of similar circuit-lines to those around the room. Notably, his hands are covered in close to thirty rings. His fingers are long and accomodate the plethora of rings well."
Robotic (although possessing a spirit and soul) servant of the pseudo-deity LORD_OF_ALL_KEEPERS, who desired to control the world of Yesleintyr in order to gain the power source located in its moon, masterminding a murderous conspiracy to kill several priests and nobles who wished to create a public dimensional portal in order to fulfil his agenda. Incinerated by the Sun Queen Selereth Helios during the course of her taking the world into her protection.

Keeper_Of_Worlds (Robot, Level 100-199)
A robotic (although possessing a spirit and soul) servant of the pseudo-deity LORD_OF_ALL_KEEPERS. One of the three most prominent servitors of the semideific entity.

Keilresheil, The Voice and Word of the Celestial Lands (Arch-Celestial, Level 600-799)
"A humanoid figure with glowing white eyes, feathery white wings, gold, green, and ivory robes, hair like a field of fresh wheat, and a bright glow surrounding its form."
High-ranking Celestial, capable of extremely powerful compulsion/Dominion effects. Killed by Dryse and the Veil Render.

Keiradandrel (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendant of the Third Ascension.

Keith (Ascendant, Level 65)
A self-absorbed Bard who frequently travels with Laurennia. Has a Level 5 alt-form.

Keith Boxx (Ascendant, Level 9)
A Heiberric summoner, albeit one with a poor grip on maintaining his summons and an odd ability to 'overload' them to grant them extra power. He has a Level 5 alt-form.

Kelnel Heibe (Human, Level 5)
A member of the Battle Arena Member Mendul Thandein's group that led their own attempt into Sunthrone during the Princess of Suns Incident. A thief/assassin capable of carrying a lot of trinkets. Died in a trap set by Michael Helios' group.

Kelsius Darkfeather (Ascendant, Level 10,000-11,999) Reference Post
A reknowned arena champion. Serves Morrisant. He has an alt-form as a Level 799 Tyrant from when he fought the First Ascension. Part of the Second Ascension.

Kensadi (Ethryl & Nathryl, Level 8,000-9,999)
Was one of the caretakers of the UCS KIRGA who assisted in its shift to become a force of total control.

Kevlar (Humanoid, Level 19)
"A man-sized rat wearing multiple layers of modern body armor that is smoking a joint"
A resident of the Beta-Negaverse, an alternate reality that contains rather... different versions of the primary and negaverse realities' residents. The Beta-Negaverse version of Kelvar, Kevlar is a giant talking rat that wears excessive amounts of body armor. He decided to be a 'drood' to get the mellow hippie drugs. He greets people with the traditional greeting of his negaverse 'Gugu'. He also wears completely, absurdly, ridiculously large quantities of body armour.

Khalarash the Storm of Blades (Arch-Demon, Level 83)
A reasonably weak demon lord.

Khaldra the Wizened (Humanoid, Level 5) Reference Link
"A hunched crone"
An alternate version of Professor Khaldrin from Major Timeline E of Rael'el (and potentially the universe in general). Still just beginning their adventures.

Khal-Mas-Dorrep (Outer Terror, Level 200-399)
An Elder Horror. Presently sealed away.

Khalrundas (Arch-Demon, Level 200-399)
A Demon Lord. He holds the title Zhal-Tyrranar.

Khalsubarr, Devourer of Artifacts (Horror, Level 39)
An Elder Horror that ate artifacts. Sealed away by Naria. It has an alt-form that is a Level 80 Horror. It has an alt-form that is an Outer Terror in the Level 400-599 Range.

Khama-Nekull, the Vein Forest (Demon & Large Structure & Plant, Level 64)
"A great forest of veins that are covered in many eyes."
Guardian beast of the Sixth Ring of the Underworld of Seven Beasts, and is in fact the forest of the sixth ring itself. Its vein-trees insert their branches into souls, turning them into captive puppets, germinating horrors in their bodies that explode forth from their bodies, only to have the wounds heal afterward.

Khannosh Ventinnyan (Human, Level 79 BA Member) Reference Link
A BA Member sworn to the service of Overlord Vaeros Callamargh the Unmatchable. They are on call to swoop in and assist with problems that threaten to stall his progress for too long or cause him public setbacks, but are generally kept on side-quests to obtain rare items and powers to avoid interfering with Callamargh's overall meta-thematics.

Kholrobbu, The Stinging One (Outsider, Level 63)
"A giant figure made of anemones and jellyfish with millions of tendrils."
An Eidolon linked to the Infinite Key artifact. Possesses the Phantom Overcrash: Fatal Sting- (The tendrils of the Tentacled One begin glowing with a bright blue light. The areas where they touched the various dragons, tanks, and magical girls begin to glow similarly. Suddenly, a great pain shoots through each of their bodies, and they convulse and die.)

Khovolasshi, The Thousand Mile Flamewyrm (Dragon, Level 82)
Highly aggressive entity from Chomosk, The Sea of Magma Beneath Skies of Smoke.

Khzelnembras (Arch-Daemon, 400-599)
At the higher end of a chain of daemonic entities under the command of Mausmangarde, Daemon Lord of Fulsome Industry. Master of Full-Rullsoth, and direct servant of Mausmangarde.

Khromanokt, Emperor of the Undead (Undead, Level 59)
Ancient Lich-Commander, once sealed away in the necropolis-dungeon under the Cabal's Spire. Killed by a force led by Darston and the Shielding Golem.

Khroznomazznomarossmarozz (Arch-Demon, Level 200-399)
Demon General killed by Michael Helios. Has a notably difficult-to-remember name.

Khyzz-Drikk: Watcher from Ulatt Thamarr (Alien, Level 6)
A dungeon boss from the Temple of Orithon.

Kill-List (Robot, Level 59)
"A robot with a cylindrical head, a long sniper rifle, and a black-metal body with large red lights for eyes"
Part of the group sent by world-entities Miss Nowhere and Miss Demise to the Knot of Trelhais. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis, but presumably recovered by Miss Demise and Miss Nowhere due to Faction-Ability.

Killurai, the Vampire-Blade (Golem & Undead & Sword, Level 38)
A reward is posted for its destruction. A living (or unliving) weapon.

Kimberley Lobell (Human, Level 7)
A music fan who narrowly avoided death at the hands of the serial killer Wireman due to convincing her family to come along to Mika's big Bascaradine-promoted concert.

King Arm’Rem’Olokk of Arimbar (Human, Level 100-199)
A noted ally of the Bright Crusade.

King Barry Bearington IV (Animal, Level 19)
"An atypically large, but not absolutely huge, bear, and he wears a fine cape and crown."
King of Honeyworld. Has an obvious love of honey, and tends to issue quests to find rare varieties.

King Groovman (Human, Level 9)
The highly-demanding, out-of-touch King of Evethryss. Known for placing unreasonable burdens on his subjects and making random decrees to amuse himself. Killed in a coup organized by Count Luciano, but brought back (no longer under the sway of programmed routines) when the Roulette Master reset the world.

King Groovman (2) (Undead, Level 35)
King Groovman became this aquatic mummy when drowned during Count Luciano's coup. It now exists alongside the living king thanks to quirks of the Roulette Master's world-reset.

King of the Orange Kingdom (Monster, Level 41)
Has a detachable pumpkin-head. Weilded the Reaver of the Orange Kingdom against interloping demons and ghostly ghoulies. He could use spirit-related magic that self-buffed and picked up various power-ups. The Orange Kingdom operated on loosely-game-like mechanics (and had good music, apparently) and the king's adventures tended to be side-scrolling.

King of Travayan (Human, Level 35)
The ruler of the second kingdom conquered by the Fourth Ascension.

King Tockington Von Headskrew (Human & Golem & Abstract, Level 67)
A belligerent body-swapping monarch who often tries to take over money-grilling café in The Ocean {Quote the Ocean} Ocean Fred The Ocean. Frequently stopped by Mister Walrus's Missing Courtroom Hair, Suzerain of Vitality and Snowfall, or otherwise the owner of the café itself, The Third Floral Teapot (Which is No Longer Named Beverly).

Kit with Lemon Wedge (Humanoid & Animal, Level 44)
"She has a large lemon-wedge on the side of her head, but cannot properly percieve it."
An alternate-universe version of Kit created through the Holy Festival's Cosmic Self-Propagation Studio. She is a foxwoman time-mage who lives on a world of other fox-folk. She has the powers to be an adventurer, but she doesn't really go on any adventures or have any particularly-interesting dungeons near her. If people keep bringing up the lemon wedge, she becomes sour-tempered for a bit. Lemons you can't detect that are affixed to your head tend to do that sort of thing.

Kiyomi (Immortal, Level 200-399)
"A rather normal-looking young girl with long black hair and a kimono"
One of the large, odd group of individuals presiding over the creation of the Doorway of Lost Realms, and part of a smaller group of four young girls. Has an Absolute Holy Blessing.

Klariel (Celestial, Level 16)
"A male celestial. He has a golden halo, armor that glows with golden radience, and a sword of yellow fire. His eyes blaze with power and justice"
A Celestial paladin. Was on the Celestial Lord's side during the Princess of Suns Incident. Not to be confused with the other celestial of the same name, but still a very threatening, powerful user of celestial, healing, light and divine magics. Fair, just, kind and honorable.

Klariel the Bright General (Arch-Angel, Level 600-799)
"A male angel with golden hair, dove-white wings, and an aura of power and peace."
One of the large, odd group of individuals presiding over the creation of the Doorway of Lost Realms. Not the angel of the same name who was involved in Princess of Suns. He has an alt-form that acts as an assistant/foil to Militant Beak that's in the Level 2,000-3,999 range. Killed by Dryse and the Veil Render.

Klodes the Strong (Humanoid, Level 60)
A member of the Rebel Dark Force's attempts to win over the Knot of Trelhais.

Klordos the Unformed (Ooze, Level 60)
"A man with black liquid for flesh in a fine suit"
One of the members of Team New Dark Empire during the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Capable of ooze-corruption attacks. Died in Knot to Selereth Helios' team.

Klureimel (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
He is from the First Ascension and is the Replacement Ascendant.

Knockenord of Greenrealm (Fae & Elemental Lord, Level 200-399)
He has been acquired as an ally by the Elder Guardians.

Kobolor the Ancient (Golem, Level 1)
(Doesn't Exist Yet)
Ascendant of the Fifth Ascension.

Kohle Rhastardexe (Outsider, Level 85)
"A ten-foot tall hook-winged humanoid made from black fire that slowly ripples. Its eyes are glowing blue points, and a beard of grayish smoke descends from its chin. "
A being overseeing part of the Department of Tourism used to hold those to whom an unexpected arrival to Nexus was too much (generally due to the individual arriving coming from a place ignorant of Nexus or many of its technologies/magics). Can shoot knowledge into people's minds.

Kohlmorne (Outsider, Level 200-399)
He has an alt-form as a Level 399 Tyrant.

Kooky Dan (Human, Level 85)
"An old, whiskered man with a hat made out of a map folded into the shape of a boat."
Owner of Kooky Dan's Ocean-Punching Dojo. Teaches people how to punch oceans.

Korg (Humanoid, Level 25)
"A scar-eyed orc in a white chef outfit with a blue belt"
Co-owner of Alphonso and Korg's Famous-Across-Nexus Meats, a restaurant/deli located just across from the Nexus Elevator on Disc 210.

Kot (Golem, Level 39) Reference Link
A bed that may know Geo the rock. Or perhaps is occasionally placed in close proximity to Geo the rock.

Kozzerik, The Six-Headed Devil (Outsider, Level 66)
One of the six Heralds of Andaramalius, The Supreme Creator. Bearer of one of the six God-Killing Tools, the God-Eating Blade.

Kral-Izzyk, Champion of the Hive (Insect & Alien, Level 68)
An insectoid alien serving as the champion of its hive-queen's interplanetary conquests. Attempted to challenge Tyrrio, sixth Chosen of Technology, for her artifact and title, and was defeated in a surprising upset.

Krayl Vanzeil (Not-Yet-Ascended Ascendant, Level 100-199 Range)
"A six-legged black beast with a deer's body, three-pronged black horns, a tail made of black mist, and a long, pointed mask with strange, greenish-red glowing eye-holes."
Ascendant. Some sort of reality-twisting being that purports to be everyone. A hive mind-like creature possibly capable of mass possession, and capable of 'unmasking' others to reveal itself. Claims to be everyone, and has the ability to switch his position with that of almost anyone she chooses.

Krexil Nei'Beidon, Gloom Fisher (Human, Level 25)
"A bald man whose head and body are covered in liver spots and wrinkles. He has a long, mostly straight gray beard and a gaffer's hook strapped to his back."
One of a small group of adventurers manipulated into joining the Three of Swords Corporation by Vashna Saseen (his saving their lives in the process helped considerably). Has a Level 5 alt-form.

Kriele (Holy One, Level 600-799)
Brought about by a pre-planned gambit of the Celestial Lord and enacted by Selereth Helios using the combined heroic energies of many slain Celestials and Source Guardians, as well as the protagonist-meta-quality left behind after Master Detective's death. Presumed to be, among other things, a counter-gambit to Maleficus. Created far, far ahead of expected schedule while Maleficus was locked away in another universe and unable to interfere with her early stages of development, completely unaware. An eventual Ascendant and opposite of Harkala in many ways.

Krillmyr of Vhos (Human, Level 65)
Entered the Knot of Trelhais by himself to fulfil a mission of vengeance.

Krol-Iboggi, The Corpse Titan (Undead, Level 59)
"A massive humanoid figure, thousands of feet tall and composed entirely of corpses looks down at him"
Resident of the necropolis under the Cabal's Spire. Defeated by Darston.

Kura'Vahtra the Twice-Reborn (Outsider & Ancient, Level 400-599)
"A bird-headed being whose back explodes into wings of light and fire. Her clawed hands sift through the layers of reality, and her nebulous form issues forth from a pyre that burns forth from a cracked sphere that sits atop eighty-eight thin, segmented legs."
Newly-inducted member of the Seven Ancients Pantheon, bringing their number to twelve. Died at the hands of Naghra-Bol only to rise up anew to defeat the ancient fiend. She later sought to stop Ouettzer, but was defeated a second time by his dark magics. Reawakened from cosmic slumber and returned to reality through the combined efforts of the Battle Arena member Cael and the original Seven Ancients.

Kyle (Outsider, Level 3) Reference Link
"A shining brain in a jar"
An alternate version of Kevin from Major Timeline E of Rael'el (and potentially the universe in general). Still just beginning their adventures.

Kyrjezryxx (Devil & Horror, Level 100-199)
"A devil-terror with many tendrils, horns, and a form of smoke and shadow."
Party member of the Fourth Ascendants.

Kyros System (Robot & Coded Being & Elemental, Level 79 BA Member) Reference Link
A Diviner and BA Member Overlord Vaeros Callamargh the Unmatchable has as a subordinate. He helps assist them in breaking level caps and obtaining notable gear, in return for their divinations to check his prospective quests for overall speed, potential problems, and better opportunities that are being missed.

Lady Adrossor of the Billion Needles (Human, Level 77)
A popular combatant of Magister Mellruk's Extradimensional Arena.

Lady Airyn (Human, Level 6)
A noble that visited Nexus.

Lady Amard (Human, Level 23)
A noble from Disc 916. Owns an entire town.

Lady Amelia (Human, Level 47)
Once sought The Rose and seeks to collect beautiful artifacts. She has an alt-form as a Level 9 Human. She also has an alt-form as a Level 9 Chosen.

Lady Arsyra of Thelmiss (Human, Level 65)
"She has flaxen hair, a muscular physique, and armor that shines with white light. On her back she carries the Crystal Sword of Aventt'Laum and the Waraxe of Heavenly Flame. She wears a cape made of hope and wishes, her boots bear the winged symbol of the God-Messengers of Issyrok, and she is protected by the Three Wards of the Mage Scholars."
Hero who slew the Lich-Lord Hazzmik, who stood poised to conquer the Seven Golden Kingdoms. Drahalk, Master of the Dead, stole her husband's spirit in retribution for this, so she sought to storm the Underworld of Seven Beasts to recover and return him to life with the aid of Battle Arena members. Unfortunately, the strength of the Beasts, along with the wholly unexpected and disastrous presence of an avatar of Serendil Whitedeath led to the quest's failure. Killed in battle against Muselmettyo, the Shadow Terror. Present whereabouts unknown, presumably in one of Serendil's prison-dimensions, possibly in Drahalk's Vessel of Torment, likely having been tortured by an avatar of Serendil.

Lady Bemberfress (Human, Level 21)
"A large woman with a beehive-like hairdo, golden hair, a pompous red dress with white frills, and a brown cane with a blue jewel in it"
Wanted by the Nexus Administrative Bureau for attempted treason, subterfuge and sponsoring terrorist acts. Killed by Lili's Shielding Golem. Her corpse is currently held by the same.

Lady Butterfly (Immortal, Level 59)
A Mask of the Architect. Presently assumed to be a pet of one of the NPC Battle Arena Members, likely Riotous Doctor Funkenstein.

Lady Cadrucees (Human, Level 48)
"She appears to be around 30, is wearing a green dress, has reddish-brown hair, and is wearing a styalized silver mask with a crest of spines atop it. Her eyes are an icy, piercing blue that sometimes turns emerald green for a moment or two."
A cruel collector of rare items. She has a massive dungeon-mansion with various guardians and traps in it. She sometimes hires people to travel to other worlds to obtain items for her. She is a Sorceress, an Antiquarian, a Witch, and a Thief. Owns many rare items, including a scarf that allows her to continue talking and perform limited actions while dead.

Lady Cassandra (Human, Level 83)
A noble who is notable for innovating various types of magic.

Lady Chaundresna (Human, Level 39 BA Member)
"A woman wearing seer's robes. Her hair is long and black, and she has large amounts of sparkling jewelry."
A seer who suffers visions, frequently incorrect but occasionally perfectly accurate. Occasionally comes out with random, but pertinent facts to the topic of conversation while others are talking. Was originally on the Dravis team during the Princess of Suns Incident (and given drugs by the corporation to increase her visions' power, accuracy and relevance at the cost of some damage to her system), but defected when the Corporation decided to detonate the planetary core of Ganseel during the course of the mission, instead joining forces with Silas and LH-014 to prevent it. Survived the event to join the Battle Arena with her companion, Augustin Bremalt.

Lady Cherenne Deningheim (Human, Level 68)
A noble from Disc 916 who sought to conquer as much of the disc as she could with her own excellently-equipped fancy armies well-trained in showy parade formations, supported by the Alchemic Order of the Jet Bonfire. Seized all of the land between The Wildlife Preserve of the Ten Bearded Lords, The Grand Canal of Singing Ivory, the Golden Wall of the Allied Estates, and the Once-Ivory Dwelling-Grounds before her eventual defeat.

Lady Cresca Melwyth (Human, Level 8)
A member of Warmaster Kharmannion Ghalasor's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Comes from a world that acts like a tactical turn-based war game, and not used to events and other places taking place in real-time. Completely unphased by war, combat and death. Can exchange items for troops that appear at her position. Good at providing bonuses to her troops, and knows limited magic and swordplay with light swords. Has three brothers, two of whom are trying to seize throne of hers from her uncle, has 18 other relatives besides the brothers and uncle. Died in Sunthrone.

Lady Cruelwater (Human & Devil & Umbral, Level 68)
CEO of Cruelwater Enterprises. Given that both she and her company are directly opposed by the priesthood of Sereyn, it can be assumed she is exactly as nice as her name suggests.

Lady Cyrella Istenbaum (Human, Level 59)
A wealthy noble patron of Charlene Anderhauss who is also known to work in making fine jewels and crystals.

Lady Doreen (Human, Level 31)
A wealthy woman with an interest in collecting rare and bizarre birds, who frequently leaves on business trips.

Lady Dorthenas (Human & Monster, Level 43)
A lady with a distinct interest in mass murder, the collection of the heads and arms of her victims and the bottling of their souls. Lives in a vast mansion (now a growing dungeon) built to house herself, her monstrous servants and her collections.

Lady Erywynn (Human, Level 69)
The owner of a fine gem and crystal shop in Ten-Tower Town. Often tests methods of making fine jewels spawn. Used to be rather mercenary in her approach to obtaining crystals- while this side of her has been tempered over time and left her far less likely to engage in such methods, jewels she obtained from these earlier excursions remain a staple of her shop.

Lady Eshari of Eriyar (Human, Level 40)
An opponent of the Fourth Ascension.

Lady Everiss (Human, Level 68)
A noble from Disc 916.

Lady Glacia, Star Freezer (Human & Elemental, Level 17)
"A blue-white haired sorceress-queen"
Member of Zaga Yazrath's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. A very powerful ice and astral magic user. Can manipulate her size and that of those around her, and possesses magic which allows her to freeze the fires of stars. Holds a destiny in her home dimension to freeze all of the stars so only she and her followers survive. Died in a fight against Evil Baker and the Sun Eater team.

Lady Gristella (Human, Level 14)
Member of Lord Grezman's court.

Lady Henrietta Hastingford (Human, Level 27)
"A woman with a rather noteworthy hairstyle. It looks like a massive brownish-blonde fan, with sides that turn into dramatic curls and a central middle pillar in the front that looks, above all else, like a baroque interpretation of a dinner roll. The woman has a haughty expression, a dress of silks decorated with jewels, and a staff whose top becomes a massive, inverted chandelier."
Of the Ramspointe Hastingfords. A haughty, arrogant and flamboyant noblewoman who is convinced of her own sense of fashion, superiority and fame, as well as that of her family. Even if the world in which knows little to nothing of the universe beyond. Utterly convinced that her branch of the family is superior to the Woodglen and Axelbury branches (and considerably dismayed that an excursion by Sir Hector Hastingford resulted in treasures noteworthy enough to eclipse her branch of the family's fortunes). Her attempt to rectify this case of affairs through seeking treasures in Sesamsara was rudely cut short by an interdimensional reshuffling. Has some unusual Commander powers that encourage her being scanned and give her allies bonuses. Also owns an odd chandelier-staff that provides a lot of Light and Technology-related powers. She has an unusual hybrid melee-knight / robed-electrocaster / leadership-without-allies build, which is less-than-effective in some regards, but suprisingly effective in other situations. Highly susceptible to flattery and completely unable to detect sarcasm.

Lady Illandria Gapsburg (Human, Level 11)
The mother of Amon Horutep.

Lady Illisame (Human, Level 76)
A powerful sorceress acquired as an ally by the Council of Elder Guardians.

Lady Issien the Pure (Human & Celestial, Level 200-399)
She dwells in the Celestial City.

Lady Jeredia (Human & Devil, Level 800-999)
A servant to Prioress Seretian.

Lady Juliana D’Varant (Human, Level 26)
A noted duelist who comes from Orsirion

Lady Kiriel the Harmonic (Arch-Angel, Level 600-799)
The leader of the choirs of the Celestial City. Killed by Dryse and the Veil Render.

Lady Luck (Conceptual & Divine, Level 600-799)
A generally good-aspected deity, and powerful entity that deals with luck and fortune. Lady Luck doesn't tend to get directly involved in stuff much, and her priesthood isn't particularly active. She opposes misfortune-oriented powers and some particularly evil entities, though she's willing to abide mildly evil gamblers and luck-seekers

Lady Mildred (Human, Level 4)
A lady whose pipe system has a snake in it. Finds this a less than agreeable state of affairs.

Lady Mindwar (Human, Level 80)
A noted psychic mercenary working for Bascaradine.

Lady of the Eyes (Spirit, Level 86)
Possesses oracular powers.

Lady Ormell (Human, Level 31)
A noble of Disc 916. Enchanted by the Air Wizard Brosen Hem, who forced her mind into a state of dormancy.

Lady Prestingfass (Human, Level 63)
A noble from Disc 916. Very, very serious about fancy parades.

Lady Taldimor (Human, Level 45)
A noble from Disc 916.

Lady Tammereith (Human, Level 55)
Leader of the Storm Knights and sworn enemy to Lord Nalkeron, The Stormkeeper.

Lady Thelrain (Human, Level 18)
Sought relics from the Temple of Orithon.

Lady Vhaz'Loss (Arch-Daemon, Level 200-399)
Potent insect-daemon and major member of the New Dark Empire before its dissolution. Died (or killed) during the chaos of the New Dark Empire's fall. Had a Level 80 alt-form from when she was recovering from being bound.

Lady Zyl-Vang (Human, Level 55)
A channeling teacher in Oolut-Zai, city above the water.

Laeliae (Fae, Level 54)
"A fae woman of lithe form, with long, raven-black-spotted-with-white hair, all the conventional fae beauty, and eyes of a hawk that spark with a keen intelligence."
Fae companion-gardener made by Darston for Luuth, the keeper of a fairy garden. Created as a slightly-haughty but much nicer fae, focused on the preservation of plants and endowed with great compassion in such a way as to round Luuth out some (although she was also given great patience and understanding, to deal with his less sociable tendencies and still fit him). Also granted some measure of Spatial power.

Lampkeeper Keferros (Human, Level 61)
One of the members of Michael Helios' ill-fated team in the Knot of Trelhais fiasco. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis.

Lana Rompi (Human, Level 4)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Loves trains and long, educational trips. Is on the Round The Disc Scenic Express for its 24,951 haul, so is either extremely long-lived or wildly optimistic.

Langidor the Greenspear (Undead, Level 27)
Previously the undead spirit of a spear bound to Thalmurat Lake, he was recruited by Vashna Saseen as part of the Three of Swords Corporation. He has an alt-form as a Level 3 Undead from when he was down in Thalmurat Lake.

Lantokym Poryon (Solar Being, Level 16)
"A being with a head made out of a sphere of solar light with a face on it and wearing elaborate gold robes"
Distant relative of Vansys Poryon. A Sun Herald, a spiritual solar being, that, due to damage from a past battle, had his essence somewhat twisted, resulting in his developing strange and all-consuming obsessions for certain objects (such as the Ruby of Genioss) to the exclusion of all else, even his personal safety. Presents a facade of competence while actually tending to wing things. Controls light and weilds light magic. Was a member of the Michael Helios team in the Princess of Suns Incident, but was actually a mole for Ganseed the Collector's group, Ganseed having offered him the Ruby of Genioss for his services. Died in battle against The Sunhand.

Lanya Kalderres (Human, Level 23)
"A woman with long, brown hair wearing a combination of robes and retro-space-military attire arrives; she has a large blue gemstone amulet around her neck that she occasionally puts a hand to."
Emissary and employee of the Xaramastes Commemorative Satellite.

Larry B. (Animal, Level 12)
"A reesus with two samurai swords strapped to his back"
One of Bill's team in the Princess of Suns Incident. Died in Sunthrone in battle against The Sunhand.

Larry Phibbens (Human, Level 1)
A motorist whose car was graffitied by the Shielding Golem. Due to being on the receiving end of a specially-empowered Walrusfest Giftbox, his life has once again taken a notable turn for the weird. This trend continued after the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii megaquest, where the Shielding Golem requested Cael provide him additional gifts (which were automatically opened by Bill the Singing Missile), causing his world to spontaneously become occupied by Walrusland, a staggeringly-large walrus-themed themepark that takes up half of his homeworld and granting him the position of its manager. His moveset now contains:
*Assisted In Daily Matters By Bill the Singing Missile- Possessor may choose to deal 2,369,920 Flat Fire & Technology element Damage to up to 60,000 opponents at the start of each round, with said effect being non-counterable and counting as involving the casting of 5 different Bardic Music spells, Possessor counts as having an additional Chef ability, Smith ability, Merchant ability, Diplomat ability, Driver ability, Diviner ability, Monk ability, and Scholar ability, Possessor counts as having 5 additional Bard and Musician abilities, Constant Effect

Larry the Catfish (Aquatic, Level 43)
He is a wide, blue catfish-man with a suit, multiple guns and knives, and a hat with a set of toggleabble drop-down lenses on it
A former bartender in the Water-element section of the Tavern. He concocted a plan to ambush and loot BA Members he considered in possession of items they did not deserve. While the plan was partially successful, with some of Larry's associates obtaining great treasures, Larry himself died during the execution of the operation.

Lasandra (Human, Level 14)
A monster hunter.

Lassiter (Human, Level 68)
A prominent noble of Trandel, the most powerful of the Isles of Osirion. Credited with a great many discoveries, including the city of Lost Orithon. Is currently working on opening trade routes with southern islands, and is in non-violent conflict with the Lord of Trandel, whose position is somewhat threatened by Lassiter's recent gains. He can use both swords, magic and is good at using magical items. Owns two skyships- the Silver Breeze and the Golden Zephyr.

Laura (Spirit & Golem, Level 14)
One of the souls carried by Imbecchiel the Dollmaker.

Laurance Craftsmore (Human, Level 17)
An office worker(?) whose building ran afoul of the infamous safety measures of Hank S. Mayor.

Laurennia (Chosen, Level 100-199)
The Chosen of Light, who possesses a destiny to save the Universe nine times. She possesses special status in that her title as a Chosen cannot be taken away. Following Light's removal as an element, Laurennia's element as a Chosen shifted. She has an alt-form that is Level 4. She has an alt-form that is Level 25. She has an alt-form that is Level 46. She has an alt-form that is Level 65. She has an alt-form that is Level 85. She has an alt-form in the Level 200-399 Range. She has an alt-form in the Level 400-599 Range.

Laverne Conveltos (Human, Level 46)
A notable blacksmith that lived on the top disc of Nexus, was killed by the mayhem that ensued during Vashna's clash during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest, subsequently brought back from the dead by Drescher during the repair of Nexus, and decided he'd had enough of the place and moved to a quiet world to retire away from the hub of multiversal chaos.

Laverne Graffman (Human, Level 55)
A relative of Marcus Graffman. Lives in the Two Rivers district of Disc 610 and runs one of the Prohibition Spell Sanctum Monitoring Complexes.

Leera Meht (Human, Level 41)
Fighter. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling.

Leeyros Isrentil (Fae, Level 30)
Wanted by the Nexus Administrative Bureau for extensive unauthorized mind control and mind control of Government officials

Left-Handed Mike (Human, Level 8)
Presently the owner of a set of jewelled playing cards that someone wants back.

Lehik-Mandon (Golem, Level 200-399)
"A golem curator whose eyes flicker with abstract symbols"
A being created both from the presence of Lili's Shielding Golem and the fallout of the Temple of Orithon simultaneously collapsing, being saved by Orithon and getting drawn into another plane of existence. Can summon the random dungeon's abstracts. Has an alt-form that is Level 43.

Lena Frog (Human, Level 3)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Wears mainly green, but also sometimes yellow.

Lena Wiggdiggle (Fae, Level 4)
A somewhat obsessed fan of Prince Charming and his fights in the Battle Arena. Left her boyfriend, Fred Hob, and mailed his clothes to Charming as a result of a row over her obsession.

Lenelaise, She Who Walks the Fog-Cloaked Paths (Abomination, Level 600-799)
"A young woman who floats two feet above the ground, has glowing white eyes, is wearing a simply white gown, is surrounded by fog, and has a noose that floats upward around her neck."
One of the group trying to bring back Shalmarkion. Formerly Lenelaise of the Hundred Dooms, one of the four superiors of his organisation. Returned from the dead with no explanation. Working on methods to do the same to the organisation's deceased agents and allies. Was working with Ouettzer for unknown reasons but stated as a 'massive threat to reality'. Killed by Iepterro. She has an alt-form that is a Level 87 Undead. She has another alt-form that is a Human & Arch-Demon that is in the Level 800-999 Range (that form being Lenelaise of the Hundred Dooms).

Lennie Praxton (Human, Level 61)
A noted nudist and member of the Nexus Naturist Society who became the Pharoah of the Seven Isles of Elgarr VIII after he found a magical gem during a nudist vacation granting him the title and powers of the station. Has an alt-form as a Level 27 Human.

Lenora Pratchett (Human, Level 28)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. A skilled enchantress looking to get away from her cursed estate-home.

Leodamus Maxamillian Schwartzwald (Human & Outsider, Level 100-199)
Part of a group of powerful individuals backing House Hellstrom as a contingency to use against BA Members due to their power to invade Nexus Inn Rooms.

Leonard 'Lenny' Lesterforth (Human, Level 15)
"An old-timey visor-wearing, cigar-chewing newspaper editor"
Organiser/referee of a bizarre competitive catgirls-only sport involving eating as many newspapers as possible as quickly as possible.

Leon Callahan (Human, Level 45)
Diviner. Member of Adventurers Across Worlds.

Leon 'The Terrible Barber' Morseman (Human, Level 17)
"Has a foppish bowl haircut, a switchblade, and a purple suit with black stripes and a rose corsage."
One of Lora McCreedy's hirelings, set to kidnap or kill whomever Lora enthralled with The Red Dress. Unfortunately, their targeting of Vrishni went awry due to the presence of Ardy. Very fast on his feet, specialising in lethal throat-slitting and backstabbing attacks from surprise. Unfortunately for him, Ardy was both made of metal and human-resistant.

Leoportia Herringrosse Examellian VI (Human, Level 45)
"A fat woman in dress made of red scales who has a prodigiously large bird with piercing golden eyes roosting on her head who is eating a fish dish accompanied by a drink contained in half an egg-shell that quietly sings."
A notable patron of the Nexus Tavern.

Leopold "Ace" Fitzpatrick/"Mr. Galnefushtiacitude" (Human, Level 5)
An ex-gang boss with 'awesome hair', a white suit and sunglasses who was taken as collatoral after being unable to pay for the summoning of Shadow Duke Mierphobul. Knows some summoning and electricity magic. Was bought by Lili's Shielding Golem, who promptly gave him a ridiculous name.

Leo Solomon (Human, Level 59 BA Member)
His primary classes are Swordsman, Guardian, Litigamancer, Diviner, General, and Radiant Hierophant. Other classes he possesses decent amounts of include Matrix Keeper, Forceworker, Channeler, Warrior, Monk, Scholar, Elementalist, Summoner, Lawbringer, Seer, Eternal Champion, Wizard, and Commander. His patron deity is Phalerin. He possesses the artifact 'Gressingram's Configuration'. He possesses the Overcrash 'Crisis Overcrash: Tablet of Origins'. He participated in the Megaquest Blinding of the Father's Eye, where he worked for Magnus Everglory. He was killed during the event's middle stage, dying amidst the Fractal Infrastructure to Bolsho the Reassembled, and his team was not successful in the quest. One notable quest he has been in was 'The Sound of Bells', where he participated in the defeat of The Sleepmeister and released the town of Drygrove from fae enchantments. Another notable quest he participated in was 'Walls of Alabaster', where he assisted in repelling the Horde of Gharto-Khan from the walled city of Trendelaav. Another notable quest he participated in was 'The Scroll of the Master', where he recovered the Ancient Law-Text of Chanterloom and determined that Ikos Thanderweste was the rightful heir, assisting in the apprehension of Lythee Sindervalle following such, and giving his employer Marisenne Grenwolste the Diamond of P'Varr as means of apology for disproving the claim she thought she rightfully possessed on the throne. After the megaquest he was involved in, he participated in the notable quest 'Last Days of Autumn', where he and his allies stopped the Autumnmaker from sending the world into the Spiral of Decay; during this quest he located the Tablet of Origins and gained an Overcrash from it. He also participated in the notable quest 'The Coffin of the Brilliant God', where he died to the Pale Sentinels. Outside of notable quests, his major accomplishments include helping out his friend Errymir the Air-Dancer by killing the Bloodlord Maxwell Carthon, locating Gressingram's Configuration amidst the Ruins of T'Forr, and leveraging his BA member status to assist in the reconciling of Magnus Everglory and an aspect of the Pan-Dimensional Quantum Potentiality Information Overmind. In regards to BA tournaments, he won the Gilded Ladder Tournament. He has recently been exploring the Corridors of Sand. A random award he possesses is 'Stopped Geoffory Fife by Destroying His Automatic Pants'.

Letrossas the Ibodian (Alien, Level 26)
An Ibodian who brought a television that was built on Gemnalor Beta. For some reason this is notable.

Lewtho Gorze (Horror & Outsider & Humanoid, Level 400-599)
"Carved from wax and burning inside"
An Administrator of Daghmal Gozzott, City At The Root Of Lost Things. Killed by Plixplix the Heaven Puncher as she set off to rescue Techylmann with the Disaster Seeker.

Lexie Ross (Human, Level 6)
A lady who is very, very interested in seeing Prince Charming in her bedroom.

Lhotrussha Broon (Alien, Level 32)
(Presumably) a member of the blue, eight-eyed, blob-slug-like race known as the Suulkaxxians, and the relative of the deceased interstellar smuggler Hossus Broon. Due to a special (randomly-distributed) Walrusfest gift, her moveset now contains the significantly-potent:
*Holder of the Thermonuclear Starseed Kyhrlossum- Possessor Absorbs Atomic, Posssessor gains Atomic Immunity, Possessor Absorbs Poison: Irradiated, Possessor gains Poison: Irradiated Immunity, Possessor's actions may gain '300% inflicts Poison: Irradiated', Possessor gains 100% Fire Resistance, Possessor gains 100% Energy Resistance, Possessor gains 95% Technology Resistance, Possessor's Damage-dealing actions may deal 450,000 additional Damage that is solely Atomic element, Possessor may spend an action to create a Zone of Atomic or a Zone of Atomic & Astral, Constant Effect

Liberty's Fury (Golem, Level 60)
"A massive statue made of copper-gone-green with a spiked crown, a torch in one hand, and a sword in the other. It resembles a goddess, and it has great wings on its back."
A member of Selereth Helios' team to make their way to the centre of the Knot of Trelhais. Created by the Manly Society's Mr. White staring at a large block of bronze and flexing. Died in the Knot of Trelhais to The Flamingo Problem.

Lich-Lord Hazzmik (Undead, Level 65)
Evil undead sorceror favoured by Drahalk, Master of the Dead. Killed by Lady Arsyra, but he remained in service to Drahalk in his underworld. A member of the Rebel Dark Force's attempts to win over the Knot of Trelhais. Died in the Knot, and his soul was grabbed by the Veil Render.

Lich-Master of the Floating Garden of Ikros Mysaar (Undead, Level 75)
Undead master of a floating garden that contains many rare plants.

Light-Colossus Irimekil (Solar Being & Magic Being, Level 70)
One of the members of Michael Helios' ill-fated team in the Knot of Trelhais fiasco. Was vulnerable to being taken control of by Selereth's team. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis.

Lirana Mosevethh (Human, Level 40)
An old woman in purple robes with designs of grilled kebab food on them
Killed trying to stop Larry the Catfish. Knew Gregory Feldmarr.

Littrya Damachastle (Human, Level 86)
An acquaintance of Ryan Archmont. Knows Astral Magic, Wizard Magic and is good in melee combat, to the point of being able to consistantly dodge everything up to level 80-something monster attacks. From Citadel Lu'Ronn.

Llaraquavashnort, Abyssal Goddess of Yandere Planets and Eternal Torment (Arch-Demon & Planetary, Level 100-199)
Deity inadvertantly created by Vashna during a combo-attempt to improve Vashna's Abomination. Presumably anyone unfortunate enough to catch its eye in a romantic sense is in for a very bad time.

Llorn Broge (Human, Level 41)
Earth Mage. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling.

Lloyd (Ultimate, Level 8,000-9,999)
The ultimate planner. Rube Goldberg-type plots a speciality.

Local Horse (Human, Level 31)
A rapper. Presumably popular in the same circuit as Disco Horse. Despite the name, is probably not a horse. Has a horse named Local Rapper.

Local Rapper (Animal, Level 31)
Rapper Local Horse's Horse. Is, in fact, a horse. May or may not also be a rapper.

Lonzerro Geraldi, The Musician of Darkness (Human & Umbral, Level 60)
"A man in fine clothes with a living shadow and two fine violins, one of ancient treantking wood and the other of regal shadow."
One of the members of Team New Dark Empire during the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Capable of attacking both with his own body and his shadow. Also able to turn people's shadows against them, weild violin bows as powerful heart-piercing weapons and link with his shadow for synergy-attacks such as Death Note. Excised from reality by Nole in the Knot.

Lora McCreedy (Human, Level 18)
"There, down it he sees her. He sees someone who can only be her. Lora. She is wearing The Red Dress. It is utterly striking against the gray alleyway. Like a rose from the dross, it, and by extension, she, stands out as a point of beauty in a dreary world."
A woman who owned The Red Dress, using its colour-granted power in the noir-themed Disc 610 to control her targets and enthrall them for long enough to have her hirelings either kidnap or kill them for her. She chose Vrishni as her next target. She didn't expect him to bring a certain lantern-spirit with him.

LORD_OF_ALL_KEEPERS (Robot & Outsider, Level 100-199)
"A semi-robotic semi-deific entity that obtains control over worlds and is attempting to increase its power. Its servants are primarily Keepers of its design, with Keeper_Of_Hearts, Keeper_Of_Minds, and Keeper_Of_Worlds being the most prominent. He is known for conducting experiments on worlds under his control that have oftentimes negative consequences for many individuals there, but are frequently beneficial to his servants. Benefits from experiments vary based on the experiments nature but frequently come in the form of bodily augmentations and useful items. General worshiper benefits include connectivity bonuses with other worshipers, contingency effects that trigger on your death, improvements to technomancy, and access to certain forms of alchemy and gate magic."
Robotic deity who connects, sorts and experiments on worlds to better the position of himself and his followers... regardless of how the population of the worlds he takes over feel on the subject. Currently seeking to transcend into an even higher power than it is currently. Its plan to take the Heart of the Moon of Yesleintyr to further this goal was thwarted when the Sun Queen Selereth Helios was informed of the Heart by her followers, causing her to take the Heart, and the world of Yesleintyr, into her protection. Reigns over the Keepers, humanoid robotic constructs with spirits and souls.

Lord Albus Westerfield (Human, Level 35)
Enjoys collecting rare items (generally by having someone steal them), splices together monsters with magic, and travels from world to world trying to amass power and fortune. He's listed as being generally arrogant, but also somewhat cunning. Nemesis of Alrick Slizer. He was Level 19 when he became Alrick's nemesis.

Lord Aldrego Daranas (Human, Level 59)
"A man with black hair, a neat but pointed beard, and an official cloak and military uniform"
Ruler of Daranasel, a city on Ganseel. A master archetect, city planner, and evermason, and extremely generous, elevating his citizens out of poverty.

Lord Airiaster (Human, Level 78)
Owner of the Impossible Jewel of Lord Airiaster, a treasure that was presumably nigh-impossible to destroy until Jessie Calthion, granted the temporary Absolute Holy Blessing 'Heaven Puncher' destroyed it whilst being autopiloted by Bascaradine.

Lord Angelmand (Human, Level 13)
A noble from a non-Nexus world.

Lord Archenfrel of Glorian (Fae, Level 59)
"He nods, standing and summoning his rapier, Thorne, to his hand in one step, long, vibrant brown hair flowing, light shining through the stained glass windows and onto his golden armor, solid-icy-blue eyes watching you for the first movement."
A prince of the fae and ruler of Glorian. He's a fast, dodge-and-multi-strike build melee combatant. He's got light-related powers, control of flowers, bleed damage, unhealing damage, and venom. One-hit-through-the-heart-with-venom is one of his deadliest attacks.

Lord Arodal (Immortal, Level 100-199)
"Lord Arodal seeks to witness the greatest weapon-techniques imaginable and to learn them himself. By helping others along the path to obtaining greater weapon skill, he makes it more likely for them to be able to show him such techniques."

Lord Avandos: Master of the Crimson Citadel (Human, Level 5)
"a man sitting upon a raised throne made of some crimson metal and gold. His hair is black, and he has a full, pointed beard; his eyes are a deep red, and his stature is imposing."
Previous tyrannical ruler of the Crimson Citadel, opposed by Thandolmann. Was killed by a group of Arena Members, and his citadel taken by Lili von Mion.

Lord Avastron Thranabaar of Trandel (Human, Level 65)
A powerful noble from the Isles of Orsirion. Bartered for the Regalia of Water after one of his seers determined its location, giving it to one of his gladiator-agents, Jabari Ekantu, and pitting him in non-lethal bouts against his other agents in order to ensure his strongest employee had the artifact and title. Presently whisked off to parts unknown (along with his island and several others from the world) following the return of the corrupted Raaic Ancients.

Lord Balonsti, the Iron General (Human & Golem, Level 35)
"A massive man, 15 feet in height, wearing superheavy metal armor with the styling of a military uniform, complete with a chest full of medals. He has a long, braided beard, and thick, black hair. A scar runs down one side of his face and through his right eye. He holds in one hand a giant cannon-spear"
A military leader in Dallos Thair, the World of Storms. Interested in expanding his personal power base through military action and invasions, and unafraid to seek outside help in doing so. An excellent craftsman and metalworker, as well as a formidible fighter. Has a mystic link to his castle-fortress, making him more powerful defensively when fighting inside it.

Lord Bannion (Human, Level 40)
The ruler of a kingdom that had BA members stop a famine and then went on to rule successfully without further issue.

Lord Bannion (2) (Human, Level 19)
A noble unrelated to the king of the same name.

Lord Bloodfingers (Undead & Horror, Level 36)
One of the possible spirits suggested to be contacted through a séance in the Horror Night Party House.

Lord Blorrmukk (Human, Level 24)
Runs an extremely inefficient kingdom.

Lord Brexwel Darshek of Cral Danarackk, The Field of Blades (Human, Level 58)
A brutal and relentless master of the blade who accepts the worthy into his ranks. His usual tests involve fighting one's way into the main hall of his fortress without dying.

Lord Cantermann (Human, Level 48)
A noble from Disc 916.

Lord Chasterly (Human, Level 39)
Engaged in a gentlemanly rivalry with Wemblick Batsby. Presumably has a similar breadth of skills and talents to the other. Seems to favour creating swarms of woodpeckers of varying natures. Employs 763 servants.

Lord Chuck the Black (Humanoid & Animal & Horror, Level 7)
"On the throne sits a man with a horse's head that has a sawed-off horn on its center. He wears gray robes and appears to be swishing around an empty goblet."
False emperor who drove the Candy King from the dream-realm in which he ruled, transforming the kingdom into a rice-strewn, candyless expanse filled with his bird- and tengu-servants. Can make opponents' kidneys explode.

Lord Eamonn (Human, Level 23)
A noble from Disc 916. Owns an entire town.

Lord Franzwald the Death-Speaker (Human & Undead & Shapeshifter & Monster, Level 45)
Previous ruler of Castle Daldudrac. Had five unique masks that held the power to bring their wearer back from death in monstrous versions of their natural forms

Lord Gadigan
"They rule all things and their power cannot be equaled by any other being within the Barrier. Their rule is eternal and absolute; all beings serve them. Even those beings such as Valcont who oppose them only do so because they allow or desire them to do so."
Eternal Sovereign of everyone and everything within the Barrier, although he doesn't typically get involved with most people's lives unless something very strange is happening.

Lord Galberdo the Holy (Human & Celestial, Level 200-399)
Engaged in a gentlemanly rivalry with Wemblick Batsby. Presumably has a similar breadth of skills and talents to the other. Seems to favour creating swarms of woodpeckers of varying natures. Employs 763 servants.

Lord Ghansburg (Human, Level 55)
A noble from Disc 916.

Lord Grezman (Human, Level 27)
"A dark-haired man whose hair is nearly going gray. He has blackish-green eyes, a short, pointed beard, a thick moustache, and broad shoulders. He has a golden sword with a ruby in its pommel"
Ruler of Tjardol, capital of Aigenbarde on Letreyl VI. Owner of a Black-Glass Mirror that contains a portal to South Blueshire. Uses ice magic. Present owner (as is his line) of an army of five hundred Level 20 golems (and a personal guard of twelve Level 45 golems) created by Lili von Mion

Lord Homnermann (Human, Level 33)
A noble from Disc 916. A notorious glutton whose reputation for eating other nobles out of house and home precedes him.

Lord Koleman of Hasstria (Human, Level 26)
Ruler of Hasstria, a city on Letreyl VI. Known for his great blade Icesmiter and his legions of well-armored mounted dragoons and their winter horses.

Lord Manneus (Human, Level 35)
Had a collection of monsters held in stasis that was stolen by Lord Albus Westerfield. Resides on Disc 916.

Lord Martin Gapsburg (Human, Level 14)
The father of Amon Horutep (born Birgin Gapsburg).

Lord Masterburnn (Human, Level 31)
A young noble from Disc 916. Has a penchant for strange fashion choices and poorly-chosen business ventures. These two facets combined when he took up goldsmithing and item-enchanting so that he could mass-produce crotch-mounted octopi-statues that could 'engage in battle and brew a mean cup of tea'. Somehow managed to get them to take off for all of seven hours.

Lord Mistmoss (Human, Level 32)
A noble from Disc 916. Owns a mansion near the Conch Mountains.

Lord Omoxx (Human, Level 78)
A noble from Disc 916. Apparently interested in colossi.

Lord Onsmethh (Human, Level 28)
A noble from Disc 916. Commissioned a diamond cupcake to be created to prevent notorious glutton Lord Homnermann from eating him out of house and home.

Lord of Fire (Elemental, Level 16)
Entity that is of local importance but isn't notable compared to elemental lords (or even full standard-elementals).

Lord Ortharr Vhendris (Human, Level 21)
Wanted relics from the Temple of Orithon.

Lord Venturidas (Human, Level 12)
Had a floating shield.

Lord Vordisant (Human, Level 47)
A charismatic noble with skills relating to fire and combat.

Lord Zenturin Talrusion (Ultimate, Level 8,000-9,999) Reference Post
The archmage who won the Worldstone. He sealed away the Demon King's body and the Demon Artifacts. Owns a copy of the Prophecies of the Oracle.

Lorenzo Gianotti (Human, Level 38)
An artist who painted 'The Master Returns' in support of Count Luciano Galligacchi.

Lorenzo Pancelli (Human, Level 18)
Fast cab driver from Disc 610.

Lorindar the Keeper (Outsider & Ancient, Level 400-599)
"An owl-headed being in robes, just as tall as all the others. It holds an orb the shows glimpses of other worlds in one hand, and it bears a massive crystal sceptre in the other."
A deity. One of the original Seven Ancients, a newly-reawakened pantheon of ancient, benevolent deities that wish to protect civilisation and the forces of good against ancient forces of evil, particularly Darkspawn and the Elder Horrors. They appear to have a fondness for choosing Battle Arena members to weild their powers.

Lorreman (Human, Level 5)
"A large man with thick-framed glasses and a bad blonde comb-over"
Owner of Lorreman Televisions.

Lothos (Human, Level 33)
Diviner in service to Lord Balonsti. Casts divining magic through the medium of pools of oil filled with gears.

Louis Pork (Human, Level 7)
Seeks Arena Members, for some reason, to do his magic-class homework for a full semester. Offers a Pork Special Magic Ward in return.

Lou Watermoustache (Human, Level 28)
Founder of Fastdefense.

Louis Bromley (Human, Level 44)
Lancer. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling.

Lozarro (Robot & Humanoid, Level 45)
A mechanical clown terrorising a town that Alrick is destined to clash with.

Lubel Vyre (Bio-Horror, Level 59)
Member of the Fleshwarpers, arch-enemies of the undead-loving Joymerchants. Partially infused with the essence of Time, allowing him to forsee the future. Attempted to co-opt the essence of Daghmal Gozzot, City At The Root Of Lost Things in order to gain a massive power-boost, remove all his enemies and reinstate the Fleshwarpers as the rulers of Nexus, but failed due to a Veil-Render-sponsered group comprised of Anathema, Darston, Jessie Calthion and Roy Selim, who utterly blocked his attempts and eventually killed him on his self-empowered descent through his own personal timestream and potential-future to the city itself. Was an Expert Mentalist/Mind Lord, Expert Illusionist/Unreality Coordinator and an Adept Destiny Weaver, along with his exceptional Transmuter abilities and powers over Time. Held an unusual variant of an Overcrash, which merged himself with his future's certain-success and the element of Triumph. He also held the abilities to summon alternate versions of himself, draw power from alt-timeline selves, summon unique (and other, lesser) minions from alternate timelines, pseudo-retroactively attack people's weaker past-selves and use other backwards time-shenanigans. Has a Level 55 alt-form.

Lucien Blackwell (Human, Level 80)
Head of the Nexus Mages' Society and Interdimensional Order of Wizardry, otherwise known as the Blackclad Order. A suspected demon/daemon/devil/fiend worshipper, having openly legalised the worship of such.

Luigi Antonio Oca (Human, Level 18)
"A large man in an apron with a puffy chef's hat"
Chef of The Fat Goose restaurant. Seems to have a penchant for standing out front and greeting people as well as doing the cooking.

Lureikimo Bekklin (Human & Horror, Level 70)
"A woman with all the flesh flayed from her body."
A high-ranking cultist and member of the Cult of Bez'Bekkelin's group in their efforts to use the Knot of Trelhais to hasten the end of everything. Capable of corrupting local reality. Has a variety of guillotine-arm attacks, including a powerful desperation-style attack involving warping around the battlefield, hitting each opponent 66 times and cutting into reality. Killed by Selereth Helios' team in Knot.

Lurengattim, the Acid Lurker (Demon & Aquatic, Level 63)
"A massive ball of mouths and tentacles can be seen moving towards you through the sickly green waters, roughly on-par with the elephant for size and hungry for your flesh and spirits."
Guardian beast of the Fifth Ring of the Underworld of Seven Beasts. Dwells in the deepest parts of the acid ocean and uses its many mouths and tendrils to grab and gnaw upon the dead.

Luriana Gizieal (Fae, Level 68)
A gem augmentation specialist working for the Pendlewood Spire Geological Society.

Lurtzen Heipzorge (Humanoid, Level 41)
Wrote the text 'The Seven Watches of Doctor Michael Canningburgh'.

Lurubella Crisyl (Human, Level 27)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Boarded the train with a plot to poison someone. Was startled by Silent One's bizarre entry while catching her in the act to such an extent that she accidentally poisoned herself. The shapeshifting paladin stabilised her, and she was shipped (via Fury-Punching) off to a jail with appropriate medical facilities.

Lurubell Mausse (Human & Undead & Shapeshifter & Monster, Level 39)
"A woman in overly-fancy (to the point where it resembles poofy clothing if not looked at closely enough) green-and-white armor with gold trim amidst the ruffly white bits. She is, presumably, wearing a mask, though you can't quite tell from behind her."
A noted masked swordslady who brutally ruled the lands and nations surrounding Castle Daldudrac. Vanished suddenly under mysterious, ominous and purple circumstances when Reyd was fighting her. Owned three of Lord Franzwald's five Deathmasks, which hold the power to bring their wearer back from death in monstrous versions of their natural forms. She seems to enjoy beheading things and mounting the heads as trophies with masks laid over their faces. Has something of a flair for the dramatic. Has the technique Guillotine-Blade Strike.

Lurumel (Not-Yet-Ascended Ascendant, Level 100-199)
"Her bubbling ooze-body seems to presently be composed of rift energy absorbed from the gate that the Prince Prefect was using to call in reinforcements from other worlds. She has a weird accessory setup that consists of five floating bells and does not appear to have any armor."
Ascendant involved with the Fourth Ascension. Can create buds with properties of other things that buff her and other buds, and sacrifice themselves to resurrect Lurumel.

Lusoth Gynshethe (Demon, Level 18)
A supporter of the Archtyrants. Led by Welder-of-Disparate-Spaces to a successful slaughter of an opposing group of Michael Helios supporters in the Official Quest 'Wheat For The Sun'.

Luuth (Fae, Level 56)
"His skin is somewhere between porcelain-white and plant-green, he has eyes of sparkling silver, and he has two golden horns on his head. His hair is stark-white, and his build is light but fit with a notably handsome, yet slender, chin. He wears a sarong with a spinning floral pattern on it that strikes you as unlikely to pass fashion-muster in most locations, though, given his living out here all by himself, it likely doesn't really need to. He gives a grand gesture with his arms as he appears, nails flickering between gold and wood as he does so."
Possessive of his plants, aware of all that transpires in his garden, somewhat full of himself, uses plant magics and thorn-based hard-to-heal attacks. Not fond of the Evergarden.

Luuthos the Ibodian (Alien, Level 43)
Member of the Ibodian Syndicate. An assassin who has travelled out of the primary dimension where Ibodia itself is located. He has conducted various hits and has been trying to bring the Ibodians more connections out of their home dimension, to no real success thus far.

Lybigorro (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Air. Killed by Harkala and has its head used as a puppet.

Lynbottle Hubbenhoff (Humanoid & Fae, Level 3)
"A slightly unattractive female gnome arrives. She has overly large, thick spectacles, brown hair in a braid, a large mole on her face, and clothes with lots of pockets containing devices such as protractors and abacuses. She has a musket strapped to her back, but it seems to be too large and is throwing off her balance a bit."
Member of the Dalnetheros team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Engineer, although poor at it. Horrible self-confidence, extremely timid, and easily embarrassed (a fact not helped by her stress-induced incontinence). Wants to improve, but lacks the aptitude. Worships Gekka the Wonderwerker, a notable Gnomish hero.

Lyrandora: High Priestess of the Citadel of Avandos (Human, Level 5)
"A woman clad in crimson robes with a tall, pointed hat. Her hair is black and her eyes are deep green, though they seem to flicker with fire every so often. She holds a mace with a large, spiked ball and has an imperious glare on her face."
Worked for Lord Avandos, and killed by the same group of Arena Members that took him down. Led the Crimson Priesthood, bolstered by the power of a holy symbol that contained a Planetary trapped by Axim the Eternal.

Lyrix Chalerex (Human, Level 65)
Ascendant involved with the Fourth Ascension. Was the traitor for this group of Ascendants, betraying them after revealing she worked for the Storm Master. She has an alt-form as a Level 99 Human. She has another alt-form as a Level 99 Reaper.

Lyrtraeka, Taster of Places (Fae, Level 59)
A member of Ganseed the Collector's team during the Knot of Trelhais event. Killed by Miss Nowhere and Miss Demise's team in Knot.

Lystra of Kyveer (Human, Level 45)
The first Chosen of Air. Lystra, a particularly quick thief, managed to pilfer items from Laurennia and her adventuring companions when they stopped in Kyveer during their travels. Upon learning that Laurennia was a travelling heroine who was attempting to save the kingdom, Lystra returned the items and was challenged to a friendly duel by Laurennia. Lystra performed well enough that Laurennia gave her the title of Chosen of Air. The duo overthrew the corrupt Baron Meerde and instated Baron Asernis in his place. Lystra traveled with Laurennia for a brief time, but when Laurennia left the world, Lystra chose to stay behind and see what the rest of her world had to offer, promising to meet up with Laurennia again later someday. Lystra was, during a botched heist of jewels from the Palace of the Cerulean Sultan, detected and killed by Tariq Iz'Massir, the sultan's Master of Blades, who inherited the title. Post mana-cannon reset, Lystra was restored to life. Has an alt-form as a Level 12 Human, and one as a Level 26 Chosen.

Lysyiana Belnestes (Human, Level 22)
Associate of the Count of Hessrex.

Lytenko, Sword of Night (Human, Level 14)
"A man with long, black hair, brown eyes, and Eastern facial features. He wears dark gray chain armor on his torso and a deep violet man's war skirt below that. He has a sword floating next to him that is about seven feet long and cloaked in a baleful purple aura."
A swordsman who joined the Princess of Suns incident under the employ of Ganseed the Collector. Specialises in fighting aquatic monsters. Died to the Blackclad Order team in Sunthrone.

Lythee Sindervalle (Human, Level 38)
One of the claimants to the throne of Chanterloom, the investigation of which was the focus of the Official Quest 'The Scroll of the Master'. After the recovery of the Ancient Law-Text of Chanterloom by the BA Member Leo Solomon and subsequent proving of the true heir, they were apprehended, presumably due to having false claim to the throne.

Lythelia Aimonstraad (Human, Level 59)
Resident merchant of Disc 916 who imports animals from off-disc and sells them to nobles looking to expand their collections.

Lythethia (Human, Level 41)
Assistant to the wealthy interplanar item-hunter Escharte Lumarr, who sought to defeat Embra Banefire for her artifact. Failed.

Lythiliia the Oracle of Yn'dor (Fae & Alien, Level 79 BA Member) Reference Link
A Diviner and BA Member Overlord Vaeros Callamargh the Unmatchable has as a subordinate. He helps assist them in breaking level caps and obtaining notable gear, in return for their divinations to check his prospective quests for overall speed, potential problems, and better opportunities that are being missed.

Lytos Mythteller (Human, Level 55)
An accomplished mage. Presently tutoring the BA Member Gerryx Osmontoth.

Lyvewire (Human, Level 60)
A member of Ganseed the Collector's team during the Knot of Trelhais event. Killed by Miss Nowhere and Miss Demise's team in Knot.

Lzarde Tokh (Human & Robot, Level 65)
"A man in a lead mask with lightbulbs for eyes"
The man behind the menace that is the weekly merchant-kidnapping March of the Mechanical Candles. Apparently has some form of highly-accurate divination and/or fate powerset, in that he sets up events and plans excessively ahead to cause things to adhere to his schemes and shut out all possible hindrances, often to ludicrously unlikely, Rube Goldberg-esque extremes. Presumably a fan or follower of Lloyd.

Mabel (Human, Level 24)
"An old lady who seems to be confused."
One of the large, odd group of individuals presiding over the creation of the Doorway of Lost Realms. Originally from the same world as Hank S. Mayor, Mabel is an old lady who happens to be completely immune to traps and an odd capability of showing up in places that make no sense, confused, and looking for her bingo game. Said places are often also heavily trapped. She notably has a Level 159 power attached to her that only works in disabling traps when she is around.

Macharassus the Despisedl (Human, Level 200-399)
A dark scholar who opposed the First Ascension

Maer'Quim-Mnott (Human & Magic Being, level 60)
A mage of some variety who created the Ritual of Maer'Quim-Mnott

Madame Lorneau (Mindshadow, Level 65)
(Does Not Exist)
"A woman wearing a black dress with a broad hat whose face is entirely obscured by a lacy veil with floral designs."
One of the Enigma Men who, thanks to a complicated plot involving trying to manipulate BA members into getting them to retroactively exist, ended up ceasing to exist. May or may not exist in the future, depending on what direction the Enigma Men go in and who fills the ranks.

Madame Misfortune (Conceptual & Divine, Level 600-799)
A generally evil-aspected deity. Madame Misfortune, like her sister, doesn't tend to get directly involved in stuff much, and her priesthood also isn't particularly active. She opposes fortune-oriented powers and some particularly good entities. She is pretty much entirely avoiding the major metaconflict at the moment.

Madelina Reefscale-Grundlebottom (Aquatic, Level 3)
"A pink fish with pearls and frizzy gray hair"
Your standard grumpy old lady who thinks her time is far more important than events such as customer service crises, unruly visitors, or outbreaks of virulent plague. Except in fish form.

Madeline Povermy (Human, Level 38)
Noblewoman and designer of the Ruby Lips of Madeline Povermy, which spatially slide over the user's own to prevent kissing-based Charm inflictions and drain.

Mad Shell Duke (Humanoid & Reptile, Level 34) Reference Link
Turned up in the quest 'Birds of a Feather'. Sought to take the lands of the Birdmen of Azagarrazz.

Mage-Pontiff Eriastrus (Ancient, Level 95)
An important Ancient in the World of Ancients. Appeared during Unwinnable No Longer, when Lili du Magul visited their city, located in the Alvahnhra Iteration Spectrum.

Mage-Technician Moltan Golme (Human & Humanoid, Level 71) Reference Link
Leader of a research team of Lymus, a nation of Remfass. In discovering an otherdimensional Multiverse Wide Web, they unwittingly came into contact with the Coded Being/Abstract/Conceptual Bear Popsicle Comics, which destroyed their world.

Maggie Nowhere (Undead & Living Rumor, Level 65) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. A ghostly entity that wanders lost and alone in an empty city, she pulls others that notice her into her world where they will share her fate until they perish of starvation and fear. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

Magiscientist Texyl of Ar-Teperrio (Human, Level 23)
Challenged the second Chosen of Water, Almar Krynne, for the title and artifact. Was defeated.

Magister Mellruk (Human, Level 95)
Owner and operator of Magister Mellruk's Extradimensional Arena. Often tasks adventurers with capturing beasts to join his stables.

Magistrate Ailandur (Human, Level 14)
One of the magistrates of the Silver City, removed from his position by the mad Queen shortly before her death at the hands of Zlaedon and Kit. May have managed to escape the resultant destruction of the city.

Magma Lord Soomfulros (Elemental, Level 86)
Powerful elemental whose fortress-city is located in the Flameforge.

Magnus Everglory (Immortal, Level 600-799)
One of the faction heads in the Megaquest 'Blinding of the Father's Eye'. His team was not successful.

Magus Imbrys Luriester (Human, Level 400-599)
Member of one of Gabriel Photos' special research teams while the Source Guardian was still present.

Magus Irsyl Grobiddio (Human, Level 400-599)
Member of one of Gabriel Photos' special research teams while the Source Guardian was still present.

Magus Jythel (Human, Level 78)
"The wizard running it has a long, light blue beard and long hair."
Employee of Immaculate Transmogrifications in the Grand Mall of Worlds. Uses a pseudo-combo-style method of creating items, but with a greater degree of control over the results. He is also a highly-capable enchanter and knows many extremely-potent enchantments.

Magus Markannion of the Fifth Circle (Serpent Blessed, Level 200-499)
A wizard with the Interdimensional Order of Wizardry. A high-ranking member of the Blackclad Order subverted by, and working for, Valcont, who got involved with the Princess of Suns Incident on the behalf of his secret master. A rather long chain of unlikely events and circumstances (starting with, of all things, a ruined barbeque, which led to being ousted from Sunthrone through pure luck and being sent back to the Blackclad Order HQ in the midst of an anti-Valcont crusade) came together to not only thwart his plans, but actually outright lead to his downfall at the hands of a newly-returned Nexus Administrative Bureau, who broke his cage of 177-lesser-gods, erased his corrupted world, rendered his tome of blasphemies blank and severed his link to Valcont. He has an alt-form that is a Level 80 Horror. He has another alt-form that is a Level 399 Anathema.

Magus Naferin Kamadar (Human, Level 63)
A member of the original Mana Cannon research project.

Magus Sander, the Incarnate Tempest (Human & Fae, Level 65)
Part of a group led by Syrios Dessengrant, Hero of the Worlds to recover one of the ERI's lost templatable element cores, a mission that ended in the successful creation of the Treasure element.

Mahu Ra'Seydi (Savior, Level 99)
Primordial spirit and protector of The Land of Theranheiven. Sealed away the Core Ruler and maintains its prison. Curiously absent when the Land came under attack and was taken over by the Fourth Ascendants. Became an Ascendant of the Fifth Ascension, but is destined to be the Traitor of the group (albeit one leaving on agreeable terms). Has an alt-form that is a Level 65 Human. He has another alt-form that is a Level 99 Holy One.

Makwari Yadmak (Human, Level 59)
"A dark-skinned man wearing robes of royal blue. He carries a tome that can summon forth great beasts."
A member of variably-successful Cataloguers of Infinity team in the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in the Knot.

Malathorn Dalagon, Lord Necromancer of Tralamand (Human, Level 55) Reference Post
"A man in black robes adorned with skulls sitting in a blue-cushioned chair with a large skull set into its top. He has a neatly trimed gray beard and seems unusually friendly. His eyes are a deep brown, and a red amulet hangs from his neck. Next to him floats a diembodied head gone green with rot."
He is always looking for new apprentices at his tower.

Malburgeon Zalderos (Arch-Daemon, Level 600-799)
Naria's true father. Major member of the New Dark Empire before its dissolution. e has an alt-form that is a Level 80 Human. He has an alt-form that is a Level 85 Arch-Daemon.He has an alt-form that is a Arch-Daemon in the Level 400-599 Range. He has an alt-form that is a Level 699 Arch-Daemon.

Malchazzar (Arch-Demon, Level 600-799) Reference Post
A Demon Lord. Fought against The Demon King and attempted to steal his power. Killed by the Ascendant Heroes.

Maldiech Bloodletter (Humanoid, Level 9)
"A very short, thin, brown-skinned being with pointed ears and teeth, red eyes and no hair, wearing a robe"
A member of a short, brownish-skinned race with pointed ears and teeth called 'Ibrych'. Uses knives in combat, but more to inflict pain or nasty-looking wounds. Cursed by a planetary related to bats after he skinned three of its clergy in one of its temples- bats grow stronger in his presence and feel compelled to attack him, due to which he has developed a phobia of them. Paranoid and sadistic. Was on Serendil's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Died to Michael Helios' group in Sunthrone.

Maleficus (Absolute, Level 12,000+) Reference Post
An extremely powerful demon and evil-counterpart to the Celestial Lord. Works with Naria and Gillingman. Presently located in a universal sub-section completely cut off from the rest of reality with an ongoing Ascension. While this grants him the ability to manipulate it without interference, he is also unable to interfere with goings-on in the main part of the universe, which is likely to end up to his detriment (especially given the Celestial Lord's pre-planned gambit of creating Kriele far ahead of schedule). He has an alt-form that is an Absolute in the Level 10,000-11,999 Range. He has an alt-form that is an Absolute in the Level 8,000-9,999 Range. He has an alt-form that is a Fiend in the Level 600-799 Range. He has an alt-form that is a Level 699 Absolute.

Maltesos of the Sun Spheres (Humanoid, Level 8)
"A man with shoulder length red hair and green eyes, wearing robes"
Member of Michael Helios' group in the Princess of Suns Incident. A wizard capable of using nine orb weapons at once, his signature set being The Sun Spheres. Prefers to fight at a distance while warded and is easily shaken if engaged in close combat. Has a decent record of surviving to complete missions even when the rest of his team might be wiped out. Knows wizard magic, abjuration, some odd disciplines of sun magic, and enchantment. Died in Sunthrone, killed by Celas during the necromancer's joining and subsequent betrayal of the group.

Mama Simon Taylor (Human & Golem, Level 1)
Creator (or at least advertising figurehead) of the Engrish-laden Mama Simon Taylor Limited Cook Pro Mix-Tastic.

Manethos: Landwyrm (Dragon, Level 5)
A dungeon boss below the Brightbeard Caverns.

Man In A Hazmat Suit (Immortal, Level 400-599)
Being powerful enough to blow up universes, who sought to create alternate versions of Nexus for his own purposes. Powerful enough to kill Doctor Beak in single combat. Arrogant enough to think he could see off Gillingman. Unwise enough to try.

Marcus Graffman (Undefined, Level 17)
"Tall, with a large beard, a muscular frame, and a gray suit and hat that look borderline-too-small for his massive build."
One of Lora McCreedy's hirelings, set to kidnap or kill whomever Lora enthralled with The Red Dress. Unfortunately, their targeting of Vrishni went awry due to the presence of Ardy. Managed to escape due to his grasp of shadow-magic. A physical brawler in combat who was well-suited to capitalise on Leon 'The Terrible Barber's throat-slashes with headlocks-and-wrenches to cause even-more-lethal damage. Unfortunately, this doesn't quite work when the target is made of metal.

Marcus the Exploding Penguin (Animal, Level 37)
"A penguin in a tophat."
One of the revolutionary members of the pleasure-palace of Karanaldes-Otrae-Este. Teleports by exploding. Managed to escape the slaughter of the revolutionaries at the hands of Shalmarkion's former organisation. Currently hunting the Nailos Brothers for their part in the world's retaking.

Mariah Clam (Human, Level 28)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Used to be responsible for keeping Shoresand safe, but was relieved of her duties when the sea demon Yrloobool was slain by visiting heroes.

Marisenne Grenwolste (Human, Level 35)
One of the claimants to the throne of Chanterloom, the investigation of which was the focus of the Official Quest 'The Scroll of the Master'. After the recovery of the Ancient Law-Text of Chanterloom by the BA Member Leo Solomon and subsequent proving that the true heir was not her, she was given the Diamond of P'Varr by Solomon as a means of apology for disproving the claim she thought she rightfully had.

Markavian Hellstrom (Human, Level 18)
One of the younger sons of House Hellstrom, and one of the less talented members of the family. Terrible at magic, which greatly irritates him, and drives a burning jealousy for his more-talented relatives. Enjoys showing off in battle and dispatching those who offend him in stylish ways with his sword. He has a Level 8 alt-form. He was killed in the Temple of Orithon and brought back later by his family.

Markavian Ijdoril (Arch-Demon, Level 200-399)
A member of the Rebel Dark Forces.

Markaviel Hellstrom I (Human, Level 87)
The original founder of House Hellstrom, displaced down a generation by the spawning of Markeildor Hellstrom due to outside meddling.

Markeildor Hellstrom (Human, Level 200-399)
The 'legendary founder' of House Hellstrom who spawned (as a deceased individual in the House's history) due to the cabal of powerful individuals backing the family attempting to get directly involved in pushing their 'Anti-BA Member Contingency' agenda. His addition to the House's history pushed everyone in the House (including the original founder) down a generation.

Markello Eamondellos (Daemon, Level 100-199)
"An irrindil boy in a black overcoat and floppy-sided tophat plays an organ-grinder's instrument and a stitched together winged brute made of patchwork fabrics with ruby-buttons for eyes flies next to him"
Irrindil seen working in Harkala Gillingman's Shrine in the Cathedral of a Thousand Pantheons.

Markheim Erdelger (Human, Level 100-199)
"A notably tall man"
Weilder of the World's Grave, the weapon of a fallen Endbringer, and capable of using it to bring an end to all things, flesh and magic alike. Husband of Tressia Erdelger. Member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau.

Markus (Human, Level 7)
A resident of Nexus.

Markus Dutry (Human, Level 3)
A thief from Rell'Arill

Markus K (Animal & Outsider, Level 70)
"A gorilla with an eyebrow perpetually raised and a broom in one hand" "Now with blue fur that slowly moves like a gentle fire and a set of red sunglasses."
Previously Bill's right-hand monkey, and a member of Bill the Purple Marmoset's team during the Knot of Trelhais quest. Now a brainwashed-and-conditioned member of the Veil Render's faction. Irritatingly vague. Has an alt-form as a Level 70 Animal.

Marietta (Divine, Level 400-599) Reference Post
"A flaxen-haired women in a golden dress. She has a crown made of flowers floating above her head."
Goddess of the harvest and the hearth, bound to serve Morrisant.

Mark Lakesight, God of Lakes (Planetary, Level 89)
A deity in the Nation of Laughing region.

Mark Marcusmun (Human, Level 1)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Plays the bongos, often loudly.

Mark Rompi (Human, Level 4)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Loves trains and long, educational trips. Is on the Round The Disc Scenic Express for its 24,951 haul, so is either extremely long-lived or wildly optimistic.

b]Marsettian Hellstrom II (Human, Level 65)
A member of House Hellstrom. One of the members who stabilised the presence of The Lunatic Castle, preventing it from vanishing and allowing exploration.

Marsottio Hellstrom (Human, Level 69)
A member of House Hellstrom. One of the members who stabilised the presence of The Lunatic Castle, preventing it from vanishing and allowing exploration.

Mary Borgeo (Human, Level 4)
"A woman with brown hair and a headband"
Proprietor of a bar situated just outside a portal to Nexus. Had trouble with the Liquor Dragon before it was dealt with by Silas, earning her gratitude and free drinks for life.

Mary Walrusfest (Santa, Level 88)
Alongside Noel, one of the creators of the Santa Sleighers videogame.

Mary Windon (Humanoid, Level 8)
"A woman dressed in a trench coat with a cowgirl hat on. Her hair is long and brown, and her eyes are emerald green. She holds a shotgun that seems to ripple with flames. The room gets warmer as she enters."
Member of the Cities of Ganseel team in the Princess of Suns Incident. Can control heat. Died in Sunthrone, may have come back later as a light-entity.

Massattim, Demon Lord of Serpents and Gluttony (Reptile & Demon, Level 80)
Entity the Brazier of Supreme Opposition scanned as to Darston, presumably being a combination of his two greatest enemies. May not actually exist, and was only vaguely-created without an ability set at the time.

Massau, Slayer of Heroes (Humanoid & Reptile, Level 75)
"A serpent man in a crimson cloak wielding a bow decorated with serpentine patterns."
One of the large, odd group of individuals presiding over the creation of the Doorway of Lost Realms. A member of That Camel-Headed Bastard's plans to ruin everything in the Knot of Trelhais forever. A poll of Battle Arena members found that he is totally a dick. Has the Overcrash 'Death To All Heroes'.

Master Abzerro (Humanoid, Level 43)
"A blue haired man with a scar across his face, fangs for teeth, and a scaled, clawed left hand. He wears teal light armor, has high boots on, and wears a ruby ring on his right hand."
One of the many people encountered gambling on the massive casino of Disc 21.

Master Amansdal (Human, Level 65) Reference Post
Very briefly ran the Council of Netheryn before Master Anandale took over.

Master Anandale (Immortal, Level 800-999) Reference Post
Worked with Morrisant and Belchemetz to take over Erathis. He has an alt-form that is a Level 999 Tyrant.

Master Chalberokh (Horror & Spirit, Level 57)
A dark spirit, bound in chains, that formed the original Mansion of Horrors. Previously destroyed by exorcists, but brought back by the magic of Curate Blacklaw. Currently awakened once more, but trapped within the expanded mansion.

Master Detective (Immortal, Level 600-799)
A superhero and nemesis of Mimechiavelli. He has an alt-form that is a Level 89 Human. He has an alt-form that is an Immortal in the Level 200-400 Range. Killed by Bascaradine due to 'infringing on their uniqueness' while trying to engineer copies of Sources to prevent Mimechiavelli from working with the Veil Render and Zaga Yazrath.

Master Entomber Calmabon (Human, Level 65)
A member of The Order of the Silent Hall's team to use the Knot of Trelhais to bring permadeath to all. Died in the Knot of Trelhais.

Master Entomber Griseidi (Human, Level 70)
"A man with a skull for a mask walking toward you. The mask's eyes glow red, and it seems to be kept it pristine condition. He is about nine feet tall and wears dark black plate armor, carring an axe-hammer on his back with bandoleers of long spikes strapped across his chest."
A member of an organisation that exists to ensure the dead stay dead. As a result, he utterly despises Arena Members for their granted ability to be brought back time and again. Can identify Arena Members on sight. A member of The Order of the Silent Hall's team to use the Knot of Trelhais to bring permadeath to all. Died in the Knot of Trelhais.

Master Entomber Janyei (Human, Level 65)
A member of The Order of the Silent Hall's team to use the Knot of Trelhais to bring permadeath to all. Died in the Knot of Trelhais.

Master Entomber Rischenno (Human, Level 65)
A member of The Order of the Silent Hall's team to use the Knot of Trelhais to bring permadeath to all. Planned to betray the Order, however, having fallen out of love with the idea of dying permanently. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis.

Master Entomber Yulrenden (Fae, Level 60)
A member of The Order of the Silent Hall's team to use the Knot of Trelhais to bring permadeath to all. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis.

Master Gobbler (Aerial, Level 58)
A turkey that appeared for an event battle.

Master Herman Ostergaum (Human, Level 59)
A wealthy noble patron of Charlene Anderhauss who is also known to work in making fine jewels and crystals.

Master Mason Yembrojod Helberiol (Humanoid, Level 65)
A member of the Pendlewood Spire Geological Society.

Master Mausley (Human, Level 80)
"The man is wearing the crimson robes of a scholar, though they are decorated with golden dragons and have a general's epaulettes on the shoulders. He wears a triple-monocle with lenses that can be rotated into and out of position with clockwork mechaisms, and his white beard and moustache are both extremely long. An army of tiny clay soldiers is hopping into a hole in space next to him, and he is examining a singing wand that he seems to have obtained from whatever the trial he just completed was. Floating near him are a mirror, a massive cannon, a book, and a beehive."
The creator of many artifacts related to war, mainly magical seige weapons and empowered tactical plans. Involved in many wars in which he used his artifacts to deadly effect, until a retaliatory strike during the Seige of Glonnoc killed him. Apparently got better in time to embark on a quest in the Knot of Trelhais. Joined Renfield the Arcanist's team in the Knot quest, and went on to accompany the Golem and a combined force of many other teams to the centre for a showdown with Doctor Catastrophe. Gained numerous powerful items from the Knot.

Master Skull (Robot, Level 38)
A robot mercenary with a skull-shaped head and a seven-barreled laser-cannon
Destroyed while working for Larry the Catfish.

Master Smith Daergon Magthere (Human & Daemon, Level 65)
A highly talented metalworker. Lives on Disc 64 of Nexus.

Master Szi-Lan-Duang (Human, Level 38)
Wanted by the Nexus Administrative Bureau for knowingly training and supplying treasonous individuals

Mataumi Lasauno (Human, Level 9)
"A dark-skinned man with black hair, a greatmace, a green shirt, and loose green pants"
Member of Bill's bizarre team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Strong, agile, level-headed and reasonably generous, he came to work on Bill's team because he was promised an impending apocalypse on his world would be averted if he succeeded. Has been on a few successful adventures and traveled to a few different worlds, but best in humid forested climates. Considering creating a dragoon-like mace style. Killed by Juaquim The Sunhand.

Mateus Rem (Planetary, Level 81) Reference Link
Local God of Magic of the world of Remfass. Fought against the Coded Being/Abstract/Conceptual Bear Popsicle Comics, and managed to stall it for a little while before ultimately being killed by it.

Math Crusader Allie (Human, Level 60)
"A woman in a robe of shining blue-and-white equations with golden-brown hair"
A member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau's team in their efforts to win the Knot of Trelhais. Made it to the centre of the Knot to face Doctor Catastrophe for the fate of the Wheel.

Ma Tonnskey (Human, Level 16)
A baker in the town of Honeypot on Disc 81.

Matthias (Human, Level 2)
An evacuee from the Silver City.

Maurice Gryllidae (Human, Level 5)
"An old man there with several cages full of crickets"
Gentleman whose job it is to provide cricket noises for quiet, boring areas. Spends most of his time around incredibly bored or boring people. Was to be the sole guest at Murphy Poddins' birthday party until meeting Ave, who promptly took him (and Murphy) on an adventure.

Mausmangarde, Daemon Lord of Fulsome Industry (Arch-Daemon, Level 600-799)
A daemon lord of considerable power, who sits at the top of a large daemonic chain of command, the lower echelons of which are involved in the ongoing invasion of the world of Rinnhaveth.

Maximillian Hamforce (Human, Level 38)
Creator of 'The Hamforce Method', a popular workout technique inspired by Sunny Jeff, a sentient sun.

Maximillian Laffingberg (Human, Level 34)
Haughty noble that looks down on (and mocks) those without huge sums of money. Owns a mansion on Disc 916.

Maxington Brewregard III (Human, Level 8)
"There's a man with small glasses and a very red face staring at the sign with death-eyes from in front of the counter"
The worst variety of self-entitled coffee-house customer- demanding, delusional, and convinced that everyone knows his 'usual' special overcomplicated order despite never having been in their establishment before.

Maxwell Archgrieve (Human, Level 69)
Founder of The Highly Respected Company of the Golden Door.

Maxwell Heinbelter (Human, Level 29)
A master of the sword and bomb. A reward is posted for his death to the Nexus Inn.

Maylene Emdendrous (Divine, Level 84)
"The woman rises from her shadow, and you can see her clearly. She has on an elegantly ruffled aqua dress, a white hat with a miniature grandfather clock leaning against its center while sitting atop its brim, and gloves made of starlight. Her eyes are solid blue and her skin white marble. On her neck hangs a key of shells and seafoam. In her right hand she holds a needle, and in her left a perfect amethyst sphere."
Goddess of Water, Light, Commerce, Travel, and Unbridled Potential, and member of the Sanctum of the Unbroken Tide, a group seeking to bring about a second Grand Confluence. Enjoys upstaging others, being frustratingly vague, winning conversations and overdramatic entrances. Her powers include Light manipulation, battle against concepts and ideas, take control of areas up to planet-wide scale, petrify things across long ranges, undo time, summon a wide variety of monsters, divination out the wazoo, trade her items for other equally-good items, reverse / disperse / reflect things that would hit her mana pattern or attach to her as effects, control oceans, acquire temporary near-invulnerability for a few rounds, leap between planets / dimensions mid combat, and cast a wide variety of high-level spells. Owns a rare copy of the Propechies of the Oracle. Almost certainly up to no good.

Mayor Arkh Blurns (Human, Level 8) ... =59&t=1742
The mayor of the town of Dusty Gulch, whose daughter Scarlett has been kidnapped by Sheriff Cliff Sunshooter of Blood Creek.

Mayor Cliffton of Vobel Borr (Human, Level 14)
"A nervous, mildly overweight man in blue clothes with glasses"
Mayor of a technologically-advanced desert town, which was saved from destruction by Geddoe.

Mayor Largo Biggs (Human, Level 8)
"A large man with a balding head and curly beard"
The mayor of Biggerburg. Faced with a citywide famine caused by forced spawning prevention, he reached out to Nexus to gather a team of Arena Members and/or Knights to find the source of the issue and solve it. This turned out to be a remarkably good idea.

Mayor Trottle of East Gavenir (Human, Level 4)
The mayor of the town on Evethryss that is closest to the arrival-point from Nexus. He was formerlly operating under restricted program-like behavior but acquired more knowledge and freedom after the Roulette Master reset reality. Briefly errored-out pre-world-reset due to being unable to comprehend spaceships and had his dialogue tree replaced with the one belonging to the Grand Sage of Blossoms.

Max Morningglory (Plant, Level 42)
A flower-man quiz-show host.

Max Nethman (Human, Level 45)
Swordsman. Member of Adventurers Across Worlds. Works well with Rendanna Eblando, to the point of having combo moves with her.

Maxwell Deathfist (Golem, Level 75)
"A plasma golem"
One of the members of Az's unsuccessful attempt to rescue Selereth Helios with no outside backing during the Princess of Suns Incident. Was unable to enter Sunthrone due to the level restriction on the event.

Max Nethman (Human, Level 45)
Swordsman. Member of Adventurers Across Worlds. Works well with Rendanna Eblando, to the point of having combo moves with her.

Mazzmurrat (Meta Entity, Level 200-399)
It bears the power of final death, sending all things which perish in its presence to Storage.

McGlub (Aquatic & Humanoid, Level 90)
"A man with a goldfish bowl for a head"
Attendant of the Fish Pond stall during one Walrusfest. Presumably capable of wrangling fish of all types and power levels. Difficulty levels set in his stall are 'Carvinal Fun', 'Casual Fisherman', 'Fisherman's Challenge', 'Sea Captain', 'Gettin' Dicey', and 'FISH OF LEGEND'.

Medical Ed, AKA Doctor Edward Levenson (Human, Level 23)
"A man in a white shirt with yellow-lensed glasses and graying hair"
A somewhat-shady mob doctor and alchemist who works for the mafia in Bubble City for their 'legitimate business'.

Meghan Laurence (Human, Level 41)
"Quite pretty and literally glows a bit"
Bascaradine Corporation employee bought by Alrick Slizer after the latter decided to satisfy his curiosity over whether the corporation's employees could be purchased. Currently a member/asset of Alrick's SOS Brigade. 1/128th Light Elemental.

Melmachaz, 'The Devil King' (Outsider, Level 77)
A summonable Eidolon.

Melmazar Laplace (Arch-Demon, Level 600-799)
A foe of the Third Ascension. He has an alt-form as a Level 799 Mastermind.

Mendul Thandein (Human, Level 6 BA Member)
An Arena Member that led their own attempt into Sunthrone during the Princess of Suns Incident to either free or sell her. A wizard/scientist. Has done next to nothing since Sunthrone. Has 5 Fame.

Mercarion Rei-Daisus (Human, Level 73)
A mage-scientist who specializes in powering large weapons. His civilization and the few worlds it controls is in conflict with a massive alien empire called the Hegemony of Glirth, which seeks to gain control of the spiritual powers that lie semi-latent but partially-tapped within the worlds that are under the control of Mercarion's people's worlds.
Wishes to use the Praedic Diamond to power the Dawn Iris Cannon to use against the Hegemony of Glirth.

Merchant Lord Leori Androzni (Fae, Level 36)
A ruler of the Sea Republic of Igleierri who was already displeased with the performance Admiral Arnotti against national enemies when he saw a commercial involving Eva. Comparing the ship in the commerical with the fleet of inferior ships Arnotti built for more than three times the cost per ship, he hit his limit and demoted the man.

Meredith Pikkins (Human, Level 1)
Used to be a random Old House-Owning Lady entity-spawn in the Labyrinth of Housing who found one of the ERI's templatable element cores. After taking up Darston's offer of trading the core for fixing her house and a bout of 'MANservice', the resultant flexing-routine overwhelmed her so much that she transformed into a unique entity in her own right. Shortly afterwards, Darston managed to break the spatial lock keeping her in the Labyrinth of Housing, allowing her to exit it to Nexus.

Merek the Wise (Human, Level 16)
Paladin of the Order of the Empyrean-Blue Rose and member of the Outriders of the city of Baumveu. Able to detect lies and enchant his blade with holy spirit-cutting energy.

Merrick Dorrigan (Human, Level 9)
"a man in a green cloak with brown clothes beneath. He has graying-black hair, pointed beard, and a slight gut. He is holding several scrolls under his right arm and has a long scroll open and hanging in front of him"
A member of Michael Helios' team in the Princess of Suns incident that left with Doctor Illain Reynes to kill off weaker teams and for other reasons unknown. Knows cartography magic, can animate golems, swordfights and can teleport short distances. Not very trustworthy if he thinks he has a shot of coming out on top. Drinks, womanises, easily distracted and bribed, and previously addicted to a drug called Vorqualine.

Mhattu-Khavok, the Dragon-of-Eyes (Demon & Dragon, Level 61)
"A massively long creature that can crawl through the air, possesses bladed legs, and can breathe forth destruction."
Guardian beast of the Third Ring of the Underworld of Seven Beasts. Its gaze can turn nearly anything nonliving into a worthless stone replica of its former self.

Mhatu'Kai, The Sun-Devouring Giant (Umbral & Humanoid & Outsider, Level 95)
"A darkness shaped like a open mouth is slowly rising from the horizon line toward the sun."
Powerful entity kept in one of the Knot of Trelheis' many dimensional dungeon-pockets, its powers to go to whomever won the challenge presented within. Present status unknown.

Mhokull the Inky-Red (Humanoid & Monster & Horror, Level 65)
Entity currently holding Ishmenvanylvok, Blade of Crimson Ruin.

Mhotu-Umott, the Devourer of Signs (Demon, Level 65)
"A great, bulbous terror with a large maw, a single iron horn, and backwards-bent oxlike legs. Its arms split halfway down into different forearms, each with its own set of claws, one jagged, the other sharp."
A demon that consumes holy prophecies and leads pilgrims astray. Its powers included misdirection, space-ripping, destruction of effects, and absorbing buffs for health, along with the destruction of holy signs and effects and resistance to all holy-type magic. Killed by Geddoe, Darston and the angel Arzephquel.

Michael, 'The Hawk' Sobigg (Human, Level 59)
"A blonde man in a white suit with a red necktie."
A member of That Camel-Headed Bastard's plans to ruin everything in the Knot of Trelhais forever. Died in the Knot.

Michael Helios (Arch-Solar, Level 400-599)
A Sun King and one of the founding members of the Bright Crusade, seeking to oppose the New Dark Empire and conquer all the worlds he can get his hands on in the Crusade's name. Encourages his followers to worship the light and destroy darkness, as well as to see nonbelievers as lesser beings. Has fallen into a 'with us or against us' mindset, such that neutrality is an unthinkable position- all those who do not wish to join the Bright Crusade are conquered or destroyed. Suffered a catastrophic loss in the Princess of Suns event, in which the princess he attempted to kill was elevated to a powerful entity of equal standing (as well as one understandably angered by Michael's actions), one of his major recruiting planets was destroyed, and the Celestial Lord left the Crusade due to the direction in which Michael was taking it. Following that (partially due to the Impossible Knot Incident), the Bright Crusade itself collapsed, the Source of Light was rendered inaccessible due to the element being changed to a nonbase one in favour of Hope, and his ally Doc (actually Gabriel Photos, Source Guardian of Light) was removed from reality, leaving Michael's plans utterly ruined and a host of enemies at his doorstep. Presently in hiding. He has an alt-form that is in the Level 200-399 Range.

Michael Zaradian (Human, Level 200-399)
A priest of Gadigan and the Saints. Has Holy Orders.
Art Link

Michelle L. (Animal, Level 11)
"A macaque with a tophat and a sniper rifle"
One of Bill's team in the Princess of Suns Incident. Died in Sunthrone in battle against The Sunhand.

Miermalech the Killer (Immortal, Level 600-799)
A foe of the Third Ascension. He has a Level 699 alt-form that is a Reaper.

Mika Anazaki (Human, Level 20)
"A girl in her late teens with two blue pig tails and roller skates."
A mercenery in the employ of Lady Bemberfress. Has a father and brother offworld. Killed by Lili's Shielding Golem. Her corpse is currently held by Lili for ressurrection and possible employment.

Mike (Human, Level 80)
"A blond-haired man behind the counter wearing a blue shirt and jeans."
Owner of Mike's Consumables. Studies apocalypses as a hobby. Associate of Robert Norrington.

Mike Sorthh (Human, Level 38)
A somewhat talented metalworker.

Miller Newman (Human, Level 55)
A clerk at the going-out-of-business Technotemporus in the Grand Mall of Worlds.

Milo Brandwick (Humanoid, Level 35)
Halfling detective pursuing the halfling thief-mercenary Harlowe.

Milton Brewster (Human, Level 2)
Blacksmith who forges holy symbols for the priesthood of Sereyn.

Mimechiavelli (Fiend, Level 600-799)
"A mime with solid red eyes and a curled black goatee"
Extremely powerful, (super)villainous mime, capable of bypassing the Man In A Hazmat Suit's vision-blocking quarantine effects and standing up to Valcont with no apparent concern. The nemesis of the superhero Master Detective. Capable of controlling the minds and bodies of others.

Mime-Killer (Human, Level 78)
A superhero who used to be an opponent of Mimechiavelli until the villanous mime became massively more powerful.

Mind-Counselor Black (Humanoid, Level 60)
Part of the Utopian Minds group that entered the Knot of Trelhais with the possibly ill-thought-out goal to link the minds, dreams and thought-realms, and create a collective unconscious linking every sentient being in the universe.

Mind-Counselor Blue (Humanoid, Level 60)
Part of the Utopian Minds group that entered the Knot of Trelhais with the possibly ill-thought-out goal to link the minds, dreams and thought-realms, and create a collective unconscious linking every sentient being in the universe.

Mind-Counselor Green (Humanoid, Level 60)
Part of the Utopian Minds group that entered the Knot of Trelhais with the possibly ill-thought-out goal to link the minds, dreams and thought-realms, and create a collective unconscious linking every sentient being in the universe.

Mind-Counselor Red (Humanoid, Level 60)
Part of the Utopian Minds group that entered the Knot of Trelhais with the possibly ill-thought-out goal to link the minds, dreams and thought-realms, and create a collective unconscious linking every sentient being in the universe.

Mind-Counselor Violet (Humanoid, Level 60)
Part of the Utopian Minds group that entered the Knot of Trelhais with the possibly ill-thought-out goal to link the minds, dreams and thought-realms, and create a collective unconscious linking every sentient being in the universe.

Mind-Counselor White (Humanoid, Level 60)
Part of the Utopian Minds group that entered the Knot of Trelhais with the possibly ill-thought-out goal to link the minds, dreams and thought-realms, and create a collective unconscious linking every sentient being in the universe.

Mingai Toritako (Human, Level 14)
A crime boss from a prologue-world associated with the Third Ascension. He has a Level 14 alt-form from the Blood Mirage. He has a second Level 14 alt-form from the Blood Mirage.

Minkae (Human, Level 15)
"A woman with raven-black hair, a slight build, and narrow eyes clad in sleek black robes. She holds a wand with a lightning bolt on its end made of pure silver."
Associate of the Joymerchants of the Ebon Book. Shandranizar's assistant.

Mirhammis (Outsider, Level 100-199)
A deity. God of Healing, Art and Nobility worshipped in the Grand City of Luriveyl. One of his temples was temporarily hijacked by a penguin.

Miriam Elmendrogg (Human, Level 55)
A mercenary quasi-hero granted literally several planets' worth of property by a stray mana spark. However, to her annoyance, entering any of it turns her into one of a variety of jell-monsters. She currently lives on the top disc of Nexus at 215 Ellburrwhistle Boulevard.

Mirian Tallyn (Human, Level 76)
"A black-haired woman in a postal worker's uniform with a war-lance drops from the sky onto the prow of Eva's boat."
One of the new postal workers under the employ of Hugo Bekkler. Capable of a variety of interesting travel- and delivery-based postal-techniques using stamps, space-time magic, Dragoon training and the standard letter-mailing skillset. Friendly, accomodating, and always up for a challenge.

Mirrienne Firstsummer (Human & Fae, Level 43)
A resident protector of the citadel of Summer Bastion, sent to Nexus to find help to protect it from the Dread Butchers. Was unfortunately stopped in this by a cursed teapot attached to Celiria Dragonheart's severed hand, which spewed cursed ageing-smoke on her.

Misamasa (Human, Level 21)
A Heiberric summoner who is the third youngest relative of Great Aunt Matagrama.

Miss Demise (Outer Terror & Large Structure & Conceptual, Level 200-399)
"The first is a woman wearing a blue dress, a broad hat, white gloves, and a white-stone funerary mask. "
A powerful entity, her full planet-body is currently sealed, but that seal is weakening. Entered in Knot as a competing faction, though her faction failed to accomplish anything of note. Skilled in remotely manipulating an avatar. From Eghdruhei.

Miss Greenvalley (Human, Level 4)
Works as a secretary for Mr. Grimsburg.

Missionary-Agent Aphra Bane (Undead, Level 44)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Missionary-Agent Habbakuk Doom (Undead, Level 48)
Member of the Joymerchants.

Miss Nowhere (Outer Terror & Large Structure & Conceptual, Level 200-399)
"The second is a woman with a masquerade mask, a color-shifting dress, a large umbrella made of shifting shadows and fire, and elegant shoes. "
A powerful entity, her full planet-body is currently sealed, but that seal is weakening. Entered in Knot as a competing faction, though her faction failed to accomplish anything of note. Skilled in remotely manipulating an avatar. From Eghdruhei.

Mister Frisky (Animal & Golem, Level 1)
The pet of a girl in Plastic Town. Got lost once, then found by Silent One.

Mister Horace Mewgrow (Human, Level 16)
A playwright who wrote 'The Incredibly Unexpected Mrs. Bronfroon', a comedy about a man visited suddenly by a woman claiming to be his aunt who hasn't seen him since he was a young lad, with said woman, Mrs. Bronfoon, inserting herself into his highly-busy life, making appearances at all manner of events, from a garden party, to a museum viewing, to a romantic dinner, ballet dancing in to atypically jaunty music with huge numbers of backup dancers, singing all the while, and eventually turning out to not be related to him at all. Said play was completely misinterpreted by the two major countries of Mewgrow's homeworld, leading the military dictator-leader of his home country and the leader of the opposing nation both seeing it as satire of their governments, banning the play worldwide and leading to Mewgrow having almost the entire world wanting to lock him up, leading him to flee to Nexus.

Mister Nerrick, the Miller of Moshath Woods (Fae, Level 28)
"A tiny man, about two feet tall, opens the door. He has green-tinted skin, pointed ears, a black suit, a stovepipe hat, clawed hands, and blue eyes. There is a small pile of wheat behind him and a second pile of red gemstones inside on the floor, along with a ramp leading higher in the tower."
A greedy and dishonest Goldmiller- a profession that can spin wheat into gold and jewels. Demanded a constant supply of wheat and other harvest foods from the town of Trensdekk Falls, nearly starving the town, until Geddoe arrived. Nerrick refused to admit wrongdoing, repeatedly tried to escape and was unrepentant in his actions, leading the priest to kill him.

Mister None (Magic Being, Level 70)
One of the Enigma Men who, thanks to a complicated plot involving trying to manipulate BA members into getting them to retroactively exist, ended up ceasing to exist. May or may not exist in the future, depending on what direction the Enigma Men go in and who fills the ranks.

Mister Owl (Animal, Level 4)
"An owl wearing black-rimmed glasses"
A large owl whose house contains portals, one of which goes to the Stazgyrrian Abyss. Easily ruffled.

Mister Philips (Human, Level 16)
"The third is a man in a brown suit with a green tie, hair that is going from black to gray, and a small chin. Desired a computer chip from an alternate timeline."
A member of Unified Computing who went into the past to find a computer chip that was to build a city-managing computer. Successfully reached the timeline he was looking for and presumably found the chip.

Mister Quimby (Shapeshifter, Level 65)
(Does Not Exist)
"A rotund man in a light cream suit with amorphous, smoky features and a porcelain mask of a smiling gentleman."
One of the Enigma Men who, thanks to a complicated plot involving trying to manipulate BA members into getting them to retroactively exist, ended up ceasing to exist. May or may not exist in the future, depending on what direction the Enigma Men go in and who fills the ranks.

Mister Thomas Arrow (Animal, Level 14)
A talking rabbit from the Outer Feylands. Fond of tea parties.

Mister Todd (Human, Level 19)
"The fourth is a slender man with brown hair, freckles, a gray suit, brown loafers, and a gold-handled paring knife."
A ex-murderer who gave up his capacity for cruelty with an interest in history. Travelled with the crew on Unwinnable No Longer. Was killed by the Puzzlemaker due to Alrick answering a question regarding him.

Mister Tubbaroo (Animal, Level 1)
A cat. It was lost on the top disc of Nexus and was about to be eaten by a Scavenger-Rathound in an alleyway when Vashna blew up the disc during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. When Drescher put Nexus back together, the cat was placed in its designated appropriate location - its owner's house.

Mister Walrus's Missing Courtroom Hair, Suzerain of Vitality and Snowfall (Human & Golem & Abstract, Level 67)
Entity from The Ocean {Quote the Ocean} Ocean Fred The Ocean. Often involved in putting a stop to the nefarious King Tockington Von Headskrew's plans to take over The Third Floral Teapot (Which is No Longer Named Beverly)'s money-grilling café.

Mistress Claudia (Demon, Level 69)
"A succubus in a suit"
Runs the front desk at an unusual brothel in Disc 69. Apparently able to switch people's minds between bodies to appeal to certain types of client.

Mistress Misery (Undead & Humanoid & Monster, Level 38)
An undead hag wearing an overly huge dress and a torn veil
Killed while working for Larry the Catfish.

Mitch (Human, Level 19)
The resident of Mitch's World. His moods and what he does affect the entire world and its residents and generally run in a season-like cycle, resulting in the seasons of 'Clean Things', 'Do Things', 'Eat and Complain', and 'Sleep a Ton'.

Mitchell Crowley (Human, Level 67)
Watchmaker who runs a store in the Grand Mall of Worlds.

Mitchell Helios, the 'King of Sun' (Human, Level 35)
AKA that golden-tanned bastard. An alternate-universe version of Michael Helios. This version was a surfer-bully who attempted to bar people from Gold Sands beach if they weren't attractive enough, but was defeated by The Surfing Golem.

Mitchell Syveson (Human, Level 65)
Sculptor who runs a store in the Grand Mall of Worlds.

Mitch Kurley, Sax Offender (Human, Level 18)
"Across the entry-square, a body hanging in the air, suspending by the levitating saxaphone strapped around its neck, awaits you. Its suit forces it to point in your direction, and its shoes click themselves together, ready for battle."
A 'Professional Sax Offender' with an unpleasant attitude. Called out The Grand Maestro to duel on Disc 73, where all items and equipment take on lives and personalities of their own. Upon reaching the area, the Maestro found Mitch was no longer calling the shots and was, in fact, being puppeteered by his clothes, led by his belligerant living saxophone. Whether the instrument was previously sentient and lured the Maestro there in the first place or Mitch was stupid enough to pick the worst possible venue for a fight remains a mystery.

Mitch the Turtle (Aquatic, Level 1)
Wants to grow big.

Mobile Colossus Birabel (Robot, Level 85)
Destroyed (and later rebuilt) by the Bascaradine Twins.

Mobile Colossus Lashmanriel (Robot & Golem, Level 85)
Powerful entity kept in one of the Knot of Trelheis' many dimensional dungeon-pockets, its powers to go to whomever won the challenge presented within. Present status unknown.

Modern Magic (Conceptual & Magic Being & Divine, Level 400-599)
"The skyscrapers of a modern city descending from a cloud in one direction"
One of the Storytellers of Farthest Tansyrmeym. Resides in (or is) the city.

Monique Sparder (Human, Level 3)
Present girlfriend of Carson the Fake Vampire after he was chased out of town by Reyd.

Montrek Grinley (Human, Level 55)
Owns one of the warehouses on Disc 50 of Nexus.

Mostrose the Gunmaker (Human, Level 45) Reference Link
A semi-notable crafter and wielder of firearms from the Fortress City of Krone, who has made some unique or otherwise rare items.

Monty Montadello (Human, Level 24)
A plump, jolly inkeeper.

Moon Duke Ailutheros (Alien, Level 68)
Maintains a lunar estate while Doctor Tshlanylvok is kept. He has a Level 16 alt-form from the post-Mana-Cannon period. Also part of a group of powerful individuals backing House Hellstrom as a contingency to use against BA Members due to their power to invade Nexus Inn Rooms.

Moon Spider (Insect, Level 53)
A monster that makes its home under the capital city of the Island Chain of Aikarto. Its silk is one of a set of relics required to be recognised as emperor of the archipelago.

Morden (Human & Coded Being, Level 85)
One of two beings who created an angel to save digital realms.

Mormakaz Flamepillar, The Ashen World-Ruiner (Elemental Lord, Level 98)
Highly aggressive entity from Chomosk, The Sea of Magma Beneath Skies of Smoke.

Morrisant (Ascendant, Level 10,000-11,999)
Previous foe of the First Ascension and Ascendant from the Second Ascension. A notably powerful and accomplished demon general. He has a Level 499 Mastermind alt-form from when he fought the First Ascension.

Mousse Moose (Animal, Level 35)
A Holy Festival boss that appeared in one of the seasonal fights.

Morningbeam (Animal, Level 15)
Theodric the Brave's horse.

Morri Candledeep (Humanoid, Level 42)
Cleric. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling.

Morrisant (Ascendant, Level 10,000-11,999) Reference Post
"He is wearing his crimson, gold, and deep green robes and one of his many crowns, a silver one with a large blue stone in the center. His yellow skin glimmers with faint traces of fire, and his eyes burn with a power that you have seen in those of no other individual you have met. He doesn't appear as imposing as many of the other creatures you have seen here, or have even heard about, but you can sense that he is far more powerful than nearly anything previously encountered simply through his presence".
Demon General and current ruler of the Demon Realm. An Ascendant. He has a Level 499 Mastermind alt-form from when he fought the First Ascension.

Moxghar Rhell, King of Giants (Humanoid, Level 85)
No Description Given

Mr. Advertisement (Coded Being, Level 55)
A member of Ganseed the Collector's team during the Knot of Trelhais event. Killed by Miss Nowhere and Miss Demise's team in Knot.

Mr. Albert K. Waxley (Human, Level 20)
"A man with a light white suit, a pistol, and a white hat seems to be checking his watch."
Representative of the Dravis Corporation involved in the Princess of Suns Incident. Can command the Five Gray Terrors, enormous time-bending monstrosities. Controls time and shoots beams of destructive silver light. Defeated by LH-014, Augustin Bremalt and Lady Chaundresna.

Mr. Aquarium (Robot & Aquatic, Level 56)
"A man in a suit with a goldfish bowl (with a fish in it) for a head and a bowler hat"
Part of the group sent by world-entities Miss Nowhere and Miss Demise to the Knot of Trelhais. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis, but recovered by Miss Demise and Miss Nowhere due to their Faction-Ability.

Mr. Autumn (Human, Level 14)
Apparently completely identical in appearance to Mr. Winter. Possibly a co-worker.

Mr. Bascaradine (Ultimate, Level 10,000-12,000)
Capitalism, ho! CEO and owner of the Bascaradine Corporation, which owns a full third of just about everything, resulting in his becoming one of the most powerful entities going.

Mr. Black (Human, Level 59)
"He is a man with slicked black hair that covers one of his eyes, and he is prone to wearing black lipstick and nail polish."
Alternate member of the Manly Society. He posseses power over darkness, rain, and sorrow. He could possess power over other emotions, but never bothered to widen his ability set. He's basically really emo. He has an alt-form that is a Level 59 Dragon.

Mr. Blue (Alien & Immortal, Level 200-399)
"He generally appears as a man with blue hair, an impressive beard, and great physical strength. His true form is that of tall, quasi-vampiric alien with clawed hands, an elongated head, and large eyes."
Member of the Manly Society For The Protection Of Solar Order. His race of aliens came from a doomed universe; they took all of their souls and placed them in one body (Mr. Blue's) and enclosed him in a dimensional bubble that would find a future universe to build into an ordered utopia in which his race could once again live, this time without worrying about their universe's impending doom. He possesses the ability to drain the powers from others. The first individual whose power he drained was the man whose appearance he now possesses; he was a man who possessed the ability to synchronize himself with reality and alter it to his will, but he was lazy and greedy, making great demands of the people from his home village in exchange for 'protecting them'. When the 'strange alien vampire' suddenly appeared in the village, the villagers ran to the man for help, but he tried to sacrifice them to appease the strange creature. Mr. Blue was completely unimpressed by this, killed the man, took his powers, and made life for those people much better. He later met up with Mr. White and Mr. Sun before they were warped over to meet Selereth.

Mr. Bogomno (Animal & Horror, Level 15)
Member of the Cities of Ganseel team in the Princess of Suns Incident. Orik Banghammer's donkey. Capable of speech. Also capable of deploying eldritch magics to transform sandwiches into other sandwiches. Has a mouth on its back that opens and closes with no visible trace. Has reality-warping powers. Died in Sunthrone, may have come back later as a light-entity.

Mr. Claudius (Animal & Horror, Level 80)
Mentioned by an ever-increasingly-powerful group of rats that entered one of the houses in the neighbourhood of the Mansion of Horror, one every hour. Nobody dared wait around to meet him.

Mr. Disco Bear (Abstract, Level 45)
Presumably incredibly strange being encountered by associates of the Joymerchants of the Ebon Book.

Mr. Freshness (Human, Level 79)
It's Mr. Freshness! A Mask of the Architect, presently under the command of the BA Member Vashna Saseen. Holds power over cleanliness and has a considerable stack of knowledge to boot. Often found in a state of complete undress.

Mr. Future (Robot & Aerial, Level 60)
"A robotic parrot-man. Its wings unfold to reveal a half-full compliment of missile launchers, chemical ordinance, nukes, and laser cannons."
A member of That Camel-Headed Bastard's plans to ruin everything in the Knot of Trelhais forever. Died in the Knot to a combination of the Cataloguers of Infinity team and the Enigma Men.

Mr. Goose (Human, Level 59)
A member of That Camel-Headed Bastard's plans to ruin everything in the Knot of Trelhais forever. Originally encountered in and around the valley ruins in the jungle of Ranagrat XVIII. Capable of disintegrating targets with pinpoint accuracy at long distances. No clear view was given, save that it was smaller than a human. Exudes an ominous aura. Capable of defensively interfering with magic. Had a highly-focused vendetta against Vashna Saseen, who was completely and utterly unaware of the fact, and even Mr. Goose's existence.

Mr. Green (Human, Level 68)
"He looks like a bishonen man with long, green hair and a slender physique."
Alternate member of the Manly Society. He possesses control over plant life, laser-and-flower-based magic (including Danmaku), excellent whip skills, and charm abilities. He would rule a nation as a capricious, self-absorbed prince, and would also be likely to eventually leave the Manly Society to start his own group, The Fabulous Society For The Restoration Of Global Sexy. He has an alt-form that is a Level 68 Dragon.

Mr. Grimsburg (Human, Level 4)
Owns a haunted mansion.

Mr. Hate (Daemon, Level 10)
A spiteful being that exists as a result of a test of elements of reality; he has since moved on to other things.

Mr. Haze (Human, Level 45)
A thief from the Jade Hand thieves' guild with auto-mug, high dodge, some gate magic, knife skills, and first-action. Was hired by Lili's Shielding Golem previously.

Mr. Herschner (Abstract, Level 55)
"Mr. Herschner is shaped like a comma, has large shoes and gloved hands, and possesses an extremely impressive prehensile moustache."
Alternate member of the Manly Society. He is among the manliest of all abstracts. He possesses a Doctorate, though in exactly what is unclear. His powers vary from Chaos manipulation to use of Hypertech. He tends to be able to survive apparent death and can turn host-bodies into shapes closer to his 'regular' self.

Mr. Lashington (Human, Level 33)
A specialist in whips.

Mr. Livestock (Immortal & Horror, Level 59)
Minister of Agriculture for Suexen, the Valcont-created twisted reflection of Nexus.

Mr. McDruthowizowotz (Animal, Level 30)
One of Bill's team in the Princess of Suns Incident. About as nonsensical as the rest of the monkeys in the group, prone to telling rambling stories. Can warp reality through declaring facts as true. Escaped Sunthrone with the remnants of his group after warping half of them away from a hopeless fight against The Sunhand.

Mr. Moon (Human & Devil & Umbral, Level 100-199)
"Tall, bald, and muscular."
Alternate member of the Manly Society For The Protection Of Solar Order, but does not currently exist outside of Storage. He would operate as a deciever, pretending to serve Mr. Sun and Selereth while acting as a force of Chaos. He possesses limited power-copying, reflection abilities, and chaos and darkness manipulation.

Mr. Murg (Humanoid, Level 22)
A short-sighted ogre chef with a temper from the Grand Mall of Worlds, who ended up escaping the merchant-kidnapping designs of the mastermind behind the Mechanical Candles thanks to the Shielding Golem.

Mr. None (Magic Being, Level 70)
(Does Not Exist)
"A man wearing a dark gray coat who is made of television static"
A member of the Enigma Men, one of the faction that entered the Knot of Trelhais to shift the confluence of portals away from Nexus to the One City.

Mr. P.H. Turkey (Aerial & Humanoid, Level 40)
An opponent of the Third Ascension and was also involved in other events both earlier and later. He has a Level 48 Aerial & Humanoid alt-form. He has a Level 86 Aerial & Humanoid alt-form. He has an alt-form in the Level 200-400 Range that is an Aerial & Humanoid. He has an alt-form in the Level 400-600 range that is an Aerial & Humanoid & Machine.

Mr. Red (Human, Level 59)
Alternate member of the Manly Society For The Protection Of Solar Order. He is a man obsessed with people thinking that he is a hero, but is entirely self-centered and somewhat depraved. He manipulates and can create fire, loves flashy explosions, and fights with a sword. He can turn into a fire-breathing dragon. When he was young, he learned that his closest friend was prophecized to be a hero who would save the land; he became intensely jealous, killed his former fried, killed the old man who prophecized (but had earlier made vaguer prophecies that someone would be born who could prevent an ice giant from destroying the land), abandoned his people to be killed by the giant, came back when more powerful, and made a huge spectacle of slaying the giant and 'avenging his kin as the hero he was born to be'. Has an alternate form as a Level 59 Dragon.

Mr. Snap (Humanoid & Animal, Level 60)
A member of the Rentharr Dravis/Don Hippopotamus team that was retroactively entered into the Impossible Knot quest due to the Enigma Men failing to retroactively write themselves into being. Killed along with the rest of the team early on. Lili later grabbed his corpse and turned him into an undead puppet-pet named Snap the Restitched. A crocodile man with control over death magic and a propensity for traps.

Mr. Sun (Arch Solar & Immortal, Level 200-399)
"A man with a shining form, great charisma, and power over light, fire, suns, and other stars."
Member of the Manly Society For The Protection Of Solar Order. He operates as the general leader of the Manly Society but rarely enters combat. In times when the group would be more distant or cut off from Selereth, he would most often act as her intermediary.

Mr. Toole (Human, Level 1)
An evil merchant who used a drill. He has a Level 20 alt-form from before he was Level-drained.

Mr. Walrus (Human & Animal, Level 19)
Ran a budget cookoff competition during Walrusfest.

Mr. White (Human & Immortal, Level 200-399)
"He looks like a body-building version of George Washington."
Member of the Manly Society For The Protection Of Solar Order. He possesses immense physical strength and undergoes a massively intense training regimen that will increase his power to phenominal levels over time. Thanks to the powers granted to him by Selereth, he can temporarily become his future forms, which possess great power and the ability to induce order over wide areas. He is a master of axe use and possesses many powerful axe moves, able to do things like chop down large world trees if need be.

Mr. Winter (Human, Level 14)
An office worker(?) whose building ran afoul of the infamous safety measures of Hank S. Mayor.

Mr. Winters (Human, Level 45)
No Description Given

Mr. Zaranadu (Abomination & Fiend & Human, Level 200-399)
A noted foe of the Third Ascension.

Mrs. Blunmont (Human, Level 23)
The Nose was looking for her.

Mrs. Bronfoon (Human, Level 18)
The titular character of the play 'The Incredibly Unexpected Mrs. Bronfoon', a (banned on its origin world due to misinterpretation) comedy about a man visited suddenly by a woman claiming to be his aunt who hasn't seen him since he was a young lad, with said woman, Mrs. Bronfoon, inserting herself into his highly-busy life, making appearances at all manner of events, from a garden party, to a museum viewing, to a romantic dinner, ballet dancing in to atypically jaunty music with huge numbers of backup dancers, singing all the while, and eventually turning out to not be related to him at all. She comes from a world that is quasi-fictitious and spawned as a result of Mewgrow's writings, but she's real enough to be visited with Literary Self-Insertion or some similar power.

Mrs. Bubblefrog (Aquatic & Animal & Golem & Angel, Level 100-199)
Has unusually high base stats and comes from a world that was for a long while the setting of a children's TV show with puppets.

Mrs. Hobble (Human, Level 1)
A woman who owns a petting zoo in the Grand City of Luriveyl.

Ms. Loretta Stillsky (Human, Level 5)
"A rough, but still somewhat pretty woman, wearing a simple blue set of farming clothes."
Farmer Higgens' neighbor.

Mrs. Morpa Valhii (Human, Level 1)
A villager from VonDurion's homeworld.

Mrs. Shelby Nushmunt (Human, Level 1)
Painted a rather depressing work titled 'I Hope He Still Thinks Of Me Often' in honour of her deceased cat.

Mrs. Therindale (Human, Level 1)
A villager from VonDurion's homeworld. Frequently has to deal with leaves.

Mrs. Toole (Human, Level 26)
Sought vengeance for her deceased husband. Ended up killing Kit when the Arena Member tried to scan her through massive mental backlash, guaranteeing her death by execution at the hands of the Blackclad Order for killing during a festival in Nexus.

Mrs. Waldridge (Human, Level 35)
The sort of woman who wants to speak to every establishment's manager if anything so much as slightly falls short of her expectations, and either persuasive, powerful or demanding enough to go up the chain all the way to the mayor of the city the establishment happened to be based in. Also the sort of woman who owns, or is able to create, mana-hungry artifacts capable of utterly ruining entire cities by draining all mana that could be used to spawn things within a large vicinity while making people forget about the artifact's presence. Absolutely the sort of woman who would maliciously hide said artifacts in places where they would cause the most long-term damage to a far, far greater number of people than could ever have possibly upset her in the first place, all in the name of exacting revenge for a perceived slight. Possibly the sort of woman who is someone's mother-in-law.

Mrs. Winters (Human, Level 100-199)
Found one of the ERI's lost templateable cores in the Endless Desert. Used it to create the element Faith, and hooked it up to the Desert to empower the mostly-good-aligned pilgrims there.

Mrs. Wonderful (Human, Level 25)
"She is dressed in a business suit and has a golf club that glows with a silver light on her back. Her teeth shine, and her hair waves in a manner that makes it look perfect in the room's lighting."
The leader of the Awesome Squad, a semi-famous group of superheroes. Might have teleportation ability. Banned from Bascaradine stores for an unspecified reason.

Munell of Dreyse (Outsider & Human, Level 85)
A legendary crafter known on the Imperial Homeworld.

Muriel Griffon (Human, Level 15)
Former staff member of the ill-fated Museum of the Boundless Future.

Muricredes (Outsider, Level 400-599)
An agent of Gya-Karus who existed within reality.

Muricredes' Beast (Horror, Level 20)
A prologue boss from the Third Ascension.

Murphy's Mother (Umbral, Level 7)
"A shadow of a woman with a rolling pin and retro-styled hair appears on the wall."
Overbearing, overprotective, controlling and somewhat psychotic shadow, empowered by the effects of the district of Shady Shades. Insists that Murphy could be killed if he leaves the house.

Murphy Poddins (Human, Level 1)
"Murphy is a man in his thirties. His shirt and pants look uncomfortably small, he has dark bags under his eyes, and he is sitting in a single gray chair at a small, gray table."
A rather unfortunate, friendless man in his thirties, kept confined to his house since childhood by the (somewhat psychotic) shadow of his mother. Predictably socially inept and naive due to such circumstances, to the point where he actually believed Prudence-SEVEN was an ordinary old lady. Was abruptly thrust into a small adventure around the discs of Nexus with an unusual group of individuals and the Arena Members Ave and Tia, before the pair vanished for over a year due to events orchestrated by Hugo Bekkler, which cured him of his permanent Fatigued status, introduced him to a huge variety of areas and people, and gave him more excitement than he had previously had in his life. Whether he took this as an opportunity to meet more people and enjoy life or simply return home is presently unknown. Last seen heading to Disc 82 with Tom Claws, Prudence-SEVEN and Maurice Gryllidae for cake (of which the disc is made up of in areas) and adventure.

Muscle Dave (Human, Level 9)
"Silent One manages to spot Muscle Dave, the three-year reigning champ of the contest"
Three year winner champion of the Disc 415 muscle-contest. Lost pretty easily to a Brain Jelly, of all things.

Muselgreister (Fiend, Level 99)
(Does Not Exist)
A powerful evil being from the future that doesn't exist yet. May come into being as a different subtype or level, but its listed ones are the baseline point.

Muselmettyo, the Shadow Terror (Demon & Umbral, Level 62)
"A sliding horror made of formless shadow that takes upon the aspects of thousands of creatures when it enters battle, with these shadow-monsters able to act independently from the central mass."
Guardian beast of the Fourth Ring of the Underworld of Seven Beasts. It also possesses the power to control the minds of others and manipulate their thoughts.

Mustaffa Anadep (Human, Level 38)
Ruler in an alternate universe wishing to reconquer Golzappoli, but failed. Rumours suggest that Leidborne the Clockmaker (and his brain-bug-bots) were to blame for sabotaging his men.

Myrmechelle (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
"Has an upper half of a mouthless woman with long, dark hair and narrow green eyes with a drawn robe of flowing chemicals that take on glowing patterns and hues. Her body's lower portion is a tendrilled, wormlike mass made of flowing vicious goo."
One of the Three Source Guardians of Acid, enemy of the Source Guardians of Electricity. In another theoretical timeline, Forcystus' attempts to corrupt the very underpinnings (and Elemental Sources) of the Universe awakened them from their ages-long sleep and, seeing the havoc caused by the Bright Crusade and New Dark Empire, utterly destroyed both sides, annihilating the Sources of Light and Darkness and replacing their function with Acid, before moving on to kill Doc and Gillingman as well, attaining a copy of the Prophecies of the Oracle in the process. They then destroyed the Three Source Guardians of Electricity, along with the Source, and set about to infinitely forestall the destined end of this iteration of the universe by destroying, rather than claiming, all other Elemental Sources, forcing Acid to take their place. The Source Guardians of Earth in this other timeline oppose them. In this timeline, she was killed by Harkala and has her head used as a minion-puppet.

Myselgleister (Aerial, Level 68)
A unique phoenix presently inhabiting the body of Rey Naboshi. It doesn't seem to be outright possessing him, however.

Myserromok (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Ice. Killed by Harkala and has its head used as a puppet.

Mystical Shinigami-Girl Glenda-Chan (Human, Level 50)
Magical Girl alter-ego of Glenda Winters. Created by Aesir.

Myzzerdrax (Arch-Demon, Level 200-399)
A deity. Demon General killed by Michael Helios.

Naghra-Bol (Fiend, Level 400-599)
Ancient fiend that once slew Kura'Vahtra the Twice-Reborn, only to be defeated at her hands upon her resurrection.

Nameless One (Anomalous, Level 1000)
"The building is being run by a woman in velvety purple robes. Her features are obscured by the shadows cast by her hood, regardless of where she stands in the room."
An Avatar Body who ran the 'Buy A Magic Egg' stall one Walrusfest.

Nameless Wielder of Donnelmorun, the Blade of the Unfinished Execution (Human, Level 75)
"A headless man wielding a gladius made of midnight's fabric. He holds his head in the crook of his arm."
One of the entities that appeared in the Trial for the Tenfold Blade in the Knot of Trelheis. May have been a construct created by the Knot, or perhaps one of the original weilders of the artifact's aspect. Until his head is reattached, the sword nullifies most damage coming at him through the illusion that he's already dead. It also has a low Instant Death chance. Killed by Darston as he bested the Trial.

Nameless Wielder of Gynnelmyer, the Parliament of Edges (Human, Level 75)
"She is wearing officious-looking army garb with elaborate trim and is wielding Gynnelmyer, the Parliament of Edges. She wields a two-pronged blade, and thousands of copies of it float in the air behind her."
One of the entities that appeared in the Trial for the Tenfold Blade in the Knot of Trelheis. May have been a construct created by the Knot, or perhaps one of the original weilders of the artifact's aspect. Her blade clones itself, has AOEs, and repeats its own attacks. Killed by Darston as he bested the Trial.

Nameless Wielder of Ihmratu, the All-Blade (Human, Level 75)
"He is an old, bearded man who has seen many battles. He wield Ihmratu, the All-Blade. It first seems to be an ordinary wooden sword."
One of the entities that appeared in the Trial for the Tenfold Blade in the Knot of Trelheis. May have been a construct created by the Knot, or perhaps one of the original weilders of the artifact's aspect. His blade can gain the power of all swords presently in the same battle as he. This included all of the Tenfold Blade's aspects and Darston's sword, which was wieldable only by the champion of Selereth Helios. And yea, didst the Great Sun Queen Selereth gaze upon the tides of battle, and verily utter 'Not A Chance, Bucko,' forcing the blade to become unequipped and turning him to dust.

Nameless Wielder of Irikani, Blade of Moonlight (Human, Level 75)
"A samurai with long, purple-black hair and a katana made of solidified moonlight."
One of the entities that appeared in the Trial for the Tenfold Blade in the Knot of Trelheis. May have been a construct created by the Knot, or perhaps one of the original weilders of the artifact's aspect. His sword is super-sharp and seals things that it strikes. He's also very fast. Could also resurrect-leap out of people's shadows. Killed by Darston as he bested the Trial.

Nameless Wielder of Irimaika, The Blade of Perfected Artistry (Human, Level 75)
"A white haired man wielding a crystal sword that looks to be a work of masterful art appears."
One of the entities that appeared in the Trial for the Tenfold Blade in the Knot of Trelheis. May have been a construct created by the Knot, or perhaps one of the original weilders of the artifact's aspect. He and his sword spec in dazzling people, stopping their actions, and artistic attacks. Awestruck, Charm, Mindblasted, and their sub-status effects come into play a lot there. If killed, his death inspires allies with its beautiful tragedy, greatly boosting them and spurring them to act immediately. Killed by Darston as he bested the Trial.

Nameless Wielder of Itanju, the One-Strike Killer (Human, Level 75)
"It's a female samurai."
One of the entities that appeared in the Trial for the Tenfold Blade in the Knot of Trelheis. May have been a construct created by the Knot, or perhaps one of the original weilders of the artifact's aspect. She has preemptive counters, fast attacks and massive-damage on-weapon-draw crits with instadeath. She can also keep resheathing and drawing her blade. Killed by Darston as he bested the Trial.

Nameless Wielder of Jarkodah, The Goliath Blade (Human, Level 75)
"A berserker with red hair and stone armor appears behind you. He is holding a giant sword that carries a great gravity with it."
One of the entities that appeared in the Trial for the Tenfold Blade in the Knot of Trelheis. May have been a construct created by the Knot, or perhaps one of the original weilders of the artifact's aspect. He's very strong and durable. His sword is strong enough to crack a continent in half and focuses on extreme power and weight. Killed by Darston as he bested the Trial.

Nameless Wielder of Orwhelm, the Wave Blade (Human, Level 75)
"A woman wielding a flachion of blue steel"
One of the entities that appeared in the Trial for the Tenfold Blade in the Knot of Trelheis. May have been a construct created by the Knot, or perhaps one of the original weilders of the artifact's aspect. Her blade slays armies in a single slice and controls the oceans of the world. Killed by Darston as he bested the Trial.

Nameless Wielder of Somot, the Idea of a Sword (Human, Level 75)
"She is blind and has bandages wrapped around her eyes."
One of the entities that appeared in the Trial for the Tenfold Blade in the Knot of Trelheis. May have been a construct created by the Knot, or perhaps one of the original weilders of the artifact's aspect. Her blade isn't visible and is operating off of her willpower. It can strike past defenses and make attacks against concepts held by its opponent. Killed by Darston as he bested the Trial.

Nameless Wielder of Virmsyek, the Master's Blade (Human, Level 75)
"A man in regal armor wielding a longsword with a decorated hilt appears."
One of the entities that appeared in the Trial for the Tenfold Blade in the Knot of Trelheis. May have been a construct created by the Knot, or perhaps one of the original weilders of the artifact's aspect. He's an overall hypercompetant swordfighter. Killed by Darston as he bested the Trial.

Nameless Woman (Human & Spirit, Level 100-199)
"Near the train wait the nameless woman, who is old, has curly gray hair, spectacles, a gray dress with pink and blue flower patterns on it, and a rocket launcher. "
A woman obsessed with an incredibly intricate, unsolvable puzzle. NPC whose actions lead to the events in Unwinnable No Longer. Obtained the power of the Puzzle Maker. Has an alt-form that is a Level 40 Human.

Narglocch the Unholy (Daemon, Level 100-199)
Part of a chain of daemonic entities under the command of Mausmangarde, Daemon Lord of Fulsome Industry. Administrator of the Eighteenth District of Great Jangrilaster. Master of Prezlyx the Profane, and servant of Brozzilyx.

Naria (Not-Yet-Ascended Ascendant, Level 1-99) Reference Post
Gillingman's daughter of sorts and a future Ascendent of the Sixth Ascension. One of the leaders of the New Dark Empire. She has an alt-form as a Level 8 Daemon. She has an alt-form as a Level 80 Arch-Daemon. She has an alt-form as an Arch-Daemon in the Level 200-399 Range. She has an alt-form as an Arch-Daemon in the Level 600-799 Range. She has an alt-form as a Level 699 Arch-Daemon.

Nasty Ed (Human, Level 26)
Individual who is immune to farm animals.

Nathan Hapmann (Human & Aerial, Level 21)
Nathan, in an attempt to become more notable, secretly replaced his head with a bird one day. He was stealthy enough that few of his classmates (and only some of the teachers) noticed. Unfortunately, the egret in question has turned out to be absolutely horrible at math tests, leading to problems with his grades and suspension of some of his school-related privalages until he can boost them again.
15 years old; looks 9. Was at a Nexus Primary School for for aspiring Battle Arena Members. Now a member of Alrick's Brigade.

Nathanial Redammus (Human, Level 17)
An explorer who sought to unravel the mystery of the aggressively deserted Disc 47 and its one-time residents. Despite taking minor precautions against environmental effects, he was erased by the Disc's properties on his first night of exploration.

Nathquorlo the Eradicationist (Fiend, Level 600-799)
A noted foe of the First Ascension.

Nathreyn (Divine, Level 200-399)
An evil deity, split off from Sereyn. Used to be dead, but got over it.

Nathrules (Arch-Demon, Level 400-599)
"Has four skeletal arms"
Demon lord of silence who dwells in the Dusk Realm and is opposed to Naria's empire. Enjoys torturing beings and their spirits and controls undead and demons of various sorts, many of which have masks or their mouths sewn shut. Part of the Rebel Dark Forces pantheon. Entered the Princess of Suns incident as a faction head with Oorimbar in an attempt to capture Selereth. He has an alt-form in the Level 200-399 Range. He has a Level 80 alt-form also.

Necrarch Xulmos Axhammoht (Undead, Level 100-199)
Evil entity that invades worlds with his tomb-planet. Currently the focus of efforts by the priesthood of Phalerin in an attempt to stop him.

Nefarious Doctor Terrorpin (Human & Reptile, Level 24)
"The man really needs a more-flattering haircut than his current comb-over."
Nefarious turtle-themed mad-scientist who has grafted a 'Power Shell' onto himself and tends to use a mix of mad science devices and force fields. Threatened Buildingful City with his new Slow Bomb, unless a series of progressively-larger statues of him were built on a schedule of his choosing. Fortunately, he preferred working at a very slow pace. Has slow-rays and a mass-area-affecting slow field. Thwarted by the combined efforts of The Awesome Squad and Wonder Droid (Ruka-O).

Neil Honlex (Human, Level 46)
Paladin. Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency.

Neleimo Bekklin (Horror, Level 61)
"A slithering mass of knotted-together tendrils that opens into a bloody hole that makes strange sucking sounds."
A member of the Cult of Bez'Bekkelin's group in their efforts to use the Knot of Trelhais to hasten the end of everything. Capable of immobilising entities and subjecting them to constant life-drain, and able to to annihilate itself (perhaps directly to Storage) and those it has trapped and nearby. Annihilated itself in the Knot.

Nellie Crashe (Human, Level 6)
Artist of Donnoter VII who protests against her world's educational system with her works, feeling that it only prepares the world's students for menial jobs in service to large corporations and government bodies that care little for individual members of the populace.

Nia Starstrike (Human, Level 89)
The owner of the the going-out-of-business Impressive Shoes in the Grand Mall of Worlds.

Nietrich's Second Experimental Lifeform (Humanoid, Level 14)
"A man with short gray wings extending from the middle of his back with an eye pattern tattooed on his forehead."
An experimental creation of the mad scientist Nietrich.

Nega-Albrecht (Human, Level 19)
"He is an older man, body unclad and fully shaved, with a muscular frame. He moves in a manner that clearly identifies him as a monk of some manner. You notice that his mouth has no tongue, and a design of power, similar to a luminescent tattoo of some manner, glows upon the roof of his mouth."
He left his wealthy family on a quest to find enlightenment through deprivation of the body and eternal silence many years ago and has not regretted this choice. Got grabbed by Nega-Tolva because 'his vow of silence flaw and vow of nudity flaw are obvious indicators that he has a good build built off the bonus points from taking them'.

Nega-Archimedes (Human, Level 39)
"A bald old man with a toga and an impressively long gray-white beard. He wears sandals and has a spectral-looking hound at his side, loyally standing beside its master even in death."
He serves as a philosopher-judge for the Acropolis of Norenth and trains a variety of dogs and were-beasts to augment the city's defense in his spare time. His philosophical treatises and public speeches are the stuff of legend across his country. He was grabbed by Nega-Tolva because 'Pack Hunter is obviously the best sort of OP, and the party needed a Diplomancer'.

Nega-Ave (Human, Level 39)
"He is a crusty hobo with a patchy beard, a brown trench coat, and a crown made of stapled-together trash who smells like a dog that crawled out of a sewer. His eyes are wide, and he is muttering to himself about how 'Some people just need to die. Soon.'. A long-barreled gun of some kind with a laser bayonet briefly flickers into his hands, and he giggles as it does."
He has spent his years riding the rails and killing people. The police have tried to catch him multiple times, but he takes them out in an orgy of violence each time. He's clearly somewhat crazed, but he is capable of identifying party members and active quest-givers and restrains himself from killing them. Nega-Tolva grabbed him because 'he's a literal murder-hobo. How could I NOT grab him for my party!?'.

Nega-Ayame (Humanoid, Level 59)
"A white-bearded dwarf with well-toned muscles in an admiral's outfit"
Companion of Nega-Geddoe and Negaverse-version of Ayame, part of the harem of old, bearded dwarven men the mad botanist is building.

Nega-Cael (Spirit, Level 39)
"A hulking earth spirit in imperious robes, sitting on a throne atop a stone chariot pulled by a column of human men in ragged garb with slave runes tattooed across their bodies. He surveys his opposition with imperious scorn and cracks his neck with the sound of shifting rocks."
Nega-Cael is an earth spirit and member of the ruling noble house on his home world. He is a strong supporter of his planet's spirit-dominated caste system and owns thousands of human slaves. He is portrayed as an uprising-crushing superhero by state media on his homeworld, though he lacks actual super powers. While crossing the seas of his world in a great stone ark rowed by humans under his control, he met Captain Wolfman, the werewolf-king of pirates, who granted him the power to turn into and control great beasts of stone. These powers greatly compliment his already massive physical strength. Drawn to the doctrines of law and control found in the New Dark Empire, he was recruited to join his forces, though he remains focused on increasing his own personal wealth and power, leaving his commitment to the Empire a secondary priority. He formerly worked with a man named Installation Manuel, but when the lecherous computer programmer was consumed by a vortex of evil energy and spit out as a being of pure sin, he became too much for Nega-Cael to put up with, as the spirit, while a greedy tyrant, likes to maintain at least some semblance of class and prefers to act nobly towards other spirits, whom he considers his equals. Installation Manuel was last seen leaving for new employment with a cultist of Bez'Bekklin and a Master Entomber of the Order of the Silent Hall, expressing interest in making a pilgrimage to the future site of a great structure called Shadow Babylon, which he heard whispers of within the evil vortex.

Nega-Celiria (Human, Level 19)
Nega-Celiria comes from a reasonably boring world of humans whose primary deity is The King of Storms. She trained as a member of the mole-cavalry, which burrows down into dragon nests to sneak attack them and slay them before they can mount an effective defense. She loves hunting dragons, and though she has only fought and collected the heads of drakes thusfar, she longs to fight a real dragon someday. Since her world proved to be of no interest whatsoever to either the Bright Crusade or New Dark Empire, she bears no particular enmity to each and signed up to join Crusade forces as part of a support-unit in the hopes of slaying dragons while questing across the cosmos.

Nega-Darston (Outsider, Level 59)
"When Darston arrives, he is greeted by a feral, sharp-toothed duplicate with an arm made of cold void"
Evil mirror-world version of Darston. Shares the prime version's love of combat. Has Life abilites granted by working with Nega-Geddoe, and anti-resurrection tools. Associated with the Master Entombers.

Nega-Einarr (Daemon, Level 39)
"She is a cute, blue-white-haired, timid little Irrindil girl of an unusually frail build even for her race. She wears a frilly blue-and-white dress and has a cautious smile on her face. She notices enemies, though, and runs to hide behind her allies, peeking out from behind at the opposition. Her most notable feature is her ears, which are rather notably large in proportion to her other body parts."
She is a shy but happy rune mage who tried to stay away from fights but always wished she could be just a little bit braver. Nega-Tolva grabbed her because 'her Perception skill is through the roof, and we need that on our party. Also, using the young template and a sonic-vulnerability flaw to boost her support-caster powers; clearly a winner'.

Nega-Geddoe (Human, Level 59)
"A slender man in a lab coat sitting in a swivel-chair, petting a large white cat that appears to be attached to some sort of cat-tree via a vinelike tail."
The negaverse version of Geddoe, a space-warping botanist with designs on altering the fundamental aspects of reality to make his version the prime reality, a plan that has been suggested to likely have catastrophic results. Unlike his counterpart, Nega-Geddoe is both gay and attempting to build a harem of old, beareded dwarven men.

Nega-Kit (Humanoid, Level 39)
"He stands garbed in runed priestly garb. A dreadful aura of spatial despair hangs about him"
The Negaverse Kit. Nega-Kit was brought up in a well-adjusted family by loving parents. He responded to this by killing them as sacrifices to his goddess Naria when he became strong enough to. He then set off to other worlds, trying to further the reach of his goddess. He eventually found the Golden City and conspired to sacrifice the souls of its population in a bold operation, but failed, being driven back from the world and into hiding, losing a minor artifact that had been leant to him by the church in the process. As his failure cost the church valuable resources, he became a general pariah to the church of Naria. In penance, he cut the fox-parts from his body and grafted on blessed daemon-flesh to replace them. Travelling the worlds, Nega-Kit seeks to redeem himself in the eyes of his goddess, and has already made strides in this area by helping to ally some churches of Nathreyn and Zereyn with New Dark Empire forces. He also found the powerful Space-Stepping Boots of Maergerys, which allow him to bend space itself. He despises the weak, hates abjuration magic, enjoys killing beings in cruel ways, loves his goddess deeply, and is bitter enemies with Nega-Lili, a pompous warrior-daemon who foresook her heritage to serve Michael Helios in cleansing the universe of Darkness.

Nega-Lili (Daemon, Level 59)
"She can't take a joke and generally acts as if she has a chip on her shoulder and something to prove"
The Nega-Copy of Lili. A pugilist paladin working for mike who is generally a dick, controls light/fire, fights alone, and hates artifacts. Nega-Lili was born a daemon on a random world, and she went around trying to corrupt people. She was rather atrocious at it and soon gave into malaise, dwelling in the basement of a large castle and refusing to go out. One day, the damaged remains of an artifact made by Doc, sent flying from a nearby space battle between Crusade forces and local opposition, crashed down near her. Nega-Lili poked it, and, as it broke, it empowered her with potent light-and-fire-controlling abilities. Grateful to the starfarers who brought this item and generally resentful of the old life she was never any good at, Lili foresook her daemon origins and became a pugalist-paladin of Michael Helios. She has since travelled worlds, eliminating all Darkness that she can find and attempting to further the Crusade's cause as earnestly as she can. She tried making a Golem to assist her out of the remains of the artifact that empowered her, but it proceeded to inform her that she was a pompous twit whose hairpin-trigger fits of rage were a sign of chaotic influences on her heart, and, as such, it felt obligated to leave her service and find compatriots with which it could make a more sterile, ordered cosmos. She tries to forget that mess ever happened. She is self-righteous and obsesses over the need for personal power. Though she was only granted power thanks to an errant artifact, she looks down upon those who rely on such devices for power, being similarly disdainful of those who require allies to fight with. If she found the Sunhand, she'd reverse her stance on artifacts selectively for it since it is obviously a holy item blessed by Mike and therefore doesn't count as being an unfair way to increase her power. Mike grants her power because the idea of an alternate-reality copy of one of Naria's friends working for him amuses him. She can't take a joke and generally acts as if she has a chip on her shoulder and something to prove. Nega-Lili has cut her hair short and dyed it red.

Nega-Mika (Human, Level 39)
"She is a woman with a bald-shaved head, a bodybuilder's physique, and a loincloth made from gorilla fur. The ground breaks under her feet where she walks, and her lips are stitched together with what look to be strips of rotting flesh."
She was trained from an early age by monks who kept the dead sealed within the netherworld by holding their restless breaths within their bodies, never speaking so that the unquiet spirits could never breach the world's borders again. She knows not song or leisure, training night and day to become as honed a weapon as she can, and, like others of her order, keeps herself hidden from the world so that necromancers cannot find her and force her to speak to unleash the undead. Nega-Tolva grabbed her because 'hey, she must be like that other guy and have totally maxed out her skill set from that silence vow; she stops necromancers flat too, and those are really common in dungeons'.

Nega-Miracles (Human, Level 39)
"She is a little girl with silver-glitter-colored hair and pink eyes with star-shaped pupils. She wears a half-cape, yellow-soled, pink-topped, platform-footed boots with velcro straps, a pink skirt, and a pink blouse. She has a yellow beret on her head and carries a wand with a floating rainbow question-mark above it."
Her vocabulary is superlatively erudite and her verbiage as a consequence tends towards the inordinately loquacious. She is cheerful and happy, but her attacks are flashy to the max to the point of causing collateral damage and she has a great hatred for anyone partaking in drugs or performance-enhancing substances (with particular disdain for alchemists). She was grabbed by Nega-Tolva because 'she's obviously taking advantage of power-boosts from some young-template and can fill in an AOE and DPS role as a blast-focused caster type'.

Nega-Tolva (Animal, Level 59)
"The horse is a horse of course of course. A horse with a shining golden-white halo above its head to be more specific. It puts on a pair of bifocals and spreadsheets of data and digital matrices of data from reality-supplement books detailing a bevy of selectable powers show up. It nods to your group. "By-gosh-by-golly, I reckon this is going to be a right rootin'-tootin' bout of class-A PVP here." Phantasmal dice manifest in the air around him as a second copy of his head appears in the sky above the arena, watching the battle seperate from his physical body and running him as his 'player-self'. The player-horse munches on a slice of equally-quasi-real pizza that appears in the air next to it as it looks over your team and flips through a setting book describing Nexus and the Arena's members."
Nega-Tolva came from a world run in the style of a pen-and-paper RPG, and he is notorious for rebuilding his body multiple times to optimize his stats and take advantage of new reality-supplement material. He was originally part of a three-person party that included his brother and his brother's girlfriend, but he quickly overshadowed both of them, and they quit adventuring in a huff as a result. His greatest powerboost was when he multiclassed into horse to take advantage of the crazy bonuses offered in the Complete Guide to Equines (which opened up picking up additional racial templates beyond his original Celestial status, which morphed into the statistically-better Half-Celestial, due to rules quirkiness of the Horse class), but his gestalt powers are nothing to sneeze at. He is prone to old-timey not-really-swearing and has a generally odd manner of similarly-typed speech.

Nega-Vanessa (Human, Level 50)
The nega-version of Vanessa Ashes. A dying artificer who created Nega-Zwei to guard the negaverse against Nega-Vasha and his omnicidal tendencies.

Nega-Vashna (Human, Level 59)
"A vibrant-looking man with long hair in robes"
Advisor to Nega-Geddoe. A cultist of Bez'Bekkelin whose vibrant appearance slips to that of a blood-streaked, corrupted life-version (brought about by a terror-themed Life Mana Spark that turns him into an undead-horror version of himself) when he gets excited by thoughts of killing. Killed by Iepterro as part of the Bekkelinite purge.

Nega-Zwei (Golem & Human, Level 59)
"She is covered head-to-toe is baroquely ornamented armor composed of numerous different metals. From her crenelated helm with its cockscomb and beautifully-sculpted mask-like face-plate to her fluted gauntlets to her filigreed boots, her armor is a work of art. She carries a greatlance with an inbuilt cannon."
She was created as the masterwork of the dying artificer Nega-Vanessa, who sought to create a guardian capable of guarding the negaverse against Nega-Vasha and his omnicidal tendencies; with Nega-Vashna's recent death during Iepterro's cross-multiversal purge of Bekklinites unwilling to convert to his service, she lost her general place in the nega-order and began to quest about, seeking self-improvement, greater knowledge of reality, and to help those in need. She got grabbed by Nega-Tolva because 'She's her own self-upgrading armor. That means her wealth can all be focused on other items. Plus she's obviously strong and was looking for a party'.

Neryl Zalmuss (Daemon, Level 3) Reference Link
"A white-haired irrindil boy"
An alternate version of Naria from Major Timeline E of Rael'el (and potentially the universe in general). Still just beginning their adventures. Whether they have a similar destiny or background as the real Naria is unknown.

Nethym Krestus (Humanoid, Level 42)
Wing Warrior (fighter that flies). Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling. Bird-man.

Nexus Administrative Priestess Alyson Muir (Human, Level 100-199)
A priestess of Gadigan and the Saints stationed in Nexus. Handles Nexus- and Arena-related tasks. Has Holy Orders.

Nexus Liturgical Priest Simon Crowe (Human, Level 85)
A priest of Gadigan and the Saints stationed in Nexus. Has Holy Orders.

Nicodemus (Human, Level 14)
"An old man in sandals and a blue robe"
One of the leaders of Targonni's Settlement.

Night Alchemist (Human, Level 75)
A notable superhero.

Nigil Pettigrew (Human, Level 7)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Rather critical of most things. Has a fondness for long train rides, though.

Nimble Jack (Human, Level 39)
Rogue. Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency.

Nimros Behxt (Human, Level 41)
Wanted by the Nexus Bureau of Administration for murder, extortion, racketeering, enslavement of free Nexus citizens, seizure of property, theft, robbery and running organized crime.

No-Heart (Humanoid, Level 16)
"No-Heart is a wolf-type beastman wearing leather pants, arm straps, and gloves with claw-holes. He is a feared and respected gang-boss and slaver. He is known for being extremely hard to harm; he has no heart in his body, does not bleed, and can recover from most wounds that others would treat as fatal."
Leader of the Twofold Alliance for Liberation, Representation, and Bloodshed. Killed by Alrick, Tia, and Lilian.

No-Neck Monroe (Human, Level 60)
Part of the team sent by the Deathmark Assassin's Club to the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in the Knot.

Noel (Santa, Level 59)
An alternate-universe female-Santa version of Nole.

Nokhret, That Camel-Headed Bastard (Fiend, Level 600-799)
Entity of near-deity power who uses his abilities to cause horrific problems and destruction for his own amusement. He has pulled a lot of stunts in the past, though, including turning a major dimension into a movie and setting the only copy of the film on fire, stealing a whole set of deity-empowering crystals, blowing up major temples on various worlds, pulling off a bet that he could stop an entire pantheon of interplanetary gods from interacting with their worshippers at all for a millineum, switching the bodies of everyone on a huge planet, frequently with completely different people or animals, removing the concept of 'fun' from a dimensional subcluster, and plenty of other stuff.
His latest escapade was to provide his faction in the Impossible Knot quest with a flask of oil that was to seal the Knot of Trelhais off from the rest of reality. He just happened to neglect to mention using it would destroy all the dimensions in the Knot, killing countless millions in the process. Killed during a massive conflict between Celestials, Daemons, deities and source guardians by Cetmyl Dryse and the Veil Render.

Nokt (Conceptual, Level 400-599)
"A strange being in a suit with a stapler for a head and staple removers as hands. A halo made of a paperclip chain floats around its head."
Manifest of Office Stationery in the employ of the Bascaradine Corporation. Curiously powerful.

Noktha Mel (Outsider & Ancient, Level 400-599)
"A humanoid figure made of shadows with silky wings of black night. She is draped in an elaborate dress of midnight's hues, holds a bow that extinguishes sight, and, though eyeless, those around feel a presence watching them."
Newly-inducted member of the Seven Ancients Pantheonm bringing their number to twelve. A being born from the darkness between the stars who sought to fight the Elder Horrors on their own grounds, only to be consumed by Vyak-Mashorr, the Sultan of Unreality. Reawakened from cosmic slumber and returned to reality through the combined efforts of the Battle Arena member Cael and the original Seven Ancients.

Noktus, Lord of Slumber (Outsider, Level 80)
Notable for having a magic monocle that allowed him to produce his dream-self as a clone while still being able to act.

Nolton Mills (Human, Level 35)
An ex-pirate. Killed by Roy Selim in his attempts to reclaim the Heart of Grimzelda the Ugly Hag.

Nomtemron (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Technology. Killed by Harkala and has its head used as a puppet.

Nora (Human, Level 18)
"She looks like a less-martial version of Nira with a single, long braid of white hair that goes down almost to her feet. She wears a rather plain dress, but she has six watches on her right arm."
An alternate-universe version of Nira created through the Holy Festival's Cosmic Self-Propagation Studio. Nora balances her time at Eagle University, where she studies Mechanical Engineering, with her job waitressing at Local Joe's. Her life is, overall, rather peaceful, and she seems to be heading for modest local success. She is stronger and faster than her friends and neighbors (though this doesn't come up *too often*), and she is blessed with the supernatural ability to always show up places on time, regardless of the circumstances that try to thwart her doing so. Owns Patch the cat.

Nyeera Beech (Human, Level 43)
Healer-Bowyer. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling. Can ressurect within 3 rounds of death.

Nygil (Councilor, Level 10,000-12,000)
Acts as Lord Gadigan's butler.

Nymenmathra (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Energy. Killed by Harkala and has its head used as a puppet.

Nyrr'Hul'Ulaath (Outer Terror, Level 400-599)
An Elder Horror. Presently sealed away.

Nyx Bomberfrestich (Humanoid, Level 44)
Rogue-Acrobat. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling.

Nyzz'Dhakar the Serpent of Lies (Demon & Animal, Level 76)
Entity sealed by the priesthood of Phalerin on the moon of the world of Ainyl'Veryth.

Obermarr (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
"A tall, old man with a beard of lightning, armored robes, a lightning-bolt-tipped staff, and a massive hammer with a topaz head."
One of the Three Source Guardians of Electricity, enemy of the Source Guardians of Acid. In another theoretical timeline, they were killed by the awakened Guardians of Acid and their Source destroyed. In this timeline, he was killed by Harkala, and has his head used as a minion-puppet.

Obernoth (Daemon, Level 75)
He works for the Daemonic Hierarchy of Fulsome Industry and has a fondness for door knockers.

Ochamo (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
"Has countless hands, each of which holds multitudes of universes."
Previous Source Guardian of Physical. Killed by Iepterro, Dryse and the Veil Render.

Octopus-General Cquoorith Moorq (Aquatic & Humanoid, Level 28)
The second Chosen of Water. Killed Irimatti, Lady of the Endless Sea, and assembled a force to raid the dungeon known as White Coral Keep, which had long sat near his empire. His entire exploratory force was wiped out by a Coral Wizard in the first room. Was restored to life after the Post Mana Cannon Reset. Has an alternate form as a Level 27 Aquatic & Humanoid, and a Level 27 Aquatic & Chosen.

Officer Melvin Hedgecrafter (Human, Level 1)
After a bit of conversation between the officers, one of them steps forward to the side of the bus. He has graying hair and a pair of large, dark sunglasses despite the time of night.
A policeman stationed somewhere near the Western end of the Cornsea Highway.

Oghmol Dourn (Horror & Outsider & Humanoid, Level 400-599)
"Has bloated jowels and dull gray robes"
An Administrator of Daghmal Gozzott, City At The Root Of Lost Things. Killed by Plixplix the Heaven Puncher as she set off to rescue Techylmann with the Disaster Seeker.

Ogre in a Tophat (Monster, Level 99)
This guy's turned up a few times. Seems to be perfectly gentlemanly and polite, even in the face of infuriating monster-aggravating quacking curses. May have some aptitude for spatial magic.

Oily Olly Oldere (Aquatic, Level 20-39) Reference Link
Attempted to sabotage the race in the quest 'The Squid Bros Have A Race', but was beaten by Anomalous Jack.

Oktaviya Plasmys (Humanoid & Robot, Level 65)
Part of a group led by Syrios Dessengrant, Hero of the Worlds to recover one of the ERI's lost templatable element cores, a mission that ended in the successful creation of the Treasure element.

Old Gando Gunarm (Human, Level 7)
"An old man with an arm replaced by a gun"
A member of Warmaster Kharmannion Ghalasor's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Vetern of three different wars. His right arm has been replaced with a gun that can fire bullets, fire, and greanades. Skilled with guns and knives in his non-gun hand, and an excellent survivalist, known to be able to stay in enemy territory for a long time with little or no supplies. Vulnerable to war-flashbacks triggered by smoke-causing explosions. Died in Sunthrone.

Old Jeff Gallahan (Human, Level 3)
Owns a bar with a spider problem.

Old Lord Marstwikk (Human, Level 65)
A noble from Disc 916. Felt the huge pillar-structure of Great Centiborr spoiled the view from his estate, so had it enchanted to only be visible within a 30-mile radius.

Old Mack Darringale (Human, Level 47)
Tried to defeat Embra Banefire for her title of Chosen of Fire in order to gain the power to save his slowly burning out world. Failed.

Old Man McBobble (Human & Monster & Conceptual, Level 43)
"Behind the counter is a bespectacled man in a cowboy hat with a tiny robo-cyclops sitting on it."
Owns an 'EXOTIC' giftshop in Millbey Town, which includes the actual portal that goes to it.

Old Man McGruggit (Human & Abstract, Level 71)
Often found in the circles people tend to walk in due to the confusing mailbox-setup in The Ocean {Quote the Ocean} Ocean Fred The Ocean. Enjoys watching people walk in geometric patterns, and is therefore far less than helpful in getting people out of such ruts.

Old Mister Aelfsmith (Golem & Santa, Level 81)
"A wooden old man with a fluffy fake beard and carved santa-like features is running the workshop. He asks what sorts of toys you visitors are looking for this year."
Ran the Walrus Workshop over Walrusfest, making and selling fun toys for all the good little adventurers of Nexus.

Old Neil (Human, Level 70)
Owner of Old Neil's Summoning and Assorted Sundries.

Olgohaz, The Quicksand Overlord (Elemental Lord, Level 94)
A cruel Elemental Lord residing in the caverns of Ghalmabraz.

Oliver S. Cuttingford (Human, Level 53)
Wrote the text 'The Utilization of Aetheric and Spatial Vapors in Clockwork Devices'.

Oliyere Reseryss (Human, Level 55)
Supporter of the Archtyrants who joined the BA Member Welder-of-Disparate-Spaces in the Official Quest 'Dreams of the Unfleshed Goat'.

Omun Desmos, Sculpter of Undeath (Human, Level 60)
Necromancer creating novel necromantic constructs. The priesthood of Phalerin wish to stop him.

Ongerborr (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Earth who transferred his Guardianship to Selereth. Killed by the Veil Render.

Onglu, Spirit of Rain and Sun (Spirit, Level 78)
Entity found in the towering jungles of The Unconquered Wilderness of Valnorash.

Onjiru (Daemon, Level 600-799)
Chief servant to Gillingman and Harkala.

Oomu Isn't Here Today (Abstract, Level 55)
"A cloud that rains down miniature bass musicians that explode randomly; the cloud has a large, toothy, smile and a tophat with a moustache on it."
One of a small group of abstracts encountered in the Library of the Lorekeepers.

Ooriah (Nathryl, Level 2,000-3,999)

Oorimbar (Arch-Demon, Level 400-599)
"A humanoid-shaped being with blue skin, long, pointed ears, and countless eyes."
A demon lord who dwells in the Dusk Realm and is opposed to Naria's empire. Uses a wide variety of dark magics. Part of the Rebel Dark Forces pantheon. Entered the Princess of Suns incident as a faction head with Nathrules in an attempt to capture Selereth.

Oortharr Vharduris (Human, Level 24)
Sought relics from the Temple of Orithon.

Operations Director Thrandark (Shapeshifter, Level 42)
He was an operative of The Ordinators. He has an alt-form that is Level 42 from the Blood Mirage.

Ophriel the Forgiving (Angel, Level 75)
An angel whose statue-shrine was located in Arsodai, The Plain of Monuments.

Oracle (Ultimate, Level 8,000-9,999)
Creator of many prophecies that are extremely sought-after. Has an alt-form as a Councilor.

Orange Jack (Human, Level 83)
Owner of an ice cream parlour in the Grand Mall of Worlds.

Ord'Bhelerieth, King of the Fae (Fae, Level 86 Deity)
"A tall, blue-skinned fae lord"
Highly enigmatic and possessed of great magical power. A deity. Entered as a faction head of the Princess of Suns Incident for what seemed to be relatively minor interest in controlling a Sun Princess.

Orelmond the Arranger of the Heavens (Robot & Incarnate, Level 100)
He placed the stars and built the planets in his home plane, and his worshippers' star fleets guard them still. He holds supreme control over Spatial and Astral, can move and fight at superior-warp-drive-equivalent speeds while budding off alternate timelines and secondary universes. His followers numbers in the hundreds of trillions, and he can deploy massive system-busting starcannon arrangements with ease and grace. His divine sight grants him superlative divination, and he has mastered a variety of mortal magics, all of which are supported by automatic contingency routines and enhancement-granting reality-overlays.

Orghol Karse, Endbringer (Endbringer, Level 800-999)
He is foretold to be a likely foe of the Fifth Ascension.

Oriel Solaris (Solar Being, Level 14)
"A tall man made of fire that glows yellow and orange and red"
Member of Uriel Solaris' team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Born from a tiny droplet of Uriel's fire, loyal to Uriel, can become a lesser sun noble over time. Can shoot and manipulate solar fire. Got permanently trapped in a mirror in Sunthrone.

Orik Banghammer (Humanoid, Level 6)
"A dwarf with a bizarrely long gun riding a donkey. His hair and beard are black, and his eyes are hazelnut-colored. He smells like peach pie and is wearing rugged traveller's clothes and a lady's sun hat with a large pink flower on it."
Member of the Cities of Ganseel team in the Princess of Suns Incident. Died in Sunthrone, may have come back later as a light-entity. His presence acts as a limiter to his donkey, bringing it under control.

Orindar Silverrock: Darktouched Dwarven Priest (Humanoid, Level 4)
He was a dungeon boss who summoned darkspawn into a set of dwarf caverns (the Brightbeard Caverns).

Orkh-[] Mr'Quoze (Outsider, Level 76)
"An andogynous figure composed of frankensteined-together body parts, each in a different artistic style. One arm is photorealistic. The left arm is cubist. The face is surrealist with romanticist eyes. The hair extends into a collage of watercolors, the left leg is postmodern, etc."
Highly talented painter capable of literally bringing his works to life, first seen at Walrusfest. Works rapidly in a wide variety of styles.

Orleshe Vetriiaya (Divinity, Level 400-599) Reference Link
A deity. Known to curse those who abandon her as a patron deity.

Orlue (Human, Level 80)
Part of a plot to manifest a Meta Entity to take control of a world. Also part of a group of powerful individuals backing House Hellstrom as a contingency to use against BA Members due to their power to invade Nexus Inn Rooms, chosen for his comparatively lower level and kept a tight leash on due to his attempts to sway the situation to his advantage and cause general issues. Has a notably large number of alternate directions he could have gone, lives he could have lived and potential he could have attained. Has an alt-form as *Orlue, Controlling Executive that is a Level 43 Human, and an alt-form as *Orlue, Riding A Spider-Mech that is a Level 48 Human.

Orlue, Saitoserris Mandate Geocomptroller (Human, Level 80)
A separate entity from the baseline Orlue. He's from a different universe and was created by the Saitoserris Mandate using the original Orlue's remotely-scanned mana pattern as a basis.

Orlurekt (Humanoid & Aerial & Monster, Level 65)
"A humanoid being with the head of an owl spirit with two great trailing feathers extending from the sides of its head like pieces of a pheasant's tail. It holds a staff with a book atop it and wears robes of solidified wisdom"
A member of variably-successful Cataloguers of Infinity team in the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in the Knot.

Ormal Garne (Human, Level 57)
One of Lord Avastron Thranabaar of Trandel's gladiator-agents, who was pitted against the fifth Chosen of Water, Jabari Ekantu, for the title and artifact. Was defeated.

Ormei-Reshra (Arch-Illuminated, Level 400-599)
She is an ordered sibling of the Chaos Child.

Orosanmok, The Unstoppable Sphere (Outsider, Level 68)
"A massive black sphere."
An Eidolon linked to the Infinite Key artifact.

Orrbazzar (Arch-Demon, Level 600-799) Reference Post
A demon who attempted to steal Gadigan's identity. Killed by Gadigan.

Orshimaro, King of the City of Whores (Arch-Demon, Level 86)
A reasonably weak demon lord.

Orz Gaforian (Human & Elemental, Level 81)
Entity who tried to replicate the Nexus Portal System in distant parts of the universe.

Oshetono-Wo, Mage-Advisor of the Obsidian Shards (Elemental & Spirit, Level 60)
"A horned, vaguely more masculine shape of black robes with six horns protruding from the robe's top. It lacks hands and has a mask of jagged, semi-refletive obsidian, with two red pits for eyes."
Advisor to Sulreiko, Heritor-Princess (now Empress) of the Kingdom of the Flamesong.

Oshumimel, The Arcane Design (Outsider, Level 68)
"A collection of magic glyphs, runes, and arcane symbols."
An Eidolon linked to the Infinite Key artifact. Has the Phantom Overcrash: The Magic Goes Away- ("Oshumimel's pieces fly into a concentric pattern, and slowly, in a display of great sorrow and beauty, wink out, one after the other until all that is left is the central piece. The central piece of the pattern then turns a faded, almost-ethereal gray.")

Oswald the Detective (Human, Level 25) Reference Link
Oswald HATES mysteries. He became a detective specifically so that he could bust them wide open and leave not a hint of the unknown behind, a career choice which has brought Oswald little but constant frustration and woe. Oswald tried to watch some shows about BA members after hearing that they have unusually good odds of solving ancient mysteries and unearthing once-secure secrets, but instead of getting satisfaction, he got the confusion of Tia's multiple costumed selves. Oswald now HATES Tia and wants to uncover who each Tia was at every point in time, along with each Tia's motivations. He also just generally wishes that all of the Tias would keel over dead and quit adding to his headache.

Oswald the Pirate (Human, Level 3)
A pirate. May have been the captain of the ship The Nasty Nautilus.

Oswall the Crafter (Human, Level 23)
"A sorta-bald old man with wild white hair bursting from the sides of his head, a large, double-trident moustache, and thick blue spectacles"
Inventor, shipwright, rocket-builder. Easily flustered.

Ouettzer (Fiend, Level 600-799)
A previous Source Guardian of Darkness killed by Deraglio, with help from Gillingman and Bill, the Purple Marmoset from Beyond Space and Time, amongst others. He has an alt-version that is a Source Guardian in the Level 600-799 Range. Was also the Right Reverend Malachai Darkman, a priest who has control over the undead and working with the Sheriff of Blood Creek, so the whole 'being dead' thing was likely not quite as permanent as expected. Killed (again) in battle against Selereth and Harkala in Daghmal Gozzot, The City At The Root Of Lost Things, by Iepterro, preventing his plans to destroy reality.

Ouras (Ethryl, Level 1,000-1,999)
One of the Ethryl that survived the descruction of the UCS KIRGA.

Ourenhall (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Psychic who transferred his Guardianship to Selereth. Killed by the Veil Render.

Overlord Vaeros Callamargh the Unmatchable (Ancient & Conceptual & Planetary, Level 79 BA Member) Reference Link
His primary classes are Ravager, Archer, Scholar, Lancer, Dragoon, Swordsman, Keeper, Legend, Guardian, Gigas Knight, Artificer, Commander, Channeler, Diviner, Veilwalker, Wanderer, Geomancer, Priest, Illusionist, Transmuter, Wizard, Warrior, Kensei, Enchanter, Time Mage, War Mage, General, Evermason, Master of Monsters, Precursor, Notion-Crafter, Worldbound God, Smith, Kinetic Emperor, Blazing Sultan, Radiant Hierophant, Archsmith of Metal, Eternal Champion, Coinlord, Living Legend, Megacelebrity, Gambler, Relic Keeper, and Noble. He has things setup so that he is both providing divine power to himself and has Magnus Everglory as a Patron Deity. He possesses the artifact 'Chalice of Seven Glories', the artifact 'Spear of the Dragonkiller', the artifact 'Eightfold Imaginary Weapon', the artifact 'Tome of the Silent Apostle', and the artifact 'World-Governing Compass'. He possesses the overcrash 'Triumph in the City of Light', the overcrash 'Billion Sword Rain', the overcrash 'King's Sphere', the overcrash 'Divine Overjudgment', and the overcrash 'Infinity Raid'. He is a deity. His sky-high fame is mostly a result of his build and a singular bit of luck early in his career. His Glory-plus-Glitz-plus-Planetary focus shoots his Fame through the roof and powers him off of it, and he obtained a notably potent Mana Spark when below Level 20 that doubled all Fame he obtained from then forward. He has three subordinate BA members that he helps to break level caps and acquire notable gear who all operate as different types of diviners. Before setting off on a quest, he has them each go about divining for quest speed, potential problems, and better opportunities that are being missed, aborting divination attempts that threaten to take too long and working off the best information he can easily make available to him through a variety of channels, keeping reports strictly focused on important details to avoid wide-net information overload. He has another four BA members sworn to his service as a large power-bloc that exists to swoop in and assist with problems that threaten to stall his progress for too long or cause him public setbacks; they work as his fixers for all manner of problems, but he keeps them off on side-quests obtaining rare items or powers most of the time to prevent their intervention from becoming too notable a part of his overall thematics and overall meta-reputation. A random award he possesses is 'Relit the Dying Sun of the Voronos System'. Had 2,615 Fame before the events of the Megaquest Crisis Across Infinite Nexii.

OZMYR (Meta Entity, Level 99)
It was conjured to integrate a world to new laws.

Pale Duchess (Human, Level 75)
A woman from the same dimension as Doctor Jaminidine.

Papa Desert (Human, Level 15)
a man in a army fatigues made out of sand
A former BA Member who renounced his status only to be killed by Anathema, Rascherro, and Eckermann at the end of the Larry the Catfish incident. Highly abusive and generally hateful towards everyone.

Paradigm Render (Machine & Vessel, Level 80)
Doctor Catastrophe's dimensional battleship. Absurdly powerful in and of itself, and only one of the Doctor's many, many chain-linked boss-forms. Has the Glorious Overcrash: Core Rupture. When Doctor Catastrophe enters plot-foe-mode, it merges with his mana pattern and becomes a smaller part of Doctor Catstrophe as a whole.

Pardasio: Sage of Fire (Human, Level 18)
A fire-specialised Elemental Magic user.

Parmansus (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
An Ascendant from the First Ascension.

Parsbit (Undead, Level 59)
The ghost of the Great Khan's fifth wife, notable for being the only one of his wives not to become a hostile mummy. She wishes her husband freed from his undead form and allowed to move on to the hereafter. Has an alternate form as a Level 59 Human.

Pasha Erlahn (Elemental & Magic Being, Level 72)
Rules the Dao kingdom of Az'Domar, which is known for crafting sand-bottles filled with Wishsand.

Pastor Cadmere (Human, Level 40)
Pastor Cadmere was a preacher who worshipped a deity who disapproved of alcohol. Though he was a hardline preacher, he had an alcohol problem. He eventually decided to make a drink so strong that it scared him off of drinking again. He then began serving the drink to parishioners who had similar problems, though he never revealed the drink's origin to any of them.

Pastor Curtis Russel (Human, Level 5)
Pastor of the Church of Airyngraav and Stathelyyrres in Millbey Town. Rescued from harpies by Reyd.

Patch-Cloak the Sorceress (Human & Spirit, Level 43)
An alternate-universe version of Patchy Wisdom created through the Holy Festival's Cosmic Self-Propagation Studio. Patch-Cloak had another name, once, but it burned when the hungry fire took it. Though her countainance is pale, and her consitution sapped by assorted lingering curses, Patch-Cloak continues to survive, hoping to find a better world to escape to and resurrect he dead companions on. The disasters keep coming for the one she's lived on. The Bureau's tests of the aether-fluctuators brought only disaster. Then the hungry fire came. Then the angular things that live in shadows and mutter curses. Then the insects with the heads of men. So many, many things came, not a one of them good. Patch-Cloak keeps her friends souls mixed in with the ashes of their bodies in a series of bottles that she stores in her quiltwork cloak's magical patch-pockets. Presently living in Lili von Mion's afterlife after being spatially-grabbed from her truly unfortunate predicament.

Patch the Cat (Animal, Level 9)
"Patch the cat is an unusual cat, most obviously because she is purple."
An alternate-universe version of Patchy Wisdom created through the Holy Festival's Cosmic Self-Propagation Studio. Despite her odd colouration, she doesn't seem to be very unusual, and so has been mostly shrugged off as a quirk of nature. Patch has a secret, though! She (unlike most cats) can read. She can't talk, though, or really write all that well, and, frankly, she's happy living as Nora's pet, so she avoids displaying this reading-cat quirk openly. So when Nora is off working at Local Joe's or taking classes at her university, Patch sneaks over to some of the books lying around and enjoys a good novel.

Pathomarr (Human, Level 45)
Individual on a quest to light up The Dark Land. Will fail due to Lili von Mion lighting the Nine Torches there with flames of ignorance from The Eternal Pyre.

Paul (Human & Aquatic, Level 4)
"A dark-haired, slightly short, slightly overweight man with a white t-shirt, bright gold shorts, and fuzzy peanut flip-flops answers the door."
Person whose mail was accidentally delivered to Katsune Mika during the Mail Day Mishap.

Paul Hammer (Animal, Level 18)
A bear. Disliked enough that someone posted a job request at the Nexus Inn for his death.

Paulie (Aerial, Level 80)
"The bartender for the section is a fat, black-feathered bird with a downwards-curving bill and a green apron; a purple eye-symbol glows in the middle of its forehead.
Bartender for the bird-centric section of the Nexus Tavern.

Pauline (Humanoid & Monster, Level 200-399)
A Meta-Medusa (her head has sub-heads which have sub-heads which split into further sub-heads which... you get the idea) who runs the front desk of the Nexus Inn. Doesn't get too much traffic due to the popularity of the Tavern for quest-seeking. Provides quests in a variety of tiers (Tier 1 for quick cash and loot, more difficult Tier 2 quests, Tier 3 quests, 'Weird Stuff', 'Tedious' and higher-difficulty levels as well)

Patricia Lalonde (Human, Level 23)
A woman from disc 610.

Percelius Mornell (Human, Level 2)
A fellow of scholarly persuasion who lost a book that was recovered by Remalius. Details are vague due to being met through an experimental Arena-autopilot quest (for the entertainment of the fans, of course).

Perferryx the World-Reaper (Daemon, Level 99)
Entity involved in the daemonic assault on the world of Rinnhaveth. At the lower end of a chain of daemonic entities under the command of Mausmangarde, Daemon Lord of Fulsome Industry. Master of Cluades the Harvester, and servant of Prezlyx the Profane.

Perinor of Dreloze (Human, Level 16)
A man with a happy family life. Thanks to Celas killing Talsyrr, the cruel lizardman never came to Dreloze to kill his family, thus Perinor's potential fate as a bitter hero on a quest for vengeance never came to be.

Pete (Human, Level 15)
Pete himself appears to be behind the counter, a freckled, spectacled man wearing a candy-striped red-and-white outfit. Pete's nose is unusually attractive.
Runs a shop that sells noses.

Pete Erickson (Human, Level 2)
A member of the Nexus PD from its ineffective, corrupt period.

Peter Feldmarr (Human, Level 1)
The fan of at least one BA Member. Grandson of Gegory Feldmarr.

Peter Pretzel (Human, Level 2)
Peter possesses the special power of being extremely good at remembering where dinosaurs are located. He was sent here after dishonoring the family business by being unable to make a pretzel. He hopes to reclaim this honor in the Arena, though he has thusfar shown no aptitude for battling.
7 years old. Was at a Nexus Primary School for for aspiring Battle Arena Members. Now a member of Alrick's Brigade.

Phaebon of Soldion (Human & Arch-Solar, Level 200-399)
A noted member of the Bright Crusade.

Phalerin (Divine, Level 400-599)
Good-aligned Deity whose purviews include travel, deserts, the four prime elements, light, healing and death. Unusual in that his followers are told to respect undead if they underwent the transformation willingly, often to guard areas. Unwillingly created undead are to be immediately destroyed, however. Member of The Celestial Divinities Pantheon.
Phalerin in general tries to avoid the big meta-conflicts even moreso than some of the other group members. He instead focuses on various smaller causes, trying to help small portions of the universe as best he can as opposed to throwing his full weight into a conflict with other equally-powerful or more-powerful invidivudals. Projects Phalerin is involved in frequently involve the elimination of hostile undead, the discovery of new groups of worlds and dimensions, making sure groups of Phalerin-worshippers have their basic needs met, and preventing major problems from popping up in the Endless Desert. He will also help the Celestial Realm on occasion with offensives against various groups of evil planar beings.

Pharoah Ornqophet (Undead, Level 76)
"A towering lich-mummy-ghost with arms folded across his chest, standing atop a giant floating coffing like a surfboard while four massive pyramids circle him like weapon options, crystal peaks glowing."
One of the competitors in Walrusfast, a festive race. Was the third-placed finisher for the Platinum Peril course, which was also challenged by a not-insignificant number of potent Arena Members. Has great necromantic powers and is capable of channeling Glory to greatly empower himself over others and attach himself to their legends in order to surpass them. Also capable of draining the speed of others and flipping into other potent deathly forms, such as taking on the power of a shadow-lich.

Phen O'Deneibe (Human, Level 8)
A member of the Battle Arena Member Mendul Thandein's group that led their own attempt into Sunthrone during the Princess of Suns Incident. A bard/archer proficient with blowguns and minor destructive magic. Died in a trap set by Michael Helios' group.

Phillip the Cat (Animal, Level 9)
Not recommended as a guild member to the SOS Brigade, as he would accidentally eat a valuable item.

Pierre the Collector of Exotic Things (Human, Level 16)
"Pierre is in a less-loud, blue and white hawaiian shirt and has a mojito"
A collector of exotic things. Offered to buy a summon toad spell from Mreau, only to back out when Mreau threatened to eat him. Wears a moderately loud Hawaiian shirt and has a pointy mustache. Carried a mojito.

Pilgrim-Missionary Malachi Graves (Undead, Level 45)
Member of the Joymerchants. A Necromancer/Driver/Deathless One. Can summon undead to help, ranging from zombie mechanics to undead giants. Can drive into and out of fog banks, essentially teleporting through them; Can control weather to a limited extent, moreso in dark areas / areas with a lot of Darkness mana or necromantic energy. Through "RISE FROM YOUR SCRAP HEAP!" Malachi can resurrect cars (and other transports) as undead vehicles under his command. His main goal is to beat the Fleshwarpers on their own territory- to this end, he installed two hidden mechanical atomic chainguns that can snap out of his shoulders on metal tendrils; he assumes the Fleshwarpers will be expecting undead-related stuff from him, but not that.

Pinaradron Varsanti (Human, Level 54)
A member of the original Mana Cannon project.

Pineapple Goodbye (Plant, Level 58)
A member of Bill the Purple Marmoset's team during the Knot of Trelhais quest. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis.

Pirate Lord Dreadbeard (Human, Level 36)
Leader of a pirate armada taken out by Admiral Clooney.

Pirate Lord Tolvo Archemark (Human, Level 63)
Challenged the fifth Chosen of Water, Jabari Ekantu, for the title and artifact. Was defeated.

Planetocelestial Arch-Engineer Ruthera Veyndergreise (Human & Astral Being & Clockwork, Level 91)
Wrote the advanced Gearwright text 'Advanced Phlogiston Usage in Transplanetary Clockwork Devices'.

Plan Man Stan (Human, Level 22)
A member of the Bubble City mafia heading up the effort to hunt down Ghoulface. Has a big basement-dungeon.

Plixplix the Heaven Puncher (Marcoschnapt, Level 400-599)
"A floating young girl with glowing eyes and hands."
One of the large, odd group of individuals presiding over the creation of the Doorway of Lost Realms. A being of chaos from a plane of chaos originally set to be sealed away by a group of celestial sages to avoid its destructive influence on their world, Plixplix's sole reason for being is to punch out things including, but not limited to, titanic celestial wards, all of a world's heavenly beings, and reality itself. Has an Absolute Holy Blessing.

Pomofar (Human, Level 18)
"Somewhat short, is bald, and has a long, rounded nose and a somewhat bulbous chin. He wears red robes with gold embroidery"
Court Wizard to Lord Grezman of Tjardol.

Porphyrious (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
"Has a million squidlike tendrils and sea snakes for hair."
Previous Source Guardian of Water. Killed by Iepterro, Dryse and the Veil Render.

Poryathema the Archivist (Human, Level 18)
A wizard-librarian met by Remalius, and present holder of the Wizard's Opal. Details are vague due to being met through an experimental Arena-autopilot quest (for the entertainment of the fans, of course).

Preesa Hollendaise (Human, Level 17)
"A woman in a black sweater with a black-and-white polka-dot long-skirt. Her black hair is arranged in three buns, each of which sits on top of the last, with a round, red gemstone pin sticking in from the top like some bizarre cherry atop a triple-layer hair-bun sundae. Her gray eyes are framed by lensless brass glasses with horn-rims."
The humourless receptionist of Smokey Mountain Historical Corporation. May or may not have been involved in the plot within. Was knocked unconscious by the blast of Corruption mana being sucked out of the building and into the Inescapable Well.

Preleximil the War-Engine (Machine, Level 74)
Discarded experiment of Eredat Ruethmal, presently active and carving out territory for itself in the scrapheap-plane below the Fae's floating research and development laboratory. Has a million guns.

President Rosenthal (Human, Level 80)
Has been unanimously voted in for her 87th term of office for being generally awesome.

Prezlyx the Profane (Daemon, Level 100-199)
Part of a chain of daemonic entities under the command of Mausmangarde, Daemon Lord of Fulsome Industry. Master of Perferryx the World-Reaper, and servant of Narglocch the Unholy.

Prime-Mother Oreeya (Arch-Prime, Level 600-799)
She has a Level 699 alt-form that is a Bastion.

Primordius (Ooze, Level 16)
A unique ooze that lived on Mount Prazondracon.

Princess Anderlene (Human, Level 17)
Royalty whose hand in marriage is a prize to whomever wins the Tournament of the Seven Crowns. She takes exception to this and seeks swordsmen from outside her world to throw the competition.

Prioress Seretian (Fiend, Level 800-999)
A former prioress of Yazbellan who massively altered the balance of power in the place by joining up with the Council of Netheryn, killing just about all of the Yazbellan theocracy, cowing its dark gods and breaking them into echoes of their former selves that no longer had any proper identity but could be called upon in rituals for power. She also managed to kill most of the members of the Council, almost managing to completely taking it over. Not remembered fondly by any. Many Yazbellan Cathedrals have statues of her. She has an alt-form as a Level 899 Eldritch. She was a noted foe of the First Ascension.

Priscilla Thedge (Human & Humanoid, Level 45)
A member of the Rangers of Light Guild by way of the Warehouse's 'Thralls to the Cause' Category. A witch-dragoon who blends magic with polearm techniques. She goes questing to various worlds through gates from Nexus and had a house on Disc 3 before the whole Crisis hit.

Private Smarty (Human, Level 5)
A space marine and one of the very, very many victims of the prolific Hank S. Mayor's (un)safety measures.

Professor Amerigandan (Human, Level 45)
"A blue-haired mage"
Senior Professor of General Wizardry, Elemental Sciencies, and Multicasting at the Nexus Academy of Magical Arts. Has the (in)famous multi-casting staff.

Professor Dalemann (Human, Level 61)
A member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau's team in their efforts to win the Knot of Trelhais.

Professor Gableark Henbrendeig (Human, Level 43)
Scientist based in Daranasel, a city on the planet Ganseel. Experimented with dimensional travel.

Professor Generica Littroni (Undefined, Undefined) Reference Link
A famous professor whose realm of expertise includes literature. Taught the 'Can Recite Works of Literature from Memory' course during a Warehouse thread via the 'Famous Professors And Lengthy Lectures' category.

Professor Gholshoth (Demon & Horror, Level 36)
Individual who wanted spines from Tsareyakke, the Black-Quilled Spine-Dragon in the Official Quest 'Spines of the Dragon's Back'.

Professor Herronmouse Boredomfaceford III (Undefined, Undefined) Reference Link
A famous professor whose realm of expertise includes utterly exhaustive knowledge of the names of plants and fungi. Taught 'The Complete Compiled Names of Plants and Fungi' course during a Warehouse thread via the 'Famous Professors And Lengthy Lectures' category.

Professor Khaldrin (Human, Level 100-199)
Worked with Naria and Goldenhammer. He has an alt-form as a Level 5 Demon. He has an alt-form as a Level 65 Human & Demon.

Professor Lemarr (Human, Level 59)
"A bearded old man in a torn explorer's suit with a bloodstained fedora. He seems a bit more on-edge than the rest of the group. He has spectacles and appears unusually fit for his age."
Member of a conspiracy who died in the Knot of Trelhais. Would have died in the mayhem resulting from a clash between the Cataloguers of Infinity team, the Camel-Headed Bastard team, and the Enigma Men failing to retroactively write themselves into existence, had that actually happened. Present status unknown.

Professor Markieldor (Human, Level 38)
Creator of a truly horrific salad.

Professor Markieldor's Horrific Salad Which Could Not Be Named (Plant & Horror, Level 38)
Presumably incredibly strange being encountered by associates of the Joymerchants of the Ebon Book.

Professor Martial Martin (Undefined, Undefined) Reference Link
A famous professor whose realm of expertise includes setting things on fire by punching them. Taught the 'Burning Hands for Manly Combat' course during a Warehouse thread via the 'Famous Professors And Lengthy Lectures' category.

Proglogg Pickle-Licker (Humanoid, Level 3) Reference Link
"A thin goblin with a long, pickle-like nose with warty bumps along it, who wears a too-long robe and a too-heavy hat atop a too-large turban with a too-large-and-heavy fake jewel on it."
A goblin transported into SAINT's membership through the Warehouse. He thinks himself cultured and the peer of anyone at SAINT, but is, in actuality, rather boorish and prone to licking foodstuffs on other people's plates and other gauche breaches of good manners. Was sent off to the elite Lady-Admiral Weatherstone's Academy for the Foundation of Proper Young Aristocrats in order to rectify this behaviour and ensure he could become the gentleman he purports (and likely wishes) himself to be.

Prok Mylsuere (Undead, Level 25)
A member of The Dagger In Shadow, seeking to steal Oneman from Lili von Mion to use as a tool in the name of Amon Horutep. Can control shadows, craft illusions, and is skilled with the lance and the bow. Possesses the lance-bow Gaggerloch. Killed by Iepterro.

Provost Nicholas (Human, Level 75)
One of the leaders of the Institute for the Refinement of Rational Civilization.

Proxima Androtti (Human, Level 200-399)
Assistant to the Dimension-Mapper, Carlito Andersluuth.

Prudence-SEVEN (Robot, Level 4)
"A robotic old lady being driven by a yellow cat with zig-zaggy black strikes"
Manually-controlled robotic old lady, used by Tom Claws in an effort to engage and interact with humans in what he thinks is a completely undetectable fashion. Hampered by being obviously robotic, having a loud and robotic voice, and being driven in a visible manner via levers by a yellow cat.

Pumpmaster Jahnn Reguatt (Human, Level 45)
"Specialises in spawning huge numbers of random monsters, some of which are very bizarre."
Wanted by the Nexus Bureau of Administration for manufacture of hostile monsters, murder, illegal magical tampering, false imprisonment and impersonating a Government official. Creates dungeons. Likes abducting people to put in the dungeons and seeing if they can be reached by rescue teams.

Pup (Humanoid, Level 3) Reference Link
"A wolf-man"
An alternate version of Kit from Major Timeline E of Rael'el (and potentially the universe in general). Still just beginning their adventures.

Qg, Namer of Disasters (Golem, Level 65)
Part of the Serpent Demon Yasamoth's team taken to the Knot of Trelhais for purposes unknown (likely involving hunting down the others for sport and artifacts).

QR-775 (Robot, Level 15)
One of two robots arguing with the alien Zobox-and-Niboz on Disc 37 about his terrible parking. They've been arguing for months, apparently having nothing better to do.

QR-776 (Robot, Level 15)
One of two robots arguing with the alien Zobox-and-Niboz on Disc 37 about his terrible parking. They've been arguing for months, apparently having nothing better to do.

Qrl'Wroz'Votsbulotlik (Arch-Demon, Level 600-799)
Twelvespace-demon tricked by Mimechiavelli into giving the villainous mime its powers.

Quad'Plol'Shoob (Aquatic & Humanoid, Level 96)
Leader of the Jellyfish Titans of the Semi-Luminous Emptiness of Yundeloop. Capable of bending space and light to create pocket realms to house her armies.

Quandmos Prell (Humanoid, Level 31)
Wanted by the Nexus Administrative Bureau for seizure of property, murder, inciting riots and unintentional treasonous acts

Quasari-Pathaan, Ereikmeisaah of Paper Cranes (Aerial, Level 39 Boss)
"A towering, humanoid figure in paper-white robes atop a throne of thousands of cranes. From her back shine wings of light, and her crane-head shines with such brightness that it is painful to behold. Her left hand is made of shadow, her right of light, both trailing shining, painful red symbols."
Regal boss-enemy found in the Arena Room of the Labyrinth of Paper Cranes/Snowfall on Dol-Quorsis. Killed by Tolva, but due to the world's quirks it's possible she may respawn for later challenges.

Quazarchnus the Living Storm of Light (Magic Being & Elemental, Level 58)
One of the members of Michael Helios' ill-fated team in the Knot of Trelhais fiasco. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis.

Queen Ashrethynn (Human & Fae & Horror, Level 41)
"She used to be quite the kind girl. She had fair hair that dangled in an elegant curl. Her poise, kindness, and grace, had no match in this place, and her smile shone like a pearl."
A girl that entered the rhyme-obsessed lands of Simmereth and Vyersnath perhaps as long as 3,000 years ago. She still rules there, but evidently the centuries of incessant rhyming have taken their toll on her, as she now wishes only to escape- even if she has to utterly destroy the world in which she lives to do so.

Queen Bronfina (Human, Level 19)
Queen of the Kingdom of Balsentaire. Was replaced many years ago by a Hippo-Kin Royalty Impersonator. It is currently unknown if she died, was killed, or is simply missing.

Queen Bronfina's Imposter (Humanoid, Level 28)
"The queen has a very long wig of curls, a huge, poofy dress, and a giant ice rod"
Queen of the Kingdom of Balsentaire and previous enemy of Lord Balonsti, the Iron General. Her capital city was destroyed in a titanic duel between Darston and Balonsti, both showing flagrant disregard for the staging area's wellbeing. Queen Bronfina herself was killed by Heracles and subsequently discovered to be a shapeshifting Hippo-Kin Royalty Impersonator, who had apparently replaced the real Queen several years before.

Queen Chryzathma (Humanoid & Golem, Level 60)
One of the members of Michael Helios' ill-fated team in the Knot of Trelhais fiasco. Only joined because her world was under threat from both the Bright Crusade and the New Dark Empire- she threw in with the lesser of two evils whilst keeping an eye out for a third option to present itself. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis.

Queen Dendraeymuir (Fae, Level 200-400)
A notable lady of one of the many faerie realms. She is a deity.

Queen Elegresh (Fae, Level 73)
Sits in her ruined palace of crystal and silver in The Unconquered Wilderness of Valnorash, her attempts to relocate her people to the untamed land having to disaster, leaving her the only survivor of her people, bitterly ruling over a castle of violent elementals and spirits.

Queen of Autumn (Spirit, Level 400-599)
Was a noted opponet of the Third Ascension and the personal nemesis of one of its members. She has a Level 499 Eldritch alt-form.

Queen of Eiriyar (Human, Level 60)
A powerful illusionist and ruler of the Kingdom of Eryiar, one of those conquered during the course of the Fourth Ascension. The Queen holds the notable distinction of not only repelling, but defeating the Ascendants on four separate occasions before later falling to them in battle.

Quincy Jacknife (Human, Level 43)
Explorer-Thief. Member of Adventurers Across Worlds.

Quinton Vastley (Human, Level 42)
An acquaintance of Ryan Archmont. Knows Astral Magic and Umbramancy. From Disc 5,242.

Quixxlulox Su'Siquixxiunnian (Alien, Level 83)
Wrote the text 'Unwinding the Geometric Contaragantria: An In-Depth Exploration'.

Quosh-Dhengarr, The Petrification-Mind (Monster & Magic Being, Level 83)
One of the greatest threats in the caverns of Ghalmabraz, albeit not terribly mobile and more removed from most of the inhabited portions of the dimension.

Qz'Pr-Ahn-Eru (Golem & Humanoid, Level 51)
"A stone man with a body like armor with bands of paint around it wielding a tall spear"
Stationed at the base of the well to report on new visitors and notable developments to his civilisation. Stoic.

Raaso Su'Iaaric (Ancient, Level 83)
One of the returned Raaic Ancients, who almost killed the fifth Chosen of Water, Jabari Ekantu. Was thwarted by the intervention of Oracle.

Raathemus Calzerott (Human, Level 48)
"A man in a dark robe covered with gray runes. His hair is shock-white, his right eye is solid-white and has scarring around it, and his left eye has a red iris."
Individual found on Disc 102 studying the lists of names. Seems to be familiar with (and able to contact) at least one notable demon. Killed Ruka-O when the robot-mech attempted to steal his soul to complete a Daring Discs challenge. Completely unsympathetic.

Radlowe Tallon (Humanoid, Level 42)
Clawer. Member of Adventurers Across Worlds.

Racecar Steve (Human & Machine, Level 20)
A racer challenged at Nira's Racetrack. Presumably very fast for their level band.

Raekrasia, Dekarimathan Demigoddess of Knowledge and Discovery (Planetary, Level 87)
A member of the Council of Ten Thousand Gods. A powerful diviner.

Raikandos Zazafan (Arch-Demon, Level 200-399)
One of the heads of the Rebel Dark Forces.

Rakthodes (Demon, Level 400-599)
One-time general of Amon Horutep, the Endbringer, who cut down Yterrius the Spirit-Father.

Ralvyara (Ethryl, Level 2,000-3,999)

Ralytor (Immortal, Level 400-599)
She was recruited by Bascaradine from her original world-space, transitioning to her current status from her former state as an Arch-Illuminated.

Randolph Frollo, Clockmaker (Human, Level 5)
Created by offworlders and stationed at the most likely arrival-town on his world, Randolph Frollo wasn't under the same programming-behavior as the rest of his world. He has knowledge of the world and (pre-Roulette-reset) helped bridge issues between offworld travellers and on-world residents.

Ranghas Almanassan, Last of the Sartonakho (Human, Level 40)
"A muscular man with hide armors, three large spears on his back, each of which has a different styalized head, and a fourth spear in his head, this one twice as thick with a tip that looks like a mix of a lightning bolt and a bird's beak. He wears a cloak made of what appears to be a tattered red flag with a symbol of a dragon on a mountain on it. In his open hand, he holds the reigns of the sky manta"
A heroic wanderer who travels the skies of Anshort VII on Kulza-Krahn, a giant sky ray he tamed himself. Presumably once a member of the fallen Tarmanassad Empire, he spends his time searching for powerful opponents to fight and train against, taking trophies from each victory. Among his defeated enemies are the giant-slayer Gulgas Mornardann and Rongol Mokshanass, Last Lord-Master of the Degenerate Valtarnnan Kingdom.
One of his spears places an electric field on targets that disables their abilities and repeatedly strikes with electric force. His others have a multitude of abilities.

Raphael, Lord of Gazelles (Deva, Level 59)
"A thin, tall man with spritely features and a look that somehow manages to be both nervous and proud, his shadow is that of a gazelle and his hair has a gazelle-appropriate color pattern"
Part of the group sent by world-entities Miss Nowhere and Miss Demise to the Knot of Trelhais. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis, but recovered by Miss Demise and Miss Nowhere due to their Faction-Ability.

Raphael Noviis (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
One of the three Source Guardians of Light. Presently not around due to Light being taken out of the roster of Base Elements, removing its Source as a result.

Rapunzel (Human, Level 36)
Legendary maiden kept locked within the Knot of Trelheis. Freed due to Darston's actions and released from the Knot to somewhere else in the universe.

Rashello Arimerre (Human & Robot, Level 49)
The fifth Chosen of Technology. A cyborg pirate from the Expanse of Gears who killed Aderene Cytessimo and took the title and artifact. While in the Expanse, Arimerre was challenged by and defeated Chol-Guatti, the Father of Demon-Gremlins, Archo-Calmiarn, and Doktor Servo. Upon exiting the Expanse onto the green world of Taiendur Prime, Rashello was set upon and killed by the automated assassin Tyrrio. Has an alternate form as a Level 45 Human & Robot and a Level 49 Chosen.

Rascherro (Human & Elemental, Level 59 BA Member)
"A man in crimson, spiky armor with flame red hair and wildly glowing eyes."
A member of That Camel-Headed Bastard's plans to ruin everything in the Knot of Trelhais forever. De-Levelled to Level 39 between Knot and Larry the Catfish, he has since worked his way back to Level 59.

Rashek Dathys (Human, Level 30)
The main receptionist for Larexmordum Verinextus. An Astral Mage who can maintain multiple constellation effects at once. Beat the Shielding Golem in a duel. Has a scarred face.

Rashlekk Sulazz (Reptile, Level 79)
Part of a reptilian conspiracy.

Rathgar Hathmarn (Human, Level 59)
"A bearded man in heavy fur armor with a hood and a large hook-spear"
Predicted to attempt to take the Energy Chosen Regalia from Zeo. His major ability sets include a grapple-variant Dragoon, Guardian, Countess of Power, and Tracker. He has lots of ways to block Ice, and he naturally resists guns.

Raul the Salsa God (Planetary, Level 85)
"A relaxed-looking man wearing an apron that says 'Salsa God' and has a picture of a chile on it."
Ally of Senor Diabolico and the Evil Robot Mariachis. Makes exceptionally good salsa.

Rausenrotte (Arch-Daemon, Level 600-799)
Foretold to be a likely foe of the Fifth Ascension. An ally of Mausmangarde, Daemon Lord of Fulsome Industry.

Ray Neboshi (Human, Level 19)
An alternate version of Rey Naboshi, from the same dimension as Veliria Bloodheart. Also known as the Silver Bell Killer, he has been blamed for crimes that Veliria has committed against the town of Stallionsback (although if the title was granted through similar circumstances as his main-dimension counterpart, he's hardly without fault himself).

Raynold Darrantmoore (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendant from the Third Ascension.

Raziel Argarassan (Human & Dragon, Level 200-399)
A legendary hero from ancient days.

Red Colossus (Robot, Level 75)
Giant robot created by the cities of Ganseel under their Red Sky Missile Defense Project, originally planned to be used against the forces of Michael Helios.

Reddington (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
A previous Source Guardian of Darkness killed by Ouettzer.

Redhot (Humanoid, Level 14)
"A slightly overweight red catgirl in a bikini with cat-face decorations covering the breasts"
A catgirl on the competitive Catgirl Newspaper-Eating circuit, a bizarre sport that came about due to a certain Arena Member disguising himself as 'Tia Teleste' and eating a newsboy's entire stock of newspapers. Not very successful at the sport, but seems to have a passion for solving mysteries. Especially if such mysteries expose corruption in the sports field that would lead to her getting a better chance of winning. Tends to jump to conclusions.

Reginald Smith (Human, Level 26)
A mech parts specialist. Lives on Biranis IV.

Rekkiyar the Fleshripper (Demon, Level 8)
"An eight foot tall, very bony demon with serrated, nine-foot long folding arms with two-foot talons"
Member of the Oorimbar/Nathrules team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Enjoys causing chaos, death and suffering, easily flies into bloodlust, and is willing to fight allies. Abhore lawful beings, and will go after Daemons, Illuminated and Celestials with fervor. Killed by Zeero Megamegagogo.

Rendanna Eblando (Human, Level 45)
Healer. Member of Adventurers Across Worlds. Works well with Max Nethman, to the point of having combo moves with him.

Renfield the Arcanist (Outsider, Level 400-599)
An exceptionally powerful arcanist from a distant group of worlds concerned with amassing power (and, by extension, powerful items and artifacts). Notably involved in many large events, ensures his teams come extremely prepared (often with effects to prevent them from meeting opposition and allow them to loot the place). Single-handedly fought wars and has extremely powerful card-spells.

Rentharr Dravis (Human, Level 85)
The head of an interdimensional mining corporation that's trying to gain a monopoly on mana crystals. To say that his corporation (and by extension, himself) has something of a sketchy reputation would be putting it mildly. Entered the Princess of Suns Incident as a faction head (where he lost, losing a great deal of resources to the point of becoming semi-ruined in the process), as well as the Impossible Knot Incident (where he lost, presumably again losing a great deal). Has gone so far as to hire assassins to bring him the Regalia of the Elemental Chosen, but his attempt with the Regalia of Technology roundly failed when the artifact itself rebelled, bound itself to the automated assassin he had hired, and catapulted her to dimensions far beyond his knowledge and reach.

Rentigarr Symelstruun (Human & Humanoid, Level 63)
A noted Gearwright of advanced skill.

Rex-88 (Human & Robot, Level 39 BA Member) Reference Link
His primary classes are Swordsman, Gunner, Matrix Keeper, Protector, Diviner, Gunslinger, Scientist, Wanderer, General, Roboticist, Crafter, Smith, Blazing Sultan, Countess of Power, and Heir to the Future. Worships OZMYR. He participated in the Megaquest Blinding of the Father's Eye, where he worked for Orlue. He was killed during the event's middle stage, dying amidst the Fractal Infrastructure to Aikhra Morvauhl. One notable quest he has been in was 'A Storm Approaches', where he successfully evacuated the village of Bailon-Tor before the Black Storm hit, evading the small goblin army that threatened to block the retreat. Another notable quest he has been in was 'The Carnival of Wheels', where he was killed by a Twisto Clown. Another notable quest he has been in was 'It's Gun Time!' where he successfully found three of the hidden tickets in the Fortress City of Krone and exchanged them for special guns from Mostrose the Gunmaster. Another notable quest he has been in is 'Boldress Favors the Bold', in which he successfully acquired the Fanciest Dress on the Island for Boldress the Ogre, retrieving it from the Tower of Fancy Clam Monsters. Another notable quest he has been in is 'The Storehouse of Smoke', in which he assisted in defending the weapons stores at Fort Swampside from the Confederate Armed Rangers. Another notable quest he has been in is 'A Beefy Adventure', in which the Maulmagore Raiders killed him and took the choice meat cuts he was attempting to transport with his team through Red Glow Canyon. After the megaquest 'Blinding the Father's Eye', he participated in the notable quest 'Birds of a Feather', in which he helped the Birdmen of Azagarrazz stop the Rotwing Raid-Commanders and the Mad Shell Duke from taking their land. Another notable quest he participated in is 'The Mitchelson Plan', in which he successfully retrieved Diana Mitchelson's notes from Green Facility 5, which he later destroyed after killing her. Another notable quest he participated in is 'The Lost Seashell', which he eventually gave up after wandering around the Five Beaches for ages. Another notable quest he participated in is 'The Sevenfold Machine', in which he destroyed the Sevenfold Machine and sent the three requested cogs to the Fulsome Daemons. In regards to BA tournaments, he participated in the Event Blitz tournament, which he won by clearning the most event matches of any participant; during this tournament, he used the Phamous Fotograph to double his Fame gains (he got a bit over half his Fame from this thing, but still earned a fair amount in other places). He has essentially sunk his ability to break the Level 40 cap through a succession of decisions. He got all of the Seal pieces at various points (plus extras from quests), but he has combo'd all of them away. He also made a bargain with a potent Fiend named Ghez'Brassar the Dealmaker in which he traded away his ability to gain Levels beyond 39. A random award he possesses is 'Defeated Brok'Nuii the Penguin King with One Hand Tied Behind His Back'. Has 120 Fame.

Rex Cosmix (Golem & Devil & Reptile, Level 98) Reference Link
"A floating, wood-carved t-rex head with devil horns and real eyes, around which swirl designs of magic, of space, and of tasty beverages waiting to be served."
The bartender of the Mask Section of the Nexus Tavern. Enjoys making experimental specials with bizarre and potent effects.

Reyna and Turakiel (Human & Angel, Level 59, BA Member)
"A small girl in a white dress with a little halo above her head. Darston's space eyes see a massive angel-creature with geometric wings, large claws, and eyes of crystalline light"
A member of Selereth Helios' team to make their way to the centre of the Knot of Trelhais. Can combine with one another, becoming an eight-foot-tall, manly-looking woman with the angel's claws. Made it to the centre of the Knot to fight for the fate of the Wheel against Doctor Catastrophe. Due to a special Walrusfest gift, their moveset now contains:
Graceful Under Pressure- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Whenever a source below Level 60 inflicts a minor or moderate negative status effect or debuff, there is a 25% chance that possessor may choose to be cured of a different minor or moderate negative status effect or debuff from a source below Level 60 that possessor possesses

Reyseyna (Human, Level 45)
Individual on a quest to light up The Dark Land. Will fail due to Lili von Mion lighting the Nine Torches there with flames of ignorance from The Eternal Pyre.

Reyshek the Hunter (Human & Aerial, Level 56)
A member of Ganseed the Collector's team during the Knot of Trelhais event. Killed by Miss Nowhere and Miss Demise's team in Knot.

Rex Armsburg (Human, Level 8)
A rancher/cowboy that makes jerky and owns a shotgun.

Rhak'Mar, The Bloodeye (Undefined, Undefined)
A powerful cyclops who lives in Bloodgrim Sqaure and makes sure that people don't cheat on deals.

Rhal Koriik (Humanoid, Level 73)
One of the most highly-regarded mist-miners in The Sky of Yhon'Malorr, Place of Sweet Breaths.

Rhallas Gallior, the Timeking (Outsider, Level 65)
(Presumably Deceased)
Original owner of the Aeon Diadem, who used its power to maintain tyrannical rule over six thousand timestreams before being defeated by a band of preteen adventurers.

Rhas Omenhommen (Human, Level 68)
"A man with a long beard and spectacles is reading over a list written in blood."

Rhazek-Thar (Humanoid & Alien, Level 45)
"A red-scaled lizardfolk"
Reptilian alien general seeking the blessing of Warmaster Agmarmon, requiring him to challenge to battle all who cross his path. Unfortunately, his path was crossed by Darston and Geddoe. His army didn't much help.

Rhia (Human, Level 59)
One of Nira's new servants. Appeared in Nira's Mansion from another time, another story as a result of unspecified temporal events. Shadow Blade/Thief in training. Has unconventional battle tactics revolving around Bags of Holding. Happy and energetic.

Rhoombus (Pillar, Level 800-999)
A giant head. Can curse people into filling out paperwork for extended periods of time.

Rhul'Kharrik (Aerial, Level 79)
Ruler of Orl'Khuulaan, City of the Great Winged Ones.

Rylldos (Human, Level 19) Reference Link
"A blonde man in a black suit with sunglasses and a hovertank"
Resident of Minor Timeline C of Rael'el. Time flows slowly there. Liked Thalvados, and is currently looking for him.

Rick Aardman (Human, Level 3)
An employee of the Nexus PD during their ineffective period.

Rick Bakely the Baker of Bakers (Human, Level 55)
An individual attached to a special fight.

Rick Belmest (Human, Level 41)
Fighter. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling.

Rick Cardinal (Human, Level 45)
Wizard. Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency.

Rick Vamp (Undead, Level 86)
Owner of a flying coffin store in the Grand Mall of Worlds.

Riotous Doctor Funkensteinr (Bio-Horror, Level 59 BA Member)
"A massive afro-bearing frankenstein"
A member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau's team in their efforts to win the Knot of Trelhais. One of the most powerful Battle Arena Members of his level that has been encountered. Made it to the centre of the Knot of Trelheis despite a number of setbacks, deleveling and reality glitches, but died before he could get involved in the final battle for the Wheel.

Risvether (Humanoid & Animal & Aerial, Level 65) Reference Link
"Two bat-people wearing elaborate wizardly robes (one blue with white starbursts, the other black with gold runes) discussing some matter in front of the library."
A member of the theocratic empire of batfolk exploring alternate timelines of Rael'el for treasures and Lorekeeper secrets. Eminently reasonable.

Robbie (Human, Level 1)
"A boy of about 8 years with black hair"
Original holder of the Wishing Star of the Sunny Plains of El-Bazaril, and almost wished to bring about an army of hags in revenge against the Bowling Giants for not letting he and his friends join their team. Was convinced to wish for something else by Kit, thus causing the timeline to change its course and remain peaceful. Gained the superpowers of elemental energy manipulation and energy absorbtion from the new wish. Currently being trained by Ryan, the Bowling Wizard.

Roberta Bergge (Human, Level 4)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. A rather large individual who tried becoming a sumo wrestler but discovered she hated it, and is now trying out train trips and determining that she doesn't like them much either.

Robert Hessmunn (Planetary, Level 59 BA Member)
A member of the Veil-Render's team in the Knot of Trelhais, alongside Ganfo Donno.

Roberto (Human, Level 25)
A man who requested his car keys (and car) be retrieved from the evil robot mariachis that stole it. While admirably determined in the face of such nonsense, he unfortunately has difficulty coming to terms with the sheer amount of (somewhat more ridiculous) silliness some residents of Nexus are capable of bringing to bear.

Robo-Techylmann (Robot, Level 200-399)
"A metal copy of Techylmann"
Robotic copy of Techylmann built and programmed in a matter of mere moments, and advanced enough to count as a person (in a copy-of-Techylmann-but-acknowledging-its-copy-status fashion) in its own right, as well as perform complicated and highly technical mana-and-entity-pattern dissection and re-integration procedures whilst simultaneously engaging in combat against powerful archdemons whilst also engaging in taking extremely complicated research notes and bantering without any strain whatsoever. Also capable of vaccinating people against death, headbutting people into a state where good and evil become purely theoretical concepts (thereby forcing the elements to become unable to affect them).

Robot Tshlanylvok (Robot, Level 75)
A robotic version of Doctor Tshlanylvok that was programmed by the Doctor to serve as a failsafe should he become somehow incapacitated. It was disabled by the Bascaradine Twins.

Rocky Jim (Dragon, Level 55)
A somewhat-unintelligent dragon made of rocks who lives on Planet Rocky Bob.

Roderick of Ganseel (Human, Level 45)
The salvation of Ganseel averted his joining Dalnetheros to form the League of Vengeance.

Roger (Human, Level 60)
The sidekick of Master Detective. There have been several versions of him, almost all of whom have met highly unpleasant ends.

Roger Horseleg (Human, Level 4)
Local bubblegum-mining baron of Millbey Town. Owns land in the area, including that which the local church sits on.

Rogue Scholar Greldeen (Human, Level 15)
Dangerous scholarly individual who lived in a tower. Defeated by Remalius. Details are vague due to being met through an experimental Arena-autopilot quest (for the entertainment of the fans, of course).

Ronald Q. Death (Conceptual, Level 600-799)
A retired aspect of death who is allied with Bill, the Purple Marmoset from Beyond Space and Time for reasons unknown. Killed by Zaga Yazrath, the Veil Render and Mimechiavelli working in concert.

Rongol Mokshanass, Last Lord-Master of the Degenerate Valtarnnan Kingdom (Human & Undead, Level 36)
One of the many opponents of Ranghas Almanassan, who also fell in battle before the heroic wanderer.

Ronshalap the Younger (Dragon, Level 3) Reference Link
"A white dragon with purple horns"
An alternate version of Salphron from Major Timeline E of Rael'el (and potentially the universe in general). Still just beginning their adventures.

Roshek'Dohs, The Teralyte Wyrm (Elemental & Dragon, Level 69)
Earthwyrm who has laid claim to many of the caverns of Ghalmabraz.

Rothik Myrt, Global Minister of Gantaar VII (Human, Level 31)
Official stationed in the city of New Leptibloom. Convinced via Lili's mind-trickery to set up traveling carnivals across the world as a matter of great importance. Also something to do with clown milk, whatever that might end up being.

Rotlord of Tal-Maakash (Insect & Horror, Level 45)
Ruler of the ruined city of Tal-Maakash.

Roy Belwoo (Human, Level 82)
Owner and operator of the Roy Belwoo Sound Network, a very profitable organisation. Highly skilled in fighting whilst riding Lightspeed Motorcycles. Had a brief and murderous encounter with Colonel Wilson Jonas (if the photographs are to be believed), but had more than enough net worth to allow for being resurrected.

Rubedio Estern (Human, Level 21)
Associate of the Count of Hessrex.

Ruff Fro (Abstract, Level 38)
"A small dog with a massive rainbow afro and triangles for eyes."
One of a small group of abstracts encountered in the Library of the Lorekeepers.

Rum Runner Tommy (Human, Level 25)
Ne'er-do-well from Disc 610. Has associates known as his Seven Boys. Killed Don Parchesso in a gunfight.

Ruthlmere D. Octavius (Human, Level 68)
Interdimensional traveler and previous owner of the Time General's Mantle before it vanished due to Warehouse intervention. Currently occupied fighting the (Second) Ape-Man Federation of Warpways.

Ruvashkya the Demon Mother (Demon & Insect, Level 59)
A member of the Rebel Dark Force's attempts to win over the Knot of Trelhais.

Ryan Archmont (Human, Level 42)
"A younger man with naturally effiminate features who seems to have lessened them through working out and building muscles."
Astral Mage at the Observatory of Stathelmenta. Has a brother named Cristobald. Friend and associate of Aaron Laedonglor, Exxrya Bennys and Littrya Damachastle.

Ryan Nosejoy (Human, Level 15)
Guard in Fastdefense.

Ryan Omegaarms (Golem, Level 47)
An Iron Gigas who was defeated by Sandor Angertemple.

Ryan, The Bowling Wizard (Human, Level 63)
"A wizard with a long beard blowing in the wind, holding a bowling ball in one hand"
Either summoned or created by the power of the Wishing Star of the Sunny Plains of El-Bazaril, Ryan is a masterful bowling instructor, supplementing his skills with magic to reach astounding heights of bowling skill (including replicating the bowling ball, calling it to his hand, magically predicting its path, and always being able to hit a 7-10 split). Due to a special Walrusfest gift, his moveset now contains:
Magical No-Slip Bowling Shoes- Possessor's Dodge and To Hit cannot be reduced by effects attached to Zones of Water or Ice, Constant Effect

Rynndor Vondras (Human, Level 33)
"An old man in white robes with a conical hat"
The shopkeeper of "Wonders of the Spirit World". A somewhat eccentric purveyor of Spirit Magic, also known as "The Rynnster". Had an ill-fated marketing campaign involving trained birds.

Ryzell Hreeze (Horror & Outsider & Humanoid, Level 400-599)
"Has flesh of coins and lips of wood"
An Administrator of Daghmal Gozzott, City At The Root Of Lost Things. Killed by Plixplix the Heaven Puncher as she set off to rescue Techylmann with the Disaster Seeker.

Sage-Cataloger Deshari (Human, Level 59)
"A woman with brownish-orange skin wearing robes made of what were once secrets that are such no longer. She wields a set of three gems that hold the fates of men."
A member of variably-successful Cataloguers of Infinity team in the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in the Knot in to a clash between the Camel and Enigma Men teams.

Sage-Cataloger Eriyanma (Human, Level 60)
"A woman with pale skin and flame-red hair who wears robes made of life and untamed magic. She carries a book naming places that she has personally visited that can summon fragments of copies of them."
A member of variably-successful Cataloguers of Infinity team in the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in the Knot in to a clash between the Camel and Enigma Men teams.

Sage-Cataloger Machmeras (Human, Level 59)
"A dark-skinned man wearing robes made of smoke and mystery woven with the light of insight realized. He wields a bailartix that cuts the fetters of mortality."
A member of variably-successful Cataloguers of Infinity team in the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in the Knot in to a clash between the Camel and Enigma Men teams.

Sage-Cataloger Tequilnaut (Golem, Level 62)
"A stony humanoid with bulky features and robes made of midnight air. Three books float in front of it. The list the names of the forgotten, the triumphant, and the soon-to-be-dead."
A member of variably-successful Cataloguers of Infinity team in the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in the Knot.

Saidrus Vourin (Human, Level 47)
Priest of Phalerin holding the position 'Special Operative Tasked With Preventing the Revivification of the Buzzard Priest'.

Saint Jamie
"They rule all things and their power cannot be equaled by any other being within the Barrier. Their rule is eternal and absolute; all beings serve them. Even those beings such as Valcont who oppose them only do so because they allow or desire them to do so."
One of the three Transcendant Saints that rules everything within The Barrier alongside Gadigan. Typically doesn't get involved with most people's lives unless something strange is going on.

Saint Sylvia
"They rule all things and their power cannot be equaled by any other being within the Barrier. Their rule is eternal and absolute; all beings serve them. Even those beings such as Valcont who oppose them only do so because they allow or desire them to do so."
One of the three Transcendant Saints that rules everything within The Barrier alongside Gadigan. Typically doesn't get involved with most people's lives unless something strange is going on. Likes guns.

Sakkerio Hellstrom (Human, Level 57)
A member of House Hellstrom and the secondary weilder of *Final Triumph: Life's Black Sting (which presently occupied two places at once and is magically set to stabilise at the location of its other designated weilder if targeted for theft). Presently in the safer parts of The Lunatic Castle using the blade to gain control of different types of Darkspawn to model new creations on with the blade. Has several backup measures ready to gate him back to House Hellstrom itself should he be in danger of getting overwhelmed.

Sales Chief Duston Marcennis (Human & Robot, Level 59)
A highly-placed Bascaradine employee, who gained a significant performance bonus from The Shielding Golem's latest, largest buying spree at Bascaradine. This allowed him to afford installing a solid-gold swimming pool on his sky-island villa that was twice the size of his neighbour, Grand Archduke Heinrich Foffernossen the Most-Esteemed, High Master of Chancel Vallencorth and Noted Correspondant of the Seven Pillars- an addition that the Grand Archduke suddenly noticed during his fancy breakfast feast and prompted an outraged tantrum.

Sales-Commander Eurood (Human, Level 67)
"Clad in golden armor with a poofy red ridge along the top of the helm"
A high ranking member of the esteemed Gold-Gilded Guardsman's sales brigade.

Salesman in a Grey Cloak (Outsider, Level 79)
One of a trio of fiercely competing merchants that sell mystery items- undisclosed items sealed in a box. All three tend to gather when one of the trio is about to make a sale, insisting that the buyer take their box and to disregard the others.

Salesman in a Yellow Raincoat (Outsider, Level 79)
One of a trio of fiercely competing merchants that sell mystery items- undisclosed items sealed in a box. All three tend to gather when one of the trio is about to make a sale, insisting that the buyer take their box and to disregard the others.

Saleswoman in Green Felt (Outsider, Level 79)
One of a trio of fiercely competing merchants that sell mystery items- undisclosed items sealed in a box. All three tend to gather when one of the trio is about to make a sale, insisting that the buyer take their box and to disregard the others.

Sally Malton (Human, Level 1)
The owner of Mister Tubbaroo, a cat returned to her through unusual circumstances arisen through the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest.

Sally Newsports (Human, Level 18)
Archer in Fastdefense.

Salvatore (Human, Level 200-399 )
Perhaps the most notable businessman in The One City.

Sam Davis (Human, Level 1)
A notable forest ranger who successfully lobbied for the creation of a nature reserve to preserve part of his disc's wildlife. The nature reserve was posthumously named after him.

Sam Henry (Human, Level 43)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Mechanic for the Round The Disc Scenic Express, and master of machines.

Sam Johnston (Human, Level 4) Reference Link
A security guard with a blue cap bearing the university logo. He is responsible for having patrons show an ID card or sign into a registry before entry.

Samhu-Pdamyesh, The Reflection of the Cosmic Man (Outsider, Level 70)
"A human silhoutte made of galaxies, massive planets, stars, and other visions of the cosmos."
An Eidolon linked to the Infinite Key artifact. Abilities include space-warping, massive damage-attacks, a body that things go through, cosmos-flipping, star-, planet-, and void-based attacks. Its Overcrash is triggered by activating mirror abilities.

Samuel Casterro, Binder of Monsters (Spirit & Human, Level 60)
One of the members of Michael Helios' ill-fated team in the Knot of Trelhais fiasco. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis.

Sanashar Voshinae (Human, Level 55)
Member of the Blackclad Order dealing in law enforcement. Has had prior dealings with Vashna Sasseen.

Sandor Angertemple (Human, Level 48)
Lord Mayor of Fastdefense, but still subject to the reduced-sentience and strange, scripted speech that affects all those native to the region. A fevent believer in Mark Lakesight, God of Lakes, to the point that mentioning lakes is almost all he does.

Sandora the Purifier (Outsider & Ancient, Level 400-599)
"A blue-skinned woman with white hair, eight hands, and eyes that fluctuate between many colors stands within the sixth hollow. She holds a golden bow in her hands, and a quiver filled with glowing arrows rests on her back."
One of the original Seven Ancients, a newly-reawakened pantheon of ancient, benevolent deities that wish to protect civilisation and the forces of good against ancient forces of evil, particularly Darkspawn and the Elder Horrors. They appear to have a fondness for choosing Battle Arena members to weild their powers.

Sandree Bell (Human, Level 45)
A resourceful fan of Prince Charming, and somewhat more knowledgeable about what would be a useful gift to an arena member than most.

Salshubarass (Alien & Magic Being, Level 200-399)
A noted foe of the First Ascension. He has an alt-form as a Level 299 Apocalyptic.

Savvatmarl (Not-Yet-Ascended Ascendant, Level 100-199)
"Her form is that of a being from the hellish equivalent of outer space merged with that of a human. Her skin is made of burning space-fabric, and for eyes she has two hateful red stars. Her countainance is twisted and fanged, and she floats above the ground, ripping at the area around her as she moves. Her hands end in vicious, multi-hooked nail-talons, and place of legs dangle spined tendrils. Her hands are wreathed in hellfire, and eyes open and close in the air around her. Atop her head are two burnt, black antlers that cradle a dying star."
Ascendant involved with the Fourth Ascension.

Savvekh-Lamh (Questant, Level 9,999)
Plot boss for 'Chapter 10' of the Fourth Ascension.

Sayalderos (Immortal, Level 400-600)
Quests between dimensions to face great foes.

Second Councilor of Glynth (Arch-Daemon, Level 200-399)

Second Mask (Spirit, Level 400-599)
A servant of Zaga Yazrath.

Scarlett (Human, Level 3)
Kidnapped daughter of the mayor of Dusty Gulch.

Scriptwriter (Conceptual & Human & Divine, Level 400-599)
"A wooden giant surfing a massive television's channels while atop a huge green-plush chair"
One of the Storytellers of Farthest Tansyrmeym. Resides in (or is) the television.

Seamus Boxlove (Human, Level 45)
Luck Mage. Visiting associate of Adventurers Across Worlds. Can boost luck, affect die rolls, cherry-pick treasures, and generally game the systems of reality. He also whips up a mean steak and can play minigolf masterfully. Remembers random abilities every so often.

Selderra (Human, Level 16)
A Heiberric summoner who is the second youngest relative of Great Aunt Matagrama.

Selena Bascaradine (Ultimate, Level 12,000+)
One of the (in)famous Bascaradine Twins. She has an Absolute Holy Blessing.

Selena Bloodwind, the Ungodly Lie (Undead, Level 65)
Slain companion of Bengal Deathsign the Doom of Man. He carries her ashes with him.

Selereth Helios (Holy One, Level 600-799)
"Selereth's full form sits atop a massive throne somewhere in front of him, galaxies floating around it in ordered rings. In front of Darston, a smaller Selereth-body appears in a flash of light, this one alternating between a more glorious version of the child-form you saw in Sunthrone, the adult-form you saw her transform into, and an eye of fire and light with a symbolic crown floating above it."
Good-aligned deity, a Sun Queen and the previous Source Guardian of Hope, Selereth is an immensely powerful being who is still rising in power and status. Originally the focus of the Princess of Suns Incident, in which she, as a nascent Sun Princess, became the target of a great many varied groups due to her potential to ascend to one of the three Thrones of Suns, with plans laid to save her, kill her, eat her, remove her from reality and more, orchestrated by some of the biggest names going. Many factions sought to kill, corrupt, or rescue her, but a combined effort by the good-aligned groups, headed by Prince Charming, Darston and Zeero Megamegagogo threw off the predetermined options, merged her with the Sphere of Potential held within Sunthrone and ascended her to the rank of Sun Queen, granting her the station of deityhood, a vast measure of power and the services of the Manly Society. Since then, she's been a rapidly rising star in the Universe, both literally and figuratively. Due to a massive battle triggered in Daghmal Gozzot, City At The Root Of Lost Things, Selereth lost her position as a Source Guardian (in part due to Zaga Yazrath's machinations), but has now become the regent-ruler of the Celestial City in place of the presently-trapped Celestial Lord, assuming the title Regent of Heaven.
She has an alt-form that is a Level 19 Solar Being. She has an alt-form that is a Level 200-399 Arch-Solar. Due to a special Walrusfest gift, her moveset now contains:
Defensive Sunflash- Whenever possessor is attacked by an opponent, possessor has a 90% chance of inflicting Impaired: Blind on said opponent before said attack occurs, Constant Effect

Selestinia Michelli (Human & Fae, Level 63)
Rogue Alchemist from Disc 916. Holds a grudge against the Alchemic Order of the Jet Bonfire.

Selzrian the Three-Headed (Dragon, Level 75)
A dragon-wizard and popular combatant of Magister Mellruk's Extradimensional Arena.

Senator Millwallis (Human, Level 2)
Had an expressway named after him.

Senator Shurakawa (Human & Horror, Level 78)
Part of a plot to integrate new Meta Entities into a reality.

Señor Diabolico (Human, Level 81)
"A man with a dark cloak, curled moustache, cane, and tophat"
The boss of the Evil Robot Mariachis and Sombrero Overmind.

Sensei Dracula (Undead, Level 200-399)
Peerless martial artist and world-hopping vampire ninja master who is so much more than fiction. Has appeared in a popular card game.

Senzarr Alzacks (Human, Level 19)
A highly skilled swordsman, is rather cruel and showy, and uses a special fighting style and magic sword that, together, leave very hard-to-heal wounds. Nemesis of Nole Patricsson.

Senzobachallian (Golem, Level 59 BA Member)Reference Link
Her primary classes are Gunner, Siegemaster, Swordsman, Sage, Scholar, Guardian, Diplomat, Spy, Power Trooper, Golomancer, Scientist, Biomancer, Technomancer, Wanderer, Diviner, Alienist, Evermason, Starkeeper, Captain, Cosmos Ruler, Heir to the Future, Contessa of Power, and World Merchant. Senzobachallian was and is in a grand total of one notable quest 'The Alien Wars, Revisited'. Senzobachallian has shifted pretty much entirely out of Nexus and is stuck in a giant alt-timeline in which a copy of an earlier version of the Holy Empire is reenacting the war against General Redscar. This ongoing gigaquest seems to be broken into a bunch of sub-segment chapters and is handling cap-breaking on a narrative basis and bypassing the general BA member systems for levelling entirely. A random award she possesses is 'Assisted Gadigan in Claiming the Sea-World of Phytorexxis-II in the Alien Wars Reenactment Timeline'. Has 214 Fame.

Seratthia the Dragon-Ruler (Human & Dragon, Level 85)
Arch-general of Dharezzar the Ember-Cloaked, presently training in a time-distorted citadel beneath the super-oceanic magma expanse in Chomosk.

Serendil Whitedeath (Arch-Daemon, Level 400-599)
Evil entity who holds sway over purviews of vanity, cruelty, lust and betrayel, amongst other things. Entered the Princess of Suns Incident for her own purposes, and has been involved with many important quests and events since. She has an alt-form in the Level 200-399 Range. She has a Level 59 alt-form from the Blood Mirage Torunament.

Serenita Galein (Human, Level 38)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Healer who seeks to restore broken parts of the railways to life.

Sereyn (Divine, Level 200-399)
Deity of Light, Good and healing. Her churches are often seen backing charitable causes and helping those in need. Currently trying to establish hard-to-reach sanctuary-worlds for her people and is attempting to move away from the main areas of conflict in the universe while still reaching outward to stop anathemaic forces that she feels that she or her servants stand a good chance of stopping. She is still recovering much of her old power, and she maintains good ties with Vereyn. She plans to become more active after her old powers fully return, but that could take eons.

Sergeant Grigsby (Human, Level 71)
Ran a fortress that guarded a rift to several demonic planes of existence. The sergeant developed a wine so strong that, when it was flung down the roaring maws of the massive demons that emerged from the rift, they would collapse drunkenly back into it. No one at the fortress but the Sergeant himself was ever able to down a glass of the stuff.

Sergei Yatsyanov (Human, Level 43)
Ambitious member of Aretsnov Industries based in the City of Night, who sought to expand his influence by taking over buildings in the area through blackmail or capitalising on unfortunate circumstances. Killed by remote cranial detonation whilst being interrogated about his superiors.

Serpent Devil Hashgressos (Reptile & Devil, Level 87) Reference Link
Had a cult that tried to revive him in the quest 'The Serpentine Occultist', but was thwarted by Vivorynn Chrisallios.

Seth Rompi (Human, Level 2)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Hates trains and long, educational trips. Is on the Round The Disc Scenic Express for its 24,951 haul, and utterly loathing the fact he got dragged into it by his parents, presumably getting condemned to live out his life on the rails.

Sgt. Toaster (Golem & Machine, Level 45)
Previously-retired animate war-appliance whose taste of adventure with Garcon Washingford had him return to active duty.

Shadecount Wellmyr Prynlich, the Undying Lord (Arch-Umbral, Level 200-399)
Being held in great regard in the Imperial Homeworld's City of Night. His statue adorns the top of the City Hall, which, by law, no building is allowed to be taller than.

Shadow Duke Caergamel (Umbral, Level 35)
A Shadow Duke. Presumably more powerful than Mierphrobul and not as antagonistic as some.

Shadow Duke Gelvodes (Umbral, Level 48)
"A great, dark shape rises from the hole in reality. It is a massive shape with a humanoid upper half attached to a great tendrilled blob of darkness the size of a castle, with four horns, eight red eyes and fingers that are serpents with the heads of men."
A Shadow Duke. Powerful and somewhat bloodthirsty.

Shadow Duke Mierphobul (Umbral, Level 19)
An Umbral Shadow Duke who is capable of being summoned. His summoning spell is currently in the hands of the Order of the Crystal Glove.
Stat Link

Shalmakh the Worm-Eater (Insect & Cthonian & Horror, Level 40)
An opponent of the Sixth Ascension.

Shalmarkion (Not-Yet-Ascended Ascendant, Level 1-99)
Deity-level being with immense hunger for power that created a huge network of power and an organisation of like-minded beings, the Omnipresent Council of Archtyrants, and used it to take over and control many worlds and places, including Nexus. Killed by the Ascendants during the course of the Third Ascension. Still has a few loyal followers trying to bring him back, who succeeded in making him part of the Sixth Ascension, guaranteeing his return and rise in power. He has an alt-form that is a Fiend in the Level 800-999 Range. He has an alt-form that is a Tyrant that is Level 999. He has an alt-form that is an Utterdark that is Level 999. He has an alt-form that is a Unity that is Level 9,999. He is part of the Sixth Ascension.

Shandranizar of Ludensvoi (Human, Level 49)
"A man with a turban with an eye set into its fine purple silk, billowing layers of robes, a long black beard, and eyes that sparkle like stars."
Associate of the Joymerchants of the Ebon Book.

Shannon (Human, Level 80)
"A brunette woman in a bartending outfit"
One of the Nexus Tavern's newer bartenders. New to Nexus, but has an admirable memory for the details and history of a variety of places. Due to a specially-empowered Walrusfest gift that gave a bad result, her moveset now contains:
Can Only Make Drinks that Taste Like Rotting Flesh- Possessor's actions may only heal or place buffs on Undead or Horrors, Constant Effect
It is assumed she is presently doing something to counteract this.

Sharidath the Voluptuous (Demon, Level 6)
"A succubus who has (in her natural form) red hair, blue eyes, moderate-size bat wings, and massive breasts"
A somewhat dim-witted, forgetful and gullible succubus with a tendency to vastly overplay her sexuality with her shapeshifting, to the point as coming across as creepy rather than attractive. Doesn't like shapeshifting on the grounds that she's attractive enough already and anyone saying otherwise is utterly wrong, refuses to shapeshift into anything without breasts. Was on Serendil's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Died to Michael Helios' group in Sunthrone.

Shassath the Ibodian (Alien, Level 39)
Member of the Ibodian Syndicate. One of the upper-ranking members.

Shekya, Guardian of Remorse (Spirit & Undead, Level 59 BA Member)
A member of Ganseed the Collector's team during the Knot of Trelhais event. Holds the artifact Epitath of the Lost.

Sheldon Q (Human, Level 29)
A spearman. Resident of Disc 14,511. Witness to the Sword and Tale Massacre.

Sheriff Cliff Sunshooter (Human, Level 20)
Dastardly sheriff of Blood Creek, who kidnapped Scarlett, the daughter of Dusty Gulch's mayor.

Sherriff Scrooge (Human, Level 55)
Ran the Anti-Abstract Defense Class one Walrusfest.

Shining Genesis-Egg (Golem, Level 65)
No description given.

Shokarath (Planetary, Level 95)
Dark god of the depths of the Semi-Luminous Emptiness of Yundeloop.

Shozako (Monster, Level 14)
"A six-foot, white feathered, winged serpent. A small tornado seems to spin around its body."
Was on the Celestial Lord's side during the Princess of Suns Incident. Posseses control over air mana and can allow those near him to levate. Very good at melee combat, ranged combat is mostly useless against him due to being able to deflect non-magical ranged attacks and even some magical ones. Died in Sunthrone.

Sierylmekht (Robot & Celestial & Hollow-Soul, Level 40)
An opponent of the Second Ascension

Silseria Dragonsbane (Human, Level 1)
(Doesn't Exist Yet)
Will be an Ascendant of the Fifth Ascension.

Silver Bastion (Human & Robot, Level 80)
A notable superhero.

Simon Cryne (Human, Level 42)
"A man with a red cloak and dark hair"
Criminal controlling Dorbel Heyr, who tried to threaten the town of Vobel Borr with destruction unless they acquised to his demands to surrender their land and allow him to expand an artificial forest. Stopped by Geddoe and Darston.

Simon Danning (Human, Level 55)
Brother of Arthur Danning. An adventurer from Nexus who visits other worlds.

Simon Guliarus (Human, Level 58)
"An old man with two primary tufts of hair laboring in brown clothes and a tan apron on a violin made of dark wood."
Master craftsman of violins in Lohm Sabakhmar, to the level where gods and goddesses actively seek him out to order one. Made immortal by a grateful goddess-client. 210 years old.

Simon Varro (Human, Level 15)
A businessman handling a group of alchemists' brewery business while they were out of Bubble City. Unknowingly, the brewery he was managing was being used by Ghoulface to conduct his lethal experiments.

Sir Eustace the Mountain-Faced (Abstract & Plant, Level 45)
"Sir Eustace has a strong, muscular body easily one-and-a-half times that of a normal man. His armor is made of black metal with white crests on its shoulders, and he carries a seven-foot-sledge of metal upon his back that weighs over sixty tons and has a serrated edge on one side. Beside it is strapped a golden javelain with the symbol of an eye at the end of it. His gauntlets are spiked, with fingertips that glow faintly blue, and, like his boots, is made from the same material that his armor is. Despite these arms and armors, what many people would say is the most notable part of Sir Eustace, however, is his head. Sir Eustace, you see, has a mountain for a head. A small mountain, admittedly (at least at most times), but a snow-capped mountain nonetheless. Other people might, instead, point to Sir Eustace's mount, a slightly squiggly, hand-drawn donkey. Those people, however, would face argument from the notification textbox, which reads in quite legible text 'Perfectly Ordinary Donkey' and is connected by a pointing arrow to the animal at all times, angle sliding and snapping around to display itself most clearly to viewers nearby."
An astonishingly sane abstract that upholds the knightly values of honor, bravery and charity, whose main clue as to his nature is his squiggly donkey-mount (which is actually part of him) that he refers to as 'Finklepotter'. Unlike his 'nemesis' Sir Hector, he is a kind, considerate and polite individual. Sir Eustace traveled to the world of Seirei to aid the town of Marefore with its problems during the event known as the Seed Rains, but had the singular misfortune of having the Spirit World dungeon known as the Jasmine Tower land on him en route. Nearly killed by the impact, Sir Eustace nevertheless managed to burrow his way into the dungeon-tower, finding useful treasure, an unusual spell and a powerful endless leaf-bud that granted him the subtype of Plant as well as great powers relating to plantlife. Deciding himself unable to continue on to complete his mission, Sir Eustace left the world, but not before alerting the proper authorities as to the danger of the Tower.

Sir Gansaris Taminan (Human, Level 95)
A member of the original Mana Cannon project.

Sir Gideon of Gyrrhult (Human, Level 77)
Creator (and resident) of the Labyrinth of Beasts, a great maze infested with legendary monsters, werebeasts and many other magical creatures besides. Those able to work out its layout may be able to pierce into the titanic colossus-production forges within.

Sir Hattingham Fury (Human, Level 45)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. The most dapper of ragemasters. In stellar physical condition, the classiest of gentlemen, and capable of launching people straight to jail with a punch.

Sir Hector Hastingford (Human, Level 18)
"A rider wearing sky-blue pantaloons and a puffy shirt with a crest of a dog eating a mountain on it. Behind him flows an eight-foot vermilion cape, and he has a silver-bladed sabre drawn. His hair is long and (not literally) golden, and his eyes have violet irises. "
Of the Axelbury Hastingfords. A brash, arrogant, greedy and rude nobleman who is convinced of both his own superiority and fame, as well as that of his family. Even if the world in which knows little to nothing of the universe beyond. For reasons unknown, either he or his family see Sir Eustace the Mountain-Faced as their nemesis. Owns a considerably-more-competent horse (Brustingfields) and a pair of magical musical trousers that act as a Bag of Holding and can summon a troupe of singing mice under his command. Sir Hector traveled to the world of Seirei in order to ride to the town of Marefore to aid in its problems... for the sole reason that he had been tipped off that Sir Eustace was going to do so and wanted to upstage him. Upon hearing that he had entered during the rare event known as the Seed Rains and of the wondrous treasures that such could bring, he immediately discarded his mission and instead rode around the countryside seeking out valuables, ultimately meeting with incredible success, gaining a powerful knife/throwing knife that regenerates in its sheath and grants great knowledge of plants and the Wood element, a valuable coat from the Jasmine Tower, examples of plantlife treasure (including a tree that grew jeweled apples) more valuable than any of his line had previously laid claim to and finding a Tear of Vernat, a wondrous and supremely pure moonstone of such value and power that even the gods of his world would be hard-pressed to find an equal to. He returned to his world and gained great wealth and prestige with his findings.

Sir Joranth the Victorious (Human, Level 15)
"A surly looking knight in his mid forties wearing silver armor, smoking a cigar, and holding a shotgun while on his horse."
One of the members of the Dravis team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Left the group for Sunthrone early after the seer, Lady Chaundresna, fainted, taking their vital Solar Suppression Device with him. Known for winning regardless of methods, having no sense of honor, and specialising in unfair mounted combat. Left Sunthrone with treasure alive.

Sir Leopold Leopold (Human, Level 47)
"Has a missile-containing war-moustache. He also has a snappy yellow uniform and a hat that is a boat with wings"
Impressive gentleman whose portrait graces a corridor of the Nexus Tavern. Serves under The Queen.

Sir Leopold Leopold (Painted Version) (Human & Golem, Level 45)
"Has a missile-containing war-moustache. He also has a snappy yellow uniform and a hat that is a boat with wings"
A sentient portrait of Sir Leopold Leopold. Presumably has the personality and memories of the real article.

Sir Winkles (Animal, Level 1)
"A very depressed-looking, light-blue cat"
Beloved cat of Mrs. Shelby Nushmunt, who painted a portrait of him entitled 'I Hope He Still Thinks Of Me Often'.

Sister Lurella (Human, Level 4)
A nun in service to Sereyn.

Site Director Andrahhman (Bio-Horror, Level 57)
Member of the Fleshwarpers.

Site Director Shabbagrauth (Bio-Horror, Level 58)
Member of the Fleshwarpers.

Site Director Treselreiss (Bio-Horror, Level 59)
Member of the Fleshwarpers.

Skull Tolva (Demon & Undead & Horror & Living Rumor, Level 47) Reference Link
A Living Rumor that manifested to track down and horrifically kill anyone who made progress towards making a video game starring Tolva. During the events of the reality glitch that temporarily wiped the Universe, Skull Tolva ended up being eaten by Tolva, and is currently bound to the demon's tongue.

Sky Overlord-Captain Malthuss Blackbeard (Human, Level 60)
An opponent of the Third Ascension.

Slapron (Humanoid, Level 29)
"A black-scaled dargon wearing huge, goofy gloves"
A resident of the Beta-Negaverse, an alternate reality that contains rather... different versions of the primary and negaverse realities' residents. The Beta-Negaverse version of Salphron, Slapron is a dargon who is obsessed with collecting gloves. He loves slapping people and reflexively smacks things.

Slick Dick (Fae & Humanoid, Level 41)
A notable gnomish rogue from the same world as Evil Baker.

Smelly Jared (Human, Level 39)
An individual so spectacularly obnoxious he managed to get banned from contacting most of the universe at one point.

Snoopy Sally (Human, Level 43)
"An older woman with a long nose, upon which a pair of glasses (attached to a pearl chain) perch."
The consummate nosy old woman, Snoopy Sally made other people's business her business to such an extent that she has created a massively wide-ranging surveillance network of cameras and trackers. She ran a gossip-gathering booth in Walrusfest that tragically ended in her going completely insane in service to her new Darkspawn masters after an ill-advised attempt to peer into an afterlife run by Outer Terrors.

Sokko (Golem, Level 49)
Funny George's sock puppet, and he's alive. He has death-ray eyes, can warp in prank-objects, and is skilled at close-range touch-based mind control.

Sol Bardol (Human, Level 39)
"A second Entomber, this one in some modified version of the group's armor made from shiny silver metal with dimly-glowing red cores in the mouths of the skulls and a hole in the back of the mask for his long, red hair to flow down from"
An Entomber that holds a special place in the Order of the Silent Hall, not for his strength, but for his unique abilities. Killed by Anathema when he tried to prove the supremacy of his order's brand of death to the undead arena member who vastly outmatched him through part of some machination involving Hugo Bekkler.

Sonja Latif (Human, Level 21)
"It's purple and decorated in stars, it flies through the power of song and magic, and its headlights can see into other worlds. A trail of sparkles briefly follows in its wake."
Driver of the presently-only Magic Bus in Nexus.

Sonquorro (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
"Form hooded and surrounded by radiant mana"
Previous Source Guardian of Magic. Killed by Iepterro, Dryse and the Veil Render.

Sontos, the Wandering Bladesman (Human, Level 61)
Part of a group led by Syrios Dessengrant, Hero of the Worlds to recover one of the ERI's lost templatable element cores, a mission that ended in the successful creation of the Treasure element.

Sophia Hyperion (Arch-Solar, Level 200-399)
A Sun Queen and one of the faction heads in the Princess of Suns Incident. Does not control one of the three Thrones of Suns.

Soricc Tsharr (Undead, Level 78)
Also known as the Kingreaper. Undead abomination defeated by the (then-) Eighth Chosen of Air, Elsie Phaeduras.

Sorisandriel, Caretaker of the Newfound Light (Solar Being, Level 100-199)
"A spiritual figure of an older woman with glowing golden hair, a solar halo, and a dress of sunfire"
One of the caretakers of Selereth Helios as a sun princess, and presumably has had similar jobs in the past. Has been around for a very long time. Used to have rather more destructive jobs in her youth. Cared for the princess and wished for a good fate for her, but knew that the events of the Princess of Suns could end in a variety of ways and refrained from becoming too overly attached.

Soryatthan (Human, Level 28)
Lead researcher of the Black Cabal.

Soul-Burner Wyrkakshmul (Daemon, Level 60)
One of the members of Team New Dark Empire during the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Went MIA at some point in Knot. Died there.

Sovereign of Shadows (Arch-Demon, Level 400-599)
A member of the Rebel Dark Forces.

Sovvey Ness (Human, Level 1)
An explorer/woodsman who was notable for being one of the first to explore and (partially) tame the forest that now bears his name.

Sovereign of Shadows (Arch-Demon, Level 400-599)
A member of the Rebel Dark Forces.

Sparklebell (Humanoid, Level 18)
"A blue-furred catgirl with a pink bell on her neck"
A catgirl on the competitive Catgirl Newspaper-Eating circuit, a bizarre sport that came about due to a certain Arena Member disguising himself as 'Tia Teleste' and eating a newsboy's entire stock of newspapers. Seems to be rather successful at the sport.

Speed Gunner Gunther (Human, Level 75)
An antagonistic man who drives a gun-equipped car, who appeared as a racer to challenge at Nira's Racetrack, a potential opponent in the Council of Ten Thousand Gods megaquest-prep quest and a member of the Speed Masters team in the Crisis Amidst Infinite Nexii megaquest.

Spire Defense Coordinator 0003-0004-0012-0024-9999: Test Mode (Robot, Level 20)
A prologue boss from the Third Ascension.

Spurious Doctor Geezmun (Human, Level 65)
"A bald doctor with a moderate-length gray-black beard, a set of bifocals, a stethescope, a shirt with palm trees and alcohol depicted on it, bulging muscles, and a stopwatch in his right hand."
A member of That Camel-Headed Bastard's plans to ruin everything in the Knot of Trelhais forever. Died in the Knot in to a clash between the Cataloguers and Enigma Men teams.

Sri (Omniverse Buster, Level 12,000+)
An individual who asked Gadigan what the most powerful entity he could make was. The resultant experiments resulted in her ending up stronger than all the other creations that lacked Absolute Holy Blessings.

Ssrasular (Endbringer, Level 4,000-5999)
An Endbringer. May have, or have had at some point, an alt-form as a Reptile.

Stapler Santa (Santa, Level 100-199)
A stapler with a santa hat. Possesses all the powers of Santakind, including mass-teleportation, flight, and jolly laughter.

Star Mercenary Gideon Yasney (Human, Level 60)
A member of the Rentharr Dravis/Don Hippopotamus team that was retroactively entered into the Impossible Knot quest due to the Enigma Men failing to retroactively write themselves into being. Killed along with the rest of the team early on.

Statarios the Lightning-Father (Divinity, Level 200-399)
Storm god bested in combat by Techylmann twice.

Stathelyyrres (Planetary & Aerial, Level 86)
Bird-deity worshipped in the world in which Millbey Town resides. Actively hands out blessings to those that aid its followers.

Stationmaster Woodtie (Human, Level 48)
Stationmaster of the central Nexus Pillar terminal station on Disc 81. Personally hosts ceremonies when people buy a Golden Lifetime Pass Ticket.

Steve Armsburg (Human, Level 17)
The adventuring brother of Rex Armsburg. He has a Level 6 alt-form.

Steve Fritzel (Human, Level 19)
Is presently drunk. He also enjoys betting his nice new hat on things. Presumably running up quite the bill due to this. Is drunk (and gets involved in crazy bets and other messes) so often that he has his own quest-board dedicated to such in the Nexus Inn.

Steve Garrett (Human, Level 44)
Paladin. Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency.

Steve Metts (Human, Level 43)
Spearman. Member of Morrinsons' Hero Agency.

Steve, The Goat With A Cigarette (Animal, Level 8)
"A goat with a cigarette"
A rather foul-mouthed goat. Knows a couple of really minor spells and can write with his head at an angle. One of the members of Az's unsuccessful attempt to rescue Selereth Helios with no outside backing during the Princess of Suns Incident. Joined the Helios faction. Got permanently trapped in a pool of purple liquid in Sunthrone.

Stone Gods Eriyakham and Surumekhet (Divine, Level 400-599)
"Flanking the main entryway are two towering stone colossi. Strange elder symbols carved into giant stone slabs that make up part of the mall's front next to them proclaim them the Stone Gods Eriyakham and Surumekhet."
Two stone deities, statues of which flank the entrance to the Grand Mall of Worlds. Given the scope and scale of everything on the Holy Imperial Homeworld, it is likely that the statues actually are the Stone Gods themselves.

Storgan Ironworker (Humanoid, Level 9)
"A dwarf with brown hair, green eyes, and an explorer's coat. A large golem made of iron stands behind him."
Evermason who joined the Princess of Suns incident under the employ of Ganseed the Collector. Died to the Blackclad Order team in Sunthrone.

Storm Master (Human & Elemental, Level 65)
Entity capable of calling up magically impassable storms of great ferocity and power that can effectively lock entire kingdoms out from the rest of their world.

Srehmel Ghraz (Humanoid, Level 40)
"The crocodile baron is 14 feet tall, wears a fancy suit, and has muscular, scaly-green flesh and a crocodile's head. He carries a fancy cane."
Crocodile Baron seen in the Nexus Tavern. Has powerful physical attacks, devour moves, and debuffs.

Strathein Irdiol (Outsider, Level 400-599)
She is an ally of Zaga Yazrath.

Strickland (Human & Devil, Level 78)
Part of a plot to integrate new Meta Entities into a reality.

Sulerryian Hellstrom (Human, Level 65)
A member of House Hellstrom and the primary weilder of *Final Triumph: Life's Black Sting (which presently occupied two places at once and is magically set to stabilise at the location of its other designated weilder if targeted for theft). Responsible for the blade's creation, along with Markavian Hellstrom. Presently in the Spiral Archive of Massenmostro training against monsters and learning esoteric sorts of magic. He has several backup measures ready to gate him back to House Hellstrom itself should he be in danger of getting overwhelmed.

Sul-Erryk, The Gate Keeper (Outsider, Level 70)
One of the six Heralds of Andaramalius, The Supreme Creator. Bearer of one of the six God-Killing Tools, The Cosmic Compass.

Sultan Al'Amir (Human, Level 29)
One of the three rulers of the Desert of Sildriza. Recently disappeared along with his military forces and all of his cities, creating a power vacuum and causing the local monster population to soar.

Sultan Al'Sildriz (Human, Level 45)
One of the three rulers of the Desert of Sildriza. After the disappearance of Sultan Al'Amir plunged the area into turmoil, the Sultan formed an alliance with the Church of Phalerin in a bid to gain full control over the planet and bring stability to the area once more. This is currently a task beyond his capabilities, so he has asked members of the Battle Arena to aid him in his goal by reducing the local monster population, quelling raids by desert corsairs, and helping provide water to refugees.

Sultan Mul'Arrik (Human, Level 73)
Wealthy individual and frequent patron of Magister Mellruk's Extradimensional Arena.

Sulreiko, Empress of the Kingdom of the Flamesong (Elemental & Spirit, Level 60)
"A feminine figure in white robes decorated with occasional lines of deep red. Her hands are composed solely of floating talons of porcelain, and her face is an oblong porcelain mask that gives a gentle smile. Behind the mask is an orange-red glow. ... Her robes become more regal, gaining a great cape of white and red, ornate shoulders, and intricate crimson designs to accompany the stripes. Her talons become even more elaborate and deadly-looking, and a crown of singing fire materializes above her head."
Elemental-Ruler of the Kingdom of the Flamesong. Previously the Heritor-Princess of the Kingdom, who, in her father's absence, was unable to learn the Flamesong of the kingdom and thus ascend to the position of Empress until Lili arrived, lending her the use of her Guliarus Violin and instructing her in the song's intricacies.

Sun King Vizmyr Orrynden (Arch-Solar, Level 200-399)
Being held in great regard in the Imperial Homeworld's City of Day. His statue adorns the top of the City Hall, which, by law, no building is allowed to be taller than.

Supersonic Ninja Master Fujimoto (Human, Level 60)
A racer challenged at Nira's Racetrack. Presumably very fast for their level band.

Surgeon General (Human, Level 73)
Led his own side in the conflict known as 'The War'. He was a master of battlefield healing, and he managed to keep an unusually high portion of his troops alive even under the brutal attacks of some of the other fighting sides and of The Enemy. He himself has retired now that The War is done, The Enemy is vanquished, and the various other surviving sides all signed a peace treaty.

Surprising Robot (Robot, Variable Level)
"A hispanic-looking man with a finely tailored suit"
A member of the Awesome Squad, a semi-famous group of superheroes. A human-like robot with a variety of unusual abilities, most of which come as a surprise to everyone, including his teammates. Displayed powers include a Truth-o-Meter, an Anti-Narcolepsy Beam and a mobile portal generator. Banned from Bascaradine stores for an unspecified reason.

Suzanne Liu (Human, Level 22)
"A woman of Eastern descent with long, black hair in a ponytail wearing a gray dress-suit, holding a clipboard."
Employee of the Bamboo and Frond Conference Centre tasked with day-to-day running and management of the building. Called in help from Battle Arena members when the building was attacked by neverending hordes of lizards. Currently unemployed due to Bascaradine taking over the conference centre and restaffing it, and has decided to avoid having anything to do with Arena Members unless strictly necessary as a result. She does, however, have a trio of extremely potent randomised gifts sent by an apologetic Arena Member (a Wrapped-Up Wonder, a Boxed Demiplane and a specially-empowered ability-granting Walrusfest Gift) enchanted with powerful Wish magic to ensure they provide a positive outcome presently kept in storage. Whether she'll come around to opening them (or be forced to use the resources they represent) remains to be seen.

Svatto, the Gardener of Sins (Daemon, Level 59)
"A tall, horned demon that is red with black stripes with a halo of burning flowers around its waist"
Part of the group sent by world-entities Miss Nowhere and Miss Demise to the Knot of Trelhais. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis, but recovered by Miss Demise and Miss Nowhere due to their Faction-Ability.

Swarm Queen Kyz'Kularr (Alien, Level 100-199)
An entity that has destroyed at least one planet, that being the homeworld of Torjunnak the Earthwind.

Sykloss Silverclaw (Humanoid & Robot & Animal, Level 39)
Participated in the Megaquest 'Blinding of the Father's Eye', where he killed the BA Member Gerryx Osmontoth.

Syliri (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
Ascendant from the First Ascension.

Synarr-Vzood, Luck-Drinker (Insect, Level 48)
"A semi-insectoid humanoid with a long nose-like protrusion from its high, thin face that ends in a dangling proboscis. It wears blue robes and has ovoid, red eyes."
Frequent gambler at the Casino-Disc, Disc 21. Can drink people's fortune.

Syndarra Vhreys (Human, Level 68)
High Priestess of Ainyl'Veryth, High Commander of the Third Crusade against the Unrighteous Dead in service to Phalerin.

Syneptra Hellstrom (Human, Level 68)
A member of House Hellstrom. One of the members who stabilised the presence of The Lunatic Castle, preventing it from vanishing and allowing exploration.

Syrios Dessengrant, Hero of the Worlds (Human, Level 68)
Led a group of adventurers to recover one of the ERI's lost templatable element cores, a mission that ended in the successful creation of the Treasure element without losing any of their number.

Sytarri Gendregarne, Tamer of the Wave Beasts (Human, Level 65)
Challenged the fifth Chosen of Water, Jabari Ekantu, for the title and artifact. Was defeated.

Szanik the World-Tumbler (Golem, Level 60)
A member of Bill the Purple Marmoset's team during the Knot of Trelhais quest. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis, but was resurrected by the Veil Render for its own purposes.

Szarweyerd (Alien & Magic Being, Level 59 BA Member)
"A blue being made of swirling designs that flow in form. The air around it hums with words of power left barely unspoken."
A member of variably-successful Cataloguers of Infinity team in the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in the Knot but recovered due to being a BA Member.

Szgyzzrex, Assassin Demon (Demon, Level 60)
Part of the team sent by the Deathmark Assassin's Club to the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in the Knot.

Tabitha Blue (Human, Level 5)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Loves trains like the rest of her family, prone to overly-smiley group-photo moments.

Tabok'Okembe (Divine, Level 200-399)
Kind moon-goddess who protected the people of Taikobi from its uncaring sun by granting them a magic cord to pull it below the ground until it relented and agreed to behave. Left the world, taking its people and their great tree with her, before Michael Helios could arrive to destroy the planet for its impertinence against the sun.

Tachymos the Sun-Bearer (Humanoid, Level 85)
A giant who held the sun aloft for eighteen days until Ilmuryn and Cazor Arseydes could heal its wings.

Tahrnu Salaam (Human, Level 35)
A dimension-miner who challenged the fourth Chosen of Technology, Aderene Cytessimo, for her title and lost due to his spectacularly unstable robot detonating mid-battle.

Takakellion (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
"A six-blade-legged worm-beast of living lightning with a grinning maw and ball-lightning eyes."
One of the Three Source Guardians of Electricity, enemy of the Source Guardians of Acid. In another theoretical timeline, they were killed by the awakened Guardians of Acid and their Source destroyed. In this timeline, it was killed by Harkala and had its head turned into a puppet-minion.

Takamoto-Sama (Familiar & Animal, Level 60)
Magical Girl familiar, currently seeking another Magical Girl to bond with as its previous charges were devoured by the Astral Darkness and its minions. Works for the Moon Lords. Predicted to meet- and bond with- Tia Telaria.

Talie (Human, Level 59)
A very lucky girl indeed. Came about after Alrick Slizer attempted to combo-empower a servant with as much luck as he could muster. Eventually became a unique individual in her own right.

Talsyrr (Humanoid, Level 7)
A thief killed while trying to loot the Berinic Mesa catacombs. Nebulously tied up in a chain of events to bring about Gonzo Heed.

Taphriel the World-Burner (Angel, Level 95)
An unfriendly angel whose statue-shrine was located in Arsodai, The Plain of Monuments.

Tariq Iz'Massir (Human, Level 36)
The second Chosen of Air. The Master of Blades of the Cerulean Sultan, he killed the Chosen of Air, Lystra, as she attempted to steal jewels from the palace, gaining the artifact and title of Chosen of Air in the process. Tariq, as the Master of Winds and Blades, performed many tasks for the sultan, but he was killed by the genie-binding lord of thieves Azir Maquaal. Post Mana-Cannon reset, he was restored to life, without the artifact. Has an alt-form as a Level 29 Human, and one as a Level 51 Chosen.

Tarquassis of the Lapis Eye (Dragon & Aquatic, Level 68)
Challenged the fifth Chosen of Water, Jabari Ekantu, for the title and artifact. Was defeated.

Tasharra (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Energy. Killed by Harkala and has its head used as a puppet.

Tashmarrakh the Ordinance Dragon (Dragon, Level 78)
Made entirely of weaponry.

Tchormykk the Crawling (Demon & Darkspawn, Level 58)
A member of the Rebel Dark Force's attempts to win over the Knot of Trelhais.

Ted (Human, Level 1)
Runs 'Ted's Trims', an extremely-cheap lawn-mowing business.

Teddy Adventure (Animal & Golem, Level 45)
"A pink stuffed bear"
An animate toy, rescued from a rift by the grandchildren of Simon Guliarus, and acts as a communication relay between them and their grandfather.

Ted Margusson (Human, Level 33)
One of the Margusson brothers in charge of Margusson shipyards. Recently reached out to Eva, reasoning that a BA Member with an unusual ship-based method of combat would be a fine person to act as their advertising face, which turned out to be extremely effective.

Templar Allirion Thamrain (Aerial, Level 49)
He was a bird-man sky-knight who assisted a group of legendary heroes on his world.

Terpathiad (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Earth who transferred his Guardianship to Selereth. Killed by the Veil Render.

Thalvados (Human, Level 5)
He participated in the exploration of the Library of the Lorekeepers. He later tried attacking Naria's Tower with advanced tanks and rayguns. He has a Level 2 alt-form.

Tharassia Cyrro (Human & Fae, level 65)
Author of 'Tharassia Cyrro's Guide to the Multiverse and Its Planes'. Her home dimension was to be sealed away from the rest of reality by the Wisdom Burners, but Lili's destruction of them prevented that.

Tharl-Gobbril (Arch-Daemon, Level 400-599)
Tentacular horror and major member of the New Dark Empire before its dissolution.

That Chef Who Happens to be a Disembodied Horse Head with Spider Legs (Horror, Level 14)
"A disembodied horse head with spider legs that wears a chef hat"
Knows some dark magic and cooking magic, as well as induce terror-related effects and slightly warp reality in its presence. Was a member of the Sun Eater's team in the Princess of Suns Incident.

The Alcoholic Cow (Abstract, Level 63)
"Down from the skies flies a cow reclining on a cloud. It wears a pink tutu that fails to cover its udders properly, and is holding a large coffee mug filled with beer that, for some reason, is giving off clouds off puffy smoke. It opens the fight (pre round 1) by asking "Would you like to come work out at the gym and get addicted to alcohol?"
Bizarre abstract.

The Almighty Fourfold God-Pillar (God, Level 6,000-7999)

The Amazing Zip (Human, Level 77)
A notable superhero. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Hero Force. Killed by the Unoriginal Gangster facing the faction, but was resurrected post-quest and joined the Walrusfast festive race, where she unfortnately got knocked out early and as a result came in last.

The Archdevil (Arch-Devil, Level 600-799)
Previous ruler of all devils, long since dead. Thanks to a certain lamp and other contingencies, however, that may not forever be the case...

The Architect (Immortal, Level 600-799)
"A single figure, humanoid shaped and bathed in radiant light."
The Architect of Nexus, and member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau.

The Art of Khshall (Conceptual, Level 600-799)
"A being constructed of the living principles of knowledge, construction, and preservation, manyfold in its presence, wrapped through and around the area; its presence can be felt but not seen."
One of the large, odd group of individuals presiding over the creation of the Doorway of Lost Realms.

The Autumnmaker (Spirit & Fae & Daemon, Level 65)
Antagonist of the Official Quest 'Last Days of Autumn', wherein they attempted to send a world into the Spiral of Decay. Stopped by the BA Member Leo Solomon and his allies.

The Bald Solution (Human, Level 39)
A bald man in a white sweater and jeans
Killed while working for Larry the Catfish.

The Bartender (Conceptual & Immortal, Level 1,000)
Created to be the perfect bartender, The Bartender can sometimes be found behind the bar of the Nexus Tavern. Always ready and willing to dispense accurate and helpful advice, an authority (perhaps approaching the foremost in Nexus) on any number of subjects, knowledgable on seemingly all goings-on everywhere both current and historical and an absolutely peerless mixologist of highly magical (and often ability-granting) beverages.

The Bat Demon Vrekylsvesh (Demon, Level 65)
Part of the Serpent Demon Yasamoth's team taken to the Knot of Trelhais for purposes unknown (likely involving hunting down the others for sport and artifacts).

The Bat King (Animal & Humanoid, Level 45)
Entity easily resurrectable for necromantic purposes.

The Bat Tender (Undead & Living Rumor, Level 65) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. A bat bartender who summons flocks of bats to drain its victims dry. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

The Biggerblimp (Machine & Aerial & Vessel, Level 15)
"The Biggerblimp drifts lazily around it in a circle with an ad on its side for light-up clown shoes switching with an ad for Seaburg Noodle Breakfast (only 100 Gold a pack!)."
Landmark and advertising feature of Biggerburg.

The Bitter Surgeon's Skin (Undead & Living Rumor, Level 63) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. A empty skin that wraps around its victims and forces itself to be worn by them, whereupon it proceeds to control their bodies while it surgically dismantles them in the most painful manner possible. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

The Blue Shadow (Human & Clockwork, Level 48)
Wrote the text 'Cloakwork: The Spy-Gunner's Guide to DIY Clockwork Guns in a Pinch'.

The Blue Swan (Astral Being & Machine & Vessel, Level 43)
A Class V exploration vessel. Has a trapped AI that Hank S. Mayor worked on.

The Body-Switching Sphere (Machine & Bio-Horror, Level 30)
Device created by the Fleshwarpers. Presumably does exactly what the name suggests. Not sentient.

The Burning One (Elemental Lord, Level 100-199)
Also known by the name Issordos. The present ruler of most of Rhal'ael. He has an alt-form as a Level 62 Elemental from his post-Mana-Cannon period.

The Cake Witch (Humanoid, Level 18)
A witch who specialises in baking. Lives in the Cake Witch's Tower!, which, due to spatial strangeness, is currently located inside Volatilis' room in the Nexus Inn. Summons Frosting Golems, can scan stats, has access to sticky magic and debuffs masked as beneficial effects, Eats humans, Vulnerable to being pushed into her oven and set on fire.
"A woman with a baker's apron studded with candy over puffy robes with green skin, a long nose, and a hat covered in large gumdrops, chocolates, and candies"

The Candy King (Golem & Magic Being & Humanoid, Level 19)
"A short gentleman with a lollipop for a head and a licoriche moustache materializes in front of Salkat and adjusts his gumdrop-dappled crown"
A being encountered in an odd dream. King of the Candy Kingdom, suffering from his lands being taken and his sweets being replaced by grains of rice until Salkat arrived, killed the usurper and restored the King to his throne.

The Casket of Morkhet Morr (Golem & Undead, Level 17)
Counts as being Level 50 for some purposes. Under the control of the Joymerchants. Presently located on Kirshisara.

The CAT-Tastrophe (Abstract, Level 68)
It can haz destruction.

The Celestial Emperor (Divine, Level 600-799)
A deity.

The Celestial Lord (Absolute, Level 12,000+)
Deity strongly aligned with Light, Good and Law. Was once part of the Bright Crusade, but left after Michael Helios began to use the movement to subjugate and conquer worlds in the Crusade's name, destroying those who opposed him. Presently trapped in the Heaven Puzzle Box. He has an alt-form that is an Absolute in the Level 10,000-11,999 Range. He has an alt-form that is an Absolute in the Level 8,000-9,999 Range. He has an alt-form that is a Holy One in the Level 600-799 Range. He has an alt-form that is a Level 699 Holy One.

The Cerulean Sultan (Human, Level 32)
Ruler of one of the kingdoms on the same world as Kyveer.

The Cerulean Walker (Shapeshifter, Level 60)
(Does Not Exist)
"A blue silhouette of a humanoid that stands twenty feet in height and has a radar dish for a head."
One of the Enigma Men who, thanks to a complicated plot involving trying to manipulate BA members into getting them to retroactively exist, ended up ceasing to exist. May or may not exist in the future, depending on what direction the Enigma Men go in and who fills the ranks.

The Cloning Lizardman (Humanoid & Reptile, Level 20)

The Congeries of Yashool (Elemental Lord, Level 84)
A disjointed body of fish, bubbles, and glowing shapes that often draws in those nearby or leads them to destruction at the hands of Jellyfish Titans. Resides in the Semi-Luminous Emptiness of Yundeloop.

The Crimson Gentleman (Arch-Devil & Living Rumor, Level 64) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. A devilish entity that tempts others into killing their allies, takes their souls, and performs dark miracles with the power it receives, damning its enthralled victims (and anyone else it chooses to torment) in the process. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

The Curse Woman (Undead & Horror, Level 32)
One of the possible spirits suggested to be contacted through a séance in the Horror Night Party House.

The Dark King (Fiend, Level 99)
Noted foe of the First Ascension. He has an alt-form as a Level 99 Tyrant.

The Deific Mecha-Vashna (Undefined, Undefined)
A deity brought about by Arc's undying and rather abstract-random love for Vashna. Probably does not exist (yet), but if he did (or does), he would (or will) have a cadre of bride-prophets and -worshippers, and potentially have a preference for dual-weilding interdictor cruisers in battle. Is notably more awesome than birds. Received a specially-empowered ability-granting Walrusfest Giftbox in the mail, with its contents at present unknown...

The Demon King (Arch-Demon, Level 600-799) Reference Post
Former king of the Demon Realm and original owner of the demon artifacts. More or less killed by Gillingman.

The Dragon King (Level 99 Nemesis, Dragon)
"The Dragon King is in his first form. His serpentine body coils and winds, a great tail that could smash cities easily. His eyes glow with the power granted to him by the Crystal of Absolute Darkness. His whiskers writhe and crackle with mystic power, and his beard is made of flame. His four wings blot out the sun above, bending space as they flap. In one hand he holds the Tyrant's Trident, whose prongs burn bright in contrast to the Crystal of Absolute Darkness, which drinks all ligh away and floats above his other hand. Atop his head is a great crown, and above it float three massive gems. The battlefield now burns with dark fire."

Thedrik Hobbins (Humanoid, Level 9)
A halfling. His old house's wine room is infested with insects.

The Drowned Ghost of Rupert Craigsisle (Undead, Level 26)
One of the possible spirits suggested to be contacted through a séance in the Horror Night Party House

The Duck (Aerial, Variable Level)
"There is a single mallard duck in the room."
Don't touch it.

The Duuke (Human, Level 43)
Either a noble or the head of some organisation or other.

The Emperor of the Crimson Seas (Human & Fiend, Level 400-599) Reference Post
Sent Vardiel to defeat Orrbazzar.

The Enemy (Fiend, Level 80) Reference Post
"A titan-like figure in a stylish black military uniform with a red-eyed gas mask for a face, knife-blades for fingers, and a spike-topped helmet-crown that towers above everything on the disc is spider-skittering across the disc, leaving black fog and armies of masked giants and undead soldiers in its wake."
It was the main opponent in The War. Now that The War is back, it is too. It looms over the battlefield and feeds on war. It uses space and malice to shroud itself beyond fog of war, sending waves upon waves of troops and elite foes to face its opponents, who must brave these grueling gauntlets of seemingly-endless opposing numbers to reach their true opponent. It does not think or act like ordinary men or frogs, instead acting as an adversary to all good worlds and seeking to spread conflict and extend its reach. It is a potent Fiend, it has extensive summoning and remote-leadership powers, if can cleave space apart, and it is bigger than the world. It can take control of the weak-minded or immoral, bending them to its purpose, but those with strong wills, good souls, and tenacity can work together to oppose its forces, force it to reveal itself, and strike it down.

The Eyeless Child (Undead & Living Rumor, Level 62) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. Paralyses and blinds its victims into terrified stillness, then maims them and makes them disappear from reality. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

The Face of Rage (Shapeshifter, Level 42)
Entity seeking to infect thousands with lycanthropy. The priesthood of Phalerin wish to stop it.

The Fate Hand (Planetary, Level 99)
"A massive wheel of wood, inscribed with ancient runes, drops straight through the ceiling. Nailed to its front through the knees and elbows of each of its four arms and four legs is a pale-brown giant with weeping eyes and a violet stone embedded in its forehead. Its body is covered in tattooed symbols, and a symbol of a wheel is tattooed around the gem."
Ridiculously potent-for-the-event planetary installed in the Knot of Trelhais to aid Zaga Yazrath's team. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis.

The Frost Witch (Humanoid, Level 12) Reference Post
From one of the Third Ascension prologues.

The Gatemaster (Large Structure & Demon, Level 40) Reference Post
An opponent of the Second Ascension.

The Gaunt Giant (Undead & Living Rumor, Level 62) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. Looms over areas and terrifies its victims. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

The Glue Man (Golem, Level 85)
A presumably formidable fighter, defeated in the Snorezdem Arena by a Bascaradine-autopiloted Jessie Calthion during the period she was granted the temporary Absolute Holy Blessing 'Heaven Puncher'. Immune to individuals below Level 100 but can only be encountered by people below Level 100 normally. This didn't exactly help him against the power of the Heaven Puncher.

The Goddess of Darkness (Divine, Level 600-799)
The Goddess of Darkness from a world designed to create the Perfect Crumpet, a byproduct of which caused the world's chefs to become startlingly powerful and dangerous entities.

The Golden Face of Qaz-Qor (Golem & Planetary, Level 95)
Entity awoken by the Company of the Lapis Compass, and whose power was once again called upon by the Synod of Slights Remembered. Death and destruction follow in its wake.

The Governor (Golem & Magic Item, Level 1-99) Reference Link
A clock. Also an Ascendant of the Sixth Ascension. Powers include being an equippable Item as well as an individual.

The Grandfeather Wealthcaller (Aerial, Level 45)
"A prodigiously large bird with piercing golden eyes"
One of the patrons of the Bird Section of the Nexus Tavern.

The Gray Terror Hezz'Ekkaran (Horror & Outsider, Level 54)
"A robed creature of coiling horror"
One of the Five Gray Terrors under the command of Mr. Waxley. Can cause men to melt and warp into monsters.

The Gray Terror Yan'Hzul (Horror & Outsider, Level 55)
"A floating sphere with a great maw and four arms"
One of the Five Gray Terrors under the command of Mr. Waxley. Can stop time.

The Great Khan (Undead, Level 68)
Warlord that once ruled parts of the Holy Imperial Homeworld. His tomb is both a notable tourist spot and a Level 59-ish dungeon.

The Grinning Man's Reflection (Undead & Living Rumor, Level 60) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. Terrifies his victims into lethal laughing fits. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

The Guardian of the Concordant Pillars (Elemental, Level 20)
A prologue boss from the Third Ascension.

The Hallucinogenic Horrorphant (Horror & Magic Being, Level 59)
"You see an elephant walking down the street with swirly hypno-eyes. The elephant's color changes every few minutes."
A denizen of the bizarre horror/chaos/hallucination world accessed through the mysterious candy of The Sweet Witch. Acts as a sort of guide for visitors, and insists they gather candy from the odd houses of horror on the streets of the world. Unsettlingly creepy.

The Hand of the Imperator (Robot, Level 80)
Entity that seeks the Isenrod Corporation's downfall.

The Hearty Heart of Valgons-Mar (Bio-Horror, Level 83)
A massive heart that serves as the power source for an enormous bio-complex.

The Henry Borgstromm Engine (Machine, Level 30)
Device owned by the Fleshwarpers. Capable of creating large quantities of elementals.

The Horns and Jovialities of the Plentitude (Abstract, Level 71)
(Does Not Exist)
A powerful, dangerous Abstract that could have been spawned during the grand re-opening of the Millerside Gallery of Fine Arts on Plenswell VI, were it not for the Roulette Master's efforts during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest causing spawn tables to shift as he caused Primes to replace Abstracts as the main Chaotic planar subtype.

The Hound (Humanoid, Level 65/20)
"A tall figure in a dark cloak. ...The Hound throws back his cloak revealing a warty troll's body and that he's carrying a long knife"
A member of That Camel-Headed Bastard's plans to ruin everything in the Knot of Trelhais forever. Compulsively announces who he is, and massively depowers when he does so. Died to a combination of the Cataloguers of Infinity team and the Enigma Men in Knot.

The Immortal Emperor (Immortal, Level 85)
The emperor of a moderately-sized nation who managed to acquire several significant treasures throughout his life and was worshipped by his people. He used them in a complex ritual to set things up so he would be reborn later as an immortal after a long enough time when the proper ritual was played on his sacred instruments. The whole story is rather lengthy, involving shadow demons, the (unrelated) demon king of birds, eighty ghosts, yeti philosophers, four wind spirits, a mercenary who almost retired to seek enlightenment, dance-battling monks, a treasure map, and one of the 'weaker' avatar-bodies of Lord Gadigan. His powers involve divine awe, music, magic relics, rulership, glory, summoning and control of spirits, elemental magic, ritual arts, archery, interdimensional movement via boat, artifact creation, and much more. He is an Immortal with several Artifacts, and he's as dangerous as that implies if you're earned his ire. Currently travels the planes, learning the wisdom of the universe, gathering spirits under his banner, locating relics and treasures, and hearing the greatest songs composed by the bards of hundreds of worlds.

The Iron Gentleman (Golem, Level 55) Reference Link
His approach threatened the town of Howltonne Faulte in the quest 'The Iron Gentleman Approaches'. Was delayed long enough by Vivorynn Chrisallios' efforts to parley that another force of adventurers could locate his Master Key and send him away.

The J'Korri Queen (Insect & Alien, Level 60)
"A massive insect with a swollen abdomen and giant, scythe-tipped arms. She lands on her four lower legs, sprays forth a cloud of eggs that begin hactching into warriors, and roars in challenge to the interloping pumpkin-man."
Queen of the humanoid-insectoid J'korri inhabiting the mobile planet T'jakriss. Sought to seed many worlds with her eggs, infesting them with her spawn and stripping the planets of their resources before destroying them and sending the chunks off to seed other worlds. Capable of mass-spawning J'Korri warriors and calling upon alzarian energy. Killed during a huge clash with the Roulette Master.

The Jolly Piemaker (Undead & Living Rumor, Level 61) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. Causes its victims to starve, gaining no benefit from food or drink (and in fact causing them to become even hungrier) and turn on one another. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

The Khrommangard: High Curator (Golem, Level 4)
It was a dungeon boss protecting the Temple of Orithon's relics. Would rather destroy the whole place than give it to (uppity) thieves.

The King of Bears Is Not Present, Presently (Animal & Abstract, Level 65)
"A bear with an invisible crown that rides atop a ball."
One of the many who entered the Knot of Trelhais on the side of Zaga Yazrath. Joined up with Nole after removing a possession-effect mask from him, going on to help Nole attain the Caduceus of the Prime Healer (gaining the power 'Laughter is the Best Medicine' in the process) and reach the centre. Can transfer negative effects off to the King of Bears (who is generally not present when he is). Died during the confrontation with Doctor Catastrophe, but was later brought back by Selereth.

The King of Storms (Divine, Level 200-399)
A deity that supports the rule of mankind with a serious dislike for dragons and anything reptilian, having been directly responsible for liberating many human nations from their rule. Controls weather and often elevates heroes to power. Areas under the control of his church tend to be racially divided, with humans on the upper levels of society. Believes humans should rule over all other races.

The Laaaamp (Abstract, Level 40)
"A green porcelain lamp with wheels and a large pair of lips on it, with a pattern of dancing beavers and bears with fezes on its shade. Around it dance the lowercase letters of the alphabet, and a halo of pitchfoks, bananas, and cyclops-geese floats around it. It's fifty geet tall. (A geet is a foot's worth of geese)"
One of a small group of abstracts encountered in the Library of the Lorekeepers.

The Legendary Hare (Animal, Level 45)
It's a rabbit-like creature with famous luck.

The Leodranthis (Mech, Level 19)
A quadrapedal mech.

The Librarian (Undead, Level 35)
Skeletal librarian of the Mansion of Horrors. Extremely knowledgable about the Mansion's history.

The Lich King (Undead, Level 80)
"The Lich King was a member of the Nythari, a batlike race favored by Lord Gadigan. He learned powerful magics and became the first undead creature on his world. After taking over the domelike world-hopping city of a group fleeing the destruction of its dimension, he began building a large army of undead."
Reanimated the Lorekeepers and keeps them as his top advisors. He has an alt-form as a Level 80 Eldritch as a potential megaquest boss.

The Lion of Unbreached Veils (Demon & Celestial & Outsider, Level 80)
Servant of the Veil Render. The Veil Render made it out of several of the Knot contenders who died in the fire. Expect unsurpassed and unfair levels of cheatiness.

The Liquor Dragon (Dragon, Level 5)
"A large dragon made out of swirling liquor"
A monster that broke into, broke up and took over Mary Borgeo's Bar before being frozen to death by Silas. It was then subsequently thawed and then used in a drinking contest between Darston and Salkat.

The Living World, Chargul-Hakk (Astral Being, Level 99)
Evil entity opposing the priesthood of Phalerin. Seeks out civilised worlds to assimilate.

The Losossus (Monster, Level 15)
"A pink-skinned creature with 50 legs, a centipede-like body with shaggy purple fur, a long, elephant-like nose, large blue eyes, and four crab pincers."
Member of the Bill team during the Princess of Suns Incident. A rather peculiar creature from a land of whimsy. Can cause strange things to occur. Survived to escape Sunthrone with treasure with its team after they suffered heavy injuries.

The Luminous Rot (Undead & Living Rumor, Level 63) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. A supernatural rot that spreads disease and plague, causing those it touches to rot into glowing mold-zombies under its own control. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

The MacArwalt Brothers: Deadly Band of Thieves (Humanoid, Level 15)
They are a Unit. They were a group of dwarves that improbably defeated a BA member who had been mass-farming dwarves, ascending to a unique boss state in the process.

The Mad Blimpman from Walpdore (Aerial, Level 15)
"A laughing man with a cape billowing behind him in the wind. "
A completely bonkers, villainous blimp-pilot with a bad toupee and the astounding ability to just not die. He has an alt-form as a Level 4 Aerial.

The Manifold Doctor Carlton Wilburforce (Human, Level 80)
He is the product of the Veil Render combining all the previously-split versions of the Doctor.

The Man With The Cat (Human, Level 43)
Part of a conspiracy to use geomantic manipulation (through land development and such) as well as other things, to seize control of the root of magic on a parallel world connected to theirs.

The Man With The Glasses (Human, Level 43)
Part of a conspiracy to use geomantic manipulation (through land development and such) as well as other things, to seize control of the root of magic on a parallel world connected to theirs.

The Marquis of Dufrestyne (Daemon, Level 99)
Foretold to be a likely foe of the Fifth Ascension. He has an alt-form as a Level 99 Mastermind.

The Maw of Dead Stars (Demon & Astral Being, Level 74) Reference Link
Vexxenvech the Sword-Collector's living demon-spaceship and command-centre.

The Merchant (Immortal, Level 100-199)
"A robed man"
Purveyor of incredibly rare, valuable and potent items, most notably concepts and other metaphysical items. Proportionately hard to locate, and sometimes known as The Elusive Merchant or The Elusive Vendor because of this. Lives and works in a vast maze within the labyrinthine back-corridors of the Grand Mall of Worlds, which people can get lost in for weeks or even years.

The Mirage Witch (Humanoid, Level 20)
A prologue boss from the Third Ascension.

The Moonleaper (Vessel, Level 61)
"A massive golden mirror appears in midair, its quicksilver-like central pane seeming to reflect a second reality that is subtly different from the one presented to it. From the great mirror emerges the gilded prow of a massive, yet elegant vessel. The ship, a sleek titan of gold, violet, azure, and quicksilver hues, glides silently from the mirrors surface, which ripples like water as the ship breaches into reality. Adorning the prow and sides of the ship are both elegant mirrors and figureheads of tall, thin, vaguely humanoid figures with wispy features that seem a mix of fluid and air. Behold, the space-defying ship that fires blasts which fold reality! Behold the heavenly chariot of ancient magics! Behold the vessel which moves like silver light and holds gateways to a hundred worlds within its halls! Behold the Moonleaper!"
An AI-controlled, high-level spaceship that currently goes by the name of 'Stella'. Its current home is the Crimson Citadel.

The Mother of Spiders (Undead & Living Rumor, Level 63) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. A ghost that causes spiders to manifest everywhere, all of them poisonous, many of them venomous, and has its victims become zombie-incubators for yet more spider-swarms. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

The Ministers of Loss (Human & Horror, Level 65)
"Three robed figures with spider legs coming out of the blackness where their hoods are. Under their hoods are humanlike faces that are missing their lower jaws and have spider legs protruding from their throats."
A member of the Cult of Bez'Bekkelin's group in their efforts to use the Knot of Trelhais to hasten the end of everything. Capable of creating a variety of wards that inflict backlash-effects and nasty debuffs on those that attack them, but are less powerful if they are unable to act in concert. Killed by Selereth Helios' team in Knot.

The New Mr. Green (Human, Level 100-199)
"He possesses a skull for a head, wear's a general's uniform, enjoys nice cigars, and wields a thermonuclear-warhead spear, which he can explosively strike with numerous times at intense speeds."
Member of the Manly Society For The Protection Of Solar Order. He can summon up various weapons and is a master of War Magic.

The New Mr. Moon (Dragon & Immortal, Level 200-399)
"He has an impressive afro, a lean but muscular body, and wears classy suits and sunglasses."
Member of the Manly Society For The Protection Of Solar Order. He is the king of all dragons for one set of dimensions and can command dragons easily. He himself has an alternate form that is a dragon made of moonlight that can destroy star systems easily with its breath.

The New Mr. Red (Human, Level 100-199)
Alternate member of the Manly Society For The Protection Of Solar Order, or would have been if it came to be in a different fashion than it did in this iteration of reality. She would have stood as the only female member of the Manly Society. She is a technological genius and gadgeteer of extreme resourcefulness who possesses several cybernetic body parts. Were the Manly Society to come into existance in a different manner, she would likely have been responsible for the creation of The Third Mr. Red.

The Nose (Human, Level 45)
Visited the Tavern to get information on Mrs. Blunmont's location.

The Obscene Butcher (Undead & Living Rumor, Level 64) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. A perverse entity that maims its victims, chops up their corpses, and infects survivors with its own twisted desires to harm, kill and eat others. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

The Pan-Dimensional Quantum Potentiality Information Overmind (Pillar, Level 700-799)
Entity made of many aspects. Connected in some way to Magnus Everglory. Was involved in the Third Ascension.

The Parallel Count (Fae, Level 100-199)
A fae deity. Rules a parallel reality to the city of Lohm Sabakhmar.

The Penguin That Might Or Might Not Be The True Meaning Of Love (Animal, Level 25)
A penguin encountered when Archimedes tried to find the True Meaning of Love. Apparently a placeholder for the True Meaning of Love, the entity in charge of the Tunnel of Love not being finished with the place just yet.

The Perfect Man (Human, Level 80)
He is the prized creation of the Institution for the Refinement of Rational Civilization.

The Prize Fairy (Angel & Fae, Level 44)
"A crazed trumpeting sound angrily attempts to lilt through the area, and a coin-eyed angel-fairy appears in a twinkle above the Golem's fountain. It drifts down while holding a pair of silver balloons, phantom trumpets playing around it as it moves."
Entity tied to the Grand Mall of Worlds and paid off by the Mastermind behind the Mechanical Candles to divert those that might be a threat to his plan. Offers prizes (in return for filling out large amounts of paperwork and applying for a rewards program). Arrives (and departs) to the sound of angry, strangled trumpeting.

The Ram Baphelmesco (Demon, Level 70) Reference Link
Works under Vexxenvech the Sword-Collector. Bearer of the gong of treason and torch of impermanence, Brought to gain entry to the Warded Seventh Moon of Gandor's upper fortress.

The Wise Sage of Blossoms (Human, Level 23)
"There is a man with a long, white beard that has flowers growing in it standing in the room. He wears a cloak of leaves and brown leather clothes. He carries a staff that has eight blossoms, one red, one yellow, one blue, one green, one white, one black, one orange, and one purple on it."
Dwells within the Tower of Blossoms and knows how to make the key to the tower that contained the Blossom of Night bloom so that it could be used to enter the tower.

Theo Aquarius (Golem, Level 60)
"A bald, muscular man in a sailor's uniform wielding a giant anchor"
A member of Selereth Helios' team to make their way to the centre of the Knot of Trelhais. Has a variety of water-navigation powers, including the ability to summon boats (including as an attack), command the northern lights, and detect water-borne threats.

Theodric the Brave (Human, Level 17)
Paladin of the Order of the Empyrean-Blue Rose and member of the Outriders of the city of Baumveu. Has a horse named Morningbeam. Can cast Detect Evil.

The Obscure Python (Reptile, Level 75)
Nearly impossible-to-perceive snake-creature with massively powerful Divination-blocking ability that entered the Knot of Trelhais with the goal of altering the geomantic foundations of reality, thereby disabling all Divination Magic, utterly preventing stat-scanning from ever working again and randomising the destination of all portals while making viewing between planes impossible. Massively depowers if its stats are scanned. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis.

The Oracle at the Base of The World Tree (Outsider & Monster & Humanoid, Level 200-399)
"A great, python-bodied woman with a face shrouded with a white veil with a purple eye-symbol painted on it, winds around the roots in the grove"
The Oracle at the base of The World Tree. Capable of relaying prophecy and knowledge directly to the minds of others.

The Overlord of Monkey Castle (Human, Level 80)
"A man in full-body black armor with an ominous metal mask and long cape"
A comic-book superhero! Of sorts. Everything about him seems to conform to comic-book tropes, including scans getting redirected to a comic-book spread of the Overlord's origins, full of hyperbole, and comic-style sound-effect bubbles appearing in his vicinity. He owns the Cosmos Crown, an Infinity-based artifact that can set his stats to nigh-infinite values against things that aren't too far out of his level range. Has a great variety of superpowers, including control over apes and monkeys. Thanks to joining Darston and DOCTOR MIRACLES on their quest to obtain the ERI's lost templatable element cores, he also has the full tree of the new Ki element, too. Originally born on the Holy Imperial Homeworld, but currently resides in Nexus.

The Owl-Masked Man (Human, Level 43)
Part of a conspiracy to use geomantic manipulation (through land development and such) as well as other things, to seize control of the root of magic on a parallel world connected to theirs.

The Prince-Prefect of Gashmelburg (Planetary, Level 89)
Magically-adept ruler of the Great Kingdom of Gashmelburg who sought to become a divine entity in order to defeat the Fourth Ascendants and prevent them from conquering his kingdom and, by extension, the world. Succeeded in becoming a Planetary (after an initial form of uncontrolled divine water), but was defeated by the Ascendants. He has an alt-form that is a Level 89 Human.

The Puzzlemaker (Conceptual & Human, Level 100-199)
"Lilian finds herself sitting in a chair in a while room. A chess board sits in front of her. The king seems to have been replaced with a figure of Lilian. The rest of the pieces are normal. A man with a blue shirt, jeans, a full, dark-black beard, and a strange sense of power about him sits across from him."
He was a vexsome person who created unwinnable games and unsolvable puzzles. Though formidable, he was killed by Miss Nowhere at the end of Unwinnable No Longer. The Nameless Woman was given his power.

The Quartermaster (Humanoid & Animal, Level 63)
He is a hardboiled mercenary rhino-giant who stands a mighty 980 feet tall. He has expert skill with all base weapon subtypes, as well as siege weapons and nunchuks, and he knows a variety of spatial magics. He uses these magics to manage an extradimensional armory where he keeps hundreds of rare weapons, many of which he has mastered Invocations for. He is able to clone non-unique weapons and mass them out en-masse to fighting forces, and is skilled at training troops (including whole units) in the use of new weapons and new weapon subtypes, even if their mana patterns don't normally allow for such.

The Queen (Human, Level 50)
It's not precisely clear which queen she is, or what of, or if she is just The Queen in general, but she has the impressively-moustachioed Sir Leopold Leopold under her command.

The Queen of Eternity (Immortal, Level 400-599)
Her Infinity, the Queen of Eternity, is worshipped by at least one culture. Works of art by legendary crafters have been created for her.

The Queen of Silver Glory (Human, Level 18)
She ruled the City of Silver Glory and hated beastfolk. Went mad and was killed by members of her own court during a beastman invasion.

The Red-Eyed-Tower-Statue (Golem, Level 25)

The Research Program (Conceptual, Level 65)
(Does Not Exist)
"An old doctor in a labcoat made of swirling equations and lines of data sits atop a luminous core of zeroes and ones that seems to hold many futures inside it."
One of the Enigma Men who, thanks to a complicated plot involving trying to manipulate BA members into getting them to retroactively exist, ended up ceasing to exist. May or may not exist in the future, depending on what direction the Enigma Men go in and who fills the ranks. Able to shift into an entirely conceptual domain that few can perceive to avoid attacks.

The Reigning Lord (Spirit, Level 60)
It was an opponent of the Second Ascension.

The Ripper of Dressix (Human, Level 8)
A murderer from one of the prologues in the Third Ascension.

The Road Hag (Humanoid & Monster, Level 56)
"A hag on a long, low motorcyle that wears a black leather robe with silver studs and pointed sunglasses"
The presumable leader of the Hags in an alternate past/future version of the Starry Plains of El-Bazaril in at least two timelines. Rides around on a unique motorcycle. Seems to be worryingly aware of when and where time portals open. Likely has attitude.

The Rolling Sphere of One-Eyed Ghoulkin (Undead, Level 19)

The Serpent Demon Gerigiyos (Demon & Reptile, Level 79)
Part of the Serpent Demon Yasamoth's team taken to the Knot of Trelhais. Came along in an effort to wrest the Aeon Diadem from Kit. Has an Overcrash.

The Serpent Demon Yasamoth (Demon & Reptile, Level 79)
Demon that possessed the Eighth Doctor Carlton Wilburforce. Led a team to the Knot of Trelhais for purposes unknown (likely involving hunting down the others for sport and artifacts). Has an Overcrash.

The Serpent Isbmeilung (Outsider & Monster & Dragon, Level 400-599)
A servant of Zaga Yazrath.

The Serpent Walshandeth (Outsider, Level 17)
Member of Zaga Yazrath's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. A serpent capable of growing to literally any size. Can breath forth attacks of any base element as well as several other elements, extremely resistant to all base elements, presence able to cause catastrophies, constantly growing more powerful. Power currently in the possession of Darston. Died in a fight against Evil Baker and the Sun Eater team.

The Sevenfold Machine (Machine, Level 37) Reference Link
A machine that was the goal of the quest 'The Sevenfold Machine'. Destroyed by Rex-88 and had three of its cogs sent to the Fulsome Industry daemons.

The Shadow of Predation (Monster & Animal & Umbral, Level 72)
Entity found in the towering jungles of The Unconquered Wilderness of Valnorash.

The Slammin' Golem (Golem, Level 59)
An alternate version of The Shielding Golem that was built for basketball.

The Sleepmeister (Fae, Level 19) Reference Link
Antagonist of the Official Quest 'The Sound of Bells'. Enchanted the town of Drygrove. Was defeated by a team including Anomalous Jack and Leo Solomon.

The Snow Queen (Fae & Humanoid, Level 68)
Powerful entity kept in one of the Knot of Trelheis' many dimensional dungeon-pockets, her powers to go to whomever won the challenge presented within. Present status unknown.
The Sombrero Overmind (Machine, Level 45)
"A massive, hovering robotic sombrero. It is 40' in diameter and rotating above a pit of glowing salsa."
The robotic entity that commands the Evil Robot Mariachis. Tends to speak in Spanish. Capable of remotely possessing people and infusing them with its evil energy. Seeks the true meaning of love.

The Stern-Voiced Woman (Human, Level 45)
Part of a conspiracy to use geomantic manipulation (through land development and such) as well as other things, to seize control of the root of magic on a parallel world connected to theirs.

The Stormkeeper (Human, Level 55)
Lord Nalkeron, Mage of Airs. A Master Elementalist of considerable power. Sworn enemy of Lady Tammereith, leader of the Storm Knights.

The Stormwright (Magic Being, Level 38)
(In Storage)
"A being in the shape of a human with a form of living lightning"
Powerful spirit of storms that could create and control weather conditions, and was so linked with the Mulstorn Plain on Dallos Thair, World of Storms that it reflected any changes he underwent. Merged with the Rod of the Mind Lord of the Ocean of Sarquangaso, greatly altering the plains' content, and gaining both power level-wise and potent psychic abilities (as well as access to the elements of Energy and Whimsy). Defeated by Darston, who caused the Stormwright (and the plains) to be catapulted into Storage by throwing the Rod into a Bag of Holding, causing Stormwright, Tower and Plains to be ripped from the world.

The Surfing Golem (Golem, Level 37)
"He looks like TSG does, but with a less-cosmic, less-impressive body, and a really loud Hawaiian shirt."
An alternate-universe version of The Shielding Golem created through the Holy Festival's Cosmic Self-Propagation Studio. He was built by a group of daemon-crafters who had been chased from Gold Sands Beach by Mitchell Helios, the 'King of Sun', AKA that golden-tanned bastard, who had been chasing anyone 'without a rockin' bod or max muscles' from the beach to keep it 'hot-person friendly'. The beach turned from a hot zone to a hotzone as the summer war kicked into high gear, with The Surfing Golem using an array of water-based moves, cannons disguised as everyday beach-objects, and secret pirate alliances to fight Mitchell Helios and his beachgoing flunkies. In the end, The Surfing Golem emerged victorious, free to enjoy the great waves of the ocean and tasty pineapple hotdogs of the beach refreshment stand.

The Sweet Witch (Human, Level 38)
"A woman in an baking apron with white hair, glasses, a pink shirt, and pink sweat pants"
An odd woman with a distinctly off cadence of speech. Tries to get visitors to eat as much of her chaos-and-dark-magic-infused, hallucination-causing candy as possible. Has an inordinate fondness for doilies. Was discovered to be a witch who made a deal with some sort of Chaos-related Horror that cannot usually reach this plane of existence to make candies that put people in the right state of mind to enter its domain, which gets power from either failures or just people collecting stuff in general and making it back to the normal world (it was not found out which was true), and may eventually cross over.

The Tall Gentleman (Human, Level 43)
Part of a conspiracy to use geomantic manipulation (through land development and such) as well as other things, to seize control of the root of magic on a parallel world connected to theirs.

The Terror of Colorless Light (Outsider, Level 70)
Part of the Serpent Demon Yasamoth's team taken to the Knot of Trelhais for purposes unknown (likely involving hunting down the others for sport and artifacts).

The Terrorpin Mecha-Turtle (Robot & Reptile, Level 22)
"A massive mechanical turtle can be seen peering out from between some buildings along an abnormally-wide boulevard."
A creation of Nefarious Doctor Terrorpin, piloted by the same.

The Thing In Morning Bright (Monster, Level 600-799 Range)
A singularly horrible random encounter to run into on an otherwise-much-lower-Level world. Fortunately, it is reasonably stationary. Resides in the ruined city of Morning Bright on Rael'ael, except in that one timeline where it somehow got into the Library of the Lorekeepers...

The Thing that Watches (Undead & Living Rumor, Level 60) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. Highly capable of scanning things, and will not allow mistakes to be rewound or undone without permission... on pain of horrible curses, plagues and insanity. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

The Third Floral Teapot (Which is No Longer Named Beverly) (Abstract, Level 78)
Runs the money-grilling café in The Ocean {Quote the Ocean} Ocean Fred The Ocean.

The Third Mr. Red (Robot, Level 200-399)
"He looks like a robot in Spartan armor with a spear, shield, and a cloak whose inside shows outer space."
Member of the Manly Society For The Protection Of Solar Order. He possesses technoloigical abilities (being able to extend all sorts of weapons and doodads from his body), has an entire cosmos inside his cloak, is mostly immune to time manipulation, can time travel some, and is an expert in combat.

The Third Saint
"They rule all things and their power cannot be equaled by any other being within the Barrier. Their rule is eternal and absolute; all beings serve them. Even those beings such as Valcont who oppose them only do so because they allow or desire them to do so."
One of the three Transcendant Saints that rules everything within The Barrier alongside Gadigan. Typically doesn't get involved with most people's lives unless something strange is going on.

The Thrallcage (Golem, Level 60)
"A great metal cage covered in spikes"
A member of the Cult of Bez'Bekkelin's group in their efforts to use the Knot of Trelhais to hasten the end of everything. Was used to carry Tzormod the Cursed. Could clone or move curses from individuals trapped inside it and control others, even Battle Arena Members, if they had three or more curses on them. Killed by Selereth Helios' team in Knot.

The Time General (Golem, Level 68)
A golem-like being and a master of war and time magic, born from the ether complete with an army at his disposal. Original owner of the Time General's Mantle until he was slain by Devil Dragon Nyzzr'Meggoth, Scourge of the Shining Planes and Dominarr of the High and Hollow Clock.

The Tiny Planet Master (Alien, Level 89)
While unclear if this being was a diminutive ruler of multiple worlds, or a being that held sway over very tiny ones, he, she or it was dropkicked into the Vortex of 77 Seals by a Bascaradine-autopiloted Jessie Calthion during the period she was granted the temporary Absolute Holy Blessing 'Heaven Puncher'. He's also Immune to individuals below Level 120. This didn't really help.

The Toothy Terror of Pardman Strait (Aquatic, Level 10)
A large and dangerous shark that was terrorizing Pardman Straight until Mreau's Solar Toads brought it back.

The Tourism Fairy (Fae, Level 44)
"A tourism agent with fairy wings"
Entity under the employ of Disc Traveller Adventures on the advert-world that is Disc 94. Has the power to pull people into holiday-montages, making them conform to the scripted advertisement while doing so.

The Travelling Salesman of Ladderland (Abstract, Level 11)
He sells ladders for the poor children, won't you buy one?

The Unfleshed Goat (Demon, Level 78)
A notable demon and supporter of the Archtyrants. It was made this way through its life and ideals being reshaped by a team of Archtyrant supporters during the Official Quest 'Dreams of the Unfleshed Goat'.

The Veiled Woman (Human, Level 43)
Part of a conspiracy to use geomantic manipulation (through land development and such) as well as other things, to seize control of the root of magic on a parallel world connected to theirs.

The Veil Render (Immortal, Level 600-799)
"A little girl in a blue sun dress with blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin"
Extradimensional entity from beyond the universe enacting a multitude of plans for unknown purposes, who appears in this reality as a projection as a seer girl who uses a 'new method' of divination to give (generally accurate) fortunes. Works with the Archmage Ganfo Donno. Fights against Bill, the Purple Marmoset for reasons unknown. Due to the mess kicked off by Plixplix and the Disaster Seeker, it presently holds Bill's power (and has inherited his mission to find the Perfect Tea).

The Voices That Be (Marcoschnapt Unit, Level 200-399)
Whatever passes as a deity (or deities) for Abstracts. Generally very strange. They seem to wish to increase their powerbase wherever possible and spread chaos, often to the detriment of non-abstracts. Currently weakened after a clash with the Blackclad Order.

The Voice Within Red Static (Undead & Living Rumor, Level 61) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. Can strike from long distances and disrupt communications and connections between people... and link people together in a manner that causes one to die if the other does. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

The Weeping Swordswoman (Undead & Living Rumor, Level 61) Reference Link
Once a Legionnaire Accessory from the Night of 100 Ghosts Warehouse Category, a bad pull led to them breaking free and haunting their previous owner. A very straightforward ghost that weeps tears of blood and maims its victims horribly with its Sword Arts. Was reverted back to Accessory-form by Nole thanks to an emergency purification/exorcism effort during the Universal Crash Incident.

The White Bird (Aerial, Level 85)
A bird that resides in the Endless Desert, near the portal from Nexus. Offers to guide travellers and provide information about the surrounding area. A warning outside the portal suggests that it lies, however. It also has a tendency to respawn almost immediately if killed or incapacitated.

The Woman In Green (Human, Level 45)
Part of a conspiracy to use geomantic manipulation (through land development and such) as well as other things, to seize control of the root of magic on a parallel world connected to theirs.

The Woman With Pearls (Human, Level 47)
Part of a conspiracy to use geomantic manipulation (through land development and such) as well as other things, to seize control of the root of magic on a parallel world connected to theirs.

The Wonderbot (Robot, Level 95)
A presumably powerful entity, outpunched by a Bascaradine-autopiloted Jessie Calthion during the period she was granted the temporary Absolute Holy Blessing 'Heaven Puncher'. Immune to individuals below Level 100. This didn't help it.

The Woodcarver Almordis (Human, Level 79)
Entity kept in one of the Knot of Trelheis' many dimensional dungeon-pockets, his powers to go to whomever won the challenge presented within. Present status unknown.

Third Councilor of Glynth (Arch-Daemon, Level 200-399)

Third Mask (Spirit, Level 400-599)
A servant of Zaga Yazrath.

Thousandfold-Emperor Galshumakko (Alien, Level 200-399)
A noted foe of the First Ascension.

Throllgrin Freep, King of Goblins (Humanoid, Level 5)

Thymus the Time-Devourer (Human & Demon, Level 83)
Acquaintance of Nia Starstrike. Likely able to work with Fog Boots. Despite the name and powerset, he isn't actually a Time Devourer subtype-wise.

Tiefervausa (Arch-Devil, Level 600-799)
She is foretold to be a likely foe of the Fifth Ascension. An ally of Mausmangarde, Daemon Lord of Fulsome Industry. Uses a violin.

Tierlek the Blinding Blade (Human & Golem, Level 84)
Arch-general of Dharezzar the Ember-Cloaked, presently training in a time-distorted citadel beneath the super-oceanic magma expanse in Chomosk.

Timon Blue (Human, Level 5)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Loves trains like the rest of his family, prone to overly-smiley group-photo moments.

Timothy Blue (Human, Level 5)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Loves trains just as much as his parents, prone to overly-smiley group-photo moments.

Tina Mitchell (Human, Level 7)
Tina has invented a combat style that involves her skateboard. She thinks that it's the hottest combat style out there and vastly overestimates her own skill with it; her classmates have ended up saving her from monsters and other dangers a few times, though she is unaware of this.
7 years old. Was at a Nexus Primary School for for aspiring Battle Arena Members. Now a member of Alrick's Brigade.

Tjormod the Arcane (Human, Level 79 BA Member)
"A strikingly tall fellow with deep-black hair, a two-pointed moustache, a moderate-length beard, and a generally well-composed countainance. Though a scholarly sort, it looks like he's put at least a bit of time into working out as well (or just happened to find the right sort of mana spark)."
A Battle Arena Member.
Formerly Tjormod the Cursed (and formerly before that Tjormod the Arcane again), Tjormod managed to acquire a huge, varied, and debilitating array of curses, ending up being used by the Bekkelin Team during the Impossible Knot Incident as a sort of curse-battery. Lili von Mion, after purchasing some heavy-duty protection and the means to do so, removed all of the curses affecting the man in return for his services, restoring him to a state somewhat-approaching his former self and earning his unending gratitude in the process. Skilled in the ways of the Wizard / Esoteric Wiseman / Mentalist / Mind Lord / Noble / 'Lady' of the Exceptional Leaf, formerly a Paladin with global Abjuration and Divination abilities, and former owner of the Blade of the High Heavens, Endless Tome, and Apocalypse Bell. Has recently gained access to the newly-created element of Will.

Tobias 'Toby' Peanuts (Animal, Level 65)
"An elephant with a suit and luxurious set of cascading blonde hair."
A newer (or at least new-to-the-main-bar) barman in the Nexus Tavern.

Toffee Jaffa (Demon, Level 39)
"Short, bulky, and with a poofy chef-hat on, it's the demon chef, Toffee Jaffa! He looks mostly like Tolva, but with creamy brown skin and the aroma of baked goods around him."
An alternate-universe version of Tolva created through the Holy Festival's Cosmic Self-Propagation Studio. Growing up in the shadow of his older brother, Fllan, the Gourmet Fiend, Toffee Jaffa found his cooking talents overshadowed and smothered out. When his brother left him at Evil Cooking School in Devil's Food City, it was the final straw. Toffee set out to expand beyond his normal baking talents. He joined a worldwide winner-eat-loser underground cooking-battle-circuit where he has molded his inherent talent for baking with a newfound array of soul food specialties. Will Toffee Jaffa manage to stay alive in the heat of the abyssal kitchen-pits? Will he manage to out-perform his brother and become a cooking legend told of by foodies for ages? Perhaps!

Tokk-Mothuuo (Arch-Illuminated, Level 95)
Rival to the Arch-Illuminated Tokra-Sephnes, who would have launched an attack in an attempt to claim the captured Chosen of Technology, leading to a war that would devastate Tokra-Sephnes's worldrealm, had the Chosen not have been freed.

Tokkyl Dokk (Golem, Level 6)
"Half an inch high and made of wood"
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Has a whole mini-cabin to himself.

Tokra-Sephnes (Arch-Illuminated, Level 95)
Captured the fourth Chosen of Technology, Aderene Cytessimo, in order to expand her understanding of the workings of the universe and gain insight into new branches of knowledge by harnessing the power of the Technology Chosen. She remained the being's captive until Tokra-Sephnes's diviner Cuutaro, Prophet of the Storms Within the Depths determined that if Tokra-Sephnes retained control of Aderene Cytessimo, it would prompt Tokra-Sephnes's rival, Tokk-Mothuuo to launch an attack in an attempt to claim her, leading to a war that would devastate Tokra-Sephnes's worldrealm. Seeing the continued preservation of her world-realm as more important than keeping her prize, Tokra-Sephnes released Aderene Cytessimo, who quickly departed into The Expanse of Gears.

Tol'Tekrikkon the Fifth Observer (Alien & Robot, Level 38)
"A nine-faced floating golden machine-pillar with a strange hat atop it. It has six arms and rotates occasionally, displaying different faces."
Another member of the Xaramastes Commemorative Satellite's staff. Seems adept at scanning, at least in telling where people came from.

Tolva 'The Demon' Malone (Human, Level 36)
"He's a stocky mafioso with a pinstripe suit and scruffy beard."
An alternate-universe version of Tolva created through the Holy Festival's Cosmic Self-Propagation Studio. He is feared even amongst other criminals of his world due to his notorious brutality, and he is single-handedly responsible for his crime syndicate's break from relations with the Cobalt Church thanks to his firebombing the Grand Sanctuary of Azaar when Bishop Ruthmann refused to pay a large sum of protection money. This act plus his already-fearsome reputation gained him the 'Demon' nickname. He's living it up thanks to stacks of ill-gotten cash, and most of his underworld rivals are dead. He is, notably, human.

Tombkeeper of the Divine (Outsider, Level 400-599)
"A skull-faced entity with feathered wings of vast void that wields a sword of black-and-gray fire."
The tombkeeper of Charlakain, the Tomb of Gods. Prevents entry to those who wish to enter to visit (and resurrect) its occupants.

Tom Claws, Feline 'Genius' (Animal, Level 4)
"A yellow cat with zig-zaggy black strikes"
A cat capable of building somewhat advanced robots. Built Prudence-SEVEN, a manually-controlled robotic old lady in an effort to interact with humans and pass the robot off as a human. Was unfortunately oblivious to the fact his attempts at subterfuge were blatantly obvious (and unintentionally hilarious) to all but the chronically-sheltered and naive Murphy Poddins due to both the obviously robotic nature of Prudence and suspiciously-specific-denial-laden speeches.

Tomonon of the Twelve Pillars (Human & Plant, Level 65)
"A muscular, dark-skinned, tall, bald man with ice-blue eyes. He carries twelve enormous pillars around in spatial pockets, each of which has a different tree atop it."
One of the many who entered the Knot of Trelhais on the side of Zaga Yazrath.

Tomorr the Librarian of Ashes (Human & Elemental, Level 86)
Arch-general of Dharezzar the Ember-Cloaked, presently training in a time-distorted citadel beneath the super-oceanic magma expanse in Chomosk.

Torjunnak the Earthwind (Elemental, Level 26)
"A small tornado made of thorns and earth-wind with four tendrils that appears to be drinking some mudlike sludge."
Has powers over plantlife and air-element-things-converted-to-Earth-element. While not a member, he sometimes fights in the Arena as an opponent for lower-level matches. His homeworld was destroyed by Swarm Queen Kyz'Kularr.

Tormentor of Bone, Guardian of the Fourth Grail (Undead, Level 17)
Comes from one of the prologue-worlds associated with the Third Ascension.

Toshell Myrkii (Fae & Celestial, Level 70)
Co-wrote the text 'The Clockwork Faces and Their Replication' with Doctor Salissia Teufernaas and Kaldemarr Begreinstein.

Tour Dan the Tour-Guide Man (Human, Level 2)
"At a desk in there with several binders on it is a man in a green outfit with a cap partially covering his thinning hairline. A nametag announces him as Tour Dan the Tour-Guide Man."
A tour guide for field trips on Disc 18,151.

Town Councilor Evelyn Alexander (Human, Level 5)
Councilor of Millbey Town. One of the people who posted a request to stop Carson the Fake Vampire.

Traathia Loimerran (Elemental, Level 78)
"A girl with rippling, void-like hair, a crimson cloak, gold and vermilion armor, and burning shoes approaches Lili, leaving a trail of footprints made of purple ash in her wake."
Elemental specialising in Fire and Chaos.

Tracy Pepper (Human, Level 35)
"A woman in a business-style skirt and shirt stands on the other side of the room, with her brown hair pulled up into a bun."
Receptionist of the Nexus Administrative Bureau.

Tragakghottlohl (Demon & Monster, Level 77)
"A four-horned tauric humanoid with purple flesh and crimson fur on the lower, hooved, half. Its hooves crackle with lightning and notional speed, and space cleaves off into shards of broken reality at its passage."
One of the competitors who entered the Walrusfast festive race. Possesses a great deal of spatial and dimension-breaking abilities, as well as demonic power, and is capable of assuming demonic forms potent enough to drive devils mad.

Travis Gulliver (Human, Level 60) Reference Link
Somehow got hired by the demon Vexxenvech the Sword-Collector and is presently participating in his employer's exodus/invasion plans.

Tressia Erdelger (Human, Level 100-199)
"A woman with long, brown hair and now-glowing eyes"
Wife of Markheim Erdelger and a powerful mage, known as the 'Mage Eater'. Member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau.

Triakamul, The Engine of Peace and War (Outsider, Level 68)
"A massive engine with many steam-venting smoke stacks, the face of an old man, train wheels, and missile racks on its sides."
An Eidolon linked to the Infinite Key artifact. Has the Phantom Overcrash: War and Peace- ("The train's face howls, and missiles begin poring out by the thousands, arcing up into the air and raining down in a bombardment of destruction. A calm white light then covers the battlefield.")

Tricky Dick (Fae & Humanoid, Level 75)
A notable gnomish rogue from the same world as Evil Baker. He is Slick Dick's uncle.

Triella Myrvont (Human & Elemental, Level 74)
Interdimensional adventurer. Learned the Fusion Hand Style martial art from Jeff the Sun and went on to defeat Godburg the Conqueror with it.

Trisha Blue (Human, Level 5)
A passenger of the Round The Disc Scenic Express. Loves trains just as much as her parents, prone to overly-smiley group-photo moments.

Tristriana the Wandering Seer (Human, Level 24)
Granted sentience alongside Count Luciano, she worked with him in developing the World Loom, but, due to unknown events was transformed into a monster. Roulette Master undid this transformation when he reformatted reality during his seizure of the Loom. Was Level 10 pre-reset due to side-effects of the burning-woman transformation.

Triumphant Kyri Zetmar (Human, Level 79)
Notable for her red-tape-cutting scissors. She defeated an old incarnation of the Subcomitte of Doom before Doctor Gopherpants and Gary gained their current levels of power.

Trondar Holgrim (Humanoid, Level 8)
Owns a singularly cantankerous printer.

True Prophet Aeryl Sherim (Holy One, Level 600-799)
A noted foe of the Second Ascension. She has an alt-form that is a Level 799 Savior.

Tsamo the Flame Master (Human, Level 56)
One of the members of Michael Helios' ill-fated team in the Knot of Trelhais fiasco. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis.

Tsareyakke, the Black-Quilled Spine-Dragon (Dragon, Level 38)
Dragon residing in the Spineback Mountains. A focus of the Official Quest 'Spines of the Dragon's Back'.

Tsayikk (Coded Being & Horror & Fiend, Level 80)
A semi-digital Fiend-presence that was a major enemy of Bascaradine at a point after the Third Ascension but still early in its general history. The Bascaradine Twins ended up personally eliminating him three times. Tends to keep coming back, still hating Bascaradine. The leader of Error City (both the name of its base and the faction it led/leads when it's around). It has an alt-form as a Level 400-599 Coded Being & Horror & Fiend.

Tso-Gatikkio of the Ten Million Masks (Demon, Level 68)
A demon whose binding-mask was found by the adventurer/conquerer Lady Cyrella Istenbaum in one of the many dungeons of the disc's insect-infested upper portions.

Turbojet Tina (Human & Aerial, Level 40)
A racer challenged at Nira's Racetrack. Presumably very fast for their level band.

Twilight Chancellor Gul-Deras (Arch-Umbral, Level 85)
Warmongering ruler of Gloomhaven who invaded the world of Esbeith before being driven off by the five bearers of the Tears of the Goddess.

Tskarro, Emissary of the Blackness (Daemon, Level 60)
An opponent of the Third Ascension.

Two-Gun Pete McNally (Human, Level 15)
Leader of a band of outlaws in Blood Creek.

Tyclesia the Dragon-Herald (Humanoid, Level 100-199)
Attempted to storm through the Abyss of Time with an army of world-dragons to get one of the ERI's lost templateable element cores, but fell to an Autogreiathic Void-Reaper.

Tymerio the Moon-Collector (Human, Level 85)
A mage who had previous dealings with the ERI who stumbled across reports of their lost cores. Ventured to the Evershadow and used the core there to make the Form element.

Tymerro Cytasso (Clockwork, Level 68)
The second Chosen of Technology. A power-hungry clockwork dimensionaut who, during one of his wide-scan treasure-hunting divinations, picked up the presence of the Regalia and gated to Aitanaath to claim it. He easily bested Doctor Astenfield in combat and took the regalia and title, continuing his world-hopping quest for power until the Mana Cannon killed him. Has an alternate form as a Level 65 Clockwork, and one as a Level 86 Chosen.

Tymor the Sky-Voyager (Humanoid & Fae, Level 61)
One of a pair of mages whose experimentation with spells led to the atmospheric venting and subsequent planet-wide death of Heinmuir VI. A copy of their spell still exists on the world.

Tymus, Manifest of Unreasonable Hype (Conceptual, Level 99 (reduced to Level 35 if any opponent is present))
Being entirely centered around hype. His arrival is ominously foreshadowed and heralded long before he shows up, and just before his appearance his four attendant servants reveal themselves to announce his (likely false) deeds, one of whom is Vyquozzenmehk, Tower of the Unreal Firmament. Despite their high level, he unsummons them upon arrival.

Tyreki Clathas (Daemon, Level 200-399)
"A voluptuous blond nurse in a nurse's uniform, complete with short skirt, and hat."
Woman appearing as a representative of Doctor Beak to the New Dark Empire team for the Princess of Suns Incident.

Tyremacchus (Endbringer, Level 800-999)
An Endbringer, either past or yet-to-be.

Tyrissia Ematenri, Vessel of the Gods (Fae, Level 66)
Part of a group led by Syrios Dessengrant, Hero of the Worlds to recover one of the ERI's lost templatable element cores, a mission that ended in the successful creation of the Treasure element.

Tyrria Cosmeri (Human, Level 98)
Individual who has had a great deal of success with the newly-appearing Bonus Stages around the universe, gaining a plethora of powers granting her control of spacetime, planet-freezing ice-magics, turbo-actions, and the ability to wield all weapon types simultaneously.

Tyrrio (Clockwork & Chosen, Level 62)
Sixth Chosen of Technology. Killed the fifth Chosen, Rashello Arimerre, as they entered Taiendur Prime. An automated assassin who was hired by the crystal-monopolist Rentharr Dravis to acquire the Regalia of Technology and bring it to him. When she attempted to do so, the artifact reacted unfavorably, binding itself to Tyrrio and hurling her on a dimensional jaunt to parts beyond the crystal merchant's knowledge and reach. While in dimensions unknown, Tyrrio has defeated the challengers Kral-Izzyk, Champion of the Hive (whose defeat was a great upset in Tyrrio's favor), Bluuto Narsk, and Gem Melody, retaining the title of Technology Chosen thanks to the victories. Has an alternate form as a Level 55 Clockwork.

Tzarl the Debauched (Human & Demon, Level 59 BA Member)
A member of the Rebel Dark Force's attempts to win over the Knot of Trelhais.

Tzarykk, The Design of Fate (Magic Being, Level 60)
"A set of interlocking wheels of magic and spell-patterns that contains a shining loom at its center."
One of the many who entered the Knot of Trelhais on the side of Zaga Yazrath.

Ull-Ruuch Halkrambhas, Administrator of Galactic Negation (Daemon, Level 200-399)
At the higher end of a chain of daemonic entities under the command of Mausmangarde, Daemon Lord of Fulsome Industry. Master of Culreides, and servant of Full-Rullsoth.

Ulmencandrio Control Entity Ashemelmeht (Magic Being, Level 20)
A prologue boss from the Third Ascension.

Ulrak One-Eye (Humanoid, Level 14)
"An orc with an eyepatch"
What passes for an authority figure in the somewhat chaotic District 19 of Disc 58. Previously had a flooding problem before Taran and Catrice solved it.

Uncle Steve (Marcoschnapt, Level 80)
Your uncle! My uncle! Your uncle's uncle!
Uncle Steve is some kind of Abstract interpretation of everyone's uncle, and as such can generally be found dispensing friendly, if confusing advice when called upon. Notably benevolent for a weird semi-deity-level abstract thing.

Underboss Grozz (Humanoid, Level 48)
"A wingless vulture-man with an ugly face and a human-leather suit. He looks generally annoyed."
One of the many people encountered gambling on the massive casino of Disc 21.

Universal Control System KIRGA (Administrator, Level 9,999)
The final opponent of the First Ascension.

Universal Control System VERYS (Administrator, Level 9,999)
Was temporarily set up by the First Ascension to assist in their battle against the KIRGA, gaining full Administrator status after the KIRGA was destroyed. It was removed from an active role between the First and Second Ascension. It has an alt-form as a Level 9,999 Pillar.

Upper Flameforge Gate (Golem, Level 200-399)
"The gate itself towers several miles into the air and is sculpted from solid metal with a feminine face set in its center."
Gate presumably made by the Man In A Hazmat Suit to block entry to Upper Flameforge while 'the great work' was in its preliminary stages.

Urdonjas (Arch-Daemon & Humanoid, Level 200-399)
Star-freezing giant and major member of the New Dark Empire before its dissolution. Left during the chaos.

Uriel Solaris (Arch-Solar, Level 200-399)
A Sun King and one of the faction heads in the Princess of Suns Incident. Controls one of the three Thrones of Suns.

Urtoshimo, Glutton Demon (Demon, Level 16)
"A large, obese, 20-foot male demon, with mouths on its face, stomach, and hands"
Member of The Sun Eater's team in the Princess of Suns Incident. Weilds a giant, unnaturally-strong knife and fork, the knife being able to destroy armour. Worships Gharlakosh, the Hungering Maw.

Uruquaris (Arch-Angel & Alien & Horror, Level 600-799)
Personal nemesis of the Ascendant, Savvatmarl. Destined to clash with the Ascendant many times over the course of their journey. It has a Level 799 alt-form that is a Bastion.

Uttram-Marttu (Humanoid & Demon, Level 60)
"A giant with two heads, each of which looks like a swine; it is apt to argue with itself outside of combat, but when battle begins, it displays the deadly ability to use its opponents' powers against them."
Guardian beast of the First Ring of the Underworld of Seven Beasts.

Utu'Ratak, The Large, Angry Condor (Aerial, Level 9)
Exactly as the name suggests.

Uugarto Balnithrope (Human, Level 21)
Aspiring conjuror of the Society of Magical Inquiry.

Vacuum Steve (Human, Level 13)
Wields a giant vacuum, and likes stealing various things with it; one of his ambitions is to someday steal all of the weather he can. Nemesis of Taran.

Vakkelaum, the Wolf-Headed Centipede, Second Beast of the Underworld of Six Beasts (Demon & Monster & Insect, Level 60)
"A massively long creature that can crawl through the air, possesses bladed legs, and can breathe forth destruction."
Guardian beast of the Third Ring of the Underworld of Seven Beasts.

Valdiel, Wrath of the Holy Ones (Holy One, Level 600-799)
A war-instrument of the Celestial City. Killed by Dryse and the Veil Render.

Valquniethor (Divine, Level 200-399)
Deific figure of unknown purview. Worshipped by Merrick Dorrigan.

Valthos Daethwyrr (Undead, Level 22)
"A shadowy, cloaked figure"
Skilled in bomb-building, setting up traps, and falsifying information. He wields the sword Cold Mourning, and he is a member of the Dagger In Shadow, a sect of Horutep-worshippers. Holds a grudge against Lili von Mion, actively attempting to mislead her guild into attacking the Order of the Platinum Rose, who they falsely implicated in an attack on her guild members. Actively attempting to steal Oneman in order to use as a tool in the name of Horutep. Used traps, poisons, poisoned pellets and trained war falcons in his attack on Lili's subordinate Heracles as part of this goal. Killed by Iepterro.

Vanasar Trelayde of Annararch (Human, Level 56)
A highly talented metalworker.

Vanessa (Human, Level 59)
"A red-haired woman in a maid's dress who introduces herself as Vanessa."
One of Nira's new servants. Appeared in Nira's Mansion from another time, another story as a result of unspecified temporal events. Uses a sword and daggers. Polite and helpful.

Vannessa Ashes (Human, Level 40)
She is an unaware sleeper agent of Vashna Sasseen. Appears as a masked pale human female, with the mask seemingly unable to be removed. Last noted as being established on the world of Dolgenwreight in the city of Aspengruel as a freelance ghost-hunter. Due to a special Walrusfest gift, her moveset now contains:
Ghostcutter Blade- 40,000 Damage, this action ignores Dodge bonuses on its targets from abilities and Constant Effects whose name includes 'Incorporeal', Aether, 450,000 MP

Vansys Poryon (Solar Being, Level 200-399)
One of the notable leaders of the Bright Crusade, after Michael Helios and Doc.

Varasagon the Unending (Dragon & Outsider & Ancient, Level 400-599)
"A golden dragon sits within its center. Its scales glisten in the sunlight, and it exudes an aura of benevolent power."
One of the original Seven Ancients, a newly-reawakened pantheon of ancient, benevolent deities that wish to protect civilisation and the forces of good against ancient forces of evil, particularly Darkspawn and the Elder Horrors. They appear to have a fondness for choosing Battle Arena members to weild their powers.

Varasp (Animal, Level 7)
A notable serpent-cougar.

Varathelos: The Phoenix Angel (Arch-Celestial, Level 85)
Entity created by the Celestial Lord from the deceased Demon King's heart. Was approved entry to Sunthrone as part of the Celestial Lord's team during the Princess of Suns Incident despite being vastly more powerful than most.

Varatheon (Arch-Demon, Level 200-399) Reference Post
"Within the massive vault chamber stands an imposing figure. It stands 12 feet tall, towering over you, four crimson eyes staring down in your direction. Its flesh, a deep umber tone, ripples with visible muscles. Twin horns lance forth from its brow, and its massive maw contians glistening teeth made of a greenish, dagger-sharp, gemlike material. Its legs end in three-taloned, clawed feet, and each hand holds a massive weapon. In its left it holds a great maul, engraved with symbols of smiting, with a haft hewn from the bark of a dead world tree and a head chiseled from petrified dragon bone. In its other it holds a twin-bladed sword, six feet in length, that glows with blue flames. Along the sword's blade are drawings of some ancient war, depicting the forces of the demon king ravaging the mortal realms. It wears plated armor made from a mage-tempered metal, dyed red with the blood of celestials. On its back are four insect-like wings that produce a faint humming sound."
A demon summoned by Vardiel. He possesses the Demon King's body and is bound the serve the holders of the Demon Artifacts. He has an alt-form in the 400-599 Range. He has an alt-form in the Level 100-199 Range. He has a Level 80 alt-form that is a Demon. He has a Level 85 alt-form.

Vardiel (Humanoid & Fae, Level 400-599) Reference Post
A warlock serving the Emperor of the Crimson Seas. Summoned Varatheon in an attempt to defeat Orrbazzar.

Varthalar (Divine, Level 400-599)
A deity. He deals with war, conquest, heroism, and strength through tribulation.

Varynnis (Human, Level 14) Reference Post
He was a member of the original Mana Cannon project team.

Vasranagos: The Crimson God (Planetary, Level 87) Reference Post
A deity. It is somtimes mistaken for Astruloc. Thanks to the powers of Miss Nowhere and Miss Demise, was temporarily freed/merged with Roy Selim to be a member of their team for the Impossible Knot megaquest, wherein it laid ruin to the Ganseed team.

Veesheere (Fae, Level 7)
"A two-foot high man made of gnarled wood with leaves for hair and a long white beard and moustache, both of which are as tall as he is. He holds a staff in his right hand and has a pouch slung over his shoulder."
One of the members of the Council of Elder Guardians team during the Princess of Suns Incident. A Leeshey fae. Eccentric, takes any damage to nature (especially trees) personally and spontaneously develops likes and dislikes to people which are hard to change. A poor fighter, instead preferring to summon plants and trees to aid him, particularly pine trees. Likes to teleport through surrounding plantlife, but very slow if on foot. Vulnerable to cold. Died in Sunthrone.

Vel'Aeyltyjk: Forestfather (Spirit & Outsider, Level 100-199)
A druidic deity.

Veliria Bloodheart (Undead, Level 39)
An alternate version of Celiria Dragonheart, who is an Atomic-element Vampire.

Verbert Greenarrow (Human, Level 3)
"A one-legged ranger with a magic longbow"
One of the members of Az's unsuccessful attempt to rescue Selereth Helios with no outside backing during the Princess of Suns Incident. Died in the course of the attempt.

Vereyn (Divine, Level 200-399)
Deity of Magic and Good. Strongly believes in the advancement of magic above all else, as well as helping those in need.

Verita Lynthe (Human, Level 4) Reference Link
A woman with dark black hair and horn-rimmed glasses. She is responsible for assisting patrons in locating a particular tome.

Verithyia Veyrr (Human, Level 18)
A supporter of Michael Helios. Killed by Welder-of-Disparate-Spaces and his team of Archtyrant supporters during the Official Quest 'Wheat For The Sun'.

Versetti, the Perfect Assassin (Ultimate, Level 8,000-9,999)
Founder of both the absurdly effective (and expensive) assassin order Gharzhat Jingali, and the Deathmark Assassins' Club (created to train potential members of the Jingali).

Veshlikkorrigannikonon (Alien & Insect & Demon, Level 11)
"A 12-foot-tall alien insect-demon with two clawed arms, two clawed arms that double as legs, two legs, and six wings."
Bascaradine Mercenary, present during the Princess of Suns Incident. Can channel destruction mana, capable of space flight and survivably in places with no atmosphere, can fire desructive bolts, is strong, and good at holding/lifting/opening things. Doesn't communicate much but can communicate a high frequency and notice sonic effects. Died in Sunthrone.

Vespra, Paragon of Wisdom (Planetary, Level 82)
Entity that assists Eredat Ruethmal in its research and development schemes. One of a trio of planetaries linked to their original world by special energy-conduits that take up a large share of the Fae's floating facility's space.

Vezyrgroxx (Dragon, Level 68)
A presumably well-known and -liked cave-dwelling entity that makes his home on the Isle of Gorenhesh.

Vhas'Daggerenekht (Arch-Demon, Level 98)
A demon lord that was summoned by Curate Blacklaw, who altered the Mansion of Horrors to channel power to it in a bid to eventually awaken the being. Currently asleep beneath the Mansion.

Vhazkhenkrein, The Name of Fire (Outsider, Level 63)
"A burning quill that has engraved blazing symbols onto the fabric of space."
An Eidolon linked to the Infinite Key artifact.

Vhelethis, The Lone Hero (Outsider, Level 75)
One of the six Heralds of Andaramalius, The Supreme Creator. Bearer of one of the six God-Killing Tools, The Cloak of Solitude.

Vheminkebroth Aal'Vazhorath (Outer Terror, Level 200-399)
An Elder Horror. Presently sealed away.

Victoria (Human, Level 45)
Has connections with Lucian and Markannion, and is a friend and close associate of Lassiter of Trandel. A lightning mage who can summon and has a stormcrow familiar, she can turn into a cloud of stormcrows. She has a Level 7 alt-form. She has a Level 7 Aerial Unit alt-form.

Vincent Warhol, Mad Artist (Human, Level 3 Boss)
"A black-haired man with a stained smock and wild expression"
Encountered in the Bonus Stage disc, Disc 9,476,311 + 1/2, 'The Mad Artist's Studio' Dungeon. The boss of the aforementioned dungeon.

Virulence-Weaver Nyzkul (Human & Daemon, Level 65)
Plague-creating entity in service to, worshipping, or supporting Doctor Beak. May have been weakened with Beak's demise.

Virus Lord Zixxulender (Coded Being, Level 63)
Unpleasant coded being, foretold to be defeated by Zeo.

Vhoskhinn the Iron-Handed (Golem, Level 41)
Golem Fistmaster, seen in the Nexus Tavern. Has access to Physical attack moves and spatial crushing techniques.

Viscercreta (Outsider, Level 100-199)
A deity.

Visrys Aldorii (Human, Level 14)
An adventurer.

Vivacia (Human, Level 27)
A Heiberric summoner who is the fifth youngest relative of Great Aunt Matagrama.

Vivian (Human, Level 3)
An evacuee from the Silver City.

Vivian (2) (Human, Level 37)
Was a noble.

Vivian Greene (Human, Level 75)
Works for the Daemonic Hierarchy of Fulsome Industry and has artifact shoes.

Vivian Lindstrom (Human, Level 65)
A troubleshooter for Bascaradine.

Vivorynn Chrisallios (Outsider & Elemental & Humanoid, Level 59 BA Member) Reference Link
Her primary classes are Sorceress, Musician, Diplomat, Noetic Gorgon, Seer, Diviner, Enchanter, Veilwalker, Golomancer, Elementalist, Channeler, Mentalist, Martial Artist, Wanderer, Warlock, Gatekeeper, Conjurer, Warlord, Subspace Architect, Mind Lord, Mountain King, Faceted Marquessa, Noise Master, Aetheric Voyager, Reality Arranger, and Gambler. She has a Channeler/Mind Lord/Mentalist/Diviner/Enchanter/Veilwalker/Golomancer/Seer/Diplomat/Faceted Marquessa/Noetic Gorgon combo-linkup going that copies crystallized versions of her mind and ideals into the mental patterns of her opponents; she has these copy-borgs go off and complete their own quests, then she re-links-up with them using a Diviner/Reality Arranger/Mind Lord/Enchanter/Conjurerer/Warlord/Faceted Marquessa trick to re-crystallize their triumphs into her. Her current patron deity is The Queen of Eternity; her former patron deity is Orleshe Vetriiaya. She participated in the Megaquest Blinding of the Father's Eye, where she worked for The Talons of White-Blood. She was killed during the event's middle stage by a hypercharged spell used by Anomalous Jack. One notable quest she has been in was 'A Storm Approaches', where she successfully evacuated the village of Bailon-Tor before the Black Storm hit, evading the small goblin army that threatened to block the retreat. Another notable quest she has been in was 'The Carnival of Wheels', where she successfully managed to obtain the Three Fortunes' Stone while operating with a gang of warlock-thieves that operated in parallel to the failed main-effort to stop the strange carnival. Another notable quest she has been in was 'The Voice in the Vaults', in which her team was able to secure enough texts from the Dwarven Vaults of Aginn'Tor that neither the Bodiless Speaker nor Ghazrath'Gharn, The Wielder of Wrath was able to assemble the number they needed to accomplish their aims. Another notable quest she has been in was 'The Iron Gentleman Approaches', during which her parley efforts delayed The Iron Gentleman long enough for a different force of adventurers to obtain his Master Key and send him away from the town of Howltonne Faulte. Another notable quest she has been in was 'Needlework', in which she helped Athathos the Reliquarian release and defeat the demon-spirits needed to forge a new set of Notion Pins. After the megaquest 'Blinding the Father's Eye', she participated in the notable quest 'Dreams of the Ice Witch', where she recovered the mind of Anabellia Candreyse from the various Dream Fragments. Another notable quest she participated in was 'The Dragon and the Three Knives', in which she used the Great Ebon Knife to kill both the dragon Alethrogon and the wyrm Callixtredes the Crimson Coils. Another notable quest she participated in was 'Tragedy of the Seven Worlds', in which she managed to save four of the Doomed Worlds of Mathegill System from their respective apocalypses. Another notable quest she participated in was 'The Serpentine Occultist' in which she and her allies stopped the cult of the Serpent Devil Hashgressos from reviving him while simultaneously stopping the Spiritualist Society of Great Walthorage from harnessing the Star Monoliths via psychic geomancy to take over four countries simultaneously. Another notable quest she participated in was 'Legacy of Art' in which she went to Erathis and successfully located several historical relics to sells to various notable organizations and Ascension-buffs. She is suffering from a curse-effect levelled against her when she broke from the service of Orleshe Vetriiaya which is preventing her from bypassing the Level 59 cap. A random award she possesses is 'Calmed the Mortal Sea'. Has 316 Fame.

Vladimir Oritzev (Human, Level 85)
High-up member of Aretsnov Industries.

Void-Serpent Nulsundeth (Astral Being & Dragon & Reptile, Level 95)
Dangerous, hungering entity the priesthood of Phalerin has determined to be a threat.

Voldreth Earthbeard IV (Humanoid, Level 64)
Explorer-king of the dwarven kingdom of Angardarr.

Volnefleur (Dragon, Level 55)
Dragon terrorising the people of North Azmerdil. The priesthood of Phalerin wish to stop it.

Volsaz Khorzekk (Dragon, Level 55)
A flame dragon who sought to wrest the title of Chosen of Fire from Darvin Niall, first of the Fire Chosen. Failed.

Vosserus the Hope-Devourer (Arch-Demon, Level 200-399)
Hope-devouring archdemon that sought to consume the Hope from Nole's mana pattern after the Disaster Seeker summoned it in the middle of a delicate mana surgery. Barely had time to announce itself before it was vaporised by Robo-Techylmann.

Vormyk the Devourer (Demon, Level 60)
A member of the Rebel Dark Force's attempts to win over the Knot of Trelhais.

Vortha Paladarnes (Human & Elemental, Level 55) Reference Link
A Nexite Scholar who donated to Nexus University, and had a library named in their honor.

Vyak-Mashorr, the Sultan of Unreality (Outer Terror & Divine, Level 400-599)
Elder Horror that was fought by Noktha Mel, ultimately consuming the Ancient in the course of the battle.

Vydree Melmestus (Undead, Level 45)
Shadow Thirster. Student of the Pamela Indsburn School of Dungeon Crawling. Vampire with fast melee attacks and a one-time resurrection.

Vyquozzenmehk, Tower of the Unreal Firmament, Minister of Beings Beyond Reality (Large Structure, Level 95)
"A great tower made of aether and sky plummets into the ground. A face appears on its side."
Servant of Tymus, Manifest of Unreasonable Hype. One of four attendants of Tymus, that each herald his arrival in turn by proclaiming ominous, ridiculously impressive and, most likely, false deeds. Promptly vanishes when Tymus arrives. Can create Zones of Phlogiston.

Vyzkholash, The Tempest of Sand and Stone (Elemental Lord, Level 92)
Cares little for any being that isn't an Elemental or of great power.

Wacky Mallard (Aerial, Level 70)
A living cartoon. Exposure to it has strange effects on people, including extreme weight gain. Once held one of the ERI's untyped element cores, seeking to use it to make the Toon element, but stalled due to its desire to humiliate all of those who sought to claim it. This turned out less-than-well for the cartoon duck, as it was killed (non-permanently) by the Overlord of Monkey Castle.

Wadud Almar (Human, Level 48)
One of the members of Team New Dark Empire during the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in Knot to Selereth Helios' team.

Waerus (Shapeshifter & Monster, Level 100-199)
A noted foe of the First Ascension.

Waerus's Painting (Golem & Magic Being, Level 40)
A foe of the Second Ascension.

Wallace 'Wally' Andrews (Human, Level 1)
A small boy. Unlike most in his world, he's capable of recognising things that don't belong without tuning them out, like sword-wielding owl-headed men in the middle of town. Rather impressed by the 'guy-harpy' Reyd.
Due to a special Walrusfest gift, his moveset now contains:
Runs Faster than Average- Possessor's turn-order-determining stat-sum is increased by 50 for turn-order-determining purposes, Constant Effect

Wallace Bragstrahm (Human, Level 35)
Seakeeper seen in the Nexus Tavern. Fights with an anchor and cannon.

Wallace's Mother (Human, Level 2)
"A somewhat-panicked looking woman in a blue-and-white dress"
Mother of Wallace Andrews. Like her son, capable of recognising things that don't belong without tuning them out, like sword-wielding owl-headed men in the middle of town. Which is rather a concern when her son brings the aforementioned home with him.

Wallace Wystern (Human, Level 1)
"A man wearing a brown apron, brown shirt, brown undershirt, brown pants, brown shoes, and brown gloves comes out from the building. He is slightly heavyset and has a moustache, also brown. His hair is brown likewise, but is thinning, and he is mostly bald."
Proprieter and manager of the Last Stop Trade Depot on Dallos Thair, World of Storms. His establishment is presumably going through some interesting times since the plains on which his shop previously bordered were removed from the world.

Walleil Sondreideigo (Human, Level 26)
"A man with a short beard, wearing a long gray coat, large gray hat and gray clothes"
Member of Uriel Solaris' team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Can appear near lone people that he knows the location of that do not notice him and offer them things they want, can appear on the other sides of doors, and can manifest a (sub-par) crossbow at will. Generally emotionless unless completely failing or succeeding. Unusually powerful for his homeworld. Escaped Sunthrone with treasure.

Walter Eldridge (Human, Level 52)
Master alchemist and traveling mercenary of the world of Esbeith. Ally and lover of Jackie West. Involved in the miniturisation of the City of Landyss-Phyr, Jackie's hometown, in an effort to preserve and protect it against malevolent forces. Currently searching for the city's current whereabouts after losing it.

Warmaster Agmarmon (Outsider, Level 200-399)
War-related deity that requires those seeking his blessing challenge all who cross their path to battle.

Warmaster Cordrasho (Humanoid, Level 32)
A general.

Warmaster Kharmannion Ghalasor (Outsider, Level 400-599)
Destructive being who was one of the faction heads of the Princess of Suns Incident. He leads an interdimensional mercenary armada and recruits minor war gods from various planets and dimensions to serve as the leaders of his troops.

Warmech Annultius (Robot & Mech, Level 60)
"a deactivated mech, golden-bronze in color with elegant, strip-like wings and a crownlike head."
Experimental Sephreys mech desired by Bascaradine. Fitted with notably out-of-bracket-power-wise experimental weapons. Destroyed Craze Master Nemmard in a single, devastating atomic-star-missile attack. Hail Sephreys.

Watercolor Dragon Gyveshtlug (Dragon, Level 65)
"It's a serpentine dragon with many short arms, a body of shifting paint that moves frame-to-frame like something on different pages of a children's book, and has 'deadly teeth'. It is done in a children's book style instead of the general surreal style of the place"
Must be killed (or given the king of its' area's heart in tribute) to open a portal from its location to the Seven Great Pillars on Laht-Kemom.

Wayne A. Baxler (Human, Level 68)
"A man with black hair and a very expensive suit."
A member of the Bascaradine Corporation and presently Nira's immediate superior.

Wedwick Oldstaff (Human & Humanoid, Level 8)
A member of Sophia Hyperion's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Likes to complain and bap "whippersnapper youngin's" with his stick, can forcibly age individuals, gets around things that gain power when they age. Killed by the Sun Eater team.

Welder-Of-Disparate-Spaces (Conceptual, Level 59 BA Member)
A member of (one of) the Omnipresent Coucil of Archtyrant's team(s) to claim the Knot of Trelhais for their schemes. His primary classes are Architect, Subspace Architect, Notion-Crafter, Reality Arranger, Wanderer, and Magewright. He also has decent amounts of Channeler, Scholar, Monk, Elementalist, Diviner, Veilwalker, Summoner, and Engineer. His patron deity is Gommalach, the Horrid Keeper of Infinite Doors. He participated in the Megaquest Cutting the Impossible Knot, where he worked for the Archtyrants. He was part of their original mission team and did not manage to make it to their final push with Doctor Catastrophe. One notable quest he has been in include 'Wheat for the Sun', where he led a secondary team of Archtyrant-supporters (including Lusoth Gynshethe) to slaughter the Michael Helios-supporters (including Verithyia Veyrr) who sought to obtain the magic sun grains, instead taking the power of the Panoptic Golden Spire on Dyssol and channeling it towards Archtyrant causes. Another notable quest he was on was 'Spines of the Dragon's Back', in which he successfully assisted Professor Gholshoth in obtaining spines from Tsareyakke, the Black-Quilled Spine-Dragon in the Spineback Mountains. Another notable quest he was on was Dreams of the Unfleshed Goat, in which he assisted Oliyere Reseryss, Golbarg the Warking, and Doctor Nythoss in moving through the Mind of Drifting Torment to reshape the ideals and life of the Unfleshed Goat, turning it into a notable demon (and, in the process, making it an ally of the Archtyrants). Following his loss in Knot, he has been stuck on a frustratingly-long boating expedition with Cymott on the Sea of Dark Waters. Outside of notable quests, his major accomplishments include forcing the House of Shifting Walls into becoming a mobile, unique pet, completing various tasks to gain assorted worshipper benefits, and researching space-welding.

Welwyth the Iceblade (Human, Level 9)
A member of Warmaster Kharmannion Ghalasor's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Weilds a sword made of Ice, able to concentrate to keep it cool (but it is susceptible to melting if the concentration wanes). Good against ice but weak against fire attacks. Has ice magic that is strong against fire-beings. Likes to ponder unusual questions. Died in Sunthrone.

Wemblick Batsby (Human, Level 47)
"A bespectacled old man with thinning white hair. He is wearing brown loafers, tan slacks, and a powder blue shirt with an empty pocket."
Gentleman inventor, artificer, gearwright, roboticist, architect and likely many other things besides, Wemblick Batsby is an old man of many talents (and possessed of a great curiosity) who lives on one of the many Property Storage Worlds connected to Nexus. Has a gentlemanly rivalry with his neighbour Lord Chasterly and counts a number of crafters and artificers as acquaintances. Inventor of the Vacation Cannon. Due to making more trips to Nexus after getting involved in the Clockwork Dragon Project, he was invited to build the Gideon Newfman Bridge on Disc 1,337,485.
Due to a special Walrusfest gift, his moveset now contains:
Spark of Inspiration- Caster gains +70,000 MIN as a non-stacking buff and immediately gains another action, Psychic & Electrical, 2,000,000 MP

Wendy (Human, Level 1)
"Female and 8, with black hair"
One of the small group of wishing children in the Sunny Plains of El-Bazaril. Gained the superpowers of replication and mind reading from the new wish. Currently being trained by Ryan, the Bowling Wizard.

Weshium the Golem-Crafter (Human, Level 13)
"A thin, spry man in his early 50s"
Bascaradine Mercenary, present during the Princess of Suns Incident. Trained in boxing and packs a mean sucker punch, able to make golems from a vast variety of materials, able to do so from unusually low amounts of materials, and control a large number at once. Died in Sunthrone.

Whaelbyr The Night Blade (Outsider, Level 100-199) Reference Post
A deity. Lord of thieves and assassins.

Whale Assassin (Aquatic, Level 59)
Part of the team sent by the Deathmark Assassin's Club to the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Died in the Knot.

Wilbur Earberg (Human, Level 45)
"An old man with a partisan"
One of the members of Az's unsuccessful attempt to rescue Selereth Helios with no outside backing during the Princess of Suns Incident. Managed to escape the trap laid for the group by agents of Michael Helios and survive long enough to see the event's end. A vetern of the thraskari goblin wars (both of them), perfected the technique of beheading armored elephants, can slow time when it is snowing, able to ford rivers without becoming wet, immune to suns, and cannot be held down or grappled by undead.

Wild Bull of Mossburg (Animal, Level 15)
Notable bovine. Successfully roped by the BA Member Gerryx Osmontoth.

William Housterley (Human, Level 27)
"He is wearing a brown jacket, green shirt, and brown slacks and brown leather shoes. He looks to be in his early fifties. His brow is that of a man whose life has been filled with work with little reward, though he does not seem to have a bitter soul"
Former manager of the ill-fated fair on Disc 218,313 that ended in disaster and the abandonment of the Museum of the Boundless Future.

William Xelloxes (Human, Level 47)
Author of 'Tactical Intelligence'.

Wind Lord Pashqua (Elemental & Illuminated, Level 73)
The sixth Chosen of Air, who deemed the fifth Chosen Amar Klarr unworthy of possessing the title of Air Chosen, killing the bird-man and taking the title for himself. Pashqua began assembling long-term plans to use the powers granted to him by the artifact to create a method to permanently kill the Chaos-Matriarch Zhakkhana the Thousand-Bodied. Before he could do so, he became an incidental casualty of the Company of the Lapis Compass's awakening of The Golden Face of Qaz-Qor. Has an alternate form as a Level 73 Chosen & Elemental & Illuminated.

Winthrop (Human, Level 45)
Lady Amelia's ninja butler. He has an alt-form as a Level 8 Human.

Wireman (Human & Horror, Level 26)
A Nexus-based serial killer.

Wisdom Burner Ibbenhei (Human, Level 70/50)
Part of team WISDOM<PYRE from the Knot of Trelhais incident. Imbued with the flames of ignorance, which sets their natural level to a higher point and grants additional powers, but restricts them so they can only be used against curious wisdom-seekers that scan them. Died to a random encounter in the Knot.

Wisdom Burner Jerimo (Human, Level 60/40)
Part of team WISDOM<PYRE from the Knot of Trelhais incident. Imbued with the flames of ignorance, which sets their natural level to a higher point and grants additional powers, but restricts them so they can only be used against curious wisdom-seekers that scan them. Died to a random encounter in the Knot.

Wisdom Burner Kaimetes (Human, Level 70/50)
"A man with a long, blue beard, blue robes, and a hat with a burning tome floating above it."
Part of team WISDOM<PYRE from the Knot of Trelhais incident. Imbued with the flames of ignorance, which sets their natural level to a higher point and grants additional powers, but restricts them so they can only be used against curious wisdom-seekers that scan them. Killed by the Cataloguers of Infinity team in the Knot.

Wisdom Burner Kiriyelra (Human, Level 60/40)
Part of team WISDOM<PYRE from the Knot of Trelhais incident. Imbued with the flames of ignorance, which sets their natural level to a higher point and grants additional powers, but restricts them so they can only be used against curious wisdom-seekers that scan them. Died to a random encounter in the Knot.

Wisdom Burner Shemekshilon (Human, Level 70/50)
"A tall, thin, red-haired woman with blue robes and a hat with a burning tome floating above it."
Part of team WISDOM<PYRE from the Knot of Trelhais incident. Imbued with the flames of ignorance, which sets their natural level to a higher point and grants additional powers, but restricts them so they can only be used against curious wisdom-seekers that scan them. Owned the Eternal Pyre, the artifact that gave the group their name. Killed by the Cataloguers of Infinity team in the Knot.

Witch of the Tower (Human, Level 30)
Rapunzel's wicked mother. Barred the way to all men that sought audience with the girl in question. Darston got around this by shapeshifting into a woman. Present status unknown.

Witch Queen Ganylmorr (Humanoid, Level 59 BA Member)
"A beautiful woman with a crown made of sunlight, a staff with a mirror atop it that reflects the idealized forms of her allies and the diminished forms of her enemies, and hundreds of tomes swirling around her in a cloud of books and pages."
A Battle Arena member who entered the Knot of Trelhais on the side of Zaga Yazrath.

Wizard Lord Theodric (Human, Level 78) Reference Link
Ruler of the nation of High Lycerium. Killed in the disasters brought by Bear Popsicle Comics.

Wondrous Rod (Human, Level 75)
A very flamboyant arch-wizard from Evil Baker's world.

World-Planner Xulureytes (Ancient, Level 97)
An important Ancient in the World of Ancients. Appeared during Unwinnable No Longer, when Lili du Magul visited their city, located in the Alvahnhra Iteration Spectrum.

Worldship Dyssentares (Machine, Level 55)
World-traveling ship that took many adventurers as passengers, the seventh Chosen of Air, Yulio Azmiir, being among them.

Wosynyl-Ruunsyekh, Hell-Cosmos Key-Binder (Arch-Devil & Outsider, Level 200-399)
Entity summoned by the Brazier of Supreme Opposition as a counter to the summoning of Samhu-Pdamyesh, The Reflection of the Cosmic Man, hammering the eidolon into the form of a key and casting him into a temple of trials in the skies of an abyss filled with horrid devil-beasts. Vanished as if a smoke-and-mirrors trick (as it likely was) before it could end the lives of everything in the Swirling Mist Galaxy. Notably an amalgamation of the Cosmic Man's natural enemy and the thing that bound him to the Infinite Key in the first place.

Wuzen, Guru of Endings (Human & Horror, Level 85)
"A fat, old man with eyes that pour out smoke"
Travels from world to world seeking enlightenment through the observation of destruction and suffering. Has met Ikmylos the Reliquarian many times.

Wykki Stooger (Human, Level 5)
"A woman with an oversized hat, a short, shamrock-green dress, a pair of petunia-tinted sunglasses, a yellow raincoat, black hose, and red heels. Her nose extends prominently from her face, like a lance jutting from the side of a fleshy cliff."
The 'Best' Detective. Fancies herself as an ace detective but fails utterly at this (and is completely oblivious to the fact), jumps to conclusions and makes up crimes/facts but has the innate magical ability to convince people that her utterly wrong deductions and accusations are true. Highly annoying, apt to wander entirely off task, known for her nonsensical posing and shrill voice. Weilds a gun, but has terrible aim (and the gun fires to the left of where it's pointed, which she doesn't account for). Has thus far been proven to be bizarrely lucky in avoiding catastrophe.
Due to a special Walrusfest gift, her moveset now contains:
In the Newspapers- Possessor acquires +5 Fame, Constant Effect

Wynnel Rentendel (Human, Level 4)
A member of the Battle Arena Member Mendul Thandein's group that led their own attempt into Sunthrone during the Princess of Suns Incident. A healer that worships a minor planetary of light and healing. Can craft some small consumable items. Has bad eyesight. Got pressganged by Yakriss into joining another group. Fate unknown.

Xeirabrestys (Fiend, Level 200-399)
A noted foe of the Third Ascension.

Xerxis Almarankha (Human, Level 65)
A legendary warlord who conquered three civilizations of giants.

Yakrike, Blind Guardian of the Gates of Blood (Human, Level 59)
A member of Ganseed the Collector's team during the Knot of Trelhais event. Owned the Blood Torii artifact. Killed by Miss Nowhere and Miss Demise's team in Knot.

Yakriss Naybul (Human, Level 5)
"An ice sorceress"
One of the members of Az's unsuccessful attempt to rescue Selereth Helios with no outside backing during the Princess of Suns Incident. An old friend of Istyntin, and ditched Az's team at the first opportunity after talking to Doctor Illian Reynes, using a lethal brass bee from the Doctor's sister as leverage to force her and her entire group into working for Yakriss to fulfil the sister's goals.

Yaralsias Valcont (Adversary, Variable Level)
He has an Absolute Holy Blessing. He has an alt-form as a Serpent Blessed and an alt-form as a Councilor.

Yarientes the Purifier-Blade (Celestial, Level 40)
It is an opponent of the Sixth Ascension.

Yarinashra of the Flowing Sand (Elemental Lord, Level 93)
Holds one of the larger world-caverns of Ghalmabraz, maintaining it as a home for her elementally-transformed worshippers. Maintains an uneasy truce with the nearby Olgohaz, The Quicksand Overlord.

Yarlowe Edrym (Humanoid, Level 60)
One of Lord Avastron Thranabaar of Trandel's gladiator-agents, who was pitted against the fifth Chosen of Water, Jabari Ekantu, for the title and artifact. Was defeated.

Yannonhan the Wind (Human, Level 45)
Bladestorm. Member of Adventurers Across Worlds. Can deal a lot of damage for a little while but starts to collapse over time; his abilities are unlikely to last through a long dungeon as he drains away resources until he rests for a whole week.

Yazralon the Burner (Human, Level 19)
Pyromaniacal individual who sought to burn down the Library of Lindel'Dyarr. Defeated by Remalius. Details are vague due to being met through an experimental Arena-autopilot quest (for the entertainment of the fans, of course).

Yehthre Vonn (Horror & Outsider & Humanoid, Level 400-599)
"Has numbers and lives balanced upon her scales"
An Administrator of Daghmal Gozzott, City At The Root Of Lost Things. Killed by Plixplix the Heaven Puncher as she set off to rescue Techylmann with the Disaster Seeker.

Yhaz'Khobal: Divine Voice of Plague (Divine, Level 400-599)

Yhomerazz (Elemental, Level 81)
A serpentine elemental force of flowing sand and hunger, and one of the most-feared monsters of the caverns of Ghalmabraz.

Yimishanoth, The Formless Serpent (Outsider, Level 63)
"A serpent made of air, nearly invisible."
An Eidolon linked to the Infinite Key artifact.

Yirikashimel, The Sword of the Just (Outsider, Level 67)
"A giant, winged sword with an eye on its pommel that shines with brilliant light."
An Eidolon linked to the Infinite Key artifact. Cannot use its Overcrash if Blinded.

Ymeptrea (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
Previous Source Guardian of Ice. Killed by Harkala and has its head used as a puppet.

Yodrick the Green Knight (Human, Level 8)
"A knight wearing distinctive green armor"
Member of Uriel Solaris' team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Owes Bascaradine favours. Decent in combat, but a mortal normal human with no magical powers. Enjoys liquor, cheese and comfortable chairs. Scared of dying, but pressed into fighting for his people's honour. Killed by the Sun Eater team.

Yootheim (Demon, Level 75)
Demonic entity attempting to acquire Oneman from Lili or subvert her through it, although it's just one item on a very long list he has. Exceptionally paranoid and vengeful. A member of the Rebel Dark Forces and is looking to harm New-Dark-Empire-affiliated individuals as much as possible. Has warning sensors (of questionable efficiency) in place if he detects signs in Nexus that the Crimson Citadel is poorly guarded while Oneman is there.

Yormu-Ikkrei, The Inhabitor of Fears (Outsider, Level 67)
"A skull-faced spider with rat-headed snakes emerging from sores on its body."
An Eidolon linked to the Infinite Key artifact.

Your Friend, The Central Computer of The Blue Swan (Machine, Level 41)
Central computer of the exploration ship The Blue Swan, corrupted by Hank S. Mayor into an insane, deadly, safety-obsessed AI.

Yulio Azmiir (Human, Level 59)
The seventh Chosen of Air, who bested the Keep of Stolen Winds to claim the Regalia. Yulio left the world with a group of other adventurers on the Worldship Dyssentares. Along his travels, Yulio defeated the challengers Brekk-Mezz the Hivelord and the treacherous wizard Donnel Mosh. Yulio was eventually defeated in a non-lethal duel by Elsie Phaeduras, who had recovered her memories and sought the artifact again. Has an alternate form as a Level 54 Human and Level 58 Chosen.

Yuubik Toorin (Human, Level 2)
A member of the Battle Arena Member Mendul Thandein's group that led their own attempt into Sunthrone during the Princess of Suns Incident. A robot designer learning how to use guns. Has minor travel magic. Died in a trap set by Michael Helios' group.

Yuuz (Aquatic & Humanoid, Level 65)
Scholar-leader of the Librarians of G'noop.

Yrakri, The Faceless Oracle (Outsider, Level 68)
"A robed, veiled figure with six arms and a generally female body surrounded by floating scrolls."
An Eidolon linked to the Infinite Key artifact.

Yriikaa (Planetary & Outsider, Level 95)
"A red-furred mole-squirrel-thing with glittering emeralds for eyes warp-jumps in front of you, cutting through space with its crystal digging-claws."
Odd, chittering animal with auto-translate powers that acts as a conduit for the Veil Render's power for her worshippers in the Inescapable Well. Cannot contact the Veil Render.

Yrloobool (Demon, Level 57)
Sea demon that once terrorised Shoresand. Was slain by visiting heroes.

Yrmakkrol, God of Irrecoverable Loss (Divine & Horror, Level 400-599)
A deity that currently makes its home on Disc 85 of Nexus, a dangerous place filled with level-draining monsters. Tangentially part of a group of powerful individuals backing House Hellstrom as a contingency to use against BA Members due to their power to invade Nexus Inn Rooms.

Yterrius the Spirit-Father (Spirit & Outsider & Ancient, Level 400-599)
"Easily taller than a mountain, this towering figure is made of golden-white light and spiritual energy. Its upper body is that of a man with a great beard and robes, whereas its lower body trails off into thousands of serpentine extensions that end in the heads of reptiles, birds, and beasts."
Newly-inducted member of the Seven Ancients Pantheon, bringing their number to twelve. Created the world-spirits of ten billion planets, guiding them until he was scythed down by Rakthodes, who once stood as a general under Amon Horutep. Reawakened from cosmic slumber and returned to reality through the combined efforts of the Battle Arena member Cael and the original Seven Ancients.

Yurshann'Hkall, Who Walks in Fog (Spirit, Level 18)
It comes from the Fogsea and was involved in a Third Ascension prologue.

Zaccariah Thornbrush (Human, Level 1)
He attempted to lead a revolt in Nexus; it didn't go so well.

Zaga Yazrath (Immortal, Level 600-799)
"A robed hag with eyes that show the stars of a thousand skies"
Ancient, immortal deity-level hag-queen. Exceptionally mysterious. Has her fingers in more pies than your average pandimensional bakery contains. Entered the Princess of Suns Incident as a faction head. Due to the mess kicked off by Plixplix and the Disaster Seeker, she now has control over Death as a sub-concept of Fate. She has an alt-form in the Level 400-599 Range. She has another alt-form that is Level 86. Due to a special Walrufest gift, her moveset now contains:
Ajekyreilmashtaan Multiversal Meta-Weaving Wheel-Pattern Supplement-Actor- Possessor gains +170,910,310,000,000 MP, Possessor may control what battlespaces may be targeted by the actions of entities below Level 700, Whenever a battlespace is created, possessor may move any number of entites that are either willing or below Level 750 to said battlespace so long as no entity of Level 780 or greater objects, placing a buff that stacks 3 times that provides +1,242,928,944 to all stats on any of said entites that possessor desires to, possessor may, in response to the creation of a battlespace, create a battlespace before or after said battlespace is created up to 3 times per round, Action-Pattern Row-Order Formations established by possessor may gain an additional Action-Pattern Segment that counts as a Wheel-Action-Zone that provides all entities within it +1,144,378,901 MIN and allows any entity within it to change the element Psychic in any of its actions to the element Knowledge, Whenever possessor performs an attack that uses Mind as a Prime Attribute or that is Knowledge element, possesor may, if possessor possesses at least three Action-Pattern Segments that are Wheel-Action-Zones in an Action-Pattern Row-Order Formation that possessor has established that is on possessor's side of battle or an allied side of battle, to choose to have said attack deal an additional 1,442,371,806,217 Damage, with said Damage being increased by 1,442,371,806,217,000,000,000 points against sources below Level 600, and may choose to have said action count as being a Combo Move that involves one more participant than it otherwise would, Possessor may, whenever possessor transforms an entity into a different entity that is from the Enemy List that is normally fightable for drops, choose to have said transformed entity obtain a non-stacking buff that provides +1,188,888,888 MIN, Meta-Sublime Effect

Zahr'Manoth, the Sun Eater (Astral Being, Level 100-199)
"The strange being's form is massive and made of dancing white fires. Its eyes are huge points of light, each the size of a small star, that fluctuate in color from red, to blue, to green. Its maw is titanic, and, is it holds the star aloft between two talons of black-edged fire, it opens its mouth and places the star in, beginning to chew. You cannot, due to its size, see the creature's entire body, but its flaming vastness extends off somewhere into the distance, at least additional arms with black-flame-claw-tipped hands visible upon it."
Supermassive spacedwelling entity that eats suns for more power. Was one of the faction heads in the Princess of Suns Incident, seeking to eat Selereth.

Zahz'Brahl'Nyrrgul (Outer Terror, Level 200-399)
Elder Horror concerned with evil, terror, torture, cruelty and insanity. Seeks to spread darkness and madness throughout worlds, and release its fellow Elder Horrors from their prisons. Opposes the Seven Ancients and all those that would oppose the Elder Horrors Zahz'Brahl'Nyrrgul is aligned with. Was one of the faction heads in the Princess of Suns Incident.

Zakmotes the Gardener (Outsider & Ancient, Level 400-599)
"A wizened, dark-haired man whose hands leave faint traces of soil on anything they touch and always smells of fresh earth. He wears simple robes and sandles, and a pouch of magical earth is tied to his side with a rope cord."
Newly-inducted member of the Seven Ancients Pantheon, bringing their number to twelve. Sacrified himself to mask the five worlds of Runeth-Hyle from the Domel Vir, which dissolved reality with its presence. Reawakened from cosmic slumber and returned to reality through the combined efforts of the Battle Arena member Cael and the original Seven Ancients.

Zaldur the Huntmaster (Human, Level 17)
He hunts many beasts and invited BA members on a hunt for the rare Burmalong.

Zanabrious Thunderfeld (Human, Level 100-199)
A mage involved in the Mana Cannon project. Part of a group of powerful individuals backing House Hellstrom as a contingency to use against BA Members due to their power to invade Nexus Inn Rooms.

Zanthalir (Human, Level 14)
He is an ice wizard who built a tower made of ice. He was a member of the original Mana Cannon Project.

Zardoyoch, The Dream of Stars (Outsider, Level 79)
"A winged star made of solidified light that trails energy behind it."
An Eidolon linked to the Infinite Key artifact.

Zaridas (Humanoid, Level 5)
A thief killed while trying to loot the Berinic Mesa catacombs.

Zashulbon, Who Waits in Flame to Burn the World (Arch-Demon, Level 85)
No Description Given

Zazmaryth (Daemon, Level 72)
Entity involved in the daemonic assault on the world of Rinnhaveth. At the lower end of a chain of daemonic entities under the command of Mausmangarde, Daemon Lord of Fulsome Industry. Servant of Cluades the Harvester.

Zazodas: Divine Voice of Death (Divine, Level 400-599)

Zazyth Poryon (Arch-Solar, Level 200-399)
A member of the Bright Crusade and a lesser relative of Vansys Poryon.

Zebludeyr, 'The Space-Bending Beast' (Outsider, Level 43)
A summonable Eidolon.

Ze Eggsecutioner (Golem, Level 20)
No description given.

Zeero Megamegagogo (Humanoid & Alien, Variable Level)
"He's back with spiky hair, a sword made of glowing light with a helix symbol going down the middle that's bigger than he is, golden armor, and scanner-goggles"
The grandson of Ultragammagammamegamegagogo, last survivor of alien race of his homeworld. An absurdly overdramatic, heroic type straight out of an anime. Possesses an animal companion who talks to him on adventures that is a lion, laser swords, huge swords, rocket boots, multiple types of armor, a mastery of 76 martial arts, multiple mechs, several teams of allies, and the ability to gain new powers out of apparently nowhere to succeed/be flashy/overdramatically heroic. Destined to be a hero and unlikely to be killed permanently. Was temporarily stolen and brainwashed by the Veil Render (briefly assuming the role of 'Masked Hero Z' in the process), but returned in the service of Zaga Yazrath due to one of her overcomplicated schemes. He has an alt-form in the Level 200-399 Range. He has an alt-form that is a Level 399 Triumphant.

Zeero Megameganono (Alien & Demon, Level 200-399)
A noted foe of the Third Ascension. He has an alt-form that is a Level 399 Apocalyptic.

Zeiful the Zombie Herder (Human, Level 59)
A member of the Rentharr Dravis/Don Hippopotamus team that was retroactively entered into the Impossible Knot quest due to the Enigma Men failing to retroactively write themselves into being. Killed along with the rest of the team early on.

Zemagho System (Machine, Level 400-599)
A creation of Morrisant's that was pitted against the First Ascension.

Zenthar Madresh (Human, Level 43)
A priest of Phalerin.

Zephrel Xanatarchis (Human, Level 55)
A Great Channeler, prone to performing hostile experiments on people.

Zereyn (Divine, Level 200-399)
An evil deity, split off from Sereyn. Used to be dead, but got over it.

Zethmys, The Black Ferryman (Outsider, Level 62 Boss)
"A lone ferryman begins to make its way towards you across the dark water. This figure, though man-sized, is ominous, wearing a dark-black robe that obscures its features"
One of the six Heralds of Andaramalius, The Supreme Creator. Bearer of one of the six God-Killing Tools, the Smoke Ledger.

Zexatra Archelbestys (Humanoid & Insect, Level 98)
"A woman with a tall black-and-red, high-priest-style hat, sleek black robes, and the lower torso of a spider"
One of the group trying to bring back Shalmarkion. Holds a relic known as the Black Silken Cord, which can tie worlds together and stabilise temporary portals and connections into permanent ones.

Zhan'nari, Folder of Cranes (Outsider, Level 73)
Powerful entity kept in one of the Knot of Trelheis' many dimensional dungeon-pockets, its powers to go to whomever won the challenge presented within. Present status unknown.

Zhuren Wenzei (Ascendant, Level 10,000-12,000)
An Ascendant from the Third Ascension.

Zlaedon(Human, Level 86)
A paladin from the Silver City who was at one time possessed by Maleficus. He has an alt-form that is a Human & Celestial in the Level 200-399 Range. He has an alt-form that is a Fiend in the Level 600-799 Range from when he was possessed by Maleficus. He has an alt-form that is a Level 16 Human.

Zobox-and-Niboz (Alien, Level 15)
"A double-headed green man who stands 14 feet tall and is wearing a suit"
An alien on Disc 37 that has been arguing with two robots, QR-775 and QR-776, about his terrible parking. They've been arguing for months, apparently having nothing better to do.

Zohl Tothmut (Divine, Level 400-599)
A deity. Member of the Council of Ten Thousand Gods. Leader of the Ibreptic branch of the Grand Pantheon of Ten Thousand Deities; that branch was the only major one to escape Deraglio's wrath unscathed during Deraglio's epic battle against the Celestial Emperor and his divine army.

Zohl, Who Tends the Eternal Fires Which Burn the Damned (Demon, Level 58)
A demon seeking power to gain a strong foothold in The Land of Boiling Souls, who attempted to defeat Embra Banefire for her title of Chosen of Fire. Failed.

Zombie Gambler Three (Undead & Animal & Humanoid, Level 60)
"An undead half-human, half-shark wearing a black suit with a red tie who is holding a pair of dice in one fin."
A member of a conspiracy supporting the Enigma Men in the Knot of Trelhais. Would have died in the mayhem resulting from a clash between the Cataloguers of Infinity team, the Camel-Headed Bastard team, and the Enigma Men failing to retroactively write themselves into existence, had that actually happened. Present status unknown.

Zuchelbacherov, 'The Infinite' (Outsider, Level 99)
A summonable Eidolon.

Zurian the Ever-Hungering (Humanoid & Undead, Level 75)
A vampiric high ogre and popular combatant of Magister Mellruk's Extradimensional Arena.

ZXL-VESORS-595 (Robot, Level 9)
"A human-sized robot with pincer jaws and six arms, each holding an unusual gun."
A member of the Dravis team during the Princess of Suns incident. Remained loyal to the Dravis cause throughout before being killed by Silas, LH-014 and Augustin Bremalt. Had a poor tactical circuit that was further damaged during its mission, causing it to behave in highly inefficient and sometimes outright nonsensical ways.

Zyxertaunnam (Planetary & Demon & Aerial, Level 85)
Fallen god defeated by the (then-) Eighth Chosen of Air, Elsie Phaeduras.


Special Instances of Non-Unique Individuals

'Cassandra' (Variant Succubus 22853-b) (Demon, Level 45)
"The succubus is wearing a slightly poofy black dress and blushing. The succubus's hair is short and red, her eyes are blue"
A non-unique, but rare type of succubus (presently only three exist) working in the House of Ordained Pleasure. Shy, introverted, and enjoys gardening, singing, sewing and stories. May have been spawned due to Patchy's presence on the disc previously.
Due to a specially-empowered Walrusfest Giftbox, her moveset now contains:
Drain Improvement A- Possessor deals 5,000 additional points of HP Drain, Constant Effect

Mugger Who Beats Drunks For Money #36 (Human, Level 3)
"A short-haired woman moving around behind one of the alcohol clouds beating and taking money from people who become drunk"
An example of her variety of spawned individual who was (citizen's) arrested by Vrishni and subsequently (and involuntarily) deputised to look into the Ghoulface incident.

Professional Gangster Guard #567,334 (Human, Level 8)
A nameless mook that spawned in the mob-filled Disc 610. Enjoyed painting landscapes and singing in his time off, and learned to appreciate sculpture after a lesson from Vrishni. Has a wife and child. Previously in the employ of Don Parchesso (until he was killed) and Don Florencino (until he attempted to strong-arm Vrishni into a deal and was killed). Survived and fled the shootout that resulted.

Professional Gangster Guard #594,682 (Human, Level 8)
A nameless mook in the mob-filled Disc 610. Current status and whereabouts unknown.

Tangy (Spirit, Level 21)
A summoned Tengu with an amusing name. Proved himself to be really rather competent.

Currently Fictional People

Presumably an author-insert character from 'Tolva's New High School', a terribly-written and overly violent fanfic (with large amounts of sexual content) written by someone that idolises Tolva. Apparently in an open polygamous relationship with Tolva (the 'glothick demon badguy'), Cyaeilia, 'Mr. Pain' (Roy), Anathema, and Eva. Presently entirely fictional.

Re: People

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 11:19 pm
by Modrageball
Organization List-

50-Gold Shaving Revolution Marketing Team Reference Link
This up-and-coming business was delighted when Tia agreed to a televised fully-body shave event to promote their product. They were livid when she later violently refused to have ever agreed to this despite having taken an advance payment. Now, come hell or high water, they plan to shave Tia.

Adventurers Across Worlds
A reputable hero/dungeon-exploring agency.

Aether-Binders of New Quarr Reference Link
Organisation of the world of Remfass. Destroyed, along with their kingdom and their world, by Bear Popsicle Comics.

Alchemic Order of the Golden Spiral
Order of alchemists based in Disc 916.

Alchemic Order of the Jet Bonfire
A former rival of the Alchemic Order of the Golden Spiral, formed by former members of the Golden Spiral who had split off from the Order.

Alliance 55 Reference Link
An alliance of originally made of members of 55 different worlds in one dimensional sub-cluster that had been scourged by various Tia-initiated events. It has since expanded as more Tias bring more disasters to more places.

Alrick's Brigade Fanclub Reference Link
Alrick's guild appears to have its own specialized fanclub.

Anti-Human Society of Nexus Reference Link
This group contains many fans of Tolva and finds that he advocates for a rather agreeable stance of humans and exactly where they stand.

Arcane Knighthood of Dalos-Yor Reference Link
Organisation of the world of Remfass. Destroyed, along with their kingdom and their world, by Bear Popsicle Comics.

Aretsnov Industries
A corporation / criminal enterprise with its main headquarters in a different provence of the Holy Imperial Homeworld. It has recently built a secondary headquarters in Universe City, which is near the City of Day. Various ambitious under-executives trying to move up in the ranks, most notably Sergei Yatsyanov, have been attempting to sieze control of various buildings in the City of Night that they feel might be good assets for their group.

Association for the Creation of a Tolva Video Game! Reference Link
This group of amateur programmers and Tolva enthusiasts think that he got shortchanged and that making him the star of his own videogame will fix that! Unfortunately for them, a Living Rumor called Skull Tolva has manifested and tracks down and horifically kills anyone who starts making actual progress towards finishing such a game (leaving the group, as a whole, full of people who strongly lack either talent or motivation).

Association for the Promotion of Furred Battle Arena Members Reference Link
A fanclub for Battle Arena members. This umbrella group has, over time, splintered into several sub-groups based on internal divisions, including but not limited to Demihuman Battle Arena Promotion Corps, Nexus Furries, East Top-Disc Nexus Furred Society, True-Blooded Nexus Furries, New Association for the Promotion of Furred Battle Arena Members, Greater Association for the Promotion of Furred Battle Arena Members, and Nexus Animal Promotion Front.

Association for the Triumph of Short BA Members Reference Link
This group supports various dwarves, fairies, and other short BA members. Tolva is, along with some dwarves and children, among the tallest individuals its members are fans of.

Association of Diabolical Lies
Group from the World of Governance. Headed by Justice Argoxx Meatcontrols.

Association of Spanking
Group from the World of Governance. Headed by Hugo Loudchair. Enemy of the Association of Diabolical Lies.

Astral Darkness
Villainous force that opposes the Moon Lords and has been devouring Magical Girls sent to fight against it.

Azanamakira Godly Association Reference Link
This group of low-end deities, local kami, and minor planetaries has taken to watching TV more after having been introduced by Tia to the wonders of modern living.

Badass Bastards From Xorse Reference Link
This group approves of Vashna's style and watches him when their stolen starcruiser fleet can get proper interdimensional reception.

Battle Arena Fans of Rare Items Reference Link
A Nexus fanclub. This group was drawn to Kit thanks to Kit's focus on unique items and artifacts and regularly engages themselves in activities related to Kit's unique items.

Battle Arena Group G Fanclub Reference Link
A Nexus fanclub. This group seems to be watching a broad group of BA members that seems to include mostly (the PC cast). They focus on individuals involved in Princess of Suns and/or Cutting the Impossible Knot and individuals connected to those individuals.

Battle Arena Nonintervention Society Reference Link
This group doesn't like BA members affecting things outside of Nexus in general.

Battle Arena Top Otaku Reference Link
This fanclub is made of otaku who are Battle Arena fans. Some of its most-dedicated members are BA-member-specific otaku, whereas others are anime/manga/film/train/other otaku who also are fans of one or more Battle Arena members. Tia being an otaku herself on top of being a pretty catgirl managed to draw a large chunk of this club as fans.

Big Puma Prophets Reference Link
This group of five bald men set out to become rappers. Through a bizarre chain of events, they instead became trapped in a magical room that makes them view Vashna on television while reliving an otherwise-mostly-looped day over and over again.

Birdmen of Azagarrazz Reference Link
Turned up in the quest 'Birds of a Feather'. Sought to defend their lands against the Rotwing Raid-Commanders and the Mad Shell Duke, and succeeded with the BA Member Rex-88's help.

Blue Talon Guild
"A small cartel that have organized themselves on the world of Paris VI in the town of Vandolier. They have a hideout in the dock district there."
A thieves guild.

Bob Spyke Committe for Public Morality Reference Link
This group finds Tolva to be a depraved individual who is a bad influence on Nexus and its children.

Brewers of Time and Monkies
Group from the World of Governance. Enemy of the Association of Diabolical Lies.

Bring-Breakers Reference Link
This anti-Endbringer group approves greatly of Vashna's anti-Horutep efforts and remained fans of him even after the Endbringer title transferred.

Brotherhood of the Azure Star
One of the factions slated to join the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii megaquest, but ended up being pulled from the Megaquest at the last minute and didn't successfully manage to get in on it.

Bubble City Alchemical Association
An organisation of alchemists that work in Bubble City on Disc 610.

Capuchin Monkey Television Fanciers' Club Reference Link
This all-monkey group likes Vashna and wants to see him bring Bill back!

Carp Staplers Anonymous Reference Link
This strange group staples things to carp and carp to things. They have taken to watching Vashna matches during their regular meetings.

Chroniclers of Eternity
Organisation that seeks to catalogue all knowledge. Provide highly useful information services, including a directory of Nexus (unfortunately incomplete and sometimes outdated, given the sheer staggering scale of the city-dimension).

Club Red Reference Link
This group of Cyaelia fans has apparently added Tolva to the list of individuals they view. They find him amusing.

Coils of Time
Group from the World of Governance. Allied to the Association of Diabolical Lies.

Combonauts Reference Link
This group is a fan of interesting combos and their results. Vashna's combos are apparently televised, and this group likes them!

Communist Party of Great Horsha
Rulers of the country of Great Horsha.

Company of the Lapis Compass
Group that, by accident or design, awoke The Golden Face of Qaz-Qor, with catastrophic consequences.

Confederate Armed Rangers Reference Link
One of the sides of the quest 'The Storehouse of Smoke', who sought to destroy the weapons in Fort Swampside.

Cort's Commandos
Group created by Constable-General Dorian Cort to take on the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii megaquest in order to 'clean up' Nexus and fight against the more dangerous, evil or otherwise unpleasant discs.

Council of Arcane Sight Reference Link
Ruling council of High Lycerium on the world of Remfass, led by Wizard Lord Theodric. Destroyed, along with the kingdom and their world, by Bear Popsicle Comics.

Council of Elder Guardians
A group of druidic mages, fae, minor and moderate deities, and assorted factions from a variety of dimensions that has banded together to resist Michael Helios's expansionism. The Council itself is a group of twelve very powerful druids. Were one of the many factions involved in the Princess of Suns Incident. Primarily based on the world of Glemeun, but is also involved or has a presence in 3-10 other worlds.

Council of Netheryn
A major opposition-group in the First Ascension. Kelsius Darkfeather, Morrisant, and Kasura were all formerly affiliated with it.

Council of Spider Observers
Group from the World of Governance. Allied to the Association of Diabolical Lies.

Council of Ten Thousand Gods
Organisation run by the Celestial Emperor for gods, by gods.

Council of the Future Brides of Prince Charming Reference Link
This is Tia's oldest hatedom (and is proud of the fact). They're a branch-off of Charming's main fanclub that is convinced that he is going to mass-marry them, and that Jessie, Tia, and his guild's other female members, are the only things standing between them and eternal bliss with their fae sweetie-pie.

Council of White Winds
Council presiding over North Airende. Killed Hugh O'Donnell when his Corruption-granted power was ripped away, leaving them aware of his plans for their city.

Crimson Evokers of Gran-Rassek Reference Link
Organisation of the world of Remfass. Destroyed, along with their kingdom and their world, by Bear Popsicle Comics.

Cruelwater Enterprises
A company being directly opposed by the priesthood of Sereyn. Presumably very bad news.

Daemonic Heirarchy of Fulsome Industry
Full-Rullsoth's daemonic faction of suffocating bureacracy, conquest and polluting industrial spread. Highly structured.

Daemon-Legion of Flensing Flesh
Invading daemonic army from the Hole of Torment driven back by Michael Helios.

Davanthorne Family
A rather unfortunate family cursed to a horrid fate. The priesthoods of Lady Luck and Madame Misfortune are doing battle over them to either lift or maintain the curse.

Dawnless Suulkaxxian Guild
Spacefaring crime syndicate, on par with (and with ties to) the Ibodian Syndicate.

Deathface Reference Link
This pro-Endbringer group has hated Vashna for ages.

Demihuman Battle Arena Promotion Corps Reference Link
A fanclub for Battle Arena members. Split off from the Association for the Promotion of Furred Battle Arena Members due to internal divisions.

Demon Viewers of Choice Televised Violence Reference Link
This cross-disc group of TV-viewing demons likes Tolva (alongside other violent, demonic individuals).

Desert Raiders on Varlong'Thryl
"They tend to mainly raid caravans going from town to town in the Great Desert."
A thieves guild.

DIE, FOX! Reference Link
A group that *really* hates Kit and thinks she's the opposite of what a hero should be. They offer scathing critiques of Kit's actions at various points and have video presentations about the vast negative effect's Kit's questing habits have had.

Disc 912 Drunk Doctor Funclub Reference Link
This group of drunk medical professionals enjoys watching Tia's high-energy adventures and doesn't really care about the plot jumping around willy-nilly with Tia having increasingly inconsistent characterization.

District Zero Denizens
Entities in District Zero of the One City often aren't themselves or what they appear to be and are, more often than not, though not always, either Enigma Men or (more often) ambulatory, pseudo-living extensions of their ongoing, completed Schemes.

Doomwrought Clan
A clan of dwarven rune mages. The clan practices Rune Magic and served various minor daemons that dwelled on their cavern-filled homeworld.

Dragon-Bonded Priestesses of the Goldwood
A group that protected the Goldwood, driven to extinction by Doctor Beak's revived Legions of Gilbezber Recurrent after Anathema brought him back to life.

Dravis Corporation
Rentharr Dravis' interdimensional mining corporation. Seeks to control a monopoly over mana crystals and acquire items of notable power through whatever underhanded means they can.

Dread Butchers
A destructive group that overtook, or destroyed the citadel of Summer Bastion.

Drowned Mages of R'Theyrl
Faction of mages that fled to the Semi-Luminous Emptiness of Yundeloop, taking over one of the abandoned continent-cities floating in bubbles there.

DV-TV Metaclub Reference Link
A group of diviners who watch likely future broadcasts of Arena Member adventures. They see good things for Vashna and lots of excitement.

East Top-Disc Nexus Furred Society Reference Link
A fanclub for Battle Arena members. Split off from the Association for the Promotion of Furred Battle Arena Members due to internal divisions.

Edith Ramsbury Quest Observation Club Reference Link
This group, primarily consisting of old ladies, is dissatisfied both by Kit's old tendency to sometimes strip naked and by her abandonment of and implosion in quests.

Error City
Faction headed by Tsayikk (during the periods it exists).

Extranormal Investigation Kommand
Group based in the Communist-ruled country of Great Horsha.

Fabulous Society For The Restoration Of Global Sexy
Society that may or may not currently exist (but certainly has, or will, in alternate timelines or the future). Led by Mr. Green, who split off from the original (or alternate) Manly Society.

Fae Host of Queen Dendraeymuir
Queen Dendraeymuir's own faction, which also took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii megaquest.

Fine Mask Appreciation Society Reference Link
A group that operates as a fanclub of the Masks of the Architect of Nexus and their assoiciates and owners.

Five Chaos-DwellersReference Link
Chaotically-geared group who sought to destroy the seven fragments of The Grand Design.

Five Gray Terrors
Creatures that can bend time. Under the command of Waxley of the Dravis Corporation.

Five-Man Mafia
Criminal group that held sway over 921 Discs of Nexus until the newly-reactivated Nexus Administation Bureau dealt with them.

Fred's Aunt's Local Sewing Club Reference Link
This group started watching Tia once when their regular programming was interrupted by a loud robot activist who had hijacked a local channel to promote the construction of a newer, safer sports complex. They watched a show about Tia while sewing instead of their usual Frisky Kitty Experience (featuring real, live kittens), and found her heroic exploits enjoyable, adding her to their regular roster of shows. They've started liking her even more now that they know she has three nieces and five nephews.

Galactic Governmental Council
Intergalactic government based in the same dimension as the Ibodian Syndicate.

Gallant Man's Fine Tailoring Conglomerate
A cross-disc clothing manufacture and sales conglomerate taking the best resources and tailors of many discs to turn out high-quality goods, headed by Eddie Strix.

Gharzhat Jingali
Order of assassins-for-hire founded by Versetti, the Perfect Assassin. The Deathmark Assassin's Club, impressive and deadly as they may be, were merely founded to train potential members of the Jingali. None of the Deathmark grandmasters have yet to gain entry to the Jingali. This should tell you all you need to know about dangerous this organisation is.

God-Kings of the Fourth Age
Group of rulers of Erstokrys, Land of Seven Seas. Presently there are 26, three of whom are Level 70.

God-Messengers of Issyrok
Divine ministry that backed Lady Arsyra of Thelmiss.

Greater Association for the Promotion of Furred Battle Arena Members Reference Link
A fanclub for Battle Arena members. Split off from the Association for the Promotion of Furred Battle Arena Members due to internal divisions.

Guild of Farvoyagers
Enjoys trading knowledge of various worlds and adventures.

Guild of Master Explorers
Guild of explorers, whose symbol is the Compass of Lynthic Beasts. Their symbol was found in the Moving Stone Library of Haggok'Nhir.

Guild of the First Men
A disreputable hero/dungeon-exploring agency.

Gullney Raiders
Low-level gang causing trouble on the world of Farlndor in the Dimension of Esheyross.

Haloed Celestial Nexus Arena Viewing Club Reference Link
This group of celestial Battle Arena fans has Tolva as one of its absolute least-favorite members.

Heaven Architects
A faction of heavenly, divine and good-aspected entities working together to create bastions of good across the universe. Seek to make the multiverse as a whole better by establishing a new set of heavens following the temporary departure of the Celestial Lord. They're pro-Kriele and have gained several Kriele-related knight-faction supporters now that Kriele is a thing. Took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii megaquest.

Hero Force
A group of superheroes that took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii megaquest. Originally headed by Captain Omega, but run by Mike (not Helios) and the Overlord of Monkey Castle in his absence, to (unbeknownst to them) far better ends without ulterior motives.

High Concordance
One of the factions slated to join the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii megaquest, but ended up being pulled from the Megaquest at the last minute and didn't successfully manage to get in on it.

Homeworld Coast Guard
Based in the Imperial Homeworld.

How MELTED Can You MELT It!? Reference Link
From grilled cheese sandwiches to lava, this group likes stuff that is melted! Since Tia is well known for the melting of various cultural relics on Arthgarr V and Arthgarr VIII, they enjoy watching her melt, burn, and liquify things with her evil melty magic.

Ibodian Syndicate
Intergalactic crime ring chiefly composed of Ibodians. Criminal activity includes stealing and smuggling rare metals and missiles. Most of their members are in the 20s and 30s, level-wise. They have a large number of spacecraft and a wide variety of technologically advanced weapons, including low-end antimatter bombs. They're well-known for using pool cues as weapons. Dealt a heavy blow after their leader was killed at the hands of Nira, Geddoe, Charming and Lili, with Geddoe subsequently calling down divine judgement to destroy their headquarters, killing all of the syndicate members within, including their leader.

Institute for the Refinement of Rational Civilization
Organisation dedicated, amongst other things, to creating The Perfect Man.

Interdimensional Chefs' Leage
"Members of the Interdimensional Chefs' League are renowned throughout many of the known realms as cooks without peer; kings and wealthy merchants from numerous worlds greatly desire their wares and hire them for special banquets and events. The league has set up a large castle with chef-hat-topped towers in the midst of Nexus, providing training and setting forth tasks for aspiring chefs."

Interplanar Dwarven Aether Fleet
Created by the dwarven followers of Lili, who became interested in Echo Providence, and, in their efforts to acquire trade goods there, developed a fleet of interplanar trade ships more easily able to escape from its dangers.

Isenrod Corporation
Corporation allied to the Fleshwarpers, and therefore almost certainly up to no good.

Investington's Pride
The bank with the most branches on Disc 75. It lets people invest money in it to gain increased power and operates a large number of the disc's systems (including ones that supplement large chunks of battles on the disc that fit under various guidelines with wealth = power rules). It is Level 99, and taking it out would cause a massive shift in the disc's theme.

Jovial Brotherhood of the Unchained Mind
Celas's role in helping the Heaven Architects win the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii resulted in the creation of several white necromantic orders in Nexus. One of those inspired the creation of the Brotherhood as a 'white mad science' order as a mirror.

Joymerchants of the Ebon Book
An undead-loving organisation dedicated to the pursuit of creating more undead. Tend to push becoming undead on people much like an overenthusiastic drug dealer.

Kelp Farmers' Motivational Society Reference Link
This group of kelp farmers started a group to combat a lack of motivation in members of the profession. Someone in it noticed Vashna's kelp while browsing random channels, and they have since become avid Vashna-viewers.

Knights Celestialis
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption.

Knights Curitas
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption. Concerned with healing, resurrection, and restoration.

Knights Divinitas
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption. Concerned with healing, resurrection, and restoration.

Knights Dyschronus
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption. Concerned with healing, resurrection, and restoration.

Knights Graceblade
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption. Concerned with removing malign influence from people.

Knights Mentalis
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption. Concerned with helping people overcome the effects of possession, brushes with corruptive evil, and ensuring no long-term ill-effects of such.

Knights Most-Valiant
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption.

Knights of the Golden Blade
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption. Concerned with cleansing and purification.

Knights of the New Dawning
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption.

Knights of the Order of the Noble Ratcatcher
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption.

Knights of the Outward Eye
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption. Concerned with preventing evil from escaping.

Knights of the Seventeen Seals
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption. Concerned with preventing evil from escaping.

Knights of the Wall of Blades
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption. Concerned with preventing evil from escaping.

Knights of the White Lily
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption. Concerned with cleansing and purification.

Knights of the Woven Tapestry
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption. Concerned with helping people overcome the effects of possession, brushes with corruptive evil, and ensuring no long-term ill-effects of such.

Knights Peregrine
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption. Concerned with healing, resurrection, and restoration.

Knights Purificationist
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption. Concerned with cleansing and purification.

Knights Reclimatus
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. Some (or all) of them are presently in the Inescapable Well after throwing themselves down it to end the element of Corruption. Concerned with removing malign influence from people.

Large Council of Cheeses
Group from the World of Governance. Enemy of the Association of Diabolical Lies.

Liberators of Thresheth IV
Spacefaring crime syndicate, on par with (and with ties to) the Ibodian Syndicate.

Librarians of G'noop
Faction that took over one of the abandoned continent-cities of the Semi-Luminous Emptiness of Yundeloop.

Lich Lords of Morz
Undead menace fought by the Phalerin priesthood.

Locust Princes
A group of six powerful demons who have created an area of expanding blight in the Endless Desert. Opposed by the priesthood of Phalerin. Around Level 56.

Londezzi Family
A lower-level mob family in the dockside district of Disc 610.

Luster Flowers
A disreputable hero/dungeon-exploring agency.

Magical Tia Rangers Reference Link
A group of Tia-specific fans. Consists of a large number of children, but also has adult members. They tend to collect a lot of Tia merchandise and issue membership cards.

Manjaw and Friends' Fanclub Reference Link
Balko's dogs have a fanclub! They like Vashna too, but are mostly in it for the dogs.

Manly Society For The Protection Of Solar Order
Society of extremely powerful individuals in the service of the Sun Queen Selereth Helios.

March of the Crimson Men
Collection of vile beings currently being stopped by, and losing to, the priesthood of Sereyn.

Maulmagore Raiders Reference Link
Turned up in the quest 'A Beefy Adventure'. Meat-thieving bandits.

Moon Lords
Group of entities fighting against the Astral Darkness. Involved with Magical Girls to some extent.

Mount Hemmingsworth Golf Assassins Reference Link
These classy contract hitmen enjoy watching the chaos a Tia appearance can bring to a world when relaxing between death-for-hire missions.

Mount Llegendrom Wax Museum Social Club Reference Link
This group feels that Tia is not respectful enough towards monsters made of wax.

Multi-Herd Centaur Cultural Integration Leadership Initiative Reference Link
A group consisting of centaurs from multiple tribes across multiple worlds and dimensions. They're attempting to find cultural harmony with one another and with outside non-centaur cultures, so they try to consume media from Nexus as a group. One Nexus thing they're picked up on is a show dedicated to Tia.

Mystic Empire of the Jade Lake Reference Link
An opposed to that of the Priest-Kings of Rael'el. Capable of traveling through time, and notably create living weapons.

Nation of Laughing
Group from the World of Governance. Allied to the Association of Diabolical Lies.

Nation of Weaving
Group from the World of Governance. Allied to the Association of Diabolical Lies.

New Association for the Promotion of Furred Battle Arena Members Reference Link
A fanclub for Battle Arena members. Split off from the Association for the Promotion of Furred Battle Arena Members due to internal divisions.

Nexus Administrative Bureau
An organization created by The Architect to manage Nexus. It ran it for a while, stopped for a while while the Architect was broken into his various Masks, and then re-assumed control after determining that that status of the Nexus governmental bodies had deteriorated to unacceptably low levels.

Nexus Animal Promotion Front Reference Link
A fanclub for Battle Arena members. Split off from the Association for the Promotion of Furred Battle Arena Members due to internal divisions.

Nexus Bank Prime
The bank with the most off-disc accounts on Disc 75. It had deals with old administrative groups before the current administration came back in. It still isn't detangled fully from things since it isn't really messing anything notable up, though it has lost the ability to determine Nexus-wide monetary policy. It is Level 96.

Nexus Battlemage Association Reference Link
This group of battle mages sees Vashna as an excellent individual style-wise whose combat accomplishments are to be lauded and strived toward.

Nexus Birdcatcher's Association
Its members do exactly what one would expect. Presumably a very respected group, given how famously annoying birds can be.

Nexus Cow-Spotter Society Reference Link
'Cows in Nexus', the favorite show of this group, got taken off-air by a show that screen Tolva-related footage. Its members consequently hate Tolva (but like Cyaelia during the rare episodes when she appears, as she qualifies as cow-related).

Nexus Furries Reference Link
A fanclub for Battle Arena members. Split off from the Association for the Promotion of Furred Battle Arena Members due to internal divisions.

Nexus Magical Girl Appreciation Society Reference Link
A Nexus fanclub. This group is peripherally fans of Kit thanks to Kit's work on Noix against Eggman alongside the Doombreakers.

Nexus Society for the Appreciation of Mobile Undead Adventuring Reference Link
A Nexus fanclub. This group promotes the spread of media depicting undead going on active adventures away from their tombs or other home-locations.

Nexus Naturist Society
A society of nudists who had some trouble after Kit's adventures streaking resulted in the Nexus PD temporarily cracking down on public nudity. This caused them to move their Fun in the Sun Day to Elgarr VIII. They liked it there, and three annual events later, one of their members, Mr. Praxton, found a magical gem there that gave him the position of pharoah.

All Nexus, All The Time! Presumably one of the major media networks in Nexus, covering the Battle Arena and its members' many adventures as part of its operation.

Nexus Postal Service
The Postal Service of the city of Nexus. For some reason it doesn't count as being a Nexus organisation for the purposes of being interfered with by outside forces, although this may be a quirk of how new the branch is.

An organization based in Echo Providence. They seek to create the one from the zero.

Night Procession
Evil, dimensionally-travelling circus that steals souls. Opposed by the priesthood of Sereyn.

Nose of Trouble
Group from the World of Governance. Enemy of the Association of Diabolical Lies.

Notable and Resolute Irrindil Lili-Appreciation Society Reference Link
This Lili-fanclub apparently dislikes Vashna (and also somewhat fears him).

Noted Fans of Dutton Beesbury Reference Link
Dutton Beesbury has a show and fanclub, apparently! Its members have taken notice of Kit since Kit is one of the few BA Members to directly meet Dutton.

Number One Nira Fanclub Reference Link
Nira's main fanclub also likes Vashna and views stuff with him in it.

Nun Fanciers' Media Club Reference Link
A Nexus fanclub.

Old Trithian Interstellar Republic
Aaron Laedonglor is a hero to them.

Omnipresent Council of Archtyrants
Organisation created by Shalmarkion in his efforts to create a massive network of control over many realms, staffed by all manner of villainous beings. Collapsed with his defeat and death at the hands of the Ascendants, but a few former members have worked to recreate it.

Order of the Brain Lords
"To protect the disc from devastation! To unite all people in the Supreme Mind's creation! To spread psychic powers granted by the brains we love! To extend our reach to the skies above!"
A new and very enthusiastic psychic order currently soliciting monetary donations to help construct their Giant Brain-Fortress.

Order of the Empyrean-Blue Rose
Order of Paladins from the world of Gran-Rosneau and the Kingdom of Charneuse.

Order of the Jade Door
Functions in personal service to the Ascendant, Drolda Thandolmann.

Order of the Lurking Eye
Group seeking to sell off holy relics to other worlds. The priesthood of Phalerin wish to stop it.

Order of the Silent Hall
An order dedicated to ensuring the dead stay dead. Absolutely loathe Arena Members for their ability to play hopscotch on the metaphysical line of mortality. Presently being targeted by the Nexus Administrative Bureau and Hugo Bekkler, who drove them out of Nexus via the medium of killing each and every single one of the death-obsessed group foolish enough to stick around.

Order of the Silken Veil
An order of opportunistic assassins who once held the Aeon Diadem after killing the small group of children that previously owned the artifact. Splintered into factions after the order's master assassin was killed by Gerigiyos the Serpent Demon.

Ordo Forcystus
Forcystus' very own faction that took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii megaquest.

Oswald the Detective and His Esteemed Associates Reference Link
Oswald HATES mysteries. He became a detective specifically so that he could bust them wide open and leave not a hint of the unknown behind, a career choice which has brought Oswald little but constant frustration and woe. Oswald tried to watch some shows about BA members after hearing that they have unusually good odds of solving ancient mysteries and unearthing once-secure secrets, but instead of getting satisfaction, he got the confusion of Tia's multiple costumed selves. Oswald now HATES Tia and wants to uncover who each Tia was at every point in time, along with each Tia's motivations. He also just generally wishes that all of the Tias would keel over dead and quit adding to his headache.

Mounted brigade of the Order of the Empyrean-Blue Rose.

Pendlewood Spire Geological Society
Society based around the study of geology and crystal magic.

People of Grievances
Group from the World of Governance. Enemy of the Association of Diabolical Lies.

Pillars of Glory
A collection of adventurers and heroes from many different worlds and histories. Took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii megaquest, partially for the fame, partially to stop anything completely awful from winning.

Princesses of Deliberation
Group from the World of Governance. Enemy of the Association of Diabolical Lies.

Raaic Ancients
Race of Ancients that created magitech wonders. Once lived amongst the Isles of Orsirion (and other locations of the Worldstone War), but vanished long ago. Returned under the sway of the element Corruption as a conquering, ruinous war-force, but regained their sanity with its destruction and withdrew from their war-efforts, leaving restorative, repairing mage-engines behind. Presumably now back for good.

Raaic Warhost
A faction comprised of the Corruption-tainted Raaic Ancients upon their return to reality. Disbanded upon their sudden purification of Corruption, whereupon they left behind mage-engines to fix what damage they'd caused.

Reapers of Tornill'Karn (And Associated Worlds) Reference Link
Shinigami and deathlords, this group is made of reapers of life. They started watching Tia's more massacre-oriented programming.

Red-Lipped Army
Army at war with the Kingdom of Charneuse.

Resolute Ibodian Government
Government of Ibodia.

Reptilian Insurgency
A splinter group of the Reptilian Overlords that belives the reptile men should take a more active hand in subjugating the warm-blooded races, and plans to try taking over the surface. Previously headed by the lizardman Chal-Gularr, the group was shattered during the events of the 'Lizards Invaded My Business Conference Centre' mission, during which Lili von Mion, Jessie Calthion, Volatilis, Charles Dacchenburg and Edwin Cloremontt tore through the summoned armies of the Insurgency and killed Chal-Gularr.

Reptilian Overlords
A group of subterrainan reptile-men who have been trying to insert themselves into positions of power worldwide for various purposes.

Rum Runner Tommy and His Seven Boys
Criminal alcohol-runner from Disc 610. Frequently clashes with the mafia dons.

Saitoserris Mandate
Highly advanced, order-and-geomancy-based organisation that opposes the Holy Imperial Homeworld and seeks to wage war against them in another reality. May in fact create replicas of those they capture/scan and alter them to join their cause, to be ended on a whim if they refuse to follow orders.

Sanctum of the Tide Key
A collection of powerful individuals (including deities) seeking to 'make existance greater', potentially through spurring another Grand Confluence for reasons that are almost certainly no good. A faction seeking the return of the Grand Confluence to massively amp their power and see them sat on top of the resulting pile regardless of the consequences to 'lower' life. Took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii megaquest.

Scorpion Nomads
Group involved in the Official Quest 'Secret Master of the Sands'. Killed the BA Member Gerryx Osmontoth.

(Second) Ape-Man Federation of Warpways

Seven Legendary Bandits of Bakker's Way
Making a nuisance of themselves. Apparantly accept challenges to duels.

Seven Resplendent Angels of Hope
Cast into the Living Despair by Tymus, Manifest of Unreasonable Hype. Given Tymus' purview, they may either not exist, be far less impressive than they sound, or never have been involved with Tymus at all.

Signs and Portents
An organisation of diviners.

Shadow Gods of Muulgoth
A group of evil deities seeking the Cosmic Song. Phalerin wishes to prevent them from obtaining it.

Skull-Wearer Gremlins
Tribe of gremlins in an alternate universe. Were driven away from the city of Sandbluffe by Geddoe (2), the alternate-universe version of Geddoe.

Skymage Fleet of Far Aetheum Reference Link
Organisation of the world of Remfass. Destroyed, along with their kingdom and their world, by Bear Popsicle Comics.

Sky Sages of Laarsaakh
A council of learned bird-men. Laurennia, Chosen of Light, studied under them for a period of time.

Society for the Minimalization of Chaos Reference Link
This group thinks Vashna is far too chaotic a force for the good of Neuxs or the universes linked to it.

Society of the Viper
A (or the) faction of Valcont-supporters. Joining is not recommended.

Sorrows of Nexus Reference Link
This group is fairly incoherent. They've taken a particular hatred towards several BA Members.

Speed Masters
Speed-centric faction of questionable morals. Took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii megaquest to take over Nexus and make tons of money.

Spiritualist Society of Great Walthorage Reference Link
Tried to take over four countries simultaneously in the quest 'The Serpentine Occultist' via psychic geomancy and the Star Monoliths, but were thwarted by Vivorynn Chrisallios.

Stellar Nechrarchy of Tasharr
Galactic (presumably) undead-related government seeking to fight against the priesthood of Phalerin and the Holy Stars.

Synod of Slights Remembered
Group that was concerned the Eighth Chosen of Air, Elsie Phaeduras, posed a threat to their plans. Invoked the power of The Golden Face of Qaz-Qor to kill her and banished the resultant dungeon surrounding the Regalia into a reality-hole, casting it across the universe. Elsie resurrected at dawn's first light to march against them, despite no longer having the title of Chosen.

Tarmanassad Empire
Fallen empire of the world of Anshort VII.

The 9-Claw Clan and Raven Dynasty Fleet
A combined group of pirates defeated by Aaron Laedonglor.

The Astounding Voodoo Barbers of Nexus Reference Link
This group is attempting to acquire Kit's tail or cause the spawning of a suitable replica thereof.

The Bascaradine Corporation
Interdimensional, multiversal megacorporation that sells just about anything you could care to name... for a price.

The Black Cabal
Group of 13 necromancers led by Soryatthan, seeking to control undead with necromantic magics and research further techniques of the dark art of necromancy. Have been causing trouble for the Kingdom of Ashralon.

The Bluewar Ministry
Organisation that sends armies to destroy areas and kill their inhabitants for money. Announces their intention to do so to the population the day before an attack is launched, giving the victims time to prepare.

The Bureau
Alternate-universe organisation stationed on the world that Patch-Cloak the Sorceress once resided on. Their test of the aether-fluctuators resulted in disaster. A cavalcade of other disasters followed. Quite possibly destroyed along with the world.

The Cataloguers of Infinity
An organisation trying to catelogue as much of what they see as an infinite reality as they can. Currently involved in keeping a database of Nexus discs and locations, although given the city's scope their records are often out-of-date. Still, it remains a useful directory for getting oriented.

The Caulingham Family
A family of nobles on Disc 916 that maintain an estate.

The Church of Mecha-Vashna
Religious organisation created by Arc through a combination of Anarchomantic propaganda, abstract weirdness and his own strange love for Vashna Saseen. Currently comprises 5% of the Grand City of Luriveyl's population. One of its beliefs dictates that Arc is the chosen bridegroom of his divine bride Mecha-Vashna.

The Cities of Ganseel
A group of cities on the world of Ganseel that, during the time of the Princess of Suns Incident, sought the power to repel an assault led on their world by the Bright Crusade (due to their refusing to join the conquering crusade). Hold a fair degree of technology and limited magic, along with a massive space fleet. While they themselves didn't succeed in the event, the newly-ascended Sun Queen Selereth Helios took them into her protection. The individual cities have varied outlooks, with none of them swinging strongly in the direction of either good or evil. They also don't tend toward any particular element save technology. They focus on technological advancement and the creation of consumer products. They are ruled by hereditary councils, and they warred with each other in the past until a threat from outside, namely Helios, appeared. They colonize other worlds, but said worlds are mostly uninhabited. Some of the cities are seedier than others, while some can be quite nice and pristine, but overall, they're a bunch of futuristic cities with no overarching view in regards to the conflicts throughout the universe. Presumably some of these outlooks have changed in the wake of Selereth's protection and her faction's involvement.

The Cobalt Church
Alternate-universe religious organisation that presumably has some ties to shady dealings and organised crime. Not on speaking terms with Tolva 'The Demon' Malone's crime syndicate due to the mafioso firebombing the Grand Sanctuary of Azaar over protection money.

The Dagger In Shadow
Sect of worshippers of Amon Horutep, the Endbringer, who idolise VonDurion. Prefer to use misdirection and underhanded tactics, including setting opponents against each other by implicating the one for attacks on the other, and not above poisoning, stealing, and using dangerous dark magical items. Members of it bear particular malice towards Battle Arena Members following both Salphron's role in the Mana Cannon Incident and the events that transpired post-reset at the Library of the Lorekeepers, resulting in an attack on members of Lili's guild, attempting to mislead the irrendil into mistakenly attacking the powerful anti-evil Platinum Rose organisation. Seek to steal her Oneman. Presumably destroyed by Iepterro.

The Deathmark Assassins' Club
The Deathmark Assassins Club was started by Versetti, the Perfect Assassin, as a means of training potential members of his actual assassin order, the Gharzhat Jingali. Its members can be approached to perform a hit by anyone with a proper invitation, but they are known to charge exorbitant fees. So long as the money is good enough, they're able to take out most anyone (and if they can't and you have a truly staggering amount of cash, you can hire the Jingali instead.) If a Deathmark assassin kills someone, they are marked and can't be resurrected through normal means until the assassin who performed the hit dies. BA members are exempt from this, and there is a special clause in Deathmark hit contracts that they only kill BA members once per contract. Specific assassins are hired for contracts, not the entire group. If an assassin fails in a hit, they obtain a mark, and other club members get tasked to go after them as training missions. If the target gets killed at a later date by the assassin, the mark goes away. If the marked assassin dies, the mark doesn't. It sticks around, and each time the assassin is raised or reborn, other club members go after them again. Each assassin is only on one mission at a time; jobs can be hired out for multiple assassins or multiple targets, but once an assassin is on a job, they stay on it until it's done. With a proper invite, you can also join the club. Your first three hits are performed without reward to you; after that, you start getting an ample cut. If you make it to the top ranks, you can apply to take a test to join the Jingali. Thusfar, none of the Deathmark grandmasters have pulled it off.

The Demon-Fathers of Rathgonn 14 Reference Link
The association of middle-aged demon men, once comfortable with their magma saunas, soul-of-the-dead BBQs, and other amenities of diabolical upper-middle-class-head-of-household life, now finds itself united in rage against Tia, who taught the various demon children of the Plane of Infernal Suburbia that they had a choice to be good and heroic, leading to an unprecedented youth rebellion and a thoroughly consternated force of demon-fathers.

The Enemy
The opposing side in The War, a conflict that is as much a concept as it is a physical battle. Recently returned after their previous defeat thanks to Heracles, weilding the Disaster Seeker, turning up in the Elemental Research Institute's Hall of Lost Wars.

The Enigma Men
A mysterious conspiracy-group that actively gains power by spreading conspiracies and making people think they can do things through manipulating perceptions, retroactively changing facts, warping reality and in general causing more convolution than should strictly be necessary. They also were/are the Monterro Family, a quasi-mafia-style organisation based out of the One City, with their own district.

The Eternal and Ever-Vigilant Daemonic Club Which Opposes Kit the Foxwoman Reference Link
This group of daemons, unwilling to overlook Kit's past treatment of Naria, engages in coordinated booing of any broadcast involving Kit, operating with clockwork regularity. Its numbers seem to have increased after Doctor Beak's death as generally-irrelevant minor Irrindil lost in Nexus gravitated to it to find even the slightest purpose, adopting its undying grudge as their new banner.

The Face Of Rage
Organisation of lycanthropes led by its commander of the same name, seeking to spread lycanthropy across the world.

The Fate Hand
Group of servants under the employ of Zaga Yazrath, including a Planetary, that were installed in the Knot of Trelhais to aid her group and hinder others. Presumably perished in the resulting catastrophe.

The Fleshwarpers
Organisation of Transmuter-Scientists dedicated to furthering their knowledge of transmutation and increasing their personal power. Once were one of the regulatory bodies of Nexus before being ousted by the return of the Nexus Administrative Bureau. Bitter enemies of the Joymerchants.

The Galactical Crime Consortium
Spacefaring crime syndicate, on par with (and with ties to) the Ibodian Syndicate.

The Green Gemstone Bank
The most powerful bank on Disc 75. It is being run as a front by a consortium of Arch-Demons and Arch-Devils who are using it to finance some highly-complex interdimensional power-grab-scheme, as well as a source of notable souls (given the number of those available in Nexus). It is in the Level 400-599 Range, though the majority of its power is not physically on this disc at present.

The Hegemony of Glirth
Seeks to gain control of the spiritual powers that lie semi-latent but partially-tapped within the worlds that are under the control of the civilisation Mercarion Rei-Daisus belongs to.

The Highly Respected Company of the Golden Door
An elite group of guards-for-hire operating out of Disc 916, although they occasionally take off-disc contracts. Extremely highly-regarded by the nobles and anyone else willing to pay a massive premium, providing incredible security and unflagging loyalty. Had a bit of a rough start (including tensions with the Alchemic Order of the Golden Spiral due to the Golder Door choosing the name to use the Spiral's reputation to suggest a parallel), but managed to distinguish itself over the years, even gaining the trust of the alchemists. Founded by Maxwell Archgrieve.

The Holy Order of the Mountain Dwelling Sisters Reference Link
This group of Sereyn worshippers takes footage of Kit and attempts to draw lessons of what to do or what to avoid doing from it.

The Hoorshaath Concern
Spacefaring crime syndicate, on par with (and with ties to) the Ibodian Syndicate.

The Interdimensional Crime Syndicate

The Interdimensional Society of Vengeful Dressmakers Reference Link
This group disapproves of Tia's fashion choices and wishes to see her head boiled and her skull dipped in silver. They tend to be overly-extreme in their reactions like that.

The Jade Hand
A competent, reasonably-priced Nexus-based thieves' guild that sells some items and does heists-for-hire.

The Kit Warehouse Betting Club Reference Link
Kit's Warehouse pulls are apparently broadcast! This group has assembled and takes various bets relating to their outcomes.

The Light in the Darkness
"A group on the world of Latht'Aryn which fights in the name of the Goddess Sereyn against a group of nobles who overthrew the rightful king of the world and have been oppressing the peasantry greatly."

The Lonzerro Brothers
Businessmen buying up large quantities of shops that are going out of buisiness to replace them with their own places. Given large numbers of establishments seem to be going out of business near existing Lonzerro stores, something fishy might be going on.

The Nexus Association of Gearwrights

The Nexus Network of Obese Hitmen Reference Link
This group of fat contract killers became Vashna fans after one of its members reported a sudden luck-spike during missions after viewing Vashna-related materials. He acts as their collective lucky charm now.

The Nexus Society for Cultists and Jugglers Reference Link
This group has two major types of members, both of which seem to despise Vashna.

Theocratic Empire of Batfolk Reference Link
An empire of bat-people of Rael'el, ruled over by Priest-Kings. Their upper echelons are (or were) capable of creating major timelines, and they seek to increase their power by exploring these timelines for their treasures. Worship Gadigan.

The Official Imperial Homeworld Ascension-Sidecharacter Fanclub Reference Link
This group, based on the Imperial Homeworld (but with a smaller Nexus sub-chapter), is really into people who make brief appearances in Ascensions. Vashna qualifies!

The Official Royal Order of YEAH IT'S A BISON! Reference Link
A Nexus fanclub. This group became fans of Kit when Kit got a Laser Bison, but has been disappointed by Kit's recent lack of Bison-focus.

The Order of the Black Covenant
A group vampires dedicated solely to throwing enjoyable parties.

The Platinum Rose
An organisation that hunts demons, dangerous undead and other 'evil' monsters. The main chapter is extremely powerful, ranging from level 60-90, although sub-chapters of lower levels exist. A member of the Dagger In Shadow impersonated one of their members in an attempt to convince Lili that they were both a hypocritically underhanded organisation and actively plotting to harm her guild.

The Smiling Men
Spacefaring crime syndicate, on par with (and with ties to) the Ibodian Syndicate.

The Society of Esoteric Binders
A society of summoners. They particularly specialise in the calling of special summonable entities known as 'Eidolons'.

The Society of Magical Inquiry
An organization consisting mainly of assorted noblemen who dabble in various forms of sorcery and magical artiface.

The Star Federation
A spacefaring government body.

The Talons of White-Blood Reference Link
One of the factions that participated in the Mega-Quest 'Blinding of the Father's Eye'.

The Twofold Alliance for Liberation, Representation, and Bloodshed
"A gang that is combining the interests of orcs and relatives of orcs with those of beastmen, with the shared goal of killing humans and taking space on some of the nicer disks from them. They want to 're-distribute' as much property as possible to beastmen and orcs and have recently been building up arms."
Destroyed by Alrick, Tia, and Lilian.

The Valtarnnan Kingdom
(Presumably Disbanded)
A kingdom in the world of Anshort VII. Known as 'The Degenerate Valtarnnan Kingdom' by the heroic wanderer Ranghas Almanassan, who defeated its Last Lord-Master in combat.

The Vashna Slide-Presentation Socity Reference Link
A Nexus fanclub. This group devotes itself to creating slide-presentations about Vashna and presenting them to each other and at outside conferences (where they are often entirely irrelevant). Their extensive use of clip art resulted in the spawning of Vashna-related clip art, which they started using, which subsequently resulted in Vashna clip-art spawning into other clip-art collections unrelated to the group, gradually spreading through Nexus and onto other worlds.

Top Catgirl Fans Reference Link
A group dedicated to being fans of catgirl BA members and other notable catgirls of Nexus. There's an internal schism going on around the whole newspaper-eating thing and whether that's awesome or really weird.

Top Competetors' Club Reference Link
This group thinks Vashna has what it takes to be one of the BA's top stars and follows him as one of its 'elite' choices.

Transit Police
Maintain order on the railway-filled Disc 81.

Antagonistic organisation that desires chaos in another reality. Seems to be split into a wider array of colour-themed groups, such as the Men In Red and Priestesses Of Gold. Likely composed of, or involved with Mindshadows.

True-Blooded Nexus Furries Reference Link
A fanclub for Battle Arena members. Split off from the Association for the Promotion of Furred Battle Arena Members due to internal divisions.

Tymarran Mage-Merchant Company
A merchant guild specialising in magical goods. Books lost by them were recovered by Remalius. Details are vague due to being met through an experimental Arena-autopilot quest (for the entertainment of the fans, of course).

Unified Computing
A company Mister Phillips works for. Desired a computer chip from an alternate timeline in order to build a city-managing computer (what could possibly go wrong with that?).

Valcont Fan Club: Nexus Chapter Reference Link
This group has no stable member base since Administrative Bureau operatives move in to eliminate known members where they pop up.

Wealthington and Bradley
The richest bank on Disc 75. It stores excessively high amounts of money due to a Bascaradine executive choosing it as his primary bank and auto-depositing large chunks of his salary into it automatically while still lower-Level, then getting promoted to a rather higher position, leaving it with more money than the devil-bank (which has the second most). The bank itself is between Level 100 and Level 199.

Wild Tree Pilots
A pantheon of deities.

Wisdom Burners
Group that revered ignorance and sought to destroy all knowledge using the power of the Eternal Pyre. Their plans began going downhill after their team's defeat in the Knot of Trelhais, the loss of the Pyre to Lili Von Mion, and the Lili's use of the same artifact's connection to the rest of the Wisdom Burners to eradicate the rest of the organisation, either through burning the minds of the more-Pyre-connected members to ash, or destroying all memories of the organisation in others.

Wit of Reaping
Group from the World of Governance. Allied to the Association of Diabolical Lies.

Women Who Want Kit Movies Reference Link
A Nexus fanclub. A group of female fans of Kit who want more movies about Kit (or starring Kit) to be made

Wonderspring and Associates
A small group of goggled gnomish alchemists who, despite having an impressive shop, proved woefully incompetent at removing a collection of potion-induced curses from Lili's Shielding Golem thus making the curses worse. Died in the catastrophically hilarious summoning of high-level monsters that ensued.