Azraile's tasks

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Azraile's tasks

Post by Modrageball »

This thread was started on Jun 21, 2017.
Azraile Kiras wrote: Everyone finished

Eighth Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Time
Spend 12 weeks in the ability shop (these weeks must be specifically devoted towards completing this task, bonus weeks may be used)

I started that before I left >.>

Everyone but glitch imdeatly passes

Second Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Skill
Possess 24 abilities
(thanks to the curses for the dark knight! lol)

And salphron gained 3 1/12th's from the princess of the sun quest

Wriggle Nightsparrow wrote: Please provide links to the threads you received the awards in.

Azraile Kiras wrote: viewtopic.php?f=39&t=1607&p=76615&hilit=salphron+holy+imperial+seal+of+worth#p76615
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