Cael Gets Tickets
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Cael Gets Tickets
Cael acquires 6 tickets!
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
Going through and updating the Ability Shop reminded me that Tolva had learned all of the abilities necessary to continue pulling for Gilfried's abilities from the Of The Tales category!
He once again pulls from Of the Tales (Requires Level 40+) to continue his path of following the ex-Sovereign-turned-Ascendant's fancy footsteps. Given how useful he's already found the clone-tree from Gilfried's abilities, the little guy is very interested in seeing what lies further down that particular branch, especially after breaking through the cap required to pull for more...
He's picked all of those up.TO PULL MORE OF THE TALES ABILITIES (Nonslotted)
* Obtain the abilities Basic Smith Proficiency, Basic Hypertech Attunement, Basic Biomancy Attunment, Basic Crafter Proficiency, Basic Assault Matrix Training, Apprentice Smith Proficiency, Apprentice Hypertech Attunement, Apprentice Biomancy Attunment, Apprentice Crafter Proficiency, Apprentice Assault Matrix Training, Smith, Scientist, Biomancer, Crafter, and Matrix Keeper
He once again pulls from Of the Tales (Requires Level 40+) to continue his path of following the ex-Sovereign-turned-Ascendant's fancy footsteps. Given how useful he's already found the clone-tree from Gilfried's abilities, the little guy is very interested in seeing what lies further down that particular branch, especially after breaking through the cap required to pull for more...
Current Gilfried Abilities wrote: ♢Matix-Based Autoscan- (Passive Ability, Matrix Keeper) Whenever possessor performs an attack that involves the attack bonus of an Assault Matrix possessor has equipped, possessor scans the stats of said attack's targets
♢Flawless Motion of the Iron Mastermind- (Passive Ability, Power Trooper) Possessor ignores the Agility penalties of any Power Armor possessor has equipped
♢Immaculate Self-Forked Clone- (Active Ability, Biomancer) Possessor may, up to once per thread, across all copies of this ability across all individuals, with these trackers being non-resettable, perform an action to summon a non-unique PC that is named 'Forked <Possessor Name> Clone', that has possessor's base stats, that is possessor's PC Type, and that has copies of possessor's abilities, Max 1 summoned
♢Selectively Reintegrate Fork- (Active Ability, Biomancer) Possessor may spend an action to unsummon a PC summoned through possessor's 'Immaculate Self-Forked Clone' ability, gaining replicated copies of all buffs and positive status effects present on said unsummoned PC
♢Master Analyst- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor's scan attempts are rolled twice, with possessor choosing which of the two results to take
♢Sublime Weakness Analysis- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor treats the Weaknesses of possessor's opponents as being 25% higher, Possessor may ignore up to 25% Resilience from each source that is an Armor or a buff with at least one base subtype that is granting one of possessor's opponent's an increased Resilience value
♢Transspatially Override Forked Copy- (Active Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) Possessor may spend an action to unsummon a PC summoned through possessor's 'Immaculate Self-Forked Clone' ability, entering the battespace it was present in so long as no individual 20 or more Levels greater than possessor in either possessor's battlespace or said summoned PC's battlespace objects
♢Impregnable Iron Shell- (Passive Ability, Smith) The first time per thread that possessor equips each armor that possessor created during this thread, possessor obtains a buff that stacks 12 times that prevents the application of a debuff from a source equal to or below possessor's Level to its possessor, with said buff vanishing if the armor that was equipped to provide it becomes unequipped
♢Master Ironworker- (Passive Ability, Smith) If possessor is wearing an Armor that possessor created during the current thread, possessor is Immune to Damage from sources of lower Level than possessor and is Immune to sources 10 or more Levels below possessor
♢Smith of Perfection- (Passive Ability, Smith) Items created by possessor cannot be destroyed by sources equal to or below possessor's Level
I'll use my as-yet-untouched birthday ticket on this before I start using the six I got in here.Gorsannis wrote:♢The Juggernaut- (Passive Ability, Gigas Knight) If possessor is wearing a Grand Armor, possessor ignores Resistances of a percentage equal to or lower than possessor's Level that are possessed by entities of lower Level than possessor
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
♢Unmatched Auto-Integrable Augmetric Systems- (Passive Ability, Power Trooper) Each Power Armor possessor has equipped provides a +1 bonus to each Base Stat that it increases as a non-Base stat, with this bonus not stacking across multiple items for the same stat
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
Ticket 1/6:
Rosaline decides to pursue an Of the Tales (Requires Level 40+) herself. She's currently juggling three Ascendant skillsets, one of which is one of the biggest names going. Pursuing the Endbringer angle would certainly grant her some much-needed power against unpleasant forces...
Rosaline decides to pursue an Of the Tales (Requires Level 40+) herself. She's currently juggling three Ascendant skillsets, one of which is one of the biggest names going. Pursuing the Endbringer angle would certainly grant her some much-needed power against unpleasant forces...
Bez'Bekklin wrote:♢Bez'Bekklin - Mass Instant Death, Resurrection prevention, Killing things regardless of protections, Infinite Damage, Preventing summoning / mass extinction of the whole Enemy List, Unhealable Damage, Unrecoverable destruction, Prevention of action beyond death, Auto-loss conditionals, Unharmability and becoming the ultimate arbiter of harm/death
♢Grave of All Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Heir of Dust) No one in the same battlespace as possessor may be resurrected
Lyrix Chalerex wrote: ♢Lyrix Chalerex (Traitor): Guns, Stealth, Thief Arts, Sniping, Clockworks, Speed with Guns, Exit to bonus row
♢Hyperrapid Gun-Shift- (Passive Ability, Gunslinger) If no opponents has greater AGI than possessor, possessor may, before any action, choose to unequip and then equip any number of Gun or Ammo items
♢Swiftest Killshot- (Passive Ability, Gunner) If no opponent has greater AGI than possessor and possessor is wielding a Gun, possessor's offensive actions that involve possessor's Ranged Attack bonus may not be countered (including preemptively) by lower-Level opponents than possessor who have not yet acted
Elena Durinteyn wrote: ♢Elena Durinteyn: Guns, Hypertech, Consumables, Counters, Assist-moves
♢Maximum Suppression Stance- (Stance Ability, Gunner) If one of possessor's opponents is about to perform an attack that targets one of possessor's allies but does not target possessor, possessor may, up to (Possessor's Level) times per round (to a max of once per attack) as a preemptive counter conduct a 'Ranged Attack' action that may only target said opponent (and, optionally, also possessor)
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
Kit will give cael three of her own tickets.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
Which skill set did Rosaline get her most-recent ability from? It sounds like she's gunning for another Bez-Bekklin one, but the one that came most-recently will impact odds of that working a bit.
- The Nottest of Daves
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
If I recall correctly, her last pull was Maximum Suppression Stance from Elena Durinteyn, but all I can say for sure is that it wasn't from Bez'Bekklin, as her last pull was from before the [UNDEFINED].
Dulcinea de Montréal, Nightmares' Angel | Celestine von Reuter, The Clockwork Fairy | Ryuutarou Ishinori, The Spirit of Ramen | Willoughby the Atomikitty
Enrica Stracciatella
Professor Jack Durham
The Cydonian Rangers: Anaximander Lamda-Sigma-1, Chief Ranger
The Grand Fraternal Order and Wondrous Guild of the Citadel of the Fisherman
The Church of Timeless Truth
The Society for the Appreciation of Innovation and Noble Tradition
Enrica Stracciatella
Professor Jack Durham
The Cydonian Rangers: Anaximander Lamda-Sigma-1, Chief Ranger
The Grand Fraternal Order and Wondrous Guild of the Citadel of the Fisherman
The Church of Timeless Truth
The Society for the Appreciation of Innovation and Noble Tradition
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
That sounds right to me.
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
♢Infinite Knife Hurricane- (Passive Ability, Shadow Blade) Possessor's actions that involve a Shadow Blade technique may gain '(The number of Knife weapons possessor has equipped, to a max of possessor's Level) hits against 1'
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
Note: That's from Albardi.
Viren, having gotten himself a couple of Divine Domains and a few Tide Baptisms, decides it's time to boost himself further by stealing borrowing some of the techniques of the Ascendants!
He pulls from Of the Tales (Requires Level 40+). Some of the potential individuals he could pull from would be pretty hilarious for him.
(He's not yet pulled from this category)
Viren, having gotten himself a couple of Divine Domains and a few Tide Baptisms, decides it's time to boost himself further by stealing borrowing some of the techniques of the Ascendants!
He pulls from Of the Tales (Requires Level 40+). Some of the potential individuals he could pull from would be pretty hilarious for him.
(He's not yet pulled from this category)
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
♢Overcharge Breath Weapon- (Passive Ability, Other: Dragon Lord) Whenever possessor would perform a 'Dragon's Breath' action, possessor may tally together the total post-Defense Damage it would deal to all of its targets it it had occurred (not including Damage added to it via this ability), bank that value into this ability (stacking up to 200 times), and skip the action, counting as having not used it for purposes of when the next Dragon's Breath action could be used; this banked Damage is cannot be retained across different battles
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
Note: That's from Gran Markoloch, the Prime Dragon.
That's a lovely skill, but Viren is unfortunately not a Dragon and would have to spend more time than he'd like addressing that fact if he wanted to use the skillset.
Unfortunately, he doesn't want to become a Dragon, as he's a goblin. Also a Divinity and Arch-Quezmellym, which are arguably better.
DIPLOMATIC MERCANTILE SHENANIGANS are had, as he's approached by Dulcinea and friends!
If possible, he hands off ♢Overcharge Breath Weapon to Ryuutarou instead, given the dragon-chef is, in fact, a dragon, and can use Dragon's Breath.
In return, he'll get given whatever Ascendant skillset-ability they end up next diverging into from their current chosen paths, should they end up diverging.
Viren then tries again from Of the Tales (Requires Level 40+) for a more-suitable skillset.
(Ticket 3/9)
That's a lovely skill, but Viren is unfortunately not a Dragon and would have to spend more time than he'd like addressing that fact if he wanted to use the skillset.
Unfortunately, he doesn't want to become a Dragon, as he's a goblin. Also a Divinity and Arch-Quezmellym, which are arguably better.
DIPLOMATIC MERCANTILE SHENANIGANS are had, as he's approached by Dulcinea and friends!
If possible, he hands off ♢Overcharge Breath Weapon to Ryuutarou instead, given the dragon-chef is, in fact, a dragon, and can use Dragon's Breath.
In return, he'll get given whatever Ascendant skillset-ability they end up next diverging into from their current chosen paths, should they end up diverging.
Viren then tries again from Of the Tales (Requires Level 40+) for a more-suitable skillset.
(Ticket 3/9)
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
Ability transfer cost is 30,000,000. You can post to confirm this. I'm going to assume you're doing it and proceed with another pull, but if this doesn't get an update in a few days, you'll probably need to post to make sure this doesn't look up-to-date on my end.
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
Viren will 'borrow' some money from Volatilis to cover the fee. The island's good for it.
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
♢Guidance Offered- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Whenever possessor casts a non-unique spell, possessor's lower-Level allies, as a buff that lasts until the end of the round that does not stack that ends if the ally stops being possessor's ally, add that spell to their Inherent Spell Lists, gaining Inherent Spell Lists as part of the buff if necessary
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
Earmensarna, the Guiding Azure Star - Empowered constellations, Holy Magic, Circular empowerment of self and allies, Charge-up attacks that charge while taking normal actions, Alternative resource pools, Anchoring battle and preventing state-changes unless conditions are repeatedly met
Well, that's promising. A bit off-colour for Viren, but promising!
He pulls from the same category for more of that!
(Ticket 4/9)
Well, that's promising. A bit off-colour for Viren, but promising!
He pulls from the same category for more of that!
(Ticket 4/9)
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
(cael the player gets a ticket from kit's pile for their AWESOME WORK!)
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
♢Harmonically-Guided Triumphant Works- (Passive Ability, Astral Mage) For each sequential prior round during which possessor and each of possessor's allies, provided that there are at least 30 such allies, all cast the same Spell at least once, possessor and possessor's allies, as a state-based non-buff, non-debuff effect generated by possessor, ignore a cumulative 5% of each Resistance possessed by the targets of said Spell, provided said targets are equal Level to or lower Level than possessor, for purposes of attacks and actions that incorporate the casting of said Spell, as well as having actions and attacks involving the casting of said spell have a cumulative 1% chance of ignoring the Reflection, Absorption, and Reflection of said actions and attacks by targets that are equal Level to or lower Level than possessor
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
Ticket 5/10 (Thanks, Kit) follows the same path! Of The Tales once more!
Ticket 5/10 (Thanks, Kit) follows the same path! Of The Tales once more!
Ascendant Skillset Thus Far wrote: Earmensarna, the Guiding Azure Star - Empowered constellations, Holy Magic, Circular empowerment of self and allies, Charge-up attacks that charge while taking normal actions, Alternative resource pools, Anchoring battle and preventing state-changes unless conditions are repeatedly met
♢Guidance Offered- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Whenever possessor casts a non-unique spell, possessor's lower-Level allies, as a buff that lasts until the end of the round that does not stack that ends if the ally stops being possessor's ally, add that spell to their Inherent Spell Lists, gaining Inherent Spell Lists as part of the buff if necessary
♢Harmonically-Guided Triumphant Works- (Passive Ability, Astral Mage) For each sequential prior round during which possessor and each of possessor's allies, provided that there are at least 30 such allies, all cast the same Spell at least once, possessor and possessor's allies, as a state-based non-buff, non-debuff effect generated by possessor, ignore a cumulative 5% of each Resistance possessed by the targets of said Spell, provided said targets are equal Level to or lower Level than possessor, for purposes of attacks and actions that incorporate the casting of said Spell, as well as having actions and attacks involving the casting of said spell have a cumulative 1% chance of ignoring the Reflection, Absorption, and Reflection of said actions and attacks by targets that are equal Level to or lower Level than possessor
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Re: Cael Gets Tickets
♢Ever-Azure Holy Nimbus- (Stance Ability, Paladin) Whenever one of possessor's lower-Level allies casts a non-offensive spell that heals or buffs an ally that has not yet been healed or buffed by the same ally on the current round, possessor may, up to possessor's Level times per round, give said ally a bonus action at the end of any action containing the spell's casting (if it is part of an action), at the end of any attack containing the spell's casting (if it is part of an attack, but not an action), or immediately (if it is neither part of an attack nor part of an action); Possessor may choose for any text present on possessor or any of possessor's allies, including on their instances of abilities and items, as being this color; any text possessor announces may be this color (Hex = #007FFF)