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Levana Selene

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:43 am
by Modrageball
Levana Selene (Armocida)
Level 39
Celestial, Hope
HP: 12,000
MP: 17,375
STR: 230 (5) [35 Bonus]
AGI: 230 (5) [35 Bonus]
CON: 480 (10) [90 Bonus]
MIN: 695 (15) [110 Bonus]
SPI: 1,085 (25) [110 Bonus]
XP- 99,447,260
XP Required- 1,000
Fame- 19
Gold- 55,627,300
Bonus Weeks: 119 (+1 Geomancer Week, +1 Luminary Week, +1 Priest Week, +1 Scholar Week)

Will Learn:

Melee Attack
Magical Attack
Ranged Attack
Elemental Attack
Guard Back Rank
Use an Item
Cast a Spell
Switch Rows
Overdrive or Mental Overdrive or Physical Overdrive

Devout Worshipper of The Veil Render

Worshipper Benefits-

Power Overwhelming- Possessor gains +(25*Possessor Level) to its highest unmodified stat as a bonus to said unmodified stat (choosing which stat in case of ties), Worshipper Benefit

Touch the Untouchable- If possessor is Level 20 or greater, possessor may ignore up to (Possessor Level / 20, rounded up) separate Dodge-increases that come from buffs on each of its opponents, Worshippper Benefit

-Blazing Sultan-
Apprentice Defenses Against Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Fire
Apprentice Fire Resistance- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains 5% Fire Resistance
Apprentice Fire Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Fire element item equipped, Possessor's Fire element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Quantities of Fire element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Defenses Against Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Fire
Basic Fire Resistance- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains 1% Fire Resistance
Basic Fire Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Fire element
Basic Weaponization of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Quantities of Fire element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Blazing Sultan- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Fire Resistance, Possessor ignores Fire Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Defenses that Utilize Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Fire-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Improved Defenses Against Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Fire
Improved Fire Resistance- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains 10% Fire Resistance

Ballroom of Battle Stance- (Stance Ability, Diplomat) Possessor gains (+25% Dodge, +25% To Hit, +20% addtional Charm infliction chance, and +10% addtional Charm: Impressed infliction chance) if possessor is wearing a Clothes or Robe armor whose name includes 'Dress' or 'Gown'

Basic Enchantment Attunement- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor 10 less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last 1 round longer if they already last over 1 round

Knowledge of Esoteric Elements- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor gains +100 MIN if possessor has any item equipped that is a nonbase element

-Eternal Champion-
Apprentice Defenses Against Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Hope
Apprentice Hope Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Hope element item equipped, Possessor's Hope element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Quantities of Hope element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Affinity to Healing Via Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Whenever possessor obtains Hope element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 500 points
Basic Command of Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor's Hope element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Hope
Basic Hope Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Hope element
Basic Hope Resistance- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains 1% Hope Resistance
Basic Weaponization of Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Quantities of Hope element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Eternal Champion- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Hope Resistance, Possessor ignores Hope Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Hope Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Hope element: Create a Zone of Hope, Remove a Zone of Hope created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Hope by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Hope to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Hope element on a Hope element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Hope, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Hope, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Hope element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Hope to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Hope, 5% Hope Resistance, or +50 Defense against Hope and 1% Hope Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Basic General Knowledge- (Passive Ability, General) Possessor's Human pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats

Basic Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) All Geomancy spells affect 1 additional target if they already affected multiple targets and cost 10 less MP if their element matches that of an item possessed by their caster or their caster
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Battlefield- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Battlefield
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Beach- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Beach
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Boneyard- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Boneyard
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Caverns- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Caverns
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Cliffside- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Cliffside
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Cloudy Sky- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Cloudy Sky
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Conifer Forest- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Conifer Forest
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Dark Forest- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Dark Forest
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Desert- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Desert
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Dry Riverbed- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Dry Riverbed
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Farmland- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Farmland
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Forest- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Forest

Basic Sword Arts Attunement- (Passive Ability, Kensei) All Sword Arts spells gain +10 Melee Attack and cost 10 less MP
Requires: No prerequisites

Apprentice Celestial Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Luminary) All Celestial Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, and all Celestial Magic spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast for each non-summon ally caster possesses, to a max of 200 such allies
Basic Celestial Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Luminary) All Celestial Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +20 additional Magical Attack, and all Celestial Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast for each non-summon ally caster possesses, to a max of 200 such allies
Celestial Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Luminary) Celestial Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Celestial Magic Attunement
Celestial Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Luminary) Celestial Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Requires: Celestial Magic Casting I
Cleansing Healing- (Active Ability, Luminary) This character may use Cleansing Healing in conjunction with a Magical Attack, so long as no other technique is used and a Celestial Magic spell is cast. If this spell would heal, it instead deals damage to Undead, Demons, Devils, Daemons, and Darkspawn.
Focused Celestial Magic Casting- (Passive Ability, Luminary) Celestial Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of spell possessor has equipped is Celestial Magic
Has Beheld Glorious Things- (Passive Ability, Luminary) 10% Awestruck Resistance

Apprentice Divine Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Priest) Possessor gains +250 Damage to all damage-dealing (including Healing) Divine Magic spells, Divine Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP, Possessor counts as 1 Level higher, to a max of Level 20, for purposes of worshipper benefits
Basic Channeling of Divine Mercy- (Passive Ability, Priest) Divine Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack and Heal bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack for purposes of non-offensive actions
Basic Channeling of Divine Wrath- (Passive Ability, Priest) Divine Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack
Basic Divine Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Priest) All Divine Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Bearer of Religious Vestments- (Passive Ability, Priest) Possessor gains +80 to all stats and Divine Magic spells cost possessor 400 MP less to cast when possessor has an Armor that provides bonuses to Diving Magic spells or wielders of Divine Magic spells
Divine Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Priest) Divine Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Divine Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Priest) Divine Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast

Apprentice Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) This character gains +6 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Knowledge of Dimensions- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +50 MIN, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 MIN.
Book Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +5 to all stats when a Book is equipped
Book Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +25 to all stats when a Book is equipped, +50 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped
General Knowledge of the Main Universe within the Second Holy Empire- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +100 MIN
Knowledge of History- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +400 MIN
Knowledge of Popular Anime- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +20 MIN
Knowledge of Random Trivia- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 MIN on rounds whose number is a multiple of 7
Researcher (2)- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor may, up to once per two months, post in the ability shop to gain a bonus week
Scholar- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +700 Magical Attack and +50 to all stats when a Book is equipped, Possessor gains an additional +(10 x Possessor Level) Magical Attack and +(5 x Possessor Level) to all stats when a Book is equipped.
Scholar of Wars- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 MIN, +100 Melee Attack, and +100 Magical Attack, Possessor's Unit allies gain +400 Defense as a non-stacking bonus

Advanced Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Science- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +200 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Hypertech spell and at least three of which are non-'Hypertech' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Analyst- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor counts as being 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes, to a max of Level 60, Possessor gains +100 unmodified MIN
Analytical- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes, to a max of Level 99
Apprentice Hypertech Attunement- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells possessor castst that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, and all Hypertech spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Hypertech Attunement- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells possessor castst that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack, and all Hypertech spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Basic Research Skills- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes, to a max of Level 20
Knowledge of Basic Scientific Theory- (Passive Ability, Scientist) +5 Magical Attack, +30 MIN, Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Hypertech Casting I- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Hypertech spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Hypertech Casting II- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Hypertech spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Mathematician- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +500 MIN
Theoretical Scientist- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +1,000 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +500 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Hypertech spell and at least three of which are non-'Hypertech' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Science- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +180 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +70 MIN if possessor has at least two spells, one of which is a Hypertech spell and one of which is a non-'Hypertech' spell equipped
Utilize Researched Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor deals 110% Damage to targets below Level 20 whose stats possessor has scanned, to a max of 1,000,000 additional damage

Activate Technomagical Device- (Active Ability, Technomancer) Possessor may spend an action to change an item that possessor is carrying or has equipped from being 'Technomagically Inactive' to 'Technomagically Active' should possessor meet any other listed requirements for doing so
Apprentice Technomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Technomancer) All Technomancy spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +250 additional Magical Attack
Basic Technomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Technomancer) All Technomancy spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack
Technomancy Casting I- (Passive Ability, Technomancer) Technomancy spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Technomancy Casting II- (Passive Ability, Technomancer) Technomancy spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Theoretical Mage-Scientist- (Passive Ability, Technomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +500 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and at least one of which is a Hypertech spell, equipped

Apprentice Gate Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) All Gate Magic spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast
Basic Gate Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) All Gate Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Gate Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Gate Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Gate Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Gate Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Knowledge of Portals- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor's 'Switch Rows' actions may not be countered by sources below Level 20

Basic Warlord Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Warlord) Possessor's Humanoid pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats

-War Mage-
Amplified War Magic Power- (Passive Ability, War Mage) All War Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +500 additional Magical Attack
Apprentice War Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, War Mage) All War Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +500 additional Magical Attack, All War Magic spells cost possessor 500 less MP to cast
Saw-Followed Spell- (Technique Ability, War Mage) Possessor may use 'Saw-Followed Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a War Magic spell as part of said action. Said action deals 60,000 Flat solely Physical element Damage as a separate quantity of Damage from other Damage it deals and gains a 30% chance of inflict Wounded.
Basic War Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: War Mage) All War Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +100 additional Magical Attack, and all War Magic spells cost possessor 100 less MP to cast
Spell of War- (Technique Ability, War Mage) Possessor may use 'Spell of War' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a War Magic spell as part of said action. Said action gains the element War.
Spell Shrapnel- (Passive Ability, War Mage) Whenever possessor casts a spell, up to 10 times per round, possessor may choose up to 10 targets to have a 30% chance of afflicting with Pain and may also choose for all of said targets to take 60,000 Flat Physical element Damage
War Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Other: War Mage) War Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
War Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Other: War Mage) War Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast

Arms Training- (Passive Ability, Warrior) Possessor gains +25 Melee, Ranged, or Magical Attack if a Weapon that possesses the same type of bonus is equipped
Apprentice Combat Arts Attunement- (Passive Ability, Warrior) +250 Damage to all damage dealing Combat Arts spells, All Combat Arts spells cost 50 less MP
Basic Dual Wielding Training- (Passive Ability, Warrior) +10 Melee Attack to all Melee Attack providing weapons, +10 Ranged Attack to all Ranged Attack providing weapons, +10 Magical Attack to all Magical Attack providing weapons, +2% to Hit, Only works is possessor is wielding two weapons
Basic Combat Arts Attunement- (Passive Ability, Warrior) All Combat Arts spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP, Possessor gains +10 STR, +4 CON, and +5 AGI
Crisis Zone- (Passive Ability, Warrior) Possessor counts as being in a Crisis Zone when at 1% of possessor's Max HP or lower

Apprentice Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All damage-dealing Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts gain +250 Damage, All Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Arcane Weapon Charge- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor may, at the start of any round, pay 100 MP to give any weapon possessor has equipped +50 Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, or Magical Attack, provided it already possesses such a bonus, as a buff that stacks three times across all bonus types, with said buff lasting three rounds
Advanced Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +200 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and at least three of which are non-'Wizard Magic' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Basic Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All Wizard Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Can Cast Spells While In Close Combat- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor's 'Cast a Spell' actions may not be countered by individuals below Level 10 if possessor is in the front row
Combat Spellcasting- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor's 'Magical Attack' actions may not be countered by individuals below Level 10, Possessor gains +400 Magical Attack
Defensive Spellcasting- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor's 'Cast a Spell' actions may not be countered by individuals below Level 10 if possessor is in the back row
Knowledge of Basic Magic Theory- (Passive Ability, Wizard) +5 Magical Attack, +30 MIN, Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Spellcasting Technique- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Theoretical Spellcaster- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +1,000 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +500 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and at least three of which are non-'Wizard Magic' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +180 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +70 MIN if possessor has at least two spells, one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and one of which is a non-'Wizard Magic' spell equipped

Arena Member's Bow- (Weaponx2, Bow, Wielder's Element, 100 Gold) +20 Ranged Attack, +10 Damage of Wielder's Element
Arena Member's Blade- (Weapon, Sword, Wielder's Element, 100 Gold) +15 Melee Attack , +10 Damage of Wielder's Element
Arena Member's Shield- (Weapon, Shield, Wielder's Element, 100 Gold) +15 Defense, +10 Damage of Wielder's Element
Arena Member's Staff- (Weaponx2, Staff, Wielder's Element, 100 Gold) +20 Magical Attack, +10 Damage of Wielder's Element
2 Celestial's Voice- (Weapon, Instrument, Light & Air, 5,000,000 Gold) +5,000 Magical Attack, +5,000 SPI, Wielder is Immune to SPI Damage from sources below Level 60, Celestial Magic, Divine Magic, and Bardic Music spells cost wielder 50,000 less MP to cast
61 Pontiff's Staff- (Weapon, Staff, Light, 8,000,000 Gold) +8,000 Magical Attack, +2,500 Melee Attack, +8,000 SPI, +80,000 MP, 30% Darkness Resistance, Divine Magic and Celestial Magic spells cost wielder 80,000 less MP to cast, 50% inflicts Awestruck
67 Unicorn Spear- (Weapon, Spear, Light, 2,100,000 Gold) +4,000 Melee Attack, +1,200 STR, +1,100 AGI, +2,400 SPI, Wielder's Melee Attack actions cure all Minor Negative Status Effects from sources below Level 40
Ven-Prauvsdale II- (Weapon, Staff, Light & Magic, 140,000 Gold) +130 Melee Attack, +130 Magical Attack, Healer Magic Spells cast by wielder cost 400 less MP, +140 additional Magical Attack for Healer Magic spells, 20% Confusion Resistance, 20% Paralysis Resistance, 20% Poison Resistance, 40% Fear Resistance, 20% Charm Resistance, 20% Berserk Resistance, 20% AGI Drain Resistance, 20% CON Drain Resistance, 20% SPI Drain Resistance, 20% STR Drain Resistance, 20% MIN Drain Resistance, 20% Hexed Resistance, 20% Pain Resistance, 20% Ill Fortune Resistance, 20% Stunned Resistance, 5% Wounded Resistance

Arena Member's Armor- (Armor, Light Armor, Wielder's Element, 100 Gold) +20 Defense, +10 Defense against Wielder's Element
Goblin Warmup Suit- (Armor, Clothing, Earth, 1,000,000 Gold) Wearer gains +1,000 to wearer's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes
Great Big Macaw Clothes- (Armor, Clothes, Air & Magic, 480,000 Gold) +480 Defense, Wielder's 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', and 'Ranged Attack' actions may gain any one base element
587 Maiden's Dress- (Armor, Clothing, Light, 15,400 Gold) +3 Defense, +17 SPI, 5% Light Resistance
37 Pontiff's Robe- (Armor, Robe, Light, 8,000,000 Gold) +8,000 Defense, +8,000 SPI, +80,000 MP, 30% Light Resistance, Divine Magic and Celestial Magic spells cost wearer 80,000 less MP to cast, Hexed Immunity

Arena Member's Charm- (Accessory, Amulet, Wielder's Element, 100 Gold) +15 Damage for all attacks that include Wielder's Element as one of their element
Blackclad Order Mage’s Mask- (Accessory, Mask, Magic & Physical & Darkness, 1,500,000 Gold) +1,450 Magical Attack, +1,450 Defense, +600 to all stats, 15% Magic Resistance, 15% Darkness Resistance, 15% Acid Resistance, +15,000 MP, 40% Resilience against Magic element attacks and effects, 15% Resilience, 130% To Hit
7 Day Dragon's Gem- (Accessory, Crystal, Light, 9,000,000 Gold) +9,000 Magical Attack, +8,500 to all stats, +50,000 Damage to all of possessor's damage-dealing actions that are Light element as a non-stacking effect
5 Cleric's Seal- (Accessory, Seal, Light, 200 Gold) +3 SPI
Drakespawn Broach- (Accessory, Broach, Earth, 5,000 Gold) 5% Air Resistance, 5% Earth Resistance, 5% Fire Resistance, 5% Water Resistance
Drakespawn Bracelet- (Accessory, Bracelet, Earth, 5,000 Gold) +20 Defense, +5 to all stats
Drakespawn Necklace- (Accessory, Necklace, Earth, 5,000 Gold) +20 Melee Attack, +5 to all stats
Drakespawn Ring- (Accessory, Ring, Earth, 5,000 Gold) +2% Critical, +2% Dodge, +5 to all stats
Drakespawn Anklet- (Accessory, Magic Item, Earth, 5,000 Gold) +2% to Hit, +2% Enemy Miss, +5 to all stats
Drakespawn Tiara- (Accessory, Crown, Earth, 5,000 Gold) 5% Light Resistance, 5% Darkness Resistance, +5 to all stats, 5% Awestruck Resistance, 5% Voidstruck Resistance
3 Great-Horned War Parrot Helm- (Accessory, Helm, Air & War, 890,000 Gold) +840 Defense, +890 Melee Attack, +800 STR, +800 AGI, 15% Critical, 15% Dodge, 1% Aerial Resisance
5 Fighter's Seal- (Accessory, Seal, Physical, 200 Gold) +3 STR, +3 CON
2 First Boss Badge (2)- (Accessory, Broach, Magic, 1,000,000 Gold) +1,000 Melee Attack, +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack, +1,000 to all stats, 25% Dodge, 25% Critical, 25% Resilience, 125% to Hit, +10,000 HP, +10,000 MP, Opposing bosses below Level 10 that are listed as below Level 10 on the Boss List have their Boss Effects disabled, Wielder must be Level 12 or higher
First Endurance Badge (2)- (Accessory, Broach, Magic, 1,000,000 Gold) +1,000 Melee Attack, +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack, +1,000 to all stats, 25% Dodge, 25% Critical, 25% Resilience, 125% to Hit, +10,000 HP, +10,000 MP, Wielder gains 1 Buff Slot, to a max of 10, Wielder must be Level 12 or higher
41 Light Dragon Mantle- (Accessory, Cloak, Light, 7,000,000 Gold) +7,400 Magical Attack, +6,900 SPI, +5,550 MIN, 30% Light Resistance, 30% Critical for Magical Attacks
Night Dragon’s Gem- (Accessory, Crystal, Darkness, 9,000,000 Gold) +9,000 Magical Attack, +8,500 to all stats, +50,000 Damage to all of possessor’s damage-dealing actions that are Darkness element as a non-stacking effect
103 Pontiff's Hat- (Accessory, Hat, Light, 7,000,000 Gold) +7,000 Magical Attack, +7,000 SPI, +70,000 MP, 15% inflicts Charm: Impressed, Divine Magic and Celestial Magic spells cost wielder 70,000 less MP to cast
Purified Viper Sigil- (Accessory, Sigil, Darkness, 1,000 Gold) +15 Melee Attack, 1% Poisons enemy on hit
Second Boss Badge- (Accessory, Broach, Magic, 10,000,000 Gold) +10,000 Melee Attack, +10,000 Ranged Attack, +10,000 Magical Attack, +10,000 to all stats, 50% Dodge, 50% Critical, 50% Resilience, 150% to Hit, +100,000 HP, +100,000 MP, Opposing bosses below Level 30 that are listed as below Level 30 on the Boss List have their Boss Effects disabled, Wielder must be Level 44 or higher
5 Thief's Seal- (Accessory, Seal, Magic, 200 Gold) +3 AGI
Vampiric Dragon Mantle- (Accessory, Cloak, Blood & Darkness, 14,000,000 Gold) +14,400 Magical Attack, +14,900 SPI, +13,550 MIN, 30% Darkness Resistance, 15% Blood Resistance, Wearer's 'Magical Attack' and 'Ranged Attack' actions deal HP Drain
Wind-Anchor Cog- (Accessory, Trinket, Earth, 89,000 Gold) 15% Earth Resistance, 15% Air Resistance, all Air element individuals in battle have -250 AGI, stacks 4 times
Winter Pendant- (Accessory, Amulet, Ice, 115,000 Gold) +30 to all stats, +60 Magical Attack, wearer may cast spells as if Call Unto Seasons: Winter has already been cast, 10% Ice Resistance
5 Wizard's Seal- (Accessory, Seal, Magic, 200 Gold) +3 MIN

5 Curative Potion- (Consumable, Potion, Magic, 1 Charge, 3,900 Gold) +500 HP
5 Handy Potion- (Consumable, Potion, Magic, 1 Charge, 50,000 Gold) Heals 5,000 HP and 5,000 MP, +50 to all stats
132 Unicorn's Horn- (Consumable, Medicine, Light & Magic, 200 Charges, 8,000,000 Gold) Cures all minor negative status effects from sources below Level 60


1 1/12 Holy Imperial Seal of Power- (Item, Antiquity, Universe, 24,000,000,000 Gold) This item may not be equipped, traded, sold, stolen, discarded, or destroyed, with this item's wording taking precedence over effects that can equip items that cannot normally be equipped, trade items that cannot normally be traded, steal items that cannot normally be stolen, discard items that cannot normally be discarded, or destroy items that cannot normally be destroyed; when this item is obtained as loot from anything, it may not be assigned, given to, or taken by any individual other than the individual that it was generated for, instantaneously being moved to said individual's inventory and being removed from the thread which generated it as an effect that ignores effects that prevent loot leaving a thread or being assigned or taken; this item's text may not be removed or altered as an effect that takes precedence over effects that can remove text from an item that cannot otherwise be removed or alter text on an item that cannot normally be altered; this item may not be equipped, carried, or brought into a thread or by a pet, transformation, or other item that can carry items and may not be held by another pet, transformation, or other item at any time in a thread; effects and/or text may not be added to this item as an effect that takes precedence over effects that may add effects or text to items that cannot normally have effects or text added to them; all effects on this item count as though coming from a Level 101 source

Ancient Fish Gift-Box- (Item, Ticket, Wonder, 36,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Ancient Fish Gift-Box table
10 Celestial Text- (Item, Antiquity, Light, 200,000 Gold)
187 Dragon's Hoarded Treasures- (Item, Antiquity, Physical & Magic & Earth, 870,000 Gold)
Festive Landscape Giftbox- (Item, Ticket, Ice & Fire & Hope, 40,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Festive Landscape Giftbox table
314 Lamp Shaped Like a Sexy Leg- (Item, Antiquity, Fire & Darkness & Light, 6,000 Gold)
Large Container of Air Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Air, 50,000 Gold)
Large Container of Earth Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Earth, 50,000 Gold)
Large Container of Fire Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Fire, 50,000 Gold)
Large Container of Water Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Water, 50,000 Gold)
5 Magic Copper Ore- (Item, Material, Magic, 5,000 Gold)
5 Magic Gold Ore- (Item, Material, Magic, 100,000 Gold)
5 Magic Silver Ore- (Item, Material, Magic, 50,000 Gold)
4 Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Brightbeard Caverns, Orindar Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Darkness, 100,000 Gold)
4 Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Brightbeard Caverns, Manethos Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 100,000 Gold)
4 Dungeon Clear Pennant: Brightbeard Caverns, Standard- (Item, Antiquity, Earth & Light, 50,000 Gold)
4 Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Crimson Citadel of Avandos, Doppelganger Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Illusion, 100,000 Gold)
4 Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Crimson Citadel of Avandos, Irastor Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Fire & Magic, 100,000 Gold)
4 Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Crimson Citadel of Avandos, Lyrandora Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Fire, 100,000 Gold)
4 Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Crimson Citadel of Avandos, Lord Avandos Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Fire, 100,000 Gold)
4 Dungeon Clear Pennant: Crimson Citadel of Avandos, Standard- (Item, Antiquity, Fire & Physical, 50,000 Gold)
4 Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Temple of Orithon, Khrommanguard Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Light, 100,000 Gold)
4 Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Temple of Orithon, Azzhelossi Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Air, 100,000 Gold)
4 Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Temple of Orithon, Khyzz-Drikk Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Water, 100,000 Gold)
Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Temple of Orithon, Sentinel Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Warding, 400,000 Gold)
4 Dungeon Clear Pennant: Temple of Orithon, Standard- (Item, Antiquity, Earth & Light, 50,000 Gold)
199 Purity- (Item, Material, Light, 5,000,000 Gold)
Random Ultra-Festive Giftbox Plus- (Item, Ticket, Ice & Chaos & Hope, 40,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Random Ultra-Festive Giftbox Plus table
146 Unusually Festive Lamp Shaped Like a Sexy Leg- (Item, Antiquity, Fire & Ice & Light, 36,000 Gold)
3 Warehouse Ticket (Item, Ticket, Universe, 50,000 Gold)

2 Ball Bomber- (Spell, Spatial Magic, Spatial, 24,750 MP, 2,475,000 Gold) +2,475 Magical Attack, +2,475 Ranged Attack, 2 hits against 60
Blastwave- (Spell, Other: War Magic, Fire & Physical, 150,000 MP, 15,000,000 Gold) +15,000 Magical Attack, 120% inflicts Fatigued: Stun, 1 hit against 30,000
Cluster-Magic Devastation- (Spell, Other: War Magic, War & Destruction & Magic, 450,000 MP, 45,000,000 Gold) +45,000 Magical Attack, 2 hits against 400,000, For each hit an attack involving this spell possesses that hits a target, to a max of 200 per attack and per action, caster may choose to deal 45,000 Flat War, Destruction, or Fire element Damage to up to 120 allies of said target, Caster must be Level 20 or greater and must possess the ability 'War Mage'
Crimson Shard- (Spell, Other: War Magic, War & Destruction, 400,000 MP, 40,000,000 Gold) +40,000 Ranged Attack, +40,000 Magical Attack, Damage dealt by actions and attacks that involve the casting of this spell cannot be healed by sources that are below Level 40 or both below Level 60 and below caster's Level
25 Nuke- (Spell, Hypertech, Atomic, 120,000 MP, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Ranged Attack, 60% inflicts Poison: Irradiated, 1 hit against 600,000, deals 3/4 Damage



Permanent Consumables-


Lost the Quest 'Quest for the Golden Banana'
Lost the Spaceship Rey Borrowed After Hijacking It
Got Her Ride Lifted By Birds
Accidentally Altered the Spawn Tables in the Jungle of Magic Insects By Dropping Potent Magical Gear There
Barred (At a Minimum Temporarily) From Disc 40

Has Consumed 2 Essence Sphere: Enchanter
Has Consumed 2 Essence Sphere: General
Has Consumed 2 Essence Sphere: Kensei
Has Consumed 2 Essence Sphere: Warlord
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Geomancer
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Geomancer
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Geomancer
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Luminary
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Luminary
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Luminary
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Priest
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Priest
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Priest
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Scholar
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Scholar
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Scholar
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Scientist
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Scientist
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Scientist
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Warrior
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Warrior

Has Defeated Three Level 40 Bosses in the Alternative Boss Rush Mode
Has Beaten 39 Bosses in Boss Rush Mode
Has Reached Round 21 in an Endurance Match
Has Reached Round 41 In A Pet Endurance Match
Has Won the "Adventurers!" Event Match
Has Won the "Drakespawn of the Caverns" Event Match
Has Won the "Pillar of Self-Doubt" Event Match
Has Won the "Winter's Grasp" Event Match
Has Won the "Mr. Groggo Goes to the Race" Event Match
Has Won the "Four Elementals" Event Match
Has Won the "Fight Against the Storm" Event Match
Has Won the "In Search of Ore Where the Undead Lurk" Event Match
Has Won the "First Test Against The Adversary's Forces" Event Match
Has Won the 'Seizing the Center' Event Match
Has Completed the Task "First Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Fortune"
Has Completed the Task "Second Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Skill"
Has Completed the Task "Third Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of War"
Has Completed the Task "Fourth Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Seeking"
Has Completed the Task "Fifth Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Mastery"
Has Completed the Task "Sixth Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Stamina"
Has Completed the Task "Seventh Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Echoes"
Has Completed the Task "Eighth Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Time"
Has Completed the Task "Ninth Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Collecting"
Has Completed the Task "Tenth Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Combat"
Has Completed the Task "Eleventh Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Remembrance"
Has Completed the Task "Twelfth Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Choices"
Has Completed the Task "Third Holy Imperial Challenge of Power: Test of Slaying"