Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show
Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 4:24 am
It's already time again for another combo contest! This time, the theme is Armor, but with a twist. Inspired by a drunk baboon who became a minor celebrity in one top-disk district overnight, everyone has to pour a drink into the combo as it happens to provide a surprise twist.
It's a contest! The object is to use the resources available to you to make an armor, but you must include a Drink as a secret special ingredient. It can't just be overwhelmed by the rest of the items in the combo power-wise, though - oh no, that would be gauche. It has to be key to the combo's success.
Post the combo including the Drink. Then post it without the Drink. Both versions will be processed as combos, and the version with the Drink will be what you actually end up with. A phantom-version of the other item will be displayed for judges to analyze.
As per the rules from the prior contest: Don't just present the combo - give it a little flair! Things tend to be more interesting when you make it a performance. And the disconnect between intention and result can make for some dramatic twists!
You have a week from today to post your combos and declare your judges. Up to two PCs per player can enter items, and up to one judge can participate per player. If a PC gets one fewer judge than others due to how judge allotment works out, the phantom-judge will give scores equal to the average of the other judges.
Points will be awarded by our panel of judges on a scale of 1-5 (or, in one case, 1-10) on the following categories:
Armor (5 points) - Is it an armor? Is it good as armor? Clothes and worn defensive accessories get partial points, but some sort of non-Clothes Armor-slot item is the ideal target.
Usability (5 points) - Can it be used by a Level 40 Arena Member who isn't super-specced into its class tree?
Puissance (5 points) - Is it powerful? Useful? Does it offer some sort of unique advantage in battle or questing?
Style (5 points) - Does it look fashionable? Participants will be walking down the runway in it to strut their stuff.
Pizzazz (5 points) - Was the combo post fun and with flair?
Control (5 points) - Did it end up being generally what the combo-maker seemed to intend for it to be?
Divergence (10 points) - Does the Drink's presence create a notably different combo result? If it does, is the version with the Drink better? Is the Drink something that lets it score notably better in at least one of the above categories?
Judges will be chosen from players' non-participating character roster. Players can't judge their own characters' results- they'll sit out that round.
Awards and Prizes:
Best in Show (Highest overall score):
'Won Best in Show at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
2 Fame
5 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with
*The Golden Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Treasure & Glory, 200,000,000 Gold) +15 Fame, 40% Treasure Resistance, 30% Wealth Resistance, 30% Glory Resistance
Top Squire (Highest Armor + Usability):
'Won Top Squire at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
2 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with
Trend Setter (Highest Usability + Puissance):
'Won Trend Setter at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
2 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with
Flashiest Fashion (Highest Style + Pizzazz)
'Won Flashiest Fashion at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
2 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with
Bling Behemoth (Highest Puissance + Style):
'Won Bling Behemoth at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with
Combo Savant (Highest Pizzazz + Control):
'Won Combo Savant at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with
Secret Ingredient Master (Highest Armor + Divergence):
'Won Secret Ingredient Master at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with
The Deflated Pants (Lowest Overall Score):
'Won The Deflated Pants at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week
*The Deflated Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Air & Darkness, 500 Gold) +5 Defense, At the start of battle, this item's wearer obtains a non-stacking debuff that prevents this item from applying bonuses to its wearer
'Wearing a Windmill' Award (Lowest Armor + Usability):
'Won The 'Wearing a Windmill' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week
'Tissue-Paper Tiger' Award (Lowest Usability + Puissance):
'Won The 'Tissue-Paper Tiger' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week
'Fashion Disaster' Award (Lowest Style + Pizzazz)
'Won The 'Fashion Disaster' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week
'More Drunk than the Baboon' Award (Lowest Puissance + Style):
'Won The 'More Drunk than the Baboon' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week
'Unscathed Bullseye' Award (Lowest Pizzazz + Control):
'Won The 'Unscathed Bullseye' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week
'They're the Same Armor!' Award (Lowest Armor + Divergence):
'Won The 'They're the Same Armor!' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week
If players want to donate to one of the prize pools, you can. I'm also okay with prize pools that contain only player-donated goods for other score targets / goals.
It's a contest! The object is to use the resources available to you to make an armor, but you must include a Drink as a secret special ingredient. It can't just be overwhelmed by the rest of the items in the combo power-wise, though - oh no, that would be gauche. It has to be key to the combo's success.
Post the combo including the Drink. Then post it without the Drink. Both versions will be processed as combos, and the version with the Drink will be what you actually end up with. A phantom-version of the other item will be displayed for judges to analyze.
As per the rules from the prior contest: Don't just present the combo - give it a little flair! Things tend to be more interesting when you make it a performance. And the disconnect between intention and result can make for some dramatic twists!
You have a week from today to post your combos and declare your judges. Up to two PCs per player can enter items, and up to one judge can participate per player. If a PC gets one fewer judge than others due to how judge allotment works out, the phantom-judge will give scores equal to the average of the other judges.
Points will be awarded by our panel of judges on a scale of 1-5 (or, in one case, 1-10) on the following categories:
Armor (5 points) - Is it an armor? Is it good as armor? Clothes and worn defensive accessories get partial points, but some sort of non-Clothes Armor-slot item is the ideal target.
Usability (5 points) - Can it be used by a Level 40 Arena Member who isn't super-specced into its class tree?
Puissance (5 points) - Is it powerful? Useful? Does it offer some sort of unique advantage in battle or questing?
Style (5 points) - Does it look fashionable? Participants will be walking down the runway in it to strut their stuff.
Pizzazz (5 points) - Was the combo post fun and with flair?
Control (5 points) - Did it end up being generally what the combo-maker seemed to intend for it to be?
Divergence (10 points) - Does the Drink's presence create a notably different combo result? If it does, is the version with the Drink better? Is the Drink something that lets it score notably better in at least one of the above categories?
Judges will be chosen from players' non-participating character roster. Players can't judge their own characters' results- they'll sit out that round.
Awards and Prizes:
Best in Show (Highest overall score):
'Won Best in Show at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
2 Fame
5 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with
*The Golden Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Treasure & Glory, 200,000,000 Gold) +15 Fame, 40% Treasure Resistance, 30% Wealth Resistance, 30% Glory Resistance
Top Squire (Highest Armor + Usability):
'Won Top Squire at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
2 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with
Trend Setter (Highest Usability + Puissance):
'Won Trend Setter at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
2 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with
Flashiest Fashion (Highest Style + Pizzazz)
'Won Flashiest Fashion at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
2 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with
Bling Behemoth (Highest Puissance + Style):
'Won Bling Behemoth at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with
Combo Savant (Highest Pizzazz + Control):
'Won Combo Savant at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with
Secret Ingredient Master (Highest Armor + Divergence):
'Won Secret Ingredient Master at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with
The Deflated Pants (Lowest Overall Score):
'Won The Deflated Pants at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week
*The Deflated Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Air & Darkness, 500 Gold) +5 Defense, At the start of battle, this item's wearer obtains a non-stacking debuff that prevents this item from applying bonuses to its wearer
'Wearing a Windmill' Award (Lowest Armor + Usability):
'Won The 'Wearing a Windmill' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week
'Tissue-Paper Tiger' Award (Lowest Usability + Puissance):
'Won The 'Tissue-Paper Tiger' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week
'Fashion Disaster' Award (Lowest Style + Pizzazz)
'Won The 'Fashion Disaster' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week
'More Drunk than the Baboon' Award (Lowest Puissance + Style):
'Won The 'More Drunk than the Baboon' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week
'Unscathed Bullseye' Award (Lowest Pizzazz + Control):
'Won The 'Unscathed Bullseye' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week
'They're the Same Armor!' Award (Lowest Armor + Divergence):
'Won The 'They're the Same Armor!' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week
If players want to donate to one of the prize pools, you can. I'm also okay with prize pools that contain only player-donated goods for other score targets / goals.