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Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 4:24 am
by Lord Gadigan
It's already time again for another combo contest! This time, the theme is Armor, but with a twist. Inspired by a drunk baboon who became a minor celebrity in one top-disk district overnight, everyone has to pour a drink into the combo as it happens to provide a surprise twist.


It's a contest! The object is to use the resources available to you to make an armor, but you must include a Drink as a secret special ingredient. It can't just be overwhelmed by the rest of the items in the combo power-wise, though - oh no, that would be gauche. It has to be key to the combo's success.

Post the combo including the Drink. Then post it without the Drink. Both versions will be processed as combos, and the version with the Drink will be what you actually end up with. A phantom-version of the other item will be displayed for judges to analyze.

As per the rules from the prior contest: Don't just present the combo - give it a little flair! Things tend to be more interesting when you make it a performance. And the disconnect between intention and result can make for some dramatic twists!

You have a week from today to post your combos and declare your judges. Up to two PCs per player can enter items, and up to one judge can participate per player. If a PC gets one fewer judge than others due to how judge allotment works out, the phantom-judge will give scores equal to the average of the other judges.

Points will be awarded by our panel of judges on a scale of 1-5 (or, in one case, 1-10) on the following categories:
Armor (5 points) - Is it an armor? Is it good as armor? Clothes and worn defensive accessories get partial points, but some sort of non-Clothes Armor-slot item is the ideal target.
Usability (5 points) - Can it be used by a Level 40 Arena Member who isn't super-specced into its class tree?
Puissance (5 points) - Is it powerful? Useful? Does it offer some sort of unique advantage in battle or questing?
Style (5 points) - Does it look fashionable? Participants will be walking down the runway in it to strut their stuff.
Pizzazz (5 points) - Was the combo post fun and with flair?
Control (5 points) - Did it end up being generally what the combo-maker seemed to intend for it to be?
Divergence (10 points) - Does the Drink's presence create a notably different combo result? If it does, is the version with the Drink better? Is the Drink something that lets it score notably better in at least one of the above categories?

Judges will be chosen from players' non-participating character roster. Players can't judge their own characters' results- they'll sit out that round.


Awards and Prizes:

Best in Show (Highest overall score):
'Won Best in Show at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
2 Fame
5 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with
*The Golden Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Treasure & Glory, 200,000,000 Gold) +15 Fame, 40% Treasure Resistance, 30% Wealth Resistance, 30% Glory Resistance

Top Squire (Highest Armor + Usability):
'Won Top Squire at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
2 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with

Trend Setter (Highest Usability + Puissance):
'Won Trend Setter at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
2 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with

Flashiest Fashion (Highest Style + Pizzazz)
'Won Flashiest Fashion at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
2 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with

Bling Behemoth (Highest Puissance + Style):
'Won Bling Behemoth at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with

Combo Savant (Highest Pizzazz + Control):
'Won Combo Savant at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with

Secret Ingredient Master (Highest Armor + Divergence):
'Won Secret Ingredient Master at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Fame
3 Bonus Weeks
Baboon Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Physical & Whimsy, 500,000 Gold) +500 STR, Wearer may ignore instance of Poison: Drunk that wearer is afflicted with

The Deflated Pants (Lowest Overall Score):
'Won The Deflated Pants at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week
*The Deflated Pants- (Armorx0.5, Clothes, Air & Darkness, 500 Gold) +5 Defense, At the start of battle, this item's wearer obtains a non-stacking debuff that prevents this item from applying bonuses to its wearer

'Wearing a Windmill' Award (Lowest Armor + Usability):
'Won The 'Wearing a Windmill' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week

'Tissue-Paper Tiger' Award (Lowest Usability + Puissance):
'Won The 'Tissue-Paper Tiger' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week

'Fashion Disaster' Award (Lowest Style + Pizzazz)
'Won The 'Fashion Disaster' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week

'More Drunk than the Baboon' Award (Lowest Puissance + Style):
'Won The 'More Drunk than the Baboon' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week

'Unscathed Bullseye' Award (Lowest Pizzazz + Control):
'Won The 'Unscathed Bullseye' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week

'They're the Same Armor!' Award (Lowest Armor + Divergence):
'Won The 'They're the Same Armor!' Award at The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show with the <Item Name>'
1 Bonus Week


If players want to donate to one of the prize pools, you can. I'm also okay with prize pools that contain only player-donated goods for other score targets / goals.

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 4:53 am
by Lord Gadigan
Rules update: As per chat, non-BA-members may also participate. If doing so, they may make a single combo for purposes of the contest, but can't do prep combos or the like.

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Wed Jun 14, 2023 11:17 pm
by The Nottest of Daves
Entrant: Dulcinea de Montréal, Nightmares' Angel
Entrant: Enrica Stracciatella

Judge: Professor Jack Durham Khashox'ahk'durim, The Eternity Hidden In A Second, That Which Lurks In The Time Between Times

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 3:35 am
by The Nottest of Daves

"I, Dulcinea de Montréal, Nightmares' Angel, DARK MISTRESS of NIGHTMARE SCIENCE, come before you this day to demonstrate the WONDERS and TERRORS of my GREAT WORK! From VOID and DARKNESS, I bring forth BLASPHEMY against the NATURAL ORDER, that SCIENCE MAY PREVAIL over the IGNORANT and FOOLISH. SOME may call me MAD, or even HERETICAL, but what is madness or heresy to the INQUIRING MIND but a BARRIER TO FREE THOUGHT placed by the SMALL-MINDED who cannot countenance TRUE DISCOVERY!" Lightning cracks, illuminating her from behind, followed by booming thunder. "BWAHAHAHAHA! EVEN NOW, MY INCOMPARABLE INTELLECT IS HERALDED WITH SIGNS AND WONDERS OF A NEW AGE TO COME! JOIN ME IN TRIUMPH, OR OPPOSE ME AND FACE CALAMITOUS DEFEAT! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-"
Combo Recipe wrote: Fadefractal Silk Labcoat + 6 Hambelstern Prototype Force Field + 6 Hambelstern Prototype Parts + 12 Hambelstern Prototype Drone Network System Core + Adaptive Blasphemy Matter + 12 Missing Tea = ??? (Theoretical Scientist)

Fadefractal Silk Lab Coat- (Armor, Light Armor, Illusion & Technology & Aether, 120,000,000 Gold) +120,000 Defense, +120,000 MIN, +1,200,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, 95% Dodge, Stat Drain Immunity, Poison Immunity, Dissolving Immunity, Antimatter Immunity, Wearer has a 95% chance at the start of each round of being cured of each minor or moderate negative status effect, Wearer has the duration of debuffs present on wearer that possess durations measured in rounds that are from sources below Level 80 reduced by 5 rounds, to a minimum of 1, as a non-stacking effect, Wearer must be Level 40 or greater
Hambelstern Prototype Force Field- (Armor, Aura, Technology, 31,522,918 Gold) +30,455 Defense, +30,000 to all stats, +300,000 HP, 25% Technology Resistance, +6,000 additional Defense for each ally who has a Technology element Aura equipped, to a max of 5 such allies, wearer may reflect actions from sources below Level 20, 90% wearer may reflect actions from sources below Level 40, 10% wearer may reflect actions from sources above Level 39 but below Level 50, May only be equipped by individuals above Level 19
Hambelstern Prototype Parts- (Item, Material, Technology, 30,575,900 Gold)
Hambelstern Prototype Drone Network System Core- (Item, Material, Technology, 11,000,000 Gold)
Adaptive Blasphemy Matter- (Item, Material, Void & Darkness & Acid & Devastation & Progress, 500,000,000 Gold)
Missing Tea- (Consumable, Drink, Void, 1 Charge, 14,000,000 Gold) Target obtains the effects of a non-unique Drink Consumable whose name includes 'Tea' of equal or lower value to this item that has been used earlier in the same thread but does not have an instance of a buff or debuff it provides currently present on any individual in target's battlespace

Theoretical Scientist- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +1,000 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +500 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Hypertech spell and at least three of which are non-'Hypertech' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Combo Recipe without the Drink wrote: Fadefractal Silk Labcoat + 6 Hambelstern Prototype Force Field + 6 Hambelstern Prototype Parts + 12 Hambelstern Prototype Drone Network System Core + Adaptive Blasphemy Matter = ??? (Theoretical Scientist)

Fadefractal Silk Lab Coat- (Armor, Light Armor, Illusion & Technology & Aether, 120,000,000 Gold) +120,000 Defense, +120,000 MIN, +1,200,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, 95% Dodge, Stat Drain Immunity, Poison Immunity, Dissolving Immunity, Antimatter Immunity, Wearer has a 95% chance at the start of each round of being cured of each minor or moderate negative status effect, Wearer has the duration of debuffs present on wearer that possess durations measured in rounds that are from sources below Level 80 reduced by 5 rounds, to a minimum of 1, as a non-stacking effect, Wearer must be Level 40 or greater
Hambelstern Prototype Force Field- (Armor, Aura, Technology, 31,522,918 Gold) +30,455 Defense, +30,000 to all stats, +300,000 HP, 25% Technology Resistance, +6,000 additional Defense for each ally who has a Technology element Aura equipped, to a max of 5 such allies, wearer may reflect actions from sources below Level 20, 90% wearer may reflect actions from sources below Level 40, 10% wearer may reflect actions from sources above Level 39 but below Level 50, May only be equipped by individuals above Level 19
Hambelstern Prototype Parts- (Item, Material, Technology, 30,575,900 Gold)
Hambelstern Prototype Drone Network System Core- (Item, Material, Technology, 11,000,000 Gold)
Adaptive Blasphemy Matter- (Item, Material, Void & Darkness & Acid & Devastation & Progress, 500,000,000 Gold)

Theoretical Scientist- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +1,000 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +500 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Hypertech spell and at least three of which are non-'Hypertech' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Combo Bill wrote: Dulcinea loses:
3300 Gold (purchasing Tea from the Shop)

1 Fadefractal Silk Lab Coat
6 Hambelstern Prototype Force Field
6 Hambelstern Prototype Parts
12 Hambelstern Prototype Drone Network System Core
1 Adaptive Blasphemy Matter
1 Missing Tea
11 Farheaven Cloud
11 Farspace Blossom
11 Adept's Horizon-Breaking Formula

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 5:08 am
by Draconics
Entrant: Nira
Entrant: Silent One

Judge: Draconics

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 11:05 am
by Kitsune106d
Entrant : Kit

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 6:48 pm
by Aeromage
Entrant: Cael
Entrant: Viren

Judge: Rosaline

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 2:25 pm
by Santooth
Entrant: Darston
Entrant: Lili von Mion

Judge: Cyaeilia

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 9:33 pm
by Pathaky
Entrant: Orihalcum-Chan
Entrant: Ave Selim

Judge: Eva Selim

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2023 5:09 am
by The Nottest of Daves

A completely forgettable figure steps onto the stage, says some words that no one can remember, briefly turns into a train, then into a giant robot-spawning building, and then departs the stage to no remarks from the crowd.
Combo Recipe wrote: 1,000 Terrifying Holiday Costume + 1,000 Mist of Forgetfulness + Farheaven Cloud + Infinitely Repoisonous Coffee = ??? (Fog of Unknowable Graces)

Terrifying Holiday Costume- (Armor, Disguise, Darkness, 20,000 Gold) +15 Defense, 5% inflicts Confusion: Fear, Wearer's subtype becomes Horror
Mist of Forgetfulness- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Psychic, 200 MP, 138,000 Gold) +130 Magical Attack, 5% inflicts Mindblasted, causes target, provided that target is below Level 40 and of lower level than caster, to be unable to use one randomly determined ability (Active ability in the case of PCs) present on target for 1 round as a non-stacking debuff
Farheaven Cloud- (Item, Material, Light & Spatial & Air & Aether, 140,000,000 Gold)
Infinitely Repoisonous Coffee- (Consumable, Drink, Earth & Dopple & Toxin, 1 Charge, 175,000,000 Gold) Target, as a non-stacking buff that lasts 50 rounds, obtains 2% Dodge, +5 AGI, and +5 CON, Target is afflicted with Invigorated, Target has a 350% chance of being afflicted with Poison, and, as a debuff that cannot be removed by sources below user's Level who are below Level 80 who do not have Adept Tier or better Healer Magic or Alchemy attunement, has a 350% chance of being afflicted with Poison at the start of each round of battle and at the start of each future battle in the thread

Fog of Unknowable Graces- (Passive Ability, Other: Enigmatic Stranger) Once per round, before any individual's action, if possessor's stats have not been scanned and possessor is Mystery element, if possessor possesses a buff that came from a spell, possessor may choose a different spell equipped at the time of the casting by the spell's caster that has a Gold value no more than 20% greater than the value of the original spell cast (not counting previous applications of this ability or other Enigmatic Stranger abilities or Schemes), that would have been castable by that caster at that time, and that does not possess an costs other than HP and MP to cast, to convert that buff into a buff providable by said second spell, with said buff converting counting as still coming from a spell cast by that individual at that time
Combo Recipe without the Drink wrote: 1,000 Terrifying Holiday Costume + 1,000 Mist of Forgetfulness + Farheaven Cloud = ??? (Fog of Unknowable Graces)

Terrifying Holiday Costume- (Armor, Disguise, Darkness, 20,000 Gold) +15 Defense, 5% inflicts Confusion: Fear, Wearer's subtype becomes Horror
Mist of Forgetfulness- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Psychic, 200 MP, 138,000 Gold) +130 Magical Attack, 5% inflicts Mindblasted, causes target, provided that target is below Level 40 and of lower level than caster, to be unable to use one randomly determined ability (Active ability in the case of PCs) present on target for 1 round as a non-stacking debuff
Farheaven Cloud- (Item, Material, Light & Spatial & Air & Aether, 140,000,000 Gold)

Fog of Unknowable Graces- (Passive Ability, Other: Enigmatic Stranger) Once per round, before any individual's action, if possessor's stats have not been scanned and possessor is Mystery element, if possessor possesses a buff that came from a spell, possessor may choose a different spell equipped at the time of the casting by the spell's caster that has a Gold value no more than 20% greater than the value of the original spell cast (not counting previous applications of this ability or other Enigmatic Stranger abilities or Schemes), that would have been castable by that caster at that time, and that does not possess an costs other than HP and MP to cast, to convert that buff into a buff providable by said second spell, with said buff converting counting as still coming from a spell cast by that individual at that time
Combo Bill wrote: Dulcinea loses
1 Orihalcum
1 Infinitely Repoisonous Coffee

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2023 6:36 pm
by Kitsune106d
Kit contest:

Professor Hoppy the God-Taming Drunkard's Eternal Bender +Rift Armor + Crown of the Absolute Emperor + Angelic Rosary of Peace + Fade Spray + = ??? (Manifest Avatar)

Fade Spray- (Weapon, Other: Spray, Void & Basic, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Ranged Attack, 500% inflicts Voidstruck: Fading, Wielder's actions that incorporate one of this item's attack bonuses gain '1 hit against 30,000'

Professor Hoppy the God-Taming Drunkard's Eternal Bender- (Consumable, Drink, Earth & Time, 1 Charge, 60,000,000 Gold) Inflicts an instance of Poison: Drunk that has no natural per-round recovery chance and cannot be cured or automatically recovered from by sources below Level 80, Deities, Eidolons, Great Beasts, and Dragons affected by this instance of Poison: Drunk have their actions controlled by the inflictor's side of battle if not greater Level than the inflictor and not Level 85 or greater, User must be Level 40 or greater

Crown of the Absolute Emperor- (Accessory, Crown, Nobility & Glory & Law, 80,000,000 Gold) +80,000 Defense, +80,000 SPI, +800,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder's allies gain +8,000 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus, 200% inflicts Charm, 30% inflicts Dominion, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater, Wielder must be either Level 40 or greater or must possess the ability 'Noble'

Rift Armor- (Armor, Grand Armor, Spatial & Earth, 255,000,000 Gold) +255,000 Defense, +220,000 CON, +220,000 SPI, -200,000 AGI, Whenever wielder is attacked by a lower-Level source below Level 80, if another battlespace exists as part of the same battle, wielder may, at the end of said attack (and the end of any action said attack is contained in) move said attacker into another battlespace that is part of the same battle so long as no individual of Level 80 or greater who is in the Battlespace that is being entered or the battlespace that is being exited by said entity objects, Wearer must be Level 40 or greater

Angelic Rosary of Peace- (Accessory, Magic Item, Light, 90,000,000 Gold) +90,000 Defense, +90,000 SPI, Individuals below Level 60 who are below wielder's Level may not target wielder with offensive actions if wielder has not conducted an offensive action against them or dealt them Damage, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater

Manifest Avatar- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor obtains a +1 bonus to all base stats. Possessor obtains an uncapped 25% bonus to possessor's Max HP. Possessor may, up to once per thread, at the start of a thread, at the start of a battle, or at the start of a round. create a replicated copy of itself that counts as unique but is allowed to exist alongside possessor, which does not possess this ability, transfer any number of its equipped and/or carried items to that copy, allow that copy to equip whatever subset of those it choses that it would be allowed to equip, then remove itself from being directly present in battle, entering a Numinous State. This copy does not have to travel in a summon slot and may persist between battles without being in one. This copy cannot be unsummoned by entities that are not either 20 or more Levels greater than possessor or are Level 99. This copy counts as being an additional owner, creator, and controller of any effects, entities, or items that possessor is owner, creator, or controller of if possessor desires such, and possessor may count as being an additional owner, creator, or controller of any effects, entities, or items that said copy is, respectively, an owner, creator, or controller of. If this replicated copy is killed, as an effect that blocks the checking of battle victory/loss conditions (but stops doing so if a 200-cycle loop is achieved or the following effect fails to resolve), possessor exits the Numinous State, obtains any number of its equipped and/or carried items from that copy, is allowed to equip whatever subset of those it choses that it would be allowed to equip, and then blocks the resurrection of the copy or undoing of its death. While this ability's possessor is in a Numinous State, it may act in turn order, but may only perform Worldbound God Active Abilities and 'Cast a Spell' actions as actions. While in a Numinous State, possessor may count as being in any battlespace that at least one of possessor's Devout Worshippers is in. Possessor may not be targeted while in a Numinous State by things that could not target either specifically things that are in Numinous States or that could target Haunting or Possessing entities. The replicated copy of possessor counts as being a Devout Worshipper of possessor even if possessor is normally not; this is in addition to any other deity or pantheon that possessor is a devout worshipper of.

Place hoder for now.

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 1:16 am
by Santooth
A dignified looking older man with a mane of close cut white hair and reading glasses steps onto the stage. In a simple tunic of grey and brown the man should be forgettable, but something betweem the intensity of his eyes, a subtle shimmer in the air, and his ever-so-slightly too muscular frame convey there is more to him than meets the eye. Behind him emerges Lady Rosaline, clad in elegant attire with a perfect mask for a face.

The shapeshifter runs the audience through a quick background on each of the items in the combo, then brews the signature tea onstage with help from Lady Rosaline. Observant individuals in the audience note that two batchs have been made, and Rosaline pocketed the second.

Darston neatly assembles the items and with a snap of his fingers drops one of his veils. Where the shapeshifter stood previously is now a hole in space shifting rapidly between his different potential forms. After a few moments of this the hole stabilizes in the form of a tunnel to some distant, alien place threaded through with root-like veins of green light as the various pieces of the combo flash and snap into place.
12 Twelvefold Nested Mobile Aura of Retributive Pain + 12 Cloak of Nested Illusions + 4 Rift Armor + 4 Farspace Blossom + Radiant Titan-Mail of Ancient Legend + Crossworld Fractal-Structure + 10 One Hundred Thousand Shifting Veils + Exquisite Veil Blend = ??? (Gatekeeper of Unbreached Veils)

(Drop from Cutting the Impossible Knot megaquest off an aura-specced dude on the bekklin team)
Twelvefold Nested Mobile Aura of Retributive Pain- (Armorx1/12, Aura, Darkness & Warding, 210,000,000 Gold) +210,000 Defense, +210,000 MIN, +110,000 SPI, 80% inflicts Pain, 10% Base Element Resistance, 30% Darkness Resistance, 30% Agony Resistance, +5% Stat Drain Resistance (to a max of 200%), Stat Drain Immunity, Pain Immunity, Reflects Pain, Wearer gains a (Number of Auramancer abilities wearer possesses / 4, to a max of 80)% chance of being optionally able, up to 12 times per thread per instance of this item, of converting up to 80,000,000 points of Damage from a single attack or action from a source below Level 80 into Darkness element Damage targetting the source of said Damage and unequipping this item

(Drop from Mirage Dragon Czar special fights monster)
Cloak of Nested Illusions- (Accessory, Cloak, Illusion, 215,000,000 Gold) +115,000 to all stats, Actions from individuals below Level 80 have a 20% chance of failing to target wielder if wielder so desires as a non-stacking effect, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

<Gatelord's Diamond + Panopticum Plate + Juggernaut Steel = Rift Armor (Guardian)>
(Gatelord's Diamond and Juggernaut Steel are Adamantine combo tree derivatives, Panopticum Plate drops from the Panopticum Nautilus special fights monster)
Rift Armor- (Armor, Grand Armor, Spatial & Earth, 255,000,000 Gold) +255,000 Defense, +220,000 CON, +220,000 SPI, -200,000 AGI, Whenever wielder is attacked by a lower-Level source below Level 80, if another battlespace exists as part of the same battle, wielder may, at the end of said attack (and the end of any action said attack is contained in) move said attacker into another battlespace that is part of the same battle so long as no individual of Level 80 or greater who is in the Battlespace that is being entered or the battlespace that is being exited by said entity objects, Wearer must be Level 40 or greater

(Progress-based Adamantine Derivative)
Farspace Blossom- (Item, Material, Astral & Spatial & Wood, 180,000,000 Gold)

(Combo derivative of a Doom Juggernaut Frame from Snowdeath quest)
Radiant Titan-Mail of Ancient Legend- (Armor, Grand Armor, Light & Glory, 295,000,000 Gold) +300,000 Defense, +3,000,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +295,000 STR, +295,000 CON, Wielder may, up to 5 times per battle, redirect attacks from sources below Level 80 from itself to another individual in the same battlespace who is Level 79 or lower, 130% Resilience, 40% Light Resistance, 30% Darkness Resistance, Awestruck Immunity, Radiance Magic spells cast by wielder gain +295,000 additional Melee Attack if they possess a Melee Attack bonus already, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater

(Progress-based Adamantine Derivative)
Crossworld Fractal-Structure- (Item, Material, Spatial & Astral & Color, 300,000,000 Gold)

(In stock item from shop)
One Hundred Thousand Shifting Veils- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Earth & Air & Magic, 2,000,000 MP, 200,000,000 Gold) +200,000 Defense, +80% Dodge, does not stack, Caster must be Level 40 or greater

(Rare and special Tea requiring a Crystal, Unreality Leaves, and many abilities to create)
Exquisite Veil Blend- (Consumable, Drink, Psychic & Spatial, 1 Charge, 200,000,000 Gold) Target obtains a non-stacking buff that makes its possessor's stats unscannable, that gives its possessor +100,000 MIN, and that allows its possessor to optionally obtain a buff at the start of each round that stacks 3 times that causes a debuff from a source below Level 90 on its possessor to lose its text, This item's name counts as including 'Tea', This item and its effects may not be replicated by sources below Level 100

Secret Formula- Exquisite Veil Blend
Point Value- 5
Level 20
Adept Spatial Synchronization
Adept Gate Magic Attunement
Lady of the Exceptional Leaf
1 Mindglass Teapot
2 Unreality Leaves
1 Psychic Crystal
Exquisite Veil Blend- (Consumable, Drink, Psychic & Spatial, 1 Charge, 200,000,000 Gold) Target obtains a non-stacking buff that makes its possessor's stats unscannable, that gives its possessor +100,000 MIN, and that allows its possessor to optionally obtain a buff at the start of each round that stacks 3 times that causes a debuff from a source below Level 90 on its possessor to lose its text, This item's name counts as including 'Tea', This item and its effects may not be replicated by sources below Level 100

(Not-consumed Catalyst to create the tea)
Mindglass Teapot- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic & Earth & Water, 35,000,000 Gold)

(Ingredient in the Tea)
Unreality Leaves- (Item, Antiquity, Dream, 100,000,000 Gold)

(Powerful ability obtained in Crisis megaquest through binding remaining essence of the Lion of Unbreached Veils to Darston using the Infinite Key)
Gatekeeper of Unbreached Veils- (Passive Ability, Gatekeeper) Possessor cannot be hit by attacks coming from sources below Level 99 that have not scanned possessor's stats, Possessor can dodge Flat Damage attacks, Possessor counts as having a pact with an additional Eidolon, This ability has no effect if possessor is below Level 60, Has RP effects
(Nested Auras come off Darston; note he has 18, and 12 are being used. Four Cloaks are coming off darston, the other 8 off Caelum. Rift armor is being created, requiring 8 Adamantine off TSG and 4 Panopticum Plate from Darston, the Farspace Blossoms and Crossworld Fractal-Structure are made from five Adamantine, and the Radiant Titan-Mail of Ancient Legend is coming off Darston. The late addition, those 100,000 shifting veils items, are being bought from the shop with the money coming off TSG)

No drink: 12 Twelvefold Nested Mobile Aura of Retributive Pain + 12 Cloak of Nested Illusions + 4 Rift Armor + 4 Farspace Blossom + Radiant Titan-Mail of Ancient Legend + Crossworld Fractal-Structure + 10 One Hundred Thousand Shifting Veils = ??? (Gatekeeper of Unbreached Veils)

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 2:25 am
by Celas
Entrant: Elyion
Entrant: Jonathan Durandal, Knight of the Atom
Judge: His Solar Majesty, El

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 6:40 am
by Santooth
An envelope folded into an airplane sails into the room from an open window that may or may not have been there just a moment prior (Who's to say?). Landing in the middle of the room, it unfolds into an origami arch from which Lili emerges without breaking stride. She seems at once impatient, a bit overworked, and energized. The daemon wears the Dacchenburg tophat with a hand-sewn patch reading MAIL LIFE expertly stitched onto the front at a slight angle.

She paces around the stage with a showwoman's flair, winks at the audience, and whips her hat off her head to show it's empty. The daemoness looks into it frowning and gives it a little shake as the many different ingredients come floating out one by one. They dance themselves into place, forming a diagram in the air.

"Nice to have a little fun once in a while, isn't it? I think it's quite remarkable how far all of us have come here, new faces and old. There is no way I could ever have put this together without the diligent work of my many many peers both in battles and experimentation. So this one's for all of you with a heart in love with pushing that ceiling just a bit higher. Here's hoping this experiment in further pushing the boundaries of possibility is a success!"

Lili produces a clipboard and quill to take notes on, then gestures and begins to furiously scribble as the combo is performed.

12 Most-Exalted, Ancient Solar Warlord's Glory-Gilded Orihalcum Armor + 24 Planetary of Fate's Robe + 48 Ouroboros Mail + 96 Droplet of Semiinfinity + 192 Godcrown Steel + 96 Fated Cobalt + 48 Grandmaster's Platinum + 24 Unobtainium + 12 Adaptive Miracle Matter + Planetary of Fate's Loom + Create Plot Armor + Dreaming Wonderland's River of Countless Alcohols = ??? (Grandmother's Blessing) (Arachnae Weaving) (Two Abilities Used Through Flawless Twin-Essence-Binding Technique)

Most-Exalted, Ancient Solar Warlord's Glory-Gilded Orihalcum Armor- (Armor, Heavy Armor, Glory & Light & Fire & Earth, 508,700,000 Gold) +509,500 Defense, +40,000 Defense against Stat Damage, +510,300 CON, 40% Physical Resistance, 40% Light Resistance, 40% Fire Resistance, 20% Glory Resistance, 20% War Resistance, 100% Awestruck Resistance, 60% Burning Resistance, 60% Entombed Resistance, Divine Magic, Catastrophe Magic, Wizard Magic, and Astral Magic spells cost wearer 300,000 less MP to cast, Wearer's allies gain +10,000 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus if wearer is Glory element, 60% inflicts Awestruck, 160%
Resilience, Wearer is immune to individuals below Level 40, Wearer ignores Defense-piercing from sources below Level 60, Wearer takes half damage from non-unique sources below Level 60, Wearer must be at least Level 40

Planetary of Fate's Robe- (Armor, Robe, Fate, 190,000,000 Gold) +190,000 Defense, +1,800,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, +190,000 SPI, +190,000 Magical Attack, 40% Fate Resistance, 40% Fortune Resistance, Divine Magic, Enchantment, and Ritual Magic spells cost wielder 300,000 less MP to cast, 20% may inflict Instant Death or Cursed, Wearer must be Level 40 or greater

Ouroboros Mail- (Armor, Light Armor, Glory & Spatial & Time, 300,000,000 Gold) +300,000 Defense, +300,000 to all stats, 30% Dragon Resistance, Wielder is resurrected at the start of each round if killed by a source below Level 70, Wielder regenerates 3,000,000 HP and MP at the start of each round, Wielder is Immune to individuals below Level 40, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Droplet of Semiinfinity- (Item, Antiquity, Spatial & Time, 200,000,000 Gold)

Godcrown Steel- (Item, Material, Glory & Air & Light, 200,000,000 Gold)

Fated Cobalt- (Item, Material, Fate, 240,000,000 Gold)

Grandmaster's Platinum- (Item, Material, Metal & Progress, 240,000,000 Gold)

Unobtanium (2)- (Item, Material, Mystery & Fate & Wonder, 180,000,000 Gold)

Adaptive Miracle Matter- (Item, Material, Void & Astral & Wonder & Faith & Progress, 500,000,000 Gold)

Planetary Fate-Loom- (Item, Property, Fate, 400,000,000 Gold)

Create Plot Armor- (Spell, Enchantment, Fate, 2,400,000 MP, 240,000,000 Gold) Target gains 'Immune to sources below Level 40' while target possesses a Fate-element buff or debuff, Caster must be Level 40 or greater, Has RP effects

Dreaming Wonderland's River of Countless Alcohols- (Consumable, Drink, Water & Light & Wonder, 12 Charges, 120,000,000 Gold) 300% inflicts Poison: Drunk, Replicates the effects of any three Drink consumables that have a chance of inflicting Poison: Drunk that are for sale in the Shop for 60,000,000 Gold or less, Attaches a buff to each target that stacks three times that, at the start of each round, allows its possessor to use replicated copies of any three Drink consumables that have a chance of inflicting Poison: Drunk that are for sale in the Shop for 30,000,000 Gold or less

Grandmother's Blessing- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains 'Reflects Good and Evil' against sources that are not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor

Arachne Weaving- (Passive Ability, Clothier) Shoes, Boots, Hat, Scarf, Gloves, Cloak, and Belt items created or equipped by possessor provide an additional +2,000 to all stats they provide bonuses to and an additional +5,000 Defense if they possess a bonus to Defense, The Defense of items created or equipped by possessor is doubled (to a max of 100,000 additional points) against Planetaries, Possessor may choose to inflict Charm: Impressed on all opponents as an effect that bypasses the Immunities of individuals below Level 80 whenever possessor creates an item, but, should possessor chose to do so, possessor is afflicted with Smitten if possessor is not a Planetary

Flawless Twin-Essence-Binding Technique- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) This ability may be used to use two different abilities, not including itself, together in a single combo. The format such a combo should follow is: Normal Format = ??? (Ability 1) (Ability 2) (Two Abilities Used Through Flawless Twin-Essence-Binding Technique)

Crafting costs:

<373 Adamantine (TSG), 24 fiend essence (Darston), 48 unobtainium (10 on Lili, 3 on Darston, 35 created for this via Engine), 72 Godseed? (Lili), 120 Droplet of Semiinfinity (TSG), 3 Sand Diamonds (created for this via Engine), 48 Ouroboros Mail (TSG), 48 Planetary of War's Armor (TSG), 12 Orihalcum Plate (TSG), 12 Armor of the Gold Leaf Throne's Knight (Darston), 1 Flowing Core (TSG), Dreaming Wonderland's River of Countless Alcohols created via shop>

Complicated Combo Strings

<Orihalcum Plate + Armor of the Gold Leaf Throne's Knight + Planetary of the Sun's Robe + Planetary of War Armor + Codex of the Ancients = Most-Exalted, Ancient Solar Warlord's Glory-Gilded Orihalcum Armor (Connection to the Essence of the Sun Queen Selereth Helios)>
Most-Exalted, Ancient Solar Warlord's Glory-Gilded Orihalcum Armor- (Armor, Heavy Armor, Glory & Light & Fire & Earth, 508,700,000 Gold) +509,500 Defense, +40,000 Defense against Stat Damage, +510,300 CON, 40% Physical Resistance, 40% Light Resistance, 40% Fire Resistance, 20% Glory Resistance, 20% War Resistance, 100% Awestruck Resistance, 60% Burning Resistance, 60% Entombed Resistance, Divine Magic, Catastrophe Magic, Wizard Magic, and Astral Magic spells cost wearer 300,000 less MP to cast, Wearer's allies gain +10,000 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus if wearer is Glory element, 60% inflicts Awestruck, 160%
Resilience, Wearer is immune to individuals below Level 40, Wearer ignores Defense-piercing from sources below Level 60, Wearer takes half damage from non-unique sources below Level 60, Wearer must be at least Level 40

<Planetary of War's Armor = Planetary of the Sun's Robe (Adept Sun Duke Knowledge) > Planetary of the Sun's Robe = Planetary of Fate's Robe (Destiny Weaver)>
Planetary of Fate's Robe- (Armor, Robe, Fate, 190,000,000 Gold) +190,000 Defense, +1,800,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, +190,000 SPI, +190,000 Magical Attack, 40% Fate Resistance, 40% Fortune Resistance, Divine Magic, Enchantment, and Ritual Magic spells cost wielder 300,000 less MP to cast, 20% may inflict Instant Death or Cursed, Wearer must be Level 40 or greater

Ouroboros Mail- (Armor, Light Armor, Glory & Spatial & Time, 300,000,000 Gold) +300,000 Defense, +300,000 to all stats, 30% Dragon Resistance, Wielder is resurrected at the start of each round if killed by a source below Level 70, Wielder regenerates 3,000,000 HP and MP at the start of each round, Wielder is Immune to individuals below Level 40, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

<Adamantite Derivative>

Godcrown Steel- (Item, Material, Glory & Air & Light, 200,000,000 Gold)
Fated Cobalt- (Item, Material, Fate, 240,000,000 Gold)
Grandmaster's Platinum- (Item, Material, Metal & Progress, 240,000,000 Gold)
Adaptive Miracle Matter- (Item, Material, Void & Astral & Wonder & Faith & Progress, 500,000,000 Gold)

<Sand Diamond = Channeler's Diamond (Basic Channeling Attunement)
Channeler's Diamond = Lesser Destiny Gem (The Power of Walshandeth)
Lesser Destiny Gem = Lesser Dreamcore (Basic Dream Synchronization)
Lesser Dreamcore + Flowing Core = Dreaming Worldheart (Basic Understanding of the Heart of Dream)
Dreaming Worldheart = Planetary Fate-Loom (Destiny Weaver)>

Planetary Fate-Loom- (Item, Property, Fate, 400,000,000 Gold)

<Fiend Essence = Outsider Essence (Master Spatial Synchronization)
Orihalcum + Outsider Essence = Shimmering Metal from Between the Planes (Assumption of the Essence of the Outsider)
Unobtainium = Rippling Unknown Chaosmatter (Omnimutable Chaosbody)
Unobtainium = Lesser MacGuffium (Innate Morphic Defense)
Godseed: Harvest = Godseed? (Understands Truth through Mystery)
Godseed? = Godseed??? (Basic Mystery Synchronization)
Godseed? = Godseed!!! (Hypecasting)
Godseed? + Godseed??? + Godseed!!! + Droplet of Semiinfinity = Godseed???!!!???!!! (Acklowledgement of the Endless Progress of the Iron Dream)>
(1 orihalcum, 1 fiend essence, 2 unobtainium, 3 Godseed?, 1 Droplet of Semiinfinity)

Shimmering Metal from Between the Planes + Rippling Unknown Chaosmatter + Lesser MacGuffium + Godseed???!!!???!!! + Notion Weaver's Tools = Unobtanium (2) (Basic Mystery Synchronization)

<Fated Cobalt = Create Plot Armor (Basic Ward Mastery)>
Create Plot Armor- (Spell, Enchantment, Fate, 2,400,000 MP, 240,000,000 Gold) Target gains 'Immune to sources below Level 40' while target possesses a Fate-element buff or debuff, Caster must be Level 40 or greater, Has RP effects

<120 Twelve Purification Sake + 3 River of Magical Wine + Nightsedge Glass + Walrus Nog + Holy Festival Recipe Book = Dreaming Wonderland's River of Countless Alcohols (Mixologist)>

Dreaming Wonderland's River of Countless Alcohols- (Consumable, Drink, Water & Light & Wonder, 12 Charges, 120,000,000 Gold) 300% inflicts Poison: Drunk, Replicates the effects of any three Drink consumables that have a chance of inflicting Poison: Drunk that are for sale in the Shop for 60,000,000 Gold or less, Attaches a buff to each target that stacks three times that, at the start of each round, allows its possessor to use replicated copies of any three Drink consumables that have a chance of inflicting Poison: Drunk that are for sale in the Shop for 30,000,000 Gold or less
No drink: 12 Most-Exalted, Ancient Solar Warlord's Glory-Gilded Orihalcum Armor + 24 Planetary of Fate's Robe + 48 Ouroboros Mail + 96 Droplet of Semiinfinity + 192 Godcrown Steel + 96 Fated Cobalt + 48 Grandmaster's Platinum + 24 Unobtainium + 12 Adaptive Miracle Matter + Planetary of Fate's Loom + Create Plot Armor = ??? (Grandmother's Blessing) (Arachnae Weaving) (Two Abilities Used Through Flawless Twin-Essence-Binding Technique)

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 7:56 pm
by Aeromage
A goblin watching in the audience suddenly experiences a religious epiphany. Shortly afterwards, they experience considerable surprise as their belief begins to flow from them in tangible form, whirling into a ball that arcs towards the stage, gaining in solidity and cohesion.
A different goblin with eyes that glow with divine, green light and wearing nothing but an elaborate loincloth of seafoam and saltwater finishes his floating leap and pivots to address the audience, arms spread and grinning.

"Hey there! Name's Viren. You've now heard of me. I'm a new god 'round these parts, conjured up out of the Tide after that incident with the Universe breaking and such. Some say that when dear old Maylene's carcass got washed back out into the Tide, they put me together from all the decent bits it had in it."
A beat.
"Which is why I'm so short."
He winks.
"Just kidding! Probably. Anyway, as you folks can see I'm kind of starting from the bottom with regards to divine regalia. Not going to stay down the bottom for long, and neither is anyone who wants to pitch in and worship me stick around, I'll give you the whole spiel on the exciting opportunities getting in good with a Divinity on the ground floor gets you after the show, but I figured I'd take advantage of this fun contest to strut my stuff so I can strut out with stuff! Seriously, being able to combo things is a treat. Pester those Arena-guys more for it."

Viren gestures, and a large array of items emerge from a sea that wasn't there before and is somehow encapsulated within the stage's bounds.

"On to the meat of things! So, it turns out I ended up with War as a domain. Twice. Bit of a surprise, to be honest, and I kind of want to be able to separate that out from the Tide, or else I'll be accused of being the second coming of the Bluewar. And that's just not my colour."

The items separate with the sea as the goblin-deity gestures, parting it.
On one side, an enormous, ominous suit of armour crackling with destructive potential, flanked by the shining, hard-edged forms of Planetary of War's Armor. Set upon a rising continental plate covered in wicked spikes, divine armaments, deific seeds of war, waters of death and personal loss and the conceptual notion of ever-greater weapons, War stands ready.
On the other, armours that bring forth living guardians from the sea in their multitudes stand in unity before swirling Planetary of Oceans' Togas. The sea upon which they stand grows silvery and mirror-smooth, a sanctuary dividing what lies above from what lies within the waves. Nestled within its flowing embrace flow the essence of adaptive miracles, deific seeds of the ocean, battle-preparation-erasing waters, and the conceptual notion of ever-greater armour. The Tide stands ready.

Both halves rush together, either to do battle or merge in glorious, terrible harmony as a tide of neverending war.

"Aaaaaand stop right there!"

The scene freezes, held still between heartbeats. Viren strolls out from stage left, holding an elaborate cocktail within which scenes of warfare play out in all of its forms... except aquatic.

"So, as it turns out, there's the perfect drink for separating my War from my Water. War-ter. Hah. Granted, it's more tilted to my more-numerous chaotic cousins, buuuut given I'm also the herald of the Chaotic new kids on the block I'm sure the drink'll let it slide. How do you separate the War from the (metaphorical) Waves? By declaring it a War Without Porpoise, of course!"

The goblin-deity pitches the drink (which is, thanks to Tide-unity, many of the same drink) casually over his shoulder between the two sides, temporally freezing precisely in-between the two about-to-clash halves.

"Aaaaand just to make sure it all works out, I'll do a bit of pre-emptive laundry and make sure it filters out all those Impurities, properly applying my chosen beverage-detergent. Can't be mixing the whites with the metaphysical conceptual bloodshed, otherwise it'll come out all pink and angry. Or go all race-war. Let me tell you, not a good look."

He clicks his fingers, and the scene unfreezes. With a thunderous crash of waves, the TIde obeys.
Apocalyptic Armor of War + 6 Planetary of War's Armor + 3 Miracle Missile + Metal Continental Plate Covered In Numerous Spikes + 3 Godseed: War + 12 Styx Water + 12 The Notion to Make Better Arms + 48 War Without Porpoise + 12 The Notion to Make Better Armors + 6 Waters of Rasu + 3 Godseed: Oceans + Mirror-Water Ocean + 3 Adaptive Miracle Matter + 3 Planetary of Oceans' Toga + 12 Life-Birthing Seaplate = ??? (Washing Away All Impurities)

Apocalyptic Armor of War- (Armor, Grand Armor, War & Destruction & Fate, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Melee Attack, +400,000 Defense, +400,000 STR, +400,000 CON, 180% Resilience, 40% War Resistance, 40% Catastrophe Magic Resistance, Wielder's per-item Melee Attack cap becomes (STR * 2), 20% Devastated Resistance, Wounded Immunity, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater
Planetary of War's Armor- (Armor, Heavy Armor, War, 190,000,000 Gold) +190,000 Defense, +1,900,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +190,000 STR, +190,000 CON, +190,000 Melee Attack, 40% War Resistance, 40% Destruction Resistance, Divine Magic, War Magic, and Catastrophe Magic spells cost wielder 300,000 less MP to cast, 160% Resilience, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Miracle Missile- (Consumable, Lethal Item, War & Wonder & Faith, 1 Charge, 300,000,000 Gold) Deals 3,000,000 Flat War & Wonder & Faith element Damage to up to 30,000,000 targets, then replicates any one chosen action performable by an entity below Level 60 that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List that is not a Malevolent Planar entity subtype as though an instance of said entity were performing it
Metal Continental Plate Covered In Numerous Spikes- (Item, Property, Earth, 400,000,000 Gold)
Godseed: War- (Item, Material, War & Destruction, 180,000,000 Gold)
Styx Water- (Accessory, Weapon Coating, Water & Darkness & Psychic, 74,000,000 Gold) Wielder deals 7,400 MIN Damage, 100% inflicts Stat Drain: MIN Drain, Wielder's 'Magical Attack' actions have a 90% chance of removing a randomly chosen ability of targets below Level 60 as a debuff that stacks 5 times
The Notion to Make Better Arms- (Accessory, Other: Mystic Infusion, Physical & War, 60,000,000 Gold) At the start of each round, if no individual in the same battlespace as wielder has a weapon worth 30,000,000 Gold or greater equipped, wielder may create and equip a Temporary weapon that is in stock in the Shop and worth 30,000,000 Gold or less that is worth more Gold than the weapon equipped by an individual in the same battlespace that possesses the highest Gold value (if such a weapon exists)

War Without Porpoise- (Consumable, Drink, Earth & Air & Water & Technology & Fire, 1 Charge, 15,000,000 Gold) 100% inflicts Poison: Drunk on non-Abstracts, Cures Poison: Drunk on Abstracts, +1,500 to all stats of Abstracts as a non-stacking buff

The Notion to Make Better Armors- (Accessory, Other: Mystic Infusion, Physical & War, 60,000,000 Gold) At the start of each round, if no individual in the same battlespace as wielder has an armor worth 30,000,000 Gold or greater equipped, wielder may create and equip a Temporary armor that is in stock in the Shop and worth 30,000,000 Gold or less that is worth more Gold than the weapon equipped by an individual in the same battlespace that possesses the highest Gold value (if such an armor exists)
Waters of Rasu- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Water, 2,000,000 MP, 200,000,000 Gold) All buffs, debuffs, Zones, Terrains, Phantom Terrains, and effects attached to Zones, Terrains, or Phantom Terrains with sources below Level 85 that are present in the same battlespace as caster are removed, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Godseed: Oceans- (Item, Material, Water, 180,000,000 Gold)
Mirror-Water Ocean- (Item, Property, Water, 400,000,000 Gold)
Adaptive Miracle Matter- (Item, Material, Void & Astral & Wonder & Faith & Progress, 500,000,000 Gold)
Planetary of Oceans' Toga- (Armor, Robe, Water, 190,000,000 Gold) +190,000 Defense, +1,600,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +1,600,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, +160,000 STR, +190,000 CON, +160,000 MIN, +160,000 SPI, 40% Water Resistance, 100% Drowning Resistance, Divine Magic, Druid Magic, and Geomancy spells cost wielder 300,000 less MP to cast, 260% To Hit, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Life-Birthing Seaplate- (Armor, Grand Armor, Water, 115,000,000 Gold) +115,000 Defense, +115,000 CON, +115,000 HP, -115,000 AGI, 85% Resilience, 15% Water Resistance, 15% Chaos Resistance, 15% Law Resistance, 100% Drowning Resistance, Wearer may summon up to 5 of the same Aquatic, Prime, or Ooze below Level 70 that is below wearer's Level that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List at the start of each round, Max 200 summoned across all types of summoned entities, Max 20 different entities summoned, Wearer must be Level 40 or greater

Washing Away All Impurities
Tide Baptism, Water
Inundation Effect: At the start of each round, possessor may create a Zone of Water. Possessor may choose for Zones of Water to additionally count as Zones of Light when any individual in the same battlespace checks anything related to Zones. Possessor is cured of all debuffs from lower-Level sources at the start of each action if in a Zone of Water. Possessor is cured of all minor negative status effects at the start of each round. At the start of each round, possessor has a 50% chance of being cured of each moderate negative status effect if not in a Zone of Water. If in a Zone of Water, at the start of each round, possessor is cured of all moderate negative status effects. If in a Zone of Water, at the start of each round, possessor has a 10% chance of being cured of each major negative status effect; this effect still occurs if possessor is dead and possessor's corpse is in a battlespace containing at least one Zone of Water.
Wellspring Effect: At the start of each round, all of possessor's allies, not counting possessor, are cured of all minor negative status effects. At the start of each round, if not in a Zone of Water, all of possessor's allies, not counting possessor, have a 50% chance of being cured of each moderate negative status effect. At the start of each round, if in a Zone of Water, all of possessor's allies, not counting possessor, are cured of all moderate negative status effects. At the start of each round, if in a Zone of Water, all of possessor's allies, not counting possessor, have a 5% chance of being cured of each major negative status effect.
Porpoisefully Drink-Free Variant wrote:Apocalyptic Armor of War + 6 Planetary of War's Armor + 3 Miracle Missile + Metal Continental Plate Covered In Numerous Spikes + 3 Godseed: War + 12 Styx Water + 12 The Notion to Make Better Arms + 12 The Notion to Make Better Armors + 6 Waters of Rasu + 3 Godseed: Oceans + Mirror-Water Ocean + 3 Adaptive Miracle Matter + 3 Planetary of Oceans' Toga + 12 Life-Birthing Seaplate = ??? (Washing Away All Impurities)

Apocalyptic Armor of War- (Armor, Grand Armor, War & Destruction & Fate, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Melee Attack, +400,000 Defense, +400,000 STR, +400,000 CON, 180% Resilience, 40% War Resistance, 40% Catastrophe Magic Resistance, Wielder's per-item Melee Attack cap becomes (STR * 2), 20% Devastated Resistance, Wounded Immunity, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater
Planetary of War's Armor- (Armor, Heavy Armor, War, 190,000,000 Gold) +190,000 Defense, +1,900,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +190,000 STR, +190,000 CON, +190,000 Melee Attack, 40% War Resistance, 40% Destruction Resistance, Divine Magic, War Magic, and Catastrophe Magic spells cost wielder 300,000 less MP to cast, 160% Resilience, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Miracle Missile- (Consumable, Lethal Item, War & Wonder & Faith, 1 Charge, 300,000,000 Gold) Deals 3,000,000 Flat War & Wonder & Faith element Damage to up to 30,000,000 targets, then replicates any one chosen action performable by an entity below Level 60 that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List that is not a Malevolent Planar entity subtype as though an instance of said entity were performing it
Metal Continental Plate Covered In Numerous Spikes- (Item, Property, Earth, 400,000,000 Gold)
Godseed: War- (Item, Material, War & Destruction, 180,000,000 Gold)
Styx Water- (Accessory, Weapon Coating, Water & Darkness & Psychic, 74,000,000 Gold) Wielder deals 7,400 MIN Damage, 100% inflicts Stat Drain: MIN Drain, Wielder's 'Magical Attack' actions have a 90% chance of removing a randomly chosen ability of targets below Level 60 as a debuff that stacks 5 times
The Notion to Make Better Arms- (Accessory, Other: Mystic Infusion, Physical & War, 60,000,000 Gold) At the start of each round, if no individual in the same battlespace as wielder has a weapon worth 30,000,000 Gold or greater equipped, wielder may create and equip a Temporary weapon that is in stock in the Shop and worth 30,000,000 Gold or less that is worth more Gold than the weapon equipped by an individual in the same battlespace that possesses the highest Gold value (if such a weapon exists)

The Notion to Make Better Armors- (Accessory, Other: Mystic Infusion, Physical & War, 60,000,000 Gold) At the start of each round, if no individual in the same battlespace as wielder has an armor worth 30,000,000 Gold or greater equipped, wielder may create and equip a Temporary armor that is in stock in the Shop and worth 30,000,000 Gold or less that is worth more Gold than the weapon equipped by an individual in the same battlespace that possesses the highest Gold value (if such an armor exists)
Waters of Rasu- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Water, 2,000,000 MP, 200,000,000 Gold) All buffs, debuffs, Zones, Terrains, Phantom Terrains, and effects attached to Zones, Terrains, or Phantom Terrains with sources below Level 85 that are present in the same battlespace as caster are removed, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Godseed: Oceans- (Item, Material, Water, 180,000,000 Gold)
Mirror-Water Ocean- (Item, Property, Water, 400,000,000 Gold)
Adaptive Miracle Matter- (Item, Material, Void & Astral & Wonder & Faith & Progress, 500,000,000 Gold)
Planetary of Oceans' Toga- (Armor, Robe, Water, 190,000,000 Gold) +190,000 Defense, +1,600,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +1,600,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, +160,000 STR, +190,000 CON, +160,000 MIN, +160,000 SPI, 40% Water Resistance, 100% Drowning Resistance, Divine Magic, Druid Magic, and Geomancy spells cost wielder 300,000 less MP to cast, 260% To Hit, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Life-Birthing Seaplate- (Armor, Grand Armor, Water, 115,000,000 Gold) +115,000 Defense, +115,000 CON, +115,000 HP, -115,000 AGI, 85% Resilience, 15% Water Resistance, 15% Chaos Resistance, 15% Law Resistance, 100% Drowning Resistance, Wearer may summon up to 5 of the same Aquatic, Prime, or Ooze below Level 70 that is below wearer's Level that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List at the start of each round, Max 200 summoned across all types of summoned entities, Max 20 different entities summoned, Wearer must be Level 40 or greater

Washing Away All Impurities
Tide Baptism, Water
Inundation Effect: At the start of each round, possessor may create a Zone of Water. Possessor may choose for Zones of Water to additionally count as Zones of Light when any individual in the same battlespace checks anything related to Zones. Possessor is cured of all debuffs from lower-Level sources at the start of each action if in a Zone of Water. Possessor is cured of all minor negative status effects at the start of each round. At the start of each round, possessor has a 50% chance of being cured of each moderate negative status effect if not in a Zone of Water. If in a Zone of Water, at the start of each round, possessor is cured of all moderate negative status effects. If in a Zone of Water, at the start of each round, possessor has a 10% chance of being cured of each major negative status effect; this effect still occurs if possessor is dead and possessor's corpse is in a battlespace containing at least one Zone of Water.
Wellspring Effect: At the start of each round, all of possessor's allies, not counting possessor, are cured of all minor negative status effects. At the start of each round, if not in a Zone of Water, all of possessor's allies, not counting possessor, have a 50% chance of being cured of each moderate negative status effect. At the start of each round, if in a Zone of Water, all of possessor's allies, not counting possessor, are cured of all moderate negative status effects. At the start of each round, if in a Zone of Water, all of possessor's allies, not counting possessor, have a 5% chance of being cured of each major negative status effect.

Apocalyptic Armor is from Darston, traded for the extra Cloaks of Nested Illusions he needed from Caelum.
Planetary of War's Armor is from the Planetary Fight, and will be deducted accordingly. (4 in total)
Miracle Missiles and Adaptive Miracle Matter are created from Rosaline's Orihalcum. (6 in total)
Metal Continental Plate Covered In Numerous Spikes made from one of Volatilis' Mobile Continents.
Godseed: War are from Darston in return for Godseed: Love from the Doctor. (3 in total)
Godseed: Oceans are converted from Godseed: Love on the Doctor (3 in total).
Styx Water is from Rosaline (12 in total)
The Notions to Make Better Arms/Armor are converted from Essence of the First Fire off Tolva (24 in total)
Waters of Rasu are purchased from the shop. (1,200,000,000 Gold in total)
Mirror-Water Ocean converted from a Mobile Ocean off Volatilis.
Life-Birthing Seaplates made from 144 Ocean Plates off Volatilis, and 12 more Orihalcum off Rosaline.
War Without Porpoise made via the Doctor's Secret Formula, with the ingredients costing 3,758,409,600 Gold.
All Gold off Volatilis.

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 10:00 pm
by Pathaky
Ave stumbles on stage. It's apparent from his ruddy face and vaguely unfocused eyes that he's been hitting the sauce for some time already. He's got a walkie-talkie that he's muttering in to.

"Had to sign shome paperwork to get the shpatial clearance for this... hope itsh worth it. Bring in the shtuff!"

Spatial windows ripple open across the stage, revealing different locations. Blue skies overlook gorgeous mountain ranges sparkling with magic. A hunk of ivory, carved from the thrones of the Titans themselves floats in a nebula of stars, radiating potency. Forty-two beautifully gilded bathtubs in a pristine mansion's parlor. Eight Hundred THOUSAND bottles of vodka, stacked in a massive pyramid.

It's like a scene out of the second third of an episode of a Super Sentai show. - The Titanthrone Ivory serves as the core, shaping itself into a smaller throne- a command center- a cockpit- a Head. A rumbling fills the entire venue as entire mountain ranges pour through the portals, compressing and spiraling around the throne-core as they form Limbs of Alabaster, Obsidian, and Stone. The stage has expanded, ceiling raising as the monumental whatever-it's-going-to-be rises. The entire room's sinuses are cleared as an endless stream of vodka begins filling titanic Golden Bathtubs, running in rivulets from the new vodka-springs at the tops of the mountain ranges making up the armor. The vodka-falls crash down onto the stage as the ocean of liquor continues to flow, baptizing and filling the new what-ever, crashing over the edge of the stage and into the audience.

It all gets a bit hazy after that.
3 Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Alabaster + 3 Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Obsidian + 3 Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Stone + 1 Titanthrone Ivory +42 Golden Bathtub of the Delusion of Drinking Massive Quantities of Supernaturally-Potent Vodka + 833,333 Vodka = ??? (Adept Grand Armor Mastery)

Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Alabaster- (Item, Material, Earth & Light, 30,000,000 Gold)
Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Obsidian- (Item, Material, Earth & Fire & Darkness, 30,000,000 Gold)
Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Stone- (Item, Material, Earth & Magic, 30,000,000 Gold)
Titanthrone Ivory- (Item, Material, Glory & Nobility & Faith & Time & Progress, 250,000,000 Gold)

Golden Bathtub of the Delusion of Drinking Massive Quantities of Supernaturally-Potent Vodka- (Accessory, Container, Psychic & Water, 6,000,000 Gold) Individuals inside Zones of Water created by wielder or who are afflicted with instances of Drowning with wielder as their source, at the start of each round, are dealt 600 Flat Psychic element Mind Damage that cannot reduce an individual's MIN below 1 and have a 110% chance of being afflicted with Poison: Drunk
Vodka- (Consumable, Drink, Ice, 1 Charge, 300 Gold) +5 CON, 30% Inflicts Poison: Drunk
Adept Grand Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Gigas Knight) Grand Armor armors equipped by possessor can provide an additional +10,000 Defense before capping, Grand Armor armors equipped by possessor that provide a Defense bonus provide an additional +500 Defense, The critical Damage multiplier of attacks targeting possessor that are not non-offensive decreases by 1 as an effect that does not stack with other critical-damage-multiplier-decreasing effects that come from abilities if possessor is wearing a Grand Armor
Drinkless, probably incoherent Combo:
3 Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Alabaster + 3 Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Obsidian + 3 Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Stone + 1 Titanthrone Ivory +42 Golden Bathtub of the Delusion of Drinking Massive Quantities of Supernaturally-Potent Vodka = ??? (Adept Grand Armor Mastery)

Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Alabaster- (Item, Material, Earth & Light, 30,000,000 Gold)
Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Obsidian- (Item, Material, Earth & Fire & Darkness, 30,000,000 Gold)
Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Stone- (Item, Material, Earth & Magic, 30,000,000 Gold)
Titanthrone Ivory- (Item, Material, Glory & Nobility & Faith & Time & Progress, 250,000,000 Gold)

Golden Bathtub of the Delusion of Drinking Massive Quantities of Supernaturally-Potent Vodka- (Accessory, Container, Psychic & Water, 6,000,000 Gold) Individuals inside Zones of Water created by wielder or who are afflicted with instances of Drowning with wielder as their source, at the start of each round, are dealt 600 Flat Psychic element Mind Damage that cannot reduce an individual's MIN below 1 and have a 110% chance of being afflicted with Poison: Drunk
Adept Grand Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Gigas Knight) Grand Armor armors equipped by possessor can provide an additional +10,000 Defense before capping, Grand Armor armors equipped by possessor that provide a Defense bonus provide an additional +500 Defense, The critical Damage multiplier of attacks targeting possessor that are not non-offensive decreases by 1 as an effect that does not stack with other critical-damage-multiplier-decreasing effects that come from abilities if possessor is wearing a Grand Armor

-Mountain Range's Worth of X are all from Vrishni.
-Titanthrone Ivory is from an Orihalcum kindly given to me by Cael, off of Rosaline, run through Volatilis' Progress-Abilities.
-The Golden Bathtub combo is entirely replicable. Doing so costs me 229,840,800 Gold (From Ave) and 84 Purity, taken from Nole. I have to use abilities from Heracles and Darston to make a pair of Purity derivatives, whose permission I have received).
-The 833,333 Vodka costs me 250,000,000 gold, also from Ave.

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 10:03 pm
by Aeromage
After the goblin-divinity has left the stage and kindly taken all the seawater with him, Cael drifts to the fore. The stage dims, lit only by the glow given off by a wide, lacquered dish of radiant, shining alcohol set before him.

"In my world, there is frequently cause to send out Spirit Tamers and their attendant Shrine Priests and Maidens to face supernatural evil in its many forms."

Empty robes, filled with air and puppeteered as if worn by invisible entities sweep in from the wings of the stage.

"From malign plagues to malevolent curses, from poisons of the body to those of the mind, and from the scourge of tyranny to the miasma of negative spiritual force that emerges from their massed, fallen victims. All of these and more the Houses and their servants shall face, for the sake of all those who cannot."

Foul-coloured, corrosive mists billow forth around the stage as the puppeteered robed array themselves in formation against them, doing battle with air-sculpted creatures of ever-flowing poison fog, kept safely contained within the stage's confines.

"For those dark times when more than one of these disasters strike, and all must be sent forth to face them, a grand ritual is created to greet their return. In order to cleanse their bodies, minds and souls of the corruption that may have clung to them. In order to purify the relics they have brought back from such tragic events, that they might be cleansed of taint and fell use and converted to instruments of pure and righteous purpose, thus altering their nature, or else sealing them away, averting the fates they may have caused in favour of fates of brighter hue."

The mists clear and the robes shift and whirl in procession, some stained with terrible plague-bearing fluids, others carrying jewels that shine with malice or echo with unearthly, keening cries.

"As such, I present to you an interpretation of The Purification of Twelve Evils."

Cael whirls on the spot, robes billowing as the wide dish of sacred spirits erupts into a shining pillar of liquid light as the empty robes begin to approach him.

First come robes bearing representations of Blood and Death and Ruin on their breast or in their 'hands'. Cael gestures, flicking shining droplets of blessed sake upon them, whereupon they are whisked upward into the forming singularity of the combo, the shining drops wheeling and glittering within like stars.

Next come robes bearing jewels glittering with Malevolence, their aura greater than the three before. The pillar of liquid light flows and whirls, anointing them with purifying power as they, too, are whisked into the singularity.

Next come robes bearing the hearts of undying, greedy evils, still beating in the shrine-maiden-representations' grasp. Cael quells their desperate desire for the lives of others to extend their own with sacred spirits, freeing them from their endless thirst and sending the converted power upwards into the glowing, whirling vortex above.

Next come robes bearing and draped in wondrous, shimmering silks of beauteous but deceptive design, their very look and touch poison to the mind. The sacred spirits soak them through, changing the patterns from insidious and maddening to something far less cruel as they ascend to join the rest.

The next robes in the procession bear more potent relics yet- keening, wailing soul-crystals from Castle Snowdeath whose cries could bring death and madness to those that hear them. Rivulets of shining sake flow over their forms, bringing peace to them as they join the mass above.

The poison mists return, choking and cloaking the next array of robes. A circular gesture sees them condensed and bound into a sphere that fills with the blessed liquor, foul purples and greens washed away into clouds of golden light that flow into the nexus above.

Diamonds that show horrific glimpses of evils distant yet felt, capable of reaching through the jewels to their surroundings are borne in next. Their malignant facets are dipped in purifying liquid, shifting the vistas and entities seen within to those of more benevolent ends as they rise.

Next come fragments of divine power brought to bear to crush mortals beneath its yoke. Through ritual and cleansing, Tyranny becomes Freedom and joins the combo's increasingly-radiant form.

Steeped in Plague and staggering forth, weighed down by the greatest of curses yet, the robes still come. Cael bathes them in the blessed light of the Twelve Purification Sake, before sending them up to join the rest.

Finally, a single robe approaches, an ever-unfolding Blasphemy in its hands, striving to enact ever-greater sins against the divine.
Cael spreads his arms. Dozens more vessels of Twelve Purification Sake appear, and all erupt simultaneously in a storm of purifying, blessing, sealing liquor and light, doing battle with the affront to all that is holy before them.
It's not enough.
More and more shining, sealing liquid whirls out and into the Matter, forming a radiant mandala-pattern of purification as it joins the void-nexus of materials above, yet still the potent blasphemy-material rages.

It threatens to overwhelm Cael, but he will not let it.

Like his Twelve (previously Seven) Ancient deities espouse, he is a Pillar Against The Madness. Uttering forth a prayer so their strength might be joined to his own in the service of purifying the blasphemous relics of malign forces that they may be either sealed or changed in form and purpose to the ends of Good, Cael stands tall.

From within the shining array of purifying light, Twelve great flares of divine power burst forth, lending their weight to the Twelve promised purifications of the drink, scouring all shadows from the stage and turning the whirling, dark vortex of stars into an incandescent, blinding whirl of beauteous, purifying light.

Before it all ends and the result coalesces, Cael takes a moment to appreciate the wordplay in using the Spirit's Layer Robe in a combo dealing with the layering of blessed spirits over things. Caelum told him he needed to work on his humour more.
240 Spirit's Layer Robe + 120 Twelve Purification Sake + 48 Blood Emblem + 48 Deathskull Pin + 48 Star of Ruin + 24 Malevolence Diamond + 12 Poison-Mind Moonsilk + 6 Keening Soul-Diamond + 6 Land-Choking Poison Mist + 6 Diamond of Distant Evils + 3 Godseed: Tyranny + 3 Mass Greater Plague + Adaptive Blasphemy Matter = ??? (Pillar Against The Madness)

Spirit's Layer Robe- (Armor, Robe, Light & Darkness, 6,500,000 Gold) +4,000 Defense, +4,000 to all stats, Wearer's Defense, if wearer is a Spirit, is applied twice in two seperate instances that are pierced seperately against damage from sources below Level 20 that is not from status effects, 20% Spirit Resistance
Twelve Purification Sake- (Consumable, Drink, Light & Water, 12 Charges, 12,000,000 Gold) 200% inflicts Poison: Drunk, 50% inflicts Awestruck: Sealed
Blood Emblem- (Accessory, Broach, Darkness & Blood, 15,500,000 Gold) +15,000 Melee Attack, +15,000 to all stats, 10% Blood Resistance, Wearer's per-item Melee Attack bonus cap becomes 2x the relevant stat
Deathskull Pin- (Accessory, Trinket, Darkness & War, 15,500,000 Gold) +15,000 Ranged Attack, +15,000 to all stats, 10% War Resistance, Wearer's per-item Ranged Attack bonus cap becomes 2x the relevant stat
Star of Ruin- (Accessory, Crystal, Darkness & Destruction, 15,500,000 Gold) +15,000 Magical Attack, +15,000 to all stats, 10% Destruction Resistance, Wearer’s per-item Magical Attack bonus cap becomes 2x the relevant stat
Malevolence Diamond- (Item, Material, Darkness, 36,000,000 Gold)
Poison-Mind Moonsilk - (Item, Material, Illusion & Moon & Toxin & Aether, 80,000,000 Gold)
Keening Soul-Diamond- (Item, Antiquity, Darkness & Air & Magic, 60,000,000 Gold)
Land-Choking Poison Mist- (Weapon, Deadly Item, Acid, 90,000,000 Gold) +90,000 Ranged Attack, 200% inflicts Poison, 5% inflicts Venom, Wielder's 'Ranged Attack' and 'Ranged Overdrive' actions have a 5% chance of inflicting Venom on wielder if wielder both is not Level 40 or greater and does not possess theability 'Adept Deadly Weapon Training', Wielder's 'Ranged Attack' actions may gain '1 hit against 50,000,000' if wielder is Level 40 or greater and possesess the ability 'Adept Deadly Weapon Training', Wielder must be Level 20 or greater
Diamond of Distant Evils- (Item, Material, Earth & Air & Fire & Water & Spatial & Darkness, 100,000,000 Gold)
Godseed: Tyranny- (Item, Material, Air & Darkness & Fire & Psychic, 180,000,000 Gold)
Mass Greater Plague- (Spell, Dark Magic, Darkness & Acid, 800,000 MP, 200,000,000 Gold) 30% inflicts Plague, 1 hit against 100, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Adaptive Blasphemy Matter- (Item, Material, Void & Darkness & Acid & Devastation & Progress, 500,000,000 Gold)

Pillar Against The Madness- (Passive Ability, Priest) If possessor is a devout worshipper of the Twelve Ancients pantheon, possessor cannot become the subtype Darkspawn, cannot equip Forbidden Magic spells, gains a 50% resistance to Darkspawn under <Possessor's Level + 20>, and gains a 50% resistance to Forbidden Magic spells cast by individuals under <Possessor's Level + 20>, has RP effects in certain circumstances
(I can't quite recall where Cael got that ability, but it's a direct reference to the Seven (Twelve) Ancients. Fitting for the beverage in question, too!)
Drinkless, Possibly Extremely Cursed Combo wrote:
240 Spirit's Layer Robe + 48 Blood Emblem + 48 Deathskull Pin + 48 Star of Ruin + 24 Malevolence Diamond + 12 Poison-Mind Moonsilk + 6 Keening Soul-Diamond + 6 Land-Choking Poison Mist + 6 Diamond of Distant Evils + 3 Godseed: Tyranny + 3 Mass Greater Plague + Adaptive Blasphemy Matter = ??? (Pillar Against The Madness)

Spirit's Layer Robe- (Armor, Robe, Light & Darkness, 6,500,000 Gold) +4,000 Defense, +4,000 to all stats, Wearer's Defense, if wearer is a Spirit, is applied twice in two seperate instances that are pierced seperately against damage from sources below Level 20 that is not from status effects, 20% Spirit Resistance
Blood Emblem- (Accessory, Broach, Darkness & Blood, 15,500,000 Gold) +15,000 Melee Attack, +15,000 to all stats, 10% Blood Resistance, Wearer's per-item Melee Attack bonus cap becomes 2x the relevant stat
Deathskull Pin- (Accessory, Trinket, Darkness & War, 15,500,000 Gold) +15,000 Ranged Attack, +15,000 to all stats, 10% War Resistance, Wearer's per-item Ranged Attack bonus cap becomes 2x the relevant stat
Star of Ruin- (Accessory, Crystal, Darkness & Destruction, 15,500,000 Gold) +15,000 Magical Attack, +15,000 to all stats, 10% Destruction Resistance, Wearer’s per-item Magical Attack bonus cap becomes 2x the relevant stat
Malevolence Diamond- (Item, Material, Darkness, 36,000,000 Gold)
Poison-Mind Moonsilk - (Item, Material, Illusion & Moon & Toxin & Aether, 80,000,000 Gold)
Keening Soul-Diamond- (Item, Antiquity, Darkness & Air & Magic, 60,000,000 Gold)
Land-Choking Poison Mist- (Weapon, Deadly Item, Acid, 90,000,000 Gold) +90,000 Ranged Attack, 200% inflicts Poison, 5% inflicts Venom, Wielder's 'Ranged Attack' and 'Ranged Overdrive' actions have a 5% chance of inflicting Venom on wielder if wielder both is not Level 40 or greater and does not possess theability 'Adept Deadly Weapon Training', Wielder's 'Ranged Attack' actions may gain '1 hit against 50,000,000' if wielder is Level 40 or greater and possesess the ability 'Adept Deadly Weapon Training', Wielder must be Level 20 or greater
Diamond of Distant Evils- (Item, Material, Earth & Air & Fire & Water & Spatial & Darkness, 100,000,000 Gold)
Godseed: Tyranny- (Item, Material, Air & Darkness & Fire & Psychic, 180,000,000 Gold)
Mass Greater Plague- (Spell, Dark Magic, Darkness & Acid, 800,000 MP, 200,000,000 Gold) 30% inflicts Plague, 1 hit against 100, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Adaptive Blasphemy Matter- (Item, Material, Void & Darkness & Acid & Devastation & Progress, 500,000,000 Gold)

Pillar Against The Madness- (Passive Ability, Priest) If possessor is a devout worshipper of the Twelve Ancients pantheon, possessor cannot become the subtype Darkspawn, cannot equip Forbidden Magic spells, gains a 50% resistance to Darkspawn under <Possessor's Level + 20>, and gains a 50% resistance to Forbidden Magic spells cast by individuals under <Possessor's Level + 20>, has RP effects in certain circumstances
Spirit's Layer Robe converted from Dragonslayer Armor on Tolva (240).
Twelve Purification Sake on Caelum. (120)
Blood Emblems converted from Stars of Ruin, and Stars of Ruin are on Volatilis. (96)
Deathskull Pins on Rosaline. (48)
Malevolence Diamond created from Sand Diamonds via Roy. Sand Diamonds are on Cael.
Diamonds of Distant Evils created from 6 Sand Diamonds and a Fiend Essence each. Fiend Essence is on Tolva. (Total including above: 60 Sand Diamond, 6 Fiend Essence)
Poison-Mind Moonsilk and Adaptive Blasphemy Matter made via Rosaline's Orihalcum. (13)
Keening Soul-Diamonds are on Cael. (6)
Land-Choking Poison Mist combo-chained from Grass-Cutter Swords via Ryuu. Swords are on Caelum.
Godseed: Tyranny converted from Godseed: Love on the Doctor (3).

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2023 10:59 pm
by Pathaky
A woman in a maid's uniform approaches the stage. She's made up of a flowing silvery metal that catches the light gold. She clears her throat quietly.

"The promise of a maid is that of Perfect Service," she says. "And as such, a maid must strive to be all things that are needed to her master. This is goal met only through self-perfection, for an imperfect maid *cannot* render perfect service."

The air around her begins to shimmer- ingredients appearing one, after another- most flowing metal, like the maid's skin, reflecting her in a myriad of maidly tasks.

"If self-perfection is impossible, a maid must strive to at least be the perfect maid for a given situation. In such cases, perfect adaptability can substitute for self-perfection."
Utopia Metal + 2 Self-Sculpting Force + 12 Pure Metaldrinker's Mercury + 160,000 Maid Outfit = ???(Basic Mystery Synchronization)

Self-Sculpting Force- (Weapon, Force, Earth & Life, 60,000,000 Gold) Wielder may spend an action to Transform into one lower-Level Human, Humanoid, Fae, Animal, Cthonian, Aerial, Aquatic, or Monster below Level 65 that is normally fightable for drops on the enemy list

Pure Metaldrinker's Mercury- (Consumable, Drink, Metal, 1 Charge, 12,000,000 Gold) Target, if a Construct, obtains +12,000 to all stats as a buff that stacks 5 times and has a 200% chance of being afflicted with Elevated and Poison: Drunk; Target, if not a Construct, has a 200% chance of being afflicted with Poison and a 200% chance, five times, of being afflicted with Stat Drain: MIN Drain

Utopia Metal- (Item, Material, Law & Light & Glory, 160,000,000 Gold)

Maid's Outfit- (Armor, Clothing, Air, 1,000 Gold) +5 Defense, +3 AGI
Drinkless Combo:
Utopia Metal + 2 Self-Sculpting Force + 160,000 Maid Outfit = ???(Basic Mystery Synchronization)

Self-Sculpting Force- (Weapon, Force, Earth & Life, 60,000,000 Gold) Wielder may spend an action to Transform into one lower-Level Human, Humanoid, Fae, Animal, Cthonian, Aerial, Aquatic, or Monster below Level 65 that is normally fightable for drops on the enemy list

Utopia Metal- (Item, Material, Law & Light & Glory, 160,000,000 Gold)

Maid's Outfit- (Armor, Clothing, Air, 1,000 Gold) +5 Defense, +3 AGI

-Self-Sculpting Forces from Crazy Roy.
-Metal-drinker's Mercury cost me 12 Twelve-Purification Sake (From Ave) and 142,800,000 Gold (From Ave)
-160,000 Maid Outfits run me 160,000,000 Gold (From Ave)

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 12:01 am
by Celas
Standing tall and proud, Jonathan Durandal, Knight of the Atom, bows to the audience. "It pains me to admit this, but I will offer you all no deception. I fear I am going against the spirit of this contest in order to seize the opportunity, for it is rare indeed that this system opens up to non-Arena Members, in pursuit of my greater aims, and I hope for the greater good of my Order. For this, I apologize and hope you will accept this humble combo in the spirit in which it is intended. So this toast of healing vodka is for you, dear judges, and your forebearance!"

Sparks (possibly Atomic, you'll be fine) fly as Jon quickly fuses the circuits and systems to the shining armor.

Hambelstern Prototype Cannon Drone Parts + Crusader General’s Armor + Shot of Healing Vodka (2) = ??? (Apprentice Power Armor Training)

Hambelstern Prototype Cannon Drone Parts- (Item, Material, Technology, 2,575,900 Gold)
Crusader General’s Armor- (Amor, Heavy Armor, Light & Physical, 3,200,000 Gold) +3,500 Defense, +2,500 STR, +1,900 AGI, +3,200 CON, +3,100 SPI, 35% Resilience, 20% Light Resistance, 20% Darkness Resistance, 20% Physical Resistance, 50% Awestruck Resistance, 20% Voidstruck Resistance, 60% Poison Resistance, 60% Diseased Resistance, 60% Hexed Resistance
Shot of Healing Vodka (2)- (Consumable, Drink, Light, 1 Charge, 900 Gold) Heals 1,000 HP, 19% inflicts Poison: Drunk

Apprentice Power Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Power Trooper) Possessor gains +100 Defense if possessor has a Power Armor equipped
Hambelstern Prototype Cannon Drone Parts + Crusader General’s Armor + = ??? (Apprentice Power Armor Training)

Hambelstern Prototype Cannon Drone Parts- (Item, Material, Technology, 2,575,900 Gold)
Crusader General’s Armor- (Amor, Heavy Armor, Light & Physical, 3,200,000 Gold) +3,500 Defense, +2,500 STR, +1,900 AGI, +3,200 CON, +3,100 SPI, 35% Resilience, 20% Light Resistance, 20% Darkness Resistance, 20% Physical Resistance, 50% Awestruck Resistance, 20% Voidstruck Resistance, 60% Poison Resistance, 60% Diseased Resistance, 60% Hexed Resistance
Apprentice Power Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Power Trooper) Possessor gains +100 Defense if possessor has a Power Armor equipped
Drone Parts and Crusader General's Armor is on Celas's sheet

Re: Combo Contest: The Drunk Baboon Combat-Fashion Show

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2023 2:26 am
by Celas
Elyion shimmers out of [nothing] onto the stage, and casts a curtain of darkness over the proceedings, which she stands in the middle of, her glowing patterns rippling iridescent light with anticipation.

"Recent universal overhauls have resulted in a brand new Armor class, which I have become something of a harbinger of. So a with a little luck and without further ado, marking what I hope will be an occasion for the greatest jubilation, I present to you all:
The First Wedding Dress."

She raises a hand, and like dawn breaking over the stage, the flames of passion erupt through her conjured darkness, weaving together through the ages to form a symbol of joyous union!
Drink Version wrote:Dress of the First Fire + Essence of the First Dawn + Primordial Code + Sound of Cosmic Joy + Godseed: Love + Wedding Bell = ??? (Finds Herself Near Lots of Wedding Dresses)

Dress of the First Fire- (Armor, Clothing, Fire, 80,000,000 Gold) +80,000 Defense, +80,000 Ranged Attack, +80,000 Magical Attack, +80,000 CON, +80,000 MIN, +80,000 SPI, +400,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +800,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, 40% Fire Resistance, 30% Ice Resistance, Wearer's actions may become solely Fire element, Wearer may deal 80,000 Flat Fire element Damage to all opponents at the start of each round, Wearer may deal 800,000 Flat Fire element Damage to each individual who targets wielder with an action at the end of each such action, This item possesses the subtype Robe in addition to its other subtypes, If an source below Level 60 would deal wearer Fire element Damage, said Damage (including Stat Damage or Defense Damage) is converted into healing, Wearer ignores the the Fire Immunity, Resistance, Reflection, and Absorption of individuals below Level 60, 'Overdrive' actions that are solely Fire element cost wearer '5% Max MP' instead of '25% Max MP', Wearer must be Level 40 or greater

%Essence of the First Dawn- (Weapon, Force, Light, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Melee Attack, +60,000 Ranged Attack, +60,000 Magical Attack, Wielder's actions may become solely Light element, 40% Light Resistance, If an source below Level 60 would deal possessor Light element Damage, said Damage (including Stat Damage or Defense Damage) is converted into healing, Wielder ignores the the Light Immunity, Resistance, Reflection, and Absorption of individuals below Level 60, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater

Primordial Code- (Item, Material, Technology & Life & Time, 170,000,000 Gold

Sound of Cosmic Joy- (Item, Material, Astral & Hope & Sonic, 210,000,000 Gold)

Godseed: Love- (Item, Material, Fire & Light, 180,000,000 Gold)

Wedding Bell- (Consumable, Drink, Light, 1 Charge, 40,000 Gold) Target obtains +400 to all stats as a non-stacking buff if any of target's allies had their stats linked this round, Cures Confusion, 30% inflicts Poison: Drunk

Finds Herself Near Lots of Wedding Dresses- (Passive Ability, Other: Bride) Whenever possessor would obtain a Wedding Dress as a drop from an entity on the Enemy List, possessor instead obtains two of that item
drinkless wrote:Dress of the First Fire + Essence of the First Dawn + Primordial Code + Sound of Cosmic Joy + Godseed: Love = ??? (Finds Herself Near Lots of Wedding Dresses)

Dress of the First Fire- (Armor, Clothing, Fire, 80,000,000 Gold) +80,000 Defense, +80,000 Ranged Attack, +80,000 Magical Attack, +80,000 CON, +80,000 MIN, +80,000 SPI, +400,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +800,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, 40% Fire Resistance, 30% Ice Resistance, Wearer's actions may become solely Fire element, Wearer may deal 80,000 Flat Fire element Damage to all opponents at the start of each round, Wearer may deal 800,000 Flat Fire element Damage to each individual who targets wielder with an action at the end of each such action, This item possesses the subtype Robe in addition to its other subtypes, If an source below Level 60 would deal wearer Fire element Damage, said Damage (including Stat Damage or Defense Damage) is converted into healing, Wearer ignores the the Fire Immunity, Resistance, Reflection, and Absorption of individuals below Level 60, 'Overdrive' actions that are solely Fire element cost wearer '5% Max MP' instead of '25% Max MP', Wearer must be Level 40 or greater

%Essence of the First Dawn- (Weapon, Force, Light, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Melee Attack, +60,000 Ranged Attack, +60,000 Magical Attack, Wielder's actions may become solely Light element, 40% Light Resistance, If an source below Level 60 would deal possessor Light element Damage, said Damage (including Stat Damage or Defense Damage) is converted into healing, Wielder ignores the the Light Immunity, Resistance, Reflection, and Absorption of individuals below Level 60, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater

Primordial Code- (Item, Material, Technology & Life & Time, 170,000,000 Gold

Sound of Cosmic Joy- (Item, Material, Astral & Hope & Sonic, 210,000,000 Gold)

Godseed: Love- (Item, Material, Fire & Light, 180,000,000 Gold)

Finds Herself Near Lots of Wedding Dresses- (Passive Ability, Other: Bride) Whenever possessor would obtain a Wedding Dress as a drop from an entity on the Enemy List, possessor instead obtains two of that item