You All Have A Phone Call
Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 1:16 am
This event originally ran from Dec 22, 2017 to Oct 13, 2018.
Aeromage wrote: Well, it's obviously for you. Why else would you have the receiver to your ear?
At the other end, a rambling, tired-sounding male voice speaks.
"Yes, this is Mr. Progression...
...thanks for calling.
This is everyone, isn't it? I don't usually do conference calls, but I thought it would be faster than calling everyone individually...'s the holiday season, after all, and that means I'm pretty busy.
Really, very busy.
There's always last-minute presents to buy, and then you have to deal with all the wrapping, and writing cards, and making sure you've got enough food in for the period because the shops all have weird hours...
...and then there's the last-minute panic when you find out that everyone else also brought that one family member autographed golf shoes, so you have to go and change it...
...or when you find that an entire branch of the family has decided they want to come over at the last second, so you have to get more turkey to feed everyone...
It's a hassle, isn't it?
...what, me?
I killed two birds with one stone this year.
Everyone's getting giftwrapped food.
...then they can just put it in the oven when they want to eat, and be done with it.
I mean, people might raise eyebrows at why all their presents are refrigerated...
...I'll just tell them the ice is there for festive reasons.
That way the surprise is preserved, you know?
As well as the food.
...that way, people don't have to worry about getting the same thing, too.
I mean, the person who gets the sprouts might be a bit put out...
...but there's always that one present that turns out to be socks, isn't there?
Nobody likes socks.
This way the disappointment is short-lived, because you eat them.
...the sprouts, not the socks.
...if you're eating socks, something is probably wrong.
...what's that? You're wondering what this call's about?
You couldn't tell? It's about presents, you know, presents!
Everyone loves presents.
Especially Battle Arena Members.
...and those other knockoffs, I guess, too.
It's why the Warehouse is a thing, you know?
...well, anyway.
It looks like Walrusfest probably won't be a thing this year.
...I mean, the big guy is pretty busy with all the universe-shaking ramifications rattling around in the central hub of the setting, you know?
And even that one guy making presents for all of you is likely going to have to wait until after that's been dealt with. I thought I'd give it a go myself.
But, you know, it's better to give than to receive.
...that's what they say, anyway.
So, I'm taking matters into my own hands and doing something to take the pressure off him a bit.
Given you guys like the Warehouse so much, I'm setting up the limited-time Mr. Progression Call-In Whateverhouse.
You pick a category, pick someone who lives on certain worlds, and they get a gift of gear or abilities or some other thing, depending on how their luck goes.
Oh, and the same world-resident can be chosen more than once across all picks.
More gifts is always better, isn't it?
...what are the certain worlds?
...well, they're the ones that are kind of on the fringes of the universe that you guys can give up battle slots to visit instead of quest slots.
Hey, I'm trying not to get too meta, here, but I don't want to make things too vague, either.
A certain person's been asking around and made some arrangements with other certain people, and this and that has happened... currently, you can pick anyone who lives in Seirei, Sesamsara, Sanctum Victoria, Noix, or Kirshisara.
But you know, you guys haven't met as many people there as you have in the rest of the universe... I'm limiting your choices to three nominations per group of you.
...what do I mean by 'group of you'?
I mean those bunches of you who work closely together., really closely.
Sharing-your-inventory-and-resources-without-needing-to-ask closely.
...and those groups of you who can't visit a world for certain metadimensional reasons involving the force behind you can't nominate anyone from that world, because it'd be kind of pointless.
...don't make me lean on that fourth wall any harder. It's only just been repainted, you know?
...but there's an exception.
The big guy himself gets to make twelve nominations.
...I mean, it's his show at the end of the day, so it's only natural he gets to do more.
...well, anyway.
The categories come with seasonally-mandated names, but I'll stick a clarification on them so it doesn't get too confusing...
...oh, and I'll keep this open until the end of New Year's Day.
That way it gets done quicker and people get to celebrate as well.
..., what'll it be?"
Mr. Progression's Call-In Whateverhouse Categories
Three picks per player! (Unless you're Gadigan, in which case it's twelve)
Pick an NPC from a Mod-Run World!
The same NPC can be picked more than once!
Watch the results! Maybe! It depends on who's running the thing and what they get, really.
Closes at midnight on New Year's Day! (Let's say... PST)
♦◊♦I Saw Mommy Killing Santa Claus 'Weapons and all that jazz. Maybe they'll get a nice sword. Maybe they'll learn to sword better. Maybe they'll become the yo-yo champion of the world. Who knows?'
♦◊♦Now We Don Our Romantic-Preference-Irrelevant Apparel 'Armour and how to use it. Not necessarily both, mind. Give your favourite guy the gift of awesome armour. Or maybe give the tough warrior a dress. Luck of the draw, you know?'
♦◊♦Probably More Than Just Five Gold Rings 'Don't think they've got enough bling? Accessorise your guys with this. Maybe they'll get a fancy hat. Or maybe the swordsman will get bullets. Or sewing lessons. Either or.'
♦◊♦Hark, The Plastered Angels Sing 'All things Consumable. Endless steins of beer, powerful potions for a buff in a pinch, or maybe just drugs that'll send them on a bender for weeks.'
♦◊♦Last(ing) Gift-mass 'Consumables of a more Permanent sort. Will they gain secret knowledge or re-usable Vessels of Power, or maybe just the ever-popular Phantom Shell Grain? I hear that one's always in demand.'
♦◊♦The First Snow-Spell 'Spells and magic. Maybe they'll take a step into a new frontier of sorcerous knowledge unknown to the world. Or gain a massively powerful attack. Or just get a spell they can't use. Tough break.'
♦◊♦Wrapping Around The Christmas Tree 'Items in general. A fancy new house, or a nice statue of themselves, or maybe just a box of wood shavings and junk. Or not.'
♦◊♦Rudolf The Red-Nosed Racecar 'Transformations and maybe how to use them. Maybe they'll become the world's best sailor. Or gain a car they don't know how to drive. Or maybe gain the ability to turn into a fruitbat. I'm sure that one has plenty of uses.'
♦◊♦Gods Rest Ye, Elementalmen 'Add some Elements to the mix. Fancy elemental gear, shifting their element, granting them power over an element, or maybe just setting them on fire every time they sneeze.'
♦◊♦Shepherds Are Us 'Entities and their subtypes. Maybe it'll be a nice new pet. Maybe they'll learn to call up or handle rare and exotic creatures. Maybe they'll get turned into a different subtype and get shunned by society, wondering where it all went wrong. I hear that's some people's 'thing', anyway.'
♦◊♦I Saw A Glitch Come Sailing In (Double-Pick) '...this one's going to be restricted to Seirei unless some other guys chime in. I'll poke that Anomalous Territory that got created and shove whatever it spits out on them. Mind you, when you glitch reality, you're more likely to get something broken and useless, which is why I'm giving a two-for-one deal, here. Maybe they'll get a weapon that breaks the rules of reality and obliterates their foes. More likely they'll just gain an extra point of strength when subtypes that don't exist perform attack actions on themselves while in a Zone of Food.'
kitsune106 wrote: Remalius nomianates Finn for:
♦◊♦Last(ing) Gift-mass 'Consumables of a more Permanent sort. Will they gain secret knowledge or re-usable Vessels of Power, or maybe just the ever-popular Phantom Shell Grain? I hear that one's always in demand.'
Ella for:
The First Snow-Spell 'Spells and magic. Maybe they'll take a step into a new frontier of sorcerous knowledge unknown to the world. Or gain a massively powerful attack. Or just get a spell they can't use. Tough break.'
Celiria nomates:
♦◊♦I Saw Mommy Killing Santa Claus 'Weapons and all that jazz. Maybe they'll get a nice sword. Maybe they'll learn to sword better. Maybe they'll become the yo-yo champion of the world. Who knows?'
The Nottest of Daves wrote: The Fishing Stracciatellas Present:
"Let's spin the WHEEL of FORTUNA and see who gets some WONDERFUL PRIZINGS?!" shouts Dulcinea, wearing a Wedding Dress Made of Photos of Vashna that she borrowed from Cael.
"FIRST AND NOT LEAST, it's MISTER PROGRESSIONIZATIONER! He wins the prize of ♦◊♦I Saw A Glitch Come Sailing In (Double-Pick)!!!" The Applause of Millions echoes out from Dr. MIRACLES pockets out in the audience.
"NUMERO UNO MAS UNO, it's everyone's favorite Ace Cartographer, Chandar Hepti! She gets a ♦◊♦Wrapping Around The Christmas Tree courtesy of TreesNStuffRUs!"
"LAST BUT NOT LEAST, it's the bodaciously fecund plant-moon of Seirei, VERNAT! It gets to have a ♦◊♦Last(ing) Gift-mass this year! Hook up a sister if you get something nice, yeah?"
Shadowman wrote: Sometimes, one has to persist in the face of stupidity.
Sometimes, drinks can help one deal with such lack of sense in others, common or not.
Thus, Patchy shall give Mr. Progression one gift from ♦◊♦Hark, The Plastered Angels Sing in hopes that what he receives will bring comfort to his soul.
Up next...what's that? Two haughty cretins on Indrasena want to hire people to help them murder the other? Perfect!
Tarabai Gurnani and Kanak Mukhtar each get a gift from ♦◊♦I Saw Mommy Killing Santa Claus to help them in their goal. Collateral damage is just a bonus.
Lord Gadigan wrote: I'm going to go ahead and get my picks out there. I may provide reasoning later if requested, but I want to get a list out so I don't have to worry about deadlines and think this is a good spread across the worlds. Talitha may switch out for Tenkanichi Straddleman depending on some answers I get from Path pre-processing.
Chandar Hepti-Good
From: Indrasena
Is being given: ♦◊♦The First Snow-Spell
Talitha of the Unbroken Circle
From: Indrasena
Is being given: ♦◊♦Last(ing) Gift-mass
From: Kirshisara
Is being given: ♦◊♦Probably More Than Just Five Gold Rings
From: Kirshisara
Is being given: ♦◊♦Now We Don Our Romantic-Preference-Irrelevant Apparel
From: Noix
Is being given: ♦◊♦Wrapping Around The Christmas Tree
From: Noix
Is being given: ♦◊♦I Saw Mommy Killing Santa Claus
From: Noix
Is being given: ♦◊♦Gods Rest Ye, Elementalmen
The Giornale di Riti Newsboys
From: Sanctum Victoria
Are being given: ♦◊♦Gods Rest Ye, Elementalmen
Aunt Nardell
From: Seirei
Is being given: ♦◊♦Hark, The Plastered Angels Sing
From: Seirei
Is being given: ♦◊♦Shepherds Are Us
Jill Rufrin, of the Chaffinches
From: Seirei
Is being given: ♦◊♦Rudolf The Red-Nosed Racecar
The Bluff Fishmonger
From: Seirei
Is being given: ♦◊♦I Saw A Glitch Come Sailing In (Double-Pick)
Draconics wrote: Silent One gets to play with these, as by far the small shapeshifter is the most traveled of my lot!
From Anduria, it doesn't know enough of the Boy and his Cat past that. It does recall however the maid leading the children to school from the village! She was nice and the shapeshifter will grant her [The First Snow-Spell] to maybe help her on her daily tasks!
The Ink lady in Seirei was an option of the two individuals it remembers keely, but maybe the little guy could lend a hand to those past? He'll see if he can gift the lady the statue he has is based on! Lucasta, Shrine Maiden of Rosebay Fields, is gifted [I Saw A Glitch Come Sailing In (Double-Pick)]! Maybe she can find something useful there, if she's even about, who knows?
It recounts it's trip in Noix and that the only living survivor on it's solo journey it recalls was the lone Blade-Haze Spider. It had that spider's eye and never really fought it, so maybe it was a pretty cool guy? Who knows. It is granted [Gods Rest Ye, Elementalmen]!
Geddoe42 wrote: Steve Erwin
♦◊♦Shepherds Are Us 'Entities and their subtypes. Maybe it'll be a nice new pet. Maybe they'll learn to call up or handle rare and exotic creatures. Maybe they'll get turned into a different subtype and get shunned by society, wondering where it all went wrong. I hear that's some people's 'thing', anyway.'
From: Geddoe
If Exodia from Noix is still around
♦◊♦Now We Don Our Romantic-Preference-Irrelevant Apparel 'Armour and how to use it. Not necessarily both, mind. Give your favourite guy the gift of awesome armour. Or maybe give the tough warrior a dress. Luck of the draw, you know?'
From: Kazivon
I don't know if Aesir will use his
Aeromage wrote: Tolva decides to send a gift to the only guy he liked from his trip to Indrasena, that being the wolfman fighter, Askin Ozken. Remembering how much Askin liked the World Arts, Tolva throws him a gift through I Saw Mommy Killing Santa Claus, hoping to net the furry fighter a fancy weapon-related ability like the World Arts are! Or maybe just a fancy weapon.
The Doctor remembers that unusual fellow he freed from those caverns. Abhivenesh! The strange shapeshifting entity of EXCELLENCE and REVENGE! Well, maybe he'd like some more entity-powers to add to his roster? He gets chosen for Shepherds Are Us.
Finally, Rosaline decides that the artificer chap she had that rather interesting conversation with deserves something! She nominates Georgius Constantinides Barham to receive a pull from Last(ing) Gift-mass. Maybe he'll get an unusual Blueprint, or something to grant a useful ability!
Celas wrote: For Lieutenant Albis, guard in Seirei's Marefore, something from Last(ing) Gift-mass. May it ease her headaches in a more lasting fashion than consumables would.
For Janma, the Greeter of Indrasena, Shepherds Are Us. Mayhaps it will sweeten his disposition somewhat.
For Vernat, Moon of Seirei, Gods Rest Ye, Elementalmen. Because sometimes I'm kind of a bastard. Ho. Ho. Ho.
Pathaky wrote: For Recqui, that inimitable boxcarrier, ♦◊♦The First Snow-Spell in the hopes that he is able to gain the tools he needs to find his peace.
For Blood, of Kirshisara's Bind, ♦◊♦Probably More Than Just Five Gold Rings, to make up for that fiasco with Einarr.
For Malasor, of the ohs and hos and hos, ♦◊♦I Saw A Glitch Come Sailing In (Double-Pick). Couldn't happen to a nicer dude, and he's uniquely well suited for making use of any strange weirdnesses.
Aeromage wrote: Recipients have been decided. Deadlines have passed. You have another phone call.
"Yes, this is Mr. Progression...
...thanks for calling back.
It looks like a lot of you got in on the fun...
...well, maybe not all of you...
...I'm sure they had their reasons.
It's tragic, but I'm sure there were reasons.
At least we had some gifts being given.
...I didn't know how this was going to go, you know?
I thought that maybe it wouldn't be popular.
Or that maybe it would be too popular...
I guess things ended up as kind of popular.
...well, anyway.
I'll be dealing with the gifts for people from Seirei, first.
There's a bit of overhead when it comes to inter-world mail...
...and then there's this reason and that reason...
...thanks for understanding.
...let's get to it.
First up is Finn Fein, courtesy of Mr. Genie who ruined his life. do know he hates you now, right? You've got the ability and everything for it...
...well, I didn't think he'd take the gift if I offered it normally, so I thought "What would Mr. Genie do?"
So I called him back and told him "You've got a gift from Remalius," and used it on him.
I think he was going to say something, but I used it on him anyway.
Oh, he got a Unique Stat Upgrade called *The Moon-Soul Stone.
...he's got himself a hefty boost to his stats and gets additional bonuses depending on what moon's in the sky.
Plus his body changes a bit depending on the same.
He kind of matches his pet overgrown eel, now...
...oh, and he might have got the attention of the Moons themselves.
...I'm sure he's thrilled.
Next up is Ella Ambriel, the shrine maiden from Pella.
She gained a pretty powerful Wizard ability from a different timeline...
Oshtandric-Variant Circle-Crafting Proficiency.
....what?'s better than it sounds. Now she can create nested series of Circles that are hard to remove...
...well, she'll need to learn spells that give her Circle Effects to get the most out of it.
Or maybe she'll start learning to make Circle Effects for Spirit Magic...
...I'm sure if she puts some time and effort in, she'll go places.
Assuming she has the time.
After that, Mr. Genie picked Colm Verne of the Corpse Corps to get something from the weapon-pile.
Because nothing says responsibility like handing the immature, hyperactive teenager something dangerous.
He got an Elder-Thrashing Whip.
...which gives him bonuses against Elder Magic and old people.
It's not a great weapon, but it's okay for his level.
Really, just okay.
....I'm sure his handler is going to be thrilled when he starts smacking himself in the face while waving it around.
... up, is...
...well. That's kind of a surprise.
I didn't expect people to end up picking me.
"But Mr. Progression, didn't you run this just so you could get free stuff from other people whilst pretending to be generous?"
...that's what cynical people might say.
But I'm not that kind of guy.
Really, not that kind of guy.
...also I'd get written up if that's the angle I was going for, so let's just leave my shining and generous spirit unquestioned, okay?
Really, I thought people would be handing the less-powerful a few boosts here and there.
...well, anyway.
Let's see what Ms. Dessert and Miss Schizophrenia ended up getting me.
...I suppose this will also be a good way to show you what that Anomalous Territory spits out.
Level and rolls don't always matter as much as how lucky you get in other ways...
...what? No, ignore that.
It's meta, so just ignore that.
I got a fancy unique weapon. which I mean it's called *Fancy.
It looks like it can be leveled, which is nice.
...what does it do?
...give me a moment.
...looks like it gives my allies a bit of a dodge boost, gives me a really low Ranged boost and 50 million in cash every time I hit something if I'm over Level 99, which I am, lets me set people's defense to 2,204,331,400 every round (but not at the start of the round) if they're a unique that doesn't count as having a Soul equipped through Abilities or the effects Fourth Avatar of Knowledgement or Dancino's Winter are present, hits things most of the time as an effect that ignores To Hit or Dodge, gives people it hits a -100% chance of landing four hits if they normally have a four-hit attack... kind of goes on like that for a while.
That place can spit out stuff with powerful effects or prerequisites that you can't normally meet, like I said.
Or both.
...oh, looks like I got another pull from there.
...and this one's on the other end of the spectrum.
This one's a cursed weapon called Skilled 'Blocking' that any of Marbles.
It'd count as a casting of Call Unto Creator Essence, give me 130% To Hit, 5% Dodge, and have a 10% chance of inflicting 'Horror' on me and everyone else.
Also it'd stop me equipping Level 60 Drones and make any Drones I had equipped do average damage and be able to turn buffs' text into granting +19,500 to all stats and 29% Dodge.
Also it has something to do with restricting me in a weird way if I'm not Corruption element.
...I'm just going to lock that away somewhere and forget about it.
Probably along with all those socks.
...both of those are Undeclared Variables, by the way.
...well, that's the working name for them.
Boss says that might change, later...
Let's see what Miss Schizophrenia got me.
...well, it looks like an Infinite Dancing Primal Chaos Shard.
Not quite a unique, but it's up there.
And keyed off my level, too, which is nice.
It's a Chaotic Fragment.
A pretty powerful one, too, and with unlimited charges.
...I mean, at my level, 'pretty powerful' for me would be 'dimension-breaking' for you, at the least, you know?
So thanks for that.
...this is getting pretty long, so I'll break it up a little.
Don't worry, you won't have to wait long.
...well, some people might have to wait a while, but it depends on when they're around...
...don't worry about it too much."
Aeromage wrote: Looks like you're being called back. You'd best answer that.
"Yes, this is Mr. Progression...
...thanks for holding.
I know you've all been waiting for this eagerly...
...whether that's due to enjoying seeing people opening the gifts you gave them, or planning to stab them a bit until they give you said gifts is up for debate.
Hey, don't look at me.
It's the whole place's motto, you know?
...well, anyway.
Looks like it's another surprise, gift-receiving wise next.
...I mean, have you ever tried to give a moon a gift?
There's all kinds of logistical issues involved there...
...never mind having to try and make it focus on you enough to actually take the gift.
And celestial bodies aren't exactly known for having opposable thumbs...
...fortunately, I'm pretty good at my job.
Even if 'gift delivery service' isn't usually my job.
...well, let's see what Ms. Moneybags' attempt to destabilise the lunar balance of the world is going to bring about by giving Vernat something from the Element pile.
It will and won't destabilise things, it seems.
I mean, you can't go infusing one of the governing lunar bodies of a planet with huge sway over a metaphysical and ever-expanding dimensional plane of spiritual force with a Tier 3 Element without there being some kind of fallout, you know?
On the other hand, the element it got plugged into it was Good.
...I guess it'll be taking some time to rethink its approach to things, there.
Future Seed Rains will probably be less of a danger, too.
Ms. Dessert got involved by giving it an Empowered Item, too.
...a pretty potent one for its level, at that.
Thanks to the Supreme Text of the Peerless Archfarmer-God, it gained huge inroads into Logistical Archfarmer, appropriately. also means that the moon isn't just growing plants and fruits anymore.
You know that saying, 'money doesn't grow on trees'?
...well, it no longer applies.
It can grow all kinds of Consumables now.
"Tickets don't grow on trees!"
Well, that's what I hear the more desperately hopeful of you saying.
...well, your wishful thinking has paid off.
You just need to find the right plants, first.
That are probably on the Green Moon itself.
...good luck with that.
Next is Aunt Nardell, who is most definitely a regular baker with a funny accent.
She ended up with a Lethal Item called an Artifact-Disabling Pulsestone. disables all Artifacts and Uniques around her for a pretty long time.
I'm sure a normal baker would have no use for it, so she's just going to keep hold of it for now...
Because she's just a totally normal baker.
Next is... guys have a thing for giving gifts to orbiting hypermassive satellites, don't you?
...although I guess it's debatable if you could call them 'orbiting', given the world's inside a pocket in the Spirit World and not regular space...'s kind of weird, you know?
...well, anyway.
The moon of Cintho is getting a pull from the Entities category.
...I'll just tweak that, as that isn't an option there, and...
It looks like the water-moon is now going to spawn Holy Ones.
Maybe it took the 'washing sins away' metaphor too literally?
...I'm sure the other two are going to feel pretty left out.
Next we've got one of those flying delivery girls from Clavia, Jill Rufrin.
Let's see what she gets Transformation-wise, shall we? looks like she's getting something from a different timeline.
She gets herself a Virtual Avatar based off the super-popular game character Miss Megabird.
...pity it's based off the terrible retro version.
...and thanks to the main version of Seirei having no electronic entertainment to speak of, she'll have very little idea how to work it or do anything with it.
Even if it wasn't a few inches tall.
Well, that's just how these things go, sometimes...
I see you've outdone yourselves with the next pick.
The Bluff Fishmonger, a guy who is probably fictional, maybe historical, and doesn't exist no matter which way you look at it.
You thought I was just going to ignore that pull, then?
...someone not existing isn't going to stop me.
I'm tenacious, like spam-leaflet-droppers or survey companies that steal your name and plaster it on fake comments you supposedly made.
...besides, the Anomalous Territory is near the Fading Province, which makes things easy.
Let's see what Glitches get involved here.
...looks like he got a bit of a bundle, there.
He's picked up the ability Dual Mana Leeching, which definitely doesn't do what it sounds like it should do and instead summons a Lady when it's used and lets him attack an entire battlespace if he has an Instrument equipped, while also letting him use Gigawatt Slash as part of the attack and letting him treat it as a Musician ability. This also gives him a 20% chance of getting a new Hammer, amps his critical against everything he's attacking by 25% if it's part of a ranged attack, makes it purely Air element, and lets him choose to gain a debuff that lets him attack entire rows if the ability gives him +25% Critical, which it does, making him purely Ice element and giving him +5% To Hit against targets that are Stones and Horrors.
Also it counts as a Slayer ability, for some reason.
...that's the kind of thing you need to expect if you go messing around in that Anomalous Territory.
He also gets a Consumable called Drink That can of BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB
Pretty tricky to say if you aren't an Abstract, really.
It has two charges, summons 100 Celestials that are made Fire & Water element, Inflicts Impaired: Silence and has a 5% chance of inflicting 'Consumable' on everyone, and gives everyone under Level 400 an extra 9,000 Gold to play with.
...also, he exists, now. A pretty good deal, if you ask me.
...well, I'll be taking another short break.
Don't go anywhere.
...unless you want to go somewhere, in which case go there, I guess.
I'm not stopping you."
Aeromage wrote: It's the phone again.
"Yes, this is Mr. Progression...
...thanks for waiting.
Pulling all these gifts out of places is thirsty work, you know?
You've got to stay hydrated.
...although that's a trickier prospect now that the main source of hydration in Seirei is going to be budding off Holy Ones now.
Good thing it's not the right season for it.
...well, anyway.
Looks like it's going to be another awkward one, next.
Mr. Changing has decided to give Lucasta a couple of Glitches.
...that took a bit of clearing up, as the dragon currently using that name wasn't the person he intended to receive the gifts.
So I get to do a bit of soul-tracing to see where she ended up after reincarnating a few times.
...looks like she lucked out, in a manner of speaking.
Nowadays, she's Sanae Relicta, a young member of the House of Honoured Antiquity.
...well, I guess some people call it The Junkhouse for various reasons...
She's got a lot of talent, though, so I'm sure she'll do well. let's just mess that up by adding glitches, shall we?
She gets the ability Progenitor Obtains Gilded by Water which counts as an 'Archivist' ability, and gives her +50 to all stats and adds the element Crystal(2) to all her Chronomancy summons, which also gives them 10,000 separate Defense values and +2,000 to each of those.
...I'm pretty sure she doesn't even know what Chronomancy is.
She also gets Insanely Crafted Dwarvest's Reinforced, 50% chance raised by source below Level 10 Death Mail.
Which is both a Clothing and Light Armour as well as being an Undeclared Variable.
It lets her trade up to 5,000 STR to other people, gives her +510,300 CON, 51% Resistance against Celestials under Level 100, and limits her to being able to summon only as many Coded Beings as her Level value that have to be below Level 50 if she's below Level 40.
It also grants her 30% Psychic Resistance and 50% Awestruck Resistance, makes all of her Water-element Robes gain the element Light and provide +8,000 to all stats, and lets her Thief Arts spells that inflict Augmented Yellow count as coming from a Level 80 source. that's a thing.
Lieutenant Albis is the next up in the giftgiving spree.
...well, I guess she's Captain Albis now.
I'm sure whatever she gets is going to make her position on Arena Members even better.
...looks like she's getting a pretty nice Grimoire.
'Blessed or Invested? Miraculously Good Returns Made Easy' is going to be giving her a pretty hefty income on a regular basis.
Pretty good by lower-tier Arena Member's standards, even...
...although even the lowest-level Arenagoer could easily do better if they've got friends of the right level willing to drag their body along in a fight.
Good thing she's not the quitting type, or else Marefore could be in trouble...
Really, without her at the helm, they'd have a lot more trouble.'s likely to help her out, at any rate. If anyone deserves a night of fancy cocktails whenever they want, it's her, you know?
Next we've got that weird coffin-carrying guy that Mr. Runaway Saviour likes so much, Recqui.
Let's see what kind of Spell-related goods he's getting.
Looks like he's getting an introduction to Elder Magic.
It'd probably help more if people knew what it could do...'s not the most developed class from you guys' perspective, you know?
...anyway, he's gotten himself Basic Elder Magic Attunement.
Maybe he'll be able to figure out ways to progress with it?
He'll probably need some help, though...
...well, anyway.
Next is that guy Malasor.
Maybe a couple of Glitches will suit his style.
...he plays around with reality a bit anyway, you know?
He gets the ability Eyes of the Upper Reality, which lets him count as being Doctor Beak for some things, apparently.
...I mean, that's going to be dragged down because of his Level...
...but that's a pretty hefty thing to pull, you know?
He's not going to be ruling Gilbezber anytime soon, but I expect that'll help him with some of his less pleasant disease-curses.
"I thought that category just spit out useless and broken stuff!"
Well, that's what I bet most of you are saying...
...most of the time it does.
And then sometimes you get stuff like that.
Nice job breaking things, guys.
...let's see what he gets with his second one.
He gets the ability Robed Cleanser, which counts as being a Priest ability and gives him an extra, non-stacking action against something he targets if it goes before him and inflicts Manablasted on him.
Also the action he gets has to be a Light-element offensive action that uses a Mace.
...not the best, but after that last one, I don't think he cares.
...that's all for the Seirei-side of things.
I'm sure that'll make things exciting for you guys later on.
...or make it something for you guys, at any rate.
I'll call you back when I hear from the other worlds.
...thanks for calling.
This has been Mr. Progression."
Aeromage wrote: It's for you.
"Yes, this is Mr. Progression...
...thanks for calling back.
I hope you had a good night's sleep...
...although I tend to find there's always too much to do to sleep.
Really, way too much.
That's what you get for being good at your job...
...there's always more work to do.
And then on the days you don't have work you find you've slept until the afternoon...
It makes you feel like you could have used that time to accomplish something else, you know?
...although maybe you'd be too tired to do anything and spend the whole day dragging yourself around the house.
...well, anyway.
I made a few calls and found out what happened with some of those other gifts people sent.
So for now, you get to hear about what the guys from Sesamsara and Sanctum Victoria ended up getting.
...let's start off with the one that's gotten more screen time so far.
No, I didn't say anything meta.
It's nothing to worry about, so just ignore that.
First off, we've got Chandar Hepti, everyone's favourite adventuring cartographer.
...not to be confused with the version from the reality that only kind-of exists with the Bullfighting Palace.
I don't blame you, big guy, you've got a lot of worlds to juggle.
She got nominated for the Item and Spell categories.
Looks like she gets a Key to Ravi Chattarak’s Basement for the first one, there...
...I've been told it opens up the basement of a butcher's in Jampur.
Wherever that is.
Word is there's nothing special about it...
...well, unless one of you guys gets involved.
You tend to make things special no matter what the situation, you know?
...moving on to the next gift...
...she also gets an Inverted Chariot Arcana.
It's mid-tier Arcanist Magic that makes all summons uncontrolled and aggressive.
...I'm sure there's a couple of cardslingers that'd be interested in the new branch of the spell tree that suggests.
Whether Miss Cartography decides to take up card games herself is up to her, though...
..., we've got those two guys who want to fight each other but are too chicken to do it themselves, Tarabai Gurnani and Kanak Mukhtar.
So of course they both got given pulls from the weapon category.
Gurani got a Special Order Revolver with Optional Undercarriage Grenade Launcher.
...I hear it's a high-quality gun, but not particularly special aside from the potential for massive collateral damage.
So, the same as any situation one of you guys gets involved in, really.
...unless you worship that sun queen lady.
Props to her for building in a way to deal with that. for Mukhtar...
He got a Ceylawood Heartbow.
It's a bow and quiver of arrows made from a rare jungle wood, enameled with silver and mother-of-pearl.
...well, that's what the catalogue says.
It also fires arrows that phase through inorganic materials...
...although levels come into play as a limiter.
Still, that sounds kind of special.
...I guess they get to have an interesting duel.
... is Talitha of the Unbroken Circle.
Voted 'Prissiest Little Lich-Girl In Indrasena' in some circles, I hear.
...maybe even some unbroken circles.
I don't know. Their gang seems pretty catty towards one another...
...although that could just be because of the rakshasha.
Anyway, she got a Permanent Consumable. turns out she got an Essence Sphere: Seakeeper.
I'm sure she'll find a great deal of use out of that.
Being able to raise fish slightly better, I mean...
...who knows, maybe she'll branch out into summoning zombie fish later.
Probably doesn't help her in her current situation, though.
That weird shapeshifter-guy who got freed by that weird doctor-guy is next.
...Abhinevesh, that's the one.
This guy really lucked out with his pull from the entity category.
He really did.
The guy got turned into an Emissary.
...of course, you can't be an Emissary without anything to emissare, so Sesamara, the Divine Serpent, stepped in.
He's been elevated into serving as one of her Celestial Nagas, granting him the power to freely travel the Dreaming Worlds and working against those who would threaten their Sleep, or so I hear...
...I've also been told he loves his new boss.
Being able to smite any genies that look at him funny in the future probably has nothing to do with it.
Finally, we've got everyone's favourite snarky bound genie, Janma.
...this guy also got a pull from Entities.
That category's been spitting out some good stuff, you know?
It kept on that roll, here. He's now got Arch-Solar powers.
...being able to manipulate divine energies is probably going to cause problems later on down the line.
He's still bound for now, though.
...although it'd probably be a good idea not to mess with him too much.
...well, I should probably see what's going on with Sanctum Victoria.
First up is the Giornale di Riti Newsboys with a pull from the Element category.
...that's kind of more than one person, but I'll let it slide.
In the spirit of giving or whatever.
...I mean, it's nothing after giving moons gifts.
Moons, plural.
Now they really can relay shocking headlines.
They all got Techyllman's Benediction. gives them a decent method of self-defense, if attacked.
They can now pre-emptively counter and have a huge chance of inflicting a certain sub-status of Electrocuted that can make you lose your action.
...and you'll lose the MP you spend on it, too.
So it's probably a good idea to leave them alone...
...although if you're going around attacking newsboys, I think you need to take a long look at your priorities.
Consider that free advice, Miss Cannibalism.
Then there's that odd artificer, Georgius Constantinides Barham with a Permanent Consumable.
...what a name.
What a business model, too.
...I guess word of mouth is important, but why doesn't he just set himself up in a private workshop and only work on refusable commission?
Maybe it's a tax thing.
...anyway, he got Barham's Gift.
It's a Jewel that grants the ability Hypercognitive Glitch-Removal.
Now he'll be able to make people who are less clever than him have their actions have their element replaced with Psychic if they're Null element.
...or one of those weird Theoretical or Imaginary elements.
So I guess it's a case of mind over matter...
...maybe he'll find it useful.
...well, that's all I've got for now.
I'll keep you posted if I hear anything from Noix or Kirshisara.
Things look to be pretty good so far, though...
...I'm sure your adventures in those worlds are going to be that much more interesting for it.
Either that or that much weirder.
...but that really goes without saying when you guys are involved.
...thanks for calling.
This has been Mr. Progression."
Aeromage wrote: Who could it possibly be?
"Yes, this is Mr. Progression...
...thanks for calling again.
I've been waiting for a few more results, but the boss wants things to get back on track sooner than that... know how it is.
"Just run with what you've got, we'll deal with the rest later."
...something like that.
I guess he only really needs to deal with the one world, while the others are other people's business, anyway... it won't really change things either way.
I guess he doesn't want it to be left hanging for months on end while he deals with a festival or other important things...
...I'm sure they're very important things.
I'd never suggest otherwise.
Even if the games folder has been getting a good work-out lately...
No, I didn't say anything.
Just ignore that, it wasn't anything.
...well, anyway.
I thought I may as well update you guys on what happened to the gifts sent to that other place. know, that place.
No, the other other place.
You know the one...
...begins with a K.
...what?, I wasn't avoiding saying the name because I keep messing up the pronunciation.
That definitely wasn't the reason.
First up is Jathuu.
Lady lucked out, it seems.
...or maybe she didn't.
She got *Unarmed.
It's a Null-element Upgrade Accessory...
...and word is it's a Weird Item.
...hey, that's just what the other guy said.
She can equip up to five weapons to it, that don't count as being equipped or carried...
...and if she's not got any weapons that give attack bonuses equipped, she can pick two weapons attached to the thing and count as having them equipped.
There's a catch, though.
The weapons she picks have to match the elements of entities she's fighting.
...kind of a tall order, if you ask me.
Unless you know what you're getting into, I suppose...
...probably good for the crazy-prepared types out there.
... up is Mouth.
Chatty guy gets himself a Poison-Sea Scuba-Suit.
It's Power Armour that works under a dual-system of clean air and water under a poison shell. immunity to Poison, resistance to Venom and all that jazz.
...also, it's a scuba suit. So pretty good against Suffocation and Drowning.
Probably handy if he ever has to go to some crazy poisonous places.
...personally, I'd just want to see him in it for the laughs.
Next is Blood.
I really don't envy that guy's job.
Trying to stop Arena Members from messing with things when that's what's in their job description is kind of a lost cause, you know?
...I mean, even if things are dead set against them, they're always going to find some way to make things happen.
...and to be fair, his attitude doesn't really help matters.
Either way, I'm sure he'll be able to show you all the error of your ways now he has FUn With ShAAAAAAPES.
...yeah, not even I'm buying that.
It's a Doll Pattern Accessory that counts as a Walker From Beyond Ability.'s Surreality element, so at least there's that, you know?
It gives summons the Constant Effect 5-Sided and gives him a boost to inflicting Frozen: Cubed against entities with 'Doll' in their name if there's two or more of them in two or more rows of battle...
Also it boosts his turn-order if he keeps summoning Dolls himself.
...I'm sure this will finally give him the respect of his siblings.
...completely, totally sure.
...absolutely sure.
...well, that's all I've got for now.
I'll let you know when that other guy gets back to me.
...until then, I guess I'd better say what's going to happen with the gifts in play... least the ones on Seirei.
Those are all going to come into play more-or-less immediately. long as it doesn't mess with the timeline too much.
Looking at you, Miss Moneybags.
Don't expect everything to suddenly be sunshine and rainbows in there...
...The Seed Rains are a Big Deal, you know?
They're not just suddenly going to stop.
On the other hand, if you stick around for long enough, there might be a big payoff...
...then again, there was always the potential, given you're in there at more or less the start.
Given it's not going to be spring again for a while, I guess I'll add Miss Dessert's pull to that too...
...I'm sure there's not going to be anything weird turning up from that.
Captain Albis is probably not going to have returns from mysterious sources immediately, but I've taken a look at the future, and...
I'm not going to go spoiling things for you lot.
You'll just have to wait and see.
Same goes for what's going on with the others, like a certain fisherman...
...I wonder who'll find him first.
That could go a few interesting ways, you know?
...thanks for calling.
This has been Mr. Progression."
Lord Gadigan wrote: I'm ending this event. Wrig's NPCs on Noix can get their presents on the event that he returns to active status. Until then, their results can stay floating limbo-surprises.
Lord Gadigan wrote: Thread moved for updating if any is needed.
Aeromage wrote: I'm pretty sure this has all been handled on the mod-side of things.
-Moved and Locked-