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The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 9:10 pm
by Aeromage
I'm going to stick this all in here in order to avoid spamming up the place with multiple nigh-identical threads.

The Caels need to defeat 12 Level 50+ bosses! Fortunately, the task says absolutely nothing about doing it alone, or even ruling out team victories.

And so, Volatilis happens.
The Floating Isle of Volatilis (Aeromage)
Level 79
Large Structure, Magic
HP: 61,250
MP: 20,000
STR: 160 (2)
AGI: 555 (7)
CON: 2,450 (25)
MIN: 800 (10)
SPI: 1,555 (16)
Fame- 55

Melee Attack
Magical Attack
Ranged Attack
Elemental Attack
Guard Back Rank
Use an Item
Cast a Spell
Switch Rows
Attack With Finesse- (Active Ability, Attack) Based on STR. Uses Melee Attack bonus. This attack never misses. Does 50% normal damage. This attack's element is the user's element if none of the user's equipped items give a Melee Attack Bonus. Otherwise, this attack possesses the elements of all items the user has equipped that provide a Melee Attack bonus. User must be in the front row.
Fortify Body- (Stance Ability, Attack) User's base CON is added to user's chance of resisting minor status effects. 1/2 user's base CON is added to user's chance of resisting moderate status effects.
Mask True Power- (Stance Ability, Attack) When possessor enters this stance, possessor may voluntarily change the values of possessor's HP, MP, STR, AGI, CON, MIN, SPI, Critical, Resilience, Dodge, To Hit, and Level to any values lower than or equal to what they would be without this stance activated. While in this stance, possessor may take an action to alter any of the aforementioned values to any point within the allowed range. This stance does not count towards an individual's stance limit, so long as said individual is permitted to be in at least one stance. If something is lowered by this stance, any value depending on said thing is also lowered accordingly (For example, lowering your level will lower all of your stats).
Metacombine- (Active Ability, Attack) User uses three consumables in one turn. Only two of these, which are randomly determined, activate. All three consumables still lose charges.

Abjurant Forcefield- (Stance Ability, Abjurer) Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level) Defense and (Possessor Level)% Resilience
Abjurer- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) +500 Defense, All Protection Magic spells cost 50 less MP per possessor level, provide an additional +100 HP per possessor level if they provide a HP buff, provide an additional +50 Defense per possessor level if they provide a Defense buff, and provide an additional +25 Defense against Stat Damage per possessor level if they provide a buff to Defense against Stat Damage
Ablative Self-Screen- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Up to 20 times per thread when possessor would acquire a debuff that reduces possessor's stats, possessor may choose for that instance of the debuff to reduce the amount it reduces each of possessor's by by 500, to a minimum of 0
Applied Item Ward: Thunderous Item Defense- (Active Ability, Abjurer) Possessor's items have a 5% less chance of being stolen or destroyed by individuals equal to or below level 15, Foes who unsuccessfully attempt to steal or break possessor's items take 5,000 Electrical element damage for each failed attempt, Possessor may only have one Applied Item Ward active at a time and may spend an action turning one on or off
Apprentice Protection Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) All Protection Magic spells that increase Defense gain an +150 additional Defense increase that does not stack between multiple castings of the same spell and do not stack across more than 5 different spells, All Protection Magic spells that increase Stat Defense gain an +30 additional Stat Defense against the same stat increase that does not stack between multiple castings of the same spell and do not stack across more than 5 different spells, and all Protection Magic spells cost 200 less MP
Basic Defensive Magic Amplification Training- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) All Spell-caused buffs on possessor that raise Defense raise it by 10 more points
Basic Forcefield Creation- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Possessor gains +100 Defense if possessor has any Abjuration spells equipped
Basic Item Preservation Application Aptitude- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Possessor's items have a 5% less chance of being stolen or destroyed by individuals equal to or below level 10
Basic Magical Trap Resistance- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Possessor takes 500 less damage from Traps and has a 5% higher chance of disarming them
Basic Protection Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) All Protection Magic spells gain +10 Defense and cost 10 less MP
Essence of the Wholly Defensive Wall- (Stance Ability, Abjurer) +50 Defense per level, you may not take any offensive action
Focused Protection Magic Casting- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Protection Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of spell possessor has equipped is Protection Magic
Protection Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Protection Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Protection Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Protection Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast

Knowledge of Architectural Techniques- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor's Large Structure pets and summons gain +200 Defense
Mine Brain- (Technique Ability, Architect) Possessor may use 'Mine Brain' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action so long as no other Technique is involved an either an Axe or a Tool is equipped. Said action deals 500 MIN Damage and may scan its target's stats.
Sweep Mines- (Passive Ability, Architect) If possessor has an item with 'Broom' in its name equipped, possessor's offensive actions may not be countered by individuals below Level 40

Apprentice Aura Mastery- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor gains +50 Defense if possessor has an Aura equipped
Auramancer- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor gains +(200 + (20 * Possessor Level)) Defense and +(250 + (25* Possessor Level)) Mind and Spirit if possessor has an Aura equipped
Aura Strike- (Technique Ability, Auramancer) Possessor may use 'Aura Strike' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Ranged Attack', or 'Magical Attack' action if possessor has an Aura equipped and no other technique is used. Said action gains a 30% chance of inflicting any one minor status effect or sub-status effect that possessor could inflict on an individual at the end of an offensive action conducted by said individual that targets possessor that is provided by an Auramancer ability that possessor possesses whose name includes 'Aura'.
Baleful Aura- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Whenever possessor is targeted by an offensive action, if possessor has an Aura equipped, possessor has a 30% chance of inflicting Hexed on its source at the end of said action
Basic Aura Mastery- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) All Auras equipped by possessor provide +10 additional Defense
Flashing Aura- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Whenever possessor is targeted by an offensive action, if possessor has an Aura equipped, possessor has a 30% chance of inflicting Impaired on its source at the end of said action
Offensive Aura Extrusion- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Whenever possessor conducts an attack while possessor has an Aura equipped, possessor may choose for said action to gain a 5% chance of inflicting any one minor status effect or sub-status effect that possessor could inflict on an individual at the end of an offensive action conducted by said individual that targets possessor that is provided by an Auramancer ability that possessor possesses whose name includes 'Aura'
Patterned Aura- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Whenever possessor is targeted by an offensive action, if possessor has an Aura equipped, possessor has a 30% chance of inflicting Confusion on its source at the end of said action
Radiating Flashing Aura- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) At the start of each round, if possessor has an Aura equipped, possessor may choose to have a 30% chance of inflicting Impaired on up to 15 targets
Radiating Patterned Aura- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) At the start of each round, if possessor has an Aura equipped, possessor may choose to have a 30% chance of inflicting Confusion on up to 15 targets
Warded Core Essence- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor gains +30,000 Defense, Possessor gains +5,000 CON, Possessor gains +5,000 MIN, Possessor gains +100,000 HP, Possessor's Defense may not be pierced by sources below Level 20, Individuals below Level 20 may not inflict negative status effects on possessor

Blessed with Djorgammon's Fortitude- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains +5,000 HP, +120 Defense against Stat Damage, and 15% Resilience
Murlakro's Blessing- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains +5,000 Max MP and +50 Uncapped MIN
Stick-Resistant!- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains 95% Paralysis: Sticky Resistance and is immune to Paralysis: Sticky when its affliction comes from a source below Level 20
Was Warned About Golf's Deadlier Side- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor is immune to effects named "Golf Weakness"

Automatically Generates Well-Trained Crew When Needed- (Passive Ability, Captain) If possessor (including Transformations possessor is Transformed into) possesses a Passenger Capacity that includes unoccupied spaces, possessor may choose for this ability to count as filling any number of those spaces, to a max of 20,000, with this ability providing +100 to all stats for each such space it fills
Indiscriminate Bombing- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor's Vessel transformations' attacks may deal 50,000 additional Damage and have their targets randomized across all possible targets
Whirlpool-Avoiding Seacaptain- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor's Vessel transformations gain Drowining: Tide-Trapped Immunity and Immunity to Drowning (but not its sub-status effects)

Adept Channeling Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Channeling spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Whenever possessor deals Drain as part of actions that involve Channeling spells, said quantities are increased by 5,000 points, Possessor gains 10 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Channeling Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Apprentice Channeling Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer HP or MP may transfer an additional 5,000 points of each that they can already transfer; all Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer stats may transfer an additional 500 points of each that they can already transfer
Assert Effect Ownership- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor may spend an action to become the source of a buff whose source is 10 Levels or lower than possessor and that is below Level 20
Basic Ambient Mana Rerouting- (Passive Ability, Channeler) If possessor is Level 6 or greater possessor may choose for non-unique Level 1 opponents who would be rolled as encounters in Random Dungeons to not appear.
Basic Chain Casting Attunement- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor and an ally with at least one spell equipped and this ability may both use their 1 turn to cast a spell using their combined stats, which costs them both double normal MP, any effects of the spell may be tied to either caster
Basic Channeling Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells can transfer 50 more HP or MP
Basic Element Channeling- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Spells that include one of possessor's elements cost possessor 30 less MP to cast
Basic Empathic Backlash- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever possessor is dealt Damage, possessor may deal 500 Flat Psychic element Damage to the source of said Damage provided said source is below Level 40 and not more than 10 Levels greater than possessor
Basic Linkup Mastery- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor gains +800 HP, +800 MP, and +80 to all stats if possessor's HP, possessor's MP, or any of possessor's stats is linked to another individual's
Basic Magic Retention- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Basic Supernatural Empathy- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher, to a max of Level 30, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that does not bypass 'Immune to Below Level X' effects
Basic Syphoning- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever possessor deals HP Drain or MP Drain, said quantity is increased by 50 points
Basic Transferal of Good Health- (Passive Ability, Channeler) At the start of each round, possessor may select one ally and one minor negative status effect from a source below Level 20 that said ally is afflicted with that possessor is not afflicted with, with a 5% chance of curing this selected effect
Basic Transferal of Superior Health- (Passive Ability, Channeler) At the start of each round, possessor may select one ally and one minor positive status effect that said ally is not afflicted with that possessor is afflicted with, with a 5% chance of inflicting this selected effect
Basic Transfer Mastery- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever possessor transfers HP or MP from on source to another, possessor may transfer an additional 200 points
Basic Transfer Mastery of Stats- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever possessor transfers stat points from on source to another, possessor may transfer an additional 100 points
Basic Understanding of Theoretical Mana Pattern Copying- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor gains +50 to all stats if possessor is not the only individual in battle
Basic Zonal Element Channeling Linkup- (Passive Ability, Channeler) When possessor is in a Zone of a base element, quantities of Damage dealt by possessor that are of said element are increased by 500 points
Channeled Spell- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor may use 'Channeled Spell' in conjunction with a 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used. Possessor may choose a willing ally and may cast up to one spell said ally has equipped as though possessor had said spell equipped as part of said action, with said spell only being able to be cast at points during said action when possessor could have cast said spell if possessor had said spell equipped, with said spell costing possessor double its natural MP cost to cast before other modifiers are accounted for.
Channeler- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer HP or MP may transfer an additional (2,000 x Possessor Level) points of each that they can already transfer; all Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer stats may transfer an additional (100 x Possessor Level) points of each that they can already transfer
Channeling Casting I- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Channeling spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Co-Opt Hostile Essence- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor may spend an action to become the source of a debuff whose source is 10 Levels or lower than possessor and that is below Level 20
Devour Buff- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor may spend an action to destroy a buff whose source is 10 Levels or lower than possessor and that is below Level 20 and then regenerate ((Said buff's source's Level) *1,000) MP
Devour Debuff- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor may spend an action to destroy a debuff whose source is 10 Levels or lower than possessor and that is below Level 20 and then regenerate ((Said debuff's source's Level) *1,000) MP
Empathic Healing Resonance- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever possessor heals an ally's HP, possessor deals possessor 500 points of Flat Psychic or Light element HP Healing
Empathic Resonance: Depression- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever one of possessor's allies is afflicted with Confusion: Depression, possessor may choose to be afflicted with Confusion: Depression. Whenever possessor is afflicted with Confusion: Depression, up to once per round, possessor may choose a target and have a 20% chance of afflicting said target with Confusion: Depression
Empathic Resonance: Fear- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever one of possessor's allies is afflicted with Confusion: Fear, possessor may choose to be afflicted with Confusion: Fear. Whenever possessor is afflicted with Confusion: Fear, up to once per round, possessor may choose a target and have a 20% chance of afflicting said target with Confusion: Fear
Empathic Resonance: Hope- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever one of possessor's allies is afflicted with Invigorated: High Morale, possessor may choose to be afflicted with Invigorated: High Morale. Whenever possessor is afflicted with Invigorated: High Morale, up to once per round, possessor may choose a target and have a 20% chance of afflicting said target with Invigorated: High Morale
Empathic Resonance: Joy- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever one of possessor's allies is afflicted with Invigorated: Zesty, possessor may choose to be afflicted with Invigorated: Zesty. Whenever possessor is afflicted with Invigorated: Zesty, up to once per round, possessor may choose a target and have a 20% chance of afflicting said target with Invigorated: Zesty
Empathic Resonance: Love- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever one of possessor's allies is afflicted with Charm: Lovestruck, possessor may choose to be afflicted with Charm: Lovestruck. Whenever possessor is afflicted with Charm: Lovestruck, up to once per round, possessor may choose a target and have a 20% chance of afflicting said target with Charm: Lovestruck
Empathic Resonance: Lust- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever one of possessor's allies is afflicted with Charm: Lust, possessor may choose to be afflicted with Charm: Lust. Whenever possessor is afflicted with Charm: Lust, up to once per round, possessor may choose a target and have a 20% chance of afflicting said target with Charm: Lust
Empathic Resonance: Rage- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever one of possessor's allies is afflicted with Confusion: Enraged or Confusion: Berserk, possessor may choose to be afflicted with Confusion: Enraged or Confusion: Berserk, Whenever possessor is afflicted with Confusion: Enraged or Confusion: Berserk, up to once per round, possessor may choose a target and have a 20% chance of afflicting said target with Confusion: Enraged or Confusion: Berserk
Empathy for Enemies- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor's Channeler abilities whose name includes 'Empathic Resonance' that have triggers that activate when an ally is afflicted with a specific minor negative status effect may also trigger if an opponent is afflicted with such a status effect.
Guardian Imposition Force Aura- (Stance Ability, Channeler) Possessor may, when entring this Stance, choose a willing ally, said ally, for the duration that possessor is in this stance, uses possessor's Defense instead of its own against the attacks of Individuals below Level 20 who are lower Level than possessor
Improved Chain Casting Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Spells possessor casts through 'Basic Chain Casting Attunement' cost possessor 500 less MP to cast
Improved Linkup Mastery- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor gains +1,000 HP, +1,000 MP, and +100 to all stats if possessor's HP, possessor's MP, or any of possessor's stats is linked to another individual's
Improved Magic Retention- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Spells cost possessor 100 less MP to cast
Improved Positive Status Channeling- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor's chances of inflicting minor positive status effects through Channeler abilities are increased by 10%
Improved Supernatural Empathy- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor gain +50 to all stats for each ally afflicted with one or more positive status effects, to a max of +500
Improved Transferal of Health- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever possessor transfers HP from one source to another, possessor may transfer an additional 2,500 points
Improved Transferal of Mana- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever possessor transfers MP from one source to another, possessor may transfer an additional 2,500 points
Mana-Drinker's Aura- (Stance Ability, Channeler) Possessor may deal up to 5,000 points of Flat MP Drain from up to 60 targets at the start of each round
Offensively Channel Spells- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor may use 'Channeled Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is used.
Positive Status Anchoring- (Passive Ability, Channeler) If possessor is afflicted with a minor positive status effect and at least one of possessor's allies is afflicted with said same minor positive status effect, possessor possesses no natural per-round auto-loss chance for said status effect
Radiant Channeling: Augmented- (Passive Ability, Channeler) At the start of each round, if possessor is afflicted with Augmented, possessor may choose to have a 30% chance of inflicting Augmented on up to 30 willing targets
Radiant Channeling: Elevated- (Passive Ability, Channeler) At the start of each round, if possessor is afflicted with Elevated, possessor may choose to have a 30% chance of inflicting Elevated on up to 30 willing targets
Radiant Channeling: Favored- (Passive Ability, Channeler) At the start of each round, if possessor is afflicted with Favored, possessor may choose to have a 30% chance of inflicting Favored on up to 30 willing targets
Radiant Channeling: Fortified- (Passive Ability, Channeler) At the start of each round, if possessor is afflicted with Fortified, possessor may choose to have a 30% chance of inflicting Fortified on up to 30 willing targets
Radiant Channeling: Imbued- (Passive Ability, Channeler) At the start of each round, if possessor is afflicted with Imbued, possessor may choose to have a 30% chance of inflicting Imbued on up to 30 willing targets
Radiant Channeling: Invigorated- (Passive Ability, Channeler) At the start of each round, if possessor is afflicted with Invigorated, possessor may choose to have a 30% chance of inflicting Invigorated on up to 30 willing targets
Radiant Channeling: Mind Restore- (Passive Ability, Channeler) At the start of each round, if possessor is afflicted with Mind Restore, possessor may choose to have a 30% chance of inflicting Mind Restore on up to 30 willing targets
Radiant Channeling: Purified- (Passive Ability, Channeler) At the start of each round, if possessor is afflicted with Purified, possessor may choose to have a 30% chance of inflicting Purified on up to 30 willing targets
Radiant Channeling: Rejuvenation- (Passive Ability, Channeler) At the start of each round, if possessor is afflicted with Rejuvenation, possessor may choose to have a 30% chance of inflicting Rejuvenation on up to 30 willing targets
Radiant Channeling: Stat Boost- (Passive Ability, Channeler) At the start of each round, if possessor is afflicted with Stat Boost, possessor may choose to have a 30% chance of inflicting Stat Boost on up to 30 willing targets
Re-Position Garbage- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor may, at the start of each round, move a debuff from a source below Level 10 that is on a target that is either willing or below Level 40 onto a new target that is either willing or below Level 20
Suction Spell- (Technique Ability, Channeler) Possessor may use 'Suction Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is involved and possessor casts a Channeling spell as part of said action. Quantities of HP Drain and MP Drain Dealt by said action are increased by 2,000 points
Voluntary Essence Handoff- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor may spend an action to make target willing ally the source of a buff that possessor is the source of instead of possessor

Apply Excessive Capsaicin- (Technique Ability, Chef) Possessor may use 'Poison Foodstuffs' in conjunction with a 'Serve Food' or 'Use an Item' action. Any Food item involved in said action gains '30% inflicts Pain' and '10% inflicts Burning' during said action
Basic Chef Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Chef) Character gains +5 to all stats for each Food or Drink equipped, Foods and Drinks that heal HP or MP heal 50 more of each that they already heal
Candy Maker's Apprentice- (Passive Ability, Chef) Food consumables used by possessor that heal HP heal an additional 200 points, Food consumables used by possessor that increase AGI or SPI increase it by an additional 10 points per charge as an effect that stacks 50 times across all consumable applications on said target
Evergarden Food Preservation Techniques- (Passive Ability, Chef) Effects attached to Zones that come from sources below Level 60 cannot destroy Food consumables equipped by possessor
Fell Grilling- (Technique Ability, Chef) Possessor may use 'Fell Grilling' in conjunction with a 'Serve Food' or 'Use an Item' action. Any Food item involved in said action becomes solely Darkness & Fire element for the duration of said action if non-unique and gains '+200 to the stats of Demons, Devils, and Daemons as a buff that stacks 3 times'
Holiday Cookie Baking- (Passive Ability, Chef) Food consumables used by possessor that Heal HP heal an additional 5,000 points if in a Zone of Ice
Microwave Gaze- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor gains the ability:
Microwave Gaze- 20,000 Damage, Ignores the Defense of targets below Level 40, This action gains +20% To Hit, Individuals who deal HP Drain to targets of this ability deal an additional 4,000 Points as a non-stacking buff that lasts 2 rounds, This action's Prime Attribute is Spirit, Atomic & Fire, 30,000 MP
Wine Snob- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor may choose to reduce the stat buffs provided by Drinks used by sources below Level 40 by up to 600 points, to a minimum of 0

Adept Time Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Time Magic spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Time Magic spells cast by possessor that provide a AGI buff bonus provide an additional +500 AGI as an effect that stacks 20 times across all effects per individual, Possessor gains 10 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Time Magic Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Aging Spell- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor may use 'Aging Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a Chronomancy spell as part of said action. Said action deals 200 CON Damage and has a 30% chance of inflicting Fatigued: Elderly
Apprentice Chronomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) All Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +250 additional Magical Attack, Possessor gains +250 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes
Basic Chronomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) All Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, Possessor gains +50 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes
Basic Defensive Shaping of Chronomantic Technique- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Time if possessor has a Chronomancy spell equipped, Possessor gains 30% Fatigued: Elderly Resistance if possessor has a Chronomancy spell equipped
Basic Offensive Shaping of Chronomantic Technique- (Passive Ability, Time Mage) All Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +500 additional Magical Attack, All actions that possessor performs that involve Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that deal AGI Damage deal an additional 200 points
Basic Temporal Magic Amplification- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor's actions that include spells that possess a Magical Attack bonus that are delayed have each such spell gain +25 additional Magical Attack bonus for each round they are delayed, stacking a max of 5 times
Chronomancy Casting I- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Chronomancy spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Chronomancy Casting II- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Chronomancy spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Chronomantic Auto-Haste- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor is afflicted with Augmented: Haste at the start of the first round of battle if possessor is either Time element or has 5 Time Magic spells equipped
Chronospell Boost- (Technique Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor may use 'Chronospell Boost' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a Chronomancy spell as part of said action. Said action has a 30% chance of inflicting Augmented: Haste on its performer
Delayed Spell- (Technique Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor may use 'Delayed Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as a Chronomancy or Wizard Magic spell is cast as part of said action and no other technique is used. Said action is delayed by 1 to 5 rounds (with its performer choosing the number).
Delaying Spell- (Technique Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor may use 'Delayed Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as a Chronomancy or Wizard Magic spell is cast as part of said action and no other technique is used. Said action places a non-stacking debuff on its targets that are below Level 40 that causes the next action that its possessor performs to be delayed 1 round.
Focused Chronomancy Casting- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Chronomancy spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of spell possessor has equipped is Chronomancy
Improved Chronospell Boost- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor's 'Chronospell Boost' technique has its chance of inflicting Haste on its performer increased to 60%
Improved Fast Casting- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor's 'Fast Casting' technique may cause its possessor's first action to occur on a turn-order count 2,500 points higher than it otherwise would instead of 500 points higher than it otherwise would
Improved Magically Enhanced Speed- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum is increased by 200 for turn-order-determining purposes
Slightly Magically Enhanced Speed- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum is increased by 50 for turn-order-determining purposes
Time Mage- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) All Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(250 + 10* Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, Possessor gains +(250 + 10* Possessor Level) to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes
Trigger Spell- (Active Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor may spend an action to have a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action that possessor both performed and delayed immediately occur.

Has a Basic Permit to Battle Mirage Dragon Czar- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Mirage Dragon Czar' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Orihalcum Submersible- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Orihalcum Submersible' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Permitted to Battle Talented Guy- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Talented Guy for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Newspaper Clipping About Someone Impressive' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Has a Basic Permit to Battle The Benjamins- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'The Benjamins' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Permitted to Battle Portrait of Loneliness- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Portrait of Loneliness for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Ominous, Discarded Gallery Invitation' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop

Basic Leadership Attunment- (Passive Ability, Commander) All Leadership spells affect one more target if they already affect multiple targets and all Leadership spells cost 10 less MP
Commander's Hand- (Active Ability, Commander) Possessor may exchange one Accessory slot for an additional Pet slot provided that possessor keeps at least one empty Weapon slot
Hand Signal Expert- (Passive Ability, Commander) Possessor's Pets and Summons gain +50 to all stats for each Weapon slot possessor has open

Apprentice Shield Training- (Passive Ability, Defender) This character gains +50 Defense and +500 HP when a Shield is equipped.
Basic Shield Deflection- (Passive Ability, Defender) Possessor has a 1% chance of optionally reflecting attacks from individuals level 5 or lower targeting possessor while possessor has a Shield equipped
Basic Shield Training- (Passive Ability, Defender) This character gains +6 Defense when a Shield is equipped
Block around the Clock- (Technique Ability, Defender) Possessor may use Block Around the Clock in conjunction with a Defend action, so long as no other technique is used and a Shield is equipped. User performs a Defend action at the beginning of every round for a number of rounds equal to user's level, to a max of 24 rounds, as a non-stacking effect; these Defend actions may not include spells or techniques. The benefits of all such Defend actions last until either the end of the round or until their performer performs another Defend action.
Defensive Stance- (Stance Ability, Defender) +50 Defense
Defensive Stance II- (Stance Ability, Defender) +200 Defense
Shieldmaster's Stance- (Stance Ability, Defender) +3 Defense per Defense granted to possessor by equipped Shields
Tunnel-Plugging Stance- (Stance Ability, Defender) If possessor is the only individual in the front row and possessor has only one ally in the back row, then said ally takes 1/4 damage from being in the back row as opposed to 1/2, with effects that ignore or alter the damage division of individuals in the back row still doing so as though this stance were not in effect; this stance has no effect if possessor's side of battle has a non-standard row formation
Turtle's Shell- (Active Ability, Defender) This character may use Turtle Shell in conjunction with a Defend action, so long as no other technique is used and a Shield is equipped. This character gains +140 Defense added to the result of the Defend action, and has both a 15% Water resistance and a 15% Ranged Attack resistance for the duration of the Defend action's results.

Adept Divining Attunement- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Divining spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Possessor counts as being 5 Levels higher, to a max of Level 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that does not bypass 'Immune to Under Level X' effects, Possessor gains 10 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Divining Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Apprentice Divining Attunement- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 1 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Auto-Scan- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor scans the stats of all individuals in battle at the beginning of battle
Auto-Translate- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +200 MIN if any individual of a different subtype is present, Translates to and from common languages (both orally and in written form) as an RP effect
Classical Basic Divining Attunement- (Passive Ability, Diviner) All Divining spells function as though caster were 1 level higher for stat-scanning purposes, this ability counts as 'Basic Divining Attunement' for prerequisite purposes
Basic Detective Skills- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's MIN is treated as being 140 points higher for stat-scanning purposes, +20 MIN
Basic Fortune Telling- (Passive Ability, Diviner) All Divning buffs that possessor inflicts that raise stats raise them by an additional 20 points
Basic Psychic Power Attunement- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) All Psychic Power spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Binocular Vision- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +5% To Hit against individuals in the back row who are below Level 60
Can Percieve Standard Portal Destinations- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +10 MIN, Possessor gains +10% Dodge on any round that possessor enters a battle from another battle, not counting the first round of battle, as a non-stacking bonus
Cracked the Enigmatic Python- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor may, at the start of any action, round, or battle, scan the stats of any number of individuals below Level 80; said stat scanning is automatically successful and cannot be blocked by sources below Level 80, Possessor gains 30% Illusion Resistance, As an RP effect, possessor ignores The Enigmatic Python's divination blocking and invisibility
Danger Sense- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +50 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes on the first round of battle if in a Random Dungeon, Has RP effects
Deputize Assistant- (Active Ability, Diviner) Possessor may spend an action to cause a willing target to count as (Possessor's Level - 5) instead of target's normal Level for stat-scanning purposes (to a max of Level 99), Only one target may benefit from this buff at a time
Detective- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor counts as being 5 levels higher for stat-scanning purposes, Possessor gains +400 MIN
Detective's Accusation- (Technique Ability, Diviner) Possessor may use Detective's Accusation in conjunction with a Magical Attack action, so long as no other technique is used and it is being used against targets whose stats have been scanned by possessor. This action gains an amount of Defense-Piercing equal to user's MIN (to a max of 10,000 points) and dis-buffs one buff from targets below Level 20
Detective's Evasion- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains either +5% Dodge or 20% Dodge (chosen by possessor) against individuals below Level 40 whose stats possessor has scanned
Detective's Eye- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains an additional +200 Defense against Traps, gains +40 MIN, and gains +50 Defense Against Individuals Whose Stats Have Been Scanned By Possessor as a conditionally-effective bonus
Classical Detective's Intuition- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +40 AGI and scans stats as though possessor were 1 level higher, this ability counts as 'Detective's Intuition' for prerequisite purposes
Detective's Investigation- (Active Ability, Diviner) Possessor may spend an action to examine target's stats
Detective's Perceptiveness- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 1 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Detective's Truth- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor is informed that possessor's has recieved a fake stat-scan result if possessor has recieved said result from an individual below Level 20
Diviner- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor ignores up to (Possessor Level) levels worth of level-doubling that bosses possess for purposes of resisting having their stats scanned
Diviner's Eyes- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that does not bypass 'Immune to below Level X' effects
Diviner's Skill- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 1 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Divining Casting I- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Divining spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Dowsing Stance- (Stance Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +15% To Hit against Water element targets as a bonus that does not stack with other bonuses that provide +#% To Hit but does stack with bonuses that provide #% To Hit
Excellent at Counting Large Numbers of Things Quickly- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's actions that hit at least 100 targets may hit an additional target
Filter-Out Sensory Overstimulation- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 30% Confusion Resistance
Focus-Based Fortune Telling- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Divining spells cost 50 less MP if possessor has a Magic Item, Crystal, or Trinket equipped, Possessor's Divining spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +20 points if possessor has a Magic Item, Crystal, or Trinket equipped
Fortuneteller- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor has a 25% chance of, to a max of once per round, being able to perform a 'Cast a Spell', 'Magical Attack', 'Defend', or 'Focus' action as a pre-emptive counter in response to an action conducted by an individual below Level 40 who is an opponent of possessor and whose stats possessor scanned during the last 5 rounds (not including the current round) that is targetting possessor
Greater Stat Scanning- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 5 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Hear and Decode Radio Waves- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor may see the text of buffs that possessor's opponents that are below Level 60 place on each other
Hidden-Passage Spotting Art- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor may follow targets below Level 20 or willing targets when they leave battle provided that the initiation of said individuals leaving battle was not sourced from a source that is both over Level 20 and unwilling
Improved Attack Prediction- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 40% Dodge
Improved Detective's Truth- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor is informed that possessor's has recieved a fake stat-scan result if possessor has recieved said result from an individual below Level 40
Improved Stat Scanning- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 2 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Investigative Stance- (Stance Ability, Diviner) Possessor treats targets below Level 40 as though their Dodge-raising or Dodge-altering buffs were of half the value that they actually are, Possessor scans stats as though possessor were 2 Levels higher
Landsense- (Passive Ability, Diviner) At the start of each round, possessor may choose to be provided with the full tables for any random quest or encounter area that possessor is in, provided that no enemies on said tables are above Level 40 or more than double caster's Level
Limited Personal Precognition- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 2% Dodge
Magic-Detecting Eyes- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +5% To Hit against Magic element targets that are below Level 60
Magical Echolocation- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor suffers no negative effects from the status effect Impaired: Blind if it comes from a source below Level 60
Magical Infravision- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +5% To Hit against Fire element targets that are below Level 60
Magical Nightvision- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Effects that come from individuals below Level 40 that are attached to Zones of Darkness may not reduce possessor's To Hit and Dodge values
Mentally Browse Local Phone Calls- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor may see the text of buffs that are present on possessor's opponents that are below Level 40
Metal-Detecting Prowess- (Stance Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Dowsing Stance ability treats Metal element targets as though they were Water element
Predict Attacks- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 25% Dodge
Predict Future from the Stars- (Active Ability, Diviner) Possessor may spend an action if anyone has an Active Constellation set to scan a target's stats
Predict Future through Cards- (Active Ability, Diviner) Possessor may spend an action if possessor has a Card equipped to scan a target's stats
Predict Future with a Crystal Ball- (Active Ability, Diviner) Possessor may spend an action if possessor has an Orb equipped to scan a target's stats
Predict Future with Dice- (Active Ability, Diviner) Possessor may spend an action to have a 50% chance of scanning a target's stats
Predict Future with Bones- (Active Ability, Diviner) Possessor may spend an action if any individual has died in this battle to scan a target's stats
Read Tea Leaves- (Active Ability, Diviner) Possessor may spend an action and consume a charge from a Drink consumable that possessor has equipped to scan a target's stats
Read Palms- (Active Ability, Diviner) Possessor may spend an action to scan the stats of a target who has at least one open Weapon slot
Superior Vision- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 105% To Hit
Swift Sensory-Input Processing- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 110% To Hit
Telescopic Vision- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +10% To Hit against individuals in the back row who are below Level 60
Treasure Dowsing- (Stance Ability, Diviner) Possessor's chance of obtaining Treasure from battle increases by 1% if possessor was in Dowsing Stance both at the beginning of battle and at the end of battle
Uncounterable Accusation- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's attacks and actions involving the Technique Detective's Accusation may not be countered (including pre-emptively) by individuals below Level 40 whose stats have been scanned by possessor
Unusually Fast Eyesight- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +2% To Hit against individuals whose turn-order-determining stat sum is below possessor's
Whisper-Mote Listener- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor may claim Whisper Motes

A Bit More Fame in the Arena- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains Immunity to a chosen minor negative status effect at the start of each thread if possessor has at least 25 Fame
A Hint of Fame in the Arena- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +10 to all unmodified stats if possessor has at least 5 Fame
Crowd's Favor- (Passive Ability, Friendship) +5% XP after battles
Friend of Edwin Cloremontt- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +500 Defense if any of possessor's allies is named Edwin Cloremontt
Isle Leaders are Good Friends of Caelum "Cael" Aetherius- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if one of possessor's allies is named 'Caelum "Cael" Aetherius', Whenever possessor heals an individual named 'Caelum "Cael" Aetherius' possessor deals an additional 5,000 points of HP Healing or MP Healing, Possessor suffers -200 to all stats if one of possessor's opponents is named 'Caelum "Cael" Aetherius'
Isle Leaders are Good Friends of Caelum Aetherius (Time Cloned Spirit Binder)- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if one of possessor's allies is named 'Caelum Aetherius (Time Cloned Spirit Binder)', Whenever possessor heals an individual named 'Caelum Aetherius (Time Cloned Spirit Binder)' possessor deals an additional 5,000 points of HP Healing or MP Healing, Possessor suffers -200 to all stats if one of possessor's opponents is named 'Caelum Aetherius (Time Cloned Spirit Binder)'
Isle Leaders are Good Friends of Lady Rosaline Fabrice- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if one of possessor's allies is named 'Lady Rosaline Fabrice', Whenever possessor heals an individual named 'Lady Rosaline Fabrice' possessor deals an additional 5,000 points of HP Healing or MP Healing, Possessor suffers -200 to all stats if one of possessor's opponents is named 'Lady Rosaline Fabrice'

Adept Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Geomancy spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Geomancy spells cast by possessor that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Magical Attack, Possessor gains 10 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Geomancy Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Apprentice Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) All of possessor's Geomancy spells affect 1 additional target if they already affected multiple targets and cost 500 less MP if their element matches that of an item possessed by their caster or matches the element of possessor, Possessor gains +100 to all stats if possessor's element matches the element of a Square Mile of Terrain in the Shop that is associated with a Terrain or Phantom Terrain present
Attuned to Terrain: Abyss of Time - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Abyss of Time
Attuned to Terrain: Astral Void - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Astral Void
Attuned to Terrain: Battlefield - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Battlefield
Attuned to Terrain: Beach - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Beach
Attuned to Terrain: Boneyard- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Boneyard
Attuned to Terrain: Bubble Cosmos - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Bubble Cosmos
Attuned to Terrain: Caverns - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Caverns
Attuned to Terrain: Cliffside - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Cliffside
Attuned to Terrain: Cloudy Sky - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Cloudy Sky
Attuned to Terrain: Conifer Forest - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Conifer Forest
Attuned to Terrain: Cosmic Web - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Cosmic Web
Attuned to Terrain: Dark Forest - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Dark Forest
Attuned to Terrain: Desert- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Desert
Attuned to Terrain: Domain of Balance - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Domain of Balance
Attuned to Terrain: Dry Riverbed - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Dry Riverbed
Attuned to Terrain: Ethereal Mists - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Ethereal Mists
Attuned to Terrain: Extradimensional Arena - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Extradimensional Arena
Attuned to Terrain: Farmland - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Farmland
Attuned to Terrain: Forest - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Forest
Attuned to Terrain: Frozen Cosmos - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Frozen Cosmos
Attuned to Terrain: Frozen Waste - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Frozen Waste
Attuned to Terrain: Glacier - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Glacier
Attuned to Terrain: Hills - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Hills
Attuned to Terrain: Jungle - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Jungle
Attuned to Terrain: Lake - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Lake
Attuned to Terrain: Mage’s Sanctum - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Mage’s Sanctum
Attuned to Terrain: Marsh - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Marsh
Attuned to Terrain: Mirror Realm - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Mirror Realm
Attuned to Terrain: Ocean - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Ocean
Attuned to Terrain: Open Sky - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Open Sky
Attuned to Terrain: Realm of Magic - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Realm of Magic
Attuned to Terrain: Space - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Space
Attuned to Terrain: Swamp - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Swamp
Attuned to Terrain: Void of Endings - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Void of Endings
Attuned to Terrain: Wellspring of Life - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Wellspring of Life
Attuned to Terrain: White Void - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is White Void
Attuned to Terrain: World Tree - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is World Tree
Base Terrain Element Alteration- (Active Ability, Geomancer) If the terrain or phantom terrain is Battlefield, possessor may skip an action to become Physical element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Beach, possessor may skip an action to become Water element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Boneyard, possessor may skip an action to become Darkness element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Caverns, possessor may skip an action to become Earth element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Cliffside, possessor may skip an action to become Air element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Cloudy Sky, possessor may skip an action to become Air element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Conifer Forest, possessor may skip an action to become Ice element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Dark Forest, possessor may skip an action to become Darkness element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Desert, possessor may skip an action to become Fire element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Dry Riverbed, possessor may skip an action to become Earth element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Farmland, possessor may skip an action to become Earth element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Forest, possessor may skip an action to become Earth element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Frozen Waste, possessor may skip an action to become Ice element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Glacier, possessor may skip an action to become Ice element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Graveyard, possessor may skip an action to become Darkness element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Hills, possessor may skip an action to become Earth element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Jungle, possessor may skip an action to become Water element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Junkyard, possessor may skip an action to become Technology element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Lake, possessor may skip an action to become Water element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Marsh, possessor may skip an action to become Water element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Meadow, possessor may skip an action to become Light element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Mesa, possessor may skip an action to become Fire element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Mountains, possessor may skip an action to become Earth element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Ocean, possessor may skip an action to become Water element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Open Plains, possessor may skip an action to become Air element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Open Sky, possessor may skip an action to become Air element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Polluted Morass, possessor may skip an action to become Acid element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is River-Land, possessor may skip an action to become Water element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Road, possessor may skip an action to become Physical element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Rolling Plains, possessor may skip an action to become Air element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Salt Flats, possessor may skip an action to become Psychic element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Savannah, possessor may skip an action to become Fire element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Scrubland, possessor may skip an action to become Fire element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Snowy Plains, possessor may skip an action to become Ice element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Space, possessor may skip an action to become Darkness element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Steppes, possessor may skip an action to become Earth element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Stormy Plains, possessor may skip an action to become Electrical element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Sunny Forest, possessor may skip an action to become Magic element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Swamp, possessor may skip an action to become Acid element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Tropical Island, possessor may skip an action to become Water element, If the terrain or phantom terrain is Wasteland, possessor may skip an action to become Earth element,
Basic Chronomantic Geomancy Skills- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor's spells that contain an effect that either creates a Zone or may create a Zone cost 20 less MP
Basic Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) All Geomancy spells affect 1 additional target if they already affected multiple targets and cost 10 less MP if their element matches that of an item possessed by their caster or their caster
Basic Zonal Linking- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +50 to all stats if possessor is in a Zone
Create Zone- (Active Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may spend an action to create a zone of any base element
Dig Pothole- (Active Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may spend an action to add an effect to a Zone of Earth, a Zone of Physical, or a Terrain or Phantom Terrain that is 'Road' that causes all Vehicle transformations in said Zone or Terrain that are below Level 20 to have a 20% chance each round of not being able to act, with things that would occur before and after their actions still occurring, with said effect stacking 3 times per zone or terrain and 3 times across all zones and terrains
Drink Lake- (Active Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may spend an action to remove a Zone of Water or a Terrain or Phantom Terrain with an associated Square Mile of Terrain in the Shop that is Water element that has a source below Level 40 from battle
Establish Planar Phantom Terrain Links- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +500 SPI
Expert Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Geomancy spells cost possessor half their normal MP cost to cast, Possessor gains 20 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Geomancy Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Geomancer- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Geomancy spells cost possessor 500 less MP to cast, Geomancy spells cost possessor an additional (Possessor Level x 10) less MP to cast, Possessor gains +(10 x Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor's element matches the element of a Square Mile of Terrain in the Shop that is associated with a Terrain or Phantom Terrain present
Improved Terrain Attunement: Swamp: One With the Mire- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +10% Dodge and 50% Poison Resistance, if the terrain or phantom terrain is Swamp
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Abyss of Time- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Abyss of Time
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Astral Void- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Astral Void
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Battlefield- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Battlefield
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Beach- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Beach
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Boneyard- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Boneyard
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Bubble Cosmos- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Bubble Cosmos
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Caverns- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Caverns
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Cliffside- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Cliffside
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Cloudy Sky- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Cloudy Sky
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Conifer Forest- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Conifer Forest
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Cosmic Web- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Cosmic Web
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Dark Forest- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Dark Forest
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Desert- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Desert
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Domain of Balance- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Domain of Balance
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Dry Riverbed- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Dry Riverbed
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Ethereal Mists- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Ethereal Mists
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Extradimensional Arena- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Extradimensional Arena
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Farmland- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Farmland
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Forest- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Forest
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Frozen Cosmos- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Frozen Cosmos
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Frozen Waste- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Frozen Waste
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Glacier- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Glacier
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Hills- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Hills
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Jungle- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Jungle
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Lake- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Lake
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Mage’s Sanctum- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Mage’s Sanctum
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Marsh- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Marsh
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Mirror Realm- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Mirror Realm
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Ocean- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Ocean
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Open Sky- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Open Sky
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Realm of Magic- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Realm of Magic
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Space- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Space
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Swamp- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Swamp
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Void of Endings- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Void of Endings
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Wellspring of Life- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Wellspring of Life
Phantom Terrain Link Established: White Void- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to White Void
Phantom Terrain Link Established: World Tree- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to World Tree
Regurgitate Lake- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor, upon removing a Terrain, Phantom Terrain, or Zone with the ability 'Drink Lake', as a non-stacking effect, gains the ability:
Regurgitate Lake- 20,000 Damage, 70% inflicts Drowning, This action's Prime Attribute is Constituion, this action gains '1 hit against 200' if targetting only individuals of lower Level than caster that are below Level 60, Water, 45,000 MP
Terrain Mastery- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Abilities from the Geomancer class whose name includes 'Phantom Terrain Link Established', 'Attuned to Terrain', and 'Improved Terrain Attunement' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1), 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0), and 3 fewer Square Mile items of each type required (that are worth under 500,000,000 Gold each, to a minimum of 0), to learn from ability shops.

Augmented Resistance of the Iron Vastness- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains 5% Minor Status Effect Resistance
First Fortification of the Iron Vastness- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +50 CON and 5% Resilience
Meditated Upon the Iron Iris- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor cannot be Criticalled by individuals below Level 10
Resistance of the Iron Vastness- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains 1% Air Resistance, 1% Earth Resistance, 1% Fire Resistance, 1% Water Resistance, 1% Light Resistance, 1% Darkness Resistance, 1% Physical Resistance, 1% Psychic Resistance, 1% Magic Resistance, 1% Technology Resistance, 1% Acid Resistance, 1% Ice Resistance, and 1% Electrical Resistance
Second Fortification of the Iron Vastness- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +2,000 HP

Basic Illusion Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All Illusion Magic summons have 200 more HP, 10 more of each stat, last 1 turn longer if they last over 1 turn already, and require 25 more of the relevant stats to dispel
Can Pretend to Be Knowledgeable and Multitalented- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor may choose to count as possessing one more ability in each class that possessor posssesses at least 1 ability in; This ability works for prerequisite purposes if it is permanently possessed by its possessor
Convincing Liar- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor counts as being 1 Level higher for purposes of resisting stat-scanning attempts, with said bonus not being able to overcome 'Immune to below Level X' effects
Illusionary Photography- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor counts as 5 Levels higher for stat-scanning purposes, to a max of Level 60, if possessor's stats have not been scanned, Possessor's offensive actions may deal 500 MIN Damage if possessor has an item with 'Camera' in its name equipped, Has RP effects

-Infinity Designer-
Absorb Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor Absorbs Progress against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Adept Progress Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Amounts of Progress element Damage possessor deals are increased by 10,000 points, Progress element spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Possessor gains 5 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Progress element Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Whenever possessor obtains Progress element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 1,000 points
Apprentice Command of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor's Progress element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Apprentice Defenses Against Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Progress
Apprentice Progress Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains 5% Progress Resistance
Apprentice Progress Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Infinity Designer) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Progress element item equipped, Possessor's Progress element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor's Progress element allies gain +100 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Quantities of Progress element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Progress
Basic Acceleration Within Progress's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Progress
Basic Affinity to Healing Via Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Whenever possessor obtains Progress element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 500 points
Basic Command of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor's Progress element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Progress
Basic Progress Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains 1% Progress Resistance
Basic Progress Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Progress element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor's Progress element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Weaponization of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Quantities of Progress element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Progress
Call Forth the Living Progress- (Active Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor may spend an action to summon 5 Elementals that are Progress element, are below Level 5, and are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 20 summoned
Control of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Progress element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Defenses that Utilize Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Progress-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Detect Progress- (Passive Ability, Infinity Designer) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Progress element targets
Elemental Attack-Conversion: Progress- (Technique Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Progress' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is Progress element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element Progress.
Elemental Invocation of Progress- (Technique Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor may use 'Elemental Invocation of Progress' in conjunction with an 'Elemental Attack' action so long as possessor is Progress element and no other technique is used. Said action gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 Magical Attack, or +500 Ranged Attack.
Emanate Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Progress element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Progress element Damage to up to 10 targets
Empowered By Progress- (Passive Ability, Infinity Designer) If possessor is Progress element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Mind Restore at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Progress
Greater Weaponization of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Quantities of Progress element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 25,000 points
Improved Affinity to Healing Via Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Whenever possessor obtains Progress element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 5,000 points
Improved Command of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor's Progress element pets and summons gain +1,000 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Improved Defenses Against Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Progress
Improved Defenses that Utilize Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains +2,000 Defense if possessor has any Progress-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Improved Progress Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains 10% Progress Resistance
Improved Understanding of the Heart of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor's Progress element allies gain +250 to all stats
Improved Weaponization of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Quantities of Progress element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Improved Zonal Acclimation of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats while in a Zone of Progress
Improved Zonal Progress Empowerment- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Progress, Possessor gains +500 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, Ranged Attack, and Defense while in a Zone of Progress
Infinite Assumption of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains the element Progress while in Infinity Designer stances
Infinity Designer- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Progress Resistance, Possessor ignores Progress Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Iterative Perfection of Ice Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) At the start of each round, possessor gains +1% Ice Resistance as a buff that stacks 50 times
Meditative Assumption of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Progress element
Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor may use the Technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Progress' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action even if possessor is not Progress element.
Nourished By Progress- (Passive Ability, Infinity Designer) If possessor is Progress element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Rejuvenation at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Progress
Predict the Flow of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains +5% Dodge against Progress element individuals
Progress Battle-Aura- (Stance Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor deals 10,000 Flat Progress element Damage to each opponent at the start of each round
Progress Body Form- (Stance Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains +200 Defense against Progress, Possessor gains 15% Progress Resistance, Possessor may deal 5,000 Flat Progress element Damage to any individual who conducts an offensive action that targets possessor
Progress Immunity- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains Progress Immunity against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Progress Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Progress element: Create a Zone of Progress, Remove a Zone of Progress created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Progress by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Progress to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Progress element on a Progress element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Progress, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Progress, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Progress element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Progress to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Progress, 5% Progress Resistance, or +50 Defense against Progress and 1% Progress Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Prosperous Venting of Excess Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) If possessor is Progress element and performs an 'Elemental Attack' action that is solely Progress element, said action deals 5,000 additional Damage, and, at the end of said action, possessor regenerates 5,000 HP.
Reflect Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor Reflects Progress against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Relentless Tempest of Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) If possessor's last action was solely Progress element either due to this ability or the technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Progress', possessor may make any of possessor's offensive actions solely Progress element.
Stability Within Progress- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor gains 25% minor negative status effect resistance while in a Zone of Progress
Uplifted By Progress- (Passive Ability, Infinity Designer) If possessor is Progress element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Elevated at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Progress
Zonal Progress Control- (Passive Ability, Other: Infinity Designer) Possessor may, at the start of each round, choose one Zone of Progress that is present that was created by a source equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80 and destroy that zone or remove an effect attached to said Zone that is from a source that is equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80

Deathtrap Realtor- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor's Large Structure allies deal 5,000 additional Damage per Damage-dealing counter that is an action that they perform, Possessor's half-price sell cap is increased by 2,000 Gold for Property items
Gift Wrapper- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor chooses on month of the year upon acquring this ability; possessor's per-item half-price sell cap is increased by 5,000 Gold during that month
Loud Marketplace-Merchant-Yelling- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor's 'Trade' actions may gain '50% inflicts Impaired: Deaf on a chosen target'

-Reality Arranger-
Adept Spatial Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Amounts of Spatial element Damage possessor deals are increased by 10,000 points, Spatial element spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Possessor gains 5 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Spatial element Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Absorb Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor Absorbs Spatial against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Apprentice Command of Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor's Spatial element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Apprentice Defenses Against Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Spatial
Apprentice Spatial Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor gains 5% Spatial Resistance
Apprentice Spatial Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Reality Arranger) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Spatial element item equipped, Possessor's Spatial element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Quantities of Spatial element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Spatial
Basic Acceleration Within Spatial's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Spatial
Basic Command of Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor's Spatial element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Spatial
Basic Spatial Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor gains 1% Spatial Resistance
Basic Spatial Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Spatial element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor's Spatial element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Weaponization of Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Quantities of Spatial element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Spatial
Beyond an Ever-Vast Gulf- (Passive Ability, Reality Arranger) If possessor is Spatial element, possessor counts as being in the back row for purposes of back-row Damage-halving
Cause Spatial Ruptures- (Passive Ability, Reality Arranger) If possessor is Spatial element, whenever a Zone of Spatial is created, possessor may unsummon up to 5 non-unique individuals of Level 80 or lower who are not 20 or more Levels higher than possessor and who do not possess Spatial Resistance, Immunity, Reflection, or Absorption
Control of Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Spatial element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Defenses that Utilize Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Spatial-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Expert Spatial Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Spatial element Damage dealt to possessor (not including healing) is halved, Spatial element Stat Damage (not including healing) dealt to possessor is halved Possessor gains 1 Accessory slot that may not be used for purposes other than carrying accessories, may only carry Spatial element accessories, and may not be converted into other types of slot by individuals below Level 100
Greater Weaponization of Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Quantities of Spatial element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 25,000 points
Improved Defenses Against Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Spatial
Improved Defenses that Utilize Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor gains +2,000 Defense if possessor has any Spatial-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Improved Spatial Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor gains 10% Spatial Resistance
Improved Unreachable Body- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) If possessor is Spatial element and Level 40 or greater, possessor may choose to automatically Dodge the attacks of individuals below Level 40
Improved Weaponization of Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Quantities of Spatial element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Improved Zonal Acclimation of Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats while in a Zone of Spatial
Meditative Assumption of Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Spatial element
Reality Arranger- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Spatial Resistance, Possessor ignores Spatial Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Reflect Spatial- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor Reflects Spatial against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Reshape Zones- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) At the start of each round and of each of possessor's actions, possessor may choose to cause individuals who are either below Level 60 and not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor or who are willing to either be in a Zone or not be in a Zone, provided that said zone was created by a source that is either below Level 60 and not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor, is possessor, is one of possessor's pets, or is one of possessor's summons
Space-Bending Reach- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor deals full damage to individuals below Level 80 who are not more than 19 Levels greater than possessor who are in the back row
Space Hopping- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) At the start of each round, possessor may exit the battle possessor is in and enter any other currently active battle in the same thread, provided that no individual of Level 60 or greater who is in either the battle possessor is leaving or possessor's destination battle objects and that no individual who is 20 or more Levels greater than possessor who is in either said battle objects
Spatial Immunity- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor gains Spatial Immunity against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Spatial Interdiction- (Passive Ability, Reality Arranger) If possessor is Spatial element, whenever one of possessor's opponents of equal or lower Level who is below Level 60 summons an individual of Level 60 or lower in a battle that possessor is not in, possessor may instead have said individual be summoned in the battle that possessor is in, Whenever an individual of Level 60 who is not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor leaves a battle that possessor is not in to enter another battle, provided that said entering of said battle is caused by a source of Level 60 or lower, possessor may have said individual enter the battle possessor is in instead of whatever battle said individual would otherwise enter
Spatially Sidestep Zone- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Whenever an individual below Level 60 who is not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor creates a Zone, possessor may choose to not be in said Zone
Spatial Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Spatial element: Create a Zone of Spatial, Remove a Zone of Spatial created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Spatial by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Spatial to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Spatial element on a Spatial element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Spatial, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Spatial, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Spatial element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Spatial to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Spatial, 5% Spatial Resistance, or +50 Defense against Spatial and 1% Spatial Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Unreachable Body- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) If possessor is Spatial element and Level 20 or greater, possessor may choose to automatically Dodge the attacks of individuals below Level 20
Zonal Spatial Control- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Arranger) Possessor may, at the start of each round, choose one Zone of Spatial that is present that was created by a source equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80 and destroy that zone or remove an effect attached to said Zone that is from a source that is equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80

-Reality Auditor-
Abstract-Bane Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Abstract-Bane Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Abstracts and gains +25% Critical against Abstracts.
Abstract-Hunting Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Animal-Hunting Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Animals and gains +5% To Hit against Abstracts.
Accurate Clipboard Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor gains +1% To Hit when a Clipboard is equipped
Adept Clipboard Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor controls the decisions of individuals below (Possessor's Level - 10) if possessor has a Clipboard equipped, Clipboard weapons equipped by possessor can provide an additional +100,000 Magical Attack before capping, Clipboard Weapons equipped by possessor that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +5,000 Magical Attack, Possessor's critical Damage multiplier increases by 1 as an effect that does not stack with other critical-damage-multiplier-increasing effects that come from abilities if possessor is wielding a Clipboard
Apprentice Clipboard Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor controls the decisions of individuals below possessor's Level who are below Level 20, gains +5,000 Magical Attack, and gains +5,000 MIN if possessor has a Clipboard equipped
Audit Mastery- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Technique Abilities from the Reality Auditor class whose name includes 'Audit' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Basic Clipboard Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor controls the decisions of Level 1 individuals and gains +500 MIN if possessor has a Clipboard equipped
Census Taker's Population-Stabilizing Math-Rage- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) At the end of each round, possessor may choose an entity from the enemy list that is normally fightable for drops of which type one or more entities were summoned that round, provided that possessor scanned the stats of one of said entities during that round and is wielding a Clipboard. This ability, to a max of once per thread per entity type on the enemy list, records the number of those entities present in battle at the time said selection was made, to a minimum of 1 (with this ability failing to record if less than 1 such entity is present). The number of summoned individuals of any entity type on the enemy list that is normally fightable for drops may not become higher than said recorded number for that type if such a number exists, with additional summons of said type not being summoned and individuals who are summons being transformed into entities of said type failing to be transformed in such cases in which it would produce an invalid number of such summons.
Clipboard Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) +5 to all stats when a Clipboard is equipped
Clipboard Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) +25 to all stats when a Clipboard is equipped, +50 Magical Attack when a Clipboard is equipped
Clipboard Wielding III- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor gains +200 to all stats when a Clipboard is equipped and +200 Magical Attack when a Clipboard is equipped
Dangerous Clipboard Use- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor gains +1% Critical when a Clipboard is equipped
Debilitating Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Debilitating Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Stat Drain.
Demon-Bane Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Demon-Bane Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Demons and gains +25% Critical against Demons.
Demon-Hunting Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Demon-Hunting Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Demons and gains +5% To Hit against Demons.
Deva-Bane Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Deva-Bane Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Devas and gains +25% Critical against Devas.
Deva-Hunting Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Deva-Hunting Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Devas and gains +5% To Hit against Devas.
Dud Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Dud Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Magical Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Enchanted Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Enchanted Audit' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Magic element.
Human-Bane Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Human-Bane Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Humans and gains +25% Critical against Humans.
Human-Hunting Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Human-Hunting Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Humans and gains +5% To Hit against Humans.
Humanoid-Bane Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Bane Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Humanoids and gains +25% Critical against Humanoids.
Humanoid-Hunting Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Humanoid-Hunting Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Humanoids and gains +5% To Hit against Humanoids.
Improved Debilitating Audit- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor's 'Debilitating Audit' technique has its chance of inflicting Stat Drain increased to 30%
Improved Paralytic Audit- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor's 'Paralytic Audit' technique has its chance of inflicting Paralyzed increased to 30%
Large Structure-Bane Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Large Structure-Bane Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Large Structures and gains +25% Critical against Large Structures.
Large Structure-Hunting Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Large Structure-Hunting Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Large Structures and gains +5% To Hit against Large Structures.
Multitasking: Census of the Mire- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditer)- Possessor may use 'Multitasking: Census of the Mire' in conjunction with any action so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said action tells its performer the number of Earth element individuals present on each side of battle and may scan the stats of any such individual.
Paralytic Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Paralytic Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed.
Preservation-Ensuring Record-Keeping- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Once per thread, if wielding a Clipboard, possessor may inflict an instance of Invincible on one of possessor's pets or summons, with said instance lasting 5 rounds, with the duration of said instance not being extendable, with said effect not being replicable or transferable, and with said effect vanishing if possessor is not in the same battlespace as its possessor at any point.
Prime-Bane Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Prime-Bane Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Primes and gains +25% Critical against Primes.
Prime-Hunting Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Prime-Hunting Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Primes and gains +5% To Hit against Primes.
Reality Auditor- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor controls the decisions of individuals below (Possessor's Level / 2), gains +(5,000 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack, and gains +(2,500 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has a Clipboard equipped
Surprise Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Surprise Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +1,000 Magical Attack against targets that have not yet acted.
Unexpected Audit- (Technique Ability, Other: Reality Auditor) Possessor may use 'Unexpected Audit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Clipboard equipped. Said attack gains +500 Magical Attack against targets that have not yet acted.

Apprentice Ritual Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +40 Magical Attack, All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take 2 less actions to cast, to a minimum of 1, and all Ritual Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Fast Ritual Casting- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take 3 less actions to cast, to a minimum of 1
Basic Ritual Circle Construction- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor's Ritual Magic spells that create Circle Effect have said effects provide possessor with +100 to all stats as a non-stacking buff and cannot be removed by opposing sources below Level 5
Basic Ritual Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 Magical Attack, All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take 1 less action to cast, to a minimum of 1, and all Ritual Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Craft Ritual Circles from Blood- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor may pay 100 HP when casting a Ritual Magic spell that creates a Circle Effect to have said spell cost 100 less MP, Ritual Magic spells that create Circle Effects cost possessor 100 less MP on rounds after rounds during which at least 2,000 HP worth of Damage was taken from attacks across all individuals in the battle that possessor is currently present in
Focused Ritual Magic Casting- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Ritual Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of spell possessor has equipped is Ritual Magic
Improved Ritual Circle Construction- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor's Ritual Magic spells that create Circle Effect have said effects provide possessor with +200 to all stats as a non-stacking buff and cannot be removed by opposing sources below Level 10
Improved Spellcasting Power from Ritual Circles- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor gains +100 Magical Attack, +50 MIN, and +50 SPI whenever possessor possesses a Ritual Magic Circle Effect
Ritualist- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(10 * Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take (Possessor Level / 5, rounded up) less actions to cast, to a minimum of 1, and all Ritual Magic spells cost possessor (50 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Ritual Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Ritual Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Ritual Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Ritual Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Ritualist's Mana-Channeling Stance- (Stance Ability, Ritualist) Each turn possessor spends casting Ritual Magic spells counts as 2, but it cost 25 XP per turn casting until the number of turns required to cast the spell is reached

Apprentice Roboticist Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) Possessor's Robot pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Bascaradine Tsayyikproofing- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) Possessor may use CON in place of SAN, INF, and RES and may choose to take CON Damage instead of SAN Damage, INF Damage, or RES Damage
Basic Roboticist Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) Possessor's Robot pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Defensive Robot Programming I- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) Possessor's Robot pets and summons gain +50 Defense
Defensive Robot Programming II- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) Possessor's Robot pets and summons gain +250 Defense
Offensive Robot Programming I- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) Possessor's Robot pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 50 points
Offensive Robot Programming II- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) Possessor's Robot pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 500 points
Roboticist- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Robot pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Robot pets and summons per Level of possessor
Robot Programming I- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) Possessor's Robot pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Robot Programming II- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) Possessor's Robot pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Speed-Focused Robot Programming I- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) Possessor's Robot pets and summons have their turn-order-determining stat sums increased by 50 points for turn-order-determining purposes
Speed-Focused Robot Programming II- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) Possessor's Robot pets and summons have their turn-order-determining stat sums increased by 250 points for turn-order-determining purposes

Apprentice Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) This character gains +6 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Knowledge of Common Dimensional Traits- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 MIN, Possessor gains +100 additional MIN and +100 SPI if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present
Basic Knowledge of Dimensional Connectivity- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle or that summon cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Area Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present
Basic Understanding of Dimensional Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle or that summon cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Effect / Mana-Pattern Interaction- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains 20% Resistance to Level 1 individuals
Basic Understanding of Entity Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor scans stats as though possessor were 1 Level higher as an effect that does not bypass 'Immune to below Level X' abilities
Basic Understanding of Item Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +10 to all stats for each item possessor has equipped, to a max of +100
Basic Understanding of Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 MIN.
Erase Future Destiny- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Erase Future Destiny' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action if possessor has a Book equipped. Said action gains '60% inflicts Suffocation: No Future'
Has Engaged in Lengthy Studies- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor obtains +300 MIN
Improved Understanding of Area Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present
Improved Understanding of Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +250 MIN
Knowledge of Common Dimensional Traits- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +250 MIN, Possessor gains +250 additional MIN and +250 SPI if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present
Knowledge of Dimensional Connectivity- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle or that summon cost possessor 5,000 less MP to cast
Knowledge of Esoteric Elements- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor gains +100 MIN if possessor has any item equipped that is a nonbase element
Knowledge of the Discs of Nexus- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +200 MIN
Literary Self-Insertion- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor may, at the start of any round, leave possessor's current battle and enter another currently open battle in the same thread provided that no individual of Level 60 or greater in either possessor's current battle or the destination battle objects, Possessor may insert copies of itself into literary worlds and control said copies as an RP power
Re-Write Memory- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Re-Write Memory' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action if possessor has a Book equipped. Said action gains '60% may inflict Charm and either 60% may remove each buff or debuff with target as a source if target is below Level 60 or 60% may change the source of each buff or debuff with target as a source to this action's user if target is below Level 60 (with said choice being made on a per buff/debuff basis)'. Has RP effects.
Scholar- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +700 Magical Attack and +50 to all stats when a Book is equipped, Possessor gains an additional +(10 x Possessor Level) Magical Attack and +(5 x Possessor Level) to all stats when a Book is equipped.
Scholar of Dimensions- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains +200 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle or that summon cost possessor 500 less MP to cast
Scholar of Elements- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 MIN for each element that possessor possesses as the element of one of possessor's pieces of equipped equipment, to a max of 24 such elements
Scholar of Spells- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Spells cost possessor 20,000 less MP to cast
Scholarly- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor obtains +200 uncapped MIN if possessor has a Book equipped
Studious- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +200 MIN
Tragedy-Inducing Reality-Override Bubble- (Stance Ability, Scholar) At the start of each round, possessor may inflict any one minor of moderate negative status effect, including Confusion: Depression, Confusion: Fear, and Hexed: Ill Fortune, on up to 5 chosen targets that are below Level 60, At the start of each round, possessor may remove one buff from a source below Level 60 from up to 5 individuals who are below Level 60
Understanding of Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +250 MIN.

-Snow Queen-
Cold Protection- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains 10% Ice Resistance
Greater Cold Protection- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains 30% Cold Resistance
Improved Cold Protection- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains 20% Ice Resistance
Masterful Cold Protection- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains 50% Ice Resistance
Superior Cold Protection- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains 40% Ice Resistance
Trained in The Freezer in the Walrusfrost Endurance Competition- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +5% Ice Resistance
Weak Cold Protection- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains 5% Ice Resistance

-Spatial Mage-
Adept Spatial Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) Spatial Magic spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Spatial Magic spells cast by possessor that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Magical Attack, Possessor gains 10 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Spatial Magic Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Apprentice Spatial Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) All Spatial Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +250 additional Magical Attack, All Spatial Magic spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast
Basic Spatial Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) All Spatial Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 Magical Attack and cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Displacing Spell- (Technique Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) Possessor may use 'Displacing Spell' in conjuction with a 'Magical Attack' action that possessor performs if said action includes no other technique and possessor casts a Spatial Magic spell as part of said action. Said action causes its targets to obtain -5% Dodge until the end of the round as a debuff that stacks 2 times.
Expert Spatial Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Spatial Mage) Spatial Magic spells cost possessor half their normal MP cost to cast, Possessor gains 20 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Spatial Magic Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Focused Spatial Magic Casting- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) Spatial Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of spell possessor has equipped is Spatial Magic
From One Hand to the Other- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) If possessor loses a Weapon slot, possessor may, before losing said slot, exchange the item that is in said slot with an item in another slot that could be held in said slot, provided that possessor may hold said item in the other slot, provided that a source of Level 80 or greater did not cause possessor to lose said slot
Hand Window- (Passive Ability, Spatial Mage) If another battle is present, possessor may, once per round, re-direct an action from a lower-Level source below Level 60 to any target within any other battle in the same thread
Increased Magic Reach- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) Possessor gains 120% To Hit against targets in the back row
Magic-Powered Space-Swap- (Technique Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) Possessor may use 'Magic-Powered Space-Swap' in conjuction with a 'Magical Attack' action that possessor performs if said action includes no other technique and possessor casts a Spatial Magic spell as part of said action. Possessor selects a willing ally as part of said action, and swaps row-positions with said ally.
Mildly Self-Displacing Casting- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) Possessor gains +1% Dodge as a non-stacking buff on rounds after rounds during which possessor cast a Spatial Magic spell, with said bonus not being able to increase possessor's Dodge above 50%
Spatially-Expanded Spiritual Mana Reservoir- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) Possessor gains +2,000 MP
Spatially-Unsummoning Rite- (Technique Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) Possessor may use 'Spatially-Unsummoning Rite' in conjuction with a 'Magical Attack' action that possessor performs if said action includes no other technique and possessor casts a Spatial Magic spell as part of said action. Said action gains a 50% chance of unsummoning targets below Level 20 that were summoned by individuals below Level 20.
Spatial Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) Spatial Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Spatial Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) Spatial Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Spatial Mage- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) All Spatial Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(500 + 25 * Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, All Spatial Magic spells cost possessor (500 + 100 * Possessor Level) less MP
Spatial-Magic Deflection Field- (Stance Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) Possessor gains +800 Defense and 30% Dodge
Spatial-Magic-Repelling Deflection Field- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) Possessor gains 12% Spatial Magic Resistance while in the Spatial-Magic Deflection Field stance
Spatial Viewing- (Passive Ability, Spatial Mage) Possessor ignores the Dodge Bonuses granted by buffs from sources below Level 80 that are present on targets that are in different battles
Unified Knowledge of Space and Spatial Magic- (Passive Ability, Spatial Mage) Possessor may count Spatial Mage abilities possessor possesses as Reality Arranger abilities (including for prerequisite purposes), Possessor may count Reality Arranger abilities possessor possesses as Spatial Mage abilities (including for prerequisite purposes)

-Subspace Architect-
Apprentice Subspace Architect Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor's Large Structure pets and summons gain +2,500 HP, +2,500 MP, +500 to damage dealt, and +250 to all stats
Basic Appreciation of Feng Shui- (Passive Ability, Subspace Architect) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while a Terrain or Phantom Terrain is present
Basic Space-Folding Technique- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor's Large Structure pets and summons gain +5% Resilience against individuals below Level 20
Basic Spatial Feng Shui Control- (Passive Ability, Subspace Architect) Whenever a Level 1 individual that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List would be summoned into a battle that possessor is present in by a source below Level 20 that is equal to or less than possessor's Level, possessor may, if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain that possessor has created is present, instead make the entity that is summoned be any chosen type of entity from the Enemy List that is of the same Level as the replaced summon that is normally fightable for drops so long as possessor is carrying an Antiquity of the same element as the chosen entity that is worth at least 20,000 Gold, with said new entity being under the control of the same summoner as the original entity and counting toward the summon cap of the original type of summon
Basic Spawn Table Design- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor's summons gains +50 to all stats as a bonus that cannot take their stats above 2000% of their natural values
Basic Subspace Architect Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor's Large Structure pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +50 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Built with Deathly Mortar- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) If possessor is a Large Structure, whenever one of possessor's opponents who is at least Level 20 dies, possessor gains +100 to all stats, +10,000 HP, +1% Resilience, and +100 Defense, as a buff that stacks 10 times and lasts 15 rounds
Chimney-Creating Art- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Large Structures below Level 60 gain -40% Resilience against possessor
Contains a Doomzoo- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) If possessor is a Large Structure, possessor may summon any individual from the Enemy List that is normally fightable for drops, is below Level 40, and is below possessor's Level at the start of each round, Entities summoned through this ability have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 50,000 points, Max 5 summoned
Contains Terror Aqueducts- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) If possessor is a Large Structure, possessor may deal 350,000 Flat Fire, Acid, or Darkness element Damage to up to 15 targets at the start of each round, with a 40% chance of inflicting any one minor negative status effect, Burning, Dissolving, or Voidstruck on each of said targets
Contains Zonal Damage Tiles- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Whenever an individual conducts an offensive action against possessor, possessor may deal 300,000 Flat Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Acid, Electrical, Energy, or Ice element Damage to said individual at the end of said action if possessor is a Large Structure
Filled with Trapped Chandaliers- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Up to three times per thread, when an individual conducts an offensive action against possessor, possessor may deal 500,000 Flat Physical or Fire element Damage to said individual at the end of said action, also possessing an 80% chance of inflicting either Wounded or Burning (or neither, if desired) on said individual at the end of said action, if possessor is a Large Structure
Improved Space-Folding Technique- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor's Large Structure pets and summons gain +5% Resilience against individuals below Level 40
Improved Spawned Entities- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) If possessor is a Large Structure, possessor's summons gain +400 to all stats
Install Asbestos- (Technique Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor may use 'Install Asbestos' in conjunction with a 'Repair Large Structure' action. Said action gives all Large Structures that it targets a buff that causes them to deal 400 CON Damage to each non-'Large Structure' in battle at the start of each round (including allies) and has a 30% chance of inflicting Diseased on each such target, with said buff stacking 3 times, with the stat damage it deals stacking together as part of a single application instance
Knowledge of Space-Folding- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor gains +200 MIN, Possessor's Large Structure pets and summons gain +100 CON
Legacy Large Structure Traits- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor may, at the beginning of a thread, choose to operate for the entirety of the thread with an effective level equal to half possessor's normal level, rounded up. All changes that would occur with this reduction in level occur. If this level reduction is ever somehow cancelled, the other effects of this ability are simultaneously cancelled. If possessor chooses to operate at half level, then possessor's HP is multiplied by 10, possessor's Resilience is multiplied by 4, possessor's Defense is multiplied by 1.5, possessor's Defense Against Stat Damage is multiplied by 1.5, and possessor's Dodge is multiplied by .1, with possessor also gaining Immunity to Impaired, Confusion, Pain, Poison, Fatigued, Diseased, and Charm. This ability only takes effect if possessor is a Large Structure. This ability explicitly bypasses clauses in other abilities that state that multipliers to various enumerated values do not stack (though such abilities still may not stack with each other, should Possessor have multiple). These multiplications occur at Application Step 2 in the Order of Effects, bypassing the standard ruling that the effects of Passive Abilities are calculated during Application Step 1.
Large Structure Traits- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) If possessor is a Large Structure, possessor's HP is multiplied by 10 as an effect that does not stack with other HP multiplying effects, possessor's Resilience is multiplied by 4 as an effect that doesn't stack with other Resilience multiplying effects, possessor's Defense is multiplied by 1.5 as an effect that does not stack with other Defense multiplying effects, possessor's Defense Against Stat Damage is multiplied by 1.5 as an effect that doesn't stack with other Defense Against Stat Damage multiplying effects, and possessor's Dodge is multiplied by .1, with possessor also gaining Immunity to Impaired, Confusion, Pain, Poison, Fatigued, Diseased, and Charm. These multiplications occur at Application Step 2 in the Order of Effects, bypassing the standard ruling that the effects of Passive Abilities are calculated during Application Step 1.

Manifold Domain-Based Realm Connectivity- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor gains 12 slots to equip Property items, these items provide special benefits as listed by this ability, Possessor may, using an absorb slot, scan a property into this ability, said scanned properties may not be traded or sold, but they may still be used in guilds

Abjurer's Shielded Tower (With Regenerating Shield)- (Item, Property, Magic, 8,500,000 Gold) +8,500 Defense, Wielder regenerates 8,500 Defense, 4,250 CON, and 85,000 HP at the start of each round
Ancient Door to the Spirit World Etched with Forgotten Symbols- (Item, Property, Light & Darkness, 8,300,000 Gold) Wielder's Spirit summons regenerate 80,000 MP at the start of each round
Bascaradine City-Protecting Shield-Dome Generator Building- (Item, Property, Technology, 40,500,000 Gold) Wielder gains +5,000 Defense for each Property that wielder has equipped, to a max of +80,000
Black Clocktower- (Item, Property, Time & Darkness & Fate, 90,000,000 Gold) +80,000 AGI, +8,000 Defense against AGI Damage, 20% Darkness Resistance, Wielder gains 10% Time Resistance if wielder is Fate element, Wielder gains 10% Fate Resistance if wielder is Time element
Citadel of the Ancient Wiseman- (Item, Property, Mystic, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 MIN, +400,000 SPI, +4,000,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, +400,000 Defense against Magic, +400,000 Defense against Mystic, 30% Magic Resistance, 30% Mystic Resistance
Citadel of the Unclaimable Throne- (Item, Property, Law & Chaos & Glory & Warding & Metal, 1,700,000,000 Gold) +3,400,000 to all stats, Dominion Immunity, This item may not be equipped or modified by entities below Level 100
City of Shadows- (Item, Property, Darkness, 15,000,000 Gold) +5,000 SPI, 60% Dodge, 30% Darkness Resistance
College of Wizardry- (Item, Property, Magic, 10,555,000 Gold) +10,000 Magical Attack, +10,000 MIN, +10,000 SPI, 20% Magic Resistance
Council-Hall of Departed Sages- (Item, Property, Magic & Light & Darkness, 400,000,000 Gold) Wielder gains +2,000 uncapped MIN and SPI for each unique, dead ally wielder possesses, to a max of 100 such allies across all copies of this item
Cyclopean Ruins- (Item, Property, Earth & Magic, 4,500,000 Gold) +4,500 Defense, +4,500 MIN, +45,000 MP
Dark Realm Art Gallery- (Item, Property, Darkness & Magic, 679,000 Gold) +610 MIN, Wielder may not be forcibly removed from battle by non-unique sources below Level 40, Wielder may ignore effects attached to zones and pieces of terrain that come from sources below Level 20
Dragon's Lair- (Item, Property, Magic & Earth & Fire, 10,000,000 Gold) +10,000 Ranged Attack, 30% inflicts Burning, Wielder gains the subtype Dragon
Drifting Sky- (Item, Property, Air, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 AGI, +40,000 HP, +40,000 MP, 40% Air Resistance, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Eerily Accurate Weather Studio- (Item, Property, Air & Electrical & Water & Earth, 20,000,000 Gold) Wielder gains +20,000 Defense against effects attached to Zones, Wielder may choose to prevent individuals 20 or more Levels below wielder who are below Level 80 from attaching effects to Zones
Eight-World Mirror-Ring Linkage Network- (Item, Property, Spatial & Ice & Mystic, 888,888,880 Gold) Wielder may, up to 8 times per round, before one of wielder's actions or at the start of the round, enter another existing battlespace that is part of the same battle so long as no entity of Level 99 or greater in the battlespace wielder is entering or the battlespace wielder is leaving objects, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater
Endless World-Connecting Staircase- (Item, Property, Spatial, 400,000,000 Gold) At the start of each round, wielder may enter another existing battlespace that is part of the same battle so long as no entity of Level 90 or greater or that is greater Level than wielder in either the battlespace wielder is entering or the battlespace wielder is leaving objects
Floating Tower- (Item, Property, Air, 4,500,000 Gold) +4,000 SPI, +4,000 AGI, +1,000 Defense, 20% Dodge
Flowing Core- (Item, Property, Fire, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 STR, +40,000 HP, +40,000 MP, 40% Fire Resistance, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Fortified Bunker- (Item, Property, Magic & Earth, 620,000 Gold)- +710 Defense, +60 Defense against Stat Damage, +300 Defense against Gold damage
Fourfold, Difting Shell-Style Mini-Planet- (Item, Property, Earth & Air & Fire & Water, 600,000,000 Gold) +600,000 Defense, 40% Earth Resistance, 40% Air Resistance, 40% Fire Resistance, 40% Water Resistance, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater
Golden Mirror-Palace of Luck- (Item, Property, Fortune, 400,000,000 Gold) 100% Dodge, 100% Critical, 100% Resilience, 200% To Hit, Wielder has a non-stacking 25% chance of reflecting the action of any individual or Level 80 or lower, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater
Grace & Favor Home- (Item, Property, Air, 11,000,000 Gold) Wielder gains +110,000 Defense against Gold Damage and regenerates 10,000 HP and 10,000 MP per round if wielder is a Large Structure
Graveyard of Ships- (Item, Property, Water, 1,200,000 Gold) +1,200 SPI, Wielder may not be afflicted with Drowning or Voidstruck by sources below Level 40
Great Lifeblossom Gate- (Item, Property, Life, 15,000,000 Gold) Wielder regenerates 150,000 HP at the start of each round as a non-stacking effect if wielder is not undead
Great Ocean of Blessed Sake- (Item, Property, Light & Water & Wonder, 500,000,000 Gold) +500,000 CON, +500,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +500,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder is constantly considered to be afflicted with Poison: Drunk and suffers the effects of such, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Large Mage's Tower- (Item, Property, Magic, 25,000,000 Gold) +25,000 Magical Attack, +25,000 MIN, +25,000 SPI
Lesser Suncore- (Item, Property, Light & Fire, 400,000,000 Gold) Wielder deals 800,000 Flat Fire & Light element Damage to each individual who conducts an offensive action that targets wielder at the end of each such action
Living World's Heart- (Item, Property, Life & Blood, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 CON, +800,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder Regenerates 800,000 HP at the start of every round, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Living World's Vein-Caverns- (Item, Property, Life & Blood, 400,000,000 Gold) Wielder may transfer up to 400,000 HP from one HP pool that wielder possesses to another HP pool that wielder possesses, +200,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus
Mage’s Tower- (Item, Property, Magic, 5,000,000 Gold)- +5,000 Magical Attack, +5,000 MIN, +5,000 SPI
Master Diviner's Scrying-Water Ocean- (Item, Property, Water & Magic, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 MIN, Wielder's 'Magical Attack' and 'Cast a Spell' actions may scan stats, Wielder counts as possessing an additional Diviner ability, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Metal Continental Plate- (Item, Property, Earth, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Defense, Wielder's Defense may not be Pierced by non-Universe-element sources below Level 60, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Metal Continental Plate Covered In Numerous Spikes- (Item, Property, Earth, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Defense, Wielder's Defense may not be Pierced by non-Universe-element sources below Level 40, Wielder deals 200,000 Flat Physical element Damage to individuals who conduct offensive actions against wielder at the end of each such action, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Metal Worldcore- (Item, Property, Earth & Metal, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Defense, +400,000 CON, Wielder's Defense may not be pierced by individuals below Level 80 who are not 20 or more Levels greater than wielder, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Mini Portal Nexus- (Item, Property, Spatial, 400,000,000 Gold) Wielder may spend an action to enter any other active battle in the same thread, provided that no individual of Level 80 or greater or any individual 20 or more Levels greater than wielder who is either in the battle wielder is leaving or the battle wielder is entering objects, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Mirage Sky- (Item, Property, Air & Illusion, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 SPI, 100% Dodge, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Mirror-Water Ocean- (Item, Property, Water, 400,000,000 Gold) Wielder has a 50% chance of reflecting the actions of Aquatics that are below Level 80 and are 20 or more Levels below wielder if wielder is not an Aquatic, Wielder has a 50% chance of reflecting the actions of Aerials that are below Level 80 and are 20 or more Levels below wielder if wielder is an Aquatic
Mobile Continent- (Item, Property, Earth, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 CON, +40,000 HP, +40,000 MP, 40% Earth Resistance, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Mobile Ocean- (Item, Property, Water, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 MIN, +40,000 HP, +40,000 MP, 40% Water Resistance, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Mythic Palace of Raining Coins and Abundant Treasures- (Item, Property, Wealth, 400,000,000 Gold) +40,000,000 Defense against Gold Damage, Wielder's items cannot be destroyed by sources below Level 80 who are not 20 or more Levels greater than wielder, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Ocean Full of Strange Sealife- (Item, Property, Water, 400,000,000 Gold) At the start of each round, wielder may summon up to 5 Aquatics from the Enemy List below Level 99, Max 200 summoned, Wielder may choose for these summons to Naturally possess any one additional base, Tier 1 or Tier 2 entity subtype in addition to their preexisting subtypes
Ocean of Illusory Fish- (Item, Property, Water & illusion, 400,000,000 Gold) 80% Dodge if wielder is an Aquatic
Origin-Pulse Worldcore- (Item, Property, Life, 400,000,000 Gold) Wielder may summon 1 entity from the Enemy List that is below Level 60 and normally fightable for drops at the start of each round, Max 100 summoned, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Planet- (Item, Property, Earth & Air & Fire & Water, 1,200,000,000 Gold) +12,000,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater
Planetary Fate-Loom- (Item, Property, Fate, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 MIN, +400,000 SPI, Wielder cannot miss targets below Level 80 who are not 20 or more Levels greater than wielder
Pocket-Heaven- (Item, Property, Light, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 SPI, Entities below Level 95 that are below wielder's Level may not prevent wielder from resurrecting entities
Posh Palace-City- (Item, Property, Water & Light & Earth, 27,000,000 Gold) +100,000 Defense against Gold Damage, Wielder's equipped items act as though worth 50,000 more Gold each
Primordial Ball-Pit- (Item, Property, Chaos & Earth & Water & Magic, 1,115,000 Gold) At the beginning of every round, wielder summons a random Ooze, Abstract, Prime, Horror, or Golem of a Level below 40 that has an 80% chance of being uncontrolled, Max 10 summoned
Sanctum of Emptiness- (Item, Property, Void, 400,000,000 Gold) +40,000 Defense against Stat Damage, Stat Drain Immunity, Wielder is immune to Stat Damage from sources below Level 60, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Sanctum of the Beginning- (Item, Property, Earth & Air & Fire & Water & Void & Life & Light & Darkness, 400,000,000 Gold) Entities below Level 90 that are not greater Level than wielder may not stop wielder from summoning, Wielder may resurrect an entity killed by a source below Level 80 at the start of each round, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Sea of Void- (Item, Property, Water & Darkness & Void, 400,000,000 Gold) Wielder's attacks deal 20,000 MIN and SPI Damage, Wielder is Immune to debuffs from individuals below Level 60, Wielder's offensive actions may unsummon targets below Level 60 who were summoned by individuals below Level 60, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Silent Dreaming Worldheart- (Item, Property, Magic, 400,000,000 Gold) +40,000 to all stats, +4,000 Defense against Stat Damage, Wielder is constantly considered to be afflicted with Impaired: Silence and suffers the effects of such
Silent Library- (Item, Property, Darkness & Psychic, 490,000 Gold) +560 MIN, +440 SPI, Wielder is immune to Impaired: Defened and Impaired: Silence
Small Artificial Sun- (Item, Property, Light & Fire, 400,000,000 Gold) Wielder may, at the start of each round create a Zone of Light that counts a number chosen by wielder, from one to ten, zones of Light for purposes of counting how many zones of Light an individual in it is in
Square Mile of Bubble Cosmos in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Astral & Magic & Psychic & Spatial & Time, 80,000,000 Gold) At the start of each round, wielder may enter another existing battlespace that is part of the same battle so long as no entity of Level 80 or greater or that is greater Level than wielder in either the battlespace wielder is entering or the battlespace wielder is leaving objects
Square Mile of Cosmic Web in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Astral & Spatial, 80,000,000 Gold) Wielder may, as a non-stacking buff that cannot link values that are already linked to other values, link its HP and MP with up to 3 willing allies at the start of battle
Square Mile of Divine Domain in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Light & Darkness & Glory, 200,000,000 Gold) +200,000 to all stats, +2,000,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +2,000,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder regenerates 200,000 HP at the start of each round, Wielder is afflicted with Elevated, Purified, and Favored at the start of each round, Divine Magic spells cost wielder 200,000 less MP to cast as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater and must (have a Patron Deity or be a Deity)
Square Mile of Elemental Water on a Random World- (Item, Property, Water, 15,000,000 Gold) Wielder gains 25% Water Resistance and +10,000 Defense against Water
Square Mile of Lifepulse on a Random World- (Item, Property, Life, 15,000,000 Gold) Wielder regenerates 150,000 HP at the start of each round as an effect that stacks twice, +150,000 HP as a non-stacking effect
Square Mile of Mirror Realm in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Ice & Spatial, 80,000,000 Gold) Wielder may reflect the actions of entities below Level 40 that are below wielder's Level
Square Mile of Storehouse of Wonders in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Wonder & Treasure, 200,000,000 Gold) The attack bonuses and stat bonuses provided by other items equipped by wielder are increased by 40,000 points as an effect that stacks 5 times per item
Square Mile of White Void in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Light & Void, 80,000,000 Gold) Entities below Level 60 cannot apply debuffs to wielder, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater
Square Mile of World Tree in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Life & Wood & Ice & Light & Darkness & Magic & Spatial, 80,000,000 Gold) Wielder gains +80,000 to all stats if at least one battlespace that wielder is not in exists, Wielder gains +80,000 Defense against sources that are in battlespaces that possessor is not in
Star of Magic- (Item, Property, Magic & Mystic, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Magical Attack, +400,000 MIN, +400,000 SPI, +4,000,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder's Manablasted, Manablasted: Mystic Devastation, and Manablasted: Mystic Seal infliction chances (but not the infliction of their other sub-status effects) are increased by 40% as an effect that stacks 3 times
Starry Worldcloak-Field- (Item, Property, Air & Astral, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 SPI, +2,000,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder may choose to count as having two additional Empowered Constellations set, 80% Dodge, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Teleportation-Blocking Lay-Line Convergence Nexus- (Item, Property, Spatial & Magic, 400,000,000 Gold) Individuals below Level 60 may not enter or leave possessor's battlespace (excluding summoning) if it is not the primary battlespace of the battle, with any such attempt whose failure would result in an individual not being in any battlespace instead causing said individual to enter the battle's primary battlespace
Trapped Fortress- (Item, Property, Physical, 1,800,000 Gold) +700 Defense, Wielder deals 18,000 Flat Physical element damage to any individual who conducts an offensive action against wielder
Underground Devils' Hot Springs- (Item, Property, Earth & Water & Fire & Darkness, 1,700,000 Gold) +1,700 CON, +1,700 SPI, Wielder regenerates 17,000 HP and 17,000 MP at the start of every round, 20% Fire Resistance, Wielder has a 20% chance of being cured of one debuff or minor negative status effect from a source below Level 40 at the start of each round
Very Small, Overlayable Mirror-Universe- (Item, Property, Ice & Spatial, 108,000,000 Gold) +100,000 Defense, +100,000 SPI, Wielder has a 50% chance of reflecting the actions of individuals below Level 60, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Void Lord's Castle- (Item, Property, Void, 400,000,000 Gold) 160% Dodge, Wielder is Immune to entities below Level 40, Wielder may automatically Dodge the attacks of entities below Level 60, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater
Walking Castle- (Item, Property, Magic & Physical, 1,200,000 Gold) +1,100 Defense, +200 to Constitution for turn-order-determining purposes if Constitution is one of wielder's turn-order-determining stats
Waters at the World's Edge- (Item, Property, Water, 7,500,000 Gold) +3,000 to all stats, Wielder may not be afflicted with Drowning by sources below Level 60
Weather Channel Studio- (Item, Property, Technology & Air & Water & Electrical, 2,500,000 Gold) Wielder may prevent individuals below Level 20 from creating Zones or attaching effects to Zones, Wielder may spend an action to create a Zone of any base element
Winged Cubeworld- (Item, Property, Water & Air, 500,000,000 Gold) +500,000 AGI, +500,000 MIN, +500,000 SPI, Wielder is afflicted with Augmented: Haste at the start of each round, Sources below Level 99 cannot prevent wielder from entering or leaving battlespaces, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater
Wizard's Archives- (Item, Property, Magic, 10,000,000 Gold) +10,000 Defense against Magic, +10,000 MIN, +10,000 SPI, 20% Magic Resistance
Worldcore of Elder Magics- (Item, Property, Mystic, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Magical Attack, +400,000 MIN, +400,000 SPI, +4,000,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder may choose to equip and cast Wizard Magic spells as though they were Ancient Magic spells
World's Highest Mountain- (Item, Property, Air & Ice & Earth, 67,000,000 Gold) +67,000 CON, +670,000 HP, 70% Resilience, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
w/ Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment
Worldheart of Enthroned Heroes- (Item, Property, Glory, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 to all stats, Wielder's items may not be destroyed by sources below Level 60, Wielder is Immune to debuffs from sources below Level 60, Wielder is Immune to individuals below Level 40, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Worldkey: Empowered Blade Embedded in a Massive Crystal- (Item, Property, Energy & Magic & Crystal (2), 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Melee Attack, +4,000,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder may spend an action to destroy any number of Terrains, Phantom Terrains, or Zones created by sources below Level 80 that are below wielder's Level that come from sources that do not possess a 'Master' or higher Tier-ability in the Geomancer, Subspace Architect, Swordsman, or Kensei class, Wielder counts as wielding an additional Sword that is Energy & Magic & Crystal (2) element and that is worth 400,000,000 Gold
Worldwide Teleportation-Layline Network- (Item, Property, Spatial, 400,000,000 Gold) Wielder and wielder's allies gain 80% Dodge, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
World With a Burning Sky, Burning Ground, Burning Sea, and Burning Core- (Item, Property, Fire, 800,000,000 Gold) +800,000 Defense against Fire, 200% inflicts Burning, 40% Fire Resistance, Wielder may choose to change any combination of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water into solely Fire amongst the elements of Damage being dealt to entities in the same battlespace wielder is in or by entities in the same battlespace wielder is in provided the source of said Damage is either willing or below Level 80, 1,600,000 additional Fire element Damage, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater
World With a Burning Sky, Quicksand Ground, Silt Sea, and Hurricane Core- (Item, Property, Earth & Air & Fire & Water, 800,000,000 Gold) +400,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, 120% Resilience, Wielder may treat wielder's Earth Resistance as Water Resistance, Wielder may treat wielder's Water Resistance as Earth Resistance, Wielder may treat wielder's Earth Resistance as Air Resistance, Wielder may treat wielder's Air Resistance as Earth Resistance, Wielder may chance the element Air in any of wielder's actions or instances of Damage dealt by wielder into Fire, Wielder may chance the element Fire in any of wielder's actions or instances of Damage dealt by wielder into Air, Wielder may chance the element Earth in any of wielder's actions or instances of Damage dealt by wielder into Water, Wielder may chance the element Earth in any of wielder's actions or instances of Damage dealt by wielder into Water, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater
Wonderbakery- (Item, Property, Wonder & Air & Ice, 100,000,000 Gold) +100,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +100,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, Food items that heal wielder's HP heal an additional 50,000 points, Food items that heal wielder's MP heal an additional 50,000 points, Wielder may make Food consumables that wielder uses become solely Wonder element, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater
Wonderous Dreamfont- (Item, Property, Dream & Wonder, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 to all stats, +40,000 Defense against Stat Damage, Wielder may not be transformed without wielder's permission by sources below Level 60, Wielder must be Dream or Wonder element and must be Level 40 or greater

Perception of Space-Folding- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor gains +5% Critical against Large Structures below Level 60
Repair Large Structure- (Active Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor may spend an action to conduct an attack that only affects Large Structures, Heals, Includes Melee Attack, Magical Attack, and Ranged Attack bonuses that come from Tools or Subspace Architect abilities (but not other such bonuses, with such bonuses each being capped seperately at their normal caps) and that uses Mind as its Prime Attribute
Subspace Architect- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Large Structure pet only, This ability provides +250 HP and +50 to all stats of possessor's Large Structure pets and summons per Level of possessor
Subspatial Structural Integrity Induction- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor's Large Structure pets and summons gain +10,000 HP, +10,000 MP, +50 to Defense, and +25 to all stats

Apprentice Summoner Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's Summoner Magic Summons gain +250 to all stats, and all Summoner Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Summon Defense Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +100 Defense
Basic Summon Defense Against Stat Damage Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +50 Defense against Stat Damage
Basic Summon Dodge Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +1% Dodge
Basic Summon Essence-Linking- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor gains +50 to all stats if possessor has any summons, Possessor's summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Summoner Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All creatures summoned through Summoner Magic spells gain +10 to all stats, and all Summoner Magic spells cost 10 less MP
Basic Summoner-Screening Techniques- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor gains +50 Defense if possessor possesses any summons
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Magic-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Magic-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Physical-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Physical-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Psychic-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Psychic-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Technology-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Technology-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Summoner- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Summoner Magic summons gain (+1,000 x Possessor Level) HP and MP and +(10 x Possessor Level) to all stats

-Temporal Primarch-
Adept Time Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Amounts of Time element Damage possessor deals are increased by 10,000 points, Time element spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Possessor gains 5 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Time element Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Apprentice Command of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's Time element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Apprentice Defenses Against Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Time
Apprentice Time Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains 5% Time Resistance
Apprentice Time Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Time element item equipped, Possessor's Time element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's Time element allies gain +100 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Quantities of Time element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Time
Asynchronus Timestream- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may, so long as no individual 20 or more Levels greater who is in the same battle objects, choose to count the current round's number as the number of any round that possessor has experienced in the current battle
Bank Actions- (Passive Ability, Temporaral Primarch) Possessor may, at the start of any round, choose for possessor's first action of the round to, instead of being placed in turn-order, be placed in possessor's Action Bank. Possessor's Action Bank may hold up to 3 actions and is emptied at the end of each battle. If in a battle where all opponents are lower Level than possessor, possessor may, at the start of any round, choose to remove an action from possessor's Action Bank and gain an additional action that round.
Basic Acceleration Within Time's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Time
Basic Command of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's Time element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Time
Basic Time Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains 1% Time Resistance
Basic Time Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Time element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's Time element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Weaponization of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Quantities of Time element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Chrononaut- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +20,000 Defense against effects attached to Zones of Time, Possessor's 'Establish Temporal Portal' actions may not be countered by individuals below Level 20
Clock Watcher- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, possessor is informed whenever an individual who is not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor performs a Time element action
Control of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Time element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Defenses that Utilize Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Time-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Detachable Secondary Timestream- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Once per thread, if possessor is Time element, when possessor would acquire a debuff that would specifically reduce possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum or when possessor would be afflicted with Fatigued: Slow or Suffocation: No Future or when possessor would acquire a debuff that would change the round that possessor would treat the current round as, possessor may choose to not acquire said debuff or status effect
Doublespeed Recovery (Minor)- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's per-round auto recovery chances for minor negative status effects are checked twice per round
Doublespeed Recovery (Moderate)- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's per-round auto recovery chances for moderate negative status effects are checked twice per round
Effect-Resistant, Fixed Personal Timestream- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor is Immune to entities below Level 20, Possessor is Immune to Time element debuffs from sources below Level 60
Elemental Invocation of Time- (Technique Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may use 'Elemental Invocation of Time' in conjunction with an 'Elemental Attack' action so long as possessor is Time element and no other technique is used. Said action gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 Magical Attack, or +500 Ranged Attack.
Explorer of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Whenever possessor enters a battlespace thanks to a Time element action, possessor may scan the stats of up to 3 entities in said battlespace, Possessor gains +15,000 Defense against effects attached to Zones of Time
Fast Personal Time Progression- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Whenever the round number increments, possessor may increment the number of the round that possessor counts the current round as by 2
Father Time Mode- (Stance Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor counts as being afflicted with Fatigued: Elderly, gains the element Time, and suffers no negative effects from the status effect Fatigued: Elderly
Hard to Undo- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, individuals below Level 40 may not undo possessor's actions without possessor's permission
Hasting Invocation- (Technique Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor may use 'Hasting Invocation' in conjunction with a 'Guard Back Rank', 'Cast a Spell', or 'Use an Item' action. Said action's targets gain a 50% chance of being afflicted with Augmented: Haste
Improved Command of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's Time element pets and summons gain +1,000 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Improved Defenses Against Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Time
Improved Hasting- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor's chances of inflicting Augmented: Haste are increased by 30%
Improved Time Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains 10% Time Resistance
Improved Weaponization of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Quantities of Time element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Improved Zonal Acclimation of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats while in a Zone of Time
Meditative Assumption of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Time element
Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may use the Technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Time' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action even if possessor is not Time element.
Personal Time-Preservation- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) At the start of each round, if possessor is Time element, possessor may choose one debuff that possessor is afflicted with that comes from a source of equal Level to or lower Level than possessor (to a max of Level 60) and ignore said debuffs effects on its possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes for the duration of said round
Predict Likely Outcomes Through Time Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor obtains +1% Dodge and +1% To Hit while Time element
Reflect Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor Reflects Time against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Shielded by Personal History- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, the end of each round, possessor obtains a buff that provides +250 Defense and stacks 20 times
Temporal Primarch- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Time Resistance, Possessor ignores Time Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Temporal Wisdom- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may count Temporal Primarch abilities as Time Mage abilities (including for prerequisite purposes) and may count Time Mage abilities as Temporal Primarch abilities (including for prerequisite purposes)
Time Immunity- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains Time Immunity against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Time Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Time element: Create a Zone of Time, Remove a Zone of Time created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Time by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Time to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Time element on a Time element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Time, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Time, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Time element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Time to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Time, 5% Time Resistance, or +50 Defense against Time and 1% Time Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Unaging- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains Fatigued: Elderly Immunity
Undo- (Active Ability, Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, possessor may spend an action to undo the removal of a buff or debuff from a source of possessor's Level or lower (to a max of Level 80) that was performed by a source of possessor's Level or lower (to a max of Level 80), placing said instance of said buff or debuff back on the individual it was removed from (but not doing aynthing else that 'undoing' would connotate save counting as 'undoing')
Undo Minor Status Effects- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor's 'Undo' actions may reapply minor positive or negative status effects instead of buffs or debuffs
Undo Moderate Status Effects- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor's 'Undo' actions may reapply moderate positive or negative status effects instead of buffs or debuffs
Visualise Nearby Timelines- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) At the start of each round, if possessor is Time element, possessor is informed of the number of battlespaces present in the current battle that contain at least one Zone of Time
Visualiser of Wasted Seconds- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, when possessor scans an individual's stats, possessor may determine how many times during the thread said individual skipped performing an action
Wearing the Cloth of Ages- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor, if Time element, obtains +500 Defense if wearing a Time element armor, Once per thread, while possessessor is Time element, possessor may, on a round of battle whose number is 2,000 or greater, give an equipped Armor the element Time as a buff

Install Basic Deathtraps- (Passive Ability, Thief) If possessor possesses at least 5 Mechanist abilities and at least 5 Thief abilities, possessor may, at the beginning of each round, select an ally and provide said ally with a buff that deals 50,000 Flat Physical or Fire or Electrical or Acid element Damage to any individual who conducts an offensive action targetting said ally, with said damage being increased to 100,000 points if said ally is a Large Structure, with said damage-dealing occuring at the end of the next 10 offensive actions targetting said ally, with said buff stacking 3 times and generating seperate instances of Damage with multiple stackings
Install Basic Spatial Trapdoors- (Passive Ability, Thief) If possessor possesses at least 5 Mechanist abilities and at least 5 Thief abilities, possessor may, at the beginning of each round, select a Large Structure ally and provide said ally with a buff that provides +1% Dodge and deals 50,000 Flat Spatial element Damage to any individual who conducts an offensive if said ally is a Large Structure, with said damage-dealing occuring at the end of the next 10 offensive actions targetting said ally, with said buff stacking 3 times and generating seperate instances of Damage with multiple stackings

Apprentice Ethereal Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) All Ethereal Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, All Ethereal Magic spells that possessor casts have a 20% greater chance of working in regards to natural chance of 'failing to work', and all Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor 40 less MP to cast
Basic Ethereal Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) All Ethereal Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack, All Ethereal Magic spells that possessor casts have a 10% greater chance of working in regards to natural chance of 'failing to work', and all Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Ethereal Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Ethereal Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Knowledge of Ethereal Pathways- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor's 'Switch Rows' actions may not be countered by sources below Level 20
Phantom Body- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Individuals below Level 15 cannot inflict minor status effects on possessor
Phantom Steps- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor may not be prevented from leaving battle by sources below Level 20
Semi-Ethereal Agility- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against AGI Damage
Semi-Ethereal Constitution- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against CON Damage
Semi-Ethereal Mind- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against MIN Damage
Semi-Ethereal Spirit- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against SPI Damage
Semi-Ethereal Strength- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against STR Damage
Veilwalker- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) All Ethereal Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(50 * Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, All Ethereal Magic spells that possessor casts have a (Possessor Level)% greater chance of working in regards to natural chance of 'failing to work', and all Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor (20 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast

Adept Gate Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Gate Magic spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Gate Magic spells cast by possessor that provide a AGI buff bonus provide an additional +500 AGI as an effect that stacks 20 times across all effects per individual, Possessor gains 10 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Gate Magic Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Apprentice Gate Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) All Gate Magic spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast
Basic Gate Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) All Gate Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Basic Knowledge of Mirror Magic- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains +400 MIN and +500 MP if possessor possesses the capability to Reflect any element or subtype
Basic Zonal Resistance- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains +50 Defense against effects attached to Zones
Caravan Leader- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Whenever possessor conducts a 'Switch Rows' action, up to 3 chosen allies may also move to either the front row or the back row if they could move to said rows by performing a 'Switch Rows' action, Possessor gains +30 to all stats if the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Road or Desert
Combat Teleportation- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains 35% Dodge
Defensive Combat Teleportation- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains 70% Dodge on rounds during which possessor performs a Defend action if no opponent is either 20 Levels or more greater than possessor or is Spatial element
Down the Chimney!- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor pierces 2,000 Defense when targeting Large Structures
Enjoys Travelling- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains +10 to all stats if Terrain or Phantom Terrain is present
Establish Dimensional Portal- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action if in a Random Quest to allow any of possessor's allies (including possessor) to leave said quest at the start of the next round, Has RP effects
Establish Temporal Portal- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action if in a Random Quest to allow any of possessor's allies (including possessor) to leave said quest at the start of the next round, Has RP effects
Expert Gate Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Gate Magic spells cost possessor half their normal MP cost to cast, Possessor gains 20 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Gate Magic Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Familiarity with Being Teleported- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Spatial element actions have a 20% lower chance of inflicting Confusion on possessor
Fast Mirror-Realm Egress- (Active Ability, Wanderer) If possessor possesses the capability to Reflect any element of subtype, possessor may choose at the beginning of the round if in a Random Quest to to leave said quest, with said exit not being preventable by sources below Level 40, Has RP effects
Fast Portals- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor's 'Establish Dimensional Portal' actions may allow possessor to immediately leave threads that they would allow escape from at the start of the next round if possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum is higher than that of each opponent for turn-order-determining purposes
Fast Short-Distance Item Teleportation- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor's items may not be stolen by sources below Level 20
Fast Short-Distance Teleportation- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may, at the start of each round, move to the Front Row or to the Back Row
Fast Traveller- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains +200 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes on the first round of battle in Random Quests
Fatigue Resistance- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains 10% Fatigued Resistance
Focused Gate Magic Casting- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Gate Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of spell possessor has equipped is Gate Magic
Gate Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Gate Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Gate Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Gate Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Has Traversed the Desert- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Desert, Possessor gains +500 Defense against effects attached to Terrains or Phantom Terrains that are Desert
Improved Fatigue Resistance- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains 30% Fatigued Resistance
Journeyman's Steps- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Whenever possessor conducts a Switch Rows action, possessor has an optional 5% chance of removing any one Phantom Terrain created by a source of lower level than possessor that is below Level 20
Knowledge of Portals- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor's 'Switch Rows' actions may not be countered by sources below Level 20
Long-Range (Province-Ranged) Self-Teleportation- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Up to (Possessor Level / 5) times per thread, possessor may spend an action to be able to move to either the Front Row or the Back Row at the beginning of the next round and to gain 60% Dodge during the next round of battle as a non-stacking buff, with said buff being increased to 100% against individuals below Level 20
Mid-Range (City-Ranged) Self-Teleportation- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action to be able to move to either the Front Row or the Back Row at the beginning of the next round and to gain 40% Dodge during the next round of battle as a non-stacking buff, with said buff being increased to 80% against individuals below Level 20
Mirror-Realm Egress- (Active Ability, Wanderer) If possessor possesses the capability to Reflect any element of subtype, possessor may spend an action if in a Random Quest to allow any of possessor's allies (including possessor) to leave said quest at the start of the next round, with said exit not being preventable by sources below Level 40, Has RP effects
Mirror Step- (Active Ability, Wanderer) If possessor possesses the capability to Reflect any element or subtype, possessor may spend an action to enter another active battle in the same thread so long as no individual of Level 40 or greater in either battle objects, Has RP effects
Opener of Forgotten Doorways- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may claim Forgotten Keys
Short-Distance Item Teleportation- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action to re-obtain an item stolen in the current battle by a source below Level 20 that has not been destroyed
Short-Distance Self-Teleportation- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action to be able to move to either the Front Row or the Back Row at the beginning of the next round
Skilled Teleporter- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains +100 Melee Attack, 40% Dodge, and 140% To Hit on rounds after possessor used an active Wanderer ability whose name includes 'Teleportation'
Swift Arrival- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor's sum of turn-order-determining attributes is considered to be 200 points higher for turn-order-determining purposes on the first round of battle
Swift Travel- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor's sum of turn-order-determining attributes is considered to be 50 points higher for turn-order-determining purposes, Possessor's sum of turn-order-determining attributes is considered to be an additional 150 points higher for turn-order-determining purposes if possessor has a Vehicle, Vessel, or Steed transformation equipped
Teleporting Strike- (Technique Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may use 'Teleporting Strike' in conjuction with a 'Melee Attack' action if said action includes no other technique and possessor has a Gate Magic spell equipped. Said action gains +10% To Hit, +2% Critical, and deals full Damage to targets below Level 60 who are below its user's Level who are in the back row.
Teleport Tanks- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may, at the start of each round of battle, summon enemy from the Enemy List that is below Level 40, is normally fightable for drops, and has 'Tank' in its name, Max 40 summoned, Possessor's Vehicle and Machine allies gain +1% Dodge as a non-stacking buff
Teleport Through Folded Space- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may treat Large Structures below Level 40 as though they possessed 0% Resilience
Unified Knowledge of Spatial Magic and Gate Magic- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may count Wanderer abilities possessor possesses as Spatial Mage abilities (including for prerequisite purposes), Possessor may count Wanderer abilities possessor possesses as Spatial Mage abilities (including for prerequisite purposes)
Untiring Traveller- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Whenever possessor conducts a Switch Rows action, possessor may switch rows one additional time, to a max of 5 times
Wanderer- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Gate Magic spells cost possessor (100 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast

Apprentice Combat Arts Attunement- (Passive Ability, Warrior) +250 Damage to all damage dealing Combat Arts spells, All Combat Arts spells cost 50 less MP
Arms Training- (Passive Ability, Warrior) Possessor gains +25 Melee, Ranged, or Magical Attack if a Weapon that possesses the same type of bonus is equipped
Basic Combat Arts Attunement- (Passive Ability, Warrior) All Combat Arts spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP, Possessor gains +10 STR, +4 CON, and +5 AGI
Crisis Zone- (Passive Ability, Warrior) Possessor counts as being in a Crisis Zone when at 1% of possessor's Max HP or lower
Parrying Stance- (Stance Ability, Warrior) This character gains one weapon's melee attack bonus as a bonus to defense

Apprentice Weirdworker Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Weirdworker Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Defensive Magic Being Programming I- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons gain +50 Defense
Defensive Magic Being Programming II- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons gain +250 Defense
Magic Being Programming I- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Magic Being Programming II- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Offensive Magic Being Programming I- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 50 points
Offensive Magic Being Programming II- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 500 points
Speed-Focused Magic Being Programming I- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons have their turn-order-determining stat sums increased by 50 points for turn-order-determining purposes
Speed-Focused Magic Being Programming II- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons have their turn-order-determining stat sums increased by 250 points for turn-order-determining purposes
Swollen Mana Reserves- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) At the start of every round of battle, if possessor possesses more than 50% of possessor's Max MP, possessor takes an amount of magic element damage equal to possessor's Max MP, to a max of 50,000,000 damage, that cannot reduce possessor to below 50% of possessor's Max HP, Possessor gains +20,000 MP
Weirdworker- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Magic Being pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Magic Being pets and summons per Level of possessor

Advanced Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +200 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and at least three of which are non-'Wizard Magic' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Apprentice Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All damage-dealing Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts gain +250 Damage, All Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Linking Magic Types- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Spells possessor casts cost 80 less MP if caster has cast a spell of a different subtype previously during this thread
Basic Understanding of Spatial Gate Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains 15% Dodge if possessor possesses a Gate Magic buff
Basic Understanding of Temporal Wizard Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts that buff AGI buff it by an additional 20 points as an effect that stacks 10 times per individual, Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts that buff an individual's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes buff it by an additional 40 points as an effect that stacks 10 times per individual, Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts that have a chance of inflicting Augmented: Haste have said chance raised by 1%
Basic Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All Wizard Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Broaden Casting- (Active Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use Broaden Casting in conjunction with a Magical Attack involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and a Wizard Magic Spell is equipped. If this attack already inflicts at least 1 hit against 5 or more targets, its total number of targets increases by 2.
Fast Casting- (Technique Ability, Wizard) Possessor may, at the start of a round, declare that possessor's first action of said round will involve this ability; possessor's first action, should possessor declare such, must include said ability, with possessor being forced to skip actions that do not include this ability if possible until such an action is taken. Should possessor declare such, possessor's first action occurs on a turn-order count 500 points higher than it otherwise would, with possessor's other actions that would be based on a turn-order count occurring at the point at which they would otherwise occur. Possessor may use Fast Casting as part of a 'Magical Attack' action that involves a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wizard Magic spell equipped.
Fast General Spellcasting- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use the technique 'Fast Casting' in conjunction with 'Cast a Spell' actions
Increased MP- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +50 MP
Infused Casting- (Active Ability, Wizard) This character may use Infused Casting in conjunction with a Magical Attack involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and a Wizard Magic Spell is equipped. +50 Magical Attack, this attack's element becomes any one base element
Knowledge of Basic Magic Theory- (Passive Ability, Wizard) +5 Magical Attack, +30 MIN, Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Large Mana Reservoir- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +2,000 MP
Lengthen Casting- (Active Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use Lengthen Casting in conjunction with a Magical Attack involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and a Wizard Magic Spell is equipped. If this attack already inflicts a buff or debuff that lasts 5 or more rounds, the number of rounds each such buff or debuff lasts increases by 2
Magical Broadening Mastery- (Active Ability, Wizard) Possessor's Broaden Casting ability increases the total number of targets by 5 if the number of targets being hit before its application was at least 10 already.
Masterful Casting- (Active Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use Masterful Casting in conjunction with a Magical Attack involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and a Wizard Magic Spell is equipped. This attack is treated as though possessor were 1 Level higher, to a max of Level 40, as an effect that does not stack with other effects that increase the level caster is treated as for any purpose.
Maximal Casting- (Active Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use Masterful Casting in conjunction with a Magical Attack involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and a Wizard Magic Spell is equipped. This attack's random stat multiplier is maximized, and possessor's Max MP is reduced by 50% for the remainder of the thread.
Offensive Magical Specialization- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor's offensive actions involving Wizard Magic gain +500 Magical Attack if they already possess at least +1 Magical Attack coming from a Wizard Magic spell, and Possessor's offensive actions involving Wizard Magic spells that have a chance of inflicting minor or moderate status effects have the chances of inflicting said effects increased by 10%
Orb Master- (Passive Ability, Wizard) +20 Magical Attack and -5 MP cost when using any Wizard Spell with the word Orb in the name
Piercing Casting- (Active Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use Piercing Casting in conjunction with a Magical Attack involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and a Wizard Magic Spell is equipped. This attack ignores the Resistances and immunities of individuals below Level 20 and reduces possessor's Max MP by 15% for the remainder of the thread.
Powerful Casting- (Active Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use Powerful Casting in conjunction with a Magical Attack involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and a Wizard Magic Spell is equipped. This attack gains +150 Magical Attack.
Script Mage- (Passive Ability, Wizard) +25 Magical Attack for Wizard Magic if a Book is equipped
Space-Bending Spell- (Technique Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use 'Space-Bending Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a Gate Magic or Wizard Magic spell as part of said action. Said action deals full Damage to targets below Level 40 that are in the back row
Spellcraft- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +500 Magical Attack, +500 MIN, +500 SPI, and spells cost possessor 5,000 less MP to cast
Theoretical Spellcaster- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +1,000 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +500 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and at least three of which are non-'Wizard Magic' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +180 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +70 MIN if possessor has at least two spells, one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and one of which is a non-'Wizard Magic' spell equipped
Vexing Casting- (Technique Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use Vexing Casting in conjunction with a Magical Attack action involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wizard Magic Spell equipped. Said attack's chances of inflicting Minor Status Effects are increased by 5%, to a max of 80%.
Wizard (Passive Ability, Wizard) +500 Damage to all damage dealing Wizard Magic spells, All Wizard Magic spells cost 50 less MP, Provides an additional +50 Magical Attack and an additional 30 less MP per possessor Level

Aggressive Frisking- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Aggressive Frisking' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action. Said action gains +250 Melee Attack and has a 20% chance of disabling any one item worth under 50,000,000 Gold that is equipped by its target, provided said target is below possessor's Level and below Level 40, for the duration of the thread
Basic Deadly Item Training- (Passive Ability, Slayer) This character gains +6 Melee Attack when a Deadly Item is equipped.
Basic Enchantment Attunement- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor 10 less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last 1 round longer if they already last over 1 round
Basic Hypertech Attunement- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Basic Programming Skills- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All possessor's Robot, Clockwork, and Machine pets and summons gain +40 to all stats
Basic Transumutation Attunement- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase Damage or Defense do so by an additional 40 more points, and all Transmutation spells cast by possessor cost 10 less MP
Cactus Sharpener- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets' and summons' abilities' Damage values are increased by 3,000 points, Possessor's Plant pets and summons deal 20,000 additional points of Damage whenever they deal damage as part of a counter or as Flat Damage
Create Wordcraft- (Active Ability, Driver) Possessor may spend an action to create 1 temporary Custom Wordcraft, Max 1 Created, with said Custom Wordcraft being a Vehicle or Vessel Transformation worth (10,000 * (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)) Gold, being Level (Possessor Level, to a max of 60), being the element Technology, Magic, Water, Earth, or Air, possessing STR, AGI, CON, MIN, and SPI of (100 * (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)) points each, possessing (100 * (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)) Defense, Possessing (10 * (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)) Defense against Stat Damage, Possessing (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)% Resilience, Dodge, and Critical, Possessing (100 + (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200))% To Hit, possessing Poison, Fatigued, and Diseased Immunity, and possessing the abilities:
Word Weaponry- (1,000 * (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)) Damage, Magic or Air, 0 MP
Word Wall- +(100 * (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)) Defense, affects caster only, does not stack, Magic or Air, 0 MP
Word Weave- (1,000 * (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)) Damage, Heals, Magic or Air, 0 MP

Crisis Overcrash: I'm Driving Ice Cream Truck And There's NOTHING You Can Do To Stop Me!- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Crisis Overcrash: I'm Driving This Ice Cream Truck And There's NOTHING You Can Do To Stop Me!' in conjunction with a 'Change Rows' action so long as possessor's MP is not set to 0, possessor has been in a Crisis Zone for the ends of the previous two rounds, possessor is currently in a Crisis Zone, and no other technique or overcrash is being used. Said action cannot be countered or stopped by sources below Level 100 and additionally transforms its performer into a Level 1 Ice Cream Truck from the Zoo Record as an effect that cannot be prevented by sources below Level 100.
Cubist Body- (Passive Ability, Walker from Beyond) Possessor gains +15,000 HP and 5% Psychic Resistance if possessor is an Abstract
Deranged Music- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor's 'Magical Attack' actions may gain '40% inflicts Confusion' if possessor has an instrument equipped
Doctor- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's actions that heal may gain +200 Ranged, Melee or Magical Attack if they already possess such a bonus, Once per round after an enemy attacks one of possessor's allies, possessor may choose to have a 5% chance of countering said attack with a positive action targeting said ally and no other targets.
Doomfern Whispering- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Darkness element Plant pets gain +200 to all stats and have the Damage values of their abilites increase by 6,000 points
Dread Headmaster- (Passive Ability, Sage) Possessor possesses five Intrinsic Skillsets, each of which maintains its own set of abilities. Possessor may choose at the beginning of a thread to use, for the entirety of said thread, one of possessor's Intrinsic Skillsets instead of possessor's normal abilities, with this not being a buff. Each of possessor's Intrinsic Skillsets gains a bonus week whenever possessor would gain a bonus week due to levelling. Each time possessor would gain an ability, possessor's active Intrinsic Skillset gains it instead of possessor's normal ability list if one of possessor's Intrinsic Skillsets is active. Abilities gained from using items in the Shop thread may go to possessor's ability list or to any single one of possessor's Intrinsic Skillset. Each of possessor's Intrinsic Skillsets may operate in as though it were a different character in Ability Shops. Each of possessor's Intrinsic Skillsets counts abilities inside itself for prerequitie purposes, but possessor's normal abilitiy list and each Intrinsic Skilset do not count abilities in other Intrinsic Skillsets for prerequisite purposes.
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Desert Corsair Warship- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Desert Corsair Warship' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has Consumed 1 of the Permanent Consumable "Drunken Admiral Cocktail"- (Passive Ability, Permanent Item Effect) Possessor and possessor's Vessel transformations gain 11% Dodge and 115% To Hit if afflicted with Poison: Drunk, Cannot be used in combos
Has Consumed 1 of the Permanent Consumable "Perfect Vaccine"- (Passive Ability, Permanent Item Effect) Possessor gains Charm Immunity
Hazard Programming- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Coder) At the start of each round, possessor may attach an effect to a Zone that either has a 60% chance of inflicting any one moderate negative status effect on each individual within said Zone who does not possess the ability 'Reality Coder' or the ability 'Hazard Programmer' at the start of each round or that deals 120,000 Flat Damage of any base element to each individual within said Zone who does not possess the ability 'Reality Coder' or the ability 'Hazard Programmer' at the start of each round, with both effects sharing a stacking cap, stacking twice per zone, and stacking 5 times across all zones
Herd Torpedos- (Passive Ability, Seakeeper) If possessor is in a Zone of Water, possessor has a 50% chance of being able to change the targets of actions made by Machines, Robots, Vessels, and Aquatics that are below Level 40 and below possessor's Level to any valid targets that possessor desires
Impersonate Statue- (Stance Ability, Evermason) Possessor's subtype becomes Golem, Possessor gains +5,000 HP, +500 CON, and 25% Resilience while in this stance
Raging Driving- (Passive Ability, Driver) Possessor's Vehicle Transformations have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 5,000 points, Possessor's Vehicle Transformations may ignore the effects of instances of the status effect Confusion that come from sources below Level 60
Possesses a General Knowledge of Cursed Items- (Passive Ability, Artificer) Possessor gains +250 MIN
Psycho Flux- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) Possessor gains +50 to a random unmodified stat, with said stat being randomly chosen at the beginning of each thread
Racer- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +500 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes
Recite Combat Poetry- (Passive Ability, Bard) +300 Magical Attack, Wielder's 'Magical Attack' actions may inflict Confusion, Stat Drain, or Charm: Impressed on targets below Level 30
Re-Position Garbage- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor may, at the start of each round, move a debuff from a source below Level 10 that is on a target that is either willing or below Level 40 onto a new target that is either willing or below Level 20
Rewrite Personality- (Technique Ability, Enchanter) Possessor may use 'Rewrite Personality' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as possessor is casting an Enchantment spell as part of said action and no other technique is used. Said action gains 40% inflics Charm, Charm: Lovestruck, Charm: Lust, Charm: Infatuation, Charm: Impressed, Charm: Wanderlust, Confusion, Confusion: Fear, Confusion: Berserk, Confusion: Depression, Confusion: Paranoia, Confusion: Overcome by Laughter, Pain: Bruised Ego, Fatigued: Stress, Invigorated, Invigorated: High Morale, or Invigorated: Zesty; Has RP effects.
♢Scourgebolt- (Technique Ability, Warlock) Possessor may use 'Scourgebolt' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Overdrive' action so long as it involves the casting of a Dark Magic, Catastrophe Magic, or Wizard Magic spell and no other technique is used. Said action gains 100*(It's performer's Level) Magical Attack, and, at the end of said action, up to three of its performer's pets or summons may gain an additional action that must be an offensive action that must target at least one opposing target of 'Scourgebolt''s performer's action and may only target targets of 'Scourgebolt's performer's action, themselves, and 'Scourgebolt''s performer.
Sheer-Offensive Stance- (Stance Ability, Slayer) Possessor's Defense is halved, Possessor's Resilience drops to 0%, Possessor's Dodge is halved, Possessor gains +(Possessor's former Resilience, to a max of 200)% Critical, Possessor gains +(One half possessor's lost Dodge, to a max of 200)% to Hit, Possessor gains +(One half possessor's former Defense value, to a max of 20,000) Melee Attack, Magical Attack, and Ranged Attack
Shifting Weapon Stance- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor's weapons with base subtypes may have themselves instead count as any other base subtype
Soldeidrethanoic Recalcantantabuliaic Seymulhesylresmy- (Passive Ability, Soldreidrethanoi) Possessor gains +2,700 Ranged Attack if possessor is wielding a Bailartrix, If possessor is in at least two different Zones created by possessor or possessor's allie and possessor has a Bailartrix, then possessor may cause delay possessor's 'Ranged Attack' actions for 2 rounds, Possessor may, if possessor has a Bailartrix equipped, choose at the beginning of any round during which possessor has a 'Ranged Attack' action being delayed to reduce the number of rounds by which said action is delayed by 1 (provided that said delaying of said action was performed either by a willing individual or an individual below Level 60) and (regardless of whether said reduction of rounds is successful) to change the element of any Zone that either possessor or a willing ally of possessor created (provided that it possesses an element) to any one Base element or to Spatial, dealing 650,000 Flat Damage of said chosen element to up to 60 chosen targets in said Zone if said element switch is successful (with this effect being able to switch a Zone to an element that it already is); If possessor deals damage in this manner to at least 200 different individuals during the course of a thread, possessor gains +10% To Hit as a non-stacking buff that is applied as soon as said conditional is met unless possessor desires for it not to be
The Walrusfastest (Platinum-Certified)- (Passive Ability, Driver) Entities below Level 80 have their turn-order-determining stat sums counted as lower than possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining and order-of-effects-determining purposes
Tough- (Passive Ability, Monk) +500 Max HP, +20 CON, +10 STR, 5% Poison Resistance
Underwater Bomb-Making- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Effects attached to Zones of Water by sources below Level 60 may not prevent possessor from using Fire element consumables
Underwater Sabotage Expertise- (Passive Ability, Spy) At the start of each round, if possessor is in a Zone of Water, possessor may remove one buff or positive status effect from each opponent below Level 40

Can No Longer Comprehend Childlike Joy- (Passive Ability, Curse) Possessor may not benefit from Whimsy element buffs
Potential cures: Questing on Disc 31; Going on a fun and informative field trip in an RP thread

Will Be Cleansed of the Evil Taint-
Greater Fateweaving, Boon, Manifold
This Greater Fateweaving may be applied in the Shop Thread or as an RP effect that requires a time-consuming ritual. If applied in the Shop Thread, it affects any one non-Demon, non-Devil, non-Daemon, non-'Serpent Blessed', non-Fiend, that is not Corruption, Devastation, Agony, Null, or Evil element, that is either a non-retired PC, a mercenary on the Mercenary List, or a unique entity on the Boss List. Target obtains a special effect that is not a buff that does not stack. Target may not acquire said effect if target is already under the effect of 5 or more Greater Fateweavings. Said effect allows either said individual or its creator to choose, at the beginning of any round, to cure said individual of all debuffs and minor negative status effects that come from sources that are Demons, Devils, Daemons, Darkspawn, Undead, Horrors, Corruption element, Agony element, Devastation element, or Dark Magic that are below its creator's Level, with said effect vanishing once such triggering occurs.

Echidna Quill- (Weapon, Deadly Item, Life, 95,000,000 Gold) +95,000 Melee Attack, +95,000 Magical Attack, Wielder's summons gain +9,000 to all stats as a bonus that stacks 2 times, Wielder's offensive actions may make targets below Level 80 who are no more than 19 Levels greater than wielder unable to summon and may unsummon all summons of said individuals who are also below Level 80 and no more than 19 Levels greater than wielder (with said effect following to all subsequent summon generations), Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
w/ Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment
Record of the World's Greatest Heroes- (Weapon, Other: Clipboard, Glory & Nobility & Time, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Melee Attack, +400,000 Magical Attack, +400,000 to all stats, Wielder ignores the Resistances, Immunities, Absorptions, and Reflections of individuals below Level 80 who are below wielder's Level, Wielder may summon 1 Human, Humanoid, or Fae below Level 90 that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List at the start of each round, Max 8 summoned, Wielder is Immune to sources below Level 40, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater
Bascaradine Atomic Grenade Model 3- (Weapon, Throwing Weapon, Atomic, 148,455,322 Gold) +157,000 Ranged Attack, Deals 14,500 CON Damage, 30% inflicts Poison: Irradiated, 140% To Hit, Wielder may deal an additional 290,000 Atomic element damage on Hit with a damage-dealing attack if wielder is at least Level 20
w/ Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment
Demonically Possessed Karaoke Machine- (Weaponx0, Instrument, Darkness & Technology, 4,115,000 Gold) +5,000 Melee Attack, +6,000 Ranged Attack, +5,000 Magical Attack, +4,500 to all stats, +7,000 MP, if wielder is below Level 50 and does not have the ability Demonologist, then wielder performs, at the beginning of every round, a Melee Attack, a Ranged Attack, and then a Magical Attack on wielder, these three attacks cannot Heal or inflict any positive effects, This item provides an additional +5,000 Ranged Attack and +5,000 Magical Attack if its wielder has the ability Bard, This item provides an additional +5,500 AGI if its wielder has the ability Dancer, This item cannot be equipped with any other Weaponx0
w/ Crimson Nova- This wielder's attacks may gain '1 hit against 60,000' and gain the elements Fire and Magic, This item's wielder gains +30,000 to all stats, this item provides +30,000 additional Melee Attack, +30,000 additional Ranged Attack, and +30,000 additional Magical Attack, Enchantment

6 Twentyfourfold Nested Mobile Aura of Retributive Pain- (Armorx1/24, Aura, Darkness & Warding, 210,000,000 Gold) +210,000 Defense, +210,000 MIN, +110,000 SPI, 80% inflicts Pain, 10% Base Element Resistance, 30% Darkness Resistance, 30% Agony Resistance, +5% Stat Drain Resistance (to a max of 200%), Stat Drain Immunity, Pain Immunity, Reflects Pain, Wearer gains a (Number of Auramancer abilities wearer possesses / 4, to a max of 80)% chance of being optionally able, up to 12 times per thread per instance of this item, of converting up to 80,000,000 points of Damage from a single attack or action from a source below Level 80 into Darkness element Damage targetting the source of said Damage and unequipping this item
w/Sublimely Status-Protecting- +10,000 Defense against Stat Damage, Applied Enchantment
w/Vital Overpulse- Wielder regenerates 1,000,000 HP at the start of each round, Applied Enchantment
w/Mystical Overpulse- Wielder regenerates 1,000,000 MP at the start of each round, Applied Enchantment

6 Twentyfourfold Nested Mobile Aura of Retributive Pain- (Armorx1/24, Aura, Darkness & Warding, 210,000,000 Gold) +210,000 Defense, +210,000 MIN, +110,000 SPI, 80% inflicts Pain, 10% Base Element Resistance, 30% Darkness Resistance, 30% Agony Resistance, +5% Stat Drain Resistance (to a max of 200%), Stat Drain Immunity, Pain Immunity, Reflects Pain, Wearer gains a (Number of Auramancer abilities wearer possesses / 4, to a max of 80)% chance of being optionally able, up to 12 times per thread per instance of this item, of converting up to 80,000,000 points of Damage from a single attack or action from a source below Level 80 into Darkness element Damage targetting the source of said Damage and unequipping this item
w/Sublimely Status-Protecting- +10,000 Defense against Stat Damage, Applied Enchantment
w/Vital Overpulse- Wielder regenerates 1,000,000 HP at the start of each round, Applied Enchantment
w/Mystical Overpulse- Wielder regenerates 1,000,000 MP at the start of each round, Applied Enchantment
w/Obdurately-Warding - Wielder's Defense cannot be pierced by entities below Level 90, Applied Enchantment

6 Twentyfourfold Nested Mobile Aura of Retributive Pain- (Armorx1/24, Aura, Darkness & Warding, 210,000,000 Gold) +210,000 Defense, +210,000 MIN, +110,000 SPI, 80% inflicts Pain, 10% Base Element Resistance, 30% Darkness Resistance, 30% Agony Resistance, +5% Stat Drain Resistance (to a max of 200%), Stat Drain Immunity, Pain Immunity, Reflects Pain, Wearer gains a (Number of Auramancer abilities wearer possesses / 4, to a max of 80)% chance of being optionally able, up to 12 times per thread per instance of this item, of converting up to 80,000,000 points of Damage from a single attack or action from a source below Level 80 into Darkness element Damage targetting the source of said Damage and unequipping this item
w/Sublimely Status-Protecting- +10,000 Defense against Stat Damage, Applied Enchantment
w/Vital Overpulse- Wielder regenerates 1,000,000 HP at the start of each round, Applied Enchantment
w/Mystical Overpulse- Wielder regenerates 1,000,000 MP at the start of each round, Applied Enchantment
w/Status Warded- Wielder is Immune to Minor Status Effects from sources below Level 80, Applied Enchantment

*Twelve Realms' Defense Grid- (Accessory Aspect- Twelve Realms' Defense Grid, Gadget, Technology & Magic, X Gold) +175,000 Defense, wielder's allies gain +175,000 Defense, +17,500 Defense Against Stat Damage, +500,000 Defense against 'Ranged Attack', 'Snipe', 'Point Blank', and 'Ranged Overdrive' actions, Wielder's allies gain +125,000 Defense against 'Ranged Attack' actions if in the back row, 150% Resilience, 150% Dodge, 45% Air Resistance, 45% Earth Resistance, 45% Fire Resistance, 45% Water Resistance, 45% Light Resistance, 45% Darkness Resistance, 45% Magic Resistance, 45% Technology Resistance, 45% Physical Resistance, 45% Psychic Resistance, 45% Ice Resistance, 45% Acid Resistance, 45% Electrical Resistance, 45% Energy Resistance, 45% Hope Resistance, 45% War Resistance, 45% Wood Resistance, 45% Metal Resistance, 15% Base Element Resistance, Wielder may choose to be in the back row without regard to the number of individuals within the front row and does not count as being in the back row when totaling the number of individuals in the back row for row arrangement purposes, Wielder gains +25,000 to all stats for each Property equipped, Wielder is Immune to individuals below Level 60 if Level 60 or greater, Bestows the abilities-
Defense Grid Counter-Fire- 186,500 Damage, This attack uses Mind or Spirit as its Prime Attribute, May be used as a counter, Magic or Technology, 0 MP
Grid Screen- Caster takes 1,800,000 less Damage from the next attack targeting it that comes from a source below Level 99, does not stack, may be used once a round as a preemptive counter to an attack targeting its possessor, Magic or Technology, 1,000,000 MP

Owl's Eye-Discs- (Accessory, Eyewear, Darkness & Magic & Mystic, 245,000,000 Gold) +245,000 Melee Attack, Wearer gains Instant Death Immunity against sources below Level 80, Wearer's per-item Magic Attack bonus cap becomes 2 times the relevant stat, Wearer's 'Melee Attack' actions deal full Damage to targets below Level 90 in the back row and may use wearer's Ranged Attack or Magical Attack bonus instead of wearer's Melee Attack bonus, Individuals below Level 60 cannot heal Damage dealt by wearer, At the start of each round, wearer may scan the stats of one opponent, Wearer gains +25% To Hit against targets afflicted with Instant Death: Doomed as a non-stacking bonus, 15% inflicts Instant Death: Doomed, Once per round, before one of wielder's actions, wielder may choose to inflict Instant Death on a target below wielder's Level that is below Level 80, with said effect not stacking across multiple copies of this item and individuals below Level 80 being unable to resurrect individuals killed by said effect, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Huntmaster's Bandolier- (Accessory, Container, Air & Physical, 1,250,000 Gold) +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,400 AGI, +800 AGI for determining turn order, but not bonus actions, on the first turn, 12% Critical, 12% Dodge, 111% to Hit, 12% Resilience, grants either an additional Weapon slot that can contain a Throwing Weapon or two additional spell slots that can each contain a Thief Arts spell or three additional consumable slots that can each contain a Lethal Item, Wearer counts the first three turns of battle as the first turn of battle for purposes of spell and ability effects, gives +250 to all stats for each piece of equipment with 'Huntmaster' in its name, to a max of +1,250, Humans drop an additional 100 Gold at the end of battle if they otherwise do drop Gold, The Enhancement 'Unbreakable' may be applied to owner's items with the word 'Huntmaster' in their name for free
w/ Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment
Reaper's Hourglass- (Accessory, Trinket, Darkness & Fate, 94,242,564 Gold) +90,000 Magical Attack, 30% Darkness Resistance, 30% Time Resistance, 30% Fate Resistnace, 30% inflicts Instant Death, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Emblem of the Hero- (Accessory, Trinket, Hope & War, 200,000,000 Gold) +200,000 Melee Attack, +200,000 Ranged Attack, +200,000 Magical Attack, +200,000 to all stats, +2,000,000 HP as a bonus that stacks 5 times, +2,000,000 MP as a bonus that stacks 5 times, 200% To Hit, 100% Critical, 100% Dodge, 100% Resilience, Wearer's per-item Melee Attack bonus cap becomes 2x the relevant stat, Wearer's per-item Ranged Attack bonus cap becomes 2x the relevant stat, Wearer's per-item Magical Attack bonus cap becomes 2x the relevant stat, Wearer must be Level 40 or greater

Spatial Slot
World-Traveller's Wings- (Accessory, Cloak, Light & Darkness & Fate & Time & Spatial & Astral, 130,000,000 Gold) +130,000 AGI, +130,000 SPI, +130,000 Defense against Astral, +60,000 to wearer's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes as a non-stacking bonus that does not stack with other bonuses from items whose name includes 'Wings', 30% Darkness Resistance, 30% Time Resistance, 30% Ice Resistance, 30% Astral Resistance, 30% Spatial Resistance, 30% Light Resistance, 30% Air Resistance, 50% Frozen Resistance, 50% Suffocation Resistance, 50% Voidstruck Resistance, Effects attached to Zones by sources below Level 80 cannot inflict Frozen, Suffocation, Voidstruck, Awestruck, or Fatigued on wearer, Wearer must be Level 40 or greater, Wearer gains the ability to travel through space at generally-useful speeds as an RP power
w/ Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment

Planetary Fate-Loom- (Item, Property, Fate, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 MIN, +400,000 SPI, Wielder cannot miss targets below Level 80 who are not 20 or more Levels greater than wielder
Sanctum of the Beginning- (Item, Property, Earth & Air & Fire & Water & Void & Life & Light & Darkness, 400,000,000 Gold) Entities below Level 90 that are not greater Level than wielder may not stop wielder from summoning, Wielder may resurrect an entity killed by a source below Level 80 at the start of each round, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Sanctum of Emptiness- (Item, Property, Void, 400,000,000 Gold) +40,000 Defense against Stat Damage, Stat Drain Immunity, Wielder is immune to Stat Damage from sources below Level 60, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Eight-World Mirror-Ring Linkage Network- (Item, Property, Spatial & Ice & Mystic, 888,888,880 Gold) Wielder may, up to 8 times per round, before one of wielder's actions or at the start of the round, enter another existing battlespace that is part of the same battle so long as no entity of Level 99 or greater in the battlespace wielder is entering or the battlespace wielder is leaving objects, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater
Metal Worldcore- (Item, Property, Earth & Metal, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Defense, +400,000 CON, Wielder's Defense may not be pierced by individuals below Level 80 who are not 20 or more Levels greater than wielder, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Winged Cubeworld- (Item, Property, Water & Air, 500,000,000 Gold) +500,000 AGI, +500,000 MIN, +500,000 SPI, Wielder is afflicted with Augmented: Haste at the start of each round, Sources below Level 99 cannot prevent wielder from entering or leaving battlespaces, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater
Sea of Void- (Item, Property, Water & Darkness & Void, 400,000,000 Gold) Wielder's attacks deal 20,000 MIN and SPI Damage, Wielder is Immune to debuffs from individuals below Level 60, Wielder's offensive actions may unsummon targets below Level 60 who were summoned by individuals below Level 60, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Doctor Nole's Miracle Medicine- (Spell, Healer Magic, Light & Magic, 85,000 MP, 85,000,000 Gold) +85,000 Magical Attack, Target obtains +10,000 to all stats and +10,000 Magical Attack as a non-stacking buff, Cures Diseased and any one other minor negative status effect, Heals, Caster must be Level 40 or greater or both Level 20 or greater and a Holy one
Bottled Stardust- (Spell, Alchemy, Astral & Magic, 170,000 MP, 170,000,000 Gold) Target obtains +35,000 to all stats as a non-stacking buff and is cured of all (negative status effects and debuffs) from sources below Level 80, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Lesser Beauty Drain- (Spell, Dark Magic, Air & Darkness & Magic, 2,100 MP, 860,000 Gold) +890 Magical Attack, Deals no normal damage, instead dealing 1/10 the amount of damage that would be dealt as points of Stat Drain to both CON and SPI, Can raise user's CON and SPI above their normal maxes, to a max of 2,500 additional points in each, Cannot be used if caster is afflicted with Burning, All additional stat points gained from this ability above normal maxes are immediately removed if possessor becomes afflicted with Burning or Wounded: Weakened, 25% cures caster of Wounded: Weakened
Bottled Hell- (Spell, Alchemy, Darkness & Fire, 150,000 MP, 150,000,000 Gold) +150,000 Magical Attack, 100% inflicts Voidstruck, 100% inflicts Burning, target obtains -5,000 to all stats as a non-stacking debuff, Caster additionally counts as possessing the subtype Devil while performing this action, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Devil Arcana- (Spell, Arcanist Magic, Darkness & Fire, 150,000 MP, 150,000,000 Gold) +150,000 Magical Attack, 100% inflicts Voidstruck, 100% inflicts Burning, target obtains -5,000 to all stats as a non-stacking debuff, Caster must be Level 40 or greater

(Spatial Magic Slots)
Aeltherinian Force- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Technology & Energy & Void, 281,600 MP, 300,000,000 Gold) +300,000 Magical Attack, Up to 3,000,000,000 targets below caster's Level who are below Level 80 and are in a different battlespace than caster are dealt 3,000,000 Flat Technology & Energy & Void element Damage that ignores the Defense of entities below Level 80, Caster must be Level 60 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Spatial Magic Attunement'
Cast Into Emptiness- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial & Void, 86,600 MP, 215,000,000 Gold) 40% inflicts Vanished, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Conjunction- (Spell, Spatial Magic, Spatial & Mystic, 1,971,600 MP, 300,000,000 Gold) +300,000 Magical Attack, This spell may be cast as though it possessed no attack bonus, Summoning, Astral Magic, and Forbidden Magic spells cost caster 1,500,000 less MP to cast as a non-stacking buff, Caster's summons gain +60,000 to all stats as a non-stacking buff, Caster must be Level 60 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Spatial Magic Synchronization' or the ability 'Esoteric Wiseman'
Cosmic Cradle- (Spell, Spatial Magic, Spatial & Astral, 2,971,600 MP, 300,000,000 Gold) +300,000 Magical Attack, Each hit of this attack may be considered to not be within any present Terrains, Phantom Terrains, and Zones that are of caster's choosing that come from sources that are either caster or are below caster's Level and below Level 99, Caster may select up to 6 different Empowered Constellations that are settable by Astral Magic, Spatial Magic, or Wizard Magic spells equipped by caster or caster's willing allies that are worth under 300,000,000 Gold and cost under 6,000,000 MP and set those Empowered Constellations, Caster must be Level 60 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Spatial Magic Synchronization' or the ability 'Adept Astral Magic Synchronization'
Dimensional Chains- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial & Magic, 1,600 MP, 60,000,000 Gold) Target entity below Level 80 acquires a non-stacking debuff that makes its possessor unable to move between battlespaces, Caster must be Level 30 or greater
Dimensional Folding- (Spell, Gate Magic, Spatial & Light & Earth, 171,600 MP, 40,000,000 Gold) Caster may choose to exit its current battlespace and enter another currently-open battlespace in the same battle, so long as no individual of Level 84 or greater or that is 10 or more Levels greater than caster in either battlespace objects, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Drop Debuffs Between the Planes- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial & Void, 1,221,600 MP, 250,000,000 Gold) Caster removes all debuffs on target with sources below Level 95 that are not 5 or more Levels greater than caster, Caster must be Level 60 or greater and must possess the ability 'Expert Spatial Magic Attunement'
Establish Boundary- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Light & Spatial, 0 MP, 30,000,000 Gold) Caster creates a Zone of Spatial & Light and attaches a non-stacking effect to it that does not stack across zones that makes entities below Level 60 unable to enter or leave the battlespace it is in, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
Establish Demiplane- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial, 1,221,600 MP, 250,000,000 Gold) Caster creates a battlespace, Caster must be Level 60 or greater and must possess the ability 'Expert Spatial Magic Attunement'
Establish Warspace Mirrorfield- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial & War & Ice, 1,471,600 MP, 300,000,000 Gold) Caster obtains a non-stacking buff whose effect does not stack across multiple instances of said buff on different possessors that gives its possessor a 25% chance of being able to redirect each targeted instace of each offensive actions that comes from a source below Level 95 that is not 5 or more Levels greater than caster that is not Spatial element, Caster must be Level 60 or greater and must possess the ability 'Expert Spatial Magic Attunement'
Extradimensional Maze- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial & Psychic, 63,900 MP, 185,000,000 Gold) Target entity with a lower MIN than caster has a 60% chance of being afflicted with an instance of Vanished that lasts (Caster's Level) rounds, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Horizon of Demise- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial & Destruction, 1,221,600 MP, 250,000,000 Gold) +250,000 Ranged Attack, +250,000 Magical Attack, 15% inflicts Instant Death, Attacks involving this spell may target entities below Level 80 in other battlespaces that are not greater Level than caster, Caster must be Level 60 or greater and must possess the ability 'Expert Spatial Magic Attunement'
Planeshear- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial & Destruction, 421,600 MP, 450,000,000 Gold) +450,000 Magical Attack, 1 hit against all opponents in caster's battlespace, Caster may destroy any number of Zones, Terrains, and/or Phantom Terrains created by lower-Level sources below Level 99, Caster may destroy the battlespace caster is in if it is not the primary battlespace and was not created by a source that is either greater Level than caster or Level 99, Caster may delink the values of any entities below Level 99 who are hit by attacks involving this spell, Caster must be Level 60 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Spatial Magic Attunement'
Reality Divider- (Spell, Gate Magic, Spatial, 1,471,600 MP, 300,000,000 Gold) +300,000 Ranged Attack, 10% inflicts Vanished, Targets below Level 80 have their stats halved as a non-stacking debuff, Caster must be Level 60 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Gate Magic Synchronization'
Reality Strider's Procession- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial, 51,600 MP, 70,000,000 Gold) Targets acquire a non-stacking buff that allows its possessor to choose to not count as being inside Zones, Terrains, or Phantom Terrains created by sources below Level 80 (with choices being made on a per-Zone/Terrain/Phantom Terrain basis), 1 hit against 50,000, Caster must be Level 40 or greater and must possess the ability 'Spatial Mage'
Return to Reality- (Spell, Gate Magic, Spatial, 1,221,600 MP, 500,000,000 Gold) Cures Vanished up to 5 times per target per thread, Caster must be Level 60 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Gate Magic Synchronization'
Seal World- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Warding, 231,600 MP, 250,000,000 Gold) Caster creates a Zone of Warding and attaches a non-stacking effect to it that does not stack across zones that makes entities below Level 80 unable to enter or leave the battlespace it is in, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Space Fold- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial, 0 MP, 20,000,000 Gold) Entities below Level 60 that are in target row-order formation that are below caster's Level are moved from the back row to the front row
Space-Twin Planet- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial, 6,781,600 MP, 340,000,000 Gold) Target Astral Being with a Constant Effect or Ability named 'Supermassive' or 'Hypermassive' becomes simultaneously present in a chosen battlespace in addition to the battlespace it is already in, with it being able to choose to be solely in either battlespace when this effect ends should it no longer possess the capability to be in both battlespaces simulataneously, Caster must be Level 60 or greater and must possess the ability 'Expert Spatial Magic Attunement'
Spatial Bubble Fortress- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial, 261,600 MP, 280,000,000 Gold) Caster obtains a non-stacking buff whose effects do not stack across multiple possessors that gives its possessor and its possessor's allies +280,000 Defense, that gives its possessor and its possessor's allies 50% Resistance to effects attached to Zones, Terrains, and Phantom Terrains, and that gives its possessor and its possessor's allies +280,000 additional Defense against attacks that target more than one entity, Caster must be Level 60 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Spatial Magic Attunement'
Spatial Sinkhole- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial & Darkness & Earth, 1,231,600 MP, 250,000,000 Gold) Caster creates a Zone of Spatial and attaches a non-stacking effect to it that makes entities within it that are below Level 99 unable to voluntarily switch rows or leave the battlespace they are in, Caster must be Level 60 or greater and must possess the ability 'Expert Spatial Magic Attunement'
Spatial Window- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Air & Spatial, 0 MP, 15,000,000 Gold) Caster scans the stats of target entity in a different battlespace
Telefrag- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial & Physical & Earth, 26,600 MP, 90,000,000 Gold) +90,000 Magical Attack, 30% inflicts Instant Death, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Transpose Reality- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial, 1,600 MP, 60,000,000 Gold) Caster destroys target non-Universe-element Zone created by a source of equal or lower Level that is either caster or below Level 80, and, if said Zone's destruction is successful, deals (50,000 * that Zone's creator's Level) Flat (that Zone's elements) element Damage to up to (that Zone's creator's Level * 100) targets, Caster must be Level 20 or greater and must possess the ability 'Spatial Mage'
Ward Area- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Warding, 21,600 MP, 45,000,000 Gold) Caster creates a Zone of Warding and attaches a non-stacking effect to it that does not stack across zones that makes entities below Level 60 unable to enter or leave the battlespace it is in and that gives caster and caster's allies +45,000 Defense while they are in it, Caster must be Level 20 or greater and must possess the ability 'Spatial Mage'

(Spatial-element Slots)
Blank Gate- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Spatial, 990,000 MP, 200,000,000 Gold) Caster acquires a non-stacking buff that cannot be carried between battles that causes individuals in the same battlespace as its possessor who are lower Level than caster who are below Level 80 to be afflicted with Vanished if they would leave said battlespace, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Establish Planar Gate- (Spell, Gate Magic, Spatial, 990,000 MP, 200,000,000 Gold) Caster selects another battlespace that is part of the same battle provided that no individuals 20 or more Levels greater than caster object in either caster's current battlespace or in said selected battlespace, Individuals may, when shifting rows, enter a row-order-formation in either such battlespace, Caster must be Level 40 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Gate Magic Synchronization'
Parallel Mageblast: Cold Planar Essence-Overcasting- (Spell, Technomancy, Ice & Spatial, 37,500 MP, 9,500,000 Gold) +9,500 Magical Attack, +9,500 Ranged Attack, Target obtains a non-stacking debuff that deals 95,000 Flat Ice element Damage to its possessor that lasts until its possessor enters a different battlespace or battle
Parallel Mageblast: Rengineer Reality- (Spell, Technomancy, Spatial & Time & Life & Destruction, 490,000 MP, 50,000,000 Gold) +50,000 Magical Attack, +50,000 Ranged Attack, May Heal, Caster may move up to 5 buffs or debuffs on target that come from sources below caster's Level that are below Level 80 onto other entities in target's battlespace who they could have initially been placed on, Caster must be Level 40 or greater

(Time-element Slots)
Dodge Into Fake Timeline- (Spell, Illusion Magic, Time & Illusion, 1,990,000 MP, 180,000,000 Gold) Caster gains +90% Dodge against individuals who have not scanned possessor's stats who are not 10 or more Levels greater than caster, does not stack, lasts 5 rounds, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Fog of Eons- (Spell, Other: Chronomancy, Air & Time, 1,780,000 MP, 90,000,000 Gold) Caster creates a Zone of Air & Time and attaches a non-stacking effect to it (which also does not stack across zones) that causes each individual of lower Level than its creator that is in it to have a 30% chance of being afflicted with Petrified: Time Stop at the start of each round
Temporal Zone-Freeze- (Spell, Other: Chronomancy, Time, 100,000 MP, 60,000,000 Gold) Individuals below Level 80 who are no more than 19 Levels greater than caster may not destroy Zones, create Zones, alter Zones, attach effects to Zones, remove effects from Zones, or alter effects on Zones without caster's permission, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Unhinge from the Years- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Time & Aether, 1,490,000 MP, 150,000,000 Gold) Target buff, debuff, or status effect obtains a non-stacking buff (which is treated as droppable by its source, not by its possessor's possessor) that stacks 200 times across all effects on all individuals that makes it so that it possesses no natural per-round auto-recovery chance and so that, unless an entity that is either greater in Level than caster or is Level 80 or greater objects, its remaining duration does not decrement at the end of rounds, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Vanishing Hours- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Time, 490,000 MP, 45,000,000 Gold) +43,000 Magical Attack, 4,500 Flat Time element AGI Damage, Targets count as having not yet acted if below Level 100 and not 15 or more Levels greater than caster

(Gate Magic Slots)
Dimension Lock- (Spell, Gate Magic, Spatial, 40,000 MP, 60,000,000 Gold) Individuals below Level 80 who are no more than 19 Levels greater than caster may not exit the battlespace caster is in without caster's permission, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Reality-Overlay: City of Burning Ruin- (Spell, Gate Magic, Fire & Destruction, 44,000 MP, 78,000,000 Gold) Caster creates a Phantom Terrain that is 'City' and a Zone of Fire and attaches a non-stacking effect that is considered a Linking Effect to the two that causes an effect that is present on one to count as being present on the other (but not to count as being present twice or to take effect twice or to stack differently than it would than if it were on them separately), then attaches a second effect to the Zone that deals 300,000 Flat Fire & Destruction element Damage to each individual in it at the start of each round, with said effect not stacking, then attaches an effect (referred to as 'Effect C' later in this item's text) to the 'City' Phantom Terrain that causes it to have a 25% chance of canceling any individual below Level 75 (other than its creator) creating a Zone or Phantom Terrain or attaching an effect to a Zone or Phantom Terrain, instead replacing said event with an instance of 'Effect C' creating an effect that it attaches to the Zone of Fire created by this spell that raises the quantity of Flat Fire & Destruction element Damage that it deals (with its own natural effect, but not other instances of such Damage granted to it by other effects or sources) by 25,000 points, with said effect stacking a max of 36 times, with all effects naturally generated by this spell counting as 'Reality Overlay' effects and this spell not being able to be cast if a different 'Reality Overlay' effect is in place unless otherwise noted

(Geomancy Slots)
Rezone- (Spell, Geomancy, Water & Air & Earth, 0 MP, 40,000 Gold) Caster may replace any current Zones with a Zone of any base element or create a new Zone of any base element
w/ Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment
Shrink Planet- (Spell, Geomancy, Astral & Spatial, 1,228,210 MP, 250,000,000 Gold) Caster gives either gives target entity below Level 99 that is not greater Level than caster a non-stacking debuff that removes the Constant Effects 'Supermassive' and 'Hypermassive' from its possessor or caster obtains a buff and selects any number of existing Zones, Terrains, and Phantom Terrains that were created by sources below Level 80 or by caster and do not have any effects attached to them by sources above Level 80 that are not caster, Said Zones, Terrains, and Phantom Terrains are removed from battle until said buff on caster is removed, Caster must be Level 60 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Geomancy Attunement'

Next Starlight Chocolate Coffee- (Consumable, Drink, Astral & Darkness & Light & Time, 1 Charge, 8,700,000 Gold) Target willing individual is afflicted with Vanished until a round begins in which the primary battlespace contains a Chronogeomantic Zone of Dawn, with said instance of vanished inflicting Augmented: Haste, Invigorated, Fortified: Shadow Warded, and Imbued on its possessor when it is cured
4 Phoenix Plume- (Consumable, Medicine, Fire & Light, 1 Charge, 20,000,000 Gold) Resurrects target if target was not killed by a source 40 or more levels higher than itself

*Urhol Daer No'Mourmont: Data-Integrated Mystic Command Entity- (Pet Aspect- Twelve Realms' Defense Grid, Spirit, Magic & Technology, Level Tied to Relevant Artifact, X Gold)
HP- 29,150,000
MP- 43,500,000
STR- 153,000
AGI- 153,000
CON- 153,000
MIN- 306,000
SPI- 461,000
XP- 0
XP Needed- Tied to Artifact
Minimum Level- 1
Defense- 467,500
Defense against Stat Damage- 81,300
Critical Chance- 158%
Resilience- 376%
To Hit- 258%
Dodge- 158%
Resistances and Immunities-Air Immunity, Earth Immunity, Fire Immunity, Water Immunity, Light Immunity, Darkness Immunity, Hope Immunity, Magic Immunity, Technology Immunity, Psychic Immunity, Physical Immunity, Ice Immunity, Energy Immunity, Acid Immunity, Electrical Immunity, War Immunity, Wood Immunity, Metal Immunity, Pain Immunity, Confusion Immunity, Impaired Immunity, Poison Immunity, Stat Drain Immunity, Diseased Immunity, 158% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 79% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 30% Major Status Effect Resistance
Prime Attribute- Spirit or Agility
Constant Effects-
Variable Defensive Ward Patterns- Possessor may choose any one minor status effect at the beginning of a thread to become Immune to as a non-stacking buff, Possessor may choose any one moderate status effect at the beginning of a thread to become Immune to as a non-stacking buff, Constant Effect
Mystic Entity- Possessor gains +14,500,000 MP and +153,000 MIN, Constant Effect
Defensive Wards- Possessor and possessor's allies gain +350,000 Defense, +45,000 Defense against Stat Damage, and +158% Resilience as a non-stacking effect, Constant Effect
Command Entity- Possessor gains +153,000 SPI and +14,500,000 HP, Possessor's allies gain +75,000 to all stats as a non-stacking effect, Constant Effect
Superior Mystic Form- Possessor obtains +14,500,000 MP, obtains +153,000 SPI, and is Immune to individuals below Level 60, Constant Effect
Indexed Effects-
Thing of Magic- Possessor gains +2,000 SPI and +50,000 HP, Constant Effect
Mystic Fortitude- Possessor gains +50,000 HP, Constant Effect
Health Derived from the Defense Grid- Possessor gains +50,000 HP, Constant Effect
Greater Defense Field- Possessor gains +20,000 Defense, +20,000 Defense against Stat Damage, and +60% Resilience, Constant Effect
Crossrealm Magical Network Topography- Possessor may target lower or equal Level entities in other battlespaces; any entity that possessor targets in said manner may target possessor from different battlespaces until the end of the next round, Constant Effect
Assault Beams- 180,000 Damage, 300% may inflict Antimatter, this action may gain 2 hits against 600,000, Technology, 0 MP
Prime Force Blasts- 180,000 Damage, 300% may inflict Manablasted, this action may gain 2 hits against 600,000, Magic, 0 MP
Self-Restore- 10,000,000 Damage, Heals, Cures one minor and one moderate negative status effect, Cures one debuff from a source below Level 80, May only target caster, Magic or Technology, 0 MP
Scan Cyclopean System Data Banks- Scans target stats, this ability acts as though its caster were 20 levels higher for stat-scanning purposes, 1 hit against 200,000, Magic or Technology, 2,000 MP
Refabricate: Improved Form- Target gains +35% Resilience, +30,000 CON, +1,400,000 HP, +90,000 Defense, +30,000 MIN, and +1,400,000 MP, stacks 4 times, Technology & Psychic, 50,000 MP
Ward- Target gains 50% Resistance to a chosen Base element, stacks 200 times, Magic & Technology & Physical & Psychic, 50,000 MP
Direct Units- Targets gain an additional action immediately after this action if Units, 1 hit against 1,000,000, Magic or Technology, 380,000 MP
Crossrealm Gate- Caster and up to 2,000,000 willing allies leave their current battlespaces and enters another battlespace that is part of the same battle so long as no individual of equal Level to caster or greater Level than caster in the same battlespace as caster, as the same battlespace as any target, or the battlespace being entered objects, Spatial, 1,000,000 MP
Mystic Nuke- 360,000 Damage, 300% inflicts Hexed, Stat Drain, Poison, Poison: Irradiated, Stat Drain: MP Drain, and Fatigued, 1 hit against 200,000,000, Mystic or Magic & Technology, 1,000,000 MP
Indexed Abilities-
Direct Unit- Gives target Unit another action which is taken immediately after this one, Magic or Technology, 500 MP
Crossrealm Transport- Caster leaves its current battlespace and enters another battlespace that is part of the same battle so long as no individual of equal Level to caster or greater Level than caster in the same battlespace as caster objects, Spatial, 10,000 MP (Indexed at Level 39)
Has Reached Round 41 in an Endurance Match

Modified Stats wrote: HP: 27,225,000 (Large Structure Traits Multiplier)
MP: 2,233,400
STR: 1,700 (2)
AGI: 5,650 (7)
CON: 24,600 (25)
MIN: 8,150 (10)
SPI: 15,650 (16) (77,790 for turn-order purposes, +200 on first round of battle)


600% Resilience (Large Structure Traits Multiplier)

15% Dodge (Large Structure Traits Multiplier)
+10% Dodge on any round that possessor enters a battle from another battle, not counting the first round of battle
+1% Dodge as a non-stacking buff on rounds after rounds during which possessor cast a Spatial Magic spell, with said bonus not being able to increase possessor's Dodge above 50%

15% Base Element Resistance
30% Fate, Time, Astral, Spatial, Agony Resistance
45% Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Magic, Technology, Physical, Psychic, Ice, Acid, Electrical, Energy, Hope, War, Wood and Metal Resistance

50% Frozen, Suffocation and Voidstruck Resistance

Immune to individuals below Level 60
Wielder is Immune to debuffs from individuals below Level 60
Minor Status Effect Immunity from Sub-80 Sources
Instant Death Immunity against sources below Level 80
Reflects Pain
Immunity to Impaired, Confusion, Pain, Poison, Fatigued, Diseased, and Charm (Large Structure Traits)
Charm, Stat Drain and Pain Immunity
95% Paralysis: Sticky Resistance
90% Stat Drain Resistance
30% Fatigued Resistance
5% Poison Resistance
5% Minor Status Effect Resistance
Spatial element actions have a 20% lower chance of inflicting Confusion on possessor

If possessor is Spatial element, possessor counts as being in the back row for purposes of back-row Damage-halving
Spatial element Damage and Stat Damage dealt to possessor (not including healing) is halved

Defense cannot be pierced by entities below Level 90

+1,521,750 Defense (Large Structure Traits Multiplier)

+500,000 Defense against Ranged Attacks
+130,000 Defense against Astral
+5,550 Defense Against Spatial
+500 Defense against effects attached to Terrains or Phantom Terrains that are Desert
+50 Defense against effects attached to Zones

Immune to Stat Damage from sources below Level 60
+375,180 Defense against Stat Damage (Large Structure Traits Multiplier)
+200 Defense against STR Damage
+200 Defense against CON Damage
+200 Defense against AGI Damage
+200 Defense against MIN Damage
+200 Defense against SPI Damage

Once per round after an enemy attacks one of possessor's allies, possessor may choose to have a 5% chance of countering said attack with a positive action targeting said ally and no other targets.

May not be killed by individuals below Level 40
Immune to debuffs from individuals below Level 60


+5% Critical against Large Structures below Level 60

230% To Hit
Wielder cannot miss targets below Level 80 who are not 20 or more Levels greater than wielder

Ignores the Resistances, Immunities, Absorptions, and Reflections of individuals below Level 80
Ignores 15% Time, Progress and Spatial Resistance
Possessor ignores the Dodge Bonuses granted by buffs from sources below Level 80 that are present on targets that are in different battles
Large Structures below Level 60 gain -40% Resilience against possessor

+13,600 Melee Attack

+46,200 Ranged Attack

+161,255 Magical Attack

Wielder's attacks deal 20,000 MIN and SPI Damage

Wielder's offensive actions may unsummon targets below Level 60 who were summoned by individuals below Level 60

30% inflicts Instant Death

Possessor's actions that heal may gain +200 Ranged, Melee or Magical Attack if they already possess such a bonus

Possessor's 'Magical Attack' actions may gain '40% inflicts Confusion' if possessor has an instrument equipped

Pierces 2,000 Defense when targeting Large Structures

Deals full damage to individuals below Level 80 who are not more than 19 Levels greater than possessor who are in the back row
Amounts of Spatial element Damage possessor deals are increased by 35,550 points

Possessor's offensive actions involving Wizard Magic gain +500 Magical Attack if they already possess at least +1 Magical Attack coming from a Wizard Magic spell
Possessor's offensive actions involving Wizard Magic spells that have a chance of inflicting minor or moderate status effects have the chances of inflicting said effects increased by 10%

Whenever an individual conducts an offensive action against possessor, possessor may deal 300,000 Flat Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Acid, Electrical, Energy, or Ice element Damage to said individual at the end of said action if possessor is a Large Structure
Up to three times per thread, when an individual conducts an offensive action against possessor, possessor may deal 500,000 Flat Physical or Fire element Damage to said individual at the end of said action, also possessing an 80% chance of inflicting either Wounded or Burning (or neither, if desired) on said individual at the end of said action, if possessor is a Large Structure

Wielder's offensive actions may target other battles if no opponent above level 68 is present in either battle

Wielder's attacks may gain '1 hit against 60,000' and gain the elements Fire and Magic

Wielder's offensive actions may unsummon targets below Level 60 who were summoned by individuals below Level 60


Foods and Drinks that heal HP or MP heal 50 more of each that they already heal
Food consumables used by possessor that heal HP heal an additional 200 points
Food consumables used by possessor that Heal HP heal an additional 5,000 points if in a Zone of Ice
Food consumables used by possessor that increase AGI or SPI increase it by an additional 10 points per charge as an effect that stacks 50 times across all consumable applications on said target

---------------------Start of Thread---------------------

Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Spatial element
Immunity to a chosen minor negative status effect at the start of each thread

---------------------Start of Battle---------------------

May set the Phantom Terrain to Abyss of Time, Astral Void, Battlefield, Beach, Boneyard, Bubble Cosmos, Caverns, Cliffside, Cloudy Sky, Conifer Forest, Cosmic Web, Dark Forest, Desert, Domain of Balance, Dry Riverbed, Ethereal Mists, Extradimensional Arena, Farmland, Forest, Frozen Cosmos, Frozen Waste, Glacier, Hills, Jungle, Lake, Mage's Sanctum, Marsh, Mirror Realm, Ocean, Open Sky, Realm of Magic, Space, Swamp, Void of Endings, Wellspring of Life, White Void or World Tree

---------------------Start of Round---------------------

Wearer regenerates 18,000,000 HP and 18,000,000 MP at the start of each round

May summon 1 Human, Humanoid, or Fae below Level 90 that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List at the start of each round, Max 8 summoned

At the start of each round, possessor may attach an effect to a Zone that either has a 60% chance of inflicting any one moderate negative status effect on each individual within said Zone who does not possess the ability 'Reality Coder' or the ability 'Hazard Programmer' at the start of each round or that deals 120,000 Flat Damage of any base element to each individual within said Zone who does not possess the ability 'Reality Coder' or the ability 'Hazard Programmer' at the start of each round, with both effects sharing a stacking cap, stacking twice per zone, and stacking 5 times across all zones

If possessor is a Large Structure, possessor may deal 350,000 Flat Fire, Acid, or Darkness element Damage to up to 15 targets at the start of each round, with a 40% chance of inflicting any one minor negative status effect, Burning, Dissolving, or Voidstruck on each of said targets

If possessor is a Large Structure, possessor may summon any individual from the Enemy List that is normally fightable for drops, is below Level 40, and is below possessor's Level, Entities summoned through this ability have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 50,000 points, Max 5 summoned
Possessor may, at the start of each round of battle, summon enemy from the Enemy List that is below Level 40, is normally fightable for drops, and has 'Tank' in its name, Max 40 summoned, Possessor's Vehicle and Machine allies gain +1% Dodge as a non-stacking buff

At the start of each round and of each of possessor's actions, possessor may choose to cause individuals who are either below Level 60 and not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor or who are willing to either be in a Zone or not be in a Zone, provided that said zone was created by a source that is either below Level 60 and not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor, is possessor, is one of possessor's pets, or is one of possessor's summons

At the start of each round, possessor may exit the battle possessor is in and enter any other currently active battle in the same thread, provided that no individual of Level 60 or greater who is in either the battle possessor is leaving or possessor's destination battle objects and that no individual who is 20 or more Levels greater than possessor who is in either said battle objects
Possessor may, at the start of any round, leave possessor's current battle and enter another currently open battle in the same thread provided that no individual of Level 60 or greater in either possessor's current battle or the destination battle objects

Activate Spatial Manipulation if Spatial element

Possessor may, at the start of each round, choose one Zone of Spatial that is present that was created by a source equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80 and destroy that zone or remove an effect attached to said Zone that is from a source that is equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80

Possessor may, at the start of each round, move to the Front Row or to the Back Row
Whenever possessor conducts a Switch Rows action, possessor may switch rows one additional time, to a max of 5 times

---------------------Start of Action---------------------

Once per round, before one of wielder's actions, wielder may choose to inflict Instant Death on a target below wielder's Level that is below Level 80

At the start of each round and of each of possessor's actions, possessor may choose to cause individuals who are either below Level 60 and not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor or who are willing to either be in a Zone or not be in a Zone, provided that said zone was created by a source that is either below Level 60 and not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor, is possessor, is one of possessor's pets, or is one of possessor's summons

---------------------Passive Effects---------------------

Possessor counts as being 1 Level higher for purposes of resisting stat-scanning attempts, with said bonus not being able to overcome 'Immune to below Level X' effects
Possessor's Level is counted as 3 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Possessor ignores up to (Possessor Level) levels worth of level-doubling that bossess possess for purposes of resisting having their stats scanned

If possessor is Spatial element, whenever one of possessor's opponents of equal or lower Level who is below Level 60 summons an individual of Level 60 or lower in a battle that possessor is not in, possessor may instead have said individual be summoned in the battle that possessor is in, Whenever an individual of Level 60 who is not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor leaves a battle that possessor is not in to enter another battle, provided that said entering of said battle is caused by a source of Level 60 or lower, possessor may have said individual enter the battle possessor is in instead of whatever battle said individual would otherwise enter

If possessor loses a Weapon slot, possessor may, before losing said slot, exchange the item that is in said slot with an item in another slot that could be held in said slot, provided that possessor may hold said item in the other slot, provided that a source of Level 80 or greater did not cause possessor to lose said slot

If another battle is present, possessor may, once per round, re-direct an action from a lower-Level source below Level 60 to any target within any other battle in the same thread

If possessor is a Large Structure, whenever one of possessor's opponents who is at least Level 20 dies, possessor gains +100 to all stats, +10,000 HP, +1% Resilience, and +100 Defense, as a buff that stacks 10 times and lasts 15 rounds

Whenever possessor conducts a 'Switch Rows' action, up to 3 chosen allies may also move to either the front row or the back row if they could move to said rows by performing a 'Switch Rows' action

Possessor is immune to effects named "Golf Weakness"

---------------------Ally Bonuses---------------------

Allies gain +175,000 Defense
Allies gain +125,000 Defense against 'Ranged Attack' actions if in the back row

Spatial element allies gain +10 to all stats

Possessor's Large Structure allies deal 5,000 additional Damage per Damage-dealing counter that is an action that they perform

---------------------Transformation, Pet and Summon Bonuses---------------------

Possessor's summons gains +450 to all stats

Spatial element pets and summons gain +550 to all stats

Wielder's Undead summons gain +21,000 to all stats as a non-stacking effect

Magic Being pets and summons gain +3,550 HP, +600 MP, + 300 Defense, +110 to damage dealt, +770 to all stats, +300 to turn-order for turn-order purposes and their Damage values of abilities increased by 550 points
Robot pets and summons gain +3,550 HP, +600 MP, + 300 Defense, +110 to damage dealt, +810 to all stats, +300 to turn-order for turn-order purposes and their Damage values of abilities increased by 550 points

---------------------Zone and Terrain Effects---------------------

If possessor is Spatial element, whenever a Zone of Spatial is created, possessor may unsummon up to 5 non-unique individuals of Level 80 or lower who are not 20 or more Levels higher than possessor and who do not possess Spatial Resistance, Immunity, Reflection, or Absorption

Whenever an individual below Level 60 who is not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor creates a Zone, possessor may choose to not be in said Zone

+10% Dodge and 50% Poison Resistance if the terrain or phantom terrain is Swamp

+25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Spatial

+50 to all stats if in a Zone
+1,500 to all stats while in a Zone of Spatial
+350 additional MIN and +350 SPI if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present
+600 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present
+100 MIN for each Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain present, to a max of +500
+690 to all stats if possessor's element matches the element of a Square Mile of Terrain in the Shop that is associated with a Terrain or Phantom Terrain present
+100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Battlefield, Beach, Boneyard, Caverns, Cliffside, Cloudy Sky, Conifer Forest, Dark Forest, Desert, Dry Riverbed, Farmland, Forest, Frozen Waste, Glacier, Hills, Jungle, Lake, Marsh, Ocean, Open Sky, Space or Swamp
+1,000 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Abyss of Time, Astral Void, Bubble Cosmos, Cosmic Web, Domain of Balance, Ethereal Mists, Extradimensional Arena, Frozen Cosmos, Mage's Sanctum, Mirror Realm, Realm of Magic, Void of Endings, Wellspring of Life, White Void or World Tree

Effects attached to Zones by sources below Level 80 cannot inflict Frozen, Suffocation, Voidstruck, Awestruck, or Fatigued on wearer

Caelum "Cael" Aetherius (Aeromage)
Level 59
Spirit, Air
HP- 10,325
MP- 20,650
STR: 236 (4)
AGI: 916 (14) (+200 Fleet Bonus)
CON: 413 (7)
MIN: 826 (14)
SPI: 1,729 (21)

Worshipper of the Seven Ancients

Melee Attack
Magical Attack
Ranged Attack
Elemental Attack
Guard Back Rank
Use an Item
Cast a Spell
Switch Rows
Fortify Body
Meditate- (Active Ability, Attack) Possessor may spend an action to Regenerate an amount of MP equal to (5% of user's Max MP). Cannot be used more times than user's level in one battle. User must be in the back row.

Abjurer- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) +500 Defense, All Protection Magic spells cost 50 less MP per possessor level, provide an additional +100 HP per possessor level if they provide a HP buff, provide an additional +50 Defense per possessor level if they provide a Defense buff, and provide an additional +25 Defense against Stat Damage per possessor level if they provide a buff to Defense against Stat Damage
Ablative Self-Screen- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Up to 20 times per thread when possessor would acquire a debuff that reduces possessor's stats, possessor may choose for that instance of the debuff to reduce the amount it reduces each of possessor's by by 500, to a minimum of 0
Apprentice Protection Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) All Protection Magic spells that increase Defense gain an +150 additional Defense increase that does not stack between multiple castings of the same spell and do not stack across more than 5 different spells, All Protection Magic spells that increase Stat Defense gain an +30 additional Stat Defense against the same stat increase that does not stack between multiple castings of the same spell and do not stack across more than 5 different spells, and all Protection Magic spells cost 200 less MP
Aura of the Protector- (Stance Ability, Abjurer) All of possessor's allies gain +20 Defense for each Protection Magic spell possessor has equipped
Basic Defensive Arts Training- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) +20 Defense
Basic Defensive Magic Amplification Training- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) All Spell-caused buffs on possessor that raise Defense raise it by 10 more points
Basic Forcefield Creation- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Possessor gains +100 Defense if possessor has any Abjuration spells equipped
Basic Magical Trap Resistance- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Possessor takes 500 less damage from Traps and has a 5% higher chance of disarming them
Basic Item Preservation Application Aptitude- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Possessor's items have a 5% less chance of being stolen or destroyed by individuals equal to or below level 10
Basic Protection Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) All Protection Magic spells gain +10 Defense and cost 10 less MP
Protection Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Protection Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Protection Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Protection Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast

-Analyst of the Absolute-
Apprentice Truth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Truth element item equipped, Possessor's Truth element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Quantities of Truth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Acceleration Within Truth's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Truth
Basic Truth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Truth element
Basic Weaponization of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Quantities of Truth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Truth
Control of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Truth element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Truth element targets
Improved Weaponization of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Quantities of Truth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Truth Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Truth element: Create a Zone of Truth, Remove a Zone of Truth created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Truth by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Truth to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Truth element on a Truth element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Truth, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Truth, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Truth element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Truth to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Truth, 5% Truth Resistance, or +50 Defense against Truth and 1% Truth Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

-Arcane Vizier-
Absorb Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor Absorbs Magic against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Arcane Vizier- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Magic Resistance, Possessor ignores Magic Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Apprentice Defenses Against Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Magic
Apprentice Magic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Magic element item equipped, Possessor's Magic element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Magic Resistance- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains 5% Magic Resistance
Basic Acceleration Within Magic's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Magic
Basic Defenses Against Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Magic
Basic Magic Resistance- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains 1% Magic Resistance
Basic Magic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Magic element
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Magic
Improved Defenses Against Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Magic
Improved Magic Resistance- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains 10% Magic Resistance
Magic Immunity- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains Magic Immunity against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater

Apprentice Bow Training- (Passive Ability, Archer) Possessor gains +50 Ranged Attack if possessor has a Bow equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has a Bow equipped
Archer's Aim- (Passive Ability, Archer) 104% to Hit with Bows, +5% to Hit with Archer techniques, +5 AGI
Basic Bow Training- (Passive Ability, Archer) This character gains +6 Ranged Attack when a Bow is equipped
Bird Hunter- (Technique Ability, Archer) Possessor may use Bird Hunter in conjunction with a Ranged Attack, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Bow equipped. Said attack gains +15 Ranged Attack and deals double damage if targeting a Bird. Said attack does 1/4 normal damage if not targeting a Bird.
Bolt Arrow- (Technique Ability, Archer) Possessor may use 'Bolt Arrow' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Bow equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Electricity element.
Longshot Stance- (Stance Ability, Archer) +5% to Hit from the back row, +5% to Hit from the back row with a Bow equipped
Wind Arrow- (Technique Ability, Archer) Possessor may use 'Wind Arrow' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Bow equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Air element.

Apprentice Tool Training- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor gains +50 Melee Attack if possessor has a Tool equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has a Tool equipped
Basic Tool Training- (Passive Ability, Architect) This character gains +6 Melee Attack when a Tool is equipped.
Careful Tool Use- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor may reduce quantities of Damage that possessor deals to allies by 300 points if possessor has a Tool equipped
Combat Drill-Wielding- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor gains +200 Melee Attack if possessor has a Tool with 'Drill' in its name equipped, Possessor's attacks Pierce 150 Defense if possessor has a Tool with 'Drill' in its name equipped
Drill Usage- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor gains +20 Melee Attack if possessor has a Tool with 'Drill' in its name equipped, Possessor's attacks Pierce 20 Defense if possessor has a Tool with 'Drill' in its name equipped
Knowledge of Architectural Techniques- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor's Large Structure pets and summons gain +200 Defense
Proper Tool Calibration- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor may remove any number of debuffs from Tool items that possessor is carrying that come from sources below Level 10 at the beginning of each round

Apprentice Astral Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) All Astral Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +250 additional Magical Attack, All Astral Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Astral Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Astral Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Astral Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Astral Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Astromancer- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Possessor's Damage-dealing actions that involve the casting of Astral Magic spells deal 500 additional Damage, Astral Magic spells cost possessor (50 + 30 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast, Astral Magic spells cast by possessor gain +(50 * Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack
Attuned to Constellations- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while possessor has at least 1 Empowered Constellation set
Basic Astral Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) All Astral Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Beneath an Astral Sign- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Posessor may, at the beginning of battle, choose to cast a spell that only produces the effect of setting a single Empowered Constellation, if possessor does so, possessor may not voluntarily set any Empowered Constellations besides said Empowered Constellation
Beneath Favorable Stars- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Possessor gains +5% To Hit, +5% Critical, +5% Dodge, and +5% Resilieince that may not be used to raise said abilities above 50%, while possessor is in a Chronogeomantic Zone of Night and has at least 1 Empowered Constellation Set
Charter of Astrogeomantic Power- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Possessor is considered to be 5 levels higher for stat-scanning purposes when scanning the stats of Astral element individuals or while the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Space and possessor has at least one Empowered Constellation set
Draws Power from the Sky of Night- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats and gains 2,000 MP that may only be used to cast Astral Magic spells while possessor is in a Chronogeomantic Zone of Night and has at least 1 Empowered Constellation Set
Focused Astral Magic Casting- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Astral Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of spell possessor has equipped is Astral Magic
Improved Constellation Empowerment: Mind- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Non-stacking Mind increases (including passively-applied ones) coming from possessor's Empowered Constellations are increased by 50 points as a non-stacking effect
Improved Constellation Empowerment: Spirit- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Non-stacking Spirit increases (including passively-applied ones) coming from possessor's Empowered Constellations are increased by 50 points as a non-stacking effect
Interstellar Navigator- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Possessor and possessor's Vessel transformations gain +100 to each of their turn-order-determining stats for turn-order-determining purposes while the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Space
Lesser Constellation Power Boost- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Non-stacking stat-point increases (including passively-applied ones) coming from possessor's Empowered Constellations are increased by 20 points as a non-stacking effect
Minor Space Acclimation- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Possessor gains 5% Voidstruck Resistance, 5% Suffocation Resistance, 5% Frozen Resistance, and 1% Darkness Resistance
Star Charter- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Posessor gains +20 MIN while in a Zone of Darkness, a Zone of Light, or a Zone of Astral Magic or while possessor has at least one Empowered Constellation set
Twin-Constellation Link- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Posssessor may have two Empowered Constellations set at a time
Wielder of Astrological Weapons- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Damage dealt by possessor's Empowered Constellations is increased by 30,000 points as a non-stacking effect, Weapons created by possessor's Empowered Constellations have their attack bonuses increased by 2,500 points as a non-stacking effect

Actor- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor gains +50 Defense on rounds during which possessor has replicated the ability of an entity on the Enemy List
Apprentice Bardic Music Attunement- (Passive Ability, Bard) Buffs, debuffs, and reperting effects from Bardic Music spells cast by possessor last 1 additional round if they already last at least 2 rounds and cost 500 less MP
Bard- (Passive Ability, Bard) Buffs, debuffs, and reperting effects from Bardic Music spells cast by possessor last (Possessor Level / 2, rounded down) additional rounds if they already last at least 2 rounds, Bardic Music spells cost possessor (50 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Basic Bardic Music Attunement- (Passive Ability, Bard) Buffs, debuffs, and reperting effects from Bardic Music spells cast by possessor last 1 additional round if they already last at least 2 rounds and cost 10 less MP
Basic Sound Amplification- (Passive Ability, Bard) Bardic Music spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus have said bonus raised by +45 Magical Attack.
Good at Tuning Instruments- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor's Instrument weapons have any Magical Attack bonus they possess increased by 100 points while they are wielded by possessor and any stat bonus they provide to their wielder that is not part of a conditional increased by 100 points
Loud Singing Voice- (Passive Ability, Bard) Bardic Music spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus have said bonus raised by +50 Magical Attack.
Merry Caroling- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor's non-offensive actions that include Bardic Music spells buff stats for an additional 80 points (to a max of 1,000 additional points across all buffs per individual) and provide an additional 5,000 points of HP Healing if they Heal HP
Regularly Practices Singing- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor gains +80 SPI for purposes of possessor's actions that involve Bardic Music spells, Possessor's Bardic Music spells cost possessor 300 less MP to cast
Storyteller- (Passive Ability, Bard) +250 MIN, Possessor's buffs that increase stats do so by an additional 30 points, to a max of 300 additional points across all stackings on any individual
Wounding Puns- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor's Bardic Music spells may gain 5% inflicts Wounding

Animal Calling I- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal summons gain +20 to all stats
Animal Calling II- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal summons gain +200 HP
Animal Calling III- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal summons gain +500 MP
Animal Calling IV- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal summons gain +2,000 HP and +4,000 MP
Animal Training I- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Animal Training II- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Apprentice Beastmaster Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Beastmaster Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Beastmaster- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) User may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot to gain a Pet slot, +50 HP and +10 to all stats of Animal pets and summons per possessor levels
Clever Like a Fox- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) +300 MIN, 14% Dodge
Liberator of Ensnared Beings- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor may claim Metaphysical Snares

Apprentice Binder Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Binder) Possessor's Spirit pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Binder Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Binder) Possessor's Spirit pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Binder- (Passive Ability, Binder) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Spirit pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Spirit pets and summons per Level of possessor
Formshift: Spirit- (Stance Ability, Binder) Possessor's subtype becomes Spirit
Guider of Spirits- (Passive Ability, Binder) Possessor's Spirit allies gain +25 AGI and 4% Dodge, Possessor may skip an action to change the row an allied Spirit is in
Incorporeal Spirit- (Passive Ability, Binder) If possessor is a Spirit, possessor gains 25% Dodge and 50% Dodge against individuals below Level 20
Pure Spirit- (Passive Ability, Binder) If possessor's subtype is Spirit, possessor gains +500 SPI, 20% Darkness Resistance, and is Immune to Minor Negative Status effects from sources below Level 40
Self-Based Spirit Magic Channeling- (Passive Ability, Binder) Possessor's Spirit Magic spells cost 200 less MP, Possessor's Spirit Magic spells with a Magical Attack bonus gain +40 to said bonus, and Possessor's Spirit Magic summons have a 5% less chance of being uncontrolled, This ability only functions while possessor is a Spirit
Spirit Traits- (Passive Ability, Binder) Possessor gains Diseased Immunity so long as possessor is a Spirit
Unified Knowledge of Spirits and Spirit Magic- (Passive Ability, Binder) Possessor may count Shine Maiden abilities possessor possesses as Binder abilities (including for prerequisite purposes), Possessor may count Binder abilities possessor possesses as Shrine Maiden abilities (including for prerequisite purposes)

-Blazing Sultan-
Apprentice Fire Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Fire element item equipped, Possessor's Fire element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Quantities of Fire element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Acceleration Within Fire's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Fire
Basic Defenses Against Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Fire
Basic Fire Resistance- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains 1% Fire Resistance
Basic Fire Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Fire element
Basic Weaponization of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Quantities of Fire element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Fire
Blazing Sultan- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Fire Resistance, Possessor ignores Fire Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Breathe Smoke- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Effects attached to Zones of Fire that come from sources below Level 40 cannot inflict Suffocation on possessor
Control of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Fire element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Fire element targets
Fire Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Fire element: Create a Zone of Fire, Remove a Zone of Fire created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Fire by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Fire to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Fire element on a Fire element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Fire, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Fire, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Fire element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Fire to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Fire, 5% Fire Resistance, or +50 Defense against Fire and 1% Fire Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Improved Weaponization of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Quantities of Fire element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points

Acquired Resistance to Outright Bizarreness- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains Confusion Immunity against sources below Level 60
Airaqua's Embrace- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains 100% Resistance to Drowning (but not its sub-status effects) and Immunity to Drowning: Tide Trapped
Aldriel's Blessing- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor is immune to Fatigued: Sleep
Blessed with Djorgammon's Fortitude- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains +5,000 HP, +120 Defense against Stat Damage, and 15% Resilience
Mana Spark Blessing 18- (Passive Ability, Blessing) +30 AGI, +8 CON
Murlakro's Blessing- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains +5,000 Max MP and +50 Uncapped MIN
Mystic Power of the Patterned Lizard- (Passive / Active Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains 13% Dodge while in a Zone of Earth or Water, possessor gains +60 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth or Water, Possessor takes 2,500 less damage from traps that are solely Earth or solely Water or only Earth and Water element, Possessor's sell cap for Earth and / or Water element Antiquities increases by 1,000 Gold, Possessor may, up to three times per random quest or per excursion into an encounter area, reroll any encounter that consists solely of Earth and / or Water element Animals and / or Reptiles, Possessor may, once per thread, use an action to summon one Animal or Repile of lower level than possessor that is normally combattable on the enemy list that is neither Elite nor a Boss.

Apprentice Botanist Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Plant Loyalty Communing- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain 20% Charm Resistance
Botanist- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Plant pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Plant pets and summons per Level of possessor
Evergreen Needles- (Passive Ability, Botanist) If possessor is a Plant, possessor gains 5% Ice Resistance, +500 Defense against Ice, and may deal 5,000 Flat Physical or Earth element Damage to any individual who conducts an offensive action against possessor at the end of said action
Herb Lore- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor’s Medicine consumables that heal HP heal an additional 40 points.
Basic Botanist Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Plant Communing I- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Plant Communing II- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Plant Loyalty Communing- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain 40% Charm Resistance
Took An Evergarden Plant-Idenfitication Course- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's chances of successfully scanning the stats of Plants increase by 5% if already at least 1%
Understands Basic Plant Augmentation Treatments- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +50 to all stats

-Caliph of Corrosion-
Acid Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Acid element: Create a Zone of Acid, Remove a Zone of Acid created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Acid by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Acid to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Acid element on a Acid element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Acid, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Acid, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Acid element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Acid to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Acid, 5% Acid Resistance, or +50 Defense against Acid and 1% Acid Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Apprentice Acid Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Acid element item equipped, Possessor's Acid element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Acid's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Acid
Basic Acid Resistance- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains 1% Acid Resistance
Basic Acid Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Acid element
Basic Defenses Against Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Acid
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Acid
Caliph of Corrosion- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Acid Resistance, Possessor ignores Acid Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Control of Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Acid element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Acid element targets
Improved Acid Resistance- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains 10% Acid Resistance

Apprentice Vessel User- (Passive Ability, Captain) All of possessor's Vessel transformations gain +100 to all stats, +500 to the Damage values of their abilities, +5,000 HP, +2,500 MP, and have their abilities cost 50 less MP
Basic Airplane Piloting- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor's Vessel transformations gain 10% Dodge while the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Sky
Basic Boat Sailing- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor's Vessel transformations gain 10% Dodge while the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Ocean
Basic Spaceship Combat Training- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor's Vessel Transformations gain 120% To Hit and 20% Dodge while the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Space
Basic Spaceship Piloting- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor's Vessel transformations gain 10% Dodge while the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Space
Basic Vessel User- (Passive Ability, Captain) All Vessel transformations equipped by possessor gain +25 to all stats, +100 damage to all damaging attacks, +500 HP, +250 MP, and have attacks that cost 5 less MP to a minimum of 0
Can Navigate Via the Stars- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor and possessor's allies gain 105% To Hit if possessor is in a Chronogeomantic Zone of Night or in both a Zone of Light and a Zone of Darkness
Can Safely Perform Atmospheric Re-Entry in a Properly Equipped Spacecraft- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor's Vessel Transformations gain 20% Resilience
Can Sail Well Under Darkness- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor's Vessel transformations gain +2% Dodge while in a Zone of Darkness
Captain- (Passive Ability, Captain) All of possessor's Vessel transformations gain +(25* Possessor Level) to all stats
Hyperspace Navigation- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor and possessor's allies gain 30% Dodge and 130% To Hit if possessor is in a Vessel transformation and the terrain or phantom terrain is Hyperspace
Improved Spaceship Combat Training- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor's Vessel transformations gain +100 AGI, 140% To Hit, and 40% Dodge while the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Space
Improved Spaceship Piloting- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor's Vessel transformations gain +100 AGI and 30% Dodge while the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Space
Navigator- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor and possessor's allies gain 115% To Hit if possessor or any of possessor's allies is a Vessel (including a Vessel transformation)
Sailor- (Passive Ability, Captain) +30 to all stats while transformed into a Vessel while in a Zone of Water, +30 to all stats while transformed into a Water element Vessel, +30 to all stats while transformed into a Vessel while the terrain or phantom terrain is Ocean or River-Land
Sea Legs- (Passive Ability, Captain) 15% Confusion Resistance while transformed into a Vessel while in a Zone of Water, 10% Confusion Resistance while transformed into a Vessel or in a Zone of Water
Spaceship Pilot- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor's Vessel transformations gain +250 AGI while the terrain or phantom terrain is Space, Possessor's Vessel transformations gain +5% Dodge while the terrain or phantom terrain is space
Warp Captain- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor gains +500 to all stats if in a Vessel Transformation if the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Space, Possessor's Vessel Transformations gain +5% Dodge, to a max of 100%, and +5% To Hit, to a max of 200%, if the Terrain of Phantom Terrain is Space

Apprentice Channeling Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer HP or MP may transfer an additional 5,000 points of each that they can already transfer; all Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer stats may transfer an additional 500 points of each that they can already transfer
Basic Ambient Mana Rerouting- (Passive Ability, Channeler) If possessor is Level 6 or greater possessor may choose for non-unique Level 1 opponents who would be rolled as encounters in Random Dungeons to not appear.
Basic Chain Casting Attunement- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor and an ally with at least one spell equipped and this ability may both use their 1 turn to cast a spell using their combined stats, which costs them both double normal MP, any effects of the spell may be tied to either caster
Basic Channeling Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells can transfer 50 more HP or MP
Basic Linkup Mastery- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor gains +800 HP, +800 MP, and +80 to all stats if possessor's HP, possessor's MP, or any of possessor's stats is linked to another individual's
Basic Transfer Mastery- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever possessor transfers HP or MP from on source to another, possessor may transfer an additional 200 points
Basic Zonal Element Channeling Linkup- (Passive Ability, Channeler) When possessor is in a Zone of a base element, quantities of Damage dealt by possessor that are of said element are increased by 500 points
Channeled Spell- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor may use 'Channeled Spell' in conjunction with a 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used. Possessor may choose a willing ally and may cast up to one spell said ally has equipped as though possessor had said spell equipped as part of said action, with said spell only being able to be cast at points during said action when possessor could have cast said spell if possessor had said spell equipped, with said spell costing possessor double its natural MP cost to cast before other modifiers are accounted for.
Channeler- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer HP or MP may transfer an additional (2,000 x Possessor Level) points of each that they can already transfer; all Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer stats may transfer an additional (100 x Possessor Level) points of each that they can already transfer
Improved Chain Casting Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Spells possessor casts through 'Basic Chain Casting Attunement' cost possessor 500 less MP to cast
Improved Linkup Mastery- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor gains +1,000 HP, +1,000 MP, and +100 to all stats if possessor's HP, possessor's MP, or any of possessor's stats is linked to another individual's

Bascaradine Soulsculpture-Variant Tsayyikproofing- (Passive Ability, Controller) Possessor may use SPI in place of SAN, INF, and RES and may choose to take SPI Damage instead of SAN Damage, INF Damage, or RES Damage

-Countess of Power-
Apprentice Energy Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Energy element item equipped, Possessor's Energy element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Energy's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Energy
Basic Defenses Against Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Energy
Basic Energy Resistance- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains 1% Energy Resistance
Basic Energy Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Energy element
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Energy
Control of Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Energy element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Countess of Power- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Energy Resistance, Possessor ignores Energy Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Detect Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Energy element targets
Energy Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Energy element: Create a Zone of Energy, Remove a Zone of Energy created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Energy by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Energy to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Energy element on a Energy element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Energy, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Energy, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Energy element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Energy to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Energy, 5% Energy Resistance, or +50 Defense against Energy and 1% Energy Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Improved Defenses Against Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Energy

-Deathless One-
Apprentice Deathless One Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Deathless One) Possessor's Undead pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Deathless One Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Deathless One) Possessor's Undead pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Basic Undead Loyalty Instruction- (Passive Ability, Deathless One) Possessor's Undead pets and summons gain 20% Charm Resistance
Cold Flesh- (Passive Ability, Deathless One) Possessor gains +200 Defense against Ice if possessor is Undead
Controlled Vampire Form- (Stance Ability, Deathless One) +5 Base STR, +5 Base CON, +5 Base AGI, +5 Base MIN, Pain Immunity, Poison Immunity, Diseased Immunity, Possessor counts as Undead, Possessor's HP-damaging attacks inflict Drain, 400% Light Weakness that cannot be removed or lessened by sources under level 40, 5% possessor fails to execute harmful actions against individuals no less than 5 levels below possessor with a Holy Symbol equipped or 5 Priest abilities unless possessor possesses at least 5 Priest abilities, Possessor may not affect enemy-created Zones or Terrain, The critical multipliers of individuals who get criticals against possessor increases by 1 (example: a critical that does x2 damage instead does x3 damage)
Creature of the Night- (Passive Ability, Deathless One) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if Undead while in a Zone of Darkness or a Chronogeomantic Zone of Night
Deathless One- (Passive Ability, Deathless One) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Undead pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Undead pets and summons per Level of possessor
Daywalker- (Passive Ability, Deathless One) Possessor's 'Controlled Vampire Form' ability provides no Light Weakness
Incorporeal Undead- (Passive Ability, Deathless One) If possessor is an Undead, possessor gains 25% Dodge and 50% Dodge against individuals below Level 20
Undead Instruction I- (Passive Ability, Deathless One) Possessor's Undead pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Undead Instruction II- (Passive Ability, Deathless One) Possessor's Undead pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Undead Traits- (Passive Ability, Deathless One) Possessor gains Pain Immunity, Poison Immunity and Diseased Immunity so long as possessor is an Undead

Apprentice Divining Attunement- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 1 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Classical Basic Divining Attunement- (Passive Ability, Diviner) All Divining spells function as though caster were 1 level higher for stat-scanning purposes, this ability counts as 'Basic Divining Attunement' for prerequisite purposes
Basic Fortune Telling- (Passive Ability, Diviner) All Divning buffs that possessor inflicts that raise stats raise them by an additional 20 points
Can Percieve Standard Portal Destinations- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +10 MIN, Possessor gains +10% Dodge on any round that possessor enters a battle from another battle, not counting the first round of battle, as a non-stacking bonus
Danger Sense- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +50 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes on the first round of battle if in a Random Dungeon, Has RP effects
Diviner- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor ignores up to (Possessor Level) levels worth of level-doubling that bossess possess for purposes of resisting having their stats scanned
Diviner's Eyes- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that does not bypass 'Immune to below Level X' effects
Diviner's Skill- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 1 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Filter-Out Sensory Overstimulation- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 30% Confusion Resistance
Greater Stat Scanning- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 5 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Improved Stat Scanning- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 2 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Knowledge of Naughtiness and Niceness- (Passive Ability, Diviner) If possessor has scanned an individual's stats and said individual has not performed any offensive actions that targetted either possessor or possessor's allies during this thread, then possessor may increase any amount of HP Healing that possessor deals to said individual by 2,500 points; If possessor has scanned an individual's stats and said individual has performed one or more offensive actions that have targetted either possessor or possessor's allies during this thread, then possessor may increase any amount of HP Damage that possessor deals to said individual by 2,500 points
Predict Future with a Crystal Ball- (Active Ability, Diviner) Possessor may spend an action if possessor has an Orb equipped to scan a target's stats
Swift Sensory-Input Processing- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 110% To Hit
Unusually Fast Eyesight- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +2% To Hit against individuals whose turn-order-determining stat sum is below possessor's
Whisper-Mote Listener- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor may claim Whisper Motes

Accustomed to the Wild- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor gains +50 to all stats if in an Encounter Area
Apprentice Druid Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Druid) +250 Damage to all damage dealing Druid Magic spells, +50 to all stats of allied Plants and Animals, +25 to all stats of allied Aerials, Insects, Elementals, Spirits, and Aquatics, All Druid Magic spells cost 50 less MP
Attuned to the Environment- (Passive Ability, Druid) Whenever possessor is in a Zone of any base element or combination of base elements, possessor gains 1% Resistance to said element or elements
Basic Druid Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Druid) All Druid Magic spells cost 20 less MP
Basic Druid Weather Control- (Passive Ability, Druid) At the start of each round, possessor may attach an effect to a Zone of Air that does not stack on the same zone or across zones that adds the element Fire, Electrical, Ice, or Water to said zone's elements
Basic Geomantic Druidic Arts- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while a Terrain or Phantom Terrain is present
Can Sense Zonal Traits- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor gains +100 MIN while a Terrain or Phantom Terrain is present, Has RP effects
Connection to the Seasons- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor may obtain a buff that gives its possessor the element Electrical whenever Call Unto Season: Spring is cast, Possessor may obtain a buff that gives its possessor the element Energy whenever Call Unto Season: Summer is cast, Possessor may obtain a buff that gives its possessor the element Acid whenever Call Unto Season: Fall is cast, and Possessor may obtain a buff that gives its possessor the element Ice whenever Call Unto Season: Winter is cast
Druid- (Passive Ability, Druid) Druid Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(50 * Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, Druid Magic spells cost possessor (50 + Possessor Level) less MP to cast, Possessor's Plant, Animal, Aerial, Insect, Cthonian, and Aquatic pets and summons gain +(50 * Possessor Level) to all stats as a non-stacking bonus
Druidic Geomantic Overlay Connection- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor's 'Understand Natural Disruptions' and 'Purge Unnatural Influence' abilities also apply to Phantom Terrains
Druidic Land Attunement- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if a Terrain or Phantom Terrain is present
Forest's Shelter- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor is Immune to individuals below Level 20 if the terrain or phantom terrain is Forest
Friend of the Trees- (Passive Ability, Druid) All allied Plants gain +20 to all stats, Possessor's Charm-inflicting attacks have a +5% chance of inflicting Charm if used against Plants of a level lower than possessor
Gardener- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor's Plant allies gain +200 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus
Influence Weather- (Active Ability, Druid) Possessor may spend an action to attach an effect to a Zone of Air that does not stack on the same zone or across zones that adds the element Fire, Electrical, Ice, or Water to said zone's elements
Inscribe Bark With Protective Magic- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +2,000 Defense as a non-stacking effect
Protector of the Land- (Active Ability, Druid) Possessor may choose, at the start of any of possessor's actions, to have any Zone effect or Phantom Terrain count as 5 levels higher for purposes of removal, this effect does not stack with any other active abilities that provide a similar bonus or itself
Purge Unnatural Influence- (Active Ability, Druid) Possessor may spend an action to remove an effect attached to a Zone or Terrain (but not a Phantom Terrain) that comes from a source that is not 20 or more Levels above possessor that is not above Level 60 that comes from a source that is a Necromancy Spell, a Necromancer ability, a Blight Magic spell, a Blight Druid ability, a Demon, a Demonologist ability, a Devil, a Pactmaker ability, a Daemon, a Puppet Master ability, a Rune Magic spell, a Rune Mage ability, an Abstract, a Walker from Beyond ability, a Celestial, a Justicar ability, a Celestial Magic spell, a Luminary ability, an Illuminated, a Lightbearer ability, an Angel, a Heavenly Protector ability, a Biomancy spell, a Biomancer ability, a Bio-Horror, a Mad Scientist ability, a Robot, a Roboticist Ability, a Clockwork, a Gearwright ability, a Machine, a Mechanist ability, a Hypertech spell, a Scientist ability, an Engineer ability, or an Architect ability.
Purging Spell- (Technique Ability, Druid) Possessor may use 'Puring Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' ability so long as no other technique is used and a Druid Magic spell is cast as part of said action. Said action removes one buff or debuff that comes from a source that is not 5 or more Levels above possessor that is not above Level 60 that comes from a source that is a Necromancy Spell, a Necromancer ability, a Blight Magic spell, a Blight Druid ability, a Demon, a Demonologist ability, a Devil, a Pactmaker ability, a Daemon, a Puppet Master ability, a Rune Magic spell, a Rune Mage ability, an Abstract, a Walker from Beyond ability, a Celestial, a Justicar ability, a Celestial Magic spell, a Luminary ability, an Illuminated, a Lightbearer ability, an Angel, a Heavenly Protector ability, a Biomancy spell, a Biomancer ability, a Bio-Horror, a Mad Scientist ability, a Robot, a Roboticist Ability, a Clockwork, a Gearwright ability, a Machine, a Mechanist ability, a Hypertech spell , a Scientist ability, an Engineer ability, or an Architect ability from each of its targets.
Resist Plants- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor gains 5% Plant Resistance; Plants below Level 15 cannot inflict minor negative status effects on possessor
Resist Unnatural Magic- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Forbidden Magic, Necromancy, Blight Magic, Biomancy, Technomancy, Enchantment, Dark Magic, Demon Magic, Celestial Magic, Rune Magic, Glyph Magic, Artifice, and Golomancy.
Restoring Spell- (Technique Ability, Druid) Possessor may use 'Restoring Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack', 'Cast a Spell', or 'Overdrive' action so long as said action includes the casting of a Druid Magic spell. Said action gains +500 Magical Attack if it possesses 'Heals', 'Heals HP' or 'Heals MP', Said action may cure one debuff from a source below Level 40 from each of its Plant or Animal targets, Said action cures one debuff that comes from a source below Level 40 that is a Necromancy Spell, a Necromancer ability, a Blight Magic spell, a Blight Druid ability, a Demon, a Demonologist ability, a Devil, a Pactmaker ability, a Daemon, a Puppet Master ability, a Rune Magic spell, a Rune Mage ability, an Abstract, a Walker from Beyond ability, a Biomancy spell, a Biomancer ability, a Bio-Horror, or a Mad Scientist ability.
Tender of Gardens- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor gains +600 SPI, Possessor's Plant allies gain +1,000 to all stats and +2,000 Defense as a non-stacking bonus, Druid Magic spells that summon Plants cost possessor 5,000 MP less to cast
Understand Natural Disruptions- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor is given the full text of all effects present on Zones or Terrains (but not Phantom Terrains) that come from sources that are not 20 or more Levels above possessor that are not above Level 60

-Ebon Chancellor-
Apprentice Darkness Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Darkness element item equipped, Possessor's Darkness element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Defenses Against Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Darkness
Basic Acceleration Within Darkness's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Darkness
Basic Darkness Resistance- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains 1% Darkness Resistance
Basic Darkness Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Darkness element
Basic Defenses Against Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Darkness
Control of Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Darkness element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Darkness Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Darkness element: Create a Zone of Darkness, Remove a Zone of Darkness created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Darkness by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Darkness to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Darkness element on a Darkness element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Darkness, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Darkness, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Darkness element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Darkness to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Darkness, 5% Darkness Resistance, or +50 Defense against Darkness and 1% Darkness Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Detect Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Darkness element targets
Ebon Chancellor- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Darkness Resistance, Possessor ignores Darkness Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Improved Defenses Against Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Darkness

Adept Elemental Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor's Elemental Magic spells cost 10,000 less MP, Possessor's Elemental Magic spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Magical Attack, Possessor gains 10 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Elemental Magic Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Aeromancer- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +500 Damage to all damage dealing Air element Elemental Magic spells, All Air element Elemental Magic spells cost 50 less MP, all Air element Elemental Magic summons gain +200 to all stats, Air element Elemental Magic spells that provide an AGI boost that only affect turn order boost it by 50 points further, Air element Elemental Magic spells that have a chance of inflicting Stun have a 5% greater chance
Apprentice Elemental Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) All Elemental Magic spells gain +250 Magical Attack and cost 50 less MP, all Elemental Magic summoned Elementals stay for 1 turn longer and have their stats increased by 50 each and the damage of their damage dealing attacks increased by 250
Aquatic Lancing- (Active Ability, Elementalist) For each open weapon slot that is empty, possessor gains an additional action each turn that may only be used to make an attack that does a flat 200 Water element damage per user level that still has a chance of missing as though it was not a flat-damage attack and has a 5% chance of inflicting Stat Drain: Slowed so long as possessor has a Water element Elemental Magic spell equipped, +40 Magical Attack for Water element Elemental Magic spells
Aqueous Column of Protection- (Stance Ability, Elementalist) User must have at least 3 Water element Elemental Magic spells equipped, +100 Defense, +50 Defense against stat damage
Aura of Air- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) 5% Air Resistance, 5% Dodge if an Air element Elemental Magic spell is equipped
Aura of Earth- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) 5% Earth Resistance, +50 Defense if an Earth element Elemental Magic spell is equipped
Aura of Fall- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor gains 5% Acid Resistance, Possessor's offensive actions have a 5% chance of being able to inflict Drain on targets of lower Level than possessor who are below Level 20
Aura of Fire- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) 5% Fire Resistance, +50 Defense if a Fire element Elemental Magic spell is equipped
Aura of Spring- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor gains 5% Electrical Resistance, Possessor's offensive actions have a 5% chance of causing targets of lower Level than possessor who are below Level 20 to skip their next action (with effects occurring before and after said action still occurring) if a Electrical element Elemental Magic spell is equipped
Aura of Summer- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor gains 5% Elemental Magic Resistance, Possessor's offensive actions may ignore a single elemental resistance (but not Immunity or Absorbtion) of lower Level than possessor who are below Level 20
Aura of Water- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) 5% Water Resistance, +25 Defense against stat damage and damage caused by status effects if a Water element Elemental Magic spell is equipped
Aura of Winter- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor gains 5% Ice Resistance, Possessor's offensive actions have a 5% chance of inflicting a debuff on targets of lower Level than possessor who are below Level 20 that halves said targets' turn-order-determining stats for turn-order-determining purposes
Basic Elemental Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) All Elemental Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Caller of the Air Spirits- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Summoned Elemental Magic Air element Elementals gain +50 to all stats, +2% Critical, +2% Dodge, +2% Resilience, +2% to-Hit, and +100 Defense, their attacks that have a chance of inflicting Suffocation have a 1% higher chance, said summons cost 150 less MP to summon
Caller of the Earth Spirits- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Summoned Elemental Magic Earth element Elementals gain +50 to all stats, +15 Defense against stat damage, +2% Critical, +2% Dodge, +2% Resilience, +2% to-Hit, and +100 Defense, their attacks that have a chance of inflicting Entombed have a 1% higher chance, said summons cost 150 less MP to summon
Caller of the Fire Spirits- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Summoned Elemental Magic Fire element Elementals gain +50 to all stats, +2% critical, +2% Dodge, +2% Resilience, +2% to-Hit, and +500 damage to all damage-dealing attacks, their attacks that have a chance of inflicting Burning have a 1% higher chance, said summons cost 150 less MP to summon
Caller of the Water Spirits- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Summoned Elemental Magic Water element Elementals gain +50 to all stats, +2% critical, +2% Dodge, +2% Resilience, +2% to-Hit, and +40 Defense, and +20 stat damage to all stat-damage-dealing attacks, their attacks that have a chance of inflicting Drowning have a 1% higher chance, said summons cost 150 less MP to summon
Elemental Esoterica: Metal- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Posessor's Metal element spell cost 500 less MP
Elemental Esoterica: Wood- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Posessor's Wood element spell cost 500 less MP
Elementalist- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +500 Damage to all damage dealing Elemental Magic spells, All Elemental Magic spells cost 50 less MP
Envoy of Air- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Elements: Air
Envoy of Earth- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Elements: Earth
Envoy of Fall- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Seasons: Fall
Envoy of Fire- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Elements: Fire
Envoy of Spring- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Seasons: Spring
Envoy of Summer- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Seasons: Summer
Envoy of Water- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Elements: Water
Envoy of Winter- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Seasons: Winter
Ever-Present Earthen Dome- (Stance Ability, Elementalist) User must have at least 3 Earth element Elemental Magic spells equipped, +100 Defense, +2,000 HP
Flaming Pillar of Self- (Stance Ability, Elementalist) User must have at least 3 Fire element Elemental Magic spells equipped, +100 Defense, you may deal 1,000 Fire element damage to anyone who targets you with an offensive action as a counter
Float Upon the Levitating Wind- (Stance Ability, Elementalist) User must have at least 3 Air element Elemental Magic spells equipped, +100 Defense, +200 AGI
Form Metal Guardian Orbs- (Active Ability, Elementalist) For each open weapon slot that is empty, possessor gains an additional action each turn that may only be used to give a target a buff that provides +50 Defense, lasts 1 round, and stacks 4 times so long as an Earth element Elemental Magic spell is equipped, +40 Magical Attack for Earth element Elemental Magic spells
Hand of Blazing Flame- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +40 Melee Attack for each open weapon slot if a Fire element elemental magic spell is equipped, melee attacks may be solely Fire element if no weapon is equipped
Hand of Blustering Wind- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +25 Melee Attack for each open weapon slot if an Air element elemental magic spell is equipped, melee attacks may be solely Air element if no weapon is equipped
Hand of Cloud- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +20 Magical Attack and +1% Dodge for each Air element Elemental Magic spell equipped to a max of 10 spells, possessor's melee attacks may, if at least one weapon slot is open, have a 1% chance of inflicting Suffocation
Hand of Dancing Fire- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +5% to Hit with Fire element Elemental Magic spells, +25 AGI if a Fire element Elemental Magic spell is equipped
Hand of Flame- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +20 Magical Attack and +1% Critical for each Fire element Elemental Magic spell equipped to a max of 10 spells, possessor's melee attacks may, if at least one weapon slot is open, have a 1% chance of inflicting Burning
Hand of Generative Lightning- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor's Electrical element Elemental Magic spells that confer non-addative resistance to Electrical have a 25% chance of conferring an equal amount of non-addative Magic resistance, to a max of 25%, +25 AGI if an Electrical element Elemental Magic spell is equipped
Hand of Glittering Mineral- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +25 Melee Attack for each open weapon slot if an Earth element elemental magic spell is equipped, melee attacks may be solely Earth element if no weapon is equipped
Hand of Gravel- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +20 Magical Attack and +1% Resilience for each Earth element Elemental Magic spell equipped to a max of 10 spells, possessor's melee attacks may, if at least one weapon slot is open, have a 1% chance of inflicting Entombed
Hand of Open Sky- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Air element Elemental Magic spells that increase AGI increase it by 25 more points, +25 AGI if an Air element Elemental Magic spell is equipped
Hand of Salty Brine- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +25 Melee Attack for each open weapon slot if a Water element elemental magic spell is equipped, melee attacks may be solely Water element if no weapon is equipped
Hand of Seafoam- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +20 Magical Attack and +1% to Hit for each Water element Elemental Magic spell equipped to a max of 10 spells, possessor's melee attacks may, if at least one weapon slot is open, have a 1% chance of inflicting Drowning
Hand of Sparks- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor gains +20 Magical Attack for each Electrical element Elemental Magic spell equipped to a max of 10 spells, Possessor's non-offensive actions that cause an increase of stats for turn-order-determining purposes cause an additional 20 point increase for each Electrical element Elemental Magic spell equipped to a max of 10 spells, Possessor's melee attacks may, if at least one weapon slot is open, have a 1% chance of inflicting Electrocuted
Hand of the Inflexable Tide- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Water element Elemental Magic spells have a 1% chance of ignoring up to 20% status effect resistance, +25 CON if a Water element Elemental Magic spell is equipped
Hand of Unbroken Stone- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Earth element Elemental Magic spells that confer resistance to Earth have a 25% chance of conferring an equal amount of Physical resistance, to a max of 25%, +25 CON if a Earth element Elemental Magic spell is equipped
Hand of Unending Spring- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor gains +25 Melee Attack for each open weapon slot if an Electrical element elemental magic spell is equipped, Possessor's Melee Attack actions may be solely Electrical element if no weapon is equipped
Heart of Air- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +10 Magical Attack for Air element Elemental Magic, 5% Air Resistance
Heart of Earth- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +10 Magical Attack for Earth element Elemental Magic, 5% Earth Resistance
Heart of Fire- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +10 Magical Attack for Fire element Elemental Magic, 5% Fire Resistance
Heart of Water- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +10 Magical Attack for Water element Elemental Magic, 5% Water Resistance
Hurl Lightning- (Active Ability, Elementalist) Possessor gains +40 Magical Attack for Electrical element Elemental Magic spells, So long as possessor has an Electrical element Elemental Magic spell equipped then for each open weapon slot that is empty, possessor gains an additional action each turn that may only be used to make an attack that does a 200 Flat Electrical element damage per user level that still has a chance of missing as though it was not a Flat-damage attack and has a 10% chance of causing targets below Level 20 to skip their next action (with effects that would occur before and after said action still occurring)
Hydromancer- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +500 Damage to all damage dealing Water element Elemental Magic spells, All Water element Elemental Magic spells cost 50 less MP, all Water element Elemental Magic summons gain +200 to all stats, Water element Elemental Magic spells that deal stat damage deal 5 more points, Water element Elemental Magic spells that Heal HP or MP heal 500 more, and Water element Elemental spells that heal stat damage heal 50 more points per target
Knowledge of Esoteric Elements- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor gains +100 MIN if possessor has any item equipped that is a nonbase element
Lightning Halo- (Stance Ability, Elementalist) User must have at least 3 Electrical element Elemental Magic spells equipped, Possessor gains +200 Defense, Possessor counts any one turn-order-determining stat to be 200 points higher for turn-order-determining purposes, Possessor may deal 5,000 Flat Electrical element damage to any individual who conducts an offensive action against possessor
Project Mini Tornados- (Active Ability, Elementalist) For each open weapon slot that is empty, possessor gains an additional action each turn that may only be used to make an attack that does a flat 200 Air element damage per user level that hits 4 targets that still has a chance of missing as though it was not a flat-damage attack so long as possessor has an Air element Elemental Magic spell equipped, +40 Magical Attack for Air element Elemental Magic spells
Purity of Air- (Active Ability, Elementalist) Magical attacks involving at least one Elemental Magic spells that is solely Air element may deal solely Air element damage, Air element Elemental Magic spells gain +50 Magical Attack and if they have a chance of providing positive status effect beneifits for allies have a 3% greater chance
Purity of Earth- (Active Ability, Elementalist) Magical attacks involving at least one Elemental Magic spells that is solely Earth element may deal solely Earth element damage, Earth element Elemental Magic spells gain +50 Magical Attack and provide an additional +10 Defense for all defense-granting buffs
Purity of Fire- (Active Ability, Elementalist) Magical attacks involving at least one Elemental Magic spells that is solely Fire element may deal solely Fire element damage, Fire element Elemental Magic spells gain +100 Magical Attack
Purity of Water- (Active Ability, Elementalist) Magical attacks involving at least one Elemental Magic spells that is solely Water element may deal solely Water element damage, Water element Elemental Magic spells gain +60 Magical Attack and do 20 more stat damage if they deal stat damage
Pyromancer- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +1,000 Damage to all damage dealing Fire element Elemental Magic spells, All Fire element Elemental Magic spells cost 50 less MP, all Fire element Elemental Magic summons gain +200 to all stats, Fire element Elemental Magic spells gain +5% Critical, Fire element Elemental Magic spells that have a percentage chance of hitting multiple targets have a 3% greater chance
Speak the Tongue of Earths- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Earth element spells gain +5 Magical Attack
Speak the Tongue of Flames- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Fire element spells gain +5 Magical Attack
Speak the Tongue of Skies- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Air element spells gain +5 Magical Attack
Speak the Tongue of Waves- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Water element spells gain +5 Magical Attack
Teramancer- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +500 Damage to all damage dealing Earth element Elemental Magic spells, All Earth element Elemental Magic spells cost 50 less MP, all Earth element Elemental Magic summons gain +200 to all stats, Earth element Elemental Magic spells that raise Defense raise it by 20 more points, Earth element Elemental Magic spells that forcibly shift row formations for multiple targets affect 5 more targets
Toss Flame Globes- (Active Ability, Elementalist) For each open weapon slot that is empty, possessor gains an additional action each turn that may only be used to make an attack that does a flat 500 Fire element damage per user level that still has a chance of missing as though it was not a flat-damage attack so long as possessor has a Fire element Elemental Magic spell equipped, +40 Magical Attack for Fire element Elemental Magic spells

Apprentice Enchantment Attunement- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor 50 less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last 1 round longer if they already last over 1 round
Basic Enchantment Attunement- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor 10 less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last 1 round longer if they already last over 1 round
Enchanter (2)- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Enchantment spells cost possessor (50 + 30 * Possessor Level) less XP and MP to cast, Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack, All buffs and debuffs from Enchantment spells cast by possessor last (Possessor Level / 5) rounds longer if they possess a natural duration of 2 rounds or greater
Enchanter- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor (1,000 * Possessor Level) less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last (Possessor Level) rounds longer if they already last over 12 rounds
Infuse Spell Essence- (Active Ability, Enchanter) Possessor may spend an action to change the element of a Spell that is in possessor's possession to gain Magic in addition to its other elements, provided that said Spell is not any non-base element
Infuse Spell Essence: Air- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Air to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Double- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add two elements that they could otherwise singularly add to a Spell instead of one element
Infuse Spell Essence: Electrical- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Electrical to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Essence Replacement (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions replace the elements of the Spell they are targetting instead of merely adding new elements
Infuse Spell Essence: Light- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Light to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Multiple- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add any number of elements that they could otherwise singularly add to a Spell (provided said number is at least one) instead of one element
Infuse Spell Essence: Triple- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add three elements that they could otherwise singularly add to a Spell instead of one element
Orb Enchanter- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's Enchantment spells that apply Enchantment enhancements to Orbs cost 200 XP less when applying said enhancements to Orbs

-Eternal Champion-
Apprentice Defenses Against Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Hope
Apprentice Hope Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Hope element item equipped, Possessor's Hope element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Hope's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Hope
Basic Defenses Against Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Hope
Basic Hope Resistance- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains 1% Hope Resistance
Basic Hope Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Hope element
Control of Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Hope element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Hope element targets
Eternal Champion- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Hope Resistance, Possessor ignores Hope Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80h
Hope Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Hope element: Create a Zone of Hope, Remove a Zone of Hope created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Hope by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Hope to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Hope element on a Hope element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Hope, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Hope, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Hope element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Hope to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Hope, 5% Hope Resistance, or +50 Defense against Hope and 1% Hope Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Improved Defenses Against Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Hope

Acquaintances With 1,000 Elementalist Masters- (Passive Ability, Friendship) +200 to all stats while in battle on same side as The Stormkeeper, an individual with the ability Master Elementalist Attunement, or one of the monsters Master of Airs, Master of Earths, Master of Fires, Master of Waters, and Master Elementalist, Possessor may purchase Elementalist abilities from the Ability Shop for 100,000 Gold less
Ally of the Cavern Beasts- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Earth element Elemental and Cthonian allies gain +50 to all stats, you have +50 to all stats while you have an ally who is an Earth element Elemental
Ally of the Flame Beasts- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Fire element Elemental allies gain +50 to all stats, you have +50 to all stats while you have an ally who is a Fire element Elemental
Ally of the Sea Beasts- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Water element Elemental and Aquatic allies gain +50 to all stats, you have +50 to all stats while you have an ally who is a Water element Elemental
Ally of the Sky Beasts- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Air element Elemental and Aerial allies gain +50 to all stats, you have +50 to all stats while you have an ally who is an Air element Elemental
Crowd's Favor- (Passive Ability, Friendship) +5% XP after battles
Good Friend of Caelum Aetherius (Time Cloned Spirit Binder)- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if one of possessor's allies is named 'Caelum Aetherius (Time Cloned Spirit Binder)', Whenever possessor heals an individual named 'Caelum Aetherius (Time Cloned Spirit Binder)' possessor deals an additional 5,000 points of HP Healing or MP Healing, Possessor suffers -200 to all stats if one of possessor's opponents is named 'Caelum Aetherius (Time Cloned Spirit Binder)'
Good Friend of Lady Rosaline Fabrice- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if one of possessor's allies is named 'Lady Rosaline Fabrice', Whenever possessor heals an individual named 'Lady Rosaline Fabrice' possessor deals an additional 5,000 points of HP Healing or MP Healing, Possessor suffers -200 to all stats if one of possessor's opponents is named 'Lady Rosaline Fabrice'
Good Friend of the Leadership of Volatilis- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if one of possessor's allies is named 'The Floating Isle of Volatilis', Whenever possessor heals an individual named 'The Floating Isle of Volatilis' possessor deals an additional 5,000 points of HP Healing or MP Healing, Possessor suffers -200 to all stats if one of possessor's opponents is named 'The Floating Isle of Volatilis'

Adept Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Geomancy spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Geomancy spells cast by possessor that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Magical Attack, Possessor gains 10 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Geomancy Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Apprentice Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) All of possessor's Geomancy spells affect 1 additional target if they already affected multiple targets and cost 500 less MP if their element matches that of an item possessed by their caster or matches the element of possessor, Possessor gains +100 to all stats if possessor's element matches the element of a Square Mile of Terrain in the Shop that is associated with a Terrain or Phantom Terrain present
Attuned to Terrain: Battlefield - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Battlefield
Attuned to Terrain: Beach - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Beach
Attuned to Terrain: Boneyard- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Boneyard
Attuned to Terrain: Caverns - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Caverns
Attuned to Terrain: Cliffside - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Cliffside
Attuned to Terrain: Cloudy Sky - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Cloudy Sky
Attuned to Terrain: Conifer Forest - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Conifer Forest
Attuned to Terrain: Dark Forest - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Dark Forest
Attuned to Terrain: Forest - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Forest
Attuned to Terrain: Frozen Waste - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Frozen Waste
Attuned to Terrain: Graveyard - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Graveyard
Attuned to Terrain: Hills - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Hills
Attuned to Terrain: Jungle - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Jungle
Attuned to Terrain: Lake - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Lake
Attuned to Terrain: Marsh - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Marsh
Attuned to Terrain: Meadow - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Meadow
Attuned to Terrain: Mountains- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Mountains
Attuned to Terrain: Ocean - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Ocean
Attuned to Terrain: Open Sky - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Open Sky
Attuned to Terrain: Stormy Plains - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Stormy Plains
Basic Chronomantic Geomancy Skills- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor's spells that contain an effect that either creates a Zone or may create a Zone cost 20 less MP
Basic Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) All Geomancy spells affect 1 additional target if they already affected multiple targets and cost 10 less MP if their element matches that of an item possessed by their caster or their caster
Basic Zonal Linking- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +50 to all stats if possessor is in a Zone
Create Zone- (Active Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may spend an action to create a zone of any base element
Empowered by Night- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Chronogeomantic Zone of Night
Geomancer- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Geomancy spells cost possessor 500 less MP to cast, Geomancy spells cost possessor an additional (Possessor Level x 10) less MP to cast, Possessor gains +(10 x Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor's element matches the element of a Square Mile of Terrain in the Shop that is associated with a Terrain or Phantom Terrain present
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Battlefield- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Battlefield
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Beach- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Beach
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Boneyard- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Boneyard
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Caverns- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Caverns
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Cliffside- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Cliffside
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Cloudy Sky- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Cloudy Sky
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Conifer Forest- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Conifer Forest
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Dark Forest- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Dark Forest
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Forest- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Forest
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Frozen Waste- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Frozen Waste
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Graveyard- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Graveyard
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Hills- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Hills
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Jungle- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Jungle
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Lake- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Lake
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Marsh- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Marsh
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Meadow- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Meadow
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Mesa- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Mesa
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Mountains- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Mountains
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Ocean- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Ocean
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Open Sky- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Open Sky
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Stormy Plains- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Stormy Plains
Terrain Mastery- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Abilities from the Geomancer class whose name includes 'Phantom Terrain Link Established', 'Attuned to Terrain', and 'Improved Terrain Attunement' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1), 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0), and 3 fewer Square Mile items of each type required (that are worth under 500,000,000 Gold each, to a minimum of 0), to learn from ability shops.
Weatherman- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against damage sources attached to Zones

Apprentice Heavy Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +50 Defense if possessor has a Heavy Armor equipped
Basic Heavy Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Guardian) All Heavy Armors worn by possessor provide +10 additional Defense
Bulwark Stance- (Stance Ability, Guaridan) User must be in front row and have a Heavy Armor equipped, there is a 5% chance that any hit from a damage or stat-damage dealing attack that would hit an ally in the back row instead hits user
Hard to Push Around- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +450 STR and +450 CON per 5 levels (rounded up) to a max of +12,000 STR and +12,000 CON for purposes of resisting attempts to forcibly change possessor's row
Heavy Armor Wearer I- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +5 to all stats when possessor has a Heavy Armor equipped
Heavy Armor Wearer II- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +25 to all stats when possessor has a Heavy Armor equipped, Possessor gains +50 Defense when possessor has a Heavy Armor equipped
Security of Iron- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains 15% Fear resistance while wearing Heavy Armor

Apprentice Healer Attunement- (Passive Ability, Healer) All Healer Magic Spells cost possessor and possessor's allies 20 less MP to cast
Basic Healer Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Healer) Healer Magic spells cast by possessor gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Bolster Agility- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Agility in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 AGI which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) AGI.
Bolster Constitution- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Constitution in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 CON which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) CON.
Bolster Defense- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Defense in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 Defense which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) Defense.
Bolster Health- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Health in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +200 Max HP which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) Max HP.
Bolster Magic- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Health in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +200 Max MP which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) Max MP.
Bolster Mind- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Mind in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 MIN which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) MIN.
Bolster Power- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Power in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 Magical Attack, +20 Melee Attack, or +20 Ranged Attack, which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) of each type of attack bonus.
Bolster Spirit- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Spirit in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 SPI which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) SPI.
Bolster Strength- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Strength in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 STR which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) STR.
Doctor- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's actions that heal may gain +200 Ranged, Melee or Magical Attack if they already possess such a bonus, Once per round after an enemy attacks one of possessor's allies, possessor may choose to have a 5% chance of countering said attack with a positive action targeting said ally and no other targets.
Healer- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's Healer Magic spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus gain +500 Magical Attack for purposes of non-offensive actions, Healer Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast, Possessor's Healer Magic spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus gain and additional +(50 x Possessor Level) Magical Attack for purposes of non-offensive actions, Healer Magic spells cost possessor an additional (10 x Possessor Level) less MP to cast,
Medicinal Herb Mastery- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor’s Medicine consumables that heal HP heal an additional 7,000 points.

-Heir to the Future-
Apprentice Defenses Against Technology- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Technology
Apprentice Technology Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Technology element item equipped, Possessor's Technology element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Technology's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Technology
Basic Defenses Against Technology- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Technology
Basic Technology Resistance- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains 1% Technology Resistance
Basic Technology Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Technology element
Control of Technology- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Technology element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Technology- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Technology element targets
Heir to the Future- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Technology Resistance, Possessor ignores Technology Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Improved Defenses Against Technology- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Technology
Technology Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Technology element: Create a Zone of Technology, Remove a Zone of Technology created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Technology by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Technology to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Technology element on a Technology element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Technology, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Technology, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Technology element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Technology to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Technology, 5% Technology Resistance, or +50 Defense against Technology and 1% Technology Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Apprentice Illusion Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All of possessor's Illusion Magic summons have 500 more HP, 50 more of each stat, last 1 round longer if they last over 1 round already, and require 250 more of the relevant stats to dispel
Basic Illusion Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All Illusion Magic summons have 200 more HP, 10 more of each stat, last 1 turn longer if they last over 1 turn already, and require 25 more of the relevant stats to dispel
Basic Unreality Sculpting- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All of possessor's Illusion Magic summons have 1,000 more HP, 100 more of each stat, last 1 round longer if they last over 1 round already, and require 250 more of the relevant stats to dispel
Can Delude Self About Health Conditions- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor has a 50% chance per effect of suffering no negative effects from minor negative status effects from sources below Level 10
Can Pretend to Be Knowledgeable and Multitalented- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor may choose to count as possessing one more ability in each class that possessor posssesses at least 1 ability in; This ability works for prerequisite purposes if it is permanently possessed by its possessor
Convincing Liar- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor counts as being 1 Level higher for purposes of resisting stat-scanning attempts, with said bonus not being able to overcome 'Immune to below Level X' effects
Fake Defense- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +250 Defense if possessor's stats have not been scanned yet during this thread by any opponent
Fake Stat Defense- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +250 Defense against Stat Damage if possessor's stats have not been scanned yet during this thread by any opponent

-Kinetic Emperor-
Apprentice Defenses Against Physical- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Physical
Apprentice Physical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Physical element item equipped, Possessor's Physical element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Physical's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Physical
Basic Defenses Against Physical- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Physical
Basic Physical Resistance- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains 1% Physical Resistance
Basic Physical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Physical element
Control of Physical- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Physical element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Physical- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Physical element targets
Improved Defenses Against Physical- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Physical
Kinetic Emperor- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Physical Resistance, Possessor ignores Physical Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Physical Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Physical element: Create a Zone of Physical, Remove a Zone of Physical created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Physical by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Physical to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Physical element on a Physical element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Physical, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Physical, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Physical element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Physical to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Physical, 5% Physical Resistance, or +50 Defense against Physical and 1% Physical Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Acidic Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Acidic Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '30% inflicts Dissolving'.
Add Orb Shell: Demonic Tar- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Add Orb Shell: Demonic Tar' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Overdrive' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. One hit of said action against each target gains +1,600 Magical Attack, counts as coming from a source with the subtype Demon, gains the elements Darkness, Earth, and Water, and gains '80% inflicts Paralyzed'
Adept Orb Training- (Passive Ability, Magus) Orb weapons equipped by possessor can provide an additional +10,000 Magical Attack before capping, Orb weapons equipped by possessor that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Magical Attack, Possessor's critical damage multiplier increases by 1 as an effect that does not stack with other critical-damage-multiplier-increasing effects that come from abilities if possessor is wielding a Orb
Apprentice Orb Training- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack if possessor has an Orb equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has an Orb equipped
Basic Bowling Skills- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains 105% To Hit when an Orb is equipped.
Basic Bowling Wizard Skills- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor's Orb weapons that provide a Ranged Attack bonus greater than their Magical Attack bonus may provide an additional Magical Attack bonus equal to half their Ranged Attack bonus that cannot be greater than the difference between their original Ranged Attack bonus and Magical Attack bonus, to a max of 50,000 points
Basic Orb Training- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains +6 Magical Attack when an Orb is equipped.
Blustering Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Blustering Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '30% inflicts Suffocation'
Bowl 'Em Over!- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use Bowl 'Em Over! in conjunction with a Ranged Attack, so long as no other technique is used and an Orb is equipped. Said Ranged Attack action gains +80 Ranged Attack and a 5% chance of inflicting Fatigued: Stun
Breathless Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Breathless Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation'
Bubble Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Bubble Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Water element.
Burning Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Burning Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '30% inflicts Burning'.
Caustic Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Caustic Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Acid element.
Dissolution Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Dissolution Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving'.
Enchanted Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Enchanted Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Magic element.
Enchanting Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Enchanting Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '15% inflicts Manablasted'.
Erasure Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Erasure Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack removes one buff from its target that comes from a source that is below Level 40 and 10 or more Levels below user.
Erosion Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Erosion Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Acid element, and gains '15% inflicts Dissolving', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Explosive Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Explosive Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Flame Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Flame Sphere' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Fire element.
Fountain Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Fountain Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '30% inflicts Drowning'.
Gale Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Gale Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Air element, and gains '15% inflicts Suffocation', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Hyped-Up Unstoppable Orb Technique- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Hyped-Up Unstoppable Orb Technique' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as an Orb is equipped and no other technique is used. Said action gains +1 Magical Attack, cannot be countered by Level 1 individuals, and is delayed 5 rounds.
Hypervoltage Orb- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Hypervoltage Orb' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ovrdrive' action so long as an Orb is equipped and no other technique is used. Said action gains +3,000 Magical Attack, gains the element Electrical, and gains '100% inflicts Electrocuted'
Ignition Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Ignition Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning'.
Inundating Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Inundating Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '15% inflicts Drowning'.
League-Caliber Bowling Skills- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains 125% To Hit when an Orb is equipped, Possessor's Orbs that provide a Ranged Attack bonus provide an additional +50 such points.
Light Orb Aflame- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Light Orb Aflame' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as an Orb is equipped and no other technique is used. Said action gains +200 Magical Attack, gains a 15% chance of inflicting Burning, and gains the element Fire
Magical Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Magical Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '30% inflicts Manablasted'.
Magus- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack if possessor has an Orb equipped, Possessor gains +(25 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has an Orb equipped
Orb Element Override- (Active Ability, Magus) Possessor may spend an action to change the element of 1 equipped, non-unique Orb worth under 2,000,000 Gold to possessor's element
Orb Element Override Array Access- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor's Orb Element Override actions may change the element of Orbs they may be applied to into any one Base Element
Orbic Cube-Conversion: Winged Cube of Magic Seawater- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Orbic Cube-Conversion: Winged Cube of Magic Seawater' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as an Orb is equipped and no other technique is used. Said action gains +250 Magical Attack, cannot be countered by non-Air-element individuals below Level 40, and becomes solely Water element.
Orb Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Magus) +5 to all stats when a Orb is equipped
Orb Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Magus) +25 to all stats when a Orb is equipped, +50 Magical Attack when a Orb is equipped
Orb Wielding III- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains +200 to all stats when an Orb is equipped and +200 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, and Ranged Attack when an Orb is equipped
Pitch Orb- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Pitch Orb' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' or 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said action gains +15 Ranged Attack, +15 Magical Attack, and +10% To Hit as a non-stacking effect.
Problem-Bearing Cyclone Whirl- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Problem-Bearing Cyclone Whirl' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as an Orb is equipped and no other technique is used. Said action gains +500 Magical Attack and may transfer a moderate negative status effect from one of target's allies to target.
Rock Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Rock Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +500 Magical Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '30% inflicts Entombed'.
Rockslide Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Rockslide Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '15% inflicts Entombed'.
Rumbling Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Rumbling Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Earth element, and gains '15% inflicts Entombed', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
♢Seer's Orb Witnesses All- (Passive Ability, Magus) If possessor has an Orb equipped, possessor may, up to three times per round, at the start of each round, scan the stats of an individual, with said target being able to be in a different battlespace
♢Seer Watches from Afar- (Passive Ability, Magus) If possessor has an Orb equipped and scans the stats of an individual in a different battlespace successfully while no equal or greater Level opponent is in possessor's battlespace, possessor and possessor's allies obtain +(Possessor's Level * 250) to all stats as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the third round that its possessor is in the same battlespace as the entity whose stats were scanned or until the end of battle, whichever occurs first
Sorcerous Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Sorcerous Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '15% inflicts Manablasted', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
Sphere Mastery- (Passive Ability, Magus) Technique Abilities from the Magus class whose name includes 'Sphere' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Sphere of Ruinous Wind and Fire- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Sphere of Ruinous Wind and Fire' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as an Orb is equipped and no other technique is used. Said action gains +1,500 Magical Attack, gains the elements Fire and Air, and gains a 30% chance of inflicting Suffocation and Burning.
Sticky Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Sticky Shot' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed: Sticky.
Stone Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Stone Sphere' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack ' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Earth element.
Vampiric Bowling- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor, while in the Stance Controlled Vampire Form, gains +15% To Hit provided an Orb weapon is equipped, Possessor may inflict Drain with Ranged Attack actions while an Orb is equipped
Water-Heating Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Water-Heating Sphere' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as an Orb is equipped. Said action deals 5,000 additional Damage to Water element targets and may attach an effect to a Zone of Water that deals 5,000 Flat Fire element Damage to each individual in it at the start of each round.
Wave Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Wave Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +300 Magical Attack, becomes solely Water element, and gains '15% inflicts Drowning', deals 1/4 Damage, and gains '1 hit against 10'.
♢Whispering Orb- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor's attacks that involve at least one attack bonus of an Orb possessor has equipped may scan the stats of their targets
Wind Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Wind Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Air element.

Apprentice Merchant Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 10,000 Gold.
Basic Merchant Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 5,000 Gold.
Chest Finder- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor may claim Bonus Chests
Florist- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor's half-price sales cap increases by 2,500 Gold for Plant pets, Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Gift Wrapper- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor chooses on month of the year upon acquring this ability; possessor's per-item half-price sell cap is increased by 5,000 Gold during that month
Item Salesman- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold for Items (as in the type Item, which most Materials and Antiquities have, not all items)
Material Salesman- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold for Materials
Pet Salesman- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold for Pets
Training in Economics- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold.

Apprentice Psychic Power Attunement- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) All Psychic Power spells gain +250 Magical Attack and cost 50 less MP
Basic Clairvoyance Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor counts as being 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes when using a Psychic Power spell to do said scanning
Basic Cryokinesis Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor's Ice-element Psychic Power spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +40 Magical Attack
Basic Psychic Power Attunement- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) All Psychic Power spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Basic Psychometry Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor's Psychic element items that provide bonuses to stats have said bonuses increasted by +20, Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes when targetting targets who formerly possessed items currently possessed by possessor
Basic Pyrokinesis Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor's Fire-element Psychic Power spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +40 Magical Attack
Basic Telekinesis Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor's Psychic-element Psychic Power spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +40 Magical Attack
Basic Telepathy Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor's Psychic-element Psychic Power may inflict buffs even if possessor is afflicted with Impaired: Mute
Heightened Senses- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) +30 AGI, +2% Dodge, +300 AGI on the first turn of combat, Guard Other has a 5% higher chance of working
Improved Psychometry Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor's equpped Psychic element items that provide bonuses to stats have said bonuses increasted by +50, Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes when targetting targets who formerly possessed items currently possessed by possessor (with this effect not bypassing 'Immune to under Level X' effects)
Mentalist- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) +500 Damage to all damage dealing Psychic Power spells, MIN may be used instead of SPI as the relevant stat for magical attacks involving Psychic Power spells, All Psychic Power spells cost 30 less MP, +25 additional damage per possessor level

-Mind Lord-
Apprentice Defenses Against Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Psychic
Apprentice Psychic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Psychic element item equipped, Possessor's Psychic element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Psychic's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Psychic
Basic Defenses Against Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Psychic
Basic Psychic Resistance- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains 1% Psychic Resistance
Basic Psychic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Psychic element
Control of Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Psychic element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Psychic element targets
Improved Defenses Against Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Psychic
Psychic Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Psychic element: Create a Zone of Psychic, Remove a Zone of Psychic created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Psychic by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Psychic to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Psychic element on a Psychic element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Psychic, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Psychic, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Psychic element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Psychic to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Psychic, 5% Psychic Resistance, or +50 Defense against Psychic and 1% Psychic Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Mind Lord- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Psychic Resistance, Possessor ignores Psychic Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80

Apprentice Unarmed Technique Attunement- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +500 Melee Attack if no weapon is equipped, Unarmed Technique spells cost 50 less MP to cast, Possessor gains +200 Defense if possessor has at least 2 empty weapon slots, Possessor gains 5% Dodge if possessor has no weapons equipped
Basic Unarmed Technique Attunement- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +30 Melee Attack if possessor has no weapon equipped. Possessor gains +30 Defense if possessor has no armor equipped.
Black Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +500 Melee Attack, +500 STR, +500 AGI, +500 CON, +1% Resilience, +1% To Hit, +1% Critical, and +1% Dodge
Blue Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 STR, +100 AGI, and +100 CON
Brown Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 STR, +100 AGI, and +100 CON
Green Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +50 Melee Attack, +50 STR, +50 AGI, and +50 CON
Martial Arts Trainee- (Passive Ability, Monk) +5 STR, AGI, and CON
Monk- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +1,000 Melee Attack if no weapon is equipped, Unarmed Technique spells cost 50 less MP to cast per possessor Level, Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has at least 2 empty weapon slots, Possessor gains (Possessor Level / 2, rounded up)% Dodge if possessor has no weapons equipped, Possessor gains +10 additional Melee Attack per possessor Level if no weapon is equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats per possessor Level if no weapon is equipped, +50 damage to damage-dealing Unarmed Technique spells per possessor Level
Orange Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +40 Melee Attack, +40 STR, +40 AGI, and +40 CON
Purple Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 STR, +100 AGI, and +100 CON
Red Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 STR, +200 AGI, and +200 CON
White Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +10 Melee Attack, +10 STR, +10 AGI, and +10 CON
Yellow Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +20 Melee Attack, +20 STR, +20 AGI, and +20 CON

-Mountain King-
Apprentice Defenses Against Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Earth
Apprentice Earth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Earth element item equipped, Possessor's Earth element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Quantities of Earth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Acceleration Within Earth's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Earth
Basic Defenses Against Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Earth
Basic Earth Resistance- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains 1% Earth Resistance
Basic Earth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Earth element
Basic Weaponization of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Quantities of Earth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Body of Wet Sand- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) If possessor is Earth element, possessor gains +10 Defense, 2% Dodge, 2% Resilience, and +1 CON
Control of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Earth element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Earth element targets
Earth Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Earth element: Create a Zone of Earth, Remove a Zone of Earth created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Earth by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Earth to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Earth element on a Earth element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Earth element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Earth to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Earth, 5% Earth Resistance, or +50 Defense against Earth and 1% Earth Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Improved Defenses Against Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Earth
Improved Weaponization of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Quantities of Earth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Mountain King- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Earth Resistance, Possessor ignores Earth Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80

Apprentice Instrument Training- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack if possessor has an Instrument equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument equipped
Basic Instrument Training- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +6 Magical Attack when an Instrument is equipped.
Can Play the Bagpipes- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Bagpipes' in its name equipped
Can Play the Bassoon- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Bassoon' in its name equipped
Can Play the Clarinet- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Clarinet' in its name equipped
Can Play the Fife- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Fife' in its name equipped
Can Play the Flute- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Flute' in its name equipped
Can Play the Harmonica- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Harmonica' in its name equipped
Can Play the Oboe- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Oboe' in its name equipped
Can Play the Ocarina- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Ocarina' in its name equipped
Can Play the Piano- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Piano' in its name equipped
Can Play the Piccolo- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Piccolo' in its name equipped
Can Play the Trumpet- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Trumpet' in its name equipped
Musician- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack if possessor has an Instrument equipped, Possessor gains +(25 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has an Instrument equipped

-Ocean Prince-
Apprentice Water Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Water element item equipped, Possessor's Water element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Quantities of Water element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Command of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor's Water element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Water
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor's Water element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Water Resistance- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains 1% Water Resistance
Basic Water Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Water element
Basic Weaponization of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Quantities of Water element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Control of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Water element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Water element targets
Improved Weaponization of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Quantities of Water element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Ocean Prince- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Water Resistance, Possessor ignores Water Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Water Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Water element: Create a Zone of Water, Remove a Zone of Water created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Water by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Water to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Water element on a Water element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Water, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Water, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Water element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Water to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Water, 5% Water Resistance, or +50 Defense against Water and 1% Water Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Apprentice Divine Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Priest) Possessor gains +250 Damage to all damage-dealing (including Healing) Divine Magic spells, Divine Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP, Possessor counts as 1 Level higher, to a max of Level 20, for purposes of worshipper benefits
Basic Channeling of Divine Mercy- (Passive Ability, Priest) Divine Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack and Heal bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack for purposes of non-offensive actions
Basic Channeling of Divine Wrath- (Passive Ability, Priest) Divine Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack
Basic Divine Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Priest) All Divine Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Bolster Worshipper Benefits- (Passive Ability, Priest) Possessor gains +40 to any stat out of STR, AGI, CON, MIN, and SPI that possessor's Worshipper Benefits give possessor a bonus to
Confess Sins- (Active Ability, Priest) Up to three times per thread, possessor may spend an action to remove a debuff that possessor applied to one of possessor's allies, Possessor must have a Patron Deity to perform said action
Evangelist- (Passive Ability, Priest) Possessor's pets and summons, if not already considered Devout Worshippers of a deity, are considered to be devout worshippers of possessor's deity
Minorly Blessed by a Deity- (Passive Ability, Priest) 5% Hexed Resistance, Possessor has a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed: Ill Fortune on any individual who kills possessor immediately upon death, Possessor must be a devout follower of some deity for this ability to take effect
Pillar Against The Madness- (Passive Ability, Priest) If possessor is a devout worshipper of the Twelve Ancients pantheon, possessor cannot become the subtype Darkspawn, cannot equip Forbidden Magic spells, gains a 50% resistance to Darkspawn under <Possessor's Level + 20>, and gains a 50% resistance to Forbidden Magic spells cast by individuals under <Possessor's Level + 20>, has RP effects in certain circumstances
Pray- (Active Ability, Priest) Possessor may spend an action to use this ability. This ability restores 1% of possessor's HP and MP and has a (Possessor Level)% chance of curing possessor of all minor and moderate status effects, May only be used (Possessor Level) times per thread, Possessor must be a devout follower of some deity for this ability to take effect
Priest- (Passive Ability, Priest) +500 Damage to all damage-dealing Divine Magic spells, all Divine Magic spells cost 50 less MP per possessor Level, +50 damage to damage-dealing Divine Magic spells per possessor Level, +50 additional damage to Divine Magic spells that heal HP or MP per possessor Level, Possessor counts as being (Possessor Level / 10, rounded up) levels higher for purposes of worshipper benefits, Possessor must be a devout follower of some deity for this ability to take effect

-Radiant Hierophant-
Apprentice Light Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Light element item equipped, Possessor's Light element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Quantities of Light element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Acceleration Within Light's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Light
Basic Defenses Against Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Light
Basic Light Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Light element
Basic Weaponization of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Quantities of Light element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Light
Control of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Light element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Improved Weaponization of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Quantities of Light element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Light Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Light element: Create a Zone of Light, Remove a Zone of Light created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Light by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Light to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Light element on a Light element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Light, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Light, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Light element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Light to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Light, 5% Light Resistance, or +50 Defense against Light and 1% Light Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Apprentice Axe Training- (Passive Ability, Ravager) Possessor gains +50 Melee Attack when possessor has an Axe equipped.
Basic Axe Training- (Passive Ability, Ravager) This character gains +6 Melee Attack when an Axe is equipped.
Controlled Rage- (Active Ability, Ravager) Possessor may become selectively non-immune to Berserk-inflicting sources
Directed Rage- (Passive Ability, Ravager) Posessor does not attack allies while Berserk
Flame Chop- (Technique Ability, Ravager) Possessor may use 'Flame Chop' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Axe equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Fire element.
Frost Chop- (Technique Ability, Ravager) Possessor may use 'Frost Chop' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Axe equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Ice element.
Gladiator's Pride- (Passive Ability, Ravager) +500 HP and +15 Defense if only Light, Medium or Heavy armor is equipped

Apprentice Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped
Basic Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) This character gains +6 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Knowledge of Dimensions- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +50 MIN, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Area Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present
Basic Understanding of Effect / Mana-Pattern Interaction- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains 20% Resistance to Level 1 individuals
Basic Understanding of Entity Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor scans stats as though possessor were 1 Level higher as an effect that does not bypass 'Immune to below Level X' abilities
Basic Understanding of Dimensional Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle or that summon cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 MIN.
General Knowledge of Nexus Discs- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +15 MIN
General Knowledge of the Main Universe within the Second Holy Empire- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +100 MIN
Scholar- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +700 Magical Attack and +50 to all stats when a Book is equipped, Possessor gains an additional +(10 x Possessor Level) Magical Attack and +(5 x Possessor Level) to all stats when a Book is equipped.
Scholar of Elements- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 MIN for each element that possessor possesses as the element of one of possessor's pieces of equipped equipment, to a max of 24 such elements
Studious- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +200 MIN

Advanced Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Science- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +200 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Hypertech spell and at least three of which are non-'Hypertech' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Analytical- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes, to a max of Level 99
Apprentice Hypertech Attunement- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells possessor castst that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, and all Hypertech spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Hypertech Attunement- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells possessor castst that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack, and all Hypertech spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Basic Research Skills- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes, to a max of Level 20
Knowledge of Basic Hyperspace Theory- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possssor gains +100 MIN if the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Space
Knowledge of Basic Scientific Theory- (Passive Ability, Scientist) +5 Magical Attack, +30 MIN, Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Science- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +180 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +70 MIN if possessor has at least two spells, one of which is a Hypertech spell and one of which is a non-'Hypertech' spell equipped
Utilize Researched Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor deals 110% Damage to targets below Level 20 whose stats possessor has scanned, to a max of 1,000,000 additional damage

Apprentice Robe Mastery- (Passive Ability, Seer) Possessor gains +50 Defense if possessor has a Robe equipped
Basic Robe Mastery- (Passive Ability, Seer) All Robes worn by possessor provide +10 additional Defense
♢Cataclysm Comes!- (Active Ability, Seer) Possessor's 'Doom Prophecy' actions may name a moderate negative status effect instead of a minor one
♢Doom and Cataclysm, Intertwined- (Passive Ability, Seer) Possessor's 'Doom Prophecy' ability may choose both a minor negative status effect and a moderate negative status effect instead of just one status effect
♢Doom Prophecy- (Active Ability, Seer) Possessor may perform an action, choosing a target, a minor negative status effect, and a round number greater than the current round's number. Possessor acquires a non-stacking buff that doubles possessor's infliction chance of that minor negative status effect on the chosen individual during the chosen round.
Predict Direction of Attack (Basic)- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one row in any one row-order formation and gain +50 Defense against said sources in said row as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
Predict Direction of Attack- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one row in any one row-order formation and gain +250 Defense against said sources in said row as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
Predict Elemental Attack (Basic)- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one base element and gain +50 Defense against said element as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
Predict Elemental Attack- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one base element and gain +250 Defense against said element as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
Predict Source of Attack (Basic)- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one opponent and gain +50 Defense against said specific opponent (affecting only the one opponent even if said opponent was non-unique) as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
Predict Source of Attack- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one opponent and gain +250 Defense against said specific opponent (affecting only the one opponent even if said opponent was non-unique) as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
♢Preordained Arrival- (Active Ability, Seer) If possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may not be prevented from entering or leaving battlespaces by equal or lower Level individuals the first time per round that possessor moves from one battlespace to another
Seer- (Passive Ability, Seer) Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Defense and +(1,000 * Possessor Level) MP if possessor has a Robe equipped
♢The Instrument Is Named- (Active Ability, Seer) Possessor's 'Doom Prophecy' actions may apply their buff to a chosen ally of possessor instead of possessor

-Shrine Maiden-
Apprentice Spirit Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) All Spirit Magic spells gain +250 Magical Attack, have a 10% greater chance of working, and cost 50 less MP, and all Spirit Magic summons have 250 more HP, 50 more to each stat, and stay for 3 rounds longer
Basic Spirit Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) All Spirit Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack, have a 10% greater chance of working, and cost 10 less MP, and all Spirit Magic summons have 30 more HP, 5 more to each stat, and stay for 3 rounds longer
Focused Spirit Magic Casting- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Spirit Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of spell possessor has equipped is Spirit Magic
Guarded by Spirits- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains +50 Defense while possessor possesses at least 2 Spirit allies
Guarded Purity- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor's Spirit Magic summons gain +200 to all stats if possessor has not summoned any non-'Spirit Magic' summons during this thread
Guarded Purity II- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor's Spirit Magic summons gain +200 to all stats if possessor has not been afflicted with any negative status effects during this thread
Shrine Maiden- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) All Spirit Magic spells gain +380 additional Magical Attack, have a 50% greater chance of working, and cost 50 less MP, and all Spirit Magic summons have 1,500 more HP, 100 more to each stat, and stay for 5 rounds longer, plus an additional +15 additional Magical Attack per possessor level
Shrine Maiden's Robe Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains +80 SPI while possessor has at least one Robe and at least one Spirit Magic spell equipped
Spirit Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Spirit Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Spirit Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Spirit Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Spirit that Shines with Charity- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains a White Spiritual Mark after performing at least 10 non-offensive actions that buff targets and involve Spirit Magic
Spirit that Shines with Diligence- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains a White Spiritual Mark after performing at least 10 non-offensive actions that cure negative status effects of targets and involve Spirit Magic
Spirit that Shines with Kindness- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains a White Spiritual Mark after performing at least 10 non-offensive actions that heal targets and involve Spirit Magic
Summons Through Purity- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor's Spirit Magic summons gain +100 to all stats if summoned while possessor is not afflicted with any negative status effects
Tasked by the Great Khan's Wife to Bring His Spirit Rest- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains +55,000 Defnse against Undead whose name includes 'Dead Khan' or 'Great Khan', Possessor ignores the Resistance and Immunities of Bosses named 'The Great Khan Risen' that are Level 60 or lower and on the Boss List.
White Mark of the Spirits- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor counts as having a White Spiritual Mark, Possessor cannot cast spells that would give possessor a Black Spiritual Mark, equip items that would cause possessor to count as having a Black Spiritual Mark, or gain the abilities 'Black Mark of the Spirits' or 'Black Mark of the Spirits'

Aerial Traits- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor gains +1 to all stats so long as possessor is an Aerial
Apprentice Skykeeper Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor's Aerial pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Skykeeper Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor's Aerial pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Capable of Flight- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor gains +200 AGI, 10% Earth Resistance, and 50% Entombed Resistance if possessor is Air Element or an Aerial
Floaty- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor does not count as being in the back row for purposes of the number of people in each row, but may not use this ability to be in the back row when nothing is in the front row unless possessor could do so otherwise
Formshift: Aerial- (Stance Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor's subtype becomes Aerial
Lay Eggs- (Active Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor may spend an action to summon any one Aerial below Level 20 that is either normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List or that is in stock in the shop, Max 10 summoned
Lay Large Eggs- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor's 'Lay Eggs' ability has its Level restriction raised to summons below Level 40
Rooster's Wake-Up Caw- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) If possessor is an Aerial, possessor may cure up to 2,000 allies of Fatigued at the start of each round

-Snow Queen-
Apprentice Defenses Against Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Ice
Apprentice Ice Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Ice element item equipped, Possessor's Ice element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Ice's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Ice
Basic Defenses Against Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Ice
Basic Ice Resistance- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains 1% Ice Resistance
Basic Ice Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Ice element
Control of Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Ice element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Ice element targets
Frosty Lips- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor's HP-Drain-dealing actions that deal Ice element Damage deal 10 additional Ice element Damage
Ice Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Ice element: Create a Zone of Ice, Remove a Zone of Ice created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Ice by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Ice to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Ice element on a Ice element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Ice, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Ice, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Ice element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Ice to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Ice, 5% Ice Resistance, or +50 Defense against Ice and 1% Ice Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Improved Defenses Against Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Ice
Snow Queen- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Ice Resistance, Possessor ignores Ice Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80

Apprentice Summoner Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's Summoner Magic Summons gain +250 to all stats, and all Summoner Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Summon Dodge Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +1% Dodge
Basic Summon Essence-Linking- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor gains +50 to all stats if possessor has any summons, Possessor's summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Summon Resilience Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +1% Resilience
Basic Summoner Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All creatures summoned through Summoner Magic spells gain +10 to all stats, and all Summoner Magic spells cost 10 less MP
Basic Summoner-Screening Techniques- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor gains +50 Defense if possessor possesses any summons
Expanded Summoning Capacity- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's summon caps that are already at least 20 increase by 1, to a max of 200
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Air-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Air-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Earth-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Earth-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Fire-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Fire-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Hope-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Hope-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Light-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Light-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Water-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Water-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Summoner- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Summoner Magic summons gain (+1,000 x Possessor Level) HP and MP and +(10 x Possessor Level) to all stats
Well-Versed in Traditional Summoning Techniques- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Summoner Magic summons gain +100 to all stats

Apprentice Sword Training- (Passive Ability, Swordsman) This character gains +50 Melee Attack when a Sword is equipped.
Basic Sword Training- (Passive Ability, Swordsman) This character gains +6 Melee Attack when a Sword is equipped.
Flatedge Strike- (Technique Ability, Swordsman) Possessor may use 'Flatedge Strike' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Sword equipped. Said attack may not reduce the HP of its targets below 1.
Sword Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Swordsman) +5 to all stats when a Sword is equipped
Sword Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Swordsman) +25 to all stats when a Sword is equipped, +50 Melee Attack when a Sword is equipped
Tri Slash- (Technique Ability, Swordsman) Possessor may use 'Tri Slash' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Sword equipped. Said attack gains '3 hits against 1' and deals 2/3 Damage.

Apprentice Thief Arts Attunement- (Passive Ability, Thief) All Thief Arts spells cast by possessor that possess a Melee Attack bonus gain +50 additional Melee Attack, All Thief Arts spells cost possessor 40 less MP to cast, Possessor gains +200 AGI on the first round of battle
Basic Item Thievery- (Passive Ability, Thief) Possessor's Thief Arts spells and Thief abilities that have a percent chance of stealing any item from a target under Level 20 have said chance increased by 5%
Basic Thief Arts Attunement- (Passive Ability, Thief) All Thief Arts spells cast by possessor that possess a Melee Attack bonus gain +10 additional Melee Attack, All Thief Arts spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast, Possessor gains +20 AGI on the first round of battle
Elusive- (Passive Ability, Thief) 15% Dodge
Fleet- (Passive Ability, Thief) +200 AGI that is counted as unmodified for capping purposes
Sneaky- (Passive Ability, Thief) Possessor treats foes as not having acted if it is one of the first five turns of battle, said foes are of lower level, said foes have all of their stats as being lower than possessor's AGI, and said foes have not yet acted twice, +200 AGI
Sticky Fingers- (Passive Ability, Thief) Thief Arts abilities that steal Gold steal 10% more than they would without this ability
Tricky- (Passive Ability, Thief) Possessor's foes of equal or lower level with a lower Mind than possessor have their resistances to minor status effects caused by possessor reduced by 5%, to a minimum of 0%

-Thunder Czar-
Apprentice Command of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor's Electrical element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Apprentice Electrical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Electrical element item equipped, Possessor's Electrical element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Electrical
Basic Electrical Resistance- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains 1% Electrical Resistance
Basic Electrical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Electrical element
Basic Command of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor's Electrical element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor's Electrical element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Weaponization of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Quantities of Electrical element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Control of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Electrical element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Electrical element targets
Electrical Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Electrical element: Create a Zone of Electrical, Remove a Zone of Electrical created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Electrical by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Electrical to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Electrical element on a Electrical element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Electrical, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Electrical, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Electrical element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Electrical to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Electrical, 5% Electrical Resistance, or +50 Defense against Electrical and 1% Electrical Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Thunder Czar- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Electrical Resistance, Possessor ignores Electrical Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80

Basic Transmutation Attunement- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase Damage or Defense do so by an additional 40 more points, and all Transmutation spells cast by possessor cost 10 less MP
Apprentice Transmutation Attunement- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack increase said bonuses by 50 additional points, All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase stats do so by 50 additional points, and all Transmutation spells cast by possessor cost 200 less MP
Expanded Transmutative Element-Warping- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor may change elements using Warped Element Stance even if possessor is not a base element
Expanded Transmutative Element-Folding- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor may change elements using Warped Element Stance even if possessor is not a single element
Shifting Weapon Stance- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor's weapons with base subtypes may have themselves instead count as any other base subtype
Warped Element Stance- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor, if a single base element, may choose to count as a different base element while in this stance
Warped Self Stance- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor, if a single base subtype, may choose to count as a different base subtype while in this stance

Apprentice Ethereal Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) All Ethereal Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, All Ethereal Magic spells that possessor casts have a 20% greater chance of working in regards to natural chance of 'failing to work', and all Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor 40 less MP to cast
Basic Ethereal Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) All Ethereal Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack, All Ethereal Magic spells that possessor casts have a 10% greater chance of working in regards to natural chance of 'failing to work', and all Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Knowledge of Ethereal Pathways- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor's 'Switch Rows' actions may not be countered by sources below Level 20
Phantom Body- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Individuals below Level 15 cannot inflict minor status effects on possessor
Phantom Steps- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor may not be prevented from leaving battle by sources below Level 20
Semi-Ethereal Agility- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against AGI Damage
Semi-Ethereal Constitution- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against CON Damage
Semi-Ethereal Mind- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against MIN Damage
Semi-Ethereal Spirit- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against SPI Damage
Semi-Ethereal Strength- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against STR Damage
Veilwalker- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) All Ethereal Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(50 * Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, All Ethereal Magic spells that possessor casts have a (Possessor Level)% greater chance of working in regards to natural chance of 'failing to work', and all Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor (20 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Visualizer of Drifting Principles- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor may claim Drifting Principles

Apprentice Gate Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) All Gate Magic spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast
Basic Gate Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) All Gate Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Basic Zonal Resistance- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains +50 Defense against effects attached to Zones
Down the Chimney!- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor pierces 2,000 Defense when targeting Large Structures
Enjoys Travelling- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains +10 to all stats if Terrain or Phantom Terrain is present
Familiarity with Being Teleported- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Spatial element actions have a 20% lower chance of inflicting Confusion on possessor
Fast Traveller- (Passive Ability, Wander) Possessor gains +200 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes on the first round of battle in Random Quests
Journeyman's Steps- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Whenever possessor conducts a Switch Rows action, possessor has an optional 5% chance of removing any one Phantom Terrain created by a source of lower level than possessor that is below Level 20
Knowledge of Portals- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor's 'Switch Rows' actions may not be countered by sources below Level 20
Opener of Forgotten Doorways- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may claim Forgotten Keys
Short-Distance Item Teleportation- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action to re-obtain an item stolen in the current battle by a source below Level 20 that has not been destroyed
Short-Distance Self-Teleportation- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action to be able to move to either the Front Row or the Back Row at the beginning of the next round
Swift Arrival- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor's sum of turn-order-determining attributes is considered to be 200 points higher for turn-order-determining purposes on the first round of battle
Swift Travel- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor's sum of turn-order-determining attributes is considered to be 50 points higher for turn-order-determining purposes, Possessor's sum of turn-order-determining attributes is considered to be an additional 150 points higher for turn-order-determining purposes if possessor has a Vehicle, Vessel, or Steed transformation equipped
Wanderer- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Gate Magic spells cost possessor (100 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast

-Wind Duke-
Absorb Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor Absorbs Air against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Air Immunity- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains Air Immunity against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Air Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Air element: Create a Zone of Air, Remove a Zone of Air created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Air by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Air to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Air element on a Air element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Air, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Air, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Air element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Air to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Air, 5% Air Resistance, or +50 Defense against Air and 1% Air Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Apprentice Air Resistance- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains 5% Air Resistance
Apprentice Air Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Air element item equipped, Possessor's Air element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Defenses Against Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Air
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor's Air element allies gain +100 to all stats
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Air
Basic Air Resistance- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains 1% Air Resistance
Basic Air Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Air element
Basic Command of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor's Air element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Air
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor's Air element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Weaponization of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Quantities of Air element damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Air
Control of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Air element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Greater Weaponization of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Quantities of Air element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 25,000 points
Improved Air Resistance- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains 10% Air Resistance
Improved Weaponization of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Quantities of Air element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Partial Channeling of the Wrath of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor's Melee Attack, Magical Attack, and Ranged Attack actions may gain 5% inflicts Suffocation
Wind Duke- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Air Resistance, Possessor ignores Air Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Wind Whisper- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor's non-offensive actions that target no opponents and buff at least one ally may not be countered by individuals below Level 20

Advanced Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +200 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and at least three of which are non-'Wizard Magic' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Apprentice Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All damage-dealing Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts gain +250 Damage, All Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Mana-Saving Techniques- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Linking Magic Types- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Spells possessor casts cost 80 less MP if caster has cast a spell of a different subtype previously during this thread
Basic Understanding of Spatial Gate Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains 15% Dodge if possessor possesses a Gate Magic buff
Basic Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All Wizard Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Improved Mana-Saving Techniques- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast
Knowledge of Basic Magic Theory- (Passive Ability, Wizard) +5 Magical Attack, +30 MIN, Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +180 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +70 MIN if possessor has at least two spells, one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and one of which is a non-'Wizard Magic' spell equipped

-Other: Aetheric Voyager
Aetheric Voyager- (Passive Ability, Other: Aetheric Voyager) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Aether Resistance, Possessor ignores Aether Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Aether Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Aetheric Voyager) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Aether element: Create a Zone of Aether, Remove a Zone of Aether created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Aether by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Aether to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Aether element on a Aether element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Aether, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Aether, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Aether element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Aether to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Aether, 5% Aether Resistance, or +50 Defense against Aether and 1% Aether Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Apprentice Defenses Against Aether- (Passive Ability, Other: Aetheric Voyager) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Aether
Apprentice Aether Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Aetheric Voyager) Possessor gains 5% Aether Resistance
Apprentice Aether Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Aetheric Voyager) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Aether element item equipped, Possessor's Aether element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Aether Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Aetheric Voyager) Possessor gains 1% Aether Resistance
Basic Aether Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Aetheric Voyager) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Aether element
Basic Defenses Against Aether- (Passive Ability, Other: Aetheric Voyager) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Aether
Control of Aether- (Passive Ability, Other: Aetheric Voyager) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Aether element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Improved Defenses Against Aether- (Passive Ability, Other: Aetheric Voyager) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Aether
Improved Aether Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Aetheric Voyager) Possessor gains 10% Aether Resistance

-Other: Archsmith of Metal-
Apprentice Metal Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Archsmith of Metal) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Metal element item equipped, Possessor's Metal element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Metal- (Passive Ability, Other: Archsmith of Metal) Quantities of Metal element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Archsmith of Metal- (Passive Ability, Other: Archsmith of Metal) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Metal Resistance, Possessor ignores Metal Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Basic Defenses Against Metal- (Passive Ability, Other: Archsmith of Metal) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Metal
Basic Metal Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Archsmith of Metal) Possessor gains 1% Metal Resistance
Basic Metal Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Archsmith of Metal) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Metal element
Basic Weaponization of Metal- (Passive Ability, Other: Archsmith of Metal) Quantities of Metal element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Coat Armor- (Passive Ability, Other: Archsmith of Metal) Possessor's 'Metal Coat' ability may affect Armor items in addition to weapons
Defenses that Utilize Metal- (Passive Ability, Other: Archsmith of Metal) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Metal-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Improved Weaponization of Metal- (Passive Ability, Other: Archsmith of Metal) Quantities of Metal element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Mass Coat- (Passive Ability, Other: Archsmith of Metal) Possessor's 'Metal Coat' ability may affect up to 15 selected items per action
Metal Coat- (Active Ability, Other: Archsmith of Metal) Possessor may spend an action to make any one weapon wielded or carried by wielder or one of wielder's allies solely Metal element

-Other: Destiny Weaver-
♢Nexus of Fates- (Stance Ability, Other: Destiny Weaver) At the start of each round, possessor may transfer up to (Possessor's Level) Fate element or Enchantment buffs or debuffs from targets that are either willing or lower Level than possessor to targets that are either willing or lower Level than possessor
♢Prophetic Spell- (Stance Ability, Other: Destiny Weaver) Possessor may use 'Prophetic Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack', 'Cast a Spell', or 'Overdrive' action so long as no other Technique is being used and possessor is casting a Fate element spell as part of said action. Said action may be delayed up to (Possessor's Level) rounds, and, if it is its performer's only delayed action at the time, it may not be countered, including preemptively, by entities below its performer's Level without its performer's permission.

-Other: Kringlemaster-
A Gift for You!- (Active Ability, Other: Kringlemaster) Possessor, if a Santa, may spend an action to conduct an attack that has a Prime Attribute of Spirit, has a base Damage value of (1,000 * Possessor Level) that it incorporates as though possessor were an Enemy, incorporates the Ranged Attack, Melee Attack, or Magical Attack (choosing one type across all items for said action) bonuses of equipped Box items, that possesses 'May Heal', that possesses '100% inflicts any one minor or moderate status effect', that is solely any combination of base elements, and costs 0 MP
Basic Kringlemaster Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Kringlemaster) Possessor's Santa pets and summons gain +1,000 HP, +1,000 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +100 to all stats
Bearer of Yearly Gifts- (Passive Ability, Other: Kringlemaster) Once per thread per individual, possessor may increase the value of a stat buff that possessor places on an individual by 15,000 points as a non-stacking effect across all applications
Explosive Gifts- (Passive Ability, Other: Kringlemaster) If possessor is a Santa, possessor's offensive 'A Gift for You!' actions may gain '1 hit against (5 * Possessor Level)' and may gain the element Fire
Formshift: Santa- (Stance Ability, Other: Kringlemaster) Possessor's subtype becomes Santa
Santa Instruction I- (Passive Ability, Other: Kringlemaster) Possessor's Santa pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Santa Instruction II- (Passive Ability, Other: Kringlemaster) Possessor's Santa pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Santa's Sleighmastery- (Passive Ability, Other: Kringlemaster) If possessor is a Santa, possessor's Vehicle transformations whose name includes 'Sleigh' gain +3,000 to all stats and +15% Dodge

-Other: Lord of Trees-
Apprentice Defenses Against Wood- (Passive Ability, Other: Lord of Trees) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Wood
Apprentice Weaponization of Wood- (Passive Ability, Other: Lord of Trees) Quantities of Wood element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Apprentice Wood Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Lord of Trees) Possessor gains 5% Wood Resistance
Apprentice Wood Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Lord of Trees) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Wood element item equipped, Possessor's Wood element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Wood- (Passive Ability, Other: Lord of Trees) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Wood
Basic Weaponization of Wood- (Passive Ability, Other: Lord of Trees) Quantities of Wood element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Wood Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Lord of Trees) Possessor gains 1% Wood Resistance
Basic Wood Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Lord of Trees) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Wood element
Improved Defenses Against Wood- (Passive Ability, Other: Lord of Trees) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Wood
Improved Weaponization of Wood- (Passive Ability, Other: Lord of Trees) Quantities of Wood element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Improved Wood Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Lord of Trees) Possessor gains 10% Wood Resistance
Lord of Trees- (Passive Ability, Other: Lord of Trees) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Wood Resistance, Possessor ignores Wood Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80

-Other: Unbound Guru-
Absorb Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor Absorbs Void against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Apprentice Command of Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor's Void element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor's Void element allies gain +100 to all stats
Apprentice Void Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor gains 5% Void Resistance
Apprentice Void Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Unbound Guru) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Void element item equipped, Possessor's Void element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Quantities of Void element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Command of Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor's Void element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Void
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor's Void element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Void Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor gains 1% Void Resistance
Basic Void Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Void element
Basic Weaponization of Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Quantities of Void element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Can Hear the Underpinnings of the Cosmos While In Solitude- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) If possessor is Void element and possesses no allies, possessor obtains a buff that provides +1,000 MIN and +1,000 SPI that stacks 5 times at the start of each round whose number is a multiple of 5
Control of Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Void element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Cosmic Harmonist's Stance- (Stance Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may treat Void as a base element, Possessor may, if Void element, give any of possessor's willing pets, allies, or summons a buff at the start of each round that gives them all of possessor's base elements and does not stack
Detect Void- (Passive Ability, Unbound Guru) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Void element targets
Emanate Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Void element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Void element Damage to up to 10 targets
Empowered By Void- (Passive Ability, Unbound Guru) If possessor is Void element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Mind Restore at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Void
Empty Transcendence of Air- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may treat Air as a nonbase element if possessor is Void element
Empty Transcendence of Earth- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may treat Earth as a nonbase element if possessor is Void element
Empty Transcendence of Fire- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may treat Fire as a nonbase element if possessor is Void element
Empty Transcendence of Metal- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may treat Metal as a nonbase element if possessor is Void element
Empty Transcendence of Water- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may treat Water as a nonbase element if possessor is Void element
Empty Transcendence of Wood- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may treat Wood as a nonbase element if possessor is Void element
Guru's Empty Sanctum- (Active Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possesor may spend an action to create a battlespace that contains a Zone of Void that has an effect attached to it that prevents sources below Level 60 from creating or destroying zones in the same battlespace that it is present in; a max of one battlespace may be created by each individual through this ability at any one time
Harmonization of Air and Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to count as Air element if possessor is Void element
Harmonization of Earth and Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to count as Earth element if possessor is Void element
Harmonization of Fire and Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to count as Fire element if possessor is Void element
Harmonization of Metal and Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to count as Metal element if possessor is Void element
Harmonization of Water and Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to count as Water element if possessor is Void element
Harmonization of Wood and Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to count as Wood element if possessor is Void element
Harnessing the Flow of Air Through Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to ignore increases in the MP costs of possessor's spells or abilities that are applied on the basis of said spells or abilities possessing the element Air unless said spells or abilities also possess MP cost increases that are applied on the basis of said spells or abilities possessing the element Void
Harnessing the Flow of Earth Through Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to ignore increases in the MP costs of possessor's spells or abilities that are applied on the basis of said spells or abilities possessing the element Earth unless said spells or abilities also possess MP cost increases that are applied on the basis of said spells or abilities possessing the element Void
Harnessing the Flow of Fire Through Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to ignore increases in the MP costs of possessor's spells or abilities that are applied on the basis of said spells or abilities possessing the element Fire unless said spells or abilities also possess MP cost increases that are applied on the basis of said spells or abilities possessing the element Void
Harnessing the Flow of Metal Through Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to ignore increases in the MP costs of possessor's spells or abilities that are applied on the basis of said spells or abilities possessing the element Metal unless said spells or abilities also possess MP cost increases that are applied on the basis of said spells or abilities possessing the element Void
Harnessing the Flow of Water Through Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to ignore increases in the MP costs of possessor's spells or abilities that are applied on the basis of said spells or abilities possessing the element Water unless said spells or abilities also possess MP cost increases that are applied on the basis of said spells or abilities possessing the element Void
Harnessing the Flow of Wood Through Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to ignore increases in the MP costs of possessor's spells or abilities that are applied on the basis of said spells or abilities possessing the element Wood unless said spells or abilities also possess MP cost increases that are applied on the basis of said spells or abilities possessing the element Void
Improved Command of Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor's Void element pets and summons gain +1,000 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Improved Understanding of the Heart of Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor's Void element allies gain +250 to all stats
Improved Void Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor gains 10% Void Resistance
Improved Weaponization of Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Quantities of Void element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Meditation of Empty Minds- (Technique Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may use 'Meditation of Empty Minds' in conjunction with a 'Meditate' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor is Void element. Said action deals 500 Flat Void element MIN Damage to each opponent in the same battlespace.
Meditation of Harmonization- (Technique Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may use 'Meditation of Harmonization' in conjunction with a 'Meditate' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor is Void element. Said action gives its perfomer a non-stacking buff that gives its possessor any combination of base elements that are possessed by other individuals within the same battlespace at the time of its application.
Meditation Upon the Void- (Technique Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may use 'Meditation Upon the Void' in conjunction with a 'Meditate' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor is in a Zone of Void and is Void element. Said action regenerates 1,000,000 additional MP and cures its performer of one minor negative status effect or of one debuff from a source below Level 40
Meditative Assumption of Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Void element
Nexus of Elements- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) If possessor is Void element, possessor may choose to count an combination of the elements Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, Metal, and Void as either base or nonbase element, may choose to count as possessing or not possessing any combination of the elements Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, and Metal, and may add or remove any combination of the elements Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Wood, and Metal from the elements of Damage dealt by possessor, the elements of possessor's attacks, or the elements of possessor's actions; Possessor may choose to count 'Void' as the default element instead of Null
Opening the Conduits of Air Through Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to ignore 'Defense against Air' and 'Air Resistance' for purposes of possessor's actions that are both Air element and Void element that target individuals below Level 60 unless said targets possess either 'Void Resistance' or 'Defense against Void'
Opening the Conduits of Earth Through Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to ignore 'Defense against Earth' and 'Earth Resistance' for purposes of possessor's actions that are both Earth element and Void element that target individuals below Level 60 unless said targets possess either 'Void Resistance' or 'Defense against Void'
Opening the Conduits of Fire Through Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to ignore 'Defense against Fire' and 'Fire Resistance' for purposes of possessor's actions that are both Fire element and Void element that target individuals below Level 60 unless said targets possess either 'Void Resistance' or 'Defense against Void'
Opening the Conduits of Metal Through Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to ignore 'Defense against Metal' and 'Metal Resistance' for purposes of possessor's actions that are both Metal element and Void element that target individuals below Level 60 unless said targets possess either 'Void Resistance' or 'Defense against Void'
Opening the Conduits of Water Through Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to ignore 'Defense against Water' and 'Water Resistance' for purposes of possessor's actions that are both Water element and Void element that target individuals below Level 60 unless said targets possess either 'Void Resistance' or 'Defense against Void'
Opening the Conduits of Wood Through Void- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose to ignore 'Defense against Wood' and 'Wood Resistance' for purposes of possessor's actions that are both Wood element and Void element that target individuals below Level 60 unless said targets possess either 'Void Resistance' or 'Defense against Void'
Unbound Guru- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Void Resistance, Possessor ignores Void Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Understanding of Void as the Core of Traditional Elements- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may exchange any of the elements Earth, Air, Fire, or Water for the element Void whenever possessor casts an Elemental Magic spell, Possessor may count the element Void as any of the elements Earth, Air, Fire, and Water for purposes of Elementalist abilities
Unhinged From the Real- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) If possessor is Void element, whenever possessor would obtain a buff from an Ethereal Magic spell or a Void element spell, possessor may instead choose to obtain a buff provided by a different Ethereal Magic spell or Void element spell that is In Stock in the shop and costs an equal or lower quantity of Gold, provided that said buff is one that could have been applied to possessor were said spell cast instead of the spell that was actually cast
Void Immunity- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor gains Void Immunity against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Void Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Unbound Guru) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Void element: Create a Zone of Void, Remove a Zone of Void created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Void by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Void to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Void element on a Void element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Void, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Void, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Void element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Void to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Void, 5% Void Resistance, or +50 Defense against Void and 1% Void Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Base Holy One Synchronicity- (Passive Ability, Prophet of the Brightest Heavens) Possessor may treat Holy One as a base subtype
Basic Prophet of the Brightest Heavens Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Prophet of the Brightest Heavens) Possessor's Holy One pets and summons gain +1,000 HP, +1,000 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +100 to all stats
Basic Vehicle User- (Passive Ability, Driver)- All Vehicle transformations equipped by possessor gain +25 to all stats, +100 damage to all damaging attacks, +500 HP, +250 MP, and have attacks that cost 5 less MP to a minimum of 0
Chimney-Creating Art- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Large Structures below Level 60 gain -40% Resilience against possessor
Evergarden Food Preservation Techniques- (Passive Ability, Chef) Effects attached to Zones that come from sources below Level 60 cannot destroy Food consumables equipped by possessor
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Desert Corsair Warship- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Desert Corsair Warship' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Mirage Dragon Czar- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Mirage Dragon Czar' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Orihalcum Submersible- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Orihalcum Submersible' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has a Basic Permit to Battle The Benjamins- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'The Benjamins' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Lay Dragon Eggs- (Passive Ability, Dragon Lord) Possessor's 'Lay Eggs' ability may summon Dragons
Lay Fish Eggs- (Passive Ability, Seakeeper) Possessor's 'Lay Eggs' ability may summon Aquatics
Lay Reptile Eggs- (Passive Ability, Other: Herpetologist) Possessor's 'Lay Eggs' ability may summon Reptiles
Negaself Slayer- (Passive Ability, Warrior) Possessor may not be replicated by individuals below Level 60 without possessor's permission
Samurai Santa- (Passive Ability, Kensei) Sword Arts spells cast by possessor may gain '1 hit against every individual in caster's battlespace' if they already target at least one non-caster individual and caster is Level 40 or greater and/or is a Santa
Sensei Dracula's First Lesson- (Passive Ability, Monk) +5,000 Melee Attack if no weapons are equipped, +350 STR, CON, and MIN if no weapons are equipped, Possessor's Melee Attacks have a 5% chance of inflicting Impaired if no weapons are equipped
Ultra-Strength- (Passive Ability, Superhero) +20,000 STR, +10,000 HP, If possessor's Strength stat is being checked as part of an effect that would allow possessor to shift a target's row, possessor's Strength for said row-shift-allowance-checking is considered to be doubled (to a max of 2,000,000 additional points)
Warded Core Essence- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor gains +30,000 Defense, Possessor gains +5,000 CON, Possessor gains +5,000 MIN, Possessor gains +100,000 HP, Possessor's Defense may not be pierced by sources below Level 20, Individuals below Level 20 may not inflict negative status effects on possessor

Extremely Noisy Ledger that Constantly Reports the Emotional State of Everyone on the Planet- (Weapon, Other: Clipboard, Life & Psychic & Hope & Darkness & Air & Sonic, 210,000,000 Gold) +210,000 Magical Attack, +210,000 SPI, Wielder scans the stats of every individual in wielder's battlespace at the start of every round, Wielder's 'Magical Attack' and 'Overdrive' actions gain a 200% chance of inflicting any status effect out of a list containing Confusion, Charm, Invigorated, and their sub-status effects that any individual in wielder's battlespace is afflicted with, Wielder has a 200% chance of being afflicted with each status effect out of a list containing Confusion, Charm, Invigorated, and their sub-status effects that any individual in wielder's battlespace is afflicted with at the start of each round, At the start of each round, wielder announces what individuals in its battlspace are afflicted with each status effect out of a list containing Confusion, Charm, Invigorated, and their sub-status effects, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Deathrift-Ripper- (Weapon, Scythe, Darkness & Spatial, 210,000,000 Gold) +210,000 Melee Attack, +210,000 STR, +210,000 CON, +210,000 SPI, Wielder's 'Melee Attack' actions may summon up to 50 Devils, Undead, or Darkspawn that are below Level 80 and normally fightable for drops, max 200 summoned, Wielder's 'Melee Overdrive' actions may summon up to 1 Undead that is below Level 85 and normally fightable for drops, max 1 summoned, Wielder may, up to twice per thread, spend an action to resurrect an entity that was killed by a source below Level 90 that is not 10 or more Levels greater than wielder, giving said entity a buff that makes its possessor gain the subtype Undead upon said resurrection, Wielder's Undead summons gain +21,000 to all stats as a non-stacking effect, Wielder may spend an action to create a Zone of Darkness & Spatial, Wielder is Immune to sources below Level 20, Wielder must be Level 56 or greater
Demonically Possessed Karaoke Machine- (Weaponx0, Instrument, Darkness & Technology, 4,115,000 Gold) +5,000 Melee Attack, +6,000 Ranged Attack, +5,000 Magical Attack, +4,500 to all stats, +7,000 MP, if wielder is below Level 50 and does not have the ability Demonologist, then wielder performs, at the beginning of every round, a Melee Attack, a Ranged Attack, and then a Magical Attack on wielder, these three attacks cannot Heal or inflict any positive effects, This item provides an additional +5,000 Ranged Attack and +5,000 Magical Attack if its wielder has the ability Bard, This item provides an additional +5,500 AGI if its wielder has the ability Dancer, This item cannot be equipped with any other Weaponx0
w/ Crimson Nova- This wielder's attacks may gain '1 hit against 60,000' and gain the elements Fire and Magic, This item's wielder gains +30,000 to all stats, this item provides +30,000 additional Melee Attack, +30,000 additional Ranged Attack, and +30,000 additional Magical Attack, Enchantment

Armor of the Gold Leaf Throne's Knight- (Armor, Heavy Armor, Glory & Wealth, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Defense, +40,000 Defense against Stat Damage, +400,000 CON, Wielder's Defense may not be pierced by individuals below Level 60 who are below wielder's Level, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Demilich Eyes- (Accessory, Eyewear, Darkness & Magic, 150,000,000 Gold) Twice per battle, before one of wielder's actions, wielder may choose to inflict Instant Death on a target below wielder's Level that is below Level 80, with said effect not stacking across multiple copies of this item and individuals below Level 80 being unable to resurrect individuals killed by said effect, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

World-Traveler's Wings- (Accessory, Cloak, Light & Darkness & Fate & Time & Spatial & Astral, 130,000,000 Gold) +130,000 AGI, +130,000 SPI, +130,000 Defense against Astral, +60,000 to wearer's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes as a non-stacking bonus that does not stack with other bonuses from items whose name includes 'Wings', 30% Darkness Resistance, 30% Time Resistance, 30% Ice Resistance, 30% Astral Resistance, 30% Spatial Resistance, 30% Light Resistance, 30% Air Resistance, 50% Frozen Resistance, 50% Suffocation Resistance, 50% Voidstruck Resistance, Effects attached to Zones by sources below Level 80 cannot inflict Frozen, Suffocation, Voidstruck, Awestruck, or Fatigued on wearer, Wearer must be Level 40 or greater, Wearer gains the ability to travel through space at generally-useful speeds as an RP power
w/ Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment

Doom Juggernaut Frame- (Accessory, Bioaugmentation, Darkness & War & Ice & Physical, 75,000,000 Gold) +75,000 Defense, +750,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +75,000 STR, +75,000 CON, Wielder may, up to 5 times per round, redirect attacks from sources below Level 80 to itself, with all hits that could not target wielder vanishing instead of failing to be redirected, 130% Resilience, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
2 Reaper's Hourglass- (Accessory, Trinket, Darkness & Fate, 94,242,564 Gold) +90,000 Magical Attack, 30% Darkness Resistance, 30% Time Resistance, 30% Fate Resistnace, 30% inflicts Instant Death, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Craft Drainpetal Brew- (Spell, Alchemy, Earth & Darkness & Water, 700 MP, 2,100,000 Gold) +2,000 Magical Attack, deals 1,000 CON Damage, 100% inflicts Stat Drain: CON Drain
Devil Arcana- (Spell, Arcanist Magic, Darkness & Fire, 150,000 MP, 150,000,000 Gold) +150,000 Magical Attack, 100% inflicts Voidstruck, 100% inflicts Burning, target obtains -5,000 to all stats as a non-stacking debuff, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Expert Alchemist's Eternal Poison- (Spell, Alchemy, Acid & Darkness & Magic, 136,000 MP, 22,500,000 Gold) +22,500 Magical Attack, 100% Inflicts any one minor negative status effect, This action's target deals 225,000 Flat Acid & Darkness & Magic element Damage and has a 100% chance of being afflicted with any one minor negative status effect at the start of every round, Does not stack, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
Ghastly Blastwave- (Spell, Other: War Magic, War & Darkness, 350,000 MP, 35,000,000 Gold) +15,000 Magical Attack, 120% inflicts Fatigued: Stun, 1 hit against 30,000, Caster may choose to unsummon any targets of an action or attack that involves the casting of this spell that are both below Level 60 and equal Level to or lower Level than caster, Caster may replace the corpse of any individual killed by an attack involving the casting of this spell with a summoned War element Undead that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List that is below Level 60 and equal Level to or lower Level than said killed individual
Death Spray- (Spell, Biomancy, Darkness & Acid, 15,500,000 Gold) +15,500 Ranged Attack, 60% inflicts Dissolving, 30% inflicts Instant Death on targets below Level 70, 1 hit against 15
Modified Stats wrote: Caelum "Cael" Aetherius (Aeromage)
Level 59
Spirit, Air
HP- 853,250
MP- 213,500
STR: 2,360 (Capped)
AGI: 9,160 (Capped)
CON: 4,130 (Capped)
MIN: 8,260 (Capped)
SPI: 17,290 (Capped) (Turn-Order Purposes: 77,290)


130% Resilience

Defence- 16,520

Defense cannot be pierced by entities below Level 60

+40,370 Defense against Stat Damage
+130,000 Defense against Astral

30% Darkness, Time, Fate, Ice, Astral, Spatial, Light, Air Resistance

Immune to Minor Status Effects from sources below Level 80
90% Stat Drain Resistance
50% Suffocation and Voidstruck Resistance


100% To Hit

Melee Attack- 7,080
Magical Attack- 138,320
Ranged Attack- 9,160

30% inflicts Instant Death

80% inflicts Pain

Wielder's 'Magical Attack' and 'Overdrive' actions gain a 200% chance of inflicting any status effect out of a list containing Confusion, Charm, Invigorated, and their sub-status effects that any individual in wielder's battlespace is afflicted with


Regenerates 18,000,000 HP and MP


May choose to inflict Instant Death on a target below wielder's Level that is below Level 80, twice per battle


May, up to 5 times per round, redirect attacks from sources below Level 80 to itself, with all hits that could not target wielder vanishing instead of failing to be redirected

Caelum Aetherius (Time Cloned Spirit Binder) (Aeromage)
Human, Life
Level 59
HP- 8,375
MP- 32,225
STR: 296 (5)
AGI: 413 (7)
CON: 335 (5)
MIN: 1,289 (21)
SPI: 1,846 (23)

Melee Attack
Magical Attack
Ranged Attack
Elemental Attack
Guard Back Rank
Use an Item
Cast a Spell
Switch Rows
Fortify Body

Ablative Self-Screen- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Up to 20 times per thread when possessor would acquire a debuff that reduces possessor's stats, possessor may choose for that instance of the debuff to reduce the amount it reduces each of possessor's by by 500, to a minimum of 0
Apprentice Protection Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) All Protection Magic spells that increase Defense gain an +150 additional Defense increase that does not stack between multiple castings of the same spell and do not stack across more than 5 different spells, All Protection Magic spells that increase Stat Defense gain an +30 additional Stat Defense against the same stat increase that does not stack between multiple castings of the same spell and do not stack across more than 5 different spells, and all Protection Magic spells cost 200 less MP
Basic Defensive Arts Training- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) +20 Defense
Basic Defensive Magic Amplification Training- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) All Spell-caused buffs on possessor that raise Defense raise it by 10 more points
Basic Forcefield Creation- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Possessor gains +100 Defense if possessor has any Abjuration spells equipped
Basic Magical Trap Resistance- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Possessor takes 500 less damage from Traps and has a 5% higher chance of disarming them
Basic Protection Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) All Protection Magic spells gain +10 Defense and cost 10 less MP
Essence of the Wholly Defensive Wall- (Stance Ability, Abjurer) +50 Defense per level, you may not take any offensive action
Warded Skin- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) +200 Defense

Apprentice Alchemy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) All Alchemy spells possessor casts cost 500 less Gold and 500 less XP
Basic Alchemy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) All Alchemy spells cost 10 less Gold and 10 less XP
Infuse Acid- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Acid in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Acid element damage.
Infuse Air- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Air in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Air element damage.
Infuse Earth- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Earth in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Earth element damage.
Infuse Electrical- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Electrical in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Electrical element damage.
Infuse Fire- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Fire in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Fire element damage.
Infuse Ice- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Ice in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Ice element damage.
Infuse Magic- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Magic in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Magic element damage.
Infuse Water- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Water in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Water element damage.

-Analyst of the Absolute-
Apprentice Truth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Truth element item equipped, Possessor's Truth element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Quantities of Truth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Acceleration Within Truth's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Truth
Basic Truth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Truth element
Basic Weaponization of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Quantities of Truth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Truth
Control of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Truth element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Truth element targets
Improved Weaponization of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Quantities of Truth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Truth Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Truth element: Create a Zone of Truth, Remove a Zone of Truth created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Truth by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Truth to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Truth element on a Truth element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Truth, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Truth, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Truth element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Truth to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Truth, 5% Truth Resistance, or +50 Defense against Truth and 1% Truth Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

-Arcane Vizier-
Apprentice Magic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Magic element item equipped, Possessor's Magic element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Magic's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Magic
Basic Command of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor's Magic element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Magic
Basic Magic Resistance- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains 1% Magic Resistance
Basic Magic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Magic element
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Magic
Control of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Magic element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Magic element targets
Magic Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Magic element: Create a Zone of Magic, Remove a Zone of Magic created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Magic by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Magic to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Magic element on a Magic element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Magic, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Magic, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Magic element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Magic to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Magic, 5% Magic Resistance, or +50 Defense against Magic and 1% Magic Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Apprentice Tool Training- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor gains +50 Melee Attack if possessor has a Tool equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has a Tool equipped
Architect- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor gains +(500 + 10 * Possessor Level) Melee Attack and +(100 + 10 * Possessor Level) to all stats when possessor has a Tool equipped
Basic Drill Training- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor gains +7 Melee Attack if possessor has a Drill equipped, Possessor counts Tool weapons with 'Drill' in their name as Drill weapons, Possessor counts Drill weapons as Tool weapons with 'Drill' in their name
Combat Drill-Wielding- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor gains +200 Melee Attack if possessor has a Tool with 'Drill' in its name equipped, Possessor's attacks Pierce 150 Defense if possessor has a Tool with 'Drill' in its name equipped
Drill Usage- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor gains +20 Melee Attack if possessor has a Tool with 'Drill' in its name equipped, Possessor's attacks Pierce 20 Defense if possessor has a Tool with 'Drill' in its name equipped
Improved Painful Implementation- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor's 'Painful Implementation' technique has its chance of inflicting Pain increased to 30%
Lifepulse Implementation- (Technique Ability, Architect) Possessor may use 'Lifepulse Implementation' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Tool equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack and becomes solely Life element, and gains ‘15% inflicts Awestruck: Lifeforce Overload’.
Living Implementation- (Technique Ability, Architect) Possessor may use 'Lifepulse Implementation' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Tool equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Life element.
Make Bricks- (Passive Ability, Architect) All Property items owned by possessor are worth 5,000 more Gold (if already worth at least 20,000) for Guild purposes
Painful Implementation- (Technique Ability, Architect) Possessor may use 'Painful Implementation' in conjunction with a ‘Melee Attack’ action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Tool equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Pain.

Apprentice Artifice Attunement- (Passive Ability, Artificer) All Artifice spells cost possessor 250 less MP, XP, and Gold to cast
Artifice Casting I- (Passive Ability, Artificer) Artifice spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Artifice Casting II- (Passive Ability, Artificer) Artifice spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Artificer's Magic Item Creation Discovery: Constitution Enhancing- (Passive Ability, Artificer) When possessor creates a Magic Item Accessory through an Artifice spell or Artificer ability, possessor may pay 2,000 Gold and 200 XP and give it the 'Artificer's Design' Enhancement 'Constitution Enhancement'
Artificer's Magic Item Creation Discovery: Mind Enhancing- (Passive Ability, Artificer) When possessor creates a Magic Item Accessory through an Artifice spell or Artificer ability, possessor may pay 2,000 Gold and 200 XP and give it the 'Artificer's Design' Enhancement 'Mind Enhancement'
Artificer's Magic Item Creation Discovery: Spirit Enhancing- (Passive Ability, Artificer) When possessor creates a Magic Item Accessory through an Artifice spell or Artificer ability, possessor may pay 2,000 Gold and 200 XP and give it the 'Artificer's Design' Enhancement 'Spirit Enhancement'
Basic Artifice Attunement- (Passive Ability, Artificer) All Artifice spells cost possessor 10 less MP, XP, and Gold to cast
Build Artificer's Doodad- (Active Ability, Artificer) Possessor may spend an action, 500 Gold, and 50 XP to create either a Technology-element Gadget Accessory or Magic-element Magic Item Accessory named '<Possessor's Name>'s Artificer's Doodad' with a Gold value of 500 and the text 'Possessor obtains +5 to all stats'
Build Artificer's Gizmo- (Active Ability, Artificer) Possessor may spend an action, 500 Gold, and 50 XP to create either a Technology-element Invention Consumable or Magic-element Enchanted Item Consumable named '<Possessor's Name>'s Artificer's Gizmo' with a Gold value of 500, 1 Charge, and the text 'Target may obtain +5 or -5 to any one stat as an effect that stacks 5 times'
Sturdy Crafting- (Passive Ability, Artificer) Items possessed, equipped, or created by possessor cannot be destroyed by Level 1 individuals

Apprentice Astral Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) All Astral Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +250 additional Magical Attack, All Astral Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Astral Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Astral Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Astral Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Astral Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Attuned to Constellations- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while possessor has at least 1 Empowered Constellation set
Basic Astral Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) All Astral Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Beneath an Astral Sign- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Posessor may, at the beginning of battle, choose to cast a spell that only produces the effect of setting a single Empowered Constellation, if possessor does so, possessor may not voluntarily set any Empowered Constellations besides said Empowered Constellation
Beneath Favorable Stars- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Possessor gains +5% To Hit, +5% Critical, +5% Dodge, and +5% Resilieince that may not be used to raise said abilities above 50%, while possessor is in a Chronogeomantic Zone of Night and has at least 1 Empowered Constellation Set
Draws Power from the Sky of Night- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats and gains 2,000 MP that may only be used to cast Astral Magic spells while possessor is in a Chronogeomantic Zone of Night and has at least 1 Empowered Constellation Set
Lesser Constellation Power Boost- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Non-stacking stat-point increases (including passively-applied ones) coming from possessor's Empowered Constellations are increased by 20 points as a non-stacking effect
Star Charter- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Posessor gains +20 MIN while in a Zone of Darkness, a Zone of Light, or a Zone of Astral Magic or while possessor has at least one Empowered Constellation set

Accustomed to Being On Stage- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor gains +20 to all stats if at least 20 other individuals are in the same battle as possessor
Actor- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor gains +50 Defense on rounds during which possessor has replicated the ability of an entity on the Enemy List
Apprentice Bardic Music Attunement- (Passive Ability, Bard) Buffs, debuffs, and reperting effects from Bardic Music spells cast by possessor last 1 additional round if they already last at least 2 rounds and cost 500 less MP
Basic Bardic Music Attunement- (Passive Ability, Bard) Buffs, debuffs, and reperting effects from Bardic Music spells cast by possessor last 1 additional round if they already last at least 2 rounds and cost 10 less MP
Bardic Music Casting I- (Passive Ability, Bard) Bardic Music spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Bard- (Passive Ability, Bard) Buffs, debuffs, and reperting effects from Bardic Music spells cast by possessor last (Possessor Level / 2, rounded down) additional rounds if they already last at least 2 rounds, Bardic Music spells cost possessor (50 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Basic Sound Amplification- (Passive Ability, Bard) Bardic Music spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus have said bonus raised by +45 Magical Attack.
Creative- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor gains +100 unmodified MIN and +100 unmodified SPI
Good at Tuning Instruments- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor's Instrument weapons have any Magical Attack bonus they possess increased by 100 points while they are wielded by possessor and any stat bonus they provide to their wielder that is not part of a conditional increased by 100 points
Loud Singing Voice- (Passive Ability, Bard) Bardic Music spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus have said bonus raised by +50 Magical Attack.
Regularly Practices Singing- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor gains +80 SPI for purposes of possessor's actions that involve Bardic Music spells, Possessor's Bardic Music spells cost possessor 300 less MP to cast
Rev Up Crowd- (Technique Ability, Bard) Possessor may use Rev Up Crowd in conjunction with a Magical Attack action, so long as no other technique is being used and a Bardic Music spell is being cast as part of said attack. Possessor's allies gain +40 to all stats as a buff that stacks 5 times and lasts 20 rounds when said technique is used, with this effect not being counted as part of the Bardic Music spell.
Storyteller- (Passive Ability, Bard) +250 MIN, Possessor's buffs that increase stats do so by an additional 30 points, to a max of 300 additional points across all stackings on any individual
Weaponized Voice- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor may, at the beginning of a thread, choose to count as having an additional Instrument weapon equipped

Animal Researcher- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor counts as being 2 Levels higher for stat-scanning purposes against Animals, to a max of Level 40, Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +200 to all stats if possessor has scanned the stats of at least 15 different Animals in this thread successfully
Animal Training I- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Animal Training II- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Animal Traits- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor gains +1 to all stats so long as possessor is a Animal
Apprentice Beastmaster Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Beastmaster Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Form of Ox- (Stance Ability, Beastmaster) If possessor is an Animal, possessor gains +100 STR, +100 CON, and +5,000 HP
Formshift: Animal- (Stance Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's subtype becomes Animal
♢Incredulous Yak's Steely, Uncompromising Glare- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) If possessor is an Animal, possessor's opponents' actions have a (Possessor's Level - Action's Source' Level)% chance of being cancelled if their sources are in the same battlespace as possessor
Liberator of Ensnared Beings- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor may claim Metaphysical Snares
♢Lordmaster of Yaks- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) If possessor is an Animal, possessor gains 1 Base CON and 1 Base MIN, If possessor is an Animal, possessor's Animal pets and summons gain Charm Immunity, If possessor is an Animal, possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +(50 * possessor Level) to all stats and an additional +(50 * possessor Level) to all stats if their name includes 'Yak'

Apprentice Binder Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Binder) Possessor's Spirit pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Assumption of the Essence of the Spirit- (Passive Ability, Binder) Possessor may, at the beginning of a thread, choose to become the subtype Spirit
Basic Binder Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Binder) Possessor's Spirit pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Formshift: Spirit- (Stance Ability, Binder) Possessor's subtype becomes Spirit
Guider of Spirits- (Passive Ability, Binder) Possessor's Spirit allies gain +25 AGI and 4% Dodge, Possessor may skip an action to change the row an allied Spirit is in
Self-Based Spirit Magic Channeling- (Passive Ability, Binder) Possessor's Spirit Magic spells cost 200 less MP, Possessor's Spirit Magic spells with a Magical Attack bonus gain +40 to said bonus, and Possessor's Spirit Magic summons have a 5% less chance of being uncontrolled, This ability only functions while possessor is a Spirit
Spirit Traits- (Passive Ability, Binder) Possessor gains Diseased Immunity so long as possessor is a Spirit

-Blazing Sultan-
Apprentice Fire Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Fire element item equipped, Possessor's Fire element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Fire's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Fire
Basic Command of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor's Fire element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Fire
Basic Fire Resistance- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains 1% Fire Resistance
Basic Fire Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Fire element
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Fire
Control of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Fire element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Fire element targets
Fire Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Fire element: Create a Zone of Fire, Remove a Zone of Fire created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Fire by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Fire to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Fire element on a Fire element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Fire, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Fire, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Fire element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Fire to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Fire, 5% Fire Resistance, or +50 Defense against Fire and 1% Fire Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Acquired Resistance to Outright Bizarreness- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains Confusion Immunity against sources below Level 60
Aldriel's Blessing- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor is immune to Fatigued: Sleep
Temporal Assassin- (Passive Ability, Gentleman Assassin) Possessor deals 60,000 additional Damage to individuals who count the current round's number as a different number than possessor does
Blessed with Djorgammon's Fortitude- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains +5,000 HP, +120 Defense against Stat Damage, and 15% Resilience
Murlakro's Blessing- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains +5,000 Max MP and +50 Uncapped MIN
Mystic Power of the Patterned Lizard- (Passive / Active Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains 13% Dodge while in a Zone of Earth or Water, possessor gains +60 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth or Water, Possessor takes 2,500 less damage from traps that are solely Earth or solely Water or only Earth and Water element, Possessor's sell cap for Earth and / or Water element Antiquities increases by 1,000 Gold, Possessor may, up to three times per random quest or per excursion into an encounter area, reroll any encounter that consists solely of Earth and / or Water element Animals and / or Reptiles, Possessor may, once per thread, use an action to summon one Animal or Repile of lower level than possessor that is normally combattable on the enemy list that is neither Elite nor a Boss.
Seirudiel's Grace- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains 15% Dodge, +300 AGI, and has a 30% chance of inflicting Charm on any individual whose action was Dodged by possessor

Apprentice Botanist Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Botanist Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Herb Lore- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor’s Medicine consumables that heal HP heal an additional 40 points.
Knowledge of Forest Plants- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +50 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Forest
Knowledge of Jungle Plants- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +50 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Jungle
Knowledge of Marsh Plants- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +50 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Marsh
Plant Researcher- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor counts as being 2 Levels higher for stat-scanning purposes against Plants, to a max of Level 40, Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +200 to all stats if possessor has scanned the stats of at least 15 different Plants in this thread successfully
Researched Methods to Prevent the Exploitation of Plant Weaknesses- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons count as having no weaknesses to individuals below Level 20

-Card Mystic-
Apprentice Card Training- (Passive Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +50 Ranged Attack if possessor has a Card equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has a Card equipped
Basic Card Training- (Passive Ability, Card Mystic) This character gains +6 Magical Attack when a Card is equipped.
Card Mystic- (Passive Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack and +(50 * Possessor Level) Ranged Attack if possessor has a Card equipped, Possessor gains +(25 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has a Card equipped
Dud Deal- (Technique Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor may use 'Dud Deal' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' or 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Card Mystic equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Magical Attack and -1,000 Ranged Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Enchanted Deal- (Technique Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor may use 'Enchanted Deal' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Card equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Magic element.
Flame Deal- (Technique Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor may use 'Flame Deal' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Card equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Fire element.
Hexing Deal- (Technique Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor may use 'Hexing Deal' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Card equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed.
Impairing Deal- (Technique Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor may use 'Impairing Deal' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Card equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Impaired.
Painful Deal- (Technique Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor may use 'Painful Deal' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Card equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Pain.
Stone Deal- (Technique Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor may use 'Stone Deal' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Card equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Earth element.
Wind Deal- (Technique Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor may use 'Wind Deal' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Card equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Air element.

Apprentice Channeling Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer HP or MP may transfer an additional 5,000 points of each that they can already transfer; all Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer stats may transfer an additional 500 points of each that they can already transfer
Basic Chain Casting Attunement- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor and an ally with at least one spell equipped and this ability may both use their 1 turn to cast a spell using their combined stats, which costs them both double normal MP, any effects of the spell may be tied to either caster
Basic Channeling Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells can transfer 50 more HP or MP
Basic Element Channeling- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Spells that include one of possessor's elements cost possessor 30 less MP to cast
Basic Linkup Mastery- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor gains +800 HP, +800 MP, and +80 to all stats if possessor's HP, possessor's MP, or any of possessor's stats is linked to another individual's
Basic Syphoning- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever possessor deals HP Drain or MP Drain, said quantity is increased by 50 points
Basic Transfer Mastery- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever possessor transfers HP or MP from on source to another, possessor may transfer an additional 200 points
Channeled Spell- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor may use 'Channeled Spell' in conjunction with a 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used. Possessor may choose a willing ally and may cast up to one spell said ally has equipped as though possessor had said spell equipped as part of said action, with said spell only being able to be cast at points during said action when possessor could have cast said spell if possessor had said spell equipped, with said spell costing possessor double its natural MP cost to cast before other modifiers are accounted for.
Channeler- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer HP or MP may transfer an additional (2,000 x Possessor Level) points of each that they can already transfer; all Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer stats may transfer an additional (100 x Possessor Level) points of each that they can already transfer
Improved Chain Casting Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Spells possessor casts through 'Basic Chain Casting Attunement' cost possessor 500 less MP to cast
Improved Linkup Mastery- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor gains +1,000 HP, +1,000 MP, and +100 to all stats if possessor's HP, possessor's MP, or any of possessor's stats is linked to another individual's
Offensively Channel Spells- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor may use 'Channeled Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is used.

Apprentice Chef Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Food or Drink equipped, Possessor's Food and Drink consumables that heal HP or MP heal 5,000 more points of each type that they already heal
Basic Chef Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Chef) Character gains +5 to all stats for each Food or Drink equipped, Foods and Drinks that heal HP or MP heal 50 more of each that they already heal
Bussboy- (Passive Ability, Chef) Whenever one of possessor's allies uses a charge from a Food or Drink consumable, possessor may, up to once per round, if said ally is willing, unequip said item from said individual and begin carrying said item
Candy Maker's Apprentice- (Passive Ability, Chef) Food consumables used by possessor that heal HP heal an additional 200 points, Food consumables used by possessor that increase AGI or SPI increase it by an additional 10 points per charge as an effect that stacks 50 times across all consumable applications on said target
Delicious Cooking- (Passive Ability, Chef) Food consumables used by possessor that buff any stat do so by an additional 30 points per charge as an effect that stacks 20 times per target across all consumable applications on said target
Food Taster- (Passive Ability, Chef) Any Food consumable worth below 500,000 Gold that is used on one of possessor's allies that has been used earlier in a thread on possessor has a 50% chance of being unable to generate negative effects for said target or affect said target in a negative manner
Has Attended Omni Cook-o-Tron Training Course- (Passive Ability, Chef) This character may substitute Omni Cook-o-Trons for Ovens and Stoves, Cooking Implements, Frypans, Woks, Kettles, Refrigerators, Drink Bars, Cutting Boards, Blenders, Basters, Knives, Mixers, Bowls, Grills, Flavor Injectors, Toasters, Waffle Irons, and Juicers when utilizing Secret Formulas
Waitress- (Passive Ability, Chef) At the start of each round or whenever one of possessor's allies uses a charge from a Food or Drink consumable, possessor may, up to once per round, if said ally is willing, equip a Food or Drink consumable that possessor is carrying onto said ally

-Chronicler of Eternity-
Apprentice Chronicler of Eternity Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Chronicler of Eternity) Possessor's Immortal pets and summons gain +5,000 HP, +5,000 MP, +1,000 to damage dealt, and +500 to all stats
Base Immortal Synchronicity- (Passive Ability, Chronicler of Eternity) Possessor may treat Immortal as a base subtype
Basic Chronicler of Eternity Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Chronicler of Eternity) Possessor's Immortal pets and summons gain +1,000 HP, +1,000 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +100 to all stats
Basic Immortal Loyalty Instruction- (Passive Ability, Chronicler of Eternity) Possessor's Immortal pets and summons gain 20% Charm Resistance
Chronicler of Eternity- (Passive Ability, Chronicler of Eternity) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Immortal pet only, This ability provides +500 HP and +100 to all stats of possessor's Immortal pets and summons per Level of possessor
Chronomancer- (Passive Ability, Other: Chronicler of Eternity) Possessor may select any stat, out of STR, AGI, CON, MIN, and SPI, to use for determining possessor's turn order and number of extra actions, Possessor may delay the effects of Chronomancy spells that have a built-in or selectable delay as part of the spell for either one more round or one less round, and possessor's Chronomancy spells cost 50 less MP per level possessor possesses
Defensive Immortal Instruction I- (Passive Ability, Chronicler of Eternity) Possessor's Immortal pets and summons gain +50 Defense
Defensive Immortal Instruction II- (Passive Ability, Chronicler of Eternity) Possessor's Immortal pets and summons gain +250 Defense
Immortal Instruction I- (Passive Ability, Chronicler of Eternity) Possessor's Immortal pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Immortal Instruction II- (Passive Ability, Chronicler of Eternity) Possessor's Immortal pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Immortal Loyalty Instruction- (Passive Ability, Chronicler of Eternity) Possessor's Immortal pets and summons gain 40% Charm Resistance
Offensive Immortal Instruction I- (Passive Ability, Chronicler of Eternity) Possessor's Immortal pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 50 points
Offensive Immortal Instruction II- (Passive Ability, Chronicler of Eternity) Possessor's Immortal pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 500 points

'Follow Me!' Stance- (Stance Ability, Commander) Whenever possessor performs a 'Switch Rows' action while in this stance, each of possessor's allies may move to the row that possessor entered if it is either the front row of the back row
Apprentice Leadership Attunement- (Passive Ability, Commander) All Leadership spells cast by possessor affect one more target if they already affect multiple targets, and all Leadership spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast
Basic Leadership Attunment- (Passive Ability, Commander) All Leadership spells cast by possessor affect one more target if they already affect multiple targets, and all Leadership spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Commander- (Passive Ability, Commander) All Leadership spells cast by possessor that place a buff or debuff on a given number of targets (Provided that said number is already 2 or greater) do so to an additional (Possessor Level / 5, rounded up) targets, and all Leadership spells cost possessor (Possessor Level * 50) less MP to cast
Commander's Hand- (Active Ability, Commander) Possessor may exchange one Accessory slot for an additional Pet slot provided that possessor keeps at least one empty Weapon slot
Director- (Passive Ability, Commander) Possessor's allies gain +100 MIN as a non-stacking effect
Focused Leadership Casting- (Passive Ability, Commander) Leadership spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of spell possessor has equipped is Leadership
Good at Keeping Allied Morale High- (Stance Ability, Commander) Possessor's allies gain 50% Confusion: Depression Resistance while possessor is not afflicted with Confusion: Depression
Hand Signal Expert- (Passive Ability, Commander) Possessor's Pets and Summons gain +50 to all stats for each Weapon slot possessor has open
Improved Morale-Boosting Command- (Stance Ability, Commander) Possessor's allies have a 5% chance at the start of every round of being afflicted with Invigorated: High Morale
Leadership Casting I- (Passive Ability, Commander) Leadership spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Leadership Casting II- (Passive Ability, Commander) Leadership spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Motivational Speaker- (Passive Ability, Commander) All allies gain +20 to all stats at the beginning of each thread, this bonus goes away as soon as an ally dies
Morale-Boosting Command- (Stance Ability, Commander) Possessor's summons have a 5% chance at the start of every round of being afflicted with Invigorated: High Morale

Bascaradine Soulsculpture-Variant Tsayyikproofing- (Passive Ability, Controller) Possessor may use SPI in place of SAN, INF, and RES and may choose to take SPI Damage instead of SAN Damage, INF Damage, or RES Damage

Apprentice Crafter Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Consumables (not including Permanent Consumables) possessor uses have a 4% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use, Consumables possessor uses that deal Flat HP Damage, Flat MP Damage, Flat HP Healing, or Flat MP Healing deal an additional 2,000 points
Artist- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Possessor's consumables that buff the stats of possessor's allies do so by an additional 20 points as an effect that stacks a max of 50 times across all effects
Basic Crafter Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Consumables (not including Permanent Consumables) possessor uses have a 1% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Basic Enchanted Item Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Enchanted Item Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Basic Medicine Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Medicine Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Basic Potion Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Potion Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Makeup Artist- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Disguises equipped by possessor and possessor's allies that provide a Defense or stat bonus provide an additional +5 points as an effect that does not stack across multiple instances of this ability and that does stack across 200 Disguises on the same wearer

Apprentice Dance Attunement- (Passive Ability, Dancer) All Dance spells cast by possessor with a duration that costs an MP upkeep to maintain last 1 round longer with no extra cost, and all Dance spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast
Basic Dance Attunement- (Passive Ability, Dancer) All Dance spells cast by possessor with a duration that costs an MP upkeep to maintain last 1 round longer with no extra cost, and all Dance spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Dancer- (Passive Ability, Dancer) All Dance spells cast by possessor with a per-round MP cost last (Possessor Level / 2, rounded up) rounds longer at no extra cost, All Dance spells cost possessor (50 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Fancy Dodging- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Up to 20 times per round, whenever possessor Dodges an attack, possessor may have a 20% chance of inflicting Charm: Impressed on any one target
Fast Footwork- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor gains +50 AGI and 10% Dodge
Good at Footwork- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor gains 5% Dodge
Good at Jumping- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor gains +50 AGI and 5% Dodge
Has Practiced Dancing with Partners- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor gains +50 AGI if possessor has any allies who possess Dancer abilities
Knowledge of Ballet- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor gains +25 AGI and +50 MIN
Sexy Dance Moves- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor may choose to add '5% inflicts Charm' to any action of possessor's that includes a Dance spell
Swift Dodging- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor gains +50 AGI and 15% Dodge

Apprentice Shield Training- (Passive Ability, Defender) This character gains +50 Defense and +500 HP when a Shield is equipped.
Basic Shield Deflection- (Passive Ability, Defender) Possessor has a 1% chance of optionally reflecting attacks from individuals level 5 or lower targeting possessor while possessor has a Shield equipped
Basic Shield Training- (Passive Ability, Defender) This character gains +6 Defense when a Shield is equipped.
Clock Block- (Technique Ability, Defender) Possessor may use Clock Block in conjunction with a Defend action, so long as no other technique is used and a Shield is equipped. The next offensive action targetting user from an opposing source that is below Level 20 is delayed for 1 round. This effect may not stack.
Host a Block Party- (Technique Ability, Defender) Possessor may use Host a Block Party in conjunction with a Defend action, so long as no other technique is used and a Shield is equipped. Up to 5 allies of user may immediate perform a Defend action provided that they have not already performed a Defend action this round. The benefits of all such Defend actions last until either the end of the round or until their performer performs another Defend action.
Iron Column- (Active Ability, Defender) This character may use Iron Column in conjunction with a Defend action, so long as no other technique is used and a Shield is equipped. This character gains +170 Defense added to the result of the Defend action.
Turtle's Shell- (Active Ability, Defender) This character may use Turtle Shell in conjunction with a Defend action, so long as no other technique is used and a Shield is equipped. This character gains +140 Defense added to the result of the Defend action, and has both a 15% Water resistance and a 15% Ranged Attack resistance for the duration of the Defend action's results.

Apprentice Clothing Mastery- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) Possessor gains +25 Defense and +25 to all stats if possessor has a Clothing equipped
Basic Clothing Mastery- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) All Clothes worn by possessor provide +5 additional Defense and +5 to all stats
Maid- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) Possessor may remove one debuff from a source below Level 10 from any one target at the start of each round
Polite- (Passive Ability, Diplomant) Possessor's actions may not be countered by individuals below Level 5
Sexy- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) Possessor's actions may gain 15% inflicts Charm
Snappy Dresser- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) +50 Defense for each Clothing equipped
Snazzy Dresser- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) +20 to all stats for each Clothing equipped

Apprentice Divining Attunement- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 1 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Auto-Translate- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +200 MIN if any individual of a different subtype is present, Translates to and from common languages (both orally and in written form) as an RP effect
Classical Basic Divining Attunement- (Passive Ability, Diviner) All Divining spells function as though caster were 1 level higher for stat-scanning purposes, this ability counts as 'Basic Divining Attunement' for prerequisite purposes
Basic Fortune Telling- (Passive Ability, Diviner) All Divning buffs that possessor inflicts that raise stats raise them by an additional 20 points
Danger Sense- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +50 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes on the first round of battle if in a Random Dungeon, Has RP effects
Diviner- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor ignores up to (Possessor Level) levels worth of level-doubling that bossess possess for purposes of resisting having their stats scanned
Diviner's Eyes- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that does not bypass 'Immune to below Level X' effects
Diviner's Skill- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 1 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Excellent at Counting Large Numbers of Things Quickly- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's actions that hit at least 100 targets may hit an additional target
Filter-Out Sensory Overstimulation- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 30% Confusion Resistance
Knowledge of Naughtiness and Niceness- (Passive Ability, Diviner) If possessor has scanned an individual's stats and said individual has not performed any offensive actions that targetted either possessor or possessor's allies during this thread, then possessor may increase any amount of HP Healing that possessor deals to said individual by 2,500 points; If possessor has scanned an individual's stats and said individual has performed one or more offensive actions that have targetted either possessor or possessor's allies during this thread, then possessor may increase any amount of HP Damage that possessor deals to said individual by 2,500 points
Limited Personal Precognition- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 2% Dodge
Predict Future with a Crystal Ball- (Active Ability, Diviner) Possessor may spend an action if possessor has an Orb equipped to scan a target's stats
Swift Sensory-Input Processing- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 110% To Hit

Accustomed to the Wild- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor gains +50 to all stats if in an Encounter Area
Apprentice Druid Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Druid) +250 Damage to all damage dealing Druid Magic spells, +50 to all stats of allied Plants and Animals, +25 to all stats of allied Aerials, Insects, Elementals, Spirits, and Aquatics, All Druid Magic spells cost 50 less MP
Attuned to the Environment- (Passive Ability, Druid) Whenever possessor is in a Zone of any base element or combination of base elements, possessor gains 1% Resistance to said element or elements
Basic Druid Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Druid) All Druid Magic spells cost 20 less MP
Basic Druid Weather Control- (Passive Ability, Druid) At the start of each round, possessor may attach an effect to a Zone of Air that does not stack on the same zone or across zones that adds the element Fire, Electrical, Ice, or Water to said zone's elements
Druid- (Passive Ability, Druid) Druid Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(50 * Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, Druid Magic spells cost possessor (50 + Possessor Level) less MP to cast, Possessor's Plant, Animal, Aerial, Insect, Cthonian, and Aquatic pets and summons gain +(50 * Possessor Level) to all stats as a non-stacking bonus
Forest's Shelter- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor is Immune to individuals below Level 20 if the terrain or phantom terrain is Forest
Friend of the Trees- (Passive Ability, Druid) All allied Plants gain +20 to all stats, Possessor's Charm-inflicting attacks have a +5% chance of inflicting Charm if used against Plants of a level lower than possessor
Influence Weather- (Active Ability, Druid) Possessor may spend an action to attach an effect to a Zone of Air that does not stack on the same zone or across zones that adds the element Fire, Electrical, Ice, or Water to said zone's elements
Inscribe Bark With Protective Magic- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +2,000 Defense as a non-stacking effect
Protector of the Land- (Active Ability, Druid) Possessor may choose, at the start of any of possessor's actions, to have any Zone effect or Phantom Terrain count as 5 levels higher for purposes of removal, this effect does not stack with any other active abilities that provide a similar bonus or itself
Understand Natural Disruptions- (Passive Ability, Druid) Possessor is given the full text of all effects present on Zones or Terrains (but not Phantom Terrains) that come from sources that are not 20 or more Levels above possessor that are not above Level 60

Aeromancer- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +500 Damage to all damage dealing Air element Elemental Magic spells, All Air element Elemental Magic spells cost 50 less MP, all Air element Elemental Magic summons gain +200 to all stats, Air element Elemental Magic spells that provide an AGI boost that only affect turn order boost it by 50 points further, Air element Elemental Magic spells that have a chance of inflicting Stun have a 5% greater chance
Apprentice Elemental Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) All Elemental Magic spells gain +250 Magical Attack and cost 50 less MP, all Elemental Magic summoned Elementals stay for 1 turn longer and have their stats increased by 50 each and the damage of their damage dealing attacks increased by 250
Aura of Air- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) 5% Air Resistance, 5% Dodge if an Air element Elemental Magic spell is equipped
Basic Elemental Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) All Elemental Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Caller of the Air Spirits- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Summoned Elemental Magic Air element Elementals gain +50 to all stats, +2% Critical, +2% Dodge, +2% Resilience, +2% to-Hit, and +100 Defense, their attacks that have a chance of inflicting Suffocation have a 1% higher chance, said summons cost 150 less MP to summon
Elementalist- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +500 Damage to all damage dealing Elemental Magic spells, All Elemental Magic spells cost 50 less MP
Envoy of Air- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Elements: Air
Envoy of Fall- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Seasons: Fall
Envoy of Spring- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Seasons: Spring
Envoy of Summer- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Seasons: Summer
Envoy of Winter- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Seasons: Winter
Float Upon the Levitating Wind- (Stance Ability, Elementalist) User must have at least 3 Air element Elemental Magic spells equipped, +100 Defense, +200 AGI
Hand of Blustering Wind- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +25 Melee Attack for each open weapon slot if an Air element elemental magic spell is equipped, melee attacks may be solely Air element if no weapon is equipped
Hand of Cloud- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +20 Magical Attack and +1% Dodge for each Air element Elemental Magic spell equipped to a max of 10 spells, possessor's melee attacks may, if at least one weapon slot is open, have a 1% chance of inflicting Suffocation
Hand of Open Sky- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Air element Elemental Magic spells that increase AGI increase it by 25 more points, +25 AGI if an Air element Elemental Magic spell is equipped
Heart of Air- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +10 Magical Attack for Air element Elemental Magic, 5% Air Resistance
Knowledge of Esoteric Elements- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor gains +100 MIN if possessor has any item equipped that is a nonbase element
Project Mini Tornados- (Active Ability, Elementalist) For each open weapon slot that is empty, possessor gains an additional action each turn that may only be used to make an attack that does a flat 200 Air element damage per user level that hits 4 targets that still has a chance of missing as though it was not a flat-damage attack so long as possessor has an Air element Elemental Magic spell equipped, +40 Magical Attack for Air element Elemental Magic spells
Purity of Air- (Active Ability, Elementalist) Magical attacks involving at least one Elemental Magic spells that is solely Air element may deal solely Air element damage, Air element Elemental Magic spells gain +50 Magical Attack and if they have a chance of providing positive status effect beneifits for allies have a 3% greater chance
Speak the Tongue of Skies- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Air element spells gain +5 Magical Attack

Apprentice Enchantment Attunement- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor 50 less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last 1 round longer if they already last over 1 round
Basic Enchantment Attunement- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor 10 less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last 1 round longer if they already last over 1 round
Infuse Spell Essence- (Active Ability, Enchanter) Possessor may spend an action to change the element of a Spell that is in possessor's possession to gain Magic in addition to its other elements, provided that said Spell is not any non-base element
Infuse Spell Essence: Acid- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Acid to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Air- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Air to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Double- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add two elements that they could otherwise singularly add to a Spell instead of one element
Infuse Spell Essence: Energy- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Energy to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Essence Replacement (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions replace the elements of the Spell they are targetting instead of merely adding new elements
Infuse Spell Essence: Light- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Light to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Triple- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add three elements that they could otherwise singularly add to a Spell instead of one element
Enchanter- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor (1,000 * Possessor Level) less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last (Possessor Level) rounds longer if they already last over 12 rounds
Enchanter (2)- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Enchantment spells cost possessor (50 + 30 * Possessor Level) less XP and MP to cast, Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack, All buffs and debuffs from Enchantment spells cast by possessor last (Possessor Level / 5) rounds longer if they possess a natural duration of 2 rounds or greater
Enchantment Casting I- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Enchantment spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Enchantment Casting II- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Enchantment spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Orb Enchanter- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's Enchantment spells that apply Enchantment enhancements to Orbs cost 200 XP less when applying said enhancements to Orbs

-Enigma Man-
Basic Mystery Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Enigma Man) Possessor gains +125 to all stats if possessor is Mystery element

-Flux Baron-
Apprentice Flux Baron Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor's Shapeshifter pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Flux Baron Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor's Shapeshifter pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Basic Fluxoid Armament Mastery- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) +25 to Melee, Magical, and Ranged Attack and Defense bonuses granted by equipped Fluxoids
Flux Claws- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) +50 Damage to possessor's Shapeshifter pet and summon Physical element attacks
Fluxoid Armament Mastery- (Active Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor may skip an action to use the ability of an equipped Fluxoid
Fluxoid Wielder- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) +20 to all Melee, Magical, and Ranged Attack and Defense bonuses provided by equipped Fluxoids, +15 to stat bonuses provided by equipped Fluxoids, +5 to stat damage granted by equipped Fluxoids
Giver of Flux Regeneration- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Pet and summoned Shapeshifters may skip a turn to heal 500 HP
Giver of Regenerative Metamorphosis- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Pet and summoned Shapeshifters regenerate 30 HP per round

A Bit More Fame in the Arena- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains Immunity to a chosen minor negative status effect at the start of each thread if possessor has at least 25 Fame
A Hint of Fame in the Arena- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +10 to all unmodified stats if possessor has at least 5 Fame
Acquaintances With 1,000 Elementalist Masters- (Passive Ability, Friendship) +200 to all stats while in battle on same side as The Stormkeeper, an individual with the ability Master Elementalist Attunement, or one of the monsters Master of Airs, Master of Earths, Master of Fires, Master of Waters, and Master Elementalist, Possessor may purchase Elementalist abilities from the Ability Shop for 100,000 Gold less
Crowd's Favor- (Passive Ability, Friendship) +5% XP after battles
Good Friend of Caelum "Cael" Aetherius- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if one of possessor's allies is named 'Caelum "Cael" Aetherius', Whenever possessor heals an individual named 'Caelum "Cael" Aetherius' possessor deals an additional 5,000 points of HP Healing or MP Healing, Possessor suffers -200 to all stats if one of possessor's opponents is named 'Caelum "Cael" Aetherius'
Good Friend of Lady Rosaline Fabrice- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if one of possessor's allies is named 'Lady Rosaline Fabrice', Whenever possessor heals an individual named 'Lady Rosaline Fabrice' possessor deals an additional 5,000 points of HP Healing or MP Healing, Possessor suffers -200 to all stats if one of possessor's opponents is named 'Lady Rosaline Fabrice'
Good Friend of the Leadership of Volatilis- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if one of possessor's allies is named 'The Floating Isle of Volatilis', Whenever possessor heals an individual named 'The Floating Isle of Volatilis' possessor deals an additional 5,000 points of HP Healing or MP Healing, Possessor suffers -200 to all stats if one of possessor's opponents is named 'The Floating Isle of Volatilis'
Tag-Team Connection with The Quartermaster- (Active Ability, Friendship) Spend an action in an RP thread to tag-out! Only works once!

-Genesis Architect-
Absorb Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor Absorbs Life against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Adept Life Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Amounts of Life element Damage possessor deals are increased by 10,000 points, Life element spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Possessor gains 5 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Life element Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Animal-Vitalizing Life Force- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor's Animal allies gain +5,000 HP
Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Whenever possessor obtains Life element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 1,000 points
Apprentice Command of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor's Life element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Apprentice Defenses Against Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Life
Apprentice Life Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor gains 5% Life Resistance
Apprentice Life Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Genesis Architect) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Life element item equipped, Possessor's Life element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor's Life element allies gain +100 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Quantities of Life element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Life
Basic Acceleration Within Life's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Life
Basic Affinity to Healing Via Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Whenever possessor obtains Life element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 500 points
Basic Command of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor's Life element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Life
Basic Life Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor gains 1% Life Resistance
Basic Life Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Life element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor's Life element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Weaponization of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Quantities of Life element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Life
Control of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Life element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Defenses that Utilize Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Life-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Detect Life- (Passive Ability, Genesis Architect) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Life element targets
Elemental Attack-Conversion: Life- (Technique Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Life' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is Life element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element Life.
Emanate Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Life element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Life element Damage to up to 10 targets
Filled with Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) If possessor is Life element, possessor is afflicted with Rejuvenation at the start of every round
First Genesis- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor may, at the start of each round, if possessor is Life element, summon one individual who is below Level 20 and is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 20 summoned
Font of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) If possessor is Life element, up to 30 of possessor's allies regenerate 5,000 HP at the start of each round
Genesis Architect- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Life Resistance, Possessor ignores Life Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Greater Weaponization of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Quantities of Life element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 25,000 points
Improved Affinity to Healing Via Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Whenever possessor obtains Life element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 5,000 points
Improved Command of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor's Life element pets and summons gain +1,000 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Improved Defenses Against Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Life
Improved Life Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor gains 10% Life Resistance
Improved Understanding of the Heart of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor's Life element allies gain +250 to all stats
Improved Weaponization of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Quantities of Life element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Improved Zonal Acclimation of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats while in a Zone of Life
Life Immunity- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor gains Life Immunity against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Life Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Life element: Create a Zone of Life, Remove a Zone of Life created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Life by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Life to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Life element on a Life element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Life, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Life, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Life element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Life to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Life, 5% Life Resistance, or +50 Defense against Life and 1% Life Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Meditative Assumption of Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Life element
Naturally Resistant to Death- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) If possessor is Life element, possessor gains 20% Instant Death Resistance against sources below Level 80
Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor may use the Technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Life' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action even if possessor is not Life element.
Nourish Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Whenever possessor deals HP or MP healing to an Life element individual, possessor deals 300 additional points
Nourished By Life- (Passive Ability, Genesis Architect) If possessor is Life element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Rejuvenation at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Life
Nullify Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor may remove the element Life from the actions of individuals below possessor's Level who are below Level 60, Possessor may prevent the actions of Life-element individuals below Level 40 who are below possessor's Level, Possessor may prevent the Life-element actions of individuals below Level 40 who are below possessor's Level, Possessor may remove the element Life from possessor's actions, Things that would occur before and after actions that are prevented by this ability still occur
Overflowing with Life- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) If possessor is Life element, up to 30 of possessor's allies are afflicted with Rejuvenation at the start of every round
Plant-Vitalizing Life Force- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor's Plant allies gain +5,000 HP
Second Genesis- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor may, at the start of each round, if possessor is Life element, summon one individual who is below Level 40 and is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 20 summoned
Soothing Life Emanation- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Life element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Life element HP Healing to up to 10 targets that are Life element
Through Life, Rebirth- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) If possessor is Life element, once per thread, when possessor dies to a source that is below Level 60 and is no more than 19 Levels greater than possessor, possessor is immediately resurrected, Possessor's side of battle does not count as losing if all its members are dead by standard victory conditions until after possessor's self resurrection chance is accounted for if no individual of Level 60 or greater is opposing possessor's side of battle, with this non-loss only applying if possessor is in battle and possessor's ability to check for self-ressurection has not been disabled, with said non-loss automatically deactivating if a round ends while it is in effect
Through Life, Regeneration- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) If possessor is Life element, possessor regenerates 5,000 HP at the start of every round
Vitalizing Life Force- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor's allies gain +5,000 HP
Vivfiying Zone Creation- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Whenever possessor creates a Zone, possessor may attach an effect to it that gives all of possessor's allies (including possessor) that are in said zone +10,000 HP, with said effect stacking 5 times across zones and not stacking on the same Zone

Adept Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Geomancy spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Geomancy spells cast by possessor that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Magical Attack, Possessor gains 10 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Geomancy Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Apprentice Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) All of possessor's Geomancy spells affect 1 additional target if they already affected multiple targets and cost 500 less MP if their element matches that of an item possessed by their caster or matches the element of possessor, Possessor gains +100 to all stats if possessor's element matches the element of a Square Mile of Terrain in the Shop that is associated with a Terrain or Phantom Terrain present
Attuned to Terrain: Battlefield - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Battlefield
Attuned to Terrain: Beach - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Beach
Attuned to Terrain: Boneyard- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Boneyard
Attuned to Terrain: Caverns - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Caverns
Attuned to Terrain: Cliffside - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Cliffside
Attuned to Terrain: Conifer Forest - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Conifer Forest
Attuned to Terrain: Dark Forest - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Dark Forest
Attuned to Terrain: Desert- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Desert
Attuned to Terrain: Forest - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Forest
Attuned to Terrain: Frozen Waste - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Frozen Waste
Attuned to Terrain: Graveyard - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Graveyard
Attuned to Terrain: Hills - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Hills
Attuned to Terrain: Jungle - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Jungle
Attuned to Terrain: Junkyard - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Junkyard
Attuned to Terrain: Lake - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Lake
Attuned to Terrain: Marsh - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Marsh
Attuned to Terrain: Meadow - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Meadow
Attuned to Terrain: Mountains- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Mountains
Attuned to Terrain: Ocean - (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Ocean
Basic Chronomantic Geomancy Skills- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor's spells that contain an effect that either creates a Zone or may create a Zone cost 20 less MP
Basic Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) All Geomancy spells affect 1 additional target if they already affected multiple targets and cost 10 less MP if their element matches that of an item possessed by their caster or their caster
Basic Zonal Linking- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +50 to all stats if possessor is in a Zone
Empowered by Night- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Chronogeomantic Zone of Night
Geomancer- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Geomancy spells cost possessor 500 less MP to cast, Geomancy spells cost possessor an additional (Possessor Level x 10) less MP to cast, Possessor gains +(10 x Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor's element matches the element of a Square Mile of Terrain in the Shop that is associated with a Terrain or Phantom Terrain present
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Battlefield- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Battlefield
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Beach- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Beach
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Boneyard- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Boneyard
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Caverns- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Caverns
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Cliffside- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Cliffside
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Conifer Forest- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Conifer Forest
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Dark Forest- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Dark Forest
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Desert- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Desert
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Forest- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Forest
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Frozen Waste- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Frozen Waste
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Graveyard- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Graveyard
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Hills- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Hills
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Jungle- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Jungle
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Junkyard- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Junkyard
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Lake- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Lake
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Marsh- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Marsh
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Meadow- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Meadow
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Mountains- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Mountains
Phantom Terrain Link Established: Ocean- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may begin the battle with the Phantom Terrain set to Ocean
Terrain Mastery- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Abilities from the Geomancer class whose name includes 'Phantom Terrain Link Established', 'Attuned to Terrain', and 'Improved Terrain Attunement' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1), 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0), and 3 fewer Square Mile items of each type required (that are worth under 500,000,000 Gold each, to a minimum of 0), to learn from ability shops.
Weatherman- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against damage sources attached to Zones
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Air- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Air at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Earth- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Earth at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Electrical at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Fire- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Fire at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present

Apprentice Heavy Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +50 Defense if possessor has a Heavy Armor equipped
Basic Heavy Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Guardian) All Heavy Armors worn by possessor provide +10 additional Defense
Bulwark Stance- (Stance Ability, Guaridan) User must be in front row and have a Heavy Armor equipped, there is a 5% chance that any hit from a damage or stat-damage dealing attack that would hit an ally in the back row instead hits user
Hard to Push Around- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +450 STR and +450 CON per 5 levels (rounded up) to a max of +12,000 STR and +12,000 CON for purposes of resisting attempts to forcibly change possessor's row
Heavy Armor Wearer I- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +5 to all stats when possessor has a Heavy Armor equipped
Heavy Armor Wearer II- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +25 to all stats when possessor has a Heavy Armor equipped, Possessor gains +50 Defense when possessor has a Heavy Armor equipped
Security of Iron- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains 15% Fear resistance while wearing Heavy Armor

Apprentice Healer Attunement- (Passive Ability, Healer) All Healer Magic Spells cost possessor and possessor's allies 20 less MP to cast
Apprentice Healer Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Healer) Healer Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast, Possessor's actions that Heal HP heal an additional 500 points
Basic Healer Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Healer) Healer Magic spells cast by possessor gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Bolster Defense- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Defense in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 Defense which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) Defense.
Bolster Health- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Health in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +200 Max HP which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) Max HP.
Bolster Magic- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Health in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +200 Max MP which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) Max MP.
Bolster Mind- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Mind in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 MIN which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) MIN.
Bolster Power- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Power in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 Magical Attack, +20 Melee Attack, or +20 Ranged Attack, which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) of each type of attack bonus.
Bolster Spirit- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Spirit in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 SPI which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) SPI.
Doctor- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's actions that heal may gain +200 Ranged, Melee or Magical Attack if they already possess such a bonus, Once per round after an enemy attacks one of possessor's allies, possessor may choose to have a 5% chance of countering said attack with a positive action targeting said ally and no other targets.
Greater Healing- (Passive Ability, Healer) Wehanever possessor would Heal HP, possessor Heals an additional 2,500 points
Healer- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's Healer Magic spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus gain +500 Magical Attack for purposes of non-offensive actions, Healer Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast, Possessor's Healer Magic spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus gain and additional +(50 x Possessor Level) Magical Attack for purposes of non-offensive actions, Healer Magic spells cost possessor an additional (10 x Possessor Level) less MP to cast,
Improved Healing- (Passive Ability, Healer) Whenever possessor would Heal HP, possessor heals an additional 500 points

Adept Illusion Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Illusion Magic spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Illusion Magic spells cast by possessor that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Magical Attack, Possessor gains 10 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Illusion Magic Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
♢And Illusion as the Firmament- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor's Illusion Magic summons may not be unsummoned by individuals who are not higher Level than possessor if either said individuals or possessor treat Illusion as a base element, Possessor may treat Zones of Illusion as Zones of Earth
Apprentice Illusion Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All of possessor's Illusion Magic summons have 500 more HP, 50 more of each stat, last 1 round longer if they last over 1 round already, and require 250 more of the relevant stats to dispel
Basic Illusion Duration-Extending- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor's Illusion Magic buffs, debuffs, and summons that already last at least 2 rounds last 1 additional round. Possessor's Illusionary Things last 1 additional round.
Basic Illusion Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All Illusion Magic summons have 200 more HP, 10 more of each stat, last 1 turn longer if they last over 1 turn already, and require 25 more of the relevant stats to dispel
Basic Illusory Reality Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Once per round per Illusory Thing, to a max of 200 times per round across all of possessor's Illusory Things, after one of possessor's actions completes, each of possessor's Illusory Things may replicate an an action performable by any entity on the Enemy List of Level 20 or Lower that is of equal Level to or lower Level than possessor that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List as though an instance of said entity were performing said action
Basic Self-Veiling- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor's stats cannot be scanned by individuals below Level 10
Basic Unreality Sculpting- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All of possessor's Illusion Magic summons have 1,000 more HP, 100 more of each stat, last 1 round longer if they last over 1 round already, and require 250 more of the relevant stats to dispel
Can Delude Self About Health Conditions- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor has a 50% chance per effect of suffering no negative effects from minor negative status effects from sources below Level 10
Can Make Things Up On the Fly- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +200 MIN while performing counters
Can Pretend to Be Knowledgeable and Multitalented- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor may choose to count as possessing one more ability in each class that possessor posssesses at least 1 ability in; This ability works for prerequisite purposes if it is permanently possessed by its possessor
Convincing Liar- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor counts as being 1 Level higher for purposes of resisting stat-scanning attempts, with said bonus not being able to overcome 'Immune to below Level X' effects
Create Ambulatory Illlusions- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Illusionary Things created by possessor may, if occupying a space in a row-order formation, move to the front row or back row of that row-order formation at the start of each round. Illusionary Things created by possessor gain +1,000 HP and the required MIN to destroy them is increased by 100 points.
Create Auditory Illusions- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Illusionary Things created by possessor have a 5% chance of cancelling the actions of possessor's opponents that are below Level 20, have under 500 MIN, and are not Immune to Confusion that triggers a max of once across all of possessor's Illusionary TThings per round per opponent. Illusionary Things created by possessor gain +500 HP and the required MIN to destroy them is increased by 100 points.
Create Convincing Illusions- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor's Illusionary Things' effects that have 'are not Immune to Confusion' as a conditional have said conditional replaced with 'are not Immune to Insanity'. Possessor's Illusionary Things have the Level required of an individual to perform an action to destroy them raised to 20 if under 20. Illusionary Things created by possessor gain +5,000 HP and the required MIN to destroy them is increased by 500 points.
Create Gustatory Illusions- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) HP Drain dealt to Illusionary Things created by possessor by possessor's opponents that are below Level 20, have under 500 MIN, and are not Immune to Confusion does not provide said individuals with HP. Illusionary Things created by possessor gain +500 HP and the required MIN to destroy them is increased by 100 points.
Create Illusion- (Active Ability, Illusionist) Possessor may spend an action to create an Illusonary Thing. Said Illusionary Thing has 500 HP, may be targetted with attacks, is destroyed if it reaches 0 HP, and may be destroyed if an individual with 200 or more MIN or an individual who is Level 5 or greater spends an action to do so. A max of 5 Illusionary Things may be created at once, and Illusionary Things created by possessor last 5 rounds.
Create Illusionary Companion- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +300 Defense and +100 MIN when possessor has at least one Illusionary Thing that possessor created present. Illusionary Things created by possessor gain +5,000 HP and the required MIN to destroy them is increased by 100 points.
Create Long-Lasting Illusions- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor's Illusion Magic buffs, debuffs, and summons that already last at least 2 rounds last 50 additional rounds. Possessor's Illusionary Things last 500 additional rounds.
Create Olfactory Illusions- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Illusionary Things created by possessor have a 5% chance of inflicting Confusion on each of possessor's opponents that are below Level 20, have under 500 MIN, and are not Immune to Confusion. Illusionary Things created by possessor gain +500 HP and the required MIN to destroy them is increased by 100 points.
Create Tactile Illusions- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Illusionary Things created by possessor may occupy spaces in possessor's row-order formation. Illusionary Things created by possessor gain +5,000 HP and the required MIN to destroy them is increased by 100 points.
Create Visual Illusions- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Illusionary Things created by possessor have a 5% chance of automatically being selected as targets for the attacks of possessor's opponents that are below Level 20, have under 500 MIN, and are not Immune to Confusion. Illusionary Things created by possessor gain +500 HP and the required MIN to destroy them is increased by 100 points.
Expert Illusion Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Illusion Magic spells cost possessor half their normal MP cost to cast, Possessor gains 20 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Illusion Magic Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Extend Illusion Duration- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor's Illusion Magic buffs, debuffs, and summons that already last at least 2 rounds last 5 additional rounds. Possessor's Illusionary Things last 5 additional rounds.
Fake Agility- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +250 AGI if possessor's stats have not been scanned yet during this thread by any opponent
Fake Constitution- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +250 CON if possessor's stats have not been scanned yet during this thread by any opponent
Fake Defense- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +250 Defense if possessor's stats have not been scanned yet during this thread by any opponent
Fake Mind- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +250 MIN if possessor's stats have not been scanned yet during this thread by any opponent
Fake Spirit- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +250 SPI if possessor's stats have not been scanned yet during this thread by any opponent
Fake Stat Defense- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +250 Defense against Stat Damage if possessor's stats have not been scanned yet during this thread by any opponent
Fake Strength- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +250 STR if possessor's stats have not been scanned yet during this thread by any opponent
False Kindness- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor may choose for individuals below Level 20 to treat possessor's offensive actions as being non-offensive actions
Form-Blurring Stance- (Stance Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +10% Dodge while in this stance
Grant Illusions Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) When possessor creates an Illusionary Thing, possessor may choose up to 15 weeks worth of abilities that possessor possesses (obeying prerequisite abilities but not other prerequisites when assigning said abilities) that are for sale in the Ability Shop; said Illusionary Thing counts as possessing abilities with those names. Illusionary Things created by possessor gain +3,000 HP and the required MIN to destroy them is increased by 100 points.
Honeyed Words- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor's Magical Attack actions may gain 15% inflicts Charm if possessor's stats have not been scanned by an opponent
Hypecasting- (Technique Ability, Illusionist) Possessor may, once per thread, use 'Hypecasting' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as an Illusion Magic spell is cast, caster's stats have not be scanned, and no other technique is used. Said action is delayed for 5 rounds. Caster counts as 1 Level higher, to a max of Level 80, during said action.
Illusionary Entourage- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) If possessor has at least 5 allies who are Illusionary Things that possessor created, possessor gains a 10% chance of cancelling any action performed by an opponent below Level 20. Possessor's allies who are Illusionary Things provide their allies with +200 MIN as a non-stacking effect. Possessor gains +500 Defense and +300 MIN when possessor has at least five Illusionary Things that possessor created present. Possessor may create up to 25 more Illusionary Things at one time. Illusionary Things created by possessor gain +5,000 HP and the required MIN to destroy them is increased by 100 points
Illuosory Squid-Caster Maneuver- (Technique Ability, Illusionist) Possessor may use 'Illusory Squid-Caster Maneuver' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as an Illusion Magic spell is cast and no other technique is used. Said action trats its caster's subtype as being solely Aquatic..
Illusionist- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All of possessor's Illusion Magic summons have (500 * Possessor Level) more HP, (50 * Possessor Level) more of each stat, last (Possessor Level) rounds longer if they last over 1 round already, and require (50 * Possessor Level) more of the relevant stats to dispel
Invest Illusions With Personality- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) When possessor creates an Illusionary Thing, possessor may choose up to 10 weeks worth of abilities that possessor possesses (obeying prerequisite abilities but not other prerequisites when assigning said abilities) that are for sale in the Ability Shop; said Illusionary Thing counts as possessing abilities with those names. Illusionary Things created by possessor gain +3,000 HP and the required MIN to destroy them is increased by 100 points.
May Create Life-Imparted Illusions- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) If possessor is Life element, possessor's Illusion Magic summons may gain the element Life and may not be unsummoned by individuals below Level 80
♢Primacy of Lies- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) At the start of each battle, possessor may choose a base element; if possessor does so, possessor obtains a buff that causes other individuals in the same battlespace to treat said element as a nonbase element and to treat Illusion as a base element; Possessor's Illusory Things may not be destroyed by individuals below Level 20 without possessor's permission
Sea-Mirage-Guarded Spell- (Technique Ability, Illusionist) Possessor may use 'Sea Mirage Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as an Illusion Magic spell is cast, caster is in a Zone of Water, and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely Water element, may not be countered by individuals below Level 40, and gains +20% to Hit against individuals who are not specifically Immune to Drowning.
Shrouded in Illusion- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor counts as being 5 Levels higher for purposes of resisting stat-scanning attempts, with said bonus not being able to overcome 'Immune to below Level X' effects
Skilled at Unreality Sculpting- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All of possessor's Illusion Magic summons have 5,000 more HP, 200 more of each stat, last 1 round longer if they last over 1 round already, and require 500 more of the relevant stats to dispel
Skilled Liar- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor treats foes as not having acted if it is one of the first five turns of battle, said foes are of lower level, said foes have all of their stats as being lower than possessor's MIN, and said foes have not yet acted twice, +200 MIN
Spell Delivered by Phantom Stalker- (Technique Ability, Illusionist) Possessor may use 'Spell Delivered by Phantom Stalker' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as an Illusion Magic spell is cast and no other technique is used. Said action gains +10% To Hit, counts as coming from a source that scanned its target's stats, and has a 50% chance of inflicting Confusion: Fear: Disconcerted.
Spell that Already Targeted Your Weaker Self- Possessor may use 'Spell that Already Targeted Your Weaker Self' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Overdrive' action so long as an Illusion Magic spell is cast and no other technique is used. Said action ignores buffs present on target that come from sources below Level 60 that were applied within the last 500 rounds.
Spell that Named the Lightning Wind- (Technique Ability, Illusionist) Possessor may use 'Spell that Named the Lightning Wind' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as an Illusion Magic spell is cast and no other technique is used. Any Electrical element counter to said action has the element Electrical in the action of the counter or Damage dealt by the counter changed to Air.
Spoof Fire- (Technique Ability, Illusionist) Possessor may use 'Spoof Fire' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as an Illusion Magic spell is cast and no other technique is used. Caster may choose whether individuals below Level 20 count said action as being Fire element if it is not actually Fire element.
The Man Who Lied to Time- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) If possessor is Illusion element and Level 40 or greater, possessor may choose to count as being Time element to individuals who have not scanned possessor's stats, Has RP effects

Add Orb Shell: Demonic Tar- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Add Orb Shell: Demonic Tar' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Overdrive' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. One hit of said action against each target gains +1,600 Magical Attack, counts as coming from a source with the subtype Demon, gains the elements Darkness, Earth, and Water, and gains '80% inflicts Paralyzed'
Apprentice Orb Training- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack if possessor has an Orb equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has an Orb equipped
Basic Bowling Skills- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains 105% To Hit when an Orb is equipped.
Basic Bowling Wizard Skills- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor's Orb weapons that provide a Ranged Attack bonus greater than their Magical Attack bonus may provide an additional Magical Attack bonus equal to half their Ranged Attack bonus that cannot be greater than the difference between their original Ranged Attack bonus and Magical Attack bonus, to a max of 50,000 points
Basic Orb Training- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains +6 Magical Attack when an Orb is equipped.
Bowl 'Em Over!- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use Bowl 'Em Over! in conjunction with a Ranged Attack, so long as no other technique is used and an Orb is equipped. Said Ranged Attack action gains +80 Ranged Attack and a 5% chance of inflicting Fatigued: Stun
Enchanted Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Enchanted Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Magic element.
Enchanting Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Enchanting Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Magic element, and gains '15% inflicts Manablasted'.
Focused Beam- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use Focused Beam in conjunction with a Magical Attack, so long as no other technique is used and an Orb is equipped. Said Magical Attack action gains +90 Magical Attack
League-Caliber Bowling Skills- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains 125% To Hit when an Orb is equipped, Possessor's Orbs that provide a Ranged Attack bonus provide an additional +50 such points.
Magus- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack if possessor has an Orb equipped, Possessor gains +(25 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has an Orb equipped
Orb-Based Defense Field- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains +50 Defense when an Orb is equipped
Orb-Based Vision- (Passive Ability, Magus) If possessor has at least one Orb equipped, possessor has a 50% chance per round of ignoring the negative effects of the status effect Impaired: Blind; if possessor has at least two Orbs equipped, possessor has a 100% chance per round of ignoring the negative effects of the status effect Impaired: Blind
Orb Element Override- (Active Ability, Magus) Possessor may spend an action to change the element of 1 equipped, non-unique Orb worth under 2,000,000 Gold to possessor's element
Orb Element Override Array Access- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor's Orb Element Override actions may change the element of Orbs they may be applied to into any one Base Element
Orb Element Override Array-Based Merger- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor's Orb Element Override actions may change the element of Orbs they may be applied to into any two Base Elements
Pitch Orb- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Pitch Orb' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' or 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said action gains +15 Ranged Attack, +15 Magical Attack, and +10% To Hit as a non-stacking effect.
Vampiric Bowling- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor, while in the Stance Controlled Vampire Form, gains +15% To Hit provided an Orb weapon is equipped, Possessor may inflict Drain with Ranged Attack actions while an Orb is equipped

Apprentice Psychic Power Attunement- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) All Psychic Power spells gain +250 Magical Attack and cost 50 less MP
Basic Clairvoyance Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor counts as being 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes when using a Psychic Power spell to do said scanning
Basic Psychic Power Attunement- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) All Psychic Power spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Basic Psychometry Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor's Psychic element items that provide bonuses to stats have said bonuses increasted by +20, Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes when targetting targets who formerly possessed items currently possessed by possessor
Basic Telekinesis Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor's Psychic-element Psychic Power spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +40 Magical Attack
Basic Telepathy Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor's Psychic-element Psychic Power may inflict buffs even if possessor is afflicted with Impaired: Mute
Heightened Senses- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) +30 AGI, +2% Dodge, +300 AGI on the first turn of combat, Guard Other has a 5% higher chance of working
Mental Focus- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) All Psychic Power spells gain +15 Magical Attack and cost 20 less MP, 5% Mindblasted Resistance
Mental Levitation- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) +50 AGI, 3% Dodge, 5% Earth Resistance
Mind-Grab- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Whenever possessor conducts a 'Meditate' action, possessor may obtain one item from a willing ally
Spoon Bending- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) At the beginning of each round, possessor may destroy any one item that possessor has equipped that is non-unique and worth under 10,000 Gold

Apprentice Merchant Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 10,000 Gold.
Basic Merchant Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 5,000 Gold.
Chest Finder- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor may claim Bonus Chests
Consumable Salesman- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold for Consumables
Food Vendor- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold for Food consumables
Gift Wrapper- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor chooses on month of the year upon acquring this ability; possessor's per-item half-price sell cap is increased by 5,000 Gold during that month
Item Salesman- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold for Items (as in the type Item, which most Materials and Antiquities have, not all items)
Material Salesman- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold for Materials
Training in Economics- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold.

Apprentice Unarmed Technique Attunement- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +500 Melee Attack if no weapon is equipped, Unarmed Technique spells cost 50 less MP to cast, Possessor gains +200 Defense if possessor has at least 2 empty weapon slots, Possessor gains 5% Dodge if possessor has no weapons equipped
Basic Unarmed Technique Attunement- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +30 Melee Attack if possessor has no weapon equipped. Possessor gains +30 Defense if possessor has no armor equipped.
Blue Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 STR, +100 AGI, and +100 CON
Green Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +50 Melee Attack, +50 STR, +50 AGI, and +50 CON
Martial Arts Trainee- (Passive Ability, Monk) +5 STR, AGI, and CON
Monk- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +1,000 Melee Attack if no weapon is equipped, Unarmed Technique spells cost 50 less MP to cast per possessor Level, Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has at least 2 empty weapon slots, Possessor gains (Possessor Level / 2, rounded up)% Dodge if possessor has no weapons equipped, Possessor gains +10 additional Melee Attack per possessor Level if no weapon is equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats per possessor Level if no weapon is equipped, +50 damage to damage-dealing Unarmed Technique spells per possessor Level
Orange Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +40 Melee Attack, +40 STR, +40 AGI, and +40 CON
Purple Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 STR, +100 AGI, and +100 CON
White Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +10 Melee Attack, +10 STR, +10 AGI, and +10 CON
Yellow Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +20 Melee Attack, +20 STR, +20 AGI, and +20 CON

-Mountain King-
Apprentice Earth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Earth element item equipped, Possessor's Earth element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth
Basic Acceleration Within Earth's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Earth
Basic Command of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor's Earth element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Earth Resistance- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains 1% Earth Resistance
Basic Earth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Earth element
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth
Control of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Earth element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Earth element targets
Earth Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Earth element: Create a Zone of Earth, Remove a Zone of Earth created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Earth by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Earth to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Earth element on a Earth element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Earth element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Earth to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Earth, 5% Earth Resistance, or +50 Defense against Earth and 1% Earth Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Passrock- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor ignores the Defense of Earth element individuals below Level 20

Apprentice Instrument Training- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack if possessor has an Instrument equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument equipped
Basic Instrument Training- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +6 Magical Attack when an Instrument is equipped.
Can Play the Bell- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Bell' in its name equipped
Can Play the Drum- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Drum' in its name equipped
Can Play the Flute- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Flute' in its name equipped
Can Play the Harp- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Harp' in its name equipped
Can Play the Horn- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Horn' in its name equipped
Can Play the Organ- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Organ' in its name equipped
Can Play the Piano- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Piano' in its name equipped
Can Play the Violin- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Violin' in its name equipped
Debilitating Note- (Technique Ability, Musician) Possessor may use 'Debilitating Note' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Instrument equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Stat Drain.
Improved Debilitating Note- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor's 'Debilitating Note' technique has its chance of inflicting Stat Drain increased to 30%
Musician- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack if possessor has an Instrument equipped, Possessor gains +(25 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has an Instrument equipped

Apprentice Ninjutsu Attunement- (Passive Ability, Ninja) All Ninjutsu spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, and all Ninjutsu spells that buff caster's stats do so by 50 more points per such stat
Basic Ninja Combat Training- (Passive Ability, Ninja) All Ninjutsu spells possessor casts that possess a Melee Attack bonus gain +10 additional Melee Attack, and all Ninjutsu spells possessor casts that possess a Ranged Attack bonus gain +10 additional Ranged Attack, Possessor gains +50 AGI
Basic Ninjutsu Attunement- (Passive Ability, Ninja) All Ninjutsu spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack, and all Ninjutsu spells that buff caster's stats do so by 5 more points per such stat
Smoke Trick Training- (Passive Ability, Ninja) Dodge buffs granted by Ninjutsu spells give possessor an additional +1% Dodge against sources below Level 20 as an effect that stacks 5 times
Trick Body Swap- (Passive Ability, Ninja) Once per round, when possessor is the target of an offensive action with a lower-Level source that is below Level 20, possessor may, with a 20% chance of success, choose to change the target of said action to a willing ally

-Ocean Prince-
Apprentice Water Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Water element item equipped, Possessor's Water element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Water's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Water
Basic Command of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor's Water element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Water
Basic Water Resistance- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains 1% Water Resistance
Basic Water Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Water element
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Water
Control of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Water element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Water element targets
Water Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Water element: Create a Zone of Water, Remove a Zone of Water created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Water by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Water to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Water element on a Water element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Water, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Water, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Water element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Water to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Water, 5% Water Resistance, or +50 Defense against Water and 1% Water Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

-Power Trooper-
Apprentice Power Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Power Trooper) Possessor gains +100 Defense if possessor has a Power Armor equipped
Basic Power Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Power Trooper) All Power Armor worn by possessor provide +20 additional Defense
Hazmat Suit Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Power Trooper) Possessor gains +15% Poison Resistance and +30% Diseased Resistance if possessor is wearing a Power Armor
Power Armor Wearer I- (Passive Ability, Power Trooper) Possessor gains +5 to all stats when possessor has a Power Armor equipped
Power Armor Wearer II- (Passive Ability, Power Trooper) Possessor gains +25 to all stats when possessor has a Power Armor equipped, Possessor gains +50 Defense when possessor has a Power Armor equipped

-Radiant Hierophant-
Apprentice Light Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Light element item equipped, Possessor's Light element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Quantities of Light element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Acceleration Within Light's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Light
Basic Defenses Against Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Light
Basic Light Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Light element
Basic Weaponization of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Quantities of Light element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Light
Control of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Light element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Improved Weaponization of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Quantities of Light element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Light Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Light element: Create a Zone of Light, Remove a Zone of Light created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Light by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Light to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Light element on a Light element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Light, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Light, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Light element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Light to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Light, 5% Light Resistance, or +50 Defense against Light and 1% Light Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Apprentice Ritual Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +40 Magical Attack, All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take 2 less actions to cast, to a minimum of 1, and all Ritual Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Fast Ritual Casting- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take 3 less actions to cast, to a minimum of 1
Basic Ritual Circle Construction- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor's Ritual Magic spells that create Circle Effect have said effects provide possessor with +100 to all stats as a non-stacking buff and cannot be removed by opposing sources below Level 5
Basic Ritual Enchantment- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor's Ritual Magic spells that give items Enhancements that are Enchantments cost 200 less MP and 200 less XP
Basic Ritual Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 Magical Attack, All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take 1 less action to cast, to a minimum of 1, and all Ritual Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Basic Ritual Enchantment- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor's Ritual Magic spells that give items Enhancements that are Enchantments cost 200 less MP and 200 less XP
Improved Ritual Circle Construction- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor's Ritual Magic spells that create Circle Effect have said effects provide possessor with +200 to all stats as a non-stacking buff and cannot be removed by opposing sources below Level 10
Improved Spellcasting Power from Ritual Circles- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor gains +100 Magical Attack, +50 MIN, and +50 SPI whenever possessor possesses a Ritual Magic Circle Effect
Knowledge of Common Ritual Chants- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Ritual Magic spells cost possessor 300 less MP to cast
Ritualist- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(10 * Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take (Possessor Level / 5, rounded up) less actions to cast, to a minimum of 1, and all Ritual Magic spells cost possessor (50 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Ritualist's Mana-Channeling Stance- (Stance Ability, Ritualist) Each turn possessor spends casting Ritual Magic spells counts as 2, but it cost 25 XP per turn casting until the number of turns required to cast the spell is reached

Basic Knowledge of Common Dimensional Traits- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 MIN, Possessor gains +100 additional MIN and +100 SPI if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present
Basic Knowledge of Dimensional Connectivity- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle or that summon cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Basic Knowledge of Dimensions- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +50 MIN, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Area Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present
Basic Understanding of Dimensional Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle or that summon cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Dream Realms- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +300 MIN if in a Zone of Magic & Psychic or a Zone of Dream
Basic Understanding of Effect / Mana-Pattern Interaction- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains 20% Resistance to Level 1 individuals
Basic Understanding of Entity Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor scans stats as though possessor were 1 Level higher as an effect that does not bypass 'Immune to below Level X' abilities
Basic Understanding of Item Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +10 to all stats for each item possessor has equipped, to a max of +100
Basic Understanding of Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 MIN.
General Knowledge of the Main Universe within the Second Holy Empire- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +100 MIN
Improved Understanding of Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +250 MIN
Knowledge of History- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +400 MIN
Scholar- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +700 Magical Attack and +50 to all stats when a Book is equipped, Possessor gains an additional +(10 x Possessor Level) Magical Attack and +(5 x Possessor Level) to all stats when a Book is equipped.
Scholar of Dimensions- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains +200 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle or that summon cost possessor 500 less MP to cast

Advanced Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Science- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +200 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Hypertech spell and at least three of which are non-'Hypertech' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Analyst- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor counts as being 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes, to a max of Level 60, Possessor gains +100 unmodified MIN
Analytical- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes, to a max of Level 99
Apprentice Hypertech Attunement- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells possessor castst that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, and all Hypertech spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Hypertech Attunement- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells possessor castst that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack, and all Hypertech spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Basic Research Skills- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes, to a max of Level 20
Knowledge of Basic Hyperspace Theory- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possssor gains +100 MIN if the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Space
Knowledge of Basic Scientific Theory- (Passive Ability, Scientist) +5 Magical Attack, +30 MIN, Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Has Researched Common Technologies- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +100 MIN for each Upgrade, Bioaugmentation, Gadget, or Invention possessor has equipped, to a max of +1,000 MIN
Has Reasearched Power Armor Development- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +100 MIN for each Power Armor Armor possessor has equipped, to a max of +1,000 MIN, Possessor gains +100 Defense if possessor has Power Armor equipped
Has Reasearched Power Sources- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +500 MP for each Electrical, Energy, or Technology element item possessor has equipped, to a max of +20,000 MP, Possessor's Energy, Technology, and Electrical element Transformations, Pets, and Summons gain +500 MP
Has Reasearched Various Means of Transportation and Common Technologies Related to Them- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +100 MIN for each Vechicle, Vessel, War Machine, or Mech Transformation possessor has equipped, to a max of +1,000 MIN, Possessor's Vechicle, Vessel, Mech, and War Machine Transformations gain +100 to all stats
Has Reasearched Weapons Development- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +100 MIN for each Assault Matrix, Gun, or Tool Weapon possessor has equipped, to a max of +1,000 MIN
Theoretical Scientist- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +1,000 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +500 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Hypertech spell and at least three of which are non-'Hypertech' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Science- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +180 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +70 MIN if possessor has at least two spells, one of which is a Hypertech spell and one of which is a non-'Hypertech' spell equipped
Utilize Researched Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor deals 110% Damage to targets below Level 20 whose stats possessor has scanned, to a max of 1,000,000 additional damage

Apprentice Robe Mastery- (Passive Ability, Seer) Possessor gains +50 Defense if possessor has a Robe equipped
Basic Robe Mastery- (Passive Ability, Seer) All Robes worn by possessor provide +10 additional Defense
Bearer of Basic Mystic Vestments- (Passive Ability, Seer) All Robes worn by possessor provide +30 MIN and SPI
Predict Direction of Attack (Basic)- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one row in any one row-order formation and gain +50 Defense against said sources in said row as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
Predict Direction of Attack- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one row in any one row-order formation and gain +250 Defense against said sources in said row as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
Predict Source of Attack (Basic)- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one opponent and gain +50 Defense against said specific opponent (affecting only the one opponent even if said opponent was non-unique) as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
Predict Source of Attack- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one opponent and gain +250 Defense against said specific opponent (affecting only the one opponent even if said opponent was non-unique) as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
Robe Wearer I- (Passive Ability, Seer) Possessor gains +5 to all stats when possessor has a Robe equipped
Robe Wearer II- (Passive Ability, Seer) Possessor gains +25 to all stats when possessor has a Robe equipped, Possessor gains +50 Defense when possessor has a Robe equipped
Seer- (Passive Ability, Seer) Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Defense and +(1,000 * Possessor Level) MP if possessor has a Robe equipped
Seer's Vision- (Passive Ability, Seer) Individuals below Level 15 may not counter possessor's actions that scan stats if possessor is wearing a Robe

-Shrine Maiden-
Apprentice Spirit Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) All Spirit Magic spells gain +250 Magical Attack, have a 10% greater chance of working, and cost 50 less MP, and all Spirit Magic summons have 250 more HP, 50 more to each stat, and stay for 3 rounds longer
Basic Spirit Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) All Spirit Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack, have a 10% greater chance of working, and cost 10 less MP, and all Spirit Magic summons have 30 more HP, 5 more to each stat, and stay for 3 rounds longer
Guarded by Spirits- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains +50 Defense while possessor possesses at least 2 Spirit allies
Guarded Purity- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor's Spirit Magic summons gain +200 to all stats if possessor has not summoned any non-'Spirit Magic' summons during this thread
Guarded Purity II- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor's Spirit Magic summons gain +200 to all stats if possessor has not been afflicted with any negative status effects during this thread
Shrine Maiden- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) All Spirit Magic spells gain +380 additional Magical Attack, have a 50% greater chance of working, and cost 50 less MP, and all Spirit Magic summons have 1,500 more HP, 100 more to each stat, and stay for 5 rounds longer, plus an additional +15 additional Magical Attack per possessor level
Spirit Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Spirit Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Spirit Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Spirit Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Spirit that Shines with Charity- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains a White Spiritual Mark after performing at least 10 non-offensive actions that buff targets and involve Spirit Magic
Spirit that Shines with Diligence- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains a White Spiritual Mark after performing at least 10 non-offensive actions that cure negative status effects of targets and involve Spirit Magic
Spirit that Shines with Kindness- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains a White Spiritual Mark after performing at least 10 non-offensive actions that heal targets and involve Spirit Magic
Spirit that Shines with Malice- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains a Black Spiritual Mark after performing at least 10 offensive actions that inflict negative status effects on targets and involve Spirit Magic
Spirit that Shines with Rage- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains a Black Spiritual Mark after performing at least 10 offensive actions that deal damage to targets and involve Spirit Magic
Spirit that Shines with Spite- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains a Black Spiritual Mark after performing at least 10 offensive actions that debuff targets and involve Spirit Magic
Spiritual Infusion- (Active Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor may spend an action to give one of possessor's Spirit Magic spells a bonus of +1,000 additional Magical Attack that lasts the remainder of the thread in exchange for a thread-long reduction of 1 Base SPI point as an effect that stacks 200 times, Any Spirit summoned through such a Spirit Magic spell gains +1,000 to all stats as an effect independent of the number of the stackings of said effect, The caster of a spell affected by this effect may choose to make a Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action involving the casting of said spell solely Light or solely Darkness element, Spells that have no Magical Attack bonus may be affected by this effect
Shrine Maiden's Robe Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains +80 SPI while possessor has at least one Robe and at least one Spirit Magic spell equipped
Spiritual Impurity- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor's Spirit Magic summons gain +200 to all stats while in the same battlespace as one of possessor's opponents who is afflicted with a negative status effect with possessor as a source
Summons Through Purity- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor's Spirit Magic summons gain +100 to all stats if summoned while possessor is not afflicted with any negative status effects

Advanced Messenger Bird Training- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) When possessor trades an Aerial to another individual within the same thread with Messenger Bird Trainer, then the individual who possessor trades the Aerial to may immediately choose to unequip up to one pet and then equip the transferred Aerial, Possessor's Aerial pets and summons gain +25 AGI
Apprentice Skykeeper Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor's Aerial pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Skykeeper Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor's Aerial pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Bird Researcher- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor counts as being 2 Levels higher for stat-scanning purposes against Aerials, to a max of Level 40, Possessor's Aerials pets and summons gain +200 to all stats if possessor has scanned the stats of at least 15 different Aerials in this thread successfully
Carrier Bird Trainer- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) When possessor transfers the location of an Aerial with Messenger Bird Trainer, then possessor may send any one other non-pet item along with it, Possessor's Aerial pets and summons gain +15 STR
Floaty- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor does not count as being in the back row for purposes of the number of people in each row, but may not use this ability to be in the back row when nothing is in the front row unless possessor could do so otherwise
Messenger Bird Trainer- (Active Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor may, once per thread, un-equip an Aerial pet and have it immediately be removed from the thread or have it be traded to an ally who is at a different location in the same thread, Functions differently in RP threads, Possessor's Aerial pets and summons gain +10 AGI

And With This, I Will Burn You!- (Passive Ability, Slayer) An item that possessor equips as a weapon through one of possessor's Slayer abilities that was an Antiquity at the time it was equipped that is Fire element may gain '5% inflicts Burning'
And With This, I Will Bury You!- (Passive Ability, Slayer) An item that possessor equips as a weapon through one of possessor's Slayer abilities that was an Antiquity at the time it was equipped that is Earth element may gain '5% inflicts Entombed'
And With This, I Will Cast You Into Void!- (Passive Ability, Slayer) An item that possessor equips as a weapon through one of possessor's Slayer abilities that was an Antiquity at the time it was equipped that is Darkness element may gain '5% inflicts Voidstruck'
And With This, I Will Drown You!- (Passive Ability, Slayer) An item that possessor equips as a weapon through one of possessor's Slayer abilities that was an Antiquity at the time it was equipped that is Water element may gain '5% inflicts Drowning'
And With This, I Will Strangle You!- (Passive Ability, Slayer) An item that possessor equips as a weapon through one of possessor's Slayer abilities that was an Antiquity at the time it was equipped that is Air element may gain '5% inflicts Suffocation'
Any Object Is Deadly In My Hands- (Passive Ability, Slayer) Possessor may choose to count Antiquities equipped through possessor's Slayer abilities as weapons as Deadly Items
Apprentice Deadly Item Training- (Passive Ability, Slayer) This character gains +60 Melee Attack, +60 Ranged Attack, +60 Magical Attack, and +5% Critical when a Deadly Item is equipped.
Apprentice Weapon Improvisation- (Passive Ability, Slayer) Possessor may equip Antiquities in weapon slots, these Antiquities provide a Ranged, Melee, and Magical attack bonus equal to their value divided by 1,000, to a max of +5,000
Basic Deadly Item Training- (Passive Ability, Slayer) This character gains +6 Melee Attack when a Deadly Item is equipped.
Basic Weapon Improvisation- (Passive Ability, Slayer) Possessor may equip Antiquities in weapon slots, these Antiquities provide a Ranged, Melee, and Magical attack bonus equal to their value divided by 1,000, to a max of +1,000
Slayer- (Passive Ability, Slayer) Possessor gains +(500 +(50 * Possessor Level)) Melee Attack, Magical Attack, and Ranged Attack if possessor has a Deadly Item equipped, Possessor gains +5% Critical if possessor has a Deadly Item equipped

-Spatial Mage-
Basic Spatial Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) All Spatial Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 Magical Attack and cost possessor 10 less MP to cast

-Subspace Architect-
Apprentice Subspace Architect Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor's Large Structure pets and summons gain +2,500 HP, +2,500 MP, +500 to damage dealt, and +250 to all stats
Basic Appreciation of Feng Shui- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while a Terrain or Phantom Terrain is present
Basic Space-Folding Technique- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor's Large Structure pets and summons gain +5% Resilience against individuals below Level 20
Basic Spatial Feng Shui Control- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Whenever a Level 1 individual that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List would be summoned into a battle that possessor is present in by a source below Level 20 that is equal to or less than possessor's Level, possessor may, if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain that possessor has created is present, instead make the entity that is summoned be any chosen type of entity from the Enemy List that is of the same Level as the replaced summon that is normally fightable for drops so long as possessor is carrying an Antiquity of the same element as the chosen entity that is worth at least 20,000 Gold, with said new entity being under the control of the same summoner as the original entity and counting toward the summon cap of the original type of summon
Basic Spawn Table Design- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor's summons gains +50 to all stats as a bonus that cannot take their stats above 2000% of their natural values
Basic Subspace Architect Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor's Large Structure pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +50 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Improved Space-Folding Technique- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor's Large Structure pets and summons gain +5% Resilience against individuals below Level 40
Knowledge of Space-Folding- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor gains +200 MIN, Possessor's Large Structure pets and summons gain +100 CON
Perception of Space-Folding- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor gains +5% Critical against Large Structures below Level 60
Six-Second Fortress- (Active Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor may spend an action to summon a Large Structure from the Enemy List that is below possessor's Level and normally fightable for drops, Max 1 summoned
Subspace Architect- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Large Structure pet only, This ability provides +250 HP and +50 to all stats of possessor's Large Structure pets and summons per Level of possessor

Apprentice Summoner Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's Summoner Magic Summons gain +250 to all stats, and all Summoner Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Summoning Attunement- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All creatures summoned through Summoner Magic spells gain +10 to all stats, and all Summoner Magic spells cost 10 less MP
Basic Summon Dodge Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +1% Dodge
Basic Summon HP Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +1,000 HP
Basic Summon MP Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +1,000 MP
Basic Summon MP Conservation Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons' abilities cost them 100 less MP to cast
Basic Summon To Hit Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +1% To Hit
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Air-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Air-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Hope-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Hope-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Light-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Light-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Magic-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Magic-element summons gain +100 to all stats
♢Sage Sculpts Primal Sand- (Active Ability, Summoner) If possessor has a Staff equipped, possessor may spend an action while in a Zone of Earth or a terrain or phantom terrain that is Savannah, Badlands, or Desert, to summon up to 20 Animals from the Enemy List that are below possessor's Level
Summoner- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Summoner Magic summons gain (+1,000 x Possessor Level) HP and MP and +(10 x Possessor Level) to all stats
Well-Versed in Traditional Summoning Techniques- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Summoner Magic summons gain +100 to all stats

Basic Super Power Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Superhero) All Super Power spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 Magical Attack, All Super Power spells possessor casts that possess a Melee Attack bonus gain +50 Melee Attack, All Super Power spells possessor casts that possess a Ranged Attack bonus gain +50 Ranged Attack, All Super Power spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast, Possessor gains +10 to all unmodified stats
Energy Projection- (Passive Ability, Other: Superhero) Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level, to a max of +6,000) Magical Attack
Fling Building- (Technique Ability, Other: Superhero) Possessor may use 'Fling Building' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Overdrive' action. Said action uses Strength as its Prime Attribute; Its caster may choose one Large Structure that is not a target of the action that is below Level 80 and no more than 20 Levels greater than caster, and, if caster chooses such a structure, both one of the action's other targets and said Large Structure are dealt a quantity of Flat Physical element Damage equal to ten times said action's caster's STR (to a max of 50,000,000 points)
Project Energy Force Field- (Passive Ability, Other: Superhero) Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level, to a max of +6,000) Defense
Shield Allies with Energy Force Field- (Passive Ability, Other: Superhero) Possessor's allies, not counting possessor, gains +(100 * Possessor Level, to a max of +6,000) Defense as a non-stacking effect
Superhero- (Passive Ability, Other: Superhero) Possessor gains +500 unmodified STR, +500 unmodified CON, +500 unmodified AGI, +500 unmodified MIN, and +500 unmodified SPI
Superhuman Reservoirs of Strength- (Passive Ability, Other: Superhero) Possessor obtains +500 unmodified Strength
Superior Intellect- (Passive Ability, Other: Superhero) Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level, to a max of +6,000) MIN
Super Power Casting I- (Passive Ability, Other: Superhero) Super Power spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Super Power Casting II- (Passive Ability, Other: Superhero) Super Power spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Ultra-Strength- (Passive Ability, Other: Superhero) +20,000 STR, +10,000 HP, If possessor's Strength stat is being checked as part of an effect that would allow possessor to shift a target's row, possessor's Strength for said row-shift-allowance-checking is considered to be doubled (to a max of 2,000,000 additional points)

Activate Technomagical Device- (Active Ability, Technomancer) Possessor may spend an action to change an item that possessor is carrying or has equipped from being 'Technomagically Inactive' to 'Technomagically Active' should possessor meet any other listed requirements for doing so
Apprentice Technomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Technomancer) All Technomancy spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +250 additional Magical Attack
Basic Technomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Technomancer) All Technomancy spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack
Basic Technomantic Gadgeteering- (Passive Ability, Technomancer) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if possessor has at least 2 Magic-element Gadgets equipped
Knowledge of the Basics of Technomantic Theory- (Passive Ability, Technomancer) +200 MIN
Technomancy Casting I- (Passive Ability, Technomancer) Technomancy spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Technomancy Casting II- (Passive Ability, Technomancer) Technomancy spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Theoretical Mage-Scientist- (Passive Ability, Technomancer) Possessor gains +1,000 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +500 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and at least one of which is a Hypertech spell, equipped
Understanding of the Connectivity of Electricity and Magic- (Passive Ability, Technomancer) Possessor gains +300 to all stats if possessor is Electrical & Magic element

-Other: Temporal Primarch-
Absorb Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor Absorbs Time against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Adept Time Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Amounts of Time element Damage possessor deals are increased by 10,000 points, Time element spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Possessor gains 5 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Time element Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Whenever possessor obtains Time element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 1,000 points
Apprentice Time Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains 5% Time Resistance
Apprentice Time Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Time element item equipped, Possessor's Time element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Quantities of Time element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Time
Asynchronus Timestream- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may, so long as no individual 20 or more Levels greater who is in the same battle objects, choose to count the current round's number as the number of any round that possessor has experienced in the current battle
Bank Actions- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor may, at the start of any round, choose for possessor's first action of the round to, instead of being placed in turn-order, be placed in possessor's Action Bank. Possessor's Action Bank may hold up to 3 actions and is emptied at the end of each battle. If in a battle where all opponents are lower Level than possessor, possessor may, at the start of any round, choose to remove an action from possessor's Action Bank and gain an additional action that round.
Basic Acceleration Within Time's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Time
Basic Affinity to Healing Via Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Whenever possessor obtains Time element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 500 points
Basic Defenses Against Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Time
Basic Time Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains 1% Time Resistance
Basic Time Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Time element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's Time element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Weaponization of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Quantities of Time element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Time
Chrononaut- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +20,000 Defense against effects attached to Zones of Time, Possessor's 'Establish Temporal Portal' actions may not be countered by individuals below Level 20
Defenses that Utilize Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Time-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Doublespeed Recovery (Minor)- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's per-round auto recovery chances for minor negative status effects are checked twice per round
Doublespeed Recovery (Moderate)- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's per-round auto recovery chances for moderate negative status effects are checked twice per round
Effect-Resistant, Fixed Personal Timestream- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor is Immune to entities below Level 20, Possessor is Immune to Time element debuffs from sources below Level 60
Emanate Time- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Time element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Time element Damage to up to 10 targets
Empowered By Time- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Mind Restore at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Time
Explorer of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Whenever possessor enters a battlespace thanks to a Time element action, possessor may scan the stats of up to 3 entities in said battlespace, Possessor gains +15,000 Defense against effects attached to Zones of Time
Fast Personal Time Progression- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Whenever the round number increments, possessor may increment the number of the round that possessor counts the current round as by 2
Gift Actions- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor may, when removing an action from possessor's action bank, instead of assigning it to possessor, may assign it to one of possessor's willing allies.
Improved Affinity to Healing Via Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Whenever possessor obtains Time element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 5,000 points
Improved Time Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains 10% Time Resistance
Improved Weaponization of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Quantities of Time element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Improved Zonal Acclimation of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats while in a Zone of Time
Improved Zonal Time Empowerment- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Time, Possessor gains +500 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, Ranged Attack, and Defense while in a Zone of Time
Nourish Time- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Whenever possessor deals HP or MP healing to an Time element individual, possessor deals 300 additional points
Nourished By Time- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Rejuvenation at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Time
Personal Time-Preservation- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) At the start of each round, if possessor is Time element, possessor may choose one debuff that possessor is afflicted with that comes from a source of equal Level to or lower Level than possessor (to a max of Level 60) and ignore said debuffs effects on its possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes for the duration of said round
Predict Likely Outcomes Through Time Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor obtains +1% Dodge and +1% To Hit while Time element
Shielded by Personal History- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, the end of each round, possessor obtains a buff that provides +250 Defense and stacks 20 times
Soothing Time Emanation- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Time element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Time element HP Healing to up to 10 targets that are Time element
Supernaturally Good Timing- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Once per round, if possessor is Time element, possessor may delay an action through the action of a lower-Level opponent
Temporal Primarch- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Time Resistance, Possessor ignores Time Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Temporal Wisdom- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may count Temporal Primarch abilities as Time Mage abilities (including for prerequisite purposes) and may count Time Mage abilities as Temporal Primarch abilities (including for prerequisite purposes)
Temporally Enhanced Speed- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, possessor gains +500 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes
Temporally-Disjointed Attack- (Technique Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may use 'Temporally-Disjointed Attack' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Ranged Attack', or 'Magical Attack' action so long as possessor is Time element and no other technique is used. Said action counts as having been delayed for a number of rounds between 1 and 5 (inclusive) without actually being delayed.
Time Immunity- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains Time Immunity against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Time Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Time element: Create a Zone of Time, Remove a Zone of Time created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Time by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Time to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Time element on a Time element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Time, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Time, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Time element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Time to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Time, 5% Time Resistance, or +50 Defense against Time and 1% Time Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Wind of Seconds- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Once per thread when possessor is afflicted with Augmented: Haste while possessor is Time element, possessor may choose to regenerate 600,000,000 MP

Apprentice Thief Arts Attunement- (Passive Ability, Thief) All Thief Arts spells cast by possessor that possess a Melee Attack bonus gain +50 additional Melee Attack, All Thief Arts spells cost possessor 40 less MP to cast, Possessor gains +200 AGI on the first round of battle
Basic Item Theivery- (Passive Ability, Thief) Possessor's Thief Arts spells and Thief abilities that have a percent chance of stealing any item from a target under Level 20 have said chance increased by 5%
Basic Lock Picking- (Passive Ability, Thief) +20 AGI, Possessor's lower-levelled foes' abilities that have a chance of reducing the odds of said foes dropping treasure or Gold have a 30% chance of failing, providing said foes are non-unique and under level 20
Basic Thief Arts Attunement- (Passive Ability, Thief) All Thief Arts spells cast by possessor that possess a Melee Attack bonus gain +10 additional Melee Attack, All Thief Arts spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast, Possessor gains +20 AGI on the first round of battle
Hard to See in the Fog- (Passive Ability, Thief) Possessor gains +1% Dodge while affected with an Air or Darkness element buff that raises its possessor's Dodge
Hide in Shadows- (Stance Ability, Thief) +15% Dodge, you must be in the back row and cannot make offensive actions
Properly Trained in Backstabbing- (Stance Ability, Thief) Attacks that you make against foes that have not acted that involve Melee Attack bonus gain +45 Melee Attack
Sneaky- (Passive Ability, Thief) Possessor treats foes as not having acted if it is one of the first five turns of battle, said foes are of lower level, said foes have all of their stats as being lower than possessor's AGI, and said foes have not yet acted twice, +200 AGI
Steal- (Active Ability, Thief) Possessor may spend an action and select a target. Possessor has a percent chance equal to (Poessessor's Level - Target's Level) of stealing a random item from said target's list of drops if said target would normally be able to provide drops, with said target no longer providing drops as it otherwise would. This ability may only steal one item per target per thread. This ability may not steal items from targets that are not normally fightable for drops on the enemy list. This ability may not steal items from targets that are higher level than its possessor or user. This ability may not steal items from targets that are Level 20 or greater.
Sticky Fingers- (Passive Ability, Thief) Thief Arts abilities that steal Gold steal 10% more than they would without this ability
Sudden Attack- (Passive Ability, Thief) Possessor gains +100 AGI on the first turn of battle, Possessor gains +60 Melee Attack against targets that have not yet acted on the first turn of battle
Thief- (Passive Ability, Thief) All Thief Arts spells cast by possessor that possess a Melee Attack bonus gain +(200 +20 * Possessor Level) additional Melee Attack, All Thief Arts spells cost possessor (40 + 30 * Possessor's Level) less MP to cast, Possessor gains +(200 + 30 * Possessor Level) AGI on the first round of battle
Thief Arts Casting I- (Passive Ability, Thief) Thief Arts spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Thief Arts Casting II- (Passive Ability, Thief) Thief Arts spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Tricky- (Passive Ability, Thief) Possessor's foes of equal or lower level with a lower Mind than possessor have their resistances to minor status effects caused by possessor reduced by 5%, to a minimum of 0%

-Other: Time Mage-
Adept Time Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Time Magic spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Time Magic spells cast by possessor that provide a AGI buff bonus provide an additional +500 AGI as an effect that stacks 20 times across all effects per individual, Possessor gains 10 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Time Magic Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Aging Spell- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor may use 'Aging Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a Chronomancy spell as part of said action. Said action deals 200 CON Damage and has a 30% chance of inflicting Fatigued: Elderly
Apprentice Chronomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) All Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +250 additional Magical Attack, Possessor gains +250 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes
Basic Chronomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) All Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, Possessor gains +50 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes
Basic Defensive Shaping of Chronomantic Technique- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Time if possessor has a Chronomancy spell equipped, Possessor gains 30% Fatigued: Elderly Resistance if possessor has a Chronomancy spell equipped
Basic Offensive Shaping of Chronomantic Technique- (Passive Ability, Time Mage) All Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +500 additional Magical Attack, All actions that possessor performs that involve Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that deal AGI Damage deal an additional 200 points
Chronomancy Casting I- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Chronomancy spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Chronomancy Casting II- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Chronomancy spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Chronomantic Auto-Haste- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor is afflicted with Augmented: Haste at the start of the first round of battle if possessor is either Time element or has 5 Time Magic spells equipped
Chronospell Boost- (Technique Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor may use 'Chronospell Boost' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a Chronomancy spell as part of said action. Said action has a 30% chance of inflicting Augmented: Haste on its performer
Delayed Spell- (Technique Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor may use 'Delayed Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as a Chronomancy or Wizard Magic spell is cast as part of said action and no other technique is used. Said action is delayed by 1 to 5 rounds (with its performer choosing the number).
Focused Chronomancy Casting- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Chronomancy spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of spell possessor has equipped is Chronomancy
Improved Fast Casting- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor's 'Fast Casting' technique may cause its possessor's first action to occur on a turn-order count 2,500 points higher than it otherwise would instead of 500 points higher than it otherwise would
Improved Magically Enhanced Speed- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum is increased by 200 for turn-order-determining purposes
Inevitable Spell- (Technique Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor may use 'Inevitable Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a Chronomancy spell as part of said action. Said action, as well as the next action performed by possessor that involves possessor casting a Chronomancy spell that possessor cast as part of said action, may not be countered by individuals below Level 60
Slightly Magically Enhanced Speed- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum is increased by 50 for turn-order-determining purposes
Time Mage- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) All Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(250 + 10* Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, Possessor gains +(250 + 10* Possessor Level) to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes

-Thunder Czar-
Apprentice Electrical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Electrical element item equipped, Possessor's Electrical element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Electrical's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Electrical
Basic Command of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor's Electrical element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Electrical
Basic Electrical Resistance- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains 1% Electrical Resistance
Basic Electrical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Electrical element
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Electrical
Control of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Electrical element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Electrical element targets
Electrical Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Electrical element: Create a Zone of Electrical, Remove a Zone of Electrical created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Electrical by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Electrical to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Electrical element on a Electrical element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Electrical, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Electrical, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Electrical element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Electrical to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Electrical, 5% Electrical Resistance, or +50 Defense against Electrical and 1% Electrical Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Apprentice Transumutation Attunement- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack increase said bonuses by 50 additional points, All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase stats do so by 50 additional points, and all Transmutation spells cast by possessor cost 200 less MP
Automutationist- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) Possessor may claim Automutation Spheres
Basic Mutative Power- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) Possessor gets +25 to all stats, +200 HP, +200 MP, and +20 Defense, 1 Week
Basic Transumutation Attunement- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase Damage or Defense do so by an additional 40 more points, and all Transmutation spells cast by possessor cost 10 less MP
Expanded Transmutative Element-Folding- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor may change elements using Warped Element Stance even if possessor is not a single element
Expanded Transmutative Element-Warping- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor may change elements using Warped Element Stance even if possessor is not a base element
Expanded Transmutative Self-Warping- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor may change subtypes using Warped Self Stance even if possessor is not a base subtype
Shifting Weapon Stance- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor's weapons with base subtypes may have themselves instead count as any other base subtype
Transmuter- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack increase said bonuses by (50 * Possessor Level) additional points as a non-stacking effect, All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase stats do so by (50 * Possessor Level) additional points as a non-stacking effect, and all Transmuatation spells cost possessor (100* Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Warped Element Stance- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor, if a single base element, may choose to count as a different base element while in this stance
Warped Self Stance- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor, if a single base subtype, may choose to count as a different base subtype while in this stance

~Unbound Guru~
Two Become One (Merging of Life and Illusion Into Void)- (Passive Ability, Unbound Guru)- Possessor may cause actions that are solely Life and Illusion element to become solely Void element, Possessor's damage-dealing actions that are solely Void element gain the ability to ignore Void Resistance values of up to 50% that are present on individuals who do not Resist, are not Immune to, do not Reflect, and do not Absorb either the element Life or the element Illusion

-Unreality Coordinator-
Absorb Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor Absorbs Illusion against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Adept Illusion Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Amounts of Illusion element Damage possessor deals are increased by 10,000 points, Illusion element spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Possessor gains 5 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Illusion element Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Whenever possessor obtains Illusion element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 1,000 points
Apprentice Command of Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor's Illusion element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Apprentice Defenses Against Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Illusion
Apprentice Illusion Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains 5% Illusion Resistance
Apprentice Illusion Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Illusion element item equipped, Possessor's Illusion element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor's Illusion element allies gain +100 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Quantities of Illusion element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Acceleration Within Illusion's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Illusion
Basic Affinity to Healing Via Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Whenever possessor obtains Illusion element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 500 points
Basic Command of Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor's Illusion element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Illusion
Basic Illusion Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains 1% Illusion Resistance
Basic Illusion Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Illusion element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor's Illusion element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Weaponization of Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Quantities of Illusion element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Illusion
Body of Living Lies- (Passive Ability, Unreality Coordinator) Possessor counts as being 20 Levels higher for purposes of resisting stat-scanning attempts, with said bonus not being able to overcome 'Immune to below Level X' effects
Call Forth the Living Illusion- (Active Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor may spend an action to summon 5 Elementals that are Illusion element, are below Level 5, and are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 20 summoned
Control of Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Illusion element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Defenses that Utilize Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Illusion-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Detect Illusion- (Passive Ability, Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Illusion element targets
Emanate Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Illusion element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Illusion element Damage to up to 10 targets
Empowered By Illusion- (Passive Ability, Unreality Coordinator) If possessor is Illusion element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Mind Restore at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Illusion
Expert Illusion Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Illusion element Damage dealt to possessor (not including healing) is halved, Illusion element Stat Damage (not including healing) dealt to possessor is halved Possessor gains 1 Accessory slot that may not be used for purposes other than carrying accessories, may only carry Illusion element accessories, and may not be converted into other types of slot by individuals below Level 100
Flickering Everywhere-Hands- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Whenever possessor conducts a 'Melee Attack' or 'Melee Overdrive' action, possessor may choose any number of possible targtets below Level 60, each such target must declare what counter (if any, including preemptive counters) it will use against said action, paying the cost of said counter in advance, with possessor choosing which target(s) to actually target after said choice is made and only said declared counters being usable against said action, with individuals below Level 60 who were not chosen as final targets for said action being unable to counter it
Greater Weaponization of Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Quantities of Illusion element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 25,000 points
Illusion Immunity- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains Illusion Immunity against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Illusion Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Illusion element: Create a Zone of Illusion, Remove a Zone of Illusion created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Illusion by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Illusion to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Illusion element on a Illusion element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Illusion, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Illusion, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Illusion element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Illusion to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Illusion, 5% Illusion Resistance, or +50 Defense against Illusion and 1% Illusion Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Illusory Overlaid Casting-Gestures- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) If possessor is Illusion element, whenever possessor conducts a 'Magical Attack' action, possessor's Level is counted as being 5 higher for purposes of having possessor's stats scanned by counters to said action, with said effect not bypassing 'Immune to Below Level X' effects
Improved Affinity to Healing Via Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Whenever possessor obtains Illusion element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 5,000 points
Improved Command of Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor's Illusion element pets and summons gain +1,000 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Improved Defenses Against Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Illusion
Improved Defenses that Utilize Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains +2,000 Defense if possessor has any Illusion-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Improved Illusion Elemental Emanation- (Passive Ability, Unreality Coordinator) Possessor's 'Call Forth the Living Illusion' ability may summon entities up to Level 20
Improved Illusion Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains 10% Illusion Resistance
Improved Understanding of the Heart of Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor's Illusion element allies gain +250 to all stats
Improved Weaponization of Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Quantities of Illusion element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Improved Zonal Acclimation of Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats while in a Zone of Illusion
Invisible Monster Harrying- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor's opponents gain the ability to spend an action to 'Search for the Invisible Monsters', If none of possessor's enemies have spent an action to 'Search for the Invisible Monsters' within the last 3 rounds, possessor may, at the start of each round, replicate the ability of a Horror or Monster below Level 40 that is below possessor's Level that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List at the start of each round as though an Illusion element version of said entity was performing said action
Master of Unseen Predators- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) If possessor is Illusion element, whenever an action replicated by possessor's 'Invisible Monster Harrying' ability kills an individual, all of said individual's allies are afflicted with Confusion: Fear, Possessor's 'Invisible Monster Harrying' ability may replicate the abilities of Animals, with said ability replicating said actions as though their performer's subtype were solely 'Monster'
Meditative Assumption of Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Illusion element
Phantasmal Fantasy-Body- (Passive Ability, Unreality Coordinator) If possessor is Illusion element, possessor may choose at the start of each round to gain +2,500 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Possessor gains +5% Dodge against non-Conceptual opponents while Illusion element
Principle of Unseen Horror- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) If possessor is Illusion element, actions replicated by possessor's 'Invisible Monster Harrying' ability deal double Damage, to a max of 5,000,000 additional points, to individuals not Immune to Confusion or Confusion: Fear if possessor's stats have not been scanned
Reflect Illusion- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor Reflects Illusion against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Shedding Essences Like Glowing Butterflies- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Whenever possessor loses a stacked instance of an Illusion Magic buff, possessor may choose to also lose a stacked instance of a debuff from a source of equal or lower Level to the source of said buff, to a max of Level 60
Stability Within Illusion- (Passive Ability, Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains 25% minor negative status effect resistance while in a Zone of Illusion
Thousand Actors' Phantasmal Puppet Show- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor may, at the start of a round, pay 50,000 MP and then choose any number of allies (including possessor) who are either below Level 20 or are willing, Each such chosen entity cannot take any normal actions during the round, but whenever it would have been able to take an action, it may instead replicate the effect of any ability possessed by an entity on the Enemy List that is below Level 20, is below possssor's Level, and is normally fightable for drops as though said entity was performing said action
Thousand Falsely-Shining Spells- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Whenever possessor conducts a 'Magical Attack' or 'Overdrive' action, possessor may choose any number of possible targets below Level 60, each such target must declare what counter (if any, including preemptive counters) it will use against said action, paying the cost of said counter in advance, with possessor choosing which target(s) to actually target after said choice is made and only said declared counters being usable against said action, with individuals below Level 60 who were not chosen as final targets for said action being unable to counter it
Unified Knowledge of Illusion and Illusion Magic- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor may count Unreality Coordinator abilities possessor possesses as Illusionist abilities (including for prerequisite purposes), Possessor may count Illusionist abilities possessor possesses as Unreality Coordinator abilities (including for prerequisite purposes)
Unreality Coordinator- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Illusion Resistance, Possessor ignores Illusion Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Unseen Attendants' Splendid Cleaning Routine- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) If possessor is Illusion element, at the start of any round that possessor is the only individual in possessor's battlespace, possessor may choose to lose any debuffs or minor or moderate negative status effects from sources below Level 60
Wings of Unreal Color- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor gains 40% Dodge, +500 AGI, and +500 SPI, Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for purposes of having its stats scanned, with said effect not bypassing 'Immune to Under Level X' effects
Zonal Illusion Control- (Passive Ability, Other: Unreality Coordinator) Possessor may, at the start of each round, choose one Zone of Illusion that is present that was created by a source equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80 and destroy that zone or remove an effect attached to said Zone that is from a source that is equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80

Apprentice Ethereal Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) All Ethereal Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, All Ethereal Magic spells that possessor casts have a 20% greater chance of working in regards to natural chance of 'failing to work', and all Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor 40 less MP to cast
Basic Ethereal Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) All Ethereal Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack, All Ethereal Magic spells that possessor casts have a 10% greater chance of working in regards to natural chance of 'failing to work', and all Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Knowledge of Ethereal Pathways- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor's 'Switch Rows' actions may not be countered by sources below Level 20
Phantom Body- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Individuals below Level 15 cannot inflict minor status effects on possessor
Phantom Steps- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor may not be prevented from leaving battle by sources below Level 20
Semi-Ethereal Agility- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against AGI Damage
Semi-Ethereal Constitution- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against CON Damage
Semi-Ethereal Mind- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against MIN Damage
Semi-Ethereal Spirit- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against SPI Damage
Veilwalker- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) All Ethereal Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(50 * Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, All Ethereal Magic spells that possessor casts have a (Possessor Level)% greater chance of working in regards to natural chance of 'failing to work', and all Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor (20 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Visualizer of Drifting Principles- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor may claim Drifting Principles

Apprentice Gate Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) All Gate Magic spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast
Basic Gate Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) All Gate Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Down the Chimney!- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor pierces 2,000 Defense when targeting Large Structures
Enjoys Travelling- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains +10 to all stats if Terrain or Phantom Terrain is present
Establish Dimensional Portal- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action if in a Random Quest to allow any of possessor's allies (including possessor) to leave said quest at the start of the next round, Has RP effects
Establish Temporal Portal- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action if in a Random Quest to allow any of possessor's allies (including possessor) to leave said quest at the start of the next round, Has RP effects
Familiarity with Being Teleported- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Spatial element actions have a 20% lower chance of inflicting Confusion on possessor
Journeyman's Steps- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Whenever possessor conducts a Switch Rows action, possessor has an optional 5% chance of removing any one Phantom Terrain created by a source of lower level than possessor that is below Level 20
Knowledge of Portals- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor's 'Switch Rows' actions may not be countered by sources below Level 20
Opener of Forgotten Doorways- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may claim Forgotten Keys
Short-Distance Item Teleportation- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action to re-obtain an item stolen in the current battle by a source below Level 20 that has not been destroyed
Short-Distance Self-Teleportation- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action to be able to move to either the Front Row or the Back Row at the beginning of the next round
Wanderer- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Gate Magic spells cost possessor (100 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast

-War Mage-
Apprentice War Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, War Mage) All War Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +500 additional Magical Attack, All War Magic spells cost possessor 500 less MP to cast
Basic War Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: War Mage) All War Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +100 additional Magical Attack, and all War Magic spells cost possessor 100 less MP to cast
Saw-Followed Spell- (Technique Ability, War Mage) Possessor may use 'Saw-Followed Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a War Magic spell as part of said action. Said action deals 60,000 Flat solely Physical element Damage as a separate quantity of Damage from other Damage it deals and gains a 30% chance of inflict Wounded.
Spell of War- (Technique Ability, War Mage) Possessor may use 'Spell of War' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a War Magic spell as part of said action. Said action gains the element War.
Spell Shrapnel- (Passive Ability, War Mage) Whenever possessor casts a spell, up to 10 times per round, possessor may choose up to 10 targets to have a 30% chance of afflicting with Pain and may also choose for all of said targets to take 60,000 Flat Physical element Damage
War Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Other: War Mage) War Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
War Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Other: War Mage) War Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast

Apprentice War Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Warmaster) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each War element item equipped, Possessor's War element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of War- (Passive Ability, Other: Warmaster) Quantities of War element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Acceleration Within War's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Other: Warmaster) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of War
Basic War Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Warmaster) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is War element
Basic Weaponization of War- (Passive Ability, Other: Warmaster) Quantities of War element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of War- (Passive Ability, Other: Warmaster) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of War
Control of War- (Passive Ability, Other: Warmaster) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of War element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Elemental Attack-Conversion: War- (Technique Ability, Other: Warmaster) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: War' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is War element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element War.
Improved Weaponization of War- (Passive Ability, Other: Warmaster) Quantities of War element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: War- (Passive Ability, Other: Warmaster) Possessor may use the Technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: War' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action even if possessor is not War element.
War Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Warmaster) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if War element: Create a Zone of War, Remove a Zone of War created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of War by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add War to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is War element on a War element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of War, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of War, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a War element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add War to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against War, 5% War Resistance, or +50 Defense against War and 1% War Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Warmaster- (Passive Ability, Other: Warmaster) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% War Resistance, Possessor ignores War Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80

Apprentice Combat Arts Attunement- (Passive Ability, Warrior) +250 Damage to all damage dealing Combat Arts spells, All Combat Arts spells cost 50 less MP
Basic Combat Arts Attunement- (Passive Ability, Warrior) All Combat Arts spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP, Possessor gains +10 STR, +4 CON, and +5 AGI
Basic Dual Wielding Training- (Passive Ability, Warrior) +10 Melee Attack to all Melee Attack providing weapons, +10 Ranged Attack to all Ranged Attack providing weapons, +10 Magical Attack to all Magical Attack providing weapons, +2% to Hit, Only works is possessor is wielding two weapons
Commanding in a Crisis- (Passive Ability, Warrior) Posessor gains a Summon Slot while in a Crisis Zone
Crisis Zone- (Passive Ability, Warrior) Possessor counts as being in a Crisis Zone when at 1% of possessor's Max HP or lower
Knowledge of Weapons- (Passive Ability, Warrior) At the start of each thread, possessor chooses a type of weapon, Possessor gains +200 Melee, Magical, and Ranged Attack while said type of weapon is equipped

-Wind Duke-
Air Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Air element: Create a Zone of Air, Remove a Zone of Air created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Air by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Air to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Air element on a Air element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Air, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Air, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Air element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Air to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Air, 5% Air Resistance, or +50 Defense against Air and 1% Air Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Apprentice Air Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Air element item equipped, Possessor's Air element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Air's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Air
Basic Air Resistance- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains 1% Air Resistance
Basic Air Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Air element
Basic Command of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor's Air element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Air
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Air
Control of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Air element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Air element targets

Advanced Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +200 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and at least three of which are non-'Wizard Magic' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Apprentice Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All damage-dealing Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts gain +250 Damage, All Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Temporal Wizard Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts that buff AGI buff it by an additional 20 points as an effect that stacks 10 times per individual, Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts that buff an individual's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes buff it by an additional 40 points as an effect that stacks 10 times per individual, Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts that have a chance of inflicting Augmented: Haste have said chance raised by 1%
Basic Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All Wizard Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Basic Understanding of Linking Magic Types- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Spells possessor casts cost 80 less MP if caster has cast a spell of a different subtype previously during this thread
Basic Understanding of Spatial Gate Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains 15% Dodge if possessor possesses a Gate Magic buff
Broaden Casting- (Technique Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use Broaden Casting in conjunction with a Magical Attack involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and a Wizard Magic Spell is equipped. If this attack already inflicts at least 1 hit against 5 or more targets, its total number of targets increases by 2.
Fast Casting- (Technique Ability, Wizard) Possessor may, at the start of a round, declare that possessor's first action of said round will involve this ability; possessor's first action, should possessor declare such, must include said ability, with possessor being forced to skip actions that do not include this ability if possible until such an action is taken. Should possessor declare such, possessor's first action occurs on a turn-order count 500 points higher than it otherwise would, with possessor's other actions that would be based on a turn-order count occurring at the point at which they would otherwise occur. Possessor may use Fast Casting as part of a 'Magical Attack' action that involves a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wizard Magic spell equipped.
Fast General Spellcasting- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use the technique 'Fast Casting' in conjunction with 'Cast a Spell' actions
Knowledge of Basic Magic Theory- (Passive Ability, Wizard) +5 Magical Attack, +30 MIN, Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Space-Bending Spell- (Technique Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use 'Space-Bending Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a Gate Magic or Wizard Magic spell as part of said action. Said action deals full Damage to targets below Level 40 that are in the back row
Theoretical Spellcaster- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +1,000 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +500 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and at least three of which are non-'Wizard Magic' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +180 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +70 MIN if possessor has at least two spells, one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and one of which is a non-'Wizard Magic' spell equipped
Wizard- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor's Damage-dealing actions that involve the casting of Wizard Magic spells deal 500 additional Damage, Wizard Magic spells cost possessor (50 + 30 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast, Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack

Basic Assault Matrix Training- (Passive Ability, Matrix Keeper) This character gains +6 Ranged Attack and +6 Magical Attack when an Assault Matrix is equipped.
Basic Defenses Against Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Energy
Basic Dread Banking Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Dread Banker) All Dread Banking spells that possessor casts gain +10 Magical Attack if they already possess a Magical Attack bonus and cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Basic Energy Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Energy element
Basic Engineer Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Engineer) Possessor gains +3 to all stats for each Upgrade, Bioaugmentation, or Gadget possessor has equipped
Basic Gun Training- (Passive Ability, Gunner) This character gains +6 Ranged Attack when a Gun is equipped.
Basic Hope Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Hope element
Basic Mech User- (Passive Ability, Mech Jockey) All Mech transformations equipped by possessor gain +50 to all stats, +200 damage to all damaging attacks, +1,000 HP, +500 MP, and have attacks that cost 5 less MP to a minimum of 0
Basic Smith Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Smith) This character gains +6 to each type of Attack for each weapon equipped that provides a bonus to that type of attack. This character gains +6 Defense if a Shield, Heavy Armor, or Light Armor is equipped. This character gains +3 to all stats for each Ammo, Weapon Coating, or Helm equipped.
Basic Technology Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Technology element
Basic Tool Training- (Passive Ability, Architect) This character gains +6 Melee Attack when a Tool is equipped.
Basic Vehicle User- (Passive Ability, Driver) All Vehicle transformations equipped by possessor gain +25 to all stats, +100 damage to all damaging attacks, +500 HP, +250 MP, and have attacks that cost 5 less MP to a minimum of 0
Basic Vessel User- (Passive Ability, Captain) All Vessel transformations equipped by possessor gain +25 to all stats, +100 damage to all damaging attacks, +500 HP, +250 MP, and have attacks that cost 5 less MP to a minimum of 0
Basic War Machine User- (Passive Ability, Lord of War) All War Machine transformations equipped by possessor gain +25 to all stats, +100 damage to all damaging attacks, +500 HP, +250 MP, and have attacks that cost 5 less MP to a minimum of 0
Basic Weaponization of Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Quantities of Energy element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Chimney-Creating Art- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Large Structures below Level 60 gain -40% Resilience against possessor
Controlled Vampire Form- (Stance Ability, Deathless One) +5 Base STR, +5 Base CON, +5 Base AGI, +5 Base MIN, Pain Immunity, Poison Immunity, Diseased Immunity, Possessor counts as Undead, Possessor's HP-damaging attacks inflict Drain, 400% Light Weakness that cannot be removed or lessened by sources under level 40, 5% possessor fails to execute harmful actions against individuals no less than 5 levels below possessor with a Holy Symbol equipped or 5 Priest abilities unless possessor possesses at least 5 Priest abilities, Possessor may not affect enemy-created Zones or Terrain, The critical multipliers of individuals who get criticals against possessor increases by 1 (example: a critical that does x2 damage instead does x3 damage)
Defenses that Utilize Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Energy-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Desert Corsair Warship- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Desert Corsair Warship' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Mirage Dragon Czar- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Mirage Dragon Czar' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Orihalcum Submersible- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Orihalcum Submersible' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has a Basic Permit to Battle The Benjamins- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'The Benjamins' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Mechanical Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Engineer) All Mechs used by user gain 200 HP and 10 to all stats
Janus Faces- (Passive Ability, Warlord) Possessor gains +5% To Hit against individuals in the front row of each opposing row-order formation and individuals in the back row of possessor's row-order formation
Sensei Dracula's First Lesson- (Passive Ability, Monk) +5,000 Melee Attack if no weapons are equipped, +350 STR, CON, and MIN if no weapons are equipped, Possessor's Melee Attacks have a 5% chance of inflicting Impaired if no weapons are equipped
Warded Core Essence- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor gains +30,000 Defense, Possessor gains +5,000 CON, Possessor gains +5,000 MIN, Possessor gains +100,000 HP, Possessor's Defense may not be pierced by sources below Level 20, Individuals below Level 20 may not inflict negative status effects on possessor

Eternal Frostbite- (Weapon, Wand, Ice, 120,000,000 Gold) +120,000 Magical Attack, 100% inflics Frozen, 100% inflicts Frozen: Cubed, 100% inflicts Frozen: Frostbite, 100% inflicts Frozen: Brittle, Wielder ignores the Ice Resistance and Frozen Resistance of targets below Level 70, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
World Administrator's Clipboard- (Weapon, Other: Clipboard, Knowledge & Magic & Technology, 190,000,000 Gold) +190,000 Magical Attack, +1,900,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, +190,000 MIN, +190,000 SPI, 160% Critical, 260% To Hit, Wielder's allies gain +8,000 MIN and SPI as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Demonically Possessed Karaoke Machine- (Weaponx0, Instrument, Darkness & Technology, 4,115,000 Gold) +5,000 Melee Attack, +6,000 Ranged Attack, +5,000 Magical Attack, +4,500 to all stats, +7,000 MP, if wielder is below Level 50 and does not have the ability Demonologist, then wielder performs, at the beginning of every round, a Melee Attack, a Ranged Attack, and then a Magical Attack on wielder, these three attacks cannot Heal or inflict any positive effects, This item provides an additional +5,000 Ranged Attack and +5,000 Magical Attack if its wielder has the ability Bard, This item provides an additional +5,500 AGI if its wielder has the ability Dancer, This item cannot be equipped with any other Weaponx0
w/ Crimson Nova- This wielder's attacks may gain '1 hit against 60,000' and gain the elements Fire and Magic, This item's wielder gains +30,000 to all stats, this item provides +30,000 additional Melee Attack, +30,000 additional Ranged Attack, and +30,000 additional Magical Attack, Enchantment

Armor of the Gold Leaf Throne's Knight- (Armor, Heavy Armor, Glory & Wealth, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Defense, +40,000 Defense against Stat Damage, +400,000 CON, Wielder's Defense may not be pierced by individuals below Level 60 who are below wielder's Level, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Demilich Teeth- (Accessory, Upgrade, Darkness & Magic, 150,000,000 Gold) Once per round, before one of wielder's actions, wielder may choose to inflict Instant Death on a target below wielder's Level that is below Level 80, with said effect not stacking across multiple copies of this item and individuals below Level 80 being unable to resurrect individuals killed by said effect, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Cloak of Glorious Majesty- (Accessory, Cloak, Glory & Nobility, 140,000,000 Gold) +120,000 Defense, +100,000 to all stats, +1,000,000 Defense against Gold Damage, Wearer's allies gain +10,000 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus if none of their oppoenents are more than 19 Levels greater than wearer, Wearer must be Level 40 or greater

Doom Juggernaut Frame- (Accessory, Bioaugmentation, Darkness & War & Ice & Physical, 75,000,000 Gold) +75,000 Defense, +750,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +75,000 STR, +75,000 CON, Wielder may, up to 5 times per round, redirect attacks from sources below Level 80 to itself, with all hits that could not target wielder vanishing instead of failing to be redirected, 130% Resilience, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
2 Reaper's Hourglass- (Accessory, Trinket, Darkness & Fate, 94,242,564 Gold) +90,000 Magical Attack, 30% Darkness Resistance, 30% Time Resistance, 30% Fate Resistnace, 30% inflicts Instant Death, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Craft Drainpetal Brew- (Spell, Alchemy, Earth & Darkness & Water, 700 MP, 2,100,000 Gold) +2,000 Magical Attack, deals 1,000 CON Damage, 100% inflicts Stat Drain: CON Drain
Devil Arcana- (Spell, Arcanist Magic, Darkness & Fire, 150,000 MP, 150,000,000 Gold) +150,000 Magical Attack, 100% inflicts Voidstruck, 100% inflicts Burning, target obtains -5,000 to all stats as a non-stacking debuff, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Expert Alchemist's Eternal Poison- (Spell, Alchemy, Acid & Darkness & Magic, 136,000 MP, 22,500,000 Gold) +22,500 Magical Attack, 100% Inflicts any one minor negative status effect, This action's target deals 225,000 Flat Acid & Darkness & Magic element Damage and has a 100% chance of being afflicted with any one minor negative status effect at the start of every round, Does not stack, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
Ghastly Blastwave- (Spell, Other: War Magic, War & Darkness, 350,000 MP, 35,000,000 Gold) +15,000 Magical Attack, 120% inflicts Fatigued: Stun, 1 hit against 30,000, Caster may choose to unsummon any targets of an action or attack that involves the casting of this spell that are both below Level 60 and equal Level to or lower Level than caster, Caster may replace the corpse of any individual killed by an attack involving the casting of this spell with a summoned War element Undead that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List that is below Level 60 and equal Level to or lower Level than said killed individual
Death Spray- (Spell, Biomancy, Darkness & Acid, 15,500,000 Gold) +15,500 Ranged Attack, 60% inflicts Dissolving, 30% inflicts Instant Death on targets below Level 70, 1 hit against 15
Modified Stats wrote: Caelum Aetherius (Time Cloned Spirit Binder) (Aeromage)
Human, Life
Level 59
HP- 833,750
MP- 329,250
STR: 2,960 (Capped)
AGI: 4,130 (Capped)
CON: 3,350 (Capped)
MIN: 12,890 (Capped)
SPI: 18,460 (Capped)


130% Resilience

Defence- 24,780

+40,570 Defense Against Stat Damage

Immune to Minor Status Effects from sources below Level 80


100% To Hit
+25% To Hit against targets afflicted with Instant Death: Doomed as a non-stacking bonus

Melee Attack- 8,880
Magical Attack- 145,760
Ranged Attack- 4,130

Ignores the Ice Resistance and Frozen Resistance of targets below Level 70, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

100% Inflicts Frozen, Frozen: Cubed, Frozen: Frostbite, Frozen: Brittle

30% inflicts Instant Death
15% inflicts Instant Death: Doomed


Regenerates 18,000,000 HP and MP


May choose to inflict Instant Death on a target below wielder's Level that is below Level 80, once per round


May, up to 5 times per round, redirect attacks from sources below Level 80 to itself, with all hits that could not target wielder vanishing instead of failing to be redirected

The same thing is going to be happening again. Volatilis controls the sub-68 Bosses' decisions thanks to Adept Clipboard.
To make things somewhat above-board and prove they can also defeat the bosses, the Caels will be alternating between themselves using the Demilich Eyes and Teeth to off them.

It's for this reason I'll be using bosses that aren't immune to Darkness, Magic or Instant Death for this run.

Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2021 9:12 pm
by Aeromage
*Fizzlebron the Far-Seeing
Level 53 Boss
Human, Astral & Magic
HP- 214,000,000
MP- 218,000,000
STR- 32,000
AGI- 46,000
CON- 30,000
MIN- 71,000
SPI- 70,000
XP- 0
Defense- 25,000
Defense against Stat Damage- 9,000
Critical Chance- 105%
Resilience- 80%
To Hit- 180%
Dodge- 90%
Resistances and Immunities- 50% Magic Resistance, 50% Astral Resistance, Voidstruck Immunity, 100% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 50% Moderate Status Effect Resistance
Prime Attribute- Spirit
Constant Effects-
Mage-Astronomer- Possessor gains +60,000 to all stats for each Empowered Constellation that is set, Possessor's allies' MIN is doubled, Boss Effect
Forgetful- Possessor has a 25% chance of losing each buff possessor possesses at the start of each round, Possessor has a 25% chance of stopping counting as having scanned each individual's stats at the start of each round, Constant Effect
Confused By the Mechanics of Reality- Possessor's stat-scanning attempts have a 50% chance of failing, Possessor is afflicted with Confusion if possessor fails to scan an individual's stats, Possessor's stats are divided by 4 if an alternate battle system is in effect, Constant Effect
Multiple Constellations- Possessor may set up to 5 different Empowered Constellations, Constant Effect
Starbolt- 85,000 Damage, Astral, 0 MP
Twinklebolt- 35,000 Damage, 50% inflicts Confusion, Charm, or Impaired: Blind, 50% fails to work, Astral, 0 MP
Set Constellation of the Wizard- Caster sets an Empowered Constellation that provides +68,000 MIN and SPI to caster and all of caster's allies, does not stack, Magic or Astral & Magic, 5,000,000 MP
Set Constellation of the Walrus- Caster sets an Empowered Constellation that provides +50,000 STR and 35% Ice Resistance to caster and all of caster's allies, does not stack, Water or Ice or Astral & Water & Ice, 3,000,000 MP
Set Constellation of the Drunken Loris- Caster sets an Empowered Constellation that inflicts Impaired: Drunk on all Animals at the start of each round, Astral or Astral & Earth, 2,000,000 MP
Rain of Starbolts- 85,000 Damage, 1 hit against 200,000, Astral, 10,000,000 MP
Far Seeing- Scans target's stats, this action may target individuals in other battlespaces, Astral, 2,000,000 MP
Vision from Space- Inflicts Confusion, Darkness or Astral or Light or Ice or Air, 1,000,000 MP
Asteroid- 850,000 Flat Astral element Damage, 1 hit against 200,000, Astral or Astral & Earth, 5,000,000 MP
OH THE STARS!- Inflicts Awestruck, Voidstruck, Impaired: Blind, Charm, and Charm: Impressed, Inflicts Charm: Impressed on caster, Astral or Magic or Light & Darkness, 500,000 MP
Can You Carry the Weight of the Universe?- Target obtains -15,000 to all stats for each Empowered Constellation that is set, Astral, 60,000,000 MP
Can You Carry.... This BATHTUB!?- Target is afflicted with Paralyzed, Impaired, and Pain and cannot act if it does not have the ability 'Boomerang Back', Physical & Water, 1,000 MP
1,457,500 Gold
145,750 XP
Simple enough! Volatilis controls him, and one of the Caels offs him with the Eyes/Teeth.

Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 10:59 pm
by The Nottest of Daves
Fizzlebron fizzles out due to DEATH.


Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:02 pm
by Aeromage
*Herman Rythh
Level 53 Boss
Human, Air
HP- 428,000,000
MP- 428,000,000
STR- 71,000
AGI- 71,000
CON- 71,000
MIN- 71,000
SPI- 71,000
XP- 0
Defense- 28,000
Defense against Stat Damage- 9,300
Critical Chance- 100%
Resilience- 100%
To Hit- 200%
Dodge- 100%
Resistances and Immunities- 106% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 53% Moderate Status Effect Resistance
Prime Attribute- Strength
Constant Effects-
Dragon's Gatekeeper- Possessor may, at the start of the third round of battle, summon 1 Dragon from the Enemy List that is below Level 60 and normally fightable for drops, said summon's stats are quadrupled, Boss Effect
Hero of the Islands- Possessor and possessor's allies obtain +40,000 to all stats and 40% Dragon Resistance, Constant Effect
Champion's Sword- 86,000 Damage, Physical or Magic or Energy, 0 MP
Dragon's Prominence- 85,000 Damage, 200% inflicts Burning, 1 hit against 20,000, this action may gain the element Physical if targeting 5 or less individuals, Fire, 100,000 MP
Quadruple Slash- 86,000 Damage, 4 hits against 1, Physical & Air, 10,000 MP
Dodge- Caster gains +100% Dodge for 2 rounds, does not stack, Air, 200,000 MP
Quake- 86,000 Damage, 200% inflicts Entombed, 1 hit against 200, Earth, 200,000 MP
1,740,000 Gold
145,750 XP
It's that guy! He dies to Instant Death.

Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:06 pm
by The Nottest of Daves
Gatekeeping Dragons does not save him from Demilich Death!


Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:07 pm
by Aeromage
*George the Irate Boat
Level 54 Boss
Aquatic, Fury
HP- 438,000,000
MP- 438,000,000
STR- 72,000
AGI- 72,000
CON- 72,000
MIN- 70,000
SPI- 70,000
XP- 0
Defense- 28,500
Defense against Stat Damage- 9,310
Critical Chance- 108%
Resilience- 108%
To Hit- 208%
Dodge- 70%
Resistances and Immunities- 108% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 58% Moderate Status Effect Resistance
Prime Attribute- Strength or Agility
Constant Effects-
What IS This!?- Possessor's opponents are afflicted with Confusion at the start of every round, Boss Effect
Running You Over EVEN ON LAND!- 87,000 Damage, 200% inflicts Fatigued: Stun, 200% inflicts Fatigued: Knocked Out, deals full Damage to the back row, 1 hit against 15, Physical or Earth or Water or Fury, 0 MP
BIG Missiles- 87,000 Damage, 5 hits against 80, Technology, 100,000,000 MP
Get Angrier- Caster gains +70,000 STR and +70% Critical, stacks 15 times, Fury, 10,000,000 MP
1,485,000 Gold
148,500 XP
MARITIME RAGE that is probably a reference I'm missing dies to Instant Death, too!

Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:10 pm
by The Nottest of Daves


Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:12 pm
by Aeromage
*Lubel Vyre
Level 55 Boss
Bio-Horror, Time
HP- 919,000,000
MP- 908,000,000
STR- 62,000
AGI- 76,000
CON- 68,000
MIN- 76,000
SPI- 76,000
XP- 0
Defense- 31,000
Defense against Stat Damage- 10,000
Critical Chance- 105%
Resilience- 80%
To Hit- 180%
Dodge- 90%
Resistances and Immunities- Absorbs Time, Spatial Immunity, Transmutation Immunity, Minor and Moderate Status Effect Immunity, 50% Major Status Effect Resistance
Prime Attribute- Spirit + Constitution or Mind + Spirit or Mind + Constitution
Constant Effects-
Time-Melded Fleshwarper Leader- Possessor may summon up to 5 Bio-Horrors below Level 60 or 1 Temporal Interloper or Time Elemental at the start of each round, Possessor's allies' stats and status effect infliction chances are doubled, Boss Effect
Dischronology- Up to 5 times per thread, including in response to possessor dying or being defeated, possessor may, at any point when effects are checked, choose to reset the current battle to an earlier state that it was in at the beginning of any round, with this effect's use count not being reset by this effect, This effect may not be used if any individual of Level 80 or greater or any individual who possesses the subtype Immortal objects, Boss Effect
Temporal Speed- Possessor gains +70,000 to its turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes, Possessor's turn-order-determining stats are Agility and Spirit, Constant Effect
Empowered by the Time Stream- Possessor obtains +(5,000 * the current round's number (to a max of 200)) to all stats, Possessor may choose at the end of a round to count the next round's number as the number of any round that possessor has previously counted a round of the battle as, Constant Effect
Future Selves Apparant- At the start of each round, possessor may select a round number, If the round's number ever becomes that number, possessor gains an additional action on that round after possessor's first action, to a max of 200 additional actions per round, If this battle's state would be reset by a source below Level 80, this effect is not reset, Constant Effect
Temporally Incorporeal- Possessor gains +110% Dodge against non-Time-element opponents, Constant Effect
Temporal Mastery- Possessor is Immune to individuals below Level 20, Constant Effect
Temporal Erosion- 93,000 Damage, 14,500 AGI Damage, 14,500 CON Damage, inflicts Fatigued: Elderly, Time, 0 MP
Rewind- Caster sets the current round's number to either any previous round's number or to 0, Time, 0 MP
Message to Yesterday- Target obtains +70,000 to all stats, If this battle's state would be reset by a source below Level 80, this effect, if delayed, is not reset, 5,000,000 MP
Perniscious Lies- The next time caster's stats are scanned, the source of said scan, instead of successfully scanning caster's stats, is afflicted with Insanity, Psychic or Acid, 10,000,000 MP
Unwound Strike- 93,000 Damage, 10,000 AGI Damage, 10,000 CON Damage, If this battle's state would be reset by a source below Level 80, this effect, if delayed, is not reset, 5,000,000 MP
Timeflow- -10,000 to each of target's turn-order-determining stats, stacks 4 times, 1 hit against 50,000, Time, 10,000,000 MP
Rush of Acid Years- 93,000 Damage, 280% inflicts Dissolving, 200% inflicts Suffocation: No Future, 1 hit against 5,000,000, Time or Acid or Acid & Time, 10,000,000 MP
Throw from Time- Inflicts Petrified: Time Stop, Time, 10,000,000 MP
Calculate- Caster gains +70,000 MIN, stacks 5 times, Psychic, 5,000,000 MP
Warpcrush- 70,000 Damage, halves target's CON, Spatial, 5,000,000 MP
Clocktwisting- Caster loses all future actions this round and gains 3 additional actions next round, Time, 15,000,000 MP
3,025,000 Gold
302,500 XP
Wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey guy dies to Instant Death; decides not to summon in help or reset the battle because of Ongoing Audits.

Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:17 pm
by The Nottest of Daves
The Doctor is slain!


Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:18 pm
by Aeromage
*Mr. Aquarium
Level 56 Boss
Robot, Water
HP- 514,000,000
MP- 502,000,000
STR- 71,000
AGI- 78,000
CON- 75,000
MIN- 60,000
SPI- 70,000
XP- 0
Defense- 32,000
Defense against Stat Damage- 10,100
Critical Chance- 112%
Resilience- 60%
To Hit- 212%
Dodge- 112%
Resistances and Immunities- Absorbs Water, Technology Immunity, Psychic Immunity, Drowning Immunity, 112% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 56% Moderate Status Effect Resistance, 5% Major Status Effect Resistance
Prime Attribute- Agility
Constant Effects-
Member of Team Miss Demise and Miss Nowhere From the Knot- Possessor's allies obtain Drowning Immunity and 50% Water Resistance, Possessor may summon 5 Aquatics below Level 60 at the start of each round that are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Possessor's Aquatic summons and possessor's allies' Aquatic summons have their stats and Damage dealt doubled, Boss Effect
Aquabot- Possessor gains the subtype Aquatic, Constant Effect
Aquatic Superspeed- Possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum is quadrupled for turn-order-determining purposes if possessor is in a Zone of Water or the terrain or phantom terrain is Ocean, Constant Effect
Pisces Fist- 94,000 Damage, Target becomes Water element, 2 hits against 1, Physical & Water, 0 MP
Aquarium Steam- 90,000 Damage, inflicts Pain, 1 hit against 50, Fire & Air, 0 MP
Transplant Head- Caster replaces target Human below Level 50 with itself, Caster regenerates 100,000,000 HP and MP if said replacement is successful, Water, 0 MP
Aquarium Missile- 96,000 Damage, All instances of the element Atomic are replaced with the element Water as an effect that sits as a buff on caster, 1 hit against 100,000,000, Water, 10,000,000 MP
Under the Sea- Caster creates a Zone of Water and attaches an effect to it that stacks 4 times across zones or on the same zone that halves the turn-order-determining stats (for all purposes) of non-Aquatic individuals, Water, 200,000,000 MP
Dive! Dive!- Caster gains +80% Dodge while in a Zone of Water for 3 rounds, Water, 1,000 MP
1,680,000 Gold
168,000 XP
It's the weird fishtank-headed guy again!
He elects not to summon fish.
He also dies to Instant Death.

Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:20 pm
by The Nottest of Daves


Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:21 pm
by Aeromage
*Master Gobbler
Level 58 Boss
Aerial, Nobility
HP- 535,000,000
MP- 522,000,000
STR- 75,000
AGI- 83,000
CON- 75,000
MIN- 75,000
SPI- 78,000
XP- 0
Defense- 33,000
Defense against Stat Damage- 9,000
Critical Chance- 116%
Resilience- 116%
To Hit- 216%
Dodge- 116%
Resistances and Immunities- Aerial Immunity, 50% Fire Weakness, 50% Knife Weakness, 116% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 116% Moderate Status Effect Resistance, 50% Major Status Effect Resistance
Prime Attribute- Agility + Spirit
Constant Effects-
Birdlord- Possessor controls the actions of all Aerials below Level 58, Possessor may summon up to 100 Aerials from the Enemy List that are below Level 55 and normally fightable for drops at the start of each round, Possessor's Aerial allies have their stats and Damage dealt doubled, Boss Effect
Edible When Cooked- The first quantity of Damage an individual deals to possessor each round is increased by (500,000 * the number of Chef abilities possessed by said individual), Individuals deal double HP Drain to possessor if possessor has been dealt Fire element Damage by a previous attack, Boss Effect
Maximum Tryptophan- If an individual deals HP Drain to possessor, said individual is afflicted with Fatigued: Drowsy, Constant Effect
Gobble 'Em Up- 100,000 Damage, Deals HP Drain, Caster regenerates a quantity of HP equal to the Max HP of each individual this action kills (to a total max of 535,000,000 HP), Physical, 0 MP
Swallow- 100,000 Damage, caster may remove any individual below Level 55 damaged by this ability, up to a max of two hundred individuals at once, from battle at a time, with said individual being considered Vanished and under an effect identical to vanished save for the differences noted in this ability, this effect does not function against individuals immune to Vanished, Said individuals may be returned to battle by caster at the start of any of caster’s actions, the end of any of caster’s actions, or any point that caster could choose to remove a different individual, Any such individual is automatically returned if caster is killed or otherwise defeated by any means besides the infliction of Vanished or Gone on caster, said individuals are considered to be eaten by caster, Air or Physical, 100,000 MP
Dignified Warbling- 100,000 Damage, 200% inflicts Charm, 200% inflicts Charm: Impressed, 100% inflicts Suffocation: Sonic Whiplash, 1 hit against 600,000, Nobility & Sonic, 2,000,000 MP
Proffer (Secretly One-Sided) Treaty- 15% inflicts Dominion, Target and target's allies have a 50% chance each of being unable to target caster with attacks for 2 rounds, Nobility, 3,000,000 MP
Masterful Carving- 100,000 Damage, 10,000 CON Damage, 100% may inflict Wounded, targets affliced with Wounded by this action obtain a non-stacking debuff that increases quantities of HP Drain dealt to them by 1,000,000 points, Physical, 430,000 MP
Turkey's Key- Caster enters or (if it is not the main battlespace of the battle) destroys target battlespace unless an individual of Levle 60 or greater in it objects, inflicting Vanished on any individual in said destroyed battlespace, Void & Spatial, 200,000,000 MP
Global Direct Aerials- All of caster's Aerial allies gain an action after this action, Air & Nobility, 10,000,000 MP
1,680,000 Gold
168,000 XP
The overstuffed turkey chooses not to summon, then dies to Demilich gear!

Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2021 11:22 pm
by The Nottest of Daves
Turkey Day already? Mr. Timey Wimey has been messing with Time too much again...


Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:03 am
by Aeromage
*Chal-Gularr (Blood Mirage Level-Shifted Limited Mode: 'Clown Antics' Build)
Level 59, Boss
Reptile, Water & Air
HP- 210,000,000
MP- 201,108,573
STR- 33,100
AGI- 85,000
CON- 32,500
MIN- 31,100
SPI- 33,600
XP- 0
Defense- 12,000
Defense against Stat Damage- 3,000
Critical Chance- 75%
Resilience- 59%
To Hit- 218%
Dodge- 118%
Resistances and Immunities- Confusion Immunity, 118% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 59% Moderate Status Effect Resistance
Prime Attribute- Agility
Constant Effects-
Lizardman- Possessor gains the subtype Humanoid, Constant Effect
Creepy Face Paint- Possessor has a 50% chance of inflicting Confusion: Fear on each opponent at the start of each round, Constant Effect
Clown Flexibility- Possessor obtains +10,000 AGI, +35% Dodge, and +35% To Hit, Constant Effect
Two-Claw Eyegouge With Laugh Track- 50,000 Damage, 100% inflicts Pain, 100% inflicts Impaired: Blind, 50% inflicts Wounded, Physical, 0 MP
Seltzer-Flower Megablast- 50,000 Damage, 100% inflicts Fatigued: Stun, 80% inflicts Drowning, 1 hit against 200,000, Water, 100,000 MP
Corrosive Acid Pie Barrage- 50,000 Damage, 100% inflicts Dissolving, 80% inflicts Pain, 2 hits against 50,000, Acid or Acid & Earth, 2,500,000 MP
Defense-Dissolving Clown Fluid- -12,000 Defense, 100% inflicts Stat Drain: DEF Drain, stacks 20 times, Acid or Water, 1,000,000 MP
'Stop Hitting Your Allies!': Japery Block- Possessor may use this action solely as a preemptive counter to actions that target possessor but target none of possessor's allies that do not target all allies of their performer that are performed by individuals below Level 60, This action changes the instance of the action it is countering that is targeting its performer to instead target an ally of its performer that was not previously targeted by it that is below Level 60, Air or Physical or Air & Physical, 4,000,000 MP
Clown Acrobatics- Caster gains +59% Dodge and +59% To Hit for 4 rounds, does not stack, Air, 1,000,000 MP
Clown Mania- 30,000 Damage, 3,000 MIN Damage, 150% inflicts Confusion, 1 hit against 200,000, Chaos & Air & Fire, 6,000,000 MP
1,770,000 Gold
177,000 XP
I never expected 'lizard conspiracy' and 'clowns' to overlap, but here we are.
He has no defence against being Instant Death'd to death, thankfully.

Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 5:49 pm
by The Nottest of Daves


Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 8:04 pm
by Aeromage
*Evangeline DeLaPhantos (Blood Mirage Level-Shifted Limited Mode: 'Unconquered Heroine' Build)
Level 59 Boss
Human, Glory & Light
HP- 200,000,000
MP- 200,000,000
STR- 80,000
AGI- 80,000
CON- 35,500
MIN- 35,900
SPI- 56,200
XP- 0
Defense- 16,000
Defense against Stat Damage- 4,000
Critical Chance- 118%
Resilience- 118%
To Hit- 218%
Dodge- 118%
Resistances and Immunities- 50% Light Resistance, 50% Air Resistance, Hexed Immunity, Smitten Immunity, 118% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 59% Moderate Status Effect Resistance, 5% Major Status Effect Resistance
Prime Attribute- Spiritx2 or Strengthx2 or Strength + Spirit
Constant Effects-
Auto-Parry- Possessor has a 50% chance of canceling attacks that target it that come from sources below Level 80, Constant Effect
Auto-Parry+- Once per round, up to three times per thread, possessor may choose to have its Auto-Parry Constant Effect automatically succeed, Constant Effect
Savior's Grace- Possessor may choose up to three minor, moderate, or major status effects at the start of each round, and, as a non-stacking buff, gain Immunity to those status effects until the end of the round, Constant Effect
Peerless Combat- Possessor gains +98% Critical, Resilience, To Hit, and Dodge, Constant Effect
Champion- Possessor gains +85,000 to all stats, Possessor is Immune to entities below Level 40, Constant Effect
Sunproof- Possessor gains Light Immunity, Fire Immunity, Burning Immunity, and Awestruck Immunity, Constant Effect
Unconquered- If possessor is Glory element, there is a 10% chance that possessor does not obtain each debuff that it would otherwise acquire from a source below Level 80, If possessor is Glory element, possessor is cured of one debuff from a source below Level 80 at the start of each round, Constant Effect
Fight On Till Forever- Possessor regenerates 10,000,000 HP and 1,000,000 MP at the start of each round, Possessor gains Fatigued Immunity, Constant Effect
Celestial Sword- 80,000 Damage, 100% may inflict Awestruck, 100% may inflict Awestruck: Sealed, Physical or Might or Light or Hope, 0 MP
Keen Slash- 80,000 Damage, this action gains +90% Critical, this action cannot be prevented from Criticalling targets below Level 60, Physical, 0 MP
Precise Slash- 80,000 Damage, this action cannot miss targets below Level 60, this action gains +90% To Hit, Physical & Air, 0 MP
Oracle's Weapon- 80,000 Damage, scans target's stats, Physical & Light & Psychic, 1,000,000 MP
Gate-Dancer Warpleap Blade- 80,000 Damage, caster may target entities in other battlespaces with this action, caster enters target's battlespace unless an entity of Level 80 or greater in the battlespace caster would be entering or the battlespace caster would be leaving objects, Spatial & War, 1,000,000 MP
Avenger- 80,000 Damage, this attack deals an additional amount of Damage equal to the amount of Damage its performer has taken from opponents during the thread, to a max of 20,000,000,000 additional Damage, this attack cannot deal Damage to caster or caster's allies, Universe, 10,000,000 MP
Flash-Cannon- 80,000 Damage, 200% inflicts Impaired: Blind, 100% inflicts Awestruck, 100% inflicts Fatigued: Stun, 1 hit against 2,000,000, Light or Light & Technology or Light & Magic, 3,000,000 MP
Hyperboost- Caster gains +850,000 to all stats until the end of the round, Caster gains +90% To Hit and Critical until the end of the round, this action may be used a max of once per battle across all casters and the buff it creates may not be replicated by entities below Level 100, does not stack, Glory & Energy, 50,000,000 MP
Bladeblur- 65,000 Damage, 25 hits against 1, Physical & Air, 2,500,000 MP
Fortify- Caster gains +35,000 Defense and 50% Physical Resistance, does not stack, Physical or Magic, 1,000,000 MP
Prismatic Shield- Caster gains +35,000 Defense and +11,000 Defense against Stat Damage, Caster gains Base Element Immunity against sources below Level 80, Lasts 5 rounds, Earth & Air & Fire & Water & Hope & Darkness & Magic & Technology & Psychic & Physical & Ice & Energy & Acid & Electrical, 5,000,000 MP
Supreme Heal- 80,000 Damage, Heals, Light, 1,000,000 MP
Restore Self- Caster regenerates 25,000,000 HP, Light, 1,000,000 MP
Revitalize- Cures all minor, moderate, and major status effects from target that come from sources below Level 80, Cures all debuffs on target that come from sources below Level 80, Light & Magic, 2,500,000 MP
Flamestorm- 75,000 Damage, 100% inflicts Burning, this action repeats at the start of each round against the same targets if none of its performer's other actions have repeated on that round, 1 hit against 30,000, Fire or Fire & Magic, 3,000,000 MP
Tornado Burst- 80,000 Damage, 100% inflicts Suffocation, 100% inflicts Fatigued: Stun, targets below Level 75 that do not possess Air Resistance have a 25% chance of not being able to act on the next round (with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring), 1 hit against 300,000, Air or Air & Magic, 3,000,000 MP
Deluge Blow- 80,000 Damage, 100% inflicts Drowning, caster may re-arrange the rows of any one row-order formation, 1 hit against 5,000,000, Water or Water & Magic, 3,000,000 MP
Earthshatter Wave- 80,000 Damage, 100% inflicts Entombed, removes all buffs from sources below Level 80 from targets, 1 hit against 500,000, Earth or Earth & Magic, 3,000,000 MP
Meditation of Motion- Caster gains 2 additional actions next round, does not stack, Time or Psychic or Physical or Psychic & Physical, 2,500,000 MP
Cage of One Hundred Blades- 80,000 Damage, target may not act more than once next round if below Level 80, does not stack, Physical, 1,000,000 MP
Hypersonic Burst- Caster's turn-order-determining stat sum is multiplied by 10 on the next round for turn-order-determining purposes (to a max of 10,000,000 additional points), Sonic or Sonic & Air or Sonic & Energy, 2,500,000 MP
Sunsong Slash- 80,000 Damage, 100% inflicts Burning, 100% inflicts Awestruck, 100% inflicts Zealblasted, 200% inflicts Impaired: Blind, Light or Fire or Light & Fire & Sonic or Hope & Fire & Sonic, 3,000,000 MP
Glorious, Triumphant Slash- 80,000 Damage, this action deals 2x Damage to targets that are not Glory element that possess under 100 Fame (to a max of 250,000,000 additional Damage), Glory, 1,000,000 MP
2,145,000 Gold
214,500 XP
Evangeline is audit-forced to not activate Saviour's Grace. She is therefore killed by Instant Death.

Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:12 pm
by The Nottest of Daves


Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:13 pm
by Aeromage
*Evangeline DeLaPhantos (Blood Mirage Level-Shifted Limited Mode: 'Weird Leftover Abilities' Build)
Level 59 Boss
Human, Water
HP- 200,000,000
MP- 200,000,000
STR- 30,000
AGI- 30,000
CON- 30,000
MIN- 31,000
SPI- 30,000
XP- 0
Defense- 8,000
Defense against Stat Damage- 4,000
Critical Chance- 100%
Resilience- 100%
To Hit- 200%
Dodge- 100%
Resistances and Immunities- 118% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 59% Moderate Status Effect Resistance, 10% Major Status Effect Resistance
Prime Attribute- Strength
Constant Effects-
Mister Astounding's Fantastic-Swagger-Recovery Technique- Whenever possessor hits an opponent with an attack, possessor is, to a max of once per attack, cured of a (minor or moderate negative status effect or debuff) from a source below Level 60, Constant Effect
Beat Brandon McFlash at Chess- Possessor obtains +30,000 MIN, Possessor gains Stat Drain: MIN Drain Immunity, Possessor's opponents may not replace themselves with other entities using the 'Time for a Promotion!' Constant Effect, Constant Effect
Stance Shift- Possessor may change stances at the start of each round, Constant Effect
Disguised as a Castle Maid- Possessor gains +15% Dodge, may choose to have its name count solely as 'Maid', and may remove a debuff with a source below Level 20 at the start of each round, Stance Ability
Kangaroo Combat Mode- Possessor may deal 300,000 Flat Physical element Damage to a single opponent at the start of each round and have a 70% chance of inflicting Fatigued: Stun on said target, Possessor may move to the front row or back row at the start of each round, Effects that deal additional Damage to Animals deal additional Damage to possessor regardless of possessor's subtypes, Stance Ability
Poker Pro Stance- Possessor's stats may not be scanned by sources below Level 40, Stance Ability
Umbrella Fencing- 26,500 Damage, this action's target obtains a non-stacking debuff that causes the first hit of its next attack to obtain -15% To Hit, caster gains +5% Resilience against Water-element attacks until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff, Water or Physical or Water & Physical, 0 MP
Mind-Damaging Kangaroo Rap- 3,500 MIN Damage, 100% inflicts Stat Drain: MIN Drain, 100% inflicts Mindblasted, this action's performer counts as possessing the subtype Animal while performing this action, Physical & Psychic, 0 MP
Fishing Queen's Catch-Grabber!- 30,000 Damage, this action cannot miss Aquatics, this action has a 50% chance of defeating Aquatics below Level 60, Physical or Air or Water or Nobility, 300,000 MP
Eat Large Numbers of Oranges- Caster regenerates 1,000,000 HP and is cured of Fatigued: Starvation and Fatigued: Dehydration, Earth & Water & Acid, 1,000,000 MP
Mage-Token of Contact-Phone-Psychic- Caster has a 30% chance of scanning target's stats, if said 30% chance does not trigger, caster is dealt 1,000,000 Flat Psychic element Gold Damage, Psychic & Magic, 300,000 MP
Throw Violin- 21,000 Damage, this attack's target's allies who possess the ability 'Musician' or the ability 'Bard' have a 75% chance of being afflicted with Confusion: Enraged, this action counts as including an Instrument weapon and destroying an Instrument weapon, Physical & Air, 700,000 MP
Spray Mega-Smella-Go Air-Refresh- Caster removes all effects attached to zones by opponents below Level 60, Air & Hope, 400,000 MP
2,145,000 Gold
214,500 XP
The much-less-impressive version! She doesn't enter Kangaroo Mode, and dies handily to Instant Death.

Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:15 pm
by The Nottest of Daves


Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 6: Bossing

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2021 9:17 pm
by Aeromage
We really do need to track down that one turbo-Karen sometime.

*Flower Josh That Power Master (Blood Mirage Level-Shifted Limited Mode: 'Flower Josh That Weird Geomancer' Build)
Level 59 Boss
Human, Earth & Psychic
HP- 200,000,000
MP- 200,000,000
STR- 35,000
AGI- 35,000
CON- 35,000
MIN- 75,000
SPI- 75,000
XP- 0
Defense- 8,000
Defense against Stat Damage- 4,000
Critical Chance- 50%
Resilience- 50%
To Hit- 200%
Dodge- 50%
Resistances and Immunities- 90% Psychic Resistance, 90% Earth Resistance, 50% Geomancy Resistance, Confusion Immunity, Mindblasted Immunity, Entombed Immunity, 58% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 29% Moderate Status Effect Resistance
Prime Attribute- Spirit or Mind
Constant Effects-
First There Is A Mountain- At the start of battle, possessor creates a Phantom Terrain that is Mountains that has an effect attached to it that does not stack that may not be removed by sources below Level 80 that provides its creator with +30,000 Defense, Constant Effect
Then There Is No Mountain- At the start or end of each round or action, possessor may, to a max of once per round per Phantom Terrain, remove any number of Phantom Terrains from all battlespaces, tracking them in a Mental Phantom Terrain Reservoir, Constant Effect
Then There Is- Possessor may, whenever an individual conducts an action, up to 200 times per action, up to a max of once per round per Phantom Terrain, add a Phantom Terrain that possessor removed from all battlespaces and put into a Mental Phantom Terrain Reservoir into possessor's current battlespace, and, should said individual conducting said action be below Level 60, have a 15% chance of canceling said action (with said chance being checked seperately for each such Phantom Terrain returned to battle) provided that said action's performer (is not Immune to, does not Absorb, does not Reflect, and/or does not possess) all elements that are possessed by said Phantom Terrain's corresponding Square Mile of Terrain should such an item exist in the Shop, Possessor may also place any such Phantom Terrain in its current battlespace up to a max of once per round before or after any action or at the start or end of the round, Constant Effect
Locks As Snails Technique- Possessor ignores Resilience-increasing buffs from opponents below Level 60 that are present on opponents, Constant Effect
Snails As Locks Technique- Possessor gains +30,000 Defense and +100% Resilience if possessor has an Insect ally, Constant Effect
Friends Of The World, Join Me In Groovy Harmony- At the start of each round, for each Phantom Terrain that is present, possessor may summon an entity below Level 50 that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Constant Effect
Imagination Is Boundless- Whenever an individual would set the Phantom Terrain, that individual instead creates a new Phantom Terrain without replacing the old Phantom Terrain unless said individual is Level 80 or greater and desires such, Up to 2,000 Phantom Terrains may be present, Constant Effect
Hand to the Noggin- 30,000 Damage, 50% removes 1 buff from a source below Level 60 from target, Physical, 0 MP
Journey with My Mind to a Place Of Magic- Caster creates a Phantom Terrain of any type that possesses a corresponding in-stock Square Mile in the Shop, Psychic or Earth or Water or Air or Magic, 0 MP
A Place of Harmony- All entities below Level 60 obtain a debuff that makes them unable to deal Damage until the end of the next round, Hope & Psychic, Caster gains an action if caster possesses at least one ally, 1,000,000 MP
A Place Where All Things Are One- Caster may apply a buff to each entity that is either below Level 60 or willing that does not possess any values that are linked to any values of other entities that links its possessor's HP to that HP of one other individual who is either below Level 60 or willing that does not possess any values that are linked to any values of other entities, with said buff's presence counting as the presence of a Phantom Terrain that is Hope element, Hope & Psychic, 5,000,000 MP
Cities of Water, Rivers of Time- 200% may inflict Drowning, 200% may inflict Confusion: Time-Twisted, Caster may create a Phantom Terrain that is Ocean, 1 hit against 500,000, Water & Time, 1,000,000 MP
Circles of Time- On the next round, entities below Level 60 may not perform actions that they did not perform either last round or the current round, providing that at least two rounds of battle have existed and possess a sequence between them, Time, 2,000,000 MP
Pathways of Space- Caster may enter another battlespace so long as no individual of Level 80 or greater in either the battlespace that caster is entering or the battlespace caster is exiting objects, Spatial, 1,000,000 MP
Atlantis Rising- Caster defeats all opponents below Level 60 if at least 200 Phantom Terrains are present, Glory & Time & Magic & Psychic & Hope, 99,999,999 MP
2,145,000 Gold
214,500 XP
It's that guy! He cannot resist Instant Death.