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DOCTOR MIRACLES Is Somewhere On Noix?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 12:04 am
by Aeromage
HE that is DOCTOR MIRACLES has THE INTEREST! Noix appears to have exploded. Which is probably something of a shame.
But as any alchemist worth their saltpeter knows, where there are EXPLOSIONS, there is OPPORTUNITY!
Especially in places that have been seeded with said alchemist's personal element, which contains mysterious magics they brushed against and caught a fragment of, and which holds funky moons bearing their likeness.

Truly, it is the time for EXPERIENCE and VOYAGE!

He steps through the portal and finds himself to be here!
He is also here.
'Here' not only being a relative term, but a physically descriptive state of himself.
Which is to say, he is now a Property. Along with many, many other things.

Where once stood a (very confusing) man, that graduated to an even-more-confusing-goo-man, the Doctor has transcended mere subtype boundaries (and common sense) to become a kaleidoscopic whirl of multitudinous things, caught within his original form like some sort of metaspatial Magic Eye picture, and granted surprising (if weird) coherence by attaining the status of Abstract atop that.

Given the Doctor's... Doctor-ness, he isn't coming in to follow any particular quest, as he almost certainly isn't going to be able to stick to it. And that's assuming he even starts off in the general vicinity of one.

He's entering as Evolution element via Meditative Assumption of Evolution, and immediately adding Not Bees to the mix via Reggy-Steggy Assumption of Not Bees.
Dr. Maximilian Excelsior, aka DOCTOR MIRACLES (Aeromage)
Level 59
Human & Ooze*, Not Bees & Evolution (*See Modified Stats below for the full mess of what he becomes due to Not Bees)
HP: 15,000
MP: 25,500
STR: 118 (2) (+100 Unmodified from Burly) (+10 Unmodified from Basic Super Power)
AGI: 482 (8) (+10 Unmodified from Basic Super Power)
CON: 600 (10) (+50 Unmodified from Burly) (+10 Unmodified from Basic Super Power)
MIN: 1,020 (16) (+10 Unmodified from Basic Super Power)
SPI: 2,510 (34) (+10 Unmodified from Basic Super Power)

XP: 20,000,000
Gold: 500,000,000

Devout Worshipper of The Deific Mecha-Vashna
Worshipper Benefits-
Divine Bride of Mecha-Vashna- Possesor gains +(1,000 * Possessor Level) SPI, gains the element Technology, and counts as having a name which includes 'Divine Bride of Mecha Vashna'; possessor's actions gain '(Possessor Level * 2)% May inflict Charm'; this effect does not stack with the 'Bestow Worshipper Benefits' Constant Effect of the unique pet 'The Deific Mecha Vashna', Worshipper Benefit

Melee Attack
Magical Attack
Ranged Attack
Elemental Attack
Mental Overdrive
Physical Overdrive
Guard Back Rank
Use an Item
Cast a Spell
Switch Rows
Metacombine- (Active Ability, Attack) User uses three consumables in one turn. Only two of these, which are randomly determined, activate. All three consumables still lose charges.
Item-All- (Active Ability, Attack) Possessor uses one charge of an equipped consumable, targeting all valid targets for a single charge of said consumable on any one side of battle with it instead of targeting its normal number of targets.

Ablative Self-Screen- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Up to 20 times per thread when possessor would acquire a debuff that reduces possessor's stats, possessor may choose for that instance of the debuff to reduce the amount it reduces each of possessor's by by 500, to a minimum of 0

Adept Alchemy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Alchemy spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Alchemy spells cast by possessor that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Magical Attack, Possessor gains 10 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Alchemy Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Alchemaestro of Infliction- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor ignores the Immunities to status effects of individuals below Level 40, Possessor's minor status effect infliction chances for status effects coming from Alchemy spells are increased by 20% as a non-stacking effect, Possessor's moderate status effect infliction chances for status effects coming from Alchemy spells are increased by 10% as a non-stacking effect
Alchemist- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Potions heal an addition 1,000 HP or MP per possessor level if they already heal those stats
Alchemy Casting I- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Alchemy spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Alchemy Casting II- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Alchemy spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Apprentice Alchemy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) All Alchemy spells possessor casts cost 500 less Gold and 500 less XP
Basic Alchemy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) All Alchemy spells cost 10 less Gold and 10 less XP
Basic Study of Homunculus-Creation Principles- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor's Alchemy summons gain +25 to all stats, Possessor's Alchemy summons gain +25 additional points to all stats if Golems
Basic Understanding of Alchemical Substance-Transmutation- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possesor obtains 5,000 Temporary Gold at the start of each battle or RP thread
Dangerous Mixing- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use 'Dangerous Mixing' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action so long as possessor is casting an Alchemy spell as part of said action and no other technique is used. Said action gains +500 Ranged Attack, +500 Magical Attack, and 20% inflicts Dissolving.
♢Develop Brand-New Super Drug- (Active Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may spend an action to give a target +2 to a base stat of said action's user's choice as a non-stacking buff
Focused Alchemy Casting- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Alchemy spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of spell possessor has equipped is Alchemy
Frothy Disasterist- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor's spells whose name includes 'Frothy Disaster' ignore Damage division caused by the spells themselves and gain +500 Magical Attack.
Genius of Poisons- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Wielder may choose to have minor negative status effects that wielder inflicts that come from Alchemy spells instead be moderate negative status effects (retaining their names and text)
Has Added Agility-Enhancing Ingredients To Own Self-Enhancing Drug Regimen- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor obtains +200 AGI
Has Added Constitution-Enhancing Ingredients To Own Self-Enhancing Drug Regimen- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor obtains +200 CON
Has Added Mind-Enhancing Ingredients To Own Self-Enhancing Drug Regimen- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor obtains +200 MIN
Has Added Speed-Enhancing Ingredients To Own Self-Enhancing Drug Regimen- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor obtains +200 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes
Has Added Spirit-Enhancing Ingredients To Own Self-Enhancing Drug Regimen- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor obtains +200 SPI
Has Added Strength-Enhancing Ingredients To Own Self-Enhancing Drug Regimen- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor obtains +200 STR
Has Devised A Self-Enhancing Drug Regimen- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor obtains +20 to all stats
Has Imbibed an Invisible Man Tonic- (Stance Ability, Alchemist) Possessor gains +50% Dodge, Possessor has a 15% chance of being afflicted with Insanity at the start of each round
Has Imbibed a Jeckell-and-Hyde Tonic- (Stance Ability, Alchemist) Possessor loses 5 Base MIN and SPI, Possessor gains 5 Base STR and CON, Possessor has a 60% chance of being afflicted with Confusion: Berserk at the start of each round
Has Imbibed a Viridian Gigas Tonic- (Stance Ability, Alchemist) Possessor gains +20,000 Melee Attack, Possessor is Immune to individuals below Level 20, Possessor gains 7 Base STR and CON, Possessor loses 5 Base MIN and SPI, Possessor has 100% chance of being inflicted with Confusion: Berserk at the start of each round
Improved Mad Mixer- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may choose what effect possessor's 'Mad Mixer' ability applies instead of having one be randomly applied
Infuse Acid- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Acid in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Acid element damage.
Infuse Air- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Air in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Air element damage.
Infuse Earth- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Earth in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Earth element damage.
Infuse Electrical- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Electrical in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Electrical element damage.
Infuse Fire- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Fire in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Fire element damage.
Infuse Ice- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Ice in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Ice element damage.
Infuse Magic- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Magic in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Magic element damage.
Infuse Water- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Water in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Water element damage.
Learned How to Poison Rocks and Minerals- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor ignores the Immunities to status effects of individuals below Level 20, Possessor's minor status effect infliction chances for status effects coming from Alchemy spells are increased by 5% as a non-stacking effect
Lethal Mixer- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) +250 Damage, +10 Stat Damage, and +1% Infliction of Minor Status effects to Potions that possess the relevant bonuses
Mad Mixer- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may, as part of an action that includes possessor casting an Alchemy spell, may choose to destroy two random Potions that possessor has equipped, and, if said potions are destroyed, possessor adds one of the following effects (chosen randomly) to said action: '100% inflicts a randomly determined positive or negative minor status effect', '+500 to a randomly determined stat as a buff that stacks 5 times', or '-500 to a randomly determined stat as a debuff that stacks 5 times'
Potion Bombing!- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor gains +(The value of possessor's most valuable equipped Potion/ 1,000, rounded up, to a max of 1,000) Ranged Attack if possessor has at least 1 Potion equipped
Potion Boost- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor's Alchemy spells whose name includes 'Potion' and possessor's Potion consumables that apply buffs to stats have said values increased by 50 points, to a max of 500 points across all stacked applications per individual.
Potion-Filled Pockets- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may bring 10 unequipped Potion consumables or Alchemy spells if possessor has a Clothing or Light Armor equipped at the start of the thread.
♢Sublime Merchandise Synchronization: Sepherys- (Active Ability, Alchemist) Possessor's caps are considered 15% higher for purposes of equipped items whose name includes 'Sepherys' if at least half of possessor's equipped items have 'Sepherys' in the name

Anarchomancer- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) Whenever possessor casts a Chaos Magic spell that possesses a Magical Attack bonus, there is a 50% chance that it obtains an additional +(250 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack, Whenever possessor casts a Chaos Magic spell, there is a 50% chance that it costs 50% less MP (rounded up) (with it only being castable if it were castable without said discount factored in)
Apprentice Chaos Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) Whenever possessor casts a Chaos Magic spells that possesses a Magical Attack bonus, there is a 50% chance that it obtains an additional +500 Magical Attack
Basic Chaos Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) All Chaos Magic spells gain +50 Magical Attack 50% of the time
Chaos Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) Chaos Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Chaos Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) Chaos Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Random Agility- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) There is a 50% chance each round that this ability provides +250 AGI (this is not a buff)
Random Constitution- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) There is a 50% chance each round that this ability provides +250 CON (this is not a buff)
Random Mind- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) There is a 50% chance each round that this ability provides +250 MIN (this is not a buff)
Random Offense- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) There is a 50% chance each round that this ability provides +250 Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, or Magical Attack (the bonus type is determined randomly each time this chance is checked; this is not a buff)
Random Spirit- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) There is a 50% chance each round that this ability provides +250 SPI (this is not a buff)
Random Strength- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) There is a 50% chance each round that this ability provides +250 STR (this is not a buff)

-Analyst of the Absolute-
Apprentice Truth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Truth element item equipped, Possessor's Truth element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Quantities of Truth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Acceleration Within Truth's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Truth
Basic Truth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Truth element
Basic Weaponization of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Quantities of Truth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Truth
Control of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Truth element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Truth element targets
Improved Weaponization of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Quantities of Truth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Truth Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Truth element: Create a Zone of Truth, Remove a Zone of Truth created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Truth by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Truth to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Truth element on a Truth element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Truth, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Truth, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Truth element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Truth to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Truth, 5% Truth Resistance, or +50 Defense against Truth and 1% Truth Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

-Arcane Vizier-
Apprentice Magic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Magic element item equipped, Possessor's Magic element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Magic's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Magic
Basic Command of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor's Magic element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Magic
Basic Magic Resistance- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains 1% Magic Resistance
Basic Magic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Magic element
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Magic
Control of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Magic element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Magic element targets
Magic Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Magic element: Create a Zone of Magic, Remove a Zone of Magic created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Magic by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Magic to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Magic element on a Magic element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Magic, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Magic, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Magic element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Magic to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Magic, 5% Magic Resistance, or +50 Defense against Magic and 1% Magic Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Apprentice Artifice Attunement- (Passive Ability, Artificer) All Artifice spells cost possessor 250 less MP, XP, and Gold to cast
Artificer- (Passive Ability, Artificer) Artifice spells cost possessor (50 * possessor Level) less MP, XP, and Gold to cast
Artificer's Enchanted Item Creation Discovery: Deal Acid Damage- (Passive Ability, Artificer) When possessor creates an Enchanted Item Consumable through an Artifice spell or Artificer ability, possessor may pay 2,000 Gold and 200 XP and give it the 'Artificer's Design' Enhancement 'Basic Acid Damage Effect Addition'
Artificer's Magical Item-Creation Procedure: Add Acid Element- (Passive Ability, Artificer) Whenever possessor creates a Magic Item Accessory or Enchanted Item Consumable through an Artifice spell or Artificer ability, possessor may pay 5,000 Gold and 500 XP and add the element Acid to its elements, with this added element not being a buff and being part of the created item's text
Artifice Casting I- (Passive Ability, Artificer) Artifice spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Artifice Casting II- (Passive Ability, Artificer) Artifice spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Basic Artifice Attunement- (Passive Ability, Artificer) All Artifice spells cost possessor 10 less MP, XP, and Gold to cast
Build Artificer's Doodad- (Active Ability, Artificer) Possessor may spend an action, 500 Gold, and 50 XP to create either a Technology-element Gadget Accessory or Magic-element Magic Item Accessory named '<Possessor's Name>'s Artificer's Doodad' with a Gold value of 500 and the text 'Possessor obtains +5 to all stats'
Build Artificer's Gizmo- (Active Ability, Artificer) Possessor may spend an action, 500 Gold, and 50 XP to create either a Technology-element Invention Consumable or Magic-element Enchanted Item Consumable named '<Possessor's Name>'s Artificer's Gizmo' with a Gold value of 500, 1 Charge, and the text 'Target may obtain +5 or -5 to any one stat as an effect that stacks 5 times'
Skilled In Cheap Manufacturing Techniques- (Passive Ability, Artificier) Possessor may choose to have any Artifice spell that possessor casts cost 2,500 less Gold to cast, with any item created by it becoming temporary and being worth 10,000 less Gold than it otherwise would be, to a minimum of 1 Gold
Sturdy Crafting- (Passive Ability, Artificer) Items possessed, equipped, or created by possessor cannot be destroyed by Level 1 individuals

Accurate Throwing- (Passive Ability, Assassin) Possessor gains 110% To Hit when a Throwing Weapon is equipped.
Apprentice Throwing Weapon Training- (Passive Ability, Assassin) Possessor gains +50 Ranged Attack and +50 AGI when a Throwing Weapon is equipped.
Assassin- (Passive Ability, Assassin) Possessor gains +700 Ranged Attack and +250 AGI when a Throwing Weapon is equipped plus an additional +(10 x Possessor Level) Ranged Attack and +(10 x Possessor Level) AGI if a Throwing Weapon is equipped.
Basic Poisoner Training- (Passive Ability, Assassin) User gains +30 MP for each weapon coating equipped, user's attacks have a +1% chance of inflicting Poison if a Weapon Coating is equipped and they already had a chance of inflicting poison, all Weapon Coatings that do stat damage do an extra point, all damage foes suffer that is caused by Poison status effects inflicted by user is increased by 20 per round
Basic Throwing Weapon Training- (Passive Ability, Assassin) This character gains +6 Ranged Attack when a Throwing Weapon is equipped.
Caustic Toss- (Technique Ability, Assassin) Possessor may use 'Caustic Toss' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Throwing Weapon equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Acid element.
Dud Toss- (Technique Ability, Assassin) Possessor may use 'Dud Toss' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Throwing Weapon equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Ranged Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Juggler- (Passive Ability, Assassin) Possessor gains +200 AGI as a non-stacking buff on rounds after rounds during which possessor has performed a 'Trade' action
Juggler's Distraction- (Passive Ability, Assassin) Possessor may use 'Juggler's Distraction' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Throwing Weapon equipped. Said attack's targets, for the duration of said attack, suffer -10% Dodge.
Poisoned Weapon Use- (Passive Ability, Assassin) Possessor's attacks that deal damage deal 200 extra damage if possessor has a Weapon Coating equipped, all Weapon Coatings that possessor has equipped that deal stat damage do 3 extra points of each type they would otherwise deal, all Weapon Coatings possessor has equipped have a 1% chance inflicting Poison if possessor desires such
Skilled at Poison Application- (Passive Ability, Assassin) All attacks that have a chance of inflicting Poison gain a 3% chance if that chance is initally under 3%, all Weapon Coatings that do stat damage do 2 extra points

Apprentice Astral Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) All Astral Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +250 additional Magical Attack, All Astral Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Astral Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Astral Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Astral Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Astral Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Basic Astral Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) All Astral Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack, All Astral Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Interstellar Navigator- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Possessor and possessor's Vessel transformations gain +100 to each of their turn-order-determining stats for turn-order-determining purposes while the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Space
Minor Space Acclimation- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Possessor gains 5% Voidstruck Resistance, 5% Suffocation Resistance, 5% Frozen Resistance, and 1% Darkness Resistance
Moon-Nose Inversion- (Active Ability, Astromancer) Possessor may spend an action to set the Nose Status of a Nose-Bearing Moon Face to 'Inverted' if it is 'Non-Inverted' or to 'Non-Inverted' if it is 'Inverted'
Star Charter- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) Posessor gains +20 MIN while in a Zone of Darkness, a Zone of Light, or a Zone of Astral Magic or while possessor has at least one Empowered Constellation set

♢Magellan's Forcefield- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor gains an Magellan's Forcefield. It possesses (Possessor's Level * 1,000) HP. If possessor would be dealt Damage by a source that is not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor that is not a negative status effect or a debuff and the Magellan's Forcefield possesses at least 1 HP, the Damage is instead dealt to the Magellan's Forcefield. If an individual instance of Damage (from a single hit of an attack or a single other application) reduces the Magellan's Forcefield's HP to 0, remaining Damage does not carry over to possessor.
Warded Core Essence- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor gains +30,000 Defense, Possessor gains +5,000 CON, Possessor gains +5,000 MIN, Possessor gains +100,000 HP, Possessor's Defense may not be pierced by sources below Level 20, Individuals below Level 20 may not inflict negative status effects on possessor

Apprentice Bardic Music Attunement- (Passive Ability, Bard) Buffs, debuffs, and reperting effects from Bardic Music spells cast by possessor last 1 additional round if they already last at least 2 rounds and cost 500 less MP
Basic Bardic Music Attunement- (Passive Ability, Bard) Buffs, debuffs, and reperting effects from Bardic Music spells cast by possessor last 1 additional round if they already last at least 2 rounds and cost 10 less MP
Basic Sound Amplification- (Passive Ability, Bard) Bardic Music spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus have said bonus raised by +45 Magical Attack.
Bard- (Passive Ability, Bard) Buffs, debuffs, and reperting effects from Bardic Music spells cast by possessor last (Possessor Level / 2, rounded down) additional rounds if they already last at least 2 rounds, Bardic Music spells cost possessor (50 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Heartthrob- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor's Charm infliction chances (not including those of its sub-status effects) are increased by 5%
Loud Singing Voice- (Passive Ability, Bard) Bardic Music spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus have said bonus raised by +50 Magical Attack.
Merry Caroling- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor's non-offensive actions that include Bardic Music spells buff stats for an additional 80 points (to a max of 1,000 additional points across all buffs per individual) and provide an additional 5,000 points of HP Healing if they Heal HP
Regularly Practices Singing- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor gains +80 SPI for purposes of possessor's actions that involve Bardic Music spells, Possessor's Bardic Music spells cost possessor 300 less MP to cast
Sexy Singing Voice- (Passive Ability, Bard) Charm infliction chances (including those of its sub-status effects) that are present on Bardic Music spells cast by possessor are raised by 5%
Sexy Voice- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor may choose to add '5% inflicts Charm' to any action of possessor's that includes a Bardic Music spell
Sexy Wink- (Technique Ability, Bard) Possessor may use Sexy Wink in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action, so long as no other technique is being used and a Bardic Music spell is being cast as part of said attack. Possessor's allies gain +40 to all stats as a buff that stacks 5 times and lasts 20 rounds when said technique is used, with this effect not being counted as part of the Bardic Music spell.

Animal Calling I- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal summons gain +20 to all stats
Animal Calling II- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal summons gain +200 HP
Animal Calling III- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal summons gain +500 MP
Animal Calling IV- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal summons gain +2,000 HP and +4,000 MP
Animal Loyalty Training- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain 40% Charm Resistance
Animal Researcher- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor counts as being 2 Levels higher for stat-scanning purposes against Animals, to a max of Level 40, Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +200 to all stats if possessor has scanned the stats of at least 15 different Animals in this thread successfully
Animal Training I- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Animal Training II- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Animal Traits- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor gains +1 to all stats so long as possessor is a Animal
Apprentice Beastmaster Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Beastmaster Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Beastmaster- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) User may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot to gain a Pet slot, +50 HP and +10 to all stats of Animal pets and summons per possessor levels
Can Teach Wolves How to Farm- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons whose name includes 'Wolf' gain the ability:
Plant, Raise, and Harvest Crops- 1,500 Damage, Heals, 1 hit against 500, Earth, 1,000 MP
Form of Goat- (Stance Ability, Beastmaster) If possessor is an Animal, possessor gains +50 CON
Glowing Red Nose- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor may choose for possessor and any of possessor's allies to ignore effects attached to zones by sources below Level 20
Goat Essence- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) If possessor is an Animal, possessor may choose to count as being in the 'Form of Goat' stance when not in said stance
Good Dog- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor cannot target possessor's allies with offensive actions if possessor is in 'Form of Dog' Stance
Liberator of Ensnared Beings- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor may claim Metaphysical Snares

Apprentice Biomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Biomancer) All of possessor's Biomancy summons have 250 additional HP and MP and deal 50 more damage with each of their damage-dealing attacks
Basic Biomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Biomancer) All of possessor's Biomancy summons have 50 additional HP and MP and deal 10 more damage with each of their damage-dealing attacks
Biomancer- (Passive Ability, Biomancer) Possesor's Biomancy summons gain +(500 * Possessor Level) HP and MP and deal (100 * Possessor Level) additional Damage with their Damage-dealing attacks, Biomancy spells cast by possessor have their minor status effect infliction chances increased by +(Possessor Level)%
Biomancy Casting I- (Passive Ability, Biomancer) Biomancy spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Biomancy Casting II- (Passive Ability, Biomancer) Biomancy spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Focused Biomancy Casting- (Passive Ability, Biomancer) Biomancy spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of spell possessor has equipped is Biomancy
Mutagenic Spell- (Active Ability, Biomancer) Possessor may use Mutagenic Spell in conjunction with a Magical Attack, so long as a Biomancy spell is being cast as part of said attack. This attack may shift up to 40 points from one of a willing target's stats to another one of said target's stats, stacks 5 times across all versions of Mutagenic Spell
Talent in Bioaugmenting Agility- (Passive Ability, Biomancer) All Biomancy spells that possessor casts that buff Agility do so by 50 additional points, to a max of 500 additional points across all buffs on each individual
Talent in Bioaugmenting Constitution- (Passive Ability, Biomancer) All Biomancy spells that possessor casts that buff Constitution do so by 50 additional points, to a max of 500 additional points across all buffs on each individual
Talent in Bioaugmenting Mind- (Passive Ability, Biomancer) All Biomancy spells that possessor casts that buff Mind do so by 50 additional points, to a max of 500 additional points across all buffs on each individual
Talent in Bioaugmenting Strength- (Passive Ability, Biomancer) All Biomancy spells that possessor casts that buff Strength do so by 50 additional points, to a max of 500 additional points across all buffs on each individual

-Blazing Sultan-
Apprentice Fire Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Fire element item equipped, Possessor's Fire element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Fire's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Fire
Basic Command of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor's Fire element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Fire
Basic Fire Resistance- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains 1% Fire Resistance
Basic Fire Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Fire element
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Fire
Blazing Sultan- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Fire Resistance, Possessor ignores Fire Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Control of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Fire element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Fire element targets
Fire Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Fire element: Create a Zone of Fire, Remove a Zone of Fire created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Fire by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Fire to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Fire element on a Fire element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Fire, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Fire, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Fire element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Fire to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Fire, 5% Fire Resistance, or +50 Defense against Fire and 1% Fire Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Acquired Resistance to Outright Bizarreness- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains Confusion Immunity against sources below Level 60
Aldriel's Blessing- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor is immune to Fatigued: Sleep
Blessed with Djorgammon's Fortitude- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains +5,000 HP, +120 Defense against Stat Damage, and 15% Resilience
Mystic Power of the Patterned Lizard- (Passive / Active Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains 13% Dodge while in a Zone of Earth or Water, possessor gains +60 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth or Water, Possessor takes 2,500 less damage from traps that are solely Earth or solely Water or only Earth and Water element, Possessor's sell cap for Earth and / or Water element Antiquities increases by 1,000 Gold, Possessor may, up to three times per random quest or per excursion into an encounter area, reroll any encounter that consists solely of Earth and / or Water element Animals and / or Reptiles, Possessor may, once per thread, use an action to summon one Animal or Repile of lower level than possessor that is normally combattable on the enemy list that is neither Elite nor a Boss.

Apprentice Botanist Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Botanist Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Botanist- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Plant pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Plant pets and summons per Level of possessor
Exploit Plant's Weakness- (Technique Ability, Botanist) Possessor may use Exploit Plant's Weakness in conjunction with a Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, or Magical Attack action so long as no other technique is used. Said action treats the weaknesses of Plants below Level 20 that it targets as being double their normal value as an effect that does not stack with other multipliers of weaknesses
Herb Lore- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor’s Medicine consumables that heal HP heal an additional 40 points.
Knowledge of Forest Plants- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +50 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Forest
Knowledge of Jungle Plants- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +50 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Jungle
Knowledge of Marsh Plants- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +50 to all stats if the terrain or phantom terrain is Marsh
Plant Researcher- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor counts as being 2 Levels higher for stat-scanning purposes against Plants, to a max of Level 40, Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +200 to all stats if possessor has scanned the stats of at least 15 different Plants in this thread successfully
Researched Methods to Prevent the Exploitation of Plant Weaknesses- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons count as having no weaknesses to individuals below Level 20
Understands Basic Plant Augmentation Treatments- (Passive ABility, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets and summons gain +50 to all stats

-Caliph of Corrosion-
Acid Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Acid element: Create a Zone of Acid, Remove a Zone of Acid created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Acid by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Acid to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Acid element on a Acid element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Acid, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Acid, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Acid element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Acid to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Acid, 5% Acid Resistance, or +50 Defense against Acid and 1% Acid Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Apprentice Acid Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Acid element item equipped, Possessor's Acid element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Defenses Against Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Acid
Basic Acceleration Within Acid's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Acid
Basic Acid Resistance- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains 1% Acid Resistance
Basic Acid Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Acid element
Basic Defenses Against Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Acid
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Acid
Caliph of Corrosion- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Acid Resistance, Possessor ignores Acid Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Control of Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Acid element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Acid element targets

Apprentice Vessel User- (Passive Ability, Captain) All of possessor's Vessel transformations gain +100 to all stats, +500 to the Damage values of their abilities, +5,000 HP, +2,500 MP, and have their abilities cost 50 less MP
Basic Airplane Piloting- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor's Vessel transformations gain 10% Dodge while the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Sky
Basic Spaceship Combat Training- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor's Vessel Transformations gain 120% To Hit and 20% Dodge while the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Space
Basic Spaceship Piloting- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor's Vessel transformations gain 10% Dodge while the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is Space
Basic Vessel User- (Passive Ability, Captain)- All Vessel transformations equipped by possessor gain +25 to all stats, +100 damage to all damaging attacks, +500 HP, +250 MP, and have attacks that cost 5 less MP to a minimum of 0
Can Navigate Via the Stars- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor and possessor's allies gain 105% To Hit if possessor is in a Chronogeomantic Zone of Night or in both a Zone of Light and a Zone of Darkness
Hyperspace Navigation- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor and possessor's allies gain 30% Dodge and 130% To Hit if possessor is in a Vessel transformation and the terrain or phantom terrain is Hyperspace
Navigator- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor and possessor's allies gain 115% To Hit if possessor or any of possessor's allies is a Vessel (including a Vessel transformation)
Spaceship Pilot- (Passive Ability, Captain) Possessor's Vessel transformations gain +250 AGI while the terrain or phantom terrain is Space, Possessor's Vessel transformations gain +5% Dodge while the terrain or phantom terrain is space

-Champion of the Upper Realms-
Apprentice Champion of the Upper Realms Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Champion of the Upper Realms) Possessor's Deva pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Champion of the Upper Realms Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Champion of the Upper Realms) Possessor's Deva pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Basic Deva Loyalty Instruction- (Passive Ability, Champion of the Upper Realms) Possessor's Deva pets and summons gain 20% Charm Resistance
Champion of the Upper Realms- (Passive Ability, Champion of the Upper Realms) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Deva pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Deva pets and summons per Level of possessor
Deva Calling I- (Passive Ability, Champion of the Upper Realms) Possessor's Deva summons gain +20 to all stats
Deva Calling II- (Passive Ability, Champion of the Upper Realms) Possessor's Deva summons gain +200 HP
Deva Calling III- (Passive Ability, Champion of the Upper Realms) Possessor's Deva summons gain +500 MP
Deva Calling IV- (Passive Ability, Champion of the Upper Realms) Possessor's Deva summons gain +2,000 HP and +4,000 MP
Deva Instruction I- (Passive Ability, Champion of the Upper Realms) Possessor's Deva pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Deva Instruction II- (Passive Ability, Champion of the Upper Realms) Possessor's Deva pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Deva Loyalty Instruction- (Passive Ability, Champion of the Upper Realms) Possessor's Deva pets and summons gain 40% Charm Resistance

Apprentice Channeling Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer HP or MP may transfer an additional 5,000 points of each that they can already transfer; all Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer stats may transfer an additional 500 points of each that they can already transfer
Basic Ambient Mana Rerouting- (Passive Ability, Channeler) If possessor is Level 6 or greater possessor may choose for non-unique Level 1 opponents who would be rolled as encounters in Random Dungeons to not appear.
Basic Chain Casting Attunement- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor and an ally with at least one spell equipped and this ability may both use their 1 turn to cast a spell using their combined stats, which costs them both double normal MP, any effects of the spell may be tied to either caster
Basic Channeling Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells can transfer 50 more HP or MP
Basic Element Channeling- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Spells that include one of possessor's elements cost possessor 30 less MP to cast
Basic Linkup Mastery- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor gains +800 HP, +800 MP, and +80 to all stats if possessor's HP, possessor's MP, or any of possessor's stats is linked to another individual's
Basic Magic Retention- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Basic Zonal Element Channeling Linkup- (Passive Ability, Channeler) When possessor is in a Zone of a base element, quantities of Damage dealt by possessor that are of said element are increased by 500 points
Channeled Spell- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor may use 'Channeled Spell' in conjunction with a 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used. Possessor may choose a willing ally and may cast up to one spell said ally has equipped as though possessor had said spell equipped as part of said action, with said spell only being able to be cast at points during said action when possessor could have cast said spell if possessor had said spell equipped, with said spell costing possessor double its natural MP cost to cast before other modifiers are accounted for.
Channeler- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer HP or MP may transfer an additional (2,000 x Possessor Level) points of each that they can already transfer; all Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer stats may transfer an additional (100 x Possessor Level) points of each that they can already transfer
Improved Magic Retention- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Spells cost possessor 100 less MP to cast

Apprentice Chef Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Food or Drink equipped, Possessor's Food and Drink consumables that heal HP or MP heal 5,000 more points of each type that they already heal
Atomic Vengeance Salsa Eyes- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor's actions that incorporate bonuses from the ability 'Salsa Eyes' may gain '60% inflicts Burning' and / or gain the element Atomic; The Ranged Attack bonus provided by possessor's 'Salsa Eyes' ability is increased by 2,000 points
Bartender- (Passive Ability, Chef) Drinks items possessor uses provide double normal HP and MP restoration, Drinks consumed by user have a 50% less chance of causing Drunkenness
Basic Chef Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Chef) Character gains +5 to all stats for each Food or Drink equipped, Foods and Drinks that heal HP or MP heal 50 more of each that they already heal
Chef- (Passive Ability, Chef) Food items that restore HP or MP that possessor uses restore double the normal amount
Consumed the Salsa of Power- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor gains +400 STR, +4,000 HP, +4,000 MP, 5% Food Resistance, and 10% Fire Resistance
Drink Mixer- (Active Ability, Chef) User uses one charge of one Drink consumable and two charges of one other Drink consumables; they must share a single target and only affect said target.
Evergarden Food Preservation Techniques- (Passive Ability, Chef) Effects attached to Zones that come from sources below Level 60 cannot destroy Food consumables equipped by possessor
Flamin' Hot Salsa Eyes- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor's actions that incorporate bonuses from the ability 'Salsa Eyes' may gain '30% inflicts Burning' and / or become solely Fire element
Food Critic- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor may choose for any Food consumable that is used on one of possessor's allies that has been used earlier in a thread on possessor to either heal 300 additional points of HP or MP (should it already provide said type or healing), to increase any one stat buff by 20 points as an effect that stacks 20 times across all applications of said ability on any one target individual, or to decrease any amount of HP or MP damage said consumable deals by 500 points or to decrease any one stat debuff said consumable inflicts by 60 points
Food Taster- (Passive Ability, Chef) Any Food consumable worth below 500,000 Gold that is used on one of possessor's allies that has been used earlier in a thread on possessor has a 50% chance of being unable to generate negative effects for said target or affect said target in a negative manner
Interdimensional Chef- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor's non-offensive actions involving Food consumables may target allies in other battlespaces
In-Your-Face Salsa Gaze- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor's 'Salsa Eyes' ability may also apply its bonuses to 'Point Blank' actions that possessor conducts
I Weep Tears Of Tasty Salsa- (Passive Ability, Chef) If possessor is afflicted with Confusion: Depression, possessor may, at the beginning of a round, choose to regenerate 30,000 HP and be cured of Confusion: Depression
Knowledge of Nutrition- (Passive Ability, Chef) Whenever a Food or Drink consumable used by possessor heals HP or MP, it heals an additional 300 points
Painfully Spicy Salsa Eyes- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor's actions that incorporate bonuses from the ability 'Salsa Eyes' may gain '30% inflicts Pain'
Peanut Spicemaster- (Passive Ability, Chef) When possessor uses a Food consumable that is both Fire element and Earth element, quantities of HP Healing and HP Regeneration that it deals are increased by 300,000 points and its chances of inflicting minor status effects are increased by 15%
Salsa Eyes- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor may choose for possessor's 'Ranged Attack' actions to count as including an additional Food consumable, if possessor does so, they gain +200 additional Ranged Attack
Salsa Gaze that Makes You Want to Dance the Salsa- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor's actions that incorporate bonuses from the ability 'Salsa Eyes' may inflict a debuff that stacks 3 times, that lasts until its possessor performs an action that includes a 'Dance' spell, and that provides -200 MIN
Sniper-Mode Salsa Gaze- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor's 'Salsa Eyes' ability may also apply its bonuses to 'Snipe' actions that possessor conducts
Spicy Salsa Eyes- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor's actions that incorporate bonuses from the ability 'Salsa Eyes' may gain '10% inflicts Burning' and / or '10% inflicts Pain'
Tasty Salsa Gaze- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor's actions that incorporate bonuses from the ability 'Salsa Eyes' may gain 'Heals HP'
Winter Holiday Drink Mixing- (Ability, Chef) Ice-element Drink consumables used by possessor that heal HP or MP have quantities of said healing increased by 500 points, Possessor may choose for Drink consumables that possessor uses that are Ice element that have a chance of inflicting Poison: Drunk to have that chance either raised or lowered by 5%

'Follow Me!' Stance- (Stance Ability, Commander) Whenever possessor performs a 'Switch Rows' action while in this stance, each of possessor's allies may move to the row that possessor entered if it is either the front row of the back row
Apprentice Leadership Attunement- (Passive Ability, Commander) All Leadership spells cast by possessor affect one more target if they already affect multiple targets, and all Leadership spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast
Basic Leadership Attunement- (Passive Ability, Commander) All Leadership spells cast by possessor affect one more target if they already affect multiple targets, and all Leadership spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Commander- (Passive Ability, Commander) All Leadership spells cast by possessor that place a buff or debuff on a given number of targets (Provided that said number is already 2 or greater) do so to an additional (Possessor Level / 5, rounded up) targets, and all Leadership spells cost possessor (Possessor Level * 50) less MP to cast
Commander's Hand- (Active Ability, Commander) Possessor may exchange one Accessory slot for an additional Pet slot provided that possessor keeps at least one empty Weapon slot
Hand Signal Expert- (Passive Ability, Commander) Possessor's Pets and Summons gain +50 to all stats for each Weapon slot possessor has open
Improved Morale-Boosting Command- (Stance Ability, Commander) Possessor's allies have a 5% chance at the start of every round of being afflicted with Invigorated: High Morale
Good at Keeping Allied Morale High- (Stance Ability, Commander) Possessor's allies gain 50% Confusion: Depression Resistance while possessor is not afflicted with Confusion: Depression
Jolly Laughter- (Passive Ability, Commander) Possessor may choose at the beginning of each round of battle to have a 40% chance of curing every individual (including opponents) in battle of Confusion: Depression
Leadership Casting I- (Passive Ability, Commander) Leadership spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Leadership Casting II- (Passive Ability, Commander) Leadership spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Morale-Boosting Command- (Stance Ability, Commander) Possessor's summons have a 5% chance at the start of every round of being afflicted with Invigorated: High Morale
Motivational Speaker- (Passive Ability, Commander) All allies gain +20 to all stats at the beginning of each thread, this bonus goes away as soon as an ally dies

Basic Basic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Commoner) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Basic element

Apprentice Conjuror Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Conjuror) Possessor's Elemental pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Conjuror Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Conjuror) Possessor's Elemental pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Conjuror- (Passive Ability, Conjuror) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Elemental pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Elemental pets and summons per Level of possessor
Elemental Calling I- (Passive Ability, Conjuror) Possessor's Elemental summons gain +20 to all stats
Elemental Calling II- (Passive Ability, Conjuror) Possessor's Elemental summons gain +200 HP
Elemental Calling III- (Passive Ability, Conjuror) Possessor's Elemental summons gain +500 MP
Elemental Calling IV- (Passive Ability, Conjuror) Possessor's Elemental summons gain +2,000 HP and +4,000 MP
Elemental Communing I- (Passive Ability, Conjuror) Possessor's Elemental pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Elemental Communing II- (Passive Ability, Conjuror) Possessor's Elemental pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Offensive Elemental Communing I- (Passive Ability, Conjuror) Possessor's Elemental pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 50 points
Offensive Elemental Communing II- (Passive Ability, Conjuror) Possessor's Elemental pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 500 points

Apprentice Crafter Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Consumables (not including Permanent Consumables) possessor uses have a 4% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use, Consumables possessor uses that deal Flat HP Damage, Flat MP Damage, Flat HP Healing, or Flat MP Healing deal an additional 2,000 points
Artist- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Possessor's consumables that buff the stats of possessor's allies do so by an additional 20 points as an effect that stacks a max of 50 times across all effects
Basic Crafter Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Consumables, though not permanent consumables, character uses have a 1% chance of not expending a charge
Basic Enchanted Item Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Enchanted Item Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Basic Gatestone Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Gatestone Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Basic Lethal Item Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Lethal Item Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Basic Libram Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Libram Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Basic Medicine Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Medicine Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Basic Potion Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Potion Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Basic Powder Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Powder Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Basic Scroll Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Scroll Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Basic Stored Spell Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Stored Spell Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Basic Summoning Stone Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Summoning Stone Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Basic Trap Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Trap Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Crafter- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Consumables possessor uses that deal Flat HP Damage, Flat MP Damage, Flat HP Healing, or Flat MP Healing deal an additional (1,000 * Possessor Level) points
Polar Elven Toymaking Skill- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Possessor's Golem, Clockwork, Robot, and Machine pets and summons gain +200 to all stats as a bonus that cannot increase their stats to above 1000% of their natural values, Temporary items created by possessor are considered to be worth 5,000 additional Gold

Apprentice Hammer Training- (Ability, Crusher) +500 damage for all attacks involving Hammers, possessor gains +20 to all stats when a Hammer is equipped
Basic Hammer Training- (Passive Ability, Crusher) This character gains +6 Melee Attack when a Hammer is equipped.
Bolt Smash- (Technique Ability, Crusher) Possessor may use 'Bolt Smash' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Hammer equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Electricity element.
Critical Smash- (Technique Ability, Crusher) Possessor may use 'Critical Smash' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Sword equipped. Said attack gains +5% Critical.
Crusher- (Passive Ability, Crusher) Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level) Melee Attack if possessor has a Hammer equipped, Possessor gains +(25 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has a Hammer equipped
Dizzying Smash- (Technique Ability, Crusher) Possessor may use 'Dizzying Smash' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Hammer equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Flame Smash- (Technique Ability, Crusher) Possessor may use 'Flame Smash' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Hammer equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Fire element.
Frost Smash- (Technique Ability, Crusher) Possessor may use 'Frost Smash' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Hammer equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Ice element.
Hammer Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Crusher) +5 to all stats when a Hammer is equipped
Hammer Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Crusher) +25 to all stats when a Hammer is equipped, +50 Melee Attack when a Hammer is equipped
Impairing Smash- (Technique Ability, Crusher) Possessor may use 'Impairing Smash' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Hammer equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Impaired.
Improved Paralytic Smash- (Passive Ability, Crusher) Possessor's 'Paralytic Smash' technique has its chance of inflicting Paralyzed increased to 30%
Paralytic Smash- (Technique Ability, Crusher) Possessor may use 'Paralytic Smash' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Hammer equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed.
Smash- (Active Ability, Crusher) This character may use Smash in conjunction with a Melee Attack, so long as no other technique is used and a hammer is equipped. This character gains +28 Melee Attack, and has an 8% chance of inflicting Stun.
Stone Smash- (Technique Ability, Crusher) Possessor may use 'Stone Smash' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Hammer equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Earth element.

Acrobatic Mastery- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor gains 25% Dodge and +1% Dodge
Astounding Grace While Dodging- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor's 'Fancy Dodging' has its infliction chance of Charm: Impressed raised to 60%
Basic Dance Attunement- (Passive Ability, Dancer) All Dance spells cast by possessor with a duration that costs an MP upkeep to maintain last 1 round longer with no extra cost, and all Dance spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Dance Casting I- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Dance spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Dance Casting II- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Dance spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Dancer- (Passive Ability, Dancer) All Dance spells cast by possessor with a per-round MP cost last (Possessor Level / 2, rounded up) rounds longer at no extra cost, All Dance spells cost possessor (50 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Fancy Dodging- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Up to 20 times per round, whenever possessor Dodges an attack, possessor may have a 20% chance of inflicting Charm: Impressed on any one target
Far Jumps- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor gains +50 Melee Attack and +50 Ranged Attack against targets in the back row
Far-Reaching Dodge-Jumps- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor gains +100 AGI and 20% Dodge, Whenever possessor Dodges an attack, possessor may move to the front row or to the back row
Fast Footwork- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor gains +50 AGI and 10% Dodge
Good at Footwork- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor gains 5% Dodge
Good at Jumping- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor gains +50 AGI and 5% Dodge
Has Practiced Dancing with Partners- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor gains +50 AGI if possessor has any allies who possess Dancer abilities
High Jumps- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor gains +50 Melee Attack and +50 Ranged Attack against targets in the back row
Sexy Dance Moves- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor may choose to add '5% inflicts Charm' to any action of possessor's that includes a Dance spell
Swift Dodging- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Possessor gains +50 AGI and 15% Dodge

Apprentice Demonologist Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Demonologist) Possessor's Demon pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Demon Binding Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Demonologist) Possessor's summoned Demons have a 3% lower chance of being uncontrolled, possessor's offensive actions that inflict Paralysis have a 1% greater chance of inflicting such on demons, to a max of 50%
Basic Demon Calling Amplification- (Passive Ability, Demonologist) Possessor's summoned Demons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Demonologist Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Demonologist) Possessor's Demon pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Demon Calling I- (Passive Ability, Demonologist) Possessor's Demon summons gain +20 to all stats
Demon Calling II- (Passive Ability, Demonologist) Possessor's Demon summons gain +200 HP
Demon Calling III- (Passive Ability, Demonologist) Possessor's Demon summons gain +500 MP
Demon Calling IV- (Passive Ability, Demonologist) Possessor's Demon summons gain +2,000 HP and +4,000 MP
Demon Instruction I- (Passive Ability, Demonologist) Possessor's Demon pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Demon Instruction II- (Passive Ability, Demonologist) Possessor's Demon pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Demonologist- (Passive Ability, Demonologist) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Demon pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Demon pets and summons per Level of possessor

Apprentice Clothing Mastery- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) Possessor gains +25 Defense and +25 to all stats if possessor has a Clothing equipped
Basic Clothing Mastery- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) All Clothes worn by possessor provide +5 additional Defense and +5 to all stats
Diplomat- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) Possessor gains +(200 + (20 * Possessor Level)) Defense and +(200 + (20 * Possessor Level)) to all stats if possessor has a Clothing equipped
Make a Dramatic Entrance- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) Possessor has a 30% chance of inflicting Charm: Impressed on each opponent at the start of battle
Sexy- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) Possessor's actions may gain 15% inflicts Charm
Sexy Posing- (Stance Ability, Diplomat) Possessor's Charm infliction chances increase by +5%
Shiny Clothes- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) If possessor has a Clothing equipped, possessor gains 5% Light Resistance and +100 Defense against Light
Snappy Dresser- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) +50 Defense for each Clothing equipped
Snazzy Dresser- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) +20 to all stats for each Clothing equipped
Somehow Makes Loud Clothing Louder- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) Possessor gains +40 Magical Attack if possessor is wearing at least one Sonic element Clothing
Unaffected by Trends- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) Possessor's allies Clothes that are worth under 1,000,000 Gold cannot reduce possessor's stats or inflict negative status effects on possessor

-Divine Philosopher-
Apprentice Azoth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Divine Philosopher) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Azoth element item equipped, Possessor's Azoth element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Command of Azoth- (Passive Ability, Other: Divine Philosopher) Possessor's Azoth element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Azoth- (Passive Ability, Other: Divine Philosopher) Possessor's Azoth element allies gain +100 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Azoth- (Passive Ability, Other: Divine Philosopher) Quantities of Azoth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Azoth- (Passive Ability, Other: Divine Philosopher) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Azoth
Basic Acceleration Within Azoth's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Other: Divine Philosopher) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Azoth
Basic Azoth Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Divine Philosopher) Possessor gains 1% Azoth Resistance
Basic Azoth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Divine Philosopher) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Azoth element
Basic Command of Azoth- (Passive Ability, Other: Divine Philosopher) Possessor's Azoth element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Azoth- (Passive Ability, Other: Divine Philosopher) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Azoth
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Azoth- (Passive Ability, Other: Divine Philosopher) Possessor's Azoth element allies gain +10 to all stats
~Basic Unified Knowledge of Azoth and Concord Magic- (Passive Ability, Divine Philosopher) Possessor may count Divine Philosopher abilities possessor possesses as Agent of the Concord abilities (including for prerequisite purposes), Possessor may count Agent of the Concord abilities possessor possesses as Divine Philosopher abilities (including for prerequisite purposes) (Bound to Noix, does not count for prerequisite purposes in Divine Philosopher outside of Noix)
Basic Weaponization of Azoth- (Passive Ability, Other: Divine Philosopher) Quantities of Azoth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Azoth- (Passive Ability, Other: Divine Philosopher) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Azoth
Catalyze Ineffable Curative- (Technique Ability, Divine Philosopher) Possessor may use ‘Catalyze Ineffable Curative’ in conjunction with any non-offensive 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action that is not Azoth element. Said action gains +10,000 additional Magical Attack, gains the element Azoth, may become solely Azoth element, and cures (a debuff and a minor or moderate negative status effect that come from sources that is not 10 or more Levels higher than this action's performer) from each of its targets.
Divine Philosopher- (Passive Ability, Other: Divine Philosopher) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Azoth Resistance, Possessor ignores Azoth Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Improved Weaponization of Azoth- (Passive Ability, Other: Divine Philosopher) Quantities of Azoth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Meditative Assumption of Azoth- (Passive Ability, Other: Divine Philosopher) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Azoth element

Apprentice Divining Attunement- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 1 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Basic Detective Skills- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's MIN is treated as being 140 points higher for stat-scanning purposes, +20 MIN
Classical Basic Divining Attunement- (Passive Ability, Diviner) All Divining spells function as though caster were 1 level higher for stat-scanning purposes, this ability counts as 'Basic Divining Attunement' for prerequisite purposes
Danger Sense- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +50 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes on the first round of battle if in a Random Dungeon, Has RP effects
Detective's Eye- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains an additional +200 Defense against Traps, gains +40 MIN, and gains +50 Defense Against Individuals Whose Stats Have Been Scanned By Possessor as a conditionally-effective bonus
Detective's Investigation- (Active Ability, Diviner) Possessor may spend an action to scan target's stats
Diviner- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor ignores up to (Possessor Level) levels worth of level-doubling that bossess possess for purposes of resisting having their stats scanned
Diviner's Eyes- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that does not bypass 'Immune to below Level X' effects
Excellent at Counting Large Numbers of Things Quickly- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's actions that hit at least 100 targets may hit an additional target
Superior Vision- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 105% To Hit
Whisper-Mote Listener- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor may claim Whisper Motes

Basic Druglord Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Other: Druglord) Possessor may purchase Drug consumable from the shop that are in stock for 1% less Gold (multiplicative)

-Ebon Chancellor-
Apprentice Darkness Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Darkness element item equipped, Possessor's Darkness element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Defenses Against Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Darkness
Basic Acceleration Within Darkness's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Darkness
Basic Darkness Resistance- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains 1% Darkness Resistance
Basic Darkness Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Darkness element
Basic Defenses Against Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Darkness
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Darkness
Control of Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Darkness element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Darkness Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Darkness element: Create a Zone of Darkness, Remove a Zone of Darkness created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Darkness by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Darkness to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Darkness element on a Darkness element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Darkness, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Darkness, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Darkness element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Darkness to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Darkness, 5% Darkness Resistance, or +50 Defense against Darkness and 1% Darkness Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Ebon Chancellor- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Darkness Resistance, Possessor ignores Darkness Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Detect Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Darkness element targets

Apprentice Elemental Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) All Elemental Magic spells gain +250 Magical Attack and cost 50 less MP, all Elemental Magic summoned Elementals stay for 1 turn longer and have their stats increased by 50 each and the damage of their damage dealing attacks increased by 250
Basic Elemental Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) All Elemental Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Elementalist- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +500 Damage to all damage dealing Elemental Magic spells, All Elemental Magic spells cost 50 less MP
Envoy of Air- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Elements: Air
Envoy of Earth- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Elements: Earth
Envoy of Fire- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Elements: Fire
Envoy of Water- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Elements: Water
Heart of Air- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +10 Magical Attack for Air element Elemental Magic, 5% Air Resistance
Heart of Earth- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +10 Magical Attack for Earth element Elemental Magic, 5% Earth Resistance
Heart of Fire- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +10 Magical Attack for Fire element Elemental Magic, 5% Fire Resistance
Heart of Water- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +10 Magical Attack for Water element Elemental Magic, 5% Water Resistance
Knowledge of Esoteric Elements- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor gains +100 MIN if possessor has any item equipped that is a nonbase element

Apprentice Enchantment Attunement- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor 50 less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last 1 round longer if they already last over 1 round
Basic Enchantment Attunement- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor 10 less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last 1 round longer if they already last over 1 round
Enchanter- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor (1,000 * Possessor Level) less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last (Possessor Level) rounds longer if they already last over 12 rounds
Infuse Spell Essence- (Active Ability, Enchanter) Possessor may spend an action to change the element of a Spell that is in possessor's possession to gain Magic in addition to its other elements, provided that said Spell is not any non-base element
Infuse Spell Essence: Acid- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Acid to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Air- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Air to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Electrical- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Electrical to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Energy- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Energy to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Fire- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Fire to a spell instead of Magic
Instrument Enchanter- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's Enchantment spells that apply Enchantment enhancements to Instruments cost 200 XP less when applying said enhancements to Instruments
Lethal Enchanter- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's Enchantment spells that apply Enchantment enhancements to Deadly Items cost 200 XP less when applying said enhancements to Deadly Items

Apprentice Engineer Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Engineer) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Upgrade, Bioaugmentation, or Gadget possessor has equipped
Basic Engineer Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Engineer) Possessor gains +3 to all stats for each Upgrade, Bioaugmentation, or Gadget possessor has equipped
Basic Invention Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Engineer) Invention Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Bioaugmentation Designer- (Passive Ability, Engineer) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Bioaugmentation possessor has equipped
Engineer- (Passive Ability, Engineer) Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) to all stats for each Upgrade, Bioaugmentation, or Gadget possessor has equipped
Gadget Designer- (Passive Ability, Engineer) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Gadget possessor has equipped
Mad Assembly- (Passive Ability, Engineer) If possessor conducts a 'Metacombine' action and uses more than 1 Invention during it, the damage dealt by all such Inventions used by possessor as part of said action is increased by 25,000 points (for the first instance of Damage that each such Invention generates)
Mech Engineer- (Passive Ability, Engineer) Possessor's Mech transformations gain +200 to all stats
Mechanical Engineer- (Passive Ability, Engineer) Possessor's Machine pets and summons gain +200 to all stats
Mechanical Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Engineer) All Mechs used by user gain 200 HP and 10 to all stats
Tinker- (Active Ability, Engineer) Character may change (10 x possessor level) points of bonus to any one stat provided by an Upgrade, Bioaugmentation, or Gadget to a bonus to any one other stat as an action, this may not be done before threads, this may only be done once per thread per item

-Flux Baron-
Apprentice Flux Baron Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor's Shapeshifter pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Flux Baron Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor's Shapeshifter pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Basic Fluxoid Armament Mastery- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) +25 to Melee, Magical, and Ranged Attack and Defense bonuses granted by equipped Fluxoids
Flux Claws- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) +50 Damage to possessor's Shapeshifter pet and summon Physical element attacks
Fluxoid Wielder- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) +20 to all Melee, Magical, and Ranged Attack and Defense bonuses provided by equipped Fluxoids, +15 to stat bonuses provided by equipped Fluxoids, +5 to stat damage granted by equipped Fluxoids
छKnowledge of the Athsi-Akara's First Syllable- (Active Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor may, if a Shapeshifter, once per thread, spend an action to Transform into a lower-Level Human, Humanoid, Deva, Animal, Cthonian, Aerial, Aquatic, or Monster that is below Level 40 that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List
Shapeshifter Traits- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor gains +1 to all stats so long as possessor is a Shapeshifter
Wereform: Weregoat- (Stance Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor, while in this stance, obtains +1 base STR and +2 base CON, Possessor gains the subtype Shapeshifter, If possessor would not possess the subtype Shapeshifter without this Stance taking effect, possessor has a 90% chance of being afflicted with Confusion: Berserk at the start of each round

A Hint of Fame in the Arena- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +10 to all unmodified stats if possessor has at least 5 Fame
A Bit More Fame in the Arena- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains Immunity to a chosen minor negative status effect at the start of each thread if possessor has at least 25 Fame
Got Pwnt by Doris the Mechanical Detective- (Passive Ability, Friendship) -5 Fame
Known In Nexus- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor obtains +1 Fame
Popular Among Poplars- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +2 Fame, Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats as an uncapped bonus if possessor possesses at least two allies who are Plants or possess the ability 'Waitress'

Apprentice Gearwright Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor's Clockwork pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Clockwork Loyalty Programming- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor's Clockwork pets and summons gain 20% Charm Resistance
Basic Gearwright Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor's Clockwork pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Clockwork Calling I- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor's Clockwork summons gain +20 to all stats
Clockwork Programming I- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor's Clockwork pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Clockwork Programming II- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor's Clockwork pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Gearcrafter- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor's Clockwork summons obtain +150 to all stats as a constantly-applied effect while possessor is present

Apprentice Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) All of possessor's Geomancy spells affect 1 additional target if they already affected multiple targets and cost 500 less MP if their element matches that of an item possessed by their caster or matches the element of possessor, Possessor gains +100 to all stats if possessor's element matches the element of a Square Mile of Terrain in the Shop that is associated with a Terrain or Phantom Terrain present
Basic Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) All Geomancy spells affect 1 additional target if they already affected multiple targets and cost 10 less MP if their element matches that of an item possessed by their caster or their caster
Basic Zonal Linking- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +50 to all stats if possessor is in a Zone
Geomancer- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Geomancy spells cost possessor 500 less MP to cast, Geomancy spells cost possessor an additional (Possessor Level x 10) less MP to cast, Possessor gains +(10 x Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor's element matches the element of a Square Mile of Terrain in the Shop that is associated with a Terrain or Phantom Terrain present
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Acid- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Acid at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Electrical at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Fire- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Fire at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Ice- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Ice at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Magic- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Magic at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Psychic- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Psychic at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Water- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Water at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present

Accredited Physician- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor counts as possessing 5 additional Healer abilities, Possessor deals 50,000 additional HP Healing
Apprentice Healer Attunement- (Passive Ability, Healer) All Healer Magic Spells cost possessor and possessor's allies 20 less MP to cast
Apprentice Healer Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Healer) Healer Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast, Possessor's actions that Heal HP heal an additional 500 points
Auto-Healing- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor and each of possessor's allies may be healed for 5,000 points of Light-element HP Healing at the start of every round
Basic Healer Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Healer) Healer Magic spells cast by possessor gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Bolster Agility- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Agility in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 AGI which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) AGI.
Bolster Constitution- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Constitution in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 CON which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) CON.
Bolster Defense- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Defense in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 Defense which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) Defense.
Bolster Mind- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Mind in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 MIN which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) MIN.
Bolster Spirit- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Spirit in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 SPI which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) SPI.
Bolster Strength- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Strength in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 STR which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) STR.
Doctor- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's actions that heal may gain +200 Ranged, Melee or Magical Attack if they already possess such a bonus, Once per round after an enemy attacks one of possessor's allies, possessor may choose to have a 5% chance of countering said attack with a positive action targeting said ally and no other targets.
Electric Paddle Heartstopper- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use 'Electric Paddle Heartstopper' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action so long as no other technique is used. Said action gains +250 Melee Attack, gains the element Electrical, and has a 5% chance of inflicting Instant Death on targets below Level 15
Greater Healing- (Passive Ability, Healer) Wehanever possessor would Heal HP, possessor Heals an additional 2,500 points
Greater Stat Damage Healing- (Passive Ability, Healer) Whenever possessor would Heal Stat Damage, possessor heals an additional 250 points of each type
Healer- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's Healer Magic spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus gain +500 Magical Attack for purposes of non-offensive actions, Healer Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast, Possessor's Healer Magic spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus gain and additional +(50 x Possessor Level) Magical Attack for purposes of non-offensive actions, Healer Magic spells cost possessor an additional (10 x Possessor Level) less MP to cast,
Healer's Stat Protection- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's allies gain +200 Defense against Stat Damage
Improved Curing of Minor Status Effects- (Passive Ability, Healer) Whenever possessor would have a chance of curing a minor status-effect (not counting natural per-round auto-recovery chances), said chance is raised by 5%
Improved Healing- (Passive Ability, Healer) Whenever possessor would Heal HP, possessor heals an additional 500 points
Improved Stat Damage Healing- (Passive Ability, Healer) Whenever possessor would Heal Stat Damage, possessor heals an additional 50 points of each type
Lunacy Induction: Cow-Focused Variant- (Active Ability, Healer) Possessor may spend an action to give a PC target of lower Level who has lower base MIN the ability 'Crippling Cow-Petting Addiction', Has RP Effects
MANLY SHIRTLESS DOCTOR MODE- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor gains +500 STR and +500 CON if possessor has one Armorx.5 equipped whose name includes 'Pants' and does not have any other Armor equipped, Possessor deals 50,000 additional points of HP Healing if possessor has one Armorx.5 equipped whose name includes 'Pants' and does not have any other Armor equipped
Organ Rearranger- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's 'Rearragne Organs' ability may effect unwilling individuals up to Level 60, Possessor's 'Rearrange Organs' ability gains the ability to provide +1,000 or -1,000 CON as a selectable option
Rearrange Organs- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use 'Rearrange Organs' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' or 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is used. Said action may cause its target (if under Level 40 or willing) to gain either 30% Weakness or Resistance to any one minor status effect, +20% Resilience, or -20% Resilience as a buff that does not stack for the same effect and stacks 3 times across different effects
Specialist in Cow-Related Addiction Therapy- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor may spend a week in the shop to remove a Curse ability from a willing other PC provided said Curse is the ability 'Crippling Cow-Petting Addiction' from the ability shop, Has RP Effects
The Doctor Can't Get Sick!- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor may, up to 10 times per thread while in a Healer Stance, at the start of possessor's first action every round, choose to auto-recover from any one minor status effect inflicted by a source below Level 60; this may be used any number of times (up to its maximum) on different effects before said action
The Doctor Can't Stay Sick!- (Passive Ability, Healer) When possessor is in a Healer Stance, possessor's per-round auto-recovery chances for minor status effects are increased by 40%

Apprentice Illusion Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All of possessor's Illusion Magic summons have 500 more HP, 50 more of each stat, last 1 round longer if they last over 1 round already, and require 250 more of the relevant stats to dispel
Basic Illusion Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All Illusion Magic summons have 200 more HP, 10 more of each stat, last 1 turn longer if they last over 1 turn already, and require 25 more of the relevant stats to dispel
Can Delude Self About Health Conditions- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor has a 50% chance per effect of suffering no negative effects from minor negative status effects from sources below Level 10
Can Pretend to Be Knowledgeable and Multitalented- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor may choose to count as possessing one more ability in each class that possessor posssesses at least 1 ability in; This ability works for prerequisite purposes if it is permanently possessed by its possessor
Convincing Liar- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor counts as being 1 Level higher for purposes of resisting stat-scanning attempts, with said bonus not being able to overcome 'Immune to below Level X' effects
Fake Defense- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +250 Defense if possessor's stats have not been scanned yet during this thread by any opponent
Fake Stat Defense- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +250 Defense against Stat Damage if possessor's stats have not been scanned yet during this thread by any opponent
Honeyed Words- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor's Magical Attack actions may gain 15% inflicts Charm if possessor's stats have not been scanned by an opponent

-Logistical Archfarmer-
Basic Logistical Archfarmer Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Other: Logistical Archfarmer) Possessor may choose to obtain up to 5 Food or Drink items that are in stock in the Shop that are worth 500,000 Gold or less each day

-Lunar Trickster-
Apprentice Moon Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Lunar Trickster) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Moon element item equipped, Possessor's Moon element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Moon- (Passive Ability, Lunar Trickster) Quantities of Moon element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Acceleration Within Moon's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Lunar Trickster) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Moon
Basic Moon Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Lunar Trickster) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Moon element
Basic Weaponization of Moon- (Passive Ability, Lunar Trickster) Quantities of Moon element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Moon- (Passive Ability, Lunar Trickster) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Moon
Blaze Which Burns Away All Veils and Pretensions- (Technique Ability, Lunar Trickster) Possessor may use 'Blaze Which Burns Away All Veils and Pretensions' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is used as part of said action and either said action or possessor is Moon element. Said action has all instances of Burning (not including its sub-status effects) it inflicts have their effect changed to 'Possessor loses 1-4 (determined randomly) individual instances of buffs at the start of each round and, for each such buff removed, possessor takes an amount of Fire element MP damage equal to 5% of possessor's Max MP at the start of every round that cannot be defended against by Defense that is not either coming from Universe-element sources or Defense that is specifically Defense against the element Fire'.
Control of Moon- (Passive Ability, Lunar Trickster) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Moon element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Elemental Attack-Conversion: Moon- (Technique Ability, Lunar Trickster) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Moon' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is Moon element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element Moon.
Improved Weaponization of Moon- (Passive Ability, Lunar Trickster) Quantities of Moon element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Lunar Trickster- (Passive Ability, Lunar Trickster) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Moon Resistance, Possessor ignores Moon Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Moon Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Lunar Trickster) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Moon element: Create a Zone of Moon, Remove a Zone of Moon created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Moon by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Moon to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Moon element on a Moon element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Moon, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Moon, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Moon element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Moon to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Moon, 5% Moon Resistance, or +50 Defense against Moon and 1% Moon Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Poison-Mind Courtier's Kiss- (Technique Ability, Lunar Trickster) Possessor may use 'Poison-Mind Courtier's Kiss' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' or 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is used as part of said action and either said action or possessor is Moon element. Said action has all instances of Charm (not including its sub-status effects) it inflicts have their effect changed to 'Possessor is dealt (inflictor's Level) * 100 Moon element MIN Damage at the start of each round; possessor is afflicted with Poison whenever possessor obtains a MIN-increasing buff'.

-Mad Scientist-
Basic Mad Scientist Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Mad Scientist) Possessor's Bio-Horror pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Chemical Resistance- (Passive Ability, Mad Scientist) Possessor gains 5% Poison Resistance, 5% Acid Resistance, and 5% Resistance to damage from Poison
Electrical Invigoration- (Technique Ability, Mad Scientist) Possessor may use Electrical Invigoration in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Ranged Attack', or 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is used. Said attack only includes attack bonuses from Electrical element sources, cannot inflict status effects, and only affects allies. Said attack first deals an amount of HP damage multiplied by a value between .05 and 3.25, with all increments of .05 being equally possible. Said attack then deals an amount of HP healing multiplied by a value between .45 and 2.15, with all increments of .05 being equally possible. Said HP healing is doubled against Bio-Horrors. Amounts of damage and healing inflicted by this technique may be increased by a maximum of 100,000 points due to this technique's multipliers.
Electrical Revitalization- (Passive Ability, Mad Scientist) Possessor's Electrical Invigoration ability may deal MP damage and healing instead of HP damage and healing.
Formus Forehead- (Passive Ability, Mad Scientist) Individuals who are an element whose name includes 'Experimental Element) obtain -15% Critical against possessor
Improved Electrical Invigoration- (Passive Ability, Mad Scientist) Possessor's Electrical Invigoration's damage dealt becomes multiplied by a value between .05 and 2.75 should possessor desire such upon the use of said ability. Possessor's Electrical Invigoration's healing dealt becomes multiplied by a value between .75 and 2.15 should possessor desire such upon the use of said ability.
Surprise Backup Liver- (Passive Ability, Mad Scientist) Once per thread, before or after any action, possessor may choose to be cured of Poison: Drunk
Vital Current Mastery- (Passive Ability, Mad Scientist) Possessor's Electrical Invigoration ability may deal MP damage and healing in addition to HP damage and healing.

Apprentice Magewright Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Glyph, Holy Symbol, Idol, Ioun Stone, Sigil, Tome, Trinket, Magic Item, Container, Seal, or Rune possessor has equipped
Basic Magewright Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +3 to all stats for each Glyph, Holy Symbol, Idol, Ioun Stone, Sigil, Tome, Trinket, Magic Item, Container, Seal, or Rune possessor has equipped.
Basic Magic Item Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Magic Items that possessor has equipped that provide bonuses to STR, CON, AGI, MIN, or SPI have each such bonus they provide increased by 30 points
Idol Maker- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Idol possessor has equipped
Magewright- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) to all stats for each Glyph, Holy Symbol, Idol, Ioun Stone, Sigil, Tome, Trinket, Magic Item, Container, Seal, or Rune possessor has equipped
Magic Item Maker- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Magic Item possessor has equipped
Magically Charge Tome- (Technique Ability, Magewright) Possessor may use 'Magically Charge Tome' in conjunction with a 'Cast a Spell' action so long as a Tome is equipped and no other technique is used. Said action gives a non-stacking buff (including both not stacking on the same item or across items) to a Tome equipped by its performer that gives its possessing Tome the element Magic and '+15 Magical Attack', with said Magical Attack bonus being an additional bonus if said item already possesses such a bonus.
Ringkeeper- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor may equip 1 additional Ring (to a max of 10 Accessories being equipped from all sources)
Tomecast Spell- (Technique Ability, Magewright) Possessor may use 'Tomecast Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as a Tome is equipped and no other technique is used as part of said action. Spells cast as part of said action that share an element with at least one Tome equipped by said action's performer cost 500 less MP to cast.
Tome Maker- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Tome possessor has equipped
Trinket Maker- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Trinket possessor has equipped

-Master of Monsters-
Apprentice Master of Monsters Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Master of Monsters) Possessor's Monster pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Master of Monsters Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Master of Monsters) Possessor's Monster pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Master of Monsters- (Passive Ability, Master of Monsters) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Monster pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Monster pets and summons per Level of possessor
Monster Calling I- (Passive Ability, Master of Monsters) Possessor's Monster summons gain +20 to all stats
Monster Calling II- (Passive Ability, Master of Monsters) Possessor's Monster summons gain +200 HP
Monster Calling III- (Passive Ability, Master of Monsters) Possessor's Monster summons gain +500 MP
Monster Calling IV- (Passive Ability, Master of Monsters) Possessor's Monster summons gain +2,000 HP and +4,000 MP
Monster Training I- (Passive Ability, Master of Monsters) Possessor's Monster pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Monster Training II- (Passive Ability, Master of Monsters) Possessor's Monster pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Monster Traits- (Passive Ability, Master of Monsters) Possessor gains +1 to all stats so long as possessor is an Monster

Apprentice Mechanist Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Mechanist) Possessor's Machine pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Machine Loyalty Programming- (Passive Ability, Mechanist) Possessor's Machine pets and summons gain 20% Charm Resistance
Basic Mechanist Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Mechanist) Possessor's Machine pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Defensive Machine Programming I- (Passive Ability, Mechanist) Possessor's Machine pets and summons gain +50 Defense
Defensive Machine Programming II- (Passive Ability, Mechanist) Possessor's Machine pets and summons gain +250 Defense
Light-Up Butt- (Passive Ability, Mechanist) To Hit penalties applied to possessor by effects attached to Zones of Darkness from sources below Level 60 are reduced by 5%
Machine Programming I- (Passive Ability, Mechanist) Possessor's Machine pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Machine Programming II- (Passive Ability, Mechanist) Possessor's Machine pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Mechanist- (Passive Ability, Mechanist) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Machine pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Machine pets and summons per Level of possessor
Offensive Machine Programming I- (Passive Ability, Mechanist) Possessor's Machine pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 50 points
Offensive Machine Programming II- (Passive Ability, Mechanist) Possessor's Machine pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 500 points

-Mech Jockey-
Apprentice Mech User- (Passive Ability, Mech Jockey) All of possessor's Mech transformations gain +100 to all stats, +500 to the Damage values of their abilities, +5,000 HP, +2,500 MP, and have their abilities cost 50 less MP
Basic Mech User- (Passive Ability, Mech Jockey)- All Mech transformations equipped by possessor gain +50 to all stats, +200 damage to all damaging attacks, +1,000 HP, +500 MP, and have attacks that cost 5 less MP to a minimum of 0
Basic Mechanized Weaponry Training- (Passive Ability, Mech Jockey) +500 damage to all damage-dealing Mech attacks for possessor's Mech transformations
Biometrically Lock Mech- (Passive Ability, Mech Jockey) Possessor's Mech transformations may not be stolen by individuals below Level 40
Customize Mech- (Passive Ability, Mech Jockey) Possessor's Mech transformations gain +100 to all stats
Mech Jockey- (Passive Ability, Mech Jockey) All of possesser's Mech transformations gain +(25* Possessor Level) to all stats and +(100 * Possessor Level) to the Damage values of their abilities
Mech Pilot- (Passive Ability, Mech Jockey)- All Vehicle transformations equipped by possessor gain +50 to all stats if they have 'Mech' in the name
Mech Weaponry Training- (Passive Ability, Mech Jockey)- The Damage values of all abilities possessed by possessor's Mech transformations are increased by 250 points
My Soul Burns Bright! My Mech Shoots HARDER!- (Passive Ability, Mech Jockey) Possessor's Mech transformations deal 12,000 additional Damage if possessor's detransformed self possesses any SPI-increasing positive status effects or buffs
This Mech Fights On Through The Power Of My Soul- (Passive Ability, Mech Jockey) Possessor's Mech transformations gain +5,000 HP, regenerate 2,000 HP at the start of each round and have a 15% chance of automatically resurrecting themselves when killed if killed by a source below Level 20 that is lower Level than possessor's detransformed self
Basic Spiritual Mech Empowerment- (Passive Ability, Mech Jockey) Possessor's Mech transformations gain (possessor's de-transformed SPI / 10, Max 60) to all stats

Apprentice Psychic Power Attunement- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) All Psychic Power spells gain +250 Magical Attack and cost 50 less MP
Basic Psychic Power Attunement- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) All Psychic Power spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Basic Psychometry Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor's Psychic element items that provide bonuses to stats have said bonuses increasted by +20, Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes when targetting targets who formerly possessed items currently possessed by possessor
Basic Electrokinesis Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor's Electrical-element Psychic Power spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +40 Magical Attack
Basic Telekinesis Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor's Psychic-element Psychic Power spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +40 Magical Attack
Basic Telepathy Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor's Psychic-element Psychic Power may inflict buffs even if possessor is afflicted with Impaired: Mute
Heightened Senses- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) +30 AGI, +2% Dodge, +300 AGI on the first turn of combat, Guard Other has a 5% higher chance of working
High Self-Confidence- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor gains 20% Confusion: Depression Resistance
Improved Electrokinesis Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Electrical-element Psychic Power spells cast by possessor that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +100 Magical Attack
Improved Psychometry Powers- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) Possessor's equpped Psychic element items that provide bonuses to stats have said bonuses increasted by +50, Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes when targetting targets who formerly possessed items currently possessed by possessor (with this effect not bypassing 'Immune to under Level X' effects)
Mental Levitation- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) +50 AGI, 3% Dodge, 5% Earth Resistance

Apprentice Merchant Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 10,000 Gold.
Basic Merchant Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 5,000 Gold.
Careful About Money When Bears Are Around- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor gains +500,000 Defense against Gold Damage when in the same battlespace as an individual whose name includes 'bear'.
Chest Finder- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor may claim Bonus Chests
Consumable Salesman- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold for Consumables
Econoist- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor may not be prevented from spending or trading Gold by entities below Level 35
Gift Wrapper- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor chooses on month of the year upon acquring this ability; possessor's per-item half-price sell cap is increased by 5,000 Gold during that month
Merchant- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 5,000 Gold, Possessor gains +5 to all stats for every 25,000 points of value that possessor's equipped items are worth.
Trader- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor gains +200 to all stats as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round whenever an item is traded to or from possessor (not counting the stealing of items or the creation of items)
Training in Economics- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold.
Transformation Salesman- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold for Transformations

-Mind Lord-
Apprentice Defenses Against Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Psychic
Apprentice Psychic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Psychic element item equipped, Possessor's Psychic element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Psychic's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Psychic
Basic Defenses Against Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Psychic
Basic Psychic Resistance- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains 1% Psychic Resistance
Basic Psychic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Psychic element
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Psychic
Control of Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Psychic element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Psychic element targets
Psychic Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Psychic element: Create a Zone of Psychic, Remove a Zone of Psychic created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Psychic by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Psychic to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Psychic element on a Psychic element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Psychic, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Psychic, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Psychic element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Psychic to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Psychic, 5% Psychic Resistance, or +50 Defense against Psychic and 1% Psychic Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Apprentice Unarmed Technique Attunement- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +500 Melee Attack if no weapon is equipped, Unarmed Technique spells cost 50 less MP to cast, Possessor gains +200 Defense if possessor has at least 2 empty weapon slots, Possessor gains 5% Dodge if possessor has no weapons equipped
Basic Gymnastics Skills- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +20 AGI
Basic Unarmed Technique Attunement- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +30 Melee Attack if possessor has no weapon equipped. Possessor gains +30 Defense if possessor has no armor equipped.
Contortionist- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +1% Dodge against individuals below Level 45
Flexible- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +200 AGI and +2% Dodge against individuals below Level 60
Gymnast- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains 20% Dodge while not wearing Armor and +300 AGI while not wearing Armor
Gymnast's Balance- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor's row may not forcibly be shifted by offensive actions from sources below Level 15
Gymnast's Dexterity- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains 5% Dodge and +80 AGI
Gymnast's Style- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor's allies gain +20 to all stats as a non-stacking buff that lasts 1 round each time possessor Dodges an offensive action
Gymnast's Tumbling- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +5% Dodge as a non-stacking buff that lasts 1 round each time possessor switches rows
HAUNTED KNEE-BASH- (Technique Ability, Monk) Possessor may use 'HAUNTED KNEE-BASH' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' or 'Melee Overdrive' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts an Unarmed Technique spell as part of said action. Said action gains +3,500 Melee Attack and summons a Ghost from the Enemy List that becomes solely Physical element as a buff that is placed upon it at the time of summoning; Max 10 summoned.
Interdimensional Basketball Skills- (Active/Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor may spend an action to trade an item to an entity in any battlespace, Possessor gains +15% To Hit
Martial Arts Trainee- (Passive Ability, Monk) +5 STR, AGI, and CON
Monk- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +1,000 Melee Attack if no weapon is equipped, Unarmed Technique spells cost 50 less MP to cast per possessor Level, Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has at least 2 empty weapon slots, Possessor gains (Possessor Level / 2, rounded up)% Dodge if possessor has no weapons equipped, Possessor gains +10 additional Melee Attack per possessor Level if no weapon is equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats per possessor Level if no weapon is equipped, +50 damage to damage-dealing Unarmed Technique spells per possessor Level
Orange Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +40 Melee Attack, +40 STR, +40 AGI, and +40 CON
White Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +10 Melee Attack, +10 STR, +10 AGI, and +10 CON
Yellow Belt- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor gains +20 Melee Attack, +20 STR, +20 AGI, and +20 CON

-Mountain King-
Apprentice Earth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Earth element item equipped, Possessor's Earth element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth
Basic Acceleration Within Earth's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Earth
Basic Earth Resistance- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains 1% Earth Resistance
Basic Earth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Earth element
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth
Control of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Earth element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Earth element targets
Earth Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Earth element: Create a Zone of Earth, Remove a Zone of Earth created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Earth by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Earth to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Earth element on a Earth element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Earth element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Earth to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Earth, 5% Earth Resistance, or +50 Defense against Earth and 1% Earth Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Passrock- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor ignores the Defense of Earth element individuals below Level 20

Apprentice Instrument Training- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack if possessor has an Instrument equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument equipped
Basic Instrument Training- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +6 Magical Attack when an Instrument is equipped.
Can Make Sound Carry Well- (Passive Ability, Musican) Possessor's 'Magical Attack' actions have a 20% chance of dealing full Damage to individuals below Level 10 in the back row
Can Play the Flute- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Flute' in its name equipped
Can Play the Guitar- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Guitar' in its name equipped
Can Play the Horn- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Horn' in its name equipped
Can Play the Keyboard- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Keyboard' in its name equipped
Can Play the Saxaphone- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Saxaphone' in its name equipped
Can Play the Trumpet- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Trumpet' in its name equipped
Can Play the Turntable- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Turntable' in its name equipped
Can Play the Violin- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 to all stats if possessor has an Instrument with 'Violin' in its name equipped
Debilitating Note- (Technique Ability, Musician) Possessor may use 'Debilitating Note' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Instrument equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Stat Drain.
Dizzying Note- (Technique Ability, Musician) Possessor may use 'Dizzying Note' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Instrument equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Impairing Note- (Technique Ability, Musician) Possessor may use 'Impairing Note' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Instrument equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Impaired.
Improved Debilitating Note- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor's 'Debilitating Note' technique has its chance of inflicting Stat Drain increased to 30%
Lazy Note- (Technique Ability, Musician) Possessor may use 'Lazy Note' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Instrument equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Fatigued.
Musician- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack if possessor has an Instrument equipped, Possessor gains +(25 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has an Instrument equipped
Proper Instrument Tuning- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor may remove any number of debuffs from Instrument items that possessor is carrying that come from sources below Level 10 at the beginning of each round

Apprentice Ninjutsu Attunement- (Passive Ability, Ninja) All Ninjutsu spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, and all Ninjutsu spells that buff caster's stats do so by 50 more points per such stat
Basic Ninja Combat Training- (Passive Ability, Ninja) All Ninjutsu spells possessor casts that possess a Melee Attack bonus gain +10 additional Melee Attack, and all Ninjutsu spells possessor casts that possess a Ranged Attack bonus gain +10 additional Ranged Attack, Possessor gains +50 AGI
Basic Ninjutsu Attunement- (Passive Ability, Ninja) All Ninjutsu spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack, and all Ninjutsu spells that buff caster's stats do so by 5 more points per such stat
Blurred While Running- (Passive Ability, Ninja) Possessor gains +200 AGI, Possessor gains +5% Dodge against sources below Level 60 as a non-stacking bonus on rounds during which possessor has performed a 'Shift Rows' action
Fast Ninjutsu- (Passive Ability, Ninja) Possessor may declare that possessor will cast a 'Ninjutsu' spell as part of possessor's first action of the round at the start of a round, If possessor does so, possessor must perform such an action as possessor's first action of the round, with all actions of possessor's where such is not possible being skipped until either said action is performed or the end of the round occurs, with things that would occur before and after said skipped actions still occurring, with possessor obtaining a non-stacking buff that provides +400 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes during any round during which possessor makes such a declaration
From the Shadows- (Stance Ability, Ninja) Attacks that you make against foes that have not acted that involve Melee Attack bonus gain +60 Melee Attack
Ninja- (Passive Ability, Ninja) All Ninjutsu spells cast by possessor that possess a Melee Attack bonus gain +(200 +20 * Possessor Level) additional Melee Attack, All Ninjutsu spells cost possessor (40 + 30 * Possessor's Level) less MP to cast, Possessor gains +(200 + 30 * Possessor Level) AGI on the first round of battle
Ninja Cleaning- (Passive Ability, Ninja) At the start of each round, if possessor is in a Ninja stance, possessor may remove one stacked instanced of a debuff from a source below Level 30 from any one individual
Ninja Wall Run- (Passive Ability, Ninja) Possessor gains +100 AGI, Possessor pierces 500 Defense of Large Structures, Possessor may deal full Damage to targets below Level 20 that are in the back row
Ninjutsu Casting I- (Passive Ability, Ninja) Ninjutsu spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Ninjutsu Casting II- (Passive Ability, Ninja) Ninjutsu spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Shadow Wind Stance- (Stance Ability, Ninja) +10% Dodge
Smoke Trick Training- (Passive Ability, Ninja) Dodge buffs granted by Ninjutsu spells give possessor an additional +1% Dodge against sources below Level 20 as an effect that stacks 5 times
Trick Body Swap- (Passive Ability, Ninja) Once per round, when possessor is the target of an offensive action with a lower-Level source that is below Level 20, possessor may, with a 20% chance of success, choose to change the target of said action to a willing ally

-Ocean Prince-
Apprentice Water Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Water element item equipped, Possessor's Water element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Water's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Water
Basic Water Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Water element
Basic Command of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor's Water element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Water
Basic Water Resistance- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains 1% Water Resistance
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Water
Control of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Water element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Water element targets
Water Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Water element: Create a Zone of Water, Remove a Zone of Water created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Water by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Water to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Water element on a Water element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Water, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Water, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Water element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Water to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Water, 5% Water Resistance, or +50 Defense against Water and 1% Water Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Sparkling Soul- (Passive Ability, Paladin) Possessor gains +5,000 SPI, Possessor gains Hexed Immunity, Possessor, as an RP effect, feels compassionate and kind

-Pattern Admixturist-
Basic Pattern Admixturist Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Other: Pattern Admixturist) Possessor's equipped items that share an element with possessor have their stat bonuses increased by 50 points

Apprentice Divine Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Priest) Possessor gains +250 Damage to all damage-dealing (including Healing) Divine Magic spells, Divine Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP, Possessor counts as 1 Level higher, to a max of Level 20, for purposes of worshipper benefits
Basic Divine Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Priest) All Divine Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Bolster Worshipper Benefits- (Passive Ability, Priest) Possessor gains +40 to any stat out of STR, AGI, CON, MIN, and SPI that possessor's Worshipper Benefits give possessor a bonus to
Establish Sacred Geomantic Zone- (Active Ability, Priest) Possessor may, if possessor possesses at least 1 Patron Deity, spend an action to create a Zone that is Sacred To <Any one of possessor's Patron Deities> and attach an effect to said Zone that gives devout worshippers of said deity +500 to all stats while in said Zone as a non-stacking buff that does not stack across different deities or zones
Evangelist- (Passive Ability, Priest) Possessor's pets and summons, if not already considered Devout Worshippers of a deity, are considered to be devout worshippers of possessor's deity
Holy Channeling- (Passive Ability, Priest) Divine Magic spells gain +25 Magical Attack and cost 20 less MP if they do not share their caster's element or 50 less MP if they do, Possessor must be a devout follower of some deity for this ability to take effect
Minorly Blessed by a Deity- (Passive Ability, Priest) 5% Hexed Resistance, Possessor has a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed: Ill Fortune on any individual who kills possessor immediately upon death, Possessor must be a devout follower of some deity for this ability to take effect
Pray- (Active Ability, Priest) Possessor may spend an action to use this ability. This ability restores 1% of possessor's HP and MP and has a (Possessor Level)% chance of curing possessor of all minor and moderate status effects, May only be used (Possessor Level) times per thread, Possessor must be a devout follower of some deity for this ability to take effect
♢Prophesied Savior- (Passive Ability, Priest) The first time possessor enters a battlespace, possessor's allies in that battlespace are dealt (Possessor's Level * 10,000) Flat Light element HP Healing and are cured of one debuff from a source below possessor's Level
Priest- (Passive Ability, Priest) +500 Damage to all damage-dealing Divine Magic spells, all Divine Magic spells cost 50 less MP per possessor Level, +50 damage to damage-dealing Divine Magic spells per possessor Level, +50 additional damage to Divine Magic spells that heal HP or MP per possessor Level, Possessor counts as being (Possessor Level / 10, rounded up) levels higher for purposes of worshipper benefits, Possessor must be a devout follower of some deity for this ability to take effect
Pronounce Marriage- (Active Ability, Priest) Caster may spend an action to give two willing targets a non-stacking buff that links their HP values and that links their MP values provided that neither of those values for either individual is linked to any value of any other individual, Any effect that could unsummon either individual if said individual were a non-unique summon may instead delink this value
Resist Temptation- (Passive Ability, Priest) 5% Confusion Resistance, 20% Charm Resistance
Sanction Forced Marriage- (Passive Ability, Priest) Possessor may perform 'Pronounce Marriage' actions that target unwilling individuals who are 20 or more Levels below possessor
Servant of a Favored Sort- (Passive Ability, Priest) If possessor has a Patron Deity and possesses the <Class Name, Tier 3> ability for any of said deity's listed Preferred Classes, possessor, as a non-stacking bonus, gains +5,000 HP, +5,000 MP, and +200 to all stats
Walk on Water- (Passive Ability, Priest) Effects attached to terrain or phantom terrain that is Ocean, River, Lake, Sea, or Pond that come from sources below Level 60 may not inflict Drowning or Suffocation on possessor

-Paragon of Resolve-
A Will Great Enough to Protect the Weak- (Passive Ability, Other: Paragon of Resolve) If possessor is Psychic, Hope, or Will element, whenever one of possessor's Psychic, Hope or Will element summons would be afflicted with a negative status effect, it may choose to use possessor's Resistances/Immunities/Reflections/Absorptions in place of its own to determine if said status effect infliction is successful (but not in regards to other things that come from the same attack, action, or other source as said status effect infliction)
Apprentice Will Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Paragon of Resolve) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Will element item equipped, Possessor's Will element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Will- (Passive Ability, Other: Paragon of Resolve) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Will
Basic Weaponization of Will- (Passive Ability, Other: Paragon of Resolve) Quantities of Will element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Will Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Paragon of Resolve) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Will element
Control of Will- (Passive Ability, Other: Paragon of Resolve) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Will element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Defenses that Utilize Will- (Passive Ability, Other: Paragon of Resolve) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Will-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Improved Weaponization of Will- (Passive Ability, Other: Paragon of Resolve) Quantities of Will element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Paragon of Resolve- (Passive Ability, Other: Paragon of Resolve) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Will Resistance, Possessor ignores Will Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Will Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Paragon of Resolve) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Will element: Create a Zone of Will, Remove a Zone of Will created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Will by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Will to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Will element on a Will element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Will, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Will, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Will element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Will to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Will, 5% Will Resistance, or +50 Defense against Will and 1% Will Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Will-Powered Infliction-Block- (Passive Ability, Other: Paragon of Resolve) If possessor does not possess any MIN or SPI Damage, possessor changes automatic instances of status effect infliction phrased as 'inflicts <status effect name>' with no percentile infliction chance that would be inflicted on possessor that come from sources below Level 60 into 100% infliction chances of said effects for said instances of infliction

-Radiant Hierophant-
Apprentice Light Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Light element item equipped, Possessor's Light element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Quantities of Light element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Acceleration Within Light's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Light
Basic Defenses Against Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Light
Basic Light Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Light element
Basic Weaponization of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Quantities of Light element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Light
Control of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Light element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Improved Weaponization of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Quantities of Light element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Light Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Light element: Create a Zone of Light, Remove a Zone of Light created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Light by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Light to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Light element on a Light element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Light, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Light, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Light element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Light to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Light, 5% Light Resistance, or +50 Defense against Light and 1% Light Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Apprentice Axe Training- (Passive Ability, Ravager) Possessor gains +50 Melee Attack when possessor has an Axe equipped.
Axe Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Ravager) +5 to all stats when a Axe is equipped
Axe Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Ravager) +25 to all stats when a Axe is equipped, +50 Melee Attack when a Axe is equipped
Barbarian's Fortitude- (Passive Ability, Ravager) +500 HP and +15 Defense if only Light, Medium or no armor is equipped
Basic Axe Training- (Passive Ability, Ravager) This character gains +6 Melee Attack when an Axe is equipped.
Berserker Rage- (Active Ability, Ravager) +5 Base STR, +5 Base CON, and +3 Base AGI while Berserk, possessor may inflict Fatigued: Berserk on self once per thread as an action
Controlled Rage- (Active Ability, Ravager) Possessor may become selectively non-immune to Berserk-inflicting sources
Directed Rage- (Passive Ability, Ravager) Posessor does not attack allies while Berserk
Font of Rage- (Active Ability, Ravager) Possessor may inflict Berserk on self an additional 5 times per thread
Ravager- (Passive Ability, Ravager) This character gains +700 Melee Attack and +100 STR when an Axe is equipped plus an additional +30 Melee Attack and +10 to STR for each level character possesses.
Seething Fury- (Active Ability, Ravager) Possessor may treat Confusion: Enraged as being Confusion: Berserk for purposes of Ravager Abilities

♢Arriving to the Sound of Ritual Song- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) The first time possessor enters a battlespace, possessor counts as having been casting all Ritual Magic spells for (Possessor's Level/5, rounded up) rounds for purposes of multi-action casting requirements for a number of rounds equal to (Possessor's Level/5, rounded up), applying this effect to a max of once per spell across all instances of that spell

Apprentice Roboticist Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) Possessor's Robot pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Roboticist Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) Possessor's Robot pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Refray Wires- (Technique Ability, Roboticist) Possessor may use 'Refray Wires' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action. Said action gives Robots and Machines that it targets -100 CON and, if they are below Level 40, 100% Burning Weakness, as a debuff that stacks 500 times.
Robot Programming I- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) Possessor's Robot pets and summons gain +20 to all stats

Advanced Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +200 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and at least three of which are non-'Wizard Magic' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Apprentice Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) This character gains +6 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Knowledge of Dimensions- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +50 MIN, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 MIN.
Basic Understanding of Area Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present
Basic Understanding of Dimensional Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle or that summon cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Dud Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Dud Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Scholar equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Magical Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Explosive Calligraphy- (Active Ability, Scholar) Possessor may spend an action to obtain a buff that stacks 20 times that allows its possessor to optionally deal 250,000 Flat Fire element Damage to an entity that attacks its possessor (after said attack) or that scans its possessor's stats (at the end of said scan)
Has Read About Watchmaking- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor obtains +25 MIN if possessor has a Trinket, Gadget, or Magic Item equipped whose name includes 'Watch', 'Clock', or 'Timepiece' equipped
Knowledge of Basic Magic Theory- (Passive Ability, Wizard) +5 Magical Attack, +30 MIN, Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Scholar- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +700 Magical Attack and +50 to all stats when a Book is equipped, Possessor gains an additional +(10 x Possessor Level) Magical Attack and +(5 x Possessor Level) to all stats when a Book is equipped.
Scholar of Elements- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 MIN for each element that possessor possesses as the element of one of possessor's pieces of equipped equipment, to a max of 24 such elements
Scholar of History- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains +200 to all stats if at least 25 battles have previously happened within the thread
Student of Histories- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor obtains +50 MIN if at least 15 rounds have passed in battle and possessor has a Book equipped
Studious- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +200 MIN
Theoretical Spellcaster- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +1,000 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +500 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and at least three of which are non-'Wizard Magic' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +180 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +70 MIN if possessor has at least two spells, one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and one of which is a non-'Wizard Magic' spell equipped

Advanced Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Science- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +200 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Hypertech spell and at least three of which are non-'Hypertech' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Analytical- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes, to a max of Level 99
Apprentice Hypertech Attunement- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells possessor castst that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, and all Hypertech spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Hypertech Attunement- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Basic Research Skills- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes, to a max of Level 20
Knowledge of Basic Scientific Theory- (Passive Ability, Scientist) +5 Magical Attack, +30 MIN, Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Knowledge of Chemicals- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +100 MIN, Potions used by possessor that Heal HP or MP do so for an additional 1,000 points
Psychiatrist- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor may cure one ally of Charm or Confusion at the start of each round
Psychologist- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +200 MIN
Radioactive Wisdom- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +400 MIN, Possessor's actions that involve Hypertech spells may gain '30% inflicts Poison: Irradiated', Possessor gains Poison: Irradiated Immunity, Possessor gains 5% Atomic Resistance
Scientist- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(50* Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, and all Hypertech spells cost possessor (50 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Therapist- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor may cure one ally of Charm or Confusion at the end of each round
Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Science- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +180 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +70 MIN if possessor has at least two spells, one of which is a Hypertech spell and one of which is a non-'Hypertech' spell equipped
Utilize Researched Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor deals 110% Damage to targets below Level 20 whose stats possessor has scanned, to a max of 1,000,000 additional damage

-Shadow Blade-
Aerial-Hunting Stab- (Technique Ability, Shadow Blade) Possessor may use 'Aerial-Hunting Stab' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Knife equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack and +200 Ranged Attack against Aerials and gains +5% To Hit against Aerials.
Apprentice Knife Training- (Passive Ability, Shadow Blade) Possessor gains +50 Melee Attack and +25 Magical Attack if possessor has a Knife equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has a Knife equipped
Armor-Piercing Stab- (Technique Ability, Shadow Blade) Possessor may use 'Armor-Piercing Stab' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Knife equipped. Said attack pierces 200 Defense.
Backstab (2)- (Technique Ability, Shadow Blade) Possessor may use Backstab(2) in conjunction with a Melee Attack, so long as no other technique is used and a Knife is equipped. Said Melee Attack action gains +45 Melee Attack, Backstab has no effect if used after target has taken an action unless its user is in its target's row formation.
Basic Knife Training- (Passive Ability, Shadow Blade) This character gains +6 Melee Attack and +3 Magical Attack when a Knife is equipped
Bloodletter- (Technique Ability, Shadow Blade) Possessor may use Bloodletter in conjunction with a Melee Attack, so long as no other technique is used and a Knife is equipped. Said Melee Attack action gains +10 Melee Attack and a 5% chance of inflicting Wounded: Bleeding
Bolt Stab- (Technique Ability, Shadow Blade) Possessor may use 'Bolt Stab' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Knife equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Electricity element.
Dud Stab- (Technique Ability, Shadow Blade) Possessor may use 'Dud Stab' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Knife equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Melee Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Shadow Blade- (Passive Ability, Shadow Blade) Possessor gains +(500 + 10 * Possessor Level) Melee Attack, +(250 + 5 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack, and +(100 + 10 * Possessor Level) AGI when possessor has a Knife equipped
Shadow Stab- (Technique Ability, Shadow Blade) Possessor may use 'Shadow Stab' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Knife equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack and becomes solely Darkness element.

And With This, I Will Burn You!- (Passive Ability, Slayer) An item that possessor equips as a weapon through one of possessor's Slayer abilities that was an Antiquity at the time it was equipped that is Fire element may gain '5% inflicts Burning'
And With This, I Will Bury You!- (Passive Ability, Slayer) An item that possessor equips as a weapon through one of possessor's Slayer abilities that was an Antiquity at the time it was equipped that is Earth element may gain '5% inflicts Entombed'
And With This, I Will Cast You Into Void!- (Passive Ability, Slayer) An item that possessor equips as a weapon through one of possessor's Slayer abilities that was an Antiquity at the time it was equipped that is Darkness element may gain '5% inflicts Voidstruck'
And With This, I Will Drown You!- (Passive Ability, Slayer) An item that possessor equips as a weapon through one of possessor's Slayer abilities that was an Antiquity at the time it was equipped that is Water element may gain '5% inflicts Drowning'
And With This, I Will Strangle You!- (Passive Ability, Slayer) An item that possessor equips as a weapon through one of possessor's Slayer abilities that was an Antiquity at the time it was equipped that is Air element may gain '5% inflicts Suffocation'
And With This, I Will Melt You!- (Passive Ability, Slayer) An item that possessor equips as a weapon through one of possessor's Slayer abilities that was an Antiquity at the time it was equipped that is Acid element may gain '5% inflicts Dissolving'
And With This, I Will Freeze You!- (Passive Ability, Slayer) An item that possessor equips as a weapon through one of possessor's Slayer abilities that was an Antiquity at the time it was equipped that is Ice element may gain '5% inflicts Frozen'
Apprentice Deadly Item Training- (Passive Ability, Slayer) This character gains +60 Melee Attack, +60 Ranged Attack, +60 Magical Attack, and +5% Critical when a Deadly Item is equipped.
Basic Deadly Item Training- (Passive Ability, Slayer) This character gains +6 Melee Attack when a Deadly Item is equipped
Basic Weapon Improvisation- (Passive Ability, Slayer) Possessor may equip Antiquities in weapon slots, these Antiquities provide a Ranged, Melee, and Magical attack bonus equal to their value divided by 1,000, to a max of +1,000
Slayer- (Passive Ability, Slayer) Possessor gains +(500 +(50 * Possessor Level)) Melee Attack, Magical Attack, and Ranged Attack if possessor has a Deadly Item equipped, Possessor gains +5% Critical if possessor has a Deadly Item equipped
Spirit-Focused Improvisation- (Passive Ability, Slayer) An item that possessor equips as a weapon through one of possessor's Slayer abilities that was an Antiquity at the time it was equipped may provide a Spirit bonus equal to its value divided by 1,000, to a max of +1,000 SPI

-Snow Queen-
Apprentice Defenses Against Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Ice
Apprentice Ice Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Ice element item equipped, Possessor's Ice element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Ice's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Ice
Basic Defenses Against Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Ice
Basic Ice Resistance- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains 1% Ice Resistance
Basic Ice Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Ice element
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Ice
Control of Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Ice element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Ice element targets
Ice Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Ice element: Create a Zone of Ice, Remove a Zone of Ice created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Ice by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Ice to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Ice element on a Ice element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Ice, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Ice, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Ice element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Ice to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Ice, 5% Ice Resistance, or +50 Defense against Ice and 1% Ice Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Bailartix Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Soldreidrethanoi) +5 to all stats when a Bailartrix is equipped
Basic Bailartix Training- (Passive Ability, Soldreidrethanoi) This character gains +6 Ranged Attack when a Bailartix is equipped
Hunting Blade of Repitition- (Active Ability, Soldreidrethanoi) This character may use Hunting Blade of Repitition in conjunction with a Ranged Attack, so long as no other technique is used and a Bailartix is equipped. This attack repeats itself next turn, but any Bailartix involved in it cannot be used next turn for any other purpose.

Apprentice Summoner Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's Summoner Magic Summons gain +250 to all stats, and all Summoner Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Summoner Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All creatures summoned through Summoner Magic spells gain +10 to all stats, and all Summoner Magic spells cost 10 less MP
Basic Summoner-Screening Techniques- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor gains +50 Defense if possessor possesses any summons
Basic Summon Essence-Linking- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor gains +50 to all stats if possessor has any summons, Possessor's summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Summon MP Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +1,000 MP
Basic Summon MP Conservation Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons' abilities cost them 100 less MP to cast
Basic Summon Resilience Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +1% Resilience
Basic Summon Spirit Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +100 SPI
Basic Summon Strength Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +100 STR
Basic Summon To Hit Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +1% To Hit
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Acid-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Acid-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Air-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Air-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Darkness-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Darkness-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Earth-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Earth-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Electrical-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Electrical-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Energy-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Energy-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Fire-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Fire-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Hope-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Hope-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Ice-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Ice-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Light-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Light-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Magic-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Magic-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Physical-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Physical-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Psychic-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Psychic-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Technology-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Technology-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Water-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Water-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Summoner- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Summoner Magic summons gain (+1,000 x Possessor Level) HP and MP and +(10 x Possessor Level) to all stats
Summoner of Beasts Unheard- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's summons of nonbase subtypes gain +2,000 to all stats as a non-stacking buff at the time of their summoning

Apprentice Thief Arts Attunement- (Passive Ability, Thief) All Thief Arts spells cast by possessor that possess a Melee Attack bonus gain +50 additional Melee Attack, All Thief Arts spells cost possessor 40 less MP to cast, Possessor gains +200 AGI on the first round of battle
Basic Item Theivery- (Passive Ability, Thief) Possessor's Thief Arts spells and Thief abilities that have a percent chance of stealing any item from a target under Level 20 have said chance increased by 5%
Basic Lock Picking- (Passive Ability, Thief) +20 AGI, Possessor's lower-levelled foes' abilities that have a chance of reducing the odds of said foes dropping treasure or Gold have a 30% chance of failing, providing said foes are non-unique and under level 20
Basic Thief Arts Attunement- (Passive Ability, Thief) All Thief Arts spells cast by possessor that possess a Melee Attack bonus gain +10 additional Melee Attack, All Thief Arts spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast, Possessor gains +20 AGI on the first round of battle
Sneaky- (Passive Ability, Thief) Possessor treats foes as not having acted if it is one of the first five turns of battle, said foes are of lower level, said foes have all of their stats as being lower than possessor's AGI, and said foes have not yet acted twice, +200 AGI
Spry- (Passive Ability, Thief) +300 AGI and +4% Dodge
Steal- (Active Ability, Thief) Possessor may spend an action and select a target. Possessor has a percent chance equal to (Poessessor's Level - Target's Level) of stealing a random item from said target's list of drops if said target would normally be able to provide drops, with said target no longer providing drops as it otherwise would. This ability may only steal one item per target per thread. This ability may not steal items from targets that are not normally fightable for drops on the enemy list. This ability may not steal items from targets that are higher level than its possessor or user. This ability may not steal items from targets that are Level 20 or greater.
Sticky Fingers- (Passive Ability, Thief) Thief Arts abilities that steal Gold steal 10% more than they would without this ability
Sudden Attack- (Passive Ability, Thief) Possessor gains +100 AGI on the first turn of battle, Possessor gains +60 Melee Attack against targets that have not yet acted on the first turn of battle
Thief- (Passive Ability, Thief) All Thief Arts spells cast by possessor that possess a Melee Attack bonus gain +(200 +20 * Possessor Level) additional Melee Attack, All Thief Arts spells cost possessor (40 + 30 * Possessor's Level) less MP to cast, Possessor gains +(200 + 30 * Possessor Level) AGI on the first round of battle
Thief Arts Casting I- (Passive Ability, Thief) Thief Arts spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Thief Arts Casting II- (Passive Ability, Thief) Thief Arts spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Tricky- (Passive Ability, Thief) Possessor's foes of equal or lower level with a lower Mind than possessor have their resistances to minor status effects caused by possessor reduced by 5%, to a minimum of 0%

-Thunder Czar-
Apprentice Electrical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Electrical element item equipped, Possessor's Electrical element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Quantities of Electrical element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Acceleration Within Electrical's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Electrical
Basic Electrical Resistance- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains 1% Electrical Resistance
Basic Electrical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Electrical element
Basic Weaponization of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Quantities of Electrical element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Electrical
Control of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Electrical element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Electrical element targets
Electrical Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Electrical element: Create a Zone of Electrical, Remove a Zone of Electrical created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Electrical by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Electrical to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Electrical element on a Electrical element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Electrical, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Electrical, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Electrical element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Electrical to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Electrical, 5% Electrical Resistance, or +50 Defense against Electrical and 1% Electrical Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Apprentice Transumutation Attunement- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack increase said bonuses by 50 additional points, All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase stats do so by 50 additional points, and all Transmutation spells cast by possessor cost 200 less MP
Automutationist- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) Possessor may claim Automutation Spheres
Basic Mutative Power- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) Possessor gets +25 to all stats, +200 HP, +200 MP, and +20 Defense
Basic Transumutation Attunement- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase Damage or Defense do so by an additional 40 more points, and all Transmutation spells cast by possessor cost 10 less MP
Expanded Transmutative Element-Warping- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor may change elements using Warped Element Stance even if possessor is not a base element
Expanded Transmutative Element-Folding- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor may change elements using Warped Element Stance even if possessor is not a single element
Expanded Transmutative Self-Warping- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor may change subtypes using Warped Self Stance even if possessor is not a base subtype
Shifting Weapon Stance- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor's weapons with base subtypes may have themselves instead count as any other base subtype
Transmuter- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack increase said bonuses by (50 * Possessor Level) additional points as a non-stacking effect, All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase stats do so by (50 * Possessor Level) additional points as a non-stacking effect, and all Transmuatation spells cost possessor (100* Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Transmutation Casting I- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) Transmutationspells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Warped Element Stance- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor, if a single base element, may choose to count as a different base element while in this stance
Warped Self Stance- (Stance, Transmuter) Possessor, if a single base subtype, may choose to count as a different base subtype while in this stance

Apprentice Ethereal Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) All Ethereal Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, All Ethereal Magic spells that possessor casts have a 20% greater chance of working in regards to natural chance of 'failing to work', and all Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor 40 less MP to cast
Basic Ethereal Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) All Ethereal Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack, All Ethereal Magic spells that possessor casts have a 10% greater chance of working in regards to natural chance of 'failing to work', and all Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Knowledge of Ethereal Pathways- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor's 'Switch Rows' actions may not be countered by sources below Level 20
Phantom Body- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Individuals below Level 15 cannot inflict minor status effects on possessor
Semi-Ethereal Agility- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against AGI Damage
Semi-Ethereal Constitution- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against CON Damage
Semi-Ethereal Mind- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against MIN Damage
Semi-Ethereal Spirit- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against SPI Damage
Semi-Ethereal Strength- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against STR Damage
Veilwalker- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) All Ethereal Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(50 * Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, All Ethereal Magic spells that possessor casts have a (Possessor Level)% greater chance of working in regards to natural chance of 'failing to work', and all Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor (20 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Visualizer of Drifting Principles- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor may claim Drifting Principles

-Vermin Master-
Basic Vermin Master Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Vermin Master) Possessor's Insect pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Vermin Master- (Passive Ability, Vermin Master) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Insect pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Insect pets and summons per Level of possessor

-Viscous Lord-
Goo Body- (Passive Ability, Viscous Lord) Possessor gains 20% Physical Resistance and the subtype Ooze
♢Grandmother of All Oozes- (Active Ability, Viscous Lord) If possessor is an Ooze, possessor cannot be negatively affected by Oozes that are possessor's summons (or deeper down the generation-tree of summons of possessor).
♢Primordial Self-Division- (Active Ability, Viscous Lord) If possessor is an Ooze, possessor may spend an action to summon a copy of itself that possesses all buffs and positive status effects possessed by possessor, but no debuffs or negative status effect; this copy does not possess gear when created and is not considered Unique. Max 1 summoned.
♢Retaliatory Oozewave- (Active Ability, Viscous Lord) If possessor is an Ooze, when possessor takes at least 1 Damage from an attack after Defense is applied, possessor may summon up to 5 Oozes that are 5 or more Levels lower than possessor and are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List (Max 50 summoned) and may choose to have a (Possessor Level *5)% chance of inflicting Poison on the attacker
Summon Tasty Oozes- (Passive Ability, Viscous Lord) Possessor may choose for Oozes that possessor summons to gain a non-stacking buff that causes entities that deal HP Drain to its possessor or kill its possessor to regenerate 50,000 HP (to a max of 10 times per round) and to have quantities of HP Healing its possessor deals increased by 50,000 points
♢Supreme Ooze-Budding- (Passive Ability, Viscous Lord) At the start of each round, possessor may summon Oozes whose total HP is equal to or less than possessor's current HP, provided said Oozes are of equal Level to or lower Level than possessor and are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max (200 * Possessor Level) summoned
Apprentice Viscous Lord Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Viscous Lord) Possessor's Ooze pets and summons gain +3,000 HP, +3,000 MP, and +100 to all stats
Basic Viscous Lord Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Viscous Lord) Possessor's Ooze pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Offensive Ooze Training I- (Passive Ability, Viscous Lord) Possessor's Ooze pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 50 points
Offensive Ooze Training II- (Passive Ability, Viscous Lord) Possessor's Ooze pets and summons have the Damage values of their abilities increased by 500 points
Ooze Calling I- (Passive Ability, Viscous Lord) Possessor's Ooze summons gain +20 to all stats
Ooze Calling II- (Passive Ability, Viscous Lord) Possessor's Ooze summons gain +200 HP
Ooze Calling III- (Passive Ability, Viscous Lord) Possessor's Ooze summons gain +500 MP
Ooze Calling IV- (Passive Ability, Viscous Lord) Possessor's Ooze summons gain +2,000 HP and +4,000 MP
Ooze Traits- (Passive Ability, Viscous Lord) If Possessor is an Ooze, possessor's HP is multiplied by 1.25 as an effect that does not stack with other HP multiplying effects, Possessor's Defense is multiplied by .75, and Possessor gains immunity to Impaired, Pain, Fatigue, and Diseased. These multiplications occur at Application Step 2 in the Order of Effects, bypassing the standard ruling that the effects of Passive Abilities are calculated during Application Step 1.
Viscous Lord- (Passive Ability, Viscous Lord) User may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain an Ooze only, +250 HP and +50 to all stats of Ooze pets and summons per (possessor level / 2, rounded down)

-Walker from Beyond-
Abstract Jivein' I- (Passive Ability, Walker from Beyond) Possessor's Abstract pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Abstract Jivein' II- (Passive Ability, Walker from Beyond) Possessor's Abstract pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Apprentice Walker from Beyond Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Walker from Beyond) Possessor's Abstract pets and summons gain +2,500 HP, +2,500 MP, +500 to damage dealt, and +250 to all stats
Base Abstract Synchronicity- (Passive Ability, Walker From Beyond) Possessor may treat Abstract as a base subtype
Basic Walker from Beyond Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Walker from Beyond) Possessor's Abstract pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +50 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Essence of the Dead Walrus- (Passive Ability, Walker From Beyond) Possessor gains +70 Melee Attack, +70 Ranged Attack, +70 Magical Attack, and +70 to all stats if possessor is an Abstract
Gold-Streaked Essence of the Dead Walrus- (Passive Ability, Walker From Beyond) Possessor gains +7,000 Melee Attack, +7,000 Ranged Attack, +7,000 Magical Attack, and +7,000 to all stats if possessor is an Abstract
One Weird Dude- (Passive Ability, Walker From Beyond) Possessor may treat Abstract as a Tier 2 subtype
Platinum-Streaked Essence of the Dead Walrus- (Passive Ability, Walker From Beyond) Possessor gains +17,000 Melee Attack, +17,000 Ranged Attack, +17,000 Magical Attack, and +17,000 to all stats if possessor is an Abstract
Silver-Streaked Essence of the Dead Walrus- (Passive Ability, Walker From Beyond) Possessor gains +700 Melee Attack, +700 Ranged Attack, +700 Magical Attack, and +700 to all stats if possessor is an Abstract
Very Blessing- (Passive Ability, Walker from Beyond) If possessor is an Abstract, possessor obtains +250,000 HP and +2,000 to all stats
Wacky Hit- (Technique Ability, Walker from Beyond) Possessor may use 'Wacky Hit' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Ranged Attack' or 'Magical Attack' action. Said action causes a roll to be made on the Uncle Steve's Wacky Sword table.
Walker from Beyond- (Passive Ability, Walker from Beyond) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Abstract pet only, This ability provides +250 HP and +60 to all stats of possessor's Abstract pets and summons per Level of possessor

Apprentice Gate Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) All Gate Magic spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast
Basic Gate Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) All Gate Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Down the Chimney!- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor pierces 2,000 Defense when targeting Large Structures
Enjoys Travelling- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains +10 to all stats if Terrain or Phantom Terrain is present
Familiarity with Being Teleported- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Spatial element actions have a 20% lower chance of inflicting Confusion on possessor
Fast Traveller- (Passive Ability, Wander) Possessor gains +200 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes on the first round of battle in Random Quests
Hero of An Epic Journey In Another Life- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains +2 Fame and +5% Dodge against individuals whose name includes 'Bull', 'Thunderbird', 'Humbaba', 'Lion', 'Scorpion', or 'Giant'.
Journeyman's Steps- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Whenever possessor conducts a Switch Rows action, possessor has an optional 5% chance of removing any one Phantom Terrain created by a source of lower level than possessor that is below Level 20
Knowledge of Portals- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor's 'Switch Rows' actions may not be countered by sources below Level 20
Opener of Forgotten Doorways- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may claim Forgotten Keys
Short-Distance Item Teleportation- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action to re-obtain an item stolen in the current battle by a source below Level 20 that has not been destroyed
Short-Distance Self-Teleportation- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action to be able to move to either the Front Row or the Back Row at the beginning of the next round
Swift Arrival- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor's sum of turn-order-determining attributes is considered to be 200 points higher for turn-order-determining purposes on the first round of battle
Swift Travel- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor's sum of turn-order-determining attributes is considered to be 50 points higher for turn-order-determining purposes, Possessor's sum of turn-order-determining attributes is considered to be an additional 150 points higher for turn-order-determining purposes if possessor has a Vehicle, Vessel, or Steed transformation equipped
Wanderer- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Gate Magic spells cost possessor (100 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Went On an Odyssey- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains +5% Dodge against individuals whose name includes 'City', 'Cyclops', 'Scylla', 'Charybdis', or 'Witch'

Apprentice War Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Warmaster) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each War element item equipped, Possessor's War element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of War- (Passive Ability, Warmaster) Quantities of War element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Acceleration Within War's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Warmaster) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of War
Basic War Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Warmaster) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is War element
Basic Weaponization of War- (Passive Ability, Warmaster) Quantities of War element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of War- (Passive Ability, Warmaster) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of War
Control of War- (Passive Ability, Warmaster) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of War element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Elemental Attack-Conversion: War- (Technique Ability, Warmaster) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: War' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is War element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element War.
Improved Weaponization of War- (Passive Ability, Warmaster) Quantities of War element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
War Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Warmaster) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if War element: Create a Zone of War, Remove a Zone of War created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of War by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add War to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is War element on a War element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of War, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of War, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a War element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add War to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against War, 5% War Resistance, or +50 Defense against War and 1% War Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

Apprentice Weirdworker Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Magic Being Loyalty Programming- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons gain 20% Charm Resistance
Basic Magiconstruct Weaving- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being summons gain +2,000 HP as a non-stacking buff when summoned
Basic Weirdworker Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Craft Luminous Magiconstructs- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) When possessor summons a Magic Being, possessor may attach an buff of it that stacks up to three times that causes its presence to count as the presence of a Zone of Light, Energy, or Hope (chosen at the time of the effect's creation)
Craft Volatile Magiconstructs- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) When possessor summons a Magic Being, possessor may attach a non-stacking buff to it that causes it to have a 15% chance of being afflicted with Instant Death at the start of each round, that increases its abilities Damage values by 500 points, and that causes it to deal 5,000 Flat Magic & Energy element Damage to 5 randomly selected targets in the same battlespace when it dies
Magic Being Calling I- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being summons gain +20 to all stats
Magic Being Calling II- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being summons gain +200 HP
Magic Being Loyalty Programming- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons gain 40% Charm Resistance
Magic Being Programming I- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Weirdworker- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Magic Being pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Magic Being pets and summons per Level of possessor

-Wind Duke-
Air Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Air element: Create a Zone of Air, Remove a Zone of Air created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Air by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Air to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Air element on a Air element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Air, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Air, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Air element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Air to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Air, 5% Air Resistance, or +50 Defense against Air and 1% Air Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Apprentice Air Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Air element item equipped, Possessor's Air element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Air's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Air
Basic Air Resistance- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains 1% Air Resistance
Basic Defenses Against Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Air
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Air
Control of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Air element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Air element targets

Apprentice Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All damage-dealing Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts gain +250 Damage, All Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All Wizard Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Can Cast Spells While In Close Combat- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor's 'Cast a Spell' actions may not be countered by individuals below Level 10 if possessor is in the front row
Defensive Spellcasting- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor's 'Cast a Spell' actions may not be countered by individuals below Level 10 if possessor is in the back row
Formula-Based Casting- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells whose name includes 'Formula of' cost possessor 500 less MP to cast
Formula Specialization: Formula of Air- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells whose name includes 'Formula of Air:' cost possessor 500 less MP to cast
Formula Specialization: Formula of Earth- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells whose name includes 'Formula of Earth:' cost possessor 500 less MP to cast
Formula Specialization: Formula of Fire- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells whose name includes 'Formula of Fire:' cost possessor 500 less MP to cast
Formula Specialization: Formula of Water- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells whose name includes 'Formula of Water:' cost possessor 500 less MP to cast
Possesses a Sliver of Veurmel's Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +5,000 MP
Spellcasting Technique- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Wizard- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor's Damage-dealing actions that involve the casting of Wizard Magic spells deal 500 additional Damage, Wizard Magic spells cost possessor (50 + 30 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast, Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack

-Other: Elemental Researcher-
Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via Formus- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher) Whenever possessor obtains Formus element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 1,000 points
Apprentice Formus Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Formus element item equipped, Possessor's Formus element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Formus's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Formus
Basic Affinity to Healing Via Formus- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher) Whenever possessor obtains Formus element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 500 points
Basic Command of Formus- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher) Possessor's Formus element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Formus Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Formus element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Formus- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher) Possessor's Formus element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Theoretical Element Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is an element that has 'Theoretical Element' in its name
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Formus- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Formus
Control of Formus- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Formus element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Elemental Researcher- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Formus Resistance, Possessor ignores Formus Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Formus Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Formus element: Create a Zone of Formus, Remove a Zone of Formus created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Formus by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Formus to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Formus element on a Formus element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Formus, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Formus, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Formus element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Formus to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Formus, 5% Formus Resistance, or +50 Defense against Formus and 1% Formus Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

-Other: Enlightened Sensei-
Apprentice Command of Ki- (Passive Ability, Other: Enlightened Sensei) Possessor's Ki element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Apprentice Ki Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Enlightened Sensei) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Ki element item equipped, Possessor's Ki element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Ki- (Passive Ability, Other: Enlightened Sensei) Possessor's Ki element allies gain +100 to all stats
Basic Command of Ki- (Passive Ability, Other: Enlightened Sensei) Possessor's Ki element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Ki Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Enlightened Sensei) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Ki element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Ki- (Passive Ability, Other: Enlightened Sensei) Possessor's Ki element allies gain +10 to all stats
Control of Ki- (Passive Ability, Other: Enlightened Sensei) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Ki element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Detect Ki- (Passive Ability, Enlightened Sensei) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Ki element targets
Enlightened Sensei- (Passive Ability, Other: Enlightened Sensei) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Ki Resistance, Possessor ignores Ki Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Improved Command of Ki- (Passive Ability, Other: Enlightened Sensei) Possessor's Ki element pets and summons gain +1,000 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Ki Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Enlightened Sensei) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Ki element: Create a Zone of Ki, Remove a Zone of Ki created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Ki by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Ki to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Ki element on a Ki element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Ki, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Ki, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Ki element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Ki to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Ki, 5% Ki Resistance, or +50 Defense against Ki and 1% Ki Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff

-Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man-
Apprentice Command of Tacky- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Possessor's Tacky element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Apprentice Tacky Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Tacky element item equipped, Possessor's Tacky element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Tacky- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Possessor's Tacky element allies gain +100 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Tacky- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Quantities of Tacky element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Tacky- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Tacky
Basic Acceleration Within Tacky's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Tacky
Basic Command of Tacky- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Possessor's Tacky element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Tacky Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Tacky element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Tacky- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Possessor's Tacky element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Tacky- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Tacky
Basic Weaponization of Tacky- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Quantities of Tacky element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Disco Legend Stance- (Stance Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Possessor gains the element Tacky, possessor gains +300 SPI, and possessor's Impaired: Blind infliction chances are increased by 30%
Flamingo Disco Legend Man- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Tacky Resistance, Possessor ignores Tacky Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Glowy Plaid Footprints- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) If possessor is Tacky element, whenever possessor conducts a 'Switch Rows' action, possessor may attach an effect that causes Tacky element individuals to gain +2% Dodge and +2% To Hit to a zone, with said effect stacking 5 times per zone and 5 times across all zones
Improved Weaponization of Tacky- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Quantities of Tacky element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Meditative Assumption of Tacky- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Tacky element
Rhinestone Soul- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Possessor gains +200 uncapped SPI if possessor is Tacky element
Sparkletastic Motion- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Whenever possessor switches rows, up to 3 times per round, possessor may choose to have a 60% chance of inflicting Imparied: Blind or Impaired: Blind: Constant Glare on up to 20 opponents
The Flamingo Bob- (Technique Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Possessor may use 'The Flamingo Bob' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack', 'Overdrive', 'Grand Spell', or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as possessor is Tacky element, said action involves the casting of a Dance spell, and no other technique is used. Said action gains the element Tacky, gains +200 additional Magical Attack, has all of its minor and moderate status effect infliction chances raised by 30%, and counts as coming from a source whose name is solely 'Bob'
This YELLING Means I Am SPEAKING FOREIGN- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) Sources below Level 20 may not prevent possessor from applying debuffs or giving other individuals actions
Tourist of Everywhere- (Passive Ability, Other: Flamingo Disco Legend Man) If possessor is Tacky element and has a Tacky-element armor equipped, possessor gains +500 Defense against effects attached to Zones

Other: Not-Beekeeper
Apprentice Not Bees Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Not-Beekeeper) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Insects whose name includes 'Bee'
Basic Not Bees Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Not-Beekeeper) Possessor deals 25 additional Damage to Insects whose name includes 'Bee'
Bee-Deleting Gaze- (Passive Ability, Other: Not-Beekeeper) At the start of each round, if possessor is Not Bees element, possessor has a 15% chance of inflicting Instant Death and Vanished on each Insect below Level 40 in possessor's battlespace whose name includes 'Bee'
Diluted Assumption of Not Bees- (Passive Ability, Other: Not Beekeeper) Possessor may reduce the quantities of extra Damage dealt to possessor because possessor is Not Bees element by 15%, with this effect only reducing said extra Damage and being unable to reduce other Damage quantities or portions of Damage quantities even if increased
Doesn't Die If Its Butt Is Torn Off- (Passive Ability, Other: Not-Beekeeper) If possessor is Not Bees element, possessor cannot inflict Wounded on itself and suffers no Damage from instances of Wounded that do not come from sources of Level 60 or greater
Elemental Attack-Conversion: Not Bees- (Technique Ability, Not-Beekeeper) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Not Bees' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is Not Bees element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element Not Bees.
Grab Thing that Isn't a Bee- (Active Ability, Other: Not-Beekeeper) Possessor, if Not Bees element, may spend an action to gain control of target non-unique summon that is not an Insect and whose name does not include 'Bee'
Immune to Bee Stings- (Passive Ability, Other: Not-Beekeeper) If possessor is Not Bees element, possessor gains Poison Immunity against Insects
Just Says No to Bees- (Passive Ability, Other: Not-Beekeeper) Possessor gains Poison: Somehow Got High on Bees Immunity, Possessor Reflects the actions of entities below Level 40 that inflict Poison: Somehow Got High on Bees
Knows The Least-Favorite Letter Doesn't Count- (Passive Ability, Other: Not-Beekeeper) If counting the number of letters in something, possessor does not count the letter 'B' (including 'b')
Man Amidst the Bees Who is Not the Trees that are Not the Bees- (Passive Ability, Other: Not Beekeper) If possessor is Not Bees element, possessor may choose to count as solely possessing the subtype Human and/or solely possessing the elements Not Bees and Basic
Mask Not-Beekeeping Self- (Passive Ability, Monk) Possessor may, at the beginning of any thread, choose to lose all Not Beekeeper abilities for the duration of the thread, with this loss not being a buff or debuff and removing the abilities from the thread entirely
Meditate to Harmonize the Soul with the Buzz of the Hive and Chill Out to Stop Hatin' on those Bees- (Technique Ability, Monk) Possessor may use 'Meditate to Harmonize the Soul with the Hive and Chill Out to Stop Hatin' on those Bees' in conjunction with a 'Meditate' action so long as no other technique is used. Said action gives its performer a buff that removes the text of any number of its performer's Not Beekeeper abilities.
Meditative Assumption of Not Bees- (Passive Ability, Not-Beekeeper) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Not Bees element
Never Down for Honey- (Passive Ability, Other: Not-Beekeeper) Possessor ignores the effects of Consumables whose name includes Honey unless they are used by sources 20 or more Levels greater than possessor, they are used by sources of Level 60 or greater, or they are worth over 100,000,000 Gold
Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Not Bees- (Passive Ability, Not-Beekeeper) Possessor may use the Technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Not Bees' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action even if possessor is not Not Bees element.
Not-Beekeeper- (Passive Ability, Other: Not-Beekeeper) Possessor cannot equip Insects whose name includes 'Bee' as pets, Possessor's non-Insect pets gain +5,000 to all stats as a constantly applied effect
Nullify Not Bees- (Passive Ability, Not Beekeeper) Possessor may remove the element Not Bees from the actions of individuals below possessor's Level who are below Level 60, Possessor may prevent the actions of Not Bees-element individuals below Level 40 who are below possessor's Level, Possessor may prevent the Not Bees-element actions of individuals below Level 40 who are below possessor's Level, Possessor may remove the element Not Bees from possessor's actions, Things that would occur before and after actions that are prevented by this ability still occur
Reggy-Steggy Assumption of Not Bees- (Passive Ability, Other: Not-Beekeeper) If possessor is not an Insect, possessor is additionally the element Not Bees
Slambammin' Assumption of Not Bees- (Stance Ability, Other: Not-Beekeeper) Possessor loses the subtype Insect, cannot gain the subtype Insect, and gains the element Not Bees
Slambammin' Assumption of Not Bees: Fully Loaded- (Passive Ability, Other: Not-Beekeeper) If possessor is Not Bees element, possessor gains all base subtypes that are not Insect; Possessor may not be a passenger in Insects

-Other: Progenitor of Species-
Absorb Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor Absorbs Evolution against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Adaptable Body- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) If possessor is Evolution element, possessor gains 5% Resistance to actions from sources below Level 60 that are present on the enemy list that are normally fightable for drops that possessor has already been targeted with during the current thread (including copies of an identical ability on a different enemy)
Adept Evolution Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Amounts of Evolution element Damage possessor deals are increased by 10,000 points, Evolution element spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Possessor gains 5 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Evolution element Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Apprentice Command of Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor's Evolution element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Apprentice Evolution Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor gains 5% Evolution Resistance
Apprentice Evolution Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Progenitor of Species) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Evolution element item equipped, Possessor's Evolution element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Quantities of Evolution element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Evolution
Basic Command of Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor's Evolution element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Evolution
Basic Evolution Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor gains 1% Evolution Resistance
Basic Evolution Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Evolution element"
Basic Evolutionary Biomancy- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Evolution element Biomancy spells cast by possessor that apply buffs that raise stats have all such buffs increased by 50 points as an effect that stacks a max of 30 times across all applications per individual
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor's Evolution element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Weaponization of Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Quantities of Evolution element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Evolution
Control of Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Evolution element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Declare Evolutionary Dead-End- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) If possessor is Evolution element, once per round, when an individual (or group of identical individuals) below Level 60 that is non-unique is summoned, possessor may choose for that individual (or all members of said group of individuals) to obtain a non-stacking debuff that makes it unable to summon
Defenses that Utilize Evolution - (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Evolution -element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Devolution Ray- (Technique Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor may use 'Devolution Ray' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Snipe', or 'Magical Attack' action if possessor is Evolution element and no other technique is used. Said action removes one buff applied to its targets that are summons that comes from a source below Level 80 that is below caster's Level that was applied to said summon at the time of its summoning
Elemental Attack-Conversion: Evolution- (Technique Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Evolution' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is Evolution element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element Evolution.
Emanate Evolution- (Passive Ability, Progenitor of Species) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Evolution element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Evolution element Damage to up to 10 targets
Evolution Immunity- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor gains Evolution Immunity against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Evolution Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Evolution element: Create a Zone of Evolution, Remove a Zone of Evolution created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Evolution by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Evolution to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Evolution element on a Evolution element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Evolution, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Evolution, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Evolution element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Evolution to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Evolution, 5% Evolution Resistance, or +50 Defense against Evolution and 1% Evolution Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Evolutionary Stasis Field- (Passive Ability, Reality Arranger) If possessor is Evolution element, possessor's opponents below Level 60 may not place buffs on their summons at the time of their summoning without possessor's approval
Evolutionary Wisdom- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor gains +50,000 MP if possessor is Evolution element
Fossil-Record-Obscuring Summoning Art- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor's summons and their descendants with different summon- generation-numbers (for example, possessor's summons' summons and possessor's summons' summons' summons' summons) cannot be unsummoned by the same action by individuals below Level 60
Guide Evolution- (Active Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor may spend an action to cause a target to obtain either +500 to all stats at the start of the round five rounds after said effect is applied as an effect that stacks 5 times or -500 to all stats at the start of the round five rounds after said effect is applied as an effect that stacks
Guided Evolution: Acid Spittle- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor's 'Guide Evolution' actions may gain 'target gains (+5,000 Damage Dealt, target's offensive actions that cost 0 MP may become solely Acid element, and target's offensive Acid element actions may gain '1 hit against 5') at the start of the round five rounds after said effect is applied as an effect that stacks 5 times'
Guided Evolution: Armored Shell- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor's 'Guide Evolution' actions may gain 'target gains +500 Defense at the start of the round five rounds after said effect is applied as an effect that stacks 5 times'
Guided Evolution: Quills- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor's 'Guide Evolution' actions may gain 'target gains ('possessor may deal 15,000 Flat Physical element Damage to any individual that conducts an offensive action that targets possessor at the end of each such action') at the start of the round five rounds after said effect is applied as an effect that stacks 5 times'
Guided Evolution: Razor Claws- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor's 'Guide Evolution' actions may gain 'target gains (+500 Damage Dealt and target's offensive Physical element actions may gain '60% inflicts Wounded') at the start of the round five rounds after said effect is applied as an effect that stacks 5 times'
Guided Evolution: Resilient Frame- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor's 'Guide Evolution' actions may gain 'target gains +5% Resilience at the start of the round five rounds after said effect is applied as an effect that stacks 5 times'
Improved Adaptable Body- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) If possessor is Evolution element, possessor gains 10% Resistance to actions from sources below Level 60 that are present on the enemy list that are normally fightable for drops that possessor has already been targeted with during the current thread (including copies of an identical ability on a different enemy)
Improved Command of Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor's Evolution element pets and summons gain +1,000 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Improved Defenses Against Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Evolution
Improved Defenses that Utilize Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor gains +2,000 Defense if possessor has any Evolution-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Improved Evolution Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor gains 10% Evolution Resistance
Improved Understanding of the Heart of Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor's Evolution element allies gain +250 to all stats
Improved Weaponization of Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Quantities of Evolution element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Improved Zonal Acclimation of Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats while in a Zone of Evolution
Inherited Habitat-Adaptation Technique- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor's summons (and future generations of their desecendant summons) gain +500 to all stats if in a Terrain or Phantom Terrain of the same type as one present at the time of their summoning
Lamarckian Wisdom- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Whenever possessor or one of possessor's summons (or their descendant-summons) summons, said summon's Natural st
Meditative Assumption of Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Evolution element
Missing-Link-Skipping Summoning Art- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) If possessor is Evolution element and would summon a non-unique entity that is normally fightable on the enemy list for drops, possessor may instead summon any type of non-unique entity that is normally fightable on the enemy list for drops that said first entity could summon (with this ability not being able to skip more than 1 generation of summons)
Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor may use the Technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Evolution' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action even if possessor is not Evolution element.
Predict the Flow of Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor gains +5% Dodge against Evolution element individuals
Progenitor of Species- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Evolution Resistance, Possessor ignores Evolution Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Reflect Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) Possessor Reflects Evolution against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Reshape Evolution- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) At the start of each round and of each of possessor's actions, possessor may choose to cause summoned individuals who are either below Level 60 and not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor or who are willing to have all points of one stat granted by buffs placed on said individual at the time of its summoning to be converted into points of a different stat (to a max of 30,000 points converted)
Unexpected Evolutionary Shift- (Passive Ability, Other: Progenitor of Species) If possessor is Evolution element, the summons of possessor's summons that are of the same type of enemy as said summons may gain any one single stat as their natural Prime Attribute when summoned

-Other: Smiling Drifter-
Meditative Assumption of Whimsy- (Passive Ability, Other: Smiling Drifter) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Whimsy element

-Other: Superhero-
Armored An Unusual Amount By Spandex- (Passive Ability, Superhero) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense if any of possessor's equipped Armors have 'Spandex' or 'Hero' in their name
Basic Super Power Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Superhero) All Super Power spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 Magical Attack, All Super Power spells possessor casts that possess a Melee Attack bonus gain +50 Melee Attack, All Super Power spells possessor casts that possess a Ranged Attack bonus gain +50 Ranged Attack, All Super Power spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast, Possessor gains +10 to all unmodified stats
Invisible Super-Samurai- (Passive Ability, Other: Superhero) Possessor's actions cannot be countered by individuals below Level 80 who are below possessor's Level if they involve possessor casting a Sword Arts spell
Sorrow-Powered Super-Strength- (Passive Ability, Superhero) Possessor, as a buff that stacks 10 times, gains +500 STR at the start of each round that possessor is in the same battle as an individual afflicted with Confusion: Depression

-Other: Xaos Xomptroller-
Basic Acceleration Within Chaos's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Chaos
Basic Chaos Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Possessor gains 1% Chaos Resistance
Basic Chaos Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Chaos element
Basic Command of Chaos- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Possessor's Chaos element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Chaos- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Chaos
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Chaos- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Possessor's Chaos element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Weaponization of Chaos- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Quantities of Chaos element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Chaos- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Chaos
Call Forth the Living Chaos- (Active Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Possessor may spend an action to summon 5 Elementals that are Chaos element, are below Level 5, and are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 20 summoned
Chaos Immunity- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Possessor gains Chaos Immunity against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Chaos Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Chaos element: Create a Zone of Chaos, Remove a Zone of Chaos created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Chaos by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Chaos to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Chaos element on a Chaos element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Chaos, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Chaos, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Chaos element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Chaos to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Chaos, 5% Chaos Resistance, or +50 Defense against Chaos and 1% Chaos Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Control of Chaos- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Chaos element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Emanate Chaos- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Chaos element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Chaos element Damage to up to 10 targets
Improved Chaos Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Possessor gains 10% Chaos Resistance
Improved Command of Chaos- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Possessor's Chaos element pets and summons gain +1,000 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Improved Understanding of the Heart of Chaos- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Possessor's Chaos element allies gain +250 to all stats
Xaos Xomptroller- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Chaos Resistance, Possessor ignores Chaos Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80

Basic Air Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Air element
Basic Binder Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Binder) Possessor's Spirit pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
~Basic Concord Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Bound Other: Agent of the Concord) All Concord Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack, Melee Attack, or Ranged Attack bonus gain +10,000 additional Magical Attack, Melee Attack, or Ranged Attack; All Concord Magic spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast (Bound to Noix)
Basic Light Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Protector) All Light Armor worn by possessor provides +10 additional Defense
Basic Skykeeper Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor's Aerial pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Burly- (Passive Ability, Gigas Knight) +100 unmodified STR, +50 unmodified CON
Can Create Snowman-Animating Headwear- (Passive Ability, Clothier) If possessor is in a Zone of Ice, possessor may unequip a Hat to summon 1 Snowman from the Enemy List, with said Snowman being unsummoned if any individual equips said Hat, said Hat is destroyed, said Hat ceases to be an item, said Hat leaves the thread, or said Hat becomes a pet
Chimney-Creating Art- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Large Structures below Level 60 gain -40% Resilience against possessor
Claps REALLY Fast- (Passive Ability, Combatant) Possessor's actions that can inflict minor positive status effects cannot be countered by entities below Level 40
Eyebrows that Vibrate Fast to Intimidate Bugs- (Passive Ability, Warrior) Possessor gains '60% inflicts Confusion: Fear' against Insects that are not afflicted with Impaired: Blind
Forehead-Deploying Grandcannon- (Passive Ability, Gunner) Possessor gains +80,000 Ranged Attack and counts as having an additional Gun equipped
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Desert Corsair Warship- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Desert Corsair Warship' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Mirage Dragon Czar- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Mirage Dragon Czar' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Orihalcum Submersible- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Orihalcum Submersible' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has a Basic Permit to Battle The Benjamins- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'The Benjamins' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has Consumed 1 of the Permanent Consumable "Golden Comb of Luck"- (Passive Ability, Permanent Item Effect) +1% Critical
Has Consumed 1 of the Permanent Consumable "Pattern of Glory"- (Passive Ability, Permanent Item Effect) Possessor gains 1 Bonus Week per month
Knowledge of Weapons- (Passive Ability, Warrior) At the start of each thread, possessor chooses a type of weapon, Possessor gains +200 Melee, Magical, and Ranged Attack while said type of weapon is equipped
Merchant of Affections- (Passive Ability, Other: World Merchant) Possessor may, at the end of each round, either choose to transfer the sourcing of a single instance of Charm (but not its sub-status effects) that possessor is the source of from possessor to a willing ally of possessor or to transfer the sourcing of a single instance of Charm (but not its sub-status effects) that possessor is the source of from a willing ally of possessor to possessor
Plastic Flamingo Appreciator- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor's Aerial pets and summons that are also Golems are afflicted with Invigorated: High Morale at the start of the first round of battle
The Pimp's Cane Brooks No Disobedience From Hos- (Passive Ability, Sage) Once per round, possessor, if wielding a Staff, may conduct a 'Melee Attack' action as a preemptive counter against the source of an action that would have a chance of inflicting Charm on possessor; if said counter deals Damage, said action may not inflict Charm
Wintry Sleighmastery- (Passive Ability, Driver) Possessor's Vehicle transformations whose name includes 'Sleigh' or 'Sled' gain +500 AGI as a bonus that cannot increase their stats to above 1000% of thier natural values while in a Zone of Ice
छWish Specialization: Mystic Architecture- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Large Structures summoned that possessor summons using a spell whose name includes 'Wish' obtain, at the time of their summoning, a non-stacking buff that provides +2,000,000 HP and +100,000 Defense and that lets its possessor inflict a random minor positive status effect on a chosen ally at the start of each round

Enraged by Windmills- (Passive Ability, Curse) Possessor is afflicted with Confusion: Enraged at the start of any round that any of possessor's opponents' names includes 'Windmill'
0/2000 battles

Wishcarp Sounder- (Weapon, Instrument, Water & Magic, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Magical Attack, Up to 5 times per wielder per thread, when this item's wielder conducts a 'Magical Attack', 'Overdrive', or 'Cast a Spell' action that involves the casting a Bardic Music spell, its wielder may, as part of said action, replicate the effect of any ability performable by a monster on the enemy list that is below Level 50, below caster's Level, and normally fightable for drops, doing so as though said monster is performing said ability
w/ Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment
Echidna Quill- (Weapon, Deadly Item, Life, 95,000,000 Gold) +95,000 Melee Attack, +95,000 Magical Attack, Wielder's summons gain +9,000 to all stats as a bonus that stacks 2 times, Wielder's offensive actions may make targets below Level 80 who are no more than 19 Levels greater than wielder unable to summon and may unsummon all summons of said individuals who are also below Level 80 and no more than 19 Levels greater than wielder (with said effect following to all subsequent summon generations), Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
w/ Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment

*The MIRACLES Overcoat Of MEGASPARKLE- (Armor, Light Armor, Acid & Earth & Tacky, 36,000,000 Gold) +36,100 Defense, +36,000 AGI, +36,500 MIN, +36,200 SPI, 20% Acid Resistance, 20% Tacky Resistance, Wearer may Reflect Light element actions from sources below Level 40, Wearer gains 10 additional Consumable slots that may only carry Potions and may not be converted into other types of slots or used for purposes other than carrying items, Wearer gains 5 additional Spell slots that may only carry Alchemy and may not be converted into other types of slots or used for purposes other than carrying items, Alchemy spells cast by wearer that provide a Magical Attack Bonus gain +23,200 additional Magical Attack, Alchemy spells cast by wearer that buff stats do so by an additional 300 points, as an effect that stacks a max of 20 times across all affected buffs, Alchemy spells cost wearer 30,500 less MP to cast

*Flask of Miracles- (Accessory, Container, Magic & Acid & Light, 100,000,000 Gold) +50,000 MIN, +50,000 SPI, +500,000 MP, Alchemy spells cost wielder 50,000 less MP to cast, Wielder gains 50 spell slots that may only contain Alchemy spells, may not be used for purposes other than holding spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots, Wielder gains Fatigued: Elderly Immunity, 40% Dissolving Resistance, Wielder counts as possessing 5 additional Mahou Shoujo abilities and 5 additional Alchemist abilities
w/ Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment
Indestructable Forehead- (Accessory, Bioaugmentation, Physical & Light & Darkness, 100,000,000 Gold) +100,000 Defense, 60% Resilience, +1,000,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +5% Resilience as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater
Emerald Sun's Core Band- (Accessory, Ring, Atomic & Light & Astral, 347,000,000 Gold) +350,000 Magical Attack, +3,500,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, +35,000 Defense against Stat Damage, Wielder's minor negative status effect infliction chances are increased by 50% as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder regenerates 350,000 MP at the start of each round, Wielder gains Poison Immunity, Poison: Irradiated Immunity, and Overload Immunity, 200% inflicts Poison: Irradiated, 150% inflicts Awestruck, 150% may inflict Burning, 15% Solar Being Resistance, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
w/ Mystical Overpulse- Wielder regenerates 1,000,000 MP at the start of each round, Applied Enchantment
Ring of Cosmic Birth- (Accessory, Ring, Life & Magic, 275,000,000 Gold) +2,750,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +2,750,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder may spend an action to summon an Outsider, Planetary, or Astral Being below Level 95, Max 10 summoned, Wielder's summons regenerate 275,000 HP and MP at the start of each round as an effect that stacks 5 times, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Cloak Made of the Legends That are Birds Which Are Sometimes LIVING Because WONDERMENT and CAW- (Accessory, Cloak, Fire & Ice & Electrical, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Defense, +60,000 AGI, +60,000 SPI, +60,000 Defense against Fire, +60,000 Defense against Ice, +60,000 Defense against Electrical, +30,000 Defense against Base Elements, 30% Fire Resistance, 30% Ice Resistance, 30% Electrical Resistance, 30% Chaos Resistance, 30% Atomic Resistance, 30% Tacky Resistance, 100% Minor Status Effect Resistance against Aerials below Level 80, Wearer may choose to gain the subtype Aerial at the start of any action as a buff that lasts until the end of that action, Wearer gains +2 Fame, 30% inflicts Impaired: Blind, Wearer may summon one Aerial below Level 60 that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List at the start of every round, Max 5 summoned
(Ring-Slot) Ring of Extraworldly Alchemy that is Both Secret and OH SO SHINY- (Accessory, Ring, Magic & Spatial & Astral & Tacky, 56,000,000 Gold) +56,000 Magical Attack, +56,000 Defense, +56,000 to all stats, Wearer gains +500 additional points to each stat (to a max of 56,000 additional points) for each Alchemy spell equipped, Alchemy buffs with wearer as their source have their stat-point-increases increased by 500 points (to a max of 5,000 additional points per individual across all buffs) and cannot be removed by sources below Level 40, Wearer regenerates 360,000 MP at the start of each round as a non-stacking effect, Wearer's actions cannot be countered by opponents below Level 40, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater and must have the ability 'Alchemist'

2 A Nice, Piping Hot Cup Of Shut the Fuck Up- (Consumable, Drink, Fury, 1 Charge, 24,000,000 Gold) Deals 240,000 Flat Fire element Damage, 100% inflicts Impaired: Mute, Target, if below Level 60, obtains a non-stacking 50% chance of skipping each of its actions
Golden Apple- (Consumable, Food, Life, 1 Charge, 40,000,000 Gold) Target becomes Immune to sources below Level 40 and Regenerates 400,000 HP at the start of each round, does not stack
2 Phoenix Plume- (Consumable, Medicine, Fire & Light, 1 Charge, 20,000,000 Gold) Resurrects target if target was not killed by a source 40 or more levels higher than itself

*Fab Thunder- (Spell, Dance, Electrical, 2,000 MP, 210,000 Gold) +205 Magical Attack, This attack gains +10% Critical, 30% inflicts Electrocuted
w/ Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment
Alphabetical Assault- (Spell, Anarchomancy, Air & Physical, 0 MP, 10,000,000 Gold) +10,000 Magical Attack, Actions this spell is involved in that include its Magical Attack bonus gain an additional +1,000 Magical Attack for each letter out of 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', and 'Z' (including lower-case versions) that is present in the name of any item not counting this one that this item's caster has equipped, to a max of +25,000 additional Melee Attack, Actions this spell is involved in that include its Magical Attack bonus gain 5% inflicts Instant Death against targets below Level 40 if the letter 'S' (including the lower case 's') is present in the name of any item not counting this one that this item's caster has equipped
Create Zone of Magic- (Spell, Geomancy, Magic, 50 MP, 20,000 Gold) Caster creates a Zone of Magic which does not stack with Zones and may set the Phantom Terrain to Sunny Forest
From Your Dreams, With Sparkles, I ARRIVE!- (Spell, Leadership, Magic & Psychic & Tacky, 30,000 MP, 39,500,000 Gold) If it is the first round of battle and said round is the first round that its caster is in the battle that its caster is presently in, this item's possessor may, at the start of the round as an action that consumes its caster's next action, to a max of once per battle and five times per thread across all copies of this spell, perform a 'Cast a Spell Action' that involves the casting of no other spell other than this spell and must involve the casting of this spell, This spell, if cast during the start of a round on the first round that its caster is in the battle that its caster is presently in, may deal 390,000 Flat Magic, Psychic, or Tacky element Damage to up to 50 targets that are no more than 19 Levels greater than its caster and may have a 100% chance of inflicting either Charm: Impressed, Impaired: Blind, Confusion, Charm, or Fatigued: Asleep, Charm: Lovestruck, or Awestruck on up to 50 targets that are no more than 19 Levels greater than its caster, If it is not the first round of battle or said round is not the first round that this spell's possessor is in the battle that it is presently in, then this item's possessor may cast this spell normally to enter another battlespace that contains at least one individual afflicted with Fatigued: Asleep so long as no individual of Level 60 or greater in either the battlespace being entered or the battlespace being exited objects
Spatial Jaunt- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial, 2,000 MP, 2,000,000 Gold) Caster enters another existing battlespace so long as no entity of Level 60 or greater or that is 5 or more Levels greater than caster that is in either the battlespace caster is entering or the battlespace caster is leaving objects

Solar Alchemical Bomb- (Spell, Alchemy, Light & Fire, 129,780 MP, 190,000,000 Gold) +190,000 Magical Attack, 100% inflicts Awestruck, 100% inflicts Burning, Caster and all of caster's allies are cured of all debuffs from sources below Level 60, 1 hit against 300,000,000, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Bottled Hell- (Spell, Alchemy, Darkness & Fire, 89,780 MP, 150,000,000 Gold) +150,000 Magical Attack, 100% inflicts Voidstruck, 100% inflicts Burning, target obtains -5,000 to all stats as a non-stacking debuff, Caster additionally counts as possessing the subtype Devil while performing this action, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Expert Alchemist's Eternal Poison- (Spell, Alchemy, Acid & Darkness & Magic, 45,280 MP, 22,500,000 Gold) +46,200 Magical Attack, 100% Inflicts any one minor negative status effect, This action's target deals 225,000 Flat Acid & Darkness & Magic element Damage and has a 100% chance of being afflicted with any one minor negative status effect at the start of every round, Does not stack, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
Moonbomb Vial- (Spell, Alchemy, Light & Magic, 0 MP, 20,000,000 Gold) +43,700 Magical Attack, 30% inflicts Charm: Impressed, May gain 1 hit against 5 and deal 1/2 Damage
Pseudouniversal Solvent- (Spell, Alchemy, Acid, 0 MP, 10,000,000 Gold) +33,700 Magical Attack, +10,000 Ranged Attack, May deal no damage and remove any one buff or debuff from a target that comes from a source below Level 80 that is not 20 or more Levels greater than caster
Alraune Petal Formula- (Spell, Alchemy, Earth, 0 MP, 8,000,000 Gold) +29,700 Magical Attack, May Deal HP Drain or MP Drain, This action, if not dealing HP Drain or MP Drain, may deal 1,000 points of Stat Point Drain to any one stat
Craft Drainpetal Brew- (Spell, Alchemy, Earth & Darkness & Water, 0 MP, 2,100,000 Gold) +25,700 Magical Attack, deals 1,000 CON Damage, 100% inflicts Stat Drain: CON Drain
Alchemic Cluster-Firebomb- (Spell, Alchemy, Fire, 0 MP, 850,000 Gold) +24,050 Ranged Attack, 30% inflicts Burning, may gain '1 hit against 30' and deal 1/3 Damage
Highly Unstable Concoction- (Spell, Alchemy, Energy & Acid, 0 MP, 7,000,000 Gold) +7,000 Ranged Attack, 70% inflicts a random positive or negative moderate status effect, 50% may Heal
Liquid Nitrogen Toss- (Spell, Alchemy, Ice, 0 MP, 47,000 Gold) +45 Ranged Attack, 30% inflicts Frozen

Bottled Stardust- (Spell, Alchemy, Astral & Magic, 109,780 MP, 170,000,000 Gold) Target obtains +35,000 to all stats as a non-stacking buff and is cured of all (negative status effects and debuffs) from sources below Level 80, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Mech-Anointing Oil: Starflow Orange- (Spell, Alchemy, Astral & Nobility & Metal, 109,780 MP, 170,000,000 Gold) Target Mech, Robot, Clockwork, or Machine obtains +35,000 to all stats, Fatigued Immunity, Fatigued: Elderly Immunity, 50% Astral Resistance, 50% Rust Resistance, and 50% Time Resistance as a non-stacking buff and is cured of all (negative status effects and debuffs) from sources below Level 80, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Improved Childform Elixir- (Spell, Alchemy, Light & Magic, 0 MP, 12,400,000 Gold) +900 AGI, +900 SPI, Cures Fatigued: Elderly, Target gains Fatigued: Elderly Immunity, does not stack
Produce Bottled Moondouble- (Spell, Alchemy, Light & Magic, 0 MP, 2,000,000 Gold) Target, if in a Zone of Light, a Zone of Darkness, or a Zone of Magic, or if the terrain or phantom terrain is Moon, gains an action immediately after this action if no opponent is Level 60 or greater, This spell may not, across all copies, grant more than 3 extra actions per round
Create Greater Liquor of Agility- (Spell, Alchemy, Water & Magic & Light, 0 MP, 5,000,000 Gold) +2,800 AGI, does not stack, lasts 100 rounds
Create Greater Liquor of Defense- (Spell, Alchemy, Earth & Magic & Light, 0 MP, 5,000,000 Gold) +2,800 Defense, does not stack, lasts 100 rounds
Create Greater Liquor of Mind- (Spell, Alchemy, Water & Magic & Light, 0 MP, 5,000,000 Gold) +2,800 MIN, does not stack, lasts 100 rounds
Create Greater Liquor of Spirit- (Spell, Alchemy, Water & Magic & Light, 0 MP, 5,000,000 Gold) +2,800 SPI, does not stack, lasts 100 rounds
Create Manly Liquor of Strength- (Spell, Alchemy, Physical, 0 MP, 12,000,000 Gold) +1,500 STR, stacks 2 times, lasts 20 rounds
Alchemic Mutagen- (Spell, Alchemy, Acid, 0 MP, 500,000 Gold) +800 STR, +800 CON, +800 AGI, 15% inflicts Confusion: Berserk, stacks 3 times

Curative Lunar Eyedrops- (Spell, Alchemy, Light & Magic, 0 MP, 30,000,000 Gold) +53,700 Magical Attack, Heals HP, Cures all minor negative status effects
Expert Alchemist's Eternal Restorative- (Spell, Alchemy, Light & Magic, 45,580 MP, 22,500,000 Gold) +46,200 Magical Attack, Heals, Inflicts any one minor positive status effect, This action's target regenerates 225,000 HP and is afflicted with any one minor positive status effect at the start of every round, Does not stack, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
Expert Alchemist's Greater Lunar Concoction- (Spell, Alchemy, Light & Magic, 0 MP, 5,000,000 Gold) +28,200 Magical Attack, Heals, Inflicts any one minor positive status effect
Mother's Milk- (Spell, Alchemy, Life, 9,280 MP, 85,000,000 Gold) +104,700 Magical Attack, Heals, +8,300 to all stats, stacks 2 times, only affects caster's summons
Loveproof Vaccine- (Spell, Alchemy, Light & Darkness & Ice, 0 MP, 5,000,000 Gold) Target gains Immunity to Charm from sources below Level 60, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
Restorative Concoction- (Spell, Alchemy, Light & Magic, 0 MP, 145,000 Gold) +23,790 Magical Attack, Heals, 30% cures any one minor status effect
Elixir of Youth- (Spell, Alchemy, Earth & Light & Water, 0 MP, 12,000,000 Gold) Cures Fatigued: Elderly, Target gains Fatigued: Elderly Immunity
Emperor's Peach Elixir- (Spell, Alchemy, Wood & Life, 0 MP, 40,000,000 Gold) Target gains a non-stacking buff that provides the Life element, 40% Time Resistance, and Fatigued: Elderly Immunity
Miracle Cure (2)- (Spell, Alchemy, Light & Magic & Technology, 709,280 MP, 80,000,000 Gold) 30% Cures Plague from a source below Level 90
Plastic Surgeon's Formula- (Spell, Alchemy, Technology, 0 MP, 300,000 Gold) The name of target Human or Humanoid who is either willing or below Level 40 is replaced with the name of any Human or Humanoid below Level 40 that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List
Transformative Alchemic Mutagen: Beasts- (Spell, Alchemy, Acid & Earth, 0 MP, 20,000,000 Gold) Caster transforms into an Animal of equal or lower Level that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List that is below Level 40
Transformative Alchemic Mutagen: Horrors- (Spell, Alchemy, Acid & Earth, 0 MP, 20,000,000 Gold) Caster transforms into an Bio-Horror of equal or lower Level that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List that is below Level 40
Transformative Alchemic Mutagen: Oozes- (Spell, Alchemy, Acid & Earth, 0 MP, 20,000,000 Gold) Caster transforms into an Ooze of equal or lower Level that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List that is below Level 40
True Lunar Elixir- (Spell, Alchemy, Moon, 119,780 MP, 180,000,000 Gold) Inflicts three minor or moderate negative or positive status effects on up to 5 chosen targets, or caster obtains +18,000 MIN as a non-stacking buff, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Water of Truth- (Spell, Alchemy, Water & Truth, 0 MP, 60,000,000 Gold) Caster may scan a target's stats, destroy an Illusion Magic spell worth under 60,000,000 Gold, remove an Illusion Magic or Illusion element buff or debuff from a target that comes from a source below Level 60, destroy a Zone of Illusion created by a source below Level 60, or announce the text of a chosen item that is not worth X Gold or over 400,000,000 Gold

Sticky Sap- (Spell, Alchemy, Earth, 0 MP, 20,000 Gold) 30% inflicts Paralyzed
Love Potion- (Spell, Alchemy, Light & Fire, 0 MP, 5,000,000 Gold) 80% inflicts Charm: Lovestruck
Lust Potion- (Spell, Alchemy, Darkness & Fire, 0 MP, 5,000,000 Gold) 80% inflicts Charm: Lust
Alchemic Toxin- (Spell, Alchemy, Acid, 0 MP, 5,000,000 Gold) 60% inflicts Poison
Alchemically Enhance Poisons- (Spell, Alchemy, Acid, 0 MP, 5,000,000 Gold) Target's chances of inflicting Poison are increased by 15%, Stacks 3 times
Alchemic Drug: Addictive Agony- (Spell, Alchemy, Agony, 9,000 MP, 9,000,000 Gold) 75% inflicts Charm: Masochism
Alchemic Drug: Astounding Bottle of Neon Bees- (Spell, Alchemy, Acid & Energy, 45,000 MP, 4,500,000 Gold) 45% inflicts Poison: Somehow Got High On Bees
Extract Color- (Spell, Alchemy, Color, 16,500,000 Gold) 100% inflicts Voidstruck: Dulled, If this status effect infliction is successful, caster obtains a non-stacking buff that makes its possessor solely the non-universe element(s) of one individual that said status effect was inflicted on
Everlasting Love Potion- (Spell, Alchemy, Fire & Magic, 114,780 MP, 130,000,000 Gold) 300% inflicts Charm, this spell ignores the status effect Resistances and Immunities of individuals below Level 60, instances of Charm this spell inflicts possess no per-round auto-recovery chance and may not be auto-recovered from by or cured by individuals below Level 80, Caster must be Level 40 or greater and must either possess the ability 'Adept Alchemy Attunement' or have an ally who possesses the ability 'Adept Alchemy Attunement'
Noose Juice- (Spell, Alchemy, Darkness, 40,000 MP, 40,000,000 Gold) 30% inflicts Instant Death, 100% inflicts Suffocation, Caster must be Level 40 or greater

Mass Produce Confusion Potions- (Spell, Alchemy, Magic, 0 MP, 200,000 Gold) Caster creates 200 Confusion Potion for 199,490 Gold and 19,490 XP
Mad Chemical Mixing (Lunatic Genius Variant)- (Spell, Alchemy, Chaos, 0 MP, 220,000,000 Gold) Caster casts a random Alchemy spell that caster has equipped that caster could have cast instead of this spell, with said spell having a 50% chance of being cast at half MP cost and a 50% chance of being cast at no MP cost, Caster must have 20 or more different Alchemy spells that caster could have cast instead of this spell to cast this spell


Modified Stats wrote: Dr. Maximilian Excelsior, aka DOCTOR MIRACLES (Aeromage)
Level 59
Abstract & Aerial & Alien & Angel & Animal & Aquatic & Astral Being & Bio-Horror & Celestial & Clockwork & Cthonian & Daemon & Darkspawn & Demon & Deva & Devil & Elemental & Fae & Golem & Horror & Human & Humanoid & Illuminated & Machine & Magic Being & Monster & Ooze & Plant & Prime & Reptile & Robot & Shapeshifter & Spirit & Undead & Assault Matrix & Axe & Bailartix & Bladecane & Book & Bow & Card & Deadly Item & Fan & Fist Weapon & Force & Gun & Hammer & Instrument & Knife & Mace & Orb & Polearm & Scythe & Shield & Soul & Spear & Staff & Stone & Sword & Throwing Weapon & Tool & Wand & Whip & Aura & Clothing & Disguise & Grand Armor & Heavy Armor & Light Armor & Power Armor & Robe & Ward & Ammo & Amulet & Belt & Bioaugmentation & Boots & Broach & Cloak & Container & Crown & Crystal & Eyewear & Gauntlets & Gadget & Glyph & Gloves & Hat & Helm & Holy Symbol & Ioun Stone & Magic Item & Mask & Ring & Rune & Shoes & Scarf & Seal & Sigil & Tome & Upgrade & Weapon Coating & Wristwear & Chaotic Fragment & Drink & Enchanted Item & Food & Gatestone & Gem & Invention & Lethal Item & Libram & Medicine & Potion & Rod & Scroll & Powder & Stored Spell & Summoning Stone & Ticket & Trap & Alchemy & Arcanist Magic & Artifice & Archery & Astral Magic & Bardic Music & Biomancy & Blight Magic & Chaos Magic & Combat Arts & Celestial Magic & Channeling & Dance & Dark Magic & Demon Magic & Divine Magic & Divining & Druid Magic & Elemental Magic & Enchantment & Ethereal Magic & Forbidden Magic & Force Magic & Gate Magic & Geomancy & Golomancy & Gunslinging & Healer Magic & Holy Magic & Hypertech & Illusion Magic & Leadership & Necromancy & Ninjutsu & Psychic Power & Protection Magic & Ritual Magic & Shadow Magic & Shaman Magic & Sigil Magic & Spirit Magic & Summoner Magic & Sword Arts & Technomancy & Thief Arts & Transmutation & Unarmed Technique & Wizard Magic & Blueprint & Empowered Item & Essence Sphere & Grimoire & Jewel & Minor Artifact & Permit & Source & Stat Upgrade & Vessel of Power & Antiquity & Crafting Equipment & Currency & Item Piece & Junk & Key & Material & Property & Dark Transformation & Fiendish Form & Holy Form & Mech & Monstrous Transformation & Natural Form & Shapeshifted Form & Spirit Form & Steed & Upgraded Form & Vehicle & Vessel & War Machine
, Evolution & Not Bees
HP: 5,817,750
MP: 3,507,500
STR: 2,280 (Capped)
AGI: 4,920 (Capped)
CON: 6,600 (Capped)
MIN: 10,300 (Capped)
SPI: 25,200 (Capped)
Also Brought Along wrote: Bag of Holding (2)- (Accessory, Container, Magic, 6,000,000 Gold) Wielder may bring 30 additional unequipped items into battle

3 Apple of Discord- (Weapon, Deadly Item, Chaos & Magic & Glory & Wood, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Magical Attack, 100% inflicts Charm, 100% inflicts Confusion, 15% inflicts Dominion, 15% inflicts Insanity, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater or a Deity
3 Blade of the Gold Leaf Throne's Champion- (Weapon, Sword, Glory & Wealth, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Melee Attack, +400,000 Magical Attack, +400,000 STR, +400,000 SPI, Wielder ignores the Resistances, Immunities, Absorptions, and Reflections of individuals below Level 60 who are below wielder's Level, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater (from Caelum)

3 Armor of the Gold Leaf Throne's Knight- (Armor, Heavy Armor, Glory & Wealth, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Defense, +40,000 Defense against Stat Damage, +400,000 CON, Wielder's Defense may not be pierced by individuals below Level 60 who are below wielder's Level, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater (from Volatilis)

Open Gate to Nexus: Top Disc- (Spell, Gate Magic, Magic, 5,000 MP, 160,000 Gold) Has RP effects, Permits escape from random quests at the start of the round after it is cast (from Cael)

15 Empty Bottle- (Item, Material, Air, 20 Gold)
5 Empty Bottle- (Item, Material, Air, 20 Gold)
w/ Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment

Re: DOCTOR MIRACLES Is Somewhere On Noix?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 3:45 am
by Santooth
Dr. MIRACLES strides forth to NOIX! Oh my! That place had a rough time, didn't it? He'll have to see for himself.

He steps through the portal. The portal that leads to NOIX! That place he's going! Can't really goof that up, can he?

He arrives at Noix. Across the room, on the other side of the screen, is a man-sized potato wearing shorts a horrible shade of lurid yellow with little stars on them. It has a huge, expressive face plastered across the front of its form and is reclining on an easy chair. Next to the easy chair is a desk covered in empty glass soda bottles with their caps fallen around the bottom of the desk. Resting on what looks curiously like the creature's stomach but is in fact its cleft chin is a bowl of cheese balls, which its left hand is currently buried in. Its right hand holds a remote, pointing roughly at you.

Behind the odd creature are two doors. On the wall is a small picture of a sailboat. A fan on the ceiling creates a nice breeze.

A faint static fills the ears of the good Doctor.

Re: DOCTOR MIRACLES Is Somewhere On Noix?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 1:00 pm
by Aeromage
The Doctor first checks his Danger Sense on the offchance he's landed in some weird dungeon and this is a hostile spawn.

If it isn't, and he's instead just landed in some guy's house via the magic of television, he will immediately break into a funky posing routine!
He finishes with an improbably-angled vogue pose, pointing at Mr. Couch Potato.

Oozes bud off from his body and begin jiggle-dancing to a disco beat.
♢Supreme Ooze-Budding- (Passive Ability, Viscous Lord) At the start of each round, possessor may summon Oozes whose total HP is equal to or less than possessor's current HP, provided said Oozes are of equal Level to or lower Level than possessor and are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max (200 * Possessor Level) summoned
As there are no known Oozes of Level 50-59-ish, the Doctor will call some randomly from Noix's roster!

If it is, he'll likely be doing something else.

Re: DOCTOR MIRACLES Is Somewhere On Noix?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 3:18 pm
by Santooth
His Danger Sense picks up some static; there's a vague, generalized danger about the area but he doesn't seem in any immediate danger.

Dr. MIRACLES announces himself, with his own unique style and flair. Midway through this the individual on the couch cringes slightly and taps something on the remote, and the Doctor notices the volume of his voice drop a bit.

The potato figure mutters something which the doctor barely catches. It sounds like he just said "Weird show." It's watching you intently but isn't addressing you specifically.

The glass barrier between the two seems to be interfering with some of the Doctor's scanning ability and perception to some degree.

The Doctor opts to summon something from the more local system's spawn tables. Whether through luck or circumstance, he summons in...

Lunar Revelation Ooze (Level 58, Ooze, Moon & Azoth)

It appears as an upside down exclaimation point about four feet tall, with a globe resembling a gelatinous crystal ball (but with hints of a disco ball) hovering above the cylindrical structure of its body. It jiggles, wobbles, and jives to the disco beat.

Re: DOCTOR MIRACLES Is Somewhere On Noix?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 3:58 pm
by Aeromage
Not wishing to see what might happen if the channel were to change with him still in it, the Doctor takes up the Lunar Revelation Ooze as a passenger (for he is also a Vehicle, Vessel and many other things) and casts Spatial Jaunt to hop the screen-boundary!


This will probably cause some consternation from the couch potato, so by way of apology, the Doctor will scoop up an empty soda bottle, fill it via an alchemically-boosted Create Manly Liquor of Strength, hand it to the potato, wink sexily and moonwalk his way towards the nearest exit to get his bearings.

Re: DOCTOR MIRACLES Is Somewhere On Noix?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 4:10 pm
by Santooth
Dr. MIRACLES scoops up the ooze and casts the spell with a flourish, slipping through the barrier in reality from within the television and into the room. Some base laws of reality weakly object, but the place doesn't on some level to know how to handle the Doctor. He is, after all, an antiquity (television) and a variety of spells, so of course he can pass from an unreal dimension to a real one as easily as casting a spell and riding the effects.

Dr. MIRACLES has escaped the television. The potato-like entity's eyes pop out a bit from its face and it shuffles further back into the chair. The Doctor fills one of the soda bottles with strength-enhancing liquor and hands it to the flabbergasted potato as he moonwalks over to the doors. The left one is made of wood, with motifs of curling vines on it. The right one is formed of opaque black glass, with lights moving behind it.

Which are you opening?

Re: DOCTOR MIRACLES Is Somewhere On Noix?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 4:16 pm
by Aeromage
Assuming neither option pings as horrifically more dangerous, the Doctor will sashay on out of the opaque glass door!
He'll also try and figure out what the Revelation-Ooze can do. (He has Water of Truth to help with scanning, if necessary)

Re: DOCTOR MIRACLES Is Somewhere On Noix?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 4:35 pm
by Santooth
Doctor MIRACLES moves to the opaque door while examining the Revelation-Ooze.

Doctor MIRACLES examines the Revelation-Ooze!

The Lunar Revelation Ooze broadcasts its stats into his mind in clean, crisp streams of information. It is a mostly support-based creature whose powers center strongly around picking up information and sharing that information with everyone present, with little twists of Moon-based trickery. It has bits of Knowledge in its build and two rather inexplicable disco moves (one lays down a zonal effect, the other shoots a multi-colored laser from the top).

Behind the door are ethereal-looking, glowing wasp-like creatures moving around a central hive. The ooze happily identifies them.

Starlight Hornet (Level 64, Insect & Astral Being, Light)

There are about ten of them in immediate view. They look like they're likely to turn hostile at some point, but haven't yet.

Re: DOCTOR MIRACLES Is Somewhere On Noix?

Posted: Sun May 02, 2021 4:49 pm
by Aeromage
The Doctor strikes a thoughtful pose, with eyes narrowed!

Fortunately, his status as a Not-Beekeeper affords him some protection and great offense against the perfidious insectoid foes!

But there's no sense in going in unprepared.

Upending a Bottled Stardust and Mech-Anointing Oil: Starflow Orange on himself to turbo-boost his stats and layer extra resistances on himself, the Doctor then uses his Ascension-tier ♢Primordial Self-Division to bud off a copy of himself with the same buffs!
Bottled Stardust- (Spell, Alchemy, Astral & Magic, 109,780 MP, 170,000,000 Gold) Target obtains +35,000 to all stats as a non-stacking buff and is cured of all (negative status effects and debuffs) from sources below Level 80, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Mech-Anointing Oil: Starflow Orange- (Spell, Alchemy, Astral & Nobility & Metal, 109,780 MP, 170,000,000 Gold) Target Mech, Robot, Clockwork, or Machine obtains +35,000 to all stats, Fatigued Immunity, Fatigued: Elderly Immunity, 50% Astral Resistance, 50% Rust Resistance, and 50% Time Resistance as a non-stacking buff and is cured of all (negative status effects and debuffs) from sources below Level 80, Caster must be Level 40 or greater

♢Primordial Self-Division- (Active Ability, Viscous Lord) If possessor is an Ooze, possessor may spend an action to summon a copy of itself that possesses all buffs and positive status effects possessed by possessor, but no debuffs or negative status effect; this copy does not possess gear when created and is not considered Unique. Max 1 summoned.
The Miracles-clone is immediately equipped with an Apple of Discord, Blade of the Gold Leaf Throne's Knight, and Armor of the Gold Leaf Throne's Knight.

Finally, he uses True Lunar Elixir to layer Favored, Fortified and Regeneration on himself, the Miracles-clone and Revelation-Ooze!
True Lunar Elixir- (Spell, Alchemy, Moon, 119,780 MP, 180,000,000 Gold) Inflicts three minor or moderate negative or positive status effects on up to 5 chosen targets, or caster obtains +18,000 MIN as a non-stacking buff, Caster must be Level 40 or greater

Re: DOCTOR MIRACLES Is Somewhere On Noix?

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 2:16 am
by Santooth
Ugly-Formatting Questpost

Santooth — Today at 09:58
So! You've just finished buffing yourself in anticipation of fighting some Starlight Wisps. They haven't aggro'd yet. You've got yourself and your (lower power due to lacking a full loadout of gear but still significant) clone-duplicate.
Caelzeph — Today at 09:59
First off, the Ooze has identified them. Do they have any notable resistances/weaknesses?
Santooth — Today at 10:01
They are immune to light and somewhat resistant to darkness, fire, astral (I think that's an element?), moon, and poison. No particular weaknesses. They're a bit offensively focused but are about average strength for a level 64 monster.
Caelzeph — Today at 10:16
The Doctor(s) decide to field additional help by each auto-budding off more Oozes through ♢Supreme Ooze-Budding (not aiming for anything specific beyond 'strong Oozes, preferably Level 59').
Things then kick off.
While Bee-Deleting Gaze likely isn't strong enough at this level to kill them, it would probably at the very least make all of the Hornets very uncomfortable (plus, it's automatic).
The Doctor adds to this by unleashing a Not Bees-element Solar Alchemical Bomb shifted through Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Not Bees to make it as anti-bee as it could possibly be(e)!
Doctor-Clone uses its Channeled Spell ability to copy the action, unleashing more Not-To-Be(e) alchemical terror on the buzzy foes!
The Revelation Ooze will run support by using its Knowledge-skills to assist the Doctors in dodging attacks as and when they appear or at least evading the worst of them.
Santooth — Today at 10:17
How many summons do you want?
Caelzeph — Today at 10:17
Further to that, if the Doctors take any damage, they'll be auto-unleashing a ♢Retaliatory Oozewave- (Active Ability, Viscous Lord) If possessor is an Ooze, when possessor takes at least 1 Damage from an attack after Defense is applied, possessor may summon up to 5 Oozes that are 5 or more Levels lower than possessor and are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List (Max 50 summoned) and may choose to have a (Possessor Level *5)% chance of inflicting Poison on the attacker
We're going to make this an oozeparty
Overwhelming tides of ooze is fine, but if that's not possible, a smaller group of potent attack-oozes is just as good
Santooth — Today at 10:22
What sort of limits do you have on your summons?
Regular 200 cap?
Caelzeph — Today at 10:24
On Oozewave, yes. Ooze-Budding is a bit sillier, however, as its cap is Max (200 * Possessor Level).
(Ascendabilities. Terrifying stuff)
So the max on Ooze-Budding iiiiis.... 11,800.
Not that the Doctor is likely to be carrying that many things around with him between areas, as that's just ridiculous, and he can summon up more as and when fits his needs
Unless he somehow finds himself in need of an army
Santooth — Today at 10:25
Okay, yes. How long do you plan to spend buffing here? Ooze-budding isn't especially fast. Also, where are you keeping this mega-mass of oozes? The room has about the same volume as your average living room.
Caelzeph — Today at 10:26
The buffing-part is just going to be what's in the post. Ooze-budding comes as he steps through, funneling them into the bee-plane
Santooth — Today at 10:27
Ah, okay
Caelzeph — Today at 10:27
He's not rude enough to flood poor Mr. Potato's house with ooze
Santooth — Today at 10:27
Do you want actual names of individual ooze-summons, or to just leave them as a shifting minion-mass?
Caelzeph — Today at 10:28
If he gets notable ones, yes (as he might want to summon more later), but otherwise it's fine for a vague oozemass
(I'm now recalling the Golem's ability-gathering from CAIN)
Santooth — Today at 10:33
To give you a couple broad categories to pick from, there are Greater Elemental Oozes (Fire/Water/Earth/Air), a variety of lunar oozes (that seems to be a theme, curiously), Lesser Utterdark Oozes (level 54, Darkness) which seem pretty evil and awful anti-life oozes that have low chances of going uncontrolled and deal hard-to-heal damage, Grandpa Dorty's Amazing Taffy (level 48, Candy) which can transfer you their life via being eaten (they handle this process; it's slightly unsettling) to cure damage and negative effects, Lesser Polychrome Oozes (level 50) which are every base element and have resistance to all base elements, lesser solar oozes, and a general grab-bag of other lesser oozes
That's what you've got for now
Caelzeph — Today at 10:33
(Fortunately, the Doctor can't be negatively affected by his summons even if they go crazy! Woo)
Santooth — Today at 10:34
Stats on that?
Caelzeph — Today at 10:34
♢Grandmother of All Oozes- (Active Ability, Viscous Lord) If possessor is an Ooze, possessor cannot be negatively affected by Oozes that are possessor's summons (or deeper down the generation-tree of summons of possessor).
Santooth — Today at 10:34
Or rather, what source?
Caelzeph — Today at 10:34
(More Ascendability nonsense)
(He got a surprisingly good mix of Granny Q's abilities)
Santooth — Today at 10:35
Yes, that will actually work in this instance
Caelzeph — Today at 10:35
(Alas, it seems this means he'll be moving from goats to oozes)
Santooth — Today at 10:36
The Lunar Revelation Ooze chirps up that the Utterdark Oozes are monsters from the world's previously-hidden core and might attract other, similar things to you to some degree and in some circumstances, but they are highly dangerous offensively
You detect that you can summon a goat-ooze if you want to
They're in the lower 20s, but they exist
So! You buff. You start summoning. You step in and hit the Starlight Hornets with a gaze attack and a solar alchemical bomb. The hornets resist the bomb to some degree, but are also vulnerable to it due to your beekeeping abilities.

They are caught, somewhat surprisingly, almost entirely off guard and you deal the lot of them heavy damage between your two characters. They attempt to retaliate with aether-backed stingers that get around resistances but can't make their way through the wall of oozes between them and you and end up unable to counter you at all this round. There is an angry buzzing all around you. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch sight of the potato figure closing the door.
Next actions?
Caelzeph — Today at 10:47
The oozes are kept coming (although not more Utterdark Oozes- the Doctor may be crazy, but he's not completely lacking in common sense) to replace the fallen and sent as a gloopy tide against the dread bees.
The Doctor continues his anti-bee Solar Alchemical Bomb assault, again shifting its element entirely to Not Bees to continue to press the attack against the entire array of foes!
Doctor-Clone, meanwhile, decides to head off any potential reinforcements or problems by launching a bottle of deadly Not Bees element Noose Juice at the hive itself, planning on taking care of that particular problem before it comes to a summon-off.
The Revelation Ooze continues to guide the Doctors around their funky disco-dance of dodging dangerous bee-things!
Any oozes that can, are guided to attack.
Santooth — Today at 10:52
The Doctor easily wipes the remaining, highly injured hornets out with his bane attacks and continues summoning.

The clone, judging the hive to be capable of summoning, tosses an instant death at it. Alas, it is simply a building and the attack has no effect on it besides getting some nasty liquid on the walls briefly.

The angry buzzing continues, and another 15 Starlight Hornets fly into the room from various corridors and begin attacking the oozes, who themselves retaliate. The oozes, despite being lower level, seem to have the advantage for now at least partially due to the existing Utterdark Ooze hitting them with AoE quasi-unhealable damage attacks that knock them off their stride and give the other oozes time to swarm in and disable them.

There are five winding corridors leading to other sections of the hive that you can see
Caelzeph — Today at 10:53
Woop, misread it as the hive just being off in a corner somewhere
Santooth — Today at 10:53
Understandable. It's a full on dungeon.
Caelzeph — Today at 10:54
Well! The Doctor will have some of the lesser oozes bring him the spoils of battle, and ooze-surf his way towards THE FUNKIEST OF SECTIONS. Which is, of course, whichever random corridor the Doctor decides to head towards.
He'll also stick a Bottled Stardust buff on the Revelation Ooze, as it's proving its worth.
Santooth — Today at 10:56
(Can you target passengers without bringing them out?)
Caelzeph — Today at 10:56
...good question. Although given the mix of things he is, I'm picturing him just sticking his hand-and-bottle-of-stardust into his own head and pouring it on the ooze inside.
...also the guy is also technically Alchemy himself, so that opens up some weird vectors
Santooth — Today at 10:57
I'm going to say you have to actually bring things out to target them to prevent matrioska shenanigans from getting out of hand
Caelzeph — Today at 10:57
Completely fair. He'll do that.
Santooth — Today at 10:57
Caelzeph — Today at 10:57
And then plug it right back in again
(Although I recall the Golem doing similar stuff with his basket's passengers)
Santooth — Today at 10:58
He may have, haha
Alright, I'll let you interact with them in a limited capacity, but only one layer deep and it takes a bit more effort than it would if they were not passangers
Caelzeph — Today at 10:59
Yeah, I'm not planning on silly matryoshka tactics.
(silliness intensifies)
Santooth — Today at 11:01
(I'm on some level trying to avoid internal directworks craziness where you are getting hundreds of actions a turn and each shell-self going down unleashes a new tide of stuff as they expand down towards the bottom to replace what's lost)
Think of passenger capacity as another battlespace that's a bit easier than normal to reach across
Caelzeph — Today at 11:02
(Oh god, yeah, that's not on the table for this particular quest unless the enemy starts pulling out equally silly nonsense, in which case the Doctor's more likely to just straight-up try to leave as that'd be a bit out of his pay grade)
Santooth — Today at 11:06
Several new oozes collect the remains of the first wave (various lowish value insect bits, stingers, and some starlight jelly) and bring them to the Doctor. The remaining oozes continue battle with the Hornets.

Dr. MIRACLES himself buffs the Revelation Ooze and heads towards a new pathway. Surprise! It's filled with another 30 Hornets, which launch stingers of light at you. The Doctor facetanks many of the attacks (quite literally with that forehead), but still takes low damage and a few instances of a uniqueish Poison that causes him to feel the vast emptiness of space before he shrugs it off.
This, of course, results in more oozes which interdict many of the remaining attacks.
What're you doing?
(I'm aware the Doctor's immune to poison, by the by; these things pierce immunity to a limited degree)
(Aether and all that)
(The Doctor is quite resistant to them)
Caelzeph — Today at 11:14
The Doctor will change tactics slightly- he's going to unstopper a Not Bees-element Moonbomb Vial, with its Charm: Impressed chance being boosted significantly by the Emerald Sun's Core Band, Learned How to Poison Rocks and Minerals, Alchemaestro of Infliction (as well as his plethora of Charm-increasing abilities) and then all flipped into becoming a Moderate through Genius of Poisons! Such a flashy display! They'll be too impressed to act any further!
Clone-Doctor has gotten pretty good mileage out of Solar Alchemical Bomb, so he continues with the Not Bees-element-shift to continue to blast them.
The Revelation Ooze will lay that funky zonal effect down so that the party may be carried by the party, and probably(?) buff the group.
The oozeswarm attacks! Ones which don't deal the elements they resist are on the offense, whereas those with Light, Fire, Moon and the like are used to block off any incoming attacks.
Santooth — Today at 11:17
For clarification: Do you have something that explicitly gives your spell attacks AoE status, or are you mostly relying on your general base of abilities to modify your attack into pulling that? The later will work, but be a bit less effective.
Caelzeph — Today at 11:17
So far I've been using spells which are AoEs themselves
Santooth — Today at 11:18
The Moonbomb Vial would hit 5 for half damage, as the stats go
Caelzeph — Today at 11:18
Mm, in this case he'll be using his Alchemy-base to try and boost it further. The damage isn't the important part of it; the Impressed-infliction is.
Santooth — Today at 11:18
Caelzeph — Today at 11:19
(Most of his more-interesting spells are single-target, sadly)
Santooth — Today at 11:19
Just to clarify, too, the clone-doctor got traded your Solar Alchemical Bomb spell for this, yeah?
Caelzeph — Today at 11:19
He's using Channeled Spell
So he can cast stuff an ally has
(In this case, the Doctor)
Santooth — Today at 11:19
Ah, so he can. Good use of abilities there.
Caelzeph — Today at 11:20
(I'm glad I had it, otherwise he'd be carrying an unwieldy amount of copy-spells)
Santooth — Today at 11:22
One more clarification
Does the clone-doctor regenerate MP in any big way?
Caelzeph — Today at 11:23
Ring of Cosmic Birth- (Accessory, Ring, Life & Magic, 275,000,000 Gold) +2,750,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +2,750,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder may spend an action to summon an Outsider, Planetary, or Astral Being below Level 95, Max 10 summoned, Wielder's summons regenerate 275,000 HP and MP at the start of each round as an effect that stacks 5 times, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

The Doctor also hit him with the Positive Moderate that regens MP, too
Santooth — Today at 11:23
That's on the main guy
Do you copy gear?
Caelzeph — Today at 11:23
Wielder's summons regenerate 275,000 HP and MP
Clone-Doctor is a summon!
Santooth — Today at 11:24
Aha, that'd do it
Haha, getting a handle on the Doctor here
Caelzeph — Today at 11:24
(This also means that Clone-Doctor technically has higher stats, as the Doctor has a lot of summon-boosts)
He's a fantastic support character
Santooth — Today at 11:24
(Is lower power due to being a non-unique summon too though)
Caelzeph — Today at 11:25
(True, but it's pretty versatile)
Santooth — Today at 11:25
The Doctor hits the bees with a Not Bees Moonbomb Vial. Results are mixed, with about a fifth of the Hornets stopping and staring at the grandeur of that attack, half of them focusing on the oozes, and the remainder focusing him as the source of the summons. They take medium damage and start suffering from a variety of status effects they partially resist. He takes low damage again as they counter-attack, spitting more oozes out as a response.

The tide of summoned oozes continue glorping away the hornets, with the Utterdark Ooze in particular pulling off a flourishing attack that rips the lives out of 10 of the near-death hornets and itself summons near-full-powered tortured shades of them from their corpses.

The clone-doctor takes moderate damage as another group of 15 nearby hornets join the fight and spear him with attacks, but severely damages them with his counter-attack.

You're got a few hundred oozes on your side by now. What're you doing next? You seem to be slowly depleting the local area of the dungeon of Hornets

Total: 38 dead Hornets and counting
Caelzeph — Today at 11:30
(Well, those Utterdarks are terrifying)
Santooth — Today at 11:31
(You currently have one of them out)
(It's head and shoulders above your other oozes in terms of offensive ability and has been hanging near the back playing artillery support)
(You judge that having one, or even a couple of them out, has pretty low odds of drawing something nasty to you but if you start spamming them the odds rise)
Caelzeph — Today at 11:35
The Oozes continue their attack against the Doctor-focused group!
The Doctor(s) let their Regeneration take care of the damage and once again launch into a bee-deleting Solar Alchemical Bomb frenzy, dishing out more effective Not Bees damage to the hornets!
The Doctor will also, notably, attempt to kick his Evolution skillset into gear to allow him to adapt to the attacks and lower their effectiveness in the future.
The Revelation-Ooze, having laid down the disco-floor, will proceed to unleash the mighty power of Disco Lasers through the Doctor's eyes at his foes!
(If it cannot unleash Disco Lasers, it will instead fall back on the overwatch/guidance)
Santooth — Today at 11:36
Ah, Disco Floor, being on the interior space of Dr. MIRACLES, isn't effecting most of the battle but is boosting the Doctor himself
Caelzeph — Today at 11:37
I can only see this as a positive
Santooth — Today at 11:37
It can't attack stuff outside the Doctor without coming out itself; it doesn't have the skillset for that. It can, notably, scan from inside there.
Caelzeph — Today at 11:37
It'll continue with the knowledge-guidance, then!
Santooth — Today at 11:37
On the flipside, while in there it's very difficult for things to target
The tide of oozes backed by the bombs quickly wipe out the remaining hornets, including another group that fly in from various passageways to reinforce their fellows. Regeneration wipes most of the damage way, and the Doctor's newer summons (and, to a lesser extent, he himself) begin adapting to the threat these hornets pose by coming into existence with resistances to their poison, formless bodies resistant to the piercing stingers, and traces of Not-Bees in their attacks on these hated insects.

What next?

Kill count: 83 Hornets
The Disco Zone is providing various minor buffs to the Doctor in addition to making his attacks visually flashier
Caelzeph — Today at 11:42
The oozes will continue to gather the drops. It sounds like they're mostly average-for-the-level materials, but if there's any notables he'll stick them in the Bag of Holding.
He's also going to try and see if he can combo up an Alchemy spell using some of the materials, as it sounds like the hornets have some interesting things going on with how they inflict poison.

Meanwhile, Clone-Doctor will layer Expert Alchemist's Eternal Restorative on himself and Original-Doctor to assist with staving off damage and constantly apply Favored to them.
Santooth — Today at 11:47
You've got stingers, wings, the starlight jelly (a rather nice healing/buffing consumable that you currently have some irrational hatred towards and cannot bring yourself to consume, considering it too similar to honey), and "ruined insect parts" which is a catch-all for mangled, not-useful bug parts. What are you doing with this combo?
Type it out for me and I'll process it
(As a general note that bears mentioning, I'm considering all in-quest combos as RP combos which are more influenced by prior and current circumstances than normal)
Caelzeph — Today at 11:48
(Absolutely fine.)
He'll attempt to flip a Starlight Jelly from nice-buffing-thing to unpleasant-poison via Genius of Poisons, and then combo that with Stingers and Adept Alchemy Attunement to create a spell which (hopefully) has the Aether/Astral elements and the strange piercing and astral-poison effects.
If he thinks adding the wings would help, he will.
(He's not expecting whatever he makes to be particularly effective against the spawns of this dungeon, but it might be nice later on down the line and the guy collects unusual status effects anyway)
Santooth — Today at 11:52
He attempts to flip the Jelly. The combo turns it to dust. He determines that his Not Bees is aggressively blocking combos with these sorts of materials; he could certainly do them, but he's going to have to shut that off first.
(Very convenient that you can shut it off, by the by)
Caelzeph — Today at 11:52
He'll shelve that idea for when he's in a less-immediately-dangerous area, then
Santooth — Today at 11:52
Caelzeph — Today at 11:53
As 'turn off the anti-dungeon-spawn skillset while still inside it' is a frankly terrible idea
Santooth — Today at 11:53
This process takes a few rounds. He thinks there's another wave incoming. Staying to fight or doing something else?
Possibly so
Caelzeph — Today at 11:54
He'll continue on down the corridor with an oozewave vanguard, having additional oozes spawn in behind to blockade, kill, and loot any sneaky hornets from that direction.
Santooth — Today at 11:55
You've got about 300 oozes so far; how many are you leaving? Are you taking the Utterdark ooze?

Also, are you seeking fights out, avoiding fights, or just kinda randomly exploring without any regard to fights?
I'm assuming you're passively summoning as you go
Caelzeph — Today at 11:56
Utterdark ooze is coming along as it's particularly powerful. Hopefully Favored will stave off the low-proc-chance of unpleasantness.
Half can stay behind while more get summoned in to replace them.

The Doctor's exploring for INTERESTING ITEMS, given dungeons tend to be full of them, which translates to 'randomly exploring' in this case, I suppose. His party seems to be able to handle the hornets pretty well.
Santooth — Today at 12:06
The Doctor wanders for a bit, leaving vanguards of oozes to gum up pursuit as he goes. He explores another eight rooms, killing another 116 hornets (199 total so far) before finding a room guarded by a larger, stronger looking insect that has large plates of armor covering its entire body and a small halo of light around its stinger. The room has curious, shining dimples on the walls that you suspect are treasure. The Lunar Revelation Ooze identifies it as:

Starlight Sentry- (Level 65, Elite, Insect, Aether & Warding)

It's good at no-selling weaker attacks, has lots of HP, and has a nasty sting. The thing is counting as a Gigas Knight, too. It's rather slow and bulky, though.

Is the Doctor attacking the room or finding another path?
Caelzeph — Today at 12:06
Hm, hm. Any notable weaknesses/resistances?
Santooth — Today at 12:08
Heavy defence and resistance to physical, lesser but still notable resistance to most everything below T2, Hits pretty hard, and it's slow
The slow is a weakness in that it's only getting an action every other turn and isn't particularly agile (though it can charge in a line reasonably effectively, knocking obstacles out of the way)
Caelzeph — Today at 12:09
Well then
Santooth — Today at 12:09
It's dodge value, even as an elite, is in the low 20s

Santooth — Today at 12:09
It's dodge value, even as an elite, is in the low 20s
Caelzeph — Today at 12:09
It has a lot of HP, but the Doctor has a lot of status effects and the means to inflict them.
He'll take the case!
Santooth — Today at 12:09
Ah, it's resistant to most standard damage-over-time status effects too
Notably no healing on the thing though
Caelzeph — Today at 12:10
Given the Doctor can notably shift his spells to being Evolution element (which is a T2), does he think that'll help crack this particular insect-nut?
Santooth — Today at 12:11
It'll help, certainly!
This thing isn't pinging as hyper dangerous, but it's not so easy as the chaff you've been killing so far either
Caelzeph — Today at 12:12
Guess he'll have to get a little creative, then
Santooth — Today at 12:13
(The revelation-ooze has given you very detailed info on the sentry, I'll note; most of this info is coming from that thing)
(It has a Knowledge-based scan that lays things out very clearly)
Caelzeph — Today at 12:13
(It's been great, which is why the Doctor's keeping it safely inside him)
Santooth — Today at 12:14
(It also, as things happen, tends to announce your presence with its scans but you have it in pocket space and are avoiding that)
Caelzeph — Today at 12:19
So! The Doctor(s), oozes spreading out before him, enter the room!
The Doctor immediately starts off with a pretty unfair attack. He flings an Evolution-flipped Everlasting Love Potion at the Sentry! The spell's Charm chance, already a silly 300%, is further boosted massively by the Doctor's Alchemy abilities, Emerald Sun's Core Band, and variety of Charm-boosting ability-effects. Things are made even sillier by the inflicted Charm counting as being a Moderate via Genius of Poisons, and Charm instances coming from the spell don't possess per-round auto-recovery chance and may not be auto-recovered from by or cured by individuals below Level 80!
Doctor-Clone channels and flings an Evolution-element Expert Alchemist's Eternal Poison, having its inflicted Minors likewise flipped to Moderates via Genius of Poisons. He'll start it off with Moderate-Diseased, and then have the effect cycle through every possible Minor (turned Moderate) possible.
The oozes do their best to start whittling the thing down, either through debuffs, status effects or attacks, and just generally getting in the way.
The Revelation Ooze is back on info-duty, and will ensure the Doctors (and Utterdark Ooze, although I'm not sure it'll need the help) aren't in the way of any dangerous charge-attacks.
(With the ring, I think the potion starts off at 350% chance, and I'm fairly sure it approaches or passes 400% with his abilities)
Santooth — Today at 12:21
Can you pierce immunities?
Minor > Moderate is absolutely making your stuff harder to resist. I'm wondering if you can outright pierce immunities on top of that.
Caelzeph — Today at 12:22
Alchemaestro of Infliction allows for immunity piercing, although not at this guy's level
The Doctor's hoping that combined with the Evolution-element of the vector will allow for shenanigans
Santooth — Today at 12:23
Having it at all helps.
Caelzeph — Today at 12:23
(At the very least, an Evolution-element Eternal Poison is only going to get nastier)
The spell itself also has "this spell ignores the status effect Resistances and Immunities of individuals below Level 60"
Which isn't exactly applicable here, but notable enough that it might tip things over the edge
Santooth — Today at 12:30
The Doctor launches his starting salvo with the Everlasting Love Potion. There's some cognitive dissonance over a Not-Beekeeper hitting something that is basically a bee with charm, but through luck and skill he manages to land the charm in such a way that the thing can't shrug it off immediately. The thing turns to the doctor, then skips its action.

Doctor-Clone hits it with Eternal Poison, and it takes minor damage and gets stuck with Diseased which it shrugs off (it has a limit on how many times it can do that a round).

The Oozes then begin their assault. Attack after attack in a wide variety of elements impact the Starlight Sentinel's shell, bouncing off for no damage. That's up until the Utterdark gets to act; it launches a nasty bolt of concentrated inverse light at the Sentinel that punches through its armor and hits it for mid-low damage.
You have a round where it isn't acting, then another round. Actions?
Revelation Ooze informs you it is intending to charge the Utterdark Ooze next time it can act
Caelzeph — Today at 12:35
The Doctor(s) start layering on the Moderates.
Doctor-prime will unstopper (Evolution-shifted, of course) Bottled Hell on the Sentinel, applying Voidstruck and Burning.
Doctor-clone will apply Evolution-element Noose Juice, inflicting Suffocation and going for the Instant Death-chance.
The Utterdark Ooze is instructed to fully dodge the next attack that might come, assisted by surrounding oozes to bounce it out of the way and the Revelation Ooze to give it prior warning of when exactly to dodge.
The rest of the oozes start firing off whatever effects they can to hamper the Sentinel's charge or slow it down on the approach.
Ah, the Bottled Hell is also going to debuff the thing's AGI
Santooth — Today at 12:38
That both rounds, or just one?
Caelzeph — Today at 12:38
Oh wait, it debuffs all stats
Oh, woop
Forgot it skips a roun
Santooth — Today at 12:40
I'll start processing that while you lay out the next round. The Revelation Ooze isn't letting you on-the-fly predict and react to most stuff as it isn't that good at what it does, but this thing is slow enough that it can act in that capacity.
Caelzeph — Today at 12:41
In that case the Utterdark will be attacking for the round the Sentinel won't act, and will full-dodge on the following round. The oozes will be making terrain difficult for the Sentinel over both rounds, unless any have notable debuffs they can apply.
As for the second round, the Doctor will use Evolution-element Solar Alchemical Bomb to layer on Burning and Awestruck, and clone-Doctor will see if he can start leeching away its AGI with Evolution-element Alraune Petal Formula.
Santooth — Today at 12:49
The Doctor and the Doctor hit it with a one-two of nasty spells, successfully inflicting it with enough moderate status effects to overwhelm its shedding them and dealing low damage. It is now taking low damage each round it acts.

The Utterdark pulls a (minor) super-attack by sacrificing the essence of the hornet-shades it has been carrying around to smack the Sentry with an overwhelming barrage of nightmare-power. It takes mid-high damage.

The other Oozes do what they can to the hornet. A few attacks from the multitude manage to get through for very minor damage, but it shrugs almost everything they hit it with off. Future generations of summons note this, and begin evolving to over-express the few abilities that actually damaged it. If this fight goes on long enough, you're likely to start getting more effective summons.

The round ticks.

The Doctor continues chipping away at it, layering more status effects on faster than it can shrug them off and dealing low damage. The clone-doctor attempts to stat drain it, but the attack is blocked entirely by its resistances.

The Starlight Sentinel's turn is up. It charges the Utterdark Ooze, phasing through the summons and their terrain easily but somewhat unexpectedly missing as the ooze dodges at the last moment. The only thing it pulverises is a nearby wall. The ooze is starting to be on a bit of a roll here.

It's still looking healthy, but isn't mounting an effective defence against your tactics.

What're you doing next?
Maintaining similar tactics?
It plans to charge the ooze again next time it can act
Caelzeph — Today at 12:53
Similar tactics, although the Doctor's going to toss a Bottled Stardust at the Utterdark Ooze to help it dodge better and hit harder. Clone-Doctor will switch back to using Noose Juice to try and proc that Instant Death chance if possible.
Santooth — Today at 12:59
The Doctor buffs the Utterdark, while the Doctor hits it again with Noose Juice, failing to proc the Instant Death (you have about a 10% chance) but reinflicting Suffocation.

The Utterdark calls down Suffering on the Starlight Sentinel, doubling the damage of all damage-over-time effects. The Starlight Sentinel is now taking moderate damage each time it acts, and the effects of debuffs are amplified against it.

Other summons chip at it.

The round ticks.

More attacks hit the Sentinel, and it's actually starting to look hurt at this point. It charges the Utterdark, trying to take out what it has prioritised as the easiest threat to end. The ooze, aided by the Bottled Stardust, dodges once again but allows the Sentinel to pass just close enough to brush against its body, searing it with bubbling black gunk of its essence that seeps into the thing and eats away at its potential for success. It is now acting once every three rounds.
Variations to the attack format?
Caelzeph — Today at 13:01
Both Doctors switch to hurling Evolution-element Noose Juice while it's loaded with status effects, and otherwise using the previous spells to reapply effects that drop.
The rest of the oozes will also focus on status effects, and the Utterdark Ooze will continue its assault and dodging (with Revelation-assistance) on the charge-rounds
Santooth — Today at 13:02
Caelzeph — Today at 13:03
(The Doctor is apparently more effective in a fight than I was expecting)
Santooth — Today at 13:12
The Doctors load up on the Noose Juice, but even after four attacks worth of that the thing stubbornly refuses to go down. The Utterdark Ooze, however, has an inherent connection with the general concepts that make up that nasty spell.

Noose Juice? Nightmare-Spawned Destruction Ooze? Those are similar enough. The thing takes a leap of faith and jumps onto the body of the Starlit sentinel and melds its essence with that of the Noose Juice, searing its way into the body of the Sentinel and boiling the thing alive with the potent death magic amplified by its own powers. The Sentinel's eye sockets smoke and blacken, viscous tar bubbling out of them in steaming streams before its head falls from its body. The Utterdark Ooze emerges from the corpse, pulling the life essence of the monster along with it.

Hidden conditions for Evolution are met. This Utterdark Ooze may now be upgraded to an Utterdark Starbane and acquired as a unique summon for 1,000 times the XP of a level 54 entity.

How would you like to proceed? Do you have the 14,575,000 needed for that?
Caelzeph — Today at 13:13
The Doctor does indeed have the XP required for that, but he's going to poke the Revelation-ooze first to see if evolving it would be a terrible idea.
If it no longer remains an ooze, that's a problem. If it goes past his Level, that's also a problem.
(Also 'would this be a thing that lingers beyond just this quest' is a factor)
Santooth — Today at 13:17
The Revelation Ooze indicates that it would remain an ooze, gain Void as an element, gain some "fluid eldritch horror between the stars" powers without the traditional Darkspawn weaknesses, gain the expected stat bonuses from being unique, and gain some devourer powers. It'll also skew it even more towards "sharply offensive based". That'll make it more of a beacon for other nightmare creatures by merit of being a unique one, but being a summon you control will let you mostly keep that under control so long as you don't summon more of them.

This would persist beyond the quest in the form of a spell, assuming you don't lose the spell that forms your connection with it by losing the spell.
It would also, by the by, make it extemely effective against this particular hive
Caelzeph — Today at 13:18
Hoo boy.
...yeah, the Doctor's got plenty of XP on him, and even more banked that he didn't bring in.
Santooth — Today at 13:19
This would be a controlled summon. It really by rights shouldn't, but you have the particular combination of powers that would enable that.
It's unlikely other BA members would be able to summon it
Caelzeph — Today at 13:19
And this seems like one of those very rare opportunities he was here for
Santooth — Today at 13:19
They could summon it, but in an uncontrolled fashion
Caelzeph — Today at 13:20
Personalised terror-summon? That's a hard thing to say no to, especially as an ace in the hole
Santooth — Today at 13:21
I think we're changing the name to Stellar Utterdark Devourer
Caelzeph — Today at 13:21
He'll do it! He'll also swap the resulting spell into his slots and remove Create Zone of Magic to hopefully make it more likely to stick around should the worst happen.
(Although he will Create a Zone of Magic beforehand as a buff)
Santooth — Today at 13:23
Dr. MIRACLES infuses the required mana into this thing to enable the evolution. All light goes out of the area briefly as it assumes the shape of a small sphere of perfect black, then flows back out into a more fluid looking form that is now floating above the ground in defiance of any gravity.
Caelzeph — Today at 13:23
'so long as you don't summon more of them.'
This suggests the terrifying possibility that the spell would somehow be able to summon multiples of this unique horrorterror
Santooth — Today at 13:23
Being a unique summon, no, it can't do that. It can, however, summon in its lesser brethren.
Caelzeph — Today at 13:24
Right. Well, it won't be doing that, as the Doctor doesn't particularly want to gamble with turbo-horror interruptions to his nice quest of EXPLORE and WONDERMENT
Santooth — Today at 13:24
Specifically, via killing things and force-converting them into Utterdark Oozes as a corpse destruction effect
Caelzeph — Today at 13:25
Regardless! FANCY TIMES are had (he'll be spending the XP he picked up from all the hornets to offset the cost, too) and LOOTING is COMMENCE
Santooth — Today at 13:25
There's also treasure! The Starlight Sentinel drops, somewhat weirdly, a Grand Armor called Starlit Sentinel Plate. The bits in the wall have an assortment of gems of concentrated magic and space-stuff.
The armor has excellent defences, but inflicts that unpleasant "slow" effect on the wearer and is of somewhat questionable utility as a result
It's actually worse than it sounds, too; without Adept or higher Gigas Knight it isn't just causing you to act every other round, it's causing you to act every fourth round
30% base element resistance and 80ish% Physical resistance, though!
Caelzeph — Today at 13:28
Fairly nice for some purposes, then
Santooth — Today at 13:28
Caelzeph — Today at 13:28
He'll go about identifying and collecting the gems
Santooth — Today at 13:29
There are gems of concentrated starlight, and then gems of essence from several of the moons including one goofy looking one from Dr. Moonacles.
That one's Azoth element
Caelzeph — Today at 13:29
Santooth — Today at 13:29
Also Tacky
And Moon, of course
Caelzeph — Today at 13:30
Of course
Santooth — Today at 13:30
Where are you going from here?
There are a bunch of passages leading to other sections of the place and one somewhat ominous looking one the Sentinel was guarding leading towards what you assume to be the centre of the place
Ominous in the "there's probably a boss that way" sense
Caelzeph — Today at 13:31
Does the Revelation ooze have any potential info on what the boss might be/what it's general level and the like is likely to be? Given current encounters, the Doctor's pegging this place as likely capping at 65
Santooth — Today at 13:33
Not at this range. It estimates it probably isn't over level 70; as the Doctor noted, there isn't a ton of level-variety (or, really, monster-variety) here
Caelzeph — Today at 13:35
Hmm. On the one hand, the Doctor is pretty well-specced against this place. On the other, a boss is a boss
Santooth — Today at 13:35
Is. It'd be a fight.
This place hasn't been aggressively hardcore so far, so the boss probably won't be aggressively hardcore either. A Boss is a Boss, though.
Caelzeph — Today at 13:36
So. Cheese-info-gathering is a possibility! Can the Doctor bud off another Revelation-ooze?
Santooth — Today at 13:36
Easily enough, yes
What are you doing with it?
Caelzeph — Today at 13:37
Fabulous. Followup question: Can Revelation oozes info-share over long distances/across dungeon rooms?
Santooth — Today at 13:38
To a limited degree. They have some abstandard powers but aren't especially powerful themselves. They come from the prophesy/oracle moon, but are one of the weaker things on it.
Caelzeph — Today at 13:38
Current (very silly) plan is thus:
Santooth — Today at 13:38
In this place, with its complete lack of any warding it could probably announce information a room or two away
Though it'd be announcing said info to <all> rooms within that radius
Caelzeph — Today at 13:39
Clone-Doctor buds off Clone-Clone Doctor, who is geared up with another Apple-Blade-Armor combo and has the second Revelation Ooze installed in his head.
Santooth — Today at 13:39
They specifically cannot be selective in their broadcasts
Caelzeph — Today at 13:39
That guy (along with a tide of oozes he buds off) heads off into the bossroom and has the Ooze immediately broadcast the boss-info to all and sundry
If it's too intense, the Doctor takes the loss on the spare gear and hops out
Santooth — Today at 13:40
Confirm that you aren't doing any additional buffs before trying that?
Caelzeph — Today at 13:40
Thanks to the Division, clone-clone Doctor will pop into being with all the buffs already applied.
Santooth — Today at 13:40
I meant to the main group
Caelzeph — Today at 13:40
Although the Revelation Ooze (Spare) will also have Bottled Stardust
Hm, good point
Let me take a look
Santooth — Today at 13:41
I'm not encouraging you to do that or anything, just saying I would like to confirm what's in place before we proceed with this
Caelzeph — Today at 13:42
The Doctor will apply the Expert Alchemist's Eternal Restorative to everyone (Doctors, Revelation Ooze, Terrorhorror Ooze) for even more constant-healing and repeated-Favoured, and then hit the clone-doctors, Revelation Oozes and Terrorhorror with Mother's Milk to buff them even further.
So, a buffslist:
Bottled Stardust
Mech-Anointing Oil: Starflow Orange
Expert Alchemist's Eternal Restorative
Zone of Magic

Clone-Doctors additionally get Mother's Milk, and the Revelations and Terror Ooze get all of that except the Mech-Oil.
Prime-Doctor also has INTERNAL DISCO
Santooth — Today at 13:45
He does!
Any other prep?
Caelzeph — Today at 13:45
I think that's all the prep possible, unless the Oozesquad have Fancy Buffs they can apply
Santooth — Today at 13:46
When you say "everyone", do you have a way to make your actions AoE? You've got about 400 summons hanging out with you and hitting them individually with those buffs would take rather a while.
Caelzeph — Today at 13:46
Ah, by 'everyone' I'm talking about the core party of Doctors, Revelation Oozes and Voidooze
Santooth — Today at 13:46
You can absolutely hit the named party members with things, and you can do it to the rest too but you might be there a while and have more encounters or something
Right, wanted to verify
So, CCD heads off down the corridor. The end of it has a sealed wax portal (think: door) with an insect-head insignia on it. The insect is wearing a crown with stars on the tips.
The corridor is otherwise bare
Scanning the portal indicates it has no easy means of passage through it without destroying it (though you might have some abstandard means of getting through)
The portal is made out of woven starlight and wax
Caelzeph — Today at 13:52
Clone-Clone Doctor will attempt to Spatial Jaunt through the door!
(Presuming that destroying it will likely cause Problems)
Santooth — Today at 14:01
CCD Spatial Jaunts through the barrier! He feels a slight tugging sensation as he appears on the other side of it. Looking back, he notices with some dismay that the portal's covering seems to have ripped anyway as he entered.

Before him stands a football-arena sized circular area with numerous larval Hornets dotting the walls. In its center stands the Queen of the hive, about the size of a semi truck. As per the instructions, the Revelation Ooze immediately broadcasts her stats.

Zzzi, Starlit Queen (Level 68, Boss, Insect & Astral Being, Light & Aether)

Non-inclusive ability rundown:
- Mass-summoning Hornets
- Mass-directing hornets, pulling off coordinated attacks with them
- Bunching Hornets up into Units
- Big Ol' Stinger
- Lower damage but AoE wing attacks
- Knife feet!
- Lower-end Sunfire attacks
- Charm and Domination abilities, mega-amped against insects, mega-amped against summons , Immunity-piercing super-amped against insect summons (your Not Beekeeper plus the Ascendant oozbilities largely invalidates this)
- Generalised boss resistances (40% Instant Death Resistance, unfortunately)
- Healing honey
- Some zonal effects
CCD is now in combat. Lemme know what you're doing.
Caelzeph — Today at 14:05
Santooth — Today at 14:05
Ah, I suppose I'll also let you know what the boss does on its turn, given that it is going first here. Zzzi is (shockingly!) summoning in about 200 hornets.
Caelzeph — Today at 14:22
It's the first round of battle! Clone-Clone Doctor spreads his arms grandly as oozes bud off from his form and, in echoing tones, declares!
"From Your Dreams, With Sparkles, I ARRIVE!"
A blast of sheer, sparkling Tacky power erupts from his form, washing across the room and hitting the Queen and 49 of her summons with a boosted-and-turned-Moderate Fatigued: Asleep!
He only needs one of them to fall asleep, but why take the risk?

Meanwhile, the Stellar Utterdark Devourer hops a ride on Clone-Doctor Miracles.

And then.

Oh, and then.

From their dreams.
With sparkles.

Clone-Doctor launches the same spell, using the cross-battlespace capability to barge straight on in, with the Doctor in tow.
The Doctor then unleashes a Not Bees-element Solar Alchemical Bomb against absolutely every opponent in the room, channeled through his Echidna Quill.
A weapon which, along with being extremely powerful, unsummons all the summons of hit individuals and prevents them from summoning in future.
The Stellar Utterdark Devourer will be unloaded to do whatever horrifying things it does!
The ooze-tide will rush in through the doorway.
Santooth — Today at 14:39
The DCC declares! He fires off the spell! A wave of sparkling tacky power washes over the room, damaging them (boss takes almost negligable damage) and putting numerous Hornets to sleep.

DC repeats this, riding into battle with the Doctor in tow.

Doctor MIRACLES then drops the solar bomb on the room. Once more, the combination of resistance to a Solar attack and nebulous vulnerability to Not Bees mostly cancel each other out, resulting in a low damage attack to the boss and a high damage attack to the summons (which, due to boss bonuses, lose about a third of their life rather than it nearly killing them). That's not the important part, though; the power of the Mother of Monsters washes over the field, unsummoning each Starlight Hornet hit and metaphysically neutering the Queen.

This is enormously vexing for her. She can shed the debuff and become immune to it, but that takes an action for her and wouldn't prevent you from just unsummoning any new summons.

Congrats, you've shut about half of her build off. She looks pissed.

The Utterdark ooze launches a hail of viscous spines that pierce her form and seep into the points of light on her crown, dimming them somewhat. The Queen suffers mid-low damage and a small reduction to her stats.

The Queen looks enraged.

The round ticks. The Queen is still faster, acting again. She charges Dr. MIRACLES and stabs him through the body with a stinger that drips potent Venom. The attack breaks through his ascendant-based Forcefield entirely (!). He takes high damage, very narrowly avoids being hit with Venom, and senses with dismay that he has lost all immunity to Poison and Venom.

Santooth — Today at 14:49
Your summon hoard is currently in the other room heading towards you, aside from the Utterdark Ooze
It'll arrive the round after this current round
Caelzeph — Today at 14:57
Well, that's unacceptable. The Doctor immediately douses himself in Not Bees-element Pseudouniversal Solvent to remove that particular problem before it can gain traction. (Removes debuff effects)
His Evolution-defenses begin to adapt.
His regeneration-effects kick in to help restore his lost HP.

More oozes bud off from all of the Doctors. They'll focus on summoning up the most powerful oozes they can (but not Utterdarks, as that would be a terrible idea).

Clone-Doctor unstoppers Not Bees Bottled Hell on the Queen, degrading her stats further and going for Voidstruck and Burning!
Clone-Clone Doctor infuses an Expert Alchemist's Eternal Poison with Evolution element, flips its alchemically-boosted-chance inflictions to Moderates, and has it go ham on the Queen as a constantly-getting-worse effect that begins with Confusion at rotates through effects from there.

The Utterdark ooze continues its assault with the attacks it thinks will work best.
The Revelation-ooze will continue to ramp up the disco inside the Doctor, further empowering him.
The oozes that budded off from the Doctor last round (from taking damage) will all launch their most potent attacks against the Queen.
Santooth — Today at 14:58
I'll note that the Queen, like most bosses, is immune to moderate status effects. You're free to change your actions if you want, since you knew that
Caelzeph — Today at 14:58
Bottled Hell is still a pretty nasty attack, though. Let me see
Santooth — Today at 15:00
Queen's sitting at roughly 60000-100000 statwise, with Dex and Con being her strong stats. She's got roughly a billion HP
Caelzeph — Today at 15:01
Clone-clone Doctor will, assuming Evolution isn't going to help, switch to Alphabetical Assault to bring the wonderful and confusing world of Chaos Magic into the mix.
Santooth — Today at 15:01
Finalised actions there?
Caelzeph — Today at 15:02
Santooth — Today at 15:16
The Doctor douses himself with Pseudouniversal Solvent, but looks on with growing horror as he notes the effect has sunk into his body and is going to be difficult to remove at this point. He pushes himself towards evolving to be able to live with poison regardless, but he's a long way off from that and is building negative momentum on that front. He recovers some of the lost health, as the hole in his body stabilises around the stinger still piercing his form.

Oozes slide from the wound and up the stinger to the queen, savaging her with assorted attacks that, combined, deal low damage.

CD jumps up behind her and uncorks a bottle of brimstone before upending it over her wings, burning her badly. Tendrils of smoke rise from her wounds. She takes mid-low damage.

CCD chants out the alphabet!

'A', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G'!

Abstract-backed chaos magic pummels her, and she takes low damage.

The Utterdark Ooze tries to take some of the focus off the Doctor by launching itself onto the queen's face, searing and burning as it reaches for and tears off pieces of those stars to gobble down. It fails to inflict blindness on her due to immunities, but is siphoning off bits of her power and dealing moderate damage.

The round ticks.

The queen, still furious but facing multiple threats, performs a Wind Blitz Assault with her wings, summoning up concussive winds strong enough to level buildings. CCD, CD, the Doctor, and the Utterdark Ooze are thrown against the walls of the chamber, taking mid-low damage and hemmoraging oozes. CCD and CD have their forcefields go down but avoid getting Stunned, and the Doctor himself manages to assume a Healer Stance and shrug the status effect off. The Utterdark Ooze is immune to Stun but is now on the other side of the room. The previous summons from earlier in the round are killed by this attack.

Caelzeph — Today at 15:32
More oozes spawn as an ablative shield!
The Doctor jumps on the Not Bees-element Bottled Hell-train, choosing to Overdrive it with Dangerous Mixing in order to seriously ramp up its power! He'll continue to push his Evolution-skills to deal with the poison problem. He's Immune to Bee Stings! That might help.
Clone-Doctor attends to Prime-Doctor's woes by applying Curative Lunar Eyedrops to him for potent healing!
Clone-Clone Doctor continues the anti-insect Not Bees Assault with more Bottled Hell!

The Revelation Ooze will continue to ramp things up to MAXIMUM DISCO inside the Doctor!
The Utterdark Devourer will proceed to utterly savage the Queen with as much force as it can muster.

The oozehorde approaches.
Santooth — Today at 15:55
Dr. MIRACLES, battered by the boss and unable to shed this annoying debuff, turns to the boss with fury in his eyes. This thing is just an overgrown BEE! A mere INSECT! Is he going to let an INSECT best a NOT-BEEKEEPER? NO. He launches into a flurry of motion, admixing Bottled Hell with other ingredients and Not Bees mana on the fly, then pours power into the result and launches it right at the queen's stupid, damaged face. It hits roundly, dealing high damage and burning out one of her eyes as noxious, sulphurous smoke fills the area around her. Bees hate smoke, right? Faintly, the boos of disapproving disco goers mock the boss.

Dr. MIRACLES develops the following technique:

Not-Beekeeper's Furious, Hellish, Insect-Bane Admixture Assault- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use 'Not-Beekeeper's Furious, Hellish, Insect-Bane Admixture Assault' in combination with an Overdrive action involving an alchemy spell so long as no other technique is used. Said action gains +55,000 Magical Attack, deals double damage to Insects as an effect that does not stack with other damage-doubling effects aside from those that ordinarially come with an Overdrive, and applies a non-stacking debuff to Insects no more than 10 levels above possessor that causes them to have a 25% chance of skipping their actions
CD quite effectively hits the Doctor with another Curative Lunar Eyedrops, restoring him to nearly full HP despite how little sense applying eye drops to a chest wound makes.

CCD hits the boss with another dose of Bottled Hell. That attack seems to be working against her, and deals mid-low damage.

The Utterdark Devourer launches itself at the off balance queen, going for a spike to the joint between her head and torso only to get batted back into the wall with considerable force. It takes high damage and is stuck in a waxy hex inset into the wall.

The Oozehoard arrives.

The round ticks!

The Queen assesses her situation. She whips up some Royal Honey, removing the last attack's debuff and granting herself immunity to Alchemy. Uh oh. She also heals a moderate amount.
Caelzeph — Today at 15:59
(The Admixture Assault doesn't require Alchemy to be used as standard. Is that intended, because some silly things are possible if it is)
Santooth — Today at 16:01
(Eh. It's got Admixture in the name. Gonna say there are instances where you could use it with other things, but that it generally requires an alchemy spell. Editing.)
The Revelation Ooze helpfully and cheerfully chips in, noting that the good Doctor is currently an Alchemy Spell and, as such, the boss is immune to him.
Caelzeph — Today at 16:15
The Doctor is, fortunately, although no-less-irritably, aware of the fact.

There is, however, a way to solve that.

More oozes bud off! It's getting *really *goopy in here, now.

Clone-Doctor and Clone-Clone Doctor both use Extract Color on likely-looking oozes! Specifically, likely-looking Moon-element oozes.
The oozes have their colours stolen, and the Doctor-clones both immediately become solely the elements the Oozes were, temporarily overwriting their Not Bee-itude!
(If this doesn't work, there's another option)
Doctor-Prime, meanwhile, shines up a Golden Apple! Raising it high, he uses it through Item-All to grant all of his allies (and himself) a potent regen, boosted further through his Chef skills! (He also has a 5% chance, rolled twice, to not use up the charge)

The Revelation Oozes will begin helpfully broadcasting the Queen's actions to the assembled oozes as fast as it can, using its knowledge of her attack-patterns to help pre-empt the worst of the damage she might do to them and allow the targets to get out of the way to some extent.

The Utterdark Devourer continues to do its worst against the Queen.

The combined, massive ocean of multitudinous oozes crashes down upon the Queen, each using its most potent attack to deal as much damage as they can to the boss!
Santooth — Today at 16:22
CD and CCD get to work! They pull the element from a pair of oozes, assuming Moon element themselves, shedding the boss's immunity to them!

Doctor MIRACLES himself raises a Golden Apple, granting all allies a strong regeneration effect.

The tide of oozes has arrived! They attack, one after another, each dealing rather minor damage individually but those combined attacks add up. The boss takes moderate damage from the lot of them and is now surrounded by a goopy, multicolored sea of slime.

The Revelation Oozes begin broadcasting predictions about what the Queen is going to do, but in the chaos and speed of the battle it isn't enough to really change much. They amount to saying "She's going to attack!" and shouting her stats out over the field.

The Utterdark comes through with the clutch yet again, flying out of the wall to affix itself around the base of the Starlit Queen's wings. It dissolves them, maiming her and rendering her AoE attack nonfunctional while dealing moderate damage.

Queen's looking at about half health.

The round ticks!

The Queen thrashes around, cutting apart many nearby oozes but is unable to reach the spot the Utterdark is lodged.
Caelzeph — Today at 16:43
The round ticks! Yet more oozes bud off and add to the ocean of goop!

The Doctor's eyes burn with fury! Also, salsa. Also, BEE DELETION.
He spins on his heel and points at Clone-Doctor, who nods and unfolds his Forehead-Deployed Grandcannon!
Doctor-Prime winks furiously, his Salsa Eyes filling the grandcannon's barrel with Bee-Deletion-carrying Atomic Vengeance, Flamin' Hot, Spicy, and Salsa-Dance-Inflicting Salsa!
Clone-Clone Doctor spins, whirls, and double-salkos himself into the bizarre overpowered forehead-cannon, and promptly begins rapidly spinning within the barrel while crackling with electricity!

All three yell in unison!
The Grandcannon fires with a thunderous report! Both literally, and metaphorically. Clone-Clone Doctor spins, whirls and cartwheels through the air, striking both fabulous poses and with Fab Thunder, covered in flames from the burning, burning mixture of excessively special salsa (food) and salsa (dance).
That's not all! It's not just a DANCE of THE SALSA! It's not just a DANCE of THE THUNDER! It is a DANCE of THE VEILS!
Or more specifically, a dance that carries the Blaze Which Burns Away All Veils and Pretensions!
While it might not stick around, at the very least it's likely to give the Queen a very bad day due to the Bee Deletion addition, is quite possibly likely to burn away the positive effects she's accrued, and might even be able to knock off a chunk of her MP!

While that particular mess goes on, the Revelation Oozes flip back to ramping up the disco-fabulosity.
The one in the Clone-Clone Doctor is notably doing so, especially given the bizarre dance-based vector of his attack and pun-hookup with the identically-named foodstuff.

The Utterdark Ooze continues to go to work on the Queen with its worst possible attacks! For her, that is. Not attacks that are bad.

The Oozetide continues their chaotic and unceasing assault!
Santooth — Today at 16:53
The Doctors combine their powers. They dance! They jive! They do the Salsa! Thunderous, spicy force shoots out from their combined forehead cannons and... Oh, wait shoot this still counts as involving Alchemy. The attacks brushes over the Starlit Queen to no effect, unfortunately. Sure looked cool though!

The oozes continue their assault, dealing moderate damage. The Utterdark Devourer remains lodged where it is, dealing mid-low damage but maintaining its advantageous position.

The round ticks.

The boss has had enough of this. When fighting a summoner, sometimes the only way to win is to cut the head off the snake. It lunges for Doctor MIRACLES, managing to get another solid hit in for high damage and inflicting him with several nauseating varieties of poison (but, thankfully, not Venom).

Caelzeph — Today at 17:07
Even more oozes bud off to join the battle!

It's time to call in further reinforcements! The Doctor raises a hand, Phoenix Plume held within thumb and middle finger!
He clicks his fingers with a flare of disco, using Item-All to target all previously-slain oozes!
Ordinarily, reviving summons might be tricky. He is, however, a fairly accomplished Summoner, has a plethora of summon-geared and summon-boosting gear (including the Ring of Cosmic Birth), and is, of course, the ♢Grandmother(?) of All Oozes, possessing significant investment in Grandmother Quoxjiggobbulous the Primordial's skillset.
And Granny says it isn't bedtime quite yet.

Clone-Doctor goes at it with the Curative Lunar Eyedrops again to restore the Doctor's health and remove the Poison!

Clone-Clone Doctor, on the other hand, is already in place and sees no reason to stop now. Despite no longer being Not Bees element, he still has the Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Not Bees vector to pursue! Channeling as much power as he can (and Overdriving, if possible), he winds himself up for a truly electric performance. That's right, it's the father of all Fab Thunders!
A Fathunder, if you would.

That's literally what the spell's going to be. He Knows The Least-Favorite Letter Doesn't Count. He's assisted by further layering of disco from within by the Revelation-Ooze!

The other Revelation-Ooze continues to reinforce Doctor-Prime with disco. Disco never dies! Not on its watch!

The Utterdark Devourer continues to work its terrible magic on the Queen, eating away at her power even further whilst dealing damage!

The now-even-larger-than-it-ever-was Oozecrew unleash their most deadly attacks anew!
Santooth — Today at 17:19
Dr. MIRACLES, gritting through the poison, raises a phoenix plume and mass-applies it to the slain oozes. Their lingering essence bobs, twitches, and then falls back to the ground inert. He forces more mana into it, and the swirling goo coaleses into a monstrous franken-ooze with bits and pieces of all the slain. It shamblingly moves forward and swings at the boss, missing.

CD keeps at it with those eye-drops, peeling the poison out of the doctor's eyes and neutralising it. That's how medicine works, right? The Doctor heals a moderate amount.

CCD pulls off a brilliantly choreographed alphabeticamagical attack, calling on the vaulted powers of Fabulous Roy, mega-boosting them far beyond what the spell initially was capable of. It shocks, it booms, it inspires awe! Still, the disparity between his level and the base level of that spell takes a toll on the attack and it only ends up dealing low damage to the boss.

Oozes continue their multifoliate assault, dealing mid-low damage to the boss once more. They are having a bit of trouble manoeuvring to all get a hit in at this point.

The UD gets dislodged, but still hits the Hornet's legs for a searing attack on the way down, dealing mid-low damage.

The round ticks.

The harried boss continues it's focused assault on Doctor MIRACLES, taking advantage of its immunity to him to entirely bypass his defences and shred his HP down with a multi-legged assault. He takes heavy damage and is looking pretty hurt here.

Boss is somewhere around 40%.

Caelzeph — Today at 17:22
More oozes are budded off! My, it's getting crowded.

This immunity nonsense has gone on for long enough. Regretfully, the Doctor selects a likely ooze, and Extracts Color from it, shifting from being Not Bees to its elements. If there's an Evolution/Azoth mix, he'll go for that- otherwise Moon/Azoth is fine.

Both clone-Doctors shift to heal-assist Doctor-Prime, given the Queen seems relentlessly set on giving him a bad day and most of the damage is currently coming from the Ooze Brigade.
Clone-Doctor will continue applying the Curative Lunar Eyedrops, while Clone-Clone Doctor will use True Lunar Elixir to layer the Moderate effect Regeneration along with Rejuvenation and Fortified to turbo-boost his HP-restoring and shore up his defenses.
Both decide it's time to pull out all the healing-stops! They Catalyze Ineffable Curatives, bringing the mighty power of Azoth to bear!

The Revelation-Oozes continue to discofy their respective Doctors to continue amping them up!

The Utterdark Devourer continues the assault! Those legs are a problem. Maybe the Queen should have fewer.

The great sea of ooze begins glooping up the walls and ceiling to allow for more attack-coverage, acting as goopy weapons turrets and platforms as they continue to bombard the Queen with ever-increasingly-potent (thanks to Evolution) attacks!
Caelzeph — Today at 17:30
Woop, editing some more
Aaaaand Edited.
(I keep forgetting I have Catalyze Ineffable Curative, and how good it is)
(Alternatively, I knew I had it and was saving it as a special trump card this whole time, yes, that's it)
Santooth — Today at 17:46
Oozes at this point have taken up all the open space in the room and are beginning to coat the walls. The boss is having to wade through them to get to you, sustaining damage in the process. None of them are individually all that strong, but there are so many that it adds up.

The Doctor reluctantly sheds his element, closing the hole in his defences.

The clone-doctors move to patch him up, with their combined efforts healing him for mid-high damage (with the Ineffable Curative being quite a bit more effective at this point in the battle). Disco music punctuates their procedures, a jarring beat that would hamper ordinary doctors less versed in the funky ways of weird.

The Utterdark Devourer sets to work on the scythe-legs of the Queen, eating away at them with the hungry void. It takes mid-low damage from that and another round of that tactic might detatch a leg or two.

The tide of oozes rally, sway, and swarm the boss in a rush, dealing medium damage to it and positioning the frankenooze on top of it in such a way that the boss is now having to move around with the ooze literally on top of it.

Round ticks.

The boss throws three quick jabs of its stinger at the Doctor, dealing mid-high damage to him, poisoning him, and putting him back at worryingly low health. At this point it's a question of who can hold out the longest here.

Caelzeph — Today at 17:54
More oozes bud in! She surely can't deal with that many more.

It's time for FULL AZOTH CURATIVES, using the Doctor's plethora of as-yet-unused healing-alchemies!
The Doctor Catalyses Ineffable Curative through Expert Alchemist's Greater Lunar Concoction!
Clone-Doctor Catalyses Ineffable Curative through Restorative Concoction!
Clone-Clone Doctor Catalyses Ineffable Curative through Emperor's Peach Elixir turning the usually-just-a-buff spell into a potent healing vector and applying the Life element to the Doctor on top of that to boost his healing and vitality even further!

The Utterdark Devourer continues to eat through the Queen's legs in a horrific fashion.

The Revalation-Oozes continue with the disco-reinforcement!

The swelling ooze-ocean attacks not only from above and from the walls, but also from within itself with every step the Queen takes! She moves, there's an ooze. She turns, more ooze. She attacks? Believe it or not, ooze. And all of them keep on using Evolution-improved techniques and abilities to make things just that much worse for her.
Frankenooze, from its perch atop the Queen, proceeds to gloop, glop and do whatever on earth such a monstrosity tends to do as aggressively as possible. That can't be pleasant for her.
Santooth — Today at 17:59
The Doctors work together and, with Doctor MIRACLES himself at the head, go all in on keeping the head of this summon tower alive. Together (though most of it is the Doctor himself), they manage to wipe all the negative effects on him off including that annoying, lingering vulnerability to poison and heal him for a high amount of damage in the process. How's that for a Miracle Cure?

The Devourer manages to sever two of the thing's eight legs, dealing moderate damage to it.

The ooze ocean continues the assault, cutting, slicing, and harrying their adversary with hundreds of little cuts and getting physically in the way of its actions to dampen its effectiveness and manoeuvrability. They only deal mid-low damage this round, but they sure do gum up the works.

The boss sludges through the ooze and stabs Dr. MIRACLES in the head point blank with its stinger. He has an Indestructable Forehead; it leaves a hell of a bruise, but fails to penetrate his skin and poison him this time around. He takes moderate damage.

Caelzeph — Today at 18:14
More oozes bud in! It's high (ooze) tide!

Oh, but just oozes is boring, isn't it? It's time for a surprise.
His Cloak Made of the Legends That are Birds Which Are Sometimes LIVING Because WONDERMENT and CAW shimmers, summoning in the strongest Level 59 Aerial he can muster for this particular situation! Moreover, it's coming in from the Queen's blindspot. She has more things to worry about at present, anyway.

While no longer Not Bees, the Doctor still has access to it via his Nonsynchronous Attack-Conversion. The thing might still be immune to Alchemy, too, but he has the MAGIC OF SPELLING!
He's more than restored enough MP (seriously, man has all the MP-restoring items a spellcaster could ever want) to pull off a fancy attack!
An Overdriven Not Bees-element Alphabetical Assault blasts out at the Queen, hitting hard with every letter! Except B. Bees don't get a say in this. They get deleted.
Clone-Doctor and Clone-Clone Doctor continue to Catalyse more Ineffable Curatives to shore Doctor-Prime up, casting it through Elixir of Youth to key off and amp his newly-gained Life element and Expert Alchemist's Eternal Restorative for resurgent healing!

The Devourer gets to work on that stinger. It's been getting annoying. Time to deal with it. Terminally.

The disco-party continues its ever-amplifying spiral of bolstering funkitude!

The Oozes, Frankenooze included, continue to swarm the Queen with an absolutely torrential cascade of varying and escalating attacks! And now there's even more of them. Oh dear.
Santooth — Today at 18:26
Doctor MIRACLES swishes and swashes his cape, rolling the dice and summoning in... A Blue-Crested Landhawk (Level 16, Aerial, Air & Water). Hrm. That didn't go as planned.

He is so put off by the landhawk that he ends up leaving off all the letters after B too. Shoot. The Starlit Queen gets hit by a very flat A. She takes low damage.

The life-catalyst angle enables the two clone-doctors to work another angle of healing, but the good Doctor is reaching the point where he has taken enough damage and healing that further healing is going to see progressively diminishing returns. Still, they squeeze a moderate heal out of things and repair his poor forehead (as well as removing those pesky wrinkles).

The Devourer continues to pull its weight and prove inordinately effective against this higher level boss, sliding up and along the stinger up into its thorax. Not only does this disable the stinger, it starts causing mid-high damage and is tremendously painful.

The disco lights are pushed to MAXIMUM! TOO MUCH DISCO! Somewhere, inexplicably, a fuse shorts. All the disco lights go out. Oh no!

The rest of the oozes have more luck, clustering in around the boss and harrying it with countless cuts which have slowly grown nastier and nastier as the fight has drug on. They actually manage to deal mid-high damage this time around, and the boss is looking like it's on its last legs.

The round ticks.

The Starlit queen makes a last desperate rush for Doctor MIRACLES that, sadly for it, just isn't enough. She hits him with everything she's got left, which amounts to six scythe legs and a large gout of Flare breath which deals mid-high damage to him but exhausts her and has most of its damage soaked by the innumerable oozes now crowding the warrens. With that, she is mostly spent and looks on sullenly for the doctors to presumably finish her off.

Caelzeph — Today at 18:30
The oozes intensify.

The Doctors, as one, launch themselves skyward, which is also oozeward, linking arms for a triple-fabulous synchronised Alphabetical Assault through the medium of synchronised contortionist acts to form the letters with their bodies! Skipping B, of course. The entire thing is absolutely loaded with the power of Not Bees.

The Utterdark Devourer, poised for a final, lethal strike, acts, tearing into the Queen's form with dreadful void-black energry.

At this point, hopefully, it's just a case of mop-up. If the Queen's still alive, the overwhelming press of oozes will see to it that they see her off. If she isn't, they'll present the Doctor with the spoils of battle.
Santooth — Today at 18:40
A through Z, but never B! Letters, amplified by chaos magic and the inherent, weird charm of the Doctor, rain down on the harried boss which just very barely weathers them. The Utterdark Devourer tears its way through the Queen's form and emerges from her mouth with the tatters of her spirit in tow. She collapses in a bloody heap, her crown floats across the tide of oozes. It comes to rest at the feet of the Doctor, covered with slime, blood, sweat, ichor, and the undeniable sheen of victory.

Congratulations! The walls of this hated BEE-DUNGEON go dark and grey as the life that animated them leaves this place.
Doctor MIRACLES gets the following:
100x the XP of a level 68 enemy

~*Starlit Matriarch's Crown- (Accessory, Crown, Light & Aether, 325,000,000 Gold) Wielder gains 30% Light resistance, 30% Aether resistance, 30% Astral Being resistance, and 100% Poison resistance, Wielder gets +100 to all stats and 10,000 to HP/MP for each living summon under their control on their side of battle, to a max of (10 * possessor's level up to level 95), possessor may combine 100 summons with the same name into new summons called "Unit of <summon name>" which have a combined HP total equal to that of the original summons, possess the Unit ability, have 100 thresholds, get (current thresholds/25) actions to a minimum of 1, and possess otherwise identical stats to the base summon, with each of these units counting as 5 summons for purposes of summon slots but 100 summons for purposes of bonuses from this item, wielder may sometimes combine dissimilar summons in this way in RP threads, wielder may spend an action to give up to 10 such units an additional action up to once per round as an effect that does not stack with other action-granting effects and cannot be used to grant additional actions

and the award "Killed the boss Zzzi, Starlight Hornet Queen on Noix"
Caelzeph — Today at 18:48
The Doctor cleans the crown up through the power of FUNK (and also alchemy. It's a practical school of magic!) and immediately swaps out his Cloak of WONDERMENT and CAW for it in order to take full advantage of the colossal mass of ooze-summons he has in play, marshalling them into units and formations that take up less space.
Santooth — Today at 18:49
What's he doing from here? He gets the feeling he can probably make it back to nexus pretty easily at the moment to rest and recharge, or ignore his wounds and press onward for further adventure
The whole giant mess of oozes you had before fit neatly into five units
Caelzeph — Today at 18:51
It was a pretty intense fight, and he's gained some shiny rewards, so he'll head back to Nexus for now. (Not least because I also need to head off for bed)
Santooth — Today at 18:52
Right. With that, Doctor Miracles takes the next doorway with a warm feeling in his gut and ends up in the Nexus Tavern.
And out of this thread
Caelzeph — Today at 18:52
Thanks for running that, Wriggle. I very much enjoyed it!
Santooth — Today at 18:53
Likewise! This was a fun quest to get back into things with. Please do feel free to launch another one if you feel like it some time.
Caelzeph — Today at 18:53
I likely will
Santooth — Today at 18:53
I didn't really expect this to turn into a dungeon crawl, but am pleased that it did. I think it worked out well.
Caelzeph — Today at 18:54
Probably with the Doctor again to see where else he can go. Maybe less dungeon-y next time.
Santooth — Today at 18:54
I've also got a pretty solid handle on the Doctor's capabilities now and could run future combat-based things with him pretty easily
Caelzeph — Today at 18:54
Before he leaves
He'll give the combo another go, as he's no longer Not Bees
Santooth — Today at 18:55
Ah, sure. What are you throwing in?
Caelzeph — Today at 18:56
Especially as that fight has shown he needs more offensive alchemy.
Santooth — Today at 18:56
If you are going to be up for another 30 minutes, let me stat the non-armor items you got. Most of them are pretty easy.
I should be able to get most of them done in 5 or so minutes, then you can post the combo
Caelzeph — Today at 18:57
Genius of Poisons-combo'd star jelly, a few stingers, maybe wings if his Alchemical skills seem to suggest it'd be a good idea, and assorted bits pulled off the Queen. He's not Lili or a necromancer, but that's a hefty pile of interesting material right there that's otherwise just going to go to waste!
Santooth — Today at 18:58
I'll get you totals in a minute here
Caelzeph — Today at 18:58
Santooth — Today at 19:04
65 Lunar Diamond- (Item, Material, Moon, 36,000,000 Gold)
11 Primal Moon Diamond- (Item, Material, Beast & Earth, 36,000,000 Gold)
1 Moonacles Diamond- (Item, Material, Tacky & Azoth & Moon, 44,000,020 Gold)
5 Waning Moon Diamond- (Item, Material, Moon & Void, 18,000,000 Gold)
3 Molten Moon Diamond- (Item, Material, Moon & Fire, 36,000,000 Gold)
22 Starlit Diamond- (Item, Material, Light & Aether & Astral, 64,000,000 Gold)
4 Astral Diamond- (Item, Material, Astral, 64,000,000 Gold)
1 Blue Moon Diamond- (Item, Material, Fate & Devastation & Fortune & Moon, 360,000,000 Gold)
How many bugs did you kill again?
Caelzeph — Today at 19:05
Uh, a fair amount. Let me see
Looks like 199, plus the Sentinel
Santooth — Today at 19:10
146 Mangled Insect Parts- (Antiquity, Earth, 20,000 Gold)
32 Starlight Hornet's Wings- (Antiquity, Light & Astral, 20,000,000 Gold)
11 Starlight Hornet's Stinger- (Consumable, Lethal Item, Light & Astral, 1 Charge, 30,000,000 Gold) Deals 300,000 Flat Light & Astral element damage to one target with a 120% chance of inflicting Poison
10 Starlight Jelly- (Consumable, Food, Light & Astral, 1 Charge, 60,000,000 Gold) Target is dealt 600,000 Flat Light & Astral element HP Healing and is inflicted with Invigorated

Re: DOCTOR MIRACLES Is Somewhere On Noix?

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 3:27 am
by Santooth

Doctor MIRACLES gets the following:
197x the XP of a level 64 enemy
5x the XP of a level 65 enemy
100x the XP of a level 68 enemy

Not-Beekeeper's Furious, Hellish, Insect-Bane Admixture Assault- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use 'Not-Beekeeper's Furious, Hellish, Insect-Bane Admixture Assault' in combination with an Overdrive action involving an Alchemy spell so long as no other technique is used. Said action gains +55,000 Magical Attack, deals double damage to Insects as an effect that does not stack with other damage-doubling effects aside from those that ordinarially come with an Overdrive, and applies a non-stacking debuff to Insects no more than 10 levels above possessor that causes them to have a 25% chance of skipping their actions

~*Starlit Matriarch's Crown- (Accessory, Crown, Light & Aether, 325,000,000 Gold) Wielder gains 30% Light resistance, 30% Aether resistance, 30% Astral Being resistance, and 100% Poison resistance, Wielder gets +100 to all stats and 10,000 to HP/MP for each living summon under their control on their side of battle, to a max of (10 * possessor's level up to level 95), possessor may combine 100 summons with the same name into new summons called "Unit of <summon name>" which have a combined HP total equal to that of the original summons, possess the Unit ability, have 100 thresholds, get (current thresholds/25) actions to a minimum of 1, and possess otherwise identical stats to the base summon, with each of these units counting as 5 summons for purposes of summon slots but 100 summons for purposes of bonuses from this item, wielder may sometimes combine dissimilar summons in this way in RP threads, wielder may spend an action to give up to 10 such units an additional action up to once per round as an effect that does not stack with other action-granting effects and cannot be used by the recipients to grant additional actions

and the award "Killed the boss Zzzi, Starlight Hornet Queen on Noix"

(To gad: Feel free to make any of the the antiquities not-modrun if you feel like it. The <X> Moon diamonds are to a point connected to various Noixian moons, but some of the others are more generalized)

~65 Lunar Diamond- (Item, Material, Moon, 36,000,000 Gold)
~11 Primal Moon Diamond- (Item, Material, Beast & Earth & Moon, 36,000,000 Gold)
~1 Moonacles Diamond- (Item, Material, Tacky & Azoth & Moon, 44,000,020 Gold)
~5 Waning Moon Diamond- (Item, Material, Moon & Void, 18,000,000 Gold)
~3 Molten Moon Diamond- (Item, Material, Moon & Fire, 36,000,000 Gold)
~22 Starlit Diamond- (Item, Material, Light & Aether & Astral, 64,000,000 Gold)
~4 Astral Diamond- (Item, Material, Astral, 64,000,000 Gold)
~1 Blue Moon Diamond- (Item, Material, Fate & Devastation & Fortune & Moon, 360,000,000 Gold)

~146 Mangled Insect Parts- (Antiquity, Earth, 20,000 Gold)
~32 Starlight Hornet's Wings- (Antiquity, Light & Astral, 20,000,000 Gold)
~11 Starlight Hornet's Stinger- (Consumable, Lethal Item, Light & Astral, 1 Charge, 30,000,000 Gold) Deals 300,000 Flat Light & Astral element damage to one target with a 120% chance of inflicting Poison
~10 Starlight Jelly- (Consumable, Food, Light & Astral, 1 Charge, 60,000,000 Gold) Target is dealt 600,000 Flat Light & Astral element HP Healing and is inflicted with Invigorated

~Starlit Sentinal's Grandplate- (Armor, Grand Armor, Aether & Warding, 320,000,000 Gold) +640,000 Defense, +640,000 CON, +6,400,000 HP as a non-stacking effect, 320% Resilience, 30% Base Element Resistance, 80% Physical Resistance, Wielder may only act once a round, wielder may only act on odd rounds, If wielder does not possess the ability 'Adept Grand Armor Attunement' then they must elect to pass their turn and perform no actions every other time they would otherwise be able to act, Wearer must be Level 60 or greater

(So, an individual with Adept Grand Armor Attunement would be able to act once every other round and a wielder without that would act every fourth round)

~Starlight Hornet's Stinger- (Consumable, Lethal Item, Light & Astral, 1 Charge, 30,000,000 Gold) Deals 300,000 Flat Light & Astral element damage to one target with a 120% chance of inflicting Poison
~Starlight Hornet's Wings- (Antiquity, Light & Astral, 20,000,000 Gold)
~Mangled Insect Parts- (Antiquity, Earth, 20,000 Gold)
~Starlight Jelly- (Consumable, Food, Light & Astral, 1 Charge, 60,000,000 Gold) Target is dealt 600,000 Flat Light & Astral element HP Healing and is inflicted with Invigorated

~Starlit Queen's Stinger- (Antiquity, Light & Aether, 310,000,000 Gold)

Solar Alchemical Bomb + Starlit Queen's Stinger + 6 Starlit Diamond + 6 Starlight Venom = Greater Starlight Venom Bomb (Adept Alchemy Attunement)

~Greater Starlight Venom Bomb- (Spell, Alchemy, Light & Astral, 320,000 MP, 320,000,000 Gold) +320,000 Magical Attack, 150% inflicts Poison, 100% inflicts Poison: Star Stung, instances of Poison (and it's sub-status effects) inflicted by this attack treat their targets as if they had 100% lower poison and minor status effect resistance, 1 hit against 200, Caster must be Level 40 or greater

Poison: Star Stung (Possessor's HP suffers a reduction equal to 3% of possessor's Max HP at the start of each round, with this effect not being a source of damage. Defense against Poison and Defense against status effects do not reduce this loss of HP, but defenses and resistances against Void damage do)

*Summon Nightmare-Spawned Utterdark Devourer- (Spell, Summoner Magic, Darkness & Void, 4,000,000 MP or 8,000,000 HP, 181,000,000 Gold) Caster summons *Nightmare-Spawned Utterdark Devourer, Max 1 summoned per battle, this spell has a 50 round cooldown that is tracked between battles in random quests, boss rushes, and other such events where multiple battles happen back to back

*Nightmare-Spawned Utterdark Devourer- (Summon, Ooze, Darkness & Void, Level 54, 181,000,000 Gold)
HP- 4,499,000
MP- 4,100,000
STR- 42,000
DEX- 43,500
CON- 46,000
MIN- 44,000
SPI- 47,500
XP Needed- 23,280,000 (Standard Multiplier x3)
Minimum Level- 54
Defense- 15,500
Defense against Stat Damage- 5,720
Critical Chance- 53%
Resilience- 32%
To Hit- 158%
Dodge- 43%
Resistances and Immunities- Absorbs Darkness, Darkness Immunity, Light Immunity, 50% Glory Resistance, 20% Astral Resistance, 50% Light weakness, 50% Good weakness, 108% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 54% Moderate Status Effect Resistance, 5% Major Status Effect Resistance, Voidstruck Immunity, 15% Vanished Resistance
Prime Attribute- Constitution or Spirit
Constant Effects-
Omnicidal Nightmare Creature- Possessor may choose to count as the subtype Umbral when beneficial, Possessor inflicts Confusion: Fear on entities scanning its stats as an immunity-piercing effect, possessor automatically becomes uncontrolled and prioritizes attacking the summoner if summoned or taken control of as a summon by an individual without the constant effect 'Omnicidal Nightmare Creature' (with it reverting to the control of the individual it was previously under after killing the target who summoned it or took control of it as a summon, as appropriate), possessor automatically becomes uncontrolled and prioritizes attacking the one who charmed or dominated it if charmed or dominated by an individual without the constant effect 'Omnicidal Nightmare Creature' (with it reverting to the control of the individual it was previously under after killing the target who charmed or dominated it, as appropriate), Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats for each individual with the constant effect 'Omnicidal Nightmare Creature' on their side, sometimes goes out of control and attacks allies if any who do not possess the constant effect Omnicidal Nightmare Creature are present on their side in RP effects, Constant Effect
Offensive Focus- +54% Critical, Possessor deals an additional 91,000 damage on all damage-dealing attacks, possessor deals double damage to individuals of lower level than themselves, Constant Effect
Offensive Hyper-focus- +108% Critical, Possessor deals an additional 182,000 damage on all damage-dealing attacks, possessor deals 10x damage to individuals at least ten levels lower than themselves, Constant Effect
Star-Eater- Possessor deals double damage against Astral Beings not more than 10 levels above possessor and below level 80, Constant Effect
Soul-Swallower- Individuals killed by possessor cannot be resurrected by individuals without the constant effect Soul-Swallower who are below level 74 while possessor is alive, Damage dealt by possessor cannot be healed by individuals less than 10 levels above possessor without the constant effect Soul-Swallower while possessor is alive, possessor regenerates (1,000 * level level of the individual) MP whenever dealing the killing blow to a target, Constant Effect
An Echo of Something Darker- Possessor gains +45,000 to all stats, Possessor gains +40% critical, +40% to-hit, +40% Resilience, and +40% Dodge, Possessor gains Immunity to individuals below level 40, Possessor may count instances of Darkness in its actions and stats as a T2 nonstandard element called Utterdark, Possessor is inflicted with Insanity at the start of every round if it does not possess the Constant Effect 'Omnicidal Nightmare Creature', Constant Effect
Spawned from The Doctor- Possessor treats individuals with the name 'Dr. Maximilian Excelsior, aka DOCTOR MIRACLES' and either the subtype Ooze or the element Not Bees as possessing the constant effect 'Omnicidal Nightmare Creature', has RP effects, Constant Effect
Maim- 90,000 Damage, this attack has a 50% chance of disabling a chosen slot on targets possessing slots as a debuff effect that cannot be removed by individuals more than 5 levels lower than user, May inflict Impaired: Blind, Wounded, Wounded: Maimed, Voidstruck, or Dissolving, Darkness & Physical or Darkness & Acid, 0 MP
Consume- 40,000 Damage, 80,000 MP damage, destroys the corpses of individuals who are Dead at the end of this attack, may target the HP and MP totals of Dead individuals so long as they have a corpse present, Darkness & Physical & Psychic, 0 MP
Hail of Inky Darts- 25,000 Damage, 1 hit against 500 or 3 hits against 1, Darkness, 65,000 MP
Consume Starlight- Any number of target individuals lose all Light Element and Astral-element buffs, with user healing 100,000 HP and 100,000 MP for each such buff removed, removes all buffs from Light Element and Astral Element individuals, May destroy any number of zones of Light or zones of Astral, Darkness & Void, 500,000 MP
Consume Hope- Any number of target individuals lose all Hope-element buffs, with user healing 100,000 HP and 100,000 MP for each such buff removed, removes all buffs from Hope-element individuals, May destroy any number of zones of Hope, Darkness & Void, 750,000 MP
Slip Between the Cracks in the World- User moves to another battlespace present in the same battle, so long as no individual more than 20 levels above them objects, Void, 25,000 MP
Flensing Body Invasion- User converts itself into a debuff that lowers the target's stats by 5% at the start of each round and deals its possessor 200,000 flat Void and Darkness element damage, with user re-entering battle in the state it was when it left if this debuff is removed, Darkness & Agony, 410,000 MP
Crossing the Threshold: Baptism of Torment- Kills individuals not more than 10 levels above user who are at less than 10% HP at the start of this attack, may inflict 1 hit against 50 if exclusively targeting individuals below user's level, non-unique, non-boss individuals killed by this attack may have a copy of themselves summoned on user's side with a 20% reduction in their stats as an unremovable debuff and a copy of the effect 'Omnicidal Nightmare Creature', 410,000 MP
Soul Detonation- User may kill any number of controlled summons on their side with the constant effect 'Omnicidal Nightmare Creature' which user has previously summoned or taken control of to deal flat Darkness element damage equal to the HP of summons killed by this effect divided as they choose among any number of targets, Darkness, 1,030,000 MP

Re: DOCTOR MIRACLES Is Somewhere On Noix?

Posted: Tue May 04, 2021 8:58 pm
by Aeromage
Additional notes:
The Doctor spent 14,575,000 XP on stabilising and evolving the ooze in the first place. With the XP he gained from the quest put towards this total, he loses 7,991,775 from his stockpile altogether.

Clarification on the crown's intent, plus some RP-powers:
02:50] Caelzeph: Incidentally, is the '(10 * possessor's level up to level 95)' bit regarding stacks of the bonus, or a flat cap for the bonuses themselves?
[02:51] Caelzeph: As that's the difference between having a maximum of +590 to all stats (and HP/MP) and... considerably more
[02:51] Santooth: Stacks of the bonus. It probably needs wording tweaks
[02:51] Santooth: With 590 summons out, it'd provide you with +59,000 to all stats and +5,900,000 HP/MP

02:55] Santooth: The thing has some other various RP powers, but nothing too notable
[02:55] Santooth: One kind of oddball one is it lets you fly between stars
[02:55] Santooth: ...Not sure you want to try that with the Doctor, haha
[02:55] Santooth: That sounds dangerous
[02:58] Caelzeph: I mean
[02:58] Caelzeph: In Not Bees form he could technically be considered a spaceship
[02:58] Santooth: He could!
[02:59] Santooth: The crown lets you go at interstellar-travel-appropriate speeds in space
[02:59] Caelzeph: Oho
[02:59] Santooth: Lets you carry tens of thousands of troops with you too
[02:59] Santooth: While doing that flight
[02:59] Caelzeph: This he becomes ever-weirder
[03:00] Caelzeph: Ooze Dropship Miracles
[03:00] Santooth: Not as passangers or anything, just kinda floating next to you

Re: DOCTOR MIRACLES Is Somewhere On Noix?

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:00 pm
by Aeromage


Not-Beekeeper's Furious, Hellish, Insect-Bane Admixture Assault- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use 'Not-Beekeeper's Furious, Hellish, Insect-Bane Admixture Assault' in combination with an Overdrive action involving an Alchemy spell so long as no other technique is used. Said action gains +55,000 Magical Attack, deals double damage to Insects as an effect that does not stack with other damage-doubling effects aside from those that ordinarially come with an Overdrive, and applies a non-stacking debuff to Insects no more than 10 levels above possessor that causes them to have a 25% chance of skipping their actions

~*Starlit Matriarch's Crown- (Accessory, Crown, Light & Aether, 325,000,000 Gold) Wielder gains 30% Light resistance, 30% Aether resistance, 30% Astral Being resistance, and 100% Poison resistance, Wielder gets +100 to all stats and 10,000 to HP/MP for each living summon under their control on their side of battle, to a max of (10 * possessor's level up to level 95), possessor may combine 100 summons with the same name into new summons called "Unit of <summon name>" which have a combined HP total equal to that of the original summons, possess the Unit ability, have 100 thresholds, get (current thresholds/25) actions to a minimum of 1, and possess otherwise identical stats to the base summon, with each of these units counting as 5 summons for purposes of summon slots but 100 summons for purposes of bonuses from this item, wielder may sometimes combine dissimilar summons in this way in RP threads, wielder may spend an action to give up to 10 such units an additional action up to once per round as an effect that does not stack with other action-granting effects and cannot be used by the recipients to grant additional actions
[02:50] Caelzeph: Incidentally, is the '(10 * possessor's level up to level 95)' bit regarding stacks of the bonus, or a flat cap for the bonuses themselves?
[02:51] Caelzeph: As that's the difference between having a maximum of +590 to all stats (and HP/MP) and... considerably more
[02:51] Santooth: Stacks of the bonus. It probably needs wording tweaks
[02:51] Santooth: With 590 summons out, it'd provide you with +59,000 to all stats and +5,900,000 HP/MP

02:55] Santooth: The thing has some other various RP powers, but nothing too notable
[02:55] Santooth: One kind of oddball one is it lets you fly between stars
[02:55] Santooth: ...Not sure you want to try that with the Doctor, haha
[02:55] Santooth: That sounds dangerous
[02:58] Caelzeph: I mean
[02:58] Caelzeph: In Not Bees form he could technically be considered a spaceship
[02:58] Santooth: He could!
[02:59] Santooth: The crown lets you go at interstellar-travel-appropriate speeds in space
[02:59] Caelzeph: Oho
[02:59] Santooth: Lets you carry tens of thousands of troops with you too
[02:59] Santooth: While doing that flight
[02:59] Caelzeph: This he becomes ever-weirder
[03:00] Caelzeph: Ooze Dropship Miracles
[03:00] Santooth: Not as passangers or anything, just kinda floating next to you

~Starlit Sentinal's Grandplate- (Armor, Grand Armor, Aether & Warding, 320,000,000 Gold) +640,000 Defense, +640,000 CON, +6,400,000 HP as a non-stacking effect, 320% Resilience, 30% Base Element Resistance, 80% Physical Resistance, Wielder may only act once a round, wielder may only act on odd rounds, If wielder does not possess the ability 'Adept Grand Armor Attunement' then they must elect to pass their turn and perform no actions every other time they would otherwise be able to act, Wearer must be Level 60 or greater
Wriggle Nightsparrow wrote:(So, an individual with Adept Grand Armor Attunement would be able to act once every other round and a wielder without that would act every fourth round)
Wriggle Nightsparrow wrote:(To gad: Feel free to make any of the the antiquities not-modrun if you feel like it. The <X> Moon diamonds are to a point connected to various Noixian moons, but some of the others are more generalized)
4 ~Astral Diamond- (Item, Material, Astral, 64,000,000 Gold)
~1 Blue Moon Diamond- (Item, Material, Fate & Devastation & Fortune & Moon, 360,000,000 Gold)
65 ~Lunar Diamond- (Item, Material, Moon, 36,000,000 Gold)
11 ~Primal Moon Diamond- (Item, Material, Beast & Earth & Moon, 36,000,000 Gold)
3 ~Molten Moon Diamond- (Item, Material, Moon & Fire, 36,000,000 Gold)
1 ~Moonacles Diamond- (Item, Material, Tacky & Azoth & Moon, 44,000,020 Gold)
16 ~Starlit Diamond- (Item, Material, Light & Aether & Astral, 64,000,000 Gold)
5 ~Waning Moon Diamond- (Item, Material, Moon & Void, 18,000,000 Gold)

146 ~Mangled Insect Parts- (Antiquity, Earth, 20,000 Gold)
32 ~Starlight Hornet's Wings- (Antiquity, Light & Astral, 20,000,000 Gold)

11 ~Starlight Hornet's Stinger- (Consumable, Lethal Item, Light & Astral, 1 Charge, 30,000,000 Gold) Deals 300,000 Flat Light & Astral element damage to one target with a 120% chance of inflicting Poison
4 ~Starlight Jelly- (Consumable, Food, Light & Astral, 1 Charge, 60,000,000 Gold) Target is dealt 600,000 Flat Light & Astral element HP Healing and is inflicted with Invigorated
Wriggle Nightsparrow wrote:Solar Alchemical Bomb + Starlit Queen's Stinger + 6 Starlit Diamond + 6 Starlight Venom = Greater Starlight Venom Bomb (Adept Alchemy Attunement)
~Greater Starlight Venom Bomb- (Spell, Alchemy, Light & Astral, 320,000 MP, 320,000,000 Gold) +320,000 Magical Attack, 150% inflicts Poison, 100% inflicts Poison: Star Stung, instances of Poison (and it's sub-status effects) inflicted by this attack treat their targets as if they had 100% lower poison and minor status effect resistance, 1 hit against 200, Caster must be Level 40 or greater

Poison: Star Stung (Possessor's HP suffers a reduction equal to 3% of possessor's Max HP at the start of each round, with this effect not being a source of damage. Defense against Poison and Defense against status effects do not reduce this loss of HP, but defenses and resistances against Void damage do)

*Summon Nightmare-Spawned Utterdark Devourer- (Spell, Summoner Magic, Darkness & Void, 4,000,000 MP or 8,000,000 HP, 181,000,000 Gold) Caster summons *Nightmare-Spawned Utterdark Devourer, Max 1 summoned per battle, this spell has a 50 round cooldown that is tracked between battles in random quests, boss rushes, and other such events where multiple battles happen back to back
*Nightmare-Spawned Utterdark Devourer- (Summon, Ooze, Darkness & Void, Level 54, 181,000,000 Gold)
HP- 4,499,000
MP- 4,100,000
STR- 42,000
DEX- 43,500
CON- 46,000
MIN- 44,000
SPI- 47,500
XP Needed- 23,280,000 (Standard Multiplier x3)
Minimum Level- 54
Defense- 15,500
Defense against Stat Damage- 5,720
Critical Chance- 53%
Resilience- 32%
To Hit- 158%
Dodge- 43%
Resistances and Immunities- Absorbs Darkness, Darkness Immunity, Light Immunity, 50% Glory Resistance, 20% Astral Resistance, 50% Light weakness, 50% Good weakness, 108% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 54% Moderate Status Effect Resistance, 5% Major Status Effect Resistance, Voidstruck Immunity, 15% Vanished Resistance
Prime Attribute- Constitution or Spirit
Constant Effects-
Omnicidal Nightmare Creature- Possessor may choose to count as the subtype Umbral when beneficial, Possessor inflicts Confusion: Fear on entities scanning its stats as an immunity-piercing effect, possessor automatically becomes uncontrolled and prioritizes attacking the summoner if summoned or taken control of as a summon by an individual without the constant effect 'Omnicidal Nightmare Creature' (with it reverting to the control of the individual it was previously under after killing the target who summoned it or took control of it as a summon, as appropriate), possessor automatically becomes uncontrolled and prioritizes attacking the one who charmed or dominated it if charmed or dominated by an individual without the constant effect 'Omnicidal Nightmare Creature' (with it reverting to the control of the individual it was previously under after killing the target who charmed or dominated it, as appropriate), Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats for each individual with the constant effect 'Omnicidal Nightmare Creature' on their side, sometimes goes out of control and attacks allies if any who do not possess the constant effect Omnicidal Nightmare Creature are present on their side in RP effects, Constant Effect
Offensive Focus- +54% Critical, Possessor deals an additional 91,000 damage on all damage-dealing attacks, possessor deals double damage to individuals of lower level than themselves, Constant Effect
Offensive Hyper-focus- +108% Critical, Possessor deals an additional 182,000 damage on all damage-dealing attacks, possessor deals 10x damage to individuals at least ten levels lower than themselves, Constant Effect
Star-Eater- Possessor deals double damage against Astral Beings not more than 10 levels above possessor and below level 80, Constant Effect
Soul-Swallower- Individuals killed by possessor cannot be resurrected by individuals without the constant effect Soul-Swallower who are below level 74 while possessor is alive, Damage dealt by possessor cannot be healed by individuals less than 10 levels above possessor without the constant effect Soul-Swallower while possessor is alive, possessor regenerates (1,000 * level level of the individual) MP whenever dealing the killing blow to a target, Constant Effect
An Echo of Something Darker- Possessor gains +45,000 to all stats, Possessor gains +40% critical, +40% to-hit, +40% Resilience, and +40% Dodge, Possessor gains Immunity to individuals below level 40, Possessor may count instances of Darkness in its actions and stats as a T2 nonstandard element called Utterdark, Possessor is inflicted with Insanity at the start of every round if it does not possess the Constant Effect 'Omnicidal Nightmare Creature', Constant Effect
Spawned from The Doctor- Possessor treats individuals with the name 'Dr. Maximilian Excelsior, aka DOCTOR MIRACLES' and either the subtype Ooze or the element Not Bees as possessing the constant effect 'Omnicidal Nightmare Creature', has RP effects, Constant Effect
Maim- 90,000 Damage, this attack has a 50% chance of disabling a chosen slot on targets possessing slots as a debuff effect that cannot be removed by individuals more than 5 levels lower than user, May inflict Impaired: Blind, Wounded, Wounded: Maimed, Voidstruck, or Dissolving, Darkness & Physical or Darkness & Acid, 0 MP
Consume- 40,000 Damage, 80,000 MP damage, destroys the corpses of individuals who are Dead at the end of this attack, may target the HP and MP totals of Dead individuals so long as they have a corpse present, Darkness & Physical & Psychic, 0 MP
Hail of Inky Darts- 25,000 Damage, 1 hit against 500 or 3 hits against 1, Darkness, 65,000 MP
Consume Starlight- Any number of target individuals lose all Light Element and Astral-element buffs, with user healing 100,000 HP and 100,000 MP for each such buff removed, removes all buffs from Light Element and Astral Element individuals, May destroy any number of zones of Light or zones of Astral, Darkness & Void, 500,000 MP
Consume Hope- Any number of target individuals lose all Hope-element buffs, with user healing 100,000 HP and 100,000 MP for each such buff removed, removes all buffs from Hope-element individuals, May destroy any number of zones of Hope, Darkness & Void, 750,000 MP
Slip Between the Cracks in the World- User moves to another battlespace present in the same battle, so long as no individual more than 20 levels above them objects, Void, 25,000 MP
Flensing Body Invasion- User converts itself into a debuff that lowers the target's stats by 5% at the start of each round and deals its possessor 200,000 flat Void and Darkness element damage, with user re-entering battle in the state it was when it left if this debuff is removed, Darkness & Agony, 410,000 MP
Crossing the Threshold: Baptism of Torment- Kills individuals not more than 10 levels above user who are at less than 10% HP at the start of this attack, may inflict 1 hit against 50 if exclusively targeting individuals below user's level, non-unique, non-boss individuals killed by this attack may have a copy of themselves summoned on user's side with a 20% reduction in their stats as an unremovable debuff and a copy of the effect 'Omnicidal Nightmare Creature', 410,000 MP
Soul Detonation- User may kill any number of controlled summons on their side with the constant effect 'Omnicidal Nightmare Creature' which user has previously summoned or taken control of to deal flat Darkness element damage equal to the HP of summons killed by this effect divided as they choose among any number of targets, Darkness, 1,030,000 MP

Killed the boss Zzzi, Starlight Hornet Queen on Noix

He loses:

7,991,775 XP

Solar Alchemical Bomb

Encountered and used items wrote:~Starlit Queen's Stinger- (Antiquity, Light & Aether, 310,000,000 Gold)

Starlight Venom- (Consumable, Lethal Item, Light & Astral, 1 Charge, 60,000,000 Gold) Target is dealt 600,000 Flat Light & Astral element Damage and has a 200% chance of being inflicted with Poison
Other combos performed, for reference wrote:Starlight Jelly = Starlight Venom (Genius of Poisons)