Note: Some of these may be deceased/still alive, despite what is written in their descriptions. Let me know if this is the case and I'll correct it. Some may also be inaccurate due to Cordelia being economical with the truth regarding who died against what.
1111 / lIlI / Elevens (Daemon, Level 79 Artificial BA Member)
Reference Link
"What looks like a poorly-constructed copy of Lili, riveted together from plastics and ceramics. It ends up looking like it stumbled directly out of the uncanny valley, though that look kind of works for a daemon."
Created by the Nihilarchitects from their study of Lili in order to create their own Arena and Arena Members. Was a member of their team for the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Made it almost to the end, where she was sacrificed to power an Overcrash in place of Lili von Mion against the Tide Key team.
Admiral Quorr (Human, Level 75)
Reference Link
Was involved in developing The Perfect Man as part of the Institute for the Refinement of Rational Civilization. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest for the Institute, and was killed there by Hugo Bekkler. Capable of deflecting attacks with a sabre, and materialising (and controlling) fleets out of aether.
Aemendyl Dessiyanter (Fae, Level 79 BA Member)
Reference Link
A member of Ord'Bhelerieth, King of the Fae's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Owes Bascaradine favours. Half-elven archer.Enjoys fighting large and dangerous monsters, seeking to help Fae kingdoms drive to more prominence. Her main goal is adventure, however. Kind. Knows some abilites that make her ranged attacks effective against large targets in large groups. Later appeared to thwart Larry the Catfish's plans in killing and looting a lower-ranking group of Arena Members (which met with what could charitably be described as a 'deferred success'). Also joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Fae Host of Queen Dendraeymuir, which did not meet with much success early on and was finished off by the Unoriginal Gangster the team had to fight. As of the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest, she has the Overcrash 'Crisis Overcrash: Hyper Barrage', Expert-level skill with the ability schools of Archer, Counselor of Faerie, and Hunter; Adept-level skill in Protector, Illusionist, Warrior, Gambler and Genesis Architect; and Classname-level skill in Advisor, Architect, Assassin, Deadly Item, Dominator, Musician, Sage, Schola, Shadow Blade, Sorceress, Swordsman, Diplomat, Seer, Spy, Beastmaster, Binder, Botanist, Conjuror, Flux Baron, Keeper of the Depths, Master of Monsters, Seakeeper, Skykeeper, Viscous Lord, Dragon Lord, Alchemist, Astromancer, Bard, Diviner, Druid, Enchanter, Geomancer, Monk, Ninja, Shrine Maiden, Summoner, Thief, Veilwalker, Wanderer, Arcane Vizier, Eternal Champion, Kinetic Emperor, Mountain King, Ocean Prince, Snow Queen, Wind Duke, Aetheric Voyager, Wild One, Unreality Coordinator, Captain, Rider, Wildshaper, Chef, Clothier, Crafter, Magewright, Merchant and Smith.
Aikhra Morvauhl (Arch-Daemon & Tyrant-Shard & Arch-Voidstalker & Elemental Lord, Level 79 BA Member)
Reference Link
Her primary classes are Reaper, Shadow Blade, Swordsman, Combatant, Scholar, Slayer, Lawbringer, Controller, Operative, Assassin, Dominator, Puppeteer, Reality Auditor, Spy, Protector, Priest, Rune Mage, Artificer, Enchanter, Diviner, Warrior, Monk, Wanderer, Channeler, Geomancer, Scientist, Technomancer, Umbramancer, Necromancer, Healer, Mentalist, Wizard, Veilwalker, Ninja, Kensei, Puppet Master, Tyranny's Instrument, Deathless One, Roboticist, Evermason, Mechanist, Weirdworker, Conjurer, Shadow Duke, Nullifier, Existence Eater, Ebon Chancellor, Aetheric Voyager, Heir of Dust, Ruin Bringer, High Judge, Wonderworker, Mind Lord, Geistly Legate, Temporal Primarch, Destiny Weaver, Gambler, Esoteric Wiseman, Living Legend, Genesis Architect, Unbound Guru, Elemental Researcher, Engineer, Crafter, Jeweler, and Clothier. Her Patron Deity is the Fulsome Industry Pantheon, most notably including Mausmangarde and Full-Rullsoth. She has the artifact 'Reaperglass Implements', the artifact 'Fulsome Masterplan', and the artifact 'Anathema Crown'. She has the overcrash 'Absolute Deathblow' and the overcrash 'Entropic Sunrise'. She is a Deity. She has won the Megaquest 'Blinding the Father's Eye'. Her list of accomplishments is long, basically entirely jam-packed with success, and not something fully viewable at the moment. A random award she possesses is 'Slapped a Possessed Monkey'. Has 605 Fame. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii quest on the Fulsome Industry's side.
Ajir Ekeriajj (Human, Undefined)
Reference Link
"A young boy with white noble clothes, a turban, a cape, and three multicolored squirrel-cat-things perched on his shoulders and head."
One of the residents of Disc 355 who took it upon themselves to challenge incomers from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest to ensure the safety of their disc, either through combat or by challenging them to craft the most desirable goods to be bid on by merchants.
AKDOS (Meta-Entity, Undefined)
Reference Link
A Meta-Entity, whose existence can redefine the laws of reality around itself. It governs magic and conjuration. It amplifies magic, eidolons, and summons while reducing the stats of non-summoned individuals. May currently be sealed away. Generally grouped with VELTAR and GURADAMA, power-and-relationship-wise. Relatively easy to channel for a Meta Entity (compared to most other Meta Entities, given that channeling any of their kind at all is a very tall order).
Aliquastrideyn (Elemental & Magic Being, Level 83)
Reference Link
"A woman made out of white fire"
Employee of the Nexus Department of Tourism. Apparently used to dealing with traumatised people who appeared in Nexus through sudden and inadvertant means. Capable of flight. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Nexus Administrative Bureau, where she was unfortunately subverted and controlled by Forcystus as a result. Killed by That Bird of the Imperial Homeworld War Expeditionary team.
Amendarius Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
Entity linked to the potent divination-relic Amendarius' Left Eye, which could count as having Amendarius scan rather than its current wielder.
Arch-Archivist Cassadataya (Human, Level 85)
Reference Link
"A squat woman with one lapis eye and one moss-agate eye, brown skin, and white hair wearing garb made from the furred hide of the Shuut-Beast and carrying a staff of curling silver."
High-ranking member of the Cataloguers of Infinity. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as a member of the (Forcystus-controlled) Cataloguers of Infinity team. Was killed by the Lion of Unbreached Veils.
Arch-Archivist Erumunn (Human, Level 95)
Reference Link
"A dark-skinned man with a beard of iron, mercury eyes, a halo of books, a tall hat with an eye-and-book symbol upon its front, and blue-and-gold robes."
High-ranking member of the Cataloguers of Infinity. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as a member of the (Forcystus-controlled) Cataloguers of Infinity team. Was killed by the Lion of Unbreached Veils.
Arch-Archivist Eurixylvond (Magic Being, Level 93)
Reference Link
"A vaguely-female, somewhat-humanoid shape of internally-illuminated jellyfish-like goo with six seeing-mouths ringing its umbrella-like head and a tome with embossed-platinum covers in one of its forked tendril-hands."
High-ranking member of the Cataloguers of Infinity. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as a member of the (Forcystus-controlled) Cataloguers of Infinity team. Was killed by the Lion of Unbreached Veils.
Arch-Archivist Hinkelruud (Monster, Level 82)
Reference Link
"A tall man with the head of an owl, a muscular, feathered body, and a lower half similar to a serpent, only made of quiet fire."
High-ranking member of the Cataloguers of Infinity. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as a member of the (Forcystus-controlled) Cataloguers of Infinity team. Was killed by the Lion of Unbreached Veils.
Archbishop Larchman (Sagzlarr Venomvoice) (Serpent Blessed, Level 80)
Reference Link
Wanted dead by the Nexus Bureau of Administration for colluding with Valcont, attempting to remove a Disc from Nexus and 'Numerous Other Things'. Was gathering a cult with the aim to pull Disc 516,701 out of Nexus. Previously Acolyte Larchman (at Level 20), he rose through the ranks and eventually joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as part of the Valcont-faction Society of the Viper.
Arquel Losh (Elemental Lord & Planetary, Level 85)
Reference Link
A 'member' of the Sanctum of the Tide Key, and took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on their side. Was actually the incarnate avatar of the Rising Tide (and thus the Tide Key itself), and held enormous and ever-increasing power. Held power over Primordium, Progress, Divine and Infinity. His weakness was the Tide Keys anchoring his form (and identity) and providing him a conduit to reality itself- through a combination of the efforts of the Nihilarchitects team, the keys were all stolen by Lili and Contessa Negalux and destroyed by Tjormod the Arcane, who promptly sent the destabilising Losh to the Nihilarchitects for disassembly. May have had an invincibility combo whose only weakness was Mechs.
Artalia of the Fairies (Fae, Level 83)
Reference Link
She is an agitator for increased Fae presence across the universe. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Fae Host of Queen Dendraeymuir. Killed by the Unoriginal Gangster the team had to fight.
Asha-Thuthathaa, Goddess of Knowledge (Planetary, Level 93)
Reference Link
"A tall, slender figure with parchment flesh, a dress of swirling color, and a long braid of 'hair' made of floating books."
High-ranking member of the Cataloguers of Infinity. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as a member of the (Forcystus-controlled) Cataloguers of Infinity team. Was killed by the Lion of Unbreached Veils.
Arskol Ekosh, Devourer-King of the Black Wood Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
One of the twelve devil-kings of Disc 66, killed through combat with the Heaven Architects Team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as they fought to lay claim to one of the keys they needed to proceed, incidentally slaying the foul rulers of the place and laying claim to their Numerals. Held the Numeral I.
Assistant Director Bill Frostmore (Human, Level 85)
Reference Link
"An older man in a gray suit with a blue tie, gray hair, and green eyes."
Wayne L. Baxler's boss at Bascaradine. Took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Bascaradine's side.
Assistant Director Stephen Nevin (Human, Level 83)
Reference Link
"A man in a black suit with a red tie, short, clean-cut brown hair, and blue eyes."
Works with Bill Frostmore as a Bascaradine employee. Took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Bascaradine's side.
Astratha, Goddess of Heroes (Planetary, Level 85)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Council of Ten Thousand Gods' side. Killed by Archbishop Larchman, aka Sagzlarr Venomvoice of the Society of the Viper team.
Azure Nova (Human, Level 80)
Reference Link
A notable superhero. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Hero Force. Killed by the Unoriginal Gangster facing the faction.
Ballero Kazastrahn (Human, Level 79)
Reference Link
"A wizard with a halo of eyeballs around his head and a staff made from shifting plasma-like slime"
Capable of bilocation. Was in charge of assigning individuals to cleanup squads tackling Serpent Blessed around Nexus during the Princess of Suns Incident. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Nexus Administrative Bureau, where he was unfortunately subverted and controlled by Forcystus as a result. Killed by That Bird of the Imperial Homeworld War Expeditionary team.
Baron Hadroshh (Serpent Blessed, Level 80)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as part of the Valcont-faction Society of the Viper. Killed by Dent Deadwood of the Council of Ten Thousand Gods' team.
Baron Vormant (Human, Level 83)
Reference Link
"This slightly-overweight man is dressed in fine clothing and carries an array of rare trinkets and relics. His hair is black, and his eyes are green."
Involved in Arrington's puzzles and the resurrection of Sereyn. Has a lot of varied powers, including anti-disbuff abilities. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest for the Heaven Architects team.
Bear Popsicle Comics (Abstract & Horror & Conceptual, Level 80)
Reference Link
A horrid, world-destroying comic. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Error City. Killed by High Programmer Iriktia of the Pillars of Glory team.
Bengal Deathsign the Doom of Man (Undead, Level 72)
Reference Link
"A tall elder vampire, now equipped with still-ostentatous-but-actively-more-useful armor (that menaces with spikes of wyrmbone) and a vorpal blade that looks ready to dismember opponents swiftly."
An Elder Vampire and retired adventurer who, for some reason, was found in the bizarre region of Fastdefense. Possesses considerably more sentience than the average native of the area. Wished to resurrect his slain companion, Selena Bloodwind the Ungodly Lie. Managed to escape the bizarre world in which he'd spawned thanks to the Golem, and has since moved to Nexus. Presently a worshipper of Lili von Mion. Killed by Grandmaster Leele.
Berlarry (Conceptual & Horror, Variable Level)
Reference Link
One of the replacement bartenders that works the Nexus Tavern while The Bartender is away on business. Unlike Carl, Berlarry is terrible at his job, giving misleading advice that frequently points to extremely dangerous or unfriendly areas. It's been pretty definitively decided that he is, in fact, outright malicious and lives to troll others (even and especially if this would result in fatalities). No-one has yet mustered the courage to try his drinks. Might have access to Illusion and Disruption magic, many buffs and debuffs and chef-tree powers. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Error City as Level 80. Killed by Littrya Damachastle of the Pillars of Glory team.
Lady Yrralreb
"The fortuneteller is wearing a long, black wig, giant, glue-on eyelashes, and speaks in a high falsetto."
A fortuneteller who gives deliberately inaccurate predictions, misleading information and the occasional good bit of advice just to stymie those who disbelieve everything 'she' says. Suspected to be a certain bartender in drag.
Beryl Glose (Human & Voidstalker, Level 83)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Fulsome Industry's side.
Big E (Aerial, Undefined)
Reference Link
Also known as the 'President of Pain'. A massive bald eagle that That Bird attempted to summon in between rounds to fight Anathema during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Said attempt failed utterly due to Anathema possessing the powers of a Nemesauth at the time.
Bluewar Ministry Employee #1- Director Bluewar (Planetary, Level 82)
Reference Link
"A blurry man made of blue and white energy in a navy suit."
Head of the Bluewar Ministry, an organisation that declares war and destroys places for money, killing everyone in the area. Took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Bascaradine's side.
Bluewar Ministry Employee #2- The Operator (Outsider, Level 80)
Reference Link
"A many-miles tall figure with numerous heads and an even greater number of arms, garbed in divine robes and holding a telephone in many of its hands."
Member of the Bluewar Ministry. Second-in-command. Typically announces the Ministry's presence a day before they launch an assault against an area with a view to destroying everyone and everything in their path. Took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Bascaradine's side.
Bluewar Ministry Employee #3- Emperor Manta (Aquatic, Level 78)
Reference Link
"A five-mile-wide manta ray with an exquisite imperial crown on its head."
Member of the Bluewar Ministry. Took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Bascaradine's side.
Bluewar Ministry Employee #4- Doctor Coral (Aquatic, Level 75)
Reference Link
"A towering mass of coral with a glowing brain-coral at the top and phantasmal eyes floating in front of it."
Member of the Bluewar Ministry. Took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Bascaradine's side.
Bluewar Ministry Employee #5- Field Marshal Kraken (Aquatic, Level 72)
Reference Link
"A kraken with a spiked military hat, numerous weapons, and a set of medals that appear on the side of your vision when you look at it that aren't directly on its body."
Member of the Bluewar Ministry. Took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Bascaradine's side.
Brakkanor, Dark Master of Fire (Arch-Devil, Level 88)
Reference Link
A member of the Archtyrants' team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Killed by Simon Bross of the Heaven Architects team.
Captain Varradia Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
A superhero killed by Catastraphon.
Carl (Human, Level 81)
Reference Link
"He's a dark haired man in a bartender's suit. He has stubble on his face and is of average height."
One of the replacement bartenders that works the Nexus Tavern while The Bartender is away on business. While nobody could hope to approach The Bartender's level of skill and knowledge, Carl is a close second- he's knowledgeable on a wide variety of subjects and at the very least knows where to go for information on subjects he's unfamiliar with. He's also highly skilled at making drinks and always has the time and a sympathetic ear for those needing help. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Team Bekkler's side. Can Overcrash-combine with other Nexus Bartenders, pulling them into battle to do so if needs be. Killed by Ouettzer on the side of The Enemy, but resurrected by Nira afterwards.
Art Link
Catastraphon, the Energy-Lord (Elemental & Humanoid, Undefined)
Reference Link
"A humanoid figure made from red and orange light. A fire-smile flashes onto its face in lambent green."
One of the supervillains called up by Mimechiavelli to be roadblock-bosses during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Catastraphon was essentially the living expression of firey apocalypse made of barely-controlled catastrophic power, having a powerset predisposed towards escalating destruction, elemental-apocalypse-attacks, status-clearing-on-round-end, stopping ongoing effects, and having the ability to fully recover from near-death by activating a super-mode that additionally turned him into an Outsider. He absorbed any and all base elements for bonus actions, ran primarily on Super Powers (thus avoiding anti-magic effects), was able to tank almost anything apocalypse-themed and take minor damage from it, even high-end dream-based stuff or candy (which is an element he doesn't normally resist), gaining powers related to lower-tier elemental apocalypses he is subject to, was able to reflexively intuit what elements his opponents won't specifically-resist through some manner of super-intuition that isn't directly scanning, and held every base element and a bunch of nonbase ones (such as Fury, Sonic, Destruction, Devastation and, through his battle with Lili, Candy). He was also able to hijack specific types of magic (particularly Elemental Magic and Catastrophe Magic). Killed by Lili von Mion.
Champion of Axim (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
"The Golem's opponent is a massive fortress-engine, halo of cards floating around it, dwarven arcanist-architects standing ready at the battlements under direction of a man in white robes with a miter, card-staff, and axe."
The champion of Axim the Eternal set against The Shielding Golem during the Trial of the Farthest Horizon to prevent the severing of Lower from Higher Reality through the institution of the Archon System. While the Golem triumphed over him, the trial's results were later undone by Anathema.
Charles Eckermann (Human, Level 79 BA Member)
Reference Link
"He has a white top hat, a white suit, snakeskin shoes, gloves made of living shadow, a cane with a sculpture of a dead kraken on top of it, purple sunglasses that seem to be radiating eye shaped wisps of light, and a medical face-mask"
He was Level 39 during Larry the Catfish. Presently an on-again, off-again worshipper of Lili von Mion as it suits him. Took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest initially as a member of the Archtyrants' team, but flipped to his own faction with Doctor Catastrophe to hunt down Forcystus when his team's power-grabbing gambit backfired on them.
Chief Inspector Nichols (Human, Undefined)
Reference Link
Part of the Institute for the Refinement of Rational Civilization. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest for the Institute, and was killed there by William Senior. Has an extremely varied skillset, including disappearing, mass sneak-attacking, stat scanning and trying to pick apart his opponent's mana pattern for weaknesses, trying to invent and insert new weaknesses via propaganda, creating new organizations out of area mana patterns (and sending them against his opponents), owning a variety of different guns, knives, matrixes, and bombs, teleporting things into people, teleporting people into things, seizing control of areas and using their powers and properties, having all manner of major status effects available to him, and six different instant-kill moves.
Claire, Mistress of Darkness and Feather Dusters (Human, Level 75)
Reference Link
Controls darkness and feather dusters. Able to summon attack-blocking clouds of feathers. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Nexus Administrative Bureau, where she was unfortunately subverted and controlled by Forcystus as a result. Killed by Guertas of the Imperial Homeworld War Expeditionary team.
Colossus of the Dread Stars (Undefined, Level 80)
Reference Link
"A towering being made of black smoke and stone, supermassive in size. Behind it in the sky, stars organize themselves into baleful patterns."
One of three opponents set to guard the 'tripartate trial' route of the Trial of the Nemesis Mask in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Had a lot of Astral-based powers including Active Constellations that moved to fate-control attacks away from its form, using world-crushing spheres of gravity, and was capable of calling up defensive smokescreens. Killed by Anathema.
Constable-General Dorian Cort (Human, Level 71)
Reference Link
"A one-eyed man in a silver-buttoned black coat with a fancy silver sword and a black eyepatch. A police badge is clearly seen on his coat's lapel."
Officer of the law on the strange projectile-dampening Disc 14,511. Was granted access to the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest through Mimechiavelli's schemes, where he created the Cort's Commandos team. Killed during the course of the event, but resurrected by Cael during a post-Megaquest giftgiving venture afterwards.
Contessa Negalux, the Thoroughly Imaginary (Undead & Conceptual, Level 83)
"She is meant to be a vampire, but is written in a manner that indicates that those writing about her may not actually be familiar with vampires. She appears as described in the writings about her. She is potentially behind you."
One of the members of the Nihilarchitects' team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Strongly bound to the Imaginary Element of Fickle, which proved to be exceptionally powerful due to letting her choose to use multiple Overcrashes whilst avoiding the burnout, arbitrarily decide on what said Overcrashes would be, and even decide to have picked a different loot-stance than the rest of her team (and thus picked up a raft of high-tier elements, including Infinity, Triumph and Hax). Also capable of 'draining' Overcrashes from people and adding them to her own pool (which, due to her Fickle nature, does not necessarily remove them when the original owners use them or even necessarily give her the same Overcrash). Using the momentum created by Lili through the Megaquest and her impressive showing against the Tide Key team, Negalux used her fickle powers to arbitrarily infiltrate multiple battles, gain rewards from each of them, steal each of the Tide Keys and pull off a combination gambit with Tjormod to destroy them, thus removing the entire team from play and letting the decorporealising embodiment of the Tide itself get captured and sent to the Nihilarchitects for study.
Cordelia Reynes (Human, Level 26)
Reference Link
"A woman with a pink beret, blonde hair, and a pink blouse and skirt approaching you, carrying a black-and-gold rod in one hand."
A woman who attempted to give Az's team in the Princess of Suns Incident a brass bee that would (ostensibly) kill Mike's team by stinging them with fatal poison. It vanished before they could even take it, however, prompting her to run off. The sister of Doctor Illian Reynes, and weaves convoluted plots against her, including arranging the death of her husband on her wedding day in an incident involving a bull, a rocket-powered robot matador, a cliff, and a chain-smoking narwhal. Has backup that vastly outclasses her in the case of combat situations. Was nominated by Mimechiavelli to become the 'face' of the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as host and announcer, and became part of the Unoriginal Gangsters (despite being a unique entity), gaining all of their powers and experience in the process. Was actually (to everyone's surprise) the Champion of Valcont and the weilder of the Apollyon Rod, and wormed her way in to the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest to seize power and disrupt everything, including setting up the Archon System as a 'prize' to play into Valcont's hands, killing Mimechiavelli in the process. Unfortunately, despite Forcystus doing an admirable job of drawing most of the Battle Arena Members' ire, she fell afoul of Vashna, who decided to show her how Machiavellian scheming and absurd power-gambits were
really done, defeating her, stripping her of her power, and locking her away in the in-between reaches of Nexus before being banished outright by Drescher. It was later revealed that she was killed by Drescher in the process. Had an alternate Level 80 form from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest.
Counselor Sky (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
A superhero killed by Catastraphon.
Count Squeaky (Undead & Golem, Level 81)
Reference Link
"A drifting red balloon with a vampire face drawn on it."
One of the members of the Nihilarchitects' team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Had the power to turn people fictional, essentially being a reality-vampire that could suck away your realness to make himself more real (and other things fictional). Killed by Grandmaster Leele.
Creepy Oswald (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
A thoroughly disturbing individual with a tendency to romantically obsess over and stalk others, regardless of whether or not the target of his creepy affections is aware of his existence. Presently focused on Darston, for some reason. Was part of the Ordo Forcystus team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest, before defecting to the newly-created Mandate Crossworld Fleet team in order to remove the Imperial War Expeditionary team from play. A master of warding, capable of severing battles from the rest of reality and preventing others from seeing the events at play within, as well as storing the means to do so in prepared warding-circles to trigger later.
Cressidia Ironroad (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
An individual capable of withstanding the deathbringing power of MAZMURATT.
Danmaku Princess Ettalene (Humanoid, Level 78)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Cort's Commandos team. Owner of the Danmaku Princess's Bullet Rod.
Das Puzzle Deathwhale Thingie (Aquatic & Abstract, Level 86)
Reference Link
"An enormous leviathan-like whale made out of puzzle pieces. It is very colorful and very ominous."
A unique abstract monster that spawned due to the works of subversive artist Dave Burrett working a little too well in their intended purpose to make bookshops spawn Abstracts more often. Powerful enough to have the artist banned from 14 different worlds. Was brought into the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Hugo Bekkler's team. Killed by Talsyrr of The Enemy's team.
Death Meister XXV (Undefined, Level 80)
Reference Link
"A bald half-gnome with a large nose and a black suit."
A notorious supervillain pulled into the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest originally by the Mime, but then later acted as a trial boss under Drescher's direction. He's the 25th in a line of Death Meisters, and has a mix of assassin powers, teleportation, stealth, illusion, instant death, and music, lots of music. He used to be in a famous jazz band before he turned to a life of crime. His nastiest stuff is probably going to the the instant death his applies on pretty much all of his attacks. He's also got AOE debuffs that are hard to dodge and tend to be sound-based, and he can control natural (and unnatural) disasters. He reflects instant death and absorbs water, darkness, and attacks that are blue.
Dent Deadwood (Conceptual & Human & Undead, Level 85)
Reference Link
The Manifest of Dead Cowboys and Unfinished DIY Projects. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Council of Ten Thousand Gods. Killed by The Vyzranthiine Tattoo.
Devil Dragon Nyzzr'Meggoth (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
One of the members of Ordo Forcystus, brought by Forcystus into the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest to destroy and delay those who sought to stop him. Killed by Charles Eckermann and Doctor Catastrophe of the Archtyrants team.
Devil-King of Disc 66, Bearer of Numeral V (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
One of the twelve devil-kings of Disc 66, killed through combat with the Heaven Architects Team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as they fought to lay claim to one of the keys they needed to proceed, incidentally slaying the foul rulers of the place and laying claim to their Numerals. Held the Numeral V. Killed, along with the other surviving devil-kings, after The Resistance Santa combined the Heaven Architects' won Numerals into the Numeral XXV, the Holy Number of Santakind, and prevented them from overturning the vote to purify the Disc.
Devil-King of Disc 66, Bearer of Numeral VI (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
One of the twelve devil-kings of Disc 66, killed through combat with the Heaven Architects Team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as they fought to lay claim to one of the keys they needed to proceed, incidentally slaying the foul rulers of the place and laying claim to their Numerals. Held the Numeral VI. Killed, along with the other surviving devil-kings, after The Resistance Santa combined the Heaven Architects' won Numerals into the Numeral XXV, the Holy Number of Santakind, and prevented them from overturning the vote to purify the Disc.
Devil-King of Disc 66, Bearer of Numeral VIII (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
One of the twelve devil-kings of Disc 66, killed through combat with the Heaven Architects Team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as they fought to lay claim to one of the keys they needed to proceed, incidentally slaying the foul rulers of the place and laying claim to their Numerals. Held the Numeral VIII. Killed, along with the other surviving devil-kings, after The Resistance Santa combined the Heaven Architects' won Numerals into the Numeral XXV, the Holy Number of Santakind, and prevented them from overturning the vote to purify the Disc.
Devil-King of Disc 66, Bearer of Numeral XI (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
"A goat-head made of smoke with an XI above it."
One of the twelve devil-kings of Disc 66, killed through combat with the Heaven Architects Team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as they fought to lay claim to one of the keys they needed to proceed, incidentally slaying the foul rulers of the place and laying claim to their Numerals. Held the Numeral XI. Killed, along with the other surviving devil-kings, after The Resistance Santa combined the Heaven Architects' won Numerals into the Numeral XXV, the Holy Number of Santakind, and prevented them from overturning the vote to purify the Disc.
Devil of Law (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
One of the Masks of the Architect, previously held by Forcystus. Present status unknown.
Dimensional Battleship Archetype Shatterer (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
"A continent-sized dimensional battleship, a mighty vessel created to replace the Paradigm Render"
An improved, upgraded ship created by Doctor Catastrophe for his entry into the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest.
Disc 355 Resident #1 (Human, Undefined)
Reference Link
"An old man in golden armor, a fine cape, and other wealthy accessories with a sword of soul-energy"
One of the residents of Disc 355 who took it upon themselves to challenge incomers from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest to ensure the safety of their disc, either through combat or by challenging them to craft the most desirable goods to be bid on by merchants. Capable of (literally) putting his soul into what he makes, being able to turn his spirit-energy into tools to work on his projects.
Disc 355 Resident #2 (Human, Undefined)
Reference Link
"A woman in an expensive blue dress with a hat with six different feathers in it and small orbs embedded in her long fingernails"
One of the residents of Disc 355 who took it upon themselves to challenge incomers from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest to ensure the safety of their disc, either through combat or by challenging them to craft the most desirable goods to be bid on by merchants.
Disc 355 Resident #3 (Humanoid, Undefined)
Reference Link
"A non-human woman with pale-white skin, hair of shining gold, no nose, no mouth, and six phantasmal hammers floating around her"
One of the residents of Disc 355 who took it upon themselves to challenge incomers from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest to ensure the safety of their disc, either through combat or by challenging them to craft the most desirable goods to be bid on by merchants.
Disc 355 Resident #4 (Human, Undefined)
Reference Link
"An old, short, stocky man with a white beard, crimson-and-gold armor, and a massive, magmatic hammer"
One of the residents of Disc 355 who took it upon themselves to challenge incomers from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest to ensure the safety of their disc, either through combat or by challenging them to craft the most desirable goods to be bid on by merchants. The disc's master forger.
Disc 18,151 Farmer (Human, Undefined)
Reference Link
"A lone farmer in a shirt with overalls and a straw hat, nervously drinking water from a tourism bureau thermos."
Disc 18,151's 'champion' to challenge any comers during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Offered Lili the choice between either fighting him (which he strenuously objected to) or a farming scavenger hunt. Lili opted for the faster choice of killing him, but had him worship her first with the promise that she would resurrect him after the Megaquest was over.
Disc 96,396,218 (Large Structure, Level 87)
Reference Link
A literal Disc of Nexus. Somehow capable of being able to move around within Nexus, and other discs of Nexus, at that. Joined the Cort's Commandos team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Among its powers were large-scale geomancy, disc-control and self-Nexus integration.
Doc Blendy (Machine, Level 76)
Reference Link
"A six-foot-tall gold-plated blender"
Bartender of the appliances section of the Tavern. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Team Bekkler. Killed by The Perfect Man, but resurrected by Cael during a post-Megaquest giftgiving venture afterwards.
Doctor Beak (Arch-Daemon, Level 400-599)
Reference Link
One of the leaders of the New Dark Empire. A powerful evil entity who focuses mainly on plagues and diseases, as well as healing. After being called in to fight on behalf of Liliana against the Man In A Hazmat Suit (through events triggered by an extraordinarily powerful plot device), he was killed and his influence, plagues, power and entire branches of Healing were scoured from the universe. His mask was recovered by Gillingman for purposes unknown. Brought back to life by Anathema, who used the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest's Trial of Demise to restore her deity, and then, through assuming his Higher Reality form of Militant Beak, managed to keep his greater self from being lost despite Anathema's team losing the Megaquest. He has an alt-form (Militant Beak) that's in the Level 2,000-3,999 Range, but he can't normally access that. He also has a Level 80 alt-form from his post-Mana-Cannon-state.
Doctor Catastrophe (Human, Level 80 Elite)
Reference Link
"An old, bald man with goggles and a long, white lab coat with wrist-length black gloves and what appears to be a very long and complicated, yet light, gun in one hand."
One of the group trying to bring back Shalmarkion. Former member of the Omnipresent Council of Archtyrants. A mad scientist currently working on an army of war robots, an arsenal of death rays and a bomb that turns everything within a mile's radius into magma. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Archtyrants' side. He has an alt-form that's a Level 80 Mastermind (from his role as the endboss of Knot). He has another alt-form that's an Immortal in the Level 600-799 Range from back when he was working directly for Shalmarkion. Has the Glorious Overcrash: Every Weapon I Have Crafted. Has an alt-form as the purely data-entity 'Cyber-Catastrophe' (which he was forced into due to losing his main body during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest, and has since recovered from).
Doctor Ego (Human & Mindshadow, Level 85)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Error City. Killed by Littrya Damachastle of the Pillars of Glory team.
Doctor Electric (Human, Level 75)
Reference Link
He is from the same world as Evil Baker. He was a noted rival to Doctor Gopherpants, proposing electricity as being a better power source than gophers; he lost this rivalry. He also has notable issues with animal protection agencies. Entered the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Nexus Administrative Bureau, where he was unfortunately subverted and controlled by Forcystus as a result. Killed by Drescher of the Imperial Homeworld War Expeditionary team.
Doctor Elvira Tenbarbos (Human, Level 79)
Reference Link
Seeks to improve the lives of many. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Pillars of Glory. Killed by Berlarry of the Error City team.
Doctor Goliath (Human & Monster & Bio-Horror, Level 79)
Reference Link
A notable superhero. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Hero Force. Killed by the Unoriginal Gangster facing the faction.
Doctor Tremarris (Human, Level 75)
Reference Link
"Doctor Tremarris, the owner of the surly voice earlier, appears atop a disc of silver metal with four assault matrixes rotating around it. He wears a pauldron-equipped white lab coat with the IRRC logo mongrammed on its pocket; his hair is slicked back and white, and he has obvious crow's feet under his eyes. In his hands he holds a golden eye and a silver pistol."
Previous leader of the Institute for the Refinement of Rational Civilization. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest for the Institute, but was killed by the Shielding Golem. Incredibly racist against non-humans, sexist and pretty much terrible in every way. Tended to go on loud rants. Had nests of psi-defenses and auto-scan-counters that inflicted Insanity and mind-reprogramming. A psychic technologist who uses a mix of Psychic Powers and Hypertech to compliment his guns and assault matrixes. One of his most notable powers is Infinite Insurmountable Ego, which lets him flat-ignore most attacks from those he considers his lessers (which is essentially everyone).
Doctor Zero (Outsider, Level 85)
Reference Link
"A man wearing numerous robes and thick coats one over another, face covered by a gas mask covered by a festival mask, hands wearing at least one pair of huge gloves, walking on bulky boots. He speaks through an automatic voice-modulator."
One of the members of the Nihilarchitects' team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest, and their final boss-candidate. Notably skilled at working with Imaginary Elements, even for someone of his level. Can reweave mana patterns.
Don Hippopotamus (Humanoid & Animal, Level 200-399)
Reference Link
A rhino-man gangster who once ran a large portion of The One City's Western District. He flies into a blind rage if anyone implies that he is not, in fact, a hippopotamus. Was routed from the One City, his power base destroyed by the combined offensive of Kriele's forces and Salvatore.
Doom-Geezer Ebonarchus (Undead, Level 73)
Reference Link
"A bony old man in a loincloth with ashes drifting out of his empty, black eye sockets and holes where his teeth should be"
A member of variably-successful Cataloguers of Eternity team in the Knot of Trelhais Incident. Excessively frightening. Seriously, like, scary beyond all reason. Can consume people and spit out Shivering Remnants, which are wasted-away copies of the dead entity with all of their memories. Was also given a legion of undead clown-bodies by Lili during the Knot incident, temporarily gained horrifying cyborg-clown and fleshy undead-machine bodies as well. Also (however temporarily) merged with a Oneman. Lili offered him a position as her personal executioner. Managed to reach the central ring of Knot under his own power, accompanied by Dacherryn the Wanderer. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii megaquest for the Cataloguers of Eternity, but was co-opted (along with the rest of the team) by Forcystus, defeated by the Veil Render's Team, and Render-flipped over to join their faction. Likely now under the control of the Veil Render.
Doreen Justice (Human, Level 79 BA Member)
Reference Link
A superhero who retired from her world to the BA, where she started doing various things. Recently un-retired and joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Hero Force. Notably has a lot of 'weird, old' powers from her time as an Arena Member when the mechanics of reality may have been different. Was killed during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest by the team's Unoriginal Gangster fight.
Durasiel Novian (Human & Fae, Level 82)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Cort's Commandos team.
Ehrduk the Glass-Keeper, Arcanist of Dythenrote (Golem & Human, Level 81)
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Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Renfeld the Arcanist.
Ehrgonlass, the Smoke Arcanist (Human & Elemental, Level 81)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Renfeld the Arcanist.
Ekhtero Esh (Human & Outsider, Level 81)
Reference Link
"A man in regal white-and-gold clothes with a symbol of a tree whose roots wrap around stars on his cape. His hair is blue, and his eyes are solid-white."
A powerful individual who joined Hugo Bekkler's team for the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Had the power to declare people Invincible through a process with odd, nebulous triggers. Killed by Mr. P.H. Turkey of The Enemy's team.
Ekmort E. Isenrod (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
One of the members of Ordo Forcystus, brought by Forcystus into the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest to destroy and delay those who sought to stop him. Killed by Charles Eckermann and Doctor Catastrophe of the Archtyrants team.
Elrosh Ghazbarton, Masked Master of the Obscene Festival (Arch-Daemon, Undefined)
Reference Link
"A masked humanoid in concealing robes perched upon a throne of flesh and bone that scuttles about the disc on massive hands attached to thin, multi-jointed arms with flaking, burnt-blackened skin. The disc has become a riot of tempting delights and palatial open-aired maze-halls and gardens. The numeral XII floats above his head."
One of the twelve devil-kings of Disc 66, killed through combat with the Heaven Architects Team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as they fought to lay claim to one of the keys they needed to proceed, incidentally slaying the foul rulers of the place and laying claim to their Numerals. Held the Numeral XII. Killed by Geddoe. Had a set of powers encompassing disbuffs, scans, Dark Magic, Nobility (and Domination through it), Blood, and Mystic
Elsie Phaeduras (Human, Level 88)
Reference Link
"This woman has slightly-wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, and silver armor. She wields a holy blade and is surrounded by the floating holy symbols of eighteen gods of light, six of them subordinate to her, and two others ones whose lives she saved. Though she is no longer one of the Chosen, her power remains great."
The fourth and eighth Chosen of Air. A world-travelling hero who killed the tyrant-sorceror Azir Maquaal, gaining the title and artifact of the Chosen of Air from him. Before she could leave the world, however, she was killed in the Mana Cannon incident, not retaining the artifact post-reset. Once her memories returned, she sought out the artifact once again, defeating the seventh chosen, Yulio Azmiir, in a non-lethal duel and going on to perform quests associated with the rebuilding of the Church of Sereyn and other heroic works, defeating the fallen god Zyxertaunnam, the wind pirate Hiram the Everwhite, and the undead abomination Soricc Tsharr, known as the Kingreaper. Concerned that she posed a threat to their plans, the Synod of Slights Remembered cast a great spell to slay Elsie by re-convoking the power of the Golden Face of Qaz-Qor in a massive ritual project, and, though she rose from the dead at the dawn's first light of the next day to march against them, they had banished the dungeon created by the artifact's unclaimed state, The Pillar of the Demon Winds, into a reality-hole, casting it across the universe. Among her powers include being able to provide a variety of divine magic buffs, create reflective armor, and attach bonus deity benefits to people that also cast spells over time. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest for the Heaven Architects team, acting as their final boss candidate and winning the day. Went on to rule the newly-cleaned-up One City. Has an alt-form as a Level 85 Human, a Level 85 Chosen, a Level 83 Human, and a Level 87 Chosen. Also, through the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest, has alt-forms as 'Maiden of All Winds' (a Level 88 Voyager), 'Sublime Hand of Heaven' (a Level 88 Saviour) and 'Supreme Grandmaster of the Knightly Orders' (a Level 88 Bastion).
Embra Banefire (Chosen, Level 75)
Reference Link
The Second and current(?) Chosen of Fire after the BA Member Firenza declined the position. Was named Herald of the Divine Voices, entering the service of Zazodas: Divine Voice of Death, Immorkrin: Divine Voice of Destruction, and Yhaz'Khobal: Divine Voice of Plague following the Battle Arena Member Firenza's declining of said position. Upon entering their service, she was sent to reap the soul of Laurennia. Though defeated by the Chosen of Light, Laurennia, impressed by the display of fighting tenacity that Embra showed and not yet possessing her pre-cannon-reset memories, bestowed the title on Embra. Embra has since risen in power both as the chosen avatar-emissary of three gods and as a Chosen. She possesses the artifact The Voice Manifest in addition to the Fire Chosen Regalia. She currently continues her duties serving the Voices and gains enjoyment from defeating the potential challengers, growing in power and synchornicity with her three gods over time. Joined the Council of Ten Thousand Gods' team for the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest, where she was killed by Archbishop Larchman, aka Sagzlarr Venomvoice of the Society of the Viper team, and may have lost the Regalia of Fire.
Due to a special Walrusfest gift, her moveset now contains:
Unextinguishable Flame- 168,500 Damage, 200% inflicts an instance of Burning that possesses no natural per-round recovery rate and cannot be cured or automatically recovered from by sources below Level 80, This action repeats itself at the start of each round that none of its caster's other actions repeated on, Fire, 5,000,000 MP
Epshut Amuntah (Human & Daemon, Level 75)
Reference Link
"A man in a black robe with golden trim and a pharonic mask"
One of three entities trying to win over the massive influx of daemons from the New Dark Empire's dissolution to their cause. He was sent in by the Council of Ten Thousand Gods (the organization that The Celestial Emperor runs) as a representative of one of its component deities who was most likely to attract the various now-deityless-daemons. Joined the Council of Ten Thousand Gods' team for the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Killedby Archbishop Larchman, aka Sagzlarr Venomvoice of the Society of the Viper team.
Erathannannos (Deva, Level 75)
Reference Link
A stag-headed man. One of the members of the Council of Elder Guardians, who briefed the faction's team during the Princess of Suns Incident. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Fae Host of Queen Dendraeymuir.
Erdlue the Marsh-Keeper (Immortal, Level 85)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Council of Ten Thousand Gods. Killed by Archbishop Larchman, aka Sagzlarr Venomvoice.
Etressia Earthrage (Human & Fae, Level 73)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Council of Ten Thousand Gods' side. Killed by Baron Hadroshh of the Society of the Viper team.
Fazhai Woo (Human, Level 83)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii megaquest for the Cataloguers of Eternity, but was co-opted (along with the rest of the team) by Forcystus, defeated by the Veil Render's Team, and Render-flipped over to join their faction. Likely now under the control of the Veil Render.
First and Most Abominable( Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
(Does Not Exist)
The antithesis of the Enigma Men, although still wielding Mystery as a power-source. Instead of retroactively writing itself into existence from the future, it (will) exist in the far past, consuming the existence of others and their histories in order to bring itself fully into reality. At present, it's having a rather hard time doing this due to getting removed via the advent of Truth in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest, and then getting additionally thwarted by a letter that could have allowed it to exist pulled from the Warehouse getting destroyed by one of Kriele's Knights. Its powerset involves attacking previous rounds of combat, Echoing retcon-effects forward with Paradox through self-defined rules, Restarting the battle before the first round and forcing phantom rounds into the equation, Creating rounds of battle between rounds, Mystery/Paradox, Drain, Devouring, and Inescapability. Tends to have its actions and words outlined in
a specific colour.
Forcystus (Fiend, Level 80)
Reference Link
"In front of you is a man with a golden mask, a white-curled wig, and a green suit with a sharp red tie."
How polite. How ominous. How utterly incensed that his main power-source of Corruption has been removed. But he has backup plans, including ownership of The Devil's Paperwork... pity they didn't work out, as he utterly underestimated how badly drawing the ire of all and sundry would affect him. Forcystus had many powers, his primary one being the ability to interface with evil, corruptive forces without himself becoming controlled or corrupted by them and retaining the powers they gave, along with a significant measure of control over Law and Reality Auditing, dark magic, curses and all manner of fiendish and corruptive/rotting spells. Forcystus planned on taking over Nexus, having it destroyed and replaced by the One City as the central hub of the Universe (with himself in charge), and gaining ownership of all of the Valcont-artifacts to the bargain in order to further boost his power and give him a legitimate shot at becoming the setting's new Adversary, using the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest to do so. Doing so earned him the attention of Valcont, however, who had his Champion, Cordelia Reynes, actively respond through her power as Megaquest Announcer (and later Administrator) to wreck his plans as best as she was able, supported (although not intentionally) by the combined forces of just about every Arena-present team in the quest who were, by this point, thoroughly against the Fiend for a variety of reasons. Due to gambits (potentially) gone awry and the presence of the Veil Render's team, spearheaded by a far-more-powerful-than-he-expected tag-team combo of Darston and Anathema, his attempt at a final-form switch in assuming the powers of Gonzo Heed, while successful, ended up being completely usurped as he was defeated and Renderized into becoming one of the Veil Render's pawns. Presently, he is Gonzo Forcystus, a mixture of the two, untouched by Heed's corruptive influence and with his powers. Has an alt-form as 'Doctor Forcystus', a Level 96 Fiend & Immortal & Holy One & Elder Geist & Abomination & Outsider & Incarnate.
Functionary Zhu (Human, Level 75)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Council of Ten Thousand Gods' side. Killed by The Whispering Wind of Nashgelle-Farr of the Society of the Viper team.
Ganfo Donno (Human, Level 79)
Reference Link
"An old man wearing a blue robe and conical hat, both adorned with moving star patterns, smoking a pipe that produces smoke that shifts colors and forms objects."
An archmage and summoning specialist. Fought on the side of the Veil Render during the Knot of Trelhais fiasco, and has strong ties to it. Has an Overcrash- 'Sublime Magipocalypse', 240-spell chain-casting at no MP cost (provided the spells are under his max MP). Also joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Veil Render's Team, where he died against an Unoriginal Gangster. Given he's under the ownership of the Veil Render, however, his death is likely not permanent.
*Garse Prektus' Ship-Mech (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
"A mech, with a body like a massive, elegant ship, appears, globe-rod-bearing captain standing at its prow."
The ship-mech owned by Garse Prektus of the Saitoserris Mandate. Its main cannon possesses enormous destructive power and shatters reality as it fires.
Gellarahd, Knight Empyrean (Human & Arch-Angel, Level 83)
Reference Link
"A tall, somewhat-inhuman-looking figure with pale purple skin, six wings of feather, flame, and mist, and luminous hair. He wears ornate armor inscribed with mystic symbols and wields etheral force shapes into shifting weapons. Pure righteousness and astral light shine forth from him."
A member of one of Kriele's Knightly Orders. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest for the Heaven Architects team.
General Redscar (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
"He wears his lavish military robes, with their gold trim matching his deep-red fur well. His four horns each bear a burning ioun-world, his left hand is a cyborg claw, his right holds a staff of jagged, branching, coral-like wood that constantly burns, and a scar runs down the right side of his face where an three right eyes are missing, having once been cleaved from his face by Sylvia's avatar."
A past enemy of the Holy Empire. Another version of him is presently reprising his role in a an alternate copy-timeline of that war is playing out again. A resurrected copy of him was pulled into the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of The Enemy as 'General Redscar, Revived Menace', a Level 80 Elite Alien. Was from the Alien Wars. He was a major alien leader opposing the space-expansion of the Imperial Homeworld's war fleets. Fought avatars of Gadigan and Sylvia. Had fire that could burn anything, even other flame, inflicting unhealable burns, and inspired unflagging loyalty in his hordes. Could invent new technology on the fly, merge magic and technology, control galaxy-sized conflagrations of living elemental force, teleport from world to world and heal himself when about to lose a portion of the war, had the power to destroy vessels, including starships, in one shot, could counter and reverse Triumph powers, has a staff-artifact that powers up flame and grants him control and finesse, could chase Homeworld armies through time when they tried using time travel against him, would, when about to lose, burn worlds to ash and leave them unable to be restored, had fire overcrashes that pierced immunity and did permanent damage.
General Verngrass Wethryll (Human, Level 80)
Reference Link
Trains people in the sword. He has an alt-form in the Level 200-399 Range. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Pillars of Glory. Killed by Doctor Ego of the Pillars of Glory team.
Gesi the Fate-Keeper (Fae, Level 83)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Fae Host of Queen Dendraeymuir. Killed by an Unseelie Ur-King on the team's starting Protonexus.
Ghingheldullas, Matron of Unceasing Slaughter (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
One of the twelve devil-kings of Disc 66, killed through combat with the Heaven Architects Team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as they fought to lay claim to one of the keys they needed to proceed, incidentally slaying the foul rulers of the place and laying claim to their Numerals. Held the Numeral X. Killed by Elsie Phaeduras.
Ghoble Erloze, the Winged Eclipse (Arch-Demon, Undefined)
Reference Link
"The sky fills with a red glow that is then obscured by a black disc. The disc grows wings, then a great central eye, then the numeral III appears above it. Its rays are hands, holding the implements of destruction. Its sight pierces through all, seeing all. The disc itself is covered with the ruins of blasted buildings, while masks dance in the sky and profane magic circles appear to the beat of the eclipse-creature's wings."
One of the twelve devil-kings of Disc 66, killed through combat with the Heaven Architects Team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as they fought to lay claim to one of the keys they needed to proceed, incidentally slaying the foul rulers of the place and laying claim to their Numerals. Held the Numeral III. Was capable of seeing the future (and parrying/countering attacks it saw coming), manifesting blades of twilight and malice, summoning clouds of dark demon-masks, casting curses, dark magics and inflicting Major status effects. Capable of self-resurrection through the power of its Numeral. Was notably weak to being blinded through attacks to its eye (provided they were fast enough to prevent it from parrying), which also threw off its ability to attack as its rays were an extension of its sight. Killed by Zweirugi.
Ghorloth Dragonhammer (Humanoid, Level 82)
Reference Link
"A particularly-stout dwarf wearing juggernaut plate and carrying a massive, dragon-slaying hammer."
One of the members of the Nihilarchitects' team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Killed by Grandmaster Leele.
Gingphatts the Unstoppable (Humanoid, Level 81)
Reference Link
"A towering, muscular elephant-headed man with heavy armor and a massive hammer with his face on both sides."
A member of the Speed Masters team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. May have also been working for either Forcystus, Cordelia or both during the resulting mess. Notably has a Vessel of Power based off him. His powers mainly revolve around basing everything off Constitution; actions that cause stunning, stun-locking, knockback and action-denial; Abjuration and odd branches of Force Magic; CON-damage blocking and blocking unconventional HP-damage attempts; momentum-powers that increases his power each time he attacks or acts (and can key off Fate for a form of fate-momentum); smashing through space, time, and all manner of obstructions; piercing resistances and immunities; and sundering. He can also shift his size to match his opponents. Proved, in actuality, to be entirely stoppable when the Roulette Master killed him during the Megaquest.
Grand Librarian Esrekya Melreides (Fae, Level 99)
Reference Link
One of the heads of the Cataloguers of Infinity, dedicated to cataloguing information about everything there is in the Universe. Was one of the faction heads for the Impossible Knot quest, seeking to use an Archival Pillar on the Wheel at its centre to record as much data from it on the Universe as possible. Sadly, the Cataloguers team met with disaster early on. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as a member of the (Forcystus-controlled) Cataloguers of Infinity team. Was killed by the Fazhai Woo of the Veil Render's team, then promptly butchered and cooked for a later, powerful team-buff by Darston.
Grandmaster Leele (Emissary, Level 83)
Reference Link
"Wearing sleek blue robes, wielding a thin blade, with a long, white ponytail"
A member of the Sanctum of the Tide Key, and took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on their side. A representative of Dantes. Sought omnipotence. Held power over Hax, had mastered every skill and could break reality on fundamental levels. Was Grandmaster-tier in every Base Tier 1 and Base Tier 2 class available, allowing her absurd leeway in cheating around rules and retroactively declaring counters to things even if she wasn't actively present to deal with them. Specifically hated Lili due to the daemonic demigoddess' hatred for Maylene Emdendrous. Died to a combination-assault by Doctor Zero and Contessa Negalux of the Nihilarchitects team.
Grandmaster of the Order of the Knights Cyclical (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
Grandmaster of the Order of the Knights Cyclical, one of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders.
Gohlblanze the Golden-Faced (Demon & Devil, Level 83)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Fulsome Industry's side.
Golden Lass (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
A superhero killed by Catastraphon.
Goldureize the Amethyst-Eyed (Dragon & Planetary, Level 82)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Council of Ten Thousand Gods' side. Killed by The Vyzranthiine Tattoo of the Society of the Viper's team.
Golotrossomo, the Lake that Runs (Large Structure & Elemental, Level 78)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Fae Host of Queen Dendraeymuir. Killed by the Unoriginal Gangster the team had to fight.
Gonzo Forcystus (Fiend, Level 80)
Reference Link
"From out of nowhere, Forcystus drops into the palace, fully empowered, with a jaunty hop, clicking his heels together after he lands on his tip-toes. Wearing a technicolor suit, rainbow barrister's wig, and the groucho glasses from the earlier mask-image, he gives an exaggerated bow with aplomb."
The result of Forcystus, using his uncorruptible-by-corruption powers, assuming the mantle of Gonzo Heed, becoming a terrifying foe with power over both Law and almighty Illusions. Unfortunately for him (and fortunately for the rest of the Universe at large), Darston and Anathema managed to defeat him as he was power-switching, causing their Megaquest-granted faction-power to activate and Renderize the result, turning him into a thoroughly-controlled servant of the Veil Render and incidentally causing him to become a barrier to Gonzo Heed's true arrival into reality.
Gonzo Heed (Human, Level 800-999)
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(Does Not Exist)
An extremely dangerous, evil, world-warping illusionist that does not exist in the present iteration of reality. Thanks to the actions of the Battle Arena member Celas, the chain of events beginning on the Berinic Mesa that would lead to his coming into being were derailed. A time-traveling illusionist named Alyosius Gullroyal set up a series of plans involving the manipulation of Battle Arena members to once again guide events to bring Gonzo into being, but these were prevented by the actions of the Battle Arena Members Caelum, Cael, Celas and Lili's Shielding Golem, resulting in Gullroyal's death and once again preventing Gonzo from being brought into reality. Was originally intended to be a plot boss for the Fifth Ascension, but the aforementioned foiling of his rise to being derailed this, preventing his attaining this position unless actively brought back by the actions of a Battle Arena member. Temporarily existed due to the ongoing mess that was the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest, in which the activation of the Archon System brought him into being and allowed him to begin blocking off Lower Reality from Higher Reality and assuming the Veil Render's identity in order to trick her team, but was immediately shunted out of existence again when the Archon system was rewound into being switched off through another trial in the Megaquest. Currently held in non-existence due to Forcystus holding and controlling part of his power (who is, in turn, being held and controlled by the Veil Render).
Any attempt to divine information about Heed is met with a singularly ominous feeling.
Grand Arcana (Fae, Level 75)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Fae Host of Queen Dendraeymuir. Killed by the Unoriginal Gangster the team had to fight.
Greater Virus-Entity KRAZMITHAK (Coded Being, Level 71 Elite)
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Viral entity of the code-world Incieapia. Was attempted to be quarantined by Domain Administrator Karishrada, but due to an unexpected attack against her, the termination attempt went awry, and two new virus-entities, XEVENON-MORTEIYORI and XEVENON-KARISTASHI, were born. Went on to rule the Fourth Domain with an iron fist and spread virus entities through the domain subtly. Defeated by a group of heroes. Brought back to life to join the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Error City. Killed again by Master Mausley of the Pillars of Glory team.
Guertas (Animal & Humanoid, Level 85)
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"A massively muscled jaguar-man in a suit with two greatswords"
A Provincial Governer of the Holy Imperial Homeworld. Highly skilled with swords and combat-thirsty. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as one of the members of the Imperial Homeworld War Expeditionary. Capable of reattaching lost body parts (including his head) through sheer willpower, or, failing that, having his head sprout a jaguar-body to continue to fight on wielding a sword in its mouth (and having his original body sprout a man's head).
GURADAMA (Meta-Entity, Undefined)
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A Meta-Entity, whose existence can redefine the laws of reality around itself. It governs confusion and malady. It reduces Damage, amplifies status effects, screws with scans, and makes things more agile / able to dodge direct attacks. May currently be sealed away. Generally grouped with VELTAR and AKDOS, power-and-relationship-wise. Relatively easy to channel for a Meta Entity (compared to most other Meta Entities, given that channeling any of their kind at all is a very tall order).
HALKYNRYN (Meta-Entity, Undefined)
Reference Link
A Meta-Entity, whose existence can redefine the laws of reality around itself. Present in a different (and perhaps not-yet-happened) version of reality where Meta Entities are used to template new worlds. It governs puzzles, thought, and mazes. Worlds it is placed above become more confusing, less prone to battle, and more able to kill people through the failure to meet weird puzzle-conditions. Noted as being a pain to channel by Meta Entity standards, but not impossible.
Harkala Gillingman (Source Guardian, Level 600-799)
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Daughter of Gillingman. Previously Guardian of the Source of Darkness and as such, may exercise control over almost any Darkness-element entity she wishes, and gained the power as Source Guardian of all Sources after a massive battle in Daghmal Gozzot, The City At The Root Of Lost Things. A leader of the (now-dissolved) New Dark Empire. She has an alt-form that is a Fiend in the Level 600-799 Range. Due to Kriele's faction-win in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest, she lost the Base Elements of Light, Fire, Hope and Truth from her panoply.
Head Chef Pauline Carr (Human & Machine, Level 81)
Reference Link
"A red sports car with black striping down the sides, with a woman's torso in a chef's coat and hat protruding from the front hood."
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Team Bekkler's side. Killed by Tassahaemot of the Speed Masters.
Henri Luddmitz (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
A (potential) Postmaster of Nexus brought into being through a Warehouse-pulled item-focus and Lili's liberal use of dreamshaping and connection to the Nihilarchitects during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Lili ensured that part of her essence was placed inside him and subsumed him into Oneman as soon as he came into being, essentially allowing her to immediately take the role of the Postmaster(mistress) herself. May have been created with power over Mystery, Dream, Aether, Fate, Life, Destruction, Wonder, Warding, Psychic Power, Contingency Magic, Divination, Catastrophe Magic, Space, Spatial Magic and Gate Magic. Present status and level of existence unknown.
High Programmer Iriktia (Coded Being, Level 79)
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From the code-world Incieapia. Deceived into her belief that Domain Administrator Karishrada had deleted numerous non-hostile forces in a power-grab disguised as a security procedure, she attacked the administrator. Catching the administrator by surprise while she was de-linked from the Fourth Great Core (to prevent the possibility of KRAZMITHAK copying itself into the Great Core during the deletion procedure if the process was botched), she managed to mortally wound the High Administrator. With the administrator injured mid-procedure, the termination attempt went awry, and two new virus-entities, XEVENON-MORTEIYORI and XEVENON-KARISTASHI, were born. Later resurrected by a group of heroes and assisted in defeating KRAZMITHAK. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Pillars of Glory. Killed by Doctor Ego of the Error City team.
Hugo Bekkler (Immortal, Level 80)
Reference Link
"A short, older man with a large, bushy white moustache, beard, and green suit sitting mounted in a giant rotary phone with quad mecha-legs. Small tables with additional phones are attached to the upper part of the seat-area, gatling guns hanging from their undersides."
(Previous) Postmaster of Nexus, who took the position (through some somewhat underhanded means, stalling parties that could have fixed the Mail Disc faster and thus lead to others taking the job) in order to get the position in the Nexus Administrative Bureau with an eventual goal of replacing Gary. Despite (or because of) this, he is ensuring he does the best job he can at running the disc. A powerful chronomancer, capable of causing (potentially) disc-wide temporal distortions and calling in alternate-timeline copies of himself via his Chronophone, with the result of there currently being many, many Hugo Bekklers around. Has a great fondness for telephones, particularly old-style rotary ones, and is usually found sitting by (or in) one. Created his own team to take on the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Died to Speed Wizard Wylo of the Speed Masters team in the process, even if his team managed to reach the final stages of the Megaquest.
i = [] (Abstract, Level 81)
Reference Link
"An area of space that an abstract's mana pattern designates contains that abstract, despite being empty."
One of the members of the Nihilarchitects' team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Killed by Grandmaster Leele.
Iadra Mystlebrenn, Moon Witch (Alien, Level 79 Enigma Man)
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One of Mister Owler's Identities. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Fulsome Industry's side.
Iethmo Greeze (Human & Fae & Devil, Level 80)
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"This half-human, half-elf, half-devil man dwells outside of standard mathematics. Bears an unsettling resemblance to Lubel Vyre."
One of the members of the Nihilarchitects' team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Has unreal wells of power. Killed by Grandmaster Leele.
Ilydos (Humanoid & Magic Being, Level 75)
Reference Link
A man who sabotaged the climate control system of Artillicas Botanica, causing it to spawn monsters and turn the entire complex into a shifting random dungeon. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Error City. Killed by Littrya Damachastle of the Pillars of Glory team.
Iridraise, Knight Numinous (Human & Mindshadow, Level 86)
Reference Link
"Her armored form is wispy like clouds and cloaked in aether, suffused with a blue-white glow. She wields a polearm that cuts at the edges of perception."
A member of one of Kriele's Knightly Orders. Has a lot of etherialization buffs, also some anti-haunting things and some stuff that makes debuffs wear quickly. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest for the Heaven Architects team.
Iron Director Bourgewater (Robot & Bio-Horror, Level 80)
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Worked as one of the Ordinators before splitting alongside Kestra and creating the Iron Directive. He can become titan-sized. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Fulsome Industry's side.
Iron Director Kestra (Human, Level 80)
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A master summoner. She worked as one of the Ordinators before splitting alongside Bourgewater and creating the Iron Directive. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Fulsome Industry's side.
Irrian Illumos (Immortal, Level 600-799)
Reference Link
"A man wearing an elegant black coat and a hat. He has a black goatee and a ring with a pyramid with an eye on it. He is sitting atop his briefcase directly atop the wall."
Master conspiracy-weaver, presently the head/most senior member/don of the Enigma Men/Monterro Family. Absurdly powerful, to the point that he could either successfully imitate Nokhret or (more likely and concerningly) retoractively replace him at a point in time. Knows many, many things, either through time-shenanigans or at least making things up so convincingly that the universe can't help but play along. Runs the Illuminati, and was a Battle Arena Member at one point. He has an alt-form as a Level 799 Mastermind. He has an alt-form as a Level 59 BA Member. He has an alt-form as a Level 79 Fated One. He has an alt-form as a Level 79 Enigma Man. Currently missing after the creation of the element of Truth dealt a massive blow to the Enigma Men and District Zero, destroying many of the faction's members.
Itraiya Yevash (Human & Elemental & Planetary, Level 79 BA Member)
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A BA Member that joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Council of Ten Thousand Gods. Was unfortunately wrecked by the Valcont-team, with The Vyzranthiine Tattoo leaving lingering, build-wrecking complications on her.
Ivassha Neos (Human, Undefined)
Reference Link
Previous CEO of the Neo-Sephreys Corporation, and presumably the one who revived and rebranded it. Killed during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest due to her part as heading the disc opposing the goals of the Bascaradine Team.
Jackie West (Human, Level 79)
Reference Link
"This woman carries a variety of different weapons. Her armored coat is crafter from a leather made from a great dragon. Her hair is reddish-brown, and a tear shaped object glows faintly from inside her torso."
Native of the world of Esbeith and born with one of the Five Tears of the Goddess within her body, Jackie tapped into its power to become immortal and help protect her world against the invading forces of the Twilight Chancellor, Gul-Deras. Friend and lover of Walter Eldridge. Among her powers include a strong HP-and-MP-regen plus chance of auto-self-res buff, and a buff that makes people count as deities. Joined the Heaven Architects team for the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest.
Juaquim DeLaPhantos (Spirit, Level 75)
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"This ghostly ancestor-spirit is a radiant white and wields a sword with great skill. His hair is long, and he wears no armor."
Legendary hero and Great-great-great-great-great-grandfather of Evangeline DeLaPhantos. His ancestral spirit is tied to his family line and capable of being summoned by those members skilled enough. Joined the Heaven Architects team for the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Has an Overcrash that allows him to call upon his family line to assist him. Gained Dopple as an element from beating an Unoriginal Gangster.
Kriele (Holy One, Level 600-799)
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Brought about by a pre-planned gambit of the Celestial Lord and enacted by Selereth Helios using the combined heroic energies of many slain Celestials and Source Guardians, as well as the protagonist-meta-quality left behind after Master Detective's death. Presumed to be, among other things, a counter-gambit to Maleficus. Created far, far ahead of expected schedule while Maleficus was locked away in another universe and unable to interfere with her early stages of development, completely unaware. An eventual Ascendant and opposite of Harkala in many ways. The Lady of Nonbase elements, holding most Nonbase Elements within her purview of powers. Thanks to the win of the Heaven Architects team in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest, has been able to massively increase her reach across the Universe through her Ten Thousand Knightly Orders, and gain ownership of the Base Elements of Light, Fire, Hope, and Truth from Harkala despite Harkala's normal dominion over Base Elements. A full list of her possessed elements (at the time of the Megaquest ending) can be found
Lady Illisame (Human, Level 76)
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A powerful sorceress acquired as an ally by the Council of Elder Guardians. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Fae Host of Queen Dendraeymuir. Killed by an All-Devouring Blossom at the beginning of the Megaquest.
Lady Mindwar (Human, Level 80)
Reference Link
"A bald woman with tattoos of metaphysical diagrams of mystic equations on her forehead with silver power-armor and multiple gun-drones and crystal support-drones flanking her."
A mercenary who took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Bascaradine's side. Known to frequently do jobs for the corporation. A powerful psychic.
Lawrence T. Goodrich (Undefined, Undefined)
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Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as a member of the (Forcystus-controlled) Cataloguers of Infinity team. Was killed by the Lion of Unbreached Veils.
Lazghol, Ghalnessh, Lord of the Bitter Mire (Undefined, Undefined)
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One of the twelve devil-kings of Disc 66, killed through combat with the Heaven Architects Team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as they fought to lay claim to one of the keys they needed to proceed, incidentally slaying the foul rulers of the place and laying claim to their Numerals. Held the Numeral II. Killed by Reyna & Turakiel.
Leomund the Undying (Golem, Level 85)
Reference Link
"Striding across the land unhampered by its geomancy, two identical metal giants, each a massive golem tens of thousands of miles high, plod forward, each buoyed with enchantments and wardings far beyond the reach of even most archmagi."
A member of the Sanctum of the Tide Key, and took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on their side. An archmage who merged himself with an invulnerable colossus-construct. He's Immune to everything, including his own Overcrash burnout, and can cast all manner of spells. Sought to use the Tide to condense Lower Reality into the means to fuel his ascent to Higher Reality, burning Lower Reality out in the process. Was capable of cloning himself and throwing out multiple Overcrashes a round without triggering burnout for as long as he desired. Held power over Eternity. Killed by Lili during a hard fight between the Tide Key and Nihilarchitects teams, and subsequently ring-outed into his exterior phylactery network.
Lephravash, the Mistress of Infinite Poison (Undefined, Undefined)
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One of the twelve devil-kings of Disc 66, killed through combat with the Heaven Architects Team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as they fought to lay claim to one of the keys they needed to proceed, incidentally slaying the foul rulers of the place and laying claim to their Numerals. Held the Numeral IV. Killed by Gellarahd, Knight Empyrean.
Lord Crime (Conceptual & Human, Level 79 BA Member)
Reference Link
"A shadowy figure with a vaguely human face and menacing grin. His gear loadout is blurred with concept-warping mixed with heavy umbramancy. ...a humanoid made of smoke and shadow, clad in a dark longcoat with a broad hat, a hungering knife, a sleek gun, and a variety of trinkets and baubles hanging from his arms on shadowy strings"
An Arena Member who joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Speed Masters team (where he lost to the Shielding Golem), with the stated goal of making as much profit as possible. Was likely either also working for Forcystus or Cordelia (or both) during the resulting mess. Built around his conceptual-theme of being a fast criminal type, and therefore keys much of his build off Agility. He's a stealth/assassination/thief arts/guns/knives/shadows/darkness/gate magic/wealth/etc focused BA member. He, like most BA members, has a lot of random side skills and stuff. Probably most dangerous on his skillset are his act-first-each-round-against-most-stuff ability and his high crit chance / damage / instant death when attacking before opponents each round. He also has high dodge + Counterattack on dodge, the ability to take secret bonus actions and have them hit later with delayed effects, the ability to mass-set traps, the ability to steal buffs, items, and powers off of opponents, the ability to use stolen gear with the abilities' of the person he stole it from, and can turn into a supermassive elemental-factory-thing that mass-bombs stuff if in a Zone of Fire for too long.
Lucien Blackwell (Human, Level 80)
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Head of the Nexus Mages' Society and Interdimensional Order of Wizardry, otherwise known as the Blackclad Order. A suspected demon/daemon/devil/fiend worshipper, having openly legalised the worship of such. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Nexus Administrative Bureau, where he was unfortunately subverted and controlled by Forcystus as a result. Killed by Guertas of the Imperial Homeworld War Expeditionary team.
Massau, Slayer of Heroes (Humanoid & Reptile, Level 79)
Reference Link
"A serpent man in a crimson cloak wielding a bow decorated with serpentine patterns."
One of the large, odd group of individuals presiding over the creation of the Doorway of Lost Realms. A member of That Camel-Headed Bastard's plans to ruin everything in the Knot of Trelhais forever. Was also a member of the Archtyrants' team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii quest, where he was killed by Celas in a surprise upset-match. A poll of Battle Arena members found that he is totally a dick. Has the Overcrash 'Death To All Heroes'.
Master Detective (Immortal, Level 600-799)
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A superhero and nemesis of Mimechiavelli. He has an alt-form that is a Level 89 Human. He has an alt-form that is an Immortal in the Level 200-400 Range. Killed by Bascaradine due to 'infringing on their uniqueness' while trying to engineer copies of Sources to prevent Mimechiavelli from working with the Veil Render and Zaga Yazrath. One of his notable powers was coming up with new powers and skills retroactively to overcome obstacles by 'revealing' that he'd secretly been working on such all along.
Master Mausley (Human, Level 85)
Reference Link
"The man is wearing the crimson robes of a scholar, though they are decorated with golden dragons and have a general's epaulettes on the shoulders. He wears a triple-monocle with lenses that can be rotated into and out of position with clockwork mechaisms, and his white beard and moustache are both extremely long. An army of tiny clay soldiers is hopping into a hole in space next to him, and he is examining a singing wand that he seems to have obtained from whatever the trial he just completed was. Floating near him are a mirror, a massive cannon, a book, and a beehive."
The creator of many artifacts related to war, mainly magical seige weapons and empowered tactical plans. Involved in many wars in which he used his artifacts to deadly effect, until a retaliatory strike during the Seige of Glonnoc killed him. Apparently got better in time to embark on a quest in the Knot of Trelhais. Joined Renfield the Arcanist's team in the Knot quest, and went on to accompany the Golem and a combined force of many other teams to the centre for a showdown with Doctor Catastrophe. Gained numerous powerful items from the Knot. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Pillars of Glory. Killed by Berlarry of the Error City team, but got himself resurrected after the megaquest.
Maylene Emdendrous (Incarnate, Level 84)
Reference Link
"The woman rises from her shadow, and you can see her clearly. She has on an elegantly ruffled aqua dress, a white hat with a miniature grandfather clock leaning against its center while sitting atop its brim, and gloves made of starlight. Her eyes are solid blue and her skin white marble. On her neck hangs a key of shells and seafoam. In her right hand she holds a needle, and in her left a perfect amethyst sphere."
Goddess of Water, Light, Commerce, Travel, and Unbridled Potential, and member of the Sanctum of the Unbroken Tide, a group seeking to bring about a second Grand Confluence. Enjoys upstaging others, being frustratingly vague, winning conversations and overdramatic entrances. Her powers include Light manipulation, battle against concepts and ideas, take control of areas up to planet-wide scale, petrify things across long ranges, undo time, summon a wide variety of monsters, divination out the wazoo, trade her items for other equally-good items, reverse / disperse / reflect things that would hit her mana pattern or attach to her as effects, control oceans, acquire temporary near-invulnerability for a few rounds, leap between planets / dimensions mid combat, and cast a wide variety of high-level spells. Owns a rare copy of the Propechies of the Oracle. Entered a rivalry against Lili von Mion, to the point that she actively sought power to hard-counter the daemonic demigoddess for their clash in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Unfortunately for her, Lili prepared even more thoroughly and utterly destroyed the arrogant water-goddess in a single round of combat.
MAZMURATT (Meta Entity, Undefined)
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A Meta Entity, whose existence can redefine the laws of reality around itself. Can have its power anchored (through extremely delicate ritual) to points through symbols in order to enforce its law on areas. It is the 'through my power, death reigns supreme' Meta-Entity. Its power focuses on death, stasis and unrecoverable damage. Invoking its power can permanently kill pets and summons (and the copy of the spell that brought them in). Synchronising with MAZMURATT's power offers invulnerable protection of the body. On the other hand, its power is incompatible with summoning and healing, and it offers no protection for one's mind. Noted as being a pain to channel by Meta Entity standards, but not impossible.
Mike (Human, Level 80)
Reference Link
"A blond-haired man behind the counter wearing a blue shirt and jeans."
Owner of Mike's Consumables. Studies (and collects) apocalypses as a hobby. Associate of Robert Norrington. Notably grows in power every time an apocalypse-level event occurs near him. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Hero Force.
Mimechiavelli (Fiend, Level 600-799)
Reference Link
"A mime with solid red eyes and a curled black goatee"
Extremely powerful, (super)villainous mime, capable of bypassing the Man In A Hazmat Suit's vision-blocking quarantine effects and standing up to Valcont with no apparent concern. The nemesis of the superhero Master Detective. Capable of controlling the minds and bodies of others. Became the new Administrator of the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest, and used it as a gambit to consume all of the destruction it wrought in order to increase his own power, siphoning off the power gained by the winning side to further empower his own goals with a view to using it in order to break into Higher Reality and thus greatly increase his power to manipulate things in the background. As mimes are silent (and his gambits pay off better as a result if he's not the one actively fronting them), he nominated Cordelia to become the announcer/face of the event. Valcont, acting through Cordelia, prevented his gambits and had him killed, contributing to the steadily-escalating series of catastrophes and derailment the Megaquest experienced.
Mime-Killer (Human, Level 78)
Reference Link
A superhero who used to be an opponent of Mimechiavelli until the villanous mime became massively more powerful. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Hero Force.
Mirian Tallyn (Human, Level 76)
Reference Link
"A black-haired woman in a postal worker's uniform with a war-lance drops from the sky onto the prow of Eva's boat."
One of the new postal workers under the employ of Hugo Bekkler. Capable of a variety of interesting travel- and delivery-based postal-techniques using stamps, space-time magic, Dragoon training and the standard letter-mailing skillset. Friendly, accomodating, and always up for a challenge. Has a super-attack that can mail people straight to hell, inflicting Instant Death and Vanished. Also has the Overcrash 'Special Delivery'. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Hugo Bekkler's team. Killed by The Enemy, but resurrected by Cael (at Eva's request) during a post-Megaquest giftgiving venture afterwards.
Mister Owler of the Infinite Council (Undefined, Level 79 Enigma Man)
Reference Link
An Enigma Man, and one of the members of the Enigma Men's team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Masked, and has the ability to grant masks to others to make them part of his Infinite Council (and thus gain temporary status as an Enigma Man or potentially count as an Identity for him). One of his identities is Iadra Mystlebrenn, Moon Witch. Has power over Infinity. Current status unknown; with Truth's introduction as a Base Element, many Enigma Men have been outright destroyed.
Mobile Colossus Birabel (Robot, Level 85)
Reference Link
"A towering blue robot with a levitation-thruster holding it aloft, missile racks on its shoulders, one arm unfolded into a cannon, the other arm with a big metal hand, and a single, glowing red eye on its head."
Destroyed (and later rebuilt) by the Bascaradine Twins. A powerful robotic entity owned by Bascaradine that took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Bascaradine's side.
Mother Golzthemormae (Horror & Darkspawn & Aquatic, Level 82)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Error City. Killed by Selina Vardiss of the Pillars of Glory team.
Mr. P.H. Turkey (Aerial & Humanoid, Level 40)
Reference Link
An opponent of the Third Ascension and was also involved in other events both earlier and later. He has a Level 48 Aerial & Humanoid alt-form. He has a Level 86 Aerial & Humanoid alt-form. He has an alt-form in the Level 200-400 Range that is an Aerial & Humanoid. He has an alt-form in the Level 400-600 range that is an Aerial & Humanoid & Machine. Was pulled into the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest by The Enemy to join its team as 'Mr. P.H. Turkey, Revived Menace' as a Level 80 Elite Ariel & Golem, with a weird powerset based on clay armaments and self-copies, a setup-requiring massive-damage repeating attack, orihalcum bulldozer-granted invulnerability, nanites and auto-self-resurrection that could only be blocked by drying his clay form out. Killed by William Senior of the IZ HUGO BEKKLER! team.
Myrritenne of the Seventy-Seven Masks (Fae & Human, Level 81)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Renfeld the Arcanist.
Nameless Bearer of the Nemesis Mask (Nemesauth, Level 90)
Reference Link
"A shrouded being, wearing a jet-black mask whose eyes glow a dull red. Its shadow twists in monstrous ways, and blades blur into and out of its hands as veils of darkness and future-carried untruth flicker around it."
One of three opponents set to guard the 'tripartate trial' route of the Trial of the Nemesis Mask in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. A doppelganger that read its opponent and became a twisted version of them, skilled in forcing opponents to battle it alone. Thanks to a combination of the Veils and Gonzo Forcystus' buffs, it was unable to get a good enough read to perfectly copy Anathema. Killed by Anathema.
Nega-Xen (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
A nega-version of Sage Xen. Less powerful than the primary Xen, but rescued from the triggered-by-Leele self-soul-immolating Infinity-powered Overcrash that pulled in all copies of the Sage from all potential realities through Lili von Mion using her power as Postmistress to mail a nega-Sage out of battle and then redivert him back in after the battle ended. Was merged with Oneman before the daemonic demigoddess' fight against Leomund the Undying.
Night Alchemist (Human, Level 75)
Reference Link
A notable superhero. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Hero Force. Killed by the Unoriginal Gangster facing the faction.
Noktus, Lord of Slumber (Outsider, Level 80)
Reference Link
Also known as The Dreaming King. Notable for having a magic monocle that allowed him to produce his dream-self as a clone while still being able to act. Used to work for The Enemy back during The War. Joined The Enemy's team for the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Killed by Mirian Tallyn of the IZ HUGO BEKKLER! team, thanks in part to the enforced battle-rules at that time preventing his usual 'sit outside of battlespaces and copy in clone-versions of himself' tactic.
Nymbro Timekiller (Human, Level 83)
Reference Link
"A thin man with glasses and black hair who fades in and out of moments, living multiple lives at once."
A member of the Speed Masters team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. May have also been working for either Forcystus, Cordelia or both during the resulting mess. Notably, there is a Vessel of Power based off of him. Killed by Uncle Steve during the Megaquest.
Obernoth (Daemon, Level 80)
Reference Link
He works for the Daemonic Hierarchy of Fulsome Industry and has a fondness for door knockers. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Fulsome Industry's side.
Ohkrartos the Plant King (Plant, Level 82)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Fae Host of Queen Dendraeymuir. Killed by the Unoriginal Gangster the team had to fight.
Ohmul Ghalamorse, The Almighty and Most Wicked Dragon (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
"A dragon, its massive head with burning eyes set upon a serpentine neck cranes through the sky, extending for miles, a crown with the numeral VII above it floating above the head. There is a howling roar, then a second head manifests, this one with a similar crown, but no number; it seems it tried to gain additional power, but was partially blocked by Zweirugi (who isn't even here). The dragon's body exists beyond vision and outside the normal confines of the disc. The reshaped disc takes the shape of a festival city, with unreal inhabitants offering the dragon praise and supplication before vanishing in unison as the battle begins."
One of the twelve devil-kings of Disc 66, killed through combat with the Heaven Architects Team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as they fought to lay claim to one of the keys they needed to proceed, incidentally slaying the foul rulers of the place and laying claim to their Numerals. Held the Numeral VII. Used pride-based self-aggrandizing not-quite-illusion dark magic instead of actual entities or summons to empower itself to an extent, was skilled at inflicting Dominion and taking control of the allies and summons of others, had a measure of divine powers, skill with Ethereal Magic, haste and multi-action-granting spells, Contingency Magic, Rune Magic, Dark Magic, Enchantment, a degree of control over spacetime, and lifeforce-fuelled super-powerful evil dragonbreath attacks. Killed by Vashna Saseen.
Oktebra Dessabre (Human, Level 79)
Reference Link
"A woman in a black-and-red dress with an eyepatch and staff-gun."
A member of the Speed Masters team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. May have also been working for either Forcystus, Cordelia or both during the resulting mess. Killed by Hugo Bekkler during the Megaquest.
Ord'Bhelerieth, King of the Fae (Fae, Level 87 Deity)
Reference Link
"A tall, blue-skinned fae lord"
Highly enigmatic and possessed of great magical power. A deity. Entered as a faction head of the Princess of Suns Incident for what seemed to be relatively minor interest in controlling a Sun Princess. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest personally on the side of the Fae Host of Queen Dendraeymuir. Killed by the Unoriginal Gangster the team had to fight.
ORLUE (Meta-Entity, Undefined)
Reference Link
A Meta-Entity, whose existence can redefine the laws of reality around itself. ORLUE is Orlue as a Meta-Entity. He's not normally around and would be hard to contact, particularly since he never got drawn in the alt-Orlue event fight. He's kinda like OZMYR, but with more of a focus on ritual magic and some alt laws. Would be relatively easy to channel for a Meta Entity (compared to most other Meta Entities, given that channeling any of their kind at all is a very tall order), were he not hard to find.
Ortellos (Golem, Level 79 BA Member)
Reference Link
"A bald, gray-skinned man in a fancy suit with crystal-housing battle knuckles, a jetpack that trails stardust, three pairs of sunglasses that flicker between one another on his face, and boots that emit fog."
A Battle Arena Member who took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Bascaradine's side. Has considerable powers over earth, being able to contain giant skyscrapers in enormous sarcophogi of obdurate, primordial stone. Employee of the Bascaradine Corporation.
Orz Gaforian (Human & Elemental, Level 81)
"A glasses-wearing man made of swirling elemental energy wearing a white lab coat and carrying dimension-warping instruments, surrounded by a group of constant ring-gates."
One of the members of the Nihilarchitects' team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Killed by Grandmaster Leele.
Ouettzer (Fiend, Level 600-799)
Reference Link
A previous Source Guardian of Darkness killed by Deraglio, with help from Gillingman and Bill, the Purple Marmoset from Beyond Space and Time, amongst others. He has an alt-version that is a Source Guardian in the Level 600-799 Range. Was also the Right Reverend Malachai Darkman, a priest who has control over the undead and working with the Sheriff of Blood Creek, so the whole 'being dead' thing was likely not quite as permanent as expected. Killed (again) in battle against Selereth and Harkala in Daghmal Gozzot, The City At The Root Of Lost Things, by Iepterro, preventing his plans to destroy reality. A resurrected copy of him was pulled into the Crisis Acrosos Infinite Nexii Megaquest by The Enemy to join its team as 'Ouettzer, Revived Menace', as a Level 80 Abomination.
Overlord Vaeros Callamargh the Unmatchable (Ancient & Conceptual & Planetary, Level 79 BA Member)
Reference Link
His primary classes are Ravager, Archer, Scholar, Lancer, Dragoon, Swordsman, Keeper, Legend, Guardian, Gigas Knight, Artificer, Commander, Channeler, Diviner, Veilwalker, Wanderer, Geomancer, Priest, Illusionist, Transmuter, Wizard, Warrior, Kensei, Enchanter, Time Mage, War Mage, General, Evermason, Master of Monsters, Precursor, Notion-Crafter, Worldbound God, Smith, Kinetic Emperor, Blazing Sultan, Radiant Hierophant, Archsmith of Metal, Eternal Champion, Coinlord, Living Legend, Megacelebrity, Gambler, Relic Keeper, and Noble. He has things setup so that he is both providing divine power to himself and has Magnus Everglory as a Patron Deity. He possesses the artifact 'Chalice of Seven Glories', the artifact 'Spear of the Dragonkiller', the artifact 'Eightfold Imaginary Weapon', the artifact 'Tome of the Silent Apostle', and the artifact 'World-Governing Compass'. He possesses the overcrash 'Triumph in the City of Light', the overcrash 'Billion Sword Rain', the overcrash 'King's Sphere', the overcrash 'Divine Overjudgment', and the overcrash 'Infinity Raid'. He is a deity. His sky-high fame is mostly a result of his build and a singular bit of luck early in his career. His Glory-plus-Glitz-plus-Planetary focus shoots his Fame through the roof and powers him off of it, and he obtained a notably potent Mana Spark when below Level 20 that doubled all Fame he obtained from then forward. He has three subordinate BA members that he helps to break level caps and acquire notable gear who all operate as different types of diviners. Before setting off on a quest, he has them each go about divining for quest speed, potential problems, and better opportunities that are being missed, aborting divination attempts that threaten to take too long and working off the best information he can easily make available to him through a variety of channels, keeping reports strictly focused on important details to avoid wide-net information overload. He has another four BA members sworn to his service as a large power-bloc that exists to swoop in and assist with problems that threaten to stall his progress for too long or cause him public setbacks; they work as his fixers for all manner of problems, but he keeps them off on side-quests obtaining rare items or powers most of the time to prevent their intervention from becoming too notable a part of his overall thematics and overall meta-reputation. A random award he possesses is 'Relit the Dying Sun of the Voronos System'. Has 2,615 Fame. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Pillars of Glory, where he was killed by Doctor Ego of the Error City team.
OZMYR (Meta-Entity, Undefined)
Reference Link
A Meta-Entity, whose existence can redefine the laws of reality around itself. OZMYR's power focuses on gravity, indestructable obsticles, and hierarchical control. A world governed by OZMYR has indestructable dungeons, stuff has higher Defense values, rows matter more, and control effects are stronger and harder to break. Stuff also can't fly more than a bare hover unless a Meta-Entity-controller specially enchants it.
Littrya Damachastle (Human, Level 86)
Reference Link
An acquaintance of Ryan Archmont. Knows Astral Magic, Wizard Magic and is good in melee combat, to the point of being able to consistantly dodge everything up to level 80-something monster attacks. From Citadel Lu'Ronn. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Pillars of Glory. Killed by the Unoriginal Gangster her team was to face during the event, but resurrected by Cael during a post-Megaquest giftgiving venture afterwards.
Pale Duchess (Human, Level 75)
Reference Link
A woman from the same dimension as Doctor Jaminidine. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Fulsome Industry's side.
Plastic Mitchell (Human, Level 80)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Nexus Administrative Bureau, where he was unfortunately subverted and controlled by Forcystus as a result. Killed by That Bird of the Imperial Homeworld War Expeditionary team.
Power Hand (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
A superhero killed by Catastraphon.
President Rosenthal (Human, Level 80)
Reference Link
Has been unanimously voted in for her 87th term of office for being generally awesome. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Cort's Commandos.
Professor 3.0 (Robot, Level 85)
Reference Link
"A robotic old man with spectacles"
A robotic version of The Professor (and far less powerful than the original) who was brought along to the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest by Teagan as part of the Holy Imperial War Expeditionary. Has a staggering array of robotic-and-science-themed powers, including time-bending thrusters and multiple nested auto-activating defense and contingency effects. Also capable of combining elements to invent new technologies on the fly to aid him in battle.
Rashlekk Sulazz (Reptile, Level 79)
Reference Link
Part of a reptilian conspiracy. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Archtyrants' side, where his misdirection and multiple false-bases across the Top Disc of Nexus were met by complete and utter overkill on the part of Vashna, who took the approach that there'd be nowhere to hide if there was nowhere left to hide, obliterating almost the entirety of the disc and killing Rashlekk to the bargain.
Raul the Salsa God (Planetary, Level 85)
Reference Link
"A relaxed-looking man wearing an apron that says 'Salsa God' and has a picture of a chile on it."
Ally of Senor Diabolico and the Evil Robot Mariachis. Makes exceptionally good salsa. Has a build based in cooking, divine magic, and intense fire. Is likely to absorb any fire or food based attacks, and is notably resistant to divine magic and light. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Archtyrants' side. Was killed by Geddoe.
Renfeld the Arcanist (Outsider, Level 400-599)
Reference Link
An exceptionally powerful arcanist from a distant group of worlds concerned with amassing power (and, by extension, powerful items and artifacts). Notably involved in many large events, ensures his teams come extremely prepared (often with effects to prevent them from meeting opposition and allow them to loot the place). Single-handedly fought wars and has extremely powerful card-spells. Has had a presence in every Megaquest thusfar (albeit ensuring his team is shielded through his power to prevent them from running into interference). Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest personally in his Level 99 Immortal avatar-form as 'Renfeld the Arcanist, Questing Arcana Knight'.
Rentharr Dravis (Human, Level 85)
Reference Link
"The crystal monopolist himself. He's got a crystal suit, crystal sunglasses, and far more rings than actually look good. Ioun stones fly around his head, and he has defense matrices of empowered jewels."
The head of an interdimensional mining corporation that's trying to gain a monopoly on mana crystals. To say that his corporation (and by extension, himself) has something of a sketchy reputation would be putting it mildly. Entered the Princess of Suns Incident as a faction head (where he lost, losing a great deal of resources to the point of becoming semi-ruined in the process), as well as the Impossible Knot Incident (where he lost, presumably again losing a great deal) and Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Incident (where he once again lost, just about escaping alive). Has gone so far as to hire assassins to bring him the Regalia of the Elemental Chosen, but his attempt with the Regalia of Technology roundly failed when the artifact itself rebelled, bound itself to the automated assassin he had hired, and catapulted her to dimensions far beyond his knowledge and reach.
Representative Zhu (Human, Level 75)
Reference Link
Part of the Institute for the Refinement of Rational Civilization. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest for the Institute, and was killed there by a three-way Overcrash by Shannon, Carl and Doc Blendy. Has mage-machines and elemental war-engines at his command, as well as a number of deadly curses. Also can use law-magic combined with entrenched defenses and invocations that greatly empower his elemental war-engines.
Reyna and Turakiel (Human & Arch-Angel, Level 79, BA Member)
Reference Link
"A small girl in a white dress with a little halo above her head. Darston's space eyes see a massive angel-creature with geometric wings, large claws, and eyes of crystalline light"
A member of Selereth Helios' team to make their way to the centre of the Knot of Trelhais. Was also on the Heaven Architects' team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Can combine with one another, becoming an eight-foot-tall, manly-looking woman with the angel's claws. Made it to the centre of the Knot to fight for the fate of the Wheel against Doctor Catastrophe. Was also on the winning side during the Crisis Megaquest, beating out the Veil Render's team (and Forcystus) to create heaven-bastions across the Universe. Due to a special Walrusfest gift, their moveset now contains:
Graceful Under Pressure- (Passive Ability, Dancer) Whenever a source below Level 60 inflicts a minor or moderate negative status effect or debuff, there is a 25% chance that possessor may choose to be cured of a different minor or moderate negative status effect or debuff from a source below Level 60 that possessor possesses
Riotous Doctor Funkenstein (Bio-Horror, Level 79 BA Member)
Reference Link
"A massive afro-bearing frankenstein"
A member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau's team in their efforts to win the Knot of Trelhais. One of the most powerful Battle Arena Members of his level that had been encountered, at least when he was in the 40-59 band. Made it to the centre of the Knot of Trelheis despite a number of setbacks, deleveling and reality glitches, but died before he could get involved in the final battle for the Wheel. Entered the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Nexus Administrative Bureau's team, but was unfortunately subverted and controlled by Forcystus as a result. During that, he was killed by Guertas of the Imperial Homeworld War Expeditionary team.
Sage Xen of the Infinite Pathways (Human, Level 83)
Reference Link
"The sage is clad in a simple white robe with a white-pear key hanging from a twine cord around his neck. He is barefoot and unarmed."
A member of the Sanctum of the Tide Key, and took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on their side. An enlightened sage who, having gained enlightnment and knowledge of Infinity, was capable of calling upon all the other things he may have been, including a peerless martial artist and a grand archmage. When fighting him, existence branches, and he is able to bring the weight of every other possible iteration of reality down upon his oponents from his numinous tree-diagram multiverse-construct. Has power over Infinity, Triumph and Progress. Notable for having the least selfish goal of all of the Sanctum Members, desiring the Grand Confluence in order to raise Lower Reality to prevent it from getting destroyed by potential future disasters and then pulling the individuals-that-were from the amalgamated mass into an uplifted, more potent state once the danger had passed. Unfortunately, the rest of his team had other ideas and Grandmaster Leele activated contingencies to control his mind and turn him into a raging berserker before he could move to act on his decision to drop out of the Megaquest in return for having Lili von Mion join the Tide Key afterwards, triggering a self-soul-immolating Infinity-Overcrash as a result.
Saitoserris Magellan Garse Prektus (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
"A mech, with a body like a massive, elegant ship, appears, globe-rod-bearing captain standing at its prow."
A high-ranking member of the Saitoserris Mandate, a force from an alternate reflection of the Holy Imperial Homeworld. Like all Magellans, Prektus has a massive ship-mech capable of breaking through dimensional barriers at his command. Was brought into the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Ordo Forcystus team. Defected into a new Mandate Crossworld Fleet team and engaged in battle with the Imperial War Expeditionary team before being cast out of Nexus in a warded battlespace, only to return as a challenge for the Trial of Concordance. A master of spatial magic, capable of deploying seven 400,000,000-league-wide oceans, each with an uncrossable space-gulf seperating it from the next, in a single action.
Salvarte the Lost (Serpent Blessed, Level 80)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as part of the Valcont-faction Society of the Viper. Killed by Embra Banefire of the Council of Ten Thousand Gods' team.
Salvatore (Human, Level 200-399)
Reference Link
Perhaps the most notable businessman in The One City. Joined forces with Kriele and her Ten Thousand Knightly Orders to overthrow the corrupt factions controlling The One City.
SAVVEKH-LAMBH (Meta-Entity, Undefined)
Reference Link
A Meta-Entity, whose existence can redefine the laws of reality around itself. In another version of events, it would be the Meta-Entity who was helping out the individuals opposing Orlue, transmigrating their souls and power from timeline to timeline so that they could eventually win against all opponents and unlock various other Meta-Entities. Its governance focuses on the surpassing of restrictions, endless growth, and the ability to rise above your current state / break rules. It is the Questant Force, and it is rising in the background of the Fourth Ascension, where it's going to eventually be the final boss (after rising itself out of Lower Reality and then beyond even that). It's uncontactable due to the Celestial Lord / Maleficus split of Lower Reality into the double-Ascension-part and the not-double-Ascension-part (which kinda ended up leaving you folks with a lot of the Fifth Ascension opponents since they got semi-activated alongside the sixth since stuff is out of order, but they don't have actual Ascendants to fight yet, so they're lower Level and more beatable (and will just come back later when the actual Ascension hits). Despite being at the top end of Meta Entity power and therefore uncontrollable and able to counter-command any summoning, it actually tends to be rather agreeable, assuming you can find some way to contact it.
Selena Vardiss (Human, Level 78)
Reference Link
(In Storage)
A noted hero. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Pillars of Glory. Killed by Ilydos of the Error City team, and sent to Storage as a result of the Megaquest's special rules.
Senator Shurakawa (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
"On a platform in front of a massive double-door stand two men in expensive suits. One has black hair and glasses"
One of the members of Ordo Forcystus, brought by Forcystus into the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest to destroy and delay those who sought to stop him. Was one of a pair maintaining the Symbol of MAZMURATT, enforcing the Meta-Entity's laws on reality to kill anything that opposed them. Killed by Teagan as part of the combined Veil Render's Second Team/Imperial Homeworld War Expiditionary alliance.
Señor Diabolico (Human, Level 81)
Reference Link
"A man with a dark cloak, curled moustache, cane, and tophat"
The boss of the Evil Robot Mariachis and Sombrero Overmind. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Archtyrants' side. Was killed by Simon Bross of the Heaven Architects.
Sergeant Grigsby (Human, Level 71)
Reference Link
Ran a fortress that guarded a rift to several demonic planes of existence. The sergeant developed a wine so strong that, when it was flung down the roaring maws of the massive demons that emerged from the rift, they would collapse drunkenly back into it. No one at the fortress but the Sergeant himself was ever able to down a glass of the stuff. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Cort's Commandos.
Shadow of a Man (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
"From the green sun descends a humanoid figure. Its form is indistinct, but shimmers with flame, giving it the distinct outline of a hazmat suit"
The shadow of the Man in a Hazmat Suit, created by the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest's Trial of Demise as the challenge to return Doctor Beak to life. Held much of the power the Man in a Hazmat Suit had, including having a debuff-and-virus sloughing hazmat suit and a contingent of Progress and Atomic-element powers. Also had a notable base in Null powers, which he used to get around normal mechanics, and poetry, which allowed him to switch from standard battle mechanics to self-dictated epics that would cause others to become characters controlled by him and act out the parts he set for them. Killed by Anathema.
Shannon (Human, Level 80)
Reference Link
"A brunette woman in a bartending outfit"
One of the Nexus Tavern's newer bartenders. New to Nexus, but has an admirable memory for the details and history of a variety of places. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Team Bekkler's side. Killed by Mr. P.H. Turkey of The Enemy's team, but resurrected by Nira afterwards. Can Overcrash-combine with other Nexus Bartenders, pulling them into battle to do so if needs be. Due to a specially-empowered Walrusfest gift that gave a bad result, her moveset now contains:
Can Only Make Drinks that Taste Like Rotting Flesh- Possessor's actions may only heal or place buffs on Undead or Horrors, Constant Effect
It is assumed she is presently doing something to counteract this.
Silver Bastion (Human & Robot, Level 80)
Reference Link
A notable superhero. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Hero Force. Killed by the Unoriginal Gangster facing the faction.
Simon Bross, Knight Replicant (Human, Level 81 Unit)
Reference Link
"A slightly-short, bald man with a furrowed brow, large eyebrows, gray eyes, plate armor, and a massive sword. Clones of him appear around him as he prepares, eventually numbering in the thousands."
A member of one of Kriele's Knightly Orders. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest for the Heaven Architects team.
Speed Gunner Gunther (Human, Level 75)
Reference Link
"A muscular, blond man in a very fine car, which is stocked with all manner of guns piled in the seats."
An antagonistic man who drives a gun-equipped car, who appeared as a racer to challenge at Nira's Racetrack, a potential opponent in the Council of Ten Thousand Gods megaquest-prep quest and a member of the Speed Masters team in the Crisis Amidst Infinite Nexii megaquest. May have also been working for either Forcystus, Cordelia or both during the resulting mess.
Speed Miser Evsereen (Human, Level 80)
Reference Link
"A woman with golden hair and a green suit; she is watching and manipulating screens displaying currency information."
A member of the Speed Masters team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. May have also been working for either Forcystus, Cordelia or both during the resulting mess. Killed by Hugo Bekkler during the Megaquest.
Speed Wizard Wylo (Alien, Level 80)
Reference Link
"A short, fat alien in silvery robes with a head that rises in a pointed gumdrop shape with a toadlike mouth; he is passively casting a cycle of spells so fast that you scan can't pick up their nature."
A member of the Speed Masters team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. May have also been working for either Forcystus, Cordelia or both during the resulting mess.
Strickland (Undefined, Level 78)
Reference Link
"On a platform in front of a massive double-door stand two men in expensive suits. The other has gray hair and a neatly-trimmed beard"
One of the members of Ordo Forcystus, brought by Forcystus into the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest to destroy and delay those who sought to stop him. A sorceror-gentleman and Meta-Channeler who mastered control, death, and finality, capable of spellcasting without speaking or gesturing, or 'killing' things such as space, motion and time. Also capable of mass-summoning spell tomes and having them be read by the voices of all of those he killed. Was one of a pair maintaining the Symbol of MAZMURATT, enforcing the Meta-Entity's laws on reality to kill anything that opposed them. Killed by Darston as part of the combined Veil Render's Second Team/Imperial Homeworld War Expiditionary alliance.
Surgeon General (Human, Level 73)
Reference Link
Led his own side in the conflict known as 'The War'. He was a master of battlefield healing, and he managed to keep an unusually high portion of his troops alive even under the brutal attacks of some of the other fighting sides and of The Enemy. He himself has retired now that The War is done, The Enemy is vanquished, and the various other surviving sides all signed a peace treaty. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Cort's Commandos team.
Surprising Robot (Robot, Variable Level)
Reference Link
"A hispanic-looking man with a finely tailored suit"
A member of the Awesome Squad, a semi-famous group of superheroes. A human-like robot with a variety of unusual abilities, most of which come as a surprise to everyone, including his teammates. Displayed powers include a Truth-o-Meter, an Anti-Narcolepsy Beam and a mobile portal generator. Banned from Bascaradine stores for an unspecified reason. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Hero Force as level 75, where he was killed facing the team's Unoriginal Gangster. Also somehow joined the Cort's Commandos team as a Level 80 member.
Talsyrr (Humanoid, Level 7)
Reference Link
A thief killed while trying to loot the Berinic Mesa catacombs. Nebulously tied up in a chain of events to bring about Gonzo Heed. Was resurrected by The Enemy and brought into the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on its team as 'Talsyrr, Revived Menace', a Level 80 Elite Humanoid & Reptile. Killed by Mirian Tallyn of the IZ HUGO BEKKLER! team.
Tasshaemot the Ruinous Wyrm (Dragon, Level 85)
Reference Link
"A massive dragon made of furious, roiling energy that glows with constantly-emitted power."
A member of the Speed Masters team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. May have also been working for either Forcystus, Cordelia or both during the resulting mess. Notably, there is a Vessel of Power based off him.
Teagan (
Human, Level 80 Elite)
Reference Link
"A small girl flying atop a set of magical diagrams in a sphere of force"
The sister of one of Gadigan's avatar-bodies. An overenthusiastic archmage that joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii megaquest because she thought it sounded like fun, pulling in a group of powerful (but level-appropriate) people from the Holy Imperial Homeworld in the process and reactivating the Holy Imperial War Expeditionary to do so.
That Bird (Aerial, Level 80)
Reference Link
"A standard blue jay with a news cap"
A bird who was brought along to the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest by Teagan as part of the Holy Imperial War Expeditionary. Is actually a notable and powerful individual, having temporarily been regent of the entire Homeworld at one point in the past. Specialises in obtuse and weird battle-techniques, such as changing the rules of battle to make non-disco-based moves fail, using odd meta-overlays to scan, summon or otherwise mess with his foes, and rewind rounds of battle to do things in-between-rounds that are hard to prevent. Can also be present and capable of interacting while deceased in a holo-advisory capacity. Somewhat protective of Teagan, to the point that he forced her to enter the Megaquest with a team rather than soloing it.
The Architect (Immortal, Level 600-799)
Reference Link
"A single figure, humanoid shaped and bathed in radiant light."
The Architect of Nexus, and member of the Nexus Administrative Bureau. Briefly had his sub-entity Masks shattered and power usurped by Forcystus subverting the rules and workings of the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest to force-flip The Architect's power into being the corrupted Architect of The One City, and had his title thus stolen by the Fiend (who then lost it to Vashna Saseen) before being re-instated after the Megaquest's close.
The Amazing Zip (Human, Level 77)
Reference Link
A notable superhero. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Hero Force. Killed by the Unoriginal Gangster facing the faction.
The Astounding Mister Burnstring (Human, Level 84)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Council of Ten Thousand Gods' side. Killed by The Vyzranthiine Tattoo of the Society of the Viper team.
The Child of the Empty City (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
"A humanoid figure made of broken discs of shadows, empty cities in miniature covering them like a hollow embodiment of Nexus. The city ignites with empty fire, blazing with Null light."
Null-powered entity created by the Revenant Patriach's Furnace at the Shadow of a Man's behest during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest to fight Anathema. Capable of using glitchy null-powers to attempt to get around standard mechanics (including attempting to ensure that if it was somehow excluded from a fight, it was therefore everywhere in said fight). Ousted and declared immutably Irrelevant by Anathema's Nemesauth-powers, removing it from consideration.
The Enemy (Fiend, Level 80) Reference Post
"A titan-like figure in a stylish black military uniform with a red-eyed gas mask for a face, knife-blades for fingers, and a spike-topped helmet-crown that towers above everything on the disc is spider-skittering across the disc, leaving black fog and armies of masked giants and undead soldiers in its wake."
It was the main opponent in The War. Now that The War is back, it is too. It looms over the battlefield and feeds on war. It uses space and malice to shroud itself beyond fog of war, sending waves upon waves of troops and elite foes to face its opponents, who must brave these grueling gauntlets of seemingly-endless opposing numbers to reach their true opponent. It does not think or act like ordinary men or frogs, instead acting as an adversary to all good worlds and seeking to spread conflict and extend its reach. It is a potent Fiend, it has extensive summoning and remote-leadership powers, if can cleave space apart, and it is bigger than the world. It can take control of the weak-minded or immoral, bending them to its purpose, but those with strong wills, good souls, and tenacity can work together to oppose its forces, force it to reveal itself, and strike it down. Has a second form (which is more dangerous than the first, being a Second World War). Took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as the head of its own faction of resurrected evils. Killed by William Senior of the IZ HUGO BEKKLER! team.
The Enigmatic Python (Reptile, Level 80)
Reference Link
"This serpent is engimatic, obscure, and downright hard-to-see."
The Veil-Render-processed form of The Obscure Python, with a power-boost to match. Took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Veil Render's team.
The Geezer with the Radiator (Undefined, Level 80)
Reference Link
"An old man in a white suit with overly-tacky flame patterns on it appears on the far side of the platform. He's holding a modified radiator like it's a shotgun, finger on the trigger."
One of the supervillains called in to staff the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest by Mimechiavelli. He's surprisingly SUPER MUSCULAR and REALLY GOOD LOOKING (which is capable of causing mental backlash if scanned). He wields The Radiator, which is a potent atomic-element weapon. It looks like a normal house radiator (turned into a gun), but it can do many dangerous things, from creating continental flamestorms, to starting a new ice age, to unleashing thermonuclear devastation in mass barrages. He also has a second potent relic in play that isn't immediately apparent on the battlefield: The Freezer. If The Geezer would be killed, he instead goes into The Freezer, which is heavily shielded, and its ancient cryogenics revive him back to full power over the course of a round, although it is vulnerable to being sealed up and thus trapping The Geezer within. His powerset involves creating remixed versions of his own attacks that loop over each other each round, he has double-purpose bardic music that debuffs his enemies and buffs him, he has sound and buff control, he can summon a wide away of backup guns and remote artillery / siege weapons, he has zonal geomantic control, he has crime connections to interdimensional mafias that he can summon in, he knows explosion magic, and he's a master of ninety-seven martial arts. Defensively, beyond The Freezer and his hard body, he's got sunglasses that usually reflect light and fire, he absorbs Ice inherently thanks to all his time in the Freezer, he can parry magic with his fists, and he can dodge with sudden bursts of super speed. He's vulnerable to charm and dominion from women, as well as possessing a severe weakness to Progress. Currently trapped inside The Freezer within the heart of a frozen star, courtesy of Geddoe. Current whereabouts after the Megaquest are unknown.
The Gellmarris Mob (Undefined, Level 80)
Reference Link
"A mob of hundreds of masked figures in a mix of suits and lightweight power armor."
One of three opponents set to guard the 'tripartate trial' route of the Trial of the Nemesis Mask in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Was actually a supervillain- its superpower being able to harm anything / be able to deal damage regardless of defenses- not necessarily doing a lot of damage or damage that sticks, but being able to hurt things, nonetheless. Also had powers that revolved around futuristic warfare-attacks, including atomic missile barrages, orbital beam strikes, giant fists made of energy, torrents of universal solvent and essence-dissecting energy-mote storms. Killed by Anathema.
The Giant Prophet (Humanoid, Level 81)
Reference Link
"A towering giant with white-and-purple robes, a staff with a pyramid floating above it, and a circlet with eye symbols on it. Multiple medallion-adorned amulets hang from his neck."
Prophet of The Giant Gods. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Archtyrants, hoping to save the Giant race by performing well and restoring the race to prominence on the universal stage. Was unfortunately subverted by Forcystus, and later killed by Vashna and Zweirugi, who assumed his role for the pantheon. He's from Massau's homeworld and is allied with the Serpentfolk Empire. Was trying to bring Giants back to prominence, and worked alongside Massau in the old days against Darston and others. He has a very divination/fate/prophecy focused build, but also has strong divine magic, assorted other magics and reality warping, and massive physical strength. Mostly served a pantheon of giant gods, but is also capable of doing some servant-to-concepts channeling if straight-divine links are blocked.
The Great Mage (Human, Level 80)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Pillars of Glory. Killed by Doctor Ego of the Error City team.
The Hand of the Imperator (Robot, Level 80)
Reference Link
Entity that seeks the Isenrod Corporation's downfall. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Cort's Commandos.
The Hearty Heart of Valgons-Mar (Bio-Horror, Level 83)
Reference Link
A massive heart that serves as the power source for an enormous bio-complex. Able to cross-battlespace hyperbuff without being targetable, getting around the battlesystem. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Fulsome Industry's side.
The Immortal Emperor (Immortal, Level 85)
Reference Link
(In Storage)
The emperor of a moderately-sized nation who managed to acquire several significant treasures throughout his life and was worshipped by his people. He used them in a complex ritual to set things up so he would be reborn later as an immortal after a long enough time when the proper ritual was played on his sacred instruments. The whole story is rather lengthy, involving shadow demons, the (unrelated) demon king of birds, eighty ghosts, yeti philosophers, four wind spirits, a mercenary who almost retired to seek enlightenment, dance-battling monks, a treasure map, and one of the 'weaker' avatar-bodies of Lord Gadigan. His powers involve divine awe, music, magic relics, rulership, glory, summoning and control of spirits, elemental magic, ritual arts, archery, interdimensional movement via boat, artifact creation, and much more. He is an Immortal with several Artifacts, and he's as dangerous as that implies if you're earned his ire. Currently travels the planes, learning the wisdom of the universe, gathering spirits under his banner, locating relics and treasures, and hearing the greatest songs composed by the bards of hundreds of worlds. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Pillars of Glory. Killed by Tsayikk of the Error City team, and sent to Storage as a result of the Megaquest's special rules.
The Lich King (Undead, Level 80)
Reference Link
"The Lich King was a member of the Nythari, a batlike race favored by Lord Gadigan. He learned powerful magics and became the first undead creature on his world. After taking over the domelike world-hopping city of a group fleeing the destruction of its dimension, he began building a large army of undead."
Reanimated the Lorekeepers and keeps them as his top advisors. He has an alt-form as a Level 80 Eldritch as a potential megaquest boss. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as part of the (Forcystus-controlled) Cataloguers of Eternity team. Was killed by the Lion of Unbreached Veils, and Render-flipped to join the Veil Render's team, before being killed again by Grand Librarian Esrekya Melreides. Likely now under the control of the Veil Render. As he's now owned by her, his death is likely non-permanent.
The Lion of Unbreached Veils (Demon & Celestial & Outsider, Level 80)
Reference Link
"Its form shifts, shimmers, and is illusive. Its face is that of a lion and that of a skull. Its power is immesurable to your methods, and reality bows down to its seperate-and-greater king."
Servant of the Veil Render. The Veil Render made it out of several of the Knot contenders who died in the fire. Expect unsurpassed and unfair levels of cheatiness. Possesses enormous nests of defenses, most of which outright preventing it from being affected by just about everything. Also acts as an anchor for the Veil Render's veils, providing ablative, scanproof defenses and warding off effects themselves. As he's owned by the Veil Render, his death is likely non-permanent.
The Manifold Doctor Carlton Wilburforce (Human, Level 80)
Reference Link
"All of his various selves blur about his position, fading in and out and replacing the tangible version of him in unordered sequences."
He is the product of the Veil Render combining all the previously-split versions of the Doctor. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Veil Render's side. Killed by Grand Librarian Esrekya Melreides. As he's now owned by the Veil Render, his death is likely non-permanent.
The Moon Doctor (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
A superhero killed by Catastraphon.
The Obscure Python (Reptile, Level 75)
Reference Link
(Deceased, Renderised)
Nearly impossible-to-perceive snake-creature with massively powerful Divination-blocking ability that entered the Knot of Trelhais with the goal of altering the geomantic foundations of reality, thereby disabling all Divination Magic, utterly preventing stat-scanning from ever working again and randomising the destination of all portals while making viewing between planes impossible. Massively depowers if its stats are scanned. Was killed by Lili's use of the Camel's Oil in the Knot of Trelheis. Was grabbed by the Veil Render and used to create The Enigmatic Python.
The Tanzwaul (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
Hugely powerful worm-entity capable of consuming and destroying almost all magic. This power extends to its teeth, even when separated from the Tanzwaul itself.
Theoretical Meta Entity #1 (Meta Entity, Undefined)
Reference Link
A presently nameless Meta Entity that governs nature.
Theoretical Meta Entity #2 (Meta Entity, Undefined)
Reference Link
A presently nameless Meta Entity that governs water and vast spaces.
The Overlord of Monkey Castle (Human, Level 80)
Reference Link
"A man in full-body black armor with an ominous metal mask and long cape"
A comic-book superhero! Of sorts. Everything about him seems to conform to comic-book tropes, including scans getting redirected to a comic-book spread of the Overlord's origins, full of hyperbole, and comic-style sound-effect bubbles appearing in his vicinity. He owns the Cosmos Crown, an Infinity-based artifact that can set his stats to nigh-infinite values against things that aren't too far out of his level range. Has a great variety of superpowers, including control over apes and monkeys. Thanks to joining Darston and DOCTOR MIRACLES on their quest to obtain the ERI's lost templatable element cores, he also has the full tree of the new Ki element, too. Originally born on the Holy Imperial Homeworld, but currently resides in Nexus. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as the head of the Hero Force team.
The Perfect Man (Human, Level 80)
Reference Link
"The Perfect Man stands, muscular and unrobed save for a white loincloth, with piercing blue eyes and bright blonde hair."
He is the prized creation of the Institution for the Refinement of Rational Civilization. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest for the Institute. Has great skill in martial arts, magic, and has The Institute's final devices at his command. Could also deflect the essence of chaos with his hands, and had a 'retains perfect status' power that let him mostly-shrug damage and debuffs after battles. Unfortunately, if he is marred or wounded sufficiently, his theme of 'perfection' is thrown off, depowering him considerably. Killed by The Roulette Master during the megaquest.
The Piper at the Dawn of Existence (Fae, Level 80)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Fae Host of Queen Dendraeymuir. Killed by the Unoriginal Gangster the team had to fight.
The Resistance Santa (Santa, Level 79)
Reference Link
"This santa, eschewing the traditional red-and-white garb of his kind, wears camo colors and hefts a sack of weapons, looking like a bearded guerilla fighter with a huge beard and a bit of a pot belly."
A somewhat unusual Santa that brings the gifts of FREEDOM and ENHANCED FIREPOWER to one and all in order to defeat tyranny wherever it might appear! He can distribute horseman-tier weapons of all base subtypes across wide scales from his bag, and significantly boost people's stealth. Joined the Heaven Architects team for the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Killed in the final confrontation between the Heaven Architects and Veil Render teams.
The Serpent Demon Gerigiyos (Demon & Reptile, Level 79)
Reference Link
Part of the Serpent Demon Yasamoth's team taken to the Knot of Trelhais. Came along in an effort to wrest the Aeon Diadem from Kit. Has an Overcrash. Was brought into the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest by Forcystus as part of Ordo Forcystus, but worked out that the Fiend intended him to die in order to stall those that might threaten Forcystus' plans, and promptly left at the earliest opportunity.
The Serpent Demon Yasamoth (Demon & Reptile, Level 79)
Reference Link
Demon that possessed the Eighth Doctor Carlton Wilburforce. Led a team to the Knot of Trelhais for purposes unknown (likely involving hunting down the others for sport and artifacts). Has an Overcrash. Was brought into the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest by Forcystus as part of Ordo Forcystus, but worked out that the Fiend intended him to die in order to stall those that might threaten Forcystus' plans, and promptly left at the earliest opportunity.
The Serpent Emperor (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
Emperor of the serpentine lands Massau hails from.
The Unfleshed Goat (Demon, Level 78)
Reference Link
A notable demon and supporter of the Archtyrants. It was made this way through its life and ideals being reshaped by a team of Archtyrant supporters during the Official Quest 'Dreams of the Unfleshed Goat'. Took part in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest, where it was killed by Jackie West of the Heaven Architects team.
The Vicar's Colossus (Golem, Level 82)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Council of Ten Thousand Gods' side. Killed by Archbishop Larchman, aka Sagzlarr Venomvoice of the Society of the Viper team.
The Vyzranthiine Tattoo (Serpent Blessed, Level 80)
Reference Link
An extremely potent, curse-focused entity who specialised in wrecking other people on the build-level with lasting damage. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as part of the Valcont-faction Society of the Viper.
The Whispering Wind of Nashgelle-Farr (Serpent Blessed, Level 80)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as part of the Valcont-faction Society of the Viper. Killed by Erdlue the Marsh-Keeper of the Council of Ten Thousand Gods' team.
Tjormod the Arcane (Human, Level 79 BA Member)
Reference Link
"A strikingly tall fellow with deep-black hair, a two-pointed moustache, a moderate-length beard, and a generally well-composed countainance. Though a scholarly sort, it looks like he's put at least a bit of time into working out as well (or just happened to find the right sort of mana spark)."
A Battle Arena Member.
Formerly Tjormod the Cursed (and formerly before that Tjormod the Arcane again), Tjormod managed to acquire a huge, varied, and debilitating array of curses, ending up being used by the Bekkelin Team during the Impossible Knot Incident as a sort of curse-battery. Lili von Mion, after purchasing some heavy-duty protection and the means to do so, removed all of the curses affecting the man in return for his services, restoring him to a state somewhat-approaching his former self and earning his unending gratitude in the process. Skilled in the ways of the Wizard / Esoteric Wiseman / Mentalist / Mind Lord / Noble / 'Lady' of the Exceptional Leaf, formerly a Paladin with global Abjuration and Divination abilities, and former owner of the Blade of the High Heavens, Endless Tome, and Apocalypse Bell. Has recently gained access to the newly-created element of Will. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Nihilarchitects' side, in which he was instrumental in capitalising on Lili's momentum in the quest and destruction of the Tide Key team in order to secure the corporeal form of the Tide for the Nihilarchitects.
Traathia Loimerran (Elemental, Level 78)
Reference Link
"A girl with rippling, void-like hair, a crimson cloak, gold and vermilion armor, and burning shoes approaches Lili, leaving a trail of footprints made of purple ash in her wake."
Elemental specialising in Fire and Chaos. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Fulsome Industry's side.
Trial of Demise Gargoyle (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
"A gargoyle scuttles down from high above out of the fog"
A gargoyle stationed at the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest's Trial of Demise, who asks what entity the challenger wishes returned to life and triggers the trial proper.
Tricky Dick (Fae & Humanoid, Level 75)
Reference Link
A notable gnomish rogue from the same world as Evil Baker. He is Slick Dick's uncle. Entered the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Nexus Administrative Bureau, where he was unfortunately subverted and controlled by Forcystus as a result. Killed by Drescher of the Imperial Homeworld War Expeditionary team.
Triella Myrvont (Human & Elemental, Level 74)
Reference Link
(In Storage)
Interdimensional adventurer. Learned the Fusion Hand Style martial art from Jeff the Sun and went on to defeat Godburg the Conqueror with it. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Pillars of Glory. Killed by Mother Golzthemormae of the Error City team, and sent to Storage as a result of the Megaquest's special rules. A clone-version of her joined the Cort's Commandos team, where she was killed by the Unoriginal Gangster challenging the faction.
Triumphant Kyri Zetmar (Human, Level 79)
Reference Link
Notable for her red-tape-cutting scissors. She defeated an old incarnation of the Subcomitte of Doom before Doctor Gopherpants and Gary gained their current levels of power. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Nexus Administrative Bureau, where she was unfortunately subverted and controlled by Forcystus as a result. Killed by Guertas of the Imperial Homeworld War Expeditionary team.
Tsayikk (Coded Being & Horror & Fiend, Level 80)
Reference Link
A semi-digital Fiend-presence that was a major enemy of Bascaradine at a point after the Third Ascension but still early in its general history. The Bascaradine Twins ended up personally eliminating him three times. Tends to keep coming back, still hating Bascaradine. The leader of Error City (both the name of its base and the faction it led/leads when it's around). Led its own faction of Error City during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. It has an alt-form as a Level 400-599 Coded Being & Horror & Fiend. Killed by Littrya Damachastle of the Pillars of Glory team. Given [UNIVERSAL EXISTENCE FAILURE] seems to be related to him, though, he might not be as dead as previously thought...
Tymerio the Moon-Collector (Human, Level 85)
Reference Link
A mage who had previous dealings with the ERI who stumbled across reports of their lost cores. Ventured to the Evershadow and used the core there to make the Form element. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Renfeld the Arcanist.
Uncle Steve (Marcoschnapt, Level 80)
Reference Link
"A silver-haired man with reflective sunglasses, a large belly covered by a multi-colored shirt with palm trees and women with alcohol, a gold chain around his neck, sandals, white-and-blue-striped shorts, and a cowboy hat."
Your uncle! My uncle! Your uncle's uncle!
Uncle Steve is some kind of Abstract interpretation of everyone's uncle, and as such can generally be found dispensing friendly, if confusing advice when called upon. Notably benevolent for a weird semi-deity-level abstract thing. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on Hugo Bekkler's side, where he got killed by Rentharr Dravis.
Varathelos: The Phoenix Angel (Arch-Celestial, Level 85)
Reference Link
"This four-armed angel has multicolored phoenix-wings and a body of living flame. Holy power radiates from his redeemed form, and you get the sense that he still retains an unusual and hoary power from his days as The Demon King."
Entity created by the Celestial Lord from the deceased Demon King's heart. Was approved entry to Sunthrone as part of the Celestial Lord's team during the Princess of Suns Incident despite being vastly more powerful than most. Joined the Heaven Architects team for the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Is noted as being 'not exactly hip to the times'.
VELTAR (Meta-Entity, Undefined)
Reference Link
A Meta-Entity, whose existence can redefine the laws of reality around itself. It governs combat, rage, and physical destruction. Its presence weakens status effects and amplifies Damage. May currently be sealed away. Generally grouped with GURADAMA and AKDOS, power-and-relationship-wise. Relatively easy to channel for a Meta Entity (compared to most other Meta Entities, given that channeling any of their kind at all is a very tall order).
Vivian Greene (Human, Level 75)
Reference Link
Works for the Daemonic Hierarchy of Fulsome Industry and has artifact shoes, among other artifacts. A Reality Auditor. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Fulsome Industry's side.
Vladimir Orietzev (Human, Level 85)
Reference Link
"A man in an expensive red suit with a gun."
High-up member of Aretsnov Industries. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Speed Masters. May have also been working for either Forcystus, Cordelia or both during the resulting mess. Had a start-of-battle headshot-kill attack, warp-gate attack through which pre-prepared waves of spells and missiles pour, the ability to use a device to mass-teleport anti-life-bombs directly into people, and magical contracts with tailoring agencies allowing damage to his fancy suits to be repaired and touched-up by master tailors at the end of rounds of battle. Killed by the Roulette Master during the Megaquest.
Vohlduer Glorz, the Rot Beneath the World (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
"From the ground in front of Celas bursts forth a massive worm-demon-head that splits into millions of tentacles that shine with deep reds, swamp greens, and toxic purples, dripping fluids and shifting through an aurora of ill colors as the worm-body's many side-dotting eyes observe Celas."
One of the twelve devil-kings of Disc 66, killed through combat with the Heaven Architects Team during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest as they fought to lay claim to one of the keys they needed to proceed, incidentally slaying the foul rulers of the place and laying claim to their Numerals. Held the Numeral IX. Killed by The Resistance Santa. It had a weakness to ice and holy cleansing; its venoms were able to poison not only bodies, but also the essence of magic and the land itself. It had geomancy, cthonic powers, lots of acid, the ability to consume creatures to create slave-undead and demon-spawn, and offensive toxin, color, and mystic based transmutation. It also had earth elemental magic, some necromancy, dark magic, and gaze attacks.
Vultura Deathstorm, Scourge of the High Skies and Tempest of Destruction (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
"Riding toward your group through the sky is a massive black blimp with a red skull-and-crossbones on each side and a missile rack hanging from the bottom. A winged figure rides atop its front, and it is incoming quickly."
One of the supervillains called in to act as opposition during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. She has a mech-suit on; the wings on her suit can fire out feathers that morph into various attacks. She can control the blimp and use it like a high-end pet for secondary actions and can replace/rebuild it with other vehicles. She's got lots of tech, plus air magic, plus dimension travel and some basic psi. She has some Glory going on, too, and can block scans to an extent with self-aggrandising promotion-biographies.
Waerdael (Fae, Level 85)
Reference Link
A fae known for his power over the forces of winter. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Fae Host of Queen Dendraeymuir. Killed by the Unoriginal Gangster the team had to fight.
War Expeditionary Coordinator Drescher (Human, Level 80)
Reference Link
"An older, dignified-looking man with an impressive white moustache in an official military uniform from the Homeworld"
A recently-reactivated official who was brought along to the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest by Teagan as part of the Holy Imperial War Expeditionary. Capable of declaring places under Imperial Holy Law in order to gain more control over them and rebuff opposing law-effects.
William Senior (Humanoid & Monster, Level 78)
Reference Link
"A titan-sized minotaur with shaggy hair wearing pants with suspenders, a powder-blue button-down shirt, and a floppy flat cap. He has reading spectacles and carries a greatmaul."
Invulnerable Bill's dad, and even more invulnerable than his son. Absurdly hard to damage or affect in any capacity, and has a wind-up attack capable of instantly-destroying things with unstoppable, unavoidable amounts of damage. The catch being he's massively-out-of-bracket slow, and his wind-up takes about three hundred rounds of battle.
Wisherman (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
"An old man in a yellow raincoat whose pockets are stuffed with bottles. He looks a bit crazy, but his gold tooth sparkles in a way that gives you a strange confidence."
A friendly, chipper resident of the wish-collecting Disc 23,874,612. Capable of fishing wishes and wish-granted objects out of the ocean of wishes there. Was the disc resident in charge of opposing incoming teams during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest, in which he offered either a test of combat or to use the disc's wish-resources to wish what was needed to progress into being.
Wondrous Rod (Human, Level 75)
Reference Link
A very flamboyant arch-wizard from Evil Baker's world. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of the Nexus Administrative Bureau (and unfortunately got immediately coopted by Forcystus as a result). Killed by Teagan of the Imperial Homeworld War Expeditionary team.
Wuzen, Guru of Endings (Human & Horror, Level 85)
Reference Link
"A fat, old man with eyes that pour out smoke"
Travels from world to world seeking enlightenment through the observation of destruction and suffering. Has met Ikmylos the Reliquarian many times. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the Archtyrants' side, and was part of a possession-gambit by Forcystus to obtain the Masks of the Architect (despite counter-gambits by the Archtyrants). Was killed by Celas.
Xantho Dorze (Conceptual & Horror, Level 82)
Reference Link
Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Error City. Killed by General Verngrass Wethryll of the Pillars of Glory team.
XEVOXUS (Meta-Entity, Undefined)
Reference Link
A Meta-Entity, whose existence can redefine the laws of reality around itself. Present in a different (and perhaps not-yet-happened) version of reality where Meta Entities are used to template new worlds, in which it appeared/will appear alongside HALKYNRYN. It governs unreason, impossibility, and malice. Bringing it into play makes everything hostile and on some kind of berserk hyper-mode. It's actively aggressive towards beings within worlds it governs (including those who gate it in), but might be able to be used tactically with the right fakeout-screen. Noted as being a pain to channel by Meta Entity standards, but not impossible.
Yaldabaoth, the Demiurge (Undefined, Undefined)
Reference Link
(No Longer Exists)
"A beast with the body of a serpent, the torso of a man, and the head of a lion. Upon its brow is a crown that is also the sun and it holds a scepter which governs this, the only world."
An ancient entity, who acted as the 'Ultimate Force of Good' when in actuality was self-serving. After his defeat by Gadigan and The Saints, he was fixed into becoming an actual force for legitimate Good- The Celestial Lord. The powers of Yaldabaoth were attempted to be invoked by Valcont in a gambit during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. This would have resulted in the Archon system being instated within reality, blocking off Higher Reality from Lower Reality despite the vast differential in standard power between them and Higher Reality's inhabitants. It also allows a degree of governance over the Pillars, Endbringers, and other theoretically-Higher-Reality-capable-subtyped entities within Lower Reality.
Yootheim (Demon, Level 75)
Reference Link
Demonic entity attempting to acquire Oneman from Lili or subvert her through it, although it's just one item on a very long list he has. Exceptionally paranoid and vengeful. A member of the Rebel Dark Forces and is looking to harm New-Dark-Empire-affiliated individuals as much as possible. Has warning sensors (of questionable efficiency) in place if he detects signs in Nexus that the Crimson Citadel is poorly guarded while Oneman is there. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on the side of Error City. Killed by Littrya Damachastle of the Pillars of Glory team.
Zero-Ten (Conceptual, Level 79 Artificial BA Member)
Reference Link
"A nondescript human silhouette whose presence removes vision."
One of the Artificial BA Members created by the Nihilarchitects. Joined the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest on their team. Made it to nearly the end, where they were killed by Grandmaster Leele.
Infinite Council Reference Link
Masked council run by Mister Owler. Presumably all count as Identities of the Enigma Man.
Mandate Crossworld Fleet Reference Link
The Saitoserris Mandate's reflection of the Imperial War Expeditionary. Part of Ordo Forcystus, headed by Saitoserris Magellan Garse Prektus, defected to create this team in order to remove the Imperial War Expeditionary from play in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest.
Neo-Sephreys Corporation Reference Link
Bascaradine's old rival is back, under new management. Has purchased a disc of Nexus and turned it into an executive headquarters and manufacturing disc for their products. Currently in some turmoil after their present CEO was killed during Team Bascaradine's raid during the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest, but has multiple other high-ranking executives still in play.
Honorable Order of Baker-Knights Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Candy. Their purpose: Create magical confections that nourish in addition to tasting good; eliminate famine; solve problems related to poisoned or otherwise-tained food supplies
Order of the Almighty Knights of the Highest Heaven Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 3 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Divine. Their purpose: Guide thier worshippers to the service of good; cooperate with and assist other good divinities; fight and defeat the gods of evil
Order of the Cosmic Miraculous Doctor-Knights Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Azoth. Their purpose: Heal maladies that afflict the elements; prevent elements utilized by the Knights from falling under the sway of corruptive forces
Order of the Dragonrider Knights Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Draco. Their purpose: Cooperate with dragon partners to form effective teams that combat evil
Order of the Faceted Knights Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Crystal (2). Their purpose: Help create reservoirs of base elements currently under Harkala's power that are protected from her control, utilizing Kriele's sources and elemental crystal to achieve a process similar to Bascaradine's employee-reprocessing
Order of the Fluffy Bunny Knight Crusaders! Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Cute Pets. Their purpose: Train small, cute animals to be able to defend themselves (and their owners, where applicable) against evil forces
Order of the Incognito Knights Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Dopple. Their purpose: Locate individuals who are pretending to be good but actually working towards wicked ends in secret; replace those individuals with other capable people (or replicas) capable of accomplishing their outward goals
Order of the Jester Knights Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Moon. Their purpose: Trick evil forces into being the sources of their own downfall
Order of the Kn1g[]///...s of [empty_value_not_found_error] Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 0 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Null. Their purpose: Deal with reality glitches that are not able to be handled by more conventional orders; prevent incurses of Tsayikk-related elements
Order of the Knights Akashic Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Memory. Their purpose: Prevent forces or beings from altering the past retroactively or creating false histories for malign ends
Order of the Knights Celestialis Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Astral. Their purpose: Use astral magic coupled with upper-planar power to deliver powerful strikes against fortified bastions of evil.
Order of the Knights Clad in Eternal Red Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Fire. Their purpose: Eliminate evil beings that use fire to twisted ends, with a focus on demons and efreet
Order of the Knights Clarion Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Sonic. Their purpose: Broadcast messages that would otherwise be suppressed by oppressive forces.
Order of the Knights Curiatis Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Life. Their purpose: Heal ailments, curse plagues, and undo the damage done by evil's forces.
Order of the Knights Cyclical Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Life. Their purpose: Reincarnate lost heroes of good and safeguard the passage of souls to afterlife or back to life; eliminate spirit-eating lower-planar beings and undead.
Order of the Knights Divinitas Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Faith. Their purpose: Serve as agents of the gods of good, forming a unified bastion of faith that combines the powers of deities otherwise spread across different pantheons to battle against the gods of evil and lords of the lower planes.
Order of the Knights Doshtacular Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Wealth. Their purpose: Fund/bankroll/provide-esoteric-resources-for positive ventures that would otherwise fail due to a lack of resources
Order of the Knights Dyschronus Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Time. Their purpose: Undo past disasters, losses, and victories of evil.
Order of the Knights Empyrean Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Spatial. Their purpose: Unify the heavens and the mortal realms so that the power of the arch-angels and their kin can be brought to bear to assist mortals and geomantically drive away evil.
Order of the Knights Eternal Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 3 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Eternity. Their purpose: Deadlock unstoppable foes in eternal combat until methods of defeating them in a lasting manner can be found; combat and defeat beings capable of defeating the other knightly orders
Order of the Knights Eternally Loyal Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Civilization. Their purpose: Suppress terrorist forces, prevent criminal gangs from seizing power, and prevent bloody uprisings
Order of the Knights Ever-Changing Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Flux. Their purpose: Battle against stagnation, stasis, pointless waste, and the dynamism-stifling powers of Fulsome Industry
Order of the Knights Ever-Greater Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 3 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Progress. Their purpose: Oppose villains with adaptive powersets and best them at their own game by out-adapting them
Order of the Knights Expurgatis Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Destruction. Their purpose: Combat and eliminate unique, notable threats to the forces of good.
Order of the Knights Fantastical Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Hope. Their purpose: Spread the influence of Fanstasmics, make Fantasmics more common, Oppose Daemons and other beings of ordered evil
Order of the Knights Fundamental Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 3 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Primordium. Their purpose: Safeguard the fundamental nature of existence from harm from reality-warping beings and entities that can shift universal laws to malign ends.
Order of The Knights Graceblade Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Good. Their purpose: To act as archetypal ur-Paladins, operating as honerable heroes who never let fear of evil being too great prevent them from doing their duty and never consider tasks beneath them; to avoid collateral damage when battling vile forces.
Order of the Knights Immaculate Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Beauty. Their purpose: Increase the overall beauty of the multiverse; fight against forces that utilize Agony and curses
Order of the Knights Indomitable Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Will. Their purpose: Free individuals from hostile mind control, Defeat evil psychics, enchanters, and other dominion-users
Order of the Knights Innumerable Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Dopple. Their purpose: Serve as backup for the other knightly orders as is needed
Order of the Knights in Shining Armor Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Light. Their purpose: Hunt notorious monsters and murderers
Order of the Knights Inviolable Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Warding. Their purpose: Serve as defensive supplements to teams of allied others, acting as a bulwark that prevents their allies from coming to harm in battle.
Order of the Knights Luminous Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Light. Their purpose: Defeat powerful/numerous Darkness-related monsters, notable Darkness-wielders, and Umbramancers
Order of the Knights Mentalis Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Memory. Their purpose: Soothe the minds of those mentally damaged by evil; edit memories to eliminate trauma; destroy memetic hazards.
Order of the Knights Miraculous Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Wonder. Their purpose: Perform miracles to give help those in situations that seem impossible to win.
Order of the Knights Most-Valiant Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Glory. Their purpose: Serve as the source of legends of good vanquishing evil in honorable ways that are spread across the planes, both to improve allied morale and to alter multiversal spawn-table tendencies so that 'good will be victorious' becomes a prevalent theme.
Order of the Knights Necromantus Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Phantom. Their purpose: Use ancestral magic and necromancy towards benevolent ends, helping civilization and fighting against those who would use such powers for evil.
Order of the Knights Numinous Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Aether. Their purpose: Hunt villains that escape into pathways not normally travellable, such as etheral planes, mirror realms, or the shadows of mindscapes.
Order of the Knights of Destiny Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Fate. Their purpose: Establish and strengthen prophecies of good heroes rising up to defeat menaces, threats, and great evils
Order of the Knights of Eternal Green Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Nature. Their purpose: Stop the expansion of forces based in pollution, stagnation, environmental destruction, and decay.
Order of the Knights of Heaven Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Light. Their purpose: Work alongside upper-planar beings to fight against the forces of the lower planes
Order of the Knights of Industry Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Steam. Their purpose: Accelerate the technological development of the kingdoms of good so that they can better contribute to the overall efforts of similar kingdoms in resisting the realms of darkness
Order of the Knights of Joy Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Pleasure. Their purpose: Increase the overall level of happiness across the universe and help end causes of mass suffering
Order of The Knights of New Dawning Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Light. Their purpose: Claim victories against forces that good, heroic types previously fought and lost against.
Order of the Knights of Steel and Circuitry Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Metal. Their purpose: Improve goodly civilization through the development of technology; create robotic soldiers and AI administrators to help prevent corruption in government bodies and military forces.
Order of the Knights of the Adamant Forge Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Metal. Their purpose: Develop and test new weapons and armors for the Knightly Orders to use
Order of the Knights of the Arcane Blade Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Mystic. Their purpose: Hunt down and defeat those who use the power of magic for evil; stop run-amok spells and magical effects
Order of the Knights of the Atom Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Atomic. Their purpose: Use super-science for the side of justice, fight against alien conquerers, robots run-amok, and the horrors of mad science
Order of the Knights of the Balanced Soul Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Void. Their purpose: Serve as mentally and spiritually grounded champions who resist corruption, possession, madness, and other types of taint to combat adversaries that would otherwise be too dangerous for normal heroes to approach.
Order of the Knights of the Banishing Bell Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Aether. Their purpose: Unsummon evil summoned beings, undo rituals to bring dark powers into the worlds, and prevent the forces of evil from harnessing Eidolons to their ends.
Order of the Knights of the Burning Ember Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Hope. Their purpose: Serve as an example in dark times, prove that no evil is too great to be opposed, help sew the seeds of rebellion against tyrants
Order of the Knights of the Celestial Court Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Law. Their purpose: Serve as instruments of heavenly justice who reward the good and mete out punishment against the wicked; prevent laws from being subverted by devilish or daemonic forces
Order of the Knights of the Celestial Gate Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Spatial. Their purpose: Prevent the forces of good from being cut off from one another; maintain safe access between the planes; stop threats to planar travel
Order of the Knights of the Clover Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Fortune. Their purpose: Use control of Fortune to eliminate overly-lucky scoundrels who otherwise use their good fortune to escape justice
Order of the Knights of the Compass Rose Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Civilization. Their purpose: Bring civilization and law to regions ruled by savagery, terror, or evil tyrants.
Order of the Knights of the Constable Guard Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Order. Their purpose: Assist local law enforcement forces in cases where they are overwhelmed or faced with threats whose esoteric powers they are unable to deal with using internal resources
Order of the Knights of the Cosmic Palette Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Color. Their purpose: Tame and repurpose wild monsters to become helpful to civilization and the forces of good.
Order of the Knights of the Deep Earth Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Crystal (2). Their purpose: Hunt down underground menaces and aberrations that lurk within lightless realms and domains of elemental earth; oppose Harkala's worm-knights
Order of the Knights of the Deep Red Sea Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Blood. Their purpose: Fight abominations, horrors, and sea-monsters
Order of the Knights of the Distant Stars Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Astral. Their purpose: Stop threats that travel through outer space; assist in establishing peaceful contact between different planets
Order of the Knights of the Dove Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Civilization. Their purpose: Promote diplomacy as a means of solving conflict, end wars, and preserve times of peace
Order of the Knights of the Dusk Blossom Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Toxin. Their purpose: Use stealth and carefully-prepared plans to surgically eliminate unique leaders of evil organizations
Order of the Knights of the Egg Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Life. Their purpose: Sculpt new forms of life that can flourish and assist in protecting or improving the quality of life of civilizations they are placed near; revitalize wastelands and other areas of lifeless ruin
Order of the Knights of the Empty Conflux Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Void. Their purpose: Destroy base-element entities devoted to spreading Harkala's influence and reach.
Order of the Knights of the Eternal City Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Civilization. Their purpose: Rebuild, fortify, and improve areas destroyed by conflict, disaster, or predation.
Order of the Knights of the Frog Prince Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Marsh. Their purpose: Locate benevolent monsters, horrors, and sentinent animals; help them find ways to help others without causing surprise or revulsion or assist in relocating them to areas where they can do good without seeming strange.
Order of the Knights of the Glowing Ladder Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Ki. Their purpose: Help others to master their powers, better themselves, and become heroes.
Order of the Knights of the Golden Blade Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Wealth. Their purpose: To use their wealth to lay claim to areas and items to gain a metaphysical hold that makes them more difficult to be taken or tainted by dark forces; to use wealth to finance attacks against bastions of evil.
Order of the Knights of the Golden Vault Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Wealth. Their purpose: Guard wealth and treasure so that it does not fall into the hands of the unworthy; provide reliable, trustworthy banking services
Order of the Knights of the Golden Word Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Law. Their purpose: Use law-magic to promote order, good, justice, and civilization; combat enemy litigamancers and stop beings of chaos who destroy the structure of law
Order of the Knights of the Heavenly Garden Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Wood. Their purpose: Defeat evil and threatening plant monsters; ensure safety in places of verdent green
Order of the Knights of the Holy Lineage Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Evolution. Their purpose: Guide successive generations of individuals to mold the creation of ever-more-capable heroes
Order of the Knights of the Holy Maiden Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Faith. Their purpose: Support the church of Kriele and defeat the machinations of the minions of Harkala
Order of the Knights of the Illuminated Mind Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Truth. Their purpose: Combat illusion, lies, and sources of deception
Order of the Knights of the Meticulous Count Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Numerals. Their purpose: Ensure the accuracy of records at the disposal of the Knightly Orders, improve the efficiency of operations and logistics, safeguard against internal corruption and embezzlement
Order of the Knights of the Olive Branch Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Hope. Their purpose: Stop the machninations of War-element beings and the spread of elemental War
Order of the Noble Ratcatcher Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Basic. Their purpose: Notice and root out small threats that might otherwise be overlooked to grow into larger problems.
Order of the Knights of the Outward Eye Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Warding. Their purpose: Utilize divination to prevent sealed evils from escaping their prisons and to prevent dark forces from infiltrating otherwise-safe lands.
Order of the Knights of the Primordial Forge Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Animae. Their purpose: Bring life to the unliving to aid in the greater aims of the Knightly Orders as a whole
Order of the Knights of the Purifying Fire Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Fire. Their purpose: Use power over fire and holy magic to cure afflictions, burn away curses, stop contagious undead, and eliminate the plagues that issue forth from foul Gilbezber
Order of the Knights of the Reclaimant Order Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Treasure. Their purpose: Acquire powerful items held, utilized, or horded by villains, by means both direct and involving subterfuge.
Order of the Knights of the Righteous Legion Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of War. Their purpose: Lead armies in combating the armies of evil; expand the kingdoms of good and seize territory from the forces of darkness
Order of the Knights of the Sacred Hammer Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Treasure. Their purpose: Destroy evil magic items and artifacts.
Order of the Knights of the Sacred Veil Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Illusion. Their purpose: Keep the forces of evil from uncovering knowledge that would help them gain advantages over the forces of good
Order of the Knights of the Savage Land Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Beast. Their purpose: Protect civilization and the wilderness from one another, stopping both environmental destruction caused by excess greed and the predation of beasts on peaceful folk
Order of The Knights of the Seventeen Seals Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Warding. Their purpose: Seal away evil forces that otherwise cannot be defeted or threaten with the ability to return somewhere else if destroyed.
Order of the Knights of the Silver Screen Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Glitz. Their purpose: Promote the reputation of good, help good appear more appealing than evil to the masses, expose evil at its darkest points
Order of the Knights of the Spinning Cog Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Steam. Their purpose: Invent and mass produce objects and clockworks that both serve to better civilian life and defend against enemy forces.
Order of the Knights of the Square and Compass Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Mystery. Their purpose: Only inducted members are permitted to know the goals of this order
Order of the Knights of the Unforgotten Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Memory. Their purpose: Preserve the knowledge of fallen heroes of old so that efforts may be taken to return them to life or respawn them.
Order of the Knights of the Unseen Pathway Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Void. Their purpose: Break into worlds overtaken by evil and rescue innocents or heroes stuck there.
Order of the Knights of the Valiant Blaze Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Fire. Their purpose: Use the power of fire to eliminate evil forces
Order of the Knights of the Wall of Blades Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of War. Their purpose: Use mighty weapons aimed with purpose to suppress the spread of evil and progressively gain ground for the forces of good.
Order of the Knights of the White Lily Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Wood. Their purpose: Cultivate and utilize rare plants to treat all manner of maladies, both physical and spiritual.
Order of the Knights of the Woven Tapestry Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Fate. Their purpose: Reweave fate so that horrid futures are averted and boons are granted to those who would otherwise be at the mercy of destiny's whim.
Order of the Knights of Unbound Freedom Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Chaos. Their purpose: Eliminate tyrants and cruel slavemasters
Order of the Knights Oracular Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Knowledge. Their purpose: Reveal the secrets that vile forces attempt to hide; prevent evil forces from developing new means to hide themselves from good's sight.
Order of the Knights Paramount Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Nobility. Their purpose: Rule over kingdoms justly and serve as the benevolent leaders of civilization.
Order of the Knights Peregrine Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Spatial. Their purpose: Swoop in from out of nowhere with exotic powers at their disposal to suddenly and decisively solve problems that cannot normally be fixed.
Order of the Knights Polymorphic Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Form. Their purpose: Undo transmutation-based curses; hunt down and eliminate evil transmuters and flesh-crafters
Order of the Knights Potentiallis Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Wonder. Their purpose: Expand the boundaries of what is possible so that the potential futures of reality are expanded in positive directions that were previously impossible.
Order of the Knights Principalis Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Void. Their purpose: Ensure that the concepts, principles, and divine forces that reality uses as its foundation-points are not subverted by evil forces and bent to twisted ends.
Order of the Knights Purificationist Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Fury. Their purpose: Eliminate all traces of infectious/pervasive/corruptive evils so that they cannot regain roots and spread further.
Order of the Knights Reclimatus Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Phantom. Their purpose: Redeem evil beings, with a specific focus on individuals who were possessed/corrupted by outside evil presences without their consent/unwillingly converted into aggressive undead
Order of the Knights Replicant Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Dopple. Their purpose: Assist small bastions of goodly people who would otherwise be overwhelmed by massive numbers of monsters or fiends.
Order of the Knights Sagacious Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Mystic. Their purpose: Use magic to better people's lives and fight against evil
Order of the Knights Tactical Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Innovation. Their purpose: Develop innovative new plans to catch the forces of evil off-guard and exploit previously unseen weaknesses in their composition
Order of the Knights Temporis Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Time. Their purpose: Dedicated to eliminating villains who have powers over Time that they use to advance their evil schemes.
Order of the Knights Transient Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Aether. Their purpose: Undo lingering evil magics, geomantic corruptions, and effects that have persisted beyond the lifespan of their evil creators.
Order of the Knights Unconquerable Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 3 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Infinity. Their purpose: Defeat massive evils in one-on-one combat
Order of the Knights Vampiric Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Blood. Their purpose: Promote the siring of willing augmented undead possessing carefully-cultivated strains of empowering necromancy that do not confer weaknesses or taint
Order of the Knights Vibrant Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Life. Their purpose: Defeat beings that bring destruction and apocalypse in vast or permanent ways.
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Tacky. Their purpose: Confuse and distract the forces of evil; reveal the true power of synchronized song and dance routines
Order of the Knights with Swords, Shields, Armor, and Horses Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Basic. Their purpose: Drive off troublesome bandits, slay dangerous dragons, and rescure captured royalty while adhering to the tenets of chilvalrous conduct.
Order of the Lamplighter Knights Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Light. Their purpose: Maintain geomantic bastions that prevent evil from encroaching upon threatened realms; maintain the sanctity of fortresses that are surrounded by lands of darkness
Order of the Leech-Knights Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Blood. Their purpose: Drain power from dark forces; acquire unique powers held by evil individuals through draining powers
Order of the Magical Sugarsprite Knights Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Candy. Their purpose: Work alongside fellow magical girls to spread friendship, eliminate evil (particularly in the forms of rot, decay, and associated dark elements), and cook up tasty treats
Order of the Most Revered and Exquisite Knights of the Immaculate Bastion Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Grandeur. Their purpose: Create awe-inspiring yet also defensively-effective bases for the forces of good; promote the spawning of effective Knights of the Orders through refined Geomancy.
Order of the Muse-Knights of Boundless Fantasy Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 3 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Dream. Their purpose: Combat reality-warpers and beings that exist beyond conventional means of interaction with the rest of existence using their dreamshaping powers; improve the many worlds through reshaping their foundations
Order of the Sage-Knights of the Radiant Spire Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 2 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Knowledge. Their purpose: Discover and preserve the knowledge of powers and techniques that expand the repertoire of the forces of good to combat and protect themselves from their foes in esoteric ways.
Order of the Tradewind Knights Reference Link
One of the Ten Thousand Knightly Orders. A Tier 1 Order. Their power revolves around the Element of Commerce. Their purpose: Stop banditry, theft, and other threats to property and trade; help preserve economic stability
The Enigma Men Reference Link
A mysterious conspiracy-group that actively gains power by spreading conspiracies and making people think they can do things through manipulating perceptions, retroactively changing facts, warping reality and in general causing more convolution than should strictly be necessary. They also were/are the Monterro Family, a quasi-mafia-style organisation based out of the One City, with their own district. With the introduction of Truth as a Base Element, they have been dealt a massive blow, driven from District Zero and with most being outright destroyed.
The Giant Gods Reference Link
A pantheon of gods of the Giant race. As Giants have been growing far rarer of late, they have been increasingly desperate to restore the race to prominence, having factors join megaquests in their name in order to achieve this. While not in a manner that anyone expected, Vashna taking up the mantle of The Giant Prophet after killing the subverted original holder of the title and going on to win the Megaquest with the rest of his team may just have helped with this goal.