Kit tries her luck
Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2020 9:50 pm
This quest originally began on Sep 19, 2017.
kitsune106 wrote:Kit normal wrote:
Kit (kitsune106)-
Leve 59
Shapeshifter, Glitz
HP- 15,250
MP- 22,125
STR- 1592 (27)
AGI- 885 (15)
CON- 610 (10)
MIN- 885 (15)
SPI- 2861 (39)
Fame- 91
Worshipper of Sereyn-
Divine Healing- Spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus and Heal gain +(25 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack, Worshipper Benefit
Sereyn's Purification- Possessor may spend an action to have a 30% chance of curing a target of Poison, Worshipper Benefit
Channel Magical Light- If possessor is Level 10 or greater, possessor may change any of possessor's 'Magical Attack' actions to be solely Light element, Worshipper Benefit
Purge Toxin- If possessor is Level 5 or greater, possessor may spend an action to have a 30% chance of curing a target of Poison, Worshipper Benefit
Sereyn's Fury- If possessor is Level 25 or greater and any of possessor's opponents are Devout Worshippers of Nathreyn or Zereyn, possessor and possessor's allies who are Devout Worshippers of Sereyn or Vereyn gain +3,600 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus, Worshipper Benefit
Melee Attack
Magical Attack
Ranged Attack
Elemental Attack
Guard Back Rank
Use an Item
Cast a Spell
Change Stance
Switch Rows
Attack With Finesse
Powerful Attack
Point Blank
Fortify Body
Chest Finder- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor may claim Bonus Chests
Liberator of Ensnared Beings- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor may claim Metaphysical Snares
Opener of Forgotten Doorways- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may claim Forgotten Keys
Abjurant Mummy-Curse Deflecting Aura- (Stance Ability, Abjurer) Possessor and possessor's allies cannot obtain debuffs from non-unique individuals below Level 60 whose name includes 'Mummy'
Abjurer- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) +500 Defense, All Protection Magic spells cost 50 less MP per possessor level, provide an additional +100 HP per possessor level if they provide a HP buff, provide an additional +50 Defense per possessor level if they provide a Defense buff, and provide an additional +25 Defense against Stat Damage per possessor level if they provide a buff to Defense against Stat Damage
Adept Abjuration Attunement- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Abjuration spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Possessor's Abjuration spells that provide a Defense bonus provide an additional +500 Defense, Possessor gains 10 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Abjuration Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Apprentice Protection Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) All Protection Magic spells that increase Defense gain an +150 additional Defense increase that does not stack between multiple castings of the same spell and do not stack across more than 5 different spells, All Protection Magic spells that increase Stat Defense gain an +30 additional Stat Defense against the same stat increase that does not stack between multiple castings of the same spell and do not stack across more than 5 different spells, and all Protection Magic spells cost 200 less MP
Aura of the Protector- (Stance Ability, Abjurer) All of possessor's allies gain +20 Defense for each Protection Magic spell possessor has equipped
Basic Defensive Arts Training- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) +20 Defense
Basic Defensive Magic Amplification Training- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) All Spell-caused buffs on possessor that raise Defense raise it by 10 more points
Basic Forcefield Creation- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Possessor gains +100 Defense if possessor has any Abjuration spells equipped
Basic Magical Trap Resistance- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Possessor takes 500 less damage from Traps and has a 5% higher chance of disarming them
Basic Protection Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) All Protection Magic spells gain +10 Defense and cost 10 less MP
Broadened Abjuration Magic- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Possessor's 'Broaden Casting' ability may count Abjuration Magic spells as Wizard Magic spells for its purposes (though not the purposes of other aspects of actions it is involved in)
Erosion-Resistant Spell- (Technique Ability, Abjurer) Possessor may use 'Erosion-Resistant Spell' in conjunction with a 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and an Abjuration spell is cast. Buffs placed by said action may not be removed by Water element sources below Level 40.
Gloriously Problem-Deflecting Spell- (Technique Ability, Abjurer) Possessor may use 'Gloriously Problem-Deflecting Spell' in conjunction with a 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and an Abjuration spell is cast. Buffs applied by said action may not be removed by opposing sources below Level 40.
Hyped-Up Spellshield- (Technique Ability, Abjurer) Possessor may use 'Hyped-Up Spellshield' in conjunction with a 'Cast a Spell' action so long as an Abjuration spell is cast and no other technique is used. Said action is delayed 5 rounds. If its caster is not Glory element, all Defense buffs that it provides are increased by 1 point as a non-stacking effect across all buffs on the same individual. If its caster is Glory element, all Defense buffs that it provides are increased by 5,000 points as a non-stacking effect across all buffs on the same individual.
Protector's Sacrifice- (Active Ability, Abjurer) Possessor may, as a counter in response to any enemy attack, before targets (other than self) take damage, spend any amount of Max HP or Max MP, one target takes that much less damage, Possessor may, as an action, reduce any of possessor's stats' maxes by a number, this amount of stat damage is healed (from the same stat) on target ally
Spell-Attaching Art: Golden Flame-Shield- (Technique Ability, Abjurer) Possessor may use 'Spell-Attaching Art: Golden Flame-Shield' in conjunction with a 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and an Abjuration spell is cast. Said action, if non-offensive, gives its target a non-stacking buff that provides 15% Fire Resistance and +200 Defense against Fire.
Spell-Attaching Art: Hyper-Unlikely Electricity Cancellation- (Technique Ability, Abjurer) Possessor may use 'Hyper-Unlikely Electricity Cancellation' in conjunction with a 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and an Abjuration spell is cast. Said action, if non-offensive, has a 1 in 15,000,000 chance of giving its target a non-stacking buff that gives it Immunity to Electrical against individuals below Level 60 for 1 round.
Spell that Blocks the Wind Guillotine- (Technique Ability, Abjurer) Possessor may use 'Spell that Blocks the Wind Guillotine' in conjunction with a 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and an Abjuration spell is cast. Any buff applied by said action gains the additional effect 'possessor obtains 10% Instant Death Resistance against Air element actions'
Squid-Reprotecting Spell- (Technique Ability, Abjurer) Possessor may use 'Squid-Reprotecting Spell' in conjunction with a 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and an Abjuration spell is cast. If said action applies an abjuration buff from a spell worth under 500,000 Gold, said action applies a copy of said buff to any one Aquatic that previously possessed any number of Abjuration buffs with caster as their source, provided that said buff could have been applied to said Aquatic
Zone Screen- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Whenever possessor casts an Abjuration spell, possessor may, to a max of once per round, attach an non-stacking effect to a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain that gives all of possessor's allies, including possessor, in said Zone +(100 * Possessor Level) Defense and makes said allies unable to have their stats scanned by sources below (possessor Level - 10, to a max of 60)
Basic Aura Mastery- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) All Auras equipped by possessor provide +10 additional Defense
Upgraded Warded Core Essence- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor gains +60,000 Defense, Possessor gains +10,000 CON, Possessor gains +10,000 MIN, Possessor gains +200,000 HP, Possessor's Defense may not be pierced by sources below Level 40, Individuals below Level 40 may not inflict negative status effects on possessor
Warded Core Essence- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor gains +30,000 Defense, Possessor gains +5,000 CON, Possessor gains +5,000 MIN, Possessor gains +100,000 HP, Possessor's Defense may not be pierced by sources below Level 20, Individuals below Level 20 may not inflict negative status effects on possessor
Merry Caroling- (Passive Ability, Bard) Possessor's non-offensive actions that include Bardic Music spells buff stats for an additional 80 points (to a max of 1,000 additional points across all buffs per individual) and provide an additional 5,000 points of HP Healing if they Heal HP
Recite Combat Poetry- (Passive Ability, Bard) +300 Magical Attack, Wielder's 'Magical Attack' actions may inflict Confusion, Stat Drain, or Charm: Impressed on targets below Level 30
Glowing Red Nose- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor may choose for possessor and any of possessor's allies to ignore effects attached to zones by sources below Level 20
Sturdy Turtle Shell- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor gains +500 Defense and 35% Resilience
Acquired Resistance to Outright Bizarreness- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains Confusion Immunity against sources below Level 60
Blessed by Greatness-(Passive Ability, Blessing, can't be used in combos) +10 Max HP
Blessed with Djorgammon's Fortitude- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains +5,000 HP, +120 Defense against Stat Damage, and 15% Resilience
Holy Foresight-(Passive Ability, Blessing) +1% Dodge, Can't be used in combo
Holy Foresight II-(Passive Ability, Blessing) +5% Dodge, +20% additional dodge for characters over level 15, Can't be used in combos
Holy Strikes-(Passive Ability, Blessing) +1% Critical, Can't be used in combos
Mana Spark Blessing 1- (Passive Ability, Blessing) +400 Max HP
Mana Spark Blessing 15- (Passive Ability, Blessing) +35 to all stats, 4% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 3% Dodge
Mana Spark Blessing 16- (Passive Ability, Blessing) 4% Resilience
Murlakro's Blessing- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains +5,000 Max MP and +50 Uncapped MIN
Mystic Power of the Patterned Lizard- (Passive / Active Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains 13% Dodge while in a Zone of Earth or Water, possessor gains +60 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth or Water, Possessor takes 2,500 less damage from traps that are solely Earth or solely Water or only Earth and Water element, Possessor's sell cap for Earth and / or Water element Antiquities increases by 1,000 Gold, Possessor may, up to three times per random quest or per excursion into an encounter area, reroll any encounter that consists solely of Earth and / or Water element Animals and / or Reptiles, Possessor may, once per thread, use an action to summon one Animal or Repile of lower level than possessor that is normally combattable on the enemy list that is neither Elite nor a Boss.
Seirudiel's Grace- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains 15% Dodge, +300 AGI, and has a 30% chance of inflicting Charm on any individual whose action was Dodged by possessor
Strength in the Face of Certain Death- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains +500 to all stats as an uncapped bonus when in battle against one or more opponents 10 or more Levels greater than possessor and all of possessor's allies if possessor has 5 or fewer non-pet, non-summon allies.
Tiny Strength Blessing- (Passive Ability, Blessing) +1 STR
Basic Vessel User- (Passive Ability, Captain)- All Vessel transformations equipped by possessor gain +25 to all stats, +100 damage to all damaging attacks, +500 HP, +250 MP, and have attacks that cost 5 less MP to a minimum of 0
Basic Chain Casting Attunement- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor and an ally with at least one spell equipped and this ability may both use their 1 turn to cast a spell using their combined stats, which costs them both double normal MP, any effects of the spell may be tied to either caster
Basic Channeling Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells can transfer 50 more HP or MP
Basic Magic Retention- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Apply Excessive Capsaicin- (Technique Ability, Chef) Possessor may use 'Poison Foodstuffs' in conjunction with a 'Serve Food' or 'Use an Item' action. Any Food item involved in said action gains '30% inflicts Pain' and '10% inflicts Burning' during said action
Improved Mircrowave Gaze- (Passive Ability, Chef) If possessor possesses a Chef ability called 'Microwave Gaze', then any ability called 'Microwave Gaze' that it grants its possessor gains '30% inflicts Burning', '30% may inflict Poison: Irradiated', and 'Deals 2,000 CON Damage'
Microwave Gaze- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor gains the ability:
Microwave Gaze- 20,000 Damage, Ignores the Defense of targets below Level 40, This action gains +20% To Hit, Individuals who deal HP Drain to targets of this ability deal an additional 4,000 Points as a non-stacking buff that lasts 2 rounds, This action's Prime Attribute is Spirit, Atomic & Fire, 30,000 MP
Wine Snob- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor may choose to reduce the stat buffs provided by Drinks used by sources below Level 40 by up to 600 points, to a minimum of 0
Chronicler of Eternity:
Chronomancer- (Passive Ability, Chronicler of Eternity) Possessor may select any stat, out of STR, AGI, CON, MIN, and SPI, to use for determining possessor's turn order and number of extra actions, Possessor may delay the effects of Chronomancy spells that have a built-in or selectable delay as part of the spell for either one more round or one less round, and possessor's Chronomancy spells cost 50 less MP per level possessor possesses
First Thought of the Iron Dream- (Passive Ability, Chronicler of Eternity) Possessor cannot take more than 50% of possessor's Max MP in MP Damage from one action that comes from a source or group of sources that are all below Level 50 (but still may lose more MP via other ways, such as spending it)
Apprentice Hammer Training- (Ability, Crusher) +500 damage for all attacks involving Hammers, possessor gains +20 to all stats when a Hammer is equipped
Basic Hammer Training- (Passive Ability, Crusher) This character gains +6 Melee Attack when a Hammer is equipped.
Hammer Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Crusher) +5 to all stats when a Hammer is equipped
Heaven's Hammer- (Passive Ability, Crusher) Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Melee Attack and +(100 * Possessor Level) SPI if wielding a Hammer, Wielder's 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive' and 'Powerful Attack' actions may use Strength or Spirit as their Prime Attribute, and possessor may base 'Melee Attack' bonus capping on either Strength or Spirit for purposes of said actions
Like A Hammer From the Heavens- (Passive Ability, Crusher) Possessor's first attack of each thread, if performed during the first round of battle and performed targeting a single Demon, Devil, or Daemon that is not 5 or more Levels greater than possessor that has not yet acted, deals double Damage (to a max of (Possessor Level * 1,000,000,000 additional Damage) if possessor is wielding a Hammer and has a greater SPI or CON than said target's CON
Gregarious- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) Possessor's chance of inflicting minor positive status effects on allies are increased by 30%
Prompt- (Passive Ability, Diplomat) Possessor gains +400 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes on the first round of battle
Apprentice Divining Attunement- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 1 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Basic Detective Skills- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's MIN is treated as being 140 points higher for stat-scanning purposes, +20 MIN
Basic Divining Attunement- (Passive Ability, Diviner) All Divining spells function as though caster were 1 level higher for stat-scanning purposes
Danger Sense- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +50 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes on the first round of battle if in a Random Dungeon, Has RP effects
Detective's Evasion- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains either +5% Dodge or 20% Dodge (chosen by possessor) against individuals below Level 40 whose stats possessor has scanned
Detective's Eye- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains an additional +200 Defense against Traps, gains +40 MIN, and gains +50 Defense Against Individuals Whose Stats Have Been Scanned By Possessor as a conditionally-effective bonus
Diviner- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor ignores up to (Possessor Level) levels worth of level-doubling that bossess possess for purposes of resisting having their stats scanned
Diviner's Eyes- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that does not bypass 'Immune to below Level X' effects
Detective's Investigation- (Active Ability, Diviner) Possessor may spend an action to examine target's stats
Diviner's Skill- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 1 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Knowledge of Naughtiness and Niceness- (Passive Ability, Diviner) If possessor has scanned an individual's stats and said individual has not performed any offensive actions that targetted either possessor or possessor's allies during this thread, then possessor may increase any amount of HP Healing that possessor deals to said individual by 2,500 points; If possessor has scanned an individual's stats and said individual has performed one or more offensive actions that have targetted either possessor or possessor's allies during this thread, then possessor may increase any amount of HP Damage that possessor deals to said individual by 2,500 points
Limited Personal Precognition- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 2% Dodge
Superior Vision- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 105% To Hit
Whisper-Mote Listener- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor may claim Whisper Motes
Create Wordcraft- (Active Ability, Driver) Possessor may spend an action to create 1 temporary Custom Wordcraft, Max 1 Created, with said Custom Wordcraft being a Vehicle or Vessel Transformation worth (10,000 * (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)) Gold, being Level (Possessor Level, to a max of 60), being the element Technology, Magic, Water, Earth, or Air, possessing STR, AGI, CON, MIN, and SPI of (100 * (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)) points each, possessing (100 * (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)) Defense, Possessing (10 * (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)) Defense against Stat Damage, Possessing (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)% Resilience, Dodge, and Critical, Possessing (100 + (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200))% To Hit, possessing Poison, Fatigued, and Diseased Immunity, and possessing the abilities:
Word Weaponry- (1,000 * (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)) Damage, Magic or Air, 0 MP
Word Wall- +(100 * (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)) Defense, affects caster only, does not stack, Magic or Air, 0 MP
Word Weave- (1,000 * (The number of Scholar Abilities possessor possesses, to a max of 200)) Damage, Heals, Magic or Air, 0 MP
Timecraft Driver- (Passive Ability, Driver) Possessor's Time element Vehicle transformations gain +500 AGI and 40% Dodge
Apprentice Druid Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Druid) +250 Damage to all damage dealing Druid Magic spells, +50 to all stats of allied Plants and Animals, +25 to all stats of allied Aerials, Insects, Elementals, Spirits, and Aquatics, All Druid Magic spells cost 50 less MP
Basic Druid Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Druid) All Druid Magic spells cost 20 less MP
Druid- (Passive Ability, Druid) Druid Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(50 * Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, Druid Magic spells cost possessor (50 + Possessor Level) less MP to cast, Possessor's Plant, Animal, Aerial, Insect, Cthonian, and Aquatic pets and summons gain +(50 * Possessor Level) to all stats as a non-stacking bonus
Basic Enchantment Attunement- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor 10 less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last 1 round longer if they already last over 1 round
Basic Engineer Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Engineer) Possessor gains +3 to all stats for each Upgrade, Bioaugmentation, or Gadget possessor has equipped
Knowledge of Basic Timecraft Design- (Passive Ability, Engineer) Possessor's Time element Vehicle transformations gain +100 to all stats
Flux Baron:
Chameleon Flesh- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor may, at the start of any round or the start of any of possessor's actions, become the same non-Universe element as any ally, any equipped Armor, or any Zone that possessor is in
Hundredfold Mask of Hues- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) If possessor is a Shapeshifter, possessor may, at the start of a thread, choose to become any one normally-player-selectable base element
Hundredfold Mask of Shapes- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) If possessor is a Shapeshifter, possessor may, at the start of a thread, choose to become any one base subtype that is not Holy One, Fiend, Serpent Blessed, or Immortal
Shapeshifter Traits- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor gains +1 to all stats so long as possessor is a Shapeshifter
A Hint of Fame in the Arena- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +10 to all unmodified stats if possessor has at least 5 Fame
Crowd's Favor- (Passive Ability, Friendship) +5% XP after battles
Has A Small Fan Club- (Passive Ability, Friendship) +1 Fame
Has Attracted Attention and Fans in the Battle Arena- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +1 Fame, Possessor gains +300 to all stats if possessor has at least 20 Fame
Used to be Famous- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor has 10 extra unmodified stat points and has chosen to place them like this: (+10 con)
Apprentice Gearwright Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor's Clockwork pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Assembler of Complex Gears- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor's Clockwork summons obtain +600 to all stats as a non-stacking buff at the time of their summoning
Basic Gearwright Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor's Clockwork pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Clockwork Programming I- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor's Clockwork pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Clockwork Programming II- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor's Clockwork pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Defensive Clockwork Programming I- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor's Clockwork pets and summons gain +50 Defense
Gearcrafter- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor's Clockwork summons obtain +150 to all stats as a constantly-applied effect while possessor is present
Intuitive Knowledge of How Gears Fit Together- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor counts as being 2 Levels higher, to a Max of Level 60, for stat-scanning purposes when targeting Clockworks, with this effect not bypassing Level-based Immunities
Speed-Focused Clockwork Programming I- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) Possessor's Clockwork pets and summons have their turn-order-determining stat sums increased by 50 points for turn-order-determining purposes
Predicted to Be a Great Hero- (Passive Ability, General) Possessor gains +2 Fame
Dig Pothole- (Active Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may spend an action to add an effect to a Zone of Earth, a Zone of Physical, or a Terrain or Phantom Terrain that is 'Road' that causes all Vehicle transformations in said Zone or Terrain that are below Level 20 to have a 20% chance each round of not being able to act, with things that would occur before and after their actions still occurring, with said effect stacking 3 times per zone or terrain and 3 times across all zones and terrains
Drink Lake- (Active Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may spend an action to remove a Zone of Water or a Terrain or Phantom Terrain with an associated Square Mile of Terrain in the Shop that is Water element that has a source below Level 40 from battle
Gigas Knight:
Apprentice Grand Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Gigas Knight) Possessor gains +100 Defense if possessor has an Aura equipped, Grand Armors equipped by possessor reduce possessor's AGI by 100 points less
Basic Grand Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Gigas Knight) All Grand Armors worn by possessor provide +40 additional Defense and reduce AGI by 5 less
Deflective Armor- (Active Ability, Gigas Knight) Possessor gains a 5% chance of Reflecting Physical from sources below Level 20 if possessor is wearing Grand Armor
Grand Armor Wearer I- (Passive Ability, Gigas Knight) Possessor gains +5 to all stats when possessor has a Grand Armor equipped
Grand Armor Wearer II- (Passive Ability, Gigas Knight) Possessor gains +25 to all stats when possessor has a Grand Armor equipped, Possessor gains +50 Defense when possessor has a Grand Armor equipped
Lesser Gigas Shell Body- (Passive Ability, Gigas Knight) Possessor gains 5% Physical Resistance if possessor is wearing a Grand Armor
Skilled at Allowing Very Heavy Armor to Take Blows Instead of Own Body- (Passive Ability, Gigas Knight) Possessor gains +2,500 HP if possessor has a Grand Armor equipped
Apprentice Heavy Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +50 Defense if possessor has a Heavy Armor equipped
Augmented Resistance of the Iron Vastness- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains 5% Minor Status Effect Resistance
Basic Heavy Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Guardian) All Heavy Armors worn by possessor provide +10 additional Defense
Bearing the Raiment of Justice- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Defense, +(100 * Possessor Level) CON, and +(100 * Possessor Level) SPI if wearing a Heavy Armor, Possessor may choose at the beginning of a thread (as a non-buff effect) to make its HP-Determining stat Constitution or Spirit and to make its per-item Defense capping based on either Constitution x 2 or Spirit x 2
Brief Witness to the Incorruptability of the Iron Dream- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains 15% Minor Status Resistance
First Fortification of the Iron Vastness- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +50 CON and 5% Resilience
Further Augmented Resistance of the Iron Vastness- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains 5% Air Resistance, 5% Earth Resistance, 5% Fire Resistance, 5% Water Resistance, 5% Light Resistance, 5% Darkness Resistance, 5% Physical Resistance, 5% Psychic Resistance, 5% Magic Resistance, 5% Technology Resistance, 5% Acid Resistance, 5% Ice Resistance, and 5% Electrical Resistance
Guardian- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +(500 + (50 * Possessor Level)) Defense if possessor has a Heavy Armor equipped
Heavy Armor Wearer I- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +5 to all stats when possessor has a Heavy Armor equipped
Heavy Armor Wearer II- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +25 to all stats when possessor has a Heavy Armor equipped, Possessor gains +50 Defense when possessor has a Heavy Armor equipped
Iron Body- (Passive Ability, Guardian) +500 HP for each Heavy Armor equipped
Meditated Upon the Iron Iris- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor cannot be Criticalled by individuals below Level 10
Resistance of the Iron Vastness- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains 1% Air Resistance, 1% Earth Resistance, 1% Fire Resistance, 1% Water Resistance, 1% Light Resistance, 1% Darkness Resistance, 1% Physical Resistance, 1% Psychic Resistance, 1% Magic Resistance, 1% Technology Resistance, 1% Acid Resistance, 1% Ice Resistance, and 1% Electrical Resistance
Second Fortification of the Iron Vastness- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +2,000 HP
Third Fortification of the Iron Vastness- (Passive Ability, Guardian) Possessor gains +4,000 CON, +5,000 HP, and 15% Resilience
Basic Gunslinging Attunment- (Passive Ability, Gunslinger) All Gunslinging spells gain +10 Ranged Attack and all Gunslinging spells cost 10 less MP
Gunslinger- (Passive Ability, Gunslinger) +400 Damage when using a ranged attack with a gun equipped, Gunslinging spells cost 50 less MP to cast, +50 additional damage and -5 additional MP per level of possessor
Apprentice Healer Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Healer) Healer Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast, Possessor's actions that Heal HP heal an additional 500 points
Auto-Healing- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor and each of possessor's allies may be healed for 5,000 points of Light-element HP Healing at the start of every round
Basic Healer Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Healer) Healer Magic spells cast by possessor gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Bolster Agility- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Agility in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 AGI which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) AGI.
Bolster Constitution- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Constitution in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 CON which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) CON.
Bolster Defense- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Defense in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 Defense which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) Defense.
Bolster Mind- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Mind in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 MIN which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) MIN.
Bolster Spirit- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Spirit in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 SPI which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) SPI.
Bolster Strength- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Strength in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 STR which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) STR.
Doctor- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's actions that heal may gain +200 Ranged, Melee or Magical Attack if they already possess such a bonus, Once per round after an enemy attacks one of possessor's allies, possessor may choose to have a 5% chance of countering said attack with a positive action targeting said ally and no other targets.
Electric Paddle Heartstopper- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use 'Electric Paddle Heartstopper' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action so long as no other technique is used. Said action gains +250 Melee Attack, gains the element Electrical, and has a 5% chance of inflicting Instant Death on targets below Level 15
Greater Healing- (Passive Ability, Healer) Wehanever possessor would Heal HP, possessor Heals an additional 2,500 points
Greater Stat Damage Healing- (Passive Ability, Healer) Whenever possessor would Heal Stat Damage, possessor heals an additional 250 points of each type
Healer- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's Healer Magic spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus gain +500 Magical Attack for purposes of non-offensive actions, Healer Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast, Possessor's Healer Magic spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus gain and additional +(50 x Possessor Level) Magical Attack for purposes of non-offensive actions, Healer Magic spells cost possessor an additional (10 x Possessor Level) less MP to cast,
Healer's Stat Protection- (Passive Ability) Possessor's allies gain +200 Defense against Stat Damage
Improved Curing of Minor Status Effects- (Passive Ability, Healer) Whenever possessor would have a chance of curing a minor status-effect (not counting natural per-round auto-recovery chances), said chance is raised by 5%
Improved Healing- (Passive Ability, Healer) Whenever possessor would Heal HP, possessor heals an additional 500 points
Improved Stat Damage Healing- (Passive Ability, Healer) Whenever possessor would Heal Stat Damage, possessor heals an additional 50 points of each type
Knoweldge of Electroshock Therapy- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's Electrical-element, Non-Offensive actions may gain '15% cures any one minor negative status effect'
Rearrange Organs- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use 'Rearrange Organs' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' or 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is used. Said action may cause its target (if under Level 40 or willing) to gain either 30% Weakness or Resistance to any one minor status effect, +20% Resilience, or -20% Resilience as a buff that does not stack for the same effect and stacks 3 times across different effects
Restorative Power that Cures Illness- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's stance named 'Restorative Stance' also may have a 30% chance of curing any of its targets of any one minor status effect whenever it would otherwise heal something
Restorative Power that Heals Agility- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's stance named 'Restorative Stance' also may heal any of its targets for 50 points of AGI Damage whenever it would otherwise heal something
Restorative Power that Heals Mind- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's stance named 'Restorative Stance' also may heal any of its targets for 50 points of MIN Damage whenever it would otherwise heal something
Restorative Power that Heals Stats- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's stance named 'Restorative Stance' also may heal any of its targets for 200 points of stat damage from each stat whenever it would otherwise heal something
Restorative Power that Heals Spirit- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's stance named 'Restorative Stance' also may heal any of its targets for 50 points of SPI Damage whenever it would otherwise heal something
Restorative Power that Heals Strength- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's stance named 'Restorative Stance' also may heal any of its targets for 50 points of STR Damage whenever it would otherwise heal something
Restorative Stance- (Stance Ability, Healer) Possessor and each of possessor's allies may be healed for 5,000 points of Light-element HP Healing at the start of every round while possessor is in this stance, Possessor may not take offensive actions while in this stance
Shining Aura of Pacifism- (Stance Ability, Healer) Possessor may not conduct offensive actions, Possessor may not place debuffs or negative status effects on individuals or deal non-healing Damage, HP and MP Healing dealt by possessor's is doubled, Possessor's opponents of equal or lower Level deal half Damage to possessor if possessor possesses any unique allies
Stat Protect- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor gains Immunity to Stat Damage from sources below Level 40, Possessor gains Stat Drain Immunity against sources below Level 40
The Doctor Can't Get Sick!- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor may, up to 10 times per thread while in a Healer Stance, at the start of possessor's first action every round, choose to auto-recover from any one minor status effect inflicted by a source below Level 60; this may be used any number of times (up to its maximum) on different effects before said action
Hero's Resolve- (Passive Ability, Other: Hero) Possessor's actions may not be controlled by opposing sources that are not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor, Possessor gains Dominion Immunity
Soul-Puncher- (Passive Ability, Other: Hero) Possessor gains +15,000 Magical Attack and Melee Attack, Possessor may ignore the Constant Effects "Fully Disembodied" and "Incorporeal", Possessor may attack individuals of equal or lower Level who are in different battlespaces (to a max of Level 98), The Level range of entities possessor can target in other battlespaces is increased on Noix as an RP effect
Apprentice Mace Training- (Passive Ability, Lawbringer) This character gains +50 Melee Attack and +500 HP when a Mace is equipped.
Awesome Blows- (Passive Ability, Lawbringer) Whenever possessor kills an opponent while wielding a Mace or Hammer, said opponent's allies have (should possessor desire such) a 100% chance of being afflicted with Awestruck
Basic Mace Training- (Passive Ability, Lawbringer) Possessor gains +6 Magical Attack when a Mace is equipped.
Dizzying Bash- (Technique Ability, Lawbringer) Possessor may use 'Dizzying Bash' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Mace equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Confusion.
Heaven's-Justice Strike- (Technique Ability, Lawbringer) Possessor may use 'Heaven's-Justice Strike' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Attack With Finesse', or 'Combined Attack' action so long as a Mace or Hammer is equipped. Said action gains a Melee Attack bonus equal to the Magical Attack bonus of one Celestial Magic or Holy Magic spell equipped by its performer (with said spell not counting as being cast as part of said action to provide said bonus)
Judge- (Passive Ability, Lawbringer) Possessor has a 5% chance of being able to counter each hostile action targeting one of possessor's allies, to a max of one such action per turn, with a Melee Attack that has a 5% chance of inflicting Entombed: Incarcerated, with said attack being unable to use techniques, use spells, or be mutli-hit, Possessor has a 5% chance of being able to redirect debuffs from lower-level, non-unique sources that are below level 40 that target possessor's allies to any other target
Judge of the Heavens- (Passive Ability, Lawbringer) If possessor is a Celestial, possessor gains +(Possessor Level * 100) Melee Attack while wielding a Mace, Possessor may choose to inflict Awestruck instead of Entombed: Incarcerated or Entombed: Incarcerated instead of Awestruck if wielding a Mace, Possessor may treat Hammers as Maces for purposes of Lawbringer abilities if possessor is a Celestial
Knowledge of Legal Codes- (Passive Ability, Lawbringer) +150 MIN, 10% Entombed: Incarcerated Resistance
Lawbringer- (Passive Ability, Lawbringer) Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level) Melee Attack if possessor has a Mace equipped, Possessor gains +(25 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has a Mace equipped
Long Arm of the Law- (Passive Ability, Lawbringer) Possessor may make Melee Attacks from the back row so long as possessor has a Mace equipped
Mace Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Lawbringer) +5 to all stats when a Mace is equipped
Mace Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Lawbringer) +25 to all stats when a Mace is equipped, +50 Melee Attack when a Mace is equipped
Wielding the Heavenly Judge's Gavel- (Passive Ability, Lawbringer) Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level) Melee Attack while possessor is a Celestial and is wielding a Mace or Hammer, Possessor's 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', and 'Powerful Attack' actions may use Spirit as their Prime Attribute if possessor is a Celestial and is wielding a Mace or Hammer, Possessor may use Spirit to determine possessor's per-item Melee Attack bonus caps if possessor is a Celestial and is wielding a Mace or a Hammer
Apprentice Celestial Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Luminary) All Celestial Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, and all Celestial Magic spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast for each non-summon ally caster possesses, to a max of 200 such allies
Armored by Heavenly Magic- (Passive Ability, Luminary) Possessor obtains +(500 * the number of Holy Magic or Celestial Magic buffs present on possessor) Defense, to a max of 100,000 Defense
Basic Celestial Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Luminary) All Celestial Magic spells gain +20 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP for each non-summon ally caster possesses
Benevolent Spell- (Active Ability, Luminary) This character may use Benevolent Spell in conjunction with a Magical Attack, so long as no other technique is used and a Celestial Magic spell is cast. If this spell would have negative effects for its caster's allies, is not solely targeting said allies, is non-unique, and costs under 200,000 Gold, it does not have said negative effects.
Celestial Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Luminary) Celestial Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Celestial Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Luminary) Celestial Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Ensnare Within Holy Light- (Passive Ability, Luminary) If possessor is a Celestial, whenever possessor afflicts an individual with Awestruck, possessor may also afflict said individual with Entombed: Incarcerated
Has Beheld Glorious Things- (Passive Ability, Luminary) 10% Awestruck Resistance
Insurmountable Holiness- (Passive Ability, Luminary) Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level) SPI if possessor is not afflicted with Voidstruck and has at least 5 Celestial Magic spells equipped, Possessor gains Voidstruck Immunity if possessor possesses no SPI-reducing debuffs or curses, is a Celestial, and has at least 5 Celestial Magic spells equipped
Luminary- (Passive Ability, Luminary) All Celestial Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(250 * Possessor Level) additional Melee Attack, All Celestial Magic spells cost possessor (250 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Radiant Wings of Holy Magic- (Passive Ability, Luminary) Possessor gains 20% Earth Resistance and +120 AGI for the remainder of each round possessor casts a Celestial Magic spell and the duration of the next round
Shining Spirit- (Passive Ability, Luminary) +50 SPI, if possessor is a Celestial, Deva, or Angel, provides +150 additional SPI
Mad Scientist:
Can Grow Tumors on a Farm- (Passive Ability, Mad Scientist) Possessor gains +200 MIN, Possessor's Bio-Horror pets and summons have their chances to inflict Diseased increased by 5%
Organ-Farm Mastery- (Passive Ability, Mad Scientist) Possessor gains +300 MIN, Possessor's Bio-Horror pets and summons gain 50% Stat Drain Resistance
Basic Magewright Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Character gains +3 to all stats for each Glyph, Holy Symbol, Idol, Ioun Stone, Sigil, Tome, Trinket, Magic Item, Container, Seal, or Rune equipped.
Clockmaker- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor obtains +200 AGI and +200 MIN if possessor has a Trinket, Gadget, or Magic Item equipped whose name includes 'Clock' or 'Timepiece' equipped
Watchmaker- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor obtains +200 AGI and +200 MIN if possessor has a Trinket, Gadget, or Magic Item equipped whose name includes 'Watch' or 'Timepiece' equipped
Wielder of the Old Powers of Hunting- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor, if wielding the item '*Anchor of Ordered Knowledge' and choosing to use a Damage Formula provided by it, deals 1,000,000 additional Damage per action to unique opponents
Basic Bowling Skills- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains 105% To Hit when an Orb is equipped.
Basic Bowling Wizard Skills- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor's Orb weapons that provide a Ranged Attack bonus greater than their Magical Attack bonus may provide an additional Magical Attack bonus equal to half their Ranged Attack bonus that cannot be greater than the difference between their original Ranged Attack bonus and Magical Attack bonus, to a max of 50,000 points
Basic Orb Training- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains +6 Magical Attack when an Orb is equipped.
League-Caliber Bowling Skills- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains 125% To Hit when an Orb is equipped, Possessor's Orbs that provide a Ranged Attack bonus provide an additional +50 such points.
Mystic Toss- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use Mystic Toss in conjunction with a Magical Attack, so long as no other technique is used and an Orb is equipped. Said Magical Attack may use the Ranged Attack bonus of any one equipped Accessory that shares an element with at least one equipped Orb as though it were a Magical Attack bonus
Basic Psychic Arts Attunement- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) All Psychic Arts spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Heightened Senses- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) +30 AGI, +2% Dodge, +300 AGI on the first turn of combat, Guard Other has a 5% higher chance of working
Mental Focus- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) All Psychic Arts spells gain +15 Magical Attack and cost 20 less MP, 5% Mindblasted Resistance
Mental Levitation- (Passive Ability, Mentalist) +50 AGI, 3% Dodge, 5% Earth Resistance
Antiquity Salesman- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold for Antiquities
Apprentice Merchant Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 10,000 Gold.
Armor Salesman- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold for Armor
Basic Merchant Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 5,000 Gold.
Deathtrap Realtor- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor's Large Structure allies deal 5,000 additional Damage per Damage-dealing counter that is an action that they perform, Possessor's half-price sell cap is increased by 2,000 Gold for Property items
Item Salesman- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold for Items (as in the type Item, which most Materials and Antiquities have, not all items)
Loud Marketplace-Merchant-Yelling- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor's 'Trade' actions may gain '50% inflicts Impaired: Deaf on a chosen target'
Training in Economics- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold.
Basic Shapeshifed Form User- (Passive Ability, Metamorph)- All Shapeshifted Form transformations equipped by possessor gain +25 to all stats, +100 damage to all damaging attacks, +500 HP, +250 MP, and have attacks that cost 5 less MP to a minimum of 0
Form of Fox- (Stance Ability, Metamorph) +30 AGI
Basic Holy Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Paladin) All holy Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and boost stats by 5 more
Basic Paladin Combat Training- (Passive Ability, Paladin) All Holy Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Melee Attack bonus gain +10 additional Melee Attack, Possessor gains +50 Defense and +50 SPI
Calming Touch- (Passive Ability, Paladin) 15% Confusion Resistance, Possessor's Lay on Hands ability cures Confusion
Clarifying Touch- (Passive Ability, Paladin) 15% Charm Resistance, Possessor's Lay on Hands ability cures Charm
Connected to the Orb of Light- (Passive Ability, Paladin) Possessor may, a single time, at any point where triggers are checked, choose to lose this ability to immediately auto-resurrect and gain 30 bonus weeks out of any combination of the classes Luminary, Radiant Hierophant, Priest, Healer, Paladin, Justicar, and Magus, This ability cannot be prevented from being lost or be replicated by sources below Level 500
Healing Touch- (Passive Ability, Paladin) 15% Impaired Resistance, Possessor's Lay on Hands ability cures Impaired and 1,000 additional HP
Lay on Hands- (Active Ability, Paladin) Possessor may spend an action to heal a target for 50 HP per possessor Level a number of times per thread equal to possessor's Level
Pure Self- (Passive Ability, Paladin) Possessor has a 5% chance at the start of every round per minor status effect possessor is afflicted with to have said minor status effect cured immediately
Purifying Art- (Passive Ability, Paladin) Possessor's Lay on Hands ability has a 5% chance of curing any one minor status effect on use, Possessor's Holy Magic spells that have a chance of curing minor status effects have a 10% greater chance of doing so
Apprentice Divine Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Priest) Possessor gains +250 Damage to all damage-dealing (including Healing) Divine Magic spells, Divine Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP, Possessor counts as 1 Level higher, to a max of Level 20, for purposes of worshipper benefits
Basic Divine Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Priest) All Divine Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Bless Holy Water- (Passive Ability, Priest) Possessor's Water-element 'Magical Attack' actions gain +50 Magical Attack
Has Studied the Holy Scriptures of Sereyn- (Ability, Priest of Sereyn) All Divine Magic spells cost 40 less MP, All Divine Magic spells that heal restore 300 more HP, Character (for RP purposes) has knowledge of Sereyn's scriptures and can recite parts if necessary.
Holy Channeling- (Passive Ability, Priest) Divine Magic spells gain +25 Magical Attack and cost 20 less MP if they do not share their caster's element or 50 less MP if they do, Possessor must be a devout follower of some deity for this ability to take effect
Minorly Blessed by a Deity- (Passive Ability, Priest) 5% Hexed Resistance, Possessor has a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed: Ill Fortune on any individual who kills possessor immediately upon death, Possessor must be a devout follower of some deity for this ability to take effect
Nun- (Passive Ability, Priest) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats if all of possessor's allies who are not possessor's pets or summons share possessor's Patron Deity or possess either the ability 'Nun' or the ability 'Cloistered Monk'
Pious- (Passive Ability, Priest) Possessor's Level counts as being 1 higher, to a max of 99, for purposes of Worshiper Benefits, with said effect being unable to bypass 'Immune to Under Level X' effects
Pray- (Active Ability, Priest) Possessor may spend an action to use this ability. This ability restores 1% of possessor's HP and MP and has a (Possessor Level)% chance of curing possessor of all minor and moderate status effects, May only be used (Possessor Level) times per thread, Possessor must be a devout follower of some deity for this ability to take effect
Priestess of Sereyn- (Passive Ability, Priest) +500 Damage to all healing Divine Magic spells, All Divine Magic spells cost 30 less MP, Prayers Unto Sereyn takes 2 less turns
Resist Temptation- (Passive Ability, Priest) 5% Confusion Resistance, 20% Charm Resistance
Basic Light Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Protector) All Light Armor worn by possessor provides +10 additional Defense
Health-Restoring Protection Stance- (Stance Ability, Protector) Each individual who obtains a Defense bonus from possessor's 'Guard Back Rank' actions may be healed for 5,000 points of Flat Light element HP Healing
Other: Radiant Hierophant:
Basic Light Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Light element
Apprentice Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) This character gains +6 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Knowledge of Common Dimensional Traits- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 MIN, Possessor gains +100 additional MIN and +100 SPI if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present
Basic Knowledge of Dimensional Connectivity- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle or that summon cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Basic Knowledge of Dimensions- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +50 MIN, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Area Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present
Basic Understanding of Dimensional Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle or that summon cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 MIN.
Erase Future Destiny- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Erase Future Destiny' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action if possessor has a Book equipped. Said action gains '60% inflicts Suffocation: No Future'
Familiarity with Notable Books- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor obtains +150 MIN while an opponent has a Book equipped
General Knowledge of the Main Universe within the Second Holy Empire- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +100 MIN
Has Engaged in Lengthy Studies- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor obtains +300 MIN
Has Read About Watchmaking- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor obtains +25 MIN if possessor has a Trinket, Gadget, or Magic Item equipped whose name includes 'Watch', 'Clock', or 'Timepiece' equipped
Literary Self-Insertion- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor may, at the start of any round, leave possessor's current battle and enter another currently open battle in the same thread provided that no individual of Level 60 or greater in either possessor's current battle or the destination battle objects, Possessor may insert copies of itself into literary worlds and control said copies as an RP power
Re-Write Memory- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Re-Write Memory' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action if possessor has a Book equipped. Said action gains '60% may inflict Charm and either 60% may remove each buff or debuff with target as a source if target is below Level 60 or 60% may change the source of each buff or debuff with target as a source to this action's user if target is below Level 60 (with said choice being made on a per buff/debuff basis)'. Has RP effects.
Scholar- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +700 Magical Attack and +50 to all stats when a Book is equipped, Possessor gains an additional +(10 x Possessor Level) Magical Attack and +(5 x Possessor Level) to all stats when a Book is equipped.
Scholar of Dimensions- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains +200 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle or that summon cost possessor 500 less MP to cast
Scholar of Elements- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 MIN for each element that possessor possesses as the element of one of possessor's pieces of equipped equipment, to a max of 24 such elements
Scholar of History- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains +200 to all stats if at least 25 battles have previously happened within the thread
Scholarly- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor obtains +200 uncapped MIN if possessor has a Book equipped
Speed Reading- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor may equip or unequip a Book or Tome at the start of each round
Student of Histories- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor obtains +50 MIN if at least 15 rounds have passed in battle and possessor has a Book equipped
Studious- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +200 MIN
Tragedy-Inducing Reality-Override Bubble- (Stance Ability, Scholar) At the start of each round, possessor may inflict any one minor of moderate negative status effect, including Confusion: Depression, Confusion: Fear, and Hexed: Ill Fortune, on up to 5 chosen targets that are below Level 60, At the start of each round, possessor may remove one buff from a source below Level 60 from up to 5 individuals who are below Level 60
Mathematical Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Scientist) +150 MIN that is counted as unmodified for capping purposes
Radioactive Wisdom- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +400 MIN, Possessor's actions that involve Hypertech spells may gain '30% inflicts Poison: Irradiated', Possessor gains Poison: Irradiated Immunity, Possessor gains 5% Atomic Resistance
Radiant Dove Wings- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor gains +500 AGI, 15% Light Resistance, and 35% Dodge, Possessor may choose to obtain a buff that makes its possessor the element Light at the start of any round
Zippity Mode- (Stance Ability, Skykeeper) Possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum is increased by 3,000 for turn-order-determining purposes
Armorer- (Passive Ability, Smith) All armors have their stat bonuses that they provide increased by +20
Basic Smith Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Smith) This character gains +6 to each type of Attack for each weapon equipped that provides a bonus to that type of attack. This character gains +6 Defense if a Shield, Heavy Armor, or Light Armor is equipped. This character gains +3 to all stats for each Ammo, Weapon Coating, or Helm equipped.
Weaponsmith- (Passive Ability, Smith) All weapons give +30 Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, and Magical Attack if they already give the aforementioned type of bonus
Basic Sword Training- (Passive Ability, Swordsman) This character gains +6 Melee Attack when a sword is equipped.
Guardian Blade- (Passive Ability, Swordsman) Allies of this character gain +30 Defense when a Sword is equipped and this character is in the front row.
Arms Training- (Passive Ability, Warrior) Possessor gains +25 Melee, Ranged, or Magical Attack if a Weapon that possesses the same type of bonus is
Basic Combat Arts Attunement- (Passive Ability, Warrior) All Combat Arts spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP, Possessor gains +10 STR, +4 CON, and +5 AGI
Basic Dual Wielding Training- (Passive Ability, Warrior) +10 Melee Attack to all Melee Attack providing weapons, +10 Ranged Attack to all Ranged Attack providing weapons, +10 Magical Attack to all Magical Attack providing weapons, +2% to Hit, Only works is possessor is wielding two weapons
Negaself Slayer- (Passive Ability, Warrior) Possessor may not be replicated by individuals below Level 60 without possessor's permission
Apprentice Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All damage-dealing Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts gain +250 Damage, All Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Linking Magic Types- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Spells possessor casts cost 80 less MP if caster has cast a spell of a different subtype previously during this thread
Basic Understanding of Temporal Wizard Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts that buff AGI buff it by an additional 20 points as an effect that stacks 10 times per individual, Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts that buff an individual's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes buff it by an additional 40 points as an effect that stacks 10 times per individual, Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts that have a chance of inflicting Augmented: Haste have said chance raised by 1%
Basic Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All Wizard Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Broaden Casting- (Technique Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use Broaden Casting in conjunction with a Magical Attack involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and a Wizard Magic Spell is equipped. If this attack already inflicts at least 1 hit against 5 or more targets, its total number of targets increases by 2.
Fast Casting- (Technique Ability, Wizard) Possessor may, at the start of a round, declare that possessor's first action of said round will involve this ability; possessor's first action, should possessor declare such, must include said ability, with possessor being forced to skip actions that do not include this ability if possible until such an action is taken. Should possessor declare such, possessor's first action occurs on a turn-order count 500 points higher than it otherwise would, with possessor's other actions that would be based on a turn-order count occurring at the point at which they would otherwise occur. Possessor may use Fast Casting as part of a 'Magical Attack' action that involves a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wizard Magic spell equipped.
Fast General Spellcasting- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use the technique 'Fast Casting' in conjunction with 'Cast a Spell' actions
Knowledge of Basic Magic Theory- (Passive Ability, Wizard) +5 Magical Attack, +30 MIN, Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Lengthen Casting- (Technique Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use Lengthen Casting in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wizard Magic Spell equipped. If said attack already inflicts a buff or debuff that lasts 5 or more rounds, the number of rounds each such buff or debuff lasts increases by 2.
Orb Master- (Passive Ability, Wizard) +20 Magical Attack and -5 MP cost when using any Wizard Spell with the word Orb in the name
Script Casting- (Active Ability, Wizard) Possessor may have Wizard Magic spells take 1 extra action to cast gain +50 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Script Mage- (Passive Ability, Wizard) +25 Magical Attack for Wizard Magic if a Book is equipped
Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +180 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +70 MIN if possessor has at least two spells, one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and one of which is a non-'Wizard Magic' spell equipped
Other: Living Legend:
A Companion Remembered Forever- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, at the start of each thread, possessor may choose a non-unique pet that possessor is carrying, said pet as a buff becomes unique and has its name changed to '<Possessor Name>'s Companion the <Pet Name>'
Actualized Legend-Titan Body- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor may choose to count as up to (possessor's number of allies) individuals in possessor's row for row-order purposes if all of possessor's opponents are non-unique
Armored By One's Own Legend- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor gains +100 Defense for each ally possessor possesses
A Legend Unequaled- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, buffs from sources below Level 60 who are not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor may not raise the stats of individuals below Level 60 who are non-unique and lower Level than possessor to be equal to or greater than possessor's corresponding stats
A Name Etched In History- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, name may not be changed without possessor's consent by individuals below Level 40, with possessor's name remaining unchanged while possessor is transformed if possessor is forcibly transformed and possessor does not consent to the name change that said transformation would bring, Possessor may choose to retain possessor's name when possessor voluntarily enters a transformation that is initiated by either possessor or an ally of possessor
A Name To Be Feared- (Passive Ability, Ohter: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor may choose to have a (Possessor Level)% chance of inflicting Confusion: Fear on each opponent at the start of each round
A Name To Be Praised- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor may choose to have a (Possessor Level)% chance of inflicting Elevated on each ally at the start of each round
A Persona Defined By Stories And Deeds- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor may not be transformed by individuals below Level 40 without possessor's permission
Apprentice Glory Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Living Legend) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Glory element item equipped, Possessor's Glory element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Glory- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) Quantities of Glory element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Armed With Legends- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor gains +500 to all stats for each unique item possessor has equipped
A Titan Among Men- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor gains +2,000 STR if all of possessor's opponents are non-unique, and possessor gains 20% Resistance to non-unique individuals below Level 60 who are not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor
Awesome Blow- (Technique Ability, Other: Living Legend) Possessor may use 'Awesome Blow' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Powerful Attack' action if possessor is Glory element. Said action gains '60% inflicts Charm: Impressed' and '30% inflicts Fatigued: Stun'
Basic Command of Glory- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) Possessor's Glory element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Glory Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Glory element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Glory- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) Possessor's Glory element allies gain +10 to all stats
Cannot Die A Mundane Death- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, gains 50% Resistance to non-unique individuals below Level 60 who are not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor and may not be reduced below 1 HP by minor or moderate status effects from such sources, Has RP effects
Champion of the Tales- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor may choose at the beginning of each round to gain a 10% chance of inflicting Charm: Impressed or Confusion: Fear on each opponent
Basic Weaponization of Glory- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) Quantities of Glory element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Companions Forever Remembered- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor's unique allies are afflicted with Elevated at the start of every round
Empowered By Glory- (Passive Ability, Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Mind Restore at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Glory
Empowered By The Stories- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, at the start of each round, each of possessor's allies chooses a stat out of Strength, Agility, Constitution, Mind, and Spirit, This ability provides +100 to each such stat each time it is chosen for the duration of the round (this is not a buff and is capped), to a max of +5,000 to each stat
Footnotes Without Consequence- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor may, at the start of each round, choose to be cured of all minor and moderate negative status effects and debuffs from sources below Level 60 that are non-unique and that are not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor
Glory Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Glory element: Create a Zone of Glory, Remove a Zone of Glory created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Glory by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Glory to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Glory element on a Glory element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Glory, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Glory, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Glory element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Glory to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Glory, 5% Glory Resistance, or +50 Defense against Glory and 1% Glory Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Known Across the Worlds- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor may, at the start of battle, choose for any individual who is either below Level 80 or willing to count as having scanned possessor's stats, Possessor gains +1 Fame, This ability has RP Effects
Legends Do Not Falter- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element and possesses 10 or more allies, possessor is Immune to negative status effects and debuffs from sources below Level 40
Legends Never Die- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor may, up to (Possessor Level / 20, rounded up) times per thread, when dead, self-resurrect at the start of a round 5 or more rounds after possessor's most recent death if possessor possesses any allies at said time, provided that possessor was not killed by either a unique source of equal Level to or greater than possessor, by a source 20 or more Levels greater than possessor, or by a source of Level 80 or greater
Legions Like Gnats Before You- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor deals double Damage (to a max of 10,000,000 additional Damage) to non-unique units below Level 60
Living Legend- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Glory Resistance, Possessor ignores Glory Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Living Legend Affirmation- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possesses any allies, and is not afflicted with any negative status effects or debuffs, possessor is afflicted with Elevated at the start of every round
Meditative Assumption of Glory- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Glory element
Names Lost To History- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor may treat unique opponents below Level 50 who are below half possessor's Level as being non-unique
Nourished By Glory- (Passive Ability, Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Rejuvenation at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Glory
The Arrow Always Hits- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element and possesses 10 or more allies, possessor cannot Miss targets below Level 40, and said individuals cannot Dodge possessor's actions or attacks
The Stories Remember What Is Gone- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor may, at the start of any round, re-obtain any item that possessor was carrying that was destroyed by a non-unique source below Level 60 or a unique source below Level 40 (not counting the last charge of a consumable being used) during the present thread
Unmatched Master's Competence- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element and possesses 25 or more Fame, possessor counts as possessing 10 additional abilities in each base class that possessor possesses the class-name ability for, provided that no other individual in the
same battle as possessor possesses an equal or greater number of abilities from said class
Uplifted By Glory- (Passive Ability, Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Elevated at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Glory
Weapons Gilded By Stories- (Passive Ability, Other: Living Legend) If possessor is Glory element, possessor's unique weapons that possess a Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack bonus, should said bonus be under (Possessor Level * 100) or be under (said item's value / 1,000), have said bonus raised to the greater of the two preceding values
Other: Time Mage:
Adept Time Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Time Magic spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Time Magic spells cast by possessor that provide a AGI buff bonus provide an additional +500 AGI as an effect that stacks 20 times across all effects per individual, Possessor gains 10 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Time Magic Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Aging Spell- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor may use 'Aging Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a Chronomancy spell as part of said action. Said action deals 200 CON Damage and has a 30% chance of inflicting Fatigued: Elderly
Apprentice Chronomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) All Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +250 additional Magical Attack, Possessor gains +250 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes
Basic Chronomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) All Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, Possessor gains +50 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes
Basic Chronomantic Rehaste- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) If possessor has been previously afflicted with Augmented: Haste during this battle, possessor has a 10% chance of being afflicted with Augmented: Haste at the start of each round if possessor is either Time element or has 5 Time Magic spells equipped
Basic Defensive Shaping of Chronomantic Technique- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Time if possessor has a Chronomancy spell equipped, Possessor gains 30% Fatigued: Elderly Resistance if possessor has a Chronomancy spell equipped
Basic Offensive Shaping of Chronomantic Technique- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) All Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +500 additional Magical Attack, All actions that possessor performs that involve Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that deal AGI Damage deal an additional 200 points
Basic Temporal Magic Amplification- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor actions that include spells that possess a Magical Attack bonus that are delayed have each such spell gain +25 additional Magical Attack bonus for each round they are delayed, stacking a max of 5 times
Chronomancy Casting I- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Chronomancy spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Chronomancy Casting II- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Chronomancy spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Chronomantic Auto-Haste- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor is afflicted with Augmented: Haste at the start of the first round of battle if possessor is either Time element or has 5 Time Magic spells equipped
Chronospell Boost- (Technique Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor may use 'Chronospell Boost' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor casts a Chronomancy spell as part of said action. Said action has a 30% chance of inflicting Augmented: Haste on its performer
Delayed Spell- (Technique Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor may use 'Delayed Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as a Chronomancy or Wizard Magic spell is cast as part of said action and no other technique is used. Said action is delayed by 1 to 5 rounds (with its performer choosing the number).
Focused Chronomancy Casting- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Chronomancy spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of
spell possessor has equipped is Chronomancy
Improved Chronospell Boost- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor's 'Chronospell Boost' technique has its chance of inflicting Haste on its performer increased to 60%
Improved Fast Casting- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor's 'Fast Casting' technique may cause its possessor's first action to occur on a turn-order count 2,500 points higher than it otherwise would instead of 500 points higher than it otherwise would
Improved Offensive Shaping of Chronomantic Technique- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) All Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +2,000 additional Magical Attack, All actions that possessor performs that involve Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that deal AGI Damage deal an additional 500 points
Slightly Magically Enhanced Speed- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum is increased by 50 for turn-order-determining purposes
Time Mage- (Passive Ability, Other: Time Mage) All Chronomancy spells that possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(250 + 10* Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, Possessor gains +(250 + 10* Possessor Level) to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes
Trigger Spell- (Active Ability, Other: Time Mage) Possessor may spend an action to have a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action that possessor both performed and delayed immediately occur.
Other: Temporal Primarch:
Absorb Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor Absorbs Time against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Adept Time Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Amounts of Time element Damage possessor deals are increased by 10,000 points, Time element spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, Possessor gains 5 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Time element Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Aging Blow- (Technique Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may use 'Aging Blow' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor is Time element. Said action gains +500 Melee Attack and +20% inflicts Fatigued: Elderly as a non-stacking effect.
Aging Touch- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, possessor's offensive actions gain 80% inflicts Fatigued: Elderly
Apprentice Affinity to Healing Via Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Whenever possessor obtains Time element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 1,000 points
Apprentice Command of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's Time element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Apprentice Defenses Against Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Time
Apprentice Time Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains 5% Time Resistance
Apprentice Time Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Time element item equipped, Possessor's Time element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's Time element allies gain +100 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Quantities of Time element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Time
Asynchronus Timestream- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may, so long as no individual 20 or more Levels greater who is in the same battle objects, choose to count the current round's number as the number of any round that possessor has experienced in the current battle
Basic Acceleration Within Time's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Time
Basic Affinity to Healing Via Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Whenever possessor obtains Time element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 500 points
Basic Command of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's Time element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Time
Basic Time Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains 1% Time Resistance
Basic Time Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Time element
Basic Weaponization of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Quantities of Time element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's Time element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Time
Call Forth the Living Time- (Active Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor may spend an action to summon 5 Elementals that are Time element, are below Level 5, and are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 20 summoned
Clock Watcher- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, possessor is informed whenever an individual who is not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor performs a Time element action
Control of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Time element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Defenses that Utilize Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Time-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Doublespeed Recovery (Minor)- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's per-round auto recovery chances for minor negative status effects are checked twice per round
Doublespeed Recovery (Moderate)- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's per-round auto recovery chances for moderate negative status effects are checked twice per round
Effect-Resistant, Fixed Personal Timestream- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor is Immune to entities below Level 20, Possessor is Immune to Time element debuffs from sources below Level 60
Emanate Time- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Time element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Time element Damage to up to 10 targets
Empowered By Time- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Mind Restore at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Time
Establish Defensive Timewall- (Active Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may, if possessor is Time element, spend an action to give a target a non-stacking buff that provides its possessor with +50,000 Defense and that makes entities below Level 60 unable to target its possessor with offensive Time-element actions
Fast Personal Time Progression- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Whenever the round number increments, possessor may increment the number of the round that possessor counts the current round as by 2
Father Time Mode- (Stance Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor counts as being afflicted with Fatigued: Elderly, gains the element Time, and suffers no negative effects from the status effect Fatigued: Elderly
Greater Weaponization of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Quantities of Time element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 25,000 points
Hammer of Langerous Years- (Technique Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may use 'Hammer of Langerous Years' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' or 'Melee Overdrive' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor is Time element. Said action gains +2,000 Melee Attack, and target acquires a non-stacking debuff that causes it to have a 50% chance of choosing to skip its next action if not Immune to Charm.
Hard to Undo- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, individuals below Level 40 may not undo possessor's actions without possessor's permission
Hasting Invocation- (Technique Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor may use 'Hasting Invocation' in conjunction with a 'Guard Back Rank', 'Cast a Spell', or 'Use an Item' action. Said action's targets gain a 50% chance of being afflicted with Augmented: Haste
Improved Command of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's Time element pets and summons gain +1,000 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Improved Defenses Against Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against Time
Improved Defenses that Utilize Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains +2,000 Defense if possessor has any Time-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Improved Hasting- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor's chances of inflicting Augmented: Haste are increased by 30%
Improved Slowing- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor's chances of inflicting Impaired: Slow are increased by 30%
Improved Time Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains 10% Time Resistance
Improved Understanding of the Heart of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor's Time element allies gain +250 to all stats
Improved Weaponization of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Quantities of Time element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Meditative Assumption of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may choose, at the beginning of a thread, to become solely Time element
Nourished By Time- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Rejuvenation at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Time
Personal Time-Preservation- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) At the start of each round, if possessor is Time element, possessor may choose one debuff that possessor is afflicted with that comes from a source of equal Level to or lower Level than possessor (to a max of Level 60) and ignore said debuffs effects on its possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes for the duration of said round
Nourish Time- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Whenever possessor deals HP or MP healing to an Time element individual, possessor deals 300 additional points
Nullify Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may remove the element Time from the actions of individuals below possessor's Level who are below Level 60, Possessor may prevent the actions of Time-element individuals below Level 40 who are below possessor's Level, Possessor may prevent the Time-element actions of individuals below Level 40 who are below possessor's Level, Possessor may remove the element Time from possessor's actions, Things that would occur before and after actions that are prevented by this ability still occur
Predict Likely Outcomes Through Time Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor obtains +1% Dodge and +1% To Hit while Time element
Quickened by Stolen Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Whenever possessor deals AGI Drain or SPI Drain, possessor obtains a buff that stacks 20 times and provides +200 AGI or +200 SPI.
Reflect Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor Reflects Time against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Self Age-Control- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may choose at the start or end of any action or round to become afflicted with Fatigued: Elderly or be cured of Fatigued: Elderly, Possessor may, as an RP effect, alter possessor's age
Shielded by Personal History- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, the end of each round, possessor obtains a buff that provides +250 Defense and stacks 20 times
Slowing Invocation- (Technique Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor may use 'Slowing Invocation' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action so long as possessor is Time element. Said action gains '30% inflicts Impaired: Slow' and may gain the element Time.
Soothing Time Emanation- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Whenever possessor absorbs Damage that is Time element Damage, Possessor may choose to deal 10,000 Flat Time element HP Healing to up to 10 targets that are Time element
Supernaturally Good Timing- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Once per round, if possessor is Time element, possessor may delay an action through the action of a lower-Level opponent
Temporally-Disjointed Attack- (Technique Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may use 'Temporally-Disjointed Attack' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Ranged Attack', or 'Magical Attack' action so long as possessor is Time element and no other technique is used. Said action counts as having been delayed for a number of rounds between 1 and 5 (inclusive) without actually being delayed.
Temporally Enhanced Speed- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, possessor gains +500 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes
Temporal Father-Time Defenses- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) While possessor is in the stance 'Father Time Mode' possessor obtains 30% Time Resistance and +30,000 Defense against Time
Temporal Primarch- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Time Resistance, Possessor ignores Time Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Temporal Stasis-Strike- (Technique Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may use 'Temporal Stasis-Strike' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' or 'Melee Overdrive' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor is Time element. Said action gains +5,000 Melee Attack, and targets below Level 60 have a 30% chance of being afflicted with Petrified: Time Stop.
Temporal Wisdom- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may count Temporal Primarch abilities as Time Mage abilities (including for prerequisite purposes) and may count Time Mage abilities as Temporal Primarch abilities (including for prerequisite purposes)
Time Battle-Aura- (Stance Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor deals 10,000 Flat Time element Damage to each opponent at the start of each round
Time-Consuming Strike- (Technique Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may use 'Time-Consuming Strike' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Ranged Attack', or 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor is Time element. Said action either deals 2,000 points of Flat Time element AGI Drain or moves one buff that came from a Time element source or action that came from a source below Level 40 that is not greater Level than said action's performer from said action's target to said action's performer.
Time Immunity- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains Time Immunity against sources below Level 20 if Level 20 or greater
Time Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Time element: Create a Zone of Time, Remove a Zone of Time created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Time by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Time to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Time element on a Time element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Time, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Time, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Time element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Time to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Time, 5% Time Resistance, or +50 Defense against Time and 1% Time Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Time-Sinkhole-Generating Spell- (Technique Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor may use 'Time-Sinkhole-Generating Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor is Time element. Said action applies a debuff that stacks twice and deals 2,000 Flat Time element AGI Drain to its possessor at the start of each round.
Unaging- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor gains Fatigued: Elderly Immunity
Undo- (Active Ability, Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, possessor may spend an action to undo the removal of a buff or debuff from a source of possessor's Level or lower (to a max of Level 80) that was performed by a source of possessor's Level or lower (to a max of Level 80), placing said instance of said buff or debuff back on the individual it was removed from (but not doing aynthing else that 'undoing' would connotate save counting as 'undoing')
Undo Minor Status Effects- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor's 'Undo' actions may reapply minor positive or negative status effects instead of buffs or debuffs
Undo Moderate Status Effects- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor's 'Undo' actions may reapply moderate positive or negative status effects instead of buffs or debuffs
Visualise Nearby Timelines- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) At the start of each round, if possessor is Time element, possessor is informed of the number of battlespaces present in the current battle that contain at least one Zone of Time
Visualiser of Wasted Seconds- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, when possessor scans an individual's stats, possessor may determine how many times during the thread said individual skipped performing an action
Wearing the Cloth of Ages- (Passive Ability, Temporal Primarch) Possessor, if Time element, obtains +500 Defense if wearing a Time element armor, Once per thread, while possessessor is Time element, possessor may, on a round of battle whose number is 2,000 or greater, give an equipped Armor the element Time as a buff
Basic Gate Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) All Gate Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Down the Chimney!- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor pierces 2,000 Defense when targeting Large Structures
Knowledge of Portals- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor's 'Switch Rows' actions may not be countered by sources below Level 20
Aggressive Frisking- (Technique Ability, Combatant) Possessor may use 'Aggressive Frisking' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action. Said action gains +250 Melee Attack and has a 20% chance of disabling any one item worth under 50,000,000 Gold that is equipped by its target, provided said target is below possessor's Level and below Level 40, for the duration of the thread
Basic Deadly Item Training- (Passive Ability, Slayer) This character gains +6 Melee Attack when a Deadly Item is equipped.
Basic Gun Training- (Passive Ability, Gunner) This character gains +6 Ranged Attack when a Gun is equipped.
Basic Jewelcrafting Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Jeweler) Character gains +2 to all stats for each Ring, Crown, Broach, Eyewear, Crystal, Wristwear, or Amulet equipped
Basic Spirit Form User- (Passive Ability, Medium)- All Spirit Form transformations equipped by possessor gain +25 to all stats, +100 damage to all damaging attacks, +500 HP, +250 MP, and have attacks that cost 5 less MP to a minimum of 0
Basic Spirit Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) All Spirit Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack, have a 10% greater chance of working, and cost 10 less MP, and all Spirit Magic summons have 30 more HP, 5 more to each stat, and stay for 3 rounds longer
Basic Weapon Improvisation- (Passive Ability, Slayer) Possessor may equip Antiquities in weapon slots, these Antiquities provide a Ranged, Melee, and Magical attack bonus equal to their value divided by 1,000, to a max of +1,000
Cactus Sharpener- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Plant pets' and summons' abilities' Damage values are increased by 3,000 points, Possessor's Plant pets and summons deal 20,000 additional points of Damage whenever they deal damage as part of a counter or as Flat Damage
Chimney-Creating Art- (Passive Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Large Structures below Level 60 gain -40% Resilience against possessor
Deranged Music- (Passive Ability, Musician) Possessor's 'Magical Attack' actions may gain '40% inflicts Confusion' if possessor has an instrument equipped
Destructolaser- (Passive Ability, Roboticist) If possessor is a Robot, possessor gains the ability:
Destructolaser- 20,000 Damage, 15% inflicts Antimatter, 15% applies a debuff that provides -300 to all stats that stacks 5 times, This action's Prime Attribute is Agility, Technology & Destruction, 23,000 MP
Doomfern Whispering- (Passive Ability, Botanist) Possessor's Darkness element Plant pets gain +200 to all stats and have the Damage values of their abilites increase by 6,000 points
Evergreen Needles- (Passive Ability, Botanist) If possessor is a Plant, possessor gains 5% Ice Resistance, +500 Defense against Ice, and may deal 5,000 Flat Physical or Earth element Damage to any individual who conducts an offensive action against possessor at the end of said action
Fast Typing- (Passive Ability, Other: Reality Coder) +15 AGI, Possessor gains +60 to possessor's turn-order-determining-stat-sum if MIN is one of possessor's turn-order-determining stats
Gelatinize Spirit- (Technique Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor may use 'Gelatinize Spirit' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action. Said action deals 500 SPI Damage. Said action deals an additional 500 SPI Damage to Spirits.
Genesis Architect- (Passive Ability, Other: Genesis Architect) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Life Resistance, Possessor ignores Life Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Gift Wrapper- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor chooses on month of the year upon acquring this ability; possessor's per-item half-price sell cap is increased by 5,000 Gold during that month
Herd Torpedos- (Passive Ability, Seakeeper) If possessor is in a Zone of Water, possessor has a 50% chance of being able to change the targets of actions made by Machines, Robots, Vessels, and Aquatics that are below Level 40 and below possessor's Level to any valid targets that possessor desires
Impersonate Statue- (Stance Ability, Evermason) Possessor's subtype becomes Golem, Possessor gains +5,000 HP, +500 CON, and 25% Resilience while in this stance
Install Asbestos- (Technique Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor may use 'Install Asbestos' in conjunction with a 'Repair Large Structure' action. Said action gives all Large Structures that it targets a buff that causes them to deal 400 CON Damage to each non-'Large Structure' in battle at the start of each round (including allies) and has a 30% chance of inflicting Diseased on each such target, with said buff stacking 3 times, with the stat damage it deals stacking together as part of a single application instance
Knowledge of Esoteric Elements- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor gains +100 MIN if possessor has any item equipped that is a nonbase element
Mine Brain- (Technique Ability, Architect) Possessor may use 'Mine Brain' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action so long as no other Technique is involved an either an Axe or a Tool is equipped. Said action deals 500 MIN Damage and may scan its target's stats.
Ninja Cleaning- (Passive Ability, Ninja) At the start of each round, if possessor is in a Ninja stance, possessor may remove one stacked instanced of a debuff from a source below Level 30 from any one individual
Paleolithic Architect- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor's Large Structure summons gain +500 Defense as a non-stacking buff if they are summoned in a Zone of Earth
Polar Elven Toymaking Skill- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Possessor's Golem, Clockwork, Robot, and Machine pets and summons gain +200 to all stats as a bonus that cannot increase their stats to above 1000% of their natural values, Temporary items created by possessor are considered to be worth 5,000 additional Gold
Refray Wires- (Technique Ability, Roboticist) Possessor may use 'Refray Wires' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action. Said action gives Robots and Machines that it targets -100 CON and, if they are below Level 40, 100% Burning Weakness, as a debuff that stacks 500 times.
Repair Destructobot- (Technique Ability, Roboticist) Possessor may use 'Repair Destructobot' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action. Said action Heals Robots and increases the Damage values of the abilities of Robots it targets by 2,500 Points as a buff that stacks 4 times. Said action does not effect non-Robots.
Repair Large Structure- (Active Ability, Other: Subspace Architect) Possessor may spend an action to conduct an attack that only affects Large Structures, Heals, Includes Melee Attack, Magical Attack, and Ranged Attack bonuses that come from Tools or Subspace Architect abilities (but not other such bonuses, with such bonuses each being capped seperately at their normal caps) and that uses Mind as its Prime Attribute
Reptile Spotter- (Passive Ability, Hunter) Possessor gains +3% To Hit against Reptiles
Soldeidrethanoic Recalcantantabuliaic Seymulhesylresmy- (Passive Ability, Soldreidrethanoi) Possessor gains +2,700 Ranged Attack if possessor is wielding a Bailartrix, If possessor is in at least two different Zones created by possessor or possessor's allie and possessor has a Bailartrix, then possessor may cause delay possessor's 'Ranged Attack' actions for 2 rounds, Possessor may, if possessor has a Bailartrix equipped, choose at the beginning of any round during which possessor has a 'Ranged Attack' action being delayed to reduce the number of rounds by which said action is delayed by 1 (provided that said delaying of said action was performed either by a willing individual or an individual below Level 60) and (regardless of whether said reduction of rounds is successful) to change the element of any Zone that either possessor or a willing ally of possessor created (provided that it possesses an element) to any one Base element or to Spatial, dealing 650,000 Flat Damage of said chosen element to up to 60 chosen targets in said Zone if said element switch is successful (with this effect being able to switch a Zone to an element that it already is); If possessor deals damage in this manner to at least 200 different individuals during the course of a thread, possessor gains +10% To Hit as a non-stacking buff that is applied as soon as said conditional is met unless possessor desires for it not to be
Sun Duke- (Passive Ability, Other: Sun Duke) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Solar Being pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Solar Being pets and summons per Level of possessor
Surreal Reality Sculpting- (Passive Ability, Walker from Beyond) Whenever possessor creates a Zone or Phantom Terrain, possesor may choose to attach an effect to said Zone or Phantom Terrain that provides +500 to all stats of all Abstracts within said Zone or Phantom Terrain as a buff that does not stack on the same Zone or Phantom Terrain and stacks 4 times across different Zones and Phantom Terrains, Has RP effects
Sweep Mines- (Passive Ability, Architect) If possessor has an item with 'Broom' in its name equipped, possessor's offensive actions may not be countered by individuals below Level 40
Tortoise Empathy- (Active Ability, Superhero) Possessor may spend an action to have a 30% chance of inflicting charm against any Animal or Aquatic who is no more than 5 levels higher than possessor, is not above level 70, and either has AGI as its lowest stat or has the word 'Tortoise', 'Turtle', or 'Terapin' in its name
Permanent Item Effects:
Has Consumed 1 of the Permanent Consumable "Cookie"- (Passive Ability, Permanent Item Effect) +1 Con, Cannot be used in combos
Has Consumed 2 of the Permanent Consumable "Perfect Vaccine"- (Passive Ability, Permanent Item Effect) Possessor gains Paralyze Immunity and Charm Immunity
Has Consumed 1 of the Permanent Consumable "Golden Comb of Luck"- (Passive Ability, Permanent Item Effect) +1% Critical
Has Consumed 1 of the Permanent Consumable "Pattern of Glory"- (Passive Ability, Permanent Item Effect) Possessor gains 1 Bonus Week per month
Has Consumed Time Pills- (Passive Ability, Permanent Item Effect) Possessor obtains +2,000 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes, This ability cannot be used in combos
Permitted to Battle Circle of Wardens- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Circle of Wardens for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor create the item 'Druidic Power Emission Location Documents' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Clock Spirit- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Clock Spirit for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Letter from Tomorrow' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Dragon of the Gold Leaf Throne- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Dragon of the Gold Leaf Throne for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor create the item 'Challenge Issued by the Dragon of the Gold Leaf Throne' for 4,000 XP, 200,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Dread Vicar- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Dread Vicar for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Casefile Regarding the Vicar and His Eerie Shadow' for 4,000 XP, 500,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Doppelganger- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Doppelganger for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Cleverly Copied Permit' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Dynamic Weaponsmaster- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Dynamic Weaponsmaster for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Invitation to Battle' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Elastic Goop- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Elastic Goop for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Papers About A Strange Rubber Plantation' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Emissary of Peace- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Emissary of Peace' for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor create the item 'Polite Letter Written In Flowing Script Encouraging You To Join A Nonviolent Protest' for 4,000 XP, 200,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Flicker of Essence- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Flicker of Essence for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Research Notes on the Nature of Essence' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Fortified Bunker- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Fortifed Bunker for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this batttle, Possessor create the item 'Star Marine War Report' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Fourpart Elemental Dragon- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Fourpart Elemental Dragon for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Book Written to Warn the Dragonslayer' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Glass Cannon- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Glass Cannon for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'News About the Secret Weapon!' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Gobbling Minion of Mr. P. H. Turkey- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Gobbling Minion of Mr. P. H. Turkey for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor create the item 'Notice that the Feast has Gone Wrong' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Gold Brick Man- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Gold Brick Man for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this batttle, Possessor create the item 'Golden Ticket' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle the MacArwalt Brothers- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster The MacArwalt Brothers, Infamous Band of Thieves in the Event Match "An Infamous Gang of Thieves!", possessor may also give temporary permission for allies to join this battle so long as possessor is also participating, Possessor create the item 'Reports About An Amazing Band of Thieves' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Mage's Tower- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Mage's Tower for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor create the item 'Map of the Mage's Lands' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Matryoshka Golem- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Matryoshka Golem for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Rune-Inscribed Nesting Doll Containing a Message' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Mechanized Steam Ogre- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Mechanized Steam Ogre for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor create the item 'First Warning About Giantkin Working With A Group of Mad Gnomes' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Metamorph- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Metamorph for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Permit Covered In Blurry Symbols' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Monster Trainer- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Monster Trainer for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Monster Trainer League Rules' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Portal Mimic- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Portal Mimic for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Note About Some Closed Portals' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Realmfather- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Realmfather for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Invitation to the God's Throne' for 1,000,000 XP, 15,000,000,000 Gold, and 10 weeks spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Sentinel- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Sentinel for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Sentinel Specifications List' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Solar Fleet Dropship- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Solar Fleet Dropship for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor create the item 'Solar Fleet Troop Movement Report' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Talented Guy- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Talented Guy for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Newspaper Clipping About Someone Impressive' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle The Lord of the Gold Leaf Throne- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Emperianus, The Lord of the Gold Leaf Throne in the Event Match "At the Foot of the Gold Leaf Throne", possessor may also give temporary permission for allies to join this battle so long as possessor is also participating, Possessor create the item 'Single Leaf of Radiant Gold that Whispers to the Mind' for 400,000 XP, 20,000,000 Gold, and 10 weeks spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Time Elemental- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Time Elemental for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item "Ninth Page of Temporal Interlopers" for 15,000 XP, 5,000,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Trapped Fortress- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Trapped Fortress for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Information on How the Siege Progresses' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Utu'Ratak- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Dread Monster: Utu'Ratak, the Large, Angry Condor in the Event Match "A Massive Condor Appears!", possessor may also give temporary permission for allies to join this battle so long as possessor is also participating, Possessor create the item 'Condor Document' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Void Window- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Void Window for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item 'Casefile Regarding a Peculiar Window and Its Terrible Secrets' for 4,000 XP, 500,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Watch Dog (2)- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Watch Dog (2) for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item "Eighth Page of Temporal Interlopers" for 15,000 XP, 5,000,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Permitted to Battle Were-Master- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Were-Master for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor may create the item "Newspaper Clip Regarding the Mayor's Beastly Secret" for 15,000 XP, 5,000,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop
Planetary of Time's Sword- (Weapon, Sword, Time, 190,000,000 Gold) +190,000 Melee Attack, +1,900,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +190,000 STR, +190,000 CON, 160% Critical, 260% To Hit, Wielder's allies gain +8,000 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Great Soulcrystal Staff Which Bears the Soul of the World's Hero- (Weapon, Staff, Light & Glory & Magic, 65,000,000 Gold) +65,680 Magical Attack, +65,000 to all stats, +100,000 MP, 15% Base Element Resistance, 15% Glory Resistance, 80% Critical, 80% Dodge, 80% Resilience, 180% To Hit, Wielder counts as wielding an additional Souls
Most-Exalted, Timeless Solar Warlord's Glory-Gilded Orihalcum Armor- (Armor, Heavy Armor, Glory & Light & Fire & Time, 508,700,000 Gold) +509,500 Defense, +40,000 Defense against Stat Damage, +510,300 CON, 40% Physical Resistance, 40% Light Resistance, 40% Fire Resistance, 20% Glory Resistance, 30% Time Resistance, 20% War Resistance, 100% Awestruck Resistance, 60% Burning Resistance, 30% Petrified: Time Stop Resistance, Divine Magic, Catastrophe Magic, Wizard Magic, and Time Magic spells cost wearer 300,000 less MP to cast, Wearer's allies gain +10,000 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus if wearer is Time element, 60% inflicts Awestruck, 160% Resilience, Wearer is immune to individuals below Level 40, Wearer ignores Defense-piercing from sources below Level 60, Wearer takes half damage from non-unique sources below Level 60, Wearer must be at least Level 40
Greater Armband of Purity- (Accessory, Wristwear, Light, 24,000,000 Gold) +24,000 Magical Attack, +24,000 Defense, 40% Resilience, Individuals below Level 40 cannot inflict status effects on possessorHealing Concoction- (Spell, Alchemy, Light & Magic, 200 MP, 120,000 Gold) +120 Magical Attack, Heals
Aeon Diadem- (Accessory Aspect- Aeon Diadem, Crown, Time, X Gold) +7,600 Magical Attack, Wearer may choose to have any stat be the stat that determines wearer's turn order, Wearer may, once per thread, assuming that no foes are level 80 or higher, undo a round of battle and go through it again, with both sides being able to choose new actions and new random numbers being generated, May open gates to alternate iterations of time (with positive and negative outcomes both possible) as an RP action, 15% Time Resistance, +1,900 Defense against Time, +2,450 AGI, Wielder may spend an action that allows wielder and wielder's allies to escape from random quests at the start of the round after said action is performed, Wearer has a 6% chance of being able to Suspend an offensive action targeting wearer made by an individual 10 or more levels lower that is under level 50 for 3 rounds, this final effect does not stack with itself or with identically worded effects from other items or abilities, Wielder's Time-element spells cost 5,000 less MP, Wielder's Chronomancy summons gain +1,000 to all stats as a non-stacking effect, Wielder's Chronomancy spells cost 15,500 less MP, Wearer gains Fatigued: Elderly Immunity, Wearer's corpse constantly counts each round as being the round of its death and treats the number of rounds since its death as though said value were always 0, as well as causing effects and checks of said value to treat said value as though it were 0, Offensive actions from sources below Level 40 that are below wearer's Level and this artifact's Level that target wearer that are not delayed are delayed for 1 round
*Landshield of Mirgal-Vahn- (Accessory, Magic Item, Magic & Light, 45,000,000 Gold) Wielder and wielder's allies gain +45,000 Defense, with said bonus being capped on all individuals who possess it based on wielder's per-item Defense Cap, Wielder and wielder's allies may not be afflicted with debuffs by individuals below Level 60 without wielder's permission, Zones, Terrains, and Phantom Terrains created by wielder or wielder's allies may not be destroyed or altered by or have effects attached to them by individuals below Level 60 without wielder's permission, Wielder gains 20% Siege Engine Resistance, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater and must possess either the ability 'Adept Protection Magic Attunement' or the ability 'Geomancer'
Cloak of the Gold Leaf Throne's Emissary- (Accessory, Cloak, Glory & Wealth, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Defense, +400,000 MIN, +400,000 AGI, Wielder's allies gain +20,000 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Chronomancer King's Measured Timepiece- (Accessory Aspect- Aeon Diadem, Trinket, Time, X Gold) +7,600 to the stat that determines wielder's turn order, 2 times per thread, when wielder would have an action, wielder may choose to take an additional action, Wielder may choose to delay wielder's actions by up to 2 rounds under the normal rules for delaying actions, 15% Time Resistance, +6,100 Defense against Time, +6,790 AGI, +6,000 SPI, +6,110 Defense against Stat Damage, Wearer may count the current round's number as being either 1 higher or 1 lower, Wielder may spend an action so that wielder and wielder' allies may immediately leave a random quest they are currently in, provided no opponent more than 19 Levels greater than wielder is present, Wielder's Chronomancy spells that provide a Magical Attack Bonus gain +4,200 additional Magical Attack, Wearer may not be forced by sources below Level 60 to treat the current round's number as a number that wearer would not otherwise treat it as, Has RP effects
Diamond of Sealed Beasts- (Consumable, Summoning Stone, Magic & Spatial, Unlimited Charges, 50,000,000 Gold) Replicates the effect of any ability performable by a monster on the enemy list that is below Level 50, below user's Level, and normally fightable for drops, doing so as though said monster is performing said ability, May be used a max of 6 times per thread per user and per instance of this item
3 Glowing Rosary- (Consumable, Magic Item, Light, 1 Charge, 15,000,000 Gold) Resurrects target if target was not killed by a source above Level 59 that is not more than 20 Levels above said target, User must have a Patron Deity
Flare- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Fire, 120,000 MP, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Magical Attack, 60% inflicts Burning, 1 hit against 600,000, deals 3/4 Damage, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
Mass Confuse- (Spell, Wizard Spell, Magic, 70 MP, 20,000 Gold) +2 Magic Attack, 15% Confusion, 1 hit against 19
Open Gate to Nexus: Top Disc- (Spell, Gate Magic, Magic, 5,000 MP, 160,000 Gold) Has RP effects, Permits escape from random quests at the start of the round after it is cast
Celestial Wind- (Spell, Celestial Magic, Air, 12,000 MP, 3,000,000 Gold) +3,000 Magical Attack, Heals allies, 30% inflicts suffocation on opponents, 1 hit against 30, deals 1/3 Damage
time spells only
chronomancy spells only:
Haste (3)- (Spell, Chronomancy, Time, 4,000 MP, 400,000 Gold) Inflicts Augmented: Haste
Impending Doom- (Spell, Other: Time Magic, Darkness & Time, 40,000 MP, 20,000,000 Gold) 15% inflicts Instant Death: Doom, 100% inflicts Instant Death: Doom on targets below Level 60 that are lower Level than caster, this action may be delayed up to 5 rounds, Caster must be Level 20 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Time Magic Attunement'
Rewind Wounds- (Spell, Chronomancy, Time & Light, 0 MP, 1,000,000 Gold) +8,650 Magical Attack, Heals
Strike from Earlier (Improved)- (Spell, Chronomancy, 300 MP ,Time, 300,000 Gold) +200 Melee Attack, +200 Ranged Attack, +1000 Magical Attack, Actions this spell is involved in may be delayed two rounds
Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment
abjurer only spell slots:
Bolster Toughness- (Spell, Protection Magic, Physical, 0 MP, 4,000 Gold) + 2575 Defense, Stacks 3 times
Abjurant Warding- (Spell, Protection Magic, Physical, 0 MP, 200,000 Gold) +2730 Defense, Stacks 4 times
Lesser Abjurant Warding- (Spell, Protection Magic, Physical, 0 MP, 21,000 Gold) + 2590 Defense, Stacks 4 times
Bolster Fortitude- (Spell, Protection Magic, Physical, 0)/b] MP, 4,000 Gold) +50 HP Defense, +1395 Defense Against Stat Damage, 2% Resilience, Stacks 3 times
Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment
*Tsatmeiyel, The Dream of Tomorrow- (Pet, Arch-Fantasmic, Dream & Life, Lv.55, X Gold)
HP- 10,000,000
MP- 10,000,000
STR- 105,000
AGI- 98,000
CON- 112,500
MIN- 142,000
SPI- 148,000
Fame- 0
XP- 0
XP Needed- 25,280,000 (Standard Multiplier x4)
Minimum Level- 45
Defense- 130,000, +1,300,000 against Magic
Defense against Stat Damage- 13,700
Critical Chance- 90%
Resilience- 92%
To Hit- 200%
Dodge- 105%
Resistances and Immunities- Absorbs Light, Absorbs Darkness, Technology Immunity, Physical Immunity, Cursed Immunity, Plague Immunity, Smitten Immunity, 110% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 55% Moderate Status Effect Resistance, 5% Major Status Effect Resistance
Prime Attribute- Spirit + Mind
Constant Effects-
Hundred Jovial Masks- Possessor may, up to 100 times per thread, at the start of any round or action, remove all debuffs and negative status effects from sources below Level 60 from itself, Constant Effect
Breathes Possibility- Possessor and possessor's allies may ignore the Resistances and Immunities of Daemons, Devils, and Illuminated below Level 50, Constant Effect
Dynamic Mental Magitechnology- Possessor's allies' (including possessor's) Technology element actions may become Magic, Psychic, or Magic & Psychic element, Constant Effect
Eight Crystal Machine-Arms- Possessor may use 1 charge from up to 8 different Earth, Light, Dream, Magic, or Technology element Consumables that are in-stock at the shop that are worth under 55,000,000 Gold at the start of each round, Constant Effect
Disjoined Yet Whole- +56,000 CON, Possessor gains Wounded Immuinity and may choose to recover from Wounded at the start of any action, Constant Effect
Aether-Spanning Wings that Fly Toward Triumph- +74,000 AGI, Wielder may Dodge actions that cannot be Dodged and gains +100% Dodge against said actions, Wielder may, once per thread as an effect that cannot undo itself counting as having happened, choose at the end of a round of battle to undo the round that is about to end, with any individual of Level 50 or greater who objects being able to cancel said effect, Constant Effect
Thoughtthorn Crown- Possessor may deal 350,000 Flat Psychic or Dream element Damage to any individual who targets possessor with an offensive action at the end of each such action, and may choose to also inflict Manablasted on each such individual if any Damage is successfully dealt, Constant Effect
Bestow Worshipper Benefits- Possessor’s allies and Possessor may elect to receive worshipper benefits from possessor if they are not already receiving such benefits, Said benefits include gaining +500 SPI and +500 MIN per Level, to a max of level 54 for both effects, Deity Effect
Twohundredfold Gaze- 75,000 Damage, Counters to this action cost 200 times their normal listed MP quantitiy, to a max of 2,000,000,000 additional MP, Light or Psychic or Sonic or Glory, 0 MP
Beckon Gummy Fruit-Clouds- 250,000 Damage, Heals, Air & Whimsy, 1 hit against 50,000, 0 MP
Laughter- Cures all debuffs and negative status effects from sources below Level 45, 1 hit against all allies, Light & Air, 0 MP
Disassembly of Despair- Cures target of all debuffs from sources below Level 60, The source of each such stacked debuff instance is dealt 350,000 Flat Dream or Light element Damage, Dream or Light, 350,000 MP
Tide of Joyful Dreams- 100,000 Damage, May Heal, May unsummon targets below Level 45, May remove debuffs from sources below Level 45 from targets, May inflict Invigorated, May inflict Stat Boost, 1 hit against 20,000, Dream or Dream & Water & Air, 300,000 MP
Build the Tower of Sight Beyond Time- Caster may scan the stats of target as though the round's number were either the current round's number or the number of any previous round in the same battle, Air & Time, 3,000,000 MP
Word of the Beginning- Summons 1 Fantasmic below Level 55 from the Enemy List that is normally fightable for drops, Life, 1,000,000 MP
modded stats wrote:
Kit (kitsune106)-
Level 59
Shapeshifter, Glory
HP- 2,155,000
MP- 376,250
STR- 15,920 (27)
AGI- 8,850 (15)
CON- 6,100 (10)
MIN- 8,850 (15)
SPI- 28,610 (39)
Turn order:
Inflicted with haste at start of round
Turn order of 24,020
+30,080 melee attack
+ 35,430 Magical attack
160% Critical
260% to Hit
30% inflicts time stop
Wielder and wielder's allies gain +45,000 Defense, with said bonus being capped on all individuals who possess it based on wielder's per-item Defense Cap, Wielder and wielder's allies may not be afflicted with debuffs by individuals below Level 60 without wielder's permission, Zones, Terrains, and Phantom Terrains created by wielder or wielder's allies may not be destroyed or altered by or have effects attached to them by individuals below Level 60 without wielder's permission,
+17,700 denfese against stat damage
takes 1/2 damage from sources under level 60.
50% Resistance to sources under level 60.
cannot have defense pierced by sources under level 60
105% Dodge
160% Resilence
Immunities and Resistance
Immune to Domination
Immune to charm
Immune to confusion from under level 60
Immune to paralyze
10% base element
30% Time Resistance,
30% Fate Resistance
takes half damage from people under level 60
Poison: Irradiated Immunity,
Fatigued: Elderly Immunity
Checks fro curing minor effects twice
Checks for curing moderate effects twice
Wearer may choose to have any stat be the stat that determines wearer's turn order, Wearer may, once per thread, assuming that no foes are level 80 or higher, undo a round of battle and go through it again, with both sides being able to choose new actions and new random numbers being generated, May open gates to alternate iterations of time (with positive and negative outcomes both possible) as an RP action
Ally effects:
+ 45,000 defense to allies
+38,000 to all stats
Start of round effects:
possessor may, at the start of each round, choose to be cured of all minor and moderate negative status effects and debuffs from sources below Level 60 that are non-unique and that are not 20 or more Levels greater than
Possessor and each of possessor's allies may be healed for 7,750 points of Light-element HP Healing at the start of every round
Tragedy-Inducing Reality-Override Bubble- (Stance Ability, Scholar) At the start of each round, possessor may inflict any one minor of moderate negative status effect, including Confusion: Depression, Confusion: Fear, and Hexed: Ill Fortune, on up to 5 chosen targets that are below Level 60,
At the start of each round, possessor may remove one buff from a source below Level 60 from up to 5 individuals who are below Level 60
taking along:
XP- 6,753,352,417
3,000,000,000 gold
2 Bag of Holding (2)- (Accessory, Container, Magic, 6,000,000 Gold) Wielder may bring 30 additional unequipped items into battle
'Doctor Pazzfakk's Guide to Uncommon Elements'- (Accessory, Tome, Hope & Technology & Psychic, 15,900,000 Gold) +15,000 Melee Attack for actions that deal Healing, +15,000 Magical Attack for actions that deal Healing, Wielder's non-offensive actions may cure a minor negative status effect, Wielder's chances of curing sub-status effects are increased by 30% as a non-stacking bonus*Era Index- (Accessory, Tome, Time, 300,000,000 Gold) If no individual of Level 80 or greater objects, wielder may, at the start of a round, choose, as a constantly-applied effect generated by this item that lasts until the end of the round, count as possessing the effects of the non-Overcrash-generated buffs and debuffs that wielder possessed at the start of a chosen round of battle instead of the effects of the non-Overcrash-generated buffs and debuffs that possessor actually possesses (with newly added and/or through-this-effect-ignored buffs and debuffs still counting their durations as normal and being removed when they would otherwise be removed but otherwise not having their effects take place), Wielder must be Level 40 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Time Synchronization'
*Ernest the Watcher's Comfortable Chair- (Accessory, Magic Item, Magic & Astral, 900,000 Gold) +1,000 Defense while in the back row (as a constantly applied bonus of conditional Defense), Wielder regenerates 7,000 HP and 7,000 MP per round, Wielder counts as being 10 levels higher for stat-scanning purposes, Wielder counts as being a boss for purposes of having wielder's stats scanned
Unblemished Radiance- (Armor, Aura, Light & Hope, 80,000,000 Gold) +80,000 Defense, +80,000 CON, +80,000 SPI, Wielder cannot be afflicted with debuffs or negative status effect coming from sources below Level 60, Wielder has a 25% chance of not being afflicted with debuffs or negative status effects from individuals below Level 80 if wielder is an Angel, Celestial, or Deva as a non-stacking effect, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
2,000 Rimedead Plate- (Armor, Heavy Armor, Darkness & Ice, 7,500,000 Gold) +7,500 Defense, +7,500 Defense against Darkness, +7,500 Defense against Ice, Frozen Immunity against sources below Level 90, 50% Voidstruck Resistance
The Star Lance from Elgath'Thronginn- (Weapon, Spear, Astral, 34,950,000 Gold) +30,750 Melee Attack, +30,540 Magical Attack, +30,240 AGI, +30,080 STR, +301,800 HP, +30,500 MP, +24% Critical, +30,270 SPI, +30,30 MIN, +30,320 Defense, Pierces 15,600 Defense, Pierces an additional 400 Defense if wielder is Human or Fae, +15% Dodge, 30% Dodge against Astral Beings, 20% Dodge against Physical element attacks, Wielder may spend an action to scan target Astral Being's stats, 20% Astral resistance, 30% Light Resistance, Wielder may spend an action once per thread to Heal itself for 15,000 HP, Wielder's Melee Attack actions deal an additional 17,000 Damage if wielder is a Human or Fae, Does double damage against 'evil' celestials during quests (usually) as an RP effect,Provides double healing for 'good' celestials during quests (usually) as an RP effect, Gives user several quest-related powers
Bestows the abilities-
Light Ray of the Stars- 20,100 Damage, 1 hit against 1 individual in each opposing side's row, Astral, 900 MP
Seal of the Twelve Holy Keepers- 8,000 Damage, 800 AGI damage, all of caster's allies gain +8,000 Defense against target that does not stack with other defense bonuses granted against said target by this ability or other abilites that are granted by the same item that this ability is granted by if this ability is granted by an item, doesn't work on certain targets in plot threads, Light & Magic, 5,000 MP
Shift Lance: Light- The Star Lance from Elgath'Thronginn becomes solely Light element for the remainder of the battle, Light, 5 MP
Shift Lance: Magic- The Star Lance from Elgath'Thronginn becomes solely Magic element for the remainder of the battle, Magic, 5 MP
Shift Lance: Astral- The Star Lance from Elgath'Thronginn becomes solely Astral element for the remainder of the battle, Light, 15 MP
Shift Lance: Physical- The Star Lance from Elgath'Thronginn becomes solely Physical element for the remainder of the battle, Physical, 15 MP
Impale- 10,900 Damage, 30% inflicts Wounded, Physical, 900 MP
Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment
with True-Striking- Provides +5% Critical, Affects Weapons, Enchantment
*Rod of Redemption- (Weapon, Mace, Light, 50,000,000 Gold) +50,000 Magical Attack, +49,999 Melee Attack, +50,000 CON, +50,000 SPI, Wielder's summoned Demons, Devils, and Daemons may gain the Light element and/or may count as Celestial Magic summons, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater
*Airynmetyr, Silver Sword of Sereyn's Light- (Weapon, Sword, Light, 116,000,000 Gold) +114,000 Melee Attack, +110,000 AGI, +110,000 SPI, 85% Voidstruck Resistance Wielder's 'Melee Attack' and 'Attack With Finesse' actions remove all debuffs that their targets that are Demons, Devils, Daemons, and Undead below Level 80 are the source of, 100% may inflict Awestruck or Awestruck: Sealed on Demons, Devils, Daemons, and Undead, Wielder's 'Melee Attack', 'Powerful Attack', 'Attack With Finesse', and 'Melee Overdrive' actions use Spirit as their Prime Attribute, Wielder may spend an action to summon 3 Dove of Sereyn from the Enemy List (max 10 summoned), Wielder must be Level 20 or greater and must be a devout worshipper of Sereyn
Book of Lhaivos the Pure- (Weapon, Book, Light, 60,000 Gold) +15 Magic Attack, Magic Attacks Heal, Magic Attacks use an extra 5% of their user's max MP
Essence of the First Fire- (Weapon, Force, Fire, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Melee Attack, +60,000 Ranged Attack, +60,000 Magical Attack, Wielder's actions may become solely Fire element, 40% Fire Resistance, If an source below Level 60 would deal possessor Fire element Damage, said Damage (including Stat Damage or Defense Damage) is converted into healing, Wielder ignores the the Fire Immunity, Resistance, Reflection, and Absorption of individuals below Level 60, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater
1 Grass-Cutter Sword- (Weapon, Sword, Glory & Light & Water & Earth & Electrical & Air & Fire, 180,000,000 Gold) +180,000 Melee Attack, +180,000 STR, +180,000 CON, +180,000 SPI, 130% Critical, 230% To Hit, Wielder may create or destroy a Zone of Air at the start of each round, Possessor may deal 1,800,000 Flat Fire element Damage to one opponent at the start of each round, 1% inflicts Instant Death, 1% inflicts Cursed, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
1,000 Rimedead Blade- (Weapon, Sword, Darkness & Ice, 7,500,000 Gold) +7,500 Melee Attack, +7,500 STR, +7,500 CON, 60% inflicts Frozen, 60% inflicts Voidstruck, 50% inflicts Frozen: Frostbite
Armor of the Heavenly Gates- (Armor, Heavy Armor, Hope & Glory, 165,000,000 Gold) +165,000 Defense, +165,000 CON, +165,000 SPI, Wearer's per-item Defense capping becomes based on (CON + SPI) instead of (CON * 2), Wearer may spend an action to enter any battlespace that is part of the same battle so long as no individual of Level 90 or greater in the battlespace wearer is leaving or the battlespace wearer is entering that is 5 or more Levels greater than wearer objects, Wearer may spend an action to summon 20 Celestials or Angels below Level 80 on the Enemy List that are normally fightable for drops, Max 100 summoned, Wearer must be Level 40 or greater
*Suzanne's Conference Datapad- (Accessory, Gadget, Technology, 33,000,000 Gold) Wielder may link the MP of any two allies whose MP is not already linked to another individual's at the start of each round, An individual of Level 60 or greater may spend anaction to delink these totals
Advance-Crafted Manual of Warding- (Accessory, Tome, Magic, 6,000,000 Gold) Wielder's items may not be stolen or destroyed by sources below Level 60, This item may not have its text altered by sources below Level 40 that do not possess the ability 'Adept Abjuration Attunement'
Demilich Teeth- (Accessory, Upgrade, Darkness & Magic, 150,000,000 Gold) Once per round, before one of wielder's actions, wielder may choose to inflict Instant Death on a target below wielder's Level that is below Level 80, with said effect not stacking across multiple copies of this item and individuals below Level 80 being unable to resurrect individuals killed by said effect, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Fae King's Time Spindle- (Accessory, Trinket, Magic & Time, 30,000,000 Gold) Wielder gains an additional action each round if no opponent is Level 50 or greater
Insta-Deployable City-Protecting Force Dome- (Accessory, Upgrade, Technology & Energy, 85,000,000 Gold) Once per thread across all wielders of this copy of this item, when one of wielder's Large Structure allies is targeted with an attack, wielder may, before any hits of said attack targeting said ally are generated, give said ally a non-stacking buff that provides +85,000 Defense and +40% Resilience that lasts 26,000,000 rounds
Virtuous Undead Queen's Crown- (Accessory, Crown, Darkness & Hope, 30,000,000 Gold) +30,000 Defense, +30,000 MIN, +30,000 SPI, 100% inflicts Charm on Undead, Wearer controls the actions of Undead below Level 40, Wearer must be Level 20 or greater
Mystic Figurine: Golden Goat- (Consumable, Summoning Stone, Earth, Unlimited Charges, 20,000,000 Gold) Generates an attack with Strength as its Prime Attribute, a Damage value of 55,000, and a 115% chance of inflicting Fatigued: Stun, This action counts as being performed by a Level 35 Animal with a Strength stat of 15,500, This item's user must be Level 20 or greater
15 Unicorn's Horn- (Consumable, Medicine, Light & Magic, 200 Charges, 8,000,000 Gold) Cures all minor negative status effects from sources below Level 60
Ancient Balm- (Spell, Other: Ancient Magic, Water, 24,000 MP, 12,500,000 Gold) +12,500 Magical Attack, Heals HP, All debuffs and negative status effects present on target that come from sources below Level 40 are removed, Target may not acquire debuffs or negative status effects from sources below Level 40 for the next 5 rounds, does not stack
Detect Traps- (Spell, Divining, Magic, 70 MP, 65,000 Gold) Caster and up to 5 targets gain +500 Defense against Traps, has RP effects, stacks 5 times
Divine Revivification (Orb of Light Variant)- (Spell, Divine Magic, Light, 60,000 MP, 30,000,000 Gold) Resurrects target if target was not killed by a source above Level 59 that is not more than 20 Levels above either said target or caster, Said resurrection may not be prevented by sources below Level 60 that are 20 or more Levels below caster, Caster must possess the ability 'Connected to the Orb of Light'
5 Open Gate to Nexus: Top Disc- (Spell, Gate Magic, Magic, 5,000 MP, 160,000 Gold) Has RP effects, Permits escape from random quests at the start of the round after it is cast
Open Gate to Standard Timeline- (Spell, Gate Magic, Time, 5,000 MP, 160,000 Gold) Has RP effects, Permits escape from random quests at the start of the round after it is cast
Prepare Fruits- (Spell, Other: Culinary Arts, Earth & Light, 10 MP, 30,000 Gold) +40 Magical Attack, Heals, Each Food that the caster has equipped may expend 1 charge to increase the amount healed by 500
Pure Healing of Sereyn- (Spell, Divine Spell, Light, 10,000 MP, 5,000,000 Gold) +5,000 Magic Attack, Heals, Cures any two minor negative status effects from sources below Level 80, Caster must be a devout worshipper of Sereyn
Temporal Scrylock- (Spell, Other: Chronomancy, Time, 20,000 MP, 2,000,000 Gold) Target obtains a non-stacking buff that causes entities below Level 60 that scan its stats to obtain a copy of its stats at the time that said buff was applied to it, with said buff informing said entities that it has potentially changed scan results, but not informing them in what way it has done so, at the time of said altered scanning, This spell does not by default provide information that it is changing information in RP threads
Timeclone- (Spell, Other: Chronomancy, Time, 10,000,000 MP, 90,000,000 Gold) Caster gains 2 additional actions (to a max of two actions per round across all copies of this spell) so long as no opponent of Level 90 or greater or that is 10 or more Levels greater than caster, objects, Caster may be targeted as up to 2 different individuals by actions that may target multiple individuals, being affected by such actions a number of times equal to the number of times that possessor is targeted, until the end of the round, Caster must be Level 40 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Time Magic Attunement'
Timehammer Bomb- (Spell, Hypertech, Time, 120,000 MP, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Ranged Attack, 6,000 AGI Damage, 100% inflicts Fatigued: Elderly, This action may be delayed for up to 5 rounds, 60% inflicts Fatigued: Slow, 1 hit against 600,000, deals 3/4 Damage
Prepare Fruits III- (Spell, Other: Culinary Arts, Earth & Light, 1,000 MP, 3,000,000 Gold) +4,000 Magical Attack, Heals, Each Food that the caster has equipped may expend 1 charge to increase the amount healed by 50,000Purifying Blade (2)- (Spell, Holy Magic, Light, 3,000 MP, 2,100,000 Gold) +2,200 Melee Attack, Heals, Cures 1 negative status effect or debuff from a source below Level 40
Grand and Holy Healing- (Spell, Holy Magic, Light, 7,500 MP, 3,200,000 Gold) +3,400 Magical Attack, Heals
Summon Hounds of Heaven- (Spell, Summoner Magic, Air & Light, 7,000 MP, 4,500,000 Gold) Summons 3 Hound of Heaven from the Enemy List, Max 10 Summoned
Summon Monster- (Spell, Summoner Magic, Magic, 20,000 MP, 5,000,000 Gold) Summons any one Animal, Aerial, Aquatic, Cthonian, Astral Being, Cthonian, Celestial, Angel, Deva, Illuminated, Abstract, Daemon, Devil, Demon, Elemental, Monster, Outsider, or Dragon from the Enemy List that is non-Elite, below Level 40, and can normally be fought for drops, Max 20 summoned, beings summoned through this spell may not summon
*Heart of the Archmagi- (Accessory, Crystal, Magic, 700,000,000 Gold) Wielder's Base MIN and SPI increase by 2 each
*Ixmulplex's Fez- (Accessory, Hat, Darkness & Acid, 14,000,000 Gold) +14,000 Defense, +14,000 Constitution, Wearer deals 140,000 Flat Psychic element Damage to any individual who deals wearer MP Damage
*Kit's Papers from the Seirei Portal- (Bound Accessory, Quest Item, Light & Darkness, 1,000 Gold) +1 SPI
Death Spray- (Spell, Biomancy, Darkness & Acid, 150,000 MP, 15,500,000 Gold) +15,500 Ranged Attack, 60% inflicts Dissolving, 30% inflicts Instant Death on targets below Level 70, 1 hit against 15
Kit is heading into the 2nd door. the to somewhere in the spirit world!