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Mini Quests
Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 7:51 pm
by Lord Gadigan
A thread for mini quests.
Re: Mini Quests
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:40 pm
by Modrageball
Name: 'The Menhir of Oozes'
Location: Ludensvoi: Manse of the Society of Magical Inquiry
Client: The Society of Magical Inquiry
PC Limit: 5
Special Notes:
Atop the lonely hill off in the marsh near Ludensvoi stands a circle of ancient Menhir stones. When the gibbous moon rises and turns pale green in the sky, a legion of oozes begins to pour forth from one of the twelve stones. Naturally, this would only happen once every thousand years. Given the nature of the Society's magical rituals, it ends up happening about every week, sometimes more often than that. The Society of Magical Inquiry is willing to reward adventurers who successfully drive back the oozes for them.
Re: Mini Quests
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:40 pm
by Modrageball
Name: 'Save Imbelsberg! The Bluewar Ministry Assault'
Location: Imbelsberg
Client: Imbelsberg
PC Limit: 5
Special Notes:
An elderly shopkeeper from the fishing village approaches you with a panicked expression as soon as you enter town.
"Please, noble heroes, you must help us! Yesterday, a great voice boomed from the sky. It said 'Hello, this is The Operator, Employee #2 of the Bluewar Ministry. Director Bluewar has informed me that a large sum has been paid to us to eradicate your village. At 9 in the morning every day, beginning tomorrow, an assault will be launched upon your town. This process will repeat itself every morning until either your town falls, or the individual paying for the attacks runs out of funds. Feel free to gather whatever assistance you need to defend your town. We relish the challenge. Have a great night, sleep tight, and may your deaths be swift and painless come morning. Thank you and goodbye.' It's horrible! We're all going to be killed come morning! We certainly don't have the resources or skill to fend off an assault. Please help us, adventurers"
Re: Mini Quests
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:40 pm
by Modrageball
Name: 'Save the Sea of Lindric Grass! The Bluewar Ministry Assault'
Location: The Sea of Lindric Grass
Client: The Tralviostroi
PC Limit: 8
Possess the award 'Has Saved Imbelsberg from the Bluewar Ministry'
Special Notes:
One of the turkey men rushes up to you in an obviously distressed manner. As he stops, his monocle and top hat fly off due to his sheer worry. After re-adjusting and equipping his attire, he regains a bit of composure and speaks to you.
"Heroes, I have heard of how you saved the city of Imbelsberg! Now we face a similar plight. The Bluewar Ministry has contacted us. A great voice calling itself the Operator spoke down to us from the sky. It said that we would be subjected to three assaults, each one day after another. Our people are a peaceful folk and cannot hope to combat this attacking menace. If you assist us, we will grant you access to our village and our wares, which are not normally sold to outsiders."
Re: Mini Quests
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:40 pm
by Modrageball
Name: 'The Deadly Bank'
Location: Burgensvale
Client: Clarence T. Whittle
PC Limit: 8
Special Notes:
The local bank manager, Clarence T. Whittle appears to be in a state of despair and panic. He quickly explains to any adventurer willing to listen that his bank is undergoing a dire emergency.
"A man named Hank S. Mayor, purporting that the S in his name stood for Safety and that he was an expert security consultant, came to town a week ago and offered to provide a security upgrade for the local bank, stating that if he performed the upgrade, no one would be able to sneak their way into the vault to steal stuff. I, while perplexed by the offer of free services, accepted in light of the two recent attempts at bank robbery. The bank was closed for two days, during which Hank worked in private and loud sounds that consisted of a mix of buzzing, hammering, sawing, and the loud moaning of undead could be heard at all hours of day and night. After the two days, Hank emerged, told me that everyone's valuables were guaranteed to be safe, and then departed. Hank was, in a sense, correct in his promise. No one has been able to steal anything from the bank. This is, however, because no one can seem to get into the bank at all. Three of my employees, five brave townspeople, and a hired thief from the big city all perished attempting to go through the courtyard. I can confirm that the courtyard sprinklers spray acid, and the trees in it fling fruit with deadly precision. The hired thief made it to the door, which electrocuted him to death while he tried disabling the trap on it... and I think that monsters were summoned by the botched door opening attempt too. Please help us deactivate the traps and get our bank back! The whole town will reward you handsomely if you do."
Re: Mini Quests
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:40 pm
by Modrageball
Name: 'The Ruins in Thalmurat Lake'
Location: The Doorway to Lost Realms (Formerly Thalmurat Lake)
Client: None
PC Limit: 8
Special Notes:
This is a 'Quest Echo'. The actual conditions that allowed this quest to be done are no longer in place, but I want it to stick around mechanically, so an identical, simulated version of it is being provided by the Doorway to Lost Realms. Despite its location, completing this doesn't mechanically count as completing a quest in the Doorway to Lost Realms at present.
Every week the waters of Thalmurat Lake recede for a span of 3 hours, revealing a bridge of stone that extends out to a dungeon entrance atop a tower in the center of the lake. It is said that a mystic spear is hidden deep within the lake ruins and any who can make their way through the ruins swiftly enough will be able to find said spear.
Re: Mini Quests
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:40 pm
by Modrageball
Name: 'Eidolon Hunt: Finding the Wind Shepherd'
Location: The Mesa of Winds
Client: None
PC Limit: 8
Each PC joining must possess the award 'Has Completed the Task 'Trials of the Eidolon Summoner, Part 6''
Special Notes:
Atop the Mesa of Winds on the World of Armendyr in the Dimension of Shandralon dwells the great being Bazefar. Bazefar directs the winds across the world, guiding and altering the courses as it sees fit. Bazefar is capable of becoming an Eidolon if the proper pact is formed. Those who have been told how to make such a pact by the Society of Esoteric Binders and possess the proper task should come here to locate Bazefar, defeat it, and form the pact.
Re: Mini Quests
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:41 pm
by Modrageball
Name: 'Trial of Remembrance'
Location: The Nexus Battle Arena
Client: The First Holy Empire
PC Limit: 8
Special Notes:
Fighting various opponents from the Third Ascension is a requirement to obtain one of the pieces of the Holy Imperial Seal of Worth. You may face these opponents here in the Battle Arena.
Re: Mini Quests
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:41 pm
by Modrageball
Name: 'Trial of Versatility'
Location: The Nexus Battle Arena
Client: The First Holy Empire
PC Limit: 1
Special Notes:
Accomplish various feats in a limited span of time! You may face this challenge in the Battle Arena. This is part of the test to obtain the pieces of the Holy Imperial Seal of Power.
Re: Mini Quests
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:41 pm
by Modrageball
Name: 'Trial of Memories'
Location: The Nexus Battle Arena
Client: The First Holy Empire
PC Limit: 8
Special Notes:
Fighting various opponents from the Third Ascension is a requirement to obtain one of the pieces of the Holy Imperial Seal of Power. You may face these opponents here in the Battle Arena.
Re: Mini Quests
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:41 pm
by Modrageball
Name: 'Bad Movie Night 1'
Location: Nexus Inn
Client: None
PC Limit: 3
Special Notes:
Rumors abound of a strange DVD that contains a deadly monster. Clubs of people watching obscure (often bad) DVDs have sprung up around Nexus, hunting for this elusive monster. Do you dare begin the search by watching Count Dracubeer?
Re: Mini Quests
Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:41 pm
by Modrageball
Name: 'Trial of Ages'
Location: The Nexus Battle Arena
Client: The First Holy Empire
PC Limit: 8
Special Notes:
Fighting various opponents from assorted Ascensions is a requirement to obtain one of the pieces of the Holy Imperial Seal of Glory. You may face these opponents here in the Battle Arena.