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Complete Subtype and Element List
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:01 pm
by Administrator
This thread contains complete listings of subtypes and elements. Explanations as to what things are may be coming at some point.
Anything listed as obsolete should be changed to the new version, but a note should be left about the change by the mod that did it in a new post.
Anything listed as reinstated was at one point obsolete, but should no longer be treated as such.
Note that descriptions in this thread are general and do not necessarily apply to all instances of an element or subtype throughout the entire explorable universe.
Entity Subtypes
Subtype Supergroupings
Weapon Subtypes
Armour Subtypes
Accessory Subtypes
Consumable Subtypes
Spell Subtypes
Permanent Consumable Subtypes
Item Subtypes
Transformation Subtypes
General Class Categories
Re: Complete Subtype and Element List 2.0
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:02 pm
by Administrator
Acid- Caliph of Corrosion
Debuffs, Negative status effects, Piercing, Stacking negative effects. Dissolves things, erodes over time, and reduces the power of other elements. It synergizes with Alchemy, Biomancy, and anything involving poison. It bolsters Chemistry sub-specs of Hypertech, and is useful for empowering Oozes and Insects. It is the most able to supplant and replace other elements of the base elements.
Air- Wind Duke
Agility, Dodge, Synergies with Law. Permits flight and breath where no breath would otherwise be found. It allows freedom of movement and enhances personal freedom while at the same time bolstering those who adhere to a code of nobility or law. It is the element that is 'above' things and allows its users to ignore things 'beneath' them, whether physically or socially. Those aligned with air are harder to mar or sully than their ground-bound companions.
Darkness- Ebon Chancellor
Spirit, Debuffs. Hides and obscures. It links to drain, consumption of other things for power, and has ties to the lower planes. It is not, however, evil in and of itself. It can nuture as well as harm, and can keep negative consequences from holding things down (undeath to surmount death, becoming a being of poison to surmount being poisoned, etc). It works best when either subtle or overwhelming - small amounts in obvious focus are able to be removed most easily.
Earth- Mountain King
Constitution, Resilience, Defense. Solid and sturdy. It resists change. It forms the front line while keeping its allies secure and hidden behind it. It is good at seeking and building solid - if uninteresting and non-unique - treasure. It generates resources through both plant life and minerals and serves as the unintrusive bedrock of whatever area it is in.
Electrical- Thunder Czar
Turn-order-determining stat totals, Offense. Sudden and potent, but able to also provide lasting power. In offense it focuses on speed and damage spikes, whereas in defense is provides constant power. It is friendly towards air and energy, while having a love-hate relationship with Technology (powering it but also most able to damage it). It can be captured and stored to power other powers or act as an MP-substitute.
Energy- Countess of Power
Dealing Damage, MP, Powering effects. Empowering when within you and oppressive when around you. It is the heat of summer, the sizz of a laser, and the core of a star. It empowers life easily, but is reluctant to create new life wholesale. It synergizes with auras, both offensive and defensive, and it can help to turn an aura into a force-field bubble that prevents ingress of opposing forces. It assists with regeneration, but once it itself is removed, can leave the user more tired and weak than they were before they had it in the first place.
Fire- Blazing Sultan
Strength, Critical, Attack bonuses. Active and offensive, but also has a side that can cauterize and heal. It is the most damaging in a broad sense of the base elements, but it tends to fail when used as a defense on its own. Its flickering and transitory nature makes it more shapable through desire and emotion than other elements, lending it - behind magic - to be the second best base element to use wish-type magic with. It rouses beings to action, foments revolution, and makes those around it more hot-blooded - it also promotes truth, straightforwardness, and risk-taking.
Hope- Eternal Champion
Spirit, Positive status effects, Healing, Recovery from status effects. Is in some ways the most miraculous of the base elements, but in others it is the least reliable. It can make possibilities where there weren't any, and it can cause resurgences of power when defeat seems immanent. At the same time, it is the most subject to high and low rolls - a good roll can bring about great things, but with a poor roll, the hope just doesn't materialize. It is cooperative, supportive, and focused on positive status effects.
Ice- Snow Queen
Stat Damage, Reducing enemy turn-order. An element of stasis, preservation, and bitterly vast environmental effects. Things become lost in it until they accept it and become part of the landscape or it overwhelms them. It offers a pretty exterior with the potential to turn tumultuous and violent. It can accentuate splendor and bring temptation, but the rewards it grants are not lasting when taken outside its domain. It is the element of endings, but also of eternal unchanging twilight. It is distant from other things and harder to merge with them than other elements without changing them to be more like it.
Light- Radiant Heirophant
Awestruck, AOE Heals and Smiting, Anti-Darkness effects, Boosts to Divine Magic and Healer Magic, Synergies with Solar Beings, Formerly (and now once again) a base element. May still contain abilities that can turn it into a base element temporarily. Skilled at radiating effects outward, but without distinction regarding target. It illuminates, but reveals the hidden to all instead of a select few. It bolsters and heals, but burns things incompatible with its energy when spread. It is often easier to create a secondary effect to shield things from light than it is to make the element itself more discerning in its targeting. It bestows titles and high position upon those who use it, and, alongside Acid, is one of the two base elements most easily able to link to a divine patron.
Magic- Arcane Vizier
Magical Attacks, MP, MIN, SPI, Spells. An element of great potential and little direct substance. It brings forth reservoirs of power and expands possiblities, but requires other elements, spells, or items to be focused into concrete results. Alone, it is nebulous, but it is capable of merging with nearly anything arcane to increase effect. Physical and technological things interface most poorly with it, but even then, it holds the power to bolster them. It is a hard element to fully understand, but attempts at doing so often uncover other knowledge that assists in additional situations.
Metal- Archsmith of Metal
Boosting both offense and Defense, Golem/Robot/Clockwork/Machine pets and summons, Crafting items, Changing Hammers from destructive-themed weapons to creative-themed weapons that still pack offensive punch
Moon- Lunar Trickster
Status Infliction, Adding new text to status effects, Changing how opponents effected you. Opposes Truth. The element of deceit, wonder, performance, and hidden poison. It hides things in mirages and illusions, amplifies deception, and injects hidden traits into things. It boosts negative status effects and makes situations and effects harder to deal with. It relies upon extravagent spectacle, misdirection, performance, ritual, and festival to bring about its full power, with how you do things being as important as what you attempt to do - though correlations between the two are often entirely non-obvious, for example an acrobatic firework routine to poison a man's drink and induce madness. Moon is formal yet jovial, willing to give generously to those who share in its mirth. It does not always lie, it merely holds the potential to.
Physical- Kinetic Emperor
Melee Attacks, HP, Ignoring buffs to enemy Dodge. The most straightforward of the elements. It rewards hard work, repetition, and training. It focuses on the physical stats more than the mental ones, but when it does delve towards the mental, it prefers straightforward expression of mental traits to the use of tricks and traps. It is burly and powerful, but lacks breadth or the ability to adapt to unusual confrontations. It adds force to things more easily than most other elements and in greater quantities, but in the process makes the resultant product more easily resistable. Boosts come with effort, but can be made lasting if the effort is repeated.
Psychic- Mind Lord
Mind, MP, Synergies with Mentalist, Avoiding Resistances, Ignoring buffs to enemy Dodge, Scanning. The element of the wise, cunning, and well-prepared, but also the aloof and domineering. It acts subtly, but with great force. It accomplishes things other elements can, but through its own vectors, while retaining a primacy on control. It offers improved control of self through mental reenforcement, improved control of others through the bending of minds and puppeteering of bodies, and improved control of events through predictions, knowledge, and constant awareness. It is hard to blind, but keeps its opponents in the dark, working through methods that are hard to detect. It can pre-program effects, relying on contingencies and timing for optimal effect.
Technology- Heir to the Future
Ranged Attacks, Robots/Clockworks/Machines/Mechs/Vehicles/Vessels/Guns/Assault Matrixes/Gadgets. An element that connects to - and improves - other, more tangible things. Specifically, it bolsters entities and items, but with a focus on categories therein that are more 'primed' to be amplified by it. It creates new things while relying on already established synergies, being better and making improved versions of things it works well with than linking up with things that are not predisposed to accept it. Once established, it can mass produce things and replicate effects, allowing less-skilled users to replicate, maintain, and use effects set up by the more-individually-talented. It works best with the scientific, futuristic, and new, though exceptions exist.
Truth- Analyst of the Absolute
Boosts divination, foils illusion, and weakens Mystery. It makes things concrete, known, and immutable. It bolsters mind and hampers wishes and change. Opposed by Moon, and effective against Illusion.
War- Warmaster
Boosted offense, Causing allies to deal more Damage, Creating and controlling units, Making itself a base element, Formerly a base element prior to the First Ascension, and is again following the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest. Opposes Hope. A vicious element focused on offense. It leads with its best, striking heavily and pushing outwards while leaving its interior filled with token, mass-produced defenses below its maximum capability. It synergizes with nearly any means of attack, enhancing range, power, and the lasting nature of wounds. It easily works with other elements of its wielder, but bristles when forced to cooperate with things outside of its wielder's field of knowledge. It seeks to better itself, but does so only in proportion to the opposition provided, ceasting to care for improvement when the last enemy is fallen or soundly bested.
Water- Ocean Prince
Mind, To Hit, Healing. An element that does not easily run itself dry. Efforts undertaken multiple times using the power of water lose power at a slower rate than they would when other elements are used, making it a good choice for long-distance travel, the repeated quashing of attacks by many weaker foes, or repeated healing as a dungeon is explored. While water lacks the precise force of other elements, yielding more easily than is typical, it is able to balloon outwards and engulf wider spaces more easily. It also has a tendency to pool and make effects last longer than they otherwise might in areas.
Wood- Lord of Trees
Synergies with Botanist/Plants, Slowly-increasing buffs
Tier 0 Nonbase:
Corruption- Vile One [DESTROYED]
Wow, much corruption, so element, very hazard (An appropriate description, but I'll tack on: Avoiding restrictions to increasing your power, Gaining lots of power quickly, Corrupting others, Losing control of yourself to the element, Hideous penalties if you aren't the element Corruption)
Junk (2)- No class
Weak element overall, few abilities; generally found on items that do nothing
Melted- <Shared in Mastermind>
Removing text from things
Null- Hollow Man
Errors, Ignoring effects, Initially places large numbers of penalties on those who learn it that later turn into bonuses
Regret- Exchequer of Loss [REVIVED]
Turning opponents' powers and actions against them, Creating antagonistic replicas, Mirroring and twisting enemy power, <POTENTIALLY NOW TIED TO TSAYIKK>
Turpitude- Antifoundational Metaphysicist [REVIVED]
Basically is Corruption + small elements of Regret. It doesn't have much unique to its name and was just Dryse messing with the element system to create her own Corruption variant before Iepterro decided it wasn't a good idea. <POTENTIALLY NOW TIED TO TSAYIKK>
Tier 0 Imaginary:
The Bad Impression- <Inside Elemental Researcher, for now>
An element that concerns coming off as absolutely terrible.
Tier 1 Nonbase:
Aether- Aetheric Voyager
Movement between battlespaces, Converting your own Dodge value into effects, Ignoring enemy protections
Astral- Cosmic Ruler
Deals with deep space, planets, stars, and other in-space things. Also deals with forming unformed dimensions into habitable planes and creating fortresses in space, as well as sticking objects together / in orbit of each other / gathering things. Tied to Astromancer and Keeper of the Stars.
Atomic- Thermonuclear Disciple
Poison: Irradiated, High-damage assaults with high cost to use, Negative effects that get progressively worse
Azoth- Divine Philosopher
Healing, Creation of items, Removal/Piercing of Resistances/Immunities, MIN/SPI buffs, Synergy with Alchemy
Basic- Commoner
Faking being a base element, Low stat boosts and abilities that make it a generally bad class
Beast- Wild One
Tied to Beastmaster, Bonuses based on terrain, Physical attack boosts. Vicious, natural, and hard to tame. It links members of packs together and grows animals and monsters into stronger forms as they become more successful in their roles. It resists civilization, plays poorly with non-Druidic, non-Beast items - particularly manufactured ones - and enhances natural abilities. It resists mind control, but allows leadership through superior skill or wisdom. It is both predator and prey and prefers the physical to the esoteric, but is able to be manipulated to create exotic types of venom. Areas infused with Beast mana produce more enemies more frequently, but less treasure and civilian-types. Works well with Pelts and Fist Weapons (taking the form of claws rather than fists). Beast also improves hunting. While it favors the beast, it is willing to grant power to the hunter who fights beasts on their own terms rather than staying entirely apart from them. It respects those who confront nature and scorns those who stay back in civilization's safe halls.
Beauty- Artist of Dawn
Charm, Aura-based buffs, Effects based on possessor's presence, Effects upon being scanned, Resistance to losing powers
Blood- Count of Blood
Tied to Hemotheurge, HP Drain, Wounded: Bleeding. Transfers life and power between beings and sacrifices life, whether that of its wielder or that of others, for power. It grants vectors to invade the body, amplifies wounds, and exploits damage in individuals to gain knowledge about them. It bridges the divide between life and unlife, trading one for the other, and helps undead beings regenerate while helping non-undead resist draining effects. It is good at being stored up and then unleashed in a wide torrent and can be used to hide aspects of an individual until a time of danger. Vampirism and blood sacrifice are strong themes.
Candy- Princess of Sweets
Adding boosts to Food, Positive status effects and buffs, Giving opponents buffs to gain temporary control of them
Chemical- Chemist
Chemical is a T1 nonbase element. It is highly linked to Acid, Technology, and Hypertech. It works as an alternative element to Acid, but with an active anti-magic direction to it - it stabilizes worlds into a tech/super-science based paradigm and can be used to make Alchemy less 'magical'.
Civilization- Builder of Nations
Creates, manages, and orders cities and nations. It places areas under geographic claim and gives its wielders a mandate to control them. It organizes resources, manages supply lines, conducts trade, and bolsters order. It supports conquest and expansion while also boosting the ability to retrench defenses and control specific areas. It recognizes borders, shapes cultures, and gives knowledge of laws and customs. It also synergizes with Large Structures, Warlord, and General, though it twists Warlord to lose its barbaric aspects
Color- Chromatic Conductor
Element swap, Sub-groups of effects based on elements/colors, Offensive element-changing
Commerce- World Merchant
Trading items, Bonuses to traded items, Gold and inventory manipulation, Forcing opponents to give you things, Channeling values between different people, Buying items mid-thread
Crystal (2)- Faceted Marquessa
Synergies with Earth and with Crystal accessories, Synergies with Diplomat. An element of beauty and sturdiness. It creates elaborate, beneficial effects and sculpts fortresses, but contrary to their ornamentation and focus on aesthetic design, they are diamond-hard and offer great resistance to being broken. It holds power within itself, allowing for additional power reservoirs, and it dips into a variety of petrification sub-status effects - as well as beneficial self-petrification.
Dopple- Mime Don
Copying actions, Copying buffs/debuffs, Copying effects, Counters
Draco- <Shared in Dragon Lord>
Dragons. An element that empowers dragons and gives them a means of dealing hard-to-resist-just-due-to-rarity damage. It is an overall narrow element that doesn't do much and is hard to expand.
Essence- Balanced Medium
A vital force, similar to life, but more spiritual and less concerned with nature. It bolsters Spirits, Magic, and Ki. It unifies life with magic, assists in channeling, and allows its wielder better ability to target the mana patterns of beings. With proper skill, it allows for manipulation of the spirit layer of beings, and, eventually, their mana patterns' elements. It also assists with enchanting items, linking them to people, and attaching bonds between things. Something infused with essence is resurgent, growing back its losses more easily and compensating for damage to one area with strength in another, while at the same time repairing the first.
Faith- Witness of the Divine
Worshipper benefit boosts, Positive Status Effects, Resistance to effects that subvert worshipper bonuses, Resistance to Charm/Confusion while worshipping a deity, Synergy with Divine Magic
Fury- Unbowed Berserker
Boosted offense at the expense of defense, backlash effects against things that try to control your actions, High damage
Glitz- Megacelebrity
Exchanging Fame for effects, Generating fake temporary Fame and using that to power abilities, Boosts based on the number of allies and enemies you have
Glory- Living Legend
Bonuses versus mooks, Heroic action, Become a memetic badass
Grandeur- Most August and Baroque Grand-Marquis of Exquisite Provenance
Making your stuff better, Making places (zones, terrains, phantom terrains, not so much summons) you create better at the time of their creation. Grandeur is an element that increases the value, particularly the apparent value, of things. It is good for making things that are vast, impressive, highly expensive, hard-to-replicate, and overaggressively weird-niche-focused - stuff it makes on its own tends to suffer either from oblique overspecialization or being fancy-but-not-actually-good-at-anything. It is pretty good at augmenting stuff, though not as widely or as well as wonder. It is best when boosting things that already fit its aesthetic themes, synergizes well with Glory and Nobility, and is good at boosting subspace architecture (and adding frustrating elite encounters to dungeons).
It's also really connected to Lili. This means that boosting it may in some corner cases boost her, and it ties well to whatever powers she specs in (at least to a degree) - so it works better than you might think with rune magic / golems / summons / covering buildings in elaborate daemon runes, with mystery (why is this so fancy and what does it do - oh gosh it must have secret super macguffin powers), with mail (fancy postage does not get intercepted - the consequences are too fearsome), and self-cloning (but fancier!)
Illusion- Unreality Coordinator
Bonuses when not scanned, bonuses against being scanned, Creating fake items and entities that are easily-producible but vanish when scanned
Ki- Enlightened Sensei
Using Spirit for ranged attacks, Boosting STR/AGI/CON using MIN/SPI, Power boosts that require charge-up, Synergy with Monk
Marsh- Hermit of Reeds and Lanterns
Terrain-based bonuses, Stalling regeneration. An element that hides within itself, forcing those who attack it into a progressively worsening quagmire. It passively makes itself hard to hit or notably effect, and then once triggered, begins to pile on negative effects on enemies. It is an element that lends itself to places of sunrise, and, particularly, sunset - it freezes itself into specific moments while unleashing hidden torrents of insects and ooze to play support to its negative status effects and debuffs that increase in complexity as they stack. Meanwhile, it fills itself with life, blossoming from the murk, turning negative effects placed upon it into a base matter, a type of metaphysical sediment that it then uses to build itself up, bring forth new summons, and empower its effects. It manipulates the environment, makes other things dependent on it, and commands both symbiosis and parasitism. It enhances herbalism and offers rare spell components and remedies, as well as setting the stage for more powerful ritual magic by its mere prolonged presence.
Memory- Resonant Historian
Accessing states of things from earlier rounds, Resurrection, Bringing back lost buffs / cured debuffs, Resummoning unsummoned or killed summons, Undoing things, Equipping extra spells, Boosting magic, Accessing defunct classes and their powers
Mystic- Esoteric Wiseman
Super magic, Blurring the lines between spell schools, Ignoring Resistances and Immunities, MIN and SPI boosting, Magical Attack boosting, Adding effects to spells
Nature- Mother of Worlds
Synergies with Druid, Terrain effects, Animals/Aerials/Aquatics/Cthonians
Nobility- Noble
Giving allies actions, bonuses to allies, Charm, Controlling and boosting the actions of others, Preventing inferior people from acting, Controlling units, Synergies with Wealth
Order- Concordant Ordinator
Less powerful versions of High Judge powers
Phantom- Geistly Legate
Bypassing defenses if not scanned, Not triggering on-entry-to-battle effects
Pleasure- Hedonist
Charm, Sharing positive status effects, Buffs that require repeated re-application, Temporary relief from negative status effects, Drain, Bonuses from Food and Drink
Sonic- Noise Master
Undodgeable attacks, Synergies with Bard, Breaking items, Acting quickly, AOE attacks
Speed- No current class
Boosting turn-order, Acting first
Steam- Grease Monkey
Machines, Clockworks, Substituting itself for Technology. Steam works like Technology in many ways, but synergizes better with Clockworks than with robots. Scientist is closely tied to it, but in ways that merge it with Artificer, Alchemist, or Thief. On one hand, it is good for making complex, collapsable devices and synergizes well with Thief/Assassin/Ninja (with Ninja being a rarer, but no less effective, match) - steam doesn't just provide tech, it also cloaks it in misty veils and has a 'surprise' element to it. It is an element that becomes more refined and exquisite when near nobility, grandeur, or the like, but that sinks into disreputible territory when near darkness and less well-off places. It mixes air and fire, working with both and granting clockworks the power of either. Electrical is added too for mad scientists. It allows for faster repair than standard technology, but keeps to a more solidly victorian aesthetic and can't do quite as many far-future tricks. There's artifice-gadgetry subtrees, steam-tech spy-assassin / secret agent / criminal subtrees, scientist-noble subtrees with elegant clockwork replacement bodies, and repair-and-temp-boost subtrees.
Tacky- Flamingo Disco Legend Man
Weird effects based on having certain Clothing equipped, Negative effects based on your simple presence
Toxin- Archpoisoner of 1,000 Venoms
Poison, Venom, Damage-over-time, Stat Damage, Weapon Coating accessories, Synergies with Acid
Void- Unbound Guru
Super Elementalist, Ignoring effects, Abilities triggered by Meditation
Warding- Ward Crafter
Defense, Resistances and Immunities, Reflection, Synergies with Abjurer, Blocking entities into battlespaces, Blocking summons
Wealth- Coinlord
$$$, GP-toss style attacks, Bonuses to expensive gear, Defense against Gold Damage
Whimsy- Smiling Drifter
Ignoring negative effects, Making negative effects expire over time, Movement between battlespaces and rows that ignores restrictions
Tier 1 Imaginary:
Animae- <In Elemental Researcher, Subtree Classname: Vital Artisan>
It grants life to the lifeless, makes the form of matter protean and mutable, and governs the creation, application, and destruction of motion. Paralysis spec / alt-effect manipulation, haste/slow, action delays, removes restrictions from Transmutation (synergizing with it), summons Elementals and Golems.
Anti-Bob- <In Elemental Researcher>
Bonuses against targets named Bob, Generally a bad element
Bill's Swords- <In Elemental Researcher>
Specific Sword weapons, Generally a bad element
Business- <In Elemental Researcher>
Business is a T1 Imaginary element. It is the sort of element that produces men in suits who go to work at the business factory. It produces positive results and money from typing on computers, filing complicated reports, and faxing things with the mechanisms of said success being obtuse and powered solely by business-y actions. Acting confusingly professional offers boons, and the more money its wielders gain, the larger in size they become. The larger in size they are, the less likely their actions are to fail. It synergizes well with Wealth, Commerce, Clothes, and Cigars.
Confusion (2)- <In Elemental Researcher>
Confusion (2) is a T1 Imaginary element. It messes with scanning and gives its possessor benefits for things in battle that haven't been scanned successfully. It also focuses on the Confusion status effect (but sometimes lets its focus be switched to a different minor negative one, potentially giving it confusion effects in addition to its own) and has some abilities that exist just to make things more bizarre and/or confusing.
Cute Pets- <In Elemental Researcher, Subtree Classname: Wondergroomer>
Boosting the Charm abilities of pets, Boosting Unusually Weak pets
Destruck- <In Elemental Researcher>
Destruck is a T1 Imaginary element. It is destructive, but faulty, with may things related to it having high attack power, but a chance of outright (potentially comedic) failure.
Election- <In Elemental Researcher>
Election is a T1 Imaginary element. It sets up votes to determine the results of things, synergizing with summon swarms that pile on numbers of voters by default, but having some abilities in there to stack the votes in various ways or limit who/what can vote.
Gold (2)- <In Elemental Researcher>
Gold (2) is a T1 Imaginary element. It creates structure from money and allows things to create or count as large amounts of Temporary money. It can spend money to offer buffs and sets up effects using money that produce constructs over time. It can also turn people into money temporarily, including as a reflexive dodge attempt. It synergizes well with Earth, Metal, Golems, Wealth, and Dread Banking.
Happy Erosion- <In Elemental Researcher>
Drain, reducing enemies' stats and values, granting positive effects on the user for inflicting debuffs and reducing enemy stats and values
Laundary- <In Elemental Researcher>
Clothes, Generally a bad element
Magisparkly- <In Elemental Researcher>
Magical is becoming Magisparkly, which is a T1 Imaginary element. It is made of sparkles, unicorns, and fairy princesses. It is similar to Magic, but weaker and with a tendency towards refusing to be lethal.
Metaphorical- <In Elemental Researcher>
Metaphorical is a T1 Imaginary element. It is swift as the coursing river, with all the force of a great typhoon - with all the strength of a raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the moon. At least it can be, when drawing upon the power of the right sources - it works similarly to Dopple, but does not rely so much on physically-present things to copy as it does built-up internal associations and conceptual relationships to be drawn upon. It synergizes with Quills, Dopple, Shapeshifters, and Conceptuals.
Negative-Reality-Demonic- <In Elemental Researcher>
Negative-Reality-Demonic is a T1 Imaginary element. It inverts reality with malice, creating a dark, demonic mirror to all that it is exposed to. Its possessors can exist on the flip-sides of otherwise-innocent objects and switch what is on the 'frontside' and 'backside' of areas. It creates facsimiles of its victims and illuminates the world with neon shades of red and black. For all its malice, it is the inverse of demon magic in terms of combat specialties, being aberrantly good at healing, support, and defense (though almost always with a cruel twist towards non-allies). Defensively, it is particularly good at counter-magic and opposing actions with their opposites to negate them. It synergizes well with Disguises, Demons, Dopple, and Spatial.
Next Starlight- <In Elemental Researcher>
Next Starlight is a T1 Imaginary element. It is a fairly weak and overly-specialized Imaginary Element that focuses on promises, portents, and prophecies, setting them when under certain groups of Empowered Constellations, Chronogeomantic Zones, and Zones/Terrains/Phantom Terrains, then triggering them when different combinations or instances of those things appear. It can provide decent effect amplification when it triggers, but generally isn't worth the specific investment unless you need a particularly obscure boost type for some reason (as opposed to just mixing Geomancer/Diviner/Ritualist/Destiny Weaver).
Not Bees- <In Elemental Researcher, Subtree Classname: Not-Beekeper>
Making things stop being bees, Generally a bad element
Rebuttal- <In Elemental Researcher>
Rebuttal is a T1 Imaginary element. It focuses on counters, preemptive counters, action prevention, and contingency effects. It is good for issuing an OBJECTION and pairs well with Litigamancy.
STEVE's Version of Law - <In Elemental Researcher>
Pretending to be Law, Making actual Law not count, Placing arbitrary and easy-to-avoid restrictions on things, Bonuses if you're Steve
Surreality- <In Elemental Researcher>
Weird and often situational effects, alternate battle systems
Swimmerce- <In Elemental Researcher>
Swimmerce is a T1 Imaginary element. It connects commerce with water, trading items when people switch rows while in zones of water, heals gold damage when its possessor acts while in a zone of water, and converts HP damage attacks into Gold Drain attacks while in water. It also converts Drowning status effects into either damaging gold or makes them positive status effects that provide money instead of hurting their possessor. It includes minor fitness improvements and swim-stroke-techniques.
Vulgar- <In Elemental Researcher>
Shittons of relentless offense, Applying Strength to fucking everything
Waterial- <In Elemental Researcher>
Waterial is a localized, failed element in the vein of Laundary, Not Bees, and Bill's Swords. It is T1 and has no class, but is potentially gaining power in Seirei. It is the element of things that look solid, but are actually liquid, revealing their secret moistness when touched. Waterial beings are able to exist between solid and liquid states, to make things moist, to build constructs out of liquids and have them keep their shapes and to convert things into liquids. It synergizes well with Water and Illusion.
Weird- <In Elemental Researcher>
Weird and often situational effects
Yumminess- <In Elemental Researcher>
Boosting Food and Drink, Generally a bad element
Tier 1 Lower:
Lower Elements are inherently corrupt to an extent (though people can use them in more positive ways), tied to Tsayikk, and tend to drag other stuff down to their general state. They have different metaphysical properties than non-lower elements. They have easier integration with some abstandard stats.
Addiction- Necessarian
Setting up conditions that provide (generally decreasing-over-time) bonuses if met and penalties if not met on a regular basis. Connected to Tsayikk.
Agony- Torment Master
Pain, Harming yourself to gain power boosts, Unhealable/recurrent damage
Blight- Witherer of Realms
It is hostile to Geomantic effects and most non-Blight Elementals, focusing on rooting itself in places, twisting them, and spreading outwards. It feeds into the SAN/INF/RES Tsayikk element paradigm and pairs well with Blight Magic.
Decay- Eroded Idol
Increasingly-dangerous-over-time debuffs, Stat Damage, Reduction of Defense, Buff removal, Prevention of summoning, SAN/INF/RES alt-stat synergy.
Dust- Apostle of Loss
Causes things to collapse and remain collapsed while making its wielder harder to target in-total. It creates copies out of dust, disconnects bodily and spiritual systems from one another so that what effects one cannot effect others. It lets wielders turn into clouds that bring about delaterious effects. Once it gets inside something, it is hard to remove and begins to degrade it over time, hiding in crevases - whether they be in body, memory, moral fortitude, or mana pattern. It takes its time in bringing about devastation, but brings with it inevitability and a difficulty to course-correct, hiding itself from divination through seeming insignificance. It bridges with Tsayikk elements and effects with Devastation, Time, Earth, and Air. SAN/INF/RES alt-stat synergy.
Flesh- Flesh Sculptor
Buffs and Debuffs, Extra HP, Obtaining constant effects from entities on the enemy list, Polymorphing, Negative status effects, Defense reduction, Synergy with Transmuter, SAN/INF/RES alt-stat synergy
Hunger- Feasting Fuhrer
Dealing drain, amplifying consumables (particularly Food and Drink), taking things from other entities and consuming them to heal/regenerate/buff yourself/power effects, stripping effects from other entities and triggering bonuses for succeeding in doing so, mass-removing lower-Level entities from battle to regenerate, draining powers from defeated enemies for temporary lengths of time
Malice- Malice Entity
Demon (2) is becoming Malice and is becoming a T1 nonbase element. Its class acts more like an entity subtype class than an element subtype class. It is more sentient than most elements, but not hive-minded like Corruption. It feeds off of negative emotions, evil acts, and villainous forces/monsters triumphing. As it builds, it twists minds first and bodies second before budding off and forming monsters, undead, evil spirits, and evil planar beings (leaving its former host(s) less corrupt afterwards, though). Large collections of Malice can bud off into Malice Entities (which possess the class and ability to wield/create/direct/infuse Malice) - Malice Entities born in this manner have a greater-than-average chance of being unique if not near some other unique Malice Entity.
Rot- Dross-choked Reveller
urn debuffs into buffs, Slow degeneration-type effects, Speed-up of triggering of negative effects, Regeneration whenever enemies take damage from proper Moderate negative status effects, Ignoring negative status effects, SAN/INF/RES alt-stat synergy
Rust- Corroded Wretch
Debuffs, Attacks that add stacks of debuffs, Giving the user contagious debuffs, Item destruction, Item text-revisions, Defense piercing/removal, SAN/INF/RES alt-stat synergy
Terror- King of Fear
Confusion: Fear, Action prevention/control/scrambling, MIN Damage, SPI Damage
Tier 1 Theoretical:
Theoretical Experimental Element 02-B- Automaton Inspector <Inside Elemental Researcher>
An element that relates to robots (particularly androids), war, recursion, memory, and charm and poise on the battlefield.
Theoretical Experimental Element ____- <Inside Elemental Researcher>
Various effects based on serial number, 22-J has birthdays, the color blue, and buffs that turn into debuffs
Theoretical Experimental Element 22-J- <Inside Elemental Researcher>
Birthdays, the color blue, and buffs that turn into debuffs, Depression
Theoretical Experimental Element 44-C- <Inside Elemental Researcher>
Vulnerable to removal by Theoretical Experimental Element 22-J
Theoretical Experimental Element 55-QRN- <Inside Elemental Researcher>
Destroying weak/abstandard elements
Theoretical Experimental Element 56-C- <Inside Elemental Researcher>
Good against Theoretical Experimental Element 22-J
Theoretical Experimental Element 86-N- <Inside Elemental Researcher>
Vulnerable to removal by Theoretical Experimental Element 22-J
Tier 2 Nonbase:
Ahtu-Eruum- Mahkla'Ehptu'Esrii
The principle of creating 'locations' based on the reference memories of others to structure one's own foundation in a morphically-geographic afterlife-domain (as well as some other, more esoteric, functions). Bears little relation to standard systems and is only useful in specific areas / metaphysical domains.
Chaos- Xaos Xomptroller
Randomization, Anti-law, Ignoring restrictions placed on you, Bonuses for choosing to keep rolls random when you could have decided their result
Destruction- Heir of Dust
Destroying things (entities, items, buffs/debuffs), Dealing damage, Manipulation of effects from things you have destroyed, Boosts while no zones/terrains/phantom terrains are present
Evolution- Progenitor of Species
Upgrading over time, Successively better generations of summons, Physical/biological empowerment, Gaining new powers through buffs or time
Fate- Destiny Weaver
Roll-locking, Placing delayed effects on individuals, Placing effects that last until a condition is fulfilled on people
Flux- Dynamic Allsculptor
Changing elements/subtypes/damage types, Swapping equipment around during other actions, Making things count as other things in addition to / instead of what they are, Synergies with Flux Baron
Form- Existence Sculptor
Shapeshifting, Turning items into entities and vice-versa, Blocking debuffs / alterations, Stopping item alteration/destruction
Formus- Elemental Researcher
Block Theoretical Elements, Overall element-based defenses, Manipulation of what elements are base/nonbase/theoretical
Fortune- Gambler
Luck-based bonuses, Stat Rerolls, Bonuses for choosing to keep rolls random when you could have decided their result
Good- Hero
High-value stat boosts, Synergies with Celestials/Angels/Devas/Holy Ones. Benevolent and helpful. It focuses more on amplifying other effects than having core themes of its own, but it has a number of sub-trees (which basically all require investment in other classes to get in). Support healing, upper-planar-being amplification/summoning, and smite evil type effects are among the larger sub-trees.
Knowledge- Numinous Archivist
Scanning things, MIN-based stuff, Extra MP pools, Casting spells you don't actually have, Manipulating what counts as in-stock/fightable-for-drops (with notable restrictions still in play; don't go into this expecting it'll open up the more broken stuff)
Law- High Judge
Roll-locking, Anti-Chaos, Synergies with Lawbringer and Lightbringer, Forcing restrictions onto people, Entombed: Incarcerated
Life- Genesis Architect
Summoning, Resurrections, Regeneration, Healing
Numerals- Cosmic Mathematician
Manipulating numbers / stats / Damage, Changing buffs/debuffs, Altering items/abilities
Purification- Unsullied Onmyoji
<Description pending>
Spatial- Reality Arranger
Battlespace Hijinks, Row manipulation, Inventory manipulation, Dodge/To Hit-boosting
Stasis- Keeper of Forever
An unchanging force. It is primarily defensive, but it can also be used to trap and ensnare. Major defensive boosts, reversion of condition to prior states, and resistance to change are its main themes. It can also cause events to become locked in repeating loops, prevent XP gain, prevent equipment changes, stop the acquisition of knowledge, cease aging, halt disease progression, prevent erosion, and/or set people's minds into rigid patterns. It fights against chaos and rebellion, is enemy to Flux, and supports both Abjuration and Binding.
Time- Temporal Primarch
Turn-Order, Haste/Slow effects, Undoing effects, Fatigued: Elderly, AGI Damage, Changing round order or when things count as having occurred, Delaying effects, Repeating effects
Toon- Wacky Comedian
Goofy and deceptively powerful. It gives you toonforce, basically. Get injured and spring back up. Have the opponent hide from you, only to appear from his closet like Droopy Dog. Enhance scrying by having your eyeballs extend from their sockets. Drop anvils on people's heads. Paint tunnels on mountainsides and control whether people can pass through them, run into the mountain, or get hit by a sudden train. Distort the body, become 2D, enter a TV show or comic. Roll yourself into a ball and bounce around. Become a chibi and gain evasion boosts and proficiency with hammers. Its power is magnified when used with humor and irony. It is more defensive than offensive, but can be taken in a variety of directions. It is strong against conventional forces, ignoring most science and Hypertech entirely, but is aggressively weak to Alchemy (which makes it dissolve) and Reality Auditing (which asserts authorial control).
Treasure- Relic Keeper
Improving items, bonding with items, materializing items, gaining/manipulating the text of opponents' items, Wielding items in unusual ways
Will- Paragon of Resolve
Manifest MIN/SPI to resist/throw-off negative effects, Use MIN/SPI to break through opposing defenses, Group-coordination, Resistance to Charm/Confusion/mind-affecting
Wonder- Wonderworker
Making other stuff more awesome at what it does
Tier 2 Imaginary:
Double Darkness- <In Elemental Researcher, for now>
Double Darkness is a T2 Imaginary element. It is Darkness, but more so, blinding even non-traditional senses and blocking out darkvision. It focuses on non-ignorable To Hit penalties, amplifying Darkness, being better than Darkness, and being unusually hard to Resist.
Innovation- <In Elemental Researcher>
Bonuses to items you create, Lower-tier versions of some Infinity Designer powers. It is forming ties to Business and now works more like something in the midground of Business and Progress.
Reformation- <Inside Elemental Researcher, for now>
An imaginary element with a focus on previously-broken things, repairing and strong religious ties.
There is a Time Stickiness- <Inside Elemental Researcher, for now>
Manipulating effect durations, Action removal, Paralyzed: Sticky, Strange interactions with Time. It repeats itself and cannot be dislodged. Its nature is fixed and unchanging, affixing other things into similarly fixed states. It repeats itself and cannot be dislodged. It loops back upon itself. It repeats itself and cannot be dislodged.
Which Calls The End of Earth- <In Elemental Researcher, for now>
Which Calls The End of Earth is a T2 Imaginary element. It operates similarly to Catastrophe Magic, but can imbue individual entities or items, turning them into apocalyptic forces, rather than being spell-focused.
Tier 2 Lower:
Devastation- Ruin Bringer
Destroying things and dealing damage in ways that cannot be recovered from
Qlippothic- Eldritch Occultist
An eldritch force, operating on the flip-side of reality. It corrupts, but when confronted responds with massive power rather than sublety or stealth. It amplifies Forbidden Magic, merging it with Demon Magic, and bridges the gap between Outer Terrors and Fiends. It is hard to access, but once it gets its metaphysical tendrils in somewhere, it swallows up the whole world, refusing to let it go - waiting for those who seek the now-lost realm to delve too deep and find its metaphysical darkness. It offers great power in exchange for an obvious wrongness-of-self. It shares traits with Corruption, but lacks the unified hive mind or centralized ability to be excised from existence - at the same time, it is more willing to let others use it for their own debased desires rather than orchestrating a singular master plan. It rejects enlightenment, propelling mind and spirit downwards into progressively darker planes.
Evil- Villain
High-value stat boosts, Synergies with Daemons/Devils/Demons/Fiends. Malicious and harmful. It focuses more on amplifying other effects than having core themes of its own, but it has a number of sub-trees (which basically all require investment in other classes to get in). Curse infliction, lower-planar-being amplification/summoning, and adding negative effects to offense are among the larger sub-trees.
Madness- Oracle of Lunacy
MIN Damage, Confusion/Insanity, Taking negative effects to reduce spell costs / to summon, SAN/INF/RES alt-stat synergy
Negative- Obverse Decreationist
Negative is a T2 nonbase element. It is based on a mix of negative energy, math, and evil parallel universes. It turns healing into damage, applies debuffs to stats, decreases values, pairs with Voidstruck and Antimatter (and mixes Darkness and Technology while not requiring either), pairs with Energy, prevents buffs, creates copies of beings that are more sinister but usually diminished and less-powerful, opens gates to dark versions of realities, unsummons things / breaks summons down into mana, and synergizes with lower planar beings and undead.
Tier 3 Nonbase:
Boundless- Limitless Numenaut
Boundless is a T3 nonbase element. It focuses on ignoring caps to values, stacking things beyond their limits, and causing effects to hit everything. It is weaker than most T3s initially, but if allowed to ramp in battle becomes devastating in a manner similar to well-prepared Progress.
Cosmic- Principal Power
Cosmic is a T3 nonbase element. It reshapes reality and acts as a supreme force, bypassing resistances while unable to be bypassed itself (in a manner akin to Universe, but to a lower degree and with less potential for backlash to unprepared wielders). It empowers its wielder greatly, but its effect on external beings is, compared to most T3s, fleeting in terms of direct influence (so areas don't tend to become saturated with Cosmic, it creates new beings but they aren't Cosmic element, it reshapes things but doesn't apply lingering curses that re-reshape them if something changes them back, etc). It has ties to Astral, Superpowers, and Energy.
Divine- Deus Omnium
Deity effects, trumping other effects. An element of great power. It starts from a higher, holier position, amplifying deific effects and conducting actions by undeniable sovereign fiat. It accomplishes miracles effortlessly, defines what must be done and what is forbidden, creates avatars, bestows power upon proxy servants, and keeps its wielder eternally in-tune with its wielder's disciples. It allows vast multitasking, the handling of countless prayers each moment, the control of multiple avatars in multiple locations at once, and the perception of a continual eternal 'now' where the wielding deity exists coterminously at several different established points in time, operating as self-foretold as an inevitable, eternal presence.
Dream- Dreamshaper
Battlespaces, Bonuses while asleep, Reality warping, Converting entities and items into other entities and items, Creation of new entities and items
Eternity - Endless One
Avoiding death, Massive HP/MP boosts, Resistance to changes, Stopping item destruction, Prevention of HP/MP/Gold loss
Infinity- Mobius Conqueror
Infinite reservoirs of values, Regeneration, Repeating actions, Endlessly re-applying or undoing effects
Mystery- Enigmatic Stranger
Retroactive battle manipulation, Gain powers based on what people think about you / rumors about you (represented mechanically through triggered-by-scans power boosts, Ability to flip between multiple identities / powersets. Briefly became T2 with the advent of Truth before moving back to T3, but is still notably extremely weak to Truth despite the tier-difference.
Primordium- Titan of the Foundation
Enormous numerical value boosts to its possessor, Rewriting the base mechanics of battle to center around its possessor's competencies
Progress- Infinity Designer
Growing Attributes over time, Adaptive defenses that react to what hurts you and fill in gaps, Targeting known enemy weaknesses and avoiding things enemies resist
A super-element that overlaps with and empowers a number of others. Tier Shifting may be in its future.
A super-element that overlaps with and empowers a number of others. Tier Shifting may be in its future.
Resplendent- <CLASS UNKNOWN>
A super-element that overlaps with and empowers a number of others. Tier Shifting may be in its future.
Tenebrous- <CLASS UNKNOWN>
A super-element that overlaps with and empowers a number of others. Tier Shifting may be in its future.
Tier 3 Imaginary:
Fickle- <Inside Elemental Researcher, for now>
Changing decisions, options that remain open, Switching back and forth between effects, Effects that can do multiple things each time they are checked based on possessor desire. Sometimes decides to change its Tier.
Tier 4 Nonbase:
Hax- Haxxor
Breaking the rules, Breaking mechanics, Hacking reality, Synergies with Reality Coder
Triumph- Supreme Archdominus
Winning, alternate victory/loss conditions
Tier X Nonbase:
Nightmare doesn't have a class and isn't even really part of the 'system'. It was originally present as an example of the forces of Oblivion from Outside and got noted as not being a thing that existed Inside. So it has been sitting around as a reserved element-name that can't occur (it used to also have a status effect that, likewise, could never appear). I'm mildly frustrated that it's sitting there taking up the word that could be used for something else in-system, but at the same time, I don't want to mess with the site's history and the historically-reserved word. So it's sitting in a weird spot (and likely to stay there indefinitely). I suppose for now it can get this blurb in lieu of an explanation of its mechanics (since Outside doesn't quite run on the same mechanics and therefore there is no real mechanical description of it).
Universe- Class currently unknown if present
Trumping everything else, Being unable to be trumped, Being able to take on the traits of any other element(s), Becoming other elements, Being unpierceable, Piercing everything else, Defining base/nonbase elements and element tiers, Immunities, Raw power
Ward -> Warding
Re: Complete Subtype and Element List 2.0
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:03 pm
by Administrator
Abstract - Walker From Beyond
Part modern art, part surreal dream, and part annoying dungeon-dwelling monster that stymies progress, abstracts are planar beings that tend to (but do not have to) have ties to chaos
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Unending, self-repairing summon swarms that summon other summons
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Lots of bonus HP, Immunities, Creation of weird effects, Bizarre abilities, 'Annoying' effects that delay enemy victory and allow for massive stall
*Previously a T2 Base Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
*Now a T1 Base Subtype with the Great Archening
Aerial - Skykeeper
Things that live in the air, like birds, clouds, winged monsters, and balloons
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Bonuses related to zones of air, summons whose presence attracts other summons
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Mobility, snatch-and-grab actions that move or detain targets, Bonuses related to zones of air
Alien - Alienist
Non-humanoid, non-animal beings that dwell primarily in a non-underground, non-space, non-aerial environment. Think abstracts from D&D, only discounting the underground dwelling ones (which is admittedly most of them) combined with aliens from film and science fiction. Sufficiently humanoid alien races are humanoid, and humans from other planets are human, as there is no single planet to base what is 'alien' and what is not off of.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summoning alternate versions of entities of other subtypes
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Ignoring specific effects attached to odd zones/terrains, Powers that buff the user while allowing for minor debuffs as a side effect, Being hard to hit on early round numbers
Angel - Heavenly Protector
Planar beings that tend to (but do not have to) have ties to good
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Large boosts to summons, Boosts to summons when outmatched, Boosts to summons when fighting appropriate foes
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Resistances/Immunities, Healing-boosts, Buffs, Debuff-prevention, Enemy-power-reduction, Gaining great power in proper circumstances
* Note: This used to be T1 Base until it got improved during a megaquest; its powerset is, as a result, still partially geared towards that and slowly gaining new abilities to fill its current role. Now a T1 Base again, but may still contain some more-potent lingering traces.
Animal - Beastmaster
Includes (generally) unintelligent non-humanoid mammals, reptiles that are not draconic in nature, and amphibians that don't primarily dwell in an aquatic environment.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summoning large numbers of weaker entities, Pets/summons that make each other more powerful with Pack Hunter and similar effects, Equipping extra pets, General pet bonuses
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Physical upgrades, STR/CON/AGI bonuses, Pack Hunter bonuses
Aquatic - Seakeeper
Things that live underwater, includes fish, whales, coral, seaweed (when it's not considered a plant instead), crabs, some amphibians, submarines (sometimes), and nearly anything water-based that isn't a water elemental
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Attaching summon effects to Zones of Water
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Ignoring Drowning, Water Resistance, Inflicting Drowning, Adding effects to zones of water, equipment-slot-alterations
Astral Being - Starkeeper
Things that live in space, includes living planets, star spiders, and monsters that roam through outer space (note that space in the BA tends to work like space in an odd sci-fi movie where sound works and things can live there, it's also made of mana like everything else)
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summoning entities around summon blocks, Multi-round summons that are powerful upon arrival, Moving summons between battlespaces
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Battlespace travel, Ignoring effects attached to zones/terrains/phantom terrains
Bio-Horror - Mad Scientist
Includes most tendrilled things, gloppy terrors, and mutant experiments that result from mad science
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Adding new abilities / constant effects to pets/summons, Actions to improve pets/summons, Alteration of pets/summons into Bio-Horrors, Reanimating pets/summons, Attacks that involve Hypertech synergy
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Acid Resistance, Regeneration, Boosts that also allow negative status effect infliction
Celestial - Justicar
Planar beings that tend to (but do not have to) have ties to good and law
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summoning more powerful allies if you haven't performed certain prohibited actions (like attacking allies, summoning Devils, etc), Synergy with Celestial Magic, Summons that protect allies
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Bonuses against opponents that have harmed allies / inflicted debuffs / triggered other effects, Awestruck, Alternate victory conditions
Clockwork - Gearwright
Includes anything that would be a robot, machine, or golem, were it not made of cogs, gears, and other intricate bits and pieces; includes no circuitry
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: General-purpose summon upgrades, Adding new abilities/constant effects to summons, Upgrading pets, adding permanent ability gains to pets
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Perma-equipped items that don't take slots, Toggleable equips, Counting as having additional items equipped
Cthonian - Keeper of the Depths
Creatures which dwell deep beneath the world, or in dimensions where everything is underground or in a similar dark, enclosed environment, think a mixture of Cthulhu influences, abberations from D&D, and mole men
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Hard-to-counter summons, Attaching effects that summon to zones of Earth
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Eat-target effects, Burrowing for lower offense but upgraded defense, moving rows despite restrictions
Daemon - Puppet Master
Planar beings that tend to (but do not have to) have ties to evil and law (yes, we're different from D&D, daemons are lawful here; mostly because back when the lines were blurrier between the types of fiendish creatures, devils were rare and pretty much all the example daemons were lawful)
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Giving summons/pets extra actions, Summons that summon, Summon swarms, Enhancing targets of your Charm/Dominion
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Boosts for Golem/Daemon allies, Boosts for Rune Magic / Puppet Strings, Resistances to effects, Hexed infliction, Magic amplification
Darkspawn - Hearald of Lunacy
Horrors from beyond the normal reaches of space, 'planar' horrors, think things from Cthulhu
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Reduction of penalties/risks for summoning Darkspawn, Summon effects that inflict negative status effects on others, Killing allies/enemies to summon
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Confusion/Insanity infliction, Resistances, Negative status effects, High power lots of ally restrictions
Demon - Demonologist
Planar beings that tend to (but do not have to) have ties to evil and chaos
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Offense-boosts for summons, Mass summoning, Turn partially into a demon without becoming one
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Fire/Darkness Resistance/offense-boosts, General-purpose offense boosts, Offense that inflicts debuffs and negative status effects
Deva - Champion of the Upper Realms
Planar beings that tend to (but do not have to) have ties to good and chaos (note that by chaos, I mean lack of order or expected patterns, not primal expanses of essential nothingness or destruction)
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Adding Resistances to debuffs to summons / pets, Charm/control resistance to summons/pets, Improve buffs from summons/pets
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Resist control effects, Resistances, Added Spirit/MP, Enhanced element-related effects, Movement-restriction-avoidance
Devil - Pactmaker
Planar beings that tend to (but do not have to) have ties to evil
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Binding entities to body parts for abilities that have a range of effects (including action replication and counting as having additional Devil allies), Paying alternate costs to summon, Delayed summons, Paying to summon/unsummon/subvert summons, Imposing summon restrictions
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Debuff boosts, Temporary buffs that turn into debuffs, Irritating lockdown
Elemental - Conjurer
Beings made primarily of their respective element in its more pure essences, includes some genies
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Attaching effects to zones that summon Elementals of the same element(s), Summons that summon, Synergy with Elemental Magic
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Elemental Resistance/Immunity/Absorption, Boosts from Zones, Boots to/from things of the same Element, Resistances in general, Moderate negative status effects of the same element, Synergy with subclasses for the user's element
Fae - Counselor of Faerie
Includes elves, fairies, faeries, redcaps, certain unusual dwarves, odd trolls, unrelated-to-the-other-ones goblins, and other seelie and unseelie beings; note that elves are here, not in 'humanoid' (except for the elves that are in 'insect', but those are a different matter entirely and not the norm).
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: MP boosts, Summons that place effects on things when summoned
Being-The-Entity Aspect: AGI boosts, SPI boosts, MP boosts, Improved spellcasting, Improved agility/finesse, Improved archery, Tricky effects, Illusion synergy
*Fae hold the potential to become Chaos and Good aligned planar entities under the right circumstances
Golem - Evermason
Constructed beings animated by magic or spiritual forces, includes animated object, dolls, puppets, living toys, and pieces of nature given life through magic symbols instead of elemental power or spiritual animation, robots and clockworks (save the times when gear golems are actually golems) are in different groups
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Improving summon HP / Resistances / Durability, Small numbers of powerful summons, Powerful summons that have timers on how long they're around or how long they can be continuously active, Healing Golems and other construct-types
Being-The-Entity Aspect: HP / Durability / Defense / Resistance boosts, Resistance/Immunity/Reflection, Slow-but-steady combat styles, Bonus HP that's hard to heal
Horror - Doombringer
Nightmarish terrors, tendrilled monstrosities, and other boogeyman-like creatures, including some things that appear to be undead but are not necromantically or otherwise magically tied to life, think most things from horror movies mixed with the horror and nightmare categories from Magic the Gathering
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summons that inflict negative effects upon arrival, Pets that keep coming back from the dead
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Negative effects that are offensively-focused but not necessarily straightforward, Unusual means of inflicting negative effects, Resistances against things that are considered 'common', Item destruction, Also Drain effects and (rarely, at higher Levels) Level-reduction effects
Human - General
Includes... humans (including those from other planets)
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Boosts to units, Summon versatility
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Versatility boosts, Boosts to allies / for having allies, The ability to assemble a Unit around yourself
Humanoid - Warlord
Beings which are close to human in nature but ultimately not human. Includes goblinoids, giants, dwarves, beastmen, and most races that are almost human but not quite, provided that said races have no ties to faeries
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Swarms of weak summons bolstered by a few notably strong summons, Synergy between specific subgroups, Offensive boosts against specific targets, Coordinated attacks
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Specific subtrees of bonuses that up synergy with more of the same sorts of things (i.e. Goblins vs Dwarves vs Giants, etc), Offense and defense boosts
Illuminated - Lightbearer
Planar beings that tend to (but do not have to) have ties to law
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Granting pets/summons actions, team synergy, banking actions across different entities, Proc'ing the abilities of allies
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Boosts for having Illuminated allies, Boosts to higher-Level Illuminated allies, merger of robot-style effects and planar-being-style effects
Insect - Vermin Master
Includes insects, arachnids, centipedes and millipedes, snails, and most other things that people without classification standards would lump into the category 'bug' or 'creepy-crawly', note that all involved *are* insects by classification by Battle Arena standards (sort of like how humans *aren't* animals, despite clearly being so here on earth)
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Swarms of squishy but high-damage summons, Improving negative status effects on pets/summons, Pet/summon sacrifice-for-boosted-effects/coordination, Hive-mind, Unit management for swarms
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Negative status effect boosts, Offense boosts at the cost of defense, Become a swarm
Machine - Mechanist
Robots that aren't shaped like humanoid things, also includes vehicles and unmanned drones
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: General robot-type ally upgrades that also effect Robots and Clockworks
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Resistances, Technology-focused active abilities
Magic Being - Weirdworker
Beings crafted of pure magic (mind you that all beings are made of mana and soul, these just tend to be more direct about the mana part), includes weirds and intelligent spells, also includes wholly psychic entities and some genies
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Causing pets and summons to carry/apply/replicate spell effects, Increasing the effects of buffs from spells on pets/summons
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Auto-casting spells, Resistances/Immunities, Repeating actions that involve spellcasting, Buff/debuff replication
Monster - Master of Monsters
This is a generic catchall category from monsters that are not deemed 'planar'
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: General-purpose summon/pet boosts, Blue-Mage-style ability-acquisition/replication
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Gaining abilities/constant effects from entities off the Enemy List, General self-boosts, Having multiple subtypes
Ooze - Viscous Lord
This one is pretty self-explanitory, jells, gells, puddings, slimes, and other gloppy monsters go here
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summons/pets that replicate upon being damaged / the passage of time / destruction, Slowly-growing-in-power pets/summons, Boosts to pet/summon HP/MP
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Large HP boosts, MP boosts, budding off summons when damaged, effects upon being attacked, making melee attacks AOEs, Negative status effects, Resistances/Immunities
Plant - Botanist
This includes plants as well as what would be considered fungi and lichens on Earth
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Adding effects to zones that summon after a period of time, Giving pets/summons regen
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Regeneration, Defense/HP boosts, Empowerment based on present zones/terrain, Resistance to being moved unwillingly
Prime - Unfettered One
Formerly the major Chaos-affiliated planar subtype before they got replaced by Abstracts following the events of the Second Ascension. Beings that hold a primordial energy of creation, raw and potent; often connected to the base fabric of the land / the forces that flow through it. Has now retaken that position following the Roulette Master's excellent showing in the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summons that have a risk of being uncontrolled but are hard to unsummon, Empowering summons through zones, There's a major sub-tree that blurs the lines of law and chaos thanks to some events from the Ascension (taking random value fields that can be low or high and then auto-determining the results to be high would be an example from that)
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Element-related bonuses, Avoidance of control-effects, Empowerment through (and creation of) Zones, Attaching effects to Zones, Budding off summons in proper zones, Offense boosts
*Previously a T1 Nonbase subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii megaquest restored it to Base status
Reptile - Herpetologist
Reptiles, dinosaurs, the works.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summons that are initially slowed for later power bonuses, Synergy with Beastmaster, Stealthy summons
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Assorted stat-boosts; frankly a pretty generic class unless you get into a weird serpentfolk subtree or something
*Previously a T1 Nonbase subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest reshuffled it into here.
Robot - Roboticist
Humanoid or other-living-creature-shaped robotic creatures that aren't made of gears
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Upgrading summons, Summons that attack in groups at a range
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Ranged attack/technology-related boosts, Hypertech synergy, Resistances/Immunities, Nanotech subtree
Shapeshifter - Flux Baron
Non 'planar' beings which can naturally shift between forms but do not maintain a constantly-oozy state
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Transforming pets/summons into other pets/summons, Fluxoids
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Shifting into other forms, Using form-Stances, Melding the effects of multiple subtypes, Turning subtype-related abilities on and off, Subtype changes, Adopting some abilities from other subtype trees, Replicating other entities
Spirit - Binder
Includes non-elemental creatures with only a 'spirit' level of form
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Forcing compliance from summons, Anchoring summons to prevent unsummoning, Adding Resistances to summons, Preventing summon control hijacking, Giving summons to others
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Dodge-boosts, Battlespace travel, Returning after death, Magical boosts, Buffs/debuffs/curses
Undead - Deathless One
Includes stuff like ghosts, wights, vampires, skeletons, zombies, and ghouls; note that undead are *not* dead, they are those who have through some magical means avoided it, or are those whose spirits have left their bodies, which have then been filled with necromantic magics- disembodies spirits that have passed on to whatever fate awaits them are spirits, not undead
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Creating summons from corpses, Summoning things upon enemy death, Letting allies transform into Undead upon Death, mitigating pet/summon weaknesses
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Incorporeality, Drain, Hexed, Curses-upon-death, Returning from death, Attaching effects to zones of darkness, Creating summons upon killing things
Tier 0 Base
Anomalous - Anomaly
Beings that don't fit into the omniversal structure properly, acting as rule-ignoring presences
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Truly strange summoning
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Ignore caps / restrictions / general power-to-Level relationships, Formulas don't apply normally when being statted
Tier 1 Nonbase
Abyssal - Domain-Warper
A Chaotic and Evil aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Demons, currently excessively rare. Beings of great metaphysical size that merge with areas to build up storms of personalized malevolence, stirring up destructive masses of summons in the process. They consume the spirits of others for nourishment and eventually bud off drifting seed-realms that spread their kin throughout the planar cosmos.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summons that summon entities of other subtypes / gain synergistic benefits from having unlike allies
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Build up Zone effects over time, Attach summon effects to zones, Drain, Obtain buffs from killing opponents that can optionally be sacrificed to summon or create zones (with said effects being able to cross battlespaces)
Aetheric - Worldbreaker
A Chaotic aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Abstracts, but is currently excessively rare. Beings that dwell outside well-formed dimensions and breach reality, eroding its stability with their passage, allowing possibilities where they previously did not exist; tend to have forms that mix elements of sea-creatures, artistic designs, phantasms, and light.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Replace summons with your own, unsummon things and proc' effects when unsummoning, Undoing zones with summons
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Battlespace travel, shedding of buffs/debuffs/damage, Removing zonal effects via presence, Aura effects
Aisurii - Instrument of Retribution
A planar subtype related to Chaos and Good that held the position before Devas became prevalent. Now teetering on the brink of extinction. Blue-skinned and multi-armed traditionally
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Boosting appropriate pets' offense
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Offense boosts, Added weapon slots, Resistances/Immunities, Mix of STR and AGI in combat, also counters / improved damage against those who attacked you and speed boosts
Asterismic - Astrologer of the Grand Design
A Law-based planar subtype that may at some point replace Illuminated; currently excessively rare. Beings made from the essence of stars and patterns of the cosmos that act to perform predetermined tasks at the appointed times to guide the universe's future
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summons that appear when triggers are met, Summons that gain boosts when triggers are met, Summons that can't be countered/unsummoned
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Resistances/Immunities, boosts upon triggers being met, Resistance to counters, Resistance/Immunity piercing
Brilliant - Immaculate Mind
A Law and Good aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Celestials; currently excessively rare. Luminous beings with minds that shine through their semi-transparent bodies. They have a tendency to become more inhuman as they rise in level.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Shared MP, Spell trading, Sharing scan results, Linking effects with summons
Being-The-Entity Aspect: MIN Boosts, Shared MP, Defense Piercing, Spellcasting
Coded Being - Reality Coder
Virtual entities and sentient computer viruses
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Hacking, Summoning inside virtually-created battlespaces, Ignoring Diseased-Resistance on virtual/robotic beings, Delayed summons, Self-replicating/spreading summons
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Resistances/Immunities, Budding off Coded Beings, Computer-virus-infection-stuff, Boosts in virtual realms
Dauntless - Adventurer
A Chaotic aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Abstracts currently excessively rare. Beings that take a humanoid-like initial form and travel the worlds, seeking excitement and triumph. They tend to relish challenges and seek to surmount any obsticle that presents itself to them. When in combat, they can assume potent, inhuman war-forms.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Upgrade pets/summons while removing debuffs from them
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Semi-transformation-like buffs that remove damage/debuffs on activation, Protection against status effects, Offense boosts, Speed boosts
Demented - Dementia Conductor
A Chaotic aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Abstracts; currently excessively rare. Beings of lunacy whose presence defies the laws of the world around them, capable of doing things that those fully tethered to reality could not. They take forms similar to more-real entities, but distorted, exaggerated, and obviously off-kilter.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summons upon being afflicted with negative status effect
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Confusion/Insanity, MIN Damage, Alteration of battle mechanics
Disciple - Missionary
The T1 equivalent to Grace. Mortals reshaped into minor outsiders who assist holy beings and deities of good. They're good at converting other willing beings into more of them and granting powers. Also travel and communication sub-specs.
Edgelander - Explorer
The T1 equivalent to Outsider. Come from the verges where standard dimensions border planar ones. They tend to be beings infused with elements of planar energy, but that aren't fully planar themselves. Think asimar/tiefling type stuff, but frequently tilting more into the bizarre.
Eroded - Sifter of Unmade Places
A Chaotic and Evil aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Demons, currently excessively rare. Beings in a state of perpetual half-ruin and decay whose presence and actions degrade the coherency of reality and health of non-Eroded life.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Apply debuffs on summoning
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Ignore and share negative status effects / debuffs, Degeneration, Progressively-worsening debuffs, Faking status aspects
Faceless - Existence Thief
An Evil aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Devils; currently excessively rare. Beings that dwell in half-obscured planes of woe, dragging mortals and others into their domains of torment and taking their identities to walk among the fully-living. They steal portions of the existence of others while maintaing the ability to shift fully into their battle-ready true forms.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Collect opportunities to summon by defeating opponents, Summons nested inside other summons
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Transformations into killed entities, Transformations that don't end on death, ability theft buffs, Drain, Stat Drain, Stat Damage, Scan denial
Fallen - Baleful Eminence
An Evil aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Devils; currently excessively rare. They take shapes similar to more-traditionally-good-aligned beings, though often with darker motifs. Some are actually former Celestials, Angels, and Devas, whereas most simply take similar forms; they are often masters at manipulating essence to birth more of their kindred.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Alteration of other subtypes of summons into Fallen, Summon hijacking
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Summon alteration, Negative status effects, Critical boosting, Element manipulation
Familiar - Mahou Shojou
This is a downright weird class, Its main abilities have nothing to do with its subtype, with its actual entity-subtype getting most of its powers in a mix of classes that primarily involve Wizard and Beastmaster, while the class itself deals more with Wands and special activated abilities for entities that can get boosts from (but don't have to have) allies of its subtype (but with said main part of the class also requiring significant investmentment / cross-mixing in other classes, most notably Sorceress and Wizard)
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect:
Being-The-Entity Aspect:
Fantasmic - Drifter Within Fantasy
A Chaos-and-Good-aligned planar subtype that may unseat Devas as the primary subtype of such entities at some point in the future, currently rare. Beings with dreamlike, alien, but overall wonderous and positive qualities. Typically have unusual appearances and powersets that seem a step removed from conventional reality, rely to a point of exerting the power of imagination on reality's fabric.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summons that ignore restrictions, Adding unusual properties to summons, Turning things into better things
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Buffs, Positive status effects, Ignoring restrictions, transforming things into other things, Using SPI (and to a lesser extent MIN) for additional things
Heritor - Demigod
The T1 equivalent to Planetary. Beings with a connection to divine power. Usually descendants of gods lacking in their full power but able to draw from their heritage. Some are just champions of divine beings turned semi-immortal.
Hollow-Soul - Empty Vessel
Eerie quasi-robotic, quasi-angelic beings that are hollow and radiate unearthly light, often with features that fall into the uncanny valley
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Synergy with Evermason and Roboticist, General summon boosts
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Avoiding death from HP loss (dying from MP loss instead), Abstandard-method Immunities, Use of 'traditionally good entity subtype' abilities without said subtypes, Manipulation of and blurring the line between HP and MP, Stat Damage Resistance, Resistances/Immunities
Infernal - Denizen of the Inferno
A Law and Evil aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Daemons; currently excessively rare. Beings that inhabit realms of torment and gain power from the suffering of the dead; often possess semi-elemental forms associated with their respective associated torments.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summon entities when conditions are met, Mark entities and then trigger effects when certain things happen to them
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Gain power from dead opponents (particularly ones that performed specific actions), Prevent resurrection, stick debuffs on things that are brought back from the dead, have negative status effects and debuffs persist past death, Zone-related empowerment, Quasi-incorporeality and elemental resistances
Innocent - Joyous One
A Good aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Angels; currently excessively rare. Highly-pacificistic entities whose presence dulls the will to fight in others, capable of remaining unharmed under extreme duress but almost incapable of retaliatory attacks.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Bonuses to support obtained from pets/summons
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Sacrifice of offense for great defensive benefits, Support/buffing amplification, Healing/regen, Alternate win conditions
Mechanichim - Concordant Artisan
A Law aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Illuminated; currently excessively rare. Machine angels who serve their masters with peerless loyalty and precision.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summons that can't be controlled by others / become uncontrolled / be hijacked, Unsummoning prevention
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Prevention of attacking allies, Ability to set directives that override later action choices, Resitances/Immunities, HP and Defense boosts
Memento of Ruin - Occultist
A Chaotic and Evil aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Demons, currently excessively rare. Beings that take a range of forms from motes of energy, pieces of unfinished mystic equations, and oddly sinister curios to large and obviously-malevolently-aspected relics; their presence creates and attracts others of their kind, slowly forming greater arrangements and building to grand catastrophes as the newly-gathered figments begin to prey upon one another's essences for the chance to become the sole incarnation of the final design.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Ritual-like effects based on specific combinations of summons
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Cannibalize others of the same subtype to gain powers/buffs, Magic amplification, Self-as-item effects/equipability
Mindshadow - Archetype Walker
Beings that lurk within domains of mind. Similar to a mix of Conceptuals and Magic Beings; they exist as psychic entities and possess a natural layer of secrecy and fluid-self-reworking around them
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: The ability to store summons in summon slots without their actually being present (being able to trigger their presence later), Summon Dodge bonuses, Summoning into Zones of Psychic into other battlespaces
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Travel into mindspaces / Psychic-zone-containing battlespaces, Dodge bonuses, Obscurity/stealth bonuses, Assuming additional abilities through connections to archetypes/relevant stances, Psychic Art Synergy
Mutant - Scavenger
Mutants are most common on post-apocalyptic worlds. They're humanoid in shape usually, but mutated by magical or atomic forces (or other effects), twisting their form and granting them powers. They tend to be lopsided builds with disadvantages in some areas compensated with by bonuses in others. The Scavenger class can kludge together temporary items that can backfire or have drawbacks.
Oathbound - Keeper of the Promise
A Law aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Illuminated; currently excessively rare. Beings created or bound to a specific promise or oath; they must always work to further this end but are often otherwise left to their own devices; their shape and powers depend on the nature and importance of the promise.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summons that have specific conditions tied to them upon summoning that are forced to act to fulfil those conditions
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Large bonuses when operating to fulfil a specific monofocused-task (PC ones have a bit more leeway in tweaking their promises around between threads than NPC ones)
Paragon - Honed One
A Law and Good aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Celestials; currently excessively rare. Physically flawless beings who work to master an art or style and use it to aid others towards righteous goals in whatever manner best befits it.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Gaining temporary abilities on summoning, Bonuses to and from allies
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Bonuses to allies, Added bonuses for a chosen class
Quezmellym - Discordant
A Chaotic aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Abstracts, but is currently excessively rare. Beings of mystic force that generate their own purpose, becoming central to their surroundings and setting the paths of others they cross askew.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summons that apply lasting effects to their summoner or others, Triggering effects upon summons being unsummoned
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Ally-buffs, Passive enemy debuffs, Resistance to mandatory effects
Radiant - Highest One
Constructs of light and ego made by wielders of Radiant Magic
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summons that are unflinchingly loyal to their creator and then go horribly berserk if their creator dies
Being-The-Entity Aspect: The ability to make judgments as to what subtypes are preferred and non-preferred, granting the former bonuses and latter penalties, Has synergy with Solar Beings where they can use a lot of Solar Being powers but ignore or transfer the weaknesses
*Now also featuring 'shuffle off your weaknesses to some lower-importance ally 'for the greater good''
Sentry - Trapmeister
The T1 equivalent to Large Structure. Tend to be living traps / area guardians. They tend to be built into locations and frequently dual-subtype with Golem or Machine. Gargoyles/living columns/sentry turrets. They've got an ambush focus and can set up counters to things trespassing/stealing/infiltrating guarded areas.
Solar Being - Sun Duke
Beings of light and solar fire, often taking the form of humanoids with starlike heads, but also taking a myriad of others.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Reduction of the Darkness weakness of your Solar Being pets / summons, Summons that do Flat Light/Fire damage upon arrival, Boosting pets/summons in Light/Hope/Fire terrains/zones
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Light/Hope/Fire boosts in exchange with a (very slowly mitigated) Darkness weakness, Added damage, Flat Damage
Spireguide - Eye of Heaven
A Law and Good aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Celestials; currently excessively rare. Geomantically-merged presences that take the form of eyes, patterns, and other sights above heavenly spires; they work to engineer realities from their ever-expanding sanctum-realms.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Creation of zones/terrains/effects attached to zones and terrains upon summoning
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Zone/terrain manipulation, Strong defense with prep, Linked defensive measures, Counters, Scans, Affecting remote battlespaces, Trading off mobility for other benefits
Thrallspawn - Thrallkeeper
A Law and Evil aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Daemons; currently excessively rare. Beings are inherently somewhat pathetic and often wormlike / cowardly. They can merge together with those that command them like living grafts, becoming elements of a greater, more terrifying amalgam-being.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Mass swarm summons, summons that slot onto their summoner as equipment, buffs, or other merged bonuses
Being-The-Entity Aspect: The ability to merge with more-powerful beings as a source of buffs / extra abilities / additional powers, Boosts when around numerous allies
Umbral - Shadow Duke
Beings made of living shadow.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Reduction of the Light weakness of your Umbral pets / summons, Summons that provide AOE buffs to Darkness-element entities or create zones of Darkness upon arrival, Boosting pets/summons in Darkness terrains/zones
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Darkness boosts in exchange with a (very slowly mitigated) Light weakness, Dodge boosts, Stealth-against-effects-sticking-on-them
(10:20:26 PM) Caelzeph: Arch-Ick.
Unformed - Mote Whisperer
The T1 equivalent to Chaos Effect. Come from regions where the Mana Cannon's destruction still lingers (and a few other such places) and tend to lack concrete skillsets - instead defining themselves temporarily to fight / interact with things, but the ways they can define themselves are limited. Unless there's a lot of ambient mana in an area, they tend to manifest as smaller, weaker things for their level. With enough ambient mana, though, they can be kinda dangerous, customizable, and easily grown
Unknown- Secret-Keeper
Unknown is a T1 abstandard planar subtype. Its T2 counterpart is Most-Unknown. Unknowns are typically Neutral alignment-wise. Unknowns tend towards hard-to-percieve true forms, but are able to enter physical realities in shell-disguises. They are skilled at inflicting Confusion, acting with stealth, and making abstandard attacks that avoid defenses. It synergizes well with Disguies, Thief Arts, Ethereal Magic, Illusion, Psychic, and Mystery.
Verdant - Land's Guardian
A Good aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Angels; currently excessively rare. They abandon most of the aspects of 'planar' rooting themselves into the essence of mortal worlds and blossoming there, attempting to make earthly paradises instead of numinous heavenly ones.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Bonus HP / regen for pets/summons, Attaching effects to Zones/Terrain that summon
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Effects attached to zones, Buffs, AOE Effects, Healing, Druid Magic synergy
Virtue - Symbologist
The T1 equivalent to Emanation. Manifestations of holy magic and power, taking the shape of symbols and blessings. They're like holy magic equivalents to living spells mixed with weird little monsters.
Voidstalker - Nullifier
An Evil aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Devils; currently excessively rare. Beings of living annihilation and manifest emptiness, they roam the pathways between worlds and bore into the planes around them to snuff out life, seeking a benighted reality where mortals and upper-planar beings no longer dwell.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Sacrifice of summons/pets to deal Damage, Uncounterable summons
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Forced battlespace entry, High damage, Unhealable damage, Resurrection prevention
Warshard - Tyranny's Instrument
A Law and Evil aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Daemons; currently excessively rare. Warmongering beings that seek conquest and the annihilation of all their opponents until they maintain supreme command of all they survery; tactical and canny, however, and willing to accept alliances that benefit them. Often have weaponized bodies and tend towards seeking self-upgrades and additional power.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summoning units and buffing them, Alternate row-order-formations that benefit Warshards, Upgrading pets and summons, Permanent upgrades for pets
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Self-upgrading, Major offense boosts, Resistances and Immunities, Combat optimization, Synergy with allies during offense
Wishkin - Wishmaker
A Good aligned planar subtype that may at some point replace Angels; currently excessively rare. Born from wishes, hopes, and dreams; a type of quasi-tangible spiritual being whose presence reshapes reality who guide those with pure hearts towards kinder fates than they might otherwise possess
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Action-replication without summoning
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Buffs, Healing, Delayed actions, Dodge bonuses, Resurrection
Wizard's Shadow - Shademagus
Wizard's Shadow is a T1 entity subtype. Its class is Shademagus. Wizard's Shadows are artificial entities created by spellcasters to enhance their casting abilities. They act as shadows both literal and metaphorical and specialize in storing spells and chain-casting. They synergize with most magically-themed spell classes, but particularly with Ritual Magic and Umbramancy; they also work well dual-subtyped as Familiars.
Tier 2 Nonbase
Aberration - Paranaturalist
The T2 equivalent to Monsters.
Agarthan - Delver of the Firmament
The T2 equivalent to Cthonians.
Ancient - Precursor
Beings from an elder era, humanoid in form but possessing great power and knowledge.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: General SPI/MIN/MP boosts for self and summons, Synergy with Ancient Magic, Synergy with Warlord
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Increased use of magic/technology, Increased knowledge / ability-learning, Abilities that take a while to learn but grow in power based on character age
Arcanopattern - Synchronizer
The T2 equivalent to Magic Beings.
Arch-Aetheric- Reefbuilder
Like Aetheric, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Aisurii - Holy Terror
Like Aisurii, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Angel - Heavenly Seraph
Like Angels, but possess a deity effect
Arch-Abyssal - Planemerged
Like Abyssal, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Asterismic - Inevitable Prophet
Like Asterismic, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Brilliant - Brightest Mind
Like Brilliant, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Celestial - Lord of Hosts
Like Celestials, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Daemon - Twilight Dictator
Like Daemons, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Dauntless - Protagonist
Like Dauntless, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Demented - Surrealist
Like Demented, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Demon - Destroyer
Like Demons, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Deva - Sacred Preserver
Like Devas, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Devil - Hellbinder
Like Devils, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Eroded - Exarch of Dissolution
Like Eroded, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Faceless - Unseen Evil
Like Faceless, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Fae - Seelie Queen
Like Fae, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Fallen - Whisperer of Temptations
Like Fallen, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Fantasmic - Imaginaut
Like Fantasmics, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Illuminated - Harmonizer
Like Illuminated, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Infernal - Master of the Inferno
Like Infernals, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Like Innocent, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Mechanichim - Ultradimensional Engineer
Like Mechannichim, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Paragon - Perfected One
Like Paragon, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Prime - Prime Mother
Like Prime, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Quezmellym - Chaos Maestro
Like Quezmellym, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Radiant - Unquestioned
Like Radiant, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Solar- Dawn Emperor
Like Aisurii, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Umbral - Dusk Empress
Like Umbral, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Like Verdant, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arch-Voidstalker - Eradicator
Like Voidstalker, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Arrangement of Ruin - Grand Invocationist
Like Memento of Ruin, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Bearded Being - Hirsute Harbinger
Bearded Being is a T2 entity subtype. Its class is Hirsute Harbinger. Bearded Beings are Wizard's Shadows that have absorbed enough magical lore to become archmagi in their own right, collecting, organizing, studying, mastering, casting, and developing all manners of magic. They sometimes have deity effects that allow them to be patrons over a chosen school of magic.
Chaos Effect - (Raptor of Anarchy, if the class gets made)
Beings made of raw chaos (though not specifically outsiders), often a mishmash of features and energies. Appeared in the wake of the Mana Cannon incident.
* There's no real class for this, so there isn't a split, but their general features include random values, oddball effects present amidst things that aren't necessarily related, and randomized power results / triggers
Conceptual - Notion-Crafter
Beings that manifest from or embody concepts. Naturally incorporeal but capable of taking a variety of physical forms. The T2 equivalent to Mindshadow.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Working with concepts, Effects that deal with things that are otherwise hard to manipulate
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Basing your entire build around a single stat, monofocused upgrades relating to whatever your concept is, The ability to inhabit things related to your concept / incorporeality
Custodian - Partitioner
The T2 equivalent to Robots.
Dragon - Dragon Lord
Dragons, drakes, dragonspawn, and dragonlike humanoids are all in this group, snakes, lizards, and other more normal reptiles are typically over in 'animal'. The T2 equivalent to Reptile.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Powerful summons
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Power from wealth, General-purpose power-boosts, Power-boosts when either alone or the most notable member of your team, Has a notable Breath-effect sub-tree that performs AOE breath-attacks and adds additional elements/Damage/effects/targets onto the breath
*Previously a T2 Base Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Eidolon - Caller
The T2 equivalent to Familiars.
Elemental Lord- <Unknown Class>
Like Elementals, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Emanation- Sage of Sefirot
Planar beings associated with Good. Emanations are less humanoid and less relatable than Graces. They can appear as configurations and diagrams mixed with awe-inspiring forces and warped spaces in the vague silhouette of beings. They tend to spawn with a specific task, sometimes of limited duration, sometimes ongoing, and are very focused on that. They're cosmically good but not the easiest things to deal with.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: <Information Pending>
Being-The-Entity Aspect: <Information Pending>
Entombed - Sealbreaker
The T2 equivalent to Undead.
Exalted Wishkin - Wishmaster
Like Wishkin, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Exmachina - Godhacker
The T2 equivalent to Machines.
External - Farseeker
The T2 equivalent to Aliens. Beings that, instead of coming from other worlds within standard realities, come from outside standard reality-spaces/dimensions.
Gargantua - Promethean Engineer
The T2 equivalent to Bio-Horrors.
Gigas - Titanic Oracle
The T2 equivalent to Humanoids.
Grace - Exarch of Virtue
Planar beings associated with Good. Graces are themed around virtues (both classical ones and new/abstandard ones). They're more relatable than Emanations, albeit somewhat monofocused. Kind of like in between an Angel and a Conceptual.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: <Information Pending>
Being-The-Entity Aspect: <Information Pending>
Great Beast - Legend Drover
The T2 equivalent to Animals. Has a focus on being legendary, semi-unique monsters that work best when the only one of their specific type and can be phantom overcrashed in like Eidolons, but aren't planar. They tend to be huge and majestic, ruling over the beasts of the land they're in. They tower above their more-mortal animal kindred, singular titans of the wilderness. Each holds a legend within itself, and they can be invoked as a more savage and natural sort of Eidolon.
Hivemind - Swarmqueen
The T2 equivalent to Insects.
Idol - Foundation Builder
The T2 equivalent to Golems.
Invisible - Unseen Master
Invisibles are invisible, intangible entities with nonstandard mana patterns that actively hide them from the majority of reality. They are slient, their thoughts do not register to most scans, and they actively mask the mana that composes their spirit-forms. They cannot be summoned by normal individuals, have unusually high Dodge, auto-cancel some actions that target them, and are generally defense-focused. They tend to ignore the world at large and let it ignore them. Most of them are not conventionally intelligent, but some are. The intelligent ones typically wipe knowledge of them from all records; openly disseminating information regarding Invisibles is one of the few things that will get them to act en-masse in a way that affects non-Invisible beings.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: The ability to scan/summon/interact with Invisibles, which usually have blanket-bans on that sort of stuff from general-purpose abilities
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Anti-scan, The ability to resist being interacted with by anything else so long as you don't interact with other things, Massive dodge bonuses / effect-ignoring bonuses
Kami - Kannushi
The T2 equivalent to Spirit.
Keeper of the Oath - Inviolable Librarian
Like Oathbound, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect; tend to oversee a large number of oaths and dispatch and create multiple Oathbound to regulate them, responsible for maintaining entire systems or accomplishing great deeds
Large Structure - Subspace Architect
Buildings and other largely-immobile things like nation states.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Building and enhancing structures / spatially warping them, Adding HP and Resilience to Large Structures, Battlespace manipulation, Synergy with Architect, Wanderer, and Reality Arranger, Spawn table manipulation
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Adding trap-type effects to yourself that auto-counter actions against you, Bolstering HP and Resilience at the cost of speed / mobility, Transitioning from being a discrete building to being something larger like a nation at higher Levels, Summoning inhabitants
Leviathan - Antedeluvian Harbinger
The T2 equivalent to Aquatics.
Living Rumour - Candlesnuffer
The T2 equivalent to Horrors.
Lord of Thralls - Fell Autarch
T2 version of Thrallspawn. Lacks the merger-stuff but gets mass summons and added bonuses from having its servants merged with it. Shares the class with Thrallspawn.
Marcoschnapt - Funky Gentleman
Like Abstracts, but with a Deity Effect
Metahuman - Ultramortal
The T2 equivalent to Mutants.
Most-Unknown- Unspeakable Prophet
Most-Unknown is a T2 abstandard planar subtype. Its T1 counterpart is Unknown. Unknowns are typically Neutral alignment-wise. Unknowns tend towards hard-to-percieve true forms, but are able to enter physical realities in shell-disguises. They are skilled at inflicting Confusion, acting with stealth, and making abstandard attacks that avoid defenses. It synergizes well with Disguies, Thief Arts, Ethereal Magic, Illusion, Psychic, and Mystery.
Outer Terror - Old One
Like Darkspawn, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Outsider - Gatekeeper
This is a generic catchall category from monsters that *are* deemed 'planar'
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Small numbers of very powerful summons, Eidolons, Partially-manifesting or replicating abilities of summons, Enhancing powerful singular pets, Resistance to unsummoning, summoning into / breaking into other battlespaces on the first
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Bizarre, unique-ish abilities, Abilities that exist partially outside standard systems, Abilities that synergize with esoteric elements, Resistances/Immunities, General power boosts, battlespace travel
*Previously a T2 Base Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Overlord - Lord Paramount
The T2 equivalent to Clockworks.
Planetary - Worldbound God
Lesser deities that rely on connections to places, worship, special objects, the presence of specific concepts/things, or greater deific masters for their power.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: The ability to reanchor Planetaries to yourself instead of their other anchors, The ability to benefit from deity benefits of your pets/summons without worshipping them
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Improved worshipper benefits, Improved powers when around your power source (at the cost of lesser ones when significantly far or cut off)
Primordial - Lifebrewer
The T2 equivalent to Ooze.
Protean- Patternwarper
The T2 equivalent to Shapeshifters.
Rootmind - Land's Nexus
The T2 equivalent to Plants. Rootminds are numinous mind-presences that manifest as and connect to plant life and areas (with the area part being moreso a connection than a manifestation, with some exceptions). They synergize with psi, mind-affecting status effects, plants, geomancy, and channeling. They tend to be able to link up to, direct, spawn, and control plants, and they tend to establish geomantic effects while blocking out geomantic effects and manipulations from opponents and competitors. They can get bonus actions and act like units where it helps them, but act singularly when it is to their benefit. They can usually discorperate and become hard to target, but their powers are generally stronger when they have a tangible body (which also gives them a more-hittable weak point). They have tendencies to be able to come back to life if they die but their Plant allies aren't all swiftly defeated afterwards (assuming anti-res stuff isn't used - they're bad against anti-res). They tend to have high MIN and can generally sub MIN in for CON (though sometimes they can do the reverse when corporeal).
Singularity - Zonecoder
The T2 equivalent to Coded Beings.
Spirelord - Heaven Architect
Like Spirelord, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Tyrant-Shard - Unconquered Tyrant
Like Warshards, but more powerful and with a Deity Effect
Unworked - Resonance Breaker
The T2 equivalent to Hollow-Soul.
Vastness - Planefolder
The T2 equivalent to Aerials. They exist around other aspects of reality, swelling as they fill in the gaps. Their form is defined by that around it as opposed to itself, but their wide and hungry nature is a danger to all they brush against.
World Eater - Doom of the Spheres
The T2 equivalent to Astral Being.
Tier 2 Imaginary
Improved Ultraviolet Sun Duke- <In Elemental Researcher, for now>
Improved Ultraviolet Sun Duke is a T2 Imaginary entity subtype. They are similar to Arch-Solars as a type of improved Solar Being, but their divine powers only manifest part of the time. Their mana patterns take on the hard-to-percieve nature of ultraviolet light and dip into the zones beyond perception, granting them power over Imaginary elements (and other Imaginary forces). They are weaker than standard Arch-Solars when their esoteric powers are not fully manifested, but when in domains with sufficient quantities of Imaginary mana that has become Real, they are more dangerous (and unpredictable) than their counterparts.
Tier 3 Nonbase
Abomination - Great Terror
Great monstrosities whose presence perverts reality around them. Nearly impossible to kill for good, often requiring a specific weakness or combination of actions to be triggered to eliminate.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: The ability to summon Abominations without their being massively uncontrolled, The binding of Abomination-conditionals to yourself in exchange for sacrifices
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Massive HP boosts, Growing trees of conditionals that must be met to kill you / prevent your self-resurrection, General debuff boosts, Multi-hit/multi-attack boosts
Chosen - Chosen One
Those chosen by the Oracle to fulfill said beings mysterious purposes. Associated with an element and capable of passing their titles to those who best them in combat under the proper circumstances. Protagonists to a point, at least when in the right part of their existence-cycles.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: There isn't really a summon/control half of this class. It pretty much expects its possessors to actually *be* one of the Chosen. I suppose Laurennia has an allied-Chosen-buffing branch / power-granting branch that sorta counts.
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Massively increases the power of your respective element, lifting it from base status to appropriate power to work alongside your purpose as Chosen (unless you're Laurennia and have Universe as your element, in which case it just generally super-boosts you), Enhances artifact powers
Divinity - Sublime Presence
Deific powers whose potency isn't rooted in an external source, capable of existing through their own great power. Often the rulers of groups of numerous lesser deities, though some also work in solitude.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Command and wield the powers of multiple deities, gaining worshipper benefits from all of them, Enhance your pets/summons worshipper benefits
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Enhance your own worshipper benefits that you provide, Massive general power boosts
Emissary - Servant to Higher Powers
Beings sent as agents of sublime forces from the Higher Reality above the main universe and its far-flung equivalents, sent within to act as agents of their respective powers that do not cause disruptions to patterns through their existence but also provide an alternative to manifesting a weaker avatar-body while metacosmic restrictions are in play.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summoning into other battlespaces, summoning around summon restrictions, Resistance to effects being delivered towards the summoner through a summon
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Overwhelming enemy defenses and effects, Battlespace travel, Buff/debuff relocation, Self-resurrection that bypasses blocks
Fiend - Prophet of the Darkest Abysses
Greater planar beings that embody evil and come in many forms; NOT available as a player race
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Massively powerful but hard-to-control summons
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Massive global power boosts, Extremely nasty debuffs, Commanding legions of arch-Devils/Daemons/Demons, Having Deity Effects, Becoming a one-person apocalypse
*Previously a T3 Base Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Holy One - Prophet of the Brightest Heavens
Greater planar beings that embody good and come in many forms; NOT available as a player race
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Massively powerful but hard-to-control summons
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Massive global power boosts, Extremely potent buffs, Commanding legions of arch-Celestials/Angels/Devas, Having Deity Effects, Becoming a one-person force of judgement
*Previously a T3 Base Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Immortal - Chronicler of Eternity
Greater planar beings with no specific ties, a catch all category for things that cannot die natural deaths; NOT available as a player race
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Massively powerful but hard-to-control summons, Summons that don't go away
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Massive global power boosts, Avoidance of death, Massive HP/Defense boosts, Resistances/Immunities, Nullification of effects placed on you, contains a notable time-manipulation sub-branch
*Previously a T3 Base Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Santa - Kringlemaster
Holiday-focused beings of jolly joy and befuddlingly great power. Capable of delivering massive numbers of presents in shockingly condensed lengths of time. Yaaaaaaaay!
Training/Sectummoning/Pet Asp: Summoning entities under the control of others as gifts, Improving the buffs given by your pets and summons, Bonuses for performing 'generous' actions
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Massively powerful buffs, Item creation, Battlespace travel, Ice and Hope boosts, SPI boosts, ludicrous numbers of actions crammed into a round / global multi-targeting
Serpent Blessed - Hand of Valcont
Those sworn to service of Valcont; NOT available as a player race
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Become the enemy of reality and servant of the adversary, Easy to summon but powerful summons, Massive restrictions on allies (most everyone hates you), The ability to selectively subvert others under your same antagonist permission-umbrella.
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Become the enemy of reality and servant of the adversary, Poison/Venom, Stealth/Shapshifting/Essence-disguises, subtle 'toxins' (both literal and metaphorical), Bursting forth from other entities that are being used as a shell
* You're going to lose eventually, and comeuppance is going to hit; this is one of those paths you aren't supposed to take without special permission to.
* Stands a chance of eventually deconnecting from Valcont and keeping the poison/stealth/trickery focus but losing the enemy-of-all-reality bits
*Previously a T3 Base Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Time Devourer - Existence Eater
A potential future servant type of Valcont's. Currently rare to the point of nigh-nonexistence. Beings that devour the foundations of reality and the progression of time, consuming the lives of others to operate in parallel and beyond time's constraints.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Action-banking / action-stealing, gaining actions through the actions of summons
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Taking actions from your kills, Attacks that take the actions of others, Action banking, Destroying zones / effects, Drain, Attacking intangibles, Massive Resistances against Time
* Right now this class doesn't have the Valcont-taint
Nemesauth - Adversary's Blade
A potential future servant type of Valcont's. Currently rare to the point of nigh-nonexistence. Beings that seek to kill heroes, operating as monolithic presences of unfathomable power that stalk their prey across dimensions, unaffected by lesser beings utterly and relentless in their hunt.
Training/Summoning/Pet Aspect: Summoning singular entities a limited number of times, but into one-on-one battles with other targets
Being-The-Entity Aspect: Massive power boosts, Duel-enforcement, Resurrection-prevention, Horribly sticky curses/debuffs that refuse to go away unless you are killed, Passive effects that make you immune to less-powerful things and spawn large numbers of summons to deal with those so they don't occupy your attention
Oluvarii - <CLASS UNKNOWN>
A type of highly-external planar being, rare in the current era. Tier Shifting may be in its future.
Tier 4 Nonbase
Beings that are traditionally greater than Level 1000 but are capable of acting in the main universe while said subtype without breaking it or altering its properties through their sheer presence. They exist to destroy, to end, to prune aspects of reality. By current processes, there is one active within the main universe at any given time, though countless others drift far beyond around the domain where Bez'Bekklin waits yet unaware of the presence of living existences.
*Previously a T5 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Meta Entity
Beings whose presence forms and defines the foundations of existence, operating as a mix of incarnate mana patterns, rule sets, and supreme concepts. Capable of being channeled in some fashions to alter rule systems.
Beings that are traditionally greater than Level 1000 but are capable of acting in the main universe while said subtype without breaking it or altering its properties through their sheer presence. They exist to uphold reality as a foundation, create new realities, and preserve aspects of reality that require such preservation.
*Previously a T5 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Source Guardian
Beings that control one of the elemental Sources. Capable of gaining the power of (and control of) everything that is their respective element. They regulate and manage the Sources and the distribution of elements throughout the main universe.
Tier 5 Nonbase
Constitution-focused, generally-evil-themed Plot Foes that lack unique personal subtypes but are in an active plot-boss mode.
*Previously a T6 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Strength-focused, generally-evil-themed Plot Foes that lack unique personal subtypes but are in an active plot-boss mode.
*Previously a T6 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Constitution-focused, generally-good-themed Plot Foes that lack unique personal subtypes but are in an active plot-boss mode.
*Previously a T6 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Descendent Process
Ethryl and Nathryl below the Level 1,000 mark, operating within Lower Reality.
Spirit-focused, generally-evil-themed Plot Foes that lack unique personal subtypes but are in an active plot-boss mode.
*Previously a T6 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Mind-focused, generally-good-themed Plot Foes that lack unique personal subtypes but are in an active plot-boss mode.
*Previously a T6 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Stat-balanced, generally-good-themed Plot Foes that lack unique personal subtypes but are in an active plot-boss mode.
*Previously a T6 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Mind-focused, generally-evil-themed Plot Foes that lack unique personal subtypes but are in an active plot-boss mode.
*Previously a T6 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Spirit-focused, generally-good-themed Plot Foes that lack unique personal subtypes but are in an active plot-boss mode.
*Previously a T6 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Agility-focused, generally-evil-themed Plot Foes that lack unique personal subtypes but are in an active plot-boss mode.
*Previously a T6 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Strength-focused, generally-good-themed Plot Foes that lack unique personal subtypes but are in an active plot-boss mode.
*Previously a T6 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Stat-balanced, generally-evil-themed Plot Foes that lack unique personal subtypes but are in an active plot-boss mode.
*Previously a T6 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Agility-focused, generally-good-themed Plot Foes that lack unique personal subtypes but are in an active plot-boss mode.
*Previously a T6 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Tier 6 Nonbase
Shalmarkion's personal subtype in some of his forms as an opponent of the Ascendants and a Plot Foe.
*Previously a T7 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
Higher Reality Subtypes
Tier 7 Nonbase
Beings that are traditionally greater than Level 1000 but are capable of acting in the main universe while said subtype without breaking it or altering its properties through their sheer presence. Former (or perhaps in some cases far beyond the main universe, present) subprocesses of an Administrator responsible for similar roles to Pillars.
*Previously a T5 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
The Higher Reality form of Pillars, encompassing those that are greater than Level 1,000.
Beings that are traditionally greater than Level 1000 but are capable of acting in the main universe while said subtype without breaking it or altering its properties through their sheer presence. Former (or perhaps in some cases far beyond the main universe, present) subprocesses of an Administrator responsible for similar roles to Endbringers.
*Previously a T5 Nonbase Subtype until the fallout from the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii Megaquest hit.
The Higher Reality form of Endbringers, encompassing those that are greater than Level 1,000.
Tier 8 Nonbase
Subtype intended for Level 1000+ use only. Former absolute ruler of its own existence from Outside The Barrier. Now berefit of its absolute control, but still capable of crafting and ruling megaverses and operating on an omniversal scale.
Subtype intended for Level 1000+ use only. A being peerless in its attributes, often one that, over great time and tribulation, lifted itself up from a lesser state to become an entity of nigh-unrivalled power. Frequently appear similar to what they previously did before their rise.
Tier 9 Nonbase
Subtype intended for Level 1000+ use only. Omniversally-operating often-nigh-monotheistic divine presence capable of serving as the unmoved foundation for realities both low and high.
Tier 10 Nonbase
Subtype intended for Level 1000+ use only. A being that decides all aspects of existence. Personal subtype of the Universal Control System KIRGA, final foe of the First Ascension. Also used by the Universal Control System VERYS, which the Ascendants empowered during their efforts against the first Universal Control System.
Subtype intended for Level 10000+ use only. Champions by mandate of Gadigan and The Saints; those who have surmounted innumerable challenges and risen to take their predestined position amongst the highest echelons of all realities.
Subtype intended for Level 1000+ use only. A being which serves as the final end of all things, unmaking all creation through its presence. Personal subtype of Bez'Bekklin, Last and Greatest Endbringer, scheduled to be the final foe of the Fifth Ascension.
Subtype intended for Level 1000+ use only. A being which seeks (and ever grows closer to) infinite power and endless self-improvement, always reaching towards the next, greatest stage of existence. Personal subtype of Savvekh-Lambh, scheduled to be the final foe of the Fourth Ascension.
Subtype intended for Level 1000+ use only. The unified will and combined power of all existence, save those Ascendants (and few others) who defy its encapsulation; final result of the Unbroken Tide, which raises all to ultimate power. Personal subtype of Gya-Karus following the culmination of his plans, then hijacked by a restored Shalmarkion, acted as the final foe of the Third Ascension.
Tier 11 Nonbase
Subtype intended for Level 10000+ use only. Infinite forces of Good, Evil, and Neutrality, boundless in their power, as previously created and defined by The Saints and later brought Inside.
Subtype intended for Level 10000+ use only. Valcont's personal subtype as supreme foe of all that exists.
Subtype intended for Level 10000+ use only. Advisor to Gadigan carried over from a previous setup of omniversal governance.
Tier 12 Nonbase
Omniverse Buster
Subtype intended for Level 12000+ use only. The strongest defined being that exists within the Level system (excluding Absolute Holy Blessings). Got created as the result of an experiment in determining what the strongest thing Gadigan could make was.
Addendum: Wheeeeee!
Bird -> Aerial
Re: Complete Subtype and Element List 2.0
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:03 pm
by Administrator
Axe - Ravager
Berserker rage, sacrificing defense for offense, Avoiding penalties for berserk/enraged, increasing user HP, STR, and melee attack, Increasing critical damage/effects
Book - Scholar
Spell-augmentation, Passive MP increases, Some scanning, General-purpose knowledge-abilities/information-abilities are in this
Bow - Archer
To Hit increases, Ignoring row-reductions to damage, Ranged Attacks that are specifically good against specific subtypes
Deadly Item - Slayer
Bonuses against specific subtypes of entities, Improvided weapons, Critical increases, High-damage attacks, Instant Death at higher Level
Fist Weapon - Combatant
Multi-hit melee attacks, User STR/AGI/CON boosts, Stun/knockback, Synergy with Unarmed Techniques
Force - Controller
Being able to use Melee, Ranged, and Magical Attacks, Having things key off of different stats (For example Melee off of Mind, Ranged off of Constitution, HP off of Agility, etc), Altering the properties of items, attacks, or actions, Making mono-stat builds viable to a point
Gun - Gunner
Multi-hit ranged attacks, Powerful ranged attacks, To Hit boosting, Using Ammo for various added effects / Ammo swapping
Instrument - Musician
Added MP, AOE Magical Attacks, Minor status effects, Synergizes with Bard
Knife - Shadow Blade
Minor status effects, Wounded, fast-attack, extra bonuses against targets that haven't acted, There's a notable subtree for creating shadow-clones to replicate actions / increase dodge /etc, Synergizes with Thief
Mace - Lawbringer
Imposition of restrictions on targets, Stun, Entombed: Incarcerated, Being able to have Magical backups to Melee options (or vice-versa)
Polearm - Dragoon
Melee Attacks that deal full Damage to the back row, Two-handed weapons, Charge-up melee attacks, Two-handed melee mobility
Remote - Manipulator
Attacking from the back row, Using static sets of external stat values as an option instead of your own if you are debuffed, attacking without being counterable
Scythe - Reaper
High damage melee, Critical boosting, negative status effects, Instant Death at higher Levels
Shield - Defender
Defense boosts, Using Defense to attack, Guarding others, blocking against attacks, Resistances, Resilience boosts, CON boosts, Reducing incoming attack effectiveness
Staff - Sage
Having access to both Melee and Magical attacks, Status effects/Stun, Passive MIN/SPI boosts, Melee casting, Dodge boosts
Sword - Swordsman
General-purpose melee with a wide variety of boosts, Has a notable finesse-fighting subtree and a notable powerful-attack subtree
Throwing Weapon - Assassin
Critical bonuses, To Hit bonuses, negative status effects, Multi-hit/AOE Ranged Attacks
Tool - Architect
Defense piercing, Debuffs, Buffs, Upgrading Large Structures, Bypassing the defenses of Large Structures
Wand - Sorceress
AOE Magical Attacks, Fast-attack Magical Attacks, Weapon-swap, Status effects, MP boosts
Whip - Dominator
Paralyzed, Charm/control, Giving allies actions, Restricting enemy actions, Using AGI for Melee Attacks, Melee Attacking at a range
Tier 1 Nonbase:
Axe Derivatives
Adze - Laborer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Axe.
Non-attack actions with Axe, Generalized zone and item manipulation, Anti-Construct, Anti-Plant, Boosting Construct and Plant allies, Passive self-buffs, Completing missions tasked by others
Anchor - Bosun
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Axe.
Slow-but-heavy attacks, Weighing down opponents to be slower / less-able to hit, Anti-Transformation attacks, Stun, Water-synergy
Battle-Ring - Sirocco
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Axe.
Melee AOEs, Wounded, AGI to Axes, Attacks that improve as they target more individuals
Battleaxe - Clanlord
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Axe.
Bolstering allies while holding the front line, Defensive axe fighting that doesn't sacrifice Strength/Damage, Setting positions and then holding them with less ability to switch between its stances
Chainsaw - Maniac
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Axe.
Poorly-aimed multi-hit, Recovery upon killing enemies, Resisting damage while attacking, Breaking through defenses while berserk
Cleaver - Butcher
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Axe.
Critical boosting, Chef synergy, Knife synergy, Maim-for-drain (boost allies or self while hacking away opponent capabilities), Hard-to-heal damage
Greataxe - Executioner
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Axe.
Slow, powerful attacks, Instant Death, Single-target critical blows, Melee charge-up / set-up
Handaxe - Brave
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Axe.
Fast attack, Debilitating surprise axe strikes, Thrown axes for damage or negative effect
Hatchet - Woodsman
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Axe
Anti-Plant, Fast attacks with Axes, debuffs that get worse the more instances you have of them layered, but that have per-round application limits, Anti-terrain Axe moves, Thrown axes for damage or negative effect
Macuahuitl - Jaguar Warrior
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Axe
Melee attacks with ongoing bleed, Wounded, Sacrificing targets to give your side boosts, Crits that debilitate in ways that boosts allies, Killing targets to shift weather/zonal effects
Pickaxe - Prospector
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Axe
Anti-Golem, Anti-Cthonian, Creation and destruction of effects on terrain and zones, Tunneling between existing battespaces, Earth-element synergy
Visage-Axe - Blade Tyrant
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Axe
Leadership boosts, Forcing commands through, Counting as having allies, Prepared actions if you lose control of yourself, Immunities, Overruling/overriding effects, Gaining control of things
Book Derivatives
Card - Card Magus
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book. Previously a T1 Base Subtype.
Spirit or Mind to Ranged Attacks (sometimes), Swapping equipped weapons, Multi-hit ranged attacks, Moderate negative status effects, Positive status effects, Synergizes with Arcanist
Catalog - Archivist
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book
Scanning, Recording thing and replicating them, Summoning, Creating Temporary items, Obtaining Temporary abilities
Console - Hacker
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book
Bonuses versus Technological Constructs, Controlling Robots/Machines/etc., Breaking down defenses of targets, Opening exploitable vulnerabilities in things, Non-damaging attacks, Subverting control of effects and zones/terrains
Envelope - Postmaster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book
Prepping effects and sending them to be delivered with a delay, Ranged Attacks with Book and MIN or SPI, Moving effects between targets
Keytext - Worldauthor
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book
Establishing oneself as the focal point of a new battlespace (with the battlespace collapsing when you do), Summons that are either hard to lose control of or hard to trace back to you, Creating and manipulating battlespaces, Countermanding law-based effects while within your own domain or supported by worshipers
Ledger - Tallyman
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book. Previously a T2 Nonbase subtype.
It is a less-freeform, less-absolute cousin of the Clipboard weapon, with individual ledgers specializing in quantifying, tracking, enforcing, punishing, and fixing specific things with their targeted audits.
Paper - Origami Master
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book
Replicating actions of enemies, Creating temporary summons with added properties out of the weapon, Amping spells by expending the weapon for a bit, Amping other Book weapons by expending the weapon for a bit, Drawing more weapons of the subtype as ones that are held are consumed as resources
Poem - Poet
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book
Activating alternate item effects via actions, Mental status effects, Triggering additional effects upon actions that incorporate the item, Creating themes across multiple instances of other Poem weapons, swapping them out, and strengthening the themes as long as a chain of relevant actions continues
Popup - Battle-Performer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book
Easy-to-repeat attacks that lock in randomized values, Surprise, Summons, Summoning on attack, Creating temporary items, Counting as other weapon subtypes, Mock attacks that can't kill or undo themselves - leaving targets Stunned/Charmed or providing you with Fame, Ranged or melee on Books
Restricted Volume - Curator
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book
Confusion/Insanity, SAN Damage, Forbidden Magic Synergy, Releasing dangerous effects that harm all sides of battle, Establishing risks that can be worked around to prevent broader risks, Anti-divination properties, Sealing things away in books
Scripture - Preacher
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book
Using Divine Magic in conjunction with Books, Deity-specific benefits, Improving or mass-granting worshipper benefits, Actions that benefit co-believers and penalize those with other patrons (or no patron), Status effects in general as a lower-priority-but-present theme
Spellbook - Spellslinger
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book
Improving spells, Carrying more spells, effects that depend on proportional spell loadout, Bonus MP pools, Using alternate resources to cast
Storybook - Wonderlander
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book
Pop-up attacks and summons that start out powerful but become weak as overused, paired with draw-into-fictional-world powers that start out weak and non-sticky but grow in power over time
Tablet - Lawgiver
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book
Laying down effects that are hard to remove or alter, Litigamancy and Divine Magic synergy, Synergizes with Commandments, Starts off with lots of flexibility and little built-up power, moving during the course of a thread to be rigidly inflexible (to the point of being self-binding), but with a lot of built-up power behind it
Treatise - Professor
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book
Improving specific abilities/classes/subtrees, Sharing benefits with allies, Skill-share, Buff-distribution, Fatigued infliction
Talisman - Onmyoji
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Book
Healing, Boosting both Magical Attack and Defense, Locking down enemies (with particular effect in the short term, backed by other, higher-cost abilities that extend sealing to the long-term), Purifying targets
Bow Derivatives
Arbalest - Ballista
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Bow
High damage, defense piercing, Shots that fire through the front row to damage the back (two-target high-damage spikes in particular)
Atlatl - Launchmaster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Bow
Turning Melee weapons Ranged, Granting other things Defense Piercing, Poor on its own, works better as an off-hand when dual-wielding, Reloads the other hand as it fires off weapons
Blowgun - Poisoner
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Bow
Poison and its sub-status effects, Exotic variants of Poison with other effects, Anti-entity-subtype effects, Inflicting negative status effects as an ambush
Crossbow - Crossbowman
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Bow
Defense piercing, Resistance piercing, Multiple single-target attacks, enhancing ammo benefits
Drossbow - Junksifter
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Bow
Brings destroyed things together to launched semi-improvised Ranged Attacks, linking their properties and activating abilities of the dead (particularly dead Constructs)
Greatbow - Deathrain
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Bow
High-damage ranged with multi-hit, Focusing on groups of targets to barrage-fire against them, charge-up attacks that get negated if you are forced to switch rows
Hand Crossbow - Infiltrator
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Bow
Ranged attack quickdraw from stealth, Loading up a certain number of ranged attacks with debuffs or negative status effects, defense piercing, improving negative status effects and their infliction chances if all defense is pierced, shooting the opposing front row from within the opposing back row
Light Bow - Skirmisher
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Bow
Moving while shooting, Point Blank attacks, Attacking and retreating, Keeping up Dodge and To Hit at the cost of Critical and Resilience
Longbow - Ranger
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Bow
Reliable ranged damage, Anti-entity-subtype attacks, Attacks that synergize with terrain, Boosting own To-Hit, Mixing STR and AGI when attacking
Sling - Slinger
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Bow
Critical boosting, High-damage ranged attacks, Ranged attacks that pierce defense and ignore enemy buffs, Fatigued sub-status effects
Worldcaster - Expeller
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Bow
Unsummoning, returning things to where they once were, Bonuses against 'Planar' things if not in Planar terrain
Deadly Item Derivatives
Bladecane - Gentleman Assassin
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Deadly Item. Previously a T1 Base Subtype.
Extra damage against targets that haven't acted yet, Increased To-Hit/Dodge/Critical, High-damage attacks that require a bit of prep, Synergy with both Staff and Sword
Box - Boxmeister
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Deadly Item. Previously a T2 Nonbase subtype.
Weird negative effects, Summoning or fake-summoning, Entity-replication, Unleashing X-times-per-battle powers, Item destruction/theft
Camera - Photographer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Deadly Item
Scanning, Freezing effects on targets or reverting to photographed states, Anti-Undead, Anti-Spirit, Detecting hidden targets and hidden factors in battle, Instant Death, Vanished, Sub-status effects of Petrified
Chalice - Grailkeeper
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Deadly Item
Pouring effects onto the battlefield, creating Zones and forcing specific targets into them with a chance of the Zones spreading, Both benefits to Oozes and anti-Ooze properties
Cigar - Executive
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Deadly Item
To-Hit Reductions, AOE effects, Debuffs, Poison, Suffocation, Pain, Burning, Gold Damage
Fish - Fisherman
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Deadly Item.
Weird attacks, Attacks that work best on certain rounds of combat, Timing, Attacks that summon Aquatics, Attacks that are good against Aquatics, the element Water, Synergizes with Seakeeper
Gameboard - Strategist
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Deadly Item
Action-granting, Action-control, Formations, Row-order-matters, Boosting allies, attack bonuses to allies more so than wielder
Keyring - Keeper
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Deadly Item
Summoning, Performing actions that count as involving entities of specific subtypes, Summoning/magic amplification, Battlespace travel, Defense piercing
Prank Weapon - Clown
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Deadly Item
Nonlethal attacks, Confusion and its sub-status effects, Trading damage out for effects
Relic - Reliquarian
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Deadly Item
Magical attack bonuses, Ordinary-appearing items that can be channeled in magically-potent manners
Stone - Ioun Master
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Deadly Item. Previously a T1 Base subtype.
AOE Magical Attacks, Moderate negative status effects, Applying massive numbers of status effects at once, Attacks enhanced by Zones/Terrain
Teapot - Lady of the Exceptional Leaf
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Deadly Item. Previously a T2 Nonbase subtype.
Buffs/Debuffs, Poison, Venom at later Levels, Transmutation of buffs into debuffs and vice-versa, Forced buff application, Charm/Dominion, Drink boosts, MP boosts / recovery, Healing, Item destruction, Resurrection prevention, Synergy with other classes, Weird effects
Trick Weapon - Trickster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Deadly Item
Weapons that have nastier effects if you aren't scanned, Surprise attacks, Sneaking weapons in as other things, Anti-scan properties, Mode-switching items
Watch - Hypnotist
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Deadly Item
Fatigued and its sub-status effects, Charm and its sub-status effects, Controlling opponents, Pre-programming actions and forcibly triggering them, Non-damaging attacks, Preventing counterattacks / preventing your attacks from counting as offensive
Fist Weapon Derivatives
Adornment - Porcupine-Knight
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Fist Weapon
Heavy Armor and Grand Armor synergy, Shield synergy, Turning Defense offensive while pairing it with Melee Attack
Battle Boot - Kicker
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Fist Weapon
Single-target hits with effects, Moving while attacking, attacks that move targets
Battle Glove - Boxer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Fist Weapon
Powerful hits, one-two punches on the same target, stunning targets
Beamglove - Blaster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Fist Weapon
Extending Fist Weapons to Ranged Attack. Worn on the hands, beamgloves shoot blasts of various energies and effects, with some also generating shields or forcefields. It pairs well both with high-tech and superheroics.
Caress - Lich-Courtesan
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Fist Weapon
Causing negative effects when able to hit but unable to deal damage, Inflicting status effects more easily on targets effected by status effects, Drain, Negative status effects, Uncounterable attacks that don't deal damage but layer negative effects
Claw - Ripper
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Fist Weapon
Wounded, Sub-status effects of Wounded, Layering stat-reducing status effects, applying extra effects to negative status effects inflicted, Fast/surprise attacks, Bonuses on killing targets
Fang - Devourer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Fist Weapon
Drain, Taking effects or buffs from targets, Consuming targets killed to regen
Grafthand - Mechanipulator
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Fist Weapon
Synergy with Upgrades, Creation of fake slots, Multi-hit
Horn - Striker
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Fist Weapon
Stun hits, Hits that compare stats and inflict negative effects on the loser of the comparison / positive effects on the winner, Weapons that are boosted based on entity subtypes or that grant entity subtypes, Bonuses against same-subtype opponents
Knuckle - Mobster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Fist Weapon
Hits that compel targets to do things, 'Mug' effects that deal damage while stealing, Suddenly having weapons equipped when you previously didn't, Mixes well with Thief Arts and bridges Monk and Thief Arts
Slamtail - Battlethrasher
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Fist Weapon
Auto-counters when targeted, AOE-melee but only against front row, Stun, Punishing things for being physically weaker
Spring-Fist - Robo-Brawler
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Fist Weapon
Wind-up attacks, Stun, Surprise attacks, Melee attacking the back row
War-Organ - Vat-Wretch
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Fist Weapon
Bio-Horror Synergy, Bioaugmentation synergy, Dissolving, Boosting wielder HP then spending it as an MP-like resource to trigger effects, boost attacks, or sub-in for MP
Wrapping - Brawler
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Fist Weapon
Defensive melee, applying effects on hit or on defend, Being shielded from particular effects or types of retaliation, Being able to pause mid-attack-string to buff or to switch something up
Force Derivatives
Catastrophe Mind- Calculator
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Force. Previously a T2 Nonbase subtype.
It is a MIN-based weapon type that synergizes with Psychic Power, Fate, Time, and Hypertech. It plots out the future, analyzes things, and sets up traps and disasters in response to predictions and scan results. It blends psionics and technology to allow in the introduction of esoteric elements bridging the two. Some Catastrophe Minds can also reconfigure themselves to provide defensive protection.
Chaos Talon - Raptor of Anarchy
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Force. Previously a T2 Nonbase subtype.
Random effects and weird weapons, Variable weapons
Driftmind - Mindsculptor
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Force
Using non-entities to possess targets, Gaining control of opponents, Moving abilities between allies, Replacing ally values with a mobile presence that jumps between allies
Essence Reconfiguration - Protean Being
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Force. Previously a T2 Nonbase subtype.
Being able to use Melee, Ranged, and Magical Attacks, Altering user's Base Stats, Altering user's subtype and element, Manipulating aspects of user, AOE attacks, Transforming into entities from the enemy list (and gaining bonuses while doing so), Status Effects. Synergizes with Transmuter and Essence Chemist
Lightning - Stormsmiter
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Force. Previously a T2 Nonbase subtype.
It is a ranged/magical hybrid class that performs chain-hit attacks that bounce from one target to another, attaches repeating attacks and offensive effects to zones, and declares rules and smites those who break them. It works well alongside Assassin, Ninja, Lawbringer, Priest, Druid, Litigamancer, Wind Duke, and Thunder Czar.
Nimbus - Maelstrom
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Force
Hostile auras, Damage by proximity, Flat Damage, AOEs, Effects that hit all sides of battle in the same way
Notion - Thinker
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Force
Scanning things, replacing parts of scan results, Setting up action chains, setting values or decisions in stone, Imposing decisions or results based on comparisons of MIN
Ordeal - Arbiter of Trials
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Force. Previously a T2 Nonbase subtype.
Forcing opponents into mini-sub-battles that grant buffs on success or debuffs/damage/death on failure, Changing battle conditions, Flat Damage, Added Damage
Remnant - Historian
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Force
Forcing other beings traits onto targets, Making it count as an earlier round number, Recording and repeating actions, emotion-based effects, bringing back old/lost things, More resistible than average by higher-Level opponents
Soul - Enslaver
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Force. Previously a T1 Base subtype.
Using/replicating the abilities of entities from the Enemy List, Charm/Hexed/Other negative status effects, Summoning, Base stat alterations, Debuffs
Starlight- Stellar Armsmaster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Force. Previously a T2 Nonbase subtype.
It augments all attack types and lets itself be reshaped into the forms of other weapon types (while still counting as Starlight). It tends to resist element re-spec but boosts piercing effects. It also has a tendency to work on an average of all stats rather than using any one in particular.
Gun Derivatives
Automatic Weapon - Marine
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
Multi-hit, AOE gun attacks, attacking multiple times at higher miss chance until a miss occurs, Overwatch-type attack-on-area-entry effect
Beameye - Gazer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
Negative status effects (with more of a tilt toward majors than most weapon types), Potent effects that some subtypes (or other measures) resist entirely, Debilitating effects that are unusually reflectable, Upgrade and Bioaugmentation synergy, Brings Wand abilities over into Gun and vice-versa (with a subtree for wielding entirely as a Wand)
Blunderbuss - Powder-Dragoon
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
Poorer Gun abilities in exchange for picking up Dragoon abilities and point-blanking the weapon as a close-ranged jump-and-gun melee-ranged hybrid
Disc-Launcher - Clockguard
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
Bouncing/ricocheting attacks, Wounded and its sub-status effects, Attacks that either pierce armor or bounce off of armored targets to hit others harder, Saw and Chainsaw synergy, Time and round-number synergy
Field-Switch - Mad Trapper
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
Trap synergy, Activating attacks in manners that makes them come from unexpected sources other than you
Heavy Weapon - Commando
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
High-damage AOEs, Limited uses of attacks per battle, AOEs with brief-but-amped negative status effects
Lens - Lensman
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
Auto-Firing, Attacks based on other things that happen nearby, Movement-triggered attacks, Emitting effects that harm things more the longer they are in the effect
Magecaster - Gunmage
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
Shooting spells through guns, Double-casting Gunslinging and other (usually arcane) magic at the same time, Giving cost discounts to spells in exchange for either randomizing what is cast or going into battle with a pre-prepared order of spells to fire, Summoning and fading calls, Creating teporary spells, handing them to others, and giving them a delayed boost to be cast at no cost on a specific later round
Missile - Facility Director
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
Attacking other battlespaces, High-damage AOEs that can only be used on an infrequent basis, Hard-to-dodge attacks
Pistol - Cowboy
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
Synergy with Gunslinging, Trick attacks with unusual functions, quick-draw, first-attack with Guns
Rifle - Sniper
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
High-damage single-target critical hits, Ranged attacks with setup, Hitting hard-to-hit targets
Shotgun - Rancher
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
AOE Ranged, Improved Point-Blank, Bonus versus Animals, Ranged attack based stun
Speargun - Diver
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
Anti-aquatic, Synergy with Spears, Avoiding terrain-based or zonal restrictions on attacking
Spray - Exterminator
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
AOE attacks, 'Sticky' Damage that keeps hitting, Poison, Dissolving, Burning, Critical Boosts, Bonuses against specific subtypes, Bonuses against Units and Summons
Wave Emitter - Broadcaster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
Undodgeable, defense-piercing attacks, Escalating negative status effects that get worse with prolonged exposure, Stat Damage
Zapper - Bughunter
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Gun
Anti-insect, Anti-coded-being, Eliminating things that infest stuff, Hitting once to lock on and then continuing to damage targets with a connected beam, Lock-on based healing/augmentation that heals/amps more the longer you heal or amp the same targets, To-hit bonuses and auto-hitting, Attacking quickly, Preemptive counters
Instrument Derivatives
Bell - Choirmaster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Instrument
Healing, Magical support, Bonuses versus deity-disfavored subtypes, Amplifying the effect of existing magic, Cleansing the field of effects, Mixing divine magic with Bardic Music
Brass Instrument - Marcher
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Instrument
Coordinating allies, Attacks that buff allies, Manipulating the turn order of battle participants, Avoiding or ignoring negative status effects while fighting
Deck - Recordmaster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Instrument
Recording others' actions and playing them back with modifications, Activating spells as though someone else where doing it
Keyboard Instrument - Organist
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Instrument
AOE status effects, both positive and negative, AOE Heals, AOE buffs and debuffs
Microphone - Singer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Instrument
Increasing AOE size, Making actions harder to counter, Bardic Music boosts, Repeating Bardic Music actions as a lower-cost encore
Percussion Instrument - Drummer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Instrument
Magical attacks that stun, Attacks that briefly amp allies, Attacks that serve to punctuate a series of other things by delivering a heightened version of the thing that keeps happening
Shellhorn - Seacaller
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Instrument
Summoning and buffing Aquatics, Drowning, Zonal effects, Clearing/sweeping effects, Ranged and Magic AOEs, Pushing/pulling targets through Zones, Bardic + Ocean Magic synergy
Songsphere - Astral Orchestrist
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Instrument
Darkspawn-pacification, Astral Magic, Celestial Magic, and Forbidden Magic synergy
String Instrument - Maestro
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Instrument
Finesse with magical effects, Mixing spells cast to timing to boost them and add additional effects to increasingly-complex performances
Tongue - Voice-Stealer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Instrument
Counting actions as being performed by others, Impaired: Silence, Getting around being silenced, Drain, Fading Call effects, Ocean Magic synergy
Whistle - Kennelmaster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Instrument
Summons, Replicating actions of Enemies, Giving allies bonus actions, Sending a signal to move into formation as part of a spell or action
Wind Instrument - Virtuoso
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Instrument
Clearing opposing effects, Setting your own effects up in ways that are harder to clear, Building edge in number of relevant number of abilities used in an action to bear to outclass an opponent via breadth of class-relevant skill
Knife Derivatives
Dagger - Killer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Knife
Critical hits from stealth, Striking single targets for high damage spike followed by bleed damage-over-time, Bonuses for killing different targets / setting up kill streaks
Katar - Battle-Dancer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Knife
Movement mid-battle, Dual-wielding, Synergy with both Monk and Dancer
Kunai - Typhoon
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Knife
Giving knives Ranged Attack bonuses, Throwing Weapon synergy, Cloning weapons and mass attacking, Turning weapons into Flat Damage consumables, Dodge-boosting and/or battlefield escape after hitting with an attack
Machete - Trailblazer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Knife
Anti-Plant, Shield side-effects for allies to a limited extent while in front, Selective pruning of effects attached to Zones/Terrain to only hit some targets
Pocketknife - Problem Solver
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Knife
Having lots of minor effects on one item, Many weak action options, A wide tool box that is shallow in terms of the power of any individual trick, Minor synergy with lots of skill sets, Particular synergy with Tool
Razor - Barber-Surgeon
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Knife
Wounded, Critical Hits, Spending actions to boost To Hit and Critical, Trimming buffs off of targets, Bonus to healing allies
Ritual Blade - Cultist
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Knife
Mixing Magical and Melee, Casting spells upon killing targets, Bonuses for sacrificing enemies, Limited-use/scope ally-sacrifice-for-effect, Drain-on-death, MP Damage/Drain
Sai - Silencer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Knife
Attacking from stealth, Impaired and its sub-status effects, Ninjutsu synergy
Scalpel - Surgeon
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Knife
Healing, Drain on behalf of others, Scanning attacks, Wounded and its sub-status effects, Inflicting status effects but staunching them temporarily, Bio-Horror synergy
Stake - Monster-Hunter
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Knife
Anti-Undead, Anti-Lower-Planar, Anti-Monster, Anti-subtype hits in general, Resurrection prevention, Pinning targets in place, Special effects and Instant Death on Crit, Low damage against inappropriate targets (can vary by specific weapon)
Stungun - Disabler
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Knife
Stunning targets, nonlethal attacks, dealing enough percentile damage to a target relative to its Max HP and then converting that into turning its abilities off
Switchblade - Criminal
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Knife
Counterattacks, Responding to being scanned in a hostile manner, Thief Arts synergy, Hard-to-evade-or-counter attacks, Fast-attack/surprise, Mode-switching weapons
Syringe - Parasite
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Knife
Drain, Leeching effects, Taking elements and powers, Transferring effects, Synergy with Healer and with Vermin Lord
Mace Derivatives
Bat - Slugger
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Mace
Trading power and accuracy in your attacks at your discretion, Hitting targets to other rows or battlefields, Meeting goals to trigger a 'run the bases' effect and super-boost yourself or your team, Possibly-unexpectedly-good magitech synergy
Censer - Exorcist
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Mace
AOE beneficial effects, Smite attacks, Smites that spread AOE-debuffs or anti-debuff-creation-lockdown to teams of those hit, Blocking hostile environmental effects, Unsummoning, Undoing possession
Club - Caveman
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Mace
Forcing enemy effects to be simpler, penalizing opponents from having too much laid on them, setting up superstitions that block what you benefit from to prevent foes from benefitting from it, hit-for-stun, bonuses versus Reptiles
Crowbar - Prowler
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Mace
Breaching defenses, Forcing battlespace entry to enemy-occupied battlespaces, Theft-boosting, Stun - particularly upon exiting stealth, Low-accuracy-high-damage attacks, Dislodging guarding enemies through multi-turn actions, Bonuses against Aliens and Undead
Flail - Flagellant
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Mace
Harming self to give self or allies buffs, Bonuses against favored subtypes or individuals with different patron deities, Divine/Holy magic cast on hit, Become stronger as HP and stats dip or negative effects are accumulated
Gavel - Judge
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Mace
Imposition of restrictions, Battlefield control, Litigamancy synergy, Status effects that lock enemies down (particularly Entombed: Incarcerated)
Greatmaul - Warsmith
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Mace
Improving gear mid-battle in response to things, Attacks that harden opponent defenses but make them slower or harder to customize, Attacks that construct summons chase
Morningstar - Warpriest
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Mace
Devotion to a Patron Deity, Channeling a deity's preferred magic types, Divine Magic synergy, Alternate branches for synergizing with holy effects vs synergizing with unholy effects, Improving one's armor to defend against things that normally pierce armor or to work better with buffs, Mid-combat healing
Nunchaku - Martial Artist
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Mace
Multi-hit melee attacks, Synergy with Monk and Combatant
Swatter - Bug-Buster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Mace
Anti-Insect, Getting rid of small/annoying-but-hard-to-hit targets, Anti-subtype effects
Tonfa - Traditional Combatant
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Mace
Working with Martial Arts, Reliable hits, Stun
Torch - Pyromaniac
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Mace
Burning, Damage over time, Hits that ignore defense to stick problems on something, Harming opponents to cleanse allies effects that are sourced from the damaged opponents
Truncheon - Constable
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Mace
Stun hits, Attacks that have high chances of imposing limited-duration negative status effects that allies can then extend, Attack post-scan, Cooperative attacks
Polearm Derivatives
Cue - Shark
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Ricocheting effects that work better as they bounce between targets, Setting up better hits later, Moving targets, Doing poorly for a while and then suddenly ramping up power, danger, and skill
Fork - Gourmand
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Drain attacks, leeching effects from opponents, subtree synergy with Burning, Mixes Fire and Candy
Golf Club - Golfer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Stun, Knocking targets into other rows/battlespaces, Messing up formations, Triggering dangerous consumables without your side being hit by them, Accuracy boosts, Bonuses for defeating things quickly / with fewer actions
Greatspear - Spearman
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Heavy-damage single-target piercing attacks, Whirlwind attacks that hit a bunch of enemies but may catch allies, Formation-breaking and Stance-breaking attacks, Anti-mount/vehicle/transformation
Harpoon - Whaler
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Better attacks against larger opponents, Working in coordination with allies to bring down big targets, Hitting things to stick to them as they move between battlespaces, Bonuses versus Aquatics
Hookblade - Billman
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Grabbing and moving targets, Harming targets that resist repositioning, Forcing damaged targets out of the way, Attacking over/around allies, Dredgehook synergy, Poleaxe/Spear/Naginata synergy
Javelin - Athlete
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Turning non-ranged weapons into ranged ones, Hitting hard-to-hit targets, STR/DEX/CON stat improvement while fighting
Lance - Jouster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Attacking while in a transformation, Moving forward and attacking for extra damage, Synergy with Spear
Mancatcher - Bounty Hunter
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Locking down enemies and getting benefits the longer they are locked down, Putting targets in prone position for allies to attack, non-death battle victory conditions based around capturing targets, Nonlethal attacks
Naginata - Sohei
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Using Sword Arts with Polearms, Divine Magic synergy, Stances for different armor pairings, Using both Spear and Sword techniques, Elemental combat techniques
Oar - Rower
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Vessel synergy, Stun, Making transformations faster, Rhythm-based combos with other Oar-wielding allies
Pole - Prodder
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Pushing targets between rows, Forcing awkward movement, Disrupting formations, Preventing being pushed and maintaining stability, Attacking across rows
Poleaxe - Harbinger
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Hexed, Negative effects on arrival, boosted if you hit the targets during the timeframe they are up, Letting allies follow up with chasers, Synergy with Axe
Polehammer - Ruinbreaker
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
AOE effects that break effects and make it take a bit before they can be set up again, low-accuracy-and-high-damage, two-handed attacks, Battlefield-warping hits, Synergy with Mace and Hammer
Signpost - Emblem-Knight
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Counters, Redirecting effects, Stopping or delaying things, Causing percentile chances of action-failure, Opening routes to other battlespaces, Manipulating turn-order while hitting things
Spear - Lancer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm. Previously a T1 Base subtype.
Two-handed weapons, Defense piercing, Increased Critical, Moving forward while attacking (the literal 'Charge' action), Synergizes with Steeds, Synergizes with Dragoon
Sportstick - Goaltender
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Blocking attacks, Knocking targets and items around, Moving quickly, Intercepting or avoiding interception, Accuracy bonuses
Twinblade - Battlemaster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Polearm
Chains of attacks, hitting multiple times with different elements or effects, rotating between weapon modes, Synergy with other weapon subtypes
Remote Derivatives
Army - Tactician
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Remote
Unit-summoning, Unit-synergy, Legionairre-synergy
Assault Matrix - Matrix Keeper
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Remote. Previously a T1 Base subtype.
Using MIN to power ranged attacks, attacks that can't be dodged, AOE ranged attacks
Biopod - Genesculptor
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Remote
Attacks counting as coming from particular subtypes (particularly Bio-Horrors), Summoning, Infesting targets with things that explode into summons, Drain, Hard-to-counter actions
Corpse-Poppet - Reanimator
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Remote
Necromancy-synergy, Taking on the properties of dead opponents when attacking, Summoning, Mixes Undead and Golems, Puppet String and Toy synergy
Drone - Operative
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Remote
Attacking despite Confusion/Charm, Attacking with a separate To Hit/Critical, Attacking other battlespaces, Repeating actions, Flat Damage, Ignoring rows when attacking
Mind Pattern - Telepath
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Remote
Attaching pseudo-entities to targets that start taking actions against them each round that are hard to externally effect, MIN-to-attack, Psychic synergy, Scanning, Needing to have targets scanned to take full advantage of attacks
Satellite - Skywatcher
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Remote
Attacks with high lead time that deal extra damage to targets that don't move after they are called down, High-damage AOEs, Devastating attacks that wreck terrain / reshape the battlefield / cause mass destruction that can be switched to single-target pinpoint fire if the individual target has been scanned well enough
Siege Weaponry - Siegemaster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Remote. Previously a T2 Nonbase subtype.
High-damage ranged attacks, Two-handed ranged weapons, Special effects against Large Structures, Special attacks against Supermassive/Hypermassive targets, Reducing the number of weapon slots weapons take, Defense piercing, Auto-repeating ranged attacks, Synergy at different points with Bows, Guns, and various derivatives of both
Spell Diagram - Mage
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Remote
Repeatedly casting a spell, Summoning and having the summons deliver attacks, Setting up chains of contingent magic effects that key off of each other while you escape somewhere else
Stage - Crossrealm Storyteller
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Remote. Previously a T2 Nonbase subtype.
Zone/Terrain/Battlespace manipulation, Attaching effects to Zones, Start-of-round effects, Summoning, Protection of wielder while summons are present, Protection of user for periods of time, Row-order-formation manipulation
Toy - Toymaker
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Remote
Autonomous attacks that repeat each round, Melee and Ranged attacks that use Mind or Spirit, Golem summons, Counting as having additional allies, Synergizes with Rune Magic
Scythe Derivatives
Dredgehook - Gaffer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Scythe
Pulling targets into melee, Locking targets in place (preventing movement and dodge), Forcibly dunking targets into hostile environmental zones, Anti-Aquatic
Grimscythe - Psychopomp
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Scythe
Bonuses based on targets killed, Instant Death, Killing opponents to bring allies back, Cycling life and death, Drain, Necromancy synergy
Fieldscythe - Autumnlander
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Scythe
Druid Magic synergy, Setting up future rounds on which life-steal is possible and damage is boosted, Boosting core Scythe proficiencies
Hand-Hook - Pirate
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Scythe
Wounded, Shifting the elemental damage type of moderate negative effects, Confusion: Fear, Repositioning targets, activating a second lower-damage attack after an initial hit with a different weapon
Hellscythe - Dreadlord
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Scythe
Lower-planar-subtype synergy, Demon Magic synergy, Smite against traditionally smite-proof targets, Staying up past death so long as kills keep coming in, Negative status effects on hit, Confusion: Fear
Kama - Kunoichi
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Scythe
Surprise-hit for negative status effect, Strikes that weaken targets / reduce stats / stat-damage-via-melee
Kusari-Gama - Lone Agent
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Scythe
Boosts To Hit and Critical while fighting alone, Stealth attacks, Wounding/tripping/stunning/negative effects, Disarm maneuvers
Crescent-Moon Scythe - Astral Watcher
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Scythe
Guarding battlespaces, Astral Magic synergy, Ethereal Magic synergy, Affinity and antagonism towards both Illusion and Divination
Sickle - Harvester
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Scythe
Taking resources from targets, Using carried items to effect hits, Minor negative status effects for opponents and minor positive ones for allies, Boosting casting temporarily
Switchscythe - Harvestman
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Scythe
Mode-switching weapons that generally have a more-damaging mode and a an alternate (with the alternate having a range of possibilities from 'more precision' to 'boosts spells' to other things)
Warscythe - Shinigami
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Scythe
Heavy damage crits, Instant Death on scanned targets, Hard-to-reverse negative hits (particularly while you are still up and around), Tracking opponents that gets better the longer they fail to escape battle
Shield Derivatives
Alchemy-Satchel - Admixturist
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Shield
Alchemy synergy, Flask and Explosive synergy, Defending against specific debuffs or negative status effects, adding effects to spells cast, AOE-immunizing allies to effects
Banner - Marshall
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Shield
Formations, Boosting allies passively, Raising allied morale/stats with successful attacks or holding positions long enough, Healing/restoring MP with guard actions, Directing allies, Summoning, Boosting summons, Preventing allies from being charmed or controlled
Basilisk Emblem - Noetic Gorgon
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Shield. Previously a T2 Nonbase subtype.
Stat Damage (Particularly MIN Damage), Removal of Constant Effects / Abilities, Lockdown, Negative Status Effects (Particularly Paralyzed/Petrification/Confusion/Insanity), Effects upon being scanned/targeted, Counters, Effects that trigger at the start of each round
Buckler - Rodelero
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Shield
Agile defense, Dodge-boosting, throwing Shields to boost Ranged Attack, Combines with Wheel
Cannon-Shield - Landhawk-Rider
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Shield
Boosts when with Landhawks, Ranged Stun, Defense and Ranged Attack, Point Blank, Ranged Overdrive
Digi-Ice - Sysadmin
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Shield
Anti-Coded-Being, Defending against Tech-stuff while protecting Construct allies, Anti-debuff shielding, counters against being scanned or having your stuff messed with, little defense against traditional effects
Domefield - Municipal Overseer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Shield
Guarding allies, Defenses that build while stationary, 'Pulsing' defenses in a manner that drops them for a round to do AOE Flat Damage or negative effects, Guarding areas, Blocking battlefield entry
Icon - Abbot
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Shield
Magical Attack and AOE protection, Prevention of possession and negative status effects, Protections against summons, Prevention of buff-loss, Keeping positive status effects from expiring
Kite - Knight
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Shield
Attacking while also defending, Balancing offense and defense (using each to augment the other), Guarding particular individual allies (even if in same row)
Mindfocus - Thoughtwarden
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Shield
MIN-to-Defend, Defense, Psychic synergy, Defense against Stat Damage (Particularly MIN), Stat Drain Immunity, Remaining in peak condition
Mirror - Mirror-Dweller
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Shield
Reflecting things, replicating things, Synergy with Shapeshifters, Fae, Moon, Illusion, and Dopple, but can also scan and break illusion effects, Good for both channeling holy power and summoning Living Rumors
Orbital - Spherefighter
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Shield
Ranged Attack + Defend, Defenses that activate in a rotating pattern, Counterattacks, Increasing Resistances and granting short-duration Immunities
Spellshield - Shieldmage
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Shield
Defense against magic, Blocking particular spells or effects-from-spells, Protection against specifically-technology or specifically-melee or specifically-ranged, Synergy with defensive buffs, Synergy with Wards and Auras
Tower - Fortress
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Shield
Boosting wielder Defense, HP, and Resilience, Becoming unable to be pierced, Becoming unable to be moved, Interdicting attacks, Being in the front row and guarding the back
Umbrella - Investigator
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Shield
Attacking while shielded, Protection from Zones, Protection from counterattacks, Attacking from surprise, Attacking to scan, Scans in general, Bonuses versus scanned targets, Bonuses against targets that haven't scanned you
Staff Derivatives
Bailartix - Soldreidrethanoi
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Staff. Previously a T1 Base Subtype.
Using Mind or Spirit with Ranged Attacks, Auto-repeating attacks, Buff/debuff-transferring attacks, Bridging Staff and Drone
Broom - Delivery-Witch
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Staff
Using speed to attack, Transferring effects, Trading items, Bonuses to delivered items, Adding spells to 'Trade' actions, AOE magic-powered melee, Avoiding zones
Cane - Teacher
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Staff
Low-impact actions that buff allies, Compensating for being weakened, Benefits against opponents that have been scanned for a long while, Disciplining inappropriate ally actions and negating or altering them
Control Rod - System-Sage
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Staff
Synergizing spellcasting with technology, Establishing control over regions (particularly artificial battlespaces), Preventing loss of control of regions/summons, Reducing backlash from utilizing things with downsides, Normalizing highly-randomized parameters, Coded Being synergy
Crook - Shepherd
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Staff
Healing, Low-damage attacks that switch targets to your side sometimes, Controlling summons, Moving targets, Moving allies, Formations, Giving allies (particularly summons) bonus actions, Counters when allies are attacked / targeted
Crozier - Bishop
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Staff
Channeling divine magic through melee attacks, Scan on hit, Stopping hexes/curses, Locking down the ability of targets to inflict negative status effects, Unsummoning
Geostave - Landkeeper
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Staff
Terrain-based effects, Wealth-based effects, Mixes Druid with Treasure synergy-wise, Draws power from other geomantic effects to boost spells and attack techniques
Lampstaff - Lamplighter
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Staff
Burning, scanning, aura effects, summon synergy, adding positive or ally-protective effects to zones, creating bubbles of safety with danger outside
Magestaff - Practitioner
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Staff
Improving spellcasting, Graning new effects to spells, expanding magic AOEs, Regenerating MP, MP Drain attacks
Necrostaff - Bone-Collector
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Staff
Necromancy synergy, Undead synergy, Drain, Voidstruck, Establishing hostile fields that degrade non-Undead every round and bolster Undead as other things collapse, Scavenging effects from the dead to temporarily empower the weapon
Quarterstaff - Elder
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Staff
Ignoring negative effects on you, Low-damage attacks that teach allies new temporary abilities or give allies buffs, Melee and Magical Stun
Rootstaff - Gardener
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Staff
Effects that remotely ensnare targets that are hard to counter, Plant boosts, Charming Plants, AOE status effects, Plant summoning, Geomancy synergy, Druid Magic synergy, Works well with Geostave
Shroomstaff - Sporemother
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Staff
Negative status efects, Bursts of negative status effects or debuffs to targets' allies after hitting targets, Damage or Flat-Damage Clouds on miss, Plant/Fungus summons, Heavy cross-synergy with Rootstaff
Sword Derivatives
Bayonet - Infantryman
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Sword
Converting ranged weapons into melee, Very bad on its own - meant to primarily be equipped alongside a Gun to extend or alter the Gun's properties, Good at being equippable as a Weaponx0
Beamsword - Starknight
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Sword
AGI-melee, Defense piercing, Mixing swords with tech, Critical hits disarming / lopping off effects, Mixes well with Monk
Curved Blade - Dervish
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Sword
AOE melee, Melee boosted by positive status effects, Melee boosted by divine magic, Melee plus movement
Dueling Blade - Fencer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Sword
Rapid attacks, multi-attack, dodging while attacking, counter-attacks, moving while attacking
Eastern Blade - Samurai
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Sword
Upgraded Sword Arts synergy, Critical hits, Consuming ongoing effects (positive on self or negative on opponent) to boost melee or proc special effects
Enlightened Blade - Cultivator
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Sword
Pulls personal growth into weapons and develops them alongside their wielder
Greatsword - Dreadknight
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Sword
Powerful, mono-element hits, Sweeping melee attacks, Sacrifice HP for boosted attack, Improved attacks by wielding in multiple slots
Poker - Firetender
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Sword
Anti-Elemental or Elemental-buffing, Pain, Wounded, Ending effects and rekindling them later (both by striking things), Fire synergy
Soulblade - Templar
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Sword
Spirit to Melee, Mixes well with Paladin, Positive ongoing effects on self spread to team while smiting enemies, Specified smite effects
Straightsword - Yuusha
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Sword
Elemental sword attacks, Mixing melee, healing, and magic to hold a multipurpose role, Cast on single-target hit
Swordgun - Buster Agent
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Sword
Extending swords to ranged, Attacking some opponents with one melee thing, then others with a ranged, self-chasers on the same enemy; It focuses on blending melee with ranged and follow-up attacks that chain the two types of actions together.
Truecrystal Blade - Warmind
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Sword
Using MIN with swords, Mixing swords and Psychic Powers, Melee that scans or that improves with scans on targets
Throwing Weapon Derivatives
Ball - Juggler
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Throwing Weapon
Cycling what weapons are equipped, wielding too many weapons at once, attacking with unequipped weapons, transmitting enhancements between weapons
Boomerang - Whirler
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Throwing Weapon
Repeating attacks, attacks that try again if they miss, attacks that cycle between targets or bounce, Equipping weapons while other weapons are off doing things
Caltrop - Scoundrel
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Throwing Weapon
Weak direct attacks, Strong delayed counters, Defensive effects on prepped pre-emptive counters, Can cause opposing action failure with setup, Battlespace movement prevention, Anti-counter counters
Dart - Hornet
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Throwing Weapon
Multi-hit ranged, Wearing down resistances to status effects by trying to inflict them a bunch of times, making status effects harder to recover from after they are recovered from multiple times, stacking minor negative status effects more often than they can normally be stacked
Dice - High Roller
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Throwing Weapon
Attacks that roll random bonus results from tables, Attacks that have random effects, luck-manipulation, Hexed/Favored, To Hit/Critical/Dodge/Resilience manipulation
Explosive - Bomber
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Throwing Weapon
AOE Ranged Attacks, Ranged Attacks with time delay, Setting up high-damage future effects that require opponents to take action to disable them, Chain-reaction effects and attacks, Blowing up zonal/terrain effects
Flask - Brewer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Throwing Weapon
Dissolving, Poison, Disease, Negative status effects and variants on them, Alchemy Synergy, Splash damage for partial harm, Damage-on-miss
Needle - Acupuncturist
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Throwing Weapon
Hits that disable the ability to inflict specific things, Ranged attacks that apply debuffs, Slowing opponents or making them more vulnerable, Lowering Resilience over time to finish things with a crit with effects tacked on, Attacks that buff allies while debuffing opponents
Net - Poacher
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Throwing Weapon
Locking down an enemy so that allies can pour hits/critical/negative effects onto it, Exposing enemy weak points, Non-damaging attacks
Orb - Magus
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Throwing Weapon. Previously a T1 Base subtype.
Magic boosting, To Hit increases, Moderate status effects, Synergizes with some major subtrees of Wizard
Seed - Sower
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Throwing Weapon
Plant summoning, Drain, Linking to opponents to leech their values, Lock-down effects, Paralysis, Wood-synergy
Shuriken - Shinobi
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Throwing Weapon
Delivering negative status effects, Hard-to-counter ranged attacks, attacking from stealth, making self unscanned by hit opponents, Ninjutsu synergy
Swarm- Hivemaster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Throwing Weapon
Throwing swarms of things. Attacks counting as coming from particular subtypes (particularly Insects). Vermin Master synergy. Unit synergy. Repeating attacks.
Vajra - Destroyer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Throwing Weapon
Using Spirit for Ranged Attacks, destroying effects, unsummoning, destruction that leaves open the opportunity to replace it with similar, but better (or at least more allied) things
Wheel - Discobolus
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Throwing Weapon
ATtacks that move from one target to another, increasing in power upon repeated success, Boosting ranged with STR, Gaining Fame and buffs for success
Tool Derivatives
Brush - Painter
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Changing target elements/subtypes/weaknesses/resistances, Attacks that summon, Replicating effects, Customizable buffs and debuffs
Drill - Tunneler
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Defense Piercing, Critical boosting, Defense/stat/max-HP erosion, and high-damage melee
Farmtool- Farmer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Plant summoning and boosting, Hitting targets to grow effects from them that leave them locked in place while producing things that either harm enemies or benefit your allies, Drowning synergy, Teapot Synergy
Grinder - Polisher
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Low-damage hits that accumulate side-effects over time, Pain, Refining effects (positive or negative), Grinding away at enemy values
Hammer - Crusher
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool. Previously a T1 Base subtype.
Destroying items, Reducing target defense/stats, Buff destruction, High-damage melee attacks, Stun/knockback
Kitchenware - Cuisinier
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Chef synergy, Stun, Moderate status effects
Nailgun - Friendly Neighborhood Murderman
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Sticking things either together or in-place, Linking values, Pain, Scan-obstruction, Murder Arts Synergy
Office Supply - Manager
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Attaching effects to things or sticking things together, Boosting allies, Leadership bonuses, Bonus actions for others - particularly lower-Level or summoned individuals, Creating wide negative effects that impact both allies and opponents until someone meets a conditional, Making decisions for others
Pliers - Adjustor
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Tweaking values or effects, Pain, Switching things between modes, Buffing Construct allies, Removing sticky effects
Plunger - Plumber
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Has three main paths, one of which is a 'straight, honest plumber' path that includes zone-repairing effects, anti-drowning effects, anti-negative status effects, and Battleboot/Battleglove/Combat Arts synergy, one of which is the 'sleazy, money-grubbing plumber' path that sets up effects that force a regular tax or collapse on opponents, increases stealth, and applies negative effects and then fixes them later at the cost of Gold Drain or Charm, and one of which is the 'mad doom-plumber' path that sets up damaging zones, creates zones that recurringly spray negative effects until someone performs a sometimes-complex repair procedure, that befouls zones to prevent their positive effects from applying, and has Drowning/Chaos Magic/hippopotamus synergy
Saw - Carpenter
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Wounded, Cutting through defenses by taking multiple sequential actions, Slot-loss
Scissors - Seamstress
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Cutting away restrictions, Improving armor while attacking, cutting off enemy defenses to later add to allies, Wounded, Cutting up magical effects
Screwdriver - Tinker
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Altering Constructs, Altering effects on Zones, Making effects mobile or locking them down, Adjusting items, Attacks that debuff items rather than entities
Scrubber - Maid
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Removing debuffs, Reducing enemy defense, Cleaning up field effects, Making hard-to-remove effects easier to remove, Healing and positive status effects
Shovel - Gravedigger
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Messing with or preserving corpses, Undead and Necromancy synergy, Stun and (low-odds) Instant Death, Has an 'Excavator' subtree that focuses on returning removed stuff to battle once it crosses its T2 threshold
Techno-Tool - Gizmologist
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Synergy with other high-tech things, Synergy with Magical Tools, Employing non-combat functions of items in combat-effective ways, Manipulating the structure of an area's mana patterns
Vaccuum - Syphoner
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Drain, Syphoning effects, Transferring effects, Theft, Effect Loss, Clearing Buffs and Debuffs, Clearing Zones, Unsummoning (with regen based on what gets unsummoned)
Wrench - Handyman
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Tool
Fixing damaged things, Forcing targets from one state to another, Activating zonal damage effects / zonal floods that spill from one row to another
Wand Derivatives
Baton - Conductor
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand
Granting allies bonus actions, Granting allies bonuses, Teamwork attacks, Bardic Music synergy, Dance synergy (to a lesser extent), Controlling enemy actions, Redirecting effects, has a subtree for passing on buffs/positive status effects/ownership
Bouquet - Florist
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand
Plant synergy, Wedding Dress synergy, Linking values, Positive status effects, Aura boosts for allies when wielded, has a subtree for passing off buffs/debuffs/status effects
Branch - Seasontender
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand
Rootstaff/Bouquet/Druid Magic synergy, Season-control, Bolstering allied Plants while harming enemy ones, Plant summoning and control, Blending melee and magic with more focus on non-offensive aspects of the magic portion
Bubbleblower - Summerling
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand
Switching between Ranged and Magic depending on what is more useful at the time, Temporary effects that can pop dangerously unless an opponent pops them in a safe manner first, Temporary low-HP summons, Punishing opponents for breaking your effects
Candle - Deepkeeper
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand
Burning, Auras, Zonal Protection, Shortening effect durations
Effigy - Tormenter
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand
Weapons that have to be linked to a target, but them gain a specialized array of debilitating effects/attacks to throw at the linked individual
Fan - Adviser
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand. Previously a T1 Base subtype.
Ally buffing, Unit summoning / control / buffing, Alternate row-order formations, Battlefield repositioning, Stun, Some attack deflection
Implement - Invoker
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand
Improving specific spell categories, Activating special Techniques with additional conditionals, Drawing the true power out of things
Lolly - Super-Sweet Battle-Confectioner
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand
Candy synergy, Attacks that apply positive effects that can then be exploited, Positive effects and heals for allied individuals
Magical Tool - Magitechnician
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand
Changing attacks into other effects that aren't standard attacks, Utilizing things that aren't meant to be attacking to perform attacks, Forcing negative status effects out of conditionals, Synergy with Mahou Shojou
Megaphone - Announcer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand
Hard-to-counter effects that counter enemy effects, Interrupting actions, Leadership synergy, Large AOEs
Quill - Scrivener
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand
Book synergy, Spellcasting, Altering spells, Summons, Changing effect ownership or details, Editing Book items, Magic Being synergy, Aerial synergy
Scepter - Metamagician
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand
Modifying spell effects, Expending alternate resources to modifying casting (or the parameters of already-existing effects), Sacrificing a weapon slot to a more support-oriented item that works poorly as a main weapon but works unusually well at supplementing actions when it is in the off-hand dual-wielded with something else
Snap-Stick - Bonetwister
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand
Wounded and Stat Drain Sub-status effects, Linking to targets and breaking them down, Attacks that maim more so than immediately kill (but set up impending death and aren't particularly 'nonlethal' or friendly)
Spellwand - Witch
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand
Casting specific subgroups of spells (on a per-weapon or per-ability basis) for free, Improving spellcasting, Equipping more spells
Spoon - Wonderbaker
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Wand
Improving Food effects, Merging Culinary Arts with magic - particularly Transmutation, Enchantment, and general witchcraft, Multiplying foodstuffs, Drain, Making targets edible, Lolly synergy, Candy synergy, Fork synergy
Whip Derivatives
Bladesash - Threadmaster
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Hard-to-disarm weapons, Snaring up opponents in effects, Layered sticky problems stacked on a single target that hurt to remove but also tie up the wielder's options
Burrower-Whip - Infestationist
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Insect and Cthonian bonuses, Attacks that hit targets and stick in them auto-re-hitting, Accumulating stacks of negative effects on a target until a repeated attack action gets super-boosted for a kill-shot
Cat-O-Nine-Tails - Torturer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Pain, Debilitating effects, stacking negative status effects and debuffs, Punishing actions in a manner that causes repeated attempts to gain a failure chance
Chain - Biker
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Stun/disable/vex targets, STR+AGI, Weapons that slot into and improve Transformations when mode is shifted
Crop - Jockey
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Speed, Short-range on attacks, Attacks that are better against allies than opponents, Prompting Steeds to function better at the cost of HP or other injuries, Boosting allies temporarily with a later crash if you can't win fast enough
Flying Blade - Guillotine-Master
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Hit-crit-but-low-to-hit Whip attacks, hits that bring a target to position and kill it if it moves, breaking the weapon to do an AOE-Crit
Hookrod - Angler
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Bonuses versus Aquatics, Luring targets into position, Dragging targets to given areas, Hitting things to make them easier for allies to hit, Starting with Agility (or sometimes Mind) to hit, then following it up with Strength for added effects
Hose - Fireman
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Suppressing negative zonal effects, Cleaning up areas, Blasts that stun targets - particularly when first used, Suppressing the ability of things to spread, Fixing hazards without being exposed to them, Entering battle with initial protections if brought in mid-battle to a hostile enviornment, Turning Whip effects ranged, Scrubber synergy
Kedama - Bouncer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Moving while attacking, Boosting Dodge and losing To Hit as you hit things, Boosting To Hit and losing Dodge as you Dodge things, AOE AGI-melee
Lash - Slaver
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Doubling down on the core focuses of Whip, Punishing ally failure to make future actions work better, Gaining control of targets, Anti-Human, Anti-Humanoid
Lasso - Cowgirl
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Non-damaging attacks, Paralysis, Moving enemies and allies around, Altering enemy turn-order, Stun/action-lock
Meteor Hammer - Breaker
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Bringing Strength back into Whip attacks, Smashing Zonal effects and defensive effects, Stun attacks, AOE heavy melee damage from range
Puppet Strings - Puppeteer
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Control/Charm/action-manipulation, Giving allies actions, Giving enemies actions that you control, AOE attacks, Paralysis, Hexed, Summon command/boosting, Attacks that ignore row-bonuses, Synergy with Rune Magic
Snap-Trap - Trapper
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Trap boosts, Debilitating opponent movement, Locking targets in place to be hit, Wounded sub-status effects
Tendril - Wretchlord
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Darkspawn and Forbidden Magic synergy, Bio-Horror and Biomancy synergy, Mutant synergy, Transmutation synergy, Drain, Grapple, Devouring targets, Inflicting variant status effects, Dividing on being hurt, Regeneration, Corrupting targets, Mutation synergy, Turning negative transmutation effects into positives
Thornvine - Exquisite Courtier
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Plant and Fae synergy, Glamour, Illusion, Druid Magic synergy, Charm, Building damage on targets until they drop defenses to negative status effects, Amplifying pain against noncompliant targets, Forcing ally obedience, Hiding offensive intentions, Law-like politeness that only binds the user until the mask is dropped but is effective in binding opponents with Litigamancy-type effects up until that point (and can exchange them for punishments afterwards)
Wire - Strangler
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Suffocation, Paralyzed, Auto-hitting after hitting once, Continuous Damage, Damage-upon-acting
Yoyo - Trick Master
T1 Nonbase Weapon Derivative of Whip
Stacking numerous Techniques onto one attack, Using multiple stances, Combining effects together for complex actions, Melee Attacks that work at a range and use Agility
Tier 1 Imaginary:
Mechahead - Chimeric Headhunter
T1 Nonbase Imaginary Weapon
Sticking robot heads on yourself that give you more subtypes and the actions of beings from the Enemy List, Bonus actions
Swordfish - <In Elemental Researcher, for now>
T1 Nonbase Imaginary Weapon
It's a Sword! It's a Fish! It benefits from lots of different class trees but doesn't have much of its own!
Throatball (2) - <In Elemental Researcher, for now>
T1 Nonbase Imaginary Weapon
Putting on threatening displays and then punishing actions with a big counterattack
Tier 2 Nonbase:
Tier 2 Imaginary:
Confusion (3)- <In Elemental Researcher, for now> (Coordinator Irrelevant)
Confusion (3) is a T2 Imaginary nonbase Weapon subtype. Instead of powering up the weapon Confusion (3), most of its abilities power up the element Confusion (2), except for a few that break the trend and focus on the weapon instead at random points. The weapons weren't by themselves, Imaginary, but there were abilities in the tree that make them become Imaginary (and the tree as a whole required the Imaginary Element sub-branch to get into), but now it is Imaginary, but the abilities still exist (in case it stops being Imaginary at some point). Its class, which is a subclass of Elemental Researcher for now, is Coordinator Irrelevant.
Forest- <In Elemental Researcher, for now>
Forest is a T2 Imaginary weapon subtype. It causes forests to pop up under opponents like spike traps, blocks attacks with massive sprouting trees, and causes entire forests worth of wood to come crashing down on opponents. A notable sub-tree focuses on using it to mass-summon Plants. It synergizes with Botanist and Geomancer.
Tier 3 Nonbase:
Clipboard - Reality Auditor
Mass scans, Information tabulation and manipulation, Reality-warping/alteration, Changing values/properties of things, Similar to Dreamshaper but more lawful/regimented style-wise
Weapon of Legend - Legend
Super-powerful weapons that require special permissions to use normally (and accessing said weapons without the specific permissions), Super-boosting weapons that also possess other subtypes, Empowering unique items
Re: Complete Subtype and Element List 2.0
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:04 pm
by Administrator
Aura - Auramancer
MIN/SPI/MP boosting, Magical attack boosting, AOE effects, Passive AOEs (both beneficial and harmful), Flat-Damage at start-of-round, Flat-damage upon-being-attacked
Body-Mod - Modificationist
Altering your stats, Sacrificing some areas or capabilities of your build to boost others in adjustable ways
Clothing - Diplomat
Charm, Ally boosts, General-purpose stat-increases, Giving allies actions
Disguise - Spy
Changing user element/subtype, Replicating and transforming into enemy-list entities, swapping places with individuals, entering other row-order formations, Scan-blocking
Grand Armor - Gigas Knight
Offense boosts, 'Charge' actions, Breaking through defenses / effects, Stun, High-defense armors that carry Agility pentalties (and reducing said penalties), Bonus HP, Occupying multiple spots in row-order
Heavy Armor - Guardian
Defense boosts, Resilience boosts, Guarding others, HP boosts, CON boosts, Reducing the effect of enemy attacks, Reducing the effect of debuffs
Light Armor - Protector
Mobile combat, Counter attacks, Defense boosts, reactive defense, AGI boosts, Melee and Ranged boosts
Power Armor - Power Trooper
Protection against zones/terrains/effects attached to them, Protection against AOEs, Technology-related synergies, Linking weapons (particularly guns) to armor, Extra HP and MP, Bonus pools of HP that refresh themselves, Special movement via Jump-Jet subtree
Robe - Seer
MP/SPI/MIN/Magical Attack bonuses, Improved spellcasting, Scans, Predicting enemy actions and setting up specific defenses to counter them
Ward - Inscriber
Resistances/Immunities/Reflection, Specialized defenses against particular subtypes, Adding defensive buffs to individuals, Applying Enhancements to items
Tier 1 Nonbase:
Aura Derivatives
Astrolabe - Astrologer
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Aura
Setting up spell effects and boosting your defense while they remain active, Getting more defense from friendly Zones and Phantom Terrain, Links to Astral Magic, Illusion, Divination, and Spatial Magic, Magical Attack boosts, Extending Seer attack-prediction to Auras if you also have Seer
Blaze - Pyroclast
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Aura
Flat Damage, Passive Damage, Offensive aura effects, Countering being hit by dealing Flat Damage and inflicting moderate negatives
Bubble - Seachild
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Aura
Super-brief ultra-high defense / damage negation / immunity, followed by the armor dropping and leaving the wearer exposed, Water/Aquatic/Acid synergy
Chaos Shroud - Anarchy's Raptor
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Aura. Previously a T2 nonbase armor subtype.
Armors with random values, offense on armors, Weird effects on armor, Variable armors, Chaos Talon synergy
Domain - Outer Huntsman
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Aura
Bringing a bubble of Planar terrain around with you that overrides local terrain and zonal effects, Both good when used by and weak against Outer Lords
Foam - Cauldron-Born
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Aura
Armors that get progressively bulkier, more obstructive to enemies, and more zone-overwhelming, forcing opponents to occasionally divert actions to specifically harming the armor and paring it back towards its initial state
Forcefield - Technocrat
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Aura
MIN-to-Defense, A secondary HP pool that regenerates but that temporarily takes the armor out while it is down, Status effect immunities while up, Defense boosts while up
Halo - Heaven-Sent
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Aura
Positive auras that boost and defend allies, Resistances and bonuses against Malevolent Planar entities, Awestruck, Divine Magic, Regeneration, MP Regen, Smite-counters
Limbdome - Grasping Tide
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Aura
Gaining tons of bonus slots and multi-hit rushing things while blocking counters but at the cost of self-control, Auto-counters that are a bit over-aggressive, Precision manipulating things in exchange for randomly manipulating others, Steal-as-defend, Preemptive counters
Swarmsphere - Entomologist
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Aura
Being screened by summons, Summoning Insects (particularly units thereof), Dodge based on the number of Insect summons you have, Counterattacks utilizing summons or groups of summons
Body-Mod Derivatives
Dermal Plating - Steel Centurion
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Body-Mod
Armor that cannot be altered/modified/affected by opponents, Surprise-armor, Pairing with other armors to equip them as something hidden under the skin, Upgrade synergy, Technology synergy, Resilience, Resistance to Crit-attached effects
Fitness Plan - Bodybuilder
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Body-Mod
Setting routines of actions and gaining benefits (particularly Defensive ones, but also stat-based ones) by regularly meeting goals, Becoming more defensive and fit as time progresses
Genehack - Evolutionist
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Body-Mod
Taking baseline enemy traits, then amping them selectively as active boosts, but with backlash and penalties that last a while when the boosts end, Shuffling penalties off to non-temporary pets and allies, Boosting/modifying allies, particularly Animals and Bio-Horrors
Hellheart - Malevolator
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Body-Mod
Gaining powers (particularly defenses and passives) appropriate to lower-planar beings, Declaring vengeance upon being attacked and gaining boosts for a bit (both offensive and defensive) in response, but suffering penalties unless you successfully defeat the attacker quickly, Pactmaker synergy
Infusion Formula - Essence Chemist
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Body-Mod
HP and MP boosts, Resistances, Element shifting, Flat Damage, Row-order-formation alteration, Synergy with Viscous Lord and Weirdworker
Oil - Grappler
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Body-Mod
Melee, Unarmed Technique and Fist Weapon synergy, Locking down opponents who attack you into a grapple that sucks up both of your actions until someone else intervenes (doing and/or taking slow damage in the process while preventing either grappler from taking actions)
Selfsmelt - Molten Forgebody
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Body-Mod
Taking actions to gradually rework yourself mid-battle to be more defensive against opponents, Burning, Going from a weak state to a 'heated up' state with lots of counters and Fire to a state that you hammer into being cooled, defensive, and hard, but unable to counter from, restarting the process with some effort
Shiftskin - Duramorph
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Body-Mod
Cherry-picking aspects of enemies to pick up, Gradually modifying capabilities as shifting through subtypes, Retaining aspects of Form stances that you shift out of, Changing between personal modes
Steroid - Bulkhulk
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Body-Mod
STR-boosts, Berserk, Melee, Crusher and Combatant synergy, High initial defenses that succumb over time to self-damage rather despite being resistant to outside harm
Supreme Attribute - Marvel
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Body-Mod
Previously a T2 nonbase armor subtype. Its class is Marvel. When equipped, a Supreme Attribute flows into its wielder, reshaping them to be optimized for a particular purpose. It can give birth to titans of rippling muscle, suave ladykillers, cute-as-a-button children, or really, really pointy triangles. It is a difficult armor type for most individuals to wield (or even interact with as an item), with Battle Arena Members and other such beings having an advantage in manipulating and utilizing it. It pairs well with Superpowers, Spy abilities, Shapeshifters, Monk abilities, and Forces.
Tattoo - Ink-Artisan
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Body-Mod
Scholar synergy, Various accessory synergies, Equipping large numbers of Armors and choosing which are active each round, Equipping additional Tattoo armors as weapons and accessories with roles altered based on what they get equipped as
Clothing Derivatives
Casualwear - Townsfolk
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Clothing
Weak defenses, Being overlooked by AOE effects, penalizing attackers who attack you if you haven't attacked them first if there are other, more-dangerous-appearing targets nearby, Retreating and getting help when attacked
Formalwear - Aristocrat
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Clothing
Strong-for-clothes but inflexible defenses, Bonuses when not sullied with negative status effects, Improved bonuses to allies and Charm effects, Bonuses against less-wealthy targets
High Fashion - Grand Couturier
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Clothing
Bizarre, niche effects that are usually useless but are sometimes extremely powerful in the right circumstance
Sanguine Garments - Crimson Courtier
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Clothing
Drain, Formalwear synergy, Nobility synergy, Undead synergy, Blood Magic synergy, Setting defensive area effects, Counterattack-drain as a defense
Sleepwear - Somnambulist Dreamlander
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Clothing
Defensive boosts while asleep, Prolonging being asleep, Falling asleep, Super-dodge while asleep, Evading apocalyptic effects in strange ways while asleep, Battlespace travel while asleep, auto-actions and counters while asleep
Streetwear - Trendsetter
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Clothing
Defensive effects that propagate, Mixing light-to-mid defense with counterattacks, Gaining control of zones through numbers (with buffs or similar attire required)
Swimwear - Swimmer
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Clothing
Bonuses in and around water, Drowning Resistance/Immunity, Speed boost in water, Aquatic synergy, Zonal defenses / swim through damage zones
Underwear - Stripper
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Clothing
Charm-boost, Dodge, Boosts for unequipping Accessories, Gold Drain
Wedding Dress - Bride
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Clothing
It focuses on boosting its wearer's combo moves, linking its wearer's stats to other individuals, and resisting the countering/undoing of positive effects. There is also a berserker-rage subtree.
Winterwear - Polar Traveler
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Clothing
Ice/Frozen Resistance, Environmental defenses, Light Armor synergy, Bonuses for not removing your armor or having it removed
Disguise Derivatives
Beastframe - Mauler
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Disguise
Previously a T2 nonbase armor subtype. Its class is Mauler. Being fitted into a beastframe gives the wearer powerful enhancements based on the inhabited monster-representation (tending to work better when actual combat trophies from powerful monsters are incorporated into the armor), but limits the wearer's breadth of performable actions, offering power at the cost of versatility.
Body-Double - Clonelord
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Disguise
Weakening your defenses but allowing you to come back a bunch of times after death (and preventing side-loss in battle the first few times), Replicating things, Dopple and Leadership synergy, Sacrificing defenses to temporarily become a Unit
Costume - Festivalgoer
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Disguise
Positive status effects, Obtaining items from others and being boosted in using them, Candy synergy, Mask synergy, Bardic Music / Dance boosts, Assuming a specific battle role
Dragongarb - Draconian
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Disguise
Improving breath weapons, Dragon synergy, Making non-Dragons Dragons, Also has Angel and Devil subtrees, Auto-breath-counters against lower-Level things that dare attack you
Distorted Wreathing - Glitchlurker
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Disguise
Anti-scan, Improved offense while unscanned, Improved Dodge/Defense after successful offensive action while unscanned - attacking and then retreating into a briefly-strengthened inscrutable glitch, Lower Elements
Glamour - Glamour Artisan
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Disguise
Fae synergy, Illusion synergy, Being other things until hit hard enough or scanned, ignoring small amounts of damage and debuffs entirely while not scanned
Hollowed Object - Sneakysneakster
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Disguise
Entering battle as an object and then attacking from deep cover (but with the possibility of losing battle by being ignored and your allies swept before you can act)
Hologarb - Lightsculptor
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Disguise
Turning fake subtypes into optional things that can't be used against you, Creating fake/temporary things, with bonuses to ones used defensively, Anti-Coded-Being, Dodge boosts
Pelt - Skinwalker
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Disguise
HP and melee attack bonuses, Subtype-related resistances, bonus actions if under duress, counters, fast-attack, Synergy with Beastmaster
Sarcophagus - Pharaoh
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Disguise
Torpid initial mode with heavy defense and infrequent actions, followed by revive-after-death (sometimes with delay) that equips other items, faking being dead but still acting, acting while dead, possession from death instead of resurrection
Skinsuit - Intruder
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Disguise
Horror / Murder Arts Synergy, Pretending to be Humans, Humanoids, or things you killed, Shedding the armor once per battle/thread to inflict Fear and remove debuffs
Symbiote - Hybrid
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Disguise
Having a second set of stats that takes debuffs / negative status effects / Damage separately, Give-and-take of resources between wearer and armor, Counting as having an ally, Replicating effects as though a specific other entity were performing them, Super Power synergy
Uniform - Imposter
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Disguise
Putting on outfits to gain temporary abilities in classes, Faking class knowledge, Setting up skill effects and optionally having them fall apart on opponents later (or using actual skill-gain in a legit way when helping allies)
Grand Armor Derivatives
Carapace Armor - Battlehulk
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Grand Armor
Heavy defense that converts into offense with momentum, kill chains that flip you back into a defensive wall if they get stalled out long enough
Fortress Armor - Living Bastion
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Grand Armor
Heavy defense paired with ranged counterattacks, Resilience
Geobastion - Worldclaimer
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Grand Armor
Huge, slow armor with terrain built into it that, when you stop moving, sinks into the area around you and starts replacing the local terrain with your mobile terrain, granting you defensive benefits while it is set and allies positive zonal/terrain-based effects
Hermit-Shell - Sea-Strider
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Grand Armor
Tuck-into-armor defenses, Moving around with large parts of a massive Aquatic attached to you, Carrying extra stuff and benefitting from it, Water/underwater benefits, Ocean Magic synergy, Treasure synergy, Taking up abandoned armors and adding them to a rolling pile of defense, Junk-trawling Robot/Machine-spec subtree in the class
Juggernaut Armor - Juggernaut Knight
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Grand Armor
Shattering effects, Piercing defense, Overrunning / overwhelming things
Lighthouse Armor - Lighthouse Keeper
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Grand Armor
Aura-stances that effect specific parts of the battlefield, Maintaining multiple auras, Mixing heavy defense with Flat-Damage aura offense, Ocean Magic synergy, Alchemy synergy
Stoneplate - Dwimmerlord
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Grand Armor
Bonuses while underground or in Zones of Earth, Bonuses to Humanoids and Fae, High HP and Resilience boosts, Axe synergy
Throne Armor - Emperor
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Grand Armor
Defenses while allies are up, Ally boosts (particularly defensive ones), Remaining in place as an unassailable figure while enemies dash themselves against your side before finally moving into battle with Fame-boosts, length-of-battle-thusfar boosts, and Charm-becomes-Damage effects when you finally stride into battle with your throne converted into a grand suit of mobile armor
Titan-Mail - Protodeus
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Grand Armor
Effects for being around longer than things, Heavy defense combined with awe-on-arrival and moderate-on-arrival effects, Taking up huge amounts of space, Serving as an alternate source of divine power
Warnest - Worldender
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Grand Armor
Equipping tons of weapons and constantly attacking everything else, generating tons of counters to everyone's actions that can't be made nonlethal
Heavy Armor Derivatives
Bone Mail - Necroguard
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Heavy Armor
Returning from death, Being empowered by being near death/undead, Undead and Necromancy synergy, Darkness synergy, Collecting benefits from defeated opponents of particular subtypes, AOE Flat Damage when harmed via pulses of death-energy
Ceremonial Armor - Royal Guard
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Heavy Armor
Fame boosts, High Gold value, Boosts based on the total Gold value of what you have on, Boosts from fancy accessories, Boosts from fancy elements, Ritual Magic and Leadership synergy
Diving Armor - Aquanaut
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Heavy Armor
Bonuses underwater, Environmental protection, Mobile-within-zones heavy combat, Speargun synergy
Hivemail - Swarmlord
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Heavy Armor
Summoning in response to damage, Synergy with Swarmsphere and Insect, Counterattacks that work by directing unit allies, Mass summoning, Improving summoned allies' defenses, Becoming untargetable if you have enough summons and the opponent hasn't scanned you / isn't close enough / other conditionals
Knightly Mail - Pledged Knight
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Heavy Armor
Benefits from Oaths, Knight of the Orders synergy, Other Knight-synergy, Plate Armor synergy, Benefits with code attached, Lots of subtrees with individual specializations
Oathmail - Oathsworn
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Heavy Armor
Benefits from Oaths, Divine magic benefits, Mixes Knightly Orders and Patron Deities, Paladin / Holy Magic synergy, Smite synergy, Defensive pledges, Self-sacrifice when the chips are down as a last resort
Plate Armor - Fighter
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Heavy Armor
Doubling down on heavy armor boosts, Pairing with Shield and Sword, Melee boosts
Scale Mail - Dracoknight
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Heavy Armor
Bonuses against specific elements, Defense-against-element, Boosting mono-element attacks, Boosting moderate negative status effects (while also resisting those specific effects) if paired with armor element, Mono-element armors
Shellplate - Armadillo-Knight
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Heavy Armor
Defensive curl abilities, Roll-as-attack abilities, High defense with ability to hunker down for a while
Speaker's Mail - Speaker of the Golden Houses
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Heavy Armor
Issuing mandates from on high, Being untargetable, Being Immune to things (with conditionals on your Immunity), Leadership and Bardic Music synergy, Grandeur synergy, Visage Axe synergy
Treeplate - Oakenguard
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Heavy Armor
Regeneration, Plant synergy, Boosted buffs from Druid Magic, Plants, and Fae, Defending nature-based allies, Minor synergy with Rootstaff (allows some grapple abilities from that to be used with the armor rather than the weapon even if another weapon is equipped)
Terror Armor - Menace
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Heavy Armor
Fear, Retaliatory gory murder with AOE debuffs, Demon and Undead synergy
Light Armor Derivatives
Assassin's Armor - Ambusher
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Light Armor
Stealth, Start-of-battle hiding, Attacking from stealth, Surprise, Mobile attacks, Dodge, Critical bonuses
Body Armor - Soldier
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Light Armor
Defenses against Ranged Attacks and Guns, Battlefield mobility, Ranged Attacking while moving, Quick stun-recovery
Gem-Mail - Crystalguard
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Light Armor
Activatable effects, Reflection chances, Defenses that are solid and Resilient until they fail to a Crit and get weakened, Heavy Armor boosts to Light Armor until the break happens while keeping Light Armor boosts simultaneously
Hide Armor - Berserker
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Light Armor
Bonuses against Melee / front-row opponents, Mixing melee attack and defense, Turning slain fauna into buffs, Going berserk for high-attack bonuses but random attacks against other stuff (including allies)
Labcoat - Researcher
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Light Armor
Resistances, Acid Resistance, Gun and Flask synergy, MIN-boosting, Scan boosting, Hypertech boosting, General technology-and-alchemy-type perks
Light Mail - Duelist
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Light Armor
Mobile combat, effects that force duels with specific opponents and penalize or block interaction with individuals outside of the duel
Living Mail - Biotrooper
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Light Armor
Bioaugmentation and War-Organ synergy, Regeneration, Stat Damage Regen, Drain that boosts defense, Feeding the armor HP or stat points (and disabling corresponding regen for a bit) to get bonuses
Longcoat - Wasteland Drifter
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Light Armor
Guns, Law or anti-Law, Pairing ranged attack with mobility and duel-effects
Morphmail - Slime-Soldier
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Light Armor
Ooze synergy, Armor that can shuffle its priorities between a few effects, Converting armor into weapons, Dissolving and Dissolving-Resistance
Parade Armor - Distingushed Officer
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Light Armor
Fame boosts, Fame-to-defense, High Gold values, Bonuses against things you are fancier or more important than, Moving in unison with identically-garbed allies
Restraint - Prisoner
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Light Armor
Harsh penalties that are replaced with bonuses when acting under an ally's command, Prevention of opponent control through control-by-ally, being buffed when the armor is unequipped or destroyed
Super Suit - Sentai Ranger
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Light Armor
Combination attacks with allies, Limited-time modes that offer various sorts of power boost, Enhancing transformations, Linking non-transformed abilities to transformations, Super Power synergy, Speed boosts
Woven Armor - Weaver
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Light Armor
Dodge bonuses in terrain you have prepped for, Attack-from-ambush when in prepared terrain, Synergy with cloth/fabric accessories, Seer synergy
Power Armor Derivatives
Chromeshell - Superheavy
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Power Armor
Damage immunity, Heavy defenses, Being an impossible-to-break rock that fires big attacks at the cost of gradually wearing down allies' MP, Being the centerpiece of a team or part of a linked network of ultra-troops on a collective timer
Command Suit - Central Controller
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Power Armor
Sitting in the back and boosting allies, being hard to target without effort at the start of battle / while allies are up, Running scans, acting as central command and coordinating others, Summoning Coded Beings and various Futuristic Constructs, MIN-boosts, Low mobility paired with low defense against close-range attacks
Environmental Armor - Colonist
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Power Armor
Zonal protection, Protection while entering battlespaces, Making terrain friendlier, Terraforming, Gaining control of Zones/Terrains
Frame - Frame Architect
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Power Armor
Giving targets temporary HP pools that come with other benefits but can be knocked off, Wearing power armor that is less defensive than other options at times but still boosts stats, Improving modifications to the armor / customizability
Hazard Suit - Cleaner
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Power Armor
Heavy resistance to Flat Damage and Negative Status effects, particularly passives / zonal and terrain effects, but weak to being directly attacked by intelligent, non-swarm opponents, turning hazardous battlespaces safe by cleaning up effects
Isolation Sphere - Voidmind
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Power Armor
Setting yourself up as barely able to act but barely able to be acted against and charging effects or taking advantage of repeated automatic defenses that can win conflicts without manual intervention, Trusting in the safety of a super-hard armor while giving up versatility, Interacting with neither allies nor opponents
Jump Armor - Drop-Trooper
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Power Armor
Entering battlespaces while firing, jetting around to attack, and then hopping out after a bit, Temporary resource reserves that rely on having a base-camp battlespace to fall back into to resupply
Nanomail - Nanosculptor
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Power Armor
Armor with point pools that it can shuffle around to be better at particular things, Adding to armor point pools with class abilities, Custom semi-shapeshifting, On-demand fast-speed reactive regen at the cost of burning resources for the duration of the thread
Space Suit - Astronaut
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Power Armor
Protection against Ice / Darkness / Void / Atomic / various moderates (particularly Suffocation / Frozen / Voidstruck), Exploring battlespaces, Zonal protection
Warp Armor - Hitman
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Power Armor
Teleporting in and attacking, Sudden attacks from surprise with high mobility, Mixing stealth/Thief-Arts-type skillsets with high-tech, Moving between battlespaces, Wanderer synergy, Ninja synergy
Warsuit - Mechanizer
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Power Armor
Equipping extra weapons that deploy as you get damaged, Damage in thresholds with a max-per-action amount lost (that higher-Level things can avoid / pierce), Firing AOE attacks as counters as HP is lost, Wading into enemy row-order-formations and attacking everything, Heavy defenses/power that require maintenance between battles in extended excursions
Robe Derivatives
Armored-Robe - Mage-Marshall
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Robe
Mixing melee/ranged with Robe, Adding heavier defenses to Robes, Tracking / resisting / punishing other spellcasters who break codes, Law synergy, Gate Magic synergy, Gunslinging synergy
Astral Raiment - Starclad
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Robe
Previously a T2 nonbase armor subtype. Its class is Starclad. It synergizes with Astral Magic, Holy Magic, Sword Arts, Wards, Auras, Starlight, and Forces. It allows for stacking/enchanting its armor pieces with Wards and Auras, reshaping itself to better fit use alonside Forces and Starlight, and has paladin-type powers that focus themselves against Tsayikk's debased elements rather than against the traditional lower-planar forces and undead.
Bodywrapping - Embalmer
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Robe
Effects on touching things or being touched, Boosts when resurrected, Making your corpse immune to destruction or tampering, Sarcophagus synergy, Undead synergy, Monk synergy, Dancer synergy
Cassock - Vicar
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Robe
Increased defenses from buffs, Increased buff power, Healing support, Overhealing Max HP in proportion to what opponents recently did to your team, Resurrecting allies, auto-resurrection, Divine Magic and Healer Magic boosts/synergy, Mace synergy, Smite-as-defense
Gown - Magistrate
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Robe
Litigamancy / Mace / Law synergy, Setting up restrictions or rules that prevent attacks and offensive actions, Punishing unapproved offense
Magerobe - Thaumaturge
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Robe
Doubling-down on core Robe effects, Improving magic, Magic attack boosts, Wizard synergy, Synergy with various spell classes, MP Regen, Altering casting / casting-related actions
Magidress - Magiclad
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Robe
Magical attack bonuses, Increasing defensive effects from spells and stances, Gaining power upon switching through a few armors from the category, Extra MP pools, Bonuses in unusual terrain or with rare ally subtypes, Mahou Shoujou synergy
Mantling - Mantlekeeper
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Robe
Armors that get empowered by abilities from other classes / skill-trees that are associated with planar beings, Gaining pseudo-weapons alongside armor that blast like Wands, Patron Deity synergy but with more exotic things than usual
Rags - Filth Dweller
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Robe
Ignoring and spreading negative status effects, Mucking up zones, Gold Damage, Corroding items when hit, Insect/Plant/Machine defensive summons
Realmcourt Dress - Otherworlder
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Robe
Protection against Planar terrain, High defensive benefits and battlefield control when in the proper planar terrain, Charm and defensive summoning of appropriate planar entities, Weak when not in specialized areas, Clothing synergy
Ritual Vestments - Practitioner
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Robe
It is a specialized relative of robes that works as an armor type of MIN/SPI based spiritual casters. Its items tend to be specialized and have a specific spell or group of spells woven into them, acting as a means through which to cast those spells. They also have a tendency to bestow abilities.
Vinerobe - Ecologist
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Robe
Merging with terrain, Plant synergy, Rootstaff synergy, Grapple-as-defense, Geomancy synergy, Druid Magic synergy, Regeneration, MP Recovery, Seed synergy, Stealth-based-on-terrain
Ward Derivatives
Codeward - Programmer
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Ward
Heavy Coded Being Resistance, Digi-Ice synergy, Computer Virus Resistance, tech-based Resistances, Little defense against physical or magic stuff
Defensive Mixture - Concoctionist
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Ward
Alchemy synergy, Pools of effects that rise up to negate / cancel things, Spending ingredients to negate things or amp resistances, Expanding Ward effects but at the cost of increasing resource usage in prolonged battles
Dissuasion-Device - Soundwarden
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Ward
Sonic synergy, Hypertech synergy, Causing action failure chance based on Resistances, Anti-small-thing effects that fail against things that take multiple spaces in row-order, Anti-Insect/Anti-Animal
Faithward - Cloistered
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Ward
Defense reliant on connection to Patron Deity, Resistances boosted by number of Worshipper Benefits possessed, Resistances to enemies of Patron Deity
Framing - Paramount
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Ward
Denoting yourself as important and requiring specific effort to be opposed, Summon Immunity, Awestruck, Forcing attacks to only target you or only target others, Resistance to lesser/minor things, Resistance to non-MP-costing actions, Law synergy, Glory synergy, Geomancy synergy
Mindward - Genius
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Ward
Psychic Resistances, Anti-scan, Interrupting opposing actions (particularly if predicted), Little physical defense
Shieldfield - War-Ender
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Ward
Shield synergy, Suddenly equipping a bunch of Shields temporarily to benefit from their combined Resistances and elemental defenses, Strong defenses that can only activate a limited number of times per round, Forcing Shields to be Defensive-only
Spellward - Countermage
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Ward
Resistances to specific Spell subtypes, Being powered up by spells sent at you, Bonus MP pools with generally-limited scope of use, Auto-casting spells (and provoking this as a defense)
Symboligical Ward - Lexographer
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Ward
Linking abilities to armor and activating them as combined chains with actions to create custom defenses, Acquiring non-traditional defensive resources that can be used to grant high resistances to specific things limited numbers of time, Stitching new effects into armor, Defensive buffs, Glyph / Rune / Symbol synergy
Veil - Outer Scion
T1 Nonbase Armor Derivative of Ward
Potent defenses and Immunities that help resist scans, but fall apart when scanned, Both good when used by and weak against Outer Lords
Tier 1 Imaginary:
Ordinary Shrubbery - <In Elemental Researcher, for now>
T1 Nonbase Imaginary Armor
Disguise synergy, Plant synergy, Bursting out of the cover, surprising everyone, and assassinating some shocked fool who could not see through your clever ruse
Tier 2 Nonbase:
Tier 2 Imaginary:
Thrice-Golden Chaos- <In Elemental Researcher, for now>
Thrice-Golden Chaos is a T2 Imaginary armor subtype. It wreathes the wearer in nonsensical, aberrant glory that stands in defiance to reality and exalts the one enthroned within it. It strikes forth with havoc at its wings (both metaphorical and actual), and rains down bountiful treasures that are as ephemeral as the wind, yet useful to its bearer all the same.
Clothes -> Clothing
Re: Complete Subtype and Element List 2.0
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:04 pm
by Administrator
Ammo - Smith
Offensive upgrades that require specific weapon types (normally Gun or Bow) to be equipped, Ranged weapon bonuses, being able to cycle through equipped item options
Smith is the primary class, but it's also in Gunner, Gunslinger, Archer, and Hunter
Amulet - Jeweler
Resistances and Immunities, Aura effects, Assorted protective effects, Element change
Jeweler is the primary class
Belt - Clothier
Preventing items from getting unequipped, Switching equip slots, rapidly changing equipped items
Clothier is the primary class
Bioaugmentation - Engineer
HP Boosts, Acid Resistance/Damage, Regen, Added enemy-style abilities
Engineer is the primary class, but it's also in Mad Scientist, Scientist, and Biomancer
Boots - Clothier
Defense boosts, Movement effects, Avoiding movement restrictions, Defense against zones/terrains
Clothier is the primary class, but it's also in Gentleman Assassin, Diplomat, Smith, Protector, and Guardian
Broach - Jeweler
Unusual self-boosting effects, augmenting other equipped items
Jeweler is the primary class
Cloak - Clothier
Dodge boosts, Avoiding effects, Charm boosts, Some movement
Clothier is the primary class, but it's also in Diplomat and Gentleman Assassin
Container - Magewright
Carrying additional items, changing equip slots, swapping what items are equipped, trading items, preventing item destruction/theft
Magewright is the primary class, but it's also in Boxmeister
Crown - Jeweler
Command effects, Summon boosting, Ally buffing, Giving other individuals actions, Charm/Dominion
Jeweler is the primary class, but it's also in Diplomat
Crystal - Jeweler
Changing elements of actions, Augmenting actions on an element-related basis, Gem-crush style attacks, MP bonuses, All-around stat bonuses, Element shifting
Jeweler is the primary class
Pending: Will become a Derivative Subtype of Jewelry.
Eyewear - Jeweler
To Hit bonuses, Scanning, Critical bonuses, Bonuses against scanned targets
Jeweler is the primary class, though it's also in Diplomat and Diviner
Gauntlets - Smith
Defense, Melee Attack, Avoidance of effects that trigger due to attacking things, Bonuses to equipped weapons
Smith is the primary class, though it's also in Guardian
Gadget - Engineer
Assorted bonuses, Activatable effects, General Technology-element focus
Engineer is the primary class, though it's also in Scientist
Glyph - Magewright
Healing, Regen, Stat boosts, Summon boosts, Glyph Magic synergy and boosts
Magewright is the primary class, though more of its abilities are actually in Glyph Mage
Gloves - Clothier
General stat and defense boosts, Avoidance of effects caused by interacting with entities or zones
Clothier is the primary class, though it's also in Diplomat and Gentleman Assassin
Hat - Clothier
Avoidance of effects attached to zones/terrains/phantom terrain, Magical Attack bonuses, Status-effect-related bonuses, Generic bonuses and Defense boosts
Clothier is the primary class, though it's also in Diplomat, Gentleman Assassin, and Pan-Cosmic Haberdasher
Helm - Smith
Defense boosts, Melee Attack boosts, Critical and Resilience boosts
Smith is the primary class, though it's also in Guardian
Holy Symbol - Magewright
MP boosts, Spell cost discounts, Divine Magic boosts, Extra bonuses related to patron deities, Resistances and Immunities, Status Effect infliction
Magewright is the primary class, though it's also in Priest
Ioun Stone - Magewright
Magical Attack boosts, Stat boosts, Resistances and Immunities, Defense against Stat Damage, Moderate status effects, Equipping items outside of slots
Magewright is the primary class, though it's also in Ioun Master
Magic Item - Magewright
General bonuses, Activated powers, The element Magic is prevalent
Magewright is the primary class
Mask - Clothier
Changing subtypes, changing elements, Scan blocking, Unusual defenses, Resistances and Immunities
Clothier is the primary class, though it's also in Magewright and Spy
Ring - Jeweler
Resistances and Immunities, Status Effects, Stat boosts, Element boosts, Changing action elements, Defense against Stat Damage
Jeweler is the primary class
Rune - Magewright
Flat Damage, Resistances and Immunities, Stat boosts, Summon boosts, Rune Magic synergy and boosts
Magewright is the primary class, though more of its abilities are actually in Rune Mage
Shoes - Clothier
Movement effects, AGI boosts, Dodge boosts
Clothier is the primary class, though it's also in Diplomat, Gentleman Assassin, and Dancer
Scarf - Clothier
Resistances, Defense against elements, Defense against effects attached to zones/terrains/phantom terrains, Defense against repeated actions
Clothier is the primary class, though it's also in Diplomat
Seal - Magewright
Generic bonuses, Bonuses that synergize with other items, Production of combo ingredients
Magewright is the primary class
Sigil - Magewright
Generic bonuses, Defensive bonuses, Magical Attack bonuses, Sigil Magic synergy
Magewright is the primary class, though more of its abilities are actually in Sigil Tracer
Tome - Magewright
MP Boosts, Magical Attack boosts, MIN and SPI boosts, Equipping additional spells, Enhancing spells
Magewright is the primary class, though it's also in Scholar
Upgrade - Engineer
Self-enhancement, Added enemy-style abilities and constant effects, Offensive and defensive boosts, Transformation enhancements and adding abilities/effects to transformations
Engineer is the primary class, though it's also in Roboticist, Gearwright, Mechanist, Mech Jockey, Lord of War, Driver, Captain, Technomancer, and Scientist
Weapon Coating - Smith
Poison, Status Effects, Stat Damage, Damage over time, Debuffs that cause damage, Attack bonus enhancement / weapon enhancement, Thief Arts synergy
Smith is the primary class, though it's also in Thief, Assassin, Gentleman Assassin, Viscous Lord, and Alchemist
Wristwear - Jeweler
Defense against Stat Damage, Extra actions, Turn-order-determining-stat boosts, Haste/Slow, Defense, Resistances, Immunities, Reflection, and Absorption
Jeweler is the primary class
PENDING: Decor- <Class To Be Determined, potentially Subspace Architect>
PENDING: Graft- <Class To Be Determined>
PENDING: Jewelry- <Class To Be Determined, potentially Jeweler>
Tier 0 Nonbase:
Glitch- Invisible Clown of ’
Glitch is a T0 nonbase accessory subtype. The items tend to just cause problems for everyone, their wielders included. It is possible, though, to focus on using ones that hurt others more than they hurt your own build. Unlike Null abilities, the Glitch ones are fairly item-dependent and can be toggled more by changing equipment loadout.
Quest Item - Currently lacks a class
Items related to quests / RP threads / events (generally not statistically powerful)
Punishment - Curse
Special punishments applied for cosmic rule infractions or misbehavior (typically no longer used)
Tier 1 Nonbase:
PENDING: Decor Derivatives
PENDING: Furniture - <Class To Be Determined, Potentially Architect, Crafter or Subspace Architect>
PENDING: Graft Derivatives
PENDING: Mage-Ink Tattoo- <Class To Be Determined, Potentially Ink-Artisan>
PENDING: Jewelry Derivatives
PENDING: Crystal- Jeweler
Previously a T1 Base subtype.
Merit Badge - Scout
Merit Badge is a T1 nonbase accessory subtype. Its class is Scout. These items relate to specific other things (usually abilities, though not always) and boost them when worn.
Mystic Infusion - Pattern Admixturist
Adding aura effects to things, Changing the properties of entities or other items, Magical Attack boosts, Resistances, MP boosts
Tier 2 Nonbase:
Crowning Magic- Mage-King
Crowning Magic is a T2 nonbase accessory subtype. It is made of solidified spells that auto-cast themselves at the start of threads, applying powerful, but removable, effects to the wielder, including repeats-every-round attacks/actions that need to be disabled or they keep happening, notable buffs, shielding effects, or unique summons. Once removed, however, the effects are hard to bring back without notable investment in the class.
Doll Pattern - Dollmaker
Creating and upgrading special Golem servants that aren't pets or summons that use PC formulas and caps to a point, Synergizes with Puppeteer, Toymaker, and Evermason
Elder Symbols - Runescribe
A generic category of magic symbols that don't relate to the Rune vs Glyph dynamic and lack the weird side-connotations and genericness of Sigils. There's a bit of norse runes in them, and a bit of wizards symbols, but they're intentionally broad magic-wise. They have potency, but lack focus.
Legionnaire- Manifold Centurion
PROVISIONAL DESCRIPTION: entities whose mana patterns have been modified such that they easily and naturally fold into other entities mana patterns and can be directed around as parts of actions, but fall apart or fade to uselessness if on their own.
Miracle Engine - Miracle Engineer
Item production, Spending permanent resources for permanent or powerful effects, Wide-scale effects/bonuses, Buffs and debuffs that are hard to remove and operate non-standardly with slot rules
Tier 2 Imaginary:
Catastructures- <Inside Elemental Researcher, for now>
Catastructures is a T2 Imaginary accessory subtype. Catastructures are buildings that are filled with horrible deathtraps or where things are prone to go horribly wrong. A catastructure wielder causes them to replace or merge with nearby areas or drops them onto the field to break open and release disaster.
Tier 3 Nonbase:
Artifact Piece - Currently lacks a class (there's a potential one called Artifact Master that Naria and Goldenhammer were working on at various points that never got finished)
Empowering artifacts / using artifact aspects
Re: Complete Subtype and Element List 2.0
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:04 pm
by Administrator
Chaotic Fragment - No Class (Raptor of Anarchy, if it gets made)
Random effects, Effects with variable ranges
Drink - Chef
HP healing/regen, MP healing/regen, Status effects, Drunk, Stat Damage / Stat Healing
Enchanted Item - Crafter
Assorted on-use effects, Flat Damage, Status Effects, Buffs that provide Resistances/Immunities
While Crafter is the primary class, it is also notably featured in Artificer.
Food - Chef
HP healing/regen, MP healing/regen, Buffs
Gatestone - Crafter
Exiting threads, battlespace travel
Gem - Jeweler
Flat Damage, Element-related effects, MP Healing/Regen/Damage, Moderate status effects
Invention - Engineer
Assorted on-use effects, Buffs, AOE effects
Notably also featured in Artificer
Lethal Item - Crafter
Flat Damage, Offensive effects, Negative status effects, Debuffs, AOE attacks, Synergizes with Slayer
Libram - Crafter
Using spell-school-related effects (and replicating spells) through consumables, Changing equipped spells, Flat Damage, AOE effects, Synergizes with Scholar
Medicine - Crafter
Healing, Regen, Status Effect Cures, Stat Damage Cures, Buffs, Resistances and Immunities, Resurrection, Synergizes with Healer
Potion - Crafter
Resistances and Immunities, Buffs, Debuffs, Synergizes with Alchemist
Rod - Crafter
Flat Damage, AOE effects, Buffs and debuffs, Healing, Synergizes with Sorceress
Scroll - Crafter
Using spell-school-related effects (and replicating spells) through consumables, Flat Damage, AOE effects, Healing / Curing, Synergizes with various spell-based classes (particularly Wizard)
Powder - Crafter
AOE effects, Dodge buffs, Unsummoning, Effect removal, Buffs/Debuffs
Stored Spell - Crafter
Using spell-school-related effects (and replicating spells) through consumables, Flat Damage, AOE effects, Healing / Curing, Summoning
Summoning Stone - Crafter
Summoning, Synergizes with Summoner
Ticket - No Class
Obtaining special permissions, Obtaining Warehouse items (and similar rewards)
Trap - Crafter
Flat Damage, Counters, Effects that trigger upon being attacked / offensively targeted, Effects that occur upon movement, Effects that occur based on conditionals, Bonuses against individuals who haven't scanned, Negative status effects, Stat Damage, Synergizes with Thief
Tier 1 Nonbase
Additive - Infusionist
Adding effects to other consumables, Changing items, Altering spell effects, Changing buffs/debuffs, Synergizes with Alchemist
Blocker- Obstructionist
Blocker is a T1 nonbase consumable subtype. Blockers focus on preventing, disabling, countering, or nullifying specific things.
Canned Item - Item Canner
Producing other items
Drug- Druglord
Consumables that grant long-lasting temporary abilities along with an addiction effect that requires regular consumption of the drug to maintain the granted ability, otherwise they are replaced with 'withdrawal' curses. The class contains abilities that allow cheaper purchase of Drugs, giving allies with Withdrawal curses boosts, and staving off the Ability-Withdrawal flip.
Egg - Breeder
Egg is a T1 nonbase consumable subtype. Its class is Breeder. Eggs are used for summoning creatures, oftentimes allowing for a delay in summoning in order to give the hatched monster bonuses upon the summoning. The class also contains pet-boosting powers that work for almost all pet types.
Tier 1 Imaginary
Bear Powder- <In Elemental Researcher, for now>
Bear Powder is a T1 Imaginary Consumable subtype. It summons bears!
Tier 2 Nonbase
Scrambler- Remix Technician
Scrambler is a T2 nonbase Consumable subtype. Scramblers are good at transmuting/transforming things, applying debuffs, and randomizing/redistributing things. The class lets them be used as counters and to interrupt/cancel effects. It works best with Transmuter and Biomancer. It also pairs to a lesser extent with some other stuff like Alchemist and Flux Baron.
Re: Complete Subtype and Element List 2.0
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:05 pm
by Administrator
Abjuration - Abjurer
Defense boosts, resistance boosts, immunities, status effect and debuff resistance, reflection, resilience boosting
Alchemy - Alchemist
Buffs/debuffs, improving potions, applying status effects to things, creating temporary potions and (with XP/Gold) permanent potions, AOE bomb-attacks
Arcanist Magic - Arcanist
Having lots of spells through use of decks, Spells that provide equipment, Handling generic magic stuff (but with the overall card-theme), Progressively better versions of the same spell as different items
Artifice - Artificer
Creating and improving both temporary and permanent items, Upgrading construct-type entities, Applying enhancements to things
Archery - Hunter
Ranged attack focused attacks, Critical boosting, Attacks that are effective against specific subtypes
Astral Magic - Astromancer
Setting up constellation effects that get progressively better (to a max point) while they're on the field, Large-Damage AOE attacks
Bardic Music - Bard
Group buffs, Group debuffs / stun-effects, Synergizes with Musician, Has spells that can be maintained for actions
Biomancy - Biomancer
Self-enhancement and sci-fi bioengineering, Disease and Poison, Buffs, Heals and regen, Acid-element damage, Defense reduction, Synergises with Mad Scientist
Blight Magic - Blight Druid
Debuffs, Offensive magic with debuffs, unsummons, and negative status effects attached, zone/terrain destruction / hijacking, Insect summoning, Undead plants, Does not work alongside Druid
Chaos Magic - Anarchomancer
Spells with random effects and variable levels of power, Variable MP costs, randomness induction, Strange and silly spells
Combat Arts - Warrior
Attack spells that involve the use of specific weapon, self-specific combat/offense boosts, also contains generic abilities for combat-boosting, weapon wielding, chasers
Celestial Magic - Luminary
Healing, Celestial summoning, Celestial-buffing, Anti-Demon (and to a lesser extent anti-Devil/Abstract/Daemon/Deva) stuff, AOE heals
Channeling - Channeler
Transferring effects and damage / HP / MP, Linking stats and values between entities, linking entities so that things effect both or transfer between them, Drain-attacks
Dance - Dancer
AOE debuffs, some AOE buffs, similar to and complementary to Bard, Dodge-boosts, Effects that require maintainance or stances, Spells tied to specific stances
Dark Magic - Warlock
Offensive magic, debuffs, Hexed (and other negative status effects), Curses (and permanently applying them), Synergizes with usually-evil entity subtypes, Synergizes with Necromancy
Demon Magic - Diabolist
Summoning Demons, Demon horde-summoning, buffs that cause possessors to gain the Demon subtype, fire and darkness damage attacks, Offense boosts at the sacrifice of defense, Synergizes partially with Ritualist
Divine Magic - Priest
Heals, smite-style attacks, buffs, some debuffs and curses, Has specific subtrees that require specific patron deities but that augment relevant stuff (the class works better with a patron deity, but that requires obeying the proper restrictions for said deity), Resurrection
Divining - Diviner
Scans, auto-scans, gathering information in general, has Detective stuff as a major subtree
Druid Magic - Druid
Zones, effects attached to zones/terrain, Animal / Aerial / Aquatic / Plant summoning, Heals and buffs, Transformation upgrades, Some attack magic that's mostly earth/electrical (but has some other stuff too), Synergises with Geomancer
Elemental Magic - Elementalist
Earth/Air/Fire/Water, controlling elements without becoming them, Bonuses for having an empty weapon slot, Major seasonal subtrees for Electrical/Energy/Acid/Ice, Summoning and buffing elementals, Casting spells to unlock the ability to cast other spells, Synergises with Conjurer
Enchantment - Enchanter
Buffs and debuffs, status effect application, mind control / action control, item-upgrading via Enhancements
Ethereal Magic - Veilwalker
The magic of getting around things. It grants incorporeality and new states of being, permits travel to ethereal planes, and synergizes with ghosts and spirits. It enhances invisibility and nondetection, and enhances both defenses (by becoming untouchable by things) and offense (by side-stepping protections). It pierces by walking around-and-through, and it can make things temporary and fleeting (like a mirage) or permanent and lingering (like a haunting force). It synergizes well with Wanderer.
Forbidden Magic - Delver of the Forbidden
Casting powerful spells but harming the caster in the process, Reduction of harm to the caster from casting forbidden magic spells, Darkspawn summoning, large AOEs, Confusion/Insanity, negative status effects, Synergises with Herald of Lunacy
Force Magic - Force Mage
Straight-damage effects, knocking targets to other rows, damage-blocking / defense buffs, creating constructs that occupy space in rows, blocking-effects/walls/screens, Physical damage spells, Synergizes with Monk through the Force Monk subtree
Gate Magic - Wanderer
Row-switching, thread/quest escape, switching between existing battlespaces, offensively moving things between battlespaces / rows, moving rows while attacking / defending, defense against effects attached to Zones and Terrains
Geomancy - Geomancer
Terrain creation / destruction / replacement, Zone creation / destruction / replacement, adding effects to / removing effects from / altering effects on zones and terrains, Spells that can only be cast when certain terrains are present, Passive bonuses when specific terrains or zones are present
Golomancy - Golomancer
Summoning and buffing Golems, converting the weaknesses of Golems, Spending Gold and XP for more solid/permanent summons, Synergizes with Evermason
Gunslinging - Gunslinger
Ranged attack spells, Attack spells that require Guns, trick shots that deal negative status effects, hit multiple targets, or avoid penalties on the caster, Fast-attack
Healer Magic - Healer
Healing, regen, debuff removal, negative status removal, AOE heals, Has a notable Doctor subtree, Resurrection
Holy Magic - Paladin
Melee attack spells, defense-boosting spells, guard-ally, single-target healing, transfer-damage-to-caster spells, anti-Demon/Devil/Daemon/Darkspawn/Undead stuff, Awestruck and Sealed status effects, Defense against negative status effects
Hypertech - Scientist
Grab-bag of mainly-Technology-element spells, with some focus on offense, Handles all manner of sci-fi devices and processes, Synergizes with most tech-focused classes
Illusion Magic - Illusionist
Creating fake entities/objects, Effects that vanish upon scans (including buffs, debuffs, and zones), blocking scans, Confusion
Leadership - Commander
AOE buffs, giving allies extra actions, Boosting ally stats with passives, Boosts the effectiveness of mass-combat units, Additional pet slots, Sacrificing slots for additional pet slots, Slots that can hold unit summons between battles
Necromancy - Necromancer
Creation and buffing of Undead, Hexed, Some curse-type attacks (though less than Warlock), some Darkness-element Healing/Resurrection, Buffs that persist through / trigger on death, drain-attacks, attack magic that also summons if it kills things, attack magic that applies debuffs, Notably there is a White Necromancer subtree
Ninjutsu - Ninja
Dodge buffs, To Hit buffs, Critical buffs, Agility buffs, A mix of Melee, Ranged, and Magical attacks, Swapping the caster for other things (in regards to possession of effects, location in row formations, and being the target of actions), entering enemy row order formations
Psychic Power - Mentalist
Grab bag of Psychic element spell effects, MIN Damage, MIN buffs, MP buffs, scans, AOE attacks and scans, self-buffs, Synergizes with Mind Lord
Ritual Magic - Ritualist
Spells that require multiple actions to cast and/or special ingredients for added effect, The ability to cast spells from other schools as rituals for larger effects, Persistent Enchantments at high levels
Shadow Magic - Umbramancer
Darkness element magic of varying sorts, travel between existing battlespaces, attacks (sometimes with drain), Summoning of Umbrals / buffing of Umbrals, Passives and buffs that both trigger while in Zones of Darkness, Creation of Zones of Darkness, anti-Light stuff, Effects that attach to Zones of Darkness, Effects that Zones of Light can destroy, Dodge buffs, Synergizes with Shadow Duke
Shaman Magic - Shaman
Buffs, delayed attacks, Spirit summons, addition of specific Constant Effects from entities on the Enemy List to targets
Sigil Magic - Sigil Tracer
Buffs, some debuffs, adding Enhancements to items
Spirit Magic - Shrine Maiden
Summoning and buffing spirits, Healing, Curses/debuffs, Applying successive marks to its user that propel it along either a positive/healing/ally-of-spirits/pure path or a curses/darkness/corruption-of-spirits path, Some resurrection and some effects that persist past death
Summoner Magic - Summoner
Summoning, Boosting summons, setting up Circle Effects that boost summons, Passives that buff summons, Unsummoning, Fading Calls, Synergizes partially with Gatekeeper through Eidolon-Summoning
Sword Arts - Kensei
Melee Attack spells, Spells that require equipped swords, Triggering Activated Sword Abilities on Swords, Changing elements of swords / adding elements to attacks, Critical boosting, spending MP to increase melee, Synergy with Swordsman, Notable subtree for creating a sword from the user's soul
Technomancy - Technomancer
Mixing magic and technology, Hybridizes Hypertech and Wizard Magic (amongst other things)
Thief Arts - Thief
Dodge boosting, Added damage / effects if acting before opponents, resetting whether individuals count as having acted, stealing items, entering opposing row formations, traps (both using and disarming/avoiding), melee and ranged attacks that inflict negative status effects and/or debuffs, fast-attack, speed-boosting
Transmutation - Transmuter
Buffs/debuffs, positive/negative status effects, Buffs that take up specific spell-type quasi-slots (i.e. Transmute Head/Arms/Form/etc), Auto-self-buffing, AOE buffs/debuffs, Polymorph spells
Unarmed Technique - Monk
Melee Attack spells, spells that require no weapon to be equipped, attacking without weapons, general-purpose physical self-enchanement, martial arts, includes the new Martial Arts system with varying tiers of martial arts types, Stances, Passive enhancement, Dodge/Resilience boosting, Physical stat boosting, Rest and Meditate
Wizard Magic - Wizard
General purpose spellcasting, Magical Attack effects, AOE spells, buffs/debuffs, status-effect-causing spells (particularly moderates, but also minor negatives), General-purpose passive-MP-boosting, Synergy with most spell-related classes, the element Magic, has lots of subtrees
Tier 1 Nonbase:
Binder Magic - Warden
Creates Circle Effects that prevent things from acting, stops actions, traps things in battlespaces, Paralysis, Some summoning enhancement / regulation, subtype-focused effects, particularly for planar-sort subtypes
Blood Magic - Hemotheurge
Drain, HP Transfer, Wounded: Bleeding, Damage over time, Debuffs, the element Blood
Chant- Chanter
Chant is a T1 nonbase magic subtype. It is a rarer form of magic related to Bardic Music and Ritual Magic - Chants have effect over time after being used repeatedly and cover a wide base of general applications.
Chronomancy - Time Mage
Turn-order manipulation, Haste/Slow, The element Time, AGI Damage, Fatigued: Elderly, Buffs/Debuffs, Action denial, Giving individuals actions
Contract Magic - Covenant Scribe
Creating effects that trigger if certain conditions are met, Creating effects that prevent entities from acting in certain ways, Much stronger when targeting those who agree to it (particularly without Charm/Dominion/Control in play), Also has some Charm-based sub-branches, though, Synergizes with Lawbringer and Pactmaker in different ways, as well as with Litigamancer and High Judge
Culinary Arts - Cook
Creating Temporary Food/Drink items, enhancing Food/Drink items, Heals and buffs, Killing targets (particularly Animals and Plants) to gain buffs/heals/regen, Synergizes heavily with Chef
Danmaku - Bullet Maestro
Danmaku Attacks (which incorperate multiple spells to add multiple stacked effects to individual ranged attacks), Mixing ranged attacks and magic attacks, Dodge enhancement
Dragon Magic - Dragon Mage
Spells to enhance casters that are dragons, Spells to summon Dragons, Synergizes with Dragon Lord, Similar to Wizard Magic but Dragon-specific
Dread Banking - Dread Banker
Gold Damage, Defense against Gold Damage, Money-toss-type attacks, Gold-based empowerment
Elemental Blessing - Cleric
Elemental Blessing is a T1 nonbase spell subtype. Its class is Cleric. It specializes in benevolent elementally-based effects and applying long-term passive bonuses to targets. Class abilities allow those invested in it to gain superior defenses against specific elements without having to become those elements directly (though it offers further synergy for those who do). It synergizes well with Channeling, Elemental Magic, Elementals, Divine Magic, and Monk abilities.
Glyph Magic - Glyph Mage
Buffs, Light-focused / Celestial-focused augmentation spells, summon-disruption, Placing Enhancements on items, Does not work alongside Rune Magic, Anti-Rune-Magic/Anti-Daemon stuff
Liquid Magic- Barmage
Liquid Magic is a T1 nonbase spell subtype. It involves a mix of potions, enchanted alcholic beverages, ooze summons, and liquid-wave attacks. It synergizes with Water, Acid, Alchemy, Oozes, and Drinks.
Litigamancy - Litigamancer
Gold Damage / Gold Damage Protection, Entombed: Incarcerated, Barring entities from targeting certain other entities or using specific abilities, Counters, Undoing other actions
Mark Magic- No Class
Mark Magic is a T1 nonbase magic subtype. It is the magic equivalent of the failed elements - it was meant to be a nonaligned rune/glyph/sigil counterpart, but ended up being launched by inexperienced casters who accidentally tied it too much to the name Mark, resulting in a mix of low-powered magical symbols and magic effects that work better when used by/on men named Mark.
Parallel Magic- Chaincaster
Parallel Magic is a T1 nonbase magic subtype. Its spells must be cast by multiple individuals as a specialized form of combat-focused ritual magic that revolves around multi-wizard combination attacks.
Radiant Magic - Radiant Templar
Self-righteous variant on Holy Magic, Imposes conditions on opponents of caster, Allows the caster to treat targets as having subtypes like Devil even if they don't, Melee and Magical Attacks, Effects that treat the caster and the caster's opponents differently, Applying Awestruck: Sealed to atypical targets
Roulette - Randomancer
Roulette is a T1 nonbase spell subtype. Its class is Randomancer. Roulettes tend to work off of randomized tables, offering both boons and banes for a variety of targets both allied and opposing, and can lose power if the scales are loaded too hard in the caster's favor (though a properly sneaky caster may be able to avoid such perils).
Rune Magic - Rune Mage
Summoning of often-toy-themed-Golems and Daemons, Mind control, negative status effects, summon swarms, buffs and debuffs, attack spells, setting up spells that deal damage or negative effects to opponents every round, Placing Enhancements on items, Does not work alongside Glyph Magic, Anti-Glyph-Magic/Anti-Celestial stuff
Spatial Magic - Spatial Mage
The magic of bending physical and dimensional space. It allows for teleportation, planar travel, and distance manipulation. It opens and closes gates. It has less broad of a purview in terms of utility than Gate Magic, but is better and manipulating battlefield conditions.
Triple Magic- Mage-Engineer
Triple Magic is a T1 nonbase magic subtype. Instead of being cast normally, its spells come in pieces and must be cast one after another before assembling together into complete spells. This gives it a high degree of flexibility, but makes it slow to use in combat situations.
Voodoo - Witch Doctor
Debuffs, Control effects, Summoning/Unsummoning, Subtype manipulation, Prevention of effects, Linking individuals, Status Effects
War Magic - War Mage
Magical attacks, high-Damage spells, AOE attack spells, DOTs, spells that deal hard-to-heal damage, Critical boosting, Equipping spells in weapon slots as weapons, Damage spikes
Tier 1 Imaginary:
Tenth Rune-Glyph-Rune-Symbol-Rune Magic - <In Elemental Researcher, for now>
Tenth Rune-Glyph-Rune-Symbol-Rune Magic is a T1 Imaginary spell subtype. It creates new branches of (Temporary, Imaginary) symbol-based magic in attempts to create a major, lasting, non-alignment-tied one that expands across the multiverse, but repeatedly fails and associates its creations with all manner of random, often-overly-specific things.
Tier 2 Nonbase:
Ancient Magic - Archmage of the Ancients
Wizard Magic amped to 11, High-damage / high-effect / esoteric-effect spells, High MP costs, Some magitech-tie-ins, Some synergy with the Ancient subtype
Catastrophe Magic - Eschatologist
Massive AoEs, High-Damage AoEs, Offensive effects that repeat every round, Mass unsummoning
Contingency Magic - Contingency Weaver
Spells and effects that trigger when specific conditions are met, Delayed casting and delayed actions, Counters and preemptive counters
Elder Magic - Elder Scribe
Elder Symbol accessories, Buffs and debuffs, Potent buffs, Applying enhancements to things, Resistances and stat-increases
Fury Siege - Barragemaster
Fury Siege is a T2 nonbase spell subtype. Its class is Barragemaster. Fury Sieges are highly-offense-focused ranged-attack-based spells that blast through defenses, have extreme range, cause massive damage, and sometimes repeat - use of their most powerful amplifiers, however, can leaver the user defensively weakened, however.
Libram Magic - Mage-Archivist
Matching spells to equipped Books and Tomes (usually element-wise) for additional effects, Crossing multiple different spell-subtypes together and making use of abilities across their classes, Equipping large numbers of spells, Boosting casting in general, Altering the properties of spells based on other spells / abilities / items, Casting spells as though they had different subtypes, Changing elements, Inherent Spells
Murder Arts - Slasher
High-damage/Fast/Multi-Hit Melee Attack spells, Gaining boosts upon damaging / inflicting negative status effects on / killing targets, Dealing hard to heal damage, inflicting Wounded / Wounded: Bleeding / Wounded: Maimed, Fast attack, Synergizes with Knives and some other things (including weirdo-synergy with Mechs/Hypertech due to specific Ascendant associations)
Law of Tyranny - Red Eminence
Law of Tyranny is a T2 nonbase spell subtype. Its class is Red Eminence. Standing near to Litigamancy and Leaderhip, Laws of Tyranny are pronounced upon battlefields, individuals, groups, or nations, placing them under one-sided restrictions and skewing the odds in favor of the laws' tyrannical shapers.
Super Power - Superhero
High base stat values, A grab-bag of powers under one umbrella, being inherently powerful regardless of what is equipped, Random powers, General superhero-style stuff
Tier 2 Imaginary
Offensive Action From The Eight - <In Elemental Researcher, for now>
Offensive Action From The Eight is a T2 Imaginary spell subtype. Its spells call upon Imaginary Eidolon-like beings called The Eight. They tend to be potent and bizarre, but as soon as a ninth different one gets invoked within the same general area-of-reality, they all fall back into imaginariness and their effects become easy to undo.
Tier 3 Nonbase:
Pan-Cosmic Haberdashery - Pan-Cosmic Haberdasher
Hard-to-counter effects, Effects that ignore battlespaces / numbers of entities to target everyone, Synergizes with Hats
Protection Magic -> Abjuration
Psychic Arts -> Psychic Power
Science -> Hypertech
Summoning -> Summoner Magic
Wizard Spell -> Wizard Magic
Re: Complete Subtype and Element List 2.0
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:05 pm
by Administrator
Permanent Consumable-
Blueprint - No Class
Learning Secret Formulas
Empowered Item - No Class
Granting abilities to PCs, pets, and/or summons, Gaining Permanent Item Effects
Essence Sphere - No Class
Gaining bonus weeks, Gaining XP
Grimoire - No Class
Granting abilities to PCs (generally avoids Permanent Item Effects), Occasional graning of abilities to pets/summons, Some gain of Bonus Weeks
Jewel - No Class
Granting abilities to PCs, pets, and/or summons, Changing elements and subtypes
Minor Artifact - No Class
Granting abilities to PCs, Changing elements and subtypes, Changing base stats
Permit - No Class
Gaining the ability to fight Special Fights enemies, Gaining the ability to fight in special event matches, Giving abilities that allow the creation of other Permits
Source - No Class
Paying XP and/or Gold to obtain Inherent Spells, Heiberric Summons, and Permanent Item Effects. Reusable (sometimes with a timer).
Stat Upgrade - No Class
Gaining Permanent Item Effects, Changing base stats, Granting abilities that change stats
Vessel of Power - No Class
Granting abilities to PCs, pets, and summons, Reusable (with a timer)
Tier 1 Nonbase
Cursed Item - No Class
Applying Curses, Often trigger without intent in RP threads
Tier 3 Imaginary
Terror Artifact- <In Elemental Researcher, for now>
Terror Artifact is a T3 Imaginary Permanent Consumable subtype. Its items remain dormant and unusuable until they become set to Real, at which point they tend to auto-use themselves, remove themselves from the possession of their holder, and insert themselves as global cross-thread effects that distort reality in negative ways for everyone but their former holder (and a select few others, like Tsayikk).
Re: Complete Subtype and Element List 2.0
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:05 pm
by Administrator
Antiquity - Merchant
Guild improvement, Improved sale value, Summoning manipulation (with the right abilities from other classes). Does not inherently tend to have effects without specific abilities. Improvised Wielding through Slayer.
Crafting Equipment - Smith
Items that aren't consumed during combos, Needed for many Secret Formulas
Currency - Merchant
Improved sale value, Gold manipulation, Attacks through 'Dread Banker', Does not inherently tend to have effects without specific abilities
Item Piece - Smith
Special combos, Does not inherently tend to have effects without specific abilities
Junk - No Class
Not really useful for anything, Does not inherently tend to have effects without specific abilities
Key - Merchant
Triggering effects in mini-quests and random dungeons, Treasure drop manipulation, Does not inherently tend to have effects without specific abilities
Material - Merchant
Improved sale value, Item creation with Alchemist, Allowing specific spellcasting with Ritualist, Does not inherently tend to have effects without specific abilities
Property - Merchant
Guild improvement, Improved sale value, Summoning manipulation (with the right abilities from other classes), Equip for benefits (through sub-branches of Subspace Architect). Does not inherently tend to have effects without specific abilities.
Nonbase Tier 1
Firmament Aspect - No Class
Used to grow the world of Dol'Quorsis in RP threads to gain new World Arts and create additional areas
Resource - Logistical Archfarmer
Producing items/Gold/XP/abilities/entities on a regular basis
Ship Pattern - Captain
Equippable in special slots with proper abilities to gain Transformations, Used in Secret Formulas to make Transformations, Does not inherently tend to have effects without specific abilities
Spawn Table - Subspace Architect
Summoning manipulation, Does not inherently tend to have effects without specific abilities
Re: Complete Subtype and Element List 2.0
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:06 pm
by Administrator
Dark Transformation - Nemesis
Tranformation-upon-death, Stacked transformations, Transformations across a variety of subtypes, Turning into quasi-bosslike forms (though of generally-lower power), Synergizes with Warlock
Fiendish Form - Exemplar of Malevolence
Transforming into Demon/Devil/Daemon forms, Offense-focused transformations, debuff-focused transformations
Holy Form - Exemplar of Benevolence
Transforming into Celestial/Angel/Deva forms, Support-and-healing-focused transformations, buff-focused transformations
Mech - Mech Jockey
Adding new abilities / upgrades to transformations, Robot/Machine/Clockwork transformations
Monstrous Transformation - Warp Mage
Transformations that combine multiple subtypes, Transformations with exotic attacks / defenses
Natural Form - Wildshaper
Animal/Aquatic/Aerial transformations, Transformations that come with allied summons, Synergy with Druid
Shapeshifted Form - Metamorph
Shapeshifter/Human/Humanoid transformations, General transformation bonuses (including ones that apply to other subtypes), Turning into entities from the Enemy List
Spirit Form - Medium
Spirit/Undead transformations, Dodge-bonuses/battlespace-movement while transformed, Scans while transformed
Steed - Rider
Animal transformations, Movement between rows while transformed, Acting as though not transformed while transformed
Upgraded Form - Cyberneticist
Robot/Clockwork/Machine transformations, Self-upgrades during transformations, Technological-item-synergy
Vehicle - Driver
Machine transformations, Passengers, Speed-boosts while transformed
Vessel - Captain
Machine/Aerial/Aquatic/Astral Being transformations, Passengers, avoiding zones/terrains/effects attached to them while transformed
War Machine - Lord of War
Machine transformations, Offense-focused transformations, Multi-hit/AOE attacks while transformed
Tier 1 Nonbase:
Virtual Avatar - Gamer
Usually Coded Beings, Battlespace travel, Severe MIN Damage instead of death on death, Effects that boost/harm Coded Beings
Tier 2 Nonbase:
Chancel - Sanctum Keeper
Most often Large Structures, Zone/Battlespace/Terrain Manipulation and Effects, Powering of other effects when equipped but not in use, High Durability
Manse- Spiritual Groundskeeper
Manse is a T2 Transformation subtype. Manses are buildings, but are linked to their owners and their owners' families and servants. They are typically Large Structures, but are sometimes other subtypes, like bizarre Elementals or Spirits. Manses are more likely than most Transformations to offer benefits to their wielders while their wielders are detransformed, investing a piece of themselves in the wielder's essence. They are also likely to grant aura buffs or new actions to allies. Some manses gain extra actions when uniques are riding in them as passengers. Manses are spiritually powerful, but slow, typically running their turn order off of Agility despite having a higher Spirit value. Manses synergize well with Geomancy, Spirit Magic, Spatial Magic, Elemental Magic, Large Structures, Knowledge, and Ki.
Re: Complete Subtype and Element List 2.0
Posted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:06 pm
by Administrator
General Classes:
Standard moves for PCs and special uncategorized super-moves for PCs, mostly includes Active Abilities, but also contains some other things like Stances. Most abilities in it are augmentable through powers from other classes. Not everything in this category is a mechanical 'attack' despite the category name (this is something I'd rename if I were starting the BA again from scratch since it can lead to confusion)
Bonuses and assorted positive abilities, Typically only obtainable through quests/events (though there are exceptions)
Abilities that permit the fighting of specific Special Fights enemies and participation in specific Event Matches / Mini Quests / Random Quests, Usually permit the creation of Permits that can grant others copies of the abilities at the cost of weeks and other expenses
Penalties and assorted negative abilities, Typically only obtainable through quests/events (though there are exceptions), Warlock and a few other classes can apply them to opponents offensively
Abilities reflecting connections to others, Typically only obtainable through quests/events (though there are exceptions), Generally provide synergistic bonuses when with proper allies
Penalties and assorted negative abilities, Can be taken for bonus weeks (but are designed to generally not be worth it; they were created in reaction to repeated requests to include mechanical representations of negative characters traits for players who wanted to dip into that)
Permanent Item Effect
Bonuses and assorted positive abilities, Obtained primarily through Permanent Consumables, Often upgradable through additional item use, Often not usable in combos
Re: Complete Subtype and Element List
Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2023 10:20 pm
by Aeromage
Subtype Supergroupings:
Entity subtypes (of Tier 1 through 4) are now organized by supergroupings of varying levels that allow them to be broadly defined in mechanical text (with the broad groupings being more able to account for newly-introduced subtypes than existing item text formats:
Construct (Archaic)
Familiar -> Eidolon
Golem -> Idol
Magic Being -> Arcanopattern
Radiant -> Arch-Radiant
Undead -> Entombed -> ***Elder Undead*** (Tier 3)
Wizard's Shadow -> Bearded Being
Construct (Futuristic)
Bio-Horror -> Gargantua
Clockwork -> Overlord
Coded Being -> Singularity
Machine -> Exmachina
Robot -> Custodian
Construct (Hybrid)
Hollow-Soul -> Unworked
Mindshadow -> Conceptual
Ooze -> Primordial
Sentry -> Large Structure
Planar (Harmony, Benevolence)
Brilliant -> Arch-Brilliant
Celestial -> Arch-Celestial
Paragon -> Arch-Paragon
Spireguide -> Spirelord
Planar (Harmony, Neutrality)
Asterismic -> Arch-Asterismic
Illuminated -> Arch-Illuminated
Mechanichim -> Arch-Mechanichim
Oathbound -> Keeper of the Oath
Planar (Harmony, Malevolence)
Daemon -> Arch-Daemon
Infernal -> Arch-Infernal
Thrallspawn -> Lord of Thralls
***Time Devourer*** (Tier 3)
Warshard -> Tyrant-Shard
Planar (Balance, Benevolence)
Angel -> Arch-Angel
Disciple -> Grace
***Holy One*** (Tier 3)
Innocent -> Arch-Innocent
***Santa*** (Tier 3)
Verdant -> Arch-Verdant
Virtue -> Emanation
Wishkin -> Exalted Wishkin
Planar (Balance, Neutrality)
***Divinity*** (Tier 3)
Edgelander -> Outsider
Elemental -> Elemental Lord
***Immortal*** (Tier 3)
~~~Improved Ultraviolet Sun Duke~~~ (Imaginary)
***Oluvarii*** (Tier 3)
Particle Entity -> Invisible
Solar Being -> Arch-Solar
Spirit -> Kami
Umbral -> Arch-Umbral
Unknown -> Most-Unknown
Planar (Balance, Malevolence)
***Abomination*** (Tier 3)
Darkspawn -> Outer Terror
Devil -> Arch-Devil
Faceless -> Arch-Faceless
Fallen -> Arch-Fallen
***Fiend*** (Tier 3)
Horror -> Living Rumor
***Nemesauth*** (Tier 3)
Voidstalker -> Arch-Voidstalker
Planar (Dissonance, Benevolence)
Aisurii -> Arch-Aisurii
Deva -> Arch-Deva
Fae -> Arch-Fae
Fantasmic -> Arch-Fantasmic
Planar (Dissonance, Neutrality)
Abstract -> Marcoschnapt
Aetheric -> Arch-Aetheric
Dauntless -> Arch-Dauntless
Demented -> Arch-Demented
Prime -> Arch-Prime
Quezmellym -> Arch-Quezmellym
Unformed -> Chaos Effect
Planar (Dissonance, Malevolence)
Abyssal -> Arch-Abyssal
Demon -> Arch-Demon -> ***Abhorrent Demon*** (Tier 3)
Eroded -> Arch-Eroded
Memento of Ruin -> Arrangement of Ruin
***Serpent Blessed*** (Tier 3)
<<<<Endbringer>>>> (Tier 4)
<<<<Meta Entity>>>> (Tier 4)
<<<<Pillar>>>> (Tier 4)
<<<<Source Guardian>>>> (Tier 4)
Terrestrial (Civilized)
Alien -> External
***Chosen*** (Tier 3)
***Emissary*** (Tier 3)
Heritor -> Planetary
Human -> Ancient
Humanoid -> Gigas
Mutant -> Metahuman
Shapeshifter -> Protean
Terrestrial (Wildlife)
Aerial -> Vastness
Animal -> Great Beast
Aquatic -> Leviathan
Astral Being -> World Eater
Cthonian -> Agarthan
Insect -> Hivemind
Monster -> Aberration
Plant -> Rootmind
Reptile -> Dragon
Existing items and abilities aren't changing, and new ones won't necessarily reference these groupings, but they now exist to better categorize entities into groups. They were chosen specifically to not overlap with existing mechanical keywords.