Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 8:56 pm
This quest began on Feb 28, 2018.
Aeromage wrote: Being led in to Bascaradine by Caelum (who takes just enough time to make sure the addled alchemist gets there before going off to do his own shopping), the Doctor sets about getting himself set up for WORKINGS of FUTURE and GLORY!
And also possibly to get him more on-track, abilities and power-level wise, to what the Powers That Be expect of his level-band.
In order to facilitate this, his first request is either Unified Knowledge of Chaos and Anarchomancy, Unified Knowledge of Abstracts and Chaos, or (preferably, if they're both going), both of said.
Unifieds generally require Classname in the classes being thus joined, and fortunately the Doctor has just that! He's got Xaos Xomptroller (+11 other abilities in the tree), Anarchomancer (+10 other abilities in the tree) and Walker From Beyond (+10 other abilities in the tree).
Lord Gadigan wrote: Neither of those is available right now.
Aeromage wrote: How terrible!
The Doctor instead changes to alternate, vital, quest-depending-on powers!
He would like to get a 'Pronounce Marriage' ability in the Priest tree. He is a Priest, and is also a devout follower of that most excellent god of weddings, the Deific Mecha-Vashna!
The ability to do so without necessarily having the consent of the couple-to-be would be something of a bonus.
(Pronounce Marriage actually turned up once, but it was in that weird Bullfighting Palace dream.)
Lord Gadigan wrote: Pronounce Marriage- (Active Ability, Priest) Caster may spend an action to give two willing targets a non-stacking buff that links their HP values and that links their MP values provided that neither of those values for either individual is linked to any value of any other individual, Any effect that could unsummon either individual if said individual were a non-unique summon may instead delink this value
Requires: Priest, Channeler, Enchanter
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Sanction Forced Marriage- (Passive Ability, Priest) Possessor may perform 'Pronounce Marriage' actions that target unwilling individuals who are 20 or more Levels below possessor
Requires: Pronounce Marriage, Adept Channeling Attunement, Puppet Master
Cost: 15,000,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Does he have the prereqs for those? Does he still want to buy them here if they exist in the ability shop.
Aeromage wrote: Although it hasn't been updated, he has Priest, Channeler and Enchanter. He'll spend the 4 bonus weeks necessary to get Pronounce Marriage.
He doesn't have Puppet Master or Adept Channeler, however.
How much to learn Sanction Forced Marriage here?
Lord Gadigan wrote: 75,000,000 Gold
Aeromage wrote: He's getting it. NOTHING WILL STOP THE WEDDINGS!
Up next: A bottomless box of wedding decorations and accessories. Preferably extremely potent ones. A Mecha-Vashna tilt would be a bonus, as would the ability to insta-deploy large quantities in order to facilitate SUDDEN MARRIAGE.
Lord Gadigan wrote: Bascaradine Ultimate Bottomless Mother-In-Law-Zilla-Slaying Wedding Decoration-and-Favor Box- (Item, Antiquity, Light & Hope & Magic, 65,000,000 Gold)
At list price.
Aeromage wrote: Yes, that works nicely for his purposes.
Next up, Bestmaster.
No, not Beastmaster.
Bestmaster. (Originally from Grabbyfest)
Bestmaster- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's pets gain +50,000 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus
Lord Gadigan wrote: Not for sale presently.
(Amusing, though.)
Aeromage wrote: Alas!
In that case, he'd like to continue his quest to Be Very Annoying, and get some Status Effect-enhancing abilities. Something along the lines of Status Grandmaster ('Possessor ignores the Immunities to status effects of individuals below Level #') would be great.
If that's not available, an ability that will give him something similar to an Unstoppable Psuedoknife's effect for Alchemy.
Unstoppable Pseudoknife- (Weapon, Knife, Toxin & Dopple, 80,000,000 Gold) +80,000 Melee Attack, Wielder may choose to have minor negative status effects that wielder inflicts instead be moderate negative status effects (retaining their names and text)
(From the Phantom Event Match: There Is a Deadly Bee-Like Thing In Your Room and You Must Confront It ALONE)
Lord Gadigan wrote: What Level is he currently?
Aeromage wrote: Level 59.
Lord Gadigan wrote: Learned How to Poison Rocks and Minerals- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor ignores the Immunities to status effects of individuals below Level 20, Possessor's minor status effect infliction chances for status effects coming from Alchemy spells are increased by 5% as a non-stacking effect
Requires: Alchemist, Scholar, Thief, Apprentice Evermason Knowledge, Apprentice Conjurer Knowledge, Level 20
Cost: 3,000,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Alchemaestro of Infliction- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor ignores the Immunities to status effects of individuals below Level 40, Possessor's minor status effect infliction chances for status effects coming from Alchemy spells are increased by 20% as a non-stacking effect, Possessor's moderate status effect infliction chances for status effects coming from Alchemy spells are increased by 10% as a non-stacking effect
Requires: Adept Alchemy Attunement, Level 40
Cost: 20,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Genius of Poisons- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Wielder may choose to have minor negative status effects that wielder inflicts that come from Alchemy spells instead be moderate negative status effects (retaining their names and text)
Requires: Alchemaestro of Infliction, Adept Thief Arts Attunement, Biomancer, Scientist, Ninja, Crafter, Chef, Enchanter, Channeler, Beastmaster, Herpetologist, Caliph of Corrosion
Cost: 30,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
The trio are able to sold as a bundle for 310,000,000 Gold.
Aeromage wrote: Magnificent. He'll take them all!
A potential new avenue crosses his mind.
How much for a copy of the spell Open Gate: Beta-Negaverse? (Doesn't presently exist).
Lord Gadigan wrote: That is currently not for sale.
Aeromage wrote: That is a true tragedy.
On to more gear-focused concerns! He'd like to buy a powerful Ring. His current one is good, but given what other people of his level are sporting, it feels severely lacking.
He'd like one that gives a hefty boost to stat defense and MP and regenerates MP every round. If it could also improve his Minor/Moderate infliction chances, so much the better. He's looking to splash out for this one. Let's see what they've got!
(For reference, his current one:
Ring of Extraworldly Alchemy that is Both Secret and OH SO SHINY- (Accessory, Ring, Magic & Spatial & Astral & Tacky, 56,000,000 Gold) +56,000 Magical Attack, +56,000 Defense, +56,000 to all stats, Wearer gains +500 additional points to each stat (to a max of 56,000 additional points) for each Alchemy spell equipped, Alchemy buffs with wearer as their source have their stat-point-increases increased by 500 points (to a max of 5,000 additional points per individual across all buffs) and cannot be removed by sources below Level 40, Wearer regenerates 360,000 MP at the start of each round as a non-stacking effect, Wearer's actions cannot be countered by opponents below Level 40, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater and must have the ability 'Alchemist'
Lord Gadigan wrote: Emerald Sun's Core Band- (Accessory, Ring, Atomic & Light & Astral, 347,000,000 Gold) +350,000 Magical Attack, +3,500,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, +35,000 Defense against Stat Damage, Wielder's minor negative status effect infliction chances are increased by 50% as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder regenerates 350,000 MP at the start of each round, Wielder gains Poison Immunity, Poison: Irradiated Immunity, and Overload Immunity, 200% inflicts Poison: Irradiated, 150% inflicts Awestruck, 150% may inflict Burning, 15% Solar Being Resistance, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
For 450,000,000 Gold
Aeromage wrote: Yes, this works perfectly. He'll take it.
How much for a second? For reasons.
He'd also like to stick:
Mystical Overpulse- Wielder regenerates 1,000,000 MP at the start of each round, Applied Enchantment
on both it and the second (if buyable).
Lord Gadigan wrote: That came from Bascaradine before, right? May I have info on where it was last sold and for how much?