Rukathal wrote:
Experimental World Law: Spirits are Drinkable- (World Law, Binder) If an individual possesses a willing Spirit ally, that individual may deal a mutually-agreed-upon quantity of Flat Water & Physical element HP Drain and/or MP Drain to said Spirit, being hit with a (that Spirit's Level x 4)% Poison: Drunk infliction chance upon doing so
Requires: Binder, Shrine Maiden, Bartender, Anarchomancer, Elemental Researcher
Additional Requirement: Task: Convert three notable Spirits into alcohol
Cost: 30,000,000 Gold, 20 Weeks
Lesser Spirits Serve as Agents of the Kami, Delivering their Magic According to their Will- (World Law, Binder) Enemy, Pet, Summon, and Transformation Spirits gain the 'Cast a Spell' action, Non-Kami Spirits who worship a Kami that is in the same thread gain an additional action each round, assigned in turn order, that may only be used to either perform a 'Cast a Spell' action to cast a spell equipped by the Kami as though the Spirit performing said bonus action had a copy of said spell equipped, or to, with the Kami's permission, replicating an action the Kami could perform as though the Kami itself were performing it, with each Kami replicating a max of one action per round in this manner and paying all costs that would normally be associated with performing said action
Requires: Adept Binder Knowledge, Adept Spirit Magic Attunement, Priest, Channeler
Additional Requirement: Task: Assist three Spirits of Level 40 or greater to perform quests bestowed upon them by their patron Kami.
Cost: 30,000,000 Gold, 6 Weeks
The Presence of Spirits Makes the World Brighter or Darker as Befits their Nature- (World Law, Binder) The presence of a Spirit who possesses a White Spiritual Mark counts as the presence of a Zone of Light, the presence of a Spirit who possesses a Black Spiritual Mark counts as the presence of a Zone of Darkness
Requires: Binder, Shrine Maiden, Geomancer, Radiant Hierophant, Ebon Chancellor
Additional Requirement: Task: Visit and assist both a benevolent and a malevolent Spirit. One must be in a region of light and radiance, whereas the other must be in a region of darkness and shade.
Cost: 2,000,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Subtree Bonsai wrote:
Guarded by Spirits- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains +50 Defense while possessor possesses at least 2 Spirit allies
Attended by Spirit Bodyguards- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Up to (Possessor's Level / 5, rounded down) times per thread, when possessor would be targeted by an offensive attack, possessor may, as a preemptive counter, summon 2 Spirits that are below possessor's Level and normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 40 summoned
Attended by Minor Spirits Holding Palm-Frond Fans- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains 1% Fire Resistance and counts as possessing 2 additional Spirit allies
Attended by the Spirit of a Departed Doctor- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) At the start of each round, possessor may regenerate 25,000 HP and may be cured of a minor negative status effect, Possessor counts as possessing an additional Spirit ally (and may, if possessor possesses the ability 'Adept Necromantic Magic Attunement' additionally choose for said ally to count as an Undead)
Attended by the Court of Lesser Spirits- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) At the start of each round, possessor may summon up to 200 Spirits that are 20 or more Levels below possessor that are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 20,000 summoned
Dismissive Spirit Lord's Reclining Posture- (Stance Ability, Shrine Maiden) If possessor is a Spirit, is in the back row, and has more than twice as many Spirit allies as possessor has opponents, possessor gains 30% Resistance to non-Spirit T1 base subtypes, +15,000 Defense, Confusion: Fear Immunity, and causes all non-Spirits in the same battlespace to suffer -2,000 to all stats (to a minimum of 1)
Attended by a Massive Spirit Bearing Vast Trays of Exotic Fruits from the Spirit World- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) At the start of each round, possessor may choose to obtain 60,000 Flat Magic & Light & Wood element HP Healing that counts as coming from a source that is a Spirit; possessor may, instead, elect for a willing ally to obtain this healing, and, if a selected ally chooses to do so, possessor may choose to obtain a stacked instance of a buff that stacks 20 times across all individuals and 5 times per individual that allows possessor to, when the individual who accepted the healing would act, control the decisions for that individual during that action, assuming said individual is not Immune to Charm or Dominion at that time; Possessor counts as possessing an additional Spirit ally (that occupies 20 spaces in the Front Row if a Front Row exists in possessor's row-order formation and at least one other entity is already in said row)
Attended by Spirits Possessing Mortal Vessels- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) At the start of a thread, possessor may summon up to 20 Humans who are more than 5 Levels below possessor (and who are below Level 60) and who are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List; each obtains a buff that, upon its possessor's death, causes its possessor's summoner to be able to optionally summon a Spirit of lower Level (which is also below Level 60) that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 20 summoned
Attended by a Spiritual Champion- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) At the start of a thread, possessor may summon 1 Spirit from the Enemy List that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List that is below Level 80 and below possessor's Level, Said summon's natural name includes 'Spiritual Champion ' at is start, Said summon's natural Level may become equal to any value up to either possessor's Level or 79 (whichever is lower), Said summon's natural stats, its natural Defense, and its abilities' natural Damage values are increased by a value equal to 1,000 times its Level, to a max of being increased by 790,000 points, Said summon's natural HP and MP values are increased by a value equal to 10,000 times its Level, to a max of being increased by 790,000 points, Individuals below Level 80 may not unsummon this summon as a non-stacking buff applied to said summon at the time of its summoning, This ability may summon a max of 1 entity per thread and cannot summon an entity if another spell or ability from possessor has already summoned a 'max of once per thread' summon that has text appended to its name
One Fun Gun- (Weapon, Gun, Whimsy & War, 5,000,000 Gold) +5,000 Ranged Attack, Each time wielder attacks, wielder gains a chosen minor positive status effect for 5 rounds
422,324,773 Automated Rhinoceros- (Accessory, Legionnaire, Technology & Physical, 4,750,000 Gold) +4,750 Melee Attack, If wielder performs a 'Ranged Attack' action, there is a non-stacking 5% chance once per round that wielder also performs a non-counterable 'Melee Attack' action
Vacation Pass: Doctor Neon's Wonder Clinic- (Consumable, Ticket, Glitz & Technology & Color & Life & Wonder, 1 Charge, 65,000,000 Gold) Begins a Random Quest in Doctor Neon's Wonder Clinic for user and up to 7 other willing PCs if used at the start of a new random quest thread