Kit ticket pulls continue.

Lord Gadigan
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Re: Kit ticket pulls continue.

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Law of Rage: THE WORLD MUST EXPLODE SHOULD A PHONEIX COMMAND IT TO- (World Law, Skykeeper) Aerials have their '1 hit against X' actions that are Fire or Energy element where 'X' is already 5 or greater have X increased by 30,000, Aerials deal 150,000 additional Damage (with this bonus being applied once per Aerial per round), Fire element Aerials may spend an action to destroy a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain with an equal or lower Level creator that is below Level 88, dealing ((the Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain's creator's Level)x10,000) Flat Fire or Energy element Damage to up to (the Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain's creator's Level)x1,000) targets, Instances of the entity 'Phoenix' from the Enemy List have their natural stats doubled, are naturally Elite, gain the element Energy, and gain an additional action assigned in turn order each round, Possessor obtains an uncapped bonus of +5,000 to all stats if possessor has at least 1 Commandment of the Seething Idol active
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Re: Kit ticket pulls continue.

Post by Kitsune106d »

Tolva lower planes items

Ticket 93/95
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Kit ticket pulls continue.

Post by Lord Gadigan »

*Gemstone of Rhuuv- (Accessory, Jewelry: Crystal, Fire & Spatial, 280,000,000 Gold) Whenever an entity below Level 80 would summon a Fire element entity or a Malevolent Planar entity, wielder may instead choose for wielder to summon a Demon of equal or lower Level, Max 200 summoned, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater and must either be a Demon or possess the ability 'Adept Demonologist Knowledge'
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Re: Kit ticket pulls continue.

Post by Kitsune106d »

Tolva lower planes items

Ticket 94/95
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Kit ticket pulls continue.

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Cauldron of Six Hells- (Accessory, Container: Chalice, Fire & Darkness & Torment, 66,666,666 Gold) Wielder's Demon allies obtain +6,666 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder deals 666,666 additional HP Healing and MP Healing to Demons (when already dealing the corresponding value to said Demon), Wielder's Food consumables may gain the subtype Demon, Devil, or Daemon when wielder uses them
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Re: Kit ticket pulls continue.

Post by Kitsune106d »


Ticket 95/95

Weird subsystem life raft
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: Kit ticket pulls continue.

Post by Aeromage »

I've been asked to provide a list of Tolva's Weird Subsystem Stuff (or at least stuff that's keyed off this category in the past).

Artifical Array-Core- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor counts Robot, Machine, and Clockwork as Soul-Array-Approved subtypes
Awesome Command- (Technique Ability, Enslaver) Possessor may use 'Awesome Command' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Soul equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack, becomes solely Light element, and gains '15% inflicts Awestruck'.

Cheeseburger Array- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Whenever possessor performs a 'Soul Array' action, possessor creates 1 temporary 'Cheeseburger'

Crisis Overcrash: Thousand Faces of Fury- (Technique Ability, Enslaver) Possessor may use 'Crisis Overcrash: Thousand Faces of Fury' in conjunction with an 'Overdrive' or 'Ultimate Attack' action so long as possessor's MP is not set to 0, possessor has been in a Crisis Zone for the ends of the previous two rounds, possessor is currently in a Crisis Zone, no other technique or Overcrash is being used, possessor has not previously acted during the round, and possessor has a Soul equipped. Said action replicates one action performable by each entity in its possessor's Soul Array as though a copy of said entity performed it; said action's possessor then gains a number of actions within this Overcrash-using-action equal to the number of such applications replicated divided by five, rounded down, to a max number of actions gained equal to the number of Stance abilities its performer possesses whose name includes 'Alternate Costume', with its performer exiting all stances and then immediately entering a stance whose name includes 'Alternate Costume' that has not been previously been entered through this ability's effect during the round, with none of these inner-action actions being able to cancel the original action that generated them or stop it from setting its user's MP to 0, with any effect that would cause such to be avoided, such as the round ending or the battle ending, instead having said setting of MP to 0 occur immediately before it and ending all such sub-action actions as well as the original action after it occurs. After performing said action, said action's performer cannot perform additional actions during the round. No action generated by this action or replicated by this action may summon or give individuals actions. No entity in this action's performer's Soul Array may be used as the base of replicating more than once action within the action involving this ability. Said action and its sub-actions may not be countered, save via Overcrashes. Said action sets its user's MP to 0 for the remainder of the thread.

Deadly Soul Array Use- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor increases the Damage values of entities' abilities that are being replicated by possessor's 'Soul Array' ability by 45,000 points and increases their minor and moderate status effect infliction chances by 5%

Soul Array- (Passive/Active Ability, Enslaver) Possessor possesses a Soul Array, which possesses a Soul Capacity of 5, Possessor may, at the end of a battle in which possessor killed at least one non-summon of a type of enemy that is Level 19 or lower that possesses only subtypes that are considered Soul-Array-Approved subtypes by possessor that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List for drops that successfully drops XP for possessor, select one such enemy to place in one of possessor's Soul Array slots, with newly selected entries being able to override previous entries should possessor desire such, Possessor may spend an action to replicate an action performable by one of the enemies in possessor's Soul Array as though a copy of said entity performed said action, Possessor's counts Human, Humanoid, Fae, Monster, Celestial, Angel, Deva, Illuminated, Prime, Daemon, Devil, and Demon as Soul-Array-Approved subtypes

Soul Array Combat Expansion- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor counts as having an additional Soul equipped for each of possessor's Soul Array slots that is filled; Possessor obtains +500 to all stats for each of possessor's Soul Array slots that is filled

Soul Array Expansion 1- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor's Soul Array's Soul Capacity increases by 1

Soul Array Expansion (Bascaradine-1)- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor's Soul Array's Soul Capacity increases by 1

Soul Array Expansion (Bascaradine-2)- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor's Soul Array's Soul Capacity increases by 5

Soul Array Expansion (Special)- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor's Soul Array's Soul Capacity increases by 5

Soul Array Upgrade A- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor's Soul Array may contain entities that are Level 39 or lower

Soul Array Upgrade B- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor's Soul Array may contain entities that are Level 59 or lower

Soul Array Upgrade C- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor's Soul Array may contain entities that are Level 79 or lower

Superior Soul Array Use- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor increases the stat values of entities that are being replicated by possessor's 'Soul Array' ability by 5,000 points and increases their minor and moderate status effect infliction chances by 5%

Torrent of Souls- (Technique Ability, Enslaver) Possessor may use 'Torrent of Souls' in conjunction with an 'Overdrive', 'Melee Overdrive', or 'Ranged Overdrive' action so long as possessor possesses a Soul Array with at least one non-unique entity in it, possessor has a Soul equipped, and no other technique is used. Said action, at the end of the action, removes up to 5 non-unique entities from its performer's Soul Array and then replicates one action performable by each such entity as though a copy of said entity performed it.

Alternate Costume: Cerberus Tolva- (Stance Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor gains the subtypes Animal & Monster, Possessor gains two additional actions per round if possessor possesses no allies in any battlespace, Possessor cannot summon, Possessor's Base Spirit is reduced by 5, Possessor's Base Strength is increased by 5, Possessor's Base Agility is increased by 5, This Stance does not count towards the maximum number of Stances that possessor may be in at one time unless any other Stance that possessor is in has its name include 'Alternate Costume'

Alternate Costume: Chibi-Lion Tolva- (Stance Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor gains the subtype Animal, Possessor counts as having two additional Physical-element Fist Weapon weapons equipped, Possessor's chances of inflicting Charm and Wounded are increased by 30%, Possessor's Base Spirit is reduced by 10, Possessor's Base Strength is increased by 5, Possessor's Base Agility is increased by 5, This Stance does not count towards the maximum number of Stances that possessor may be in at one time unless any other Stance that possessor is in has its name include 'Alternate Costume'

Alternate Costume: Tolva Cosplaying As Nega-Tolva- (Stance Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's element becomes Light, Possessor's gains the subtypes 'Animal' and 'Steed', Possessor's name counts as including 'Horse', Possessor's turn-order-determining stat is Spirit, Possessor may make decisions as though it were not affected with Charm or Confusion, This Stance does not count towards the maximum number of Stances that possessor may be in at one time unless any other Stance that possessor is in has its name include 'Alternate Costume'.

Alternate Costume: Bascaradine-Advertising Sandwich-Signboard Tolva- (Stance Ability, Merchant) Possessor's element becomes Technology, Possessor gains 5% additional Gold (to a max of 1,000,000 additional Gold per thread) from standard battles and random quests, This Stance does not count towards the maximum number of Stances that possessor may be in at one time unless any other Stance that possessor is in has its name include 'Alternate Costume'.

Alternate Costume: Ritzy Duds Tolva- (Stance Ability, Merchant) Possessor counts as possessing 50,000,000 additional Gold for purposes of effects that check how much Gold possessor has, Possessor gains the element Wealth, This Stance does not count towards the maximum number of Stances that possessor may be in at one time unless any other Stance that possessor is in has its name include 'Alternate Costume'

Alternate Costume: Fig Leaf Tolva- (Stance Ability, Monk) Possessor counts having no armor equipped for purposes of Unarmed Technique spells and Monk abilities, This Stance does not count towards the maximum number of Stances that possessor may be in at one time unless any other Stance that possessor is in has its name include 'Alternate Costume'

Alternate Costume: Luchador Tolva- (Stance Ability, Monk) Possessor's element becomes Physical, Possessor deals (Possessor Level * 2,500) additional Damage with Damage-dealing attacks that involve the casting of Unarmed Technique spells, Possessor counts as wearing an additional Physical element Clothes and an additional Physical element Mask, Possessor's Base Spirit is reduced by 10, Possessor's Base Strength is increased by 7, Possessor's Base Constitution is increased by 3, This Stance does not count towards the maximum number of Stances that possessor may be in at one time unless any other Stance that possessor is in has its name include 'Alternate Costume'

Alternate Costume: Pirate Tolva- (Stance Ability, Seakeeper) Possessor's element becomes Water, Possessor's Vessel transformations have their stats raised by (250 * Possessor Level), Possessor counts as wearing an additional Water element Clothes and an additional Water element Hat, Possessor's Base Spirit is reduced by 10, Possessor's Base Strength is increased by 3, Possessor's Base Agility is increased by 2, Possessor's Base Constitution is increased by 5, This Stance does not count towards the maximum number of Stances that possessor may be in at one time unless any other Stance that possessor is in has its name include 'Alternate Costume'

Alternate Costume: Swim Trunks Tolva- (Stance Ability, Seakeeper) Possessor's element becomes Water, Possessor gains 40% Water Resistance, Possessor's Charm infliction chances are increased by 30%, Possessor counts as wearing an additional Water element Clothes, This Stance does not count towards the maximum number of Stances that possessor may be in at one time unless any other Stance that possessor is in has its name include 'Alternate Costume'

Alternate Costume: Nexus Games Champion Tolva- (Stance Ability, Warrior) Possessor's Base stats are increased by 1 if possessor's Fame is higher than that of any other individual in the same battlespace, Possessor's Fame is increased by 5, This Stance does not count towards the maximum number of Stances that possessor may be in at one time unless any other Stance that possessor is in has its name include 'Alternate Costume'

Resistant Costumes- (Passive Ability, Spy) If possessor is in a Stance whose name includes 'Costume' that gives possessor one or more non-Universe elements, possessor gains 40% Resistance to those elements

World Artisan's Unbound Self-Reshaping Power- (Passive Ability, Architect) While possessor is in 'Dol-Quorsii World-Artisan Mode', bonuses possessor obtains from having a particular World Art set as possessor's Active World Art are uncapped

Dol-Quorsii World-Artisan Mode- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor may choose at the beginning of a standard battle thread as an effect that is not a buff to enter 'Dol-Quorsii World-Artisan Mode' as a battlesystem, While possessor has said battlesystem active (and assuming nothing else opposes another battlesystem that is not the standard system on possessor), possessor may not cast spells, cannot use consumables, obtains no effect from abilities that come from pet-based, spell-based, transformation-based, or element-based classes, May maintain 0 World-Artisan's Transmutations, May not equip weapons of subtypes that possessor does not possesses Dol-Quorsii Weapon Proficiency Ratings for, Has the attack bonuses and stat bonuses of equipped weapons whose associated Dol-Quorsii Weapon Proficiency Rating is F multiplied by .1, Has the attack bonuses and stat bonuses of equipped weapons whose associated Dol-Quorsii Weapon Proficiency Rating is E multiplied by .25, Has the attack bonuses and stat bonuses of equipped weapons whose associated Dol-Quorsii Weapon Proficiency Rating is D multiplied by .5, Has the attack bonuses and stat bonuses of equipped weapons whose associated Dol-Quorsii Weapon Proficiency Rating is C multiplied by 1, Has the attack bonuses and stat bonuses of equipped weapons whose associated Dol-Quorsii Weapon Proficiency Rating is B multiplied by 1.1, Has the attack bonuses and stat bonuses of equipped weapons whose associated Dol-Quorsii Weapon Proficiency Rating is A multiplied by 1.25, Has the attack bonuses and stat bonuses of equipped weapons whose associated Dol-Quorsii Weapon Proficiency Rating is S multiplied by 1.5, Has the attack bonuses and stat bonuses of equipped weapons whose associated Dol-Quorsii Weapon Proficiency Rating is SS multiplied by 2, does not suffer attack bonus caps on one equipped weapon, has equipment slots replaced with 1 Weapon slot, 1 Armor slot, 4 Bioaugmenation slots, and 1 (Trinket or Magic Item) slot, may not equip items that are not in said aforementioned slots, and may not summon
Dol-Quorsii Weapon Proficiency Ratings wrote: Assault Matrix: D
Axe: A
Book: D
Hammer: C
Instrument: C
Knife: B
Soul: S
Staff: F
Sword: D
Throwing Weapon: F
Whip: B
World Art: A Thousand Unborn Paper Cranes- (Technique Ability, Enslaver) Possessor may use 'World Art: A Thousand Unborn Paper Cranes' in conjunction with an Overdrive action so long as no other Technique whose name includes 'World Art' in its name is used. Said action sets its user's Active World Art to 'A Thousand Unborn Paper Cranes', gains +39,000 Magical Attack, gains '1 hit against 1,000', and gains '100% may inflict Wounded: Bleeding and/or Pain'; an additional Technique whose name does not include 'World Art' may be used as part of the same action as this technique. While an individual's World Art is set to 'A Thousand Unborn Paper Cranes', its possessor gains +30,000 AGI, 60% Dodge, 70% Critical, the subtype Aerial, +30,000 Ranged Attack, +30,000 Magical Attack, and +30% Critical, said individual may add the element Air and/or the element Physical to any of its attacks or actions, said individual, if in an Encounter Area, may choose, whenever an entity below Level 60 would be summoned from that area's encounter table, up to 5 times per round, to instead prevent said summoning and deal 600,000 Flat Air & Physical element Damage to up to 1,000 targets, and summons opposing said individual that are below Level 60 have a 50% chance of not being successfully summoned.

World Art: Crystal Cosmos Command- (Technique Ability, Enslaver) Possessor may use 'World Art: Crystal Cosmos Command' in conjunction with an Overdrive action so long as no other Technique whose name includes 'World Art' in its name is used and possessor is Level 40 or greater. Said action sets its user's Active World Art to 'Crystal Cosmos Command', gains +200,000 Magical Attack, gains the elements Crystal (2) and Astral, gains '1 hit against 10,000,000', and gains '30% inflicts Dominion on targets that are not 20 or more Levels greater than performer'; an additional Technique whose name does not include 'World Art' may be used as part of the same action as this technique. While an individual's World Art is set to 'Crystal Cosmos Command', its possessor gains +200,000 SPI, +180,000 MIN, 30% Crystal (2) Resistance, 30% Astral Resistance, the subtypes Golem and Magic Being, +200,000 Magical Attack, and '5% inflicts Dominion', said individual may add the element Crystal (2) and/or Astral to any of its attacks or actions, and becomes Immune to Dominion from lower-Level sources below Level 90.

World Art: Demon Master's Foul Dominion- (Technique Ability, Enslaver) Possessor may use 'World Art: Demon Master's Foul Dominion' in conjunction with an 'Overdrive', 'Melee Overdrive', or 'Snipe' action so long as no other Technique whose name includes 'World Art' in its name is used and possessor is Level 40 or greater. Said action sets its user's Active World Art to 'Demon Master's Foul Dominion', gains +100,000 Magical Attack, +100,000 Melee Attack, and +100,000 Ranged Attack, gains the element Darkness, gains '2 hit against 2,000,000', and gains '30% inflicts Smitten: Great Atrocity'; an additional Technique whose name does not include 'World Art' may be used as part of the same action as this technique. While an individual's World Art is set to 'Demon Master's Foul Dominion', its possessor gains +100,000 to all stats, +100,000 Magical Attack, Melee Attack, and Ranged Attack, 40% Darkness Resistance, the subtypes Demon and Outsider, and '15% inflicts Smitten: Great Atrocity'

World Art: Malice of the Grave-Scaled City- (Technique Ability, Enslaver) Possessor may use 'World Art: Malice of the Grave-Scaled City' in conjunction with a 'Melee Overdrive' action so long as no other Technique whose name includes 'World Art' in its name is used. Said action sets its user's Active World Art to 'Malice of the Grave-Scaled City', gains +45,000 Melee Attack, gains '100% inflicts Fear', gains '100% inflicts Fatigued: Stun', and may not be countered by non-Undead below Level 60; an additional Technique whose name does not include 'World Art' may be used as part of the same action as this technique. While an individual's World Art is set to 'Malice of the Grave-Scaled City', its possessor gains +40,000 CON, +36,000 STR, +36,000 Defense, the subtype Undead, and may, when targeted with a counter, but before said counter generates any attacks, choose to gain the subtype Large Structure as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, and, if hit by any hit generated by an attack that is part of such a counter in response to which said buff was gained, may choose to summon up to 2 Undead of lower Level that are below Level 60, with a max of 40 such Undead summoned.

Internalized Weapon-Crystal: Axe- (Passive Ability, Ravager) Possessor's Dol-Quorsii Weapon Proficiency Rating for Axe increases to A
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Kit ticket pulls continue.

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Alternate Costume: Hair Metal Tolva- (Stance Ability, Bard) Possessor gains the element Electrical, Bardic Music spells cost possessor 20,000 less MP to cast, Possessor gains a +2,000 uncapped bonus to STR, AGI, and CON if possessor is wielding a String Instrument, Possessor gains a +2,000 uncapped bonus to MIN and SPI if possessor is wielding a Bioaugmentation or Trinket whose name includes 'Wig' or 'Hair', If there is a Soundtrack currently playing (with a Genre of 'Metal' or whose name includes 'Tolva'), possessor's Base STR, AGI, and CON are increased by 1 as a non-stacking bonus, and (if its Subgenre is 'Hair Metal', 'Glam Metal', or 'Pop Metal' or if its name includes 'Tolva'), possessor's Base MIN and SPI are increased by 1 as a non-stacking bonus
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Re: Kit ticket pulls continue.

Post by Modrageball »


Kit gets:

At the start each battle launched within 2 years of this posting that involves Kit, any enemy side of battle opposing Kit's side of battle, as a non-buff effect obtains a non-summon Minotaur from the Enemy List at the start of each battle (with each battle's set Minotaur proceeding on to future battles) that does not count as present for the purpose of stopping opponent's victory conditions, that, as an unremovable buff from a Level 100 source, cannot be unsummoned, is Immune to Vanished, resurrects at the start of each round, and cannot be prevented from being resurrected; this Minotaur is Naturally Level 79 and Naturally possesses the following Constant Effect:
Tall, Ominous Dark-Furred Minotaur that Keeps Staring at You While Standing in Corners- Possessor's opponents have a 60% chance of being afflicted with Instant Death: Doomed at the start of each round, with entities below Level 80 being unable to reduce this infliction chance below 30%, Constant Effect
Expires November 28. 2025


Brainbreak Blow- (Technique Ability, Architect) Possessor may use 'Brainbreak Blow' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' or 'Melee Overdrive' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Tool or Axe whose name includes 'Pick', 'Shovel', or 'Mattock' equipped. Said action gains +60,000 Melee Attack, deals 6,000 MIN Damage, gains a 200% chance of inflicting Stat Drain: MIN Drain, and gains a 100% chance of inflicting Mindblasted.

Forest-Feller- (Technique Ability, Architect: Carpenter) Possessor may use 'Forest-Feller' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' or 'Melee Overdrive' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Saw equipped. Said action gains '1 hit against 30,000,000 Plants', +30,000 Melee Attack Against Plants, and '30% inflicts Instant Death against Plants'.

Spear-Yeeting- (Passive Ability, Dragoon: Athlete) Possessor may treat possessor's equipped Spear weapons as though they had a Ranged Attack bonus that is equal to their Melee Attack bonuses if it would otherwise be lower or nonexistant; possessor additionally treats them as Javelins while doing so (and may choose to treat them as Javelins if they possess an equal or greater Ranged Attack bonus to their Melee Attack bonus without this ability altering bonuses)

Beatdown With Your Name On It- (Passive Ability, Dragoon: Emblem-Knight) Possessor gains +25% To Hit and +25% Critical against targets whose name is contained within the name of one or more weapons equipped by possessor (without rearranging letter order); this bonus is uncapped (but additions to it are not) if the weapon in question is a Sign

Ill and Bitter Tidings- (Passive Ability, Dragoon: Harbinger) If possessor enters a battlespace while wielding a Poleaxe, all opponents of possessor in that battlespace have an 80% chance of being afflicted with Hexed; these instances of Hexed, in addition to their other effects, reduce their possessor's STR and MIN by 5% of their respective non-status-effect-counting, non-stat-damage-counting values while possessor is in the same battlespace and wielding a Poleaxe.

Back to the Stables!- (Passive Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) Possessor may use 'Back to the Stables!' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' or 'Attack with Finesse' action, so long as no other technique is used, possessor is in the front row, possessor is not in a Transformation, and possessor has a Lance equipped. Said attack gains +250 Melee Attack, moves its performer to the back row, and transforms its performer into one of its performer's equipped Steed transformations.
Boil Lancing- (Technique Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) Possessor may use 'Boil Lancing' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' or 'Attack with Finesse' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Lance equipped. Said attack gains +3,500 Melee Attack, may gain the elements Fire & Water, and, if doing so, deal an additional 35,000 Fire element HP Damage, and, if said technique's performer is afflicted with Disease or one of Disease's sub-status effect, the technique gains a 200% chance of inflicting an instance of one such chosen status effect on its performer, and, if said infliction would be successful, instead of inflicting a new instance of the status effect or sub-status effect, an existing instance of said status effect or sub-status effect, complete with any modifications present on it, is transferred from the technique's performer to one of the attack's targets.
Dismounting Tilt- (Technique Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) Possessor may use 'Dismounting Tilt' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Powerful Attack', or 'Attack with Finesse' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Lance equipped. Said attack gains +4,500 Melee Attack, and gains a 45% chance of detransforming any of its targets who are in Steed transformations.
Dragon-Lancer- (Technique Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) Possessor may use 'Dragon-Lancer' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Powerful Attack', 'Attack with Finesse', or 'Melee Overdrive' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Lance equipped. Said attack gains +30,000 Melee Attack against Dragons, gains +80% Critical against Dragons, and deals double Damage to Dragons (to a max of 500,000,000 additional Damage total per round).
Formation-Breaker- (Technique Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) Possessor may use 'Formation-Breaker' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' or 'Melee Overdrive' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Lance equipped. Said attack gains +7,000 Melee Attack, and, if it hits a target with a MIN equal to or lower than its performer's STR that is not 20 or more Levels greater than its performer, then, if its target is, due to a Stance that its target is in, causing its (the target's) side of battle to be an abstandard row-order formation, the target is removed from the Stance.
Mech-Lancer- (Passive Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) Possessor's Jouster abilities may treat Mechs as Steeds
Mounted Charging- (Passive Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) If possessor is wielding a Lance, immediately before making an offensive attack targeting at least one opponent, possessor may move to the front row; this ability is retained while possessor is in Steed Transformations and counts Lances equipped outside of the Transformations while transformed
Ominous Tournament Reputation- (Passive Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) If possessor enters battle while wielding a Lance, possessor, to a max of once per battle, has a 100% chance of inflicting Confusion: Fear on all opponents. If possessor is wielding an Lance and entered battle wielding a Lance, possessor, during the first 10 rounds of battle, cannot obtain debuffs coming from Lances wielded by individuals who have lower Fame than possessor provided the Lance the debuff is coming from is lower in Gold value than possessor's highest-Gold-value equipped Lance and that said individual with lower Fame is not 10 or more Levels greater than possessor. If possessor is wielding an Lance and entered battle wielding a Lance, possessor's opponents who are wielding Lances who are lower-Level than or equal Level to possessor cannot cure themselves of debuffs that come from Lances wielded by possessor or from possessor's Jouster abilities, provided that said opponents do not possess equal or greater Fame to possessor and are not wielding at least one Lance that is greater in terms of Gold value than every Lance wielded by possessor (checked individually on a per-Lance basis rather than in aggregate). If possessor is wielding an Lance and entered battle wielding a Lance, possessor's opponents who are wielding Lances cannot be cured of debuffs (that come from Lances wielded by possessor or from possessor's Jouster abilities) by individuals who are 9 or fewer Levels greater than possessor. If possessor is wielding an Lance and entered battle wielding a Lance, possessor's opponents with lower Fame than possessor who are afflicted with Charm, Confusion, Dominion, Insanity, or a sub-status effect of one of the aforementioned status effects cannot unequip Lances without possessor's permission. If possessor is in a Tournament Battle, possessor's Confusion: Fear infliction chances are increased by 100% if possessor is wielding a Lance. If possessor is in a Tournament Battle, possessor's Base Stats are increased by 1 each if possessor is wielding a Lance.
Principle Assault: Armor of the Hedgehog Knight- (Technique Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) Possessor may use 'Principle Assault: Armor of the Hedgehog Knight' in conjunction with an 'Attack with Finesse' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Lance equipped. Said attack gains +9,000 Melee Attack, and, provided it deals Damage to at least opponent, gives its performer a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that gives its possessor +(the Damage dealt to one chosen opposing target, to a max of 10,000,000) Defense, causes its possessor, to a max of once per round per opponent, when attacked by an opponent, at the end of the first hit of the attack from said opponent, to optionally deal that opponent (the Damage dealt to the same chosen opposing target, to a max of 10,000,000) Flat Physical & Psychic element Damage, and that gives its possessor the additional subtypes Conceptual & Humanoid & Animal.
Puncture Hit- (Passive Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) Possessor may use 'Puncture Hit' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Powerful Attack', or 'Melee Overdrive' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Lance equipped. Said attack gains +5,000 Melee Attack and Pierces an amount of Defense equal to its Melee Attack bonus (to a max of 50,000,000 points).
Tilted Tilting- (Passive Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) Possessor obtains +100% To Hit for purposes of attacks that incorporate the Melee Attack bonus of at least one Lance weapon while possessor is afflicted by Confusion: Berserk or Confusion: Enraged, Possessor's Critical Damage Multiplier is increased by 1 as a non-stacking bonus for purposes of attacks that incorporate the Melee Attack bonus of at least one Lance weapon while possessor is afflicted by Confusion: Berserk or Confusion: Enraged
Unicorn's Triumph- (Technique Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) Possessor may use 'Unicorn's Triumph' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Powerful Attack', 'Attack with Finesse', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Lance equipped. Said attack gains +6,000 Melee Attack, +6,000 Magical Attack, may become additionally or solely Light element, and, provided it kills at least one opposing Demon, Devil, Undead, or Darkspawn, (optionally has a 300% chance of inflicting Impaired: Blind on up to 60,000 opponents provided the attack was Light element and, regardless of the attack's elements, cures up to 60,000 of its user's allies of all minor negative status effects, up to three moderate negative status effects each, and all debuffs from opposing Demons, Devils, Undead, and Darkspawn of equal Level to or lower Level than the greatest Level opposing Demon, Devil, Undead, or Darkspawn killed by the attack.)

Perfect Arrangement- (Passive Ability, Manipulator: Matrix Keeper) Possessor may use 'Perfect Arrangement' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', or 'Mental Overdrive' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Assault Matrix equipped. Said attack gains +3,000 Ranged Attack, gains +3,000 Magical Attack, and cannot miss or be dodged by targets whose MIN is lower than its performer's MIN that are not greater Level than its performer.

Missile-Satellite Designer- (Passive Ability, Manipulator: Skywatcher) Possessor may equip an additional Missile for each Satellite possessor has equipped, to a max of 30 additional Missiles

Reaping Season- (Passive Ability, Reaper: Autumnlander) On every third round, beginning with round 3, or if possessor is in a Chronogeomantic Zone of Autumn, possessor, if wielding a Scythe, obtains +2,500 Melee Attack, +10% To Hit, and +10% Critical and may choose to add Acid as an element to any of possessor's attacks that incorporates an attack bonus of a Scythe that possessor has equipped; if possessor is wielding a Fieldscythe, these bonuses increase to +10,000 Melee Attack, +25% To Hit, and +25% Critical, and possessor may choose to make any of possessor's attacks that incorporate the attack bonus of a Scythe that possessor has equipped solely Acid element

Rootcalling Spell- (Technique Ability, Sage: Gardener) Possessor may use 'Rootcalling Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack', 'Overdrive', 'Grand Spell', or 'Cast a Spell' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Rootstaff equipped. At the end of said action, one of the action's performer's Plant summons gains a bonus action that may only be used to perform actions that have a chance of inflicting Paralyzed, Entombed: Overgrown, or a sub-status effect of either of the above.

Cure-Researching- (Passive Ability, Shadow Blade: Parasite) Whenever possessor, as part of an action incorporating at least one attack bonus possessed by a Needle Weapon that possessor has equipped, scans a not-previously-scanned target's stats that is not an enemy type from the Enemy List that has already had its stats scanned during the current thread for purposes of this ability, possessor, as a buff, banks a Cure Component. Possessor may bank a max of 30 Cure Components. Possessor may, when conducting a non-offensive action, spend up to one Cure Token per target to cure a minor negative status effect possessed by a each chosen target (with different status effects being able to be chosen on a per-target basis).

Precision Surgery- (Passive Ability, Shadow Blade: Surgeon) Add (possessor's AGI x possessor's To Hit x .001) to quantities of HP healed by possessor while possessor is wielding a Scalpel

Fortified Command Formation- (Stance Ability, Slayer: Strategist) If possessor's side of battle has more individuals in its back row than in its front row, counting bonus individuals that apply for row-order purposes, and this number is greater than either or both of the number of entities in each individual opposing side's front row and in each individual opposing side's back row, possessor's allies (including possessor) in the back row, have their MIN and Defense values increased by 25% (to a max of possessor's MIN not counting Stances), but have Damage they deal reduced by 95%

Where there is Light, There is Heat- (Passive Ability, Sorceress: Deepkeeper) At the start of each round, if possessor is wielding a Candle, all possessor's opponents who are in at least one Zone of Light created by possessor have a 30% chance of being afflicted with Burning

Twinspell- (Technique Ability, Sorceress: Witch) Possessor may use 'Twinspell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Overdrive' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Spellwand equipped. Said action may incorporate the casting of an additional spell that possesses a Magical Attack bonus that has not already been cast as part of it.

Sexy Beach Bod- (Passive Ability, Diplomat: Swimmer) Possessor's Charm infliction chances are increased by 30%, If possessor is wearing a Swimwear, possessor obtains +(the highest non-automatic Charm infliction chance possessor has used during the current thread x100) Defense

Hive of Multitudes- (Passive Ability, Guardian: Swarmlord) If possessor is wearing a Hivemail, whenever possessor, due to an effect that is not part of a Swarmlord ability or Hivemail armor, summons one or more Insects, possessor may summon an equal number of lower-Level Insects that are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 20,000 summoned

Mind-Prospector's Thought-Vein-Detecting Assessment- (Active Ability, Diviner) Caster scans a target's stats. If the scan is successful, target obtains a debuff that makes it so that, to a max of once per battle per debuff-possessor (across all instances of the debuff per applying individual, to a max of 20 times across all applying individuals per side of battle), the next action the scan's performer performs a 'Mine Brain' Technique as part of has its MIN Damage cap doubled (to a max of 2,000,000 additional points).

Has Discovered Quake-Dweller Earth-Elementals- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Instances of the Enemy 'Earth Elemental' from the Enemy List that possessor summons may (as one combined choice) naturally gain +4,500 CON, naturally gain +30% Dodge, naturally gain Fatigued Immunity and Fatigued: Stun Immunity, naturally gain the Constant Effect 'Quake-Dweller- Possessor's presence counts as the presence of a Zone of Earth; Possessor may choose to have a 260% chance of inflicting Fatigued: Stun on up to 30,000 opponents at the start of each round, Constant Effect', and naturally have the word 'Quake-Dweller ' appended to the beginning on their names
Storm-Sylph Summoner- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Instances of the Enemy 'Sylph' from the Enemy List that possessor summons may (as one combined choice) naturally gain the element Electrical, naturally gain +17,000 SPI, naturally gain 'Absorbs Electrical', naturally gain the ability 'Thunderous Mystic Smackdown- 36,000 Damage, may inflict Electrocuted, Electrical & Magic or Electrical & Air or Electrical & Magic & Air, 0 MP', and naturally have the word 'Storm ' appended to the beginning on their names

Mind-Tunnel Traversal- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may, if wielding a Tool or Axe whose name includes 'Pick', 'Shovel', or 'Mattock', up to once per round, before possessor's first action of the round, move from one battlespace that contains an entity that is afflicted with both Wounded and Mindblasted with possessor as a source of both into a second battlespace that contains a different entity that is afflicted with both Wounded and Mindblasted with possessor as a source (with possessor being able to be neither of the aforementioned afflicted entities)

Mindblast Smelting- (Passive Ability, Smith) If possessor performs an action that is both Psychic and Fire element, possessor may choose up to 5 instances of Mindblasted present on a combination of possessor and on willing allies, curing them, and then, for each instance successfully cured, (obtain 5,000,000 Temporary Gold, obtain a buff that stacks 200 times that causes its possessor to count as possessing an additional Psychic & Metal element Material named 'Mindblast Ingot', and regenerate 5,000,000 HP)

Kindler of the Last Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Instances of the Enemy 'Butterflies of the First Fire' from the Enemy List that possessor summons may (as one combined choice) naturally gain the elements Ice & Darkness & Twilight, naturally gain +13,500 to all stats, naturally gain 90% Time Resistance, Frozen Immunity, Voidstruck Immunity, and Petrified: Time Stop Immunity, naturally gain the Constant Effect 'Of the End - Possessor's opponents suffer a debuff that provides -200,000 Max HP that stacks 100 times at the start of each round, with multiple instances of this debuff not being able to be placed on the same individual in the same round and with this debuff being unable to be placed on entities that are Immune to, Reflect, or Absorb Ice, Darkness, or Twilight, Constant Effect', and naturally have the word 'Last' replace the word 'First' in their names

Bearer of the Era of War- (Passive Ability, Warmaster) Any individual may, with possessor's permission, make the Damage of one of its attacks solely War element

Local, Home-Owning Citizen- (Passive Ability, Other: Commoner) Possessor may append 'Local, Home-Owning Citizen ' to the beginning of possessor's name while possessor has a Large Structure Pet or summon; If possessor is Basic element and has a Large Structure Pet or summon, possessor gains +1 Fame

Grand Poobah of Relics Both Exalted and Temporal- (Passive Ability, Other: Most August and Baroque Grand-Marquis of Exquisite Provenance) Possessor gains +10 Fame, Possessor gains +1 Fame per Unique item possessor has equipped, Possessor gains an additional +1 Fame per Divine Relic possessor has equipped provided that possessor possesses a previously-uncounted-for-this-purpose non-Divine-Relic unique item to count in pairing alongside it

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Long-Lived Pets- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Long-Lived Pets- Possessor's Animal, Aquatic, Aerial, Cthonian, Insect, Reptile, and Plant summons that have a duration that is 5 rounds or greater have that duration increased by ((Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's Patron Deity's Level)x2) rounds, Possessor's Animal, Aquatic, Aerial, Cthonian, Insect, Reptile, and Plant (pets and summons) have a ((Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's Patron Deity's Level)x2)% chance of being cured of Diseased at the start of each round, Possessor's Possessor's Animal, Aquatic, Aerial, Cthonian, Insect, Reptile, and Plant (pets and summons) regenerate (Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's Patron Deity's Level)x1,000 HP at the start of each round, Worshipper Benefit

Dweller of the Consecrated Temple- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor gains +(100 x Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor is a Deity and possessor is inside a Terrain, Phantom Terrain, or Zone that is Consecrated to possessor; If one of possessor's Devout Worshippers is in the same thread as possessor, whenever said Devout Worshipper creates a Terrain or Phantom Terrain, said Devout Worshipper may, provided said Terrain or Phantom Terrain is not Consecrated to another Deity, choose to Consecrate said Terrain or Phantom Terrain to possessor as a non-stacking buff on said Terrain or Phantom Terrain


*Keystone of Anthurassus (Artifact, Level 79, 0 XP, # XP Required, Standard Multiplier x12 (Raised to x480 to bypass Level 80 cap))

*Keystone of Anthurassus- (Accessory Aspect- Keystone of Anthurassus, Holy Symbol, Faith & Glory & Earth & Air, X Gold) +400,000 Magical Attack, +400,000 Defense, +400,000 MIN, Wielder controls the decisions of lower-Level Planetaries who are not Immune to Dominion, Wielder gains the Worldbound God abilities of all allies as a constantly-applied effect while this item is equipped, The bonuses to STR, AGI, CON, MIN, SPI, Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, Magical Attack, HP, and MP granted by Worshipper Benefits that wielder grants Worshippers in the same thread are doubled, to an added max per benefit equal to wielder's corresponding value, with the doubled portion of the bonus value being uncapped

*The Sky Which Speaks- (Weaponx0 Aspect - Keystone of Anthurassus, Instrument: Microphone, Air & Faith & Glory, X Gold) +400,000 Melee Attack, +400,000 Ranged Attack, +400,000 Magical Attack, +400,000 Defense, +400,000 AGI, +400,000 SPI, 260% To Hit, +80% To Hit, 1 hit against 40,000,000, Wielder may target and be targetted by entities in any battlespace, with this effect specifically not overriding the targeting-prevention effect granted by '*The Temple Inviolable'

*The Earth Which Bows- (Armorx0 Aspect - Keystone of Anthurassus, Aura: Domain, Earth & Faith & Glory, X Gold) +400,000 Melee Attack, +400,000 Ranged Attack, +400,000 Magical Attack, +400,000 Defense, +400,000 CON, +400,000 SPI, Up to once per round, when an individual of equal or lower Level to wielder that is below Level 80 directs a hit of an attack to target wielder, wielder may destroy a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain created by a source of Level equal to or lower than wielder to prevent that hit from hitting wielder, Wielder may, before wielder's first action of each round, choose to gain control of up to 5 Zones, Terrains, or Phantom Terrains that were created by sources of Level equal to or lower than wielder

*The Temple Inviolable- (Accessory Aspect- Keystone of Anthurassus, Container, Faith & Glory, X Gold) +400,000 Defense, Wielder may not be attacked on the first 5 rounds of battle unless a grand total of at least 5 out of (actions spent by entities with Adept or greater Crusher, Geomancer, Priest, Subspace Architect, or Thief specifically to remove this effect are spent), instances of Zone or Terrain removal are spent to specifically to remove this effect (to a max of one per source per turn), and/or Persistent Enchantments are cast by opponents; Wielder's Worshippers are Immune to instances of Smitten: Excommunicated that wielder chooses for them to be Immune to, Wielder's worshippers may not have their worshipper benefits removed by sources of Level equal to or below wielder without wielder's permission, Wielder is Immune to sources below Level 60

*The Builder's Table- (Artifact, Level 79, 0 XP, # XP Required, Standard Multiplier x11)

*The Builder's Table- (Accessory Aspect: The Builder's Table, Decor: Furniture, Earth & Fire & Technology & Treasure & Form & Steam, X Gold) +10,000,000 MP, At the start of each round, wielder may choose one Modular Upgrade that wielder is carrying and, as a temporary buff, apply a replicated instances of its effect to a valid item that wielder is wielding or carrying, with said buff lasting until the end of the round

*The Builder's Hammer- (Weapon Aspect: The Builder's Table, Tool: Hammer, Earth & Treasure, X Gold) +100,000 Melee Attack, 200% To Hit, Whenever wielder places a buff on a target, wielder may select a non-unique Modular Upgrade that is either carried by wielder or attached to an item wielder is wielding and, as a temporary buff that lasts until the end of the thread that does not stack on the same item but stacks 400 times on different items at a time, apply a replicated copy of the selected Modular Upgrade to one of the target's items, with the buff existing on the item rather than the target

*The Builder's Chisel- (Weapon Aspect: The Builder's Table, Knife: Stake, Fire & Form, X Gold) +100,000 Melee Attack, 100% Critical, Each time wielder hits a target with an attack, up to (1 + ((wielder's Level - target's Level)/5, rounded down, to a minimum of 0)) times per target per round, wielder may remove an Enhancement present on one of target's wielded or carried items, This weapon additionally counts as a Tool: Grinder

*The Great Assemblage- (Armor Aspect: The Builder's Table, Power Armor: Frame, Technology & Steam, X Gold) +100,000 Defense, +100,000 to all stats, 100% Resilience, 100% Dodge, This item may have any number of Modular Upgrades attached to it, with this effect not permitting any one Modular Upgrade to be applied to this item a number of times that is greater than that Modular Upgrade could be applied to any one other item; This item may have any Modular Upgrade attached to it, regardless of the restrictions normally placed on what kinds of items the Modular Upgrade could be attached to with this effect also not permitting any one Modular Upgrade to be applied to this item a number of times that is greater than that Modular Upgrade could be applied to any one other item

*Void's Eye Supersatellite (Artifact, Level 79, 0 XP, # XP Required, Standard Multiplier x11 (Raised to x220 to bypass Level 80 cap))

*Void's Eye Supersatellite- (Weapon Aspect- Void's Eye Supersatellite, Remote: Satellite, Void & Astral & Destruction & Technology & War, X Gold) +300,000 Ranged Attack, 1 hit against 30,000,000,000, 180% To Hit, 100% Critical, Wielder's Criticals have their Critical Damage Multiplier increased by 1 as a non-stacking effect against entities whose stats wielder has scanned, Wielder may equip 5 additional Missile weapons, Wielder may target entities in other battlespaces with 'Ranged Attack' and 'Ranged Overdrive' actions, but, if wielder does so, wielder may, for the remainder of the round wielder does so and on the round thereafter (as an effect that is not altered by changing round numbers) be targeted by entities in the battlespace that wielder targeted the entity in (and by the entity targeted regardless of what battlespace it is in), Wielder's attacks that incorporate one of this item's attack bonuses may not be countered by entities below wielder's Level who have not scanned wielder's stats

*Oculus Oversystem- (Accessory Aspect- Void's Eye Supersatillite, Upgrade, Void & Astral & Technology & War, X Gold) Wielder may, at the end of each of wielder's actions, scan the stats of any number of individuals in any battlespaces, When wielder successfully scans the stats of a Robot, Machine, or Coded Being, wielder may afflict it with Diseased: Computer Virus, Wielder gains +80% To Hit and +100% Critical against targets whose stats wielder has scanned

*Overlord Protocol- (Accessory Aspect- Void's Eye Supersatillite, Upgrade, Void & Astral & Technology & War, X Gold) Wielder may, at the start of each of wielder's actions, choose to have an 800% chance of inflicting Charm or a 40% chance of inflicting Dominion, choosing once for all targets per action-start, on any number of Robots, Machines, and/or Coded Beings in any battlespaces

*Black Watchman Defense Matrix- (Weapon Aspect- Void's Eye Supersatellite, Shield: Orbital, Void & Astral & Warding & Technology & War, X Gold) +300,000 Ranged Attack, +300,000 Defense, Wielder takes 50% less Damage (as a non-stacking effect) from entities in other battlespaces, Wielder's stats may not be scanned by lower Level entities in other battlespaces

*Ancient Devil's Coin- (Accessory, Trinket, Darkness & Mystic & Blood, 666,666,666 Gold) Wielder may choose to have this item automatically and fully pay the MP cost for any spell that wielder casts that costs under 600,000,000 Gold; This item tracks how many times this is done

*Demon-Banishing Gong- (Consumable, Enchanted Item, Light & Spatial & Warding, Unlimited Charges, 400,000,000 Gold) Unsummons all Demons that are either below Level 60 or that are not 5 or more Levels greater than user

*Plaezandrio's Blowgun- (Weapon, Bow: Blowgun, Toxin & Void & Wonder, 350,000,000 Gold) +350,000 Ranged Attack, Wielder is Immune to Minor Negative Status Effects that at least one non-summoned opponent is afflicted with, 600% inflicts each minor negative status effect or sub-status effect directly inflictable (not counting infliction via replication of effects, creating summons that inflict things, etc.) by one of wielder's equipped items, spells on Inherent Spell list, or abilities possessed, 100% inflicts each moderate negative status effect or sub-status effect directly inflictable (not counting infliction via replication of effects, creating summons that inflict things, etc.) by one of wielder's equipped items, spells on Inherent Spell list, or abilities possessed, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater

*Sapphire Overdrive- (Permanent Consumable, Modular Upgrade, Water & Life, 1 Charge, 400,000,000 Gold) Gives target weapon, armor, or accessory the Modular Upgrade Enhancement '*Sapphire Overdrive Installed'

*Sapphire Overdrive Installed- This item provides +1 Base AGI, +1 Base MIN, 50% Water Resistance, 50% Life Resistance, Drowning Immunity, and Awestruck: Lifeforce Overload Immunity, This item's wielder may make any of its attacks or actions solely or additionally any combination of the elements Water and Life (with other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive' being able to, using similar clauses, append their elements as an additional portion of a 'solely' choice made here), This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, however, this item may be installed slotlessly (or as an additional Enhancement above normal limits) alongside other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive', This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable '*Sapphire Overdrive' for 5 weeks and 400,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

*The Emphatic Suggestion- (Weapon, Gun: Missile, War & Sonic, 315,000,000 Gold) +315,000 Ranged Attack, 500% inflicts Fatigued: Stun, 30% inflicts Smitten, When wielder performs a 'Ranged Overdrive' action, wielder chooses a status effect (either positive or negative; minor, moderate, or major) and places non-stacking debuff on each target that reduces its possessor's infliction chances for that status effect by 100%, preemptively deals its possessor 31,500,000 Flat War & Sonic element Damage whenever its possessor performs an action that would inflict said status effect, and cannot be removed by sources below wielder's Level; wielder's 'Ranged Overdrive' actions cannot be countered by entities below Level 80 that are equal Level to or lower Level than wielder, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

*Trophy for Being the Best Kit- (Accessory, Trinket, Glitz, 30,000,000 Gold) +30 Fame if wielder's name includes 'Kit'

'War is Hell'- (Weapon, Book, War & Darkness & Fire, 160,000,000 Gold) +160,000 Magical Attack, Whenever an individual finishes performing a War-element action, you may summon up to 66 Devils that are below your Level that are below Level 80 that are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 666 summoned, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Demon-Smiter- (Weaponx2, Sword: Greatsword, Light & Glory, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Melee Attack, +60,000 Magical Attack, 80% Critical, Wielder's Critical Chance is doubled against Demons (to a max of a 200% increase across all copies of this item)

Legion Reaper- (Weapon, Gun: Automatic, War, 350,000,000 Gold) +350,000 Ranged Attack, +350,000 AGI, 4 hits against 400,000,000,000, Wielder's To Hit does not decrease per hit in multi-hit attacks against Units whose Level is below wielder's Level, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

World-Crystallizer- (Weapon, Gun: Beameye, Crystal (2), 250,000,000 Gold) +250,000 Ranged Attack, +200,000 Magical Attack, Wielder may spend an action to scan a target's stats, If wielder scans a target's stats successfully, wielder may convert all Zones created by that target, provided it is not 20 Levels greater than wielder and is not (both Level 99 or greater and unique), into Zones of Crystal (2), attaching a non-stacking effect to said Zones that causes each Zone it is attached to to, at the start of each round, convert a random Zone in the same battlespace that is not solely a Zone of Crystal (2) that is not created by a source that is either (20 Levels greater than wielder or (both Level 99 or greater and unique)), into a Zone of Crystal (2), attaching a replicated copy of the same effect (without any post-creation modifications) to the converted Zone; whenever wielder creates a Zone, wielder may choose for it to be a Zone of Crystal (2) with the aforementioned effect on it rather than the Zone it would otherwise normally be, with this effect being unable to alter the effects of unique spells, Persistent Enchantments, and Overcrashes; Wielder must be Level 60 or greater

Missile that Follows Missiles- (Weapon, Gun: Missile, War, 180,000,000 Gold) +180,000 Ranged Attack, Up to once per round across all instances of this item across all wielders, on rounds of battle that are not considered the first round of battle by wielder or by any individual of greater Level than wielder, wielder may, after performing a 'Ranged Attack', 'Snipe', or 'Ranged Overdrive' action that generates an attack that incorporates the Ranged Attack bonus of a different Missile weapon that wielder is wielder, choose to immediately gain a bonus action that may only be used to perform a 'Ranged Attack', 'Snipe', or 'Ranged Overdrive' action that may not involve the casting of any Spells or use of any Techniques, that must incorporate a Ranged Attack bonus from this item, that may only target entities that were targeted by the attack generated by the action that permitted the bonus action, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Pyroclasmic Blast-Eruptor- (Weapon, Gun: Missile, Fire & Earth, 230,000,000 Gold) +230,000 Ranged Attack, 200% inflicts Burning, 200% inflicts Entombed, 100% inflicts Burning: Igneous, If wielder performed a 'Ranged Overdrive' action that incorporated this weapon that did not incorporate any Spells or Techniques, wielder may, at the start of wielder's first action of the next round, choose to repeat that action against the same targets, with the inherent MP costs of the 'Ranged Overdrive' waived, provided no other action of wielder's has repeated on the same round, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater and must have a Base MIN of 10 or greater

Gun Full of Guns- (Weapon, Gun: Rifle, War, 45,000,000 Gold) +45,000 Ranged Attack, Whenever wielder performs an action that incorporates this item's Ranged Attack bonus, wielder may, as a non-stacking buff, choose up to four unequipped Gun weapons that wielder is carrying and incorporate than into wielder's next action that incorporates this item's 'Ranged Attack' bonus
Guns of the Lost- (Weaponx2, Gun: Rifle, War & Memory, 350,000,000 Gold) +600,000 Ranged Attack, Wielder, as a constantly-applied effect, is wielding a replicated copy of each non-unique Gun worth under 150,000,000 Gold that was wielded by a currently-dead individual in the battle who died during the current battle, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Leviathan Piercer- (Weapon, Gun: Speargun, Physical & Water, 350,000,000 Gold) +350,000 Ranged Attack, Wielder ignores the Physical and Water Resistance and Immunity of Aquatics below Level 98, Wielder may, while performing offensive actions and attacks, count as being a Deity, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater

Clarion of the Seven Spheres- (Weapon, Instrument: Brass Instrument, Air & Light & Glory, 275,000,000 Gold) +275,000 Magical Attack, If wielder possesses at least 7 different buffs, counting only buffs that are at least one out of Celestial Magic or Holy Magic, wielder's actions cannot be skipped, prevented, or caused to fail by opponents below Level 80, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater and must possess Adept or greater Tier in Instruments, Brass Instruments, Celestial Magic, Holy Magic, or Celestials

Element Syphon- (Weapon, Knife: Syringe, Earth & Air & Fire & Water & Light & Darkness & Magic & Technology & Physical & Psychic & Ice & Energy & Acid & Electrical & War & Hope & Sun & Moon & Wood & Metal, 275,000,000 Gold) +275,000 Melee Attack, If wielder hits a target below Level 80 with an attack, wielder may give the target hit a non-stacking debuff that removes its non-Universe, non-Basic elements and makes its possessor gain the element Basic, with wielder, at the same time, gaining a buff that stacks 5 times that gives its possessor the elements that were removed via the debuff's application, with the buff's possessor being able, if wielding this weapon or another of the same weapon from the Shop, before any of its actions, up to a max of once per round, place any number of stacked instances of the buff on a target that is either willing or below Level 80, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

March of Nations- (Weapon, Knife: Machete, Civilization, 180,000,000 Gold) +180,000 Melee Attack, Wielder may, whenever wielder hits a target with a 'Melee Attack' action, destroy a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain created by a non-unique Aerial, Animal, Aquatic, Astral Being, Cthonian, Insect, or Plant that is not a descendant summon of a unique individual or of a Human, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Pincushion Spear- (Weapon, Polearm: Spear, Physical, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Melee Attack, +60,000 AGI, Once per round, when wielder hits a target with a 'Melee Attack', 'Attack with Finesse', or 'Melee Overdrive' action, wielder may choose to deal that target (The combined Melee Attack bonus of wielder's equipped Fork, Greatspear, Harpoon, Javelin, Lance, and Spear weapons' Melee Attack bonuses) Flat Physical element Damage and have a (100 x the number of Fork, Greatspear, Harpoon, Javelin, Lance, and Spear weapons wielder has equipped)% chance of afflicting that target with Pain, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater

Stage Grabber- (Weapon, Scythe: Dredgehook, Glitz, 75,000,000 Gold) +75,000 Melee Attack, +45,000 Magical Attack, +15 Fame, Wielder's 'Melee Attack' and 'Attack with Finesse' actions may move targets of Level equal to or lower than wielder to the row in said target's row-order-formation of wielder's choice, with wielder dealing 15 Temporary Fame Drain to targets who are moved to a different row via this effect (to a max of once per target per round) and wielder being able to place a debuff on such targets that reduces its possessor's Fame, provided that wielder remains within a battlespace within the same thread, to 0, provided the debuff's possessor is not greater Level than possessor and does not (not factoring in the debuff's effect) possess more Fame than wielder (with this being an effect that checks itself against wielder rather than a static value determined at the time of infliction), Wielder must be Level 40 or greater and must have at least 50 Fame

Impurity-Sealing Orb- (Weapon, Throwing Weapon: Orb, Light & Warding, 130,000,000 Gold) +130,000 Magical Attack, +130,000 Defense, +130,000 SPI, Wielder may, at the start of each round, choose a debuff, minor negative status effect, or moderate negative status effect present on wielder and each of wielder's allies (choosing individually per entity) that was applied by a source below Level 86 that is not 6 or more Levels greater than wielder and modify it to have no next while this weapon is wielded by wielder in the same battlespace, Wielder may not deal non-healing Damage or conduct offensive actions

Neck-Mounted Clock Reminding You That IT'S WAR O' CLOCK IN THE MORNING!- (Accessory, Amulet, War & Time, 45,700,000 Gold) If an individual that is not 20 or more Levels greater than wearer and that is not Level 85 or greater would create a Chronogeomantic Zone, wearer may choose, as a non-stacking effect that cannot be invoked by multiple sources against the same effect, to give it a 20% chance of instead being created as a Zone of War

Sacred Cloudperch- (Accessory, Container, Air & Light, 175,000,000 Gold) If wielder performs a 'Rest' or 'Meditate' action, wielder, as a non-stacking buff, obtains +50% Dodge until the end of the round, obtains a non-stacking buff that lasts 3 rounds that allows its possessor to make any of its possessor's attacks additionally or solely Light element, Regenerates 1,750,000 HP and MP, Obtains, as a non-stacking buff that lasts 2 rounds, +75% Critical against Demons, Devils, and Daemons, Obtains a non-stacking buff that lasts 15 rounds that causes its possessor to regenerate 175,000 HP and MP at the start of each round, Obtains a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that makes its possessor count as being in the back row for all purposes except row-order and count-of-individuals-per-row determining purposes, and that optionally causes its possessor to, up to a max of once per thread, obtain a bonus action that must incorporate the casting of a Celestial Magic or Holy Magic spell, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Professor 3.0's Astounding Status Normalizer- (Accessory, Gadget, Technology, 250,000,000 Gold) Instances of the infliction of sub-status effects of moderate negative status effects that come from sources that are either willing or are both (below Level 85 and lower Level than wielder) become instances of their corresponding non-sub status effects
Siren Indicating That There's a War Going On- (Accessory, Gadget, War & Sonic, 75,000,000 Gold) To a max of 300 times per entity per battle, all entities of Level equal to or lower than wielder have a 25% chance that cannot be modified when being taken by an entity that (is not lower Level than wielder or is Level 80 or greater) of having each of their attacks become solely War element when made

Horse-Head Statuette Depicting A Horse With Utter Disregard for Pigs- (Accessory, Trinket, Time & Void, 30,000,000 Gold) Wielder gains 15% Resistance to Animals from the Enemy List whose Natural name includes 'Pig' or 'Swine', Wielder gains 15% Resistance to entities from the Enemy List who drop items whose name includes 'Silver Pig', Wielder gains 15% Resistance to enemies that are opponents on a Dungeon-based side of battle in a Random Dungeon whose name includes 'Silver Pig', Wielder gains 15% Resistance to items whose name includes 'Silver Pig' or that are results of existing Combos or Secret Formulas that possessed an ingredient whose name includes 'Silver Pig'

Borvolach Auto-Reloader- (Accessory, Upgrade, Technology & War, 7,750,000 Gold) Wielder may bring an additional 30 Ammos into a thread unequipped, Wielder may, as a non-stacking effect, equip an additional Ammo accessory, Wielder may, before every action, choose to unequip an Ammo and then may choose to equip an Ammo

'Proper Etiquitte for How a Multiclassed Reaper (Wind-Cutter Variant) / Scholar (Specializing in Heavy Tomes) Should Host Mid-Afternoon Tea for a Visiting Adviser (Swarm-Tactics Specialist) / High Roller (Who is Unarmed), Provided that the Reaper has a Visiting Aunt (Once-Removed) Who is a Kinglemaster (Retired and Below Master-Tier)'- (Item, Antiquity, Air & Water & Magic, 217,500 Gold)
Military Discharge Papers- (Item, Antiquity, War & Air, 2,700 Gold)
Recruitment Poster Where a Man's Dog Is Asking Him Why He Isn't Fighting In the War RIGHT NOW!?- (Item, Antiquity, War, 145 Gold)
Tree that Hoots- (Item, Antiquity, Earth & Magic, 50,000 Gold)

Ever-White Feather- (Item, Material, Light & Air, 9,000,000 Gold)

Electric Megadefense Pod- (Permanent Consumable, Modular Upgrade, Technology & Electrical, 1 Charge, 80,000,000 Gold) Gives target armor the Modular Upgrade Enhancement 'Electric Megadefense Active'

Electric Megadefense Active- This item provides +80,000 Defense and 30% Electrical Resistance and, up to once per round, as an effect that counts as a counter to an attack but is not an action, deals 800,000 Flat Electrical element Damage to an entity that attacked its wielder, with this occurring at the end of said attack, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Electric Megadefense Pod' for 2 weeks and 8,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Grenade-Launcher Attachment- (Permanent Consumable, Modular Upgrade, Technology & Fire, 1 Charge, 5,000,000 Gold) Gives target weapon the Modular Upgrade Enhancement 'Underslung Grenade Launcher'

Underslung Grenade Launcher- This item provides +5,000 Ranged Attack, gains '1 hit against 30', and allows attacks that incorporate one or more of its attack bonuses optionally gain any combination of the elements Fire and Technology, This item gains the subtypes Gun and Heavy Weapon, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Grenade-Launcher Attachment' for 2 weeks and 500,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Slot-Adjustor- (Permanent Consumable: Modular Upgrade, Technology & Flux, 1 Charge, 250,000,000 Gold) Gives target Weapon, Armor, or Accessory the Modular Upgrade Enhancement 'Integrated Slot Adjustor'

Integrated Slot-Adjustor- This item's wielder may, at the start of each of this item's wielder's actions, obtain a non-stacking buff that alters both the slot this item was equipped in from a Weapon, Armor, Accessory slot into a Weapon, Armor, or Accessory slot that does not prevent this item from being equipped in it due to being a different slot type than this item (with this buff persisting after this item is unequipped, but being unable to convert multiple slots on the same individual at the same time), This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Slot-Adjustor' for 2 weeks and 25,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

WODO-Drive- (Permanent Consumable, Modular Upgrade, Technology & Physical, 1 Charge, 90,000,000 Gold) Gives target weapon, armor, or accessory the Modular Upgrade Enhancement 'Roaring-Powerful WODO-Drive Installed'

Roaring-Powerful WODO-Drive Installed- This item provides +90,000 STR and makes its wielder's turn-order-determining stat be solely STRx1, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'WODO-Drive' for 2 weeks and 9,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Bestial Key of Chuule'Kluuquiiokk, the Leviathan-World- (Permanent Consumable, Permit, Water & Life & Warding & Glory, 1 Charge, 980,000,000 Gold) Hold this key aloft to begin dire conflict; best its master in statted battle to bind its power to you (this occupies your battle slot)

Bestial Key of Ghaloup Vahrne, the Wolf-Jester- (Permanent Consumable, Permit, Physical & Beast & Chaos & Moon & Whimsy, 1 Charge, 710,000,000 Gold) Hold this key aloft to begin dire conflict; best its master in statted battle to bind its power to you (this occupies your battle slot)

Eighth Key of Dhougvwaul Vhreeeeeeez, Dazzling Director of Airport Roads, King of Balloons and Bells, Grand Sultan of Lights Over the World, Messenger of Dawn Gongs, Devourer of Countless Particles, Last Detective of the Air Force, Lord of the Spaces Hanging West, and Void and Eternal Count of the Cruciform Tower Hanging Precariously from the Moon- (Permanent Consumable, Permit, Air & Law & Light & Sonic & Knowledge & War & Moon & Offensive Action From The Eight, 1 Charge, 88,888,888 Gold) Hold this key aloft to begin dire conflict; best its master in statted battle to bind its power to you (this occupies your battle slot)

Key of Azhaz Bul'Gannoz, Vizier of the Blazing Canopy- (Permanent Consumable, Permit, Fire & Magic & Air & Treasure & Wonder, 1 Charge, 780,000,000 Gold) Hold this key aloft to begin dire conflict; best its master in statted battle to bind its power to you (this occupies your battle slot)

Intercontinental Hypersonic Barrage-Fire- (Spell, Other: War Magic, War, 210,000,000 Gold) +210,000 Ranged Attack, +210,000 Magical Attack, This action may not be countered by entities that are 10 or more Levels below caster, This action may target entities that are 10 Levels or more below caster that are in other battlespaces, with any entity targeted in this manner becoming able to target caster without regard to battlespaces until the end of the round in which that entity's next action occurs, Caster may, when casting this spell, choose an unequipped Missile weapon and designate it as being part of the spell's payload, with the Missile exiting all inventories and becoming attached to the action, with the caster, on future rounds of battle, if no other action of caster's has been replicated, to be able to choose, before caster's first action of the round, to repeat a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', or 'Overdrive' action that is only capable of targeting the same entities the first, non-repeated version of the action targeted, with the chosen Missile being incorporated into said action, with the Missile returning, unequipped, to its wielder's inventory at the end of battle and returning to its wielder if the thread ends while it is still attached to an attack, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Has Unlocked The Warehouse Category 'Floral Arrangements'
Has Unlocked The Warehouse Category 'Guilded Miss-Alls (Requires a Guild)'

All of Kit's unique Star Lances are becoming Lances; they gain ', this weapon may be treated as a Spear by its wielder, ' in their text where most-appropriate.

Gillian gets:

Ripped and Then Some- (Passive Ability, Modificationist: Bulkhulk) Possessor gains +2 Base STR and +1 Base CON; Possessor's HP is reduced by 3% of possessor's Max HP as a non-Damage reduction in value at the start of possessor's first action each round

Rosaline gets:
This is likely getting flipped to Viren after he buys some stuff.

*The Mighty Pen (Artifact, Level 79, 0 XP, # XP Required, Standard Multiplier x17 (Raised to x340 to bypass Level 80 cap))

*The Mighty Pen- (Weapon Aspect- The Mighty Pen, Wand: Quill, Law & Civilization & Memory & Mystic, X Gold) +300,000 Defense, +300,000 MIN, +3,000,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, 100% Resilience, 100% Dodge, 79% Sword Resistance, If all opponents of wielder in all battlespaces are of equal or lower Level, and if all equal-Level opponents of wielder in all battlespaces are non-Unique, wielder, counting a max of 5 different Spells per round per caster, choosing the first Spells cast per round per caster, casts 200 or more different Spells more than any opponent of wielder, wielder wins the battle, If any of wielder's opponents is equal or lower Level and possesses the ability 'Bearer of the Era of War', wielder, at the start of battle, applies a non-stacking debuff to said opponent that makes its possessor count as defeated so long as its possessor possesses the ability 'Bearer of the Era of War', and, as a constantly-applied effect, makes that opponent count as defeated while in the same battlespace, War may not be treated as a base element, Actions, attacks, and instances of Damage that are not War element may not gain the element War and may not be made to count as War element

*The Most Interesting Book in the World- (Accessory Aspect- The Mighty Pen, Tome, Civilization & Memory & Glory & Glitz, X Gold) +300,000 Defense, +300,000 MIN, +3,000,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, +30 Fame, Wielder cannot be Criticalled by entities with lower Fame who are not 5 or more Levels greater than wielder

*Robe of Written Fates and Honeyed Tongues- (Armor Aspect- The Mighty Pen, Robe: Magerobe, Civilization & Memory & Glory & Glitz, X Gold) +300,000 Defense, +300,000 MIN, +3,000,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, +30 Diplomacy, Wearer has a non-automatically-decidable, non-rerollable, max-30-times (chosen by wearer) per round, 25% chance of automatically Dodging any attack from a source with lower Diplomacy, Wearer may, up to 4 times per thread, as a non-resettable effect that is tracked across all wielders and does not exist on replicated copies of this item, choose to automatically Dodge an attack from an equal-or-lower-Level choice, with this attack being determined after it is determined whether the first hit of the attack that hits wearer is going to hit wearer

*Codex of One Million Story-Realms- (Weapon Aspect- The Mighty Pen, Book: Catalog, Civilization & Mystic & Spatial & Wonder, X Gold) +300,000 Defense, +300,000 MIN, +3,000,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, +15 Fame, +15 Diplomacy, Wielder may spend an action to summon up to 5 entities of Level 79 or lower that are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, with these instances of these enemies having a debuff that cannot be removed by wielder and cannot be removed by entities below Level 99 that makes its possessor unable to attack, Wielder may spend an action to create a battlespace, Wielder may spend an action to enter a battlespace so long as no entity of Level 80 or greater in the battlespace wielder is entering or the battlespace wielder is leaving objects

Viren gets:

D.U.D. Banner (Emblem of the Disorganized Universal Divinities)- (Accessory, Magic Item, Faith & Chaos & Glory & Will, 70,000,000 Gold) Deities in wielder's battlespace are Immune to Charm and gain 30% Dominion Resistance, Deities in wielder's battlespace may not have their actions controlled by lower-Level individuals, Individuals below wielder's Level who are below Level 99 may not benefit from Worshipper Benefits that come from a Pantheon and may not join or create Pantheons, Wielder must be a Deity

Tolva gets:

Law of Rage: EACH NATION SHALL BE RULED BY SIX GREAT DEMONS- (World Law, Demonologist) Demons may choose to have their actions gain (6 * this action's performer's Level)% inflicts Charm and (this action's performer's Level / 4, to a maximum of 30)% inflicts Dominion, Large Structures may not unsummon Demons, Each Demon may summon up to 20 Humans that are 5 or more Levels lower than it that are below Level 80 that are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List at the start of each round, Whenever a Large Structure is summoned, each Enemy side of battle may choose to summon up to 6 Demons that are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 666 summoned per side of battle, Each Demon may choose to count as possessing up to 1,000,000 additional allies who are units, Instances of the entity 'Great Demon' from the Enemy List have their natural stats doubled, are naturally Elite, and gain an additional action assigned in turn order each round, Possessor obtains an uncapped bonus of +5,000 to all stats if possessor has at least 1 Commandment of the Seething Idol active

Law of Rage: THE WORLD MUST EXPLODE SHOULD A PHONEIX COMMAND IT TO- (World Law, Skykeeper) Aerials have their '1 hit against X' actions that are Fire or Energy element where 'X' is already 5 or greater have X increased by 30,000, Aerials deal 150,000 additional Damage (with this bonus being applied once per Aerial per round), Fire element Aerials may spend an action to destroy a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain with an equal or lower Level creator that is below Level 88, dealing ((the Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain's creator's Level)x10,000) Flat Fire or Energy element Damage to up to (the Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain's creator's Level)x1,000) targets, Instances of the entity 'Phoenix' from the Enemy List have their natural stats doubled, are naturally Elite, gain the element Energy, and gain an additional action assigned in turn order each round, Possessor obtains an uncapped bonus of +5,000 to all stats if possessor has at least 1 Commandment of the Seething Idol active

Alternate Costume: Hair Metal Tolva- (Stance Ability, Bard) Possessor gains the element Electrical, Bardic Music spells cost possessor 20,000 less MP to cast, Possessor gains a +2,000 uncapped bonus to STR, AGI, and CON if possessor is wielding a String Instrument, Possessor gains a +2,000 uncapped bonus to MIN and SPI if possessor is wielding a Bioaugmentation or Trinket whose name includes 'Wig' or 'Hair', If there is a Soundtrack currently playing (with a Genre of 'Metal' or whose name includes 'Tolva'), possessor's Base STR, AGI, and CON are increased by 1 as a non-stacking bonus, and (if its Subgenre is 'Hair Metal', 'Glam Metal', or 'Pop Metal' or if its name includes 'Tolva'), possessor's Base MIN and SPI are increased by 1 as a non-stacking bonus

*Gemstone of Rhuuv- (Accessory, Jewelry: Crystal, Fire & Spatial, 280,000,000 Gold) Whenever an entity below Level 80 would summon a Fire element entity or a Malevolent Planar entity, wielder may instead choose for wielder to summon a Demon of equal or lower Level, Max 200 summoned, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater and must either be a Demon or possess the ability 'Adept Demonologist Knowledge'

Landhawk-Shooting Gun- (Weapon, Gun: Rifle, Air & Destruction, 7,000,000 Gold) +7,000 Ranged Attack, Wielder gains +100% Critical as a non-stacking bonus against targets whose name includes 'Landhawk', Wielder gains +100% To Hit as a non-stacking bonus against targets whose name includes 'Landhawk', Wielder obtains -100% Critical as a non-stacking penalty against targets whose name does not include 'Landhawk', Wielder obtains -100% To Hit as a non-stacking penalty against targets whose name does not include 'Landhawk'

Umbrella of Bodaciously-Disguised Demons- (Weapon, Shield: Umbrella, Illusion & Glitz & Color, 180,000,000 Gold) +80,000 Melee Attack, +90,000 Magical Attack, +180,000 Defense, +180,000 SPI, +90,000 CON, Wielder's Demon allies gain 15% Divination Resistance, Wielder's Demon allies gain +5 Fame, Wielder may choose for allied Demons (including wielder) to count as instead possessing any base entity subtype or entity subtype that wielder possesses classname in instead of Demon and/or Arch-Demon whenever their subtypes are checked and may choose different subtypes for different checks/purposes within the same action/chain-of-effects (but cannot choose separately for multiple effects that work as a single group stemming from the same effect), Wielder may choose for sources of lower Level than wielder, when checking the name of a Demon that is lower Level than wielder, to determine its name to be 'Trendy Celebrity', Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Cauldron of Six Hells- (Accessory, Container: Chalice, Fire & Darkness & Torment, 66,666,666 Gold) Wielder's Demon allies obtain +6,666 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder deals 666,666 additional HP Healing and MP Healing to Demons (when already dealing the corresponding value to said Demon), Wielder's Food consumables may gain the subtype Demon, Devil, or Daemon when wielder uses them

Torn-Heart Tattoo- (Accessory, Graft: Mage-Ink Tattoo, War & Devastation, 175,000,000 Gold) Lower-Level entities may not reduce wearer's Critical Chance

Dulcinea gets:

Happy Day Smack!- (Technique Ability, Sorceress: Florist) Possessor may use 'Happy Day Smack!' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' or 'Melee Overdrive' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Bouquet equipped. Said action may treat each of its performer's equipped Bouquets as though it possessed a Melee Attack bonus equal to its Magical Attack bonus and may treat each Wedding Dress its performer has equipped as though it provided a Melee Attack bonus not subject to standard caps that is equal to its Defense bonus (to a max of 2,000,000 points).

Satellite-Blinding Backpack-Mounted Laser- (Accessory, Upgrade, Technology & Light, 650,000 Gold) +100 Defense, +650 Ranged Attack, 100% inflicts Impaired: Blind, Individuals wielding a Satellite obtain -20% To Hit against wielder as an effect that stacks 3 times

New Enhancements

*Sapphire Overdrive Installed- This item provides +1 Base AGI, +1 Base MIN, 50% Water Resistance, 50% Life Resistance, Drowning Immunity, and Awestruck: Lifeforce Overload Immunity, This item's wielder may make any of its attacks or actions solely or additionally any combination of the elements Water and Life (with other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive' being able to, using similar clauses, append their elements as an additional portion of a 'solely' choice made here), This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, however, this item may be installed slotlessly (or as an additional Enhancement above normal limits) alongside other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive', This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable '*Sapphire Overdrive' for 5 weeks and 400,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Electric Megadefense Active- This item provides +80,000 Defense and 30% Electrical Resistance and, up to once per round, as an effect that counts as a counter to an attack but is not an action, deals 800,000 Flat Electrical element Damage to an entity that attacked its wielder, with this occurring at the end of said attack, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Electric Megadefense Pod' for 2 weeks and 8,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Integrated Slot-Adjustor- This item's wielder may, at the start of each of this item's wielder's actions, obtain a non-stacking buff that alters both the slot this item was equipped in from a Weapon, Armor, Accessory slot into a Weapon, Armor, or Accessory slot that does not prevent this item from being equipped in it due to being a different slot type than this item (with this buff persisting after this item is unequipped, but being unable to convert multiple slots on the same individual at the same time), This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Slot-Adjustor' for 2 weeks and 25,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Roaring-Powerful WODO-Drive Installed- This item provides +90,000 STR and makes its wielder's turn-order-determining stat be solely STRx1, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'WODO-Drive' for 2 weeks and 9,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Underslung Grenade Launcher- This item provides +5,000 Ranged Attack, gains '1 hit against 30', and allows attacks that incorporate one or more of its attack bonuses optionally gain any combination of the elements Fire and Technology, This item gains the subtypes Gun and Heavy Weapon, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Grenade-Launcher Attachment' for 2 weeks and 500,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade
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Re: Kit ticket pulls continue.

Post by Modrageball »

Other Things

Updates to character sheets and Enhancement List complete- The Shop and Ability Shop still remain.

I made some alterations to abilities where it was clear there was an error.

Principle Assault: Armor of the Hedgehog Knight- (Technique Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) Possessor may use 'Unicorn's Triumph' in conjunction with an 'Attack with Finesse' action

has been changed to

Principle Assault: Armor of the Hedgehog Knight- (Technique Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) Possessor may use 'Principle Assault: Armor of the Hedgehog Knight' in conjunction with an 'Attack with Finesse' action

*Demon-Banishing Gong- (Consumable, Enchanted Item, Light & Spatial & Warding, 400,000,000 Gold) Unsummons all Demons that are either below Level 60 or that are not 5 or more Levels greater than user

has no Charges listed. I assumed it was supposed to be Unlimited, like most Unique consumables, and have gone with that for now. If not, I can change it.

'Other:' designations on Derivative Weapon/Armor Abilities changed to reflect their overarching primary classes, as approved by Gad:
[19:51]Caelzeph: Question regarding abilities in Derivative trees: Would you prefer them to have the 'Other' prefix, or their primary class? There's examples of both in Kit's thread.

Formation-Breaker- (Technique Ability, Other: Jouster)

Mech-Lancer- (Passive Ability, Dragoon: Jouster)

[19:52]Caelzeph: (I think the latter option might be easier for bookkeeping and at-a-glance 'what does this boost/affect')
[22:11]Gadigan: I like the latter. 'Other' has outlived its usefulness with the commonality of nonbase, having the parent tree gives better info now
[22:11]Gadigan: Thank you

Pending Accessory Subtypes to add to the Subtype list:
Base: Decor, Graft, Jewelry
Derivative: Decor: Furniture, Graft: Mage-Ink Tattoo, Jewelry: Crystal
[23:42]Caelzeph: *Gemstone of Rhuuv- (Accessory, Jewelry: Crystal, Fire & Spatial, 280,000,000 Gold)

Torn-Heart Tattoo- (Accessory, Graft: Mage-Ink Tattoo, War & Devastation, 175,000,000 Gold)

There aren't official derivatives for Accessories yet. Should I alter this to just Crystal and a new Mage-Ink Tattoo subtype, or leave it in for a potential future accessory-division update?
[23:46]Gadigan: Leave it in for a future accessory update. I got partway through one and ran into a wall and it just hasn't moved through
[23:46]Caelzeph: Righto.
[23:47]Caelzeph: I'll make a note in the Subtype List regarding Jewelry and Graft being pending Base Subtypes and Mage-Ink Tattoo and Crystal being pending Derivatives.
[23:48]Gadigan: Thank you
[23:50]Caelzeph: Similarly, Decor: Furniture off the Builder's Table, which I've now been reminded of.

There's a Container: Chalice example, too, but that requires review due to Chalice already being a Weapon subtype.

New Elements

Twilight- Class Unknown (Suggestion: Grand Admiral of the Gloaming) Reference Link
Tier Unknown.
Present effects unknown. Presumably linked to the theme of Endings. Likely connected to the element of Dusk, and possibly also Dawn.
This, and the ability linked, may have instead been intended to be another instance of the Dusk element. If not, it's probably a tier above Dusk/Dawn.

New Warehouse Categories

New Categories

It's not stated whether any of these are from the main or Secondary Warehouse site.

Floral Arrangements
Not yet pulled from. Presumably Bouquet weapons, Plant pets, accessories and items involving flowers and Botanist/Florist abilities.

Guilded Miss-Alls (Requires a Guild)
Not yet pulled from. May involve Missile weapons with horrifically low To-Hit. May instead give Guild benefits that massively increase dodge. May also instead provide Guild benefits that benefit absolutely none of the target guild's current roster.

Auntie Ethyl's Favorite Little Treats
Not yet pulled from. May involve Food and Drink consumables. Or Drugs. Or stranger things besides, depending on who or what Auntie Ethyl is.

Gifts from a Man Who Pities You
An odd category that seems to be Wealth-focused, presumably coming from a specific NPC...

Ghost with the Roast
Not yet pulled from. Presumably Drinks consumables with a necromantic or ghost-summoning tilt.

Predominantly Candy, Unless You're Unlucky
Not yet pulled from. Presumably Food consumables, Candy-based items and weapons, and the occasional razor blade or Drug consumable.

Bad Bill's Tats 'n Gats
Guns and tattoos. This includes Graft: Mage-Ink Tattoo, and presumably also Body-Mod: Tattoo pulls. May purely involve Deriviative subtypes.

Example Pulls:

Torn-Heart Tattoo- (Accessory, Graft: Mage-Ink Tattoo, War & Devastation, 175,000,000 Gold) Lower-Level entities may not reduce wearer's Critical Chance

Landhawk-Shooting Gun- (Weapon, Gun: Rifle, Air & Destruction, 7,000,000 Gold) +7,000 Ranged Attack, Wielder gains +100% Critical as a non-stacking bonus against targets whose name includes 'Landhawk', Wielder gains +100% To Hit as a non-stacking bonus against targets whose name includes 'Landhawk', Wielder obtains -100% Critical as a non-stacking penalty against targets whose name does not include 'Landhawk', Wielder obtains -100% To Hit as a non-stacking penalty against targets whose name does not include 'Landhawk'


Azhaz Bul'Gannoz, Vizier of the Blazing Canopy (Undefined, Level 78) Reference Link
An Eidolon whose challenge-key can be pulled from the Keys to Realms Beyond category in the Warehouse.

Chuule'Kluuquiiokk, the Leviathan-World (Undefined, Level 98) Reference Link
An Eidolon whose challenge-key can be pulled from the Keys to Realms Beyond category in the Warehouse.

Dhougvwaul Vhreeeeeeez, Dazzling Director of Airport Roads, King of Balloons and Bells, Grand Sultan of Lights Over the World, Messenger of Dawn Gongs, Devourer of Countless Particles, Last Detective of the Air Force, Lord of the Spaces Hanging West, and Void and Eternal Count of the Cruciform Tower Hanging Precariously from the Moon (Undefined, Level 88) Reference Link
A member of The Eight, an powerful Eidolon-adjacent entity whose challenge-key can be pulled from the Keys to Realms Beyond category in the Warehouse.

Ghaloup Vahrne, the Wolf-Jester (Undefined, Level 71) Reference Link
An Eidolon whose challenge-key can be pulled from the Keys to Realms Beyond category in the Warehouse.
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Re: Kit ticket pulls continue.

Post by Modrageball »


Things Still Needing Review
Intercontinental Hypersonic Barrage-Fire- (Spell, Other: War Magic, War, 210,000,000 Gold) +210,000 Ranged Attack, +210,000 Magical Attack, This action may not be countered by entities that are 10 or more Levels below caster, This action may target entities that are 10 Levels or more below caster that are in other battlespaces, with any entity targeted in this manner becoming able to target caster without regard to battlespaces until the end of the round in which that entity's next action occurs, Caster may, when casting this spell, choose an unequipped Missile weapon and designate it as being part of the spell's payload, with the Missile exiting all inventories and becoming attached to the action, with the caster, on future rounds of battle, if no other action of caster's has been replicated, to be able to choose, before caster's first action of the round, to repeat a 'Ranged Attack', 'Magical Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', or 'Overdrive' action that is only capable of targeting the same entities the first, non-repeated version of the action targeted, with the chosen Missile being incorporated into said action, with the Missile returning, unequipped, to its wielder's inventory at the end of battle and returning to its wielder if the thread ends while it is still attached to an attack, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
needs an MP cost.

*Demon-Banishing Gong- (Consumable, Enchanted Item, Light & Spatial & Warding, 400,000,000 Gold) Unsummons all Demons that are either below Level 60 or that are not 5 or more Levels greater than user
Given 'Unlimited Charges' for now, but this can be changed if necessary.

Principle Assault: Armor of the Hedgehog Knight- (Technique Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) Possessor may use 'Unicorn's Triumph' in conjunction with an 'Attack with Finesse' action

has been changed to

Principle Assault: Armor of the Hedgehog Knight- (Technique Ability, Dragoon: Jouster) Possessor may use 'Principle Assault: Armor of the Hedgehog Knight' in conjunction with an 'Attack with Finesse' action
for now.
Cauldron of Six Hells- (Accessory, Container: Chalice, Fire & Darkness & Torment, 66,666,666 Gold) Wielder's Demon allies obtain +6,666 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder deals 666,666 additional HP Healing and MP Healing to Demons (when already dealing the corresponding value to said Demon), Wielder's Food consumables may gain the subtype Demon, Devil, or Daemon when wielder uses them
Chalice is currently a Weapon subtype (classname: Grailkeeper). Potential changes to address this: Make the Weapon subtype 'Grail', or change the Accessory subtype to 'Cup' or similar.

New Elements

Twilight- Class Unknown (Suggestion: Grand Admiral of the Gloaming) Reference Link
Tier Unknown.
Present effects unknown. Presumably linked to the theme of Endings. Likely connected to the element of Dusk, and possibly also Dawn.
This, and the ability linked, may have instead been intended to be another instance of the Dusk element. If not, it's probably a tier above Dusk/Dawn.


Azhaz Bul'Gannoz, Vizier of the Blazing Canopy (Undefined, Level 78) Reference Link
An Eidolon whose challenge-key can be pulled from the Keys to Realms Beyond category in the Warehouse.

Chuule'Kluuquiiokk, the Leviathan-World (Undefined, Level 98) Reference Link
An Eidolon whose challenge-key can be pulled from the Keys to Realms Beyond category in the Warehouse.

Dhougvwaul Vhreeeeeeez, Dazzling Director of Airport Roads, King of Balloons and Bells, Grand Sultan of Lights Over the World, Messenger of Dawn Gongs, Devourer of Countless Particles, Last Detective of the Air Force, Lord of the Spaces Hanging West, and Void and Eternal Count of the Cruciform Tower Hanging Precariously from the Moon (Undefined, Level 88) Reference Link
A member of The Eight, an powerful Eidolon-adjacent entity whose challenge-key can be pulled from the Keys to Realms Beyond category in the Warehouse.

Ghaloup Vahrne, the Wolf-Jester (Undefined, Level 71) Reference Link
An Eidolon whose challenge-key can be pulled from the Keys to Realms Beyond category in the Warehouse.

Moving to Gad Review.
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Re: Kit ticket pulls continue.

Post by Modrageball »

-Moved Into A Condensed Thread-

In the interests of decluttering the Gad-Attention thread, the hanging bits here are getting moved to new threads with other hanging bits.