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Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:53 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Aeromage
He's pretty sure this is going to be an animal.
He opens it!
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:53 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Gadigan
Aw, yes! It's an animal and then some!
Giraffe-Attaching Stapler- (Weapon, Tool, Earth, 330,000 Gold) +330 Melee Attack, Wielder's 'Melee Attack', 'Attack with Finesse', 'Powerful Attack', and 'Melee Overdrive' actions give their targets the subtype Animal as a non-stacking debuff if said targets are below Level 60
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:53 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Aeromage
"Yeah! ...wait, what th' fuck?"
Pleased, if really confused, Tolva rides the elevator to its next destination (which is definitely Disc 21) and takes a look to see where it's gotten to this time.
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:54 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Gadigan
Tolva exits the elevator.
Tolva exits the elevator into a cramped city of narrow streets, from whose sides dangle six lanterns of assorted varieties, casting the otherwise-nearly-dark disk into a variety of colored mixes of glow. Shops and homes line the streets, and the steets and alleyways are stone. Approaching Tolva as he departs the elevator are seventy-seven old men in worn robes excitedly hawking cooked fish in competition with one another. There is a box next to Tolva's left foot.
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:55 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Aeromage
"Urgh. Fuckin' humans. Gettin' everywhere."
Tolva roots around for the box, grabs it, and hops back into the elevator again to look at what he's picked up this time, using his tail to jab in the number for Disc 21 again.
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:55 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Gadigan
Lantern-Box from Disc 315- (Accessory, Container, Darkness & Light, 350,000 Gold) Wielder may carry an additional unequipped Aquatic pet or Food consumable into a thread, Wielder's presence counts as the presence of a Zone of Light, Individuals in the same battlespace as wielder may not have their To Hit reduced by effects attached to Zones of Darkness that come from sources below Level 40
The elevator moves to the disc you typed in.
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:56 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Aeromage
"...guess I gotta boxa takeout 'r something?"
Tolva takes a look inside the box to avoid any future instances of surprise fish, and then hops on outside.
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:56 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Gadigan
Out flies a partially-cooked, sorta-undead lantern-fish. It looks like you can pull fillets from its side without hurting it, and it gives off a soothing light. It joins you as (yet another) pet.
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:57 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Aeromage
Tolva's party is getting weird, what with it containing thirty-six different entities of questionable appearance. The little demon decides that thinking about it will just make his brain hurt, and decides to leave it for his future, less-drunk self. That guy's an arsehole, anyway.
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:57 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Gadigan
Tolva heads out of the elevator into a city alive with the sound of music. The buildings around him include a large number of instrument shops and concert halls, and there's even some with giant instruments built into their design. People, predominantly humans, move about the city, and while there is a mix of occupations, there is a definite tilt towards musically-inclined individuals.
And oh, hey, there's the casino! Tolva must be on the right disc. Sound Odds Betting Palace is visible via signage a mere two blocks down from the central pillar.
There's also a box by Tolva's left foot.
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:58 am
by Modrageball
Tolva picks up the box! Then he opens it. Then he considers the disc. Is this the right one? He recalls Disc 21 being a lot less... musical.
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:58 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Gadigan
Box from Disc 317- (Accessory, Container, Air, 300,000 Gold) Wielder may carry an additional unequipped Instrument weapon into threads
Bakazooka- (Weapon, Instrument, Air & Technology, 3,500,000 Gold) +3,500 Ranged Attack, 250 MIN Damage, 100% inflicts Stat Drain: MIN Drain, 100% inflicts Stun, 50% inflicts Confusion: Surprised, wielder counts as having an additional Gun equipped
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:59 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Aeromage
Tolva squints at the box, the disc, and the Casino sign. Is this the right disc? He wanted to go to that big place with all the fancy weird games, after all. Were there this many trombones last time? He doesn't remember there being that many. Best to check with his party.
He turns to look at his eclectic crew of undead half-cooked lanternfish, weird ooze and imperious Outsider-serpent-crane-egg.
"So, uh, thissis Disc 21, right? Just wanna make sure 'causim preeeeetty fuckin' drunk attamoment."
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:59 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Gadigan
He gets a mix of blurbing, bubbling, and strange, eerie, almost melodic noises from the group.
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:59 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Aeromage
"Well, fuck. Guessishoulda brought someoneta translate."
Scratching his head, Tolva instead decides to find someone else to ask who isn't one of those humans (why. Why are they everywhere), stomping drunkenly in a general casino-ish direction on the offchance it is the right place.
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:00 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Gadigan
Tolva manages to locate a seventeen-foot rabbit in a conductor's coat with a baton walking down a nearby sidewalk. It looks over to him (and his weird entourage) as he approaches.
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:01 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Aeromage
Rabbits. He can work with rabbits. So long as they're not weird angel-rabbits. That would be TERRIBLE.
Still, it doesn't have any obvious halos, so Tolva flags it down, if a little unsteadily.
"Hey! This's Disc 21, right? Place with alla fuckin' casinos'n'games'n'stuff? I don't remember alla fuckin' trumpets bein' here lasstime I came."
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:01 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Gadigan
The rabbit narrows its eyes a bit and winces at the cursing, drunken question, but decides that answering it is the best choice here.
"Ah, no, sir. This isn't Disc nineteen, this is Disc four million seventy five."
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:02 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Aeromage
Tolva considers the answer, wobbling slightly on the spot as the words rattle around inside his head. The rabbit obviously hadn't heard him right, but the disc number it gave definitely wasn't the one he was after.
"...shit." he eventually declares, tapping a clawed foot. "Guess igotta tryyagen. Thanks, fuzzface. C'mon guys, gotta get backta thelevator. Elevator. Thing. Knew therras toom'ny trumpets "
Tolva leads his party back to the elevator! He's got to hit Disc 21 sometime!
Re: Tolva In: Screw It, Let's Get Drunk And Go Gambling (Again)
Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:03 am
by Modrageball
Originally posted by Gadigan
Tolva enters his destination and exits the elevator yet again.
He finds himself on a disc covered in massive stone statues of chameleons, each of which has its mouth open, stone tongue reaching down to the stone disc-top to act as a bridge. In each chameleon's mouth is a massive castle.
There is a box by Tolva's left foot.