Re: The Road To Capbreaking Pt. 5: Rushing
Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 9:36 pm
No, seriously, we're ending it after this round anyway.
Volatilis isn't immune to Level 60s! The island still controls EVERY DECISION THEY MAKE, however.
Guild Battleship Tyrsinfane
The Battleship, for some reason (auditing) decides not to summon in guild personnel.
OOZE is incoming. Fortunately, Volatilis ignores all sub-80s immunities, absorptions, and resistances. If something over Level 68 pops out, it gets the Discs in the face.
Otherwise, the Battleship is offed by the Discs, and the ooze is killed afterward.
Sky Overlord-Captain Malthuss Blackbeard
Another of those auto-damage guys. How annoying.
The pirate lord is killed by the Discs. Volatilis then spends some time using the Sanctum of the Beginning to put everyone back together again before offing the Reavers one by one.
The Cerulean Walker
This boss can ignore status effects!
Volatilis ticks a box on its clipboard.
This boss chooses to not ignore status effects! It also chooses not to activate any of its other effects, either!
The Discs kill it, ignoring its immunities.
And that's all, folks.
New Defeats
No, seriously, we're ending it after this round anyway.
Volatilis isn't immune to Level 60s! The island still controls EVERY DECISION THEY MAKE, however.
Guild Battleship Tyrsinfane
The Battleship, for some reason (auditing) decides not to summon in guild personnel.
OOZE is incoming. Fortunately, Volatilis ignores all sub-80s immunities, absorptions, and resistances. If something over Level 68 pops out, it gets the Discs in the face.
Otherwise, the Battleship is offed by the Discs, and the ooze is killed afterward.
Sky Overlord-Captain Malthuss Blackbeard
Another of those auto-damage guys. How annoying.
The pirate lord is killed by the Discs. Volatilis then spends some time using the Sanctum of the Beginning to put everyone back together again before offing the Reavers one by one.
The Cerulean Walker
This boss can ignore status effects!
Volatilis ticks a box on its clipboard.
This boss chooses to not ignore status effects! It also chooses not to activate any of its other effects, either!
The Discs kill it, ignoring its immunities.
And that's all, folks.
New Defeats