
This is for important threads such as rules, the shop, and the enemy list. Players should not create topics here.
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Re: Shop

Post by Pathaky »

Few things happening:

First, Nole takes a copy of Landseal from Ave and combos:

Landseal = Eternal Recall (Diviner)
%Eternal Recall- (Spell, Divining, Psychic & Time, 120,000 MP, 60,000,000 Gold) Individuals below Level 80 who are no more than 19 Levels greater than caster may not cause individuals to stop counting as having scanned their stats without caster's permission, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
He then uses 3 Purity to combo (via Rosaline) Ability via Dulcinea

Knowledge + Timing + Truth = Masterfully Timed Accusation (Detective's Accusation)
%Masterfully Timed Accusation- (Spell, Divining, Air, 5,000 MP, 8,000,000 Gold) This action gains an amount of Defense-Piercing equal to user's MIN (to a max of 10,000 points) and removes one buff from each targets below Level 50 that comes from a source below Level 50, This action may not be countered by individuals below Level 40, This spell may only be cast as part of an action that includes the Technique 'Detective's Accusation'
Buying, for Crazy Roy:
Enlighten- (Spell, Channeling, Knowledge, 800,000 MP, 80,000,000 Gold) Target gains a copy of target ability that is for sale in the Ability Shop that caster possesses that target possesses the prerequisites for according to the Ability Shop (provided that if some of said prerequisites are provided by copies of this buff or other buffs with this text that they also possess the prerequisites for those prerequisites), stacks 10 times
Leech Agility- (Spell, Channeling, Magic, 50 MP, 60,000 Gold) Drains 5 AGI from target and gives it to caster
Leech Constitution- (Spell, Channeling, Magic, 50 MP, 60,000 Gold) Drains 5 CON from target and gives it to caster
Leech Mind- (Spell, Channeling, Magic, 50 MP, 60,000 Gold) Drains 5 MIN from target and gives it to caster
Leech Spirit- (Spell, Channeling, Magic, 50 MP, 60,000 Gold) Drains 5 SPI from target and gives it to caster
Leech Strength- (Spell, Channeling, Magic, 50 MP, 60,000 Gold) Drains 5 STR from target and gives it to caster
Minor Channeling Reservoir Uplink- (Spell, Channeling, Magic, 90 MP, 80,000 Gold) For the remainder of the battle, caster may user the MP of target ally to pay the cost of Spells, to a max of 20,000 MP per action and per Spell, stacks 20 times across different targets and once per target
Transfer Element- (Spell, Channeling, Magic, 100 MP, 80,000 Gold) Switches the elements of two allies
Transfer HP- (Spell, Channeling, Magic, X MP, 20,000 Gold) Transfers from 1-5,000 HP from one allied target to another, costs 1 MP per 10 HP transferred
Transfer MP- (Spell, Channeling, Magic, 1 MP, 20,000 Gold) Transfers from 1-5,000 MP from one allied target to another
for 80,500,000 Gold (From Ave)
Detect Traps- (Spell, Divining, Magic, 70 MP, 65,000 Gold) Caster and up to 5 targets gain +500 Defense against Traps, has RP effects, stacks 5 times
Flatness-Detecting Orb- (Spell, Divining, Magic, 300 MP, 60,000 Gold) +61 Magical Attack, Caster gains 1% Flat Damage Resistance if target has any abilities that specifically inflict Flat Damage, does not stack
Nexite Diviner's Minor Revelation Bullet: Agility- (Spell, Divining, Magic, 70 MP, 35,000 Gold) +15 Magical Attack, Caster gains +1 AGI if target's AGI is between 1 and 100, +2 AGI if target's AGI is between 101 and 500, +3 AGI if target's AGI is between 501 and 1,000, +4 AGI if target's AGI is between 1,001 and 2,500, or +5 AGI if target's AGI is between 2,501 and 5,000, does not stack, later castings of this spell replace earlier buffs that naturally come from this spell even if their values are lower than the earlier castings' values
Nexite Diviner's Minor Revelation Bullet: Constitution- (Spell, Divining, Magic, 70 MP, 35,000 Gold) +15 Magical Attack, Caster gains +1 CON if target's CON is between 1 and 100, +2 CON if target's CON is between 101 and 500, +3 CON if target's CON is between 501 and 1,000, +4 CON if target's CON is between 1,001 and 2,500, or +5 CON if target's CON is between 2,501 and 5,000, does not stack, later castings of this spell replace earlier buffs that naturally come from this spell even if their values are lower than the earlier castings' values
Nexite Diviner's Minor Revelation Bullet: Mind- (Spell, Divining, Magic, 70 MP, 35,000 Gold) +15 Magical Attack, Caster gains +1 MIN if target's MIN is between 1 and 100, +2 MIN if target's MIN is between 101 and 500, +3 MIN if target's MIN is between 501 and 1,000, +4 MIN if target's MIN is between 1,001 and 2,500, or +5 MIN if target's MIN is between 2,501 and 5,000, does not stack, later castings of this spell replace earlier buffs that naturally come from this spell even if their values are lower than the earlier castings' values
Nexite Diviner's Minor Revelation Bullet: Spirit- (Spell, Divining, Magic, 70 MP, 35,000 Gold) +15 Magical Attack, Caster gains +1 SPI if target's SPI is between 1 and 100, +2 SPI if target's SPI is between 101 and 500, +3 SPI if target's SPI is between 501 and 1,000, +4 SPI if target's SPI is between 1,001 and 2,500, or +5 SPI if target's SPI is between 2,501 and 5,000, does not stack, later castings of this spell replace earlier buffs that naturally come from this spell even if their values are lower than the earlier castings' values
Nexite Diviner's Minor Revelation Bullet: Strength- (Spell, Divining, Magic, 70 MP, 35,000 Gold) +15 Magical Attack, Caster gains +1 STR if target's STR is between 1 and 100, +2 STR if target's STR is between 101 and 500, +3 STR if target's STR is between 501 and 1,000, +4 STR if target's STR is between 1,001 and 2,500, or +5 STR if target's STR is between 2,501 and 5,000, does not stack, later castings of this spell replace earlier buffs that naturally come from this spell even if their values are lower than the earlier castings' values
Panopticon- (Spell, Divination, Psychic & Air & Technology, 800,000 MP, 80,000,000 Gold) Caster scans the stats of every individual in the same battlespace, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
for 80,300,000 Gold (From Ave)

All resultant items (Eternal Recall, Masterfully Timed Accusation, and the bought spells) go to Crazy Roy.
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Re: Shop

Post by The Nottest of Daves »

Dulcinea also borrows Rosaline to perform

Purity = Truth (Detective)
Purity = Timing (Well-Timed Plotter)
Purity = Knowledge (Mathematical Knowledge)

and uses her own Detective's Accusation to perform

Knowledge + Timing + Truth = Masterfully Timed Accusation (Detective's Accusation)

Spending 9 Purity to make

3 Masterfully Timed Accusation- (Spell, Divining, Air, 5,000 MP, 8,000,000 Gold) This action gains an amount of Defense-Piercing equal to user's MIN (to a max of 10,000 points) and removes one buff from each targets below Level 50 that comes from a source below Level 50, This action may not be countered by individuals below Level 40, This spell may only be cast as part of an action that includes the Technique 'Detective's Accusation'

One going to Dulcinea, one to Anaximander, and one to Enrica.
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Re: Shop

Post by Celas »

This, again, but for August 2023.
Celas wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:04 pm 2023 July Monthly Claims Post:
El and Elyion:
2x Merchant Abilities and 1x Leprechaun's Bag of Gold = 26,800,000 Gold to El

Truth Chosen Bonus Weeks?

4 Kensei Bonus Weeks from Samurai Detective

Jonathan Durandal:
1 Knightly Order Atomic Bonus Week

Niki Bailong:
1 Knightly Order Enlightlened Sensei Bonus Week
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Re: Shop

Post by Celas »

ah, whoop, combo slot violation. Let's go ahead and cancel
Godseed: Knowledge = ??? (Planetary Traits)

Godseed: Knowledge- (Item, Material, Magic & Psychic & Technology & Knowledge, 180,000,000 Gold)

Planetary Traits- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) If possessor is a Planetary, possessor's HP is multiplied by 2 as an effect that does not stack with other HP multiplying effects, possessor's MP is multiplied by 2 as an effect that does not stack with other MP multiplying effects, possessor's STR is multiplied by 2 as an effect that does not stack with other STR multiplying effects, possessor's AGI is multiplied by 2 as an effect that does not stack with other AGI multiplying effects, possessor's CON is multiplied by 2 as an effect that does not stack with other CON multiplying effects, possessor's MIN is multiplied by 2 as an effect that does not stack with other MIN multiplying effects, possessor's SPI is multiplied by 2 as an effect that does not stack with possessor's other SPI multiplying effects, possessor's Defense is multiplied by 2 as an effect that does not stack with other Defense multiplying effects, possessor's Critical Chance is multiplied by 2 as an effect that does not stack with other Critical Chance multiplying effects, possessor's Dodge is multiplied by 2 as an effect that does not stack with other Dodge multiplying effects, possessor's (To Hit - 100, Minimum 100) is multiplied by 2 as an effect that does not stack with other To Hit multiplying effects, possessor's Resilience is multiplied by 2 as an effect that does not stack with other Resilience multiplying effects, possessor's attack bonuses are multiplied by 2 as an effect that does not stack with other effects that multiply possessor's attack bonuses, and possessor's listed Damage values are multiplied by 2 as an effect that does not stack with any othe effect that multiplies possessor's listed damage values, with possessor also gaining Immunity to Minor Status Effects and Immunity to Moderate Status Effects. These multiplications occur at Application Step 2 in the Order of Effects, bypassing the standard ruling that the effects of Passive Abilities are calculated during Application Step 1.
Possessor also gains the Deity Effect:
Bestow Worshipper Benefits- Possessor's allies and Possessor may elect to receive worshipper benefits from possessor if they are not already receiving such benefits, Said benefits include +50 to all stats per level of worshipper, to a max of possessor's Level, Deity Effect
Has RP effects including potentially getting a Deity entry in the Cathedral of a Thousand Pantheons, the ability to control the worshipper benefit status of a list of worshippers, and being partially bound to a world.
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Re: Shop

Post by Kitsune106d »

Ritual Vessel of a Billion Lives- (Permanent Consumable, Essence Sphere, Time & Life & Glory & Dopple, 1 Charge, 400,000,000 Gold) Target Slot becomes able to accommodate multiple Exodus of Self items and may have them applied to it without sacrificing PCs; characters of any of the slot's unlocked types may be created in the slot

Blossoming Faedream- (Permanent Consumable, Minor Artifact, Dream & Wonder & Life, 1 Charge, X Gold) User, if a willing PC of Level 60 or greater who is not being controlled by any entity, may choose to permanently retire and become unable to be unretired; if user does so, user's character slot is transformed into a Faecourt Dream-Eidolon Character Slot

To be used on armos knight slot.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
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Re: Shop

Post by Armocida »

Kits above post is confirmed
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Re: Shop

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit will buy:

1 Abjurative Deflection- (Spell, Abjuration, Physical & Air, 30,000 MP, 30,000,000 Gold) Target gains a 30% chance of reflecting actions from sources below Level 60 that are 5 or more Levels below caster's Level, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
Lesser Holy Shielding- (Spell, Celestial Magic, Light, 90 MP, 65,000 Gold) +80 Defense, Stacks 4 times
A Drought of Rulership- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Nobility & Water, 900,000 MP, 87,000,000 Gold) Target, if below Level 80 and not 10 or more Levels greater than caster, loses the element Nobility and has all of its non-unique summons become uncontrolled, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
All Is Emptiness- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Magic & Air & Darkness, 2,000,000 MP, 200,000,000 Gold) Target's stats may not be affected by sources below Level 80 that are not 20 or more Levels greater than caster or effects coming from such sources other than said effect's possessor's equipped items that are equipped at the time of said effect's application and its possessor's Constant Effects and Passive Abilities (not counting buffs generated by said effects or abilities), does not stack
Banishing Echo- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Sonic, 7,000 MP, 7,000,000 Gold) +7,000 Magical Attack, Target obtains a non-stacking debuff that causes its possessor to be dealt 70,000 Flat Sonic element Damage and be unsummoned (with said unsummoning only being able to unsummon individuals below Level 40) at the start of the next round
Bestow Minor Unfettered Aura- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Air, 600 MP, 60,000 Gold) Target’s chance of auto-recovery from minor status effects becomes 60% if lower than 60%
Blank Gate- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Spatial, 2,000,000 MP, 200,000,000 Gold) Caster acquires a non-stacking buff that cannot be carried between battles that causes individuals in the same battlespace as its possessor who are lower Level than caster who are below Level 80 to be afflicted with Vanished if they would leave said battlespace, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Blank- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Aether & Void, 1,900,000 MP, 180,000,000 Gold) Target, if target is below caster's Level and below Level 80, has one Constant Effect, Passive Ability, or Ability with an MP cost greater than 0 lose its text, does not stack, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Dissolve Realm- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Aether & Acid, 2,000,000 MP, 200,000,000 Gold) The battlespace caster is in, if it is not the main battlespace of the current battle, is destroyed if it was created by a source below Level 80, with all entities in it being returned to the main battlespace of the current battle when it is destroyed, Caster must be Level 40 or greater

Hands of the Silent Titan- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Physical & Void, 1,800,000 MP, 180,000,000 Gold) +180,000 Melee Attack, +180,000 Magical Attack, Each hit of this action has a 25% chance of removing a buff from a source below Level 80 from its target, This action may not be countered by individuals below Level 85 who are not 20 or more Levels greater than caster, this action may gain '2 hits against 800,000' and deal 1/8 Damage, This spell may be cast by individuals afflicted with Impaired: Mute, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Ethereal Tempest- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Water & Air & Electical & Aether, 1,750,000 MP, 175,000,000 Gold) Caster obtains a non-stacking buff that causes summons below Level 60 that would be summoned into the same battlespace as caster to not be summoned, for summons below Level 80 that are not 20 or more Levels greater than caster to have a 25% chance of not being summoned, to be afflicted with Fatigued when summoned, and to have a 50% chance of being unable to act on the turn they are summoned, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Unhinge from the Years- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Time & Aether, 1,500,000 MP, 150,000,000 Gold) Target buff, debuff, or status effect obtains a non-stacking buff (which is treated as droppable by its source, not by its possessor's possessor) that stacks 200 times across all effects on all individuals that makes it so that it possesses no natural per-round auto-recovery chance and so that, unless an entity that is either greater in Level than caster or is Level 80 or greater objects, its remaining duration does not decrement at the end of rounds, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Vanishing Sunrise- (Spell, Ethereal Magic, Aether & Air & Darkness, 2,000,000 MP, 200,000,000 Gold) Caster obtains a non-stacking buff that causes individuals in the same battlespace who are below Level 100 who are not 20 or more Levels greater than caster to not check for per-round status effect recovery / wearing-off chances at the start of each round
Dimensional Chains- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial & Magic, 60,000 MP, 60,000,000 Gold) Target entity below Level 80 acquires a non-stacking debuff that makes its possessor unable to move between battlespaces, Caster must be Level 30 or greater
Insert Gap- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial, 5,000 MP, 5,000,000 Gold) Target obtains -5,000 Defense as a debuff that stacks 4 times
Seal World- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Warding, 500,000 MP, 250,000,000 Gold) Caster creates a Zone of Warding and attaches a non-stacking effect to it that does not stack across zones that makes entities below Level 80 unable to enter or leave the battlespace it is in, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
Space Fold- (Spell, Other: Spatial Magic, Spatial, 20,000 MP, 20,000,000 Gold) Entities below Level 60 that are in target row-order formation that are below caster's Level are moved from the back row to the front row
Warlord's Power- (Spell, Other: War Magic, War & Glory, 300,000 MP, 30,000,000 Gold) Target obtains a non-stacking buff that makes its possessor's per-item Ranged Attack bonus cap 2x the relevant stat, its possessor's per-item Melee Attack bonus cap 2x the relevant stat, and its possessor's per-item Magical Attack bonus cap 2x the relevant stat
costing: 1,974,125,000 GOLD
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
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Re: Shop

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit buys:

Divine Cure- (Spell, Divine Spell, Light, 20 MP, 20,000 Gold) +20 Magic Attack, Heals
Holy Blast- (Spell, Divine Spell, Light, 7 MP, 1,900 Gold) +5 Magic Attack
Holy Healing- (Spell, Divine Spell, Light, 7 MP, 1,700 Gold) +5 Magic Attack, Heals

5 Death-Lord's Command- (Spell, Necromancy, Darkness & Psychic, 2,000,000 MP, 200,000,000 Gold) Target dead individual below Level 80 that is not Immune to Dominion that is not 5 or more Levels greater than caster, to a max of once per round per individual, performs an action with all decisions controlled by caster, Caster must be Level 40 or greater
2 Deny Death- (Spell, Necromancy, Darkness & Warding, 3,600,000 MP, 180,000,000 Gold) Target becomes Immune to Instant Death from sources below Level 80 that are not 20 or more Levels greater than caster, Caster must be Level 40 or greater

costing: 1,383,600 Gold
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
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Re: Shop

Post by Kitsune106d »

MOnth drOPS!

Merchandising Deal: Officially Licensed Kit Plushies with 10 Phrases- (Passive Ability, Merchant) +1 Fame, Possessor may spend 20,000 Gold in the shop or an RP thread to create 1 'Officially Licensed Kit Plushie with 10 Phrases', Possessor may post in the shop up to once per month to claim 2,000,000 Gold
Merchandising Deal: Timefox Star Lances- (Passive Ability, Merchant) +2 Fame, Possessor may spend 20,000,000 Gold in the shop or an RP thread to create 1 'Timefox Star Lance', Possessor may post in the shop up to once per month to claim 20,000,000 Gold
Obtained the Prophesied Face-Flavored Coffee Sponsorship Deal- (Passive Ability, Merchant) +1 Fame, Possessor may spend 600 Gold in the shop or an RP thread to create 1 ''Kit's Face' Flavor Coffee', Possessor may post in the shop up to once per month to claim 600,000 Gold; This ability's name additionally counts as being 'Merchandising Deal: 'Kit's Face' Flavor Coffee'
Obtained the Prophesied Face-Flavored Pie Sponsorship Deal- (Passive Ability, Merchant) +1 Fame, Possessor may spend 600 Gold in the shop or an RP thread to create 1 ''Kit's Face' Flavor Pie', Possessor may post in the shop up to once per month to claim 600,000 Gold; This ability's name additionally counts as being 'Merchandising Deal: 'Kit's Face' Flavor Pie'
Obtained the Prophesied Face-Flavored Tea Sponsorship Deal- (Passive Ability, Merchant) +1 Fame, Possessor may spend 600 Gold in the shop or an RP thread to create 1 ''Kit's Face' Flavor Tea', Possessor may post in the shop up to once per month to claim 600,000 Gold; This ability's name additionally counts as being 'Merchandising Deal: 'Kit's Face' Flavor Tea'

Landhawk Mine- (Item, Resource, Earth & Air, 300,000,000 Gold) Possessor may post in the Shop once per month to create 5 Zardowak Landhawk

Goldlumber Forest- (Item, Resource, Wood & Wealth, 600,000,000 Gold) Possessor may post in the Shop once per month to create 10 Goldlumber
Lake of Doom-Ink- (Item, Resource, Water & Darkness & Mystic, 300,000,000 Gold) Possessor may post in the Shop once per month to create 5 Doom-Ink

Kit gains:
23,800,000 gold
5 landhawk,
10 gold lumber,
5 doom-ink
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
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Re: Shop

Post by Kitsune106d »

Rey gives KIT:
Convene International Assembly- (Spell, Leadership, Air & Earth & Water, 200,000 MP, 20,000,000 Gold) Caster summons up to 200 different Humans that are below Level 60 that are fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 200 summoned
Summon Clay Golem- (Spell, Summoner Magic, Earth, 28,000 MP, 2,750,000 Gold) Summons 1 Clay Golem, Max 5 summoned
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
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Re: Shop

Post by Draconics »

"Monthly" Declarations:
Covenant of Damnation -> 6 Pactmaker bonus weeks to Draconics
Pattern of Glory -> 1 Bonus week to Draconics
2x Leprechaun's Magical Pot o' Gold -> 10,000,000 Gold to Draconics
Turkey Music!(Draconics and RM) -> 240 Turkey to Draconics
Independently Wealthy(Nira) -> 7,900,000 gold to Draconics
Bascaradine Salary(Nira) -> 39,500 gold to Draconics
Knightly Order Week Declaration -> Reshol
Knightly Order Week Declaration -> Tensyre
Sponsored by Bascaradine: Custom Line of Throwing Axes for Maids -> 50 Bascaradine NIRA Series Throwing Axe for Maids and 45,000,000 Gold
Three of Swords: Draconics, Nirrechau Reccateu, Roulette Master, Zweirugi
Solo Operative: Silent One
Knights of the Orders: Reshol of SKY, Tensyre of SKY
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Re: Shop

Post by Modrageball »

The Shop is now -Updated-


Celas is owed a bunch of Truth Weeks from his job as Truth Chosen! He gets a backlog of all of the weeks he would have gotten since getting the Truth Chosen artifact as if it had the full 'Gain 2 Analyst of the Absolute Weeks per month' text. Let me know how many that is and I'll add it on.

Armocida's Knight slot can't use the Blossoming Faedream because it isn't Level 60! Also because it actually hasn't been created yet. I tried to see if any exceptions were granted for it, but couldn't find anything.

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Re: Shop

Post by Kitsune106d »

The ritual slot of a thousand billions lives was used on the knight
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
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Re: Shop

Post by Aeromage »

Kitsune106d wrote: Sat Nov 02, 2024 12:32 pm The ritual slot of a thousand billions lives was used on the knight
That's not the issue- the Vessel was used just fine. The Blossoming Faedream has a Level 60 requirement to be used, though.
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Re: Shop

Post by Kitsune106d »

Ah. I misread it as not needing to sacrifice a level 60. So not like kit could do it and swap slots.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
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Re: Shop

Post by Draconics »

"Monthly" Declarations:
Covenant of Damnation -> 6 Pactmaker bonus weeks to Draconics
Pattern of Glory -> 1 Bonus week to Draconics
2x Leprechaun's Magical Pot o' Gold -> 10,000,000 Gold to Draconics
Turkey Music!(Draconics and RM) -> 240 Turkey to Draconics
Independently Wealthy(Nira) -> 7,900,000 gold to Draconics
Bascaradine Salary(Nira) -> 39,500 gold to Draconics
Knightly Order Week Declaration -> Reshol
Knightly Order Week Declaration -> Tensyre
Sponsored by Bascaradine: Custom Line of Throwing Axes for Maids -> 50 Bascaradine NIRA Series Throwing Axe for Maids and 45,000,000 Gold
Three of Swords: Draconics, Nirrechau Reccateu, Roulette Master, Zweirugi
Solo Operative: Silent One
Knights of the Orders: Reshol of SKY, Tensyre of SKY
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Re: Shop

Post by Draconics »

"Monthly" Declarations:
Covenant of Damnation -> 6 Pactmaker bonus weeks to Draconics
Pattern of Glory -> 1 Bonus week to Draconics
2x Leprechaun's Magical Pot o' Gold -> 10,000,000 Gold to Draconics
Turkey Music!(Draconics and RM) -> 240 Turkey to Draconics
Independently Wealthy(Nira) -> 7,900,000 gold to Draconics
Bascaradine Salary(Nira) -> 39,500 gold to Draconics
Knightly Order Week Declaration -> Reshol
Knightly Order Week Declaration -> Tensyre
Sponsored by Bascaradine: Custom Line of Throwing Axes for Maids -> 50 Bascaradine NIRA Series Throwing Axe for Maids and 45,000,000 Gold
Three of Swords: Draconics, Nirrechau Reccateu, Roulette Master, Zweirugi
Solo Operative: Silent One
Knights of the Orders: Reshol of SKY, Tensyre of SKY
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Re: Shop

Post by Kitsune106d »

Drug God's Tempting Bounty- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor gains a Drug Index, Possessor may choose, in the Shop, to use up instances of Drug Consumables to add those Drug Consumables to possessor's Drug Index (in stock Drugs are always automatically added, others require review as though they were Absorbs but do not take up combo/absorb slots - once a Drug is approved to go into one PC's Drug Index it is approved to enter other Drug Indexes without specific review unless it is noted during the adding that specific review remains required); Possessor and (with possessor's permission, possessor's Devout Worshippers) may purchase these Drugs from the Drug Index as though it were a Shop that had them in stock; Each of possessor's Devout Worshippers may, with possessor's permission (with possessor being able to grant permission on a per-Drug basis and a per-character basis), up to once per month, in the Shop, declare and obtain 4 instances of a Drug that is worth under (500,000 x Possessor's Level) Gold

Kit will add to the index;

Crystal Infinity- (Consumable, Other: Drug, Universe, 1 Charge, 800,000,000 Gold) Satiates addiction; Has RP effects

Crystal Infinity Addiction- (Passive Ability, Curse) Each week, possessor must consume 1 Crystal Infinity in the Shop; if possessor does not, possessor's 'Channeling Fundamental Forces' ability is replaced with the ability 'Crystal Infinity Withdrawal'; if possessor does, possessor's 'Crystal Infinity Withdrawal' ability is replaced with the ability 'Channeling Fundamental Forces'; if possessor does not for 42 consecutive weeks, possessor loses the abilities 'Crystal Infinity Addiction', 'Channeling Fundamental Forces', and 'Crystal Infinity Withdrawal'

Channeling Fundamental Forces- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor gains +1 Base SPI; at the start of each thread, if possessor is not Immune to any elements, possessor may choose to become Immune to any one base element as a non-stacking buff

The drug itself should be added to Kit's Black Market Connections

Paradise Pill Addiction- (Passive Ability, Curse) Each week, possessor must consume 1 Paradise Pill in the Shop; if possessor does not, possessor's 'Has Heaven in the Mind' ability is replaced with the ability 'Paradise Pill Withdrawal'; if possessor does, possessor's 'Paradise Pill Withdrawal' ability is replaced with the ability 'Has Heaven in the Mind'; if possessor does not for 30 consecutive weeks, possessor loses the abilities 'Paradise Pill Addiction', 'Has Heaven in the Mind', and 'Paradise Pill Withdrawal'

Has Heaven in the Mind- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor suffers no negative effects from the status effects Confusion, Charm, Pain, Poison, Disease, Voidstruck, Mindblasted, or Wounded, Possessor is dealt 1,000,000 Flat Whimsy & Faith & Psychic element HP Healing at the start of each round, Possessor cannot be prevented from being resurrected by sources below Level 60, Possessor may cast spells as though possessor possessed a Patron Deity even if possessor does not

Paradise Pill Withdraw- (Passive Ability, Curse) At the start of each round possessor is afflicted with Confusion: Depression, Hexed: Ill Fortune, Cursed: Damned, and Smitten: Excommunicated

Paradise Pill- (Consumable, Food, Whimsy & Faith & Toxin, 1 Charge, 20,000,000 Gold) Satiates addiction; Has RP effects

Kadamarthus Spice- (Consumable, Other: Drug, Fire & Psychic & Spatial, 1 Charge, 17,000,000 Gold) Satiates addiction; Has RP effects
Swagleaf- (Consumable, Other: Drug, Wealth & Illusion, 1 Charge, 5,000,000 Gold) Satiates addiction; Has RP effects

Neuron Grease- (Consumable, Other: Drug, Psychic & Technology & Energy & Electrical, 1 Charge, 30,000,000 Gold) Satiates addiction; Has RP effects

Kadamarthus Spice Addiction- (Passive Ability, Curse) Each week, possessor must consume 1 Kadamarthus Spice in the Shop; if possessor does not, possessor's 'Sees Beyond the Sands and Into the Fires Eternal' ability is replaced with the ability 'Kadamarthus Spice Withdrawal'; if possessor does, possessor's 'Kadamarthus Spice Withdrawal' ability is replaced with the ability 'Sees Beyond the Sands and Into the Fires Eternal'; if possessor does not for 30 consecutive weeks, possessor loses the abilities 'Kadamarthus Spice Addiction', 'Sees Beyond the Sands and Into the Fires Eternal', and 'Kadamarthus Spice Withdrawal'
Not for Sale

Sees Beyond the Sands and Into the Fires Eternal- (Passive/Active Ability, Blessing) Possessor may ignore Fire element buffs from sources below Level 80 that increase Dodge of possessor's opponents and Fire element debuffs from sources below Level 80 that reduce possessor's To Hit, Possessor may spend an action to scan the stats of a target below Level 80 that is in another battlespace that contains a Zone of Fire if possessor is in a Zone of Earth
Not for Sale

Kadamarthus Spice Withdrawal- (Passive Ability, Curse) Possessor obtains -1 Base CON, -1 Base MIN, and -1 Base SPI; Possessor, if in a Zone of Earth or Fire, has a 5% chance of having its actions cancelled
Not for Sale

Neuron Grease Addiction- (Passive Ability, Curse) Each week, possessor must consume 1 Neuron Grease in the Shop; if possessor does not, possessor's 'Greased Neurons' ability is replaced with the ability 'Neuron Grease Withdrawal'; if possessor does, possessor's 'Neuron Grease Withdrawal' ability is replaced with the ability 'Greased Neurons'; if possessor does not for 16 consecutive weeks, possessor loses the abilities 'Neuron Grease Addiction', 'Greased Neurons', and 'Neuron Grease Withdrawal'
Not for Sale

Greased Neurons- (Passive Ability, Blessing) +1 Base MIN
Not for Sale

Neuron Grease Withdrawal- (Passive Ability, Curse) Possessor obtains -3 Base MIN and cannot possess Psychic Resistance or Immunity
Not for Sale

Swagleaf Addiction- (Passive Ability, Curse) Each week, possessor must consume 1 Swagleaf in the Shop; if possessor does not, possessor's 'Knows This Shit Is Golden-Baller' ability is replaced with the ability 'Swagleaf Withdrawal'; if possessor does, possessor's 'Swagleaf Withdrawal' ability is replaced with the ability 'Knows This Shit Is Golden Baller'; if possessor does not for 30 consecutive weeks, possessor loses the abilities 'Swagleaf Addiction', 'Knows This Shit Is Golden-Baller', and 'Swagleaf Withdrawal'
Not for Sale

Knows This Shit Is Golden-Baller- (Passive Ability, Blessing) Possessor treats items that possessor is carrying or has equipped as being worth 5,000,000 additional Gold, Possessor is Immune to Confusion and Charm if possessor has at least 25,000,000 Gold worth of items equipped
Not for Sale

Swagleaf Withdrawal- (Passive Ability, Curse) At the start of each round, if any individual in the same battlespace as possessor is wielding or carrying an item worth at least 5,000,000 Gold, is Treasure element, is Wealth element, or is carrying 5,000,000 Gold, possessor is afflicted with Confusion: Depression, Wounded: Bleeding, and Mindblasted
Not for Sale
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
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Re: Shop

Post by Kitsune106d »

*Emerald Overdrive- (Permanent Consumable, Modular Upgrade, Earth & Atomic, 1 Charge, 400,000,000 Gold) Gives target weapon, armor, or accessory the Modular Upgrade Enhancement '*EmeraldOverdrive Installed'

*Ruby Overdrive- (Permanent Consumable, Modular Upgrade, Fire & Blood, 1 Charge, 400,000,000 Gold) Gives target weapon, armor, or accessory the Modular Upgrade Enhancement '*Ruby Overdrive Installed'

*Sapphire Overdrive- (Permanent Consumable, Modular Upgrade, Water & Life, 1 Charge, 400,000,000 Gold) Gives target weapon, armor, or accessory the Modular Upgrade Enhancement '*Sapphire Overdrive Installed'

*Topaz Overdrive- (Permanent Consumable, Modular Upgrade, Electrical & Time, 1 Charge, 400,000,000 Gold) Gives target weapon, armor, or accessory the Modular Upgrade Enhancement '*Topaz Overdrive Installed'

is used on:

*The Earth Which Bows- (Armorx0 Aspect - Keystone of Anthurassus, Aura: Domain, Earth & Faith & Glory, X Gold) +400,000 Melee Attack, +400,000 Ranged Attack, +400,000 Magical Attack, +400,000 Defense, +400,000 CON, +400,000 SPI, Up to once per round, when an individual of equal or lower Level to wielder that is below Level 80 directs a hit of an attack to target wielder, wielder may destroy a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain created by a source of Level equal to or lower than wielder to prevent that hit from hitting wielder, Wielder may, before wielder's first action of each round, choose to gain control of up to 5 Zones, Terrains, or Phantom Terrains that were created by sources of Level equal to or lower than wielder

*Emerald Overdrive Installed- This item provides +1 Base CON, +1 Base SPI, 50% Earth Resistance, 50% Atomic Resistance, Entombed Immunity, and Antimatter: Atomic Meltdown Immunity, This item's wielder may make any of its attacks or actions solely or additionally any combination of the elements Earth and Atomic (with other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive' being able to, using similar clauses, append their elements as an additional portion of a 'solely' choice made here), This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, however, this item may be installed slotlessly (or as an additional Enhancement above normal limits) alongside other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive', This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable '*Emerald Overdrive' for 5 weeks and 400,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade
*Ruby Overdrive Installed- This item provides +1 Base STR, +1 Base CON, 50% Fire Resistance, 50% Blood Resistance, Burning Immunity, and Voidstruck: Blood Rebellion Immunity, This item's wielder may make any of its attacks or actions solely or additionally any combination of the elements Fire and Blood (with other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive' being able to, using similar clauses, append their elements as an additional portion of a 'solely' choice made here), This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, however, this item may be installed slotlessly (or as an additional Enhancement above normal limits) alongside other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive', This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable '*Ruby Overdrive' for 5 weeks and 400,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

*Sapphire Overdrive Installed- This item provides +1 Base AGI, +1 Base MIN, 50% Water Resistance, 50% Life Resistance, Drowning Immunity, and Awestruck: Lifeforce Overload Immunity, This item's wielder may make any of its attacks or actions solely or additionally any combination of the elements Water and Life (with other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive' being able to, using similar clauses, append their elements as an additional portion of a 'solely' choice made here), This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, however, this item may be installed slotlessly (or as an additional Enhancement above normal limits) alongside other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive', This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable '*Sapphire Overdrive' for 5 weeks and 400,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

*Topaz Overdrive Installed- This item provides +1 Base AGI, +1 Base SPI, 50% Electrical Resistance, 50% Time Resistance, Electrocuted Immunity, and Dissolving: No Future Immunity, This item's wielder may make any of its attacks or actions solely or additionally any combination of the elements Electrical and Time (with other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive' being able to, using similar clauses, append their elements as an additional portion of a 'solely' choice made here), This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, however, this item may be installed slotlessly (or as an additional Enhancement above normal limits) alongside other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive', This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable '*Topaz Overdrive' for 5 weeks and 400,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade
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Re: Shop

Post by Draconics »

"Monthly" Declarations:
Covenant of Damnation -> 6 Pactmaker bonus weeks to Draconics
Pattern of Glory -> 1 Bonus week to Draconics
2x Leprechaun's Magical Pot o' Gold -> 10,000,000 Gold to Draconics
Turkey Music!(Draconics and RM) -> 240 Turkey to Draconics
Independently Wealthy(Nira) -> 7,900,000 gold to Draconics
Bascaradine Salary(Nira) -> 39,500 gold to Draconics
Knightly Order Week Declaration -> Reshol
Knightly Order Week Declaration -> Tensyre
Sponsored by Bascaradine: Custom Line of Throwing Axes for Maids -> 50 Bascaradine NIRA Series Throwing Axe for Maids and 45,000,000 Gold
Three of Swords: Draconics, Nirrechau Reccateu, Roulette Master, Zweirugi
Solo Operative: Silent One
Knights of the Orders: Reshol of SKY, Tensyre of SKY
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