New Kit Tickets

Lord Gadigan
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Cool Supplies-

Unfathomable Undercrash: Radical Mathematical Power Ollie: Ur Inbox Is My Bae: Let's Pump It Up! - (Technique Ability, Other: Cosmic Mathematician) Possessor may use 'Unfathomable Undercrash: Radical Mathematical Power Ollie: Ur Inbox Is My Bae: Let's Pump It Up!' in conjunction with an 'Melee Overdrive' or 'Ultimate Attack' action so long as possessor has not previously used an Undercrash during the thread, no other Technique, Undercrash, or Overcrash is being used, and possessor has a unique Container named 'Yeet Boi Ebineezer's Skateboard Protractor' equipped. Said action gains +88,888 Melee Attack, counts the number of rows in all row order formations in the battlespace it is in, counts the number of prior rounds during which its performer placed a buff on the non-self ally that its possessor placed buffs on the most, provided there is a singular such ally, and, provided that both numbers are at least 3, (first announces 'THERE ARE <the number of rows in all row order formations in the battlespace it is in, represented in text form in all caps> GROOVY AF CURVES TANKIN' THERE WAY ROUND THIS PLACE, AND I JUST CRUNK'D 'EM ALL!', then announces 'HO'S GETTING SALTY 'BOUT HOW WE JUST GOT LIT <the number of prior rounds during which its performer placed a buff on the non-self ally that its possessor placed buffs on the most, provided there is a singular such ally, represented in text form in all caps> TIMES ALL UP IN THEIR FACES!', and then, if the number of rows in all row order formations in the battlespace it is in is greater than the number of prior rounds during which its performer placed a buff on the non-self ally that its possessor placed buffs on the most, provided there is a singular such ally, gives its performer a buff that is unremovable by lower-Level sources and is unremovable by equal-Level opposing sources, that places its possessor in every row in the battlespace, obtaining all positive benefits from being in each, including benefits granted by opponents' formations as though its possessor were on their side unless the formation's granter possesses double the Base MIN or more than possessor does, which ends when its possessor voluntarily leaves the battlespace or when battle end, but, if the number of prior rounds during which its performer placed a buff on the non-self ally that its possessor placed buffs on the most, provided there is a singular such ally, represented in text form in all caps is greater than the number of rows in all row order formations in the battlespace it is in, instead grants its possessor a buff that allows its possessor to take a bonus action at the start of each round, which may only be non-offensive, may not target non-performer individuals other than the singular individual who was, at the time of this Technique's use the non-self ally that its possessor placed buffs on the most, which must target said individual if performed, and which may not grant any individual additional actions (including through the effect of actions the replicate or buffs they produce), with those bonus actions not being counterable (including pre-emptively) by entities that are below this action's performer's Level, provided those entities are not Numerals element, with the bonus actions gaining the elements Numerals and Ice).

Magically-Fun Nonlethal Adventures-

Cuddlevirus- (Weapon, Deadly Item, Psychic & Rot & Whimsy & Cute Pets, 80,000,000 Gold) +1 Ranged Attack, 200% inflicts Diseased, Instances of Diseased inflicted by this item do not directly cause HP reduction and (have a 50% chance of forcing their possessor, unless their possessor is Immune to Charm or Confused (or Reflects or Absorbs Charm or Confused) of forcing each of their possessor's actions to be a non-offensive action that targets another entity that allows the second entity to respond as though it were an attack even though it is not), Instances of Diseased and its sub-status effects that come from entities below Level 80 or that are willing cannot deal Damage or directly cause HP reduction while in the same battlespace as this item's wielder
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit 58/69

Double box scramble
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
Lord Gadigan
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Business Boosters-

Landhawk Mine- (Item, Resource, Earth & Air, 300,000,000 Gold) Possessor may post in the Shop once per month to create 5 Zardowak Landhawk

That One Warehouse Category's Title-

Knight of the Kingdom- (Passive Ability, Swordsman) Possessor gains +3 Fame, Possessor gains an uncapped +25,000 to all stats if possessor possesses at least 5 different buffs from a single higher-Level, Nobility-element ally, Possessor may choose to append the prefix 'Realm Knight ', 'Sir ', 'Lady ', 'Knight ', or 'Knight of the Kingdom ' to the start of possessor's name when possessor's name is being checked or announced, Possessor may choose to append ', Realm Knight', or ', Knight of the Kingdom' to the end of possessor's name when possessor's name is being checked or announced
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit double box

Ticket 59/69
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
Lord Gadigan
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

A Horrible/Terrible/No Good/Wonderful (haha)/Very Bad Category -

Inevitable Decay- (Weapon, Force, Rot, 180,000,000 Gold) +180,000 Melee Attack, +180,000 Ranged Attack, +180,000 Magical Attack, Wielder's offensive actions that use a Prime Attribute may use the CON of any allied Rot element individual on wielder's side of battle (with the entity having to be willing if greater Level than wielder), Wielder's attacks pierce (the CON of any allied Rot element individual on wielder's side of battle (with the entity having to be willing if greater Level than wielder)) Defense, Inflicts Stat Drain: CON Drain, All entities in battle suffer -1,800 CON at the start of each round as a debuff that stacks 200 times

It's Collectable! -

Landhawk Kollektofigs: Series 20: Salt-Covered Landhawk from Brazluu- (Item, Antiquity, Water & Earth, 80,000 Gold)
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit ticket 60/67

Double box scramble
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
Lord Gadigan
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Entombed With Ancient Lords -

*Montelgeuse, the Dead Star of Montwood - (Accessory, Trinket, Astral & Glitz & Memory, 2,000,000,000 Gold) If wielder is dead, wielder's allies gain gain +200,000 to all stats (with this bonus being capped to 20% of the Unmodified value of the individual it is increasing), +10 Fame, gain the elements Astral & Glitz, may make their actions additionally or solely Astral and/or Glitz element, and may choose for their actions to count as including an additional Astral Being with a Constant Effect name 'Hypermassive', Once per thread, if wielder is dead, one of wielder's allies may spend an action to, as a Temporary expenditure, expend up to 100 Fame from across itself and wielder's other willing allies, with wielder being resurrected if at least 1 Fame is spent, with wielder obtaining a non-stacking buff that provides +(the expended number of Fame, to a max of 100)% to all stats upon resurrection; in RP threads, the Fame expenditure is non-Temporary in most instances

Bulk Orders -

22,222 Beefy Thunder Arms- (Accessory, Bioaugmentation, Physical & Electrical, 25,000,000 Gold) +25,000 Melee Attack, +25,000 STR, 100% inflicts Fatigued: Stun, Wielder's attacks may gain the element Electrical
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit ticket 61/67

Double box scramble
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
Lord Gadigan
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Entombed With Ancient Lords -

50,000 Mummified Fish- (Accessory, Trinket, Water & Earth, 5,000,000 Gold) If wielder is dead, wielder's allies gain +50,000 Defense against Water as an effect applied against entities below Level 60 and gain +5,000 Defense against Water as a non-stacking effect

Note: This is one item whose name starts with a number, not a large quantity of an item.

Pimp My Guild -

Archive of Poisons - (Active Guild Benefit, 300,000,000 Gold) All guild members with this benefit active have their Poison infliction chances increased by 300% and bypass the Poison Immunity of entities below Level 40
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit ticket 62/67

Double box scramble
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
Lord Gadigan
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Magically-Fun Nonlethal Adventures-

CloneFun Backup-Capsule- (Accessory, Gadget, Technology, 80,000,000 Gold) Wielder has a 60% chance of being resurrected once per thread (with the chance being re-checked again later if the effect did not trigger) immediately upon death if killed by a source of Level 60 or greater, Wielder has a 100% chance, decreasing by 1% each time it occurs within the thread as a debuff that stacks 100 times, of being resurrected immediately upon death if killed by a source below Level 60, Battle ending conditions are not checked while this item's resurrection chance is being checked or the resurrected it causes is occurring unless a round ends while the above is occurring or any individual of Level 75 or greater on any side of battle wishes for them to be, Wielder's opponents who ((is Technology element or possesses the class-name ability in Scientist, Mad Scientist, or Mechanist) and is Level 40 or greater) may spend an action to disable this item's text as a debuff, Wielder must either be Level 30 or greater or possess an ally of Level 30 or greater at the time this item is equipped

Ranged Weapons-

Wallnail Bow- (Weaponx2, Bow, Physical, 30,000,000 Gold) +30,000 Ranged Attack, Wielder's 'Ranged Attack' and 'Snipe' actions have a 100% chance of inflicting Fatigued: Stun, Wielder's 'Ranged Overdrive' actions inflict Fatigued: Stun, move their targets to the back row, make their targets unable to leave the back row as a non-stacking debuff that makes its possessors not count as being present for row-order purposes
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Aeromage »

Kit desires more chaos to see how this category interacts with nonstandard holy-types.

For ticket 63/67, Viren, being a Divinity & Arch-Quezmellym, pulls from Items Of The Upper Planes (Requires Level 20+).
Lord Gadigan
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Viren gets-

Eight Sacred Wings- (Accessory, Bioaugmentation, Light & Glory, 88,888,888) +88,888 Magical Attack, +88,888 Defense, +88,888 AGI, +88,888 SPI, 30% Light Resistance, 30% Air Resistance, 30% Darkness Resistance, 30% Glory Resistance, 30% Fire Resistance, 30% Corruption Resistance, 30% Destruction Resistance, 30% Physical Resistance, Wielder's turn-order-determining stat sum is increased by +8,888 for turn-order-determining purposes as an effect that stacks up to 8 times, Wielder's turn-order-determining stat sum is doubled for turn-order-determining purposes if all opponents are both lower Level and Malevolent Planar entity subtypes
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

Unvisited futures.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
Lord Gadigan
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

*Champion's Banner from the Racetrack Arena- (Accessory, Magic Item, Air & Glory, 400,000,000 Gold) +5 Fame, +40,000 to wielder's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes, At the start of each round, wielder is afflicted with each status effect out of Stat Boost: STR Boost, Stat Boost: AGI Boost, Stat Boost: CON Boost, Stat Boost: MIN Boost, Stat Boost: SPI Boost, Stat Boost: INF Boost, Stat Boost: RES Boost, and Stat Boost: SAN Boost that would raise wielder's turn-order-determining stat sum, Wielder's Vehicle, Vessel, and Steed Transformations obtain +40,000 to their turn-order-determining stat sums for turn-order-determining purposes, If all opponents across all battlespaces are lower Level, are below Level 80, and have had a lower turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes at the end of the round for each of five consecutive rounds, you may choose to win the battle
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

Into the mountains of hate and envy.

Ticket 65/67
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Aeromage »

Apparently, Tolva's been told there's some stuff involving race in play, and he's all about that sort of thing. Especially if it involves being superior over humans.
Nobody told him it wasn't that kind of race-related stuff, though.

(This is approved)
Lord Gadigan
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

*The Fast Talker- (Weapon, Wand, Air & Illusion, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Ranged Attack, +25 Diplomacy, If no individual who greater Level than wielder or who is Level 99 or greater objects, Diplomacy becomes everyone's sole turn-order-determining stat, with bonuses to turn-order-determining stat sums that do not specify including when Diplomacy is being used as the sole turn-order-determining stat not increasing this value, with ties being adjudicated based on turn-order-determining stat sums not including this value and no individual being able to get more than 2 bonus actions per round based on having a higher turn-order-determining stat sum than opponents, Wielder may, up to once per round, before wielder's first action of the round that was assigned in turn-order, immediately gain an additional bonus action that may only be used to perform a 'Cast a Spell' action, this item's name counts as including 'Megaphone', Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

Ticket 66/67
Lower realms
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
Lord Gadigan
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Re: New Kit Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Soul-Roasting Furnace- (Accessory, Gadget, Fire & Darkness & Agony & Devastation & Dust, 300,000,000 Gold) At the start of each round, each of wielder's dead opponents obtains a debuff that stacks 19 times that reduces its possessor's Max HP by 5%, to a max of 95% (even if additional stacks beyond the standard limit are applied), with this debuff persisting beyond death and not being removable by sources below wielder's Level that are below Level 85 while in the same battle it was inflicted in, Wielder must be Level 55 or greater