Kit Has Additional Tickets

Lord Gadigan
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Can Get a Good Night's Sleep in Under a Second- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Can Get a Good Night's Sleep in Under a Second- Possessor may, at the start of any of possessor's actions, choose to be cured of Fatigued and gain Invigorated: Zesty, Worshipper Benefit
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

ticket 19/24

Diamond Sky Butterfly Dreams
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Battle-Pouch of Offensively-Powdered Drugs- (Consumable, Powder, Acid & Earth, Unlimited Charges, 5,000,000 Gold) User chooses an equipped Drug Consumable and consumes a charge from it; target that is not Immune to and does not Reflect or Absorb either Poison or Minor Negative Status Effects is afflicted with that Drug's associated Withdrawal Curse, should one exist, for 2 Weeks
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Kit gets 12 more Tickets!
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

Ticket 20/36
Effortlessly divine

Bestow Divine Relic- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may, in the Ability Shop, give a target PC that is a devout worshiper a customized Worshiper Benefit, selecting a unique item that requires that its wielder be a deity with this ability's possessor's name; The Worshiper Benefit's text follows the following format: Worshipper Benefit: Bearer of the [Item Name], as Ordained By [Possessor Name]- Possessor may equip and use the unique item [Item Name] as though possessor were a deity named '[PC Deity's Name]', Worshipper Benefit

Can Link to Multiple Planets- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor suffers no negative effects from failing to meet requirements of Worldbound God abilities regarding what Zones, Terrains, or Phantom Terrains possessor must be in (but does not count as being in them for other purposes when not in them)

Focus of Worship- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor's pets and summons may choose, when summoned, when equipped, or at the start of a round, if they possess no Patron Deity, for possessor to become their Patron Deity

Enjoys Being Worshipped- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor is afflicted with Elevated or Invigorated at the start of each round when possessor possesses at least 5 Devout Worshippers in the same battlespace

Relaxed By Worship- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor is cured of Fatigued: Stress at the start of each round when possessor possesses at least 5 Devout Worshippers in the same battlespace

Empowered by the Hymn of the Trees- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor gains +(1,000 * the number of Plant Devout Worshippers possessor possesses in the same battlespace that are not afflicted with Impaired: Silence) to all stats

Empowered by the Chorus of Beasts- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor gains +(1,000 * the number of Animal Devout Worshippers possessor possesses in the same battlespace that are not afflicted with Impaired: Silence) to all stats

Empowered by the Praise of Mankind- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor gains +(1,000 * the number of Human Devout Worshippers possessor possesses in the same battlespace that are not afflicted with Impaired: Silence) to all stats

Lesser Deific Domain: Wards- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor and possessor's allies gain +(200* Possessor's Level) Defense, Possessor gains 40% Warding Resistance, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Fortified Bodily Structure- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Fortified Bodily Structure- Possessor gains (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level))% Resilience, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Protection from Base Elements- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Protection from Base Elements- Possessor gains 5% Base Element Resistance, Worshipper Benefit

Lesser Deific Domain: Plants- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor's Plant allies gain +(Possessor Level * 200) to all stats, Possessor gains 15% Plant Resistance, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Plant Harmonization- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Plant Harmonization- Possessor gains (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level))/2, rounded down)% Plant Resistance, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Blessed Crop Growth- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Blessed Crop Growth- Possessor's Plant summons deal +(Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level))*100) additional HP Healing, gain a buff that stacks 20 times that provides +(Worshiper Benefit's Possessor's Level (to a max of Worshiper Benefit's Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level))*100) HP, and Regenerate (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level))*100) HP at the start of each round, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Served by Singing Plants- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Served by Singing Plants- Possessor may, at the start of a round, summon a Plant that is below (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level))*.75, rounded down) that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 5 summoned, Each of these summons counts as casting a Bardic Music or (Bardic Music & Divine Magic) spell at the start of each round, Worshipper Benefit

Lesser Deific Domain: Madness- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor's actions may gain (Possessor Level * 3)% Inflicts Confusion, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Harmonious Madness- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Harmonious Madness- Instances of Confusion that would cause possessor to act randomly instead have a (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level))% chance of not doing so each time they otherwise would, Worshipper Benefit

Mad God's Breath- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) When possessor summons an entity, if that entity chooses when summoned to become a Devout Worshipper of possessor or otherwise a Devout Worshipper of possessor at the time of its summoning, possessor may choose to afflict that entity with an instance of Insanity that gives its possessor Immunity to Major Negative Status Effects from sources that are below possessor's Level in addition to its other effects

Lesser Deific Domain: Light- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor's actions may gain (Possessor Level * 2)% Inflicts Awestruck, Possessor gains 40% Light Resistance, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Blessed Brilliance- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Blessed Brilliance- If possessor is in a Zone of Light, possessor obtains (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level-1))*200 MIN

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Glows With Inner Light- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Glows With Inner Light- Possessor's presence counts as the presence of (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level)/10, rounded up) Zones of Light

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Sheltered by Divine Light- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Sheltered by Divine Light- If possessor is in a Zone of Light, possessor obtains (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level)/2, rounded up)% Base Element Resistance

Lesser Deific Domain: Love- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor's actions may gain (Possessor Level * 3)% Inflicts Charm: Lovestruck, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Excellent Lover- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Excellent Lover- At the start of each round, possessor may select a willing target to cause to regenerate (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level) * 1,000) HP and have a (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level) *4)% chance of inflicting Charm, Charm: Lovestruck, and Charm: Lust, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Destined for Lasting Romance- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Destined for Lasting Romance- Possessor's stat values may not be delinked by sources below (Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level) without possessor's permission, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Unbreakable Familial Bonds- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Unbreakable Familial Bonds- Instances of Charm from sources below (Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level) cannot force possessor to conduct offensive actions against other entities within its summon-generation-tree, Worshipper Benefit

Lesser Deific Domain: Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor and possessor's allies are afflicted with Augmented: Haste at the start of each round, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Temporally Hasted- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Temporally Hasted- Possessor is afflicted with Augmented: Haste at the start of each round and gains the element Time, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Unaging- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Unaging- Possessor gains Fatigued: Elderly Immunity and 15% Time Resistance, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Divine Swiftness- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Divine Swiftness- Possessor may gains +((Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's Patron Deity's Level -1)*100) uncapped points to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Rapid Prayer- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Rapid Prayer- Possessor may declare at the start of a round that possessor is praying rapidly; if possessor does so, possessor broadcasts the message ' is praying rapidly!', gains +((Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's Patron Deity's Level -1)*100) to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes, may only conduct one action during the round, and may only perform 'Cast a Spell' actions that involve the casting of a Divine Magic spell during the round, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Disjoined From Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Disjoined From Time- Possessor gains Petrified: Time Stop Immunity, Dissolving: No Future Immunity, and 40% Time Resistance, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Divine Rewind- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Divine Rewind- Up to ((Possessor Level, (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level)/2, rounded up) / 20, rounded down) times per thread, at the end of an action that possessor performed, possessor may immediately choose to have the action re-processed, with rolls and decisions that are part of it (aside from the initial choice to use that particular action as opposed to a different action or skipping the action) being processed again unless an opponent of Level equal to or greater than either 95 or Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level objects, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Can Get a Good Night's Sleep in Under a Second- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Can Get a Good Night's Sleep in Under a Second- Possessor may, at the start of any of possessor's actions, choose to be cured of Fatigued and gain Invigorated: Zesty, Worshipper Benefit

Lesser Deific Domain: Poison- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor and possessor's allies gain a +(Possessor's Level)% bonus to their Poison infliction chances, Possessor gains Poison Immunity, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Divinely-Enhanced Poison- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Divinely-Enhanced Poison- Instances of Poison with possessor as a source cause ((Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's Patron Deity's Level -1)*1,000) additional points of HP Reduction, Worshipper Benefit

*Mantle of the Timeshadow Goddess- (Accessory, Cloak, Time & Darkness, 600,000,000 Gold) +600,000 SPI, +6,000,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, +60,000t to wearer's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes if wearer possesses at least 5 devout worshipers in the same battlespace, 60% Time Resistance, Wearer's Devout Worshipers gain 60% Time Resistance, Wearer may use Time Resistance as though it were Darkness Resistance if wearer possesses at least 5 Devout Worshipers in the same battlespace, Once per battle, after wearer finishes acting, each of wearer's Devout Worshipers in the same battlespace gains an action, Wearer must be a deity named 'Kit Timeshadow'

*The Star Lance of the Timeshadow Goddess- (Weapon, Spear, Astral & Warding & Time, 500,750,000 Gold) +500,000 Melee Attack, +500,000 Magical Attack, +500,000 STR, +500,000 AGI, +500,000 MIN, +500,000 SPI, +5,000,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +1,000,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, 90% Critical, +90% Critical, 190% Resilience against Astral Beings and Daemons, +90% Resilience against Astral Beings, 60% Astral Resistance, 30% Warding Resistance, 30% Time Resistance, 30% Astral Being Resistance, Wielder Pierces 500,000 Defense, Wielder's attacks may become solely Time, Warding, or Astral element if wielder is an Animal or Humanoid, Wielder may spend an action to scan the stats of all Astral Beings and Daemons in the same battlespace, Wielder's Devout Worshipers gain 30% Astral Resistance, 30% Astral Being Resistance, and 15% Daemon Resistance, Once per thread across all wielders across all copies of this item, wielder may, as an effect that counts as transferring, swap all buffs, debuffs, and status effects possessed with those possessed by the wielder of another unique weapon whose name includes 'Star Lance', This item may also count as possessing the name 'The Star Lance from Elgath'Thronginn', Wielder must be a deity named 'Kit Timeshadow'
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Lesser Deific Domain: Drugs- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor's actions may gain (Possessor Level * 4)% Inflicts Confusion: High, Possessor gains 40% Acid Resistance, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

ticket 21/36

Effortlessly divine

Bestow Divine Relic- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may, in the Ability Shop, give a target PC that is a devout worshiper a customized Worshiper Benefit, selecting a unique item that requires that its wielder be a deity with this ability's possessor's name; The Worshiper Benefit's text follows the following format: Worshipper Benefit: Bearer of the [Item Name], as Ordained By [Possessor Name]- Possessor may equip and use the unique item [Item Name] as though possessor were a deity named '[PC Deity's Name]', Worshipper Benefit

Can Link to Multiple Planets- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor suffers no negative effects from failing to meet requirements of Worldbound God abilities regarding what Zones, Terrains, or Phantom Terrains possessor must be in (but does not count as being in them for other purposes when not in them)

Focus of Worship- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor's pets and summons may choose, when summoned, when equipped, or at the start of a round, if they possess no Patron Deity, for possessor to become their Patron Deity

Enjoys Being Worshipped- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor is afflicted with Elevated or Invigorated at the start of each round when possessor possesses at least 5 Devout Worshippers in the same battlespace

Relaxed By Worship- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor is cured of Fatigued: Stress at the start of each round when possessor possesses at least 5 Devout Worshippers in the same battlespace

Empowered by the Hymn of the Trees- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor gains +(1,000 * the number of Plant Devout Worshippers possessor possesses in the same battlespace that are not afflicted with Impaired: Silence) to all stats

Empowered by the Chorus of Beasts- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor gains +(1,000 * the number of Animal Devout Worshippers possessor possesses in the same battlespace that are not afflicted with Impaired: Silence) to all stats

Empowered by the Praise of Mankind- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor gains +(1,000 * the number of Human Devout Worshippers possessor possesses in the same battlespace that are not afflicted with Impaired: Silence) to all stats

Lesser Deific Domain: Wards- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor and possessor's allies gain +(200* Possessor's Level) Defense, Possessor gains 40% Warding Resistance, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Fortified Bodily Structure- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Fortified Bodily Structure- Possessor gains (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level))% Resilience, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Protection from Base Elements- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Protection from Base Elements- Possessor gains 5% Base Element Resistance, Worshipper Benefit

Lesser Deific Domain: Plants- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor's Plant allies gain +(Possessor Level * 200) to all stats, Possessor gains 15% Plant Resistance, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Plant Harmonization- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Plant Harmonization- Possessor gains (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level))/2, rounded down)% Plant Resistance, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Blessed Crop Growth- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Blessed Crop Growth- Possessor's Plant summons deal +(Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level))*100) additional HP Healing, gain a buff that stacks 20 times that provides +(Worshiper Benefit's Possessor's Level (to a max of Worshiper Benefit's Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level))*100) HP, and Regenerate (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level))*100) HP at the start of each round, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Served by Singing Plants- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Served by Singing Plants- Possessor may, at the start of a round, summon a Plant that is below (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level))*.75, rounded down) that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 5 summoned, Each of these summons counts as casting a Bardic Music or (Bardic Music & Divine Magic) spell at the start of each round, Worshipper Benefit

Lesser Deific Domain: Madness- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor's actions may gain (Possessor Level * 3)% Inflicts Confusion, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Harmonious Madness- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Harmonious Madness- Instances of Confusion that would cause possessor to act randomly instead have a (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level))% chance of not doing so each time they otherwise would, Worshipper Benefit

Mad God's Breath- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) When possessor summons an entity, if that entity chooses when summoned to become a Devout Worshipper of possessor or otherwise a Devout Worshipper of possessor at the time of its summoning, possessor may choose to afflict that entity with an instance of Insanity that gives its possessor Immunity to Major Negative Status Effects from sources that are below possessor's Level in addition to its other effects

Lesser Deific Domain: Light- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor's actions may gain (Possessor Level * 2)% Inflicts Awestruck, Possessor gains 40% Light Resistance, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Blessed Brilliance- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Blessed Brilliance- If possessor is in a Zone of Light, possessor obtains (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level-1))*200 MIN

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Glows With Inner Light- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Glows With Inner Light- Possessor's presence counts as the presence of (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level)/10, rounded up) Zones of Light

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Sheltered by Divine Light- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Sheltered by Divine Light- If possessor is in a Zone of Light, possessor obtains (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level)/2, rounded up)% Base Element Resistance

Lesser Deific Domain: Love- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor's actions may gain (Possessor Level * 3)% Inflicts Charm: Lovestruck, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Excellent Lover- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Excellent Lover- At the start of each round, possessor may select a willing target to cause to regenerate (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level) * 1,000) HP and have a (Possessor's Level (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level) *4)% chance of inflicting Charm, Charm: Lovestruck, and Charm: Lust, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Destined for Lasting Romance- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Destined for Lasting Romance- Possessor's stat values may not be delinked by sources below (Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level) without possessor's permission, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Unbreakable Familial Bonds- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Unbreakable Familial Bonds- Instances of Charm from sources below (Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level) cannot force possessor to conduct offensive actions against other entities within its summon-generation-tree, Worshipper Benefit

Lesser Deific Domain: Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor and possessor's allies are afflicted with Augmented: Haste at the start of each round, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Temporally Hasted- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Temporally Hasted- Possessor is afflicted with Augmented: Haste at the start of each round and gains the element Time, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Unaging- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Unaging- Possessor gains Fatigued: Elderly Immunity and 15% Time Resistance, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Divine Swiftness- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Divine Swiftness- Possessor may gains +((Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's Patron Deity's Level -1)*100) uncapped points to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Rapid Prayer- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Rapid Prayer- Possessor may declare at the start of a round that possessor is praying rapidly; if possessor does so, possessor broadcasts the message ' is praying rapidly!', gains +((Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's Patron Deity's Level -1)*100) to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes, may only conduct one action during the round, and may only perform 'Cast a Spell' actions that involve the casting of a Divine Magic spell during the round, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Disjoined From Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Disjoined From Time- Possessor gains Petrified: Time Stop Immunity, Dissolving: No Future Immunity, and 40% Time Resistance, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Divine Rewind- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Divine Rewind- Up to ((Possessor Level, (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level)/2, rounded up) / 20, rounded down) times per thread, at the end of an action that possessor performed, possessor may immediately choose to have the action re-processed, with rolls and decisions that are part of it (aside from the initial choice to use that particular action as opposed to a different action or skipping the action) being processed again unless an opponent of Level equal to or greater than either 95 or Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level objects, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Can Get a Good Night's Sleep in Under a Second- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Can Get a Good Night's Sleep in Under a Second- Possessor may, at the start of any of possessor's actions, choose to be cured of Fatigued and gain Invigorated: Zesty, Worshipper Benefit

Lesser Deific Domain: Poison- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor and possessor's allies gain a +(Possessor's Level)% bonus to their Poison infliction chances, Possessor gains Poison Immunity, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Divinely-Enhanced Poison- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Divinely-Enhanced Poison- Instances of Poison with possessor as a source cause ((Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's Patron Deity's Level -1)*1,000) additional points of HP Reduction, Worshipper Benefit

Lesser Deific Domain: Drugs- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor's actions may gain (Possessor Level * 4)% Inflicts Confusion: High, Possessor gains 40% Acid Resistance, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

*Mantle of the Timeshadow Goddess- (Accessory, Cloak, Time & Darkness, 600,000,000 Gold) +600,000 SPI, +6,000,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, +60,000t to wearer's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes if wearer possesses at least 5 devout worshipers in the same battlespace, 60% Time Resistance, Wearer's Devout Worshipers gain 60% Time Resistance, Wearer may use Time Resistance as though it were Darkness Resistance if wearer possesses at least 5 Devout Worshipers in the same battlespace, Once per battle, after wearer finishes acting, each of wearer's Devout Worshipers in the same battlespace gains an action, Wearer must be a deity named 'Kit Timeshadow'

*The Star Lance of the Timeshadow Goddess- (Weapon, Spear, Astral & Warding & Time, 500,750,000 Gold) +500,000 Melee Attack, +500,000 Magical Attack, +500,000 STR, +500,000 AGI, +500,000 MIN, +500,000 SPI, +5,000,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +1,000,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, 90% Critical, +90% Critical, 190% Resilience against Astral Beings and Daemons, +90% Resilience against Astral Beings, 60% Astral Resistance, 30% Warding Resistance, 30% Time Resistance, 30% Astral Being Resistance, Wielder Pierces 500,000 Defense, Wielder's attacks may become solely Time, Warding, or Astral element if wielder is an Animal or Humanoid, Wielder may spend an action to scan the stats of all Astral Beings and Daemons in the same battlespace, Wielder's Devout Worshipers gain 30% Astral Resistance, 30% Astral Being Resistance, and 15% Daemon Resistance, Once per thread across all wielders across all copies of this item, wielder may, as an effect that counts as transferring, swap all buffs, debuffs, and status effects possessed with those possessed by the wielder of another unique weapon whose name includes 'Star Lance', This item may also count as possessing the name 'The Star Lance from Elgath'Thronginn', Wielder must be a deity named 'Kit Timeshadow'
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Blessed Shampoo- (Consumable, Medicine, Light & Water, 20 Charges, 20,000 Gold) Cures Hexed and Paralyzed: Sticky
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

ticket 22/36

double box scramble
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Heralds of the Octagonal Star-



Gift Delivery Service-

Remalius gets-

1 Warehouse Ticket

Kit unlocks one of the following-

The Goat-Enhancement Experience
Laws of Rage from the Genesis-Terror Vats
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit will bet deep

remalius will give kit the ticket to turn in for later.

Kit unlocks
Laws of Rage from the Genesis-Terror Vats

if allowed:

ticket 23/37

double box scramble
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

The Wormstar (Level 79, 0 XP, # XP Required, Standard Multiplier x18 (Raised to x360 to bypass Level 80 cap))

*The Wormstar- (Accessory Aspect: The Wormstar, Crystal, Chaos & Astral, X Gold) +400,000 CON, +400,000 SPI, Wielder's HP and MP Determining stat may become, at the start of a thread, battle, or any round, CON or SPI, Wielder may destroy a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain created by a source below Level 99 at the start of each round

*The Greater Wormstar, Mighty and Terrible, High Above- (Item Aspect: The Wormstar, Property, Chaos & Astral, X Gold)

*Rain of the Million-and-One-Colored Worms- (Spell Aspect: The Wormstar, Anarchomancer, Chaos & Astral & Color, 4,000,000 MP, X Gold) +400,000 Magical Attack, 500% inflicts Confusion, 200% inflicts Dissolving, 200% inflicts Voidstruck: Astral Echoes, 200% inflicts Antimatter: Returned to Chaos, 200% inflicts Dissolving: Fading Away, 200% inflicts Burning: On Green and Purple Fire, 30% inflicts Insanity, May deal (HP Damage or HP Drain) and/or (MP Damage or MP Drain), 1 hit against 16,000,000,000, Caster may destroy up to 300,000 Zones, Terrains, or Phantom Terrains created by sources below Level 80, and, if caster destroys at least one such Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain created by an opponent, to a max of once per casting, caster obtains a buff that stacks 30 times that makes its possessor solely Chaos & Astral & Color element and that gives its possessor +2% Chaos Resistance, +2% Astral Resistance, +2% Color Resistance, +1% Base Element Resistance, and +20,000 to all stats

*Baleful Nimbus of the Wormstar- (Weapon Aspect: The Wormstar, Force, Chaos & Astral, X Gold) +200,000 Melee Attack, +400,000 Ranged Attack, +400,000 Magical Attack, +400,000 Defense, +400,000 CON, +400,000 SPI, 30% Chaos Resistance, 30% Astral Resistance, 30% Color Resistance, Confusion Immunity, Insanity Immunity, Wielder's actions that possess a Prime Attribute that is a single stat may have that stat become Constitution or Spirit, Whenever wielder is attacked, wielder may inflict Confusion, Hexed Voidstruck: Returned to Chaos, or Burning: On Green and Purple Color Fire


Dissolving: Fading Away (Possessor takes an amount of Color element damage equal to 5% of possessor's Max HP at the start of every round that cannot be defended against by Defense that is not either coming from Universe-element sources or Defense that is specifically Defense against the element Color)

Please reconfirm your next category selection.
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

ticket 23/37

double box scramble
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Aeromage »

Note on the Wormstar: Voidstruck: Returned to Chaos does not exist. Antimatter: Returned to Chaos does. Is it meant to be the Antimatter variant instead?
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Aeromage - Yes. Thank you.
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Random Junk -

Beef-Flavored Wine Glass- (Item, Antiquity, Earth & Water, 700 Gold)

Granny's Weird Recipe Book-

Secret Formula- A Truly Continental Breakfast
Point Value- 5
Expert Chef Proficiency
5 Mobile Continent
2 Behemoth Steak
2 Leviathan's Egg
A Truly Continental Breakfast- (Consumable, Food, Earth, 1 Charge, 250,000,000 Gold) Target entity that is Level 60 or greater deals double Damage (to a max of 500,000,000 additional Damage per round) to targets with the Constant Effect 'Supermassive' or 'Hypermassive'
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

ticket 24/37

double box scramble
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

The Trophy Room-

'Elf-Slapping Champion (10,000 Types in Under Two Minutes!)' Award- (Accessory, Trinket, Physical & War, 16,500,000 Gold) +16,500 Melee Attack, +5 Fame, Wielder gains +30% Critical against (Humanoids and Fae) who have 'Elf', 'Elven', or 'Sidhe' in the name, Wielder counts as possessing an award named 'Elf-Slapping Champion' and an award named 'Slapped 10,000 Different Types of Elves'

Secret Gadgets-

Global-Communication-Controlling Pen- (Accessory, Trinket, Technology, 200,000,000 Gold) Wielder may choose the targets of Hypertech spells cast by entities below Level 80 that are in the back row, Wielder may choose to cancel the casting of Channeling spells by entities below Level 80, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Kitsune106d »

Ticket 25/37

Double box scramble
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: Kit Has Additional Tickets

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Shrine of the Deified Leech-Baron-

Pearl of the Stolen Ocean- (Accessory, Trinket, Water & Dopple & Hunger, 200,000,000 Gold) Wielder's unique allies obtain -20% Water Resistance, Wielder gains the Water Resistance that is being lost to this effect, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Entombed With Ancient Lords-

*Bell of the Martyred Arch-Priestess- (Accessory, Trinket, Light & Warding, 2,000,000,000 Gold) The first time per thread that wielder dies, wielder's allies obtain a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that makes it so that, while the round's number is the number that it was at the time of the buff's application, to become Immune to the actions of their opponents, with this effect being unable to be extended by sources below Level 99 and with this effect being unable to make entities Immune to actions on more than one consecutive round; if wielder was killed by an opponent's action, direct effects of that action on wielder's allies are also undone, Wielder must be Level 60 or greater and must either be a deity or have the ability 'Expert Divine Magic Attunement'