Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Pathaky »

Nole stows his wrench, and in his free hand a caduceus appears-- in the place of the usual serpents, though, there are Rats.

First Action:
He repeats his tactic from the fight with the Soul-Thief Parasite! This Living Sky connects the planet, the moon, and everything else that's worse here. He uses the Wind to feel out the links it has between itself and the other Darkspawn and uses a Dragon-Line-Rerouting Superpulse to isolate it.

Second Action:
He raises this fell caduceus and bestows the Blessing of the Feathered Serpent on the sky here-- but the blessing is inverted, debilitating his target rather than invigorating it.

Third Action:
He follows this up by throwing up an array of Magical Diagrams intended to run a routine of *completely thorough* curative measure-- the Artifact Spell Cure-All, similarly inverted through the Rat-King's Caduceus. This inverted healing is amplified by Nole's connection to the Global Life-Flow, breaking down these cancers into their base matter.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Nole risks a scan of his opposition. He is hit with three instances of Insanity and a bunch of Confusion effects along with some MIN damage which his defense nullifies. His ♢Mind of the Alien Heaven saves him from these, preventing them from sinking in.

He learns he is facing:

Kiroishi the Writhing- (Outer Terror & Elemental Lord, Level 88)

It's the planet. Primary powerset includes having loads of HP, mass-summons you don't really need have to worry about, conventional elemental powers like fire/water/etc but with a darkspawn tilt. This thing was and is the primary source of the deathlessness about this place.

Domains include:
- Life
- Laughter
- Rot

Byallgi the Distant- (Outer Terror, Level 86)

It's the moon. This thing is good at travelling, good at scrying on near and distant places, can cause calamities, and can use Ancient Magic quite effectively.

Domains include:
- Scrying
- Distance
- Magic
- Calamity

Metukanni the Vast- (Outer Terror & Planetary, Level 83)

It's the sky. It is a weird combination of planetary and the traditional bard archetype. It links powersets together and allows travel between distant worlds (including other timelines), while helping foreign matter adopt the Darkspawn traits without being rejected.

Domains include:
- Protection
- Incorporation
- Connectivity

Nole starts his actions out with an attack focused on Byallgi aimed at de-linking the thing. Channeling it through the Wind, he casts another Dragon-Line-Rerouting Superpulse. Metukanni partially resists, through divine power and its deep connection to this world. Nole pushes harder and directs the attack specifically at Metukanni's linkup with local creatures. It loses all powers it was borrowing from allies and takes high damage.

Kit Wards, and Wards, and Wards. Kit also nukes the area with a light element Nuclear Time-Destroyer Bomb, (switching the repeating effect from the Doom to the Bomb).

She hits the Outer Terrors with this three times, dealing moderate damage to things not referenced and the following damage to those present:

Kiroishi takes mid-low damage, being gigantic and tanky (as many planets are) but is slowed down a bit.

Metukanni takes medium-high damage and is slowed down.

Byallgi avoids the attack, being too distant for it to hit.

For Nole's second action, he raises his Caduceus and casts an inverted Blessing of the Feathered Serpent. All enemies are hit with a stat malus, which Byallgi redirects exclusively into itself and then Metukanni casts off into the void. The effort from that seems to have weakened both of them somewhat, particularly with the linkup powers of Byallgi currently shut off.

On his third action, Nole throws up an array of magical diagrams and inverts a Cure-All. Powerful life magic, amplified by the base essence of the world and then amplified again by his own essence, pours over the world. All enemies take somewhere from Moderate to Heavy damage (aside from Kiroishi, who manages just barely to re-invert it into healing for itself, healing to full). Nole senses that he just killed a number of incoming enemies with his wide-reaching attack.

Kiroishi the Writhing attacks the both of them with millions upon millions of tentacles laced with teeth and blades. He takes retaliation damage from each attack on Nole and can't seem to actually hit him and so quickly redirects his attacks to Kit. Kit takes mid-low damage as the blows slam into her.

Byallgi analyzes the field, gaining information on both Kit and Nole as well as the entirety of their power sets. Kit specifically set a ward up against this; the scan gets redirected to Kit and Nole as they appeared in the past. This momentarily befuddles Metukanni before it abandons the tactic and redirects its efforts into mega-boosting its speed. It is now fast enough that neither of you are getting additional actions per turn.

Metukanni wards its allies and attempts, unsuccessfully, to regain its linkup with its allies. It sends a pulse of information off to other worlds through its intact connection.

Several more individuals show up. Nole scans them as they come, and comes up with their stats.

Netsumiknl, Eldritch Champion- (Darkspawn, Level 81)

He's a previously mortal hero who specialises in sword arts. Durable for a mortal.

Yvettle- (Darkspawn, Level 81)

Similar to Netsumiknl in that it's a previously mortal champion that got turned into a Darkspawn. Archer spec, with bane arrows, blink dodge powers, and some thief abilities.

Kimmi-tse-tse- (Horror, Level 80)

Fly-swarm-thing that successfully incorporated itself into the Darkspawn world. Powers involve disease, plague, infestations, swarms, and body-based summoning. Not really a threat to you guys.

Omernant-surasi- (Arch-Fae, Level 83)

A visiting fae lord you can clearly tell is from another timeline who you think got caught in the crossfire here (reason for his presense unknown). Somewhat dangerous, with time/space/fate/fortune powers, but will likely attempt to flee next round.

Omernaut-Surasi, Netsumiknl, Yvettle, and Kimmi-tse-tse are all wounded by previous attacks, Yvettle pretty badly. Kimmi-tse-tse is riding in the two darkspawn and has a respawn effect on them that's going to revive/refresh them if they die (and spawn a cloud of flies that you can mostly ignore). Omernaut-Surasi stepped out of a rift in space and is looking at you guys with some trepidation.

Next round's actions?
Last edited by Santooth on Thu May 06, 2021 7:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit will nuke again, focusing on hitting them more, the boulder slamming into the darkspawn again and again as she is focusing the majority of her effects and problems on the sky, trying to either inflict a nasty status effect on it, or damage it enough to take it down. her mirror self does the warding as kit prime focuses on light element offense! She basically trying to use her goddess level powers of light and time to wear down the darkspawn!
300% inflicts Paralysis: Temporal Stasis, 250% inflicts Suffocation: No Future, 50% inflicts Petrified: Time Stop, 25% may inflict Vanished, 25% may inflict Instant Death, 350% may inflict Fatigued: Elderly, 350% may inflict Stat Drain: AGI Drain, 350% may inflict Stat Drain: CON Drain, 300% may inflict Stat Drain: SPI Drain, 20% Causes target to lose target's next action as a non-stacking effect that cannot affect the same target more than 9 times in a 10 round period and is not applied to multi-hit attacks,
she is avoiding the fae lord in her attacks.

Kit will click her watch, activating it, giving herself an extra action, and she will cast rewind wounds on the faelord saying "I, as a prince of faerie, could use your aid!"
1/4 extra actions used.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Pathaky »

Nole's not letting up on Metukanni-- it may be as vast as the sky, but he carries The Wind. Phantom-shapes of laborers and carpenters soar across the sky as zephyrs of air and aether, un-making the Vast as they soar. He invokes the Fading Call: One Billion Evil Carpenters with a Ranged Overdrive- (2 hits against 500,000,000, should translate to 10 hits against something supermassive).
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Kit throws down the temporal nuke again (and again, and again), focusing on Metukanni the Vast. Metukanni rallies somewhat against the repeated attack, adapting its defenses to some extent and becoming resistant to nuclear fire and temporal anomalies and takes moderate damage, looking very hurt. Kit further weakens it, but fails to inflict anything more serious.

Kit clicks her watch, spending her next action to attempt to parley with the fae lord.

"I, as a prince of faerie, could use your aid!"

Omernaut-Surasi looks confused and slightly relieved but also wary. He eyes kit, scanning her and determining she's telling the truth. He appears conflicted for a moment before making a decision.

"Very well. I cannot turn down the request of one of our own, but knowledge of my help here cannot leave this realm. Everything here must be destroyed and I'm going to need you to listen very carefully to what I have to say after this."

Kit gets-
Diplomatic Rights: Demand Service From Fae (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor may spend an action to declare target Fae an ally. If it is either willing or at least 10 levels under possessor's level and not immune to Charm or Dominion, it switches sides in the battle and joins either rank on possessor's side

He uses narrative prominence to act out of the turn order, closing his Coat of Contradictions around himself as a powerful ward settles over his shoulders. He uses his last twelve actions together now, raising his hands together in a box shape. There is a great tearing sound as the linkage to other timelines the weakened and distracted Metukanni was maintaining is severed entirely and this reality is, at least for the moment, boxed off from others and from reinforcement.

The Outer-Terrors writhe and shudder with fury at the betrayal.

Nole launches into the Metukanni the Vast by summoning in a truly staggering number of phantom carpenters. They go to work, nailing, sawing, cutting, and chopping the great Darkspawn into pieces, buoyed by a powerful breeze. Metukanni, seething, weakened, and assailed on all sides by powerful attacks, goes down. Being in the field you created, it is currently Dead. The Sky Is Falling. Huge chunks of it are raining down all around.

Kiroishi refuses to accept this. Leaning on its powerful geomantic abilities, it asserts itself as lord of this dominion and attempts to wrest control of the Zone of Death Kit has created for itself, throwing in Nole's phantom terrains and empowered constellations almost as an afterthought. This turns out to be a terrible mistake. Nole is here to Purify this place. Nole is judgement from On High. His touch and word are inviolate; it has no power over him or his works.

Ordained Arbiter of the Spheres- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Zones and Phantom Terrains created by possessor or possessor's allies may not be destroyed or altered by individuals below possessor's level unless their opponents possess the ability "Master Geomancer Attunement", with Darkspawn and Outer Terrors attempting to do so being optionally inflicted with Smitten at the end of their action

Kiroishi is blasted by Nole's wings for his presumption, and has been inflicted with Smitten.

Byallgi, seeing the tide beginning to turn, splits into six unknown directions and flees to the corners of space but is blocked by the ward Omernaut-Surasi set up. In a fury, he fires a sixfold spacebreaking rupture-strike at Omernaut-Surasi, but the Fae Lord sacrifices his cloak to redirect the attack at Netsumiknl. Netsumiknl is inflicted with Vanished (which carries over to Kimmi-Tse-Tse, fracturing his consciousness and stunning him for a round) and at the end of the exchange the cloak is right where it was before, snug around the smug looking Fairy's shoulders.

Yvettle, furious at the loss of her companion, overcrashes. She launches a giant, universe-element arrow at the Fae Lord, piercing his cloak and pinning him into to the planet before the arrow turns into a thousand sharp shards that rupture and tear their way through his body, killing him.

She slumps back after the attack, exhausted but vindicated.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Pathaky »

Remaining Opponents:

Kirioshi (Smitten)
Yvettle (Burnout)
Byallgi (Still In Play)
Kimmi-Tse-Tse (Stunned)

Nole sees Byallgi attempting to flee.

He closes the distance with the Darkspawn Moon, attuning himself to The Void of Endings, a geomantic tether tugging the Moon inexorably to it's final demise before surrounding the Moon with his own Unfolding Heaven, with himself as the Sun, sketching the arcana in the air with precise movements [Sun Arcana, bounced mirror-style and multi-hitting via the Wind]
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit attempts to preserve the arch fae's corpse, moving to protect it and defend it, the prime form going on the defensive with wards, light and time wards, seeking to weather the assaults while she keeps the death that won't be denied in place.

The mirror will be nuking the enemies, making it pure LIGHT element via her worhsipper benefits, making sure that the remaining opponents are kept off guard and maybe even taken out. she's using magical attacks and making it showy and confusey, trying to keep them off balance so nole can dispatch them properly.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Nole, riding a wave of power, instantly crosses the great Distance to Byallgi. He unfolds the feathered wings of his essence around the moon, dwarfing it, and shines with the fullness of his righteous power as a radiant, phantasmal icon of The Sun card poses behind him. What is a Moon to Heaven? An afterthought, to be quashed for its presumption that it was ever outside the reach of Higher realms. As a radiant sun laced with the inevitability of death this thing thought it had escaped forever he slams partially-symbolic fire and light into the creature, dealing massive damage and taking it from mostly full to on the edge of death with one overwhelming attack.

Kit moves to ward the corpse of her erstwhile ally. Her reflection launches yet another nuke at Byallgi, Yvettle, and Kimmi-Tse-Tse. The enemies are now ready for these nukes and it deals less damage than might be ideal, but the temporal goddess manages to hit Yvettle with Time Stop in her weakened state.

Kiroishi leverages its powers of New Life and Life Lost, beginning a process that will return its allies to life in a another, greater form, pulls the powers of Metukanni out of the fallen Sky and into itself through the pathway by which all things return to the earth and Rot. Metukanni's domains have been temporarily shifted to Kiroishi. Power rallies from the lives which have been lost, the broken and ruined fragments of their will flowing into the planet even from the nebulous space they now occupy. Using its newfound powers of Connectivity and Incorporation, further tendrils reach out and worm their way through the non-space into Netsumiknl, melting and dissolving the champion where he sits in broken space. Kimmi-Tse-Tse, sensing the turning of the tide, moves into the new host even while stunned, bolstering it and providing it with addition actions. Using its powers of Connection and Incorporation, further tendrils reach out to Yvettle. She, too melts, the broken time falling away as her essence Rotting away and once more part of the timeless whole that is the cycle of Life unending. Yvettle's powers have been shifted to Kiroishi even as its body.

Byallgi, seeing no chance of triumphing over the spiritual juggernaut that is Nole, willingly sacrifices its essence to Kiroishi. At the moon's prompting tendrils reach out across the Distance, worming their way through the Moon and drawing the core of its powers out before it can be sealed or stopped. Kiroishi gains near-unlimited range, as its domains, too, are transfered to Kiroishi.

Kiroishi reaches tendrils out, pressing and pushing against Kit's wards in an attempt to reach the essence of Omernaut-Surasi. Kit's wards flex and strain, but hold firm; she will not allow this thing to take the Fae into itself as well.

No matter. Kiroishi, embodying the hope and will of its people and surrounded by a shimmering nimbus of unlight, rallies its myriad powers against the alien threat Kit and Nole represent in the hope to win and usher in a yet greater tomorrow for the Darkspawn here.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit will focus on full defense, shielding herselves, nole, and the fae corpse, ready to withstand whatever happens. The mirror clone is getting ready to move the group to the previous timeline if things get hairy, readying an EMERGENCY TIME SHIFT, holding her action and getting ready to move them if things become bad or looks like they cannot win. (very wet, or the safe one if she can do a multiple jump back there. if she can reach the safe timeline from here, she will if she needs to jump them.)
Last edited by Kitsune106d on Sun May 09, 2021 4:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Pathaky »

Nole turns toward the writhing planet-avatar below. Nearly finished now.

He raises his rat-adorned caduceus before descending on Kirioshi. As he lands, a wave of wind-born toxin spreads from him in a pulse. As it spreads across Kirioshi, the toxins manifest as the same Carpenters that destroyed the Sky, accompanied by a seething, swarming contingent of rats, deconstructing and debilitating the Outer Terror with Plague as the phantom-carpenters rezone Zones of Light across Kirioshi's profane flesh.

[Melee Overdrive + Apocalypse of the Plague Rats + Fading Call: One Billion Evil Carpenters]
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Kit stands by in full defense, warding the fae, nole, and herself with another layer of wards. With a spare action, she stands ready to try to shift them to the last dimension of things go sufficiently south. She stands by watching as the two titans meet directly.

Nole marshals his powers and calls an apocalypse of a billion shining, virulent rats down upon the planet. The planet, recognizing the danger, digs deep within its own now-considerable reserves and strikes the rats with a billion tendrils of its own. For the first time in this thread, something meets Nole with just as much force as he can dish out as the rats pop and flare like so many falling stars. Each zone of light is mirrored by a zone of unlight. The lingering, malignant essence of apocalypse falls down like so much volcanic ash upon the planet's surface and Kiroishi laps up the mostly neutralized essence of plague and rot, shrugging Smitten. The powers of heaven and earth eye one another, the two champions of shockingly different sets of ideals sizing each other up.

Kimmi-tse-tse remains stunned.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Pathaky »

Nole grins in appreciation as he's fought to a stand-still by the writhing planet. He's facing the amalgamated will of an entire apocalypse worth of Darkspawn-- the remnants and ravagers of a bubble-reality whose original inhabitants were destroyed and suborned by the powers that ended this world.

It just so happens that he also bears the amalgamated will of one of the Mayline's other bubble-realities.

Nole challenges Kiroishi's position as the vessel of Darkspawn Hope-- he marshals the memories of the people here that were corrupted and lost. He raises a hand gloved in harsh, adamant light and plunges it into the surface of Kirioshi before speeding across the surface of the world, tracing a gouge of unhealable damage and leaving a trail of burning heaven-fire as he scours the surface in all directions with the Wind he carries. The previously-shrugged Smitten, having had a chance to be absorbed into the planet's "bloodstream", surges back to potency, spreading from the inside-out.

[Invoking Serenity's Ideal's ability to prevent Outer Terrors from preventing, shrugging, or otherwise healing damage and negative effects Nole would deal]

[Heaven's Judgement Slash + Serenity's Adamant Ideal, w/ the Wind running interference or shedding Kiroishi's tendrils]
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit wards again, keeping herself ready if kiroshi attacks her , nole or the body of the fae. The goddess of wards and expert abjurer is sure her defenses will hold!

Her mirror self attempts to hasten the doom of Kiroshi, setting up an impending doom again and will be repeating it via the boulder and the clock hand of a thousand ends. She is trying to interfere and mess with its new life ability as she tries to impose irreversible death on the planet!

Impending Doom- (Spell, Other: Time Magic, Darkness & Time, 40,000 MP, 20,000,000 Gold) 15% inflicts Instant Death: Doom, 100% inflicts Instant Death: Doom on targets below Level 60 that are lower Level than caster, this action may be delayed up to 5 rounds, Caster must be Level 20 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Time Magic Attunement'

Impending Doom- (Spell, Other: Time Magic, Darkness & Time, 40,000 MP, 20,000,000 Gold) 15% inflicts Instant Death: Doom, 100% inflicts Instant Death: Doom on targets below Level 60 that are lower Level than caster, this action may be delayed up to 5 rounds, Caster must be Level 20 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Time Magic Attunement'
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
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Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Nole flies down and plunges his hand into Kiroishi's body. Over a dozen backlash effects immediately hit him, but he only takes low damage as his own various powers and array of resistances rally to his defense. Nole pushes power through the wound he is making, lighting the planet up with universal power as he pronounces Judgement on this Darkspawn. His Mind-Implanted Research System helps him adapt to the various powers the Darkspawn tries to pull to leverage this assault, and phantasmal issues of the billions of beings supporting Kiroishi phase into being behind it, egging it on, pushing it to resist this assault and bring the safe haven it built for them back. Serenity's Adamant Ideal forces the attack through anyway. The place that came from was greater. The weight of Kiroishi's sins spring into being in stark relief against it. Billions gone. Billions more altered, absorbed into this thing's paradigm. Did they ask for this? Did they want to be part of this writhing horror? Where was their volition in being confined to this living nightmare and forcibly altered into thinking they enjoy it? Nole embodies their long-suppressed hope and will for retribution. Justice, for the atrocities committed against them. Smitten springs into being again on the dark champion and it's myriad appendages writhe in pain and fury as it takes mid-high unhealable damage while Nole zips around it severing countless tendrils that turn to ash and disappear.

Kit Wards. Kit also attempts to bring Doom the rogue planet, tossing the Boulder at it like some irresistible, apocalyptic meteor. It expands and falls, a planet-destroying attack. Kiroishi leverages it's Catastrophe powerset and bats it the unstoppable attack right back at Kit almost as an afterthought. It does a loop around the fox, starting to come back for a second try.

Kiroishi, faced with this harsh judgement, abandons defense and goes on an all-out assault against Nole. A million-billion tendrils slice, skip, shoot, and smash against Kit's wards. The wards stop many, but they fall in time. Yet more come, attack after countless attack reaching across the gulf of space and hitting the Holy One even in his vaunted position Above all this. The tendrils rake and harry him with a thousand apocalyptic strikes, pulling him back down to earth and even despite his considerable resistances to his foe deal him mid-high damage in turn. Nole takes and shrugs or speed-fixes thousands of negative effects, remaining entirely functional throughout, dealing medium retaliation damage to Kiroishi. The Darkspawn god grows new life to partially replace the life lost, but is clearly being slowly overwhelmed here.

Kimmi-Tse-Tse remains stunned. It takes mid-high damage and is inflicted with Smitten.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Pathaky »

Nole gasps, pulling himself free of Kirioshi's pernicious tendrils in a flash of radiance, unfolding his wings in a fractal expansion of heavenly vistas.

"It's go-time, Kit! Hit it, and hit it hard-- we need to finish this before it has a chance to Overcrash!"

Nole's windows to these alien heavens spiralize into tendrils that rain down onto this accursed planet like pillars from god, the light of the thousand heavenly Suns contained within streaming from them as they batter and burn the planet, splitting and multiplying as they meet resistance, prying open the planet's unhealable wounds and streaming cauterizing holy sunlight down into the planet and fracturing defenses for Kit to follow up on.

[Heaven-Light Fractal-Tendrils + Tendrils of Heaven's Light + Sun Arcana + Magical Overdrive]
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit casts FLARE! She is trying to hit with her status effects as well as draining the target and trying to get him to lose an action. The boulder setting up the flare to be repeating.
Her mirror self casts time clone, setting up 2 additional kits that flare into being. They also flare, trying to kit with the status effects as well, hitting the darkspawn with magical power again and again. the Goddess trying to use her raw spiritual and magical might to and her mastery over time to try to end the fight quickly! She will be trying to use soul-puncher to bypass the physical defenses and hit the core of their foe directly, using her mastery of time to try to predict where the core will be!

300% inflicts Paralysis: Temporal Stasis,
250% inflicts Suffocation: No Future,
50% inflicts Petrified: Time Stop,
25% may inflict Vanished,
25% may inflict Instant Death,
350% may inflict Fatigued: Elderly,
350% may inflict Stat Drain: AGI Drain,
350% may inflict Stat Drain: CON Drain,
300% may inflict Stat Drain: SPI Drain,
20% Causes target to lose target's next action as a non-stacking effect that cannot affect the same target more than 9 times in a 10 round period and is not applied to multi-hit attacks,
Deals 27,110 CON, STR, AGI, and SPI damage on hit,
kit does 2 hits against 1.

Flare- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Fire, 120,000 MP, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Magical Attack, 60% inflicts Burning, 1 hit against 600,000, deals 3/4 Damage, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
Timeclone- (Spell, Other: Chronomancy, Time, 10,000,000 MP, 90,000,000 Gold) Caster gains 2 additional actions (to a max of two actions per round across all copies of this spell) so long as no opponent of Level 90 or greater or that is 10 or more Levels greater than caster, objects, Caster may be targeted as up to 2 different individuals by actions that may target multiple individuals, being affected by such actions a number of times equal to the number of times that possessor is targeted, until the end of the round, Caster must be Level 40 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Time Magic Attunement'
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Nole continues the assault and follows it up hard with a dizzying array of fractal tendrils. Attack after attack lands, prying off pieces of his foe and cauterizing sections of its power set. Time and again it rallies, and time and again the thing is cast down once more. It takes high damage as the space is filled with severed tentacles and bits of noxious power.

Kit abandons defense, darting in with a panalopy of clones. She goes all-out on offense, attacking from four different timelines simultaneously. Weakened as it is, Kiroishi blocks each attack completely.

Pushed to the brink, Kiroishi begins to overcrash.

Supreme Overcrash: Infinity Blade

Kit, exploiting a fractional opportunity in the barest moment as the weakened, harried thing begins it's quasi-unstoppable attack, resets time.
Last edited by Santooth on Tue May 11, 2021 8:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Nole continues the assault and follows it up hard with a dizzying array of fractal tendrils. Attack after attack lands, prying off pieces of his foe and cauterizing sections of its power set. Time and again it rallies, and time and again the thing is cast down once more. It takes high damage as the space is filled with severed tentacles and bits of noxious power.

Kit considers. She again abandons defense, darting in with a panalopy of clones. She goes all-out on offense, attacking from four alternate timelines simultaneously. Weakened, as it is, Kiroishi blocks each attack completely with an entirely different set of defenses.

Pushed to the brink, Kiroishi begins to overcrash.

Supreme Overcrash: Infinity Blade

Kit, exploiting a fractional opportunity in the barest moment as the weakened, harried thing begins it's quasi-unstoppable attack, resets time.
Last edited by Santooth on Tue May 11, 2021 8:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Nole continues the assault and follows it up hard with a dizzying array of fractal tendrils. Attack after attack lands, prying off pieces of his foe and cauterizing sections of its power set. Time and again it rallies, and time and again the thing is cast down once more. At the subtle direction of Kit, Nole swaps his attack on the fly to exploit a tiny flaw in its mana pattern, amplifying and expanding on it until Kiroishi gains a small but important vulnerability to Time. It takes low damage but is now vulnerable to Time.

Kit exploits the opportunity, abandons defense, and darting in with the panalopy of clones. She goes all-out on offense, attacking from four new timelines simultaneously. Kiroishi blocks the first two attacks before Kit lands a blow to its core on her third.

Kiroishi is inflicted with Suffocation: No Future.

Kit uses her fourth and final attack to drive the Clock of One Hundred Thousand Hands into the very heart of the thing. It takes high damage and is inflicted with Petrified: Time Stop.

Kiroishi seethes and hates, impotent in its rage. The planet begins disintegrating, universal power eating away at its form. The two of you have the option to try to wipe it out entirely at the cost of destroying the loot it could drop, sealing it within time more firmly to get something that it may one day reform from, or letting loot drop as normal. What are you doing?
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Pathaky »

Nole's pinions the frozen planet with Holy Intent. "If there's anything Good in you, it was your desire to create a place for yourself and your kin to thrive. Just as this place's original inhabitants didn't *choose* to be corrupted into such an awful parody of themselves, neither did you or those who came after *choose* to exist within the paradigm established for you. I offer Redemption to the good left in you, and those you changed."

The planet is suddenly casting a shadow toward Nole, darkening in proportion to it's Sin. Nole shines brighter still.

"It is not without risk, and the parts of you that survive will not be the same. I do not do demand this of you-- I can only offer this. If any part of you feels penitence, reach out to me, and I will Help you. This is an end, but it doesn't have to be The End."

Nole's outstretched hand is offered to the planet's shadow.

He's going to attempt to Sin-Eater-Redemption any part of this champion that can be redeemed, and motion for Kit to seal the rest away inside an abyss of Time and Geomancy.
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