Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Kit's eyes go briefly mirrored over, and her duplicate phases out to dash forward and strike the creature with the Hand of the Clock of a Thousand Ends and the Unstoppable Boulder. Kit forcibly inserts a small concentration of time within this timeless space, ties the creature to it, and then removes it locking the thing within that null-time. It is inflicted with Petrified: Time Stop.

Nole times his attack to match that of Kit's, striking it with his wings and his wrench into a crater in the ground. The two watch it for a long moment. It remains still and apparently has nothing that could deal with something as foreign to it as Time Stop. Nole swoops down and sets to work with the wrench.

Twist. The buildings are repaired.

Twist. The souls are ground out of the creature.

Twist. The assorted lingering damage to assorted essence pattern is patched over by new pieces. He creates these through essence obtained through a the lingering connection to the raw mana of the Sleeper left behind that he linked to before with his spell. He hasn't done this before and flunks it up, causing numerous souls to melt...

Uh. Whoops. Thankfully, Kit is here monitoring the process and helpfully rewinds time for him.

Twist. The souls are ground out of the creature.

Twist. The assorted lingering damage to assorted essence pattern is patched over by new pieces. He creates these through essence obtained through a the lingering connection to the raw mana of the Sleeper left behind that he linked to before with his spell. He has thankfully done this before, and the mana is carefully set into place and sealed.

Twist. The creature is eliminated from the place except for a monstly-inert seed of a core.

The two of you get:
20x the XP for a level 84 monster
Ally of Lost Souls- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor's gains +50 to all stats while possessor possesses an ally who is Dead but not under the effects of any negative status effects

And the remaining essence forms into:
Proto-Godseed: Thief of Souls- (Item, Material, Darkness & Evolution, 180,000,000 Gold)

You're free to take that with you or leave it here, as you like.

What are you guys doing next? This place looks as fixed as it's going to get.
Last edited by Santooth on Wed May 05, 2021 4:56 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit will ask Nole to see if can't doctor the god seed to being a soul protector, in which case she'll see if she can't use it. (only if its way from being soul theif and not bad.) otherwise, it's not being touched by the goddess in case it activates.

She will protect themselves against fire, using her expert abjuration abilities then will, once all is done here, move them to the very hot timeline, using her expert time powers and the aeon diadem! They are going in buffed and ready.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Pathaky »

Nole scratches his chin. "Oh, sure. Let's see if this thing can't be persuaded."

Nole focuses on the proto-godseed, and the shadows it casts grow darker and and more solid as he spiritually pins it in place, spotlight of Holy attention sending the air quivering around it.

He's Sin-Eating it, if that's possible. If that works, Kit's happy to give incorporating/using it a try. "Dibs on the next one," he says wryly.

As preparation for the move to this new Timeline, Nole Attunes himself to one of the terrains with which he's connected. The Frozen Cosmos appears around him, flickering, phantom-real.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Nole attempts to purge the Proto-Godseed of Sin, and purify it into something more easily incorporated by Kit. Unfortunately, the thing doesn't really register on the morality scale being more of a neutral monster. No matter; Nole is a Holy One. He is capable of dictating with reasonable authority what is Sin and what isn't. He pulls it through that ability, attempting to squeeze the offending elements out of it. Unfortunately, whether because of a thematic mismatch, a lack of experience with this, or just general bad luck the attempt doesn't go too well and he ends up classifying most of what makes this thing unique as "Sin" and ends up with a pile of raw mana.

He gets 60x the XP for a level 84 monster and the proto-godseed is lost.

That done, the duo begin buffing themselves in anticipation of the next area.

Nole attunes himself to the Frozen Cosmos, hoping to offset the temperature of the next area they visit.

Kit tweaks her wards to specialize against Fire and opens the gate. There's a brief jolting sensation, like standing on a bus that just stopped, and they're through. Instant, searing pain hits them as overwhelming Galactic Center's Forgefire hits them. This place seems extra awful, even considering their assorted powers and preparations. Kit takes Heavy damage and is at a little under half health. Nole, much more resilient, takes mid-high damage as he manages to partially situate himself metaphysically "above" the area through his Wind. Both are Burning, and Kit narrowly shrugs off being Crippled. Nole's phantom terrain helps a little bit, Kit's wards help a fair bit, and their armors help a fair bit, but this place is still pretty overwhelming.

Kit, through the pain and damage, senses three nearby timelines.

One is Safe. (This is the one you just came from)

One is Loud.

One is Beckoning.

They also both gain 1,000x the XP of a level 80 monster as their mana patterns are overloaded by the sheer intensity of the area.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit will jump them back to the safe territoryl! she is not sticking around as she is taking alot of damage! she will shift them back to the safe place, where they came from.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Pathaky »

Nole makes the universal signal for "turn it around, we shouldn't be here", to Kit.

He's gonna heal her with a dose of Dr. Nole's Miracle Medicine, buffed by the global life-flow to restore her as she takes us back, and hit himself with it for good measure.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Kit shifts them back to the previous area through the lingering connection they have to it, having just left, taking heavy damage again but being kept alive by Nole's healing. Nole takes high damage this time, being more focused on healing the two of them than reflexively surviving, but manages to heal them back up to full once they reach the previous area.

Where are they going next?

As far as nearby timelines go, the choices remain the same.

One is Very Hot.

One is Very Cold.

One is Very Wet.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit will once back in the safe place, work on making sure buffed and ready for wet adventurers, making an abjuration bubble with air.
"We're going to the very wet place."
she says then gets ready to phase them there unless Nole has another plan.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
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Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Kit shifts them to the Very Wet timeline. Predictably, it's Very Wet. The two of you find yourselves in a vast, dark expanse. It's slightly cold, quite dark, and thoroughly underwater. Many atmospheres of pressure push down against you, deeper than any terrestrial trench. The two of you weather it easily, Kit with wards and Nole not even needing wards due to his inherent fortitude. After that last timeline, it's actually rather soothing.

You don't immediately see anything but can perform more long-range scans if you want to examine this area.

Nearby timelines include:

One that is Loud.

One that is Beckoning.

One that is Writhing.

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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit will let nole do his thing before she will battle ward herself and nole, especially mentally before she will move them to writhing, at his command.
(She is not time jumping them until nole tells her to.)
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Kit wards and readies herself.

Nole plants his feet and goes to work with the wrench.

Twist. He feels a faint stirring in this area. Kit gets the sense things have been like this for a long time; this apocalypse is very old and established.

Twist. The stirring intensifies.

Twist. Faint rays of light begin to shine through from above.

Twist. The light intensifies, the pressure lets up just a hair.

Twist. More light, less pressure. Something vast shifts and stirs below them.

Continuing? This one's going to take a lot of work to repair, maybe another hundred or so twists.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit will move the group to the writhing timeline, making sure that she's ready to defend mentally. She is a goddess of madness, in case madness hits her there.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

The pair don't like the vibe of this place and shift to the Writhing timeline.

What greets them is a maddening place. Darkspawn and their ilk are everywhere. Knotted, roping tentacles, dripping with vile fuilds, twist in and out of the ground and vast mile-wide tentacles wrap around the sky. Various bipedal meat-creatures creatures that stride about quivering structures, not even remotely recognizable as humanoid, are ringed through with tentacles which give them some mad parody of features. These entities carry out some horrible parody of life in this state.

The sun is pitch black, gently pulsing unlight over the area. This corruption does not just extend to the physical here, either; several of the metaphysical layers of reality are burrowed through like a rotten apple. Death, in particular, has been vanquished entirely here; nothing dies, only changes into new forms. The rapturous baptism of flesh and madness coats the place like an oily film.

The two of you stand pristine and untouched here, forcefields and holy presence keeping the twitching things at bay. On their arrival, several of the the twitching meat-things run for cover. Others collapse, spasming and clutching their heads as the more robust of them try to drag these entities out of sight of the two of you. Kit and Nole feel the attention of many millions of unseen eyes (literally; they haven't seen any eyes here so far) upon them, large and small.

Nearby timelines are:

- Very Wet (You just came from here)

- Sad

- Ravenous

What are you doing?
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Pathaky »

Nole's tempted to keep moving, but this place is enough of a problem that he kind of wants to shut off this node from letting anything else out. Besides, this place reminds him of his time dealing with Ruin Syndrome. Not his favorite.

So he'll stay!

"Alright Kit, same as last time, more or less. See if you can't introduce death from another timeline into this world. It'll make dealing with the stickier things here a bit easier."

A world without death is not a healthier world-- it's a cancer, and it's his duty to excise it before it can metastasize to other parts of the Mayline. His wings flare brighter than before, rendering Nole a beacon of glorious, triumphant light, rays spreading across the globe as he spreads his fractal-wings wider-and-wider. If Kit can get Death online, he's going to use his wind to Treat Ruin Syndrome on the blasted and defeated things here. This place looks lost, but he's an Expert on Hope, and there's a sliver of a better future here that he can see.

Wearer may spend an action to Defeat all opponents below Level 80 who are 5 or more Levels below wearer,

Can Treat Ruin Syndrome- (Passive Ability, Doctor) Whenever possessor would kill an Agony element individual that is not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor, possessor may instead leave it at 1 HP, remove all of its Agony-element abilities, and change its element to Life.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit will do her best as she will attempt to use the aeon diadem and her temporal powers, both as a goddess and expert temporal primarch to bring back death as she will also tie in the boulder and her impending doom to bring this into being, straining her powers to do so.

Her mirror self activates and will focus on protecting herself and nole, working to give the prime healer and hope herald the time and space needed to do so, bringing all her powers as a goddess of wards and protection to bear, and she will use protector's sacrifice to take some of the worst hits if there are any to nole, but not taking enough to kill herself.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Santooth »

Nole looks out over the landscape and judges this place unworthy. He looks to kit.

"Alright Kit, same as last time, more or less. See if you can't introduce death from another timeline into this world. It'll make dealing with the stickier things here a bit easier."

Kit nods, then leans on the Aeon Diadem and her assorted power set channeled partially through the Unstoppable Boulder. She reaches back through the link she had to the last timeline and pulls a bit of its essence over to this one while tying in Doom for the Undying; a sizable chunk of the world around them writhes and shrivels at this and powerful forces in it begin treating your incursion as the existential threat it is.

Too late.

He spreads his wings like some seraph of judgement over the place. They fractally fold out until they are covering the entire planet in some sense as well as the space beyond. Shining, scouring light begins to pour forth from them. He analyzes the entities, looking for any way to reverse what has happened to them and finds none; whatever occupied this place before them is now gone. All that's left is a cancer. A cancer that will be scoured away.

Triumph pours forth. Flesh-things are scoured from existence on a global scale. Trillions of lives are ended, and thousands of unique individuals (some quite powerful) killed. Not dead, Defeated. Their mana patterns are utterly and completely snuffed out, beyond any standard recovery. Doom has come to this deathless place.

As all of this happens, Kit's mirror echo goes entirely on the defensive. It protects both of them and prepares to intercept any particularly egregious attacks that land on Nole.

The two of you detect just under a dozen incoming threats that survived that, the planet, the sky, and the moon among them. Most everything else will arrive next turn.

Both of you get the award:
Bane of the Deathless

Nole gets the awards:
Hated Enemy of all Darkspawn
Doom of Ruc'Naath the Deathless

That first one is acting soooort of like a curse in that it aggros (and is obvious to) Darkspawn he encounters.

What are your actions for next round? You're faster than any of your opposition, both Nole and Kit by an order of magnitude sufficient to give you three standard actions per turn. You can give me three different actions, or a general direction for what you're doing. Kit has a repeating (via the Boulder) Doom effect layered onto the Zone of Mortality she brought in.
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Re: Kit and Nole into the Heart of Darkness ?

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit will be attempting to run interference for Nole , distracting the enemy with a : light element Nuclear Time-Destroyer Bomb, trying to set it up to be repeating then. The mirror self focuses on defending, using her warding powers and healing abilities to focus on defense.

Basically, kit will be focusing on distracting and harrying the darkspawn that arrive while her mirror self focuses on defense. If things seem particularly dangerous, both prime and mirror will focus on defense, defending herself and Nole against attack while he goes full angelic on their asses.

The emergency rewind of the aeon diadem is kept on speed dial if its needed to redo the round thanks to the enemy getting lucky.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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