Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 1:54 am
Dexima (Celas)
Level 19
Machine, Technology
HP: 2,150
MP: 19,125
STR - 86 (4)
AGI - 297 (13)
CON - 86 (4)
MIN - 765 (35)
SPI - 86 (4)
XP- 0
XP Required- 70,000, Tasks (0/5)
Fame- 1
Gold- 200
Bonus Weeks: 17 (+2 bonus weeks that may only be used for Destiny Weaver, Sage, Scholar, Esoteric Wiseman, Elder Scribe, Diviner, Enchanter, Crafter, Wanderer, Ritual Mage, Puppeteer, and Controller)
Weeks: Will learn "Basic Hypertech Attunement- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells possessor castst that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack, and all Hypertech spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast" on the 21st of July.
Melee Attack
Magical Attack
Ranged Attack
Elemental Attack
Guard Back Rank
Use an Item
Cast a Spell
Switch Rows
Overdrive or Mental Overdrive or Physical Overdrive
-Matrix Keeper-
Apprentice Assault Matrix Training- (Passive Ability, Matrix Keeper) Possessor gains +50 Ranged Attack and +50 Magical Attack if possessor has an Assault Matrix equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has an Assault Matrix equipped
Assault Matrix Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Matrix Keeper) +5 to all stats when a Assault Matrix is equipped
Assault Matrix Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Matrix Keeper) +25 to all stats when a Assault Matrix is equipped, +25 Ranged Attack and +25 Magical Attack when a Assault Matrix is equipped
Basic Assault Matrix Training- (Passive Ability, Matrix Keeper) This character gains +6 Ranged Attack and +6 Magical Attack when an Assault Matrix is equipped.
Beam Net- (Technique Ability, Matrix Keeper) Possessor may use 'Beam Net' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and an Assault Matrix is equipped. Said action may not be Dodged by or Miss any target that is below Level 15.
Apprentice Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) This character gains +6 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Knowledge of Dimensions- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +50 MIN, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 MIN.
General Knowledge of the Main Universe within the Second Holy Empire- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +100 MIN
Studious- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +200 MIN
Apprentice Hypertech Attunement- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells possessor castst that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, and all Hypertech spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Hypertech Attunement- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells possessor castst that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack, and all Hypertech spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Basic Programming Skills- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All possessor's Robot, Clockwork, and Machine pets and summons gain +40 to all stats
Basic Research Skills- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes, to a max of Level 20
Mathematician- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +500 MIN
Basic Fate Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Destiny Weaver) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Fate element
Basic Technology Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Technology element
Electrifying Principle- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor may, at the start of a round, choose to spend 60,000 MP to give itself a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that allows its possessor and its possessor's allies to optionally add the element Electrical to their attacks and/or actions.
Form of Submarine- (Stance Ability, Seakeeper) If possessor is an Aquatic or a Machine, possessor gains +200 AGI, +200 CON, +1% To Hit, counts as a Vessel, becomes an Aquatic, becomes a Machine, and counts as a Vehicle
Has Consumed 1 of the Permanent Consumable "Cookie PLUS"- (Passive Ability, Permanent Item Effect) +50,000 HP, Cannot be used in combos
Permanant Consumables-
Wielder of the Grand Unifying Theory
Wielder of the Maxwell Gate
Has Beseeched the Well for 2 Great Relics
Possessor gains an additional destiny-related task per levelup
Possessor gains an additional non-destiny-related task per levelup
Has Consumed 1 of the Permanent Consumable "Cookie PLUS"
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Matrix Keeper
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Scholar
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Scientist
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Matrix Keeper
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Scholar
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Scientist
Fated One Tasks- Level 20 Cap wrote:1. Possess the abilities 'Scientist', 'Heir to the Future', and 'Matrix Keeper'. While in possession of these abilities, kill opposing, non-summoned 5 Mechanized Steam Ogre from the Enemy List and the boss 'Spire Defense Coordinator 0003-0004-0012-0024-9999: Test Mode' from the Boss List in a fight thread (which may be created as a special thread in which none of the individuals provide drops) with no allies present at any point during said fight.
2. Obtain the data from the crashed Undersea Research Submersible Epsilon on Disc 43.
3. Assist a group of refugees in escaping The City of Rats.
4. Obtain a datadisk of Fleshwarper research held by Dr. Claudio Zemmel before it is destroyed by outside agents.
5. Obtain a Cloud-White Sheep, Prehensile-Lopear Bunny, and Plasma Kitty for Mrs. Hobble's Petting Zoo.
Level 19
Machine, Technology
HP: 2,150
MP: 19,125
STR - 86 (4)
AGI - 297 (13)
CON - 86 (4)
MIN - 765 (35)
SPI - 86 (4)
XP- 0
XP Required- 70,000, Tasks (0/5)
Fame- 1
Gold- 200
Bonus Weeks: 17 (+2 bonus weeks that may only be used for Destiny Weaver, Sage, Scholar, Esoteric Wiseman, Elder Scribe, Diviner, Enchanter, Crafter, Wanderer, Ritual Mage, Puppeteer, and Controller)
Weeks: Will learn "Basic Hypertech Attunement- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells possessor castst that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack, and all Hypertech spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast" on the 21st of July.
Melee Attack
Magical Attack
Ranged Attack
Elemental Attack
Guard Back Rank
Use an Item
Cast a Spell
Switch Rows
Overdrive or Mental Overdrive or Physical Overdrive
-Matrix Keeper-
Apprentice Assault Matrix Training- (Passive Ability, Matrix Keeper) Possessor gains +50 Ranged Attack and +50 Magical Attack if possessor has an Assault Matrix equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has an Assault Matrix equipped
Assault Matrix Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Matrix Keeper) +5 to all stats when a Assault Matrix is equipped
Assault Matrix Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Matrix Keeper) +25 to all stats when a Assault Matrix is equipped, +25 Ranged Attack and +25 Magical Attack when a Assault Matrix is equipped
Basic Assault Matrix Training- (Passive Ability, Matrix Keeper) This character gains +6 Ranged Attack and +6 Magical Attack when an Assault Matrix is equipped.
Beam Net- (Technique Ability, Matrix Keeper) Possessor may use 'Beam Net' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and an Assault Matrix is equipped. Said action may not be Dodged by or Miss any target that is below Level 15.
Apprentice Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) This character gains +6 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Knowledge of Dimensions- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +50 MIN, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 MIN.
General Knowledge of the Main Universe within the Second Holy Empire- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +100 MIN
Studious- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +200 MIN
Apprentice Hypertech Attunement- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells possessor castst that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, and all Hypertech spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Hypertech Attunement- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All Hypertech spells possessor castst that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack, and all Hypertech spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Basic Programming Skills- (Passive Ability, Scientist) All possessor's Robot, Clockwork, and Machine pets and summons gain +40 to all stats
Basic Research Skills- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes, to a max of Level 20
Mathematician- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +500 MIN
Basic Fate Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Destiny Weaver) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Fate element
Basic Technology Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Technology element
Electrifying Principle- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor may, at the start of a round, choose to spend 60,000 MP to give itself a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that allows its possessor and its possessor's allies to optionally add the element Electrical to their attacks and/or actions.
Form of Submarine- (Stance Ability, Seakeeper) If possessor is an Aquatic or a Machine, possessor gains +200 AGI, +200 CON, +1% To Hit, counts as a Vessel, becomes an Aquatic, becomes a Machine, and counts as a Vehicle
Has Consumed 1 of the Permanent Consumable "Cookie PLUS"- (Passive Ability, Permanent Item Effect) +50,000 HP, Cannot be used in combos
Permanant Consumables-
Wielder of the Grand Unifying Theory
Wielder of the Maxwell Gate
Has Beseeched the Well for 2 Great Relics
Possessor gains an additional destiny-related task per levelup
Possessor gains an additional non-destiny-related task per levelup
Has Consumed 1 of the Permanent Consumable "Cookie PLUS"
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Matrix Keeper
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Scholar
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Scientist
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Matrix Keeper
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Scholar
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Scientist
Fated One Tasks- Level 20 Cap wrote:1. Possess the abilities 'Scientist', 'Heir to the Future', and 'Matrix Keeper'. While in possession of these abilities, kill opposing, non-summoned 5 Mechanized Steam Ogre from the Enemy List and the boss 'Spire Defense Coordinator 0003-0004-0012-0024-9999: Test Mode' from the Boss List in a fight thread (which may be created as a special thread in which none of the individuals provide drops) with no allies present at any point during said fight.
2. Obtain the data from the crashed Undersea Research Submersible Epsilon on Disc 43.
3. Assist a group of refugees in escaping The City of Rats.
4. Obtain a datadisk of Fleshwarper research held by Dr. Claudio Zemmel before it is destroyed by outside agents.
5. Obtain a Cloud-White Sheep, Prehensile-Lopear Bunny, and Plasma Kitty for Mrs. Hobble's Petting Zoo.