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Remmie heads back to Pallea

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 11:57 pm
by Modrageball
This quest originally ran from June 22, 2013 to Jan 29, 2014.
kitsune106 wrote:
Remalius (kitsune106)
Level 19
Magic Being, Energy
HP: 2375
MP: 8830
STR: 57 (3)
AGI: 95 (5)
CON: 95 (5)
MIN: 883 (37)
SPI: 95(5)

Melee Attack
Magical Attack
Ranged Attack
Elemental Attack
Guard Back Rank
Use an Item
Cast a Spell
Switch Rows

Mana Spark Blessing 4- (Passive Ability, Blessing) +15 STR, +5 CON
Mana Spark Blessing 7- (Passive Ability, Blessing) +40 MIN

Aracne Vizier:
Basic Command of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor's Magic element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Magic
Basic Magic Resistance- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains 1% Magic Resistance
Basic Magic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Magic element

Basic Divining Attunement- (Passive Ability, Diviner) All Divining spells function as though caster were 1 level higher for stat-scanning purposes
Basic Fortune Telling- (Passive Ability, Diviner) All Divning buffs that possessor inflicts that raise stats raise them by an additional 20 points
Knowledge of Naughtiness and Niceness- (Passive Ability, Diviner) If possessor has scanned an individual's stats and said individual has not performed any offensive actions that targetted either possessor or possessor's allies during this thread, then possessor may increase any amount of HP Healing that possessor deals to said individual by 2,500 points; If possessor has scanned an individual's stats and said individual has performed one or more offensive actions that have targetted either possessor or possessor's allies during this thread, then possessor may increase any amount of HP Damage that possessor deals to said individual by 2,500 points
Whisper-Mote Listener- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor may claim Whisper Motes

Apprentice Dream Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Dreamshaper) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Dream element item equipped, Possessor's Dream element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Command of Dream- (Passive Ability, Other: Dreamshaper) Possessor's Dream element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Dream Resistance- (Passive Ability, Other: Dreamshaper) Possessor gains 1% Dream Resistance
Basic Dream Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Dreamshaper) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Dream element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Dream- (Passive Ability, Other: Dreamshaper) Possessor's Dream element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Weaponization of Dream- (Passive Ability, Other: Dreamshaper) Quantities of Dream element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Detect Dream- (Passive Ability, Dreamshaper) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Dream element targets

Basic Enchantment Attunement- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost 10 less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells last 1 turn longer if they already last over 1 turn
Infuse Spell Essence- (Active Ability, Enchanter) Possessor may spend an action to change the element of a Spell that is in possessor's possession to gain Magic in addition to its other elements, provided that said Spell is not any non-base element
Infuse Spell Essence: Air- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Air to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Earth- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Earth to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Essence Replacement (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions replace the elements of the Spell they are targetting instead of merely adding new elements
Infuse Spell Essence: Fire- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Fire to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Water- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Water to a spell instead of Magic

Ethereal Mage
Visualizer of Drifting Principles- (Passive Ability, Ethereal Mage) Possessor may claim Drifting Principles


Knowledge of Aerial Warfare Tactics- (Passive Ability, General) Possessor's Air element Vessel transformations and Air element Vseel allies gain +200 Defense, gain 40% Dodge, and deal 2,000 additional Damage per attack
Knowledge of Grand Ground Mecha Warfare Tactics- (Passive Ability, General) Possessor's Earth element Mech transformations and Earth element Mech allies gain +200 Defense, gain 40% Resilience , and deal 2,000 additional Damage per attack

Basic Magewright Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +3 to all stats for each Glyph, Holy Symbol, Idol, Ioun Stone, Sigil, Tome, Trinket, Magic Item, Container, Seal, or Rune possessor has equipped.

Basic Ritual Enchantment- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor's Ritual Magic spells that give items Enhancements that are Enchantments cost 200 less MP and 200 less XP
Basic Ritual Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack, take 1 less turn, and cost 10 less MP

Apprentice Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) This character gains +6 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Knowledge of Dimensions- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +50 MIN, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Area Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 to all stats if a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain is present
Basic Understanding of Entity Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor scans stats as though possessor were 1 Level higher as an effect that does not bypass 'Immune to below Level X' abilities
Basic Understanding of Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 MIN.
Book Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +5 to all stats when a Book is equipped
General Knowledge of the Main Universe within the Second Holy Empire- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +100 MIN
Studious- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +200 MIN

Basic Research Skills- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes, to a max of Level 20

Apply Curse- (Active Ability, Warlock) Possessor may spend an action to give a copy of any ability from possessor's List of Applicable Curses to any PC target of lower Level, This may affect non-PCs in RP threads

Accurate Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor's 'Magical Attack' actions gain +1% To Hit if possessor casts a Wizard Magic spell as part of them
Apprentice Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All damage-dealing Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts gain +250 Damage, All Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Mana-Saving Techniques- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Linking Magic Types- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Spells possessor casts cost 80 less MP if caster has cast a spell of a different subtype previously during this thread
Basic Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All Wizard Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Defensive Spellcasting- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor's 'Cast a Spell' actions may not be countered by individuals below Level 10 if possessor is in the back row
Gesture-Based Spellcasting Stance- (Stance Ability, Wizard) Possessor, if not afflicted with Paralyzed, gains +100 Magical Attack, +300 MP, and +50 SPI
Knowledge of Basic Magic Theory- (Passive Ability, Wizard) +5 Magical Attack, +30 MIN, Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Increased MP- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +50 MP
Large Mana Reservoir- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +2,000 MP
Lengthen Casting- (Technique Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use Lengthen Casting in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wizard Magic Spell equipped. If said attack already inflicts a buff or debuff that lasts 5 or more rounds, the number of rounds each such buff or debuff lasts increases by 2.
Maximal Casting- (Technique Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use Maximal Casting in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wizard Magic Spell equipped. Said attack's random stat multiplier is maximized, and possessor's Max MP is reduced by 50% for the remainder of the thread.
Orb Master- (Passive Ability, Wizard) +20 Magical Attack and -5 MP cost when using any Wizard Spell with the word Orb in the name
Powerful Casting- (Technique Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use Powerful Casting in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wizard Magic Spell equipped. Said attack gains +150 Magical Attack.
Script Mage- (Passive Ability, Wizard) +25 Magical Attack for Wizard Magic if a Book is equipped
Spellcasting Technique- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +180 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +70 MIN if possessor has at least two spells, one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and one of which is a non-'Wizard Magic' spell equipped
Wizard- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor's Damage-dealing actions that involve the casting of Wizard Magic spells deal 500 additional Damage, Wizard Magic spells cost possessor (50 + 30 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast, Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack
Wizard Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast

Opener of Forgotten Doorways- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may claim Forgotten Keys

Ally of the Fallen Stormwright- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +400 to all stats as a buff if any of possessor's allies are Electrical element Spirits or have the word 'Stormwright' in their name, Possessor suffers -400 to all stats if any of possessor's allies' names include 'Darston'
Basic Ancient Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Archmage of the Ancients) All Ancient Magic spells gain +1,000 Magical Attack and cost 1,000 less MP
Basic Dragon Lord Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Dragon Lord) Possessor's Dragon pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +50 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Built the Giant Statue- (Passive Ability, Evermason) Possessor's Golem summons gain +20,000 HP
Fan of Lili- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +200 to all stats if one of possessor's allies is named 'Lili Von'Mion', Possessor suffers -200 to all stats if one of possessor's opponents is named 'Lili Von'Mion', Individuals named 'Lili Von'Mion' may add '30% inflicts Charm: Impressed' to hits of their actions that target possessor
Glowing Red Nose- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor may choose for possessor and any of possessor's allies to ignore effects attached to zones by sources below Level 20
Grows in Sunlight- (Passive Ability, Botanist) At the start of each round that possessor is in a Chronogeomantic Zone of Day or a Zone of Light, possessor obtains +250 to all stats as a buff that stacks 10 times; these buff applications vanish as soon as possessor is neither in a Chronogeomantic Zone of Day nor a Zone of Light
Statue-Crafter- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Possessor's Golem summons gain +200 to all stats and +5,000 HP

Other: Lunar Trickster:
Grinning Moon Laughs Above- (Passive Ability, Other: Lunar Trickster) Possessor's opponents, if they succeed their first per-round auto-recovery chance from a status effect must check a second time and only actually recover if the second time is successful
Lit By Moon's Capricious Light- (Passive Ability, Lunar Trickster) Whenever one of possessor's opponents' per-round automatic recovery chances from a negative status effect that was at least a 1% chance fails, said individual has a 50% chance of being afflicted with Hexed
Palely-Glowing Essence- (Passive Ability, Other: Lunar Trickster) Possessor's element becomes solely Moon, Possessor gains +500 Defense against Moon, Possessor gains 25% Moon Resistance, Possessor gains 25% Voidstruck: Moon Mad Resistance, Possessor's offensive actions may gain the element Moon

Permanent Item Effect:
Has Consumed 1 of the Permanent Consumable "Those Splendid Peanuts"- (Passive Ability, Permanent Item Effect) +5,000 to all stats, +50 unmodified CON, Cannot be used in combos


Brain Used By The Demon Lord Of Books As Mostly-Self-Inaccessible Storage Space For All Books About Tortoises- (Passive Ability, Curse) Possessor's turn-order-determining stat is halved for turn-order-determining purposes if it includes possessor's Mind stat unless any of possessor's opponents have 'Turtle', 'Tortoise', or 'Terrapin' in their name
Curse of the Fox and the Grapes- (Passive Ability, Curse) Whenever a source applies a buff to an individual who is not possessor, if possessor is not currently afflicted with said buff, possessor becomes afflicted with a debuff that prevents said buff from having positive effects on possessor, with said debuff stacking across 500 different buffs at any one time
Lasts 300 battles. Battles fought: 201/300
Gazed Upon by the Lord of the Tormented- (Passive Ability, Curse) Possessor may not gain Agony Resistance or Immunity. Possessor may not Absorb Agony or Reflect Agony. Possessor may not gain Defense against Agony. Agony element Damage dealt to possessor is quadrupled.

Shield of the Heavenly Tower- (Weapon, Shield, Light & Physical, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Defense, +20,000 Melee Attack, +2,000 Defense against MIN Damage, Wielder's per-item Defense capping may be based on wielder's Mind x 2 instead of wielder's Constitution x 2, 30% Light Resistance, 30% Darkness Resistance, 30% Psychic Resistance

Aura of Dead Seconds- (Armor, Aura, Darkness & Time, 9,600,000 Gold) +9,500 Defense, +9,000 AGI, MIN, and SPI, +990 Defense against Stat Damage, Wielder regenerates 900 AGI Damage at the start of every round, All of wielder's opponents take 900 Time-element AGI Damage at the start of every round

Vampire's Cloak- (Accessory, Cloak, Darkness, 6,400,000 Gold) +5,500 to all stats, Wearer's damaging actions inflict HP Drain, 45% Darkness Resistance, 30% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 50% Light Weakness
2 Essence Spark of Mana- (Accessory, Other: Mystic Infusion, Magic, 1,000,000 Gold) Wielder regenerates 10,000 MP per round, +10,000 MP
Armband of Purity- (Accessory, Wristwear, Light, 2,700,000 Gold) +2,200 Magical Attack, +2,600 Defense, 20% Resilience, Individuals below Level 30 cannot inflict status effects on possessor




Ancient Seal- (Spell, Other: Ancient Magic, Earth, 240,000 MP, 12,500,000 Gold) +12,500 Magical Attack, 50% targets below Level 40 gain a debuff that makes it so that they cannot act, with all things that would occur before and after actions skipped due to such still occurring, does not stack
Ancient Wind- (Spell, Other: Ancient Magic, Air, 24,000 MP, 12,500,000 Gold) +12,500 Magical Attack, All buffs and debuffs with target as a source are removed if target is below Level 40, All buffs present on target with sources below Level 40 are removed if target is below Level 40, All of target's summons are unsummoned if target is below Level 40 and if said summons are below Level 40 (as well as those summons' summons and all future generations of summons, provided that all are below Level 40)
Ancient Balm- (Spell, Other: Ancient Magic, Water, 24,000 MP, 12,500,000 Gold) +12,500 Magical Attack, Heals HP, All debuffs and negative status effects present on target that come from sources below Level 40 are removed, Target may not acquire debuffs or negative status effects from sources below Level 40 for the next 5 rounds, does not stack
Upgraded Ancient Starcannon- (Spell, Hypertech, Technology & Astral, 120,000 MP, 36,000,000 Gold) +36,000 Magical Attack, May deal full Damage to targets below Level 80 in the back row who are not more than 19 Levels greater than caster, May deal 360,000 Flat Astral element Damage instead of dealing normal Damage and creating an attack if part of a 'Cast a Spell' action
Open Gate to Nexus: Top Disc- (Spell, Gate Magic, Magic, 5,000 MP, 160,000 Gold) Has RP effects, Permits escape from random quests at the start of the round after it is cast

Inherent spells-
Charm Cat- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Air, 40 MP, 15,000 Gold) 100% inflicts Charm on target individual who is below Level 5 whose name includes 'Cat'
Glowing Pebble- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Light & Earth, 5 MP, 2,000 Gold) Caster gains a buff that provids its possessor and all of its possessor's allies with 101% To Hit while in a Zone of Darkness
Fancy Globes- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Magic & Light, 300 MP, 7,000 Gold) 30% inflicts Charm: Impressed
Heat Tea To Just The Right Temperature- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Water & Fire, 3 MP, 1,700 Gold) Target Drink consumable gains '1% cures Fatigued, 1% cures Frozen, and 1% cures Burning'
Sense Magic- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Magic, 40 MP, 3,000 Gold) Caster is informed with a single 'yes' answer if any of caster's opponents are Magice element, possess any Magic element abilities, could drop and Magic element items, are carrying any Magic element items, have any Magic element items equipped, or have any Wizard Magic spells equipped
Douse- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Water, 60 MP, 2,000 Gold) 1% cures Burning
Lubricate- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Water, 30 MP, 1,100 Gold) Target gains 1% Paralyzed Resistance, 5% Cures Paralyzed from sources below Level 15
Freshen Up- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Air & Light & Magic, 100 MP, 2,000 Gold) Cures target debuff from a Level 1 source
Magic Spiderweb- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Darkness & Magic, 60 MP, 1,200 Gold) 1% inflicts Paralyzed
Prestidigitation- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Magic, 10 MP, 3,000 Gold) 5% inflicts Charm: Impressed
Mage Fist- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Physical, 600 MP, 30,000 Gold) +30 Magical Attack, 5% inflicts Fatigued: Stun
Glow- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Light, 300 MP, 6,000 Gold) Target may choose for individuals below Level 5 to treat it as being solely Light element
Reveal General Form- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Light & Air, 70,000 Gold) Target loses all Dodge-bonus-prodviding or Dodge-providing buffs from sources below Level 18



Modded stats wrote: Remalius (kitsune106)
Level 19
Magic Being, Moon
HP: 36,250
MP: 240,750
STR: 570
AGI: 950
CON: 1450
MIN: 8830
SPI: 950
+ 29,760 defense
+990 defense agfainst stat damage

Individuals below Level 30 cannot inflict status effects on possessor

Wielder regenerates 20,000 MP per round
Wielder regenerates 900 AGI Damage at the start of every round,
All of wielder's opponents take 900 Time-element AGI Damage at the start of every round
, Wearer's damaging actions inflict HP Drain,
45% Darkness Resistance,
30% Minor Status Effect Resistance,
50% Light Weakness
20% Resilience

'Has used 10 Manual of A Thousand Arts
Lent Great Assistance to the Stormwright
Merged the Stormwright with the Mind Rod
Observed the Stormwright Fashion Many Storms
'Was Bested in 'Warlord of Metal, Smith of Thunder' By An Opposing Team
Competed In the Blood Mirage Tournament (Under 20 Bracket)
Visited the 10th Holy Festival
Has Consumed 1 Essence Sphere: Diviner
Has Consumed 1 Essence Sphere: Ethereal Mage
Has Consumed 1 Essence Sphere: Wanderer
Talked About Magic With Elyion
A Subject In The Painting 'Living Magic In The Gazebo', Which Is Displayed In The Ivvingford Gallery In Luriveyl
Discovered Thanks To An Owl That Birds Can, In Fact, Be Annoying
taking along:
Bag of Holding (2)- (Accessory, Container, Magic, 6,000,000 Gold) Wielder may bring 30 additional unequipped items into battle
Elaborate Flower Petal Dress- (Armor, Clothing, Light, 210,500 Gold) +269 Defense, Heals wearer for 500 HP each turn
Mask Depicting a Kindly Tengu- (Accessory, Mask, Air & Magic & Light, 230,000 Gold) +240 Defense, +230 AGI, +230 SPI, 10% Air Resistance, 10% Darkness Resistance, 10% Magic Resistance, 10% Physical Resistance
Mask of the Tengu Yamabushi- (Accessory, Mask, Air & Light & Magic, 450,000 Gold) +450 Defense, +450 AGI, +450 SPI, 10% Air Resistance, 10% Darkness Resistance, 10% Magic Resistance, 10% Physical Resistance, 10% Light Resistance, Spirit Magic spells cost wearer 2,000 less MP to cast
1 Robe of Great and Winged Spirits- (Armor, Robe, Light & Air, 6,515,000 Gold) +6,504 Defense, +6,300 SPI, +4,550 SGI, +2,000 STR, MIN, and CON, 20% Earth Resistance, Wielder may spend 60,000 MP to add Air to the elements of any action that wielder is performing or to the elements of the standard damage of any 'Melee Attack', 'Ranged Attack', or 'Magical Attack' action
1 Caviar of Intense Fanciness- (Consumable, Food, Wealth, 2,000,000 Gold) All of target's items are worth 250,000 additional Gold for the remainder of this thread, this may be elected to be either a buff on each individual item or a buff on this consumable's target
Book Detailing the Worship of Spirits- (Item, Antiquity, Magic & Light & Darkness, 1,500 Gold)
Greater Magical Paintbrush- (Weapon, Wand, Magic, 329,000 Gold) +365 Magical Attack, +5,000 MP, Wielder's uses of Magical Pigments in the casting of spells reduce the cost of said spells by 5,000 additional MP, 15% Confusion: Depression Resistance
Throwing Knives of the Sourge-Wind- (Weapon, Throwing Weapon, Air & Physical, 6,000,000 Gold) +6,000 Ranged Attack, +6,000 AGI, 20% Dodge, 20% Critical, 120% To Hit, 60% inflicts Pain
Seal of House Clavis- (Accessory, Seal, Earth & Light & Darkness, 800,000 Gold) +800 Magical Attack, +800 Defense, 5% Spirit Resistance

*Remalius' Papers from the Seirei Portal (Accessory, Quest Item, Light & Darkness, 1,000 Gold) +1 SPI
*Directions to Martellus Chart's House for Remalius (Item, Antiquity, Earth & Air, 900 Gold)
10,000,000 gold

Remmie exits the portal. Remmie is again in the helix of orbs, although this time, it's a pale yellowish glow, moonish glow, and a single orb floats in an orbit around him. Oddly enough, it has a grinning face on it. If the man is there, the body floats closer as the head floats over.
"Greetings. I am Remalius again. Do you need my papers?"
Aeromage wrote:The clerk Remalius spoke to last time is, in fact, not present.
In his place among the palatial splendour of the halls sits a severe-looking woman, her black hair scraped back into an elaborate fan and secured with a large array of golden combs and hairpins. While wearing identical gaudy robes to the previous clerk, hers are better fitted and arranged with fastidious precision, not a fold straying out of place. Standing to attention behind her desk are two men in dark-green leather armour embossed with the lock-and-keyhole emblem of House Clavis.
Further into the opulent halls, the mirror-smooth floors perfectly reflecting their forms, two figures in familiar grey robes with eboshi-like hats quietly converse with a pair of women dressed in red-and-white priestly garb.

kitsune106 wrote: Remmie bobs his way to the lady, while his moon orb starts to do a slow orbit of the room, looking things over. He stops in front of the lady. His papers float up via mystical forces to the lady. “Good day. I am Remalius, here to visit Pallea. Purpose of visit: To check up on friends, and bring gifts. “ He states, his orbs flashing green and moon yellow as he speaks, hopefully not an alarming color to them. “Are there any warnings or new rules since I last visited that I should know about?”
Aeromage wrote: The woman arches one immaculately-manicured eyebrow as Remalius begins mooning all over the place, taking the papers in hand and giving them a stern appraisal.
"I see." She flicks a hand in a half-wave, the two guardsmen assuming a more relaxed stance at the motion. "Everything seems to be in order, if-" she flicks her gaze towards the meandering moon-orb "-slightly outdated." The papers are stacked, refolded and pushed to the edge of the desk by Remalius, centered precisely.
"The Fading Province is not a destination recommended for visitors, due to its otherworldly location, difficulty to access and not insignificant hazards. If, however, by 'Pallea' you mean to visit the nearby town of Pella, I forsee no issues arising. Despite heavy amounts of unseasonal rainfall earlier in the year, the town should have had ample opportunity to enact repairs and reopen the roads. As long as you observe the regulations explained on your last visit, your stay will be a pleasant one."
kitsune106 wrote: "Yes, I meant Pella, I have several people I wish to catch up with."

The magic picks up the papers and stuffs them into a bag of holding.

"I should have no problem getting there. I assume that the weather there at Pella has been good?"

He asks idly, before he starts to float off, heading back the same way he had gone last time. His goal, to reach the town and Find Ella first before visiting the shrine. After all, it would be nice to have everyone he had met together to talk and share experiences.
Aeromage wrote: Remalius heads through the opulent marble halls and walled grounds, once again coming to the main road between Marefore and Clavia. Spring is well and truly underway, as evidenced by the continued presence of flock after flock of wildflowers, hedgerows bursting with fragrant blossoms and surrounded by swaying tufts of tall grasses. The huge, green moon sits even higher in the sky, its vivid surface rippling with various shades of green. The smaller moon has, for its part, pulled itself from the horizon to hover further above the world. Small puffs of cloud dot the blue expanse here and there, but they don't seem to be the rain-bearing variety.
The road seems somewhat busier than when he visited last, perhaps due to his efforts in stemming the flow of rain and (presumably) dealing with the flooding on the roads surrounding the town. The various travelers he meets are still unwilling to converse or even look in his direction, however, often averting their gazes or speeding up as they pass.

The moon-faced spell-genie's journey to Pella passes in relative tranquility, affording Remalius time to enjoy the landscape and the changes it has undergone since his last visit. A small side road he barely noticed the first time has now had its hedges trimmed back and the embankments shored up, a pretty-looking sign made of painted wood now declaring it the route to Exga Village (Travelers Welcome). The foliage is taller, ploughed fields are now fuzzy with green shoots, fallow fields are ablaze with efflorescent colour, and the sky over there has just erupted in a flash of light, twinkling shards falling into the field beyond the hedgerow.
kitsune106 wrote: Seeing the light, he will alter his course, heading towards the landing site. The spell-moon genie is sure that his friends in Pella can wait and he heads towards the era, reading an ancient seal in case of attack, but he's sure that there is no real problem.
Aeromage wrote: The field is full of tall grasses, many holding fluffy sprays of feather-like strands at their tips. The foliage makes it slightly difficult to tell where the sparkling items landed, but after ten minutes' worth of searching or so, Remalius eventually manages to locate a slightly bent and broken clump of grass that looks like it may have been hit by whatever fell. The dense clump of leaves and fronds contain shining pieces of crystalline material and a small, faintly-glowing arrowhead.
Remalius gets:
Soul Arrow- (Spell, Spirit Magic, Light & Darkness, 300 MP, 365,000 Gold) +370 Ranged Attack, Ranged Attack actions that include this spell may use SPI as their Prime Attribute
3 Crystallized Spirit Piece- (Item, Material, Magic, 6,000 Gold)
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie will spend some time looking around the area, looking for anything that's wrong, or looking in this direction. The moon genie not sure what just happened. After an hour if he's found nothing, he'll continue on his way to Pella. The spell genie is being obvious about looking, his detached head circling the field far and wide.
Aeromage wrote: Remalius spends some time searching for an answer, but sees nothing in the peaceful rural landscape or serene sky to indicate what just happened. Birds are once again singing, carriages and carts rattle their way to and fro along the road, and aside from the occasional yell of surprise when his head floats above the traffic, all seems peaceful.
An hour comes and goes with little incident- the most exciting occurrance is a bird attempting to steal a carriage driver's lunch- and so the journey continues!

A few hours of sedate travel later Remalius enters the familiar rumpled cliff- and ridge-strewn terrain of Pella's region, the road splitting into a fork. Now that the rain has gone, the spell-genie is afforded a good view of the once rain-lashed countryside around the cliff town, which turns out to mainly consist of brown, bare earth speckled here and there with shoots of green and partially-rotted trees. Many of the ridges and cliffs surrounding the distant town have tumbled into piles of earth and clumps of rock, the long soak and subsequent drying having sped up erosion dramatically. Recovery from weeks upon weeks of constant, heavy rainfall is evidently slow going.
The roads, however, are clear, and while most of the traffic is coming from the right-hand fork in the road (signposted 'Marefore'), Pella's thoroughfare is playing host to a respectable number of travelers.
kitsune106 wrote: Remalius will greet the travelers and ask how things have been. He will be attempting to gather gossip and information, unless if he's being avoided. If people are totally ignoring him, he will rise up into the air, say 10 feet, attempt to use magic to amplify his voice then...

"Citizens and Travellers of Pella. I, Spell Genie Remalius wishes to speak with Ella and EJI regarding Spiritual Matters of Importance regarding Rain."

He will hover in the air then, sure that if they mistake him for a spirit, that will get Ella and Eji's attention in no time."
Aeromage wrote: As the various travelers do indeed think Remalius is some sort of spirit, they steer well-clear of the strange, orb-and-mist-formed individual. Getting nowhere on that front, Remalius levitates into the air, flashes and sparkles brightly, and delivers his cacophonous address at ear-splitting volume. This certainly garners a reaction, although perhaps not the one the genie was going for- travelers scatter in fright, horses bolt, and several people dive for cover into alleyways and under benches. The town's entryway rapidly empties in short order.

Several minutes pass, during which time most of the town in earshot of Remalius' announcement has deserted, curtains twitching and people peeking out from side-streets and closed doorways.
The patter of frantically-running feet precedes a red-and-blue flailing blur tumbling past the town's wall, skidding on the white flagstones of the main road, and finally assembling itself into a gangly, red-headed teenager wearing a blue, robelike jacket with matching trousers and sandles, clashing magnifienctly with the hair and setting off the bluish whisker-marks on his face quite nicely. The figure grabs hold of the wall for support, breathing heavily.
"Yuh... yuh... hhhh..." the teenager sputters, dragging in deep, laboured breaths. "Yh... YOU?! Whuh... what in the nh... what in the name of the GODDESS are you DOING? I thuh... hhh... I thought were were under ATTACK or something!"
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie floats back down, flashing a bright embarrassed pink.
"My Apologies, Finn. I only wished to speak with you , Ella and Eji. I did not know people would react in this manner. Nexus is a much different place. I am glad that you are okay. By the way... I have a gift for you."

out of the bag of holding floats two masks, one looking kindly and the other more raveny.
"These are for you, since i figured you like masks."

Mask Depicting a Kindly Tengu- (Accessory, Mask, Air & Magic & Light, 230,000 Gold) +240 Defense, +230 AGI, +230 SPI, 10% Air Resistance, 10% Darkness Resistance, 10% Magic Resistance, 10% Physical Resistance
Mask of the Tengu Yamabushi- (Accessory, Mask, Air & Light & Magic, 450,000 Gold) +450 Defense, +450 AGI, +450 SPI, 10% Air Resistance, 10% Darkness Resistance, 10% Magic Resistance, 10% Physical Resistance, 10% Light Resistance, Spirit Magic spells cost wearer 2,000 less MP to cast

Remmie is of course very embarrassed at what he caused, but he is glad that Finn is alright.

"By the way, Finn, how did they take my desire to speak to Ella and Eji as an attack?"
Aeromage wrote: "Phh... putting on a huge light show and YELLING that loud? That'd scare ANYONE! Besides, with all the stuff that's been going on lately, everyone's still nervous about spirits."
Finally catching his breath, Finn takes a look in the bag, pulling the masks out and turning them over in his hands. "That thing with the mask wasn't really..." He gives a nervous chuckle. "...uh, thanks. These have got some sort of power in them, right? I can... kind of feel it, sometimes. I think that mask or something Felimber did changed me somehow."
Finn returns the masks to the bag, takes a deep breath and pushes himself off from the wall, wobbling a bit. "If you wanted to talk to the old man, he's kind of busy lately. Some guy with a big box came to town, got his attention, and now they've been doing stuff for weeks. Not sure what it's all about." He waves a hand vaguely. "As for Ella, she'll be down by the Sisters today. Ever since the floods and the rain, there's been a LOT more spirits around here, so she's been getting their help to keep things safe downriver. I've been helping too."
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie's light fades back to green, although still a tinge of pink.

" I see. Yes, the masks do have power. They are good for the more inexperinced learners from where I come from."

He bobs again, thinking then. " Maybe we should visit Felimber first, then go see Ella? I do wish to help how I can. Also, what has been happening?" He asks, before he bobs and his moon face splits into a grin.

"As I have a gift for both Eji and Ella that should help them with their tasks. The masks are yours, if you still have a desire for masks."

He does bob then.
"What's going on with the spirits? Should I stay for a while to help out? I am willing ot do that. I don't have much else to do at the moment."
Aeromage wrote: "Ehh..." Finn gives a strained half-grin. "Felimber's still pretty mad about you breaking his curse, I think. I mean, he's not easy to read behind that mask and all, but he always has me go and make sure something like you isn't around when he's trying to do stuff. Seeing him probably isn't a good idea. I doubt he'd DO anything to you, but he'd probably make me catch a week's worth of fish for bringing you up there or something."
The teenager rubs a whisker-marked cheek. "And what's been happening... well, we haven't had much more rain, which is good. Problem is, all that water's attracted a LOAD more spirits. I don't think they'll be able to cause problems for the town while the old man and Ella are still there, but some of them are being annoying. Felimber wants me to beat up a couple and make them work for him. I... don't think he knows that humans can't usually touch spirits if they don't want to be touched. I mean, up until a month ago or so, I hardly ever SAW spirits. Now I'm seeing them all OVER the place for some reason."
He rubs at the whisker-marks again, half in thought. "Other than that, there's been a whole BUNCH of landslides. We had some with the rain, but now the cliffs are drying out and loosening up and coming down all over the place. Couple of houses collapsed, so the builders are shoring up the place where they can. Think I heard some old wine cellars or something that were walled up years ago got uncovered. Heard some of the workmen moaning about having to survey them before they could do any more repairs."
kitsune106 wrote: "Well... I suppose i could fly up and ancient seal some of the cliffs until they are stable. But I'm not sure what that would do , honestly." He admits with a bob and yellow orbs.

"And these masks migth allow you to touch spirits. You... might be changing... here, let me look."

he tries to read finn's fortune as well as divine what he is at the moment.

He will relay the message of what he gets to finn.

he does have basic diving and fortunetelling
Aeromage wrote: Remalius attempts to peer into Finn's present and future! The message he gets from the mists of the future is rather hazy.

Remalius focuses harder.

The message remains unclear, but there's something niggling away in there.

Remalius focuses even harder.

"The path to great power and fortune shall be revealed to you when the land next shifts."

He can't quite get a read on what Finn is right now. How odd.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie's orbs shift and then all flash a brift Blue, then a bright yellow.

"How odd, I can't tell what you are. But, apparently when the land next shifts, you will find fame adn fortune, or at least the path will open. Here's what i got. 'The path to great power and fortune shall be revealed to you when the land next shifts."
'" He intones, and then the orbs shift faster.

"I think that's a good sign, for you. Perhaps we should investigate the next earthquake together?" He asks. "After all, I do know ancient magics, and you know this land well."
Aeromage wrote:
"What? I'm human." Finn looks confused at Remalius' statement. "What ELSE would I be?" The teenager idly scratches a whisker-marked cheek. "Anyway, I didn't know you did fortune-telling as well. I don't really pay attention to all that stuff, anyway. Don't think I'd be too interested in 'fortune', but if the 'power' could help me out in helping the town and Ella out..." he shrugs.
"Guess I'll have to pay attention when the next landslide comes, or something. Doubt we'll be getting any soon, though... they've been happening after it rains, and I don't think we'll be getting any for a while. Anyway." The boy stretches his gangly limbs. "What did you want to do first? We could probably drop some stuff off at the old man's house, as he's probably out again. Or go visit Ella down by the sisters... or something."

Re: Remmie heads back to Pallea

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 11:59 pm
by Modrageball
kitsune106 wrote: "It is only something I have picked up recently. I'm still working on getting more. I only have the basics at the moment." The spell genie intones.

"WEll, sure, let us go to Ella. Maybe you can give me the news of the rains as we go?" he asks, and will float along after Finn. He is taking some time to try to analyze Finn's mana pattern, trying to determine if he is human. He will silently cast detect magic on Finn, seeing if he is magic.
Aeromage wrote: Remalius' further attempts to analyse Finn's mana are frustrated by his earlier results. He isn't sure what's up there. He picks up some Magic mana, but promptly realises it's coming from the masks the teenager is now carrying on his person.
Finn leads the genie around the town's walls, picking his way down a small road circling its foundations, giving way to flights of stairs here and there. Despite the recent weather-related punishment and the loose, eroding terrain, the structure appears to have held up well for the most part, only occasionally betraying signs of wear from freshly-crumbled mortar or part of the surface leaning outwards at an angle, creating ripples in the otherwise-solid surface.
"The weather's been pretty normal since you broke Felimber's curse, I guess. Problem is, there was so MUCH rain before that the ground's all... well, the old man said something about it being like a sponge that had to dry out by itself. Even if we get a little rain, it pretty much turns the earth to liquid, and we get landslides again. Once Arden rises and summer comes, though, it should stop. Probably."
The pair reach the lower edge of the town, the wall curving back inwards and revealing the southern plains beyond. The view isn't pretty. Much of the land is a variation on brown, rotted grass and bushes bunched into lines and piles according to the whims of the floodwater that once covered it. Many of the trees dotting the area have either collapsed or look to be not far off, their trunks rotting as they stand. An occasional shoot of green can be seen here and there, but it's a rare sight in the otherwise monotone sea of earth.
The river has since receded to a more sensible size, winding its way around the plains, occasionally widening into small lakes caused by eroded fields, or dotted with islands here and there where stubborn trees have managed to hold the earth together. The water is, for the most part, brown with soil and silt.
Some distance away, a windmill stands, leaning precariously, its wooden structure rotting, the entire building sunken into a pool around it. Further downriver, two large, clear pools border the brown ribbon of water.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie sighs at seeing the devastation.
"Holy a MOMENT friend FINN."

He says, then gathering the Finn up in a swarm of orbs RISES high into the air, say 500 feet straight up. He then looks down. "Tell me, what area do you wish to try to restore first."
He'll then OVERDRIVE an Ancient BALM at the chosen area first, hoping that the ancient magic can RESTORE the land to it's proper state. He's putting in both exp and effort into this.

Default target is the windwill and the places around it.

Ancient Balm- (Spell, Other: Ancient Magic, Water, 24,000 MP, 12,500,000 Gold) +12,500 Magical Attack, Heals HP, All debuffs and negative status effects present on target that come from sources below Level 40 are removed, Target may not acquire debuffs or negative status effects from sources below Level 40 for the next 5 rounds, does not stack
Aeromage wrote: "Holy what n-aaaaaAAAAARRRGHH"
Finn flails as Remalius lifts him skyward in a rush of magical energy-spheres. Remalius, for his part, rather severely miscalculates his magical levitation, catapulting the unfortunate teenager into the cloud-dotted blue as he himself hovers around 500 feet or so. Finn begins a majestic, screaming arc southward, rising rapidly.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie's orbs turn birght pink and he rushes to go catch finn before he becomes a comet. He is pouring on the speed to catch up and hold him tightly before descending again and firing off the Healing Balm.
Aeromage wrote: Remalius hurtles towards Finn as he reaches the apex of his flight!
...and completely misses, overshooting the screaming teenager as Finn begins to descend. The boy appears to be trying to form something, trailing wisps of mist behind him, but it's not taking hold.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie tries one more time to catch the screaming team. He has no clue what the hell is going on today. All he was trying to do was be helpful.
Aeromage wrote: Remalius dives for the plummeting Finn, managing to catch him by the foot as he plummets towards the river! At the same time, a whirling helix of water erupts from the twin pools the pair now hurtle towards, encasing the pair in a sphere of liquid and arresting their fall.

"You appear to have caused this young one some distress."
"Please explain your actions."

Two female voices, one echoing, the other with tones of an echo in reverse, permeate the sphere.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie's orbs blink, and he immediately starts a incatatntion, then the orbs blink again.
"Thank you for the Resceue. Oh, pardon me, are you spirits? I'm the spell Genie Remalius. I was attempting to leviate Finn into the air with me in an attempt to try something but I miscalculated. I seem to be having issues today." His orbs turn a bright pink in embarrasstement. "Ella knows me, I removed Felimber's rain curse." He explains.
Aeromage wrote: The sphere falls silent for a moment after Remalius speaks.
"He does not lie."
"He speaks the truth."
"Such curious misfortune."
"Or simple inexperience."
The sphere begins to descend gently, bobbing towards one of the pools.
"Young Ella has told us of your efforts."
"The cat's wrath arrested."
"You prevented great misfortune."
"Though misfortune there is, and misfortune there shall be."
"As is ever the way."
Finn, flailing about in the sphere and struggling for air, suddenly looks somewhat surprised as he inhales the water to no ill effect. The pool swims into clearer view, a figure in red and white robes standing on its banks.
"We are known as the Sisters."
"Our domain reaches this world through these apertures."
The sphere touches the surface of the pool, flattening and flowing into it, washing Remalius and Finn to the bank at the feet of a rather worried-looking Ella. Finn, giving a wobbly grin to the shrine maiden, makes a gurgling noise and coughs up a copious torrent of water, prompting the girl to rush to him and slap him on the back.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie blushes . "Thank you sisters." HE turns to Finn and Ella.
"Hi Ella. Here, Finn, let me try something."

He casts ancient balm on Finn then, letting it wash over him, healing him.
He then turns to Ella.
"Greetings Ella. I have something for you."

he pulls out of his bag,
1 Robe of Great and Winged Spirits- (Armor, Robe, Light & Air, 6,515,000 Gold) +6,504 Defense, +6,300 SPI, +4,550 SGI, +2,000 STR, MIN, and CON, 20% Earth Resistance, Wielder may spend 60,000 MP to add Air to the elements of any action that wielder is performing or to the elements of the standard damage of any 'Melee Attack', 'Ranged Attack', or 'Magical Attack' action

and hands it to Ella.
"here you go, something from Nexus for you. I'd offer a gift for the sisters, But i do not know if they would like,"
he pulls out
Greater Magical Paintbrush- (Weapon, Wand, Magic, 329,000 Gold) +365 Magical Attack, +5,000 MP, Wielder's uses of Magical Pigments in the casting of spells reduce the cost of said spells by 5,000 additional MP, 15% Confusion: Depression Resistance


he'll attempt to basic fortune tell both the sisters and ella as well
Aeromage wrote: Finn recovers from his coughing fit and turns towards Remalius. "Khh... you mind telling me WHAT IN THE GODDESS' NAME YOU WERE-- BLURG" The teenager promptly gets a faceful of magical, medicinal balm and commences flailing once more.
Ella, on the other hand, is momentarily overcome by the sudden gift of a robe worth more money than most people would see in a lifetime. "It.... it's beautiful," she eventually manages to stutter, holding the robe carefully, as if afraid it would evaporate at the slightest movement. "But I can't... I can't possibly accept something as grand as this! It's... it's just so..."

A small orb of water emerges from the nearby pool to take the paintbrush.
"An unusual offering."
"But not displeasing."
"Such curious magic."
"What interesting worlds there must be to bear it."

Remalius attempts to divine fortunes for Ella and the Sisters! He draws a blank, however, failing to come up with anything of use.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie's orbs turn bright pink again .
"Sorry about that. I was trying to take you up into the air so i could try healing this land with magic." He turns to Ella then
"DOn't worry, where I come from, this is not that grand. Please, I'm sure it will aid you greatly here. It's a small offering."

Next the sisters are addressed. "There are alot of worlds, and many things out where I hail from. Hopefully you can use it well. From what i hear, what it paints can come to life. ALso, may I ask your permission to heal the land around here? I believe I can restore it."

If permission is given, he'll fly up alone and ancient balm a square mile of area that looks ill/dead.
Aeromage wrote:
Finn continues coughing. Or maybe cursing. Or possibly both. It's a little difficult to talk when doused in healing fluid.
"Um. I.... thank you." Ella carefully folds the magnificent garment, keeping it held far above the muddy poolside below. "I'll... I'll be sure to look after it."

"Mere medicine cannot heal this land."
"Only the cure that is Time."
"We shall, as ever, prevent the water's stagnation."
"Pell will ensure its flow."
"The year shall be difficult for the humans"
"But the river's bounty will alleviate the worst of the hardships to come."
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie thinks then nods.
"You are right. This is your world, not where I come from." He tells the spirits.
He turns to Ella.

"So, how's it been going? Anything I can help with? "
Aeromage wrote: "It's been... difficult." Ella sighs. "While Pell is... back to his usual self and the town is no longer in danger of being washed away, we've had landslides and collapsing walls to deal with, not to mention roads being blocked when we need them open the most. Without a decent crop this year, we'll... need to rely heavily on trade, and we don't have enough boats to get all the fish we've been catching and preserving to Marefore." The shrine maiden carefully tucks the robe into a large satchel at her side. "Then there's the spirits. We've... been getting a lot of them turn up along with the floods. I... don't think they're too strong, and the ol-- Eji has been dealing with the ones that try to hurt people or get into the town. Finn's... been helping me move on the lesser ones trying to cause trouble outside of the town."

Finn stops spluttering for long enough to give the girl a wobbly smile. Ella blushes slightly.

"If... if you wanted to help us, I think there are one or two Finn found that are up to no good. They... aren't causing too much trouble yet, but younger and less powerful spirits tend to... keep escalating things until they're stopped."
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie bobs in midair, his version of a nod. "I can do that. These spirits, I assume just stop them, but do not do more to them. I will gladly accompany finn in making sure that this region is safe."
Aeromage wrote: Ella looks relieved. "If you could, it... would be a great help to us. Finn should know where they are."

The aforementioned finally stabilises, his coughing fit over. "Juh... -hrk- ...just so long as you don't go pulling another stunt like THAT, okay?" The teenager straightens up, scraping excess magical gunk off his clothes. "There's a couple that've been making trouble south of town. We can chase them off, or maybe beat them up enough that they'll do what we ask. I think Felimber could use more servants certainly puts me to work enough."
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie bobs again in understanding.
"I understand. Do not worry, i won't try again. "

He has to smile.
"I can paralzye them wiht a spell, if needed. Still, we should be careful. You never know what can happen. Can you point hte way?"
Aeromage wrote: "Hey, I can do one better." The teenager squints around the waterlogged landscape for a moment, nodding as something apparently catches his eye and setting off through the muddy, water-covered plain. "This way. Last time I saw them, they were a bit north and east of here."

Behind him, Ella bows to the pool of water, exhanging a brief, quiet conversation with the Sisters before she, too, turns to set off after Finn. "I'll be... coming too. I think it would be... safer that way. Besides, it's my duty as a shrine maiden to... placate and pacify waywards spirits that might do the town harm."

Re: Remmie heads back to Pallea

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 12:02 am
by Modrageball
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie bobs and will offer to carry them. He will attempt to catch up with the two. He will surely carry them, curious about what is going on. He'll tr to learn more of what has happened while he was away.
Aeromage wrote: Finn leads the way through the muddy fields, over collapsed and rotting fences and forlorn, bare shreds of tree. Here and there pools of water stand, brown with soil, an unpleasant reminder of the widespread flooding.

Ella chats with Remalius as they squelch their way across and around the quagmire of decaying plantlife and deep mud, filling him in on the events Finn neglected to mention. Pella has been quiet for the most part, the townsfolk busying themselves clearing the roads and streets, reestablishing routes of travel and supply, and otherwise fixing and cleaning up after the weeks of solid, torrential rain. It's likely to be an expensive year for them, although the significantly increased yeild of fish has gone some way towards softening the financial impact. The main issue is that wandering spirits dragged in by the rains and floodwater, or otherwise hearing of the curse that went unopposed for weeks have been turning up in large numbers, seeking to cause trouble, make a name for themselves, or attempt to bully the humans in the area into providing land or tribute, believing the lack of response to the curse indicated the Spirit Tamers had abandoned the town and its environs. Fortunately, the shrine maiden explains, few of them have been of any notable threat, those displaying any overt amounts of power near town being swiftly dealt with by Eji.
More recently, a small group of spirits lead by an insect-spirit of some variety have been driving away farmers attempting to salvage abandoned equipment or repair the damage to their property. Eji is rather unfit for navigating such treacherous terrain in any decent capacity, and Ella has found that they tend to move around too much to be confronted easily.

Before too long, the group arrives at the remains of a farmhouse, its roof collapsed and rotting, and one wall having partially collapsed, sliding into the surrounding bog. Beyond it, the terrain alternates between deep, churned up fields of mud and wide, flat pools of standing water.
"This is where I last saw them," Finn explains, gesturing at the great morass. "They're probably SOMEWHERE in here."
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie nods and looks over the ruins at this. "Wow that;s... wow. Did the spirits do this, or the rains. " He looks over, trying to get a feel for this area. On a hunch, he tries to predict Ella's fortune. He then asks them to stay put, rockets up into the air up 100 meters to take a look around, before coming back down.
Aeromage wrote: Remalius doesn't feel he really has time to get a proper handle on Ella's fortune at present, and she seems somewhat anxious to find and deal with the troublemakers before they cause further problems. He gets a vaguely-positive feeling regarding the next week and the idea that her lucky number for the weekend is 12.
"Just the rain, I think," Finn replies to Remalius' possibly-rhetorical question. "Some of the farmers weren't really all that good at keeping their houses maintained. We haven't really been having great harvests, so they didn't have a lot of money to do much except buy what they needed for their crops..." He kicks at a chunk of fallen wall, yelping as a larger piece slips into the mud with a loud SPLUTCH.

Remalius takes to the air! The fields of mud and boggy water spreads out below him like a seriously mistreated carpet in a household filled with small, adventurous children. Churned-up mud dominates much of the area, which strikes Remalius as somewhat odd- if the farmers have been getting driven away like Ella said and the floodwater had washed away most things, the boggy surface should be relatively undisturbed, at least in some areas. Instead, very little is undisturbed. The second thing that strikes him is that all of the bodies of standing water, whether deep pools, shallow puddles or flat, meandering paths between torn-up bits of ground appear to be connected to one another with channels or small puddle-canals, which raises a third point- there's rather a lot of water here, far more than he saw in the previous fields his group slogged through. Granted, there were still pools and puddles here and there where mud and fermenting vegetation had prevented proper drainage, but this part of the land is waterlogged to a far greater extent.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie frowns and will spend 10 minutes up i the air, surveying the area, and trying to get a feel for the area. He gets the feeling there's a clue here, but he does not get it, yet.
Aeromage wrote: The area looks almost perfectly natural for a previously-flooded set of fields, but the fact so much water is still around (compared to the other plains and tracts of farmland) is somewhat peculiar, as is the lack of standalone pools. His period of observation doesn't shed any further light on the odd landscape, but he does manage to memorise the layout of the pools and how they connect, more or less.
Remalius also notices an odd ripple appearing every now and then further into the bog, tracing from one pool to another. The wind's too calm to be the cause, and the other pools remain perfectly still, regardless.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie, on a hunch, will attempt to predict the ripples, then when he thinks he has a pattern down, will attempt to ancient seal one pool with the ripples in it, then will head down to said pool if the seal works.
Aeromage wrote: Remalius readies himself, reads the flow of the ripples, aims, and lets fly with a blazing invocation of ancient sealing magic! The pool below briefly flares with a brilliantly-shining magic circle, to unfortunately no effect whatsoever, the ripples having sped rapidly out of the way before the spell landed. A dark cloud rises from the perimeter of the pool and several others nearby, a low droning accompanying their ascent.
The source of the ripples, whatever it is, begins travelling at speed between pools, making a beeline for Finn and Ella's location, the latter of whom has apparently become stuck in the mud and is being extracted by the redheaded teenager.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie curses, his orbs flashing all colors as he descents down to teh two ASAP. He hits them both with ancient balm, to protect them from effects as he moves to shield them between his orbs, attempting to form a magical barrier of his orbs around them, crackling moon energy flaring between them as a defense.
Aeromage wrote: Remalius descends rapidly, orbs flashing. If that wasn't sufficient to get the pair's attention, the sudden downpour of magical salve (which hits Finn again) certainly does, leaving the redheaded teen cursing and wiping the stuff off his face. Ella looks in the direction of the approaching ripples, apparently focusing something slightly above the water, and frantically tugs on Finn's sleeve, stuttering out a warning. Unfortunately, the mud has a rather firmer grasp of her than expected, causing the shrine maiden to fall over with a squelch.

Remalius interposes himself between the impending ripples and the pair, generating a crackling arc of pale, greenish energy between them! Something hits the force, the ripples skittering around for a bit, slipping through a gap towards the muddy shallows where Ella struggles to get to her feet, and--
"Leave her ALONE!" Finn dives forward, swinging a punch at thin air. A faint, blueish glow ripples from his whisker-marks, briefly surrounding his fist and impacting the same something with a resounding CRACK. A surge of water streams from the point as the invisible entity is hurled backwards into the middle of the pool, churning the water into a mass of waves.

Ella issues a stuttering chant from her soggy position, gesturing at the middle of the pond. A brief wave of faint, shimmering force rushes out, hitting the invisible something and creating a sudden ripple in the air.
The something flickers and fades into ghostly view. The group's opponent seems to be a dull brown, vaguely humanoid insect covered in bristling hairs, shorter than both Finn and Ella by a good foot or so, possessing long, segmented antennae, two short arms that end in mantis-like claws and four long, thin legs that stand on the surface of the water as if it was solid ground. Part of its buglike face is cracked and leaking a thin goo. Insofar as large, upright insects can look unhappy, this one does.

"Kcsh." It clicks, gesturing at the assembled group. "Geddem!"
Remalius soon solves the mystery behind the droning cloud. It's bugs. Many, many bugs. Horrible stinging, biting bugs. Finn and Ella (the latter of whom now has her arms stuck in the mud) begin flailing at the swarm's onslaught, Remalius taking minor damage from the cloud even as his Aura of Dead Seconds kicks in, causing insects to freeze up in midair and plummet into the murky water.
kitsune106 wrote: "Get INSIDE OF ME!" The spell bellows, forming a diamond lattice around the pair, hefting htem into the air, working to shield them with his shields energies and his own magical energies even as he starts to conjure up a magical seal to seal away the main enemy. NExt, he starts to spin, and spin, magical energy rushing as a MAGICAL WIND, that same wind, that defiend Felimbre kicks back into this world, seeking to BLOW The insects to pieces, and hopefully to also attract Felimber's attention.
Aeromage wrote: Remalius hoists the pair skyward, to great protest from Finn. The insect swarm begins dying in droves as the Aura continue to take effect, killing off the time they hold and filling the pool with an unpleasant carpet of expired bugs and beetles.

The insectoid spirit-thing on the water's surface appears to be even more agitated by this, clicking its claws and thrashing in the airborne genie's general direction. "Brog! Mura! Geddem! Takem down!"
A large wad of mud launches itself from the nearby boggy mess that constitutes 'land', completely failing to hit Remalius and landing against the toppled farmhouse with a wet splot. A sudden jet of forceful water from the genie's other side, however, manages to catch him offguard for minor damage.
From her position in midair, Ella begins a rapid series of gestures, flicking mud everywhere and unleashing another wave of shimmering force. To Remalius' left, a long, serpentine shape briefly appears, the creature dropping from its leap and vanishing into one of the still pools without so much as a ripple. Below him and to the right, what would otherwise look like a perfectly ordinary clump of mud sprouts a pair of muddy, fluid arms and commences the business of mushing together another dirt-missile.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie snarls and blasts at the muddy arms with an ancient seal, making the magic flashy, in an attempt to draw attention to himself from others.
Aeromage wrote: Remalius doesn't have enough MP left to cast such a powerful spell! Is he still going to attempt it, or go for a different approach?
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie's orbs field suddenyl goes opague, hidding the view of what is happening from his occupants. A spectral BLACK CLOAKS Flares into being as he unleashes a darker power. A beam of crackling energy hits the mud creature. Taking advantage of his socerous knowledge, he attempts to leach the very essence, the very mana out of the creature, to turn it into dust, using his vampire cloak's power. His armband purifies the power as it flows into him, seeking to drain his opponent and empower him.

Vampire's Cloak- (Accessory, Cloak, Darkness, 6,400,000 Gold) +5,500 to all stats, Wearer's damaging actions inflict HP Drain, 45% Darkness Resistance, 30% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 50% Light Weakness
Aeromage wrote: Remalius dulls his field's colour and transparency, lashing out with draining magics. Unfortunately, it fails to have any notable effect on the mud-thing, barely healing Remalius at all.
A shining ball of light expands from within Remalius, solidifying into a protective bubble around him as Ella continues to chant, deflecting a vicious jet of water from the leaping water-serpent-thing. The insectoid creature below makes an annoyed clicking sound and kicks off backwards, gliding across the water's surface at speed in the opposite direction from the group.
kitsune106 wrote: "Oh no, you're not getting away. Ella.. Finn... help get him!" He chases after the instectoid, an starcannon forming as it aims, then fires at the creature. (using cast a spell version). He's trying to disable it. His field goes clear again.
Aeromage wrote: Remalius' form dims as he expends almost all of his remaining MP to cast the spell, but succeeds in creating a magic circle bordered with ancient, shining symbols. As the insectoid creature continues to flee, the inner design twists and whirls into a vortex, faint spots of glowing light within the sorcerous maelstrom erupting from the surface as small stars, blasting apart the landscape below, raising a rain of sodden dirt and muddy water, and tearing into the spirit-insect itself, ripping off an arm and one of its legs while tearing great chunks out of it.

The serpent-creature, having lept once more, hurtles towards the genie, only to get intercepted by Finn diving out of Remalius' form, the two colliding and hurtling into the star-churned waters below. The teenager lands with a heavy splot, the water and mud breaking his fall. The serpent-spirit, on the other hand, hits the rough surface as if it was solid stone, writhing in pain on the choppy pool's surface.

A large mud-ball momentarily blocks Remalius' vision, splattering against another spiritual barrier summoned by Ella before dropping harmlessly to the torn-up landscape below.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie nods and descends to pick up flynn, the genie trying to recover using the essence sparks of mana. He will try to ring out to the mud and serpent. “CEASE YOUR ATTACKS! OR FACE DESTRUCTION. YOU HAVE 20 Seconds to comply.” His voice rings out, although a bit faint as he is exhausted. Hopefully they will pause, giving him time to repelenish his mana.
Aeromage wrote: Finn waves the genie off, electing to sit on the serpentine creature to keep it pinned. He looks to be winded but unharmed, although given his present appearance Remalius could be forgiven for thinking a second mud-spirit had joined the fray. The genie's essence sparks are indeed working to recharge his mana, but he doesn't think he'll be able to build up enough for another casting of any of his Ancient Magics.

Fortunately, his pronouncement seems to work, at least for the most part. The insect-spirit-creature, ichor leaking from its torn body and stumps where its limbs once were, sits heavily, sinking into the boggy water. The serpentine creature- which Remalius can now see is actually some sort of large, blue, eel-like entity twice the size of a man- stops thrashing and becomes still, giving the occasional twitch of pain.

The bog-thing doesn't quite seem to understand the situation, launching another blob of mud which splatters harmlessly into another barrier created by Ella, surrounding it in a sphere of solid light.

Re: Remmie heads back to Pallea

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 12:07 am
by Modrageball
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie waits then fires off a blast meant to stun the mud being. "we'll deal with you two after this. Call your friend off. Then we can talk. You have attacked lands so you will have to answer for that. I have no wish to be forced to destroy you.
Aeromage wrote: Remalius fires off a blast of moon-magic that zips through the barrier and slams into the mud-creature, which burbles, wobbles, and collapses into a pile of mud.
"I... don't think it's very intelligent, Remalius." Ella speaks from her position within the genie's field. "Some spirits are more... animalistic in nature. It's... likely something of a pet to the insect-spirit."

The insect-spirit in question chitters in pain and annoyance. "Ksch. Attacked lands? Humans abandonedem. Gerrida's now. Spirits only!" It chitters again, spitting out the sound with rage. "Ksch! You attacking Gerrida's lands should be answering! Leave! Brog!" It jerks its head towards the immobile pile of mud, which gives a half-hearted blob in response. "Ksch! Mura!" The large eel-thing makes a wheezing sound from its prone position below Finn. "Ksch! Useless!"
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie sighs and looks at him. He tries ot ping the insect and the serpent with
Knowledge of Naughtiness and Niceness- (Passive Ability, Diviner) If possessor has scanned an individual's stats and said individual has not performed any offensive actions that targetted either possessor or possessor's allies during this thread, then possessor may increase any amount of HP Healing that possessor deals to said individual by 2,500 points; If possessor has scanned an individual's stats and said individual has performed one or more offensive actions that have targetted either possessor or possessor's allies during this thread, then possessor may increase any amount of HP Damage that possessor deals to said individual by 2,500 points

Scanning them. He whispers to ella. "I'm trying something."

His orbs turn a darker shade of greenish black, seeming to show displeasure. His voice booms out. "You still attacked us, tried to kill us."

His orbs flash menacingly. "Thus, repentenace is demanded...." He looks at the serpent first. "You, Mura, Will serve Finn for a period not to exceed a Year and a day. You will serve him. In return, I will grant you some of my power. If you agree, please nod. "
If Mura nods, Remmie will send an orb over, that shifts to a yellowish green. It will pulse energy, mana into mura, infusing him wiht remmies moon mana. he's expending 150,000 xp.

He turns back to Gerrida. "Gerrida... I can heal you, however... what do i get in return?"
Aeromage wrote: Both ping as 'Naughty' on Remalius' scan, although given what they've been reported as doing, it's hardly surprising.

"Ksch. Killya? Just drivingya outta Gerrida's lands." Its antennae flick dismissively. "Nobody lefta press the claim. Keeping it that way. You can--" the insect-spirit makes a quick motion as if to flee, but its injuries hamper it, sending it cartwheeling into the mud.
"...ksch. State demands."

Mura pauses at Remalius' words, the water around it calming to mirror-stillness. It opens its mouth as if to respond in some fashion, and abruptly plummets downwards into the foot-deep pool, somehow vanishing into depths that, by all rights, shouldn't be there. Finn gives a suddenly-cut-off yelp as he, too, vanishes under the water.

"Finn!" Ella screams in shock, standing from her position in mid-air within the field.

kitsune106 wrote: A low rumble emanates from the spell genie. He quickly deposits ella on the ground.
“You deal with Gerrida. He’s all yours.” That said, he tries to go in after Mura. Remmie is upset. He dives in after, his goal two foot. Rescue Finn, and lasso in Mura, using a force cage of energy.
Aeromage wrote: blbbblblbllbbbllllblblbllllbbblllbllblblllbllblll

Remalius dives into the pool! Splotch. Two feet is, appropriately, all he gets, the genie finding himself stuck into the gloopy mud at the bottom of the pool.

blbbblblbllbbbllllblblbllll"--OVERGROWN LOACH, I'LL SKIN YOUR HIDE AND WEAR YOU AS A--blbbblblbllbbbllllblblbllll
Finn abruptly re-emerges from a pool thirty metres away, sitting astride the writhing eel-spirit and battering it with his fists, legs clamped around it and feet locked together, as the pair launch into the air. The blue eel's hide is covered in deep, purple welts where the redheaded teenager has managed to get his hands (or rather, fists) on it. Both spirit and teenager plummet towards another mirror-calm pool and vanish into it in a stream of yelled curses.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie sighs and will try to free himself, trying to pull himself free. He looks over to Ella, letting her deal with the insect spirit. His orbs are starting to fill with a shade of red, singifying anger. He will ready himself to intercept the next instance of the serpent/finn duo arrival.
Aeromage wrote: blbbblblbllbbbllllblblbllllbbblllbllblblllbllblll

Remalius frees himself with a squelch as Ella approaches the stricken insect-spirit, which by now has collapsed into the mud, clearly in no fit state to flee.

blbbblblbllbbbllllblblbllll"--RIGHT NOW, OR I'LL GUT YOU, FRY YOU AND FEED YOU TO FELIMBER"
The eel-spirit bursts from a nearby pool, now covered in even more bruises and being held in what appears to be some approximation of a headlock by the redheaded teenager, who, likely due to confusion as to where the creature's head ends and neck begins, has all four limbs wrapped around the thing at various points, hands raw and bloody. The serpent-eel gives a whistling whine, wobbles on its arc through the air, and half collapses, half crash-lands into the quagmire below with Finn still wrapped around it, impacting with a loud SPLOT.
kitsune106 wrote: The spell's orbs turt green again as he heads over. "Welcome back Finn. " a beam of light washes over both the teen and Mura. Checking the teen for niceness and to get Mura's attention. "now then mura. You can either become my friend's finn companion or we can do this the much harder way. I was going to gift you with a special power. But you have proven yourself untrustworthy. What is your choice?" if the serpent tries to flee again its brought low with a magical attack.
Aeromage wrote: The bedraggled teenager pulls himself into a wobbly standing position, one foot firmly placed on the serpent-eel-thing's head. "Thanks. Wasn't sure I was going to BE back, the way this thing kept dragging me around. If it tries something like THAT again, though, I'll make sure it regrets it." Finn balls up his bloody fists, wincing slightly as he does so.

Remalius scans the duo. Finn's currently coming up as 'Nice', whereas Mura is still scanning as 'Naughty', but appears in no fit state to cause any further problems. One of the sinuous spirit's round eyes rolls to look at Remalius, swivels to look at the teenager on its head, opens its mouth and gives a keening whistle, seeming to deflate slightly as it does so.
Finn scratches his head. "I guess that could be 'I give up' or a 'Don't hurt me any more', maybe? I'm pretty sure I taught it a lesson while we were going through that... weird water-place." He grins, making a mock-flexing pose, wincing again as his cuts open. "We can have Ella talk to it and make it stick to a promise. I THINK she said Shrine Maidens are there to talk with spirits and ensure the ones that get rough behave themselves, anyway..."
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie's orbs turn a lighter shade of blue now.
"I don't speak spirit. However, keep an eye on Mura for now, please. I will check on Ella."

The spell floats over to Ella.
He'll listen in to what they are saying. If they have come to an agreement, and part of it is to heal the spirit, an ancient balm will hit the spirit, seeking to restore what was taken. Note, is is ony done after its clear the spirit won't try a fast one.

Also, when he's able ot ask Ella.
"Hey, ella. Mura i think should serve finn for a bit. After all, he did try to take him away, or hurt him."
Aeromage wrote: Finn nods, keeping his foot firmly planted on the creature's neck as Remalius drifts over to Ella.

The young shrine maiden is doing her best to look dignified, covered as she is in mud and up to her calves in boggy water. She turns as Remalius approaches, giving a faint smile. "I... think I've managed to convinced him that this area's under the protection of the Sisters. I've told him he's... going to have to work under them to help protect the area if he doesn't want to risk incurring your wrath again." Ella moves her hand to tug at a strand of hair, stopping short as she notices the coating of dirt, grimacing. "I... also told him that all of the Shrine Maidens in town are angry at him, so he's to behave himself even if you leave, unless he wants to spend the rest of his life locked in a pebble." The smile returns. "I don't think we'll... be having much more trouble from him."

She considers Remalius' idea with a thoughtful expression, hand half-raised and twitching. "I... think that would work. Finn's already... brought it down, and most low-ranking types of spirit respect strength, so it would probably agree to becoming his subordinate." She glances in Finn's direction, blushing slightly. "I... didn't know he was that strong. Felimber must have... been teaching him how to fight off the spirits intruding into his territory."
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie bobs in the air. "I see. Should I heal him now?" he asks., healling the insect spirit with ancient balm. He then turns back to ella.
"Can you help me mark Mura in a way? I believe i can grant him some of my essence, to empower him. And maybe to keep a tab on him. And I do not speak spirit, yet. Think you can teach me how?"
Aeromage wrote: Remalius douses the insect spirit in healing balm, closing its wounds and restoring its strength. The destroyed limbs remain missing, but the genie doesn't think it's in any further danger of bleeding to death any time soon. If that's even a thing for spirits.

"Mark him?" Ella looks thoughtful, one hand tugging at a strand of hair, much to her displeasure as the realisation dawns that she just covered it in mud. "I suppose I... could put a spiritual mark on him, yes. What... purpose would it serve? I'm afraid I'm... still learning, so I can't do much with them, yet." The shrine maiden scrapes mud off her hands, succeeding only in spreading it even further. She sighs. "I'm... not sure how good a teacher I would be, but I could try to help you learn the language of spirits. Most of those that don't speak our language speak in... different dialects of the same shared language, I think. It might... take some time, though."
kitsune106 wrote: "Basically, the mark would show that he is under the protection of someone else. And maybe as a way to remind the spirit? Like how Finn is marked. I suppose i could also mark him, grant him a bit of my power. And I have the time."
Aeromage wrote: Ella considers. "I... could try putting a mark on him to suggest he's the servant of someone else. I could try... copying Felimber's mark, or perhaps something that would somehow symbolise you?"
kitsune106 wrote: He nods and will using predistation magics conjured up his form, the helix orb, with a circle representing a moon in the background.
"That would work. Or... I could infuse Mura with some of my essence... It is up to you."

He bobs again and will float on over to Mura with Ella.
Aeromage wrote: "Both together... would work, I think. Infusing your... essence into the mark would certainly make the mark yours, otherwise it would just be a symbol that looks like you." Ella follows the genie as she walks, both reaching where Finn still stands astride the serpentine spirit.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie will look over Mura.
"Okay, Ella, can you see if he will agree? If so, I will do the mark and the infusion."

If mura agrees this time,
50,000 xp is spend on making the mark.

adn 250,000 xp spent on mura, to augement them.
Aeromage wrote: Ella exchanges a word with Mura, which makes an odd whistling sound in response. "I... think he would prefer this than the alternative."

Consent (somewhat) given, Ella holds a palm over the eel-serpent spirit's forehead, a glowing sigil similar to the one Remalius created beginning to fade into being on its smooth, scaly skin. Remalius, having no experience with Channeling whatsoever, opts to attempt to augment it with his knowledge of Enchantment instead. Either through luck or Ella's skill, the augmentation succeeds, the mark beginning to glow with a pale light, settling towards a verdant green hue as Ella withdraws her hand. The spirit shudders as the glow grows brighter, ripples coursing down its form.
The first task done, Remalius pours Moon mana into Mura's form. Or at least, attempts to. His complete lack of Channeling ability, combined with Moon's intrinsically tricky-to-keep-hold-of property, causes the entire lot to rush out of him in a flood of pale light, pooling into the mud and spilling into the mirror-calm water around the group, turning the boggy pools a silvery hue as the mana soaks into the earth and water.

"Remalius, what... what's happ--"

All colour drains from the area, sound deadening and temperature dropping in an expanding wave from the point of origin, Remalius. Wan, glittering ripples of light spread from the genie's position as the mud whitens, then silvers from the touch of the alien mana.
Just as suddenly, a brilliant flood of emerald light illuminates the fields from above, the huge moon now even more vibrant in colour than before, a beacon in the now-black sky.
Vernat, the Verdant Moon, is empowered.
Earth mana, tied strongly to the Verdant Moon, responds to the Moon mana now saturating the area. A chain reaction occurs. The mud-soaked fields around the group sparkle as Earth mana is converted to Moon mana and back again, expanding the boundaries of the affected area with each conversion. Motes of light and mana surge skyward in shimmering curtains as the dance of elements continues, Vernat sparkling silver and green in response, hypnotic patterns of colour washing over the face of the vast moon as the new element infuses it, moonbows of power radiating from the lunar body's silhouette.
The ground trembles beneath Remalius' form, erupting into a breathtaking variety of rapidly-growing plantlife; flowers, bushes and even entire trees spring up in the blink of an eye in response the the celestial body's change.

The water, remnant of the rains brought down from Felimber's curse from the previous season, reacts to the Moon mana, changing in composition from Water mana and back again. The pools transform from silvery to brilliant blue, twinkling wisps of power rushing from the liquid's surface to the sky, now a brilliant azure and containing a second, huge moon, this one a rippling mass of blue hues, elaborate tidal patterns and spiral formations dancing across its surface.
Cintho, the Aqueous Moon, is empowered.
Water gushes from below and between the moon-born forest, washing over the lands that were once boggy fields and transforming them into a verdant lake. The aurora-like curtains of light and mana drift upwards to meet the new celestial body, power radiating from the sparkling flow of blue and silver playing from its surface.

The chain reaction continues, hurtling unseen to meet the moon yet to rise. The sky blazes red and gold as another moon takes position next to the first two, bringing with it a surge of heat and light. This moon is an almost sun-like body, its surface a battle between molten tones, dark, irregular spots of earth, and arcing tongues of flame that dance and play over its surface. The air, warping with heat haze, shimmers between the silvery hue of the now-familiar Moon mana and the new moon's ruddy light.
Arden, the Blazing Moon, is empowered.
Gold and silver intermix across the burning lunar surface, casting threads of shining light across the shifting sky.

The air hums and vibrates. A distant moon begins to feel the change introduced to the world. The heat disperses as a cool breeze blows, bringing with it a peculiar rolling, chiming sound, like the aftertones of crystalline bells. A huge, glittering ball of delicate crystal drifts into view beside the other moons, slowly spinning, shifting and shedding shards of prismatic light as it takes its place, an aeolian chorus filling the air with song.
Canta, the Singing Moon, is empowered.
Now carried on wings of wind and sound, the Moon mana disperses yet further, propagating through the world as it begins to take its place amongst the other extant elements.

The sky twists and distorts. A radiant series of magic circles, spiritual chains and wards flash into being. Not being a true moon, their prisoner does not benefit as much as the others. Remalius is fortunate. Seirei is even more so.
Maltius, the Dreaming Moon, remains asleep.

From far, far away, beyond the hills, beyond the skies, beyond the world, another heeds the call. A kaleidoscopic whirl of clouds and mist cloak a small portion of the sky, a barely-visible orb of light hidden behind the veil. Gentle laughter issues from on high.
"And so begins a new chapter."
Caligo, the Misty Moon, is empowered.

Further flickering images and sounds whirl and wink in the sky above, pieces of potential yet to be realised.

A gasp from Ella brings Remalius back to more earthly affairs. Where Mura once was is now a huge, sinuous dragon made of silvery light, its head crowned by huge branch-antlers in full foliate glory, its eyes blazing orbs of golden flame, its mane a flowing mantle of shining water, its fins and ridges composed of sparkling, clear crystal. Its forehead bears the mark of the moon-helix bestowed upon it by the shrine maiden, blazing with light and shifting in hue. A shroud of chromatic mist, colours changing to match its owner's mark, billows around the dragon's form.
Draped over one branch-antler and clinging on for dear life, the familiar gangly form of Finn lies frozen in place, his face a mixture of panic and sheer bewilderment.

And then, just as suddenly as it began, it ends. The other moons fade from view, leaving the huge form of the green moon once again almost alone in the sky. Its surface, once simply a verdant mixture of emerald tones, now shines and sparkles with patterns of silver every now and then, as if catching the light in some peculiar fashion. The smaller moon, scarred and brown, continues to squat lower in the sky, its own surface unchanged.
Relative silence descends on the forest, broken only by the creaks and rustles of still-growing foliage and the splash of Finn falling off the antler of the transformed dragon-spirit, which, in the absence of the other moons, has shrunken to something more approximating its previous form, its scales now a silver-green, its branch-antlers remaining, but considerably smaller in size.

"WHAT," Finn eventually ventures, staring at the rippling moon above as if expecting it to explode, "the HELL was THAT?"

Remalius gets:
"Introduced Moon Mana to Seirei, Empowering its Moons and Altering the World (Mod Run World Award)"
"Transformed Mura the Specular Eel into Mura the Mirror of Heaven, First of the Moon Spirits of Seirei (Mod Run World Award)"
"Ushered in the Grand Lunar Era of Seirei (Mod Run World Award)"

Re: Remmie heads back to Pallea

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 12:14 am
by Modrageball
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie’s orbs seem to grow and glow as he realizes that he has infused too much mana. He tries to take advantage of this, as he looks at Mura, and bobs in mid air. “Mura, you have been charged, and judged. You have much to prove. I have gifted you a new form, to better serve Finn. You have seen my power, and been transformed. “ He looks to Finn. “My friend, Finn, does this suit you? “ He looks to Ella and his orbs blink in his variant of a wink. He will then rise into the air and boom out in a loud voice, trying to be heard as far away as he can. “All who would harm this land of Pella, I am Remalius, friend to the Moons and of Felimber, Of Finn, of Eji and of Ella. I hereby place my aid to this place. If you wish to live in peace with the inhabitants of Pella, you are free to do so. Let it be known that those who would agree to work in harmony with the humans and others of this land, may do so and are encouraged to. “ He is using all his knowledge of mana, wizard magic and enchantments to make this work, to be heard as loud as he can. He’ll float back down. “Here, Ella, can you use this.” He’ll attempt to hand her Open Gate to Nexus: Top Disc- (Spell, Gate Magic, Magic, 5,000 MP, 160,000 Gold) Has RP effects, Permits escape from random quests at the start of the round after it is cast, “This will allow you to come to my place. If you have some way of contacting me when you need, that would be more appropriate. And I apologize for the inconvenience, but I felt that this was needed. That should take care of some trouble.”
Aeromage wrote: The aftermath of such a climactic event, combined with its confusion at the sudden change and Remalius' commanding tones seem to have the desired effect. Mura inclines its head in the serpentine equivalent of a deep bow, encircling Finn with its tail as it rises. The teenager, for his part, manages to stammer out an answer to the affirmative, his eyes locked on the shimmering moon as if breaking eye contact would cause the lunar body to plummet from the sky.

Remalius ascends and delivers his second announcement, his voice magically amplifying and being carried far and wide, echoing throughout the moonforest and the fields beyond. Further restles and creaks issue from the forest, although whether as a response or simply a result of its continued growth the genie cannot fathom.

Ella accepts the spell, but looks somewhat confused as to its use. "I.. am not familiar with magic of this nature, but I'll do my best to stud--" WHOOMP. The air twists and warps, bending outwards in the familiar form of an oval gate to Nexus, a street of the city clearly visible in distorted, fisheye-style form, causing Ella to fall backwards into a bush in surprise.

(People are on a roll in this. Ella's a shrine maiden in training, Gate Magic is unknown in Seirei, functionally similar effects being replicated by spiritual powers and being rather rare, so odds were against her. And she went and rolled a chain starting with 100 to figure out how to use it. Good grief)
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie bobs pleasently at Mura's affirmation. "Good. I'm sure that youre working with Finn will help you greatly."

"Finn, I think that you don't have to stare at the moon anymore. It won't explode." His orbs turn a brighter green. "After all, I'm here."

Remalius looks at the portal that Ella made. "Wow... you're a natural. Yes, that's nexus." He turns then and notices that she's in the bush. Remmie uses his magics to lift her out and dust her off. "There we go. Think you can talk with Mura again? Give him some pointers, translate for Finn as well? Also, " he will give her his nexus room address, so that a message can be sent. "This way, if a threat looms, you can send for aid without having to go through the Clavia Portal." He will then ask. "Also, was there any reply to my announcement?"

(Wow... ella got lucky. Remalius seems to be altering Serie alot."
Aeromage wrote: Ella pops out of the bush, looking somewhat dazed. "I... suppose I could help Finn and the spirit, yes. Um. I'm not... sure about going to Nexus, though. From what you've said, it sounds... like an easy place to get lost in." The shrine maiden stumbles slightly, catching herself on a still-growing tree. "I... don't think there was a reply to your address, but I imagine spirits heard it for miles around."

Finn continues to keep the moon in his field of vision. "If it's all the same to you, I think I'll keep an eye on Vernat. If it does anything ELSE, I want to know about it. And maybe hide under something."
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie bobs go Ella. "of course. Could a spirit be sent to track me?" he asks. "otherwise I can return every few weeks to check things out.".
he turns to Finn. "do not worry. Also, take good care of Mura, okay?"

he turns to the insect spirit, if it has not fled already. "having seen my power, will you still cause trouble here?"
Aeromage wrote: "Um. I... suppose a spirit could be sent for you, but I don't know that many from around here, yet." The shrine maiden wrings her hands nervously. "I... can't ask the Sisters, Felimber would say no, and Pell can't leave his river... I haven't really seen many of the minor spirits of the area yet, either..."

Finn looks somewhat incredulous. "ME? Take good care of HIM? Anything that could cause HIM problems would probably KILL me!" The teenager is sent sprawling as Mura gives him a nudge. "...I don't even know what you EAT."

The unfortunate insect spirit flails wildly with its remaining arm. "No! Nonononono. No trouble!"
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie orbs glow green with a bright flash. "Ohhh. I know, Gerrida can do it. Right?" He bobs closer to the insect.
He bobs back to Ella.
"Anyway, I'm sure Gerrida would be more then happy to have a job to help, and be respected for it, yes?" he suggest loudly, giving the insect a choice. "Or, Gerrida, you could leave this area. Of course, if you stayed to help, I could see about getting help from people who can restore your arm to you."

He turns to Finn, and chuckles.
"Awww, Mura likes you."
He looks over Mura, then nods.
"Mura, I'm sure that you'll do well. Why, within a few years, I'm sure you'll be a valued member of Pella. " He chuckles again.
"So, should we head on back to the Sisters, or the village?"
Aeromage wrote: "Ksch." The insect-spirit spits and grumbles. "No choice. Gonna go see these 'Sisters'." It turns on its remaining limbs, cradling the stump of its arm as it lurches away.

Ella visibly deflates as she breathes in relief. "Um. I.... think we should probably go back to the town. We'll... need to let them know the moons aren't likely to fall on top of them, and I can start teaching you about the language of spirits there."
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie;s orb glow a brighter green. He'll look at the green moon, then his head will detach to grin at it, a yellow grinning line forming. He is radiating a bit of moon mana, say 100 exp worth.

Remalius will then have his head orb reaatcha dn become again an orb. He'll offer to carry them all back.
"Say, Ella, can you talk with mura? MAybe see how he's changed?"
Aeromage wrote: Remalius expends a little more Moon mana, the substance wisping away into the air to no discernable effect. It seems that the area's already saturated with enough that a little more isn't likely to make too much of a difference.

"Um. I'm... not sure what he was like before he changed, so I don't think I'll be able to find out what's different." The shrine maiden wipes her hands on a large, leafy plant nearby. "I'm... not sure he'll know what he can do differently yet, either. I've never seen a spirit... change like that before. Or even heard of anything like what you just did happening before. I just.... don't know enough about being a shrine maiden yet, I think..."

Remalius' offer of a lift back to town is accepted, and the genie proceeds to whisk them all up and away towards Pella. Below, the once-boggy expanse spreads out in a riot of colour, canopies of strange trees growing and swaying over oddly-coloured swathes of grass, bodies of water sparkling between them and reflecting the sky. The area has become a sizeable forest, the power of Moon mana radiating from it in copious quantities, mixed with other esoteric elements as it continues to spread. He feels somewhat bouyed by the sensation.

Remalius gets:
"Inadvertantly Created The Moonforest Of Pella (Mod Run World Award)"

First Blessing of the Verdant Moon- (Passive Ability, Other: Lunar Trickster) Possessor's actions that include the element Wood may gain or instead become the element Moon, possessor's actions that include the element Moon may gain or instead become the element Wood, possessor's Plant allies may gain the element(s) Moon and/or Wood

The group (somewhat weighed down with the addition of Mura) floats its way back to the walls of Pella, which is swarming with activity. Quite a lot of shouting can be heard from the streets, many people are running from building to building as if worried that spending any length of time under the sky will cause it to fall on them, and more than a few are staring at the huge moon above from various vantage points around the town.
kitsune106 wrote: Remalius replies to Ella on the way back. "Well, to be honest, what i did might be the first of its kind here. Not all of the Arena members are nice though. Some want power, and some are outright bastards. Why, we have an evil warlock, by the name of Roy."

Remmalius pauses near the outskirts of the town.
"How should we do this, Ella? If Mura thinks he can fly Finn in, and you agree, we can make a grand entrance, and hopefully reassure the villagers. Or we can drop you off and let you head in to calm things down. My vote is on being impressive. However, you are the Shrine Maiden of Pella, so I feel the choice is yours."
Aeromage wrote:Sun Jan 19, 2014 10:39 pm
"Um. I... wasn't even thinking about that, but..." Ella looks considerably concerned at the thought of what might be achieved by less-pleasant individuals if those actively trying to help are capable of such massive displays. "As for... making an entrance, I think it would be best if you and Mura stayed outside for a while. After what... happened with the Moons, I think any other big displays or strange spirits might make them panic even more."
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie’s orb’s bright green glow becomes somewhat more muted, but he bobs in understanding. He’ll park about 500 meters outside of town to let them off, the spell landing gently. “I understand. Is there anything you wish me to do while I wait here with Mura? I will keep an eye out for anyone intruding. After all, I did claim Pella as under my protection.” He admits, due to the booming voice.
“If you can see what they heard, from my announcement, that would be great. I realize now that I will be being more active here. I cannot just leave my friends and what I created here unattended. “
Aeromage wrote: Ella nods. "This... might take a while. I'll be as... fast as I can, but it will likely take a few hours to get everyone calmed down and tell them what happened. Um. Finn, would you... be able to stay with Remalius? I know you... don't go into town anymore, since..." the shrine maiden trails off awkwardly, looking at her feet.
The redheaded teenager stretches and places his hands behind his head in exaggeratedly carefree fashion. "Sure, don't worry about it. I've still got to catch some fish for Felimber, anyway, and tell him about his new subordinate here--" he gingerly pats Mura's scaly hide, "--or we could check out that new forest for a bit, or whatever. Not like we're gonna be getting bored."
kitsune106 wrote: Remalius bobs, and his orbs glow bright green.
"That is acceptable. "
His orbs speed up a bit, then slow back down.
"So, Finn, should we visit felimber? Or if you feel that we should not, due to incidents in the past... Although, given I did claim this area as under my protection, I should talk with him as well. I do not wish to upsurp his position, even by accident. However, if you feel that the forest should be checked for threats, we can do that. I do not know what lives there, or if creatures have spawned."
Aeromage wrote: Finn scratches the whisker-like lines on his cheeks. "...yeah, it's probably best we don't go to Felimber. I'm pretty sure he'll still be sore about the whole curse breaking thing, and if he thinks you're trying to take over the place..." the hand moves to rake through his touseled mop of red hair. "...checking the forest out is probably better, unless you want to go fishing."
kitsune106 wrote: "Let us go check out the forest. It will give us something to do, and we can then report to Ella what is in there. And what precautions might need to be taken."

Assuming they agree, remmie will pick up mura and Finn and head towards the Moon forest.
Aeromage wrote: Agreements are reached, and Remalius picks up the eel-dragon and teenager once more before departing in the direction from which they just came.
The trip is uneventful, if a little long, taking Remalius a good half-hour due to his load. Its ending is considerably more dramatic, too, as traveling towards the forest provides a much better view of the new geographical landmark. The forest seems to be even larger than when they left, trees still visibly growing within, parts of the great canopy bulging and splitting as probing branches that burst into leaf erupt from below.
There appears to be an enormous variety of trees involved, mostly deciduous-looking sorts with wide canopies, some still holding onto lower branches such that they appear as solid walls of fluffy leaves. Large bushes and plants pack the undergrowth, making it difficult to distinguish where one tree ends and another begins in places. The whole place is a riot of many different shades of green, with blues, yellows, silvers, golds, reds and even a few flashes of other colours besides on display in the foliage, not to mention the many, many flowers that have burst into bloom around the canopies and underbrush. Further in, the forest rises to huge proportions, a mountain range in miniature made entirely of leaves.
So packed is the ground with trees and plants that it gives the impression that the forest is floating on the new, surrounding lakes and ponds, reflecting back the sea of leaves to give the impression that the plantlife has spread even further.

Finn observes the thick tangle of trunks and branches. "Uh. That's a lot bigger than I thought it was. How do we even get IN?"
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie's orbs flash a bright pink for a moment. "Well, I'm not sure. However, Let me try something. I'd prefer not to blast my way in, though i could."

He lowers approaches the nearest tree wall.
"I.... Remalius, approach with Mura And Finn. We wish entry to this place." He calls out, hoping that will do something. He is also looking for a way in, although that most likely seems not likely. Remmie also is an opener of forgotten doorways. If that applies, he'll try to open a way that was forgotten when the trees grew.

Opener of Forgotten Doorways- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may claim Forgotten Keys
Aeromage wrote: Remalius declares his intent to enter loudly to a tree! The tree is unresponsive. His attempt to open a forgotten doorway similarly falls flat, the place being so new (and having nothing to do with doors, forgotten or otherwise) that the extremely-specific power does nothing.

"Maybe we should go back for a machete or something. Or find somewhere the bushes aren't as thick." Finn scratches a cheek. "Maybe try going in through one of those lakes, if you don't mind getting wet?"

Re: Remmie heads back to Pallea

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 12:17 am
by Modrageball
kitsune106 wrote: "We could try a tree.. unless." He pauses. "Mura... can you open a doorway, or perhaps ask for entry? It seems to be related to the moon, this forest, and Mura also has been Moon blessed."
Aeromage wrote: The serpentine spirit looks at a tree, back to Remalius, cocks its head to one side (a gesture which, on a creature that could be argued to be mostly neck, is a peculiar one), and wends its way over to nearby pond, touching it with its nose. The water shimmers and darkens, as if bottoming out into a much deeper expanse.

Finn groans. "That thing again?"
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie nods at this. "Do't worry, you'll be inside me. " remmie bobs again to mura. "THank you mura. " HE'll pick up mura again, forceshield his occupants, then DIVE ON IN!
Aeromage wrote: Remalius bundles up Mura and Finn, attempts to shield them as best he can with his rather-lacking grasp of abjurative effects and diving into the pool!


Dark water rushes around the group, swirls of deeper darkness and suggestions of shapes whirling as the genie forces his way downwards. Downwards? Why does he feel like he's heading up, then?


Remalius, Mura and Finn surface in a pond surrounded by broad trees, light filtering through the flickering gaps in the canopy of yellow-green leaves and sending dappled rays dancing through the air to paint the water and ground. There are still lots of bushes around, some of them looking rather on the thorny side, but not enough to prevent passage. The ground is covered in a feathery cloud of small red ferns, broken here and there by cloudy-green glassy tendrils rising from the undergrowth, curling into large whorls at the ends.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie's orbs flicker as he takes this in. He'll drop his field to let them out. "Wow... this looks interesting. Thank you Mura." he thanks the serpent. He will slowly rotate around, taking in the sights. "So, Finn, any idea on where to go?"

If he does not have idea, Remmie will choose a random direction and take the lead.
Aeromage wrote: Finn squints up at the roof of leaves and shrugs. "Can't tell which direction's north like this, so any way's as good as any other, I guess."
Remalius turns around and, in absence of any other direction, decides to go... that way. The trio set off across a carpet of feathery ferns, winding around thick patches of thornbush and glassy tendril-vines, pushing through thickets of leaves and plants as they go.
The forest is obviously vibrant with plantlife, but also still very, very young- the trees all look perfect and unmarred by moss or weather-wear, the undergrowth is thicker than the sunlight filtering through would otherwise allow, and there are no evident signs or sounds of birds or animals, giving the overall impression of coming too early to a party.

The feathery ferns peter out as the group continues through the woodland, giving way to a thick carpet of silvery-green clover-like plants. The trees overhead have changed from yellow-green broadleaves to examples with clouds of thin, short deep-green leaves, peppered with almost grapelike hanging bunches of pale-peach cup-shaped blossoms. The glassy vines still pop up here and there, one particular tangle surrounding something glittery and green.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie will bob over to the green thing and try to pick it u or absorb it.
Aeromage wrote: Remalius, not having to deal with such things as 'arms', manages to pull the object out from under the odd plantlife.

Remalius gets:
Moonstone of Vernat- (Consumable, Enchanted Item, Earth & Wood, Unlimited Charges, 25,000,000 Gold) Target weapon owned by user or a willing ally becomes solely Earth, Wood or Earth & Wood element and gains +25% Resilience (with said Resilience bonus not stacking across weapons), and 'weilder regenerates 250,000 HP at the start of each round', does not stack, lasts 5 rounds
kitsune106 wrote: Remalius smiles and it goes into the bag.
"That.. was interesting. This seems to have been spawned by Vernat, this forest. " He rotates around again.
"anything we should be aware of FInn, about Vernat?" assuming nothing seems threatening, a random way is taken, of course, not the way they took to get here.
Aeromage wrote: "Vernat?" Finn scratches his head. "It's the big green moon up there. Makes things grow. Got to do with plants and earth and life and stuff. Sometimes makes it rain seeds, or at least that's what they say. Not sure what else you'd want to know about it."

The trio pick another direction and head further into the forest, the clover-carpet getting steadily taller and thicker, vivid purple balls of tiny flowers poking through here and there. The clouds of leaves overhead grow thinner as other varieties grow in, some with blue leaves that are barely more than clusters of strips, others with branches clad in only in closely-packed layers of small, pale-blue flowers. The glassy vines grow smaller and less numerous as the journey continues, eventually being reduced to vertical spirals poking just above the clover.
Finn stoops and tugs one out of the ground in a shower of loose dirt and mud, wiping it off on a sleeve.
"Thought Ella might like one," he ventures by way of explanation.

The trees ahead open out into another pond, a gap in the sparse canopy letting light flood in, the green moon overhead filling the view of the sky. A pair of basketball-sized orbs, each surrounded by a floating series of smaller balls, drift around the clearing. One is predominately green, the other blue. Neither appears to have noticed the group yet.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie's orbs bob in understanding at Finn. "Sounds good. I like Ella."

It pauses when the clearing appears. Reamlius pauses and tells the others, "Stay behind unless hostile."

The genie's orbs will become a Blue Green, and he will float into the clearing, drawing their attention.
Aeromage wrote: Remalius shifts his colours, floating into the centre of the clearing above the pool. The green one seems to notice his arrival, and emits a peculiar chiming sound, drifting closer as it does so. The blue one either hasn't noticed or isn't interested, continuing to meander around the pool.
kitsune106 wrote: The moon stone is pulled out and used on the heavenly shield as Remalius attempts to mimic the sound that was given off. The spell is waiting as the green orb thing floats closer.
Aeromage wrote: The orb-thing appears rather interested in the moonstone and increases speed, bumping off the shield with a wobbly chime as it collides with Remalius.
kitsune106 wrote: Remmie looks at the orb. He pings it with the naughty or niceness. HE is unsure if he should give it the moonstone.
Aeromage wrote: The orb-thing doesn't ping as naughty. It doesn't ping as nice, either, and it's attempting to alternately get around or, as far as Remalius can gather, absorb Remalius' sheild with no success whatsoever.
kitsune106 wrote: Remalious will take pity on the orb and will actually give it the moonstone, to see what happens. He is ready to fire off an ancient seal if it turn hostile.
Aeromage wrote: Remalius gives the Moonstone of Vernat to the green orb-spirit-thing. The shining green stone is sucked into the main orb's orbit and vanishes in a cloud of mana, infusing the spirit with vivid green light. A steady, chiming tone rings throughout the clearing, being joined by another, and another, swelling in volume as the light grows more and more intense.
The spirit erupts into a display of Earth, Wood, Life and Moon mana, the moon above seeming to exert an almost palpable pressure on the area as the manifold spherical pattern expands rapidly, repelling the blue-sphere-thing and, to Remalius' unfortunate surprise, drawing him in. He attempts to dodge, to fly, to escape the vortex of spiritual energy, but it happens too quickly, the pull too strong. He has enough time to see Finn and Mura fleeing back into the forest before everything goes green.

Time passes strangely. Remalius is fragmented, yet whole. His body of verdant spheres is well-suited to his domain, this forest of trees and lunar power.
Parts of himself move with purpose amongst the pillars and boughs of his living palace, shepherding mana and ensuring the growth and completion of its form.
Through them, he sees others, of other moons, fragmented, yet to find a central self. They will come as the seasons change.
Through them, he sees a human, spirit-marked, and its bondservant. It is also of the moons. It reflects Remalius' power. He desires it.
But the human is marked by the rain-spirit he is allied to. To pursue it would break the rain-spirit's trust. He will let them leave.
Time passes.
There is much to do. His power is yet young, and he will not be the only one of his kind, for the mana that gave rise to him was spread throughout the worlds. He is the first, however. It is not their time.
Time passes.
Should he expand towards the settlement of the humans?
No. He should not. It was commanded.
By whom?
By him.
He will not disobey his own promises. He is to live in harmony with the humans.
There are other directions he can spread. To the north. To the east. To the Spirit World.
Yes. He will expand that way.
The Seed Rains will come. They will expand his holdings. He will see to it they do not interfere with the humans.
Time passes.
The Forest expands into the Spirit World. Much potential lies there. It will grow further.
Time passes.

Remalius remains in this state for quite some time before his Arena Member status catches on and whisks him back to Nexus and the Clerical Ward as himself. He'll likely be tied up for a few weeks before that, however (and as such, is not free from this thread). How much time (and what he might get from this) will be coming reasonably soon.
kitsune106 wrote: Summary, may change

Remalius loses:
Open Gate to Nexus: Top Disc- (Spell, Gate Magic, Magic, 5,000 MP, 160,000 Gold) Has RP effects, Permits escape from random quests at the start of the round after it is cast
Greater Magical Paintbrush- (Weapon, Wand, Magic, 329,000 Gold) +365 Magical Attack, +5,000 MP, Wielder's uses of Magical Pigments in the casting of spells reduce the cost of said spells by 5,000 additional MP, 15% Confusion: Depression Resistance
Robe of Great and Winged Spirits- (Armor, Robe, Light & Air, 6,515,000 Gold) +6,504 Defense, +6,300 SPI, +4,550 SGI, +2,000 STR, MIN, and CON, 20% Earth Resistance, Wielder may spend 60,000 MP to add Air to the elements of any action that wielder is performing or to the elements of the standard damage of any 'Melee Attack', 'Ranged Attack', or 'Magical Attack' action
Mask Depicting a Kindly Tengu- (Accessory, Mask, Air & Magic & Light, 230,000 Gold) +240 Defense, +230 AGI, +230 SPI, 10% Air Resistance, 10% Darkness Resistance, 10% Magic Resistance, 10% Physical Resistance
Mask of the Tengu Yamabushi- (Accessory, Mask, Air & Light & Magic, 450,000 Gold) +450 Defense, +450 AGI, +450 SPI, 10% Air Resistance, 10% Darkness Resistance, 10% Magic Resistance, 10% Physical Resistance, 10% Light Resistance, Spirit Magic spells cost wearer 2,000 less MP to cast

300,500 xp

Remalius gains:
Soul Arrow- (Spell, Spirit Magic, Light & Darkness, 300 MP, 365,000 Gold) +370 Ranged Attack, Ranged Attack actions that include this spell may use SPI as their Prime Attribute
3 Crystallized Spirit Piece- (Item, Material, Magic, 6,000 Gold)
"Introduced Moon Mana to Seirei, Empowering its Moons and Altering the World (Mod Run World Award)"
"Transformed Mura the Specular Eel into Mura the Mirror of Heaven, First of the Moon Spirits of Seirei (Mod Run World Award)"
"Ushered in the Grand Lunar Era of Seirei (Mod Run World Award)"

"Inadvertantly Created The Moonforest Of Pella (Mod Run World Award)"

First Blessing of the Verdant Moon- (Passive Ability, Other: Lunar Trickster) Possessor's actions that include the element Wood may gain or instead become the element Moon, possessor's actions that include the element Moon may gain or instead become the element Wood, possessor's Plant allies may gain the element(s) Moon and/or Wood

things seen

Moonstone of Vernat- (Consumable, Enchanted Item, Earth & Wood, Unlimited Charges, 25,000,000 Gold) Target weapon owned by user or a willing ally becomes solely Earth, Wood or Earth & Wood element and gains +25% Resilience (with said Resilience bonus not stacking across weapons), and 'weilder regenerates 250,000 HP at the start of each round', does not stack, lasts 5 rounds
Aeromage wrote: Overall Summary

Remalius is locked out of his Mod Run Slot for four weeks. Whether this takes up his battle slot, quest slot or combination of the two over time is up to him.

Remalius loses:

Open Gate to Nexus: Top Disc- (Spell, Gate Magic, Magic, 5,000 MP, 160,000 Gold) Has RP effects, Permits escape from random quests at the start of the round after it is cast
Greater Magical Paintbrush- (Weapon, Wand, Magic, 329,000 Gold) +365 Magical Attack, +5,000 MP, Wielder's uses of Magical Pigments in the casting of spells reduce the cost of said spells by 5,000 additional MP, 15% Confusion: Depression Resistance
Robe of Great and Winged Spirits- (Armor, Robe, Light & Air, 6,515,000 Gold) +6,504 Defense, +6,300 SPI, +4,550 SGI, +2,000 STR, MIN, and CON, 20% Earth Resistance, Wielder may spend 60,000 MP to add Air to the elements of any action that wielder is performing or to the elements of the standard damage of any 'Melee Attack', 'Ranged Attack', or 'Magical Attack' action
Mask Depicting a Kindly Tengu- (Accessory, Mask, Air & Magic & Light, 230,000 Gold) +240 Defense, +230 AGI, +230 SPI, 10% Air Resistance, 10% Darkness Resistance, 10% Magic Resistance, 10% Physical Resistance
Mask of the Tengu Yamabushi- (Accessory, Mask, Air & Light & Magic, 450,000 Gold) +450 Defense, +450 AGI, +450 SPI, 10% Air Resistance, 10% Darkness Resistance, 10% Magic Resistance, 10% Physical Resistance, 10% Light Resistance, Spirit Magic spells cost wearer 2,000 less MP to cast

200,500 xp

Remalius gains:

1 Fame

Soul Arrow- (Spell, Spirit Magic, Light & Darkness, 300 MP, 365,000 Gold) +370 Ranged Attack, Ranged Attack actions that include this spell may use SPI as their Prime Attribute
3 Crystallized Spirit Piece- (Item, Material, Magic, 6,000 Gold)

"Introduced Moon Mana to Seirei, Empowering its Moons and Altering the World (Mod Run World Award)"
"Transformed Mura the Specular Eel into Mura the Mirror of Heaven, First of the Moon Spirits of Seirei (Mod Run World Award)"
"Ushered in the Grand Lunar Era of Seirei (Mod Run World Award)"
"Inadvertantly Created The Moonforest Of Pella (Mod Run World Award)"

First Blessing of the Verdant Moon- (Passive Ability, Other: Lunar Trickster) Possessor's actions that include the element Wood may gain or instead become the element Moon, possessor's actions that include the element Moon may gain or instead become the element Wood, possessor's Plant allies may gain the element(s) Moon and/or Wood

Magiplasmic Moonform: Verdant- (Stance Ability, Wyrdworker) Possessor obtains +1 base MIN and +2 base SPI, Possessor's minor negative status effect infliction chances are increased by 30%, possessor's moderate negative status effect infliction chances are increased by 20%, Possessor gains the elements Moon, Earth, and Wood, Possessor regenerates 200,000 HP at the start of each round if possessor possesses at least 5 Plant allies, Possessor's Plant and Spirit summons may gain the element Moon and, when summoned, may obtain a non-stacking buff that increases their minor negative status effect infliction chances by 25%

That last one transforms his body into a larger, Asterite-like form around a man-sized central green moon-orb.

Things Encountered
Moonstone of Vernat- (Consumable, Enchanted Item, Earth & Wood, Unlimited Charges, 25,000,000 Gold) Target weapon owned by user or a willing ally becomes solely Earth, Wood or Earth & Wood element and gains +25% Resilience (with said Resilience bonus not stacking across weapons), and 'weilder regenerates 250,000 HP at the start of each round', does not stack, lasts 5 rounds

Re: Remmie heads back to Pallea

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 12:19 am
by Modrageball
Lord Gadigan wrote: Fame approved.

The Moonform is approved since I made it.

Awards approved.

Looking over the rest.
Lord Gadigan wrote: Approved, no mark-

Soul Arrow- (Spell, Spirit Magic, Light & Darkness, 300 MP, 365,000 Gold) +370 Ranged Attack, 'Ranged Attack' actions that include this spell may use SPI as their Prime Attribute

3 Crystallized Spirit Piece- (Item, Material, Magic, 6,000 Gold)
Lord Gadigan wrote: Approved, mark-

First Blessing of the Verdant Moon- (Passive Ability, Other: Lunar Trickster) Possessor's actions that include the element Wood may gain or instead become the element Moon, possessor's actions that include the element Moon may gain or instead become the element Wood, possessor's Plant allies may gain the element(s) Moon and/or Wood as a non-stacking buff at the start of any round

Approved, mark, just for the shop-

Moonstone of Vernat- (Consumable, Enchanted Item, Earth & Wood, Unlimited Charges, 25,000,000 Gold) Target weapon owned by user or a willing ally becomes solely Earth, Wood or Earth & Wood element, gains +25% Resilience (with said Resilience bonus not stacking across items), and gains 'weilder Regenerates 250,000 HP at the start of each round with this effect stacking on a max of two items', does not stack, lasts 5 rounds
Lord Gadigan wrote: And that's this thread reviewed! Thread moved for updating.
kitsune106 wrote: updated!

also wrydworker is weird workr in shop. which is right?
Lord Gadigan wrote: The version in the shop is correct. Please change any that don't match it to match it.
kitsune106 wrote: remmie revives, right?
Lord Gadigan wrote: Yes.
Lord Gadigan wrote: Thread moved and locked.

Re: Remmie heads back to Pallea

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2023 12:19 am
by Modrageball
Quest-porting complete.