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Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 11:53 pm
by Lord Gadigan
18 Tickets are now in Rukathal's possession!

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Wed Apr 21, 2021 2:13 am
by Armocida

Enigmatic well of fate!

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:31 am
by Lord Gadigan
The Presence of Spirits Makes the World Brighter or Darker as Befits their Nature- (World Law, Binder) The presence of a Spirit who possesses a White Spiritual Mark counts as the presence of a Zone of Light, the presence of a Spirit who possesses a Black Spiritual Mark counts as the presence of a Zone of Darkness
Requires: Binder, Shrine Maiden, Geomancer, Radiant Hierophant, Ebon Chancellor
Additional Requirement: Task: Visit and assist both a benevolent and a malevolent Spirit. One must be in a region of light and radiance, whereas the other must be in a region of darkness and shade.
Cost: 2,000,000 Gold, 3 Weeks

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:33 am
by Armocida

Enigmatic well again!

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:43 am
by Lord Gadigan
Lesser Spirits Serve as Agents of the Kami, Delivering their Magic According to their Will- (World Law, Binder) Enemy, Pet, Summon, and Transformation Spirits gain the 'Cast a Spell' action, Non-Kami Spirits who worship a Kami that is in the same thread gain an additional action each round, assigned in turn order, that may only be used to either perform a 'Cast a Spell' action to cast a spell equipped by the Kami as though the Spirit performing said bonus action had a copy of said spell equipped, or to, with the Kami's permission, replicating an action the Kami could perform as though the Kami itself were performing it, with each Kami replicating a max of one action per round in this manner and paying all costs that would normally be associated with performing said action
Requires: Adept Binder Knowledge, Adept Spirit Magic Attunement, Priest, Channeler
Additional Requirement: Task: Assist three Spirits of Level 40 or greater to perform quests bestowed upon them by their patron Kami.
Cost: 30,000,000 Gold, 6 Weeks

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:58 am
by Armocida

Double box scramble

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 4:13 am
by Lord Gadigan
Not Really a Vacation-

Vacation Pass: Doctor Neon's Wonder Clinic- (Consumable, Ticket, Glitz & Technology & Color & Life & Wonder, 1 Charge, 65,000,000 Gold) Begins a Random Quest in Doctor Neon's Wonder Clinic for user and up to 7 other willing PCs if used at the start of a new random quest thread

Bulk Orders-

422,324,773 Automated Rhinoceros- (Accessory, Legionnaire, Technology & Physical, 4,750,000 Gold) +4,750 Melee Attack, If wielder performs a 'Ranged Attack' action, there is a non-stacking 5% chance once per round that wielder also performs a non-counterable 'Melee Attack' action

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 4:24 am
by Armocida

Days of War

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 4:41 am
by Lord Gadigan
One Fun Gun- (Weapon, Gun, Whimsy & War, 5,000,000 Gold) +5,000 Ranged Attack, Each time wielder attacks, wielder gains a chosen minor positive status effect for 5 rounds

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 4:49 am
by Armocida

Enigmatic well

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 5:04 am
by Lord Gadigan
Experimental World Law: Spirits are Drinkable- (World Law, Binder) If an individual possesses a willing Spirit ally, that individual may deal a mutually-agreed-upon quantity of Flat Water & Physical element HP Drain and/or MP Drain to said Spirit, being hit with a (that Spirit's Level x 4)% Poison: Drunk infliction chance upon doing so
Requires: Binder, Shrine Maiden, Bartender, Anarchomancer, Elemental Researcher
Additional Requirement: Task: Convert three notable Spirits into alcohol
Cost: 30,000,000 Gold, 20 Weeks

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 1:56 pm
by Armocida

Sub Tree Bonsai

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 5:23 pm
by Lord Gadigan
Do you have anything from that category on Rukathal yet?

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2021 6:33 pm
by Armocida
I do not I believe

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 9:10 pm
by Lord Gadigan
Guarded by Spirits- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains +50 Defense while possessor possesses at least 2 Spirit allies
Has been selected by the category.

Rukathal gets:

Attended by Spirit Bodyguards- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Up to (Possessor's Level / 5, rounded down) times per thread, when possessor would be targeted by an offensive attack, possessor may, as a preemptive counter, summon 2 Spirits that are below possessor's Level and normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, Max 40 summoned

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 10:30 pm
by Armocida

Sub Tree again!

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2021 10:32 pm
by Lord Gadigan
Rukathal gets:

Attended by Minor Spirits Holding Palm-Frond Fans- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains 1% Fire Resistance and counts as possessing 2 additional Spirit allies

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 12:03 am
by Armocida
8/18 Orkanith

Of The Tales

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 3:14 am
by Lord Gadigan
What are his current abilities from that category, and which tree was he most recently in?

Re: Rukathal Obtains Tickets

Posted: Sun Apr 25, 2021 3:18 am
by The Nottest of Daves
Argantannion wrote: ♢I Am The Only Justice- (Passive Ability, Lawbringer) Possessor gains (Possessor's Level * 2)% inflicts Entombed: Incarcerated, Possessor may choose to prevent lower Level entities from inflicting Entombed: Incarcerated

♢I Am The Last Defense Against the Darkness- (Passive Ability, Guardian) If possessor is wearing a Heavy Armor, possessor may, at the start of each round, choose to remove all Resistances from all allies until the round's end as a non-stacking debuff, gain (Possessor's Level)% Darkness Resistance, and apply possessor's Resistances to all of possessor's allies until the end of the round

♢I Am The Just Blade- (Passive Ability, Paladin) Possessor may, with regards to the elements of opponents' actions targeting possessor and Damage being dealt to possessor, treat the element Law as the element Chaos or Darkness, treat the element Good as the element Evil or Darkness, and treat the element Light as the element Darkness

♢I Am The Righteous Force- (Passive Ability, Paladin) Possessor may treat opposing individuals whose subtype is Celestial, Angel, or Aisurii as though their subtype were Demon for purposes of Paladin abilities and equipped items that require abilities from the Paladin tree to be equipped

♢Blade of the Radiance- (Passive Ability, Swordsman) Sword Weapons equipped by possessor gain +(100 * Possessor Level) additional Melee Attack, Possessor may choose to add Light to the elements of any Damage possessor deals while wielding a Sword and may choose for any Sword weapons that possessor is wielding to count as possessing the element Light

♢I Am The Pure Storm- (Passive Ability, Other: Radiant Templar) Possessor may equip and cast Holy Magic spells as though they were Radiant Magic spells in addition to or instead of their normal subtype, Possessor may equip and cast Divine Magic spells as though they were Radiant Magic spells in addition to or instead of their normal subtype, Possessor may equip and cast Radiant Magic spells as though they were Holy Magic spells in addition to or instead of their normal subtype, Possessor may equip and cast Radiant Magic spells as though they were Divine Magic spells in addition to or instead of their normal subtype, Possessor may cast Divine Magic spells that require a Patron Deity without a Patron Deity if possessor has at least 5 Radiant Magic spells equipped (but not Divine Magic spells that require a specific Patron Deity), Possessor's attacks that involve the casting of a Radiant Magic spell may gain 1 additional hit against each target
The Governor wrote: ♢Chiefest Amongst Objects- (Passive Ability, Evermason) Possessor gains (Possessor's Level/2, rounded up)% Golem Resistance, Possessor is Immune to unequipped items that are not carried by anyone

♢Miraculously Portable- (Stance Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains the subtype Magic Item. Possessor gains a Gold value of X. Possessor is considered to be both an item and a PC and may be targeted as either or both. If possessor would be stolen, possessor is instead unequipped and forced out of this stance. If possessor would be broken, possessor is instead unequipped, forced out of this stance, and killed. If possessor is in this stance, possessor's allies may spend an action to equip possessor to an open Accessory slot. While possessor is equipped in this manner, possessor is considered to be Semipresent, but is still assigned actions in turn order and may act as though not Semipresent. While possessor is Semipresent in this manner, possessor counts as defeated for purposes of victory conditions.

♢Absolute Recorder of Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Individual's below possessor's Level may not change the round's number without possessor's permission, may not count the round's number as a different round's number without possessor's permission, may not reset battle without possessor's permission, and may not create or modify Chronogeomantic Zones without possessor's permission
I believe his last pull was from The Governor, but I'm not 100% on that.