A Routine Check-up

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Arena Sergeant
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Joined: Fri Mar 26, 2021 6:26 pm
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A Routine Check-up

Post by Pathaky »

"Disc 101, are you sure?... Well, it certainly doesn't bode well, that's for sure.... Thanks for bringing this to my attention. Stay safe, everything is still settling, and I expect we'll be feeling aftershocks for a few months yet.... Keep up with the science! although maybe stay away from the Nightmare-part if you can manage it. I'm watching your career with interest! Hope to have you available for consultations someday. Right, right, okay, bye."

Nole ends the connection, closes his communicator, and sighs. He's been running himself hard since the Hiccup, and now he has to worry about Tsayyik getting up to his elbows in Nexus?

He doesn't think that he's anywhere near ready to tackle this head-on, but he does want to check in on a place that's important to him!

Disc 911! Home of Doctor Toad, Nole's one-time mentor, a ton of other great doctors, and a place that Nole certainly wants to become more familiar with.

He's gonna check in juuuust to make sure that everything is shipshape there. From there, we'll see.
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