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Lady Rosaline Enters Bascaradine on SAINT Business

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 11:18 pm
by Aeromage
Well, she was already here, really. But that reminded her she had a few things still to do!

First and foremost, there's that matter of a member of S.A.I.N.T. being held in suspended animation here!
Proglogg Pickle-Licker (Humanoid, Level 3)
"A thin goblin with a long, pickle-like nose with warty bumps along it, who wears a too-long robe and a too-heavy hat atop a too-large turban with a too-large-and-heavy fake jewel on it."
A goblin transported into SAINT's membership through the Warehouse. He thinks himself cultured and the peer of anyone at SAINT, but is, in actuality, rather boorish and prone to licking foodstuffs on other people's plates and other gauche breaches of good manners. Was sent off to the elite Lady-Admiral Weatherstone's Academy for the Foundation of Proper Young Aristocrats in order to rectify this behaviour and ensure he could become the gentleman he purports (and likely wishes) himself to be.
She hopes that the considerably less-invasive approach of sending him off to a high-quality learning establishment (as opposed to the rather horrific option of outright mind-editing) has borne fruit and let him become the gentlemen he always thought himself to be. And perhaps he may have even grown in level due to his education!

She'll give him a quick scan when he's back to see what he's learned, too. (As well as to see if the bizarre universal glitch-shift has done strange things to him)

Re: Lady Rosaline Enters Bascaradine on SAINT Business

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 8:51 pm
by Lord Gadigan
Are there stats for this guy that I should be updating, or has he been an RP-only guild member so far?

Re: Lady Rosaline Enters Bascaradine on SAINT Business

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 9:05 pm
by The Nottest of Daves
He has no stats, he's been purely an RP entity so far.

Re: Lady Rosaline Enters Bascaradine on SAINT Business

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 9:14 pm
by Lord Gadigan
Rosaline is introduced to Proglogg Pickle-Licker, Esquire (Humanoid, Level 35)

He now has a top hat with a feather-and-jewel that look more tasteful, a well-fitted suit, and an item-storage ability in which he is carrying around a wardrobe of other outfits, a magical quill with which to practice Litigamancy and Dread Banking, and a bejewelled dueling sword.

The employee reports that he has excelled in his studies and learned a great deal about manners. He is still prone to eccentricities at times, particularly when he learns that pickles are present, but he is more polite and officious with regards to his dealings. He started learning business, but after it was determined that might be going in a direction Rosaline wouldn't be entirely approving of by Bascaradine diviners, he was subtly redirected into law, and he is now liscensed to practice on multiple worlds.

Re: Lady Rosaline Enters Bascaradine on SAINT Business

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 12:05 am
by Aeromage
Wonderful! Rosaline welcomes him back and congratulates him on his achievements.

Rosaline then gets down to the business of sorting out some abilities, but with no shortcuts, this time.

She has enough abilities to qualify for Adept Teapot Training, but alas, it is not yet present in the Ability Shop! She inquires after its price.