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Enhancement List

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 7:55 pm
by Lord Gadigan
A thread for enhancements.

Re: Enhancement List

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:37 pm
by Modrageball

^Kyrie Elision- Possessor may choose whether to count as having a Patron Deity and Worshipper Benefits or not for the purpose of effects that check for such, possessor may choose to count as being a Devout Worshipper of the Absent Goddess even if possessor already possesses a Patron Deity and/or may not worship a deity or additional deities, Anointment

Maximally Holy- Wielder gains +275,000 Defense, +275,000 SPI, and Smitten: Excommunicated Immunity, Anointment

~Applied Enchantment~

Agility-Up- +500 AGI, Affects Accesories, Applied Enchantment
Constitution-Up- +500 CON, Affects Accesories, Applied Enchantment
Mind-Up- +500 MIN, Affects Accesories, Applied Enchantment
Spirit-Up- +500 SPI, Affects Accesories, Applied Enchantment
Strength-Up- +500 STR, Affects Accesories, Applied Enchantment

Flickering- Does an additional 5 Fire damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Burning- Does an additional 50 Fire damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Blazing- Does an additional 1,000 Fire damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Fiery- Does an additional 500 Fire damage on hit, provides 5% Fire resistance, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Staticy- Does an additional 5 Electrical damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Shocking- Does an additional 50 Electrical damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Thundering- Does an additional 1,000 Electrical damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Electrified - Does an additional 500 Electrical damage on hit, provides 5% Electrical resistance, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Wet- Does an additional 5 Water damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Bubbling- Does an additional 50 Water damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Torrential- Does an additional 1,000 Water damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Aquatic- Does an additional 500 Water damage on hit, provides 5% Water resistance, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Pebbly- Does an additional 5 Earth damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Rocky- Does an additional 50 Earth damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Mountainous- Does an additional 1,000 Earth damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Earthen- Does an additional 500 Earth damage on hit, provides 5% Earth resistance, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Pokey- Does an additional 5 Physical damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Sharp- Does an additional 50 Physical damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Slicing- Does an additional 1,000 Physical damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Honed- Does an additional 500 Physical damage on hit, provides 5% Physical resistance, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Breezy- Does an additional 5 Air damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Windy- Does an additional 50 Air damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Blustering- Does an additional 1,000 Air damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Airy- Does an additional 500 Air damage on hit, provides 5% Air resistance, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Frothy- Does an additional 5 Acid damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Eroding- Does an additional 50 Acid damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Caustic - Does an additional 1,000 Acid damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Acidic- Does an additional 500 Acid damage on hit, provides 5% Acid resistance, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Chilly- Does an additional 5 Ice damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Cold- Does an additional 50 Ice damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Freezing - Does an additional 1,000 Ice damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Icy- Does an additional 500 Ice damage on hit, provides 5% Ice resistance, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Remodeled- Does an additional 5 Technology damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Motorized- Does an additional 50 Technology damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Robotic - Does an additional 1,000 Technology damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Upgraded- Does an additional 500 Technology damage on hit, provides 5% Technology resistance, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Sparkly- Does an additional 5 Magic damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Mystic- Does an additional 50 Magic damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Arcane - Does an additional 1,000 Magic damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Magical- Does an additional 500 Magic damage on hit, provides 5% Magic resistance, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Thoughtful- Does an additional 5 Psychic damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Kinetic- Does an additional 50 Psychic damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Mental- Does an additional 1,000 Psychic damage on hit, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Psionic- Does an additional 500 Psychic damage on hit, provides 5% Psychic resistance, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Beast-Slaying- Does an additional 500 damage to Animals, provides +5% Critical against Animals, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Bird-Slaying- Does an additional 500 damage to Aerials, provides +5% Critical against Aerials, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Bug-Slaying- Does an additional 500 damage to Insects, provides +5% Critical against Insects, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Celestial-Slaying- Does an additional 500 damage to Celestials, provides +5% Critical against Celestials, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Construct-Slaying- Does an additional 500 damage to Golems, provides +5% Critical against Golems, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Daemon-Slaying- Does an additional 500 damage to Daemons, provides +5% Critical against Daemons, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Demon-Slaying- Does an additional 500 damage to Demons, provides +5% Critical against Demons, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Dragon-Slaying- Does an additional 500 damage to Dragons, provides +5% Critical against Dragons, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Elemental-Slaying- Does an additional 500 damage to Elementals, provides +5% Critical against Elementals, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Ooze-Slaying- Does an additional 500 damage to Oozes, provides +5% Critical against Oozes, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Robot-Slaying- Does an additional 500 damage to Robots, provides +5% Critical against Robots, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Plant-Slaying- Does an additional 500 damage to Plants, provides +5% Critical against Plants, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Spirit-Slaying- Does an additional 500 damage to Spirits, provides +5% Critical against Spirits, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Were-Slaying- Does an additional 500 damage to Shapeshifters, provides +5% Critical against Shapeshifters, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Empowered Weapon of Agility- Provides +50 AGI per wielder level, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Empowered Weapon of Constitution- Provides +50 CON per wielder level, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Empowered Weapon of Mind- Provides +50 MIN per wielder level, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Empowered Weapon of Strength- Provides +50 STR per wielder level, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Empowered Weapon of Spirit- Provides +50 SPI per wielder level, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment
Expanded Empowered Weapon of Spirit- Provides +50 SPI per wielder level, wielder uses Spirit as wielder's Prime Attribute for Melee Attack, Magical Attack, and Ranged Attack actions, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Enchanted- Provides +5 to all stats, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Keening- +500 additional Melee Attack, +500 additional Ranged Attack, 15% inflicts Hexed, 15% inflicts Confusion: Fear, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

True-Striking- Provides +5% Critical, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Weapon of Swift Winds- Provides +5% Dodge, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Weapon of Blade Mastery- Provides +50 Melee Attack, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Weapon of Channeling- Provides +50 Magical Attack, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Weapon of Throwing- Provides +50 Ranged Attack, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Weapon of Parrying- Provides +50 Defense, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Flurrying- This item's wielder's 'Melee Attack' actions gain '2 hits against 1', Applied Enchantment

Hornet's Nest- This item's wielder's 'Ranged Attack' actions gain '2 hits against 1', Applied Enchantment

Magestorm- This item's wielder's 'Magical Attack' actions gain '2 hits against 1', Applied Enchantment

Abstractly-Rendered- This item provides its wielder with 50% minor status effect Resistance and +100,000 HP as a non-stacking bouns, This item's wielder's offensive actions may become solely Chaos element, Applied Enchantment

Adamant- Provides +3,000 additional Melee Attack, Magical Attack, and Ranged Attack if this item already possesses such quality, Wielder ignores the Defense of individuals below Level 20, Wielder ignores the Physical Resistance, Immunity, and Reflection of individuals below Level 20, Pierces 5,000 Defense, Wielder must be at least Level 35, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Blistering- This item obtains +500 Melee Attack and gains the element Fire, Applied Enchantment

Crimson Nova- This wielder's attacks may gain '1 hit against 60,000' and gain the elements Fire and Magic, This item's wielder gains +30,000 to all stats, this item provides +30,000 additional Melee Attack, +30,000 additional Ranged Attack, and +30,000 additional Magical Attack, Applied Enchantment

Death-Choir- Whenever one of wielder's allies dies, wielder and up to 20 of wielder's pets and summons may gain +20,000 to all stats as a non-stacking buff, One per round, at the start of a round, wielder may choose to resurrect one of wielder's dead summons or pets that was killed by a source below Level 100 that is not 10 or more Levels greater than wielder, to a max of once per thread per pet or summon, Applied Enchantment

Dynaboosted- Wielder gains +275,000 to all stats, +10% To Hit, +10% Dodge, +10% Resilience, +10% Critical, Applied Enchantment

Force-Overwhelming- Wielder's actions involving an attack bonus of this item may become solely this item's elements (not including subsets of said elements), Applied Enchantment

Forcibly Made Metal Element By Irastor- This item is Metal element, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Ghostfog- Provides +5% Dodge and +400 MP to Undead wielders, Affects Weapons and Armor, Applied Enchantment

Inverse Rainbow- This item obtains +8,500 additional Melee Attack, +8,500 additional Ranged Attack, and +8,500 additional Magical Attack, may make any of its wielder's actions possesses the element Darkness instead of Hope, the element Acid instead of Earth, the element Electrical instead of Air, the element Energy instead of Fire, or the element Ice instead of Water, and gains '15% may inflict any one minor negative ststus effect', Applied Enchantment

Magiburst- Wielder gains +275,000 Magical Attack, and wielder's Overdrive actions may become solely any one base element, Applied Enchantment

Miserly- Provides an additional (Item Value) / 10,000 bonus to all Attack Bonuses this item already provides, Affects Weapons, Applied Enchantment

Rainbow Terror- Wielder gains +275,000 Ranged Attack, and wielder's 'Ranged Attack' actions may become solely any one base element, Applied Enchantment

Singing- This item's wielder may choose for actions that this item's attack bonuses apply to to count as thought they included the casting of an additional Bardic Music spell, Applied Enchantment

Subspace-Pocketed- This item may be brought into threads unequipped, its carrier may unequip up to 1 item from a slot that this item could go in at the start of a battle, this item may be equipped at the start of a battle, Applied Enchantment

Triumphant- This item's wielder becomes Immune to individuals below Level 20 if at least level 20, This item's wielder gains +20,000 to all stats, this item provides +20,000 additional Melee Attack, +20,000 additional Ranged Attack, and +20,000 additional Magical Attack, Applied Enchantment

Obdurately-Warding - Wielder's Defense cannot be pierced by entities below Level 90, Applied Enchantment
Status Warded- Wielder is Immune to Minor Status Effects from sources below Level 80, Applied Enchantment
Sublimely Status-Protecting- +10,000 Defense against Stat Damage, Applied Enchantment
Mystical Overpulse- Wielder regenerates 1,000,000 MP at the start of each round, Applied Enchantment
Unpiercable - Defense granted by this item cannot be pierced by entities below Level 90, Applied Enchantment
Vital Overpulse- Wielder regenerates 1,000,000 HP at the start of each round, Applied Enchantment

Walrusy- +70 Melee Attack, +70 Ranged Attack, +70 Magical Attack, +70 to all stats, Applied Enchantment
Rather Walrusy- +240 Melee Attack, +240 Ranged Attack, +240 Magical Attack, +240 to all stats, Applied Enchantment
Absurdly Walrusy- +950 Melee Attack, +950 Ranged Attack, +950 Magical Attack, +950 to all stats, Applied Enchantment
Absurdly, Shockingly Walrusy- +9,500 Melee Attack, +9,500 Ranged Attack, +9,500 Magical Attack, +9,500 to all stats, Applied Enchantment
Absurdly, Shockingly, Scandelously Walrusy- +19,500 Melee Attack, +19,500 Ranged Attack, +19,500 Magical Attack, +19,500 to all stats, Applied Enchantment
Absurdly, Shockingly, Scandelously, Jaw-Droppingly Walrusy- +49,500 Melee Attack, +49,500 Ranged Attack, +49,500 Magical Attack, +49,500 to all stats, Applied Enchantment
Absurdly, Shockingly, Scandelously, Jaw-Droppingly, Eye-Poppingly Walrusy- +99,500 Melee Attack, +99,500 Ranged Attack, +99,500 Magical Attack, +99,500 to all stats, Applied Enchantment

~Artificer's Design~
Acid Resistant- Possessor obtains 10% Acid Resistance, Artificer's Design
Air Resistant- Possessor obtains 10% Air Resistance, Artificer's Design
Earth Resistant- Possessor obtains 10% EarthResistance, Artificer's Design
Fire Resistant- Possessor obtains 10% Fire Resistance, Artificer's Design
Ice Resistant- Possessor obtains 10% Ice Resistance, Artificer's Design
Magic Resistant- Possessor obtains 10% Magic Resistance, Artificer's Design
Water Resistant- Possessor obtains 10% Water Resistance, Artificer's Design

Electrical Resistant- Possessor obtains 10% Electrical Resistance, Artificer's Design
Energy Resistant- Possessor obtains 10% Energy Resistance, Artificer's Design
Psychic Resistant- Possessor obtains 10% Psychic Resistance, Artificer's Design
Technology Resistant- Possessor obtains 10% Technology Resistance, Artificer's Design

Confer Acid Resistance- Targets of this consumable obtain 25% Acid Resistance as a non-stacking buff that lasts 5 rounds, Artificer's Design
Confer Air Resistance- Targets of this consumable obtain 25% Air Resistance as a non-stacking buff that lasts 5 rounds, Artificer's Design
Confer Earth Resistance- Targets of this consumable obtain 25% Earth Resistance as a non-stacking buff that lasts 5 rounds, Artificer's Design
Confer Fire Resistance- Targets of this consumable obtain 25% Fire Resistance as a non-stacking buff that lasts 5 rounds, Artificer's Design
Confer Ice Resistance- Targets of this consumable obtain 25% Ice Resistance as a non-stacking buff that lasts 5 rounds, Artificer's Design
Confer Magic Resistance- Targets of this consumable obtain 25% MagicResistance as a non-stacking buff that lasts 5 rounds, Artificer's Design
Confer Fire Resistance- Targets of this consumable obtain 25% Fire Resistance as a non-stacking buff that lasts 5 rounds, Artificer's Design
Confer Magic Resistance- Targets of this consumable obtain 25% Magic Resistance as a non-stacking buff that lasts 5 rounds, Artificer's Design
Confer Water Resistance- Targets of this consumable obtain 25% Water Resistance as a non-stacking buff that lasts 5 rounds, Artificer's Design

Confer Electrical Resistance- Targets of this consumable obtain 25% Electrical Resistance as a non-stacking buff that lasts 5 rounds, Artificer's Design
Confer Energy Resistance- Targets of this consumable obtain 25% Energy Resistance as a non-stacking buff that lasts 5 rounds, Artificer's Design
Confer Psychic Resistance- Targets of this consumable obtain 25% Psychic Resistance as a non-stacking buff that lasts 5 rounds, Artificer's Design
Confer Technology Resistance- Targets of this consumable obtain 25% Technology Resistance as a non-stacking buff that lasts 5 rounds, Artificer's Design

Basic Acid Damage Effect Addition- Targets of this consumable are dealt 5,000 Flat Acid element Damage, Artificer's Design
Basic Air Damage Effect Addition- Targets of this consumable are dealt 5,000 Flat Air element Damage, Artificer's Design
Basic Earth Damage Effect Addition- Targets of this consumable are dealt 5,000 Flat Earth element Damage, Artificer's Design
Basic Fire Damage Effect Addition- Targets of this consumable are dealt 5,000 Flat Fire element Damage, Artificer's Design
Basic Ice Damage Effect Addition- Targets of this consumable are dealt 5,000 Flat Ice element Damage, Artificer's Design
Basic Magic Damage Effect Addition- Targets of this consumable are dealt 5,000 Flat Magic element Damage, Artificer's Design
Basic Water Damage Effect Addition- Targets of this consumable are dealt 5,000 Flat Water element Damage, Artificer's Design

Basic Electrical Damage Effect Addition- Targets of this consumable are dealt 5,000 Flat Electrical element Damage, Artificer's Design
Basic Energy Damage Effect Addition- Targets of this consumable are dealt 5,000 Flat Energy element Damage, Artificer's Design
Basic Psychic Damage Effect Addition- Targets of this consumable are dealt 5,000 Flat Psychic element Damage, Artificer's Design
Basic Technology Damage Effect Addition- Targets of this consumable are dealt 5,000 Flat Technology element Damage, Artificer's Design

Agility Enhancement- Possessor obtains +200 AGI, Artificer's Design
Constitution Enhancement- Possessor obtains +200 CON, Artificer's Design
Mind Enhancement- Possessor obtains +200 MIN, Artificer's Design
Spirit Enhancement- Possessor obtains +200 SPI, Artificer's Design
Strength Enhancement- Possessor obtains +200 STR, Artificer's Design

Dwarflord's Treasure- Possessor obtains +5,000 Defense, +5,000 STR, and +5,000 CON, Possessor's allies whose name includes 'Dwarf' or 'Dwarven' or who are in 'Form of Dwarf' Stance gain +5,000 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus, Artificer's Design
Etched with Dwarven Runes- Possessor obtains +5,000 Defense, +5,000 STR, +5,000 CON, 30% Earth Resistance, 30% Magic Resistance, and 5% Humanoid Resistance, Artificer's Design
Integrated Dwarven Runic Magitech Engine- Possessor obtains +100,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, Possessor obtains an additional +5,000 MP (to a max of an additional +100,000 MP and stacking across all instances to a max of +100,000 MP) for each item possessor has equipped that possesses the 'Artificer's Design' 'Etched with Dwarven Runes', Artificer's Design
Magmaproofing Runes- Possessor obtains +10,000 Defense, +20,000 Defense against Earth, +20,000 Defense against Fire, 50% Burning Resistance, 50% Entombed Resistance, and 50% Drowning Resistance, Artificer's Design
Supremely Deflective- Wielder gains a 25% chance of reflecting actions from sources below Level 90 that are of equal or lower Level, Artificer's Design

~Chimeric Husbandry~

Lactates the Emerald Vital Milk- This pet may, up to a max of once per year, produce, via a post in the Shop, 1 'Vital Milk (Emerald)', Chimeric Husbandry

Lactates the Jet Vital Milk- This pet may, up to a max of once per year, produce, via a post in the Shop, 1 'Vital Milk (Jet)', Chimeric Husbandry

Lactates the Pearl Vital Milk- This pet may, up to a max of once per year, produce, via a post in the Shop, 1 'Vital Milk (Pearl)', Chimeric Husbandry

Lactates the Ruby Vital Milk- This pet may, up to a max of once per year, produce, via a post in the Shop, 1 'Vital Milk (Ruby)', Chimeric Husbandry

Lactates the Sapphire Vital Milk- This pet may, up to a max of once per year, produce, via a post in the Shop, 1 'Vital Milk (Sapphire)', Chimeric Husbandry

Sheerable Deepdiamond Fleece- This pet may, up to a max of once per month, produce, via a post in the Shop, 1 'Deepdiamond Fleece', Chimeric Husbandry

Vestigial Wings Which Scatter Light-Nailing Feathers Everywhere- This pet may, up to a max of once per week, produce, via a post in the Shop, 20 'Light-Nailing Feather', Chimeric Husbandry

~Detrimental Effect~

Dreaded Diamondshear Geodic Dragon that has Been Ability Drained Once By a Tiny Glove of Ability Stealing- -10,000 CON, Supreme Defenses only works against individuals below level 15, Hard as Diamond only works on individuals beneath level 35, Possessor’s Crystalline Breath deals 250 less CON damage and only has a 99% and 90%, respectively, of inflicting Paralyze and Paralyze: Turned to Glass, Detrimental Effect

~Elemental Blessing~

Fire-Touched- This weapon deals solely Fire element damage, Affects Weapons, Elemental Blessing

Air-Touched- This weapon deals solely Air element damage, Affects Weapons, Elemental Blessing

Earth-Touched- This weapon deals solely Earth element damage, Affects Weapons, Elemental Blessing

Water-Touched- This weapon deals solely Water element damage, Affects Weapons, Elemental Blessing

Spring-Touched- This weapon deals solely Electrical element damage, Affects Weapons, Elemental Blessing

Summer-Touched- This weapon deals solely damage of two or more of the elements Air, Earth, Fire, and Water, chosen at the start of each quest or battle, Affects Weapons, Elemental Blessing

Fall-Touched- This weapon deals solely Acid element damage, Affects Weapons, Elemental Blessing

Winter-Touched- This weapon deals solely Ice element damage, Affects Weapons, Elemental Blessing

Fire-Shielded- Provides 5% Fire Resistance, Affects Armor, Elemental Blessing

Water-Shielded- Provides 5% Water Resistance, Affects Armor, Elemental Blessing

Earth-Shielded- Provides 5% Earth Resistance, Affects Armor, Elemental Blessing

Air-Shielded- Provides 5% Air Resistance, Affects Armor, Elemental Blessing

Spring-Shielded- Provides 5% Electrical Resistance, Affects Armor, Elemental Blessing

Summer-Shielded- Provides 5% Resistance against damage that possesses at least two of the elements Air, Earth, Fire, and Water, Affects Armor, Elemental Blessing

Fall-Shielded- Provides 5% Acid Resistance, Affects Armor, Elemental Blessing

Winter-Shielded- Provides 5% Ice Resistance, Affects Armor, Elemental Blessing

~Experimental Upgrade~
Experimental Weapons Upgrade I- This item provides +1,000 to <Any one stat, chosen at the time of application>, This item gains <'50% may inflict <Any one minor negative status effect, chosen at the time of application> OR <'40% may inflict <Any one moderate negative status effect, chosen at the time of application> chosen at the time of application>, This item provides +1% <Dodge, Critical, To Hit, or Resilience, chosen at the time of application>, Experimental Upgrade

~Inscribed Rune~

Rune of Aipros (2)- Provides +10 Defense against Water, Affects Armor, Weapons, Pets, and Accessories, Inscribed Rune

Rune of Brismus (2)- Provides +10 MP and gives +10 Damage to all Fire element attacks, Affects Armor, Weapons, Pets, and Accessories, Inscribed Rune

Rune of Huethalgras (2)- Possessor regenerates 200 HP per turn, stacks 3 times, Affects Armor, Weapons, Pets, and Accessories, Inscribed Rune

Rune of Irrulakkys (2)- Possessor regenerates 120,000 HP per turn, stacks 3 times, Affects Pets and Summons, Inscribed Rune

Rune of Khandos (2)- Provides +5 to all stats, Affects Armor, Weapons, Pets, and Accessories, Inscribed Rune

Rune of Lichtros (2)- Provides +10 to all stats, Affects Armor, Weapons, Pets, and Accessories, Inscribed Rune

Rune of Naembras (2)- Provides +20 to all stats, Affects Armor, Weapons, Pets, and Accessories, Inscribed Rune

Rune of Morinduel (2)- Provides +20 to all stats, Affects Armor, Weapons, Pets, and Accessories, Inscribed Rune

Rune of Noctros (2)- Gives all attacks a 1% chance of inflicting Sleep on hit, this only applies to attacks with relevant bonuses if on a weapon, but it applies to all attacks as though the item were contributing to the attack if on an Armor or Accessory, regardless of bonuses, Affects Armor, Weapons, Pets, and Accessories, Inscribed Rune

Rune of Minor Runic Mastery – Provides +15 to MIN, +5 to all stats save MIN, +3% Darkness Resistance, and reduces all Rune Magic costs by 1 MP, Affects Armor, Weapons, Pets, and Accessories, Inscribed Rune

Rune of Yashekmo (2)- Provides +12,000 MP, Possessor's Fire element attacks deal 120,000 additional Damage, Affects Armor, Weapons, Pets, and Accessories, Inscribed Rune

~Item Blessing~

Wielder-Permitting Blessing- This item loses its 'Wielder must be Level X or greater' clause if X is below 200, Item Blessing

~Modular Upgrade~

*Emerald Overdrive Installed- This item provides +1 Base CON, +1 Base SPI, 50% Earth Resistance, 50% Atomic Resistance, Entombed Immunity, and Antimatter: Atomic Meltdown Immunity, This item's wielder may make any of its attacks or actions solely or additionally any combination of the elements Earth and Atomic (with other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive' being able to, using similar clauses, append their elements as an additional portion of a 'solely' choice made here), This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, however, this item may be installed slotlessly (or as an additional Enhancement above normal limits) alongside other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive', This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable '*Emerald Overdrive' for 5 weeks and 400,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

*Integrated Illryimantian Twelvevector Chronocore- +2,250,000 Ranged Attack if on a Gun or Beamglove, +2,250,000 Melee Attack if on a Sword or Beamglove, 24% inflicts Petrified: Time Stop, +2,250,000 AGI, +2,250,000 SPI, +250,000 to wielder's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes if the weapon this is attached to is its wielder's only weapon, Wielder may reroll each To Hit roll up to 12 times, Wielder may, up to three times per thread, when no opponents are (of greater Level than wielder, Immune to Petrification (or Reflect or Absorb Time Stop), and/or Immune, to Time (or Reflect or Absorb Time)), reset battle to a selected earlier point, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be elligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable '*The Illryimantian Twelvevector Chronocore' for 4 weeks and 225,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

*Integrated Mirrored Bastion-Projector of Kyngill-Vhros- +2,300,000 Defense, Wielder may, up to three times per thread, choose to Reflect an attack from an equal or lower Level source, This Modular Upgrade takes 2 Upgrade Slots on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable '*The Mirrored Bastion-Projector of Kyngill-Vhros' for 6 weeks and 230,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

*Ruby Overdrive Installed- This item provides +1 Base STR, +1 Base CON, 50% Fire Resistance, 50% Blood Resistance, Burning Immunity, and Voidstruck: Blood Rebellion Immunity, This item's wielder may make any of its attacks or actions solely or additionally any combination of the elements Fire and Blood (with other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive' being able to, using similar clauses, append their elements as an additional portion of a 'solely' choice made here), This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, however, this item may be installed slotlessly (or as an additional Enhancement above normal limits) alongside other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive', This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable '*Ruby Overdrive' for 5 weeks and 400,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

*Sapphire Overdrive Installed- This item provides +1 Base AGI, +1 Base MIN, 50% Water Resistance, 50% Life Resistance, Drowning Immunity, and Awestruck: Lifeforce Overload Immunity, This item's wielder may make any of its attacks or actions solely or additionally any combination of the elements Water and Life (with other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive' being able to, using similar clauses, append their elements as an additional portion of a 'solely' choice made here), This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, however, this item may be installed slotlessly (or as an additional Enhancement above normal limits) alongside other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive', This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable '*Sapphire Overdrive' for 5 weeks and 400,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

*Topaz Overdrive Installed- This item provides +1 Base AGI, +1 Base SPI, 50% Electrical Resistance, 50% Time Resistance, Electrocuted Immunity, and Dissolving: No Future Immunity, This item's wielder may make any of its attacks or actions solely or additionally any combination of the elements Electrical and Time (with other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive' being able to, using similar clauses, append their elements as an additional portion of a 'solely' choice made here), This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, however, this item may be installed slotlessly (or as an additional Enhancement above normal limits) alongside other unique Modular Upgrades whose name includes ' Overdrive', This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable '*Topaz Overdrive' for 5 weeks and 400,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Applied Landhawk Decal- Wearer gains the subtype Aerial if the terrain or phantom terrain is not Sky, Wearer's name counts as including 'Landhawk', This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Landhawk Decal' for 1 week and 3,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Blasting That Boomwoofer- If this weapon's wielder hits a target with an attack that includes at least one attack bonus provided by this weapon, this weapon deals 1,500,000 Flat Sonic element Damage to the target in addition to any other Damage dealt, with this Damage being applicable up to 20 times if multiple instances of this Modular Upgrade are present on weapons involved in the attack, This Modular Upgrade takes 5 Upgrade Slots on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'BIGCORP Boomwoofer' for 2 weeks and 15,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Deflecting Hostile Mindwaves- This item provides 30% Psychic Resistance, 100% Mindblasted Resistance, and Charm Immunity, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Defensive Mindwave Disruptor' for 2 weeks and 8,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Electric Megadefense Active- This item provides +80,000 Defense and 30% Electrical Resistance and, up to once per round, as an effect that counts as a counter to an attack but is not an action, deals 800,000 Flat Electrical element Damage to an entity that attacked its wielder, with this occurring at the end of said attack, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Electric Megadefense Pod' for 2 weeks and 8,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Emits Miracles- This item's wielder may, up to once per turn, before or after one of it's wielder's actions, replicate the action of an equal-or-lower-Level entity that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List that is below Level 60 that is not of a Malevolent Planar subtype, as though an instance of said entity were performing said action, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Miracle-Emitter' for 2 weeks and 15,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Exceptional Leaf Auto-Brewing- This item's wielder, as an effect that occurs a max of (1 + the number of Tier abilities this item's wielder possesses in Lady of the Exceptional Leaf) times across all instances of this Modular Upgrade on a single wielder in a single round, may, before one of this item's wielder's actions (to a max of once per round per individual instance of this Modular Upgrade), use a Drink consumable whose name includes 'Tea', This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Exceptional Leaf Auto-Brewer' for 2 weeks and 8,500,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Has a Landhawk Decal- This item's name has ' Landhawk' appended to the end of it, This item provides 1% Air Resistance, 1% Earth Resistance, 1% Technology Resistance, and 1% Color Resistance, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Spray-On Landhawk-Decal' for 1 week and 3,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Hidin' Da Sweat- This item's wielder may, choosing a new target buff upon acquiring a buff, upon losing a buff, or at the start of any of this item's wielder's actions, ignore the negative effects of a single STR-increasing buff present on this item's wielder, with this effect stacking up to 5 times across multiple copies of this Modular Upgrade, This Modular Upgrade takes 3 Upgrade Slots on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'BIGCORP Brophome Sweat-Nest' for 2 weeks and 8,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Hyper-Charger Connected- This item provides an additional +160,000 Ranged Attack, +160,000 Magical Attack for purposes of 'Overdrive' actions that involve the casting of a Hypertech spell only, and +1,600,000 MP (as an effect that does not stack across multiple items, but can stack up to 5 times from multiple instances of the same Modular Upgrade on the same item), and causes its wielder to regenerate 160,000 MP at the start of each round, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Hyper-Charger' for 2 weeks and 16,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Hypersquire-System Engaged- This item may be brought into a thread by its owner unequipped; if its owner does so, its owner may, at the beginning of any of it's owner's actions, up to a max of once per thread, bring the item into the thread (placing it into its owner's inventory), then unequip any number of items, then equip any number of items, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Automated Hypersquire-System' for 2 weeks and 11,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Integrated Grandshield Emitter- +30,000 Defense, Wearer takes 5% less Damage from sources of lower Level, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Grandshield Emitter' for 2 weeks and 3,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Integrated Slot-Adjustor- This item's wielder may, at the start of each of this item's wielder's actions, obtain a non-stacking buff that alters both the slot this item was equipped in from a Weapon, Armor, Accessory slot into a Weapon, Armor, or Accessory slot that does not prevent this item from being equipped in it due to being a different slot type than this item (with this buff persisting after this item is unequipped, but being unable to convert multiple slots on the same individual at the same time), This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Slot-Adjustor' for 2 weeks and 25,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Integrated Injector-Capsule Attachment- Wielder may equip an additional Weapon Coating, Wielder may equip a carried Weapon Coating when this weapon is equipped, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Injector-Capsule Attachment' for 3 weeks and 3,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Integrated Supreme Booster Suite- All attack bonuses and stat bonuses provided by the item this is on are increased by 200,000 points, with 2,000 points of this increase being uncapped as an effect that does not stack across multiple instances of this Modular Upgrade, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Supreme Booster Suite' for 2 weeks and 25,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Roaring-Powerful WODO-Drive Installed- This item provides +90,000 STR and makes its wielder's turn-order-determining stat be solely STRx1, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'WODO-Drive' for 2 weeks and 9,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Scanner Lens Slotted- Wearer may scan a target's stats at the start of each round, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Scanner Lens' for 1 week and 30,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Scrubbing Sin the Future Way- This item's wielder may, at the start of its first action each round, remove a (debuff or instance of Hexed, including Hexed's sub-status effects) from itself that comes from (a Dark Magic source, a Necromancy source, a Demon Magic source, a Rune Magic source, a Shamanism source, a Voodoo source, a Druid Magic source, a Blight Magic source, a Demon source, a Devil source, a Deva source, or a source that is an ability from a class that is associated with one of the aforementioned subtypes), with this wielder dealing itself 1,300,000 Gold Damage if this item's wielder chooses to do so, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Brother Kewyul's Soul-Scrubber 40,000' for 2 weeks and 13,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Stats Being Redistributed By A Redistribution Engine- At the start of a thread, this item's owner may re-assign references to stats to be different stats with regard to stats being given bonuses (but not being given penalties or being otherwise manipulated) on this item, so long as each newly referenced stat appears a number of times equal to one of the previously present stats that is not already being covered by a different newly-referenced stat, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Redistribution Engine' for 2 weeks and 18,500,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Stukkon Wiff Stykki Glew- This item, once equipped, cannot be unequipped or removed from its wielder by sources below Level 80, When this item's name is checked, as an effect that does not stack across multiple instances of this Modular Upgrade, each standard English letter in this item's name has a 5% chance of being randomized to another standard English letter of the same capitalization status, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Stykki Glew' for 2 weeks and 15,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Superfluous Circuitry Installed- This item counts as being worth 200 more Gold if its wielder's stats have not been scanned, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Superfluous Circuitry' for 1 week and 20 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Underslung Grenade Launcher- This item provides +5,000 Ranged Attack, gains '1 hit against 30', and allows attacks that incorporate one or more of its attack bonuses optionally gain any combination of the elements Fire and Technology, This item gains the subtypes Gun and Heavy Weapon, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Grenade-Launcher Attachment' for 2 weeks and 500,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

Zero-G Orbit- This item becomes a <weapon/armor/accessory>x0 that may only be equipped if no other (weapon, armor, or accessory, as befitting the attached item's categorization) is also equipped by the same individual, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Zero-Grav Orbiter' for 2 weeks and 10,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

~Mystic Treatment~

Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment

Shatter Resistant- This item cannot be broken or stolen by sources below Level 10, Mystic Treatment

Mystically Reinforced- This item cannot be broken or stolen by sources below Level 20, Mystic Treatment

Greater Mystic Reinforcement- This item cannot be broken or stolen by sources below Level 30, Mystic Treatment

~Quest Enchantment~

Bascardine Specialized Core Warding- This item cannot be modified or stolen by the entity '*Greater Virus-Entity KRAZMITHAK' from the Boss List, Quest Enchantment

^Empowered by the See of Ceaselessly Shifting Statutes- Attack bonuses, Stat Damage Dealt, Defense, Defense Against Stat DAmage, HP, MP and Stat bonuses provided by this item's base, unmodified text (not including additional Enhancements) are doubled; this item's possessor may choose at the start of each thread to have this item gain any combination of the elements Water, Flux and Law, Quest Enchantment

Engima-Bound- The item possessing this enchantment may be equipped by Enigma Men regardless of who it is Bound to; this item gains the element Mystery is wielded by an Enigma Man, Quest Enchantment

~Touch of Lightning- The item possessing this effect becomes solely electrical element, Quest Enchantment

~Touch of Storms- the item possessing this effect gains the element Electrical and does an additional 2,500 Electrical damage on hit to both the normal target and wielder, Quest Enchantment

~Quest Upgrade~

Alternate Bowform- This item may, at the beginning of any round, have its Melee Attack bonus converted into a Ranged Attack bonus, to become a Weaponx2, and to have its subtype change to Bow, Affects Weapons, Quest Enchantment

Defies the Devil's Paperwork- Wearer removes abilities and constant effects named 'The Devil's Paperwork' from all opponents below Level 100 that are not 20 or more Levels greater than wearer, Quest Enchantment

Geddoe's Gun's Enchantment- Wielder's 'Ranged Attack' actions incorporate wielder's Magical Attack bonus instead of wielder's Ranged Attack bonus, Quest Enchantment

Geologist Blade Mode: Amythist- (Quest Upgrade) +70 Melee Attack, +10 to all stats, Allows the Geologist's Blade to switch modes to Amythist Augmented, which changes damage from attacks containing the Geologist's Blade to solely Darkness element, providing +40 Melee Attack, providing +20 Defense against Air, and giving +2% Critical against elementals, The Geologist's Blade may change modes either as an action that skips a normal turn or may be set to a mode at the beginning of battle

Improved by the Pendelwood Spire Geological Society I- (Quest Upgrade) +20 Melee Attack

Possesses an Attached Mass of Accumulated Seasonal Mana that Resulted from the Botanica's Destruction- Wielder counts as having cast Call Unto Seasons: Some Odd Blue Season, May have RP effects, Quest Enchantment

~Smithing Technique~

Coated in Asmalaung Oil- +2,500 Magical Attack, +2,100 SPI, 5% Magic Resistance, Affects Weapons, Smithing Technique

Divinely Crafted- This item is worth an additional (Crafter Level * 100,000 Gold) and provides an additional (Crafter Level * 100) to all stats it provides a bonus to, Smithing Technique

Glimmercrystal- This item is worth 4 times its prior value, This item gains the elements Earth and Light, Affects Weapons, Armors, and Accessories, Smithing Technique

Opulent- This item is worth 4 times its prior value, Affects any type of possession, Smithing Technique

Reforged- This item's stat bonus and attack bonuses are increased by 250 points, Smithing Technique

Reforged (Attack Focus)- This item's stat bonus and attack bonuses are increased by 1,000 points, Smithing Technique

Reforged (Defense Focus)- This item's stat bonuses and Defense bonuses are increased by 1,000 points, Smithing Technique

Reforged (Fanciness Focus)- This item's stat bonuses are increased by 1,000 points, This item's value is increased by 10,000,000 Gold, Smithing Technique

Reforged (Speed Focus)- This item's stat bonuses are increased by 1,000 points, This item's wielder obtains +250 to its turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining effects as a non-stacking bonus, Smithing Technique

Rewoven Through the Divine Glory of <Deity Name>- This item is worth an additional ((Wearer Level, to a max of the relevant deity's Level - 10) * 10,000 Gold), this item cannot be destroyed by individuals below (Wearer Level, to a max of the relevant deity's Level - 10), this item provides an additional ((Wearer Level, to a max of the relevant deity's Level - 10) * 100) to all stats they provide a bonus to, and this item may gain the element Glory at the start of any round as a non-stacking buff, Smithing Technique

Super-Woven- +5,000 Defense, 50% Resilience, This item cannot be destroyed by individuals below Level 80, Smithing Technique

~Special License~

License To Kill- This item may be equipped by individuals named <Choose a name on enhancement creation>, ignoring its natural Level restrictions (provided that said restrictions would allow a Level 90 individual to wield it), with its wearer gaining a 1% chance of inflicting Instant Death if its wearer could equip it without this restriction-removing clause, Special License


Stapled-On Energy Omegacleaver- +210,000 Melee Attack, 100% inflicts Overload, 120% Critical, Wielder Pierces 21,000 Defense, Staple-On

~Transmutative Alteration~

Transmutative State-Choice: Whip- This item, if a Weapon that only possesses base subtypes, may be changed at the start of any round to become solely a Whip as a non-stacking buff on this item, Trasmutative Alteration

~Warp Benadiction~

Tied By the Power of Donkey- May not be sold or traded, +400 SPI

Re: Enhancement List

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 10:38 pm
by Modrageball

~Greater Fateweavings~

Bestow Fate: Will Be Cleansed of the Evil Taint-
Greater Fateweaving, Boon, Manifold
5 Purity
80,000 XP
This Greater Fateweaving may be applied in the Shop Thread or as an RP effect that requires a time-consuming ritual. If applied in the Shop Thread, it affects any one non-Demon, non-Devil, non-Daemon, non-'Serpent Blessed', non-Fiend, that is not Corruption, Devastation, Agony, Null, or Evil element, that is either a non-retired PC, a mercenary on the Mercenary List, or a unique entity on the Boss List. Target obtains a special effect that is not a buff that does not stack. Target may not acquire said effect if target is already under the effect of 5 or more Greater Fateweavings. Said effect allows either said individual or its creator to choose, at the beginning of any round, to cure said individual of all debuffs and minor negative status effects that come from sources that are Demons, Devils, Daemons, Darkspawn, Undead, Horrors, Corruption element, Agony element, Devastation element, or Dark Magic that are below its creator's Level, with said effect vanishing once such triggering occurs.

Bestow Fate: Will Be Gunned Down in the Firefight-
Greater Fateweaving, Burden, Manifold
20 Reaver's Rifle
20 Tengu's Magic Bullets
180,000 XP
This Greater Fateweaving may be applied in the Shop Thread or as an RP effect that requires a time-consuming ritual. If applied in the Shop Thread, it affects any one entity that is either a non-retired PC, a mercenary on the Mercenary List, or a unique entity on the Boss List. Target obtains a special effect that is not a buff that does not stack. Target may not acquire said effect if target is already under the effect of 5 or more Greater Fateweavings. Said effect causes its possessor to take (Creator Level * 60,000) additional Damage from the first time each round it would be Damaged by an attack that involves a Gun, with said effect ending at the end of the third battle in which said effect causes its possessor to take extra Damage.

Bestow Fate: Will Find the Great Treasure-
Greater Fateweaving, Boon, Manifold
500,000,000 Gold
500,000 XP
This Greater Fateweaving may be applied in the Shop Thread or as an RP effect that requires a time-consuming ritual. If applied in the Shop Thread, it affects any one entity that is either a non-retired PC, a mercenary on the Mercenary List, or a unique entity on the Boss List. Target obtains a special effect that is not a buff that does not stack. Target may not acquire said effect if target is already under the effect of 5 or more Greater Fateweavings. Said effect allows its possessor to roll twice on the treasure tables of entities of lower Level than its creator (choosing one result, not both). This effect's creator may choose in the Shop for this effect to disappear at the end of the current month, with said effect not disappearing in already-created threads.

Bestow Fate: Will Never Be Haunted By Restless Spirits-
Greater Fateweaving, Boon, Manifold
30 Ectoplasm
80,000 XP
This Greater Fateweaving may be applied in the Shop Thread or as an RP effect that requires a time-consuming ritual. If applied in the Shop Thread, it affects any one non-Undead that is either a non-retired PC, a mercenary on the Mercenary List, or a unique entity on the Boss List. Target obtains a special effect that is not a buff that does not stack. Target may not acquire said effect if target is already under the effect of 5 or more Greater Fateweavings. Said effect prevents its possessor from being marked as Haunted by sources below its creator's Level or affected by abilities from said sources whose name includes 'Possess'. This effect's creator may choose in the Shop for this effect to disappear at the end of the current month, with said effect not disappearing in already-created threads.

Bestow Fate: Will Slay The Dragon-
Greater Fateweaving, Boon, Manifold
5 True Dragon's Blood
80,000 XP
This Greater Fateweaving may be applied in the Shop Thread or as an RP effect that requires a time-consuming ritual. If applied in the Shop Thread, it affects any one non-Dragon that is either a non-retired PC, a mercenary on the Mercenary List, or a unique entity on the Boss List. Target obtains a special effect that is not a buff that does not stack. Target may not acquire said effect if target is already under the effect of 5 or more Greater Fateweavings. Said effect provides +(Creator Level * 500) Damage Dealt against Dragons during the next fight said individual has against a <unique / non unique, chosen by creator at the time of creation> Dragon.

~Well-Born Fateweaving~

Will Slay Guhlrekt the Exile
Well-Born Fateweaving, Boon, Manifold
Effective Source Level: 40
Effect: Possessor counts as being solely a Dragon who is wearing an item named 'Fog Boots' for the purposes of the abilities and effects of the individual 'Guhlrekt the Exile' from the Boss List. This effect lasts until possessor conducts an attack that kills the individual 'Guhlrekt the Exile' from the Boss List.