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Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 4:57 pm
by Modrageball
This thread ran from Jan 01, 2019 to Mar 17, 2019.
Lord Gadigan wrote: Let's get this going, my gents!

Rules are as per the usual.

Lord Gadigan wrote: Empty Sake Glass- (Item, Antiquity, Air, 300 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrabs the rules!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Empty Sake Glass (2)- (Item, Antiquity, Air, 300 Gold)

Lord Gadigan wrote: Empty Sake Glass (3)- (Item, Antiquity, Air, 300 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Lurky

Lord Gadigan wrote: Empty Creme Liqueur Shotglass- (Item, Antiquity, Water, 300 Gold)

Underdog wrote: Stearic Camphor

Lord Gadigan wrote: Empty Creme Liqueur Shotglass (2)- (Item, Antiquity, Water, 300 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrabs

Lord Gadigan wrote: Book of Rules to the Game- (Item, Antiquity, Air, 700 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrabs

Underdog wrote: Stearic Camphor

Lord Gadigan wrote: The Malware Scanner- (Item, Antiquity, Technology, 17,500 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrabs

Lord Gadigan wrote: 'Be the Horse, Lad'- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 17,500 Gold)

Underdog wrote: Stearic Camphor

Lord Gadigan wrote: Silent Ripoff- (Weapon, Force, Commerce & Null, -17,500,000 Gold) -17,500 Melee Attack, -17,500 Ranged Attack, -17,500 Magical Attack, -17,500 to all stats, Wielder deals Gold Damage instead of HP Damage, Wielder is inflicted with Impaired: Silence before and after every action by every individual in every battlespace

kitsune106 wrote: Cat rice get

Lord Gadigan wrote: 'Be a Man, Horse'- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 15,700 Gold)

Re: Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:10 pm
by Modrageball
Underdog wrote: Stearic Camphor

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Roygrab

kitsune106 wrote: Rey get

Lord Gadigan wrote: Santa's Drunk-Ass Train- (Weapon, Other: Toy, Physical & Chaos, 17,500,000 Gold) Wielder deals +17,500 Damage, Wielder is afflicted with Augmented: Haste whenever wielder attacks, Wielder has a 15% chance at the start of each round of announcing the message 'OH MAN IT'S OFF THE RAILS AND COMIN' FOR YA, BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! CHOO-CHOO LIKE THE HOHO, YO!' and then dealing 1,750,000 Flat Physical & Chaos element Damage to one opponent at the end of the round, Wielder behaves as though afflicted with Poison: Drunk (but isn't if checked, but this item is if checked)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Caelget

Underdog wrote: Stearic Camphor

Lord Gadigan wrote: 'Man You Need Some Faster Hands: A Play in 55 Acts'- (Item, Antiquity, Technology, 7,500 Gold)

Lord Gadigan wrote: Some Faster Hands- (Accessory, Bioaugmentation, Air, 5,500,000 Gold) +5,500 Defense, +5,500 AGI, 155% To Hit

kitsune106 wrote: Catrice grabby

Underdog wrote: Stearic Camphor

Lord Gadigan wrote: Shoe Made of Cat-Shaped Mud- (Accessoryx.05, Shoes, Earth & Beast, 5,000 Gold) 55% inflicts Confusion

Underdog wrote: Stearic Camphor

Lord Gadigan wrote: 'Man that Is One Tiny Shoe: A Study'- (Itemx.05, Antiquity, Earth, 500 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: A Couch for Ants- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 500 Gold)

Lord Gadigan wrote: A Conch for Aunts- (Item, Antiquity, Air, 500 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: A Coach for Eels- (Item, Antiquity, Water & Physical, 15,700,000 Gold)

Underdog wrote: Stearic Camphor

Lord Gadigan wrote: 'Things I Have a Beef With: The 385 Page Manifesto'- (Item, Antiquity, Fire & Psychic, 750 Gold)

Re: Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:13 pm
by Modrageball
Lord Gadigan wrote: Warehouse Ticket

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: The Illusory Yak- (Item, Antiquity, Illusion & Beast, 5,500,000 Gold)

kitsune106 wrote: Catrice get

Draconics wrote: SO Grab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Disco-Shooting Firehose- (Weapon, Whip, Glitz & Sonic, 15,500,000 Gold) +15,500 Ranged Attack, 200% inflicts Suffocation: Done In By The Disco

Suffocation: Done In By The Disco (Wielder is treated as dead for victory condition purposes if this was inflicted by a source of higher Level and wielder isn't over Level 80 or in possession of an ability named 'Dancer')

Underdog wrote: Stearic Camphor grab

The Nottest of Daves wrote: DOCTOR

Lord Gadigan wrote: 'A Guide to Making Surprisingly Attractive Spreadsheets'- (Item, Antiquity, Technology, 7,500 Gold)

Geddoe42 wrote: Geddoe grabs

Lord Gadigan wrote: Curse of Being a Boring Dinkleford- (Passive Ability, Curse) Possessor's allies are afflicted with Confusion: Bored at the start of each round

Confusion: Bored (Possessor cannot pass or delay its actions unless no other option exists.)

Lord Gadigan wrote: Leering Pencil- (Accessory, Trinket, Darkness & Wood, 500 Gold) 15% inflicts Confusion: Fear: Disconcerted

Lord Gadigan wrote: Wax-Sealed Box of Love- (Item, Antiquity, Law & Wood & Fire, 15,500,000 Gold)

Lord Gadigan wrote: Photograph of Lennie Bulow's Knees- (Item, Antiquity, Air, 500 Gold)

Lord Gadigan wrote: Darkness Crystal

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Carp Crystal- (Item, Material, Water & Chaos, 5,000 Gold)

Geddoe42 wrote: Geddoe grabs

Draconics wrote: Drac grab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Checkbook of Obesity- (Accessory, Trinket, Commerce & Hunger, 5,500,000 Gold) Wielder deals HP Drain, Wielder's Move is halved (rounding down)

Re: Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:17 pm
by Modrageball
Geddoe42 wrote: Geddoe grabs

Lord Gadigan wrote: Fake Salt- (Item, Antiquity, Earth & Illusion, 1 Gold)

Geddoe42 wrote: Geddoe grabs

Lord Gadigan wrote: Digital Salt- (Item, Antiquity, Earth & Darkness & Technology & Fire, 30 Gold)

Geddoe42 wrote: Geddoe grabs

Lord Gadigan wrote: Spear of Spear-Spearing- (Weapon, Spear, Physical, 5,500,000 Gold) +5,500 Melee Attack, Wielder's 'Melee Attack' actions steal a Spear worth under 55,000,000 Gold from their targets that is carried or equipped

Geddoe42 wrote: Geddoe grabs

Underdog wrote: Stearic Camphor grab

Lord Gadigan wrote: 'My Woman's Tongue: The Six Secrets'- (Item, Antiquity, Fire, 300 Gold)

Geddoe42 wrote: Geddoe grabs

Lord Gadigan wrote: Fishing Hook Made from a Devil King's Eye- (Item, Antiquity, Darkness & Water & Evil, 666,666,666 Gold)

Geddoe42 wrote: Geddoe grabs

kitsune106 wrote: Catrice grabs

Lord Gadigan wrote: Shoe Shaped Like Lars's Face- (Accessoryx.5, Shoes, Earth, 100 Gold) 1% inflicts Confusion on targets named 'Lars'

Geddoe42 wrote: Geddoe grabs

Lord Gadigan wrote: The Fake Beard That's Full of Knives #2- (Accessory, Hat, War, 5,500,004 Gold) +5,000 Melee Attack, Wielder may bring 50 unequipped Knife weapons into threads

kitsune106 wrote: Catrice grabby

Lord Gadigan wrote: Clapping Monkey that Just Won't Shut Up- (Item, Antiquity, Sonic & Time, 500,000 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Fishing Rod With Money on the End- (Weapon, Polearm, Darkness & Earth, 17,500 Gold) +17 Ranged Attack, 15% inflicts Charm

Re: Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:20 pm
by Modrageball
The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

kitsune106 wrote: Heracles get

Lord Gadigan wrote: Fishing Rod With a Sexy Lady on the End- (Weapon, Polearm, Darkness & Earth, 175,500 Gold) +175 Ranged Attack, 30% inflicts Charm

Draconics wrote: SO Grab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Fishing Rod With a Sexy Dude on the End- (Weapon, Polearm, Darkness & Earth, 175,500 Gold) +175 Ranged Attack, 30% inflicts Charm

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Fishing Rod With a Sexy Spreadsheet on the End- (Weapon, Polearm, Darkness & Earth & Numerals, 3,175,500 Gold) +3,175 Ranged Attack, 300% inflicts Charm

Geddoe42 wrote: Geddoe grabs

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: The Bracket that Will Someday Be Lost: ]- (Item, Antiquity, Time & Fate, 5,000 Gold)

Geddoe42 wrote: Geddoe grabs

Lord Gadigan wrote: Nine Goblins from the Enemy List (the basic one named 'Goblin')

Geddoe42 wrote: Geddoe grabs

Lord Gadigan wrote: *Some Guy Named Paul's Dad- (Accessory, Legionnaire, Physical, 17,500,000 Gold) +17,500 to all attack bonuses and stats, +175,000 Damage dealt, Wielder's broken items are repaired at the start of each round if broken by something below Level 80, Wielder counts as possessing an additional Human ally who possesses a Constant Effect named 'More Awesome than Paul, Actually'

Geddoe42 wrote: Geddoe grabs

Underdog wrote: Stearic grabs

Lord Gadigan wrote: 'Investigation Record Looking for Why the Music Stopped'- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic, 5,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: 'Investigation Record Looking for a Martini, Because Someone Heard the Word Martini'- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic, 5,000 Gold)

[quote="The Nottest of Daves » Tue Jan 01, 2019 2:01 am

Re: Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:22 pm
by Modrageball
kitsune106 wrote: Heracles grabs

Lord Gadigan wrote: 'Investigation Record Detailing Why the Sam Frick Someone Would Talk About Martinis When There Are No Martinis and No One Has Any Intent of Making Martinis'- (Item, Antiquity, Truth & Fury, 5,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Empty Miniature Bottle of Some Weird Saffron Cream Liqueur that Tastes Like Cough Syrup but then Weirdly Gets Better- (Item, Antiquity, Fire & Psychic, 500 Gold)

Draconics wrote: Draconics grab!

Lord Gadigan wrote: A Martini!- (Item, Antiquity, Illusion, -15,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Horse Food- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 500 Gold)

Underdog wrote: Stearic grab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Square Mile of Metal Desert on a Random World- (Item, Property, Metal & Fire, 5,000,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Square Mile of Plain of Stone Hands on a Random World- (Item, Property, Earth, 5,000,000 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Square Mile of Bizarro Zone in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Chaos & Astral, 30,000,000 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Square Mile of Sky Rail Expanse on a Random World- (Item, Property, Air & Steam, 5,000,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Square Mile of Colonel Wilson Jonas's Former Thoughts in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Psychic & Darkness, 30,000,000 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Square Mile Photograph of Colonel Wilson Jonas Thinking- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 5,000,000 Gold)

Re: Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:25 pm
by Modrageball
Draconics wrote: SO Grab

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Photograph of Colonel Wilson Jonas Thinking About Square Miles- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic, 5,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Square Mile of Cold Hell in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Ice & Agony, 50,000,000 Gold)

kitsune106 wrote: Hera graba

Lord Gadigan wrote: Square Mile of Billiard Zone in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Illusion & Order, 30,000,000 Gold)

Draconics wrote: Zweirugi grab!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Square Mile of Waifuless Void in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Void & Terror, 50,000,000 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Square Mile of Wire Labyrinth in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Metal & Agony, 30,000,000 Gold)

kitsune106 wrote: Catrice grabice

Lord Gadigan wrote: Photograph of Colonel Wilson Jonas Realizing that Dulcinea is Interested in Colonel Wilson Jonas- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic, 5,000,000 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: 'Codpiece Artifacts: An In-Depth Study'- (Item, Antiquity, Physical & Knowledge, 500 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Photograph of Colonel Wilson Jonas Wearing a Codpiece Artifact- (Item, Antiquity, Mystery, 500 Gold)

Draconics wrote: Nira Grab!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Photograph of Roy Belwoo Delcining to Wear a Codpiece Artifact- (Item, Antiquity, Sonic, 500 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Re: Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:28 pm
by Modrageball
Lord Gadigan wrote: Photograph of Doris the Mechanical Detective Investigating Why Roy Belwoo Did Not Want to Wear the Codpiece Artifact- (Item, Antiquity, Metal & Psychic, 5,000 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Photograph of Doris the Mechanical Detective Revealing that the Codpiece Artifact Offered to Roy Belwoo was Cursed!- (Item, Antiquity, Truth, 5,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: A Different Martini- (Item, Antiquity, Illusion & Dopple, -15,000 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: 1 Fame

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: All Animals are Electricity-Generating- (World Law, Beastmaster) All Animals gain the element Electrical and may choose to deal solely Electrical element Damage

Draconics wrote: RM Grab!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Moose-Hiding Sunscreen- (Consumable, Potion, Light, 1 Charge, 50,000 Gold) Target Animal whose name includes 'Moose' gains 20% Dodge as a non-stacking buff

Draconics wrote: RM Grab!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Port Full of Wine- (Item, Property, Water & Darkness, 50,000,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Tectonic Teeth- (Accessory, Bioaugmentation, Earth, 25,000,000 Gold) +25,000 Melee Attack, If wielder deals HP Drain, wielder may choose to inflict Entombed on individuals who took at least 1 point of the Damage after the formula is finished calculating

Celas wrote: Anathemagrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Five Warehouse Tickets

Which must be turned in to the category 'My Favorite New Addiction' by January 31st or you melt badly

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Sacred Beefsteak- (Consumable, Food, Faith & Glory, 1 Charge, 200,000,000 Gold) Target becomes a Deity as a non-stacking buff

Re: Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:31 pm
by Modrageball
kitsune106 wrote: Catrice grabboids

Lord Gadigan wrote: Fishing Rod that Can Only Catch Dudes Named 'Rod'- (Weapon, Polearm, Fate, 15,000,000 Gold) +100% To Hit against entities named 'Rod'

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Brewhorse- (Item, Antiquity, Water & Earth & Beast, 5,000,000 Gold)

Draconics wrote: Lancer Grab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Beefsteak of Dieting- (Consumable, Food, Law & Aether, 1 Charge, 200,000,000 Gold) Target loses all Food buffs and debuffs and can't gain Food buffs or debuffs that aren't this one

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Ryuugrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Squad of Detectives Investigating Whether Lancer Has Retired- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic & Life, 5,000,000 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Rod of Photographic Bee-Slaps- (Weapon, Wand, Acid & Agony, 5,000,000 Gold) +5,000 Melee Attack, 300% inflicts Pain, Debuffs wielder inflicts cannot be removed by sources below Level 50

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Toenail Clippers of Haze Protection- (Accessory, Trinket, Purification, 5,000,000 Gold) +5,000 Melee Attack, 5% Resistance to any status effect whose name includes 'Miasma'

Draconics wrote: Suika Grab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Squad of Detectives Investigating Why Grabbyfest Has Two Numbers- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic, 500,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Squad of Detectives Investigating Why These Detective Squads Haven't Turned In Reports- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic, 5,000,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Report the Squad Might Have Written- (Item, Antiquity, Illusion & Truth, 5,000,000 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Squad of Detectives Investigating Why There Are So Many Detectives- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic, 500,000 Gold)

Re: Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:33 pm
by Modrageball
kitsune106 wrote: Catrice grabmice

Lord Gadigan wrote: Headless Photographer- (Item, Antiquity, Blood & Darkness, 500,000 Gold)

Draconics wrote: Drac grab!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Squad of Detectives Investigating What Makes Men Manly- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic & Physical, 5,000,000 Gold)

Lord Gadigan wrote: Squad of Detectives Investigating What Makes Societies Work- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic & Law & Civilization, 5,000,000 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Squad of Detectives Investigating the Enigma Men- (Item, Antiquity, Mystery, 5,000,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: The Grabber is replaced by an Enigma Man

Draconics wrote: Ansuz Grab!

Lord Gadigan wrote: One of those dudes who stares at wars from Doctor Miracles's meal

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Turkey-Flavored Lotion- (Item, Antiquity, Water & Earth, 5,000 Gold)

kitsune106 wrote: Catrice yoinks

Lord Gadigan wrote: Tower of Self-Defeating Challenges- (Item, Property, Basic & Triumph, 30,000,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: A Group of Bald Men Looking for a Wife- (Item, Antiquity, Air & Psychic, 500,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Sgt. Freddy's Brand-New Birdhouse

Re: Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:36 pm
by Modrageball
The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Squad of Detectives Looking for the Birdhouse's Stats- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic & Air, 500,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: *Rebecca- (Accessory, Legionairre, Fire & Darkness & Chaos, 15,000,000 Gold) -15,000 MIN, This item inflicts Charm on an individual when it is equipped by them, This item inflicts Confusion: Berserk on an individual when it is unequipped by them, This item equips trades itself to a random individual who has not yet had it equipped at the start of each round even if unequipped, This item returns to the individual who brought it into the thread if its wielder or carrier dies

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Report Revealing that Rebecca Is a Dauntless Devil Mindshadow Darkspawn- (Item, Antiquity, Darkness & Truth, 5,000,000 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: Report Detailing the Shape of Jerry F's Feet- (Item, Antiquity, Basic, 30 Gold)

Draconics wrote: [A random character from the active characters list] grab!

kitsune106 wrote: Catrice used snatch....

Is it super effective?

Lord Gadigan wrote: 15 Bonus Weeks in any one class that's T1-3

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab, Infinity Designer

Lord Gadigan wrote: Any one selection from earlier in this Grabbyfest that wasn't unique that you didn't already get, dopple'd

Draconics wrote: Draconics grab!

Lord Gadigan wrote: A date with an NPC of your choice. Maybe. It might end up being Rebecca.

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: A Report Identifying the Birdhouse as an Artifact- (Item, Antiquity, Truth, 5,000,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: A Report Identifying the Birdhouse as an Fairly Bad Artifact- (Item, Antiquity, Truth & Basic, 5 Gold)

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

Re: Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:42 pm
by Modrageball
Lord Gadigan wrote: A Squad of Samurai Detectives that Aren't Sure Which Grabbyfest They're Supposed to Be At- (Item, Antiquity, Physical & Psychic, 15,000,000 Gold)

Lord Gadigan wrote: Five options that are terrible for you, but probably interesting at least

Celas wrote: Elyiongrab

Lord Gadigan wrote: A Nuclear Explosion that Was Contained in This Box -> [X, But is Escaping to the Right and Will End Grabbyfest If No One Can Grab It Properly- (Item, Antiquity, Fire & Atomic & Fate, 17,000,000 Gold)

Armocida wrote: Orky!

Lord Gadigan wrote: Grabbyfest ends!

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Dulcygrab

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Things that need clarification before a proper summary can be made!:

Grabbed by Draconics, on behalf of Ansuz:
The Grabber is replaced by an Enigma Man

Grabbed by Dulcinea:
Sgt. Freddy's Brand-New Birdhouse
(apparently a (bad) artifact?)

Grabbed by Draconics:
Any one selection from earlier in this Grabbyfest that wasn't unique that you didn't already get, dopple'd

Grabbed by Elyion:
Five options that are terrible for you, but probably interesting at least

Lord Gadigan wrote: Ansuz? I'm pretty sure that said [Error] Flynn last night. I'm assuming it got edited to be different sometime between then and now. Either way, that's an Enigma Man ID. Nothing of note happens here. The identities flip-flip to their main selves for a moment, and then are fine, because hey, Enigmas.

Birdhouse forthcoming at some point.

Draconics: Make your selection.

Whoever grabbed the date, make your selection there too.

Elyion, pick between the following:
* Draw 5 Exodus of Self tickets, be forced to use one
* Draw 10 My Favorite New Addiction tickets, get a drug-fuelled power that forces you to be addicted to things but gives bonuses while you are
* Getting the Demon variant of Einarr's Undead-curse
* Be subjected to a series of community polls that redefine your subtype, element, and general build
* Obtain the Disaster Seeker and the Really Big Eidolon Magnet

Aeromage wrote: Additionally:

Report Detailing the Shape of Jerry F's Feet- (Item, Antiquity, Basic, 30 Gold)

is going, as per Draconics' post, to 'A random character from the active characters list'

Lord Gadigan wrote: That's daft. I'm going to roll with it here, because Grabbyfest is funny and that's funny, but I feel like I'm going to need to make some edit-proof subforum and declare people can only pick for their people next year. Unless people like the amped weirdness? Do people like it?

Remalius gets the report.

Lord Gadigan wrote: The Birdhouse is unique. No picking it. Good catch in chat. Might have gone through if it made it to the thread before this post.

Celas wrote:
* Be subjected to a series of community polls that redefine your subtype, element, and general build

Aeromage wrote: Summary

Dulcinea gets:

*Sgt. Freddy's Brand-New Birdhouse- (Artifact, Level 60, 0 XP, # XP Required, Standard Multiplier x100, Power x1)

*Sgt. Freddy's Brand-New Birdhouse- (Accessory Aspect: Sgt. Freddy's Brand-New Birdhouse, Container, War & Air & Psychic & Law & Grandeur, X Gold) 200% inflicts Confusion: Bored, 200% inflicts Charm: Impressed, If one of possessor's allies places a buff on a Large Structure, possessor may alter the buff to increase stat values by 2,000 additional points per stat already affected (to a max of 200,000 additional points per possessor across all instances of all buffs) and, if possessor is greater Level than that ally, to count as coming from a source of possessor's Level, If one of possessor's opponents of lower Level places a buff on a Large Structure, possessor may alter the buff to increase stat values by 2,000 fewer points per stat already affected (to a minimum of 0 points) and to reduce its possessor's Resilience by 50% as an effect that stacks 8 times, Possessor may summon two Aerials that are Level 60 or lower at the start of each round, Max 2,000 summoned, If one of possessor's opponents summons an Aerial that is greater Level than all Aerials possessor has summoned and as pets (with the greatest Level being considered 0 in instances where possessor does not have an Aerial pet or summon), possessor may choose to be afflicted with Confusion: Enraged, and, if possessor does so, create a Zone of War with an effect attached to it that does not stack on the same Zone or across Zones that deals 60,000,000 Flat War element Damage to that opponent, all of possessor's opponents that are Aerials, and all of possessor's opponents that are Large Structures at the start of each round, Possessor's allies (not counting possessor) and opponents always consider the current round of battle to be the first round that possessor had this item equipped, At the start of each round, if possessor possesses an opponent who has not scanned possessor's stats, is not Resistant to, is not Immune to, does not Reflect, and does not Absorb Charm or Dominion, possessor may choose to have a 25% chance of controlling that entity's first action, provided that controlling said action results in it performing an action with a chance of scanning possessor's stats, with said action not being controlled in instances where such is not possible

1 Fame

15 Infinity Designer Weeks

Curse of Being a Boring Dinkleford- (Passive Ability, Curse) Possessor's allies are afflicted with Confusion: Bored at the start of each round

Fishing Rod that Can Only Catch Dudes Named 'Rod'- (Weapon, Polearm, Fate, 15,000,000 Gold) +100% To Hit against entities named 'Rod'
Fishing Rod With a Sexy Dude on the End- (Weapon, Polearm, Darkness & Earth, 175,500 Gold) +175 Ranged Attack, 30% inflicts Charm
Fishing Rod With Money on the End- (Weapon, Polearm, Darkness & Earth, 17,500 Gold) +17 Ranged Attack, 15% inflicts Charm

Leering Pencil- (Accessory, Trinket, Darkness & Wood, 500 Gold) 15% inflicts Confusion: Fear: Disconcerted

A Man Who Stares At Wars- (Accessory, Other: Legionairre, War & Psychic, 5,500,000 Gold) One of wielder's opponents is dealt 55,000 Flat War & Psychic element Damage at the start of each round, Wielder counts as possessing an additional Human & Abstract ally

'Investigation Record Looking for a Martini, Because Someone Heard the Word Martini'- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic, 5,000 Gold)
'Man that Is One Tiny Shoe: A Study'- (Itemx.05, Antiquity, Earth, 500 Gold)
'Things I Have a Beef With: The 385 Page Manifesto'- (Item, Antiquity, Fire & Psychic, 750 Gold)
A Conch for Aunts- (Item, Antiquity, Air, 500 Gold)
A Couch for Ants- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 500 Gold)
A Different Martini- (Item, Antiquity, Illusion & Dopple, -15,000 Gold)
A Report Identifying the Birdhouse as an Fairly Bad Artifact- (Item, Antiquity, Truth & Basic, 5 Gold)
Book of Rules to the Game- (Item, Antiquity, Air, 700 Gold)
Clapping Monkey that Just Won't Shut Up- (Item, Antiquity, Sonic & Time, 500,000 Gold)
Empty Creme Liqueur Shotglass (2)- (Item, Antiquity, Water, 300 Gold)
Empty Sake Glass- (Item, Antiquity, Air, 300 Gold)
Photograph of Doris the Mechanical Detective Investigating Why Roy Belwoo Did Not Want to Wear the Codpiece Artifact- (Item, Antiquity, Metal & Psychic, 5,000 Gold)
Photograph of Lennie Bulow's Knees- (Item, Antiquity, Air, 500 Gold)
Photograph of Roy Belwoo Delcining to Wear a Codpiece Artifact- (Item, Antiquity, Sonic, 500 Gold)
Report Revealing that Rebecca Is a Dauntless Devil Mindshadow Darkspawn- (Item, Antiquity, Darkness & Truth, 5,000,000 Gold)
Report the Squad Might Have Written- (Item, Antiquity, Illusion & Truth, 5,000,000 Gold)
Squad of Detectives Investigating What Makes Societies Work- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic & Law & Civilization, 5,000,000 Gold)
Squad of Detectives Investigating Whether Lancer Has Retired- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic & Life, 5,000,000 Gold)
The Malware Scanner- (Item, Antiquity, Technology, 17,500 Gold)
Wax-Sealed Box of Love- (Item, Antiquity, Law & Wood & Fire, 15,500,000 Gold)

Darkness Crystal- (Item, Material, Darkness, 20,000 Gold)

Square Mile of Bizarro Zone in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Chaos & Astral, 30,000,000 Gold)
Square Mile of Colonel Wilson Jonas's Former Thoughts in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Psychic & Darkness, 30,000,000 Gold)
Photograph of Colonel Wilson Jonas Realizing that Dulcinea is Interested in Colonel Wilson Jonas- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic, 5,000,000 Gold)
Square Mile of Plain of Stone Hands on a Random World- (Item, Property, Earth, 5,000,000 Gold)
Square Mile of Waifuless Void in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Void & Terror, 50,000,000 Gold)

Warehouse Ticket (Which I believe is being used as of posting this)

That Which Lurks gets:

Empty Sake Glass (2)- (Item, Antiquity, Air, 300 Gold)
Empty Sake Glass (3)- (Item, Antiquity, Air, 300 Gold)

Ryuu gets:

Beefsteak of Dieting- (Consumable, Food, Law & Aether, 1 Charge, 200,000,000 Gold) Target loses all Food buffs and debuffs and can't gain Food buffs or debuffs that aren't this one

Stearic gets:

Disco-Shooting Firehose- (Weapon, Whip, Glitz & Sonic, 15,500,000 Gold) +15,500 Ranged Attack, 200% inflicts Suffocation: Done In By The Disco

Shoe Made of Cat-Shaped Mud- (Accessoryx.05, Shoes, Earth & Beast, 5,000 Gold) 55% inflicts Confusion

'Be a Man, Horse'- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 15,700 Gold)
'Be the Horse, Lad'- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 17,500 Gold)
A Coach for Eels- (Item, Antiquity, Water & Physical, 15,700,000 Gold)
Empty Creme Liqueur Shotglass- (Item, Antiquity, Water, 300 Gold)
Horse Food- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 500 Gold)

Catrice gets:

Silent Ripoff- (Weapon, Force, Commerce & Null, -17,500,000 Gold) -17,500 Melee Attack, -17,500 Ranged Attack, -17,500 Magical Attack, -17,500 to all stats, Wielder deals Gold Damage instead of HP Damage, Wielder is inflicted with Impaired: Silence before and after every action by every individual in every battlespace

Some Faster Hands- (Accessory, Bioaugmentation, Air, 5,500,000 Gold) +5,500 Defense, +5,500 AGI, 155% To Hit

The Fake Beard That's Full of Knives #2- (Accessory, Hat, War, 5,500,004 Gold) +5,000 Melee Attack, Wielder may bring 50 unequipped Knife weapons into threads

Sacred Beefsteak- (Consumable, Food, Faith & Glory, 1 Charge, 200,000,000 Gold) Target becomes a Deity as a non-stacking buff

'Man You Need Some Faster Hands: A Play in 55 Acts'- (Item, Antiquity, Technology, 7,500 Gold)
Squad of Detectives Investigating Why There Are So Many Detectives- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic, 500,000 Gold)
The Illusory Yak- (Item, Antiquity, Illusion & Beast, 5,500,000 Gold)
Turkey-Flavored Lotion- (Item, Antiquity, Water & Earth, 5,000 Gold)

Square Mile of Wire Labyrinth in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Metal & Agony, 30,000,000 Gold)

Heracles gets:

Square Mile of Cold Hell in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Ice & Agony, 50,000,000 Gold)

Remalius gets:

Report Detailing the Shape of Jerry F's Feet- (Item, Antiquity, Basic, 30 Gold)

Cael gets:

Santa's Drunk-Ass Train- (Weapon, Other: Toy, Physical & Chaos, 17,500,000 Gold) Wielder deals +17,500 Damage, Wielder is afflicted with Augmented: Haste whenever wielder attacks, Wielder has a 15% chance at the start of each round of announcing the message 'OH MAN IT'S OFF THE RAILS AND COMIN' FOR YA, BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! CHOO-CHOO LIKE THE HOHO, YO!' and then dealing 1,750,000 Flat Physical & Chaos element Damage to one opponent at the end of the round, Wielder behaves as though afflicted with Poison: Drunk (but isn't if checked, but this item is if checked)

Geddoe gets:

*Some Guy Named Paul's Dad- (Accessory, Other: Legionairre, Physical, 17,500,000 Gold) +17,500 to all attack bonuses and stats, +175,000 Damage dealt, Wielder's broken items are repaired at the start of each round if broken by something below Level 80, Wielder counts as possessing an additional Human ally who possesses a Constant Effect named 'More Awesome than Paul, Actually'

Fishing Rod With a Sexy Spreadsheet on the End- (Weapon, Polearm, Darkness & Earth & Numerals, 3,175,500 Gold) +3,175 Ranged Attack, 300% inflicts Charm

Spear of Spear-Spearing- (Weapon, Spear, Physical, 5,500,000 Gold) +5,500 Melee Attack, Wielder's 'Melee Attack' actions steal a Spear worth under 55,000,000 Gold from their targets that is carried or equipped

Checkbook of Obesity- (Accessory, Trinket, Commerce & Hunger, 5,500,000 Gold) Wielder deals HP Drain, Wielder's Move is halved (rounding down)

Shoe Shaped Like Lars's Face- (Accessoryx.5, Shoes, Earth, 100 Gold) 1% inflicts Confusion on targets named 'Lars'

'A Guide to Making Surprisingly Attractive Spreadsheets'- (Item, Antiquity, Technology, 7,500 Gold)
'My Woman's Tongue: The Six Secrets'- (Item, Antiquity, Fire, 300 Gold)
Digital Salt- (Item, Antiquity, Earth & Darkness & Technology & Fire, 30 Gold)
Fake Salt- (Item, Antiquity, Earth & Illusion, 1 Gold)
Fishing Hook Made from a Devil King's Eye- (Item, Antiquity, Darkness & Water & Evil, 666,666,666 Gold)
The Bracket that Will Someday Be Lost: ]- (Item, Antiquity, Time & Fate, 5,000 Gold)

Carp Crystal- (Item, Material, Water & Chaos, 5,000 Gold)

9x Goblin

Silent One gets:

Fishing Rod With a Sexy Lady on the End- (Weapon, Polearm, Darkness & Earth, 175,500 Gold) +175 Ranged Attack, 30% inflicts Charm

Square Mile Photograph of Colonel Wilson Jonas Thinking- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 5,000,000 Gold)

Draconics gets:

Empty Miniature Bottle of Some Weird Saffron Cream Liqueur that Tastes Like Cough Syrup but then Weirdly Gets Better- (Item, Antiquity, Fire & Psychic, 500 Gold)
Headless Photographer- (Item, Antiquity, Blood & Darkness, 500,000 Gold)

Zwei gets:

Square Mile of Billiard Zone in a Random Dimension- (Item, Property, Illusion & Order, 30,000,000 Gold)

Nira gets:

Photograph of Colonel Wilson Jonas Wearing a Codpiece Artifact- (Item, Antiquity, Mystery, 500 Gold)

Roulette Master gets:

All Animals are Electricity-Generating- (World Law, Beastmaster) All Animals gain the element Electrical and may choose to deal solely Electrical element Damage

Moose-Hiding Sunscreen- (Consumable, Potion, Light, 1 Charge, 50,000 Gold) Target Animal whose name includes 'Moose' gains 20% Dodge as a non-stacking buff

Orkanith gets:

Rod of Photographic Bee-Slaps- (Weapon, Wand, Acid & Agony, 5,000,000 Gold) +5,000 Melee Attack, 300% inflicts Pain, Debuffs wielder inflicts cannot be removed by sources below Level 50

*Rebecca- (Accessory, Other: Legionairre, Fire & Darkness & Chaos, 15,000,000 Gold) -15,000 MIN, This item inflicts Charm on an individual when it is equipped by them, This item inflicts Confusion: Berserk on an individual when it is unequipped by them, This item equips trades itself to a random individual who has not yet had it equipped at the start of each round even if unequipped, This item returns to the individual who brought it into the thread if its wielder or carrier dies

'Codpiece Artifacts: An In-Depth Study'- (Item, Antiquity, Physical & Knowledge, 500 Gold)
'Investigation Record Detailing Why the Sam Frick Someone Would Talk About Martinis When There Are No Martinis and No One Has Any Intent of Making Martinis'- (Item, Antiquity, Truth & Fury, 5,000 Gold)
'Investigation Record Looking for Why the Music Stopped'- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic, 5,000 Gold)
A Group of Bald Men Looking for a Wife- (Item, Antiquity, Air & Psychic, 500,000 Gold)
A Martini!- (Item, Antiquity, Illusion, -15,000 Gold)
A Nuclear Explosion that Was Contained in This Box -> [X, But is Escaping to the Right and Will End Grabbyfest If No One Can Grab It Properly- (Item, Antiquity, Fire & Atomic & Fate, 17,000,000 Gold)
A Report Identifying the Birdhouse as an Artifact- (Item, Antiquity, Truth, 5,000,000 Gold)
A Squad of Samurai Detectives that Aren't Sure Which Grabbyfest They're Supposed to Be At- (Item, Antiquity, Physical & Psychic, 15,000,000 Gold)
Photograph of Colonel Wilson Jonas Thinking About Square Miles- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic, 5,000 Gold)
Photograph of Doris the Mechanical Detective Revealing that the Codpiece Artifact Offered to Roy Belwoo was Cursed!- (Item, Antiquity, Truth, 5,000 Gold)
Squad of Detectives Investigating the Enigma Men- (Item, Antiquity, Mystery, 5,000,000 Gold)
Squad of Detectives Investigating What Makes Men Manly- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic & Physical, 5,000,000 Gold)
Squad of Detectives Investigating Why Grabbyfest Has Two Numbers- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic, 500,000 Gold)
Squad of Detectives Investigating Why These Detective Squads Haven't Turned In Reports- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic, 5,000,000 Gold)
Squad of Detectives Looking for the Birdhouse's Stats- (Item, Antiquity, Psychic & Air, 500,000 Gold)

Port Full of Wine- (Item, Property, Water & Darkness, 50,000,000 Gold)
Square Mile of Metal Desert on a Random World- (Item, Property, Metal & Fire, 5,000,000 Gold)
Square Mile of Sky Rail Expanse on a Random World- (Item, Property, Air & Steam, 5,000,000 Gold)
Tower of Self-Defeating Challenges- (Item, Property, Basic & Triumph, 30,000,000 Gold)

Five Warehouse Tickets (Which must be turned in to the category 'My Favorite New Addiction' by January 31st or you melt badly)

Anathema gets:

Tectonic Teeth- (Accessory, Bioaugmentation, Earth, 25,000,000 Gold) +25,000 Melee Attack, If wielder deals HP Drain, wielder may choose to inflict Entombed on individuals who took at least 1 point of the Damage after the formula is finished calculating

Suika gets:

Toenail Clippers of Haze Protection- (Accessory, Trinket, Purification, 5,000,000 Gold) +5,000 Melee Attack, 5% Resistance to any status effect whose name includes 'Miasma'

New Status Effects

Confusion: Bored (Possessor cannot pass or delay its actions unless no other option exists.)

Suffocation: Done In By The Disco (Wielder is treated as dead for victory condition purposes if this was inflicted by a source of higher Level and wielder isn't over Level 80 or in possession of an ability named 'Dancer')

Current Issues

Lancer was volunteered to grab:
Brewhorse- (Item, Antiquity, Water & Earth & Beast, 5,000,000 Gold)

Lancer is also currently inactive/retired, I believe. What happens here? (The next person to grab something after that post was Ryuu)

Draconics still needs to choose any one non-unique, non-Birdhouse drop from this to get a copy of!
Orkanith needs to choose an NPC to date! (It might be Rebecca)

Other Stuff

Stuff to peruse in case they need addressing after the fact:

Negative gold values are now a thing!

Silent Ripoff- (Weapon, Force, Commerce & Null, -17,500,000 Gold) -17,500 Melee Attack, -17,500 Ranged Attack, -17,500 Magical Attack, -17,500 to all stats, Wielder deals Gold Damage instead of HP Damage, Wielder is inflicted with Impaired: Silence before and after every action by every individual in every battlespace

The Shoe Made of Cat-Shaped Mud is probably the smallest equipment-slot item to date. Sadly, these things round up.
'Man that Is One Tiny Shoe: A Study' is the first example of a non-equipment item having a multiplier-value on its subtype.

Purification is now an element. If it is like the one floated by me to you regarding the Seirei-elements, it'll likely be a T0 Nonbase element and kinda-opposite to Corruption with the classname 'Pure One'. (I think the full blurb was hiding in that topic in my subforum with the artifact-list). I believe you were also considering it as a T2, however.

Dulcinea also grabbed the 'rules as per usual' post, and the Grabbyfest-end post, which traditionally grants an Unfun title and a Grabbyfest sign. She's already the Secret Duke of Unfun, so I suppose she'll end up becoming Lord Chancellor of Unfun as well, or something.

Templated sign:
Sign Proclaiming the End of Grabbyfest VII- (Item, Antiquity, Whimsy, 300,000 Gold)
This might alternatively have Grabbyfest VI in it.

Draconics wrote: Lancer's fine as they technically aren't not a character, I made sure to do my homework (which Celas was nice enough to put in chat):
(All the rest of the knights are still boned from being in any of these events like Grabbyfest and Walrusfest that could possibly boost their power in the slightest until they manage to get cleared.)

Draconics's Choice:
Warehouse Ticket
EDIT: I'm gonna go spend it now to make this cleaner.

Lord Gadigan wrote: El is a tall, elegant man made of magical purple fire with a sun for a head. He fights primarily with the precision of Assault Matrixes, but is also known to command Siege Weapons and to pull out a Teapot or two in a more graceful sort of battle. He most often wears a suit of golden Light Armor and displays his personal crest upon his cape, though he is also partial to wearing regal Robes at times or surrounding himself with the fury of an arcane sun in the form on an Aura. He is highly interested in magic, and he prefers the arcane arts to less mystical sorts. He has a fondness for esoteric magic, being particularly skilled with a blend of Contingency Magic (his primary forte), Contract Magic, Litigamancy, and Spatial Magic. Unfortunately, he entirely lacks grounding in more conventional magic or scholarship, leaving him unable to branch out as much as he wishes he could. He himself is a glorious Arch-Solar (albeit one with an abstandard element profile and no divine domains claimed yet), and his servants are nearly exclusively Solar Beings. He is Magic element, but has interest in others; he delves into the workings of Darkness, Electrical, and Air crafting miniature stars of shadow, lightning, or wind, investigating the unpredictable properties of Chaos, and researching the secrets of Formus and other, more abstandard, elements. He amplifies his use of all of this with his command of Wonder, which enhances all it touches. His delving into Theoretical Elements has lead him to great discoveries surrounding Theoretical Element 02-B, which relates to robots (particularly androids), war, recursion, memory, and charm and poise on the battlefield. His greatest skill, however, is with the element Physical, which he considers the most regally direct and paramount of the elements. He manages the mercantile affairs of his domain as a Merchant, and he occasionally dabbles in building magical devices as a Magewright. His preferred leisure activity, however, is settling down and playing video games where he assumes the role of a Virtual Avatar. El has come to Nexus so that the Battle Arena may witness his command of strange magics and elements, though he also feels a draw to help others (albeit one that is slightly more drawn to help other Solar Beings... or fellow Gamers... more than other beings). He finds himself a member in good standing at the SAINT guild, and he is in general accordance with its principles. He has the memories of a living spell named Elyion, and he is reasonably sure he was her in a previous life. A very recent previous life.

El gets the awards-

'Was Reworked Via Voting Polls Across Nexus Thanks to an Exciting Grabbyfest Disaster'
'Remembers His Former Life as Elyion'

He also keeps Elyion's awards.

El is a Magic element Arch-Solar.

His Base STR is 4.
His Base AGI is 4.
His Base CON is 4.
His Base MIN is 12.
His Base SPI is 13.
His Base SAN is 13.
His Base INF is 4.
His Base RES is 6.

El Keeps abilities from:
Wind Duke
Thunder Czar
Xaos Xomptroller
Ebon Chancellor
Kinetic Emperor
Arcane Vizier

As well as any Ascendant abilities Elyion had

El gains:
Basic, Apprentice, Name-Rank, and Adept in Contingency Mage.
381 Contingency Mage Bonus Weeks
Basic, Apprentice, and Name-Rank in Protector.
33 Protector Bonus Weeks
Basic Apprentice, Name-Rank, and Adept in Matrix Keeper.
162 Matrix Keeper Bonus Weeks
Basic, Apprentice, and Name-Rank in Ebon Chancellor.
52 Ebon Chancellor Bonus Weeks
Basic, Apprentice, and Name-Rank in Dawn Emperor.
27 Dawn Emperor Bonus Weeks
Basic, Apprentice, and Name-Rank in Kinetic Emperor.
300 Kinetic Emperor Bonus Weeks
Basic, Apprentice, and Name-Rank in Sun Duke
33 Sun Duke Bonus Weeks
Basic, Apprentice, and Name-Rank in Spatial Mage
27 Spatial Mage Bonus Weeks
Basic, Apprentice, and Name-Rank in Lady of the Exceptional Leaf
15 Lady of the Exceptional Leaf Bonus Weeks
Basic, Apprentice, and Name Rank in Arcane Vizier
6 Arcane Vizier Bonus Weeks
Basic, Apprentice, and Name Rank in Covenant Scribe
36 Covenant Scribe Bonus Weeks
Basic, Apprentice, and Name Rank in Siegemaaster
3 Siegemaster Bonus Weeks
Basic, Apprentice, and Name Rank in Elemental Researcher
33 Elemental Researcher Bonus Weeks
Basic, Apprentice, and Name Rank in the Theoretical Class Automaton Inspector (nested inside Elemental Researcher)
33 Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector Bonus Weeks
Basic, Apprentice, and Name-Rank in Gamer
27 Gamer Bonus Weeks

5 Contingency Mage Bonus Tickets
1 Protector Bonus Ticket
3 Matrix Keeper Bonus Tickets
2 Kintetic Emperor Bonus Ticket
3 Lady of the Exceptional Leaf Bonus Tickets
1 Arcane Vizier Bonus Ticket
2 Covenant Scribe Bonus Tickets
3 Gamer Bonus Tickets

Bonus Tickets can be turned in one at a time via Warehouse for abilities in the listed class. They can't be traded, and are being used mostly to facilitate this not getting stuck on me making that many special new abilities. We'll find out what special things El can do over time!

Any abilities 'gained' here that are also kept from above just are extra mentions of the same thing and don't grant anything additional.

Aeromage wrote: The following do not yet exist.

Apprentice, Name-Rank, and Adept in Contingency Mage.
Basic, Apprentice, and Name-Rank in Dawn Emperor.
Apprentice and Name Rank in Covenant Scribe.
Basic, Apprentice, and Name Rank in the Theoretical Class Automaton Inspector (nested inside Elemental Researcher).
Apprentice and Name-Rank in Gamer.

Lord Gadigan wrote: Clarification: Abilities Elyion is getting from non-evaluated mod-run threads are going to El without being transmuted.

Celas wrote: Templating work:

Apprentice Dawn Emperor Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Dawn Emperor) Possessor's Arch-Solar pets and summons gain +2,500 HP, +2,500 MP, +500 to damage dealt, and +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Dawn Emperor Knowledge, 3 other Dawn Emperor abilities
Cost: 625,000 Gold, 2 Weeks

Basic Dawn Emperor Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Dawn Emperor) Possessor's Arch-Solar pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +50 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Requires: <???>
Cost: <???>

Dawn Emperor- (Passive Ability, Other: Dawn Emperor) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Arch-Solar pet only, This ability provides +250 HP and +50 to all stats of possessor's Arch-Solar pets and summons per Level of possessor
Requires: Apprentice Dawn Emperor Knowledge, 10 other Dawn Emperor abilities
Cost: 625,000 Gold, 4 Weeks

Apprentice Virtual Avatar User- (Passive Ability, Other: Gamer) All Virtual Avatar transformations equipped by possessor gain +100 to all stats, +500 to the Damage values of their abilities, +5,000 HP, +2,500 MP, and have thier abilities cost 50 less MP
Requires: Basic Virtual Avatar User, 3 other Gamer abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks

Gamer- (Passive Ability, Other: Gamer) All of possesser's Virtual Avatar transformations gain +25 to all stats per possessor level
Requires: Apprentice Virtual Avatar User, 10 other Gamer abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 4 Weeks

Apprentice Contract Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Covenant Scribe) All Contract Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +250 additional Magical Attack, All Contract Magic spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Contract Magic Attunement, 3 other Covenant Scribe abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks

I'm not handling Classname Contract Magic, on account of Spell Classnames being nonstandard. Likewise, I'm really unsure how to handle Automaton Inspector. Going by Innovation, I'd give it the Elemental Researcher Class, but it's got its own Bonus Weeks, so I think I'll leave this to the professional.
EDIT: Hurr durr reading comprehension. It's Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector. Let's see how these work.

Apprentice Theoretical Element 02-B Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Theoretical Element 02-B element item equipped, Possessor's Theoretical Element 02-B element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Theoretical Element 02-B Synchronization, 3 other Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks

Basic Theoretical Element 02-B Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Theoretical Element 02-B element
Not For Sale

Automaton Inspector- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Theoretical Element 02-B Resistance, Possessor ignores Theoretical Element 02-B Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Theoretical Element 02-B Synchronization, 10 other Other: Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 4 Weeks

Re: Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:45 pm
by Modrageball
Celas wrote: Lost abilities:

Abjuration Casting I- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Abjuration spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Abjuration Casting II- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Abjuration spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Abjurer- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) +500 Defense, All Abjuration spells cost 50 less MP per possessor level, provide an additional +100 HP per possessor level if they provide a HP buff, provide an additional +50 Defense per possessor level if they provide a Defense buff, and provide an additional +25 Defense against Stat Damage per possessor level if they provide a buff to Defense against Stat Damage
Apprentice Abjuration Attunement- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) All Abjuration spells that increase Defense gain an +150 additional Defense increase that does not stack between multiple castings of the same spell and do not stack across more than 5 different spells, All Abjuration spells that increase Stat Defense gain an +30 additional Stat Defense against the same stat increase that does not stack between multiple castings of the same spell and do not stack across more than 5 different spells, and all Abjuration spells cost 200 less MP
Aura of the Protector- (Stance Ability, Abjurer) All of possessor's allies gain +20 Defense for each Abjuration spell possessor has equipped
Basic Defensive Arts Training- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) +20 Defense
Basic Defensive Magic Amplification Training- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) All Spell-caused buffs on possessor that raise Defense raise it by 10 more points
Basic Forcefield Creation- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Possessor gains +100 Defense if possessor has any Abjuration spells equipped
Basic Item Preservation Application Aptitude- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Possessor's items have a 5% less chance of being stolen or destroyed by individuals equal to or below level 10
Basic Magical Trap Resistance- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Possessor takes 500 less damage from Traps and has a 5% higher chance of disarming them
Basic Protection Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) All Protection Magic spells gain +10 Defense and cost 10 less MP

Basic Arcanist Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Arcanist) All creatures summoned through Aracanist Magic spells or Cards gain +10 to all stats, All Cards that do damage deal an additional 60 damage, and all Arcanist Magic spells cost 10 less MP
Card Collector I- (Passive Ability, Arcanist) If possessor has at least 5 different Arcanist Magic spells equipped or in possessor's Deck-Based Arcanist deck, then possessor gains +50 to all stats
Card Collector II- (Passive Ability, Arcanist) If possessor has at least 20 different Arcanist Magic spells equipped or in possessor's Deck-Based Arcanist deck, then possessor gains +200 to all stats
Deck-Based Arcanist- (Passive Ability, Arcanist) Possessor may, at the start of a thread, voluntarily lose all Spell slots to become a Deck-Based Arcanist. A Deck-Based Arcanist possesses a deck of 60 Arcanist Magic spells. No more than four copies of any one spell may be in this deck. A mod randomizes the order of the spells in this deck and does not reveal this order. At the start of the thread, following other effects and events that are applied at the start of the thread that do not have this phrase in them, the player controlling the Deck-Based Arcanist draws seven spells. These spells may be used as though they were equipped. As soon as one of these spells is used as part of any action or effect, that spell is discarded and is placed in its respective player's discard pile of Arcanist Magic spells. At the start of each round, if possessor is a Deck-Based Arcanist and has less than 7 Arcanist Magic spells in hand, then possessor draws a spell. Possesor's maximum hand size is considered to be 7. If possessor's hand contains more cards than possessor's maximum hand size, then possessor must, at the start of possessor's next action, discard cards until possessor's hand contains a number of cards equal to or lower than possessor's maximum hand size. Objects within possessor's deck may be referred to as spells or cards even if they are not said things otherwise. If possessor would draw a spell, but possessor's deck is empty, then possessor's discard pile is placed in a random order, and its contents become its respective player's deck.

Blazing Sultan:
Apprentice Command of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor's Fire element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Apprentice Fire Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Fire element item equipped, Possessor's Fire element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Quantities of Fire element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Command of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor's Fire element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Fire Resistance- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains 1% Fire Resistance
Basic Fire Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Fire element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor's Fire element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Weaponization of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Quantities of Fire element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Fire
Blazing Sultan- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Fire Resistance, Possessor ignores Fire Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Improved Weaponization of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Quantities of Fire element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Greater Weaponization of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Quantities of Fire element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 25,000 points

Caliph of Corrosion:
Basic Acid Resistance- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains 1% Acid Resistance
Basic Acid Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Acid element
Basic Command of Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor's Acid element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor's Acid element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Acid

Card Mystic:
Enchanted Deal- (Technique Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor may use 'Enchanted Deal' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Card equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Magic element.
Flame Deal- (Technique Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor may use 'Flame Deal' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Card equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Fire element.
Apprentice Card Training- (Passive Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +50 Ranged Attack if possessor has a Card equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has a Card equipped
Deft Deal- (Technique Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor may use 'Deft Deal' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Card equipped. Said attack gains +5% To Hit.
Hexing Deal- (Technique Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor may use 'Hexing Deal' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Card equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed.
Dud Deal- (Technique Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor may use 'Dud Deal' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' or 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Card Mystic equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Magical Attack and -1,000 Ranged Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Deal Mastery- (Passive Ability, Card Mystic) Technique Abilities from the Card Mystic class whose name includes 'Deal' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Ignition Deal- (Technique Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor may use 'Ignition Deal' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Card equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack and +200 Ranged Attack, becomes solely Fire element, and gains '15% inflicts Burning'.
Bubble Deal- (Technique Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor may use 'Bubble Deal' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Card equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Water element.
Card Mystic- (Passive Ability, Card Mystic) Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack and +(50 * Possessor Level) Ranged Attack if possessor has a Card equipped, Possessor gains +(25 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has a Card equipped

Basic Command of Wealth- (Passive Ability, Other: Coinlord) Possessor's Wealth element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Wealth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Coinlord) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Wealth element
Basic Weaponization of Wealth- (Passive Ability, Other: Coinlord) Quantities of Wealth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points

Apprentice Conjurer Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Conjurer) Possessor's Elemental pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Conjurer Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Conjurer) Possessor's Elemental pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Conjurer- (Passive Ability, Conjurer) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Elemental pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Elemental pets and summons per Level of possessor
Defensive Elemental Communing I- (Passive Ability, Conjurer) Possessor's Elemental pets and summons gain +50 Defense
Defensive Elemental Communing II- (Passive Ability, Conjurer) Possessor's Elemental pets and summons gain +250 Defense
Elemental Calling I- (Passive Ability, Conjurer) Possessor's Elemental summons gain +20 to all stats
Elemental Calling II- (Passive Ability, Conjurer) Possessor's Elemental summons gain +200 HP
Elemental Calling III- (Passive Ability, Conjurer) Possessor's Elemental summons gain +500 MP
Elemental Calling IV- (Passive Ability, Conjurer) Possessor's Elemental summons gain +2,000 HP and +4,000 MP
Elemental Communing I- (Passive Ability, Conjurer) Possessor's Elemental pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Elemental Communing II- (Passive Ability, Conjurer) Possessor's Elemental pets and summons gain +100 to all stats

Apprentice Force Training- (Passive Ability, Controller) Possessor gains +50 Melee Attack, +50 Ranged Attack, or +50 Magical Attack (chosen at the beginning of battle) if possessor has a Soul equipped, Possessor gains +50 to any one stat (chosen at the beginning of battle) if possessor has a Force equipped
Basic Force Training- (Passive Ability, Controller) This character gains +6 Magical Attack, Melee Attack, or Ranged Attack (possessor's choice at the start of each quest or battle) when a Force is equipped.
Bubble Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Bubble Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack, and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Water element.
Controller- (Passive Ability, Controller) Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level) Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, or Magical Attack (chosen at the beginning of battle) if possessor has a Force equipped, Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level) to one stat (chosen at the beginning of battle) stats if possessor has a Force equipped
Enchanted Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Enchanted Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack, and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Magic element.
Flame Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Flame Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack, and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Fire element.
Frost Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Frost Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack, and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Ice element.
Impact Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Impact Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack, and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Physical element.
Impulse Mastery- (Passive Ability, Controller) Technique Abilities from the Controller class whose name includes 'Impulse' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Shadow Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Shadow Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack, and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Darkness element.
Stone Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Stone Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +100 Melee Attack, +100 Magical Attack, and +100 Ranged Attack and becomes solely Earth element.

Countess of Power:
Basic Command of Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor's Energy element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Energy Resistance- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains 1% Energy Resistance
Basic Energy Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Energy element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor's Energy element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Energy

Apprentice Divining Attunement- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 1 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Auto-Translate- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +200 MIN if any individual of a different subtype is present, Translates to and from common languages (both orally and in written form) as an RP effect
Classical Basic Divining Attunement- (Passive Ability, Diviner) All Divining spells function as though caster were 1 level higher for stat-scanning purposes, this ability counts as 'Basic Divining Attunement' for prerequisite purposes
Basic Fortune Telling- (Passive Ability, Diviner) All Divning buffs that possessor inflicts that raise stats raise them by an additional 20 points
Danger Sense- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +50 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes on the first round of battle if in a Random Dungeon, Has RP effects
Diviner's Skill- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 1 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Diviner- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor ignores up to (Possessor Level) levels worth of level-doubling that bossess possess for purposes of resisting having their stats scanned
Focus-Based Fortune Telling- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Divining spells cost 50 less MP if possessor has a Magic Item, Crystal, or Trinket equipped, Possessor's Divining spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +20 points if possessor has a Magic Item, Crystal, or Trinket equipped
Read Tea Leaves- (Active Ability, Diviner) Possessor may spend an action and consume a charge from a Drink consumable that possessor has equipped to scan a target's stats
Zonal Perception- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +100 MIN for each Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain present, to a max of +500, Possessor may, in RP threads, generally know the name of the area possessor is in

Apprentice Elemental Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) All Elemental Magic spells gain +250 Magical Attack and cost 50 less MP, all Elemental Magic summoned Elementals stay for 1 turn longer and have their stats increased by 50 each and the damage of their damage dealing attacks increased by 250
Aura of Earth- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) 5% Earth Resistance, +50 Defense if an Earth element Elemental Magic spell is equipped
Basic Elemental Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) All Elemental Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Drowning Deluge- (Active Ability, Elementalist) When possessor uses the 'Invoke Constant Deluge' ability, possessor may choose to attach an effect to said Zone that has a 50% chance of inflicting Drowning on opposing Chtonians and a 5% chance of inflicting Drowning on others at the start of each round, with said effect not stacking on the same Zone or across Zones
Elementalist- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) +500 Damage to all damage dealing Elemental Magic spells, All Elemental Magic spells cost 50 less MP
Envoy of Air- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Elements: Air
Envoy of Earth- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Elements: Earth
Envoy of Fire- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Elements: Fire
Envoy of Water- (Ability, Elementalist) Character's spells, abilities, and items respond as though character had already cast Call Unto Elements: Water
Empowered by the Deluge- (Active Ability, Elementalist) When possessor uses the 'Invoke Constant Deluge' ability, possessor may choose to obtain a non-stacking buff that provides +2,000 to all stats while the Zone created by said use of said ability is present in the same battlespace as possessor
Invoke Constant Deluge- (Active Ability, Elementalist) Possessor may spend an action to create a Zone of Water that must be removed three times before it is actually removed (with individuals of Level 40 or greater being able to ignore this restriction)
Knowledge of Esoteric Elements- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor gains +100 MIN if possessor has any item equipped that is a nonbase element

Apprentice Enchantment Attunement- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor 50 less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last 1 round longer if they already last over 1 round
Basic Enchantment Attunement- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor 10 less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last 1 round longer if they already last over 1 round
Enchanter- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor (1,000 * Possessor Level) less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last (Possessor Level) rounds longer if they already last over 12 rounds
Infuse Spell Essence- (Active Ability, Enchanter) Possessor may spend an action to change the element of a Spell that is in possessor's possession to gain Magic in addition to its other elements, provided that said Spell is not any non-base element
Infuse Spell Essence: Acid- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Acid to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Air- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Air to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Earth- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Earth to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Electrical- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Electrical to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Energy- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Energy to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Fire- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Fire to a spell instead of Magic
Infuse Spell Essence: Ice- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Ice to a spell instead of Magic

Esoteric Wiseman:
Basic Command of Mystic- (Passive Ability, Other: Esoteric Wiseman) Possessor's Mystic element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Mystic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Esoteric Wiseman) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Mystic element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Mystic- (Passive Ability, Other: Esoteric Wiseman) Possessor's Mystic element allies gain +10 to all stats

Eternal Champion:
Basic Command of Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor's Hope element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Hope Resistance- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains 1% Hope Resistance
Basic Hope Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Hope element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor's Hope element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Hope

Apprentice Golomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Golomancer) All of possessor's Golomancy summons gain +2,000 HP and +200 CON
Basic Agility-Enhancing Golem Crafting- (Passive Ability, Golomancer) All of possessor's Golem summons gain +50 AGI
Basic Constitution-Enhancing Golem Crafting- (Passive Ability, Golomancer) All of possessor's Golem summons gain +50 CON
Basic Golomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Golomancer) All of possessor's Golomancy summons gain +200 HP and +20 CON
Basic Mind-Enhancing Golem Crafting- (Passive Ability, Golomancer) All of possessor's Golem summons gain +50 MIN
Basic Spirit-Enhancing Golem Crafting- (Passive Ability, Golomancer) All of possessor's Golem summons gain +50 SPI
Golomancy Casting I- (Passive Ability, Golomancer) Golomancy spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Golomancy Casting II- (Passive Ability, Golomancer) Golomancy spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast

Heavenly Protector:
Angel Traits- (Passive Ability, Heavenly Protector) Possessor gains Hexed Immunity and Diseased Immunity so long as possessor is an Angel
Apprentice Heavenly Protector Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Heavenly Protector) Possessor's Angel pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Assumption of the Essence of the Angel- (Passive Ability, Heavenly Protector) Possessor may, at the beginning of a thread, choose to become the subtype Angel
Basic Heavenly Protector Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Heavenly Protector) Possessor's Angel pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Formshift: Angel- (Stance Ability, Heavenly Protector) Possessor's subtype becomes Angel

Bolster Agility- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Agility in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 AGI which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) AGI.
Bolster Constitution- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Constitution in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 CON which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) CON.
Bolster Defense- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Defense in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 Defense which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) Defense.
Bolster Magic- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Health in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +200 Max MP which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) Max MP.
Bolster Mind- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Mind in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 MIN which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) MIN.
Bolster Spirit- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Spirit in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 SPI which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) SPI.
Bolster Strength- (Technique Ability, Healer) Possessor may use Bolster Strength in conjunction with any Magical Attack or Cast a Spell action that involves a Healer Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used. The spell's target gains +20 STR which stacks to a max of (20 x Possessor Level) STR.
Apprentice Healer Attunement- (Passive Ability, Healer) All Healer Magic Spells cost possessor and possessor's allies 20 less MP to cast
Doctor- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's actions that heal gain +200 Ranged, Melee or Magical Attack, Once per turn after an enemy attacks one of possessor's allies, possessor may choose to have a 5% chance of countering said attack with a positive action targeting said ally and no other targets.
Healer- (Passive Ability, Healer) Possessor's Healer Magic spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus gain +500 Magical Attack for purposes of non-offensive actions, Healer Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast, Possessor's Healer Magic spells that provide a Magical Attack bonus gain and additional +(50 x Possessor Level) Magical Attack for purposes of non-offensive actions, Healer Magic spells cost possessor an additional (10 x Possessor Level) less MP to cast

Heir to the Future:
Basic Command of Technology- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor's Technology element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Technology Resistance- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains 1% Technology Resistance
Basic Technology Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Technology element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Technology- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor's Technology element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Technology- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Technology

Apprentice Illusion Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All of possessor's Illusion Magic summons have 500 more HP, 50 more of each stat, last 1 round longer if they last over 1 round already, and require 250 more of the relevant stats to dispel
Basic Illusion Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All Illusion Magic summons have 200 more HP, 10 more of each stat, last 1 turn longer if they last over 1 turn already, and require 25 more of the relevant stats to dispel
Convincing Liar- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor counts as being 1 Level higher for purposes of resisting stat-scanning attempts, with said bonus not being able to overcome 'Immune to below Level X' effects
Can Pretend to Be Knowledgeable and Multitalented- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor may choose to count as possessing one more ability in each class that possessor posssesses at least 1 ability in; This ability works for prerequisite purposes if it is permanently possessed by its possessor
Fake Defense- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +250 Defense if possessor's stats have not been scanned yet during this thread by any opponent
Fake Mind- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +250 MIN if possessor's stats have not been scanned yet during this thread by any opponent
Focused Illusion Magic Casting- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Illusion Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of spell possessor has equipped is Illusion Magic
Honeyed Words- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor's Magical Attack actions may gain 15% inflicts Charm if possessor's stats have not been scanned by an opponent
Illusionist- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All of possessor's Illusion Magic summons have (500 * Possessor Level) more HP, (50 * Possessor Level) more of each stat, last (Possessor Level) rounds longer if they last over 1 round already, and require (50 * Possessor Level) more of the relevant stats to dispel
Illusion Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Illusion Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Illusion Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Illusion Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast

Ioun Master:
Apprentice Stone Training- (Passive Ability, Ioun Master) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack if possessor has a Stone equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has a Stone equipped
Basic Stone Training- (Passive Ability, Ioun Master) This character gains +6 Magical Attack when a Stone is equipped.
Bolt Detonation- (Technique Ability, Ioun Master) Possessor may use 'Bolt Detonation' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Stone equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Electrical element.
Bright Detonation- (Technique Ability, Ioun Master) Possessor may use 'Bright Detonation' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Stone equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Light element.
Flame Detonation- (Technique Ability, Ioun Master) Possessor may use 'Flame Detonation' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Stone equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Fire element.
Frost Detonation- (Technique Ability, Ioun Master) Possessor may use 'Frost Detonation' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Stone equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Ice element.
Ioun Master- (Passive Ability, Ioun Master) Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack if possessor has a Stone equipped, Possessor gains +(25 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has a Stone equipped
Pulse Detonation- (Technique Ability, Ioun Master) Possessor may use 'Pulse Detonation' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Stone equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Energy element.
Detonation Mastery- (Passive Ability, Ioun Master) Technique Abilities from the Ioun Master class whose name includes 'Detonation' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Shadow Detonation- (Technique Ability, Ioun Master) Possessor may use 'Shadow Detonation' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Stone equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Darkness element.
Stone Detonation- (Technique Ability, Ioun Master) Possessor may use 'Stone Detonation' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Stone equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Earth element.

Knowledge of Legal Codes- (Passive Ability, Lawbringer) +150 MIN, 10% Entombed: Incarcerated Resistance"

Basic Libram Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Mage-Archivist) All Libram Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus that share an element with at least one Book or Tome possessor has equipped gain +100 uncapped Melee Attack, Libram Magic spells that share an element with at least one Book or Tome possessor has equipped cost possessor 100 less MP to cast

Apprentice Orb Training- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack if possessor has an Orb equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has an Orb equipped
Basic Orb Training- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains +6 Magical Attack when an Orb is equipped.
Bolt Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Bolt Sphere' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack ' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Electricity element.
Bright Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Bright Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Light element.
Bubble Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Bubble Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Water element.
Caustic Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Caustic Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Acid element.
Code Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Code Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Technology element.
Magus- (Passive Ability, Magus) Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack if possessor has an Orb equipped, Possessor gains +(25 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has an Orb equipped
Sphere Mastery- (Passive Ability, Magus) Technique Abilities from the Magus class whose name includes 'Sphere' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Enchanted Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Enchanted Sphere' in in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Magic element.
Flame Sphere- (Technique Ability, Magus) Possessor may use 'Flame Sphere' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has an Orb equipped. Said attack gains +100 Magical Attack and becomes solely Fire element.

Mind Lord:
Basic Command of Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor's Psychic element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Psychic Resistance- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains 1% Psychic Resistance
Basic Psychic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Psychic element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor's Psychic element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Psychic

Mountain King:
Basic Command of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor's Earth element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Earth Resistance- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains 1% Earth Resistance
Basic Earth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Earth element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor's Earth element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth

Acclimation to Dark Magics- (Passive Ability, Necromancer) 5% Darkness Resistance
Apprentice Necromancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Necromancer) +250 Damage to all damage dealing Necromancy spells, +500 HP and +150 to damage for all Necromancy summons, all Necromancy spells that drain HP or stat points drain an additional 50 HP if they drain HP and 5 additional points of whatever stats they already drain, All Necromancy spells cost 50 less MP
Autodetect Undead- (Passive Ability, Necromancer) At the start of battle, possessor is informed of the number of opponents possessor faces who are below Level 80 who are Undead
Basic Necromancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Necromancer) All Necromancy spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP, and all Necromancy summons gain +20 HP and +10 to the damage of all their attacks
Grave-Cold Flesh- (Passive Ability, Necromancer) Possessor gains 1% Ice Resistance
Has Experienced the Influence of Necromantic Magics- (Passive Ability, Necromancer) 1% Darkness Resistance
Necromancer- (Passive Ability, Necromancer) +500 Damage to all damage dealing Necromancy spells. All Necromancy spells cost 50 less MP. Provides +50 additional Damage to all damage-dealing Necromancy spells, -10 additional MP for all Necromancy spells, and +10 to all stats of Necromancy summons per possessor level. All drain-dealing Necromancy spells inflict 10 additional points of HP or MP drain per possessor level and 1 additional point of stat drain per possessor level.
Necromancy Casting I- (Passive Ability, Necromancer) Necromancy spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Necromancy Casting II- (Passive Ability, Necromancer) Necromancy spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Observer of Black Flickers- (Passive Ability, Necromancer) Possessor may claim Black Flickers
Whispering Skull's Chant- (Technique Ability, Necromancer) Possessor may use Whispering Skull's Chant in conjunction with a Magical Attack action, so long as no other technique is being used and a Necromancy spell is being cast as part of said attack. Possessor gains +40 Magical Attack and has a 5% chance of inflicting Charm on Undead with this attack.

Ocean Prince:
Basic Command of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor's Water element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor's Water element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Water Resistance- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains 1% Water Resistance
Basic Water Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Water element
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Water

Apprentice Ritual Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +40 Magical Attack, All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take 2 less actions to cast, to a minimum of 1, and all Ritual Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Fast Ritual Casting- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take 3 less actions to cast, to a minimum of 1
Basic Ritual Circle Construction- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor's Ritual Magic spells that create Circle Effect have said effects provide possessor with +100 to all stats as a non-stacking buff and cannot be removed by opposing sources below Level 5
Basic Ritual Enchantment- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor's Ritual Magic spells that give items Enhancements that are Enchantments cost 200 less MP and 200 less XP
Basic Ritual Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 Magical Attack, All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take 1 less action to cast, to a minimum of 1, and all Ritual Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Basic Ritual Summoning- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor's Ritual Magic summons gain +20 to all stats
Improved Ritual Circle Construction- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor's Ritual Magic spells that create Circle Effect have said effects provide possessor with +200 to all stats as a non-stacking buff and cannot be removed by opposing sources below Level 10
Improved Spellcasting Power from Ritual Circles- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor gains +100 Magical Attack, +50 MIN, and +50 SPI whenever possessor possesses a Ritual Magic Circle Effect
Ritual Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Ritual Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Ritualist- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(10 * Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take (Possessor Level / 5, rounded up) less actions to cast, to a minimum of 1, and all Ritual Magic spells cost possessor (50 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast

Basic Staff Training- (Passive Ability, Sage) This character gains +6 Melee Attack and +3 Magical Attack when a Staff is equipped
Apprentice Staff Training- (Passive Ability, Sage) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +25 Melee Attack if possessor has a Staff equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has a Staff equipped
Empower Staff- (Active Ability, Sage) Possessor may use an action to make it so that one Staff equipped by user gains +50 Melee Attack, +50 Magical Attack, +50 Defense, or +50 to any stat, stacks twice regardless of effects chosen
Sage- (Passive Ability, Sage) Possessor gains +(75 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack and +(25 * Possessor Level) Melee Attack if possessor has a Staff equipped, Possessor gains +(25 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has a Staff equipped
Spiral Staff Strike- (Active Ability, Sage) Possessor may use Spiral Staff Strike in conjunction with a Melee Attack, so long as no other technique is used and a Staff is equipped. This attack gains +50 Melee Attack.
Spiral Staff Strike II- (Active Ability, Sage) Possessor may use Spiral Staff Strike in conjunction with a Melee Attack, so long as no other technique is used and a Staff is equipped. This attack gains +160 Melee Attack and has a 5% chance of inflicting Stun.
Staff of Infection- (Active Ability, Sage) Possessor may use Staff of Infection in conjunction with a Melee Attack, so long as no other technique is used and a Staff is equipped. This attack gains +30 Melee Attack has a 5% chance of inflicting Disease.
Staff Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Sage) +5 to all stats when a Staff is equipped
Staff Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Sage) +25 to all stats when a Staff is equipped, +25 Melee Attack and +25 Magical Attack when a Staff is equipped
Transform Staff (Elements)- (Active Ability, Sage) Possessor may spend an action to un-equip a staff and turn it into a cloud of elements that acts on its creator's first action each turn, the cloud of elements, as an action, may initiate a Magical Attack that is solely Air, Earth, Fire, or Water element against a target, using its creator's Magical Attack bonus and SPI as though it were still equipped and having its ultimate damage result halved, the staff has an HP total equal to (Value / 10), to a max of 400,000 HP, and it has a Defense value equal to its Defense bonus, If the cloud of elements is destroyed, the staff is removed from the thread, The cloud of elements' creator may spend an action to turn it back into a staff and re-equip it, A cloud of elements thus transformed back into a staff cannot be re-transformed through any Sage ability for the remainder of the thread
Twin-Ended Staff Style- (Passive Ability, Sage) Possessor may choose to have equipped Staff weapons that are Weaponx1 instead become Weaponx2 and have their Melee Attack bonus doubled

Abstract-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Abstract-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Abstracts and gains +5% To Hit against Abstracts.
Abstract-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Abstract-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Abstracts and gains +25% Critical against Abstracts.
Adept Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Book weapons equipped by possessor can provide an additional +10,000 Magical Attack before capping, Book weapons equipped that provide a Magical Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Magical Attack, Possessor's critical damage multiplier increases by 1 as an effect that does not stack with other critical-damage-multiplier-increasing effects that come from abilities if possessor is wielding a Book
Angel-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Angel-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Angels and gains +5% To Hit against Angels.
Angel-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Angel-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Angels and gains +25% Critical against Angels.
Apprentice Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Book Training- (Passive Ability, Scholar) This character gains +6 Magical Attack when a Book is equipped.
Basic Knowledge of Dimensions- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +50 MIN, Spells that create Zones or allow individuals to exit battle cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Understanding of Effect / Mana-Pattern Interaction- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains 20% Resistance to Level 1 individuals
Basic Understanding of Mana Patterns- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +50 MIN.
Celestial-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Celestials and gains +5% To Hit against Celestials.
Celestial-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Celestials and gains +25% Critical against Celestials.
Charming Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Charming Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Charm.
Daemon-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Daemons and gains +5% To Hit against Daemons.
Daemon-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Daemons and gains +25% Critical against Daemons.
Darkspawn-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Darkspawn-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Darkspawn and gains +5% To Hit against Darkspawn.
Darkspawn-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Darkspawn-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Darkspawn and gains +25% Critical against Darkspawn.
Demon-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Demon-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Demons and gains +5% To Hit against Demons.
Demon-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Demon-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Demons and gains +25% Critical against Demons.
Deva-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Deva-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Devas and gains +5% To Hit against Devas.
Deva-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Deva-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Devas and gains +25% Critical against Devas.
Devil-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Devil-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Devils and gains +5% To Hit against Devils.
Devil-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Devil-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Devils and gains +25% Critical against Devils.
Elemental-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Elementals and gains +5% To Hit against Elementals.
Elemental-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Elemental-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Elementals and gains +25% Critical against Elementals.
Envenomed Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Envenomed Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Poison.
Fae-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Fae-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Fae and gains +5% To Hit against Fae.
Fae-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Fae-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Fae and gains +25% Critical against Fae.
General Knowledge of the Main Universe within the Second Holy Empire- (Passive Ability, Scholar) +100 MIN
Horror-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Horror-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Horrors and gains +5% To Hit against Horrors.
Horror-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Horror-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Horrors and gains +25% Critical against Horrors.
Hexing Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Hexing Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Hexed.
Ill Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Ill Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Diseased.
Illuminated-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Illuminated and gains +5% To Hit against Illuminated.
Illuminated-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Illuminated-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Illuminated and gains +25% Critical against Illuminated.
Impairing Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Impairing Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Impaired.
Monster-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Monster-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Monsters and gains +5% To Hit against Monsters.
Monster-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Monster-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Monsters and gains +25% Critical against Monsters.
Passage Mastery- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Technique Abilities from the Scholar class whose name includes 'Passage' cost possessor 1 less week (to a minimum of 1) and 200,000 less Gold (to a minimum of 0) to learn from ability shops.
Paralytic Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Paralytic Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains a 20% chance of inflicting Paralyzed.
Prime-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Prime-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Primes and gains +5% To Hit against Primes.
Prime-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Prime-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Primes and gains +25% Critical against Primes.
Scholar- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +700 Magical Attack and +50 to all stats when a Book is equipped, Possessor gains an additional +(10 x Possessor Level) Magical Attack and +(5 x Possessor Level) to all stats when a Book is equipped.
Scholar of Elements- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +100 MIN for each element that possessor possesses as the element of one of possessor's pieces of equipped equipment, to a max of 24 such elements
Spirit-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Spirit-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Spirits and gains +5% To Hit against Spirits.
Spirit-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Spirit-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Spirits and gains +25% Critical against Spirits.
Solar Being-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Solar Being-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Solar Beings and gains +5% To Hit against Solar Beings.
Solar Being-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Solar Being-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Solar Beings and gains +25% Critical against Solar Beings.
Studious- (Passive Ability, Scholar) Possessor gains +200 MIN
Umbral-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Umbral-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Umbrals and gains +5% To Hit against Umbrals.
Umbral-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Umbral-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Umbrals and gains +25% Critical against Umbrals.
Undead-Hunting Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Undead-Hunting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +200 Magical Attack against Undead and gains +5% To Hit against Undead.
Undead-Bane Passage- (Technique Ability, Scholar) Possessor may use 'Undead-Bane Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack'' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Book equipped. Said attack gains +750 Magical Attack against Undead and gains +25% Critical against Undead.

Snow Queen:
Basic Command of Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor's Ice element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Ice Resistance- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains 1% Ice Resistance
Basic Ice Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Ice element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor's Ice element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Ice

Apprentice Summoner Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's Summoner Magic Summons gain +250 to all stats, and all Summoner Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Fading-Call-Augmenting Techniques- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Spells cast by possessor whose name includes 'Fading Call' deal 5,000 additional points of Damage whenever they deal Damage; Spells cast by possessor whose name includes 'Fading Call' that replicate abilities performed by entities from the Enemy List as though said entities were performing them deal 5,000 additional points of Damage whenever they deal Damage
Basic Summoner Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All creatures summoned through Summoner Magic spells gain +10 to all stats, and all Summoner Magic spells cost 10 less MP
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Air-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Air-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Darkness-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Darkness-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Earth-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Earth-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Electrical-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Electrical-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Energy-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Energy-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Fire-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Fire-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Summoner Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Summoner Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Summoner- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Summoner Magic summons gain (+1,000 x Possessor Level) HP and MP and +(10 x Possessor Level) to all stats

Apprentice Ethereal Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) All Ethereal Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +50 additional Magical Attack, All Ethereal Magic spells that possessor casts have a 20% greater chance of working in regards to natural chance of 'failing to work', and all Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor 40 less MP to cast
Basic Ethereal Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) All Etheral Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack, havea 10% greater chance of working, and cost 10 less MP
Knowledge of Ethereal Pathways- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor's 'Switch Rows' actions may not be countered by sources below Level 20
Phantom Steps- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor may not be prevented from leaving battle by sources below Level 20
Semi-Ethereal Agility- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against AGI Damage
Semi-Ethereal Constitution- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against CON Damage
Semi-Ethereal Mind- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against MIN Damage
Semi-Ethereal Spirit- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against SPI Damage
Semi-Ethereal Strength- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor gains +200 Defense against STR Damage
Veilwalker- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) All Ethereal Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(50 * Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, All Ethereal Magic spells that possessor casts have a (Possessor Level)% greater chance of working in regards to natural chance of 'failing to work', and all Ethereal Magic spells cost possessor (20 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Visualizer of Drifting Principles- (Passive Ability, Veilwalker) Possessor may claim Drifting Principles

Advanced Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +200 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and at least three of which are non-'Wizard Magic' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Apprentice Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All damage-dealing Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts gain +250 Damage, All Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Artisan of Wizardly Walls- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Non-entity objects created by possessor's Wizard Magic spells and Arcanist Magic spells whose name includes 'Wall' that possess an HP value have said value increased by 2,000,000 points and have values of Flat Damage they deal increased by 100,000 points
Basic Defensive Wizard Magic Casting- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Defense buffs generated by Wizard Magic spells cast by possessor are increased by 20 points, to a max of 200 points across all such buffs present on any one individual
Basic Mana-Saving Techniques- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Basic Utility Spellcasting- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells cast by possessor that buff stats do so by an additional 20 points, as an effect that stacks a max of 40 times across all buff instances per individual, Wizard Magic spells that possessor casts that have a chance of inflicting minor positive status effects have said chance raised by 1%, Wizard Magic spells cast by possessor that create or attach effects to Zones or Phantom Terrains cost possessor 100 less MP to cast
Basic Wizard Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Wizard) All Wizard Magic spells gain +10 Magical Attack and cost 10 less MP
Defensive Spellcasting- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor's 'Cast a Spell' actions may not be countered by individuals below Level 10 if possessor is in the back row
Focused Wizard Magic Casting- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of spell possessor has equipped is Wizard Magic
Gesture-Based Spellcasting Stance- (Stance Ability, Wizard) Possessor, if not afflicted with Paralyzed, gains +100 Magical Attack, +300 MP, and +50 SPI
Improved Defensive Wizard Magic Casting- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Defense buffs generated by Wizard Magic spells cast by possessor are increased by 30 points, to a max of 500 points across all such buffs present on any one individual
Infused Casting- (Active Ability, Wizard) This character may use Infused Casting in conjunction with a Magical Attack involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and a Wizard Magic Spell is equipped. +50 Magical Attack, this attack's element becomes any one base element
Knowledge of Basic Magic Theory- (Passive Ability, Wizard) +5 Magical Attack, +30 MIN, Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Magic-Amplifying Field- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor may, at the start of any round, pay 500 MP to cause all of possessor's allies, including possessor, to gain +100 Magical Attack for the remainder of the round as a non-stacking effect, and for all spells cast by possessor and possessor's allies to cost 100 less MP to cast as a non-stacking effect
Powerful Casting- (Technique Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use Powerful Casting in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Wizard Magic Spell equipped. Said attack gains +150 Magical Attack.
Spellcasting Technique- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Theoretical Spellcaster- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +1,000 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +500 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and at least three of which are non-'Wizard Magic' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +180 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +70 MIN if possessor has at least two spells, one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and one of which is a non-'Wizard Magic' spell equipped
Wizard- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor's Damage-dealing actions that involve the casting of Wizard Magic spells deal 500 additional Damage, Wizard Magic spells cost possessor (50 + 30 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast, Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack
Wizard Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Wizard Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Wizardly Apprentice's Routine Spellcasting Practice- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Wizard Magic spells that possessor has cast at least 5 times during a thread cost possessor 250 less MP to cast for the remainder of the thread

Basic Weirdworker Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Apprentice Weirdworker Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Has Wished for Boundless Agility- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) +2,000 AGI
Has Wished for Boundless Constitution- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) +2,000 CON
Has Wished for Boundless Mind- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) +2,000 MIN
Has Wished for Boundless Spirit- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) +2,000 SPI
Has Wished for Boundless Strength- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) +2,000 STR
Magic Being Programming I- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Magic Being Programming II- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's Magic Being pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Weirdworker- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Magic Being pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Magic Being pets and summons per Level of possessor

Basic Alchemy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) All Alchemy spells cost 10 less Gold and 10 less XP
Basic Artifice Attunement- (Passive Ability, Artificer) All Artifice spells cost 10 less MP, XP, and Gold
Basic Astral Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Astromancer) All Astral Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 additional Magical Attack, All Astral Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Basic Channeling Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells can transfer 50 more HP or MP
Basic Chaos Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) All Chaos Magic spells gain +50 Magical Attack 50% of the time
Basic Druid Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Druid) All Druid Magic spells cost 20 less MP
Basic Force Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Force Mage) All Force Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +20 additional Magical Attack
Basic Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) All Geomancy spells affect 1 additional target if they already affected multiple targets and cost 10 less MP if their element matches that of an item possessed by their caster or their caster
Built the Giant Statue- (Passive Ability, Evermason) Possessor's Golem summons gain +20,000 HP
Can Create Snowman-Animating Headwear- (Passive Ability, Clothier) If possessor is in a Zone of Ice, possessor may unequip a Hat to summon 1 Snowman from the Enemy List, with said Snowman being unsummoned if any individual equips said Hat, said Hat is destroyed, said Hat ceases to be an item, said Hat leaves the thread, or said Hat becomes a pet
Covered In Really Heavy Ornamentation- (Passive Ability, Evermason) Possessor's Charm infliction chances (including infliction chances of Charm: Impressed) are increased by 60%, Possessor obtains -2,000 AGI (to a minimum of 1) and -20% Dodge (to a minimum of 0%)
Edible Lasagna Beard- (Passive Ability, Chef) Possessor may, once per thread at the start of an action, choose to deal itself 50,000 Flat Earth & Fire element HP Healing
Evergreen Needles- (Passive Ability, Botanist) If possessor is a Plant, possessor gains 5% Ice Resistance, +500 Defense against Ice, and may deal 5,000 Flat Physical or Earth element Damage to any individual who conducts an offensive action against possessor at the end of said action
Glowing Red Nose- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor may choose for possessor and any of possessor's allies to ignore effects attached to zones by sources below Level 20
Jolly Laughter- (Passive Ability, Commander) Possessor may choose at the beginning of each round of battle to have a 40% chance of curing every individual (including opponents) in battle of Confusion: Depression
Knowledge of Naughtiness and Niceness- (Passive Ability, Diviner) If possessor has scanned an individual's stats and said individual has not performed any offensive actions that targetted either possessor or possessor's allies during this thread, then possessor may increase any amount of HP Healing that possessor deals to said individual by 2,500 points; If possessor has scanned an individual's stats and said individual has performed one or more offensive actions that have targetted either possessor or possessor's allies during this thread, then possessor may increase any amount of HP Damage that possessor deals to said individual by 2,500 points
Polar Elven Toymaking Skill- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Possessor's Golem, Clockwork, Robot, and Machine pets and summons gain +200 to all stats as a bonus that cannot increase their stats to above 1000% of their natural values, Temporary items created by possessor are considered to be worth 5,000 additional Gold
Statue-Crafter- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Possessor's Golem summons gain +200 to all stats and +5,000 HP
Very Light Feet- (Passive Ability, Skykeeper) If possessor's entry in a battlespace would cause one or more effects present on Zones of Air to destroy the Zones that they are on, possessor may choose for said effects to not do so if possessor is Air element.
Weatherman- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +5,000 Defense against damage sources attached to Zones

Old Base Stat Block for Records/Posterity:

Elyion (Celas)
Level 59
Magic Being, Magic
HP: 13,450
MP: 13,450
STR: 59 (1)
AGI: 590 (10)
CON: 778 (12)
MIN: 778 (12)
SPI: 1,915 (25)
XP- 2,335,700
XP Required- 8,320,000, Holy Imperial Seal of Glory
Fame- 28

Celas wrote: And up-to-date semi-finalized version with a minimum of placeholders and including my templates from an old post, for general review and error-checking:

El (Celas)
Level 59
Arch-Solar, Magic
HP: 8,400
MP: 23,700
STR: 236 (4)
AGI: 236 (4)
CON: 236 (4) +100
MIN: 948 (12) +240
SPI: 1,007 (13) +240
SAN: 767(13)
INF: 236(4)
RES: 354(6)
XP- 2,335,700
XP Required- 8,320,000, Holy Imperial Seal of Glory
Fame- 28
Gold- 11,960,800,000
Bonus Weeks: 6 (+32 Botanist-Only Weeks, +5 Wizard-Only Bonus Weeks, +4 Necromancer-Only Bonus Weeks, +2 Healer-Only Bonus Weeks, +3 Herpetologist Weeks, +3 Thief Weeks, +3 Crusher Weeks, +10 Unbound Guru Bonus Weeks, +1 Summoner Bonus Week, 381 Contingency Mage Bonus Weeks, 33 Protector Bonus Weeks, 162 Matrix Keeper Bonus Weeks, 52 Ebon Chancellor Bonus Weeks, 27 Dawn Emperor Bonus Weeks, 300 Kinetic Emperor Bonus Weeks, 33 Sun Duke Bonus Weeks, 27 Spatial Mage Bonus Weeks, 15 Lady of the Exceptional Leaf Bonus Weeks, 6 Arcane Vizier Bonus Weeks, 36 Covenant Scribe Bonus Weeks, 3 Siegemaster Bonus Weeks, 33 Elemental Researcher Bonus Weeks, 33 Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector Bonus Weeks, 27 Gamer Bonus Weeks)

Will Learn:

Melee Attack
Magical Attack
Ranged Attack
Elemental Attack
Guard Back Rank
Use an Item
Cast a Spell
Switch Rows

Arcane Vizier:
Apprentice Command of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor's Magic element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Apprentice Magic Resistance- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains 5% Magic Resistance
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor's Magic element allies gain +100 to all stats
Apprentice Magic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Magic element item equipped, Possessor's Magic element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Arcane Vizier- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Magic Resistance, Possessor ignores Magic Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Basic Command of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor's Magic element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Magic Resistance- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains 1% Magic Resistance
Basic Magic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Magic element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor's Magic element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Acceleration Within Magic's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Magic
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Magic

Has a Basic Permit to Battle Baalrath- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Baalrath' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Beaked Thing from Sildreza- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Beaked Thing from Sildreza' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Chaos Butterfly- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Chaos Butterfly' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Desert Corsair Warship- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Desert Corsair Warship' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Orihalcum Submersible- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Orihalcum Submersible' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Has a Basic Permit to Battle Panopticum Nautilus- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster 'Panopticum Nautilus' for drops, This ability cannot be used in combos
Permitted to Battle Gold Brick Man- (Passive Ability, Clearance) Possessor may fight the monster Gold Brick Man for drops, possessor's allies also gain drops from this battle, Possessor create the item 'Golden Ticket' for 2,000 XP, 100,000 Gold, and 1 week spent in the ability shop

Other: Contingency Weaver:
Adept Contingency Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Contingency Weaver) Contingency Magic spells cost possessor 10,000 less MP to cast, All Contingency Magic spells possessor casts cannot have buffs or debuffs they apply be removed by entities below Level 60 without caster's permission, Possessor gains 10 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Contingency Magic Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100
Apprentice Contingency Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Contingency Weaver) Contingency Magic spells cost possessor 500 less MP to cast
Basic Contingency Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Contingency Weaver) All Contingency Magic spells possessor casts cannot have buffs or debuffs they apply be removed by entities below Level 20 without caster's permission, Contingency Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Contingency Weaver- (Passive Ability, Other: Contingency Weaver) All Contingency Magic spells cost possessor (1,000 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast, All Contingency Magic spells possessor casts cannot have buffs or debuffs they apply be removed by entities below Level 40 without caster's permission

Other: Covenant Scribe
Apprentice Contract Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Covenant Scribe) All Contract Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +250 additional Magical Attack, All Contract Magic spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast
Basic Contract Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Covenant Scribe) All Contract Magic spells possessor casts cannot have buffs or debuffs they apply be removed by entities below Level 20 without caster's permission, Contract Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
<Covenant Scribe Placeholder>

Other: Dawn Emperor
Apprentice Dawn Emperor Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Dawn Emperor) Possessor's Arch-Solar pets and summons gain +2,500 HP, +2,500 MP, +500 to damage dealt, and +250 to all stats
Basic Dawn Emperor Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Dawn Emperor) Possessor's Arch-Solar pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +50 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Dawn Emperor- (Passive Ability, Other: Dawn Emperor) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Arch-Solar pet only, This ability provides +250 HP and +50 to all stats of possessor's Arch-Solar pets and summons per Level of possessor

Ebon Chancellor:
Apprentice Darkness Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Darkness element item equipped, Possessor's Darkness element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Command of Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor's Darkness element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Darkness Resistance- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains 1% Darkness Resistance
Basic Darkness Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Darkness element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor's Darkness element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Darkness
Ebon Chancellor- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Darkness Resistance, Possessor ignores Darkness Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80

Other: Elemental Researcher
Apprentice Formus Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Formus element item equipped, Possessor's Formus element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Formus Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Formus element
Elemental Researcher- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Formus Resistance, Possessor ignores Formus Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80

Other: Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector
Apprentice Theoretical Element 02-B Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Theoretical Element 02-B element item equipped, Possessor's Theoretical Element 02-B element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Theoretical Element 02-B Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Theoretical Element 02-B element
Automaton Inspector- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Theoretical Element 02-B Resistance, Possessor ignores Theoretical Element 02-B Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80

A Bit More Fame in the Arena- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains Immunity to a chosen minor negative status effect at the start of each thread if possessor has at least 25 Fame
A Hint of Fame in the Arena- (Passive Ability, Friendship) Possessor gains +10 to all unmodified stats if possessor has at least 5 Fame
Crowd's Favor- (Passive Ability, Friendship) +5% XP after battles

Other: Gamer:
Apprentice Virtual Avatar User- (Passive Ability, Other: Gamer) All Virtual Avatar transformations equipped by possessor gain +100 to all stats, +500 to the Damage values of their abilities, +5,000 HP, +2,500 MP, and have thier abilities cost 50 less MP
Basic Virtual Avatar User- (Passive Ability, Other: Gamer) All Virtual Avatar transformations equipped by possessor gain +25 to all stats, deal 100 additional Damage with attacks, gain +500 HP, gain +250 MP, and have their abilities cost 5 less MP to a minimum of 0
Gamer- (Passive Ability, Other: Gamer) All of possesser's Virtual Avatar transformations gain +25 to all stats per possessor level

Kinetic Emperor:
Apprentice Physical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Physical element item equipped, Possessor's Physical element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Command of Physical- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor's Physical element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Physical Resistance- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains 1% Physical Resistance
Basic Physical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Physical element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Physical- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor's Physical element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Physical- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Physical
Kinetic Emperor- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Physical Resistance, Possessor ignores Physical Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80

Other: Lady of the Exceptional Leaf
Apprentice Teapot Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Lady of the Exceptional Leaf) Possessor gains +500 Magical Attack and +500 to all stats if possessor has a Teapot equipped
Basic Teapot Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Lady of the Exceptional Leaf) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack and +50 to all stats if possessor has a Teapot equipped
Lady of the Exceptional Leaf- (Passive Ability, Other: Lady of the Exceptional Leaf) Possessor gains +(500 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack if possessor has a Teapot equipped, Possessor gains +(250 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has a Teapot equipped

♢The Last Judge- (Passive Ability, Lawbringer) If possessor is wielding a Mace, is wearing Robes, and is Law element, possessor's opponents of equal and lower Level cannot counter possessor's counters, including preemptively
♢The Lawbringer, Bane of Primes- (Passive Ability, Lawbringer) Possessor's Critical chance is doubled (to a max of adding five times possessor's Level to it) against Primes if possessor is wielding a Mace

Apprentice Magewright Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Glyph, Holy Symbol, Idol, Ioun Stone, Sigil, Tome, Trinket, Magic Item, Container, Seal, or Rune possessor has equipped
Basic Accessory Harmonization- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each different subtype of Accessory (to a max of 24 types) possessor has equipped
Basic Magic Item Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Magic Items that possessor has equipped that provide bonuses to STR, CON, AGI, MIN, or SPI have each such bonus they provide increased by 30 points
Basic Magewright Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Character gains +3 to all stats for each Glyph, Holy Symbol, Idol, Ioun Stone, Sigil, Tome, Trinket, Magic Item, Container, Seal, or Rune equipped.
Enhanced Item Familiarity- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor's items that possess at least one Enhancement provide an additional +50 points to any stat that they provide bonuses to
Magewright- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) to all stats for each Glyph, Holy Symbol, Idol, Ioun Stone, Sigil, Tome, Trinket, Magic Item, Container, Seal, or Rune possessor has equipped
Magically Charge Tome- (Technique Ability, Magewright) Possessor may use 'Magically Charge Tome' in conjunction with a 'Cast a Spell' action so long as a Tome is equipped and no other technique is used. Said action gives a non-stacking buff (including both not stacking on the same item or across items) to a Tome equipped by its performer that gives its possessing Tome the element Magic and '+15 Magical Attack', with said Magical Attack bonus being an additional bonus if said item already possesses such a bonus.
Magic Item Maker- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Magic Item possessor has equipped
Supporting Passage- (Technique Ability, Magewright) Possessor may use 'Supporting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long a a Tome is equipped and no other technique is used as part of said action. Possessor may use 'Relevant Quotation' and 'Supporting Passage' as components of the same action. Said action gains +15 Magical Attack if its performer has a Book and a Tome equipped that share an element.
Tomecast Spell- (Technique Ability, Magewright) Possessor may use 'Tomecast Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as a Tome is equipped and no other technique is used as part of said action. Spells cast as part of said action that share an element with at least one Tome equipped by said action's performer cost 500 less MP to cast.
Tome Maker- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Tome possessor has equipped

Matrix Keeper:
Adept Assault Matrix Training- (Passive Ability, Matrix Keeper) Assault Matrix weapons equipped by possessor can provide an additional +10,000 Magical Attack and Ranged Attack before capping, Assault Matrix weapons equipped by possessor that provide a Magical Attack or Ranged Attack bonus provide an additional +500 Magical Attack or Ranged Attack, Possessor's critical damage multiplier increases by 1 as an effect that does not stack with other critical-damage-multiplier-increasing effects that come from abilities if possessor is wielding a Assault Matrix
Apprentice Assault Matrix Training- (Passive Ability, Matrix Keeper) Possessor gains +50 Ranged Attack and +50 Magical Attack if possessor has an Assault Matrix equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has an Assault Matrix equipped
Basic Assault Matrix Training- (Passive Ability, Matrix Keeper) This character gains +6 Ranged Attack and +6 Magical Attack when an Assault Matrix is equipped.
Matrix Keeper- (Passive Ability, Matrix Keeper) Possessor gains +(700 + 50 * Possessor Level) Ranged Attack, +(700 + 50 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack, and + (50 + 10 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has an Assault Matrix equipped

Apprentice Merchant Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 10,000 Gold.
Basic Merchant Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 5,000 Gold.
Chest Finder- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor may claim Bonus Chests
Gift Wrapper- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor chooses on month of the year upon acquring this ability; possessor's per-item half-price sell cap is increased by 5,000 Gold during that month
Hilariously Good at Business Management- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor obtains +5,000,000 Defense against Gold Damage, Possessor's Large Structure pets and summons gain +2,000,000 Defense against Gold Damage, Up to 200 times per thread, up to once per round, at the start of a round, possessor may, if possessor possesses at least 200,000,000 Gold, choose to obtain 5,000,000 Temporary Gold and have a 100% chance of inflicting Confusion: Overwhelmed by Laughter on up to 5 chosen oppoenents, Possessor may, up to once per month, while possessor possesses at least 200,000,000 Gold, claim 5,000,000 Gold in the Shop or Ability Shop
Independently Wealthy- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Possessor gains (100,000 x Possessor Level, to a max of Level 99) Gold per month
Item Salesman- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold for Items (as in the type Item, which most Materials and Antiquities have, not all items)
Merchant- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 5,000 Gold, Possessor gains +5 to all stats for every 25,000 points of value that possessor's equipped items are worth.
Property Salesman- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold for Properties
Spell Salesman- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold for Spells
Training in Economics- (Passive Ability, Merchant) Character's half-price sales cap increases by 500 Gold.

Apprentice Light Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Protector) All Light Armor worn by possessor provides +100 additional Defense and +25 additional AGI
Basic Light Armor Mastery- (Passive Ability, Protector) All Light Armor worn by possessor provides +10 additional Defense
Protector- (Passive Ability, Protector) Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Defense and AGI if possessor has a Light Armor equipped, Possessor gains +(25 * Possessor Level) to all non-AGI stats if possessor has a Light Armor equipped

Apprentice Robe Mastery- (Passive Ability, Seer) Possessor gains +50 Defense if possessor has a Robe equipped
Basic Robe Mastery- (Passive Ability, Seer) All Robes worn by possessor provide +10 additional Defense
Good at Keeping Robes Clean- (Passive Ability, Seer) Possessor gains 25% Paralyzed: Sticky Resistance if possessor is wearing a Robe
Predict Direction of Attack- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one row in any one row-order formation and gain +250 Defense against said sources in said row as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
Predict Direction of Attack (Basic)- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one row in any one row-order formation and gain +50 Defense against said sources in said row as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
Predict Elemental Attack- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one base element and gain +250 Defense against said element as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
Predict Elemental Attack (Basic)- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one base element and gain +50 Defense against said element as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
Predict Source of Attack- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one opponent and gain +250 Defense against said specific opponent (affecting only the one opponent even if said opponent was non-unique) as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
Predict Source of Attack (Basic)- (Passive Ability, Seer) At the start of each round, if possessor is wearing a Robe, possessor may choose one opponent and gain +50 Defense against said specific opponent (affecting only the one opponent even if said opponent was non-unique) as a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that only provides benefits if its possessor is wearing a Robe
Seer- (Passive Ability, Seer) Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Defense and +(1,000 * Possessor Level) MP if possessor has a Robe equipped
Seer's Vision- (Passive Ability, Seer) Individuals below Level 15 may not counter possessor's actions that scan stats if possessor is wearing a Robe

Other: Siegemaster:
Apprentice Siege Weapon Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Siegemaster) Possessor gains +50 Ranged Attack if possessor has a Siege Weapon equipped
Basic Siege Weapon Training- (Passive Ability, Other: Siegemaster) Possessor gains +6 Ranged Attack if possessor has a Siege Weapon equipped
Siegemaster- (Passive Ability, Other: Siegemaster) Possessor gains +(700 + 50 * Possessor Level) Ranged Attack and + (50 + 10 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has a Siege Weapon equipped

Other: Spatial Mage
Apprentice Spatial Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) All Spatial Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +250 additional Magical Attack, All Spatial Magic spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast
Basic Spatial Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) All Spatial Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 Magical Attack and cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Spatial Mage- (Passive Ability, Other: Spatial Mage) All Spatial Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(500 + 25 * Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, All Spatial Magic spells cost possessor (500 + 100 * Possessor Level) less MP

Other: Sun Duke:
Apprentice Sun Duke Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Sun Duke) Possessor's Solar Being pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Basic Sun Duke Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Sun Duke) Possessor Solar Being pets and summons gain +200 to all stats
Sun Duke- (Passive Ability, Other: Sun Duke) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Solar Being pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Solar Being pets and summons per Level of possessor

Thunder Czar:
Apprentice Electrical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Electrical element item equipped, Possessor's Electrical element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Affinity to Healing Via Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Whenever possessor obtains Electrical element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 500 points
Basic Command of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor's Electrical element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Electrical
Basic Electrical Resistance- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains 1% Electrical Resistance
Basic Electrical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Electrical element
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor's Electrical element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Weaponization of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Quantities of Electrical element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Electrical
Defenses that Utilize Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Electrical-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Electrical Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Electrical element: Create a Zone of Electrical, Remove a Zone of Electrical created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Electrical by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Electrical to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Electrical element on a Electrical element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Electrical, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Electrical, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Electrical element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Electrical to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Electrical, 5% Electrical Resistance, or +50 Defense against Electrical and 1% Electrical Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Partially Unfettered by the Bonds of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains 5% Electrocuted Resistance
Thunder Czar- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Electrical Resistance, Possessor ignores Electrical Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80

♢Magicae Ex Aurum- (Active Ability, Weirdworker) Caster may spend an action to purchase, obtain, and optionally equip a single In Stock spell from the Shop, paying its cost in Gold
♢Mystic Regulatory Entity- (Passive Ability, Weirdworker) Possessor's opponents have the MP cost of spells they cast increased by (Possessor's Level * 10,000) MP, Possessor's allies (including possessor) have the MP cost of spells they cast reduced by (Possessor's Level * 10,000) MP

Wind Duke:
Apprentice Air Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Air element item equipped, Possessor's Air element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Apprentice Command of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor's Air element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Air Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Air element: Create a Zone of Air, Remove a Zone of Air created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Air by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Air to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Air element on a Air element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Air, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Air, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Air element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Air to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Air, 5% Air Resistance, or +50 Defense against Air and 1% Air Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Apprentice Understanding of the Heart of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor's Air element allies gain +100 to all stats
Apprentice Weaponization of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Quantities of Air element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Basic Air Resistance- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains 1% Air Resistance
Basic Air Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Air element
Basic Command of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor's Air element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor's Air element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Weaponization of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Quantities of Air element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Air
Improved Command of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor's Air element pets and summons gain +1,000 to all stats as a bonus that cannot raise them above 2000% of their natural values
Improved Understanding of the Heart of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor's Air element allies gain +250 to all stats
Improved Weaponization of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Quantities of Air element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Wind Duke- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Air Resistance, Possessor ignores Air Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80

Other: Wonderworker:
Apprentice Wonder Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Wonderworker) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Wonder element item equipped, Possessor's Wonder element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Basic Affinity to Healing Via Wonder- (Passive Ability, Other: Wonderworker) Whenever possessor obtains Wonder element HP Healing or MP Healing, said amount is increased by 500 points
Basic Command of Wonder- (Passive Ability, Other: Wonderworker) Possessor's Wonder element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Basic Defenses Against Wonder- (Passive Ability, Other: Wonderworker) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Wonder
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Wonder- (Passive Ability, Other: Wonderworker) Possessor's Wonder element allies gain +10 to all stats
Basic Weaponization of Wonder- (Passive Ability, Other: Wonderworker) Quantities of Wonder element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Basic Wonder Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Wonderworker) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Wonder element
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Wonder- (Passive Ability, Other: Wonderworker) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Wonder
Cloaked in Notions- (Stance Ability, Other: Wonderworker) If possessor is Wonder element, whenever possessor is attacked, possessor may choose to gain a 100% chance of inflicting a random minor or moderate negative status effect on said attacker, and, if said attacker is below possessor's Level and below Level 40, possessor gains a 20% chance of optionally cancelling said action, with everything that would happen before and after said action still occurring
Defenses that Utilize Wonder- (Passive Ability, Other: Wonderworker) Possessor gains +500 Defense if possessor has any Wonder-element items equipped that provide a Defense bonus
Empowered By Wonder- (Passive Ability, Wonderworker) If possessor is Wonder element, possessor has a 5% chance of being afflicted with Mind Restore at the start of each round if possessor is in a Zone of Wonder
Wonderworker- (Passive Ability, Other: Wonderworker) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Wonder Resistance, Possessor ignores Wonder Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80

Other: Xaos Xomptroller:
Omnimutable Chaosbody- (Passive Ability, Other: Xaos Xomptroller) At the start of each thread, possessor chooses a Level range consisting of Levels lower than and equal to possessor's Level, 12 Enemies from the Enemy List that are within that Level range are selected randomly, with the same Enemy not being able to be selected multiple times, A random Constant Effect possessed by each is chosen, Possessor may then choose up to 4 of the selected Constant Effects and obtain them for the duration of the thread as a buff that cannot be removed by sources that are not 20 or more Levels greater than possessor, Random decisions made by this ability may not be rerolled or controlled by sources below Level 999

Basic Litigamancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Litigamancer) All Litigamancy spells cast by possessor that deal Gold Damage deal an additional 100 points, All Litigamancy spells cast by possessor that buff Defense against Gold Damage do so by 50 additional points as an effect that stacks a max of 200 times across all effects, All Litigamancy spells cost possessor 1,000 less Gold to cast
Warded Core Essence- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor gains +30,000 Defense, Possessor gains +5,000 CON, Possessor gains +5,000 MIN, Possessor gains +100,000 HP, Possessor's Defense may not be pierced by sources below Level 20, Individuals below Level 20 may not inflict negative status effects on possessor


*Amber Sealing Stone of the Tomb of Lantrick- (Weapon, Stone, Earth, 70,000 Gold) +140 Magical Attack, Wielder's Magical Attacks have a 15% chance of inflicting Paralysis, +800 HP
*Vincent Warhol's Paintbrush- (Weapon, Wand, Magic, 695,000 Gold) +643 Magical Attack, +4,900 MP, Wielder's uses of Magical Pigments in the casting of spells reduce the cost of said spells by 500 additional MP, Wielder may spend an action and expend 10 charges of equipped Magical Pigments to summon any monster from the enemy list that is below Level 5 and normally fightable for drops, with a summon cap of 3
*Word Blocks of Machbel'Dureth- (Weapon, Other: Toy, Psychic & Magic & Earth, 45,000,000 Gold) +45,000 Magical Attack, Wielder's 'Magical Attack' actions apply a debuff that provides -2,000 to one stat that stacks 5 times, Wielder's 'Magical Attack' actions may use MIN or SPI as their Prime Attribute, Has RP powers

2 Arena Member's Bow- (Weaponx2, Bow, Wielder's Element, 100 Gold) +20 Ranged Attack, +10 Damage of Wielder's Element
2 Arena Member's Blade- (Weapon, Sword, Wielder's Element, 100 Gold) +15 Melee Attack , +10 Damage of Wielder's Element
2 Arena Member's Shield- (Weapon, Shield, Wielder's Element, 100 Gold) +15 Defense, +10 Damage of Wielder's Element
2 Arena Member's Staff- (Weaponx2, Staff, Wielder's Element, 100 Gold) +20 Magical Attack, +10 Damage of Wielder's Element
Bascaradine Soda-Opener- (Weapon, Tool, Technology, 200 Gold) +2 Melee Attack, Wielder may spend an action to use an equipped Drink consumable whose name includes 'Soda', 'Soft Drink', 'Fizz', or 'Pop'
Blessed Bone Sword- (Weapon, Sword, Light, 25,000 Gold) +37 Melee Attack
Chalice of Poison and Honey- (Weapon, Deadly Item, Wealth & Fate, 915,000 Gold) +615 Melee Attack, +613 Ranged Attack, +612 Magical Attack, 20% Critical, may inflict Poison, may Heal, may cure any one Minor Status Effect
2 Crowbar of Bashing- (Weapon, Tool, Earth, 24,000 Gold) +26 Melee Attack, +200 Damage against foes with over 350 Defense, -500 Damage against foes with over 180,000 Defense
7 Crusader General's Shield- (Weapon, Shield, Light & Physical,3,050,000 Gold) +2,700 Melee Attack, +3,000 Defense, +3,000 CON, 30% Resilience, 15% Dodge, 20% Darkness Resistance, 20% Light Resistance, 20% Magic Resistance, 50% Voidstruck Resistance, 20% Burning Resistance, 60% Fatigued Resistance, 60% Charm Resistance, 60% Confusion Resistance
2 Crusader Paladin's Shield- (Weapon, Shield, Light & Physical, 1,750,000 Gold) +1,100 Melee Attack, +1,800 Defense, +1,600 CON, 25% Resilience, 15% Dodge, 18% Darkness Resistance, 18% Light Resistance, 18% Magic Resistance, 40% Voidstruck Resistance
Dainultha Stick- (Weapon, Wand, Magic, 50,000 Gold) Magical attacks do a flat rate of 300 damage
Elegant Mistwork Chaingun Parasol that Fires Deathtooth Gears- (Weapon, Bladecane, Wealth & Innovation, 45,500,000 Gold) +45,500 Ranged Attack, +36,000 to all stats, 135% To Hit, 45% Dodge, 20% Air Resistance, 20% Water Resistance, 60% inflicts Wounded, 5% inflicts Instant Death on targets below Level 40, Wielder's items may not be stolen, broken, or unequipped by sources below Level 60
22 Greater Magical Paintbrush- (Weapon, Wand, Magic, 329,000 Gold) +365 Magical Attack, +5,000 MP, Wielder's uses of Magical Pigments in the casting of spells reduce the cost of said spells by 5,000 additional MP, 15% Confusion: Depression Resistance
13 Holy Blade- (Weapon, Sword, Light & Physical, 1,780,000 Gold) +1,900 Melee Attack, +1,500 STR, +1,300 AGI, +1,500 CON, +1,500 SPI, 20% Critical, 130% To Hit, 15% inflicts Awestruck
18 Holy General's Blade- (Weapon, Sword, Light & Physical, 3,100,000 Gold) +3,400 Melee Attack, +3,400 STR, +2,800 AGI, +3,000 CON, +3,200 SPI, 25% Critical, 135% To Hit, 20% inflicts Awestruck, Wielder's allies gain +200 to all stats, 10% Demon Resistance, 10% Daemon Resistance, 10% Devil Resistance
Hundred Wonders Bowling Ball- (Weapon, Orb, Wonder, 310,000,000 Gold) +310,000 Ranged Attack, 180% To Hit, 80% Dodge, 80% Critical, 80% Resilience, Wielder's 'Ranged Attack' actions may deal no damage, Wielder's 'Ranged Attack' actions may set the stats of their targets who are below Level 40 or willing to any value between 0 and 10,000, Wielder's 'Ranged Attack' actions may exchange any target of Level 40 or lower from the enemy list that is normally fightable for drops that is present for any other individual of Level 40 or lower from the enemy list that is normally fightable for drops, At the start of each round, wielder may replace this item's stats with the stats of any in-stock Orb in the Shop that is worth under 300,000,000 Gold whose name includes 'Bowling Ball' as a non-stacking buff that sits on this item, Wielder may spend an action to replicate the effect of any ability performable by a entity on the enemy list that is below Level 60, below wielder's Level, and normally fightable for drops, doing so as though said entity is performing said ability, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Orb Training', the ability 'Basic Wonder Synchronization, or the ability 'Grand Champion Bowler'
2 Orlumais Staff- (Weapon, Staff, Light & Darkness & Magic, 2,117,000 Gold) +40 Magical Attack, +200 MP on odd-numbered rounds, 1% inflicts Confusion
12 Phoenix Wand- (Weapon, Wand, Fire & Light, 28,500,000 Gold) +29,000 Magical Attack, +29,000 SPI, +29,000 MIN, Whenever wielder resurrects an individual, said individual is healed for 500,000 points of Light & Fire element HP Healing, May only be wielded by individuals of Level 20 and greater
Planetary of Love's Bow- (Weaponx2, Bow, Light & Fire, 160,000,000 Gold) +320,000 Ranged Attack, +1,500,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, +320,000 AGI, +320,000 SPI, 260% To Hit, Wielder's allies gain +12,000 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus, 100% inflicts Charm or Charm: Lovestruck, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater
Rod of the Demon-Fae- (Weapon, Wand, Magic & Darkness, 5,100,000 Gold) +5,100 Magical Attack, +5,000 AGI, +4,200 MIN, +5,100 SPI, +30,000 MP, Wielder may, at the start of a round, change wielder's subtype to Demon if wielder's subtype is Fae as a buff that does not stack
Rod of Spring Blossoms- (Weapon, Wand, Electrical & Earth, 4,875,222 Gold) +4,500 Magical Attack, 20% inflicts Electrocuted, 20% inflicts Rejuvenation on wielder at the start of every round, Wielder counts as having cast Call Unto Seasons: Spring one additional time
Shovel of Plant Repositioning- (Weapon, Tool, Earth, 17,500 Gold) +12 Melee Attack, 5% stuns Plants under level 100 at the start of each of the next 3 turns
Silent Praise- (Weapon, Gun, Technology & Darkness, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Ranged Attack, 180% To Hit, Targets of wielder's offensive actions below Level 60 may not perform Sonic element actions as a debuff that lasts 4 rounds, Wielder may treat the targets of wielder's offensive actions as gaining the element 'Glory', Wielder may choose to be afflicted with Impaired: Silence at the start of any round, Wielder must be Level 39 or greater
Staff of Dark Equations- (Weapon, Staff, Darkness & Psychic, 1,875,000 Gold) +1,915 Magical Attack, +1,850 MIN, Wielder's spells and abilities cost 2,000 less MP to cast, Wielder counts as 1 Level higher, to a max of Level 60, for purposes of applying and being the source of buffs and debuffs (but cannot bypass immunity to individuals below a certain level through this)
Superior Holiday Treestaff- (Weapon, Staff, Earth & Ice & Light, 1,200,000 Gold) +1,200 Magical Attack, +900 Melee Attack, +1,000 CON, +1,200 MIN, +1,300 SPI, 30% Ice Resistance, 20% Magic Resistance, 10% may inflict Invigorated
2 Sword of Destruction- (Weapon, Sword, Destruction, 4,000,000 Gold) +4,500 Melee Attack, +4,000 STR, +3,500 AGI, Pierces 5,000 Defense, 30% Critical
5 Terrain Destabilizer- (Weaponx2, Other: Siege Weaponry, Technology, 350,000 Gold) +700 Ranged Attack, 5% inflicts Entombed, deals double damage to Large Structures, wielder may skip a turn to dispel any phantom terrain created by a caster 5 or more levels lower
3 Totally Awesome Dead Walrus!- (Weapon, Other: Chaos Talon, Water, 70,000 Gold) +70 Melee Attack, +70 Ranged Attack, +70 Magical Attack, +70 to all stats
4 Totally, Absolutely Awesome Dead Walrus, Silver Edition!- (Weapon, Other: Chaos Talon, Water, 240,000 Gold) +240 Melee Attack, +240 Ranged Attack, +240 Magical Attack, +240 to all stats
Totally, Absolutely, Completely Awesome Dead Walrus, Gold Edition!- (Weapon, Other: Chaos Talon, Water, 950,000 Gold) +950 Melee Attack, +950 Ranged Attack, +950 Magical Attack, +950 to all stats
2 Ven-Prauvsdale II- (Weapon, Staff, Light & Magic, 140,000 Gold) +130 Melee Attack, +130 Magical Attack, Healer Magic Spells cast by wielder cost 400 less MP, +140 additional Magical Attack for Healer Magic spells, 20% Confusion Resistance, 20% Paralysis Resistance, 20% Poison Resistance, 40% Fear Resistance, 20% Charm Resistance, 20% Berserk Resistance, 20% AGI Drain Resistance, 20% CON Drain Resistance, 20% SPI Drain Resistance, 20% STR Drain Resistance, 20% MIN Drain Resistance, 20% Hexed Resistance, 20% Pain Resistance, 20% Ill Fortune Resistance, 20% Stunned Resistance, 5% Wounded Resistance
White Waveblade- (Weapon, Sword, Light & Energy, 55,000,000 Gold) +55,000 Melee Attack, +55,000 SPI, Wielder's 'Melee Attack' actions may use Spirit as their Prime Attribute, Wielder's 'Melee Attack' actions may gain '1 hit against 50,000' and deal 1/3 Damage

Adaptive Iron Armor of Progress- (Armor, Heavy Armor, Progress, 40,000,000 Gold) +40,000 Defense, 40% Resilience, wearer gains +5% Resistance to any base element that is the element of an offensive action that wearer is targetted with, to a max of 40%
2 Arena Member's Armor- (Armor, Light Armor, Wielder's Element, 100 Gold) +20 Defense, +10 Defense against Wielder's Element
Armor of Orithon Lost- (Armor, Heavy Armor, Light, 220,000 Gold) +180 Defense, +90 Melee Attack if any foes are Darkness element
Armored Allurathian Blouse- (Armorx.5, Clothing, Wealth & Law, 785,000 Gold) +790 Defense, +1,000 additional Defense for each other Wealth element item wearer has equipped, +600 to all stats, +500 additional points to all stats for each other Wealth element item wearer has equipped, 50% Entombed: Incarcerated Resistance
Ceremonial Mail- (Armor, Heavy Armor, Earth, 70,000 Gold) +8 Defense
4 Crusader Paladin's Armor- (Amor, Heavy Armor, Light & Physical, 1,910,000 Gold) +2,100 Defense, +1,000 STR, +1,100 AGI, +1,700 CON, +1,600 SPI, 30% Resilience, 20% Light Resistance, 20% Darkness Resistance, 20% Physical Resistance, 40% Awestruck Resistance
Damaged Botanica Worker's Suit- (Armor, Clothing, Technology, 5,700 Gold) +4 Defense, Identifies character as a Artillicas Botanica worker
Gold-Gilded Armored Lady's Skirt- (Armorx.5, Clothing, Wealth & Fortune, 755,000 Gold) +775 Defense, +500 to all stats, 20% Resilience, +50,000 Defense against Gold Damage
Lunar Dress- (Armor, Clothing, Magic, 8,000,000 Gold) +7,910 Defense, +7,300 Magical Attack, +8,000 to all stats, 20% Resilience, 20% Magic Resistance, 20% Light Resistance, 20% Darkness Resistance, 20% Psychic Resistance, 40% Voidstruck Resistance, Wielder's spells cost 4,000 less MP to cast
2 Robe of the Presiding Judge- (Armor, Robe, Light & Earth, 2,100,000 Gold) +2,100 Defense, 15% Darkness Resistance, 15% Chaos Resistance, 12% Resilience, +890 CON, +1,420 SPI, +2,500 damage to damage-dealing attacks against Undead, Devas, Abstracts, and Demons, +2,500 to all stats if wearer has the ability 'Lawbringer', Wearer's Lawbringer abilities treat Hammers and the item 'Lethal Noose' as Maces
Thunder Pants- (Armor, Clothing, Electrical, 75,000 Gold) +99 Defense, 18% Electrical Resistance, Wielder gains +150 Melee Attack if no weapons are equipped and deals an additional 3,000 Electrical damage on hit
2 Tia Costume- (Armor, Disguise, Fire, 100,000,000 Gold) Wearer's subtype becomes solely Humanoid and wearer's element becomes solely Fire, Wearer's Base STR becomes 5, Wearer's Base AGI becomes 16, Wearer's Base CON becomes 7, Wearer's Base MIN becomes 16, Wearer's base SPI becomes 16, Wearer's name becomes 'Tia Telaria'
Ulimant Mail- (Armor, Heavy Armor, Ice, 20,000 Gold) +40 Defense, +50 Defense against Animals
War Demon's Armor- (Armor, Heavy Armor, War, 4,000,000 Gold) +4,100 Defense, +4,200 CON, 30% Resilience, 15% Physical Resistance, 15% Destruction Resistance, 15% War Resistance, 15% Darkness Resistance

*Bow Tie of the Dangerously-Clear Whirlwind- (Accessory, Amulet, Air, 17,000,000 Gold) +17,000 Defense, +34,000 Defense against Air, 30% Air Resistance, 100% Suffocation Resistance, Wielder cannot be inflicted with Suffocation by effects attached to Zones of Air if wielder possesses the ability 'Weatherman', Wielder may, if wielder possesses the ability 'Weatherman', spend an action to remove all Zones, Buffs, Debuffs, and Summons with opposing sources below Level 20 from battle
*Danger Dan's Lightningtastic Medallion- (Accessory, Broach, Electrical & Air, 17,000,000 Gold) +17,000 Magical Attack, +34,000 Defense against Electrical, 30% Electrical Resistance, 100% Electrocuted Resistance, 60% inflicts Electrocuted, Wielder cannot be inflicted with Electrocuted by effects attached to Zones of Electrical or Zones of Air if wielder possesses the ability 'Weatherman'
*Danger Dan's Platinum Galoshes- (Accessory, Boots, Water & Earth, 17,000,000 Gold) +17,000 Defense, +34,000 Defense against Water, 30% Water Resistance, 100% Drowning Resistance, Wielder cannot be inflicted with Drowning by effects attached to Zones of Water if wielder possesses the ability 'Weatherman'

2 Arena Member's Charm- (Accessory, Amulet, Wielder's Element, 100 Gold) +15 Damage for all attacks that include Wielder's Element as one of their element
1 Armband of Purity- (Accessory, Wristwear, Light, 2,700,000 Gold) +2,200 Magical Attack, +2,600 Defense, 20% Resilience, Individuals below Level 30 cannot inflict status effects on possessor
Bejewled Shoes of Ageless Grace- (Accessory, Shoes, Wealth & Time, 915,000 Gold) +910 Defense against Stat Damage, +875 AGI, 20% Dodge
6 Blue Storm Eyeball- (Accessory, Upgrade, Electrical, 1,700,000 Gold) +1,700 Ranged Attack, +1,000 AGI, +800 CON, +800 STR, 15% Electrical Resistance, 15% inflicts Electrocuted
Bottled Lightning-Ship- (Accessory, Trinket, Air & Electrical & Water, 45,000,000 Gold) +45,000 Ranged Attack, Wielder's 'Ranged Attack' and 'Ranged Overdrive' actions may count as including an additional Deadly Item whose name includes 'Lightning Ship' and may count as coming from a source whose subtype includes Vessel
Bracelet of Golden Orbs (War-Ready)- (Accessory, Wristwear, Earth & Wealth, 30,000,000 Gold) +30,000 Ranged Attack, +30,000 CON, +30,000 MIN, Wielder's 'Ranged Attack' actions may use Spirit as their Prime Attribute and gain '60% inflicts Fatigued: Stun'
Buff Baton- (Accessory, Trinket, Light & Air, 450,000 Gold) Wielder may spend an action to place one stacking of a buff that is on wielder onto this item as a once-per-thread action across all copies of this item, Wielder may, if not the individual who placed the buff on this item benefit from said buff as though said buff were on said wielder
10 Cleric's Seal- (Accessory, Seal, Light, 200 Gold) +3 SPI
Cosmetic Mirror of Etiquitte-Breach Detection- (Accessory, Magic Item, Air & Nobility, 1,700,000 Gold) Wielder is notified at the start of any round that wielder's subtype causes one or more opponents' start-of-round effects to trigger in a manner that results in a negative status effect being applied to one of wielder's allies
Crystal Nighttime Watch- (Accessory, Trinket, Magic & Darkness, 790,000 Gold) +780 to all stats, 50% inflicts Stat Drain
Damage-Eating Diamond Ring- (Accessory, Ring, Wealth & Warding, 879,000 Gold) +875 Defense, Defense-piercing attacks pierce 900 less of wearer's Defense, +10,500 HP
24 Darkness Dragon Mantle- (Accessory, Cloak, Darkness, 7,000,000 Gold) +7,400 Magical Attack, +6,900 SPI, +5,550 MIN, 30% Darkness Resistance, 30% Critical for Magical Attack actions
2 Drakespawn Anklet- (Accessory, Magic Item, Earth, 5,000 Gold) +2% to Hit, +2% Enemy Miss, +5 to all stats
2 Drakespawn Broach- (Accessory, Broach, Earth, 5,000 Gold) 5% Air Resistance, 5% Earth Resistance, 5% Fire Resistance, 5% Water Resistance
2 Drakespawn Bracelet- (Accessory, Bracelet, Earth, 5,000 Gold) +20 Defense, +5 to all stats
2 Drakespawn Necklace- (Accessory, Necklace, Earth, 5,000 Gold) +20 Melee Attack, +5 to all stats
2 Drakespawn Ring- (Accessory, Ring, Earth, 5,000 Gold) +2% Critical, +2% Dodge, +5 to all stats
2 Drakespawn Tiara- (Accessory, Crown, Earth, 5,000 Gold) 5% Light Resistance, 5% Darkness Resistance, +5 to all stats, 5% Awestruck Resistance, 5% Voidstruck Resistance
4 Essence Spark of Life- (Accessory, Other: Mystic Infusion, Light & Magic, 1,000,000 Gold) Wielder regenerates 10,000 HP per round, +10,000 HP
10 Fighter's Seal- (Accessory, Seal, Physical, 200 Gold) +3 STR, +3 CON
2 First Boss Badge (2)- (Accessory, Broach, Magic, 1,000,000 Gold) +1,000 Melee Attack, +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack, +1,000 to all stats, 25% Dodge, 25% Critical, 25% Resilience, 125% to Hit, +10,000 HP, +10,000 MP, Opposing bosses below Level 10 that are listed as below Level 10 on the Boss List have their Boss Effects disabled, Wielder must be Level 12 or higher
First Endurance Badge (2)- (Accessory, Broach, Magic, 1,000,000 Gold) +1,000 Melee Attack, +1,000 Ranged Attack, +1,000 Magical Attack, +1,000 to all stats, 25% Dodge, 25% Critical, 25% Resilience, 125% to Hit, +10,000 HP, +10,000 MP, Wielder gains 1 Buff Slot, to a max of 10, Wielder must be Level 12 or higher
Gloves of Inevitably-Perfect Drink Temperature- (Accessory, Gloves, Fire & Ice & Fate, 45,000,000 Gold) Buffs to stats that wielder obtains from Drink consumables are increased by +4,500 points as an effect that stacks a max of 10 times per stat across all applications, Drink consumables that wielder uses may not deal Fire or Ice element Damage
Gloves of the Weary Monk- (Accessory, Gloves, Air & Physical, 65,000 Gold) Wielder gains +455 Melee Attack and +455 to all stats while wielder is afflicted with Fatigued
Gloves of Treasure Sensing- (Accessory, Gloves, Earth & Magic, 20,000 Gold) 1% Chance to draw an extra treasure after battle
23 Golden Crotch-Octopus of Lord Masterburnn- (Accessory, Magic Item, Earth & Wealth, 16,500,000 Gold) +16,500 Melee Attack, +16,000 Defense, +16,000 CON, +8,500 MIN, +160,000 HP as a non-stacking bonus, 40% Resilience
Hajasnamath's Necklace- (Accessory, Amulet, Light, 78,000 Gold) +75 Magical Attack, +75 Defense, +75 Melee Attack if wielder possesses at least one Prophet of the Brightest Heavens ability, 5% Light Resistance, 15% Awestruck: Sealed Resistance
Holy Festival Scarf- (Accessory, Amulet, Hope & Wonder, 5,000,000 Gold) +500 Defense against Stat Damage, +5,000 to all stats, 30% Moon Resistance
2 Huntmaster's Condor Feather Hat- (Accessory, Hat, Air, 320,000 Gold) +500 AGI, 15% Dodge, +5% Critical against Aerials, gives +250 to all stats for each piece of equipment with 'Huntmaster' in its name, to a max of +1,000
Jewel-Studded Sandals- (Accessory, Shoes, Earth, 1,900 Gold) +2 Defense, +4 SPI
Jolly Silver Codpiece- (Accessory, Trinket, Earth, 270,000 Gold) +270 Defense, 40% Resilience, 20% Charm Resistance, 40% Confusion Resistance
Lacy Gloves of Masterful War- (Accessory, Gloves, Wealth & War, 960,000 Gold) +700 to all stats, Wearer's allies all gain +350 to all stats, all of wearer's healing effects may heal Units, wearer may spend an action up to three times per round to give one of wearer's pets or summons an additional action immediately following said spent action, wearer may exchange 3 spell or consumable slots for an additional pet slot up to two times
Lifeforce-Scanning Opera Glasses- (Accessory, Eyewear, Wealth & Life, 679,000 Gold) Wearer may scan the stats of any one target at the start of wearer's first action each round, Wearer counts as 10 Levels higher for stat-scanning purposes
Mystic's Gloves- (Accessory, Gloves, Magic, 950,000 Gold) +1,000 Magical Attack, +1,000 Defense, +1,000 SPI, +1,000 MIN, 20% Magic Resistance, +1,000 Defense against Magic
Necromancer’s Book- (Accessory, Tome, Darkness & Magic, 800,000 Gold) +8,000 MP that may only be used for Necromancy spells, Wielder may equip 10 additional Necromancy spells, provided wielder has no non-Necromancy spells equipped
Nethermind Rune- (Accessory, Rune, Darkness & Psychic & Law, 5,000,000 Gold) +5,600 MIN, Wielder's turn-order-determining stat becomes Mind, all of wielder's pets and summons may act on possessor's turn-order-determining stat's value instead of their own provided that no opponents are above (Wielder's Level + 20) or above Level 99
Phoenix-Feather Cloak- (Accessory, Cloak, Fire, 27,000,000 Gold) +26,000 AGI, +26,000 SPI, +29,000 Defense against Fire, The first time per thread that wearer is killed by a source below Level 80 that is not more than 20 Levels higher than wearer, wearer regenerates and is then healed for 1,000,000 points of Light & Fire element HP Healing and MP Healing, May only be wielded by individuals of Level 20 and greater
Proof of Nobility- (Accessory, Broach, Light & Hope & Commerce, 61,000,000 Gold) +60,000 to all stats, +6,000 Defense Against Stat Damage, Wielder gains the element Nobility, Wielder cannot lose the element Nobility due to effects from sources below Level 60, Wielder's Charm infliction chances are increased by 30% as a non-stacking effect, Wielder's Domininon infliction chances are increased by 5% against entities below Level 80 as a non-stacking effect, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater
(Bound to Elyion)
Protective Glowing Bead Necklace- (Accessory, Amulet, Light & Magic, 70,000 Gold) +68 Defense, +70 Defense against Magic, +50 MIN
2 Purified Viper Sigil- (Accessory, Sigil, Darkness, 1,000 Gold) +15 Melee Attack, 1% Poisons enemy on hit
Ring of Fortune- (Accessory, Ring, Wealth & Fortune, 50,000,000 Gold) 60% Critical, 60% Resilience, 160% To Hit, 60% Dodge, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater
Ring of Grace- (Accessory, Ring, Wealth & Nobility, 50,000,000 Gold) +50,000 AGI, 60% Dodge, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater
Ring of Prosperity- (Accessory, Ring, Wealth & Warding, 50,000,000 Gold) +500,000 Defense against Gold Damage, Wielder's summons gain +2,500 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus
Ring of Splendor- (Accessory, Ring, Wealth & Glory, 50,000,000 Gold) +50,000 to all stats, 60% inflicts Charm, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater
Ring of the Golden Hand- (Accessory, Ring, Wealth & War, 50,000,000 Gold) +50,000 Melee Attack, 5% inflicts Petrified, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater
Ruby Lips of Madeline Povermy- (Accessory, Magic Item, Fire & Air, 15,500,000 Gold) Wielder's opponents below Level 50 cannot benefit via effects that trigger based on wielder being afflicted with Charm (excluding the direct control granted by Charm itself), Individuals below Level 20 cannot inflict Charm on wielder, Individuals below Level 40 cannot deal HP Drain or MP Drain to wielder
Sand Diamond Gear (2)- (Accessoryx5, Magic Item, Earth, 36,000,000 Gold) +72,000 Melee Attack, +72,000 Magical Attack, +72,000 Ranged Attack, +72,000 Defense, +72,000 to all stats, +720,000 MP, +720,000 HP, 40% Earth Resistance, Wielder loses 2 Weapon slots and 1 Armor slots and may not equip this item if it does not cause such slots to be lost
5 Shifted Seal- (Accessory, Seal, Earth & Fire, 25,000 Gold) +50 to all stats, +100 Damage to all attacks that deal damage, Works while transformed into Shapeshifted Forms
Temporal-Anomoly Suppression Mantle- (Accessory, Cloak, Time & Progress & Warding, 35,000,000 Gold) +30,000 Defense, +30,000 Defense against Time, 25% Time Resistance, 40% Physical Resistance, Wearer is immune to individuals below Level 20 if wearer is at least 35, Wearer ignores Defense-piercing from sources below Level 40 if wearer is at least Level 35, Time element opponents of wearer suffer -5,000 to all stats if below Level 60 and no more than 5 Levels above wearer, Wearer's Time element opponents have their Level reduced by 5, to a minimum of 1, if they are below Level 40 and below wearer's Level
10 Thief's Seal- (Accessory, Seal, Magic, 200 Gold) +3 AGI
Thunderbird-Feather Cloak- (Accessory, Cloak, Electrical, 26,000,000 Gold) +25,000 Defense, +20,000 Magical Attack, +25,000 AGI, +25,000 SPI, +25,000 Defense against Electrical, 30% Electrical Resistance, 30% inflicts Electrocuted, May only be worn by individuals of Level 20 and greater
11 Tomb Dragon's Gem- (Accessory, Crystal, Darkness, 9,000,000 Gold) +9,000 Magical Attack, +8,500 to all stats, +50,000 Damage to all of possessor's damage-dealing actions that are Darkness element as a non-stacking effect
Wide Lace Hat of Deadly Precision- (Accessory, Hat, Wealth & Destruction, 615,000 Gold) +575 Ranged Attack. +575 AGI, +575 MIN, 120% To Hit
2 Wind-Anchor Cog- (Accessory, Trinket, Earth, 89,000 Gold) 15% Earth Resistance, 15% Air Resistance, all Air element individuals in battle have -250 AGI, stacks 4 times
Windblown Necktie of Surprising Strangulation- (Accessory, Scarf, Air & Darkness, 201,000 Gold) +200 Ranged Attack, Wielder has a 30% chance of inflicting Suffocation on a chosen entity at the start of each round, Wielder's first Ranged Attack action of battle may not be countered by sources below Level 20 without wielder's permission
2 Winter Pendant- (Accessory, Amulet, Ice, 115,000 Gold) +30 to all stats, +60 Magical Attack, wearer may cast spells as if Call Unto Seasons: Winter has already been cast, 10% Ice Resistance
10 Wizard's Seal- (Accessory, Seal, Magic, 200 Gold) +3 MIN

5 Curative Potion- (Consumable, Potion, Magic, 1 Charge, 3,900 Gold) +500 HP
5 Handy Potion- (Consumable, Potion, Magic, 1 Charge, 50,000 Gold) Heals 5,000 HP and 5,000 MP, +50 to all stats
102 Magical Pigments- (Consumable, Enchanted Item, Magic & Water, 100 Charges, 400,000 Gold) Heals 10,000 MP, Wielder may expend up to 10 charges of this item as part of an action involving the casting of a spell; each such charge expended reduces the cost of the aforementioned spell by 5,000 MP
Mystic Figurine: Cloudjewel Whale- (Consumable, Summoning Stone, Earth, Unlimited Charges, 23,500,000 Gold) Up to 200 willing targets are moved from target battlespace to target other battlespace that is part of the same battle so long as no individual of Level 60 or greater in either battlespace objects, with this action's performer, should said performer change battlespaces as part of this action, being able to deal 1,200,000 Flat Air & Physical element Damage to up to 2,000 targets at the end of said battlespace switch, with this action being able to target individuals in other battlespaces, This action counts as being performed by a Level 46 Aerial & Aquatic, This item's user must be Level 40 or greater
Mystic Figurine: Granite Bulldog- (Consumable, Summoning Stone, Physical, Unlimited Charges, 6,000,000 Gold) Generates an attack with Strength as its Prime Attribute, a Damage value of 12,000, an associated Strength value of 8,000, and a 50% chance of optionally inflicting Wounded, This action counts as being performed by a Level 18 Animal
Mystic Figurine: Onyx Hound- (Consumable, Summoning Stone, Darkness, Unlimited Charges, 18,000,000 Gold) A single stacked instace of a buff is moved from a target that is either willing or below Level 20 to another willing target in the same battlespace, with said second target obtain an additonal buff that does not stack that provides +5% To Hit for 7 rounds, This action counts as being performed by a Level 25 Animal, This item's user must be Level 20 or greater
Mystic Figurine: Topaz Housecat- (Consumable, Summoning Stone, Earth, Unlimited Charges, 3,000,000 Gold) Cures Confusion, Inflicts Invigorated and Stat Boost: AGI Boost, This action counts as being performed by a Level 12 Animal
Rare Dead-Festival-Rum- (Consumable, Drink, Darkness & Light & Air, 1 Charge, 870,500 Gold) Heals 8,000 HP, Heals 800 CON Damage, +300 to all stats if target is Undead, +500 to all stats if at least 3 allies of user have died during this thread, 60% inflicts Poison: Drunk, stacks 4 times

*Disk 1,000,000 1/2- (Item, Property, Spatial & Wealth, X Gold)
*Festival Town- (Item, Property, Magic & Ice & Light & Whimsy, 7,000,000 Gold)
*Master Ahrdru's World-Gallery- (Item, Antiquity, Spatial & Time & Law & Chaos & Good & Evil & Astral & Aether & Earth & Air & Fire & Water & Life & Destruction, 1,000,000,000 Gold)
*Portrait of Duchess Yanzik Rendaire in a High-Backed Chair During Late Autumn - (Item, Antiquity, Water & Earth & Light, 70,000 Gold)
*The Flametongue Ruby- (Item, Antiquity, Fire, 200,000 Gold)

Acid Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Acid, 5,000 Gold)
Air Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Air, 5,000 Gold)
2 Ancient Fish Gift-Box- (Item, Ticket, Wonder, 36,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Ancient Fish Gift-Box table
Animated Objects (Level 10-20) Spawn Table- (Item, Antiquity, Magic & Earth, 560,000 Gold)
10 Ball that Perpetually Bounces Until Stopped- (Item, Antiquity, Air & Magic, 16,000 Gold)
4 Book of Halgrembas- (Consumable, Libram, Darkness & Fire, Unlimited Charges, 200,000 Gold) 500 Fire damage to all foes, Uses 40 MP or 80 HP
4 Book of Zulinaras- (Consumable, Libram, Darkness & Water, Unlimited Charges, 200,000 Gold) +50 Defense to all party members, Does not stack, Uses 20 MP or 40 HP
Breakfastland- (Item, Property, Fire & Light & Earth, 70,000,000 Gold)
Carnival of Fleeting Terror- (Item, Property, Hope & Light & Magic & Whimsy & Wonder & Blood & Darkness, 75,600,227 Gold)
Cloudjewel- (Item, Antiquity, Air & Water, 17,500,000 Gold)
Crate Full of Fake Demon Skins With Forged Paperwork Identifying Them as Legitimate- (Item, Antiquity, Darkness & Air, 37,000 Gold)
Cute Rodents (Level 1-5) Spawn Table- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 320,000 Gold)
15 Daemonic Texts- (Item, Antiquity, Darkness, 110,000 Gold)
Darkness Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Darkness, 5,000 Gold)
18 Dark Realm Art Gallery- (Item, Property, Darkness & Magic, 679,000 Gold)
3 Dark War Iron- (Item, Material, Darkness & War & Destruction, 3,500,000 Gold)
46 Darkness Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Darkness, 5,000 Gold)
2 Deep Blue Water of Thamarr- (Item, Material, Water, 64,000 Gold)
10 Demon Skin- (Item, Material, Darkness, 41,000 Gold)
Earth Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Earth, 5,000 Gold)
Electrical Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Electrical, 5,000 Gold)
Energy Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Energy, 5,000 Gold)
Fancy Wooded Chair that Most Auctioneers Overestimate the Value Of- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 80,000 Gold)
2 Festive Landscape Giftbox- (Item, Ticket, Ice & Fire & Hope, 40,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Festive Landscape Giftbox table
Fire Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Fire, 5,000 Gold)
10 Floosh Powder- (Item, Antiquity, Magic, 10 Gold)
79 Funny Money- (Item, Currency, Whimsy & Null, 0 Gold)
Pocket Dimension: Emotion Winery- (Item, Property, Psychic & Fire & Ice & Earth, 45,000,000 Gold)
23 Golden Trophy- (Item, Antiquity, Physical, 40,000 Gold)
Huge Crate Full of Statues with Absolutely Amazing Codpieces- (Item, Antiquity, Earth & Physical, 6,300,000 Gold)
1,215,335 Holographic Llama- (Item, Antiquity, Technology & Earth, 68,500 Gold)
Hope Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Hope, 5,000 Gold)
Ice Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Ice, 5,000 Gold)
Independence- (Item, Material, Water & Air & Ice, 5,000,000 Gold)
2 Large Container of Air Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Air, 50,000 Gold)
2 Large Container of Earth Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Earth, 50,000 Gold)
2 Large Container of Fire Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Fire, 50,000 Gold)
2 Large Container of Water Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Water, 50,000 Gold)
Leprechaun's Magical Pot o' Gold- (Item, Resource, Magic & Wealth, 50,000,000 Gold) This item produces 5,000,000 Gold at the start of each month
10 Magic Copper Ore- (Item, Material, Magic, 5,000 Gold)
10 Magic Gold Ore- (Item, Material, Magic, 100,000 Gold)
Magic Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Magic, 5,000 Gold)
10 Magic Silver Ore- (Item, Material, Magic, 50,000 Gold)
896 Magi-Seal Tape- (Item, Antiquity, Magic, 1,500 Gold)
Map to a Fake Treasure- (Item, Antiquity, Earth & Water, 900 Gold)
2 Petrified Wood Coaster- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 6,000 Gold)
Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Brightbeard Caverns, Manethos Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 100,000 Gold)
Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Brightbeard Caverns, Orindar Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Darkness, 100,000 Gold)
Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Crimson Citadel of Avandos, Doppelganger Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Illusion, 100,000 Gold)
Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Crimson Citadel of Avandos, Irastor Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Fire & Magic, 100,000 Gold)
Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Crimson Citadel of Avandos, Lord Avandos Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Fire, 100,000 Gold)
Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Crimson Citadel of Avandos, Lyrandora Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Fire, 100,000 Gold)
Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Temple of Orithon, Azzhelossi Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Air, 100,000 Gold)
Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Temple of Orithon, Khrommanguard Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Light, 100,000 Gold)
Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Temple of Orithon, Khyzz-Drikk Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Water, 100,000 Gold)
Phantom Challenge Clear Pennant: Temple of Orithon, Sentinel Battle- (Item, Antiquity, Warding, 400,000 Gold)
8 Phenomenally Bad Piece of Art- (Item, Antiquity, Darkness & Water, 600 Gold)
Physical Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Physical, 5,000 Gold)
Pocket Dimension: Clouds that Rain Soup and the Tasty Sea Beneath- (Item, Property, Water & Earth, 75,000,000 Gold)
Psychic Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Psychic, 5,000 Gold)
2 Random Ultra-Festive Giftbox Plus- (Item, Ticket, Ice & Chaos & Hope, 40,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Random Ultra-Festive Giftbox Plus table
Rimecrystal- (Item, Material, Ice, 2,700,000 Gold)
Rope- (Item, Antiquity, Earth, 200 Gold)
Sand Diamond- (Item, Material, Earth, 36,000,000 Gold)
7 Square Mile of Open Sky on a Random World- (Item, Property, Air, 20,000 Gold)
Technology Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Technology, 5,000 Gold)
22 Totem Wood- (Item, Material, Earth & Magic, 160,000 Gold)
Tjourquimaddan Advisor's Mind- (Item, Antiquity, Darkness & Psychic, 1,900,000 Gold)
Video of Some Clouds- (Item, Antiquity, Air & Technology, 700 Gold)
Void-Tower of Weird Art- (Item, Property, Air & Void & Flux, 100,000,000 Gold)
Water Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Water, 5,000 Gold)

Inherent spells:
Charm Cat- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Air, 40 MP, 15,000 Gold) 100% inflicts Charm on target individual who is below Level 5 whose name includes 'Cat'
Glowing Pebble- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Light & Earth, 5 MP, 2,000 Gold) Caster gains a buff that provids its possessor and all of its possessor's allies with 101% To Hit while in a Zone of Darkness
Fancy Globes- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Magic & Light, 300 MP, 7,000 Gold) 30% inflicts Charm: Impressed
Heat Tea To Just The Right Temperature- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Water & Fire, 3 MP, 1,700 Gold) Target Drink consumable gains '1% cures Fatigued, 1% cures Frozen, and 1% cures Burning'
Sense Magic- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Magic, 40 MP, 3,000 Gold) Caster is informed with a single 'yes' answer if any of caster's opponents are Magice element, possess any Magic element abilities, could drop and Magic element items, are carrying any Magic element items, have any Magic element items equipped, or have any Wizard Magic spells equipped
Douse- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Water, 60 MP, 2,000 Gold) 1% cures Burning
Lubricate- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Water, 30 MP, 1,100 Gold) Target gains 1% Paralyzed Resistance, 5% Cures Paralyzed from sources below Level 15
Freshen Up- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Air & Light & Magic, 100 MP, 2,000 Gold) Cures target debuff from a Level 1 source
Magic Spiderweb- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Darkness & Magic, 60 MP, 1,200 Gold) 1% inflicts Paralyzed
Prestidigitation- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Magic, 10 MP, 3,000 Gold) 5% inflicts Charm: Impressed
Mage Fist- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Physical, 600 MP, 30,000 Gold) +30 Magical Attack, 5% inflicts Fatigued: Stun
Glow- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Light, 300 MP, 6,000 Gold) Target may choose for individuals below Level 5 to treat it as being solely Light element
Reveal General Form- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Light & Air, 70,000 Gold) Target loses all Dodge-bonus-prodviding or Dodge-providing buffs from sources below Level 18

Arcanist's Three of Hearts- (Spell, Arcanist Magic, Light, 100 MP, 50,000 Gold) +50 Magical Attack, Heals
Bazhoff's Icicle Rain- (Spell, Arcanist Magic, Ice, 9,000 MP, 453,000 Gold) +1,211 Magical Attack, deals an additional 5,000 Ice element damage in a Zone of Ice, deals 1/3 damage, 1 hit against 15
Card of Flame Bomb III- (Spell, Arcanist Magic, Fire, 6,000 MP, 751,321 Gold) +1,586 Magical Attack, deals 1/2 damage, 1 hit against 15
Card of the Ice Prison (Spell, Arcanist Magic, Ice, 4,000 MP, 495,000 Gold) 200 AGI Damage, 15% inflicts Frozen, 15% inflicts Entombed: Incarcerated, 30% inflicts Paralyzed, 5% inflicts Frozen: Cubed on targets below Level 20 if caster is Level 16 or greater
Create Gear Mist- (Spell, Technomancy, Technology & Earth & Air, 7,000 MP, 7,000,000 Gold) Caster attaches an effect to target Zone that deals 70,000 Flat Technology & Earth & Air element Damage to each non-clockwork individual other than caster in said Zone at the start of each round, with said effect stacking 3 times per zone and 6 times across all zones
Eternal Wall- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Light & Darkness & Magic, 700,000 MP, 70,000,000 Gold) Caster creates an Eternal Wall that counts as occupying a spot in the front row, has 700,000 HP, Has 70,000 Defense, Has 30% Physical Resistance, Has 30% Light Resistance, has 30% Darkness Resistance, Is Light & Darkness & Magic element, that provides +7,000 Defense to all allies as a non-stacking effect, that provides +70,000 Defense to all allies in the back row as a non-stacking effect, that returns to battle at the start of each round if destroyed or removed from battle by a source below Level 70, Max 3 created at any one time per caster, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
Foot of the Robomoose- (Spell, Hypertech, Technology & Physical, 4,000 MP, 4,000,000 Gold) +4,000 Melee Attack, +4,000 Magical Attack, This action may deal 80,000 Flat Technology & Physical element Damage instead of the Damage it would otherwise deal (becoming a Flat Damage action in said case), 80% inflicts Fatigued: Stun, 20% inflicts Confusion, This spell counts as possessing the subtype Summoning and its name counts as including 'Fading Call:'
Gale Blast- (Spell, Wizard Spell, Air, 200 MP, 138,000 Gold) +130 Magical Attack, 5% inflicts Suffocation, 1% causes target, provided that target is lower level than caster and below Level 40, to lose its next action, as a non-stacking effect
Great Iron Wall Card- (Spell, Arcanist Magic, Earth & Physical, 3,000 MP, 655,000 Gold) This spell creates a Great Iron Wall that counts as occupying a spot in the front row, has 240,000 HP, Has 2,500 Defense, Has 30% Physical Resistance, Has 30% Earth Resistance, Is Earth & Physical element, and provides +600 Defense to all allies as a non-stacking buff, Max 3 created at any one time per caster
1 Holy Rain- (Spell, Holy Magic, Light, 17,000 MP, 3,400,000 Gold) +3,800 Magical Attack, Demons, Daemons, Devils, Darkspawn, and Undead killed by this attack may not be resurrected by sources below Level 50, Pierces 10,000 Defense, 35% inflicts Awestruck, may inflict 1 hit against 30 and deal 1/3 damage, May only be cast by individuals above Level 20
I'm Not A Robot, Really! I'm A Real Girl!- (Spell, Illusion Magic, Technology, 50 Gold, 50,000 Gold) Caster's opponents below Level 20 with lower MIN than caster's SPI treat caster's subtype as solely being Human if they would otherwise treat it as including Robot, Clockwork, or Machine
3 One Card of Dis-Buff- (Spell, Arcanist Magic, Magic, 50 MP, 12,000 Gold) Removes all stacked copies of 1 positive enhancements accrued on a single opposing character from items used by characters under level 10, spells cast by characters under level 10, and abilities activated by pets, summons, and transformations under level 10
3 One Card of Dis-Summon- (Spell, Arcanist Magic, Magic, 50 MP, 12,000 Gold) Unsummons 1 summoned entities that is under level 10 and were summoned by an entity that is under level 10
3 One Card of Flame Lash- (Spell, Arcanist Magic, Fire, 80 MP, 31,000 Gold) +40 Magical Attack
3 One Card of Summon Soldier- (Spell, Arcanist Magic, Magic, 60 MP, 29,000 Gold) Summons 1 One Soldier, Max 100 Summoned
Parshutov's Shopping Card (Spell, Arcanist Magic, Air & Magic, 50 MP, 38,000 Gold) Caster may purchase any in-stock Aranist spells from the Shop that cost below 15,000,000 Gold, Has RP effects
Plant-Restoring Lightning of the Early Year- (Spell, Elemental Magic, Electrical, 5,000 MP, 4,999,000 Gold) +4,500 Magical Attack, Caster gains +1,000 SPI for purposes of actions including this spell as a non-stacking buff that cannot bring caster's SPI above 50,000, Heals the HP of targets that are Plants on the first 30 rounds of battle, Call Unto Seasons: Spring must have been cast to cast this spell
Purifying Blade- (Spell, Holy Magic, Light, 3,000 MP, 2,100,000 Gold) +2,200 Melee Attack, Demons, Daemons, Devils, Darkspawn, and Undead killed by this attack may not be resurrected by sources below Level 50
20 Repair- (Spell, Wizard Magic, Technology & Magic, 10 MP, 5,000 Gold) Heals target Vehicle, Mech, War Machine, Robot, Clockworks, or Golem for 500 HP
Tape Them to the Death Realm! It'll Work!- (Spell, Combat Arts, Physical & Earth & Darkness & Spatial, 300,000 Gold, 30,000,000 Gold) The entity that target corpse is the corpse of obtains a non-stacking debuff that makes its possessor unable to be resurrected by sources below Level 60
Transfer MP- (Spell, Channeling, Magic, 1 MP, 20,000 Gold) Transfers from 1-5,000 MP from one allied target to another
2 Totemic Healing- (Spell, Shaman Magic, Light & Magic, 8,000 MP, 1,750,000 Gold) +1,850 Magical Attack, Heals
11 Totemic Magic: Regeneration- (Spell, Shaman Magic, Light & Magic, 11,000 MP, 6,500,000 Gold) Places a buff on caster that heals all of caster's allies for 40,000 HP at the start of each round, does not stack on caster but stacks 10 times across healing effects
Touch Which Confers Bodily Wholeness- (Spell, Holy Magic, Light, 5,000 MP, 2,600,000 Gold) Target cannot be afflicted with Minor Status effects coming from sources below Level 30, May only be cast by individuals above Level 20


*Giles- (Pet, Immortal, Wealth & Spatial, Lv.39, 110,000,000 Gold)
HP- 4,950,000
MP- 6,000,000
STR- 101,000
AGI- 107,000
CON- 92,000
MIN- 112,000
SPI- 105,000
XP- 3,962,160,000
XP Needed- 49,200,000 (Standard Multiplier x6, Power x9, Raised to x180 to bypass Level 40 cap)
Minimum Level- 1
Defense- 27,000, +120,000 against Time, +120,000 against Psychic, +120,000 against Wealth, +120,000 against Spatial
Defense against Stat Damage- 9,800
Critical Chance- 125%
Resilience- 120%
To Hit- 250%
Dodge- 160%
Resistances and Immunities- 40% Time Resistance, 40% Wealth Resistance, 40% Spatial Resistance, Immune to Fatigued, Poison, Diseased, Confusion, Charm, Pain, Suffocation, and Vanished, Immunity to Minor and Moderate Status Effects
Prime Attribute- Mind + Any One Other
Constant Effects-
It's Giles!- Everyone on both any side of battle is Immune to Fatigued, As an RP effect no one can be tired when Giles is around!, Constant Effect
I am the Evermason! (Member of the High Evermasons Society)- All allies Golomancy spells cost half their normal MP cost, All Golems allied with possessor gain +300,000 HP and +7,000 to all stats, does not stack, Constant Effect
Space-Warping Hands- Possessor may target and deal damage to any row in battle, Possessor may target individuals in other battles in the same thread who are below Level 60 or are willing, Constant Effect
Classy Butler- Possessor's controller may bring 10 unequipped items into threads, Possessor's controller's items may not be destroyed by sources below Level 60, Constant Effect
These are the Hands that Built this City- Possessor's Large Structure allies gain +3,000,000 HP, +30,000 Defense, and +7,000 to all stats, does not stack, Constant Effect
Echo of the Architect's Powers- Possessor gains +12,000 to all stats, Possessor's Damage-dealing actions may deal an additional 28,000 Damage if possessor chooses such, Constant Effect
Mana-Displacing Strike- 90,000 Damage, deals both HP and MP damage, Spatial, 0 MP
Loads of Resources- Creates a temporary item that is identical to any item for sale in the Shop that is worth below 39,000,000 Gold that vanishes at the end of this thread, Wealth, 0 MP
Aura of Solitude- 10% inflicts Vanished, -60% To Hit against caster, does not stack, activates as a counterattack and cannot be used otherwise, Spatial, 0 MP
Space-Distorting Beam- 80,000 Damage, -15% To Hit, -15% Dodge, stacks 5 times, Spatial, 3,000 MP
Battlefield Inversion- Switches the rows of any number of targets, Spatial, 20,000 MP
Perhaps Some Tea?- 350,000 Damage, Heals, Cures any one minor status effect, Wealth & Earth & Water, 2,200 MP
Gild- +15,000 to all stats, inflicts Elevated, stacks 3 times, Wealth, 15,000 MP
Remove!- Cures any five minor or moderate status effects from sources of any Level or debuffs from sources below Level 60, Spatial, 5,000 MP
Space Door- At the start of the next round, caster and any number of caster's allies may enter any other battle in the same thread that does not contain an individual of Level 80 or greater who objects provided that no Level of 80 or greater in any battle said individuals are leaving objects, or, if in a random quest, may leave the thread, Spaital, 750,000 MP
Spacewave- 88,000 Damage, Deals full Damage to the back row, 1 hit against 60, Spatial, 250,000 MP
And they Can Tear it Down- 38,000 Damage, deals double damage to Large Structures as an effect that does not stack with other effects that multiply Damage against Large Structures, Light & Physical or Air & Physical or Magic & Psychic or Water & Air or Ice & Earth, 1,000 MP
Architect's Construction- 1,000,000 Damage, Heals, only affects Large Structures, deals double Healing to Large Structures as an effect that does not stack with other effects that multiply Damage or Healing against Large Structures, Light & Physical or Air & Physical or Magic & Psychic or Water & Air or Ice & Earth, 1,000 MP
Space Replica- Target begins counting as present in two target battles, one of which must be a battle that target is currently in, with both instances of said target being the same instance for all traits other than location, with said effect not stacking and only being able to be applied to individuals who are below Level 60 or are willing, and with said effect not being able to place an individual into a battle in which an individual of Level 80 or greater objects, Spatial, 1,000,000 MP
Glorious Overcrash: I Am The Architect Of Nexus- Caster becomes Immune to Damage (including Stat Damage), Debuffs, and Negative Status Effects for 3 rounds, Non-Overcrash abilities do not cost caster MP to cast for 3 rounds, Caster's buffs cannot be removed without caster's permission by sources below Level 80, Caster's Golem and Large Structure allies are Immune to Damage (including Stat Damage), Debuffs, and Negative Status Effects from sources below Level 60 for 3 rounds, Universe, 1 MP, Reduces caster's MP to 0 for remainder of thread
Statue Buddies: It's Smashing Time!- 60,000 Damage, this action usees the combined Spirit of each of its participants as its Prime Attribute, 1 hit against 50, May be used up to 5 times per thread, Consumes one action from the individual 'Elyion' and one individual named 'Giles', This is a Combo Move, 5,000 MP per participant
Has Reached Round 41 in a Pet Endurance Match

Equine Disco Golem- (Pet, Golem, Sonic & Physical, Lv.5, 150,000 Gold)
HP- #
MP- #
STR- #
AGI- #
CON- #
MIN- #
SPI- #
XP- 0
XP Needed- # (Standard Multiplier x1)
Minimum Level- 1
Defense- #
Defense against Stat Damage- #
Critical Chance- #%
Resilience- #%
To Hit- #%
Dodge- #%
Resistances and Immunities- 30% Sonic Resistance
Prime Attribute- Strength
Constant Effects-
Horse-Shaped- Possessor gains the subtype Animal, Constant Effect
Funky Feet- Possessor gains +#% Dodge while afflicted with a Bardic Music buff, Constant Effect
Simply Fleet- Possessor gains +# AGI and +#% Dodge, Constant Effect
Kick- # Damage, Physical, 0 MP
Disco Dancin'- 50% inflicts Confusion or Invigorated, 1 hit against 5, Air & Earth & Electical, # MP
Harden- Caster gains +# Defense, stacks 3 times, Earth, # MP

Gaagiilos- (Pet, Bird, Darkness, Lv.2, 6,000 Gold)
HP- 500
MP- 210
STR- 21
AGI- 31
CON- 18
MIN- 47
SPI- 31
XP- 29,250
XP Needed- 1,000
Minimum Level- 2
Defense- 20, +65 Against Darkness
Critical Chance- 1%
Resilience- 1%
To Hit- 100%
Dodge- 1%
Resistances and Immunities- None
Prime Attribute- Spirit
Constant Effects-
Staff of the Moon of Death- 120 Damage, Darkness, 0 MP
Bone Rip- 90 Damage, Physical & Darkness, 0 MP
Scrape- 30 Damage, Physical, 0 MP
Dark Meditation- +50 MP, Magic & Psychic, 0 MP
Blackened Symphony- 150 Damage, 3 hits against 5, Darkness, 90 MP
Summon Skeleton- Summons 1 Skeleton under Gaagiilos's control that dies if Gaagiilos does, caps at 50 summoned skeletons across all gaagiilos, Darkness, 20 MP

One Soldier (Summoned)
Level 1
Golem, Physical
HP- 100
MP- 120
STR- 8
AGI- 15
CON- 9
MIN- 12
SPI- 6
XP- 0
XP Needed- 1,000
Minimum Level- 1
Defense- 10
Defense against Stat Damage- 0
Critical Chance- 1%
Resilience- 1%
To Hit- 100%
Dodge- 1%
Resistances and Immunities- 30% Hexed Weakness, Immune to Pain, Confusion, Impaired, Poison, and Diseased
Prime Attribute- Strength
Constant Effects-
Spear Attack- 65 Damage, Physical, 0 MP


Permanent Consumables-
Basic Permit: Chaos Butterfly- (Permanent Consumable, Permit, Chaos, 1 Charge, 69,000,000 Gold) Grants the ability ‘Has a Basic Permit to Battle Chaos Butterfly’
Book of the Blade- (Permanent Consumable, Grimoire, Physical & Magic, 1 Charge, 10,000,000 Gold) Teaches user "Practiced Swordsman"
Cookie- (Permanent Consumable, Empowered Item, Earth & Light & Darkness, 1 Charge, 100 Gold) Teaches user "Has Consumed # of the Permanent Consumable "Cookie"", Cannot be used if # is already 1 or greater
Source of Attack Oil- (Permanent Consumable, Source, Fire, Unlimited Charges, 15,000,000 Gold) User gains the ability Has Consumed # of the Permanent Consumable "Attack Oil", Cannot raise # above 20, May only be used once per month

The Rose (Level 39, 825,300,000 XP, 164,000,000 XP Required, Standard Multplier x10 (Standard multiplier raised to x200 to bypass Level 40))

Rose Guardian- (Pet Aspect- The Rose, Celestial, Fire & Darkness & Earth & Magic, Level Tied to Relevant Artifact, X Gold)
HP- 2,150,000
MP- 2,150,000
STR- 33,500
AGI- 33,500
CON- 33,500
MIN- 33,500
SPI- 35,300
XP Required- Tied to Level of The Rose
Minimum Level- 1
Defense- 13,500, +135,000 Defense Against Earth
Defense against Stat Damage- 3,500
Critical Chance- 75%
Resilience- 62%
To Hit- 178%
Dodge- 60%
Resistances and Immunities- Poison Immunity, Disease Immunity, Fatigued Immunity, Hexed Immunity, Hexed: Ill Fortune Immunity, and Fatigued: Stun Immunity, Petrified Immunity, 156% Minor Status Effect Resistance, 78% Moderate Status Effect Resistance
Prime Attribute- Spirit
Constant Effects-
Rose Array- 31,000 Damage, 1 Hit Against 156, Crystal (2) or Fire & Magic, 0 MP
Doom Blot- 39,000 Damage, 150% inflicts Voidstruck, Darkness, 0 MP
Crystal Ward- +45,000 Defense, Does not stack, Earth & Fire, 0 MP
Beryl Cannon- 39,000 Damage, 100% may inflict Entombed, Earth, 0 MP
Jewel Rain- 16,000 Damage, 1 hit against 2,560, This action may deal 75,000 Flat Damage of any combination of the elments Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Magic, Darkness, Illusion, Physical, and Crystal (2) instead of the Damage it would normally deal, Earth & Fire & Magic & Darkness, 200 MP
Indexed Abilities-
Diamond Saw- 10,000 Damage, inflicts Wounded, Physical or Earth or Light, 1,500 MP
Ruby Detonation- 2,000 Damage, target, if below Level 20, is killed at the start of the round 5 rounds after this round if caster is still alive and in the same battle as said target at said point, with said target dealing 1,000,000 Flat Fire element Damage to all of its allies at that time, Fire, 100,000 MP
Emerald Growth- Target obtains +125,000 HP and +2,000 to all stats, stacks 8 times, Earth, 50,000 MP
Sapphire Beam- 10,000 Damage, this action ignores the Defense of targets below Level 40 and deals full Damage to targets below Level 40 in the back row, 1 hit against 1 target in each row of target row-order formation, Water, 50,000 MP
Onyx Fog- Caster and caster's allies gain +50% Dodge for 5 rounds, does not stack, Darkness, 25,000 MP
Diamond Clarity- Caster and caster's allies gain +100% To Hit and 50% Illusion Resistance for 5 rounds, does not stack, Light & Air & Psychic, 45,000 MP
Tourmaline Flux- Target individual below Level 59 has two of its stats' values switched, stacks 3 times, Chaos & Earth, 30,000 MP
Crystallization- 6,000 CON Damage, targets below Level 59 have a 25% chance (checked a max of once per round and skipping a max of one action per round) of skipping their next action as a non-stacking effect, Earth or Crystal (2), 100,000 MP
Has Reached Round 41 In A Pet Endurance Match

Rose Blade- (Weapon Aspect- The Rose, Sword, Darkness & Fire & Magic & Water & Crystal (2), X Gold) +78,000 Melee Attack, +37,000 Magical Attack, 80% Critical w/ True-Striking- Provides +5% Critical

Rosecrystal Armor- (Armor Aspect- The Rose, Heavy Armor, Darkness & Fire & Magic & Water & Crystal (2), X Gold) +78,000 Defense, +37,000 Magical Attack, +78,000 to all stats, 80% Resilience, 35% Magic Resistance, 35% Water Resistance, 35% Fire Resistance, 35% Darkness Resistance, 20% Crystal Resistance, 20% Crystal (2) Resistance

The Rose- (Accessory Aspect- The Rose, Magic Item, Darkness & Fire & Magic & Water & Crystal (2), X Gold) +78,000 Magical Attack, +78,000 Defense against Darkness, +78,000 Defense against Water, +78,000 Defense against Earth, +78,000 Defense Against Fire, +78,000 SPI and MIN, +37,000 STR, AGI, and CON, +780,000 MP as a non-stacking effect, Wielder may cast this artifact's spell aspects as though their MP cost were 0

Rose Codex- (Accessory Aspect- The Rose, Tome, Crystal (2) & Magic, X Gold) +78,000 Magical Attack, +78,000 MIN, +78,000 SPI, +780,000 MP as a non-stacking effect, Wielder may equip any number of Spell aspects of 'The Rose', with said equipped items not taking slots, This item possesses the subtype Crystal

Nygombil's Wrath (Spell Aspect- The Rose, Geomancy, Earth, 50 MP, X Gold) +78,000 Magic Attack, 200% inflicts Stun, 100% inflicts Entombed

Rose Chaos- (Spell Aspect- The Rose, Wizard Magic, Chaos, 399 MP, X Gold) +78,000 Magic Attack, 40% inflicts Instant Death, 20% inflicts Vanished, this action automatically kills and defeats targets below Level 20; this action ignores the Resistances, Absorbs, Reflections, and Immunities of targets below Level 20

Sultan's Tide (Indexed Spell Aspect- The Rose, Geomancy, Water, 750 MP, X Gold) +67,000 Magic Attack, 200% inflicts Drowning, 1 hit against 25,000

Crystal Conflux Lasers- (Indexed Spell Aspect- The Rose, Earth & Air & Fire & Water & Crystal (2), 300,000 MP, X Gold) +60,000 Magical Attack, this action may become any combination of the elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Crystal (2), this action may gain '5 hits against 1' and deal 1/4 Damage

Sultan's Glimmering Veil- (Indexed Spell Aspect- The Rose, Illusion, 1,200,000 MP, X Gold) Caster and caster's allies gain +90% Dodge until the end of the round

Crystal Channeling- (Indexed Spell Aspect- The Rose, Magic & Electricity & Energy, 600,000 MP, X Gold) Caster transfers up to 1,200,000 MP to or from a willing target who has a Crystal equipped

Diamond Queen's Mirror- (Indexed Spell Aspect- The Rose, Ice & Spatial, 600,000 MP, X Gold) Target gains a 25% chance of reflecting actions from sources below Level 56 as a non-stacking buff

Secret Formulae-

Secret Formula- Blood Tea
1 Tea Kettle
1 Empty Teacup
2 Tea Leaves
5 Blood
Blood Tea- (Consumable, Drink, Darkness, 1 Charge, 600 Gold) Deals 60 Flat Darkness element HP Healing, +6 MIN, +6 CON, stacks 30 times

Secret Formula- Businessman's Coffee
1 Coffee Pot
1 Coffee Beans
1 Coffee Mug
1 Coffee Filter
500 Gold
Businessman's Coffee- (Consumable, Drink, Technology & Air, 1 Charge, 900 Gold) +2 to all stats, +90 Defense against Gold Damage, 30% cures Fatigued, 20% Inflicts Invigorated

Secret Formula- Comically Huge Cup Of Coffee
1 Coffee Pot
60 Coffee Beans
1 HUGE Coffee Mug
1 Coffee Filter
Comically Huge Cup Of Coffee- (Consumable, Drink, Water & Fire & Earth, 60 Charges, 12,000 Gold) +2 to all stats, 20% Inflicts Invigorated

Secret Formula- Mystic Figurine: Golden Goat
20,000,000 Gold
Mystic Figurine: Golden Goat- (Consumable, Summoning Stone, Earth, Unlimited Charges, 20,000,000 Gold) Generates an attack with Strength as its Prime Attribute, a Damage value of 55,000, and a 115% chance of inflicting Fatigued: Stun, This action counts as being performed by a Level 35 Animal with a Strength stat of 15,500, This item's user must be Level 20 or greater

Secret Formula- Mystic Figurine: Sand Diamond Camel
5 Sand Diamond
Mystic Figurine: Sand Diamond Camel- (Consumable, Summoning Stone, Earth, Unlimited Charges, 36,000,000 Gold) Up to 5 target individuals who are either willing or below Level 50 are removed from a Zone of Earth or Fire created by a source below Level 65, This action counts as being performed by a Level 45 Animal, This item's user must be Level 40 or greater

Secret Formula- Tea
1 Tea Kettle
1 Empty Teacup
1 Tea Leaves
Tea- (Consumable, Drink, Earth, 1 Charge, 300 Gold) +5 CON, +15 MIN

Secret Formula- Terrain Spell of the Sakura Forest: Magically Become Tall Due To Close Proximity To Blossoming Sakura Trees
1 Square Mile of Sakura Forest on a Random World
15 Hope Mana Oil
Terrain Spell of the Sakura Forest: Magically Become Tall Due To Close Proximity To Blossoming Sakura Trees- (Spell, Geomancy, Hope, 20,000 MP, 2,000,000 Gold) Caster is afflicted with Elevated and deals full Damage to lower-Level individuals in the back row for one round, The terrain or phantom terrain must be Sakura Forest to cast this spell

Secret Formula- Wake the Dead
1 Coffee Pot
2 Exotic Coffee Beans
1 Massive Sphere of Necromantic Energy
1 Empty Mug
Wake the Dead- (Consumable, Drink, Darkness, 1 Charge, 8,900,000 Gold) Resurrects target individual killed by a source below Level 60 and applies a buff to said individual that changes its subtype to Undead, with said resurrection being cancelled if said buff leaves target or target ceases to count as the subtype Undead, 100% inflicts Invigorated, this item's name counts as including 'Coffee'

Secret Formula- Warmly Knitted Baked Bee Cannon (Serves 5,000,000)
Point Value- 5
Any Knitting Needles worth over 10,000,000 Gold
Any Oven worth over 10,000,000 Gold
30 Pie Crust
30 Golem Glass
30 Mauve Watering Can
30 Honey
Warmly Knitted Baked Bee Cannon (Serves 5,000,000)- (Weapon, Gun, Fire & Life, 40,000,000 Gold) +40,000 Ranged Attack, 100% may inflict Burning, Poison, and Pain, Wielder's actions that incorporate one or more of this item's attack bonuses count as coming from a source that additionally possesses the subtype Insect and that possesses 50,000,000 more Insect allies than it otherwise would, May Heal, 1 hit against 5,000,000

Secret Formula- Skilled Necromancer's Staff
Any Weaponsmith's Tools (worth at least 90,000 Gold)
Orlumais Staff
100 Darkness Mana Oil
50 Sphere of Necromantic Energy
Necromancer's Staff
Necromancer's Book
Necromancer's Command Rod
Skilled Necromancer's Staff- (Weapon, Staff, Darkness & Magic, 5,415,000 Gold) +4,750 Melee Attack, +5,680 Magical Attack, +4,000 MIN, +4,000 SPI, Wielder's Necromancy spells that provide a Magical Attack Bonus gain +4,500 additional Magical Attack, Wielder's Necromancy summons gain +400 to all stats as a non-stacking effect, Wielder's Necromancy spells cost 3,000 less MP, +16,000 MP that may only be used for Necromancy spells, Wielder may equip 5 additional Necromancy spells, provided wielder has no non-Necromancy spells equipped, 30% inflicts Charm on Undead, 20% Undead Resistance if wielder has the ability Necromancer

Secret Formula- Skilled Purifier's Staff
Any Weaponsmith's Tools (worth at least 90,000 Gold)
Orlumais Staff
100 Light Mana Oil
50 Sphere of Brilliant Energy
Purifier's Staff
Purifier's Book
Skilled Purifier's Staff- (Weapon, Staff, Light & Magic, 5,415,000 Gold) +4,750 Melee Attack, +5,680 Magical Attack, +4,000 MIN, +4,000 SPI, Wielder's spells that provide a Magical Attack Bonus gain +4,500 additional Magical Attack when targetting Undead offensively, Undead opposing wielder suffer -400 to all stats as a non-stacking effect, Wielder's Holy Magic, Divine Magic, Spirit Magic, Healer Magic, and Celestial Magic spells cost 3,000 less MP, 15% Critical against Undead, 135% To Hit against Undead, 15% inflicts Awestruck: Sealed on Undead, 10% Undead Resistance, Wielder may not equip or cast Necromancy spells

Has completed (1) Forays into the Temple of Orithon for Lady Thelrain
Has Completed the First Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Fortune
Has Completed the Second Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Skill
Has Completed the Third Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of War
Has Completed the Fourth Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Seeking
Has Completed the Fifth Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Mastery
Has Completed the Sixth Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Stamina
Has Completed the Seventh Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Echoes
Has Completed the Eighth Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Time
Has Completed the Ninth Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Collecting
Has Completed the Tenth Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Combat
Has Completed the Eleventh Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Remembrance
Has Completed the Twelfth Holy Imperial Challenge of Worth: Test of Choices
Met Disco Horse
Has Completed the Nexus Bonus Dungeon: 'The Mad Artists's Studio' on Disc 9,476,311 + 1/2
Was Defeated by a Primal Magma Titan in the Dungeon 'The Halls of Origin' on Disc 9,476,311 + 1/2
Has Won the "Winter's Grasp" Event Match
Has Won the "A Massive Condor Appears" Event Match
Has Won the "First Test Against The Adversary's Forces" Event Match
Has Won the "In Search of Ore Where the Undead Lurk" Event Match
Has Won the "Adventurers!" Event Match
Has Won the "First of the Arcane Spirits" Event Match
Has Won the "Drakespawn of the Caverns" Event Match
Has Won the "Fight Against the Storm" Event Match
Has Won the "Pillar of Self-Doubt" Event Match
Has Won the "The Rehanging" Event Match
Has Won the "Necromancer Lord Practice Bout" Event Match
Has Won the "Four Elementals" Event Match
'Came Third in a Trivia Contest'
'Bought an Egg at Walrusfest'
Talked About Magic With Remalius
A Subject In The Painting 'Living Magic In The Gazebo', Which Is Displayed In The Ivvingford Gallery In Luriveyl
Discovered Thanks To An Owl That Birds Can, In Fact, Be Annoying

Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Arcane Vizier
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Blazing Sultan
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Caliph of Corrosion
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Countess of Power
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Ebon Chancellor
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Eternal Champion
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Healer
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Heir to the Future
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Kinetic Emperor
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Mind Lord
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Mountain King
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Necromancer
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Ocean Prince
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Ritualist
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Snow Queen
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Thunder Czar
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Wind Duke
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Abjurer
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Diviner
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Elementalist
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Enchanter
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Illusionist
Has Consumed 5 Attunement Book: Veilwalker
Has used 10 Manual of A Thousand Arts
Has used 12 Grandmaster's Texts
Was in the Walrusfest Secret Santa
Has Reached Round 21 in an Endurance Match
Has Reached Round 41 In A Pet Endurance Match
Built a Statue During the Holy Festival
Has Beaten 39 Bosses in Boss Rush Mode
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Ritualist
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Ritualist
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Ritualist
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Abjurer
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Abjurer
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Abjurer
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Arcane Vizier
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Arcane Vizier
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Conjurer
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Conjurer
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Conjurer
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Controller
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Controller
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Controller
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Elementalist
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Elementalist
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Enchanter
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Enchanter
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Enchanter
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Illusionist
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Illusionist
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Ioun Master
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Ioun Master
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Ioun Master
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Magewright
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Magewright
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Magewright
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Magus
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Magus
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Magus
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Sage
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Sage
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Sage
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Seer
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Seer
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Seer
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Veilwalker
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Veilwalker
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Veilwalker
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Weirdworker
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Weirdworker
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Weirdworker
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Summoner
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Summoner
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Summoner
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Arcane Vizier
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Blazing Sultan
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Caliph of Corrosion
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Card Mystic
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Countess of Power
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Ebon Chancellor
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Eternal Champion
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Healer
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Heir to the Future
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Kinetic Emperor
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Merchant
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Mind Lord
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Mountain King
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Necromancer
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Ocean Prince
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Snow Queen
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Thunder Czar
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Wind Duke
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Diviner
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Heavenly Protector
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Illusionist
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Golomancer
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Scholar
Has Consumed 5 Essence Sphere: Wizard
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Blazing Sultan
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Card Mystic
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Merchant
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Necromancer
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Diviner
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Scholar
Has Consumed 5 Greater Essence Sphere: Wizard
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Blazing Sultan
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Card Mystic
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Healer
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Merchant
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Necromancer
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Diviner
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Golomancer
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Illusionist
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Scholar
Has Consumed 5 Improved Essence Sphere: Wizard
Has Consumed 5 Superior Essence Sphere: Necromancer
Learned the Wake The Dead Formula from Vivian
Learned the Businessman's Coffee Formula from Carl
Learned the Comically Huge Cup Of Coffee Formula from Carl
Learned the Blood Tea Formula from Vivian
Learned the Tea Formula from Vivian
Learned the Mystic Figurine: Sand Diamond Camel Formula from Idamyiir Luthos
Learned the Mystic Figurine: Golden Goat Formula from Idamyiir Luthos
Learned the Terrain Spell of the Sakura Forest: Magically Become Tall Due To Close Proximity To Blossoming Sakura Trees Formula from The East Wind
Has Completed 8 Frequent Formula Tasks
Has Completed the Mini Quest 'Trial of Memories'
Has Completed the Task "Eleventh Holy Imperial Challenge of Power: Test of Memories"
Has Completed the Task "Third Holy Imperial Challenge of Power: Test of Slaying"
Has Won the "Evergarden Defense Test" Event Match
Has Won the 'Seizing the Center' Event Match
Has Completed the Task "First Holy Imperial Challenge of Power: Test of Wealth"
Has Completed the Task "Fifth Holy Imperial Challenge of Power: Test of Opposition"
Lost to Karhu the BA Member (Who was Teamed-up with Steve Erwin from Noix) in a Replica of the Crystal Woods from Noix in the Parallel Collesseum During the Holy Festival
Cheered Up a Robot
Sponsored a Smoke Prospector
Has Defeated Three Level 39 Bosses in the Alternative Boss Rush Mode
Witnessed the Restoration of the Great Mage's Library
Participated in the 59th Match of Battle Day #3
Lost to Tolva in the 59th Match of Battle Day #3
Has Won the "You'll Never Get Me Pot o' Gold!" Event Match
Has Completed the Task "Second Holy Imperial Challenge of Power: Test of Talent"
Has Completed the Task "Fourth Holy Imperial Challenge of Power: Test of Hours"
Has Completed the Task "Sixth Holy Imperial Challenge of Power: Test of Tenacity"
Has Completed the Task "Seventh Holy Imperial Challenge of Power: Test of Essence"
Has Completed the Task "Eighth Holy Imperial Challenge of Power: Test of Leadership"
Has Completed the Task "Ninth Holy Imperial Challenge of Power: Test of Fame and Fortune"
Has Completed the Task "Tenth Holy Imperial Challenge of Power: Test of Versatility"
Has Completed the Task "Twelfth Holy Imperial Challenge of Power: Test of Options"
Participated in the Holy Festival Events at the Festival Immediately Following the Crisis Across Infinite Nexii
Was Reworked Via Voting Polls Across Nexus Thanks to an Exciting Grabbyfest Disaster
Remembers His Former Life as Elyion

The Nottest of Daves wrote: Things That (Might) Require Addressing
Originally posted by Cael

Stuff to peruse in case they need addressing after the fact:

Negative gold values are now a thing!
Silent Ripoff- (Weapon, Force, Commerce & Null, -17,500,000 Gold) -17,500 Melee Attack, -17,500 Ranged Attack, -17,500 Magical Attack, -17,500 to all stats, Wielder deals Gold Damage instead of HP Damage, Wielder is inflicted with Impaired: Silence before and after every action by every individual in every battlespace

The Shoe Made of Cat-Shaped Mud is probably the smallest equipment-slot item to date. Sadly, these things round up.
'Man that Is One Tiny Shoe: A Study' is the first example of a non-equipment item having a multiplier-value on its subtype.

Purification is now an element. If it is like the one floated by me to you regarding the Seirei-elements, it'll likely be a T0 Nonbase element and kinda-opposite to Corruption with the classname 'Pure One'. (I think the full blurb was hiding in that topic in my subforum with the artifact-list). I believe you were also considering it as a T2, however.

Dulcinea also grabbed the 'rules as per usual' post, and the Grabbyfest-end post, which traditionally grants an Unfun title and a Grabbyfest sign. She's already the Secret Duke of Unfun, so I suppose she'll end up becoming Lord Chancellor of Unfun as well, or something.

Templated sign:
Sign Proclaiming the End of Grabbyfest VII- (Item, Antiquity, Whimsy, 300,000 Gold)
This might alternatively have Grabbyfest VI in it.

Lord Gadigan wrote:
Dulcinea also grabbed the 'rules as per usual' post, and the Grabbyfest-end post, which traditionally grants an Unfun title and a Grabbyfest sign. She's already the Secret Duke of Unfun, so I suppose she'll end up becoming Lord Chancellor of Unfun as well, or something.

Templated sign:
Sign Proclaiming the End of Grabbyfest VII- (Item, Antiquity, Whimsy, 300,000 Gold)
This might alternatively have Grabbyfest VI in it.

No sign this year. The explosion was its replacement (unless someone grabbed it properly, in which case Grabbyfest would have continued for a while and then the sign would have hit).

Give her:

A List of Scribbled Stuff that Doesn't Make Sense- (Item, Antiquity, Null, 40 Gold) for the prior, though.

Lord Gadigan wrote:
Negative gold values are now a thing!
Silent Ripoff- (Weapon, Force, Commerce & Null, -17,500,000 Gold) -17,500 Melee Attack, -17,500 Ranged Attack, -17,500 Magical Attack, -17,500 to all stats, Wielder deals Gold Damage instead of HP Damage, Wielder is inflicted with Impaired: Silence before and after every action by every individual in every battlespace

They are! This has one!

The Shoe Made of Cat-Shaped Mud is probably the smallest equipment-slot item to date. Sadly, these things round up.
'Man that Is One Tiny Shoe: A Study' is the first example of a non-equipment item having a multiplier-value on its subtype.

Keep both.

Purification is now an element. If it is like the one floated by me to you regarding the Seirei-elements, it'll likely be a T0 Nonbase element and kinda-opposite to Corruption with the classname 'Pure One'. (I think the full blurb was hiding in that topic in my subforum with the artifact-list). I believe you were also considering it as a T2, however.

T2. We're going with my version, which is a bit different from Cael's but may behave like his one Seirei. Classname is Unsullied Onmyoji.

Lord Gadigan wrote: Change 'Wielder' to 'Possessor' in that Disco status effect's text, please.

Lord Gadigan wrote: *Sgt. Freddy's Brand-New Birdhouse- (Artifact, Level 60, 0 XP, # XP Required, Standard Multiplier x100, Power x1)

*Sgt. Freddy's Brand-New Birdhouse- (Accessory Aspect: Sgt. Freddy's Brand-New Birdhouse, Container, War & Air & Psychic & Law & Grandeur, X Gold) 200% inflicts Confusion: Bored, 200% inflicts Charm: Impressed, If one of possessor's allies places a buff on a Large Structure, possessor may alter the buff to increase stat values by 2,000 additional points per stat already affected (to a max of 200,000 additional points per possessor across all instances of all buffs) and, if possessor is greater Level than that ally, to count as coming from a source of possessor's Level, If one of possessor's opponents of lower Level places a buff on a Large Structure, possessor may alter the buff to increase stat values by 2,000 fewer points per stat already affected (to a minimum of 0 points) and to reduce its possessor's Resilience by 50% as an effect that stacks 8 times, Possessor may summon two Aerials that are Level 60 or lower at the start of each round, Max 2,000 summoned, If one of possessor's opponents summons an Aerial that is greater Level than all Aerials possessor has summoned and as pets (with the greatest Level being considered 0 in instances where possessor does not have an Aerial pet or summon), possessor may choose to be afflicted with Confusion: Enraged, and, if possessor does so, create a Zone of War with an effect attached to it that does not stack on the same Zone or across Zones that deals 60,000,000 Flat War element Damage to that opponent, all of possessor's opponents that are Aerials, and all of possessor's opponents that are Large Structures at the start of each round, Possessor's allies (not counting possessor) and opponents always consider the current round of battle to be the first round that possessor had this item equipped, At the start of each round, if possessor possesses an opponent who has not scanned possessor's stats, is not Resistant to, is not Immune to, does not Reflect, and does not Absorb Charm or Dominion, possessor may choose to have a 25% chance of controlling that entity's first action, provided that controlling said action results in it performing an action with a chance of scanning possessor's stats, with said action not being controlled in instances where such is not possible

Lord Gadigan wrote: I think that handles all of Grabbyfest on my end. Thread moved for updating.

Lord Gadigan wrote: Moving this back to NGR because El's stuff isn't reviewed.

Lord Gadigan wrote:
Apprentice Dawn Emperor Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Dawn Emperor) Possessor's Arch-Solar pets and summons gain +2,500 HP, +2,500 MP, +500 to damage dealt, and +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Dawn Emperor Knowledge, 3 other Dawn Emperor abilities
Cost: 625,000 Gold, 2 Weeks

Dawn Emperor- (Passive Ability, Other: Dawn Emperor) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Arch-Solar pet only, This ability provides +250 HP and +50 to all stats of possessor's Arch-Solar pets and summons per Level of possessor
Requires: Apprentice Dawn Emperor Knowledge, 10 other Dawn Emperor abilities
Cost: 625,000 Gold, 4 Weeks

Apprentice Virtual Avatar User- (Passive Ability, Other: Gamer) All Virtual Avatar transformations equipped by possessor gain +100 to all stats, +500 to the Damage values of their abilities, +5,000 HP, +2,500 MP, and have thier abilities cost 50 less MP
Requires: Basic Virtual Avatar User, 3 other Gamer abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks

Gamer- (Passive Ability, Other: Gamer) All of possesser's Virtual Avatar transformations gain +25 to all stats per possessor level
Requires: Apprentice Virtual Avatar User, 10 other Gamer abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 4 Weeks

Apprentice Contract Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Other: Covenant Scribe) All Contract Magic spells cast by possessor that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +250 additional Magical Attack, All Contract Magic spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Contract Magic Attunement, 3 other Covenant Scribe abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks


Lord Gadigan wrote: Basic Dawn Emperor Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Other: Dawn Emperor) Possessor's Arch-Solar pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +50 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Requires: Adept Divine Magic Attunement, Adept Sun Duke Knowledge, Adept Light Synchronization
Cost: 30,000,000 Gold, 60 Weeks

Lord Gadigan wrote: Covenant Scribe- (Passive Ability, Other: Covenant Scribe) Contract Magic spells cost possessor (1,000 * Possessor Level) less MP, XP, and Gold to cast
Requires: Apprentice Contract Magic Attunement, 10 other Covenant Scribe abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 4 Weeks

Apprentice Theoretical Element 02-B Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Theoretical Element 02-B element item equipped, Possessor's Theoretical Element 02-B element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Theoretical Element 02-B Synchronization, 3 other Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks

Automaton Inspector- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Theoretical Element 02-B Resistance, Possessor ignores Theoretical Element 02-B Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Theoretical Element 02-B Synchronization, 10 other Other: Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 4 Weeks


Basic Theoretical Element 02-B Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Elemental Researcher: Automaton Inspector) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Theoretical Element 02-B element
Requires: Elemental Researcher, Detective, Diviner, Swordsman, Ninja, Engineer, Reality Coder, Numinous Archivist, Cosmic Mathematician, Resonant Historian, Adept Technology Synchronization, Adept Roboticist Knowledge
Cost: 26,000,000 Gold, 26 Weeks

Lord Gadigan wrote: Thread moved for updating again.

Re: Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 5:47 pm
by Modrageball
The thread ends here.

Potential additional thing:

Really Big Eidolon Magnet Reference Link
Does exactly what it says. Given it was placed alongside the Disaster Seeker on 'An option that is terrible for you, but interesting', it may actually be as potent as the blade in question, only with a summon-focus.

Re: Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 6:19 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Re: Grabbyfest VI (VII)

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2020 3:47 pm
by Aeromage
-Updated, Moved and Locked-