Nira returns to finish her studies
Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:01 am
This quest began on Feb 05, 2018.
Draconics wrote: Nira returns to the bar to see what is going on! She pulls up on her Motorcycle and parks it. Feta joins her on this trip.
She's seeking The Bartender to finish the training and learning the formulas from this thread:
She first wants to check in on Carl, Shannon, Vivian, and The Bartender though and see what's going on post-megaquest.
Draconics wrote: Nira doesn't make it to the bar as succinctly as she intends. Waiting near the door as she approaches, Zweirugi releases himself from his duties of holding up the building and gives her a solemn nod. He flicks his Cigarette carelessly away as it ignites in an unholy flame and consumes itself to ash before reaching the ground.
He doesn't wait for pause before beginning his greeting, "Nira, I see you're still well off after that stunt you pulled. I had a rough idea you were planning some trick around direct combat, but nowhere near that scale."
Nira makes a wry smile, calmly speaking, "Likewise to you as well, congratulations on your success ... and newfound freedom. I'm presuming you're hear for a reason?"
"Yeah, here." He hands off a sealed note, which Nira handily receives. Zweirugi continues, "Read that later, when you're alone and some time to yourself. Vashna, the unrelenting bastard, made sure his last moments carried ridiculous impact for all involved."
Minutes later, but less than a moment; In a lapse of usual character, Nira had tears streaking down her cheeks as she held the letter. Zweirugi wasn't scanning, but could aptly tell what had just happened within stopped time, a quick glance at the broken seal more than confirming his guess.
"I had warned you." Zweirugi scowls unsympathetically, although his attitude seems somewhat softened implying he perhaps knew what was going to happen the moment he handed that note over. "Either way, the new kid has some work to do if he decides he wants to fill those shoes. He's going to need our help becoming himself, but I know at present the Roulette Master is going to be keeping tabs on him while I go take care of some errands and maybe wander to find myself for a bit. You'll need to work with him to make sure the Three of Swords Corp hangs on till either I return or Draconics is ready."
Zweirugi starts to walk past Nira on his way away. His third arm reaching over to clasp Nira on the shoulder. He whispers something with a grim visage as the arm glows with healing magic and Nira's attitude clears up. He releases her and continues heading off towards his next locale, his third arm waving to Nira as he does. He shouts, "I'll have Draconics send Freshness your way if you're planning to pick up a shift!"
Nira gives herself a moment before pocketing the note and heading into the Bar.
Lord Gadigan wrote:
She first wants to check in on Carl, Shannon, Vivian, and The Bartender though and see what's going on post-megaquest.
None of these people are actually in the Bar right now. How are you locating them? Divination?
Draconics wrote: ((Woah))
Nira will see who's running the bar and what state it's in.
Lord Gadigan wrote: The bar seems to be reasonably busy, with lots of people visiting to trade rumors of new happening around the cosmos, info about what's changed in Nexus, and looking for information about missing friends and relatives who evacuated from the city or couldn't be found after the Crisis.
The main bar is being operated by Edgar, a yak with long arms with hands on the ends emerging from his mid-section. He greets Nira in a friendly manner as she approaches.
Draconics wrote: Nira will strike up a chat with Edgar, since she hadn't even met him prior. Try to get a feel about where he places on the bartender ladder (Berlarry -> Carl/Shannon -> Vivian -> Bartender) and if any of the others have checked in yet.
Lord Gadigan wrote:Nira gets the impression that Edgar is generally competent and helpful, unlike Berlarry, but her eye is scanning him as Level 65, putting him as less powerful than her friends (and her).
Shannon and Carl are, as of present, deceased. Edgar seems a bit bothered by this, but thinks they're resurrectable and should be back to work at some point.
Vivian has the day off; Vlad is currently operating the Darkness-element section. Her house is down on Disc 3 - Edgar has her address and phone number if you need to contact her.
Draconics wrote: Nira says she'll see about getting them back on their feet.
She will use her bartending to whip up a pair of:
Orange Phoenix Cocktail- (Consumable, Drink, Fire & Light, 1 Charge, 20,000,000 Gold) Resurrects target if target was not killed by a source 40 or more levels higher than itself, 60% inflicts Impaired: Drunk on targets that are successfully resurrected
She's going to mail them (assuming there's a mail box at the bar) to Carl and Shannon. She'll try to use her Temporal Primarch and her Clock to time-delay her using Serve Drinks on the recipients.
Lord Gadigan wrote: Lili, do you want there to be a mailbox at the bar? Also, do you want to do anything to intercept this mail / help it go through?
Wriggle Nightsparrow wrote: Associated with-
Lili has likely created a mailbox in each section of the bar as one of her first stops. Assuming she was generally successful in her effort, Nira's attempt at mail would be met with the following:
Nira's piece of "mail" is a little non-standard, but not overly so. Here's what the box would do.
- The contents get scanned and approved, confirmed as containing no actively aggressive intent.
- Likely problems are identified and countermeasures suggested.
-The individuals to recieve this piece of mail are dead, so their intent is analyzed/guessed at from available data. They are identified as likely to desire the "mail" in question, so consent to be effected is waved.
-An option is given to Nira to tie the ability-effect into the mail for some small mana/XP cost, as appropriate, to ensure proper delivery of the mail as intended.
-An option for the mail to auto-open upon delivery
Draconics wrote: Given the sensitive nature of this, Nira is willing to spend some to ensure delivery and issuance!
Lord Gadigan wrote: Nira gets-
2 Fame
'Resurrected Carl and Shannon Using the Power of Alcohol (and Phoenixes)'
Nira expends some XP to improve delivery and make the packages auto-activate at the appropriate locations. XP is ultimately a wash, as some was spent to get the mail delivered successfully, but enough to make up for it was earned for resurrecting the duo.
Lili gets-
1 Fame
'Helped Nira Resurrect Carl and Shannon'
Nira gets two thank-you messages in the mail pretty promptly.
Draconics wrote: I guess with those two handled, Nira's gonna follow-up with Edgar about Berlarry's survival or lack thereof and if The Bartender has been around.
Lord Gadigan wrote: Berlarry is confirmed as presently dead, though Edgar suspects he won't stay that way too long.
The Bartender showed up for a few minutes after the Crisis, to put parts of the Tavern in order, but then left again to set up a 'secondary location' somewhere.
Draconics wrote: Nira will offer to help Edgar get caught up in case he needs it, otherwise she's gonna start on her previous recipes until the Corporation is ready to move out!
(Where she left off, list in template-form: viewtopic.php?p=149908#p149908 )
Lord Gadigan wrote: Nira:
Please post the template list over in here. Stat Gold values at 7,800,000 on the next item and increase by 100,000. There's going to be a jump in there somewhere, but I can handle that switch later. Go find the blurbs describing the drinks and their effects on the contestants in the contest. Post them at the bottom of the entries on the template list. I'm putting the Triple Vision in this post for my own reference as the most-recent drink on the list that got its formula made.
Secret Formula- Triple Vision
Point Value- 2
3 Strong Alcohol
3 Rare Alcohol
3 Glass
Triple Vision- (Consumable, Drink, Psychic & Water, 1 Charge, 7,700,000 Gold) Target obtains a non-stacking buff that increases its Level for stat-scanning purposes by 3 as an effect that cannot raise said Level above 60 or above a Level Cap, Target obtains a non-stacking buff that causes its possessor's attacks to gain ('3 hits against 1' and -60% To Hit) while its possessor is afflicted with Poison: Drunk, 180% inflicts Poison: Drunk
Draconics wrote: Secret Formula- Lingering Message
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Lingering Message - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 7,800,000 Gold) <>
This drink is meant to stay with the drinker. It lingers, keeping one drunk for months of years.
It lasts as long as it takes the two drinkers to drink it, which isn't long at all.
Secret Formula- Encounter With Joy
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Encounter With Joy - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 7,900,000 Gold) <>
This whitish-yellow drink glows somewhat. It is known to leave its drinkers blind to the world, enraptured by a constant feeling of joy.
It tastes great. It tastes happy! The joy is entirely manageable, though.
Secret Formula- War Without Purpose
Point Value- <INTEGER>
War Without Purpose - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 8,000,000 Gold) <>
This is a dark, smoky drink. Tiny men run across it, firing guns. Little explosions occur in and on the drink. Every once in a while, a little bomb drops onto it from a heard-but-not-seen plane or a tank drives across it. It carries the sorrow and weight of purposeless war.
And both of the drinkers are able to deal with that quite well. No sorrow is acquired. No tipsiness is acquired either.
Secret Formula- Debauched Masquerade
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Debauched Masquerade - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 8,100,000 Gold) <>
This drink is deep purple and has a highly-ornamental masquerade mask in it. It causes its drinkers to shapeshift over time, to be extremely drunk, and to see others dressed in shifting costumes.
Both drinkers drink it. Hundreds of masks flash onto their faces and fly off milliseconds later. Both are unfazed by the drink.
Secret Formula- Is Bliss
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Is Bliss - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 8,200,000 Gold) <>
This drink, if drunk by someone who doesn't know what's in it, becomes made of things that aren't its real ingredients. It is absolutely delicious. If it is drunk by someone who scans it or knows what it is in it, it remains made of its real ingredients. It is utterly horrible in those cases. Carl is kind. He doesn't say what's in it. Both of you enjoy an excellent drink that contains none of the ingredients that Carl put in.
Secret Formula- Pastor Cadmere's Guilty Conscience
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Pastor Cadmere's Guilty Conscience - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 8,300,000 Gold) <>
Pastor Cadmere was a preacher who worshipped a deity who disapproved of alcohol. Though he was a hardline preacher, he had an alcohol problem. He eventually decided to make a drink so strong that it scared him off of drinking again. He then began serving the drink to parishioners who had similar problems, though he never revealed the drink's origin to any of them.
The two contestants guiltlessly down it and are undeterred in their quest to surmount all booze.
Secret Formula- Twilight Candle
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Twilight Candle - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 8,400,000 Gold) <>
This is a black-blue drink with a single, short candle floating atop it. It is said to dispel the darkness that haunts the night while the candle yet burns and, if the drink is consumed just after the candle burns out, for an hour past that.
It is handled by both contestants without issue.
Secret Formula- Crimson Dynasty
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Crimson Dynasty - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 8,500,000 Gold) <>
This deep red drink contains fragments of the ancestral memories and powers of a great dynasty that rules on a world of feuding nations. The modern rulers of the nation drink this to commune with their predecessors.
Still no problems.
Secret Formula- Bourbon Cubed
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Bourbon Cubed - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 8,600,000 Gold) <>
The glass contains floating cubes of bourbon. The alcohol was mathematically cubed by a mathemagical mixologist, making it hyper-potent and very concentrated.
Neither drinker has an issue with this.
Secret Formula- Hawthorne Dryad Whiskey
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Hawthorne Dryad Whiskey - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 8,700,000 Gold) <>
It's tasty! It's poisonous! It is brewed by dryads with a subtle hatred of humanity who serve it to woodsmen who drink the pleasantly-offered drink and then never wake up.
Darston and the Golem don't wake up because they don't fall asleep to begin with. They don't get drunk or poisoned by this.
Secret Formula- Guilty Seven
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Guilty Seven - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 8,800,000 Gold) <>
A town on one distant world once wanted to find the thief who was sneaking into their booze stores. The town hired several brewers to create an irresistable drink that was then kept under careful observation. Not just one person broke into the store it was kept in to drink it; seven did. The number was kept at merely seven because that was all the drink there was; the rest of the town, drawn by the alcohol's siren song, was hot on their heels. The experiment was a failure in catching the criminal, but it was a roaring success in creating a new type of booze that became in high demand.
Neither contestant has a problem with this drink, though both drink it especially quickly.
Secret Formula- Triumphant Jerry
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Triumphant Jerry - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 8,900,000 Gold) <>
There once was a man named Bob who bragged that his friend Jerry was great at everything he tried. A man named Larry asked Bob if Jerry ever made alcoholic drinks. Bob said no. Larry, being a bartender, bet Bob that Jerry couldn't create a hit drink that would become more widely known than anything Larry had made. Jerry walked up to Larry's alcohol cabinet and mixed together a drink. Billions of bartenders across thousands of worlds suddenly learned Jerry's new recipe and it became an instant interdimensional hit. Boom. Triumphant Jerry.
Neither of the two has a problem with the drink, though both can see why Jerry was so successful with it. It's absolutely stunning.
Secret Formula- Ether Master Scotch
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Ether Master Scotch - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 9,000,000 Gold) <>
It's this guy again. Ether Master Scotch is a clear, airy drink that is made by Ethereal Mages. It bypasses immunities, resistances, protections, and acclimations to strong drinks, going straight to whoever drinks it without having to pass through the bodily system at all.
This one hits the duo again. They both get a little bit more drunk.
Secret Formula- Wish For The Road
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Wish For The Road - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 9,100,000 Gold) <>
There once was a man who had four wishes from a genie. His last wish was for a 'really strong drink.' He got it.
So do Darston and The Golem. It affects both of them a tiiiiiny bit (much less than the Ether Master Scotch, which didn't affect them a ton to begin with).
Secret Formula- Silent Testament
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Silent Testament - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 9,200,000 Gold) <>
This is a gray drink that is made in complete silence. While it is in a room, people cannot speak or fight. They can only silently reflect on their lives.
Darston and The Golem silently down it. It affects them about as much as the Wish For The Road.
Secret Formula- Tag Team Combo
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Tag Team Combo - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 9,300,000 Gold) <>
"SHANNON!" "CARL!" Shannon and Carl begin simultanesouly working on this drink. The duo sets down the two drinks, each having done half the work on each of them, in front of the contestants simultaneously.
It's a fairly strong drink, but it only manages to buff the duo.
Secret Formula- Combo Breaker
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Combo Breaker - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 9,400,000 Gold) <>
Shannon raises an eyebrow and gives a half-smile. Carl nods and smiles back. "CARL!" "SHANNON!" They mix together a color-inverted version of the last drink.
The duo drinks it. WHAM. It inverts the buff from the last drink, nullifies all the buffs from the previous drinks, and cancels the Golem's spiced viegar supercharge. It also negates any and all momentum that the two drinkers had up to this point. Ominous.
Secret Formula- Forgotten Sunday
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Forgotten Sunday - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 9,500,000 Gold) <>
This drink was first made by a man who thought it was sometimes better to forget. It is a Mind-based drink, as opposed to traditional Constitution-affecting ones. It wipes the memory of being drunk from its drinker's mind, as well as the last few days' memory, along with throwing the drinker into a day-or-more-long stupor in which new memories can't be acquired. It also sometimes comes back to bite you.
This hits both drinkers a bit. The Golem's absurd CON doesn't help with this, though his mind is strong enough to deal with it. Neither contestant gets amnesia.
DRACONICS NOTE: See Awakened Iris as this drink had more effects revealed when they got to that step
Secret Formula- Bold Suggestion
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Bold Suggestion - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 9,600,000 Gold) <>
This drink is occasionally suggested to or by the extremely brave. It is known to knock out most drinkers easily, having taking down some notable heroes before.
It's a strong drink. Both drinkers are affected a bit.
Secret Formula- History of Man
Point Value- <INTEGER>
History of Man - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 9,700,000 Gold) <>
This drink is a clear blue and has thousands of images of histories of humanity on different worlds flashing on it. As it is drunk, it takes its drinker through the history of both mankind and of the boozes made by mankind. It is millions of drinks in one.
Fortunately, most of the millions of drinks aren't too strong. A few are notable, though, and it leaves the duo a bit more tipsy, though they're still only mildly buzzed.
Secret Formula- Nameless Number Seven
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Nameless Number Seven - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 9,800,000 Gold) <>
This drink was made by a mysterious man working for a government agency. He never named it, but it was his seventh experimental drink. It is whispered of in legends by those seeking strong booze.
The Golem resists it outright thanks to his constitution. Darston gets a tiny bit more drunk.
Secret Formula- National Tragedy
Point Value- <INTEGER>
National Tragedy - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 9,900,000 Gold) <>
A man with a great amount of ingenuity decided to solve his world's problems by turning them into beer. He metaphysically lasso'd the concept of the next tragedy to befall his home nation and turned it into a drink. Though it took hundreds of drinkers until one strong enough to take it was found, once the drink was drunk, the tragedy disappeared from the future. The world got both better and boozier after that point.
It's a strong, sorrowful taste. Darston's connection to the Corpse Colossus actually helps him get through this one without becoming more drunk. The Golem's CON helps him get only a miniscule bit more drunk.
Secret Formula- Ocean Of Breath And Sleep
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Ocean Of Breath And Sleep - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 10,000,000 Gold) <>
It is a drink with the vastness of a small ocean contained in a glass. It is made of refreshing, invigorating breath and restful, drifting sleep. It is cloudy, blue, and has a great wideness that expands beyond the confines of its glass when it is looked at.
It takes a bit to drink this one. About half a minute for Darston and slightly longer for the Golem. Both down it, though, and neither falls into slumber.
Secret Formula- Cruise Control
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Cruise Control- (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 10,100,000 Gold) <>
This pale orange drink puts your life on autopilot. It disembodies the drinker, allowing them to enter a domain of pure thought, while the body performs tasks automatically. The autopilot state can last for years or decades, giving the mind plenty of room to think.
Both drinkers drink it. Both remain solidly embodied.
Secret Formula- Tyrant Bee Mead
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Tyrant Bee Mead - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 10,200,000 Gold) <>
It is a sweet mead made from the nectar of the deadly Tyrant Bee. It is very strong and sometimes called almost as lethal as the insect itself.
The drinkers drink it. It affects them, but they're still mildly drunk.
Secret Formula- Dragon Baron Wine
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Dragon Baron Wine - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 10,300,000 Gold) <>
This drink is made by dragon nobles, who drink it partially to reinforce the fact that they can handle drinks of much greater potency than mere humans.
Darston and the Golem, though, can handle drinks better than mere Dragon Barons. Darston in particular handles this one well.
Secret Formula- Techylmann Twist
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Techylmann Twist - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 10,400,000 Gold) <>
This drink was invented by Techylmann himself. He was not only the pioneer of elemental research, a master inventor, and a grandmaster scientist many times over, but he was also known to be the somewhat-debauched life of the party. This isn't one of his stronger drinks, but it certainly has a delirious kick to it.
The Golem, due to being a Golem, gets hit slightly harder with this one. Both drinkers handle it well enough that Techylmann would likely commend them and offer them an even better drink, though.
Secret Formula- Seven Ages
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Seven Ages - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 10,500,000 Gold) <>
This drink is filled with images of drifting clocks and is made of distilled time. It drags the drinker through seven ages of drunken stupor if it fully hits.
Both of the two are able to handle the drink, though both look a bit more tired after it. They also feel like they forgot something.
Secret Formula- Best And The Brightest
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Best And The Brightest - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 10,600,000 Gold) <>
This drink shines with blinding light. Most people in the room have to cover their eyes when the brilliant concoction is made.
Darston easily downs this. His connection to suns lets him drink it without a problem, actually causing it to brilliance-nuke the crocodiles in his blood instead. The Golem gets hit a bit with this one, making him more drunk.
Secret Formula- Heaven's Finest
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Heaven's Finest - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 10,700,000 Gold) <>
This is blue-white drink served by angels in one world's heaven. It is known to be so good that some people live virtuous lives just to try it. It is also too strong for living mortals.
It isn't too strong for Darston or the Golem, though it does affect both of them a bit. The crocodiles continue their assault against the Golem's mind.
Secret Formula- Cobalt Enlightenment
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Cobalt Enlightenment - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 10,800,000 Gold) <>
This cobalt drink has an eye pattern in it. It is said to provide enlightenment to those who drink it and remain conscious.
The two drink it. Their third eyes open on their foreheads, shining, and they gain greater understanding of reality. They both get a mind boost, allowing the Golem to keep the crocodiles at bay. It's a fairly strong drink still, though.
Secret Formula- Captain Bartolmo
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Captain Bartolmo - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 10,900,000 Gold) <>
This drink was made by a legendary pirate captain. It was known to be the strongest drink on the world, and many multidimensional megacorporations vied to buy his recipe from him. Bascaradine eventually bought the smaller corporation that got its hands on it and produces it through a sub-label.
It's a strong drink. There's no doubt there. Both drinkers get more drunk, Darston mildly more-so than the Golem on this one.
Secret Formula- Disaster Traverser
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Disaster Traverser - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 11,000,000 Gold) <>
This drink contains tornadoes, stormy seas, whirlpools, firestorms, lightning rains, tiny sea monsters, sleet storms, and other disasters. It also contains a tiny boat safely sailing between all of them.
It makes you both a semi-decent bit more drunk. It also gives you both hope.
Secret Formula- Sgt. Grigsby's Barricade Wine
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Sgt. Grigsby's Barricade Wine - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 11,100,000 Gold) <>
This wine was developed by a man named Sergeant Grigsby who ran a fortress that guarded a rift to several demonic planes of existence. The sergeant developed a wine so strong that, when it was flung down the roaring maws of the massive demons that emerged from the rift, they would collapse drunkenly back into it. No one at the fortress but the Sergeant himself was ever able to down a glass of the stuff.
This one hits hard. Darston and the Golem both begin steeling themselves in preparation for the next few drinks. Things are getting nasty. Darston's internal summons (both lions and undead) are also all clocked out by this one.
Secret Formula- Sun, Moon, and Stars
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Sun, Moon, and Stars - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 11,200,000 Gold) <>
This shimmering blue-black drink has a small sun and moon that take turns rising from and setting in its waters. Several small stars shine above it.
Darston handles this drink well with his sun-queen connection. The Golem less so. The Golem is now getting decently drunk. Darston is just a bit behind.
Secret Formula- Awakened Iris
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Awakened Iris - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 11,300,000 Gold) <>
It is a deep purple drink with a shining eye in its top. The eye watches as you lift the glass.
As it is drunk, it hooks up with the third eyes of Darston and The Golem, subverting them. Both of the two suddenly have their hyper-enlightened minds pounding inwards on themselves. Both suddenly remember the Forgotten Sunday. They also remember the part of its description that was omitted earlier: When it does come back (and it nearly always does), it comes back to greatly enhance later mind-affecting drinks. The Golem's mind-eye lets the crocodiles in, and they begin partying.
Secret Formula- Gentle Letdown
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Gentle Letdown - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 11,400,000 Gold) <>
This drink was made by a goddess who wanted to let a mortal suitor go without hurting him too much. The drink was strong enough that it wiped all knowledge of their sublime passions from his mind, leaving him highly confused and alive only through the goddess's final blessing, but without memory of the lost relationship.
Both the Golem and Darston have to stop their hearts at this point. The drinks are just getting too intense. The two keep trucking on through willpower and superior bodies.
Secret Formula- Courts Of Aether
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Courts Of Aether - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 11,500,000 Gold) <>
This is a great misty drink containing a meeting hall of ethereal forces. It was created by grandmaster ethereal magi, and is designed to bypass all defenses.
The Golem puts everything he has into surviving this drink. As he focuses on it, one of the crocodiles flips a little lever in his machine-brain that the eye willed into existence. The Golem bluescreens, screaming 'CROCODILES IN MY MIIIIIIIIIIIIIND' as he goes down, crashing into the bar. Darston is now sweating and trembling a bit from the alcohol, but still up.
Secret Formula- Julius Cascade Verse
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Julius Cascade Verse - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 11,600,000 Gold) <>
There was once a mage named Julius. He turned himself into a song of revelry and decadence to avoid death. Each instance of this drink is a verse in his now-eternal life. The mage can never die so long as the drink keeps being made.
Darston drinks it. The mage's power starts to overwhelm him. Darston sings a high opera note while spatially shunting the drink to another part of his body. When the next moment resumes, the drink is safely contained in his left leg, which detaches from his body, going gray and dead as it does so.
Secret Formula- Valhalla Sirocco
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Valhalla Sirocco - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 11,700,000 Gold) <>
This drink is a storm of war. Thousands of spirit warriors march across it as a storm of incarnate battle plays. Minituare Valkyries stream across the drinks, calling their phantom warriors to battle.
Darston drinks it. He has fought Valkyries. He has fought gods. He can fight this. He battles through it. Barely.
Secret Formula- Tomb Of Reason
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Tomb Of Reason - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 11,800,000 Gold) <>
This drink is as gray black as a grave. It eats light and thought. It is the death of all reason and thought in its drinkers.
Darston downs it. His mind is now gone. His body is twitching and his mouth frothing some. He has lost all reason and sense. He is going down.
It is perhaps this lack of thought that prompts him to continue and drink the next drink.
Secret Formula- Goddess Guillotine
Point Value- <INTEGER>
Goddess Guillotine - (Consumable, Drink, <ELEMENTS>, <X> Charge, 11,900,000 Gold) <>
It is a drink of divine punishment. A shining guillotine of divine silver light hangs above it. It has killed a minor goddess before.
Darston reaches for it. He picks it up. He takes a drink. The alcohol literally cuts his brain in half. It also temporarily severs his connection with his goddess and prevents his resurrection. Darston is down.
Lord Gadigan wrote: Secret Formula- Lingering Message
Point Value- 2
2 Strong Alcohol
5 Rare Alcohol
1 Time Dust
1 Glass
Lingering Message - (Consumable, Drink, Time, 1 Charge, 7,800,000 Gold) 200% inflicts Poison: Drunk, +6,000 to all stats as a non-stacking buff, The action to use this consumable repeats on its target at the start of each round so long as it only possesses one target, involves no other consumables, involves no techniques, and none of its performer's other actions have already repeated on said round
In stock-
Time Dust- (Item, Material, Time, 5,000,000 Gold)
Draconics wrote: She continues!