Abstandard Battle Systems
Elemental Opposition Battle System
Elements are opposed as follows:
Fire vs. Water
Fire vs. Ice
Air vs. Earth
Water vs. Acid
Earth vs. Electrical
Light vs. Darkness
Physical vs. Psychic
Magic vs. Technology
Destruction vs. Life
Metal vs. Wood
Offensive actions with at least one element opposing at least one of the elements of their target deal 1.25 times damage.
Non-offensive actions with at least one element opposing at least one of the elements of their target have a 50% chance of not working.
Individuals under level 25 have their stats halved if they have an item equipped that includes at least one of their opposing elements equipped.
Individuals under level 25 have their stats multiplied by .9 if they are in a zone of at least one of their opposing elements.
Individuals under level 25 have their stats multiplied by 1.1 if they are in a zone of at least one of their elements.
Individuals over level 99 may ignore this battle system.
Uncertain Times Battle System
All relevant stat value multipliers are randomized between 0.01 and 8 instead of the normal .5 and 5.
All attack bonuses on items and damage values on enemies, pets, and transformations (but not stat damage values) have a randomized multiplier between 0.5 and 5.
Each time an attack would inflict HP Damage, MP Damage, HP Drain, MP Drain, HP Healing, or MP Healing, there is a 1% chance that it switches to one of the other types (with an equal chance of each).
Each time an individual would have an action, there is a 5% chance that they do not have said action.
Each round, there is a 1% chance that each individual gets an additional action after their first action of the round.
Each time a prime attribute or relevant stat is applied to an attack, there is a 5% chance that it switches to a random stat. This can, if an attack has multiple bonuses, apply the same stat to an attack multiple times.
Each time an elemental weakness or resistance is applied, raise or lower (equal chance) it by 1-5%. This cannot reduce the chance of either below 0%.
At the beginning of each battle, there is a 1% chance that each non-unique individual under level 40 not named Oneman involved is cloned, provided that such would not break a summon cap. The clone has no buffs, debuffs or status effects applied to it. If it is a clone of a summon, it counts as being summoned by said summon's summoner. If it is the clone of a non-summon, it counts as not being summoned and is under the same ownership as the original version, discounting Charm. All such clones disappear at the end of the thread.
At the beginning of each thread, a base pet subtype, other than Fiends, Holy Ones, Serpent Blessed, and Immortals, is chosen for each individual, said individuals possess a 10% Weakness to individuals of this subtype.
At the beginning of each thread, a difference base pet subtype, other than Fiends, Holy Ones, Serpent Blessed, and Immortals, is chosen for each individual, said individauls possess a 10% Resistance to individuals of this subtype.
Each time an action with targets occurs, there is a 1% chance that the targets will all be randomly re-selected. If these re-selected targets are invalid targets for some reason, then the action does not function.
There is a 50% chance that all minor status effects wear off at the start of each action of the individual they are applied on.
There is a 15% chance that all moderate status effects wear off at the start of each action of the individual they are applied on.
End of battle Gold is multiplied by a number between .01 and 5 for each individual battle participant.
End of battle XP is multiplied by a number between .1 and 2.1 for each individual battle participant.
Individuals over level 40 may ignore this battle system.
Individuals over level 99 may choose to cancel this battle system at any time, doing such is not an action and cannot be countered normally. If such is done, the system may not be re-initiated within the same thread unless explicitly specified.
Abstandard PC Type Rules
Generic Rules
Abstandard PC Types may only be created in slots specially approved for their use.
Bullfighting-Adjacent PC Types
* If a PC Type is designated as Bullfighting-Adjacent, its presence causes all Imaginary elements and subtypes to automatically, initially be set to Manifested in battles it is involved in. Only things 20 or more Levels greater than the Bullfighting-Adjacent PC may set them to unreal or prevent this setting.
Well-Locked BA Members
Well-Locked: Arena Members that are 'Well-Locked' may not access Doorway to Lost Realms quests, instead auto-completing any Seal Tasks that require such. They may also auto-complete any Seal Tasks that require Mini Quests (this includes the Ascension boss groups since they're inside Mini Quests), or other things made specifically inaccessible to them by the Well while they are Well-Locked.
A Well-Locked PC's inventory can have items and Gold traded into it by other PCs. A Well-Locked PC cannot trade items, XP, or Gold to PCs who aren't Well-Locked.
A Well-Locked PC uses an alternate version of the main Shop but still posts activities using said version in the main Shop thread. A Well-Locked PC can't use other PCs' shops or shops from 'other shops' portions of Nexus threads (unless those PCs or locations are Well-Locked).
A Well-Locked PC uses an alternate version of the main Ability Shop but still posts activities using said version in the main Ability Shop thread. A Well-Locked PC can't use other PCs' s ability hops or ability shops from 'other shops' portions of Nexus threads (unless those PCs or locations are Well-Locked).
A Well-Locked PC cannot create or be a member of a Guild that is not also Well-Locked.
A Well-Locked PC loses access to Official Quests that aren't down in the Well.
A Well-Locked PC loses access to Encounter Areas that aren't in the Well.
A Well-Locked PC loses access to Random Quests that aren't down in the Well.
A Well-Locked PC loses access to Tasks that aren't specified as being accessible inside the Well.
Abstandard PC Types
Alien Warlords
An Alien Warlord is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* An Alien Warlord may not perform absorbs.
* An Alien Warlord may not perform combos.
* An Alien Warlord begins with 70 distributable base stat points.
* Alien Warlords do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* An Alien Warlord may be Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Darkness, Technology, Psychic, or War element.
* An Alien Warlord may be an Alien, Humanoid, Fae, Devil, Astral Being, Insect, Solar Being, or Umbral.
* An Alien Warlord may not participate in Event Matches.
* An Alien Warlord may not participate in Mini Quests.
* An Alien Warlord may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* An Alien Warlord does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* Alien Warlords may Build and Fire Overweapons. Some Overweapon Blueprints can be purchased in the Ability Shop. Once an incomplete Overweapon Blueprint is in an Alien Warlord's possession, the Alien Warlord may begin completing the objectives and paying the costs listed to Build it. Once all costs (quest-based, component-based, time-based, or otherwise) are paid for, an Overweapon is Built. Only one of each Overweapon may be built by a given Alien Warlord at a time. An Alien Warlord with at least one Overweapon Built or Perfected may use a Fire Overweapon action. Firing an Overweapon counts as activating an Overcrash, but does not reduce its user's Max MP to 0 if a Built Overweapon is being Fired; Firing an Overweapon from a Perfected Overweapon Blueprint Bank does reduce Max MP like a standard Overcrash would. Firing an Overweapon expends it, making it no longer count as Built; this may not be stopped or undone by anything that does not specifically do so that cannot prevent or undo Overcrash MP Burnout (but things that prevent or undo Overcrash MP Burnout do not, without other rules text, automatically gain the ability to stop or undo Overweapon expenditure). Once an Overweapon has been built five times, it is considered Perfected and is added to the Alien Warlord's Perfected Overweapon Blueprint Bank.
* Alien Warlords do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must possess given numbers of Perfected Overweapons, Retainer Augments, and successful world-region takeovers, as per the following chart:
Level 20- 1 Perfected Overweapon and 20 Retainer Augments.
Level 40- 5 Perfected Overweapons, 60 Retainer Augments, and 2 successful world-region takeovers.
Level 60- 24 Perfected Overweapons, 200 Retainer Augments, and 12 successful world-region takeovers.
Level 80- 50 Perfected Oveweapons, 500 Retainer Augments, and 50 successful world-region takeover.
* Alien Warlords are based in the cosmos beyond the Imperial Homeworld on their own personal worlds. They respawn there; if their world is taken from them, the cosmos expands when they would respawn, and they are granted a new world out past the border-expansion.
No information yet.
Concord Administrators
A Concord Administrator is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* An Concord Administrator may not perform absorbs.
* An Concord Administrator may not perform new combos; it may, however, perform preexisting combos.
* An Concord Administrator begins with 70 distributable base stat points.
* Concord Administrators do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Concord Administrator may be one of the elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Magic, Psychic, Light, Darkness, Technology, Physical, Energy, Ice, Acid, Electrical, Spatial, Time, Glory, Glitz, Knowledge, Fate, Memory, Law, Order, or Civilization.
* A Concord Administrator may be one of the subtypes Human, Ancient, Humanoid, Gigas, Elemental, Golem, Magic Being, Radiant, Undead, Wizard's Shadow, Bio-Horror, Clockwork, Coded Being, Robot, Machine, Mutant, Metahuman, or Shapeshifter.
* A Concord Administrator may participate in Event Matches, but may not enter them alongside non-Concord-Administrator PCs.
* A Concord Administrator may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Concord Administrator may participate in Special Matches, but may not enter them alongside non-Concord-Administrator PCs.
* A Concord Administrator cannot select a Patron Deity normally.
* A Concord Administrator gains an additional track in the ability shop that may only be used to acquire Scholar, Lawbringer, Matrix Keeper, Controller, Gunner, Enslaver, Magus, Ioun Master, Puppeteer, Buster Agent, Blaster, Operative, Diviner, Biomancer, Technomancer, Scientist, Gunslinger, Commander, Geomancer, Wanderer, Superhero, Spatial Mage, Elementalist, Conjurer, General, Warlord, Roboticist, Mechanist, Scavenger, Reality Coder, Ultramortal, Subspace Architect, Engineer, Wind Duke, Ocean Prince, Mountain King, Blazing Sultan, Thunder Czar, Countess of Power, Destiny Weaver, Reality Arranger, Builder of Nations, Living Legend, Megacelebrity, Numinous Archivist, Concordant Ordinator, Resonant Historian, or High Judge abilities.
* A Concord Administrator does not start with Warehouse tickets, but may spend Warehouse Tickets in categories unlocked by any PC the Concord Administrator has ever Lifejacked.
* A Concord Administrator may, at the start of a round, move to any battlespace in the same battle so long as no entity of equal or greater Level in any battlespace in the same battle objects.
* A Concord Administrator may, at the start of a battle or a round, scan the stats of any number of entities in any battlespaces.
* A Concord Administrator may negate or subsume powers through Cosmohacking. Cosmohacking rules are as follows:
* A Concord Administrator may purchase a Cosmohack for a Class, Domain Feature, Enemy, Guild Benefit, Weapon of Legend, Greater Fateweaving, Oath (but not a Commandment of the Seething Idol), Overweapon, Scheme, Sublime Refinement, Supersystem, Tide Baptism, or World Law.
Purchasing a Cosmohack for a Class costs (5,000,000 * 10^(Class's Tier)) Gold and (5 * 2^(Class's Tier)) Weeks and requires the Concord Administrator to have the Classname Tier ability for the Class; ability types without associated classes (i.e. Attack, Blessing, Curse, etc) and for Tier 0 Classes cannot be Cosmohacked.
Purchasing a Cosmohack for an Enemy that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List costs (The Entity's Level x 1,000,000 Gold) and 1 Week; Cosmohacks may not be directly purchased for Enemies that are not normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List.
Purchasing a Cosmohack for a Domain Feature, Guild Benefit, Greater Fateweaving, Oath, Overweapon, Scheme, Sublime Refinement, Supersystem, Tide Baptism, Weapon of Legend or World Law that is available in the Shop, Ability Shop, or Guild Shop costs 10,000,000 Gold and 1 Week.
Purchasing a Cosmohack for a Domain Feature, Guild Benefit, Greater Fateweaving, Oath, Overweapon, Scheme, Sublime Refinement, Supersystem, Tide Baptism, Weapon of Legend or World Law that is not available in the Shop, Ability Shop, or Guild Shop costs 500,000,000 Gold and 5 Weeks.
- A Concord Administrator may purchase abilities called 'Improved Cosmohacking: <Class Name> <#>' sequentially in classes they have at least Classname Tier in for 1,000,000 Gold and 1 Week. These abilities have no text beyond their name and class, but count towards abilities possessed in that class.
- Cosmohack results are not buffs or debuffs and are using their own rules, listed here.
- A Concord Administrator with at least one Class Cosmohacked may perform an Active Cosmohack action on a target entity. If an entity is targeted by an Active Cosmohack action, it chooses a Class. This Class joins a list of Classes which cannot be Cosmohacked for that entity in that thread. After it does so, the Cosmohacking Concord Administrator selects one of the Classes it possesses a Cosmohack for that it is not blocked from selecting that it possesses more abilities in than the target. All abilities for the Cosmohacked entity that are from said Class lose all of their text for the remainder of the thread.
- If an Enemy is Cosmohacked, the Concord Administrator may, whenever that entity would be summoned, choose to prevent the summoning or gain control of the summon. Additionally, whenever an instance of that
Enemy is replicated to perform an action, the Concord Administrator may choose to make all decisions for said action or to prevent said action.
- If a Guild Benefit is Cosmohacked, the Concord Administrator, if in the same battle as an individual with that Guild Benefit, may choose for that individual to not benefit from that Guild Benefit, and, if the Concord Administrator does so, the Concord Administrator instead benefits from it.
- If a Weapon of Legend is Cosmohacked, the Concord Administrator, if in the same battle as an individual wielding or carrying that Weapon of Legend, may choose for that item to be removed from the thread, and, if the Concord Administrator does so, the Concord Administrator may choose to replicate the item. If the item is replicated, the Concord Administrator may immeidately unequip and re-equip any number of items.
- If a Domain Feature is Cosmohacked, the Concord Administrator, if in the same battle as an individual with that Domain Feature applied to a Planar Overlay, may, at any time before or after any action, choose to give any entity in its battlespace a buff (if an ally of the Concord Administrator, including the Concord Administrator itself) or a debuff (otherwise) that makes its possessor count as inside or outside of that Domain Feature, regardless of what battlespace that entity is in, what battlespace that Domain Feature is in, and what buffs or debuffs the Domain Feature's creator set up to place entities in or out of it, to count as either in or out of that Domain Feature.
- If a Greater Fateweaving is Cosmohacked, the Concord Administrator may, if an individual in the same battle attempts to apply that Greater Fateweaving, choose to have it be applied to a different valid target or to no target (with resources that would be expended for its application still being expended in said case). Additionally, if the Concord Administrator is in the same battle as an individual with that Greater Fateweaving applied to it, the Concord Administrator may choose for individual to not benefit from that Greater Fateweaving, and, optionally, if the Concord Administrator does so, the Concord Administrator to instead from it; alternatively the Concord Administrator may choose at the beginning of any action to move the Greater Fateweaving to any other entity in any battlespace that would have been a valid target of the Greater Fateweaving.
- If an Oath is Cosmohacked, the Concord Administrator, if in the same battle as an individual with that Oath pledged, regardless of whether or not it has been violated, may choose for that individual to not benefit from that Oath, and, if the Concord Administrator does so, the Concord Administrator instead benefits from it. In RP threads, the Cosmohacked Oath functions for the Concord Administrator regardless of the Concord Administrator's behavior; individuals who have pledged an Oath that is Cosmohacked who violate that Oath's requirements during the Cosmohacking generally still count as having violated that Oath once the Cosmohacking ends.
- If an Overweapon is Cosmohacked, the Concord Administrator, if in the same battle as an individual with that Overweapon Built or Perfected, may, as an action that puts the Concord Administrator into Burnout, fire it. If the Concord Administrator is not in Burnout and an individual attempts to Fire an Overweapon that the Concord Administrator has Cosmohacked, the Concord Administrator may prevent the firing, and, if it does so, choose between placing the firer into Burnout and firing the Overweapon itself without putting the Aministrator in Burnout.
- If a Scheme is Cosmohacked, the Concord Administrator, if in the same battle as an individual with that Scheme completed, may choose for that individual to not benefit from that Scheme, and, if the Concord Administrator does so, the Concord Administrator instead benefits from it.
- If a Sublime Refinement is Cosmohacked, the Concord Administrator, if in the same battle as an item with that Sublime Refinement, may elect to have that item not benefit from it, and, if the Concord Administrator chooses to do so, it may also choose to have any of its own items of the same subtype benefit from copies of that Sublime Refinement.
- If a Supersystem is Cosmohacked, the Concord Administrator, if in the same battle as an individual with that Supersystem, may, even if transformed, choose at the start of battle and at the start of each round to negate the Supersystem's effect for any transformation (or individual) using it (with it installed or otherwise active; owned but uninstalled Supersystems that are not active do not count) and may apply its benefits, if they are being negated, to any transformation the Concord Administrator is transformed into or a passenger in.
- If a World Law is Cosmohacked, the Concord Administrator, if in the same battle as an individual with that World Law, may choose at the start of battle and at the start of each round a subset of entities for each trigger or effect on the World Law to apply to out of those it normally could (for example, if a World Law normally increases the Critical of Animals against Humans, a Concord Administrator with the World Law Cosmohacked could make it apply so that only Animals on Side A of battle gain improved Critical against entities on Side B of battle).
- If two Concord Administators would be able to Cosmohack the same thing at the same time, the higher-Level one gains priority to choose to either Cosmohack it, choose for it not to be able to be Cosmohacked by any other Concord Administrator in the same thread, or to defer to another chosen Concord Administrator. If both Concord Administrators are the same Level, the one with more Cosmohacks gains priority. If both are the same Level and have the same total number of Cosmohacks, priority is decided randomly for each Cosmohack.
- If a Tide Baptism is Cosmohacked, the Concord Administrator, if in the same battle as an individual with that Tide Baptism, may choose at the start of battle and at the start of each round to negate the Tide Baptism's effect for its possessor's side and then either count as possessing it and in Inundation Mode or count as possessing it and in Wellspring Mode until the end of the round.
* A Concord Administrator may, in RP threads, inflict a condition called Lifejacking on other PC types (including NPC instances of those). A PC may also voluntarily agree to be Lifejacked for a duration. While a PC is Lifejacked, it ceases learning abilities in the Ability Shop; instead, the Lifejacking Concord Administrator accumulates a bank of Lifejacked Bonus Weeks at the rate that the PC would have been able to learn abilities (gaining multiple for PCs with multiple ability tracks), which may only be spent to improve Proxies and do not acount as normaly Bonus Weeks for other purposes. RP-thread-based Lifejacking can result in additional penalties/bonuses.
* A Concord Administrator may dub a number of Proxies equal to its Level / 10, rounded down. A Concord Administrator may select any owned pet of equal or lower Level or any entity on the Enemy List that is normally fightable for drops of equal or lower Level to become a Proxy. Once an entity becomes a Proxy, the Concord Administrator gives it a name and makes it Unique. Proxies cannot Absorb and cease to gain Levels normally for pets. Instead, a Proxy requires an amount of XP equal to a Battle Arena Member of equal Level to gain a Level (with XP values paired with Seal Tasks being multiplied by 10, but Seal Tasks not being required). Proxies may carry items like PCs, but do not gain default equip slots. Proxies may purchase abilities from the Ability Shop using their controlling Concord Administrators' Lifejacked Bonus Weeks, but may not purchase Abilities in other manners. Proxies may be brought into threads as though they were PCs. Proxies possess their own Quest Slots, but otherwise must be paired with at least one other PC. If a Concord Administrator wishes to no longer possess a Proxy, it must scrap the Proxy entirely and cannot transfer abilities accumulated to a new Proxy. If a unique pet is a Proxy, if it loses Proxy status, instead of being scrapped entirely, it reverts to its status immediately prior to being made the Proxy. Proxies frequently don't respawn if killed in RP threads.
* Concord Administrators do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps, instead, they must successfully Lifejack (5*Number of the Seal Task)) unwilling PCs of at least (Number of Seal Task) different PC types that are all of at least Level equal to where the PC is currently capped (So a PC trying to bypass the Level 39 cap would need to Lifejack 10 PCs of at least 2 different PC types that are all Level 39 or greater).
* Concord Administrators are based in Nexus Concord, the flipside of Nexus (though distinct from Echo Providence).
* Concord Administrators, as an RP effect, may attempt to Cosmohack discs of Nexus and their properties.
* Concord Administrators, as an RP effect, can Lifejack a PC's connection to its Patron Deity.
Enigma Men
An Enigma Man is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* An Enigma Man may not perform absorbs.
* An Enigma Man may not perform combos.
* An Enigma Man begins with 120 distributable base stat points.
* Enigma Men do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up
* An Enigma Man may be the element Mystery in addition to the normal PC-selectable elements.
* An Enigma Man may be the subtype Mindshadow, Umbral, or Conceptual in addition to the normal PC-selectable subtypes.
* An Enigma Man may not participate in Event Matches.
* An Enigma Man may not participate in Mini Quests.
* An Enigma Man may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Alternative Boss Rush and Endurance Match.
* An Enigma Man begins with the ability 'Basic Mystery Synchronization'.
* An Enigma Man does not get tickets.
* An Enigma Man gains two values called Obscurity and Paradox. Both begin at 0.
* An Enigma Man may choose to lose Fame at a cost of 1,000,000 XP per Fame point. This is done in the Ability Shop thread and may not be done while the Enigma Man is in an RP thread.
* An Enigma Man may gain or lose Paradox at a cost of 1,000,000,000 Gold per Paradox point. This is done in the Ability Shop thread and may not be done while the Enigma Man is in an RP thread.
* If an Engima Man's Obscurity is greater than its Fame, the Enigma Man gains +5 to all base stats.
* An Enigma Man may initiate Schemes from the Scheme List so long as all prerequisites are met. An Enigma Man may possess up to 5 open, non-completed Schemes at a time. An Enigma Man may possess any number of completed Schemes.
* If an Enigma Man would be forced to respawn due to a thread that is not a standard match, Alternative Boss Rush, or Endurance Match, the Enigma Man's RP slot (and ability to participate in new Mod-Run World threads) are put on hold for (1 + the Enigma Man's Paradox) Years - (The number of completed Schemes the Enigma Man chooses to sacrifice + 12 * The number of Identities the Enigma Man chooses to sacrifice (so long as at least one Identity remains non-sacrificed)). This loss occurs as the Enigma Man reasserts its identity and retroactively undoes its own death, manipulating itself back into active existence.
* An Enigma Man may choose a set of up to 11 classes to be its 'Core Abilities'. The class 'Enigma Man' is always considered an additional 'Core Ability' choice. This choice is made in the Ability Shop and may not be done while the Enigma Man is in an RP thread.
* An Enigma Man, at Levels that are multiplies of 20, beginning with Level 20, obtains a new Identity the first time each such Level is reached. An Enigma Man's initial self becomes an 'Identity' once Level 20 is reached. Each of an Enigma Man's Identities possesses its own name, subtype, element, base stat point total and distribution, and abilities. All of an Enigma Man's identities share abilities that are from classes that are its Core Ability choices. All of the Enigma Man's identities share awards in non-RP threads. All of an Enigma Man's identities share Fame, Infamy, XP, and Paradox. All of an Enigma Man's identities possess the same Inventory, but not the same equipped items.
* An Enigma Man may enter a number of additional Identities (to a max of one of each of its Identities) into a thread as sub-characters up to its Paradox.
* If an Enigma Man's stats are scanned by an individual below its Level, and the lower of the Enigma Man's Obscurity and Fame is greater than said individual's Level multiplied by the number of times a BA member PC would have had to have bypassed Level caps using seals to reach that Level, the Enigma Man may choose for that stat-scanning attempt to fail, and, if said stat scanner were unique, for said scanner to gain a point of a value called 'Investigating the Enigma Men' (to a max of one point obtained per unique Enigma Man Identiy it has scanned).
* An Enigma Man chooses an Identity to enter each thread with.
* Each of an Enigma Man's Identities may learn abilities from the Ability Shop in parallel, but only one may learn abilities from each of the classes that are designated as being Core Abilities at a time.
* Enigma Men do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps, instead, they must complete Schemes that permit them to bypass said caps.
* These rules refer to the 'Enigma Man' Alternate PC Type. It is not to be confused with the class of the same name.
* Enigma Men are based in the One City instead of in Nexus.
* Awards are shared across Enigma Man identities. Awards earned by Enigma Men may have clauses added noting that they only apply to particular Identities. Those awards only apply to those Identities.
* Enigma Men share Obscurity across identities.
* Enigma Men possess the same Core Classes across all Identities.
* Enigma Men never share non-Core-Class abilities across Identities unless explicitly specified, regardless of whether or not any of the Identities in question are primary.
* Enigma Men, despite not starting with Warehouse Tickets, may turn them in should they otherwise acquire them and be able to access the Warehouse.
* Enigma Men do not share Bonus Weeks across Identities.
Faecourt Dream-Eidolon
A Faecourt Dream-Eidolon is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Faecourt Dream-Eidolon may not perform absorbs.
* A Faecourt Dream-Eidolon may not perform combos.
* A Faecourt Dream-Eidolon begins with 0 distributable base stat points.
* Faecourt Dream-Eidolons do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Faecourt Dream-Eidolon is Dream element. It may select any base element, or any one element out of Wood, Illusion, Mystic, Aether, Wonder, Toxin, Whimsy, Time, and Spatial, to obtain as a second element.
* A Faecourt Dream-Eidolon is an Arch-Fae. It additionally possesses either the subtype Eidolon or Great Beast. It may additionally pick any one of the subtypes Humanoid, Animal, Insect, Plant, Aerial, Aquatic, Golem, Reptile, Dragon, Undead, Ooze, Elemental, Mindshadow, Spirit, Magic Being, Umbral, or Horror as a third subtype.
* A Faecourt Dream-Eidolon may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Faecourt Dream-Eidolon may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Faecourt Dream-Eidolon may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Faecourt Dream-Eidolon does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow. Court Members do not obtain tickets.
* A Faecourt Dream-Eidolon is the collective manifestation of the power of a court of noble fae, brought together in a dream of singular brilliance, splendor, excess, terror, or the like. These Noble Fae are called Court Members. It begins with 4 Court Members, acquiring one more each time it breaks a level cap.
* Court Members are created as Noble Fae PCs.
* A Faecourt Dream-Eidlon's Court Members count any class it has Adept or higher Tier in as an associated class. Newly created Court Members may be any element the Faecourt Dream Eidolon has Adept or higher Tier in.
* A Faecourt Dream-Eidolon begins with Basic Dream Synchronization.
* A Faecourt Dream-Eidolon's Court Members share thread slots with the Dream-Eidolon itself. It is always considered to be entering threads one or more of its Court Members enter, even if it may not directly be present yet. A Dream-Eidolon, by default, is not present in any battle (or directly present in RP threads) at start-of-thread.
* Court Members may not be higher Level than the Dream-Eidolon, but may gain Levels simultaneously with it if the conditions for both are met at the same time.
* Court Members have their own ability shop tracks that work as per normal. The Dream-Eidolon also possesses its own normal set of ability shop tracks.
* Court Members must have the same Patron Deity as their controlling Dream-Ediolon.
* A Faecourt Dream-Ediolon may learn abilities as though it possessed the highest Base Stat for each of its Base Stats out of the corresponding Base Stat values possessed by its Court Members.
* One or more more Court Members whose MP has not been set to 0 by an Overcrash may spend an action that counts as an Overcrash that sets its performer's MP 0, to set up an effect to summon in the Dream-Eidolon itself. This summoning is unsuccessful if any of its performers dies or leaves the thread while it is ongoing (with the Overcrash still setting MP to 0 in case of failure for those participants in the failed summoning). At the end of the round the summoning is initiated, the Dream-Ediolon's summoners are removed from all battlespaces, and the Dream-Ediolon itself enters one of the battlespaces that one of the participating summoners was in. When summoned, a Dream-Ediolon's Base Stats Naturally become (The sum of the corresponding values of its summoners' base stats, rounded down on a per-stat, per-summoner basis), it Naturally gains all of the abilities its summoners possessed (in addition to its own), and it obtains (and may immediately equip, unequipping equipped items if necessary to do so) any items equipped or carried by its summoners (in addition to any items it already has on its own. Dream-Ediolons are not unsummonable, except through effects that specifically unsummon them. Once twelve rounds have ended with the Dream-Ediolon in any battle, it unsummons itself, returning to being in no battlespace (with this effect specifically unsummoning Dream-Eidolons), bringing its summoners back into battle in the battlespace it was in (even if they were formerly in other battlespaces). The Dream-Ediolon, at the end of its duration, may choose up to (its number of summoners - 1) of its summoners to have their Overcrash-derived MP-set-to-0 undone with respect to this particular Overcrash as an effect that can specifically undo Overcrashes setting MP to 0 (but only for this particular Overcrash).
* A Faecourt Dream-Ediolon does not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, it and its court must complete quests on behalf of Fae and Fae-based groups (with the quests being level-band appropriate):
Level 20- 5 Quests
Level 40- 25 Quests
Level 60- 50 Quests
Level 80- 100 Quests
* Faecourt Dream-Ediolons respawn in a miniature faerie realm that the court's minor members constantly dream into existence. These realms are easily connected to (or detached from) Nexus. Court Members also respawn there, even if they normally would not respawn.
Fated Ones
A Fated One is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Fated One may not perform absorbs
* A Fated One may not perform combos
* A Fated One begins with 60 distributable base stat points
* A Fated One may be the element Fate in addition to the normal PC-selectable elements
* A Fated One may not participate in Event Matches
* A Fated One may not participate in Mini Quests
* A Fated One may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Alternative Boss Rush and Endurance Match
* Once per Endurance Match or Boss Rush while not facing said opponent, a Fated One may declare a known entity on the Enemy List or Boss List its destined foe; the Fated One's stats, HP, MP, and Damage dealt are doubled when said individual is a non-summoned opponent
* A Fated One begins with the ability 'Basic Fate Synchronization'
* Each month a Fated One acquires 2 bonus weeks that may only be used for Destiny Weaver, Sage, Scholar, Esoteric Wiseman, Elder Scribe, Diviner, Enchanter, Crafter, Wanderer, Ritual Mage, Puppeteer, and Controller
* Fated Ones may purchase Greater Fateweavings from the Ability Shop
* A Fated One, when created, is assigned a 'Destiny' by the player creating it
* Fated Ones do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps, instead, whenever each Level bracket is reached by a Fated One, it is assigned three tasks (one a combat task to be completed in a non-RP thread, one a task related to its destiny which must be completed in an RP thread, and one a different task that must be completed in an RP thread). If any of these tasks are failed, all of them reset, and the Fated One is re-assigned tasks after a year, potentially with its destiny altered.
* Fated Ones turn in their tickets at the Well at the base of the World Tree, not the Warehouse
Gods of the Council
A God of the Council is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A God of the Council may not perform absorbs.
* A God of the Council may not perform combos.
* A God of the Council begins with 70 distributable base stat points.
* Gods of the Council do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A God of the Council may be any base element, or any one out of the elements Wood, Metal, Spatial, Time, Void, Faith, Treasure, Glory, Wealth, Law, Mystic, or Knowledge.
* A God of the Council always begins with the subtype Planetary. It may additionally choose at the time of character creation to possess any base entity subtype as a second subtype.
* A God of the Council may not participate in Event Matches.
* A God of the Council may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A God of the Council may not participate in Event Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A God of the Council does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* Whenever a God of the Council performs a quest on behalf of a deity or church that is considered suitably 'standard' by Gadigan (or by the mod running the mod-run world in question), it obtains a bonus, restriction-ignoring pick from the Warehouse Category 'Simply Divine'. Some quests may provide multiple pulls based on length and difficulty.
* A God of the Council is always considered a Deity.
* Gods of the Council do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must possess given numbers of Domains, grantable Worshipper Benefits, Divine Relics, and unique worshippers, as per the following chart:
Level 20- 1 Domain, 5 Grantable Worshipper Benefits, 1 Divine Relic, 1 Unique Worshipper.
Level 40- 4 Domains, 25 Grantable Worshipper Benefits, 2 Divine Relics, 5 Unique Worshippers (at least 3 of which must be greater than Level 20).
Level 60- 8 Domains, 100 Grantable Worshipper Benefits, 10 Divine Relics, 50 Unique Worshippers (at least 25 of which must be greater than Level 40).
Level 80- 24 Domains, 250 Grantable Worshipper Benefits, 25 Divine Relics, 250 Unique Worshippers (at least 125 of which must be greater than Level 60).
* Gods of the Council are based out of the Council Hall of Ten Thousand Gods, which has a restricted portal connecting it to the Nexus Portal Nexus.
A Keybearer is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* An Keybearer may not perform absorbs.
* An Keybearer may not perform new combos; it may, however, perform preexisting combos.
* An Keybearer begins with 60 distributable base stat points and 60 distributable Inundation Mode base stat points. Inundation Mode base stat points apply on top of normal ones for prerequisite purposes and are added to them when the Keybearer is in Iundation Mode.
* Keybearers do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Keybearer may be any element matching one of its Inundation Mode Classes.
* A Keybearer may be a Human, Fae, Elemental, Ancient, Metahuman, Outsider, or any entity subtype matching one of its Inundation Mode Classes.
* A Keybearer may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Keybearer may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Keybearer may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Keybearer gains an additional track in the ability shop that may only be used to acquire abilities for its Inundation Mode classes.
* A Keybearer does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Keybearer is in Wellspring Mode if it enters a battle with unique non-pet allies. A Keybearer is in Inundation Mode if it enters a battle without unique non-pet allies. If all unique non-pet members of a side of battle are Keybearers, they may jointly decide to all enter it simultaneously in Inundation Mode and Wellspring Mode, but, should they lose the battle like this, they do not respawn for a year and a day. Being in Inundation or Wellspring Mode is not a buff.
* If a Keybearer is in Wellspring Mode, its PC allies gain a stacking +(the Keybearer's base stat values/5, rounded up) to their corresponding base stats.
* If a Keybearer is in Wellspring Mode, its unique allies may cast spells it has equipped that they possess enough MP to cast for 0 MP.
* If a Keybearer is in Wellspring Mode, its unique allies regenerate 5% of their Max HP, Max MP, and non-stat-damage-counting stat values at the start of each round.
* At the time of its creation, a Keybearer selects one Tier 3 or Tier 0 class, three Tier 2 classes, and five Tier 1 classes to be its Inundation Mode classes. Elemental Researcher cannot be chosen. It only possesses abilities from these while in Inundation Mode. At least one of these, of any Tier, must be an element. It begins with the Basic Tier ability for each of these classes. If any of the selected classes are entity-subtype-based, it gains the corresponding Traits. Prerequisites are ignored when selecting these abilities, but are not ignored for future purchases from these skillsets.
* Abilities possessed by at least 5 other PCs cost a Keybearer 1 fewer Week to learn, to a minimum of 1 Week.
* Keybearers may purchase special abilities called Tide Baptisms that take on different effects depending on if their possessor is in Wellspring Mode or Inundation Mode.
* Keybearers do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps, instead, they may break any cap that at least 5 other PCs have previously broken.
* Keybearers are based in The Endless Tide and may rise up from it across a multitude of realities.
Knights of the Orders
A Knight of the Order is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* An Knight of the Order may not perform absorbs.
* An Knight of the Order may not perform new combos; it may, however, perform preexisting combos.
* At the time of its creation, a Knight of the Order pledges to one of the Tier 1 Knightly Orders. A Knight is created as soley the Element of its starting Order. A current list of the Orders may be found
* A Knight of the Order begins with 60 distributable base stat points.
* Knight of the Orders do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Knight of the Order may be a Aerial, Alien, Animal, Aquatic, Astral Being, Bio-Horror, Celestial, Clockwork, Cthonian, Deva, Elemental, Fae, Golem, Human, Humanoid, Illuminated, Insect, Machine, Magic Being, Monster, Ooze, Plant, Robot, Shapeshifter, Spirit, Undead, Abstract, Angel, Dragon, Outsider, Aisurii, Brilliant, Coded Being, Familiar, Fantasmic, Innocent, Paragon, Solar Being, Spireguide, Verdant, Wishkin, or Large Structure.
* A Knight of the Order may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Knight of the Order may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Knight of the Order may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Knight of the Order does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* At Levels 20, 40, 60, and 80, a Knight of the Orders may, but is not required to, pledge to an additional Order. Starting at Level 40, a Knight may join Tier 2 Orders. Starting at Level 80, a Knight may join Tier 3 Orders.
* Pledging to an Order grants you the Basic Element Synchronization ability for that Order's associated Element.
* A Knight may train into Element Classes in the Ability Shop normally, and does not require membership in an Order to train in an associated Class.
* A Knight recieves Bonus Weeks for each of its Orders' associated Element Classes each month, based upon the Knight's Level. Below level 20, a Knight recieves 1 Bonus Week for each of its Orders. From Levels 20 through 39, a Knight recieves 2 Bonus Weeks for each of its Orders. From Levels 40 through 59, a Knight recieves 3 Bonus Weeks for each of its Orders. From Levels 60 through 79, a Knight recieves 4 Bonus Weeks for each of its Orders. From levels 80 through 99, a Knight recieves 5 Bonus Weeks for each of its orders.
* Knight of the Orders do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps, instead, Knights must recieve Knightly Commendations from their Orders. Knightly Commendations are obtained from completing Official, Player, or Mod-Run Quests that support their Order's stated mission. Knights with multiple Orders must obtain at least one Knightly Commendation from each Order they are a member of. In order to reach Level 20, a Knight requires 1 Knightly Commendation. In order to reach Level 40, a Knight requires 5 Knightly Commendations. In order to reach Level 60, a Knight requires 10 Knightly Commendations. In order to reach Level 80, a Knight requires 25 Knightly Commendations.
*A Knight of the Orders may pledge Oaths, purchasing them from the Ability Shop to do so. Each Oath provides a benefit, but imposes a behavioral requirement that only applies in RP threads. If an Oath's behavioral requirements are broken in an RP thread, its status becomes violated, the Knight loses the benefits from it, and the Knight becomes unable to cap-break. The Knight must undertake an atonement quest from one of is Orders (or an appropriate allied organization) to fix the violation. Once the atonement quest is completed, the Knight may choose between making the Oath active again and ceasing to possess the Oath.
*If a Knight of the Orders obtains a Commandment of the Seething Idol, the Commandment counts as an Oath, and, if it would be lost due to behavior, it instead becomes violated like a standard Oath would.
* Knight of the Orders are based in their Order's Fortress Monastary, and respawn within by the grace of Kriele.
Legacy Organization
A Legacy Organization may occupy a PC slot instead of an individual PC. Each one is associated with a specific type of Lesser PC.
The correspondence is as follows:
Wandering Adventurer - Adventurers' Guild (Produces Guild Adventurers)
Dimensional Hero - Record of Heroes (Produces Chosen Heroes)
Dread Villain - Dark Prophecy (Produces Foretold Villains)
Anointed Prophet - Holy Sect (Produces Church Prophets)
Relic Collector - Relic Museum (Produces Museum Collectors)
Realm Noble - Noble House (Produces House Nobles)
Private Detective - Detective Agency (Produces Agency Detectives)
Questing Knight - Knightly Dynasty (Produces Dynastic Knights)
Ronin Samurai - Samurai Clan (Produces Clan Samurai)
Mad Genius - Research Foundation (Produces Foundation Geniuses)
Noble Fae - Fae Court (Produces Courtly Fae)
As a PC in a Legacy Organization completes quests, it earns, in addition to other rewards, AP (Advancement Points). These may be used to purchase future benefits for other members of that Legacy Organization. Some benefits may be specific to given types of Legacy Organization, whereas others are available to all Legacy Organizations.
If a Lesser PC Type for a Legacy Organization must select associated classes, gets associated classes for its subtype/element, or must select a specific a patron deity at creation, these classes cannot be changed, but more can be acquired for AP. Other types of subtype classes that are unlocked via AP permit the associated subtypes to be unlocked also if the subtype is also on the entity subtype list for the Lesser PC type but was not the initial chosen option.
When a Lesser PC from a Legacy Organization dies, instead of waiting for resurrection, it may be put into Legacy-Retirement. If a PC is put into Legacy-Retirement, its abilities, gear, and such are archived as per normal (with uniques potentially being lost to whatever event killed it rather than going to other PCs), but the Legacy Organization then gets to spend AP, which goes to benefit future members of that Legacy Organization (with a new member being able to be created immediately). If a Legacy Organization purchases something with AP while it still has one or more active members, the active members do not, unless specifically noted, benefit from the purchase.
Default AP Options:
* 1 AP - Bank an ability purchased from the ability shop (provided its prerequisites are also all banked), such that future members of the Legacy Organization begin with it.
* 3 AP - Bank an ability acquired in an RP Thread, provided.
* 2 AP - Associate a specific item as organization property. Instead of auto-dropping like most loot in RP Threads for Lesser PC Types, it will follow BA Member loot-dropping rules where it sometimes drops, but isn't guaranteed to (with this affecting current organization members). If it doesn't drop when a Legacy Retirement occurs, it is inherited by the next PC in the legacy.
* 5 AP - Add a Base Stat Point (to a max of +25 Base Stat Points above baseline).
* 5 AP - Add a class to the associated class list for the Lesser PC Type, provided that both the purchasing member completed a quest that notably involved that class or its associated subtype(s), and any other classes whose knowledge would be required to get the basic ability for that class are also already choices.
* 5 AP - Add a subtype that you can both select as your subtype and have as an associated class as an option for Retainers.
* 10 AP - Add an entity subtype to the permitted entity subtypes list for the Lesser PC Type, provided that both the purchasing member completed a quest that notably involved that entity subtype, and any other entity subtypes whose knowledge would be required to get the basic ability for that entity subtype are also already choices.
* 10 AP - Add an element to the permitted element list for the Lesser PC Type, provided that both the purchasing member completed a quest that notably involved that element, and any other elements whose knowledge would be required to get the basic ability for that element are also already choices.
* 25 AP - Add another character to the organization, using the same slot, so that multiple members can run in parallel (purchasable a max of 4 times, plus one per cap broken by the purchasing member).
* 25 AP - Revive a Legacy Retired organization member, applying new AP benefits to it.
* 100 AP - Bank the breaking of a level cap so that future organization members don't have to re-break that same cap (must be done in order).
* 5 AP, Oaths unlocked - Bank one of your Oaths.
* 5 AP, Horsetacular Genesteed unlocked - Bank one of your Horse Genes.
* 50 AP, Dynastic Knight only - You may take Nobility in addition to another element as your element. If you do this, Noble is added as an additional Associated Class and the PC begins with Basic Nobility Synchronization.
* 100 AP, Dynastic Knight only - You may pledge Oaths as though you were a Knight of the Orders.
* 250 AP - You resurrect as a BA Member unless you choose not to. This doesn't allow AP spending.
* 250 AP, Bullfighting-Adjacent only - You gain a Horsetacular Genesteed and may unlock Horse Genes for it as though you were a Horse Geneticist.
* 1,000,000,000 AP - Become Bullfighting-Adjacent.
Living Treasures
A Living Treasure is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Living Treasure may not perform absorbs.
* A Living Treasure may not perform combos.
* A Living Treasure begins with 30 distributable base stat points.
* Living Treasures do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Living Treasure may be Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Physical, Psychic, Magic, Technology, Electrical, Energy, Acid, Ice, Hope, War, Truth, Moon, Wood, Metal, Void, Treasure, Spatial, Time, Wonder, Wealth, Commerce, Knowledge, Whimsy, or Glory element.
* A Living Treasure, as an intelligent item of singular power and potential, is a weapon, armor, or accessory. Choose one weapon, armor, or accessory subtype for it.
* A Living Treasure is a Golem and its chosen item-subtype. Its subtype may not be changed except by effects that specifically modify the subtype of a Living Treasure.
* A Living Treasure may not participate in Event Matches unless puppeteering a Thrall-Body that may.
* A Living Treasure may not participate in Mini Quests unless puppeteering a Thrall-Body that may.
* A Living Treasure may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush, unless puppeteering a Thrall-Body that may.
* A Living Treasure does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow. Thrall-Bodies do not obtain Warehouse Tickets.
* A Living Treasure possesses and controls host bodies called Thrall-Bodies, whose inherent notable destinies and powers have been subverted by its powers. It may possess up to 2 Thrall-Bodies if below Level 20, 4 Thrall-Bodies if Level 20-39, 6 Thrall-Bodies if Level 40-59, 8 Thrall-Bodies if Level 60-79, and 10 Thrall-Bodies if Level 80-99.
* Thrall-Bodies are created as PCs of types allowed to the Living Treasure. Initially, a Living Treasure may have Anointed Prophets (of Ganseed only), Dimensional Heroes, Dread Villains, Realm Nobles, Relic Collectors, and Wandering Adventurers as Thrall-Bodies. Once a Living Treasure reaches Level 20, it may obtain Battle Arena Members as Thrall-Bodies. Once a Living Treasure reaches Level 40, it may, through questing, special Sublime Refinements, and/or use of Exodus of Self items, acquire other PC types to use as Thrall-Bodies.
* A Living Treasure may enter a thread as itself or puppeteering a Thrall-Body.
* A Living Treasure puppeteering a Thrall-Body occupies one of its equipment slots as fits the Living Treasure's item subtype. The Living Treasure, while an item, cannot be broken, stolen, unequipped, or removed for a thread by item-removal effects. Entities other than its Thrall-Body (or the Living Treasure itself) cannot benefit from having it equipped unless specifically able to do so. The Thrall-Body adds the Living Treasure's base stats to its own, gains all of the Living Treasure's abilities, and benefits from the Living Treasure's Sublime Refinements as though they were its item text.
* A Living Treasure operating on its own is wielding itself. It does not have typical item slots and is instead able to equip 12 other items of its own item subtype. It cannot equip items that are not its item subtype.
* Thrall-Bodies may not normally quest without the Living Treasure - to allow such would be to invite the likely permanent loss of one.
* Thrall-Bodies may not be higher Level than the Living Treasure, but may gain Levels simultaneously with it if the conditions for both are met at the same time.
* Thrall-Bodies have their own ability shop tracks that work as per normal. The Living Treasure also possesses its own normal set of ability shop tracks.
* Thrall-Bodies must have the same Patron Deity as their controlling Living Treasure.
* A Living Treasure may purchase Sublime Refinements from the Ability Shop. Some of them have special requirements in addition to typical costs.
* Living Treasures do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps (but some Thrall-Bodies may). Instead, they must upgrade themselves through Sublime Refinements while simultaneously nurturing the growth of their personal collections of Thrall-Bodies, as per the following chart:
Level 20- 5 Sublime Refinements, 1 Thrall-Body cap-breaking alongside the Living Treasure
Level 40- 25 Sublime Refinements, 2 Thrall-Bodies cap-breaking alongside the Living Treasure
Level 60- 100 Sublime Refinements, 3 Thrall-Bodies cap-breaking alongside the Living Treasure
Level 80- 250 Sublime Refinements, 4 Thrall-Bodies cap-breaking alongside the Living Treasure
* Living Treasures respawn in Ganseed's collection. Through the power of Ganseed and the Living Treasures, Thrall-Bodies, even those not normally able to respawn via standard means, do the same.
Mandate Magellans
A Mandate Magellan is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Mandate Magellan may not perform absorbs.
* A Mandate Magellan may not perform combos.
* A Mandate Magellan begins with 60 distributable base stat points.
* Mandate Magellans do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Mandate Magellan may be Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Physical, Psychic, Electrical, Energy, Acid, Ice, War, Moon, Metal, Law, Civilization, Spatial, Time, Astral, or Aether element.
* A Mandate Magellan may be a Human, Fae, Humanoid, Animal, Robot, Edgelander, Mutant, Reptile, Celestial, Illuminated, Daemon, Infernal, Warshard, Golem, Machine, Clockwork, Aquatic, Aerial, Cthonian, Astral Being, Plant, Undead, Dragon, Metahuman, Agarthan, or Gigas.
* A Mandate Magellan may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Mandate Magellan may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Mandate Magellan may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Mandate Magellan does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Mandate Magellan is considered Of The Mandate.
* A Mandate Magellan possesses a special Unique Transformation called a Magellan's Vessel, that is created alongside its controlling Magellan upon character creation. The Magellan's Vessel may be named by its controlling Magellan, but additionally counts as possessing the name 'Magellan's Vessel: <Controlling Magellan's Name>'. It is a Mech & Robot. It may optionally be given the subtypes Machine and/or Clockwork. It is any one element that a Mandate Magellan could choose upon character creation. It counts as possessing a value of X Gold. Its Level is by default equal to its controlling Magellan's Level. It is not an item, cannot be destroyed as though it were an item, cannot be stolen, and cannot be removed from threads by effects that remove items from threads. Effects that would normally detransform a transformed individual, excluding the death of the transformation, do not detransform a Mandate Magellan transformed into its Magellan's Vessel unless coming from an entity that is 20 or more Levels greater than the Magellan. Unlike most transformations, the Magellan's Vessel has its own base stat values and calculates its stats using them as though it were a PC. A Magellan's Vessel begins with 70 distributable base stat points; it cannot put more than 10 of them into MIN or SPI, but it adds half its controlling Magellan's base MIN and base SPI to its corresponding base stats (rounding up).
* A Mandate Magellan gains a special track in the Ability Shop that may be used to purchase abilities for its Magellan's Vessel. The Vessel may use its controlling Magellan's abilties for prerequisite purposes but may itself only purchase Robot Traits, Machine Traits, Clockwork Traits, and abilities that have one of the aforementioned abilities as a prerequisite (or as a prior mandatory element somewhere earlier in a prerequisite tree). This means that this track cannot be used to initially purchase things until the controlling Magellan gets the abilities that are the prerequisites for one of the above traits.
* A Magellan's Vessel possesses special slots called Supersystem Slots. By default, it begins with slots for 1 Frame, 1 Drive, 1 Reactor, 1 Field-Emitter, 1 Plating, 1 Paintjob, 3 Ordnance, 3 Modules, 4 Programs, and 4 Special Cargo.
* Supersystems may be purchased using a Magellan's Vessel's ability track or its controlling Magellan's tracks or may be acquired through other means. Some have special requirements for purcahse. Once purchased, they may be installed at any time their controller could equip non-specific carried items and may be uninstalled at any time their controller could unequip non-specific equipped items. All owned Supersystems are always considered installable if uninstalled unless otherwise specified; they are not items and do not have to be carried in an inventory.
* A Mandate Magellan must begin all non-RP-thread threads and battles transformed into its Magellan's Vessel if able.
* If a Mandate Magellan who is transformed into its Magellan's Vessel would be killed in the transformation, it, as an effect that stops the checking of end-of-battle-conditions by sides without members who are Level 100 or greater until resolved, is given the option of performing an Emergency Ejection, and, if it chooses to do so (being able to do so a max of once per thread), detransforms from the dead transformation - effects that would control a Mandate Magellan's decision may only control its decision if they could control it both in and out of the dying transformation.
* A Mandate Magellan possesses 1 fewer Accessory Slot than an Arena Member, but is always considered to be wielding a non-destroyable, non-stealable Civilization & Knowledge element Unique Trinket Accessory with a value of X Gold called '<Magellan's Name>'s Magellan's Compass that by default allows its wielder to spend an action to scan the stats of all individuals in all battlespaces or to move to any other existing battlespace so long as no greater-Level entity in either battlespace objects.
* A Mandate Magellan possesses an Ablative Forcefield. It has (100 x the Magellan's Level x the Magellan's Base MIN) HP. If the Magellan would be dealt Damage by a source that is not gerater Levels than the Magellan that is not a negative status effect or a debuff and the Magellan's Forcefield possesses at least 1 HP, the Damage is instead dealt to the Magellan's Forcefield. If an individual instance of Damage (from a single hit of an attack or a single other application) reduces the Magellan's Forcefield's HP to 0, remaining Damage does not carry over to possessor. The forcefield may be healed as though it were a separate individual from the Magellan, but cannot be healed by entities that are not Mandate Magellans (with transformed Mandate Magellans being able to heal the Ablative Forcefields).
* Diviner, Geomancer, Scientist, Captain, Rider, Mech Jockey, Engineer, Gunner, Matrix Keeper, and Scholar abilities cost Mandate Magellans 1 fewer week in the Ability Shop to learn, to a minimum of 1 week.
* Mandate Magellans do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must possess given numbers of Supersystems, Retainer Augments, and successful world-region takeovers, as per the following chart:
Level 20- 2 Frames, 2 Drives, 2 Reactors, 2 Field-Emitters, 2 Platings, 2 Paintjobs, 6 Ordnance, 6 Modules, 8 Programs, 8 Special Cargo, and 20 Retainer Augments.
Level 40- 4 Frames, 4 Drives, 4 Reactors, 4 Field-Emitters, 4 Platings, 4 Paintjobs, 12 Ordnance, 12 Modules, 16 Programs, 16 Special Cargo, 40 Retainer Augments, and 1 successful world-region takeover.
Level 60- 8 Frames, 8 Drives, 8 Reactors, 8 Field-Emitters, 8 Platings, 8 Paintjobs, 24 Ordnance, 24 Modules, 32 Programs, 32 Special Cargo, 100 Retainer Augments, and 5 successful world-region takeover.
Level 80- 24 Frames, 24 Drives, 24 Reactors, 24 Field-Emitters, 24 Platings, 24 Paintjobs, 100 Ordnance, 100 Modules, 250 Programs, 250 Special Cargo, 250 Retainer Augments, and 25 successful world-region takeover.
* Mandate Magellans are based in The Saitoserris Mandate and respawn there on the parallel reality version of the Imperial Homeworld.
Master Entombers
Currently unknown.
Nexus Administrators
A Nexus Administrator is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Nexus Administrator may not perform absorbs.
* A Nexus Administrator may perform existing combos, but cannot create new ones.
* A Nexus Administrator begins with 60 distributable base stat points.
* Nexus Administrators do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Nexus Administrator may be any base element.
* A Nexus Administrator may be an any base entity subtype.
* A Nexus Administrator does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Nexus Administrator, at the time of character creation, selects three Tier 1 or Tier 2 entity subtypes and may take entities of those subtypes as Retainers.
* Nexus Administrators build new Discs of Nexus, adding elements and terrain to the disc, as well as purchasing or questing for special Domain Features, which they can use when they perform a Planar Overlay. Nexus Administrators with at least one disc customization may perform a Planar Overlay action when a Planar Overlay is not already ongoing. When a Planar Overlay action is performed, the Nexus Administrator creates a battlespace that possesses any combination of the terrain and elements that the Nexus Administrator has unlocked for its Disc. If the Planar Overlay contains any terrains with a corresponding square mile in a random dimension in the Shop, it counts as extraplanar; if it contains any terrains with a corresponding square mile on a random world, it counts as terrestrial; if it contains both, it counts as both. The Nexus Administrator then also chooses up to (its Level / 5, rounded up) Domain Features to apply, which are attached to the battlespace, but do not count as buffs, debuffs, zones, terrains, or phantom terrains. The Nexus Administrator may, while the Planar Overlay is in place, choose at the beginning of each round one Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain in the Planar Overlay's battlespace and, as a buff that stacks up to the Nexus Administrator's Level times, choose to either have all entities in the Nexus Administrator's battlespace except an optional chosen group (chosen at the time of buff application) count as being inside that effect while the Nexus Administrator or choose to have a selected group of entities (chosen at the time of buff application) count as being inside that effect so long as they are within the Nexus Administrator's battlespace; the Nexus Administrator may choose to put itself in either of these chosen groups at the time group selection is made. The Nexus Administrator may, while its Planar Overlay is in place, spend an action to move itself and any number of entities that are either willing or 10 or more Levels lower into the Planar Overlay's battlespace so long as no entity of greater Level than the Nexus Administrator objects, or, if the Nexus Administrator performs said action while in the Planar Overlay's Battlespace, to move itself and any number of entities that are either willing or 10 or more Levels lower out of the Planar Overlay's battlespace into another existing battlespace that exists within the battle so long as no entity of greater Level than the Nexus Administrator objects.
* Nexus Administrators do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must possess given numbers of Overlay Terrains, Overlay Elements, Domain Features, and Retainer Augments, as per the following chart:
Level 20- 5 Overlay Terrains and/or Elements, 5 Domain Features, and 20 Retainer Augments.
Level 40- 10 Overlay Terrains and/or Elements, 20 Domain Features, and 60 Retainer Augments.
Level 60- 15 Overlay Terrains and/or Elements, 50 Domain Features, and 200 Retainer Augments.
Level 80- 25 Overlay Terrains and/or Elements, 125 Domain Features, and 500 Retainer Augments.
* Nexus Administrators, like Arena Members, respawn in Nexus, but they do so in the central elevator instead of in the Battle Arena.
Outer Lords
An Outer Lord is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* An Outer Lord may not perform absorbs.
* An Outer Lord may not perform combos.
* An Outer Lord begins with 60 distributable base stat points.
* Outer Lords do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* An Outer Lord may be one of the elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Magic, Psychic, Light, Darkness, Spatial, Time, Fortune, Fate, Illusion, Law, Chaos, Good, or Evil.
* An Outer Lord may be one of the subtypes Celestial, Angel, Deva, Illuminated, Elemental, Prime, Daemon, Devil, Demon, Darkspawn, Fae, Spirit, Umbral, Abyssal, Aetheric, Aisurii, Asterismic, Brilliant, Dauntless, Demented, Disciple, Edgelander, Eroded, Faceless, Fallen, Fantasmic, Infernal, Innocent, Mechanichim, Memento of Ruin, Oathbound, Paragon, Quezmellym, Spireguide, Thrallspawn, Verdant, Virtue, Voidstalker, Warshard, Wishkin, Solar Being, Mindshadow, Conceptual, Abstract, Emanation, Grace, or Outsider.
* An Outer Lord may not participate in Event Matches.
* An Outer Lord may not participate in Mini Quests.
* An Outer Lord may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Alternative Boss Rush and Endurance Match.
* An Outer Lord does not get tickets.
* An Outer Lord's subtype may not be changed by things that do not specifically modify the subtype of Outer Lords.
* An Outer Lord begins with its subtype's Basic Knowledge tier ability and its Traits ability.
* The first time it reaches Level 40, an Outer Lord acquires 40 Geomancer bonus weeks and either Basic Subspace Architect Knowledge or 40 Subspace Architect bonus weeks.
* At Level 60, if not already the arch-version of its subtype and the subtype increase would not make it a T3 subtype or higher, the Outer Lord becomes the arch-version of its subtype.
* At Level 60, an Outer Lord that has not already done so may start a slotted Player Thread to attempt to acquire Divine Domains.
* An Outer Lord may acquire special abilities called World Laws from the Ability Shop.
* Only Outer Lords may purchase World Laws from the Ability Shop. Other characters may be able to sometimes obtain them from special rewards or other means.
* An Outer Lord may, if not working to add something to its Manifestation List, select a being of the same subtype that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List that is not yet on its Manifestation List that is of equal or lower Level to add to its Manifestation List. To do this, the Outer Lord must acquire all of that entity's Constant Effects and Abilities. It acquires the Constant Effects as Passive Abilities and the Abilities as Active Abilities, with these abilities costing 2 Weeks and (1,000,000) * (The selected Entity's Level) Gold to acquire in the Ability Shop each; these abilities are noted as being Outer Lord Manifestation Abilities and are considered to be abilities from the Outer Lord's subtype's class that matched the entity's subtype.
* An Outer Lord may spend an action to summon (its Level / 5, rounded up) entities from its Manifestation List. It may summon a total max number of entities in this manner equal to its Level.
* If an Outer Lord learns Manifestations from two entities that possess abilities or constant effects with the same name, as soon as it begins learning manifestations from the second of those entities, its versions of those manifestations gain appended text ' (<Entity Name> Manifestation Variant)' to distinguish them from one another.
* Outer Lords do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps, instead, they must meet the following requirements:
- To reach Level 20, an Outer Lord must possess 5 entities on its Manifestation List, possess the class name tier ability in its subtype's class, and possess the class name tier abilities in a weapon class, an armor class, a spell class, and an element class. It must also defeat a unique planar being of a diametrically opposing alignment and acquire a unique planar being of the same subtype as a pet or sworn follower.
- To reach Level 40, an Outer Lord must possess 20 entities on its Manifestation List, possess 5 World Laws, possess the Adept tier ability in its subtype's class, possess the Adept tier abilities in a weapon class, an armor class, a spell class, and an element class, and possess the class name tier abilities in 10 other classes. It must also defeat two unique planar beings of a diametrically opposing alignment that are Level 20 or greater and acquire five unique planar beings of the same subtype that are Level 20 or greater as a pet or sworn follower.
- To reach Level 60, an Outer Lord must possess 50 entities on its Manifestation List, possess 25 World Laws, possess the Expert tier ability in its subtype's class, possess the Expert tier abilities in a weapon class, an armor class, a spell class, and an element class, and possess the Adept name tier abilities in 10 other classes. It must also defeat five unique planar beings of a diametrically opposing alignment that are Level 40 or greater and acquire ten unique planar beings of the same subtype that are Level 40 or greater as a pet, sworn follower, or devout worshiper.
- To reach Level 80, an Outer Lord must possess 200 entities on its Manifestation List, possess 100 World Laws, possess the Master tier ability in its subtype's class, possess the Master tier abilities in a weapon class, an armor class, a spell class, and an element class, and possess the Expert name tier abilities in 10 other classes. It must also defeat twelve unique planar beings of a diametrically opposing alignment that are Level 60 or greater and acquire twenty-four unique planar beings of the same subtype that are Level 60 or greater as a pet, sworn follower, or devout worshiper.
* Outer Lords are based in the Veil Render's domain instead of Nexus, but are usually deployed to their own Outer Realities instead of remaining within the Render's reality all the time.
* Outer Lords, as an RP effect, passively modify local planar geomancy to become permanently in-line with their world laws and can cause parts of larger realities to break off and enter their Outer Realities.
* Outer Lords, as an RP effect, may attempt to reprocess slain foes into entities of their subtype under their control; the odds of this are more successful the closer those entities were to their subtype to begin with.
Prime Arcanists
Currently unknown.
Bullfighting-Adjacent PC Types
A Bullfighter is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Bullfighter is Bullfighting-Adjacent.
* Bullfighters do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Bullfighter may be any base element, or one of the elements Anime, Barley, Business, Dependency, Destruck, Mahjong Calcium Acid, Magisparkly, Strange, Swimmerce, Taxi, Terrorism, or Thermo.
* A Bullfighter may be a base entity subtype, or one of the subtypes A Competitor of Hans, Ball of Superiority, Cousin, Crazy Arcade, DarkSpin, Foreigner, Hell's Face, High Bright, Mindshade, Minor (2), Mr. Wardman's Insect, No-Teeth, Stomach Terror, Throatball, or Wildsteller.
* A Bullfighter may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Bullfighter may sometimes unlock or accidentally pull from unusual Warehouse categories.
* A Bullfighter, the first time it reaches a given Level, obtains 1 Swordsman, 1 Kensei, and 1 Protector bonus week each.
* A Bullfighter may, up to once per month, post in the Ability Shop to gain 4 Swordsman, Kensei, or Protector bonus weeks.
* Bullfighters have their To Hit, Critical, and Damage Dealt doubled against opposing entities with 'Sand' or 'sand' in their name
* Opposing entities with 'Sand' or 'sand' in their name, the name of one of their abilities, or in the name of one of their wielded items may target Bullfighters from any battlespace, have their To Hit doubled against Bullfighters as an uncapped bonus, and have their negative status effect infliction chances doubled against Bullfighters
* A Bullfighter begins with the ability 'Shout Olé!'
* Bullfighters require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. They still can't do Mini-Quests, even if those are required for Seal Tasks. Bullfighters track unique bulls they killed in dramatic manners without notable assistance from others in quests; those bulls may, if no more than 4 Levels below the cap they are trying to break, count as seal pieces for cap-breaking purposes so long as at least one Arena Member has broken the cap in question.
* Bullfighters think they are going to respawn at the Bullfighting Palace and are continually surprised when they respawn at the Battle Arena instead.
Horce Geneticists
A Horse Geneticist is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Horse Geneticist is Bullfighting-Adjacent.
* A Horse Geneticist may not perform absorbs.
* A Horse Geneticist may not perform combos.
* A Horse Geneticist begins with 80 distributable base stat points.
* Horse Geneticists do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Horse Geneticist may be Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Physical, Psychic, Magic, Technology, Electrical, Energy, Acid, Ice, Moon, Sun, Metal, Wood, Spatial, Time, Astral, Aether, Knowledge, Biological, Chemical, Evolution, Life, Void, Anime, Cute Pets, Magisparkly, Innovation, or Friendship element.
* A Horse Geneticist is an Animal. It may additionally choose to be up to two out of Humanoid, Bio-Horror, Demon, Celestial, Mutant, Metahuman, Cousin, and Steed.
* If a Horse-Geneticist is a Steed, it gains a Passenger Capacity of 1, working in the same manner as a standard Transformation's ability with that name.
* A Horse Geneticist may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Horse Geneticist may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Horse Geneticist may not participate in Event Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Horse Geneticist does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Horse Geneticist uses all of its stats as HP-determining stats.
* A Horse Geneticist may purchase Gene-Mods. It may have up to 10 active at a time and may choose what Gene-Mods to bring into a thread at the thread's start at no cost rather than applying them to itself in the standard manner, even if it has never applied these Gene-Mods to a target at-cost. This number increases by 10 per cap it breaks. It may not have Gene-Mods attached to itself in the standard manner. It may attach up to 5 Gene-Mods to another willing PC in the Ability Shop for free provided it has already applied these Gene-Mods to at least one target at-cost. It may attach up to 5 Gene-Mods to a Pet it owns in the Ability Shop for free provided it has already applied these Gene-Mods to at least one target at-cost. This limit is increased by 15 for Pet Animals. This limit is increased by 15 for Pet Bio-Horrors. This limit is increased by 15 for Pet Steeds. A Horse Geneticist possesses a Horsetacular Genesteed and may unlock Horse Genes in addition to standard Gene-Mods.
* A Horse Geneticist with the listed prerequisite abilities for an Advanced Degree may post in the Ability Shop to acquire that Advanced Degree.
* A Horse Geneticist, at the time of creation, must choose to either be Crime-Prone or Upstanding. A Crime-Prone Horse-Geneticist obtains 2 additional bonus weeks per month that may be spent on Thief, Hacker, Mad Scientist, Mobster, Criminal, and Hitman abilities. An Upstanding Horse Geneticist obtains 1 Fame per month, to a max of (the highest PC's Fame, divided by 2).
* Horse Geneticists do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must possess given numbers of Gene-Mods and must complete quests related to mad-science or super-science, as per the following chart:
Level 20- 40 Gene-Mods and 1 Mad/Super-Science quest.
Level 40- 200 Gene-Mods and 5 Mad/Super-Science quests (of at least Level 31 in terms of opposition).
Level 60- 500 Gene-Mods and 20 Mad/Super-Science quests (of at least Level 61 in terms of opposition).
Level 80- 2,500 Gene-Mods and 50 Mad/Super-Science quests (of at least Level 71 in terms of opposition).
* As an RP effect, there is a 50% chance in any given quest that humans you haven't met before won't be able to understand anything you're saying and just hear you neighing. Somehow the powers of advanced genetics can't fix that.
* Horse Geneticists initially think they are going to respawn at the Bullfighting Palace but respawn at the Battle Arena (whether Criminal or Upstanding), a Fortress-Monastery of the Knightly Orders (if Upstanding), or Nexus Concord (if Crime-Prone) instead (chosen at the time of respawn); they, unlike Bullfighters, get used to this.
Infamous Sandmen
An Infamous Sandman is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* An Infamous Sandman is Bullfighting-Adjacent.
* An Infamous Sandman may not perform absorbs.
* An Infamous Sandman may not perform new combos; it may, however, perform preexisting combos.
* An Infamous Sandman begins with 80 distributable base stat points.
* Infamous Sandmen do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* An Infamous Sandman may be one of the elements Earth, Fire, Psychic, Darkness, Energy, Acid, Terror, Madness, Ruin, or Devastation. It may additionally be one or both of Dream and/or Evil in addition to or instead of a pick from the aforementioned list.
* An Infamous Sandman may be one of the subtypes Human, Humanoid, Elemental, Golem, Magic Being, Horror, Machine, Mutant, Metahuman, Shapeshifter, Demon, Devil, Daemon, Darkspawn, Outer Terror, Mindshadow, or Conceptual. Alternatively, it may be a DarkSpin, Hell's Face, Mindshade, No-Teeth, Stomach Terror, Throatball, Wildsteller, or Dread Richard.
* An Infamous Sandman may participate in Event Matches and Special Matches, but may not enter them alongside non-Infamous-Sandman PCs.
* An Infamous Sandman may not participate in Mini Quests.
* An Infamous Sandman cannot select a Patron Deity normally. It may, however, be able to select Valcont with more positive effects than other PC types.
* An Infamous Sandman does not start with Warehouse tickets, but may spend Warehouse Tickets if it ever acquires them.
* An Infamous Sandman may, at the start of a round, move to any battlespace in the same battle so long as no entity of equal or greater Level in any battlespace in the same battle objects.
* An Infamous Sandman increases its Dodge, as an uncapped effect, by (Its Base CON * (Its Level / 25, rounded up)).
* An Infamous Sandman begins with Basic Dream Synchronization and Basic Evil Synchronization.
* An Infamous Sandman may claim 2 bonus weeks per month that may be spent on abilities in classes associated with one of the elements or entity subtypes listed as being selectable by Infamous Sandmen.
* An Infamous Sandman may spend an action to gain control of any Zone of Dream, Zone of Earth, Terrain or Phantom Terrain whose name includes 'Dream', 'Nightmare', 'Sand', or 'Desert', Dream-element buff or debuff, Dream-element summon, or summon, buff, or debuff that was created through a Dream element spell or action or by a Dreamshaper ability or by a Dream-element item, provided that said thing that the Infamous Sandman is gaining control of is controlled by something of equal or lower Level
* An Infamous Sandman may, in RP threads, inflict a condition called Lifejacking on other PC types (including NPC instances of those), provided it encounters them while asleep and is able to manipulate their dreams. A PC may also voluntarily agree to be Lifejacked for a duration. While a PC is Lifejacked, it ceases learning abilities in the Ability Shop; instead, the Lifejacking Infamous Sandman accumulates a bank of Lifejacked Bonus Weeks at the rate that the PC would have been able to learn abilities (gaining multiple for PCs with multiple ability tracks), which may be used as normal bonus weeks by the Infamous Sandman. RP-thread-based Lifejacking can result in additional penalties/bonuses.
* An Infamous Sanman may purchase special effects called Terrormorphs in the Ability Shop. Many of these will have special purchase conditions. When an Infamous Sandman first enters a Battlespace, it may apply an External Terrormorph to it. If an Infamous Sandman has no unique non-Infamous-Sandman allies at the start of a battle, it may apply a number of Internal Terrormorphs to itself equal to the number of unique opponents it faces.
* Infamous Sandmen gain Infamy in addition to Fame. It does nothing on its own, but may be referenced in other effects.
* Infamous Sandmen do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps, instead, they must successfully kill mid-quest (5*Number of the Seal Task)) different unwilling PCs that are all of at least Level equal to where the PC is currently capped (So a PC trying to bypass the Level 39 cap would need to kill 10 different PCs - the defeat of the PC should occur in a way that thwarts the PC's quest goals. No more than one kill may be tallied in a single battle, excluding some notable Megaquest battles. Bullfighters count for double points.
* Infamous Sandmen are based in Battle Arena, rising up from the sand of its floor.
* Infamous Sandmen, as an RP effect, may invade and control dreams.
Mary Sues
A Mary Sue is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Mary Sue is Bullfighting-Adjacent.
* A Mary Sue may not initially perform absorbs.
* A Mary Sue may not initially perform combos.
* A Mary Sue begins with 120 distributable base stat points.
* A Mary Sue is any two base or nonbase T1 or T2 elements, including the Imaginary ones.
* A Mary Sue is any two base or nonbase T1 or T2 entity subtypes, including the Imaginary ones.
* Mary Sues must quest with PCs of other types to advance; if a Mary Sue helps another PC in a quest (but does so in a way that hogs the spotlight or steals the show - there is a chance that this may result in the Mary Sue counting as completing an advancement quest, but the other PC not doing so, depending on details), the Mary Sue tracks it towards Cap Breaking and also (usually) gains a PC-type-relevant ability (like a Scheme, a Cosmohack, a World Law, the ability to Combo, the ability to be summoned in by quest companions like a Dream-Eidolon, etc.) related to the other PC who was doing the quest, with specifics varying by Gadigan's/the mod running the thread's input:
Level 20- 5 Quests
Level 40- 25 Quests
Level 60- 100 Quests
Level 80- 250 Quests
* Mary Sues respawn themselves in Nexus, because they're special enough to do that.
Radio Motorcyclists
A Radio Motorcyclist is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Radio Motorcyclist is Bullfighting-Adjacent.
* A Radio Motorcyclist may not perform absorbs.
* A Radio Motorcyclist may not perform combos.
* A Radio Motorcyclist begins with 60 distributable base stat points.
* Radio Motorcyclists do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Radio Motorcyclist may be Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Physical, Psychic, Magic, Technology, Electrical, Energy, Acid, Ice, War, Hope, Moon, Sun, Metal, Wood, Sonic, Tacky, Spatial, Time, Astral, Aether, Anime, Business, Magisparkly, Strange, Taxi, Terrorism, or Thermo element.
* A Radio Motorcyclist may be a Human, Fae, Humanoid, Robot, Edgelander, Mutant, Cousin, or Foreigner.
* A Radio Motorcyclist may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Radio Motorcyclist may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Radio Motorcyclist may not participate in Event Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Radio Motorcyclist does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Radio Motorcyclist possesses a special Transformation called a Magellan's Vessel - it is also referred to as a Radio Motorcycle; it generally responds to effects as a Mandate Magellan's Magellan's Vessel would, but has some mechanical differences as outlined here. The Magellan's Vessel may be named by its controlling Magellan, but additionally counts as possessing the name 'Radio Motorcycle: <Controlling Radio Motorcyclist's Name>'. It is a Vehicle & Machine. It is not an item, cannot be destroyed as though it were an item, cannot be stolen, and cannot be removed from threads by effects that remove items from threads. Effects that would normally detransform a transformed individual, excluding the death of the transformation, do not detransform a Radio Motorcyclist transformed into its Magellan's Vessel unless coming from an entity that is 20 or more Levels greater than the Radio Motorcyclist. Unlike most transformations, the Magellan's Vessel has its own base stat values and calculates its stats using them as though it were a PC. A Radio Motorcyclist's Magellan's Vessel, being weaker by base than a Mandate Magellan's, begins with 50 distributable base stat points; it cannot put more than 10 of them into MIN or SPI, but it adds half its controlling Radio Motorcyclist's base MIN and base SPI to its corresponding base stats (rounding up).
* A Radio Motorcyclist's PC-type-based effects relating to Soundtracks and turn-order-determining stat sums apply while it is in its Magellan's Vessel.
* A Radio Motorcyclist gains a special track in the Ability Shop that may be used to purchase abilities for its Magellan's Vessel. The Vessel may use its controlling Magellan's abilities for prerequisite purposes but may itself only purchase Robot Traits, Machine Traits, Clockwork Traits, and abilities that have one of the aforementioned abilities as a prerequisite (or as a prior mandatory element somewhere earlier in a prerequisite tree). This means that this track cannot be used to initially purchase things for the above until the controlling Radio Motorcyclist gets the abilities that are the prerequisites for one of the above traits. A Radio Motorcyclist's Magellan's Vessel, unlike a Mandate Magellan's, may also purchase Musician and Bard abilities. The Radio Motorcyclist's vessel is slow to gain abilities, though, and requires twice as many Weeks in the Ability Shop to obtain them as a normal PC would.
* A Megellan's Vessel possesses special slots called Supersystem Slots. A standard Radio Motorcyclist's is weaker than a standard Mandate Magellan's, and by default, it begins with slots for 1 Frame, 1 Drive, 1 Reactor, 1 Field-Emitter, 1 Plating, 1 Paintjob, 1 Ordnance, 1 Module, 1 Program, and 1 Special Cargo.
* Supersystems may be purchased using a Magellan's Vessel's ability track or its controlling Magellan's tracks or may be acquired through other means. Some have special requirements for purchase. Once purchased, they may be installed at any time their controller could equip non-specific carried items and may be uninstalled at any time their controller could unequip non-specific equipped items. All owned Supersystems are always considered installable if uninstalled unless otherwise specified; they are not items and do not have to be carried in an inventory.
* A Radio Motorcyclist must begin all non-RP-thread threads and battles transformed into its Magellan's Vessel if able.
* If a Radio Motorcyclist who is transformed into its Magellan's Vessel would be killed in the transformation, it, as an effect that stops the checking of end-of-battle-conditions by sides without members who are Level 100 or greater until resolved, is given the option of performing an Emergency Ejection, and, if it chooses to do so (being able to do so a max of once per thread), detransforms from the dead transformation - effects that would control a Mandate Magellan's decision may only control its decision if they could control it both in and out of the dying transformation.
* A Radio Motorcyclist may, by default, have one Soundtrack set at a time. At Levels 20, 40, 60, and 80, it may choose to have an additional Soundtrack set as part of a Mixtape Mashup.
* A Radio Motorcyclist may change any of its Soundtracks at the start of battle, at the start of a round, when it changes Stances, or when it performs a 'Change Stance' action (even if no Stance is changed as part of that action).
* A Radio Motorcyclist's Soundtracks take precedence in terms of Soundtrack-tie-determination over non-Radio-Motorcyclists once Level-band and ability-Tier are accounted for.
* A Radio Motorcyclist gains 2 bonus weeks per month that may be spent on Bard, Musician, Noise Master, Driver, Mechanist, Gunner, Gunslinger, and/or Mech Jockey abilities.
* A Radio Motorcyclist obtains an (its Level x5)% multiplier to its turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes.
* A Radio Motorcyclist may initially only equip Instrument and Gun weapons. If a Radio Motorcyclist reaches Adept-Tier in another weapon-based class, it may equip the corresponding weapons, but halves all stat bonuses and attack bonuses provided by them.
* Radio Motorcyclists do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must possess given numbers of Soundtracks and Supersystems, as per the following chart:
Level 20- 1 Frame, 1 Drive, 1 Reactor, 1 Field-Emitter, 1 Plating, 1 Paintjob, 1 Ordnance, 1 Module, 1 Program, 1 Special Cargo, and 40 Soundtracks.
Level 40- 2 Frames, 2 Drives, 2 Reactors, 2 Field-Emitters, 2 Platings, 2 Paintjobs, 2 Ordnance, 2 Modules, 2 Programs, 2 Special Cargo, and 200 Soundtracks.
Level 60- 4 Frames, 4 Drives, 4 Reactors, 4 Field-Emitters, 4 Platings, 4 Paintjobs, 4 Ordnance, 4 Modules, 4 Programs, 4 Special Cargo, and 500 Soundtracks.
Level 80- 8 Frames, 8 Drives, 8 Reactors, 8 Field-Emitters, 8 Platings, 8 Paintjobs, 8 Ordnance, 8 Modules, 8 Programs, 8 Special Cargo, and 2,500 Soundtracks.
* Radio Motorcyclists initially think they are going to respawn at the Bullfighting Palace but respawn at the Battle Arena or One City instead (chosen at the time of respawn); they, unlike Bullfighters, get used to this.
Soundtrack rules:
* Only one individual's Soundtracks may take effect at once in a battlespace unless otherwise noted. If multiple individuals have Soundtracks active at a time, the highest-Level-band individual's soundtrack takes precedence (i.e. 1-19, 20-39, etc.). If that does not resolve the tie, the individual with the highest Tier ability across all of Bard, Dancer, Musician, and Noise Master takes precedence. If this does not resolve the tie, precedence order between individuals is determined randomly on a per-round basis, with a new precedence order being determined at the start of the next round and Soundtracks themselves not being able to influence this determination unless they specifically state that they do. This determination is made separately on a per-battlespace basis.
Samurai Detectives
A Samurai Detective is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Samurai Detective is Bullfighting-Adjacent.
* A Samurai Detective may not perform absorbs.
* A Samurai Detective may not perform combos.
* A Samurai Detective begins with 60 distributable base stat points.
* Samurai Detectives do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Samurai Detective may be any base element, one of the elements Aether, Chaos, Knowledge, Law, Metal, Spatial, or Wood, or one of the elements Anime, Barley, Business, Dependency, Destruck, Mahjong Calcium Acid, Magisparkly, Strange, Swimmerce, Taxi, Terrorism, or Thermo.
* A Samurai Detective may be a base entity subtype, one of the subtypes Ancient, Arch-Demon, Arch-Fae, Conceptual, Custodian, Dragon, Entombed, Gigas, Heritor, Mindshadow, Mutant, Metahuman, Planetary, Reptile, or one of the subtypes A Competitor of Hans, Ball of Superiority, Cousin, Crazy Arcade, DarkSpin, Foreigner, Hell's Face, High Bright, Mindshade, Minor (2), Mr. Wardman's Insect, No-Teeth, Stomach Terror, Throatball, or Wildsteller.
* A Samurai Detective may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Samurai Detective does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Samurai Detective may sometimes unlock or accidentally pull from unusual Warehouse categories.
* As an effect that does not bypass 'Immune to below Level X' effects, Samurai Detectives count as Level (2 x their Level x the number of Caps they have broken) for purposes of scanning stats.
* Samurai Detectives have the HP and MP costs of Sword Arts spells divided by 2 when paying them; this specifically stacks with the discount granted by 'Studied the Blade'. They double the Attack Bonuses of Sword Arts spells they cast.
* A Samurai Detective automatically succeeds at scanning the stats of any target it deals 25% of the target's Max HP worth of post-Defense Damage to using a Sword Arts spell.
* Samurai Detectives possess an Inherent Spell List and may add non-unique Sword Arts spells to it in a manner similar to Absorbs in the Shop (but with this ability counting as distinct from actual Absorbs).
* A Samurai Detective begins with the actions 'Investigatiate', 'Investigapperate', 'Phase Shift', and 'Studied the Blade'
* A Samurai Detective may, up to once per month, post in the Ability Shop to gain 4 Archer, Combatant, Gunner, Dragoon, Scholar, Swordsman, Diplomat, Guardian, Protector, Jeweler, Blacksmith, Clothier, Chef, Engineer, Commander, Diviner, Gunslinger, Hunter, Kensei, Ninja, Shrine Maiden, Thief, Warrior, Captain, Driver, Rider, Binder, Counselor of Faerie, Deathless One, Demonologist, General, Roboticist, Warlord, Elemental Researcher, or Mind Lord Bonus Weeks.
* A Samurai Detective is associated with the classes Archer, Combatant, Gunner, Dragoon, Scholar, Swordsman, Diplomat, Guardian, Protector, Jeweler, Blacksmith, Clothier, Chef, Engineer, Commander, Diviner, Gunslinger, Hunter, Kensei, Ninja, Shrine Maiden, Thief, Warrior, Captain, Driver, Rider, Binder, Counselor of Faerie, Deathless One, Demonologist, General, Roboticist, Warlord, Elemental Researcher, and Mind Lord. It additionally selects 1 base weapon class, 1 base armor class, 1 base spell class, 1 accessory-connected-or-crafting-based base class, its own subtype's class (if not already possessed), and its own element's class (if not already possessed). It may then select any 10 other classes. It can only learn abilities from these classes and equip items whose subtypes match with those subtypes associated classes. Each time it cap-breaks, it may select 5 more classes of its choice.
* Samurai Detectives do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must duel swordmasters and solve mysteries (both only counting notable, quest-equivalent, Level-appropriate duels and mysteries) as per the following chart:
Level 20- 2 Duels, 2 Cases Closed
Level 40- 10 Duels, 10 Cases Closed
Level 60- 20 Duels, 20 Cases Closed
Level 80- 50 Duels, 50 Cases Closed
* Samurai Detectives sometimes respawn in Nexus and sometimes in The One City, with a new samurai detective agency (containing all their stuff from the last one) each time they do.
* Smorgasborgs are a mix of two subtypes. They count as both. Exact rules differ by combination.
* Smorgasborgs always have Bio-Horror and Robot added to their list of possible subtypes, even if neither of the subtypes they blend had them.
* Smorgasborgs are always Bullfighting-Adjacent, even if neither component PC type is.
Smorgasborg (BA Member & Samurai Detective):
* This Smorgasborg is Bullfighting-Adjacent.
* This Smorgasborg may perform absorbs.
* This Smorgasborg may perform combos.
* This Smorgasborg begins with the greater number of distributable base stat points out of 60 and whatever BA members have as standard at the time of its creation.
* This Smorgasborg does get bonus-points to assign on Level-up.
* This Smorgasborg may be any base element, one of the elements Aether, Chaos, Knowledge, Law, Metal, Spatial, or Wood, or one of the elements Anime, Barley, Business, Dependency, Destruck, Mahjong Calcium Acid, Magisparkly, Strange, Swimmerce, Taxi, Terrorism, or Thermo.
* This Smorgasborg may be a base entity subtype, one of the subtypes Ancient, Arch-Demon, Arch-Fae, Conceptual, Custodian, Dragon, Entombed, Gigas, Heritor, Mindshadow, Mutant, Metahuman, Planetary, Reptile, or one of the subtypes A Competitor of Hans, Ball of Superiority, Cousin, Crazy Arcade, DarkSpin, Foreigner, Hell's Face, High Bright, Mindshade, Minor (2), Mr. Wardman's Insect, No-Teeth, Stomach Terror, Throatball, or Wildsteller.
* This Smorgasborg may participate in Mini Quests.
* This Smorgasborg obtains starting Warehouse Tickets any may use them.
* This Smorgasborg may sometimes unlock or accidentally pull from unusual Warehouse categories.
* As an effect that does not bypass 'Immune to below Level X' effects, these Smorgasborgs count as Level (2 x their Level x the number of Caps they have broken) for purposes of scanning stats.
* This Smorgasborgs have the HP and MP costs of Sword Arts spells divided by 2 when paying them; this specifically stacks with the discount granted by 'Studied the Blade'. They double the Attack Bonuses of Sword Arts spells they cast.
* This Smorgasborg automatically succeeds at scanning the stats of any target it deals 25% of the target's Max HP worth of post-Defense Damage to using a Sword Arts spell.
* This Smorgasborg possess an Inherent Spell List and may add non-unique Sword Arts spells to it in a manner similar to Absorbs in the Shop (but with this ability counting as distinct from actual Absorbs).
* This Smorgasborg begins with the actions 'Investigatiate', 'Investigapperate', 'Phase Shift', and 'Studied the Blade'
* This Smorgasborg may, up to once per month, post in the Ability Shop to gain 4 Archer, Combatant, Gunner, Dragoon, Scholar, Swordsman, Diplomat, Guardian, Protector, Jeweler, Blacksmith, Clothier, Chef, Engineer, Commander, Diviner, Gunslinger, Hunter, Kensei, Ninja, Shrine Maiden, Thief, Warrior, Captain, Driver, Rider, Binder, Counselor of Faerie, Deathless One, Demonologist, General, Roboticist, Warlord, Elemental Researcher, or Mind Lord Bonus Weeks.
* This Smorgasborg does not have associated classes or equipment restrictions.
* This Smorgasborg requires both standard Seal Pieces to break Level caps and must duel swordmasters and solve mysteries (both only counting notable, quest-equivalent, Level-appropriate duels and mysteries) as per the following chart:
Level 20- 2 Duels, 2 Cases Closed, Standard Seal Complete
Level 40- 10 Duels, 10 Cases Closed, Standard Seal Complete
Level 60- 20 Duels, 20 Cases Closed, Standard Seal Complete
Level 80- 50 Duels, 50 Cases Closed, Standard Seal Complete
* This Smorgasborg may choose between respawning at the Battle Arena, or respawning in either Nexus or The One City, with a new samurai detective agency (optionally containing all its stuff from the last one - otherwise the stuff is in its room at the Nexus Inn). It may choose which way it respawns each time it respawns.
Adding the Smorgasborg (BA Member & Samurai Detective) template to an existing BA member:
* Base stat points do not change.
* This Smorgasborg may gain one additional element out of any base element, one of the elements Aether, Chaos, Knowledge, Law, Metal, Spatial, or Wood, or one of the elements Anime, Barley, Business, Dependency, Destruck, Mahjong Calcium Acid, Magisparkly, Strange, Swimmerce, Taxi, Terrorism, or Thermo, with the new element being in addition to its current elements.
* This Smorgasborg may gain one additional entity subtype out of any base entity subtype, one of the subtypes Ancient, Arch-Demon, Arch-Fae, Conceptual, Custodian, Dragon, Entombed, Gigas, Heritor, Mindshadow, Mutant, Metahuman, Planetary, Reptile, or one of the subtypes A Competitor of Hans, Ball of Superiority, Cousin, Crazy Arcade, DarkSpin, Foreigner, Hell's Face, High Bright, Mindshade, Minor (2), Mr. Wardman's Insect, No-Teeth, Stomach Terror, Throatball, or Wildsteller, with the new subtype being in addition to its current subtypes.
* This Smorgasborg does not get additional Warehouse tickets.
* This Smorgasborg gains the actions 'Investigatiate', 'Investigapperate', 'Phase Shift', and 'Studied the Blade'
* This Smorgasborg does not unbreak any Level caps previously broken - they remain broken for it.
Abstandard Lesser PC Types
Generic Rules
These are considered Lesser PC Types for anything that checks such (though I don't have any mechanical impact of that yet). Any slot can be used to make one of these instead of a BA member if you wanted to for some reason, but they're mostly being built in preparation for other (better) PC types that potentially build off their rules.
Anointed Prophet
An Anointed Prophet is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* An Anointed Prophet may not perform absorbs.
* An Anointed Prophet may not perform combos.
* An Anointed Prophet begins with 60 distributable base stat points.
* Anointed Prophets do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* An Anointed Prophet may be Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Magic, Electrical, Acid, Energy, Ice, Hope, War, Moon, or Truth element.
* An Anointed Prophet may be a Human, Fae, Humanoid, Celestial, Angel, Deva, Illuminated, Elemental, Prime, Daemon, Devil, or Demon.
* An Anointed Prophet may not participate in Event Matches.
* An Anointed Prophet may not participate in Mini Quests.
* An Anointed Prophet may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* An Anointed Prophet does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* An Anointed Prophet selects 1 base weapon class, 1 base armor class, Priest, 1 accessory-connected-or-crafting-based base class, its own subtype's class, and its own element's class. It may then select 10 other classes. It can only learn abilities from these classes and equip items whose subtypes match with those subtypes associated classes.
* An Anointed Prophet must select a Patron Deity at character creation. It cannot change Patron Deities or have its Patron Deity changed. It may not select a Pantheon.
* Anointed Prophets do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must complete level-band-appropriate quests on behalf of their deities (or in accordance with their deities' primary areas of interest and general portfolios), as per the following chart:
Level 20- 2 Quests
Level 40- 10 Quests, at least one of which must involve converting a population to their deity's service and at least one of which must involve finding a divine relic of the patron deity or a unique item that could be made into a divine relic
Level 60- 20 Quests, at least one of which must involve defeating a major organization devoted to an opposing deity or anathemaic force
Level 80- 50 Quests, at least one of which must involve defeating the incarnate avatar of a rival divine power
* Anointed Prophets respawn automatically once per completed patron-relevant quest they complete (even if below current Level-band). If out of these automatic respawns, they must be manually resurrected in some manner if killed in an RP thread. Respawn location is the Anointed Prophet's patron deity's divine realm.
Dimensional Hero
A Dimensional Hero is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Dimensional Hero may not perform absorbs.
* A Dimensional Hero may not perform combos.
* A Dimensional Hero begins with 60 distributable base stat points.
* Dimensional Heroes do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Dimensional Hero may be Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Physical, Psychic, Magic, Technology, Electrical, Acid, Energy, Ice, Hope, War, Moon, Truth, Metal, or Wood element.
* A Dimensional Hero may be a Human, Fae, Humanoid, Celestial, Angel, Deva, or Edgelander.
* A Dimensional Hero may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Dimensional Hero may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Dimensional Hero may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Dimensional Hero does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Dimensional Hero selects 1 base weapon class, 1 base armor class, 1 base spell class, 1 accessory-connected-or-crafting-based base class, its own subtype's class, and its own element's class. It may then select 10 other classes. It can only learn abilities from these classes and equip items whose subtypes match with those subtypes associated classes.
* Dimensional Heroes do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must complete level-band-appropriate quests with a heroic tilt, as per the following chart:
Level 20- 2 Quests
Level 40- 10 Quests
Level 60- 20 Quests, at least one of which must involve saving a world
Level 80- 50 Quests, at least one of which must involve defeating a multi-form unique boss of significant power
* Dimensional Heroes do not respawn automatically. They must be manually resurrected in some manner if killed in an RP thread.
Dread Villain
A Dread Villain is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Dread Villain may not perform absorbs.
* A Dread Villain may not perform combos.
* A Dread Villain begins with 60 distributable base stat points.
* Dread Villains do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Dread Villain may be Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Physical, Psychic, Magic, Technology, Electrical, Acid, Energy, Ice, Hope, War, Moon, Truth, Metal, or Wood element.
* A Dread Villain may be a Human, Fae, Humanoid, Daemon, Devil, Demon, or Undead.
* A Dread Villain may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Dread Villain may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Dread Villain may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Dread Villain does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Dread Villain selects 1 base weapon class, 1 base armor class, 1 base spell class, 1 accessory-connected-or-crafting-based base class, its own subtype's class, and its own element's class. It may then select 10 other classes. It can only learn abilities from these classes and equip items whose subtypes match with those subtypes associated classes.
* Dread Villains do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must complete level-band-appropriate quests (or self-defined nefarious missions with concrete, pre-defined goals working towards and overall master plan) with a villainous tilt, as per the following chart:
Level 20- 2 Quests
Level 40- 10 Quests, at least one of which must involve setting up some sort of base of operations
Level 60- 20 Quests, at least one of which must involve taking over or destroying a world
Level 80- 50 Quests, at least one of which must involve defeating major party of unique level-band-appropriate heroes
* Dread Villains do not respawn automatically. They must be manually resurrected in some manner if killed in an RP thread.
Mad Genius
A Mad Genius is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Mad Genius may not perform absorbs.
* A Mad Genius may not perform combos.
* A Mad Genius begins with 50 distributable base stat points.
* Mad Geniuses do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Mad Genius may be Psychic, Technology, Electrical, Acid, Energy, Ice, Chemical, Biological, or Toxin element.
* A Mad Genius may be a Human, Humanoid, Bio-Horror, or Mutant.
* A Mad Genius may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Mad Genius may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Mad Genius may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Mad Genius does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Mad Genius is associated with the classes Gunner, Gazer, Mad Trapper, Facility Director, Exterminator, Manipulator, Matrix Keeper, Shadow Blade, Disabler, Parasite, Auramancer, Technocrat, Modificationist, Evolutionist, Protector, Researcher, Alchemist, Biomancer, Scientist, Transmuter, Scavenger, Roboticist, Mechanist, Mad Scientist, Grafter, and Engineer. It can only learn abilities from these classes and equip items whose subtypes match with those subtypes associated classes.
* Dimensional Heroes do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must complete level-band-appropriate quests with a focus on mad-science or super-science, as well as acquiring and applying Gene-Mods, as per the following chart:
Level 20- 2 Quests, At least 5 Gene-Mods acquired and applied to targets
Level 40- 10 Quests, At least 25 Gene-Mods acquired and applied to targets
Level 60- 20 Quests, At least 50 Gene-Mods acquired and applied to targets
Level 80- 50 Quests, At least 250 Gene-Mods acquired and applied to targets
* Mad Geniuses do not respawn automatically. They must be manually resurrected in some manner if killed in an RP thread.
Noble Fae
A Noble Fae is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Noble Fae may perform absorbs, but only on uniques that are part of its collection.
* A Noble Fae may not perform combos.
* A Noble Fae begins with 50 distributable base stat points.
* Noble Fae do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Noble Fae may be Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Magic, Electrical, Acid, Energy, Ice, Moon, or Wood element.
* A Noble Fae must be a Fae.
* A Noble Fae may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Noble Fae may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Noble Fae may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Noble Fae does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Noble Fae is associated with the classes Assassin, Swordsman, Shadow Blade, Scholar, Magus, Sorceress, Diplomat, Seer, Jeweler, Clothier, Commander, Enchanter, Wizard, Illusionist, Bard, Dancer, Druid, Summoner, Wildshaper, Metamorph, Counselor of Faerie, Vermin Master, Beastmaster, Botanist, and Arcane Vizier. It can only learn abilities from these classes and equip items whose subtypes match with those subtypes associated classes.
* Noble Fae do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must complete quests given by or in support of Fae groups, magic-over-technology, or defense of nature against encroaching mortal or technological civilization, as well as collect retainer augments, unique items, and unique pets, at least a quarter of each of which must be relevant to their current Level-band, as per the following chart:
Level 20- 2 Quests, 5 Retainer Augments, 1 Unique Non-Pet Items, 1 Unique Pet
Level 40- 10 Quests, 50 Retainer Augments, 5 Unique Non-Pet Items, 5 Unique Pets
Level 60- 25 Quests, 125 Retainer Augments, 25 Unique Non-Pet Items, 25 Unique Pets, Own a world or pocket dimension
Level 80- 50 Quests, 500 Retainer Augments, 125 Unique Non-Pet Items, 125 Unique Pets
* Noble Fae do not respawn automatically. They must be manually resurrected in some manner if killed in an RP thread.
Private Detective
A Private Detective is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Private Detective is a Lesser PC Type
* A Private Detective may not perform absorbs.
* A Private Detective may not perform combos.
* A Private Detective begins with 50 distributable base stat points.
* Private Detectives do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Private Detective may be Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Magic, Technology, Physical, or Psychic element.
* A Private Detective may be a Human, Fae, Humanoid, or Robot.
* A Private Detective may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Private Detective may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Private Detective may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Private Detective does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Private Detective is associated with the classes Gunner, Combatant, Scholar, Diplomat, Protector, Jeweler, Clothier, Chef, Engineer, Commander, Diviner, Gunslinger, Thief, Driver, Captain, General, Warlord, Counselor of Faerie, Roboticist, and Mind Lord. It can only learn abilities from these classes and equip items whose subtypes match with those subtypes associated classes.
* Private Detectives do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must solve level-band-appropriate mysteries/cases as quests, as per the following chart:
Level 20- 2 Cases Closed
Level 40- 10 Cases Closed
Level 60- 20 Cases Closed
Level 80- 50 Cases Closed
* Private Detectives do not respawn automatically. They must be manually resurrected in some manner if killed in an RP thread.
Questing Knight
A Questing Knight is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Questing Knight is a Lesser PC Type
* A Questing Knight may not perform absorbs.
* A Questing Knight may not perform combos.
* A Questing Knight begins with 50 distributable base stat points.
* Questing Knights do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Questing Knight may be Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Magic, Physical, or Ice element.
* A Questing Knight may be a Human, Fae, or Humanoid.
* A Questing Knight may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Questing Knight may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Questing Knight may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Questing Knight does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Questing Knight is associated with the classes Swordsman, Lancer, Dragoon, Archer, Defender, Lawbringer, Crusher, Guardian, Protector, Jeweler, Blacksmith, Commander, Kensei, Paladin, Warrior, Rider, General, Warlord, and Counselor of Faerie. It can only learn abilities from these classes and equip items whose subtypes match with those subtypes associated classes.
* Questing Knights do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must complete level-band-appropriate quests that are provided either in defense of innocents, as tasks from a divine being, as tasks from a ruling monarch or noteworthy noble, to duel other individuals who are formally knights, or in search of treasures lost by other individuals who were formally knights; they must also hunt level-band-appropriate unique Dragons as per the following chart:
Level 20- 1 Dragon, 1 Quest
Level 40- 5 Dragons, 5 Quests
Level 60- 10 Dragons, 10 Quests
Level 80- 25 Dragons, 25 Quests
* Questing Knights do not respawn automatically. They must be manually resurrected in some manner if killed in an RP thread.
Realm Noble
A Realm Noble is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Realm Noble may perform absorbs, but only on uniques that are part of its collection.
* A Realm Noble may not perform combos.
* A Realm Noble begins with 50 distributable base stat points.
* Realm Nobles do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Realm Noble may be Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Physical, Psychic, Magic, Technology, Electrical, Acid, Energy, Ice, Hope, War, Moon, Truth, Metal, or Wood element.
* A Realm Noble may be a Human, Fae, or Humanoid.
* A Realm Noble may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Realm Noble may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Realm Noble may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Realm Noble does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Realm Noble selects 1 base weapon class, Diplomat, 1 other base armor class, Commander, 1 other base spell class, 1 accessory-connected-or-crafting-based base class, and its own subtype's class. It may then select 7 other classes, at least four of which must be base. It can only learn abilities from these classes and equip items whose subtypes match with those subtypes associated classes.
* Realm Nobles do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must collect retainer augments, unique items, and unique pets, at least a quarter of each of which must be relevant to their current Level-band, as per the following chart:
Level 20- 10 Retainer Augments, 1 Unique Non-Pet Items, 1 Unique Pet
Level 40- 50 Retainer Augments, 10 Unique Non-Pet Items, 10 Unique Pets
Level 60- 250 Retainer Augments, 50 Unique Non-Pet Items, 50 Unique Pets, Own a world
Level 80- 1,000 Retainer Augments, 250 Unique Non-Pet Items, 250 Unique Pets
* Realm Nobles do not respawn automatically. They must be manually resurrected in some manner if killed in an RP thread.
Relic Collector
A Relic Collector is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Relic Collector may perform absorbs, but only on uniques that are part of its collection.
* A Relic Collector may not perform combos.
* A Relic Collector begins with 50 distributable base stat points.
* Relic Collectors do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Relic Collector may be Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Physical, Psychic, Magic, Technology, Electrical, Acid, Energy, Ice, Hope, War, Moon, Truth, Metal, or Wood element.
* A Relic Collector may be a Human, Fae, Humanoid, Undead, Golem, Robot, Celestial, Angel, Deva, Illuminated, Elemental, Abstract, Daemon, Devil, or Demon.
* A Relic Collector may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Relic Collector may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Relic Collector may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Relic Collector does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Relic Collector selects a single item subtype to be the focus of its collection. This selection may not be changed.
* A Relic Collector selects obtains its collection type's corresponding class. It may then select 11 other classes. It can only learn abilities from these classes and equip items whose subtypes match with those subtypes associated classes.
* Relic Collectors do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must collect unique items to fit into their collections that are appropriate in power level to their current Level-band, as per the following chart:
Level 20- 5 Unique Items
Level 40- 25 Unique Items
Level 60- 50 Unique Items, at least one of which must be an Artifact
Level 80- 100 Unique Items, at least five of which must be Artifacts
* Relic Collectors do not respawn automatically. They must be manually resurrected in some manner if killed in an RP thread.
Ronin Samurai
A Ronin Samurai is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Ronin Samurai is a Lesser PC Type
* A Ronin Samurai may not perform absorbs.
* A Ronin Samurai may not perform combos.
* A Ronin Samurai begins with 50 distributable base stat points.
* Ronin Samurai do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Ronin Samurai may be Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Physical, Electrical, or Ice element.
* A Ronin Samurai may be a Human, Humanoid, Spirit, Undead, or Demon.
* A Ronin Samurai may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Ronin Samurai may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Ronin Samurai may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Ronin Samurai does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Ronin Samurai is associated with the classes Swordsman, Dragoon, Archer, Guardian, Jeweler, Blacksmith, Commander, Hunter, Kensei, Ninja, Shrine Maiden, Warrior, Rider, Binder, Deathless One, Demonologist, General, and Warlord. It can only learn abilities from these classes and equip items whose subtypes match with those subtypes associated classes.
* Ronin Samurai do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must complete level-band-appropriate quests that are provided either in defense of innocents, as tasks from a divine being, as tasks from a ruling monarch or noteworthy noble, to duel other individuals who are formally samurai, or in search of treasures lost by other individuals who were formally samurai; they must also duel swordmasters as per the following chart:
Level 20- 1 Duel, 1 Quest
Level 40- 5 Duels, 5 Quests
Level 60- 10 Duels, 10 Quests
Level 80- 25 Duels, 25 Quests
* Ronin Samurai do not respawn automatically. They must be manually resurrected in some manner if killed in an RP thread.
Wandering Adventurer
A Wandering Adventurer is not a BA member and is different from a BA member as follows:
* A Wandering Adventurer may not perform absorbs.
* A Wandering Adventurer may not perform combos.
* A Wandering Adventurer begins with 50 distributable base stat points.
* Wandering Adventurers do not get bonus-points to assign on level-up.
* A Wandering Adventurer may be Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Light, Darkness, Physical, or Psychic element.
* A Wandering Adventurer may be a Human, Fae, or Humanoid.
* A Wandering Adventurer may not participate in Event Matches.
* A Wandering Adventurer may not participate in Mini Quests.
* A Wandering Adventurer may not participate in Special Matches, excluding the Boss Rush and Alternative Boss Rush.
* A Wandering Adventurer does not obtain starting Warehouse Tickets but may turn them in if it acquires them somehow.
* A Wandering Adventurer selects 1 base weapon class, 1 base armor class, 1 base spell class, 1 accessory-connected-or-crafting-based base class, and its own subtype's class. It may then select 7 other classes, at least four of which must be base. It can only learn abilities from these classes and equip items whose subtypes match with those subtypes associated classes.
* Wandering Adventurers do not require Seal Pieces to break Level caps. Instead, they must complete level-band-appropriate dungeons (clearing the dungeon, defeating at least one dungeon boss in the process and obtaining at least one unique piece of loot) and quests, as per the following chart:
Level 20- 1 Dungeon, 1 Quest
Level 40- 5 Dungeons, 5 Quests
Level 60- 10 Dungeons, 10 Quests
Level 80- 25 Dungeons, 25 Quests
* Wandering Adventurers do not respawn automatically. They must be manually resurrected in some manner if killed in an RP thread.