Additional Subtree Abilities wrote:
Protected by Spirits- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains +5% Minor Negative Status Effect Resistance per Spirit ally possessor possesses, to a max of 100 such allies
Spirit Lord's Beckoning Gesture- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) When one of possessor's opponents summons a Spirit that is normally fightable for drops on the enemy list, possessor has a ((Possessor's Level * 10 - Possessor's Opponent's Level * 10) + 50)% chance of gaining control of that summon
Attended by Spirit Butlers- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor counts as possessing 5 additional Spirit allies; at the start of each round, possessor may choose to either unequip and then equip any number of carried items, or to obtain up to 40 Temporary in-stock items worth under 2,000,000 Gold from the Shop
Attended by Spirit Advisors- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor counts as possessing 4 additional Spirit allies who are wielding Fan weapons and have a Base MIN of 15; once per round, after one of possessor's actions, possessor may either choose for a Spirit ally of possessor to immediately obtain an additional action or for either possessor or a Spirit ally of possessor to obtain a buff that stacks 5 times and lasts 5 rounds that provides +2,000 MIN
Mobile Bounded Spirit Court- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) If the terrain or phantom terrain is Spirit Realm, possessor and possessor's Spirit allies gain +5,000 to all stats; If possessor possesses at least 50 Spirit allies, the phantom terrain additionally counts as being Spirit Realm
Served by a Guild of Assassin Spirits- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Up to (Possessor's Level/5, rounded up) times per thread, before one of possessor's actions (with the option to occur more than once before the same action), possessor may choose to have a (Possessor's number of Shrine Maiden abilities/5, rounded up, to a max of 500)% chance of inflicting Instant Death on a chosen target that is either in the same battlespace or that is in a different battlespace that does not contain an entity that is either (Level 80 or greater or more than 20 Levels greater than possessor) that objects and to count as possessing 5 additional Spirit allies until the end of the round; Entities killed by this instance of this status effect cannot be resurrected by non-Spirits that are not 5 or more Levels greater than possessor
Attended by a Spirit Herald Who Loudly Yells Its Master's Name- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor counts as possessing an additional ally who is a Spirit; At the start of a battle, possessor may choose to announce possessor's name and then up to 5 of possessor's awards in all caps
Attended by an Orchestra of Spirit Musicians- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor counts as possessing 20 additional Spirit allies; At the start of each round, possessor may cast a Bardic Music spell that is worth under 200,000,000 Gold that is worth under (Possessor's Level * 4,000,000 Gold) that is for sale in the Shop, with said casting counting as though an entity that was solely a Spirit cast it
Attended by Messenger Spirits- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor counts as possessing 3 additional Spirit allies; At the start of possessor's first action each round, possessor may either transfer a Spirit Magic buff from possessor to a valid, willing target for said buff (if possessor were to cast it on said target) or may transfer a Spirit Magic buff that could be applied to possessor if it were cast by an ally of possessor that is present on an ally of possessor to possessor, with both of these effect options being able to target willing allies of possessor who are in different battlespaces so long as no entity with a higher AGI than possessor's SPI in either possessor's battlespace or the other battlespace the target is in objects and so long as no entity that is Level 80 or greater that is in either battlespace objects
Attended by Twin, Blind, Half-Spirit Shrine Maidens- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor counts as possessing two Human & Spirit allies that possess the abilities 'Shrine Maiden' and 'Diviner' that count as being afflicted with Impaired: Blind and as having the same name; possessor may, up to twice per round, before one of possessor's actions, choose between gaining +25% To Hit during possessor's next action as a non-stacking buff, having possessor or one of possessor's allies be cured of a minor or moderate negative status effect, having one of possessor's Spirit allies that was killed by a source below Level 60 be resurrected, scanning an entity's stats, having possessor or one of possessor's Spirit allies be afflicted with Elevated, Favored, Favored: Anointed, Favored: Good Fortune, Fortified: Shadow Warded, Stat Boost, or Regeneration, or having an opponent have a 200% chance of being afflicted with Awestruck: Sealed
Attracts No Ire from Wild Spirits- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor may not be offensively targeted by Spirits that are uncontrolled summons that have not been offensively targeted by possessor unless possessor is in a Random Dungeon; Possessor may not be offensively targeted by Spirits that are 20 or more Levels below possessor if possessor is in a Random Dungeon; If possessor is in the Stance 'Dismissive Spirit Lord's Reclining Posture', Spirits that this ability prevents from offensively targeting possessor may not offensively target possessor's allies unless said allies have conducted offensive actions that have targeted said Spirits
Borne at the Head of a Parade of Spirits- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) If possessor is in the Stance 'Dismissive Spirit Lord's Reclining Posture', the first time per round that possessor conducts a 'Switch Rows' action, possessor optionally immediately gains an action that may only be used to perform the 'Switch Rows' action, each of possessor's Spirit allies may immediately perform the 'Switch Rows' action, and then possessor may summon up to 5 Spirits of equal or lower Level from the Enemy List that are normally fightable for drops, Max 200 summoned; if possessor is in a Transformation whose name includes 'Palanquin' or has equipped an item whose name includes 'Palanquin', possessor may summon 50 Spirits each time instead
Attended by a Spirit-Dragon Vizier Who Specializes in Anti-Binding Countermagic- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor counts as possessing an additional Spirit & Dragon ally who counts as possessing the abilities 'Adept Binder Knowledge', 'Warden', 'Expert Wizard Magic Attunement', and 'Expert Spirit Magic Attunement'; up to three times per round, when a non-Spirit opponent of possessor who is not 10 or more Levels greater than possessor attempts to cast a Spirit Magic or Binding spell, possessor may choose to cancel its casting
Attended by Two Attractive-But-Airheaded Spirits Who Resolutely Refuse to Recognize His Name as Anything Except 'Delvedaddy'- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor counts as possessing 2 additional Spirit allies, Possessor is Immune to Charm from sources below Level 20, Individuals may treat possessor's name as being 'Delvedaddy'
Served by a Guild of Thief Spirits Who Can Assume the Forms of Children, Animals, Shadows, and Wind- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Up to (Possessor's Level/5, rounded up) times per thread, before one of possessor's actions (with the option to occur more than once before the same action), possessor may choose to have a (Possessor's number of Shrine Maiden abilities/5, rounded up, to a max of 500)% chance of stealing an non-unique item equipped by an opponent and to count as possessing 5 additional Spirit, Spirit & Human, Spirit & Animal, Spirit & Umbral, or Spirit & Elemental allies until the end of the round; Possessor may alternatively choose to steal a carried, non-equipped item, in which case the chance is doubled; Possessor may choose to target opponents of lower Level who are below Level 60 who are in other battlespaces with this theft; this ability may sometimes steal unique items in RP threads
Served by the Spirit Guilds- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor's Shrine Maiden abilities whose name includes 'Guild' that count how many Shrine Maiden abilities possessor possesses count possessor's Binder abilities as Shrine Maiden abilities for this purpose and additionally count the total as being 5 higher than it otherwise would be
Attended by Spirits Bearing Sacred Reliquaries and Exquisite Display Cases Containing Manifested Talismans of Spiritual Power- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor gains 20 spell slots that may only carry Spirit Magic spells and cannot be converted into other slots, For each of these slots that is filled, possessor count as possessing an additional Spirit ally and gains +10,000 MP to a special secondary pool that may only be used to cast Spirit Magic spells
Attended by an Instrument-Animating Object Spirit- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor may equip an Instrument weapon in a special weapon slot that may only hold Instrument weapons, may hold an Instrument weapon regardless of how many slots it would normally occupy, that makes the weapon in it count as a Weaponx0 despite continuing to occupy the slot, that may not be converted into other slots except a Pet slot, in which case it may only hold a Spirit pet; while this slot is full, possessor counts as possessing an additional Spirit ally
Served by a Guild of Mage-Cartographer Spirits Who, Using a Mixture of Spiritual Geomancy, World-Law-Based Outer Litigamancy, and Sending Their Legions of Land-Spirit Servants to Possess Terrain Features, May Establish Control of Lands and Nations- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Up to (Possessor's Level/5, rounded up) times per thread, before one of possessor's actions (with the option to occur more than once before the same action), possessor may choose to have a (Possessor's number of Shrine Maiden abilities/5, rounded up, to a max of 500)% chance of gaining control of a Terrain, Phantom Terrain, or summoned Large Structure, provided said Terrain, Phantom Terrain, or summoned Large Structure isn't controlled by an opponent who either is 20 or more Levels greater than possessor, is Level 80 or greater, is a Spirit of equal or greater Level than possessor, or is a Deity, and to count as possessing 5 additional Spirit, Spirit & Human, Spirit & Animal, Spirit & Umbral, or Spirit & Elemental allies until the end of the round.
Attended by a Spirit of Noble Martyrdom- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor may, once per thread, as an effect that removes this ability from the thread and that cannot be undone by sources below Level 80 or caused to count as not having happened by sources below Level 80, when possessor would be killed by an (attack or action) from a source below Level 80 that is not greater Level than possessor, instead cause said attack or action to fail; Possessor counts as possessing an additional Spirit ally
Attended by 57 Spirits Who Are All Named 'James' Who Each Perform Different, Highly Complex Jobs- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor counts as possessing 57 additional Spirit allies whose name is 'James', Possessor may choose to have a 30% chance of inflicting Confusion on up to 57 targets at the start of each round, Possessor has a 10% chance of inflicting Confusion on any opponent who scans possessor's stats
Spiritual Attendant Rush- (Technique Ability, Shrine Maiden) Possessor may use 'Spiritual Attendant Rush' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Overdrive' action so long as no other technique is used by possessor as part of said action, said action involves the casting of a Spirit Magic spell, and possessor possesses at least 20 Spirit allies. Said action gains +((Possessor's number of Spirit allies, to a max of 1,000)*1,000) Magical Attack, gains a (Possessor's number of Spirit allies, to a max of 1,000)% chance of inflicting Fatigued: Stun, count as involving (Possessor's number of Spirit allies) additional Spirits, and gains '(Possessor's number of Spirit allies/100, to a max of 10) hits against (Possessor's number of Spirit allies * 10, to a max of 10,000)'
Ambiently Attracts Minor Spirits Who Seek to Pay Tribute- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) At the start of each round, possessor obtains 50,000 Temporary Gold and obtains a buff that stacks 5 times that lasts 5 rounds that causes its possessor to count as possessing 5 additional Spirit allies
Attended by Incarnate World-Law Manifestations- (Passive Ability, Shrine Maiden) For each World Law possessor possesses, possessor counts as possessing a Spirit & Conceptual & Outsider ally, that also counts as the World Law's corresponding entity subtype should it possess one, and possessor gains a +500 uncapped bonus to all stats
*Ivory Palanquin of the Untouchable Spirit Lord- (Accessory, Container, Light & Warding, 200,000,000 Gold) +200,000 CON, +200,000 SPI, Wielder gains the Immunities of wielder's Spirit summons that are below Level 80 against entities that are both lower Level than wielder and below Level 80