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Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:05 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Darkspawn Are Strange Hues and Colors Beyond the Ordinary Spectrum of Light- (World Law, Herald of Lunacy) Darkspawn cannot have their element(s) unwillingly changed by Color element actions, effects, entities, or items. Darkspawn gain 30% Color Resistance. Darkspawn gain a +30% bonus to their Confusion infliction chances and a +1% bonus to their Insanity infliction chances (not counting sub-status effects in either case).
Requires: Herald of Lunacy, Transmuter, Spy, Illusionist, Veilwalker
Additional Requirement: Task: Locate and either perform a quest for or subjugate a unique Darkspawn that is an abstandard, reality-altering or otherwise supernatural, color
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 4 Weeks

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:05 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Darkspawn Slumber Agelessly Beneath the Sea- (World Law, Herald of Lunacy) Darkspawn gain Immunity to Drowning (but not its sub-status effects) and Fatigued: Elderly. Darkspawn gain 30% Water Resistance. Darkspawn gain +30% Dodge while in a Zone of Water or while the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is set to Ocean or Abyssal Depths. Darkspawn who perform the 'Rest' or 'Meditate' action while in a Zone of Water or while the Terrain or Phantom Terrain is set to Ocean or Abyssal Depths additionally recover 20% of their Max HP and Max MP (added to existing recovery percentiles of said values if said values already exist as part of said actions and otherwise being added on as their own independent recovery values) and obtain a non-stacking buff that allows its possessor to resurrect itself at the start of the round five rounds after dying, with said effect not preventing the checking of battle win conditions.
Requires: Herald of Lunacy, Ocean Prince, Priest, Chronomancer, Wanderer
Additional Requirement: Task: Find a unique Darkspawn of Level 40 or greater that is sleeping or dreaming beneath the sea and rouse it to act upon the world it is on once more.
Cost: 30,000,000 Gold, 4 Weeks

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:05 pm
by Lord Gadigan

When the Walls of Reality are Breached, Darkspawn Slip In- (World Law, Herald of Lunacy) When an individual moves between battlespaces, up to once per round per entity moving and up to 30 times per round total per summon source, each Darkspawn in either the battlespace being entered or the battlespace being exited that is not itself a summon may summon up to 30 Darkspawn of equal or lower Level that are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List, with a max of 2,000 Darkspawn summoned in this manner per Darkspawn summoner, whereas if there are no non-summon Darkspawn to perform this summoning, a group of 30 random Darkspawn below Level 80 that are normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List enter the battle as uncontrolled summons but do not count as summons for the purpose of this ability checking for whether or not a Darkspawn is a summon or not.
Requires: Herald of Lunacy, Wanderer, Summoner, Veilwalker, Delver of the Forbidden
Additional Requirement: Task: Initiate a major incursion of reality by Darkspawn from beyond that reality, with the world or plane being invaded needing to have a population of at least 60,000,000 and needing to have at least 5 unique individuals of Level 60 or greater, with said world or dimension needing to not quickly and immediately win against the Darkspawn incursion for the incursion to count
Cost: 30,000,000 Gold, 6 Weeks

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:06 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Darkspawn Are Worshipped By Madmen- (World Law, Herald of Lunacy) At the start of each round, each Human afflicted with Confusion or Insanity (including sub-status effects of either) that is in the same battlespace as a Darkspawn that is not Immune to Dominion has a 30% chance of acquiring a non-stacking debuff that makes its possssor a Devout Worshipper of a random Darkspawn in the same battlespace instead of its prior Patron Deity/Deities, with this effect not replacing worship of prexisting Darkspawn or Outer Terror Deities, with this effect being able to make individuals Devout Worshippers of non-deity Darkspawn and this effect not counting Darkspawn that are not otherwise counting as deities to be deities, with this debuff also making its possessor unable to offensively target Darkspawn or Outer Terrors that it is a Devout Worshipper of. Darkspawn with at least 30 Devout Worshippers gain +5,000 to all stats.
Requires: Herald of Lunacy, Priest, Delver of the Forbidden, Commander, Mentalist
Additional Requirement: Task: Start a cult to a Darkspawn that contains at least 60 members, at least one of whom is unique
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 4 Weeks

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:06 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Animals Dodge Through Sheer Instinct- (World Law, Beastmaster) Animals gain +25% Dodge against entities that are not Immune to, do not Absorb, and do not Reflect Psychic
Not for Sale

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:06 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Spirits Can Pass Through Solid Objects at Will- (World Law, Binder) Spirits gain (Their Level)% Dodge, gain 30% Physical Resistance, gain 30% Earth Resistance, gain Immunity to Entombed, but not its sub-status effects, and ignore Defense bonuses and Resistances granted by Armors worth under 30,000,000 Gold that are Phyiscal or Earth element
Requires: Binder, Veilwalker, Thief, Shrine Maiden, Ninja
Additional Requirement: Task: Perform a quest on behalf of an intangible Spirit that cannot interact with the physical world normally, accomplishing a key step that it would be unable to do so itself due to this limitation
Cost: 30,000,000 Gold, 6 Weeks

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:06 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Sufficiently Old Objects Can Awaken As New Spirits- (World Law, Binder) At the end of each round, each item that is not equipped or carried by a Spirit that is not unique that has been in battle for at least 100 rounds has a 5% chance of unequipping itself and summoning a Spirit that, if there is at least one Spirit in battle, is on the side of battle of the highest-Level spirit (with ties being broken in favor of the side of battle the item was previously carried or equipped by, or, if that does not resolve the tie, the tie being resolved randomly), with the summon being determined by the highest-Level Spirit on the side of battle the new Spirit is summoned on, being a type of Spirit that is normally fightable for drops on the Enemy List that shares at least one element with the item in question, with the newly-summoned Spirit being lower-Level than the highest-Level Spirit, with a max of 40,000 Spirits summoned through this World Law at a time, with a max of one Spirit summoned by this World Law per item per thread, with Spirits summoned by this World Law obtaining, gaining an equip slot for, and equipping the items that summoned them, ignoring the equip-restrictions of those items so long as at least one other entity in battle at any time during the thread was able to meet those equip restrictions, with the item in cases where it cannot be equipped instead being carried by the new Spirit at the time of its summoning, with this summoning effect being prevented if the unequipping effect is prevented, and with, in the case that there are no pre-existing Spirits in battle, a random Spirit below Level 60 that shares an element with the item in question being summoned as an uncontrolled summon, with instances where there is no corresponding element Spirit to the item in question (regardless of whether or not a Spirit is already in battle) instead resulting in no Spirit being summoned
Requires: Binder, Shrine Maiden, Summoner, Artificer, Enchanter
Additional Requirement: Task: Bring an antique item to life as a Spirit as part of a quest and use it to solve some problem within that quest
Cost: 30,000,000 Gold, 6 Weeks

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:06 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Nature Flourishes Around Spirits- (World Law, Binder) Zones and Terrains (but not Phantom Terrains) that are either natural or created by Elementals, Spirits, Elemental Magic, Spirit Magic, or Druid Magic may not be destroyed by non-Spirits that are not either Level 60 or greater or greater Level than the greatest-Level Spirit present. Plants with at least one Spirit ally gain +3,000 to all stats. Animals, Aquatics, Aerials, and Insects with at least one Spirit ally gain +1,000 to all stats, with this bonus not stacking with the bonus provided to Plants.
Requires: Binder, Shrine Maiden, Druid, Elmentalist, Geomancer
Additional Requirement: Task: Save a generally-pristine natural environment inhabited notably by Spirits from a notable threat in a quest
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 4 Weeks

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:06 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Spirits Can Emit Light- (World Law, Binder) At the start of each round, each Spirit may choose to create a Zone of Light.
Requires: Binder, Shrine Maiden, Illusionist, Radiant Hierophant, Healer
Additional Requirement: Task: Complete a quest that notably involves an allied Spirit that glows or emits light in some manner
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 4 Weeks

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:07 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Spirits Hold Greater Claim to the Ownership of Items than Non-Spirits- (World Law, Binder) At the start of each Spirit's first action each round, that Spirit may select an item that it previously had equipped or was carrying in the same thread that is equipped by or being carried by a non-Spirit that is not 5 or more Levels greater than the Spirit and obtain that item, equipping it should it have a slot open and desire to do so. Items equipped or carried by Spirits may not be stolen or destroyed by non-Spirits who are not 5 or more Levels greater than the Spirits who are equipping or carrying those items.
Requires: Binder, Shrine Maiden, Abjurer, Artificer, Enchanter
Additional Requirement: Task: Complete a quest that involves returning a stolen unique item to a unique Spirit
Cost: 15,000,000 Gold, 6 Weeks

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:07 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Spirits' Wondrous Powers Sway Mortals to Worship Them- (World Law, Binder) Each time a Spirit acts, each lower-Level Human or Humanoid in the same battlespace that does not have a Patron Deity, that is not Immune to Charm, does not Reflect Charm, does not Absorb Charm, and that does not Resist, is not Immune to, does not Reflect, and does not Absorb Dominon has a 5% chance of acquiring a debuff that makes its possessor a Devout Worshipper of said Spirit who may not offensively target that Spirit or that Spirit's Spirit allies, with this effect not making the Spirit a deity if the Spirit is not a deity already and this effect allowing the Devout Worship of non-deity Spirits. A Spirit with at least one Devout Worshipper is afflicted with Elevated and Anointed at the start of each round. A Spirit with at least five Devout Worshippers obtains +5,000 to all stats and has a 5% chance of gaining an additional action assigned normally in turn-order each round.
Requires: Binder, Priest, Shrine Maiden, Enchanter, Commander
Additional Requirement: Task: Sway at least 30,000 entities to the worship of Spirits, at least 5 of whom must be unique and at least one of those five who must be Level 20 or greater
Cost: 30,000,000 Gold, 6 Weeks

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:07 pm
by Lord Gadigan
Lili VonMion

Daemons Control the Actions of Living Constructs- (World Law, Puppet Master) Daemons may choose to have a 100% chance of inflicting Dominion on up to 30 lower-Level Golems at the start of each round
Requires: Puppet Master, Rune Mage, Artificer, Enslaver, Puppeteer
Additional Requirement: Task: Gain control of at least three unique Constructs of Level 40 or greater either permanently or for a duration in which you perform quest-significant actions with them
Cost: 60,000,000 Gold, 6 Weeks

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:07 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Shapeshifters Can Transform Into Any Animal They Have Eaten- (World Law, Flux Baron) Whenever a Shapeshifter kills an Animal that is fightable for drops on the Enemy List with HP Drain, that Shapeshifter gains a buff that stacks 5 times that allows its possessor to spend an action to Transform into an instance of that Animal from the Enemy List
Not for Sale

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:07 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Golems Resist Magic- (World Law, Evermason) Golems gain 30% Magic Resistance and have a 50% chance of optionally ignoring the effects of spells cast by entities of lower Level (with this chance also being applied to Wizard Magic spells cast by entities of equal Level who do not possess the ability 'Expert Ethereal Magic Attunement').
Not for Sale

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:08 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Golems Have No Physical Weak Points- (World Law, Evermason) Golems cannot be Criticalled by entities of lower Level. Golems gain 100% Resilience and +25% Resilience.
Not for Sale

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:08 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Primes May Explode Into Fields of Elemental Power- (World Law, Unfettered One) A Prime may, as an action, inflict Instant Death on itself to create a Zone of its elements; unique entities may not be forced to do this while afflicted with Charm, Dominion, Confusion or any other effect that controls or randomizes their actions. A Prime may, when dying, choose to create a Zone of its elements.
Requires: Unfettered One, Geomancer, Enchanter, Warrior, Monk
Additional Requirement: Task: Help a unique Prime of Level 30 or greater achieve great notoriety or a major goal in a manner that involves the Prime's self-sacrifice
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 4 Weeks

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:08 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Daemons are the Greatest Masters of Rune Magic and Cannot Be Harmed By Others Using It- (World Law, Master of Puppets) Daemons count as possessing 30 additional Rune Mage abilities for non-prerequisite purposes. Daemons are Immune to Rune Magic from sources that are not Daemons, including Rune Magic summons that were summoned by non-Daemons (even if those summons are Daemons), but not including non-Daemon Rune Magic summons that were summoned by Daemons.
Requires: Master of Puppets, Rune Mage, Warlock, Artificer, Summoner
Additional Requirement: Task: Defeat a unique, non-Daemon Rune Magic specialist of Level 20 or greater using primarily Rune Magic
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 4 Weeks

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:08 pm
by Lord Gadigan
D'Artagna Marie-Antoinette Brunhilde Lightbringer Destiny

Quezmellym Arrive Like a Bolt from the Blue- (World Law, Discordant) Up to three times per round across all Quezmellym, when a Quezmellym enters a battlespace, excluding at the start of battle in battles where at least one of the Quezmellym's opponents is equal Level to or greater Level than the Quezmellym, a Quezmellym may choose to deal all opponents on one opposing side of battle (its Level x 1,000) Flat Electrical element Damage and have an 80% chance of inflicting Confusion: Surprised on those opponents.
Requires: Discordant, Dancer, Warrior, Monk, Bard
Additional Requirement: Task: Assist a Quezmellym in defeating a unique evil entity of Level 40 or greater in a surprise attack at least three times, with the results being generally considered 'quick' or 'surprising' (in a manner favorable to the Quezmellym) (or accomplish the above while a Quezmellym yourself)
Cost: 30,000,000 Gold, 6 Weeks

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:08 pm
by Lord Gadigan
D'Artagna Marie-Antoinette Brunhilde Lightbringer Destiny

Improved Ultraviolet Sun Dukes Are Better Than Everyone Else- (World Law, Elemental Researcher) Improved Ultraviolet Sun Dukes gain an uncapped +30,000 to all stats, gain +1 to all base stats, and gain a 1% chance of having offensive actions targeting them that come from equal-or-lower-Level entities that are not Improved Ultraviolet Sun Dukes fail to effect them (with this chance not being able to be manipulated by the Improved Ultraviolet Sun Dukes but being able to be altered by the non-Improved-Ultraviolet-Sun-Dukes attempting to effect them).
Not for Sale

Re: World Law Bonanza

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 9:08 pm
by Lord Gadigan

Devas Resist Mind Control- (World Law, Champion of the Upper Realms) Devas gain 30% Dominion Resistance.
Requires: Champion of the Upper Realms, Monk, Abjurer, Warrior, Wanderer
Additional Requirement: Task: Help a unique Deva a unique entity of Level 40 or greater that is controlling individuals' minds without the Deva becoming mind-controlled (or accomplish this feat yourself while a Deva)
Cost: 30,000,000 Gold, 6 Weeks