Kit tries her luck

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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit tries a time element mana attack to the right hunter

The dream summons one more fantasmic.

The bulwark moves again to sheild.

The sun cloud is to brighten and try to blind the enemy.

The rider summons more clouds as a shield.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Aeromage »

Kit blasts the more-damaged of her opponents with a Time-element magical attack, dealing Moderate damage. It's looking rather the worse for wear.

Tsatmeiyal summons up another Fantasmic, this time bringing forth a Dreaming Codex Veritas (Fantasmic & Golem, Level 51). It's a primarily Truth-element entity capable of mass-scanning, using the (non-Moon, non-Illusion) abilities of other entities in the same battlespace provided they aren't too much stronger than it, and being able to 'correct' entities to their base states- or in other words, remove buffs, debuffs and status effects provided they aren't too strong.

The Bulwark prepares to defend again, and the Cloudrider calls up more ablative clouds for the party.
The Eternal Suncloud brightens to blinding levels. It's a little too bright, in fact, and manages to throw everyone else off their game because of it. On the plus side, this means that one of the enemy spirits in its midst is unable to do much of anything. The other manages to get a nasty shot off, but between the ablative-cloud-layer and the Bulwark's interposition-defense, it results in no damage.

The round ticks again. This time, the ablative cloudlayer manages to prevent the Cloudrider from taking further damage due to the status effects.
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit tries a time element mana attack to the right hunter again.

The dream summons one more fantasmic. Trying to summon a land shield.

The bulwark moves again to shield.

The sun cloud is to attack the right hunter as well. Trying to use clouds as a weapon

The rider summons more clouds as a shield.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Aeromage »

Kit levies a blast of Time-element magic at one of the Constellation hunters, but manages to miss completely as the Spirit ducks back, trying to get out of the Suncloud's grasp in order to avoid getting hit. It succeeds in getting out of harm's way, but finds it cannot leave the Suncloud's form as its constituent tiny suns lock aggressively into place.

The Dream summons up yet another Fantasmic! It manages to call up a Pavise of Realms Unbound (Fantasmic, Level 55). It's a highly-defensive entity that increases its allies' defense through mere presence, can shield against debuffs and status effects (with this ability getting less effective the more out-of-bracket the effects' source is), can prevent buffs and positive status effects on its own party from being removed, can prevent Zones, Terrains and Phantom Terrains created by its allies from being removed, and conversely prevent its own party from being affected by Zones, Terrains and Phantom Terrains from other sources. To a lesser degree, it can also do the same with other battlefield effects.
It's also fairly good at mitigating or outright-preventing dangeous environments from affecting or harming its allies, although this again depends on the level and potency of the environment in question.

The Suncloud lashes out with more Stasis-infused solar force, dealing Moderate damage to the more-injured of the two spirits and Minor damage to the other.

The Bulwark continues to do its thing as the Cloudrider continues to call up more ablative clouds.

The Constellation Hunters are, at this point, fairly stymied in their assault, only managing to shave off ablative clouds as they attack with a hail of shining arrows, any that manage to get through getting defended against by the Bulwark.

The round ticks.
The Cloudrider finally manages to shift being on Green and Purple Fire, although it's still dealing with Astral Echoes.
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit tries a time element mana attack to the right hunter again.

Tsatmeial uses its gaze to harm to harm one of hte enemies
Twohundredfold Gaze- 75,000 Damage, Counters to this action cost 200 times their normal listed MP quantitiy, to a max of 2,000,000,000 additional MP, Light or Psychic or Sonic or Glory, 0 MP (sonic. on the first hunter)

The bulwark moves again to shield.

The pavise goes on the defense again.

The sun cloud is to attack the right hunter as well. Trying to use clouds as a weapon

The rider summons more clouds as a shield.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Aeromage »

Kit fires off another Time-element attack! It deals Light damage. She's not really hitting her groove with this fight, it seems.

Tsatmeiyal does rather better, managing to down the right-hand Spirit with its Twohundredfold Gaze.

The Suncloud manages to overwhelm the remaining Spirit with Stasis-power, essentially locking it into a time-frozen state.
Between the overwhelming defenses being brought to bear and the stasis-freezing, Kit, the Dream and the Suncloud eventually manage to whittle it to death.

Kit and the Dream get 2* XP for a Level 58 enemy.

Kit also gets:
Constellation Diagram Painted In Starlight- (Item, Antiquity, Astral & Magic, 200,000 Gold)
Constellation-Piercing Shot- (Spell, Archery, Astral, 8,000 MP, 8,000,000 Gold) +8,000 Ranged Attack, 'Ranged Attack' actions that involve this spell deal an additional 80,000 damage to targets that have an Empowered Constellation set and, if said action deals damage, may lower that Empowered Constellation's Phase by 1; if the Empowered Constellation is already at Phase 1 or has no Phases, this action may instead destroy that Empowered Constellation; this spell may alternatively deal no damage to instead target an Empowered Constellation that is not set by or attached to a specific entity (for instance, being attached to a Zone) and lower that Empowered Constellation's Phase by 1; if the Empowered Constellation is already at Phase 1 or has no Phases, this action may instead destroy that Empowered Constellation; this spell may affect no more than one Empowered Constellation at a time
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Kitsune106d »

What's the room like?
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Aeromage »

The room looks near-identical to the previous one she was in- tall and cylindrical, with no exits save the one she came through. Glittering star-motes gently cascade within the Starmetal it's made from, radiating from the ceiling, down the walls, and pooling in the floor as a soft glow. Unlike the previous room, it doesn't have a central disc with symbols on it. Looks like this room just contained a battle.

(For reference, going off the 'map' on the disc Kit saw in the previous room, she's currently in the room marked with an X. Rooms Bolded and in grey are ones she linked to the first one via starlight-painting on the disc in the main room.)

                                                                                  X     O     O
                                                                        ▬▬▬O     O     O

                                                                                  O     Ѻ     O
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit will move down to see where she can go. The fox trying to do her best.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Aeromage »

Kit heads back through the way she came, finding herself at the chamber with the disc again. Painted starlight glitters on its surface, linking the starting chamber's position (marked with a Ѻ) to the top-left and top-right depressions in it. Kit thinks she could suck the starlight back up with her brush to re-draw lines if needs be.

The room currently has three exits. One leading to the chamber she just battled the Constellation hunters in, one leading back into the parts of Starlight Spire she's already explored, and one leading, presumably, to whatever room corresponds to the top-right depression on the disc.
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit moved to the top right room
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Aeromage »

Kit moves through the other exit and through the narrow passage of cascading starlight beyond.
She emerges on a shimmering platform over a void, the darkness shot through with stars that glitter and twinkle in the gloom. Thin lines of starlight form and connect stars together in partial constellations before snapping and reforming, making different links before those, too, are shattered. It's as if the sky is being sketched upon by a very indecisive artist puzzling out what shapes they can make with the various brightest stars on display.
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit moved to try to draw fix the constellations. Curious if using the brush will work
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Aeromage »

Kit finds she can indeed connect stars with a sweep of a brush and draw shapes around them to form constellations. She thinks she could make a large number of smaller constellations, or fewer larger constellations, or maybe even a few really big constellations if she felt like it. The room's own partial-constellation-attempts don't seem to have any shapes appearing around them to show what they might be, although it does look like it's trying to ensure every star is getting used in constellations in some form or other.
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit has teh following abilities:

Mathematical Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Scientist) +150 MIN that is counted as unmodified for capping purposes
Radioactive Wisdom- (Passive Ability, Scientist) Possessor gains +400 MIN, Possessor's actions that involve Hypertech spells may gain '30% inflicts Poison: Irradiated', Possessor gains Poison: Irradiated Immunity, Possessor gains 5% Atomic Resistance
Sun Duke- (Passive Ability, Other: Sun Duke) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Solar Being pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Solar Being pets and summons per Level of possessor
Surreal Reality Sculpting- (Passive Ability, Walker from Beyond) Whenever possessor creates a Zone or Phantom Terrain, possesor may choose to attach an effect to said Zone or Phantom Terrain that provides +500 to all stats of all Abstracts within said Zone or Phantom Terrain as a buff that does not stack on the same Zone or Phantom Terrain and stacks 4 times across different Zones and Phantom Terrains, Has RP effects
Knowledge of Esoteric Elements- (Passive Ability, Elementalist) Possessor gains +100 MIN if possessor has any item equipped that is a nonbase element

She will try to mathetically design her own constellaions using her abilities of time to caluclate what can be done. basically trying to look forward in time what the possiblities are for usig all the stars are and choosing a one!
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Aeromage »

Kit's mathematical knowledge lets her portion out the stars into relatively-equal sections to start connecting dots into constellations. Looking forward in time doesn't particularly help matters, because when it comes to constellations, even the same collection of lines joining stars could be interpreted in wildly different ways according to the artist wielding the brush.
And in this instance, that's not a metaphor.

She sets about with her brush, painting constellations into being, leaning on, of all things, her knowledge of Radioactive Wisdom, Solar Beings, Surreal Reality Sculpting and Esoteric Elements.

Her efforts see most of the constellations that she makes winking out, taking the stars with them. One of the constellations forms a door on the far side of the room and a pathway to it, but something has evidently gone wrong- from its fuzzy, glitching outline in the void and the brilliantly-shining, somewhat static-y blue material it and the hallway beyond are made from, it clearly doesn't lead to another part of the Starmetal Spire. The Dream states it's registering it as leading to part of the The Improved Radiant Sapphire (2) Spire, and that it can't get a read on the Level band of the place.

Of her other efforts, she feels like she could take one of the created constellations with her while the others would... she squints as her future-sight goes fuzzy. Either they'd fade away, scatter into different parts of the Starmetal Spire to potentially cause problems and/or become treasures, or end up escaping the bounds of the place entirely and end up going somewhere else.

Either way, of the remaining constellations, there are:
A city with a mushroom cloud rising from it.
A figure that looks similar to that goddess-statue Kit saw earlier in the treasure/key-room.
A dungeon-spire that looks like the Ansigite Spire at first glance, but is glitch-fuzzing into different towers at random intervals.
[Nothing/Nil/Nada/Everything (hahaha)/Zilch].
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit chooses the second constellation. The goddess one. After this she will try to head back to nexus.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Aeromage »

Kit gets:

Reveal Stellara Astraois' Holy Constellation- (Spell, Astral Magic, Astral & Light & Magic, 1,000 MP, 10,000,000 Gold) Sets the Lady of Stars as an Empowered Constellation for caster, said constellation begins with a Phase of 1 at the start of every battle and has a Max Phase of 5, its phase resets between battles, its phase increases at the end of each round during which its posesssor casts a Divine Magic spell, It provides its caster with +20,000 MP, +2,000 Magical Attack, +2,000 AGI and +2,000 SPI per phase as a buff, It provides an effect that allows caster's Divine Magic spells to become solely any combination of (Astral, Light and/or Magic, with the element becoming Null if none of these are chosen) and reduce the cost of Divine Magic spells cast by its possessor by 10,000 while its phase is full, with these effects only affecting devout worshippers of Stellara Astraois or Selereth Helios, Caster must be a devout worshipper of Stellara Astraois or Selereth Helios

Kit then attempts to open a gate to Nexus.
Kit's Gate Magic punches through the fragile reality within the Starmetal Spire, creating a spherical bubble of [NOTHING] wherein [UNDEFINED] and [NIL] are [PERCEPTION ERROR: REALITY NOT FOUND].

Oh, that can't be good.
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit immediately tries to wrap it in layers of wards and force shields to preserve it....
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
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Re: Kit tries her luck

Post by Aeromage »

Kit wraps [TARGET NOT FOUND] in layers of wards and force shields.
[UNKNOWN] is being preserved, all right. In fact, [NOTHING] appears to be spilling out of the [non]Gate at an alarming rate, tearing through the wards like tissue paper even as Kit layers more on over [NIHIL].

Kit's Danger Sense is currently going off so hard it's a wonder that part of her mana pattern isn't actively trying to detach itself from her and run away.
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