Divine Goblin Bonanza

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Lord Gadigan
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Divine Goblin Bonanza

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Viren gains 6 tickets. They may only be used for Invocations of Effortlessly Divine.

Let me know how many you're putting into each.
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Re: Divine Goblin Bonanza

Post by Aeromage »

Three of each, declares the Goblin. Let's break things down for ease of reference:

Effortlessly Divine
Prior Pulls wrote: Domains and Benefits

Lesser Deific Domain: Art- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor's Abstract and Fae allies gain +(Possessor Level * 200) to all stats, Possessor's summons may gain Abstract as an additional subtype, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Divinely-Boosted Creativity - (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Divinely-Boosted Creativity- Possessor gains +(50 x (Possessor Level, to a max of possessor's Patron Deity's Level)) MIN and SPI, 50% Stat Drain: MIN Drain Resistance, and 50% Stat Drain: SPI Drain Resistance, Worshipper Benefit

Lesser Deific Domain: Oceans- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor's Aquatic allies gain +(Possessor Level * 200) to all stats, Possessor gains 15% Water Resistance, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Carried By Seas Unto the Temple- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Carried By Seas Unto the Temple- Whenever possessor ends a round while in a Zone of Water or a Terrain or Phantom Terrain that is Ocean, possessor or possessor's Patron Deity may choose, provided that no entity (that is either of Level greater than possessor or greater than Level 80) objects, move to a battlespace that contains a Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain that was created by possessor's Patron Deity or a Devout Worshipper of possessor's Patron Deity (other than possessor), Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Protected from the Cold Depths- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Protected from the Cold Depths- Possessor gains (30% Cold Resistance and (Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's Patron Deity's Level)*2% Frozen Resistance) while in a Zone of Water, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Sea-Bearer - (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Sea-Bearer- Possessor may choose to begin battle with a Phantom Terrain of Ocean and or Zone of Water present and containing solely possessor, Possessor may choose at the end of any round that at least one Phantom Terrain of Ocean or Zone of Water created by possessor was destroyed, to create a single Phantom Terrain of Ocean or Zone of Water that contains solely possessor, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Water-Breathing- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Water-Breathing- Possessor gains Immunity to Drowning, but not its sub-status effects, Worshipper Benefit

Lesser Deific Domain: War- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor's War-element allies gain +(Possessor Level * 200) to all stats, Possessor gains 15% War Resistance, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Battle Tenacity- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Battle Tenacity- Possessor may, at the start of a round, up to (Possessor's Level, to a max of Possessor's Patron Deity's Level) times per thread, if opposed by either a greater number of opponents than possessor possesses allies (not counting possessor), or opposed by at least one opponent of greater Level, choose to ignore instances of the status effect Wounded and its sub-status effects during the round (not counting instances of Wounded that reference elements other than Physical, Psychic, and Universe in their text), Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Exultant Victory - (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Exultant Victory- Whenever possessor kills an opponent, possessor obtains a non-stacking buff that provides +(100 * (the killed opponent's Level, to a max of the lower of possessor's Level and possessor's Patron Deity's Level) to all stats until the end of the next round, Worshipper Benefit

Other Deific Abilities

Declare Anathema- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may, in the Shop, spend 2 weeks to declare a specific, known entity subtype that is either a base subtype or a subtype that possessor possesses a Basic Knowledge ability for; One may be declared at a time; Possessor's Devout Worshipers deal 1% additional Damage to entities of said subtype and take 1% less Damage from entities of said subtype

Declare Chosen People- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may, in the Shop, spend 2 weeks to declare a specific, known entity subtype that is either a base subtype or a subtype that possessor possesses a Basic Knowledge ability for; One may be declared at a time; Possessor's Devout Worshipers who are said subtype have their stats increase by 1%, to a max of 300,000,000 additional points

Empowered by the Chants and Drums of the Horde- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor gains +(1,000 * the number of Humanoid Devout Worshippers possessor possesses in the same battlespace that are not afflicted with Impaired: Silence) to all stats

Items and Others

3-Hour-Long Record of a Gnome Repeating Viren's Name in a Monotone Voice- (Item, Antiquity, Technology & Magic, 190 Gold)

Statuette of Viren Striking a Pose- (Item, Antiquity, Earth & Physical, 75,000 Gold)

5-Hour-Long Record of a Gnome Repeating Viren's Name in a Monotone Voice- (Item, Antiquity, Technology & Magic, 390 Gold

Domains/Benefits Learned Via Ability Shop, Not Warehouse

Lesser Deific Domain: Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor and possessor's allies are afflicted with Augmented: Haste at the start of each round, Possessor has RP powers connected to this divine domain

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Can Get a Good Night's Sleep in Under a Second- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Can Get a Good Night's Sleep in Under a Second- Possessor may, at the start of any of possessor's actions, choose to be cured of Fatigued and gain Invigorated: Zesty, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Disjoined From Time- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Disjoined From Time- Possessor gains Petrified: Time Stop Immunity, Dissolving: No Future Immunity, and 40% Time Resistance, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Divine Rewind- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Divine Rewind- Up to ((Possessor Level, (to a max of Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level)/2, rounded up) / 20, rounded down) times per thread, at the end of an action that possessor performed, possessor may immediately choose to have the action re-processed, with rolls and decisions that are part of it (aside from the initial choice to use that particular action as opposed to a different action or skipping the action) being processed again unless an opponent of Level equal to or greater than either 95 or Possessor's granting Patron Deity's Level objects, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Divine Swiftness- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Divine Swiftness- Possessor may gains +((Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's Patron Deity's Level -1)*100) uncapped points to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Rapid Prayer- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Rapid Prayer- Possessor may declare at the start of a round that possessor is praying rapidly; if possessor does so, possessor broadcasts the message '<Possessor> is praying rapidly!', gains +((Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's Patron Deity's Level -1)*100) to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes, may only conduct one action during the round, and may only perform 'Cast a Spell' actions that involve the casting of a Divine Magic spell during the round, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Temporally Hasted- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Temporally Hasted- Possessor is afflicted with Augmented: Haste at the start of each round and gains the element Time, Worshipper Benefit

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Unaging- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Unaging- Possessor gains Fatigued: Elderly Immunity and 15% Time Resistance, Worshipper Benefit

Prior Pulls wrote:Unlock Goblins- (Technique Ability, Magewright) Possessor may use 'Unlock Goblins' in conjunction with an 'Overdrive' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor is wielding a unique Magic Item accessory called '*Tide Key: Viren, The Green Word'. Said action causes its performer to gain a non-stacking buff that causes all entities from the Enemy List with 'Goblin' in the name who are in the same battlespace as its performer to gain a temporary Level at the start of each round, to a max of the lower of this action's performer's Level and 100.

Unblock Goblins- (Technique Ability, Magewright) Possessor may use 'Unblock Goblins' in conjunction with an 'Overdrive' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor is wielding a unique Magic Item accessory called '*Tide Key: Viren, The Green Word'. Said action causes its performer to gain a non-stacking buff that multiplies its possessor's summon caps for entities with 'Goblin' naturally in the name by 1,000 and that multiplies the summon caps of other entities in the same battle as its possessor for entities with 'Goblin' naturally in the name by 100.

Unlock Green- (Technique Ability, Magewright) Possessor may use 'Unlock Green' in conjunction with an 'Overdrive' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor is wielding a unique Magic Item accessory called '*Tide Key: Viren, The Green Word'. Said action causes all individuals in battle to gain a non-stacking effect that is a buff for allies of the action's performer and a debuff for opponents of the action's performer that causes its possessors, if both below its performer's Level and below Level 80 to automatically have 'Green ' appended to the start of their names and automatically gain the element Color, and, if not both below said action's performer's Level and below Level 80, to optionally, making the decision at the time of the buff or debuff's acquisition, as well as being able to re-make said decision at the start of each round, to choose whether or not to both have 'Green ' appended to the start of their names and gain the element Color, with individuals granted the element Color by this effect, whether optionally or voluntarily, having a 5% chance of their actions and attacks-generated-outside-of-actions gaining the element Color as an additional element. Said action also allows its performer, as a non-stacking buff, to generate a selected list of specific instances of specific currently-equipped items (being able to not choose to select instances of items that possessor does not want to select), and, while in the same battle (even if in a different battlespace) as those items, for said performer to cause said items, while they remain the items (in terms of item listed in the Shop) rather than other items, to have 'Green ' appended to the front of their names, and, if such is the case, additionally gain the element Color.

Reconfigure Tide: Goblins are the Liquid- (Technique Ability, Magewright) Possessor may use 'Reconfigure Tide: Goblins are the Liquid' in conjunction with an 'Overdrive' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor is wielding a unique Magic Item accessory called '*Tide Key: Viren, The Green Word'. Said action causes its possessor to obtain a non-stacking buff that causes its possessor, while in Wellspring Mode, to cause all individuals in its possessor's battlespace whose name does not include 'Goblin' to have a (5 x the number of entities in said individual's battlespace, to a max of 200 such individuals)% chance of being afflicted with a special instance of Drowning that, in addition to its normal effects, makes its possessor gain the elements Evolution and Color if not either 5 or more Levels greater than this technique's performer or greater than Level 90, and causes its possessor to gain a temporary Level at the start of each round, to a max of the lower of this action's performer's Level and 100.
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Divine Goblin Bonanza

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Saltwater Exorcism- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Saltwater Exorcism Depths- Whenever possessor creates a Zone of Water, possessor may attach an effect to it that does not stack across Zones or on the same Zone that, at the end of each round, has an (effect creator's Level, to a max of effect creator's Patron Deity's Level, x 3)% chance of inflicting Awestruck: Sealed on any Undead and Demons within said Zone and that deals (effect creator's Level, to a max of effect creator's Patron Deity's Level, x 5,000) Flat Light & Water element Damage to all Undead and Demons within said Zone, Worshipper Benefit
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Divine Goblin Bonanza

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Wearing Sacred Paints- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Wearing Sacred Paints- At the start of a thread, possessor may, as a buff that stacks three times, gain a base element, Possessor gains +(1,000 x the number of elements possessor possesses) to all stats if possessor possesses at least two elements, Worshipper Benefit
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Divine Goblin Bonanza

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Bestow Worshipper Benefit: Sacred Strike- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor may choose for possessor's Devout Worshippers to obtain the following Worshipper Benefit: Sacred Strike-
Possessor gains +(Possessor's Level, to a max of possessor's Patron Deity's Level)% To Hit and Critical, Worshipper Benefit
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Divine Goblin Bonanza

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Increase Flow: Goblins Beget Goblins- (Technique Ability, Magewright) Possessor may use 'Increase Flow: Goblins Beget Goblins' in conjunction with an 'Overdrive' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor is wielding a unique Magic Item accessory called '*Tide Key: Viren, The Green Word'. Said action causes all of its possessor's pets and summons whose name includes 'Goblin' to gain a non-stacking buff that allows its possessor, at the start of each round, to summon up to 20 entities from the Enemy List that are normally fightable for drops that are of Level equal to or lower than the summoner whose name includes 'Goblin', with a max of 200 entities summoned per summoner and a max of 20,000 entities summoned across all instances of summoning granted by this ability, which also causes its possessor, at the end of each round, to replicate said buff onto each of its summons whose name includes 'Goblin'.
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Divine Goblin Bonanza

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Reconfigure Tide: The Word Is Green, The Tide is Divine- (Technique Ability, Magewright) Possessor may use 'Reconfigure Tide: The Word Is Green, The Tide is Divine' in conjunction with an 'Overdrive' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor is wielding a unique Magic Item accessory called '*Tide Key: Viren, The Green Word'. Said action allows its performer to choose any number of pets or summons its performer possesses whose name includes 'Goblin', make them its performer's Devout Worshipers, and then choose any number of Worshiper Benefits that possessor's abilities could grant and grant them to all of its performer's Devout Worshipers whose name includes 'Goblin', with these instances of these Worshiper Benefits allowing their possessors, optionally, when their possessors summon entities whose name includes 'Goblin', to make those entities this action's performer's Devout Worshippers and replicate all (as one group) of the chosen Worshipper Benefits onto those summons.
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Divine Goblin Bonanza

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Reality Flood: Green- (Technique Ability, Magewright) Possessor may use 'Reality Flood: Green' in conjunction with a 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Overdrive', or 'Overdrive' action so long as no other technique is used and possessor is wielding a unique Magic Item accessory called '*Tide Key: Viren, The Green Word'. Said action causes its possessor to gain a non-stacking buff that, at the start of each round, in possessor's battlespace and in every other battlespace that does not contain an entity of equal or greater Level to possessor that objects, has a 500% chance of inflicting Drowning on all entities who are not Keybearers whose name does not include 'Goblin' and that destroys a random Zone, Terrain, or Phantom Terrain created by an entity that is not 5 or more Levels greater than said buff's creator that is not a Keybearer and whose name does not include 'Goblin', with any entity in the same battlespace as said buff's possessor being able to spend an action to gain, as a single, non-stacking buff, the element Evolution, gain the subtype Humanoid, and have ' the Goblin' appended to the end of its name.
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Divine Goblin Bonanza

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Thread moved for updating.
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