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Post by Lord Gadigan »

so, to double check,

If a buff is applied to an individual who already has the maximum stackings of said buff, the recipient of said buff chooses which source of its applications is considered to be the source, with the source being the highest Level source of it if said source cannot make a decision.
this can be done multiple times by different people? and thus the buff is replaced by the new one? just checking.
Yes, it can be done multiple times by different people. The buff may or may not be replaced by the new one - as stated above, the recipient chooses (or it defaults to the highest Level individual).
also, should there be a limit of how many times per round the paid bodyguard can be done?
No. It is intended if there are six hundred trillion allies around, that the individual with Paid Bodyguard can shield six hundred trillion people. There is a theoretical upper limit on how many times it can be applied in a round based on order of effects/checking combinations, but that quickly gets aggressively exponential.
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Post by Kitsune106d »

Question about uniques and the new subtype classes.

As we are getting new abilities, are we able to suggest or ask about uniques and wether or not they go? like is there a thread we can make where we can post like say 1 to 5 at a time of uniques, and what new subtype be? I don't wanna overwhelm you.

I was thinking post the unique and what you think the new subclass is? then wait on you? its better then going through everything and this way those of us who migth want the new subtypes asap can do it. I was thinking limiting it to uniques and artifact aspects for now.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
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The Nottest of Daves
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Post by The Nottest of Daves »

Gad can let me know if I'm misremembering, but I'm pretty sure he said he had no plans to change the existing subtypes of anything. The new subtypes would appear as new items appear.
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Post by Kitsune106d »

Okay. Thank you.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
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Post by Kitsune106d »

kitsune106 — Yesterday at 1:55 PM
*The Builder's Hammer- (Weapon Aspect: The Builder's Table, Tool: Hammer, Earth & Treasure, X Gold) +100,000 Melee Attack, 200% To Hit, Whenever wielder places a buff on a target, wielder may select a non-unique Modular Upgrade that is either carried by wielder or attached to an item wielder is wielding and, as a temporary buff that lasts until the end of the thread that does not stack on the same item but stacks 400 times on different items at a time, apply a replicated copy of the selected Modular Upgrade to one of the target's items, with the buff existing on the item rather than the target

Wait... That also applies to the z manipulation abilities I think.
kitsune106 — Yesterday at 2:08 PM
Zero-Grav Orbiter- (Permanent Consumable, Modular Upgrade, Technology & Void, 1 Charge, 100,000,000 Gold) Gives target weapon, armor, or accessory the Modular Upgrade Enhancement 'Zero-G Orbit'

Zero-G Orbit- This item becomes a <weapon/armor/accessory>x0 that may only be equipped if no other (weapon, armor, or accessory, as befitting the attached item's categorization) is also equipped by the same individual, This Modular Upgrade takes 1 Upgrade Slot on items that have Upgrade Slots and uses standard Enhancement rules for items that do not, This Modular Upgrade may be moved to another item that it would be eligible to have been attached to by the application methods present on the Permanent Consumable 'Zero-Grav Orbiter' for 2 weeks and 10,000,000 Gold, Modular Upgrade

This meant to be no other x0 applied?

Gadigan — Yesterday at 5:03 PM
kitsune106 — Yesterday at 5:04 PM
That fixes it.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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