Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

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Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Aeromage »

The festive season is over, the fancy dinners have been eaten, family have been seen, and gifts have been sent.

But oh no.

Oh no.

There's that one person you forgot! That one with the face (or not)! You can't just blow this one off by pretending it got delayed in the mail! Lili's running it too well for that to work! She might redirect some angry abstracts your way for even suggesting it!

No, the only thing for it is to make a gift so thoughtful, so extra-special, so them that they'll forget you ever forgot in the first place! Bascaradine's got a waiting line out the door, the street, and the disc, so they aren't going to cut it! And you need to do it quick.

Fortunately, as Arena Members, you can combo! Or if you aren't one of those, you're probably Arena-Adjacent enough to do combos! And if you can't, well maybe you should have thought about that before deciding to be yourself. Or maybe some special permissions might be granted for this flurry of beyond-last-minute giftgiving.



It's a contest! The object is to use the resources available to you to make the perfect gift for your assigned recipient!

Points will be awarded by our panel of judges on a scale of 1-5 on the following categories:
  • Suitability- How true to the character's theme and personality is it?
    Usability- Can they use it at their level? Is it properly suited to their level-bracket? Does it have weird ability requirements they just don't meet? You can't go giving somebody something they can't use!
    Potency- If it's gear, is it powerful? If it isn't, is it suitably fancy, expensive, or otherwise containing enough power-in-potential to make it worthwhile? Bear in mind, if the recipient can't use what they get, this should incur a penalty on this front.
    Utility- Does it play well with the recipient's strengths? Perhaps it expands upon their powerset, or opens up new avenues for abilities they have. Perhaps it's an item that works well with their chosen profession, or otherwise would provide great opportunities for them specifically?
The gift has to be the result of a combo made in this contest. No digging out something you think seems appropriate enough from your stash! That isn't thoughtful at all!

Don't just present the combo- give it a little flair! Things tend to be more interesting when you make it a performance. And the disconnect between intention and result can make for some dramatic twists!

Judges will be chosen from players' non-participating character roster. Players can't judge their own characters' results- they'll sit out that round.

The result of the combo will go to the designated recipient- it's meant to be for them, after all! No making up a fancy combo intended for one of your guys. That would just be gauche.


Awards and Prizes

We can't very well have a contest without awards and prizes, now, can we? Fortunately, our resident Santa Cael is well-stocked with very suitable prizes for this flavour of contest- namely, Giftboxes of all stripes.
People are encouraged to add to the prize pot as they see fit, or come up with other awards and prizes to grant.

Tiebreakers will be decided by the GRAND PANEL OF SANTAS. Or the closest equivalent we can come up with.

Prize Donation Sources
Aeromage wrote:
Expensive Bucket That Refuses To Raise Stats- (Accessory, Helm, Water, 70,000,000 Gold) +0 to all stats, This item's text cannot be modified by sources below Level 100

40 Orihalcum- (Item, Material, Earth & Physical & Magic, 100,000,000 Gold)
480 Sand Diamond- (Item, Material, Earth, 36,000,000 Gold)

A Nice, Piping Hot Cup Of Shut the Fuck Up- (Consumable, Drink, Fury, 1 Charge, 24,000,000 Gold) Deals 240,000 Flat Fire element Damage, 100% inflicts Impaired: Mute, Target, if below Level 60, obtains a non-stacking 50% chance of skipping each of its actions

Box Full of Angry Snakes- (Consumable, Lethal Item, Earth & Acid, 1 Charge, 3,100 Gold) Deals 2,000 Flat Physical & Earth & Acid element damage, 15% inflicts Poison

50 Unopened Office Holiday Giftbox- (Item, Ticket, Earth & Air, 900 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Office Holiday Giftbox table

Irritatingly Complex Heist- (Spell, Thief Arts, Darkness & Psychic, 20,000,000 Gold & 200,000 MP & 20,000 HP, 20,000,000 Gold) Caster chooses up to 5 willing allies and up to 3 allies who are different from the aforementioned 5 allies, Provided that at least one of these allies possesses a buff that comes from an Aquatic that is between Level 7 and Level 68, Caster chooses three of these allies (provided such allies exist, instead setting Spell Calculation Number 1 to 0 if such allies do not exist), and, if none of said allies are both greater than Level 90 and Chaos element, totals the number of letters in the names of each different Thief Arts spell equipped across said group of allies, noting this number as Spell Calculation Number 1; two of the allies chosen by this spell who were chosen in the first group of up to 5 willing allies who do not have their HP linked to any of the allies chosen in the second group of up to 3 allies but who were not chosen above in the group of three allies (provided such allies exist, instead setting Spell Calculation Number 2 to 0 if such allies do not exist) and subtracts the sum of the Melee Attack bonuses of their equipped items from the average of (the combined MIN bonuses of their equipped items) and (the combined AGI bonuses of their equipped items), noting said number as Spell Calculation Number 2 if none of the two allies chosen have a unique Antiquity carried and instead adding then number of Geomancy buffs that each individual in said group obtained after the most recent Divination buff each said individual respectively obtained to the number instead (provided that either none of said individuals obtained a Divination buff at any point in the thread or that each such individual possesses at least one Divination buff at the time of said checking, with the number that said number would be added to instead being set to '5' if neither such situation is the case), with said number then being noted as Spell Calculation Number 2; then up to 4 allies who were chosen as part of any previous choice made as part of this spell are selected, and, for each such ally whose name, subtype, and third-from-first-alphabetically 'Blessing' ability (should such an ability exist, instead substituting the entity's name a second time if it does not), contain more of the letter 'o' than the letter 'a' (taking all three together per entity but calculating each entity's separately), the number 57 is added to Spell Calculation Number 3; if the sum of Spell Calculation Number 1, Spell Calculation Number 2, and Spell Calculation Number 3 is at least 47,515, and no Humanoid & Aquatic or (Dragon & Golem with two or more Bardic Music spells equipped) has placed a Rune Magic debuff on caster, one of caster's summons, or one of caster's allies at any point in the thread (taking the alliance-status and summon-ownership-status of such entities across the entire thread, with 'yes' at any point counting said entity as such an entity for said calculation unless an entity of Level 85 or greater who is a Large Structure with the Constant Effect 'Supermassive' objects, in which case said answer becomes 'no' if at any point in said thread it would have been no) objects, caster, to a max of once per thread, obtains 5,000,000 temporary Gold that counts as coming from a source that is a Humanoid with three Hat weapons equipped that was afflicted with Petrified (three turns before this spell was cast, but not at the time said spell was cast)
Not-Dave wrote: Leering Pencil- (Accessory, Trinket, Darkness & Wood, 500 Gold) 15% inflicts Confusion: Fear: Disconcerted

Swolen Car- (Accessory, Container, Flesh & Rot & Technology, 500,000 Gold) +500 AGI, +500 CON, Wielder counts as additionally possessing the subtype Vehicle, 100% inflicts Confusion: Nausea

Sad Trombone for the Missed Fight- (Weapon, Instrument, Water, 500,000 Gold) +50% inflicts Confusion: Depression
Kit wrote: Silver Suit of the Killer of the SPAAAAAAACE VAAAAAAAMPIIIIIIIRE
25 Crown of the Absolute Emperor

Corset of REALLY Tight Squeezes
Amazing Drillko (Doesn't Like You Like That!)-
'How to Get Those Godly Muscles!'-

2 Mimmorico
Prince Charming Battle-Action Figure-

Formerly-Holy Water Someone Spit Out
Celas Costume
Landhawk Decal-

Pot with White Wings that Might Be Sorta Holy?

Sticky Object-Collecting Sphere (Massive-Potential-Size-Increase Variant)-

Some assembly required. And by 'some' it may mean 'all'. The gift with the lowest overall Usability score wins this.
Ultimate, Hyper 'Find the Missing Sock'- (Spell, Ritual Magic, Air & Energy, 457,325 MP, 70,000 Gold)
Almost Vorpal, Somewhat Runic, Pebble-Attracting Yoyo of Sorta-Kinda Soul Sucking and Minor Healing that Can Sometimes Hold a Grudge-
Man the Duck the Man the Duuk the Maan the Mann the Duhk

Bane Sovereign's Armor
Flames of Inferno
A Cannon Shield From A Reality Where Cannon Shields Are Better
Blade of the Gold Leaf Throne's Champion-

Blessed Cannon-Shield

Crafter of Discord's Strings-
Heart of the First Fire

Axe of Bloodfury
Massive Dragonheart that is Spraying Horrid Toxin Everywhere
Door to a Boiling Mini-Hel
Disappointing Box that Launches Landhawks to Non-Useful Locations-
The Eels Are Embarrassed'
Improperly-Weaponized Keening Soul-Diamond

The Perfect Gift Award
Oh, what a wonderful surprise! Whomsoever makes the gift with the highest overall score at the end is granted this prestigious award!
5 Custom Wonder-Gift- (Item, Ticket, Light & Progress & Wonder, 250,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Custom Wonder-Gift table

5 Superior Wrapped-Up Wonder- (Item, Ticket, Wonder, 360,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Superior Wrapped-Up Wonder table

5 Boxed Miracle- (Consuamble, Enchanted Item, Light & Glory & Wonder, 1 Charge, 200,000,000 Gold) User replicates the effect of an action performable by a deity below Level 98 that is below user's Level that is normally fightable for drops on the enemy list as though an instance of said entity were performing said action

Silver Suit of the Killer of the SPAAAAAAACE VAAAAAAAMPIIIIIIIRE- (Armor, Power Armor, Hope & Technology, 42,710,000 Gold) +42,600 Defense, +42,000 to all stats, +42,730 Melee Attack, +42,730 Ranged Attack, +1 Fame as a non-stacking bonus, Individuals below Level 60 may not deal wearer HP Drain, 30% Technology Resistance, 30% Darkness Resistance, 20% Ice Resistance, 5% Undead Resistance, 5% Alien Resistance, Combat Arts spells cast by wearer that provide a Melee Attack Bonus gain +42,200 additional Melee Attack, Combat Arts spells cast by wearer that provide a Ranged Attack Bonus gain +42,200 additional Ranged Attack, Buffs on wielder from Leadership spells that boost wielder's stats do so by an additional 1,000 points, to a max of 10 such buffs, with this effect not stacking across multiple copies of this item, Wierlder is Immune to Frozen, Suffocation, Voidstruck, and Poison: Irradiated from effects attached to Zones, Terrains, and Phantom Terrains by sources below Level 60, Wearer must be Level 20 or greater

25 Crown of the Absolute Emperor- (Accessory, Crown, Nobility & Glory & Law, 80,000,000 Gold) +80,000 Defense, +80,000 SPI, +800,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder's allies gain +8,000 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus, 200% inflicts Charm, 30% inflicts Dominion, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater, Wielder must be either Level 40 or greater or must possess the ability 'Noble'

The Wykki Stooger Commiseration Citation
For the gift that manages to miss the mark in the most spectacular way. The giftgiver whose gift has the lowest score ends up lumbered with this. Struhuhu.
Amazing Drillko (Doesn't Like You Like *That*!)- (Weapon, Spear, Atomic & Mystic & Glory & Destruction, 80,000,000 Gold) +160,000 Melee Attack, +160,000 Damage dealt, Wielder Pierces all Defense of entities below Level 80, If wielder is fighting no opponent 15 Levels or greater than wielder, this weapon has a 5% chance of preventing its wielder's actions from occurring, If wielder is fighting no opponent of greater Level and has, previously within the same thread, performed a Technique that did not require a Spear, Tool, or something with 'Drill' in its name to use, this chance is increased to 25%, This weapon may be targeted as an entity for the purposes of effects that inflict Charm, and, if it is afflicted with Charm by its wielder, loses its chance to make actions not work, This weapon additionally possesses the subtype Tool, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Corset of REALLY Tight Squeezes- (Armorx.5, Clothing, Physical, 5,000,000 Gold) +5,000 Defense, +5,000 AGI, Wearer may not be prevented from targeting entities in the back row by entities below Level 60 who are in the front row of any row-order formation, Wearer may choose to count as up to 900,000 fewer entities for row-order purposes (to a minimum of 1), Wearer is dealt 50,000 Flat Physical element Damage at the start of each round and has a 95% chance of being afflicted with Pain and Suffocation at the start of each round

'How to Get Those Godly Muscles!'- (Accessory, Tome, Physical & Light, 150,000 Gold) Wielder may spend 5 actions in a row to obtain a non-stacking buff that provides +150 STR

Leering Pencil- (Accessory, Trinket, Darkness & Wood, 500 Gold) 15% inflicts Confusion: Fear: Disconcerted

Box Full of Angry Snakes- (Consumable, Lethal Item, Earth & Acid, 1 Charge, 3,100 Gold) Deals 2,000 Flat Physical & Earth & Acid element damage, 15% inflicts Poison

Warpped-Up Wonder Double-Pack- (Item, Ticket, Wonder, 72,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for two rolls on the Wrapped-Up Wonder table

The 'You Shouldn't Have' Trophy Of Flawless Taste
The gift that has the highest overall Suitability score wins this for its creator! You know them so well!
Boxed Miracle- (Consuamble, Enchanted Item, Light & Glory & Wonder, 1 Charge, 200,000,000 Gold) User replicates the effect of an action performable by a deity below Level 98 that is below user's Level that is normally fightable for drops on the enemy list as though an instance of said entity were performing said action

2 Custom Wonder-Gift- (Item, Ticket, Light & Progress & Wonder, 250,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Custom Wonder-Gift table

2 Superior Wrapped-Up Wonder- (Item, Ticket, Wonder, 360,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Superior Wrapped-Up Wonder table

Prince Charming Battle-Action Figure- (Weapon, Other: Toy, Magic & Light & Hope & Earth, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Magical Attack, +60,000 SPI, +600,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder's 'Magical Attack' and 'Overdrive' actions may count as coming from a source that is a Level 59 Earth-element Fae named 'Prince Charming 'val Charmingston XXVIII' with 80 Fame if wielder is Level 40 or greater

Mimmorico- (Weapon, Other: Chaos Talon, Illusion, 50,000,000 Gold) This weapon, at the start of a thread, copies a non-unique weapon with a listed cost that is under 50,000,000 that is in stock in the Shop and becomes that weapon for the remainder of the thread

The 'You Really Shouldn't Have' Trophy Of Regrettably Flawed Taste
The gift with the lowest overall Suitability score, on the other hand, gets this. Maybe you should have stuck with socks instead.
Celas Costume- (Accessory, Container, Wood & Moon, 3,000,000 Gold) Wearer's Base STR becomes 5, Wearer's Base AGI becomes 2, Wearer's Base CON becomes 5, Wearer's Base MIN becomes 1, Wearer's Base SPI becomes 3, Wearer's name becomes 'Costume', Wearer counts as having a Grand Armor armor named 'Celas' equipped that is also an Aquatic

Swolen Car- (Accessory, Container, Flesh & Rot & Technology, 500,000 Gold) +500 AGI, +500 CON, Wielder counts as additionally possessing the subtype Vehicle, 100% inflicts Confusion: Nausea

A Nice, Piping Hot Cup Of Shut the Fuck Up- (Consumable, Drink, Fury, 1 Charge, 24,000,000 Gold) Deals 240,000 Flat Fire element Damage, 100% inflicts Impaired: Mute, Target, if below Level 60, obtains a non-stacking 50% chance of skipping each of its actions

Warpped-Up Wonder Double-Pack- (Item, Ticket, Wonder, 72,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for two rolls on the Wrapped-Up Wonder table

Landhawk Decal- (Permanent Consumable: Modular Upgrade, Earth & Air, 1 Charge, 30,000 Gold) Gives target Armor the Modular Upgrade Enhancement 'Applied Landhawk Decal'

Formerly-Holy Water Someone Spit Out- (Item, Antiquity, Water, 16 Gold)

Pot with White Wings that Might Be Sorta Holy?- (Item, Antiquity, Light & Earth & Hope, 700 Gold)

The Positively Proper Plug-And-Play Presentation
Usable straight from the box! The gift with the highest overall Usability score wins this award.
Boxed Miracle- (Consuamble, Enchanted Item, Light & Glory & Wonder, 1 Charge, 200,000,000 Gold) User replicates the effect of an action performable by a deity below Level 98 that is below user's Level that is normally fightable for drops on the enemy list as though an instance of said entity were performing said action

2 Custom Wonder-Gift- (Item, Ticket, Light & Progress & Wonder, 250,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Custom Wonder-Gift table

2 Superior Wrapped-Up Wonder- (Item, Ticket, Wonder, 360,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Superior Wrapped-Up Wonder table

Sticky Object-Collecting Sphere (Massive-Potential-Size-Increase Variant)- (Weapon, Orb, Physical & Astral & Spatial, 185,000,000 Gold) +1 Melee Attack, Wielder's chances to steal items are increased by 35% against targets below Level 90 as a non-stacking effect, Whenever wielder conducts an attack that incorporates this item's Melee Attack bonus, it doubles, to a max of 1,850,000 points, as a buff that stacks 200 times, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater

Mimmorico- (Weapon, Other: Chaos Talon, Illusion, 50,000,000 Gold) This weapon, at the start of a thread, copies a non-unique weapon with a listed cost that is under 50,000,000 that is in stock in the Shop and becomes that weapon for the remainder of the thread

The Flat-Pack-Manual-Hell Honour
Some assembly required. And by 'some' it may mean 'all'. The gift with the lowest overall Usability score wins this.
Almost Vorpal, Somewhat Runic, Pebble-Attracting Yoyo of Sorta-Kinda Soul Sucking and Minor Healing that Can Sometimes Hold a Grudge- (Weapon, Other: Yoyo, Magic & Darkness & Earth, 7,000 Gold) +30 Melee Attack, +25 Magical Attack, +1% Critical, Heals 5 Damage on Hit, May Heal instead of doing damage at 1/5 damage, +1% to Hit against Earth element Elementals, allied Rune Magic summons gain +10 to all stats, +5 to all stats for each Rune equipped, Rune magic spells cost 5 less MP to cast, Deals 50 extra damage to targets that have damaged wielder within the last 5 turns

Man the Duck the Man the Duuk the Maan the Mann the Duhk- (Accessory, Other: Legionnaire, Air & Water & Basic, 30,000 Gold) Wielder gains the subtype Aerial if wielder does not possess the subtype Human, Wielder counts wielder possessing the subtype Aerial as wielder possessing the subtype Human, Wielder counts wielder possessing the subtype Human, excluding through possession coming from this item, as wielder possessing the subtype Human, Wielder treats effects that would cause wielder to gain the subtype Aerial as instead causing wielder to gain the subtype Human, Wielder treats effects that require wielder to have gain the subtype Aerial, but to not have possessed it without such an effect granting it, as requiring wielder to have lost the subtype Human due to one effect, but to have then gained it through another, If this item would cause wielder to gain the subtype Human, it instead removes Human from wielder's subtypes, provided wielder already possessed the subtype Human, causes wielder to gain the subtype Aerial, and then causes wielder to gain the subtype Human (unless wielder does not possess the subtype Aerial, in which case wielder gains the subtype Human but counts said subtype as being Aerial for purposes of whether or not wielder possesses it), Wielder counts as possessing an additional ally that is an Aerial and a Human, but does not count said ally for purposes of counting said only allies of wielder who are Human or only allies of wielder who are Aerials

Irritatingly Complex Heist- (Spell, Thief Arts, Darkness & Psychic, 20,000,000 Gold & 200,000 MP & 20,000 HP, 20,000,000 Gold) Caster chooses up to 5 willing allies and up to 3 allies who are different from the aforementioned 5 allies, Provided that at least one of these allies possesses a buff that comes from an Aquatic that is between Level 7 and Level 68, Caster chooses three of these allies (provided such allies exist, instead setting Spell Calculation Number 1 to 0 if such allies do not exist), and, if none of said allies are both greater than Level 90 and Chaos element, totals the number of letters in the names of each different Thief Arts spell equipped across said group of allies, noting this number as Spell Calculation Number 1; two of the allies chosen by this spell who were chosen in the first group of up to 5 willing allies who do not have their HP linked to any of the allies chosen in the second group of up to 3 allies but who were not chosen above in the group of three allies (provided such allies exist, instead setting Spell Calculation Number 2 to 0 if such allies do not exist) and subtracts the sum of the Melee Attack bonuses of their equipped items from the average of (the combined MIN bonuses of their equipped items) and (the combined AGI bonuses of their equipped items), noting said number as Spell Calculation Number 2 if none of the two allies chosen have a unique Antiquity carried and instead adding then number of Geomancy buffs that each individual in said group obtained after the most recent Divination buff each said individual respectively obtained to the number instead (provided that either none of said individuals obtained a Divination buff at any point in the thread or that each such individual possesses at least one Divination buff at the time of said checking, with the number that said number would be added to instead being set to '5' if neither such situation is the case), with said number then being noted as Spell Calculation Number 2; then up to 4 allies who were chosen as part of any previous choice made as part of this spell are selected, and, for each such ally whose name, subtype, and third-from-first-alphabetically 'Blessing' ability (should such an ability exist, instead substituting the entity's name a second time if it does not), contain more of the letter 'o' than the letter 'a' (taking all three together per entity but calculating each entity's separately), the number 57 is added to Spell Calculation Number 3; if the sum of Spell Calculation Number 1, Spell Calculation Number 2, and Spell Calculation Number 3 is at least 47,515, and no Humanoid & Aquatic or (Dragon & Golem with two or more Bardic Music spells equipped) has placed a Rune Magic debuff on caster, one of caster's summons, or one of caster's allies at any point in the thread (taking the alliance-status and summon-ownership-status of such entities across the entire thread, with 'yes' at any point counting said entity as such an entity for said calculation unless an entity of Level 85 or greater who is a Large Structure with the Constant Effect 'Supermassive' objects, in which case said answer becomes 'no' if at any point in said thread it would have been no) objects, caster, to a max of once per thread, obtains 5,000,000 temporary Gold that counts as coming from a source that is a Humanoid with three Hat weapons equipped that was afflicted with Petrified (three turns before this spell was cast, but not at the time said spell was cast)

Ultimate, Hyper 'Find the Missing Sock'- (Spell, Ritual Magic, Air & Energy, 457,325 MP, 70,000 Gold) Caster determines what entities in any battlespace in the same battle are carrying an item whose name includes 'Sock' that is not equipped, Caster determines what entities in any battlespace in the same battle are carrying an item whose name includes 'Sock' that is equipped, Caster determines what battlespaces in the same battle contain a non-carried, non-equipped item whose name includes 'Sock', This spell requires 37 consecutive actions to cast, requires that its caster possess the abilities 'Ritualist', 'Subspace Architect', 'Esoteric Wiseman', 'Golfer', and 'Chef', requires that three of its caster's allies are unique, have names that start with 'J', and are each wielding at least two armors whose name includes 'Shirt', and can only start being cast on the eighth round of battle against both a Dragon and an animal whose name includes 'Rat'

Warpped-Up Wonder Double-Pack- (Item, Ticket, Wonder, 72,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for two rolls on the Wrapped-Up Wonder table

The Puissant Present Prize
Overwhelming power, within appropriate bounds! The gift with the highest Potency score overall wins this.
2 Boxed Miracle- (Consuamble, Enchanted Item, Light & Glory & Wonder, 1 Charge, 200,000,000 Gold) User replicates the effect of an action performable by a deity below Level 98 that is below user's Level that is normally fightable for drops on the enemy list as though an instance of said entity were performing said action

2 Custom Wonder-Gift- (Item, Ticket, Light & Progress & Wonder, 250,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Custom Wonder-Gift table

Superior Wrapped-Up Wonder- (Item, Ticket, Wonder, 360,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Superior Wrapped-Up Wonder table

A Cannon Shield From A Reality Where Cannon Shields Are Better- (Weapon, Shield, Metal & Warding & War, 135,500,000 Gold) +135,000 Defense, +135,000 Ranged Attack, +100,000, 100% Resilience, 150% inflicts Fatigued: Stun

Blade of the Gold Leaf Throne's Champion- (Weapon, Sword, Glory & Wealth, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 Melee Attack, +400,000 Magical Attack, +400,000 STR, +400,000 SPI, Wielder ignores the Resistances, Immunities, Absorptions, and Reflections of individuals below Level 60 who are below wielder's Level, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Flames of Inferno- (Weapon, Force, Fire & Acid & Atomic & Law & Evil, 230,000,000 Gold) +230,000 Melee Attack, +230,000 Ranged Attack, +230,000 Magical Attack, 300% inflicts Poison: Irradiated and Hexed, 150% inflicts Burning and Dissolving, 30% inflicts Cursed and Smitten: Great Atrocity, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Bane Sovereign's Armor- (Armor, Heavy Armor, Darkness & Physical, 12,710,000 Gold) +12,600 Defense, +12,200 Defense against Darkness, 30% Physical Resistance, +12,730 Melee Attack, Wielder's Necromancy spells that provide a Melee Attack Bonus gain +12,200 additional Melee Attack, Buffs on wielder from Necromancy spells that boost wielder's stats do so by an additional 600 points, to a max of 10 such buffs, with this effect not stacking across multiple copies of this item, Wielder gains +1,200 Defense against CON Damage

The Puny Present Payoff
For that gift that leaves you feeling thoroughly less-than-whelmed. The gift with the lowest Potency score overall wins this.
Blessed Cannon-Shield- (Weapon, Shield, Physical, 2,195,000 Gold) +2,120 Defense, +2,040 Melee Attack, +2,099 Ranged Attack, 55% inflicts Fatigued: Stun, 5% Demon Resistance

Sad Trombone for the Missed Fight- (Weapon, Instrument, Water, 500,000 Gold) +50% inflicts Confusion: Depressio

10 Unopened Office Holiday Giftbox- (Item, Ticket, Earth & Air, 900 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Office Holiday Giftbox table

Warpped-Up Wonder Double-Pack- (Item, Ticket, Wonder, 72,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for two rolls on the Wrapped-Up Wonder table

The Perfectly Practicality Prize
Oh-so-very useful to its lucky recipient, the gift with the highest overall Utility score gets this.
Boxed Miracle- (Consuamble, Enchanted Item, Light & Glory & Wonder, 1 Charge, 200,000,000 Gold) User replicates the effect of an action performable by a deity below Level 98 that is below user's Level that is normally fightable for drops on the enemy list as though an instance of said entity were performing said action

2 Custom Wonder-Gift- (Item, Ticket, Light & Progress & Wonder, 250,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Custom Wonder-Gift table

2 Superior Wrapped-Up Wonder- (Item, Ticket, Wonder, 360,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for a roll on the Superior Wrapped-Up Wonder table

Crafter of Discord's Strings- (Weapon, Other: Puppet Strings, Darkness & Psychic, 4,000,000 Gold) +4,111 Magical Attack, +2,900 MIN, +2,900 SPI, 30% inflicts Charm. +400 to the stats of all of wielder's foes who are afflicted with Charm that have wielder as the source of said Charm infliction as an optional debuff (determined by wielder whether it is inflicted, which counts as a buff if inflicted on an ally of wielder) that goes away when wielder ceases to be afflicting said target with Charm, This item may be equipped as a Weaponx2 to gain an additional +5,000 Magical Attack, +3,800 MIN, +3,200 SPI, and increase the debuff to provide a bonus of an additional +300 points to all stats

Heart of the First Fire- (Weapon, Soul, Fire, 60,000,000 Gold) +60,000 Magical Attack, Wielder ignores the the Fire Immunity, Resistance, Reflection, and Absorption of individuals below Level 60, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater

The Disadvantageous Donation Distinction
And what are they supposed to do with this? The gift with the lowest overall Utility score gets this.
Axe of Bloodfury- (Weapon, Axe, Fire, 3,500 Gold) +17 Melee Attack, Inflicts Confusion: Berserk on wielder at the beginning of each round

Battlestaff of HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK- (Weapon, Staff, Sonic & Chaos, 3,500,000 Gold) +3,500 Melee Attack, Wielder's 'Magical Attack' actions use wielder's Melee Attack bonus instead of wielder's Magical Attack bonus, Wielder may summon 1 Demented, Vehicle, or (entity whose name includes 'Goose') from the Enemy List that is below Level 20 at the start of each round, announcing the text 'HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK' as wielder does so, Wielder announces the text 'HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK' before and after each of wielder's actions

Improperly-Weaponized Keening Soul-Diamond- (Weapon, Stone, Darkness & Air & Magic, 30,000,000 Gold) +30,000 Magical Attack, 1% inflicts Instant Death, 30% inflicts Instant Death on wielder at the start of each round, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater

Massive Dragonheart that is Spraying Horrid Toxin Everywhere- (Weapon, Deadly Item, Life & Toxin & Agony, 20,000,000 Gold) +20,000 Ranged Attack, 100% inflicts Poison, 5% inflicts Venom, Wielder has a 5% chance of inflicting Venom on 5 randomly-determined individuals in the same battlespace at the start of each round unless wielder possesses the ability 'Adept Deadly Item Training'

Disappointing Box that Launches Landhawks to Non-Useful Locations- (Accessory, Container, Air & Earth, 300 Gold) Wielder may bring 3 unequipped items whose name includes 'Landhawk' into each thread; at the end of each round of battle, this item randomly removes one of its wielder's equipped or carried items whose name includes 'Landhawk' from the thread

Expensive Bucket That Refuses To Raise Stats- (Accessory, Helm, Water, 70,000,000 Gold) +0 to all stats, This item's text cannot be modified by sources below Level 100

Warpped-Up Wonder Double-Pack- (Item, Ticket, Wonder, 72,000,000 Gold) Can be opened at the Warehouse for two rolls on the Wrapped-Up Wonder table

Door to a Boiling Mini-Hell- (Consumable, Enchanted Item, Fire & Darkness, Unlimited Charges, 30,000,000 Gold) To a max of once per battle, user creates a battlespace that contains a terrain of Hellscape and a Zone of Fire & Darkness that has a non-stacking effect attached to it that has a 200% chance of inflicting Burning and Pain on each entity within the Zone, User and user's allies may then enter said battlespace so long as no entity of Level 60 or greater in any battlespace objects; Once this item has been used once in a battle, its effect changes so that its uses allows its user and its user's allies to enter said battlespace so long as no entity of Level 60 or greater in any battlespace objects or to leave said battlespace for any other battlespace so long as no entity of Level 40 or greater in any battlespace objects

'The Eels Are Embarrassed'- (Item, Antiquity, Water & Fire, 5,600 Gold)

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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Kitsune106d »

all of mine join in.

Kit Timeshadow
Rey Naboshi
Gillian Razorclaw
Kelvar Netsumi
Last edited by Kitsune106d on Mon Feb 07, 2022 12:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by The Nottest of Daves »

Dulcinea de Montréal
Celestine von Reuter
Ryuutarou Ishinori

Non-participant potential judges:
Enrica Stracciatella
That Which Lurks
Willoughby the Atomikitty

Non-participant Extremely-Wibbly-Potentiality Emergency Judges:
Joy Belwoo
Inkerton Private Investigators
Agnes Tachyon
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Kit - Please reserve one of your PCs to be a judge if you're up for that. This contest's judging format is going to work a bit better if every participating player has at least one judge.

Thank you to Cael for setting this up, and to everyone involved for participating. Once all of the interested players announce who they are entering / reserving for judging, I'll divvy up who is making a gift for what target. That's going to be public, unlike a secret santa, since judging will be public too.
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Kitsune106d »

since going to be doing 3 only.

Kit Timeshadow


Alt judges:
Kelvar Netsumi
Rey Naboshi
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by The Nottest of Daves »

From Dulcinea, rewards for various categories!

The Wykki Stooger Commiseration Citation
Leering Pencil- (Accessory, Trinket, Darkness & Wood, 500 Gold) 15% inflicts Confusion: Fear: Disconcerted

The 'You Really Shouldn't Have' Trophy Of Regrettably Flawed Taste
Swolen Car- (Accessory, Container, Flesh & Rot & Technology, 500,000 Gold) +500 AGI, +500 CON, Wielder counts as additionally possessing the subtype Vehicle, 100% inflicts Confusion: Nausea

The Puny Present Payoff
Sad Trombone for the Missed Fight- (Weapon, Instrument, Water, 500,000 Gold) +50% inflicts Confusion: Depression
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Aeromage »




Cael (As he's donating to and sponsering this, entering as a contestant would be rather a conflict of interest.)
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Draconics »


Three of Swords: Draconics, Nirrechau Reccateu, Roulette Master, Zweirugi
Solo Operative: Silent One
Knights of the Orders: Reshol of SKY, Tensyre of SKY
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Judge Selection:

Enrica Stracciatella

I am generating gift targets for combo-makers.
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Gift assignments:

Dulcinea de Montréal is making a gift for Remalius
Celestine von Reuter is making a gift for Ave Selim
Ryuutarou Ishinori is making a gift for SO
Kit Timeshadow is making a gift for Volatilis
Remalius is making a gift for Ryuutarou Ishinori
Celery/Celeria is making a gift for Nira
Tolva is making a gift for Kit Timeshadow
Rosaline is making a gift for Dulcinea de Montréal
Volatilis is making a gift for RM
Nira is making a gift for Roy Selim
RM is making a gift for Rosaline
SO is making a gift for Vrishni Havrisama
Roy Selim is making a gift for Tolva
Ave Selim is making a gift for Celery/Celeria
Vrishni Havrisama is making a gift for Celestine von Reuter
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by The Nottest of Daves »

Dulcinea, for REMALIUS
Shoes that Never Get Sand in Them + 12 Crate of Stolen Desert Supplies and Finery + Sand Diamond + Celestial's Voice = ??? (Footsteps of Song)

Shoes that Never Get Sand in Them- (Accessory, Shoes, Earth, 16,000 Gold) +14 Defense, +2 CON, Wearer is immune to debuffs from Earth element sources that are Level 1
Crate of Stolen Desert Supplies and Finery- (Item, Material, Earth, 30,000 Gold)
Sand Diamond- (Item, Material, Earth, 36,000,000 Gold)
Celestial's Voice- (Weapon, Instrument, Light & Air, 5,000,000 Gold) +5,000 Magical Attack, +5,000 SPI, Wielder is Immune to SPI Damage from sources below Level 60, Celestial Magic, Divine Magic, and Bardic Music spells cost wielder 50,000 less MP to cast

Footsteps of Song- (Passive Ability, Other: Wonderworker) If possessor is Wonder element or in a Bard Stance, whenever possessor switches rows, possessor may choose up to three allies and cure one minor negative status effect from a source below Level 60 or a debuff from a source below Level 60 in each

-16,000 Gold to pay for the Shoes
Celestine, for AVE
Massive Plate + Gear Box of Fire and Ice + Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Gems + Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Obsidian = ??? (Masterpiece of Engineering)

Massive Plate- (Armor, Grand Armor, Physical, 80,000 Gold) +160 Defense, +60 CON, -60 AGI if wearer is under level 10 and has under 500 STR
Gear Box of Fire and Ice- (Accessory, Gadget, Fire & Ice, 35,000 Gold) Each of wielder's damage-dealing attack actions that is a Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack deals an additional 1,000 damage that is either Fire element or Ice element, stacks 2 times as the same bonus but does not stack with separate elements selected
Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Gems- (Item, Material, Earth & Wealth, 90,000,000 Gold)
Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Obsidian- (Item, Material, Earth & Fire & Darkness, 30,000,000 Gold)

Masterpiece of Engineering- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) If possessor is a Clockwork, possessor's unmodified stats are increased by 200 points

Mountain Range's Worth of Stuff come from Dulcinea
-80,000 Gold to pay for the Massive Plate
Ryuutarou, for the Silent One
Golden Apple + Primordial Clay + Applesauce that Makes Genitals Vanish + 12 Huge Container of Fire Mana Oil = ??? (Knowledge of the Best Ramen Recipes of the Decade)

Golden Apple- (Consumable, Food, Life, 1 Charge, 40,000,000 Gold) Target becomes Immune to sources below Level 40 and Regenerates 400,000 HP at the start of each round, does not stack
Primordial Clay- (Item, Material, Earth & Life, 15,000,000 Gold)
Applesauce that Makes Genitals Vanish- (Consumable, Food, Water & Physical, 1 Charge, 3,000,000 Gold) Target cannot summon if below Level 60
Huge Container of Fire Mana Oil- (Item, Material, Fire, 500,000 Gold)

Knowledge of the Best Ramen Recipes of the Decade- (Passive Ability, Chef) Quantities of HP and MP healed by Food consumables whose name includes 'Ramen' that are used by possessor are increased by 500,000, Stat buffs coming from Food consumables whose name includes 'Ramen' have their value increased by 200 points as an effect that stacks a max of 200 times across all different buffs present affecting any one individual

Golden Apple, Primordial Clay, and Huge Containers of Fire Mana Oil from Dulcinea
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Dulcinea, for REMALIUS
Shoes that Never Get Sand in Them + 12 Crate of Stolen Desert Supplies and Finery + Sand Diamond + Celestial's Voice = Shoes of the Dancer of Charity (Footsteps of Song)

Shoes of the Dancer of Charity- (Accessory, Shoes, Light & Earth, 17,600,000 Gold) +9,500 Defense, +17,600 AGI, +17,600 SPI, 45% Dodge, actions or attacks that are Treasure, Wealth, Glitz, Commerce, or Grandeur element cannot inflict Charm or its sub-status effects on wearer, Opponents below Level 60 that are not 5 or more Levels greater than wearer cannot give wearer Gold without wearer's permission, Wearer obtains +720 to all stats as a buff that stacks 10 times that lasts 20 rounds if wearer either trades an item to an ally or places a buff on an ally, to a max of once per round

The shoes take the form of ballet slippers, but in drab browns and earth oranges rather than the more typical bright pinks, brisk whites, or powder blues. They radiate an aura of virtue and, over time, cause areas they are left in to be places where acts of selfless charity are likely to take place. Greed-based demons, devils, and other lower-planar entities find them repellant, and they serve as a ward against greed-based powers and temptations. The shoes boost grace and travel speed, but do so with less potency if on a treasure hunt or seeking some manner of reward.
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Celestine, for AVE
Massive Plate + Gear Box of Fire and Ice + Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Gems + Mountain Range's Worth of Highly Enchanted Obsidian = Twofold Clockwork Volcano Range (Masterpiece of Engineering)

Twofold Clockwork Volcano Range- (Item, Property, Earth & Technology & Fire & Ice, 97,500,000 Gold)

This is a small range of volcanic mountains, crafted such that their inner workings are made of clockwork machinery, complete with labyrinthine corridors to control rooms. From within the mountains, volcanic eruptions can be triggered, lava flows can be steered, and mountain heights can be adjusted. Should the right settings be toggled in four different places, the mountain range can either invert (so that it begins emitting lava down into some hollow-earth domain or planetary underworld), or can be adjusted so they produce cryogenic, flash-freezing fluids rather than magma.
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Ryuutarou, for the Silent One
Golden Apple + Primordial Clay + Applesauce that Makes Genitals Vanish + 12 Huge Container of Fire Mana Oil = Spicy Apple-Flavored Ramen of Astoundingly Alluring Agamogenesis (Knowledge of the Best Ramen Recipes of the Decade)

Spicy Apple-Flavored Ramen of Astoundingly Alluring Agamogenesis- (Consumable, Food, Life & Earth, 1 Charge, 65,000,000 Gold) User obtains a non-stacking buff that prevents other entities that are not Level 80 or greater from forcing its possessor to summon things, that gives its possessor 30% Fire Resistance and 30% Flux Resistance, that allows its possessor to summon up to 5 Animals, Oozes, Cthonians, Aquatics, or Reptiles below Level 60 that are not greater than its possessor's Level at the start of each round, that causes its possessor to have a 300% chance of inflicting Charm on all opponents whenever its possessor summons an entity, and that causes its possessor, whenever its possessor summons an entity, to give itself a non-stacking buff that lasts until the end of the round that gives its possessor Immunity to Wounded

This bowl of ramen has shimmering, golden apple slices floating in a sauce that almost gives the impression of being brown-sugar-and-cinnamon flavored, accompanied by nearly-transparent, soft-white-glowing noodles. The ramen's flavor is exceptional, though it is assuredly apple-flavored, with hints of the expected cinnamon and sugar, but also accompanied by an astoundingly potent level of spicy hotness. The ramen's consumer is rendered unable to reproduce sexually, instead becoming able to ripple its form, transmuting the outer layers of its body into a soup-like, oozy-mass from which varied monsters - often with a primitive, primordial tilt to their appearance - emerge, with this monster-budding emitting a supernaturally alluring aura that enraptures and enthralls the minds of observers, turning them into dedicated guardians devoted to preserving what they see as the new source of all life and beauty.
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Kitsune106d »

Kit: For Volatilis:
18 Fortified Bunker + 5 Adaptive Miracle Matter +12 Majesty Core +Warded Tome +Mobile Alabaster Bastion-Engine of Ancient Days +Global Shielding System + Panopticum Shield +Extensive Notes on Spell Design + Insta-Deployable City-Protecting Force Dome + Wide Panopticum Shield + Total Abjurant Strength-Shielding +Total Abjurant Constitution-Shielding + Total Abjurant Agility-Shielding + Total Abjurant Mind-Shielding + Total Abjurant Spirit-Shielding + Twin Disruption-Stopping Mageshield +Hope Crystal- = ???(Expert Protection Magic Attunement)
Warded Tome- (Item, Crafting Equipment, Magic & Physical, 50,000 Gold) Not consumed in combinations it is a part of
Extensive Notes on Spell Design- (Item, Material, Magic, 18,000,000 Gold)
Hope Crystal- (Item, Material, Hope, 20,000 Gold)
Wide Panopticum Shield- (Weapon, Shield, Earth, 94,500,000 Gold) +45,500 Melee Attack, +96,700 Defense, +21,000 CON, 30% Physical Resistance, Wielder's allies gain 10% Base Element Resistance as a buff when wielder targets them with 'Defend' or 'Guard Back Rank' actions, 10% Base Element Resistance, Wearer may Reflect actions from sources of lower Level than wielder who are below Level 40, 25% Wearer may Reflect actions from non-unique sources of lower Level than wielder who are below Level 60, Wearer may scan the stats of any individual who conducts a hostile action against wearer, Wearer must be at least Level 40
Mobile Alabaster Bastion-Engine of Ancient Days- (Weapon, Other: Siege Weapon, Physical & Technology, 145,000,000 Gold) +125,000 Melee Attack, +145,000 Defense, +1,450,000 HP as a bonus that stacks 2 times, Wielder and wielder's allies may choose to count as having an additional Shield equipped, Wielder's 'Melee Attack' actions may use Mind as their Prime Attribute, 80% Resilience, 30% Physical Resistance, 30% Darkness Resistance, 30% Fire Resistance, Wielder gains the abilities 'Siegemaster', 'Paladin', and 'Defender', Wielder must be Level 40 or greater or (must be both Level 20 or greater and possess the abilities 'Apprentice Siege Weapon Training', 'Apprentice Shield Training', and 'Apprentice Holy Magic Attunement')
Fortified Bunker- (Item, Property, Magic & Earth, 620,000 Gold)
Adaptive Miracle Matter- (Item, Material, Void & Astral & Wonder & Faith & Progress, 500,000,000 Gold)
Insta-Deployable City-Protecting Force Dome- (Accessory, Upgrade, Technology & Energy, 85,000,000 Gold) Once per thread across all wielders of this copy of this item, when one of wielder's Large Structure allies is targeted with an attack, wielder may, before any hits of said attack targeting said ally are generated, give said ally a non-stacking buff that provides +85,000 Defense and +40% Resilience that lasts 26,000,000 rounds
Panopticum Shield- (Weapon, Shield, Earth, 94,500,000 Gold) +95,500 Melee Attack, +96,700 Defense, +21,000 CON, 30% Physical Resistance, 10% Base Element Resistance, Wearer may Reflect actions from sources of lower Level than wielder who are below Level 40, 25% Wearer may Reflect actions from non-unique sources of lower Level than wielder who are below Level 60, Wearer may scan the stats of any individual who conducts a hostile action against wearer, Wearer must be at least Level 40
Majesty Core- (Accessory, Other: Mystic Infusion, Glory & Wealth, 800,000,000 Gold) +800,000 to all stats, Wielder is Immune to individuals below Level 40, Wielder is Immune to debuffs and negative status effects from individuals below Level 60 if wielder is Level 60 or greater, Wielder becomes solely Glory & Wealth element, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Global Shielding System- (Accessory, Gadget, Technology & Warding, 200,000,000 Gold) +200,000 Defense, Wielder's allies obtain +20,000 Defense as a buff that stacks 5 times
Total Abjurant Strength-Shielding- (Spell, Abjuration, Magic, 100,000 MP, 100,000,000 Gold) Target ignores debuffs from sources below Level 60 that reduce target's Strength, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
Total Abjurant Agility-Shielding- (Spell, Abjuration, Magic, 100,000 MP, 100,000,000 Gold) Target ignores debuffs from sources below Level 60 that reduce target's Agility, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
Total Abjurant Constitution-Shielding- (Spell, Abjuration, Magic, 100,000 MP, 100,000,000 Gold) Target ignores debuffs from sources below Level 60 that reduce target's Constitution, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
Total Abjurant Mind-Shielding- (Spell, Abjuration, Magic, 100,000 MP, 100,000,000 Gold) Target ignores debuffs from sources below Level 60 that reduce target's Mind, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
Total Abjurant Spirit-Shielding- (Spell, Abjuration, Magic, 100,000 MP, 100,000,000 Gold) Target ignores debuffs from sources below Level 60 that reduce target's Spirit, Caster must be Level 20 or greater
Twin Disruption-Stopping Mageshield- (Spell, Abjuration, Magic, 80,000 MP, 8,000,000 Gold) Up to two chosen targets obtain a non-stacking buff that provides +8,000 Defense, prevents its possessor's actions from being prevented from occurring by preemptive counters from sources below Level 40, and gives its possessor 100% Overload Resistance, 100% Manablasted Resistance, and 100% Antimatter Resistance
Expert Protection Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Abjurer) Protection Magic spells cost possessor half their normal MP cost to cast, Possessor gains 20 Spell slots that may not be used for purposes other than carrying spells, may only carry Protection Magic Spells, and may not be converted into other types of slots by individuals below Level 100

Kit steps up onto the stage, in full goddess mode, radiating shielding and divinity. "My gift combo is for the grand island of Volatisis. And so, I will attempt to craft either a property or spell for it that will bolster its defenses to endure all that is thrown at it. The heart of my combo is 5 adaptive miracle matters, to better withstand the forces against it and adpat. To anchor it, 18 Fortified bunkers form a second core, to hold and well, fortifty the combo with protection. 12 Majesty cores to help bolster the matter and make sure that it can withstand all, as well as the 5 stat protection abjurantion spells!" she pauses as she has been flicking each material into the combo energy as she works to do so.

"A global shielding system, to protect all of the island is next..." It's reduced to energy and send in as she pauses. "Next up , pancoptuium shields, to turn defense into info gathering. The island is a place of learning and what better way then to ensure its well informed even as it endures any assault!"
"Next up, the mobile shield engine, to better help be an engine of protectio. The city dome to make it be fast and ready as well as boosting the power too. The mage shield to better reinforce the matter as well as a warded tome and spell design notes to tilt the combo! We also add a rare hope crystal to power it all up and make sure that it will endure!"

She smiles then steps back as she focuses her will into it.
"and to power it up, the expert knowledge of warding!"
she colleases the energy to see what she's made!
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Kitsune106d »

Remalius: For Ryuutarou Ishinori
Forky's Guide to Corrupting Reality through Masterful Cooking + Lesser Weaponized Dreamclothes +Codex of the Ancients + 2 Bottled Dreamstuff + 6 Unreality Leaves + Parallel Mageblast: Re-Engineer Reality = ??? (Dreamshaper)
Unreality Leaves- (Item, Antiquity, Dream, 100,000,000 Gold)
Lesser Weaponized Dreamclothes- (Armor, Clothes, Dream, 15,000,000 Gold) +15,000 Defense, +15,000 Melee Attack, +15,000 Magical Attack, +15,000 Ranged Attack, Wielder's offensive actions may become solely any one base element, Wearer must be Dream element
Forky's Guide to Corrupting Reality through Masterful Cooking- (Accessory, Tome, Evil & Wonder & Hunger, 300,000,000 Gold) +300,000 MIN, +3,000,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, whenever wielder creates or uses a Food consumable, to a max of 5 times per round, wielder may immediately gain an action that may only be used to perform a 'Cast a Spell' action to cast a Litigamancy, Dark Magic, or Culinary Arts spell
Bottled Dreamstuff- (Item, Material, Magic & Psychic, 5,500,000 Gold)
Dreamshaper- (Passive Ability, Other: Dreamshaper) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Dream Resistance, Possessor ignores Dream Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Codex of the Ancients- (Item, Crafting Equipment, Technology, 250,000,000 Gold) Is not consumed in combos unless specifically notes
Parallel Mageblast: Re-Engineer Reality- (Spell, Technomancy, Spatial & Time & Life & Destruction, 500,000 MP, 50,000,000 Gold) +50,000 Magical Attack, +50,000 Ranged Attack, May Heal, Caster may move up to 5 buffs or debuffs on target that come from sources below caster's Level that are below Level 80 onto other entities in target's battlespace who they could have initially been placed on, Caster must be Level 40 or greater

REmalius floats up in his helix orb form.
"Query.. make gift. Solution . Combo."
stuff starts to fly into the energy ball.
"Leaves of dreams to make the ability of what needed. Codex of ancients to bring forth ancient dreams. Guide to shaping reality with cooking to help the dragon. engineer reality spell to draw more then all bottled with dream shaping to make a masterful cooking item that bring forth dream."
the orb collapses as the item collases. "Gift equals now."
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
Rey Naboshi The mercenary
Catrice the mad scientist
Gillian Razorclaw The hyena
Kelvar Netsumi the rat druid
Remalius the spell
Celery/Celeria The dragon
Heracles The might swordsman
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Aeromage »

Tolva glowers at the information pop-up before him.

Tolva is making a gift for Kit Timeshadow.

Really? Outta all the guys inna contest, it hadda be the fuckin' shiny-holy foxthing?
He rakes his clawed hands down his face.
And on toppa that, she owns pretty much alla fuckin' treasure, ever. How in the FUCK am I gonna make something that counts as a 'good gift'? Should I just make somethin' cursed to screw her over? But this issa chance to show how good I can make stuff...

The little demon scowls. Then he frowns. Then mental gears almost audibly grind behind those blank, angry eyes.

...she DOES like blowin' herself up inna big showy display of sacrifice for her friends...

Tolva gets to work, grabbing items.
Crowns, because all shiny-holy things think they're just that much better than everyone. A whole bunch of glowing nuclear sunfire. Deific crown-steel, to make sure the result ends up being a crown for the god she says she is. Excessively-holy, domineering ivory. Just-as-excessive crystallised shiny-holy hymns about how great she is for sacrificing herself like that. Encapsulated equations promising to break beyond the boundaries of reality. Glowing sunfire explosives. Lovely Blood Magic, set to be twisted to the (ugh) perverse ends of Good and the fox-thing's constant yelling about protecting people. A defensive spell, because he guesses he might as well put in some more of that to make it count as being a 'good and fitting' gift. And a whole heaping, mountainous helping of self-sacrifice.

Cracking his knuckles and calling upon his knowledge of a once-Sovereign-turned-Ascendant, he resolves himself. She wants to go out with a bang for the sake of everyone else? He'll give her a bang, all right.

Tolva's combo:

24 Crown of the Absolute Emperor + 24 Contained Thermonuclear Sundroplet + 12 Godcrown Steel + 12 Titanthrone Ivory + 12 Crystallized Archhymn + 12 Adept's Horizon-Breaking Formula + 12 Solar Alchemical Bomb + 12 Shield of the Sacrificed + 12 Global Defense + 400 Self-Sacrifice = ??? (♢Smith of Perfection)

Crown of the Absolute Emperor- (Accessory, Crown, Nobility & Glory & Law, 80,000,000 Gold) +80,000 Defense, +80,000 SPI, +800,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder's allies gain +8,000 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus, 200% inflicts Charm, 30% inflicts Dominion, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater, Wielder must be either Level 40 or greater or must possess the ability 'Noble'

Contained Thermonuclear Sundroplet- (Weapon, Force, Fire & Light & Atomic, 80,000,000 Gold) +80,000 Melee Attack, +80,000 Ranged Attack, +80,000 Magical Attack, 80% inflicts Poison: Irradiated, 60% inflicts Burning, 60% inflicts Awestruck, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Godcrown Steel- (Item, Material, Glory & Air & Light, 200,000,000 Gold)

Titanthrone Ivory- (Item, Material, Glory & Nobility & Faith & Time & Progress, 250,000,000 Gold)

Crystallized Archhymn- (Item, Material, Light & Sonic & Faith & Glory & Crystal (2), 190,000,000 Gold)

Adept's Horizon-Breaking Formula- (Item, Material, Progress, 250,000,001 Gold)

Solar Alchemical Bomb- (Spell, Alchemy, Light & Fire, 190,000 MP, 190,000,000 Gold) +190,000 Magical Attack, 100% inflicts Awestruck, 100% inflicts Burning, Caster and all of caster's allies are cured of all debuffs from sources below Level 60, 1 hit against 300,000,000, Caster must be Level 40 or greater

Shield of the Sacrificed- (Spell, Other: Blood Magic, Blood, 2,000,000 MP, 250,000,000 Gold) Caster inflicts Instant Death on all individuals below Level 60 and then acquires a non-stacking buff that provides +(The number of individuals who died from said Instant Death infliction, to a max of 2,500,000) Defense to all individuals in the same battlespace as caster who are allies of caster (including caster) against sources outside said battlespace, with said effect also preventing individuals below Level 80 from entering caster's battlespace without caster's permission or being summoned into caster's battlespace without caster's permission so long as at least 50,000 individuals died to said Instant Death infliction, with bonuses from said buff not stacking across multiple instances of said buff, Caster must be Level 60 or greater and must possess the ability 'Adept Blood Magic Attunement'

Global Defense- (Spell, Hypertech, Technology & Warding, 2,000,000 MP, 200,000,000 Gold) Caster and caster's allies obtain a non-stacking buff that provides +200,000 Defense, that allows its possessors to have a 20% chance of Reflecting actions from sources below Level 95 that are not 20 or more Levels greater than its caster, and that allows its possessors to deal 2,000,000 Flat Technology element Damage to entities that conduct offensive actions that target them at the end of such actions, Caster must be Level 40 or greater

Self-Sacrifice- (Item, Material, Light & Air, 5,000,000 Gold)

♢Smith of Perfection- (Passive Ability, Smith) Items created by possessor cannot be destroyed by sources equal to or below possessor's Level

Crowns and Sundroplets from Rosaline. Godcrown Steel, Titanthrone Ivory, Archhymns and Formulae from Orihalcum from Rosaline, 48 in total.
Solar Alchemical Bomb combo'd from bought Sun Arcana, and Shields of the Sacrificed likewise purchased, for a total of 5,280,000,000 Gold.
Self-Sacrifice combo'd up via 400 Purity, borrowed from Dulcinea because apparently I'm overdrawn, whoops.
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Kitsune106d »

Celieria: For Nira
Horse-Nira's Blood + Horse Spirits + The Water, The Balm + Dragon Flagon +Horse Mug + 2 Cosmic Embryo + 24 Potency = ??? (Understanding of Mercy)

from kit: Horse-Nira's Blood- (Accessory, Bioaugmentation, Blood & Time, 159,000,000 Gold) +159,000 AGI, +159,000 SPI, +15,900 to wielder's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes, Wielder gains the subtype Animal, This item maintains its effects while its wielder is in Steed transformations, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater or must have a name that includes 'Nira'
Dragon Flagon- (Accessory, Container, Fire & Water, 70,000 Gold) Wielder may have two additional Consumables equipped, provided that both are Drinks
Horse Spirits- (Consumable, Drink, Air & Hax, 1 Charge, 2,000,000 Gold) Inflicts Poison: Drunk, ignores the Poison and Poison: Drunk immunities (including possessing said two immunities through Immunity to Status Effects or Immunity to Minor Status Effects) of targets below Level 40, The status effect Poison: Drunk has no per-round auto-recovery chance when inflicted by this item, The status effect Poison: Drunk cannot be cured by sources below Level 40 when inflicted with this item
The Water, The Balm- (Accessory, Weapon Coating, Water & Glory, 70,000,000 Gold) Wielder is cured of all minor negative status effects and moderate negative status effects once per thread before an action at the time of its choosing
Horse Mug- (Accessory, Magic Iteam, Air & Earth, 500,000 Gold) Wielder gains Poison: Drunk Immunity and 40% inflicts Poison: Drunk, and 100,000 Gold
Understanding of Mercy- (Passive Ability, Paladin) Possessor may choose to count opponents who are non-unique and 20 Levels or lower below possessor who are below Level 20 who are afflicted with Charm or Fatigued: Knocked Out as defeated
Cosmic Embryo- (Item, Material, Life & Astral & Time, 275,000,000 Gold)
Potency- (Item, Material, Energy & Physical, 6,000,000 Gold)
“For nira, we make , hopefully her drink blood, that will allow her to be powered up with comsic nira blood!"
she smiles as she tosses in teh materials then smiles.
Kit Timeshadow The Fox is In
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Re: Combo Contest: The Overdue Holiday Gifts Special

Post by Aeromage »

Lady Rosaline merrily takes to the fore, handbag of materials in tow.
"A gift for one of the newest members of our guild! How marvelously serendipitous! Well, now, let's see here."
A finger taps against a masked chin, eliciting a ringing, crystalline chime.
"Interesting as the field of Nightmare Science may be, I am hopelessly unqualified to provide a gift on that front. Ms de Montreal has a considerable store of power, a deific stature, and an artifact that... ah! There's the idea I was hoping for."

The clockwork lady begins arranging materials before her.
"A simply wonderful artifact, indeed, and one reminiscent of a few legends I'm familiar with. And such lovely Aspects! I fear, however, there's a gap in the regalia it provides that I intend to fill, to some degree. Why shouldn't the Lord Fisherman have a crown? The trick, I think, will be in providing a unique and potent enough result within her current constraints of power. Let's see what can be done!"

A series of glittering crowns are arranged in a circular fashion around a central crown, an enormous, shining egg perched atop it. Godcrown Steel and Planecage Gold are arrayed around that, with Spatial Domain-Core-Linking Crystals set in the gaps, and equations to breach and blur the lines between boundaries set about them to allow for more leniency with regards to the power required by its user.

"I do believe the artifact itself has some not-insignificant relation to the element of Wonder, and so perhaps..."

Diamonds from the Hoard of Wonders are placed at regular intervals between the other materials. A spiralling pattern of Ocean Lures are set around the extravagant arrangement, leading into each of the Domain-Core-Linking Crystals.

"Good. And now for the tricky part. Linking the themes of water, fish, and property, and encouraging it all to mix in a way to provide the result a method to provide access to all the treasures one might find within!"

With a pirouette and a leap, the clockwork lady soars high above her work below, unclasping her Handbag of Holding and unleashing impossible quantities of water in six distinct directions.
To one core, she sends waters from the edge of the world. To another, an ocean that moves with its own will. To the third, an ocean of sealife whose forms are unreal to behold, and to the fourth an ocean of fish whose forms are unreal in the truest sense of the word. A shining, silvery surge of mirrored waters burst forth to surge into the fifth core, and to the sixth rushes an endless fountain of dreams and pure Wonder.

Lady Rosaline extends a hand. Through her will, these disparate parts will be bound together into a harmonious whole, channeling and offering up their greatest treasures to their master, as well as the treasures of all the oceans their master might encounter in the future.

Lady Rosaline's combo:

12 Crown of the Absolute Emperor + Leviathan's Egg + 3 Godcrown Steel + 3 Planecage Gold + 3 Adept's Horizon-Breaking Formula + 6 Spatial Domain-Core-Linking Crystal + 12 Diamond from the Hoard of Wonders + 80 Ocean Lure + 60 Waters at the World's Edge + Mobile Ocean + Ocean Full of Strange Sealife + Ocean of Illusory Fish + Mirror-Water Ocean + Wonderous Dreamfont = ??? (Channeling The Soul Of All The World's Treasures)

Crown of the Absolute Emperor- (Accessory, Crown, Nobility & Glory & Law, 80,000,000 Gold) +80,000 Defense, +80,000 SPI, +800,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, Wielder's allies gain +8,000 to all stats as a non-stacking bonus, 200% inflicts Charm, 30% inflicts Dominion, Wielder must be Level 20 or greater, Wielder must be either Level 40 or greater or must possess the ability 'Noble'

Leviathan's Egg- (Item, Antiquity, Water & Life & Glory & Mystic, 400,000,000 Gold)

Planecage Gold- (Item, Material, Spatial & Metal & Warding, 160,000,000 Gold)

Godcrown Steel- (Item, Material, Glory & Air & Light, 200,000,000 Gold)

Adept's Horizon-Breaking Formula- (Item, Material, Progress, 250,000,001 Gold)

Spatial Domain-Core-Linking Crystal- (Item, Antiquity, Spatial, 100,000,000 Gold)

Diamond from the Hoard of Wonders- (Item, Material, Earth & Wonder, 36,000,000 Gold)

Ocean Lure- (Item, Antiquity, Water & Magic, 6,000,000 Gold)

Waters at the World's Edge- (Item, Property, Water, 7,500,000 Gold)

Mobile Ocean- (Item, Property, Water, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 MIN, +40,000 HP, +40,000 MP, 40% Water Resistance, Wielder must be Level 40 or greater

Ocean Full of Strange Sealife- (Item, Property, Water, 400,000,000 Gold)

Ocean of Illusory Fish- (Item, Property, Water & illusion, 400,000,000 Gold)

Mirror-Water Ocean- (Item, Property, Water, 400,000,000 Gold)

Wonderous Dreamfont- (Item, Property, Dream & Wonder, 400,000,000 Gold) +400,000 to all stats, +40,000 Defense against Stat Damage, Wielder may not be transformed without wielder's permission by sources below Level 60, Wielder must be Dream or Wonder element and must be Level 40 or greater

Channeling the Soul of All the World's Treasures- (Passive Ability, Other: Relic Keeper) Possessor may, when inflicting a debuff with the ability 'Item Hijack' choose to add the text 'said item provides benefits to this effect's inflictor while said inflictor is Treasure element as though it were equipped' to debuffs inflicted by possessor's 'Item Hijack' ability

Leviathan's Egg from Volatilis. Godcrown Steel, Planecage Gold and Horizon-Breaker Formulae from Rosaline's Orihalcum stock (9 in total). Spatial Domain-Core-Linking Crystals and Diamonds (via Sand Diamonds) from Caelum. The various oceans come from Volatilis' Mobile Ocean stockpile (4 in total), combo'd from them, plus a Flowing Core and Sand Diamond required to make the Wondrous Dreamfont.