Geddoe heads to Bascardine

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Geddoe heads to Bascardine

Post by geddoe42 »

Geddoe heads to Bascardine looking for the following

How much it would cost to switch from Archangel & Solar Being to Archangel & Divinity and to get the Divinity traits to go along with it. Interested in buying abilities if it reduces the cost into realistic realms.

For reference purposes
Basic Sublime Presence Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Sublime Presence) Possessor's Divinity pets and summons gain +1,000 HP, +1,000 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +100 to all stats
Requires: Master Worldbound God Knowledge, Master Divine Magic Attunement, Master Geomancy Attunement, Master Gate Magic Attunement, Master Faith Synchronization
Cost: 150,000,000 Gold, 90 Weeks
  1. Geddoe has 1 ability from Worldbound God (Archangel's Standard Deific Domain Compatibility- (Passive Ability, Other: Worldbound God) Possessor gains +10 to all stats if possessor is a Planetary, Possessor may gain Worldbound-God-related domains despite being an Archangel as an RP power)
  2. Master Divine Magic Attunement
  3. Adept Gate Magic Attunement (42 abilities from wanderer,15 from spatial magic, and 39 from Reality Arranger with all 3 sets counting as abilities through unified knowledges)
  4. Classname Geomancer (32 abilities total)
  5. Basic Faith Synchronization
It should be noted, however, that Geddoe is Light & Divine element and has Basic Divine Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Other: Deus Omnium) Possessor gains +125 to all stats if Divine element

As an example
Holy One Traits- (Passive Ability, Other: Prophet of the Brightest Heavens) If possessor is a Holy One, then possessor's HP is multiplied by 3 as an effect that does not stack with other HP multiplying effects, possessor's MP is multiplied by 3 as an effect that does not stack with other MP multiplying effects, possessor's STR is multiplied by 3 as an effect that does not stack with other STR multiplying effects, possessor's AGI is multiplied by 3 as an effect that does not stack with other AGI multiplying effects, possessor's CON is multiplied by 3 as an effect that does not stack with other CON multiplying effects, possessor's MIN is multiplied by 3 as an effect that does not stack with other CON multiplying effects, possessor's SPI is multiplied by 3 as an effect that does not stack with possessor's other SPI multiplying effects, possessor's Defense is multiplied by 3 as an effect that does not stack with other Defense multiplying effects, possessor's Critical Chance is multiplied by 3 as an effect that does not stack with other Critical Chance multiplying effects, possessor's Dodge is multiplied by 3 as an effect that does not stack with other Dodge multiplying effects, possessor's (To Hit - 100, Minimum 100) is multiplied by 3 as an effect that does not stack with other To Hit multiplying effects, possessor's Resilience is multiplied by 3 as an effect that does not stack with other Resilience multiplying effects, possessor's attack bonuses are multiplied by 3 as an effect that does not stack with other effects that multiply possessor's attack bonuses, and possessor's listed Damage values are multiplied by 3 as an effect that does not stack with any othe effect that multiplies possessor's listed damage values, with possessor also gaining Immunity to Minor Status Effects and Immunity to Moderate Status Effects. These multiplications occur at Application Step 2 in the Order of Effects, bypassing the standard ruling that the effects of Passive Abilities are calculated during Application Step 1.
Requires: No Prerequisites
Cost: 28,500,000 Gold, 570 Weeks
*Robe of the Solar Hierophant- (Armor, Robes, Light, 1,450,000,000 Gold) +1,450,000 Defense, +1,400,000 Magical Attack, +1,417,000 MIN, +1,410,000 SPI, +14,500,000 MP as a non-stacking bonus, +140,000 Defense against Stat Damage, 40% Light Resistance, 40% Fire Resistance, 40% Darkness Resistance, 40% Hope Resistance, 40% Destruction Resistance, 10% Base Element Resistance, +9,000,000 HP, 160% Resilience, 80% Dodge, Wielder's 'Magical Attack' and 'Overdrive' actions gain 190% To Hit, Wearer's actions may become solely Light element as an effect that overrides other effects that are not from sources of at least Level 80, Divine Magic spells and Astral Magic spells cost wearer 1,400,000 less MP to cast, Wearer has a 230% chance of inflicting Charm on each opposing Solar being at the start of every round, when an individual conducts an offensive action that targets wearer, wearer may, at the end of said action, deal 1,450,000 Flat Light element Damage to said individual, 160% inflicts Awestruck, 130% inflicts Burning, Awestruck Immunity, Burning Immunity, Wearer may Absorb Light from sources below Level 80, 200% Awestruck Resistance, 140% Burning Resistance, Wearer is Immune to individuals below Level 40, Wearer may reflect actions from sources below Level 40, 45% Wearer may reflect actions from sources below Level 60, 5% wearer may reflect actions from sources above Level 60 but below Level 80, Wearer gains +1,400,000 Defense as a non-stacking, non-capped bonus against Damage that comes from effects attached to Zones, Wearer may not be prevented from leaving battle or acting by individuals below Level 60, The first time per thread that wearer is killed by a source below Level 80 that is not more than 20 Levels higher than wearer, wearer regenerates and is then healed for 14,000,000 points of Flat Light element HP Healing and MP Healing, Possessor's side of battle does not count as losing if all its members are dead by standard victory conditions until after possessor's self resurrection chance is accounted for if no individual of Level 80 or greater is opposing possessor's side of battle, with this non-loss only applying if possessor is in battle and possessor's ability to check for self-resurrection has not been disabled, with said non-loss automatically deactivating if a round ends while it is in effect, Wearer must be Level 60 or greater
w/ Defies the Devil's Paperwork- Wearer removes abilities and constant effects named 'The Devil's Paperwork' from all opponents below Level 100 that are not 20 or more Levels greater than wearer, Quest Enchantment
w/ Unbreakable- This item cannot be Broken or destroyed except by the most exceptional measures, This treatment does not prevent pets or summons it is applied to from being killed, This item cannot be stolen outside of Official Quests and Player Quests, This does not count as a Mystic Treatment for number of Mystic Treatments that can be applied to this item if this item is unique, Affects any type of possession, Mystic Treatment

The cost of these options
  1. Have it count as a Light Armor in addition to Robe via either reforging or enchantment, whatever is cheapest
  2. have Parade Uniform or Dress Uniform added to its name
Snap-Out Steam-Canister Projectile Guns- (Passive Ability, Gearwright) If possessor is a Clockwork, possessor gains +500 Ranged Attack and may count as having an additional Gun equipped
Requires: Built with Steampunk Tech, Basic Gun Training
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks

The cost of these options
  1. The ability to count has having a gun equipped like the following ability, but attached to Angel if possible
  2. Have the ability be from the Gunner tree in which Geddoe has Adept Gun Training
Lord Gadigan
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Re: Geddoe heads to Bascardine

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Followed by a Floating Golden-Winged Gun Possessed by a Minor Angel- (Passive Ability, Heavenly Protector) Possessor gains +500 Ranged Attack and may count as having an additional Gun equipped and/or count as possessing an additional Angel ally
Not for Sale

They will sell you this for 60,000,000 Gold
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