Viren decides to get his show on the road. First, though, he needs more
a foundation to work with.
my guys, Pathaky's guys, Celas' guys, and Not-Dave's guys) and his own Adepts and Experts, he can 1-to-1 convert for Basic, Improved and Greater Spheres with ease.
Apprentice Alchemy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) All Alchemy spells possessor casts cost 500 less Gold and 500 less XP
Requires: Basic Alchemy Attunement, 3 other Alchemist abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Alchemy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) All Alchemy spells cost 10 less Gold and 10 less XP
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Study of Homunculus-Creation Principles- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possessor's Alchemy summons gain +25 to all stats, Possessor's Alchemy summons gain +25 additional points to all stats if Golems
Requires: Basic Alchemy Attunement, 5 Base MIN
Cost: 75,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Understanding of Alchemical Substance-Transmutation- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) Possesor obtains 5,000 Temporary Gold at the start of each battle or RP thread
Requires: Basic Alchemy Attunement, Basic Transumtation Attunement, Basic Merchant Proficiency, Basic Crafter Proficiency, 5 Base MIN
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Infuse Acid- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Acid in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Acid element damage.
Requires: Basic Alchemy Attunement
Cost: 90,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Infuse Fire- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Fire in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Fire element damage.
Requires: Basic Alchemy Attunement
Cost: 90,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Infuse Magic- (Technique Ability, Alchemist) Possessor may use Infuse Magic in conjunction with a Use an Item or Metacombine action, so long as no other technique is used. All Flat damage of one selected base element generated by one consumable possessor uses as part of this action is changed to Flat Magic element damage.
Requires: Basic Alchemy Attunement
Cost: 90,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Lethal Mixer- (Passive Ability, Alchemist) +250 Damage, +10 Stat Damage, and +1% Infliction of Minor Status effects to Potions that possess the relevant bonuses
Requires: Basic Alchemy Attunement, Basic Crafter Proficiency
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
-Analyst of the Absolute-
Analyst of the Absolute- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Truth Resistance, Possessor ignores Truth Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Truth Synchronization, 10 other Analyst of the Absolute abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Apprentice Truth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Truth element item equipped, Possessor's Truth element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Truth Synchronization, 3 other Analyst of the Absolute abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Quantities of Truth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Truth
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Truth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if possessor is Truth element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Quantities of Truth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Truth Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Truth
Requires: Basic Truth Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Control of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Truth element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Requires: Truth Manipulation
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Detect Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Truth element targets
Requires: Apprentice Divining Attunement, Basic Truth Synchronization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Elemental Attack-Conversion: Truth- (Technique Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Truth' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is Truth element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element Truth.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Truth
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Truth- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Quantities of Truth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Truth
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Truth Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Analyst of the Absolute) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Truth element: Create a Zone of Truth, Remove a Zone of Truth created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Truth by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Truth to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Truth element on a Truth element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Truth, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Truth, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Truth element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Truth to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Truth, 5% Truth Resistance, or +50 Defense against Truth and 1% Truth Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Truth Synchronization, 5 other Analyst of the Absolute abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Chaos Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) Whenever possessor casts a Chaos Magic spells that possesses a Magical Attack bonus, there is a 50% chance that it obtains an additional +500 Magical Attack
Requires: Basic Chaos Magic Attunement, 3 other Anarchomancer abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Chaos Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) All Chaos Magic spells gain +50 Magical Attack 50% of the time
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Chaos Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) Chaos Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Chaos Magic Attunement
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Chaos Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) Chaos Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Requires: Chaos Magic Casting I
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Random Defense- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) There is a 50% chance each round that this ability provides +250 Defense (this is not a buff)
Requires: Basic Chaos Magic Attunement
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Random Magical Improvement- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) There is a 50% chance each round that this ability provides +250 Magical Attack (this is not a buff)
Requires: Random Offense
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Random Offense- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) There is a 50% chance each round that this ability provides +250 Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, or Magical Attack (the bonus type is determined randomly each time this chance is checked; this is not a buff)
Requires: Basic Chaos Magic Attunement
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Random Ranged Improvement- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) There is a 50% chance each round that this ability provides +250 Ranged Attack (this is not a buff)
Requires: Random Offense
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Random Stat Defense- (Passive Ability, Anarchomancer) There is a 50% chance each round that this ability provides +25 Defense Against Stat Damage (this is not a buff)
Requires: Random Defense
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
-Arcane Vizier-
Apprentice Defenses Against Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +500 Defense against Magic
Requires: Basic Defenses Against Magic
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Magic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Magic element item equipped, Possessor's Magic element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Magic Synchronization, 3 other Arcane Vizier abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Quantities of Magic element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Magic
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Arcane Vizier- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Magic Resistance, Possessor ignores Magic Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Magic Synchronization, 10 other Arcane Vizier abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Basic Defenses Against Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Magic
Requires: Basic Magic Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Magic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Magic element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Quantities of Magic element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Magic Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Control of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Magic element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Requires: Magic Manipulation
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Detect Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Magic element targets
Requires: Apprentice Divining Attunement, Basic Magic Synchronization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Magic- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Quantities of Magic element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Magic
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Magic Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Arcane Vizier) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Magic element: Create a Zone of Magic, Remove a Zone of Magic created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Magic by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Magic to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Magic element on a Magic element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Magic, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Magic, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Magic element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Magic to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Magic, 5% Magic Resistance, or +50 Defense against Magic and 1% Magic Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Magic Synchronization, 5 other Arcane Vizier abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Tool Training- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor gains +50 Melee Attack if possessor has a Tool equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has a Tool equipped
Requires: Basic Tool Training, 3 other Architect abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Architect- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor gains +(500 + 10 * Possessor Level) Melee Attack and +(100 + 10 * Possessor Level) to all stats when possessor has a Tool equipped
Requires: Apprentice Tool Training, 10 other Architect abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Basic Dissassembly- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor, when wielding a Tool, gains +50 Melee Attack against Robots, Machines, Clockworks, Vehicles, Vessels, and Mechs
Requires: Basic Tool Training
Cost: 70,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Tool Training- (Passive Ability, Architect) This character gains +6 Melee Attack when a Tool is equipped.
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Calibrate- (Active Ability, Architect) Possessor may, if possessor has a Tool equipped, spend an action to give target Robot, Machine, Clockwork, Mecha, Vehicle, Vessel, or War Machine +200 to all stats as a buff that stacks 3 times
Requires: Apprentice Engineer Proficiency, Basic Mechanist Knowledge, Basic Gearwright Knowledge, Basic Roboticist Knowledge
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Combat Drill-Wielding- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor gains +200 Melee Attack if possessor has a Tool with 'Drill' in its name equipped, Possessor's attacks Pierce 150 Defense if possessor has a Tool with 'Drill' in its name equipped
Requires: Drill Usage
Cost: 120,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Careful Tool Use- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor may reduce quantities of Damage that possessor deals to allies by 300 points if possessor has a Tool equipped
Requires: Basic Tool Training
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Drill Usage- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor gains +20 Melee Attack if possessor has a Tool with 'Drill' in its name equipped, Possessor's attacks Pierce 20 Defense if possessor has a Tool with 'Drill' in its name equipped
Requires: Basic Tool Training
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Knowledge of Architectural Techniques- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor's Large Structure pets and summons gain +200 Defense
Requires: Apprentice Tool Training
Cost: 250,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Make Bricks- (Passive Ability, Architect) All Property items owned by possessor are worth 5,000 more Gold (if already worth at least 20,000) for Guild purposes
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 30,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Piercing Drillstrike- (Technique Ability, Architect) Possessor may use 'Piercing Drillstrike' in conjuction with a 'Melee Attack' action that possessor performs if said action includes no other technique and possessor has a Tool with 'Drill' in its name equipped. Said action gains +70 Melee Attack and Pierces 300 Defense.
Requires: Combat Drill-Wielding
Cost: 130,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Proper Tool Calibration- (Passive Ability, Architect) Possessor may remove any number of debuffs from Tool items that possessor is carrying that come from sources below Level 10 at the beginning of each round
Requires: Basic Tool Training
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Aura Mastery- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor gains +50 Defense if possessor has an Aura equipped
Requires: Basic Aura Mastery, 3 other Auramancer abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Attractive Aura- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Whenever possessor is targeted by an offensive action, if possessor has an Aura equipped, possessor has a 30% chance of inflicting Charm on its source at the end of said action
Requires: Basic Aura Training
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Auramancer- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor gains +(200 + (20 * Possessor Level)) Defense and +(250 + (25* Possessor Level)) Mind and Spirit if possessor has an Aura equipped
Requires: Apprentice Aura Mastery, 10 other Auramancer abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Baleful Aura- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Whenever possessor is targeted by an offensive action, if possessor has an Aura equipped, possessor has a 30% chance of inflicting Hexed on its source at the end of said action
Requires: Basic Aura Training
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Aura Mastery- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) All Auras equipped by possessor provide +10 additional Defense
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Blessed Aura- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor obtains 30% Hexed Resistance if possessor has an Aura equipped
Requires: Basic Aura Training
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Flashing Aura- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Whenever possessor is targeted by an offensive action, if possessor has an Aura equipped, possessor has a 30% chance of inflicting Impaired on its source at the end of said action
Requires: Basic Aura Training
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Healthy Aura- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor obtains 30% Diseased Resistance if possessor has an Aura equipped
Requires: Basic Aura Training
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Shared Aura Protection- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor and possessor's allies obtain +50 Defense as a non-stacking bonus if possessor has an Aura equipped
Requires: Basic Aura Training, Basic Channeling Attunement
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shared Blessed Aura- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor's allies obtain 15% Hexed Resistance if possessor has an Aura equipped
Requires: Blessed Aura, Shared Aura Protection
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Week
Shared Healthy Aura- (Passive Ability, Auramancer) Possessor's allies obtain 15% Diseased Resistance if possessor has an Aura equipped
Requires: Healthy Aura, Shared Aura Protection
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Week
Animal Training I- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Requires: Basic Beastmaster Knowledge
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Animal Training II- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Requires: Animal Training I
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Animal Traits- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor gains +1 to all stats so long as possessor is a Animal
Requires: No Prerequisites
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Week
Apprentice Beastmaster Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Requires: Basic Beastmaster Knowledge, 3 other Beastmaster abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Beastmaster Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor's Animal pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Beastmaster- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) User may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot to gain a Pet slot, +50 HP and +10 to all stats of Animal pets and summons per possessor levels
Requires: Apprentice Beastmaster Knowledge, 10 other Beastmaster abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Buck and Kick- (Technique Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor may use 'Buck and Kick' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action if possessor is an Animal. Said action gains +200 Melee Attack and a 15% chance of inflicting Fatigued: Stun
Requires: Hooved, Quadruped
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Week
Form of Goat- (Stance Ability, Beastmaster) If possessor is an Animal, possessor gains +50 CON
Requires: Animal Traits
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Hooved- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) If possessor is an Animal, possessor gains +50 Melee Attack and +10 AGI
Requires: Animal Traits
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Liberator of Ensnared Beings- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) Possessor may claim Metaphysical Snares
Requires: No Prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Week
Quadruped- (Passive Ability, Beastmaster) If possessor is an Animal, possessor gains +100 AGI and +100 CON
Requires: Animal Traits
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
-Blazing Sultan-
pprentice Fire Resistance- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains 5% Fire Resistance
Requires: Basic Fire Resistance
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Fire Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Fire element item equipped, Possessor's Fire element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Fire Synchronization, 3 other Blazing Sultan abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Quantities of Fire element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Fire
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Fire Resistance- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains 1% Fire Resistance
Requires: Basic Fire Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Fire Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Fire element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Quantities of Fire element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Fire Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Blazing Sultan- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Fire Resistance, Possessor ignores Fire Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Fire Synchronization, 10 other Blazing Sultan abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Control of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Fire element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Requires: Fire Manipulation
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Elemental Attack-Conversion: Fire- (Technique Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Fire' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is Fire element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element Fire.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Fire
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fire Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Fire element: Create a Zone of Fire, Remove a Zone of Fire created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Fire by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Fire to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Fire element on a Fire element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Fire, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Fire, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Fire element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Fire to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Fire, 5% Fire Resistance, or +50 Defense against Fire and 1% Fire Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Fire Synchronization, 5 other Blazing Sultan abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Fire- (Passive Ability, Blazing Sultan) Quantities of Fire element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Fire
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
-Caliph of Corrosion-
Acid Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Acid element: Create a Zone of Acid, Remove a Zone of Acid created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Acid by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Acid to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Acid element on a Acid element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Acid, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Acid, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Acid element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Acid to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Acid, 5% Acid Resistance, or +50 Defense against Acid and 1% Acid Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Acid Synchronization, 5 other Caliph of Corrosion abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Apprentice Acid Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Acid element item equipped, Possessor's Acid element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Acid Synchronization, 3 other Caliph of Corrosion abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Quantities of Acid element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Acid
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Acceleration Within Acid's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Acid
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of Acid
Cost: 30,000 Gold, 1 Week
Basic Acid Resistance- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains 1% Acid Resistance
Requires: Basic Acid Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Acid Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Acid element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Command of Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor's Acid element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Requires: Basic Acid Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Defenses Against Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Acid
Requires: Basic Acid Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Quantities of Acid element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Acid Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Acid- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Acid
Requires: Basic Acid Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Caliph of Corrosion- (Passive Ability, Caliph of Corrosion) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Acid Resistance, Possessor ignores Acid Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Acid Synchronization, 10 other Caliph of Corrosion abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Apprentice Channeling Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer HP or MP may transfer an additional 5,000 points of each that they can already transfer; all Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer stats may transfer an additional 500 points of each that they can already transfer
Requires: Basic Channeling Attunement, 3 other Channeler abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Ambient Mana Rerouting- (Passive Ability, Channeler) If possessor is Level 6 or greater possessor may choose for non-unique Level 1 opponents who would be rolled as encounters in Random Dungeons to not appear.
Requires: Basic Zonal Element Channeling Linkup
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Chain Casting Attunement- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor and an ally with at least one spell equipped and this ability may both use their 1 turn to cast a spell using their combined stats, which costs them both double normal MP, any effects of the spell may be tied to either caster
Requires: Basic Channeler Attunement
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Channeling Attunement- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells can transfer 50 more HP or MP
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Linkup Mastery- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor gains +800 HP, +800 MP, and +80 to all stats if possessor's HP, possessor's MP, or any of possessor's stats is linked to another individual's
Requires: Basic Channeler Attunement
Cost: 80,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Transfer Mastery- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever possessor transfers HP or MP from on source to another, possessor may transfer an additional 200 points
Requires: Basic Channeler Attunement
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Zonal Element Channeling Linkup- (Passive Ability, Channeler) When possessor is in a Zone of a base element, quantities of Damage dealt by possessor that are of said element are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Linkup Mastery, Any five abilities from Element-based classes
Cost: 80,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Channeled Spell- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor may use 'Channeled Spell' in conjunction with a 'Cast a Spell' action so long as no other technique is used. Possessor may choose a willing ally and may cast up to one spell said ally has equipped as though possessor had said spell equipped as part of said action, with said spell only being able to be cast at points during said action when possessor could have cast said spell if possessor had said spell equipped, with said spell costing possessor double its natural MP cost to cast before other modifiers are accounted for.
Requires: Basic Chain Casting Attunement, Basic Linkup Mastery
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Channeler- (Passive Ability, Channeler) All Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer HP or MP may transfer an additional (2,000 x Possessor Level) points of each that they can already transfer; all Channeling spells cast by possessor can that transfer stats may transfer an additional (100 x Possessor Level) points of each that they can already transfer
Requires: Apprentice Channeling Attunement, 10 other Channeler abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Improved Linkup Mastery- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Possessor gains +1,000 HP, +1,000 MP, and +100 to all stats if possessor's HP, possessor's MP, or any of possessor's stats is linked to another individual's
Requires: Basic Linkup Mastery, Apprentice Channeler Attunement
Cost: 150,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Improved Transferal of Health- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever possessor transfers HP from one source to another, possessor may transfer an additional 2,500 points
Requires: Basic Transfer Mastery
Cost: 250,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Improved Transferal of Mana- (Passive Ability, Channeler) Whenever possessor transfers MP from one source to another, possessor may transfer an additional 2,500 points
Requires: Basic Transfer Mastery
Cost: 250,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Offensively Channel Spells- (Active Ability, Channeler) Possessor may use 'Channeled Spell' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' action so long as no other technique is used.
Requires: Channeler, Channeled Spell, Improved Chain Casting Attunement, Improved Linkup Mastery
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
'Follow Me!' Stance- (Stance Ability, Commander) Whenever possessor performs a 'Switch Rows' action while in this stance, each of possessor's allies may move to the row that possessor entered if it is either the front row of the back row
Requires: Basic Leadership Attunement
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Leadership Attunement- (Passive Ability, Commander) All Leadership spells cast by possessor affect one more target if they already affect multiple targets, and all Leadership spells cost possessor 250 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Leadership Attunement, 3 other Commander abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Leadership Attunement- (Passive Ability, Commander) All Leadership spells cast by possessor affect one more target if they already affect multiple targets, and all Leadership spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Commander- (Passive Ability, Commander) All Leadership spells cast by possessor that place a buff or debuff on a given number of targets (Provided that said number is already 2 or greater) do so to an additional (Possessor Level / 5, rounded up) targets, and all Leadership spells cost possessor (Possessor Level * 50) less MP to cast
Requires: Apprentice Leadership Attunement, 10 other Commander abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Commander's Hand- (Active Ability, Commander) Possessor may exchange one Accessory slot for an additional Pet slot provided that possessor keeps at least one empty Weapon slot
Requires: Basic Leadership Attunement
Cost: 70,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Good at Keeping Allied Morale High- (Stance Ability, Commander) Possessor's allies gain 50% Confusion: Depression Resistance while possessor is not afflicted with Confusion: Depression
Requires: Basic Leadership Attunement
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Hand Signal Expert- (Passive Ability, Commander) Possessor's Pets and Summons gain +50 to all stats for each Weapon slot possessor has open
Requires: Commander's Hand
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Morale-Boosting Command- (Stance Ability, Commander) Possessor's allies have a 5% chance at the start of every round of being afflicted with Invigorated: High Morale
Requires: Morale-Boosting Command
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Leadership Casting I- (Passive Ability, Commander) Leadership spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Leadership Attunement
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Leadership Casting II- (Passive Ability, Commander) Leadership spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Requires: Leadership Casting I
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Morale-Boosting Command- (Stance Ability, Commander) Possessor's summons have a 5% chance at the start of every round of being afflicted with Invigorated: High Morale
Requires: Apprentice Leadership Attunement, Good at Keeping Allied Morale High
Cost: 70,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Abstract-Bane Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Abstract-Bane Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack, +750 Magical Attack, and +750 Ranged Attack against Abstracts and gains +25% Critical against Abstracts.
Requires: Abstract-Hunting Impulse, Controller, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Abstract-Hunting Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Abstract-Hunting Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack, and +200 Ranged Attack against Abstracts and gains +5% To Hit against Abstracts.
Requires: Basic Force Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Angel-Hunting Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Angel-Hunting Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack, and +200 Ranged Attack against Angels and gains +5% To Hit against Angels.
Requires: Basic Force Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Force Training- (Passive Ability, Controller) Possessor gains +50 Melee Attack, +50 Ranged Attack, or +50 Magical Attack (chosen at the beginning of battle) if possessor has a Force equipped, Possessor gains +50 to any one stat (chosen at the beginning of battle) if possessor has a Force equipped
Requires: Basic Force Training, 3 other Controller abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Force Training- (Passive Ability, Controller) This character gains +6 Magical Attack, Melee Attack, or Ranged Attack (possessor's choice at the start of each quest or battle) when a Force is equipped.
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Celestial-Hunting Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Celestial-Hunting Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack, and +200 Ranged Attack against Celestials and gains +5% To Hit against Celestials.
Requires: Basic Force Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Controller- (Passive Ability, Controller) Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level) Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, or Magical Attack (chosen at the beginning of battle) if possessor has a Force equipped, Possessor gains +(100 * Possessor Level) to one stat (chosen at the beginning of battle) stats if possessor has a Force equipped
Requires: Apprentice Force Training, 10 other Controller abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Daemon-Hunting Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Daemon-Hunting Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack, and +200 Ranged Attack against Daemons and gains +5% To Hit against Daemons.
Requires: Basic Force Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Darkspawn-Hunting Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Darkspawn-Hunting Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack, and +200 Ranged Attack against Darkspawn and gains +5% To Hit against Darkspawn.
Requires: Basic Force Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Devil-Hunting Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Devil-Hunting Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack, and +200 Ranged Attack against Devils and gains +5% To Hit against Devils.
Requires: Basic Force Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Dud Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Dud Stab' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains -1,000 Melee Attack, -1,000 Magical Attack, and -1,000 Ranged Attack, cannot reduce its targets' stats, HP, or MP below 1, deals 1/10 Damage, has a 50% chance of failing, and becomes solely Null element.
Requires: Apprentice Force Training
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Week
Prime-Bane Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Prime-Bane Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +750 Melee Attack, +750 Magical Attack, and +750 Ranged Attack against Primes and gains +25% Critical against Primes.
Requires: Prime-Hunting Impulse, Controller, Level 20
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Prime-Hunting Impulse- (Technique Ability, Controller) Possessor may use 'Prime-Hunting Impulse' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Magical Attack', or 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Force equipped. Said attack gains +200 Melee Attack, +200 Magical Attack, and +200 Ranged Attack against Primes and gains +5% To Hit against Primes.
Requires: Basic Force Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
-Counselor of Faerie-
Apprentice Counselor of Faerie Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Counselor of Faerie) Possessor's Fae pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Requires: Basic Counselor of Faerie Knowledge, 3 other Counselor of Faerie abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Counselor of Faerie Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Counselor of Faerie) Possessor's Fae pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Diminutive Fae- (Passive Ability, Counselor of Faerie) If possessor is an Fae, possessor may choose at the beginning of a thread of when possessor's subtype has just changed from not being Fae to being Fae to have this ability provide possessor with +800 AGI, +1% Dodge, -800 STR, and -800 CON
Requires: Tiny Fae
Cost: 4,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae Goblin- (Passive Ability, Counselor of Faerie) If possessor is Fae, whenever possessor is in 'Form of Goblin' stance, possessor may treat all instances of requiring possessor to be Humanoid with requiring possessor to be Fae for purposes of abilities that possessor possesses that require possessor to be in 'Form of Goblin' Stance
Requires: Form of Goblin
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fae Traits- (Passive Ability, Counselor of Faerie) Possessor gains +1 to all stats so long as possessor is a Fae
Requires: No Prerequisites
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Week
Little Fae- (Passive Ability, Counselor of Faerie) If possessor is an Fae, possessor may choose at the beginning of a thread of when possessor's subtype has just changed from not being Fae to being Fae to have this ability provide possessor with +600 AGI, +1% Dodge, -600 STR, and -600 CON
Requires: Small Fae
Cost: 2,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Small Fae- (Passive Ability, Counselor of Faerie) If possessor is an Fae, possessor may choose at the beginning of a thread of when possessor's subtype has just changed from not being Fae to being Fae to have this ability provide possessor with +500 AGI, +1% Dodge, -500 STR, and -500 CON
Requires: Fae Traits
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Tiny Fae- (Passive Ability, Counselor of Faerie) If possessor is an Fae, possessor may choose at the beginning of a thread of when possessor's subtype has just changed from not being Fae to being Fae to have this ability provide possessor with +700 AGI, +1% Dodge, -700 STR, and -700 CON
Requires: Little Fae
Cost: 3,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
-Countess of Power-
Apprentice Energy Resistance- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains 5% Energy Resistance
Requires: Basic Energy Resistance
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Quantities of Energy element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Energy
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Command of Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor's Energy element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Requires: Basic Energy Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Acceleration Within Energy's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Energy
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of Energy
Cost: 30,000 Gold, 1 Week
Basic Energy Resistance- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains 1% Energy Resistance
Requires: Basic Energy Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Energy Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Energy element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor's Energy element allies gain +10 to all stats
Requires: Basic Command of Energy
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Quantities of Energy element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Energy Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Energy
Requires: Basic Energy Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Countess of Power- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Energy Resistance, Possessor ignores Energy Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Energy Synchronization, 10 other Countess of Power abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Energy Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Energy element: Create a Zone of Energy, Remove a Zone of Energy created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Energy by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Energy to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Energy element on a Energy element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Energy, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Energy, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Energy element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Energy to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Energy, 5% Energy Resistance, or +50 Defense against Energy and 1% Energy Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Energy Synchronization, 5 other Countess of Power abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Energy- (Passive Ability, Countess of Power) Quantities of Energy element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Energy
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Crafter Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Consumables (not including Permanent Consumables) possessor uses have a 4% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use, Consumables possessor uses that deal Flat HP Damage, Flat MP Damage, Flat HP Healing, or Flat MP Healing deal an additional 2,000 points
Requires: Basic Crafter Proficiency, 3 other Crafter abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Artisan- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Items possessor creates are worth 5,000 additional Gold as a buff, Possessor's half-price per-item sell cap is increased by 2,000 Gold
Requires: Artist
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Artist- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Possessor's consumables that buff the stats of possessor's allies do so by an additional 20 points as an effect that stacks a max of 50 times across all effects
Requires: Basic Crafter Proficiency
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Crafter Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Consumables (not including Permanent Consumables) possessor uses have a 1% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Enchanted Item Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Enchanted Item Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Requires: Basic Crafter Proficiency
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Gatestone Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Gatestone Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Requires: Basic Crafter Proficiency
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Libram Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Libram Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Requires: Basic Crafter Proficiency
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Medicine Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Medicine Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Requires: Basic Crafter Proficiency
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Potion Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Potion Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Requires: Basic Crafter Proficiency
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Trap Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Trap Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Requires: Basic Crafter Proficiency
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Crafter- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Consumables possessor uses that deal Flat HP Damage, Flat MP Damage, Flat HP Healing, or Flat MP Healing deal an additional (1,000 * Possessor Level) points
Requires: Apprentice Crafter Proficiency, 10 other Crafter abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Auto-Translate- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +200 MIN if any individual of a different subtype is present, Translates to and from common languages (both orally and in written form) as an RP effect
Requires: Apprentice Divination Attunement
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Can Percieve Standard Portal Destinations- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +10 MIN, Possessor gains +10% Dodge on any round that possessor enters a battle from another battle, not counting the first round of battle, as a non-stacking bonus
Requires: Diviner, Knowledge of Portals
Cost: 600,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Diviner's Eyes- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor counts as 1 Level higher for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that does not bypass 'Immune to below Level X' effects
Requires: Apprentice Divination Attunement
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Diviner's Skill- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 1 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Requires: Basic Divining Attunement
Cost: 150,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Filter-Out Sensory Overstimulation- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 30% Confusion Resistance
Requires: Swift Sensory-Input Processing
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Greater Stat Scanning- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 5 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Requires: Improved Stat Scanning, Diviner
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Improved Stat Scanning- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor's Level is counted as 2 higher, to a max of 99, for stat-scanning purposes as an effect that is not counted for purposes of bypassing "Immune to below Level X" effects
Requires: Apprentice Divining Attunement, Diviner's Skill
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Magical Nightvision- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Effects that come from individuals below Level 40 that are attached to Zones of Darkness may not reduce possessor's To Hit and Dodge values
Requires: Apprentice Divination Attunement, Filter-Out Sensory Overstimulation, Diviner's Eyes
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Magic-Detecting Eyes- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains +5% To Hit against Magic element targets that are below Level 60
Requires: Apprentice Divination Attunement, Filter-Out Sensory Overstimulation, Diviner's Eyes
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Swift Sensory-Input Processing- (Passive Ability, Diviner) Possessor gains 110% To Hit
Requires: No Prerequisites
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
-Ebon Chancellor-
Apprentice Darkness Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Darkness element item equipped, Possessor's Darkness element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Darkness Synchronization, 3 other Ebon Chancellor abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Quantities of Darkness element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Darkness
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Darkness
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of Darkness
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Darkness Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Darkness element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Quantities of Darkness element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Darkness
Requires: Basic Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Control of Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Darkness element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Requires: Darkness Manipulation
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Darkness Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Darkness element: Create a Zone of Darkness, Remove a Zone of Darkness created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Darkness by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Darkness to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Darkness element on a Darkness element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Darkness, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Darkness, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Darkness element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Darkness to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Darkness, 5% Darkness Resistance, or +50 Defense against Darkness and 1% Darkness Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Darkness Synchronization, 5 other Ebon Chancellor abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ebon Chancellor- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Darkness Resistance, Possessor ignores Darkness Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Darkness Synchronization, 10 other Ebon Chancellor abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Elemental Attack-Conversion: Darkness- (Technique Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Darkness' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is Darkness element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element Darkness.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Darkness
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Quantities of Darkness element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Darkness
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Darkness- (Passive Ability, Ebon Chancellor) Possessor may use the Technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Darkness' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action even if possessor is not Darkness element.
Requires: Elemental Attack-Conversion: Darkness
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Enchantment Attunement- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor 50 less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last 1 round longer if they already last over 1 round
Requires: Basic Enchantment Attunement, 3 other Enchanter abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Enchanter- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) All Enchantment spells cost possessor (1,000 * Possessor Level) less XP and MP to cast, All Enchantment spells cast by possessor last (Possessor Level) rounds longer if they already last over 12 rounds
Requires: Apprentice Enchantment Training, 10 other Enchanter abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Enchantment Casting I- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Enchantment spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Enchantment Attunement
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Enchantment Casting II- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Enchantment spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Requires: Enchantment Casting I
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Infuse Spell Essence- (Active Ability, Enchanter) Possessor may spend an action to change the element of a Spell that is in possessor's possession to gain Magic in addition to its other elements, provided that said Spell is not any non-base element
Requires: Basic Enchanter Attunement, Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Infuse Spell Essence: Acid- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Acid to a spell instead of Magic
Requires: Infuse Spell Essence
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Week
Infuse Spell Essence: Air- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Air to a spell instead of Magic
Requires: Infuse Spell Essence
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Week
Infuse Spell Essence: Darkness- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Darkness to a spell instead of Magic
Requires: Infuse Spell Essence
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Infuse Spell Essence: Double- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add two elements that they could otherwise singularly add to a Spell instead of one element
Requires: Infuse Spell Essence
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Week
Infuse Spell Essence: Electrical- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Electrical to a spell instead of Magic
Requires: Infuse Spell Essence
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Week
Infuse Spell Essence: Energy- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Energy to a spell instead of Magic
Requires: Infuse Spell Essence
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Week
Infuse Spell Essence: Light- (Passive Ability, Enchanter) Possessor's 'Infuse Spell Essence' actions may add the element Light to a spell instead of Magic
Requires: Infuse Spell Essence
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Soul Training- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor gains +50 Magical Attack if possessor has a Soul equipped, Possessor gains +20 to all stats if possessor has a Soul equipped
Requires: Basic Soul Training, 3 other Enslaver abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Soul Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor may, at the beginning of any round, give up to one Soul that possessor has equipped, as a non-stacking effect that may only be present on one item at a time, either +40 additional Magical Attack (if it already possesses a Magical Attack bonus), +20 to any one stat (out of STR, AGI, CON, MIN, and SPI), +30 Defense, +20 Defense against Stat Damage, or '5% inflicts Charm'
Requires: Soul Wielding II
Cost: 80,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Soul Training- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) This character gains +6 Magical Attack when a Soul is equipped.
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Enslaver- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor gains +(500 + 10 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack and +(50 + 10 * Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor has a Soul equipped
Requires: Apprentice Soul Training, 10 other Enslaver abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Enslaving Force- (Technique Ability, Enslaver) Possessor may use 'Enslaving Force' in conjunction with a Magical Attack action so long as no other techique is used and possessor has a Soul equipped. Said action gains 30% inflicts Charm.
Requires: Force of Command
Cost: 70,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Force of Command- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor's offensive actions may gain 5% inflicts Charm while possessor has a Soul equipped
Requires: Basic Soul Training
Cost: 70,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Minor Offensive Soul Health-Drain- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor regenerates 50 HP at the end of each of possessor's offensive 'Magical Attack' actions that successfully deals Damage to a target other than possessor whose HP is not linked with possessor's who is a base subtype if possessor has a Soul equipped
Requires: Minor Soul Health-Drain, Soul Wielding I
Cost: 70,000 Gold, 1 Week
Minor Soul Health-Drain- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor regenerates 50 HP at the start of each round that possessor has a Soul equipped
Requires: Spiritual Mana Leeching
Cost: 70,000 Gold, 1 Week
Minor Soul Mana-Drain- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor regenerates 50 MP at the start of each round that possessor has a Soul equipped
Requires: Spiritual Mana Leeching
Cost: 70,000 Gold, 1 Week
Slavemaster's Grip- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) Possessor's Soul items may not be stolen by sources below Level 20 who are not 2 or more Levels greater than possessor
Requires: Soul Wielding I, Force of Command
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Soul Wielding I- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) +5 to all stats when a Soul is equipped
Requires: Basic Soul Training
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Soul Wielding II- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) +25 to all stats when a Soul is equipped, +50 Magical Attack when a Soul is equipped
Requires: Soul Wielding I
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Spiritual Mana Leeching- (Passive Ability, Enslaver) You gain an additional 5 XP per (enemy level / 5 rounded up) of each enemy you deal the killing blow to with a Soul.
Requires: Basic Soul Training
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
-Eternal Champion-
Apprentice Hope Resistance- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains 5% Hope Resistance
Requires: Basic Hope Resistance
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Hope Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Hope element item equipped, Possessor's Hope element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Hope Synchronization, 3 other Eternal Champion abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Quantities of Hope element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Hope
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Acceleration Within Hope's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Hope
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of Hope
Cost: 30,000 Gold, 1 Week
Basic Hope Resistance- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains 1% Hope Resistance
Requires: Basic Hope Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Hope Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Hope element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Quantities of Hope element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Hope Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Control of Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Hope element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Requires: Hope Manipulation
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Eternal Champion- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Hope Resistance, Possessor ignores Hope Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Hope Synchronization, 10 other Eternal Champion abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Hope Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Hope element: Create a Zone of Hope, Remove a Zone of Hope created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Hope by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Hope to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Hope element on a Hope element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Hope, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Hope, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Hope element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Hope to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Hope, 5% Hope Resistance, or +50 Defense against Hope and 1% Hope Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Hope Synchronization, 5 other Eternal Champion abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Hope- (Passive Ability, Eternal Champion) Quantities of Hope element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Hope
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
-Flux Baron-
Apprentice Flux Baron Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor's Shapeshifter pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Requires: Basic Flux Baron Knowledge, 3 other Flux Baron abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Flux Baron Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor's Shapeshifter pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Fluxoid Armament Mastery- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) +25 to Melee, Magical, and Ranged Attack and Defense bonuses granted by equipped Fluxoids
Requires: Fluxoid Wielder
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Body of Blades- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor's abilities which solely add stat bonuses along with bonuses to Physical element attacks of normal damage or Physical element attacks of normal damage to possessor's pets and summons also apply to possessor
Requires: Flux Claws
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Flux Baron- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor may forfeit one Accessory slot or Spell slot at the start of a thread to gain a Pet slot that may contain a Shapeshifter pet only, This ability provides +50 HP and +10 to all stats of possessor's Shapeshifter pets and summons per Level of possessor
Requires: Apprentice Flux Baron Knowledge, 10 other Flux Baron abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Flux Claws- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) +50 Damage to possessor's Shapeshifter pet and summon Physical element attacks
Requires: Basic Flux Baron Knowledge
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Week
Fluxoid Armament Mastery- (Active Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor may skip an action to use the ability of an equipped Fluxoid
Requires: Basic Fluxoid Armament Mastery
Cost: 70,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Fluxoid Wielder- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) +20 to all Melee, Magical, and Ranged Attack and Defense bonuses provided by equipped Fluxoids, +15 to stat bonuses provided by equipped Fluxoids, +5 to stat damage granted by equipped Fluxoids
Requires: Basic Flux Baron Knowledge
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Shapeshifter Instruction I- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor's Shapeshifter pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Requires: Basic Flux Baron Knowledge
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shapeshifter Instruction II- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor's Shapeshifter pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Requires: Shapeshifter Instruction I
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Shapeshifter Traits- (Passive Ability, Flux Baron) Possessor gains +1 to all stats so long as possessor is a Shapeshifter
Requires: No Prerequisites
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Week
Apprentice Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) All of possessor's Geomancy spells affect 1 additional target if they already affected multiple targets and cost 500 less MP if their element matches that of an item possessed by their caster or matches the element of possessor, Possessor gains +100 to all stats if possessor's element matches the element of a Square Mile of Terrain in the Shop that is associated with a Terrain or Phantom Terrain present
Requires: Basic Geomancy Attunement, 3 other Geomancer abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Geomancy Attunement- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) All Geomancy spells affect 1 additional target if they already affected multiple targets and cost 10 less MP if their element matches that of an item possessed by their caster or their caster
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Zonal Linking- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +50 to all stats if possessor is in a Zone
Requires: Basic Geomancy Attunement
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Week, 5 Square Mile of Road on a Random World
Establish Planar Phantom Terrain Links- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor gains +500 SPI
Requires: Geomancer, Establish Dimensional Portal
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Geomancer- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Geomancy spells cost possessor 500 less MP to cast, Geomancy spells cost possessor an additional (Possessor Level x 10) less MP to cast, Possessor gains +(10 x Possessor Level) to all stats if possessor's element matches the element of a Square Mile of Terrain in the Shop that is associated with a Terrain or Phantom Terrain present
Requires: Apprentice Geomancy Attunement, 10 other Geomancer abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Air- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Air at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Requires: Basic Zonal Linking, Basic Air Synchronization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Week
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Darkness- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Darkness at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Requires: Basic Zonal Linking, Basic Darkness Synchronization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Week
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Electrical at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Requires: Basic Zonal Linking, Basic Electrical Synchronization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Week
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Hope- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Hope at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Requires: Basic Zonal Linking, Basic Hope Synchronization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Week
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Light- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Light at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Requires: Basic Zonal Linking, Basic Light Synchronization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Week
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Magic- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Magic at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Requires: Basic Zonal Linking, Basic Magic Synchronization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Week
Zonal Link Established: Zone of Truth- (Passive Ability, Geomancer) Possessor may create a Zone of Truth at the beginning of battle if no other Zones are present
Requires: Basic Zonal Linking, Basic Truth Synchronization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Week
Animal-Hunting Shot- (Technique Ability, Gunner) Possessor may use 'Animal-Hunting Shot' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Gun equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Animals and gains +5% To Hit against Animals.
Requires: Basic Gun Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Gun Training- (Passive Ability, Gunner) This character gains +50 Ranged Attack when a Gun is equipped.
Requires: Basic Gun Training, 3 other Gunner abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Gun Training- (Passive Ability, Gunner) This character gains +6 Ranged Attack when a Gun is equipped.
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Deft Shot- (Technique Ability, Gunner) Possessor may use 'Deft Shot' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Gun equipped. Said attack gains +5% To Hit.
Requires: Apprentice Gun Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Dragon-Hunting Shot- (Technique Ability, Gunner) Possessor may use 'Dragon-Hunting Shot' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Gun equipped. Said attack gains +200 Ranged Attack against Dragons and gains +5% To Hit against Dragons.
Requires: Basic Gun Training
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Gun Accuracy Training- (Passive Ability, Gunner) Possessor gains 115% To Hit if possessor has a Gun equipped
Requires: Basic Gun Training
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Gunner- (Passive Ability, Gunner) Possessor gains +700 Ranged Attack and +50 to all stats when a Gun is equipped plus an additional +(10 x Possessor Level) Ranged Attack and +(5 x Possessor Level) to all stats if a Gun is equipped.
Requires: Apprentice Gun Training, 10 other Gunner abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Quick Draw- (Passive Ability, Gunner) This character gains 30 AGI on the first round of combat for each Gun equipped
Requires: Basic Gun Training
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Rapid Reloading- (Active Ability, Gunner) Possessor may choose a non-equipped Ammo accessory to be designated as an alternate Ammo for one equipped Ammo accessory, possessor may spend a turn switching between the two or switch between the two at no cost of time between battles
Requires: Basic Gun Training
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Shot on the Run- (Technique Ability, Gunner) Possessor may use 'Shot on the Run' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Gun equipped. Said attack gains +100 Ranged Attack, may be made from the front row, and moves its user to the back row. Damage-halving for 'Ranged Attack' actions is not factored into this attack, but its performer is moved to the back row at the end of the attack.
Requires: Apprentice Gun Training
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Tri Shot- (Active Ability, Gunner) This character may use Tri Shot in conjunction with a Ranged Attack, so long as no other active ability is used and a Gun is equipped. This character's attack inflicts 3 hits against 1 or 1 hit against 3, does 66% normal damage, has +1% Critical and a -1% To Hit.
Requires: Basic Gun Training
Cost: 75,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Accurate Shots- (Passive Ability, Gunslinger) Possessor gains +5% to Hit when a Gun is equipped
Requires: Trick Shooter
Cost: 260,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Gunslinging Attunement- (Passive Ability, Gunslinger) All Gunslinging spells cast by possessor that possess a Ranged Attack bonus gain +250 additional Ranged Attack and all Gunslinging spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Gunslinging Attunement, 3 other Gunslinger abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Close Shooting- (Passive Ability, Gunslinger) Possessor's 'Ranged Attack' actions deal full Damage to targets in the front row that are not higher Level than possessor if possessor has a Gun equipped and has either at least 5 Gunslinging spells equipped or no non-Gunslinging spells equipped
Requires: Apprentice Gunslinging Attunement
Cost: 70,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Element Bullet- (Technique Ability, Gunslinger) Possessor may use 'Element Bullet' in conjunction with a 'Ranged Attack' or 'Snipe' action so long as possessor has a Gun equipped and has a Gunslinging spell equipped. Said action gains possessor's element if possessor's element is a base element.
Requires: Gunslinging Casting II
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Fast Draw- (Passive Ability, Gunslinger) Possessor gains +250 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes on the first round of combat if at least one Gun is equipped
Requires: Basic Gunslinging Attunement
Cost: 80,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Fast Reload- (Passive Ability, Gunslinger) Whenever possessor performs a Ranged Attack action, possessor may unequip an Ammo Accessory, and, following such option (regardless of whether or not it was taken), possessor may equip an Ammo Accessory
Requires: Fast Draw, Gunslinging Casting I
Cost: 80,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Focused Gunslinging Casting- (Passive Ability, Gunslinger) Gunslinging spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast if the only subtype of spell possessor has equipped is Gunslinging
Requires: Gunslinging Casting II, Apprentice Gunslinging Attunement
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Gunslinging Casting I- (Passive Ability, Gunslinger) Gunslinging spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Gunslinging Attunement
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Gunslinging Casting II- (Passive Ability, Gunslinger) Gunslinging spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Requires: Gunslinging Casting I
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Trick Shooter- (Passive Ability, Gunslinger) Possessor gains +80 Ranged Attack when using spells with ‘Trick Shot' in their name
Requires: Basic Gunslinging Attunement
Cost: 240,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
-Heir to the Future-
Apprentice Technology Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Technology element item equipped, Possessor's Technology element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Technology Synchronization, 3 other Heir to the Future abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Technology- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Quantities of Technology element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Technology
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Technology Resistance- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains 1% Technology Resistance
Requires: Basic Technology Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Technology Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Technology element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Technology- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Quantities of Technology element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Technology Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Technology- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Technology
Requires: Basic Technology Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Control of Technology- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Technology element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Requires: Technology Manipulation
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Elemental Attack-Conversion: Technology- (Technique Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Technology' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is Technology element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element Technology.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Technology
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Heir to the Future- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Technology Resistance, Possessor ignores Technology Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Technology Synchronization, 10 other Heir to the Future abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Technology- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Quantities of Technology element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Technology
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Technology Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Heir to the Future) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Technology element: Create a Zone of Technology, Remove a Zone of Technology created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Technology by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Technology to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Technology element on a Technology element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Technology, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Technology, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Technology element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Technology to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Technology, 5% Technology Resistance, or +50 Defense against Technology and 1% Technology Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Technology Synchronization, 5 other Heir to the Future abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Illusion Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All of possessor's Illusion Magic summons have 500 more HP, 50 more of each stat, last 1 round longer if they last over 1 round already, and require 250 more of the relevant stats to dispel
Requires: Basic Illusion Magic Attunement, 3 other Illusionist abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Illusion Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) All Illusion Magic summons have 200 more HP, 10 more of each stat, last 1 turn longer if they last over 1 turn already, and require 25 more of the relevant stats to dispel
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Can Delude Self About Health Conditions- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor has a 50% chance per effect of suffering no negative effects from minor negative status effects from sources below Level 10
Requires: Convincing Liar
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Can Pretend to Be Knowledgeable and Multitalented- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor may choose to count as possessing one more ability in each class that possessor posssesses at least 1 ability in; This ability works for prerequisite purposes if it is permanently possessed by its possessor
Requires: Convincing Liar
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 4 Weeks
Convincing Liar- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor counts as being 1 Level higher for purposes of resisting stat-scanning attempts, with said bonus not being able to overcome 'Immune to below Level X' effects
Requires: Basic Illusion Magic Attunement
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Fake Defense- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +250 Defense if possessor's stats have not been scanned yet during this thread by any opponent
Requires: Basic Illusion Magic Attunement
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Fake Stat Defense- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor gains +250 Defense against Stat Damage if possessor's stats have not been scanned yet during this thread by any opponent
Requires: Fake Defense
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
False Kindness- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor may choose for individuals below Level 20 to treat possessor's offensive actions as being non-offensive actions
Requires: Honeyed Words
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Honeyed Words- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Possessor's Magical Attack actions may gain 15% inflicts Charm if possessor's stats have not been scanned by an opponent
Requires: Convincing Liar
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Illusion Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Illusionist) Illusion Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Illusion Magic Attunement
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
-Kinetic Emperor-
Apprentice Physical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Physical element item equipped, Possessor's Physical element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Physical Synchronization, 3 other Kinetic Emperor abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Physical- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Quantities of Physical element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Physical
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Physical Resistance- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains 1% Physical Resistance
Requires: Basic Physical Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Physical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Physical element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Physical- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Quantities of Physical element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Physical Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Physical- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Physical
Requires: Basic Physical Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Control of Physical- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Physical element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Requires: Physical Manipulation
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Elemental Attack-Conversion: Physical- (Technique Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Physical' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is Physical element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element Physical.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Physical
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Physical- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Quantities of Physical element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Physical
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Kinetic Emperor- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Physical Resistance, Possessor ignores Physical Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Physical Synchronization, 10 other Kinetic Emperor abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Physical- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor may use the Technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Physical' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action even if possessor is not Physical element.
Requires: Elemental Attack-Conversion: Physical
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Physical Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Kinetic Emperor) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Physical element: Create a Zone of Physical, Remove a Zone of Physical created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Physical by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Physical to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Physical element on a Physical element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Physical, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Physical, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Physical element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Physical to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Physical, 5% Physical Resistance, or +50 Defense against Physical and 1% Physical Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Physical Synchronization, 5 other Kinetic Emperor abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Magewright Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Glyph, Holy Symbol, Idol, Ioun Stone, Sigil, Tome, Trinket, Magic Item, Container, Seal, or Rune possessor has equipped
Requires: Basic Magewright Proficiency, 3 other Magewright abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Accessory Harmonization- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each different subtype of Accessory (to a max of 24 types) possessor has equipped
Requires: Basic Magewright Proficiency
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Magewright Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +3 to all stats for each Glyph, Holy Symbol, Idol, Ioun Stone, Sigil, Tome, Trinket, Magic Item, Container, Seal, or Rune possessor has equipped.
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Magic Item Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Magic Items that possessor has equipped that provide bonuses to STR, CON, AGI, MIN, or SPI have each such bonus they provide increased by 30 points
Requires: Magic Item Maker
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Week
Container Maker- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Container possessor has equipped
Requires: Basic Magewright Proficiency
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Enhanced Item Familiarity- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor's items that possess at least one Enhancement provide an additional +50 points to any stat that they provide bonuses to
Requires: Basic Magewright Proficiency, Basic Enchantment Synchronization
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Idol Maker- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Idol possessor has equipped
Requires: Basic Magewright Proficiency
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Magewright- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) to all stats for each Glyph, Holy Symbol, Idol, Ioun Stone, Sigil, Tome, Trinket, Magic Item, Container, Seal, or Rune possessor has equipped
Requires: Apprentice Magewright Proficiency, 10 other Magewright abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Magic Item Maker- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Magic Item possessor has equipped
Requires: Basic Magewright Proficiency
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Seal Maker- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Seal possessor has equipped
Requires: Basic Magewright Proficiency
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Supporting Passage- (Technique Ability, Magewright) Possessor may use 'Supporting Passage' in conjunction with a 'Magical Attack' or 'Cast a Spell' action so long a a Tome is equipped and no other technique is used as part of said action. Possessor may use 'Relevant Quotation' and 'Supporting Passage' as components of the same action. Said action gains +15 Magical Attack if its performer has a Book and a Tome equipped that share an element.
Requires: Basic Magewright Proficiency
Cost: 10,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Tome Maker- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Tome possessor has equipped
Requires: Basic Magewright Proficiency
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Trinket Maker- (Passive Ability, Magewright) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Trinket possessor has equipped
Requires: Basic Magewright Proficiency
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
-Mind Lord-
Apprentice Psychic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Psychic element item equipped, Possessor's Psychic element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Psychic Synchronization, 3 other Mind Lord abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Quantities of Psychic element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Psychic
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Command of Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor's Psychic element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Requires: Basic Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Defenses Against Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +50 Defense against Psychic
Requires: Basic Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Psychic Resistance- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains 1% Psychic Resistance
Requires: Basic Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Psychic Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Psychic element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor's Psychic element allies gain +10 to all stats
Requires: Basic Command of Psychic
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Quantities of Psychic element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Psychic- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Psychic
Requires: Basic Psychic Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Mind Lord- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Psychic Resistance, Possessor ignores Psychic Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Psychic Synchronization, 10 other Mind Lord abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Psychic Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Mind Lord) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Psychic element: Create a Zone of Psychic, Remove a Zone of Psychic created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Psychic by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Psychic to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Psychic element on a Psychic element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Psychic, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Psychic, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Psychic element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Psychic to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Psychic, 5% Psychic Resistance, or +50 Defense against Psychic and 1% Psychic Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Psychic Synchronization, 5 other Mind Lord abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
-Mountain King-
Apprentice Earth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Earth element item equipped, Possessor's Earth element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Earth Synchronization, 3 other Mountain King abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Quantities of Earth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Earth
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Acceleration Within Earth's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Earth
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of Earth
Cost: 30,000 Gold, 1 Week
Basic Earth Resistance- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains 1% Earth Resistance
Requires: Basic Earth Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Earth Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Earth element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Quantities of Earth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Earth Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth
Requires: Basic Earth Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Control of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Earth element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Requires: Earth Manipulation
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Detect Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor gains +1% To Hit against Earth element targets
Requires: Apprentice Divining Attunement, Basic Earth Synchronization
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Earth Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Earth element: Create a Zone of Earth, Remove a Zone of Earth created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Earth by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Earth to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Earth element on a Earth element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Earth, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Earth element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Earth to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Earth, 5% Earth Resistance, or +50 Defense against Earth and 1% Earth Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Earth Synchronization, 5 other Mountain King abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Earth- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Quantities of Earth element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Earth
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Mountain King- (Passive Ability, Mountain King) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Earth Resistance, Possessor ignores Earth Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Earth Synchronization, 10 other Mountain King abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
-Ocean Prince-
Apprentice Water Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Water element item equipped, Possessor's Water element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Water Synchronization, 3 other Ocean Prince abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Quantities of Water element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Water
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Command of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor's Water element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Requires: Basic Water Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor's Water element allies gain +10 to all stats
Requires: Basic Command of Water
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Water Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Water element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Quantities of Water element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Water Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Water
Requires: Basic Water Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Elemental Attack-Conversion: Water- (Technique Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor may use 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Water' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action so long as possessor is Water element and no other technique is used. Said action becomes solely the element Water.
Requires: Improved Weaponization of Water
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Quantities of Water element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Water
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Nonsynchronous Elemental Attack-Conversion: Water- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor may use the Technique 'Elemental Attack-Conversion: Water' in conjunction with a 'Melee Attack', 'Melee Overdrive', 'Ranged Attack', 'Ranged Overdrive', 'Magical Attack', or 'Overdrive' action even if possessor is not Water element.
Requires: Elemental Attack-Conversion: Water
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Ocean Prince- (Passive Ability, Ocean Prince) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Water Resistance, Possessor ignores Water Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Water Synchronization, 10 other Ocean Prince abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
-Radiant Hierophant-
Apprentice Light Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Light element item equipped, Possessor's Light element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Light Synchronization, 3 other Radiant Hierophant abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Quantities of Light element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Light
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +500 to all stats while in a Zone of Light
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of Light
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Light Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Light element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Quantities of Light element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Light Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Light
Requires: Basic Light Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Control of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Light element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Requires: Light Manipulation
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Quantities of Light element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Light
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Improved Zonal Acclimation of Light- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor gains +1,000 to all stats while in a Zone of Light
Requires: Apprentice Zonal Acclimation of Light
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Light Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Light element: Create a Zone of Light, Remove a Zone of Light created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Light by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Light to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Light element on a Light element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Light, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Light, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Light element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Light to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Light, 5% Light Resistance, or +50 Defense against Light and 1% Light Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Light Synchronization, 5 other Radiant Hierophant abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Radiant Hierophant- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Light Resistance, Possessor ignores Light Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Light Synchronization, 10 other Radiant Hierophant abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Zonal Light Control- (Passive Ability, Radiant Hierophant) Possessor may, at the start of each round, choose one Zone of Light that is present that was created by a source equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80 and destroy that zone or remove an effect attached to said Zone that is from a source that is equal to or below possessor's Level that is below Level 80
Requires: Control of Light, Improved Zonal Acclimation of Light
Cost: 1,000,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Ritual Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +40 Magical Attack, All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take 2 less actions to cast, to a minimum of 1, and all Ritual Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Ritual Magic Attunement, 3 other Ritualist abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Fast Ritual Casting- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take 3 less actions to cast, to a minimum of 1
Requires: Basic Ritual Magic Attunement
Cost: 500,000 Gold,1 Weeks
Basic Ritual Circle Construction- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor's Ritual Magic spells that create Circle Effect have said effects provide possessor with +100 to all stats as a non-stacking buff and cannot be removed by opposing sources below Level 5
Requires: Basic Ritual Magic Attunement
Cost: 60,000 Gold,1 Weeks
Basic Ritual Enchantment- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor's Ritual Magic spells that give items Enhancements that are Enchantments cost 200 less MP and 200 less XP
Requires: Basic Ritual Magic Attunement, Basic Enchantment Attunement
Cost: 150,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Ritual Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +10 Magical Attack, All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take 1 less action to cast, to a minimum of 1, and all Ritual Magic spells cost possessor 10 less MP to cast
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Ritual Summoning- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor's Ritual Magic summons gain +20 to all stats
Requires: Basic Ritual Magic Attunement, Basic Summoner Magic Attunement
Cost: 80,000 Gold,1 Weeks
Craft Ritual Circles from Blood- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor may pay 100 HP when casting a Ritual Magic spell that creates a Circle Effect to have said spell cost 100 less MP, Ritual Magic spells that create Circle Effects cost possessor 100 less MP on rounds after rounds during which at least 2,000 HP worth of Damage was taken from attacks across all individuals in the battle that possessor is currently present in
Requires: Basic Ritual Circle Construction
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Improved Ritual Circle Construction- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor's Ritual Magic spells that create Circle Effect have said effects provide possessor with +200 to all stats as a non-stacking buff and cannot be removed by opposing sources below Level 10
Requires: Improved Spellcasting Power from Ritual Circles, Apprentice Ritual Magic Attunement
Cost: 120,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Improved Spellcasting Power from Ritual Circles- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Possessor gains +100 Magical Attack, +50 MIN, and +50 SPI whenever possessor possesses a Ritual Magic Circle Effect
Requires: Basic Ritual Circle Construction
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Ritualist- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts that possess a Magical Attack bonus gain +(10 * Possessor Level) additional Magical Attack, All Ritual Magic spells possessor casts take (Possessor Level / 5, rounded up) less actions to cast, to a minimum of 1, and all Ritual Magic spells cost possessor (50 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Requires: Apprentice Ritual Magic Attunement, 10 other Ritualist abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Ritual Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Ritual Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Ritual Magic Attunement
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Ritual Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Ritualist) Ritual Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Requires: Ritual Magic Casting I
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
-Snow Queen-
Apprentice Ice Resistance- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains 5% Ice Resistance
Requires: Basic Ice Resistance
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Ice Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Ice element item equipped, Possessor's Ice element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Ice Synchronization, 3 other Snow Queen abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Quantities of Ice element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Ice
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Acceleration Within Ice's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Ice
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of Ice
Cost: 30,000 Gold, 1 Week
Basic Ice Resistance- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains 1% Ice Resistance
Requires: Basic Ice Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Ice Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Ice element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Quantities of Ice element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Ice Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Control of Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Ice element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Requires: Ice Manipulation
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Ice Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Ice element: Create a Zone of Ice, Remove a Zone of Ice created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Ice by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Ice to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Ice element on a Ice element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Ice, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Ice, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Ice element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Ice to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Ice, 5% Ice Resistance, or +50 Defense against Ice and 1% Ice Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Ice Synchronization, 5 other Snow Queen abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Ice- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Quantities of Ice element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Ice
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Snow Queen- (Passive Ability, Snow Queen) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Ice Resistance, Possessor ignores Ice Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Ice Synchronization, 10 other Snow Queen abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Apprentice Summoner Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's Summoner Magic Summons gain +250 to all stats, and all Summoner Magic spells cost possessor 50 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Summoner Magic Attunement, 3 other Summoner abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold,1 Weeks
Basic Fading-Call-Augmenting Techniques- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Spells cast by possessor whose name includes 'Fading Call' deal 5,000 additional points of Damage whenever they deal Damage; Spells cast by possessor whose name includes 'Fading Call' that replicate abilities performed by entities from the Enemy List as though said entities were performing them deal 5,000 additional points of Damage whenever they deal Damage
Requires: Basic Summoner Magic Attunement
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Summon Essence-Linking- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor gains +50 to all stats if possessor has any summons, Possessor's summons gain +50 to all stats
Requires: Apprentice Summoner Magic Attunement
Cost: 300,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Basic Summon HP Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +1,000 HP
Requires: Basic Summoner Magic Attunement
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Summon MP Augmentation- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All of possessor's summons gain +1,000 MP
Requires: Basic Summoner Magic Attunement
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Summoner Magic Attunement- (Passive Ability, Summoner) All creatures summoned through Summoner Magic spells gain +10 to all stats, and all Summoner Magic spells cost 10 less MP
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Energy-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Energy-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Requires: Apprentice Summoner Magic Attunement
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Week
Knowledge of Basic Techniques in Summoning Magic-Element Entities- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Magic-element summons gain +100 to all stats
Requires: Apprentice Summoner Magic Attunement
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Week
Summoner- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Summoner Magic summons gain (+1,000 x Possessor Level) HP and MP and +(10 x Possessor Level) to all stats
Requires: Apprentice Summoner Magic Attunement, 10 other Summoner abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Summoner Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Summoner Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Summoner Magic Attunement
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Summoner Magic Casting II- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Summoner Magic spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Requires: Summoner Magic Casting I
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Well-Versed in Traditional Summoning Techniques- (Passive Ability, Summoner) Possessor's Summoner Magic summons gain +100 to all stats
Requires: Apprentice Summoner Magic Attunement
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
-Thunder Czar-
Apprentice Electrical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Electrical element item equipped, Possessor's Electrical element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Electrical Synchronization, 3 other Thunder Czar abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Quantities of Electrical element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Electrical
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Command of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor's Electrical element pets and summons gain +50 to all stats
Requires: Basic Electrical Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Acceleration Within Electrical's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Electrical
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of Electrical
Cost: 30,000 Gold, 1 Week
Basic Electrical Resistance- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains 1% Electrical Resistance
Requires: Basic Electrical Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Electrical Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Electrical element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Understanding of the Heart of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor's Electrical element allies gain +10 to all stats
Requires: Basic Command of Electrical
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Quantities of Electrical element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Electrical Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Zonal Acclimation of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor gains +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Electrical
Requires: Basic Electrical Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Electrical Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Electrical element: Create a Zone of Electrical, Remove a Zone of Electrical created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Electrical by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Electrical to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Electrical element on a Electrical element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Electrical, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Electrical, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Electrical element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Electrical to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Electrical, 5% Electrical Resistance, or +50 Defense against Electrical and 1% Electrical Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Electrical Synchronization, 5 other Thunder Czar abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Electrical- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Quantities of Electrical element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Electrical
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Thunder Czar- (Passive Ability, Thunder Czar) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Electrical Resistance, Possessor ignores Electrical Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Electrical Synchronization, 10 other Thunder Czar abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Apprentice Transmutation Attunement- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack increase said bonuses by 50 additional points, All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase stats do so by 50 additional points, and all Transmutation spells cast by possessor cost 200 less MP
Requires: Basic Transmutation Attunement, 3 other Transmuter abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Automutationist- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) Possessor may claim Automutation Spheres
Requires: No Prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Week
Basic Mutative Power- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) Possessor gets +25 to all stats, +200 HP, +200 MP, and +20 Defense
Requires: Basic Transmutation Attunement
Cost: 35,000 Gold, 1 Week
Basic Transmutation Attunement- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase Damage or Defense do so by an additional 40 more points, and all Transmutation spells cast by possessor cost 10 less MP
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Improved Polymorph I- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) Possessor's Transmutation spells that begin with 'Polymorph:' may have the stats of their results either increased by an additional +10 or decreased by an additional -10 as part of the Polymorph Effect buff or debuff, with stat penalties from this ability being unable to reduce a stat to 0 or below
Requires: Basic Transmutation Attunement
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Improved Polymorph II- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) Possessor's Transmutation spells that begin with 'Polymorph:' may have the stats of their results either increased by an additional +25 or decreased by an additional -25 as part of the Polymorph Effect buff or debuff, with stat penalties from this ability being unable to reduce a stat to 0 or below
Requires: Improved Polymorph I, Polymorph Expert
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Polymorph Expert- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) Possessor's spells that begin with 'Polymorph:' may affect willing allies of higher level than caster
Requires: Apprentice Transmutation Attunement
Cost: 210,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Polymorphic Power Equalization Capability- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) Possessor's spells that begin with 'Polymorph:' ignore the section 'Does not work on targets above Level X' when targeting willing allies who allow said section to be ignored
Requires: Polymorph Expert
Cost: 205,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Quantifiable Uniqueness-Overriding Equation- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) Possessor and possessor's willing allies may be affected by possessor's spells that being with 'Polymorph' despite being unique if they are unique
Requires: Polymorph Expert
Cost: 190,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Transmutation Casting I- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) Transmutationspells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Transmutation Attunement
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Transmutation Casting II- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) Transmutation spells cost possessor 200 less MP to cast
Requires: Transmutation Casting I
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Transmuter- (Passive Ability, Transmuter) All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack increase said bonuses by (50 * Possessor Level) additional points as a non-stacking effect, All Transmutation spells cast by possessor that increase stats do so by (50 * Possessor Level) additional points as a non-stacking effect, and all Transmuatation spells cost possessor (100* Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Requires: Apprentice Transmutation Attunement, 10 other Transmuter abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Basic Zonal Resistance- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains +50 Defense against effects attached to Zones
Requires: Basic Gate Magic Attunement
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Week
Enjoys Travelling- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains +10 to all stats if Terrain or Phantom Terrain is present
Requires: Basic Gate Magic Attunement
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Week
Establish Dimensional Portal- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action if in a Random Quest to allow any of possessor's allies (including possessor) to leave said quest at the start of the next round, Has RP effects
Requires: Wanderer, Ritualist, Scholar of Dimensions
Cost: 15,000,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Establish Temporal Portal- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action if in a Random Quest to allow any of possessor's allies (including possessor) to leave said quest at the start of the next round, Has RP effects
Requires: Temporal Primarch, Establish Dimensional Portal
Cost: 60,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Familiarity with Being Teleported- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Spatial element actions have a 20% lower chance of inflicting Confusion on possessor
Requires: Enjoys Travelling, Apprentice Gate Magic Attunement
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Week
Fatigue Resistance- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Possessor gains 10% Fatigued Resistance
Requires: None
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Gate Magic Casting I- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Gate Magic spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Requires: Basic Gate Magic Attunement
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Journeyman's Steps- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Whenever possessor conducts a Switch Rows action, possessor has an optional 5% chance of removing any one Phantom Terrain created by a source of lower level than possessor that is below Level 20
Requires: Basic Gate Magic Attunement
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Short-Distance Item Teleportation- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action to re-obtain an item stolen in the current battle by a source below Level 20 that has not been destroyed
Requires: Short-Distance Self-Teleportation
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Short-Distance Self-Teleportation- (Active Ability, Wanderer) Possessor may spend an action to be able to move to either the Front Row or the Back Row at the beginning of the next round
Requires: Knowledge of Portals, Apprentice Gate Magic Attunement
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Wanderer- (Passive Ability, Wanderer) Gate Magic spells cost possessor (100 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast
Requires: Apprentice Gate Magic Attunement, 10 other Wanderer abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Apprentice Warlord Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Warlord) Possessor's Humanoid pets and summons gain +500 HP, +500 MP, +100 to damage dealt, and +50 to all stats
Requires: Basic Warlord Knowledge, 3 other Warlord abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Warlord Knowledge- (Passive Ability, Warlord) Possessor's Humanoid pets and summons gain +100 HP, +100 MP, +10 to damage dealt, and +10 to all stats
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Form of Goblin- (Stance Ability, Warlord) If possessor is a Humanoid, possessor gains +100 AGI, -50 STR, and -50 MIN
Requires: Humanoid Traits
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid Calling I- (Passive Ability, Warlord) Possessor's Humanoid summons gain +20 to all stats
Requires: Humanoid Instruction I, Basic Summoner Magic Attunement
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid Calling II- (Passive Ability, Warlord) Possessor's Humanoid summons gain +200 HP
Requires: Humanoid Calling I
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid Calling III- (Passive Ability, Warlord) Possessor's Humanoid summons gain +500 MP
Requires: Humanoid Calling II
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid Instruction I- (Passive Ability, Warlord) Possessor's Humanoid pets and summons gain +20 to all stats
Requires: Basic Warlord Knowledge
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Humanoid Instruction II- (Passive Ability, Warlord) Possessor's Humanoid pets and summons gain +100 to all stats
Requires: Humanoid Instruction I
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Humanoid Loyalty Instruction- (Passive Ability, Warlord) Possessor's Humanoid pets and summons gain 40% Charm Resistance
Requires: Basic Humanoid Loyalty Instruction, Apprentice Warlord Knowledge
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Humanoid Traits- (Passive Ability, Warlord) Possessor gains +1 to all stats so long as possessor is a Humanoid
Requires: No Prerequisites
Cost: 50,000 Gold, 1 Week
-Wind Duke-
Air Manipulation- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor may choose one of the following at the beginning of each round if Air element: Create a Zone of Air, Remove a Zone of Air created by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Remove an effect attached to a Zone of Air by either possessor or a source below Level 20, Add Air to the elements of possessor's first action of the round, place a non-stacking buff that provides +50 to all of its possessor's stats if its possessor is Air element on a Air element target, place a non-stacking buff on an individual that gives that individual +50 to all stats while in a Zone of Air, place a non-stacking debuff on an individual that gives that individual -50 to all stats while in a Zone of Air, Gain +50 to any one stat as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, gain +50 Melee Attack, Magical Attack, or Ranged Attack as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Gain +50 Defense or +50 Defense against Stat Damage as a non-stacking buff until the end of the round, Unsummon a Air element individual that is below Level 20 and was summoned by an individual below Level 20 that is below possessor's Level, Add Air to the elements of the next action conducted by a willing ally, or give a chosen individual +500 Defense against Air, 5% Air Resistance, or +50 Defense against Air and 1% Air Resistance until the end of the round as a non-stacking buff
Requires: Apprentice Air Synchronization, 5 other Wind Duke abilities
Cost: 400,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Air Resistance- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains 5% Air Resistance
Requires: Basic Air Resistance
Cost: 200,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Apprentice Air Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +50 to all stats for each Air element item equipped, Possessor's Air element pets and summons gain +250 to all stats
Requires: Basic Air Synchronization, 3 other Wind Duke abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Apprentice Weaponization of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Quantities of Air element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 500 points
Requires: Basic Weaponization of Air
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Acceleration Within Air's Dominion- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +25 to possessor's turn-order-determining stat sum for turn-order-determining purposes while in a Zone of Air
Requires: Basic Zonal Acclimation of Air
Cost: 30,000 Gold, 1 Week
Basic Air Resistance- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains 1% Air Resistance
Requires: Basic Air Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Air Synchronization- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor gains +25 to all stats if Air element
Requires: No prerequisites
Cost: 20,000 Gold,1 Weeks
Basic Weaponization of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Quantities of Air element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 50 points
Requires: Basic Air Synchronization
Cost: 40,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Control of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor has a 20% chance of being able to cancel the actions of Air element individuals below Level 20, with things that would occur before and after said actions still occurring
Requires: Air Manipulation
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Improved Weaponization of Air- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Quantities of Air element Damage dealt by possessor are increased by 5,000 points
Requires: Apprentice Weaponization of Air
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Wind Duke- (Passive Ability, Wind Duke) Possessor ignores (1 * (Possessor Level/5), rounded down)% Air Resistance, Possessor ignores Air Immunity of targets below (Possessor Level / 5, rounded down) Level, to a max of Level 80
Requires: Apprentice Air Synchronization, 10 other Wind Duke abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Advanced Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +500 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +200 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and at least three of which are non-'Wizard Magic' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Requires: Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic, 15 other abilities from 'Spell-based classes'
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Basic Understanding of Linking Magic Types- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Spells possessor casts cost 80 less MP if caster has cast a spell of a different subtype previously during this thread
Requires: Knowledge of Basic Magic Theory
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Basic Understanding of Spatial Gate Magic- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains 15% Dodge if possessor possesses a Gate Magic buff
Requires: Basic Understanding of Linking Magic Types, Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic, Apprentice Gate Magic Attunement
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Broaden Casting- (Technique Ability, Wizard) Possessor may use Broaden Casting in conjunction with a Magical Attack involving a Wizard Magic spell, so long as no other technique is used and a Wizard Magic Spell is equipped. If this attack already inflicts at least 1 hit against 5 or more targets, its total number of targets increases by 2.
Requires: Apprentice Wizard Magic Attunement
Cost: 600,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Knowledge of Basic Magic Theory- (Passive Ability, Wizard) +5 Magical Attack, +30 MIN, Spells cost possessor 20 less MP to cast
Requires: No Prerequisites
Cost: 100,000 Gold, 1 Weeks
Theoretical Spellcaster- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor gains +1,000 MIN, Possessor gains an additional +500 MIN if possessor has at least five spells, at least one of which is a Wizard Magic spell and at least three of which are non-'Wizard Magic' spells of different subtypes, equipped
Requires: Advanced Understanding of Common Practices of Theoretical Magic, Scholar, 30 abilities from 'Spell-based Classes', 5 Base MIN OR 60 other abilities from 'Spell-based classes'
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Wizard- (Passive Ability, Wizard) Possessor's Damage-dealing actions that involve the casting of Wizard Magic spells deal 500 additional Damage, Wizard Magic spells cost possessor (50 + 30 * Possessor Level) less MP to cast, Possessor gains +(50 * Possessor Level) Magical Attack
Requires: Apprentice Wizard Magic Training, 10 other Wizard abilities
Cost: 125,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
-Other: Temporal Primarch-
Keeper of Temporal Hourglasses- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, the status effect Doomed (but not its sub-status effect), if coming from a source of lower Level than possessor, may not kill possessor or possessor's allies without possessor's permission
Requires: Timesand Keeper, Adept Time Synchronization, Abjurer, Magewright, Nullify Time, Time Immunity, Time Manipulation
Cost: 50,000,000 Gold, 3 Weeks
Shatter Temporal Hourglass- (Active Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) Possessor, if Time element, may spend an action to have a 100% chance of inflicting Instant Death: Doomed and Suffocation: No Future on a target below Level 80 that is not greater Level than possessor, is not Time element, and does not possess Time Resistance, Immunity, Absorption, or Reflection
Requires: Keeper of Temporal Hourglasses, Crusher OR Warlock OR Enchanter, Level 40
Cost: 200,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Timesand Keeper- (Passive Ability, Other: Temporal Primarch) If possessor is Time element, possessor may change the element Earth in any of possessor's actions or any quantity of Damage dealt by possessor into the element Time, If possessor is Earth element, possessor may add the element Time to any of possessor's Earth element actions
Requires: Temporal Primarch, Mountain King, Transmuter
Cost: 2,000,000 Gold, 2 Weeks
Viren eats more Spheres. 150 Spheres are used and converted via Viren's Time abilities into 5 Basic, Improved and Greater Time Spheres, then 1-to-1 converted to Evolution spheres via the Doctor.
Volatilis fronts the Sphere and Gold costs.
Viren gains: 2 Gunner Weeks, 3 Gunslinger Weeks, 2 Illusionist Weeks, 1 Ritualist Week, 8 Temporal Primarch Weeks