Lady Rosaline Enters Bascaradine

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Lady Rosaline Enters Bascaradine

Post by Modrageball »

This quest began on Sep 30, 2018.

Aeromage wrote: Having been called by the most unlikely (and certainly the most uncouth) of her particular circle of acquaintances to remove a staggeringly large quantity of high-grade oil from his person, Rosaline decides she would do well to make a few inquiries to the shopping centre while she's there.

First, a matter that requires some urgency. The guild she is part of, S.A.I.N.T, prides itself on the conduct and general upstanding nature of its members.

Unfortunately, it appears to have acquired a boorish goblin who frequently displays frankly shocking breaches of manners.

Rosaline is, however, a firm believer in the potential inherent in all things, and so she asks after sending Proglogg Pickle-Licker to finishing school. Preferably one capable of reforming him into the fine gentleman he purports (and likely wishes) himself to be.
Should a fashion makeover be required as part of it, she'll opt for that, too.

Lord Gadigan wrote: A chipper Bascaradine sales clerk inquires as to whether you want to send him to a standard finishing school for 1,000,000 Gold, send him to an elite one for 60,000,000 Gold, or take advantage of one of the handy-dandy mind-rewriting machines available right here at your local Bascaradine branch to skip the middle man and rewire the goblin's behavior patterns directly for 13,000,000 Gold.

Aeromage wrote: Rosaline is somewhat horrified at the idea of mind-rewriting, and opts to send him off to the elite school.

Next up, Rosaline has plans to attempt to make an artifact. She wants to look into getting crafting tools suitable for such an undertaking.

Lord Gadigan wrote: Proglogg is sent of to Lady-Admiral Weatherstone's Academy for the Foundation of Proper Young Aristocrats. The clerk says he should be back in six months, and that after that time period is up, Rosaline can check in at this branch to retrieve him from cold-stasis storage, where he will be kept until retrieved.

Rosaline is informed that predictable artifact crafting is a difficult venture and not something Bascaradine is authorized to directly sell Battle Arena Members tools for.

She is, however offered:

Tools of the World's Most Legendary Blacksmith- (Item, Antiquity, Glory & Mystic & Physical & Fire, 250,000,000 Gold)

for 300,000,000 Gold.

The clerk says those are a good start, and that more specialized additional tools might be available depending on the details of what Rosaline wishes to make.

Aeromage wrote: Rosaline picks them up.
The artifact she has in mind to make will be based off an existing one, and thus will end up (as its central prospective aspect, at least) as a gilded and/or jewelled flower. As such, she'd like similar-tier tools for that.

Lord Gadigan wrote: Tools of the Divine Empire's Chief Jeweler- (Item, Antiquity, Air & Treasure, 360,000,000 Gold)

For 480,000,000 Gold

Aeromage wrote: She'll pick those up, too!

She'd also like to know what the most relevant ability-trees would be for this prospective undertaking. (She will, of course, pay for said info)

Lord Gadigan wrote: Jeweler is the most-key tree. Crafter, Smith, Enchanter, and Channeler are almost guaranteed to be needed in significant amounts. Faceted Marquesa and Botanist wouldn't hurt, nor would Scholar, Mountain King, Ice Queen, Ioun Master, Artificer, Lord of Trees, and Golomancer. Possibly others depending on what exactly you're trying to make the artifact do.

Aeromage wrote: Do they have a one-use consumable that would be able to megaboost the key trees for a short period (in other words, one thread)?

Lord Gadigan wrote: Unfortunately no.

They have:

Jeweler's Spindle- (Consumable, Enchanted Item, Crystal (2), 1 Charge, 380,000,000 Gold) Has RP Effects

For 380,000,000 Gold

Which boosts Jeweler, but not the whole shebang.

Aeromage wrote: She'll pick that up. Do they have a similar thing for Smith?

Lord Gadigan wrote: Not at this time.

Aeromage wrote: How about for Crafter, Enchanter or Channeler?

(Edited as I somehow forgot Crafter)

Lord Gadigan wrote: No on all counts.

Aeromage wrote: Well, then!
She'll seek to boost the things that she can't really boost any further in the shop herself.

She buys with weeks:

Basic Gem Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Jeweler) Gem Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Requires: Basic Crafter Proficiency, Basic Jeweler Proficiency
Cost: 60,000 Gold, 2 Weeks

Bracelet-Maker- (Passive Ability, Jeweler) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Wristwear possessor has equipped
Requires: Basic Jewelcrafting Proficiency
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks

Broach-Maker- (Passive Ability, Jeweler) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Broach possessor has equipped
Requires: Basic Jewelcrafting Proficiency
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks

Crown-Maker- (Passive Ability, Jeweler) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Crown possessor has equipped
Requires: Basic Jewelcrafting Proficiency
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks

Necklace-Maker- (Passive Ability, Jeweler) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Amulet possessor has equipped
Requires: Basic Jewelcrafting Proficiency
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks

Sunglasses-Maker- (Passive Ability, Jeweler) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Eyewear possessor has equipped
Requires: Glasses-Maker
Cost: 500,000 Gold, 2 Weeks.

(11 weeks, with her extant Jeweler week)

This gives her all 17 buyable abilities.

How much for Adept Jeweler?

Lord Gadigan wrote: 1,565,000,000 Gold

Aeromage wrote: Pricey, but necessary. Rosaline purchases it!

Next, she inquires the same of Crafter, as it's in the same not-able-to-reach-Adept boat. There's only one buyable ability she hasn't got (Basic Powder Charge Preservation), which she can pick up immediately.
If she does so, and thus has all the buyable Crafter abilities, how much would it be for Adept?
(Total Crafter abilities: 26. With Basic Powder Charge, she would be at 20 Crafter abilities).

Lord Gadigan wrote: 6,006,000,000 Gold, with the price being dramatically increased by you having just purchased another big ability right before it.

Aeromage wrote: Unfortunate, if expected.

Still on the abilities front: Rosaline is now at Adept-level with Teapots, a T2 weapon type! Unfortunately, there's nothing besides generic, templatable abilities available for it at present.

She'd like to snag a few abilities involving its specialities.

Teapot - Lady of the Exceptional Leaf
Buffs/Debuffs, Poison, Venom at later Levels, Transmutation of buffs into debuffs and vice-versa, Forced buff application, Charm/Dominion, Drink boosts, MP boosts / recovery, Healing, Item destruction, Resurrection prevention, Synergy with other classes, Weird effects

Resurrection prevention is something she can already do, but there's some interesting other cases in there (MP boosts, as her MP totals are somewhat lacking, the buff/debuffs and messery with said, and 'weird effects' being the most intriguing)
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Re: Lady Rosaline Enters Bascaradine

Post by Modrageball »

Universal Error 418.

Moved to Gad Review to determine what happens to it next.
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Re: Lady Rosaline Enters Bascaradine

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Rosaline gets-

Ladies' Exceptionally Proper and Exquisitely Perilous Teatime- (Technique Ability, Lady of the Exceptional Leaf) Possessor may use 'Ladies' Exceptionally Proper and Exquisitely Perilous Teatime' in conjunction with a 'Rest' or 'Meditate' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Teapot equipped. Said action's performer selects three individuals (an individual may not be chosen by the same user of this technique more than once per battle) who are not Immune to Dominion or Teapots (and do not Reflect or Absorb either) and then the individual chosen who possesses the highest (MIN + SPI) begins assigning additional actions to them, each of which has a designated performer and a designated target; each individual must be assigned an action targeting each of the other three individuals individually (for three actions total, provided that none of the chosen individuals die or become untargetable/unselectable mid action sequence), and an individual may not be assigned an action until all other remaining individuals have been assigned the same number of actions. Each action must target its selected target and may only target that individual and its performer.
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Re: Lady Rosaline Enters Bascaradine

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Thread moved for updating.
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Re: Lady Rosaline Enters Bascaradine

Post by Aeromage »


Lady Rosaline gets:

-8,793,560,000 Gold
-11 Weeks

Ladies' Exceptionally Proper and Exquisitely Perilous Teatime- (Technique Ability, Lady of the Exceptional Leaf) Possessor may use 'Ladies' Exceptionally Proper and Exquisitely Perilous Teatime' in conjunction with a 'Rest' or 'Meditate' action, so long as no other technique is used and possessor has a Teapot equipped. Said action's performer selects three individuals (an individual may not be chosen by the same user of this technique more than once per battle) who are not Immune to Dominion or Teapots (and do not Reflect or Absorb either) and then the individual chosen who possesses the highest (MIN + SPI) begins assigning additional actions to them, each of which has a designated performer and a designated target; each individual must be assigned an action targeting each of the other three individuals individually (for three actions total, provided that none of the chosen individuals die or become untargetable/unselectable mid action sequence), and an individual may not be assigned an action until all other remaining individuals have been assigned the same number of actions. Each action must target its selected target and may only target that individual and its performer.

Adept Crafter Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Possessor gains a Consumable slot
Requires: Crafter, 50 other Crafter abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks

Adept Jeweler Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Jeweler) Possessor gains an additional Accessory slot that may contain a Ring, Crown, Broach, Eyewear, Crystal, Wristwear, or Amulet
Requires: Jeweler, 50 other Jeweler abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks

Basic Gem Charge Preservation- (Passive Ability, Jeweler) Gem Consumables possessor uses have a 5% chance of not expending the first charge that they would expend for said use
Bracelet-Maker- (Passive Ability, Jeweler) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Wristwear possessor has equipped
Broach-Maker- (Passive Ability, Jeweler) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Broach possessor has equipped
Crown-Maker- (Passive Ability, Jeweler) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Crown possessor has equipped
Necklace-Maker- (Passive Ability, Jeweler) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Amulet possessor has equipped
Sunglasses-Maker- (Passive Ability, Jeweler) Possessor gains +20 to all stats for each Eyewear possessor has equipped

Jeweler's Spindle- (Consumable, Enchanted Item, Crystal (2), 1 Charge, 380,000,000 Gold) Has RP Effects

Tools of the Divine Empire's Chief Jeweler- (Item, Antiquity, Air & Treasure, 360,000,000 Gold)

Tools of the World's Most Legendary Blacksmith- (Item, Antiquity, Glory & Mystic & Physical & Fire, 250,000,000 Gold)

To Be Reviewed

Rosaline purchased Adept Crafter Proficiency and Adept Jeweler Proficiency, but they don't yet exist in the Ability Shop! (Adept Crafter is noted as a prerequisite for Muse of Art, which I believe one or two people were aiming for).


Proglogg Pickle-Licker (Humanoid, Level 3) Reference Link
"A thin goblin with a long, pickle-like nose with warty bumps along it, who wears a too-long robe and a too-heavy hat atop a too-large turban with a too-large-and-heavy fake jewel on it."
A goblin transported into SAINT's membership through the Warehouse. He thinks himself cultured and the peer of anyone at SAINT, but is, in actuality, rather boorish and prone to licking foodstuffs on other people's plates and other gauche breaches of good manners. Was sent off to the elite Lady-Admiral Weatherstone's Academy for the Foundation of Proper Young Aristocrats in order to rectify this behaviour and ensure he could become the gentleman he purports (and likely wishes) himself to be.


(Disc 1?)
->Lady-Admiral Weatherstone's Academy for the Foundation of Proper Young Aristocrats Reference Link
A highly elite and very prestigious academy for bringing up the well-to-do in order for them to do what they need to do without causing a to-do.

Updating will wait until the Adepts exist in order to prevent too much bouncing about and backtracking.
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Re: Lady Rosaline Enters Bascaradine

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Proglogg approved.

Put the academy in an unknown dimension and world for now. It's not in Nexus.
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Re: Lady Rosaline Enters Bascaradine

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Adept Crafter Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Crafter) Possessor gains a Consumable slot
Requires: Crafter, 50 other Crafter abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks

Adept Jeweler Proficiency- (Passive Ability, Jeweler) Possessor gains an additional Accessory slot that may contain a Ring, Crown, Broach, Eyewear, Crystal, Wristwear, or Amulet
Requires: Jeweler, 50 other Jeweler abilities, Level 20
Cost: 5,000,000 Gold, 10 Weeks
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Re: Lady Rosaline Enters Bascaradine

Post by Lord Gadigan »

Thread moved for updating.